The Suitcase – 6
After lunch, Blake made his rounds of the bowling alley looking to see if he was needed. Lane 6 was acting dicey and he made a call to the mechanic, Steve, to take a look at it. Blake watched Ralph, a regular at the alley, get a strike and pump his fist. Ralph noticed that Blake was applauding him. “Nice, smooth delivery. Good for you Ralph.”
Ralph looked at him quizzically like he didn’t know who he was. “Pardon me, Ralph, I’m Blake.”
“Blake …do I know you?”
“The manager.”
“Jill? Jill’s the manager. Did you replace her?”
“Yes and No. Jill’s no more, and I’m now the manager.”
“Where did she go? Why did she leave?”
“Jill doesn’t exist anymore.”
“She’s dead? How horrible!”
“Not dead, exactly. Reborn.”
“What does that mean, reborn?”
“She became a man.”
“You’ve got to be kid…. Oh shit. Don’t tell me you used to be Jill?”
“Yes. Now I’m Blake.”
“Sorry for being so dense, but you seem so masculine to me and Jill, well Jill was always you know …”
“Bingo. But you’re handsome I have to admit.”
“Say! If you’re Blake now, then you can’t bowl on your ladies team, can you?”
“No. I’ve got to find a men’s team to join.”
“Holy ten pin! Damn. We were looking for a guy to join our team and finally found one. He’s not as good as you by a long shot. Bad timing!”
“I appreciate the invitation. I heard that Barry’s team is looking for someone.”
“Yeah, … only isn’t he … or he was your … “
“Fiancé? Yes.”
“I don’t want to pry into you and Barry.”
“It’s okay. He and I are kaput, obviously!”
“If you were to join Barry’s team then nobody’s going to be able to beat you. That’s for sure.”
“You may be right!”
Blake went back to his office. Later on Steve stuck his head in the door. “They tell me I’m supposed to call you Blake now? So you’re Blake, not Jill?”
“That’s right Steve. I’m a guy as of today.”
“Did you grow a dick?”
Steve was close to sixty. His mostly gray hair was congregated on the sides of his head. His forearms were strong and covered with dark hair. His fingers were those of a working man with oil underneath his fingernails.
Blake laughed. He had prepared himself for this remark. “No, I’ve ordered one, but it hasn’t come yet.”
Steve stared at Blake obviously wanting to say something, but finally deciding not to. “I guess it’s a free country.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“Anyway lane six is fixed. I’ll be on my way.”
“Until next time.”
Steve hesitated and said, “You’re bowling with the guys now?”
“That’s my intent. I’m looking to join a team. If you know any team looking for a guy let me know.”
“Really?” Steve said with a slight laugh.
“As Jill I bowled higher than 98% of the guys in the league. As Blake I’m going to be even better.”
“Right. Okay.” Steve took off.
Blake considered the conversation he had had with Steve. Acceptance by guys like him was not going to be easy. At least Steve was smart enough to keep his prejudice to himself. Other guys might not be so circumspect. He had better double down on his work outs. He’d call the personal trainer that had been recommended to him and see if he would agree to manage his exercises. He’d like to develop a physique that would make guys like Steve hesitant to question his masculinity. Definitely he’d have to get something to put in his jock strap. It would help bolster his self-image as a male. He’d then be holding the line against men who thought they were entitled merely because they had a penis.
The five girls sat at a round table looking at the menu. They had ordered a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc and a handsome, young waiter with the appearance of a surfer put wine glasses on the table. He showed the bottle to Stephanie, uncorked it, and poured some for her to taste. She smiled at the waiter and nodded and he poured a glass for each of them.
Surveying the girls, Lisa thought how perfect this was. It’s everything she had hoped for – as long as she fit in! She wanted more than anything that the other girls would see her as being a girl. Leave the knowledge of her past as Greg to herself only. She’d be the one that had to fend off thoughts of illegitimacy. Her own private war that she prayed would be over in a matter of weeks.
Of course, Lisa couldn’t control the thoughts of Stephanie, Debbie, Diane, and Laurie. She hoped that if they saw flashes of Lisa’s boy past, they would keep it to themselves. Let them look upon her physically as the girl she so happily has become.
Debbie asked Laurie about her reason for coming to Chicago. “I hope I’m not prying.”
“Not at all,” Laurie said. “The truth is I was living with my boyfriend in Minneapolis and caught him cheating with the downstairs neighbor. I decided I’d take a stab at a whole new life in Chicago.”
“I don’t know of many girls who haven’t been burned like that,” Debbie said.
“That’s true,” Diane said, “but I also know a lot of girls who cheated on their guys. Sometimes really nice guys.”
“It’s not easy for people outside the relationship to know what’s going on inside it,” Stephanie said. “I mean the cheating could be a symptom and not a cause.”
“If you’re really in love you’d never want to cheat,” Laurie said.
Lisa thought about what the girls were saying. She loved Blake so much she was sure she’d never ever want to cheat. But what about Blake? She trusted him completely. But what if he did cheat on her? Just hypothetically. Would she leave him? That was a hard question to answer. She’d probably blame herself. She wasn’t pretty enough, or she didn’t please Blake in bed. Or she was boring. But that was just her own neurosis.
“What are you thinking about, Lisa?” Stephanie said. “You look like you’re in another galaxy.”
“I’m sorry. I was listening to you all and then I started to think what I would do if my boyfriend cheated on me – not that he ever would.”
“Are you in love with him?” Debbie asked.
“Oh, yes. Very much so. I think he’s going to propose to me soon. We sort of already talked about marriage.”
“That’s great,” Laurie said.
Lisa saw the girls staring at her with curiosity. Finally Debbie said, “So tell us about him.”
“His name is Blake. He’s handsome. Even buff. He likes to work out. He manages a bowling alley. We met in Toronto. What else?”
“What’s he like? Is he romantic?”
“Oh, definitely! He’s kind and thoughtful. I feel safe with him. I trust him!”
“My God, Lisa, you’ve really lucked out with him!” Diane said.
“I’m sorry. I get a little carried away. I’ve never been in love before so I guess it’s all gone to my head.”
“Don’t apologize,” Diane said. “I’m very happy for you.”
“We’re all happy for you,” Stephanie said.
“I bet we’ve all been in love at one time or another,” Debbie said. “Is that true?”
Diane, Stephanie, and Laurie nodded their heads. Diane said, “I loved a couple of guys along the way, at least it seemed like love. Now I’m dating a guy that I think I’m falling in love with. We might have a future together.”
“That’s sweet,” Debbie said.
Laurie laughed and said, “I’m still in love with my cheating boyfriend – but I hope that doesn’t last much longer. I’m ready to date again.”
“A girl as pretty as you won’t have trouble meeting guys in Chicago!” Debbie said.
“I agree,” Stephanie said. “Talking about love, I was actually married for a couple of months when I was eighteen. I thought I was in love – he was my high school sweetheart – but the reality of living with him was depressing. He seemed like an infant. I’d be the adult trying to build a future and he was still a kid. Luckily, I got an annulment. We’re still friends but he still hasn’t grown up. I dodged a bullet there!” She turned to Debbie and said, “What about your love?”
“It’s a long story,” Debbie said.
“Tell us,” Stephanie said.
“Okay. So at college there was a nerdy guy, Pete – I thought he was attractive – though not a classically handsome guy. Anyway he really worshipped me. Loved me. I’m pretty sure that he saw me as everything he could have ever wanted in a woman. When we first met, I seduced him and had sex with him a bunch of times while I was housesitting in this really fancy place. So it was like super romantic. The house had a great view of the bay area.” Debbie laughed and continued, “I remember that I even gave him crabs which luckily we both got rid of!”
“Yuck,” Diane said.
“You’re right. I was a sophomore and pretty dumb as far as protecting myself. Pete and I had a really great three weeks together and boy was he in love with me. Anyway, we had to part over the summer and when I saw him again in the fall he loved me more than ever but I was seeing a guy I had met. A guy who treated me like shit. I spent a lot of time sharing my sad stories with Pete about how bad I was being treated. I could see that Pete was hoping that our intimate conversations would get me to fall in love with him and to tell you the truth I did begin to fall for him. Yeah, looking back I was in love with him. He was everything the asshole I was dating wasn’t. One night I got swept up by my feelings for Pete and our delightful conversations and found myself passionately kissing him. You can’t imagine how happy it made Pete and me too, really. Understand that many months earlier we had slept together. It wasn’t like we had never kissed before. That made Pete believe that we actually could get together again. Anyway after we kissed Pete thought that we should get in bed together and consummate our new love but I told him, “Not tonight, but it is inevitable.”
Debbie stopped talking. Her voice had gotten husky and she was waiting until she felt in control again. “Anyway, the next morning I decided that I better not see Pete anymore and I broke his heart. Boy did I hurt him. The terrible thing is that as I grew older and wiser I realized how very special Pete was and that I really truly loved him. I could talk to him in an intimate way that no other guy was able to talk to me.”
“Wow, what a story!” Lisa said holding back her own tears. “What ever happened to Pete?”
“No idea.” Debbie laughed again. “It’s a story about being young, dumb, and foolish. If I met a guy like Pete today, I’d probably end up marrying him.”
“Love is complicated except when it’s not,” Diane said.
After lunch Blake sat at his desk contemplating the phone number written down on a small piece of paper in front of him. It was Barry’s handwriting and the number was to a guy name John Sampson who was a personal trainer. Barry and one of his friends had once used John to get some strength conditioning but no longer. Barry thought John was fantastic and had given the number to Jill when she was contemplating hiring a personal trainer. At the time she had not fully understood her motivation, but when she broke up with Barry and decided to become Blake it became clear to him. He wanted to be as strong as Barry or any other fit guy. No more girl arms for him. He’d work to get a beautiful musculature. Now that he was Blake he would make the commitment to work with John and bulk up.
Blake dialed the number and John answered. After Blake explained what he was looking for, John offered to come over to the bowling alley to check him out. John worked full time in a gym and personal training was a side business. If it worked out, he’d be able to come by in the evening once a week to Blake’s house and supervise his exercises. Blake debated whether he should reveal his past life as Jill and decided against it. Let John figured out for himself what he wanted to do.
An hour later John knocked on the door of his office. Blake wasn’t fully prepared by how muscle-bound John was. His arms, torso, and neck bulged with muscles. As much progress as Blake had made so far in bulking up, it was small potatoes compared to John. “You’re something else, John,” Blake said. “I’d love to get a physique like yours.”
John stared at Blake without comprehension. Blake saw John’s eyes focusing on his chest area. John asked, “Are you’re a normal guy?” Blake smiled at him, not sure how to answer. Finally John added, “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“Are you a girl who’s now a guy?”
“Yeah, you can say that. Is that a problem for you?”
“Not for me, but if you think you can get a body like mine, you really have a problem.”
“Maybe not your body per se – but a powerful body, nonetheless. Can’t I do that?”
“Are you planning to use anabolic androgenic steroids?”
“I’m open to it. I thought maybe a small dose. Not enough for side effects if I’m lucky.”
“You’ll need your doctor to prescribe it.”
“That’s no problem.”
“Your voice could deepen. Your boobs shrink. Your clitoris get bigger.”
“I know. My girlfriend won’t mind. But like I say, I’d like to use it just enough to get some real hard muscles and leave it at that. I don’t have an addictive personality.”
“I understand. Other side effects can be dangerous. Personally, I’d like you to see how far you can get without it and then see if you really need it.”
“Fair enough. You think I can develop without it?”
“Sure. Maybe not to your fantasy, but I can help you get to the point of pretty much being able to take down guys who bothers you. No doubt your girlfriend will be impressed with your muscles and strength.”
Blake laughed. “I’d like that very much. I’m sure she will be.”
Sampson agreed to come to the house every Thursday evening at eight. Blake was excited and pumped at the thought of making faster progress in his strength conditioning.
After lunch Lisa and the girls headed to a woman’s clothing store that was well known for its extensive lingerie department. When they arrived they split up to concentrate on finding the particular bras that Bonnie had recommended for them. It didn’t take Stephanie long to find several 34DDD bras that she liked enough to try on in the fitting room. Debbie was enchanted by the large choice of padded B cup bras. She had a hard time deciding which particular ones were her favorites. Finally she picked two bras to try on.
Laurie found a darling 34C padded bra that she was sure would be perfect for her – if it fit well. None of the other choices were as pretty. Diane searched systematically for side-support bras. Each time she found one in her size she checked to see if there was a matching panty. Wearing a matching panty and bra was important to her because it made her feel confident in whatever she was doing – whether working or partying.
For herself, Lisa was content to idly roam from one end of the lingerie section to the other, soaking up the feminine vibes of the vast collection of ladies’ and girls’ underwear. It was her promised land. She laughed to herself thinking that Moses’ followers must have had the same euphoric feeling as she had when they arrived in Canaan. Everywhere that Lisa looked she saw a bounty of beautiful bras, panties, slips, garter belts, girdles, and stockings. The desert wanderers of millennia ago would have arrived at orchards bursting with apples, pears, oranges and fields of flowers and wheat.
The sight of one pretty garment after another caused Lisa to choke up with emotion. Her “forty years in the desert” had been the many years of her not being able to outwardly express her pent-up girlish feelings. Now she was free. At long last she could publicly appreciate every lovely detail of the clothing in front of her. She could have any of these! She could buy any pretty underthing that she desired. She was now a girl shopping for the dainty items that girls like her loved to buy. Even better, this was exactly what Blake wanted for her. He wanted his future wife to be free to make herself as lovely and sexy as she wanted. Blake understood her needs. How hard Lisa had prayed to be allowed in this land and now it was a reality.
Lisa surveyed her newly acquired friends as they searched for bras and she felt proud to be one with them. Unlike them, her bra was perfect and she had no need to find a new one, On the other hand, it would be fun to buy something new and frilly with which to entice Blake for their evening together. Lisa imagined that Blake would want to have his way with her that night. Thinking about that gave her goosebumps. If she were smart she would buy a pretty little thing to spice up the evening – to make it special. Ahead of her Lisa saw a collection of chemises and babydolls. That would be it. She’d surprise Blake with a brand-new sexy nightie.
Looking through the display of chemises she saw several pink ones that attracted her. But she already had a very nice pink babydoll at home. What she’d do is get a different color. She looked around and saw a rack containing the prettiest light blue chemises. That’s it she thought. She found a medium sized chemise and held it up to look at it and read the label. It was made of rayon with a ruffled hem and lace-up back. She imagined Blake untying the chemise and slipping it off her shoulders.
Lost in thought she didn’t notice Debbie come up to her holding some bras. “Are you going to get that? It’s so pretty, Lisa. I love that shade of blue. Ruffles are always so much fun!”
“Yes, I want to try it on. I was thinking my boyfriend will love to see me wearing such a pretty chemise.”
“I’m sure he will. I think I’ll get one for myself.”
“You will?”
“It’s really cute and I could use a new one.!”
Debbie found a size small chemise and added it to her bras. “Now to the fitting rooms!” she said. Debbie and Lisa headed in that direction. Just as they got there, Diane, Stephanie, and Laurie converged on them. “What’s with both of you getting the same chemise?” Stephanie asked. “It’s very pretty.”
“Lisa was buying it and I thought it was so lovely I couldn’t pass it up. We’re going to seduce our boyfriends!” Debbie laughed.
Stephanie examined the chemise and then Diane and Laurie looked at it. “You know what,” Diane said, “I could use a new chemise and this one is so soft and sexy. It’s just perfect.”
Stephanie laughed, “I’ll get one too.”
“You girls are crazy,” Laurie said, “but obviously I now need to get one!”
Diane, Laurie, and Stephanie got themselves the identical blue chemise and returned to Lisa and Debbie. “This is so ridiculous,” Stephanie said. “We’re going to have to have a slumber party!”
“When the class is over,” Diane said. “We can spend the night at my place in the blue chemises!”
“That’ll be crazy fun,” Laurie said.
“You girls are a trip!” Lisa said.
The five girls went into the fitting rooms. Inside there were two rooms and Debbie said, “Lisa, come with me. We can share a fitting room.”
Stephanie and Diane went into the other room. Debbie saw Laurie by herself and said, “Squeeze in here with us.” Lisa, Debbie, and Laurie crowded together in the small space. “This is going to be like a Marx Brothers movie,” Laurie said laughing. One side of the room was a bench. Lisa sat down and said, “That should give you a bit more room.”
“I’ve got just enough space now to pull my dress up over my head,” Laurie said. She lifted the dress up until it was surrounding her head. She kept pulling and it didn’t move. “I’m stuck,” she said.
Debbie was facing her back and Lisa from where she sat could see her front. “It’s okay back here,” Debbie said.
“I think your dress is caught on your bra,” Lisa said. Laurie’s hands were straight up in the air.
“Can you untangle it?”
“Sure. No problem,” Lisa said. The only way to get the dress past Debbie’s bra was to insert her own finger between the dress and Debbie’s bra and slide them sideways to lever the dress up over the top of her boobs in her bra cup. The maneuver gave Lisa a good feel of Laurie’s breast inside her bra and she had to scold herself for enjoying the momentary contact. Lisa laughed inwardly thinking how much Greg would have loved this scenario. Now that she was Lisa, however, it was just one girl helping out another and she shouldn’t add a sexual connotation to it. “There, how’s that?”
Laurie pulled on the dress and it moved up and over her head. In front of Lisa was Laurie’s bra that she had seen earlier. Now she saw that Laurie was wearing panties inside of pantyhose. “If I trade places with you, Lisa, you’ll be able to step out of your dress,” Laurie said.
Lisa stood up and turned sideways to allow Laurie to get to the seat and she sat down. While they were doing that, Debbie pulled her top up over her head and hung it on a hook. “I’ll unzip you,” Debbie said to Lisa.
Lisa. When she was unzipped, Lisa twisted one way and then the other to remove her arms from the armholes. She let the dress drop toward her feet and with the help of Debbie stepped out of it and hung it up.
“That really is such a pretty bra your wearing,” Laurie said.
“Thank you.”
“You do win the prettiest bra contest,” Debbie said staring at Lisa’s full chest in the beautiful pink diamond bra.
“I didn’t know we were having a contest,” Lisa said.
“Your D cups are bigger than mine and Laurie’s,” Debbie said. “So you win that trophy also!”
Laurie laughed, “We also have to give Lisa the best fitting bra award!”
“You girls are being very silly,” Lisa said laughing. The three girls rearranged their positions so as to face each other forming the sides of a triangle. Lisa could see each of their bras filled out with their breasts. She felt a strong sense of comradery with Laurie and Debbie. These were the two girls in the group that she had felt instinctively that she’d have the most in common with. The fact that all three of their bras had lace confirmed in Lisa’s mind that she was right. Neither Stephanie’s nor Diane’s bras had been lacy.
Debbie and Laurie reached behind themselves and took off their bras, so now Lisa was confronted by their breasts. The price Lisa had to pay to admire their pretty breasts was the pangs of jealousy that ran through her. Lisa imagined that her feelings weren’t much different than if she were changing into her gym uniform in the girls’ locker room in junior high school. Some of her classmates would already have breasts while she’d be waiting at the starting line for them to develop. Of course, girls could count on eventually going through puberty so the breasts would eventually come. In Lisa’s case she would have to be proactive if she ever wanted to have real breasts. It was a topic that she and Blake would have to broach one day.
Now ensued a confusion of arms and bodies as Debbie and Laurie put on the bras they had selected and Lisa got the blue chemise ready to put on. Laurie managed to get her 34C padded bra on and she twisted and turned to see herself in the mirror. “This is the only bra I saw here that I really liked. What do you think? It’s super comfortable and I love the way it looks.”
“You look great in it,” Debbie said. “There’s no doubt about that. I think Bonnie’s issue with the center gore popping up is gone like she thought it would be. The bra is lying flat against your chest.”
“You’re right. What do you think Lisa?”
Lisa had been admiring Laurie in the bra. “I think it’s both very cute and very appealing. It sure looks like Bonnie had the right idea about getting you a better fitting bra!”
“Good. Then this will be my new bra!”
Debbie finished putting on one of the padded B cup bras she had selected. “What do you think of this bra?” Debbie said. “It fits so much better than my old bra. It’s so exciting to be a cup size larger!”
Lisa was happy to hear Debbie’s excitement at having increased her cup size. She wondered if it reflected feelings toward breast projection similar to her own. Having her blouses and dresses shaped by the presence of breasts was an essential aspect of Lisa’s newfound femininity. The larger the projection the more unambiguous proof that she was a girl. Awareness of her protruding breasts as she went about her life provided powerful and continuous reinforcement to her female self-image. While she would love for her hair, her face, her derriere, her legs, and her arms to be feminine, even in the best of circumstances they did not convey the same unique womanly essence as did boobs.
“It’s a nice bra for you,” Laurie said.
“I agree,” Lisa said. “I think you’ve got the look and fit that Bonnie was going after.”
“Thanks. I’ve got another bra to try on,” Debbie said.
“I’m going to try on my chemise,” Lisa said. She put it on and Laurie tied the back closure. The pretty ruffles hung sexily over her front and she was delighted with the look. She was sure that Blake was going to flip out.
“It’s gorgeous,” Laurie said. “Let me put mine on.” She wiggled herself into it while Debbie was changing her bra. Lisa tied the back.
“You’re so cute in it,” Lisa said.
“What about this bra?” Debbie asked.
“I like it,” Laurie said, “but the first one is prettier.”
“I agree,” Lisa said. “The fit is nice but maybe not quite as perfect as the first one.”
“I see what you’re saying. Okay, you’re both right. I’ll buy the first one.” Debbie took off the bra and said, “Now the chemise!”
Lisa and Laurie gave her room to put it on and Lisa tied the back. The three girls faced each other in their chemises. “This is too too funny,” Laurie said.
“Hysterical,” Debbie said.
“I think we’re so pretty!” Lisa said.
“Let’s visit Diane and Stephanie!” Debbie said.
“Let’s!” Laurie said.
Debbie left the room and knocked on the other fitting room door and said, “Come look!”
Stephanie emerged wearing her new 34DDD bra. “Oh my God. You’re triplets!”
“Put on your chemise and join us, and Diane too,” Debbie said. Diane joined them while putting on a bra.
“Give us a sec,” Stephanie said, and she and Diane went back into the room. A few minutes later they emerged wearing the blue chemises.
“The five chemises would make a great singing group!” Stephanie said.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen five prettier girls together,” Diane said. “I love this chemise. All our ruffles together is worth a picture.” She got her phone and the five girls posed for some selfies. “I’ll send you the pictures.”
The girls played together a while longer and then finished up their bra fittings. When they were done purchasing their bras and chemises they congregated in the street and said their goodbyes. Lisa found herself walking with Debbie. It turned out that they lived just a few blocks away from each other.
Blake stepped out of the bowling alley midafternoon. He drove to the outskirts of town where he knew of an adult bookstore. Vibrators and other useful sex gadgets were sold there. Barry along with some boys in his fraternity had frequented the store renting porn videos. He had once mentioned the place to Jill in case she was interested in getting a vibrator. At the time Jill didn’t know whether or not to take Barry seriously.
Inside the store Blake saw display cabinets with every kind of sex toy imaginable. He gravitated to the display of penises. They were of many sizes and colors. The vast majority were in perpetual erection. While it was tempting to get one like that – and Blake certainly would enjoy approaching Lisa with one of those in his jock strap – a more practical choice was to get a nice hefty penis in a relaxed state. He was only interested in filling up his jock strap – not worrying about boners. Of course, Blake expected that for the time being, Lisa would be the one supplying boners for their love making.
A woman came over to Blake and asked him if he needed help. “I’m looking for a good-sized penis – but one that’s not erected.”
“You mean not straight?”
“With balls?”
“Oh yeah, it should have a pair of balls. Big balls is good. As long as they match the penis.”
“The thing is few customers are looking for unexcited penises. However, we do have some penises that start out relaxed, and at the push of a button they become hard and erected.”
“Wow. That sounds like an amazing technology.”
“Well, yeah. You can’t imagine how many engineers work in sex toy design.”
“How many?”
“Lots and lots. Every time that the economy tanks and engineers are let go, the smart ones get a job developing new sex toys.”
“I had no idea.”
“Let’s face it, sex sells.”
“Right. Can you show me this penis”
“Sure.” The woman led Blake across the store to the “High Tech Sex,” area. She took an erect penis from the display cabinet and put it on the table. “These come in six-, seven-, or eight-inch versions. What size do you want?”
“I don’t know.”
“Guys usually are comfortable with ones that are their own size.”
“They are?”
“What size are you?”
“How many inches?”
“Right. How many inches is your penis when it’s erect?”
“I never measured it.”
The woman laughed. “You haven’t? I thought all guys measured it.”
“How about I say I’m seven inches.”
“Fine. So this one here is an eight inch. If I hit this little discrete button on the side watch what happens.” She pressed the button and the penis collapsed to a relaxed state. “You see now the balls take up a lot of space and the penis is soft and relaxed. Go ahead and touch it.”
Blake touched the penis and said, “You’re right, it’s soft.”
“Hit the switch.”
Blake hit the switch and the penis rose up to its erect state. “Wow. It really works.”
“You bet it does. It’s warranted for one thousand boners. If it won’t pop up to a boner during the first thousand then bring it in and we’ll give you a replacement. No questions asked. Of course, there’s a boner counter inside the dick.”
“Of course. Well. This is perfect. My girlfriend will love it.”
“Oh? So yours is not functioning?”
“It’s actually missing.”
“Oh my God. I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I was born without one. Now I’ve decided to do something about it.”
“Good for you!”
Driving back to the bowling alley, Blake wondered if the salesgirl was pulling his leg or not. Surely she could see that he wasn’t born male. But perhaps not. That was good news if it was true.
When Blake was safely ensconced in his office, he pulled down his pants and inserted the penis into his jock strap, then zipped and buttoned up his pants again. Looking down, he could see just the slightest bulging in the area of his zipper. Just enough to make it clear that he didn’t have a girl’s crotch. This delighted him no end. He walked around the office and felt the small weight of the penis dangling between his legs. It was cool. Exactly what he wanted.
Blake sat at his desk and worked a bit with some payroll accounts. At one point he absentmindedly reached down to scratch himself and encountered the penis. He laughed with glee. Oh my God I’m so loving this. He reached inside his pants and pulled the switch and presto he felt the boner rising up inside his jock strap pushing out the front of his pants. He stood up and was amazed at the sight in front of himself. What a boner he had! It would be embarrassing to walk around like this. He hoped that the switch wouldn’t go off accidentally one day.
There was a knock on the door and Blake hurriedly reached to the switch and pushed it. The penis subsided to its relaxed state and he said, “Come in.”
It was Bob, one of the bartenders, looking to take on some extra shifts.. Blake said he’d try to work some in. No problem. He was in a great mood. He thought ahead to returning home at the end of the workday and being with Lisa. He’ll get her to undress him that night. He laughed thinking of how she’ll be surprised by what she finds in his jock strap. Life is good.
Lisa had a couple of hours before Blake was to return from work. She cut the tags off the new chemise and put it in her dresser. Later that night she’d slip into it when Blake wasn’t looking and surprise him. In the meantime this was the day that she wanted to start cooking dinner for the two of them. She had made it clear to Blake that it was important to her to show him that she would make a good wife. She would take on the cooking. When she said that she would be happy to do all the household chores, Blake balked at that. “I’m not going to sit in the easy chair, smoke a pipe, and have you fetch my slippers while you do all the drudgery!”
They then agreed to divide the chores. Blake would empty the trash and clean the bathroom. Lisa would cook and clean up the dishes and do the laundry. Blake would mop the floors and Lisa would run the vacuum. Blake would be in charge of anything that had to be fixed. “I don’t think that this is very even,” Blake said.
“Please honey! It means a lot to me to feel like I’m taking care of you. If I can make your life easier and more comfortable, then I’m really happy!”
Lisa had planned the menu for a week ahead and had shopped for everything she needed. Tonight she was going to make Tacos del Mar – fish tacos. She had a recipe that she had carefully studied that didn’t seem to be too hard. She prayed that she didn’t mess up. No matter what she’d eventually learn to cook in such a way as to please Blake. It was too bad that her mom had only invited her sister into the kitchen while she was cooking. At the time Greg would have liked to be included. Of course there were so many things that Lisa wished her mom would have taught her when she was growing up as Greg. Wouldn’t it have been great if she taught him about bras and panties? Or what about dresses? Luckily in many ways Bonnie was now making up for lessons Lisa had not gotten in her childhood. Her father had been ever vigilant to make sure that Greg only did what boys were supposed to do.
Blake was due at six. At five-thirty Lisa put a fancy apron on over her beige dress and began cooking. She made guacamole and Pico de Gallo to go with the tacos. She set the table and put out two wine glasses and opened a bottle of fine Italian white wine. As an afterthought she cut some flowers in the garden, put them in a vase in the center of the table.
A few minutes after six, Blake came home. Lisa rushed from the kitchen to meet him. “I hope you had a great day! I so hope you like dinner. Did you have a good day?” Lisa was flustered with excitement.
Blake laughed, “I’m going to love whatever you made for me. It smells like Tacos del Mar! Yes, I had a great day, but I’ve missed you so much!” Blake took Lisa in his arms and kissed her.
Over the past few weeks Lisa had fantasized how her life with Blake would be. A frequent scenario in her imagination was the way Blake would greet her when he came home. She hoped he would put her in his arms and give her a real kiss. Not just a peck as one would give to one’s grandma. So now Lisa had found out – it will be real kisses! She felt Blake holding her tightly and felt his lips press on hers and then his tongue explore her mouth. Then he pulled back and smiled at her. “Kissing you is always going to be fun!”
Lisa squealed with happiness. “Wash up and let’s eat!”
Blake left for the bedroom thinking about the kiss. There was something exotic about it that he wasn’t quite sure of until it hit him that he had been kissing Lisa with a penis in his jock strap. It gave him an augmented sense of what it must feel like to be a man holding a woman and kissing her. It was so odd to be deriving masculinity from a bulging jock strap. But what of Lisa? She derived what seemed like an ocean of femininity from the breast forms in her bra. It had to do with how the mind decided to interpret these things. Lisa’s penis and his own breasts did not make Lisa feel masculine or himself feel feminine.
When Blake returned a few minutes later, Lisa served him the tacos. “Tell me about your day,” Lisa said
“It was fun being Blake. Some of the staff will need to get used to the idea. Others got right into it. Steve, the mechanic we use, is probably drinking beer with his buddies right now laughing about me. Luckily, he mostly kept his prejudice to himself.”
“I hate to think of anyone laughing at you.”
“It’s their way of processing. I’ve contracted with John Sampson, the personal trainer, to come by once a week and help guide my workouts. You’re welcome to join us!”
Lisa laughed. “You’re so funny. No, the muscle department is yours. I’m the one who gets to appreciate them!”
“Eventually men like Steve will envy my physique!”
“I’m sure they will!”
“But forget about me. You’re the one with the really exciting day. I want to hear about everything that happened to you at Bonnie’s. Don’t skip anything!”
Lisa told Blake about the class. She described each of the girls and how they had become fast friends. She discussed how Bonnie had shown her how to cleverly use makeup to further feminize her face. “We devoted a lot of time to bras! I was the only one of the girls whose bra fit perfectly! Debbie and Laurie needed to buy padded bras to get a better fit. Diane needed to look into side support bras and Stephanie needed a new bandwidth and cup size.” Lisa laughed, “I don’t know why I’m going on and on about this girl stuff. It’s not of interest to boys!”
“Tell me about how you fit in with the girls.”
“They’re so much fun and seemed to accept the fact that I’m a girl – even if I had a different path to girldom than they did. Debbie and Laurie are closest to my temperament, though Stephanie and Diane are also very nice to be with.”
“What do you share with Debbie and Laurie?” Blake asked.
“Well, for example, after having lunch together, the five of us went lingerie shopping. The girls needed to buy the new bras that Bonnie had recommended for them so we went to a clothing store.” Lisa realized that she shouldn’t tell Blake about the chemise or else it wouldn’t be a surprise. “While the other girls were finding bras that Bonnie had recommended I looked through the pretty clothes.”
“Did you get anything?”
“I take the fifth!”
“It sounds like it turned out well for you.”
“It did! We might do some things together after the class is over. As I said, I think that Debbie, Laurie, and I have a lot in common. The three of us like wearing lacy bras and panties. Stephanie and Diane don’t care about that. Their new bras weren’t lacy, but Debbie’s and Laurie’s were. You see that Laurie and Debbie think like I do.”
“I’m so happy the class turned out so well,” Blake said. "By the way, the dinner tonight is delicious and I’m not just saying that to make you happy.”
“Really? I’m so glad. I was afraid to disappoint you.”
After dinner Lisa went to clean up the kitchen. Blake offered to help her but she chased him away. “Please relax!”
“Okay, but you know that we’re going to have a big night tonight!”
Lisa laughed. “I’ve been thinking about it all day. I can’t get you out of my mind.”
“I need to work out a little then I’ll get myself ready.”
“Sure, honey, take your time. I’ll be making myself pretty in the meantime!”
Blake went to his basement man cave. He stripped down to his gym shorts and tee shirt and began some warmup exercises. He had a couple of full-length mirrors which allowed him to check his posture and also to admire his muscles as they slowly, day by day, grew in size and strength. Blake was proud that the mirror showed off the slight bulge in his gym shorts. He flipped the boner switch and exercised a while with his raging boner until the sexual tension got too much for him and he switched it off. He’d get his chance to release his desires with Lisa in a short while. He imagined himself on top of her, pushing his “penis” into her and it spurred him to work his weights even harder. How nice it will be in a few months of training when he really gets to have a hard body.
The mirrors made Blake all too aware of his chest. He couldn’t imagine that a day won’t come in which he’d decide to go ahead with breast reduction surgery. Maybe he’d coordinate with Lisa getting her breasts augmented. That would be an amazing day lying side by side in the recovery room. He’d be minus the unneeded appendages and his lover lying next to him would have her own sweet new boobs. It’s the kind of thing that poets should write about!
When Lisa was done in the kitchen she went upstairs to take a bath. She filled the tub with hot water and added bubble bath and oils. She lit a couple of scented candles and lay back in the tub and allowed herself to relax. She thought back over this incredible day. It had gone better than she had imagined it would. It looked like she was accepted as a girl and moreover had made some real girlfriends. It was so nice to be able to be a girl in the world. It was like she had taken her rightful place among humanity. What a delightful feeling that was.
When she thought ahead to how the night might go she found her heartbeat quickening and a lustful desire creeping into her mind and body. Oh how she had wanted to make love to Blake. Make love to Blake in the role of his wife. To be the woman that he wanted to have for his pleasure. The thought gave her goose bumps.
When Lisa had soaked enough in the tub she rinsed off and got dressed. She wore a bra and panty as always so she could have a figure. Then she excitedly put on the blue chemise. Then she got her makeup bag and did up her face the way Bonnie had shown her. Looking in the mirror. she had to admit that she was gorgeous! She dimmed the lights and lay on the bed to await Blake. A short time later Lisa heard him climbing the stairs.
“You’re already waiting!” Blake said. “How cute is that. I’ll take a quick shower. Don’t go anywhere!”
Lisa laughed and got up. “Can I undress you for your shower?”
Blake noticed her blue chemise and said, “Oh my God, Lisa, how sexy you look! That’s a new chemise, isn’t it? It so beautiful on you.”
“I knew you’d love it. It makes me feel sexy.”
“You are sexy!”
“Let me help you with your shirt,” Lisa said and pulled it up over Blake’s head exposing the breasts that Blake would one day have to deal with. Though Lisa could not deny that Blake’s breasts excited her, she elected to keep those feelings locked inside herself. They were part of this strange, new, exciting, topsy turvy world where her desire for Blake came from both his newfound masculinity as well as his legacy female biology. “I love how your muscles are growing!”
Blake laughed and flexed his arms and Lisa felt his biceps. “You like them now, just wait until a year from now!”
“That’ll be exciting. Let me help you with your shorts!” Blake laughed and Lisa looked at him quizzically. She got on her knees in front of him and pulled his shorts down to his ankles. “Whoa! What’s that!” Lisa exclaimed. She stared at Blake’s jock strap. “You’re filling out your jock strap!”
As tempted as Blake was to hit the switch to impress Lisa he held back. “Yeah, I went shopping today to get myself one of these. My jock strap really wanted to be filled.”
“I’m happy you filled it and I think it’s really lovely,” Lisa said. The truth was that this meant that a torch of masculinity had now been passed from Greg to Blake. Lisa might still have a penis between her legs, but it was Blake who now had taken ownership of the masculinity that comes with a dick. It would from now on be Blake’s penis – even if artificial – that was the legitimate penis in their relationship, just like Lisa’s breast forms had become the womanly breasts in their relationship. Lisa gently cupped her hand around the jock strap bulge. “I’m glad you did this. It makes so much sense. I will love it like it’s part of you!”
“You are definitely the sweetest thing there is!”
Blake gently took Lisa’s arms as if to have her stand and she said, “Can I have a little peek?”
Blake laughed. “Of course.”
Lisa pulled the top of the jock strap down enough to see the relaxed penis lying within. “It looks so real.”
“It’s got balls.”
“I see.”
Lisa stood up and Blake once again took her in his arms and held her. “I think we’re going to work out really well.”
“I agree!” Lisa said.
They kissed a bit more until Blake said, “Let me take that shower!”
Lisa heard the shower running and then a few minutes later, Blake came back into the room. He was naked. Once again Lisa felt a strange and yet magical sensation craving both Blake’s masculinity as evidenced by his growing muscles, as well as his female attributes. It was as if she were in a raft traveling within the confluence of two powerful whitewater rivers. Her desires were being yanked in every direction. She imagined that Blake felt the same way. He would be turned on both by the pretty display of her breasts within the chemise, but also by the prominence rising up within his panties. She and Blake were like two survivors of a calamity who depended on each other for survival. They had taken an extraordinary plunge together and whatever fate awaited them was one they would have to share.
Lisa watched Blake as he came over to her. Her breath speeded up in anticipation of Blake’s first touch. He lay down beside her and said, “This is the prettiest chemise.” His hand gently touched the fabric over Lisa’s stomach and then moved up over her breast.
“The other girls liked them so much that they each bought one also.”
“You’re kidding!”
“No, it’s true. Since we all have the same chemise, Diane thought it would be cute for the five of us to get together and have a slumber party wearing our chemises.”
“That’s hysterical. You girls are marvelously silly. Good for you. I’m so happy that you’ve made some good friends already.”
Lisa felt Blake’s hand smoothly caressing her body. Then Blake climbed over her and Lisa felt his weight pushing her into the mattress. Lisa gently caressed Blake’s back and then her hands felt Blake’s developing biceps. “You’re definitely getting stronger,” Lisa whispered.
Blake kissed her. Lisa’s eyes fluttered closed and she found herself lost in a perfect dream world that revolved around Blake’s tongue as it explored her own. She responded with all the love she could muster.
When the kiss ended Lisa opened her eyes and gazed into Blake’s. They lay like that for a minute or two until Blake said, “You know you’re very pretty.”
Lisa giggled and said, “God, I love you so much.”
Blake smiled and resumed kissing her. Their passion rose with each kiss and Blake’s confident hand found places on Lisa that produced pleasurable moans. “I love those sounds,” Blake said. “I love knowing that I’m making you feel good.”
Blake caressed Lisa in ways no one had ever done before and her blissful cries filled the room. Blake was exultant with his masterful domination of Lisa, driving her to new heights of pleasure. He was taking her, possessing her, exactly how he had imagined in his fantasies. In short order, Blake’s ministrations settled into a steady rhythm so he and the girl underneath him moved harmoniously together. Lisa forfeited control of her body to Blake. She was being carried along by Blake’s hungry desire to use her body for their mutual pleasure. As she saw the first outlines of the powerful release coming toward her she worried if she might faint from excitement. In the end, Blake sent her into a delirium of pleasure that she would remember for the rest of her life. Precisely at her climatic moment, Blake joined her in a mutual experience of what only heaven can give to mortal human lovers.
In the aftermath of their lovemaking, Lisa snuggled up to Blake and leaned against him resting her cheek on his breast. Blake’s arm held her tightly across her shoulders. Blake stared up at the ceiling with a smile on his face. Lisa felt a peace, contentment, and happiness sweep over her. The extent of her love for Blake was so much that she imagined her heart wasn’t big enough to contain it all. The surplus would pour out of her heart filling up the rest of her body. She began to cry softly and she felt Blake holding her more tightly. Blake understood. With him by her side and loving her she could do anything. Her mind drifted to the future. Showing up at work tomorrow would be easy. Paying a visit to her family as Lisa would be frighteningly hard. In due course, everything will sort itself out. She fell asleep.
End of Part 6