“Again, Fairchild.” Lt. Lake watches as his newest recruit runs the obstacle course.
She was young and inexperienced with dealing with her abilities and being a girl. He watches as Fairchild starts the training course over. She manages to past the section she messed up on the first two times she ran the course, but gets nailed at a different section.
Stacy couldn’t believe what she was doing. She didn’t ask to be given special abilities or be turned into a girl either. She wishes she knew how all of this happened in the first place.
She gets smacked right in the face by a padded log and is knocked flat on her back. She lays on the ground at the fourth section of the obstacle course.
“Hit the showers, Fairchild.” Lt. Lake looks at the youngest member of the team he was putting together.
“Yes sir.” Stacy picks herself up off the ground and start walking back to the barracks she was sharing with the rest of the people she has been training and working with.
She walks into the old military barracks she was sharing with the others. Every muscle in her body hurt from the rapid changes she was forced to performed on the obstacle course.
“How did you do, Stacy?” Dingo looks at Stacy as she came walking into the barracks.
He was surprised when she was introduced to the team on his second week with the group. So, far there are three men and two women on the team. Out of all of them, Stacy was the youngest and smallest.
“I had to repeat the course five times and got my butt kicked each time.” Stacy looked over towards Dingo.
She knew Dingo was from the West coast and was your typical surfer dude. He loved smoking huge marijuana joints and listening to Bob Marley and Grateful Dead music. He had a laid-back attitude and enjoyed building his muscles.
As Stacy start undressing, she looks over towards Dingo “where are the twins at?”
“They are over at the gym working out. Spirit is out with his pet wolf down at the gun range practicing with his bow and tomahawks.” Dingo didn’t bother watching Stacy as she stripped out of her exercise leotard.
She had the build of a teenage girl and reminded him of his little sister. All of them had their abilities manifest around the same time, except Stacy who just recently got her abilities. According to what he learned about Stacy, she used to be a boy until her abilities manifest. When her abilities manifested, she was turned into a girl.
“I’m going to hop in the shower Dingo.” Stacy grabs her towel and walk towards the showers. She had her robe on, not that she needed it.
Dingo and the other guys on the team didn’t give her a second look.
Beverly aka Eclipse got their attention. She was a six foot, seven inches tall blonde hair woman with the build of a legendary amazon. Beverly was extremely smart, strong, and held a law degree. Her twin brother looked like a legendary Greek hero of legend. Where Beverly had blonde hair, Pollux had pitch black hair with blueish highlights. He went by the code name Spartan, after the ancient Greek warriors.
Stacy lets the hot water cascade down her body. It felt nice as it covered her body and relieved some of the soreness she felt in her muscles and joints. She notices as she rubbed her body with the body soap she used, that she has several new bruises from the obstacle course.
She washes her hair and trim her groin area, like Beverly taught her. Beverly was helping her adjust to being a girl. She wonders why her abilities changed her gender. She was a shape shifter that could assume most animal forms. The bigger the animal, the harder it was for her to shape change into it.
She wasn’t limited to normal animals either. If she could imagine it or has seen it in a picture, she could change into it. That meant she could become a dragon or even an Anubis warrior. If that animal had a special ability, she could mimic it.
She finishes her shower and dry off. She slips her robe back on and head back to where her bed and footlocker is. She slips on a pair of loose shorts and an oversized t-shirt with a picture of a bulldog on it.
Her and Beverly’s bunk were on the other side of the room from the boy’s side. If they wanted any privacy, they would have to go to the bathroom for it. Otherwise, the guys could see what they were doing.
Once Stacy was dressed, she walks over to where Dingo was sitting playing a game on the PS 5 they managed to get. The base they were training at, wouldn’t allow them to leave without Lt. Lake’s permission. Not that it could stop her. She could fly away any time she wanted to.
However, they could track her down either with a blood test or some sort of special scanner that could scan her genetic structure.
She plops down on the sofa next to Dingo and watch him play whatever video game he was playing. Dingo might be a surfer dude, but he loved his video games. His favorite ones are the first-person shooters and martial arts ones.
Right now, he was playing a martial arts game and was winning. She couldn’t believe how well he did with the controller in his hand.
“How long have you been playing this game?” Stacy looks at Dingo and notices he didn’t shave this morning.
“Since you started your training with Lake this morning.” Dingo knew Lake was being hard on Stacy, because she didn’t pass the training course yesterday.
He had to rerun it a second time with her, but managed to pass it on his second time. He knew how anal-retentive Lt. Lake could be when you failed at the task, he gave you. He made you do it again and again until you got it right.
“I’m surprised major hard ass didn’t come in here and tell you to find something else to do.” Stacy didn’t like Lt. Lake very much. It wasn’t the fact he was teaching her how to use her abilities, but the fact that he seemed to be holding some sort of grudge against her.
She couldn’t prove it, but the way he looked at her and treated her didn’t feel right to her. It was different when he looked at Beverly or trained one of the guys. Except Dingo, Lt. Lake didn’t like Dingo’s laid-back ways or attitude.
Pollux was the unofficial leader of their group. His sister Beverly was second in command. They shared some sort of mental bond and could feel whatever the other was feeling. Spirit was their tactical expert and tracker. Dingo was support because of his abilities. He could become whatever substance/material he touched. She was the scout of the group. When she was in her animal form, Spirit could talk to her mentally and uses her senses while she was in her animal form. It didn’t matter what animal form she was in, because he could communicate with her.
“Lake is to military and doesn’t know when to tone it down, Stacy. He’s a stickler when it comes to military rules and regulations. However, he knows we aren’t military and when we are on our down time, it’s our time.” Dingo has met people like Lt. Lake before.
“My question is, why is the government going out of their way to locate and train us? Something doesn’t feel right about all this.” Stacy has
been wondering why the government came looking for her.
“Who knows, but if they don’t turn us into their secret hitmen or killers. I’ll go along with the program. People with our abilities can be a danger to themselves and those around them.”
“Is that what happened to you, Dingo?” Stacy was curious about Dingo.
She didn’t know much about everyone. She knew Spirit’s real name is Ahote Running Wolf. Dingo’s real name is Elvis Wong, Beverly and Pollux last name is Truscott and are descendants of Thomas Jefferson.
She doesn’t know who her birth parents were. They died in a car accident when she was just a baby. She had been rescued by a state trooper and placed in foster care. A local couple in a nearby town to where she was placed adopted and raised her.
They were your typical middle-class family. She was the youngest among four children. She had an older brother and sister, whom she got along with and enjoyed hanging with. She was closer to her older sister when she uses to be a male, instead of her brothers.
“Nay, I was out on my surfboard when all suddenly my abilities manifested themselves. It was freaky as hell, because my body turned into the same material as my board. I lost control and fell off my board, which never happens to me. Instead of drowning, I sorted of floated and got tossed around by the wave I was riding.”
“Wow! That must have been weird as hell.” Stacy couldn’t imagine how that must have felt.
“Talk about weird, you should talk to Pollux and Beverly about when their abilities first manifested themselves. Beverly’s story is the funnier and embarrassing one.”
“Why, what happened to Beverly?” Stacy was curious.
“You’ll find out when you ask her. However, let’s just say she’s never been so embarrassed as she was that day.” A smirk appears on Dingo’s face when he thinks about the story.
Stacy wonders why Beverly could had been so embarrassed? She leans back against the sofa and watches Dingo as he plays his game.
The following day's training was more complicated than the day before. It was a hundred degree’s out and humid as hell. Stacy was wearing weighted ankle and wrist bracelets as she jogged behind Dingo.
Spartan and Eclipse were leading the group. Spirit was behind them, with her and Dingo bringing up the rear. She was the only one wearing weighted anklets and bracelets. Lt. Lake said it would help her build her endurance and muscles simultaneously. Spartan and Eclipse didn’t need to build up their endurance or strength. They could lift a hundred tons, and Eclipse was agile as hell. She was more agile than a professional gymnast.
Stacy could only match her by becoming one of her hybrid forms, which she just learned she could. Spirit was just as agile as the twins but couldn’t keep pace with their running speed. At the same time, the twin's build was more on the supernatural level. Spirit’s build was more on the human perfection side. He was what most people thought military soldiers were built like.
He had the build and the weight-lifting capabilities of the strongest gladiator or, in his case, the most muscular Native American warrior who ever lived. All his senses were enhanced, and he could match/beat Spartan in hand-to-hand combat without sweating. He also had the unique ability to read the environment around him. He was attuned to the weather patterns and could tell if the weather would change. He could also track anything, even if the tracks were days old or went onto asphalt.
Because Spirit’s sense of smell was enhanced, he usually wore a neutral-smelling deodorant. That way, the scent of the deodorant didn’t bother his sense of smell. He also didn’t need to sleep as long as most of them. Spirit was fine with just four hours of rest.
Dingo and Stacy, on the other hand, needed the required amount of sleep. Spartan and Eclipse could go almost two days before they needed to sleep. Eclipse liked keeping to a regular sleeping schedule. On the other hand, her brother wanted to stay up and play role-playing games on his computer. Both of them were good with computers, but Eclipse was the computer hacker in the group. There wasn’t a database she couldn’t get into.
Dingo looked over toward Stacy as she jogged next to him. He could see she wasn’t enjoying wearing the weighted anklets and bracelets Lt. Lake made her wear.
“How are you holding out, Stace?”
“I wish Spartan and Eclipse would slow down. They are setting a fast pace, and I’m tired of keeping up with them.” Stacy was never a runner in
“Let me guess. You were never that athletic in school, were you?” Dingo wonders what type of person Stacy was before becoming a girl.
“No, I could never do a pullup or even a chin-up. I was always the last when we did the three hundred run and walk. Hell, I was the slowest kid in my gym class. I could do sit-ups and pushups, none of the other stuff. I was better in the water than I was on land.” Stacy could beat most people in the water.
“Were you on your school's swim team?” Dingo was never on the football team, even though he got asked to join several times.
“We didn’t have a swim team at my high school. Basketball, football, and baseball were the main sports at my school. Our wrestling team was fair, but we ruled in baseball and other sports. Our high school was the school to beat when it came to those sports.”
“Did you play any of them?” Dingo couldn’t see Stacy playing basketball or football.
“I tried out for baseball but got laughed at. Even the coach said I sucked. He told me I should join the girls’ softball team instead.” Stacy felt let down that she did so poorly. She practiced hard to try to make the team, but in the end, she wasn’t selected.
“Man, that must have been harsh.”
“It was. Even some of my friends did better than I did. So, instead of playing a sport for the school or joining the band. I worked part-time at a plumbing store. My father knew the store's owner and didn’t mind hiring me to help.”
“Was your father a salesperson there?” Dingo has never stepped into a plumbing store before.
“Nope, he was a master plumber. I would sometimes go to work with him. Talk about a smelly, gross job. I sometimes regretted working with my father, especially when we did jobs where the bathroom floor was covered in toilet water. Yuck!” Stacy remembered the one woman’s bathroom that her father had been called to snake out. The floor was covered in poop and tampons someone had tried flushing down the toilet.
“What did your mother do for a living?”
“She was a bookkeeper. She worked at an electronic supply store that her uncle owned. It was a family-run business. My mother has worked there since she was eighteen years old.”
“Were you good with numbers when you were in school?” Dingo wonders if it ran in the family.
“I was okay. I always got B’s and C’s on my report card. On the other hand, my sister was the academic genius in the family. My older brother is your typical jock and car enthusiast. He loved playing baseball and modifying his pickup truck.” Stacy knew her brother Jacob loved his pickup truck.
“Sounds like you came from a vanilla family.” Dingo wonders how Stacy ended with super abilities.
“I guess we were. How about you? Where did you grow up at?” Stacy wanted to know why Dingo was so laid back.
“West Coast baby. My father was military, and my mother owned her own business. My older sister works at my mother’s restaurant, and my older brother is in the coast guard. He’s a master sniper on his ship and has killed at least six drug smugglers since he has been in the service.”
“So, you’re the baby of the group?” Stacy was surprised to hear that Dingo was the youngest in his family.
“No, my little sister Patsy is. She’s six years younger than me.”
“Oh!” Stacy notices that while they have been talking, she and Dingo have fallen behind the others.
“We better catch up, or we won’t hear the end of it.” Stacy increases her pace to catch up to the others.
By the time the team arrived back at the barracks, Eclipse was carrying Stacy on her back. Stacy had passed out because of the heat and exhaustion. Lt. Lake couldn’t believe she couldn’t make it back on her own.
Eclipse takes Stacy into the shower, still wearing her exercise leotard, and turns the water on. She supports Stacy as the cool water cools Stacy’s body down. Beverly noticed that Stacy was chafed between her inner thigh.
She looks down into Stacy’s hazel eyes. “I still have much to teach you about being a girl.”
Stacy closes her eyes and rests her head against Beverly’s abdomen as Beverly holds her head. She was enjoying the cold water as it cooled her body down.
“How is Stacy doing, Beverly?” Spirit walks into the shower and notices Beverly cradling Stacy’s head.
“She’s doing better now that she is cooling down between the heat and the weights on her ankles and wrists. I’m surprised she made it as far as she did with how she felt.” Beverly strokes Stacy’s wet hair as she holds Stacy’s head on her lap.
Spirit had felt Stacy wasn’t doing so well, but he figured they only had a little more to go, and she should be able to make it. He was going to make sure this didn’t happen again.
Beverly noticed Spirit was kicking himself for what happened to Stacy. “Spirit, she will be okay. I need to get her a different exercise outfit because her inner thighs rub against one another and chafe her.”
“Is there anything you can do for her now?” Spirit looks down at Stacy’s thighs and notices they are red where they rubbed together.
“After she cools down, I’ll peel her out of this wet leotard. I can apply coconut butter lotion to her inner thighs until she gets a new exercise suit. I suggest she wears loose-fitting shorts and a tank top or camisole until we get her new unitard.”
After Beverly gets Stacy’s body temperature back to normal. She undresses her and dries her off. She rubs the coconut butter lotion on the spot where Stacy’s thighs rubbed. She looks at how bad the skin was and wonders why Stacy didn’t let them know about her thighs rubbing.
Once Beverly rubbed the lotion onto Stacy’s inner thighs, she carries Stacy to her bunk and put the nightshirt Stacy normally wears on her. She tucks her into bed and lets her sleep.
“Is she going to be okay?” Pollux was concerned about their youngest teammate.
“She’ll be fine. Her temperature is back down to where it should be. I’m just glad we were so close to the base, otherwise, we would have to find some water to bring her temperature down.” Beverly glances at Stacy one more time before walking away.
Dingo comes walking out of the shower just wearing a pair of boxers. He glances over toward Stacy’s sleeping form and wonders why she didn’t say anything while they were running. Normally, she was a chatterbox, but she went silent and started dropping back. It wasn’t until he was a good distance away from her. That he turned around and spotted her lying face down on the ground.
He ran over to her and called the others to let them know she was down. He checked her pulse and saw how pale she looked. He had some first aide training from his time on the beach. He did what he could for her, with what he had on hand. It took Beverly carrying Stacy on her back as fast as she could back to the barracks.
The rest of the afternoon, the group relaxes and checks on Stacy throughout the afternoon and evening. Beverly decides not to wake Stacy up when they grab some food from the base cafeteria. She was going to let her sleep, but she does buy some snacks for Stacy, should she wake up.
Beverly sends an email to Lt. Lake informing him that Stacy is going to need a new uniform and exercise outfit. She found an outfit that would be good for Stacy to wear for exercising and running. After sending the email, she checks on Stacy again and notices she’ll be alright.
She changes her clothes and grabs her Kindle and read for a while. Tomorrow, they had off and could leave the base if they wanted to. Lt. Lake did warn them to keep what they could do quiet and try to stay out of trouble.
Fort Wainwright, Alaska:
“Yahoo!” Stacy enjoyed the snow and skiing as she zipped past Pollux and Beverly like they were standing still.
Lt. Lake had sent them to Fort Wainwright for winter training like the special forces. Stacy didn’t think she would enjoy the training when they first arrived because of the cold. Specialist Maggie Campbell started teaching them about the dangers of being caught in the cold and what would happen if they were unprepared.
They had indoor training for the first week after they arrived. Specialist Campbell and Specialist Crabtree started teaching them how to ski and snowboard in their second week. Snowboarding was easy for Dingo. To him, it was no different from riding a surfboard. He took to it like a natural. Stacy fell a few times thanks to Dingo showing her how to handle herself on the board. She managed to become good at it.
Spirit mastered the skis and board in no time. He was a natural, just like Dingo was. The twins, on the other hand, had to have custom skis and boards made for them because of their increased body mass. Both of them were heavy because of their muscle mass. Beverly alone weighed three hundred pounds. It was because of her muscle mass and bone structure.
Pollux weighed as much as his sister because of his increased muscle mass and height. Between the two, they weigh eight hundred pounds and have no body fat. Well, Beverly had some in certain places. She had a nice curvy figure and could pass for a supermodel.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself, Stacy?” Beverly was envious of Stacy as she watched her enjoy herself.
“I rather take this over the heat any time.” Stacy stops near her friend.
Stacy was thankful that Beverly managed to carry her back to the barracks and cool her body down. She couldn’t believe that the heat and humidity had done her in like that. Also, since changing her exercise outfit to a unitard, she didn’t have to worry about wedges or her inner thighs rubbing together now.
Their winter uniform was the same type of material their exercise outfits were made of but made so it covered their whole body. Spirit carried two spare outfits for her when she changed. When her body changes, her clothes tear. However, she needed to remove her uniform from her body because it was made of a stretchy artificial spider silk material that was extremely strong and tear-restraint.
Stacy watches as Pollux finally reaches where she and Beverly are standing and talking. Pollux was having difficulty with his skis and needed more practice with them. Their instructor put them through their paces, seeing how much they could endure and adapt to.
They were going to be tested against a particular group of special forces people that were extremely good in cold weather environments. Stacy didn’t worry about Spirit fighting in this weather because he was one with nature. If nothing else, it was the twins she was worried about. Because even though they were pretty bullet-resistant. They could still be hurt, but it took a lot to do it.
The group enjoys their fun and training in the snow for the rest of the day. Stacy noticed that her period started at the same time as Beverly’s. According to what Dr. Ross told her when she got her first period and explained to her what it meant. Since Beverly put off more potent
pheromones than she did, her body reacted to Beverly’s pheromones.
They both got the birth control implant in their arm instead of in their uterus. For Stacy, it was better since she shape changed, and her internal organs changed as well. At least with it in her nondominant arm, it didn’t matter.
When they put Beverly’s implant in, they used a specially designed needle to penetrate her skin. Beverly rubbed the implantation spot afterward for the rest of the day. Typically, they would use a local to numb the area first. However, since Beverly’s skin was so tough. They just injected the implant in her arm without numbing it.
Sometimes during the middle of the night, the room the team sleeps in is filled with gas. While they are asleep, a group of men wearing mask enter their room and remove them from it. They are flown out to the middle of nowhere and dropped just wearing the clothes they have on. A black gym bag is left for them.
When morning arrives, Pollux and Beverly are the first ones awake. They were surprised that they weren’t in the room they had been sharing. While Beverly wakes everyone up, Pollux examines the black gym bag left for them. Inside were their uniforms, boots, and gear. There were two canteens and Spirit’s water skin.
“Guys, we are fucked.” Beverly looks at everyone when she says that.
“Why in the hell did those assholes do this to us?” Stacy was trying to stay warm as she rubbed her arms.
“Because this is what our training was all about.” Pollux was getting dressed in his winter gear.
“Tell that to my body.” Stacy turns into a great grey owl and takes to the air.
Spirit picks up the night clothes and panties Stacy had been wearing and tucks them into the black gym bag. He had gotten dressed in his uniform and was feeling warmer. He could feel the link between him and Stacy whenever she assumed an animal form.
“I’d fly out and see what is around us.” Stacy flies away from the group and scouts around for them.
“Man, my balls are about to fall off.” Dingo was hurrying to get dressed in his winter gear.
Even though he could turn into whatever substance he could touch, he was still flesh and blood. He manages to get his uniform on, with his socks getting wet from stepping on the snow.
“Which way do we go, Spirit?” Beverly looks at Spiri for an answer.
Spirit closes his eyes and extends his senses out. He could see where Stacy was and informed her to go in a different direction instead of where she was heading.
“South, they took us north of the base into the artic area.” Spirit opens his eyes and starts leading the way south.
“Man, they could have left us some food or something.” Dingo was hungry.
His stomach starts growling. His body processes food fast, and he must eat three to six times daily.
“I’ll ask Stacy to locate some food for us.” Spirit concentrates on Stacy and informs her to look for some food.
Stacy receives the message from Spirit while she is flying around. She looks around for some food while she is up in the air. She spots a herd of caribou not far from Sprit and the group. If Spirit hurried, he could take down a few for them to eat. She relays the information back to Spirit.
It doesn’t take much time for Spirit and Pollux to show up. Beverly had stayed back with Dingo to make sure he arrived all right. He wasn’t as fast as the three of them. No one wanted to leave him behind.
She finds a spot where they could camp for the night and land. She assumes the form of a polar bear. Spirit suggests she locates some polar bear poop for fuel to make a fire.
“I could always poop out some fuel for you.” As Stacy changes once again into an owl and takes flight. This time she assumed the form of a snow owl.
“I don’t think that would go over very well.” A smirk appears on Spirit’s face.
“I think you’re right about that.” As Stacy tries to locate some polar bears.
She finds some tracks and locates some poop from a few bears passing through the area. She finds something to take the poop back to Spirit so he can get dinner going for them. She couldn’t believe she was collecting poop.
Back at the camp Spirit, Pollux, Dingo, and Beverly were setting up for the night. Pollux helps Spirit skin the caribou they captured and killed. Between Spirit’s knife skills and Pollux’s strength, they had both caribou skinned and ready for the fire.
While Spirit and Pollux did that, Dingo and Beverly got fresh water and filled the canteens and water skin. Dingo merged with the snow on the ground and filtered it to clean and fill their canteens and water skin.
Once a fire was started, Dingo manages to absorb the heat and help Spirit dry out the skin of the two caribou they killed. Stacy turned assumed her human form and has Dingo stand nearby her, so she could get redress as fast as she could. She was shivering while she was putting her clothes back on.
“I wish my abilities turned my clothes into whatever form I assume or cover me when I change back to my human form.” Stacy stands close to Dingo, warming her body up.
“Don’t sweat it, Stacy. Oh, Dingo has you covered.” A smile appears on Dingo’s face.
“Thanks, Dingo.” As Stacy finishes getting dressed and put her gloves on.
“Dingo, try to keep us warm, while we get the shelter set up.” Beverly was cold as well. She could feel her nipples stiffening underneath her winter gear.
“How long do you think it will take us to get back to Fort Wainwright?” Stacy looks towards Spirit for an answer.
Spirit and Pollux were busy building the shelter with her and Beverly helping. If anyone should know how bad it was going to be, it would be Spirit. He was in tune with nature.
“At least a week by foot. If you turn into something capable of carrying all of us, within a day.” Spirit knew Stacy could turn into any animal or creature she could imagine.
“Remember Spirit. The bigger the creature, the shorter of time I can stay in that form. It takes a toll on me and I’ll be useless to you guys afterward.” Stacy hated that the bigger she was, the shorter the time she had.
“But it should give you enough time to fly us back to at least Fairbanks.”
“Yeah, as long as the weather holds out. If I have to fight a blizzard or if my wings start getting tired from strong wind currents, I might not make it.” Stacy didn’t know what the weather was going to be like.
“It’s a chance we would have to take, Stacy.” Pollux looks at Stacy when he says that.
“By the way, Stacy. What form would you choose?” Dingo was curious because he knew Stacy could turn into a dragon if she wanted to and that would be so cool.
“A giant bird called a Roc from Sinbad the Sailor movie.” Stacy watched the movie when she was in high school.
“You watch too much television.” Pollux looks at Stacy with a smirk on his face.
“It was better than getting picked on by the bullies in my neighborhood.” Stacy didn’t feel safe in her neighborhood.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Stacy.”
“Guys, we better get inside before the storm heading our way gets here.” Spirit just felt a disturbance in the air.
Beverly looks at Spirit “There’s a storm heading our way?”
“Yes, and I don’t think it's natural either.” Spirit didn’t like how the weather felt heading toward them.
“Then we better get under wraps.” Pollux looks at the shelter they built. It wasn’t much, but it should protect them.
All of them head inside the shelter. The place was big enough for them to lie down or sit up. The place was warm by the fire in the middle of the igloo. Stacy looks towards Spirit “Where did you learn to build an igloo?”
“I’m a survivalist, so I have trained for every possibility.”
“Well, I’m glad you did.” Stacy was glad they were protected.
Within the next few hours the storm Spirit said was coming their way arrives. Stacy could hear it howling outside the igloo they built. The meat they saved and preserved from the two caribou warmed her belly and restored her strength.
Stacy closes her eyes and rests her head against Dingo as she falls asleep. She wonders if they will make it back and why she even agreed to work for the government.
“Guys, where in the hell did these guys get superpowers?” Stacy dodges an incoming attack from a guy dressed in some sort of red suit with a cybernetic-looking gun for a right arm.
He had a visor that covered his eyes that made him look like Cyclops from The X-men. She was charging right toward him like a grey color Rhino. She feels him try to grab her as she rams him in the chest and pushes him back against a building.
Her horn was being stopped by the outfit he was wearing. Somehow, it prevented her horn from penetrating his suit and going into his chest. She could feel resistance as he tries to stop her momentum. She jerks her head to the left and tosses him.
A bright beam of light whizzes by her shoulder and hits the building in front of her. She ignores the beam and goes after the person she just tossed. She changes from a rhino into a huge black gorilla and starts pounding on the cybernetic right arm. She grips it with all her strength and rips it off the guy.
Stacy hears the guy's screams when she rips his arm off his body. Dark red fluids squirted out and pooled under his right shoulder. She turns around and jumps out of the way, as the creature Pollux just sent flying her way passes her. She watches as he slams into the building wall, cracking it.”Spirit, tell Pollux to give me a heads up next time.”
“I will,” As Spirit uses one of his tomahawks to cold cock the guy he was fighting.
The creature Spirit was fighting loses its head as the tomahawk connects. Both of the tomahawks Spirit was wielding were covered in blood and so was the outfit Spirit was wearing as well.
“Incoming!” As Beverly sends the guy she was fighting flying over Spirit’s head.
Spirit watches as the guy lands on the ground. He couldn’t believe how badly the guy looked after tangling Beverly. She beat the guy to unconsciousness. He looks over and notices that Stacy had assumed a halfway form of a dog.
“New form, Stacy?” As Spirit walks towards her.
“Yeah, since I’m naked when I transform from my animal form.” Stacy figures that changing into a humanoid animal would make it so she wasn’t naked.
Stacy looks at the group of men they just fought and wonder where they got their abilities. The guy she fought, had a cybernetics system but could shoot energy beams from the visor covering his eyes. She was still tired from their survival training in the artic. Not only did they have to survive in the artic and make it back to Fort Wainwright, but they had to survive the attacks that had been sprung on them.
They had been ambushed by a special forces team that had been sent to train at Fort Wainwright. They didn’t use real bullets, but rubber ones that hurt like hell when they hit you. They managed to defeat the special forces team, but it cost them time in the rough weather. She had to assume a form to take all of them back to the base/town.
When they got back to base, they were whisked off right away to deal with these clowns. She hopes the government has a prison to hold them. She walks over to the guy she took down and drags his sorry self to where Pollux and Beverly were putting their guys. Dingo was carrying a woman over his shoulder.
“What did you do to her, Dingo?” Stacy looks at the unconscious woman draped over Dingo’s shoulder.
“I knocked her out with my charm.” A big smile appears on Dingo’s face.
Stacy just shakes her head at his statement. She knows he wants to get back to the beach and do some surfing.
“How are you doing, Stacy?” Beverly comes walking over to Stacy and picks up the guy she was dragging.
“I’m doing alright, Bev. My guy never landed a hand on me.” Stacy feels she was lucky because he didn’t.
Once the authorities show up to apprehend the criminals. Stacy and the gang head back to base. While they are traveling back to the base, Stacy looks over toward their handler, Agent Henderson “When can we take some time off to relax?”
Agent Henderson looks at the youngest member of the strike team the government had put together to start handling the new criminals coming out of the woodwork.
“This was your first fight and you want to go on vacation already?” Agent Henderson just smirks at Stacy.
“What I think she is trying to say, Mr. Henderson. Is that even we will want to take some time off to relax.” Pollux looks at Agent Henderson.
Agent Henderson was their handler when they went out into the field to handle law enforcement and to make sure they didn’t overstep what they were doing. The group meet up with him after they left Fort Wainwright.
“Let me check into that for you guys.” Agent Henderson at first didn’t like being assigned to babysit a bunch of superpowered kids.
“Thanks.” A smile appears on Pollux’s face.
By the time the plane, the team is on touch down at the base. Stacy was sleepy and hungry. Changing forms took a lot of energy out of her and made her tired afterward. They head to the mess hall and walk through the cafeteria line. They had a pretty good selection on display.
Stacy gets a big order of Salisbury steaks, mashed potatoes, French-cut green beans, and a double helping of peach cobbler. She also gets four large glasses of sweetened iced tea to drink.
“Boy! You must be hungry.” Dingo saw how much food Stacy had piled on two plates and the two large peach cobblers.
“I am. My stomach is growling.” Stacy was trying to hide her embarrassment from the sound. She knew Spirit heard her stomach.
Stacy looks over at Dingo’s tray and notices he had six chill dogs and a large plate of fries covered in chill, onions, and cheese. He had gotten three large glasses of coca cola to drink.
“I see I’m not the only one that is hungry.” Stacy looks at Dingo with a smirk on her face.
“This is my standard, Stacy. I’m just glad to be back and eating some decent food.” As Dingo follows Pollux, and Spirit over to a table that has been reserved for them.
Stacy and Beverly follow the guys over to their table. Beverly had gotten a huge salad with sliced chicken, turkey, and ham cubes. She loaded the salad up with ranch dressing and lots of cheese and bacon bits.
Pollux looks at his sister when she sits down at the table and the huge salad she had gotten. A smirk appears on his face “You do know, that they had more than salad available.”
“I know and after eating all that caribou meat. I want some veggies to make up for what I missed when we were training.” Beverly liked her veggies.
“I know what you mean, Beverly.” Stacy digs into her meal.
The whole group eats their meal and makes small talk among themselves. Stacy was devouring her meal like she hasn’t eaten in months. She loves peach cobbler and takes her time eating it.
By the time Stacy is done eating, her tummy sticks out some. She looks at everyone else and notices that they weren’t done yet. She saw that Dingo had two chilly dogs left and just a little bit of the chilly-covered fries left.
“Dingo, I thought you would be done before me.” Stacy takes a sip from her fourth sweet iced tea glass.
“I’m savoring the taste of the chilly dog.” Dingo takes a bite from the chilly dog he picked up off his plate.
Stacy watches as after two bites, the chilly dog was gone. She just smirks as she leans against Beverly. She was ready to take a nap.
Beverly feels Stacy leaning against her shoulder. She knew Stacy was ready for a nap. She was almost done with her salad and was planning on doing some jogging after she finished eating.
“Are you ready for a nap?” Beverly looks at Stacy and was still amazed that she uses to be a male.
“Yes, I’m ready to curl up on my mattress and take a few-hour nap.”
“That’s not going to happen young lady.” Lt. Lake had walked into the cafeteria looking for the team.
Stacy sits up and turns around in her seat to look at Lt. Lake “Why not?”
“Because your group needs more training. Now, finish your meal and get your sorry asses out on the obstacle course.” Lt. Lake was going to push this group to their breaking point.
While they were gone, he had the course upgraded to deal with their abilities. He planned on working with this group and making sure they did things right.
“You do know, we just got back and just ate, don’t you?” Stacy looks at Lake and figures he had it in for them.
“I don’t care. Get your candy ass out on the course now.” Lt. Lake looks at everyone when he says that.
The team heads out to the course and starts training. They were put through the upgrades and got hurt and injured going through the course. Lt. Lake found ways to injure Beverly and Pollux. The blows they sustain during the training, seriously injured Spirit, Dingo, and Stacy.
When they arrive back to their barracks from medical, Stacy was drugged up and her left arm was in a cast. She was limping and her head was wrapped up. She stumbles over to her bed and strips out of her clothes with Beverly’s help.
Beverly helps Stacy get out of her clothes and into her night clothes. She saw how drugged up Stacy was.
“Lt. Lake did that on purpose.” Dingo was hurting from being blown apart several times when he changed forms to get through the course.
“I have to agree with you, Dingo. Those upgrades were designed to kill anyone going through that course.” Pollux felt his shoulder hurting.
“You can say that again. Stacy is going to be covered with bruises.” Beverly saw how bruised Stacy was when she helped undress her.
“I want to know, what has gotten into Lt. Lake.” Dingo had grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and was drinking it.
“I don’t know, but I’m heading to the showers.” Beverly walks into the bathroom and takes her training uniform off.
The next few days the team is run through the course over and over again. Stacy gets seriously hurt the third time she goes through the course
and has to be hospitalized for a week. Her injuries were serious enough that she was going to need time to recover.
By the end of the second week, Stacy recovers enough that she could return to her group. She comes limping in with her right leg still in a cast.
“Hey, guys.” Stacy waves to everyone as she walks in.
Beverly walks over to Stacy and helps her over to the recliner. Once Stacy is sitting in the recliner.
“How are you feeling, Stacy?” Dingo had gotten a sweeten iced tea for Stacy and handed it to her.
“Thanks.” As Stacy accepts the glass.
She takes a sip from the glass and enjoys the sugar in it. The hospital she was in, wouldn’t allow her to have any sugary drinks at all.
“I’ll heal, according to my doctor. He said that I should try not to get hit again.”
“You should tell Lt. Lake that.” Dingo rubs his right shoulder.
“Well, I think Major Colons is going to talk with Lt. Lake. He wasn’t pleased that I was in the hospital with injuries.” Stacy heard the anger in Major Colons' voice.
New Market Exchange, Charlotte, North Carolina:
Stacy moves around quietly as she survey the situation at the exchange, they had been called in to help with. She spotted four men dressed in black outfits wearing SWAT style body armor. They were loaded down with AR 15’s and hand grenades. They had enough ammo on them to hold off the SWAT team for hours.
She noticed that they had taken four of the hostages and strung them up by their ankles and had them hanging upside down in front of the huge glass windows. She moves quickly over towards the front door and notices they had it rigged with explosives. She had spotted the back door to the place had been rigged with explosives as well.
Several of the hostages were wearing explosive vest. She couldn’t see how they were rigged, but the vest had ball bearings covering the vest. Several of the safe deposit boxes had been blown open.
“Spirit, these guys are professionals. The doors are rigged with explosives and the hostages are wearing explosive vest with ball bearings covering the vest. There are four hostages hanging upside down blocking the windows.”
“What is their escape plan?” Spirit was wondering how the men inside were planning on escaping.
“I don’t know.” Stacy was moving around looking for how these men were going to escape.
She spots two men in the back of the exchange. She watches them as they use some sort of hi-tech looking weapon to burn through the floor. As they finish cutting through the floor, she watches as they drop a rope ladder down the hole.
“Spirit, there are two guys dropping a rope ladder down a hole they cut into the exchange floor. I’m going to follow them.” Stacy waits until the two men drop down into the hole, before following them.
She changes forms and drops down into the dark hole and spot the two men, talking to two other men. She gets closer, so she can hear what they are talking about. She was glad that the animal she changed into blended into the darkness surrounding them.
“Spirit, can you see what I’m seeing?” Stacy knew Spirit could look through her eyes while in animal form.
“Yes.” Spirit was seeing what Stacy was seeing.
Pollux looks at Spirit “what’s going on inside, Spirit?”
“The doors are rig with explosives, they have four hostages hanging by their ankles in the front windows and explosives vest on some of the hostages covered in ball bearings.” Spirit was relaying everything Stacy was seeing.
“How about the men themselves?” Beverly was curious about what they would be facing off against.
“They are armed with AR 15 with enough ammo to hold Swat off for a while. Plus, they have hand grenades.” Spirit was surprised by what Stacy was relaying back to him.
“Damn! We can’t get in there without them setting off those explosives.” Dingo was hoping they might be able to overcome everyone.
“Actually, there is a way we can do this without setting those explosives off, Dingo. We use your ability to knock out everyone.” Beverly was
thinking about Dingo’s ability to turn into anything he touches or encounter.
A confused look appears on Dingo’s face. He had no idea what Beverly was talking about.
Spirit shakes his head “Dingo, what Beverly is saying. Is that since you can become whatever substance you touch or encounter. You could turn into a cloud of knockout gas and gas the place.”
“Oh!” An evil smile appears on Dingo’s face.
He liked the idea of turning into a gas that knocks people out. The thing is, he needs to be exposed to it first, before he could become it.
“Where are we going to get the gas?” Dingo looks at Pollux and Beverly for an answer.
“From the SWAT officers.” Spirit figures they had some on them.
“The thing is, how are we going to get Dingo into the exchange?” Beverly was looking towards the building.
“I think I know.” Spirit contacts Stacy through their mental link.
Inside The Tunnel:
Stacy was watching the four guys as they prepared to depart down the tunnel. She feels Spirit contacting her “what’s up Spirit?”
“Do you know where the tunnel entrance is?”
“Uhm, nope. I’ve been watching these guys here.” Stacy wonders what Spirit was thinking.
“Can you knock those guys out and find the opening? We have a plan.” Spirit figures Stacy could take the four guys out with her abilities.
“Sure, give me a minute.” Stacy changes forms again and turns into a deadly cobra and takes each guy with the venom she produces.
Spirit felt Stacy change forms again. He watched through her eyes as she attacked each of the guys before they could fire their weapons as she struck each one and injected venom into their body. He watches as the four eyes dropped in front of her.
“You didn’t have to kill them, Stacy.”
“I know, but I couldn’t think of anything that could knock them out.” Stacy changes into a German Shepard and follow the scent of two of the guys back to where they came into the old abandon tunnel.
Spirit keeps track of Stacy, as Pollux talks to the commander of the SWAT team and tell them the plan. As soon as Spirit feels Stacy stopping and letting them know where the entrance was to the tunnel.
“Stacy is waiting for us.” Spirit leads everyone to where Stacy is waiting for them.
Two explosive experts came with them to disarm the explosives inside the exchange. Beverly looks at Dingo “it’s time for you to become gassy, Dingo.”
An evil smile appears on Dingo’s face “it’s gassing time.”
“That is so corny, Dingo.” Stacy had assumed a hybrid form.
“Whatever, babe.” Dingo prepares himself for the transformation.
One of the SWAT people opens a knockout grenade and tosses it at Dingo. He watches as the cloud becomes bigger as Dingo changes into the gas. His jaw drops as the gas cloud goes through the ventilation system and starts affecting everyone inside the exchange.
“What are you guys?” Officer Decker looks at the group.
“Were superheroes, but you guys are the real heroes.” Beverly smiles at officer Decker.
“Alright guys. Everyone is asleep.” Dingo looks down at everyone through the hole in the floor.
The two SWAT officers goes up after Pollux and Beverly, since they were bullet proof. After the SWAT officers go up, Stacy follows next, after changing into a robin. She feels Spirit reconnect to her when she changes again.
She keeps guard as Pollux, Beverly, and Dingo secures the terrorist. Spirit lowers the four people that were hanging upside down by their ankles. The two SWAT officers disarm the explosive packages that were connected to the doors. After the doors were disarmed, them along with some bomb experts went to work disarming the vest on the hostages.
Stacy changes into her human form and gets dress into her uniform. She stretches as her bones pop and crack as they resettle into their proper places. She overhears one of the SWAT officers mentions that the exchange had a bunch of diamonds, gold bars, and silver. If they hadn’t stopped them like they did, the terrorist/robbers would have gotten away with millions of dollars.
Stacy finds Beverly and Pollux and notices they were talking to the SWAT commander. She steps up to Beverly and stand beside her. The commander was thankful for their help and that there weren’t too many casualties. She noticed that the SWAT commander had glanced towards her when he made that statement.
“Sorry about that Commander Lester. I couldn’t think of any animal that could knock them out.”
“I’m not blaming you, Ms. I’m just glad that none of the hostages were hurt too seriously.” Commander Lester figures that the young girl
standing next to the one named Eclipse was the one responsible for killing the four down in the tunnel.
Eclipse puts her hand on Stacy’s shoulder and looks down at her “you did good. Things could have been worse.”
“Thanks, Eclipse.” Stacy knew to use their superhero names when they were around other people.
After all the statements are taken from all of them. A government helicopter lands at a nearby parking lot to pick them up. Once all the team was aboard the helicopter and in the air. Dingo lets out a loud fart he has been holding in.
“God, Dingo! Did you have to let loose such a smelly and loud fart?” Stacy was ready to puke, along with everyone else. Especially Spirit, since all his senses were enhanced.
“Sorry guys. I must still have some of the gas in my system after merging with it.” Dingo had a shitty ass smirk on his face.
Stacy covers her nose with her uniform material. She was ready to puke and she noticed it was taking everything Spirit had not too loose the contents of his stomach.
“So, where are we going to stay tonight?” Stacy looks towards Pollux and Beverly for an answer.
“At a government owned safe house. We’re not traveling back to our barracks.” Pollux figures the government had another mission for them.
Several Hours Later:
The team arrives at the safehouse they were going to be staying at, after stopping at the nearest Pizza Hut and picking up twelve pizzas and several liters of soft drinks. All of them were hungry and thirsty. Two NSA agents assigned to them escorted them into a two story non-descript house.
The outside appearance made the house matched all the other houses on the street they were on. You couldn’t tell this house apart from the others. The only way you knew which house it was, was by the street number assigned to it. The overnight bags they had been told to pack and take with them, were already at the house along with their laptops and tablets.
“It’s food time.” Dingo takes several of the pizza boxes from the stack and sits down on the sofa.
He turns the television set on and finds a show to watch. He was already digging into one of the pizza boxes and scarfing the contents down.
“And that folk is Dingo’s impersonation of Taz from Loony Tunes.” Pollux shakes his head at Dingo’s actions.
Stacy takes a pizza box from the stack and sits down on a bean bag the place had been furnished with. She opens it and inside was a supreme pizza. She loved veggie and supreme pizzas.
“Hey, Taz. Can you hand me one of the two liters, please?” Stacy looks over at Dingo on the sofa.
“I got you covered, Stacy.” Beverly hands a bottle of soda to Stacy.
“Thanks, Beverly.” Stacy takes a slice of pizza out and start eating it.
The two NSA agents that had been assigned to them, share a whole pizza, while Pollux and Beverly take several boxes for themselves.
Between the two of them, they could finish off six pizzas a piece. Dingo along could eat four whole pizzas by himself. Spirit was like Stacy and could only eat one whole pizza.
After Stacy finished eating the pizza she took and drinking half the soda in the bottle. She passes out on the bean bag. She doesn’t feel as Beverly covers her up with a blanket, she took off one of the beds in the house.
Some Where in the North Pacific:
Cargo transport Ship, Starboard Side:
Smoke and gun fire could be heard as Pollux and Spirit moved down one corridor of a cargo transport ship. The ship had been highjacked by a group of terrorists. They had been called in to take the ship back.
Pollux and Spirit were encountering heavy resistance. Because of how narrow the corridor was, Spirt could only fire his bow past Pollux’s shoulder as he blocked the bullets coming towards them. They could hear gunfire coming from the port side and from behind them as well.
“I wonder how Eclipse and Dingo are doing?” Spirit could feel Stacy inside his head. She had headed down to engineering to see what the situation was down there.
“Knowing my sister, I would say she is having fun.” Pollux knew his sister loved showing men how strong she was.
“I bet. I also bet that Dingo is doing his Bruce Lee impersonation.” Spirit knew Dingo was a big Bruce Lee fan.
“How is Stacy doing?” Pollux knew Spirit was in constant contact with her.
“She’s in her hybrid form tearing into a couple of terrorists.” A smile appears on Spirit’s face as he watches Stacy sink her claws into a couple of men who thought they could fight her.
Engine Room, Stern of the ship:
Stacy had managed to get past the watertight door, by going through the vent and into the engine room. She spotted the crew of the ship tied up and gagged. Two men armed with Russian AK-203. The men were dressed in tactical gear and were wearing bulletproof vest.
She managed to get the drop on them. The first one she attacked, she extended her claws through the guy’s neck, and ripped his head off. As for her next attack. She spins around and uses her right hand to grab his groin area and extend her claws through everything. An evil smile had appeared on her face, when she does that.
The guy screams as her claws go into his bladder. She squeezes hard and retracts her claws. She tosses the man aside like he was nothing.
She looks at all the crew members “I’m here to help you. Don’t be afraid of my appearance.”
She changes forms, so she looks like Victoria from the musical CATS. She didn’t want to be naked in front of everyone. She looks at the officers that were down in the engine room “where is the Captain and First Mate?”
“They were taken to the bridge along with three others.” One of the Arabic men that had been secured had answered.
“Spirit, the captain, first mate, and several other crew members were taken to the bridge.”
“I’ll let the others know.” Spirit knew Stacy couldn’t tell them herself.
“Alright, I’m heading up towards the bridge.” Stacy changes forms and turn into a blue bird.
She flies out of the engine room and head towards the bridge area. She had to fly through a thick batch of smoke. Someone had set off a
grenade. She spots Dingo putting out a fire with his abilities. He had turned into a humanoid water person.
She spots Eclipse stacking several of the men they took out onto each other and securing them. She manages to fly out of the ship and up towards the bridge where she spots the crew members being guarded by four men. All the men were wearing the same type of clothing as the men she fought. Their faces were exposed.
“Spirit, there are four armed men up here. The hatches leading towards the bridge are secured. I’m going to see if I can get to them from inside.”
“Alright, be careful.” Spirit relays everything to the others.
Stacy finds a vent she can rip off and crawl through. As she crawls around inside the ducting. She thinks about what animal she could turn into to take the armed men out. The problem is, anything she turns into, could hurt the other people. She had to think of something that would buy her some time.
She manages to find a vent that led to bridge. She listens to the terrorists as they spoke. They were instructing the captain to take the ship to some area. Finally an idea hits her, she changes into a skunk and spray through the vent.
She could hear everyone coughing and gagging because of the spray. She springs from the vent and changes into a hybrid form again and start taking the terrorist out. She looks at the men she took down and walk over to the hatch and opens them to let the bridge air out.
“Spirit, tell everyone, that everything is good up here.”
“Alright, Stacy.” Spirit relays the message to everyone.
The next hour or so afterwards. Stacy is so tired from shape changing so much. That she was leaning against Dingo as they traveled to Hawaii. Their government agent had arranged for them to get some down time for all the hard work they have been doing these past three weeks.
Since the job in Charlotte, North Carolina. They have been busy handling jobs the military and police weren’t equipped to handle. Sure, the navy seals could had taken the ship back, but they managed to do it without anyone getting injured. Her abilities had been a big help for keeping the kill ratio down.
However, with her shifting as much as she has been doing. Her energy levels were low and she needed time to recover. She was sound asleep against Dingo’s shoulder.
Pollux and Eclipse look at Stacy as she slept. They saw how slow she was moving when they got onboard the helicopter that came out to pick them up. They travel towards the navy base, where they can get a government SUV.
“Here, I’ll carry her. Spirit, you drive the SUV. I don’t trust Dingo’s driving.” Pollux looks at Dingo when he says that.
“Ah, come on Pollux. I didn’t hit that jerk that pulled out in front of us.” Dingo gets in the back seat.
“You came close, Dingo.” Pollux lets his sister drives, while he held Stacy.
Dingo looks at Stacy and wonders why her abilities take so much from her. He could change his nature without any problems. He knew Spirit, Pollux, and Eclipse could uses their abilities without feeling like Stacy.
“Why does Stacy’s abilities take so much from her?” Dingo looks towards Pollux when he ask that question.
“Because unlike you, Dingo. Her ability changes her body into different animals. So, if that animal burns a lot of energy. She’ll suffer as well. Also, her energies allow her to grow or shrink to become the animal.”
“I forgot about that.” Dingo thought his power was unusual.
Spirit watches as the GPS unit in the SUV give them directions towards where they are going to be staying. He glances back towards Stacy and could feel her in his mind sound asleep. It’s weird how even when she wasn’t in her animal form. He could still feel her.
After about a half-n-hour later, they arrived at their destination. All of them look at the place. It was huge and had access to a beach.
“Alright, I can get some surfing done.” Dingo was happy about that.
Pollux carries Stacy inside the house. He locates a bedroom he can lay her down in. Once he is done with that, he goes and join the rest of the group.
Down On The Beach:
Stacy couldn’t believe that she allowed Beverly to talk her into wearing a thong bikini. She has never worn one before and couldn’t understand how a woman could tolerate having a thin piece of material riding between their ass cheeks. It felt like a major wedgie. Still, it did show off her cute tone ass.
She glances over towards Beverly and the swimsuit she was wearing barely covered her nipples or ass. She had the body of a Greek goddess.
“Cowabunga!!!!” Dingo was showing off his surfing skills.
Pollux was doing okay. He looked like a Greek god as well. He and Beverly outshined everyone on the team. Ahote Running Wolf a.k.a. Spirit, was enjoying the sunshine. He was wearing a pair of speedos like Pollux and Dingo. You could see all three men’s manhood bulging out of their swimsuits.
Dingo was enjoying himself. He felt at home on the waves and showing off. He didn’t have to worry about a drill sergeant yelling at him or telling him what to do.
“Stacy, when did your abilities first manifest themselves?” Beverly glances over toward Stacy.
Stacy turns her head to look at Beverly since she was lying on her stomach and letting her butt and back get tanned. She thinks back to when her abilities first manifested themselves.
“I was on my way home from school. The school I went to had some nasty bullies and one of them sic his dog on me. I started running and out of nowhere, my body started changing.” Stacy couldn’t forget that day.
“How long did it take you to change back?” Beverly knew Stacy was still learning about her abilities when she came to the base.
“Believe it or not. I was captured by the dog pound and put in a cage.” Stacy remembers scaring the person who came in to open the dog pound.
“I bet that took some explanation.”
“You don’t know the half of it. Not only had I changed back into a human being, but my gender had changed as well. I used to be a boy who used to have wet dreams about girls. Now I was one.” Stacy couldn’t believe that she changed.
“How did your parents deal with it?” Beverly remembered the reactions from her family when they discovered how she and her brother changed.
“My foster parents didn’t handle it too well. They thought a demon had taken over my body.”
“You had foster parents?” Beverly was surprised at that admission.
“Yep, I have no idea who my real parents are. I was given up as soon as I was born. Whoever my parents are, their names were never recorded on my birth certificate. All I know is the time, date, and place where I was delivered. No parents were listed on the hospital form.” Stacy found a copy of her birth certificate and contacted vital records for North Carolina.
She knew she was born in Sylva, North Carolina on May 15, 2007, at two in the morning. The lines where the parents were supposed to be listed were empty and no signature either. The only signature was the doctor’s and head nurse at the time.
“That’s too bad. Were you on good terms with your foster parents?” Beverly wonders why someone would do that to Stacy.
“Which ones? I was passed around from one foster home to another foster home. I must have lived with fifteen different families.” Stacy had wondered if there was something about her or if she did something wrong and was being punished.
“Fifteen different families?” Beverly was surprised at that.
“Yep, I went from one foster home to another without any explanation. Sometimes, I didn’t even have a chance to pack my things before I was whisked off. No one would tell me anything and kept me at arm’s length.”
“I’m sorry Stacy.” Beverly wanted to reach other and hold Stacy, but she couldn’t.
“It’s alright and thanks.” Stacy tries not to cry.
Around noon time, Spirit gets the barbecue going and puts on several racks of ribs. The freezer and refrigerator at the house they were staying at were stocked with food. He makes a nice sauce to cover the ribs.
Dingo lets out a loud belch. He smashes the can of beer he just finished and grabs another one.
“Dingo, was that necessary?” Stacy looks over at Dingo as he chugs down another beer.
“Necessary, no. Fun, yes.” Another loud belch comes out of his mouth.
Stacy shakes her head. She wonders where Dingo learned his manners and his love for surfing.
“Dingo, since the ribs Spirit is cooking won’t be ready for a while. How about you teaching me how to surf?” Stacy wanted to learn how to surf.
“Sounds like a plan. Grab a board and join me.” Dingo points to some boards that he has been using.
Stacy gets up and walks over to select one. They were pretty much the same, except two of them. Those were the ones Dingo liked using. She selects a long one and fastens the board to her ankle like she has observed Dingo doing. She turns to look at Dingo “Got one.”
“Good. Now follow me.” He grabs the board he has been using and runs out into the surf.
The rest of the group watches as Stacy and Dingo paddle out to where they can catch the waves. Dingo explains to Stacy how to stand up on her board. He knew Stacy had excellent balance, so that wouldn’t be the problem.
Once a wave comes, he explains to her how to catch it and ride it in. He demonstrates several times, before allowing her to catch one. Dingo watches as Stacy wipes out five times in a row, before catching her sixth wave and riding it in.
Pollux, Beverly, and even Spirit clap for her. They were impressed that Stacy managed to ride a wave in without wiping out. They watched as she turned around and headed back out to join Dingo.
By the time the ribs were ready to eat. Stacy had managed to ride several waves in. She almost lost her thong bottom several times but managed to keep them from sliding off her body.
Everyone sits around a campfire that Pollux had made and enjoys the ribs and beer. Stacy was wasted after drinking two beers. She leans against Beverly as she eats the ribs.
“Well, we know Stacy is a lightweight.” Dingo was working his way through a pack of beer.
“Dingo, how do you manage to drink so much, without getting wasted?” Spirit looks at Dingo when he asks that question.
Dingo lets out another loud belch, before answering. He looks at Spirit with a smirk on his face.
“High tolerances. I’ve been drinking beer since I was fourteen years old. My old man introduced me to my first beer. Now that I’m a superhero, but my tolerance has increased. Hell, I bet I could turn into beer.”
“Ewe! Don’t you dare.” Stacy looks at Dingo while slurring her words.
“Stacy, you are so wasted right now. I bet Spirit is getting a headache from you broadcasting your thoughts and feelings to him.” Dingo looks over towards Spirit.
Spirit notices Dingo looking at him “I’m blocking her. As soon as I felt her distorted thoughts, I blocked them.”
There were times Spirit didn’t feel like experiencing what Stacy was feeling. That included when she had her period, which he knew was the same time as Beverly’s. Stacy’s body had synced to Beverly’s since she was the more dominant of the two women.
Stacy looks at Spirit with a drunken look on her face “ssoorry, sspirit.”
Spirit just shakes his head. He felt sorry for Stacy when she got up in the morning. All of them had decided to sleep outside on the beach. Stacy passes out first as Pollux builds the fire up.
Dingo passes out after a few more beers. Spirit arranges himself and goes into a meditated state. The twins watch everyone as they lay back and enjoy the sound of the waves as they crash against the shore. Beverly wonders what their next adventure will be.
“Ouch! That hurt Spirit.” Stacy looks up at Spirit as she stands up.
They were outside on the beach practicing hand-to-hand combat. She was too fragile to practice with Beverly and Pollux. So, she had teamed up with Spirit to practice with him. Dingo was practicing with them as well.
They had been informed by agent Smith, that they were given two weeks off. While they were on their vacation, they were to put in several hours of training. Since she was the weakest on their team, she had to train harder.
Pollux found out that they worked for the Omega Department. While Agent Smith was visiting them. Pollux wanted to know what government department they answered to. The information Pollux found out that they had broad authority in a situation. Meaning that they were allowed to take whatever action was needed to complete the assignment.
Beverly and Spirit didn’t like the fact that meant they could kill whoever the group was sent after. Sure, things like that happen during a mission. But that also meant the department could give them assassination orders. Which was something they didn’t feel comfortable with.
“It’s a good thing I can become whatever I want.” Dingo had become a sand person. So, no matter what physical force was used against him. It didn’t affect him.
“That’s cheating, Dingo.” Stacy looks at Dingo when she says that.
“Hey, it’s all fair, in love and war.” A huge smile appears on his face.
“The thing is Dingo. When you change into a substance that can be dispersed. Expect the unexpected.” Spirit tosses a concussion grenade at Dingo.
The grenade lands inside Dingo’s sand body and explodes sending sand everywhere. Stacy starts coughing as the sand lands on her “Eww! Why did you do that, Spirit?” She looks at Spirit with a disgusted look on her face.
“To prove a point.” Spirit spots the sand pulling itself back together.
“Still, it’s gotten into places sand shouldn’t be.” Stacy hated it when she got sand down her top and in her bottom.
“I can only imagine, how inconvenient it is.” Spirit knew how sand could be, but it had to be worse for a woman.
“You don’t know the half of it, Spirit.” Stacy spots Dingo reforming.
Dingo pulls himself together and looks over at Spirit. He was upset that Spirit used a grenade to blow him apart.
“That hurt.” Dingo looks at Spirit with a mad look on his face.
“Good, now let’s get back to practicing.” Spirit was going to make sure Dingo and Stacy were trained properly.
A few hours later. Stacy is standing under the shower head, letting the water cascade down her body. She never dreamed that she would be a girl. She always dreamed about finding a girl, but never thought she would be one.
There are certain things she does like about being a girl. One of them is when she is washing her breasts and getting a tingling sensation from it. Or, when she washes down between her legs and her finger slips inside of her vagina. She discovered with Beverly’s help how to please herself.
Beverly had to explain what she was feeling when she fingered herself. She plays with herself while in the shower and after having several orgasms. She falls to the floor panting and exhausted, but feeling good.
She gets out of the shower and dries off. She puts on a pair of clean panties and a sundress. They were going out to dinner tonight, instead of staying in and cooking.
Stacy meets the others in the living room. She looks at them and notices how they are dressed. Pollux and his twin sister Beverly put all of them to shame. As for Dingo, he was dressed in your typical surfer attire. Spirit, on the other hand, was embracing the time off.
“Who’s driving?” Stacy looks at everyone.
“I’ll drive.” Dingo was ready to drink.
“Oh no, Dingo. We want to live to see tomorrow. I’ll drive this time around.” Beverly was going to give her brother and Spirit a break.
Beverly drives them into town and they stop at a nice high-end restaurant. As everyone exits from the SUV they took.
“Man, what are we doing here? Couldn’t we have gone to a burger joint or something?” Dingo felt out of place at a high-end restaurant.
“Stop complaining, Dingo. It’s on the government.” A smile appears on Beverly's face.
“Still, places like this make me uncomfortable.” Dingo hated high-end places.
“Well, let’s go inside and enjoy a high-class meal on the government.” Pollux leads everyone inside.
“How’s Stacy doing, Beverly?” Pollux looks over towards his sister.
“She’s lost too much blood.” Beverly looks down at the wound Stacy had received during combat with some pirates.
They were drifting around out on the Pacific Ocean in a leaking raft. The cargo ship they had been dropped onto and given orders to free the crew from a group of pirates had been trapped. They had been lured into the ship to a confined room. When Pollux used his strength to open the door, an explosion had gone off.
Stacy had been standing near Beverly when the explosion went off. She got hit by a piece of shrapnel that took her out. The explosion disoriented Dingo and Spirit. The explosion didn’t affect Beverly or Pollux, but they were forced to protect the others while Spirit tried to fire his arrows at the pirates.
When they got to the top side, the pirates set off several more explosives—sending them and several of the cargo containers into the ocean. They were lucky that a nearby life raft container was blown away from the ship.
Dingo used his ability to turn into a massive tidal wave and wash over the cargo ship. His wave sent several containers into the ocean, along with several pirates. However, the pirates still onboard the ship fired at them and damaged the life raft.
Pollux looks towards Spirit, who wasn’t looking too good, “can you tell where we are?”
“Out in the middle of nowhere. Without Stacy’s help, I can’t get a location.” Spirit was having difficulty concentrating because of the pain he was feeling from Stacy through their link.
“Dingo, can you do anything to help Spirit? We need to get medical help for Stacy.” Beverly was holding Stacy in her arms.
Dingo was feeling exhausted from being a tidal wave. He looked over towards Stacy and saw she wasn’t looking too good.
“I’ll try.” He moves to the back of the raft, turns the bottom half of his body into wind, and pushes the raft.
After half an hour, Spirit spots a naval vessel off in the distance. He notices they are slowing down.
“Dingo, can you make it to that navy vessel?” Spirit points in the direction of the naval vessel.
“I’ll give it all I can.” Dingo noticed they were taking water on. He channels some air into the raft to keep them afloat.
Dingo was starting to slow down. His body was weakening, and when they were just half a mile from the navy aircraft carrier, he turned back to human.
“I’m sorry, guys, I just don’t have the energy left in me.” Dingo was panting hard.
“You did fine, Dingo.” Spirit noticed that the aircraft carrier had seen them and was sending a helicopter out to them.
The helicopter hovers over them and lowers a basket for Stacy. Once she was lifted up into the helicopter. Harnesses are reduced for everyone else and lifted into the helicopter.
Stacy is rushed to the sick bay to be operated on. Spirit and Dingo follow behind her. Pollux requested to meet with the captain so he could see if they could help recapture the cargo vessel that got away from them.
Several hours later, Stacy wakes up and finds herself in some medical bay. She had monitors connected to her and an IV connected to her arm. She was still feeling tired and closed her eyes again to fall back asleep.
Dingo was passed out and snoring up a storm. Spirit was bandaged up and asleep as well. Pollux and Beverly were resting. They didn’t need to sleep as much as everyone else.
“How is Stacy doing?” Pollux knew Beverly was being kept informed about Stacy.
“She’s out of danger, but she’s going to need to take it easy for a few weeks.” Beverly looks at her brother.
“I can’t believe they tricked us.” Pollux had been surprised that the hatch had been boopy-trapped.
“Word is probably getting around about us. So, terrorists and pirates will be more prepared when we show up.” Beverly knew sooner or later word was going to get out.
“I guess we're going to need to train harder.”
“Or, let Stacy use her animal abilities to sniff for explosives. After all, she can turn into any animal.” Beverly knew they had the perfect bomb-sniffing person.
“Yeah, you're right.” Pollux hated to admit his sister was right.
For the next few days, they are guest aboard the aircraft carrier. When Dingo feels better, he chows down to replenish his lost calories while using his abilities. A plane resembling something out of Hunger Games lands on the aircraft carrier.
The group is informed that the aircraft was for them. Pollux and Beverly wonder who sent the strange hovercraft. Pollux boards first and notices that there were two pilots.
“Who sent you?”
“We’ve been assigned to your group. From now on, either I or my co-pilot will be coming to pick you guys up.” Fred looks at the guy they called Pollux.
He had to agree with the description he got of the fellow. When he sees the one named Eclipse, he has to agree she is a royal knockout.
Pollux turns around to help Beverly with Stacy. She was still moving a little slowly. He helps Stacy over to one of the jumpseats.
“Easy, Stacy.” Beverly makes sure Stacy is comfortable.
Stacy looks at Beverly as a goofy smile appears on her face. She was still pumped full of drugs. The navy doctor told her she must take it easy for the next few weeks.
Dingo saw the goofy look on Stacy’s face. Oh, how he wanted to tease her so much. Instead, he sits down next to her and looks at Beverly. “I’ll look out for her, Beverly.”
“Okay, and ensure she doesn’t fall out of her seat.”
Beach House:
When Pollux, Beverly, Dingo, and Ahote arrived back at the beach house. They are surprised to see a teenage-looking Asian woman with short
white hair and eyebrows inside their place. Pollux looks at her. “who are you?”
“You must be Pollux, and I’m your new housekeeper, Tina.”
“Housekeeper? Why would we need a housekeeper?” Dingo looks at the young woman.
“Your handler felt you guys could use a housekeeper, and he was right. When I arrived, this place was a mess.” Tina couldn’t believe how bad the place looked when she showed up.
“We had to leave in a hurry. A person named Gateway opened a portal in the doorway and came through it.” Tina has encountered Gateway a few times. She could open a portal to anywhere.
“I need to get Stacy here to her bedroom.” Beverly was supporting Stacy.
“Here, let me help you with Stacy.” Tina walks over to help Beverly with Stacy.
The guys watch as Beverly and Tina escort Stacy upstairs to her bedroom. They wonder what Tina’s true purpose was for being here.
“I’m getting a beer.” Dingo walks into the kitchen and grabs a beer out of the refrigerator. He notices the frig has been restocked.
He turns to face Pollux and Ahote. “hey guys, everything has been restocked while we were away.”
“You got to be kidding, Dingo.” Pollux walks over to the frig and checks for himself.
He opens the door and notices the frig has been stocked with everything they liked. That included the condiments, fresh brew iced tea, and everything needed to make breakfast and sandwiches.
Ahota/Spirit checked the pantry and the cabinets and noticed they were also full. Beverly and Stacy were supposed to go shopping tomorrow, but now they didn’t have to. He grabs his favorite glass and fills it up with coconut milk. He liked coconut milk when it was cold.
After a few minutes, Beverly comes back downstairs and into the kitchen. She grabs a glass from the cabinet and walks to the refrigerator to pour herself a sweet tea. She is surprised to see the frig stocked with food.
“Who stocked the frig?” She turns around with the pitcher of iced tea in her hand.
“We’re betting it was our new housekeeper.” Spirit figures while they were on the aircraft carrier, this Tina person went shopping.
“Okay, I can see an advantage of having a housekeeper now.” Beverly puts the pitcher back after pouring herself a glass.
“So, what are the rest you guys going to do now?” Beverly looks at Dingo, her brother, and Spirit for an answer.
“I’m going to go and catch a few waves. See you guys.” Dingo crashes the beer can and sprints out of the house to do some surfing.
“I’m going to my room and catch a nap.” Spirit was feeling a little tired. He didn’t know if it was his body, he was feeling or Stacy’s.
“I think I’ll join Dingo down on the beach.” Pollux walks out of the back door to join Dingo.
Beverly heads for the library and chooses a nice book to curl up with. She walks over to the lounger in the room and makes herself comfortable.
When Tina comes back downstairs after making sure Stacy is okay. She notices everyone has left the kitchen.
“At least they didn’t leave a mess.” Tina turns and goes about finishing the laundry.
She couldn’t believe how simple Dingo’s laundry was. He must have more shorts, briefs, and underwear she has seen. He had a collection of
simple clothing.
Pollux and Spirit had a larger collection of clothes. Just as Stacy and Beverly do, she notices that Stacy’s clothes are meant for teenage girls, whereas Beverly’s are meant for more mature women. She figures Beverly has to have her clothes custom-made because she is well-developed.
When Marshal Jenkins approached her and asked her to be their housekeeper, she wasn’t sure she wanted to after the last assignment she did for the CIA. She was looking forward to retirement when the accident happened that turned her into how she looked now. She knew the doctors who examined her wanted to see how the water she was exposed to managed to rejuvenate her body.
She went from being fifty-five years old to being in her late teens now, looking different than she did before. Whatever was in that water she fell into after the explosion changed her genetic makeup.
When the agency's medical and scientific experts took samples to study the substance, they couldn’t identify half of what it was made of. Even the blood samples they took from her didn’t help them much. Whatever it was, it was stumping their best people.
Tina finished the laundry, took it upstairs, and left it on every team member's bed except Stacy’s, who was sound asleep. Beverly had shown her the medical report the doctor on the aircraft carrier had sent back with her. She’ll have to scan it into the computer system.
Tina walks back into the kitchen and starts getting dinner ready for later. She puts the crock pot on low and lets it cook. Afterward, she enters the home office and scans Stacy’s medical file into the system.
After she finishes scanning the file, she destroys the hard copy. Since the document she scanned into the system was secured on an encrypted cloud account, it was protected with the same care as all the other information the government collected and stored there.
Afterward, she sends in the expense report, and all the other reports the Marshal service needed for this group. Even though they fell under the Omega department, the US Marshal department handled all their items, including allocating money to pay for the expenses of the house and such.
She turns the outside hidden cameras on and locates Dingo and Pollux down on the property's private beach. She leaves the cameras on as she exits from the office. While the food was cooking, Tina did some light dusting.
Around seven in the evening, Pollux and dingo come back to the house. Pollux could still do some surfing, but Dingo was worned out from the waves. Plus, he wanted something to wash the taste of salt water out of his mouth and that meant beer.
“Man, those waves are getting rough.” Dingo grabs a bottle of beer from the frig.
“Hand me one of those, Dingo.” Pollux looks over at Dingo.
“Sure thing.” As Dingo grabs a second bottle.
“I thought with your ability, you would love the rough waves?” Pollux accepts the bottle of beer from Dingo.
“I do, and believe me, I love surfing them. But, after a while, it became too much for me.” Dingo takes a swig from his beer bottle.
“I can understand that.”
Tina comes walking into the kitchen and spots Dingo and Pollux drinking beer. She walks over to the crock pot and check the stew she was fixing and notices it was ready.
“I hope you guys are hungry, because I made a big pot of stew.” Tina grabs a bowl and scoops some stew out for Stacy.
She fills the bowl up and grabs a tray to put it, a glass of iced tea, and some bread on it. She looks over towards the guy “help yourself.”
On the way up to Stacy’s bedroom, Tina stops in the library to let Beverly know food was ready. She also let’s Spirit know as well. She knocks on Stacy’s bedroom door and enters. She pots Stacy still asleep, as she walks over to her bed. She sets the tray near the bed and gently wake Stacy.
Stacy opens her eyes and spot Tina standing near her bed. She rubs the sleep from her eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, Stacy. I brought you something to eat. Your doctor said you need to eat four meals a day to get the calories you need back.”
“Okay.” Stacy slowly sits up so she could eat.
Tina sets the tray across Stacy’s lap. She looks at the young girl ‘this should help rebuild your strength.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, go ahead and eat.” Tina turns and leave the bedroom.
Stacy picks the spoon up and start eating the stew.
Stacy was doing better after resting for a few days and doing minor excerise. Tina and Beverly took charge of making sure she was getting enough snacks and eating four times a day to build her calories back up. Also, they were double checking the wound the doctor had closed up.
Tina changed the dressing every few days. She monitored how much Stacy moved around and how hard she pushed herself. A few cases came in the guys were sent to handle, while she was recovering.
Dingo told her about the latest case they had been sent to. The person was like the guy from the telveison series The Boys. The guy they had to take down was like the character Homelander from the show and had gone berserk.
It took the combine strength of Spartan and Eclipse to secure him, while Spirit put him out. The guy was like a weaker Superman, but had abilities similar to him. Dingo felt outclass by the guy.
“Did he hurt you?” Stacy looks at Dingo and notices he was nurseing his right shoulder.
“He grabbed me before I could change form and slung me like I was nothing.” Dingo couldn’t believe how far the prick had slung him.
“If he was as strong at Pollux and Beverly, he probably would had snapped me in half.”
“Not if you were in your dragon form. You could had sat on him and kept him pinned. I don’t know where these super power people are coming from.” Dingo grabs a beer and downs it in no time.
“You don’t think they are being manufactured, do you?” Stacy wonders if someone was behind the increase of superpower people.
In the last two weeks since they have been back and while she has been recovering. The others have been sent on missions involving superpower people.
“I don’t know. Beverly and Pollux think so. Spirit isn’t sure, but he’s not ruling it out.” Dingo even had doubts of his own.
“The question is why? Why would you created people with superpowers?”
“Why build dangerous weapons like nukes and such?” Tina had walked in while Dingo and Stacy had been talking.
She looks at her two charges. She had been exposed to a strange water that changed her.
“At the time, it was a necessary evil. We were at war with Japan and Germany.” Stacy had study history in school.
“But were not at war now. So, why create superpower people?” Tina watches their reaction.
“Because they feel threaten by other nations having their own superpower people.” Stacy looks at Tina when she says that.
“Exactly. If one nation has superpower people who are willing to serve their nation. Then they would want to have their own people to do the same.”
“Cause and effect. If one person has a gun, then his neighbor would feel left out. So, what does he do? He goes out and buys a gun too.” Beverly comes walking into the room.
“But that still doesn’t answer, how are they making them? It’s not like everyone carries the special gene that gives us, our abilities. Isn’t that
what Lt. Lake said about us?” Stacy asked why she had abilities when she first came to the government training center.
“True, he did say that all of us carry a special gene sequence in our DNA.” Beverly remembered Lt. Lake mentioning that.
“But, could they duplicate that process in another person?” Tina was curious.
“You mean with using our DNA?” Beverly looks at Tina when she says that.
“So, you think that the government took samples of our DNA and managed to come up with a way to duplicate it in other people?” Dingo looks at Tina to see what she thought.
“It’s possible. It’s also possible that they have already have figured it out and tested it out on your parents.” Tina had watched a cartoon called Project Hero and they had tested a drug on normal people and it carried over to their off-spring.
“It’s possible, but why help train us?” Beverly was curious about that.
“Who knows. It’s just something to think about.” Tina turns to check on the laundry she was doing.
“I don’t know.” Stacy was thinking about Tina’s words.
“Well, next time we go on a mission to apprehend the bad guy. Maybe we can ask them.” Dingo would like to get to the bottom of the problem.
“Sounds like a plan. Come on Stacy, you need to exercise some.” Beverly had a workout schedule for Stacy.
“Here’s comes the pain.” Stacy follows Pollux down to the gym.
An evil smile appears on Beverly’s face as she leads Stacy down to the gym. She starts Stacy off easy and then gets into what she has planned for her. She puts Stacy through a tough and painful exercise regiment.
Stacy liked what Beverly was doing at first, but when Beverly started increasing what she had to do and putting her on exercise equipment she has a hard time with. She knew Beverly wasn’t playing any more. The wound she received started hurting, but she expected that to happen. As long as it didn’t split open, she was fine wih it.
For the next two and a half hours, Beverly puts Stacy through a tough regiment. By the time Beverly calls it quits, she notices poor Stacy unable to move. She looks at Stacy “do I need to carry you to the ice baths?”
“Yes, I can barely move.” Stacy had to use one of the machines to help her stand up.
Beverly helps Stacy to the recovery room and put Stacy into the ice bath. She watches as Stacy grits her teeth as she is lowered into the icy water.
“God! This is freaking cold.” Stacy lips were turning blue as Beverly lowered her into the water.
Beverly just smirks as she watches Stacy shiver in the water. She hated the cold water as well. Mainly because her nipples became extremely hard when they are exposed to cold air or ice.
She notices Stacy’s nipples doing the same thing hers did. She smiles as she watches Stacy try to relax in the ice water. She can’t leave her in the water for long.
Stacy felt her nipples become extremely hard from the cold water hitting them. She felt them as they harden from the cold and she noticed Beverly smirking at her. Her nipples were smaller then Beverly’s. Beverly’s were more like bullets, where hers were more like pebbles.
Through chattering teeth “how long do I have to stay in here?”
“Fifteen minutes. Any longer and you’ll be in trouble.” Beverly was watching the clock in the recovery room.
Stacy tried to put the cold out of her mind. Spirit had taught her how to do mind over matter. To think of something else, while her body went through trauma and such. She closes her eyes and try to do what Spirit taught her.
Beverly watches as Stacy tries the technique Spirit taught all of them. For her and Pollux it didn’t really work that well. Their bodies could with stand a lot of damage. She knew for Stacy and Dingo, it was a good technique for them to learn.
Beverly carefully watches the clock and when it reaches fifteen minutes, she helps Stacy out of the ice bath. She helps Stacy to the showers and set the temp to a warm temperature. They had a electronic temperature control unit that you could set the temperature you wanted.
Stacy steps under the warm water and let it cascade over her slim, child like body. A low purr escapes from her lips as the warm water, heated up her body. After Stacy was warm again, she gets dressed.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better.” Stacy felt better after the workout and the ice bath.
“Good, let’s go and grab some lunch.”
“Sounds good to me.” Stacy follows Beverly back upstairs and into the kitchen.
Tina makes both woman a taco salad for lunch. She was in the process of making burgers for Pollux, Dingo, and Spirit.
Belize, Central America:
A woman with short black hair wearing a white lab coat holding a tablet in her hands records the readout on the displays in front of her. Six cylinders look like something from the movie Star Wars in front of her. Each cylinder had a person floating inside of it. Four of them held males and the other two had females floating naked inside the clear liquid in the cylinders.
“How are our clients Doctor Powers?” An older bald gentleman comes walking over to the woman.
“They're doing good, Mr. Coldwell.” Doctor Powers turns to look at her financial backer.
The de-aging agent she discovered had restored thirty years to Mr. Coldwell. When she first met him, he was in a wheelchair suffering from muscular dystrophy. He had heard about her research into restoring a person's health. He promised her all the money she would need to research a lot of things she was restricted from doing.
“I’m happy to hear that. The strike team has been sent to retrieve our captured people. I think they will need an upgrade to their abilities.” Mr. Coldwell looks toward the other customers in front of them.
“It’s not their abilities that failed them, Mr. Coldwell. It’s their lack of training. The government agents that took them down, were highly trained.” Dr. Powers saw the video footage of the team taken down.
“Well, after they get back here and are healed from their injuries. Increase their training. I want Pollocks to train them until they can’t stand anymore. I also want it done daily.” Mr. Coldwell didn’t like the investment he had involved in these people being wasted.
“Yes, sir.” Dr. Powers makes some adjustments to the control panels on one of the cylinders.
Undisclosed Location:
The villains that Dingo, Spirit, Eclipse, and Spartan took down were being transported on an unmarked plane. The plane looked like any cargo transport plane you would find at any airport. Two figures dressed all in black suddenly appear and take out the four guards assigned to watch over the prisoners. The two figures move about releasing the prisoner's restraints and the hi-tech collars going around the people’s necks.
The one known as Hardcase looks at the two people who rescued them. He wanted revenge on the team that took him and his people down. He was supposed to be the strongest among his people, but they took him down by working together. He especially wanted to hurt the one named Spartan and the one named Dingo. Spartan, because he managed to subdue him and the one named Dingo, because the punk criticized and teased him.
“How are we getting out of here?”
One of the guys in black grabs Hardcase and his teammate and reappears on their transport plane. The second person dressed in black appears with the other members of Hardcase’s team. The next thing everyone feels is the plane they are in shaking.
“Pop goes the weasel!” Jerry smiles as the plane they had been in explodes.
“Did you have to do that, Boom, Boom?” Clark looks at his teammate.
“No one likes pigs and I didn’t like how they treated us.” Christopher Aka Boom Boom hated cops and hated that he couldn’t use his abilities.
Hardcase looks at the two men who rescued him and his people. He knew that Dr. Powers had given a set of twins the ability to teleport people.
“Where are we heading?” He looks at the twins for an answer.
“Where do you think, mate?”
Hardcase turns around when he hears the English accent voice. He had a feeling he knew that voice. He spots a person wearing an outfit similar in design to Captain America. Except he had the Union Jack flag design.
“Jack, where the hell were you?” As Hardcase looks at his old friend.
“Taking care of my assignment. How in the hell did you and the kids get captured?” Jack knew Hardcase was hard to take out.
“I lost to a bunch of government agents.” Hardcase couldn’t believe he and his team lost.
“So, you got your ass beat by a bunch of yanks. Well, maybe next time you won’t go easy on them.”
“Easy? Hell, Jack. They have one person among them who can turn into any substance he touches or comes in contact with. Then you had two people who were just as built and strong as Hardcase. The two of them were more of a match for Hardcase.” Fast Track couldn’t believe the three people.
“Don’t forget the Native American warrior and his damn wolf. No matter what technique I used against him. He managed to counter my move and threw me around like I was nothing.” Dragon couldn’t believe how good of a warrior he was.
“You think his fighting style was unique. You should feel what he did with those damn tomahawks he used. I have cuts all over my body.” Mantis had cuts all over her body from getting cut by the black axes.
The twins were standing nearby listening to the others. They figured that either Dr. Powers was going to modify them again or maybe increase the other teams' training. They knew the guy who supported their modifications didn’t like failure.
“Well, mate. Just be ready to get your asses chew out by the boss. I have a feeling he is going to increase your training and get you ready for a rematch against them.” Jack knew the team was in for a rough time.
“Are you going to be joining us for the rematch?” Hardcase Looks at Jack.
“Maybe. You know the boss only uses me and the boys when it's necessary.” Jack and three other members of his team were enhanced
physically to human perfection.
The serum they were given turned them into super soldiers. The only ones with abilities were the twins. The twins already had the ability, it took Dr. Powers messing with their genes to activate it.
After a few hours of flying and avoiding different government radar systems. They finally arrive back at their base in Belize.
“Home Sweet Home, gents.” As the rear cargo door opens.
Hardcase turns and starts walking out of the back of their specially designed transport. Mr. Coldwell had several aircraft like this secretly built for different missions. He glances back to make sure his team is following him.
Federal Penitentiary, Maximum Security, Undisclosed Location:
“WATCH OUT, Spirit!” Stacy swoops down in her dragon form to block a flame attack against Spirit.
She blocks the burst of flames coming towards Spirit. Her dragon body was immune to the flames. She turns her head and breathes towards the person, shooting flames toward Spirit. A strong burst of ice emerges, covering the person in a thick ice block.
Her body shakes as a muscular guy carrying some strange weapon fires at her. She could feel the impact of whatever he was firing at her. It wasn’t penetrating her dragon scale. She turned her head towards him and let loose with a jet of ice.
“Thanks, Stacy. How much longer can you remain in that form?” Spirit knew large forms took a toll on Stacy’s body.
“Not much longer. If Dingo can take that creep out shooting at me. I can change into something smaller.” Stacy couldn’t risk transforming why under attack.
“I got him. Lift your wing.” Spirit notches an arrow and aims towards the guy.
Stacy lifted her wing as Spirit fired an arrow at the person. The arrow goes right into the person's right shoulder. A second arrow follows the first one and hits the left shoulder. She watches as the guy drops the strange weapon he was using.
“Thanks.” Stacy changed from her dragon form into a horse and felt Spirit jump onto her back.
She gallops towards another trouble marker that had escaped from his specialized cell. The cells were designed to neutralize a person with power. However, someone turned the cells off, and the prisoners inside escaped.
She jumped over an overturned table and felt Spirit jump off her back into an escaped prisoner. She turns around and kicks backward into a prisoner with her hind legs. She got a shock from him when her hooves connected with the person.
The next thing Stacy knew, she, several prisoners, and her teammates went flying. She tries to keep from getting impaled on an upside-down chair. She changes shape in midair and flies upward.
She looked where the explosion had occurred and spotted a man wearing some body armor with glowing hands standing in the middle of the area. She was hovering nearby.
“Hello, blokes. Did you miss us?” Boom Boom had a snide look on his face.
Stacy watched as several more people appeared from an open door. It was like someone had cut the area and made a door. It wasn’t like the portals they used last time. It was more like something out of Beetlejuice or something.
“Guys, we have problems.” Stacy relays what she is seeing to Spirit.
Eclipse spots the people they fought before appearing from some strange door. It was like someone had cut a doorway into reality.
“Not you guys again.” Eclipse blocks a blow to her face by one of the escaped convicts.
Eclipse thought the people they subdued last time were safely tucked away in a nice prison somewhere. Not only did they have these escape convicts to deal with, but the people they fought before as well.
“Stacy, be careful. These guys seem to be trained better than before.” Eclipse blocks and is attacked by two identical-looking people.
“Okay.” Stacy turns into a tiger and takes down one of the convicts, trying to sneak up on Spirit.
She noticed Spirit facing off with a person who looked like a martial arts expert. She knew she would get her ass handed to her by the person. Spirit was an excellent hand-to-hand fighter.
Stacy turned into a gorilla and started pounding on two convicts. She was trying to keep the convict's attention while the rest of her team
concentrated on their former foes. She feels something hit her side, and the next thing she knows. She flew sideways into a concrete wall.
She looks over towards the guy who hit her with an explosive ball. She gives him the middle finger as she picks up a steel table and tosses it at him. She watches as he intercepts it with one of his explosive balls.
The explosion sends it back towards her. She swats it aside with her right arm and pounds her chest.
“Come on, monkey, let's see how strong you are.” Boom Boom was smirking at the gorilla.
Stacy started charging towards him just before she reached him. She changes into a porcupine and shoots him with her quills. A smirk appears on her face as he gets hit with many of them.
Stacy watched the guy as he tried to locate her. She moves quickly as he throws an energy ball towards her. She goes flying as the energy ball explodes behind her. This guy was pissing her off.
“Come on, little critter. Let’s see your pretty face.” Boom Boom had another explosive ball in his hand.
Stacy turned into a mystical Salamandra and breathed fire towards him. She makes sure he gets the full effects of her flames.
Boom Boom screams as a huge jet of flames engulfs him. He wasn’t expecting the girl he had been fighting to turn into something that generated fire. He tries to put the flames out, but is unable to.
Stacy spots another one of those figures going after Dingo wearing the same type of body armor. She watches him grab a metal table leg and turn it into the same substance as the metal. A smile appears on her lizard-like face as she watches the person hit Dingo. The person starts shaking his hand after hitting Dingo.
A smile appears on Dingo’s face when the person who tried punching him hurts his fist. He taps his chin, daring the guy to hit him again. He watches as the guy looks around for something to hit Dingo with.
“Dingo, stop playing with him.” As Stacy breathes fire towards him.
The guy tries dodging out of the way but is caught by the flames. His body armor catches fire as he tries to put the flames out.
“You’re no fun, Stacy.” Dingo punches the guy harder than normal and knocks him out.
“Yeah, I’m a real lizard about things.” As she sticks her fork tongue out.
A smirk appears on Dingo’s face as he looks toward Spartan and Eclipse to see how they are doing. He spots them pounding away on that one guy who was a Superman wannabe.
“Looks like our fearless leaders have everything in hand.” A smirk appears on Dingo’s face.
Hardcase was having difficulty defending himself against the same two people again. He waits until both of them come at him and uses his special gift.
“ENOUGH!” A burst of energy erupts from him, hitting everyone coming towards him and below him.
Spartan and Eclipse get sent flying backwards towards the concrete floor from the force of the burst. Tears come to their eyes as the kinetic energy hits them hard.
Energy erupts all around Hardcase, affecting everyone within its radius. The kinetic release of some much-concentrated energy affects everyone. Good guys and bad guys are hammered by the energy.
Spartan and Eclipse are even affected by the energy. They look over towards their teammates and notice that Dingo was a puddle of water. Stacy was being pressed down in salamander form. Spirit and several others were flattened as well. The only person that was still standing, was some sort of rock creature that was still in his cell and Hardcase floating above them.
Hardcase looks down at everyone below him and smiles. This is where everyone deserved to be kneeling at his feet. He slowly lowers and lands a few feet from Spartan and Eclipse. His eyes were still glowing.
Stacy tries to think of a creature that isn’t affected by heavy gravity. She knew no normal Earth animal would work. So, she thinks about a mystical creature or Sci-Fi creature that would work.
A creature pops into her head. Her body starts to change into a blob like creature. This was the first time she has ever been turned into a creature like this before. She starts moving over towards Hardcase.
Hardcase looks over towards the huge jelly like creature moving towards him. At first he is stunned, because he couldn't believe what he was seeing. A smile appears on his face “you think you can affect me in that form?”
Stacy doesn’t even respond as she stretches her jelly like body and cover Hardcase. She feels him punching her jelly body, but not penetrating. She squeezes her body to try to cause this guy to pass out. Just as she completely covers the guy. Her jelly body explodes, sending pieces everywhere.
Hardcase stumbles around as he tries to clear his head from the explosion. He had pieces of the jelly creature covering his body.
“Take that you, Wanker!” Boom Boom looks at the jelly like creature as pieces of it start pulling itself together.
Hardcase stands up and before he can react. He is sent flying from a punch from Spartan. Dingo resume his human form and grabs a metal table leg. His body starts changing into the material.
The other criminals that had been in jail and set free start fleeing. Boom Boom stands up and looks at the metal guy standing in front of him.
“Come on bloke, let’s dance.” As he starts channeling his energies to his hands.
A smirk appears on Dingo’s face as he punches Boom Boom. Just as his fist connects to Boom Booms face. Boom Boom connects with his metal body.
There is a large explosion as both men knock each other out. The force of the explosion causes a shockwave, knocking other criminals and people out. The only people not affected by the shock wave is Spirit, Spartan, and Eclipse.
Spirit quickly throws his tomahawk at Hardcase, distracting him from the punch coming from Spartan and Eclipse. Both of their fists connect with Hardcase’s face. He goes flying backwards through several reinforce walls.
Spartan and Eclipse don’t let up on him as they punch him again and again. They continue until they are outside in the exercise yard. Once they are outside, the twins cut loose on Hardcase.
Stacy finally pulls herself together and turn back into her human form. She looks over towards Dingo “now I know how you feel when you are blown apart.” She was hurting all over.
“How are you feeling?” Dingo walks over to Stacy to help her stand up.
“I’m going to need to rest for twenty-four hours. I can’t change forms right now. That last form took everything out of me.”
“How did you come up with that form?” Dingo was curious how Stacy came up with that form.
“I don’t know. I think its from some cartoon I watched when I was younger.” Stacy couldn’t remember where she saw that creature before.
“Can you help me securing these other criminals?” As Dingo helps Stacy stand up.
“As long as I don’t have to change forms, I’ll be fine.” Stacy manages to stand up on wobbly legs. She was feeling sore and tired.
Between Dingo, Stacy, and Spirit, they manage to secure the other criminals. Spirit injects a seductive into Boom Boom to keep him from forming those explosive energy balls of his. Boom Boom was already unconscious from the blow he delivered to the crook.
Every once in a while, the walls would shake, as dust fell from the drop ceiling that remained. Stacy looks over towards the hole that Spartan and Eclipse made when they sent Hardcase through the wall.
“I wonder how they are doing outside?” Stacy was concerned after the effects of that last ability Hardcase used on them.
“Knowing the twins, they are probably giving that crook a beating.” Dingo knew how strong the twins were.
“Don’t worry, Stacy. Eclipse and Spartan won’t lose this round.” Spirit had a feeling the twins will end up victorious.
It takes some time for Spirit, Dingo, and Stacy to secure everyone. While they had been working, the prison guards that were still alive were removing and helping their comrades that survived. Some of the guards were in bad shape and needed medical attention.
Spartan and Eclipse drag Hardcase unconscious body to where the others were. Eclipse’s uniform was in terrible shape and one of her breasts were hanging out. The other side barely had enough material left to cover her other breast. She had a black eye and blood leaking form the corner of her mouth.
Spartan wasn’t looking any better. His uniform was torn and there were deep bloody welts. It looked like something with a huge claw had run its claws down his chest. Half his face was bloody as well. It looked like it was swollen, and his left eye was leaking blood.
“Damn, Spartan! What the hell hit you so hard?” Dingo was surprised the twins were injured.
Out of the five of them, Spartan and Eclipse were the toughest of them.
“This creep.” As Spartan tosses Hardcases unconscious body towards the middle of the area.
Stacy walks over stiffly to Eclipse to check on her, while Spirit checked on Spartan. She could tell Eclipse was in pain.
“Are you alright, Eclipse?” Stacy noticed a huge bruise under Eclipses right breast.
“I think I broke a few ribs.” Beverly was feeling the pain from several broken ribs.
Stacy examines Beverly, while supporting her. She wasn’t all that strong, and she wasn’t feeling that strong right now. Hell, she couldn’t even change forms right now if her life depended on it.
“Spirit, contact our ride. We need medical assistant for our crew.” Stacy relays those thoughts to Spirit, since he was always in her head.
“Already on it. Our ride should be here within the hour.” Spirit was starting to feel the exhausted as well. He pushed his body to its limit fighting and containing all these crooks.
“I wish Portal would stop abandoning us after she teleports us to an emergency.” Stacy looks at Spirit when she says that.
“She doesn’t have a choice, Stacy. She can only open the portal on the starting end and send us to the location. She can’t travel with us.” Spirit knew it also took a lot of energy from Portal to do what she does. This was a stretch for her. That was why they ended up in the common area, instead of the lunchroom.
An hour later, they board their transport. Beverly and Pollux were given strong pain killers and patched up. Stacy was laying sideway on the jump seat and resting her head on Beverly’s lap. She could barely keep her eyes open, and she knew Beverly was asleep from the drugs.
She watches Dingo chug down his fourth beer since the transport showed up. She wonders if her life is going to always be this weird. She closes her eyes and fall asleep.
Stacy watches from the beach as Dingo does a one-hand, handstand on his surfboard as he rides the wave in. It’s been nearly three weeks since the battle at the Supermax where the super-powered people they captured had been imprisoned. The one known as Hardcase was in a special prison designed by the Maxis Prison System. They found a way to neutralize his abilities and make it so he could never escape again. As for the others, they were sent to a cryo prison like the ones shown in the Demolition Man movie.
Stacy shivers just thinking about being locked in a block of ice. Sure, she could turn into an animal that could survive the freeze, but they neutralize your ability before they freeze you. A smile appears on her face as she watches Dingo surf right onto the beach without crashing.
She still felt uncomfortable wearing the micro bikini Beverly bought her. The damage Beverly took, took time to heal. The doctors who operated on Beverly and Beverly’s brother Pollux had to neutralize their abilities. That way, they could cut into their bodies to repair the damages Beverly and Pollux took.
Neither one of the twins liked it when their abilities were neutralized. Beverly and Pollux had gotten comfortable having super abilities. When Stacy had to have her abilities neutralized so they could operate on her. She didn’t resort to what she used to be. She remained a girl, just as Beverly retained her Greek physique.
After their abilities were restored, their advanced healing ability kicked started. As for the prisoners, Stacy didn’t know what the government agents interrogating them learned. Her team was recovering.
Dingo spots Stacy watching him as he runs over to her. When he arrives, he shakes his head, letting the water in his dreadlocks shake all over her.
“Yuck! Dingo, you’re not a freaking dog.” Stacy tries to cover up using her towel.
“You look like you were hot, Stac.” A playful smile appears on Dingo’s face.
“I was fine before you decided to act like a dog.” Stacy was enjoying just sunbathing.
“So, did you like how I rode the wave in?” Dingo grabs his towel from the lounger sitting nearby.
“You should go professional.” Stacy knew how much Dingo enjoyed surfing.
“I thought about it back before I got my gifts. However, now that I have my gifts, it wouldn’t be fair to other competitors.” Dingo believed in fair play. He thought using their gifts to compete was wrong.
“You could always compete in the new league that is forming for people like us.” Stacy saw a newscast of a company forming a new league for
people with minor abilities like theirs to compete.
“No thanks. What we are doing is important.” Dingo enjoyed being a superhero.
“But how long can we keep doing it, Dingo? Beverly and Pollux were badly injured. Not counting how exhausted I was or that Spirit was badly injured as well.” Stacy was concerned.
Dingo looks at Stacy with a serious look on his face “You know the government isn’t going to let you have a normal life, Stacy. Your abilities make you a danger to people around you.” Dingo knew how powerful Stacy was, next to the twins.
She could assume any type of mystical or natural creature. That included an alien species as well.
“I know. I’m damn if I do and damn if I don’t.” Stacy had already realized that the government wanted to control them.
Stacy looks out towards the ocean and wonders how much longer she wants to do this. She wanted to do more with her life than be fighting all the time. She applies more lotion to her body, because of her fair skin.
Later, in the afternoon, she walks back with Dingo towards the house. Everything they talked about was still echoing around in her head. She wasn’t about to abandon her team, either.
Spirit looked towards Stacy and could feel how confused she felt. The bond between him and her is strong because of the animal link she has. He walks over to Stacy “Is everything okay?”
Stacy looks into Spirit’s eyes “Sort of.”
“What’s wrong?” Spirit felt the confusion in Stacy’s mind.
“I’m just feeling confused about everything.” Stacy knew she couldn’t hide anything from Spirit.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Spirit wanted to help Stacy.
“Maybe later.”
“Okay, you know I’m always available.”
“I know.” Stacy hugs Spirit and heads towards the kitchen to help out.
Stacy helps Tina in the kitchen with dinner. She just goes about setting the table and making sure everyone has what they want to drink. Spirit, herself, and Beverly normally, drank sweetened tea. Pollux and Dingo drank either beer or mead. Sometimes, Spirit drank the homemade mead Pollux made. It was based on a Greek recipe Pollux came across in the library.
Stacy preferred wine over anything else. Sometimes, Tina drank flavored water she made herself. After the table is set, everyone shows up for dinner.
There is small talk at the table, but nothing serious. After dinner, Stacy heads towards the room she shares with Beverly. She didn’t mind sharing a bedroom with Beverly, since Beverly had been teaching her how to act like a girl.
Beverly has been a big help in teaching her how to act, and all the things a little girl learns growing up. Being turned into a girl by her abilities startled her, but now she had adjusted to being one. The thing she hated was having a period each month. When it first happened, it was painful. Later, it subsided some, but it was still painful.
The doctors took care of them. They design a birth control device for her and Beverly. That way they didn’t have to worry about their period while in the field.
Stacy takes a nice relaxing bath and enjoys the water jets that the tub was equipped with. She enjoyed all the amenities the house they were living in had. But she wanted to do more.
Afterwards, Stacy puts a light nightgown on and crawls into bed. She was going to call it early tonight. She covers up a yawn and falls asleep.
Library, Team Alpha, O’ahu, Hawaii:
Stacy looks at the start of the essay she was writing her ethics class. It’s been nearly two weeks since the prison break and it’s been semi-quiet. Several new government sponsor teams have sprung up. Not only that, several independent teams have sprung up as well.
One of the newer teams had a girl with the tail of a squirrel tail and was extremely agile. She was working with several other young members. There were at least six members on her team.
Stacy goes back to typing and doesn’t hear Beverly as she walks into the library. She was to focus on the essay she had to write.
Beverly spots Stacy lying on one of the lounge sofas in the library. She knew Stacy was small enough to fill the space on the lounger.
“How’s it going, Stacy?” Beverly leans against the loveseat near the lounger.
Stacy jumps from being surprised by Beverly’s voice. She looks at Beverly with a shocked look on her face.
“You gave me a heart attack, Bev.” Stacy was trying to get her heart rate under control.
“Sorry, what are you working on?” Beverly knew Stacy signed up to take college courses during their downtime.
All of them had jobs and hobbies outside of doing government work. She was getting her lawyer's license. Pollux and Dingo invested in a local brewing company and were making their beers, rum, and mead. Pollux tweaked the recipe he found for the old-style mead.
Dingo was making his brand of rum based on an old recipe that was used by a member of Captain James Cook’s crew. Spirit, was working with a group of Hawaiian cowboys. The leader of the cowboys was amazed that Spirit was an actual Native American Indian.
“An essay Professor Jones assigned. Here’s the situation he gave us. There are seven shipwreck passengers and you have a lifeboat that can
only carry four, including yourself. Of the seven passengers, there are three kids. Of the seven people, who would you choose to board the life raft? And why?”
“Easy, with your abilities it wouldn’t matter.” Beverly knew Stacy could carry all the surviving passengers without breaking a sweat.
“That’s what I was going to write before he said I can’t include any superheroes or myself.” Stacy knew Professor Jones knew she had super abilities.
“That is a dilemma. What was your answer to the situation?” Beverly knew Stacy wore her heart on her sleeve.
“I would take all the kids and one of the adults with me, leaving behind the others.”
“Why wouldn’t you stay behind and give your seat to one of the other adults?” Beverly figured Stacy would offer her seat to the survivors.
“Because neither of the other survivors would know the way back to the rescue ships or safety.”
“Does your instructor allow you to go back for the others?”
“He didn’t say. However, he is more concerned about what you would do.” Stacy knew her instructor was more concerned about your ethics.
“That is a hard choice. The thing is, that situation is a reasonable one. You know as well as I do, that one day we will have to make that choice.” Beverly knew one day they might have to choose from that.
“I know, and I don’t think I can make it. If it came down to saving one of you guys or letting someone, I don’t know live. I’ll always choose you
guys.” Stacy looked at Beverly and could tell she was a little disappointed with her statement.
“Stacy, it's our job to protect the innocent. If it means letting one of us die, then so be it. However, I know you have a big heart and care for everyone.” Beverly ruffles Stacy’s hair, before walking out of the library.
Stacy shakes her head to get her hair back like it was and goes back to work. She still had the essay to finish and several other classes to do. She was just glad that Beverly and Dingo helped her get her GED degree, so she could go to college.
She had to drop out of high school when her abilities surfaced and the government took her to be trained. Sure, she learned a lot of skills during boot camp, but none of them were going to allow her to make a living. By the time Tina informs Stacy that dinner is ready. She was almost done with everything.
Stacy walks into the dining room and spots Dingo chugging down a beer from his and Pollux’s company. She shakes her head as she sits down next to Beverly.
“Where have you been hiding all day, Lassie?” A smirk appears on Dingo’s face.
“That is getting old, Dingo.” Stacy was getting upset every time Dingo called her Lassie.
The reason he was calling her that, was because of the HPD officer who gave him a ticket for her. She had turned into a dog and was out looking for a missing child. Because she wasn’t on a leash or had dog tags. The officer fined Dingo.
“I’ll get you a dog collar and tags to go on it tomorrow, Stacy.” Tina paid the fine Dingo got from the funds she got to care for the house.
“Just don’t put Lassie on them, Tina.” Stacy watched some old shows about Lassie.
“Hey Pollux, how is that new moonshine recipe doing?” Dingo looks towards Pollux.
“It’s getting there. I invited the person who created it to come and help us with it.” Pollux couldn’t believe the moonshiner who invited it, was as young as Stacy.
Pollux saw her on an episode of American Spirits. He liked the recipe she showcased and contacted her and asked to be allowed to produce the recipe. He was willing to pay her for it.
“That’s good. I can’t wait to taste it.” Dingo loved that the moonshine was made using sugarcane.
They had a nice supplier that supplied them with all sorts of sugars they might need. They also supplied them with everything they needed for their different beers and such. They had several different micro beers and alcoholic hard seltzers they made.
It was Dingo’s and Pollux’s turn to clean the kitchen. Spirit was out with some cattle and will be gone for a week or so. So, the chore schedule had to be redone.
“How is your college work coming along, Stacy?” Tina looks at Stacy.
“I’m almost done with all my assignments, Tina. I have three thousand more words to write for my last assignment.” Stacy got most of the report done.
“Do you need me to proof it for you?” Tina didn’t mind helping Stacy out.
“If you want to. I think I got everything right.” Stacy hoped she got everything right.
Stacy finishes her dinner and goes back to working on her report. She manages to get everything done and hands it to Tina to look over. Afterward, she takes a nice bubble bath and gets ready for bed. She stays up for a while reading, before falling asleep.
Stacy leans against Beverly as they come walking into the house. Both women were in their birthday suits. Beverly had nasty red welts all over her body and her face was bloody. Her brother Spartan/Pollux was being helped by Dingo into the house. He was just as injured as his sister.
Spirit was using his staff made from Australian Buloke wood as support. The only member in there that wasn’t seriously hurt or injured was Dingo. His face didn’t look that well, but he was in better shape than any of them.
Tina escorts the team down to the medical bay to be taken care of. There was another woman with her as they went about patching up each member. Stacy had a gash along the length of her right arm and down the middle of her back.
Tina and her assistant Rachel tend to Pollux and Beverly quickly. They were in the most serious conditions. When they were tending to their injuries, they couldn’t believe what type of wounds they had. Most of their wounds consisted of slashes from a bladed weapon.
They had other types of wounds, but the majority of their wounds were made by some sort of bladed weapon. After tending to Pollux and Beverly, they move on to Stacy. Her wounds were just as bad as Beverly’s. They had to staple her back wound close and set her right arm. Tina ends up immobilizing Stacy’s right arm and placing it in a cast.
Spirit had his left leg put in a cast and had to have several ribs set. The only reason he was still standing, was because he was using a new technique, he learned from a Samoan wrestler he met. He met the man while herding cattle and the two of them became sparring partners.
“What the hell happened to you guys?” Tina looks at Dingo when she asks that question.
“We encounter a group of four black armor people. They looked like something from the fucking crusades. They had that freaking red cross on their armor like the Crusaders of old had on theirs. Whatever they were, they kicked our asses.
Their weapons were made of some sort of black metal and cut the twins like they were ordinary people. Hell, I felt that dam blade when it went through whatever substance I was. It had an eerie feeling to it. Poor Stacy had her back sliced open as she was changing. Also, they threw something at her that prevented her from changing once she was in her human form.” Dingo saw some sort of black cloud engulf Stacy and heard her screaming as her body was forced back into its human form.
“How did you survive?” Tina finishes patching up Dingo.
“Spirit’s staff and the intervention of a group of female warriors. They wore some sort of Roman-style armor and carried spears and swords of
Roman design. I would say they were Amazon’s of legend, but I would be wrong. They appeared through some sort of portal.” Dingo had watched as the two women came and left through the portal.
Before they left, they helped administer first aid to him and his group. One of them had rainbow-colored hair and the other had long silver-colored hair. They were well-fit and fierce as hell when they fought.
“What happened to those creatures you guys fought?”
“Some sort of portal opened under them and they vanished. I will say this, the stench coming from the opening of the portal smelled of brimstone.” Dingo couldn’t believe the stench coming from the opening.
“Do you guys normally come back looking so bad?” Rachel looks at Dingo since Stacy and Beverly were knocked out.
Pollux was so filled with pain medicine, that he couldn’t think straight. His mind was cloudy from the pain meds. He also had no control over his body.
Spirit had passed out as well. He was in a healing trance that he learned from his new buddy. It was going to take some time for him to heal all his injuries.
“Not always, sometimes we come back fine. However, this time were dealing with something out of our league. Whatever those beings were that
we fought, they weren’t normal.” Dingo wanted a cold strong beer right now.
“Well, we need to let everyone recover first and hope those creatures don’t reappear any time soon.” Tina knew the team wasn’t in any condition to take on anyone.
Dingo limps over to Stacy and moves aside some of her hair. He could still her screaming as she was forced to assume her human form after changing into a giant rhino.
“She’s had it the worst. Whatever that cloud did to her, hurt her a lot.”
“What do you mean, Dingo?” Tina and Rachel walk over to stand by him.
“Stacy just finished changing into a giant Rhino, when one of those dark crusaders threw something at her that exploded into a black cloud and
forced her to change back. Her body didn’t even get a chance to recover from her first change before that happened. It takes Stacy a few seconds for Stacy’s body to get used to its new form.”
“Damn! That must have hurt. Do you think the rapid change back hurt her any?” Rachel knew Stacy was a shapeshifter who could assume any animal form that was real or mystical.
“I won’t be able to tell until she recovers. Her vitals are still erratic.” Tina had scanned Stacy’s body with the new medical scanner they got recently. It was an improvement over the old ones from Blake Medical.
A few days Later:
Tina stands in front of the monitor in the conference room. She looks at the monitor as Director Pickle goes over the medical report she submitted to him about the team. The twins would recover without any problems, but Stacy was healing slowly and she was suffering from spasms as her body recover from being forced to shift so soon. Every once in a while, she would feel pain from the spasms.
Director Pickle looks at the image of the young woman on his screen. He could see the conference room she was standing in.
“Does Fairchild need to come in for a deeper medical examination, Tina?” Mr. Pickle was worried about Fairchild’s condition. Among all the members of the team, she was one of the most valued because of her animal shapeshifting ability.
“I don’t believe so, Director. However, its going to take time for her to heal. She doesn’t posses the advance healing abilities as the others. Even if we speed her healing up with the nanites. We still wouldn’t know why her body is reacting like it is.” Tina was puzzled on why Stacy’s body was still feeling the effects of the black dust used on her.
“Alright, I’m taking Miss. Fairchild off active duty and putting her on medical leave. Let’s go ahead and send Miss. Fairchild to Dr. Morrison and her medical staff for further medical examination.”
“Yes sir.” Tina knew Dr. Morrison was one of the daughters of the owner of Blake Medical and was extremely talented in medicine.
“Will the team be able to function without Miss. Fairchild?”
“As you know, Miss. Fairchild has a close relationship with Spirit. They have a strong telepathic connection. However, they can operate without
each other without any problems.” Tina knew Spirit and Stacy were mentally link because of her animal connections. However, Spirit has been shown to be able to link with any animal.
“Alright, once all the other team members are up to health. Send them to the Island for further additional training. All their encounters have been recorded and new training has been developed to better train them.” Mr. Pickle had his training specialist go over all the encounters Alpha team have been in and develop strategies to counter them.
“Yes sir. When do you want to send Miss. Fairchild to Doctor Morrison?”
“Is she stable enough to travel right now?” Mr. Pickle wanted Dr. Morrison to examine Fairchild right away.
“She’ll need to be transported carefully, but yes.” Tina didn’t like it, but if they drugged Stacy. She could be moved.
“Alright, go ahead prep her. I’ll have a transport team fly out to pick her up.” Mr. Pickle writes down some notes on a pad.
“Yes sir.” Tina ends the video chat.
She leaves the conference room and heads down to the medical bay. She walks in and spot the twins still asleep. She walks over to Stacy and check on her condition. All her vitals were stable, but her muscle activities worried her.
Every once in a while, Tina could see Stacy’s body shake. The shakes weren’t too strong but it could cause the staples they used to seal her back to open. She brushes some of Stacy’s hair out of her eyes.
Rachel spotted Tina standing over by Stacy’s medical bed as she walks into the room. She wonders what Director Pickle had to say.
“What did the director have to say?” Rachel stops over by Stacy’s bed.
“Stacy is to be prepped and sent to Doctor Morrison for further examination. The others are to be sent to the Island for additional training when they are fully healed.” Tina looks at Stacy’s face and could see that she was in pain.
“At least she’s going to Dr. Morrison, instead of Dr. Salazer. I don’t trust that man.” Rachel has heard some rumors about Dr. Salazer.
“I agree. I don’t trust him either.” Tina has met the man and he struck her as a creepy fellow and someone not to be trusted.
“When is the transport suppose to be here?” Rachel knew Stacy was going to need to be prep in order to be moved.
“Don’t know yet.” Tina figures she’ll be told tomorrow morning.
“How are Spirit and Dingo doing?” Tina adjusts the machine Stacy was hooked up to.
“They are doing fine. Dingo has been downing chilly dogs like they are going out of style. As for Spirit, he’s taking it easy. He’s mediating outside on the beach.” Rachel checked on them before coming to check on the others.
“That’s good.” Tina turns and starts walking out of medical bay.
Rachel follows behind her. She figures once they know when Stacy was being transported. They will come back down and prep her to be moved.
Three Weeks Later:
Stacy looks out towards the waves as they crashed at her feet. It’s been three weeks since she returned from being at Dr. Morrison’s medical center. Her back still hurts her some, but it is better than it had been. The gash on her arm was nothing but a pink scar now.
She had found out that she could no longer shape shift as fast as she could before and that her ability has been diminished some. She could no longer change into mystical or alien creatures like she used to be able to. She still suffered from muscle spasms, but not as often as she had been since returning from the fight.
Dr. Morrison had her on muscle relaxers to help dull the pain. Also, her transformations were painful. It took her body a while to recover from changing a lot in a day. If she did only two, or three changes in a day’s time she was okay. However, if she did more then three changes, the pain was unbearable.
As for her schooling, she managed to catch up and get her bachelor degree in Criminal Justice. She was thinking about getting a paralegal Master’s degree. She still hasn’t met any one that was special to her. Not, that she has had a lot of chances to.
Most of her time has been taken up with recovering and retraining. Director Pickle had them retraining every other month now. Especially her, because she had to rely more on her physical abilities then her shape shifting abilities.
“How are you doing, Stacy?” Beverly walks up to Stacy and stand by her.
“I’m doing alright, I guess. I’m just tired and sore.” Stacy looks at Beverly and was glad that she has been like an older sister to her.
Stacy knew she didn’t know much about being a woman and had to learn how to act and react like a woman. Beverly had taken her under her wing and helped her adjust to being a girl. She has also been by her side since she returned from Dr. Morrison’s medical center.
“You know, Tina informed me that we have some vacation time coming up. Why don’t you come with me when I visit my folks?” Beverly looks down at Stacy when she mentions that.
“I would like that, Bev, and thanks.” Stacy hugs Beverly.
Beverly returns the hug. She holds Stacy for a little longer, before letting Stacy go. she knew Stacy has been shaken up by what happened to her. The two of them stand and enjoy the sunset, before heading back to the house.