Sammie's story an incident of magic and Fae...this is the final chapter in her introduction!
I am adding this character in to flesh out my stories with more characters I can control fully and not barrow too many of others laying around the Whateley school
Lets see how you all like it and PLEASE PLEASE comment or I don't know what to do next or if you even like this plot?
A few hours later
Scott was taking a very needed cat nap in his living room lazy-boy lounge chair, he woke to the sound of a cry from Sammi and then spotted his girl zing past the window overlooking the backyard of their home…’zing by’ as in FALL!
He cringed at the huge THUD his teen made as she slammed into the backyard’s grass and he leapt to his feet instantly, “Coming honey!” he cried as he ran to the sliding glass door.
Scott nearly ripped the glass door from its track getting outside and looked down to see his girl getting up slowly from her fall, “What the heck happened!” he asked Sammi.
“I was learning to fly DAD…I gotta do it someday! I got wings now…YA KNOW!” she shouted back at him while dusting herself off.
“You almost made fifteen seconds that time!” Scott heard from above him and looked up to find Kyley hovering on her own huge black wings.
“You are encouraging her to do this? Then add you have wings too!” he asked?
“Yes, I have wings too AND YES I am encouraging her to learn to fly and I told you days ago I learned how to fly by jumping off things?” Kyley said as she landed beside Sammi.
“I thought that was a metaphor for walking and not jumping off roofs!” Scott barked, trying hard not to shout and get the neighbors full attention on the strange gathering in his backyard of a winged angel and Fae!
“Scott…please, your Sammi has wings now and needs to learn how to fly just like she learned from you how to walk. I can show her how to fly and fly better than you can teach her? Becky and I can not stay here for months waiting for you to finally give in and let me teach her. So Sammi TOLD me she wanted to do this…learn how to fly right now, so we began while you slept.”
Scott saw this coming for the last few days and there was no way he could really stop it…so he caved into reason. “Fine, teach Sammi to fly BUT do it as safely as you can Kyley!” he demanded.
“I will try, but safe or unsafe is all up to her. Sammi needs to learn her own boundaries, I can’t show her those. Mine or my bar is a bit higher as I have been flying for…a long time!” Ky laughed at even thinking how long ago she learned to fly herself!
For the next day Scott had to cringe almost on the hour as he watched Sammi learn to fly and fail, she would smack into the ground trying one daring step at a time to learn. Her body hit the ground with such regularity you could almost set a clock by it…but she was learning!
Sammi took each step under Kyley’s very watchful eye and she failed here and there. Scott tried to tell Kyley to save Sammi faster or better. BUT the teacher that Ky was overruled all the complaints with a very simple question, “Scott did you run the eight minute mile at age two…no you did not, you fell, tripped, tumbled hundreds of times if not thousands of times? Sammi has to learn by taking each hit to her pride and get back up!”
A day and a half later, Kyley had taken the teen up to the Santa Suzanna pass to the cliffs and tall rock formations.
“Why all the way up here Ky? I might, WE might get spotted by other people!” Sammi worried.
“They will not see us, I put a spell over both of us and regular humans will ‘see’ us but not mentally ‘see’ us…they will not notice us and just ‘think’ it's normal.” Ky gave as she pointed up to the top of a huge rock formation that must be over one hundred feet up, “Go fly from up there!” she ordered the teen.
“The winds are crazy today, I might not make it?”
“That is why I choose this place…the winds are strong and you have to learn to fly in them, around them and with or against them sooner or later!”
Even before Sammi did as Kyley said, she took mental note of the magic, the spell that Ky had weaved to hide them both from notice. She saw how simple it was, yet deeply complex at the same time…a whisper of a voice in her head guided her on how it was made, but for now it was just beyond her newly formed skills. This was not the first time the whisper had guided her, it had guided her learning to fly and a few times when she saw Kyley making spells!
But for now Sammi took to scrambling up the huge pile of boulders heading towards the top most one and she spotted the BIGGEST all black hawk she had ever seen in her life…and that included all her hours, no years on the the net too!
“What the heck is that thing!” she shouted back down to Kyley as the huge bird stared right at her.
“That is my companion Night, she is here to help and will catch you if you fall,” is all Ky said back and Sammi thought silently right back, ‘Yep and rip one of my arms or new wings off with those SHARP claws!’
“Is that such a good idea?” Sammi asked while she started her climbing anew.
“You’ll be fine and Night is the best life guard you could ever hope for! She is a bird and was born to fly after all!”
“Sureeeee Surreee!” Sammi shouted back sarcastically!
Soon enough Sammi was at the very top of the hill, ‘well as best she could do without climbing gear’ and looked back down at Kyley far below, “Well now what?”
“Jump off…fly!”
“Ohhh so simple…jump…fall..splat…die!”
“Night says to me…you are a Pix and not a chicken? That was more a question from her to you, than a statement!”
Sammi eyeballed the hawk, “Shut up you!” and the bird shrieked back, unfolded its huge wings into the gusts of wind and without a single flap was airborne gliding on the winds off the peak.
“WELL…FLY!” Ky shouted once again.
Sammi sighed, “Well here goes, this certainly is not gliding off the garage!” and she leapt off the rock, taking to wing. For some time she flapped about and glided with ease…then the winds gusted up well past the strong twenty miles per hour and into the crazy sixties that it can get up here in the area of the pass…and it gets even past one hundred on bad days!
The teen started to tumble in the air and fall. That is when Night took action and dove at the now falling and flailing Sammi. Sammi saw what was coming, a huge bird grabbing her arm or leg with sharp talons and she cringed her eyes shut at the coming pain…that never came!
Sammi popped one eye open then another as she was being lifted by her leg upside down! She found nothing grabbing her, yet she floated back down towards the ground at a gentle pace, “You never told me that Night was a TeleKinetic!”
“Why would I?” Kyley laughed to the teen.
Two days later in the Solberg home
Sammi was being given a warm hug by Kyley and then one by Becky as they all stood on the home’s large front porch. Scott did not give any ‘hugs’ as he did not want to be so forward, but shook Kyley’s hand instead, “Thanks for all your help, spending over two weeks here was something you really didn't need to do. If you ever need anything…call me.” he offered.
Becky laughed at the offer, “Now you have done it Scott, you owe a GOO a favor and this old one collects on them all...sooner or later!”
“I’m okay with that, she helped my girl and that favor needs repaying!” Scott insisted even as Kyley shook her head to the idea, “Scott you don’t owe me anything, it was great to get out of Whateley for a little bit and see part of Los Angeles!”
“Well in that case, both of you will be coming back out to stay a bit more and this time I will show you the city where I grew up in!” Scott grinned ear to ear!
“We can do that!” Becky said, stepping into one of the waiting SUV’s that came to pick up Kyley’s group or entourage!
Kyley stopped from closing her door on the pair, “Remember you can go to your school just fine, the magic of the Fae will make almost every human see you unchanged from the last time they saw you…that magic is in their genetics and hides their children from normal humans.”
“We will think about Sammi going back to school here, but I am more set on her going to school with you and learning so much more about her new self there…With all the other Pix in the area to learn from!” Scott said as Kyley closed her door and the small train of SUV’s pulled away to the family waving ‘bye’ to them all.
Two weeks later
Sammi was arriving at Whateley, she wanted to get all settled a month or so before the holidays set in and the winter break happening. Why delay starting her schooling here when she could just jump right in!
There she was standing in front of Shuster hall, the main campus administration building as a man took her many bags and loaded them onto a huge golf type cart to take over to new room or home for now at Melville cottage, ‘wherever that was?’ she thought.
Melville was described in the school’s literature “as the best and ‘higher end’ for rich folks student housing”. Sammie’s dad almost wanted to be sure to house her in another cottage so as not to spoil her! But the scholarship she was here on, almost demanded that anyone using the funds ‘only get the best’ ‘unless there were other needs to be met for safe housing of the student’ (whatever that meant?” she thought again!) and that scholarship was the “Fae and magical creature” scholarship.
The best part of the scholarship was all the free money she could blow and DID blow on new clothes to fit her new body…well kind of fit? Sammi only grew about an inch and filled out a bit closer to a womanly shape!
Sammi watched as her last bag was loaded and the man retook his seat at the wheel, “Well Miss, just go on up there to the main doors and show the lady or kid at the desk your entry papers and they will get you started. All of this will be in your room by the time you are done…have fun!” he laughed while he drove off deeper into the huge campus.
She nodded to the man as he left and started up the stairs of the old building, once inside Sammi spotted what must be the main desk or greeting desk for the school, “Hi, I am here for my first day and here is my packet.” she said, fishing out one packet of many she had in her large messenger bag slung over her shoulder,,,she had to get one because she could no longer use backpacks…wings got in the way you know!
The teen girl that was sitting closest to Sammi took the packet and read the outside information label and knew the codes for what was what by heart after having done the job for three years now as a student job. The code on the file’s outside told her that this kid was attending under the ‘Fae scholarship’ program and had many extras added to her scholarship over what most students had offered…but most of all the Fae scholarship notice puzzled her because the kid looked like a normal human!
“You don’t look like a Fae?” she questioned Sammi.
“I am,” Sammi smiled back.
The teen behind the desk touched a large stone that glowed to Sammi’s eyes with runes floating off its surface, “OHHHH you are,” she said after the stone dispelled the glamor that hid what Sammi truly was away, “and…what are you?” the girl behind the desk asked more than surprised…yet puzzled at finally seeing what Sammi was! A five foot Fae with wings of all things!
“I am a Pixie,” she said back.
“But Pixies are only about a foot tall at best…I should know I have seen several!” the desk girl said, referring to her own personal experience of living in Poe cottage, home of the Drow twins and two crazy pix and whatever random pix of ‘the grove’ that might show up for movie nights to fight over sugary snacks!
“Well I am told by the best expert in the world that I am a Pixie…an abnormally LARGE one, But still a pixie!” Sammi bubbled insistently.
“Okay,” the girl said back, as she opened the packet and flipped through the pages. “Well you have basic mutant tests already done in LA…those will have to be redone here…You already picked your classes or had them picked for you…all set on that…you already talked to Mrs Carson the academy you don’t have to go through that pain again..BUT you have to drop this form off at her secretary, Mrs Eclair. ‘WHOOPS’ I mean Mrs Clair! be one hundred percent enrolled with us here.” when she was all done, she handed back the packet minus a few select pages and put the one Sammi needed to hand in to Mrs Clair right on top, “See you around,”
“Ahhhh…is there a map of this place?” Sammi had to ask since she forgot her’s at home and right now seems to be having a huge brain fart even though Fae never forget!
The girl snickers at her, “Here have this and I get it…you're nervous, away from home for the first time and this is strange…Well hang on GiRRRL this is a mutant and magic high school and it gets even STRANGER! Now git!” she laughed while pointing up the staircase and passed her a map of the campus.
Sammi giggled back and went the way of the girl’s pointed finger…up stairs!
Whateley Academy Shuster hall, second floor
Sammi walked down the short hallway towards the office at the end and the double doors that covered what must be the Headmistress’s own office beyond them. She stopped at the office’s largest desk, “I am here to hand in my start paperwork…is this the right place?” she asked.
“Give me those honey,” the young woman with a head of auburn hair sitting behind the desk smiled at her.
She started reading over the paperwork as Sammi waited for her next step.
Outside the office in the hallway
The Drow twins popped into existence and shrugged to their shared task. Each time they worked for the NYPD, Carson insisted that she personally see their daily report that they handed into the NYPD at the end of each watch…each and every time no matter what happened, be it exciting or boring as all heck. The pair could hand out parking tickets all day or watch kids in school crosswalks, BUT each time, for each day under the NYPD Carson wanted to see ‘with her own eyes’ those daily reports!
The pair comes around the corner into Carson’s outer office and spots a five foot tall PIXIE of all things and they instantly recognize it!
“WHAT THE FUCK!!” Rohanna shouts as Rehanna shouts in stereo “VEL’BOL L’VITH!!”
Sammi spins around to see who is shouting and smiles at the pair, “Heya Rohanna and Rehanna good to see ya again!”
“Who the fuck are you?” Rohanna asks as Rehanna instantly checks the area for threats!
“It's me Sammi from LA…you know…you both landed in my closet a few months back?”
“Sammi is a human…you are a giant PIX!”
“Well I changed!” she grinned.
“Changed…you know I found this golden bo….” Sammi never finished that word before Rohanna’s eyes glowed BRIGHT Red as she growled like a bear and then she grabbed Sammi by the shoulders…next all three vanished from sight!
Sammi suddenly found herself someplace else on campus and since her Fae sense of direction was still developing she had no idea where she was at…she only could grasp that she was still in the same state and general area of Whately where she was last at!
“Why did you teleport us all the way out here?” She asked looking around and finding mostly gardens around her and small groves of fruit trees…then add one hot house of some sort for growing plants.
“Sammi NEVER mention that golden box…your box, any FUCKING box around any humans EVER! They will want to see it and study it, then ask about mine too and that is not a good idea…!” Rohanna said, shouting at her!
“I get it, keep stuff a secret!” she sassed back like a little kid would and with more ‘jest’ in her voice than seriousness that the twins wanted just now.
“Darn right because if they ever think that your box or mine can make humans into Fae or Drow like me…we will be lab rats or VERY DEAD! Is that clear enough for you to stop joking around?”
“Yessss ma’am” A now more timid Sammi says, as she knows that she crossed a line with the pair and they are right about humans wanting to experiment on mutants or Fae. She had sadly heard of such things happening in her ‘mutant education’ class that California ran for all high school students along the lines of a sex ed class that all students took at one time or another before they could graduate.
“Now tell me WHY THE FUCK you look exactly like my Misty!” Rehanna shouted at Sammi and the teen could only back away shaking her head to that rage, “I don’t know a ‘Misty’ all I know is that I changed and once and awhile I hear like a whisper in my head that tells or shows me how to do things…but its not like a person speaking…more like a feeling guiding me or my actions?”
“So you don’t hear HER or know what she was?” Rehanna said almost crying and even Rohanna was trying not to ball from the deep sadness gripping both Drow.
They thought back to the time of Misty being Shadowblade’s Pixie companion, she fought with them for a few short decades before she was killed. She was the most powerful Pix the Drow had ever known and her sudden death was hard to take and even harder when Shadow found out that Misty knew a way to make her own armor harder and very much stronger but did not have to time away from fighting at Shadow’s side to do the task…it would have saved her life if she had…simple time!
Misty’s last words rang like a bell from the past in both Drow’s shared mind “Take me home” then she died in Shadow’s arms, it took several years for Shadow to take Misty’s torn body back home to her family and home Grove. After she left Misty with them, it was decades before she could even think of having another Pix as a life partner even with dozens volunteering each time she stopped at a Grove…the best Pix followed her for that time in secret, to be sure she did not need their help!
Rehanna gripped the vial of Misty’s blood that hung around her neck, it was gathered from Misty’s torn asunder armor when she had Catlin repaired the set as a favor before the Drow gave that armor to Lilac for her own. Catlin used Misty’s notes to fix the armor’s past issues and lack of full protection, so that one more Pix might not have to die for Shadowsblade in combat.
Rohanna sniffed back her tears when she realized something strange…very strange! “We have been talking all this time in Drow! Who taught you that language OUR language Sammi!” she demanded to know.
“I don’t know, I just can…like I do other things now that I could not before?” she explained to the pair.
“Fine for now we'll figure all of that out later. So who told you to come here to Whateley? Because this is not the most well known of schools for mutants and besides, your Fae glamor should have hidden you from most of the humans out there that would even care!” Rohanna asked while Rehanna nodded in agreement to every word.
“Ohh Kyley helped me out! She came right away when they called for an expert from ARC and she came out to see me all wrapped up in my cocoon and helped me afterwards with everything…then told me I could come here!’ Sammi grinned to the pair
“Ohhhhhhhh Kyley…should have fucking known it was the GOO!”
Both twins storm off from the still confused Sammi, their eyes like red pools of glowing fire and both vanish out of sight with a port “Was it something I said?” Sammi mumbles to no one and wonders where on the enormous campus she was now!
Sammi tossed up her arms in defeat, “Where the hell am I?” she asked no one while looking around at all the plants and nursery around her. So she started walking figuring that she would find a map of the area or road or marked path. The map she had with her had two marked nurseries or gardens and she could be at either one right now!
She walked around the area till she spotted a black haired girl making vines grow with her mutant powers, “Hey I so lost and where the heck am I?”
The raven haired girl giggled at Sammi, “My you are a bit big to be a Pixie, what have they been feeding you or using as fertilizer!”
“You can see me for what I am?” Sammi asked, puzzled that a human that was not dripping with magic could even tell that she was Fae!
“Let's just say I have been blessed by the local Grove and the Fae that live there…what can I say…they love me!”
“The twins left me here, you know the Leigh Twins?”
“Yes I know them VERY well,” the girl said in a husky voice that oozed with sex now, “But if you want the main campus it's that way.” she said pointing off over the trees hiding most of the campus from view unless one looked very hard.
“Thanks and what’s your name?”
“Its Black Rose or Rosalyn Dekkard I am in Poe cottage or the same cottage with the twins,”
“Okay then I will see you soon I guess?” Sammi said while walking off waving bye.
Back at Schuster Hall-main administration building for the academy
Mrs Clair leaps from her chair right after the three Fae vanish and knocks on the assistant headmistress door, “Mrs Hartford…Amanda the twins just vanished with the new student Sammi Solberg the new Fae.”
Amanda opens her door and comes out a bit more calm than Elane is right now, “So they ported away?”
“Yes ma’am they did and the Twins seemed to be super mad for some reason?”
“The twins are always mad for some reason, we just all have to cope with it. As we all know their history was not a pleasant one by any measure and we have to help as best we can. I knew that might be coming by Miss Barron’s notes on Sammi. She more than mentioned the Twins would be more than upset in some way about Sammi’s change into a five foot tall Pixie considering that the Pixie and the Twins are almost one in the same. So have the guards and staff be aware to be looking for all three and we wait.”
Back at Poe Cottage
The twins pop back into the world inside Poe cottage right in front of Kyley’s door and one knocks…more like POUNDS on the door!
Kyley wonders only for a brief second who that could be and why they are being so rude! KK eyeballs the door, “Who the fuck is that!” she shouts back at it.
“KK it's the drow twins, could you please let them in and let us have a few? I am very sure of why they are here and why they are so very angry!” Kyley said as she felt waves of unbridled rage flow from the closed door. “I knew this was coming and now I get to know why I felt what I did about someone I was helping while I was gone for those whole two weeks last month,”
“Ohhhhh that someone, you told me about her and that she might be coming here. So she has a connection to the ‘Cuisinart’ twins?” KK said almost snickering at one of the many nick-names of the pair…Choopy chop, Ginsu, Shredder (after the ninja turtles villain), wood chippers just to name a few that sprang into her mind. “I should have guessed that there would be a connection between a five foot tall Pixie popping out of nowhere and those two!”
KK opened the door and both twins calmed down for a second to remain civil and have manners! “Sorry for the banging KK, but can we have a word with Kyley…goddess of ‘I should have said something weeks ago’!”
“Yep you sure can, Ky already told me to get scarce for a few and let you three or is it two or a million talk for a bit.” KK referred to a ‘million’ because Kyley certainly has at least a million parts of herself scattered all over the multiverse.
KK left the room smiling, “Ohh I wish I could stay, this is going to be good!”
The pair of Drow waited for the door to click closed before they shouted in stereo, “Did you know!”
“I could see that there is, would, or could be a connection between you three,” Kyley said emotionlessly, not letting the twins' rage feed into her and thus make her angry too! Because she was an empath and felt other’s emotions and fed onto them and thus could send them back even stronger if she let such things get out of hand.
“Why did you not tell us?”
“Not my place to interfere in your world and you know it,”
“WELL, You should have said something to us both before she came here…prepared us for.” Rehanna chokes up with deep sadness even saying it, “For her to come here.”
“Sammi had to make her own choice to come here or not. So I left it up to her and left you both in the dark until I knew for sure she was coming to Whateley and I just found out myself today…right now.”
The twins smile comically to Night knowing she is more than just a pet before they speak more, “You should have said something you damn GOO!”
“I can tell only now that Sammi resembles someone from your deep dark past…someone close and now gone.” Kyley sighs to the pair, “I can tell that Sammi looking as she does wounds you both deeply…an old wound that never healed and I understand that kind of pain all too well. But what you can both do, is help her along with her new life and see to it…that this one does not end like that one you knew from your past did and if you both need help or need to talk over this…I am there for you.”
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But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!
To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!
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