Well. It's f$%&ing snowing!

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Tonite we set the clocks back an hour, and it's freaking snowing! Here in western N.Y. State we get more than our share of this nasty, dangerous white garbage, but we usually don't get anything appreciable until later in November. Oh well. living here has it's advantages and it's disadvantages, just like most everywhere else.

That doesn't mean I don't hate sn@w just the same. It just means I gotta put up with this crap til spring.


Catherine Linda Michel


Living in Nebraska...

You never when disaster will hit... I feel for you! I hope your snow shovel is sharpened and greased... Or, better yet, your snow blower is full of gas!


Getting a head start?

gillian1968's picture

It's early for that here in the southwest, although I remember one year I took our kids trick-or-treating in the snow!

We've gotten some snow up in the mountains, but nothing down in the valleys yet.

Enjoy your rest tonight!

Gillian Cairns


yeah, Halloween in Indiana was ruined by snow and some rain mixed in. Cold then and now. Wooly worms seem pretty active. Wonder how bad winters really gonna be.


yeah, Halloween in Indiana was ruined by snow and some rain mixed in. Cold then and now. Wooly worms seem pretty active. Wonder how bad winters really gonna be.

Snow? What's that?

I thought the snow was bad when I lived in Massachusetts. A friend from Western NY used to scoff "snow? This isn't snow, it's just a light dusting."

Fortunately I was wise enough to be born in San Diego, and had enough sense that I moved back here after 7 years.

I feel your pain. But I'm grateful I'm not there!


It's global warming, I tell

It's global warming, I tell you! Didn't you know that global warming causes snow? :)

It's about standard for this time of year in Houston. Oddly enough, it's not as rainy as usual, and the hurricanes stayed away (so far). I'd give it another week or two, and we'll be back to drowned twice a week.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

snow and global warming...

Actually, yes... global warming does cause colder winters in some areas. This is due to the major climate changes which alter the temperatures of the oceans which cause the high level winds to alter their paths which brings cold air down earlier in some cases or further in others. The last (surmised) global warming was a major contributor to the ice age from what I've been reading.


Hm. I thought the major ice

Hm. I thought the major ice ages were suspected to be a combination of orbital placement and ocean current slowdowns...

I know we're due for another one.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

You should live in Minnesota

It's after midnight and it's forty degrees and clear outside.
We haven't seen snow yet.

Of course, I'm sure we will make up for it in January and February.

Rain in Central Coast California

I was very happy to have rain this weekend. The first in 4-5 months. Of course it can down fast and ran mostly off, but it was very needed.

I am very willing to accept any shipment of snow you 'all want to send


"May you live in Interesting Times" is a promise, not a threat!

We had a DUSTING in the North Georgia mountains...

up along the Northern border. Yet, there is a panic that has set in from Atlanta to the Florida border towns. Every loaf of bread, every gallon of milk and every six pack of beer has been stripped from the grocery shelves. Flurries in Dawsonville equals SNOWMAGEDDEN! in Macon. I'll never understand it.