Chapter 1: Bye Daddy By Stanman63 Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration! Kelly's Daddy is a Police Officer well on the way to a Captaincy. He is well respected by fellow Officers and was selected to replace the current Captain when he retires. But Kelly's Daddy goes on duty when a fellow officer calls in sick and dies in the line of duty. |
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My dad was Edward Stuart Moore, a gentle giant, of a policeman who looked like Tom Selleck. He loved to hunt and fish and had wanted to be a Park Ranger, unfortunately he never qualified. When he was killed in the line of duty, the Woods let us move into the Guest House on their Estate.
He and Mister Woods were best friends growing up and were the Best Man at each others weddings. When I was conceived, the Woods accepted the Honor of being my Godparents and Mom and Dad the Godparents of Julie and Johnny their twins. Growing up with the Woods, I felt that we were a family, with two moms, and a dad. We kids were the Three Musketeers and would often spend the night out in the old tool shed Mister Woods had converted into a fully functional playhouse for us. We would spend endless hours there on the weekends playing make believe.
Daddy loved nature and tended to have cookouts out in the backyard. But Momma was the real cook, daddy knew how to grill most everything, but Momma made the best cookies.
I remember one night when Daddy scooped me out of the pool after I had cannonballed everybody. He was laughing because he couldn't believe that a small fry like me could drench everybody.
"Kelly, you sure know how to cannonball young man, he chuckled. ['Just like me, he is fearless, yet has his mother's grace and beauty.. I knew that he might be more girl than boy, but I love him.']
Then I hugged him, getting him even wetter, "Thanks Daddy, it was fun."
"No doubt, you look just like your Mother when she was your age." [''He looks like Terri when she was his age.']
"Does that mean that I'm gonna be a Momma too?" ['Is daddy sad that I look like momma?']
[chuckle] "No squirt, it simply means that you look like your mother. You are quick and nimble instead of being big and husky like me. And I couldn't be happier."
"So that means that I'll grow up to be like momma, but as a boy?" ['Wonder what momma would look like playing softball?']
"Pretty much."
"Daddy, I like to run and play a lot and dance, is that alright?"
"Yes Kelly, that's alright. When I was little, I liked to run and play and when I grew up, I became a policeman like my Dad."
"Daddy, do I gotta be a policeman like you?"
"No, you can be who you want to be."
That was just before my daddy passed away in the line of duty. He was called in because another policeman called in sick. Daddy went in because he was always ready to help out, but this time, he wouldn't come back.
"Honey, I have to go in." [I wonder who in the Hell has called in sick THIS TIME?']
"Damn it Stu, can't somebody else go in? Kelly was all set to go with you to the park today and play catch." ['I love him, but at times, his job gets in the way.']
Then he hugged momma, "I know Honey, but I swore an oath that I must fulfill. This is my week to be "on call" remember, he sighed. ['I hate disappointing my son, I hope that he understands one day.']
"I know Stu, it's just that you keep on missing out on playing with Kelly. It seems as if your buddies are conspiring to keep you busy." ['And they know that you'll help out if they ask.']
"Heck, I'm the next one up for promotion in the department. When the next class graduates, I'll get promoted to Detective."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Captain Branch promised me when I transferred from teaching at the training camp."
Then she gave daddy a big kiss, "Take care Stu." ['You've been wanting to be detective ever since you joined, and now, as a detective, you can spend more time with us.']
Then I walked into the kitchen still in my pajamas, "daddy? Why are you in uniform?" [' I hope he ain't going in.']
Then daddy scooped me up in his arms, "I am sorry Kelly, but a fellow officer called in sick and it is my duty to take his place." [' I won't spank him if he throws a fit because I'm breaking a promise.']
"Oh darn it!! I was hoping that we could go to the park and feed the ducks and picnic," I pouted.
"Me too, [sigh] ' Why don't you ask Mister Woods what they're doing today? I know that Julie and Johnny love it when you play with them."
"That sounds like fun daddy, but I'll miss you," then I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Then he hugged me close and put me down, " I promise you that after Church, we will have a picnic and feed the ducks at the park."
Then he kissed momma and left, that was the last time that we saw him alive. He died in the Line of Duty that day and never came home. To this day, I can never look at a policeman without thinking of my daddy. That is why I don't understand those that belittle those in Law Enforcement, perhaps if their Daddy was a policeman, they'd understand me better.
Whenever we go out, people think that we are twins which makes my momma's day, the only real difference is that momma has a few wrinkles around her eyes. She likes to knit, crochet and sew. She has made all of our clothes.
The only clothing we have bought is hosiery, lingerie and socks. Momma also has made several quilts and comforters. She loves giving away her quilts at Christmas and donates several to the church every year.
"Yes momma, I just washed up for dinner," Momma still bathed me every night before bed and did so until I went into the first grade.
"Then come with me to answer the doorbell."
"O.K. momma," Then I ran up to her with slightly wet hands as she headed out of the kitchen where she was preparing our hamburger macaroni and cheese dinner, one of my favorites to this day.
"Well, I see that you didn't dry off", she giggled. ['My little ragamuffin never seems to dry off.']
"You said that you wanted me, so I kinda didn't dry off."
"That's alright Sweetie, you did as I asked.
"I know," I laughed.
Momma opened the door after checking out the porch through the glass paneling. Then when she opened the door, I saw two policemen standing at the door. As she let them in, she asked. " To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" [Please let it be good news.']
The older one was an elderly black man with a gray hair. He was almost as tall as my daddy, besides him was a curly haired blond with blue eyes. He looked like a surfer dude. "Mrs. Moore, my name is Harold Branch, I am your husband Ed's commanding officer, with me is Officer Donald Whitehead." ['Dear God, why must he have such a young child? This will be harder than I thought.']
As Momma led them to the den, she asked as she sat down and put me in her lap, "where's Stu? Is he alright?" [Is my nightmare finally made real?']
Then I saw the Captain slump into Daddy's chair as if he were a rag doll, "This is one duty that I dread as the Captain Mrs. Moore,,," [I am getting too old for this.']
Then Momma wailed, "NO!!! HE CAN"T BE DEAD!!" ['WHY LORD!?! WHY?!']
Then I looked at momma as I saw her cry. Momma? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
Then she hugged me to her, "Oh Kelly, your daddy is never coming home again." ['The only promise he broke was to you.']
"Why momma?" ['Why is momma crying?']
"Because he has gone to Heaven." ['Please God, we need help!!']
"NO!!! DADDY CAN'T GO!!" Then I began to cry like Momma was because I knew then that I had no Daddy.
Then the Captain cleared his throat, "Mrs. Moore, I am truly sorry, but I want you to know that Ed gave his life to save another." ['Small consolation, but Stu died a hero, unlike THIS beside me.']
"Please tell us how he died then." ['Knowing Stu, it was in the line of duty.']
"Please sir, I wanna know how daddy went to Heaven." ['Why is my daddy dead?']
"There was an accident where a delivery van crashed into an apartment complex. The van caused a lot of damage and there were several people there trapped under the debris. Ed went in and brought several out, but when he went back for a baby, the roof caved in on him. He saved the baby, but at the cost of his life," he sighed. ['Oh Stu, why did it have to be you? Why didn't you let the firemen go in that final time?']
"What about the driver? Is he being held responsible?" ['I need to know who's responsible.']
"No Ma'am, A tire blew out on the van causing him to lose control. he also died in the accident, and we are investigating everything about the tire." ['But in that neighborhood, probably a nail or a pothole.']
"Sir, is the baby alright? Daddy loved babies and wanted to adopt a baby girl." Then I saw momma nod yes as she wept again.
"Yes Kelly, except for being scared, the baby is fine, And the parents want to name the baby after your husband to honor him." ['Can't think of a better way for them to honor Stu.']
"Is the baby a boy?" ['Cause Daddy has a boys name.']
Then the Captain grinned, "Yes, he's a boy." ['Even now, this child cares for others. He has a heart of gold.']
Then momma looked at the other Officer," Why are you here?" ['Are you the reason that my Stu is dead?']
"I am the one that called in sick." [' It should have been me on duty, not him.']
"Funny, you look alright to me." ['Stu never drank when he was on call, and if he'd drunk earlier, he'd have declined.']
He looked down at his feet, unable to look at my momma, "Ma'am, I got drunk last night and woke up with a hangover. That's why I called in sick," he fidgeted.
Then Momma began to cry again as the Woods came in and when Mrs. Woods saw my Momma, she gathered me up in her arms, "What's wrong Kelly?" ['Has Stu finally been hurt? That man is so selfless that I worry for his safety.']
"Daddy has gone to Heaven," I sniffed as I dried my eyes.
Then she picked me up and fiercely hugged me "Oh Kelly, I am sorry for you dear, what happened?"
Then momma looked up at her, grateful that Mrs. Woods held me, "Oh Andrea, it's the worst ever!! Stu is dead!!"
Then Mister Woods took me from his wife and let out a howl of rage, "STU!! I VOW TO RAISE KELLY FOR YOU!!"
"Chuck, I think that Kelly needs to play with our children right now, " Then he passed me back to his wife as I wept for my daddy.
And her husband is Charles Tyler Woods. He is a tall and rugged blue-eyed blond who looks as if he could easily be a lumberjack with his long hair and facial hair, or the next Fabio for Doctor Ruth.
He went into the restaurant business with his dad and expanded "Wood's Family Restaurant into a local chain catering to the different tastes after his dad retired.. When the local grocer closed shop, Mister Woods added it to his stores as well as a catering outlet.
Since then he has opened up a Cooking School where he creates new dishes for his customers and we get to sample his creations too.
Then I scampered away to where the twins were standing. "Come on Kelly, let's watch cartoons."
"O.K. Julie," Then we went and turned on the T.V. while the adults talked. I can't tell you what we were watching because I was thinking about my daddy. We used to play in the yard playing horsie and playing touch football and tennis. At times, Julie and Johnny would join us or we'd go play on their swing set.
But now, who would be my daddy?
While we watched cartoons, Mister Woods showed his anger towards that bad cop, I never knew that he could be so MEAN!!!
Then the bad cop wet himself in fear of Mister Woods, "You (sob)are assaulting(choke) a police*shudder) officer. "
"No, you're dismissed from the force, no benefits."
."But sir, I .."
"You are to face a Summary Hearing. And prison as well." Then he looked at Mister Woods, Sir, please let him go."
Then Mister Woods dropped him, "My pleasure."
Then the Captain escorted the bad cop out as the adults all wept bitter tears for my daddy.
"[sniff, sniff] Oh Stu,[sniff, sniff] I miss your strong arms around me!![sniff, sniff] Now that you're gone, [sniff, sniff] I'm all alone!!!" she wept.
"[sniff, sniff] Momma,[sniff, sniff] you still have me [sniff, sniff] I began crying again, missing my daddy.
Momma picked me up. "Oh Kelly, I know that you're here, but Stu, your daddy is gone and I don't know what to do without him."
"Is there anything that I can do?"
"You can stay with me. You couldn't sleep. could you?"
"No momma, I keep on seeing what happened when they came."
"Then sleep with me and we will comfort each other."
"O.K. momma." Then she carried me to bed and we both slept soundly.
Well, at the funeral home, daddy looked handsome in his uniform. His casket was a rich mahogany with brass handles. The flowers around him were in every color of the rainbow. I almost didn't make it to see daddy because I was so upset, but Pastor Patrick West helped me to pull together.
Mister Woods, who was wearing his old boy scout uniform picked me up. "You look good Kelly,[sob] like your daddy." ['Please don't be a policeman, I couldn't stand to lose you too.']
"[sniff,sniff]Thanks Mister Woods,[sob] I wore this to honor daddy.[sob]"
"But would rather wear something else,[sniff] right?" ['I saw you fidgeting at your house, looking at your black suit.']
Then he passed me to his wife who was wearing her black silk gown, "[sniff,sniff] "Yes ma'am,[sniff,sniff] but I want daddy to know how much I love him." ['Daddy, I'd do anything for you!!!'
Then she passed me to my momma who was dressed like Mrs. Woods, "[sob] Oh Kelly, you could have worn anything, [sob] your daddy would have understood!! [sob] ['Even now, he wants to please, my son is still loving.']
Momma then gently put me back in my chair in between the twins who'd arrived, "[sob] I know momma, [sob] but he'd be hurt if I did that, [sob], besides, [sob] this is [sob] the last time [sob] that I can see him. [sob] " '[GOOD BYE DADDY!! I LOVE YOU!!']
"Kelly, please talk to Pastor Pat, he wants to help you if he can." ['He helped me to pull together for the funeral.']
"O.K. momma."
Then Julie, wearing her black ballerina skirted leotard and tights kissed me, "Take care Kelly, I love you." ['So handsome, like his daddy.']
Then Johnny hugged me, "Yeah, what Julie said." ['What can I do for my bestest friend?']
"Thanks everybody!!!"
Then Pastor Pat: the Pastor of the church that we and the Woods attend came over to me. He was wearing his black robe and silver sash and belt that he wore whenever he conducted the traditional service. "Kelly, I am here to help you if I can."
"Have you lost your daddy?"
Then he scooped me up into his arms, "Yes Kelly, I lost my daddy when I was in Seminary."
"Seminary? What';s that?"
"A special school that taught me how to be a Pastor, like my daddy."
"Oh, how did he die?"
"He died in his sleep, after many years of serving God."
"I'm glad that he wasn't hurt like my daddy, I am confused!!"
"About what?"
"Should I be a Police Officer like daddy or do what I want?"
"What do you want to be?"
"I don't know, but I know that I don't want to be a Police Officer."
"Has anybody been saying that you should be an Officer?"
"Yes Sir."
Then I pointed to slim, hatchet-faced man with thinning black hair and wearing thick glasses, "That's the one, he said that I ought to take my Daddy's place, but how? I'm way too young!!"
"Don't you worry young man. Let me and Charlie handle this!!" Then he carried me to momma and put me down by her. When I looked up, I saw the anger in his face, let me tell you, I was scared.
"Terri, Kelly just told me that a certain person wants for him to take his daddy's place as an Officer!!
"Who is this asshole?"
I pointed him out, "That's the one!!"
"Why that's Oscar Whipple, he's hated Stu ever since he caught him embezzling funds from the Police Officer's Christmas For Kids Account!! That weasel got put in jail for that, I see that he finally got out." she fumed.
"Don't worry Lynn, Pastor Pat and I will deal with him."
"Thanks Chuck."
Then they went over to him and escorted him outside, then came back a grinning from ear to ear, "Good news, he was wanted for parole violation. He's gonna be in jail for a long time now."
Pastor Pat, will you take me to daddy so that I can kiss him?"
"Sure Kelly, it'd be my pleasure."
Then he carried me over to my daddy and I scrambled out of his arms so that I could kiss and hug my daddy.
Then I began to cry, tears unashamedly running down my cheeks as I sang "Daddy's Hands" by the Judds to my Daddy.
By the time that I was finished, everybody was weeping with me, then Captain Branch gently carried me to my momma who hugged me to her, "Kelly, thank you for that song, but you know that your daddy never spanked you" momma admonished me.
"[sniff] I know ,momma, [sniff, sniff] but it was either that or "Daddy, [sniff, sniff] Don't You Walk So Fast." [sniff, sniff]. But it didn't feel right."
After the funeral, both momma and I slept in the same bed to keep the nightmares away.