Changing Roles
By Julie Dawn Cole
Chapter 11
I was on a high and no way would I be able to sleep and since it wasn’t too late I messaged Sally to see if she was still up and available for a chat. Within minutes she called me back, keen to know what Emily had wanted to discuss with me. She was worried in case it was bad news. She immediately sensed that I was on a high and that I had so much to tell her that I was having difficulty getting the words out.
‘Sally she just wanted to reassure me that she fully understood my personal situation and that she wanted to help. She was so pleased to receive confirmation that Rao is paying up and she was amazing today. I can’t believe how my luck has suddenly changed and I am sure she wants me to stay with the company and to work for her using my experience. She fills me with confidence and who cares if people think I’ve been demoted. She says she wants me to carry on as her PA.’
‘I’ve never seen you so excited as this before. Something must have happened.’
‘Well she did tell me a lot about her personal life that shows her trust in me. I can’t say anything about what she said but she was also smart enough to work out that I have a feminine side and she said that is the side of me that she thinks needs to be developed because it’s why I gained respect with people and their trust.’
‘So did you tell her that occasionally you like to dress and go out as a woman?’
‘No. She found out from somebody at work and I’m sure it wasn’t you who told her.’
‘I have never said anything to anybody so unless somebody has seen you around town or is making assumptions because you are single I don’t think there is an explanation. I never heard any rumours or tittle tattle. There are plenty of gossips who would love to spend hours making up stories or spreading lies.’
‘I know but I’ve always trusted you and I never let anybody else see me dressed.’
‘So if Emily knows is she prepared to keep your secret.’
‘Not exactly. She says she thinks I should be a little more expressive at work and let staff see the other side of me without going over the top.’
‘What? She says you can cross-dress at work? ‘
‘Not exactly. She says I should let my hair down and wear a little make-up.’
‘Let your hair down? You mean sing and dance?’
‘No silly. I know you are joking. She means to dispense with the ponytail.’
‘Well just be careful Jules you have a lot to lose and nothing to gain. I don’t want to see you hurt. You were a great boss to me and I owe you a lot.’
‘Thanks Sally but I don’t think Emily is intent on doing anything except trying to help me. She has some experience with a person who struggled with gender dysphoria.’
‘But Jules you don’t have gender dysphoria just a liking for dressing as a female. I don’t think you want to live full time as a woman surely.’
‘Why not? It’s not bad is it? Of course, I haven’t had any desires to live full time but lately I’ve had pangs I must admit since I’ve taken the job as PA and had to wear a uniform.’
‘You should have objected. I think it was a deliberate trick not an accident at all. You had grounds to just walk out, and you’d have won in court.’
‘But really Sally I let it happen and I couldn’t stop myself. It’s so difficult to explain. I didn’t think anybody would notice yet I would know. It is the same feeling I’ve had every time I dress and go out except it is lasting all day.’
‘Well I admit that you do seem like a new person and it’s all credit to Emily for protecting us from unemployment and giving you the chance.’
‘But it seems like I’ve taken your job. You were my secretary.’
‘I don’t have any complaints since I have a similar role working for Melanie and with the same terms and conditions. It’s not as demanding so I have more time with my husband that he likes. I think Emily will expect a lot from you once she settles in. She is smart.’
‘Well, I’m glad that you don’t resent me accepting the job and I don’t know what I’d have done if you had fallen out with me.’
‘Well on that point I’d better go as my husband has already gone upstairs to bed and he’ll be waiting for some happy time.’
‘Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you but I really appreciate the chat.’
‘One last thing Jules. How was the meal and the venue? Steve is sure to ask me since he knows it was you on the phone.’
‘Oh sorry. It was really good. Emily was impressed and the staff were so polite and efficient. She has asked me to set up an account there, so we use it with clients. She paid for everything that was a first for me. I could get used to it.’
‘Well sleep well and I’ll see you in the morning.’
‘Yes and I hope Steve is keeping everything warm for you.’
‘I needn’t worry about that. He is always ready. I need to put something in his food I think to calm him down If I stay in my seat most of tomorrow, you’ll know why. Better you come to meet me I think rather than expecting me to call by your office.’
By the time I’d rung off I was feeling a lot more relaxed. I was happy for Sally because I knew they were both trying for a family and I hoped tonight was the night. I guess that was why she was happy for me to take the role of Emily’s PA. Zero chance of me ever being in that situation, but it did make me think about Emily. What if ever she became pregnant and decided to be a stay-at-home mum? No chance. She is a career woman and no sign of her being in a relationship as far as I could tell.
I hugged my pillow and had a good night’s sleep. I did dream a little but all thoughts of work and problems with staff or the business were far from my mind. I expected they were burdens that Emily was now carrying and hopefully she would cope much better than me.
I treated myself to an extra ten minutes in bed since I would be driving to the office rather than catching a bus. I felt relaxed and so I took a quick bath rather than a shower and reflected on my growing relationship with Emily. I would never have expected that I’d find a boss better than George if I’d been asked a few weeks ago. I didn’t want to let him see me like this in a secretarial role where I’d given up the responsibilities, he’d loaded upon me. I had hoped that one day I’d be joining him but right now my allegiance was clearly with Emily. How amazing was that in such a short time. I hoped I wasn’t getting infatuated by her but she seemed so special.
I thought about the encouraging comments that Emily had made over dinner and decided to wear a little make-up and style my hair rather than scrunch it up into a pony tail. I wished I had a greater selection of blouses, but I washed through the one I’d worn in the meeting with Rao and hung it to dry. I opted for a company tee shirt. It looked ok but I decided to be more adventurous and wear a lightweight bra underneath. I still wasn’t happy until I added some of my smaller size silicone inserts. They were sufficient to give the illusion of small breasts and the tee shirt now looked to be a perfect fit. Dare I? I removed them.
I had breakfast and tidied around so that my apartment looked spick and span since I was visiting mum and dad later after work. I wore the jacket I’d purchased from M&S then stopped at my door. I shouldn’t be such a coward and I should consider that Emily had encouraged me to be more adventurous, so I re-inserted them. I felt amazing. I could always remove them at work if I changed my mind.
As I walked to my car I passed two residents chatting to the car park attendant. They glanced in my direction that gave me a massive feeling of butterflies in my stomach but then they smiled. I’m sure they knew it was me. I wished I’d been brave enough to wear heel but that was for another time if today went well.
At the office it felt like I was walking the plank as I made my way along the corridor and through the entrance to our department. A few people were arriving at the same time but everybody seemed pre-occupied. Lucky me.
Emily was already in her office with the door shut so I deposited my bag and switched on my computer and knocked on her door. She invited me in and turned to look at me.
‘Well Julia you look delightful today. I hope you enjoyed our dinner together last night. I’m glad that you took my advice. How about some coffee to get the day going then you can contact the other two rascals and tell them I want to see them in my office? Go for 9-30 and 10-30 please and no excuses. I was going to ask HR to send someone to sit in but I think it would be better if that’s you and you can take notes.’
‘OK Emily who do you want first?’
Either will do. Let’s start with Ricky Robinson. He seems to be the cocky one who sneered a lot during my presentation. I think the other one follows his lead. That’s Bill Whittaker isn’t it?’
‘Yes he’s the older one and he trained the other two.’
‘So I enjoyed last night. It was a good choice so well done. I never expected to find such a venue here close to our workplace. It was high quality at a fair price with good service and plenty of privacy. You did drop on a good night though. I hope you weren’t too embarrassed. Still we blended in quite well don’t you think.’
‘Yes I’m sorry about that but it was a surprise to me. I’ve never heard anybody talk about it and I suppose most people in our company prefer lower cost and less salubrious surroundings. You were very kind to pay. Will you let me pay my half of the bill at least.’
‘No it was my treat. We needed to chill out and I’m glad you were able to join me. I appreciate you changing things around, so I expect you’ll visit your family tonight after work?’
‘Yes. I am looking forward to seeing them although I’ll have to go early before they get ready for bed. Neither mum or my dad are able to understand too much about what’s going on. It’s so sad to see. My aunt is pretty much in the same condition.’
‘Well don’t forget my request to go shopping together and to book a spa day if this fits. I don’t want to distract you again from visiting.’
‘I will be happy to join you since I find weekends do drag. I’ve nothing arranged and I will be pleased to accompany you although I’m nervous about going to a spa. Do they have mixed sessions?’
‘I’ll leave that to you to investigate. I never thought about it before to be honest. I’ve usually gone with a group of girlfriends.’
I sorted out Emilys coffee and then called Ricky Robinson. He was on his breakfast break so he wasn’t very happy to be interrupted and he let me know about it. ‘ What does madam want then? I’m a busy man. Some of us have work to do unlike you and madam. She’s taken Georges job so who took yours? Seem like you don’t need to be replaced as you had a nothing job like most of that lot up there.’
‘Well Ricky I think it’s best if you attend as requested. Emily is the new CEO and she wants a face to face meeting with you.’
‘I’ll see if I can re-schedule a test and just tell her she is costing the Company a lot of money.’
I so wanted to say something rude back to him and I felt he showed no respect at all. I was pretty sure he knew what was coming and no doubt Jack Henshaw had updated him on the previous day’s events.
When I rang Bill Whittaker he was much calmer and more respectful. He was polite and clearly very nervous since he had a lot more to lose than the other two. He asked if I was alright and apologised for not saying something to me and thanking me for my past support. I would be surprised if he had done anything illegal or been involved in back handers. He had always been a reliable worker, but it seemed like his two colleagues had let him down.
At 9-25 am Ricky turned up at my desk. I was surprised he was on time but he wasn’t any more polite than he’d been on the phone.
‘Is this you sucking up to madam. Has she got you dressing like a woman and behaving like one already? She better not try with me. This is a man’s industry and she better realise that the company is only as good as the key people in the workshops who are the real brains. Are you gay or something? We need George back in charge. She hasn’t a clue about the business. Who does she think she is? Let her go run a fashion company or a supermarket chain. If she wants a fight, then she’ll get one from me. I don’t need this job so she’d better take care or I’m off. I can walk into a job anywhere with my track record.’
I didn’t think his attitude would get him far enough to even sit down never mind exchange opinions. He had never behaved like this before. I concluded he had been in cahoots with Jack Henshaw and was scared he was in trouble. I called HR who were late and they said they were just preparing something for the meeting and would be joining us shortly.
I knocked on Emilys door and we went into her office. She never looked up and so we stood waiting for her to finish what she was doing.
After what seemed an age, she spoke. ‘Mr Robinson there is no need for me to delay you so no need for you to sit down. You have a choice to make. You can leave the premises immediately of your own accord or you can be escorted by our security staff. You have taken advantage of the trust of the company management, and we don’t want anything to do with you anymore.’
‘You can’t do that. This company is built around people like me who have the expertise and the skills to give customers what they want.’
‘Yes that’s true. The trouble is that they are supposed to pay the company not you.’
‘Are you accusing me of something? I worked hard to develop the equipment we supply and make it work. It’s my skill that customers appreciate, and they come back for more.’
‘I think you should go home and think about what you just said. You are an employee like we are and we all work for the company and its shareholders.’
‘Look you need me so best you retract your threat and I’ll head back to my office and get back to work. Just call George Garside if you want to know my value. My team are called the Invincibles. Nobody can beat us.’
‘Well every team has a weak link and we just found the main flaw in the Invincibles team.’ T
‘Jack Henshaw told me you were trouble and that you have accused him of taking bribes. If you are accusing me of the same thing, then you’d better put it in writing or say it in front of witnesses.’
‘Julian is here as a witness. Ah here is Ms Latimer from HR who I believe you know. Yes we are certain that you have both been receiving gifts and other benefits in kind from our customers. Once we have conducted a full investigation then you will be hearing from us through the Company solicitor. In the meantime, here is a letter of confirmation that you are immediately suspended without pay until further notice. Now is it to be with a security escort to the door or with Ms Latimer’
He left with Ms Latimer.
‘Now then Julia will you quickly type up your notes recording the meeting for our records. HR can send a copy to him. Next step is what to do about Bill Whittaker? I don’t think he has been involved but we still need to interview him. We are going to need him to advise us who he has trained as back up to these two rogues.’
I went to my desk and typed as fast as I could and just about finished when Bill Whittaker arrived. He was ten minutes early. He looked at me somewhat surprised I suppose to see me in Sally’s old seat typing away with my head down.
‘Oh Julian I thought it was a new secretary. You look different. Are you OK?’
‘Yes I’m fine thanks Bill. Other than my new job I haven’t changed.’
‘But you look so different and I thought it was a.. Sorry I don’t mean to be offensive but you do look different.’
‘It’s OK Bill but be prepared to give some honest answers in your meeting with Ms. Waterton. She likes honesty and you have nothing to gain by staying quiet.’
‘OK. I have no idea what is happening around here and we have just kept our heads down in the workshop. Nobody tells us anything.’
‘Well Emily will no doubt be making some announcements in due course and she is shaking things up a bit. It seems much worse than it is and things will quickly settle down I’m sure.’
Ms Latimer arrived and shook Bills hand. He’d never met her before since she’d only been with the company a few months. I’d actually recruited her so my situation was a little awkward to say the least.
I knocked on Emilys door and we were invited in and sat down. Bill looked nervous and stuttered a good morning.’
Emily sat up straight in her chair. ‘ Now then Bill, or is it William? Thanks for coming to see me.’
He responded and said everyone calls him Bill except his wife.
Emily explained that she understood that he was one of the three key managers in production who developed and installed the company products and production lines that he acknowledged.
‘Bill I’m going to get straight to the point there has been some serious misbehaviour going on involving equipment we have supplied and I want to know if you were part of it?’
‘I’m sorry Ms Waterton but I’ve no idea what you are talking about. I’ve been too busy sorting out design faults and modifying control systems to ensure we meet the specifications and meet our profit margins to get involved with politics or anything else.’
‘I understand you were responsible for training Jack Henshaw and Ricky Robinson. Is that right?’
‘Yes I was as Julian here knows. They were both good at their jobs and learned quickly.’
‘So how do you feel about them Bill? Have they achieved the success you expected?’
‘Not really. They seem to have changed and in particular Ricky became difficult to manage so I relied on Jack. I had too much to sort out. I don’t think either of them understood that they were given chances that others would have liked.’
‘So were they close?’
‘Yes too close and I suspect that they were doing things on the side to line their own pockets.’
‘So did you think about telling anybody about your concerns?’
‘I did. I told George Garside but then the next thing I knew he was gone. After that I just kept my head down like most people. He was a good guy.’
‘Shouldn’t you have told Julian? Why George?’
‘I’ve known George a long time, he hired me and Julian rarely came into the workshops or to site like George used to do. It was a sensitive subject.’
‘Mo doubt George can verify this?’
‘I have no doubts at all. He is straight as a dye like most of us who work here. Two bad apples don’t spoil the crop’
‘So you have no problem working for me then?’
‘Not if you have the courage to sort these two out and believe me.’
‘Well Bill I’m pleased to hear your honesty and you’ll be glad to know that action has already been taken. I don’t tolerate collusion or people cheating the company and fellow employees. Now tell me if I give you the responsibly of finding replacements will you take that task?’
‘We already have suitable candidates but I’m not sure you’ll approve them.’
‘Why wouldn’t I approve them? If you’ve trained them and recommend them I’d be a fool to ignore you.’
‘Well Ms Waterton the problem is that both are male and as I understand you prefer to adjust the gender balance in the company. We don’t have any women down on the tools.’
Emily just laughed. ‘Bill I admire your directness but you are wrong. I’ve a responsibility to shareholders and I’ve replaced ineffective staff with fresh talent. I don’t have any prejudice and hopefully that message will soon get across.’