Simon McKenzie started his week normal enough, but after a series of events he now finds himself standing in a bar wearing a cocktail dress. Chapter 30.
Mel may have been still smiling but I wasn’t, the word “flustered” comes to mind, I tried to work out the best way of telling her about what had happened with me and Mitch without shooting myself in the foot and killing the relationship we had.
“Ummmm, well,…. he,…Mitch that is…sort of kissed me…” I waited for the expression on her face to give away how she was going to take it.
Her expression never changed from the smile she had before,
“....And?... Go on…” Mel pressed me for more information as she lightly rubbed my thigh.
“Ahh, well, I, umm, sort of kissed him back... a wee bit… Just for a moment… or two, maybe…”
Mel gentle bit her lower lip as her hand moved higher up my thigh, she seemed to be enjoying what I was telling her, but I still was reluctant to push it and upset her with the full details,
“Where did he kiss you…” Mel purred.
“...on the mouth…” I said, wondering where else she would have thought I’d have been kissed.
She chuckled, “No silly, where were you when you kissed…”
Of course she meant the location and not the body area, I felt a bit silly and my face warmed up.
“In my hotel room…”
Mel was starting to wriggle around a lot more on her seat, and the thigh rubbing intensified,
“Start from the beginning, and tell me exactly how a guy ended up in your hotel room kissing you…”
By now it was very obvious that Mel was getting off on the fact I had kissed another guy, so, I started right at the beginning. I explained how I had opened the door wearing a bra and panties thinking it was room service, then how Mitch had surprised me when he kissed me, and how I ended up being carried to the bed by him.
Mel was now beside herself in delight, her hand was rubbing my thigh so frantically I could feel the heat building through the jeans.
“What happened when you got to the bed…” she whispered seductively.
I placed my hand behind her head and tilted it over, exposing her neck, softly kissing her I said “Mitch kissed me here…. And here…”
I placed my other hand delicately on her thigh and slowly moved it up, “And he touched me like this…" I whispered in her ear, as she continued to squirm.
“And…then….” I paused…
“What?, what happened next…?” she delicately moaned.
I moved my mouth to her ear again and let out a gentle breath as I spoke, just barely above a whisper,
“Room service delivered my toasted sandwich…. and Mitch took off…”
Mel slapped my shoulder and had a look on her face, somewhere between disappointment and frustration.
“You wee shit! That was just getting good…” She looked up and kissed me as she continued to stroke my thigh, her hand moved to my tenting bulge and she gave me a soft squeeze.
I mirrored her movement but used the palm of my hand to stroke her knickers, I could feel the dampness already seeping through the thin material.
Still kissing me, Mel started frantically tearing at my jeans trying to undo the fly and remove the obstruction in her way. It wasn't very long at all until she moved over me and was then rubbing herself against me, my hands both now holding her magnificent bum.
“Fuck! I need you sooo much right now…” Mel demanded as she reached for her knickers, moving them to one side then slipping herself down over my cock.
I didn't need to be asked twice and immediately conformed to her advances.
While I would like to be able to say we made love for hours, I couldn’t help myself. I was already about to bubble over before we started and looking at the ecstasy on Mel’s face combined with her tightening tremors around my shaft, made me blow far sooner than either of us wanted.
Mel continued to work herself around as I twitched and shook from the orgasm.
“...Sorry… I couldn't help….” Mel cut me off with another deep kiss, before through her head back and moaning loudly as she climaxed,
“AH FUCK, That’s what I'm talking about… Fuck yes!” Mel wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she unmounted me and dropped back to sitting on the couch, she let her head fall back and let out a long slow sigh.
“By god, you’re a great shag!” she laughed between pants of air.
“You’re pretty bloody awesome yourself!” I replied, also panting.
Mel stood up and reached for my hand and said, “Come on, let's go to my room for round two…”
I took her hand and she helped me stand, “I might need a minute or two…” I replied as I pulled my undies back up to catch a large drip of semen that was threatening to drip.
Mel winked and pulled me towards her “Mmmm, we’ll see about that…”
We spent the next few hours completely draining my body of any hints of fluid, “I’ll need a rest for a bit…” I wheezed out, almost totally out of energy.
I was actually starting to think Mel was some sort of vampire who’s powers worked off sperm instead of blood, she seemed to be growing stronger every time.
She flopped onto her back and let out a loud sigh ”Ahh, fine… take five then…”
“FIVE?” I exclaimed.
She laughed, “Well I’ve missed ya! You sexy wee thing you!” Mel rolled towards me putting her leg over mine and spooned herself close to my side.
I lay there for a bit and when I finally managed to catch my breath enough to speak again, told her, “You’re fucken amazing….”
She nuzzled into me, “Mmmm-hmmm”
“I mean it, I think you’re awesome. I was really worried that you’d be angry about Mitch kissing me…”
Mel moved back so she could see my face, “Why would I be angry?” she asked with a very puzzled look.
“Well, I dunno?, maybe because I kissed someone else…”
“Mmm. Maybe if it was another girl I might. Or, if you didn't want to be with me anymore, I’d be pissed off…” She placed her hand back on my chest and squeezed me, “I kinda think it's a bit hot ... .It turns me on knowing guys want you and that I have you…”
I felt all gooey inside, and hugged her back, “You’re the only girl for me I reckon…” then added “I mean, you’re the only person for me. End of story!”
“Yeah I hope so!… But, don’t totally write-off guys just yet… A three-some, at some point might be alright…” She chuckled quietly.
“Mmm. Dunno! I’m not sure I would want to share you with anyone else…”
Mel raised an eyebrow and grinned, “Who says I’d be the one being shared…” then she poked me in the rib again, before playfully tried to poke a finger in my bum as I fought her off laughing, “Hey! Get outta there…”
I think that eventually, my body forced itself into a coma to start the recovery process of Mel’s sexual onslaught. I slept like a log all night, well, until Mel woke me in the wee hours just after dawn for another go.
Not long after we’d finished, Mel’s phone screen lit up and an alarm sounded, “Shit! That’s my alarm to get up for work…” Mel informed me.
She bounced out of bed with a disturbing amount of energy and headed down the hallway towards the shower, naked as I watched on in awe. I heard the shower start and then she yelled out, “You coming?”
“...Bet your arse in coming…” I called back, quickly making my way towards the bathroom.
We took turns at exploring our bodies as we washed each other. Mel was perfect in every way, an actual living goddess that liked me as much as I liked her.
“This is so cool…” I thought and had actually said out loud at the same time.
“It sure is Babe!” Mel replied as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. “You’ll need to give your legs a shave… and exfoliate them as well…” She handed me a new disposable razor and a mitten.
“What's this for?” I asked her, holding up the glove…
“When you’ve finished shaving, give yourself a once over with it, it will exfoliate any dead skin… and don't forget to moisturise!”
I clicked my heels together and saluted, then did as I was told.
As far as I could tell the mitten had done nothing, it didn't seem rough enough to have removed anything, let alone dead skin, but what would I know… I turned the water off, and dried myself off.
When I got back to Mel’s room she was already dressed and was just about to start blow drying her hair. I dug through my case and found my makeup bag, retrieving the body lotion. I caught Mel checking me out a couple of times, watching me in the mirror as she styled her hair, she smiled and looked away.
When I‘d finished and went back into the case to choose something to wear, it dawned on me that other than the clothes I arrived in, everything else I'd packed was Simones. It didn't really bother me, chances are Simone would be front and center all weekend anyway, after Mel had worked her magic at the salon.
As I dug through the options, Mel spotted the silicone enhancements, "I'll grab you a bag to put those in…" She disappeared for a few moments and returned with a reusable shopping bag, "Chuck 'em in there and we'll take them with us…"
As I started loading them in, Mel spotted the wig buried in amongst the other stuff and picked up,
"Do you realise how much this is worth… and you've just got it stuffed in there with your undies…" She held it up shaking her head, "It's going to need a full overhaul… look at the state of it!"
Not really knowing what to say I just ran with the sad, sorry puppy eyes…
Mel did her best to hide the smile, "Hurry up and get dressed…" she growled.
"...Any suggestions on what the best option would be?" I asked her, really having no idea.
"Something nice and loose… And something that won't matter if it gets a bit of spray tan on it." She headed back to the bathroom mirror to put her makeup on.
I almost went with the white bra and knickers I'd brought in Taupo, but decided on just wearing one of the plain beige Gaff panties instead, along with a black bra. I didn't want to ruin the crisp white set with fake tan rubbing off. I figured the best option for the top layer would be the original first dress Megan had got for me. It was the very same dress I'd worn the first time Mel and I had gone out together, which she also remembered straight away.
"Ohhhh yeah, I remember that cute little dress, I couldn't wait to get it off you." She patted my butt, "Ok then, we'd better get going… Ahhh shit!...My car's still buggered…Now I'll be late again!" Mel was getting visibly flustered.
"Tell ya what.." I said, "You ring a taxi or whatever, I'll stay here and sort your car out, and drive it over after…."
Mel agreed, she didn't really have a lot of options anyway, so that was all settled. Mel's ride arrived and away she went, while I opened the bonnet of her car and worked out what battery she needed.
I called the battery supplier Dad used for his business, knowing they also had a branch in Queenstown. I assumed it would be easier to ring our account manager directly rather than trying to explain it to a local branch that didn't know me,. That meant I could also get it charged to Dad’s account and scored a trade discount.
The local branch phoned me back a few minutes later to confirm they had one on the shelf all ready to go. I explained it was for my girlfriend's car and she was stuck and asked about getting it delivered. The salesman offered to have it dropped off in about half an hour or so, when they were out dropping off the other orders.
"Sweet! That was easy!" I announced to the empty house after ending the phone call.
I used the time to finish getting myself ready, I made sure I had everything packed up to take to the salon, then put on a bit of light makeup and my red lipstick. I thought it might help disguise me from just being a guy in a dress.
For the life of me I couldn't find my Puma shoes anywhere, I'd taken them off in the lounge last night but I'd be buggered if I could see them. I was still searching under the couches when I heard a knock at the door.
As I swung it open, a very tall man smiled and after a double take while looking me up and down, introduced himself as "Gregory". He held the battery in his hand up, I guess to explain his visit. He was an usual looking fellow to say the least. Tall and thin, he must have been just shy of seven foot tall, maybe mid to late thirties, with large ears that stuck straight out and an Adam's apple that looked like he had failed an attempt to swallow a whole hard boiled egg. And the less said about his teeth the better. Despite his unusual features, he exuded an air of confidence that was almost verging on arrogance. My quick estimate was that his mother probably had spent years saying how handsome he was and he wasn’t going to listen to anything to the contrary.
"Ohh! Cool my battery. Thanks so much. Just pop it down there if you like. I'll put it in the car shortly."
As he started the massive task of bending over to reach down to the ground, he stopped, "I’ll fit it for you if you like… You know, to save you getting all dirty an' that… can’t be leaving a damsel in distress.." he gave a laugh that sounded like a wooden chair being dragged across a floor.
"Ah, no it's ok thanks. I'll be right, you'll probably have other stuff to deliver anyway" I told him, it was only a battery after all.
"Nah it's no problem at all, if you open the bonnet I'll chuck it in now…" he was already heading down the path towards Mel's car taking huge strides like the BFG in that kids book.
I still didn't have anything on my feet and the "Big Friendly Gregory" was already waiting at the front of the car grinning back at me. Mel's fluffy pink slippers sitting beside the door would have to do, I snatched the keys from the table, pressing the fob to unlock the doors. He already had the bonnet open when I made it out to the car,
"I'll just grab a twelve mil spanner from my van…" he mumbled, taking more giant paces towards his work vehicle.
"It’ll be a ten for the clamp!. And we'll need a thirteen for the terminals as well.. If you have one?" I called out.
The BFG didn't turn around, just holding up two massive thumbs beside two equally massive ears.
I'm not sure what his story was, he was either a sandwich short of a picnic or just socially awkward, because he started removing the battery clamp by aggressively tightening the nut,
"Ahh, other way… lefty loosey…" I politely mentioned.
He gave himself an almighty slap on the forehead, "Duh!…I knew that..." he mumbled again, then gave me a wink as he started working the tool the other way, shaking his head and scoffing to himself.
Slightly taken back with the force he'd just disciplined himself with, I asked for the other spanner and began to loosen the terminal bolts, trying not to get too close to him at the same time.
As the old battery was lifted out he was looking at me smiling, then it slipped from his hand and dropped the few centimeters to the ground, the edge just catching the side of his foot.
"Frig!... Sorry! I'm always such a Clutz around really pretty women…such as yourself" he said, rubbing his foot and shaking his head again.
Up until then I'd forgotten how I was dressed, the loose, floaty dress hadn't really registered, but when I looked down at the ground and the battery laying on its side, I noticed my smooth, shiny legs in Mel's pink slippers and quickly became very self conscious.
"No harm done, I can finish this off…" I said a little nervously.
"I wouldn't be much of a knight in shining armor if I bailed out now…"
The BFG found a new sense of motivation and quickly fitted the new battery, "OK ma' lady, see if it starts now?"
A light twist of the key fired the motor into life. Another two massive thumbs up from the BFG signaled he was done and he slammed the bonnet shut.
"Thanks for that…" I told him, "What do I owe you?"
"Oh no, nothing, nothing at all! I couldn't charge a beautiful lass like you for anything…"
Well this is getting really uncomfortable I thought, "Really? Are you sure you don't want anything?"
The BFG straightened up, and pushed his shoulders back, "Well…maybe I could get your phone number? We could catch up again after work…" The unjustified amount of self confidence was once again beaming from him.
"Mmm, No!.. I don't think that's a very good idea at all."
He shrugged his shoulders, bent over and retrieved the old battery then headed towards his van, "Pfft, Whatever!... Your loss love…"
He placed the old battery in the side door of his van, slammed the door shut and drove off without another word said, not even a wave or a toot.
I actually started laughing, “What a wanker! He’d be a huge asset to your business…” I said out loud, returning back inside Mel’s flat.
I spent a few more minutes trying to find my Puma shoes before deciding that was a lost cause, my white sneakers would do anyway, but they also weren’t anywhere to be seen. That was odd, I could clearly remember seeing them when I was trying to find some clothes. Maybe Mel had put them somewhere? Never mind, time was rolling on. I grabbed the black heels with the fiddly buckles and carried them to the lounge. I sat on the couch and started the arduous task of threading the thin straps through the tiny buckles. At one point it occurred to me how shiny my legs looked, my shins had a sheen on them that almost looked wet, but they still felt soft. Maybe that was from the little glove in the shower, I would have to check with Mel I guess…
The clicking of my heels on the polished concrete floor caught Mels attention as I walked in. She looked up with a smile radiating from her face, she gave me two thumbs up, What is it with getting thumbs up today I wondered. Then she wiggled her eyebrows up and down, “Jagshemash!... Wooow-e-wow!... Very nice!” Mel’s enthusiastic but very average Borat impression made me laugh,
“Gez you’re a weirdo!... But surprisingly, still not the weirdest person I've talked to this morning…”
I told Mel all about the “BFG” and how pissed off he was that I didn’t want a date, she actually had tears rolling down her face from laughing so hard,
“Such a flirt!… you probably led him on and had your tits out! She joked.
“Had my tits out? Hardly, they’re still in here…” I replied, holding up the shopping bag full of prosthetics.
Mel spent the next few hours, between her paying customers, transforming me back into the full blown Simone version of myself, carefully checking, double and sometimes even triple checking every step. Mel sat the enhancements in place then stood back to make sure they were correctly positioned before making small location marks with a felt tip pen and finally gluing them in place.
I'd already made sure she had plenty of the solvent and it wasn’t likely to get knocked over this time, before we’d even started. When the hip, bum and titties had been secured, it was time for the spray tan. Mel suggested a slightly lighter tone than last time, as it would more suit my natural colouring, I didn’t argue, and I had no idea what she was talking about anyway.
It was the blending and airbrushing that took the time, Mel would spray a bit, sigh, then wipe it off and try again. I guess Anna was faster last time just because of the experience she had doing that kind of stuff. In the end, when Mel had finished, it looked every bit as good as the job Anna had done the first time turning me into a girl.
I stood up from the table wearing nothing but the nude coloured Gaff and did a twirl for Mel, she cocked her head slightly to the side and smiled with the result.
“Phoar!, what a Hottie!, I’d be all over you right now if the makeup wasn’t still wet..” She said, “Now we need to sort that bloody bird nest of a wig out…” she pointed me towards the chair she used for hairdressing.
I paused, “So…. have ya got a robe or something I can use to cover myself up a bit?” as I waved my hands across my near naked frame.
Mel smirked, “Such a prude!” tossing me a whit, and very soft bathrobe, “No fun at all.. I was really enjoying the view”
“That red lipstick is giving me retro vibes, we might put a bit of curl in the hairstyle. Go for the classic pin-up girl look I think…” Mel fitted the wig in place after brushing it all out straight. She growled at me a few more times for the “Lack of respect” I had treated the wig with, she finished up using the curling irons giving soft, bouncy curls.
Mel puffed her chest out, “Now just a dash of makeup to complete the look..”
The dash of makeup took at least another twenty minutes, but, I will be the first to admit how good the result was. With the hair and makeup completed, I looked very much like a classic movie star.
“You’re pretty bloody clever…” I said, still trying to take in the full job Mel had done on me.
“...and you’re pretty bloody, pretty! I need to get some photos I reckon. If you carefully get dressed again... maybe leave the bra off for a bit, just in case. I’ll go and get the camera sorted.
I did as Mel had asked, taking my time to put the dress back on avoiding messing up the flash new do I had. With my heels back on, I teetered up to the front of the salon where the photo booth was set up. Mel took hundreds of photos as I really hammed it up, striking dozens of different poses, most of which came out terribly, eyes closed or a goofy look on my face etc. you know, just normal photos. There were a couple that came out looking reasonable, and after a quick tweak on photoshop they all looked sort of professional.
Mel added the photo to the Salon’s social media pages and tagged Simone in it as well, I also selected a couple and Mel emailed them through to me. I took a seat in the waiting room, waiting for Mel to finish up with the last of her clients and added them to Simone’s Insta pages. The reactions started coming in almost immediately, and were all positive, glowing reviews.