Max couldn’t believe he had the house to himself today. His mother and older sister had gone to the spa and they were planning on having lunch while they were out. He gets out of bed and looks out the window in his bedroom that overlooked the backyard. The sun was being reflected off the surface of the pool.
He heads towards the closet and looks around for the new breast forms he ordered online. He finally finds them and takes them out and puts the white square boxes on the bed. He goes to his sister’s bedroom and goes through her drawers until he finds the new string bikini his sister just bought. He has been wanting to wear it, since the first day he saw it on her.
His sister knew he liked to wear her clothes. She would let him wear her panties and bras under his t-shirt sometimes. He’s worn some of her tampons a few times to see what it was like, in his ass.
A few times he has dressed up and gone out with her friends, without them knowing who he was under the clothes and make-up. He was good at copying people’s voices and such. It just came naturally to him. He could even copy his mother’s voice and mannerisms without any problems.
He rushes back to his bedroom and grabs the bottle of hair removal cream he ordered online. The stuff was supposed to be super strong. He heads into the bathroom and reads the directions on how to use it. He follows the directions but uses more than he is supposed to. He felt a burning sensation as the cream started to work.
He waits the time required, before removing the cream off his body. He uses his sister's body washed, which had a lavender scent to it, to wash his body. Since the two of them had the same hair coloring and condition. They used the same shampoo and conditioner.
After his shower, he heads back to his bedroom and dries his chest. The breast forms he bought were as natural as he could get. He lays down on his bed and put the glue he bought on the back of the breast form. He’s done this a few times, to fit his sister’s bras. He positions the breast form on his chest and makes sure it is secured, before putting the other one on. Once the forms are glued to his chest, he looks at them in the mirror. He got the ones with lifelike nipples.
He goes about tucking his testicles and penis, as he puts his sister’s bikini bottom on. He looks at himself in the mirror and liked what he saw. He loved looking like a sexy girl in a string bikini. He puts the top on to support the weight of the fake breasts.
He did such a good job of blending the fake breast form with his skin, you couldn’t tell they were fake. He liked how the fake nipples caused the cups of the top to stick out. He grabs one of his beach towels, that his mother thought was his sisters and a pair of sunglasses, that were identical to the ones his sister liked.
The last thing he grabs is the blue tooth speaker and his cellphone. He heads downstairs and outside to tan and swims in the pool. He sets his stuff up near his favorite lounge chair. He turns the speaker on and selects his favorite playlist on his cellphone to listen too.
Once everything was set up, he jumps off the deck his uncle built around their new above ground pool. He makes sure to hold the top close to his body, so it doesn’t come off, as he jumps into the pool. Max loved wearing the new swimsuit and wishes he was a girl, so he could wear one or different ones throughout the summer. There are times he envies his sister and mother. His mother had a nice figure and could be a model if she wanted too. The reason she didn’t go back into modeling, was the C-section scar she has from giving birth to him.
His sister was delivered vaginally, but they had to cut him out of his mother. She was having a hard time delivering him and if they didn’t cut him out of her. Both he and his mother would have died.
He liked the fact that he and his sister were close. They very rarely argue, and she didn’t mind sharing her clothes with him. She taught him
how to apply make-up the same way his mother taught her. She was two years older than he was. They liked the same things and were close.
Sometimes, he could tell when she was on her period or wasn’t feeling well. He does a few laps and climbs abroad the floating inner tube his mother bought for the pool.
Max stares up at the sky and watches the clouds as they drift by. He wonders what it would feel like if he had breasts of his on. He didn’t at this time want to be a girl, but he does like dressing as a girl and pretending he had his own breasts.
He floats around for a while and when he gets too hot. He dunks himself in the cool water. He gets out and lay down on the lounger. He undoes the ties on the back of the bikini top like he has seen his sister do and lay on his stomach. He grabs his Fire Kindle and locates a story to read. He loved transgender and crossdressing stories. After a while, he turns over with the top still untied.
Max reaches for the suntan lotion his sister likes using. His mom has fair skin and uses a heavier suntan lotion. He and his sister were both dark skins and once they tan, they just stayed dark. His sister figures they got it from their deadbeat dad.
After all the things their mother sacrifice for him. He had the nerve to chase after an old girlfriend that was rich and leave them. He closes his eyes and enjoys the sunshine.
Max rubs his legs and enjoys the fact he has no body hair at all. He wonders what it would feel like to let someone's hands roam around on his body. He wasn’t drawn to girls and he wasn’t drawn to boys either. If he had to choose between them, he would choose to see what it would be like to be involved with both. Max listens to the music and slowly fall asleep.
After about two hours, he flips over to tan the back of his legs and back. Around two in the afternoon, Max’s stomach starts to growl. He stands up and ties his top straps. He adjusts the cups, so they are helping to support his fake breasts.
Max heads into the kitchen and grabs items to make a salad. He chops up some cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, and shred some carrots. He cuts up a boiled egg, he cooked last night. He wonders when his sister and mother would be back, as he looks at the kitchen clock.
Once he finishes fixing the salad. He heads back out to the deck with a bottle Pepsi he grabbed out of the refrigerator. Max sits back down in his favorite lounger and starts eating his salad.
While he is eating, Poker Face by Lady Gaga starts playing on the blue tooth speaker. He puts his salad down and stops the music. He scrolls through his list of songs and finally finds the song by Madonna called What It Feels Like For A Girl. He looks up the song Anaconda by Nicki Minaj and the original version by Sir Mix-A-Lot.
When the Sir Mix-A-Lot song starts playing, Max starts dancing to it. He tries to duplicate some of the dance moves he has seen his sister do. She was a remarkable dancer and knew how to use her body to entice men. He likes dancing to the Black Eyed Peas- My Hump.
Once the song ends, Max takes another dip in the pool and swims around for a while. He finished his salad and waited thirty minutes, before jumping back into the pool. Max dives underwater and swims to the other side of the pool.
While he is underwater, he doesn’t hear his mother's car pull into the driveway. He also does hear when his mother and sister enter the house either.
“Max, we’re back.” Laura looks around for her son.
“Mom, he’s outback.” Donna heard her brother’s music playing.
Both women head outside and just as they step through the patio door, Max pops up from underwater. A smirk appears on Donna’s face when she realized Max is wearing her new swimsuit.
“Max, what are you wearing?” Laura looks at her son and couldn’t believe he had breasts and was wearing his sister’s bikini top.
Max was surprised when he pops up out of the water spotted his mother and older sister looking at him. His cheeks turn red from embarrassment “I can explain, mom.”
Max climbs out of the pool and dries off. He adjusts the bikini bottom like he has seen his sister do before.
“So, how can you explain this, Max?” Laura wanted to know how he had breasts and why he was dressed as a girl.
Laura looks at Max with a puzzled look on her face. How could she have missed something like breasts on her son’s chest?
“Mom, I like wearing girl clothes, I always have. I just never thought of a way to tell you.” Max watches his mother’s face.
“How do you explain having breasts?” Laura had to admit, they looked nice on Max.
“Oh, these are faked and glued on, mom. I can take them off any time I want too.” Max had a smile on his face.
Donna just stood quietly beside their mother. She knew Max liked wearing her clothes and make-up. She shared some of her clothes with him.
Laura stood there shocked and wanted to know more. The more she looks at her son the more he resembles his older sister at his age.
“Let’s head inside the house and you can go upstairs and change.” Laura was confused about how she felt about her son dressing like a girl.
Max grabs his stuff and heads up to his bedroom to change his clothes. His older sister follows behind him.
“Rinse my bikini out and hang it in the bathroom.” Donna had to admit her brother looked cute in it. She might buy a few more and split them between herself and him.
Max heads to his bedroom first to remove everything but can’t find the glue remover to take the breasts forms off. He starts to get nervous. How was he going to explain to his mother, that he forgot to order the glue remover?
He grabs a pair of clean panties he took from his sister’s bedroom and slip them on. He also puts on a pair of dark shorts and a pink Haynes t-shirt. He checks himself in the mirror and saw how much his chest protruded out. He notices the artificial nipples poking against his shirt.
Before he leaves his bedroom, he checks the site he bought his breast forms from to see if they had the solution he needed. They were temporally out of stock of the glue remover.
“Damn! This is not good.” Max heads downstairs to the living room.
He spots his mother waiting for him. He walks into the living room “so, are you mad at me mom?”
Laura turns around to look at her son and notice how his t-shirt was. She notices the nipples from the breasts form were poking against his t-shirt.
“I thought I told you to change?”
“I did, mom. It’s I forgot to order the glue remover to remove the glue holding these breasts forms to my chest.” Max already-fit embarrasses and a little scared as well.
Laura sighs “how long have you been crossdressing?”
“For a few years, mom. Donna has been letting me wear some of her clothes and she taught me how to apply make-up as you taught her.” Max walks over and sits down on the sofa.
He knew his mother wasn’t close-minded or prejudice, like most people he knew. He watches his mother as she just stared at him.
“Why didn't you tell me, Max? I wouldn’t have pass judgment on you.” Laura looks at her son. All she could see now was a young girl looking back at her.
“I didn’t know how you would have taken it, mom. I know you don’t have anything against people like me or anything. I was just scared you
would stop loving me.” Tears start to form and slide down Max’s cheek.
Laura walks over to Max and sits down next to him. She wraps her arms around his body and pulls him towards her “baby, there’s nothing that would stop me from loving you. I went through too much-giving birth too you and came close to dying.” She holds Max.
“So, you’re not mad at me for wearing Donna’s bikini?” Max looks into his mother’s face.
“Mad, no. Surprised, yes. I do have to admit you looked like your sister when she was your age wearing that bikini.”
“So, does that mean I can keep wearing girl clothes?” Max looks at his mother for an answer.
“Max, I do have a question for you. Do you want to be a girl for the rest of your life?” Laura wanted to know more about why Max wants to dress like a girl.
“I don’t know, mom. I just know I enjoy wearing girls’ clothes and wearing make-up and such. I do know I would like my own pair of breasts, instead of having to wear these false ones.”
“Well, for now, you’ll have to wear them, until you get your own.” Laura hugs her son.
The rest of the evening, Donna, Laura, and Max sit and watch movies. Donna gives Max a baby doll outfit she doesn’t wear anymore. Max
liked wearing it and sitting with his mother as she wore her nightgown. Donna had her favorite nightshirt on.
In the next few days, Laura and Donna take Max shopping at thrift stores and stores meant for a young girl. Max couldn’t believe how much fun it was to shop for clothes and accessories with his sister and mother. His mother makes an appointment with her favorite hairdresser and has his hair styled and colored.
Max’s mother lets him get his fingernails and toenails done. He also gets his ears pierce, as well. His sister helps him select a few string bikinis for himself. Which he spends wearing all day for several days around the house and pool.
His sister invites some of her friends over for a pool party. Most of her friends have met Max’s dress as a female, but some haven’t. Most of them don’t care when they meet him. Some of his guy friends wonder why he likes dressing as a girl.
Max tries to explain it to them, that he enjoys dressing and acting like a girl. It makes him whole and makes him wonder why he was ever born a boy in the first place. His sister was sharing her birth control pills with him. She felt that it might be a good idea for him to take them. She wasn’t sexually active.
Sure, she had sex with her boyfriend on prom night. But, past that she hasn’t had sex with anyone else. She tried having lesbian sex with her best friend. She found out that her best friend was a lesbian and has always had feelings for her.
Later, her best friend met a nice Asian woman and was now in a loving relationship with her. The woman-owned her food truck that specialized in Asian American food.
Donna continues to watch her new sister as she interacted with her friends. A smile appears on her face. Because Max/ Maxine was getting what she always wanted. To dress and act like a girl. Also, their mother was loving it as well. She knew her mother saw a difference in Max these past few days.
She did tell her mother that she has been letting her brother borrow some of her clothes and make-up. That they also went out a few times with Max dressed up as a girl. That Max managed to fool the people he was with.
Donna told her mother that. Is when her mother decide to let Max dress as a girl all the time.
Max looks up at her ceiling in her bedroom. It’s been several weeks, since she was caught by her mother, wearing her sister's new string bikini. Her older sister knew she enjoyed wearing girl clothes and such. Now, that her mother knew her secret, she didn’t have to hide how she felt anymore.
Her mother accepted her decision and was allowing her to dress full time as a girl. She also came out to her friends and her sisters’ friends as well. Most of them didn’t care and accepted her. Especially, her best friend, Greg. They have been best friends since elementary school and always had each other’s back.
Max looks at her alarm clock and notices it was eight in the morning. She didn’t want to get out of bed. But she promised Greg, she would come over and help him with Mr. Hiller’s yard today.
She gets up out of bed and starts putting her panties and Bra on. She’s been wearing the breast forms every day. She felt naked without them.
Since she was going to be working outside today. She puts on a pair of shorts to show off her long legs and her old pair of tennis shoes. She didn’t want to wear the new ones she just bought.
She puts her hair into a ponytail and grabs her favorite baseball cap and her new pair sunglasses. She looks at her reflection in the mirror mounted on the back of her dresser drawer. She debates if she wants to wear her new earrings. Her mother didn’t know she had gotten her ears pierce a long time ago.
Max looks at her new collection of earrings and settles on a pair of emerald studs. She liked how they looked on her. A smile appears on her face.
“Finally, no more hiding who you truly are.” Max turns around and heads downstairs to the kitchen.
Her big sister has already left the house to go to work. Her mother had left as well. She leaves a note informing her mother, that she was with Greg and would be helping him do yard work. Once Max writes the note, she eats some breakfast. After eating breakfast, Max grabs her satchel and head to the garage to get her mountain bike.
Max opens the garage door with the remote she carries in her satchel. She glances over towards the moped she was rebuilding. She found it at a yard sale and knew how much it was worth. She had seen one just like it on American Pickers.
She was pretty good at rebuilding things. It was something she had in common with her Uncle Alcander on her mother’s side. Most of her aunts and uncles were surprised when her mother told them about her wanting to be a girl. Some were confused and others just accepted her decision.
Max walks out of the garage and watches as it closes behind her. She mounts her mountain bike and rides over to Greg’s house. She notices people that knew who she was, looked at her as she rode by. She smiles at them as she continued to peddle over to Greg’s house.
When Max finally arrives at Greg’s house. She notices Greg and his father were loading his pickup truck up with yard tools and such. She rolls up next to the truck.
“Morning Mr. Collins.” Max dismounts her mountain bike.
Mr. Collins turns his head to look at Max. He was shocked when Greg told him his best friend was a girl now. Mr. Collins has known Max since he was little and never noticed anything about Max wanting to be a girl. He knew Greg and Max were close to each other. They were like brothers to one another.
“Hey, Max. You look nice today.” Mr. Collins had to admit that Max looked nice as a girl.
“Thanks. So, how bad is the yard we have to do?”
This wasn’t the first time Max has done work for Mr. Collins. Greg and she has done several jobs with Mr. Collins. Some of them were easy and some took them several days to do.
“Bad. You should have worn long pants today.”
“Oh, well. I’ll just have to adapt.” Max puts her mountain bike in the garage.
Once all the gear is loaded onto Mr. Collins truck. Max climbs in first on the passenger side and her best friend Greg climbs in next to her. Greg just looks at his best friend.
“What?” Max had noticed her best friend looking at her.
“It’s you, you’re so different now.”
“Greg, the only thing that has changed about me, is that I’m allowed to express how I feel on the inside now. I’m still me, the same person you have known since we were in elementary school.” Max knew it was going to take time for her friends to accept her.
Mr. Collins just glances towards Max. His wife and himself had talked to Max’s mother about Max wanting to start dressing full time as a girl. They were confused about Max’s decision because he always seemed so normal. They knew Greg would be confused as well, about his best
friend all of sudden wanting to be a girl.
When Greg was told the news, he didn’t believe it. That was until today when Max showed up at their house this morning. He hopes that Max and Greg can come to some understanding. After thirty minutes of driving, they arrived at the job site.
Max leaves her leather satchel in the truck. She keeps her sunglasses on and looks at the yard. Mr. Collins was right that she should have worn long pants instead of shorts. The place looked like it hasn’t been mowed in a long time.
“Greg, Max you two scout the yard and pick up any debris, stick, or tree limbs, please.” Mr. Collins looks at both teenagers before him.
“Yes, sir.” Max grabs a trash bag and a pair of gloves from the back of the truck.
Max takes one end of the yard, while Greg takes another section of the yard. Max notices occasionally, Greg would look at her. She just smiles and continues picking up trash, fallen limbs, and broken branches. After a few hours, she starts getting hot, even with her wide brim hat providing a slight shade for her.
She looks for Greg and spots him at the far end of the property. He was cutting up a medium-size tree limb that had fallen. Max grabs cold bottle water out of the cooler and walks over to Greg.
“You must be thirsty.” She hands one of the cold bottles of water to Greg.
“Thanks.” Greg accepts the bottle of water from Max.
He takes a couple of swigs from it. Afterward, he looks at Max “why?”
“Why what?” Max had taken a sip from her bottle.
“Why are you doing this? Why are you dressing like a girl after sixteen years?” Greg takes another sip of water.
“Because I’m tired of hiding my true self. Plus, I’ve always known I was born into the wrong body.” Max takes another sip of water.
Greg just looks at his best friend as she stood a few feet in front of him. He still didn’t know what to make of Max’s decision to be a girl, but he’ll stand by his friend.
“It’s going to take me a while to adjust to you being a girl, but I’ll continue to be your friend.”
A smile appears on Max’s face “I knew I could count on you.”
Max wanted to hug his best friend but didn’t. She turns around and goes back to doing yard work. Around two in the afternoon Mr. Collins treats Max and Greg to lunch at Jimmy John’s sub shop.
After lunch, they head back and finish cleaning up the yard they have been working on, all morning.
“Again, Max.” Donna looks towards her sister as she performed the dance step, she taught her.
They were at the dance studio Donna taught and practiced at. It had several stripper poles and mirrors lining the wall on one side of the room.
Music was playing from the hidden speakers throughout the room.
Max does as she was instructed by her sister. She wanted to learn how to dance like her older sister and asked her to teach her. She could already dance as well as some of the people who danced here at the studio her sister taught at. However, she wasn’t as polished in her dance steps or using her body like they were.
She had her hair highlighted the other day. Her long brown hair had been highlighted with blonde highlight. The dance leotard she was wearing, was one her sister didn’t wear anymore.
Max decided to wear a pair of medium size silver hoop earrings. She also was wearing a silver choker her sister had gotten her. They had been out window shopping yesterday when they spotted the choker and the matching earrings that went with them.
“Alright, enough.” Donna looks at her younger sister. She was going to need to practice some more.
“So, was I better, that time?” Max wipes the sweat from her eyes.
“Just a tad better. You need to loosen up when you dance. Let your body feel the rhythm of the music and move with it. Just let go and block everything else out.” Donna loved dancing. It brought her joy and happiness.
“I’ll try better next time.” Max had to admit that her sister was a good dance instructor.
She had a collection of awards in her bedroom from dance contests she has been in. She also has autograph pictures from several popular artists, that she had been a back-up dancer for. Max knew she has taught strippers and even housewives how to use the dance poles.
“I’ll schedule some time for you to come and practice. So, are you still going to keep on swimming or are you giving it up?” Donna knew how much her sister enjoyed competition swimming.
“Mom and I have a meeting tomorrow with the school board and with coach Karr from my school. I need to find out what I must do to swim on the girl’s swim team. I also want to see if mom will let me get breast implants. I don’t want to go back to school and swim on the girl’s team, without at least looking like a girl.” Max didn’t want to wear his breast forms when swimming, even though she bought the ones made for swimming.
“I don’t know Max. A lot of girls are finding it unfair that people like you are joining the team and are having a hard time beating them. They're
finding the biological differences unfair.” Donna had some friends that felt that people like Max, shouldn’t be allowed to compete.
“Hey, I know at least six girls on the girls swim team that could beat me hands down. If those girls are complaining, because they are beaten by people like me competing against them. Then maybe they should train harder. The only way a person can get better is to train harder. I don’t buy this biological bullshit.” Max knew women have more strength below their waist then men do.
Men had upper body strength but lacked lower body strength. Plus, women were better suited to survive extreme temperatures and other conditions, then men. Max remembered reading a book, he found in his mother’s collection titled What Every Woman Should Know.
“Come on little sister. We still have our chores at home to do, before mom gets home from work.” Donna grabs her gym bag and heads out to her car.
She was making payments on a 2014 Nissan Leaf. She bought it two years ago at CarMax. She was working at Capt. Ed’s Seafood Shack as a waitress. During the summer tips were good. She was taking home three hundred dollars a night in tips. During the winter months, she made at least two hundred a month.
The A/C in the Leaf felt nice to Max as she enjoyed it as her sister drove them home. It doesn’t take them long to arrive home. Donna parks her car on the right-hand side of the driveway. Her mother liked parking on the left-hand side.
Max heads upstairs to change out of her dance leotard and into a t-shirt dress. It had flowers on it from Hawaii. She stops to look at herself in the mirror and smiles. Greg had accepted her, but it was going to take time for him to get used to her, being a girl.
She heads downstairs to start dusting and vacuuming the living room, den, dining room. The bathroom was shared by her and her sister.
Today, her sister got the bathroom. Once she was done dusting and vacuuming. She heads into the kitchen to fix some lunch for herself and her sister.
“Donna, I made lunch for us.” Max didn’t know which bathroom Donna was in.
Donna comes walking out of their mother’s bedroom. She sweeps aside a lock of her hair that had fallen into her eye.
“You know, mom is a lot cleaner than the two of us.” Donna saw that Max made blts for lunch.
“Well, mom is the only one that uses her bathroom. You and I share the main one.”
“At least you don’t have to remind me to put the toilet seat down anymore.” Max started sitting down, instead of standing to pee.
“True, I won’t have to worry about falling into the toilet now.” Donna has fallen in a few times when her brother forgot to put the seat down.
After lunch, Donna heads upstairs to her bedroom. Max heads into the kitchen to grab the items she was going to need to make dinner. She sets the meat out to defrost.
“Max, can you come up here please?” Donna saw that some of her garter belts and stockings were missing.
Max wonders what her sister could want. She heads up to Donna’s bedroom and noticed the drawer she keeps her special lingerie in was open.
“Oop’s sorry sis.”
“Then you know why I called you up here?” Donna looks at Max. She was a little upset that her sister went in her special lingerie drawer.
“I couldn’t help it, sis. I liked them.” Max forgot she still had them in her bedroom.
“Alright, you can keep the ones you have already. However, for now on ask me before you take anything out of my bedroom, okay?” Donna looks at Max like her mother would.
“Alright, I’ll ask you for now on, before I borrow anything else from you.”
“Thank you. Now, you said you were going to ask mom about getting breast implants. What size are you going to ask her about?” Donna was
“I was just going to keep them the same size my breasts forms are. Since I based them off your bra size.” Max wanted to be able to wear whatever her sister wore.
Donna just shakes her head. She could guess why Max did that. She shuts her drawer and picks up her dirty clothes hamper to take down to be wash.
She looks towards Max “you might want to do your laundry after mine is done.”
“Okay.” Max heads into her bedroom and starts picking up her clothes to be washed.
“Mom, I want to get breast implants, so when I go back to school. I can swim in the girl's swim team.” Max looks at her mother as she stood before her.
Max had waited until after dinner to spring the subject on her mother. She is hoping her mother might consider letting her go through with it. She wanted her breasts, instead of wearing the fake ones all the time. She knew she would get teased by the other girls as well.
Laura listens to her youngest daughter about getting breast implants. When Max has finished speaking, she looks Max in her eyes “Max, you just came out to me that you want to be a girl and you haven’t even seen a doctor that deals in these matters yet. I know you said that you have been taking your sister's birth control pills, Which we need to find out what they have done to you. So, before we talk about you getting breast implants. Let’s see what a doctor who specializes in gender dysphoria says first and get your blood tested to see what your sister's birth control pills did to you as well.”
Max looks a little disappointed about her mother's decision, but her mother was right. She heads upstairs and takes a nice shower. Once she was done taking her shower, she slips on one of the nightgowns her big sister gave her. She brushes and dries her hair. She was still wearing her breast forms. She didn’t like taking them off.
Max lays down in bed and reads for a while, before slowly drifting off to sleep. She dreams of swimming and walking down the aisle one day in a wedding dress. She snuggles deeper under her blanket.
Noon The Next Day, Dr. Holmes Office:
Max felt a little uncomfortable sitting in Dr. Holmes's office. The good doctor was an older woman, in her late thirties who specialized in children with gender dysphoria.
“So, Max tell me a little about yourself.” Dr. Holmes was curious about why Max felt she was in the wrong body and why she came out now after so many years.
“Well, it began when I was little and played games with my sister. I use to like playing dress-up and other games with her. As I got older, my sister caught me wearing a pair of panties I took from her drawer. Not just once, but several times. So, she started to let me have clothes she
outgrew and I would wear them around the house. Sometimes, I would wear her underwear and training bra under my clothes to school.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell your mother about how you felt?”
“I wanted too, but after some of the stories. I read online about people like me getting kicked out of their homes or sent gay conversion camps where they beat and molest you. I scared to say anything to my mother. I knew my mother wasn’t that type of person, but sometimes, you don’t know how people react to their children saying they are trans.”
Max watches while Dr. Holmes writes everything on a note pad. She was starting to relax and trust Dr. Holmes. She felt that Dr. Holmes might care about how she felt.
The next half-n-hour Max opens up to Dr. Holmes about how she felt and everything. By the time it was time to go, she felt a little better about coming to see her.
“Ready to go and be poked and prodded?” Laura looks at her daughter as she comes out of Dr. Holmes's office.
“Do I have too?” Max looks at her mother as they walk outside to the car.
“Yes, we need to see what your sister’s birth control pills have been doing to your system. Plus, get you physical before school starts, if you still plan on swimming.” Laura knew her daughter wanted to still swim.
“I do.” Max sits back in the passenger seat and drinks some water from the bottle she brought with her.
Laura takes Max to their family doctor, Dr. Willow Wolfhart. She was a younger doctor, but very good. She took over Doctor Jonas Gray’s practice after he retired. She knew Dr. Wolfhart was a lesbian and her wife was a motorcycle cop.
They only had to wait a few minutes when they arrived at the clinic Dr. Wolfhart shared with three other doctors. Laura spots Dr. Wolfhart coming out to the reception area.
Willow spots one of her patients waiting in the reception area. A smile appears on her face when she spots Max dressed as a girl. She always suspected that Max would make a cute girl.
“Laura, it's so good to see you. What can I do for you and Max?” Willow smiles at Max.
A smile appears on Max’s face. She has always liked Dr. Wolfhart. She made coming to her fun and sometimes she would do simple magic tricks for her.
“Well, Max here needs a physical for school and I was wondering if you could do a blood test on Max as well.”
“I don’t see why not. Why don’t you follow me to examination room 3.” Willow leads the way back to the examination rooms.
“Okay” Laura follows Willow to the examination room, along with Max.
Once they were in the room, nurse Hines takes all the standard vitals from Max. Max’s mother and Dr. Wolfhart were talking in another room.
“So, decided to become a girl, Max?” Lisa always figured there was something special about Max.
“You aren’t bothered by me?” Max looks at Nurse Hines.
“Nope, you would be surprised how many patients wee have that are like you. Plus, I have a cousin that is going through the same thing you are, in high school.” Lisa records all the vital information.
Once nurse Hines was done with taking Max’s vitals. She is lead into the examination room.
“Alright, Max. Upon the table.” Lisa pats the examination table.
“I hate this paper gowns.” Max gets up on the examination table and waits for Dr. Wolfhart.
After a few minutes, Dr. Wolfhart comes walking into the examination room. She looks at Max “so, Max you have finally decided to become a girl?”
“I should have been born one, instead of in this body.” Max watches Dr. Wolfhart. She had a cute body and wonders why she ever became a lesbian.
“Dr. Wolfhart, can I ask you a personal question?” Max was curious.
“Sure, I don’t mind.” Willow was pretty opened to her patients.
“Have you always known, you were a lesbian?” Max was curious.
“I didn’t know until I became a teenager. I noticed that I didn’t have the same attraction to boys, like my friends and my other sisters. I found the female body, more to my liking.”
“How did your parents handle your decision?”
“I come from a very open-minded family. My mother is a doctor and a stage magician. She put herself through medical school performing tricks and escape artist tricks in Vegas and such. My father is as open-minded as my mom. I have a younger sister who was like you before she underwent SRS surgery. I have a younger brother now, who is an ftm.”
“Why would a natural-born woman, want to become a man?” Max couldn’t understand that.
“The same reason a man would want to become a woman, Max.” Dr. Wolfhart takes three blood samples from Max.
Max didn’t like needles but didn’t mind Dr. Wolfhart sticking him with one. She was quick and made it painless.
“Max, I’m going to give you a low dose of estrogen, until I get the results back from your blood work. Also, I’m going to give you pubertal blockers to stop any secondary sex development.” Dr. Wolfhart gives Max the shots. She’ll prescribe the estrogen pills for him.
“What will happen with the estrogen pills?” Max was curious.
“Well, with the dosage I’m prescribing, nothing much should happen to you. You might experience some mood swings and colors might seem brighter to you. You might develop some breast development. However, that shouldn’t be for a while.”
“I told my mother I wanted to get breast implants before I go back to school. What would happen if the estrogen pills cause my chest to develop?”
“Well first, I would recommend you not to get breast implants at your age. Secondly, once I know what your estrogen levels are, I can increase the level and let you develop your breasts.”
“How big could they get, if we do it that way?” Max wanted to be like her sister.
“Well, it's uncertain, but you could be one cup size smaller than your mother or sister.” Dr. Wolfhart knew depending on Max’s genes, she could be equal to her sister or smaller, depending on what the birth control pills have done to her.
“I want to be like my sister. Most of my clothes are based on her body measurements.” Max was feeling a little disappointed.
“Well, let's see how your blood is first and after that, I’ll see what I can do to make your wish come true.”
River Side High School:
Max was sitting next to his mom as they sat across the table from Principal Armstrong, Assistant Principal Forge, Counselor Saffa Wong, female swim team coach Karr, and male swim team coach Thomson. Superintendent of schools Garfield Finney and his assistant Kirsty Robin were there as well.
Everyone was looking at Max and her mother. Max’s mother suggested she wear a nice dress and make sure her make-up was properly done for a sixteen-year-old. They had a letter from Dr. Holmes's office explaining the fact that Max was seeing her for gender dysphoria.
Dr. Wolfhart also sent the medical report from Max’s physical and blood work. Because Max has been taking his sister’s birth control pills for the last eight months. They have lowered his testosterone levels and were causing his breasts to start to develop.
Since she was already developing breast tissue under her breasts. She increased the amount of estrogen and prescribed progestogens as well.
Coach Thomson looks at Max “are you sure, you want to swim on the girl’s swim team?”
“Yes sir. There’s no way I could remain on the boy’s swim team during the swim season. Plus, it would look kind of weird to have a male swimmer wearing a female suit on the team.” Max was happy he would be growing his breasts.
Dr. Wolfhart had informed him that his levels, were a little high and was interfering with his testosterone levels. She guessed that his sister needed high levels because of her period. According to Dr. Wolfhart, his sister’s birth control pills contained forty mcg.
“You do know, I might have to let you ride the bench if the opposing team complained about you swimming on the girl’s team.” Coach Karr figure there might be a problem from the other coaches and teams.
“There are at least six girls on our team, that could beat me in a race. So, what’s the difference of them competing against them and competing against me?” Max looks at coach Karr for an answer.
“Because, most of the other teams will only see you as a boy, Max. They know who you are.” Coach Thomson knew how good Max was. He wasn’t the top swimmer in their school, but he was in the top five on their team.
“If those girls don’t want to compete against Max, then that’s their choice and should forfeit.” Laura felt that even though she understood the reason behind their reluctance. That is still no excuse to hold that against Max. Especially, when there are six girls on the swim team that are faster than Max.
“Mrs. Puscat, you have to look at it from their point of view. They aren’t competing against another girl, but a girl who is biology a boy as well.”
“Which, shouldn’t matter, Coach Thomson. If there are six girls on this school’s swim team that can beat, Max. Then they could do the same thing. It would be more embarrassing for Max to be beaten by a natural girl, then them complaining.” Laura figured Max could accept it.
“Mrs. Puscat, we also have to take into account the families of those girls as well.” Coach Karr looks at Laura and Max.
“Coach Karr, I understand your concerns, because I have an older daughter as well. If something like this came up, when she still went here, I would still have an open mind about someone like Max competing. As for the family of those girls, if they have a problem with their daughters competing against a transgender student, then they need to put themselves in the student place. Is it fair for the student to stop doing what they enjoy?”
“You do make a good argument and there are no rules that say Max can’t join this school’s swim team. He’ll have to wear a girl’s swimsuit and go by the same rules that all the girls on the team follow.” Coach Karr will have to make some arrangements for Max to change in the girl’s locker room.
“As for the rest of Max’s classes, she will still take them. There’s no reason to change them, because of her new status.” Principal Armstrong has already determined there was no reason to change Max’s school schedule.
“How about bathroom uses? Will you force Max to use the male’s restroom or will she be allowed to use the girl’s?” Laura wanted Max to be safe.
“She’ll be allowed to use the girl’s restroom. If any student gives her a problem with it. We will deal with the situation.” Assistant Principal Forge had already researched the laws and such. Max was permitted by law to use the girl’s bathroom.
“So, everything is fine with me swimming for the school on the girl’s team?” Max looks at everyone.
“Yes, everything is fine, and I expect you to act like a proper young lady. I don’t want to hear about you looking at the girls on the team and
making comments about their bodies or making them uncomfortable either.”
“Oh, trust me, Mrs. Karr. I have no idea which way I swing. I just want to continue swimming for the school, so I can get my second letter.” Max had her first letter, now she wants her second letter.
“We’ll see, Max.” Principal Armstrong.
Max steps out into the hallway and looks around. The superintendent and the rest of everyone wanted to talk to her mother in private. She felt weird wearing a dress but loved how the air felt against her legs.
She looks down the hallway to make sure no one was coming before she twirls around. She wanted to see how it felt with her dress lifting. She loved the way the air moved and against her privates.
She stops when she hears the door of the conference open. Her mother was the first one out with the Superintendent and his assistant following her mother.
“Is everything, okay?” Max steps close to her mother.
“Everything is fine. Let’s go home.”
“So, how was the meeting?” Donna was curious.
She was in the kitchen preparing everything she needed to fix dinner. She knew her mother and now younger sister had a meeting with the school board, the principal, and the assistant principal of her old school. She never experienced this drama when she attended school. Sure, they had a few opened lesbians and a few flaming gay students, but not a transgender.
“It went well. They have to let me swim on the girl's swim team and let me use the girl's bathroom as well.” Max was ready to go upstairs and change into something comfortable.
“True, they have too, Max. However, you might be riding the bench at some of the meets.” Laura looks at her newest daughter.
“Maybe, most of the girls on the school swim team know me and will be curious. Besides, with the new rules, the supreme court just approved, they have no grounds to stand on.” Max recently read an article about a female-to-male student who just won his court case in Virginia preventing him from using the male restroom, while he attended high school.
“I don’t know how I would react. If there was someone like you in the locker room when I was changing.” Donna loved her little sister a lot, but in some ways, she would feel uncomfortable with her looking at her naked body.
“Why does everyone think, all I want to do is seeing naked girls?” Max looks at her sister and mother.
“Because, you’re equipped as a boy, Max.” Donna looks at her sister with a serious look on her face.
“So, what? I don’t care how many of the girls look. If I want to look at naked girls, I’ll go to a porn site.”
“Max!” Laura looks at Max.
“Sorry, mom. It just makes me mad at how small-minded people can be. A person who is like me is going to be jealous of genetic women. We’ll never experience what it's like to have periods or worry about getting pregnant.” Max has put a lot of thought into what he said.
“Having periods every month isn’t a joy, Max.” Donna hated hers, because of how painful it was at times.
“I know sis, I can understand both sides of the argument as well. I just wish, people could understand how people like me feel. It's not easy being born one way and feeling a different way.”
“Why don’t you go upstairs and change out of your nice dress.” Laura looks over towards Max.
“Yes ma’am.” Max heads upstairs to her bedroom to change out of her dress.
Max hangs her dress up and changes into something more comfortable. She knew things were going to be hard for her. She read stories online about how hard it could be for transgender students. She slips on a pair of shorts and an oversize t-shirt she got form her sister.
Once Max was changed, she heads back downstairs to help her sister with dinner. Her sister has her make the salad. Their mother went upstairs to change as well.
When dinner is ready, Max sets the table. It was good that her mother taught her how to set a proper place setting.
“Have you talked to any of the girls on your swim team?”
“Not yet. I have to contact them. Practice doesn’t start for another few weeks.” Max had the date circled on her calendar.
“Why don’t you invite the girls over for a pool party. That way they can see how you look like a girl in a swimsuit.” Donna figures it might help Max.
“That’s a good idea.”
The next day, Max gets up early and instead of going downstairs to eat breakfast. She sits down at her computer desk and starts sending emails to all the girls, on the girl's swim team. She already talked to her mother about Donna’s suggestion and she liked it. They planned on having the pool party this weekend.
Once she sends the whole swim team invitations for the pool party. She heads downstairs to fix herself some breakfast. Her mom and sister have already left for work.
A smile appears on her face, as she eats her Fruit loops. She doesn’t have to hide anymore. She can wear whatever she wanted too.
After breakfast, she slips her string bikini on and jumps into the pool. The water was cold when she jumped into it. She starts doing laps, to warm up. She does wonder while she is swimming, how the girls on the girls swim team will accept her.
Rose Rowena’s House:
Rose didn’t want to get up out of bed. She, Debbie, Carol, and Anna had gone out last night. They were still recovering from partying to much last night. It was their boyfriend's fault. They wanted to stay out a little longer then they were permitted. Her mother and father lectured her on being twenty minutes late, pass her curfew.
She hears her cellphone beep, letting her know an email had arrived. She grabs it off her nightstand and looks at the email. It was an email from Max. She opens it and saw it was an invitation to a pool party this weekend. She also noticed it was addressed to every member of the girls swim team.
That caught her attention and wonder why it was only addressed to the girl’s swim team. She lets Max know, she’ll be there. She’ll also call the other girls to see if they are going to go.
Max was done with her morning swim. She goes upstairs to the main bathroom and takes a shower to get all the chlorine off her body and out of her hair. The fake breasts she was wearing felt weird on her skin, but she liked having them. She wishes she could feel something when she plays with them.
After Max is done taking a shower. She heads into her bedroom and looks through her clothes. She had no idea what she was in the mood to wear today. She settles on a pair of black butt lifting leggings with pockets and one of her t-shirts that come down and cover her butt.
Max looks at herself in the full-length mirror and likes what she saw reflected at her. She glances over towards her closet and wonders, should she wear her tennis shoes or her calf-length boots. Since she was going to the library to see if the new Dresden book was in, she decides to wear her tennis shoes.
Max puts on some light make-up and eyeliner. She grabs her small backpack purse and makes sure her Samsung tablet, wallet, and cellphone was in it. She bought the backpack at the thrift store when her mother took her to buy some girl clothes.
Max puts her Bluetooth earbuds in her ears and heads downstairs to the garage to get her bicycle. She listens to some music, why she takes her bicycle out of the garage and peddle towards the library.
Her neighbors were still getting used to her dressing as a girl. She smiles as she peddles to the library. The weather was nice and there weren’t very many people out. After fifteen minutes of riding her bicycle, she arrives at Thomas Smith Memorial Library.
Max locks her bicycle up and heads inside the library. Inside the library, Max notices Mrs. Crank was behind the counter. Sitting next to her was Mrs. Sommer. Mrs. Sommer was new and one of the most openminded people Max has ever met.
Mrs. Sommer always gave her good advice about subjects she talked to her about. Max walks over to the shelving unit where new arrivals were placed. She spots the new Dresden Files book she has been waiting to read the new book. She picks the book up and walks around looking for a few more books to read.
While she is looking for more books, she spots one that teaches you how to train your voice. She grabs that one. She looks around for some more books that might be useful.
Max does catch Mrs. Crank looking at her occasionally. A sly smile appears on her face, as she moves around the library. She does stop and look through the music selection the library has. She spots a few CDs that she wanted to listen to and add to her music library.
It took Mrs. Sommer a few minutes to recognize the girl that came into the library. She saw Mrs. Crank glance towards the girl as she moved around the library. A smirk appeared on her face, as it finally dawns on Mrs. Crank’s face on who it was.
Mrs. Sommer picks up some books that needed to be shelved and walk over to Max. She wonders what made Max decide to become a girl.
She walks up to Max “hey Max. I like your new look.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Sommer.” Max was hoping Mrs. Sommer would respect her new life.
“So, what made you decided to start dressing as a girl?” Mrs. Sommers puts one of the books in her hands on the self.
“I have always dressed as a girl at home, without my mother knowing. I thought it was time, to be honest with my mother about how I felt.” Max also knew it didn’t help that her mother caught her wearing her older sister's string bikini either.
“Well, you do look nice. Who taught you how to apply your make-up?” Mrs. Sommers liked how Max did it.
“My sister, who in turn was taught by my mother. My mother uses to be a model before she had me.” Max knew his mother gave up that life because of the scar she had from giving birth to her and to stay with her children.
“Well, your sister taught you nicely. It’s not too bold and highlights the right areas of your face.” Mrs. Sommer puts another book on a different shelf.
“Thanks, Mrs. Sommer.” Max heads towards the self-checkout and signs her library card.
After she scans her library card, she scans the books she selected to read. The Dresden File book was due back by the end of next week, but she had time on the others. Max puts the books in the small backpack she brought with her and wave goodbye to everyone.
When she walks outside the library, she spots some of the older guys from her school. She takes a deep breath as she walks towards her bicycle. She hopes they just ride by her and ignore her.
Eddie, Frank, Jeff, Billy, and Chuck were out enjoying the sunshine on their bicycles when Eddie spotted a cute girl walking out of the library. He didn’t recognize her and she didn’t go to his high school.
“Hey Jeff, do you recognize that cute girl over there?”
Jeff looks at her and had to admit, she was cute. The tights she is wearing filled out her ass nicely.
“No, let’s go over and introduce ourselves to her.” Jeff starts peddling over to the library.
The rest of the guys follow him. They were as curious as Jeff and Eddie were. All five guys peddle over to the library.
As they got closer, Chuck recognized the bicycle the girl was unlocking. It looked like the one Max owned.
“Hey, that’s Max’s bicycle. I would recognize it anywhere.” Chuck wonders if the girl was related to Max.
Max was kneeling, unlocking her bicycle when she hears Chuck’s voice. She was hoping maybe, she could avoid this, but now she had no choice. She stands up and turns around to look at the five guys “hi guys, nice day for a bicycle ride, isn’t it?”
“Hi guys, nice day for a bicycle ride, isn’t it?” Max had a smile on her face as she looks at her friends.
“Max?” Chuck looks at Max and couldn’t believe he was dressed as a girl.
“Yep, it’s me, Chuck.” Max smiles sweetly at his friends.
“Why are you dressed as a girl?” Jeff looks at Max and couldn’t believe he looked like a girl.
“Because I am a girl, silly.” Max was watching the guys gathered in front of him.
“No, you’re not. I’ve seen you in the boy’s locker room in your birthday suit. You’re not a girl.” Eddie knew Max wasn’t a girl. He had a penis just like the other boys in their class and on their swim team.
“Eddie, having physical attributes that say you are a boy or girl doesn’t mean you are that gender. It’s how you feel emotionally inside. I should know because I have always had to hide how I felt. There are a lot of things I had to hide from you guys as well.”
“You mean, how I spotted you wearing a pair of panties at school one day? Also, how you denied it when I confronted you? You said that they had been a pair of underwear that had been washed with your sister’s things and got stained?” Billy looks at Max with a questionable look on his face.
“Yeah, we always thought you were gay or something.” Frank always thought Max was gay.
“Sorry Frank, but I’m not gay.” Max knew that much about himself.
“If you’re a girl then, which sex would you prefer to have sex with? Because you’re either into boys like most girls are or you’re into girls. Which way do you swing?” Frank wanted to see what Max says.
“Look, I don’t know which way I swing. At this current time, I don’t care about that.” Max didn’t care about dating right now. She was more concerned about learning more about herself.
“So, does that mean you aren’t swimming on the team this year?” Chuck figures he might have a shot at impressing the girls this year.
“I’ll be swimming on the girl’s team, this year.”
“Bullshit! The school would never allow a boy to swim on the girl’s swim team.” Billy was sure they would never allow it. His sister was on the girl’s swim team.
“They have too.”
“I think you just want to see the girls in their underwear or the nude.” Eddie has tried several times to get pictures of the girls in the girl’s locker room.
“Wrong again, Eddie. I’m not like you.” Max looks at Eddie with a stern look on her face.
“Well, I don’t know what to make of you, Max.” Chuck wasn’t homophobic or anything. He has Known Max since elementary school.
“You know the kids at school are going to tease you and call you names.” Eddie knew that there were some mean kids at school.
“I know and I hope I can count on you guys to stand by me.” Max looks at Eddie, Frank, Jeff, Billy, and Chuck.
Frank looks at Max “I don’t know Max. I mean, I don’t have anything against you, but when my parents find out. They might go through the roof and boycott the school.”
“I have to agree with Frank, Max. My sister is on the girl’s swim team and I don’t know how I feel about you seeing, her naked.” Billy was protective of his younger sister.
“Look, Billy, I don’t care how Nancy looks naked. Hell, I’ve seen her in a bikini almost as small as the ones my sister wears. This isn’t about what everyone thinks it is. All, I’m asking is for you guys to just give me a chance.”
“Max, we’re your friends and will stand with you.”
“What does your mother think about you wanting to be like your sister?” Jeff was curious about how Max’s mother felt.
“She’s okay with it. She is helping me to pass more as a girl.” Max was happy her mother was helping her to act and dress more like a girl.
“We were heading towards Carvels for Ice Cream. Why don’t you join us?” Frank wanted to talk to Max more about being a girl.
“Sure, lead on.” Max mounts her bicycle and follows them.
Max looks up at the ceiling as she laid in bed. Today was the big reveal to the girls swim team. Her mother told her that coach Karr, the girls swim team was going to be attending the pool party as well. They had gone out last night and bought snacks, chicken, and such for a cookout on the grill.
Some of the parents already knew what was going on and contacted her mother. They had gotten together and talked about the situation and there had been some heated debate about her using the girl's locker room and bathroom at school.
She gets up and put her robe on. Her mother told her if she was going to wearing some of the skimpy lingerie around the house or sleep in them. She’ll need to cover up when she leaves her bedroom. She didn’t mind, because the robe was made of silk.
Max slips her kitty cat slippers on and heads downstairs to grab some breakfast. No one was in the kitchen when she walks in. She grabs some eggs, sausage patties from the refrigerator and starts cooking them.
Max selects some music from her cellphone to listen to, while she is fixing breakfast for herself. While the eggs were cooking, she toasts some slices of bread in the toaster oven. Just as the eggs were ready to plate, her older sister comes stumbling into the kitchen.
Donna had smelled the sausage and eggs cooking when she came downstairs. She wanted coffee and didn’t care about anything else. When she walked into the kitchen, she spotted her little sister making her favorite breakfast. She just ignores her and walks over to the coffee machine and start brewing a cup of coffee for herself.
She had been in the living room last night when some of the parents of the girls on the swim team had come over. They had heard about Max switching from the men's swim team to the girls swim team. They also learned that Max would have access to the girl’s locker room and bathroom.
The discussion had gotten a little heated, until Mrs. Summers, stepped in. She had to remind them that Max had rights as well as a transgender student. She has never known Max to do anything improper and that she would defend her in court.
A lot of the parents knew Mrs. Summers and her law firm were very good. They very rarely lost a court case. Also, Mrs. Summers and her law firm supported the LGBTQ community and have won several lawsuits, including ones where people use religion to justify their discrimination against the LGBTQ community.
Once Donna has had a few sips of her coffee, she looks at her little sister “you have stirred up a hornet's nest with your intentions to continue swimming.”
“Tough, if people can’t accept change, then they need to move to Siberia or some other country. I have the right to pursue my dreams and things I enjoy.” Max takes a bite of her breakfast sandwich.
“You do know this isn’t over with?”
“I know.” Max takes another bite out of her sandwich.
“So, which swimsuit are you going to wear today?” Donna takes a sip of her coffee. She was just like her mother and took cream and sugar in
her coffee.
“I was thinking about wearing my blue color string bikini, today. That way the girls can see what I look like dressed, as a girl.” Max figures her string bikini and the fake breasts and such will give the girls some idea what they will be seeing.
“If you need any help getting ready, let me know.” Donna figured the blue string bikini her sister liked wearing should work.
Max cleans up her mess and starts prepping everything for her guest. Her mother comes into the kitchen and watches her daughter as she prepares everything.
“Are you nervous, sweetie?” Laura wonders how her daughter was feeling.
“A little, mom. I mean so far everyone that knows me, is willing to accept me.” Max’s friends from yesterday had slowly accepted her.
There was still some reservation from some of her friends, but most of them accepted her. She looks at everything and hopes it would be enough.
“Well, I’m going to go and get ready.”
“Alright, sweetie.” Laura watches as Max heads out of the kitchen.
Donna glances at her mother “do you think she is rushing things, mom?”
“No, if Max is going to do as she says she is going to do. This is going to be the perfect opportunity for her to come out. I just hope that the other students at school accept her.”
“It’s going to be a challenge for her, mom. However, I think Max can handle it.” Donna wishes she could be in school to protect her sister.
Max heads upstairs to her bedroom and starts getting ready for her guest. She hops into the shower and makes sure anybody hair she has is remove, especially on her legs and such. Once she is done with her shower and checking her body. She heads back into her bedroom and starts applying her waterproof breasts. Once they are attached to her chest, She tucks as Mrs. Wolfhart explained to her. She gave her a few suggestions for using a medical adhesive to help hold everything.
It wasn’t like she had a big penis or anything. Once she was tucked properly, she ties on her bottom and checks herself in the mirror. She looked like she had a normal girl's bottom. She puts her top on and adjusts it to hold her false breasts.
Max checks herself out in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. Everything she had on looked good and there was no way you could tell she was a boy. Her body had started developing curves, thanks to taking her sister's birth control pills.
Coach Karr pulls up to Max’s house and park. She was curious about what Max was going to look like a dress in a girl's swimsuit. She was also there to put some of the girl's parents at ease about Max. She figures if Max passes as a girl wearing a female suit, then there shouldn’t be many problems. However, if Max looks still looks kind of Manish, there might be a problem with her swimming this year. She gets out of her car and head up to the front door and ring the doorbell.
Donna was going to go up and change into her swimsuit when she heard the doorbell “I got it, mom.”
Donna detours towards the front door and looks through the peephole to see who it was. She spots coach Karr standing on the other side. She
opens the front door “coach, Karr, it's nice to see you. Won’t you come in please?”
Coach Karr was surprised when the door opened and standing on the other side was Donna, Max’s older sister. Even though Donna was never on the girl’s swim team, she was on the field and track team.
“It’s nice to see you again, Donna. How are things going, now that you are out of school?” Mrs. Karr steps into the house.
“I’m wishing I was back in school.”
“Some of us, do wish we were back in school.” Coach Karr walks into the house.
Donna closes the front door and escorts Mrs. Karr to the den. She takes a seat on one of the love seats.
“Would like anything to drink, Mrs. Karr?”
“No thank you, I’m fine, Donna. So, what do you think about Max wanting to be on the girl's swim team?”
“I think you are getting an excellent swimmer, Mrs. Karr.”
“Would you be bothered by her dressing in the same dressing room as you?” Mrs. Karr wanted to see what Max’s sister felt.
“To be honest, Mrs. Karr I would be a little bothered by it. However, I think with time, I would overcome it. I think that’s what some of the girls
on the swim team are going to need, is time.”
“Time for what?” Max had come downstairs and walked into the den.
“I was just asking your sister a question, Max.” Mrs. Karr couldn’t believe how Max was dressed.
There was no way anyone could say Max was a guy. She looked too much like a girl in the string bikini she was wearing. Mrs. Karr was amazed at how Max looked.
“Max, can you turn around so I can see what you look like?”
“Sure, Mrs. Karr.” Max turns around slowly in a circle for Mrs. Karr to examine her.
Donna watches as her little sister turned around for Mrs. Karr. A knowing smirk appears on her face because she knew Max could fool Mrs. Karr easily.
Mrs. Karr stands up and walks over to Max. She couldn’t believe how she looked.
“Are those real or fake, Max?” Mrs. Karr was looking at Max’s breasts.
“Fake, Mrs. Karr. My own are in the process of coming in. I figure I would wear these to give me a more female looking figure.”
“What measurements did you use for them?” Mrs. Karr was curious.
“Mine. Since I used to let her wear my clothes, she based her fake breasts on my measurements.”
Donna looks at her little sister. She knew Max wanted to be like her for a long time.
Mrs. Karr just shakes her head “if you dress like this during practices and meets, there will be no way anyone could ever tell you were born a male, Max.”
Just as Mrs. Karr says that the doorbell rings.
“I’ll go and see who it is.” Max turns and walks out of the den.
Max stands before all the girls on the swim team. She let them touch her so they could see what the fake breasts and such feel like.
“I can’t get over how realistic you look, Max.” Rose was amazed at how Max looked. He transformed into a beautiful girl with a knockout figure.
That made her and the rest of the girls on the team look like children. Even Debbie, Carol, and Anna were impressed at how Max look. Every girl that was on the team showed up for the pool party.
“The school is going to allow you to swim on our team?” Carol looks at Max.
“Yes, and uses the girl's locker room and bathroom as well.”
“How about your swimsuit? Are you going to be wearing our one-piece swimsuit as well?” Debbie was wondering how far the school was going with this.
“Yes, I’ll be wearing a girl’s swimsuit as well. I had a choice of wearing a girl’s swimsuit or wearing just swimming trunks. Since my breasts are coming in. It would look and be a little embarrassing for my chest to be nude and my breasts showing.” Max figures by the time they start swim practice her chest will be more develop or showing more.
“You do know, most of our parents and even some of us are going to feel uncomfortable with you in the locker room.” Helen looks at Max when she says that.
“I know, all I can say is that you’ll have to adjust to it. I don’t care what you look like without any clothes on Helen. I’m not interested in any of you. Hell, I have no idea which way I will swing. If there is any jealousy it would be that I should have been born like you guys.” Max needed to let the girls know she wasn’t interested in trying to see them naked.
“Well, I know my parents are going to throw a hissy fit.” Anna knew how her parents felt about transgenders sharing bathrooms and such.
“Well, my parents won’t mind. They have always supported the rights of transgender students.” Georgia wasn’t as developed as some of the other girls on her swim team. So, she felt a little embarrassed being around them in her swimsuit.
“You girls don’t have anything to worry about. I’ll be watching over Max and making sure she acts properly.” Coach Karr knew problems were going to spring up.
She knew this was a first for the school on having a transgender student on a sports team and using the female facilities. So, the girls were taking Max’s appearance in as well. She looked just like any teenage girl.
The rest of the afternoon, Max and the girls have fun. The girls get used to Max’s appearance and even suggest a few things to her. They plan on getting together in a few days to do some shopping.
“Well, it sounds like everything went well.” Donna helps her little sister clean up afterward.
“Yeah, the girls got a chance to see what I will look like and can help explain to their parents, that I’m not interested in them at all.” Max was glad he wasn’t interested in the other girls. It would have caused problems.
“Which side are you interested in, Max?” Donna was curious about her sister.
“I don’t know. Right now, I just want to adjust to being a girl for a while. I know my counselor is going to ask me the same question.”
“Well, you do know. Mom and I are also interested in which gender you’ll be attracted to.” Donna knew their mother wanted to know.
“Well, the two of you are going to have to wait to find out.” Max picks up the last of the snacks and takes them inside.
Once the pool area was cleaned up. Max heads inside the house and up to her bedroom and changes out of her bikini. She leaves on the fake breasts and slips on a short sundress.
The rest of the day, she spends reading a nice novel she picked up at the library. Her sister was busy doing laundry and talking to her friends. Their mother was upstairs in her bedroom, doing the same thing she was doing, enjoying a nice novel.
Around dinner time, Max makes a light dinner. She wasn’t very hungry after the pool party and she knew her older sister and mother weren’t
very hungry either. So, she grills up some chicken breasts on the outside grill and put light seasoning on them.
After dinner, Max retires to her bedroom and watches a movie. While she is watching the movie, she slowly falls asleep with the movie still playing. It wasn’t the first time she has done this.
Laura stops by Max’s bedroom and checks in on her. She spots Max sound asleep with her television still on. She walks in and turns the television off.
As she is about to leave, she looks down at her daughter. She hopes what she did today will ease things with her, when school starts up next month. She places a kiss on Max’s cheek and closes the bedroom door behind her.
Max browses through the store looking at the new skirts, dresses, and blouses that just arrived. She wanted to improve her wardrobe and find something nice to wear back to school. Some of the girls from the girl’s swim team were going to meet her later.
She finds several that she liked and in the right size. She walks into the changing room and picks a stall to try them on. As she removes the clothes she wore to the mall, she looks at her figure in the mirror in the stall. A smile forms on her face as she likes what she was seeing. She
was so happy that her breasts were starting to come in and her hips were starting to look like she was a girl.
She tries on one of the dresses she picked and like how it fitted her figure. The skirt she picked out was nice as well. She still didn’t know what she wanted to wear on the first day of school. Also, swim practice was going to start next month as well.
Max ends up buying everything she tried on. As Max walks out of Sammy Davis. She notices that there was a Victory Secret store across from her and two doors down. A playful smile appears on her face as she heads over to it. She wanted to buy some sexy lingerie and corset sets.
She has seen her sister wear some around the house and she knew her mother had some as well.
She had two sets her sister gave her, that she had borrowed and worn. She just wore them around the house, but now she was thinking about wearing them to school under her clothes. She picks out some sexy ones to wear for special occasions. She also picks out some normal ones to wear under her clothes to school. The purchases at Victory Secret put a big dent in her budget.
Max walks around the mall some, just doing some window shopping. As she is window shopping, she spots a person she hasn’t seen in years. She walks over to the kiosk that the person was sitting next to.
Max walks up to the young woman with long multi-color emo hair. The person was dressed in slacks and a nice blouse “excuse me, but you wouldn’t be Candy Carbonell, would you?”
Candy looks at the young dark brown hair girl standing before her. She looks closer at the person “Max, is that you?”
“Yes, I know I have changed since you last saw me.” A smile appears on Max’s face.
“I say you have. How long have you been a girl?” Candy couldn’t believe that the young teenage girl standing in front of her, was the same little
boy she babysat and played video games with.
“Only a few months, but my sister has known for years. I thought you and your family moved away.” Max missed her favorite babysitter.
“We did, but my aunt Betty is dealing with some medical issue. So, I came back to live with her to help her out.” Candy didn’t want to go into
detail on the other reasons she was living with her aunt.
“So, what do you think? Do I make a good-looking girl?” Max does a little twirl in front of Candy.
“I think you make a beautiful girl.”
“Thank you. So, how long have you been working up here?”
“Just recently. The owner of this kiosk was looking for a part-timer and hired me. My full-time job, I’m a singer.”
“You’re a signer? Do you travel and such?” Max didn’t know Candy could sing.
“I travel sometimes. I’m signed to a label already and I have done several concerts already.” Candy was glad she was done with her current gigs.
“And you want to work here, selling cellphone accessories?”
“It gives me something to do.” Candy got bored staying at home with her aunt. She knew her aunt was bored with her as well.
“We’re going to need to get together and have lunch one day. Also, you have to let me know when your next gig is.”
“I would like that and as soon as my manager let me know. I’ll send you a text.”
“Here, let me give you my phone number.” Max writes her cellphone number down and hands it to Candy.
Candy accepts it and places it in her pocket. She writes her number down and hands it to Candy.
“Thank you.”
“So, I’ll talk with you later.” Candy spotted a customer walking towards them.
“See you later, Candy.”
“See you, Max.”
“Bye.” Max heads towards the mall entrance with her bags.
She spots several of the girls from the swim team walking into the mall. She waves at them.
Anna and Carol spot Max as she walked towards them. She saw Max wave his hand at them. The two of them head towards Max. Anna spotted the bags in Max’s hand.
“You already started shopping without us.”
“Sorry, I got bored. I did find a lot of places having sales. If you like, I can show you to them.”
“Lead on.”
“Okay.” Max leads Anna and Carol to some of the stores she went to.
She leaves her bags at the checkout, so people don’t think she is stealing anything. She helps find outfits for Anna and Carol to wear
Max follows the instructions from the teacher as she corrected their dance steps. She has been practicing the steps with help from her big sister. She couldn’t wait for school to start in two weeks. Coach Karr has already started swim practice and the other swimmers were adjusting to her being on the girl’s swim team.
The guys that knew her, thought it was a prank, so she could see what the girls looked like, undressed. She had to set them straight several times, telling the guys it wasn’t a prank and she wanted to be a girl. Her old coach had already been informed about her decision. He felt a little uncomfortable about her going into the girl's locker room.
Max brings herself back to what she was doing. The instructor takes them through a few more dance steps, before calling it a night. She walks over to her towel and bottled water.
“Hey Max, you looked like you spaced out there on that last dance steps.” April takes a sip from her water bottle.
“I was thinking about what happened two days ago during swim practice.” Max takes a sip from her bottle.
“Was it bad?” April knew Max was Donna’s little brother, who now was her little sister.
“No, but it shocked the hell out of everyone and my old coach is having a hard time adjusting to the situation.” Max knew Coach Karr had to step in several times.
She had to remind coach Wells that Max was under her supervision. That Max had every right to use the girl's locker room and the restroom facilities as well.
“Well, it sometimes takes people a while to realize that some people need to be true to themselves.” April smiles at Max.
“Thanks, for listening to me, April.” Max appreciated it.
“Hey, that is what women do. We listen to each other's problems and support each other. You’re part of a strong sisterhood now.” April smiles at Max as she packs her gear away.
A smile appears on Max’s face as she packs her stuff away and slips on a pair of sweats and her tennis shoes. Max heads out to her bicycle and unlocks it. She mounts it and starts peddling back towards her house. The weather was nice out and she didn’t live far from the dance studio.
She waves to people she passes that were outside enjoying the warm weather. She didn’t know many of the people, but she has passed them several times when she rode through their neighborhood on her bicycle.
It takes her about twenty minutes to bike to her home. She notices her sister and mother were home. She pulls up into the driveway and puts her bicycle in the garage.
“Mom, I’m home.” Max walks in from the garage.
“Good, you can help me set the table for dinner.” Donna looks at her little sister.
She had the day off and didn’t have to teach a dance class. She watches as Max walks into the dining room.
“What’s for dinner, tonight?” Max had left her gym bag in the laundry room.
“Swedish meatballs.” Donna waited when Max’s dance class let out before she started making them.
“Where’s mom?” Max noticed their mother wasn’t downstairs.
“She’ll be down in a minute. She came home and went directly to her bathroom with her favorite bottle of wine to relax.”
“Oh! It must have been one of those days at work.”
“Yeah.” Donna heads into the kitchen to transfer the Swedish meatballs to a serving bowl.
Max finishes setting the table and sits down at her normal spot. A few minutes after Max sits down, her mother comes walking into the dining room.
“Rough day, mom?” Max looks at her mother.
“Yes, how were you’re day?” Laura looks at Max.
“It was okay, I guess. Dance class was fun, but coach Wells was still having a problem with me walking into the girl's locker room and changing.” Max takes a sip of her iced tea.
“Let me guess, he kept giving a dirty look each time you went into the locker room and when you came out dressed in the school issue swimsuit?” Donna looks at Max.
“Yes, and he wanted me to go into the men’s locker room. Can you imagine in my swimsuit stepping into the locker room?”
“I bet your friends and fellow male swimmers would have liked that.” A smirk appears on Donna’s face.
Laura just listens to her children talk, while enjoying dinner. Some of the people she worked with, heard about Max dressing as a girl. They had approached her and wanted to know if the rumors they heard about Max were true.
“What did coach Karr do about Mr. Wells?” Laura looks towards Max for an answer.
“Oh, she had to remind him, that it wasn’t his place to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. I was her responsibility and things have already been arranged for me.”
“I’m glad coach Karr is helping you. I know it must not be easy for her, but she promises to do everything she can.”
“And she is. Plus, it also helps that the girls on the swim team are looking after me as well.” Max was glad she did that pool party to prove and show them what she would look like.
“Well, you just keep doing what you are doing, and don’t let anyone at school stop you.” Laura was proud of her younger daughter.
“I will, mom.”
The rest of the dinner goes by quietly. After dinner, Max puts away everything and puts away the dirty dishes, with her mother helping her. Max walks over and hugs her mother.
Laura was surprised by Max hugging her. She returns the hug “what was that for?”
“For just being an understanding and wonderful mother.”
Laura was proud of her daughter. She was worried that what she was going through might break her or be too much for her.
“Thanks, sweetie. Now go and take a bath.” Laura places a kiss on Max’s cheek.
“Yes ma’am.” Max heads upstairs and starts her bath.
The first two weeks of school were rough for Max. Some of the kids she has gone to school with last year and the year before that, started treating her differently. Even some of her friends, she has had for years, didn’t want to have anything to do with her.
In the end, girls who use to avoid her or didn’t talk with her were befriending her now. They wanted to know more about why she wanted to be a girl or how she felt about being one. Some of her teachers accommodated her new status, but she had three teachers that refuse to accept her new status. They refused to use proper pronouns when calling on her.
She ran into a few religious groups that wanted to block her from attending school. The students that supported her, surrounded her to protect her from them. As the new school year continued Max was bullied as well.
There were a group of guys that have always been a problem at school, but she never had to worry about them before. One day, while she was at her locker, changing out her books for her afternoon classes. Two of the guys walk by her like they weren’t going to do anything. One of them holds her against the wall of lockers, pinning her against the lockers. The other guy pulls the skirt she wore to school down, exposing her panties.
Max tried to fight back against the guy holding her against the lockers, but he was just too strong for her. She could smell his breath, as he leans in close to her.
“I can’t believe how stupid you are Max.” Don was enjoying himself.
Stephen yanks on the skirt and pulls it down, exposing the lacey purple panties Max had worn to school. He looks at the panties Max had on
“ah, you wore such pretty panties.”
“Get away from Max.” Emily was walking out of the girl’s restroom when she spotted Max being harass by Don and Stephen.
She walks towards them. She knew what bullies were like and has dealt with Don and Stephen before. Kids were forming around them.
Stephen looks at Emily and couldn’t believe she was sticking her Gothic nose into their business. He just stares at her “why don’t you fuck off, freak.”
Don glances towards Emily and couldn’t believe she was sticking her nose in their business. He has never liked her and the last time they interacted with each other. She gave him a bloody nose, from a lucky punch.
“How about I send you to the hospital again with a bloody nose?” Emily cracks her knuckles.
She might be a Gothic and a girl, but this summer she decided to increase her fighting knowledge. She could tell Max was embarrass.
“Alright, break it up.” Mrs. Jenkins had seen the kids in the hallway from her classroom.
The kids in the hallway move as she walks towards everyone. She notices Don holding Max against the wall and Stephen facing off with Emily. She also notices the skirt Max had worn was pooled down by her ankles.
“Alright, what is going on here and Don release Max.” Mrs. Jenkins looks at Don with an angry look on her face.
Just as Don releases Max, Max spins around and slugs Don in the face. She punches Don again, as she tries not to trip over her skirt. Max was pissed and wanted to hurt Don and Stephen for what they did.
Emily rushes towards Max and wraps her arms around her. She holds Max close to her body “it's alright, Max.”
Max wanted to hurt and embarrass Stephen and Don as they did her. Emily pulls Max’s skirt back up to her waist.
“Don, Stephen you’re coming with me to the office. Emily, escort Max to my classroom and wait for me to return.”
“Yes, Mrs. Jenkins.” Emily lets go of Max and help her with her books.
Max couldn’t believe her skirt was pulled down, showing everyone her panties. She expected some harassment and such, but nothing like what was done to her. She walks with Emily to Mrs. Jenkins's classroom.
“Are you alright, Max?” Emily was concerned about Max.
“I feel so embarrassed with what they did to me.” Max looks at Emily.
She had her typical Gothic make-up and gear on. Max has known Emily for a long and she has always been into the Gothic culture.
“Don’t feel embarrassed, Max. They have done that routine on a lot of girls.” Emily remembered when they did that to her when she was in middle school.
“Well, I’m not going to allow them to do it anymore. My mother is going to sue their ass off.” Max knew what her mother would do for embarrassing her little girl.
“I feel sorry for their family. Don and Stephen keep bringing shame to them.” Emily wonders why Max was dressing as a girl now. She has known Max since they were in elementary school.
“Max, if you don’t mind me asking. Why are you dressing as a girl now? You’ve never shown any interest before in doing anything girly in the past?” Emily watches Max’s facial expression.
“That’s because I’ve always kept, I felt hidden. The only person who knew about me wanting to be a girl was my sister. She would let me wear her clothes.”
“So, why now? Why did you come out now?”
“Would you believe I got caught wearing my sister’s string bikini by my mother?” Max had a smile on her face.
“You, got caught wearing your sister’s string bikini? Oh, I would have loved to see what you looked like with it on.” Emily tries to imagine what Max looked like wearing one.
Just as the bell for the next class rings, Mrs. Jenkins and Assistant Principal Forge come walking into the classroom. Assistant Principal Forge looks at Max “are you alright Max?” He was concerned about her.
“I’m alright, I’m just embarrassed with what happened.” Max looks at Assistant Principal Forge.
“Don and Stephen have been suspended for what they did to you. Mrs. Jenkins has called your mother and she is on her way up here to pick
you up. If there is anything, I can do for you, Max. Let me know. I do feel sorry for what happened to you.”
“Thank you, Mr. Forge.”
Assistant Principal Forge looks at Emily “Mrs. Collins, I’ll write you a note for being late to your next class and thank you for helping Max.”
“Thanks, Mr. Forge.” Emily stands up to head to her next class.
“Come on ladies, move it.” Coach Karr was watching the girls as they swam back and forth in their lanes.
Mrs. Karr kept her eye on Max as she practices her butterfly strokes. It seemed to be the one technique she was still having problems with.
“Betty, help Max with her butterfly technique.”
“Yes ma’am.” Betty walks over to the lane Max was practicing in.
Betty didn’t have a problem with Max being on the girl’s swim team. If nothing else, she was surprised by what she looked like at the pool party and what she looked like in a tight one-piece swimsuit. She waits for Max to finish her turn and was on the way back to her.
Max spots Betty waiting for her at the end of her lane. She stops and walks the rest of the way to her.
“What brings you over here?” Max was curious.
“Mrs. Karr wants me to help work with you on your butterfly form. You’re losing too much time every time you come out of the water.”
“Okay, so what do you suggest I do?” Max looks at Betty.
“I suggest, you do this. Watch how I do my butterfly stroke.” Betty walks over to the side and pushes off the wall underwater and begins her stroke.
Max watches how Betty does her stroke. She continues to watch Betty as she gets halfway down. She walks down to where she stopped.
“Okay, now you try.” Betty looks at Max as she comes walking towards her.
“Okay.” Max turns around and dives forward into the water.
She swims back towards the side of the pool. She tries what Betty suggests and when she reaches the end, she flips and swims back towards Betty.
“That’s a little better. I’m going to put a kickboard between your legs, and I want you to just work on the stroke.” Betty walks back down to the
pool edge and climbs out of the pool to get a kickboard.
Max walks down to the pool edge and watches Betty. She was one of the best swimmers on the girl’s team. She planned on going to Old Dominion University on an athletic scholarship.
Betty turns around and spots Max watching her “I’m hoping you're not watching my ass. Because I already have a boyfriend and I’m not into girls.”
“Sorry, if it looked that way. I was just watching you getting the kickboard.”
Betty walks over to the pool edge and slips back into the water. She looks at Max and noticed she wasn’t concerned about her. She had enough problems at school with some of the boys because of how she looked. She knew she had a nice figure and was a little bit more developed than some of the other girls in her age group.
“I’m sorry. I know it's not easy for you.” She heard what happened a few days ago to Max.
“It’s no problem. Most of the guys think I’m doing this to see what you girls look like with no clothes on.”
“Well, it is kind of strange, Max. Most of us have known you for a while.” Betty only knew Max from her time on the swim team.
“I know. I’m still adjusting to everything.”
Betty hands the kickboard to Max “put this between your legs and cross your ankle. I want you to just use your arms to swim.”
Max accepts the board and does what Betty told him to do. Just before she pushes off the wall to swim “how many laps?”
“Give me twenty laps like that.”
“Okay.” Max pushes off the wall of the pool and starts swimming.
Betty watches as Max swims. She counts the laps as Max swims back and forth. Slowly, but surely Max was improving. It was going to take Max a few more swim practices before she would have it completely down.
Coach Karr ends practice around noon time. She looks at everyone “we have our first meet in two weeks. I want you girls to practice for the next two weeks.”
“Yes ma’am.” All the girls answered at once.
Mrs. Karr just smirks “go and enjoy the rest of the weekend.”
Max follows the rest of the girls into the lady’s locker room and rinses off with her suit on in the showers. One of the girls on the team snap her towel at Max’s bare thighs.
“Owe!” Max turns around to see which girl it was and spotted Carol smiling at her.
“Oh, you are so going to get it.” Max goes to reach for her towel, but it was missing.
“I don’t think so, Maxine.” Carol snaps her towel again but misses Max.
“Here Max, you can use mine.” Nancy gives Max her towel to use.
“Thanks, Nancy.” Max twirls the towel to put a nice tail on it and snap it at Carol.
“Owe!” Carol rubs the spot where Max hit her with the towel.
“Turn about is fair play.” Max just smiled at Carol.
In the next few minutes, Carol and Max score several hits on each other. When Carol hits Max on her nipple, Max felt intense pain. She had never felt anything like it before.
Betty noticed the painful expression on Max’s face “are you alright, Max?”
“Yes, but that was painful.” Max rubs her chest.
“Max, are you growing your breasts?” Cindy was curious.
“Yes, the hormones my doctor has me own are allowing my body to develop my breasts.”
“Does your chest hurt when you stretch like this?” Cindy stretches like she was describing.
“Yes, how do you know that?” Max looked perplexed.
“Because all girls go through what you are going through. Your body is adjusting to having breasts.” Cindy walks over to look at Max’s chest.
Cindy noticed the little cherry shape from the wet swimsuit. She knew from experience what it felt like when she moved her arms and such how it felt.
“Yep, you are developing breasts like the rest of us did.”
“I want to see.” Joy walks over to look for herself. She has never seen a boy develop breasts before.
Joy looks at Max’s chest and notices the little lumps. She heard how Max looked at the pool party and saw the pictures one of the girls took.
“How big will you get?”
“I don’t know. My doctor said I should be one cup size smaller than my mother and Donna.”
“Man, I’m jealous. I look like a flat-chested boy and you're going to be also almost as big as your mother and sister. It’s not fair.” Joy turns
around and storms off. She hated being flat-chested.
“Rose, Anna your ride is here.” Coach Karr’s voice echoes in the locker room.
“Coming, Coach Karr.” Rose and Anna rush back over to their locker to finish getting dress.
“Come on, Max.” Let’s go get dress.” Carol walks with Max over to her locker.
Max follows and starts changing out of her swimsuit. She twists it, to get the water out of it. She dries off with the towel Nancy gave her.
Once Max was done dressing and fixing her make-up. She waves goodbye to Coach Karr and heads towards her bicycle. She rode her bike to
practice. She notices that some of the guys who rode their bikes were already gone. The only bike left was Eddie’s. she waits a few minutes for Eddie to come out.
Eddie walks out of the pool building and spots Max waiting for him. He walks over and secures his gym bag on the carrier rack on his bike.
“Thanks for waiting on me.” Eddie didn’t like biking by himself.
“No problem. Hey, do you want to stop at Dairy Queen and grab some lunch? My treat.” Max watches Eddie.
“Sure, but next time I’m buying.” Eddie didn’t care Max wanted to be a girl.
Max has always been a good friend to him. Both had a lot in common with each other. Plus, he had a small crush on Max’s sister.
Max and Eddie start peddling away from the pool building.
Max couldn’t believe that she was at her first meet of the swim season. She had her fake breast on to fill out her swimsuit better. She puts on her swim cap, like the rest of the girls, and makes sure her hair was tucked. She grabs her brand-new goggles and makes sure they are adjusted right.
“What’s wrong, Max?” Joy has been spending time with Max lately. They have been going shopping and working on their schoolwork together.
Joy’s parents liked Max and were supportive of her decision.
“I’m nervous.” Max wasn’t sure how the other team was going to accept her.
“Look, there are some schmucks on the other team that complained to Coach Karr about you. She and the other coaches said, if they didn’t want to compete against you, they could forfeit their match.” Joy had been walking by a room coach Karr and the other coach for the other team were in and talking. She heard Max’s name mentioned and listen to what was being said.
Coach Karr defended Max being on the girl team and with her taking part in the competition. If the other team didn’t want to compete against Max, they could forfeit the match. Joy was proud that coach Karr defended Max.
“Well, let’s go out and win this match for our school.” Joy lays her hand on Max’s shoulder.
“Thanks, Joy.” Max liked that Joy became her friend.
“You’re welcome and I’m still jealous that you're going to be bigger than me in the chest.” Joy just smiles at Max.
“You could always wear my fake ones when my breasts come in.”
“I’ll think about it.” Joy leads them out of the locker room and out to the pool area.
Max, Joy, and the other girls walk out and sit on the bench. The other team comes out and sits on the bench on the other side of the pool. Carol was first up to compete. Max watches her as she swims and encourages her to beat the other girl.
It was so close as Carol and the other girl touches the side of the pool. Carol won by the length of a fingernail.
“Yes!” Max jumps up when Carol wins.
The other girl almost had Carol. If the girl had arms a little longer, she could have beaten Carol. Carol helps the other girl out of the pool.
“Alright, Max. It’s your turn. Go out there and do your best.” Coach Karr looks at Max, like a proud mother.
“Yes ma’am.” Max gets up and heads towards the podium.
As she is walking past Betty “remember what we did, Max.”
“I will, Betty and thanks.”
Sara watches as Max steps up onto her podium. She glances at Max and knew she was biologically a male, but she didn’t look like it.
“Let’s see what you got, girlie boy.” Sara had an evil smile on her face.
“Bring, it.” Max leans forward and waits for the gun.
The gun goes off and Max dives into the pool and glides underwater halfway down the length of the pool. When she comes up, she was
already in her stroke as she continued down the pool. She was doing everything Betty taught her and when she spotted the wall coming up.
She takes a deep breath and does her flip. She pushes hard off the wall and glides only a quarter of the way back.
She doesn’t slow down as she pushes herself down her lane. She could hear her teammates calling her name and could see the wall approaching fast. She stretches out and her hand touches the edge of the pool.
She stands up and looks at the other swimmer. She was standing up and looking at her.
Coach Karr and the other coach from the other school couldn’t believe it. Both swimmers had the same time. There wasn’t any difference in their time.
Coach Karr looks at Max “you both touched at the same time, Max. Your times are identical.”
Sara looks at Max “I’ll get you next time, girlie boy.”
“We’ll see.” Max climbs out of the pool and dries off.
“You and Sara were neck and neck on the way back. You had her on the take-off, but when the two of you flipped and were on the way back.
She caught up with you and were in sync with each other.” Betty had handed Max her towel.
“I have to admit, if you hadn’t worked with me on my stroke, I would have lost.” Max was still energized.
“Well, you did well. Now, let's cheer our other teammates on.”
“You got it.” Max sits next to Betty, while Joy takes her stance.
The match continues and their school ends up beating the other school. Even with Joy and Anna coming in second place. They still manage to win.
Max comes riding up the driveway and spots her sister's Nissan Leaf and an old Indian motorcycle parked next to it. She hadn't seen the motorcycle before and wonders if her sister had a boyfriend. She walks her bicycle into the garage and parks it.
She grabs her gym bag and as she walks into the house, she tosses her swimsuit, towel, and gym clothes into the washer and gets it going. Max walks into the kitchen and pours a glass of iced tea for herself. She wonders who the motorcycle belonged to.
Max takes her glass of iced tea upstairs with her and as she is walking by her sister's bedroom, she hears her sister moan and begging for more. She couldn’t help herself, as she opens her sister's bedroom door a little to peek in. She spots her sister laying on the bed with her legs spread wide open and in the air. Kneeling between her sister's spread legs was a heavily tattoo big breasted woman with long purple hair.
She was fingering and licking her sister's vaginal opening. Max watched with fascination because she has never seen two women make love before. She noticed that her sister had gotten her nipples pierced. She knew Donna had gotten her labia and her clit done when she was sixteen years old. She had a friend that did tattoos and piercings for a living.
Max continues to stand there watching the tattooed woman fingering and licking her sister. After a few more minutes, she notices her sister's body shake and sprays the other woman's face. A smile appears on Max’s face as she closes her sister's bedroom door and heads to her bedroom. She never knew her sister was into lesbian sex. She knew a few of the dancers that worked or took classes at the dance studio were into men, but there were a few lesbians that went there.
Max walks over to her desk and starts working on her homework that was due on Monday. She was almost done with the paper she had to write. As she is sitting there, working on her homework, her cellphone starts ringing. She picks it up and notices it was Emily calling her.
She presses the accept button “hey Emily, what’s up?”
“Watch you doing tonight, Max?” Emily was hoping Max was available tonight.
“Nothing much, except watching a movie. Why what's up?” Max wonders why Emily wanted to know what she was doing.
“Feel like going out with me tonight to Club Rouge?”
“Sure, but isn’t that a Gothic theme club?” Max has heard about it.
“Yeah, but they allow people in under twenty-one. So, do you want to go?”
“Sure. When do you want to go there?” Max didn’t think her mother would mind, since it wasn’t a school night.
“I want you to come by my place. That way I can get you dressed the proper way.” Emily had a few articles of clothing that would fit Max.
“Alright, I have some clothes I can bring as well.” Max had a few articles of clothing she got from her sister.
“Alright, bring them so I can look over them.”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a few hours.” Max ends the call.
Max sends a text message to her mom letting her know she was going out with Emily tonight and might spend the night with her. Emily’s mother already knew about her and didn’t have a problem with her. She’s been very supportive of her decision.
After a few hours, she hears her sister's bedroom door open. She takes a peek and watches as her sister Donna and her lover sneak across the hallway to the bathroom. She couldn’t believe how much bigger the other woman's breasts were, compared to her sisters.
She turns around and starts looking for some of the clothes she took from her sister and use to wear. She had a pair of tight faux leather pants and a matching bustier that went with it. She goes through her jewelry to see which of her jewelry she had, would go with the outfit. She spots her skull earrings and matching choker. She places those into a small cloth bag.
Once she makes her selection. She starts packing her overnight bag to take with her over to Emily’s house. She writes a note, informing her sister where she went and leave it downstairs. She noticed her sister and her friend were still in the bathroom.
She wonders what they were doing in there, besides washing each other's bodies. She heads downstairs to the garage and takes her bicycle out and peddles over to Emily’s place. She waves at some of her neighbors as she rides by them. Most of the people in her neighborhood were nice people and didn’t care about what she wanted to do with herself.
The ride to Emily’s place took her twenty minutes. It was nice out and she didn’t mind peddling that far from her place. She notices Emily’s father was home as she pulled up into the driveway. The garage door was up, which meant he was working on something. She parks her bicycle out of his way and knocks on the garage door that leads into the house.
Emily had come downstairs to grab some fruit juice when she heard someone knocking on the garage door. She opens it and is surprised that Max was on the other side.
“You should have called to let me know you arrived.” She steps aside to let Max into the house.
“I thought, I would surprise you.” Max walks into the house with her overnight bag.
“Well, consider me surprised. I’m grabbing a fruit juice. Would you like anything cold to drink?”
“Ice water will be fine with me.” Max worked up a thirst peddling over to Emily’s place.
Emily grabs herself a nice cold fruit juice and fixes Max a glass of ice water from the refrigerator. She hands it to Max.
“Thanks.” Max accepts it.
“You’re welcome. Now, let's go up to my bedroom and see what we can do about getting you ready for tonight.” Emily leads Max upstairs to her bedroom.
“Lead on oh fearless one.” Max follows behind Emily.
Max follows Emily down the long and twisted corridor. They had been dropped off by Emily’s older brother. The two of them were dressed to the nines. Her mother wouldn’t recognize her.
She could hear the music playing on the other side of the wall separating them. The corridor was twisty and long. It finally emptied to a wide opening. The music was loud, and Max couldn’t believe how many teenagers were out enjoying the weekend. Max makes her way to Emily “is it normally this busy?”
“Yes, it's normally this busy. It’s the only gothic theme club around.” Emily saw some people she recognized.
“Come on, I see some people I know.” Emily grabs Max’s hand and pulls her into the crowd over towards her friends.
Max holds onto Emily’s hand as she pulls her over towards a group of people. From what she could see, there were at least three females and two guys. She, thinks the skinny person standing next to one of the taller girls, was a guy.
Seraphina was talking to Nicki when she spotted Emily coming towards them. She didn’t recognize the other person with her. She waves towards Emily.
Emily increases her pace as she pulls Max with her. She couldn’t wait for them to meet Max. As she approaches her friends “hi guys. I want you to meet my friend Max. Max, I want you to meet Seraphina, Nikki, Brandi, Troy, and Beau.”
“It's nice to meet all of you.” Max looks at Beau because he was the one, she couldn’t decide was male or female.
Everyone looks at Max. They wonder how she, and Emily knew each other.
“How do the two of you know each other?” Nikki was curious.
“We go to school together. I’ve known Emily for a while now.” Max looks at Nikki.
She was shorter than all of them and was wearing platform shoes. She was also wearing a black corset with the top of her breasts forming a nice cleavage. She had silver earrings, dangling from her earlobe.
“Is this your first time to a club like this?” Beau didn’t think Max has ever been to a club before.
“I have to say, yes. This is my first time in a club.” Max has never been to one before.
“Well, we are just going to make sure you have fun.” Brandi had a wicked smile on her face, as she grabs Max’s hand.
She pulls Max out on the dance floor and teaches her how to dance to the different music. She liked Max, but since this was her first time out to a club, she was going to make sure Max has fun.
“Well, we won’t see the two of them for a while.” Troy was watching Brandi as she leads Max out to dance.
“Why don’t we go and join them?” Emily grabs Beau’s hand and head after them.
For the next few hours, Max enjoys herself out on the dance floor with all of Emily’s friends. The music had a hypnotic tune to it. She didn’t mind the music so much, but it wasn’t the style she would listen to all the time.
Emily and Max leave a little till midnight. Max looks at Emily as they sat in the backseat of the cab they were in “thanks for bringing me.”
“You’re welcome. I noticed Brandi has taken a shine to you.” Emily noticed how Brandi had stayed by Max’s side all night and kissed her before they left.
“She was nice tonight and I wouldn’t mind going out with her again. However, I don’t have any romantic feelings for her.” Max still didn’t know which way she swung and right now she was more concerned about being accepted.
Emily just looks at Max. She knew Brandi might flirt with Max again. She also wonders why Max wasn’t interested in Brandi.
After a while, they arrive back at Emily’s house and was greeted by Emily’s mother. She didn’t mind Max spending the night or sleeping in the same bedroom as Emily.
“I’m surprised your mother doesn’t mind me sleeping in your bedroom with you.” Max starts taking off all the make-up she had on.
“She trusts you and I trust you.” Emily starts removing her make-up as well.
Once Max had all the make-up off, she removes the corset she wore and the rest of the clothing she borrowed from Emily and her sister. She had fun wearing them. She leaves her artificial breasts on.
Emily looks at Max “you’re not going to take that off?” as she points towards Max’s fake breasts.
“Nope, I like wearing them.” Max slips on the nightshirt she brought with her.
She notices a sleeping bag had been set out for her on the floor on top of an air mattress. She walks over and curls up in the sleeping bag. She watches as Emily finishes undressing and slip on a black lacy nightgown.
“Night, Emily, and thanks for everything.” Max closes her eyes.
“You’re welcome.” Emily turns the lights out as she closes her eyes.
Max covers up a yawn as she answers the question their teacher gave them. Their normal teacher had called in sick this morning and they were stuck with one of the normal teachers at the school. His name was Mr. Castillo and he normally taught AP Math.
Mr. Castillo looks over towards Max “Mr. Puscat, could you please tell me what the answer is to question twelve?”
Max looks up and over towards Mr. Castillo “don’t you mean Mrs. Puscat?”
Mr. Castillo ignores Max “what is the answer for question twelve?”
“You still didn’t answer my question, Mr. Castillo.” Max wasn’t going to answer the question.
“Mr. Robert, what is the answer to question twelve?” Mr. Castillo looks over at A black hair boy sitting two rows over from Max.
Robert looks at Mr. Castillo “it’s three hundred and sixty-six, Mr. Castillo.”
“Correct, Mr. Robert. It seems someone knows what they are doing.” There was a sarcastic tone to his voice.
The bell for the next class rings. All the students start gathering their stuff and go to their next class. Max was the only one left in the room “Mr. Castillo, I would appreciate for now on, that you use the proper pronouns when speaking to me.”
“You’re in no position to be making demands, young man.” Mr. Castillo looks at Max.
“Don’t you mean, young woman or young lady?” Max had an angry look on her face.
“No, I meant what I said. A boy can’t be a girl and a girl can’t be a boy. You are what God made you be.” Mr. Castillo stares right back at Max.
“Ah, now the truth comes out. You’re a religious bigot. You’re trying to use religion to justify that you’re homophobic.” Max looks directly at Mr. Castillo with a smug look on her face.
“I’m not homophobic and I am a Christian. I believe in the words of the bible.” Mr. Castillo believed in God and the bible.
“I call BULLSHIT! Your just like every homophobic bigot who uses the bible and claim they are a Christian.” Max was tired of people using religion to justify their prejudice.
Mr. Castillo walks over and stands right in front of Max’s face “how dare you judge me. You were born a male by god’s will and you will act like a boy.”
“How do you know what god’s will is? Who’s to say this wasn’t part of his plan to see how those who supposedly say they believe in his act? Can you answer that question or are you too much of a moron?”
“Because it says so in the bible.”
“You mean the same bible put together by a bunch of old men two thousand years ago? Also, the same bible that justifies the raping and murder of women? Oh, here’s my favorite, how it was used to kill millions of people because they wouldn’t bend to the will of the church?” Max had a pissed-off look on her face.
“Well, unless you want to be late for your next class, Max. I think you better head off to your next class.” Mr. Castillo just smiles at Max.
“I think you are right, Mr. Castillo.” Max picks up her backpack and leaves the classroom.
A smile appears on her face as she shuts the recorder off on her cellphone. She always records her classes, so if she is having problems with the homework. She can go back and review what her teacher taught that day.
Max spots her friends and walks up to them. She should go to the principal about the conversation she had with Mr. Castillo.
“Sorry for being late.” Max looks at all her friends.
“Where were you?” Greg looks at Max.
“Talking with Mr. Castillo. He was showing how much of a bigot he was during class and afterward.”
“Jerald said he was addressing you as a male, instead of a female during class.” Greg ran into Jerald at his locker.
“Yeah, he was letting his prejudice show through. The thing is school isn’t the place to be acting like an ass. The school board isn’t going to put up with it.”
“You better hope you have evidence to back you up.”
“Oh, let’s just say he is going to regret running his mouth.” A smile appears on Max’s face.
That statement got looks from the rest of her friends. Several of them look at her and wonder what the statement meant.
“Do you want to let the rest of us in on the secret?” Amy was curious.
“Not yet. I want my mother to hear the evidence first and then let Principal Armstrong, Assistant Principal Forge hear the information.”
“Ah, now I understand. You recorded your conversation. That was smart.” Sam should have known Max would be sneaky.
“Let’s go and get some lunch.” Max turns and starts walking towards the cafeteria.
“Again, Max.” Donna watches her little sister as she practices the new dance step.
Max starts from the beginning of the new routine her sister recently taught her. There was a dance audition coming up and she wanted to try out for it. She knew her sister could easily get the spot but decided not to try for it.
She concentrates on her routine and letting the music fill her like her sister said to do. She goes through the routine and when the music stops, she ends up in the final position.
“That’s a lot better, Max. If you practice that routine for the next few days, you should get one of the spots available.” Donna was glad that Max was expanding her after-hours activities.
“Thanks.” Max picks up her towel and wipes the sweat off her face.
“So, are you still having problems with Mr. Castillo?” Donna had been in the living room when Max told their mother.
“He’s threatening to sue the school because they are infringing on his religious beliefs.”
“Let me guess, you and mom are going to sue him for harassment?” Donna knew their mother was going after him.
“Nope, I’m suing him for my religious beliefs. He wants to use religion as a basis for being a bigot. Then I’m going to use it as a reason for
people like him to understand that no one’s belief is more important than anyone else’s.”
“So, you think that might make a change?” Donna knew they weren’t religious.
“I don’t know, but it's time the courts and people stop covering up their prejudice with religion.” Max picks up her water bottle and takes a sip from it.
“I hope it works out. Now, why don’t you help me straight the studio up.” Donna begins to clean the studio.
“I have a question for you, sis. How long have you been a lesbian?” Max didn’t know how she should ask her sister.
“Since, puberty. Why do you ask?” Donna looks at Max with a puzzled look on her face.
“Well, I never knew. You never told me. Does mom know?”
“That’s a stupid question. Of course, mom knows. She came home early one day while you were out practicing with the swim team. She caught me and Alix Zhao making out in my bedroom.”
“You and Alix Zhao were making out?” Max remembered Alix Zhao. She had been a cheerleader at her sister’s school.
“Yes, me and a hot cheerleader made out.”
“So, did you know she was into girls?”
“I heard rumors and when we were in the locker room changing. I would catch her looking at me.” Donna remembers some of her friends teasing her about Alix looking at her.
What her friends didn’t know, she was looking at the other girls in the locker room. There were a few that she had feelings for, but knew they were straight. It was torture for her the whole time.
“So, you two decided to come home after school and make out?”
“No, goofy. I asked her to come back to the house to tutor me. While we were working on my homework. One thing leads to another and we ended up exploring each other’s bodies.”
“So, why didn’t you ever tell me?” Max felt a little hurt.
“Because only mom knew. Plus, I didn’t know how you would react. How did you find out, I was?” Donna looked at Max with a questionable
look on her face.
“I came home a few days ago and heard you moaning. I opened your bedroom door a little and saw you laying on your back with another woman between your legs.”
Donna just shakes her head. She couldn’t believe that her little sister spied on her.
“Sorry, but you were making a lot of noise, sis. Even mom would have heard you if she walked by your bedroom door.”
“Well, the woman that I was having sex with, was Debbie Winslot. She’s a motorcycle safety instructor.”
“Is she your new girlfriend?”
“Yes, we’ve been dating for the past few months. Why are you so interested in her?” Donna looks at Max suspiciously.
“I’m just curious about who is dating my wonderful sister.” A smile appears on Max’s face.
Donna just looks at Max for a few seconds “come on, let’s go and grab some dinner. Mom is going to be waiting on us.”
“Okay.” Max grabs her gym bag and follows her sister to her car.
“So, what are we getting for dinner?” As Max gets in and buckles up.
“Ribs and brunt end. I already placed the order yesterday at Mel’s Barbecue.” Donna backs out of the parking space and drives towards Mel’s.
Max goes through her sister’s music list on her cellphone and selects a song. She knew her sister didn’t mind her selecting a song to listen to. Once she selects the song, she sits back in her seat and watches her sister as she drove.
“Why don’t you go inside and pick the order up.” Donna pulls into the parking lot of Mel’s.
“Okay, give me some money?” Max turns to look at her sister.
“It’s already paid for. Just go and tell the cashier you’re picking up an order. Also, why didn’t you change out of your dancewear?” Donna looks at Max and how she was dressed.
“I thought we were going straight home. Besides, it will give the guys and gals something to look at.” A mischievous smile appears on Max’s face as she exits the car and heads inside the restaurant.
Max was almost knocked down by the aroma floating around in the air. She walks up to the counter and waits behind a couple that was checking out. The person behind the cash register was a young person that looked to be around her sister’s age.
Max moves up in when the young couple finishes paying their bill. She noticed the name on the cashiers’ name tag was Tammi.
“Hi, Tammi. I’m here to pick up an order. It’s under the name of Puscat.”
Tammi looks at the young female standing before her. She figures she must be some sort of dancer or something from the way she was dressed.
“Hey, Mel. Is the order for Puscat ready?” Tammi looks towards the back.
“Yeah, it's all ready to go.” Mel puts a huge brown bag up in the window.
Tammi walks over and picks up two brown grocery bags. She turns around and walks back to Max.
“Here you go. Three whole racks of ribs, a large order of brunt ends, and all the sides. Including a gallon of sweet tea.” Tammi hands the bags to Max.
“Thanks, Tammi.” Max picks the bags up and starts heading towards the door. Two huge guys come in as she is walking out and holds the door open for her.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, miss.” David liked how the teenage girl looked in her dancewear.
He watches as she walks out and over to a Nissan, Leaf. He spotted another young woman sitting in the driver's seat. He watches as the young teenager gets in on the passenger side.
Donna spotted a good-looking man watching Max. A smile appears on her face.
“I think you have an admirer.”
Max looks towards the restaurant and smiles. She waves towards the guy, as she fastens her seat belt.
“You are a big flirt.” Donna starts the car up and backs up.
“Hey, I can’t help it.”
Max sits back and enjoy the ride home, while holding the bags.
Max looks at the article about the Gavin Grimm's case. A smile appears on her face as the Supreme Court decided not to take the case. Now, the school or teachers couldn’t say anything about her using the women’s locker room or the women’s bathroom.
Which could also help other students like her across the country. It could also help to fight back against some of the stupid rules and regulations some of the states were in enacting. The morons in those states need to pull the bible out of their asses.
She starts reading another article when she hears her mother coming into the house. She puts her tablet down and gets up to see if she needs help. She spots her mother with several bags in her hands.
“Here, let me help you, mom.” Max walks over and takes the bags from her mother.
“Thanks, sweetie. There’s more out in the car.” Laura was glad her little girl had volunteered to help her.
Max goes outside to her mother’s car and grabs the reminding bags to bring in. She heads back inside the house with the groceries and carries them to the kitchen.
“Mom, you could have sent me and Donna to do the shopping.” Max puts the bags on the counter.
“The last time I sent you or Donna to do the shopping. You spent too much and came back with items, not on my list.”
“They were on sale, mom. We thought the items would be useful.” Max remembered the items she and Donna bought.
When they got home, and their mother went through the items. They had to explain why they bought what they bought.
“Okay, I know we can do better.”
“Oh, I know you can sweetie. Next time I go to the store, you’ll be coming with me.” Laura was going to teach her youngest how to shop properly.
Max helps her mother put away the groceries. She knew how organized her mother was and how she had a place for everything.
“Mom, did you read that article about the Supreme Court decision?”
“Which one?” Laura knew several cases were going on.
“The one about Gavin Grimm's case and the use of the bathroom and transgenders.”
“Oh? What did the Supreme Court rule?” Laura has been busy and hasn’t had a chance to read anything.
“The Supreme Court has refused to take up the bathroom case. Which means they are allowing the judgment to stand from the lower court on the case.”
“Which means, that the ruling for you to use the women’s bathroom and locker room stands.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“That is good news.”
“Yep, it is.”
“How about the problem with your teacher, Mr. Castillo?”
“He has been removed from my class.” Max and some of the other students in her class were happy Mr. Castillo was transferred out.
“That’s good to hear. A teacher like that shouldn’t be teaching.” Laura met with Mr. Castillo and didn’t like him.
“I agree with you, mom.” Max agreed with her mother’s assessment of Mr. Castillo.
“You can help me make dinner, tonight.”
“Okay, what are we having?”
“Homemade meatloaf.” Laura figures she’ll teach Max to make her meatloaf.
Max just smiles as she gets everything her mother uses to make the meatloaf. She’s helped her mother before but never made the meatloaf herself.
“Before you touch the meat, Max. Wash your hands first.” Laura watches Max as she walks over and washes her hands.
Max presses the button on the stopwatch as Joy dives into the pool off the diving podium. She was dressed in her school swimsuit but wasn’t taken part in the meet. The other school refused to let her compete against their girl’s swim team. They said if she wanted to compete against the boys, she could. But not against the girl’s swim team. The parents of the other team had found out she wasn’t a biological girl and felt she had an unfair advantage.
They also threaten not to come if she competed against them. So, a compromise was reached, where she would sit out and help coach Karr during the meet. Max didn’t feel it was right for the girls on her team to not compete. She didn’t want to compete against the boys. It would look embarrassing to them if she won, which she knew she could.
She competed against them last season and beat the guys who competed against her. She stops the time watch when Joy’s hand touched the poolside. A smile appears on Max’s face “you smoked the other girl, Joy.” As Max helps Joy out of the pool.
“Thanks. I still think it stinks that you can’t compete.” Joy liked Max.
“It’s okay. Me and Mrs. Karr knew this might happen. I could have competed, but it would have been against the guys.”
“Why didn’t you?” Joy was confused why Max didn’t.
“Because I didn’t want them to look bad by getting beat by a girl. They have the same swimmers as they did last year.”
“And you beat several of them last year.”
“Yes.” Max looks over towards the guys.
“Well, you’re a better person than I would have been.”
Joy walks over to the bench where the rest of their team was sitting. She and some of the other girls felt sorry that Max couldn’t compete. Max was a strong swimmer.
Betty was up next, and she takes her place. She looks over towards Max “this is for you, Max.”
As soon as the other coach fires the gun off, Betty dives into the pool. She had dive so far out into her lane, that she had a big lead already on her competitor. By the time the other girl got down the lane and flipped. Betty was already a quarter of the way back.
Max couldn’t believe Betty’s time as she watched the stopwatch. She was breaking her old time. Max stops the stopwatch as Betty’s fingers touched the poolside.
“You broke your old time, Betty.” Max shows Betty her time.
“I was motivated, today.” Betty did it because she wanted the other school to feel little for keeping Max out.
The rest of the meet, all the girls on Max’s team beat every single girl of the opposite school. They wanted to show that they should have let Max compete. Maybe one of them might have stood a chance against her.
Coach Karr saw the times the girls were getting and couldn’t believe how badly they were beating the other school. Last year, the girls barely won against them. However, this year they were kicking the other schoolgirl's butts.
At the end of the match, Max follows her teammates to the girl’s locker room. There was some uproar from some of the mothers of the other team about her being in there. However, coach Karr puts end to it. She was following the new laws and all the girls on the swim team uses to Max already.
As Max was getting dressed, Carol noticed that Max’s breasts had gotten bigger. She looks at her own and wonders how big Max was going to get.
“Hey, Max, how much bigger are you going to get?” Carol was curious.
“I don’t know. I’m trying a new drug that my doctor prescribed. I can tell you this, it made me understand what you ladies go through each
month.” Max noticed her emotions, and such were on a roller-coaster. Also, she was experiencing cramps and feeling bloated as well.
“I wish you could experience our monthly gift as well.” Cindy hated her period because it was so messy.
“I wish I could as well.”
“Then you would have to worry about some guy trying to knocking you up, Max.” Joy had one guy who wanted to have sex with her.
As much as she wanted to, she wanted to wait until she was married, before she had sex. Also, she has been thinking about getting a birth control implant. She puts her bra on and finishes getting dress.
Max walks out of the locker room with the rest of her team. As she is walking out of the locker room, something hits her in the forehead. She feels something wet sliding down her head.
Joy was walking next to Max when she felt something wet hit her cheek. She wipes her cheek and felt something wet on it. She looks at her hand and notices it was red. Just as she looks at Max, one of the other girl's screams.
Max falls to the floor from being hit. Nancy tries catching Max but doesn’t catch her in time. She kneels next to Max to see what happened to her. She notices a red mark in the middle of Max’s forehead. There was a small shiny ball still in her skin.
“MRS. KARR!” She holds Max’s head.
Coach Karr comes running out of the locker room and spots the girls gathered around someone. She runs over to them and spots Max laying on the floor with blood coming from a wound to her head.
Coach Karr calls 911. She was worried about Max and wonders who did this to her. she looks down the hallway that leads to the locker room, but doesn't see anyone.
Nancy holds Max's head and hopes she'll be alright. All the girls on the swim team were concerned and wonder who did this to Max.
Seven minutes later two paramedics come running towards the girls.
Sentra Hospital:
Laura holds Max’s hand as she sits next to her daughter’s bedside. The doctor removed a 12.7mm (1/2inch) ball bearing from Max’s forehead. He also removed the bone fragments caused by the ball bearing when it hit her head.
The police found the slingshot that had been used in a nearby trashcan. The detective in charge of the investigation was waiting on the forensics for prints and such. Laura and coach Karr were concerned about who attacked Max. All the girls on the girl’s swim team were concerned as well.
Laura looks up when she hears someone knocking on the hospital room door. She wonders who it could be “come in.”
Joy and her mother walk into the room. Joy was concerned about Max and wanted to see how she was doing. Betty looks at Max laying on the hospital bed and at Laura sitting by Max’s bed. They walk over to Max’s bed “how is she, Laura?” Betty was concerned.
“As far as the doctor can tell, she is going to be okay.” Laura was relieved when the doctor told her that as far as he could see from the CAT scan. Max hadn’t suffered any other damage.
“That is good news.” Betty was relieved to hear that Max was going to be okay.
“Do they know who hurt, Max and why?” Joy wanted to know why they went after Max.
“They are still investigating who did it. The detectives on the case are classifying it as a hate crime.” Laura hopes detectives Barnes and Moby find the kids responsible for hurting Max.
“Max doesn’t deserve this. She is always nice to people, even when they gave her the cold shoulder.” Joy knew a few kids in school didn’t like the fact that Max was going into the girl’s locker room and bathroom.
A few minutes later, several more girls and guys that knew Max arrive with their parents. Max’s best friend Greg and his mother show up as well. Mrs. Collins walks over to Laura and puts her hand on her shoulder.
Laura looks up at Grace and was glad she was here. They have known each other since Max and Greg were small and went to the same elementary school.
“How is Max doing, Laura?”
“She’s going to be okay. She’ll just have a small scar from where the ball bearing hit here.”
“That’s good to hear. If there is anything me and my family can do for you. Don’t hesitate to let us know.”
“Thanks, Grace.”
“You’re welcome.”
The nurse tending to Max after a while has to shoo everyone out of the room. Once all of Max’s friends are gone. She goes about getting Max’s vitals.
Nurse Lucy looks at all the teddy bears and flowers that were brought in. She was glad that her patient had a lot of people that cared for her. She didn’t care that Max was transgender.
Laura had stepped back and watched as nurse Lucy took care of Max. She learned that Lucy herself had two young kids at him.
“Are Max’s vitals okay?”
“They are fine, Mrs. Puscat.” Lucy looks at Max’s mother.
“Thank goodness.” Laura was relieved, that Max was still okay.
“You’ll be cleared to take your daughter home in a few days, Mrs. Puscat.” Lucy hopes Max’s vitals stay the way they are.
“I know she’ll be happy to be back in her bedroom.” Laura knows Max will be happy to be back home.
“I know I would.” Lucy smiles at Mrs. Puscat.
“I just want my daughter to be okay, after this brutal attack. I also want the people who did this to her arrested as well.”
“You just have to have faith and hope, Mrs. Puscat.” Lucy met the detectives assigned to the case.
Max looks at the homework she had to catch up on while she was in the hospital. Joy and Greg have been stopping by to let her borrow their notes. Her head still hurt a little, but she could deal with it. Her doctor had said she was lucky because any lower they could have killed her.
Detective Ben Spade was working on her case, and he might have a lead on who attacked her. The slingshot itself had been cleaned. However, the ball bearing itself held a partial print. They were running the print through their criminal database and checking with other police departments for similar attacks.
Donna comes walking into Max’s bedroom with a wooden tray in her hands. She had requested a few days off from work to take care of Max.
“Lunchtime, little sister.” Donna stands next to Max’s bed.
“Thanks, I’m starved.” Max moves her laptop aside and the notepad of notes Greg took.
“Here you go. I hope you like it.” Donna sets the tray on top of Max’s lap.
Max looks down at the food. There was a huge roast beef sandwich and curly fries to go with it. A smile appears on her face as she looks up at her sister “thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Donna sets a bottle of Mountain Dew on Max’s nightstand.
She looks at the notes Greg took, and Joy took for Max. Greg’s handwriting was worse than Max’s. Joy on the other hand had nice, neat handwriting.
“How can you read Greg’s notes?”
“He does have bad handwriting, but he also records the lesson that Mrs. Jefferson gives. So, between the video recording and his and Joy’s notes. I can figure out how to work the problem. Plus, using the math calculator program on my laptop helps as well.”
“Max, that’s cheating. You’re not going to have that when you’re taking a test.” Donna knew Max was making a mistake using that program.
“It shows me step for step how it got to the answer, sis. This way I can see how the program arrived at the answer and compare it to Greg and Joy’s notes.”
“I still think it is cheating.” Donna had to do the math the hard way.
“Were not in the sixty’s anymore, sis.” Max loved teasing her big sister.
Donna gives Max a dirty look. She was only four years older than her.
“I’m not mom’s age, little sister.”
“I know. However, I wonder what you would have looked like with those old fashion torpedo bras they use to wear.”
“That was before the sixty’s silly. The sixties were the go-go boots and short skirts.” Donna had a sixty’s outfit she liked wearing at the club when they have the sixty’s night.
“I wouldn’t mind trying out one of those torpedo bras.” Max liked how they pointed out the sweaters and such.
“You’ll need bigger breasts if you want to wear one.” Donna knew how small Max’s breasts were.
“I’m almost a B cup.” Max took her measurements a few days ago. Right before someone tried to kill her.
Donna looks at Max’s chest. She notices Max was wearing the aqua blue nightgown she gave her.
“You still look small to me.”
“I’m hoping they get as big as yours and mom.” Max wanted to be like her sister and mother.
“Maybe, they will. Why don’t you eat your lunch, while I go and get the laundry going?” Donna stands up off Max’s bed.
“Thanks for lunch and everything else, Donna.” Max looks at her older sister.
“You’re welcome, little sister.” A smile appears on Donna’s face as she leaves Max’s bedroom.
Max finishes up her lunch and sets the tray aside. She grabs her laptop and surfs the web for a while. She still had plenty of homework to do.
While she is surfing the websites, she logs onto their school website. It had been set up for the students to interact with each other. She comes across a video of her that someone had posted. It showed her being hit and falling.
She looks down at who posted it and saw some student using the handle Mad Dog 2021. She searches another post by that user’s name. She finds a few more on the school website.
She reads the post and as she is reading them, she is starting to get the impression that they might belong to a white supremacist. She knew there were several in the area, but none of them have ever been this bold before.
She makes a list of the post and sends that information to Detective Spade. Detective Spade reminded her of her uncle Frank. He had salt and pepper hair military-style cut hair, well-developed muscles, and stood at least six-five, maybe six-seven feet tall. He didn’t look like someone you wanted to cross or get on his bad side.
Once she is done sending the email to him. She goes back to work catching up on her homework. She had a test she needed to take for one of her classes, but her teacher was going to let her do that over zoom. Once she was done with her homework and classwork. She gets up and heads to the bathroom.
She was still getting used to the fact that she has to wipe her butt, front to back. Her mother and sister suggested she gets used to it. That way she won’t make the mistake of wiping herself the other way when she finally gets her surgery.
While she is sitting on the toilet, she thinks about what Mrs. Karr told her. Since she won’t be able to compete until her head wound is healed. She’ll be helping her out during practice and the meets. She also wasn’t to leave the girl's locker room anymore by herself.
When Max is done doing her business. She cleans herself and heads back to her bedroom. She gathers all her schoolbooks and assignments up to give to Joy.
Afterward, she lays back down and starts watching a movie she has been wanting to watch for a while.
Laura looks at Detective Spade as he sat across from her. It’s been two weeks since Max had gotten hit by the slingshot by an unknown assailant.
“So, Detective Spade have you managed to get the person who is responsible for attacking my daughter?” Laura looks at Detective Spade for an answer.
“We have a suspect, but he seems to be on the run. According to what we have found out so far, Shawn Grubbs is the one responsible for the attack. We also don’t think he was working alone either. According to what we have learned. Shawn Garcia and Scott Williams were with him the day he attacked Max.”
“Why did he attack, Max?” Laura wanted to know what Max was attacked.
“It was part of his initiation into a white supremacist group called The Confederate Brotherhood. They hate gays, lesbians, Jews, and everyone else that isn’t considered pure white.”
“So, they choose Max as his test?” Laura couldn’t believe a group would do something like that.
“Yes.” Detective Spade had gotten all the information he could from Shawn Garcia and Scott Williams.
“So, what are you going to do now?”
“We’re going to continue our search for Shawn Grubbs. We do know The Confederate Brotherhood has a branch down in Augusta, Georgia and another branch in Monterey, Va.”
“So, you think that Shawn Grubb might have fled to August, Georgia?”
“We’re thinking he might have fled to Monterey, Va. It’s a rural area and The Confederate Brotherhood has a large presence up there.”
“Are you sure about this, detective?” Laura was feeling concerned about Max.
“Yes, according to what we have learned. Things are too hot for him right now. I’ve already alerted the sheriff in Monterey, Va.”
“Well, that sucks.” Laura was hoping they could make the person pay for hurting Max.
“Don’t worry Mrs. Puscat, we will find Shawn Grubb and bring him to justice.” Detective Spade stands up to leave.
“That’s all I can ask for, Detective.” Laura stands up and shows Detective Spade to the door.
Laura goes back to the kitchen to finish cleaning up. She knew Max wasn't going to like the news.
When Max attended her scheduled weekly meeting with her counselor. She had an emotional breakdown as the weight of what happened to her came crashing down on her. Her mother had informed her that the police were trying to locate Shawn Grubbs since he was the one responsible for attacking her.
As for the video that had been posted on the student portal of her being shot at by the slingshot. It had been removed and the person who had posted the video was charged with accessory to murder. The person that had been charged happened to be the same guy that pulled her skirt down in school and exposed her panties to everyone.
He recorded the video of Shawn Grubbs shooting her with the slingshot and posting it on the school’s student portal. The school suspended Stephen and he was charged with a hate crime, plus murder charges. The judge in the case didn’t feel that he should serve time in jail but did fill he should pay for what he did. So, he was sentenced and sent to a program designed to straighten out troubled kids. It was run by a group of ex-military personnel with the backing of the state.
As for Shawn Grubbs, his parents washed their hands of him. He had run away from home and they didn’t know where he was. All he left was a letter saying he was fed up with the small-town life and how the town was being overrun by gays, lesbians, and freaks that were boys, who thought they were girls, and vice-versa.
Max ended up taking summer school to make up for some of her classes. When Max got out of summer school, she would work with Greg and Greg’s father. Since Mr. Collins owned a lawn care service, which meant he was going to be busy and would need part-time help.
Greg was slowly becoming more and more comfortable with Max’s appearance and choices. When he learned that Max had been shot at by a slingshot and had to be taken to the hospital. He had been worried sick and angry as well. He came by the hospital with his parents to visit Max when she was there.
Greg looks over towards Max, as she raked the grass clippings into a pile. He saw that she was wearing a head scarf to hide the wound in the middle of her head. The wound was still healing, and Max had a bandage covering it.
Greg noticed that Max was wearing her wide-brim straw hat as well. He had to admit that the shorts she was wearing showed off her long tone legs. The short sleeve shirt that she was wearing had his father’s business name on it and his logo that filled out the back of the shirt.
Max stops to wipe the sweat from her forehead. The head scarf she was wearing to cover up her wound and bandage was absorbing most of the sweat. It was unusually hot and humid out. She looks over toward Greg and smiles. She has caught him a few times watching her work. She knew he was concerned about how she was feeling.
Mr. Collins has been watching her as well. She knew he was concerned for her health and told her if she starts feeling dizzy or sick. She should stop what she is doing and take a break.
It was around seven thirty in the evening when they finished up the huge yard they have been working on. They have been here since Mr. Collins picked her up from summer school.
She helps Mr. Collins and Greg load everything back on the trailer. She couldn’t wait to get home and take a nice relaxing cold bath.
“God, when is it going to rain?” Greg looks up at the sky when he asks that question.
“You know, when it rains, we don’t make any money.” Mr. Collins looks at Greg when he says that.
“True, but we would be a lot cooler.” Max didn’t like showing her bandage.
Mr. Collins looks at Max “How’s your head feeling?”
“It’s doing okay, Mr. Collins. I took some Advil before leaving school.” Max’s doctor told her that if she was feeling discomfort from the wound. To take the painkillers he prescribed to her.
“Okay. Well, I know your mother will be expecting you home. So, let's go ahead and get you home.”
“Okay.” Max gets in the truck first, to sit between Greg and Mr. Collins.
Max watches as Mr. Collins drives them back home. Since she was sitting in the middle, she had control of the radio. She knew Mr. Collins liked the same type of music as she and Greg, so she finds a good station and listen to the music as it plays.
She noticed Greg was leaning against the wall of the cab and was looking sleepy. A smirk appears on her face as she leans back into the seat and relaxes. She closes her eyes and enjoys the ride.
After a little while, she feels herself shaken.
“Max, wake up.” Mr. Collins gently shakes Max’s shoulder.
Max wakes up and looks at Mr. Collins “Did I drift off to sleep?”
“Yes, both you and Greg did.” Mr. Collins had a smile on his face.
“I must have been more tired than I thought.” Max yawns as she gets out of the truck.
“Max, do you have class tomorrow?” Mr. Collins had a big job he could use Max’s help on.
“No sir. Also, I’ll be free next week. I’m done with summer school, after Friday.” Max was glad summer school was almost over.
“Alright, I’ll be by tomorrow morning at seven.” Mr. Collins watches as Max waves goodbye and walks toward her house.
Max hears Mr. Collins drive off as she enters the house. She noticed her mom’s car and her sister’s car parked in the driveway. As she opens the front door “Mom, I’m home.”
“There’s some dinner for you in the refrigerator, Max.” Laura comes walking from the den when she heard Max’s voice.
Max looks at her mother and smiles. She was glad her mother didn’t disapprove of her wanting to be a girl.
“How was work and school?” Laura wonders how Max’s, day has been.
“School was fine. I got a hundred on the test I took today. I have tomorrow off from class.”
“That’s good. Are you working with Mr. Collins tomorrow then?” Laura knew Mr. Collins has been employing Greg and Max to work with him.
He was paying them a minimal wage for helping him. Which was fine, since Max was saving half of the money to buy parts for the Vespa scooter she was fixing. The rest of the money was being saved to either get her breasts enlarged or to put towards her surgery when she gets older.
“Yes ma’am. He’s coming by at seven tomorrow morning to pick me up.” Max knew she’ll have to set her alarm clock for five-thirty, so she could be ready to go.
“Since it’s been so hot and humid lately, why don’t you take the big cooler with you tomorrow? You can load it up with water and tea for you guys to drink.”
“Okay, Mom.”
Laura hugs her youngest daughter before heading back into the den. She was still upset that someone tried to kill her little girl. The detectives on the case were still searching for Shawn Grubbs. Some leads had come in, informing them that he had headed towards Augusta, Georgia with several members of the Brotherhood.
Detective Spade said that he was in contact with the detectives in Augusta PD and was sending them everything they had collected so far. Which he hopes will allow them to find Shawn Grubbs and bring him back to Gordonsville to stand trial for what he did to Max.
Max goes into the kitchen and open the refrigerator door and spotted a KFC box on the shelf for herself. She takes it out and removes the coleslaw, before heating the rest of the items. Afterward, she heads up to her bedroom and eats her dinner, while watching NCIS: Los Angeles.
After Max is done eating, she takes her trash downstairs and throws it away. Her mother didn’t mind her eating in her bedroom, but she couldn’t leave her trash in her bedroom. Once she was done throwing her trash away. She heads back upstairs and takes a nice relaxing shower before heading to bed.
Early Sunday Morning:
Max swims back and forth in the pool wearing the string bikini that started her path to becoming a woman. She woke up early since she didn’t
have to work or go to school on Sundays. She wanted to get in a few laps before she did anything else for the day.
She couldn’t wait to start school again and join the girl’s swim team. She does a few more laps and gets out of the pool. Max dries off and walks into the house. She noticed her sister was up and making pancakes.
“Morning, sis.” Max looks at her big sister as she comes walking into the kitchen.
“Morning Max. I take it you did a few laps this morning?” Donna knew how dedicated Max was to her practice and staying fit.
“Yeah, I was loosening up my sore muscles. Doing lawn work with Mr. Collins this week has been tough.” Max wasn’t used to all the hard labor under the sun.
Her skin had tanned where the t-shirt had left her arms exposed. She planned to spend time by the pool to even out her tan lines.
“I’m making some breakfast. Would you like some?”
“Yes, what are you making for breakfast?” Max looks at her sister as she stands on the other side of the counter.
“Waffles.” Donna was in the mood for waffles this morning.
“Cool, I’m going to go and change before eating?”
“Okay. You know, that string bikini is the same one mom came home and caught you wearing.” Donna was surprised Max had stolen her string bikini.
“I know. I just remembered how after mom caught me wearing this suit, I finally confessed how I feel.” Max was glad she finally came out to her mother.
"Well, I can say mom was surprised." Donna remembered her mother's reaction when she found out.
“I’m glad too. Now I don’t have to hide how I feel anymore. I know you are glad, too, because you don’t have to hide or lie to Mom about giving
me your hand-me-downs.”
“Or you taking things from my bedroom without my permission.” Donna couldn’t be upset with her little sister doing that.
“I couldn’t resist, sis. You have such pretty things.” Max used to be jealous of his older sister and the pretty clothes and accessories she owned.
“Well, go and change. The waffles should be ready soon.” Donna goes back to mixing the batter.
“Okay.” Max walks upstairs to her bedroom and changes out of her bikini.
Max puts on a pair of short shorts and a camisole. She brushes out her hair. She was going to let it air dry. As she is brushing her hair, she stops to look at her reflection in her mirror. She was letting her bangs grow long to cover up the injury. The plastic surgeon did a good job fixing it, but she could still see it. The skin was still a little bruised on her forehead.
Once Max was done, she went downstairs to the kitchen to join her sister. She wouldn’t let what happened to her put her down.
Donna looks at her little sister as she cooks the waffles. Max fixes herself and her older sister's glasses of orange juice.
“Where’s mom at?” Max noticed her mother wasn’t up and about yet.
“She left early this morning to join some friends of hers from the office for breakfast.” Donna had been surprised that her mother had gone out
with some of her friends from the office.
“You don’t think mom is seeing anyone and doesn’t want to tell us, do you?” Max wonders if her mother was just covering up that she was seeing someone.
“Max, Mom would never lie to us about something like that. And even if she were, she would only do it to protect us. Remember, some of her coworkers at the law firm she works for don’t like the LGBTQ community.” Donna knew some of the people her mother worked with didn’t like the LGBTQ community because they felt it was eroding family values that should stay the way they were.
“Yeah, I remember that fellow Andy Summerfield mom works with. He nearly choked on his coffee when he saw me walking into her office wearing a dress and heels. He’s one of those men that believe everyone should be following what the bible says.” Max could believe a prick like him worked for the same law firm as her mother.
“Don’t forget Mr. Araiza. He hates that the law firm has black clients that come to the law firm. He feels they are abusing the system to get money and such they don’t deserve. Hey, if he had his way, he would have the partners band the law firm from taking them as clients.”
“Fat chance of that. The partners don’t discriminate against anyone. If they can make a buck defending someone, they will.” Max knew that some partners were in it for the money while the others were in it to ensure their clients got justice or were protected.
Donna serves up the first set of waffles to Max. She knew Max liked to eat two whole waffles. While the next batch of waffles was cooking, “So, what are your plans for today?”
“Laundry and work on my Vespa. The parts I ordered finally came in that I have been waiting on. I want to get my scooter up and running.”
“You know, for a girl. You act like a tomboy.” Donna knew Max had been working on that Vespa of hers since she bought it at a yard sale.
“Hey, I like my baby blue Vespa.” Max liked her baby blue and white Vespa. She hand-painted the original stripes it had on it. She could have
used the premade ones, but she didn’t. She learned how to do it by hand instead.
“You are too much like my current girlfriend. She’s a gearhead and loves working on her motorcycle.” Donna liked her current girlfriend. She knew how to make love to her and treated her nicely.
“Sis, I have a question for you, and you don’t have to answer me. But how can two women please each other?” Max has always been curious about that.
“Well, there’s a lot of kissing, grinding, and oral sex we do to each other. Sometimes we use sex toys on each other to please each other.” Donna didn’t mind explaining how lesbian sex works. She knew her mother couldn’t explain it. Her mother made it clear that she enjoyed men.
“But if you're using sex toys, why not just have sex with a guy?” Max was curious.
“Because using a sex toy is different. Not all lesbians like being penetrated and dominated. I don’t mind letting another woman please me, but my partner doesn’t like it. She likes it when I finger her or lick her, but she prefers to be the one sticking it in me. Also, lesbians don’t find men
attractive. I had boyfriends when I was in high school, but I never enjoyed myself with them. I only did it because it was what was expected of me. Also, I didn’t know how Mom and Dad would handle it either. I tried to be like all the other girls in school and our family, and I couldn’t.”
“Like me pretending to be a guy when deep down that wasn’t how I felt.” Max knew her father tried to make her fit what a boy was.
“Exactly. When I finally came out to mom and dad before he left us. I was miserable, but once I told them I liked girls more. Mom accepted it without a problem. Dad, on the other hand, had a problem with it. When he and mom would argue, he would accuse her of not being hard on me and you. He knew you used to like wearing girl clothes and playing with my dolls.” Donna remembers the fights their mother and father use to have.
“Yeah, Dad was an asshole. He was only proud of me when I would win my matches or do well while playing baseball. He also didn’t mind me helping him when he worked on his charger either. Mom on the other hand didn’t care if I came in first place or last place. She was always there supporting me.” Max remembered her mother always cheering her on when she played baseball or when she competed in swimming.
Her mother was the reason they had the swimming pool. It was for her to train at home. It wasn’t regulation style, but it did allow her to practice her strokes and style. Plus, her mother liked entertaining guests and clients at the house. Her dad did too. He would invite his buddies from work over for cookouts.
“I’m just glad dad is happy with his new wife and family. I know he made mom’s life a living hell.” Donna knew how hard their mother fought to make her marriage work.
However, when dad threatened to send Max and her away to a conversion camp to straighten them out. Her mother wouldn’t allow him to do it. She also wouldn’t put up with his verbal abuse anymore or cheating, either. She knew he cheated on her with some of the women he worked with at his job.
“I'm just happy mom is happy now. She deserved it after everything she has endured.” Max loved his mother a lot.
“She’ll be happier once she has grandbabies. She’s looking forward to that.” Donna knew her mother wanted, lots and lots of grandbabies.
“Well, that’s one thing I can’t do.” Max was a little disappointed that she couldn’t experience that part of being a woman.
“You can always preserve some of your sperm for later and hire someone to carry a baby for you, Max.” Donna and their mother still didn’t know which way Max was going to be.
“I know, but it’s not the same. That’s one part of being a woman that I’ll never experience.” Max was a little disappointed in that matter.
“You never know, sis. They are experimenting with transplanting a uterus into women who can’t have children naturally. Maybe one day they will come up with a way for people like you to experience that. If nothing else, I would volunteer my womb to carry a baby for you.” Donna would do that for Max.
“Thanks, sis.” Max smiles at her big sister.
“Anytime.” Donna takes her waffle off the hotplate.
After breakfast, Max starts a load of laundry, and while it is going. She gets to work on her Vespa while listening to some music.
By the afternoon, Max managed to get her Vespa up and running. She had completely rebuilt the motor and installed all brand new parts she had to import from Italy. She installed new body panels and had the seat and gauges rebuilt. Overall, her Vespa was factory-built, if not better.
She takes it out for a test drive. Her sister had joined her girlfriend for the rest of the day. Max knew she wouldn’t see her sister until tomorrow.
As she drives by some of her neighbors, she waves to them. Some of them have accepted her and some of them gave her the cold shoulder. As for her friends, most of them stood by her. They were supportive and checked on her to see how she was doing after being almost killed.
While Max is sitting at a stop light, some guys in a jacked-up pickup truck pull up next to her in the next lane. The passenger side window starts lowering. “Hey babe, what time does those legs open up for business?”
Chuck liked how the woman riding the scooter looked. The way the light blue tank top she was wearing showed off her bare tanned shoulders. He liked looking down at her medium size breasts. Her helmet covered her head but left her face exposed.
Max ignores the man in the truck next to her. She has seen the truck around her high school during the football games and baseball games. She knew the passenger was the older brother of Mark Failsworth. He was the team captain of her high school baseball team.
Mark’s brother had been suspended from their high school for pulling a prank on a female teacher who had injured her. He didn’t like that she didn’t cut him any slack on his grades. Some of the teachers in her high school looked after the football, basketball, and baseball players in their school.
The swim team wasn’t as popular as the other after-school activities. Most of the football players were also on the wrestling team. So, they always did extremely well. The girl’s tennis team was one of the best around. Also, the softball team as well. Some of the track and field players were on the softball team.
They didn’t have a soccer team at her school, but there has been talk of starting one. Max watches the light and when it turns green, she goes. The truck beside her speeds past her and heads towards the sports bar where you can catch any game you like.
The place had large-screen television sets over the bar area and smaller sets at the booths along the wall. There was a collection of screens hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the place, showing different games.
Since she hasn’t had any lunch yet. She stops at Wendy’s and grabs a five-dollar lunch meal. There was a park nearby that she liked a lot and she headed there to have lunch.
While she is sitting on a bench eating her lunch. She spots one of the girls from her school's track team jogging towards her. If she remembered right, the girl’s name was Cindy Diggs. She waves at Cindy.
Cindy had finished up everything she had to do at home and decided to go for a jog. She normally tried to go early in the morning, but her mother wanted her to accompany her to church. So, she went to church with her mother. Afterward, her mother stuck around to talk with some of her friends. While her mother was socializing with her friends, she looked at some of the stuff for sale. Their church always had a thrift sale afterward. She found a few items she liked and bought them.
When she arrived back home, she changed her clothes and informed her mother that she was going for a job. She had a certain route she normally took and her mother knew it. As she was jogging through the park, she spotted Max sitting on a bench eating lunch. She slows down when she spots her waving at her. She jogs up to Max and smiles. She heard what happened to her before school ended.
She didn’t have a problem with Max being in the girl’s locker room or on the swim team either. Max has been beaten by a few of the girls on the team. Also, Max stood down when one of the coaches of another school’s girl swim team complained about Max being on the team.
She didn’t have to, but she did to show she was willing to compromise with everyone. It didn’t matter in the end, because the girls on their school team ended up beating the other school. It was a major embarrassment because the other school lost big time.
“Hey, Max. What brings you to the park?” As Cindy jogs in place.
“I was out testing the repairs I did to my scooter and stopped to have some lunch.” Max knew it was kind of late to be eating lunch.
“So, that was your scooter I passed when I entered the park. It looks nice.”
“Thanks. Are you practicing for when school starts?” Max knew what she was doing.
“Yeah, I like to stay in shape, even when I’m not in school. I heard you are working with Mr. Collins.”
“Yeah, Greg asked me if I would work with him and his father this summer.” Max was glad his best friend since elementary school was still his friend.
“That’s good. How is Greg?” Cindy had a little crush on Max’s best friend.
A smile appears on Max’s face “Let me guess, you like Greg?”
Cindy’s cheeks blush when Max asks her that question. She knew Greg liked her from the looks he gave her during gym class.
“Well, I heard he likes me and he does look at me when we're in gym class.” Cindy watches Max.
“He’s doing fine. I could give you his cell number or I could give him yours and have him call you if you like.”
“Could you give him, mine? Please?”
“Sure. What are your plans for Friday?” Max was thinking he could arrange for the two of them to meet up at hers and Greg’s favorite place after work.
“Nothing, why?” Cindy looks at Max with a puzzled look on her face.
“You’ll see.” A smile forms on Max’s face.
The two of them talk for a little while. Cindy informs her that she hopes she’ll be on the team this year. She knew Carol couldn’t wait to see her again.
Afterwards, she continues to finish her jogging and Max heads home.
When Max arrived back home, she thought about the conversation she had with Cindy. She dials her friend Greg’s number to see if he would like to go on a double date with her.
“Hello?” Greg noticed Max was calling him.
“Hey Greg, it's Max. How has your day been?” Max was wiping down her Vespa. She wanted to try and keep it clean.
“Bored. Why, what’s up?” Greg had been online all day playing with his video buddies.
“You wouldn’t believe who I ran into at the park.” Max finishes wiping down her scooter.
“Who?” Greg wonders what Max is doing at the park.
“Cindy, from our sixth bell class from last year. She was out jogging and spotted me eating my lunch in the park.”
“Cindy?” Greg had to think about all the girls in their sixth bell class from last year.
“Yeah, Cindy Diggs. She’s on the school’s track team, remember?” Max tosses the rag back into the hamper to be washed.
“Yeah, I remember. She’s got dirty blonde hair and a slim figure. What did she want?” Greg was curious.
“Well, for one thing stupid. She wanted me to give you her phone number. I think she wants to go out with you.” Max knew Greg could be a little slow sometimes.
“Oh!” Greg was surprised that Cindy wanted his best friend to give him her number.
“Yeah, Oh.” Max shakes her head back and forth.
“Is that the only reason you called me?”
“No, I was thinking that maybe after we finish working on Friday, that maybe we could go on a double date. I know Emily’s friend Brandi likes me and I kind of like her.” Max wasn’t sure how she felt.
“Are you saying that you might be a lesbian, Max?” Greg had been wondering about his friend when she came out being a girl.
“I don’t know, what I’m interested in Greg. I was thinking maybe you might feel comfortable going out on a date with a friend alone.” Max wasn’t sure which way she swung, but she knew how Greg was around girls.
Greg thought about what Max was suggesting in a way. It would be neat to have three women surrounding him while they were out.
“Do you think Brandi will say yes?”
“I don’t know, but I could call her and ask if she would like to go out on Friday.” Max noticed Brandi had left her number on her cellphone. She
had come by the hospital when she was unconscious.
“Alright, call me back and let me know what she says.” Greg wouldn’t mind going out.
“Okay.” Max ends the call.
She dials Brandi’s number next and walks inside the house. She is shocked when Brandi picks up on the third ring.
“Hi Brandi, it’s Max.”
“Maxine, I was wondering when you were going to call me.” Brandi serves a customer.
“Do you have time to talk?”
“Unfortunately, no. However, can I call you back in a little while?” Brandi could take her break and talk with Max.
“Sure. I’ll be waiting for your phone call.”
“Okay, bye Max.” Brandi wanted to talk with Max.
“Bye, Brandi.” Max ends the phone call.
Max walks over to the refrigerator and takes out everything she needs to make a salad. She hopes Brandi calls her back and agrees to go on a double date with her. She’s never gone on a date before and will have to ask her sister what two women did on a date.
After making her salad, she walks into the den and turns the television on. She scans through the channels until she finds a show she wants to watch. While watching the show, and eating her salad. Her sister comes walking in with her girlfriend.
“Hey sis, hey Debbie.” Max finally met her sister’s girlfriend.
Debbie had breasts bigger than his sister and what was known as a bike bitch. She also owned a motorcycle built by the Count, from Count Customs. According to her sister, her girlfriend won it during a poker game in Vegas. It was the top prize and her girlfriend beat some biker guy that wanted the motorcycle. She was also the niece of a member of a female biker group called The Sirens.
“Hey Max, how are you doing?” Debbie was concerned when she found out her girlfriend’s sister had been attacked.
“I’m doing okay.”
“That’s good to hear. I heard you were working with your best friend’s father. How is your friend dealing with you being a girl now?” Debbie knew some transgender people lose friends and family when they come out to their relatives and friends.
“He’s adjusting. Every once in a while, he catches himself when he uses the wrong pronoun.”
“Well, I know it takes time to adjust. Just be patient with him.”
“I will. Oh, by the way. Do you mind if I ask some questions about the relationship between you and my sister?” Max wanted to know more about their relationship.
Debbie looks towards Donna “Is it alright with you, sweetie?”
“I don’t mind. However, why are you interested in my relationship, Max?” Donna looks towards her little sister.
“Well, when I went out to test my Vespa and stopped to have lunch in the park. I ran into a girl from my sixth bell class from last year. Her name is Cindy and she has a thing for my best friend. I was thinking about arranging a double date for us on Friday.”
“Who are you thinking about asking out?” Donna was curious.
“Well, remember when I went out with my friend last month?”
“Yeah, just before you got attacked. I remember.”
“Well, she introduces me to a girl named Brandi and it turns out she likes me a lot.”
“And you’re thinking about asking her out.” A smile appears on Donna’s face.
“And you want to know if it is alright to go out with your friend and this other girl.” Debbie could see where this was going.
“It’s fine. Since you and this Brandi girl are just friends right now. And since this is your friend's first time out with this other girl. It’s okay to just go out as friends on a group date.”
“Where should we go?” Max has never dated before.
“Well, there’s Club Rogue. Or you could do the normal dating thing and go to a movie and dinner.”
“I think the second thing would be better.” Max figures a movie and dinner would be good.
“Okay, if that is the case. Let the girls choose the movie and the dinner. Take them to some were nice.”
“Where?” Max didn’t know what Brandi liked.
“Find out from the girl what they like to eat and go there.” Donna had grabbed a drink for herself and Debbie.
She hands the drink to Debbie.
“Thanks, sweetie.” Debbie kisses Donna on the cheek.
Max just shakes her head at her sister and Debbie.
The week seemed to fly by as Max and Greg work their butts off. Max had spoken to her mother about the group date she was going on. Her mother was happy Max was going out on a date and gave her the birds and bees talk.
Max felt a little uncomfortable while her mother tried to explain the birds and bees to her. Even though she was still equipped as a male, she wasn’t thinking about having sex with Brandi. Still, she knew she would have to be careful.
The day before the date, Max and Greg were sitting on the tailgate of Greg’s father's pickup truck enjoying a sub, Greg’s mother made for all of them. Greg looked towards Max as she sat next to him “What are you wearing tomorrow night?”
“A dress my mother helped me pick out. I thought about wearing pants, but my mother figured I would be more comfortable wearing a dress. How about you?” Max takes a bite from her sub.
“Dad said I should wear a dress shirt and my favorite pair of jeans. I figure since we’re going to Cinema twenty-four to see American Pie it would be okay.” Greg has never been on a date before.
“I figure Lulu Birds would be a good restaurant to take Brandi and Cindy to. It’s priced reasonably and the food is mostly comforting.” Max got advice from Debbie and she suggested it.
“I have no problem with Lulu Birds, they have some good food.” Greg has been there before with his parents.
“All rights you two. Stop daydreaming about your dates and get back to work.” Mr. Collins looks at his son and Max.
He was surprised when Greg approached him for advice on how he should dress for a date and where he should take his date. When Greg told him that Max was going along with some girl named Brandi. He wonders if Max still likes girls. There was a lot that he and his wife didn’t know about transgender people. He knew his wife spoke with Max’s mother Laura.
Max didn’t know about it, but her mother met with his wife and himself. They wanted to know more about Max and why he thought he was a girl, instead of a boy. He knew Max didn’t have a father figure in his life. He thought that might be a reason why Max thought he was a girl.
The thing was, even Laura was a little concerned about Max wanting to be a girl. However, she did tell them that she was in contact with the counselor Max was seeing and was seeing one herself to support Max. She loved her child and wanted to know if it was something she did.
“Yes sir.” Greg finishes eating his sub.
Max finishes his sub and goes back to work. She and Greg work together to cut down a tree and split the wood. Greg’s father had a stump grinder he was going to bring by tomorrow to grind the stump down. By the time they stopped working. Max’s shoulder and Greg’s were hurting. Max was going to ask her sister to rub some Ben Gay or something onto her shoulders.
When Max got home that night, she was hurting. She feels the tub with hot water and tosses in one of the bath beads she and her sister share. The last time they went shopping together, her sister thought it would benefit the two of them if they shared a jar of bath beads. Once Max started using them, she had to agree.
Their mother let the two of them redesign the bathroom. Now, it was like a spa where they could come and relax after a hard day at work. Once the water was at the level, she liked it. She gets into the tub and leans her head back against a folded-up towel.
She looks at her skin and notices she needs to spend some more time outside to even up her tan. Her arms and her legs were darker than the rest of her body. She noticed her breasts had gotten a little fuller. She would be glad when they were a little bigger.
She is enjoying the heat and the peacefulness of the music she is listening to. She could hear her sister walk by the bathroom. It sounded like she was in a hurry. She wonders why her sister was in such a hurry.
Donna comes out of their mother’s bedroom, after using her bathroom. She had to pee badly and when she went upstairs and noticed the main bathroom was occupied. She used her mother’s bathroom.
When she comes out, she stops at the bathroom door and knocks on it “Max, I’m going to order out tonight, instead of cooking dinner.”
“Come on in sis, I have plenty of bubbles covering me.” Max knew her sister had a thing about seeing her naked.
Donna walks into the bathroom and spots Max covered up by the bubbles. She still had a hard time seeing her sister with a penis. She couldn’t wait until Max had it removed.
“Sorry about that, Max.”
“It’s alright sis. So, what were you going to order?”
“I was thinking about placing an order with The Golden Wall.” Donna knew her mother and Max loved the food.
“Cool, I’ll have my normal.” Max loved General Taos Chicken.
“Okay, you want fried rice and egg roll, like normally.”
“Yep.” Max loved her Chinese food.
“Okay.” Donna turns and leaves the bathroom.
She goes to her bedroom and places a delivery order. Afterward, she changes out of her clothes and slips on a baggy pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt. She loved walking around the house with the girls hanging free.
She would love it more if her girlfriend was here massaging her shoulders. She loves when Debbie plays with her tits. Debbie said she liked how big she was, but she prefers Debbie’s tits over her own. They were bigger, whereas hers were smaller.
Once she places the order and pays for it. She goes downstairs to wait for the order to be delivered. She wonders if Max is prepared to go on her date tomorrow.
Max washes her hair and drains the water out of the tub, as she dries her body off. She pats her body with the towel, instead of rubbing it like she used to do. Ever since she decided to come out of the closet to her mother. She has been learning how she should treat her body from her sister and mother.
She was a lot like her mother and sister. She slips on a baggy pair of silky shorts and an oversized t-shirt. She doesn’t bother with a pair of panties. Her sister said that it was best sometimes to go bare to air out the groin area. Since her penis was so small from taking her sister's birth control pills and now the estrogen pills, she was taking.
Max goes downstairs wearing her slippers and finds her sister watching a movie. She knew her mother would be home soon.
“Hey sis, will you and Debbie still be able to take us to the movies tomorrow?”
“Yeah, who is picking you guys up?”
“Mr. Connor is. He asked us to call him and let him know when were ready to be picked up.” Max knew Greg asked his father to pick them up.
“That’s good.” Donna was glad that Mr. Connors was picking them up.
Ten minutes later, Max’s and Donna’s mother come walking into the house. She spots the girls watching a movie in the den.
“What’s for dinner, girls?” Laura walks into the den.
“Chinese. We ordered out, Mom.” Max looks at her mother.
“I hope you ordered my favorite.” Laura had her favorite dish.
“I got you covered Mom.” Donna knew what her mother liked.
A few minutes later, the delivery driver shows up with their food. Donna gives the driver a tip and joins everyone in the den. She starts removing the different dishes out of the bag and hands them to their owners.
Once everyone has their dish. They start eating while watching the movie they started.
Max rushes into the house as soon as she gets home and heads upstairs towards the bathroom. She strips out of her work clothes and tosses them into the dirty clothes hamper, while the tub fills up with hot water. Every muscle in her body was hurting from cutting up a few more bushes the client wanted to be removed. The work helped calm her down because she was nervous about her date tonight.
Since she and Greg didn’t have a driver's license or learner permit. Her sister and her girlfriend were going to be on their ride tonight. Once the water level hits the level she likes, she slips in and lets the hot water soothe her aching shoulders. She scrubs her body with the new body scrubber her sister brought home for her and uses the scented soap.
She washes her hair three times, before adding the conditioner and letting it set like her sister suggested. The last time she danced with Brandi was at the goth club her friend Emily had taken her to. A smile appears on Max’s face as she thinks about how much fun Emily is having.
Emily had gone to spend the summer with her cousins in New York. They were heavily into the goth scene like Emily. According to the email she received from Emily, she and her cousins had gone and seen a band. She said the drummer of the band was the son of the drummer from Wild Fire. She also designed and made some of the best gothic clothes around.
Max didn’t have any idea who Wild Fire was until she googled them and listened to some of their music. Their music reminded her of the pop metal bands from the 80’s. She listened to a few more of their songs and had to admit they were really good. She saw that the drummer was a gothic chick who went by the stage name Dusk.
She looks through some more information and finds Dusk’s adopted son Moon. He was gothic like his mother and played drums as well. He was also the youngest member of the band called Vamps. They had produced six albums and had several hit records. Their most popular was a song named Midnight Lover.
Max listened to the song and couldn’t believe the dark undertones and lyrics of the song. It sent shivers throughout his body, but you could feel the emotion buried in the song. It told how the desire of a young woman had drawn the attention of a vampire and how much she loved him.
However, she wasn’t ready to leave the warmth of the daylight, to join him forever in the darkness.
She finishes up her bath and dries off. She walks into her bedroom and notices her mother has laid out her clothes for tonight. A smile forms on her face when she notices a garter belt and stocking lying on the bed. There was a note from her sister instructing her to wear them tonight.
Max starts getting ready, following the directions her sister showed her last night. From how to put her make-up on to what body powder she should wear to where she needs to spitz her perfume. By the time Max finished getting dressed and putting her make-up on, she looked like a million dollars.
She grabbed her small purse and transferred some money, her band cards, her ID card, and the standard items she should carry with her. She stands in front of the mirror to admire herself in the mirror. She turns around when she hears a knocking sound coming from her bedroom door.
“Enter.” Max turns around to see who it is.
Donna opens the door and walks into Max’s bedroom. She stops when notices how her sister is dressed.
“Wow, you look like a million bucks.”
“Thanks, sis.” A smile forms on Max’s face.
“Stand still, so I can take a picture for Mom. She’ll want to see how nice you look.” Donna takes a picture of her little sister.
Max stands still while her sister snaps a picture of her. She had to admit that she looked hot.
“What are you and Debbie going to do?” Max was curious about what her sister was going to do.
“There’s a club nearby we’re going to go to. Just call us when you want to be picked up.”
After leaving the house, Debbie swings by and picks up Greg at his house. The girls were going to meet them at Lulu Bird’s. Greg looks at Max
“Wow! You look nice Max.”
“Thanks, Greg.” Max blushes at her friend’s comment.
Debbie drops Max and Greg at the restaurant. They spot the girls waiting for them. Greg looks at Max “I hope they haven’t been waiting long.”
“I doubt it.”
Max and Greg walk up to their dates. Greg tries calming down since this is his first time on a date. He looked at Max and could see she was relaxed.
Cindy and Brandi had arrived early and started talking. Cindy knew Brandi was lesbian from some of the comments she made in the locker room. It didn’t bother her that Brandi was gay. However, some of her friends didn’t like it when Brandi looked at them when they were undressed.
She didn’t know Brandi was interested in Max. She looks at Brandi “How did you meet Max?”
“A mutual friend of ours introduced us. Does it bother you that I like Max?” Brandi watched Cindy’s reaction.
She knew from experience that Cindy was a big flirt and liked to tease the guys. Also, there were times Cindy would flirt with her in the locker room as well.
“No, I heard that lesbians like yourself didn’t like nongenetic girls.” Cindy knew an older lesbian who said that people like her didn’t like
transgender girls.
“I’m different. And no, I don’t like what is between Max’s legs either. I prefer licking over sucking.” Brandi wanted to make sure Cindy understood.
“Whatever floats your boat. I just don’t want to see Max hurt again.”
“I promise not to hurt Max. I was concerned about what happened to her as well.” Brandi spent as much time as she could with Max when she was in the hospital.
After a few minutes of waiting, Cindy and Brandin notice an SUV pulling up. Greg exists first, followed by Max. A smile appears on Brandi’s face when she notices how Max is dressed. The two girls watch as Max and Greg walk up to them.
“I think tonight is going to be a good night.” Cindy liked how Max looked and how Greg looked as well.
“I think you’re right.” A smile appears on Brandi’s face.
“Hello, ladies.” Greg was nervous.
“Hello. You look nice, Greg.” Cindy blushes afterward.
“Thanks, so do you.” Greg liked how Cindy looked.
“I have to agree. But, I think Max looks cute in the LBD she is wearing.” Brandi liked the little black dress Max had on. She loved the three-inch heels and she got a peek of the top of her stocking under the dress.
“Thanks, Brandi, you look nice as well.” Max loved how Brandi was dressed and how the blouse and dress slacks hugged Brandi’s body.
The four of them stand outside just looking at each other. Greg’s watch beeps, letting him know he was supposed to be at the restaurant.
“I think they have our table ready. Shall we?” Greg motions towards the door.
“Lets.” As Brandi lets Greg escort all of them inside the restaurant.
A young woman by the name of Stacy escorts them to their table. The waitress comes over to take their order. After taking their order, the four teenagers start talking with one another. All of them were nervous, but once they started talking about their favorite things and some of the teachers, they were hoping not to have it next year. They started relaxing.
After dinner, they walk over to the movie theater. Greg and Max pay for the tickets and some drinks since they just had dinner. While they are watching the movie, Greg holds Cindy’s hand during the movie.
Brandi does the same with Max. She starts kissing Max during the movie. Max returns the kiss. She liked the way Brandi was kissing her.
Every once in a while, Max catches Cindy and Greg kissing. At the end of the night, Donna and Debbie end up taking Cindy and Brandi home, as well as Greg. Donna turns around in her seat to look at Max “So, how was your date?”
“Nice, I invited her to come over this weekend.”
“That should be fun.” Debbie was planning on spending the night with Donna.
“You’ll have to tell me about it later. Mom will want details when we get home.” Donna turns back around to look out the front windshield.
“So, did you two have fun last night?” Mr. Collins looks at Max and Greg as they bagged up a bunch of leaves.
“Yes sir.” Max liked holding Brandi’s hand and kissing her afterward.
A smile appears on Greg’s face. He had fun with Cindy and was hoping to see her again this Friday coming up.
“So, have you decided what you two want to do with your life after high school?” Mr. Collins looks at his son and Max.
Greg looks at his father “I figured, I would work for you Dad, and take over the lawn service when you retired.”
“How about you, Max? Have you decided what you would like to do after high school?” Mr. Collins knew at one time Max wanted to be a professional swimmer. But lately, with all the new laws being passed to prevent people like Max from competing. She might have to do something different.
“I don’t know, Mr. Collins. With the way things are changing, I have to come up with something different.” Max knew she couldn’t continue swimming anymore.
“You could always study law or something to help people like you out, Max.” Mr. Collins has been noticing how a lot of states and even their own were going after transgender children.
He felt that the government shouldn’t be passing laws taking away the rights of the parents to decide what was right for their children. If a parent is concerned about the health of their child and how their child feels. It’s the parent’s job to do what they can to get the help the child wants or needs. Not the government telling them what they can or can’t do.
“I’ve never been able to argue my point to anyone, Mr. Collins.” Max knew she wasn’t cut out to be a lawyer.
“Well, there has to be something you're good at, besides swimming.” Mr. Collins has known Max since Max and Greg were in elementary school.
“You should think about what you want to do Max. Before long you and Greg will be graduating high school.”
“I know Mr. Collins. Since I can’t swim anymore or play on any softball team unless it’s a boys’ team. I’ll have some free time on my hands.”
Max didn’t want to play softball on any boys’ team. First off, she would feel weird playing on a boy's team and secondly, she knew the guys would feel weird having her on the team. What she was going to do now, is still a mystery.
“Well, you and Greg going to be sophomores this school year. This is when you should decide what you want to do and start lining up the classes you’ll need.
“Thanks, Mr. Collins for the advice.” Max hadn’t thought about what she wanted to do.
The three of them finished up the job they were doing. They finish cleaning up everything and putting the tools away. Once they are done, Mr. Collins drives back to his house, so Max can pick up her scooter.
By the time Max gets home, she could smell stew cooking. She walked into the kitchen and spotted her mother cooking.
“Hi, Mom.” Max walks over and hugs her.
Laura looks up when she hears Max’s voice. She was in the process of cutting up some herbs.
“Hey, sweetie.” As she returns the hug.
“Dinner smells good.” Max pulls a spoon out to taste it.
“Thanks. How was your day?” Laura watches Max as she dips the spoon into the stew.
“It was okay. Mr. Collins suggested that Greg and I should think about what we want to do after high school.
“He’s right. I know you had your heart on getting a sports scholarship for swimming. But since things are changing this year for you. Have you decided what you might want to do instead?”
“No ma’am.” Max watches as her mother finishes chopping the fresh herbs and adds them to the stew.
“You should, sweetie. Do you know what you want to do after high school?” Laura looks at her daughter as she stirs the stew.
“No ma’am. I have no idea what I want to do after high school. Mr. Collins suggested I should become a lawyer.” Max looks at her mother.
“That’s a good suggestion, sweetie. With the way things are going having a lawyer that is transgender representing others like yourself is a good
thing.” Laura figures her daughter would make a good lawyer.
“But I have never been able to argue my point about anything, Mom.”
Laura looks at her daughter “Are you sure?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“So, you weren’t able to convince me that you were serious about being who you are?” Laura looks at Max with a questionable look on her face.
“So, you think I should become a lawyer, Mom?” Max looks at her mother with a puzzled look on her face.
“Yes, I do, sweetie. I think you would make a good lawyer.” Laura thinks her daughter would do well as a lawyer.
“Hhmm.” A thoughtful look appears on her face.
“Now, go and clean up for dinner.”
“Yes ma’am.” Max kisses her mother’s cheek, before walking out.
Max walks upstairs to her bedroom and changes her clothes. She’ll take a shower after dinner when she gets ready for bed. She looks over towards her hamper and figures she’ll have to do laundry by Thursday or she could do it tomorrow after she swims some laps.
Once Max is changed, she heads downstairs and starts setting the table. She knew her sister’s girlfriend would be joining them for dinner. Her mother wanted to know more about her sister’s girlfriend. A smile appears on her face as she thinks about the fact that her mother will have three daughters, should her sister marry her girlfriend.
After setting the table, Max helps her mother bring everything in. The table was almost set when Debbie and Donna walked into the dining room.
“This looks nice.” Debbie liked how the table was set up.
“Thanks.” Max looks at her sister and Debbie with a smile on her face.
“Come on girls, let’s sit down and enjoy dinner.” Laura walks into the dining room with a large bowl of stew.
Everyone sits down at the table for dinner.
Nikki Cory’s House:
Max and Greg couldn’t believe they had been invited to Nikki’s house for a party. She and several of her friends were the most popular girls in their high school.
“Man, I can’t believe Nikki invited us.” Greg looks at Max when he says that.
“Me neither.” Max was cautious as she walked through the door of Nikki’s house.
There were a lot of people in the house and loud music filled the air. Max wishes Brandi was here right now with her or her friend Emily. Neither one of them could make it tonight because they had to work.
Max follows Greg as they walk over to where drinks are set up. You could grab a cold drink from a cooler or make your own. Max notices that there are several bottles of liquor out on the counter.
Greg goes to grab a vodka to pour into a solo cup. He stops when he feels Max’s hand on his wrist. He looks at his friend “What?”
“I don’t think you should, Greg. We’re still underage.”
“We’re at a private residence, Max. The rules don’t apply here. Do you think Nikki’s parents would put alcohol out for a bunch of minors if it was illegal?” Greg looks at his friend to see what she thinks.
“I don’t know.”
“Oh, come on man. One drink isn’t going to hurt and besides, everyone here is doing it.” Greg manages to get Max to let go of his arm.
He heard about a drink called Cape Codder and wanted to see how it tasted. He mixes the vodka and cranberry. He tasted and liked it.
“You have to try it, Max.” Greg holds the solo cup and looks at Max.
“No thank you.” Max grabs a Pepsi and opens it.
Greg shakes his head as the two of them start to mingle. Max watches as Greg starts dancing with some people, they both know. Before long Craig and Max are dancing with people. Max, is handed a can of drink by a cute guy. She hadn’t seen him before, but he was kind of handsome.
They step outside and walk around the backyard. She looks at the guy “Are you a friend of Nikki’s?”
He smirks “I’m her older cousin. By the way, I’m Charlie Cox.” As Charlie holds his hand out to Max.
“I’m Max Puscat, it's nice to meet you.” Max shakes Charlie’s hand.
“I’ve heard about you, Max. You’re the student someone tried to kill at your school. Is there a reason someone would try to hurt a charming person like you?” Charlie heard about a person named Max Puscat getting hurt at Nikki’s high school.
“Some people just can’t accept changes or others.” Max didn’t know how she should reply.
“So, is it true, then?” Charlie looks at Max.
“Is what true?” Max had a confused look on her face.
“That, you decided to switch teams?” Charlie couldn’t see this cute girl walking next to him as ever being a girl.
“I won’t lie to you, Charlie. I was born a boy, but how I felt inside, didn’t match how I felt outside. Do you know what it is like to look at your reflection in the mirror and see a stranger looking back at you?”
“I can’t say I have ever done that, but I understand what you are trying to say. It’s like a skinny kid looking at their reflection and seeing the person they want to be looking back at them. In your case, it was seeing the girl who you should have been born, instead of the guy you saw.”
Charlie understood seeing what you wish you could see.
“Let me guess, you used to be a skinny kid?” Max looks at Charlie when she says that.
“Yep, I was the skinny kid who used to get picked on in school. That was until I started working out. After, I built up my muscles and learned how to protect myself. I started looking out for other kids who were getting picked on.” Charlie had a few friends that used to get picked on because of their hobbies, or because they were extremely smart.
“Wow! I didn’t start to get picked on until I decided to dress how I felt. I was on my school’s swim team and was pretty good.” Max loved swimming.
“How did your coach feel when you switched sides?”
“My coach didn’t mind. She knew I was a good swimmer and the girls didn’t mind. However, now that several states and school systems have started to ban people like me from competing in any sports. I have to find something else to do. Which isn’t fair. Why can girls join any male team, but when someone like me joins a girls’ team, it’s unfair?” Max thought that was unfair.
“That’s above me. I think all sports should be coed. That way, it doesn’t matter what your gender is.” Charlie figures that would solve the problem.
The two of them continue to walk around outside and finally make it back inside. Max finds Greg and notices how wasted he is.
She looks at Charlie “I need to get him home.”
“I’ll give you two a ride.” Charlie helps Max with Greg.
Max noticed at least three different lipstick lips on his face. She also could smell a strong perform someone spritz on him. She also smelled the booze he consumed it was on his breath and his clothes.
Charlie escorts Greg over to his Toyota Prius and helps Max put him in the backseat. He looks at Max “Let’s get you and him home.”
“Thanks, Charlie.”
“You’re welcome.” As Charlie gets into the car.
Max gets in on the passenger side. Once they were on their way, Max gave Charlie directions to Greg’s house first. After helping Greg’s mother with Greg’s passed-out form. She hugs her and leaves.
Charlie drives Max home and makes sure she enters her house, before leaving. Max spots her mother in the living room watching television.
“Hi, mom.” Max smiles at her mother.
Laura looks at her daughter “Did you have fun, dear?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You’ll have to tell me about it, sweetie.” Laura was happy Max enjoyed herself.
“Can I change first, mom?”
“Sure, sweetie.” Laura could see that Max was happy.
Max heads upstairs to change clothes.
“Max, do you know what my parents did to me?” Greg looks at his best friend.
“Grounded you?” Max looks back towards her best friend.
“Yes. I can’t believe they did that.” Greg puts a little bit more strength behind the ax he was using.
“I told you we were underage and couldn’t drink, Greg. Do you recall anything you did last night?” Max was curious about which girl kissed him and spritzed him with perfume.
“It was a party, Max. If you don’t blend in and drink alcohol you’re going to look weird.” Greg has heard a lot of stories from his uncles about his father.
“Greg, do you know which girls you made out with and who spritzed you with perfume?” Max racks a bunch of leaves together.
“I know their faces, but not their name. Why do you ask?” Greg was still suffering from a hangover.
“Just curious.” Max had been checking the social pages about the party.
Around lunch time, Max and Greg sit on the tail gate of the pickup truck and eat their lunch. Greg only ate half of what his mother packed for him. He looks over towards Max and notices she was eating a salad.
“Going vegan on me?” Greg knew Max was a meat lover like him.
“No, I was just in the mood for a salad today. Have you decided what you are going to do when we go back to school?” Max has been thinking about it lately.
“Not really. I’m hoping this year is better then last year.” Greg didn’t do so good last year on his school subjects.
“That goes double for me.” Max didn’t want a repeat of last year.
“Are you going to swim on the swim team this year?” Greg knew Max was like a fish in the pool.
“It’s been disgust and some parents don’t have a problem with me being on the girls’ team. However, some of the other schools we compete against are against it.”
“Man, that must suck. You’re a good swimmer, but because you don’t have a slit between your legs and don’t bleed every month. You must
give up on what you do best.” Greg knew the girls at their school loved Max being on their team.
“I know. However, I knew this might happen. I wish I didn’t have to give up swimming, but there’s nothing I can do about it.” Max, her mother, and her coach have looked into the problem and unless they wanted to drag this matter out in court for years. She’ll have to just find something else to occupy her time after school.
“I’m sorry, Max.”
“Thanks.” As Max bags up the cut grass and leaves she raked up.
“Hey, how did we get home from the party?” Greg has been puzzled about that.
“A guy named Charlie gave us a ride home. He helped me carry you to his car and to your house.” Max was supposed to join Charlie at the gym he worked at tomorrow afternoon.
“That was nice of him. So, how did the two of you meet?” Greg was wondering if Max was going to drop Brandi.
“It was getting a little warm inside and I decided to step outside to cool off. While I was outside just standing around, Charlie came out and we started talking.”
“Does he know about you?” Greg knew Max has only recently come out about herself.
“Yes, he knows about me. Believe it or not. He has undergone a similar transformation himself.”
“How so? Is he a female to male?” Greg wonders why Max would mention it.
“No, he’s one hundred percent genetic male. What I mean by a transformation, is that he used to be like you and me. He was nerd and got
picked on while in school. So, he decided he to do something about it.”
“Let me guess. He started working out?” Greg knew his father and some of his cousins had suggested it to him.
“Yep, and he looks after his friends that still get picked on. He knows what it is like to be picked on and bullied and he doesn’t like it.”
“Boy, he sounds like a nice guy.”
“I think so. Let’s get this job finish before your father shows back up.” Max wanted to finish the job and have it done.
Greg and Max put more effort into the job, so that by the time Greg’s father shows up. They will be done and won’t have to come back tomorrow.
By the time Max arrives home, she was tired. She takes a nice cold shower to cool off and put on some loose shorts and an oversized t-shirt. She has started dressing more and more like her older sister and mother. Since her mother and sister likes to relax when they are home. They preferred to wear light oversized clothes.
Max knew her mother wasn’t going to be home tonight, and her sister was working late. So, she orders a sub and her favorite onion rings from her favorite sub shop. While she is waiting for them to be delivered. She checks her email on her tablet and answer a few.
While looking over her email, she spots Charlie’s email, and a smile appears on her face. She opens it and notices that he sent her an official invite to the gym he works at. She didn’t mind paying the non-membership fee, but with the invite she didn’t have to. She prints it out on the printer in her bedroom.
Twenty minutes later, the delivery driver shows up with her order. She pays him and gives him a good tip. Afterwards, she sits back down and eats her dinner, while watching a movie.
Max and Brandi walk hand-in-hand from the restaurant they had dinner at towards the movie theater. The night air was warm and both women were wearing sundresses.
“So, how has your week been, Max?” Brandi hasn’t been able to spend as much time with Max as she wanted to.
“Hot and sweaty. Greg almost passed out due to the heat. I wasn’t that far from passing out myself.” Max couldn’t believe how affected she felt by the heat.
“What did you guys do?”
“Greg soaked his shirt in cold water and I dumped some cold water on top of my head. There wasn’t any shade to sit under.” Max felt a little better after dumping cold water on her head.
“I swear guys have it easier than girls in that respect.” Brandi knew what it was like to be out in the heat and wanted to take her shirt off.
“I guess you're right. But there was no way I could take my shirt off or get it wet because it would have shown my bra underneath it. Plus, you have seen how big my chest has gotten.” Max has noticed her breasts have increased since being on the new hormones.
“Well, I’m glad you didn’t, sweetie.” Brandi has seen Max in her swimsuit and has noticed her chest has increased some.
Since they bought their movie tickets beforehand. They enter the movie theater and buy some popcorn and a drink to share. As they are standing in line, Max spots Charlie with two little girls standing with him. A smile appears on her face as he lifts one of the young girls up to the counter so she can see the candy.
Brandi noticed Max looking at a young man holding a little girl up. She saw the young man tickle the little girl, as she picked out her candy.
“Someone you know?” Brandi looks towards Max for an answer.
“Yeah, I met him at the party me and Greg went to. His name is Charlie and he gave us a ride home.” Max told Brandi about what happened at the party.
“Why don’t you introduce me to him.” Brandi wonders if Max was embarrassed.
“Okay.” Max walks over to Charlie and the two little girls.
“Hi, Charlie.” A smile appears on Max’s face.
Charlie turns around when he hears Max’s voice. A smile appears on his face when he sees Max and another woman standing with her.
“Max, how has been?”
“Good, this is my girlfriend, Brandi. Brandi, this is my friend Charlie and…” Max looks at Charlie for help.
“My nieces Amy and Bernadette.”
Amy and Bernadette smile at Max and Brandi. They step close to their uncle for protection.
“Girls, this is my friend Max and her girlfriend Brandi.”
“Hi, girls.” As Brandi kneels to look at the girls. She smiles at them.
Amy buries her face against her uncle’s leg. Bernadette moves closer to Charlie’s leg.
“You have to forgive them, Brandi. They are very shy.” Charlie wraps his arm around Bernadette’s shoulder.
“It’s okay, girls. These are nice people. You can trust them.” Charlie knew how the girls felt around new people.
“So, what movie are you and the girls going to see, Charlie?” Max smiles at the little girls.
“I’m taking them to see, Wish. How about you?” Charlie wonders why Max is at the theater.
“We're here to see Lisa Frankenstein.” Max knew Brandi had wanted to see it since it came out.
“That sounds interesting. Let me know how it is. My girlfriend has been wanting to go and see it.” Charlie promised his girlfriend he would take it.
“I will. Well, it's nice meeting you, Amy, and Bernadette.” Max smiles at the two young girls.
Brandi and Max turn to leave. They stop to buy popcorn and drink, before heading into the theater. They pick a nice area to sit down to watch the movie and share a drink and popcorn.
After the movie, Max and Brandi head home. Brandi drops Max off and kisses her.
“This was fun, Max.”
“I know. How about we do it again next Friday?” Max wanted to spend more time with Brandi.
“Sounds good.” Brandi kisses Max before Max exits Brandi’s car.
Max walks up to the front door and uses her house key. After Max closes the front door.
“How was your date, sweetie?” Laura looks at her younger daughter as Max comes walking in.
“It was nice, mom. It was fun being out with Brandi.” Max walks over to her mother and sits down next to her.
Laura wraps her arm around Max’s shoulder and holds her. When Max came out to her about wanting to be a girl, she was concerned. However, besides being nearly killed, she has seen how happy Max has been since coming out to her.
“Well, I’m glad you are happy, sweetie.” Laura kisses Max’s forehead.
“Thanks, mom.” As Max hugs her mother.
“You have work, tomorrow sweetie. So, off to bed with you.” Laura hugs Max one more time, before letting her go.
“I have it off. But I am tired.” Max covers up a yawn and heads to bed.
Max wakes up early the next morning. Since she didn’t have to be at work, she put her school swimsuit on and headed towards the pool. Before she dives into the pool, she checks the water and notices the chlorine levels are low.
She grabs a couple of shock tablets and empties them into the water. It won’t take long for the tablets to go to work. Once that was done, she dived into the deep end and started doing some laps. She may not be able to swim on the girl’s swim team this year because of the new rules, but it doesn’t mean she wouldn’t let her skills go to waste.
As she is swimming, she thinks about maybe getting her lifeguard license and maybe learning how to scuba dive. At least in those professions, she didn’t have to worry about people complaining about her being transgender. She increases her pace as she does a hundred freestyle laps and thirty of the other forms.
Max could hear the music playing from her cell phone switch over to her new playlist. The new list consisted of music from the sixties and seventies. She wonders what it would have been like to live during that time frame. She’ll have to see if her mother had any records from that time frame.
Max finishes swimming and gets out of the pool. She dries off and walks inside to the kitchen and shivers from the A/C hitting her wet suit. She feels her nipples get stiff and poke against her suit.
She walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out some frozen burritos her mother bought the last time they went shopping. It was a quick breakfast she could take to work with her. She puts them into the microwave for a few minutes. While they were warming up, Max fixed herself a cup of coffee.
When the burritos are done and her coffee is done. She takes everything outside sits in her lounger and enjoys her breakfast. While she is sitting there and enjoying the morning. She scrolls through her cell phone to see who is offering lifeguard license training and scrub diving lessons.
Once she finds them, she books the classes. She had money in the bank to cover the cost of the classes. She knew school would be starting soon. It was already mid-July and she would need to find an after-school job.
While she is sitting there enjoying the morning, her cell phone alerts her to a text it just received. She picks it up and looks at it. It was from Charlie “Good Morning Charlie, do you have any plans for today?”
“Good morning to you as well, Max. I was just planning on spending some time at home and doing some laundry and maybe some time by the pool. What’s up?”
“A group of us are getting together to go to Bush Gardens. I was wondering if you would like to join me?”
“You do know I have a girlfriend, don’t you?”
“Yes, and she can come along as well. I just hate going by myself to places like that.”
Max could understand that. It was kind of boring to walk around places like that by yourself.
“Let me see if my girlfriend is available first and I’ll text you back.”
“That’s fine.”
Max sends a text to Brandi to see what she is doing. She didn’t want Brandi to think she was cheating on her. After a few minutes, Brandi informs Max that she has to work and to go ahead and go with Charlie and his friends. She needs to socialize more.
Max sends a kiss and hug to Brandi. She also arranges to send flowers to Brandi while she is at work.
“Brandi has to work, so I’m available. What time will you be by?”
“How about in an hour? Will that give you enough time to change?”
“If I hurry, yeah. I’ll see you then.” Max grabs her breakfast dishes and heads inside the house to get ready.
By the time Charlie arrives at Max’s place. It was more than ten minutes after he told her he be there. He gets out of the SUV he had arrived in and runs towards Max’s front door. He pressed the doorbell, which he realized was one of those video types.
“I’m on my way down.” Max had put on a sundress and a pair of low-heeled saddles.
Charlie smiles when he hears Max’s voice come over the speaker. He looks around the neighborhood and notices it is a nice middle-class neighborhood. People kept their lawns well-trimmed and green.
Charlie turns around when the front door opens. A smile appears on his face as he looks at Max standing at the entrance.
“Are you ready?”
“Yep, let’s go.” Max blushes as she closes the door behind her.
When Max gets in the SUV, she notices several other people. There were two other girls, along with two other guys. She sits down by the window, with Charlie sitting next to her.
Charlie looks at everyone “Everyone this I Max. Max, this is my cousin Harry and his girlfriend Violet. They have been together since high school. Behind us are Mitch and his cousin Emilly. Mitch is a football player and his cousin plays the violin in the local orchestra.”
“It’s nice to meet all of you and for inviting me.” Max smiles at everyone.
“I hope you enjoy yourself, today Max.” Harry smiles at Max.
He heard about the transgender girl at the high school that got hurt. There weren’t any pictures of the person in the newspaper, so he had no
idea who the person was. Now, that he has met Max, he couldn’t see how this young lady could have been born a girl. She was cute looking.
Harry drives the group to Bush Gardens. It was a long drive from where they lived. By the time they arrived, they had been on the road for two and a half hours. They made one stop at a rest area for several people to go to the bathroom and grab some drinks from the vending machines.
Charlie stays with Max as they explore the park. They stand in line for several of the rides. There was one ride that Max had to hold her top against her chest. The wind it created was so strong, that it caused her top to fall, exposing her lace pink bra underneath.
Charlie was a gentleman and didn’t stare when it happened. He just smirked when it happened. They stopped to have lunch in Germany and had dessert later in the France section of the park.
Charlie won Max a huge pink teddy bear that they carried around for a while. He had watched as Max tried to win it for herself and saw how pitiful she was doing. So, he did it for her.
By the time they left the park and before heading home. They stopped at a buffet for dinner. They had to tie Max’s giant bear up on the roof of the SUV since it was too big for the inside.
Max is dropped off first and she hugs Charlie. She looks at him “Thank you for the bear and the fun day.”
“I’m glad you had fun.” He hugs her back, before walking off towards the SUV.
Max walks inside the house carrying her huge teddy bear. She had no idea where she was going to put it. She heads upstairs to her bedroom and sets the bear on the floor near her desk.
She puts on the baby blue teddy her mother bought for her to wear. She loved how it looked on her body and felt as well. She lays down on her bed and snuggles deep under the covers.
During the night, Max tosses and turns. She wakes up sweating as the nightmare of what happened to her caused her to shiver. She looks around her bedroom and realizes she is safe.
She lays back down and tries to go back to sleep.
Max was sitting at her desk answering some emails. She takes a sip from her coffee cup and finishes answering the current email. It was a registration form for lifeguard lessons and scuba classes. The dive center was giving both lessons and they started the next week. She pays the required fees for both classes and sends the application.
Max leans back in her computer chair and takes another sip from her coffee cup. She looks over towards the huge bear sitting in her bedroom. She had fun at Bush Gardens with Charlie. Her girlfriend came by and noticed the huge bear as well. They talked about it, and Amber wasn’t upset or anything. Amber just wished she could have gone with her.
As Max is relaxing and enjoying the quietness in the house. Max’s cell phone starts ringing. She picked it up and saw that Detective Spade was calling her. She presses accept “Good morning, Detective. What can I do for you?”
“Good morning to you too, Max. I’m calling to let you know, Shawn Grubbs has been arrested and is on his way back here to stand trial for his crimes. I thought you would like to know.” Detective Spade knew Max and her mother had been hoping they would find Shawn.
Yes, Max was upset that Shawn did what he did to her. She never did anything to Shawn, hell they used to be friends. They used to play together in the park and go biking on weekends until Shawn made new friends who were bullies.
“Have you called my mother yet and let her know, Detective?” Max knew her mother would want to know.
“No, not yet. I thought I would let you know first. I know what Shawn did to you wasn’t right. Plus, it will give you some peace of mind that he is back.”
Tears start forming in Max’s eyes and sliding down her cheek. The nightmares weren’t as bad as they used to be, but they still haunted her dreams.
“Thank you, Detective. How soon will Shawn stand trial?” Max wanted to be there when he did.
“By the end of next week. We’re going to make sure he pays for what he did to you.” Detective Spade knew Judge Cummings was going to bury Shawn Grubbs for the crime he committed and for fleeing to another state.
“I want to be there, Detective.” Max wanted to face Shawn for what he did.
“Oh, you’ll be there, Max. Prosecutor Goldcrest is going to want you there, so you can tell the jury what happened to you. She should be contacting you soon.” Detective Spade knew Elizabeth wanted to talk with Max.
“Thanks, detective.”
“You’re welcome, Max. I’ll call back later to talk with your mother and give her and your attorney the details for the trial.”
Detective Spade ends the call. He starts dialing Max’s mother's number again, hoping she will pick up.
Max leans back in her computer chair as the tears continue. She was so happy that Shawn was finally caught and that he was going to pay for almost killing her. She wipes the tears away with the back of her hand and grabs some tissue from the tissue box sitting on her nightstand.
Max blows her nose and tosses the used tissue into the trashcan next to her desk. She gets up and goes downstairs to grab a fruit juice from the refrigerator. She grabs a pineapple and orange juice mixed. She stands there thinking about the day she was hit in the middle of the forehead by a slung shot. She didn’t see the attacker, but she was told Shawn had done it.
Max turns and leaves the kitchen and goes back upstairs to her bedroom. She wishes that she could be turned into a woman instantly, but knew that would never happen. The pills and shots she was taking were slowly, but surely changing her.
As for Shawn, she hopes they send him to the worst prison they have. Max gathers her clothes up walks back downstairs and puts them in the laundry. She adds detergent and presses the start button. She looks at her reflection in the clear window of the washer.
She saw a sad person looking back at her. She was trying very hard to get over what was done to her.
“He’ll get what is due to him.” As Max presses the start button and heads back upstairs to her bedroom.
Max was nervous as she sat next to Prosecutor Goldcrest at the front of the court. She knew her girlfriend, her mother, and Charlie were sitting behind her. She had learned that Shawn Grubbs had been captured and brought back to stand trial for his crimes. They were there to support her during the trial.
Max watches as the bailiff escorts Shawn into court. She couldn’t believe how her old friend changed. He no longer looked like the guy she grew up with but like someone who had joined the military. He had a few tattoos on his face and arms.
She watches as he is escorted to his attorney’s table. Max notices that the person representing Shawn is wearing an expensive suit. She wonders how Shawn managed to afford an expensive lawyer.
The judge walks in, and everyone is asked to stand. Afterward, when the judge sits down, everyone is allowed to sit. Once everyone is seated, the case is announced.
Throughout the opening, questions are asked, and statements are made. Max tries to recall everything that occurred that day. Shawn's lawyer asks questions about Max’s relationship with Shawn and whether she has ever flirted or tried to seduce Shawn.
Shawn’s lawyer questions the forensics process and how they managed to lift his fingerprints. Also, how the police were able to say for sure that Shawn had been the shooter. Shawn’s lawyer was trying everything he could to place doubt about the evidence and Max’s statement.
Luckily, the judge didn’t believe anything the lawyer was doing. He could see through the tactic and would note the statements made. By the time everything was said and done. Shawn is charged with attempted murder and life in prison.
By the time Max and her family left the courthouse, Max was in tears with relief. She was so happy and sad that justice had been served, but she wished her old friend hadn’t gone down the path he did.
For the rest of the summer, Brandi, Max, Charlie, and whoever Charlie is dating at the time spend a lot of time together. They become close friends and do a lot of things together. Max likes the fact that Charlie has no problem hanging with two lesbians.
After Brandi drops Max at home one night, Max stops and looks up into the night sky and spots a meteorite streak across the sky. A smile forms on her face as she heads towards the front door, the smile still on her face.