Spice Girl House, Beacon Road, Loughborough, England:
Mickey looks down at Emma’s sleeping form and couldn’t believe the sex they had last night. He couldn’t get over how identical this Baby Spice was to the real Baby Spice. He takes a few pictures of Baby Spice as she slept. His friends weren’t going to believe he slept with her.
He walks over to her sleeping form and places a kiss on her cheek, before leaving. He needed to head home and get ready for work. He takes one more look towards the townhouse they had come back to last night, before he drives off.
A few hours later, Emma wakes up and heads towards the bathroom. She sits down on the toilet to pee. She could feel some of Mickey’s semen leak out of her ass and vagina. She loved the fact that she finally had the operation to correct her plumbing. Now, she didn’t have to worry about being found out that she had a penis any more.
She wipes herself and washes her hands before leaving the bathroom. She spots the clothes she wore last night spread out on the floor. She knew Mickey had to leave this morning because he owned his own business.
She grabs her house robe and slip her slippers on and walks downstairs. She smelled the aroma of bacon and coffee floating in the air. She walks into the kitchen and spotted her friend Peter (aka Peppermint) was cooking bacon. The coffee pot was full of fresh coffee.
Peter spotted Emma walking into the kitchen. A smile appears on his face, because last night, he learned Emma was a moaner. His bedroom was right across from Emma’s and he heard the squeakiness of Emma’s bed, along with her moaning.
“I take it, that Mickey left this morning?” Peter flips the bacon in the frying pan.
“Yeah, he had to open his store this morning. Sorry about how loud I got last night.” Emma pours herself a cup of coffee.
“It’s okay. I hope your bed is still intact after last night.” Peter smiles at Emma.
Emma blushes when Peter mentions how bad her bed was squeaking every time Mickey pumped into her body. Also, when he had her on all fours on the bed and took her from the rear. Her bed moved.
“It is.” Emma takes a sip of her coffee.
“I was thinking about scrambling some eggs to go with the bacon. Is that okay with you?” Peter knew Emma tried to watch she ate, in order to maintain her figure.
“God yes, I would love some scramble eggs.” Emma loved scramble eggs.
“Okay.” Peter continues cooking.
Emma walks over to the kitchen table and sits down. She was glad that she didn’t have classes today. She wonders where the other members of their group were. She looks at Peter “where is everyone?”
“Reggie met up with the new guy he met last night for breakfast. Kevin and Frankie are out buying some material for you to make their new outfits out of.”
“I forgot they asked me to make new outfits for them. Have you heard from Isabella about our next gig?” Emma knew their manager Isabella was handling all their European gigs.
“Yes, she called this morning to tell us that we have this month off. However, she does have a bunch of gigs lined up for us next month.
However, we do have to make an appearance at a few clubs this month. Remember that club we played at when we first arrived in England?”
“God yes. I was so tired after we landed, that the only thing I wanted to do, was sleep. Isabella forget to tell us she booked us at that club.” Emma takes another sip form her coffee.
“Well, the manager of that club, wants us to perform for them for two weeks.”
“As Spice Girls or as another girl’s band?” Emma loved performing as Baby Spice.
“What do you think?” Peter gives Emma that look.
“Okay, dumb question. I’m glad our idols don’t mind us pretending to be them.” Emma had gotten a chance to meet her idol when she was injured and when they came to a performance they had put on when they arrived in England.
She had been given a full scholarship to attend Loughborough University to study fashion design and art. She had entered another fashion
contest while she was a senior and won first place for her design. The prize was a full scholarship to any college she wanted to attend. She had applied at Loughborough and was accepted.
After she had recovered from the accident she had. She had accepted Peter’s invitation to join him and the others as a Spice Girl. They formed a tribute band and not only performed as Spice Girls, but also played other music from other girl bands of that era.
Everyone in their group could play an instrument. It was the one thing that set them apart from other Spice Girl Tribute bands. Also, they knew all the moves to several different girl bands as well. She made all the costumes for their group.
“Is it a weekend gig we are doing or during the week?” Emma was curious.
“Both. We are doing several nights during the week and two weekend gigs.”
“Alright.” Emma figures it shouldn’t interfere with her schooling.
She enjoys her coffee, while watching Peter scramble some eggs. When Peter hands her a plate with scramble eggs, bacon and toast.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Emma.” Peter fixes himself a plate and sits down across from Emma.
The two of them eat their breakfast and enjoy their coffee in peace. Afterwards, Emma helps to clean up the kitchen. While she is cleaning, she looks at Peter “what are you going to do today?”
“Go to the gym for a while, maybe do some shopping for dinner tonight. What are your plans?”
“I’m going to get started on designing the new outfits for us. Do you still want me to do a newer Union Jack dress for you or a different style dress?”
“Let’s do something different. I want a dress that comes down partway on my thighs, but still shows off my hips.”
“Like the sequin dress I made for you for the New Year’s Eve gig we did last year.”
“Exactly! I want one similar in design to that one.”
“I’ll make this dress out of a stretchy material for you. That way when you aren’t wearing pads it will conform to your body.” Emma knew Peter didn’t always where his pads when he dressed as a woman.
“Thanks. You know the colors I like. Can you make it a two-tone style, for me?” Peter knew how talented Emma was.
“Sure. It shouldn’t be a problem.”
Emma and Peter walk out of the kitchen and upstairs together. They split up at their bedrooms. Emma goes into her bedroom and puts some clothes on. She wasn’t going to bother to clean herself. She was going to try and hold in as much of Mickey’s semen as possible. She knew some of it will come out when she goes to the bathroom.
After getting dress, she heads down to her work room and start on the new dresses and designs. The dress for Peter won’t take long, because she has every thing, she needs in her work room. She pulls out the pattern she used when she made Peter’s New Years Eve dress and start cutting out the pieces.
The next few weeks, Emma and the girls go over the group’s agenda with their European touring manager. The touring manager manages to plan concerts for the girls up to when Peter and Emma needed to take time off for personal and medical reasons. Reggie was going to use that time as well to have some plastic surgery done.
During the time Peter is recovering from her surgery. The girls would work on another album under a different name not under the Spice Girls name. The new group name the girls settle on would be called Live Wire and would feature their original music.
They would still perform some concerts under the Spice Girls persona but otherwise would perform under their new name. They do their music with the Spice Girls' blessing. The Spice Girls are proud of the girls as they do their own thing.
Emma Bunton throws a huge party for Emma on her birthday. Sure, both of them shared the same day, but the real Baby Spice wanted to make it all about Emma. The other Spice Girls show up as well and do a private concert for Emma, and the other girls.
Geri Halliwell composes the song the Spice Girls perform for Emma. Geri is a little worried about Peter’s decision to become like her. She could understand why Peter was doing it. However, she was still a little unnerved about it.
As for the rest of the group, they love the fact that they were going to be doing their own thing, instead singing Spice Girls songs all the time. All of them contribute to writing songs for their groups and working out the harmonics for the songs they compose. Instead of doing things similar to the Spice Girls, the girls choose their style of dress to perform in.
Of course, Emma ends up making their outfits. It takes her several tries before she gets them right, but she does. She also works out a contract with the manufacturing company she’s been using in Boston. They would create her designs and ship them to the different clothing stores that she manages to get contracts with.
By the time Emma graduates from college, she has a nice nest egg between the clothing designs, the Spice Girls performances, and the Live Wire gigs.
Emma comes walking out of her workroom, stretching and yawning. She was so absorbed in what she was working on that she forgot to stop to grab some lunch. She enters the kitchen and spots Reggie (aka Sporty Spice) in a sports bra and short shorts making a sandwich. Out of all the group members, Reggie dressed as Sporty Spice even when they weren’t performing.
Reggie had many of the same facial features as Melanie Chisholm (Sporty Spice). He had to use makeup and other tricks to look like Melanie
Chisholm, whereas she didn’t because she was lucky enough to be born like her idol. She also knew Reggie was very athletic and lived a healthy lifestyle.
“What have you been up to, Baby?” Reggie looked at their baby doll as she came walking into the kitchen.
“Working on a dress for Peter. Have Kevin and Frankie gotten back yet?” Emma walked to the refrigerator to see what was available to make a sandwich.
“Not yet. So, how did last night go?” Reggie knew Emma went out with Mickey last night.
“Oh, it went very well,” Emma says the last with a purr in her voice.
A smirk appears on Reggie’s face. He knew Emma had been enjoying her new neovagina since she had the surgery to become female.
“Oh, that sounds like you two had serious sex last night.” Reggie takes a sip from his smoothie.
“We did. How did things go for you and that guy you met last night?” Emma remembered the hunk Reggie met at the club.
“He was very nice, and we had sex until two in the morning. I left, came home to change, and went jogging while you were working in your workroom.” Reggie had spotted the workroom door closed and heard music from Queen playing.
Emma finally found some luncheon meat and cheese to make a sandwich with. She makes a note on the master shopping list they keep on the refrigerator. Peter said he was going to go and do some shopping.
“So, how long do you think the two of you will stay together?” Emma knew Reggie didn’t have a good record with keeping boyfriends.
“Hopefully, he’s a keeper. He likes that I look like Sporty Spice, and our group honors the Spice Girls.” He was surprised by that statement when his boyfriend said.
“Well, I hope we get other gigs than Spice Girl gigs. We need to expand our repertoire.” Emma couldn’t believe she was saying those words.
“I’m shocked. You’re their biggest fan, and your whole identity is based on Emma Burton.” Reggie was shocked by the words that came out of Emma’s mouth.
“I know, but she suggested I make a name for myself outside of singing. You know how much I love designing and making clothes. Also, she said that one day she might need me for something special.” Emma loved the conversation she had with each member of the Spice Girls, but they all suggested that she should build a life outside of singing as well.
“Is that why you design clothes? To have something other than singing?” Reggie has known Emma for a while.
“Partially, but I love fashion. Also, it’s hard to find clothes that fit people like you and me because of how our hips and bodies are built. I want to design clothes that fit people like you and me.”
“Well, I’m grateful for these shorts and the others you modified for me. I do have one favor to ask you. If I describe a dress I want you to make for me, can you do it?” Reggie has been having images of a dress he would like to have made and wear.
“Sure, since Kevin and Frankie aren’t back yet. Why don’t we do it after I finish my lunch?” Emma was feeling hungry.
“Cool, and thanks, Emma.” Reggie was happy that Emma agreed.
“Anything for a Spice Girl.” Emma bites into her sandwich.
A smile appears on Reggie’s face as he continues his actions. He wonders when Kevin and Frankie will be back. He knows that when those two queens get together, they could cause some trouble.
Later in the evening, Kevin and Frankie show up just as Peter cooks dinner. Both men were shit face and singing some pirate ditty. They had a bunch of bags with them as they came stumbling into the house.
Peter looks at the other two members of their group “what have you two been up to?”
Frankie looks at Peter “arr. We’ve enjoyed some brew with our new friends at the pub.”
“You two might have had too much to drink.” Peter could tell that both men were slurring their words.
“You can never have too much, brew.” Kevin plops down at the dining room table.
Emma came walking into the room and saw how shit face Kevin and Frankie were. She shakes her head and figures they must have had a good time. If they had to play tonight, there would be no way they could with the guys like they were. It took too much work to get Kevin looking like Scary Spice, and the same applied to Frankie to get him looking like Posh Spice.
“I’m so glad we don’t have to perform tonight.” Emma looks at both men with a disappointed look on her face.
“What’s got your diaper in a twist, baby?” Frankie looks at Emma with a silly look on his face.
“Frankie, no one knows you guys are the Spice Girls. We need to be careful when we aren’t performing.” Emma knew the paparazzi here in England, is worst than in the states.
“Don’t worry your little blonde head.” Frankie smiles at Emma.
Emma shakes her head as she helps Peter sever dinner. Her mouth starts watering when she smells the food.
Frankie and Kevin only eat a little bit of dinner before heading to bed.
Emma looks at Peter “this is really good.”
“Thanks. It was one of my mother’s favorite meals.”
“She has good taste.”
“I think so.” Peter smiles at Emma.
Reggie helps Emma helps put the leftovers away. The rule in the house was if one person cooks, then the rest had to clear the table and put everything away.
Roundhouse. Chalk Farm Road, London, Greater London:
Oh, say you'll be there
I'm giving you everything
All that joy can bring
This I swear, ow
Last time that we had this conversation
I decided we should be friends, yeah
But now, we're going 'round in circles
Tell me will this déjà vu never end? No
And now you tell me that you're falling in love
Well, I never ever thought that would be, hey
This time, you gotta take it easy
Throwing far too much emotions at me
But any fool can see they're falling
I gotta make you understand
I'm giving you everything
All that joy can bring
This I swear (I'll give you everything)
And all that I want from you
Is a promise you will be there
Say you will be there, ow
Say you will be there
Ah, won't you sing it with me?
If you put two and two together
You will see what our friendship is for, oh
If you can't work this equation
Then I guess I'll have to show you the door
There is no need to say you love me
It would be better left unsaid
I'm (I'm) giving you everything (I'll give you everything)
All that joy can bring
This I swear (yes, I swear)
And (and) all that I want from you (all I want from you)
Is a promise you'll be there (is a promise you)
Yeah, I want you
Any fool can see they're falling
I gotta make you understand
I'll give you everything, on this I swear
Just promise you'll always be there
I'm giving you everything (I'm giving you everything)
All that joy can bring (all that joy can bring)
This I swear (yes, I swear)
And all that I want from you (all that I want from you)
Is a promise you
Will be there (yeah) (I want you)
I'm giving you everything
All that joy can bring
This I swear
And all that I want from you
Is a promise you
Will be there
I'm giving you everything
All that joy can bring
This I swear
And all that I want from you
Is a promise you
Will be there
I'm giving you everything
Emma and the other girls smile and soak in the crowd as they finish the song. The crowd was enormous and deafening when they started screaming and asking for an encore. Emma looks towards Ginger Spice to see what she wanted to do.
Ginger Spice/Peter noticed Emma looking at her and nods her head yes. She starts the opening cord to Let Love Lead The Way. The crowd quiets down as the girls start performing again.
All the girls sing and perform the moves to the song. It was a good thing that they knew the words and moves to every Spice Girls song. They practiced all the moves and lyrics until it was second nature to them.
When they are done with their performance, they leave the stage and head toward their dressing rooms. They stop to sign a few photographs. They had permission from the real Spice Girls.
By the time they get back to their dressing room, Emma was thirsty. It was a good thing their manager had arranged everything for them. She grabs flavored water and opens it. She takes a huge gulp from it. She downs half the bottle before she puts it down.
“Damn! Baby. You must be thirsty.” Posh Spice/Frankie looks at Emma as she sits down on the sofa in their dressing room.
Emma hated that the dress she was wearing was so short. All their costumes were exact replicates of the original costumes worn by the Spice Girls. She couldn’t believe the original Baby Spice wore such short dresses. It was a good thing her mother taught her the proper way a young girl was supposed to act and sit when wearing something so short.
“I am.” Emma takes another sip from her bottle.
“I am going to so sleep in tomorrow morning.” Kevin was sitting at her makeup table, ready to change her makeup.
The rules the group followed; were everyone was to remain in character until they get home. Any time they had to appear as their character in public, they had to remain as their character. Sometimes it was a headache, but that was the agreement when the group was formed.
“No, you’re not. We have to be at the BBC tomorrow for an interview.” Isabella comes walking into the dressing room.
All the girls look at Isabella as she walks into the room. They knew she was here backstage.
“What do you mean we have an interview tomorrow at the BBC?” Ginger Spice/Peter.
“Just as I said. You, ladies, have to be at the BBC tomorrow for an interview. I want all of you dressed and ready to leave at nine tomorrow. A limousine will be by to pick you up.”
“So, much for getting my run, in tomorrow.” Sporty Spice/Reggie was planning on going for a run tomorrow morning.
“You can always go for your run afterward.” Isabella looks over toward Reggie.
“True.” Reggie had to admit Isabella was right.
“How did we do tonight?” Peter/Ginger Spice wonders how their performance was.
“You ladies did wonderful tonight. You have another concert in Tokyo, Japan in two weeks.” Isabella had a line of performances booked for the group.
“In two weeks? I have an assignment that is due then.” Emma had to turn in a design that was based on the modern architect.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, Baby. You’ll have time to attend your class and turn your assignment in. You, ladies, will be leaving after you get back from school.” Isabella had a smirk on her face.
Emma shakes her head. She hated when they had things to do after she got done with her classes. At least she will be able to get some sleep on the flight to Japan.
It’s four in the morning by the time they get home. Emma had been leaning against Peter the whole time on the ride back. She was tired and Peter didn’t mind her leaning against her.
“Our poor baby needs to build up her endurance?” Frankie looks at baby as she slept.
“She puts a lot of her energy into making sure our performances are right.” Peter knew Emma took being Baby Spice seriously.
“Come on sweetie, we’re home.” Peter gently shakes Emma’s arm.
Emma wakes up and looks around. She was still a little out of it, as she gets out of the limo they arrived in.
“I got you, Emma.” Peter helps Emma into the house and up to her bedroom.
Emma was so tired, that she lets Peter guide her and help her remove her makeup. She gets undress and hugs Peter goodnight, before falling onto her bed. She falls back asleep instantly.
Spice Girls Song Lyrics: Say You'll Be There
Property of Universal Music Group
Monday Morning, 9:00 A.M. BBC Studios, Eyes Of London set:
“Morning ladies, welcome to Eyes of London. I’m Ruth Holmes and the producer of the show.” Ruth Holmes looks at the Spice Girls' imitators.
“Thank you for inviting us.” Peter was the default leader of the group.
“Here is what I will need for you to do. We will be filming before a live audience. You girls will be waiting in the blue room until it is time for you to come before the cameras. My assistant will come and get you. Once you are out on the set, you can arrange yourself any way you would like. Holly Murdoch and Marvin Hammond will ask you a series of questions. Please keep your answers short and to the point.”
“Are there any subjects or matters we shouldn’t speak about?” Ginger Spice/Peter wanted to make sure not to speak about certain matters.
“As you know, the real Spice Girls are friends with the Royals, so it might not be wise to tarnish their relationship with them.”
“You have nothing to worry about that.” Emma had spoken to the real Baby Spice and she suggested how she and the others should act when they were dressed as them.
“Good, at the end of the interview. I was hoping you would do a song for us.” Ruth thought it might be a good ending.
“I think we can do that. How about we do STOP as a show stopper?” Ginger Spice/Peter liked that song and they had that one memorized.
“That would be perfect.” Ruth knew they had the soundtrack for that one.
“Now, let me go and get everything going.” Ruth spots her assistant and motions for her to come over.
Ruth spots Gail motioning for her. Gail spotted that Ruth was standing with the Spice Girls. She has always loved their music. She had heard that the tribute group was coming in today to be on the show. She walks over to them and Ruth.
When Gail comes over, Ruth looks at the tribute band “ladies, this is my assistant Gail Cordwell. I am going to hand you off to her capable hands.”
“Ladies, if you’ll follow me, please.” Gail escorts the girls to the blue room to wait.
She couldn’t believe how they resembled the real Spice Girls in their younger years. She looks at the one called Baby Spice and noticed she looked like she was a twin of the original. She wonders if she was related to Mrs. Bunton somehow.
The girls noticed there were drinks in the blue room. There were also M&M’s in a crystal bowl as well.
“Well, at least Cynthia had them put some M&Ms for us.” Frankie loved M&Ms.
Emma looks around and notices that the show was about to start on the big monitor. She loved how the set looked and how nicely Holly Murdoch and Marvin Hammond were dressed.
“I wonder who supplies their wardrobe?” Emma liked how the clothes were styled and fitted the host.
A smile appears on Peter’s face as he watches Emma. He knew she was such a fashionista.
“You could always ask Gail when she comes to get us.” Frankie heard Emma’s question.
“True, I could.” Emma picks up flavored water bottle and takes a sip from it.
By the time Emma finishes her drink. Gail comes and escorts them to the stage. Just as they are introduced, they start walking out onto the set. Emma sits between Peter/Ginger Spice and Kevin/Scary Spice.
“Ladies, it is so nice to meet all of you. Allow me to introduce you to our audience” As Holly and Marvin look towards the camera.
“Allow me to introduce the tribute band known as the Spice Girls. These young ladies are from the US and have been endorsed by their idols, the Spice Girls themselves.” Holly cues a recording of an interview that she and Marvin conducted with the real Spice Girls.
All the girls watch as the real Spice Girls give their blessing and comment on each girl. Emma gets extra special praise from Emma Bunton for doing her proud and doing Baby Spice's name proud as well.
Marvin looks at Emma “it sounds like you and Emma Bunton are close. Can you tell me how you and Emma Bunton met?”
“Well, Marvin. She and the other Spice Girls came and visited me while I was in the hospital.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Why were you in the hospital?” Marvin saw how the live audience wanted to know as well.
“Before I became a performer, I use to be on my school's pep team. During one of my high school’s football games. Some players got to close
to the sideline where I and several other pep squad members were standing. They were about to crashed into us. I managed to push the squad member who was standing next to me out of the way in time before I got hit. While I was recovering in the hospital, I guess my mother contacted Mrs. Bunton and the others and told them how much of a fan I was. Mrs. Bunton was shocked to see someone who looked identical to her. So, they came and visited me. Since that day, I have been in contact with them.”
“And I take it, that you ladies met them as well?” Holly looks at the others.
“Yes, we started as an 80s tribute band dedicated to the girl groups of that era. It was when we realized how popular Girl Power was by the Spice Girls, that we changed things up. We realized that we did so well as Spice Girl impersonators, but the Baby Spice we had, decided to move on. So, when I heard about Emma here, I asked her to join our group and she accepted. She has been the reason we have been so successful as a tribute band to the Spice Girls.” Peter looks at Emma/Baby Spice with a proud look on his face.
“So, you’re the group's secret weapon?” Marvin looks at Emma as well.
Emma blushes from the compliments she was getting. She knew they were on air.
“She’s too embarrassed to answer that question.” Kevin nudges Emma.
She looks at him before answering “I say it’s a combination of everyone in the group that contributes to our success.”
“But it helps that we have a Baby Spice who is the Spice Girls' biggest fan.” Reggie/Sporty Spice spoke up.
Reggie looks at Emma and smiles at her. He knew they wouldn’t be as successful as they are without her. It was a good idea that Peter had invited her to join their group.
The rest of the interview revolved around the other members of the group. Holly and Marvin asked some background questions about each girl and what they use to do before joining the group. Both of the interviewers were impressed that everyone in the group could play instruments as well.
By the end of the interview, the girls get up and perform the song STOP. You could tell, the energy of the song was high. The girls do an outstanding job on the song and get big applause from the audience.
By the time they get home. Everyone is riding high from the interview. Reggie changes clothes and goes for her run. Emma and Peter join Reggie. Kevin and Frankie work out in the small gym they have on the property.
The Illusion, Loughborough, England:
Emma leans against Mickey as they slowly dance on the dance floor. She was taking a night off from all her work. She knew the other girls were out having fun as well. Since appearing on the morning show, they have been requested for other appearances.
As Emma is slowly dancing close to Mickey, she feels someone touch her ass. She knew it wasn’t Mickey’s hands, because one was resting on the small of her back and the other one was holding her close to him. She tries to glance around to see who brushed against her ass but couldn’t.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Mickey noticed Emma acting kind of fidgety.
“Someone just touched my butt.” She knew she felt someone grab her ass.
She had worn one of her custom-made dresses. Originally, it was going to be made into one of her performing outfits. But as she kept working on it, she decided to turn it into a dress she could wear to the clubs when she went out with Mickey.
“It was probably by accident, sweetie.” Mickey knew Emma’s dress was a little shorter than normal, but it didn’t reveal anything.
“I don’t know.” Emma glances around the room as she and Mickey dance.
Afterward, they head over to their table, they were sharing with their other friends. Emma sits down next to Mickey and her friends from college sit near her and Mickey. Her other friend, Lilly sat next to her boyfriend near Mickey. Both her friends knew she wasn’t the real Emma Bunton, but they liked pretending they were with her. Sometimes it has come in handy, especially when they wanted to get into a club, but had to wait to go in.
Evie saw the group that came in earlier and sat down in her area. They were back from dancing out on the dance floor. She walks over to them “how can I help you tonight?”
“I’ll like a Moscow Mule, and my boyfriend will have a Brandy.” Emma knew Mickey’s favorite drink. Every time they have gone out, he always ordered the same drink.
Mickey just smiles at Emma. He loved how his girlfriend fawned over him. Lilly lets her boyfriend order for her. Aria orders her own but smiles at her boyfriend when he orders his. The two of them have been together since the summer before college started.
Lilly looks at Emma “so, what are your plans for the rest of the month, Emma?”
“Finish up that assignment our instructor assigned us and I have to fly to Japan next week for a concert.”
“Wow, how long are you going to be in Japan?” Aria was envious that Emma was flying to Japan.
“We're leaving Thursday night and coming back Monday morning. I’m going to try to squeeze in a little fabric shopping while in Japan.” Emma wanted to buy some fabric she heard about in Japan.
“Are you going with her, Mickey?” Jerry looks towards Mickey for his opinion.
“Unfortunately, as much as I would like to. I can’t just close the store and fly off.” Mickey would love to go with Emma when she visited other countries.
“You should hire a part-timer to come and work for you, Mickey. Maybe, someone from the business program. That way they could earn credit towards their degree.”
“Sweetie, that’s a great idea?” Emma looks at Mickey to see what he thought.
“Hhmm, I’ll think about it.” Mickey liked the idea of hiring a part-timer, so he could spend more time with Emma.
Evie brings their drinks over to their table and places them in front of them. She smiles at the group as she places their drinks in front of them “enjoy.”
“Thanks, by the way. You never told us your name.” Emma looks at Evie when she asks the question.
“Evie, ma’am.” Evie looks at the blonde hair woman speaking to her.
A few of the other waitresses and waiters were saying that this blonde hair woman was Baby Spice, from the Spice girls. She didn’t know who the Spice Girls were, so she didn’t pay that much attention to the rumors.
“Thank you, Evie. You have been very attentive.” Emma knew the wait staff worked hard.
“Thank you, ma’am.” Evie smiles and turns to leave.
Emma watches as Evie walks away. She spotted the guys watching her as well. Evie had nice hips and a sexy way she walked.
They take a couple of sips to from their drinks and head back out onto the dance floor. The DJ plays several Spice Girls songs that have been mixed. Emma shows off when the music starts playing. She knew so many dance steps from her training and from the moves she study from the other girl groups she imitated. She and Mickey put on a show with how they danced. Occasionally, she would stop and drink some of her drink. She doesn’t notice that each time she stopped to take a sip from her drink, it was refilled.
By the time the group calls it quits. Mickey has to help Emma back to his car. He looks at her “you are wasted, baby.”
“I’m not wasted.” Emma was slurring her words so badly, that Mickey had to listen carefully to Emma.
Jerry looks at Emma “you are so wasted, Baby. I hope you’re wearing a diaper.”
“Oh, you are so wasted, Emma.” Lilly was feeling a little tipsy as well.
“I’m not wasted.” Emma stomps her foot like a little kid and falls onto the asphalt.
Her legs were splayed wide open, and you could see what type of panties she was wearing. She looks up at her friends with an embarrassed look on her face.
“Oh, you are so wasted.” Mickey helps Emma up off the asphalt.
Aria grabs Emma’s shoes and carries them to the car. Mickey buckles Emma in and waits for everyone else to get into the car. He feels Emma kiss him on the cheek, just before they leave.
“Oh, someone is going to get lucky tonight.” Aria was teasing Mickey.
“I always get lucky, Aria.” Mickey looks at Aria in the rearview mirror.
Emma passes out while Mickey drops everyone off at their place. They decided to go in one car, so the others could enjoy themselves. When Mickey arrives at the house the girls were renting. He carries Emma inside and up to her bedroom. He undresses her and tucks her in. he also places the trashcan near her bed as well.
“Sweet dreams, Emma.” As Mickey kisses Emma’s forehead.
The next morning, Emma wakes up with a massive hangover. Her head was pounding away. She slowly gets up out of bed and stumbles towards the bathroom and sits down to pee. She couldn’t believe how badly she had to pee as it comes forcefully.
After she finishes peeing, she washes her hands and pops two aspirins into her mouth. She uses the wall to support her as she heads toward the kitchen. When she walks into the kitchen, she notices all the other girls in there eating breakfast.
Frankie noticed Emma walking into the kitchen and she was looking miserably. She couldn’t help herself “you seemed to have enjoyed yourself last night.”
“I say she did. She’s all over the tabloids this morning.” Reggie shows the picture of Emma on the ground with her legs splayed wide open. The camera got a good shot of the thong panty she was wearing.
Emma looks at the picture and the headline. It read “Baby Fell Down and Go Boom.”
“I am so sorry guys.” Emma sits down in a nearby chair.
“It was bound to happen sooner or later, Emma. If it wasn’t you, it would have been one of us.” Frankie knew he and Kevin liked to go out and enjoy themselves.
“Still, I should have been more careful.” Emma felt bad because she always tries to be the perfect role model.
“Don’t dwell on it, Emma. It was a good thing Mickey brought you home and tucked you into bed.” Peter heard the conversation as she walked into the kitchen.
Emma looks at Peter “you saw us last night?”
“Did I ever. He carried you upstairs to your bedroom.” Peter heard Mickey come into the house last night.
“Here, drink this, Emma. It will help you.” As Frankie places a drink in front of Emma.
“What’s in it?” Emma looks at Frankie for an answer.
“You don’t want to know, Emma. Just drink it. It will help with the headache and the effects of the alcohol.”
Emma picks it up and drinks it. She makes a face as she drinks more.
Everyone starts laughing at Emma.
Flying Back From Japan:
“Man, I can’t believe how much all the fabric I bought cost.” Emma was relaxed and sipping a drink. She was wearing one of her last year's creations.
“Covid has caused everything to go up.” Peter was relaxing in a seat on the left side of the private jet
Peter and Reggie were wearing dresses as well. Reggie’s dress showed off her toned abs and well-developed legs. Peter’s dress stopped mid-thigh and she was wearing sheer nude thigh-high socks. All of them were wearing low heel shoes today. Frankie and Kevin were wearing nice tailor-made suits. The suits show off their figure.
“What time are we supposed to be landing?” Frankie was thinking about taking a nap.
“Around six in the morning. The limo is going to be waiting for you.” Isabella had made sure everything was organized.
“Aren’t you coming back to the house, Isabella?” Emma looks at their road manager.
“Nope, I have a meeting tomorrow and I want to make sure everything is ready. You, ladies, have the rest of the week off.”
“Thank goodness. I have a project to turn in.” Emma knew she was going to spend the rest of the day getting her project together.
After landing and arriving home. Emma takes the fabric she had in Japan into her workroom and starts on her project. She had to turn the outfit in on Wednesday. She was going to model the outfit herself.
Frankie and Kevin decided to stay in, instead of going out. They were wearing their lounge clothes around the house. Most of the group wore clothes Emma made for them.
Emma was wearing a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt while she worked. She didn’t bother putting a bra on. She had her hair tied back in a ponytail. She hated when the locks of her hair drooped down into her eyes.
She had a collection of music playing as she worked. She loved listening to music when she worked. When In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins starts playing, she sings along with it. Her sweet, feminine, light, and rounded voice sounded weird compared to Phil Collins's voice. She adjusts how she is singing and harmonized with his vocals adding warmth and sweetness to the song.
She loved music and she loved designing clothes. She steps back to look at the dress she was designing. The material she chose for the dress was working out well. She hopes she gets top grades for the design.
Emma walks back over to the mannequin and makes a few adjustments to the dress. Since the mannequin had her measurements, the adjustments should fit her better. She steps back from the mannequin and slowly twirls it around, so she could get a good look at it.
“I need to get a second opinion.” Emma walks out of her workroom and goes looking for either Reggie or Peter.
Both men had good taste when it came to outfits. She hears them playing basketball outside and steps outside. Peter was dribbling the ball and Reggie was blocking him. Both of them were wearing sports bras and a pair of shorts. She watches as Reggie blocks Peter from taking a shot.
Reggie wasn’t known as Sporty Spice for reason. He was very flexible and good at playing sports.
“I hate to interrupt your ladies’ game, but I could use a second opinion about a dress I making.”
“Are you sure you want us to comment on one of your designs?” Reggie knew how Emma felt about her designs.
“Yes, I need another opinion.” Emma saw how sweaty Reggie and Peter were.
“All right, but if we don’t like it. You know we will tell you.” Peter starts walking towards Emma.
“I know.” Emma follows Peter as Reggie follows behind her.
They all walk into Emma’s workroom and spot the dress she has been working on. Peter walks around it and looks at the cut and the stitching on it. He looks at Emma and back at it “it looks nice.”
“What do you think Reggie?”
Reggie looks at the dress and walks around it, looking at the whole design. He looks towards Emma “I agree with Peter. It’s very nice.”
“Do you think I’ll get a decent grade for it?” Emma wants to maintain her high grades.
“If your teacher doesn’t give you high marks for this dress. Something is wrong with her.” Reggie liked the dress.
“Thanks, guys.” Emma was glad they liked it.
She looks at Peter and Reggie “you two should think about becoming women.”
“No thanks, Emma. I prefer to remain gay.” Reggie didn’t mind dressing like a woman, but he liked being male.
“I don’t know, there are some advantages to being a woman.” Peter enjoyed being Ginger Spice.
“Well, I think you two would make cute women.” Emma liked when Reggie and Peter dressed up.
“Thanks for the compliment, Emma.”
Emma watches as Peter and Reggie walk out of the workroom. She finishes putting on the final touches on the dress and prepares it to take to school tomorrow.
Loughborough University:
Emma rushes towards her class. Her arms were packed with the dress she made, which was protected. She could feel the strap for her backpack slipping off her shoulder and down her left arm.
“Damn! Damn!” Emma had slept through her alarm clock and would have been even later having Peter hadn’t gotten her up. As it was, she only had a few minutes to get to class. Her instructor was the type that if you aren’t in a class by the time the bell rang. You were locked out of class.
Just as she slips into class, the bell rings. She looks at her instructor with a smile on her face.
“You barely made it, Ms. Taylor.” Professor Walker looks at Ms. Taylor as she squeezes past the classroom door.
“Sorry about that, Mrs. Walker.” Emma was glad she made it.
“Now, if you’ll take your station and prepare your assignment.” Mrs. Walker closes the classroom door and walks towards the front of the class.
“Yes, ma’am.” Emma walks over to her station and arranges her dress on the mannequin.
“All right, class, I will assign you a model, or you can model your creation yourself. Once you are ready, we will head towards the runway, and I want you to model your creation.” Mrs. Walker looks at everyone as she speaks.
“I would like to see George display his dress.” Anna looks at Emma when she says that.
Emma looks at Anna. “I don’t know. I know a few men that would wear his creation.”
“I don’t think he swings that way.” Anna knew how George was. He had a reputation of being a lady’s man.
He was the type that liked to love them and leave them. He screwed over a good friend, seduced another one, and got her pregnant. According to what her friend told her, he drugged her and left her at a hotel.
George looks over towards Anna and Emma. He knew how Anna felt about him. He didn’t care. She wasn’t anyone important. Emma, on the other hand, knew she was an American student that dressed and acted like Baby Spice from the Spice girls. He also knew she also song with several other people, had been putting on shows as if they were the real Spice Girls.
Lately, she has been outshining him as a fashion designer ,and he didn’t like that. He had always been top of the class until she showed up. He couldn’t stand the fact that an American bimbo like her was upstaging him.
“All right, come and select your models and get ready to show me your creations.” Mrs. Walker motions for several women to come into the classroom.
George spots a nice brunette that would be a nice model to display his creation. He approaches her .“I would like you to display my creation.”
Cameron didn’t mind modeling the dress. She follows the designer and lets him fit it to her measurements. She could tell right away that the dress too was to tight on her body.
“Suck it in.” George could tell the dress was tight on this girl.
“You need to lose some weight if you’re going to be a model.” George pulls the seam tight on the dress.
“My weight is fine, jerk. Your dress isn’t cut right.” Cameron looks at George as he tightens the seam.
George stabs Cameron with a pin.
“Don’t move.” George finishes what he was doing.
Emma goes behind a screen and changes out of her street clothes and slip the dress on that she designed. It fit her like a glove. She was glad she wore thong panties today, instead of the bikini cut ones. She checks herself and makes sure the dress was fitting right.
Emma turns to look at Anna “how do I look?”
Anna stops what she was doing and look at Emma “you look nice. I like the design.”
“Me too.” Beverly liked how Emma’s dress made Emma look cute.
“Thanks, Beverly.” Anna couldn’t believe her model was on Emma’s side.
“All right class, get your models lined up to walk down the runway.” Mrs. Walker watches as everyone arranges their models.
One by one, the models and students line up to walk down the runway. Emma watches several models go first and concentrate on walking like they do when it’s her turn. When the model wearing George’s clothes walk down the runway, the seams start splitting, and the material starts tearing.
She ignores what is going on as she displays George’s design. When she returned to the start area, the dress barely covered her. She walks up to George and slaps him on the face.
“Ouch! That had to hurt.”
Emma heard that from one of the other students waiting to display their creations. She starts walking down the runway, showing off her design. She may not be a professional model like some women who went before her. However, she does a good job walking like a trained model.
When Emma gets back, one of the models looks at her. “Are you sure you have never modeled?”
“I’m sure this is my first time.” Emma liked how she looked walking down the runway.
“Well, for an amateur, you did well.”
“Thanks.” Emma felt proud of herself after that statement.
Mrs. Walker called everyone together and made comments about each outfit that had been submitted. Everyone listened intently when Mrs. Walker criticized George’s creation and how he should have left the extra fabric for the seams and done a better job on the stitching.
“As for your creation Ms. Taylor, you did a good job on it. You could do a few things to improve on it, but otherwise. Nice job.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Walker.” Emma couldn’t wait to tell the guys.
“Now, I want to go over a few things with you. Go ahead and take your break, and we’ll continue when you return.”
Emma changes out of her dress and puts it away carefully. She looks over toward George and feels sorry for him. She knew how hard he worked, but he should have known better.
After changing, Emma goes and grab herself something to drink.
Viva Forever by The Spice Girls
Do you still remember how we used to be?
Feeling together, believing whatever
My love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers
Young love in the sun
Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave you
We'd only just begun
Hasta mañana, always be mine
Viva forever, I'll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever, for the moment
Ever searching for the one
Yes, I still remember every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song never heard
Slippin' through our fingers, like the sands of time
Promises made, every memory saved
As reflections in my mind
Hasta mañana, always be mine
Viva forever, I'll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever, for the moment
Ever searching for the one
Back where I belong now, was it just a dream?
Feelings unfold, they will never be sold
And the secret's safe with me
Hasta mañana, always be mine
Viva forever (viva forever), I'll be waiting (I'll be waiting)
Everlasting (everlasting), like the sun (like the sun)
Live forever (live forever), for the moment (for the moment)
Ever searching (ever searching) for the one (for the one)
Viva forever, I'll be waiting (I'll be waiting)
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever (live forever), for the moment
Ever searching for the one
The girls sang for the crowd at Don Valley Stadium. They were on their last song for the show and all of them were feeling tired. They have been performing gigs for the last month and a half. They didn’t let how they were feeling show as they finished singing and exit the stage.
Emma looks at Ginger Spice as she leans against her. Everyone was so tired and just wanted the night to end. Unfortunately, they had a party to attend after the show. It was a private event and they were being flown from the stadium out to the estate where the party was being hosted.
When they arrive at their dressing room. The girls strip out of their stage clothes and use the showers provided for them. While Emma is washing her hair and body, she looks over toward Peter “Why did we agree to go to this party? I have class tomorrow and I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my eyes open.”
“Because the party is being hosted by one of our sponsors and they want us to mingle and socialize with some of their friends.” Peter was feeling the same way.
He was tired because he and Reggie started taking estrogen. Both of them decided that they wanted to be more like Ginger Spice and Sporty Spice. They even had some minor plastic surgery as well to add to their looks.
Once everyone was finished taking a shower and reapplying their makeup and dressed in the clothes they were going to wear. They are informed that the helicopter sent to fly them to the estate has arrived. Emma looks around to make sure she didn’t leave anything and followed the others towards the helicopter. They stop to sign pictures and such on the way to the helicopter. Emma was handed a CD case and she kisses the cover inside the case. Her bright red lipstick showed through.
The flight to the estate was a little bumpy but otherwise smooth. Emma paid attention to where they were going by air and took some pictures with her cell phone. She looked around and noticed Frankie/ Posh Spice and Kevin/ Scary Spice were catching a cat nap. When they were at a party, Scary Spice cut loose.
The helicopter lands at a nice estate where it looked like the party was already in progress. They are escorted toward the huge crowd of people. They were instructed to mingle and socialize with everyone by their manager.
Emma finds herself surrounded by a lot of young men. She could already tell what they were thinking, but she plays up the role of Baby Spice. Mrs. Bunton had given her a few suggestions on how she handles young men and such. Emma was glad that she and Mrs. Bunton were good friends and that Mrs. Bunton appreciate the effort she tried to live up to the standards Mrs. Bunton set when she was Baby Spice.
Emma enjoys the company of the young men and tries not to favor one over the other. She was in a serious relationship with Mickey and didn’t want to jeopardize it. He understood that she had to flirt and sometimes play the dizzy role. But, she hopes he also knew how much she loved him.
Late in the evening/early morning. They are flown back to a private airfield near their house where the limo was waiting for them. When they get inside, Emma lays her head on Reggie’s lap and gets a cat nap in on their way back to the house.
Reggie strokes Emma’s blonde hair as she rests her head on his lap. He was tired as well. He falls asleep on the way back.
“Emma, wake up, sweetie.” Peter lightly shakes Emma’s shoulder when they arrive back at the house.
Emma slowly opens her eyes and looks at Peter. “Do I have to? I just fell asleep.”
“Yes, you do. We are home.” Peter helps Emma up off the seat and out of the limo.
Emma uses Peter for support as she walks towards the house. She saw the sky slowly fading from night to morning. A moan escapes from her mouth as she looks at her cell phone and notices what time it was. She had three hours before she had to be in class.
“I am not driving to school today.” She sends a text message to the cabby she uses when she doesn’t want to drive.
She watches as everyone else heads to their bedroom. She was regretting being a student and performer. She stumbles into her bedroom and changes clothes. She wasn’t going to show up at class dressed in the dress Mrs. Bunton had given her.
Between the clothes Mrs. Bunton gave her to wear on stage or to special events and the ones, she made herself or bought. Her closet was filled and extended out into her bedroom on racks. She digs through the clothes she wears to school and put together an outfit that she could get away with wearing to school. Afterward, she stumbles into the kitchen and fixes herself a cup of Hawaiian-style coffee, because of how strong it was and grabs an apple fritter to eat. Her cell phone beeps letting her know her cab had arrived.
By the time Emma gets back to the house after class. She was dragging ass and her eyes were bloodshot. She waves to everyone as she walks through the house and towards her bedroom. She doesn’t even make it to her bed before she collapses onto the floor from exhaustion.
She wakes up from her bladder making her wakeup. She discovers that she is in her bed and wearing her favorite Spice Girl nightshirt. She stumbles towards the bathroom and sits down on the toilet. She wasn’t wearing any panties, which she was thankful for, because she would have forgotten to take them off.
She stumbles back to her bedroom and falls face-first into her mattress. She doesn’t even cover up as her nightshirt exposes her bare bottom. She sleeps throughout the night and well into mid-morning, when her body starts complaining that it is hungry. She gets up and rubs the sleep from her eyes and stumbles towards the bathroom again and does her business.
Emma stops and slashes some water on her face, trying to force herself to wake up. She holds the railing as she walks downstairs and into the kitchen. She spots Reggie sitting at the counter enjoying a protein shake.
“You look like something the cat threw up.” Reggie looks at Emma when she walks into the kitchen and stumbles over to the coffee machine.
“I feel like it. How long have I been asleep?” Emma brews herself some coffee.
“About sixteen hours or more. How did class go yesterday?” Reggie knew when Emma was half asleep or lacking sleep, she doesn’t remember anything.
“I don’t recall. I don’t even recall how I got home.” Emma takes her coffee cup and walks over to set down at the counter next to Reggie.
She takes a sip from it and enjoys the warmth from it. Her body was feeling cold.
“Not surprising. When I came into your bedroom to check on you. I found you sound asleep on the floor. I picked you up and undress you and put you in bed.”
“Thanks. I can’t believe I was that tired.” As Emma takes a sip from her coffee cup.
“I can. Out of all of us, you put one hundred percent of your energies into our performance. Also, having to get up and go to school yesterday didn’t help you, either.” Reggie drinks some of his shakes.
Emma drinks some of her coffee. She just sits beside Reggie enjoying her coffee. She wonders how many more performances they had coming up.
“Reggie, do you think this is worth our energy?” Emma looks at Reggie when she asks the question.
“What being a tribute band or being a band period?” He looks at Emma.
“Both?” Emma loved being Baby Spice, but sometimes she wonders if it was worth it.
“For me, I would say I enjoy it a lot. I know Frankie and Kevin are regretting it and are talking about wanting to leave. Which means we will have to find another Posh Spice and Scary Spice and that’s not easy.”
“Hhmmm, I can’t say I blame them.” Emma holds her coffee.
Reggie looks at Emma and wonders if she regrets agreeing to be their Baby Spice. He knows she loved being Baby Spice and that she loved the Spice Girls.
“Are you thinking about giving up, too?”
“I don’t know. I enjoy being Baby Spice and I enjoy my friendship with Mrs. Bunton as well. She’s been a big help in making sure we lived up to the Spice Girls' name and image. It’s just between being a student and performing all the time is taking a toll on me.” Emma takes a sip from her coffee cup.
“Why don’t we talk with our manager and tell her we will be wanting a few weeks off? I know were booked several television shows for the upcoming holidays.” Reggie had spoken to Peter since Peter was the default leader.
“Okay.” Emma drinks some more of her coffee.
Afterward, she takes a shower and puts on some slumming around-the-house clothes. She didn’t feel like going out anywhere. She works on a few designs while listening to AC/DC playing on her portable radio. It was linked to her cell phone. She didn’t feel like hearing any Spice Girl songs, so she had it set for Playlist 2 instead which had a different collection of music on it.
The following months are busy for the group as they do television specials and small concerts. By the time Christmas arrives, Emma has won several design contests and constructed outfits for everyone. She was also on Winter break from school. She uses the downtime to relax after all
the concerts and specials they performed in.
The real Spice Girls ask them to perform with them for a Christmas special, and between Emma and the real Baby Spice, they have fun on stage. Since Emma was younger than her idol, they played up the deception with the audience. They wear the same matching outfits and do a switcheroo several times with the rest of their group.
After Christmas, Frankie and Kevin decide to leave the group. Both guys meet someone they love a lot and get married.
Emma felt bad that they had left, but she understood their reasons. They were over being Spice Girls and wanted to move on to other things. Mrs. Bunton had said that sometimes things like this happen, even in their group, when Geri left the group. Cynthia was conducting auditions for Kevin and Frankie’s replacements.
Peter and Reggie were slowly developing female traits from the estrogen they had been taking. During the Christmas holidays, they have more plastic surgery done to become the women they were impersonating. Reggie still worked out while recovering. She wanted to maintain her athletic body build.
“Come on Emma, you need to tone your body.” Reggie works out beside Emma as they do some squats.
Emma looks at Reggie and the outfit she was wearing. Reggie and Peter had breast implants and butt lifts done to give them the same size Sporty Spice and Ginger Spice were. They were still waiting to hear from Cynthia about the Posh Spice and Scary Spice replacements.
“I’m doing them the way you and that instructor on the Zoom channel want us to do them.” Emma started working out after she noticed she was losing muscle mass.
She was also gaining weight because of the weird hours she was keeping and all the food she’s been eating over the holidays. She noticed her favorite pair of blue jeans were getting tighter around her waist and hips. So, she asked Reggie if she could start working out with her.
“Have you and Peter decided yet, if you’re going to change your names?” Emma does a squat.
“Already in the process. I hired a lawyer who specializes in transgender issues to go ahead and file the paperwork.”
“Cool. I hope Cynthia finds some replacements that are at least as good as Kevin and Frankie.”
“Not only do they have to be at least as good as Frankie and Kevin, but be able to meld with us as well. They need to fit in and make it look like we have known each other for a long time.”
“That’s hard to do.” Emma knew how some groups work.
“You did it without even trying. It was like we had found the Baby Spice we really needed.” Reggie was surprised at how well Emma completed the group.
“Thanks.” Emma moves on to the next exercise.
Afterward, she goes and soaks for a while. Reggie knew how to push her and make sure she put as much effort as she did in her dancing and such into exercising. She was going to dinner later with Mickey and maybe over to his house afterward.
While Emma is soaking in the tub, enjoying the scented bath balls her mother gave her for Christmas. She wonders where Mickey wants to go. He had told her it was a nice place and he knew the owner of it. She stretches her foot and rests it against the faucet.
She runs her hand down her leg and was glad she had them waxed before the holiday performances. She had to give Kevin and Frankie credit for that. They at least waited until all the holiday performances were done before leaving.
Emma stays in the tub for a while until the water starts getting cold. She gets out and dries off, and heads towards her bedroom. She looks at her fingernails and notices they are still good but a little dull looking. She polishes her fingernails and puts a nice clear coat on them.
She takes her time getting ready for her date tonight. Mickey had finally hired some extra help at his business and didn’t have to rush to work in the morning anymore. She wears her new corset, panties, garter belt, and stockings. A friend of hers thought she might like them.
She is ready when Mickey shows up to pick her up. Which for her was a miracle in itself. She was never ready by the time Mickey came to take her out.
When Mickey shows up to pick her up. She gets in his car and they go to the restaurant he planned on taking her. Later, after dinner and dancing, they end up at his place. She snuggles up against him and falls asleep.
Mickey’s Place:
Emma had woken up first and was in the kitchen fixing breakfast for herself and Mickey. She knew Mickey was worn out from last night, and she couldn’t sleep any longer. So, she got up and put one of his t-shirts on, which barely covered her groin area.
She knew Mickey kept his refrigerator well stock and decided she would make one of her family’s famous omelets. She gathered what she needed and started making a Western omelet for Mickey and herself. She had music playing from her cell phone as much as she loved the Spice Girls and knew every song by heart. She liked listening to other artists.
Right now, she is listening to songs by Roxette. The group’s singer Marie Fredriksson was a good singer, but died back in 2019 from cancer. All the good female singers and male singers were dying off. The song currently playing on her cell phone was Joyride.
Hello, you fool, I love you
C'mon, join the joyride
I hit the road out of nowhere
I had to jump in my car…
Emma started singing along with the song. She didn’t try to match her voice to the singer but sang like she usually did. She moves her hips and dances in place as she flips the omelets she was making.
Mickey comes walking into the kitchen and spots Emma cooking, dancing, and singing to the song Joyride. He watches as her hips move in time to the song as she flips something on the stove. He loved the aroma floating around in the kitchen. He also loved the way Emma’s butt jiggled and moved when she was dancing. He noticed she was wearing one of his t-shirts and no panties.
He stands and watches her enjoy herself while she cooks. He loved how her cute heart shape butt wiggled. He was surprised the first time they made love when he discovered that her whole body was shaped like the original Baby Spice. She even had the same tattoo he knew the original Baby Spice had.
He continues to watch her as she shakes her butt and moves in time with the music. He wonders how long their relationship will last and what she has planned for the future. He knew she was going to school to be a fashion designer, and that was a fickle field.
One day you could be the best designer around, and the next, you are last week’s news. He knew that didn’t bother Emma because she had other talents to fall back on. After a few minutes, he spots Emma putting the omelets on two different plates, along with some toast and extra bacon.
“Looks like I got up, just in time.” As Mickey walks into the kitchen.
Emma turns around when she hears Mickey’s voice. A smile forms on her face. “I was going to surprise you and serve you breakfast in bed.”
“I appreciate the thought, sweety.” He smiles at Emma as he walks over and places a kiss on her cheek.
Emma blushes as she walks towards the kitchen table and set the plates down. She made coffee for herself and tea for Mickey. She may be living in England, but she was still a coffee drinker first thing in the morning.
She grabs the jam, the honey butter she ordered from home for Mickey, and cream for the tea. Everything was set for them to sit down for breakfast. “Food is ready. Don’t let it get cold.”
Emma sits down at her place and fixes her coffee the way she likes it. After she fixes her coffee the way she likes it, she takes a bite from her omelet and loves how it tastes.
Mickey fixes his tea the way he likes it and takes a sip. He looks at the omelet on the plate before him and back at Emma. He wonders what type it was “What do you call this omelet?”
“It’s called a Western omelet. My family specializes in making them. Take a bite, I think you’ll love it.” Emma knew she made it the way her mother did.
Mickey takes a bite from the omelet. He takes a second one and loves how it tastes. He looks at Emma and smiles. “You’re right, this omelet is amazing.”
As they eat breakfast, Mickey looks across the table at Emma “I was wondering if you have thought about what you want to do for the future?”
“What do you mean?” Emma was curious.
“Well, you can’t go on singing forever. Have you thought about what you are going to do?” Mickey looks at Emma with a thoughtful look on his face.
“That’s why I am going to become a fashion designer. Or are you talking about starting a family and starting a family?” Emma looks into Mickey’s eyes.
“Well, like you know. I can’t have children and I’m still rather young and haven’t started my career yet in fashion. I still need to finish college and put my name out there as a fashion designer.”
“You keep winning those competitions you have been entering, your name will get around.” Mickey knew Emma was a talented designer.
“I know. Still, maybe one day after I have established a name for myself, I would like to start a family. However, I still have a lot to accomplish before then.” Emma knew she wanted to make a name for herself, first.
Mickey looks at Emma and wonders where their relationship will go. He wants to support her dreams and be there for her, but he has his life here in England as well.
“Are you worried I won’t want you in my life?” Emma was watching Mickey’s reaction.
“I’m a little concern I might hold you back is all.” Mickey felt he should be honest with her.
“You could never hold me back, Mickey. You have given me a reason to move forward with my life. To be better and find my own path. It may not seem like it right now, but I need what we have. It keeps me grounded and going.” Emma looks deep into Mickey’s eyes from across the table. She wanted Mickey to know how much she loved him.
Mickey saw the love in Emma’s eyes. He now understood that she wanted him by her side as she goes forward in life.
“I won’t leave your side, sweetie.” Mickey will support Emma in her endeavors.
After breakfast, Emma and Mickey take a shower together. Emma kept some clothes over at Mickey’s place, just in case she spent the night. She puts on a simple dress and wear a set of low heels shoes.
“I’ll drop you off at home.” Mickey was going to head to his store and see how the new person was doing.
“You don’t need to sweety.” Emma knew the house she and the others were staying at was out of the way for Mickey.
“I don’t mind. It will save you on cab fare.”
“Okay.” As Emma kisses Mickey on the cheek.
Emma looks at the two new women replacing Frankie and Kevin. She had to modify Frankie’s and Kevin’s old costumes for the new ladies. Terry was a genetic girl that looked so similar to the original Posh Spice girl, that it was uncanny. The other girl that was hired to replace Kevin/ Scary Spice just needed a little makeup and a wig to look like Mel B. She had the same build and similar looks. She even replicated Mel B’s voice as well.
“Are you ladies ready for this weekend's performance?” Emma looks at Michelle as she adjusts the costume.
Michelle and Terry couldn’t believe when they arrived at the house that Baby Spice was standing before them. They thought they were seeing the real Baby Spice.
“I’m a little nervous. How big is the venue we are singing at?” Michelle looks down at Emma as she adjusted the costume she was wearing.
“Large. We are playing at one of the original venues where the real Spice Girls played at. So, have to be on point and react as they do.” Emma stands up after adjusting the costumes on both women.
“What happens if we get nervous?” Terry looks at Emma as stood nearby.
“Don’t worry, we’re pairing you ladies up with the rest of us. Just follow our lead and you’ll do fine.” A smile appears on Emma’s face.
“How long have you been dressing and acting like Baby Spice, Emma?” Terry was curious about her and the others in the group.
“Since high school. I’m a diehard Spice Girl fan.” Emma fluffs her hair with one hand.
“Did you have surgery to look like Emma Bunton?” Both of the new women were curious about that.
“Nope, I just happened to be born with similar looks as Mrs. Bunton. When I was little, my parents started to notice how I looked. It didn’t take me long to see that I looked like one of my favorite singers.”
“I bet that made you excited.” Terry could tell how much Emma looked like the real Spice Girl.
“You have no idea. I should have your costumes ready by the time we perform this weekend.”
“Do you do all the costume work and such?” Michelle noticed Emma’s workroom.
“Yes, and I do all the choreography as well.”
“You do?” Michelle was surprised at that statement.
“Yes, so if there is something you want to know about the Spice Girls or a particular way they move or gesture. I’m the person you would ask. I
know everything about them.” Emma was a walking, talking, encyclopedia of the Spice Girls.
“Wow! So, you’re the one that makes sure we do things right.” Terry looks at Emma when she says that.
“Yep, but Peter is the leader of this group. So, what Peter says, goes.”
“Peter is the Ginger Spice, right?” Michelle was still getting used to everyone.
“Yep, and Reggie is Sporty Spice. As for me, it's hard not to see who I am.” A big smile appears on Emma’s face.
“Do the Spice Girls mind us impersonating them?” Michelle was curious about the group.
“We’re the only Spice Girl impersonators that they endorse. And because we are the only group they endorse, we have to be more careful about
how we represent them when we are in public. That’s why when we leave here, everyone is dressed as their character and we stay in character until we get home. We never break character at all. So, you need to study everything we have on each Spice Girl.”
“How about when we go to parties and such?” Michelle was curious about that.
“If it’s as our character, then you stay in character. If it's just us and a few friends or people we know, then you can be yourself.” Emma knew it
was hard sometimes to separate the two.
“How do you handle being addressed as Baby Spice or Emma Bunton?” Terry looks at Emma when she asks that question.
“I’m used to it. The thing is, people know there is a difference between me and Mrs. Bunton. I look like her in her younger years when she first
joined the Spice Girls. All of us do and they don’t mind it.” Emma knew the real Emma Bunton wanted her to be more than just a copy of her.
“Now, let’s practice some dance steps and see what we need to work on.” Emma puts some music on for Terry and Michelle to dance to.
Fashion Show at The New York City Bar Association Building, New York:
Emma couldn’t believe she had been accepted to display her creations at this year’s fashion show in New York. Her teacher at Loughborough University had encouraged her to enter the fashion show. When she received a confirmation letter saying her application had been accepted.
She nearly peed her panties from excitement. She had shown the letter to Peter and he was proud of her.
Since she didn’t have a company of her own to construct her designs. She hired a small manufacturing company in the United States located in Boston to help construct her creations. She knew this was a major investment. She used the money she had been saving up from all the performances she did to pay for the creation of her clothes.
She had to fly to Boston a few times to meet with people responsible for constructing her creations. Mickey accompanied her a few times when she had to go to Boston. There were a few times that Peter or Reggie accompanied her.
As for the new girls, they had done responsibly well on their first time performing. They made a few mistakes on stage, but the audience hadn’t noticed.
“You look so nervous.” Mickey had spotted Emma peeking out to look at the audience.
Emma nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard his voice. She turned around to look at him.
“Don’t do that.” She looked at the silly grin on his face.
“I can’t help it, babe. You should be so used to this type of excitement.”
“Performing and showing off my creations are two different things. I just hope people like them.” Emma was nervous and excited all at the same time.
“Well, I know you’ll do good, baby. After all, you have the rest of your Spice Girls to help you out.” Mickey leans in and kisses Emma on the cheek.
“Thanks.” Emma calms her nerves and goes to check on everyone.
She spots the rest of the Spice Girls being tended to by the makeup artist she hired. Some of them were just making a name for themselves. She liked giving beginners in the fashion business a chance. She walks over to Peter “your looking good.”
Peter opens his eyes when he hears Emma’s voice. He was glad that she offered members of their group a chance to take part in the show. All of them were out of costume and in civilian clothes. The only ones who stood out when they were out of costume were herself, Reggie, the new girl Terry, and him since he has been having plastic surgery to look more and more like Geri Halliwell.
“Thanks, April here is a talented makeup artist. We should hire her to come and work for us in England.” Peter looks at the neon pink color hair woman tending to him.
“Thanks, but I have family and friends in Boston.” April wouldn’t mind going to England, but she had a family she was supporting.
“Well, your family should be proud of you. You’re really good.” Peter liked April.
April blushes at Peter’s comment. She could see how he resembled Geri Halliwell of the Spice Girls. The woman she had been hired to work for looked like Emma Bunton from the Spice Girls.
“Thanks.” April liked when her work was appreciated.
Peter smiles and lets April finish making him up. He hasn’t decided fully if he is going to go all the way like Emma did. Lately, it has been weighing heavily on him on how far he was going to go. He knew Reggie has already decided that she was going to have the operation to become a woman.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's get this show on the road.” Debbie looks at everyone to get them lined up for the show.
Emma watches as Debbie gets all the models ready to go. The models she hired were lined up to go next to last. She had designed men's and women's clothing for the show. She looks at all her models wearing her designs and hopes people like them.
Emma stands back and watches as all the models and designers are announced as they walk down the stairway into the huge library of the law firm. She had to admit it did look nice the way the place had been transformed for the fashion show. She tries to judge the reaction of the crowd as her models enter and wonder what the critics thought.
Time seemed to stretch on as each of her designs was showcased to the crowd. She saw flashbulbs go off as people looked at her designs. She didn’t know how she felt, except extremely nervous.
Mickey was watching the crowd from outside in the audience. He listens to several of the comments when Emma’s designs were showcased. Some of the crowd loved them and others thought they were childish in design or simple.
He did notice that there were a few men in the audience that loved her male collection. Some of the men looked to be important. They were watching how the male models moved and enjoyed the style and cut of the suits and casual clothes they wore.
He makes notes to inform Emma later. He watches as the models show off the different collections from other designers. The show goes on for a few more hours or so.
Afterward, the reception has been set up for the designers to mingle with some of the buyers and such. Emma gets several people who want to buy her clothes. The small manufacturing company she hired to make her samples, was willing to take on the orders and ship them for her.
Later in the evening, after the fashion show. Emma and Mickey go out and spend the night going to a musical and later to dinner at a restaurant that was recommended to her. The rest of the Spice Girls had dates and they wanted to spend some time exploring New York on their own.
“So, are set to have your plumbing redone, Regina?” Emma looks at Reggie/Regina as they jog the road.
“Yes, I have made my mind up and I plan on going to Thailand to have the surgery done. I figure I’ll do it after the concert we have been asked to do there.” Regina has been thinking about everything since she decided to become Sporty Spice full-time.
“Have you spoken to Melanie about your decision and what she thinks?” Emma knew Reggie and Melanie had a brother-sister relationship as she did with Emma Bunton.
Except it was a big sister, little sister relationship she had with her idol. She tried to spend as much time as she could with her idol when their schedules allowed. She knew the other girls in their group tried to build a relationship with their idols as well.
Reggie/Regina had a rough relationship with Melanie, but they managed to work things out. Melanie wasn’t the sportiest person and Reggie was. Also, Melanie wasn’t the easiest person to get ahold of. However, when she called and Regina managed to spend time with her. They had fun.
“Yes, I have and she wanted to make certain I was sure as well. I got her blessing to look like her, but I’m going to make some changes, so I’m me as well.” Regina didn’t want to make the same mistake that Emma has at the time.
“That’s smart. You won’t believe the problems I sometimes have.” Emma has run into some problems with the paparazzi stocking her.
Emma runs side by side with Regina as they continued down the road. After the fashion in New York. She went back over some of her designs and changed things up. She showed them to her instructor and she pointed out where she made the mistakes at.
When she showed the new designs or corrections to her teacher, she liked them. As for the men’s line, she got several orders from companies that liked her design. There was a company in California that liked her design. There was another designer that asked if she could use her designs to help women who were transitioning from female to male.
Sometimes normal male-designed clothes didn’t fit women who had more curvy bodies. This designer took existing designs and modified them for those women. Emma said she didn’t mind letting that designer use her design.
“Speaking of problems, what did you decide to do about that nasty email you received?” Regina knew Emma got a weird email asking her to sell the sender her soiled panties.
“I politely sent them a not-in-a-chance email. I can’t believe someone would be so nasty to ask for my dirty underwear.” Emma couldn’t believe the email she received about that.
“You do know, it’s a big thing in Japan with young women. They sell their soiled panties online to people.”
“Well, this American girl isn’t going to do that. Plus, it gets expensive to replace any panties I sell.”
“That’s why you charge for them, silly.” Regina shakes her head as they jog back to the house.
A smirk appears on Regina’s face. They continue to jog back to the house. Once they arrive, they cool down and fix something to snack on.
“Are you going to be doing any more shows?” Regina looks at Emma for an answer.
“Yes, I’ve already got invitations for Milan fashion week from September 19th to September 25th.”
“Have you already checked with our booking agent about those dates?”
“Yep, and we have one show in Paris that week. The show is the next day on the 20th. So, I have to stick around until the end.”
“Are you still using the same company out of Boston to make your creation?” Regina knew Emma hired a manufacturing company out of Boston.
“Yes, because they did such a nice job last time. Also, since the show isn’t until September, we can hire either the same models as last time or some new ones.”
“Why don’t you use the same companies the other brands do? It’s cheaper and you’ll be using the same fabric as them?”
“Because nothing isn’t manufactured in the United States and the company in Boston has a good reputation. I don’t want my clothes done in a sweatshop or underpaid employees. Remember, I still have the Spice Girl name to maintain as well.” Emma wasn’t going to ruin their rep.
“True, I don’t think either the group or Mrs. Bunton would like their name smeared.” Regina drinks some juice she poured.
Emma enjoys the pieces of fruit she cut up and listens to the music playing in the kitchen. They had the radio set to a British station that played over the airwaves.
“I’m going to hop into the shower and get ready for a photo shoot I’m doing. You’re welcome to come along.” Regina had a photoshoot for a sports company was endorsing. She has already checked them out and approved how they were set up and their physical trainers as well.
“Sounds like fun. I’m game, I have nothing planned for today. Peter is at her doctor’s appointment and won’t be back anytime soon. The new girls are out shopping and having fun.” Emma hopes the new Scary Spice and Posh Spice aren’t getting into any trouble.
“Cool, I won’t be long in the shower.” Regina finishes her drink and afterward heads upstairs to the bathroom.
Emma finishes her fruit and puts her bowl in the dishwasher. Afterward, she heads upstairs to her bedroom and takes her exercise leotard off.
The Colosseum at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States:
No no no no
No no no no
Now listen little child, there will come a day
When you will be able, able to say
Never mind the pain, or the aggravation
You know there's a better way for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Fly like an angel, heaven sent to me
Goodbye my friend
I know you're gone, you said you're gone
But I can still feel you here
It's not the end
Gotta keep it strong
Before the pain turns into fear
So glad we made it
Time will never change it, no no no
No no no no
Emma, Reggie, Peter, Michelle, and Terry bow to the crowd and wave goodbye as they leave the stage. All the girls couldn’t believe they were done for the weekend. Their contract had been for a two-day show, and they had just finished their second show.
When they return to their dressing room, Emma flops onto the sofa and sips from a flavored water bottle. She loved the flavored water they had available to them.
“Do we have to go back to England tomorrow?” Emma looks over towards Ginger Spice/ Peter.
“Unfortunately, yes. You have a class on Tuesday.’
“I know, but it’s so much fun here.” Emma loved Las Vegas.
Michelle looks at Emma “You want to stay because you won at the slots this morning.”
“Well, that’s one of the reasons, but not the whole reason.” Emma had gotten lucky on the slot machine she had played earlier in the morning.
“What’s the true reason, then?” Peter looks at Emma. He knew her better than all the other girls.
“This place is so magical, and I understand what everyone is saying. You have no idea what it is like in school listening to everyone speaking English there and using British slang. I have no idea what they are saying half the time.”
“Don’t you have a British accent?” Terry looks at Emma when she asks that question.
“Yeah, I have had it since waking up from my coma.” Emma was surprised when she spoke with a British accent.
“You were in a coma before?” Michelle looks at Emma with a surprised look on her face.
“Yeah, when I was in high school, I was on the pep squad. During one of my high school football games, I was tackled by a few football players
on the sideline and sent to the hospital. When I came too after being in a coma for two weeks. I started speaking with a British accent. I was practicing sounding like my idol, but since the accident, I always sounded like her, accent and all.” Emma’s parents had been surprised.
“Isn’t there a medical term for that?” Reggie looks at Emma for a second as she takes her makeup off.
“Yeah, but I don’t remember what they called it.” Emma finishes her drink and walks over to her spot at the makeup table. She tosses the empty bottle into the recycling bin.
“I’ll see if we can catch a later flight.” Peter wanted to stay a little longer as well. There were a few drag queens that she knew that lived in Las Vegas.
When Emma woke up the next morning, she was excited that Peter had managed to talk their tour manager into getting them a few more days. The entertainment manager had arranged for them to return in a few months in exchange for the extra few days.
Emma and the rest of the girls explore the strip. They also get a private tour of the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, where Pawn Stars is filmed. They meet the staff and take a few selfies with them.
Since all the girls play musical instruments, they buy a few to take back to England with them.
That’s what set them apart from the real Spice Girls. All of them could play musical instruments and sing. They could come up with their own music as well.
After visiting the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, they watch some of the street performers, like a few different performers of Elvis impersonators. They catch Shawn Klush, the world’s Greatest Elvis Impersonator show.
They have lunch at one of the high-end restaurants that their manager had arranged for them. After lunch, the girls split up and did some shopping and such. Reggie visits The Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art. Peter catches a cab and goes to visit some friends that live in Las Vegas. Emma goes and visits the Luxor Hotel, where they have artifacts from the Titanic at.
She was surprised that no one realized who she was. Because out of all the members of their group, she was the easiest to spot. She relaxes as she looks at the exhibits. She was enjoying the exhibits and could only imagine what the passengers went through on that night.
The story of the musicians that stayed behind and continued playing, while the ship was sinking. That took a lot of nerve to do. She doesn’t know if she could do something like that. Tears slide down her cheeks as she looks at the photos of some of the people who had drowned or froze to death that terrible night.
When Emma leaves, she is upset. She stops and buys shave ice from a vendor. The guy who sold it to her was cute and just a few years older than her. She would never cheat on Mickey, but she had to admit the guy was cute.
She buys a few souvenirs to take back to England. She also buys a few things for Mickey as well. She has a custom t-shirt made for him. By the time she reaches her hotel room, she was exhausted. She enjoyed her day, but the heat was another thing. She orders room service and takes a nice relaxing bath afterward.
Emma stretches as she gets out of bed. She wishes they could have stayed a little longer in Vegas. However, she had work she had to get done and send off to the manufacturer for the fashion show. She uses the bathroom and tosses on some comfortable clothes as she heads down to her workroom. She’ll grab some coffee before getting to work.
Emma spots Peter in the kitchen “Morning, Peter.”
Peter turns around when he hears Emma’s voice. He was still getting used to the new estrogen pills his doctor prescribed him. His chest has gotten bigger. He was on his way to become just like Geri Halliwell.
“Hey, Baby. How did you sleep?” Peter knew Emma was jetlagged when they arrived home.
“Like my name’s sake.” Emma walks over to the coffee maker and brews herself a cup of coffee.
“That’s good. What are your plans for today?” Peter had a salon appointment.
“I’m going to be locked in my work room, working on some new designs to send to the manufactured. Are you still going through with the SRS surgery?” Emma knew Peter had thought about it.
“Yep, I’m still going through with it.” Peter has made up his mind about it.
“You do know, that’s going to sideline us for a while.” Emma knew it took months to recover from the surgery.
“I know, and I think it will do us some good. During that time, we might want to think about doing our own thing for a while, like the Spice Girls are doing.”
“You know, we could use the original name the girls used before becoming the Spice Girls,” Emma remembers an interview the girls did about their history.
“Are you talking about Touch?” Peter remembered reading that as well.
“Yep, we could use that until you’re fully healed or stay The Spice Girls.” Emma leans against the counter and drinks her coffee.
“I’ll think about it and let everyone know later on.” Peter knew he was going to be laid up for a while recovering.
“Okay, well I’m off to work.” Emma walks towards her workroom to sit down at her computer and start designing clothes for the fashion show.
Peter watches as Emma walks away from the kitchen. A smile appears on his face as he notices how Emma walks just like her idol. He never noticed it before, but she has the same wiggle to her butt and the same stride as she walked.
Emma enters her workroom and sits down at her desk to start creating. She selects a playlist from the numerous ones she has made to listen to while she worked. Once the music starts playing, Emma starts drawing some of the new designs she had floating around in her head.
Reggie, Michelle, and Terry come back from jogging. Michelle and Terry have been under Reggie’s watchful eyes since she was making sure everyone stayed fit. He didn’t mind and loved being responsible for the group.
“So, Reggie. When is your next photo shoot?” Michelle looks at Reggie as she takes a sip from her water bottle.
“Not for another few weeks. Sports Illustrated and another magazine want me to pose for them.” Reggie liked doing modeling jobs and photo shoots.
“Is it because you’re a Spice Girl?” Terry was curious.
“Kind of. I’m into sports and such and I have been in several competitions as well.” Reggie loved competing.
“How long have you been part of this group?” Michelle was curious.
She knew some of the basics of the group and what they did. She didn’t mind performing and the other stuff they did. She was just curious about the group itself.
“Since we first formed it. The two members you and Terry replace were original members as well.”
“Why did you guys choose to intimidate the Spice Girls?”
“They were popular and people need to be reminded of how they were the original girl band. Plus, their music transcends years.
“I remember hearing about them once. There was an oldie station I use to listen to that played their music.” Terry remembers hearing about them.
“Why do you enjoy pretending your Posh Spice?” Reggie looks at Terry when he asks that question.
“I’ve always loved wearing designer clothes and such. Plus, I liked their music as well. I’m into the girl groups from the ’90s and such.” Terry liked being Posh Spice.
“How about you Michelle? Why do you like being Scary Spice?” Reggie hasn’t talked with the new members that much.
“Are you kidding? I’m just like Emma. I was born looking like Mel B. There are only a few differences between us.”
“True, even if you’re not wearing makeup, you look like her.” Reggie noticed that about Michelle.
Michelle and Terry go upstairs and changes out of their exercise outfit. They take a shower together so that Reggie could hop in afterward.
When Reggie walks by Emma’s workroom, he hears the music playing. The song that was playing was by Culture Club. Reggie just shakes his head as he heads upstairs to his room to change.