Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Bikini Shopping
It was summer again, and the mall was crowded with people. Madeline and I had decided that we needed a break from Benton, from working our fingers to the bone, from just the rustic lifestyle. And so, she and I decided to spend the day roaming Metrocenter Mall, the largest mall in Mississippi. I was over the moon, not only was I looking forward to spending the day with my best friend, who has stood by my side through thick and thin. But also like any girl I would jump at a chance to do a little retail therapy.
Anyway, the first thing we needed and we both agreed on this was the fact that we both needed new bathing suits. After all, summer is bikini season. And so with that in mind, Madeline and I decided our first stop would be the swimsuit section of our local Belks.
Now, shopping for a bathing suit is kind of personal. And it always helps to have a trusted friend with you. At seventeen I was deemed old enough to be trusted buying my own clothing. But normally mom and older sister would be there to help guide me. But well mom was my mom and Lily was busy with college. What do I mean mom was my mom? Well, mom was still getting used to the fact that her son was now her daughter, despite the fact I'd been living as Jamie for the past three and a half years.
And I don't think she was ready to see her daughter prance around in a string bikini. You know the ones with just three triangle pieces of clothing to cover the bits and pieces with just a bit of string connecting them. But hell I wanted that! I'd been working hard to transform myself from a sky schoolboy to a drop dead gorgeous blonde. And all those hormones I'd been taking had finally given me a nice little rack of boobies. I wanted to show them babies off!
“Man.” Madeline said as she started to dig through the racks of bikini tops and bottoms. “Who knew choosing a bathing suit would be this hard! I mean, I think we should have invited one of our moms to come along with us!” She said, sighing as she stepped away from the rack. “I'm totally out of my element here!”
“Girl!” I said, taking a deep breath as I peered toward my best friend. “Are you crazy or something? You have two moms. One is a no nonsense farm girl who would lay the law down the law about what we could and could not wear. And will hold us to it. The other one would pick out a dozen or so suits and tell you to pick out one. And if you fussed about her choices she would spin you around and give your bottom a dozen swats right here on the sales floor. And both would expect me to follow your example.” I said as I started my own search.
“Right! And what about your mom?” Madeline asked as she stepped back to collect her thoughts.
“My mom would pick out our suits and say 'take it or leave it' and if we raised a fuss, both of our bottoms would get swatted. Then she would march us out to the car and drive us back to Benton.” I said as I held up a bright pink swimsuit. It's a well known fact that pink looks good on blondes.
“You're right.. Also seems kind of like a waste?” Madeline said as she once more started to dig through the rack.
“What do you mean a waste?” I had decided that I was going to keep the pink bikini. Sure it was nothing more than a pair of panties and two triangle pieces of fabric with a few pieces of string to tie them together. But it just spoke to me, plus it was on clearance. Fifteen dollars, that is a steal.
“I mean, we're only going to wear them like what once or twice?” Madeline said.
“Maybe twice.” I said. “You forget girl are going to Rapids this weekend and of course I'm sure our families would take trips to the gulf coast this summer, and of course there is the annual dunking booth at the fourth of July celebration. I'm sure one of us would volunteer for that.”
“So three times total?” Madeline said, blinking as she started digging through the racks. Finally she found one that was in the same fashion as mine. A panty style bottom and two cloth triangles with bits of string connecting them. And like mine it was on clearance for around fifteen dollars. Hers was Sky Blue though. Because Blue always goes well with girls who have been graced with brunette hair.
“Yes.” I said smiling. “I guess we better try these, right? And we still need to pick out a sundress to wear over them. Plus I'm sure we're gonna need new sandals to go along with our new dresses.” I said grinning.
“Oh and we'll need to paint our nails and toenails a matching color. Pink for you and Blue for me” Madeline suggested.
“Madeline that idea is so so adorable! We'll be like sisters!” I said gushing at that idea. This is why I treasured those few moments when it was just Madeline and I. We could really bond, you know. If you had not guessed it by now, Madeline and I were like two peas in a pod. We were like sisters only we did not share the same mother. And she was neither my older sister or my younger sister, she was my twin.
“I know! But yes, let's go hunt up a sundress. It's a good thing we just got paid!” Madeline said as she started to guide me toward the escalator that would take us to the lower floor. Never in a billion years would I understand why they put the bikinis on the top floor, but kept the sundresses, shoes and prom dresses down on the bottom. Sometimes they would move them though!
“I know, I mean I've been saving my last few paychecks. So I'm good. Plus, Lily and Robin finally pumped up our pay. And I'm shocked Lily and Robin decided to let us off for the weekend. Normally they would want a weekend off.” I said as I followed behind Madeline like a lost little puppy.
“Well according to Robin she had to pay us more. Since we were growing our skill set. According to her, minimum wage just means minimum work experience or minimum skills in a given field. And since we are growing at work, our pay should reflect that growth.” Madeline said. “Also I think she really had to pay us more since the starting pay at Sunflower is around nine dollars an hour.”
I nodded my head.
“I wonder how much she paying Cerridwen then?” I asked. “Cerridwen just started working with us. Really the girl works everywhere.”
Madeline shrugged her shoulders.
“I guess if she pays us ten something she should be paying her about nine. I still feel kind of bad about not inviting Cerridwen to come along with us.” Madeline said as stepped onto the escalator.
I heaved a sigh and nodded my head in agreement.
“Same. But we are taking my car and my car can only seat four. And we agreed we wanted this to be a double date. Plus, I know this is going to sound bad. But she is still just fifteen. And sure we could squeeze her in. But she'll want Daisy to come and I doubt my mom would let me drive her SUV into Jackson. Heck, she was still worried about me taking my car out of Benton.” I said, also heaving a sigh.
“I get where she is coming from though. I find it cute that the two are so devoted to each other. But really, if Cerridwen and Daisy came along with us. We'll have to babysit those two. I don't trust them being alone with each other. Plus I kind of want it to be just us and our boyfriends.” Madeline said.
“I guess, but what the worst the two can do? I mean it's not like Daisy can get Cerridwen pregnant. None of us can.” I paused. “I kind of wish I could. I mean I feel bad for Ben. I am sure he wants to have a child one day. Though we can still have fun in other ways.”
“Hand-jobs in the wadding pool.” Madeline said with a deadpan expression.
“Oh..” I said blinking. I then felt myself starting to shutter. That was not a mental image I wanted in my head. That was a very creepy image. One that made me feel like I needed to rush to confession or say a dozen or so 'Our Fathers' and another dozen 'Hail Mary's' on my prayer beads.
“Right. Like I said, those two can't keep their hands off each other. And I for one don't want to be the one to explain to Cerridwen's mother why her fifteen year old daughter got kicked out of the local water park.” Madeline said.
“Okay! Okay! Okay!” I shouted maybe a little too loud as dozens of shoppers screwed their necks around and peered at me. “Enough is enough! I don't want that mental image in my head girl.”
“Oh quit being such a drama queen.” Madeline teased. “It's not like you've never done anything with Ben before! Come on you've guys been dating for like what? Three years now. I know you started dating when you were a Freshman.”
“Oh we've done things.” I said blushing. “We've just not been caught. Like the first time you and Mat tried to do something.” I said grinning from one ear to the next. Madeline's face flushed a deep, dark red as she turned her away from me and stuck her nose into the air.
“Anyway, maybe one day we could take Cerridwen to the water park with us. You know she has a birthday coming up, like in a month or so. I feel a girl's day out with her sisters would be a good present. That or a Gothic Topic Gift card.” I said, trying to get the conversation back on track. Because you know I might have derailed it a little.
“Why not both?” Madeline said as she guided me toward the dress section. “And between you and me, I think Cerridwen buys all of her casual clothing from Gothic Topic.” Madeline said, sighing.
“You think?” I asked as I dove into the nearest rack of clothing.
“Girl, have you seen the way she dresses when she is not at school or on the clock? She is a walking poster child for Gothic Topic. I swear to God even the dress she wears to Mass looks like it came from Gothic Topic. Don't get me wrong black looks good on her, it's just..” Madeline's voice trailed a little.
“It's like the only color she wears?” I said as I started searching too.
“Totally!” Madeline said. “It's like the only color she wants to wear, everything and every piece of her outfit has to be black. Like I get it, that's your style. But your only supposed to wear black for funerals or for All Souls day.”
“She is still trying to find her way I guess. But yes, Gothic Topic Gift Card and a day trip to the water park with her two older sisters. Sounds like a good birthday present to me.” I said smiling.
We searched high and low for a good thirty minutes, that thirty minutes of fruitless searching. At the forty minute mark I was ready to throw my hands up and give in.
“Do we really need new dresses? I mean we both own a closet full of dresses?” I asked as I stepped back to collect my thoughts.
“Of course we do! Listen girl, we need to wear a sundress over our bikinis. Most of the other girls are going to wear shorts and crop tops over theirs.” Madeline paused. “I mean that a cute look and all, but we need dresses, I mean we are going for hibachi once were done with the park.”
I blinked and raised an eyebrow.
“So, we're going to spend the day at the water park, splashing around and working on our tan. Then we're going for hibachi?” I asked as I started to resume my search honestly. Finally this time I pulled out a solid pink sundress. I figured it was the best I'll get, plus it was in my size.
“Yep! And after hibachi were going to hit up Dairy Queen for ice cream. Then hopefully we can make it home before midnight.” Madeline said.
“Or else your moms are going to ground you again?” I said, smirking a little as Madeline rolled her eyes. Anyway in the end we found our sundresses, matching sundresses but not too matching, and of course we both had to pick a new vial of nail polish from the make-up counter to match our new bikinis, sundresses and our new shoes. All in all when we left Belk's to explore the other parts of the mall our purses were lighter but our arms were full of bags. And that always a good feeling when you're shopping with your best friend forever.
To be continued.
Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Iced coffee, Beignets, and Girl Talk
By early afternoon Madeline and I had finished our shopping. The mall was kind of dead, and most of our money was spent. Both Madeline and I were holding off spending any more. Both of us wanted to get something from Subway before hitting the highway again and turning east toward Benton and home. But before Subway we decided on a sweet treat, a little reward for ourselves.
And so we decided to regroup at this small little coffee house called “Cafe Du Monde” . It was located in a far corner of the mall, on the ground level an Gothic Topic was located above it and beside it was a Books-A-Billion. I really liked the place because they had about two tables located in front of the place, where you could sit, sip your coffee and watch the flow of traffic. It was also kind of romantic since it was close to the main fountain of the mall.
Now, I'm something of a coffee aficionado, and Madeline is something of a tea aficionado. But like any good southern girl she enjoys a cup of ice coffee. And what goes better with ice coffee than a steaming platter beignets fresh from the fryer and freshly coated in powdered sugar.
Now some people will call them French Donuts, others will call them mini funnel cakes, I call them a little bit of heaven. There is something about them. And well it's a good thing Madeline and I each ordered a plate, because while I could share many things with her, one thing I could not share, or would not share would be my beignets.
“Hard to believe it's been almost three years.” I said as I peered out on the title covered square. “Three years since my sister talked me into volunteering to be the hostage for our school's homecoming game. Three years since that mental switch was thrown and I decided I wanted to live the rest of my life as a girl.” I said, sighing.
“Four for me.” Madeline said. “I knew something was different when I turned twelve. Though I was having a hard time expressing it. It was a weird time for me. I think I was twelve when I started borrowing cast off clothing from my mom's closet.”
“Wow!” I said, peering at her.
“Then one evening, a few days after Christmas mom caught me dressing up. She'd gone out to dinner with one of her 'boyfriends' as she called them. I think she was hoping this guy would put a ring on her finger or something. Anyway she had gone out for a dinner date and had returned earlier than expected. And caught me posing in one of her dresses. Boy she flew off the handle.” Madeline said as she used her plastic straw to stir her ice coffee and move some of the square ice cubes around her plastic cup.
“I guess she was afraid, afraid that if her new 'boyfriend' caught on to the fact that his future step-son was a 'Goddamn Queer' her words not mine. He would break things off and mom would remain a widow. Her first child had already turned 'Queer' as she often said. She was old school.. despite having been raised in the liberal Episcopal Church, she had taken to drinking the Kool-aid they hand out each Sunday down at the local Baptist Church.” She said, shrugging her shoulders.
“You have a way with words.” I said smiling. “You should become a writer.”
“I've recounted countless ghost stories.” Madeline said grinning. “And published three skinny volumes that were published locally by Gem Publications.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I think together that might have sold well enough to pay for my car.”
“True.” I said smiling. “Keep this up and you might be the next Willie Morris.” I said as I reached over and picked up the still warm donuts. I quickly tossed them into my mouth.
“And if you keep eating like that you're going to be too big for your suit.” Madeline said grinning. “But, now that you mention it, time seems to have flown by. Like it seems only yesterday I was signing up for the dunking booth for the Discover Benton '18 festival. My name was still legally Mark at the time. Though most of the family called me 'Madeline'.” Madeline said with a sigh.
“Hey! I remember that. I saw you staffing the dunking booth. You were wearing an old blue bikini.” I said. “I remember because I was watching from the parking lot of Sunflower. I thought you were totally cool up there. I was kind of working up the courage to go up and try to dunk you. But as soon as I did I was told that your shift ended.” I paused. “So I dunked Robin instead.”
“Yep, that was Benton's introduction to Madeline D. Brewer.” Madeline said laughing. “Man, that was one of the best summers of my life. Kayla kept me in pocket change, I could ride my bike across town. And the local library had thousands of books for me to read. Including a large collection of 'Fear Street' Books. I know they are cheesy. But Lisa never allowed me to read anything by R.L Stine. Nor did she allow me to read any of the 'Hunger Game' books or even come within an inch of the 'Harry Potter' books. She hated them all.” Madeline said with a sigh.
I was a little taken by how causally Madeline called her late mother by her first name. Madeline rarely spoke about her late mother and when she did, it was in a casual throw away tone of voice. Also when she did breach the subject. I would often listen and nod my head. She was a good friend and her ramblings often reminded me that I'd been lucky to have both my mother and father still living and that both had supported me.
“Anyway I read all summer.” Madeline said as she sipped the last bit of coffee from her plastic cup. “Best summer of my life. I want to turn that summer into a book one day. Maybe a novella. Have it published by some big time publishing company up north.”
“Becoming Jamie was hard on me.” I said.
Madeline blinked and turned toward me.
“I mean I grew up in Benton. But I was never popular. Most of my classmates forgot about me. When we would pass out valentines as a class. I would also get left out. None of my classmates seemed to care about me. I was just that small, swollen, brooding boy. My big sister, on the other hand, was always the center of attention.” I said leaning back in my chair.
Madeline nodded her head.
“I really thought volunteering to play the hostage was a dumb idea. Even dumber was Lily's idea of trying to dress me up to be her little sister. It was just so dumb. Then something happened. Something happened that I can't really explain.”
“Try me.” Madeline said.
“A mental switch got flipped. Mom and dad kind of went along with it. I guess they thought it was cute or something. Then, I discovered that as a girl I was popular. Then I discovered as a girl, guys found me attractive. Then as a girl I found out that I had the courage I lacked as a boy. And the more people tried to bully back into being a boy, the more of a girl I wanted to become.” I said with a sigh.
“People hated me for it. Linda, your cousin, wanted me raped.” I said.
“She changed now.” Madeline said quickly.
“I know now there was a lot going on behind the scenes with her. I know now she was being emotionally abused, by her dad and the preacher in town. I know now that she was emotionally neglected growing up. I even think she was physically abused by the Baptist church.” I said. “While some would say 'Don't blame her for what she did' part of me does, and part of me admires how she's faced those problems head on and has grown beyond them. She not the same Linda that I knew.”
Madeline nodded her head. In understanding.
“Anyway, once the ball got rolling it really got rolling. Now I can't remember ever being a boy.” I said.
“Jamie, what do you want to? Like for a career and stuff.” Madeline said as she peered at me.
“I don't know. I thought about being a nurse. You know we have a new nurse at Benton Academy, her name is Dawn Sharbrough, but we just call her Ms. Sharbrough. She is a nurse and like us she you know.” I don't know why I stopped at that point. I just did.
“Wow. I just made the connection she the same Sharbrough who wrote the Chronicles of Sea Breeze. I never knew that. I might have to sit down and interview her.” Madeline said with a ghost of a smile.
“I guess I wanted to become a Journalist. But then again I don't like the idea of swapping words for rent, groceries, car payments and stuff like that. You know milk money. So I thought about becoming a nurse and writing part time. Hey! Maybe we can both go to nursing school together. Heck we might even end up working at the same hospital and working the same shift! How cool would that be?” Madeline said with a smile.
“I would love to have my best friend working with me.” I paused. And then I decided to ask another question. “So any big writing projects you want to do for the summer? Going to work on a fourth collection of 'Ghost Stories and Urban Legends'?” I asked.
“I don't think so, the last one.. well the sales were a bit lacking. I mean it did okay. But nowhere the number I was hoping for. Once I finished paying for the printing, the binding and all that good stuff. I barely had any money left over. Maybe enough to pay the light bill or get a hamburger from Chucks. That's one reason I'm not keen on swamping words for money. I don't want to end up on the streets or go the Steven King route and send one of my finished manuscripts off to a hopeful publisher typed on the back of overdue rent notices.” Madeline said, laughing a little.
And with that a peaceful silence fell between us.
“I guess we should be going. I think we've hit all the highlights of the mall. Plus, gotta save our money for our trip this weekend.” I said as I stood up and tossed my plastic drink cup into the nearby waste bin. The paper dish that had held my mini donuts followed suit.
“Yep! Subway then home!” Madeline said as she tossed her own plastic cup into the paper waste bin followed by her own plate. Madeline paused though as she turned around and smiled. “Hey! Jamie, have you ever wanted to have your ears pierced?” She asked.
I blinked and raised an eyebrow.
“I guess. Why though?” I asked.
“I just thought of something. Why don't we stop at the Claire's on the upper floor and get our ears pierced. We're both over sixteen now. And it could be like a bonding experience. Plus, I've never, and I mean never been into a Claire's. It's kind of one of those things that is on my bucket list.” Madeline said blushing.
“Sure!” I said smiling. “Let's do that!” With that Madeline and I walked hand in hand toward the lift that would take us to the second floor and from there onto Claire's. I know I've said before, but moments like these, made Madeline more than just my friend. It made her my sister. Not the older sister that had to lord over me and try to direct my footsteps. And not the younger sister, who I had to babysit and shelter and fuss over. But my twin, a sister who was the same age as I. Who could share in my crazy adventures. A sister who would always have my back.
To be continued.
Girls Just Want to have Fun
Accessory Shopping and Ear Piercing
While I've been a girl for roughly three years. And in those three years I've done a number of things, from bra shopping, to making out with the cutest boy to ever grace the hallways of Benton Academy. I'd also been elected homecoming princess, appointed prefect, had one head overthrown. And to one bizarre misadventure where I swear I died once on the operating table, fought my shadow self and then was given the chance to either enter into Heaven or return back to earth to do God's will. Whatever God's will happen to be.
Also, I've been gunged, dunked and pied more times than I can count. But in all that time I've never, ever stepped foot into Claire's till this afternoon. You see, my friend Madeline and I had agreed over ice coffee to get our ears pierced together. You know, kind of a bonding thing. Kind of the cherry on the sundae that had been our girls day out together. Also you could say, it would scratch one thing off the bucket list. Yes, Madeline and I had a summer bucket list. We both knew at the end of this Summer we would be going into our Senior years. And next summer we might go our separate ways for a while. So we had to make this summer count, count for something, you know, make as many memories as possible. Both together and without our boyfriends.
“Hi! Welcome to Claire's ya'll!” The greeting came from a short girl with brown hair. “I'm Tabitha!” The brown hair girl said. The girl was shorter than Madeline and I and seemed young, almost too young to be working. I noticed she was dressed in a short sleeve, cream colored blouses that was paired with a pair of denim jeans. She wore a red apron over her outfit and her name badge read 'Tabitha' and attached to the bottom of the name tag was a sign that read 'Trainee'.
“Hey! Tabitha, I was wondering if you could maybe work my friend and I in to get our ears pierced this afternoon. We're kind of having a girl's day out and we thought this would be a good way to bond.” Madeline said as she pointed first to herself and then to me.
Tabitha nodded her head and started to think. She then placed her hands behind her back and started swaying around.
“Ya'll, I'm sorry to say this, but right now we don't have somebody on staff that can do that. I wish I could, cause I'll totally be willing to help you. But this is just my third shift here. I just learned how how to handle the cash register.” Tabitha said blushing as she looked down at the ground. “I mean I've seen it done a dozen or so times before. But I'm not trained y'all understand I'll hate to mess something up.”
“We get it.” Madeline said smiling. “This must be your first real job?”
“Yes ma'am.” Tabitha said as she peered down at the floor.
At that moment Madeline and I turned toward each other and cracked a small smile.
“We'll. Thank you for being honest with us Tabitha. We'll just look around and see if we can find something else.” I said as I started to look around the shop. I could tell the shop was mostly aimed at the younger crowd. I felt kind of bad. I had missed this, I had missed so much only discovering my girl side a few years ago.
I had wasted twelve years struggling as a boy. Twelve years of my life I would never get back. Twelve years, a lifetime I suppose. I had missed twelve Halloweens trying to figure myself out. Twelve years of Disney Princess movies, of Disney movies. Twelve Christmases, twelve Easters.
“Hey!” Madeline said as she reached out and touched my shoulder. “Something wrong girl?” She said as she looked into my eyes. I felt like at that moment she was peering into my very soul.
“No, why do you ask?” I said as I peered into Madeline's eyes.
“Because you're looking into space. And when you look into space you're thinking about something. And You look like your about to cry, because your eyes are starting to mist. And they always start to mist when you're doing some heavy thinking.” Madeline explained.
“Oh!” I said blushing a little as I reached down and picked up a head headband. And a bundle of ponytail holders. And a dozen hair ribbons. Roughly around four dollars worth of stuff. Tabitha it seemed was hovering around in the background. I guess she was jumping at the chance to see if we needed any help or not. That kind of annoyed me, I mean I understand this might have been her first real job, but really the way she was hovering around us put me on edge.
“So.” Madeline said as she picked up a few items. “So what's bothering you?”
“Just doing a lot of thinking. Sometimes I wonder why it took me so long to discover that I was really supposed to be a girl, you know, looking at all this stuff really made me understand what I'd missed out on. Like my sister and her friends used to love going into this store and I'll always just stand out there and watch them, I guess I would pass the time training and empowering my Pokemon army. Or fine tuning my dream team for when I took on the Elite Four.” I said.
Madeline rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Well, you're a girl now. Trust me, I think about the past sometimes too. And until somebody invents a time machine or something we'll just have to be happy living our lives one day at a time. There is no use in dwelling on the past. That would just make us unhappy and cloud our vision. Brooding on what could have been and what should have been is a waste of time. You're a girl now, focus on making the best of it and being the best girl you can be.” Madeline said as she folded her arms under her breast. She closed her head and nodded her head.
“You have a way with words.” I said as I turned toward Madeline and smiled.
“Comes with being a wordsmith. And, according to mom, I should have read every book in the world by now. I read like a trillion words a day.” Madeline said as she held her hands up. “Anyway let's get our things and get on the road. Unless there is another store you want to hit up.” Madeline said.
“Nah I was going to hit up the bookstore. But I buy most of my manga and I use my family Amazon Prime Account to get it like supper fast and at a discounted price.” I said, it was the moment I noticed Tabitha coming toward us. And she seemed to be smiling.
“Hey, Ladies. Just wanted you to know that my shift-leader just clocked in and if you two can hang around for just a few minutes, let her get settled in and stuff. She can pierce both of your ears. In the meantime, I can get you started on the paperwork and stuff!”
Tabitha told us as she pointed with her head toward a girl who was just walking through the door. The girl in question was clearly in charge as she was a good head taller than Tabitha. She also had long, black hair and dark brown eyes and wore something of a black, puff sleeve dress. She had even painted her fingernails black. And it really made her pale skin jump out at you. And when I mean that, when I say pale, she was white as flour and so transparent it seemed she could float right through the walls.
“Thank you Tabitha.” Madeline said smiling. “That would be lovely.”
Tabitha smiled and moved behind the desk.
“She is trying so hard.” I said as I moved toward the check out. I placed my items down upon the counter and watched as Tabitha started to scan each item. As a server I had to admire the way she scanned each item and sometimes when an item was not in the system she would enter the item code.
“No doubt. She is very professional from her manners to her appearance.” Madeline said. As she placed her items down upon the counter. Just as Madeline placed her stuff down, Tabitha had finished ringing my stuff up.
“Okay! That will be twelve dollars and fifteen cents! Would that be cash or card.” Tabitha asked as she punched a few keys on the cash register.
“Cash.” Madeline said as she handed over a twenty dollar bill, a dime and a nickel. Tabitha took the bill and coins and slipped them into the drawer and in a professional tone of voice said. “Out of twenty fifteen, your change is five dollars, thank you for shopping at Claire's and I hope have a good rest of your day.” She said as she handed the sales ticket and the five dollar bill back to Madeline. She then bagged Madeline's items, once they were in the bag she handed them over to Madeline.
“Oh!” Tabitha said as she handed Madeline a clipboard and a fountain pen. “I need you to fill these forms out too! Please ma'am. Then we can progress your application to get your ears done.” Tabitha then turned her attention toward me.
Just like Madeline she scanned my items, paying careful attention to what she was doing. As somebody who hated running a cash register I admired her budding skill. And me being me, I'd picked up a few extra things while waiting on Madeline, silly novelty items. Like sparkling fingernail polish, sparkling headband, and sparkling ribbons.
It took Tabitha a little longer to ring my items up than it did Madeline's but in the end. She pressed all the keys and the total came too.
“Okay your total is twenty one, fifteen.” Tabitha said with a broad smile as she started to bag my items. “Would that be cash or card?” She asked as she turned her attention once more to her drawer.
“Cash.” I said as I handed Tabitha a twenty dollar bill, a one dollar bill, a dime and a nickel. Tabitha took the money from my hands and smiled as she slipped it into the drawer and then handed me the sales ticket followed by items.
“And I thank you for shopping at Claire's this afternoon. Please come back to see us.” Tabitha said with a small smile. She then reached under the drawer and pulled out a clipboard. She then handed me the clipboard and a few seconds later a fountain pen.
“And here is your form. Please fill this out and return it to the front desk and we can progress your request to get your ears pierced.” Tabitha said. Again with a smile.
I blinked and joined Madeline who was sitting outside the shop on a wooden bench. The form was pretty straight forward. You know, name, date of birth, all that good stuff. A few boxes to check off saying we agreed to this and that. All in all it took only a few minutes to complete. Then Madeline and I ventured back into the shop. It was then we spotted a woman who seemed to be around twenty something. No doubt she was the manager of the store. She wore the same outfit as Tabitha only she wore a white doctors coat over her blouse.
“Hey ya'll, my name is Josie and I'm the manager here. Now my trainee here says you two ladies want to get your ears pierced, is that correct?” Josie said with a smile.
“Yes ma'am.” Both Madeline and I said in unison.
“Okay! Good, now Tabitha said she gave you some paperwork. Is that filled out?” Josie asked as she peered toward Madeline and I.
“Yes ma'am.” Both Madeline and I said again in unison.
“And how is that coming?” Josie said.
“We are finished ma'am.” Again Madeline and I said in unison.
“Good. May I see it?” Josie asked.
Madeline and I handed over the clipboards and she smiled as she flipped the papers.
“Everything seems in order. Okay, now, would you mind if Tabitha watches? Tabitha might be a newly hired associate but she aspires to be a Clarie's Piercing Specialists one day and this would a good chance for to see how it's done.” Josie asked.
“Of course not!” Madeline and I said once more in unison.
“Wonderful! This way please Ladies.” Josie said as she guided us toward a set of chairs located toward the back of the store. Madeline and I held hands as we walked. Like sisters or twins, we even climbed into the seats together and in a moment it was over and done with. A moment of pain, a brief flash of discomfort and it was done. Josie was a professional and a master of her craft.
And well. I can't think of a better way to end my day out with my best friend than getting both of our ears pierced together. There is more to come so please stay tuned.
To be continued.