
Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 4

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
Part 4.

I was lost in my own internal world of sensation, the gentle tugging at my hair, the snipping of the scissors and this strange buzz that emanated somewhere from my spine and finished on the top of my head. I wondered if it was my chakras that were being charged up, but dismissed that idea as I wasn't sure if there was such a thing as a chakra. There was another noise too, but it seemed very distant - then suddenly it got very loud.

"Hey Missy Muppet, I'm talking to you," she said fortissimo alongside my ear.

Easy as Falling off a Bike


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Easy as Falling off a Bike

by Angharad

Stella, someone who could get women drivers a bad name, literally knocks Charlie off his expensive racing bike. She discovers that Charlie, a research field biologist, has a secret. He's gearing up to transition as a woman, only he's too frightened to do it. Stella takes control and her brother, Simon not only fancies 'Cathy' but falls in love with her.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 2

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 2.

The shower had returned me to some degree of normality and I was beginning to recover from the hypothermia or shock, or both. I grabbed the yellow bath towel and began to gently pat myself dry. I was covered in bruises and scratches, none were too deep and I'd suffered more from falling off the bike on earlier occasions.

Twenty One Years.

As we came into double figures in July, apart from my son-in-law's birthday on the 12th and my daughter's birthday on the 26th, I knew there was another significant date I should be aware of, but for the life of me I couldn't think what. It niggled at me but no answers came.

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corny joke

As Erin has asked for more humour in the blogs I've resurrected an old golfing joke which I hope you haven't seen before and that you'll enjoy. Perhaps, I should state at the beginning that I don't play golf so forgive any technical errors.

Golf Joke.

A man and his wife were playing a round of golf together. It was also their fifteenth wedding anniversary and they were planning a quiet celebratory dinner that evening, just the two of them.

About half way around the course the man puts down his club and says to his wife, "It's our anniversary today and I love you dearly."

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