My stomach was turning over in knots as I rode the lift down three levels. There was a large, open foyer with a kiosk at the center. A young woman occupied the seat in the kiosk. This area was a bit different from the other locations. A woman’s voice made announcements every minute or so. Small trams rolled along on tracks that traversed the long hallways. On the other levels, I saw almost exclusively women in the halls and structures. Here, it was almost all men.
Some of the men walking about wore work coveralls with boots and hard hats. Others wore business suits with coats and ties. Others were dressed casually and were going in and out of restaurants and other stores. The women I saw were all dressed smartly in suits with tight, knee length skirts and heels with perfect make-up. I saw no one dressed as myself who wasn’t being escorted by a security officer.
There were also no windows opening out to the Martian surface. Small wheeled robots scurried about and trams carrying passengers, mostly men, to unknown destinations. While the upper level where Toni and I first arrived was quiet with few people – mostly women – this level was a beehive of activity. A low, barely noticeable rumble filled in a background noise.
The women walking by or riding in the trams wouldn’t look at me or if they caught a glance, it was with obvious disdain. The men in work coveralls would grin at me and any female, point or stare and make comments. The men in suits tried hard not to look at any of the women.
Dodging a tram whizzing by, I walked over to the kiosk and handed the receptionist the card I was given earlier. She scanned the card and held up a paper that printed after the scan was complete.
Before she handed me the paper, she asked rather gruffly, “Can you read, girl?”
I grunted a laugh. “Of course I can read. Doesn’t everyone here?”
The receptionist frowned. “You’d be surprised, girl. Just to be sure, I’ll go ahead and hit the highlights. A member of security will be here shortly to deliver you to your residence. Alpha Shift – that’s your man’s shift – ends in about an hour. So change your clothes as soon as you arrive.”
She looked at the paper and read off, “Your priority is to please the man you’re assigned to. You are to perform any duties he requires to keep his spirit up. A happy man is a happy worker. You’ll be supplied with a supplemental list of foods he prefers. During your free time, you are allowed to do pretty much whatever you want. It is strongly recommended you take the free classes on keeping your appearance up, cooking lessons and lessons on pleasing men. I see you have a high rating on that.
“Remember. Men returning from a work shift will be tired and irritable. He may take his frustrations out on you. You will be severely punished for hitting back. He expects you to be beautiful at all times. Your clothes are already at your residence.”
I sighed. This didn’t sound all that pleasant. I asked the receptionist, “What kind of cable is available in the residence?” She looked at me as if she didn’t understand. “What kind of entertainment is available?”
The woman frowned. “Girl, you are the entertainment. There are no screens to watch shows or what not. Here comes your security escort.”
A tram with a security guard driving it pulled up beside the kiosk. The security guard said, “Melissa-1123009B?”
I stupidly held up my hand and said, ‘That’s me.”
The guard, in a bored mono-tone said, “Hop on the tram, girl. Engage the restraints. Any attempt at escape will be dealt with harshly.”
I frowned and as I took my seat on the tram, I said, “Where the hell would I go?”
The security guard scowled at me. “Girls will refrain from speaking on the tram.” I gave him a mock salute and the tram slowly pulled away from the kiosk.
I think the restraint was more for keeping you on the tram rather than running away. The guard wove his tram in between and around other trams and pedestrians. Large cargo trucks rumbled by. They looked a lot like the trucks I used to drive back on earth.
Some places the hallway narrowed to just wide enough for two trams before expanding back out. The hall made wide curves in some places. I was shocked how large this facility was.
The tram made a turn down another corridor. A sign over the corridor entrance read “Residential.” There was a large open area that resembled a bus terminal, which I guessed this was where the miners were brought to. Along both walls were doors every fifty feet or so. We passed another area that seemed to be like a day room. Men in their work clothes were sitting along a bar having drinks and talking. I didn’t see any women.
Finally, the tram stopped in front of one particular door. A sign on the door read “A6453300B”. I looked around for the first time noticed that all the doors in this section were labeled similarly. A light over the door, like all the others, glowed red.
The guard stepped away from the tram. Impatiently, he announced, “Exit the tram. This is your man’s residence.” The significance that he didn’t say it was my residence or our shared residence wasn’t lost on me. He handed me a key card and added, “This card will admit you to this residence. It will not work with any other door. Enter the residence now.” Apparently he couldn’t leave until I had gone inside. Honestly, what did they think I was going to do?
I slid the card into the slot. A light over the door turned green and I heard a distinct click and the door slid open. I looked over at the guard and he just stared blankly at me from his seat on the tram. I sighed and took a step inside. Interior lights suddenly glowed to life. The door closed behind me.
I’m not sure what I was expecting. The residence consisted of several smaller rooms branching from a large central room. The rooms were pretty Spartan and could definitely use a woman’s touch. There was no attempt to hide or disguise wiring and pipes. I was reminded of my naval career. I actually laughed when I read the sign on the door to the rather cramped bathroom door. It was silly it needed a sign. The sign read “Necessary Room.” The door to the bed room was labeled simple “Sleep”. Another small room was labeled “Communications” which I thought was odd. And finally a room with no door which also had a window that opened to the main room was the kitchen.
The refrigerator and pantry were surprisingly well stocked. There were steaks and ground beef in the fridge and cans of beans and vegetables and other canned items in the pantry. A modern double oven was the main feature of the kitchen wall.
I was surprised the most when I opened the utensil drawer to find that everything sharp or could be used as a weapon, was tethered by metal cable to the drawer. That made me worry if they thought I might try to murder my man.
I looked at the digital clock in the main room. It didn’t display the time, but rather how long until my man returned to his residence. I looked at the paper that listed how my man wanted me to dress for him. I sighed. He required, not requested, I wear black lacy panties along with a see-thru black negligee. I found those items in a dresser and quickly changed into them. I really didn’t have time to do my make-up, so I hoped he’d make allowance for just having arrived.
I stood in front of the door in worried anticipation of my man arriving as the clock counted down to zero. The counter hit zero and stopped and I braced myself in front of the door. After a few minutes of standing rigidly in front of the door, I relaxed and laughed at myself. How stupid of me to assume he’d just materialize when the countdown reached zero. I sat on the couch to continue my wait.
After about five minutes, the light over the door turned green and the door slid open. A man stood in the door frame, silhouetted against the bright light of the corridor. He just stood there looking at me. And then he took a step inside the room and the door closed behind him.
He was tall. An inch or two over six foot. He had longish dark brown hair that was currently matted down with sweat. His orange work coveralls were covered in dirt. He had several days old growth of a bead. He dropped his helmet on the floor. Apparently his coveralls are also a pressure suit. Stupid me, I had assumed the mine had an atmosphere. He didn’t say a word as he unzipped his coveralls and stepped out of them wearing only skivvies and an undershirt.
I couldn’t help but gasp slightly. He was a magnificent specimen of a human male. His muscles weren’t the bulging body builder type, but rather the strong, powerful kind, more like a fighter. A tattoo on his arm showed he was a former space marine and another indicated he had been part of the marines that had squelched the very nasty rebellion on Titan. I swallowed audibly. This was a really bad dude.
“You’re my new girl.” It was a statement, not a question. “You’re a former man?”
I nodded as I stood up to face him. Timidly, I said, “Yes, sir.”
He grinned at me. “You came with a high rating, girl and you intimately understand what a man desires. Let’s see what you’ve got.” He grabbed my arm and led me to the bedroom. He dropped his skivvies and removed his undershirt. And Oh my God.
Male equipment has never really held any real interest to me. I’m sure this is part of the conditioning, but I’m not ashamed to say I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock. He wasn’t even hard and he was hung like a horse. I instantly started to moisten up. I couldn’t wait to feel him inside me.
A smile crawled slowly across his face. “You like what you see?”
It was too late for me to try to not show any interest. I walked up to him and took his cock in my hand as I looked up into his eyes. He bent his head down towards me. I closed my eyes in anticipation of his kiss. His lips pressed into mine. His member began to swell in my hand. I pressed his cock against my silky panties. He was already starting to ooze pre-cum. I put both arms around his neck and stood on my tip toes so I could kiss my man. He pressed his growing hardon against my panties.
He pulled me slowly down to his bed as he kept kissing me. I reached down and slid my panties down. He pressed his cock against my pussy. I groaned. I wanted him inside me so much. He grinded his cock against me as I suck on his tongue. I groaned, “Oh, fuck me! I want you in me. Fuck me!”
Finally he pushed inside me. He didn’t slide in. He had to push. He said, “Girl you are so tight.” He pushed all the way inside me. I moaned with a mix of pain and pleasure. I cried out as he pushed deep into me. I was crying and gasping for breath as he started slamming his huge cock deep inside me.
“Oh God!” I cried out as his last deep thrust exploded a burst of cum. I dug my nails into his back as I gasped for air. Never have I ever experienced such pleasure.
He filled me two more times before he fell asleep with his cock still inside me. I moaned a huge sigh of satisfaction and curled up next to him with a huge smile plastered on my face. I finally fell asleep.
To be continued