Halloween Romance
Sequel to
Mischief Night Magic
Part Six: A Lesson on the Perils of Womanhood
Gwendoline took a deep breath as she closed the heavy wooden doors of the girls bathroom behind her. She then started to walk around every square foot of the bathroom. Once she was sure we were along she turned toward me and heaved another long, drawn out sigh.
“Heather Delilah Soenksen.” She said in a loud, scolding tone of voice, but then she seemed to catch herself and the next stream of words that came surging out of her mouth seemed softer, more understanding.
“I would say I'm displeased with your behavior. But then I had to remind myself that you're new to being a girl. And that brick for brains mother of yours never set down to have a talk with you. So it seems that heaven has deemed me to be the one to enlighten you on the perils of womanhood. And if you don't know what enlightenment means, then the Benton public school system has failed you and has pissed away my tax dollars.” She added as she shook her head.
I blinked and blinked again. I wanted to say something, but I decided to keep my mouth shut and just listen to the rant Gwendoline was about to pour down on my head.
“Not all men are gentlemen. I guess you learned that lesson the hard way just now. If you're a woman, you need to watch your drink when you attend dances or go to the club. Some men, and I say some, because not all men are like that, will take the chance and slip something into an unguarded drink. That is the first lesson you need to learn if you plan on living the rest of your life as a woman. Never, I mean never accept drinks from a stranger. It's like how you never accept candy from a stranger.” Gwendoline said as she opened her eyes and zoomed in on me.
I nodded my head.
“What could have happened is this, if you had accepted that drink from that young punk, I'm loath to call him a man much less a gentleman. You would have found yourself tongue tied and out of your ever loving mind. It's called date rape honey, and let me ask you this. What do you think would have happened, if you had taken that drink and that punk had dragged you into the broom closet to have a little fun? What do you think would have happened when he stripped that pretty little costume off you and tore off those french cut silken panties you're wearing and found out that you have a penis instead of a vagina?” Gwendoline bellowed.
I took a few steps back and lifted my hands into the air and shook my head from the left to the right.
“You don't know?” Gwendoline said fighting to keep her budding rage down. “You honestly did not think that far ahead?” She said, stunned almost to tears. “Well then Heather Dililah Soenksen Allow me to enlighten you again what would have happened should you have been so foolish to take that offered drink!”
I paused and swallowed it seemed I was in for a verbal flogging.
“What would have happened is this, once you were drugged out of your mind. A living, breathing, sex doll if I may be so blunt with you. And he found out you had a penis instead of an vagina he would have rolled you over and stuck his dick into your ass, quite forcefully, and gone to town on you. Paying little mind to the pain he was causing you. Or the damage he was doing to your insides. All he would have cared about is blowing his load inside you. That or he would have felt cheated, yes let that sink in. He would have felt cheated, and would have taken out his pent up anger out on you.” Gwendoline said, shaking her head.
“What would have followed? Well you're out of your mind, so he would either leave you there, till the effects of the drug wore off and your common sense returned to you. Or he would have beaten you bloody, knocked all the teeth out of your head, smashed them to dust too for good measure and then either have left you there a bloody mess of a girl. Or he would have taken you out to his truck.” Gwendoline seemed to recount all these horrors as if she had lived them herself.
I was too stunned to speak to myself so I just stood there with my jaw open catching flies.
“Once he had you loaded up in his truck, he would have driven you out to the countryside. There are thousands of miles of dirt roads between here and Yazoo City, thousands of square miles of swampland, millions of trails only known to local huntsmen and trillions of little brooks, creeks, and streams known only to local fisherman. It's safe to say he could have dumped your body at the end of one of these trails. Or off one of the thousands of bridges that span those little brooks, creeks and streams. Or better yet, just rolled you to the side of one of the dirt roads. If you were alive, you would be in no shape to walk, much less find your way to safety.” Gwendoline said, sighing.
I was still just catching flies at this point.
“And even if you were alive, the elements would finish you off? And your body? Coyotes, foxes, wild hogs, bobcats, and other meat eating woodland creatures would have picked your bones clean. Then early autumn winds would have scattered your bones from here to Yazoo City, hell even wild dogs might carry them away to chew on them and clean any renaming meat.” Gwendoline said again with a sad sigh.
“If you want to be a woman, you need to fully understand the dangers that come with being a woman. You need to be aware of your surroundings at all times. And with you being a transwoman you need to be on your guard consistently. Most mothers have this talk with their daughters when they first start their periods, say around twelve or thirteen. But girls are starting their periods earlier and earlier. And with the rise of social media, well it is a different world than the one I grew up in.” Gwendoline seemed to be musing now.
“Do you understand?” She finally asked.
“I do..” I said looking down. I was a little ashamed of myself.
Then Gwendoline did something that took me by surprise, she moved in and wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her chest and nestled me between her breasts. She then started to gently stroke my hair and in a soft, motherly tone of voice she whispered into my ear.
“Your life changed forever the moment you decided to trespass into the graveyard a few nights ago. There is no way you can go back to being a boy now. Your soul was split into half that night. You know have one half of the Bloody Brides soul fused with yours. Even if you tried to fight it, that other half will in time overpower the remaining half of your soul.” She said in a mystic tone of voice.
“All the magic in the world can not reverse the changes taking place inside of you. At first it will be mental, then it will be physical. I don't know what the future holds for you, but I do know, I can not abandon you to fate and to forces you can’t begin to understand much less control.” Gwendoline added.
I was stunned. Stunned into silence.
“There are places in this world. Where the barrier is wafer thin . And the two worlds overlap. Hospitals are one such place. Graveyards are another. Sometimes abandoned places become a doorway for evil spirits to come through. Though the great master has appointed certain good spirits to patrol these areas. And keep at bay the evil spirits that wish to do the living harm. And there people, certain people, mortals as we are called. Who have been appointed to help the good spirits keep the evil spirits at bay. Human fragility, or sickness sometimes keeps us from doing our job.” She said as she held me and started to rub my back.
“It's time I think I started to train my successor now. And I think I found the perfect girl to take my place when it comes time for me to retire.” She said smiling as she kept rubbing my back.
I blinked and blinked again as I pulled away and looked up at Gwendoline.
“But we will talk about that later.” Gwendoline said smiling. “Let's try to put this little event behind us and let's try to enjoy the last few hours of the dance.”
And with that, my Halloween Romance adventure came to an end.