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Tammyverse Book 13
Royal Retreat
Part 8 Challenges and Contests Shiraz & Snowfall
Please note this is a work of fiction and any references to real people, real institutions or real heavily armed military units are for artistic purposes only!
Good Friday
Everything was in hand for the mid-morning short flight to Kestrel and half of the close protection team had gone ahead whilst the joint SAS/SBS teams were ordered to maintain their effective surveillance and interception work.
Despite all of this the remaining Close Protection team were still jumpy, even after being informed at 0700 that the terrorist unit had been removed from Freeport to an undisclosed processing centre.
The Royals, however, were quite satisfied that their risk level had sunk to an acceptable level and were anxious to finally reach their holiday island. They were waiting, briefly, as their helicopter was having final checks mid morning. Prince William allowed a himself to whistle as a young woman in a bikini walking back from the boat dock, carrying her heels. A knife hung from her left hip.
The Duchess admonished him, then realised who the young woman was.
“Captain Smart, is that you?”
“Tammy, Highness. I’m not in my usual uniform as I wasn’t, strictly speaking, representing the Crown.”
“Tell me, what happened – no-one will tell me?”
“There were some rather questionable individuals who didn’t have the correct documentation for the US Coast Guard, it would seem. I’ve just been to liaise with them, representing Lord Mason as he seems to be on terms with them.”
“And that’s his uniform?”
Tammy smiled. “I’ve never seen him in one, Highness. I'm sure Lady Mason would pay quite well to see him like this!”
The two royals began laughing in agreement.
"Please excuse me, I need to report back to Lord Mason?" Tammy asked and curtsied.
Prince William nodded. "Of course."
Tammy put her shoes back on before stepping onto concrete and walked into the main hangar. Several whistles went out and Rodrick waved her over.
"How'd it go with the Coasties?" Rodrick grinned.
Tammy shook her head. "They took pictures with me. Just what was in that box and bottles?"
"The box was cigars. Very special cigars. Inez is the sweetest lil' ole lady from Cuba you could ever meet and she adores Eddie. Can't speak a word of English, but she makes the best cigars. Her special reserve costs two grand for a box of thirty. The booze is called Screech. Hundred and ninety proof rum. It's the Caribbean version of moonshine and you can't get it in the States. Just like the cigars, you have to know somebody to get it." Rodrick explained.
Tammy sighed. "I think they may have picked up extra crew. There's no way that many people could serve on that ship."
"Some are only part time." Rodrick laughed.
Wells frowned. "Perhaps now would be a good time to get changed, Captain."
Tammy looked down at the pink bikini. True it was rather skimpy, complete with thong back bottom and the narrow triangle top covered only her nipples, as it had come from Lyssa. "Are you kidding? This is a Valentino and she said I could keep it and the heels!"
Tammy had been told that the heels were actually a gift from Tiffany. They were a bright pink with gold heels, from Casadei, and quite pricey.
Jeremy looked as if he was about to explode, but Rodrick cut in.
"Lyssa got a contract with Valentino. The company that makes those shoes wanted her too, but she already gets shoes. I thought they were sexy as hell, but she won't wear them in public. It's a model thing." Rodrick pretended to not understand then nudged Jeremy. "Me and Big Benny go way way back. We used to prowl and growl in Team Four. Until he got a shotgun wedding! That little girl of his has him wrapped around her finger, so he joined the coasties and gave up all forms of fun. She is the spitting image of LouAnn, he can't tell her no. They give him all kinds of shit at the reunions."
Rodrick was called from the office and went up.
"So what did the terrorists have to say?" Tammy asked.
Wells looked agitated. "Not much as it seems they hadn’t been told more than was necessary. The name Kyle Fielding came up, one of the debrief team recognised the name but said he was Special Forces?"
"Bugger, sorry Sir, it’s complicated. Firstly he was, formerly, a New Zealand Special Boat Services operative. I first met him on a UK military course a few years ago then later on, last year, he taught my diving course. More recently he had become a major problem, to me and the army in general. I'm told he was debriefed, demoted and deported back to New Zealand. The Colonel will have more information, but what I have told you is sensitive and not to be shared." Tammy answered.
Wells nodded. "I'll update him, selectively. Get changed and report to the briefing room for the rest."
Half an hour later, in uniform and a subdued look, Tammy sat with the officers in the briefing room.
"The terrorists gave up all they had. Dieter Gunter was a sailor for a while but the lure of bigger money won him over. He was rather proficient with boats and had operated one of the boats used to cut the cables over Christmas. Mustafa Kurragh hailed from Libya. Apparently he experienced discrimination and held all of Great Britain responsible. He trained in several terror training camp but preferred to freelance so he could pursue his own agenda. Offerfrock and Schooner were guns for hire. They worked for some group named Fourani then continued under True Freedom when they took over." Wells explained pointing to each picture on the board.
Traeger asked. "So these were just hired help?"
"Be that as it may, they were a valid threat." Wells reminded.
One of the S.A.S. Sergeants spoke up. "Did they mention a back-up team?"
Wells shook his head. "They did not. Since our observer produced results I have determined they stay in place with the additional personnel to expand coverage. Also as the party is now proceeding to Kestrel Island, I want observation on the island there around the clock. Traeger, your men will continue marine coverage. Smart, your team will be on the island. However, I want them invisible to the party. Use all your skills."
Tammy received a nod from Vance. "Yes, Sir."
"Are you wanting our patrols to be low observable?" Traeger asked.
Wells shook his head. "No. Better that your patrols be very visible away from the Royals. That will discourage the media from trying to land on the island."
Rodrick was noticed at the doorway, so Wells asked. "Is there something Rodrick?"
"Yeah. You're going to LOVE this one." Rodrick grinned.
Traeger groaned. "Dear god, what now?"
"RamAir was asked to charter a helo." Rodrick said then added. "The job came from a guy with The Mirror. He wants to fly over three islands, including where the Royals are on vacation!"
Wells slapped a file onto the table. "That's just wonderful!"
"Oh it gets better. He said he'd pay after he gets the pictures." Rodrick laughed. "I told him nobody works like that. He hung up on me. I called the other charters and warned them, so now there’s no flights for him."
Wells sighed. "I'll take any victories I can."
"Then I'll give you two more. Nobody is taking people out at night since there seems to be an up-tick in drug-runs and the Coasties are shooting first. Here's the other: Johnny Goodtimes had a talk with all the major boat charters. Nobody will charter to people wanting to chase royals or no specific plan. According to Johnny the credit card those guys used was no good." Rodrick explained.
Wells nodded. "I understand. It won't stop everyone, but it will hamper most. The truly determined will find a way."
"It may not seem like much, but it helps more than you think." Rodrick said.
Wells thought about it for a moment then said aloud. "I'll take all the help we can get."
"You got some good people working on this, Jeremy. Let them do their thing." Rodrick turned to go out but called over his shoulder. "Kick back, have some coffee."
Everyone in the room mumbled something and shook their heads. They had all run afoul of the hangar coffee at least once. Tammy had to fight the urge to laugh. It seemed the men of Ram's Rock had upped their pursuit of the most horrid coffee since the arrival of the British.
"The gall of him; 'kick back, have some coffee'. I swear, the man has more nerve than an infected tooth." Jeremy grumbled.
Vance looked to Tammy. "Were they like that about the coffee the whole time you were here before we arrived?"
"Unfortunately, yes. However; I think they've stepped up since you all came. I believe they have a contest going." Tammy remarked.
Treager chuckled. "They are a truly deranged lot."
"Team leaders; provide me with a revised rotation schedule in one hour and be ready to deploy your teams accordingly. Dismissed." Wells announced.
Tammy needed to check with Lizzie so went back to her room but first sent a secure message to check the girl was alone.
“I’ve had a walk but it’s warming up and I needed a shower.”
Satisfied her girl wasn't being observed or, indeed, compromised, Tammy made the call.
“Okay, do you have anything from the intercepts?”
“The Aussie was calling for Delta last night and they spoke briefly before the boat went out a second time, just to confirm they were on time.”
“Okay, what about today?”
“In the last fifteen minutes I’ve heard a new voice on the channel, a female. No name yet, they’re still using simple code-names: Alpha and Beta. So far no actual content has been passed.”
“Can you record the next transmissions and send it to me?”
“Already recording.”
“Good, and well done. Message me the moment there’s any new intel.”
“Will do, Tammy. Oh, my wages has been paid this morning - that's odd as it's a bank holiday today?”
"Odd, but sounds good?"
"Agreed, it was a little more than I expected, I'm not moaning but they have a habit of clawing back any mistakes?"
"I believe you were due a little extra."
"Oh, great. Thanks, Tammy, for everything."
Lizzie’s presence, and her value as an intelligence source, was now causing Tammy an issue. Lizzie was working for Tammy, and officially, only Tammy. The intel was very likely to be copied to Tammy’s hosts – she knew that – but for the British there had to be a clear handling chain. She needed advice, but first switched to satellite.
“Colonel, do you have a minute?”
“You can have ten, I guess you have an issue?”
“Now, why, Uncle, would you say that?”
“Because you’re not going to suggest we meet for dinner or have a coffee together in the morning?”
“Good point. Okay, we’re getting some good intel from Lizzie but I don’t want anyone else to be her handler.”
Tammy told him about Wells’ intention to put her on a rotation to oversee one of the teams patrolling the island and waters. “I can’t deal with Lizzie, the local liaison or any other matters if I’m sleeping off a night shift or stuck in a hiding spot. I also have no command experience.”
“Wells is quite pleased with the way you’ve taken to the teams.”
“I don’t recall being told that, not by him.”
“Maybe not, but he spoke with the Prince who spoke to his equerry who …. anyway Sir Thomas called and passed on the good words.”
“I see, but he’s treating me like I’ve had all the Sandhurst training, Officer School and all that?”
“That’s a recurring issue isn’t it, Tammy?”
“Yes, dropping me into a scenario with little or no training.”
“And he’s expecting you to lead a Special Forces security team?”
“Correct. I’ve tried to keep to protocol so far but barely made it by the tag of my knickers, Sir.”
“Point taken.”
“Good, now how the hell do we make this look as if I haven’t gone behind his back?”
“He needs someone to lead a team?”
“Then let’s bring someone in? A temporary field promotion if necessary.”
“Can it be done?”
“It can if I say so, my dear.”
“Thank you uncle.”
“I have something for you, two things.”
“Firstly, those terrorists are being shipped to the UK for questioning but will officially be Bahamian prisoners so won’t feature on UK detention records. We’ll designate them Zulu one through four.”
“Where will they be?”
“We have a country house available, it’s off grid, that’s all you need to know?”
“Similar to Abigail Adams House?”
“Similar but with military guards on every level.”
“Understood. There was something else?”
“I hope young Miss Harrison has now received her pay, and some expenses?”
“I believe so.”
“It would seem that the RAF Personnel unit was informed she was AWOL and a stop was put on her payroll.”
“Damn. How?”
“We’re investigating, but it seems the call came from a senior officer around the day you flew out. It’s out of my hands.”
“Thank you, I guess that’s not for circulation?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Thank you, you’ll be in touch with Wells?”
“I will, he won’t be happy.”
“I know, but operationally it’s the better approach, Sir?”
“I know your skills better than he does, so yes. Bye, Tammy.”
Tammy figured it would take up to half an hour for any revised instructions to arrive so decided to keep out of the way of the British command post. She found Kimberly instead, and a good coffee pot.
“I called Lizzie.”
“We know.”
“Oh damn, I forgot to use satellite and you run the cell tower on the island?”
“Of course.”
“It was a secure call.”
“To most, yes, and we missed the first few seconds. Hey, it’s for your safety.”
“I know, but I suspect the Brits wouldn’t see it that way?”
“We wait for them to ask and then deny everything.”
“Sure. Anyway, can you listen to the same traffic that Lizzie can hear?”
“Some, but that relay is apparently on a small island to the far side of Grand Bahamas. There's some interference.”
“Oh, not closer?”
“We’ve used our antennas, supported by Lizzie’s kit, to DF the relay to some high land on Abaco, Best guess is he’s on the East Coast, furthest from us, but that's only a guess right now.”
“So out of sight but still within range?”
“It's good tradecraft, we know he's there but not where. Either we move a satellite or put something into the area to get more. Don't even ask for the satellite, it won't happen. Moving on; what can you tell me about Kyle Fielding?”
Tammy guessed she’d already read the file but took it from the top. “He was trained by the New Zealand Navy as a Special Boat Service operative and came to the UK to up his training. He’s an expert diver and is good with sea and land vehicles.”
“That’s available to everybody. I need personal, what isn’t written by a military officer.”
“He loves to swim and dive so I fully expect he’ll be doing that here?”
“So on holiday or perhaps giving snorkelling and diving lessons.”
“That’s possible.”
“Okay, socially?”
“He likes a beer, two at the most, but never in a busy bar. He hates shopping and bad timekeeping.”
Tammy blushed. “Yes, but as a throwaway item. He probably has a deep tan, and is working as a diver or deckhand probably with young adults?”
“My guess is he won’t stay in the same resort long so best to check for allegations involving young adults.”
“That’s stretching it a bit far Kim?”
“Based on your description and your own experience I’d say that’s dead on. Think about it; when you knew him he was under military command and had to salute every time he needed a crap. Right now he’s a free agent and answerable to no-one.”
“I get it. Now is it a coincidence that he’s in the area while I’m here?”
“No such thing as coincidence, Tammy, everything is by design – albeit haphazard at times - but always by design.”
“Okay, so he may know I’m here, but not necessarily.”
“Who knew about your deployment?”
“Sir Thomas and his team, the Colonel and his team plus Marcus.”
“Could one of them leaked anything to Kyle?”
“Possible but extremely unlikely in my book.”
“So let’s not assume you're the target, in which case, who is it?”
“The British Establishment, embodied by the royals on Kestrel, Kim.”
“I like it, think big then focus on the issue. In this case; you represented the Establishment previously, but I guess he wouldn’t be welcomed back in the UK anytime soon?”
“Indeed. Okay, big question, is he working with True Freedom?”
“Not necessarily, but perhaps he offered them, and others, some logistical support?”
“That sounds plausible. My guess Delta was Dieter Gunter, but who is Bravo?”
“We’re running a voice search, but it might take a while.”
“I think I’m out of time, Kim.”
“Go Tammy, some good thinking there.”
She walked outside the Ram Air hanger, finding the Lt Colonel looking quite red.
“I’ve been countermanded by you!”
“No, Sir, by Col MacTaggart. I know my limits and it would seem that you don’t know me well enough?”
“That’s insolence!”
“No, it’s the truth. You have plenty of personnel here who have command experience but you decided I needed to lead an eight hour patrol although I have near zero knowledge of protocols. You were at Sandhurst for how long?”
“I was at the Royal Military College for forty four weeks initially with repeat visits. You should know that.”
“I’ve never been there, I don’t have that knowledge and I doubt I would achieve very much leading a platoon other than making a mockery of this uniform?”
“You said to me, nearly a week back, that you would be a professional soldier?”
“I did, and it satisfied you at the time. I am being professional, knowing my own short-comings. Now I’m told you have actually complimented me to the Royals but couldn’t say it to my face?”
“Can I offer a suggestion, perhaps, Sir?”
“Go ahead, Captain.”
“It seems, from my reading of the plan that I was actually making up the numbers and my apparent rank came into play. Why not look at this another way? My intelligence officer has a team of two supporting her. How about we release one of them back to here and give her a temporary promotion to Sergeant? That would release a Sergeant who is Lieutenant material to be temporarily promoted? That forms part of their training and development?”
“I’ll continue in my sweeping role, handling intelligence, logistics and trouble shooting.”
“Not laying on a beach topping up your tan?”
“I might get some downtime so I wouldn’t rule that out. Also, if I should return without clear tan lines, that blows my cover of why I'm here.”
“What about your own Sergeant?”
“She’s a PT Instructor by trade and by profession and will continue that role, plus she can handle the intelligence if I’m indisposed. Her clearance is adequate.”
“I see. Now, talking of intelligence, what do you know?”
“How about I give a briefing, but let’s get Gaynor or Taylor back here first?”
Tammy looked over at the closest Puma on the apron of the main runway. “In that.”
“We’ll see if a pilot is available, but none of them have flown to Grand Bahama.”
“I’ll pilot the chopper as I know where I’m going.”
“Yes, Sir. I have my wings and I qualified in a Puma. Between yourself and their team leaders we need to choose which lady is coming back, they need to be ready in twenty, Sir”
Tammy headed to the control tower to lodge her flight with LoneStar.
“Sure you don’t want one of us with you?”
“I’ll be okay.”
Next stop was the British encampment’s supplies sergeant. “I’m after a flightsuit and a helmet? I believe you have my size?”
“Yes, Captain.”
There was a chortle from the few pilots present, all male, as she approached them.
“Tell me, what’s funny?”
“Nothing, Captain.”
“Really? One: I have a good private aircraft multi-engine licence, two: I am type qualified in a Puma and three: I have several hours in an Apache in my log.” She fibbed about the log but their relaxed, dismissive attitude wasn't helping . “I can clearly see that your egos need this long coffee break?”
“Apache, ma’am?”
“A multi-agency counter-terrorism operation.”
“That’s a need-to-know. Now, I would like to borrow a Puma for a hop over to an adjacent island. I obviously need one that’s fully fuelled and air-worthy?”
One of the pilots stood and walked over. “I will check my aircraft Ma'am, although I believe it’s flight ready?”
“Good, thank you. I’ll need to change so please be ready in fifteen.”
She collected her flying kit on the way out of the hanger and headed back to her temporary home to change. Maisie followed.
“Some of them were quite rude before you spoke to those pilots.”
“You heard?”
“I was at the back with the medics checking their stock – there’s been a few minor injuries so we’re placing a requisition for further medical supplies.”
“Injuries? I’ve heard nothing.”
“A few are from swimming accidents – stepping on barbed plants or fish, two for sunburn and one STD.”
“Fairly typical for an operation of this nature, I’ve been told.”
“That’s confidential.”
“Who, Sergeant?”
“One of the males who was on patrol in Freeport seems to have had a liaison with a European visitor and failed to take precautions. He’s on a charge as a result and confined to barracks for a few days.”
“So that matter is closed? Can you give me a hand?”
Tammy was pulling her flightsuit on but struggling a little so Maisie assisted, suggesting that the suit wasn't designed for pilots with boobs. Finally she walked out, carrying her helmet. Her wings appliqués, issued at RAF Benson, had been attached to Velcro and she found a place to attach them on her flightsuit, as well as her rank shoulder flashes.
The pilots were now stood by one Puma and all saluted as she approached.
“Stand easy.”
“Ma’am, she’s ready for you. Would you like a co-pilot?”
“My plan is to fly solo.” Out of the corner of her eye she could see Krystel approaching.
“Captain, do you have space for a passenger?”
“Sure. Sorry guys, it’s an all girl flight now.”
Tammy boarded and took her seat, Krystel was in the back with a headset on already strapping herself in. Tammy went through the start-up routine and the departure committee took a few steps back, for their safety.
“Ram's Rock Tower this is Maiden One requesting permission to depart for Grand Bahama?”
“Maiden One, cleared to depart, have a good flight.”
Tammy lifted to a thousand feet as she set course for Freeport.
“Tammy, can we make a course alteration?”
“Sure, Krystel, but where?”
“I’d like a close look at Abaco, where we believe the relay is.”
“Okay. I should let the Tower know?”
“No need, I revised your flight plan and updated your team member.”
“Without asking? What if I had said you couldn’t come with me?”
“LoneStar would have held you on the ground while Eddie declared the aircraft grounded for maintenance.”
“Remind me not to play ball with you! Okay, turning zero nine zero.”
It was nearly a twenty minute flight to reach the long thin island of Abaco. Krystel had the side door open and had removed a camera from her shoulder bag.
“Do you want me to drop down?”
“No, keep high enough to avoid easy identification. My camera will cope with it.”
A few minutes later Krystel was happier. “Right, I think I’ve found it and have a possible Tango location. Let’s get to Freeport before we’re missed or identified!”
That was a ten minute flight back towards Grand Bahamas and Tammy needed to check in with the local ATC tower but Krystel had other ideas.
“Eddie will have been in touch with them, let me speak to them?”
Krystel called the tower.
“Go ahead Maiden One.”
“We’d like permission to drop onto the beach by Ocean View to make an Elegant Executive pick-up.”
“Leaving immediately?”
“Yes, back to our departure point.”
“Understood, you are cleared for in and out, please confirm when outbound.”
Tammy made certain the transmitter was off. “Beach? I’ve never done a beach landing or take off!”
“Don’t worry, it’s compacted sand at that point, just like a woodland landing, you did them in training?”
Josie was waiting with her bag. Krystel had the door open for a quick turnaround, ensuring the bag was stowed and the girl was secure.
“Go, Tammy!”
That generated a cloud of sand and Tammy cursed as she couldn’t see anything for a few seconds.
“Bahamas Tower this is Maiden One, vector two one zero, climbing to two thousand three hundred feet.”
“Maiden One, acknowledged. Two one zero at Cherubs two three.”
Tammy killed the VHF and switched to internal comms.
"Welcome on board, Josie."
“Lance Corporal Taylor reporting as ordered.”
“Acting Sergeant Taylor now.”
“You’ll have a full briefing later, make sure you get some rest.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Can I have your verbal report, Josie? I need your real report not the one you’ll submit for your team leader!”
“Oh, we’ve been supporting Lizzie, I mean she needed some help in appearance and behaviour.”
“Understood, what about intel?”
“We think we’ve identified the Beta female – I mean someone came in by boat whilst Lesley and I were in the marina this morning when Lizzie needed a shower, just one woman, quite pale so hasn’t been in the area long. She was asking the waiter in our café if he’d seen any British military or security officers.”
“In my phone. Lizzie was still back in the suite so didn’t send one to you straight away. We had to wait for the woman to move on, after a coffee, before we could get back to the suite so I could pack.”
Tammy handed her phone back to Krystel. “can you transfer the photo to me please and send it to Kimberly?”
Tammy checked in with the tower and was on final approach just a few minutes later, dropping the Puma where she’d found it. She secured the systems then started to fill in the log, whilst the flightline crew went over the aircraft. Krystel and Josie were already off the aircraft, heading in different directions.
She found the Lieutenant Colonel waiting, assisted by a reception committee.
“How was she, Captain?”
“Fine, even on and off a beach.”
“Thought I’d get a tan whilst there, Sir.”
He huffed and walked away as the rest of the crowd laughed, carefully.
Tammy was quickly back in her quarters to change back into a green T and shorts then took a diversionary route, avoiding the Brits, to find Kimberly.
“This woman, any ID yet?”
“No, the array searched the known terrorist databases first so now is checking a wider set of sources.”
“Damn, if we knew who she was we’d have half a chance at working out what she might have planned?”
“Of course she might be completely unconnected?”
“And I’m getting carried away?”
“Yes Tammy, but in this case I think your girls were bang on the money. There was a radio transmission on that digital channel just at the time her boat was coming alongside.”
“She called the Alpha and announced she was hunting Smart.”
Kimberly laughed. “That still doesn’t mean they know you’re here only that you might be!”
“So it could be personal, but I could equally be a side-show and they simply don't know if I'm a possible fly in their ointment? Should I appreciate the attention they're giving me?”
“You’re learning. Just because they say they’re out to get you doesn’t mean they are out to get you, yet.”
“Thanks, that’s the kind of boost I needed.” Tammy drawled.
Kimberly picked up a stack of papers. "Don't forget to send her picture up the chain. Your side needs to know about her too, especially if there's a link to Kyle."
"Right." Tammy replied and went to the communications trailer to send the photo in.
Lunch was next with a team leader briefing immediately after. That was followed by a full briefing at two in the afternoon, Tammy was asked to present it.
“You have all been allocated into one of four teams. Team one is currently on station and will be relieved at sixteen hundred by team two. The third team take midnight and the fourth at oh eight hundred. Team one will then pick up the sixteen hundred start. The objective remains for the principals to have a quiet and uninterrupted week on Kestrel.
“The locals have been persuaded not to hire boats or aircraft to strangers and all the local fisherman will keep out of the way until we’re done here. That much should remove anyone straying accidentally into the secure zone. But, we have become aware of two, possibly more, operatives who are still in the region. One is special forces trained and we are waiting for confirmation of the other’s ID – she was seen and photographed in Freeport this morning thanks to the due diligence of team members.
“It is entirely possible that the two we have identified have no intention of coming near us or the principals but please watch for unusual activities. We’ll make a briefing note available for each team before you head out with the latest intelligence, but please keep any comms traffic to an absolute minimum regardless of any perceived encryption system. That is all, Lt Colonel?”
“I’d like to echo what the Captain just said, our task here is to ensure the Royals have a quiet and safe week. That is all.”
Tammy headed for the Hangar office to see if there were any updates. Kimberly was on the phone making notes. Mindy grinned and waved from the desk.
"Yes, Sir. Understood. We'll get right on it." Kimberly said then disconnected and turned to the little girl. "Go find Rodrick, Pete and Carl. I need them all, right now."
"Yes, Ma'am." Mindy answered and rushed out to jump into her buggy and roar off.
Tammy was about to ask, but had to wait as Kimberly grabbed a radio.
"Lyssa. Come to the hangar office. Eddie, too." Kimberly called over the radio.
Lyssa took a moment to answer.
Tammy asked. "Should I get ready for a briefing?"
"No. This is just us. You can stay but you won't be able to do anything." Kimberly replied then called down to Krystel. "Drop what you're doing and get up here."
One by one the others entered. Carl was last. Mindy had returned but was sent back out of the office to watch the twins.
"Okay Kim, we're all here." Rodrick said.
Kim dropped her pen onto her desk. "The West coast agencies are going nuts. A drug sub is missing."
A chorus of 'Aw, shit' went out in response.
"Who's was it?" Krystel asked.
"CJNG." Kimberly answered.
Tammy tried to remember any mention of those letters and shook her head. "Who?"
"Jalisco New Generation Cartel. Number two cartel in Mexico." Lyssa said.
Kimberly looked over. "They have no interest in the U.K. so weren't included in your update. They're mean, nasty, vicious and very smart. They actually have a public relations division, of all damn things. At one time they were affiliated with the Tiajuana Cartel. Didn't last long. They have an intense hatred for the Sinaloa."
"So they aren't nice people." Tammy summarized.
Lyssa spoke up. "Training for their Sicario, hitmen, includes cannibalism. That should clue you in as to how they are. In short, they've been designated as a high-level narco-terrorist organization in this hemisphere."
"Pablo Escobar ran a cartel out of Colombia back in the seventies and eighties. He was as serious as they came. These guys upped the game to off-the-charts." Rodrick said.
Tammy looked disgusted. "That's horrible. So they use a submarine to smuggle drugs?"
"Yes. Ground vehicles are the bulk of transport. Cars and trucks mostly. Some railroad cars are used too. Planes are not as much, border airspace is more tight now than it used to be. Container ships are slow and fishing vessels are searched heavily." Krystel explained.
Kimberly leaned back against the desk. "Tammy, the sub cost them eighteen million to build. Two runs of a cocaine shipment paid it off. Our intelligence estimates the sub has a range around two-hundred miles and can stay submerged for close to ten hours. It has three tenders known and two more are suspected. It can carry several tons of drugs per run of a shipment. To take it off the West coast hurts them financially. Only one reason would make them do that. Money. Whatever that sub is doing or going to do, will bring them more money than a shipment of drugs."
"Okay, so what do we do?" Pete asked.
"We reach out to every contact we have surrounding the Caribbean and hope the cartel made a mistake." Kimberly replied.
Rodrick nodded. "Right. Where do we start and what do they need?"
"Krystel; the Panama Canal. Hopefully something can found there. If so, then we can track them to where they're hiding." Kimberly said.
Krystel nodded. "Aye, Ma'am."
The group dispersed with some planning calls to less than reputable individuals. Tammy remained.
"Now you see why I said you wouldn't be able to help?" Kimberly asked.
Tammy nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. I have no contacts of my own in the Latin countries, nor can I ask for any assistance regarding this sub through British channels."
"If you did, the answer would be an immediate no, for it isn't a matter of concern for the Crown and you would likely be reprimanded for treading on some agency’s toes." Kimberly said. "So far as the Crown are concerned the threat doesn’t involve or concern them and there’s no commercial opportunity. Simply, there has to be something in it for them to get involved."
Tammy frowned. She wanted to help. “I guess.”
"Don't go there and don’t get involved." Kimberly said. "This is how it is, and how it will be. We get what we get and deal with it. Life isn't fair. Remember that."
"Yes Ma'am." Tammy replied.
Kimberly sighed. "Besides, you have enough going on as it is. Do your thing, we'll do ours. Get going."
“I think I need to visit Lizzie.”
“As her handler?”
“I suggest you keep a low profile?”
“Sure, can I borrow a boat?”
“Check with Eddie, in case they’re booked. Why not fly?”
“I want a good look at the marina and I can meet Lizzie there. Do you have a berthing arrangement in the marina?”
“Use the visitor dock, the guys know our boats.”
It was nearly five by the time Tammy tied up, or would have done but the attendants were quickly there to help her. She’d opted for a bikini top and shorts, plus baseball cap and dark glasses in a modest attempt to disguise herself.
Tammy swept her eyes across the pontoons and walkways as she approached the harbour café and bar area, finding Lizzie waiting in a coffee shop with Lesley Gaynor. She took a seat having checked the immediate area for any familiar faces.
“Firstly, I’m off duty so no saluting please! Second I’m sorry I needed to grab Josie earlier, it was her or you, Lesley, and it was decided you needed to be here for your language skills.”
“That’s understandable, I would still have liked another night with her?”
“Maybe later? Unfortunately I had to upset the Lt Colonel and go over his head otherwise things could have got rather messy.”
“Hey, she needs some time as an acting sarge so she can get it next time there’s a promotion board. I’m pleased for her.”
“The pair of you have been mentioned in dispatches for spotting that woman. We’re searching for her name now.”
“At Easter? Good luck finding anyone in army intel this weekend!”
“I have other resources available. Now, Lizzie, how are you?”
A waiter took Tammy’s order for a fruit-based soda.
“Just fine?”
“Josie and I were ironing out a few issues I had, that was when you stole her this morning.”
“I’m sure Lesley offered to help?”
“Josie had a little brother who spent most summers as a girl when he was a teenager. She coached him to walk and talk like a girl so she was doing the same for me.”
“Oh, but no-one said?”
“And you would have chosen between them based on a personal preference rather than an operational need?”
“Yes, Lizzie, I would have done.”
“So for me it was an added bonus, even if we only managed a couple of hours.”
Another table was settling near them so they discussed the weather and the weekend’s social activities whilst finishing their drinks.
“Let’s walk?” Suggested Tammy.
Lizzie’s self doubt was returning and the risk was that her cover story would fall apart.
“Look, a few weeks ago you were saluting everything that moved and flying anything with wings. You followed orders regardless of their sense and did what was asked, correct?”
“Now, speaking as a friend I would like you to do your best to complete this mission, any further discussion about your status and your future has to wait.”
“I’ll try, Tammy.”
“No, Lizzie, trying is not an option. Unless you agree then I will put you on a flight back to London and let the senior officers there decide your future. Do I have to order you, because refusal has only one outcome?”
“Yes, Ma’am. I accept the assignment.”
“Good, because I have no idea how to set up a court martial!”