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Tammyverse Book 13
Royal Retreat
Part 9 Hook Line & Sinker Shiraz & Snowfall
Please note this is a work of fiction and any references to real people, real institutions or real heavily armed military units are for artistic purposes only!
Tammy took Saturday’s oh-seven-hundred briefing in her shorts and T, fresh from PT.
“Good morning all. The overnight crew send their regards and claim they had a totally non-eventful time on the water.” She was careful not to use the famed Q word of doom. “The situation remains the same – we have two tangos in the area but no confirmation of their target yet, whilst the fishermen, tourists and press have kept out of the way. The US Coastguard are taking a wider tour around the islands, aiming to stop drug smuggling plus issuing advice to anyone who hasn’t already heard the message. I’m a little concerned about the broadcast they’re putting out though, has anyone else heard it?”
A couple said they had.
“Okay, the message reads ‘All these islands are yours, except Kestrel, attempt no landing there.’ It’s a film reference but I don’t think it’s strictly legal under maritime law.”
Tammy saw one, two smiling faces but otherwise was looking at a whole load of blanks. She pointed at one of the smilers. “Go on, explain!”
“Easy, Ma’am, it’s adapted from 2001 A Space Odyssey. It’s a message from the monolith.”
That didn’t help many of the blank faces.
“Okay, our resident nerd has it correct. Remind me to keep the cultural references out of my speeches! Dismissed.”
Tammy grabbed breakfast then walked into the office, searching for coffee fit for consumption. Kimberly was on the phone. Tammy couldn’t hear the other end of the call.
"How long ago?" Kimberly asked then wrote as she spoke. "Five days. Did they file any plans with the harbormaster? I see. Thank you."
As Kimberly disconnected Tammy asked. "News?"
"El Piñata." Kimberly replied as she dialled a new call, speaking when the call connected. "We have the name of the vessel, Major. El Piñata. It departed Guánica, Puerto Rico five days ago. No plans filed. Yes, Sir. We'll keep working on it. Out."
Kimberly disconnected and grabbed her radio. "Rodrick, Pete, Carl and Eddie. Reach out to all sources in the Caribbean. We are searching for a vessel called El Piñata. Information is that she left Guánica Puerto Rico five days ago, destination unknown."
Various replies came in and Kimberly finally looked to Tammy. "We have had a development."
"This El Piñata?" Tammy asked.
"Correct. It's one of the mother-ships for the sub we're looking for. According to a mole in the Mexican Navy, El Piñata is the only vessel associated with the submarine that is unaccounted for. Logs for the Panama Canal Authority have a toll being paid by the vessel." Kimberly said.
Tammy looked puzzled. "If the boat and sub are drug runners, why would they pay a toll?"
"No vessel can pass through the route without paying. It's tightly controlled. So tight, that even a man who dared to swim the canal paid a toll. Thirty-eight cents." Kimberly chuckled.
Tammy laughed. "That's funny."
"Yeah, but true. Because they are so tightly controlled, we now know the boat came through. It then went to Puerto Rico. From there we don't know. Yet." Kimberly said firmly.
Tammy nodded. "Right. I understand this is important; but could you give me a better idea of how it could impact you?"
"Sure." Kimberly replied then explained. "Because this is a mother-ship and sub, here's how they work. The boat can lay off a coast in international waters, say fifty miles. The sub can then run from the boat to the coast transporting contraband or personnel unobserved multiple times during the night then ex-filtrate by dawn. By all outward appearances the boat would seem to be hauling in nets or other fishing methods during the night then depart when full or to another location to repeat operations. Ten to twenty tons of contraband would be moved fairly fast."
Tammy thought about it. "That translates into millions."
"Since the transfer is so successful, they charge more for it. About twenty-six thousand for one kilo of pharmaceutical grade cocaine. This is pure. Ninety four percent pure or better. One such kilo can be cut, stepped on, six times easily. That's plenty to worry us. The reason why is that someone willing to pay that price for that service will be expecting several shipments. These guys aren't one and done dealers. They are the distributors. That's if it's just drugs. Think of this; the pipeline can run two ways. The sub can take things back to the boat. Money, people, anything that will fit. That is also profit. Smuggling people is very profitable. Once they're in the states, it's hard to keep up with them. A private plane can have them across the country in hours. Only certain states actually check the people passing through on the roads."
"Human trafficking." Tammy surmised then understood completely. "Slaves."
Kimberly nodded. "They aren't just for the brothels. They can be found in many places. Greed knows no bounds. People, weapons, electronics, money, jewels, precious metals and drugs fetch a high price. For some, it doesn't have to be illegal, they just want untraceable. They don't want anyone to know they have whatever it is. Sometimes because of taxes, other times because it reveals what they are. Hostile entities."
"Kim." Eddie called over the radio.
Kimberly answered. "Go."
"You said the Piñata?" Eddie asked.
"Georgetown, Great Exuma." Eddie said then added. "Yesterday. Not in port now. No plan filed. It was steaming North."
"I'll call Malcolm." Rodrick cut in.
Kimberly looked over to Tammy. "RBDF. Patrol Squadron."
"Oh." Tammy knew from previous briefings they were the Royal Bahamain Defence Force and the Patrol Squadron were the Naval branch.
The phone rang and Kimberly snatched it up. "Go. Yes, she is. I'll put you on speaker."
Kimberly put the call on speaker. "Go ahead."
"Ever heard of one Lucinda Olsonova, Tammy-girl?" Krystel asked.
Tammy answered immediately. "Never. Why?"
"That's your mystery-chick's name. Take a wild guess where she's from." Krystel said.
Tammy shrugged at Kimberly and answered. "Russia?"
"Estonia." Krystel corrected.
"Estonia?" Tammy repeated then her eyes went wide. "BOLLOCKS! Don't tell me she is connected to the twins!"
Krystel dropped the bomb. "Her mother was in the same unit as their father. She was left behind as well, but unlike their father, the mother was shot and killed when that deal went tits-up."
"That would be a yes, she is connected." Kimberly almost growled then directed to Krystel. "So what's her deal?"
"She likes money. Does anything for it. If she can stick it to Russia, even better. However, it’s believed she is loyal to the Lavoska twins. They sent her lots of work for good pay it seems. Since Christmas she's been looking for ways to annoy the Brits and get paid for it." Krystel summarized.
Kimberly looked at Tammy then asked. "Is she gunning for our girl?"
"Not sure. She may not know she had anything to do with the parakeet op. If she does, she may not know Tammy’s in the area." Krystel replied.
“Hey, I need to know if there’s any chatter about me?”
“Don’t you think you would have been notified by your own people, Tammy?”
She shook her head. “Are you for real? I’m always the last to know and they’ve tagged me as a rogue agent before now rather than accept that I had genuine intelligence.”
“Yeah, like when True Freedom first arrived on the scene?”
“I was the sacrificial lamb. I would not rely on any intel trickling down to me, so can we use that array of yours to search for it?”
The room went quiet.
“Shit! Sorry.”
“Not everyone on this island is cleared for everything we do. At this moment, only you know we provided you with intel on the four man boat crew. Not even Wells has raised the subject with your agencies. This is why I told you to send in her picture. We need your people to find her first. Do not, under any circumstances, repeat what you have heard. This intel is not cleared for distribution. UNDERSTOOD?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
"A way to remember about discretion will be arranged. Dismissed."
Tammy went out. She knew she had crossed a line, that much was clear, and her self confidence had taken a knock. She nearly didn’t see Lieutenant Vance approaching her.
“Captain, Ma’am, I have a message for you.”
“Go ahead.”
“Please contact DS Garston from the close protection team regarding a request from the Prince.”
Tammy went to the British command post and retrieved a secure radio.
“This is Captain Smart requesting talk-through with DS Garston.”
The connection took a few seconds to be established.
“Ah, Miss Smart?”
“How can I help you?”
“His Royal Highness would like to go fishing.”
“Can’t the SBS help with that?”
“He doesn’t want to scare the fish away and doesn’t want a full military outfit surrounding the boat. I’ll accompany his Highness.”
“I see, so we provide low key cover but with support nearby?”
“Correct, and he’s requested you as the boat master.”
“Yes, by name. It seems you came highly recommended.”
“Someone appreciates me? Okay, when is this planned for?”
“Tomorrow morning at eight. There is one further request.”
“He requests that no military clothing is to be worn but you are to wear Lord Mason’s uniform. I have no idea what that is.”
Tammy knew everyone in the room could see her face turn absolute red. “That’s okay, I’ll just have to remember not to kill the messenger.”
Tammy decided to follow protocol and let the Lieutenant Colonel know about the plan.
“It’s my role to allocate personnel, Captain.”
“This was a personal request from the Royals, Sir. I don’t believe a refusal is permitted.”
“You’ll be representing the Army and Navy, god help us!”
“I have been asked not to wear any insignia, so as not to bring attention to the boat or occupants. That raises another issue, Sir, all of the RIBs that form part of the detachment are clearly UK military. I would need a vessel that blends into the environment. My relationship with our hosts should solicit such a boat.”
If she hadn’t damaged that relationship.
“I’ll take this arrangement under advisement, if it is necessary to allocate someone else to the boat then I will make that decision and carry the responsibility.”
“Understood, Sir.”
Tammy watched him rush over to a Puma spinning its rotors, climb aboard and take off.
An hour earlier Tammy would have booked one of the cigarette boats then gone into Freetown to find a new bikini – she knew exactly the style she wanted. Right now, was it wise for her to be seen in Freetown and was it sensible to make any request of Kimberly or any of the Ram’s Rock crew?
It was barely nine in the morning and she had no idea if the rest of the day was long enough to fix this.
The Lieutenant Colonel had gone over to Kestrel Island to liaise with the Close Protection team so Tammy was, theoretically, in command back on Ram's Rock. It was, strictly speaking, a time wasting exercise but she decided to tour or contact each of the teams. She started in the command and communications centre.
Given that her arrival was unexpected, the personnel automatically saluted.
“Stand down, please. I’m here to check if everything is running according to plan?”
The duty lieutenant spoke up.
“Yes, ma’am, all is as expected.”
“I see you gained extra supplies from this morning’s flight?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“You said everything was okay, but that’s just the official answer. Now, tell me, how bad is the SNAFU?”
“What’s going wrong and how are you covering it up?”
“The heat has affected some of our electronics kit.”
“Do you have spares?”
“Limited, we’re using fans to keep the working kit working.”
“I see, what’s the timescale for replacing the broken kit?”
“Four to five days, that takes us to near the end of the deployment.”
“And that’s supplied from the UK?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Is it standard NATO kit?”
“Speak to Captain Lando in the hangar office and give her your requirements. If replacements are available, she can find them.”
“Understood, Ma’am, thank you.”
“So, what’s the next issue?”
“Over the past few hours we’ve been detecting low level interference on our encrypted radios, but at times it’s caused communication problems when the team is furthest away.”
“It could be a local RF source or perhaps a jamming signal.”
“Are you using Spread Spectrum?”
“Not by default, but can we have authority to reprogram the radios for the next crew who go out?”
“Granted, will that be quick?”
“No, Ma’am, we’ll have to suffer the interference for a few more hours.”
“Okay, out of interest, why wasn’t Spread Spectrum being used from the start?”
“It was a mission directive.”
“I see. Carry on.”
“Thank you Ma’am.” He saluted, Tammy returned the salute before spinning on her heels.
Next was the medical bay, two guys were being treated so the nursing staff were occupied. Maisie was unpacking boxes.
“Extra supplies, Maisie?”
“Yes, we put out a request and it seems there was a Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship in the region so they flew over what we wanted.”
“That’s useful.”
“They also took the guy who was on a charge, his infection wasn’t responding to the drugs we have.”
“I see, so we’re one person down?”
“That’s how I see it.”
Tammy went back to speak to the Lieutenant.”
“You didn’t tell me that we’d lost a man?”
“He wasn’t allocated to you, Ma’am.”
“That wasn’t your decision to make. I had to find out from the medical staff that a member of the team who couldn’t keep his dick in his shorts has now been airlifted off the island. I don’t find that acceptable behaviour and I don’t like being kept in the dark about it.”
“Ma’am, I was instructed not to tell you. That was a command that I didn’t agree with.”
“I see. Who commanded you? …. No, don’t answer. I will deal with it.” Tammy said then left.
Too many things were going on. What should she tackle first, and how?
"You keep zoning out like that, the seagulls will shit on you."
Tammy snapped out of her thoughts and looked to see Rodrick beside her. He was in a wetsuit.
"Sorry, sir."
Rodrick waved her to follow. "Come on. Tell me about it while I gear up."
Tammy followed him into the hangar. Rodrick began pulling his dive gear from a locker.
"So what's your problem?"
"I made a mistake. I forgot that you all can't constantly feed us intel." Tammy said.
Rodrick nodded while working. "Kim give you her patented 'die now you moron' look?"
"I wouldn't say that, but she was not thrilled with me." Tammy admitted.
"Did she tell you to get out or just point at the door?"
"She dismissed me."
"You're okay. If she was pissed, she would've just pointed at the door or threw you down the stairs. Just remember what she told you. Is that it?" Rodrick asked, setting up his rebreather.
Tammy shook her head. "The Prince wants to go fishing in the morning. He also wants me to take him and be in 'your' uniform."
That made Rodrick laugh. "What's Jeremy think of that?"
"I haven't told him that part." Tammy admitted. "I would prefer something different. I also need to use a boat."
"Use the cruiser, tell Carl and he'll get the fishing gear all set up. Lyssa can get you a socially acceptable bikini." Rodrick said and began to head out.
Tammy sighed, following him. "You make it sound so simple."
Outside they headed for the west cove.
"Tammy, you stepped on your tits, as we say. But you haven't blown our opsec. Jeremy knows we're in tight with the Coasties and the Bahamians. He also knows we have shady contacts around the islands. However, if we start pulling high value intel that not even your side can get, then it's a problem. He thinks the intel you handed over about that team came from back home, not us. We need him to keep thinking that." Rodrick explained.
Their conversation was interrupted by Kimberly on the radio. "Rodrick."
Rodrick pulled the radio from his waist. "Go."
"Manuel Baptiste is on the phone."
"Mannie? I'll be right there!" Rodrick answered then looked at Tammy and pointed to the Rebreather rig. "Put this back for me!"
Tammy picked up the rebreather and followed as Rodrick ran back inside the hangar.
Out of curiosity she went back up to the office after shelving the unit. Rodrick was hanging up the phone.
"The Pinata is at Moore's Island." Rodrick informed Kimberly. "Mannie just spotted it. Their taking on fuel right now. A couple of Mexicans were talking and he heard them say they wished the men would show up because they don't want to hang around in harbor long after they pick up provisions."
"Did he hear them say what men?" Kimberly asked.
"Mannie said they called him El Ingles." Rodrick frowned then smacked his own head. "Fuck! Ingles! English!"
Kimberly tilted her head. "An Englishman?"
"Not English, a Kiwi. They don't know the difference between British, Australian and New Zealand accents. It all sounds the same to them. If it isn't an American accent, to them, it's English. To them there's Gringo english and British english. Son-of-a-bitch, they're meeting that fuck, Fielding!" Rodrick swore.
Kimberly stared hard. "That's reaching. Can't ignore it, but that's reaching. Where the hell did he get the millions to divert those assets here? We're talking fifty million or better, plus expenses."
"The woman." Tammy suggested. "The one that might be looking for me. Going after the royals is business. Going after me is personal, but if there's a chance to do both, it can't be passed up."
The phone rang again, Rodrick snatched it up. "RamAir. Hey Mannie."
Kimberly and Tammy went silent, watching Rodrick.
"Yeah. You sure? Absolutely postive? Okay. Good. Yeah. Just tell Kim if you get anything else. Okay. Thanks." Rodrick said then hung up. "Kim, pay Mannie twenty grand by morning. The boat will be moored until tomorrow night. El Ingles won't be there before noon tomorrow."
“So does that affect the Prince’s fishing trip?”
“When is it?”
“Eight tomorrow morning.”
“So it’s before El Ingles is out on the water? Should be okay.”
Tammy wasn’t convinced. “If we tell the British about the sub, and Kyle’s involvement, they’ll put Kestrel on lockdown or fly the principles out?”
“Correct, but how convincing are you going to be with plausibly deniability at your court martial?”
“So, we see if we can deal with the sub before it becomes a problem? The only definite intel is that a drugs sub is in the area?”
“And that’s a local issue, Tammy, understood?”
“Yes, Kimberly.”
“Good. Now, what support are you planning for your fishing trip?”
“I plan to stay within the cordon.”
“But if the Prince wants to go into deeper water, do you refuse?”
“I may have to.”
“Or you’ll just roll over and do as asked, so let's have a contingency for that.”
“Shouldn’t I be having this conversation with the Brits?”
“In due course, yes, but you need to go to the boss with a plan.”
“So I take another team out there as a sweeper boat?”
“Yes, that’s a start.”
“How about a drone?”
Rodrick replied. “The Brits might object.”
“Infra-red scanning? In case of stray boats or divers?”
“We’ll consider it.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Now, when was your last diving practice?”
“It’s been a while.”
“I suggest you get in the water.”
“I’ll speak to the SBS guys and see if I can borrow their kit.”
Immediately after lunch Tammy had managed to join a planned training session that the Special Boat Service was running, using a spare RIB as a diving platform. Once again they were a little surprised when she asked for a full rebreather set.
“Are you sure, Captain, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I qualified nearly a year ago, and before you ask me if it was a civvie course you should know that I tested at HMNB Clyde, Faslane if you wish.”
“Sorry, ma’am.”
“It was a reasonable question on safety grounds, but why did you need to ask it?”
“You don’t have a dolphin insignia, ma’am.”
Tammy filed that under advisement,wondering if her uniform would get crowded if she added all the patches she was apparently entitled to?
They were back two hours later and she had enjoyed it, whilst the team had been reassured that she was capable of using their equipment, albeit not as efficiently.
Lt Col. Jeremy Wells returned mid afternoon and called for Tammy.
“Status, Captain?”
“Personal or mission, Sir?”
“I’m interested if you’ve achieved anything?”
“I undertook a diving training session, Sir, and I sat in an intel briefing that our hosts held.”
“I see, is there anything we need to know?”
“A known mini submarine that has been used for drug smuggling has been noted in waters near here.”
“I see, is it a manned sub?”
“Unknown at this time. It does operate from a mother ship in international waters to deliver the drugs. I believe this information came from the local US Coastguard and they’ll deal with it.”
“The same Coastguard folk who helped with the terrorists capture?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“I see, carry on but keep me informed.”
“Certainly, Sir.”
Tammy skipped Sunday morning's PT so she could be at the dock shortly after six to meet with Carl, dressed as requested. Her sunglasses were parked in her hair.
“Thanks Carl, but this isn’t for you!”
Lyssa had provided Tammy with an updated version of the classic Ursula Andress bikini from the Dr No. film, complete with a knife belt. She was wearing white sneakers but was also carrying a pair of sandals with her.
Given that the Prince’s close protection team might object to a knife, she had re-purposed the knife belt to hold a small military handheld radio. Her phone was in a waterproof case and that was now clipped to the belt as well. In a small bag were essentials; lip balm, sunblock and other feminine supplies.
“Okay, Princess, the fishing kit is prepared. There’s bait in the well, please don’t put it in the cold locker. We'll never get the smell out!”
“Fine, bearing in mind I know nothing about fishing.”
“Girls.” Carl rolled his eyes.
“Hey, that’s sexist!”
“But true. What do you have for defense?"
"A disarming smile? The Royal's team aren't keen on anyone else having weapons."
"This is where you thank your uncle Carl. We got two lockboxes aboard. The one by the helm has two Glocks, both forty caliber and you have ten magazines. Press both sides of the panel to release it.” Carl said patting the panel then walked back to a bench seat.
"Push hard and this drops open. Three CAR-15s and twenty-eight magazines of five-five-six tungsten core rounds. Those are armor piercing. You also have six frag grenades and five concussion grenades. Frags won't do much underwater, but the concussions will. Throw one under a hull and it'll crack it. Four seconds on the frags, five on the concussions. You got all that, right?"
Tammy nodded. "Aye, aye. Thank you Uncle Carl."
Carl gave her a stern look. "I hope you listened well. The radio has presets. One is the patrols. Two is your C.I.C. here. Three is the Tower. Four is the Coasties. This is your radio fill."
Tammy looked to the small white board next to the radio Carl tapped. "Understood."
"Safety gear in this locker." Carl opened an orange hatch, cunningly disguised with the word "Rescue".
Tammy looked in and saw the lifevests. Instead of the standard boating vest, these were similar to a pilot's vest. The vest would inflate when the tab is pulled and also had a strobe attached. Another tab released a bright green dye-marker. There was also an orange dry-bag and a red dry-bag with a medical insignia.
"Life raft is here. Yank the cord and it pops open and inflates. Any questions?" Carl asked.
Tammy looked up. "I still don't know anything about fishing."
"Here's a cheat-sheet. Everything is color coded." Carl handed her a clipboard with laminated sheets attached.
Tammy looked the sheets over. Though they wouldn't make her an expert, they would help her muddle through. She was taken by surprise when Carl snapped something around her right wrist. It was some kind of bangle-style bracelet.
"If anything happens and you have to bail; break this open and you'll find instructions. Where to go, what to do, who to meet. If shit goes down, you take the Prince and bail. You don't worry about anything or anybody else. You take him and go. That's from the super-spook. Understood?" Carl asked.
Tammy sighed then nodded. "Aye, aye."
"Get aboard. I'll cast you off." Carl said.
Tammy stepped aboard the cruiser and started the engines. She checked the instruments and all were good. The line was tossed aboard and Carl pushed the boat away from the dock. The clock was now closer to seven.
"Underway!" Carl waved.
Tammy nodded and called back. "Underway!"
The sun was low and Tammy had dropped her glasses onto her nose to try and deal with the glare. Once completely clear of the dock she pushed the throttle to ten knots and left it there. There was no reason to rush as her pick up time was at eight.
She was ten minutes out when she was intercepted by one of the patrols. She recognized the boat as Rodrick's.
"Patrol One, Tango Mike inbound." Tammy called over the radio.
"Acknowledged, Tango Mike."
Tammy noted Commander Traeger amongst the crew. Thankfully none of the guys decided that Tammy was an interloper and needed to be searched.
"Captain Smart?"
"Correct, Commander. Here by Royal Command."
"Understood. Do you need an escort?"
"Thank you, that won't be necessary, and I would like my rear to be checked."
Whistles were immediate followed by laughter. Tammy blushed and patted her behind in jest. "I mean 'aft', of course."
"Of course, ma'am." Traeger saluted, smiling.
The patrol boat pulled away from her so she threw the throttles open, leaving an obvious wake. It was a few minutes later, at a much more sedate speed, that she pulled alongside at the Kestrel dock. She was greeted by an MP5.
"Put that down and help me tie this up."
"Stay where you are and keep your hands where I can see them!"
"Okay, I guess you didn't get to meet me on Ram's Rock? I'm Captain Tamara Smart of the British Army and here by order of his Royal Highness. Now secure that weapon and tie me up or I will have you on the next flight to a detention facility."
"I need ID."
"You need your bloody eyes tested." Tammy rested her hands on her belt, then spotted DS Garston arriving.
"Stand down, you idiot!"
"Good morning DS Garston, will you grab my line?"
"Certainly, Captain."
Tammy had drifted away from the dock during the altercation but easily threw a line and eased the cruiser back alongside. The DS clearly had done some boat work in his native Cornwall so Tammy was happy that his knot would hold, noting that he had a belt to ensure his shorts would stay up. She took a second line and looped it through a ring before returning it to the boat.
"All set, thank you. Wasn't everyone told I would be here this morning?"
"Yes, but they were told your rank so made an assumption. Equally they probably expected a Zodiac."
"So a bird in swimwear on a white cruiser was obviously an interloper?"
"Correct, it's a good job that you didn't have a knife on that belt."
"Is he known for itchy fingers?"
"Some of the team think they're exempt from the UK rules of engagement here."
"I sincerely hope they won't do anything stupid."
"You and me both, I'm the liaison officer so I get told about everything."
"I thought you had a Detective Inspector here to do that?"
"He was invalided off the island after stepping on a spiked fish. That left me with authority."
"Good. Now, I have no idea what your first name is?"
"I've done some thinking, did you lose a mobile phone on Fistral Beach a few years ago?"
"Yes, that was me."
"What rank were you then? I don't remember seeing anything that suggested you were in the Army?"
"I'd just done my A Level exams and I wasn't a part of any military organisation but ... but I had done a special forces course earlier that year."
"If I asked Sophie about you would she know what you were doing these days?"
"Probably not, Heather would have a better idea but still wouldn't know everything. Nobody knows everything about my life, not even me!"
They were interrupted by the arrival of Prince William.
"If you have secrets then I want to hear them!"
"If you insist, Your Highness."
"It's William, just William."
"Aye, aye. I'd prefer Tammy if you wouldn't mind?"
"Tammy is quite fine. I'm on child minding duty at twelve as apparently a hairstylist connected to Lyssa's service is being flown in, so can we get out there?"
"Of course. David, can you untie me?"
Tammy decided to ignore the unintentional double-entendre but the Prince was laughing. "I think I'm going to enjoy this trip!"
She released the looped line and let it slip as she pulled away from the dock.
"Could one of you get that?"
William obliged, by which time most of the line was now in the water. He coiled the sodden line and left it to dry on the deck. Tammy grabbed the mic.
"Patrol One this is Tango Mike."
"Patrol Two here, Ma'am, we're on station now."
Tammy recognised Josie Taylor's voice. "Acknowledged, outbound from Kestrel with two passengers, heading North by Northwest."
"Roger Tango Mike. Announce return."
"Understood." She hung the mic and now gently engaged the throttles through the shallows until they reached open water. She turned North, took the boat up to ten knots and ran until ten minutes off Kestrel, but still within the security perimeter.
She decided against dropping an anchor but engaged a circular plot at minimal speed.
William and David were already selecting equipment.
"So, Captain, Tammy?"
"What happens if we're attacked?"
"I'll call for help."
"Of course, but what else?"
"Okay." Tammy did a twirl. "I may not have weapons attached to me but this vessel is adequately protected. Given that the vessel belongs to an American and is not a UK asset, I don't think it's fair for me to demonstrate anything unless I absolutely have no choice."
"But you have been given training?"
"It was the five minute special, and I've already forgotten the passwords."
It wasn't long before two rods were resting on the aft rail, held by guides. It seemed that David Garston knew about fishing as well and she wondered if this was taught in Cornish schools? He had spotted the sheets on the clipboard and laughed, remarking of the convenience.
"You get cod and mackerel off Cornwall, don't you?"
"Yes, plus flatfish like Skate, and then there's the small sharks. Sometimes a big shark as well."
"What are you aiming for today?"
"What's it like?"
"Fast and furious, Tammy, but we're not allowed to land it."
"Oh, what about sharks?"
"Those are illegal to fish here."
"So what can you keep?"
"Tuna and Mackerel."
Tammy went to plaster herself with sun lotion but regretted not having a wide brimmed hat. She opened the cold store for a bottle of water and offered the same to the other two. It seemed easier for her to simply watch them manipulate the rods, lines and bait. If something bit then there was potential for a fight, man vs fish ... with the odds on the fish.
One Marlin was nearly brought on board but David snipped the line to release it before anyone could take a photo.
"That was small. About a good forty kilos, but it would have caused damage and injury easily."
Tammy wasn't convinced as she'd probably have to account for the lost fishing weights and hooks.
Over the next hour or so the patrol boat passed within a couple of times, but no fish had yet made it onto the deck. Tammy wondered if the guys would object if she coloured her nails, all twenty of them?
"Got one!"
William was fighting a fish and, slowly, brought it aboard. David removed the hook once it stopped thrashing around the deck. He weighed it, roughly.
"About ten kilos, not bad for mackerel?"
"King mackerel. Let's see if we can get a yellow tail, they're out there!"
It seemed like the boys were enjoying themselves. Tammy liked fish, usually with a sauce, and this seemed too much like hard work. She had kept an eye on the radar since they'd left Kestrel and spotted a vessel inbound at speed.
"Patrol Two, this is Tango Mike."
"Go ahead."
"I have a vessel bearing one-eight-zero. Range; ten nautical miles and closing."
"We see it, on our way."
She turned to the boys. "We need to move, can you bring the lines in?"
"We have a tuna, can you at least not take any sudden turns?"
"I'll do my best."
On the radar she could see the patrol boat approaching so turned to intercept, moving back towards the island. It only took a few minutes for them to meet up.
"Josie, what is it?"
"We think it's the Coastguard."
There was a shout of triumph from the aft as a large fish landed on the deck with a slap. The patrol crew called their approval.
"Got it! Take us back, Tammy."
"Aye, aye, your Highness."
The patrol boat resumed course to intercept the approaching vessel. Tammy corrected course to return to Kestrel. Soon enough she drew alongside of the dock. Garston took a line and jumped to the dock and quickly tied off. Two of the house staff appeared from nowhere and made quick work of the catch.
"Tammy, I had a great time out on the water." The Prince smiled.
Tammy bobbed a quick curtsy. "Glad to hear it, Highness. Enjoy your day with the children. Or how did Lord Mason put it; Rugrat Detail?"
Garston and the Prince both laughed as Garston cast off. Tammy eased from the dock waving then powered away.
"Patrol Two; Tango Mike, outbound, returning to base." Tammy called over the radio.
"Roger that Tango Mike, Patrol Two out." Josie replied.
Tammy adjusted course and speed. On the radar she could see the large vessel from earlier. Within three minutes, she could see the vessel was closing. Tammy switched the radio to the Coast Guard preset just in case.
When Tammy could see the Coast Guard cutter a voice came over the radio.
"Ahoy, this is United States coast Guard Cutter Raymond Evans. Reduce speed and maintain course to be identified."
Tammy responded. "Understood Raymond Evans. Nice to see you again. My regards to Captain Stiles."
Soon enough Tammy could see sailors moving around. More than one could be seen with binoculars. One of which immediately went inside.
"Heave to and prepare to be boarded." A voice called over the radio.
"Oh dear. What have I got myself into now." Tammy groaned and did as instructed.
A sailor tossed down a line. Tammy tied off to a cleat and the boat was pulled close. Another sailor lowered a ladder and descended.
A soon as the sailor was aboard he grinned and called out. "IT'S HER, CAPTAIN!"
Immediately sailors lined the rail and called out to her.
An officer joined them. "Well, well. Didn't expect to run into you again. Captain Smart, was it?"
"Indeed Captain Stiles. What can I do for you?" Tammy asked.
Captain Ben, Big Benny, Stiles waved her up. "Come aboard."
Tammy carefully climbed the ladder wearing the high heeled sandals, regretting not changing back to trainers after dropping off the Prince. Several 'helping hands' were extended even before she was halfway up. Aboard the cutter Tammy was quickly surrounded by smiling sailors. Many looked somewhat disappointed for some reason.
"Hmmm. I think the crew preferred your previous look there, Captain." Stiles commented.
Tammy put all the charm she had into her smile. "Well I had the Prince aboard for an excursion. I doubt Her Highness would approve such attire. Also there was an off-chance those nasty gossip-mongers might have come about. Not good for any of us if pictures happened."
Stiles barked orders. "Alright men, you got a good look at the lady. Back to work."
The men dispersed and Stiles stepped closer to lean back against the rail.
"We need to talk."
"I am all ears." Tammy replied.
Stiles looked at her intently. "I hear Ramrod and his crew are looking for a boat. A boat with a sketchy crew. They're asking anybody and everybody. Some of them know me too. I know Rod and his bunch real good. They don't look for boats just to have something to do. What kind of bad juju are these assholes?"
"I'm afraid I can't help you with any of that, Sir. Captain Mason shanghaied me into that previous meeting. I obliged as it was a favour for the Crown. How do you say it; one for the team, as it were?" Tammy sighed.
The Coast Guard Captain stared from behind his sunglasses. "Let's say I buy that. Yeah, roping you into coming out to be eye-candy for the guys is something he'd pull and doesn't surprise me even a little bit. Carry a message. Message as follows; what the fuck is going on? I need to know what's in my waters. End message. You can do that?"
"Aye, aye, Sir." Tammy replied.
Stiles nodded then called. "The lady's disembarking! Prepare to cast her off!"
"AYE!" Rang out from everywhere and many men swarmed back to the rail. Tammy had to laugh as the sailors helped her into a cradle-seat. First they hoisted her up much higher than was needed. Of course there were several wolf-whistles and cat-calls, so Tammy tried to pose sexily and wave, blowing a kiss to the crew.
Her effort apparently went well since the chorus of appreciation went out louder then they gently lowered her back down to the cruiser. The sailor that had been aboard helped her out then untied the line and jumped onto the ladder to scamper back up. Tammy laughed again when the Cutter sounded all its sirens and horns as it pulled away to resume patrol. When she was comfortably underway, Tammy swapped the sandals for her trainers.
As Tammy approached the dock, she was surprised to see only Carl waiting for her.
"Hi Carl." Tammy greeted and tossed the line.
Carl pulled the line and tied it off. "Hey. I'm pretty sure you have a debriefing."
"I'm sure I do. Do I need to do some kind of inventory of the equipment?" Tammy asked.
Carl shook his head. "No. I will, it'll be faster."
Tammy stepped onto the dock. "Thank you. I need to get a moment with Rodrick and Kimberly."
Carl looked up. "Yeah?"
Tammy nodded. "The Coast Guard stopped me. They know something is going on about a boat. He gave me a message."
"Big Benny isn't stupid. I'll tell the Boss. Go do your thing." Carl said the waved her off.
Tammy began to leave, but Carl called out.
"Hey, did they catch anything?" Carl asked.
Tammy laughed. "Actually, they did!"
"Then it was worth it. Go on." Carl smiled.
Tammy thought about it and agreed. It had been worth it, since they did catch fish and more importantly, they’d had fun.