It’s a new year, and with it, a brand new me! I’ve always been bullied for being weak and feminine, but starting today, I will become more manly!
I threw out all my stuffed animals. I got a subscription to a gym. I cut my hair. And now, I’m going to let my beard grow out, and show the world the new and improved Freddie!
“Starting today,” I whisper in the mirror as I stare at my reflection, “I will be a real man!”
With that, I head out the door, skipping my typical morning shave, and head down to the gym for my first ever day of working out. Unfortunately, I don’t quite make it to the gym before I run into trouble.
The gym is located downtown along with various stores, restaurants, and even a movie theater. I come by the area often to hang out, shop, eat, walk around, or catch a movie. The parking lot to the gym is, as always, filled to the brim, though not necessarily with gym members, so I park a bit further away, and walk maybe a quarter mile to the gym. As I’m approaching the parking lot, I hear the honk of a horn, and the squealing of tires.
Looking over towards the road, I see a girl who was clearly just looking down at her phone while jaywalking, along with an annoyed driver glaring at her. She awkwardly waves at the driver, then scurries across the rest of the road, nearly getting hit again in the process. I can’t help but stare, so when she gets onto the sidewalk, she looks over at me, and we stare awkwardly at one another for a moment.
“You know, you should probably be more careful,” I tell her, finally breaking the silence.
She sighs. “Yeah, I know. It’s just that my friend Allison called in sick, and with Marissa out on maternity leave, we’re struggling to cover the shifts at the cafe.”
She looks down at her phone while I shuffle past her. We’re not the only ones walking around here, so we can’t just stand around and block traffic all day. But, as I’m trying to scoot past her, she grabs my wrist.
“You know!” she says in a sing-song voice. “You’re kind of cute! We need an extra pair of hands today, so would you mind helping us out? Oh, my name is Ashley, by the way!”
I look down at the woman’s face. She’s pretty. Maybe about 5’5”, with a chubby build, tan skin, long brown hair, and large, round, brown eyes that seem to shimmer with excitement. She seems to have a taste for fashion, judging by her outfit: a long red skirt with a black turtleneck and short heeled boots. Her makeup is also flawless.
“Ah, I don’t know…” I mutter. I force myself to look away from her face, because if I keep looking into those eyes, I know that I’ll get dragged into trouble.
She squeezes down on my hand with both of hers. I can’t help but notice how soft and small they are. Her voice sounds like honey as she begs me to come help her. “Please! It’s just for the one day, unless of course you fall in love, which I’m sure you will!”
The fool that I am, I look back at her face. She’s staring up at me with all the excitement of a puppy who thinks that she’s about to be fed a nice steak. I’m too weak. As much as I want to fight, I know that I’m going to end up giving in.
“Fine,” I say, kicking myself for being so weak. “I’ll help you out for today only. Let’s exchange phone numbers, and you can send me the address to your cafe later. For now, I’ve got to go work out, and we both need to get out of everyone’s way.”
While I do hate helping her out, I can’t help but smile as she excitedly gives me her phone number. We text one another really quick to make sure we’ve got the right numbers, then she waves goodbye, and goes skipping off.
You know, maybe I’ve got some game? Or maybe I’m the one being played. Either way, I got a cute girl's phone number, so I think I can consider this a win for now.
I walk into the gym, and look around, a bit lost. There’s all different kinds of training equipment, and there’s quite a few people around training. More than I had anticipated.
“New here?” a woman asks.
“Ah, yeah,” I tell her. “I’m wanting to become more manly for the New Year, but I don’t quite know where to start.”
The lady, a pale woman with a six pack who towers far above me, puts her hand on her hip, and gives me a serious look. “Muscles don’t make the man, and you’re fine as you are, really. But, if you want to start working out, that would undoubtedly be a good thing. I’ve got a few hours before work, and like training up new kids like you, so I can give you a hand if you want. If you would rather do it alone, that’s fine, too. Just remember: take it slow. You can’t do what I do quite yet, and if you try, you’ll just hurt yourself.”
“Oh. I’ll keep that in mind. I already know that I’m weak, of course, so I wouldn’t try. Anyhow, I’m really lost, so I think that I’ll take all the help that I can get.”
“You’re lucky that I’ve got a thing for cute little guys like you. Alright, let me lend you a hand. My name is Emily, by the way.”
“I’m Freddie. A pleasure to meet you.”
Even going the easy route with Emily, I have a lot of trouble. By the end of the hour, every muscle in my body is aching. Emily suggests that we end here for now.
“Pushing yourself won’t help. You should go wash off, then go home and rest. I come here often, so feel free to seek me out if you need help.”
I take Emily’s advice. I’ll need the rest if I’m to help out Ashley at the cafe later today. And, boy, as soon as I get home, I’m dead to the world. I don’t even bother making it to my bed, instead crashing on the couch.
Hours later, I’m woken up by my phone ringing.
“Hello! Ashley here!” a sweet voice comes out from the phone.
I check the time. There’s still plenty of time before I have to go in and help her. “Why are you calling?”
“I heard that you ran into my friend Emily. When I realized that she was talking about you, I figured that you might be knocked out all night if I didn’t wake you up. You can’t be late for the only day that you’re supposed to help us, right?”
“That’s a pretty good point. I could use another hour or two of sleep, though.”
“Maybe, but you shouldn’t cut it too close. We have to get you your uniform and fill you in on stuff, so be sure to arrive with plenty of time to spare. And don’t forget to shower, for Pete’s sake!”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Good! I’ll see you soon!”
She cuts the call, and I groan. I’m still tired, but I guess I should probably wake up now and shower, eat, and get going.
An hour later, I’m pulling up to a little cafe on the other side of town. I don’t come by here often. I’ve seen the building before, but never paid much attention to what it houses. A sign out front informs me that this is the Misty Maid Cafe. There’s a small girl with dark skin and pink hair in pigtails out front wiping down the glass front door. She’s barely 5 feet tall, and super skinny.
“Um,” I start awkwardly.
The girl turns around, and glares at me. She forces herself to soften her features, then says in a sweet voice, with more than a hint of sour, “I’m sorry, we’re not quite open yet! Please come back in a bit!”
“Oh! Justine! That’s our new worker, Freddie!” Ashley’s voice comes from around the side of the cafe as she rushes over. She’s wearing a maid outfit, presumably the uniform for female workers.
“Eh?” Justine drops any pretenses. She’s straight up annoyed. “What do you mean new worker? I don’t want to work with this twink!”
“Come on! Isn’t he cute?”
Justine gags. “If you want to see cute, just look in front of you, because I’m the most adorable girl in the entire world! Anyhow, he’s a dude.”
“Thanks for noticing,” I say. “But why does that matter?”
Justine looks over at Ashley, and then at me. “Did Ashley not tell you about this place? This is a maid cafe. Everyone here wears a maid outfit. Except Emily, of course. She works in the kitchen.”
“Well, maybe I can help out in the kitchen,” I suggest.
“Please! Do we need to poison our guests? I think not! Emily is an exceptional cook, and she sure as heck doesn’t want to wear a frilly maid outfit and wait tables!”
“Neither do I!”
Ashley runs over to me and grabs my hands. She gives me a puppy dog stare, and says, “Please! Without you, we might not be able to open today! Just help us out this once!”
I take a deep breath. I just can’t say no to a cute girl, can I?
“Fine. Just this once.”
“Yay! Come with me, I’ve already got your uniform ready!”
Ashley takes me through a back door to a changing room, and hands me a maid dress on a hanger, as well as some socks and shoes and other things. She shoves me into the changing room, and waits outside to make sure nobody bothers me while I change.
The outfit fits me surprisingly well. It isn’t quite tailored to my body, but it fits better than expected for a woman’s dress that wasn’t made for me. It’s a black dress and a white apron that comes down to my knees with a petticoat underneath to make it puff out. There’s also black thigh highs, a red ribbon, short black heels, and a frilly white headband.
I look myself in the mirror. I’m cute, but it’s clear that I’m still a dude.
“Are you done?” Ashley asks.
“Yeah. You can come in. I don’t really think this will work, though,” I warn her.
Ashley walks in, and her eyes light up. “Oh, I knew you would look adorable! Oh, we just need to pad that chest and work on your makeup! Give me a few moments!”
A few minutes later, Ashley runs back into the room with some tissues, a wig, and a bag full of makeup. She stuffs my bra, then shoves me down on a stool and spends quite some time working on my face. Once she finishes with the makeup, she spends more time on the wig.
Eventually, I’m stood back up, and led to the mirror. My jaw just about hits the floor when I see myself. I look like a completely different person! I look like a seriously cute girl! Long brown hair, some small but visible breasts, and a face that would make any man swoon!
“What the heck?” I whisper.
“Right?” she asks. “I’m good, huh? I’ve done cosplay, so I have some experience with makeup and wigs and costumes! I just wish I had more of a heads up so I could fix the outfit a bit, but this will do! Have you ever worked customer service before?”
“That’s fine! You can learn on the job! We’re opening in 10 minutes, so prepare yourself mentally!”
“Eh? Don’t you need to teach me stuff about the menu or waiting or something?”
“No time! Good luck!”
With that, I’m let out into the dining room to wait alongside the tiny terror Justine while Ashley runs over to open the door.
“You make a better girl than you do a boy,” Justine says.
I blush. “I don’t like this. I’m supposed to be a man.”
“Well you’re failing terribly. Customers are coming in, so be sure to welcome them. Repeat after me.”
Justine puts on a large smile for the customers, and bows to them as they start walking in. “Welcome home, masters! We have a new maid today, so be sure to treat her well!”
I bow awkwardly, trying to mirror Justine. “W-welcome home, masters!”
“Oh, god, she’s just my type!” I hear some creepy guy whisper to his friend as he sits down at a table.
“She’s cute, I’ll give her that! But you can’t beat Justine!” his friend says.
It seems that most people that come here have a favorite. Many are regulars, and Justine and Ashley make sure to take their tables.
“That guy with the neck tattoo is one of Marissa’s regulars,” Ashley tells me. “Why don’t you go wait on him? Make sure to write down his order and name, and leave it with Emily.”
I gulp, and look at the bald man with huge muscles and a neck tattoo. He looks like he could rip me in half if he wanted to. Cautiously, I walk over to him, and bow.
“Welcome to Misty Maid Cafe,” I tell him. “I understand that Marissa usually waits on you, but she’s on maternity leave right now.”
I add in my head, “Please don’t yell at me!”
The man smiles a crooked smile with many missing teeth. “Oh, that’s a shame, but I’m really happy for her! I knew she was pregnant, of course, and her wife really is such a sweet woman! I can’t wait to see baby pics when she comes back!”
“Ah? Yes…”
“So, are you filling in for her while she’s gone?”
“Uh, just for today, sir. Ashley asked this favor of me, but the other worker, Allison, should be back tomorrow. Hopefully.”
He laughs at that. “Yeah, Ashley can be a bit of an airhead! But she’s great! So, what’s your name?”
“My… name?”
“Uh. Kira.”
“Oh, what a cute name! Great to meet you, Kira! I’m Paul!”
“Good to meet you too, sir… So, what will you have to eat?”
He thinks about this for a moment, looking at the menu. “What would you suggest?”
I think to myself, “I have no idea! I’ve never been here before! I don’t even know the menu!”
Instead, I take a deep breath to focus myself, and then glance down at the menu. Lots of dessert items. I decide to just go with one of the random items that I see. “The strawberry shortcake is good.”
He nods thoughtfully. “Yes, it really is. All of the items are, of course. Emily is a talented baker. I think I’ll go with your recommendation. Oh, and a milk tea!”
“Yes, sir! Coming right up!”
I write his order down, and head to the kitchen to let Emily know. She’s hard at work back there cutting pieces of cakes and pouring drinks.
“Uh, order up?” I say.
She looks up at me, and jerks back in surprise. “Freddie?”
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“Wow. You look great!”
“Thanks, I guess. Or maybe that’s just a compliment for Ashley since this is all her doing.”
“She did tell you that this is a maid cafe before you came, right?”
“Oh. Well, I can’t say that I’m surprised. Anyhow, go ahead and give me the order! I’ll call you when it’s ready for pick up. Oh, before I forget, what should I call you? Not Freddie, right?”
“I panicked and chose the name Kira. It’s my sister’s name.”
“Well, it’s as good a name as any.”
“Emily! Orders!” Justine shouts, sprinting into the kitchen and placing three pieces of paper on the table for Emily. She starts to sprint out, but pauses, and glares at me. “Are you going to be standing there all day, or will you get some orders out? Go get an order from that old lady that just walked in! She’s never been, so make sure that she returns!”
“Okay?” I say, but she might not even hear me as she’s already ran back out to the dining area.
I walk out into the dining area, and look around for the old lady. I freeze as I recognize my grandmother sitting down at a table near a window next to the scary man with the tattoo. As she sits down at the table with him, he reaches over and hugs her. Does she know him? Is she here on a date? What?
I stare like an idiot for a solid minute before Justine runs over and elbows me in the ribs.
“Go get the order, moron!” she hisses.
“That’s my grandma?”
“I don’t care! Make sure your grandma becomes a recurring customer!”
I gulp, and start over to the table where my grandma is on a date with the man who looks like a criminal but is surprisingly kindhearted. I’m shaking as I approach.
“H-hello! Welcome to the Maid Misty- ah, the Misty Maid Coffee- ah!”
“It’s her first day,” Paul tells my grandma. “Isn’t she adorable? Rookies making mistakes like that are always so endearing!”
My grandma tilts her head. “She looks familiar, somehow. Maybe we’ve run into one another before?”
“I do live in the city, so it’s possible! Maybe at the grocery store!”
“Maybe. I don’t know, I just feel like my brain is on the brink of making a connection.”
“Would you like to order something, ma’am?”’
“Ah, right. For now, just a coffee. Black as night, if you could.”
“Of course. And nothing to eat?”
“Oh, with my medication, it probably isn’t a good idea. You’ve got nothing but sweets here.”
“Understandable! I’ll be right back with the coffee, ma’am, as well as with your order soon, Paul!”
I return to the kitchen and lean on the table. Emily looks at me with a confused look on her face.
“Surely you’re not already tired, are you? It’s been 10 minutes.” Then a look of anger comes across her face. “Nobody made a pass at you, did they? I’ll choke the life out of them!”
She starts towards the door, but I grab her hand.
“No, no, nothing like that! I just waited on my grandma.”
“She’s on a date with Paul!”
“Oh! Paul’s a great guy! Good for your grandma!”
“She’s married!”
“Oh. Well… Maybe it isn’t a date?”
Ashley comes skipping in and places some orders on the table. “Here’s some orders! Oh, Kira, is everything alright?”
“No! My grandma is here on a date! Is she cheating on my grandpa?”
She shrugs. “Sounds like an issue that can be dealt with later! An old guy just walked in, so do you mind waiting on him?”
I sigh. “Fine. Might as well.”
“Here’s Paul’s order, by the way,” Emily says, handing me a tray with a cut of strawberry shortcake and the tea. She guides my hands to make sure I hold it right, with one hand holding the bottom as opposed to holding the sides.
I walk back out into the dining area, and freeze once again as I see my grandpa now walking up to my grandma and Paul. I wonder for a moment if I’m about to see my ex-marine grandpa fight this guy, but I quickly note that he’s actually smiling. Paul gets up and hugs my grandpa, then the two sit down. My grandma gives my grandpa a kiss on the cheek as he sits down.
“Er, hello, sir. Welcome to the Maid Cafe. Uh. Misty Maid Cafe. May I take your order?” I ask my grandpa as I place Paul’s order in front of him.
Grandpa stares at me for a second, then says, “Freddie?”
“Pardon? My name is Kira.”
The look on my grandpa’s face changes from confusion to acceptance within a second. “Well, whatever. I don’t know why you’re using your sister’s name, but that’s not my business. You look great. I’ll keep your secret so long as you keep mine.”
“Yours?” I ask.
He cocks an eyebrow. “Really? I thought you realized that I was on a double date here.”
“Oh, with grandma and Paul, right? When will Paul’s date be coming? We can put an order in for her now.”
My grandpa theatrically smacks his forehead. “No, Kira, it’s a three way date!”
“Oh.” I blink, not quite catching what he’s saying. “What?”
“You were never as smart as your sister, but we love you all the same.”
“Honey, it’s pretty straightforward,” my grandma says. “I’m sleeping with two men tonight.”
I don’t even know what to say. “Congrats?”
Justine rushes over. “Kira! Have you gotten the order yet? We’re getting backed up!”
“Oh, sorry!” I tell her.
“A strawberry parfait for me,” my grandpa says.
“I’ll be right out, sir,”
My mind is a mess, but I don’t really have time to come to terms with my grandparents having a threesome or finding out that I’m crossdressing, because as Justine said, we’re seriously getting backed up. I don’t have time to talk to my grandparents more, as I’m running to and from, taking orders and delivering them, and then running back to pick up empty plates and checks and tips. I don’t think I ever realized just how exhausting this kind of work was!
At the end of the shift, I’m doubled over, gasping for breath as Ashley cheerily waves goodbye to the last customer. How does she still have any energy after all of that?
“Wow, what a great day!” she says, skipping over to me.
“I feel like death,” I groan.
“But you made some good tips, right?”
“I don’t know? I haven’t counted those up yet.”
“Look on the bright side,” Justine says. “Your grandma is having a threesome tonight.”
“I’m not sure that’s really a bright side for me.”
“It certainly is for her.”
“More importantly,” Ashley says, hugging me tight, “You look absolutely adorable! Ugh, it’s such a waste to take off the makeup and wig and clothes! You should stay like this!”
“No way!” I tell her, pushing her off.
“You do look rather good,” Emily says. “I think the customers really liked you. You should do this again sometime.”
“Like hell I will! I’m supposed to become more manly this year, and crossdressing is the opposite of manly!”
“We can’t force you. This is hard work, after all. But we’ve all become rather fond of you. Yes, even Justine. She just shows her love in a weird way.”
“You better watch yourself!” Justine warns her.
“You’re free to keep the dress, by the way!” Ashley says.
“I’ll wash the clothes and return them immediately,” I tell her.
“Make sure to get lots of selfies first! Oh, and if you ever want makeup tips or more clothes, let me know! I’m happy to help!”
“Do you listen to anything I say?” I ask.
“No, she doesn’t,” Emily answers. “That’s just how she is. Don't worry about her.”
I exchange numbers with Emily as Ashley takes my makeup off. She also slips Justine’s number into my phone, though I don’t think it’s a good idea to text her.
“We’re eager to see you again, whether it’s as a coworker, a customer, or a friend!” Emily says as I drive off.
“And also regardless of if you’re Freddie or Kira!” Ashley adds.
I have no expectation of ever being Kira again, but I do like these girls, so I would like to spend more time with them. I just have to be careful that Ashley doesn’t drag me into something weird again.
Back home, I throw my shoes off, and put a microwavable dinner to heat up for a bit. Then I grab the bag with the maid uniform, and pull out the dress, planning to wash it. I pause for a moment.
Against my better judgment, I change out of my everyday wear, and put the dress on. I look at myself in the mirror in my living room. Without the wig or makeup, I just look silly. For some reason, that makes me feel a bit disappointed. I’m just a scrawny guy wearing a dress right now.
As I’m looking myself in the mirror, the front door opens, and my grandma and grandpa both walk in. They pause, surprised, as they see me standing there wearing a dress.
“Is this just going to be a normal thing from now on?” my grandma asks.
“No! It’s just the one time! And what are you doing opening my front door without knocking first?”
“We texted you, but you hadn’t responded, so we just let ourselves in. It wasn’t locked, you know.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice your text, I was… busy…”
“Busy crossdressing?” my grandpa asks.
“No! I was microwaving some food and getting ready to do laundry!”
“Sure. Anyhow, we were just coming by to let you know that we support you regardless of your crossdressing or anything, and that we won’t let anybody know about your hobbies or job. We’ll just leave you to have fun now!”
“It isn’t like that!” I tell them, but they don’t listen. But, really, isn’t it kind of like that? I mean, the cafe thing can be excused, but this time it was of my own volition.
And, really? Is that so bad? Cute clothes are kind of nice, and the girls at the cafe are great. And, after checking the tips I made for the day, I did make a little bit of money. Maybe crossdressing and working at a maid cafe isn’t too bad?
I pick up my phone and call Ashley.
“It’s Freddie.”
“I know. What’s up? Calling me up for a date?”
“No, I– well, actually, we can talk about that later, but I was calling to tell you that I think I’m going to accept your offer of working at the cafe.”
“What? Really?”
“Yeah. You girls are all cool, and it was fun, if a bit chaotic.”
I hear some kind of excited scream from the phone, and have to pull it away from my ear.
“We’ve got to go out tomorrow!” Ashley tells me.
“On a date to celebrate?” I ask.
“Kind of! We need to get new makeup, and some underwear for you… Maybe some every day clothes?”
“Only if we can get dinner, too.”
She laughs. “Fine! It’s a date, then!”
“See you tomorrow, then!”
I can’t wipe the smile off of my face. Sure, I may have failed my New Year’s resolution of becoming more manly within the first week of the year, but I’ve got a date lined up, and, something tells me, probably a whole lot more where that came from!
“This year, I want to come out to my friends. I’ve been hiding who I am for so long, and I just can’t bear to keep pretending.”
As those words leave my lips, a shining star in the night sky seems to shine even brighter. And brighter. And brighter. The star shines so bright that it blinds me. I hold my hand over my eyes, and avert my eyes from the light. For a second, I see a woman in the corner of my vision. And she speaks to me.
“Poor girl, I am the Angel in the Light. I am here to help young trans girls such as yourself. I shall grant your wish.”
Next thing I know, I wake up on the floor.
“A dream?” I mutter. I don’t know what the heck that was all about, but obviously women don’t just appear from lights to grant wishes, so it must have been a dream.
I get up, and brush the cat hair off of my shirt and pants. Clearly SOMEONE was using me as a bed while I was knocked out on the floor. Bebe the cat seems to be elsewhere right now, but as soon as she realizes I’m awake, I’m sure she’ll come running over.
My clothes aren’t the only thing that needs a good brushing. My hair is a mess. I’ve let it grow out these past few months, despite complaints from my parents. It’s down to my shoulders now, but even though I like it better long than short, it still has no style. I’m not out as trans to anyone, including my parents, so I can’t exactly style it in a cute, feminine haircut.
As I’m battling my hair, Bebe comes zooming into my room, and rubs herself on my legs. I pause to pick her up and give her some kisses, before returning to the battle at hand. Once the hair is about as good as it’s gonna get, I feed Bebe really quick, then make breakfast for myself. My parents seem to have already left for work, leaving me on my own. I double check that they’re away before changing into a skirt and crop top, then sitting down for breakfast. I’ve got about an hour or so in the morning where I can dress as I like, plus most of the evening after school, but eventually, I have to get ready for school, then head out.
The day seems like any other, but I’m very anxious for one big reason. I promised myself that I would come out as trans to my friends today. Well, not strictly today, I promised myself that it would be this year, but I feel as if there’s something pushing me to tell them today. Maybe it’s that Angel in the Light girl that I dreamt of. Regardless of the reason, I want to do it.
Unfortunately, I chicken out. And as the week goes by, I can’t bring myself to come out to them. And maybe that’s for the best, because as I’m approaching the lunch table on Friday, I hear them laughing at something on someone’s phone. It seems that a trans woman went on some kind of rant against some bigot, and they’re all laughing at her. She doesn’t pass, and she’s really angry. I don’t know the entire story, but it doesn’t really matter. I learned today that my friends will laugh at faggots like me.
I’m down for the rest of the day. I don’t really talk to any of my friends, and I pass on hanging out with them after school. I tell them that I’m in charge of dinner tonight, which is true, and have to go shopping for some ingredients. That isn’t true, as we’ve always got a well stocked fridge. Regardless, I want to get away from my friends for now.
As I walk out of the grocery store with a bag full of groceries, a cute girl waving a flyer comes jogging over towards me. She seems to be about my age, 16, though I’ve never seen her at school. She’s cute, so I go ahead and take a flyer, though I don’t really bother looking at it until I get home. I put the groceries down on the table, then finally take a look at the flyer.
“ALIVE Queer Cafe! Come join us for our grand opening!”
I’m sure that the kids at school would kill me if they saw me at a queer cafe. I fold the flyer up, and stick it in my pocket for now, then start preparing dinner. Later, after eating dinner alone, and putting away leftovers for my parents, I head up to my room, and check the place out online.
ALIVE has a social media presence, despite only just really starting. It seems that the name is an acronym standing for Ace Lesbian Inclusive Variety Entertainment. They’re a queer cafe that also has performances such as drag shows or singers. It kind of sounds interesting. Of course, I couldn’t possibly go. Or could I?
I think about the clothes I’ve got stashed in my closet, and consider how my parents seem to always be working. If I could get a wig and makeup, I could actually go to this place without anyone finding out. I check out some wigs and makeup from some local stores, and purchase them with same-day delivery. I hide them when they arrive, as my parents will be home relatively soon. But starting tomorrow, Saturday, I can try them on, and head down for ALIVE’s grand opening. For now, though, the front door is opening, so I finish up hiding stuff, and head down to greet my parents.
After a near-sleepless night, I wake up early and lay in bed listening to my parents go through their morning routine. Shower. Breakfast. Running out the door. The car starting off and driving away. I glance out the window to make sure they’re gone, check their room to make sure they didn’t leave behind anything they might come back for, then start getting ready.
Makeup. I’ve watched plenty of videos about it, so in THEORY, I know what to do. In practice, it doesn’t go quite as planned. I wipe the makeup off my face multiple times, spending over two hours trying over and over again, before finally coming up with something that looks different enough from my regular face, but also doesn’t make me look like a clown.
Wig. I’ve played around with my hair a bit, so I kind of know what I’m doing here. I can’t do complex hairstyles, but I stick with a ponytail and some bangs, which is one of my favorite hairstyles. I take more time working on my hair than I would like, but it isn’t nearly as much time spent on that as with the makeup.
Finally, my clothes. I don’t have a whole lot of different clothes, but I have a few choices. I opt for a black short sleeve skater dress with pockets, black thigh highs, sneakers, and a choker. I also stuff my bra and tuck down below.
With all of that, I’m ready to head out now. I duck into my car in the garage, and drive away. Thankfully my house is at the end of a small street so I have very few neighbors, most of which don’t know me. I don’t think anyone notices me even leave.
Moments later, I’m on the other side of town, parking my car a few blocks from the cafe. Just incase anybody I know happens to be around, I don’t want them to see my car by a queer cafe. Of course, how many people really pay attention to that? I’m just trying to be as cautious as I can.
I walk over to the cafe. There are a few cars in the parking lot, and I see one person walking in as I approach. There’s the girl I met yesterday out front, welcoming everyone, full of energy. She sees me approach and jumps up and down, waving at me.
“Hi! Welcome to ALIVE Queer Cafe!”
The girl is wearing a rainbow apron over a black skirt and white long sleeve top. I notice that her nails are also painted in the color of the trans pride flag. Her nametag reads Lesley, and has her pronouns, she/her.
“Thanks,” I say to her.
“We’re very glad that you came to our grand opening! We hope to be a welcoming place for all queer people! Oh! More customers! Pardon me!”
She goes running off to welcome more people who are walking in. I stare at her for a few seconds. She’s tall, has long fingers, and has a visible Adam’s apple. Clearly she’s trans, but other than some tells that aren’t really super obvious, she looks like a girl. Is it rude of me to pick up on that?
I turn away from her, and walk into the cafe. There’s a decent crowd for this time of day, but there’s still plenty of empty tables that I can sit on. To one side of the cafe is a stage for their performances. A board near the stage lets me know that there will be a performance in just an hour. An idol performance, at that. I figure that I ought to stay at least long enough to check that out.
As I wait for the performance, I decide to get a coffee from the cafe. They offer a cup of milk coffee and a slice of cake for a decent price, so I get that.
“For a cute girl like you, I’ll add a free cookie,” the girl at the counter tells me, winking. She seems to be a little bit older than me, with an undercut. She’s wearing the same uniform as the girl outside. Her nametag reads Gigi she/they.
“Thanks,” I say. She giggles at how shy I seem, and tells me to ask for her if I come back for more later.
I sit down and slowly sip at the coffee and nibble at the cake, until the idol show begins. The lights of the cafe dim, and a spotlight is shone on the stage. Then the peppy girl from earlier hops onto the stage and starts waving at the crowd. There are a few cheers, but mostly people are just watching silently, including myself. She’s wearing a puffy idol dress now, as opposed to her uniform.
“Hello! My name is Lesley and I use she/her pronouns! I hope you’ll enjoy my performance!”
Some music comes on, and Lesley takes her spot on stage. She dances and sings with incredible skill. I can only imagine how much time she must have spent practicing.
“That song was from the Pretty Series!” she says once the song dies down. The crowd seems to have come alive a bit, and plenty of people clap and cheer for her. “Thank you, thank you! I’ve got more songs for you, so stay right there! Or, better yet, how about you come up and dance along with me! Don’t worry if you don’t know the moves, you can just copy me or even just dance however you want! Have fun! That’s the point of all of this!”
One of the workers at the cafe, an older man with long white hair, along with a few kids, go up in front of the stage and dance along as the next song starts up. The old guy, George, seems to be having a blast, and though he doesn’t have the fluid movements that Lesley has, he seems to know the choreography. The kids just dance wildly, but they have plenty of fun.
After the song ends, Lesley plays up to the audience once more. “Are we all gonna let an old man like George beat you? Sorry George, love you! Come on! Can we have some adults or teens come up and dance? What about you? You’re cute!” She points at me, and I can feel dozens of eyes focused on me. I shrink in my seat.
Lesley hops down from the stage, and skips over to me. She takes my hands in hers, and winks at me. “What do you say?”
“I can’t dance…” I mutter.
“Everyone can dance! Don’t worry about looking silly or not knowing the moves! Just have fun!”
I let her pull me up from my seat, and lead me towards the stage. A few more tentative dancers join me in front of the stage, alongside George and some kids. Gigi, the girl working the counter, rushes up to dance, too.
I wish I could say something positive about my dancing. I have no rhythm, no idea how the choreography is supposed to work, and I don’t have any stamina. Thankfully, with Gigi there, I’m not the worst dancer on the floor. I’m a close second, though.
As we dance, Gigi moves over to me, and takes my arm. She spins me around, and dips me. She leans in close, and whispers, “Thanks for being a good sport. I’ll be sure to give you some more cookies on the house. And my number, if you want.”
She winks at me, then lets me go, and returns to dancing alone.
Lesley calls her out once she finishes her song. “Gigi, I’ve seen you flirting with so many girls today, have you ever considered just taking it easy?”
“Hell no!” Gigi laughs.
Lesley sighs and shakes her head. “Well. Whatever, then. Just don’t forget to flirt with me later! Anyhow, that’s it for my songs for now, I hope you all enjoyed!”
The crowd cheers. I’m shaking a bit from anxiety, plus huffing for breath after all of that physical effort. I’ve never used up so much energy outside of P.E. class.
George walks up to me as I return to my seat. “Sorry that Lesley dragged you up there. I’m the owner here, so I have to take some responsibility for her.”
“She’s… unique,” I tell him.
He laughs at that. “Yes, she certainly is! She’s got some much needed pep. I don’t know if I could do any of this without her.”
“This place seems nice,” I tell him. “You’ve done a good job making a fun place.”
“Oh, why, thank you!”
As we’re talking, a little girl wearing the uniform runs up to him, and hands him a plate of cookies.
“Ah, these must be the cookies that Gigi promised you,” he says, laying the plate on the table. The little girl, who seems to be maybe 6 or 7, hides behind the old man. “Thank you, Laura. Do you want to say hi to the kind girl?”
Laura shakes her head.
George laughs. “Ah, that’s alright. This is my granddaughter, Laura. Her mother left her to me not long after she started showing signs of being transgender. And that sent me down into a whole new world that I wasn’t familiar with. For my granddaughter, and for all queer folk out there, I want to make sure that I make a safe place where they can feel welcomed.”
“That’s really nice,” I tell him. “I haven’t told anyone about me yet, and I’ve heard my friends say some really nasty things about trans people.”
He shakes his head. “I had hoped that things like that would die out with your generation. Lord knows my generation is causing enough trouble with anti-trans legislation. But I suppose age doesn’t matter when it comes to this, huh? My cafe has adults and teens working here, not to mention myself and my granddaughter. People just need to have an open mind, be kind, be willing to learn. Ah, but hear me rambling on! Feel free to return any time, we’ll be happy to have you.” He holds his hand out to shake my hand. As I shake, he gives me a look, seemingly expecting something.
I blink.
“Name?” he asks.
“Oh. Shit.” I don’t really have a name, not like this. “Bebe,” I say, giving him the name of my cat.
“What a cute name! A pleasure to meet you, Bebe.”
With that, he returns to work, and I start to work on the plate of cookies. Hidden beneath the cookies is a piece of paper with a phone number, and the name Gigi. I pull my phone out of my dress pocket, and put the number in. As I’m doing that, Lesley rushes over, having now changed back into her work uniform.
“I’ve been ordered to apologize!” she shouts out as she approaches.
“It’s fine,” I tell her.
She bows her head. “I’m sorry, I won’t drag you away again!” She then looks at the piece of paper on the table. “Oh! Gigi actually gave you her number! Jeez! I can’t believe I let her beat me! Hold on!”
Lesley pulls out a notepad used for taking orders, rips out a page, and writes something down on it. She then hands me the paper. It’s her number.
“Now Gigi and I are even! Feel free to call me some time, and I’ll make up for what I did today!”
“I almost feel like this was planned.”
“What? No! Totally not planned! I don’t plan anything! I’m constantly being berated for that.”
“Okay. Well, either way, you’re cute, so I’ll be sure to text you some time.”
“Yeah, totally! I gotta get back to work, but I hope to see you again soon! You know, here, or outside of work… Anything is fine!”
I look down at the two pieces of paper in front of me. Not one, but TWO cute girls has given me her number today. And the owner seemed really nice. My friends may not be welcoming if I come out as trans, but here, I’m free to be who I really am. I can be… a girl named after my cat…. Well, that’s kind of embarrassing, but maybe I’ll come up with a better name later.
Maybe this place was a gift from the angel? I might not have come out to my friends, but here, I can befriend a whole new group of people who are vocally pro trans. Or, hell, maybe even become more than friends with one of them. Who knows?
“I’ve had enough of being afraid of men!” Allison complains.
I look over at my best friend. For as long as I’ve known her, she’s been afraid of every guy she’s ever met. She’ll freeze up, and if they try to talk to her, she’ll scream and sometimes even pass out.
That is… with everyone except for me. And yes, I’m a dude. She hadn’t quite realized it back when we first met, but she knows now. I’m tiny and frail, and I’ve always had long hair.
“So,” I ask, “what is your plan to get rid of your fear? Also, with it being the beginning of a new year, is this your resolution for the New Year’s?”
“Yeah, I guess it’s kind of a resolution. And as for the plan, well… it’s maybe not the best, but I think that dating a guy would be the most effective way to get rid of this fear.”
I made a mistake in taking a sip of water just as she said that, and spit it out all over her living room table.
“Sorry,” I say, running over to her kitchen to get a towel. As I wipe the water up, I tell her, “That’s kind of an extreme way to get over your fear.”
“I know,” she says, “but it’s a pretty direct way to do it, right?”
“I guess? But do you have any guys in mind?”
“Just one.”
“Oh, really? I didn’t think you even knew any guys other than myself.”
“Actually, about that… I was thinking of you. So, what do you say, Aaron? Want to become my boyfriend and help me get over my fear of men?”
I freeze and just stare at her.
“You’re the only guy I’m not afraid of! Please! You need to help me!”
I blink, dumbfounded. What do I even say to that?
She gives me puppy dog eyes, and I force myself to look away from her.
“I don’t really think that’s a good idea,” I tell her.
“Why not?”
“Well, romance should be between two people who feel things for one another…”
She kneels down on the ground beside me, and puts a hand on mine. With her other hand, she redirects my face to force me to look at her.
“I think you’re very cute,” she tells me. “Do you not think I’m cute?”
She’s absolutely stunning, truth be told. She’s fit, tall, and has beautiful facial features. I gulp.
“Of course you are!” I tell her.
“Well, I think I would be very into you if you’re interested. What do you say?”
My heart feels like it’s running a mile a minute. Who in their right minds would say no?
“Okay. If you’ll have me, I’ll be happy to be your boyfriend.”
She throws her arms around me. “Yay! You have no idea how happy I am right now!”
“I don’t feel like I’m really boyfriend material, I admit, but if it’s what makes you happy, then I’m more than happy to call you my girlfriend!”
“Please don’t put yourself down! Everything about you is fantastic!”
As we kneel there, her hand on mine, she stares into my eyes. Slowly, she leans in, and kisses me. I jerk back in surprise, and just stare at her.
“What? Am I being too pushy?” she asks.
“No, I just… that surprised me. I’m happy to move at your speed, I didn’t really anticipate that your speed would be so fast, though.”
She covers her lips shyly. “Sorry! This is my first time being in a relationship! I’m not really sure how to do this. I mean, I’ve read romance novels and such, but I’ve never really been with someone else before.”
“No, no! I’m happy to kiss you again.”
She looks at me for a moment, then slowly nods her head. We lean in once more, and share another kiss. And then another kiss. And then another kiss…
That night is filled with quite a few kisses. It doesn’t progress beyond cuddling and kissing, though, sadly. I’m down for more, but don’t want to push her. Instead, we watch a romantic movie and cuddle all night.
In the morning, I need to leave for college classes, so I untangle myself from the sleeping Allison, doing my best not to wake her. She’s a heavy sleeper, so I manage to keep her from waking up. I quietly change clothes, and leave her house, being sure to lock the door behind me. As her best friend, I’ve owned a spare key to her apartment for years. I’ve gotten some inquisitive questions regarding if we’re dating or not, but up until now, there has been no scandal. Even last night there was only kissing.
One vital thing I forget that morning is my laptop that I use for taking notes during class. I also use it for messaging on Discord. I forgot that I had left it plugged into the TV, as we were using it to watch movies last night. I don’t realize until I sit down in the class, and go to pull my laptop out. I feel stupid, but for now, I can just write notes on pen and paper and type it into my laptop later. No big deal.
Or so I thought. When I get to Allison’s apartment later in the day once my classes are over, she’s sitting on the couch, and seems nervous about something. She jumps as the door opens, and looks awkwardly at me.
“Oh! Aaron! H-hey!”
I give her a strange look. Is she thinking about what happened last night? That was pretty awkward. Maybe she wants to take back everything she had said?
“Are you good?” I ask.
“Hmm? Y-yeah! Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, you just seem like you’re acting weird. Is this about last night?”
“No! No, I’m happy that I’m dating you! This isn’t about that!” she swears.
“Okay? Then what is it about?”
She looks down at the ground. “I can’t really hide it from you, can I?”
I tilt my head, and look at her. What is she going on about?
She sighs. “You see, I went to watch another movie today on your laptop. I went to check what moves you had downloaded, and, uh… kind of saw a folder that maybe I shouldn’t have seen.”
My blood runs cold. My eyes immediately flicker over to my laptop, and my heart skips a beat. I didn’t leave those images on my laptop, did I? I’m not usually so careless!
“Uh, what was in the folder?” I ask her, now just as nervous as she is.
She shuffles her feet, and whispers, “Uh, you. Wearing women’s clothing. I promise that I didn’t mean to look! And I closed it as soon as I realized what it was! I’m really sorry!”
I try not to cry, and shake me head. “No, I’m the one that’s sorry. You wanted a boyfriend, but I’m the least manly man that there is. I love wearing dresses, and skirts, and all kinds of women’s clothing. I understand if you want to break up with me.”
“No!” she shouts. “Not at all! You’re beautiful! Actually, is it ok if I see more pictures? I barely got to see those ones…”
I hesitate for a moment, but figure that she’s taking it pretty well, and she’s my best friend and girlfriend, so I ought to go ahead and let her see. I pull up an online drive that saves all of my pictures behind a password, and show Allison the photos that I have on there. I have pictures going back all the way from when I was still in high school.
Allison’s eyes light up.
“Oh my god, you’re so pretty! You should dress like that all the time!”
“Uh, I don’t know about that…”
“At the very least, you should dress as you please in my home! You’re my boyfriend, and I want you to feel comfortable!”
“Uh, I don’t know…”
But, really, it doesn't take much to convince me. Allison even offers to let me wear some of her clothes since I don’t have women’s clothing here right now. They don’t really fit, but I do try on some of her clothes. She seems really interested. She thinks that I’m the most beautiful person she’s ever seen.
“Ahh! If only every guy looked like you!”
“I mean, some guys do like crossdressing,” I tell her.
“Guys like that might actually be acceptable,” she mumbles. “Oh, but none would be nearly as cute as you! I swear, I almost can’t contain myself as I look at you! You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen!”
I cross my arms awkwardly, and blush. “Thanks,” I mutter.
“Maybe if I just force a bunch of guys to dress like this, I could get over my fear of men…”
She shakes her head. “No. Nobody could be as cute as you!”
Allison makes me try on a few more outfits, including some spicy lingerie. I’m a bit embarrassed, but she’s so excited that I let her go ahead and have her fun. After all, if she’s happy, then I’m happy. She gets too engrossed in the outfits that the outfits end up being the only spicy part of the night, much to my disappointment. But I don’t want to push her into doing something that she doesn’t feel comfortable with, so I let it go. We’ve only been dating for a day or two, so it’s fine. I can wait.
The next morning is a Saturday, so there’s no school. We sleep in late, with me being the first to wake up. I prepare some coffee while Allison continues to sleep in past noon. Eventually, she walks into the kitchen half-dressed and yawning.
“Morning, babe,” she says.
I’m more than a little bit shocked just how turned on I am just from her calling me babe. But I try to maintain my composure. “Morning,” I tell her.
She kisses me on the cheek, then gets herself a mug of coffee, and lounges on the couch for a bit, sipping on it. She’s pretty useless until she’s had her coffee in the morning, not even bothering with showering, brushing her hair, or getting dressed first. Forget breakfast, this is her most important meal of the day!
Once she finishes her cup of coffee, she sighs a deep sigh, then heads to the bathroom and doesn’t come back out for over an hour. When she returns from the bathroom, she finally looks presentable. More than presentable, really. Hair washed and brushed, light makeup applied, and fashionable clothes. She’s stunning.
“Do you ever do your makeup?” she asks me, studying my face. I’m wearing a simple dress that belongs to Allison, and I brushed my hair, but that’s all that I’ve done.
“No, it seems really complicated,” I tell her.
She turns my face around in her hand, seemingly doing some calculations.
“You would look really pretty with some makeup. Oh, and with how long your hair is, there’s so much I could do with it! Do you mind?” Her eyes are practically sparkling.
I sigh. “Fine. You’re free to do what you want with me. Oh, so long as I can undo what you’ve done, at least! So no cutting my hair or anything!”
“I wouldn’t dream of it! Come with me!”
She drags me back to her room, and sits me down at the edge of her bed. She leans in really close to me as she does my makeup, and I can feel her warm breath on my face. My heart beats faster.
Allison really knows what she’s doing. Of course, she’s done this her whole life, so she’s practically an expert. I’ve already got a feminine face, but with her makeup skills, she really brings me to a whole new level. I look myself in the mirror once she’s finished, and my heart nearly stops. Who is this cute girl?
“Let me do your hair now!” she says.
Now she sits behind me, legs under her, as I stare at myself in the mirror, and she does my hair. She brushes the hair out, then braids my hair back into a half-ponytail. It’s a super beautiful hairstyle, and I don’t think I would be able to do it myself. My hands are always so shaky, and I’m really clumsy. I don’t have a good eye for stuff like this. I cut my dog’s hair once and it was so uneven we had to immediately bring her into a groomer to fix it.
Allison sits beside me as we look into the mirror together. Nobody would ever imagine that they’re seeing anything but two cute girls. I’m blushing wildly.
“You’re such a cute girl!” Allison says, hugging me tight. “I’m so happy you decided to become my girlfriend!”
“Aren’t I your boyfriend?” I ask.
“Hmm? Oh! Right! Sorry! I kind of forgot!”
I grip the dress I’m wearing, and stare into the mirror. Quite frankly, it’s hard to believe I’m a dude at all. And, really, I’ve never made a great man. I’m weak. Emotional. Fragile. I was never much into sports. Of course, I love women’s clothes. And when I read romance novels, I prefer it when the main characters are two women.
“I’m really a failure of a man,” I mutter. Allison hugs me tight.
“No! You are who you are, and I’m extremely grateful for that! Man, woman, neither, it doesn’t matter to me! You’re my best friend and my partner!”
“But like this, there’s no way I could ever help you get over your fear of men.”
“Oh. I forgot all about that.”
“Allison! That’s why we started this!”
“I know, but seeing you like this is way better than trying to deal with some men! If I can just hold you tight like this forever,” she says as she hugs me tighter, “and see you in more cute clothes, I don’t care if I never see another man in my life!”
I stay quiet for a bit, watching us in the mirror. We don’t look like a straight couple, and truth be told, I don’t really think we are.
“Well,” I mutter. “If you’ll accept me as your girlfriend, then I guess I’m happy.”
“Boyfriend! Your boyfriend!”
She laughs, and then stops squeezing me so hard. She pulls away from me, and looks me in the eyes.
“Boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever you want to call yourself, I’m just happy to have you,” she says.
“Allison…” I whisper.
Allison pushes me down on the bed. Her soft lips meet mine, and her hands wander down towards the edge of my dress. Really, though, it’s her dress. If she wants to take it off, she’s well within her rights to do so.
And she does take it off. And it doesn’t end there. No, this is only the beginning.
10 years ago, on New Year’s Day, I was killed. I was the victim of a hate crime. I was a struggling young trans girl, and my future looked bleak. No money, no job, no friends, no family. I was desperate. I met a guy online who said he would help me deal with all of my issues. Against my better judgment, I met him. We met at the mall, and had a nice day out. Then I brought him home. I won’t go into the details, but he ended my life that day.
I found myself in a dark room. A single bright light shone overhead, slowly growing larger. A woman’s voice entered my mind.
“Your life has been cut short at the hands of hate, young Angel. My heart aches for you, and for all those like you. There are many other poor souls like you out there, alone and afraid. Many of their lives, too, will be cut short. That is where you come in. I shall grant you the power to avoid any more needless deaths. Hold out your hand, and accept my gift.”
“But who are you? Are you god?”
“Yes, my child. I have great love for all of my creations, including those that are ostracized on Earth. It pains me to see so much misery. I cannot interfere directly, but I can send angels down to help humanity. You, Angel, shall be the Angel in the Light for trans girls across the globe.”
“This is quite a lot to take in. But if it can help girls like me, then I humbly accept your gift.”
Every year, on New Year’s Day, I come down and grant the wishes of the delicate souls of hurting trans girls all across the world. There are many different kinds of wishes, and I do my best to try and grant them all.
“I want to wear women’s clothing,” is a common one. It sounds easy on the surface, but when a young trans girl is living with abusive and bigoted parents, that’s easier said than done. But I can generally find them somewhere safe for experimentation; a friend’s house, a hideaway, maybe some alone time after school.
“I want to gain more confidence.” This one is tough, as it’s all in the head of the trans girl wishing for it. It’s a resolution that she must get through herself, but I can help. Maybe she’ll look herself in the mirror, and realize that her transition is progressing smoothly. Maybe I’ll give her a bit of a boost to help her fill in that top she’s been wanting to wear. Maybe she finds a new favorite skirt.
“I want to come out to my friends.” Speaking from personal experience, this one can hurt. Not everyone is welcoming of trans people, even if things have gotten better since I died. But I make sure that I guide these girls into welcoming spaces, with warm friends who will welcome them regardless of their personal decisions. The step to come out may be hard, but with friends there to support her, transition will be much easier.
“I want to die.” No you don’t. You’re going through a rough time in your life, but things get better. Life has its ups and downs, and the girls that I visit are at struggling with the most difficult times of their lives, but there is a lot to look forward to. Friendships, romance, even somewhat more mundane things like an upcoming movie. Life can be tough, yes, but it can also be filled with excitement. There are painful wishes like this, and I grant them by eliminating the desire to die.
I am an angel who can grant these girls their wishes. Who can help them avoid the dark fate that took my life. I will carry them past this darkest point of their life, and into the light of the future.
My wife and I have a rather unique relationship. In fact, I met her after she had already died, and she had meet me after I already died. This was not at the same time, and, yes, we are both alive right now. And, no, it isn’t due to magic (which doesn’t exist) nor some kind of advanced scientific breakthrough.
To put it simply, my wife is a 4 dimensional being primarily traveling the opposite way through space time. Space and time, of course, are intrinsically linked, with time essentially just being the fourth dimension of space. But I’m not a scientist, I’m actually a magician, (yes, I know I said magic doesn’t exist. I just do tricks are parties,) and don’t have the time (or space time) to explain all of this.
And, really, it isn’t that hard to grasp. Basically, my wife just moves the opposite time through space. So my past is her future, and her future is my past.
“Will you remember to get some eggs when you go to the grocery store?” she asks.
“Will I?”
“You will now.”
Really, it’s rather handy. And aliens (I had asked her if this is an accurate term for her, and she just shrugged. She’s not from this planet, or even this plane of existence, so it seems accurate enough.) don’t care about silly things like gender identity. Yes, I’m nonbinary. So is she. Kind of.
Alright. Let’s discuss alien gender for a moment. There are different alien species out there, and all of them reproduce in different ways. Some share similar reproductive methods as those on earth. Others do things you couldn’t even fathom. Like think about when fish breed, they don’t do the dirty, they just release sperm into the water. I mean, that may be simplifying things a bit, maybe. I don’t know. I’m not a scientist. I had a betta fish once.
Anyhow, for my astralwife, Kiki, a nickname for her, as I physically am incapable of pronouncing her given name, her species reproduces with spores. When they’re horny, their entire body breaks out into a bushy kind of mushroom. It’s almost like acne, kind of. You get it on your face, your back, your legs.
This probably begs the question as to how we have sex, or if we can even reproduce. I guess I can answer those questions. Sadly, we’ll never be able to reproduce, but we will, according to Kiki, adopt a kid in the future. As for sex, well, nobody ever said you have to do it the standard human way. She has hands and a mouth, and she’s also very creative. Really, what else is there to say? We can satisfy one another. Though, funny enough, sex with her BEGINS with an orgasm since she goes backwards through time.
But, really, outside of her being horny with bushy mushrooms all over her body, she mostly looks like a normal human. I mean, she’s kind of tall, standing in at just over 6 feet. And she has green skin, yes, but we tell them that it is just a skin condition. It’s rude to insult someone’s medical condition, after all, so nobody can say anything about it, even at her job as a pharmacist. And, yes, her frizzy blonde hair may be untamable, but honestly, it’s kind of cute.
“Did you get your pharmacy degree before or after getting a job there?” I ask.
“After. Well, before in your time. It will be pretty easy, really. First things first, I’ll have to walk across a stage to accept my diploma. Then I’ll have to take some classes. Then I’ll have to enroll in the college.”
“Oh, right. That hasn’t happened yet for you, huh?”
“Right. But like I said, it should be easy. After all, since I go through your time backwards, I already know all of the answers.”
“But doesn’t that mean that you’re practicing medicine without a license?”
“Don’t be silly, I’ve worked my entire life with a medical license, I just haven’t earned it yet. But there haven’t been any issues yet. It will be fine, at least for your future.”
“And I suppose I don’t recall any issues in the past. Oh, I remember when you retired! That was interesting!”
“Right? Your species was so confused, as I hadn’t started working there yet!”
“But, well, you got the job. But in the future, your past, does that mean that you stopped working at some point? Since you were too young?”
“I arrived at this world just after you died. And then I got to know you, and you were really nice! You know, that’s why I wanted to work in the medical field, to help people out! But I thought that maybe surgery might be a bit too complicated for someone that goes through time the opposite direction from the patient. I mean, I’ll know it goes right, but I’ll functionally have to do a surgery in reverse.”
In reverse. That’s right, she has to do EVERYTHING in reverse. She doesn’t speak english, even, just a reversed version of it. And when she goes shopping, she has to walk backwards through the grocery store, putting her groceries away. I watched her play poker once, and she swept the house. We are no longer allowed in that casino, though we made enough money that it’s fine.
I’ve since banned Kiki from cheating with her space-time normalcy, as it is abnormal to us, and allows her to cheat. Of course, she seems to plan to do college in her cheaty way, but thats fine since nobody really loses anything from that.
“What is your home planet like?”
“It’s nice. The people there don’t walk backwards like you humans.”
“Our politicians also seem to walk backwards. Anti gay laws and stuff.”
She waves that worry away, “Ah, don’t let that get you down. The old bigots dropped dead – rather, they will drop dead soon enough. Hate will always exist, but love will win. Trans people, gay people, people from different nations with different skin colors, they’ll be accepted openly.”
“How about the politics on your home planet?”
“Eh. You’ve got some greedy jerks who try to steal power from the populace by making up enemies. But as more and more peoples are accepted, it becomes harder to use hate to hold on to power. I think that both of our species are at the tipping point, just going the opposite way through time. But, generally, acceptance is the norm back home. And it will be here, too.”
We cuddle on the couch that night watching a movie. Actually, we’re watching it in reverse, so that she can enjoy the movie. I’ve seen it in the past the normal way for me, but watching it in reverse after I’ve seen it forwards means that Kiki can watch it forwards before she watches it in reverse.
I’ve pretty much gotten used to this whole reversed space-time thing. And, you know, I wouldn’t rather have it any other way.
.yaw rehto yna ti evah rehtar t’ndluow I ,wonk uoy ,dnA .gniht emit-ecaps desrever elohw siht ot desu nettog hcum ytterp ev’I
.esrever ni ti sehctaw ehs erofeb sdrawrof ti hctaw nac ikiK taht snaem sdrawrof ti nees ev’I retfa esrever ni ti gnihctaw tub ,em rof yaw lamron eht tsap eht ni ti nees ev’I .eivom eht yojne nac ehs taht os ,esrever ni ti gnihctaw er’ew ,yllautcA .eivom a gnihctaw thgin taht hcuoc eht no eldduc eW
”.oot ,ereh eb lliw ti dnA .emoh kcab mron eht si ecnatpecca ,yllareneg ,tuB .emit hguorht yaw etisoppo eht gniog tsuj ,tniop gnippit eht ta era seiceps ruo fo htob taht kniht I .rewop ot no dloh ot etah esu ot redrah semoceb ti ,detpecca era selpoep erom dna erom sa tuB .seimene pu gnikam yb ecalupop eht morf rewop laets ot yrt ohw skrej ydeerg emos tog ev’uoY .hE“
”?tenalp emoh ruoy no scitilop eht tuoba woH“
”.ylnepo detpecca eb ll’yeht ,sroloc niks tnereffid htiw snoitan tnereffid morf elpoep ,elpoep yag ,elpoep snarT .niw lliw evol tub ,tsixe syawla lliw etaH .hguone noos daed pord lliw yeht ,rehtar – daed deppord stogib dlo ehT .nwod uoy teg taht tel t’nod ,hA“ ,yawa yrrow taht sevaw ehS
”.ffuts dna swal yag itnA .sdrawkcab klaw ot mees osla snaicitilop ruO“
”.snamuh uoy ekil sdrawkcab klaw t’nod ereht elpoep ehT .ecin s’tI“
”?ekil tenalp emoh ruoy si tahW“
.taht morf gnihtyna sesol yllaer ydobon ecnis enif staht tub ,yaw ytaehc reh ni egelloc od ot nalp ot smees ehs ,esruoc fO .taehc ot reh swolla dna ,su ot lamronba si ti sa ,yclamron emit-ecaps reh htiw gnitaehc morf ikiK dennab ecnis ev’I
.enif s’ti taht yenom hguone edam ew hguoht ,onisac taht ni dewolla regnol on era eW .esuoh eht tpews ehs dna ,ecno rekop yalp reh dehctaw I .yawa seirecorg reh gnittup ,erots yrecorg eht hguorht sdrawkcab klaw ot sah ehs ,gnippohs seog ehs nehw dnA .ti fo noisrev desrever a tsuj ,neve ,hsilgne kaeps t’nseod ehS .esrever ni GNIHTYREVE od ot sah ehs ,thgir s’tahT .esrever nI
”.esrever ni yregrus a od ot evah yllanoitcnuf ll’I tub ,thgir seog ti wonk ll’I ,naem I .tneitap eht morf noitcerid etisoppo eht emit hguorht seog taht enoemos rof detacilpmoc oot tib a eb thgim yregrus ebyam taht thguoht I tuB !tuo elpoep pleh ot ,dleif lacidem eht ni krow ot detnaw I yhw s’taht ,wonk uoY !ecin yllaer erew uoy dna ,uoy wonk ot tog I neht dnA .deid uoy retfa tsuj dlrow siht ta devirra I“
”?gnuoy oot erew uoy ecniS ?tniop emos ta gnikrow deppots uoy taht naem taht seod ,tsap ruoy ,erutuf eht ni tuB .boj eht tog uoy ,llew ,tuB“
”!tey ereht gnikrow detrats t’ndah I sa ,desufnoc os saw seiceps ruoY ?thgiR“
”!gnitseretni saw tahT !deriter uoy nehw rebmemer I ,hO .tsap eht ni seussi yna llacer t’nod I esoppus I dnA“
”.erutuf ruoy rof tsael ta ,enif eb lliw tI .tey seussi yna neeb t’nevah ereht tuB .tey ti denrae t’nevah tsuj I ,esnecil lacidem a htiw efil eritne ym dekrow ev’I ,yllis eb t’noD“
”?esnecil a tuohtiw enicidem gnicitcarp er’uoy taht naem taht t’nseod tuB“
”.srewsna eht fo lla wonk ydaerla I ,sdrawkcab emit ruoy hguorht og I ecnis ,lla retfA .ysae eb dluohs ti ,dias I ekil tuB .thgiR“
”?huh ,uoy rof tey deneppah t’nsah tahT .thgir ,hO“
”.egelloc eht ni llorne ot evah ll’I nehT .sessalc emos ekat ot evah ll’I nehT .amolpid ym tpecca ot egats a ssorca klaw ot evah ll’I ,tsrif sgniht tsriF .yllaer ,ysae ytterp eb lliw tI .emit ruoy ni erofeb ,lleW .retfA“
.ksa I ”?ereht boj a gnitteg retfa ro erofeb eerged ycamrahp ruoy teg uoy diD“
.etuc fo dnik s’ti ,yltsenoh tub ,elbamatnu eb yam riah ednolb yzzirf reh ,sey ,dnA .tsicamrahp a sa boj reh ta neve ,ti tuoba gnihtyna yas nac ydobon os ,lla retfa ,noitidnoc lacidem s’enoemos tlusni ot edur s’tI .noitidnoc niks a tsuj si ti taht meht llet ew tub ,sey ,niks neerg sah ehs dnA .teef 6 revo tsuj ta ni gnidnats ,llat fo dnik s’ehs ,naem I .namuh lamron a ekil skool yltsom ehs ,ydob reh revo lla smoorhsum yhsub htiw ynroh gnieb reh fo edistuo ,yllaer ,tuB
.emit hguorht sdrawkcab seog ehs ecnis msagro na htiw SNIGEB reh htiw xes ,hguone ynnuf ,hguohT .rehtona eno yfsitas nac eW ?yas ot ereht si esle tahw ,yllaeR .evitaerc yrev osla s’ehs dna ,htuom a dna sdnah sah ehS .yaw namuh dradnats eht ti od ot evah uoy dias reve ydobon ,llew ,xes rof sA .erutuf eht ni dik a tpoda ,ikiK ot gnidrocca ,lliw ew tub ,ecudorper ot elba eb reven ll’ew ,yldaS .snoitseuq esoht rewsna nac I sseug I .ecudorper neve nac ew fi ro ,xes evah ew woh ot sa noitseuq eht sgeb ylbaborp sihT
.sgel ruoy ,kcab ruoy ,ecaf ruoy no ti teg uoY .fo dnik ,enca ekil tsomla s’tI .moorhsum fo dnik yhsub a otni tuo skaerb ydob eritne rieht ,ynroh er’yeht nehW .serops htiw secudorper seiceps reh ,eman nevig reh gnicnuonorp fo elbapacni ma yllacisyhp I sa ,reh rof emankcin a ,ikiK ,efiwlartsa ym rof ,wohynA
.ecno hsif atteb a dah I .tsitneics a ton m’I .wonk t’nod I .ebyam ,tib a sgniht gniyfilpmis eb yam taht ,naem I .retaw eht otni mreps esaeler tsuj yeht ,ytrid eht od t’nod yeht ,deerb hsif nehw tuoba kniht ekiL .mohtaf neve t’ndluoc uoy sgniht od srehtO .htrae no esoht sa sdohtem evitcudorper ralimis erahs emoS .syaw tnereffid ni ecudorper meht fo lla dna ,ereht tuo seiceps neila tnereffid era erehT .tnemom a rof redneg neila ssucsid s’teL .thgirlA
.fo dniK .ehs si oS .yranibnon m’I ,seY .ytitnedi redneg ekil sgniht yllis tuoba erac t’nod ).hguone etarucca smees ti os ,ecnetsixe fo enalp siht neve ro ,tenalp siht morf ton s’ehS .deggurhs tsuj ehs dna ,reh rof mret etarucca na si siht fi reh deksa dah I( sneila dnA .ydnah rehtar s’ti ,yllaeR
”.won lliw uoY“
”?I lliW“
.sksa ehs ”?erots yrecorg eht ot og uoy nehw sgge emos teg ot rebmemer uoy lliW“
.tsap ym si erutuf reh dna ,erutuf reh si tsap ym oS .ecaps hguorht emit etisoppo eht sevom tsuj efiw ym ,yllacisaB .psarg ot drah taht t’nsi ti ,yllaer ,dnA
.siht fo lla nialpxe ot )emit ecaps ro( emit eht evah t’nod dna ),seitrap era skcirt od tsuj I .tsixe t’nseod cigam dias I wonk I ,sey( ,naicigam a yllautca m’I ,tsitneics a ton m’I tuB .ecaps fo noisnemid htruof eht gnieb tsuj yllaitnesse emit htiw ,deknil yllacisnirtni era ,esruoc fo ,emit dna ecapS .emit ecaps hguorht yaw etisoppo eht gnilevart yliramirp gnieb lanoisnemid 4 a si efiw ym ,ylpmis ti tup oT
.hguorhtkaerb cifitneics decnavda fo dnik emos ron )tsixe t’nseod hcihw( cigam ot eud t’nsi ti ,on ,dnA .won thgir evila htob era ew ,sey ,dna ,emit emas eht ta ton saw sihT .deid ydaerla I retfa em teem dah ehs dna ,deid ydaerla dah ehs retfa reh tem I ,tcaf nI .pihsnoitaler euqinu rehtar a evah I dna efiw yM
I’m 16 and have just started HRT. Unfortunately, one side effect of spiro seems to be having to pee a whole lot. And with the way that lots of places want to criminalize being transgender, things are pretty rough. I have to excuse myself from class often to run down to the nurse’s room, the only place I’m allowed to use the restroom. As if that’s bad enough, I can’t even hold by bladder overnight anymore, and have had to start wearing diapers to bed. I wear size XL goodnites, and most nights I wake up with the diaper full of pee. I have a mattress protector to make sure the mattress doesn’t get ruined, but most nights the diaper holds up fine. On those rare occasions, though, I end up having to wash my clothes and sheets.
In all honestly, I’m just embarrassed. The state is treating me like a monster, and I’m forced to wear a diaper to sleep. My relationships have all fallen through, with everyone calling me a tranny and a baby. My self confidence is at an all time low. But, at the very least, I’m allowed to wear cute clothes now, which, honestly? Is totally worth it. Plus I can grow out my hair, be called by my preferred name, and have the correct pronouns used.
“Stacy? Are you busy?” my mom asks as I’m preparing for bed.
I was just getting around to changing into my sleeping clothes, so I ask her to give me a minute. I throw off my school uniform – at the very least, the school allows me to wear the girl’s uniform of a black pleated skirt and white button up with a green ribbon – and pull on my goodnites and a white babydoll nightie that just barely goes far enough to cover my diaper. If I were to bend over, though, my goodnites diaper would be on full display. Once I’m changed, I open the door to my room to let my mom in.
“How are you doing, honey?” she asks, worry in her voice.
“I’m fine, mom. Don’t worry. Things aren’t easy, but they’re better than they were before.”
She nods her head. “That’s good, I guess. Are you getting used to wearing bedwetting underwear?”
“Just call them diapers, that’s what they are. And, yeah, they’re not that uncomfortable once you get used to them.”
“Well, I was just talking to another mother who also has a daughter with bedwetting. And her daughter is really self conscious about it, so I was wondering if you would be up for a sleepover with her. We want to show her that it’s okay to have issues like this.”
“Are they ok with me being transgender?”
“Yes, yes, of course! I guess I forgot to mention that her daughter is transgender, too! If you’re okay with it, can we schedule it for this weekend? I can drop you off at their house tomorrow night, and you can come back Sunday morning.”
“Friday night to Sunday morning? Two days?”
“Two nights, yes; Friday and Saturday. And you’’ll be there the whole day Saturday to get to know her better and have fun.”
I shrug. “Yeah, alright. I have nothing else to do on a weekend.”
I don’t know any other trans people in school, so this girl must go to another school. My mom goes to meetings for parents of trans children, so she’s made some connections recently. I guess she wants me to make some connections, too. She’s probably right, since I just stay home and read all day. I almost spend as much money on books as I do on clothes!
The rest of the week goes by unremarkably… save for one tiny incident on Thursday.
I excused myself from math class to go and use the bathroom. My class is on the third floor, on the opposite end of the school from the nurse’s office. I basically have to run down with how badly I had to pee! And when I got to the nurse’s office, somebody else was already in the bathroom! And judging from the sounds of retching within, they might take a minute or two. With no other option, I ran out from the nurse’s office and into the nearest restroom, which should be vacant at this time of day.
Well, it was vacant, but unfortunately, I didn’t quite make it. Pee ran down my tights and into my shoes. I had to make a shameful return to the nurse’s room, covering myself with my sweater as I waited for her to deal with the puking student. Also, since I peed on the floor of the girl’s bathroom, I had to tell her about that so that the janitor could go over and clean it. The nurse was furious!
“You should be suspended for that!” she shouted at me.
My mother was called in, bringing with her a change of clothes for me. The principal then called us both into his office to discuss things.
“Well, you see,” he said. “I’m all for transgenders and whatnot, but there are certain… uh. Look, certain parents might get mad, right? And if they get mad, you’re not the ones who will get in trouble! We’re being very reasonable here with the nurse situation, but I think that there might need to be a, shall we say… second option available?”
“And what is that second option?” my mother had asked. It was certainly a reasonable suggestion.
“I understand from the guidance counselor, and also my son who shares classes with her – mind you, he’s not very nice to her and I’m sorry, but I can’t control that kid – I understand that your daughter has bedwetting issues. I hate to suggest it, but perhaps, just in case, she should also wear a diaper to school, as well?”
My mother went ballistic. “You expect my daughter to wear a diaper to school?”
“Now, now, she doesn’t have to USE it! It’s just in case a situation like this happens, that way she can worry less about if the nurse’s office is in use! We have other students at the school with incontinence issues–”
They go on forever. My mother argues, but the situation is basically this: either I run the risk of peeing myself again, or I wear diapers. And, ultimately, I’m already made fun of for wearing diapers, so, starting tomorrow, I’ll start wearing goodnites to school as well. Hopefully I won’t be using them, though. Of course, this now means that I’ll be in diapers practically 24/7, with the only exception being when I’m at home. And with the car ride to school, as I don’t live in the school district, plus getting here early, and my mom picking me up late due to work… I’ve got 4 hours a day, on weekdays at least, that I’m not wearing a diaper.
I go to school on Friday, and somehow, everyone already knows that I’m wearing a diaper. As I’m walking up some stairs to my first class of a day, a boy flips my skirt up, and then a crowd behind me laughs.
“So he really DOES wear a diaper to school! That’s so sad!”
I’m picked on for the rest of the day, but at the very least, I don’t have any accidents. My mom can tell that I’m in a bad mood as she picks me up.
“I’m sorry, honey,” she says. “I wish there was something we could do. But at least you have your sleepover later tonight! That should be fun!”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Before that, though, I have homework and stuff to do. As soon as I get home, I get changed out of my uniform, and throw the diaper to the side. It’s been worn, but hasn’t been peed in, so I’ll just wear it again one of these nights. I’m not sure if you’re supposed to do that, but diapers are expensive, so we can’t afford to double up.
It feels kind of freeing to not be wearing a diaper after having been diapered all night, through the morning, and through school. 20 hours straight, I think, minus my time in the shower before school. I’ve brought lots of cute panties, so I’m glad to get some use out of at least one pair now, plus other pairs on weekends. Right now I’m wearing a pair of black panties with white lace trimmings.
Eventually, my mom knocks at the door to my room, and tells me that we’ll be heading over to the sleepover soon. I pack up some clothes to wear, along with some diapers for the night, as well as a sleeping bag, my phone charger, a toothbrush, and a hair brush.we get in the car, and drive 20 minutes to her friend’s house.
My mother knocks on the door, and a middle aged woman with blonde hair comes out and greets her. They hug, and she tells my mother and I to come inside. We sit down on her couch as she goes upstairs to get her daughter.
A few minutes later, a young girl comes bounding down the stairs, excited. She freezes as she sees me. I freeze, too. Her mother comes along behind her, and places a hand on her shoulder.
“Everyone, this is Olivia! Olivia, this is Stacy and her mother! Stacy is the girl we talked about before! Isn’t that nice?”
“Hey, mom? I think you forgot to mention something,” the girl, who looks to be maybe 8 years old, says.
“You seem to have forgotten something, too,” I say to my mother.
The mothers look at one another, as suddenly an understanding dawns on them.
“Oh! Right! We didn’t mention your ages, huh?” my mother asks.
“No, you didn’t!” I tell her.
“I had expected a girl around my age when you said that she was a bedwetter,” Olivia says.
“And for some reason, I expected someone around my age,” I add.
“We didn’t think it was important,” Olivia’s mother tells us.
I sigh deeply. I’m expected to spend an entire weekend with a kid? What is my mother doing?
“Is that a problem?” my mom asks.
I shrug. I don’t even care anymore.
“What about you, Olivia?” her mother asks her.
“Uh. If she’s okay with it, that’s fine. We can still have fun, I think!”
“Great!” Olivia’s mother claps her hands. “I hope you two will have fun!”
“If you don’t mind me intruding, Olivia, I’m planning to stay over, as well,” my mother says. “Your mother and I will be having a kind of adult sleepover.”
Olivia cocks her eyebrow, and turns her her mother. “Is she your girlfriend?”
“We’re still kind of in the talking stages, but we may potentially be girlfriends, yes! So here’s hoping that you two get along!”
Olivia shakes her head. “I’m starting to wonder if this sleepover is more for me or you. Whatever.” She walks over to me, and grabs my hand. I let her drag me up to her room so we can give our mothers privacy downstairs.
“So, my mom tells me that you’re transgender, too? And a bedwetter?”
“Ah, yeah. Since starting HRT I just haven’t been able to control my bladder. I used to have incidents when I was 5 or 6, but I don’t think it was ever this bad,” I admit.
“I guess I can kind of empathize with you,” she says. “I’ve recently started wetting the bed. I haven’t started HRT, yet, of course, since there’s no puberty yet to stop or modify. Nobody knows about this other than you and our mothers. It’s really embarrassing to be back in diapers. I do kind of have to admit that the diapers kind of have cute prints on them. The ones I typically use have Ariel on them, and she’s my favorite Disney princess!”
“Lots of trans people seem to like mermaids,” I note. From what I’ve gathered, it might have to do with the fact that they have no genitals. Then again, lots of girls like mermaids, so who knows!
She shrugs. “Well, I like them. Do you?”
“I guess so.”
“I have The Little Mermaid on DVD if you wanna watch that? Or we could… what do older girls like to do? I was gonna suggest playing with toys, but I guess that might be a bit childish?”
“The movie is probably a fine option. We’ll probably have to go to bed once it’s over, though.”
Olivia lets me sit on the edge of her bed while she sits on the floor. She’s glued to the screen, though I get the impression she’s already watched this movie about a million times before. It’s been a number of years since I last watched it, so I’ve forgotten most of the movie. It’s pretty good overall, though I personally wouldn't be willing to give up my voice for some dude that I barely knew. Nonetheless, it was fun!
Olivia is basically jumping up and down, talking about the movie and how cute Ariel is and singing the songs from the film. Our mothers walk in and clap their hands to get our attention.
“Alright, girls! It’s about time for bed, so how about you two get changed?” my mother says.
The two of them leave the room to give us privacy, and return downstairs to continue their date. I throw off my clothes, and reach into my bag for my sleeping dress – a lavender colored babydoll. Once the dress is on, I pull out a pair of diapers, and pull them up.
Olivia throws her clothes on the bed, and pulls open a drawer. She grabs a pink t-shirt with a picture of Ariel on the front, and a pair of blue shorts. She then pulls open another drawer and pulls out a pair of goodnites size small with Ariel on the front. Once she’s dressed, she turns the lights out, and crawls into bed.
“I haven’t put my sleeping bag out, yet, you know,” I tell her.
“Hmm? I thought you were just gonna sleep in the bed with me?”
“It sounds easier than putting out a sleeping bag. If it’s cool with you, then sure.”
She pats the bed next to her, and I crawl in. It’s a queen sized bed, with pink floral bedding. She has a mattress protector to help protect against bedwetting in case her diaper doesn’t hold up. She only has one blanket on the bed, so we both share it, pulling it up over ourselves. Olivia seems to have taken a liking to me, and cuddles up next to me as I get situated.
It isn’t long before Olivia is asleep, snoring lightly. She sucks on her thumb, which makes me want to compare her to a baby, but maybe that isn’t the greatest idea. I lightly place an arm over her, and hold her tight. I’ve never had a little sister, but the idea certainly seems nice, especially if she’s as sweet as Olivia.
I wake up in the morning with a leg over my face and my dress up to my belly. Neither of us has good sleeping posture. I can also feel that I definitely wet not just my diaper, but that it overflowed onto the bed. Or maybe Olivia’s diaper did. Thankfully the mattress protector did its job in protecting the mattress, but both of our clothes are wet, and the blanket will also need to be washed.
I think the fact that neither of us used the restroom before going to bed, plus having had some drinks during the movie, might be to blame for the overflowing diapers. Based on the wetness around us, both of our diapers seem to have failed.
Olivia wakes up as I pull her leg off of my face, and seems about ready to cry as she realizes what happened. I pul her close, and pat her wet back.
“It’s alright. I wet the bed, too. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Let’s go put these clothes and sheets to wash, then go take a bath.”
We both strip naked, and throw the wet diapers in a plastic bag to take out to the trash after we bathe. We then bunch up the clothes, blanket, and washable bed protector, and take them over to the washing machine in her bathroom. We start the washing machine up, then return to Olivia’s room, and grab our towels and a change of clothes before returning to the bathroom.
Olivia has a pretty nice sized bathtub, so there’s plenty of room for us to sit down in it at the same time once it’s full of warm water. We sit in there for quite a while, just relaxing. We also make sure to lather up with soap, of course, since we got pee on us.
Once we feel we’ve soaked enough, we get out, and get dressed. I wear pink and white stripped panties, a black bra with pink lace, denim short shorts, and a black camisole. Olivia wears pink panties with a black cat paw print on the front, a blue training bra with yellow flowers, a pink t-shirt, and denim shortalls. We go back to her room, and she sits on the edge of her bed as I sit behind her and do her hair in twin braids. Once I finish her hair, she sits behind me, and braids my hair in return.
After I take the wet diapers out to the trash can outside, I return to Olivia’s room, and she seems like she wants to say something.
“Um…” she says, quietly and hesitantly.
“What is it?”
“I know we just changed into our panties, but is it okay if we change into diapers again?”
“Do you need to take a nap or something?”
“No, I just… kinda like how they feel. Don’t tell my mom, but a lot of times I’ll wear the diapers around the house under my clothes. I’m embarrassed by it, but they feel really nice.”
“Can’t you just do that, then? Just do what makes you happy.”
“Yeah, but doing it alone when you’re here and also wear diapers is really embarrassing.”
“I would be embarrassed, too. Wearing it to bed is one thing since we need them, but wearing them just to be around is totally different.”
“But didn’t you wet yourself in school?”
“Why did my mother tell you that,” I groan. “Yeah, fine. That happened, but only because I couldn’t get to a bathroom.”
“Please! Will you please wear a diaper with me!”
I sigh. “Whatever. Fine, if it makes you happy, I’ll put a diaper on, too.”
We strip down before one another again, and then pull on our goodnites diapers. They’re pretty thin, so they’re not really noticeable beneath the shorts, and they also have a low rise so they don’t stick out over the top of my shorts. Neither of us is wearing a skirt or dress, so there’s no chance anyone can get an upskirt. In short, nobody will know that we’re wearing goodnites.
Olivia pulls out a basket full of Barbies, and asks if I want to play with her. Honestly, I’ve never gotten a chance to play with Barbies, so I’m kinda interested, and take her up on the offer. We sit down on the ground, and I’m kind of unsure how to really start. Thankfully, Olivia takes the lead, and for about 30 minutes or so we play an elaborate game involving lesbian Barbies cheating on one another featuring a murder. Our mothers call us down for breakfast, so we pause the game just before the murderer is found.
Our mothers seem to be in quite a good mood. I heard the shower running while we were playing Barbie, and I have a feeling that Olivia and I weren’t the only ones to shower together. I’m pretty sure they also shared a bed. The two of them are sitting right next to one another at the table, smiling and giggling as they eat their breakfast; toast, eggs, and pancakes.
Olivia and I sit across from out mothers, and start digging in. The food is pretty good, and I feel fairly full, though not so full that I can’t move, which is a good thing, because Olivia is suggesting that we go outside and play.
“It is pretty nice outside,” my mother says. “You two should go and play!”
“I have some water guns!” Olivia shouts. “Wanna play with those?”
“I didn’t bring a swimsuit over, but if my mother doesn’t mind taking a quick ride back home, we can grab one really quick.”
“Yeah, no problem!” my mom says. We run home really quick, and less than an hour later, we’re back with a swimsuit for me.
“You won’t be joining us?” I ask.
“Oh, no, sorry, honey! Olivia’s mother and I have things to do inside! You two have fun, though!”
These two are definitely enjoying this sleepover more than Olivia and I are. Still, I’m having fun, so all is well. I head upstairs to change into my swimsuit. Olivia is already there, having changed into a pink one piece with ruffles on the hips and chest. I change into a two piece bikini with a floral patterned halter top and string bikini bottom. Needless to say, we leave our diapers up here for now. We also make sure to put on sunscreen, applying it to one another in places where we can’t easily reach such as my whole back area, from my neck, to my shoulders, hips, butt, and legs. Olivia has a one piece, so I don’t bother with her back, but make sure to get her neck, butt, and legs.
We run to Olivia’s backyard, where she has some water guns waiting. We fill them up at the hose, and Olivia doesn’t even wait until my gun is full to start shooting at me. I yelp in surprise, and quickly finish filling the gun up before chasing after her, shooting at her with the water gun.
Olivia shrieks, and tries hiding behind a tree, but my legs are quite a bit longer than hers, and I’m quickly right up on her, shooting her in the stomach. She fires back by shooting me in the face, and as I wipe the water off my face, she goes running off. She’s shooting at me as I chase after her, but her water gun is running out of ammo, so she has to run to the hose to refill it. I think that might be my chance to get revenge, but she just starts shooting me with the hose instead, soaking me from my hair to my toes in an instant. She giggles, but I grab her in a bear hug, and she’s helpless to get away. I hold her back with one hand as I grab the hose, and let it rip in the back of her one piece bathing suit. I finally let her go, but as she flees, I just spray her with more water, soaking her just as she soaked me.
I’m shivering from the water, but with how warm it is outside, it is pretty nice. A water gun fight was probably the perfect idea, though I have to admit that this has turned into more of a hose fight as we struggle for control of the hose and spray one another down.
After about thirty minutes or running around, Olivia comes up to me, and tells me to crouch down so she can tell me something.
“I have to pee!” she whispers.
“Okay? Just go inside.”
She shakes her head. “I don’t think I have to. I’m already plenty wet right now, so nobody will notice. Just don’t tell anyone!”
As I watch, Olivia starts peeing her swimsuit right next to me. Pee starts dripping down her legs, and puddling around her feet. She then grabs the hose, and washes herself off, as well as the ground by her feet.
“You should do it, too, now!”
I look around. Her fence should prevent anyone from seeing us, and her mother’s room is on the other side of the house. Things should be okay, I guess, though it is kinda weird.
“Do it, do it!” she starts chanting.
“Alright, alright, relax.”
I’m blushing a bit as I try to focus on peeing. It takes a second, but soon enough pee is coming up, and quickly dripping out from my wet swimsuit, down my legs, and pooling onto the ground. Olivia giggles, and then sprays me down with the hose to wipe away any pee on me.
We’re outside for maybe another hours before we’re both just about exhausted from all of that. We towel off as much as possible, then head to the bathroom for a shower. We head into the shower together, and Olivia asks me to shampoo her hair for her. Once I finish that, I turn around and kneel down so she can get my hair. We walk with our towels around us back to her room, and change into the clothes we were wearing earlier, including the goodnites.
Our mothers call us downstairs to watch a movie with them. They put on a family friendly film about some cartoon fish who have to find Neptune’s crown or risk their restaurant closing down, or something along those lines. Our mothers sit on the couch cuddling while Olivia and I sit on the ground right by their feet.
As the movie ends, Olivia jumps on the couch and sits on her moms lap, hugging her tight.
“Mommy! Can we watch another movie! What about The Little Mermaid!”
“Didn’t you just watch that movie last night?”
She hugs her tighter. “Please! I love that movie!” She jumps up and down for a bit, then pauses and looks confused. “Mommy, are you wearing a diaper? It feels soft down there.”
“I’m wearing a pad, honey.”
“Didn’t you just have your period, though?”
“Maybe I should ask you if you’re wearing a diaper. I can’t help but notice that your butt if pretty soft.”
Olivia freezes, and looks over at me. I shrug.
“Are you also wearing a diaper?” my mother asks.
“Yeah. Olivia mentioned that the diapers felt uncomfortable during the night, so I suggested that she wear it during the day more to get used to it. I’m wearing one, too, so that she doesn’t feel like the odd one out.”
“Oh. I guess that makes sense.”
We’re all kind of quiet and awkward for a while, then Olivia’s mom gets up to put on a movie. I can’t help but notice that her butt does look padded, as if she’s wearing a diaper. I don’t say anything, but I share a knowing glance with Olivia.
We’re all kind of tense at the start of the movie, but it isn’t long until we’re laughing and having fun again. Olivia in particular loves the movie, and her happiness is contagious. She encourages us all to sing with her whenever a song comes on, and though I’m hesitant at first, she eventually has us all singing along with her. And, honestly, it’s a lot of fun!
Once the movie finishes, our mothers head off to prep lunch. Olivia points out my mom’s pants, which clearly have some padding beneath them.
During lunch, I decide to ask, “So why are you two also wearing diapers?”
“Well, we felt bad that you two have to be in diapers, including during school for you, Stacy, so we wanted to see how it felt,” my mother explains.
“We felt that it was only fair,” Olivia’s mother adds.
“Ok, but have you peed in them?” Olivia asks.
My mother was in the middle of drinking some wine, and nearly spits it out at that question. “No, of course not! We just wanted a sense of what you felt while wearing them.”
“You can’t get that sense without wetting them,” Olivia challenges them.
Our mothers blush bright red. “We’ll keep that in mind, then…” her mom says.
“How about this,” Olivia suggests with a devious grin, “none of us are allowed to use the bathroom for number one! If you have to pee, you need to pee in your diaper!”
“That’s a bit extreme,” my mother says.
“But asking us to deal with wet diapers and clothes in the morning isn’t?”
Olivia looks at me with puppy dog eyes, asking me to back her up. Part of me wants to say no, but it’s tough to say no to such a cute face. Besides, I’m kind of starting to enjoy wearing and wetting diapers, no matter how weird it sounds.
“I think it’s a good idea,” I say. “You can’t just half-ass something like this, not if you want to understand how Olivia and I feel, and if you want Olivia to understand that there’s nothing wrong with it.”
“There’s nothing wrong with wearing them to bed,” my mother says. “But this seems extreme.”
“Maybe. But you’re the ones who put the diapers on, so you have to deal with the consequence of your actions.”
“You know this would also affect you, right, Stacy?” my mom asks.
“Yeah, but… well, it’s Olivia’s suggestion.”
We all sit around awkwardly quiet once again. Finally, my other says, “Alright. If you think that this is for the best, then I’ll do it.”
Olivia’s mom sighs. “I guess so.”
I feel like we’re all just kind of caving to Olivia’s wishes, but, at least for me, I can’t help but love the idea of it. We finish lunch, then Olivia and I return to her room to play with her Barbie dolls some more. We never did find out who did the murder.
45 minutes and one solved murder later, Olivia sits up on her bed, and looks serious for a second.
“Alright, now it’s time for the meat of the sleepover. Love talk! Do you have a boyfriend at school?”
“No, I like girls.”
“Oh, you’re a lesbian? Me too, I think. Our mothers, too, it looks like.”
“Yeah. But who can blame us? I mean, I love girls so much that I became one!”
“Well, are there any girls in school you have your eyes on?”
“Please! Everyone treats me like a monster! I lost all of my friends. I can’t fall in love with people who act so evil!”
“That’s a shame. There’s a girl in my class who I like. She’s been my friend for years, so she knows that I’m trans. She doesn’t know about the bedwetting thing, though. I think that’s a big thing that’s scaring me off from asking her out, how she’ll react to the diaper thing. Hopefully she can be as open as you.”
I sigh. “I wish there were girls like you in my school. You’re so sweet, and you don’t care about the fact that I’m trans or that I wear diapers. Of course, you’re in the same boat, but still! I wouldn’t be single if you were my classmate!”
“Oh, are you flirting with me?”
“No! I’m just saying, I wish everyone could be as open as you.”
She nods her head. “Yeah. I would date you if we were the same age. Hopefully Emily is open to the diaper thing.”
“You mean in regards to you wearing them?”
“Or hopefully her wearing them.”
“Is that what you’re into?”
She blushes. “What can I say? They’re cute and they’re comfortable!”
“I guess I can’t really deny that,” I mutter. I wasn’t super into them at first, but diapers are really nice.
“You know, it’s a shame that romance talk wasn’t really all that exciting between us. It seems that our moms are hogging all the romance for themselves!”
“Good for them. They work hard as single mothers.”
“Yeah, but still! I want a girlfriend!”
“I feel you. But at least you have that Emily girl, meanwhile I’m here all alone.”
It’s sad to think that a 10 year old might have a better love life than me. I try not to dwell on that too much.
With the romance talk out of the way, Olivia says she wants to play with makeup. She’s too young to actually wear it normally, so she wants me to do her makeup, as well as let her practice on me. I’m not good at makeup in the first place, and I warn her as much. Still, she really wants to do it. So we ask her mother to borrow her makeup kit, and try our best. Admittedly, our best is pretty damn bad.
First of all, I don’t know what half of these things do. Secondly, I don’t know how to apply them. Poor Olivia is looking like a rejected clown after my pitiful attempt at doing her makeup. Her nails are sloppily painted, with more paint on the fingers than the nails!
And, boy, I look even worse off. A different color on each nail, uneven eyeliner, bold eyeshadow, bold lipstick, uneven colors on the blush and other stuff. We laugh at our pitiful attempts, and wash the makeup off. I don’t ever want to try that again. It was funny the first time, but so, so painful. I’ll stick to my natural face, thank you very much.
As we’re washing up in the bathroom, Olivia tugs on my shirt.
“Psst! I need to pee again.”
“Watch me?”
I shrug. Olivia takes off her shortalls, and begins to pee in her diaper. Slowly, it begins to swell. Once she’s done, she takes the diapers off, wipes herself off, and pulls her shortalls back up, now going commando.
“What about you?”
I fidget awkwardly. After seeing her pee, I realize that I need to pee, too. I lower my shorts, and close my eyes. Slowly, my diaper swells up with pee, all the while Olivia watches with interest. Once I finish peeing, I strip the diaper off, then clean myself. As I’m cleaning myself off, my mother opens the door to see if we’ve gotten the makeup off. She sees the wet diapers and my naked bottom, and closes the door.
“It’s not what it looks like!” I tell her.
“Well, we did say that we’re not allowed to use the toilets,” Olivia notes.
“Yeah, but…”
I just groan. This diaper thing is getting out of hand. I pull my shorts up, going commando just like Olivia, and head over to Olivia’s room. There, we both put on fresh diapers. Once we finish with that, my mom knocks on Olivia’s door.
“Just so you know, we’re not mad about any of this. We had agreed to pee in diapers, so of course you would use them. Just don’t make this a regular thing because we can’t afford it. Anyhow, Olivia’s mother and I have also peed our diapers, now, so you’re not alone. I’ll take the bags out to the trash since we need to head out there, anyhow.”
We hand her a plastic bag with the wet diapers in them, and she heads out.
“I think she’s enjoying this,” Olivia says.
“Probably. I think both of us gave really bad excuses in regards to why we were wearing diapers, but we also kind of accepted them. All four of us know the truth: we all just like to wear diapers. And there’s nothing wrong with that!”
“Apparently there is: it’s expensive!”
“Yeah, ok, there’s that. But other than that, it’s harmless fun!”
“Right! We could be doing drugs right now or something!”
“Probably not, but I get your point.”
The rest of the day goes by pretty relaxed. We lie around, read, watch a little bit of TV, have dinner, play with some of Olivia’s toys a bit. Our mothers spend a lot of time by themselves up in Olivia’s mom’s room. Good for them. They can be a bit loud at times, but when they’re too loud, we head outside to play in order to get away from the noise.
When night time comes, Olivia opts to just sleep in her diaper and a lavender colored camisole. I decide to follow her lead, wearing a blue tank top and my diapers with nothing over them. We crawl into bed together, and cuddle under the blankets. Olivia gets a little bit distracted with the diapers, rubbing them a bit, but I tell her that we’re trying to sleep here, so she stops. Eventually, she falls asleep. I’m awake for a while longer, feeling the warmth of Olivia’s body against my chest, the hot air from her breath hitting my neck. She can be a bit troublesome, but she’s truly adorable. She’s like a little sister. If our mothers get together, then I guess she really will be my little sister. I couldn’t ask for a better sister. And I’ll be sure to be a good sister to her. I hold a hand to her padded butt, and hold her little body close as I drift off to sleep.
I kind of regret sleeping with my hand next to her butt. It doesn’t feel wet when I wake up, but it does kind of stink like pee. I pull the covers up and look down at our swollen diapers. Olivia has crawled onto me overnight, and her wet diaper is sitting on my stomach. Her knee is up against my wet diaper. I sit there for a moment, staring at the girl I’ve come to think of as my little sister, lying across my belly, with both of us in a diaper. This really feels like bliss.
Someone knocks on the door, and I pull the cover over us before I call them in. Both of our moms walk in, and tells me that they’re got news for me.
“Are you good to hear the news now?” my mom asks.
“Uh, I think I would like to take a bath first,” I tell her.
“Hmm?” Olivia makes a noise as she sits up on my stomach. As she does, the blanket is pulled with her, revealing the fact that neither of us are wearing anything over our diapers.
“Oh, my…” my mother says, hand on her face.
“I can see why you want to take a bath,” Olivia’s mother says.
“You know, you two look absolutely adorable in your diapers,” my mother adds.
“Maybe we should buy you some matching ones later. Anyhow, we’ll leave you be to do as you please. Come downstairs when you’re ready.”
They leave, and I hug Olivia tight and pull her back down.
“You know, you really embarrass me a lot,” I tell her.
“It’s a good thing I’m so cute, huh?” she asks.
“Yeah,” I sigh. I push her head towards me with one hand, and kiss her on the cheek. “You’re my cute little sister.”
We strip down, and head to the bath. Since we didn’t overflow our diapers today, I plan to take a shorter bath. Of course, Olivia is happy and decides that she wants to take a bubble bath. I decide to spoil her and we take the bubble bath together, playing with some of her toys in the bath for a bit, including a rubber duckie. We get out, then go back to her room to put our clothes on. She wears one of her diapers, a mermaid colored training bra, a pink frilly skirt with hearts, and a pink and white stripped t-shirt. I wear a black spaghetti strap dress with buttons on the chest, a black bra with small red hearts on it, and a diaper.
“You know, you look really cute in a diaper,” Olivia tells me. “Are you sure you don’t wanna go around wearing just a diaper?”
“No, but you’re free to do so.”
She shrugs, and takes her skirt off. She looks at me expectantly, but I shake my head. I then head downstairs to see what my mother has to say to me.
“Morning, sunshine,” my mother says. “I see that Olivia is still wearing a diaper. Are you?”
“Yeah,” I mumble. “What about you two?”
Olivia’s mom nods her head. “Yes, we are. But we’re not here to talk about diapers.”
“Actually, we’re here to talk about school,” mom says.
“What about it?” I ask.
“You’re not fond of your current school, right?”
“Not at all. I hate it.”
“Then how would you like to attend Olivia’ school? She goes to a special private school that goes from kindergarten to 12th grade.”
I look over at Olivia, who looks at me with an excited look on her face.
“We wouldn’t be sharing classes, you know,” I tell her. “But yeah! That sounds like fun! I mean, it couldn’t be any worse than the school I’m going to right now!”
“Great! I was talking to Olivia’s mother about this, and we think it would work out great for all of us! Especially if our relationship continues the way it’s going right now!”
“Yeah, I feel like Olivia is practically already my little sister. So I’m cheering for you two,” I tell them.
Of course, it will take time to make the transfer go through. For now, I’m stuck at my crappy old high school… but, at the very least, on weekends, I spend all day and night with Olivia. And most of the time we’re not wearing any pants!
My mother has gotten remarried, and I'm really happy for her! Her new wife seems like a wonderful woman, and her daughter seems nice, too. I've always wanted a little sister, really.
The following few weeks after the marriage was a bit of a chaotic mess. Several family members are mad about the "unholy" marriage and "alternate" life choices, and my mother and her wife Audrey decided to move to California in order to be able to just start anew. So now we're living in a small house, and I'm sharing a room with my new little sister, Jasmine.
I haven't gotten to know Jasmine much yet, with most of my time being spent helping my mother with the move.What I do know is that she's eight and about as adorable as you can imagine. She has really pale skin and golden hair. She has a lot of clothes, which takes up about 90% of our shared closet and dresser space, not to mention a fair portion of the floor which she never cleans. I've taken it upon myself to act like a good big brother, and clean up after her. After all, I do at least need enough space on the floor to make it to my bed on my side of the room.
The first thing that Jasmine does when she wakes up is go and take a shower. While she does that, I check that we've both got everything packed that we need for school. Our first day is today, and Jasmine seems excited. She's even woken up extra early today, and I hear her singing from the bathroom down the hall.
Eventually, Jasmine finishes showering and comes into the room wearing just a towel. I grab my towel and a change of clothes, and head into the bathroom to take my shower. As expected, Jasmine has left her clothes all over the ground. I pick up her pajama shorts, pink with hearts on them and very soft. Jasmine certainly loves cute things, and honestly, I do, too, so it's always nice seeing her run around in her cute clothes. I do wonder how the clothes feel, though. I mean, obviously I'm older so they might not fit well, but at 14 I'm still relatively small and skinny. They might fit.
I take my shorts off, and throw them to the ground. As I do, Jasmine walks in, and gives me a puzzled look.
"What are you doing with my shorts?" Jasmine asks, looking between me and the shorts.
"I'm moving them out of the way, because you just leave everything a mess. What are you doing in here, anyhow?"
"I need to pee. Do you mind?"
I sigh. "Why didn't you pee before you left the bathroom?"
"I forgot, then I got to our room and really needed to pee. I'm going to pee, so unless you want to watch, you should step into the shower. Of course, if you do want to watch, I won't stop you."
"No, no, I get it. Let me just step into the shower really quick. But first..."
I take Jasmine's shirt off the ground, and then hesitate as I look at her panties on the floor. I don't really think I should touch her panties with my bare hands. I use the shirt as a kind of glove and grab the panties, moving them to the side alongside my shorts. I throw my shirt on the ground as well, then step into the shower in my underwear. Once I'm in the shower with the curtain closed, Jasmine sits on the toilet, and a moment later, I hear her tinkle. Once she's done, she just sits there.
"Are you done?" I ask.
"I'm about to start showering."
"Do you want to leave?"
I shrug, then remove my underwear, and throw it over the shower curtain rod. I turn on the shower, and start soaping up my body. As I do, I finally hear the door open, and Jasmine (presumably) leaves.
Several minutes later, I step out of the shower. I look around, and find that my clothes are gone, both my clean clothes that I was going to change into, as well as my dirty clothes. Even my towel is gone, so I can't just walk into my room in the towel. The only clothes left here are Jasmine's dirty clothes. And I certainly can't walk into my room wearing just that.
I hesitate for a moment. I check that the door is locked, then pick up Jasmine's underwear. I start slipping my leg into one of the holes when someone knocks on the door.
"You about done in there?" Audrey asks.
"Yeah!" I call back to my step-mother. I return the underwear to the pile of clothes, then open the door, covering myself the best that I can. Audrey looks down for a second, but quickly brings her gaze back up.
"You're free to wear whatever you want in this house, as far as I'm concerned. That includes nothing," she tells me.
"Jasmine stole my clothes while I was showering," I explain.
She seems surprised. "Oh? That's unusual for her! She's such a good girl usually! I hope she isn't feeling forgotten with all the moving and the marriage and everything!"
"Rest assured, I plan to be a supportive brother for her."
"Good, good! She's your little sister now, so be sure to cherish her!"
"I will."
I walk down the hallway naked, and step into the room. There, Jasmine is rummaging through her dressers for something. She looks up at me as I walk in, and giggles.
"Yes, yes, very funny," I tell her, sighing. "I'm not mad, but please don't do anything like that again."
"Shouldn't I be the one saying that? You were the one being perverted and gazing at the shorts of a little girl."
"It isn't like that!" I insist.
"Oh? So it wasn't because you're a pervert? Maybe you just like wearing girl's clothes, then? If so, then good news: I'm okay with you wearing my clothes. Here, these are new panties, I haven't worn them yet! You can wear them to school!"
"No. I'm not interested in things like that."
"I also have a dress here that's a bit too big for me. You can wear it if you want."
"No, Jasmine, I'm not like that."
"Fine, Drake," she sighs, and rolls her eyes. She sits on her bed and starts brushing her hair. Meanwhile, I get dressed because we've got school we've got to go to.
After eating, we say goodbye to Audrey (my mother is already at work) and start walking Jasmine to school. Jasmine's school is one way, but mine is off in the other direction. I don't mind doing a bit of walking, though. Back home we lived in a really rural area, and I had to walk thirty minutes uphill both ways in the sweltering heat.
Jasmine takes my hand as we walk. She skips, and hums, and pauses several times to look at bugs and flowers. Thankfully the time spent looking at flora and fauna is recovered with short bursts of speed as she runs down the sidewalk, dragging me behind her.
As we approach the corner before her school, Jasmine stops he, and tells me to kneel down so she can tell me something.
"What?" I ask.
"I brought this for you. You can wear this to school," she says, pulling a pair of white panties out of her backpack. There are pink frills on the leg holes, and a pink ribbon on the front.
"Jasmine! I can't take this!"
"Bye-bye!" she says, and runs off towards the school.
"Hey! Wait!" I shout, starting after her. I stuff the panties into my pocket, and chase after her.
As we approach the elementary school gates, Jasmine is quick to start making friends with some kids she saw at orientation. She waves goodbye to me, then crosses the threshold into the school.
"You're a good brother to walk your little sister to school like this," one of the teachers tells me. I look over and see a rather young woman, probably just around 20, smiling at me. She seems really cute, and that smile sends a shiver down my spine.
"Ah? Y-yeah. Our mothers just got married, so this is my first time dealing with a little sister. She's really cute, but I'm not really used to all of this."
"Aww, I'm sure you'll get used to it soon! Feel free to let me know if you ever need anything! I'm always here at the gates during the morning, and I'm plenty used to taking care of kids! I'm the oldest of six, and I've done lots of babysitting over the years! I'm also working as a kindergarten teacher starting today, so we've both got a bit of a fresh start this year."
"Right. Good luck with the kids!"
I would love to spend more time talking to the teacher, who according to her name tag is Ms.Drane, but if I don't hurry then I'll be late for school. So I wave goodbye, and start off towards the high school which is the other direction from my house.
I think about stopping by my house really quick and putting the panties away, but I feel like that will earn some questions from my step-mother, so I opt against it. Instead, I stop in an alleyway on the way to school, and stuff the panties in the bottom of my bag. I don't want them falling out of my pocket or something.
Still, the entire way to school, I can't take my mind off of the fact that I have a girl's panties in my bag. What if someone found it? I can't help but imagine me pulling out a binder, and the panties getting caught on it and falling to the ground in the middle of class. I might die if that happens!
Logically, there's only really one thing to do, right? I mean, if I wear them, then they won't fall out of my bag or my pocket. And so long as I wear my underwear over them, nobody will be able to see them even if I bend down or if I were pantsed.
I walk up to the school, a brand new building with all the newest technology, like bulletproof glass and bulletproof walls and bulletproof doors. Of course, they still tried to make it look artsy and pretty. I walk through the gates, alongside some students who look like jaded adults, and other students who look like literal children. With my frame, I'm probably the youngest looking of the bunch.
Once inside, I find a bathroom with no other students in it, and slip into the handicap stall. I put my bag on the ground, and slip my pants and underwear down, then unzip my backpack, and pull out the panties. I hold them up for a moment, looking at them. Am I really going to do this?
I can't help but feel a bit excited as I look at the panties. My heart pounds faster, and it feels as if my body forces me into the answer. Slowly, I slide the panties up my legs. They're a bit tight as I pull them up to my hips, and there's not much room up front for my bits, but they barely, just barely, fit. I twist my body around, trying to get a good look at my bottom in the panties. I hear a pair of students walking into the bathroom, though, chatting, so I hurry up and pull my underwear and pants back up. Then I flush the toilet, and walk out of the stall. I wash my hands quickly and leave the scene, as if I did something bad.
Just outside of the toilets, I see a young girl around my age, looking back and forth between the bathrooms. She has short hair, and a boyish face. She grabs the hem of her skirt, and hurries into the girl's room once she sees me. Ok. Weird. Then again, I'm a boy wearing my little sister's panties, so who am I to decide what's weird or not? Besides, she was cute.
I'm among the first students to enter the classroom. The seats are assigned, so I check the chart at the front of the room and take my place, and start talking to the other kids who are there. We'll be classmates for the semester, after all, and school mates beyond that, so I ought to try and makes friends with who I can. I'm coming here without any previous friends, so it's probably a good idea to make friends early so I don't end up halfway into the year and realize that I have no friends.
Some time later, as the class is filling up, the girl from earlier pokes her head into the room. She looks around, then hesitantly enters. A rather rude boy comes in right after her, bumping her shoulder and knocking her out of the way. She frowns, but doesn't say anything. Instead, she checks the seating chart, and finds herself sitting next to me. I look over at the chart, noting her name.
"Kelly Drane?" I ask. She nods her head. "Where have I heard... Oh! Your sister is a kindergarten teacher over at the elementary school, right?"
Her mouth makes an O shape. "Yes, how did you know?"
"I ran into her earlier while dropping my sister off."
"Hey, be careful," A guy behind me warns, dropping his hand between the two of us. "You might catch her sickness."
"What sickness?" I ask.
The girl just looks down at her feet.
The guy laughs. "She can't stand up for herself, so make sure to punch down on her as hard as you can!"
I smack the guy's arm away. "Like I care. I prefer people like her over idiots like you."
He sneers at me, but says nothing, instead turning back to talk to one of his friends.
"Thanks," Kelly mutters. "You didn't have to do that."
"Clearly you won't stand up for yourself, so somebody has to."
She just blushes and looks down at the desk.
As the students are talking, a girl walks into the room. She looks to be an elementary schooler, but is wearing a lab coat. She's carrying a step stool, which she places at the front of the room, and steps on, then claps her hands.
"Okay, students! Time for class! Please settle down!"
"That's our teacher?" a girl asks.
"That's right!" the teacher says, shooting her an evil look. "I may look small, but I've been dealing with kids like you for longer than you've been alive!"
"How old are you?" one of the boys asks.
"Ah, nope! You can't ask a woman her age! Just know that I've been to college for a degree to teach you kids, so I expect you to listen. Now, let me begin by introducing myself. I am Mrs. Carter, and I will be your science teacher. Science can be dangerous if done improperly, so please do listen to my instructions carefully."
Kelly looks over at me. Her eyes are saying it all.
I sigh. "Yes, that's my mother."
Mrs. Carter claps her hands. "Now, now! Just because you're my son doesn't mean that I'll tolerate you talking in class. Drake Carter, please do pay attention, or you'll get no dessert tonight."
That draws a few chuckles, but I just roll my eyes. My mother has fun teaching, and must be pretty effective at it to still be doing it after all this time despite being less than 5 feet tall.
Though there isn't much to do on the first day of school, I make sure to pay attention and get to know as many of my classmates as possible. Kelly sticks close to me in the classes that we share, as well as in between classes. At lunch, she sits at the same table as I do. Though the one kid was rude to her, most people seem to be treating her well.
After school, Kelly meets up with me, and we walk out the front door of the school together. She hands me a slip of paper with her number on it, then runs off. She doesn't say very much. Not now, or earlier during school. I don't know if she's just shy or what.
I walk out to the parking lot, where Audrey is waiting for me alongside Jasmine.
"Who was that?" Jasmine asks.
"A girl that I met," I tell them.
"Oh?" Jasmine tries to raise her eyebrows but fails. "You already got a girlfriend on the first day of school?"
I roll my eyes. "Please. She's just a friend. Enough about me, how was school for you, kid?"
"Fun! I made lots of friends! If your relationship with that cute girl doesn't work out, let me know and I'll hook you up with one of them!"
"Hard pass. Audrey, thanks for coming to pick me up. Mother has a club to advise, so she'll be home late."
"I know. She's a smart woman, so she's a good choice for the science club!"
"She's more than a little bit crazy about science, but I guess that's what makes her a good teacher."
"Exactly! You have to be passionate about what you love!"
Audrey is an artist, so I'm sure she's passionate about making art. Unfortunately, passion doesn't always convert into cash, which is what we really need. But she seems really happy.
"Are you wearing my panties?" Jasmine asks.
"Of course not," I tell her.
"Should I even ask what all of this is about?" Audrey asks.
I groan. "Jasmine thought it would be funny to hand me her panties when we got close to her school, then ran off. I had to hide them in my bag all day."
"Can you give me them back, then?" Jasmine asks.
"We're in a parking lot right now, surrounded by other students. Wait until we get home, and I'll give them back then," I tell her, trying to push the issue back as long as I can. After all, I am, in fact, wearing her panties.
"Hmm? I'll be waiting, then."
Audrey speaks up. "Jasmine, be sure to be nice to Drake! He really likes you, and he'll pay plenty of attention to you even without you being a trickster, okay?"
"Yes, mommy."
With that, I've brought myself some time for now, but how long can that possibly last? Audrey drives us the relatively short distance back home, and pulls into the driveway. I beeline for my room once we're home, but Jasmine is right behind me.
"Can I have my panties back now?" she asks.
"I'm sweating after gym class, so let me change first," I tell her.
Jasmine, faster than I can react, grabs hold of the waistband of my pants, and pulls them down. As she does, she also pulls down by black boxers, revealing the white panties that she gave me earlier.
"So you are wearing my panties!"
"It's not like I could leave them in my bag! What if they fell out!"
"Liar! You just want to wear my panties!"
"It isn't like that, Jasmine!"
"Hmph!" she says, crossing her arms. "You know, if you just ask nicely I'll let you wear all the clothes that you want! Our mommies don't even need to know!"
"Don't lie! I saw your eyes earlier when you were looking at my shorts, and you're wearing my panties right now! If you want to wear my clothes, just do it! You don't even need to tell me! I'll leave some panties that I've never worn to one side of my drawer and won't ever need to know about them."
I sigh. I mean, it's not like I don't want to wear these clothes, but it's so awkward to wear my little sister's clothes. But, then again, I don't really want to tell my mother or step mother about me wanting to wear girl's clothing.
"Do you promise to keep things a secret?" I ask.
I sigh. "Fine. You're a sweet little sister, you know that?"
She nods her head enthusiastically. "Yeah! I just want to help! I'm not trying to be a bad girl!"
"You're not. You're just a bit pushy."
I shake my head. "It's fine. Some people need a push, I guess."
"So... Can I see you wearing a dress?"
"I've already seen you naked and in panties, so nothing else could really be considered embarrassing, right?"
"I guess?"
Jasmine pulls a blue dress with a sunflower and yellow hearts on it down from the hanger in her closet, and hands it to me. It's a short dress with spaghetti straps. I kick my pants and boxers off (previously around my knees) and then throw my shirt onto the bed. Then I pull the dress on. As I do, the door opens.
As my vision returns to me, I see my mother standing at the door, staring bewildered at her teenage son wearing a little girl's dress.
"I guess you really are just like me."
My mother's first wife (my other mother) divorced her when she found out that her "husband" (my mother) wanted to be a woman. Moreover, my mother, currently wearing yellow overalls with colorful bugs on them, likes wearing childish clothing.
"It's not like it seems," I insist.
"Funny, I said that to Jessie back when she first found me dressed up, too. Just do what you makes you happy, okay, kids?"
"Okay!" Jasmine says.
"Didn't you have club activities?" I ask.
"Hmm? On the first day of school? Don't be silly, we've still got to recruit students. Speaking of, maybe you could join the science club? Sounds fun, right?"
"And you can bring your girlfriend, too. Audrey was gushing about how that cute girl you walked out with."
"It isn't like that!"
My mother's eyes go wide. "Oh! The key words to prove that things are exactly as they seem! Fantastic!" She laughs as she walks away.
I groan and fall back on the bed. The dress rides up to show the panties I'm wearing. Jasmine sits on the bed beside me.
"You know, isn't this the best result? You get to wear what you like, and everyone is happy with it?"
I grab Jasmine and hold her tight. She seems surprised at first, but then pats my head.
"There, there. You're a good... kid, Drake."
Even if everyone is fine with things, stuff like this is anxiety inducing. I don't want to be vulnerable like this. And, besides, even if my family is okay with stuff like this, most people aren't. Even in liberal California, there are bigots. Even putting that to the side, most people aren't okay with adults wearing childish clothing like what I enjoy. I can't get together with a cute girl like Ms. Drane (the teacher not the student) or anyone else if I'm like this. Mother got lucky, but most people aren't as weird as Audrey.
"It'll be okay," Jasmine promises, hugging me tight.
I fall asleep like that, with Jasmine in my arms. I wake up in the morning confused. I look down at Jasmine, who smiles at me, and with that smile, most of my anxiety melts away. Not all of it, of course, but I'm happy to know that I can be open with Jasmine, my mother, and Audrey. At least while I'm home, I can be me. Everything else can be sorted out later.
One of my favorite pastimes is fairy watching, basically sneaking down to The Fairy Gardens and trying to look up the skirts of the fairy girls who fly around there without getting caught. Fairies are extremely beautiful, and lots of them forego underwear, making it doubly exciting. Of course, if you do get caught, some bad things can happen. Lots of my friends have gotten caught, and have been forced to do stuff such as manual labor. Sometimes one of them will disappear from work for weeks on end, and when they return, they refuse to say what happened. Most don’t return to fairy watching after that.
Today, I’m wearing a bush outfit, and hiding out in a bush that sits below a large tree. It’s a bit dangerous to get in and out from here, as it is in the center of The Garden, but so long as there aren’t any fae nearby, it’s doable. You just have to be quick. And since it’s in the center of the garden, right below a big tree, there’s lots of action. I see all kinds of different panties: plain white, patterned full coverage panties, sexy black lace panties, leaf panties, thongs, but no commando fairies yet. Boo! Though, honestly, I’m not too upset. There’s been plenty to look at, regardless. I could hardly call today a failure.
Just when I’m ready to call it quits, one more fairy flies up the tree to gather honey from the bee hive up there. She uses magic to produce a white smoke, much like human beekeepers do, in order to safety get to the bees. The smoke obscures my vision a bit, but as she flies up, into the smoke, I get a good look up the fairy’s skirt, and, bingo! No panties! I quickly lift up my camera – a device which uses magic to capture still photographs – and snap the picture. No sound or lights are needed with this device, which captures the image in perfect resolution. I squat down, and look down at the screen of the camera. Yep! That’s a perfect picture! I’ve also got lots of other good pictures here, but this one is probably the best I’ve gotten in all my months of coming here.
“Ahem!” I hear a high pitch voice just above me. My face goes white as I look up, and spot the fairy from just now. She’s about a foot tall, with bronze skin, green hair (in both locations,) pink eyes, pink wings, and a dress made of leaves that stops about midway down her thighs. Her brows are furrowed in anger, directed at me.
“Uh,” is all I can manage.
“And what exactly are you doing here, human? You know that humans are banned from visiting The Garden! And you’re certainly not allowed to take upskirts of fairies!”
“Uh. Look, there’s a very good reason for this!”
“Oh? Well, I would love to hear it!”
“You see…” As I hesitate and struggle to find an excuse, fairies are crowding around to watch. Whatever is about to happen cannot be good. “I’m sorry!” I exclaim, deciding that maybe coming up with a half baked excuse isn’t the best idea. Maybe if I show that I’m truly apologetic, they’ll go easy on me! “This won’t ever happen again! I beg for your mercy!”
The girl rolls her eyes, then takes the camera from me. She flips through the photos, and glares at me in between looking at photos.
“This looks like quite a haul. And based on the position of the sun, and the growth of the bush and tree, I take it that this has been happening for quite some time. Despicable.”
With that, she takes the camera – basically a thin metal book, kind of – and snaps it in half. I nearly vomit at the thought of what she might be able to do to me if she can do that to a camera. She could snap my spine in half! And I would deserve it!
“Please!” I beg. “Take pity on me!”
I throw myself to the ground, and grovel. The fairy girls around me laugh.
“Look up,” the girl commands. I obey, and look up. A boot smashes right into my face. Admittedly, it is a tiny boot, and would, under most circumstances, do very little damage. Of course, fairies are magic, and so that one tiny boot is enough to send me flying backwards.
I wake up a second later, surrounded by snickering fairies, and draped under a mysterious cloth. All of the fairies are snickering, and quite a bit larger than I recall.
“Hmm?” I mutter, and gasp in shock at the voice that leaves my mouth. My hands fly to my neck, and, looking down, I see that not only has my voice changed, but my body, too. And I happen to be naked, so I see quite a bit…
Firstly, I’m really tiny. The cloth draped over me is the shirt I was wearing earlier, with the pants being below me. Though my size doesn’t surprise me for long as my eyes focus on one rather important spot: my groin area. While I admit that I was never super impressive in the first place, I’ve now lost even that small ounce of manliness. My dick is gone. In its place, a vagina.
I faint. I wake up some time later in a hammock, face down. I roll over to try and get an idea of my surroundings, and fall out of bed. I hear a snicker.
“You need to be more careful in hammocks, idiot!” says the familiar voice.
Sitting up and looking over, I see the pink haired fairy from earlier. She’s smirking at me. I realize now that I’m still naked, and cover my tiny breasts with one hand, and my groin with the other hand.
“Ha! What? You think I’m some perv like you? Please. Here, get dressed.”
The girl tosses me a dress. It’s rather short, and if I lift my legs up too high, everyone gets a clear view of my groin. Also, the front dips down quite a bit, leaving much of my cleavage out in the open. Still, it’s better than being naked, I suppose. I throw it on, then look at the girl.
“Okay. I’ve been changed into a fairy. Fine. Fair enough. What now?”
“Now you’ll learn just what it means to be a fairy. We’re not objects for your sexual enjoyment, you perv, you got that? We’re hard working, and we deserve respect.”
“I understand. I’m sorry for what I’ve done.”
“Oh, please! It’s too soon for you to understand! You’ll be here with me for quite some time, alright? Don’t expect that you can apologize and just go back to your every day life anytime soon! In fact, maybe once you get used to it, you might not even want to go back.”
I bow my head. I messed up, so I have to live with the consequences. My friends and family know what I’m into, so they’ll know why I’m gone for so long. Maybe I should have listened to my parents and not have done such a stupid thing. On the flip side, damn, did I get some good photos!
As I think about the photos I’ve gotten in the past, I get kind of hot. I try to shake the thoughts out of my head, and return to the present.
“Boy, look down,” the fairy girl tells me.
Maple syrup runs down my leg.
“What is this?” I ask, bringing a finger to it. It certainly is sticky like maple syrup, and the smell is also quite similar. Where is it coming from, though? I look up at the roof, and see nothing dripping. Looking back down, I follow it up my skirt to…
“When fairies get horny, they drip maple syrup,” the girl explains.
“They what? Wait, the syrup that we eat-”
“Stop that line of thinking right there! No! That is not for eating! Not any more than human fluids are, at least!”
“So what is it for?” I ask.
The girl crosses her arms, and huffs. “Goooooood, you humans really are stupid. It’s for impregnation! You just-” she waves her arm around. “And then a baby comes out, roughly six months later!”
“I don’t think I quite caught all of that.”
“That’s fine! You won’t be needing that knowledge, not unless you plan to stay here! And if you do, then you can find that out later!”
I blink. “Okay.”
“Okay, great! Now, stick those horny thoughts aside, alright? You’re going to be doing work, okay? First things first, since you’re a fairy now, you’ll need a new name. What was your human name?” She holds her hand up as I start to open my mouth. “Trick question! That doesn’t matter! Your new name is Blossom!”
“Yeah, okay. As long as it isn’t something like Maple Leaf. That would be like naming yourself Cumrag, or something.”
“No dirty jokes! You got that?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good, good. My name is Willowheart. I’m a beekeeper, as I’m sure you’ve realized from watching me.”
“And what work will I be doing?” I ask.
“Lots! We’ll start you off with my line of work, since that’s what you interrupted! Follow me!”
We fly out of Willowheart’s home. Outside, there are lots of fairies buzzing about, going about their everyday lives. They enter their homes in tree hollows, pick berries, pollinate flowers using special tools, gather honey, check on the health of trees, and more.
One interesting thing that I’ve noticed in the past, and I notice now as well, is that there are no male fairies. All seem to be female.
“Are there no boy fairies?” I ask.
“No. As mentioned, the fluid from before is used for reproductive purposes. Everyone here is capable of either impregnating, or being impregnated. Or even both at the same time. It’s far more efficient than what you humans do.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” I nod my head. Though, really, I think humans have been doing plenty well. We’ve got cities, technology, everything you could ever need. And everywhere we go, fairies come along with us. We pave the way for new opportunities, bringing fairies far beyond where their tiny bodies would otherwise be able to travel. And, yes, the fae have helped humanity, as well. Magic, medicine, and food production have all been boosted by fairies.
I consider this for a bit longer as we fly to our destination, the large tree from before.
“So does that mean that you’re all lesbians?”
“From a technical aspect, yes, although it is strange to put a label on it when it is literally all that we can do. Our only other option would be to try a romantic relationship with a human. Please!”
Lesbian relationships are plenty common among humans, as well as other humanoid species. One study has found that up to 50% of dwarven relationships are homosexual. And orcs, though they don’t form monogamous pairs, freely have sex with other orcs regardless of sex.
I can’t help but imagine myself in the future, having stayed in The Fairy Gardens, with a hot lesbian wife, having gay fairy sex with her.
“Hey! You’re dripping!” Willowheart grabs me by the shoulder, and drags me down into the grass bellow. “I told you to keep pervy thoughts out of your mind!”
I blush wildly as I think of my fluids dripping on a poor unsuspecting passerby down below. Being a fairy seems really rough. Imagine if you were a human and suddenly cum came raining down from the sky! Ah, actually, that reminds me of a prank my friends pulled back in high school. I digress.
Willowheart cuts a chunk off of a nearby leaf, and hands me it. I wipe the syrup off my leg, then carefully stand back up. It seems to be gone.
“Sheesh. You’re really just a bag of horny, aren’t you? Even underwear might not be enough to keep you in check, I might have to throw you in a diaper.”
“No need,” I insist. “I would prefer to be wearing underwear right now, though. As it is, anyone can…”
“Anyone can look up your skirt and see your genitals? Jeez, how invasive! I can’t imagine such a thing! Anyhow, for us fae, we’re not interested in that! We aren’t perverts like you humans! We only care about that if it is with someone that we like, and even then, we’re smart enough to be able to understand when a situation is not about sex! Now, come on! We’re way behind schedule!”
We hurry to the tree. There are a few other fairies buzzing around, collecting honey. One fairy is the dedicated smoke creator, making sure that the bees are kept calm. One other fairy is wearing a long white robe, and I’m told that she’s a healer.
“In the event that something goes wrong, a bee sting to a fairy is a lot more serious than a bee sting to a human. We’re only about 1% of your body mass, so the poison is potentially lethal. Of course, most of us aren’t stupid, so mistakes never really happen, but you should always be careful. Also, since you’re here, and you are stupid, we made sure that a cleric would be here.”
I can’t argue with that, and am actually happy that, if worst comes to worst, I’ll have someone here to save me. Hopefully that won’t happen, though.
I follow Willowheart to the hives above. From down below, they had looked like natural hives, but they are in fact man-made. Or, rather, fairy-made. They have hinges for easy access to the honey, wax, and bees. This way, not only can they collect honey and wax as needed, but also keep a close eye on the health of the hive.
At first, I was worried about the huge bees around me, but the smoke does its job. I wish I were wearing a beekeeper outfit like humans do, but at the very least, no bees attack me, so I consider this a success.
We fly down with vats of honey, then back up, and down again. We work for hours, collecting honey and wax. When the supervisor thinks that this is enough, she gives the signal, and we all retreat from the hive. Once everyone is clear, the smoker quits sending out smoke, and we leave, with nobody harmed.
I fly away, exhausted and tense. I hope the other jobs won’t leave me feeling like I’m dying.
“So, what’s next?” I ask.
“It’s night, so it’s time to rest,” Willowheart says.
“Oh, good.”
“Well, normally, anyhow. You’re still on probation, so you’re getting a night shift.”
I groan. “Fine. Where at?”
“Brothel. Clearly you’re not able to keep yourself from getting horny, so maybe this is a perfect fit for you. Oh, but be careful of River. She’s a bit handsy.”
Willowheart says nothing more, so I guess I’ll just find out when I get there.
The brothel is located in the heart of town, and clearly marked. Plenty of women come and go as we approach. As we enter, a chubby fairy with dark skin and blue wings and hair comes running up to us, and throws her arms around Willowheart. Her hands start to wander down south.
“Willowheart! I knew you would be back! My love, our last session was just-”
“I’m not here for myself today, River!” she says, pushing the overly enthusiastic woman off of her. “This is the new girl, Blossom! She can’t keep her mind straight, so I want you to get rid of her horniness.”
“By the time I’m done with her, she might just be extra horny, I think!” River says, grabbing me by the hips and pulling me towards her.
“Hey!” Willowheart growls, smacking her hand away from me. “I don’t mean as a customer! Make her work!”
“Only if she consents.”
“I do,” I say, shrugging. I mean, this certainly sounds like the place to be.
“Great! Here comes your first customer now!”
A shy looking fairy walks in. She’s wearing a sunflower themed dress, and has golden hair and wings, and green skin. She looks around the room, her eyes pausing on the three of us.
“I think I might scare her away if I approach her,” River says. “Why don’t you two go talk to her?”
“Fine, but just so we’re clear, I’m not working here!” Willowheart says.
“The offer is always open!” River says, running off to attend to other customers.
Willowheart and I approach the nervous looking fae girl.
“Hey, there. First time?” Willowheart asks. The girl nods her head. “Alright, no worries! This girl here is Blossom, I’m sure you’ve heard of her already! She’s the one that used to be a human boy.”
The girl nods her head. “I heard that she might be working here tonight, and was curious…”
“Ah, I see. Well, she’s all yours! Oh, so long as you can pay and provide proper ID, of course. And she doesn’t know a lot about fairies, so you can probably teach her quite a bit!”
Looking down at the girl’s long, slender legs, I can tell that a bit of sap is leaking down. She holds her hands over her bottom area, and clenches her legs.
“Y-yes! Of course!”
Once she pays up and offers her ID, I head up to the room with her. Halfway up, I wonder to myself what exactly I’m getting myself into. Of course, as syrup drops from my legs, I realize that I kind of have an idea, or at least an idea of what I would like.
“So, I didn’t get a look at your ID. What was your name?” I ask as we enter the room. Fairy brothels are rather nice, with soft cotton beds, and live flowers growing out from the leaf walls. Rooms are soundproofed with magic so that the people in the next room don’t hear you.
“Vine,” she whispers.
“Oh? Why are you called that?” I ask. I had expected something like Sunflower. She has golden hair and green skin, after all, and is dressed in a sunflower motif.
She looks down at the floor awkwardly. “Maybe it would be better to show you…”
She unbuttons her dress, and as if by instinct, I look away, before remembering what job I’m doing here. I bring my full attention to Vine as her dress drops. Below, she’s wearing a one piece black body suit which clings tightly to her skin. And, as she unzips the bodysuit and lets it drop to the floor, I can see now why she is called Vine.
This girl has a dick. A long, green dick with thorns. Thankfully they don’t look sharp, but, uh…
“What? I thought that all fairies…” I trail off. That they what? Were all girls? I don’t know for a fact that Vine isn’t yet. But they can all get pregnant, right?”
“I’m a slightly different species from the ones you’re familiar with. We come from an island which had been isolated for quite a few centuries. We once ran low on numbers, and actually used humans and magic in order to continue our lineage, leading to this, ah, situation.”
“Oh. And are all of your species, uh… like you?”
She shakes her head. “No. Most do not have a penis, and those that do typically do not have thorns. Oh, but don’t worry, they don’t hurt. They feel rather good, from what I’ve been told, though, uh, this is my first time, so…”
“Hey, don’t worry! It’s my first time, too! Even back when I was a human, i was single, so, uh…”
We stand there awkwardly for a second.
“Right. Should we begin, then?” I ask, pulling my dress off quickly. Vine shrieks as I do. “I’m sorry!” I tell her, quickly pulling it back on.
“No, no! This is what I came here for! I just – I wasn’t expecting it! It’s okay.” She takes a deep breath. “Alright. Take it off.”
Vine’s vine is standing at attention. She’s also dripping syrup, and I notice that I am, too. I feel rather sheeping as I take my dress off, and I blush like mad.
Vine is like a woman possessed! I’ve barely got the dress over my head, when she tackles me onto the ground. She presses down on me, her hands on my breasts, one leg squeezing against my vagina. The ground is already sticky with our fluids, and as she massages my breasts, rubs her knee into my vagina, and sucks on my neck, we can’t help but release more and more.
Vine’s sits up, and moves forwards, sitting on my belly. Her dick lies near my breasts, syrup slowly but steadily pouring out and onto my body. She uses her hands to bring the syrup up to my breasts, and goes back to massaging, this time massaging the sticky liquid onto my breasts. It feels kind of gross, but the smell also seems to be something of an aphrodisiac for fairies, as I’m getting more and more horny.
Finally, I think Vine has had enough of doing this on the floor, as she gets up, and grabs my arm, pulling me up with her. She then basically drags me to the bed, and pushes me down onto it. Of course, I put up no resistance.
She crawls up onto me, and slowly positions herself as to allow her vine to enter my vagina.
“Eep!” I shriek, realizing what exactly is going on. I’ve imagined having sex lots of times, but I’ve always been the penetrator! I was too horny to think about it, but is she about to put that in me?
“Relax,” she whispers, stroking my face. “I know you may be unaccustomed to such a thing, but just let yourself go and enjoy it.”
I gulp, and nod my head. I won’t lie, I’m really horny. I want it. Hell, I might even need it.
I spread my legs so that Vine has plenty of room to move around down there. First, she fits a few fingers in to get my vagina ready. I’m not used to this, so even this much is almost too much to bear. I whimper a bit, but my horniness beats out my fear.
“Keep going,” I whisper as she pulls her fingers out.
“Poor girl. You need it bad, don’t you?”
I nod my head.
“Hmm. Well, maybe I won’t give it to you. Not unless you ask me to.”
“Please,” I mutter.
“Aww, aren’t you adorable? Just for you, then.”
Vine grabs me by the waist, and slowly brings her dick to my vagina. I tremble as she touches it to me, and then pauses.
“Are you ready?” she asks. I nod my head.
Slowly, she enters me. I gasp as her vine penis with thorns on it goes in smoothly. The syrup might not make great lube for humans, but the fairy body seems to be good with it. The thorns, as promised, are not painful or sharp. It’s probably like having a textured dildo inside of you.
Vine lets me get used to that feeling of a dick inside of me for a moment, then begins slowly pumping it in and out. I moan, and reach out for her. I pull her closer, wanting her to be inside of me, deeper and deeper. More than anything, I need her.
As she goes in and out, Vine’s dick slowly grows. It’s a strange feeling to feel her penis grow inside of me, but not unpleasant. I want more.
“Faster,” I beg.
“As you wish,” she smiles.
Vine ramps it up, thrusting her penis into me with wild abandon. I can’t stop gasping as she pushes it deeper and deeper with each thrust. As she does, her arms grab my waist, and push me towards her.
Suddenly, I feel something erupt inside of me. Vine groans, and slowly pulls herself out. Something like yellow powder is mixed in with the syrup.
“What is that?” I ask.
I hate myself for what I’m about to ask.
“Can I taste it?”
“Please do!”
Vine sits at the edge of the bed, and spreads her legs to welcome me. I lean in, and take her vine penis into my mouth. The syrup surrounding it is sickly sweet, and the pollen is slightly bitter, though not bad tasting at all. But I’m not here just for a taste.
I push her dick deeper into my mouth, and roll my tongue around it. She laughs at me a bit – I’m clearly not experienced at this – and pushes me into her groin. It’s probably also much weirder than a normal blowjob, since the entire time she is secreting the syrup, which dribbles out of my mouth and down my chin onto the ground.
It isn’t long before Vine blows her load once more, this time into my mouth. The full force of the pollen hits me, and I try to swallow as much as I can. Most drips out of my mouth onto the ground, though, as there’s just too much, especially with the syrup too.
Exhausted, I lean back onto the ground. Vine must be just about wiped, too, as she leans back onto the bed, her dick sticking straight up into the sky.
“I don’t think I can go back to the human world after that,” I tell her.
She giggles. “Wow, I knew you enjoyed it, but was my dick really so magical that you can never go back to being human?”
“It just felt so right,” I tell her.
“Maybe you were born to be a slutty fairy girl, after all.”
“It’s hard to deny that!”
She laughs, and sits back up. “Tell you what, if you stay here, I’ll be sure to visit you often. Whether you work as a prostitute or as something else, you’ll always have me here to pleasure you.”
“I don’t know what I’m going to do, but work at a brothel sounds pretty good. And this way I’ll be able to try topping someone next time.”
“Don’t get too used to it, babe! I’ll be back with my dick soon enough to put you in your place!”
“And I’ll enjoy it!”
I dress and return downstairs, where Willowheart is waiting for me. I note that she’s wearing a different dress than before. River gives me a wink, suggesting that maybe Willowheart wasn’t just staying down here and waiting.
“Willowheart, I apologize once more for what I did,” I say, bowing. “I regret it, but I think that it may have given me a chance to be where I truly belong. River, if you’ll have me, I would like to work here permanently.”
“With pleasure!” she says.
“You humans are so weird,” Willowheart shakes her head. “So many of you do such foolish things, and many of you never learn your lessons. I don’t know if you have or not, but I can’t deny that I feel a bit better, at least, seeing the look on Vine’s face.”
I look over at Vine, who is looking away, and blushing wildly, a stupid grin on her face.
I take her hands, and she turns towards me. I plant a kiss on her lips, and she gasps in surprise.
“Visit me anytime, Vine. I’ll always be here for you.”
She nods her head, now suddenly way more shy than she was in the bedroom.
Let me be honest: my human life kind of sucked. I had a few friends, sure, but they weren’t important. And though I will miss my family, I think I may be able to find a new family here. Besides, it isn’t too uncommon for someone to leave home and never see their family again. Adventurers, traders, warriors, many people leave their homes for many different reasons. This is just one more reason. I found where i belong. What else can I ask for?
The newly crowned king of San Peligro, King Herold, has been searching for a wife since before he took the throne. But now, as king, the need for a wife has grown even more important. After all, he has a duty to continue his lineage. His father, the highly popular and eccentric ex-king, has been telling him that he can just use magic to reproduce if he really needs to. But, of course, the ex-king hasn’t been much help, having stepped down from the throne to pursuit his love of theater.
King Herold has his eyes set on the perfect woman, though. There’s a big problem, though: that woman is my sister! And she isn’t interested in him in the least!
“Are you kidding me!” Tiff says, kicking her boiling cauldron. “I’m an alchemist! I can’t settle down and become a queen! I’m too busy!”
“And might I inquire exactly what you’re brewing?” I ask, staring at the boiling cauldron. Surely, she must be cooking up something nasty…
“Gumbo! I can’t think of how to deal with this on an empty stomach!”
“Ah. I thought you were planning to poison him.”
“Be careful. People like him.”
She sticks her tongue out at me. “If that’s the case, maybe one of them should mary him!”
I sigh. He certainly has no shortage of admirers. Any villager, regardless of gender, would kill to mary the king. And not just because he’s the king, mind you. He’s handsome, well educated, graceful, and well hung, if rumors are to be believed. Of course, when you’re king, you can pay for those kinds of rumors to circulate.
Anyhow, for now, we sit down and eat some gumbo. It does us no good to complain about this on an empty stomach.
When she’s satisfied, my sister lies down on her back, lazing about on the floor like a dog. She smiles, as if all of her worries melted away within the cauldron.
“So, have you come up with a plan?” I ask as I listen to her hum a tune.
“Oh. I’m surprised. You tend to be pretty air headed, so I figured you would have some trouble. So, what’s the plan?”
“Easy! Ever heard the story of Thor and the giants? He crossdressed in order to get back his most prized possession: his hammer!”
“So, all you have to do is crossdress, and then–” she paused. “Oh, that story ended with Thor killing all of the guests, didn’t it?”
“That would certainly be one way to end the marriage,” I tell her.
She shrugs. “Well, I wouldn’t encourage that, but I think that maybe you can just make me seem really gross, so that he no longer wishes to marry me!”
“And why don’t you do that yourself?” I ask.
She points at her cauldron, then at a large stack of herbs beside it. “I need to process over 100 flasks of medicine by morning. They’re supposed to go out tomorrow to a remote village that has no alchemists. Unless you can do that for me, I’m afraid that you’ll just have to crossdress.”
“And why don’t you just get other alchemists to help you? Or, better yet, wait to gross the king out later? Maybe invite him here, and let him see all of your gross habits.”
She glares at me. “The other alchemists care about nothing but profit! And there is no profit to be had in sending expensive medicines out to poor, isolated villages! And the king is a busy man, Nicolas. I cannot ask him to wait forever!”
I shake my head. When my sister gets one of her crazy ideas like this, it can be hard to get her to see reason. But fine, I’m a fine actor, having studied under the old king, so I can do this no problem. Moreover, even if my sister and I aren’t twins, we do look rather similar. In fact, more than once I’ve heard her name called out in the market when, in fact, they were looking at me.
My sister’s eyes glimmer with a hint of evil. I want to back out, but there’s no going back now. She’s on me like a hyena, and within minutes – as she is literally magic with a brush – my face looks ever so slightly different. I look just like my sister, with makeup highlighting my best features. And then, with a thread and a lot of magic, she alters my outfit. Before I can even blink, I find myself suddenly wearing a rather fancy gown and a tight corset.
“I sometimes wonder if you’re truly an alchemist, or just a witch,” I say.
“The best alchemists are a bit of both,” she winks.
Well, I’m dressed the part, now. I suppose there’s no reason to hesitate.
“I’m off to see the king, then,” I tell her.
“Good, good! Be sure to make him realize just how gross I am, but do NOT do anything stupid! Remember, I still want to live in this kingdom!”
“Of course. I love you, Tiff , even if you are an idiot.”
She pouts, then laughs, and gives me a quick hug. I feel her stuff something into my pocket.
“Just in case you need them,” she she says.
Checking my pocket, I find that she’s stuffed some condoms in there.
“I won’t.”
Having now spoiled the mood, I leave Tiff behind, and head for the castle. The old king believed in being among the people, so his castle is built in the center of town right alongside plenty of other houses. You don’t even have to walk a block from the castle to find tiny huts. And the royal family gets their foods and clothes from the same markets as everyone else.
The king, of course, has guards, and informants. If something goes on in town, he generally knows about it. So, by the time I make my way to the castle, the doors are open for me, and the butler bows, and invites me in.
“Thank you for your hospitality,” I say, bowing to the butler.
“What a well-mannered woman! Please, make yourself at home!”
Oh boy. Normally when someone says something like that, I still find myself restraining myself. But here, I’m trying to make a poor impression. So, I sit down on the couch, throw my legs over the side of the couch, and lean down as I wait for the new king. A maid comes by with chocolates, so I help myself to them.
“Nice to see that you’ve taken my butler’s words to heart,” a deep voice says.
I look up, and see the king, himself. My heart skips a beat as I look up at the tall, muscular, sun-tanned prince. His long hair and mustache are expertly groomed, and though his clothes are tidy and clean, they’re not extravagant. They’re nice, mind you, but the king does not waste the tax money that the crown brings in.
I stand up, and bow to the king. “King Herold, my lord, it is an honor.”
He laughs. “Oh, no need for such formalities! I’m very happy that you came to see me today, Tiff. I’m sure you know that I’m interested in you. I’ve been you about town, running around and helping people. And your experiments have been a boon, not just to our city, but to the various cities abroad. I have great respect for you.”
“My lord, I’m most gracious for your kind words.”
He shakes his head. “Please, just relax. Are you hungry? I’ve prepared a meal.”
Note those words: “I’ve prepared a meal.” The king does not mean that his cooks have prepared the meal, he truly means that he has prepared it. King Herold is a culinary master, and it is said that even the pickiest eater will be left licking the plate at the end of a meal served by the king.
I follow King Herold to the dining hall. It is, like any other part of his estate, well decored, but not wasteful. I admire the king for that. Many other nations go all out, but sometimes less is more.
The king’s maids bring out the feast. There are griffon skewers, dragon thighs, even shaved ice taken from the body of a snow golem for dessert. I make sure to be polite but gross as I tuck into the feast. I pick my nose when he isn’t looking, I use the wrong utensils, I burp, and, yes, I even lick the plate. You would, too, if you were to taste any of this!
“You have quite the appetite,” the king says.
“My lord, with food like this, I could eat until my organs burst. Truly, you are an expert in the culinary field.”
“Lady Tiff, I must thank you for the compliments. I work hard to make such delicious foods. And I admire others who work hard at what they love. You with your alchemy, for instance.”
“Of course, sir. Alchemy is my true love.”
He smiles at that, and looks at me intently. “But is it really?”
He leans back and laughs. “Oh, Nicolas, your sister really is rather good at alchemy, but did you think we wouldn’t find out about this?”
“No, actually. I’m surprised that you saw through all of this. How could you tell?”
“I have magical advisors. They watch anyone who walks in, and can tell me any and all magical effects that may be active. In your case, they saw through your disguise, though, I must say, even without the disguise, your resemblance to your sister is uncanny.”
“I apologize for deceiving you, my lord, but I’m afraid that my sister simply isn’t interested.”
The king shakes his head. “No, don’t be sorry. If she isn’t interested, she isn’t interested. It is unfortunate, but I must look past that. I have a nation to deal with, and I’ll need a queen by my side to help me.”
“There is no shortage of interested women.”
“Perhaps not, but there is a shortage of interesting women. No offense to them, but I’m a picky man. There is only one woman in this village that I could love, and she has turned me down.”
“I’m sorry, sir. There are other villages, though.”
“Maybe so. Still, I needn’t look so far.”
“My lord?”
The king looks intently at me, staring me right in the eyes. “Nicolas, this may seem rather sudden, but I’m just as interested in you as I am in your sister. You may not be an alchemist, but you’re by Tiff’s side constantly, helping her get what she needs. You would be the perfect queen for me.”
“But I am a man, my good lord.”
“Do you see how you are dressed? You look more beautiful than any woman in the village. And I know this isn’t the first time you’ve done such a thing for your sister. She isn’t one for meetings, really.”
“No, sir, she isn’t. I’ve stepped in for her on several occasions. This includes meeting with your advisors, of course. We don’t mean to fool you, she simply doesn’t like such things.”
“I understand. I’m a rational man, as are you. But I also have a rather keen eye. Tell me, do you not find me attractive? I see the way that your eyes look upon me. Even when I’m walking ahead of you.”
“My lord, anyone in this village would agree with me in saying that you are, without a doubt, a very handsome man.”
He smiles, and lays a hand down on the table before me, facing upwards. “Would you care to join me in a more secluded location, perhaps?”
Is the king… asking me to have sex? Even if you’re a straight man, you cannot say no to such a thing! And not just because he’s the king, but because he’s so damn hot!
I gulp. My body is hot, and I’m definitely turned on by the idea of having sex with the king. I take his hand.
The king’s hand is large, strong, firm, but gentle. He leads me up the stairs to his private quarters. There, he swiftly throws his shirt off, then turns towards me. I stare at his perfect abs, nervous. I’ve never actually done anything with anyone, male or female.
King Herold tilts my head up, and as I stare into his chocolate brown eyes, he slowly leans in to kiss me. As he does, I rest my hands against his chiseled chest.
After a moment, King Herold pulls away, and looks down at me once more. My heart is beating faster than it ever has before. My head is spinning. It’s almost like a spell has come over me. Maybe one has. But I’m too turned on to care right now.
The king traces a finger behind my back across the corset. The laces untie themselves, and the corset falls to the ground. He keeps one hand on my back, slowly rubbing my backside as his other hand caresses my cheek.
“If you want me to stop, just tell me.”
I shake my head. “No. Keep going. Please.”
I wake up in the morning wearing just a bra and panties. The king is naked beneath some sheets. I wonder for a second just what happened last night, and then the memories hit me all at once. I cover my face in embarrassment. I can’t believe I actually slept with him! What was I doing?
The king wakes up, and looks over at me.
“Is there something wrong?” he asks. He rubs one of his eyes, trying to wipe the sleep away.
“N-no, my lord.”
King Herold takes my hand, and kisses it. “After last night, there is no need to call me by that. Call me Herold, if you will. Or, if you prefer, you can call my your boyfriend?”
“B-boyfriend?” I just about pass out at the idea. “H-Herold, sir, I can’t possibly call you that!”
“Was last night so bad?”
“No! It was fantastic! Just – look, I’m just a nobody! You couldn’t take someone like me as a queen!”
“Why not? My father married a milk maid. We don’t care about your standing.”
“True enough, but what do we tell people?”
He shrugs. “What do you want to tell them? Shall you masquerade as Tiff, or will Nicolas be my queen? Or perhaps Nicole?”
“I… I think we should move slowly. But, perhaps we should mess with my sister a bit? I have an idea.”
Hours later, I arrive at my sister’s hut outside of town. She answers the door, and I step through sheepishly, dressed as I was when I left last night.
“How did things go?” she asks. “I was worried when you didn’t come back. I thought maybe they were going to kill you.”
“Things went well!”
“Oh, good! He’s not interested in me, then?”
“Oh. About that. The wedding is on!”
I hand her a wedding invitation, marked with the king’s seal. It says, “Please join us for the marriage of King Herold and Lady Tiff, this Friday at noon!” among other things.
“What the hell is this?” Tiff asks, smacking me over the head. But she can tell by the way that I’m laughing that this isn’t real.
“Relax!” I tell her. “The king isn’t interested in marrying you.”
“Ah, but there is a catch?”
“Huh? What kind of catch?”
“You see, he may not be interested in marrying you, but he’s marrying your twin! Me!”
“This is a joke, right?”
She squeals and hugs me tight. “Oh my gods! I’m so happy for you! If you need anything for the wedding, I’m your girl!”
“Alright, slow down! For now, I’m simply the king’s girlfriend.”
“Hmm? Girlfriend? He knows you’re a guy, right?”
“Yeah, but I do make a better girl than you do, so for now we’re sticking with girlfriend. Things may change in the future. Who knows? For now, though, I do have to tell you something.”
“And that is?”
“The rumors about the king? They’re true.”
“Which ones?”
I look around, then get in close, and whisper, “The one about him being hung like a horse. He’s giant!”
Tiff pumps me for details. Having girls’ talk with my sister is weird, but it’s also exciting. I’ve had feelings for other people before, but I’ve never actually gone so far as sleeping with them. I never had imagined that I would be doing that on my first date, and with the king of all people!
Of course, it won’t be all fun and games. As queen, I’ll have some important duties. I’ll also have to continue assisting my sister with certain things. But, hey, I’m dating the hottest guy in the nation, so I’m happy overall. Hopefully, though, my sister won’t drag me into more weird situations.
“We’re sorry, but your voice is just a bit too… masculine for this character.”
“I’m afraid that it just isn’t what we’re looking for.”
“It just doesn’t fit the character.”
“Well, the character is a girl, you see.”
Rejection after rejection after rejection. I’ve been trying to break into the voice actress scene for a while now, doing dubbing for foreign films, anime, and cartoons. Unfortunately, I’ve just hit brick wall after brick wall. I’m rarely called on for auditions, and when I do, the people in charge of casting are less than enthused. I don’t know if it’s because I’m transgender, or if I lack talent, or if I simply don’t fit the roles, but I’ve been passed over time and time gain.
I take a deep sigh and lie down on my couch. My roommate leans against the back of the couch, and offers me a can of Pepsi.
“No good today, either?” she asks.
“Another failure,” I tell her.
My roommate Marcy is also a voice actress, a newbie like me, but she seems to be able to land more roles. Maybe because she’s cisgender and pretty, but maybe it’s just because she’s so good. The few times I’ve heard her audition, she took my breath away. When I train with her, I sometimes get goosebumps. She deserves the roles that she’s getting, no doubt.
“Have you considered auditioning for transgender roles?” she asks.
“If one would come up, sure. But how many canonically trans characters come up?”
“Good point. And when they do come up, they’re filled by cis guys pretending to be girls.”
“I know, right! Maybe it isn’t so bad for voice acting, but for live action stuff? It drives me up a wall!”
I sit up on the couch to make room for Marcy, who thanks me and sits down elegantly. She has beautiful long legs that she likes to show off in short shorts and skirts. She really is the ideal woman.
“Is that a look of envy of lust?” she asks, giggling.
“Ah, sorry!” I say, looking away.
“It’s fine, it’s fine! I know that I’m hot, so you and anyone else who wants can stare all they want!”
I sigh. “I really wish I had your confidence.”
“Then stop wishing and start acting! Do you think that I’m naturally this confident? No! I’m an anxious mess beneath this facade! But I’m playing up the character of a confident woman, and you should do! Half the battle is in your head, you know?”
“Yeah! You can’t win a fight if you’ve already lost in you mind!”
“I’m not really planning on fighting anyone, though…”
“Come on, Hina, not literally! I mean, it might apply to literal fights too, but I mean auditions! You’re fighting for your life behind that mic, making the best impression possible!”
“I’m not sure that’s how it works.”
“It is! You need to slay your enemies – the other auditioning voice actresses – with your words!”
“Are we still talking about voice acting?”
“Yes! Listen, you’re a good actress, okay? But if you hesitate, then that’s it! You know that directors can smell fear! They’re like sharks in that way! Just one drop of blood, and it’s all over!”
“Marcy, I can barely wrap my brain around half of what you say.”
“Okay! Listen to just this, then, okay? Be confident! You’re a good actress! Our manager has another audition lined up for both of us this weekend! It’s a special role, a pair of girlfriends! And we have to audition as a pair!”
“That’s weird.”
“How so? I think we would make a lovey-dovey couple!”
Marcy embraces me, and squeezes me tight. She rubs her face against mine, and I can feel my body quickly getting warm.
“Alright, alright!” I say, pushing her off of me. “I think it’s a bit too warm for this level of skinship. Can you email me the script we’ll be reading off of?”
“Already done! Check your email!”
I grab my phone, and pull up my email app. Sure enough, the script and details about the roles are there. I take some time reading over the information, then open up the script on my phone, and signal for Marcy to start us off.
Suddenly, it’s like a switch has been flipped in Marcy’s brain. Her brilliant smile turns to an expression of pain, and her bubbly personality to one of despair.
“Jessie!” she cries out, holding her hand towards me. “Please! Don’t do this! Think of all that we’ve been through together! We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve suffered pain that nobody else could even imagine! And through all of that, we smiled!”
I wear a face of disgust as I glare at her. “And what was it all for? We lost everything we had ever cared about! My family! My job! My friends! Everything I had ever had was taken away from me! And yet I’m expected to just grin and bear it?”
“No! You don’t have to just grin and bear it! I’m here for you!”
“You’re only here for yourself! You used me as a plaything!”
“That’s not true!”
“And where were you when I needed you? When I was kicked out of my house, you were living in the lap of luxury! When I lost my job, you were enjoying preferential treatment at your father’s office!”
“I couldn’t tell them that I was gay! They would have abandoned me!”
“Oh, pity! My family had already abandoned me! But you weren’t willing to put yourself on the ledge the same way that I was, huh? Because I was only a side character in your life!”
“You know that isn’t true!”
These two characters are lovers in a drama involving a lot of teenage angst. They’re fresh out of high school, and struggling to make things work; between their love life, jobs, and family, everything seems to be pulling them in different directions. This is the climax, where the characters have a huge argument about whether or not they are actually there for one another. Thankfully, they do end up making up, and by the end of the scene, they’re crying into the arms of one another. I guess sometimes it does you good to just put everything out there, to say just what it is, exactly, that is bothering you.
Marcy is playing it up, not just in her voice, but physically, as well. She’s actually crying, and clinging on to me.
“Eleanor,” I say, in the role of Jessie. “I don’t think I ever realized just how much you really meant to me. Truly, I’m so sorry! I–”
I pause as I read the next few lines, blushing a bit.
“Hey, I know you like method acting,” I say to Marcy, “But can we be sure not to actually act out the kiss–”
Marcy puts her hand to my face, and brings her lips to mine. I’m stunned, just sitting there with eyes wide open as her lips lightly touch mine. She pulls her face away, but keeps her hand on my face, her other resting on my thigh.
“Jessie,” she whispers. “Our love is one that was forged in the fires of war, strengthened by the shouts of hate. Now and forever, I swear upon my life that I will always put you first. I love you.”
I just blush wildly. Marcy giggles at that.
“Oh, Hina, that looks on your face really is adorable, you know!”
“You’re pushing too much!” I tell her, looking away, and pushing her away.
“Really? You’re the one groping my boob, I’m just acting out the script!”
I gasp and pull my hand away. “I’m sorry!”
She laughs, and moves away from me. “No worries, no worries! I’m the one who came onto you, there! Did we want to move to the last scene of the show, then?”
“Sure,” I sigh, happy to get this scene over with. “What happens in this scene?” I mutter, as I scan the script.
It’s a sex scene.
“I’ve actually got work to do today, I’ll see you later!” I shout, basically jumping off the couch.
“No worries! I’ll be happy to practice this scene with you any time!”
“Stop being such a pervert!”
She sticks her tongue out at me, then focuses on the script on her phone. She has a serious look on her face now. Even though she’s having fun with this, she’s also doing her best. Maybe that’s the best way to approach this.
Every day, I spend hours practicing the script. After and between college classes, after work, while in the shower, in the mornings and late night while I’m free. Whenever Marcy is also free, she joins me. We spend maybe one or two hours together every night rehearsing, thankfully without any funny business.
Finally, the day of the audition comes. I’m sweating bullets, sitting in the waiting room alongside Marcy. She seems totally chill, though, smiling and humming and scrolling through social media on her phone.
“Isn’t this dress totally cute?” she says, showing me a skimpy dress.
“Feel free to wear that, but stay clear of streets or you may cause an accident.”
Eventually, the two of us are called in for the audition. We stand behind a pair of microphones in a soundproof box, with the producer and a few others behind a glass screen. They take a second to make sure everything is good on their end, then the producer tells us to go ahead and start.
The scene is one in which the girls were messing around in Jessie’s home, when suddenly her father comes home and finds out.
“No! Dad! I can explain!” I gasp, covering my mouth, and trying to evoke a look of absolute fear and dread.
“We were just discussing skin care tips!” Marcy/ Eleanor says.
The man who is playing the father – a well known voice actor with a gruff voice – shouts over an intercom. We both flinch in surprise, not expecting his voice. My heart is legitimately racing with fear now.
“Do you think I’m a fool?” he shouts. I can feel my entire body shaking. “I’ve had by suspicions, but now it seems that I’ve been proven right! Well, no daughter of mine will be hooking up with girls!”
The characters run around the room, screaming and panting, which Marcy and I have to reproduce, as they try to evade the large man chasing after them. They eventually slip out of the room, and into the hallway.
“Which way?” Eleanor asks.
“What? No way! We have to get out!”
“Trust me! I’m your girlfriend, aren’t i?”
She hesitates for a second. “Right. Lead the way!”
The characters run upstairs, seemingly a foolish move, as how are they supposed to escape the house from up there? Well, it turns out that the attic has a secret passage out of the house that the father didn’t know of. The girls make some chaos, including spiling marbles down the stairs to slow the father down, and close doors to confuse him in regards to where they may have gone. They make it to the secret passageway in the attic, and escape from the house. The passageway twists and turns, eventually leading out into the forest behind the house.
“Why the heck do you have a passageway like that?” Eleanor asks.
“Grandma was a slut, and grandpa worked long hours! Still, she wanted to be sure to slip her partners out of the house in case he came home later! Mom uses the tunnel too, sometimes!”
“Your family is seriously messed up!”
“I know, right? But it came in handy, right?”
“Why not use the front door, though?”
“Are you kidding me? He would have a clear view of us across the living room and front yard! He was a lineman back in high school, you know! Not a good one, mind you, but he still played in a few games!”
She laughs. “Well, it’s a good thing he wasn’t in any smart clubs, huh? He may have found the passage by now!”
“Please! He makes my mom do all the cleaning, so we’re in the clear, there! Still, it’s not a good idea to stay here too long! Let’s get moving!”
The scene continues into a chase through the woods, until the girls eventually reach a cabin. There, they hide out, and wait for the father to pass by. As they do, they’re pressed up close to one another. As the fear fades, the romantic tension builds. The characters stare at one another for several seconds, and then…
Marcy leans over and kisses me on the lips. I gasp in surprise, but she gives me a serious face, telling me to continue the script. My eyes flicker to the director, who seems to have his full attention on us.
“Eleanor!” I hiss. “Is this really the time?”
She giggles. “Well, your father is gone, isn’t he?”
“We don’t know that for sure! Stay quiet, you idiot!”
Marcy pinches my cheeks. “Oh, but you’re just so cute! And besides! We kind of got interrupted back there… Don’t you want to get back to the fun?”
“You idiot, do you even realize the position we’re in? A crazed bigot is hunting us, and we’re trespassing on some random person’s property! Do you realize the danger that we’re in?”
The door to the cabin is thrown open. Heavy footsteps echo through the mostly empty house. The girlfriends huddle close together in a closet, praying they won’t be seen. The shadow of a body passes by them. They’re tense for a moment. The shadow passes, and the footsteps grow quieter, until finally, the door to the cabin is closed shut, and the characters are home free.
“Finally,” I sigh.
“Jessie?” Eleanor says, and when my character looks down, she sees the beautiful, begging face of Eleanor. “I think I may have peed my pants a little.”
I laugh. That line wasn’t in the script! She’s supposed to suggest that they get out of here immediately! I don’t know what Marcy is doing, going off script like this, but it’s best to just go along with it
“After a fright like that, I can’t blame you!” I manage to say through tears of laughter. “Come on! Let’s get out of this cabin, and somewhere safe!”
“Cut!” the director says. Marcy and I are staring at him, praying that we did good.
The people behind the glass speak for a few moments. Finally, the directer speaks up once more.
“Alright! Good job, girls! I think having an actual couple like you two work on this is a good call. Right now, you’re our first choice. We’ll call you in a week or so and let you know if you’re hired.”
“Yay!” Marcy throws her arms around me, and we fall to the floor.
“Ow!” I complain, though it’s only a halfhearted complaint. The fact of the matter is that I’m smiling and laughing. Maybe Marcy’s slight insanity is to our benefit, after all?
“Let’s get home,” I say, pushing myself off the ground. As we step out into the waiting room, Marcy grabs my hand. I look over to her, and her dazzling eyes seem fixed on mine.
“You did a good job back there… girlfriend!”
I’m dragged out of the room. Marcy is laughing her head off. I can’t help but crack a smile, too. We go out to dinner that night, and end up having fun later at home, too. I’m happy to let her have her way with me. After all, she’s super cute, and I have her to thank for bringing the best out of me.
I sit on the couch before the TV alongside my parents, each drunk out of their minds after a night of partying, but determined to be there with their only son to celebrate the star of a brand new year. The ball begins its drop, and my parents count down with drunken cheer. When the count hits zero, and the ball hits the ground, they share a quick kiss, sharing anything more explicit for later tonight.
My mother leans into my father, partially out of love and partially just unable to right herself. She asks me, “Do you have any New Year’s resolutions?”
I ball my fists, and stand up with determination. I face my parents, and tell them with all the confidence in the world, “Yes! This is going to be the year that I finally confess to Jason!”
“Hey! Finally!” My dad laughs. They know I’ve had a crush on him since middle school. For years, now, I’ve been wanting to confess to him, but I haven’t had the courage. Now, in my final year of high school, seems like the perfect time!
“So, when are you going to confess?” My mom asks.
“That… I’m not sure yet.”
“And do you have a plan?”
“Not exactly…”
“Meaning no? Well, that’s fine. But keep in mind that if you want to go to prom with him, you’ll have to ask him before any girls get to him first.”
“I know. I just… I’ll get to it, alright?”
“We believe in you, Kenny!” my dad says, raising an empty glass.
“Thanks,” I mutter. I’m glad that my parents are not just accepting, but supportive. Between being gay and crossdressing, I know that not every parent would be happy with what I do, but my parents just want me to be happy. Shouldn’t every parent want that?
I never hid who I was from my parents. Ever since I was 5, I remember being interested in girl’s clothes, and when I asked my parents to let me wear a dress, they were happy to oblige. When I entered high school, my mother also taught me how to do makeup.
One big thing, though, is societal pressure. I don’t want to be ridiculed in school, and I don’t want neighbors talking about me behind my back. When I go out crossdressed, I get changed in a public bathroom, and completely change how I look. I make sure to talk in a higher pitch, use the name Kayla, and don’t talk to anyone I know from school or the neighborhood. Anyone looking at me would just assume that I’m a cute high school girl.
At home, I constantly crossdress. Right now, I’m wearing a pink and white striped tank top, black lace shorts, and black thigh highs. I’ve also got my hair tied up in a pony tail. My natural hair is fairly short, but I’ve got several wigs that I wear. The long blonde one that I’m wearing right now is probably my favorite, but I think that it’s fun to cycle between them all. I love how I can change my look up so drastically in terms of length, color, and style.
I lie in bed thinking about how I might confess. I’m not the kind of person to make a big deal of things, and I hate that I have to actually confess. Just like I never come out as gay, it’s just a thing! It’s who I am and it doesn’t matter! So why can’t I just be with Jason without an embarrassing confession?
I smother my face with my pillow and kick my feet against the bed. Taurus, my chihuahua guard dog, barks at the sudden commotion, but quiets down as I pull him tight against my chest and give him a kiss.
“I’m sorry, boy. I’ll be quiet now, alright? This problem can wait until tomorrow.”
Of course, I say that, but my mind is still buzzing like a swarm of bees. I barely get any sleep. Unfortunately, January 1st is a Monday this year, so I wake up groggy in the morning. It doesn’t help that I have to get dressed in a plain boy’s uniform and force myself to drag my feet through another day of boredom.
Unable to sleep, I wake up early and spend a lot of time in the shower. I also make sure to shave my face, legs, and arms. I hate how quickly the hair grows. Even if I’m not trans, I might still do electrolysis or such to get these hairs off of my body permanently.
After I eat shower and eat breakfast, I return to my room to get dressed for school. I stare at my dull self in the mirror, wearing a white polo and khakis. At least my hair in this form looks fairly decent, but everything else is just sad. I throw on a school-approved gray jacket on, and head out to catch the bus.
School is a slog, but at least in my final class of the day, I can see Jason. I’ve been just walking through class like a zombie until now, but when I see him walk into class, butterflies flutter in my stomach. He nods at me, and sits in the seat in front of me.
“How was the New Years weekend?” he asks.
“Same old,” I Mumble.
“Yeah, I hear you. All I did was stay in and eat pizza. Oh, but I did watch an interesting movie!”
With a glimmer in his eyes, Jason explains the plot of the movie that he watched. Something about a girl and guy who cross through a train tunnel and mess with time. I don’t think I quite get it, but Jason seems excited about it, so I figure I’ll give it a shot. Maybe he’s just not able to give a great summary because of the limited time before class starts. I’ll be sure to talk to him on the weekend to tell him about what I thought of the movie.
Class starts, and I pay just as much attention to it as I do in any other class, which is to say zero. Jason sitting in front of me just claims all of my attention. His curly brown hair, his petite frame, his tan skin, and this overall aura of sweetness. I really do think I could melt anytime I think about him. And as I take a deep breath to try and clear my thoughts, his scent fills my body, and I just about lose it.
Somehow, I escape the class with my wits intact, though I think I mutter something about a tunnel as I leave the room. I’ll try not to cringe too hard at that thought.
The best way to clear my thoughts is to crossdress! So, as soon as I get home, I pack up some girl’s clothes and a blond wig, and head out to town. I visit a public restroom in the corner of the park that basically never gets used. Not only is it far cleaner than most restrooms around here, but since people rarely use it, I don’t ever have to worry about someone seeing me. I get dressed up in a long brown skirt, some black tights, a long sleeve floral top, a red jacket, and some brown boots, then stick my head out to make sure that nobody is watching. Once I’m sure I’m in the clear, I walk out of the bathroom. My boy’s clothes are in my backpack, along with a bit of money so I can go shopping, and maybe get a bite to eat.
I walk around downtown for a bit, doing some window shopping. I notice quite a few heads turn to look at me as I walk by. But I’m not interested in any of those weirdos. I only have eyes for Jason! Well, him and some of the cute clothes in the stores.
I’m not paying attention to where I’m walking, as I’m eying the cute clothes in the window of a store. It seems that neither is the girl that I run into, as we walk into one another, and and up sprawled on the ground.
I let out a yelp not too dissimilar to one that my puppy Taurus might let out. The girl that I ran into just hisses in pain. She eyes her hands, which seem to have been scraped as she caught herself.
“I’m so sorry!” I tell her, taking her hands to get a look at them. She pulls back, though.
“It’s fine!” she says, with obvious anxiousness in her voice. She’s a really cute girl, with long brown hair and tan skin. She’s wearing skinny jeans and a fluffy sweater with kittens on it. She looks to be about my age.
“I don’t have any bandaids on me, but let me run to the pharmacy down the street really quick, ok?”
She holds her hands back away from me, and looks up at me, before quickly looking back to the ground.
“Just stay here,” I tell her.
Moments later, I return with some bandaids, baby wipes, and an antibiotic spray. The girl is sitting on a bench, staring down at her hands.
“Are you alright?” I ask as I sit down beside her, plopping the bag of goods between us. She jumps a bit, not realizing that I had returned.
“I’m fine! Really! You didn’t have to go our of your way like this!”
“No, it was my fault that you fell. I can’t let a cute girl get hurt because of me and not do anything!”
“I’m not that cute…”
“Of course you are! Now, let me see your hands.”
She hesitates for a moment, before looking up at me, and then tentatively offering me her hands. I clean them with the baby wipes, then spray them with the antibiotic spray. She flinches as I do, but I hold her wrists firm, preventing her from pulling back. Finally, I put a bandaid on each of her hands. The scrapes are pretty tiny, but I still have to take responsibility.
“Thank you,” she mutters.
“Of course! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here before, have I? I feel like I would remember such a cute girl.”
She shakes her head. “No, I’m from out of town. I’m here visiting family. My name is Lily.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Kayla! Downtown is pretty nice, I come here pretty often.”
“You go to school around here?”
“Ah? Yeah.”
She’s quiet for a moment. “Cool. Georgetown High?”
“Right…” I nod my head. Maybe I should be careful saying where I go to school when nobody at that school has ever seen me? But it’s probably fine since Lily is from out of town.
“Same as my cousin, then. Anyhow, I should probably get going, I wouldn’t want to take up too much of your time.”
“No, no! You’re fine! Actually, can I offer to buy you food from somewhere? Oh, but it would have to be somewhere cheap, though.”
She rubs her hands together, thinking. “Ok. I think that getting a quick bite is probably fine. Oh, but I’m paying for my portion!”
“That’s fine.”
We walk over to the local fast food burger joint, order our food, and sit down. She seems shy, and just plays with the sleeve of her sweater as she looks down at the table.
“So,” I start awkwardly, “are you liking the city so far?”
She nods her head, and provides no more dialog.
“Cool.” It’s clear that this is getting nowhere, and I don’t want to bring up family or school in case one of her family members goes to the same school as I do, so I decide to pivot. “You know, that’s a really cute sweater! And we were both looking at clothes when we ran into one another! Do you like fashion?”
I can see a bit of a smile on her face. “Yeah.”
“Me, too! And you must like makeup, too, since your makeup is so on point! What brand do you use?”
“Ah? Well, I just borrow my sister’s makeup, and I let her do it, so I don’t really know…”
“I could offer some brands that I think would look good on you and don’t cost much.”
“Really? That sounds great!” she looks up at me with a smile, but shoots her gaze back down just as quickly. She fidgets with her hair for a bit. Is she still mad that I hurt her or something?
The rest of the meal goes by in mostly silence. I think about offering to go look at clothes with her, but she clearly seems uncomfortable, and I don’t need her snooping into my life, so I figure we should end things here.
“I hope I run into you again before you head back home,” I tell her.
“Ah, right… Maybe I’ll come into town tomorrow, as well.”
“I’ll be looking forward to it!”
With that, we part ways. I think about offering her my number, but figure that maybe it’s for the best that we not get too close. She seems nice, but if she were to find out that I’m a crossdresser, things could get bad…
I return home after changing, a bit frazzled, but overall having had a fun time. I tell my parents about my day, then change back into girl’s clothes, do my homework, read for a bit, then go to bed.
The following day at school, I’m sitting in the library before classes start. I’ve typically got ten minutes or so to enjoy to myself before I have to drag myself to class. Jason appears, early for once in his life, and plops his backpack on the ground next to me.
“Sup,” he says.
“You’re early. Is the world ending?”
He laughs. “Nah, I’m just in a bit of a good mood! I met a cute girl yesterday, and couldn’t get any sleep!”
“I don’t know if losing sleep would put me in a good mood, but good for you.”
“Come on! Don’t you at least want to hear about this girl?”
I sigh and close my book. Do I want to hear about my crush’s crush? No, not really. But as one of his best friends, I guess I have to.
“Fine, let’s see if I approve of her for you.”
“What are you, my mom?”
“You’re my best friend, I can’t let you hook up with just any girl.”
He crosses his arms and frowns. “She’s not just any girl, you know! She’s the cutest girl I’ve ever seen! She has beautiful pale skin without a single freckle or mole! And long blonde hair! You know I love blondes! She has the voice of an angel, and the heart of one, too! I kind of stumbled into her and knocked her down, and she ran to the pharmacy to get a bandage. See?”
Jason shows me his hands, which are bandages just the same as I bandaged Lily’s hands. And, just like Lily, he has tan skin. And his frame is about the same. Not to mention that the girl he mentioned seems to fit me, with pale skin and blonde hair.
“Did you at least get her name?” I ask.
“Of course! Her name is Kayla!”
I just about slam my head into the table that I’m sitting at, but I manage to control myself.
“I see! She sounds nice. I hope you two get along.”
He nods his head. “Yeah, no kidding! But she actually said that she goes to this school! I’ve never seen her around, but maybe she’s an underclassman.”
“Yeah, probably. There’s, what? 1,500 students in this school? It makes sense that you wouldn’t have seen her if you don’t have similar classes.”
“I guess so. Maybe she takes the smart kid classes?”
“Well, I’m going to be seeing her again today. Maybe I’ll try to get her number!”
“Ah? Well, I don’t know… on just your second date?”
“It’s not technically a date, and neither was our last outing.”
“Then not even on your first date? Jeez, man, don’t come on too strong, now!”
“Really? How long should I wait?”
“Uh. I mean, clearly, the girl should be the one to dictate such things, you know?”
“Is that how it works?”
“Of course! The girl is in charge of the relationship, at least in those that work out. If the guy tries to take charge, the relationship is doomed to fail.”
He considers that for a moment. “We have a patriarchal society, and something like 50% of marriages end in divorce. Maybe you’re right?”
“Of course I’m right!”
He nods his head. “You’re a genius! Alright, I’ll let her take the lead then!”
Of course, the big issue here is that I already have Jason’s number in my phone. I’m glad we didn’t exchange numbers yesterday or that would have been extremely awkward! But I’ve brought myself time now to find a texting app so I can give him that number instead.
More importantly, it turns out that Jason crossdresses, and that he has a crush on me… or at least my cross dressing form. This might just be the opportunity that I need!
After school, I grab some girl’s clothes and change in the park just like yesterday. I wear the same blond wig, but wear a long black dress with some thick tights beneath it. I also wear a cardigan and a floral hair clip. I study myself in the bathroom mirror after putting on my makeup and clothes, and nod at myself. I’m totally cute!
Yesterday, Lily and I were kind of noncommitmental in regards to meeting back up, so we didn’t really set up where we might meet up. I figure that we might as well meet up where we did yesterday, in front of the clothes store. Of course, we also didn’t set up a time, so there’s no telling just how long I might spend there, or if she’ll even come at all. Heck, she might be waiting somewhere else for me, like at the burger place.
Luckily, it isn’t too long before Lily arrives. I was only waiting for about 10 minutes, which is pretty good. I did rush here directly after school after all, and she probably had to bother her sister about doing her hair and makeup.
Wait? Should I be calling Jason by female pronouns right now? It’s kind of tough to think of him as a guy when he looks like that. For now, I’m sticking with she/her pronouns and the name Lily while she is like this.
“Hey! I’m glad I can see you again!” Lily smiles as she approaches. She holds herself in a rather reserved manner, but it seems that my conversation with her earlier today may have given her a confidence boost. She has a crush, and even if she doesn’t plan to do anything about it, she wants to spend as much time with me as possible. Ironically, I feel the same way about her male self, Jason, so I know exactly how it feels to have to hold yourself back.
“Of course! So, did you have any ideas for what you would like to do today?”
“Oh, well… Yesterday I was going to take a walk in the park. It may be winter, but it isn’t really all that cold, and the park still looks exceptional in the winter.”
“Yeah! I love walking around here, whether it be by the park or the shops!”
Of course, I do also love trying on clothes, but the big issue with that for both of us is that we know each other's bodies too well – in a perfectly clean sense, mind you. We’ve been friends for a long time, and have taken gym classes together. Things like birthmarks and moles could spoil our identities. I already know who Lily really is, but she still doesn’t realize who I am, and I would really rather she not find out. After all, if she sticks with her excuse of just visiting family for the holidays, I’ll likely only have a small amount of time with her.
So, I figure that I may as well have fun with her while she is sticking to this. And when that time is up, well, it’ll suck, but it will be a memory that I’m sure that I’ll never forget. And maybe what I’m doing is wrong. But my heart is pounding so hard right now that it’s drowning out my internal thoughts that might be telling me to not lead her on.
We walk through the park together, side by side. The park is often packed with people on the weekends or during holidays, especially on days when it’s nice outside. On a cold weekday in January, it’s pretty dead. But I actually prefer it that way, giving me plenty of space to just enjoy myself. I can run, climb trees, and relax as I please. And though we may not get snow this far south, and there may not be leaves in the trees during the winter, the park still looks nice. Statues, a fountain, and winter plants keep the park and surrounding area attractive even during the dead season.
As we walk, we talk a bit. I’m careful not to bring up any subjects that might force her to lie or stumble over her words, such as any information regarding her family or where she’s from. She’s also careful not to bring that up, incase I return such questions.
“Do you have any pets?” she asks.
“Yeah, I have a little dog.”
“Oh! That’s nice! My friend has a little chihuahua! He’s the most adorable thing in the world!”
“I know, right? I’m always so surprised with tiny dogs like that! How can they be so tiny and precious? What about you? Any pets?”
“Ah, no…” she laughs the question off. The truth is that she’s allergic to dogs. She can only handle so much time with Taurus before she falls into a sneezing fit. But she doesn’t bring all of that up. “I really do love them, though! Dogs, cats, reptiles, they’re all super cool!”
Theres real love in her eyes as she talks about animals. I feel bad for her, since she can’t actually keep a pet like a dog or a cat because of allergies. And her mother is absolutely against any reptiles or amphibians. Fish are probably the only thing on the table, but they can be difficult to take care of. They’re also pretty expensive.
“Well, it’s clear to me that you’re a really nice girl,” I tell her. By this point, we’re at the far end of the park, near where I change. There’s nobody else around. “Actually, I could tell that the second that I met you.”
She blushes and looks down. “Thanks. You’re clearly super nice, too.”
“And you’re so adorable! I wish you could look at yourself when you’re looking down so bashfully!”
She turns away from me a bit, and hides her face. “It’s really not fair for someone like you to call me cute!”
I take a step towards her, and take her hand. She looks up at me with surprise.
“When I say something, I mean it! You’re cuter than any other girl I’ve ever seen! And from the moment I met you, I think I fell in love.”
Her eyes go wide. “Huh?”
“Lily, I like you. I know you may just be here for a short while, but would you like to go out with me?”
Lily is so stunned that she literally can’t even speak for a solid minute. When she does open her mouth, a series of confused noises escape.
“Huh? Eh? What?”
“I’m sorry if this is sudden, but I figure that we might not really have time to waste, so I may as well tell you this. I really like you.”
Lily brings her hands to her face, holding her cheeks, potentially in an attempt to hide just how red her face has gotten. She looks like a pure maiden, as adorable as any girl out there.
“But, but… we’re both girls?”
I laugh at that. “Seriously? It’s fine! Gender is irrelevant! If I felt this way towards a guy versus a girl, it wouldn’t matter. What I like is your personality, and how adorable you act. You’re pretty, too, of course, but looks aren’t everything.”
She looks up at me, and I swear I can hear her heart pounding. Or maybe that’s mine. She shakes her head.
“No… no. I just can’t.”
I hold my hands up. “No! That’s fine! I won’t force you into anything, you know! I’m happy to just stay friends!”
She shakes her head even harder this time. “No! It isn’t about that! You see, I… I’m keeping a secret from you.”
She’s trembling, and not from the cold. She’s anxious and afraid about telling me the truth.
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” I tell her. I mean, I already know, of course, but she doesn’t realize that. “Besides, I have my fair share of secrets.”
“But it’s nothing like what I’m hiding!” she screams, grabbing hold of both of my wrists. Tears are now streaming down her face, and she sobs as her nails dig into my wrists.
Damnit! I should have just kept my stupid mouth shut! Now I’ve mad her cry and pushed us both into a corner! From here, it seems that either she has to admit that she’s a crossdresser, or I have to admit that I am. And it isn’t really fair to force someone to tell a secret like that.
I carefully pry her hands away from mine, and then pat her on the head.
“Relax. I know that secrets can be difficult, and I can’t force you to tell me something so deep. I was hoping that it wouldn’t come to this, but at this point, I think I’ve forced my hand. Lily, the secret is that I am a crossdresser.”
“Yeah. I know that I’m really pretty, but that’s years worth of practice, as well as some lucky genetics. The fact of the matter is that I’m a guy.”
“My first crush… is a guy?”
I laugh. “Well, that wouldn’t be too unusual for a girl, would it?”
She gasps, realizing that she’s kind of let her true thoughts out there.
“It’s fine!” I tell her. “I’m queer, after all.”
She looks down at her feet, seemingly stuck between telling me everything, and running away. But after what I’ve told her, I think that she’s not willing to run away. Plus, even if I am a guy, I think she may still have feelings for me.
“Kayla… I… I’m a crossdresser, too. My real name is Jason, and I go to school around here. You’ve probably seen me in the halls.”
“Ah, yeah… about that, I kind of knew.”
“What? How?”
“Uh…” I pause as I look around the park. There’s nobody here but us. I didn’t really want to show my other side to Lily, but I think I probably have to now. I bring my hand up to my wig slowly, and pull it down. “Hey, Jason… this is pretty awkward, huh?” I ask in my normal boy voice.
“Kenny? Are you kidding me?” Jason asks, dropping the girl voice. He catches himself, then continues in Lily’s voice. “Put the wig back on before someone sees!”
I replace the wig, then give an awkward laugh. “Yeah, so you kind of confessed to me earlier today in the library. Awkward, right?”
Lily groans. “I thought that I was in love! But you’re just a boy, and my best friend no less!” He facepalms, and then thinks for a moment. “Hey, wait? Was this whole confession thing just to make me admit to crossdressing? Wait, why were you crossdressing in the first place?”
“Uh, well, the truth is that I’m into crossdressing. And, no, I didn’t really want to force either of us to come out in regards to crossdressing, I was just hoping to have fun with Lily for a bit.”
Lily thinks for another minute. “You said that you were queer…”
“Right. I’m gay. I’m a dude, and I like dudes, though I typically prefer them to not crossdress. Still, you look cute like this, so I can make an exception.”
She blinks. “Wait? What?”
I put a hand gently on each of her shoulders, and look her in the eyes. Then I shake her as hard as I can.
“Get! This! Through! Your! Head! I have a crush on you!”
“On Lily? But she’s not real!”
“On Jason, you idiot!”
Her eyes go wide. “What?”
I sigh. “Yeah. I’ve had a crush on you for a while, now. But I’ve been too much of a coward to confess. I was hoping that this being my senior year, I would finally have the guts to do so, but thinks kind of strayed from the path that I wanted to take.”
Lily seems to be thinking for a long moment. “If I were to date you, would I be allowed to date Kayla? And would I be allowed to date as Lily?”
“Of course! I love going out as Kayla! And even if I prefer Jason, I’m still happy to take Lily out on dates, or even just to hang out!”
“Then… I think I can accept your confession. I don’t think I’m gay, but I have an open mind.”
I smile, and take her hands. “Awesome! I know that this date has taken a turn for the weird, but there’s still plenty of time before my curfew! What do you say we continue to enjoy ourselves?”
Do you ever wonder why, exactly it is that, even thought it was nice and warm and sunny just yesterday, suddenly it’s bitter cold and rainy today. Why sometimes there are sudden snowstorms in the middle of the Nevada dessert? Why lightning seems to be striking the houses of corrupt politicians far more often nowadays? Why did it rain fire on the wedding of a corrupt oil tycoon? And why has climate change suddenly reversed?
Well, that’s all thanks to me. I am the Weather Girl. I can manipulate the weather at will, and have been doing it for years now.
It all began when I was a grade schooler, living in Arizona, cursing the blistering heat even in mid-December. More than anything, I wanted to see snow for Christmas, but after Earth had hit the tipping point, governments and companies gave up any pretense of pretending to care. They stopped investing in green energy. They stopped recycling. They got rid of the so-called red tape around environmental laws, giving companies the green light to green house the planet. And then, of course, they blamed the immigrants and gays. Yeah. Okay.
Anyhow, the winter of 2169 was an especially vicious one, and it was seemingly more likely to rain radioactive waste (thanks Switzerland…) than snow any time soon. But still I prayed every day. Of course, part of that was government mandated, but I digress. I prayed for snow. I prayed, and I prayed, and I prayed, and then… it happened.
No weather forecast could have predicted it. It was 120 degrees f on Christmas Eve, and yet, the following day, it had dropped to only 30 degrees f, and snow began to fall, despite there being no rain forecasted for months. People were awestruck. Most kids of my generation hadn’t seen snow, save for those that lived in the arctic regions where it snowed about once a year. Even adults had rarely seen snow, the last snow to have naturally fallen in the United States having been back in 2064 after the eruption of Yellowstone. That caused some cooler temperatures for some time, but the 6 inch thick ash across the entirely of North America kinda put a damper on our two inches of snow.
In Nevada, the winter of 2169, it snowed, and it snowed, and it snowed. People couldn’t even leave their homes. People died, exposed to the elements, as over 50% of the American population at the time was homeless. Others starved. There was looting and murdering. My bad. I hadn’t yet managed to control my powers.
Eventually the snow melted, and things returned to normal. Extreme heat, blistering sun, and radioactive burns. We were slowly dying, and so were the flora and fauna of Earth. Meanwhile most billionaires had already fled to mars, where they terraformed a “perfect” planet. As if the Earth wasn’t perfect before they got their hands on it.
Oh, but not all of them are safe up on Mars. Sure, I may not be able to harm them there, but when you spend too long on Mars, you get Martian Sickness. I’m just a plebian, so I don’t get all the details, but it seems to be a mix between the different gravity, the different atmosphere, solar winds, and the alien ships beaming toxic fog onto the planet. Yet it’s still nicer than Earth.
Most people can live up to 10 years on Mars before coming down with Martian sickness. Others, particularly the old or sick, tend to need to return to Earth after a year or so. Generally, a few months on Earth helps bring people back to normal, though there are fringe cases. Also, there’s a tendency for people to die when they return to Earth. Not just from my storms, but also from various assassins or people with grudges. All of us harbor grudges against them.
The Earth is still a toxic hellhole that is only barely suitable for human life, but things are starting to change thanks to me. Grasses are starting to grow. Flowers are starting to bloom. Trees are growing leaves and fruit. Life is starting to return to Earth.
Things will never be the same as they once were, for better or worse. Mostly for worse. But I’m working to make a future where kids can play outside. A future where the people of Earth don’t have to live like peasants while the rich thrive (for the most part) on Mars. A future full of hope. A future full of happiness.
With my powers, I will change the world. But our predecessors didn’t need magic powers to change the world, just corporate greed leading to negligent environmental impacts. Likewise, those that come after me won’t need powers to continue fixing the world. They just need hope, and that’s what I hope to give them.
I am the Weather Girl.
I duck behind a crate as bullets are fired at me.
“Dammit! Intel, you told me that the back entrance was supposed to be clear!”
“We do our best, Eagle. Our enemies were one step ahead of us this time.”
“You could get me killed!” I hiss.
“It’s your duty to prevent that from happening, and eliminating the target without causing a scene.”
“Should I pull out?”
“Negative. Target is on the move.”
“Should I follow?”
“Do NOT!”
“I’m pinned down here, dammit! What do you want me to do?”
“Draw their fire for five more minutes. Magnolia has this covered.”
I take a deep breath and steady myself. If Magnolia is on this, then our target is as good as dead. And then when we’re done here, maybe I can take a nice, long vacation with my wife. I’ve been promising myself for my New Year’s resolution that I would spend more time with her.
As requested, I draw fire from the enemies, moving from cover to cover, and shooting back on occasion. I might be able to win this firefight alone, but it would be a hell of an ask. Magnolia had better act soon.
I hear some tires squealing. I can’t see anything from my location, but Intel fills me in.
“Target is on the move.”
A silenced gun fires.
“Target is eliminated. Good work. Move out.”
Magnolia is good. Superhumanly good. I swear I don’t even see or hear her half the time, I’m just informed that the target was eliminated while I was busy gathering bullet wounds. Intel says I’m just good at causing a scene, which of course isn’t ideal for an assassin. Personally, I like to say that I’m just playing to my strengths and giving Magnolia the shots she needs. You’re welcome, Magnolia. We make a great team.
Escaping the murder scene is easier said than done when there are a dozen or more assassins on my tail. I climb up onto the roof of the building, one fluid movement that barely even gives them a moment to shoot at me. I take cover behind a large air duct, and, as the first assassin pops his head up, I shoot him dead, then move while the others panic.
With some cover fire from Magnolia, who I now see on a nearby roof, I manage to escape from the pursuers. I practically throw myself down the fire escape, then into the alley down below, and into the escape vehicle. The getaway driver glares at me in the rearview mirror.
“They’re not on our tail. Relax.”
“They better not be. We can’t afford to blow out a tire.”
“Magnolia is covering us.”
“I suddenly feel much safer.”
“Stuff it.”
It’s true, though. With Magnolia covering us, we know that we don’t have to worry about anything. We’re half a city away and in a different vehicle by the time the sirens start going off. I worry for a second about Magnolia, and if she was able to escape safely, but I know her well enough that the thought quickly dissipates. Though, really, just what do I know about Magnolia? She’s always wearing the same uniform as I do, black from head to toe, not an inch of skin showing. And our helmet blocks our hair and eyes, not only protecting our identities, but also protecting us from bullets.
No matter. She’s a trustworthy partner.
I take a quick stop at HQ to change, then return home to prepare dinner for my wife. She works long hours as a nurse, so I’m sure to give her a nice, warm, hearty meal for when she returns from a long day at the hospital.
As I’m finishing up the night’s meal – buttered chicken pasta – the door opens, and my beautiful wife walks in. She seems exhausted, but as soon as she gets a whiff of my cooking, her face brightens, filling the room with light.
“Welcome home, Layla!” I tell her, giving her a quick kiss. “Dinner is just about ready, but if you’re not particularly hungry, you can take a bath first. Or, maybe, if you’re in the mood, you and I could…”
“Brandon, I’m starving!” she says, lightly pushing me out of the way so that she can throw down her coat. “I don’t know what you’re cooking, but judging by the smell, you might need to make a second helping!”
“For my loving wife, I’ve already made sure to prepare an extra large serving. The recipe I found online says it should serve 10.”
“Then I hope you doubled it.”
“We can order takeout if we need to.”
One might assume that we’re joking, but my wife has a large appetite. She’s a very tall woman with large muscles, and nearly ate us out of house and home back when we first got together. I’m a fair bit more petite at only 6’ tall and around 175 pounds. Of muscle, mind you.
We eat our dinner, and then discuss our plans involving vacation. I told her about my intent to spend more time with her, and we’ve both been begging our jobs for some time off to spend together. The results have come in: we have exactly one weekend to spend together. Three days; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
With that little time, we can’t exactly go on a grand adventure. We can’t go on a cruise, or a long distance vacation. We’ve got to find somewhere nearby to vacation. And, good news, I’ve got just the place!
There’s a brand new hot spring that just opened up a few towns away. It’s made specifically for couples, and only accommodates a single couple at a time. There’s a small house to stay in overnight, the noted hot spring, and lots of privacy. It seems really nice! And it’s so new that there aren’t even any reviews for it yet!
We’ve both been needing a vacation for quite some time, so we hurry up and pack our suitcases and leave early in the morning. We arrive just before noon, and check into the house.
“Not much of a house, really,” Layla says.
“No, but the point is the hot spring and the privacy. We could scream as loud as we want and nobody would hear us.”
“That is pretty nice.”
“Right? And what a beautiful locale! Nature for miles!
“Do we want to head right on in? I’m tired from the driving. Really, where did you ever learn how to drive?”
“My driving was fine! Any other man would have taken an extra two hours to get here!”
“Brandon, I love you dearly, but I could have waited those extra two hours.”
“You can drive us back home, then.”
With that slight argument out of the way, we change into our robes, then head down to the hot spring. It’s just a short walk from the guest house, and there’s plenty of wonderful nature to see on our walk there.
When we arrive at the hot spring, we strip out of the robes, and step into the nice, hot water. I sit down, lean back, and close my eyes. I can feel the tension melt from my shoulders. Layla does the same, sitting right beside me, her left hand in my right.
The hot, relaxing water really numbs my mind as I relax. I squeeze my left hand, feeling Layla’s smaller hand in mine.
Wait? My left hand? Didn’t I take her hand with my right hand? And aren’t her hands larger than mine?
I open my eyes, and look over to my left. Layla had sat down to my right. Layla opens her eyes, and looks over to her right.
What I see before me is my own body. And what Layla sees before her is her own body. For a solid minute, all we do is stare at one another, wordlessly.
“Is this a dream?” I ask.
“They say to pinch yourself if you’re dreaming,” Layla says, “but I’m not sure if I should pinch my body or yours.”
“Yours, obviously.”
Layla reaches over and pinches me with all of her strength.
“Ow! I said your body! Ah, right.”
She pinches herself, my body, just to be certain. She winces in pain.
“So this is real,” I mutter.
“What the heck is this?”
“Should we try closing our eyes and leaning back again?”
“We might as well…”
We try leaning back and closing our eyes. Nothing. Then we try swapping positions, and leaning back and closing our eyes in various different orders and positions. Nothing we do works to swap us back.
“I’m definitely leaving a one-star review,” I tell her.
“People will just think we’re crazy! People don’t just swap bodies!”
“Clearly they do. Do you think they’ll at least give us a refund?”
“It would be hard to argue for one.”
“For now, let’s just get the heck out of this hot spring and back to the room. This heat is starting to get to me.”
“And this body swapping thing is starting to get to ME. I think I’m getting a migraine.”
“Oh, yeah, I get those all the time. Sorry, I guess.”
We take the path down to the guest house that we’re staying at, and find an old, dilapidated house. It looks as if it hasn’t been taken care of in ages.
“What the hell is this?” I ask.
“Are our clothes in there at least?”
“I hope so. Last thing I want is to drive back home naked in your body.”
We check the house, and find our clothes where we left them. They seem to be untouched. The suitcases and belongings seem to be in fine condition, as is our car outside, so it isn’t like time passed by to cause the house to become like this.
We return home, and spend what was supposed to be our vacation trying to research stuff regarding this. We find no trace of the hot spring online, nor any reliable information regarding magically changing bodies with someone. I search around the area of the hot spring, and we try going into it again at the same time in the same position, but we can’t manage to return to how we were.
Now, it’s time to return to work. That would be awkward even with a normal job, but Layla doesn’t know that I work as an assassin. And I can’t exactly call in sick to work for body swapping.
“Can I?”
“I don’t think that’s a valid excuse. But we can try just calling in sick.”
Unfortunately, Intel informs me, “No way! I don’t care if your brains are spilling out right now, we’ve got a serious backup from your vacation days! We have a critical target to hit, and if you can’t do it, then the whole country will face the consequences!”
I look at my wife, and shake my head. “Boss says no. I gotta go in.”
“But how are you supposed to go into work looking like me?”
“No worries! I’ll just mask up! I told them that I’m sick, anyhow!”
“And how do you explain the extra foot of height?”
“Platform boots?”
“And the boobs?”
“Let’s be real, honey, there’s not much – hey! Put the shoe down, I’m sorry!”
She throws the shoe down, then throws her arms into the air, exasperated.
“Alright, fine! We’ll just have to deal with this for today!”
“Did you get a day’s rest from your job?” I ask.
“It’s a heated discussion. You go on to work, I’ll deal with it.”
I don’t meet up with a getaway driver or Intel today, instead heading straight to HQ and swapping cars, then driving to the target’s location.
“Did you fucking grow?” Intel asks.
“Hot springs will do that to you. You should see down below.”
“Ah, this is part of a disguise, right? Pretty smart. Target is located on the fifth floor of this apartment. Guards are posted all around the building; roof, fire escape, every door, every window and several within the room.”
“Oh, you gave me an easy job for my first day back from vacation, huh?”
“I have faith in you, Eagle. Wait, is your voice deeper, too?”
“All part of the disguise.”
“That’s… Okay. Whatever. I won’t question your decisions.”
The building seems extremely secure. There’s no way a normal person could get in and out without being seen, especially not if they’re planning to do an assassination inside of the building. I could take out a fair few of the guards, but there’s no way I’ll win in a straight up fire fight. I need a plan.
Sadly, my requests for RPGs or bombs were denied. We can’t make that much of a scene, nor cause that much structural damage to the building and those around it. Shame. Guess I’ll have to try sneaking, at least at first. Easier said than done.
Well, here goes nothing. Silently, I creep up to a back door on the ground floor. The pair of guards are keeping a watchful eye, but unfortunately for them, I know where they are, and they don’t know that I’m here. I shoot off two blind shots from around the corner with my silenced pistol. There’s the unmistakable thud of two bodies hitting the ground. I round the corner, and quietly open the back door, sneaking into the building.
Unfortunately, I’m not quite used to sneaking in this body, and distribute my weight wrong, leading to floorboards creaking just as soon as I enter the building. I freeze, praying that they don’t take notice. Unfortunately for me, a moment later, a guard comes running around the corner. I heard his footsteps, and was ready with a bullet straight to the brain, but as his body hits the floor, two more guards come around the corner, guns blazing.
I use the door as cover, and shoot guards as they arrive. But it’s like a never ending stream, and not only do I have to worry about them from within the building, but some are coming from the outside around back to flank me. I use the body of one of the dead guards as a meat shield, but it’s a highly awkward shield.
“Target is down,” Intel informs me. “Odd. I thought that Magnolia called in sick.”
“Is she here? Great! Get her to give me a hand, then!”
“Negative. She’s already on her way out – oh. That’s not good.”
“What’s going on?”
“Magnolia was hit.”
“Highly unusual. Her cold must be dulling her senses. Can you press in and give her a hand?”
“Uh. I don’t know about that. There’s a lot of enemies here.”
“Sorry that I made it sound like you had a choice. Save Magnolia, even if it costs you your life.”
I don’t want to die in my wife’s body for several reasons. Hell, I don’t want to die at all. But in this line of work, I don’t really get a choice most of the time, so I press forward. Better than getting flanked on all sides, I guess.
I throw a smoke bomb into the room in front of me. The guards duck for cover, and I rush in. The enemies may be invisible in the smoke, but my senses aren’t dulled even in this body. I hear their footsteps, their breathing, their heartbeats.
Bam, bam, bam. And down they go. I continue forwards.
Up ahead, gunshots. I run as fast as my legs will carry me, which in this body, is faster than normal. I round the corner, and find Magnolia pinned with enemies all around her.
The enemies didn’t expect me. Their gunshots helped me conceal my footsteps, and it’s as if I appear out of nowhere. With my sudden appearance, Magnolia and I get the chance to shoot them down with ease.
Now that I have a moment, I look over at Magnolia. The gunshot wound doesn’t seem serious, but more importantly, something seems off. She seems much smaller than usual. I notice that she’s wearing very tall platform boots to seem larger, and is wearing extra layers under her shirt.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
Magnolia recoils in surprise.
“Is it my voice?” I ask her. “Yeah, uh. Part of my disguise.”
“Brandon?” Magnolia asks in my voice.
“What? Layla?”
We stare at one another for a moment, but the sound of footsteps running towards us snaps us out of our trance. I give Magnolia a hand up, and together, we take down the group running towards us, and escape from the building. Once we’re in the getaway car, we remove our masks, and look at one another, confirming that we are, in fact, Brandon and Layla. Husband and wife. In one another’s bodies.
“I never would have imagined that you were an assassin, too, much less the famed Eagle,” she shakes her head.
“Yeah, well, I never could have imagined that you were the one who saved my ass all those times. I knew you were impressive, but this is just a whole different level.”
As we flee from the crime scene, Layla asks, “So, now what?”
“Well,” I say, “I’ve always wanted to be taller, so maybe this can work out.”
She laughs at that. “Now that I know we’re both assassins, I’m not as worried as I was before. I didn’t want to hurt your body, you know.”
“Of course, I had the same worries.”
“I want to get back to normal eventually, but for now, I think we can focus on our work while trying to deal with this on the side. What do you say, partner? Ready to continue raising hell together?” She holds out her fist for a fist bump.
“Let’s do it!” I say, bumping her fist. Behind us, the sirens begin.
I’m in the thick of a dream when suddenly a loud knock from the front door rings out across the house. Daisy, my pitbull with a heart of gold, goes wild, making sure that I’m woken up by whoever it is at my door.
I groan, and roll out of bed. It takes a second for me to kick my covers off of my feet, but I eventually make it to the front door, and open it to find my friend Kylie there with her arms crossed. She’s dressed in the school uniform for some reason, despite the fact that today is Sunday, one day before we start our first day of high school.
Like an idiot, I just stare at her.
“It’s not Sunday, is it?” I ask.
“Ivan, today is Monday. Why are you not dressed–”
I slam the door and run to my room to get changed. Kylie lets herself into my house, preparing stuff for me as I make a mad dash to try and not be late on my first day of high school.
“Do you remember what you said on our last day of middle school?” Kylie asks.
“Not really?”
“You say: “I’m going to change!” and then you went ahead and didn’t change at all. You slept past noon every day of summer, you spent your days inside playing video games, and now you’re going to be late for your first day of high school.”
“Not if I run!”
She rolls her eyes. I can’t see her, but I can just tell that it’s what she would do.
“You said that you would change. You haven’t. You’re still the same immature little boy that you were one year ago.”
“That’s not true!” I tell her, stopping in front of her, finally changed.
Kylie looks me up and down, and sighs. “Your buttons are crooked.”
I fix the buttons, but that isn’t all that Kylie has to say to me.
“Your shoes are scuffed. Your shirt is wrinkled. Your pants are too baggy. Your hair is messy. Have you brushed your teeth? I hope you at least showered.”
“No time!”
“Good lord, Ivan. Please don’t make a habit of this. You’re going to make me late, too.”
“I never told you that you had to stay!”
She sighs, and throws my backpack at me.
“I looked your bag over. You seem to at least have everything packed that you need. I’m heading out now, but try not to be too late. Oh, and don’t run, okay? Take a bath and walk. The last thing you need on your first day is a terrible rumor about how badly you smell.”
I stick my tongue out at her as she walks away. But silently, I thank her. She has her own unique way of showing her love, but there’s no doubt that she does care for me. She’s been basically my only friend for as long as I can remember.
I look out at her as she walks down the road. She really is growing up to be a beauty. But she’s a bit too tomboyish, I think. The teachers might get mad that she’s wearing pants instead of a skirt, but she has always hated wearing skirts. In middle school, they were relaxed since she got such good grades and never got in trouble.
Well, who cares about her, really? I’ve got my own issues to deal with right now. She may get yelled at for wearing pants, but I’ll definitely get yelled at for being late. And I don’t have my good grades to drop back on like she does.
Still, I figure it’s best to not be too late. I take a quick shower, and grab a snack as I run out the door. Well, maybe not quite a run. More of a light jog. And I nearly make it to school without incident. That’s when I round the corner, and light jog right into a small girl.
I knock the poor girl to her butt. She was running with all of her might, and ran into someone twice her size. Well, maybe not literally. I’m about 5’2” 100 pounds, and she looks to be closer to 4’6”. And probably about as light as a feather.
I expect the girl to be crying, but instead, as I look down at her, she keeps a level head, and picks herself right up. She dusts herself off, and flinches a bit as her hand makes contact with her skirt. She looks down at her hands, which were scraped when she fell on the ground.
“Oh, sorry about that,” I tell her. “If you need to wipe the blood off, you can use my pants or something.”
“I have a handkerchief in my bag, don’t worry,” she says.
“If you insist. I’m really sorry, though.”
“You’ve got something more important to worry about. If we don’t run, we’re going to be late.”
“Ah, crap! I’ll race you there!”
She nods her head, and runs off at full speed. I follow just behind her. She’s wearing the high school uniform, a green and black plaid skirt and white button up. I thought she might have been an elementary schooler at first, but I guess she’s a high schooler.
The girl is slow, so we’re both going to be very late. Still, I feel bad passing her up. She fell because of me, and even if she wouldn’t have made it regardless, I feel as if the least I can do for her is be late as well. I’m sure that whoever is waiting to yell at us would rather yell at me than her, so at least I can be of some use. Then again, maybe if I’m a bit ahead of her, they can waste all their breath on me, and then she’ll have less to worry about. School starts out with an assembly today, so at least we won’t miss any class time, meaning that the teachers shouldn’t yell at us. Probably.
The school gate comes into view. The security guard sees us running up on his cameras, which are situated all across the school and the surrounding area, so he’s waiting there for us, arms crossed. He’s a big guy, ex-military. I’ve been warned not to piss him off.
“And why are you two late?” he practically growls.
“I accidentally shoved this girl over, so it’s all my fault,” I tell him. His eyes glow red.
“You did what to my daughter?”
Fear runs through my veins like blood. I flinch away from him, and tears start down my eyes. I’ve never done well with big men. My father was abusive, and my elder half-brother took after him.
I’m bawling my eyes out now. The man and his daughter are kneeled on the ground trying to console me.
“Hey, hey! I’m not angry!” the man insists.
“Did he pee himself?” the girl whispers.
I gasp, and look down. Sure enough, in my panic, I’ve accidentally peed myself.
“Well, at least nobody will see him like this out here,” the security guard mutters.
“What do we do?” the girl asks.
“I don’t know? Take him to the nurse’s office?”
The girl nods her head, and takes my hands. She tries to pull me up, but she’s so tiny that she fails. Her father reaches for me, but I flinch away and start crying again.
“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry! Look, you need to get up, okay? The assembly is going to end soon, and people are going to notice that you’ve wet yourself! Follow Fiona to the nurse’s office, alright?”
I nod my head, and force myself to my feet. Wobbly, and more than a little bit soggy, I follow Fiona through the front gate, and into the school. Thankfully, the nurse’s office is right near the front entrance, so I don’t have a long walk to get there. I sit down on a chair, trying to compose myself. Fiona looks around.
“The nurse isn’t here,” she says.
“What do I do?” I mumble.
“Hey, hey! It’ll be fine! Just wait here, I’ll go–”
The door opens, and we both look towards it, praying that it’s the nurse. But no. It may be the second best person, though.
“Kylie!” I cry.
“You’re making the janitor work overtime,” she whispers. She closes the door behind her. “You’re lucky that my dad texted me when he saw you. Or rather, the security guard texted him about you.” Kylie’s father is the janitor here at school. He’s a nice guy, but, well, how do I put this? He doesn’t mind messing with dirty things. I’ve gone to the swamp with him and Kylie to catch frogs. And he moves dead animals off of the road without gloves.
Kylie sets her bag on the ground, and rummages through it. She pulls out a pair of pants, and a pair of black panties, and hands them to me.
“The nurse has a bathroom here. Go and change in there.”
I take the clothes hesitantly. “Panties?”
“Yes. Did you want to walk through school commando?”
“It might be better than panties.”
“More perverted than wearing my best friend’s panties?”
“They’re brand new, so it’s fine. Besides, they’re boy shorts, so they’re not all that feminine.”
I groan, and accept my fate. “Fine.”
Thankfully, Kylie and I aren’t that different in terms of body shape. I mean, she certainly has more hips. And more boobs. And she’s taller. But not by much.
In the bathroom, I hurry and change out of my wet pants. Kylie handed me a plastic bag, and I put the wet pants and underwear in there, then wipe my bottom down with toilet paper. Then I hold the panties up, and stare at them.
“Kylie really isn’t feminine at all,” I mutter. Plain black boy short panties. Practically boxers, really, if you don’t think about it too hard. Far shorter, though. And her pants are boy’s pants, so I’m not really even crossdressing. Basically.
I step out of the bathroom, and the girls have already made fast friends. They’re smiling and giggling, but stop once I step out.
“Good,” Kylie says. “I’ll take the wet clothes to my father, and he’ll deal with them. You can come over to my house and pick them up some time, maybe this weekend.”
“He’s lucky that you wear pants, too, Kylie,” Fiona says.
“Right? Imagine if I had to force him to wear a skirt. Then again, he’s got a petite frame, so maybe it would look good on him?”
Fiona seems excited. “Maybe we can see how he looks wearing a skirt some time!”
“I would rather not,” I mutter.
“You’re no fun!” Kylie rolls her eyes. “Anyhow, I’m heading out. I’ve got to drop those clothes off with my dad, and then try to not be late for class. How about you formally introduce yourselves to one another, and then head to class? You might have missed the assembly, but at least you won’t be late for your actual class.”
As Kylie leaves, I look down at Fiona. She smiles at me.
“Good to meet you!” she says. “My name is Fiona! Kylie told me a bit about you.”
“Good things, I hope.”
“Well, that’s to be expected. I’m Ivan.”
I stick my hand out, and she shakes it. The whole time she keeps the sweetest possible smile on her face.
“So what are you doing at this school?” I ask.
“Oh! I skipped a few grades! I’m really smart, or so they tell me.”
‘How old are you?”
“Ten. How about you? Are you a freshman?”
“That’s right. I’m 14.”
“Who do you have for first period? I’ve got math with Mrs. Newman, and Kylie told me that she does, too!”
“Oh, really? Guess we’ll be seeing a lot of one another, then. I’ve got her for first period, as well, but more importantly, she’s actually my mother.”
With the morning assembly over, we can hear students out in the hall now, milling about. We figure that we ought to excuse ourselves from the nurse’s office, and make our way to our first class of the day. The classroom is about halfway full by the time we arrive. Fiona takes a seat by the front of the class, and insists that I sit next to her. I’m not really eager to sit front row in my mom’s class, so I encourage Fiona to settle for the second row. We also leave a spot open to my left for Kylie if she wants.
“I hope I won’t be a third wheel,” Kylie says as she sits down. “You two haven’t left each other's sides since we got to school.”
“Just a coincidence,” I tell her. “But Fiona is a good girl. She’s been telling me all about herself as we were waiting for you. It seems that she’s really into fashion.”
“Oh, that might be helpful for when we make you crossdress later,” Kylie says.
“Keep it quiet! I don’t want weird rumors to start spreading!”
“The rumors could be worse. It could be about you wetting yourself on the first day of school.”
“Kylie, I don’t care if you’re a girl, I will take you around the back of the school and beat you up!”
“I certainly hope you don’t,” Mrs. Newman says, suddenly standing right infront of me.
I give her a smile. “You know me well enough to know that I wouldn’t.”
“No, you wouldn’t, because Kylie would win that fight. Of course, we already know that from last year.”
“That was a friendly fight,” I argue. “If it were a real fight, I wouldn’t be afraid to get dirty. I would win.”
“I suppose the rumor spreading around now will be about how you fight dirty and pick on girls,” Kylie says. “Better than nothing, huh?”
“Stuff it,” I mumble, and lightly punch her shoulder.
Thankfully, day one of classes isn’t exactly hard. I get some flack from my mother for missing out on the assembly, but she doesn’t scold me for long. And lucky Fiona doesn’t get scolded at all, just warned to be careful who she associates with. Thanks, mom. After that we start with introductions and stuff. My mother insists that we’re going to be classmates for the next semester, and school mates beyond that, so we should get to know one another.
“Ivan, would you like to start us off?” Mrs. Newman asks.
I sigh, and stand up. “Ivan Newman. My mother is your math teacher. I hope you give her plenty of trouble. I like video games, reading, and collecting comics.”
“You’ll lose some points for that slight against me, but good enough,” my mother sighs. “What about Kylie? Would you like to go next?”
“Sure!” Kylie says, standing up. “My name is Kylie! I’ve known Ivan since he was a baby, so I know Mrs. Newman very well. She probably won’t show her son any favoritism, but she’ll probably show me some! I like catching frogs and playing sports. I hope we’ll all get along.”
“Fantastic,” Mrs. Newman says. “What about Fiona? I’m sure people are curious about you.”
Fiona stands up and bows. “My name is Fiona. I’m only 10, but I hope you’ll all see me as an equal. I like fashion, books, and movies. I can’t stand horror movies, though.”
My mother thanks her, and then goes down the rows, letting people ramble if they want, or simply state a few things like we did. I make sure to pay attention, because I know that my mother likes to prepare a quiz on these things. She’ll ask the class questions about their classmates, seeing if we were really paying attention during introductions on day one.
The rest of the classes are about the same, perhaps a bit more boring. Kylie and I help Fiona find her classes, though we don’t share any other classes except for gym at the end of the day. We also hang out during lunch.
Gym class is the only class that really makes us do anything on day one, though it’s all stretches and a bit of running, nothing serious. It ends 30 minutes early so students have time to shower after gym. I’m quick with washing up, but the girls end up taking quite a bit more time. So I’m sitting in the hallway outside of the gym, scrolling through my phone when a shadow stops just above me. I look up, expecting to see Kylie. Instead, it’s some dude.
“Can I help you?” I ask. I try to keep my cool, but I’m already trembling. This guy is easily twice my size. I think he was held back a year or two, and if I recall correctly, he was part of the middle school football club.
“I saw you hanging around with those two girls all day. You got a thing for kids?”
“I know Kylie is flat, but she’s no child. As for Fiona, she’s only a few years younger than we are. She’s a good girl.”
“Are you trying to pick a fight?” he asks.
“I’m not sure what part of what I said sounded like I was?”
He laughs. “Oh my god, are you trembling? Seriously? What a loser!”
He kicks the wall right next to me, and I flinch away. He and some goons behind him that have gathered to laugh at me.
The bully grabs the collar of my shirt, and lifts me up. “What? Are you afraid of me? But I’m such a nice guy! Don’t you remember how much fun we had back in middle school?”
I manage to sputter out, “Right! You’re a great man, you know? So good at sports, too, Larry! Can you let me down now?”
He throws me to the ground roughly. He and his goons are gathering around me, now. I don’t think they’ll be bold enough to actually beat me up in the middle of the hallway with so many people around, but they’re going to at least make me worry.
“Hey! Stop it!” a high pitched voice calls out. Behind the bullies, Fiona has stepped out of the locker room, and has both fists bunched. She’s glaring at the bullies.
“Aww, is your little girlfriend going to stop us?” Larry laughs.
Fiona steps towards them. “I have an idea,” she says. “How about you come with me and talk to my father? You may know him as the security guard. You know, about 6 feet tall, covered in tattoos?”
The boys quiet down. We’ve been warned by older students for years to never mess with the security guard. His biceps are larger than our heads, and my brother says he saw him crush a watermelon in one hand before.
Deflated, the bullies walk away. Fiona runs over to me, and hugs me.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
“I’m fine. You didn’t need to help me.”
“Of course I did! You’re my friend.”
I laugh. I just met her, but twice now this younger girl has saved me. Back in the day, I had to rely on Kylie, and now I have to rely on an even younger girl. But I can’t just keep relying on them.
“They just wanted to scare me a bit,” I tell her. “Nothing bad would have happened.”
“I don’t care what their intentions were, they were mean!”
“Yeah, I know. But they’re jocks, it’s the only way they can get off.”
“Get off?”
“Don’t worry about that. Just don’t tell Kylie about this.”
“Because I’m pitiful enough as it is.”
“You’ve got that right!” Kylie scoffs as she leaves the locker room. “I’m just glad my dad doesn’t have to clean your blood off of the ground. Poor guy is overworked enough as it is.”
I roll my eyes. “Your dad has seen worse. I’ve seen him move roadkill with his bare hands, a bit of blood won’t bother him.”
“You still shouldn’t make extra work for him. You’ve done enough of that already.”
“Yeah, yeah! Bell’s about to ring, so are you girls ready to head home?”
“How bold,” Kylie says. “Asking two girls to walk home with you. Wow. What a playboy.”
I make a motion around my chest. “Sorry, I prefer – ow!”
Kylie doesn’t let me finish my insult, she throws her backpack at me.
“You owe me! You’re carrying my bag! And Fiona’s, too!”
Fiona offers me her bag. I take it. Now, with a bag on my back and one in each hand, I walk for miles mostly quiet as the two girls chat up a storm. I mostly zone them out. Eventually, Fiona has to take a different path than us, so she heads off right around the area where I ran into her, and I continue towards my house alongside Kylie.
“So, do you have a crush on her?” Kylie asks.
“Gross. No. Like I said, I prefer girls that are well developed.”
She rolls her eyes. “Okay. Joking aside, she says that she’s going to come over on Saturday. My father will have finished laundry by then if you want to drop by and pick your stuff up. You can also leave the clothes I lent you.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s fine.”
“You didn’t pee yourself earlier when the bullies were bothering you, right?”
“Nah, my bladder was empty already. If I had thought to use the bathroom before running out this morning, nothing would have happened, but I was running late. You know how it is.”
“I certainly know how it is with you.”
I flip her off, but for the next 20 minutes it’s just the two of us, so I’m stuck with her for now. She gives me a bit more crap, but it’s friendly, unlike how the bullies are. They just want to scare you. Kylie just likes to play around.
When we get to my house, Kylie stops and waits for me to head inside before she continues onwards. She lives a few minutes away, and visits often. She even has her own key to my house, just in case I lock myself out, which has happened before. She’s also allowed to let herself in if I don’t wake up like I did this morning. Had I not woken up, she would have let herself in.
Following the incident with the bullies, Fiona isn’t really willing to leave my side at school, especially after gym. She hurries taking a shower, and sits beside me as we wait for Kylie. The bullies glare at her, but don’t dare harass her. I’m told that her father makes sure to glare at them extra hard as they enter school in the morning and leave in the evening.
Eventually, the weekend rolls around. I don’t roll out of bed until well past noon. It’s about 2 PM by the time I step out of the shower. Kylie wants me to come over to drop off the clothes, so I put them in my backpack, and tell my mom that I’m heading out. I arrive at Kylie’s house about 5 minutes later.
I knock at the door, and a moment later, I hear some soft footsteps. Fiona must be here. Kylie’s footsteps sound like a linebacker’s. She just has no grace.
Fiona opens the door, and looks up at me with a smile. She looks even younger when not wearing the school uniform, though maybe that’s because my mind equates the school uniform to high school. Right now she’s wearing a red button up dress with a long sleeve shirt under it.
“You coming in?” she asks. And mentally, I finish the sentence the way that Kylie surely would have finished it, “Or are you just going to stare?”
I follow Fiona inside, and find Kylie standing a few feet behind. She’s wearing a t-shirt and basketball shorts. She hands me a plastic bag with my clean clothes, and I pull the clothes she gave me out of my backpack and hand them to her.
“I don’t really want the underwear,” she tells me. “I can imagine that you would be hesitant to keep them, though. That would be a conversation and a half if your mother were to find these panties.”
“Right,” I nod my head.
“I wonder how she would react if I were to tell her.”
“You wouldn’t ever find out, because you would be dead.”
She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure. I don’t want to tell her, anyhow. I want to keep this blackmail.”
“Such a good friend. I can’t believe my mother likes you.”
“Yeah, well, she’s always liked me better than you. Are we ready to head out?”
“Head out?” I ask.
“We’re going bug catching. My mom’s doing research.”
Kylie’s mother is a college professor and likes doing research on local animal populations. I’ve spent countless hours waist deep in mud or climbing trees searching for frogs, bugs, plants, and just about any animal you can think of. That includes fishing in rivers and ponds, digging in dirt, and even shifting through garbage.
“Where are we going?” I ask. I don’t bother arguing. I always seem to lose those.
“The forest.”
“Oh, good. No mud, then.”
“My mother saw how Fiona was dressed and didn’t want to make her wade through mud in such a cute dress.”
“How kind. I’ll just be happy to benefit indirectly from Fiona.”
Fiona and I follow Kylie out to a forest about 30 minutes away, close to our school. We’ve been here before, and have had plenty of success capturing insects. Their numbers have been waning in recent years, though. As houses pop up, the forest shrinks. Not to mention climate change, pollution, and whatever else. I’m no scientist, so I don’t fully grasp it, but I’m seeing first hand how the population suffers from human activity.
Kylie brought several tools with her. Nets to catch bugs, boxes to place them in, gloves in case things get dirty, and even a small spade for digging.
“Alright, let’s get this started,” Kylie says, eying the area.
First is an inspection of the general area. There’s quite a lot of litter, courtesy of high school students who like to play around in the forest and not clean up after themselves. We pick them up and stuff them in the bag that Kylie brought all the tools here in. We find that the trees generally look fairly healthy, and that very little building has been done around here lately. The other side of town is the main priority right now, with a new shopping center popping up. That won’t last long. People will want to be close to the school, and this forest will continue to shrink. When I was little, half of what we call town now was still the forest. There’s still lots of forest beyond the town, but it seems that it keeps growing smaller and smaller.
Fiona mostly watches and talks as Kylie and I climb trees and search through bushes. She seems to want to help, but seems nervous about touching bugs or climbing trees.
“It’s fine,” I tell her. “I’ll be there to catch you if you fall.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.”
She still seems nervous, but nods her head, and starts climbing up a tree that I pick out for her. It looks to be easy to climb, and there’s a fork low down that she can sit on and feel as if she’s accomplished something.
“Put your hand on that branch,” I tell her, and step towards the tree. I look up, gasp, and take a step away from the tree. Oops! I forgot that she was wearing a dress!
“What?” Fiona panics. Her foot slips. She falls.
Kylie is there before I am. She catches Fiona bridal style, and carefully places her down. Then she glares at me.
“Why did you look up her dress?” Kylie demands.
“I wasn’t thinking! I’m sorry!” I bow to both girls. Kylie laughs.
“That just goes to show that you didn’t mean anything,” Kylie says. “If you had been thinking bad things, you wouldn’t have made that noise when you saw her panties.”
Fiona is blushing, and holding her hands over her skirt.
“It’s fine!” Kylie says, slapping her on the back. “He saw my panties, too! Hell, he wore them!”
“Not so loud!” I try to quiet her down. It may be a forest, but it’s close to town, and people could be out here. The last thing I need is…
“Oh?” A voice says. And it’s just about the last voice I want to hear right now. Larry…
The girls step in front of me as Larry and a pair of losers that I’m not familiar with step forwards.
“So, Ivan here crossdresses and has little girls protect him?” Larry asks.
“You’re asking for trouble,” Fiona warns him.
“Maybe this is a bad idea,” one of the minions suggests. Larry tells him to shut up.
“Ivan, what would the other students say if they heard that you like to crossdress?”
I say nothing. I’m shivering like a leaf, on the verge of crying. I can’t imagine much that would make this situation worse right now.
“Answer me, boy!”
“He doesn’t owe you anything!” Kylie shouts at him.
“Yeah!” Fiona says, backing me up.
Larry laughs. “Really? I think he owes me if he doesn’t want me to tell everyone about this! How do you feel about being my private maid? You can even wear a maid dress, if you want.”
“Is this some kind of kink thing?” Kylie asks.
“King?” Fiona asks.
“Don’t ask,” Kylie says.
“What? Traps are kinda hot, not gonna lie,” Larry says. His goons give him a weird look, but shrug. He’s the boss here, and if the boss likes traps, then who are they to question him.
“I just made him crossdress once,” Kylie says. “But if you try to hold that over him, maybe we can let the whole school know that you’re into traps.”
“Anyone that says that they aren’t is just a liar.”
“What is a trap?” Fiona asks.
“It’s a dude that likes to wear skirts. Like a transgender.”
Fiona’s eyes narrow. She’s either confused or angry.
“A transgender is–”
Fiona cuts him off. “I know what transgender means. I’m transgender. If you have a problem with trans people, you have a problem with me, and if you have a problem with me, you’ve got a problem with my father, the 6 foot security guard.”
“Ex-military,” Kylie adds.
Larry scoffs. “Like I care! If I take care of the three of you, he’ll never even know about what happened here! And traps like you three are only good for one thing!”
His friends take a step back from him.
“What?” he asks.
“Well, you’re talking about murder and rape, right? We’re not really down for that, especially not when two or three of them are guys.”
“I’m not a boy!” Fiona says, stomping her foot and taking a step towards them. The boys don’t flinch.
“I’m still not interesting in touching a doohickey,” one boy says.
Larry rolls his eyes. “Alright, alright! No murder, no rape! That was only a joke, anyhow! And I’ll make you a deal, alright? I won’t tell anyone about Ivan’s crossdressing, okay? But in return, I get to look up Fiona’s skirt. I mean, Ivan already looked up his skirt, so it’s fine-”
And then, somehow or another, a fist connects with his face. He barely registers it, and I barely registered what I did before I did it. I look the fist up to its source, which happens to be me. Huh. I punched a sportsboy who is two years my senior, has a hundred pounds on me, and has goons with him. Not smart.
Sportboy just looks at me for a second like I’m an idiot.
“You’ve got balls,” he says. “That much is for sure. Of course, so do your girlfriends. Well, whatever. I think this is an interesting development, and I like to play with my food, so I’ll leave it at this tonight. Boys! We’re heading out!”
He laughs as he leaves. I fall into the dirt, hand still outstretched. The girls crouch down and try to console me.
“He’s gone,” Kylie says. “It’s alright.”
I can’t help but start crying. I try to keep it quiet, but I fail. I can hear the laughter grow louder. Larry stops to watch for a minute, then finally leaves.
“Kylie,” Fiona whispers.
“I know,” Kylie whispers back. “Make sure not to say anything if the boys are within earshot.”
“They’re gone.”
“In that case, you can break the news.”
“Um, Ivan?” Fiona says. “You peed yourself again.”
I gasp, and look down at myself. Sure enough, there’s a puddle of pee on the ground yet again.
“How do I keep managing to be so uncool?” I groan.
“Relax. I have some spare clothes. I figured we might wade into mud, so I’ve got some spare shorts and underwear. Um, these are kind of more classically panty style, though, so sorry. At least I’ve got basketball shorts, though. Option B is walking back to your house with wet pants.”
I groan, and hold my hand out. She shifts around the bag and pulls out some black panties and basketball shorts. I go around a tree and change, then meet back up with the girls.
“Things got a bit too exciting,” Kylie says. “We should head back home. I’ll be sure to let my parents know what happened.”
“Minus the peeing,” I beg.
“If you insist. I’ll run the laundry before you leave, so things should be fine.”
We follow Kylie back to her house. We’re all kind of down about what happened, so we stay quiet. When we return to her house, she throws the clothes in the laundry, tells her parents what happened, then returns to her room with Fiona and I in tow.
“Well,” Kylie sighs. “There’s that, then.”
We’re quiet for a moment, before Kylie claps her hands, and announces, “Alright! Time to make Ivan crossdress!”
“What?” I ask.
“Well, both Fiona and I have bailed you out twice, now, right? You owe us.”
“If not for you, I wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Kylie crosses her arms and looks at me. “And how was I supposed to know they were there? Or that you would pee your pants? I’m sorry, alright, but, really, I don’t think it was much of my fault.”
“It never is, is it?”
“Now, now, let’s calm down!” Fiona insists. “You don’t have to crossdress if you don’t want to, but I would like to see that. I think you would look cute.”
I scoff. “Like hell I would!”
“You looked up her skirt, you should at least do this much,” Kylie insists.
“I didn't mean to!”
“And I didn’t mean to attract the attention of those bullies for you.”
I glare at her. Then I roll my eyes. “Fine. my clothes are being washed anyhow, right? But in return, Kylie, I want to see you in something feminine, too!”
Kylie gives me a gross look, as if the suggestion of her wearing a dress is more offensive than me wearing a dress.
“I would like to see you in a dress,” Fiona says.
And that breaks her. Kylie sighs, and gives in.
“I have an older sister in college. She’s got old dresses and stuff that doesn’t fit her, so she’s given them to me. I don’t wear them because they don’t suit me, but I guess I can try one on. So long as Ivan does.”
Fiona looks between Kylie and I, eyes wide like a puppy.
“Let’s do it,” I sigh. I already agreed to, after all.
Kylie opens her closet. Dust puffs out, and we all cough. These are clothes that she never wears. Most haven’t been touched since her sister gave her them. It seems that she’s been getting clothes from her sister from years, and there are dresses of all sizes here. Some look like they’ll even fit Fiona. But they’re all mixed up, so it’s hard to tell which ones might be our size. We pull them out from the closet and start sorting them based on size.
Like an hour later, the dresses are sorted. Kylie’s sister had a taste for fashion, and wasn’t afraid to buy a ton of clothes. There are enough clothes on the bed right now to make the bed sag. Fiona seems to be the most excited about this, as not only does she get to see both Kylie and I in dresses and skirts, but she gets to try some clothes on, too.
“Pick a dress and get out,” Kylie says.
“You don’t want to see Fiona or I naked, right? Get out and get changed!”
“Oh. Okay.”
Fair enough. I step out into the hallway, and start changing into a dress. As I’m doing that, Kylie father walks out into the hallway.
“I was thinking, maybe we should report – oh! Nevermind. I’ll leave you to have your fun.”
I hate Kylie.
A moment later, I’m changed, and knock at the door. “Can I come in?”
“Come in!”
The girls’ eyes are practically glowing as they look at me. I’m wearing a denim jumper dress, as Fiona informs me. And I guess I look cute, at least according to them.
“Ah! You’re so cute!” Fiona says.
“If you went to school like that you would stop getting bullied and probably get laid,” Kylie says.
“Isn’t that the problem? That creep seems to have a certain fetish…”
“A what?” Fiona asks.
“Forget it. Anyhow, you two look good too,” I mumble.
And it’s true. I mean, Fiona looks cute, surprising nobody, wearing a blue floral skirt with a white top and blue jacket that matches the skirt. But Kylie? Wow. She actually looks like a girl!
Kylie is wearing a simple black dress, but it seems that it’s simplicity hid the fact that it suits her well. It’s cinched in the waist, and flairs out to give her hips. It’s fairly short, though, so she seems anxious about us seeing under it.
“You know, if you embraced your girliness, you would have a boyfriend in no time,” I tell her.
Kylie crosses her arms and glares at me. Her face is red. “I don’t want that.”
I shrug. “Well, sucks for you. And Fiona? You look like the cutest girl in the world, do you realize that?”
Fiona’s face lights up at that. “Really?”
“Yes. Kylie could learn a thing or ten from you.”
“Be careful,” Kylie whispers. “He looks like he’s ready to sweep you away.”
Fiona laughs. “I don’t think so! Wearing that dress, he looks so cute, I don’t think he could harm anyone!”
“We found that out for sure out in the forest, huh? He hit that guy with all he had, and Larry didn’t even flinch!”
“Go ahead, just keep bullying me,” I sigh. “Might as well.”
“We’re not bullying you!” Fiona insists. “I just think you look cute! If you were a girl, you’re the type of girl I would want to date! Right, Kylie?”
Kylie flinches at that, and seems to be blushing. “Err, well, it would certainly be to some peoples’ tastes.” She holds one arm awkwardly, and looks to the ground for a second. “Okay! Enough of that! We should try some different outfits!”
“Yes!” Fiona says, jumping up and down.
The girls have me trapped. I have to go along with their silly plans. And I can’t really do anything, can I?
“I only promised one outfit,” I tell them.
“Oh, come on! Don’t be a spoil sport! Oh, and let me take photos!” Kylie says.
“No! No photos! But I’ll make you a deal. Fiona, you don’t like horror movies?”
“Then how about this: I’ll wear all the outfits that you want, but in return, we get to watch a horror movie of my choosing.”
“You’re evil.”
“You made me this way.”
She groans. “Fine! I really want to see you in more dresses!”
And so the deal with the devils is signed. I try on different outfits, including short shorts and skirts and crop tops. I look myself in the mirror, and am surprised by just how cute I actually do look. With some effort, I could probably pass as a girl. But it would be some serious effort.
As for Fiona, well, she looks cute in everything. She tries on rompers, and dresses, and skirts, and even a bathing suit. She looks great, and her confidence just makes her look better. When I told her that she’s the cutest girl in the world, I meant it.
And Kylie… it’s such a weird thing seeing my childhood friend actually look girlie. I almost don’t even recognize her. Fiona even does her hair, which she usually just keeps in a ponytail so that it stays out of her way. Pig tails are nice. So are braids. And twintails? Oh. Oh crap, she’s cute!
My heart beats as I look at Kylie in twintails a crop top and short shorts, and I realize that I might actually have a crush on her. That feels almost worse than what Larry did earlier. She’s Kylie! I can’t have a crush on her! She’s a tomboy and a jerk! And my best friend! I’ve been in her panties in a literal sense, I can’t want to get in her pants in a figurative sense too!
I manage to keep my cool, though. Well, as cool as I can be in a skirt, at least. And once we’ve tried on all the outfits, Kylie pushes me out to change back into normal clothes, but Fiona stops her.
“Why don’t we watch the movie while dressed up? That could be fun!”
Kylie hesitates. “Okay…”
I take Kylie’s laptop, and connect it to the TV in her room. I pull up my favorite 100% legal streaming website, watchallmoviesforfree, and pick the scariest movie that I know. It has to do with aliens coming down to earth and experimenting on people. I like to imagine that this is how the frogs that Kylie’s mother experiments on feels as they try to flee and are then captured.
We sit on the floor in front of the TV. Fiona squeals and presses herself against me as the movie is only about 10 minutes in. The aliens waste no time doing jumpscares and capturing humans and just generally being evil and scary. There's no gore here, which is why I picked it as opposed to another movie, but it’s plenty scary without gore.
And then, I feel something wet under me. I look down, and there's a smelly puddle on the wooden floor below me. I look down at Fiona, whose eyes are wide. She’s bawling like a baby.
“Cut the movie!” I hiss. Kylie waste no time. She pulls Fiona out of the room to help her clean up. She takes her to her parents bathroom so that I can use the guest bathroom to clean myself up. I wipe myself clean, then call for Kylie to bring me some clothes. Her father drops some clothes in front of the door, and I crack it open to pull them in. Thankfully he has some sense, and has brought me my clean clothes that were in my bag.
I step out, and look over towards Kylie’s room. Kylie pokes her head out, and gestures for me to come over. Inside, Fiona is wearing an oversized t shirt that belongs to Kylie’s mom. She’s lying on Kylie’s bed and crying.
“You’re fine,” I whisper, patting her head. “I’m sorry for putting on that scary movie.”
She just sniffles.
“Right. I’m a jerk, huh? But we’re even now, right?”
“Not even,” Kylie notes. “You peed yourself twice. She’s still got an edge on you, there.”
I glare at Kylie. She sticks her tongue out at me.
“I guess so,” I say.
Kyle sits on her bed and pats Fiona’s head, while I sit on the other side, also patting her. Is this how you help people feel better? I don’t know. But this is my fault, so I feel responsible for this.
“I’ll make this up to you,” I promise Fiona. “Maybe we’ll find some more of Kylie’s sisters clothes. You’ve got some in the attic, right?”
“Yeah. That girl couldn’t ever do anything in moderation. She went through clothes and boyfriends faster than anyone I’ve ever seen.” Kylie keeps her voice calm as she tries to console Fiona.
Fiona sniffles, and looks at me. “Promise?”
I sigh. “Yeah. I promise. Maybe next week.”
She puts her arms around me. For a moment, she just stays quiet as she presses her wet face against my shirt.
“It’s going to get dark soon,” I tell her. “Do you want to change back into your normal clothes, and I can walk you home with Kylie?”
She nods her head, still stuffed into my shirt.
“Okay. I’ll leave the room for a moment.”
Thankfully for her, Fiona was wearing some of Kylie’s clothes when she wet herself, so she has her normal clothes to change into. Lucky for me, too, I guess, since I can go home in regular clothes, too. Then again, I could always just sleep over at Kylie’s house. Nobody would mind.
Fiona takes more than a few minutes to change and then dry her face off. And then we walk her back home. Kylie’s parents offer to drive us, but I think it’s best to let Fiona calm down a bit with a walk. By the time we get to her house, a tiny little house at the edge of the forest, she seems to have calmed down.
“I’m sorry that pee got all over your clothes and floor,” Fiona says to Kylie.
“Meh, as far as stuff that gets on our floors goes, pee isn’t too bad. My mom is a scientist, so we’ve had all kinds of animals crawling around and even pooping on the floor. It’s fine.”
“Your parents are good people,” Fiona tells Kylie. “So is your mom, Ivan. I’m sure your dad is nice, too.”
I grimace at that. “No, he’s not. But he’s not around anymore, so it’s fine.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Nah, it’s not like you could know. I’m more sorry for having you watch that scary movie. So we’re even, alright?”
“You’re still going to crossdress for me more, right?”
“Only once more next week, but yes.”
“Okay. I’ll settle for that for now.”
“For now?”
“How often can you say no to this cute face?” she asks. “After all, I’m the cutest girl in the whole world, right?”
My eyes shift to Kylie for a second. But only for a second. “Of course,” I tell her. But I’m not so sure now.
Fiona’s father steps out of the front door, and stares us down. Fiona waves at him and goes skipping happily towards him. Her father’s features soften immediately, as he bends down and hugs his daughter. With a smile on his face, he waves goodbye to us.
“My head feels like it’s spinning,” I mutter. Sometimes you aren’t meant to see the other faces of people that you know. That man is supposed to be cold and hard. Fiona should only ever be bubbly. I shouldn’t be blushing in a dress. And Kylie?
I look over at Kylie. She cocks an eyebrow at me.
Yeah. That’s the face I want to see. Not one that sets my heart aflutter.
I punch her arm playfully, and walk ahead of her.
Sequel to Meeting Fiona. If you haven't read that first, can I suggest reading that first?
Every year, I go on break with Kyle and her family. Her mother does research on sharks, along with just about every other animal you can imagine. As part of her research endeavors, she rents a cabin by the beach and spends several days there, doing her work. The rest of us come along just to play.
This year, along with the usual crew (Kylie, her parents, her sister, my mother and myself) we're bringing along Fiona and her father. Fiona is so excited to go to the beach that her eyes are practically shimmering.
"The beach! Oh! I haven't been there in so long!"
"Uh, is it going to be okay?" I ask.
"Yeah? Why wouldn't it be?"
"Well, you're trans, right? So..."
She laughs. "It's fine! I know how to dress for the beach! Nobody will know unless they feel me up!"
Kylie glares at me. "Look at this, you've corrupted her! Poor girl wouldn't have ever said anything like that back when we first met her!"
"I mean, she's 11 now and surrounded by high schoolers. It was bound to happen."
"I still feel as if this is mostly your fault..."
I sigh, and throw my hands up. Yep! Sure! It's always my fault, somehow or another, isn't it? Well, whatever. This won't get in the way of me enjoying my summer! Especially not since Kylie's sister will be with us, and she's quite the sight to behold, unlike Kylie.
Several days later, it's time for the trip. I've packed all that I'll (hopefully) need, and my mom has packed even more. Because who knows just how many swimsuits you'll really need, and sunscreen, and books, and... Well, whatever else she has in there. Just because she's a teacher for a living doesn't mean that she's sensible when it comes to packing for vacation. It's a good thing that we're driving, because if we were taking a plane the luggage fees would be insane.
Kylie's sister, Mia, rolls up in a van that she rented just for this trip. She figured that everyone would be bringing lots of junk along, and that the regular cars just wouldn't be suitable for all of this. If everyone else is packing like my mother is, then she might just have a point.
As Mia steps out of the van, I get a good look at the college student for the first time in around 9 months. She's absolutely stunning! It's hard to believe that she's related to Kylie, honestly. She's got a flawless complexion, manicured nails, beautiful blonde hair, perky breasts, and a nice butt. And she knows just how good she looks, and likes to show it off! Right now she's wearing a crop top and denim shorts.
While I'm staring, Kylie steps out of the van and punches me.
"Get to work, idiot! Or did you expect the women to do all the hauling?"
"But you've got your father and Fiona's father if you really need a man to do some heavy lifting..."
"Oh, sure, for the heavy stuff that a sissy like you can't handle. But surely you can at least pack your own bag into the van?"
"Fine," I sigh.
"By the way," Kylie says as she follows me into my house and into my room, "Mia looks nice, doesn't she?"
"Ah, I guess..."
"Psh! Please! You were literally drooling out there!"
"No I wasn't!"
"If I hadn't stopped you, a puddle of drool would have been soaking into your shoes by now! Oh, but I guess compared to certain other puddles that come from you, it wouldn't be all that bad..."
"Hey! There's no need to bring any of that up!"
"Well, so long as you don't pee yourself in the car, it'll be fine. But anyhow, I wasn't trying to provoke you, it just happened. The point is that you like my sister, right? So how about I do you a favor?"
"What favor?"
"There's one extra seat in the van, the passenger's seat. I was going to take it and keep my sister company on the road, you know, not having seen my adorable sister in so long... But I'm willing to compromise."
"I'm not sure I'll like this compromise."
"Oh, I'm sure you won't! But, really, it isn't all that bad! You've done it before loads of times with me and Fiona!"
I groan. "More crossdressing? How do you two keep roping me into that!"
"Because you like it, I assume."
"Maybe you just can't say no to a pretty face."
"If that were the case, you should have asked Fiona to ask me."
"Ooooh, that's what you're into? I thought you were into girls who were more developed?"
"Fiona is cute, but she's not my type. Still, I can't say no to her, I'll admit. And if we're talking pretty faces, Mia has the prettiest face around."
"You know she's my sister? Our faces are, like, 90% identical."
"No! It's way different! Maybe if you put some effort into your appearance like your sister does, you know, makeup and stuff, then you might be passable. But you're still not your sister."
Kylie crosses her arms, and rolls her eyes. "Alright, then, Ivan. So, do you want to sit with my sister on this nearly 3 hour road trip, or will you sissy out?"
I sigh. "You're really a jerk, you know that?"
"Fine. You've got a deal."
We shake on that, and she runs out to let her sister know that she's going to be in the rented minivan with everyone else, and that I'll be keeping her company on the road.
I'm slightly nervous, but also excited. After I put my bag in the back, I take a seat next to Mia, and twiddle my thumbs like an idiot.
"So, you're gonna be my co-pilot for today, huh?" Mia asks.
"Uh, yep."
"Alright! It's up to you to keep me awake! Oh, and also to make sure I don't miss any turns! I guess it was just too much pressure for Kylie! Unless..."
"You don't think she likes that little girl, do you? Fiona? She never seems to shut up about her. Then again, she never seems to shut up about you, either. Maybe she was worried about leaving you two alone for three hours in that car."
I scoff. "Along with everyone else? Including Fiona's ex-military dad? I think I would be killed if I tried to make a move on Fiona."
"Oh. Maybe it's best that you stay here with me, then. Oh, just don't try making a move on me, though!"
I blush, and looks out the window. "Of course not!"
Mia laughs, and ruffles my hair. "You're such a gentleman, you know that? Alright! Everything is packed up, now, and we're ready to go!"
Mia hits the GPS app on her phone, but honestly, I feel like by now we probably don't need it. I could probably walk there in my sleep. We go there every year, so even though Mia has never actually driven there, she's got to know the way by heart by now.
As she drives, Mia asks me all about my school life and my friendship with the girls. I fill her in on the less embarrassing things, leaving behind all the details about crossdressing, peeing myself, and being bullied.
"Huh, that's nothing like what Kylie tells me about," she says.
"What does Kylie tell you about?"
"Well, apparently you pee your pants a lot, and she makes you crossdress. But I'm sure she exaggerates just hot often that happens.
"Of course."
"Meaning that it really does happen, though."
I want to kill Kylie. She must have purposefully done all of this, not to give me a chance to be with her sister, but for her sister to let me know about all of the embarrassing things that Kylie has told her. How can she be so cruel?
As for Mia, she tells me about her college situation. She's going through boyfriends like crazy, so she thought she would try a girlfriend. Turns out the girl cheated on her, though, so now she's single again. For a girl who is so pretty, it's insane that she can be in so many terrible relationships.
Uh, that's kinda all that she talks about, really. She goes on a rant about the jerks in her school, and how a teacher tried to hit up on her, despite the twenty year age difference along with the very obvious power imbalance. I figure that it's in my best interest to steer her away from this conversation.
"So, have you seen Kylie in any of those dresses that you've given her?" I ask.
"No. I bet you've been wearing them more than her."
Ugh. That hurts, especially since it's true!
"Well... Fiona has convinced her on a few occasions to dress up for her. I've got some pics, so I'll show you later when you're not driving."
"Damn the rules of the road! I want to see these adorable pictures of my little sister!"
I laugh at that. I figure that just one small glance at a photo couldn't hurt, so I pull up a photo of Kylie wearing a frilly blue dress with Fiona putting Kylie's hair in twintails, with Kylie shouting at me to put the phone down. My eyes hover over the photo, and I can feel my heart skip a beat.
I show Mia the photo, and she sighs.
"Why can't she just look that cute always?"
"Right? She's your sister, so she can be cute if she wants to be, and yet..."
"So you think she's cute?"
"Well, she has the potential to be cute."
"That's where you're wrong! A cute girl is always cute! Although, yes, I do wish she wore cute dresses and stuff more often..."
The remainder of the trip consists of a concerning amount of discussion about dresses between a high school boy and a college girl. I'm eager to finally be done with the drive, though. 3 hours is nothing to joke about, and I feel like my bladder could explode.
I hurry down from the van, running towards the cabin. Kylie grabs my arm, though.
"Ivan! Don't be so selfish! Help us bring stuff in!"
"I can't! Right now-"
"Ugh, come on! Seriously?"
"Don't worry about it," Fiona's father says. "You kids go have fun, let us adults deal with things!"
I make a mad dash for the door, but in my hurry, I don't notice that Fiona has also been making a mad dash for the door. We collide, and...
The ground is wet. Fiona is crying. Everyone is staring at us.
"You seriously made Fiona cry?" Kylie scoffs. "Come on! I gave you one chance to look good in front of my sister, and you blew it! Oh, and you also peed yourself. Wow."
I do my best to keep myself from crying, standing up and offering my hand to Fiona. Her eyes are wet, and her vision is undoubtedly blurry, but she takes my hand and stands up. My mother takes her to wash up, and Kylie throws me my bag.
Thankfully, there are three bathrooms inside, so while Fiona takes one, I take another. I clean myself off in the bath really quick, then change clothes. Once I'm changed, I walk out to the living room, where everyone's stuff has been unloaded to for now. The adults are taking a quick beer break before they get to moving the luggage to the respective rooms.
The room situation is as follows: Kylie's parents are sleeping together, duh. My mother is rooming with Fiona's father, an unfortunate happenstance as they're now dating. Gross. Mia has her own room. The rest of us; Kylie, Fiona, and I, are sharing a room. Some parents might be worried about their daughters sharing a room with a teenage boy, but not these parents. I've roomed with Kylie every time we visit her for the summer, and there's never been an issue. I've got no interest in these two girls, anyhow. Now, if I were rooming with Mia, then there might be an issue...
I go to the room to rest for a bit. Everyone else is basically doing the same. As Fiona walks in, I apologize to her, but she shakes her head.
"No, that was partially my fault. If I hadn't been in such a rush, it would have been fine. Or if I went before we got in the car, but I was so excited that I forgot."
"Same. Well, we both made asses of ourselves, huh?"
She nods her head, then heads over to her bed. She reads a book for a bit, trying to get her mind off of the recent occurrence. I pull out a book to do the same, but Kylie coughs for my attention.
Kylie had been busy unpacking, putting up some dresses that she doesn't want to get wrinkled, and putting everything else in order. Right now, she's holding up a cute mint colored floral beach dress.
"That's cute. You gonna wear it?" I ask, already knowing that the answer is no.
"No." See? Called it. "You're going to wear it. This is in exchange for making Fiona cry."
"Not for getting a seat next to your sister?"
"No. You still owe me for that."
I roll my eyes. "You can't just get me to crossdress anytime that it serves you."
"But it will make up for making me cry and pee myself..." Fiona says, practically a whisper.
I groan. Damn it. "Fine. Get out so I can change."
The girls step out for a moment, then walk back in after I tell them that I'm good. Fiona's face is shining as she takes in the sight.
"Oh! You're so cute! You should just dress like this for the entire vacation!"
"No chance!" I scoff.
"Well, it was worth a shot."
"Yeah. Now, is it fine if I change now, or-"
As I'm saying that, the door opens. Mia pops her head in. "Hey everyone, we're going out for lunch -- oh! Ivan! You look adorable in that dress! Will you be wearing that to dinner?"
"No! Everyone get out so that I can change!"
I push the girls out of the room, and change back into normal clothes. My face is red, and I'm nearly crying again. On the first day of vacation, not only does my crush see me wet myself, she also sees me crossdressing! Ugh.
After I go back out to the living room, we all head out to a nice restaurant nearby for lunch. There's a lot of seafood which is a bit too... refined for my palate. Kylie doesn't seem to mind, but Fiona is definitely hesitant to try something so stinky. She orders chicken fingers, same as me. Thankfully nobody brings up my crossdressing or accident, so lunch goes by fine enough, I guess.
Once we return to the cabin, we can actually start the fun part of the vacation: the beach! I wore some board shorts to lunch, so I don't need to change. I just wait in the living room for everyone else to change.
First people out are the men, who just wear beach shorts. I'm not going to bother discussing them. Nor will I discuss the mothers who are wearing boring swimsuits that cover everything, thankfully.
Kylie and Fiona step out from our shared room. Kylie is wearing a black swimming top in a sport bra like style, and some short swimming shorts. It's unfortunately tomboyish, as typical for her. It's almost shocking to see her next to the adorable Fiona, wearing a cute pink two piece bikini with a skirt and frilly top. It's patterned with fruits. Like she said, nobody will be able to tell that she's anything other than an 11 year old girl.
Next up, Mia. She's wearing a skimpy black bikini with a thong style bottom and a very revealing top. I just about pass out from excitement when I see her! There's no way that she won't get hit on constantly at the beach.
"Stop staring, Ivan," Kylie growls. I look away bashfully.
"Nah, let him stare!" Mia says. "I really don't mind people appreciating just how beautiful I am!"
Kylie gives her sister a look. "You're just lucky that you're my sister. If anyone else said that, I would call them a pervert."
Mia hugs Kylie tight against her chest, and Kylie struggles to escape. I feel like with her boy-ish attitude, and athletic skills, she should be able to escape more easily. Surely she isn't enjoying this? It's one thing if she's into women, but it's another thing entirely if she's into her own sister.
Well, with the theatrics out of the way now, we head down to the beach. We've got a relatively quiet section of the beach here, so we're free to enjoy ourselves without having others around to bother us. Fiona immediately runs out into the waves, and Kylie and I wade in after her. We stop around knee height, a bit higher for Fiona, and Fiona dives into the waves.
For several minutes, we splash one another with water, enjoying the cool water on our skin when it's so hot out. Fiona is squealing like an excited little kid, because, honestly, she is, and she should enjoy herself! Kylie and I are also enjoying ourselves, but we're trying to act at least a little bit more mature.
"Hey! Let me in on the fun!" Mia says, running over with an inflatable beach ball. She throws it towards us, and all three of us dive towards it in an attempt to catch it, but just end up in one another's way. We splash into the water, the ball drifting calmly on the surface of the waves.
We reposition ourselves, the tallest Mia further into the water, and Fiona in the shallower part. Kylie and I are across from one another, about midway between the two girls. Slightly closer to Fiona, actually, as she struggles to make it very far.
We take turns hitting and throwing the ball to one another. It's hard to move in the waves, and none of us have super great accuracy, save for Kylie. The ball crashes onto the waves more often than not, washing back over towards Fiona.
I'll admit, I'm not paying as much attention to the ball as I should be. I find myself looking over towards Mia quite often, and when she has the ball, I tend to look lower than where the ball is. About chest height, let's say. Mia seems to have caught on, and tends to target me when she has the ball.
But, you know, I'm not the only one who seems distracted. I catch Fiona staring at Kylie once or twice, and I feel like a larger percentage of her throws are towards Kylie than towards me. None are towards Mia as she can't throw that far. I guess girls are just better friends than guys, naturally.
Eventually, Fiona gets distracted as Mia finds a cool seashell out in the ocean and brings it to her to check out. We decide to shift to digging for shells. Fiona and Kylie dig near the shallows while Mia and I dive down into the water to look for them there.
As I stand back up, I wipe the salty water from my eyes, and brush my hair out of my eyes. Mia taps on my shoulder, and points towards Kylie and Fiona. I look over to see Fiona blatantly staring at Mia's breasts. She may not be wearing a sexy outfit like Mia is, but her breasts are fairly exposed in this outfit. It's a shame that there's not all that much to look at, though. Jeez, Fiona, I know that you may be eager to grow out a bit, but surely you can do better than that?
Kylie offers Fiona a shell, and her fingers brush Fiona's palm as she hands it over.
I see. It's a shame that Fiona has such poor taste in girls, though. My heart skips a beat for a moment. Probably aching for poor Fiona and her taste.
"You've got to help them out," Mia whispers.
"And then be a third wheel?"
"Oh. Good point... Well, maybe I can reward you in exchange? Just for this trip..."
Hell yeah! I'm gonna get Fiona and Kylie together if it kills me! Well, maybe not, because then I can't get my reward from Mia, but anything just short of death or crimes, and I'm down!
Fiona puts her haul away on the blanket that the parents have set up. Her father shows her some of the things that he brought over, including a bucket for making sand castles. Her eyes light up.
"Guys! Guys! Let's make sand castles!"
I feel like I'm a bit old for this, but, well, whatever. If it makes Fiona happy, then that's fine.
"How about we have a competition?" Mia suggests. "You two versus us? Who can make the better castle?"
"You're on!" Fiona tells her. Kylie shrugs.
Mia is kind of conniving, isn't she? Maybe Kylie has more in common with her sister than I thought. Well, it works for me, giving me more time with Mia.
We work to make a grand castle, several stories tall with multiple buttresses and -- yeah, no, that doesn't work. I don't even know what a buttress is. And, anyhow, the castle keeps collapsing.
"Ah? I've never been any good at this," Mia complains.
"And I haven't done this since I was a toddler..."
Well. There goes our grand ambition. What we try, instead, is a walled castle with a garden. There's one central castle made by a large bucket, four towers around it made from smaller buckets, and a wall connecting the towers made by hand. We pick up some twigs and seashells to act as decor for the garden. It actually isn't all that bad, all things considered.
Now, what are the girls up to? Ah, Fiona seems to have gotten overwhelmed as Kylie accidentally positions her butt right in her face. Classic Kylie, not caring at all about anyone around her.
As for the castle: the girls build a large moat, leaving a round part in the middle to act as the base for their castle. They make six large castle shapes around the edge of the circle, fill the middle part with sand to hold the top, and top it with another large castle. They stick a shell on top to act as a flag or something. When the waves come in, it fills the moat.
"Well, I think we lost," Mia says. "Shame. Guess you girls can ask anything from us."
"What?" I ask.
"Oh. I didn't mention that, huh? But the winner should get something, right?"
"It's fine," Kylie says, standing up and wiping sand off of her knees, bending over and giving Fiona a bit of a show on accident again. "We didn't make agreements beforehand, and I don't want anything from you, anyhow, Mia."
"Aww. If I won I would have asked you to wear a real bikini next time," Mia tells her.
"And I would have told you to stuff it. I need to pee, and I'm not into wetting myself like Ivan is, so I'll be heading off."
I roll my eyes at her. What a jerk.
"I'm gonna head out too for a bit," Mia says, standing up. She makes sure to not make the same mistake that Kylie just make, patting the dust off from a crouched position away from me. "You kids have fun!"
Mia runs off, and I watch her the entire time. Honestly, it's a shame to see her go, but it is nice to watch her go...
Oh. She probably had an idea as opposed to just leaving. She wants me to talk to Fiona, huh?
"Um? Fiona?" I ask, kneeling over next to her.
"Can I ask you something?" I whisper to her.
"Yeah! Sure! But why are you whispering?"
"Well, this might be awkward, but I just wanted to know.. Is it possible that you have a crush on Kylie?"
She jerks back as if I hit her. Her father stands up, fists bunched. My mother grabs him and pulls him back down into his seat.
"W-what? What would give you that impression?"
"The obviousness of it all?"
"Is it really so obvious?"
"Well, for people that aren't as clueless as Kylie, yes. But don't worry: I support you! I'll help you get together with Kylie!"
"Yeah! What are friends for?"
"Oh! You're so nice! Thank you!" She throws her arms around me, hugging me tight. My heart beats slightly faster, probably worrying what Kylie might do if she were to see me like this. She might beat me up. I make sure to push her away before Kylie can see us and have a total misunderstanding.
Kylie comes back some time later, and asks, "So, what's next?"
"We should probably call it quits," her father says. "It's getting dark."
Kylie sighs. "Yeah. Alright."
We return to the cabin and take showers separately. Thankfully there are three showers, so we don't have any wait. The adults all have to wait, but they're not wet with sea water, so it's fine.
Once we're dried off, we meet in the living room, and put on a movie. No scary movie this time, just a cutesy anime movie that Fiona loves about a girl and her neighbor who is a weird fuzzy... raccoon? I don't know. It's cute, though.
I look over at Fiona as she watches, completely enthralled by the movie. Her face is beaming brightly, and she's leaning in towards the screen. I smile, somewhat losing track of the movie in favor of watching Fiona -- oh shit. I don't... I don't like Fiona, do I? I mean, I know she's cute -- everyone knows she's cute! But... is it more than that?
Now I'm self conscious. I try to pay attention to the movie, but my gaze keeps flickering towards Fiona. Kylie is by her side, and thankfully doesn't seem to have noticed. She's keeping her eyes on the screen, though she's not as sucked in by it as Fiona is.
At the end of the movie I don't even know what happens. I guess the girl's mom isn't sick anymore, and there's a cat bus, and I don't know. What kind of weird movies are they making over in Japan?
Well, that's about it for the night, then. I woke up early for the traveling, so I'm exhausted. We head back to our room, and I crash instantly. When I wake up, Fiona has already bathed, and Kylie is in the shower.
"Morning," I mumble, crawling out of bed.
"Morning! We're going to the amusement park on the pier today!"
"Can you call that an amusement park? There's only like 6 rides."
"It's enough!"
I shrug. "Alright. Sounds like a plan."
"Yeah! Actually, I was hoping that you might help me with something."
"Oh? I'm surprised to hear that you have an evil plan. Kylie rubbing off on you?"
"Evil plan? I just want to confess to Kylie. Isn't an amusement park perfect? Anyways, I was thinking that we should do all the rides except for the Ferris wheel. We'll do that one last, and you can skip out on it! That way, I'll have a perfect romantic moment with Kylie where I can confess!"
"That actually sounds like a really good idea. Just one thing: Kylie does bad with rides. Especially roller coasters. I mean, she's 14 now, so maybe she can handle it, but..."
We hear the shower turn off, so I guess Kylie's done. We better stop talking about Fiona's plans to woo her.
"You try to get Kylie to join us while I go take a bath, alright?" I ask.
I slip past Kylie at the door to the room, a towel and change of clothes in hand. I step into the bathroom, and sigh. She's left her swimsuit from yesterday as well as some other clothes here. I pick up her bra and move it to the side, rolling my eyes.
Hmm? This bra seems a bit too small. Fiona's bra, then? Jeez, come on! You don't even need a bra at your size! I throw it off to the side along with the rest of her dirty clothes. I feel kind of bad touching her stuff. If it were Kylie I wouldn't care, since she's been my friend forever, but it's different with Fiona. It just feels wrong.
Still, I can't help but laugh at the fact that they're both being so sloppy. The least they could do is pick their clothes up. Well, whatever.
After I shower, dry myself off, and get dressed, I step into my room to see what's going on.
"Here, wear this!"
Something soft hits my face. I catch it in my hands, then look over at the expectant Kylie.
"What is this?" I ask.
"A dress. You know that I don't like amusement park rides, yet you seem to have cornered me into riding them. I've agreed to do it only if you crossdress. So, will you break Fiona's heart, or will you wear a dress?"
"You're evil."
"I know."
"I couldn't possible crossdress in public."
"Nah, you totally could. You're skinny and short and have a feminine face. Trust me, I've seen you crossdressing plenty of times, and I still can barely believe it's a dude every time I see you. Oh, but I've also got a wig and makeup here to make you look good. We'll be stepping out now."
I roll my eyes. Honestly, after Mia saw me, I don't even care. Not like I'll run into anyone I know, anyhow. I go ahead and put on the black, frilly, a-line dress, along with the panties that Kylie threw along with them. Half a year ago I would challenge the underwear, but honestly, I've gotten used to it. These panties are tight and keep everything in place, but also have enough space down there for everything.
I step out, and almost immediately greeted by Mia. "Oh my god, you're so cute! I'm so glad I get such a cute canvas!"
"She's doing your makeup," Kylie explains.
"And Fiona's doing your hair."
"I don't care about that."
Well, I'm losing right now anyhow, so there's no need to fight. I sit down on a stool, and let the girls work on me. Mia does her magic with a brush, and Fiona places a wig atop my head and goes to work. I can't help but be a bit excited with a cute girl literally right in my face, with a second just behind me.
Finally, the girls are done, and Kylie brings me to a full length mirror.
"Are you shitting me?"
I look like a very cute (but flat) teenage girl. I'm certainly feeling a lot more confident, knowing that there's no chance in hell that anyone will recognize me. With that, I slip on some sandals, and follow the girls out to the car. My crush drives me (crossdressed) to the pier nearby. We get out and thank her, then head over to the ticket booth.
Along with the rides, there are some game booths. Fiona looks at them with wide eyes, eager to play.
"We came here to ride the rides," I remind her. "We can't carry a bunch of toys around with us to all the rides. Maybe once we're done?"
She looks dejected, but understands. After all, I'm right. Plus she's got a plan that she came here for, and the plan isn't to play games. It's to ride rides and confess to her crush! She has to stay strong!
As we walk around, I catch quite a few glances directed our way. My palms sweat a bit, and I wonder if they realize that I'm a guy.
"Relax!" Kylie says, smacking me lightly across the top of my head. "They think you're hot!"
"So they're checking me out?"
"Well, either you, me, or Fiona."
I think about it a bit. "Yeah, they're definitely checking me out."
"Care to explain your line of thought?"
"Well, Fiona's just a kid, really. And you, well..."
"Don't finish that thought."
If she had dressed up, she would be catching some stares right now. It's honestly a shame.
"Ohh! There's cotton candy! Can we get some!" Fiona asks, bouncing up and down and pointing at a cotton candy stand.
"Fine," Kylie shrugs. "You coming with us, Ivan-- er... Ivy?"
"I'm good. You two go eat up."
I sit down on a bench, and look at myself in my phone's camera app. I really do look cute. Yeah, Kylie is right, there's no chance that anyone would clock me as a guy.
"Hey, cute girl, you alone?"
I'm going to kill someone.
I look up, and see a familiar face standing right before me. Larry, the jock bully at my school. Oh boy...
I put on a falsetto voice. "Oh? No, I'm here with friends."
"What do you say you ditch them for me? We can have lots of fun together, girl. You know, I'm part of the JV football team. Hot, right?"
"Er... No? Sounds lame."
"Lame? What? Come on! Look at these muscles!"
"I've seen better."
Larry looks somewhat dejected. He looks around, and sees that people are watching. I'm thankful for that, or he might try something. He just makes a "Tsk!" sound and heads off, thankfully.
A moment later, Kylie and Fiona return.
"Sorry about that, there was a line," Kylie says.
"That's fine."
Despite saying that I didn't want anything, the girls still brought me some cotton candy. I thank them for it, and we take a small break to eat it. Once we're done, then the fun begins.
Knowing that Kylie hates rides, we start small. The carousel. Even a baby can handle that one. And Kylie takes it like a champ! Wow! She doesn't even cry or anything! She even has fun when we go to the bumper cars, though I think she's targeting me on purpose.
"Should we do the Ferris wheel next?" Kylie asks.
"Ah, no, I want to do that later. How about the roller coaster -- woah. That's quite the face," I say.
"I'm fine."
"I don't know about that," Fiona says.
"How about the kiddie roller coaster first?" I ask.
It's not quite a kid's ride, but it does only go a about 8 or 10 feet off the ground with some mild bumps. Actually, there are quite a few kids here. Maybe this does count as a kiddie ride? Well, whatever. We can't expect her to go straight to the big kid rides if she's been afraid of them for so long. Heck, we might not even do that this year. This is probably as far as she can go.
"Why are you holding on to me?" I ask.
"No reason!" she says, a bit too loud. We're next in line, so if she wants to quit, she better do it now.
We step up to the ride, and climb in, three people to a row. Kylie sits between Fiona and I, and takes each of our near hands. She closes her eyes, and gulps. Her skin looks pale.
What a baby...
The ride begins, going rather slow. Tears roll down Kylie's face. Well, too late to go back now...
I can't even enjoy the ride, having to deal with this baby the whole time. Once the ride stops, she makes a break for the exit. We follow after as quickly as we can.
Behind the ride, she falls to her knees, and cries. Fiona and I kneel behind her, patting her back.
"It's fine," I tell her. "It wasn't too bad, right?"
She doesn't respond. I guess it was pretty bad for her, huh?
"We definitely won't be doing the big roller coaster," Fiona says. "I think we can skip straight to the Ferris wheel. Oh. Oh no..."
"What?" I ask, then look down.
I guess the fear just became too much for her? Not only is Kylie crying, and attracting quite a bit of attention, but she's also just wet herself. Smelly liquid drops down her black shorts onto the wooden pier. Oh boy...
"Hey, hey, it's alright," I tell her, patting her back.
Her face is pale, and her eyes are red. Tears steam down her cheeks, and snot drips from her nose. It's quite a face compared to the confident Kylie that I'm used to. To see her so vulnerable just feels wrong.
Some guy throws us a towel, and we wrap it around Kylie's waist. We take her to a less crowded area, and pat her down the best that we can. A worker also offers a bucket with water to wash her down. As we help her clean up, it gives Kylie time to calm down from that.
"I'm sorry," she probably says, though I have a hard time understanding her through all that snot.
"It's fine, it's fine! You can't control your fears, and I knew well enough that you were bad with roller coasters! This is my fault, if anything!" I tell her.
"Remember that then!"
Oh boy... Well, I guess it's only fair.
We explain the situation to Kylie's sister, and she arrives within minutes with a change of clothes. I somewhat expected her to take advantage of this moment to force her into cute clothes, but it's just shorts and a t-shirt. Once Kylie is changed and calmed down, we return to the car, and Mia drives us home.
On the drive home, I'm sitting in the back with Kylie and Fiona. I look over at Kylie's face, still reddened from the crying. Seeing her like this, I'm reminded that she can be kind of cute when she's not being stubborn or annoying.
Hmm? Wait. What's this feeling in my chest? When I look at her so down like this, it feels like something is squeezing my heart. Do I just feel bad for her? Or do I possibly have a crush on Kylie? I guess it makes more sense than having a crush on Fiona, but actually probably it's worse since this is my best friend. I've worn her panties before. I'm wearing her dress right now.
Back at the cabin, we return to our room, and sit on Kylie's bed with her, me on one side, Fiona on the other. Mia heads to the kitchen to grab some ice cream for Kylie.
"Are you feeling better now?" Fiona asks.
Kylie sits up straight, and takes a deep breath. "Yeah. I'm over all of that now! I just want to go back to having fun!"
I nod my head. "That's the spirit! What should we do?"
"Um..." Fiona starts. "Actually, there's something I wanted to tell you back at the amusement park."
"What?" Kylie asks.
"Actually, Kylie, I think I kind of... Have a crush on you," Fiona confesses.
"Huh? Me? What?"
"Yes! You're cute, and you're so kind, too! Not everyone is cool with trans people, and how many people take their friends on a trip like this! And even when you're mean to Ivan, I know it's just in jest! You care about your friends, and have even defended Ivan before against Larry!"
"Well, yeah..."
"So, what do you say? Can you accept me?"
Kylie seems shocked and unsure. She looks over at me, then back to Fiona. She blinks, looking like an idiot.
"Okay. I'm not sure if I feel the same way, honestly, I'm just surprised. But you're a sweet girl, and your adorable as a little puppy, so I'm willing to try. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, Fiona."
"Yay!" Fiona throws her arms around Kylie. And I stand up to give the lovebirds some space. I step out of the room, and just about step right into Mia.
"Ah. I wasn't eavesdropping," she promises.
"Right. Let's just give these two some privacy. Maybe you can give me that reward you offered before?"
"Did I promise a reward?"
"Hmm... Alright. Well, let me give them their ice cream, and then how about we go watch a movie together?"
Mia hands the new couple some ice cream, and then goes over to the living room. She motions for me to join her, so I sit next to her. She puts on some romantic move, and signals for me to come next to her. I do, and she grabs me, pulling me close. I'm sure my face is just totally beet red right now. I lean against her soft side, and she puts her arm around me as we watch the movie. Sadly, it doesn't go further than cuddling, but even this much makes it impossible for me to pay any attention to the movie. Once it's over, I knock on the door to my room with the girls, and walk in. They're there watching a movie on a laptop.
I watch as the girls cuddle close, holding hands. Something in my chest stings a bit, but I don't know what. Maybe it's seeing my childhood friend in a relationship? Or maybe it's finally realizing that I have a crush on my best friend, but that she's in a relationship with someone else now. I don't know. It's probably best to just ignore it, though.
There's still a bit of light left in the day, so we spend a bit of time at the beach. We play some volleyball, though I don't know if there's any fair team if we include Fiona. She teams with her girlfriend, which is fair enough. Kylie is athletic, after all. We try hard to knock the ball down onto Kylie's side while also being soft on Fiona. It's hard, but we all have fun, so it's all good. Plus I get a good view of Mia from behind in a swimsuit, which is nice.
As we return to the cabin, Kylie and Fiona hold hands. Mia offers to hold my hand to try and make me feel like less of a third wheel, I guess, so I take her up on the offer. My heart beats fast enough that I'm worried it might explode.
Back at the cabin, I take a shower first, taking my towel and clothes into the bathroom. I realize that I forgot underwear, though, as I put the clothes up on a counter, and run back to the room to grab some. I forget to knock, though, which is a mistake.
Fiona and Kylie are sitting on the edge of Kylie's bed, fingers interlocked, and faces smushed together. As soon as the door opens, they pull away, but it's clear what I just saw. They kissed? Seriously? On their first day of dating? Slow down! And why do I care, anyhow? It's none of my business. Jeez.
But I just can't stop thinking about it. The entire time in the shower, the image is in my mind of those two kissing, fingers interlocked. I can hardly believe I saw that. I'm sure they wish that I hadn't.
I say nothing when I return to the room. We'll just pretend that I didn't see anything. Kylie goes to shower, and I get immersed in a book. Some time after Fiona showers, I grow tired, and fall asleep.
I wake up to the sound of arguing. Are the lovebird already having a spat. I step out into the living room to see Kylie and Mia having an argument.
"But you would look so cute in a bikini!" Mia insists.
"I don't care! I dress how I like!"
"Think about your girlfriend, though! What would Fiona think?"
Everyone turns to face Fiona. She tries to hide behind a chair. "Um? I think she would look cute?"
"See!" Mia insists.
"Fiona! You're betraying me?"
"If it means I get to see you in a bikini... yes..."
Kylie turns to me. "Ivan! What about you? You have my side, right?"
I shrug. "I don't care. I'm not interested in seeing..." I trail off, as the thought of Kylie in a bikini enters my mind. "Well, I mean, you should take into consideration what your girlfriend wants..."
Kylie stomps her foot, and smacks me over the head hard.
"You're a jerk, you know that?"
"What? Why!"
"You're my best friend! Take my side!"
"Wait, wait," Fiona tells her, grabbing her hand. "Doesn't this present an opportunity, though?"
"What do you mean?" Kylie asks. Then her eyes grow wide as the idea enters her head. "Ooohh!"
"Dare I even ask what the opportunity is?" I ask.
"It's obvious!" Fiona says, clapping her hands together. "You just have to wear a cute swimsuit, too, Ivan!"
"Woah, woah! That's taking it too far!"
"No! It's fine! It's just the four of us! There's a private indoor hot tub in the cabin!" Mia tells us.
"I'm sorry? You want me to wear a bikini in front of my crush?"
"It's fine! Come on! I'll reward you later, plus you can see one of my ~sexy~ swimsuits that I can't wear to the beach!"
Shit. It's hard to pass that up, especially with how sexy her regular bikini is.
There are three cute girls pleading with me, giving me puppy dog eyes.
"I hate you all. Fine. Only once."
"Yay!" Fiona jumps up and down. "Let's go get changed right now!"
It's like some kind of weird theatrical show, with each person changing one at a time and showing themselves to the rest of the crowd. Fiona changes first, showing off a cute blue one piece with exposed sides and a unicorn on the front. Unlike most of her swimsuits, there is no skirt or frills on the bottom area, so a small bulge is visible. All in all, I have to admit that she's adorable.
Mia is next, and steps out in a bikini that would probably get her stopped by the cops. I think it would be fair to call it a string one piece, with only just barely enough covered to keep her decent. Barely. Well, she definitely wins this showing. I don't know why we need to bother with anyone else.
Next up is Kylie. She's wearing a navy blue two piece bikini with a halter top and tie on bottoms. There's a lace-like pattern on the outside, and a more solid pattern underneath. Admittedly, she is very cute right now.
Finally, I go in to change. I was given a bag, and don't even know what's in it. I open it up, and pull out a two piece bikini. The top is frilled, like Fiona's often are. It also covers a good portion of my chest, hiding it effectively. The bottom is a skirt, with a tight underwear attached that has enough room for my junk, while being tight enough to keep it in place. The pattern is of green flowers on a light blue background. I step out and the girls applaud.
"You look great!" Fiona says, beaming.
"I hate to admit it, but you do look good," Kylie mutters.
"Totally stunning," Mia nods her head. "Next time, though, maybe something closer to what I'm wearing? No? Okay..."
I'm sure my face has never been more red. Right now I'm wearing a bikini in front of my crush, my childhood friend, and her girlfriend. This really doesn't make up for seeing Kylie in a -- what? Excuse me, for seeing Mia in a bikini. I don't know why Kylie's name came to mind.
I sit between Mia and Fiona, across from Kylie. The hot tub is warm, obviously, which I don't think helps me as I'm already red in the face. And, hell, where am I even supposed to look? I look off to my left, and see Mia's skimpy outfit, which makes me want to look away out of embarrassment. Then I look forwards and see Kylie in her bikini, which just feels weird. She's been my friend for so long, and I've never seen her expose so much skin. And to top it off, she looks cute! Maybe it's best to look at Fiona. I look over, and my heart nearly melts, and not just due to the heat. Fiona is adorable and bubbly, and just smiles all around. She looks absolutely precious in that swimsuit. I glance over at Kylie and she's staring at me, probably mad that I was staring at her girlfriend.
I tilt my head upwards, staring at the ceiling. Huh. I never realized they had that interesting pattern up there...
I look back down, and find Fiona and Kylie cuddling. They lean in to kiss, and I almost jump up from the surprise, but, I mean, they're dating. Of course they can cuddle and kiss. I stay seated, and watch as the two girls share a tentative kiss. My heart starts racing.
Mia pulls me towards her. "You're going to make me jealous, Ivan. You've been staring at Kylie and Fiona this entire time!"
"Ah?" Well, I guess that's cuz it's hard to even look Mia's way when she's wearing something like that. But I guess she likes to be stared at, so it's fine? I look over at her, but I find my mind completely stuck on the image of Fiona and Kylie kissing yet again. I turn my head towards them.
The girls have their eyes closed, holding hands, leaning against one other. I can't help but stare. They really are just too cute together. I don't know about my feelings for Kylie, but I think I might be glad that these two got together. There just isn't an image out there more stunning than this one.
"I think I'm getting out," Mia says. "It's a bit hot, so I'm going to cool down with some ice cream."
"Mmm... okay." I say.
Mia pouts, "Ignoring me? Jeez. I thought maybe you would want to come with."
"Oh. Good idea. I'm pretty hot, and the couple might want some alone time."
I join Mia and we walk into the kitchen. All the adults are around there chatting, and everyone freezes when they see us. Mia doesn't care about how skimpy her clothes are, she just walks past them. But I'm just embarrassed, and cover myself.
"You look nice," my mother says.
"Is there anything you'd like to tell me?" she asks.
"No. This is part of a dare with the girls."
"You seem to do a lot of dares regarding crossdressing."
"I think Kylie just has a kink for it," Mia says.
"That might explain things."
The adults just kind of awkwardly clear out, giving me and Mia some space. She grabs some ice cream from the fridge, and leans down, offering me one. She whispers in my ear.
"So, which one of them do you have a crush on?"
"Oh, come on! I wasn't born yesterday! Maybe you would prefer if I was, though? But when I'm dressed like this, here you are paying attention to my little sister and her girlfriend. Can I not compete with high schoolers?"
"It's not like that..."
"No, I know. The heart wants what the heart wants. I guess your heart is just calling for something specific. Shame. I was down to have a little bit of fun with you, but I guess I'm just heartbroken once again. But if nothing else, I'm a romantic, and I want relationships to blossom. So which of those two are you interested in?"
"I don't know? My heart feels weird seeing them like that."
"Hmm? Well, think about it, okay? Imagine if you kissed my sister -- oh! Now that's a face! Wow. I didn't know people could turn that shade of red. Okay, okay, cool down on the ice cream for a bit. Okay. Now, imagine kissing Fiona. Oh. More red? Wow."
My brain feels like it's about to explode. My heart is thumping out of my chest. Kissing Fiona? Kissing Kylie? What about kissing Mia? Maybe I'm just a slut? Those all sound pretty good, if I can be quite honest. Maybe I've just been single for too long. Maybe I would just take anything? Well, in that case, what about kissing someone like Kylie's mom?
"Woah. That's a fascinating face, too. Is this lemon ice cream? Jalapeno?"
Gross. No, it's clear where my heart lies. And my heart is a friggin' slut...
I just shake my head. Great. This is the perfect time to be dealing with all of these emotions, just after my two crushes got together. But at least Mia is single?
"I think I like them both," I admit to Mia. "I think I like you, too, though. Clearly I can't get with the when they're together, though, so-"
"Hmm? Why not?"
"...They're dating?"
"Uh? That's cheating?"
"Not if everyone is cool with it. Ever heard of polyamory?"
"Uh? That's what those mormons do, right?"
"Well, yeah, but normal people do it, too. You have to be very open with your partners and trust them, though."
"That sounds kind of..."
"Imagine watching your partners kissing, isn't that exciting? Just imagine Kylie and Fiona sharing a passionate kiss -- Ah. There's one of your interesting faces again."
I don't have to imagine, I've seen those two kiss! The scene is stuck in my head!
"Well, I can't just confess now..."
"Sure you can! Now's better than never!"
"Well, I mean, certainly not right now."
"Hmm... No, you're right. You need to wear something sexier."
"No! The issue is that I'm dressed as a girl! What teenage guy confesses to both of his crushes -- who happen to be dating one another -- while he's wearing a bikini?"
"Well, imagine how hard it would be to refuse you in a situation like that."
"You're insane, you know that?"
"No, I just know Kylie's taste. Trust me on that. And Fiona is so sweet that I think that she would be down for anything. I can just imagine her jumping up and down and clapping her hands in excitement."
Yeah, I can definitely imagine Fiona doing that. But Kylie I'm not so sure about. I mean, I've been her best friend since forever, but I can't imagine her dating, and certainly not dating me. I don't know...
"What do you have to lose?" she asks.
"My dignity?"
"Your crush has seen you pee yourself-- all three of them have! You have no dignity."
"I hate that you're right. But what about my friendship with the girls?"
She shakes her head. "No, that isn't in danger. Those girls love you, whether it be platonic or romantic. They would be willing to risk life and limb for you. It might be awkward at first if they say no, or if you break up, but I think it will be okay in time. I'm friend with my ex who was my best friend before I dated her. Things will be fine, trust me, I've got a lot of dating experience!"
She has a lot of failed dating experience, rather... I don't know if I can trust her with that in mind. But she does know her sister better than anyone else, so maybe...
I sigh. I don't know. But what good is it to stew on this for days and let it ruin my summer vacation? I might as well bite the bullet.
I walk back into the room with the hot tub. The girls are kissing yet again, and I just sigh. Partially because I'm amazed that they would move so fast, but also because, yeah, that's an amazing scene.
"Ehem," I fake-cough. "I'm back."
The girls pull apart, and look at me, blushing. "Welcome back," Kylie mutters.
"Welcome back!" Fiona smiles.
"Actually, I had something to talk to you about," I tell the girls, sitting across from them. Kylie cocks an eyebrow.
I take a deep breath.
"Well, I just realized that I have a crush. On both of you."
Kylie's eyes go wide. Fiona gasps, smiling.
"Really?" Fiona asks. "I can't believe someone actually has a crush on me! And you confessed! Oh, I've dreamed about situations like this!"
"We're dating!" Kylie reminds Fiona, then looks over at me. "How can you tell us this now? And how can you just go and have a crush on two people, anyhow? Come on!"
"Well, polyamory is a thing. Some people date multiple people at the same time, and everyone agrees with it beforehand, so it's alright."
Kylie jerks back. "Wait, wait? Are you suggesting that we date you? What?"
Fiona claps her hands. "Oh! That sounds so exciting! Kylie! We should do it!"
"What? This is--" Kylie falters. This is... What? Weird? Yeah, all of this is weird, but who do I have to blame for this? Seriously? Which of you weirdos is to blame for all of this, I want to know.
Kylie looks me up and down, and gulps. "Well... You do look cute."
"So you are into crossdressing?" I ask.
"You really do look adorable!" Fiona says, nodding her head. "I can't blame Kylie if it's you!"
Kylie rubs her arm. "I don't know. I mean, I can't make sense of anything right now. I just started dating Fiona, and I'm just starting to figure out how I feel about that. I mean, when we kiss, I feel something in my stomach..."
Fiona's eyes glitter. "Can I suggest kissing Ivan, then?"
"Huh?" Kylie practically jumps right out of the hot tub.
"Yeah! We've kissed a few times now, so how about you kiss him?"
I feel like I might pass out from the heat of the hot tub. I just confessed and now one of my crushes is suggesting that I kiss another one of my crushes. Sheesh!
"Why don't you two kiss first?" Kylie suggests. "Then maybe I'll consider it!"
Fiona's eyes are open wide and she stares at me with pleading eyes. I sigh, and scooch over to her. I lean in, and she enthusiastically meets me part way, and we touch lips. Just lightly at first. I pull back, and look down at her. She's looking up with eager eyes, seemingly wanting more. I decide to lean down and kiss her, holding her face with one hand, and her shoulder with the other. She doesn't quite seem sure where to place her hands, but ends up lightly placing them against my chest.
We pull apart, and my heart is beating faster than it ever has before. I really am in love with Fiona. I don't know yet if I'm in love with Kylie, but I guess I'm about to find out.
Kylie doesn't give me time to prepare. She leans over Fiona, taking hold of my head with both hands, and holds me tight as she plants her lips on mine. I panic for a moment, then reach out and hold her arms around her elbows, leaning into the kiss. Fiona below us just gasps, staring up at the make out session happening above her. I hear Mia clapping from the door, enjoying the show.
We pull apart, a trail of saliva connecting us for a moment extra. I look Kylie in the eyes, my heart beating so fast that it's all that I can hear. Yeah, I'm definitely in love.
I pass out.
I pull into the driveway of my parents’ house, and sigh deeply. As much as I love my family, it’s always a drag to drive all this way to see them. But the academy that I attend is perfect for my major, so I put up with it. Besides, I know that my batteries will son be replenished by a certain someone.
I’m not even out of my car yet when the door swings open, and my 18 year old brother comes running out of the house screaming my name.
“Candice! Welcome home!”
My little brother is skinny, with light skin, and long hair. Currently, he’s wearing a denim jumper skirt with a blue and white striped t shirt beneath it. I smile as I step out of the car to greet him, and he jumps into my arms. Despite already being a senior in high school, he’s still only 5’ tall, and is extremely clingy. I don’t mind it, though, because he gives me the energy I need to continue onwards.
“I’ve missed you, Alex” I tell him, patting his head.
“I missed you too, sis! Are you having fun at school? Do you have a boyfriend yet?”
I give an awkward, non-commitmental laugh. I kind of haven’t told them all that I’m dating a girl right now. I’ll get to that eventually, probably. I’m sure they won’t mind, considering that they’re cool with my brother crossdressing, but it’s still kind of anxiety inducing.
We head back inside, and my brother brings me to his room to show me all the cute clothes that he’s gotten while I’ve been away at college. I scowl at a rather mature looking black lace dress. It’s too short and shows too much cleavage, though, I suppose Alex doesn’t have any real cleavage to speak of.
Alex is basically jumping off the walls with excitement. But I’ve been driving for 6 hours, now, and an really hungry, tired, and need to use the bathroom. So, I do that, starting with the toilet, and then a nice, warm, homemade dinner made by my father. I typically only ever eat cheap microwaved meals and such, so the pasta is a welcome break from my typical monotony, though I admit that neither of my parents are quite chefs. They try their best, though, and you can practically taste the love.
Being so exhausted, I excuse myself to my room, on the upper floor. Since I’m mostly at college nowadays, my room is used as extra storage space, as my parents can’t ever bear to part with even their trashiest junk.
“I’m sure we’ll use this box full of old calendars for something, one day,” I mutter sarcastically, shaking my head at the trash that has accumulated in my room while I was gone.
As I change into my pajamas, my brother walks into the room, and sits down on my bed. He’s changed into a his own pajamas, a pink button up shirt and shorts set with cats on them.
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” he asks.
“Aren’t you a little old for that?”
“Does it matter?”
I chuckle. “No, I guess not. Fine.”
I climb into bed, and my brother cuddles up beside me. He wraps his arms around me, and pulls himself into my chest. I lay one hand on his hair, and the other around his shoulder. He’s like a little angel. I can’t help but drift off to sleep easily with him there beside me.
I wake up in the morning, feeling far more refreshed than any amount of sleep back at college will ever get me. My brother is still sleeping, and I watch his face for a bit, before carefully getting up. I try not to wake him, but he moans, and sits up.
“Is it morning already?”
I smile at him. “Good morning, sleeping beauty. Did you sleep well?” He nods his head. “Good.”
I head downstairs to make breakfast, but find that my parents have already beaten me to it. They left for work a bit ago, but left some eggs, hashbrowns, and toast in the fridge for us to heat up. They even did the dishes! Wow. Wish I could have service like this back at college! Whenever my girlfriend cooks, she burns most of the food, and always leaves a mess. We tend to just order delivery to save the hassle.
I sit at the couch to eat breakfast, watching some generic sitcom on the TV just for the sake of having noise. My brother sits beside me, leaning right up against me.
“Have you been going to the beach much?” my brother asks, as my academy is right by the beach.
“No, but I’ve been to the water park a few times. There’s less sand there, which is nice. And less sharks, and jellyfish…”
“But the beach is so charming!”
I sigh. “Yeah. Maybe. But my girlfriend knows a guy who works at the water park, so we can go there for cheap.”
“Oh. That’s nice! Make sure to introduce me to your girlfriend some time!”
“I just said girlfriend, didn’t I?” I sigh deeply. “Okay. Yeah. Maybe you can come down and visit some time.”
“And we can go to the beach!”
I laugh. “You really just want to go to the beach, huh?”
“Yeah! It’s been ages since I’ve been to one! The nearest one is over an hour away!”
“That’s much closer than the academy! It would be 6 hours just one way!”
“Yeah, but then I can also meet your girlfriend!”
I roll my eyes. “Yeah, fine! But at least you have the pool in the backyard, right? Have you been using it?”
“Of course!”
We have an inground pool in the backyard, along with a privacy fence, so my brother can wear a swimsuit freely without worrying about others seeing stuff they shouldn’t see. I’ve also skinny dipped in the past, but it’s not something I particularly like. I spend lots of money on clothes, so I would rather wear them.
“It’s pretty hot, and I’ve got nothing to do, so do you wanna head out to the pool now?” I ask him, and he nods his head. He runs off to change, but I go ahead and finish breakfast first before heading to my room. We’ll have all day to swim, so there’s no rush.
After changing into a red polka dot two piece bikini with tied ribbons on the side and behind the neck, I head to the backyard, where my brother is already swimming. He’s wearing a one piece bikini with thin black and white stripes and pink hearts. When he sees me come out, he runs over and hugs me, then drags me towards the pool.
“Hold on, hold on!” I shout, smacking him over the head with a bottle of sunscreen. “Safety first!”
He groans, but pauses long enough to let me smear sunscreen on him. He’s really pale, and burns easily. Hopefully he’s been remembering to wear sunscreen when he comes out by himself. I chastise him as I rub the sunscreen on, reminding him that it’s important to wear it.
“Yeah, yeah,” he mutters as I finish off his legs.
“Trust me, I’ve gotten sunburnt enough for the both of us,” I tell him.
After I finish him off, I hand him the bottle, and lie down on a pool chair. I’m about 4 inches taller, and have a lot more exposed flesh, so it takes him a bit to finish rubbing the sunscreen on me. Of course, I make sure that I personally get the more sensitive areas, such as between my breasts, because Alex is such a baby about it. He even complained when I got too close to his butt. Please! Like that’s nothing I’ve never seen before! Whatever.
Once we’re done, we head into the pool, and splash around for a bit. He also has some water guns, so we play with those for a bit. I think those might be more effective if you’re not already wet, though. Still, getting a stream of water into your mouth or eyes isn’t exactly fun.
After about two hours or so of swimming, shouting, and playing, I get out to take a break and reapply the sunscreen. As I rest on the pool chair, my brother lies down next to me, and hugs me tight, his wet one piece bikini cold against my arm which I JUST dried off and put sunscreen on. He clings on for a big, head practically in my armpit.
“Alright, don’t go falling asleep, now,” I chuckle, patting his back.
“Sis, we’ll always be together, right?” he asks.
“Of course! What would ever make you think otherwise?”
“Well, I’ll be going to college soon, right? And you’ll be graduating college in a few years. When you do, then what happens?”
“I don’t know. But one thing is for sure: no matter what, we’ll always be together!”
“Even when you have a girlfriend?”
“Of course! Look, things may be going on at college that you don’t know about, but that’s fine! I’ll always return, and we’ll always be together, if not necessarily physically right now. Although, right now, I suppose we couldn’t be more together physically. Anyhow, what I’m saying is that even if we live far from one another, we can visit often!”
“But I can barely stand this as is!”
“No worries. I don’t know the plans for the future, but we’ll figure it out. We can live nearby, or even together, maybe. I don’t know. But you’ll always be my number one priority, okay?”
He nods his head, gripping me tight. His nails almost pierce into my skin, so I carefully pry him off.
“Sweetheart? Look at me for a second.”
He lifts his head to look at me. He looks just like a sad little puppy. I pat his head, then lean down, and hiss his cheek. Then I hug him tight, and rub my hands down his back.
“You’re my precious little brother, alright? I’ll always be here for you. Now, how about we get back to playing?”
As he runs over to the pool, I tell him to hold on, and he turns to face me.
“Uh, by the way. I know that we’ve got this fence here, so it’s fine here, but uh. There’s a pretty obvious bulge in the swimsuit. If we ever go to a public beach, you should wear a swimming skirt or something.”
“Oh!” he blushes a bit as he takes note of that. “Right. I do have swimsuits with skirts, but like you said, since nobody can see me out here, I figured, well… I did buy a lot of swimsuits, so…”
“Better not to let them go to waste?”
“Right. Well, it’s no problem. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your body, but we should also be careful not to draw unwanted attention. I’ll also be sure to find a beach that not many people go to, but let’s worry about that another time, alright? For now, let’s have fun!”
Alex nods his head, then jumps into the water. We go right back to shouting and having fun, but I can tell I kind of upset him with my warning. I feel bad, but he probably should know to be careful.
I nearly cry when my time visiting is over. I wish I could just shove my brother into my suitcase and take him back to college with me, but he’s still got school work to do. I promise everyone that I’ll see them again soon, and start my long 6 hour drive back to Tangerine Academy.
I’ve been seeing Marissa for a few weeks now, and we’ve been getting along well. Both of us are transgender, and met via a mutual friend who thought that we might get along. Hopefully her reasoning wasn’t just because we were both trans. Still, it seems to be working fairly well, and I’ll be visiting her house for the first time today. I’ve been stressing all day, and I’m sure she has, too.
For our date, I decide to wear some sexy panties, just in case I might get lucky tonight. I wear a VS thong with just enough space to hold my balls in place, and a black garter belt and stockings. I also wear a cute black lacy bra that matches with everything else. Of course, I’m not planning to walk out to my car wearing that, so I throw on a cute strappy red top and a short black skirt as well as a pair of low heels. I would certainly turn some heads if I were to walk down the street like this, but it’s still perfectly acceptable to wear. Moreover, I’m only walking as far as my car, and then up to her front door, so it doesn’t matter too much.
I check my hair and makeup maybe 20 times in the last minute before I head out to the car, plus once again as I’m sitting in her driveway. I get out of the car, and knock on her door. She answers a minute later, wearing super short denim shorts and a blue crop top. Notably, she isn’t wearing a bra under the crop top, and her nipples are quite visible.
“Oh, Ashley, you look great!” she says. “You didn’t have to get so dressed up, though! Especially as I’m sure we won’t be wearing much for long. Anyhow, come on in!”
I thank her for her hospitality, and enter her house. Marissa comes from a rich family, so her house is quite a bit nicer than my apartment. She even has an in-ground pool in her large fenced in backyard! I have to go to a public pool if I want a dip, or more realistically, just settle for my bathtub, since I’m transgender, and don’t want to be out in public in a swimsuit.
“Just wait in the living room for a moment! I’m finishing up dinner, and will be out in a second! The movie will be starting at 8, but until then, you can do as you wish!”
“Yeah, no problem!”
I sit down on her sofa, and gaze around the room for a bit. Expensive paintings, extravagant sculptures, lights that dim instead of just turning off… this girl is fancy. I feel like I’m cheap here in comparison. When dinner is ready, we move to the living room, because she’s fancy, and this is a date, so we can’t just eat on the couch like I do back home.
Marissa made some pasta, and though it isn’t the greatest food I’ve ever eaten, it’s plenty good. She may not be a 5-star chef, but compared to what I typically eat since having moved out of my parents house, it’s pretty damn good. Though I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give up my cheap ramen and hamburgers!
After eating dinner, we chat a bit about nothing in particular, then move to the living room as the movie starts. It’s some forgettable romantic comedy that serves the purpose of light entertainment without really having to pay attention to plot, and gives us plenty of time to get frisky without really worrying about missing anything major. By the midway point of the movie, neither of us are wearing a top, and her shorts have come off, revealing her white lace panties.
I don’t even know what the movie was about. My hands are on Marissa, and her tongue is down my throat. We don’t even bother with the last half or so. We move to her bedroom, hand in hand. She leads the way, and I glance around as I walk in. She’s got matching furniture in here, two dressers, a wooden bedframe and headboard, a bedside table on each end of her bed. The room is immaculately clean, save for some kind of plastic kind of rounded rectangle shape under her bed that I notice. I think I recognize that shape and color from somewhere, but can’t remember where. I don’t really get a great look at it, but it was maybe dark blue and pink or purple. Of course, my mind is pretty deadset on something else to focus on that.
Marissa strips completely naked before she’s even fully through the door, throwing her panties to the ground, and revealing a roughly 2 inch (~5cm) long erect penis. Since I went through the effort of putting on such cute clothes, I don’t want to take my panties off, so I just move the fabric to the side, and let my penis and balls hang out. I’m about 5 inches (~13 cm) erect so even though I’m not exactly huge, I’m at least larger than her. I push her up against her bed, and she giggles as she fakes a struggle. Inevitably, I turn her around, and tease her ass for a bit, before reaching for the lube that she had conveniently placed on one of her dressers earlier. She knew where this was going to lead.
I lather up my dick and then her ass with the lube, fingering her ass just a bit, then start pounding away. She moans and screams the entire time, and her little cock shoots out a load of cum onto her floor just beside the bed. It isn’t long before I join her, letting loose in her ass. I slowly pull out of her, then turn her back around, and push her onto her bed, then climb onto her. I nibble away at her neck for a bit, and also tickle her. She starts laughing uncontrollably, and begs for me to stop.
“Please! I can’t take it!”
“I don’t know!” I say, smiling. “I think I’m having fun!”
I ignore her pleas, and continue tickling her.
“No! I’m gonna– ah!”
Much to my surprise, the comforter below my knees and below her ass starts to grow rather damp. I look down, and see that I’ve ticked Marissa so hard, that she’s peed the bed.
“Oh,” I say, dumbstruck. “I’m sorry.”
She shakes her head. “No. it’s fine. Just give me a moment to clean up…”
As we climb off of the bed so she can clean it, a thought comes to my mind. I think I recall where I’ve seen that plastic wrapper before. My niece is 13 and has bedwetting issues, and wears goodnites diapers. The plastic wrapping for that looks quite similar to the plastic I saw under Marissa’s bed. Combined with the fact that she peed while I was tickling her, I can’t help but wonder…
“Marissa?” I ask. “Do you wear diapers?”
“What?” she nearly jumps out of her skin. “Of course not! Don’t be silly! You just tickled me too much! I wasn’t expecting that!”
“Oh. I thought I recognized that plastic under your bed as belonging to goodnites diapers. Are they not?”
“It’s fine if you are. My niece wets the bed, and I think there’s nothing wrong with needing to use them.”
“I don’t need to use them…”
“Oh. But the way you say that… does that mean that you do wear them? But you just don’t need to?”
Marissa looks close to crying. She nods her head.
“Oh, honey,” I walk over to her and hug her tight. “There’s nothing wrong with that! I think you would look adorable in diapers! Why don’t we work together to get these sheets cleaned, and then you can show me just how cute you are, alright?”
She whimpers, and then nods her head. We throw the dirty sheets into the washer, along with my panties that had gotten wet from the pee, and the cheap stockings I had on. I don’t really care if they get ruined, they were cheap and just for one night, really.
“I’m sorry for getting pee on your clothes,” she mutters.
“No, no! It’s fine! Really! Let’s just get this all cleaned up.”
We let the washer run while we return to her room. She bends down, and pulls out the bag of diapers. As suspected, they’re goodnites, these ones being large sized. Marissa is rather tiny, so her being able to fit into children’s diapers or clothing doesn’t seem too unlikely. In fact, she may not be able to fit into adult’s clothing without some serious alterations. She holds them in front of her as if the bag was a shield.
“Can I see you with them on?” I ask.
She nods her head, and pulls a pair out of a rip in the corner of the bad. They’re purple with a cupcake pattern on the front of them. She unfolds it, and slowly pulls the diapers up her legs to her crotch. She pushes her penis back, and pulls the diaper up fully. Now my girlfriend is standing in front of me, wearing nothing but a diaper. I’m hard again for some reason, and with my panties in the wash, I’ve got nothing to hide it with.
“How do I look?” she asks sheepishly.
“Absolutely adorable!” I tell her, truthfully. “I could just eat you up!”
“Um… Thank you,” she whispers. “I also, uh… I have more clothes. A onesie that goes over the diaper, if you want to see?”
“Yeah! Totally!”
She doesn’t seem totally sure about it, but looking down at my erection, she probably figures that I’m into it, which I am, so she goes into one of her dresser drawers, and pulls out a white short sleeve onesie with pink hearts on it. She puts it on over her head like a t-shirt, and snaps it shut at the crotch. She then turns around so I can have a good look.
“You look great!” I tell her. “If this is what you’re comfortable in, you’re free to wear it while I’m here, or if you’re at my apartment.”
She nods her head. “Yeah. This is what I prefer. Also, uh, this is awkward, but uh…”
“Well, I did mess up your panties, so you have nothing to wear. If you want, did you want to, uh… try on a diaper, maybe?”
“I think you would look pretty.”
I blush, and shake my head, but my erection grows stronger, betraying my words. “No, no! I couldn’t!”
“Are you sure? You seem excited by the prospect.”
“Well, no, it’s just– you’re so cute! I can’t help it!”
“How about you just try it once? I won’t force you to, but I encourage it. After all, I went and showed this side to you when nobody else knows about it.”
I groan. She’s so damn cute. I can’t just say no, can I?
“Alright. Fine. Let me try one.”
She hands me a matching diaper. I pull it up my legs, up to my crotch, but have to angle my dick upwards, as it won’t fit into the diaper. The sides are surprisingly stretchy, and fit me without ripping. I turn to look into the full length mirror in Marissa’s room, and grow even harder as I see myself in the reflection, naked save for the goodnites diaper, with my dick sticking up out of it, and Marissa right beside my, in her onesie and diaper, rubbing my body.
“I think we might have to do something about that erection,” she says.
“Like what?” I ask.
“This,” she says, leading me to the bed, now without a bedsheet on it.
She pushes me down on the bed, and gets up on top of me, unsnapping her onesie. Her diapered ass sits on my diapered cock, and she slowly grinds into it, ramping up her speed as she goes along. It’s too much for me. I explode, getting cum all over my stomach. But Marissa doesn’t stop, and soon enough, grunts, ejaculating into her diaper.
“I think I’ll have to get changed now,” she mutters.
“Let me,” I say, getting up off of her, and moving her onto the bed.
She holds her onesie up, letting me access her diapers. The sides rip off for easy replacing. I then wipe her down with a baby wipe, which she directs me to, and grab a fresh diaper. This one is also purple, but has a star pattern on it. I pull up up her legs. Then pull her onesie back down, and snap it up. I then wipe the cum off of my chest with a baby wipe, and push my dick down into my diaper. Mine hasn’t been ruined, so I keep it on for now. After all, these are probably pretty expensive, so she can’t afford to just – oh wait. She’s rich. She probably can.
Anyways, it seems that a diaper isn’t enough. Marissa walks over to her dresser full of ABDL clothing, and pulls out a onesie for me. I’m not quite sure it’ll fit as I’m about 4 inches taller than Marissa, and quite a bit heavier, but this one is a size up from hers, and much too large for her, she says. It is green with a dinosaur print on it.
I put the onesie on over my diaper, and though it feels a bit too tight in the armpits area, it seems to otherwise fit fine.
“You look so cute I might just orgasm again,” Marissa moans.
“Now, now, baby, we JUST changed your diapers. Relax for now, or you’ll be sleeping in your cum overnight.”
“I don’t know, that kinda sounds hot.”
I just laugh at that. I don’t know exactly what I expected when I came over today – okay, that’s a lie, I totally expected sex – but I certainly didn’t expect to orgasm alongside my girlfriend while we were both wearing diapers! And I couldn’t have ever imagined that I would enjoy it so much. I’ve worn diapers before, when I was in elementary school and wet the bed, but it was never something I had considered doing again once I became an adult. It isn’t unwelcomed, though.
So, that’s the current situation: My girlfriend likes wearing diapers… and, truth be told, so do I!
I promise that I'm not paranoid. I love my girlfriend, and I'm very happy with her, but I think that she's a lesbian, and also actively cheating on me with multiple women.
It all started when I was -- and don't judge me, okay? -- checking out a dating website, and found her account on there. Of course, I wasn't planning to cheat on her or anything, I swear! I made the account on a lesbian dating website so that I wouldn't be tempted to hook up with whatever random cute girl that I saw. So I was browsing some of the single lesbians and bi girls in the area -- appreciating their beauty and nothing more -- when I came across Andria's account.
I stopped dead in my tracks, just staring at the page for several minutes. MY Andria? On a lesbian dating website? What the hell? Oh, look, she even has an Inglam linked to her profile. Oh, but it's private. She'll only accept follow requests from people that she's chatted on here with...
Well, now I'm curious. I want to know if she's really cheating on me, and if so, to what extent. First things first, buying some makeup and clothes and a wig online. I don't live with my girlfriend, but I don't want her to happen to be around when one of the packages arrives, so I have them sent to a P.O. Box. When they arrive, I decide to just dive on in and see how I look.
Yikes. The answer is "terrible" apparently. Somehow I've got a 5 o'clock shadow visible through enough makeup to make me look like a clown. And though I don't normally grow much body hair, it's quite obvious that it's there when I'm wearing such a revealing outfit. Why did I think that a pink miniskirt and crop top was a good outfit choice, anyhow? I look like a cheap transvestite prostitute. The cheap wig looks like nothing more than a halloween costume wig. The bra (with fake inserts) is obnoxiously big and awkward. And my dick is slipping out of my underwear...
Okay, okay. Deep breaths. Obviously this outfit isn't going to work. And I need to work on the makeup and buy a serious wig. Surely transvestites in the real world have this issue, and deal with them one way or another? I've seen some sexy t-girls online before. Just appreciating their looks, of course, not planning to cheat on my girlfriend or anything.
Alright. Poogle time! Lots of time, in fact. I go through hours and hours of makeup tutorials. Dozens of blogs and articles about transexual dressing. And I find that the preferred term is transgender. I guess I shouldn't insult the culture when I'm using them for my own devices.
Every moment that I'm not at work or sleeping is spent researching this stuff. If I waste time, I don't know if my girlfriend will leave me or deactivate her dating account, so I try to speedrun feminizing myself.
One week later, and finally I'm feeling confident about things! I've got a really nice wig that's layered and everything, super cute! And top quality makeup that I carefully apply! Plus an outfit that hides my shortcomings, with some padding to accentuate my curves. I make sure not to go over the top, trying to aim for being a pretty girl as opposed to a slutty whore -- though I do very much appreciate slutty whores, mind you. You know, aesthetically.
Anyhow, I'm wearing a cute A-line skirt and a sweater. I take some time to take some selfies in some spots away from my house so that my girlfriend doesn't immediately look at this photo of a woman and go "Hey what the hell that's my boyfriend's house!" Cuz, you know, that would kinda suck. I get hit on by a cute guy at a cafe but, sorry man, not my type. Other than that, it's a pretty inconsequential outing. Oh, there is one thing.
"Yeah I'd like a double whipped ice chocolate frappuccino." What's with that look? Ah. Right..."
I sound like a fucking linebacker -- okay, more honestly just some twinky dude, but still clearly a guy. And the poor barista lady wasn't expecting that!
Whelp, guess I've got some voice training to do. I forgot. I saw it on those blogs and stuff, but I was so laser-focused on my looks that it completely slipped my mind!
Obviously there's no way to do voice training in a way that makes sense in any short timeframe. Maybe I can pretend to be mute? No, that's silly. Unless? No. I guess I could try to use a voice modulation device if we end up talking on the phone? I'm not planning to meet her in real life, after all! I just want to cyberstalk -- I mean, check out her Inglam. Alright! I've got this.
"Check, check? Ah, ah, ah? Hmm, that voice sounds kinda sexy..."
I won't lie, it's kind of fun trying out different voice modulation apps but most are utter shit and make you sound like a robot. I end up finding one that costs some money but does a really great job changing your voice. I download that on my second phone that I totally didn't have beforehand. Because, yes, I'm not going to be stupid enough to give my number to my girlfriend (while pretending to be someone else) and just give her my normal number.
Finally, the day has come that I can set all of this shit up. I post some flawless Inglam photos on Inglam, and some different ones on the dating app. I nod appreciatively at my work. I look damn hot. I also check out some of the more spicy photos that I took at a hotel while I was out.
Several minutes later I return to my PC to continue my work.
The following day, I decide to message Andria on the dating app. She messages back shortly after.
"Hey there Zoe! You look totally adorable! Seriously, you're JUST my type! I've got an Inglam if you wanna message me there and check out some more of my photos!"
We spend several days flirting. Uh, but I guess that's not the point. The point is the Inglam!
Yeah, there's lots of photos there. She's been on several dates with several girls and even has photos of her kissing other girls there. Some of these photos are pretty risque...
Several minutes later, I return to my PC and continue my work.
So it seems that Andria really is cheating on me. With several girls. Several hot girls. I can't blame her, really, these girls are, like, really hot. But now that I have my answer, what do I do?
A message comes in from Andria.
"Hey! I see you've been favoriting a lot of my photos! Like what you see, huh? Gotta admit, I'm enjoying what I'm seeing, too! If you're down for trading some more spicy pictures hit me up at (123) - 123-1234!"
I grab my fem-phone and add her on there. Hmm, yep, it's a different phone number than the one that she gave me back when we were dating. Keeping her cheat-phone secret, then... Okay. Fine. I see how it is!
Anyhow, I went ahead and took those spicy pictures earlier, and I'm interested, so we swap some photos. I spend the whole night working out both arms.
Things are going pretty good with my girlfriend, at least in girl mode. In boy mode, she's become kind of distant, and is often going out to do things when I want to make plans. Honestly, it makes me feel kind of lonely. And then the perfect text comes in! Wait, no, not on this phone...
Andria hits me up on my fem-phone. She wants to go on a date. Uh, I don't know about that.
"Are you anxious because you're trans?" she asks. "It's cool -- I dig trans chicks!"
"Oh? How could you tell that I'm trans?" I message back. Might as well go along with it...
"There are several subtle (and not so subtle) clues! Zoe is SUCH a stereotypical trans girl name! I've slept with, like, three trans Zoe's just this week. And the choker, and the cut of your clothes, and I can see a bit of a bulge in a few photos. Your jaw is also fairly small but still pretty clearly trans."
"Well, thanks for the feedback, I guess. Yea, I'm trans." It kinda stings to have my seemingly perfect disguise be blown. Though, really, it works well enough, right? She doesn't realize that I'm her boyfriend, she just thinks that I'm a trans girl. So this still works out! And I don't have to voice train! Well, wait, my voice still sounds like MY voice, so I've got to do something about that...
The date is scheduled for Saturday. It's Monday, so I've got some time. Plus I've been training as we've spent the last week or so texting. I grind voice training until my voice is hoarse. And then it kinda doesn't work, because I sound like an 80-year old smoker. I drink lots of tea and also scoop copious amounts of honey straight out of the jar into my mouth.
I never want to look at a jar of honey ever again.
Finally, Saturday arrives. I'm excited for my date, and spend hours inspecting my ever-growing fem wardrobe for the perfect outfit. I pick out a cute and elegant-looking black dress and a nice pair of heels. Low heels, mind you. I tried walking around in 7-inch stilettos earlier and damn near had to visit the hospital.
The date is scheduled at a trendy cafe in the next town over that recently opened up. Smart girl, choosing something out of the way so that I (in boy form) wouldn't ever happen upon her. Not that I'm a fan of going out to town, anyhow. I just order my groceries to be delivered and only leave the house for work.
I step into the cafe, and scan the seats, looking for Andria. My breath catches in my throat. She's wearing a short red dress with a plunging neckline, an expensive necklace that draws the eye down, and some glamorous heels. She sees me gawking, and chuckles, then waves me over.
"Liking what you're seeing, huh? Well, don't worry, you'll get to see plenty more later on tonight!"
I nod, probably looking like an idiot. A pretty idiot, at the very least. Hmm? Did we have plans for later tonight?
"Their café au lait is rather nice," she tells me.
"Hmm?" I nod like an idiot. She just giggles at my suddenly shy demeanor. "I, uh, guess I'll have that, then."
"You've got a really cute voice. I'm a sucker for early trans girl voices, you know."
"Oh? Really?" And here I'd been practicing so hard and just got called an amateur.
"There's a certain charm to someone being so... I don't know, true to themselves? And working hard to get there. Obviously you're not there quite yet, but I can feel the passion in your voice. You really want to change."
"Oh. Thanks?"
She pats my hand, smiling. "I'm confident that you can become the woman that you want to be. I'm here to support you."
Honestly I'm more of a tea person, but the café au lait is pretty nice. And once I get over her stunning looks, I get around to having a nice conversation with Andria. Of course, I'm careful not to say too much, as I'm not too used to using this voice. I don't want to slip up. Andria is happy to carry the conversation, though. She's always been good at that.
The conversation on her side is mostly about her work, and how much of a bitch her boss has been recently. She works as an editor at a small publishing company, and it's a struggle to make ends meet.
On my side, I have to bullshit things really quick. Apparently, I'm a software engineer, and have a soft spot for cats. It turns out that I had a cat as a child that I absolutely adored and miss with all of my heart. A pretty stupid lie for someone that has cat allergies, truth be told. But Andria is totally sympathetic, and hopes that I can adopt a cat someday. Uh? I would rather not? I might die?
Anyhow, the date goes well, and she offers to pay for it. I know that she's not doing well financially, so I offer to pay. We end up splitting the bill, then she takes my hand and tells me to follow her.
"Uh? Okay?"
We walk down the street to a hotel, and -- oh. This is what she was talking about earlier. Something about seeing more later tonight?"
"I don't really know if I'm up for this," I tell her, my eyes wide. I can't go and fuck my girlfriend! Well, I mean, not while I'm dressed up as a girl and pretending to be someone else.
"Don't worry, don't worry! I know that trans girls can sometimes be a bit shy with their, uh, well, you know. But I want to give you a reward for keeping me company today and chatting with me so much recently! My boyfriend has been kind of distant, constantly working on something or another, so between that and work, I've just been lonely!"
Oh, now I'm feeling bad. It's my fault that -- wait! What's she talking about? She's the one constantly leaving early and taking a rain check! I mean, yes, I have been working on something recently but that SOMETHING is learning how to be a woman so that I can cyberstalk my girlfriend on a woman's only dating website! She was cheating on me before any of this, and the time stamps on Inglam prove that!
If I already confirmed that, why am I here again?
I find myself in a hotel room, sitting on a hotel bed, staring dead ahead at my girlfriend as she stips for me. Except, of course, she's not stripping for ME, she's stripping for Zoe.
Damn, she really does have a nice body...
My hands seem to spontaneously evolve minds of their own. I'm rubbing her body up and down as she slowly removes her dress and dances on my lap in just her panties. I can't really help but start to get hard. These panties are pretty tight, and my guy is really putting up a fight down there.
Still, even with my guy mostly suppressed, there's a visible bump. Andria gives me a smirk, and kneels down to -- Hey? You know what? This might be a good time to fade to black.
So, anyhow, my girlfriend gave me a blowjob. That sounds great and all, but obviously she didn't give ME the blowjob. She gave it to Zoe. So is that cheating? Did my girlfriend cheat on me with me? Jeez. Guess I can't be mad, though? Although, she's never given me a blowjob before... Well, not the ME me, that is...
The following day, I'm at my PC working on a new sexy photoshoot, when my doorbell rings. I check my camera from my PC, and see that it's Andria. I close down my program, and power down my PC, then go to see what she wants.
"Oh, I thought you might be too busy to come to the door," she says, voice full of poison.
"Good to see you too? What's in that trash bag?"
"All of your stuff. I figure that you never come to my house anymore anyhow, so I better just bring them back."
"That's not really necessary."
"I think it is, since we won't be seeing one another anymore."
"I'm breaking up with you! I know that you're hiding something from me! Every time that I'm over, your mind seems to be elsewhere! And I saw your bank statement recently and it's super low! What? Spending money on a girl? Well, that's fine! I'm sleeping with a girl, too!"
"Ok, I can forgive that because it's kind of hot, but--"
"No! It shouldn't be okay! Cheating isn't okay just because it's with someone of the same gender!"
"Listen, things really aren't like you think," I insist.
She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I bet you're just busy with work, huh? Which is why you never call anymore to spend time with me. Or text. Or anything, really! Hell, I can be right in front of your face, and I don't see any lights on in your head! Do you care that you're talking to me?"
"Of course! I love you!"
"Well I don't! I've fallen in love with someone else! A girl, at that!"
"What? Come on!"
She sneers. "Oh, now you want to talk to me, huh? Here, take this!"
She swings the bag at me, and I go stumbling backwards into my trailer home. She slams the door, and I hear the engine of her car start, then rumble off.
"Fuck me," I groan.
I just lie on the ground for several hours, too depressed to even move. I only finally move when a roach crawls right across my arm, and I spring for a fly swatter to eliminate him.
I check my socials, and find myself blocked. I groan, then check my likes on my Inglam account. Pretty women in scantily clad outfits.
Several minutes later I return to my PC to bathe in my depression.
My Inglam is full of photos of me and Andria together. I admit that I don't actually use it that much, but it should be clear from this Inglam account that I adore her. And maybe that my photo taking skills could use some work. Or maybe I was aiming for the breasts?
I get a message on my fem-phone. It's from Andria. She wants to know if I'm free tonight. Well, seeing as I've just been dumped -- by her, no less -- well, I guess I'm free...
So, fuck it, only several hours after being dumped by my girlfriend, I'm going on a date with her. Except, I'm crossdressed and pretending to be someone else. So she doesn't know that she's going on a date with the guy that she literally just dumped.
I meet up with Andria in a nice upscale restaurant. Girl? Are you used to ladies paying for your dates, because I don't think you can afford this, and neither can I. Sheesh, if I keep dating my ex as a girl then I'm going to be broke.
That line of thought doesn't last long as I get a glimpse of Andria. She's wearing a short skirt, and I get a glimpse of her panties, instantly making me hard. I blush hard, and walk over to talk to her.
"What's up?" I ask. "That was kind of a short notice message. Thankfully I happened to be free, though."
It's her turn to blush, now. "Oh, well, I was just thinking about you. I feel like you're the only thing that's been on my mind ever since our date yesterday. And I've had a lot of fun talking to you, and you're just really hot, you know?"
"Well, I try..."
"It's worth the effort! I've never seen anyone nearly as stunning as you are!"
"Oh?" And yet she dumped me just a few short hours ago. "Well, you're rather stunning, yourself, you know?"
"I know! I'm sexy! I could have anyone in the world that I want! That's why I dumped my loser boyfriend!"
"Oh? Poor guy."
"Meh. He was probably cheating on me, anyhow. Fair is fair, I guess."
"I guess so."
"My point is, though... I really like you. I want to make this more than just a friend with benefits type situation."
"Huh? Seriously?"
"Yes! You seem really awesome, and I feel like I connect with you in a totally different way than I've ever connected with anyone else! You're a little small down there, but that's alright for a trans girl! I'm happy being the top, anyhow!"
"That's kind of..."
"Right, sorry. We are in public. Um, but anyhow, what do you think? Are you interested?"
I'm pretty dumbfounded. Like, yeah, Andria is hot as hell, but what am I supposed to say when my ex who dumped me literally hours ago now asks me out when I'm dressed as a woman?
You know what, fuck it, sure!
"Yes! I would love to! I've been interested in you ever since I came across your profile. You're stunning, and you're a wonderful talker, and so intelligent and hard working, too!"
"Jeez, you're making me blush!"
"But it's true! My dating pool may not be as wide as yours, hell, it may just be a dating puddle, but if I could choose anyone on the planet, it would be you!"
She hugs me tight. "Oh! I'm so happy!"
I hug her back, squeezing her ass a little bit while I'm at it. When we separate, she gives me a light peck on the lips, then we focus on the menu. We did come here for a date, after all...
The night goes by quite nicely. I get another blowjob, then get pegged. The food was fine, too, I guess. I don't remember. She had slept with the owner, so the food was on the house for us that night, though, which is nice.
In the following days, we continue to have little dates. We walk around the park, go eat at cafes, stuff like that. I decide that if I'm going to be with her now as Zoe that I need to get rid of the evidence of the male me. I get an apartment, and also get a new job and bank account and stuff as Zoe. I make sure to make my bills and statements electronic so that legal paperwork doesn't come in under my real name. I also start estrogen, because, fuck it, I might as well keep up appearances, right? It would be weird for a trans girl to not be on estrogen if she's going around as a girl and stuff.
Life is pretty good, though I'm wearing panties and skirts now instead of pants. I'm now my ex-girlfriend's girlfriend, and she doesn't know any better. She doesn't have to. As far as she's concerned, I (boy me) move away after the heartbreaking breakup. She doesn't seem to care. She's just happy now that she's with me (girl me) and getting laid every night. I won't lie, I'm pretty damn happy about that, too. Nothing about my old life was really worth missing, so I'm happy now as a girl. Here's to a new life for Zoe, I guess!
Tangerine Academy is a rather lax academy, with lots of freedom in regards to what you wear and what you do. They even let boys and girls share dorm rooms. Despite being a guy, I share my dorm room with a girl named April. She’s a really attractive woman, with dark skin, black curly hair, and an amazing sense of fashion. Meanwhile, I’m a super shy, nerdy loser, and I’m not exactly much in the looks department. I have fairly tan skin, long straight black hair, and a feminine face and body. Barely an ounce of muscle or fat to be spoken of.
April is a very free spirit. She’s often out late into the night, or even overnight. I don’t question what she does, but I can just about guess: partying or sleeping with someone. Maybe both. Thankfully, it gives me plenty of free time to indulge in my favorite hobby: crossdressing. Even though we share a dorm room, we have our own little private quarters with a bed, a desk, a dresser, and not much room for anything else, so when she gets home, I’m able to change back into my normal boring clothes without her knowing, and without panicking that she might see me crossdressed. Even if I don’t notice her come in, it isn’t like she’ll come into my room for any reason, so even if I sleep in while crossdressed, she won’t ever know.
Well, today was just another day of crossdressing while April was out, when suddenly, she came back. No biggie. I changed back into my normal clothes, but paused as I went to tuck my bra in my hiding place, an area beneath the dresser that can be accessed either from the back or by pulling out the bottom drawer (this way, if anyone happens to come into my room and snoop around, they’ll never find my clothes) as I thought I heard a weird sound. Listening closer, I heard the sound once more.
A cat?
I finished changing back into my normal clothes, then stepped out of the room to see what was up. There, April was baby talking a small orange kitten, and laying out a food and water bowl for it. April heard the door open, and looked up to see me step out.
“Mornin’,” she nodded at me.
I checked the clock. 8:00 P.M., certainly not morning yet, though I suppose that isn’t really the issue here.
“Where’d you get this cat?” I asked.
“Hm? Oh, Madam Gloria? My girlfriend’s dealer found her in an alley. Neither of them could keep it, so I decided to bring her home with me!”
“Okay. I’ll ignore the girlfriend and dealer bit for now, but do you realize that orange cats are male*?”
“Well, something like 80% are. So she is probably a he.”
“Oh. Okay, well, Sir Gloria, then.”
“And you’re just gonna… bring it here without asking if I’m allergic or anything?”
“Oh. Are you?”
“No, but-”
“Then it’s fine! Don’t worry, I used to have a cat back in high school! I know how to take care of them, alright? You won’t ever have to see her– er, him. Probably.”
I shrug and shake my head. “You’re lucky that both me and the school are so lax. I don’t mind cats, but aren’t you out often? It might get lonely.”
“But aren’t you always here?”
“Well, sure, but-”
“Then there’s no problem! You like cats, right?”
“In theory?”
“And don’t worry! I’ll be sure to clean the litter box, and make sure she has scratching posts so she doesn’t mess up the furniture or anything, and I’ll make sure she has food and water every day. You don’t even have to play with her if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea, but I won’t stop you.”
“Don’t worry! I’ll bring my girlfriend over here sometimes instead of always going over to her place! I like going over there because we don’t have to worry about noise there. We’ll try to be quiet, though, I promise!”
I won’t lie, the thought of two attractive college women having sex in the room next door is kinda hot. But I digress.
I leave April to go about her business of setting up stuff for the cat. A while later, a friend of hers comes over with some cat litter, a litter box, a scratching post, toys, and some other stuff. She plays with and coos over the cat for a bit before going into April’s room with her. I don’t hear any noise, and drift off to sleep rather quickly.
In the morning, I hear someone knock on my open door, and call my name.
I mutter, and sit up in bed, staring groggily at the woman at my door. April is holding a lacy black bra, looking confused.
“Hey? Did you have a girl over last night or something? Sir Gloria was playing with this bra when I found her– him– in the morning. It isn’t mine, and it isn’t my girlfriend’s either.”
A wave of panic rushes over me.
“Uh– yeah! I– yeah. She, uh, left before you got here. She was in a bit of a hurry.”
“Is that so?” her eyes seem to glance over to a corner of my room. I follow her gaze.
Leading out from the back of my dresser is a small trail of clothes. A pair of panties, a skirt, and some knee high socks have all been dragged or partially dragged away from my dresser. There’s also a thong by the door.
“She’s very forgetful,” I tell April.
“I see… And what is her name?”
“Uh. Chloe.”
“Chloe… and Max? Funny.”
I fucked up. Next time don’t name your alter ego after a video game character who dates someone with your name.
April comes over and sits down next to me on my bed. I lean away from her as she studies my face.
“You know, you do have a cute fact, and nice long hair. Plenty of girls are probably jealous of it. I bet you would look cute in girls’ clothes.
“I don’t know about that.”
She lays a hand on mine. “Come on! Don’t be so modest! You must surely think so yourself if you’re constantly dressing up!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She rolls her eyes. “Look, you do me a favor and I do you one, alright? Just let me see you dressed up, and I’ll give you a kiss! On the lips!”
“I uh– I don’t think your girlfriend would like that.”
“She doesn’t give a shit! She’s right outside your door watching if you want to ask her yourself.”
I look at my doorway, where a cute Japanese girl is leaning in to look into the room. She’s blushing and smiling.
“Well, if she gives the okay…”
I usher the girls and cat out of the room so that I can change in peace. I choose a black skater skirt, a long sleeve red top with lace on the sleeves, black thing highs, and a pair of canvas shoes. I also stuff my bra with a pair of fake boobs that I got online. When I’m done, I step out of the room so the girls can see.
“Oh! You look amazing! Right, Candice?”
Candice nods her head. “You look really cute.” She blushes quite a bit as she speaks. “My brother also crossdresses, so I don’t judge you for it.”
“Oh, but he’s a high schooler, before you go thinking that maybe we can hook you up or something,” April says.
“I’m not interested in guys, anyhow,” I shrug. Hell, I’m so into girls that I only ever want to wear girls clothes, for a matter of fact.
“Okay, you did what I asked, so time for me to pay up,” April says, stepping up to me. I sweat a bit as she stands so close.
“Is he also wearing panties?” Candice asks, suddenly behind me. She kneels down, and lifts up my skirt, catching a glimpse of my black compression panties that are supposed to hide bulges.
I let out a shriek, but it’s stopped mid-shriek by April, who steals my lips away into a kiss. When she lets go a second later, I nearly fall backwards. I excuse myself to the couch, and sit down, overwhelmed.
The girls sit down on either side of me, and April asks if they can do my makeup. I’m not in a place where I can say no, so I just nod my head. Candice goes to April’s room, and returns with a makeup kit. I can’t recognize half of what she pulls out, and couldn’t even hope to summarize it all. Once she finished doing my makeup and nails, she brings a hand mirror so I can admire her artwork.
“Wow,” is all that I can say. It isn’t like it is a super dramatic change, and thankfully I don’t look like a drag queen with over dramatic makeup, not that there’s anything wrong with that, it just isn’t my taste. But I do look cute.
“I’ve always wondered how I would look in makeup,” I admit. But trying it on my own is impossible, due in part to the steep learning curve, as well as the fact that even if I have some privacy, I don’t have enough to be able to practice makeup. The smell of nail polish remover, for instance, would be too obvious.
“I can teach you some time!” Candice offers. She seems really excited. This must be one of her hobbies, I guess. I nod my head.
“So, have you ever considered going out like that?” April asks.
“Are you mad? I can’t have people know that I like to crossdress!”
“Why not? Not like the school would care. Plus, it’s 2023. Nobody gives a damn anymore.”
“I assure you that, yes, they most certainly do!”
She shrugs. “Well, it isn’t like anyone would even know. A bit of makeup, a different hair style – oh, shit! We gotta do your hair!”
April runs off to get some hair ties and stuff. I let her do as she pleases, with the only rule being not to cut it or otherwise permanently alter it. After she finishes, she puts a pair of fake glasses on me, and gives me the mirror once more.
I can see what she was getting at earlier. While I might get mistaken for my sister or such by someone who is familiar with me, anyone who doesn’t know me well might as well think I’m someone completely different. I feel as if I’m almost indistinguishable from a real girl.
“I have to admit, you two are good,” I say. My hair has been done up in a half ponytail, and the glasses seem to frame my face quite nicely.
“Right! So what do you say? Wanna head out?”
I groan, but nod my head. I can’t help it. I’m practically at these girls’ mercy. Moreover, I can’t help but admit that it might be a lot of fun.
First things first, I get changed into the school uniform. The school kind of doesn’t care if you wear it, or if you’re lax in wearing it. But they provide one free uniform each year, and you can buy more at the school store. While there are a few different variations, this one consists of a red skirt, white button up shirt under a red button up vest, with a red blazer over it. It is adorned with navy blue buttons and accented with navy blue lines around the cuffs and the bottom of the skirt. There’s also a navy blue ribbon.
“You look so cute in that! Personally, I hate uniforms, but seeing someone else in one is really fun!” April tells me.
“I never bother wearing mine, but wearing the girl’s uniform is much better,” I nod my head.
Today is a day off, but we’re still allowed to wander the school. Each of us brings a bag with us, though April has told me not to look into it since it’s a surprise. I don’t know where we’re heading, but I’m figuring we’ll probably have a picnic or something somewhere. Also, since it’s hot, I opt to go without the blazer.
Instead, about 10 minutes later, I find myself standing at the front gates of the gym. The gym is pretty large, and hosts a basketball court inside, as well as some outside courts and a running track. I pause, and look around.
“Surely this isn’t the place you’ve been planning to bring me?” I ask.
“Yep!” April confirms.
“But… why?”
“Well, wearing the uniform is one thing,” Candice says, “but there are other everyday aspects and outfits that you wouldn’t ever get the chance to wear, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why don’t we head inside and find out?”
“You don’t expect me to go into the women’s changing room, do you?”
“Were you going to enter the men’s? Come on, it’ll be fine! There’s nobody around, and we’ll be there to keep watch.”
Hesitantly, I follow her in. The gym is empty, as promised, save for a pair of guys at the basketball court. We ignore them, and head straight into the women’s changing room. There, I’m finally allowed to look into the bag.
Inside of the bag I brought with me is an athletic shirt and women’s running shorts. The shirt is white, while the shorts are red with a white stripe running down the sides. They look really short.
“I don’t know about this,” I say, looking at the women’s gym uniform.
“Let’s hurry up,” April says, throwing off her shirt. I gasp, and turn around. She just laughs at me.
“There isn’t much to see anyhow,” Candace tells me.
“Hey! Watch it!”
I ignore them, and focus on changing. I start with the shirt, as it isn’t that big a deal to be seen shirtless. But even then, my face flushes red as I feel the girls’ eyes staring into my back.
More hesitantly now, I slide my skirt off, which is met with a round of applause.
“Hey!” I scold them, turning back. I shouldn’t have done that, as I see that both girls are just standing there in their underwear. “I’m sorry!” I shriek as I turn back.
April grabs my hand, and forces me to turn back, and pulls me towards her.
“Do you think we would have done this on accident? Go ahead, enjoy the little show,” she winks.
As previously stated, April doesn’t have much going on up there, but I’m still mesmerized. Candice is slightly more stacked, and equally mesmerizing standing there in her bra and panties.
My mind goes numb and I just stand there for a bit. The girls laugh, then continue dressing. Slowly, I turn back, and grab the running shorts, changing into them quickly. After changing, I look myself in the mirror. The compression panties are doing their job, that’s for sure. Thankfully, I’ve always been tiny. As I’m admiring myself, April comes up behind me, and pinches my ass.
“Alright, Chloe! Ready to go for a run?”
And yet I’m forced to do it anyways. I nearly die. We spend maybe 30 minutes out on the track, with the girls running laps around me. Finally, they take pity on me, and bring me back into the gym AC, and run to get me some water. As I’m sitting down, a pair of guys come up to me, the ones from earlier.
“Hey, girl! Don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. You here alone?”
“I– uh… No, my friends are coming back in a bit.”
“Oh, good. We were worried when we saw you here alone. There are lots of bad guys out there, you know? And besides, you look pretty bad – not to say, I mean– you’re pretty, you know? But you look like you’re exhausted. Can we keep you company until your friends come back?”
“Uh. I would rather not.”
“Alright. We won’t bother you, then. We’ll be nearby in case someone gives you trouble, though, alright? Just holler if you need help.”
“Cool! And if you change your mind, you know where to find us.” The guy winks at me, then the pair walk off.
I have to admit, I panicked more than a little bit. Firstly, I thought they might hit on me, or even force themselves onto me. Or they might tell that I’m trans. But they seemed really nice! I almost consider getting their phone numbers, but shake the thought out of my head, just as the girls return.
“Hey, Chloe! We’re back! Here's some water and some chips!” April says, handing me said refreshments. She glances over at the guys, who nod their heads at her, and walk away. “Nobody gave you any trouble, right?”
“No. Those guys were nice.”
“Hmm? Would you rather we leave you hear with them?”
“Good! Let’s go get changed, then, but this time, no playing around, alright?”
This time, there’s less fooling around in the changing room. I then follow the girls out towards the dorm. Instead of heading in, though, we walk out to the parking lot, where Candice’s car is parked, and they tell me to get in.
“Uh… why?”
“Isn’t it more fun to get surprised? Come on!”
I pause, and look around. If I’m kidnapped, will anyone notice me? No, certainly not if I’m dressed like this. Ah, well, these two have been nice so far, so I’m sure it’ll be fine. I shrug, and enter the car.
To be continued…
I follow April and Candice over to April’s car, and hesitantly enter it. I don’t know where they plan to take me, but I trust them. Maybe my trust is misplaced, but they’ve been rather nice to me so far.
Part of me wonders if I’ve just been kidnapped as we leave the campus. Thankfully, it isn’t too long before we pull up at a barely-suspicious apartment complex, and I’m lead to Candice’s apartment. It isn’t much. One bedroom, one bathroom, a sink full of dishes.
“Sorry about that,” Candice says, smacking April over the back of the head. “A certain someone doesn’t like to do the dishes!”
“Are we going to be here long?” I ask. “Don’t forget that there’s the cat back at the dorm.”
“We’ll be back later tonight, don’t worry!” April insists.
“Alright. So what are we doing here?” I ask.
“Threesome!” April says, laughing.
“No!” Candice scolds her. “Don’t listen to her, she’s a troublemaker! I’m expecting someone in a few hours, so I figured we should be here in case he gets here early. Until he gets here, just feel free to relax. If you want, I’ve got some clothes in my room that might fit you.”
I’m surprised by Candice’s offer to lend me her clothes, and decide to take her up on it. She lays out some clothes I can try on, and then she leaves me be. April sits around to watch though.
“Can you leave?”
“Why? I’ve already seen you in your underwear. Continue!”
I roll my eyes, and figure that I might as well just have fun. I spend about an hour trying on different outfits for April, and she cheers me on. She even slaps my butt as I show off a skirt that is definitely a bit too short.
The doorbell rings, and April tells me to come out and meet the visitor. I step out of the room, and see a girl who seems to be about 13 years old, with long black hair, wearing a ruffled black skirt and a pink t-shirt with sequin flowers on it.
“How was the drive?” Candace asks.
“Terrible! The cops stopped me multiple times asking if my parents knew I was out driving! They didn’t believe me when I told them I was 18!”
Candace laughs, and then pulls the girl into a tight hug.
“That’s why I told you to leave earlier than you had planned! Oh, this is my brother, Alex! Alex, meet April and…”
“Chloe,” I tell him, smiling. “Though, just between you and me, my real name is Max. It seems like we share an interest in crossdressing.”
Alex looks excited. “Oh! Really! We should try swapping clothes sometime!”
“Uh.” I pause, looking down at Alex. “Probably not. But you do look super cute!”
“Yeah! Are you coming to the beach with us?”
My smile drops. “Hmm? The beach?”
“Yeah! My sister promised me that we would go to the beach today! I drive 6 whole hours to get here!”
I look over at the girls. April gives me a thumbs up.
“Oh, I don’t know about that…”
‘Don’t worry!” Candice says. “I found a spot where nobody ever really goes. Moreover, nobody will be able to tell that you two are boys, so don’t worry!”
I sigh, then nod my head. “Alright, but I don’t have a swimsuit.”
“We’ve got you covered!” April says, running to Candice’s room.
“You would think that I should do this since it’s my apartment,” Candice mutters.
A moment later, April runs back to me carrying a black one piece swimsuit with a skirt.
“You see? Nobody will see your thingamajig, so you’ll be fine!”
I take the swimsuit, and look at it. She’s probably right, but is does seem pretty scary. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to think about it, because there’s only so many hours in a day, and Alex really wants to go swimming. I change into the swimsuit in the bathroom, then throw a jacket on over it for some modesty before we get to the beach. The others have changed into their swimsuits, too, though April doesn’t bother with modesty, wearing her red and black striped thong and highly exposed swim top right out from the room. Candice and Alex wear their swimsuits under their clothes. We also carry some bags out to the car that hold sunscreen, towels, and some other stuff.
The beach is somewhat cloudy, but there doesn’t seem to be any rain coming. Still, even though it’s cloudy, Candice reminds us to put on sunscreen before we run around and play. Everyone who was wearing something over their swimsuit throws the spare clothes off, then starts applying sunscreen. I can’t help but notice that Candice is handsy with both Alex and April, and even slips her fingers into the butt of their swimsuits to make sure that sunscreen is in fact applied properly.
Candice is wearing boyshort shaped swimming bottoms, green with red flowers, and a matching bra. Alex, meanwhile, is wearing a white skirted bottom with blue flowers, and a matching red top that is very ruffly.
Alex is jumping around in excitement, and getting sand everywhere as Candice sets up the beach towel and umbrella. April runs after him, grabs him by the waist, and picks him up. He screams and giggles as he’s dragged towards the water and then forcibly thrown in.
“It’s cold!” he laughs.
“What? This is the middle of summer! Come on!” April says, chasing after him. She pauses, and shrieks. “Wait! It is cold! Ah! Stop splashing me! Hey! Get over here!”
I stand, uncertain what to even do or say. Those two are just beyond me.
I turn around, just as a beach ball hits my face. Candice giggles at me.
“Sorry! Maybe I should have waited to throw it until after you turned around? Anyhow, no time to waste staring at my little brother or girlfriend! Let’s play!”
“It isn’t like I was checking them out,” I lie.
“Hmm. Alright. Just know that I’ll defend either of them like a mamma bear, so keep your hands to yourself!”
“I will!”
“Oh, relax! I’m just kidding… Well, mostly. Anyhow, let’s go get those two over so we can have a match!”
We play beach volleyball with the beachball. I’m teamed up with Alex, and we lose badly. Neither of us are athletic, while the girls seem to be in pretty good shape. They high five, laughing at just how easy it was to beat us.
I lay back in the sand, exhausted. These girls have put me through too much today. Between convincing me to go out dressed as a girl, the changing room, the running, the swimsuit, and now more forced exercise, I think I’m about ready to just lay down here forever.
Nope. I’m immediately pulled up by Alex, though he struggles. I stand up since he struggles so much, but he’s still applying force, and I’m really clumsy, so I end up continuing forwards, and falling on him. I find myself with my face close to his, and my hands to either side of his face. He’s blushing wildly.
“Hey! Watch yourself around my brother!” Candice scolds me, dragging me off. April is laughing.
“I didn’t mean anything,” I mutter.
“It’s fine,” Alex says, holding his arm, and looking sideways. He’s still blushing.
“Jeez, at least buy the boy dinner first!” April tells me.
“That’s enough,” Candice says calmly, and that shuts April up fast. I think we know who the boss is in this relationship.
We enjoy our time at the beach for quite a few more hours, but decide to break for food. We’re handed a bag, and told to look away for a while. As the girls change into dry clothes, I look down at Alex. He really does look like a young girl, so it’s hard for me to believe that he’s actually a guy. But as the girls finish changing, they tell us that they’ll go take a walk so that they don’t see anything. As Alex changes out of his wet swimsuit, it is confirmed that he’s a guy, though I do my best to advert my gaze.
Normally, changing out on a beach like this is maybe not a great idea. But since there’s nobody nearby, we figure it doesn’t matter. A bathroom or changing room would be ideal, but why bother tracking one down? In fact, I don’t come to beaches often, so I don’t know if they even have places for you to change. Are people supposed to just leave in their wet swimsuits.
“Hmm?” I ask, looking into the bag after I put on the short skirt and tank top. “There’s no underwear here?”
“You didn’t pack underwear?” Alex asks.
“I mean, I didn’t pack anything. I’m lucky I’m not going home soaking wet.”
Alex laughs. “Yeah, my sister cares too much about her car to allow that! But I’m sure April is to blame for the whole no underwear thing. Then again, it would also be funny to give you some skimpy panties or something. Anyhow, I guess you’ll just have to go commando for now. We’re just heading to the dorm, anyhow.”
“Yeah. I guess it’s fine,” I mutter.
April is smirking as she returns. She asks if everything is fine, and I roll my eyes.
“Just peachy. Are we ready to leave?”
They girls nod their heads, and we pile into April’s car, returning to the dorm. There, Alex has plenty of fun playing with the kitten. We give it food, and also order a pizza for us.
As we’re eating the pizza, Alex slips a piece of paper into my hand. I look down at it, and realize it has his phone number on it. He’s also blushing. Poor kid has a crush! I don’t know what else to do, so I just stuff it in my pocket for now.
I can’t help but feel a bit jealous as I watch Candice. On one arm, she has her girlfriend holding on tight. On the other arm, she has her incredibly cute brother. Both of them look up at her with absolute admiration. And she is pretty, and cute, and kind… I can’t say that I blame them.
“What are you staring at?” April asks, glaring at me.
“Nothing!” I say, turning my attention to the pizza.
Candace sleeps over tonight, sleeping in the same bed as April and Alex. Meanwhile, I go back to my room, and pull out the paper from before. I put Alex’s phone number into my phone, then toss the crumpled ball into the trash can, and head to bed.
In the morning, I’m woken up once more by the sound of someone knocking on my open door. I look up to see Candice there, looking annoyed.
“What is it?” I ask.
She holds up a piece of crumpled up paper.
“I found Sir Gloria playing with this paper this morning. Care to explain yourself?”
“Hmm? What is it?”
“My brother’s phone number!”
“Oh. Shit. God damn cat…”
Yet again, the cat is dragging up stuff that I don’t want others to know about. Thankfully, Candice just starts laughing instead of seriously seeming annoyed. She throws the crumpled up ball at me, then leaves my room. Alex was peeking out from behind her, and waves at me, before following after her.
I don’t know whether to love this cat or to hate it… but my life has certainly taken an interesting turn.
My sister pins me to her bed, as I squirm the entire time, trying my best to escape from her grasp.
"What's wrong?" she giggles. "Don't you think I'm sexy?"
"No! It's not like what you think!" I tell her.
Her knee pushes my dress up, and she presses it against my crotch.
"Really? Your dick seems to say otherwise."
"I can't help it!" I groan.
"No, because you like it."
"No! It has a mind of its own!"
"Are you wearing a bra under that dress, little brother?"
"Yes! I can explain, though!"
"Hmm? And I'm sure you can explain why you were jerking off to a video of me having sex with my friend. Especially while wearing my dress and panties."
"How did you even get that video? Do you have a hidden camera in my room?"
"You better start explaining unless you want me to tell everyone about this. Our family. Your friends. Maybe even the police."
"Alright. Then start explaining!"
"Fine! There's a camera hidden in the alarm clock that I brought for you!"
"I thought my little brother was a bit too kind with that. Where the heck did you get that thing, anyhow?"
"They sell everything online! All I had to do was have it shipped to a P.O. box and pick it up when you weren't paying attention!"
"Hmm? Is that so? And what do you plan to do now?"
"I'll stop! I swear."
My sister Alice presses her knee up against my crotch even harder. My dick is hard enough that it's poking out the top of my sister's panties that I'm wearing. She giggles at it.
"It's hard to believe that it's really so tiny. I've seen a few dicks in my time, but none so small!"
It's well known around town that my sister is a bit of a slut. Ever since she's entered college, she's been willing to sleep with just about everyone on her campus. Cute guys, teachers, hell, she doesn't even limit it to men. She's slept with her best friends, and even one of her friend's mom.
"You don't have to bully me!"
She laughs. "Sorry, sorry! Just the truth, you know! Listen, hey! Stop squirming! You're not helping anyone! I'll stop holding you down, but you better listen to me!"
"Fine! I'll do anything!"
"Ugh. Yes. Anything. I really don't want to, but I don't have a choice. I'll do whatever you tell me to do."
"Good! That's my little brother!"
As promised, she lets me go. She's still kneeling with her knee against my crotch, though. I squirm away from that a bit, making some space between us.
"Stay still for a moment, Noah" my sister commands. And, with no real choice, I obey her. Alice leans over me, her hair covering my face, and her body blocking the light behind her. Slowly, she brings herself down until her body is resting on mine, and her face is mere millimeters from my face. I'm blushing widly, and my dick is about as hard as it can be.
Finally, my sister closes the distance, and kisses me right on the lips. Her hands reach down to my butt, and I moan in ecstacy. I'm unsure what to do for a moment, but I bring my own hands up, and explore up my sister's dress. This is the first time I'm doing something like this, as opposed to just watching. Of course, I have some videos of my sister doing it with people that she's brought over, which is why I know all about who she's slept with.
Alice's butt is soft and fun to play around with. Unlike her chest which is sadly lacking, she has a cute round butt. I'm a bit anxious about touching her private areas, but it quickly becomes clear that she holds no such reservations. Her hand rubs across my panties, and I cum on the spot, gasping for breath. But with my sister's tongue in my mouth, my breathing is cut off a bit.
I take a moment to catch my breath as my sister pulls her face away from mine. She giggles, and brings herself down to my cum soaked panties, taking a taste off of the tip of my dick. I nearly come again at the touch.
Alice is laughing as she pulls away. "Oh! Poor baby, you must have been near ready to explode for quite a while if you came that easy! But don't worry, I'm not done playing with you yet. Actually, I have quite a fun time planned for us."
"What is that, exactly?" I ask.
"Oh, you'll have to see!"
My sister gets up and grabs her phone. She sends a few texts to someone while I lay in bed recovering. She tells me to wait here, and throws on a coat and shoes. I hear the door slam, and wait anxiously to see who she might be bringing with her. It could be anyone. She's slept with half the town, basically.
About 30 minutes later, I hear her car turn into the driveway, and a moment later, the front door opens. Alice walks into her room soon after with a girl in tow: Steph, the girl that she was sleeping with in the video I was jerking off to. She's around my age, and very cute. Right now, she's wearing a coat, but she quickly discards it, showing that she's only wearing her panties and bra beneath it. Rather lacy underwear that leaves nothing to the imagination.
"You know Steph, right?" Alice asks. "She goes to the same college as us. I think you may even be in one or two classes together? She's a cutie pie, huh? She gets stared at everywhere she goes, and for good reason! I've seen men run into poles while distracted by her. And she loves the attention!"
"Right, I know her. All the guys talk about her."
Steph is undeniably the hottest girl in school. Every guy dreams of sleeping with her. Quite a few have, even. So has my sister, heck, I've seen what my sister does with her. My dick gets hard again. The panties and dress don't really hold anything back, so the girls can tell immediately.
"How cute," Steph says.
"Isn't it? Have you seen any as small as that?"
"Not quite, and I get around a bit, y'know? Half the girls are lesbos for me. And the other half may deny it, but they're at least willing to play with me. And as for the guys? Well, I've got them in the palm of my hand!"
"Nice. Have you slept with my brother Noah yet? If not, here's your chance?"
My sister eyes me. She's basically telling me to do everything that Steph asks. I have no choice but to listen to both of them, and honestly that's fine. My brain isn't the one making decisions right now.
"Take off that dress," Steph commands. I do as I'm told, revealing the pink thong and matching pink sports bra I'm wearing beneath it. She smirks in anticipation, and slowly crawls onto the bed.
"I've slept with quite a few boys, but you'll be the first girly boy I've slept with."
I lick my lips, taking in the sight of her. Perky breasts, and basically no body fat. She's tiny and adorable. Her long black hair is well kept, and her skin is spotless. She's like a perfect doll, almost.
She crawls up beside me, and holds my face. She stares into my eyes, and slowly brings her hand down my face towards my breasts. She rubs my nipples under the bra for a bit, staring at my face intently the entire time. It continues southwards after a moment, pausing on my bare stomach. Her hand feels cold against my hot skin. Her hand rests on a pool of cum left on my stomach from what my sister did earlier.
"I'm almost sad that I'm not your first," she whispers.
"He's my brother! Treat him well!" my sister warns her.
"Oh, I'll certainly make him feel good, at the very least."
"Also, I barely touched him. That doesn't count as taking his virginity. You're allowed to do as far as you want otherwise, but his virginity is mine, okay? And you're free to watch, if you want, once you're done with him."
"I'll be a while, so you should be patient," Steph tells her.
"Fine by me, I'll enjoy watching."
Steph's hand reaches down to my penis, and I flinch. She curls her hand around my dick, and jerks it off for a bit. I arch my back, leaning into her hand. She brings her other hand to my hand, and guides it towards her breast. She then guides my other hand to her crotch.
As she commands, I rub her breasts with one hand under her bra, and sneak my other hand into her panties, playing with her pussy. But I find it hard to focus on that as she plays with my penis with one hand while playing with my ass with her other hand.
My mind goes blank as I orgasm, and cum spills out all over Steph's hand and the bed. But she doesn't stop, and in fact starts jerking me off harder. I stop playing with her, and clutch the sheets with my hands. My face is probably a deep red.
"I think that's enough," my sister says. Steph stops. I look up, grateful for the reprise.
"What is that in your hand?" I ask.
"Strap on. Steph, lube him up, okay?"
"Sure! My turn to watch, then?"
Steph orders me to turn around, and then pulls my panties down, and starts pouring something on my ass, rubbing it into my butt.
My sister crawls onto the bed, and straddles my ass, one knee to either side. Something hard and rubber is pressed up against my butt hole.
"What exactlly-" I begin to question her, but then she starts pushing the strap on into my butt, and the questions turns to "-Ahh?"
Steph watching, fingering herself, as my sister thrusts the strap in in and out of my butthole. I'm grasping the sheets, and groaning as my bigger sister sits atop of me with all of her weight and thrusts the strap on into my ass. I'm powerless against her.
Steph decides to reposition herself, and lies at the top of the bed, right next to my face, either leg to either side of my head. As my sister pushes on the strap on, my face is pushed into Steph's vagina. Her wetness soon covers my face.
My dick is hard again, but with my last orgasm being not too long ago, it's impossible for me to cum. My sister and Steph just use me as a sex toy, my sister forcing herself into my butt, and Stepth rubbing her vagina against my face. I can't even think straight, and have no idea how long this goes on for.
Some time later, I come to my senses, and the girls are beside me, making out as Alice thrusts the strap on into Steph's vagina. As she does, Steph fingers at Alice's ass, and moans in absolute ecstacy. My dick grows hard as I watch my sister fuck the younger girl.
My sister looks over at my dick, and smiles.
"What? Haven't had enough? We thought you were totally out of it."
"I mean, after seeing that, can you blame me?"
My sister laughs, and then stops ramming Steph. Steph glares at me.
"I was so close to having an orgasm, you know."
My sister stands up for a bit, and removes the strap on. Then she climbs back onto the bed, and crawls back over to me. She orders me to lie on my back, and I do as she says. Then, she lowers herself onto my dick. With how small I am, she can't really ride me, but she does hump at my dick with her naked vagina, and I'm soon clutching at the sheets again. Steph doesn't want to be left out of things, so she straddles my face, her naked vagina right atop my mouth. She orders me to start licking, and I do as she orders. I'm inexperienced, and probably not really any good at this, but she starts grinding on my face regardless. A wet tongue is probably better than your own fingers at least.
With my sister grinding against my dick, and another girl grinding on my face, it isn't long before I orgasm. I gasp for breath as the last of the cum leaves my body, and my head feels heavy.
"I think that may be enough for today," my sister says.
"But you didn't even have you go inside of you," Steph complains. "I really wanted to see that."
"Honestly, there's not that much to see. He's tiny. Besides, any more of this, and he may just explode. But don't worry, we'll be having plenty of fun with him, so you'll see what you want to see very soon."
And it happened very soon after indeed...
I'm anxious. Today is my first real time away from home all alone. I'll be spending a week at a hotel in a small town on the off season, which hopefully means that nobody will be there. I'm transgender, and this will be my first time wearing a bikini, so I'm stressing out about that.
I check in, then drop my stuff off at my room. I rest on the bed for an hour or so, tired after two connecting flights and a taxi ride. I've been traveling basically all day. I stare at the ceiling, and hope that this week will be stress free, and not a huge headache like every day at home is.
Finally, I decide that I better so check this place out, so I stand up, and grab my bag. I don't know if I'll be going swimming today or not, but if there aren't many people out there, maybe I will. If there are more than a few people, I'll just walk around and check everything out.
I pull out a one piece bikini. It's pink, with frills at the breast, and a short skirt. I pull it on, and tuck my penis back. With how small I am, just tucking it back should suffice. And then, since I'm too anxious to walk around in just a bikini, I pull on a pink beach dress over it.
First, I check out the various amenities. This hotel has a laundry room, and a connected restaurant right next to the pool. While I'm in the restaurant seeing just what it has to eat, I peek out at the pool and note that there is only one family out there: a girl a few years younger than me (I'm guessing 18) and two women. I guess I can't expect much better than that. Plus they're all girls, so that's less intimidating than if there were a large, muscular guy out there.
I leave from the restaurant out to the pool. It's nice and sunny today, and though it's the offseason, it isn't too cold quite yet. I take my dress off, and place it on a free chair near the door so I can leave in a hurry if I need to. Then I sit at the edge of the pool, and dip my foot in. Cold!
I shiver, and slowly lower my body into the pool. It's cold, but not terribly so. And as I'm slowly inching my way into the water, the girl that I saw earlier comes swimming over to me. She's wearing a black one piece swimsuit with green flowers on it.
"Hey! I thought we might be all alone out here! Did you want to play? My name is Stacy!"
"Oh?" I look over to the two women nearby, who seem to be a couple. They're cuddling, and give me a thumbs up. "Sure. My name is Amy. What did you want to play?"
The girl gets up out of the water to get something over by the chairs. A moment later, she returns with something in her hands, but for a moment, I don't even notice what, because my eyes are somewhere else entirely. This girl is trans just like I am, and her penis is sticking up against her stomach. She's bigger than I am! Actually, she's rather impressive.
Something pokes at my shoulder and I jump in surprise.
"Sorry to scare you. My little sister here is transgender, I hope that doesn't bother you. But she's speaking to you right now, so if your gaze could rise just a little bit..."
"Oh, sorry! I just didn't expect to see another trans person today!"
"Another? Oh, then are you trans, too?"
"Yeah. Anyways, sorry, what were you saying?" I look up to the girl now. She's holding a pair of pool noodles.
"I was saying that we should ride on tubes and try to joust!"
"Oh, sure, that sounds like it could be fun."
"Before that, have you put on sunscreen?" the girl's sister asks.
"Not yet, no."
"It may not be summer any more, but you still need to be careful. We've got some sunscreen over here, come on."
"Uh, okay."
I follow her out of the pool towards her bag full of things. She pulls out a tube of sunscreen, and starts applying it to my face.
"You know, I can do this by myself..."
"Oh, sorry. I'm used to babying my sisters. I'm already basically done with your face, so just let me do your whole body."
"If you insist. You said sisters, are both of those girls your sisters? I thought the older girl was your girlfriend."
"Ah... Well, I have a unique family. Rebecca and Stacy are both my sisters and my girlfriends."
"Sorry, it's weird, huh?"
"Maybe, but weird doesn't mean bad. If they're happy, then that's what matters, right?"
She smiles, and pats my hand. "I'm glad you see it my way. Oh, Rebecca of course if the girl with the blonde hair over there, and I'm Hayley."
"Good to meet you Hayley."
"You too, Amy. I have a feeling we're going to be really good friends, especially if we're consistently the only people at the pool like we are today."
I let Haylet go ahead and apply the lotion to my whole body. She tells me to lie down so she that I don't have to be standing the whole time. I lie on my back first, and Hayley slowly rubs the lotion around my arms first. Slowly, her fingers wander upwards towards my armpit. As she applies the lotion, her fingers poke just into my swimsuit. Around the arms. I say nothing. She does the same to the other side, letting her fingers poke in just a bit further this time.
"Just tell me if I'm doing too much," she says.
"No, I don't mind."
She smiles, then moves on to my neck and chest. She slowly rubs the area just above my chest, where my skin is exposed, then just barely pokes her fingers into the swimsuit below. Then she moves down to my legs, and tickles my toes a bit. I kick at her, and she apologizes.
"I just couldn't help myself."
She rubs the lotion up and down my legs, slowly and methodically. As she approaches my crotch, she pauses.
"Oh, you seem to be enjoying this."
"Sorry! I can't help it!"
She laughs. "No, it's fine! I would be hard too if I had a dick! Alright, turn around so I can get your back."
I turn around, and she rubs plenty of lotion around the butt area of my bikini. Her fingers are groping my butt as she rubs the lotion into my skin. She also does my neck and back, then lies down on the chair next to me, and offers me the bottle.
"How about you help me out now? It's about time for me to put on more sunscreen."
She takes my hand, and guides me over to her, gesturing for me to sit on her hips while I apply the lotion. Hayley is dressed in a super skimpy two piece bikini, leaving little to the imagination. I squeeze out some sunscreen in both hands, and start rubbing it on her belly. She bucks up a little bit, and reaches out both hands for me. Her hands rest on my hips as I apply the lotion to her stomach with both hands, then reach up to apply it to her breasts. Unlike me (flat as a pancake) Hayley is stacked. I practically have to empty the whole bottle of sunscreen on her chest to cover it all.
"I think that's enough playing around for now," Rebecca calls out. "You can play more later, but how about we play in the pool before the sun goes down!"
I look over to Hayley, and my eyes linger on her breasts for a bit. Hesitantly, I stand back up. Stacy runs over and takes both of my hands, and drags me back into the pool. Now back in the pool, Hayley and Rebecca bring over a pair of innertubes, and we climb in, and I'm given a pool noodle. We're dragged away by the older girls, and then pushes towards one another as fast as the girls can swim. I swing wildly at Stacy, and she smacks me in the face. It doesn't hurt, of course, but she feels bad about it.
"Don't worry,I'll get revenge the next time around."
Once again, the older girls pull us away from one another, and then we charge. I hit Stacy in the belly, and she hits the water beside me. I think she might be afraid of smacking my face again. The next time around, though, she seems to have gotten over it, as she smacks me in the face yet again.
"It doesn't hurt even if you smack me in the face. Come here, let me show you."
I swing at her with the pool noodle, and she dives into the water, leaving behind her pool noodle. I jump in after her, and swim after her with a noodle in one hand, shouting for her to slow down so I can smack her.
She runs out of the pool, and I follow her. She runs into a splash area for kids, with an octopus spraying water and a pirate ship slide and water gun cannons. She gets behind one of the toy cannons, and aims it at me, spraying me with water right in the face. Of course, a bit of water isn't going to slow me down. I continue after her, and bring the pool noodle down right on her head.
My ears ring as the scream echoes over the empty pool area and beyond.
"Oh, it really didn't hurt. My turn now!"
In my daze, I didn't think to stop her, and so now she's armed, and I've got nothing.
"Uh-oh," I say. And then I run.
I run and jump back into the pool, but as I surface, I'm bopped on two sides by pool noodles. Hayley and Rebecca have both armed themselves, and have devious looks on their faces.
Before I can do anything, Stacy jumps into the pool after me, swinging the pool noodle down on my head as she does. She lets go as she surfaces, and grabs onto me with both of her arms, wrapping herself around my waist.
"I got you!" she shouts, right in my ear.
I sigh. "Yeah, yeah, good job! Your sisters helped you, though, which is hardly fair."
"Oh, you're wrong," Rebecca says, swooping down and picking up a shrieking Stacy. "We're in it for ourselves! We want to capture the two cute girls and do all kinds of things to them!"
Rebecca jokingly nibbles at Stacy's neck as she continues screaming. And as I'm watching that, Hayley grabs my hand and pulls me towards her. She holds me right against her, and sticks her free hand in the front of my bikini.
"Just tell me if you want me to stop," she whispers. I say nothing, so she continues, as the other two girls watch.
Hayley pulls my penis out from my swimsuit into the pool, and rubs it. Meanwhile, Rebecca puts Stacy down and the two of them get right up next to us. Rebecca takes a moment to pull out Stacy's longer penis from her swimsuit, and starts playing with it right next to mine, which is dwarfed.
With these three next to me, and Rebecca playing with Stacy's dick right on top of mine, I don't last long. I blow a load into the pool, and Stacy isn't far behind.
"You're both so adorable," Hayley says, leaning in and kissing me on the mouth. Rebecca does the same with Stacy, and then we're let go.
"You two girls keep having fun, alright? We're gonna be having our own fun right over there," Hayley tells us.
And by having fun, they mean making out and fingering one another. Both are dressed in skimpy thongs and tops which barely cover anything, so I've got quite the view.
Stacy takes my hand. "I'm starting to get jealous of how friendly you are with my sister. We can do all kinds of things together, you know."
"I know. Your sister is just very assertive."
"Then maybe I should be assertive, too."
"I wouldn't stop you."
Stacy jumps up and plants a kiss on my lips. As she lands, I reach around her butt, and grab hold of her tight. I raise her back up to my lips, and this time it's more than just a quick peck on the lips between us. I stick my tongue between her lips, and our tongues wrestle. Meanwhile, I stick one hand up the back of her swimsuit and grope at her butt. She rubs my back with one hand, and my crotch with her other hand.
"You know, it's starting to get dark," Hayley says. "And if all we're doing is making out, we ought to do it in our room. Wanna head back with us, Amy?"
We waste no time grabbing all of our stuff, and rushing back to the girls' room. There are two large beds in there, but they've been pushed together so that they can all sleep together. I want to jump right into the bed with them all, but first we've got to shower all that chlorine off and dry off. The shower isn't big enough for 4 people, so we go in pairs, Stacy and I shivering as her sisters take forever. I can only imagine what they're doing in there, but I'm sure it isn't showering.
Once Hayley and Rebecca are done, they walk out without any clothes on, and start drying one another off. I kind of want to watch them, but I really need to take a shower. Stacy grabs my hand, and drags me into the bathroom. There, sitting on the sink, is a dildo. Stacy grabs it, and then throws her bathing suit off. I strip down, too, and step into the shower after her.
Stacy puts the dildo to the side for now, and we soap down our entire bodies, focusing a lot on the butt, breasts, and penis. She's nearly a whole foot smaller than me, but about 4 inches longer. And as she clings to me, her penis rubs right against my leg the entire time.
Once we're clean enough, Stacy pushes my head down. I kneel, right next to her cock, and she reaches for the dildo. I take her penis into my mouth, and start licking it. Meanwhile, she takes the dildo and some lube, then inserts the dildo into her butt. It's pretty large, so it takes her a moment to squeeze it in there. Once it's far enough in, she starts to pull it out, then push it back in, again and again, all the while I keep sucking on her penis. After a few minutes, she blows a load into my mouth, and moans loudly. I can hear some laughing from the sisters, who are at the doorway watching us.
"Here, let me give you a blow job," Stacy says.
I nod my head, and stand up. Stacy kneels down, and places my whole penis into her mouth with ease. She then reaches behind, and starts sticking the dildo up my butt.
"Hold on, she's never done this before. Use this smaller one for her," Rebecca says, handing a small buttplug to Stacy. Rebecca takes the larger dildo.
With a smaller buttplug now, it fits into my ass with ease. Stacy pulls the buttplug into and out of my ass while sucking on my penis, and playing with my balls. Unlike me, she knows what she's doing, and it isn't long before I explode right in her mouth.
I collapse, and the girls giggle.
"Maybe she should rest before we continue all of this," Hayley suggests.
"Maybe we should just call it a night for now. We can start back up early in the morning," Rebecca suggests.
"Yeah, probably," I mumble.
"We've got some clothes out for everyone on the bed. Let's go get changed."
Stacy and I towel one another off a bit as her sisters watch, then step out into the room to change. On the bed, there's are 4 sets of sexy lace lingerie, as well as something else...
"Diapers?" I ask.
"Night time underwear," Stacy tells me. "Fine, yes, diapers. Goodnites, in particular. I wet the bed, so I have to wear diapers to sleep. I know, it's weird, but..."
"You are dating both of your sisters, nothing is weird anymore," I tell her. "Of course, weird also doesn't mean bad. If it makes you feel better, I can sleep wearing one, too."
"We do the same," Rebecca says. "There's nothing wrong with having accidents, and plus, she looks absolutely adorable wearing them."
I take one of the goodnites in my hand. It's purple and has some flowers on it. I shrug, and pull it up. It fits pretty well. I look in the mirror, and it's quite the odd sight. I haven't worn diapers since I was wetting the bed at 5, and of course I look way different now than then. I shrug, and put on the rest of the clothes. It's a one piece lace bodysuit with frills.
Everyone else is dressed in matching clothes. Seeing them all in lingerie but with a diaper underneath is odd, but they all look fantastic. Especially Stacy, in my opinion.
Stacy grabs my hand, and drags me into the bed. There, I'm sandwiched between Stacy and Hayley, with Rebecca on the other side of Stacy. The girls cuddle up right next to me, and let their hands drape over me. I feel really warm, and worry that I might not get any sleep tonight.
Sure enough, three hours later, I'm proven right. A different bed, a diaper, sexy clothes, and three sexy girls in bed with me is just too much stimulation. Plus I didn't get the chance to use the bathroom before going to bed like I usually do, and can't get up now as I'm being held down by both Stacy and Hayley who seem to be fast asleep. I haven't used the bathroom once since landing nearly 8 hours ago! I feel like I might explode.
Of course... I am wearing a diaper. Or a pullup or whatever you want to call it. So if I did pee, well, who would care? Other than me? Ugh. I'd rather try to hold it.
That thought gnaws at me for an hour. Maybe more. I'm not sure, but I do eventually fall asleep. After all, I haven't slept since before my flight took off from home, or even much the night before. If not for my nerves I would have slept as soon as I arrived at the hotel.
I wake up in the morning, Rebecca and Hayley having already woken up and moved. I must have been totally out of it, as I didn't notice them get out of bed. They're eating donuts at the kitchen table, still wearing the lingerie and goodnites, while Stacy continues sleeping, groping my arm.
I pause as I suddenly realize something. I don't need to pee anymore. I gulp, and reach down into my diaper. Yep. It's wet. I don't want to say anything, but the horror in my eyes betrays me.
"Did you wet yourself, too?" Stacy mumbles, still half asleep.
"I- I-"
"Relax. I wet the bed, too, and if you look at the sagging diapers on my sisters, I think I'm not the only one."
Hayley stands up and twirls for us, then sticks her tongue out. "It's a lot easier than waking up at night to use the bathroom!"
Rebecca giggles, and stands up, holding her legs apart so we can easily see the sag in her diaper. "Honestly I just enjoy it. I'm sure I won't get shamed for that when you already know I'm kissing my sisters."
"Not just kissing," Hayley scoffs.
"That's right! I sucked my little sister's penis and sucked my big sister's boobs! And there's nothing wrong with that!"
"I'm sure most would disagree."
"Well they can get stuffed!"
The girls laugh about that, and Stacy grabs my arm and pulls it towards her diaper.
"See how wet I am? That isn't from the pool, and it's not from playing with you. Of course, if you want to sleep with us again tonight, we can let you use the bathroom first. You don't even need to wear a diaper."
With my free hand, I ruffle her hair. "You're so cute, you know that? It's fine. There's nothing wrong with wetting the bed, and there's nothing wrong with having fun. And I get the feeling that we're going to have a TON of fun."
Stacy stares into my eyes, smiling. "I'm sure we will!"
And then we had a lot of sex.
With my 19th birthday coming up tomorrow, I’ll be visiting home for the first time in months. I’ve been away at college, and while there, I began my transition as a trans girl. My parents are supportive, but they’ve yet to see me as myself yet. Tomorrow will be the first day. I’ll take a train over early in the morning tomorrow to visit them, but first, I’m taking a trip down to the shops to get a new outfit, partially as a gift to myself, and partially so I can look my best tomorrow.
I’m about 5’2”, 90 pounds, with long blonde hair currently in pigtails. As I’ve only just started HRT, I have no breasts to speak of, or any other body fat, really. Currently, I’m dressed in a short red skirt and a flowery red and white blouse. I’m also wearing white thigh highs with red bows at the top, red mary jane shoes, and a pair of red bows in my pigtails.
As I wait for the bus outside of my college, along with a few other students , I get some stares. They gossip about me and giggle. Everyone in the school knows that I’m trans, and not all of them take it well. I don’t care.
Thankfully, the girls are kept far away from me as we board the crowded bus heading downtown. This bus services the whole city, not just the school, so it’s already full by the time we arrive. I end up standing, as there are no seats available. As the bus goes lurching forwards, I go to grab for a strap to help keep myself upright, but can’t quite reach it. I stand on my tiptoes to try reaching, but just as my fingers brush the strap…
“I can see your panties,” a young girl says, giggling.
I reach down to cover the bottom of my skirt, but as I do, I lose by balance, and fall forward onto another young girl, this one seemingly about 13. She’s sitting on a seat in front of me, and I land on her lap, with my hands on her breasts. She seems surprised, but doesn’t seem too bothered by it. I apologize and stand up awkwardly. She just smiles at me.
I make my way towards the back door, where I can hold on to a handhold on a pole by the door. I’ve always hated busses. They’re so crowded, and I can never quite reach the straps up above. Falling down isn’t too uncommon for me. At least this time it was just a young girl who saw my panties. I’ve had guys reach down there. Boy, do they get quite the surprise…
Finally, the bus reaches my stop, and I can’t get off of there fast enough. A few other people get off, as it’s downtown by a lot of shops. That includes the young girl who I fell on early.
I head into one nearby shop that often has cute clothes at a low price. As I’m looking around the racks of clothing, I notice the young girl from earlier is also looking around the shop. I try to ignore her, and browse for a nice dress for tomorrow. Alas, nothing good here. I mean, there are a few nice things, but nothing for my shape and size. That might be the hardest part.
I continue on to the next store, which is a little bit more upscale, potentially more pricy than what I’m willing to spend. But they occasionally have some nice clothes on discount, so it’s worth it to check it out. And there is one nice dress that has a nice price on it, but when I try it on, it just doesn’t fit well in the shoulder/chest area. It’s too tight around the ribcage, yet the bust area has a gap where people couldn’t help but look down and see my non-existent breasts.
As I’m walking out of the more upscale boutique, I notice the same young girl walk out, almost as if she’s following me from place to place. But that could just be a coincidence…
Against my better judgment, I decide to test this out by heading down an alley between buildings. Sure enough, the girl follows after, and I stand there, arms crossed, waiting for her.
“Are you following me?” I ask.
She nods her head.
“Why? Is it about earlier? I’m sorry that I fell on you.”
She shakes her head. “No, I’m not mad about that. Actually, when you fell on me, I couldn’t help but notice, as your crotch rubbed against my lap, that there seemed to be something extra there.”
I blush furiously. “Ah. Yeah… I’m transgender…”
“I know. Believe it or not, though, so am I,” she says, lifting up the dress of her high school uniform.
I look away, and cover my eyes. “Please! You don’t have to show! I’ll take your word for it!”
I hear her step towards me. She grabs my hand, and brings it down towards.
I yank my hand away.
“What are you doing?” I ask, finally turning my face to look at her. Sure enough, she has her dress hitched up, in in her cute little pink rabbit patterned panties, there is, in fact, a bulge. Not much of one, but there is one.
“You weren’t going to look, so I was gonna make sure that you knew!”
“I… I see, now, okay? Now put your dress back down before someone walks in and sees this!”
“Oh, is that the issue here?” she asks, letting go of the hem of her dress. “In that case, how about we go somewhere more private? I have an apartment downtown, and my sisters are always happy when I bring a girl over.”
“You bring girls over often?”
“All the time! Hell, half the girls who make fun at you at school for being trans have been with a trans girl before– and that trans girl is me! But I haven’t been with another trans girl, yet, so this will be fun!”
“Even then, you’re still too young for me!”
“What? You’re a freshman in college, right? 19? I’m only a year younger?”
“What? You’re 18?”
I look down at the girl, with her navy blue school uniform dress, and long brown hair. She’s wearing knee-high black socks and black flats. I can tell that she’s wearing a pink bra, as the bra strap is visible. She’s tiny, skinny, and adorable, with a face that makes you wish you could just take her home and cuddle her. And though I may not be able to take her back to my home, I can at least go to her home…
“Okay,” I tell her. “But I do have things that I came to do here, today, so let me finish with that, first!”
Boy. It isn’t easy. I go to several more shops, agonizing over what to wear. The girl, who introduces herself as Usagi, joins me in the dressing rooms, and rubs herself through her panties as she watches me get changed. I admit that I get more than a little bit hard as I watch Usagi pleasuring herself. She giggles as she watches my panties strain against my hard on.
By some miracle, I do manage to find one nice dress within my price range that fits. It’s a red skater dress with a lace over it. (
Usagi is basically dragging me out of the store once the purchase is complete. The poor girl can barely help herself from grabbing me. She even gives my butt a little squeeze as we exit the store. I hold my bag in front of me to help hide the bulge that is probably at least somewhat visible through my dress.
Finally, we arrive at Usagi’s apartment. She unlocks the door, and waves at her sisters, who are currently half naked, making out on the dining room table. The girls, who look to be maybe 21 or so, barely pay her any attention, too busy going to town on one another. The one does a double take when she notices me, and seems to look me up and down, assessing me. She nods her head, and then returns to working on her sister.
“Don’t worry about them,” Usagi tells me. “Sometimes they join in, other times they don’t.”
“Uh. Those are your sisters?”
“Yeah. They’re kinda lezbos.”
“Do you mind me asking if they ever… you know… do stuff with you?”
“Oh, all the time! Were you hoping for a foursome? They won’t say no!”
“Uh, maybe later. I would kind of like some alone time with you first.”
“Wow, what a flirt! Alright, come on! My room is this way!”
I follow Usagi to her room. She doesn’t even bother to get in before stripping her dress off, leaving her in just her black knee socks and matching rabbit print panties and training bra.
I’m a bit more nervous, waiting until I’m in the room. Slowly, I take my blouse off, revealing my lightly padded bra. It’s white with blue flowers.
“Come on! I’ve already seen you in your underwear, just hurry it up!” Usagi urges me.
She doesn’t wait for me to respond or anything. She just yanks my skirt down, revealing my panties which match my bra. I yelp, and go to cover my bottom, but what good does it do?
“Hmm…” Usagi says, studying me. “You really are cute, you know.”
“Says you,” I mutter.
“Oh, please, flatter me more!!” she giggles, reaching up and squeezing my breasts. She then gives me a kiss between the boobs, and takes my hands. She leads me towards her bed.
I’m not entirely sure what to do, so Usagi takes the lead. She pushes me down on the bed, and leaves a trail of kisses up and down my thighs. The entire time my panties are about to explode. She notices that, and giggles.
“Oh, you’re pretty excited for this, huh?” she ask . She crawls atop me, and sits on my panties, slowly rubbing her ass into me. I hold her by the hips, urging her down onto me.
She slowly leans down onto me, and then crawls a bit towards my face. She kisses me on the lips lightly, before leaning back away a bit.
“Is that your first kiss?” she asks. I nod my head. “Something told me that it might be. Oh, but don’t worry, you’ll have plenty more before the night is over!”
She leans back in for another kiss, and her tongue thrashes wildly in my mouth. I moan in pleasure, and try to keep up with her, sticking my tongue into her mouth as well. As I do, I reach around her butt and stick a finger in her hole. That seems to encourage her, as she gets more and more aggressive once I do that.
After a moment, she leans away once more, and then slowly crawls down off of me, leaving me one last kiss on the tip of my dick before she crawls off of the bed. She pulls her socks and bra off, and turns on the ceiling fan. I go ahead and take my socks and bra off too, while I’m at it, leaving us both in just our panties.
I’m sitting on the edge of the bed as she gets back, and grab her arm, forcibly pushing her down onto her bed. She looks surprised, but then gives me an evil smirk.
“Who would have guessed you had it in you to top someone? Go ahead, baby, show me what you’ve got!”
I don’t know if it’s cuz I’m a top or I’m just too horny to hold back, but I couldn’t help myself. It was a spur of the moment thing, and now I’m not totally sure what to do.
First, I bring her down towards the edge of the bed, with her still lying down, but with me standing up. I bring my panties up to hers, and start rubbing them together, slowly at first. I then speed up a bit, putting as much pressure as I can towards her. As I do, I grab her by her hips, and pull her towards me. She’s also gripping the sheets and seemingly pulling herself towards me at the same time. I may not be experienced in this, but she’s at least enjoying herself.
The humping and grinding against her panties is enough to send me over the edge. I come, and it gushes out of my panties and onto Usagi. I sigh, just about out of breath, and step away. But Usagi isn’t done. She grabs my hand, and pulls me onto the bed on top of her. She rubs her hands all over my back as she bites at my lips and thrusts herself upwards towards me. She then pushes me over so that she’s on top now.
Usagi sits me on the side of her bed, and sits down on my knee, grinding herself on me.
“Consider this payback for the bus,” she moans.
I bring both hands around to her back, and rub her butt with one hand, while I finger her butthole with the other one. All the while, she humps against me leg, which is plenty wet with her precum and my cum.
Finally, she comes, dripping sperm all over my leg. She collapses onto me, out of energy, but still horny enough to seek out my breasts blindly, and rub at them.
“Aww, that was kinda hot,” someone says from the open door.
Lifting my head up, I see Usagi’s sisters at the front door, watching us. I don’t know how long they’ve been watching, but both of them have their hands in their panties.
“Shame they finished without us, huh?” the redhead asks.
“Oh, I don’t think they’re done, yet!” the blonde says.
The two of them come towards us, stripping their panties off as they approach. Once they get near, they reach for our panties. Usagi lifts her butt as the blonde pulls the panties off of her. I do the same, letting the redhead strip the last of my clothes.
The girls start by kneeling down at the foot of the bed, with us sitting at the edge. Usagi holds my hand with her right hand, and with her left, pushes her sister’s head towards her dick. At the same time, the redhead leans down and brings my penis into her mouth.
It isn’t long until I’m hard again, as I watch the two sisters give me and Usagi head at the same time. As they do, they fondle our balls with one hand, and finger one another with their other hands. I feel like I’m close to exploding once more, but my orgasm wasn’t too long ago, so second won’t come for quite a while.
The girls go at it for a bit, but don’t wait for an orgasm that they know they won’t get. Instead, they go to a nearby dresser, and grab some lube. They slather us up with both hands, and then climb onto our laps, this time with the blonde on me and the redhead on Usagi. For the first time in my life, my dick slips into a vagina. As if that in and of itself isn’t enough, she begins humping me, forcing my dick further and further into her. All the while, Usagi is next to me, getting humped by her sister, and shouting at her to go faster.
As the girls go down on us, they lean in and start licking at our nipples. As well as feeling around out hip and stomach area, letting their hands wander. I pump my hips towards her, ready to explode.
Finally, just as I’m about ready to explode, the girls get off of us, and the cum instead goes all over the carpet. But even with the two of us exhausted, the girls aren’t done, yet. They turn back to one another, and the blonde pushes the redhead down onto the bed. They start making out for a bit, before the blonde trails down to the redhead’s pussy.
As I’m watching, Usagi crawls over to them, and gestures me over. We lean over the two girls, and start making out. As we do, the redhead grabs each of our dicks, and starts jerking us off. Eventually, Usagi is overcome with lust yet again, and pushes me over, landing on top of me. Her my butt and her legs are on her redheaded sister, while Usagi pushes her tongue into my mouth yet again.
“Turn around,” she orders.
I do as she says, and yelp in surprise as her penis finds its way into my butt. She thrusts for a bit with her little cock, and though it isn’t large, I’m unfamiliar with the feeling of a dick in my butt, so I’m still hurting a little bit.
As she does that, the blonde crawls off of the redhead, and comes over to me. She sits down by my face, and spreads her legs, and pushes herself towards me. She grabs my head, and pushes me into her pussy, forcing me to lap it up.
Meanwhile, the redhead has also gotten up, and goes to sit down on the blonde’s face. Seems she hasn’t quite had enough of her pussy being eaten, as she grinds her vagina into her sister’s face.
The taste and feeling are extremely unfamiliar, but not at all unwelcomed. And with three naked girls around me, one making love to me and one forcing me to eat her out, I’m rock hard yet again.
The redhead orgasms first, squirting fluid all over her sister’s face. A bit later, the blonde orgasms, pushing on my tongue and sending waves of pleasure down both of our bodies.
At the same time, in my ass, Usagi erupts with a load of cum, and moans in ecstacy. She pulls out, and leans back against the headboard. The two elder sisters also step away, seemingly to catch their breath. They’ve been at it since before we got here, after all.
Unfortunately for Usagi , I’m still horny, and ready to come again. I crawl over to her, and, before she can react, turn her over, and sit on her ass. She squirms, pretending to put up a bit of a fight, but I know that she wants this as much as I do. Slowly, I inch into the younger girl’s butt, which admittedly isn’t very many inches.
As I hump Usagi from behind, I reach my hands around to her front, groping her breasts with one hand, while jerking her off with the other. She’s soft after ejaculating so many times, but she’s still moaning in pleasure.
It isn’t long before I come in Usagi’s ass. I let out a deep breath, and collapse, absolutely exhausted by now. Usagi grabs me, and pulls me close. I fall asleep in her bed, naked, and pulled up close to her little breasts.
A late afternoon in early spring, I stand beside the window of the classroom as I watch the sakura (cherry) blossoms fall from the trees. The ground is littered with pink petals, and the school is silent, it currently being Sunday.
I lean against the window sill, taking in the breathtaking view. I sigh deeply, longing for days like this to continue forever. High school has just started, and with it, all the chaos that it brings. High expectations from my parents, studying for exams, the weight of the future on my shoulders. And yet, right now, all I wish to do is relax and enjoy the view.
“Isn’t it beautiful outside?” I ask Seiji, my best friend.
Seiji is lying on the ground, bag on his chest, texting someone. “Mhm… sure, Jun.”
I walk up to him and nudge him with my foot. “You said you wanted me here, Seiji. Was it just to lie around?”
“No, no… I just, you know… We’re not in the same class this year.”
“I know.” This year will be the first time since I met him three years ago in middle school that we’ll be in different classes. Seiji is far less outgoing than I am, and struggles to make friends, so I worry for him.
Seiji sits up, and looks at me with a serious face. “You’re my best friend, you know. My only friend, really. I’m worried that we might drift apart now that we’ve started high school.”
“That’s ridiculous!”
“I don’t know. My brother says that he doesn’t talk to any of his middle school friends anymore.”
Seiji’s brother is in his final year of high school, and runs track and field. He’s a great athlete, and has good grades. He’s also rather busy with both studying, track and field, and his part time job, so he doesn’t have much free time. He does have a few friends, but not all that many.
“You’re not your brother, and I’m not his friends. We’ll have to work hard at it, but if we do, we can stay friends forever! I promise!”
Seiji gets to his feet, and steps close to me, looking me right in the eye.
“We will! I’ll make sure of it! And that’s why I’ve brought this bag!” He holds the bag up high. “You see, I saw this in an anime! Well, I’m taking inspiration from several different anime. But, you see, all we have to do to continue to be best friends is to make our friendship special!”
“Uh, and how exactly do you propose we do that?”
“With this!” He brings the bag down to our level, opens it up, and pulls some clothes out of the bag.
“Is that… a girl’s school uniform?”
“No, it’s TWO girls’ uniforms!”
“Okay, so I know what it is now, but what are you doing with it here? I assume they’re your eldest sister’s, but why do you have them?”
“Because in life, there is no better way to connect with someone than having a secret with them! And if we dress up in these clothes and spend time with one another every sunday here, we’ll have our own secret life apart from everyone else!”
“Seiji… do you just want to crossdress?”
“Look, man, that one time you caught me in a dress was a one time thing! I haven’t crossdressed since then or before them! Honest!”
I hold his face and make him look me in the eyes. “Seiji. Is this just because you want to crossdress?”
“No! Honest!”
“Liar.” I drop his face. “But fine, whatever. You wanna crossdress? Go ahead! But you can’t drag me into this!”
“Oh, come on! You would look great in a sailor uniform! You have such a girlish frame and your hair is so long!”
I subconsciously tug at my long hair. My parents have been yelling at me to cut it, but I really do love it at this length. I then look at the uniform in Seiji’s hand. It IS cute… and I have been somewhat envious of how beautiful the girls look as they walk around in the uniforms.
“Just this once,” I mutter. Seiji jumps in celebration, then drops the bag to the ground, and starts rooting around. I squint at him, wondering what exactly he’s doing. A moment later, he comes back out, smiling, holding two pairs of girl’s panties.
“Here we go!” he says. He throws the clothes on a nearby desk and starts stripping.
“Woah, woah, woah!” I say.
“What? You’ve seen me nude plenty, what’s the–”
“No! The panties! That’s taking it too far!”
“Ah, you’re a fan of going commando, aren’t you? Nice. Good call.”
“No! It’s just… they’re girls’ panties…”
“Oh, I see what you’re getting at! No worries! They’re brand new! Never been worn before!”
“That’s not the issue!”
“Well, I fail to see what the issue is, then.”
“Guys shouldn’t wear panties!”
“Says who? The same jerks who say that guys shouldn’t have long hair?”
“That’s bullshit, right? We should do what makes us happy.”
He throws his pants, shirt, and underwear on the ground, then pulls the pair of pink and white striped panties up his legs, and looks down at himself.
“Damn, I look good,” he says.
Seiji continues dressing, pulling on the skirt and top of the sailor style girl’s uniform. He has a slender frame, and though his hair isn’t quite as long as mine, his hair is cut in a fairly androgynous style, lending him the look of a tomboyish girl in that uniform. I hate to admit it, but he is cute. I blush a little bit, but hide it by grabbing the clothes and turning away from him. I throw my clothes off onto a nearby table, and grab the blue and white stripped panties prepared for me. I hold them up before me, studying them.
“Nice ass,” Seiji jokes.
“Fine, fine, I’m getting changed!” I grumble, pulling the panties up my legs. They feel rather soft, and they do look really cute. Seiji doesn’t need to keep looking at my ass, though, so I go ahead and pull on the skirt and top of the uniform, completing my look. I turn to Seiji, holding one arm awkwardly, head tilted down.
“How do I look?” I mumble.
“Holy crap, you’re hot!” he says. “Wow! What do you say you stay like that and just pretend to be my girlfriend from now on?”
“Go choke on a frog,” I roll my eyes. I return to the window I was looking out earlier, and study myself in its reflection. Damn it, he’s right! I really do look hot!
Seiji comes up behind me, and hugs me from behind, his hands slipping up my top.
“Are you a fan of yuri?” he asks.
“I think this would be considered BL,” I tell him.
“Mmm… Genderbender BL. Kinda hot.”
“It’s gross,” I tell him.
“Because they’re two boys!” I slap his arms away, and turn around to face him, my face red. He jumps back in surprise, and looks me up and down.
“You’re a product of society’s judgemental beliefs,” Seiji says, shaking his head.
“No! I’m normal! Unlike you! I don’t like this crap!”
“Jun… Man… Look down.”
Through my tears of anger, I do as he says, looking down.
“Oh, shit…”
“You say you’re not into this, but your body says something else.”
I wasn’t thinking about it, but my dick is really hard right now. The panties aren’t enough to keep it from showing through the skirt.
Seiji steps back towards me, and takes my hands in his.
“Relax,” he whispers. “It may not be societally approved, but if you’re having fun, who cares?”
“I… I…” I can’t finish the sentence. I don’t know what comes next. I care? I don’t care?
Slowly, Seiji leans in towards me, and kisses me on the lips. My eyes widen in surprise, and I go to pull back, but Seiji follows after me, pinning me against the window. My hands are interlocked with his, pinned against the glass behind me. My whole body is tingling.
A moment later, Seiji pulls away.
“I’m sorry, I just–”
As Seiji pulls back, I strike. I connect my lips to his, and he makes a small noise in response. He stumbles backwards towards a desk, and I lift his legs up, helping him sit onto it. I move into the area between his legs, our lips still locked, and he wraps his legs around my waist. My hands move to his skirt, and I hold tight to his waist. Meanwhile, his hands race up my shirt to fondle my nipples. Of course, there’s nothing else there, so he may be somewhat disappointed. Then again, he is a fan of the “flat is justice” movement.
Our moment is disrupted by the ringing of his phone. I move away from his lips, and look him in the eyes. Begrudgingly, we separate, and he goes to answer his phone.
“Ah, mom? Oh, right, yeah, I’ll be home soon! I was studying with Jun! Yeah, no worries! Ok! Cya!” He turns back to me. “Sorry. Dinner time. We’ll meet again soon, though! Actually, my parents will be at work tomorrow all day, and my brother has school activities. Do you want to meet up at my house after school?”
“If it’ll be anything like today, sure!”
“Awesome! I have to get going now, so I’ll see you later!”
He starts running off, and I have to grab his hand before he runs out the door.
“Seiji! Your clothes!”
“Oh! Right! Sorry, my brain was so high that I almost forgot!”
We change back into our normal clothes, though we do it slowly. We keep our eyes on one another the entire time. I had never considered how attractive Seiji really is, but after today, I don’t know that I can continue ignoring the obvious. He’s my best friend, but he’s also my first crush.
I’m a trainee witch from a rural town where even the slightest deviance is frowned upon. There, witches are expected to follow a strict way of acting, and even being. And it is expected that a witch is to act as basically a medicinal servant for the village. She is to gather weeds and prepare potions to help deal with stomach aches and other ailments. Witches are to never wed. to never fall in love. To never have sex.
It’s patriarchal bullshit! Moreover, as I’m transgender, I don’t fit into their narrow view of what makes a witch! You have to be born female, and born to a wealthy non-witch family. I’m poor, and haven’t had the, quote, appropriate education. Only upper class villagers get an education in my hometown. Poor folk are expected to do hard labor such as farm work or hunting.
For that reason, I’ve decided to leave my hometown and travel to the capital city, where everything is better! The people are nicer, and nobody cares if you’re trans or poor or whatever! I arrive on foot after a month of travel. Most people fly on their brooms, but I’m not experienced enough for that. I can barely fly. Others take the train, but I’m too poor for that. The travel is rough, and I have to forage and hunt for food as I’m simply incapable of brining one month worth of food along with me. But, with blistered feet, I finally arrive at the capital!
I’m not sure what I expect to find, but there are no guards at the tall gates that lead into the city. Some folks even fly above the walls around the city, making me wonder what, exactly, is the purpose of having walls. I walk through the gate, eying everything with awe. Something shiny on the gate catches my eye, and I stare at some kind of glass orb situated within the gate: a scrying orb. They’re watching everyone who walks into the city. I’m sure there are also methods to keep eyes on anyone who flies in, too.
The capital city is the biggest city in the land of Faetrick, boasting hundreds of thousands of permanent residents, along with countless visitors year round. It has anything a witch – or a nonwitch, for that matter – could ever need! Any kind of shop you can imagine, it’s here! A perfumer? Of course! An ogre sweater salesman? Why, there’s one here in the square hawking his wares! A shrink-reversal-specialist? There’s quite a line outside of their shop! A very tiny line, admittedly, but a rather long one.
The streets are busting, as is the sky. Tourists and citizens alike fly in the air with brooms, visiting second or third floors of restaurants, inns, and shops without needing to land. Most upper floors of shops are witch-specialized, featuring magical items and clothing that fits the witchy aesthetic. Save for the broom and the beat up pointy hat, I don’t look anything like what a witch is expected to look at, but most people here don’t fit that aesthetic. It’s old fashioned and unfashionable, anyhow!
I hop on my broom, double checking that the fastener on my witch hat is on. I wouldn’t want the hat to go flying off, after all! I carefully position my skirt as to not allow the people down below a look – most witches go with pants nowadays to avoid that, but I’ve fought for 18 years to allow myself this chance to fly with a skirt, so I’m wearing one – then lift off!
I struggle to gain control for a few seconds as I shoot straight up into the sky. Those around me pause, familiar with an unskilled witch. I’m not the only one that isn’t totally in control. I see young witches around me struggling just as I do. Most are much younger, though. One ten year old is being taught to fly in much the same way one might see a child learning to ride a bike. Of course, the risk of crashing a bike from a thousand feet up is rather slim, unlike a broom. Most witches are capable at flying a broom by the time they’re 13. Of course, I never had anyone to teach me, and people back home always gave me trouble when I tried to fly. Mostly out of bigotry, but also because I once crashed into a neighbor’s chicken coop.
“Either learn how to fly or stay out of the air!” one angry guy shouts at me as I zoom past him, mere inches from knocking into him.
Eventually, I’m far above the angry old man. From here, the city stretches out before me, seemingly endlessly. Off in the distance, fantastical mansions belonging to famed adventurers. Of course, I don’t have any want to head there, and potentially piss off someone who might have saved this world. I’m good to stick around here, and check out the tourist spots; the restaurants all look rather good! Of course, I can’t afford most of them. First things first, I think, I need to find a job. Then, from there, I can start training once I’ve settled in.
I fly around a bit, searching for any kind of help wanted sign. Nothing of the sort, though. I chew at my lower lip in worry. Maybe all the jobs are full? Or do you just wander in and ask for a job? Back home, you just did what your parents told you to do, but here, I’m all on my own.
I fly into the top doors of a few buildings. The first is a restaurant that says that they’re not hiring hicks. The second is a boutique that says that I need a bit more class if I want a job here. A butcher says that he’s hiring, but the pay is abysmal, and the hours are uncertain and all over the place. Other stores and restaurants give me the same spiel: you’re poor, you’re classless, are you okay with working 16 hours straight every 5th sunday but only when there’s a full moon? No real jobs seem to be open.
My stomach is growling as I fly ahead without really paying any attention. And then…
I collide mid-air with another witch and we go spiraling towards the ground. From this height, I’m at serious risk of injury. Probably not death, though that isn’t too reassuring when I have to say probably.
Thankfully, several feet from the ground, we seem to hit some kind of magical net, and are slowly lowered to the ground.
“What was that?” I ask, looking up above me.
“A magical safety net,” the girl I ran into mumbles, rubbing her back where i ran into her. “Most people aren’t stupid enough to need it. There are lots of trainees like you here, though, and we can’t let kids fall from roof height to a cobblestone ground, can we?”
‘Oh! Cool! Oh, wait, I’m sorry!” I quickly get up, and bow to the woman before me. She’s wearing long black pants and a black button up shirt. She has short black hair and a scar running down the side of her face.
She stares at me, then shrugs. “Meh. Mistakes happen. Where are your parents?”
“I’m 18!”
She gives me a strange look. “Really? 18 and you still don’t know how to ride a broom?”
“I come from a really backwards town.”
“I can tell, but don’t even country girls learn to ride brooms?”
“Er… I’m transgender.”
“My city doesn’t approve of transgender witches.”
“That’s stupid. I’m transgender and learned to ride a broom at age 8. I became a full-fledged witch at age 14.”
“Wow! Back home it takes people decades to become a full fledged witch!”
“It’s the same in the city. Of course, most of these idiots can at least ride a broom.”
I bow to her once more. “I’m sorry that I ran into you!”
“We’ve been over this. I think you’re an idiot, but I harbor no ill feelings towards idiots. They can’t help that they’re idiots.”
“Right. Sorry. Can I help you somehow to make up for it?”
The woman looks me up and down, seemingly judging me.
“What is your name?”
“Ellen? I’m Aja.”
My ears perk up, and I stare at the woman before me.
“Aja the Relentless?”
She sighs. “Most people are smarter than you. Yes, that’s me.”
“As in THE Aja the Relentless?”
“Was there another that I wasn’t familiar with?”
Aja is well known as a hero of this country. She has saved the world on four separate occasions, and is known to never give up. She has died twice in defense of the world, the second less than an hour after dying the first time. She was killed by a Behemoth – the greatest kind of monster which is capable of destroying a planet – and resurrected by an Angel whose job it is to collect dead heroes and bring them to a safe place to bring them back to life. Generally, deceased heroes are out of action for weeks or even months. Aja went straight back into battle, and then defeated the Behemoth, though she also died as a result.
I’m facing someone who isn’t just a hero, but a legend. And she’s barely older than I am! I thought that she was some kind of ancient witch like what comes to mind when you think of the stereotypical witch!
“Pick your jaw up off the floor, girl,” she says.
“I’m sorry! I just–”
‘If you say sorry one more time I will hex you to never be able to say that word again.”
I cover my mouth.
“Good. Now, you say you want to help me? Excellent. I have a job for you.”
“Yeah. You look like you’re new in town and could use it. Here’s the deal: be my maid, and in return, you’ll get room and board, as well as all the food you could ever want and a fair pay.”
“What? That sounds amazing! Surely you couldn’t offer all that up to me?”
“I hate cleaning. Ah, I’ll also train you, if you want.”
“What? Seriously? Why would you do this for me?”
She frowns. “You’re just a girl who is down on her luck. I could have been like you had things been different. I was lucky. But luck – nor class, or species, or gender – should not have anything to do with someone’s opportunity to be a hero. If I had never been born to my family, I may have never become a witch, my family was warm and welcoming. Not all families are. And if I hadn’t become a witch, I couldn’t have fought to save so many people. I won’t say that the world would have ended without my there to help – I was just one of many warriors fighting to protect this world, and I’m not quite THAT full of myself – but there’s no telling how many people could be dead if I hadn’t been there to help.”
“You think I could be a hero?”
“Do me a favor Ellen. Look over there at that drunk guy stumbling around the park.”
I look, and see the man in question. He seems to be homeless, based on his rags and hair.
“What about him?”
“Do you think he could be a hero?”
“I don’t expect that a hero would be acting that way.”
“Well you’re a damned fool. That man fought to protect his home town against an army of invading Cosmons. He failed. His whole village was destroyed.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“He’s still a hero. He saved lives that day. 26 lives managed to escape while he battled the Cosmons by himself. But he doesn’t see himself that way. He drinks away his sorrows, he tires to forget his failures, and in doing so, he forgets about all that he’s accomplished.”
“I see… but I also don’t. What is the point here?”
“The point, you simpleton, is that you can’t ever tell who may or may not be a hero. Especially not in the future. Any kid you see learning to fly might be a hero one day. Even a brainless country girl like you could be a hero, potentially. I’ll admit that it is highly unlikely, though.”
“But if you’re ready to face hell, then I’m ready to give you hell. I’ll make a hero out of you if it kills me. Follow me.”
She hops on her broom, and flies off. I follow after her, slowly. She brings me to a moderately sized house in a nice neighborhood.
“I feel like someone who has saved the world on multiple occasions should have a nicer house,” I tell her.
“Shut up. It’s my house, and it works just fine. I don’t need some pointless megamansion just because I’m a hero or whatever other stupid things you want to call me. This house is fine.”
She places her hand on the door. It has no handle. A second later, it glimmers, and opens up.
“Place your hand there, it’ll register you as a worker.”
I follow her lead, and place my hand on the door. It shimmers and then returns to a flat blue color. I then turn towards the room before me, and gasp in horror.
Trashbags, half-eaten food, beer cans, fast food containers, and more are piled up. Cobwebs are in every corner. The path from door to couch to kitchen is the only relatively clear area, and the carpet there shows the wear.
“Get to cleaning,” she says.
I stand still for a moment. The entire time, Aja just glares at me. I then begin picking stuff up off the floor and stuffing them in trashbags. While I do, Aja picks up her wand and holds it up to her mouth.
“Tog’s Noodles? Yeah, it’s me again. Double order of the usual. Thanks.”
A few minutes later, the door shimmers, and a delivery boy steps in. He pauses when he sees me there, cleaning up. Aja gives him some coins, and sends him on his way. He bows, and leaves.
“The delivery people are allowed to enter your home?” I ask.
“I’m typically busy, so they bring it to my couch or desk. And if a package arrives they just drop it off in my room. Don’t worry, I have wards in place, so if they tried to steal something, they would drop dead within a minute of leaving my home.”
“Oh. Fantastic.”
“Yeah. So keep that in mind and don’t try stealing anything.”
She hands me a cardboard bowl full of noodles. They taste alright. A legend should really be eating better than this, though.
“Thanks for the food,” I say once I finish.
“Yeah. Feel free to order more if you’re hungry, just tell them it’s on me. I don’t pay anyhow, the city floats my bill. That’s the benefit of being a hero, you know.”
“Uh, in that case, couldn’t you just eat nicer food?”
“There’s no better noodle join in town than Tog’s.”
“I was thinking something fancy, maybe. Steak?”
“I don’t eat meat.”
“Veggie curry? I’m a decent chef.”
She looks me up and down. “Let me order groceries really quick. We’ll test out how true that statement is.”
I clean for a few more minutes until the groceries arrive. I then wash my hands thoroughly, and begin prepping the curry. I don’t know how Aja likes it, so I just prepare it with mild spice. Lots of flavor, though. I hand her a bowl, and wait patiently to see how she reacts.
Her eyes go wide.
“Uh? How is it?” I ask.
She turns towards me, eyes still wide, spork hanging limply between her fingers.
“Girl? Ellen? You could be a chef! What are you doing here?”
“They said that they had standards.”
“To hell with that! Tell them that Aja sent them, and if they give you shit, you go and grab them! You could be a culinary hero! Gordon who? You could put these guys out of business!”
“I really just want to be a witch,” I tell her.
“Yeah, yeah! You can be my personal chef and maid, then. I’ll bump your pay. Wow. do you have more of this?”
“You’re done already? Sheesh! You should watch your figure. If you keep eating that much–”
“I burn it with magic, don’t worry. Another three bowls.”
Dumbfounded, I fill three more bowls, and watch as she downs them with ease. She then heads to her room, claiming that she needs to do research. I return to cleaning her living room. It takes hours. Once I return from the dump, I find that she’s still in her room doing research.
Aja said that she would provide room and board, but has yet to show me to my room. I sigh, and lie down on the couch, fine with just sleeping there. There are also other rooms in the house, but I’m not eager to start snooping around. I’m sure that she’ll tell me what else to clean in the morning.
I hadn’t even realized just how exhausted I was. Next thing I know, I’m opening my eyes as light shines in through the blinds. I stretch, and then order some groceries to make breakfast. Loaded veggie omelets. As I’m cooking, I hear the door to Aja’s door open, and she sticks her head out.
“It’s a bit early to be cooking,” she says.
“Do you want food or not? It’s morning.”
She grumbles, but takes a seat at the kitchen table. She looks around the living room as she treks across it.
“My carpet was white?”
“So it turns out.”
“Who knew.”
I hand her several plates of omelets, and sit across the table from her. She seems to enjoy it, as she quickly eats them.
“You’re welcome. When can we start training?”
“Ah, you're that eager? First things first, let me show you what other rooms you’ll be cleaning. You have free access to all rooms save for my bedroom. Still, it’ll need to be cleaned, just not while I’m away.”
She has a bedroom for me, as well as a study, a bedroom, a trophy room filled with taxidermied monsters, and bathrooms. Most are not as bad as the living room, but certainly need to be cleaned well. But that can wait, as she promises to start teaching me magic. We head to her backyard. There’s some fair area here, with some training dummies and stuff.
“Alright, let’s see what you’re capable of.”
The answer is not a whole lot. She seems severely disappointed.
“Maybe it would be best for you to just be a chef,” she mutters.
“Am I really that bad?”
“There are toddlers with more skill than you. Still, we can fix that. Yesterday's work will seem like child's play compared to what I’m about to put you through.”
She isn’t kidding. For over 8 hours, I’m doing simple drills while Aja yells at me. She catches even the slightest mistake, and forces me to try again. She isn’t pleased until my standard spells such as firebolt are up to par.
“It isn’t perfect, but a toddler shouldn’t upstage you now,” she says. “Ah, except for flying, that is. But we can work on that tomorrow.”
I’m on the ground, exhausted, struggling for breath.
“Ah, I remember when I was in your shoes. Be happy. My teacher forced me to work for days on end. I didn’t get a childhood, only training. But I suppose that might be the way that I am now. It’s for the best to take things at your own pace.”
“Though in your case, we certainly need to push the envelope. For now, though, you can rest. This was a good warmup.”
“Yes. I know your skills and limits. I can take that into account once we start training. Can you make dinner, or do I need to call in food?”
“We’ll need to order out tonight.”
“Fine. Tog’s?”
I’m dragged to the couch by Aja. She puts my meal on the coffee table, and eats at the kitchen table by herself. I can’t help but think that she looks a bit lonely there.
“Do you usually eat alone?” I ask.
“Yes. You have a problem with that?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Don’t call me ma’am, just call me by my name.”
“As you wish, Aja.”
“Good. I like being alone, so don’t mind that. I’ll be spending most of my time in my room or my study. I expect to be left alone while busy, so be sure not to bother me. If you do bother me, I’ll kill you.”
With that, she finishes her food, and retreats to her study. She’s there for at least an hour while I lay on the couch, only half conscious. And then I hear screaming coming from her study. I jump up to my feet, and run to the door to her study. I put my hand on the handle, and then pause. She said not to bother her, but she’s screaming right now? Surely I can go in?
I take a deep breath, steeling myself, then fling the door open. Aja is staring into a crystal ball, screaming her lungs out. I’m careful not to look into the orb, and grab her shoulders, shaking her away from whatever she is viewing. She looks up at me with confusion.
“Are you ok?” I ask.
I repeat my question. She looks down at herself.
“What is this? Where am I? Who are you?”
I stare at her strangely, then answer the questions. “This is… an orb I guess. And this is your home. I’m Ellen, your maid.”
The confusion doesn’t leave her face. “I don’t have a maid. And this isn’t my home, nor my body. What is going on?”
I look down at the crystal ball. Inside of it, a person is being tortured.
“Is that you?” I ask. Aja – rather, the person within Aja’s body – nods their head.
“Oh. I messed up,” I say. Aja was spying on someone using advanced methods, and their screams came in through her body as she was so closely connected to the scene, likely trying to interfere in some way. And now she’s stuck in the tortured soul’s body, and the tortured soul is in her body.
“Better her than me. I’m down to get away from my previous life,” the person in Aja’s body says.
“No! Aja is a hero! A legend! You can’t just take her body!”
“Why not? If the torturers get their way, she’ll – oh. Oh wow.”
I look back into the orb. Aja (in the body of a blonde woman) has now escaped from her shackles and is whipping the torturer with a whip that was just being used on her. She blasts fire at guards as they try to attack her, and then glares right at us. She flips us off, then heads off out of sight of the orb.
“You better stay right here. If she has to track down her body, she’ll kill you.”
The woman in Aja’s body nods her head. We sit around for a few hours, eating food and relaxing, before Aja arrives, extremely annoyed.
“Welcome home,” I tell her.
She sneers. “Oh, welcome home, alright! What did I just tell you before you opened my door?”
“Not to open the door?”
“And what did you do?”
“I opened the door.”
She jabs my forehead with her thumb, and I’m knocked clean off my feet.
“Right! I don’t care what is going on! Do no, under any circumstances, open that door! If I’m having an issue, a lowly assistant such as yourself can’t help! And you!” She points at the person in her body. “You owe me everything. Now stand still and let me get my body back!”
A moment later, Aja, now back in her own body, ushers the other person out.
“What was all of that about?” I ask.
“Foreign diplomacy, the good old fashioned way. Let’s just say there’s a new opening for king in a neighboring country. It’s more than you need to worry about, that much should be clear!”
I drop to my knees and bow to her. “I’m sorry for messing things up!”
“You better be! I was hoping to deal with that with more elegance! Murder is rarely the answer!”
“Really! I could have avoided most of the murder committed there and went straight for the king!”
“And murdered him?”
“It was an assassination! Those are generally fine!”
“Oh. okay.”
“Right! I’m hungry now, do you have any idea how much energy that took? Relatively speaking, less than it takes to deal with you, but still a ton! Now make me some food!”
I get up, and make some greens and rice with special sauce. I make sure to sit at the table to that I can keep Aja company. Her sour mood quickly goes away once she digs in to my food.
“I can’t stand you, but I’m so happy I keep you around,” she says.
“I’m glad that I can keep you company.”
“You’ll eat in your own room from now on.”
I frown. “No, I don’t think so. You shouldn’t eat alone.”
She cocks an eyebrow at me. “You’re talking back to your master? Your boss? Your teacher?”
“You seem like you get lonely, so I want to keep you company.”
She seems to redden a little bit. “Well, I don’t like labels like master of boss anyhow. But I’m still your teacher, so show some respect… still, you should stick up for yourself. So good job, I guess.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. You’re easily flustered, though, that’s kind of surprising.”
She scoffs. “Nonsense!”
I place my hand on hers, and she jerks back with her whole body, flinging rice onto her face and clothes. Her face is crimson red now.
“So you say?” I purr.
She stands up abruptly, scowling at me. She grabs my arm, and pulls me up.
“I’ll show you a thing or two!” she growls. And then she starts dragging me to her bedroom. The rest, as they say, is history.
I twirl and strike a pose. A dozen different cameras go off, capturing me from every possible angle. I smile the sweetest smile you could ever imagine, and blow a kiss to the camera. The cameraman nearly passes out from the excitement.
My name is Candy. Well, that’s my stage name, anyhow. I’m a 12 year old boy, but I’ve been modeling girl’s clothing for about a year now, and I’ve made quite a name for myself. Everyone wants “The Cutest Girl(y Boy)” in their magazine! I even do fashion shows for big companies, and my youtube videos get tens of thousands of views.
I’m 4’6” tall, with pale skin, long blonde hair, and a slender frame. And even when I’m not modeling cutesy clothing, you can often find me lounging around in adorable everyday wear. Frilly blouses, puffy skirts, cute accessories… I just can’t get enough!
Thankfully, my parents have always been understanding. Even from a young age, I was attracted to cutesy stuff. Dolls, skirts, everything feminine. I even copied my mother as she did her makeup! And my parents never scolded me, they never told me I was wrong, they only ever smiled, and told me to make sure to always stay true to myself. And so I have!
Back to the photoshoot at hand. We’re performing a shoot at the playground, featuring myself and a few others as we run around and play, as well as strike poses. I hop up onto the swings, and try to swing as high into the sky as possible! One photographer tries to angle his camera to catch between my legs, so I make sure to cover that area with the swing as he tries to get a shot, then jump off and land, hitting him.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I lie to the creep. And I’m so cute that there’s nothing else to say! The photoshoot continues as if nothing ever happened!
The photoshoot is a lot of fun. I get to play with some other kids, as well as try on lots of different outfits! I mostly like fluffy skirts and such, but do wear shorts and pants as requested. They’re still cute and girly, even if they aren’t exactly to my tastes. For instance, a pair of denim short shorts with bedazzled butterflies on them.
One shot that everyone is interested in is a scene where I’m pretending to be afraid to jump down off a high area, and the boy that is shooting with us is down below, encouraging me. Finally, I jump, and land in his arms. We embrace, smiling and laughing. We play up the kid crush angle a bit more, and not just with him. There’s a girl here, and I play the angle up with her, too. At one point, we’re coming down the slide, with me in her arms, her legs surrounding me. In another, we’re playing tag, and she gets a bit too enthusiastic, and tackles me to the ground. For a moment, she’s lying on top of me, staring down at me, her hair in her face, me blushing wildly.
“Alright, that’s a cut!” the director of the photoshoot shouts. But the girl, Tiffany, isn’t done yet. She leans down, and smooches me on the mouth. I audibly gasp, that wasn’t scripted!
Everyone oohs and awws. I just cover my face, embarrassed.
“We’re gonna make a killing off this photoshoot,” one woman says.
“No kidding,” a man says back to her.
Tiffany grabs my hands, and helps me up.
“Sorry about that, I just couldn’t help myself when I saw your cute little face so close to mine.”
I mutter, “It’s fine…”
She laughs, and drags me over to her mother.
“Hey! Candy can come over to my house today, right! Please!”
Her mother’s eyes narrow at me. She has never approved of me, nor in her daughter’s choice in befriending me. But, for now, she just waves her hand, and that’s as good as a yes to us.
Tiffany’s mother drives her back to her home, and we sit down in Tiffany’s room to play for a while. She starts by doing my makeup. Tiffany is only 10, even younger than I am, so she isn’t exactly well versed in the subject of makeup yet, but she’s having fun, and so am I. Afterwards, I return the favor, and do her face up for her. I have a bit of a grasp on makeup, so she looks okay, but I’m certainly no expert like we have on shooting days.
“My mother brought some more clothes. Do you wanna try some on with me?”
“Of course!” I answer. I knew this was why she dragged me here, and I couldn’t be more excited!
I carefully slip out of my dress. It may not be a fancy dress for photoshoots, but it’s still a fairly expensive dress, and I do like spaghetti strap purple dress with frills. I place it on the table, and walk over to Tiffany’s closet once she takes her blue tulle skirt and tank top off. Part of me wonders how much money weirdos would spend to see us together as we’re dressed right now.
Tiffany lays the dresses out on her bed one by one. These are expensive dresses for fancy events, but because her mother works with the companies that designs them, Tiffany is able to get samples for free, in return for seeing how they look and feel. There are 12 dresses in all, and we split them up into two groups, six for me, and six for her. We decide that we’ll do a fashion show for her youtube channel, which will also serve to provide free advertisement for her mother’s fashion company. That’s exactly what the want, and the only reason her mother begrudgingly accepts our friendship.
So! I walk confidently down her well lit hallway towards the camera. It has been set up in such a way that it captures most of my body as I approach, and won’t be able to see into the room as we change. As I walk down the hallway, I make sure to walk slowly and methodically, as I’ve practiced a million times before. I also make sure to strike plenty of poses, and show off every angle of the dress. This is partly so that people can make sure they get what they want to see, and also partly to give Tiffany time to change as I show off a dress. She does the same, giving me plenty of time to get out of one dress and into the next.
Once the video is complete, we hand the footage over to Tiffany’s mother so she can edit it and put it up on Tiffany’s youtube channel. As she does, Tiffany and I take a few photos in the dresses, and upload them to instagram as a teaser for the video.
That night, I sleep over, as I’ve done many times before. Tiffany and I climb into her bed, and cuddle as we try to fall asleep. I sleep in a yellow and orange sleeping gown that goes down to my ankles, while Tiffany wears a pink tank top and light blue shorts.
“Did you like the dresses?” she asks.
I nod my head. “Your mother and her coworkers know what they’re doing. They felt perfect, and they looked amazing, too!”
“Right? I swear, it’s almost like magic! They know exactly what we like, and exactly how to make it fit to our bodies!”
Of course, while we may have similar body types right now, I can’t help but worry as male puberty starts coming along, that it might start to change my body. I’m having a lot of fun right now, but if puberty comes along and messes it up, I don’t know what I’ll do.
I think that Tiffany can see the anxiety on my face, even with the lights off. There’s not much distance between us as we lie down facing one another on the bed. She takes my hands in hers, and squeezes them tight.
“No matter what happens in the future, I’m here for you.”
I blush. “Right. I know. I’m here for you, too.”
She giggles, and inches closer to me. My heart starts beating rapidly, expecting another kiss like earlier. Instead, she just lays her forehead against my chest.
“Your heart is beating pretty fast, you know,” she says.
“Oh. is it?”
“Yeah. Why is that? Were you expecting something else?”
“No, no! Of course not!”
“Hmm? Were you hoping for a replay of what happened on set earlier today?”
I barely squeak out my answer. “No. Of course not!”
She lifts her head up from my chest, and looks me in the eyes, her eyes large and sweet. “Are you sure?” She slowly inches closer and closer to my face. “Just stop me if you don’t want it.”
I don’t stop her. I just close my eyes. I don’t feel anything pressed against my lips, though. I open my eyes, and she chooses then to attack. She connects her lips to mine, and kisses me. A second later, she splits from me, and laughs.
“Oh, you’re such an innocent baby! And I’m two years younger than you? Ha!”
I pout and turn away.
“Aww, don’t cry! I didn’t mean anything by it!” She throws her arms around me and hugs me tight. “I’m sorry. Forgive me? Pleeeeaaaasssseeee?”
I sigh. “I can’t stay mad at you. But you’ve got to do me a favor in return.”
“Come with me to my shoot tomorrow.”
“Eh? No way! I didn’t even want to do the park shoot! And now I’m supposed to work the beach shoot, too! Boo!”
“Then I guess I’ll stay mad at you.”
“Oh, come on! Fine! I’ll go to your stupid shoot! I don’t care!”
I turn back to her, and give her a kiss on the nose. “That’s a good girl! Now, go to sleep. It’s gonna be a long shoot tomorrow.”
“Ugh. Why did I even agree to this?”
I successfully suckered her into the shoot! Yay! I’d been anxious since I would be on this shoot alone, and would be wearing swimsuits, which I’m not used to wearing on set. I mean, I’ve worn them to the pool and beach before, sure, but never on set! But I can’t deny that it’s also exciting, even if it is kinda scary to be wearing so little clothing on a shoot.
The following morning, we let her mother know of the news: Tiffany will be joining me on the beach shoot tonight. She rolls her eyes, but accepts it. They want the money and the extra eyeballs that might come from this kind of shoot. She agrees to drive us over, so I meet my parents there.
First things first, I hug my parents, and tell them how much I love them. They’re both dressed fashionably, my father in a suit and my mother in a nice dress. They won’t be going out onto the beach because they don’t want the sand on their nice clothes, so the’re gonna be staying on the pier nearby, sipping wine with Tiffany’s mother.
I’m sent over to say hello to all the photographers and other workers. I’ve met them all before from previous shoots, so I make sure to greet them by name. I also let them know that Tiffany did, in fact, agree to join me. I might have promised them earlier that I could convince her to join the shoot. She seems pretty annoyed when she realizes I had already planned this without her agreement, but when she sees all the cute outfits we’ll be wearing, she forgives me.
For each of us, there are three beach dresses, four one-piece bikinis, and three two-piece bikinis. Most of mine have skirts or shorts, but I notice that one of the two piece swimsuits for me doesn’t have anything down there. I’m promised not to worry about it, so I put it to the back of my mind for now, and focus on having fun.
Along with the different outfits, there are ton of props. Beach balls, beach umbrellas, inner tubes, towels, sunglasses, and more. For now, we’re encouraged to just go out and play for a bit, to enjoy ourselves. After, of course, putting on our advertiser’s sunscreen. A few photos are taken of that.
My first outfit is a white one piece bikini with lots of frills. Tiffany wears a pink two piece with lots of bows on it. We play around in the sand and water for a bit before swapping out clothes. After changing into a blue two piece with a skirt and butterflies, with Tiffany changing into a green one piece with flowers on it, we play with the beach ball for a bit. Every twenty minutes or so we’re called out to change into different outfits and try out different games or events, such as making a sand castle, boogie boarding, sunbathing, etc.
After about an hour of that, we’re told to take a break. We change into beach dresses, and go up to an icecream stand up on the boardwalk. They, of course, take photos of us as we enjoy our icecreams and laugh. But I’m having fun playing and eating icecream, so can I complain?
After the break, I’m handed the swimsuit with no skirt on it. I look at the stylist uncertainly.
“Don’t worry, just try it on.”
I head into the bathroom of a nearby restaurant that we’re using for wardrobe changes. I’m anxious as I pull the bikini bottoms up, worried that they won’t hide what sorely needs to be hidden. We’re not doing a weird photoshoot, right? At least, not weirder than what I usually do.
The rainbow colored bottom is very tight… though, that doesn’t seem to be the right word. It sits on my hips fine, it just seems to compress stuff down. When I look down, sure enough, there’s no kind of bulge or anything else down below.
I return to the shoot location, and everyone nods their head in approval, studying me carefully. I feel more self conscious than usual, but shake the worries off, and focus on making it a good shoot! Tiffany is wearing a matching swimsuit, a rainbow two piece, and seems a bit surprised when she sees me.
“Wow. You look really cute.”
“Don’t I always?”
“Right… Nevermind.”
I roll my eyes. “I know why you’re surprised, alright? Everyone is staring down there right now, but let’s just not focus on that, okay? Let’s focus on the shoot!”
She nods her head. “Right.”
We play around in the water for a bit, splashing water at one another and laughing. It isn’t long before I forget about the situation that just happened. I’m truly having a lot of fun!
At one point, we’re in maybe a bit too deep, and a large wave crashes over us. We both shriek in surprise, and as I try to wipe water out of my eyes, another large wave catches me from surprise, overpowering me, and pushing me. If not for Tiffany standing right in front of my, I think I would have fallen. Instead, I land in her arms, and look up into her eyes.
Her large, blue eyes… so deep, I might drown in them as opposed to the ocean. I slowly steady and raise myself, but don’t break eye contact with Tiffany. She leans in close.
Tiffany kisses me. This time, it isn’t just a peck. She kisses me with passion, though admittedly, she’s a bit too young to really know what passion is. Still, she holds her lips tight against mine, and wraps her arms around my upper body and head. I lightly lay my hands at her hips, bringing her close to me. There are audible gasps from the photographers.
This is the money shot. Nobody here will ever forget it, and nobody who buys a magazine with this image will ever forget either. We’re the two cutest girls in the world. Of course, I just so happen to be the cutest girl(y boy) in the world.
It was just like any other day for me: running from a swarm of police through the back alleys of New York after being set up in a drug deal. For some reason, this happens way too often to me. But I’m a really fast runner, so I always manage to get away from them, no problem. Of course, this is the 21st century, so there’s video surveillance and other such things, but special makeup can fool facial recognition software, and my clothes will be scrapped before I get home. I have a certain system, and it works, though technology is rapidly evolving, and I have to stay one step ahead of it. That day, my problem didn’t come from technology or the police, though. It came from a tiny puppy and an old lady.
I was running full speed, with the police way behind me. I had pretty much already lost them, and was just about home free, when I heard an old lady scream nearby. I paused for only a second, but didn’t have time to worry about some hag getting mugged, or whatever it was. That’s when the dog appeared.
Now, it must be noted that this dog was not just any dog. It was white as snow, with pitch black eyes, and silver teeth. Though tiny, maybe about a foot tall, when I saw it open its mouth, I could see its long, silver teeth glistening long as my fingers before a black and purple void, as if its mouth led straight to space.
Now THAT gave me pause! I came to a stop, staring at the dog – the beast – before me. I backed up slowly, because I wasn’t quite sure what this thing was, or what it wanted.
“Sir Geoffrey!” the old woman screamed as she rounded the corner after the dog. This old lady was about 7 feet tall, and inhumanly muscular. She had white, curly hair, and was dressed in medieval attire. Honestly, she threw me off more than the dog did!
“Uh?” I said, unsure what to even say. But I heard footsteps behind me, and knew that I had to run, or get caught by the police. That was a mistake.
As I set off into a sprint, the woman screamed a word of warning that I didn’t totally catch. And then I got caught, not by the police, but by the dog. It leapt atop me, and brought its teeth to the back of my throat.
“Woah! Let me go!”
“I’m sorry!” the old woman said. “Once sir Geoffrey sets his sights on a prey, there is no going back. Rest assured, the pain is only temporary, and you will be reborn in a better world, in your dream body.”
“I would rather stay in this world, thank you very much!”
“I’m sorry. That is the Way of the Wolf.”
“Bitch, what?”
And the dog’s teeth clamped down on my neck, killing me.
“And that’s how I ended up here,” I explain to the beautiful young woman sitting on a chair next to my bed. Or, her bed, I suppose. I’m not entirely sure about the specifics, but it seems that I ended up in this world in a kind of orphanage, and that this girl adopted me, basically.
“Consider yourself lucky,” she says. “You left your harsh life behind for a life of luxury! When someone is reborn in this world, they’re reborn in The Orphanage, and are adopted. Some are adopted by thieves or other ne'er-do-wells. And some people that adopt have even worse intentions. I won’t go into detail on that, but just consider yourself lucky.”
I look down at my new body. I seem to be a roughly 8 year old girl, with dark skin and long curly black hair, similar to the girl who adopted me. I can imagine what some creeps might want with a beautiful girl my age.
“And so I’m your daughter now?” I ask.
“Oh, no! I’m too young to have a daughter! But I’ve always wanted a little sister, so what do you say? I’ll spoil you rotten!” she says in a sing-song voice.
I shrug. “Well, it’ll be better than my last life, no question about it!”
“Great! First things first, let’s head to the market to buy you some clothes! I brought a few clothes while you were unconscious, but that was just to hold out the few days until you woke up. I figure that your taste matters more than anything else!”
“I guess so. Lead the way.”
I’m slightly dizzy after being reincarnated, but manage to slip on some shoes and a green-gray tunic, and follow the girl out the door.
“My name is Izzy,” she says. “I run an apothecary here in town. Basically I prepare medicines for the people in town. And what should I call you?”
“Oh. Good question. I guess my old name won’t really suit this new body, huh?”
“They sell drugs for modifying your body if you want.”
“Eh, I’ll worry about that later. This body is fine for now. I want to just play and be free, like a child.”
“Alright, so what should we call you?”
I consider things. If Izzy works as an apothecary, then perhaps naming myself after a plant would be a good idea.
“How about Belladonna?” I ask.
“Oh, cute! Can I just call you Bella for short?”
“Alright, Bella. The market is this way.”
The village is fairly small. Izzy had to go to the capital to adopt me, and was away from home for a whole week due to that. With that said, the village has pretty much anything you need, including a blacksmith, a tailor, a general store, and more. We head directly to the tailor, as that is what we’re here for. I am curious about what kinds of fantasy fruits and such might be here, though.
“I know this is awkward,” Izzy says, “but first things first should be the underwear. We have the same styles from your world, but since we have a dedicated tailor, we can do whatever if you’re more creative. And as far as colors and patterns go, we can do just about anything.”
“We will be happy to help you out with anything, and will be sure to accommodate you,” the seamstress, Kelly, says.
“Can I count on you for the colors and patterns? I don’t know much about that stuff,” I admit. “Just give me a wide variety so I can figure out in time what I would like. Same for the fabric. As for the style, just give me some comfortable styles, whatever is best. I’m not knowledgeable here.
Kelly drafts some potential underwear choices on a piece of parchment paper, and hands it over to me for approval. 15 pairs of panties, mostly boyshort and bikini style. The colors are all mostly dull so they don’t stand out beneath even light clothes, but are in cute colors such as pink and blue, and have patterns on them such as cat prints, hearts, and stars.
“These look good,” I tell her, returning the parchment to her. She stamps them, and Izzy hands her some copper coins.
For the dresses, though Kelly will personally tailor them to my size, she does have some ins tock for me to try on just to determine what kinds of styles I might like.
The first outfit I try on is suggested by my new sister, and is a Japanese sailor type uniform, white and blue. It is cute, but it reminds me too much of cosplay, so I turn it down. Another outfit is a simple blue dress, with a ribbon tied around the waist. It is stylish and comfortable, so I decide to get it. I also get a striped t-shirt with a blue dragon on it, some shorts that are made of material similar to denim, a black skirt with pink stripes going down it, a yellow dress with white buttons by the neckline, a pink jumper skirt, and a one piece swimsuit that is orange with white flowers.
Izzy hands Kelly the coins for payment, and Kelly promises to drop them off at our home as she finishes them. Meanwhile I’m wondering just how much money Izzy is spending here.
As we leave the shop, I decide to ask her.
“Hmm, it’s kind of hard to say. We get people from all over your world, and the amount of money that something costs changes over time. The money I spent for you, just on your clothes today, is equivalent to about… 600 USD, maybe? Tough to say.”
“That’s a lot of money… are you going to be alright?”
“Yeah, no worries! My apothecary has been in the family for generations, and we’ve got lots of money in reserve. As what amounts to the town’s doctor, I’m rather important to the people. I only ask them to pay for what they can afford, but everyone is sure to pay at least something. The richer folk make sure to pay a larger share so that I can stay in business and heal everyone.”
“I think that my world could take some notes.”
“Yeah. Anyhow, anything else you want?”
“Not that I can think of.”
I consider that for a moment, then nod my head. “Yeah. That might be good.”
I get a dozen or so plushies of varying sizes and animals. Some of these will be REALLY good for cuddling with at night. Izzy also tells me that she would be good for cuddling at night, and hugs me tight, nearly squeezing the breath right out of me.
After we finish up shopping, we head back home with the plushes in hand. We’re laughing and joking around, when suddenly, I get a sudden pain in my head, and I collapse.
“Bella! Are you okay?” izzy asks, and then gasps. “What is that on your neck?”
I can barely hear what she’s saying. I can’t so much as stand, let alone walk, so Izzy carries me on her back to her house. She lies me down in bed, and runs to get some medicine. A second later, she returns with some kind of bitter powder in a honey tablet. My headache dulls, but does not completely subside.
“What was that?” I mutter.
“That’s what I want to know! And what was with the mark on the back of your neck?”
“A mark?”
“It looked like… a wolf’s head, maybe? The wolf was howling, and stars were coming out from its mouth.”
I squint my eyes and think for a moment. “The Way of the Wolf?”
“And just what is that?”
“I don’t know! I just got here!”
“That was what the lady in the alleyway said to you, wasn’t it? I wonder if someone else knows…”
I lean back in bed as the headache comes back with a vengeance. I don’t know what the mark is about, and I really don’t care. What I want to get rid of this damned headache!
As I stare at the ceiling, stars and galaxies swirl in the air. That dog’s mouth was full of stars. My mark where the dog bit me has stars. What could this mean?
Sadly, the headache prevents me from really considering that more. I scream in agony, and my sister rushes to get more medicines to soothe me. She tries various remedies, but all to no avail. I scream the night away. In the morning, though the headache is gone, the stars and galaxies remain.
To be continued…
For years I’ve been chasing Lilith, queen of the vampires. I’ve killed dozens of her spawns, and even a few full fledged vampires. She’s always been one step ahead of me, though, avoiding my capture. Today, though, I’ve finally got her!
Vampires have a critical flaw. They must avoid the sun. And with that in mind, I’ve set up a trap to capture Lilith. She had fled to an underground tunnel network, but though I’ve been pursuing her through the country side, my allies have been preparing this tunnel network. It seems like the perfect place to hide, a natural tunnel, but my allies have prepared it in such a way that when the sun goes up, it lights up the entire tunnel network, save for a single space. There, the vampire queen is waiting for me.
“Not bad,” she says. “Well, for a human, anyhow.”
“This human caught you,” I remind her.
She shrugs. “Yes, you did. But why not light up the entire tunnel network? You could have killed me. You left this spot on purpose.”
I look down at the vampire queen. I can’t believe that a little girl like her has outfoxed me for so long. Looks are deceiving, though. She’s actually several hundred years old, and more powerful than any human being. Still, she’s a vampire. She must avoid the sun. She’s also weak to garlic, crucifixes, and holy water. I’m well prepared to deal with her.
“I like to look my prey in the eye when I kill them,” I tell her. “You’re a vampire, yes, but you were human once upon a time. I like to think that you still are human. I want to give you the sort of decency that most vampire hunters wouldn’t bother with.”
“That is admirable, actually. I’m flattered that you would do that.”
“You’re rather honorable, vampiress. I know that you don’t just kill people, that you have a ritual that you perform to give the spirit rest. I admire that. But all the same, you kill people. So you must be put down.”
“But you also kill people. We may be vampires, but we are people.”
“Yes. And one day, one of your kind will put me down. I won’t complain.”
“Fair enough.”
“Today is not that day, though. Lilith, today is your day.”
She chuckles. “Oh, silly human.” She then steps forward into the light. “I’m no common vampire. I am their queen! Today is not my day, oh, no sir. It is yours.”
I raise my crossbow and shoot. I’m too slow. Rather, Lilith is too fast. Her hand strikes through my stomach. My vision goes dark.
“Rest well, hunter. May you find peace in the next life.”
I open my eyes. I’m sitting on a fancy bed, in a fancy room, with fancy decor. Velvet curtains, satin sheets, fancy candles burning.
I sit up. My head throbs with pain, and I scream out. As I do, I gasp in surprise. What is this voice? It’s so high?
I look down at my body. It’s small. I lift a delicate, pale arm. I can’t be more than 4’ tall, and am as skinny as a skeleton, practically. White curly hair comes down far past my chest. This is a far cry from my rugged, thick build that I’m used to. What is going on?
“I see that you’re awake, Siri,” a familiar voice says from seemingly afar. My ears ring, preventing me from telling just where the noise is coming from. I look around, and see Lilith, queen of the vampires, standing at the doorway to this room.
“What happened?” I ask her.
She smiles. “Why, I made you mine. You were so clever, so powerful, that I knew that I had to have you. I didn’t kill you, hunter. Instead, I made you something much worse.”
“A thrall?” I ask.
“No. Worse, even. You are my sister. My adorable little sister!”
“Cut the–!” I gasp. The pain shoots through my body, and I lean back in the bed and scream.
“Ah, yes, it will hurt for a few days as your soul gets used to your new body. But then you’ll feel better than you ever have before! There are some catches, though.”
“Like what?” I growl.
“Oh, my. You don’t sound happy. Well, for starters, you must obey me. Don’t worry, though, I’ll let you have free reign so long as you are a good little sister. But you must stay within the bounds of this property, and you must stay inside during the day. You will find yourself unable to break these rules. Moreover, you must consume blood. If you do not, you will wither away to a state even worse than what you are in now. You won’t die, you will suffer eternally.”
She smiles. “Oh, and I almost forgot! You must wear cute, frilly clothing! I thought that your clothes from before were quite boorish! These clothes fit an elegant noble lady of your standing!”
“I refuse!”
“Sadly, you don’t have an option there. But you can try to refuse drinking blood! We’ll see how long that lasts. I’ll see you again soon.”
She leaves. I squirm for hours, in so much pain I can’t even see straight. A maid comes in some time later with blood, but I refuse it.
The days go by in a predictive fashion. Lilith arrives in the morning, to check up on me and ask me to drink blood so that she may spend time with her adorable little sister. I refuse. I scream in agony for hours. A maid comes in to offer me blood. I refuse. I scream throughout the night.
Days. Weeks. Months. Years. It all blurs together. I don’t have any idea how long it’s really been. I’m in pain. I can’t even remember who I was before all of this. All that I remember is that I hate Lilith, and that I cannot drink blood, no matter what.
“Your granddaughter was born today,” Lilith informs me. I don’t know if she’s telling the truth. Sometimes she’ll come in to tell me things like this, of family births and deaths. But what does it mean to me? I cannot remember these people.
“I won’t drink blood,” I tell her.
“I won’t make you. Actually, I admire how long you’ve held out. All of your hunting friends are long dead, your family has forgotten you, and the country you once called home has been annexed by a larger nation.”
The sun rises and the sun sets. And it cycles like that for eternity. I refuse to drink blood. But why? It hurts so much. I’m being told of a war between two nations I’ve never heard of, of deaths and births of people I don’t know. Why do those things matter? I just want to be free. I don’t want this pain.
“There is a way to make this pain go away,” my sister Lilith tells me. “Drink blood, and all of your worries, all of your pains, will fade away.”
My sister tips a goblet to my lips. Eagerly, I breath the fragrant juice in. Red blood pours down my chin, dying the top of my white dress a deep crimson.
For once in my life, the pain goes away. My headache subsides. I’m just happy. My sister holds me tight in her arms. The pain is gone.
I’m free.
My days are happy now! I dance with my sister, I garden outside during the night, I try on dozens of beautiful dresses, more elegant than I can even describe! I help the maids with dinner, finding an interest in trying out different recipes. I chop up the veggies and fruits that I grew in my garden, and spend countless years perfecting my recipes.
Lilith is also immeasurably happy. She’s always been alone. But she finally found someone that she could love, and she helped nurse me back to health. I can feel the warmth radiating from her when she comes to see me in the mornings, when she hugs me tight and tells me that she loves me, when she eats the diner that I’ve so carefully prepared for her. She slumps down at the table, face falling into the plate. The maids scream.
I laugh, holding a bloody knife, hilt deep in my sister’s skull.
She grew too complacent. She started to see me as a sister, as someone that would never hurt her. Had she been careful, she may have stopped me in time. Her previous demands should have kept me from doing this, but as my memories slipped away, as did those commands. But one memory never slipped away. This one memory will stay with me forever
Lilith. I fucking hate you.
“I’m heading out, Danny! I’ll be back in, like, 30 minutes!” Iris, my big sister, calls out. She often goes out throughout the day to do things like run to the corner store for some snacks, or to get gas for her car that our parents just got her for her 16th birthday last week, or other things. She likes to be free and do her own things.
Personally, I’m more than happy to have her out of the house for a bit. Because while she’s gone, I have the house to myself! Our parents are constantly out of town for work, being important business people and whatnot. And when my sister is out of the house…
I go running to her room. She recently got a new dress, and I’ve been dying to try it on! I’ve always had an interest in girls’ clothes, but as a boy, I’ve known that I’m not supposed to wear them. But so long as I’m careful, Iris will never find out!
I throw my shirt and shorts off onto the floor, and grab my sister’s dress off the hanger in her closet. I pull it on, and twirl around in it. I just love how the skirt of the dress flits up! I pose in her mirror a bit, and take some photos on my phone. I’ve got a secret app on there that keeps my photos private.
I really like Iris’ new dress, but I also like to try on different outfits, so while she’s out, I also try out a skirt and crop top, but figure that I should probably end things there, as she’s only gone for a little bit. So I return everything to where it was earlier, and then return to my room. A bit later, Iris comes home and throws some chips at me, then heads to her room.
A few hours later, I’m not thinking much of anything, just sitting on my bed playing a video game, when my sister knocks at my door.
“Sup?” I ask. She walks in.
“Hey. Did you go into my room earlier?”
I freeze. “Uh. No?”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.”
“You know, my girlfriend was on a video chat with me just before I left. She never hung up, so she happened to get a glimpse of something rather interesting.”
She rolls her eyes. “Don’t try to pretend, alright? I’m not mad. Well, I might be kind of mad actually, but not at you. Can you believe that Sam said that you look cuter than me!”
I just stay quiet, not saying anything.
“Anyways, Sam is gonna be here soon, and she said she’s going to treat you like a doll.”
“You heard me! Make sure to take a bath so you’re clean when she gets here!”
She leaves, and I’m honestly unsure what to even make of all of this. But, well, she’s not mad, and I like wearing girls’ clothes, so I figure I’ll just go along with it. I take a bath, then head over to my sister’s room. She’s sitting on her bed with her girlfriend, looking over some newly brought clothes that are on the bed.
“Danny!” my sister calls out. “Get over here!”
Tentatively, I walk over to them. Sam ruffles my hair.
“You’re so cute!” she says. “Your sister better be careful, I might dump her for you.”
Iris slaps her playfully. “Come on! Tell him what you got for him!”
“Oh, right! Well, I noticed that you were still wearing boys’ underwear, so I figured we ought to fix that. I got you some panties, and honestly couldn’t stop after that. Uh, so here are a few pairs of underwear you can choose from. We’ve got classic white panties, always nice, we’ve got some cute patterns, which I love, and we’ve got some sexy–”
“No.” Iris cuts her off. “We can put those to the side for now. He’s too young for that. Danny, you can choose any of these reasonable panties to wear if you want. We’ve also got some training bras here. At 14 I was still flat, so it’s fine.”
“At 14?” Sam raises an eyebrow. “Girl, I know you stuff your–”
“Sam, watch it!”
Sam laughs, and then gestures at the panties. She watches as I step close and inspect the panties. The plain ones seem boring. I pick out a blue pair with a rainbow on them and a bow on the front. Sam nods in approval.
“Okay, put those on, and this blue bra that goes along with it. Then we’ve got this first outfit, a cute floral romper!”
I start to head out, but Sam grabs my hand. “It’s fine, you can just change here! Iris is your sister and, well, I’m kind of a perv so I want to watch.”
“Sam, you’re going to get yourself in so much trouble one day,” Iris warns her. “But, yes, since you’ve both been in my pants – in one way or the other – it doesn’t really matter if she sees you naked.”
I hesitate. Honestly, though, I don’t really mind, so I go ahead and change, though I am a bit red as Sam and Iris watch me pull my shorts and boxers down, and throw my shirt off. Then I pull the panties up. I’m surprised they fit so well. Seems like Sam choose one with plenty of space down below. I then pull the training bra on, followed by the romper. I twirl around so the girls can admire my cuteness.
“Ah! I’ve definitely got a type!” Sam says.
“And just what is that type?” I ask.
“Cute, skinny, flat blondes!”
Iris smacks her.
“Alright, that’s enough of that! Danny, we’re gonna do your hair now, okay?”
I nod my head. Iris pulls a seat up for me, and I sit in front of Sam as she sits on the bed and plays with my hair. Iris makes some suggestions to Sam, and takes some photos.
“You’re not going to share these photos, right?” I ask.
“No, of course not. I still love you, Danny, even if it is spelled D-a-n-i now. I want you to be happy, and if wearing dresses and stuff makes you happy, then do that! Just don’t rip any of my clothes, don’t wear my underwear, and wash anything that gets dirty. I support you.”
“Thanks,” I mutter, face red.
“He’s so cute!” Sam rubs her face against my cheek. “Iris, am I allowed to cheat on you? Just a little bit?”
Iris rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. If it’s my little brother, I don’t really care.”
“Oh? Really? I didn’t actually think you would say yes! Dani! What do you think? Have you ever kissed a girl yet?”
“I kissed a boy once,” I tell her. “My friend Greg. But that was just the one time. I like girls.”
She turns me around to look her in the eyes. “How about trans girls?”
“Yes. Girls are girls. I know that you’re trans, and you’re very pretty.”
“Wanna kiss me? We’ve got permission from your sister.”
I look over to my sister. She nods her head.
Sam pulls my face towards hers, and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.
“He’s really so cute! I’m just about to melt here!” she says.
“That’s actually kinda hot, watching my girlfriend kiss someone else,” Iris says.
“Don’t worry! There’s plenty of kisses to go around!” Sam tells her.
“I’ll get my fill later. You just have your fun with my brother for now.”
I’m rather excited as Sam plays with my hair. She tries different hair styles such as twintails, different braids, and a ponytail. Every now and then, without warning, she pulls my face back, and gives me a kiss. Sometimes she just kisses my nose or forehead, other times she kisses my lips. She’s clearly having lots of fun here.
“It’s getting dark,” Iris tells Sam. “Are you going to be playing with his hair all night?”
“Ideally, yes.”
Iris rolls her eyes. “If you’re going to be sleeping over, make sure to text your parents.”
“Yeah, yeah, give me a minute,” she mutters, pulling out her phone. A second later, “Alright! They know now!”
“Dani? Do you want to try on another outfit now?” Sam asks. “I brought over some of my clothes, too, so you’ve got a few more to choose from. I also brought some of my little sister’s clothes.”
“Isn’t she, like, 7?”
“Yeah, but you’re skinny, so you can fit in some, probably. I’ve gotten Iris to wear some, and let me tell you, they might not fit, but it’s kind of hot seeing someone wear clothes that are so tight!”
“Sam!” Iris scolds her for seemingly the millionth time.
“What? I’m just being honest!”
Sam grabs her bag, and pouts out some clothes for me to try on. I basically give the girls a private fashion show, trying on short-shorts, blouses, skirts, dresses, and more.
“What about a leotard?” Sam asks, holding out a small pink leotard with rhinestones.
“One of your sister’s outfits?” I ask.
“Yeah. It’s a bit big on her, so it might fit.”
After stripping, I pull the leotard up my legs. Its more than a bit tight. I manage to get it on all the way, but it digs into my skin. It would be painful to leave this on for very long. I twirl around to give the girls a good look.
“Wow,” Sam says. “You can really see everything! Wow.”
“Okay, enough of that,” Iris says. “That’s clearly not an outfit for you. How about something that fits?”
“I’ve got some swimsuits!” Sam suggests.
Iris sighs. “Any with skirts?”
“Of course. I’m a trans girl, after all!”
I’m given a frilly two piece with a skirt. Sure enough, it disguises everything down below. Looking myself in the mirror, I would honestly be willing to wear this outside, as I just look like a cute girl right now. Of course, I’ve always been androgynous, but sam did up my hair to make me tilt more towards the feminine side of andro.
The sun has long since set, and Iris decides that I better head to bed. She likes to go to sleep early and get some beauty sleep, and doesn’t like me being up and making noise.
“Am I allowed to sleep with him?” Sam asks. “Warning, though, I like to sleep in the nude.”
“Sam, shut up,” Iris scoffs.
“Actually, a sleepover would be kind of fun,” I tell them.
My sister glares at Sam. “Fine. But everyone will we wearing clothes, and you had better not get too handsy with Dani. I’ll be sleeping between the two of you to keep things PG.”
Iris sets up three sleeping bags on the floor in her room right next to one another. She changes into her PJs, a white sleep dress then sits on the middle bag while Sam and I finish changing. Sam throws her shirts and skirt off, sleeping in just her matching frilly black bra and panties. She then hands me some lingerie, and Iris yells at her. She then hands me shorts and a tank top, which I change into.
Once the lights are off, and we’re in the sleeping bags, it isn’t long before I hear a smack noise.
“Sam! Keep your hands to yourself!” Iris scolds her.
“What? You told me not to touch Dani! I should still be allowed to touch you! Come on! Please?”
Iris sighs. “Keep it PG, okay?”
A few silent moments pass by in silence.
“Wow, you’re certainly not being PG, Iris!” Sam says.
Iris grabs her pillow and holds it over Sam’s face, jokingly smothering her. “That was an accident! If you keep joking around, you’re sleeping on the couch!”
“Sorry! Sorry!”
I drift off before the girls can fight more. I wake up some time later, and Iris has basically rolled over onto Sam. Sam has one arm draped over Iris, and is staring at her sleeping face, smiling. She puts her finger over her lips, telling me to keep quiet.
Sam can be kind of crass and rude, but as she stares at my sleeping sister – her love – I can see the adoration in her face. She jokes around a lot, but it’s clear that there’s only one person in life for her, and it’s my sister. She’s truly in love. It’s just a shame that she ruins everything whenever she opens her mouth.
I’ve been trying my best to look for a new job, but it seems that nobody is interested in hiring. Cooks, servers, cashiers, and various other dead end jobs all seem to be filled despite all of the ads that they’re hiring, as well as the fact that such places are always understaffed.
Thankfully, my best friend Kelsey is letting me stay at her place for now. She’s out often, as she does a lot of traveling as a social media influencer. As such, I often have the place to myself. Today is one such day.
Just like many other days, I sneak into her room, and open up her step-in closet. She has probably hundreds of dresses, skirts, blouses, and other clothes in here, not to mention the ones in her drawers. I grab a cutesy pink dress with the pattern of some cartoon character, then walk over to her dresser, and rummage around carefully. I can’t let her know that I do this, of course.
Ever since I was in elementary school, I wore my sister’s clothes. My parents didn’t like that. They said that I was a man, and that this wasn’t something that men did. Thankfully, I’m a lot more careful nowadays.
Today, I choose a pair of white panties with some kittens on them, and matching bra, as well as some white thigh high socks with pink ribbons at the end. I put the ensemble together, and stare at myself in the mirror.
It’s hard to deny the fact that I look absolutely adorable. Kelsey really loves cutesy clothes like this, and often does cosplay. Her fans also love it. In her private time, she also wears cutesy stuff, including stuff that she would never show her fans. Namely, diapers. I’ve been unsure about wearing them myself, but as she’ll be gone for a few days, I’ve brought the same kind she uses, and stashed them in my room.
I head back to my room, and stare at the package. I’m still hesitant, but they look really cute, and there’s nothing I love more than wearing cute stuff. Slowly, I take off the panties, and slip the pull-up diapers up my legs. They’re pink with strawberries on them. It feels a bit weird, but they seem to fit alright.
I return back downstairs to eat, then spend an hour or two masturbating before sending out some applications online, then playing some games. Before I know it, night falls.
I change into a sleeping dress, one that is super frilly and barely covers the diaper that I’m wearing. These diapers are meant for being worn overnight, so I keep them on, and assess myself in the mirror. I do a little spin, watching as the dress easily reveals the diaper. I blush a bit, then crawl into bed. I’m slow to fall asleep with the strange sensation and knowing that I’m wearing a diaper, but eventually, I do fall asleep.
I don’t notice the door open in the morning. Kelsey has come home early, and the house is a mess. The drawers in her room are open, the door to her room and the closet are open, laundry hasn’t been done yet…
“Sky?” I hear her call out. I bolt straight up in bed, and turn to my bedroom door just as it opens.
“Don't come in!” I scream.
Too late. She steps in, looking confused. Then an understanding dawns on her face.
“Oh my gosh! I didn’t know I had a little sister!” she exclaims.
“I’m sorry! I can explain!” I tell her.
She giggles. “No, there’s no need for that. I can see that you’re wearing my clothes, as well as some diapers under that dress. I can’t exactly judge you, seeing as I do the same.”
I look at her, my face flush with embarrassment. “I thought you would be out for several days.”
“Hmm? Oh. No. I was just sleeping with a girlfriend on the other side of the city. I was planning to come back today.”
“I’m sorry,” I mutter.
“No, no! Don’t be! You look totally cute! Your slender face and long hair make you look like a girl, anyhow, so those clothes really suit you!”
I stay quiet for a moment.
“Is it okay if I ask something?” she asks.
“Did you use those diapers?”
“What? No! Of course not! I don’t wet the bed!”
“Aww, but that’s part of the fun! Do you need to pee right now? If so, just use the diapers.”
“I - I can’t do that!”
“Please, you’re already wearing them,” she rolls her eyes.
I gulp, and try to focus on peeing, but I can’t.
“I can’t do it,” I tell her.
“Most people can’t just do that, so don’t worry. For now, squat on the ground, and try to pee. That should be good enough to work.”
I slowly step out of bed, then crouch down on the ground, and focus on peeing. After a second or too, pee does begin to come out, and I wet my diaper.
“I… I did it,” I tell her in a hushed tone.
“Aww, what a good little girl!” she hugs me. “Now, I’m sorry for waking you up, baby. Are you still tired? Do you want to go back to bed?”
I nod my head.
“Alright. Did you want to sleep with your big sister since I’m here? We can even wear matching diapers!”
My face is deep red, and part of me wants to scream no. but the other part of me wins over.
“If you want to…”
She pulls me over to her room, and starts changing. I advert my eyes, but she laughs.
“Come on! I’m your best friend! Don’t be embarrassed!”
Admittedly, there isn’t much to look at. Even though she’s an adult, she isn’t exactly stacked. Still, a naked woman’s body is a bit too much for me. I can feel something stirring in my wet diaper.
Kelsey changes into the same type of pull on diaper as me, and a onesie, then we crawl into bed and cuddle together. I’m too excited to sleep, though. My mind rushes for well over an hour.
“Can’t sleep?” Kelsey asks.
“Me either. This is just too exciting! I’m so glad I have a little sister just like me!”
“Yeah. Except I can only assume that your diaper is dry right now.”
“Do you wanna feel?”
My face is beet red. “I don’t know about that…”
She takes my hand, and brings it down to her crotch. I go in through the side of the onesie and diaper, and feel that her diaper is, in fact, wet.
“How do you feel knowing that your sister peed in bed right next to you? I’m pretty embarrassed.”
“You shouldn’t be, I peed in my diapers first.”
She giggles. “Yeah, you did! Can I feel?”
She doesn’t wait for an answer. She puts her hand over my diaper, and laughs.
“Yeah, that’s pretty full, alright! Don’t go peeing any more, cuz it probably can’t hold more than that!”
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”
“Since we can’t sleep, do you wanna play a bit?”
“Play what?” I ask.
She winks. “Well, that depends what you’re interested in. it could be a video game, or with plushies or dolls, or…”
“Something a bit more naughty?”
“... Like what?”
Kelsey gets up on her knees, and kneels over me, holding my shoulders down, and slowly lowering her body onto mine. Her wet diaper sits on my chest.
“Maybe a bit of baby wrestling?”
I try to wiggle away from her, but she holds her grip tight. Every time I thrust my body up, her wet diaper squishes down on me, and I’m also reminded of my full diaper as my body comes back down. As I do, Kelsey basically rides the thrusts, giving my a bit of give before forcing herself back down onto me.
“Aww, is the little baby too weak?”
“You’re wearing a diaper too, baby!”
“Ha! Maybe! But I’m still the older one!”
I groan as I continue to struggle.
“Do you give up?” she asks.
She lets go of my shoulders, and lifts herself up a bit. At first, I think she’s done, but she just pulls my dress up, and starts tickling me.
“Hey! Stop it!” I complain through fits of laughter.
“Not until you give up! Do you give up!”
“No! Never– oh.” I try to stop as I realize that I just peed myself more. But she doesn’t let up. “Wait! Wait! I’m pee- ah! Stop! I quit!”
Kelsey laughs, and then finally gets off of me. My diaper has burst, and her sheets are now drenched in pee. Thankfully, she has a plastic sheet under the blankets to protect the mattress, but the blanket will have to be washed.
“We’ll worry about that later,” Kelsey says as she pushes me back down.
“Hey! Wait! Now what?”
“Now what? More fun, of course!”
“No! No more tickling!”
Kelsey lies right on top of me, her small breasts pushing up against my nonexistent chest, her legs ending below mine, and her lips a mere inch from my face.
“Maybe we can do something else, then?” she asks.
“Like what?” I ask, gulping.
“Like this,” she says, as she closes the gap between us. As her tongue enters my mouth, her fingers reach their way into my diaper, and wrap around my penis. I gasp in surprise, but certainly don’t try to stop her.
Slowly, I reach my hand down, and unsnap her onesie. I then reach my hand into her wet diaper, and start to finger her. She moans in pleasure, and lightly humps at my arm, thrusting my fingers deeper into her. The whole time, her hand rubs around my dick and balls, and her tongue mingles with mine.
Finally, I can’t take it any more. I ejaculate, and slump down. But Kelsey doesn’t stop. She continues to hump me and shove her tongue in my mouth, and I make sure to try and keep up, even if I am exhausted. I twitch my fingers in her diaper, but it seems like she wants more.
“Hold on,” she says, getting up in the first time in what seems like forever. She jogs over to a nearby cabinet, and pulls out a dildo. She then tells me to turn around.
“Uh, what are we doing?” I ask, even though I’m already obeying.
“Oh, you already know, baby.”
This is a double ended dildo, which she attaches to a strap, and lubes up. She then pulls my wet diaper down, and kneels over me. Slowly at first, making sure not to hurt me, she begins thrusting the dildo up my butt. Thankfully, it’s pretty small, so even though I don’t do a lot of butt stuff, it doesn’t hurt. It actually feels pretty good, and the fact that I know that it’s best friend of over 10 years doing it makes it even more hot. My dick is a bit limp, but it revives a bit as she goes at it.
Eventually, she does orgasm, and as she gets exhausted from the thrusting, she calms down, and then lies down next to me.
“Did you like that as much as I did?” she asks, giggling.
“I think so,” I nod my head. My head feels like it might explode right now.
She rolls over, and hugs me tight. “We don’t have to do this every day, but if you wanted to, we definitely could. But regardless of if we have sex or not, Sky, you’re my little baby sister, and I love you, okay? You don’t need to get a job. Just stay here and be my little baby.”
“Are you sure?”
“There’s nothing in the world I would want more than that.”
“Then ok,” i say, taking her hands in mine, and kissing them.
“You’re such a sweet little baby,” she whispers. “Still, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have to do any cleanup. Come on, we can’t let these sheets just smell like piss forever! Laundry time!”
I sigh. “For you? Anything. Even laundry…”