Toni is in Light Avenue, yes! on a worknight, and what has she agreed to? Worse, what has she done to herself? Nothing other than invite the barman who was flirting with her to join her for a drink. What he wants from her she can’t even begin to fathom but considering the flirting it must involve man and woman things. What’s she going to do?
And worse, how does she continue her life after that? If she doesn’t drop dead from shame on the spot she’ll have to continue working on the healthcare report from work. She’ll have to continue having actual guys as friends knowing she, well... maybe likes doing things with them. Depending on how her drink with Jackson goes... If it’s not a joke... It’s all in Toni’s future, and all of her own making.
A new, updated version of 'Toni With An i is' available on with the name of The Pattern In My Chest. There's also some fun stuff like very silly promo images and some pop banger playlists, do check it out!
The Toni With An I story is improved in many ways. All the parts I have ready for an imminent release will be released on that site in the coming weeks, then as an ePub. All of the story remains free on that site, my personal site, and the plans are for the ePub to be available for free, too. Later parts not yet edited for a soon-to-come release will remain on BCTS. You can get two goes at Toni, the early version and the later version.
Thanks for the support, here, staff and readers! New writing from me will continue to appear on BCTS. This place is too valuable to trans fiction to ever ignore the impact it's had on so many people!