The company have reached Faralan. They are welcomed with open arms and a desire for the country to join the Federation. However, the recent war has made those waiting for the visitors cautious, resulting in some unexpected questions - and the visitors to raise a few of their own.
The Voyage of the Visund
A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane
64 - An Unexpected Welcome
Introducing characters and locations first revealed in Tales of Upper Fanir by Julia Phillips.
Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story
are the property of the authors. No infringement of pre-existing
copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2022 Penny Lane.
All rights reserved.
Eriana located Ursula not long after the Visund and Green
Ptuvil had been safely berthed. The port was a mixture of
features they both recognized, lines of pontoons stretching out into
the diminished Sirrel and a series of stepped wharves nearby along
the mouth of the tributary river, the Fa.
"Ursula! I am relieved that you are safe. We were all shocked when the galley appeared and made directly towards you. How did you know that it was friendly?"
The two moved to one side to allow the men to continue carrying the women's chests along the pontoon string towards the shore.
"I was not sure, Highness. To begin with, we were all puzzled by the way it behaved. It did not slow down as it approached but only changed course after someone on board saw me among your men and thought I was you."
"They thought you were..?" Eriana smiled. "Of course!"
"And then Tyra reported that those on the upper deck did not appear to be ready to board us so we took a chance and let them come close enough to talk. We did have an escape plan, though - we could steer hard left for the shallows and hope they could not follow."
"Tyra! It was she up the mast? I saw a figure in the distance, so thought you had set a lookout, but you were too far away for me to see who it was. A clever thought, Ursula."
"It was not my thought but Tor's, Highness. She was the lightest of us all and she certainly has the ability to climb up and down the ropes. But the men on the galley did not know we had two craft, they looked confused."
"Ah, that would explain their attitude when they caught up with us, then. The Visund is grand and unusual and certainly a vessel that would carry a Princess, they did not expect to find me on a lowly barge!"
Ursula made a small gesture. "Here are some more people coming to welcome us, Highness. I do not think they are port officials."
The Ten-legged Brakky had berthed at the river end of the pontoon string next to a second galley. Ursula thought that this might be so that they could depart quickly without obstructing or being obstructed by other water vessels. The six men who approached them must have been aboard and all were wearing uniforms of several different types. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that several of the Visund's men had casually made sure that their weapons were to hand if required. The newcomers stopped and the most senior looking of the group bowed low.
"Your Highness, welcome to Upper Fanir, to our capital of Faralan. If I may introduce us, we six are the most senior officers in charge of the Upper Fanir River Patrol, a service we expect will soon form part of the Federation's River Command. I am Water-Marshal Tevos Eastman, presently Director of the Patrol, with me here is Water Under-Marshal Kodal, my deputy, Water Under-Marshal Orvan who is in charge of the customs officers and Field Director Ferrion who commands our waterborne fighting troops.
"With us, as advisors and hoping to improve our joint operations, are two officers from Faralmark. If I may introduce Marshal Vikzas and his own deputy Captain of the Field Torban. They presently command the second galley you see moored aft of our own."
If recent events had alerted Eriana to the prospect of surprises then she was still shocked by the import of Tevos's introduction. Here, at the other end of the river, a portion of the Federation had, it seemed, already sprung out of nowhere.
"Ah, thank you, Marshal Tevos. Is that the correct way to address you?"
"It is, Your Highness."
"If I may introduce my companions." She gestured to each in turn. "Captain Tor, of my own ship the Visund, my legal advisor Baron Kalmenar, our pilot Hashim and my company's Healer, Mistress Ursula. Oh, and here comes the captain of the Green Ptuvil, Master Baros, with the leader of my fighting men Commander Lars." She smiled. "You will forgive me, it is too many names for any of us to remember easily, do not be offended if I should ask anyone of you again who you are, nor should you hesitate to refresh your own knowledge of us by asking."
Tevos bowed again. "A gracious suggestion, Your Highness, and thank you for it."
She hesitated, then added, "As you may understand, a person in my position may wear different hats at different times. Know then that I am usually addressed as 'Your Highness' on first meeting and 'Highness' thereafter, but only when I am attending as a person of noble rank. When the matter is military then I should be addressed as..."
She smiled. "I have not chosen to use the title awarded me at the very beginning, when we signed the document creating the Sirrel Federation. At that time I was named Admiral of the new Navy. By your leave, it would seem to me that this is an appropriate time to begin using it."
"Indeed, Admiral. Parade, attend!"
The six stepped to attention and made three different salutes.
"You may relax, gentlemen. We have only just arrived, the time for ceremony has not yet come and, indeed, I am not presently wearing a uniform." Her brow furrowed. "But, if you would excuse me, I did not think that Upper Fanir was yet party to the Federation. How is it that you may speak in the Federation's name?"
"We are not party to the Federation, Admiral," came the surprising reply. "Yet. However, Margrave Simbran called here on his way back from Palarand and extolled to us the advantages of such an association. Knowing that you are a Federation official, we seek to learn more but, as we have already mentioned, there is almost no doubt at all that Upper Fanir shall join the Federation as soon as you may touch reed to parchment on its behalf." He added, "Of course, since Faralmark is already a member of the Federation, Marshal Vikzas and Captain of the Field Torban are members of the Federation forces now and, as such, you are in theory their superior officer."
Eriana was surprised again. "Gentlemen, your news is welcome but we should leave serious discussion until later, I deem. For now, I and my people merely seek to discover where we may rest our heads this night."
"Admiral, one of the customary hostels has been cleared and made ready for you and your party. My men are waiting on the strand for your men to arrive, that they may direct them."
Lars stepped forward. «Princess? I should go ahead and make sure all is as it should be.»
«A good thought, Lars. Proceed.»
Lars moved past the group and began making his way towards the shore. The officers watched him go before turning back to Eriana.
"Commander Lars does understand the common tongue but, unlike some of my other crew, does not find it easy to speak it. You will find that most of my men will also prefer the tongue of their birth, which is named Norse, though most will understand the tongue of the Sirrel Valley." She frowned. "Tell me that you did not empty a hostel of its existing residents once you knew we would arrive? We are merely passing river folk, we do not merit such privileges."
Tevos bowed once more. "Admiral, it is not so. We first received word of your coming many weeks ago and preparations have been made ever since that day. It is true that others may recently have used that hostel, but we reserved it for short residences only, that it would be ready for you and your men when required." His brow furrowed in turn. "But here I see more men than I expected, aye, and women too. If I may humbly ask, what numbers are you?"
"We are presently thirty-three men, I deem, and ten women. From what I have seen of hostels along our way, there should be no problem with our numbers."
"As you say, Admiral, that is true. I believe that all will be well." He hestitated before asking, "I wonder at the women in your company, Highness. Apart from yourself we expected two, no more, and I have no idea which two of those I see before me are those mentioned."
A small smile from Eriana. "You will recognize my original traveling companions when you see them, Marshal, since they are the only women bearing swords... for now. The others, well," she shrugged, "I seem to be gathering folk along the way, men and women. Some of them have joined our company, others merely travel with us for part of their own journey. Will this be a problem?"
"Of course not, Highness." He gestured along the pontoon. "If you would lead the way, I would see you and your men - aye, and women - settled before we consider what next to do."
As they walked towards land Eriana remarked, "When you met the Green Ptuvil on the river and hailed us, you said that the present Count was indisposed and another ruled on his behalf. I thought that Upper Fanir was the domain of a Duke?"
"Aye, Admiral, and so it should be. But the invasion by those of Yod was harsh and one of their main objectives, so it seems, was to remove anyone who would dispute their rule or, if they could not be captured or killed during the invasion, would be not be able to lead any response. Thus Count Herik and his entire family was murdered early on in the invasion. Many of the other counts and barons suffered like fates. Of those of note who remained, only Count Olva, who was our Resident in Bibek at the time, and Count Darkwin, a young cousin of the old Duke, survived.
"Count Darkwin was present at the murder of his parents and by chance survived the blows which were intended to kill him as well. As the closest surviving male relative, he was expected to be confirmed Duke but has suffered serious injuries which prevent him ruling as he should. He is also, as it happens, not yet accounted adult. Thus Count Olva, recalled from Bibek, orders all in his stead until such time as the young Count may be fit to assume his rightful position."
Ursula heard this and asked, "Can I ask the nature of his injuries, Marshal?"
Tevos turned, saw Ursula and gave a questioning glance to Eriana. "This is our healer Ursula," she explained. "She comes from a distant land and has knowledge which far exceeds anything known in the Great Valley. It is possible that she may be able to help where your own healers cannot."
"Do you tell me? Then I will certainly pass that information on, Admiral. His injuries? Mistress, he was struck about the head with great force and those who found the family assumed at first that he had also died. However, most of the blood and other material found on his head proved to have come from his deceased parents and his wounds, while still serious, were not mortal.
"A head wound of that kind, as you must know, can affect the workings of the mind, the body or both. In his case it has affected his mind and also somewhat of his limbs. While he knows who and what he is, and may converse with all as though healthy, there are gaps in his words. He spends his days in a wheeled chair in darkened chambers, Mistress, since the strength of daylight is said to hurt his eyes."
Ursula nodded. "I have some knowledge of injuries like that but of course every injury is different. I cannot promise anything but I will offer my services if it will return your Count to you."
The Marshal nodded his thanks. "Mistress, if you can do anything to help then all Faralan will be indebted to you."
* * *
"If I may come in?"
"Of course, Highness."
Ursula opened the door to their chamber and closed it behind Eriana.
"I wanted to be sure that everyone is properly settled," the Princess explained. "Kaldar, you know why we have placed you in here and I know that you would prefer to be elsewhere. Has Ursula explained the reasons why?"
There had been a hurried discussion on reaching the relatively standard port hostel, once it dawned on Eriana and Ursula that Kaldar could not simply sleep with the men. Equally, he was too young to occupy a chamber by himself so a story had been hastily concocted.
"Highness," the girl-boy replied, "I do understand the reasons and I am content. I do not believe the men would take advantage of me but, were I to be with them, then the hostel servants might notice something and ask questions."
"Aye, awkward questions. I regret the necessity but, mayhap, once your body has progressed so far, other choices may become possible. At least here in Upper Fanir you do not have to pretend to be a girl any more."
"As you say, Highness."
Ursula added, "Highness, it occurred to me after we spoke that because Kaldar is in here with us it provides a discreet way for me to administer his medications."
"Oh, as you say! I had not thought of that. Kaldar? I know that you have not been taking the herbs for very long but have you yet noticed any changes?"
"Physically, Highness, I think it is too soon. I have not noticed any obvious changes. However, I have noticed that the ways in which I think of the world have begun to change, though I could not tell you how."
Ursula nodded. "The physical changes will of course be accompanied by mental changes, Highness. He thought like a boy before but now he will have additional help that a normal boy's developing body would have given him automatically."
Eriana grinned. "Oh, he will become like my men, you mean? Forever boasting and competing one with another? Obsessed with weapons? Getting drunk and fighting? Kaldar, I wish you joy of your new life."
Kaldar looked offended. "Highness, I desire to have the body of a boy but I doubt I will become just as your men are. My upbringing has been too different."
"Well said, Kaldar. My apologies. Still, you have a long way to go and you will be a different person at the end of it. Today nobody knows how different you will become as an adult, not even yourself." She concluded, "Very well. This evening, ladies, we are invited to a reception at the mansion of the present Count since the residence of the old Duke is still not fit for use. For those of us who may prefer to wear them," she smiled at Kaldar, "that means long gowns, I deem. Ursula, shall you and Tyra join us in the bathing house before we attire ourselves?"
Ursula replied, "Of course, Highness. I could do with a dip to relax my muscles after our journey. Kaldar? What will you do while we are bathing?"
"By your leave, Mistress, some of the men are making me some more attire of my own. I would like to go there and help. If they can do such tasks, then so must I."
Ursula looked up at Eriana, who nodded. "You are a boy, you may of course go there freely. But of course you must take extra care."
"Of course, Highness."
"Tyra, find our bathing robes, please."
"As you wish, Mistress."
* * *
"There is a matter," Eriana muttered to Ursula as the two led the procession the short distance along the cobbled street towards their destination, "for which you may be able to assist, Ursula. I imagine that, for my meetings with all those officers, I should be attired in a uniform. However, the only uniform I possess, if I may call it that, is the one accidentally provided for me by those of Joth. The weather is warm enough, it will serve, I deem, but the only rank marks I have are those of Captain."
"Naval ranks," Ursula muttered back. "Highness, are you expecting me to invent ranks for a new Navy, when I know nothing about the subject? Maralin is probably the person you should consult and he is far away."
Eriana sighed. "I feared that would be your reply, Ursula. I recall that I was given some notes on such matters in Dekarran but I have no idea where they may be. They might still be in Dekarran! Have you no thoughts at all?"
"Look at it this way, Highness. You only need just enough to indicate your rank and I presume that would be on the shoulders of your ship dress, is that right? We do not have to invent every uniform of every rank the Navy will need."
"You are right, Ursula, as usual. Continue."
"All I remember of naval uniforms is that the higher you go, the more stripes or rings on the uniform. When you get to Flag rank... That is what an Admiral is, someone who commands more than one ship, a whole fleet, maybe. To show that, the stripes become wider. Let me think about it over our meal, Highness."
"A Flag rank? Fresh words again, I deem. Why should a rank require a flag? Must I needs bear it about my person, perhaps in the manner of a diagonal sash? That would be cumbersome!"
"I think it is because, if there is one person who commands a group of vessels, he needed some kind of flag to show which vessel he is on." She thought. "Of course, those military men will be wearing their uniforms tonight, won't they? Perhaps we can get some ideas from what we see at the banquet."
The Princess brightened. "Your words are wise, Ursula. Of course we shall examine their attire closely when we may."
* * *
"If I may present Her Highness Princess Eriana of Palarand, My Lord. Originally of the distant land of Einnland, far out in the Shan Ocean, she and her men now serve King Robanar of Palarand. Your Highness, if I may introduce you to Count Olva, who presently governs Upper Fanir on behalf of Count Darkwin, and his wife Countess Lagavet."
The Count bent over Eriana's hand. "Your Highness, I am delighted to meet you at last. The tales of the exploits of you and your men are known to us, if not in great detail. I have beheld Boldan's Rock from Forguland on a visit some years ago and considered it impregnable. Other tales of your progress through Yod have been just as... interesting."
Eriana curtseyed. "My Lord, I thank you for the welcome you have given myself and my people." She grinned. "Interesting, eh? We will try not to cause your city so much disturbance while we are here."
"Regrettably," she explained, "we seem to have gained the habit of attracting trouble of one kind or another most places we have landed. Here in Faralan we are among friends, I deem. I do not think you have cause to worry. If I may introduce my senior staff and advisors?"
"Of course, Highness."
She turned. "This is Lord Kalmenar, my legal and diplomatic advisor. Then, the captains of our ships, Captain Tor of the Visund and Captain Baros of the Green Ptuvil. Commander Lars, who commands our fighting crew, Guardswomen Bennett and Semma of His Majesty's Palace Guard who are my personal companions for this voyage and finally Mistress Ursula, our company's healer."
"Gentlemen, ladies." Olva shook the hands of the men, nodded to Bennett and Semma and then bowed over Ursula's hand. "Mistress, Marshal Tevos told me of your presence with Her Highness's company and that you may be able to help Count Darkwin."
"My Lord, I can only examine him and tell you what I think. I was trained in healing a long way from here and my knowledge and methods are different than what I have found so far in the Great Valley."
"Thank you, Mistress. Perhaps, later on, I can take you and Her Highness to meet the Count. I understand that not much can be done now that dusk is falling but this evening's banquet is a way of introducing you all to those with whom you may have dealings while you are with us."
He turned. "Highness, ladies, gentlemen, if you would follow me."
In the dining chamber Ursula was not surprised to find a long table in the center with seats either side and one at the further end. The table had a white cloth and a certain amount of table furniture, but nowhere as much as she had experienced elsewhere.
If this city has been overrun by Yod, they will have stolen everything they could lay their hands on. It is just the same as what happened in Joth. There is no surprise that not all has been replaced yet.
Olva took the seat at the end furthest from the kitchens, with Eriana on his right side and Lagavet on his left. The other guests were interspersed with uniformed men, mostly those Ursula had seen at the port. There were also two men and two women in 'civilian' attire seated at the lower end of the table who had not been introduced. She thought they might be members of the family. She found herself between Kalmenar and Kodal, Tevos's deputy, while Tevos himself sat between Eriana and Bennett. Because of the imbalance between men and women, Ursula wondered what she would be able to contribute to the table talk but it proved not to be a problem.
The problem, as it happened, was the absence of ale for Eriana. She viewed the bottles on the table with distaste.
"My Lord, I must needs admit that among my people - those of Einnland, that is - we do not drink wine, and thus I have never developed a taste for it. Is it possible that your kitchen might discover a barrel of ale for me? If they cannot then, as your guest, I will not press my needs but the meal would not be so enjoyable to me."
"Ale?" Olva's eyebrows rose. "Certainly I do not think that we would keep such a drink here in our mansion, it is only fit for - Ah, excuse me, Highness. I will enquire of Cook but I suspect that you will be disappointed."
Eriana nodded reluctantly. "As you say, My Lord. It seems that the further upstream we travel the harder it is to find drinks familiar to us. Even the pel tastes different! Is no ale brewed in Upper Fanir at all?"
"There may be some available in taverns near the docks, I know that some of the bargemen have a preference for it. It may be too late to enquire this evening but I will send out someone tomorrow to discover what might be available."
"Thank you, My Lord. It may be just the whim of a wild barbarian Princess but if ale is available, then know that my men will also prefer to drink it. Wine gives headaches to many of them."
"Ah. That will be useful to know, Highness." He selected a bottle from the table. "However, since we may not supply you ale this e'en, mayhap you might try some of this. It is a mild wine, it is true, but sufficiently fresh that you might consider it more like grown-up fruit juice."
Eriana took a sip of the offered goblet. "My Lord, your words are wise. This drink is strange to my tongue but not unpleasant. Thank you."
Lavalet addressed Eriana during the first course. "Highness, I must ask you about your impressive tiara. Are such adornments customary among your people?"
Eriana nearly snorted but managed to steer it into a rueful smile. "No indeed, My Lady. A piece like this would have caused a major war in Einnland merely by existing, since it would have been the most valuable item in my father's Kingdom, and every man and woman desiring it. No, this was graciously lent to me by Her Majesty Queen Terys in order to make my position and rank plain as I traveled. I have seen some of the others in the Royal Treasury and this is one of the simplest there." She added apologetically, "Palarand is a rich Kingdom."
Tevos turned. "Highness, I must admit some confusion. If you are a daughter of the King of... Einnland, did you say? Then how is it that you now answer to Palarand's King? I know that the Prince of Palarand has married another, so you cannot have obtained your station that way."
"Boldan's Rock, Marshal." She blushed. "I ran away from my father, in the ship we arrived in today, with some few faithful retainers and supporters. He sought to impose on me a degrading marriage, I will not say more. Briefly, when we arrived at Plif I discovered that the Crown Prince of Palarand was in need of a wife and applied, not knowing that Prince Keren had already made his choice.
"My men are warriors of a kind seemingly not known in the Sirrel Valley and Robanar offered us sanctuary from my father in exchange for a small task - the restoration of Boldan's Rock to those of Forguland. By tactics not known here in the Valley we managed that feat and then realized that the fortress, while now free, would be of no use if it could not be relieved and resupplied. Thus we went down from the rock and attacked those of Yod who held the narrow strip below, having made it into a base for their further conquests."
Tevos's eyebrows rose. "And you accomplished all this? How many men did you take?"
Eriana grinned. "Seventeen men and two women besides myself, Marshal. We suffered two deaths during battle and a further one from his injuries, plus four more wounded so severely that we were forced to leave them in Forguland."
"Seventeen men and three women? Is that all? I imagined a much larger force, a regiment at least! Against how many of Yod?"
She shrugged. "I know not, Marshal. We did not keep count as they ran away." Her expression changed. "By your leave, I will say no more during our meal as many parts of my tale are not suitable for the table. But the King made good his word and made us all Palarandis by right. He also decreed that I might keep my title and status."
Tevos looked meaningfully along the table at his subordinates. "It appears that the Federation made the right choice to lead its river forces. I have no reason to doubt Her Highness's tale and we have much to learn, all of us."
"Marshal, you are too kind," she protested. "In fact, we have had incidents along the way which have shown us that we, too, have much to learn. By using our combined methods and experiences we should be able to create something new that protects the Sirrel and all those who travel on it."
"Aye, Highness, I trust we shall all benefit."
* * *
The meal ended and everybody stood in groups while the tables were dismantled. Most held goblets of wine and servants circulated, topping up as required. Since Ursula had spent time in several European countries as well as Quebec, she was comfortable drinking wine and found the local versions to her liking. As she stood with Tyra, watching the tables being removed and stacked, two men approached her.
"Marshal... Vikzas, is it? What can I do for you?"
Vikzas bowed. "Mistress, if I may satisfy a trivial puzzle. Your accent, it is not of the Great Valley, as we know it, but neither does it sound as the voices of Her Highness or Commander Lars. I have a private interest in such matters and would be interested to learn where you came from."
"A long way away, Marshal, somewhere else entirely. I have traveled great distances to arrive at the Great Valley and I would find it impossible to describe the route, because I do not know most of it."
"But the name of your land?" he pressed. "Would I recognize it?"
Ursula's natural dislike of intrusive questions surfaced but she tried to avoid showing anything to somebody who was just curious.
Or is he? Does he have connections in what passes for the Intelligence Community in these parts? There could be potential problems here.
"Marshal, I came from a land called Alberta, but that was not the land of my birth. I traveled many thousands of... marks... from Russia, the land of my birth, to reach Alberta before I came here."
He bowed again. "Mistress, I can see that my questions have caused you some distress. If that is so, please accept my apologies. I have heard how Her Highness escaped from her own lands and it did not occur to me that your situation might be similar."
"It is true that part of my journey has been to run away from personal danger but that is now of no consequence. I must ask, what interest have you in different accents? I have noticed variations in speech as we traveled but to my ear they sound minor."
Vikzas smiled. "Mistress, what you say is true but it is not the accents of the Sirrel that interest me. You should know that there are many in Faralmark and, indeed, in other nearby lands, who come from great distances to our west. Many have made journeys lasting weeks to reach us from the further coast, which some say is more than four thousands of marks away. It occurred to me that you may have originally come from that direction."
"Ah, I understand now." She shook her head. "I cannot answer that question, Marshal. I do not know which way I came."
An eyebrow rose. "You do not -" He paused before nodding. "Mistress, I must needs accept your words. By your leave."
Vikzas bowed and the two men walked off. Ursula regarded them thoughtfully.
"Mistress, are they going to be trouble?"
"I don't know, Tyra, but we had better be careful how we answer people like him in future."
After a few moments Tyra said, "Mistress? That housekeeper seems strange to me. Why, she is probably about the same age as I am! How is it that someone as young as that could be appointed to run a household of this importance?"
Ursula was startled. At one time I would have objected to the mere idea of servants and now I am so used to their presence that I do not even notice them! I must pay more attention to all those around us!
...In my defense I have been concentrating on the uniforms the men are wearing...
"I have not noticed her, my thoughts have been elsewhere. Which one is she?"
"She is across the chamber to your left, Mistress, speaking to those two men arranging the chairs."
Ursula let her gaze casually wander the room so as not to seem too interested in anyone in particular.
"Her? The one wearing the blue satin gown? She was sitting at the other end of the table with another young woman. I assumed that she was related to one of the Counts."
"Indeed, Mistress, but when I was serving I was told that she was the Housemistress. I cannot think of any time I have ever seen a servant wearing satin."
"You are right." She gave the woman - girl, really - a closer look. "She knows what she is doing, though. Might such a position be hereditary, do you think?"
"I have no idea, Mistress."
"It may not be important. We are in strange lands now, who knows what the local customs are? But we'll both keep our eyes open in case we notice anything else odd."
"Of course, Mistress."
* * *
At the same time two different men approached Eriana, who was standing with Kalmenar and Lars watching the room being reconfigured.
"Marshal Kodal. How can I be of service?"
He bowed to Eriana. "Highness, I have just learned that there are two Yodans among your company!"
The statement sounded like an accusation but Eriana sought to divert the obvious anger.
"Marshal, your information is not correct. There are four Yodans in our company, two men and two women. The two men are with us because those remnants of the Ascendancy still active in Yod - and I have to tell you that they are a significant number - would kill them if they could. The young man is a student of healing and sought to follow Ursula as his mentor, to which she has agreed. The older was once an official of the Ascendancy but he has provided assistance to us and in return we have offered him shelter."
"That information was not available to us, Highness. I apologize if we have caused any distress. Servants in your hostel noticed their attire and became concerned, bringing their news to my office."
"Of course, Marshal. You have just fought a war against those people, I can understand why your own folk could be concerned. I think... we will find better, less alarming attire for them while we are here, make them less noticeable."
"Thank you, Highness, a necessary precaution, I deem. Ah, you mentioned two women of Yod."
Eriana's face hardened. "I did. As we traveled through Yod we must needs moor up each night to sleep. Do you know an inlet named Bakhrad Creek?"
Kodal thought then nodded. "Aye, I know the name. It is on the Yodan side of the farther channel, is it not? We have not ventured in those waters since before the war, not since Yod claimed the Fanir Island for itself."
"When we ventured into that creek looking for the village, we had no idea that -"
As Eriana recounted the story Kodal noticed the expressions of Kalmenar and Lars become hard and bleak. When she described the farmstead he understood why. When she finished his own face showed horror.
"Maker's mercy! And you saved those people, do they yet survive?"
"The rescued women would not leave my side and, indeed, some of them will not yet approach any man, their minds are so disturbed. All of them, six men and five women, travel with us and are likely to do so permanently. You have already met one of the men," she pointed, "Master Baros commands the Green Ptuvil for us since we had too many to fit safely aboard the Visund."
"Ah. Is that his barge, then?"
Eriana's expression softened. "The circumstance is complex, Marshal. Baros was first mate on another barge, the Faral Wintik. Of their crew only himself and Kedian, their cook, survived, the others were murdered almost immediately. As I explained Baros and Kedian were used as slave labor by the rogue troops. Of the next barge, the Green Ptuvil, all were murdered except the wife of the owner who unluckily was with her husband. She joined the two village girls in the stables.
"When the third barge appeared, the Nerrinar, they killed the Captain and First Mate. Those two also had wives with them so they went to the stables as well. It must have occurred to the Yodans that they had need of more labor so enslaved the remaining four crewmen. All of them, men and women, had been sorely used by the time we came to their rescue."
Kodal let out a soundless whistle between his teeth. "You say they were sorely used. Do they now fare well?"
Eriana sighed. "It is fortunate that we have such a knowledgable healer with us, Marshal. Ursula attended all of them at the farmstead and saw to their immediate needs. Their wants are now good food, exercise to restore wasted muscles - and time, for their worst injuries, as you may imagine, are in their minds, especially the five women."
"Ah, I see. And what of those of Yod? Did you and your men deal with them?"
"We were visitors in that land, Marshal. We did not have such authority. Those of Pakmal dealt with the rogue troops in the nearby town. Almost all have already been executed."
"Think you we may find more of that ilk? The rogue soldiery, I mean."
She shrugged. "It is entirely possible, Marshal. To me it seems that all organization collapsed when Yod fell and there may well be bands of their soldiery roaming their lands - and other lands also. They have little incentive to return home, I deem."
He coughed. "Actually, Highness, it is not only the Yodans that may cause trouble. There have been reports of Fanir troops seeking their own fortunes in the more rural lands."
"Do you tell me? Well, it is to be expected. Once the tension of war is released, one is left with a large number of well-armed men in places they may not desire to be. It is not surprising that some may decide to forsake their homelands and take what chances they may."
"Aye, Highness. As you say." He glanced at her. "Shall you recount your journey through Yod for us tomorrow? It will be fresh knowledge for all of us, I deem."
She inclined her head. "As you wish, Marshal, though I warn you we have much else to discuss."
* * *
Count Olva led them to the lower-level chambers the injured Count was forced to reside in.
"Your Highness, My Lord, Mistress. The Steward will be waiting outside when you have finished, to show you the way back to your lodgings." He bowed and opened the door. "If you would enter."
Ursula followed Eriana and Kalmenar into the chamber, which was lit by two small candles. Darkwin was seated in a comfortable armchair with a blanket over his knees despite the warm evening. Under the blanket he appeared to be dressed ready for bed, even wearing a loose beret-style nightcap on his head. As the senior visitor Eriana curtseyed to the young man who was the theoretical ruler of Upper Fanir.
"My Lord. I am Eriana Embriktsdottir, presently accounted Princess of the realm of Palarand. With me are Baron Kalmenar of Sufen Vale, my diplomatic aide, and Mistress Ursula of Alberta who is Healer to my company."
Darkwin was not asleep nor, apparently, out of touch with the outside world.
"Your Highness, My Lord, Mistress, be welcome in my home. I regret that I am unable to offer you a personal welcome more appropriate to your stations. I trust that Lord Olva has treated you and your party well?"
"He has, My Lord. We thought to pay you our personal respects on our first visit to your home."
"I thank you for it. I hear that you bring two ships with you, and a number of trained men?"
Eriana smiled in the dim light. "I began with one ship, the Visund, which is filled with my men. Along the way I seem to have picked up a number of passengers, aye, and additional crew, for reasons which seemed good at the time. Now I have a barge, the Green Ptuvil, to help share the load. But we are not so great a crowd. Nor are my men trained in ways that you may deem customary, but instead in the traditions of our distant homeland."
"Ah, I see. I assume that you will be meeting with Tevos and Vikzas tomorrow?"
"Of course, My Lord. It seems we have much information to share with each other."
"I regret that, as you might imagine, it would be uncomfortable for me to attend, even though I would desire to. I am certain, however, that word of your deliberations will be brought to me promptly by those who will be present."
"As you say, My Lord. I understand, from words already spoken, that it is your wish that Upper Fanir should join the Sirrel Federation. I must needs ask, is your own desire shared throughout your lands?"
"It is, Highness. We were shocked when those of Yod invaded our lands and began pillaging, despoiling and murdering those who did not bow to them. Upper Fanir is now a poorer country than before and we all desire that the like should never happen again. When Simbran passed through on his return to Bibek he explained what the Federation is intended to represent and almost all our folk immediately desired that Upper Fanir should join as soon as it could be arranged. Have no fear that there will be discontent here when that happens."
"Your words reassure me, My Lord. Is there anything else that we might do for you while we are in Faralan?"
Darkwin's eyes flicked to Ursula. "Highness, Tevos has told me that your healer has knowledge and abilities not known in the Valley. He said that you offered her services, to discover if there is aught she could do to improve my condition."
"It is true, My Lord. Ursula?"
"My Lord, with your permission I would like to give you a complete examination," Ursula told Darkwin. "For that I need to have good light, which means that I cannot properly examine you by the light of candles. Would it be possible for me to examine you tomorrow? I am sure that we can find a way for me to do that without causing you too much discomfort."
Darkwin grew still, thinking. His expression was difficult to interpret in the dim light. Finally he agreed with a sigh. "Mistress, you know your own craft and I do not. If you would attend me tomorrow afternoon, say, perhaps once we have napped. Shall I send someone for you?"
I thought that the best time to examine him might be in the morning, while the military people were having their meeting! He is just going to be sitting here doing very little. Still, he may have other meetings or perhaps documents to read... no, he can't read anything by this light! What is going on?
"Of course, My Lord. At your convenience. As a healer you already know that anything that occurs between us remains privileged, but because I am a woman in a strange city I will have to bring my assistant Tyra with me. She of course is bound by the same oath of privacy. Will her presence be a problem? Will you want to have somebody from, perhaps, your own household present as well? Your Steward, perhaps? Your customs here may be different than some which I have encountered so far."
Again there was a long pause before Darkwin replied. "I will discuss the matter with my household before you come but I do not think it will be necessary for me to admit another witness, if I may name them such. Your assistant should be sufficient to satisfy custom."
Ursula gave a brief curtsey. "Then I will await your summons, My Lord."
Eriana noted, "Ursula, you may also be present at our meeting tomorrow morning, I deem. Your, uh, special knowledge could be useful to our talks."
Darkwin asked, "What is this?"
Eriana chose her words carefully. "My Lord, since Ursula comes from a distant land where customs are again different than our own, she sometimes has knowledge useful to us, even though she is trained as a healer. She is intelligent, she keeps her eyes and ears open, she sees what goes on around her. On a number of occasions she has given us good advice."
"Interesting." Darkwin nodded. "I will probably see one or more of you again tomorrow, I deem. Until then, I wish you all good-evening."
At this plain dismissal the three bowed and curtseyed, turned and left.
* * *
Ursula frowned and shook her head. Lars, who was walking beside her, showed his concern.
The distance between the hostel used by the company and the Mansion of Count Darkwin was not great and they had simply walked over during the afternoon with no trouble. By contrast, the locals had considered the potential danger at night to be so much greater that an escort had been arranged, which meant that armed Farals marched before and behind their small group.
The short notice ordering of the escort had meant that the group had become muddled, which was why Ursula and Tyra were now at the back and walking beside Lars.
«Just a little something that is annoying me, Lars. That housekeeper, did you notice anything unusual?»
He considered. «I think she was dressed a little more richly that I would expect from a servant, even one in charge of the others. Apart from that, Mistress, I can think of nothing. Why?»
«I don't know, Lars, and that's what is worrying me. I have seen something and do not know what it is I have seen.»
«You are going back there tomorrow morning? Seeing her again might jog your memory.»
«Maybe. I will be busy tomorrow, morning and afternoon. I have a lot to think about, including how to turn Her Highness into an Admiral for those Marshals.»
He flipped a hand. «Minor details, surely? I doubt they will expect much from us tomorrow.»
«You are probably right, Lars.»
The group reached the hostel and, being now on safe ground, bade farewell to their escort. Those worthies reformed and marched smartly away. Everybody dispersed towards their own quarters, which surprised Ursula when Lars joined herself and Tyra.
«Lars? I thought that you were in the men's dormitory.»
«Not so, Mistress. I have been given a family chamber which I share with Nethra.»
This information was so surprising that Ursula stopped halfway across the courtyard.
«You do?» She thought, her professional interest coming to the surface. «Are you just protecting her or is there more?»
She couldn't see his blush in the darkness but she guessed it would be there.
«Mistress, I am astonished but it is more. How much more I do not know. I must be gentle with her, we move slowly, I do not wish her to be hurt any more.»
«But you are willing?»
«If she asked me, then I would say yes,» he replied simply. «I used to think that I would forever be a warrior-at-arms, serving my Princess. Now I will be forced to think more carefully about my future.»
«Well. I wish you both good luck. If you have need of any advice, I am always available.»
«Thank you, Mistress. Always you think of others.»
They reached the point on the walkway where the Men's Stair and the Women's Stair went up in different directions. Everyone else had already ascended. Lars turned to the Men's Stair, where the small number of family and personal chambers were situated. Ursula and Tyra began to climb the Women's Stair to their own chamber.
She stopped and turned. «Yes, Lars?»
«What of your own future? Someone has waited a long time for you to take note of them. Are you blind to their attentions?»
«What? Lars, this is not the time for jokes.»
«It is no joke, Mistress. You, who can see so much in others, how is it you cannot see it in yourself?»
What does he mean? I have an admirer among the crew? Surely not! Nobody has said anything!
Perhaps I have been too busy dealing with more practical matters to notice. Even so...
Lars added, «Mistress, the attraction is not what a man like me would choose but it is there and I suspect that neither of you have even considered the possibility. But the signs are plain. I may be mistaken but I think that she just waits for a word from you.»
With that he was gone. Ursula stood on the second step, stunned, until Tyra took her by the elbow and urged her up the stairs.