“What was keeping you guys?” asked Cathy as the four of us walked into the locker room to change for our practice.
Donna grinned as she said, “We were just watching some boys play basketball in the gym.”
As she slipped on her sports bra, Sarah said, “And it looks like Tammy got a date.”
Cathy looked at me and giggled. “Must be a good one. Tammy still looks excited about it.”
Donna giggled, “She was talking to Shaun McAlister.”
Brandi smirked. “Oooh! A bad boy!”
Annoyed at being talked about, I said, “He’s very nice. He seemed so shy.”
Cathy grinned. “I can see why you’re so excited.”
I smiled and softly said, “It’s very strange. I’ve never been so excited about a boy before.”
Brandi frowned, “Just be careful that he doesn’t get you into trouble.”
I frowned at Brandi. “I don’t think I have to worry about that.”
Brandi gave me a curious look. She laughed and said, “I’m not talking about sex, although you should worry about that as well. No, Shaun is part of that street racer crowd. Remember Nichole last year? She was hospitalized after the car her boyfriend was driving rolled? She was riding with him during a race.”
With a look of concern, Cathy said, “I remember that. You need to watch yourself, girl.”
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “I only just met him and you already have me getting hurt in a street race. I’m not stupid and my dad would never allow me to ride in a car during a race!”
Brandi shook her head. “Nichole was told not to ride during a race as well. That wasn’t her first time to ride, either. Look. I don’t have to tell any of you how devious boys can be when it comes to them talking you into their cars or letting them in your panties. Just be careful, girl.”
“I always am,” I said annoyed that Brandi would think I’d let some boy control me.
But why the hell did I accept a date from Shaun? Yes, he’s gorgeous. Yes he’s nice. And yes, there’s that dangerous bad boy element. I never thought I’d be attracted to that kind of boy. I never thought I’d be attracted to a boy, period. But here I am. I can’t stop smiling about it. It’s insane.
And Paul was a fluke. I didn’t become attracted, you know, like really attracted to him until after that kiss. Oh my God, that kiss. I lied when I told everyone I didn’t care that he started seeing Clarissa. What was so special about her? My sister Cynthia had the same questions when Paul dumped her for Clarissa. One of these days, Paul is going to have to explain it all.
It’s crazy to think both my sister and I got dumped by the same boy. Dad never liked Paul anyway. I wonder if he’ll like Shaun? Shaun is into street racing and motocross as well. Dad does like motorsports, after all.
“Hey Tom. Or I guess I should say Tammy since you’re a full time girl now,” greeted my sister Cynthia over the phone. No question as to who it was. Nobody else would answer the phone that way.
“Cynthia! My soon to be globally famous sister. I feel so honored and privileged that you have deigned to call me again in less than a week,” I said in response to my sister. “To what do I owe this privilege of your phone call?”
I could see her scowl over the phone as she said, “Keep it up, twat-boy and this will be my last call to you.”
I sighed and asked, “Promise?”
“Are you done?”
I grinned and said, “Yes.”
Cynthia said seriously, “I won’t take up a lot of your valuable time, but I just had to ask. What the hell is up with you lately? I just got a text from Cathy that said you accepted another date with a boy. What’s changed with you? You always used to get annoyed if a boy asked you out.”
I laid back on my bed and said, “Cathy needs to stop blabbing. But yes, I have a date with a boy. I’m not completely sure why I said yes. It used to drive me crazy to be mistaken for a girl.”
Cynthia laughed. “I guess after Paul, you’ve decided boys aren’t so bad?”
I shook my head. “Honestly, I have no idea. A group of us were walking through the gym and I saw this one boy and wham! I was just suddenly attracted to him.”
Giggling, Cynthia said, “That’s the way it happens. So, who is this boy? Or is he a mystery man?”
I rolled over on my tummy and had to brush away the hair that fell across my face. “I’d seen him around before, but had never paid much attention before. He’s Shaun McAlister.”
“Oh, nice!” cooed Cynthia. “I didn’t know you were into bad boys.”
I sighed. “I didn’t either. I’m not really into boys at all.”
Cynthia laughed. “You say that while building a list of boyfriends. You know… Dad’s gonna shit bricks when he finds out your new boyfriend is a street racer.”
Shrugging uselessly, I said, “No reason Dad should know that. I mean, come on, Cynthia. He’s just taking me to a movie. And maybe out to eat. I really kinda doubt he’ll find me all that interesting.”
Laughing, Cynthia said, “Girl, you’re perfect for a guy like him. You’re beautiful, and you’re naïve. He’ll have your panties down around your ankles before you know it.”
Twirling my hair, I said, “I don’t believe Shaun is like that at all. He seems very nice.”
Cynthia sighed. “Girl, you have a lot to learn about boys.”
“Granted. I don’t have your vast wealth of experience with boys,” I said with a grin.
Growling, Cynthia said, “I hope you’re not suggesting I’m a loose girl.”
I giggled, “I didn’t say it.”
“Well anyway,” said Cynthia. “I really don’t know much about Shaun other than he’s hot. I didn’t know his other girlfriends. He’s probably actually somewhat tame. Guys like to create this dangerous, macho persona to impress their friends and attract girls like you who are attracted to bad boys. They all believe that nice guys finish last.”
I paused a moment and then asked, “I wonder why Paul isn’t a street racer. He’s got the car for it.”
Cynthia chuckled. “You have to admit. Paul’s just a poser. I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but face it. Paul doesn’t have the cajones to race. He took me to one of their get-togethers once. He knows everyone. We even went to a race. It’s exciting, hearing all those engines roaring and seeing all those boys with bulging muscles. Then the cops show up and everyone leaves. So really, Paul only uses his car to pick up girls. I mean it worked on me. And it worked on you too.”
I grinned at my phone. “Well, all I expect to get out of Shaun is a free movie. And maybe hang out with his racer friends. I’ve always been interested in fast cars. It’s not like I’m going to fall in love with him.”
Cynthia said, “Be careful sis. Falling in love is easy. Hey, I need to go. I’ll call you later.”
I was sitting with the other cheerleaders for lunch. We had been discussing the skit for Friday’s pep rally. Brandi and I both thought we were trying to fit too much in and that it was going to be an embarrassing disaster. Cathy was insisting it was going to be hilarious. While I was trying to make a brilliant point, Sarah poked me in the arm.
Sarah leaned close to my ear and said, “Incoming boyfriend.” She then pointed. Sure enough Shaun was heading towards our table. When he got close, all conversation stopped.
I smiled and said, “Hey Shaun. What’s up?”
He jerked his head to one side and said, “Tammy. I need to talk to you for a second.” He then stepped away from the table. I just shrugged as everyone just looked at me with a questioning expression.
I stepped up close to him. “Hey, baby. What’s up? Is something wrong?”
He stood really close to me. “Oh no. Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to verify what time to pick you up on Saturday.”
I looked at him like he was a dork. I said, “Dork. You could have just called. But is seven good?” I wanted to give myself plenty of time to get ready.
Frowning, Shaun said, “I can’t call you during school. I wanted to buy the tickets now and I needed to know which showing. Picking you up at seven puts us at the eight o’clock showing.” He looked down at his phone and then back to me. “Actually, the seats I want aren’t available at eight. How about picking you up at six? It’s a popular movie.”
“I guess it is,” I said. “Six is okay.”
Shaun nodded. “That’ll work. Do you have a curfew?”
I frowned and nodded. “Yes. Eleven thirty.”
Punching buttons on his phone, Shaun grinned. “Perfect. That gives us plenty of time. Okay, babe. We’re all set. Catch ya later.”
I waved as he hurried away.
“What was that about?” asked Cathy when I returned to the table.
I stabbed a piece of my salad and said, “He’s already buying the tickets to our movie.”
Cathy shrugged. “Well, that’s efficient.”
Brandi looked over at me. “What are you guys going to go see?”
Swallowing my bite of salad, I said, “That new Nathan Adams movie, Waiter, There’s a Fly in My Soup.
Cathy grinned. “I heard that’s one of his best movies. His girlfriend is in it.”
Sarah frowned and asked, “Isn’t she something like twelve?”
Donna chirped, “Well, I heard she was kicked out of the fifth grade because she’s pregnant.”
I laughed. “You guys are goofballs. I doubt any of that is true. I’m just planning on staring at Nathan.”
Cathy laughed. “Sounds like a plan!” The bell rang signaling the end of the lunch period.
This was only my second time out as cheerleader and I wasn’t one bit nervous. It was a little bit chilly being out in the autumn night air in the short uniform. But it didn’t bother me at all. I loved it. I wish I could have been a cheerleader all along. It’s funny how the plan for me to use the restroom near the coach’s office has been completely forgotten. I’m completely accepted as a girl and nobody cares if I use the girls room.
I was standing next to Cathy down on the field. In a moment we’d pick up the poles with the school’s banner to stretch across the gauntlet we were forming for the players to run through. Standing across from us was Donna and Brandi.
Donna grinned and shouted over to me. “Hey Tammy! Guess who I saw in the student section?”
I just shrugged. The team was lining up in preparation of running through the banner.
Donna shouted, “Shaun!”
Grinning, I shouted back, “Cool. He was worried he might not make it.”
Cathy frowned at me and then poked me in the ribs. “Pay attention!” No sooner had she spoken than the team ran through the banner. The team needed to win this game or we could forget about going to the play-offs. I wasn’t ready to hang up my cheerleader uniform just yet.
We finally worked our way back around to the student section and we went up into the stands to take a break. On the way up the stairs to the stands, I saw Shaun and waved at him. We both made our way over to the railing that separated our area from the student area.
Grinning, Shaun took my hands and said, “Hey baby. You look great out there, jumping and cheering.”
I laughed. “Thanks. That’s kinda what we do. Hey, I can’t really stand here and talk. After the game, you do plan to come and join us at Lorenzo’s House of Pasta, right?”
Shaun squeezed my hand. “I’ll be there!”
“See you then!” I said as I stepped back to join the other girls back on the field.
It was a really close game and quite frankly, our team looked like they were going to go down in defeat. But one of the other players who wasn’t Paul managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and guaranteed that we’d go into the play-offs. As before, Cathy and I kissed his cheeks as the reporters snapped a few photos.
As we walked off the field, all the cheerleaders clustered near the coach, the coach said, “Great job, everyone! But I need to make one announcement so we’re all clear. Anything could happen in the new few games but things look good for the team. So don’t make any plans to be home for Thanksgiving. One of the play-off games is scheduled for the Friday after Thanksgiving and it’s all the way across the state.”
Ashley was walking close to Cathy and I and she sighed, “Well shit. I was looking forward to going to my grandmother’s for Thanksgiving. Is it bad to hope we lose?”
Cathy said, “Probably. I think the football coach’s job is hanging on if we make state or not.”
Ash laughed. “I don’t even like the coach. He’s rude to all us cheerleaders.”
Cathy nodded and looked glumly at the ground. “That’s true.”
I just shrugged. “Well, it’s starting to get really cold and I don’t have anything to wear. If Paul and I were still together, I might be more interested in the play-offs.”
Ashley laughed, “I knew it!”
Looking very unhappy, Donna joined us as we headed towards the bus. She snarled, “This sucks. My dad has already bought plane tickets to Hawaii for Thanksgiving!”
As we waited outside the bus, Sarah ran up and said, “Isn’t this great! I’ve never been to any play-offs before!”
Cathy laughed. “At least we have one happy cheerleader to cheer on the team.”
Several people, including Shaun, had beat us to Lorenzo’s.
Shaun looked at me and grinned. “About time you got here!”
I squealed as I ran up to him and gave him a hug. I then sat down close to him. He put his arm around my shoulder. He bent down and nuzzled my neck.
Shaun suddenly waved at someone walking in through the door. He said, “Hey Paul! Good game.”
I looked over and saw Paul entering the restaurant with Clarissa hanging all over him. Her micro skirt exposed her black lacy panties while just standing. She wore the reddest lipstick I’ve ever seen along with ridiculous fake lashes. What a whore. Oops, I hope I didn’t say that out loud.
Paul grinned and waved to Shaun. He said, “Hey man, what brings you here?” And then his eyes fell on me and he quickly looked away. He knuckle-bumped Shaun.
Shaun laughed and said, “You saw my black Mustang out there, right? When are you going to pit that red, pussy Dodge of yours against it?” I hadn’t really seen it yet, but Shaun drives a midnight black Shelby Mustang. Many weekends he’s out racing it on the street.
Paul laughed self-consciously. “You know I quit racing. My Dad would kill me if I got so much as a scratch on that car.”
Shaun laughed. “Bullshit, Paul. You’ve just gone soft. And speaking of soft, have you met my new girl?” He pulled me close to him.
Paul smirked. “She’s a cheerleader and I’ve gone out with her. Of course I’ve met her. I didn’t know you were dating her.”
Shaun nuzzled me again. “Yep” He ran his fingers through my hair. “She’s one sweet girl. But then, you know that, don’t you?” With a finger under my chin, Shaun turned my head to face him and he gave me a quick kiss.
Clarissa scowled at me. She said, “Come on, Paul. Let’s find a place to sit.”
Looking down at my hands, I said in a small voice, “Why did you say that?”
Shaun shrugged. “Just making sure he knows you’re mine now.”
I have to say, I didn’t much like Shaun’s sudden aggressiveness. What happened to that sweet, shy boy who asked me out? Why do males have to be so damned macho when other males are around? I never acted that way. But then, I’m also sitting here wearing a cheerleader uniform with my boyfriend’s arm around me.
I saw Cathy looking at me. She mouthed the words, “Are you okay?” I nodded and looked away.
These after game get-togethers are usually loud and rowdy with the boys thinking they have to show off to the girls. Since a couple other football players also had muscle cars or wanted one and interested in racing them, the usual testosterone fueled conversations took a high octane turn this time with Shaun getting hit with questions about beefing up their cars. Even Paul joined in on the occasionally heated discussion. I didn’t really mind. Since my dad enjoys motorsports I was less lost in this conversation than I am in general talks about sports.
While we were all eating and enjoying the party atmosphere, I kept noticing Clarissa just practically laying on Paul almost like she was poured over him. She kept playing with his hair and kissing his neck, ears, cheek, whatever. So yes, I started putting my hands all over Shaun, nibbling on his ears and just lavishing him with attention. Call it childish, but I just couldn’t help myself.
As the clock edged towards midnight and past my curfew, Shaun turned to me and said, “Well crap, Tammy. Look at the time. I should probably take you home.”
I nodded. “Dad cuts me a little slack for these after game things. But yeah. I do need to go. We won’t be doing these during the play-offs since they’re all out of town.”
We waved and said our good-byes and left the restaurant.
Shaun had parked his car where he hoped it would be protected from door dings and scratches.
As we walked up to his Shelby Mustang, I just stopped and gasped. “What an awesome car!”
Grinning, Shaun said, “Thanks babe. Wait until you hear and feel that engine. It’s guaranteed to make girls wet.” He flashed an evil grin.
I doubt that would be happening to me. So my shy, sweet boyfriend uses his car to seduce girls. But basically, he had me by the balls with his smile. I should probably use a different expression even though I still have them.
I saw him wince when I slid a finger along the glossy finish. “This is a beautiful car!”
Grinning, he unlocked the doors. “Wait until you ride in it!” He opened the door for me and keeping my knees together, I slid into the passenger seat. Wow. Leather seats! He closed the door and ran around to the driver’s side.
After he got inside, he reached over and picked up the seat belt. “Let me help you with that.” Turns out it was a five point belt system like you find on race cars and aircraft.
He then turned the ignition on. The body flexed slightly from the torque of the engine. The exhaust noise was quite loud. I could feel the vibration of raw power coming up from the seat.
After I gave him my address, he floored the gas pedal to burn out. I felt myself pushed back into my seat as a cloud of burning rubber surrounded us. I don’t know if he was hoping to impress me or scare me.
He looked over at me with a grin, his expression begging I be impressed.
I glanced over at him and asked, “Do you like buying tires?” He just shook his head.
We didn’t talk much on the drive to my house. I thought for sure we’d get pulled over, but we didn’t. And finally he rolled up to the curb in front of my house.
Grinning, Shaun said, “You’re home. Safe and sound.”
“Thanks for bringing me home. I think that’s the fastest trip ever from Lorenzo’s to my house.”
Shaun shrugged. “I didn’t want you to be too late.”
“Thanks again,” I smiled. “This is definitely a cool car.” I popped the buckle on the harness.
We sat there in an awkward silence for several moments. Finally, Shaun leaned over and kissed me. I turned to face him and leaned into the kiss. I closed my eyes and moaned softly as we continued to kiss.
I disengaged and pulled back, taking a couple deep breaths. I said, “I need to go. Thanks again for the ride home.”
Shaun grinned at me and said, “See ya tomorrow at six.” He gave me another quick kiss.
As I opened the door and started to step out, I said, “Oh. Don’t peel out when you leave. My dad hates that.” Shaun nodded.
As I stood on the sidewalk and waved, there was a sudden squall of tires as Shaun’s Mustang fishtailed slightly as he roared away. I just shook my head.
After I entered my house, from his seat on the couch, Dad said, “You’re late. Who was that who dropped you off?”
I plopped down on the couch next to Dad. “That’s my new boyfriend, Shaun. You’ll get to meet him tomorrow. We have a date.”
Turning his head from the TV to look at me, Dad said, “Another new boyfriend? What’s with you and all these boys? He’s not one of those street racers, is he?”
I just shrugged. “He might be. He has a really nice car.”
Dad gave me a stern look. “Listen to me, Tammy. I don’t want you riding with this boy while he’s racing. It’s just too dangerous.”
I sighed. “Daddy, I’m not going to ride with him during a race. Don’t worry. I think you’ll really like Shaun. He knows all about cars. Just like you.”
Shaking his head, Dad said, “It’s late. You should probably get to bed.”
I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Good night, Daddy.” I slid off the couch and hurried to my room.
“Want me to make breakfast?” I asked Dad as he walked into the kitchen on a bright Saturday morning.
“Sure, honey. What have you got?” Over the weeks, Dad has gotten used to seeing me in my light blue babydoll pajamas. I started wearing them just as I started substituting for Cynthia, even though obviously, I didn’t wear pajamas to school. I just loved the way they felt. I’ll probably keep wearing them after Cynthia returns.
I opened the fridge and took a quick inventory of the contents. “How about scrambled, eggs, sausage and orange juice?”
Dad, wearing his boxers and a t-shirt that definitely needed washing, sat down at the kitchen table with his tablet computer and started flipping through his news app. “That sounds great, honey.” Dad never used to call me things like honey before. I guess it’s his way of dealing with my new reality even if it’s temporary. Cynthia is *supposed* to come back home again. I think.
As I gathered items to make the eggs with, like a bowl and spatula, Dad frowned at his tablet.
“So, princess. Tell me more about this new boyfriend of yours. You say he’s into street racing?” asked Dad as he continued to look at his tablet.
As I started cracking eggs, I said, “Well, his name is Shaun. Like me, he’s a senior. He’s on the basketball team. He’s really cute and really nice.
Dad asked, “What’s his last name?”
Furrowing my brow, wondering what Dad is getting at, I said, “McAlister. Shaun McAlister. About six – two.”
Dad set his tablet down on the table. “Okay. I just wanted to be sure this wasn’t him.”
I frowned as I started scrambling the eggs. “Who him?”
Looking up from his tablet, Dad said, “Oh, some street racer. He ran a red light and killed this poor elderly couple just out for a drive, last night.”
My eyes widened. “Oh, that’s awful! Shaun wouldn’t be involved in anything like that. Where was it?”
Poking at his tablet, Dad said, “Garland City.”
I frowned as I turned on the heat under the skillet. “Daddy. That’s like what? Eighty miles from here?”
Dad frowned at me. “Not impossible either to be someone from here. But honey, I need you to promise something.”
I was just about to pour the eggs into the skillet. I stopped and asked, “What?”
Looking very seriously, Dad said, “I want you to promise me you’ll never ride with this Shaun guy when he races.”
I frowned. “Daddy, I don’t even know if he races. I just met him a few days ago.”
“Promise me,” said Dad sternly.
I sighed heavily. “I promise, Daddy. I promise. Same as last time you asked.”
“Hey girl. Whatcha up to?”
“Hey Cathy,” I said over my cell phone. “I’m just trying to select an outfit for tonight.”
“Wear a skirt!” Cathy said without hesitation.
I laughed. “I already have that picked out. It’s funny though. Two weeks ago, not only would I not be going on a date, but if I did, I wouldn’t be picking out an outfit for it,”
Cathy said, “Wow. That’s right. I totally forgot that you’ve only been a girl for about two weeks. You’re such a natural.”
I sighed as I held out two different tank tops to try to pick one. “That’s the problem isn’t it? You’d think that everyone would remember that two weeks ago, I was a boy. Well, technically, I still am. But I’m totally accepted as a girl. It would cause a ruckus if I entered the boys room now.”
Cathy laughed. “Well, enjoy it while you can. Your sister won’t be gone forever.”
I sat down on my bed amid the clothes I was looking through. “That’s just it. Should I be enjoying it? I only volunteered to fill in for my sister’s cheerleader position. And now I’m dating boys. It’s crazy. I really don’t understand what’s going on!”
Cathy interrupted and said, “Let me ask you something real quick. And you need to be totally honest.”
I glanced at my clock and noticed it was just two in the afternoon. I said, “Okay.”
Cathy paused for a moment and then asked, “Have you enjoyed being a girl these past couple of weeks?”
I looked down at my nails that I painted this morning before lunch. “It’s not like I’m actually a girl you know. I’m just pretending and…”
Cathy interrupted again. “Have you enjoyed being a girl?”
I sighed as I checked my choice of tops again. I said, “Being totally honest… yes.”
Cathy said, “Okay then. Now. Do you like Shaun?”
I shrugged to myself. “I don’t know. I mean, he seems okay. I really don’t know him well. I feel almost like I’m lying…”
Cathy sighed and interrupted again. “Do you like Shaun?”
I ran my fingers through my long hair. “Yes.”
Cathy laughed. “There. Perfect. Now enjoy your date tonight.”
I sighed. “Is it really just that simple?”
Cathy exclaimed, “Will you stop? Quit trying to analyze everything. Just enjoy your date with the one of the most gorgeous boys at school. Whatever happens next, enjoy this moment now!
I laughed. “Okay, okay. I’m just really nervous. I’m afraid he won’t like me.”
Cathy said, “Girl, he’s going to just love you. Have fun. But I need to go. Call me when you get back from your date. I really got to hear all about it.”
I stepped out into the living room where Dad was watching a game show on TV. He looked up at me and just stared. He said, “Oh my, Tom. Or I should say Tammy. You look very pretty tonight. Just beautiful.” He looked me up and down and said, “Do you have a longer dress?”
I smiled at Dad while I twisted left and right to pose for him. I said, “There’s nothing wrong with my skirt. You know Mom would agree with me.” It was almost time for Shaun to arrive.
Dad frowned. “True. Do me a favor and go back and wait in your room and give me a few minutes to interrogate… I mean talk to this Shaun character.”
I rolled my eyes. “Okay, Daddy. But I just know you’re going to love him.” I turned and pranced back to my room. Yes. I pranced.
I was suddenly nervous when the doorbell rang. I heard Dad open the door. I was so worried Dad would say something to sabotage my date. I checked my make-up for the billionth time and smoothed my skirt. I could hear Dad and Shaun talking, but I couldn’t make out what was being said.
After a few minutes, Dad yelled, “Tammy! Shaun is here!” I checked my make-up again and checked my outfit in the mirror to make sure my butt looked cute. Doubts about dating a boy started trickling through my mind. I took a deep breath and walked into the living room.
I smiled the instant I saw Shaun. He was gorgeous and had even taken a shower.
Shaun’s face busted out into a huge grin. “Tammy! Hi. You look… you look just, just beautiful.” He held out a small bouquet of flowers towards me. “These are for you.”
I took the flowers and sniffed them. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” I then handed them towards Dad. “Can you put these in some water for me?” He just nodded.
Shaun chuckled. “Yeah. Your dad and I were just talking. I’m impressed he used to road race motorcycles in his college years using small local airports for the tracks. I think they still use one for Gymkhanas.”
I just stared at Dad. “You used to race motorcycles?”
Dad grinned. “Yep. Until I met your mother, it was my biggest interest.”
I stepped close to Shaun and he took my hand. I asked, “I never knew that. Do you still have the bike?”
Dad shook his head. “Nah. I sold it. I wish I hadn’t. I pretty much built it myself. It was red and blue, I added clip-on bars and a local fab shop custom made the fiberglass fairing and seat. 600, four cylinder engine with four carbs. It was a beautiful bike and a screamer. Even won a few times on it.”
I looked at Dad in astonishment. “Wow Daddy. That’s a side of you I’ve never seen before.”
Dad suddenly looked wistful. “The last time I was even near a race track was in Florida for the Daytona 200. You and your sister were probably too young to remember going to it.” Dad had never brought this up before. Ever. I’m taking it as a sure sign he likes Shaun.
Shaun gave my hand a squeeze and said, “Well Tammy. Are you ready to go?”
I looked up at Shaun and smiled. Even in my high heel sandals he’s taller than me. I said, “Yes!”
Shaun tugged on my hand and said, “Let’s go. Nice meeting you Mr. Garret.”
Dad looked straight at Shaun. He said, “Nice meeting you too, son. She needs to be back home by eleven thirty. Not eleven thirty-one. Eleven thirty.” Dad always has to be so dramatic. He was no different with my sister.
Shaun nodded. “Yes sir. I’ll have her back safe and sound and on time.”
Shaun opened our front door and leading me by my hand, we walked towards his car. Being late October, the sun hung low in the sky and the deep black of his Shelby Mustang was even more intense in the Autumn light. I had never thought black could be intense.
As we approached his car, Shaun said, “You’re dad’s pretty cool. I never would have imagined he raced bikes. I got the impression he’s protective of you. I have to say, I don’t blame him a bit.”
I just nodded. He embarrassed Cynthia more than once if her date was late bringing her home.
Shaun opened the passenger door of his car and held my hand to help me get in. I should have worn flats. But then he’d be way too tall for me.
As he slid into his seat he leaned towards me as if to give me a kiss. I guess to him, we established kissing the night before. But I pulled back and pointed at my face and said, “Lipstick.” He just rolled his eyes and sat up straight. I didn’t want to have to repair my make-up before we even got to the Cineplex. You’d think guys would understand this.
Shaun hit the ignition and his car rumbled to life. I was fumbling with the harness and he leaned over and helped me with it. We then slowly pulled away from the curb. No squealing tires, no burning rubber.
It took less than ten minutes to navigate the streets to get to the Cineplex. The parking lot was filling up. Looking across the sea of cars, I said, “Sheesh. I hope we can get in.”
Shaun nodded. “I know, right? You’d think this was a date night or something.” He then winked at me.
However, it really didn’t take long to find a spot. It just wasn’t particularly close to the entrance. And then, once we entered the Cineplex, we found it to be jumpin’ with people.
Getting close to my ear, Shaun shouted, “What do you say we skip getting a pizza or bowling and just go ahead and get in the popcorn line. It looks like it’ll take a while just to get through that.” He’d bought our tickets on-line, so we could skip that part of the process.
I nodded and shouted back, “Sure. You’re the boss.”
Shaun grinned. “And don’t forget it!” He laughed as he took my hand and led me to the end of the popcorn line.
I have to admit, I felt very self-conscious standing in line, holding Shaun’s hand, wearing a short skirt, heels, make-up, long hair and earrings. Not to mention being constantly stared at by literally dozens of boys. Granted, this happens at school as well, but this seemed to be at a higher level. It really didn’t give me any solace to see that I wasn’t the only girl to get unwanted attention. A fleeting feeling of shame coursed through me as I remembered that I too, would stand there and stare at cute girls. I chuckled at a random thought that maybe all boys should have to spend a month as a girl to see how it feels.
While we were just standing in line, waiting for our turn to get a snack and a drink, a voice called, “Hey Shaun!” We both turned to see Paul one row away. Clarissa was standing behind him.
Shaun said, “Hey Paul. Like, what’s up dude?”
Trying not to shout it too loud, Paul said, “Just wanted to let you know about a grudge race tonight at ten thirty on South Farm Road Fifteen.”
Shaun looked thoughtful for a moment. “Who’s racing?”
Paul responded with, “Hollister and Stokes. Two thousand bucks. Hollister wants his money back.”
Shaun laughed. “Idiot. He’s just going to lose again. His dad is going to kill him blowing all that money. Sure. We’ll be there.” Shaun turned away from Paul.
I sighed. “I guess you can just take me home before you head over to the race.”
Looking disappointed, Shaun said, “I’m sorry, baby. I just figured you’d come along. Have you ever been to a street race?”
I shook my head. “No. I haven’t.”
Grinning, Shaun said, “Well come along then. They’re over pretty quick. As soon as the race ends, we all split to avoid the cops and meet back up at some place like Taco del Rey where everyone is handed their winnings.”
I furrowed my brow. “Winnings?”
Shaun laughed. “Duh! People bet on the race, of course.”
I looked at my feet. “I dunno. My dad said…”
Smirking, Shaun said, “Your daddy won’t be there. Come on. Do something exciting.”
I sighed. “Okay. Just this once.” Shaun put his arm around me.
We finally got our snacks and made our way to the auditorium. Shaun had picked two really good seats. After sitting, I snuggled up against him. He threw his arm around my shoulder and leaned his head against mine. The movie hadn’t really gotten started and I was already in heaven.
The movie was funny with lots of action. Some of the action was pretty intense and I found myself tightly holding Shaun’s hand. I loved being in Shaun’s arms. At one point where the movie slowed down, I looked up and saw Shaun just staring at me. He smiled when he saw me look up. He bent his head down and suddenly his lips were pressed against mine.
I closed my eyes and melted as his soft lips pressed into mine. I actually enjoyed his kiss more than Paul’s which had been just this side of heaven. He pulled back and smiled at me. My emotions are all over the map after his kiss. In the back of my mind, I knew I shouldn’t be on a date with a boy at all. Looking up at this beautiful boy I found myself falling in love. I find Shaun irresistible but I don’t know why. Then he kissed me again.
When the movie’s credits started to roll, if someone was to ask me what the movie I just watched was about, I couldn’t tell them. I couldn’t get my mind off Shaun long enough to pay attention.
Shaun took my hand after we got up from our seats. Shaun said, “We need to hurry if we’re going to get to the race by ten thirty.” He then led me by the hand through the crowd of people in the Cineplex and out to the parking lot. I was really hoping to hang around the theater and play some of the latest games as the Cineplex is about the only place to find such games anymore. But to be a good girlfriend, I guess I need to take an interest in the things my boyfriend likes to do.
It didn’t take long to get to the lonely stretch of road where the race would be held. Cars lined the highway on both sides with people milling around in small groups. Shaun parked his car next to Paul’s and we got out and walked over to a large group. I saw Paul in the group, but no Clarissa.
As we approached the group, one guy I’d seen at school was talking on a cell phone. He then said to everyone nearby, “Okay. Mitch said they’re set up and ready.” He pointed at two boys near him, “Okay, guys. Get in your cars and let’s do it.”
One of the boys said, “Wait. Who’s gonna start us?”
The other boy said, “Yeah. It’s gotta be a cute girl.”
Shaun, who was still holding my hand, suddenly lifted my hand up in the air. “We have a volunteer right here!”
One of the boys racing said, “Damn. How did you get the prettiest girl at school to start us?” Shaun just grinned.
I was appalled. I whispered to Shaun, “What are you doing? I don’t know anything about this?”
As he led me to the middle of the street, Shaun said, “It’s easy.” He then said to no one in particular, “Who’s got the flag?”
The guy who’d been talking when we arrived said, “I’ve got it.” He walked up to me and handed me a red rag. “And, since I’d be willing to bet that you’re the most honest person here, you can hold this as well until the race is over.” He then handed me a well worn bank bag. It was kinda heavy.
Horrified at suddenly being involved, as I took the bag, I asked, “What the hell is this?”
Shaun stood me in the middle of the quiet highway as two cars positioned in either lane. He said, “All you have to do, babe, is hold this flag high. When both cars flash their lights, count to ten and drop the flag. And then run straight forward to get clear.”
Getting scared, I said, “I’m going to get run over, aren’t I?”
Shaun patted my butt. He said with a grin, “That’s why I said run forward. Don’t worry babe. You’ll be fine. We’ll then head to Taco del Rey to wrap up the race.”
Down the road, a couple of people had established a finish line at the stop sign at the next intersection.
Scared out of my mind, I stood in front of the two cars that were revving their engines. I glanced over to Shaun and he gave me a thumbs up and grinned. Suddenly both cars flashed their lights to signal they were ready. I counted to ten and dropped the red rag. I was suddenly deafened by the roar of engines and squalling of tires.
Crying, I ran up to Shaun and hit him a few times on his chest. “You bastard! How could you do that to me!?”
Laughing, Shaun grabbed my hand to prevent any more hits. He said, “You did great, Tammy! Now let’s get out of here before the cops decide to arrive.” Everyone started dispersing.
As we got into Shaun’s car, I said, “That was insane!” I managed to buckle my own belt as Shaun started to drive off. I looked out the window and said, “Isn’t Taco del Rey the other way?”
Shaun shook his head. “We won’t go there directly. I’m going to circle around the old gas plant.” We then went easily and quietly down the street so we wouldn’t attract any attention.
As we cruised down the highway toward the gas plant, Shaun’s cell phone rang. He spoke in a low voice so I couldn’t hear clearly. Finally, he hung up and looked over at me. “Well, that sucks. The cops suspected a race tonight so a couple cops are hanging out at Taco del Rey. We can take care of the money tomorrow evening during our regular meeting on the mall parking lot. I need to take you home anyway.”
I folded my arms tightly under what passed for breasts. I stared straight ahead. “Am I a criminal now? Are we Bonnie and Clyde?”
Shaun chuckled. “What are you talking about? The cops don’t know you. Nobody is going to rat you out.”
I looked over at him and scowled. “How could you do that to me?”
Shaun looked at me curiously. “Didn’t you have fun? Wasn’t that exciting to drop the flag between two powerful cars with their engines roaring and the smell of burning rubber? I’d be surprised if the front of your panties don’t have a wet spot.”
His car rolled up along the curb in front of my house.
I disconnected my seat belt and scowled at Shaun. “I was terrified! I mean really! How could you do that to me? I hate you!”
He slid closer to me. “Girl, I could tell you were excited.”
I continued to keep my arms folded tightly in front of me. “I’m serious. I hate you!”
Shaun leaned in close and whispered. “I didn’t hear you.” His face was almost up against mine.
I whispered back, “I… I said I ha…”
His lips suddenly pressed into mine.
He pulled back a moment. I whispered, “I said I hate you.”
He put his arm around my neck and pulled me towards his lips. He kissed me hard and I moaned softly. I put my arms around his neck as he kissed me deeply. I gasped, “Oh Shaun…” He was kissing me passionately. He pushed me back against the car door as we kissed with deep passion. I closed my eyes and moaned. I sucked his tongue into my mouth. I wanted his kiss to go deeper. I wanted to kiss him forever. He started massaging my breast, my nipple becoming rock hard.
I was kissing his neck and nibbling his ear. He kissed along my neck and shoulders. Before I realized it, he’d pulled my tank top over my head. We continued to kiss in overheated passion. I was having trouble breathing. I felt my bra go lose as Shaun unsnapped it.
Suddenly his lips were on my small breast, his tongue pressing into my nipple. Oh God I wanted him so bad. He pressed his crotch of his pants against my panties. As I continued to gasp with his kisses, I wanted him, but this had to stop. This was going too far and way too fast.
Sucking on my nipple, Shaun gasped, “I want you, baby. I need you.” His words finally broke me out of the lustful insanity clouding my mind. Breathing heavy, I broke away from him and put my palms on his chest to try to push him away.
He gave me a confused look as I tried to push him back. I said, “Shaun, no. We can’t do this. Please stop.” He bit my nipple before pulling away. I had let him get me carried away. I didn’t mean to place my hand there, but in trying to move him back I pushed on the hardness in his pants and he suddenly groaned loudly and I was surprised to find the front of his pants very wet as well as my hand. I couldn’t believe how much got on my hand.
I don’t know what possessed me to do so, but I licked my fingers. I started to cry. This was nuts. How could I let this happen? I just had sex with a boy! This doesn’t really count, does it? I didn’t even see his thing.
Grinning, Shaun leaned over and gave me a long, deep kiss. He pulled back and looked me straight into my eyes and said, “I love you, Tammy.”
And under a cloud of temporary stupidity, I said in a lusty whisper, “I love you too.” I can’t believe I said it. I just told a boy I loved him. I couldn’t possibly mean it. I looked into his eyes and said, “Oh God. I love you so much.”
Shaun tapped his phone and he said, “It’s eleven fifteen. You should probably get to your house.”
I looked up and couldn’t see anything as the windows were all fogged over. My bra was laying on the car floor. If don’t have my bra on when I enter the house, Dad is going to kill me. Or kill Shaun. Or both of us. I managed to put it on quickly enough. Where the hell did my tank top go? Shaun found it in the back seat. I quickly put it on.
After I got my clothes back on and hopefully my hair presentable. I opened the passenger door. “Good night, Shaun. Thanks for an… um, interesting evening.”
Shaun smiled. “I had a great time, Tammy. I’d love to take you out again.”
“I’d like to go out again too,” I said trying to smile. “Maybe just get a taco or something.”
Shaun looked at me and grinned. He bent over and gave me a quick kiss. He said, “Good-night, babe.”
I slid out of Shaun’s car and ran towards the house as I heard Shaun gun his engine and he sped away. Dad of course was still awake when I walked through the door. His eyes widened when he saw me and as he just shook his head, he said, “Go to bed.”
I said, “Good night, Daddy.” I ran to my bedroom. I almost passed out in shock when I saw my face. Holy crap! My face was a total disaster! What Dad must have thought when he saw how much my make-up was smeared. I ran to the bathroom to wash my face. It was then that I noticed I could still smell Shaun on my fingers. I hoped Dad didn’t notice. I hoped it wasn’t going to take gasoline to remove the smell.
“You did what?!” screamed my sister Cynthia over the phone. “Did he penetrate you? Does he now know you’re not really a girl?”
Keeping my voice low so Dad didn’t overhear me talking to Cynthia, I said, “To be honest, I never actually saw or touched his thing.”
Obvious relief in her voice Cynthia said, “I think then, that means that technically you’re still a virgin. I could ask Mom if you like.”
“No! No, no. That’s okay.” I said quickly. I’m sure she was joking, but you can’t be too sure.
“Still, girl. You need to tone things down a bit. Next time you might not be so lucky,” said Cynthia stating the obvious. “So. Now that you’ve slept on it, do you still think you’re in love with Shaun?”
I smiled at the phone. “To be honest sis, I uh…” I stumbled over the words, not really wanting to say it. “Yes, I love Shaun.”
“No!” shouted Cynthia. “You do not love Shaun! You can’t.”
“But I do love him,” I said sincerely. “I really do. And I think he loves me.”
“No. Just because he fucked you, doesn’t mean he loves you!” exclaimed my sister.
“You just said he didn’t,” I said, feeling confused.
“Close enough,” said my sister. “There’s been several times I thought I was in love too, one of those times being with Paul. But it turned out to not be the case.”
“It sure feels like love,” I said in my defense.
Sounding cynical, Cynthia said, “And how would you know what love feels like?”
I said, “I’ve felt it before.”
“When was that?” asked Cynthia.
“After kissing Paul.”
Cynthia laughed. “Well, there’s your problem! You fall for every boy you kiss! You need to stop that!”
“Stop kissing boys or falling in love?”
Cynthia simply said, “Yes!”
“I can’t help who I fall in love with,” I said seriously.
“This is true,” agreed Cynthia. “Just do yourself and me a favor and just slow down. I don’t want you getting hurt so be careful how you toss that word ‘love’ around.”
After a few more minutes on the phone with Cynthia telling me how much she’s in love with her co-star, we disconnected. But Cynthia is right. I let things get out of hand and I’m not sure how to fix it. Is what I feel for Shaun really love or just infatuation? I just need to stop dating boys. At least stop dating the most beautiful ones. When I talked to Cathy, she just said she was happy for me and hoped everything worked out.
When I entered the kitchen looking for something to eat, Dad was at the kitchen table munching on a Pop Tart. He pointed at the chair opposite him and slid the box of Pop Tarts over to that side of the table.
I sat down and looked in the box. Dad just stared at me for several moments. Finally, he said, “Son, we need to talk. I try not to meddle in your as well as your sister’s lives. But sometimes, as a parent I have to. Look. I’m not a prude or anything, but I’ve had enough experience with your sister coming home from a hot date with a face that looked like yours last night to have a good guess about what went on. Honestly, I never dreamed I’d be having this conversation with my son. And I really have to ask about a couple of things. I saw a suspicious spot on your skirt last night. Tell me the truth, son. Did you have sex with that boy?”
How do I answer him? I’m not entirely sure of the answer myself. There was no penetration. I didn’t even see Shaun’s penis. But it’s obvious I turned him on and he just couldn’t hold back his reaction. And I tasted it. Is that sex?
I felt tears welling up. I looked him straight in the eyes and said, “No Daddy. I didn’t. I’m not saying things didn’t get hot but I didn’t have sex with Shaun.”
Dad nodded. “I’m going to trust you. Just don’t give me a reason not to. The other thing I want to ask you about. Last night there was a street race. Were you and your boyfriend there?”
I had a feeling Dad already knew the answer. So I’d get into some serious shit if I lied. I nodded. “Yes, Daddy. Shaun wanted to watch this grudge race.”
Dad nodded. “Thanks for being honest. I saw a video on the computer this morning of the start of the race and saw you dropping the starter flag. That was a dangerous thing to do. Those cars have too much power for the kids driving them to handle safely.”
I shrugged. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I was asked to do it.” I didn’t want to say Shaun pushed me into it. I didn’t want to give Dad a reason to tell me not to see Shaun anymore.
Dad interlaced his fingers and said, “You know those races are illegal, right?”
I nodded.
Dad continued, “I’m not going to tell you not to go with your boyfriend to these races. You’re just like your sister and I know you’ll go anyway to be with your boyfriend. But if I have to come down to the police station to pick you up, you’ll be grounded until you’re thirty. Understood?”
I nodded. “I understand, Daddy.” I knew he wasn’t kidding.
I had run into Cathy outside the school building. We had a few minutes before classes started.
Cathy asked, “Do you think he really means that?”
I nodded. “I don’t think he can ground me past my eighteenth birthday, but yeah. He was pretty hot about it. I mean, he’s never liked street racers anyway.”
Cathy shook her head. “So is he going to say you can’t date Shaun?”
“Not yet. He doesn’t like me dating boys anyway and then add that Shaun is a street racer; it makes it tougher,” I said with a sigh.
Cathy smirked at me. “Just keep your nose clean, girl. I gotta run. See you at lunch.”
I gave her a grin as I looked down at my phone. I was about to be late myself. As I rushed into the school entrance, I heard my name called. I turned around and saw Shaun running up to me.
I flashed him a big smile. “Hey, honey.” He slid a hand down one of my back jeans pocket and walked into the school with me. “I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be by to pick you up tonight around seven.”
I gave him a confused look. “Is this a date?”
Shaun shrugged. “We might get something to eat if you want. But there’s a car club get-together tonight in the parking lot of the old water park. I wanted you to meet some of the guys.” There used to be a water park in town with water slides, swimming pools and an arcade and it all went belly up before I was born. “Are you okay with that?”
I smiled at him. “Of course. Just kinda took me by surprise.”
Shaun said, “I guess I should have called, but hey, you’re my girl now. You should know I’m spontaneous. Gotta run.”
As he hurried off, I smiled to myself. I’m his girl.
I floated through my morning classes on a pink cloud of girldom. As the lunch bell rang, I started to put away my spiral notebook that was reserved for the notes for my history class. I glanced at it and on the first page, I’d run out of space to write Shaun’s name over and over. I’ll have to borrow someone’s notes because I don’t think I heard anything the teacher said.
After I picked up my lunch in the cafeteria, I saw Cathy wave to me. She was of course sitting with the other cheerleaders. I started to head in her direction when suddenly, Shaun’s hand was on my lower back and redirecting me.
Shaun said, “Hey baby. Why don’t we go sit with the guys?”
I hesitated. “I was going to sit with my friends.”
Shaun glanced over to where Cathy was sitting. “The cheerleaders? Who wants to sit with those stuck-up bitches?”
I stopped walking and Shaun almost knocked the tray out of my hands. Pissed, I said, “I’m a cheerleader! Am I a stuck-up bitch too?”
He knew he’d just stuck his foot in his mouth. He said, “No. You’re my girlfriend. I need you with me.”
I smiled at him. Well, I guess if he needs me. I let him lead me to the table his friends were sitting. He pointed to where I should set my tray down.
Shaun stood behind me and said, “I’m sure you all know Tammy. You see her every week at the pep rallies. I’m hoping to get her involved with our club.”
The guy who had given me the bank bag smiled at me. “Thanks again, Tammy for being the starter. Thanks for holding on to the cash. Shaun and I got it all handled Sunday afternoon.”
One of the guys I hadn’t seen before said, “Sexy girls are always welcome.”
The conversation switched to car talk, with everyone talking about what they’re doing to their cars and who they think can win. I was more than happy to have the focus switch from me. Shaun held my hand the whole time.
I didn’t think he would, but sure enough, right at seven, Shaun shows up at the front door. He doesn’t come in. He just waits from me. I had changed my clothes and freshened my make-up and then he led me to his car.
After kissing me, Shaun said, “I found this great little place to eat. I think you’ll love it.”
I turned towards him and not wanting to sound annoyed, I said, “I’m sure it’s great, Shaun. But I really would appreciate more time to get ready for a date.”
He nodded. “I guess I did rush things. But baby, I just want to be with you.”
I laughed and said, “Well, don’t wear me out.”
He put his hand on my cheek and very seriously looked me in the eyes. In a breathy voice, he said, “I love you, baby.” Then his lips were pressed against mine. I closed my eyes and leaned into his kiss.
He pulled back and slowly drove his car away from the curb. I just sat there and stared at his beautiful face. What have I done?
Looking incredulous, Cathy asked, “You went out again? That’s three nights in a row.”
“I love him Cathy, but this really seems excessive. He calls me after he brings me home to say good night and I don’t mind making out in his car. Last night he took me to a race. I think he wants me to join him more often.” Cathy and I were standing outside the school building, waiting for the bell to ring. Or should I say waiting for Shaun to arrive to walk me inside.
Cathy gave me a long look. “I’ll be honest with you. I think he’s more obsessed with you than in love.” She chuckled. “He’s going to have some serious separation anxiety this weekend when we go out of town for the first play-off game.”
I took a deep breath and asked Cathy, “Should I be worried with him showing so much attention? He doesn’t even like me talking to other guys.”
“Tammy, you need to be careful,” said Cathy. “Tell him ‘no’ once in a while for God’s sake. I don’t think he’s evil, but he’s definitely trying to possess you. Oh. He’s here.”
About then Shaun came up and put his arm around my waist. “Hey babe. Heya Cathy. How’s everything going?”
Cathy said, “I’ll leave you two alone. Girl, call me later.”
I smiled at Shaun. “Going good. I’m excited about tomorrow morning when we leave for the game tomorrow night. Are you coming?”
Shaun shook his head. “Probably not. Lack of funds. Do you really have to go?”
I laughed. “Of course I have to go, silly.” I pointed at the uniform I was wearing. “I’m a cheerleader, see? Are you coming to the pep rally this morning?”
Shaun grinned. “Of course I’m coming! It’s just the weekend won’t be the same if you’re gone.”
I frowned at him. “I’ll be back late Saturday night. It’s not like I’ll be gone all weekend.”
Shaun nodded. “But hey. I’ll be by the same as usual tonight about seven.”
Frowning again, I said, “I have to get up early in the morning.”
Shaun shrugged. “We won’t be out that late.” He stepped back a moment to look at me. “What’s wrong babe?”
I sighed and looked down at my feet. “Shaun, it’s just… well, it’s just you don’t ever ask. You just tell me we’re going out.”
Shaun stepped back and looked irritated. “Well, I’m sorry. I thought you liked going out. Say the word and I’m out of here.”
I shook my head at Shaun. “Oh stop it. You know I love you and love being with you. But sometimes you just need a break.”
Nodding, Shaun said, “I get it. I understand. Maybe I have been a bit too intense.”
I smiled at him and said, “Thanks.”
Shaun asked, “Just curious. Did you have any plans for this evening?”
I said, “Not really. I kinda thought…”
Shaun grinned. “Great! I’ll pick you up at seven! Gotta run.” He then darted off into the school.
I sighed as I watched him go.
Dad frowned at me. “Going out again? I thought we might watch a movie on TV. And you have that trip in the morning.”
As I brushed my hair, I said, “Shaun promised not to keep me out too late. He knows about the trip.”
Dad shook his head. “You’ve been seeing an awful lot of that boy lately. It’s every night. Do you think that’s a good idea?”
I shrugged. “I love him, Daddy. I want to be with him all the time.”
Dad’s frown deepened. “There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. And honey, that skirt is much too short.”
Outside, I heard a car door close.
“He’s here, Daddy. I don’t have time to change.” I kissed his cheek. “Bye Daddy. Love you.” I ran out the front door before Shaun even had a chance to ring the doorbell.
Shaun grinned broadly as I ran up to him and kissed him. He said, “Oh baby. You’re looking hot tonight.” He took my hand and led me back to his car.
He kissed me again after we got inside his car. He said, “You’ve never seen me race, have you? Thought you’d want to watch.”
Unsure of how I felt about that, I asked, “You have a race? With who?”
As his engine rumbled into life, Shaun said, “Never met him. Some punk from across town challenged me. He thinks he has the hottest car on the strip.”
Worried, I said, “Well, who cares what he thinks, right? He’s a nobody.”
Shaun shook his head. “I can’t walk away from a challenge. I have to shut him down. I’ll blow his doors off.” He looked at me and then leaned over and ruffled my hair. “Don’t worry about it.”
We drove down a dark desert highway. Rows of cars lined both sides of the street. He found a spot to park. As we got out of his car he said, “There’s a race before I go. Joey and Carl got into a snit over who’s car is fastest. Joey has beat Carl three times already.”
They were just getting ready to roll their cars out. There was a skinny blonde with her arm around Joey. I’ve seen her around school, but couldn’t remember her name. I was shocked when I saw her reach inside Joey’s car and extract a helmet which she immediately put on, pushing her hair under the helmet.
I had my arm around Shaun. I looked up at him and said, “That girl is putting on a helmet!”
Shaun nodded. “Yeah. So? That’s his girlfriend. She’s going to ride with him.”
My eyes widened as I said, “You’re kidding! Seriously? Isn’t that dangerous?”
Shaun shrugged. “No more dangerous than usual. Joey is a good driver. We haven’t had anybody crash since last summer.”
Worried, I watched the girl climb in through the passenger window as the door wouldn’t open. I held Shaun tight as another girl walked out between the cars and held up a red rag. Both cars were rocking back and forth from revving. The girl dropped the flag and both cars disappeared in clouds of burning rubber.
As it turned out, Joey won the race. He came driving back. Carl damaged his engine and was going to have to get a tow back to his house.
I just stood back as Shaun checked under his hood. Apparently there wasn’t a lot of worry about cops showing up. While I was standing there, the skinny blonde that rode with Joey walked up to me.
“Hi. I’m Angel. Are you Shaun’s girlfriend?”
I turned to her and smiled. “Hey Angel. Yeah, I’m Tammy, Shaun’s girlfriend.” It still seemed odd to say I was Shaun’s girlfriend.
“Are you going to ride with him?” she asked.
I shook my head. “No. I don’t think I should.” Dad made me promise I wouldn’t.
Angel looked at me curiously. “Why not? It’s really cool. It’s such a rush! Don’t you ride with him normally?”
I nodded. “I ride with him all the time. It just seems overly risky for a race.”
Angel chuckled. “Really? You’re worried with Shaun driving? Girl, he’s the best. You should try it. It’s a blast.”
Shaun walked up behind Angel. “Were you thinking of riding with me? I’d love to have you come. You could be my good luck charm.”
I smiled weakly at Shaun. “I don’t know, honey. Seems scary to me. Besides. My dad is against it.”
Shaun chuckled. “I’m not going to say you have to. But your dad doesn’t seem to be here.”
“I… I don’t know.”
Shaun shrugged. “Well, I got to get my car on the line.” He started to walk away.
Angel held her helmet out to me. “Here Tammy. You know you want to.” She grinned at me.
I hesitated a second as I watched Shaun walk to his car. I looked at Angel who nodded. “How do I put this on?”
Angel grinned and told me to pull on the straps to spread the helmet enough to squeeze my head inside. She then ran the strap through the D rings. Grinning, Angel said, “You’re good to go.”
I started to run towards Shaun. Stupid helmet was heavier than I expected. I shouted, “Shuan, wait!” He turned around and saw me running to him with the helmet on.
He smiled and waved me towards him. “Come on!”
Shaun helped me in and buckled the five point harness and made sure it was snug. He then put on his own helmet and got in his car. His car rumbled up to the starting line. I watched the girl with the flag step between the cars. With the revving engines, I was getting really nervous. Both cars signaled they were ready and the girl dropped the flag.
With a roar of the engine and squal of the tires, I was shoved into the back of my seat. I was vibrating like crazy as we dashed down the street. I saw the other car through the window as we slowly pulled ahead. I thought I was going to throw up.
And then Shaun let up on the gas, loud popping from the exhaust. I was pushed forward against the harness as Shaun applied the brakes. As we slowed down, Shaun looked over to me, his eyes bright.
“We won, babe! After I saw that punk’s car tonight, I thought I might not beat him. But you were my good luck charm!”
I smiled at him, happy to help him win, though I didn’t believe any of it. But holy shit… was that a rush!
Shaun rolled his car up to the curb in front of my house. We were back well before my curfew because I had to get up early for the school trip.
He turned and put his arm around my neck. He said, “I’m going to miss you, baby. Even though it’s just a few hours, it will seem like forever.”
I smiled at him. “Don’t be so melodramatic, honey.”
He leaned closer to me. “I’m serious, babe. I truly have never loved anyone as much as I love you. You’re the most wonderful girl I’ve ever met. Not just gorgeous, but smart and great sense of humor. You’re perfect.”
I shook my head. “Nobody’s perfect, honey. I love you more than any other boy, but let’s not get carried away.”
He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. Oh God. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily. I slid my arms around his neck. Why do I love this boy so much? We kissed for a long time.
I looked over at Cathy in the darkness of the school bus. She didn’t say anything. She just shook her head. I looked around to all the cheerleaders. We all had the dark rings and black streaks down our cheeks. I think we were all cried out. I know it’s silly to cry about the results of a high school football game. But we’re all cheerleaders and have a deep emotional investment in our school.
It was our first play-off game and we traveled half-way across the state just to have it all end with a 13 to 0. It wasn’t just the cheerleaders who were crying.
In a quiet voice, I said to Cathy, “I guess this ends my cheerleading career. I don’t know if I even know how to be a boy anymore.”
Cathy narrowed her eyes at me. “What are you talking about, Tammy? You’re a girl. We still need you as a cheerleader. That doesn’t end with football season. Don’t forget about basketball and track and field.”
“Are you sure? I thought I was a cheerleader just during football,” I said looking at the passing car headlights out the bus windows. “Besides. My sister should be back in a few weeks.
Cathy shook her head. “I don’t think it’s just football. And besides. You’re a girl. Period.”
I grunted. “I’m sure the school has other ideas.”
Cathy looked at me and said, “I overhead coach tell the principal that she has you until graduation. You’re too valuable as a cheerleader to lose. Besides, I don’t believe you want to be a boy.”
I thought of Shaun. “You could be right.”
You wouldn’t have expected it from the emotional trip back home that night after the game, but life and school goes on and the world seemed to take little notice. My romance with Shaun started to heat up. How could it possibly get any hotter?
Shaun must have paid attention to me, because he started asking for dates instead of assuming I wanted it. I rarely said no, but I was happy that he was asking. And we’re not always having an expensive dinner at Gildersleaves. Or even a cheap one at Taco del Rey. One beautiful October Saturday, Shaun got a bucket of chicken and I brought a blanket to lay on the grass along with some sodas and we had a wonderful picnic of laying by the lake at the park. Not to mention a lot of kissing and fondling.
Every time we were together, there was that underlying tension of sexual desire. Shaun really wanted to dive deeper into our relationship. Cynthia was adamant that I avoid sex, even if it was actually an option. After all, I’m only seventeen and still in school. Cynthia said that if she can avoid sex with all the constant temptations in Hollywood then I should be able to tell one boy no. I have to anyway. I should never have become Shaun’s girlfriend. Or even Paul’s. Or anyone’s. Cynthia was right when she said I was playing with fire.
But continuing to live for the moment instead of being smart, I kept going with Shaun to his street races. Not just attending, but riding with Shaun. Guilt weighed on my shoulders as I continued to lie to Dad where I was going. I foolishly thought I could keep Dad in the dark forever. Cynthia, while she wouldn’t rat me out, kept reminding me that I was playing with fire. But nothing seemed to matter more than my love for Shaun.
Dad looked pissed when he said, “Why do you keep dressing like that? I mean, what’s happened to you?”
I was wearing a micro mini skirt and skimpy tank top exposing my bra along with high heel strappy sandals. I was also wearing more eye make-up than I used to along with a red lipstick. I usually stick with pastels. Shaun loved my new looks.
I said, “I’m growing up, Daddy. I’m not that sweet little girl you used to kiss goodnight.”
Frowning, Dad said, “That’s the issue here. You never were that sweet little girl. But you were my sweet daughter. What happened to her?”
I heard the front door open. Shaun doesn’t knock anymore. He such a fixture around the house, he just comes in. I don’t think Dad likes that. I said, “It’s like I just told you, Daddy. Anyway, Shaun’s here. Catch me later.” I picked up my purse and left my room. Shaun put his arm around my waist and we kissed. He led me to his car.
I felt a pang of guilt as I entered Shaun’s car. I’m turning into a bitch.
“Where are we going?” I asked as I fastened the five point harness.
“Remember that punk from a couple weeks ago?” asked Shaun as he started up his car. I nodded. “He’s back and he’s challenged me again. I’ve heard his car is a beast.”
I looked over at Shaun and pouted, “You said you were going to stop racing so you can spend more time with me.”
Shaun smiled wryly. “I didn’t say *when* I was going to stop. But this is a personal challenge, babe. I can’t just walk away from it.”
I frowned. “Yes you can. Nobody cares about all these race results. Just tell this clown to get bent.”
Shaun shook his head. “No. This is a personal challenge. I have to accept it. I don’t expect a girl to understand.”
I think I was just put in my place. I said, “Shaun, if you love me, you’ll stop this pointless racing.”
Shaun’s eyes flashed a furious anger. “Don’t you ever say that! Girl you know I love you, but don’t try to come between me and racing. Racing is who I am. If you can’t handle that, then maybe you’re not the right girl for me!”
I really need to stop wearing mascara. I felt tears welling up. “Don’t say that! I love you more than anything! I’m just… worried.”
Shaun cupped his hand on my cheek. He looked over at me and smiled. “You don’t have to worry about me, Sweetness. I’m the best. Remember?” I nodded as I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I took my compact out of my purse to fix my make-up.
This must be a big event. There were a lot of cars lining the street and a lot of people. Several waved at us as Shaun slowly drove his car next to his challenger. While Shaun’s car was mostly factory on the outside with its deep glossy black finish, the other guy’s car was painted flat black. There was also a supercharger scoop jutting out of the hood. Shaun’s car just had a hump in the hood where it sat over the turbo charger.
When Shaun stopped at the starting line, a guy walked up to the drivers window. He said, “We need to start this now. Somehow the cops got wind of this race and they’ll be here soon.”
Shaun nodded. “Let’s do it.” He started revving his engine as I put my helmet on. Shaun had got me my own helmet. A girl I knew from English class ran between our cars holding a red flag. Both cars revved their engines up and then the girl dropped the flag.
The scream of tortured tires filled my ears and both cars were enveloped in the smoke of burning rubber. The challenger’s car immediately pulled ahead, the supercharger giving him an instant kick in power. I was confident that Shaun’s car would catch him and pass him further down the street.
Just as we pulled even with the challenger, there was an explosion under his hood and his car jerked savagely into Shaun’s. The impact actually broke the hood latch and it flipped back against the windshield, shattering the glass in several places. Shaun fought hard to keep control of his car as we skidded sideways, tires shrieking. I screamed. The other car rolled three times before coming to rest on its top.
Shaun finally killed the engine and brought the car to a stop. I just sat there shaking and crying. I was absolutely terrified. The night was suddenly filled with red and blue flashing lights.
Shaun reached over to touch my arm. “Tammy! Are you okay?”
I took a quick inventory of myself and decided I wasn’t hurt. I said, “I’m okay. What about you?”
He growled through his helmet, “I think I dislocated my shoulder.”
A flashlight was suddenly in my eyes. Through the window, a police officer said, “Please exit the car, miss.” Great. I’m going to be arrested.
When I got out of the car, I was asked to remove the helmet. I looked around and it was mass chaos. People were running everywhere. Some cars were trying to get away only to be stopped. The girl who had flagged the start was being treated rather gruffly by two cops who were handcuffing her. She was resisting, so that just made it worse. I was too numb. I cried as handcuffs were snapped onto my wrists. I saw the driver of the other car being placed on a stretcher and a cop was spraying a fire extinguisher into the car’s engine compartment. I had no idea what happened to Shaun.
Taking my arm, a cop led me over to a police car. Inside was another girl, crying and looking terrified. The cop pushed my head down to clear the door frame of the police car. The girl looked up at me as I sat down. She said in a whispered whimper, “My dad’s going to kill me.” Me too, sister. Me too.
“Mr. Garret? I’m Lt. Lewinsky at the police department. I’m calling about your daughter, Tammy Garret. …. Yes, she’s safe and we have her in custody. She was arrested at an illegal street race. Yes sir… yes sir… She was in one of the vehicles involved in the accident. Yes, sir. We’re sure. She was inside one of the cars involved when she was taken into custody. … She had no injuries, confirmed by paramedics on the scene. … Yes, sir…. Yes, sir. We are not pressing charges this time. … Yes, that’s correct. She’s waiting for you to come pick her up. No sir. We can’t leave her in jail to teach her a lesson. … Yes, sir. Just come down to the station and pick her up. Thank you.”
The police officer hung up the phone where he apparently was having a conversation with my dad. He looked over at me and smiled. “Your father will be here shortly to pick you up. Just stay in your seat until he arrives.”
I stared at the floor and cried. “He’s going to kill me.”
The police officer flashed a brief smile. “Oh I doubt that. Your father seemed quite concerned and was glad to hear you were safe.”
I looked dourly at the cop. “I guess you’ve never had parents. One moment they’re all ‘oh thank God you’re safe!’ and the next moment they’re beating the shit out of you for making them worry.”
The cop looked down his nose at me. “Regardless, your father will be here soon to take you home. Just sit tight.”
I sat there quietly, leaned over to stare at the floor. Occasionally a tear drop would hit the floor. How the hell did I arrive at this point? Just because I volunteered to be a girl for a few weeks? Cynthia’s been a girl her whole life and she’s never been arrested. Boys. I was warned not to get involved with boys. Boys will always get you into trouble, I was told. If I’d never kissed Paul, I would never have wanted to kiss Shaun. This is all Paul’s fault. And why the hell did Donna have to stop that afternoon in the gym to watch Shaun and those other boys? If she’d just let us walk on past, I’d never met Shaun and I wouldn’t be sitting here right now. Donna needs a good slapping! Shit man. My problems all started when that little tease sister of mine just had to go make a movie leaving me to be the nice guy who against his own principals agreed to take her place as a cheerleader! Damn her eyes! It’s all her fault!
I don’t know how long I sat there waiting. But after a while, two feet appeared in my field of view. I looked up and saw Dad scowling at me. I attempted a smile. “Hey, Daddy.”
Dad asked, “I hope you have a good explanation for this.”
I stayed seated and exclaimed, “Daddy. This isn’t what it looks like.”
Dad looked over at the cop seated at his desk. The cop smiled knowingly. Dad asked, “Are we good to go?”
The cop smiled. “Yes, Mr. Garret. Everything is signed and here’s your receipt.” Taking the slip of paper, Dad nodded to the cop.
Looking at me, Dad said sternly. “Get up. Let’s go home.” He looked around and asked, “Is that boy here?”
As I stood up, I asked, “Shaun?” I looked at the cop “He’s probably in jail.” I said sadly.
Dad frowned. “I hope you got a good look at him that last time because you’re never seeing him again!”
A shot of cold ran through me. “What do you mean?”
Setting his jaw, Dad said, “First, I’m pressing charges against him. He had no business putting you in danger. And secondly, I’m forbidding you from ever seeing him again.”
“But Daddy!” I shouted. “I love him!”
Dad shook his head. “You’re done with him. For good!” I saw a female cop at her desk across the room snicker.
“I love him!” I cried.
Dad grumbled, “Stop talking nonsense. I should never have let you date him in the first place. Let’s go.” Dad started walking towards the exit.
I started bawling my eyes out as I fell in behind Dad as we walked out the door. He can’t tell me I can’t see Shaun! I’m almost eighteen!
When we got to our car, Dad opened a back door for me. He said, “I blame myself. I should never, ever have allowed you to date a boy. You have no business dating boys. Especially if you trick them into believing you’re a girl.”
It was very late and I was exhausted. Dad didn’t even have to tell me to go straight to bed.
“You got arrested!” exclaimed Cynthia. “How cool is that?” It was the Sunday after the worst night of my life and my sister decided to invade what peace and tranquility I had by giving me a phone call.
I frowned at the phone. “How is it cool? I now have a police record!”
Cynthia laughed. “Yeah. As a girl! That’s too funny.”
“On top of that, I could have been killed!” I cried over the phone.
“Yeah, there’s that,” said Cynthia dismissively. “I have to say, I don’t blame Dad for being pissed at your boyfriend. You notice NASCAR drivers don’t take their honeys with them on a race.”
“I’m a little pissed at him myself, but how can Dad justify saying I can’t ever see him again?” I asked.
Cynthia sighed. “He’s our dad and he has veto power until I think we’re thirty.”
“But I love Shaun!” I exclaimed. “He has no right to keep me away from him!”
Cynthia said, “Shaun almost got you killed.”
“Bull shit!” I cried. “I didn’t get my hair messed up, much less killed or anything.”
Sounding stern, Cynthia said, “Give it up, girl. Dad isn’t going to back down. He talked to Mom this morning and she agrees. Look, Shaun was fun, but seriously girl. You need to find a new boy.”
I sighed. “I should just stop dating boys altogether. I shouldn’t anyway.”
Cynthia said, “You don’t want to quit boys! Girl, let me tell you something. You really need to come out here. These aren’t dopy high school boys. These are college guys. In their twenties or even older!”
“Horse shit!” I exclaimed. “No way would Mom let you date a college guy!”
Cynthia laughed. “She doesn’t need to know!”
In the background, I heard Mom say, “What?”
Hurriedly, Cynthia whispered into the phone. “Talk to you later. I gotta go.” She hung up.
It was like two thirty in the morning when my phone buzzed. The caller ID said it was Shaun calling. I quickly answered.
“Shaun!” I whispered excitedly into the phone. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you all week at school!”
Shaun said, “Babe, come outside. Your dad might hear you in the house. Be very quiet. I’m parked in front of your house.” He hung up.
I blinked at the phone for a few seconds. What the hell? I was in my satin blue baby doll PJ’s. I didn’t care. I wanted to see Shaun! I quickly got out of bed and crept as quietly as I could through the house to the front door. I gently opened the door and hurried outside. Shaun was standing in the darkness next to his still damaged car. I ran up to him and hugged him.
Shaun put his arms around me and held me tight. He bent his head down and kissed me passionately. He leaned back and exclaimed in a hushed voice. “Oh God, baby. You are so gorgeous! I’ve missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too, Shaun!” I whispered in the darkness. My arms around his neck, I kissed him deeply. “Where have you been? I didn’t see you at school.”
Shaun sighed. “I got expelled. God, you’re a sight for sore eyes!”
Shaun then held me out at arms length. “Here’s what I need you to do, baby. Go back into your house and get dressed. Pack just a few things you can’t live without and hurry back out.”
I gave Shaun a confused look. “Pack? Why?”
Shaun grinned. His teeth white in the darkness. He said, “You could say we’re eloping. Yeah. Word it that way for your parents so it doesn’t seem like a kidnapping. As soon as you’re packed and in the car, we’re heading down to Mexico. I have some friends down there. As soon as we cross the border, I’ll get a priest to marry us. You’ll be my wife!”
I stepped back from Shaun and asked in shock, “Married? Wife? Why? I’m just seventeen! I haven’t finished school yet!”
Setting his jaw in a grim expression, Shaun said, “Exactly. When you’re my wife, we won’t have to listen to oppressive fathers and school administrators.” His face burst into a wide grin. “Think of it babe! Just the two of us. Starting new lives. Starting our own family. No one to tell us what to do. It’ll be great!”
This is insane! This is crazy! I can’t marry Shaun. Dad would claim this as a kidnapping married or not. And as soon as Shaun takes my clothes off, he’ll hate me. I can’t go with him! I mean, I just can’t!
He tugged on my arm. “I love you, Shaun, but I just can’t go to Mexico and marry you! I can’t just leave home!” I started to cry again, but at least this time I wasn’t wearing any mascara.
Shaun grasped my shoulders. “I have to leave! With or without you. I love you, baby. I need you. Come with me! I want to make you mine!”
I was shaking as I cried. “Oh Shaun, I love you so much. I would marry you, but … but I just can’t. I can’t go with you.”
I was surprised to see tears forming in Shaun’s eyes. He nodded. He then put his arms around me in a tight embrace. Into my ear, he said, “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, Tammy. I will always love you.” He then kissed me long and deep. I closed my eyes and slid my arms around his neck as we kissed probably for the last time. I didn’t want to let him go. He finally pulled away. He touched my cheek. “Stay beautiful.” He turned away and got into his car. I collapsed on the cold, damp grass.
Just then, Dad came bounding out of the house. Shaun’s car roared to life and with a squeal of tires, he roared away.
Dad shouted at me, “Is that who I think it is? What the hell is he doing here?”
Crying, I said, “He came to say good-bye. He’s gone forever, Daddy.”
Scowling, Dad just said, “Good riddance!” He looked at me for a moment and then asked, “He didn’t hurt you or anything, did he?”
I heaved a huge sigh. “Just my heart.” I thought it best not to mention that Shaun wanted me to leave with him.
Dad turned and walked back into the house.
I just sat in the damp grass and cried.
“He proposed? That’s so romantic!” squealed Ashley. I had waited until we were at lunch at school to talk about Shaun’s late night visit.
I sighed. “Well, typical of Shaun, he told me I was marrying him rather than asking.”
Cathy shook her head. “He actually came to your house in the middle of the night to elope with you? Had he ever mentioned marriage before?”
I shook my head. “No. Never. This was a complete surprise. I mean, a few times he joked about me being his wife. But it was just a dinner topic, not any serious discussion.”
“Did you accept?” asked Donna.
I chuckled. “I’d be in Mexico right now if I had. So no. I turned him down.”
Ashley looked at me curiously. “Why turn him down? I know you two were really in love. You certainly mentioned it enough times.”
Frowning at Ashley, I said, “Yes. I was wildly in love with Shaun. But I can’t marry him and you know why. And now that I’ve thought about it, even if I could marry him, I really don’t think he’s mature enough. He definitely needs to grow up.”
Ashley grinned. “And then you’ll marry him.”
I laughed. “No. He wants a family, which I can’t give him.”
Ashley gave me a confused look. “You can’t have babies?”
I just stared at Ashley. “Are you for real?”
Ashley looked away, embarrassed. “Sorry. It’s just you’re such a girl, it’s easy to forget you’re a boy. Honestly, I don’t believe you are.”
Everyone fell silent as several boys from the car club started walking towards us. One boy, named Mick looked at me. “Hey Tammy. We’re all wondering if you’ve heard from Shaun? Since you’re his girlfriend, we figured if anyone would know what happened to him, you would.”
Wow. Shaun didn’t let any of his friends know where he went. Should I tell them? Shaun didn’t say to keep it a secret.
All eyes were on me as I cleared my throat. I looked at each boy before speaking. “I’m surprised he didn’t say anything to you guys. I hate to tell you all this, but unless he returns, Shaun is gone. I mean real gone. I talked to him last night. He said he was heading to Mexico to start a new life. I’m sure he’s there by now.”
One of the boys behind Mick said, “I’m surprised he didn’t take you with him, as much as he loved you. His car and you were the only things he ever talked about.” I blushed. Wow, I rated almost as highly as his car.
Ashley chirped, “He was going to take her, but she turned him down.” I wanted to strangle her.
Mick looked surprised. “Really? I’m surprised. Shaun definitely intended to marry you.” If I’m ever stupid enough to get involved with another boy, I’m definitely going to have to dial it back.
Looking surprised myself, I said, “He never told me that. Besides. If I’d gone with him, my dad would have called all the authorities.”
Brandi asked, “Could they do anything if you were his wife?”
Shrugging, I said, “I have no idea. The point here is, Shaun is gone and I didn’t go with him. Have any of you tried calling him?”
Mick looked offended. “Of course! But he doesn’t answer.”
Brandi said, “I’m sure he’s coming back for her. Maybe you can talk to him then?”
Mick looked at me earnestly, “Yeah. Can you call one of us before heading off to Mexico or wherever?”
I threw my arms up into the air. “He’s not coming back for me. I’m not marrying him! Get that through your skulls.”
Looking smug, Ashley said, “I’m sure that he’ll be back once he’s settled to pick up his wife.” All the car club boys nodded.
I scowled at Ashley. “Ash, don’t make me kill you.” I looked around the expectant faces and smiled sadly. “There’s always a chance Shaun will return. Maybe he runs out of money. Or he makes up with his dad. Who knows? But it won’t be to marry me.”
A boy in back of the group standing next to Paul, who I just noticed there in the group loudly said, “Yeah. She’s holding out for Paul!” Everyone laughed. Except Paul.
Paul frowned. “Why is that funny? I could definitely marry Tammy!” That’s weird because he knows about me. He dated my twin sister after all.
Mick laughed and said, “I think we all would like to marry Tammy. Come on, guys. I think we’ve annoyed her long enough.” The boys began to walk past our table.
A boy in the back punched Paul in the shoulder. In a low voice he said, “You don’t deserve her! You could have had that ass every night and you walked away from that.”
I frowned at the boys walking past our table. “My ass is not open for discussion.”
Grinning at the passing boys, Ashley said, “You can talk about my ass.” The boys laughed and kept walking. Paul gave me a sheepish smile as he passed the table.
Cathy shook her head. “Well that was fun. Tammy, just what’s this Svengoolie effect you have on boys?”
I just shrugged and laughed.
“Are you kidding me?” exclaimed Cynthia over the phone after I told her about my previous night’s adventure. “He really wanted to elope with you? To marry you? Holy shit girl, I’ve never been proposed to. Not seriously anyway.”
“There was Melvin in the seventh grade,” I said.
“I said seriously,” growled Cynthia. “But that’s just so freaking romantic! He wanted to whisk you away to a far-off land to live happily ever after! Wow. He really, truly loves you. I don’t know how you resisted.”
Laughing, I said, “Girl, we never would have made it to the border before Dad would have called out the dragnet. Daddy’s now building a cage in the basement to lock me into to prevent any future elopements.”
Cynthia chuckled, “We don’t have a basement.”
“He’s digging one,” I said seriously.
“Seriously though,” said Cynthia. “Knowing just how much you loved him, I’m really surprised you didn’t go with him.”
“If I’d had the right equipment, I might have,” I sighed.
“Yeah, that wouldn’t have been a happy surprise after dragging you across international borders and then marrying you,” agreed Cynthia.
There was an extended pause in the conversation and then Cynthia exclaimed, “Oh hey. I was going to call you anyway because Mom wants you and Dad to come out here to Hollywood during the Thanksgiving holiday. Wouldn’t that be awesome?”
“That would be awesome! It’d be great to get back to normal and decompress from being a cheerleader and almost a bride,” I said.
Sounding suspicious, Cynthia asked, “What do mean ‘back to normal’?”
I said, “Back to being Tom.”
“No!” shouted Cynthia. “I want my sister to come out here! You need to be a girl when you come out.”
“Why? I’d like to be myself!” I whined.
“Two reasons,” said Cynthia and I know she held up two fingers though I can’t see them over the phone. “One, I want to meet my beautiful sister. And two, Mom wants to meet her gorgeous new daughter.”
Frowning, I said, “Just stand in front of a mirror. It’s the same difference. Besides: You guys have already seen me as a girl. You taught me how to wear make-up before you left.”
Cynthia laughed. “You were still mostly a boy then. But now look at you. You’re growing into a woman.”
“I think you’ve lost your mind,” I sighed.
“Oh! Oh! I got to go, but I have to ask you to please please don’t get a boyfriend or married before you come out. There’s a guy I want you to meet. I think you’ll really like him.”
I groaned. “I’m really not interested in meeting guys!”
Cynthia laughed. “Says the runaway bride!”
I frowned at the phone. “There’s a reason it’s ‘runaway’ and not just bride.”
“I have to run,” said Cynthia. “But trust me. You’ll like him.” And then she hung up.
I shook my head. Everyone has gone insane.
I actually felt relief at not having a boyfriend. I was sitting at my desk in my room playing a computer game. I haven’t had time to play in weeks with Shaun constantly coming over or taking me somewhere.
I’d just gotten killed for the twentieth time this session when I heard Dad come home from work. Something else I haven’t really experienced in a while. Dad stuck his head in my room and asked, “What’s for dinner?” How has Dad survived these past couple of weeks?
I looked up from my game and said, “I don’t know Daddy. Where are you taking us?”
Dad sighed. “I was hoping for a home cooked meal for once. You’re a much better cook than your sister. But okay. How do you feel about The Burgermeister? I haven’t been there since yesterday.”
I grinned at Dad. “That works. I’ll make dinner tomorrow. I promise.”
Dad frowned at me. “My luck you’ll have a new boyfriend tomorrow. Are you ready to go?”
Before I could answer, my cell phone rang. I asked Dad to wait a second and then I answered the phone. “Oh. Hey Mitch.” Why the hell is that guy from the car club calling? Dad just stared at me as I listened to Mitch. Finally I said, “Sorry Mitch. I have plans tomorrow. Sorry. Bye.”
Dad just stared at me for a few moments. “I rest my case. You can’t go for five minutes without a boyfriend.”
I laughed. “He’s not a boyfriend. He was trying to round up a crew for a race tomorrow night. Don’t get your panties in a wad, Daddy. I’m done with that whole race thing and Mitch knows that. He’s just desperate for people. Okay. Let’s go eat.”
A short drive later, we arrived at The Burgermeister. I had never eaten there before.
After swallowing my first bite I said to Dad, “These are pretty good.” Dad had been uncharacteristically quiet since we left the house. I asked, “What’s eating you, Daddy? You seem bothered by something.”
Dad continued to stare at his burger for a few more moments. Finally he turned to me and said, “I talked to your mother today. She wants us to come out there for Thanksgiving instead of them coming here.”
Nodding, I said, “Yeah. That’s what Cynthia told me. I was looking forward to Mom’s great Thanksgiving dinner.”
Dad smiled slightly. “I think she wanted a break from that. But going out there really isn’t the problem. Did Cynthia tell you anything else?” I wasn’t sure what Dad was getting at, so I just shrugged.
Dad took a bite and while chewing, he said, “Your mother wants you to be Tammy for the visit. She wants to see her new ‘daughter’. Can you imagine anything so ridiculous?”
I frowned at Dad. “So I’m ridiculous now? Should I have gone with Shaun and been appreciated?”
Dad gave me a horrified expression. “No, no! It’s ridiculous to call you our daughter. I mean, eventually we’ll go back to calling you ‘Tom’”.
I nodded. “Yeah, Cynthia mentioned that too. To be honest, I was looking forward to being Tom again. Being a girlfriend wears you out.”
Dad frowned at me. “I wouldn’t know. But anyway, apparently Cynthia has an invitation to some big Thanksgiving gala and she can bring her family. It’s some big dress up affair. I have to wear a stinking tie!” He snerked and continued, “And you’ll have to wear high heels and an evening gown.”
I frowned. “Terrific. That probably means at least four inch pumps and heavier make-up.”
Dad chuckled. “Oh yeah. Cynthia said she had a treat scheduled for all you girls. You have a salon visit for nails, hair and make-up to get ready for the dinner. While you ‘girls’” He air quoted ‘girls’ “are getting all prettied up, I’ll be in my underwear at the hotel room catching the game. I might have room service send up a sandwich and a beer.” He laughed.
“We’re here,” I said to Cynthia over the phone from our hotel room.
“Mom and I were starting to worry,” sighed Cynthia. “We expected to hear from you an hour ago.”
I looked over at Daddy checking what channels we have on our room’s TV. “Sorry. We experienced some delays.”
Cynthia said, “Yeah. I hate it when that happens. Just remember that while the dinner we’re having with my producer, Mr. Pruitt, this evening is casual, tell Daddy to wear a clean shirt with no holes in it this time. And you probably should wear a dress.”
I frowned at the phone. “I was going to. I’ve already got that blue floral print, off-the-shoulder sun dress laid out. And those white, flat, strappy sandals.”
Cynthia chuckled. “Sounds like something from my closet.”
I laughed. “It did come from your closet.”
Sounding annoyed, Cynthia said, “You really need to get your own clothes.”
I sighed. “I didn’t think I’d need girls clothes this long.”
Cynthia laughed. “Well, girl, I’d say you need to get your own clothes. How long do you need to get ready before we come pick you up? We’re supposed to meet my producer at seven.”
I said, “Give us at least two hours. Daddy needs a shower too. And I need time to put my make-up on. Remember, I had to travel as Tom. And just why are we meeting your producer?”
“He wants to try to recruit you. I told him we look just alike. And we do. Remember those days where getting ready consisted of just sniffing your shirt?” chuckled Cynthia. “Those days are gone, sis.”
I frowned at the phone again. “This isn’t permanent.” Cynthia just laughed and then we disconnected.
Dad and I would have been happy to just see Mom and Cynthia since it’s been a while. But Cynthia wanted us to also meet her producer. She’s really excited about her project. She really wants to make a career out of it. Which for me means, filling in for cheerleader until graduation.
She also wants her producer to meet me. She wants me to join her. I’m really not sure if that’s something I want to pursue. Acting seems like something you have to want to do, to do it well. Or at all.
I shooed Dad into the shower first since all he does is get the germs wet and then he steps out. Okay, maybe not really. But his showers are pretty short. I needed to be squeaky clean because… well, I always need to be squeaky clean. And I needed time to get my make-up perfect. I’m meeting Mom and well Cynthia as well, for the first time as Tammy. I was actually afraid she’d laugh at me and my efforts to be a girl.
Mom gasped when she saw me as I opened the door to our hotel room. She put her hand for a moment in front of her mouth in surprise and then rushed up to give me a warm hug, not like the quick hugs I usually get from her.
“Oh my God!” exclaimed Mom. She then held me at arm’s length. “Just look at you! Cynthia, look at your beautiful sister! She’s just as gorgeous, if not more so than you!”
Cynthia frowned. “Let’s not get carried away.”
Mom was all ear-to-ear smiles as she stared at me. “Oh my, Tammy. Just like your sister, you’ve become a beautiful young woman!” I felt my cheeks blush.
Embarrassed, I shook my head. “Knock it off, Mom. I mean, Cynthia and I look exactly alike, so of course I’d look like a girl if I dress like one!”
Cynthia laughed. “Tammy, in all honesty, you’d look more like a girl if you wore a football uniform. Can you imagine how silly you’d look?”
I frowned. “Just because it would be too big for me. If you’re going to make fun of me, I might as well go back home!”
“Now be nice to your sister,” Mom scolded. “You’d look silly in a football uniform too.”
Cynthia smirked. “Don’t you remember that time about a year ago, when Paul let her wear his uniform? It practically engulfed her!”
“Seriously, Mom. I’m not Cynthia’s sister. Stop acting like I’m a girl,” I said pouting.
Mom just smiled. “Okay, honey. We’re just teasing you. But that dress does look good on you.”
Cynthia looked at her phone. “Mom. We need to go. I’d like to be at the restaurant before Mr. Pruitt. “
A few minutes later, we were all getting into Mom’s rental car. Cynthia and I got in the back seat. As Mom started the car, I asked, “We’re here all week. What exactly are we going to be doing? Just watch Cynthia try to act?”
Cynthia folded her arms. “What do you mean, ‘try to act’?”
Before I could respond, Mom said, “I have something planned for you, Tammy. You’ll probably object, but I need you to do it. We’ll discuss it more after our business with Mr. Pruitt is finished.”
I frowned. “Well that doesn’t sound ominous or anything.”
I sighed as I looked over at Cynthia. “Well, where’s your boss? I’m getting hungry.”
Rolling her eyes, Cynthia said, “Patience, dear one. We did get here about ten minutes early. Oh! Here he comes.” She pointed at the restaurant entrance as a man wearing dark suit opened the door and entered. We all stood up in greeting.
The man walked up to Mom and held her fingers in a rather limp hand shake. “Mrs. Garret. Good to see you again.” He turned towards Dad and gave him a very firm handshake. “Mr. Garret! It’s a pleasure to finally meet Cynthia’s father. Your daughter is definitely going places.” I bit down on my tongue so I wouldn’t say where I wanted her to go.
Cynthia and I were standing right next to each other. Mr. Pruitt turned towards us and started to extend his hand and then he paused with a confused expression. He turned to look at Mom. “My word, Mrs. Garret. You were correct. They are amazingly identical!”
Cynthia grinned and gave a small wave. “I’m Cynthia.”
“Cynthia!” Mr. Pruitt smiled insincerely as he gave her fingers a limp handshake as well. “I bet you’re anxious for the shooting to end.”
Cynthia nodded. “Next week! But I have to say, it’s been a blast.”
He turned towards me. Even after several weeks of dressing as a girl, I still don’t immediately think of myself as female, so I expected a bone crushing handshake like the one Dad got. Instead, he took my hand gingerly, and lifted my fingers to his lips. Holy shit. Nobody has ever kissed my hand before. Grinning broadly, he said, “And you my dear must be Tammy. I must say, you are every bit as beautiful as your lovely sister. Perhaps even more so.”
Cynthia frowned. “Hey now. Let’s not get carried away.”
I gave him an embarrassed smile. “Thank you.”
A waiter walked up to Mom and asked, “Are you ready to be seated, ma’am?”
Mom nodded. “Yes. I believe we’re all here.”
Mom had Mr. Pruitt seated at one end of the table, and placed Cynthia and I together, but with me seated next to Mr. Pruitt. Mom sat on the other side of the table next to Mr. Pruitt with Dad next to her. We were handed menus to review.
After he was seated and told the waiter what alcoholic beverage he wanted, Mr. Pruitt looked apologetically to Mom. He said, “I must apologize Mrs. Garret that I can’t stay for dinner as I have a pressing engagement elsewhere. But I did want to meet your other, very lovely and charming daughter.”
Grinning, Cynthia exclaimed, “See? What did I tell you? Perfectly identical. I bet you could use her.”
Mr. Pruitt took a sip of his drink and swallowed before answering. “Well, not on any of the projects we’re wrapping up for year’s end. But I agree that she’d be perfect, provided she can act, for a new project that we’re trying to get management to green light.”
Looking smug, Cynthia said, “Of course she can act. She’s my sister.”
Mr. Pruitt chuckled. “Well, both of you will have to read for the parts, if the project happens. It’ll be a quick shooting schedule. We do have some projects coming up this summer where I think both of you would work.” He glanced down at his very expensive watch and said as he started to stand up, “Again I apologize, but I must go.” We all stood up with him.
Mr. Pruitt again shook Dad’s hand. “It was a pleasure to meet you, sir. You must be proud to have such charming daughters. Oh, and order whatever you want. The studio is picking up the tab. Good day, everyone.”
As we all sat back down after Mr. Pruitt left, I said, “I was going to get a salad. But now I think I’ll get the lobster.”
Cynthia asked, “Well. What did you think?”
I shrugged. “I think we wasted a lot of money and could have done that over a conference call.”
Cynthia frowned. “He has to meet you to make a good evaluation. I think he likes you.”
I chuckled. “Well, that’s good. I guess. I never said I wanted to act too, you know. Oh, there’s steak and lobster. I was looking for it under ‘Surf & Turf’. What the hell? No fries?”
After we finished eating a very delicious meal Mom looked around the table to make sure we were all done. I figured we were about to go back to our hotel. Mom said, “Okay everyone. I wanted to go over the schedule for the week. After we leave here, Cynthia planned to take Tammy to a movie. Wednesday, girls, we’re planning a shopping expedition on Rodeo Drive. Of course for Thursday afternoon, again girls, we’re going to the salon to get our hair, nails and make-up done for the gala we’ve been invited to attend that night. Friday will be a fun day out shopping and then Saturday, Tammy you and your father fly back home.”
Afraid to ask, I wrinkled my brow and said, “Is there a reason you skipped Tuesday?”
Mom leaned forward, her elbows on the table while pressing her finger tips together. “I’m taking you to a clinic where they’re going to perform some tests on you.”
Frowning, I said, “Tests? What kind of tests? What are you talking about?”
Mom took a deep breath. “Some physical tests. Tests that should have been done years ago.”
I slapped my palms down on the table top. Several people looked around at us. “Oh come on, Mom! Not again!” I growled. “We’ve talked about this before. I’m not a girl, Mom. Stop trying to get some quack to say I am!”
Quietly, Mom said, “I just want definitive proof, one way or the other, honey. Baby-doll, you just spent several weeks living as a girl, even dating boys, and nobody questioned it. Don’t you want to know for sure?”
“No!” I exclaimed. Again people turned around and looked at us. “I’m a boy!” I hissed. I looked over at Dad. “Daddy, make her stop! You know I’m a boy! Hell, she knows I’m a boy. Tell her!”
Dad looked down at his folded hands for a moment. He sighed and said, “The only way to finally settle this for sure is to take these tests. Your mother has legitimate concerns. You’re seventeen and no facial hair and little body hair. Your testicles never descended. Your voice never changed. There’s something wrong and we need to find out.”
I scowled at Dad. “I thought you were on my side!”
Looking up from his hands, Dad heaved a heavy sigh. He said, “I am on your side.”
I felt myself about to tear up. I asked, “Would you prefer that I was a girl?”
Dad grimaced and said, “I prefer that you’re healthy.”
“Will you stop moping?” growled Cynthia. “You’re getting a free movie and popcorn. I’ve heard it’s a good movie. Geoff and Tony will be here any minute to pick us up.” Cynthia had decided we should go see the new Tommy Kincaid movie No Time for Samurai.” It featured an all girl J-Pop band I liked.
I frowned at Cynthia. “I don’t have a problem with the movie. I kinda wanted to see this one. But why did you get us dates?”
“Geoff asked me to go with him to the movie and when I said I couldn’t because my sister was coming to town, he suggested Tony come too as your date,” explained Cynthia. “Tony’s the guy I thought you should meet. He’s really nice. I think you’ll like him. He’s into all that J-Pop and K-Pop stuff that you like.”
Exasperated, I said, “I’ve told you. I don’t want to date boys!”
Cynthia snorted a laugh. “You can say that with a straight face after dating the two cutest boys in school?”
“That’s different!” I exclaimed.
Cynthia giggled. “They were still boys. You’re not going to marry the guy. I really think you’ll like him, so just be nice, please? I’ve been trying to get a date with Geoff for weeks.”
I shook my head. “I’m not going to be rude to him. I’m just pissed you arranged a date for me without asking.”
“Would you have agreed to the date if I’d asked you?” Cynthia asked.
“That’s why I have to be sneaky. Bottom line, it’s a free movie and popcorn for a movie you planned to see anyway.” Cynthia’s phone beeped and she looked at it. “Ah. They’ve arrived. They’ll be here in a minute.”
A minute later, there was a knock on the door to Mom’s and Cynthia’s hotel door. Cynthia opened the door and in front of us stood two somewhat scruffy looking guys with a few day’s beard growth. They appeared to be around nineteen or twenty. I’m not keen on scruffy beards and I thought they were too old for Cynthia and me.
Cynthia grinned and exclaimed, “Geoff! Tony! Come on in.” They both smiled and stepped into the hotel room.
Pointing at me, Cynthia said, “Guys, I’d like you to meet my sister Tammy.” Pointing to the guys, Cynthia said, “And Tammy, I’d like you to meet Geoff, my co-star and this is Tony, our assistant director.” I gave them both rather limp handshakes.
Geoff grinned broadly at me. “Nice to meet you, Tammy. Cynthia mentioned you two were twins, but shit man, you two are exactly the same!”
Tony said, “Nice to meet you, Tammy. The likeness is truly amazing. Cynthia told me everything about you.”
I chuckled. “Probably not *everything*.” Cynthia shot me a withering glance.
Tony nodded. “Some things are best left to discover.”
I started to make a reply, but Cynthia interrupted. “I think we best get going.”
Geoff nodded. “We don’t want to miss the beginning.” He put his arm around Cynthia’s waist and I don’t think dynamite could have removed her grin. Tony took my hand.
Cynthia and I were led down the hall to the elevators which we took to the ground floor. We exited the hotel into the parking garage. About ten minutes later, Geoff was driving us out to the street. Tony and I sat in the back seat with Cynthia sitting up front with Geoff.
Tony still held my hand inside the car. He smiled at me and asked, “So, are you an actress too?”
I shook my head and said, “No, I’m a cheerleader.”
Tony seemed surprised. “You’re not interested in acting? You’re just as beautiful as your sister.”
“Acting just doesn’t interest me,” I said. “I mean as something I would do. I find the whole filmmaking process totally fascinating.”
Tony slid his arm behind me. “Oh, it is fascinating! I’d love to take you around the studio. I could show you all kinds of things.” I bet!
I tried to give him a sad smile as I said, “I’m pretty busy all week and then I fly home Saturday.”
“Well damn!” Tony exclaimed. “I think you really would have enjoyed a tour. Any idea when you might be back out this way? Maybe we can get you involved in something.”
I shook my head. “Nope. And Cynthia will be coming back home soon. So no telling when I’ll have a chance. Besides, I’d like to graduate from high school first.”
Looking crestfallen, Tony said, “Oh. You’re still in high school?”
I nodded. “Yep. Cynthia and I are the same age you know.”
He pulled his arm back around from behind me. “Oh yeah. That’s right.”
Somehow Geoff managed to find an empty parking spot at a huge Cineplex. Just as before, Geoff put his arm around Cynthia’s waist and Tony held my hand. Cynthia was all bubbly and excited. I tried not to show it, but I really didn’t want to be there.
Geoff and Tony had already bought our tickets on-line and they bragged they had gotten us good seats. The Cineplex was more crowded than I expected and it was extremely noisy. We found a table to sit at and Geoff ordered a pizza from the tabletop kiosk even though Cynthia and I had just finished eating.
Cynthia and I were sitting next to each other. Geoff leaned towards us so we could actually hear him. “Have you girls been here before?”
Cynthia shook her head, her hair cascading about her shoulders. Grinning she said, “No. I’ve been dying to come here though.” She looked around. “I think it’s great!”
I just shrugged and laughed. “I don’t live here. We have a place like this where I live, but it’s a lot smaller.”
Tony looked at both of us. “Geoff and I kinda have a vested interest in the movie industry. Do you girls not like going to movies?”
Cynthia giggled. “I’ve been really too busy lately.”
I said, “I tend to watch movies on-line. Not many I like lately”.
Geoff grinned. “Cuddling on the couch might be better than in theater seats.”
Tony looked like he was about to say something, but was interrupted by the pizza arriving.
As he took a bite, Tony asked, “Have you girls talked to Mr. Pruitt yet? I’d be shocked if he didn’t want to sign Tammy up.”
Cynthia exclaimed, “Oh yeah! We just met with him tonight. I think he liked Tammy and he wants to talk with her again about recent opportunities.”
Tony studied me a moment and then said, “If nothing else, you should definitely go into modeling.”
Taking another bite of her pizza, Cynthia looked at me with wide eyes. “Now there’s an idea, Tammy. I bet you’d be great at that!”
Geoff grinned and said, “You both have that being beautiful part down pretty solid.”
Tony checked the time on his phone. He punched Geoff in the shoulder. “Hey, man. If we want to get any snacks for the movie, we need to go now.” We all slid off our chairs and Tony took my hand.
Geoff and Tony dropped us off at my hotel after we were done with the movie. Despite the hour, Geoff wanted to go dancing. Thankfully, Cynthia nixed the idea even though I think she wanted to go. I needed to get to bed since I had that lab appointment in the morning.
We both plopped down on the couch. Dad was apparently already asleep. I wasn’t going to last very much longer before I zonked.
Cynthia looked expectantly over at me. “Well, what did you think of Tony?”
I sighed and looked over at her. “Well, like you said, he was nice. And yes, he’s very cute. I think he’d been cuter if he’d shaved. I’m not much for facial hair. Although it did help Geoff look older. I wouldn’t have guessed he was just nineteen. Tony was almost twenty-five?”
Cynthia shrugged. “I thought you’d be excited to date an older man for once.”
I shook my head. “Don’t push men on me! And when he found out I… we… were only seventeen, he quickly lost interest. Did Mom know? I’m pretty sure Dad wouldn’t have allowed Tony to take me out.”
Cynthia sighed. “Yeah, I noticed he didn’t even kiss you good-night. To me, both Geoff and Tony look to be about the same age. And no, I never told Mom Tony’s age. I didn’t think it mattered.”
“Well, just so you know ahead of time, Geoff and Tony are going to be our escorts to the gala. They were more than willing to agree,” said Cynthia almost as an afterthought.
I wrinkled my brow. “Why do we need escorts? That seems stupid.”
Cynthia shrugged. “Something about etiquette. Supposedly it looks bad for a woman to arrive alone at these events. Hey, at least we don’t have to rent one and it helps you at least like him. Bottom line, the studio insists at least I have an escort.”
I shook my head. “Why does this keep getting worse?”
Our conversation fell into a long pause. We just sat staring at the TV that wasn’t turned on. Finally, Cynthia asked, “Are you okay? You look worried about something.”
I looked over at Cynthia and said, “Sorry. I’m worried about tomorrow. What if their tests say I’m a girl?”
Cynthia shrugged. “So what if it does? What does it change, sis? Right now you’re wearing a dress and make-up. You were a popular cheerleader for a few weeks at school. Not to mention you dated the two cutest boys at school! Tell me again how being a girl is so bad!”
I just sat there and scowled at her.
Cynthia sat up straight and her eyes bore into my soul. “Tammy, I’m totally serious here. You are so naturally a girl. It’s great having a sister. I have to agree with Mom that she and Dad made a mistake in raising you as a boy. No, listen to me. You’ve always been effeminate. You don’t have any male features. I never told you this, but that one girlfriend of mine that took on a date? She later told me she felt like she was out with her sister. And remember that Kevin guy last year? He really wanted to take you to the homecoming dance. He was so heartbroken when you turned him down.”
My eyes flashed with sudden anger. “Is it my fault he didn’t know the difference between a boy and a girl? Nobody made that mistake this year.”
Cynthia frowned at me. “Don’t you get tired of being alone? Cathy kept forgetting that you claim to be a boy. As a girl, she saw you as very happy and all the girls on the squad think of you as a good friend. Everyone thinks you’re a much better girl than boy. I mean really.”
I shook my head and studied my shoes. “You wouldn’t accept me as a girl.”
Cynthia barked a laugh. “I accept you as a girl right now. Thinking of you as a boy is what I have trouble with.”
I stood up and said, “I guess we’ll all find out tomorrow. I gotta get to bed. Good night.” Cynthia gave me a big hug and then exited the room, leaving me to stand alone. I whispered to no one, “I’m a boy!” A tear rolled down my cheek. I turned to wash my face in the bathroom and found my baby doll pajamas and got in bed.
“I don’t want to be here, Mom.”
Mom frowned at me. “We’ve discussed this. Your father and I are deeply concerned about your health. There are things that should have happened by now if you’re a healthy male.” We were waiting in line to get me checked into this clinic thing Mom had set me up with.
“I don’t care about any of those things, Mom.” I whined. “Who wants facial hair anyway?”
Mom rolled her eyes at me. “Most boys.”
“I’m not like most boys, Mom,” I said. “You know I’m not a conformist.”
Mom shook her head and frowned at me. “If these things aren’t happening, it could be a sign of a serious health issue.”
The receptionist turned towards Mom and said, “We’re ready to receive you daughter now, Ms Garret. Just sign these release forms. If you desire, you may wait in our waiting room. But since we’ll have her until around three, we recommend you leave and come back later.”
I frowned and folded my arms. “You meant, ‘son’, right?” The receptionist gave me a knowing smile.
Mom nodded. “I guess I’ll come back later. My husband and I have a few things to do today.”
The receptionist smiled and handed Mom some papers. “Of course, ma’am. We’ll call you if she finishes early.”
Mom smiled at me and then gave me a hug. “I’ll be back later to pick you up. Try not to give these good people a hard time, okay?”
“I’ll try.” Mom smirked and left the office
The receptionist stood up holding some papers. “Tammy?”
I frowned and said, “Tom.” She made a quick note on one of the papers.
The receptionist smiled at me and said, “Good morning, Tom. My name is Sandy. We’re going to start off taking some vital signs before handing you over to the doctor.” She looked at the paper again. “You’re only seventeen, but I need to ask when was the last time you did a self breast exam?”
I frowned and said, “Never.”
She made a note. “And while you normally don’t get one this early, have you had a pap smear lately?”
I folded my arms more tightly and sighed. “No.”
Smiling, Sandy said, “Okay, hon. Follow me over here and we’ll get your blood pressure and temp and weight. Do you know if you’re pregnant?”
I continued to frown and exclaimed, “Oh knock it off! I’m not female!” She took a few more notes.
After asking my birthday and taking my blood pressure and temp, I was left alone in a small room waiting for a doctor to come talk to me. I had to change into a hospital gown. They had me waiting for at least twenty minutes. I was just about ready to watch a movie on my phone when the doctor finally entered the room.
I stood up when he entered but he made no effort to shake my hand. He said, “Please sit down. I’m Dr. Steadman. I apologize for making you wait.” He then sat down in the chair opposite from me.
“Can I just go ahead and go?” I asked, trying not to sound whiny. “This seems like a waste of time.”
Dr. Steadman grinned. “Do you think so? Sadly, I can’t really do that. Your parents have requested I run a battery of tests on you. They’re very concerned about your mental and physical development. Looking over your medical history, even though it’s somewhat sparse and reading their observations, I have to say I share their concern.”
“Horse shit, doc. Just by looking at me, you can see there’s nothing wrong with me!” I exclaimed.
The doc smiled. “Well, that’s why we run tests, so we can check under the hood, as it were. Before we get started, describe yourself to me. I don’t need a lot of detail. Just generally.”
I frowned and said, “Generally? Well, I’m what I would consider a typical seventeen year old guy with long hair who looks too much like his twin sister. I’m a senior this year and I’ll be glad when I finally graduate. I wouldn’t call myself a brain, but I do think I’m smart. I should probably work out some since I don’t seem to have much in the way of muscles.”
Dr. Steadman had been taking notes. Without looking up, he said, “Okay. That’s enough for now.” He leaned back and studied me. He looked back at his notes and said, “Just quickly, let me share with you what I’m observing. I see an attractive young woman, high school age, who is probably a bit too thin.”
I leaned back in my chair. “Well, your observation is not correct. For starters, I’m a guy.”
Dr. Steadman smiled and looked back at my file. “Your mother told me that for a few weeks at school, you filled in for your sister as a cheerleader. She included this picture.” He held up a photo of me in Cynthia’s cheerleading uniform. “How did you feel about that? I mean, you’re a guy and you had to wear basically a very skimpy dress and perform in front of the student body.”
I shrugged. “I was okay with it. It was fun. The squad was very helpful.”
He flipped through a few pages of the papers he was holding. Without looking up, he asked, “You dated two boys while you were a cheerleader?”
I shifted my position in my seat and chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I kinda got carried away.”
Dr. Steadman just nodded. He was silent for a moment. “Well, we have a lot of work to do, so it’s best we get to it. First we need to draw some blood.” He spoke into this mic looking thing clipped to his jacket. “George. You can come in now.”
The door opened and a guy who didn’t look much older than me entered the small room. He was wearing hospital scrubs and carrying a tray loaded with test tubes. George proceeded to stick a needle in the crook of my arm and then pressed several of the test tubes onto the needle and filled them with blood. He finished quickly.
Dr. Steadman stood. “Okay. Let’s get started on the tests, shall we? We need to find out what’s going on with you.”
It was a very long day. I was pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, and numbered. I felt violated, humiliated, embarrassed and mortified. I couldn’t keep up with the tests they were giving me. They gave me a mammogram on what tits I have. One of the worst things I was subjected to was having me sit in a chair with my feet up in stirrups, while the doc lifted back my hospital gown so he could look and poke around. At what, I have no idea since I don’t have a vagina down there. What made things worse, was when he invited four other doctors to look and poke and prod down there as well.
I was also shown some videos, either of gorgeous women posing or gorgeous men flexing their muscles. They had me wired up for that.
They finally brought me back to the small room I started in. I was instructed to get dressed. I did that quickly hoping they’d let me out quickly. And they mostly did. I was returned to the reception area. The receptionist pointed to a chair and said, “Have a seat, miss. We’ve called your mother and she’s on her way here now.” I was so tired, I fell asleep in the chair.
Mom helped me get into the car. I was totally dogged out.
Looking at me with a wry grin, Mom said, “Goodness, honey. You look totally worn out!”
I yawned, closed my eyes and leaned against the car door. “That’s an understatement for sure, Mom. I didn’t even know I had those places they checked.”
Mom said, “I’m sorry you had a rough day. Did they say when they’d have the results?”
I opened one eye to squint at Mom and then closed it again. “They said don’t expect anything until Friday. The lab is closed on Thursday.”
Mom smiled and patted my leg. “Well, get good and rested. We have a fun day planned tomorrow.”
“More fun than sleeping?” I mumbled.
Mom smiled broadly. “Oh yes. You, me and Cynthia are going to have a girl’s day out. We’re going to hit Rodeo Drive and we’re going to get you a dress for the gala we’re going to on Thursday.”
“That’s okay”, I mumbled. “Thursday I’ll just stay with Dad drinking pizza and eating beer.”
Mom harrumphed. “Your father is going to the gala with us. And you better not be drinking beer!”
I fell asleep.
“Are you going to sleep all day?”
“That’s the plan. And who are you?” I kept my eyes closed hoping they’d go away.
“It’s your sister, goofus,” said my sister. “You need to get up. I thought you’d already be up and dressed. Mom’s waiting down in the lobby.”
I buried my face further into my pillow. “I’m tired. Go away.”
My covers were unceremoniously jerked off me. “Come on. Let’s go,” demanded Cynthia. “Mom’s waiting.”
I tried to fumble around to retrieve the covers to my bed. “I don’t want to. Guys don’t go on shopping expeditions.”
Cynthia grunted. “Guys don’t wear blue baby doll pj’s either. Quit goofing around.”
I managed to sit up on the edge of my bed, my hair falling in a mess across my face. “You and Mom go.”
Cynthia sat on the edge of my bed. “Come on. You promised Mom you’d go.”
I turned to scowl at Cynthia. “No. *You* promised Mom.”
Whacking my naked foot, exasperated, Cynthia asked, “Why are you acting this way? Do you have any idea how much Mom was looking forward to today? It’s not just shopping, but we’re doing the tourist bit as well.”
“I don’t mind so much going with you guys, but why as a girl?” I asked suddenly feeling self conscious wearing the baby doll pj’s.
Cynthia frowned at me. “Because you’d already been living as a girl for several weeks with plans to continue for a while. We didn’t think you’d consider it a big deal.”
Before I could reply, Cynthia’s cell phone rang. She said, “Hi Mom. No. Tammy’s being a butt. She doesn’t even have her make-up on yet. You want to come up to the room and watch TV? Okay. I’ll call you when we’re ready.”
Frowning, I exclaimed, “Stop trying to bully me into going.”
Looking confused, Cynthia said, “I’m not trying to bully you into anything, sis. Mom thought this would be a fun outing for us and she’s been looking forward to it for days. Here. Take my cell phone. Call Mom and tell her to go fuck herself.” She held out her cell phone towards me.
I scowled at Cynthia and said, “I have to take a shower first.”
If Mom’s smile was any wider, I think her head would split, as we exited our Uber on Hollywood Blv, right in front of the famous Chinese theater.
Mom looked around full circle and said, “Oh! I’m so glad I got to share this with my girls!” She then turned and started looking at all the famous footprints in cement.
Cynthia poked my arm. “See how happy Mom is?”
I nodded as we both started to join Mom. “Yeah, yeah. And I have to admit it’s pretty cool to be here.”
Of course we pretty much tagged ourselves as tourists, with our sunglasses perched on our heads, our colorful tanks and shorts and taking pictures with our phones. We wisely chose flats as we were going to be on our feet. A lot.
Since we were right there, we hit Madame Tussaud’s wax museum a few minutes later. We walked over to Sunset Blv because it’s famous for some reason. Mom said dramatically, “It’s the pictures that got small.” Cynthia and I just shrugged.
After lunch, we took another Uber ride to Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. We went inside the dress store Cynthia had already picked out. I gasped when I saw the prices.
“This is a lot of money to spend for something I’ll wear once.” I said, shaking my head at the prices.
Cynthia said, “It’s a present. And you can wear this to prom.” She held up the dress she intended to buy. It was a blue sequined dress, off the shoulders and a hemline that went to my navel.
I said, “It’s a beautiful dress. But like I said, I’ll only wear it once.”
Cynthia frowned. “I said you can wear this dress to prom. Nobody at school will know you wore it here.”
I laughed. “You’re missing the point. I’m not going to prom anyway. And nobody is going to ask me. And if they do, I’ll say no.”
Cynthia grinned. “I’m sure someone will ask you.”
I waved my hand dismissively. “It’s your money. Go ahead and buy it.”
Cynthia turned to a nearby sales representative. Pointing at me she said, “This dress needs to fit her. Will alterations be finished by tomorrow afternoon?”
The sales rep gave us her best practiced smile and said, “Of course, ma’am. About four o’clock.”
Cynthia said, “That will do just fine. Thank you.”
I shook my head and tried for the umpteenth time to put my hands into nonexistent pockets. “Doesn’t anyone close for Thanksgiving?”
I was buckling my belt that didn’t really do anything as I exited my bedroom. I was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I had to wear a bra because otherwise my nipples poked through the shirt. I looked over at my dad who was dressed in a torn t-shirt and boxers. He was sitting in one of the padded chairs, TV remote in one hand and a beer in the other.
I frowned and said, “Dad, please excuse the language but you are one lucky son of a bitch. I’m about to spend an afternoon of being primped, pampered and powdered.”
Dad chuckled. “Sorry. It’s out of my hands. Your mother and sister are looking forward to it.”
I shrugged. “I’ve never been to a salon, so who knows?”
Dad held up his beer can and said, “I’d invite you to watch the game with me, but I know you don’t like football.”
I sat on the other padded chair. “Maybe I should start.” Dad chuckled.
Then my phone beeped signaling a text message. I read it aloud, “We’re here.”
Dad shrugged. “Too late. Just as well. Both these teams suck.”
I stood up and sighed. “See ya later, Dad. Maybe.”
Dad waved to me as I exited the hotel room. My emotions raged inside me. Why does Mom and Cynthia insist that I’m a girl? Especially if I was raised as a boy. And so what if I change teams now and then? The guy who was already on the elevator when I got on flashed a big smile to me. He let me exit the elevator first.
Mom and Cynthia stood up as I crossed the lobby towards them. Grinning, Cynthia asked, “Are you ready to go get beautiful?”
I shook my head. “I’m not so sure of this.”
As Mom checked her purse, Cynthia said, “You’ve never been to a salon before, have you?”
I shook my head. “Nope.”
Grinning, Cynthia said, “This will be a treat, then. No joke. It’s impossible for you not to like the experience. Mom should have made you go just to take care of your hair,”
Mom frowned at Cynthia. “Yes, I should have. I will from now on. Anyway, our ride awaits.”
A few minutes later, we were dropped off at a swanky salon. I was surprised at how crowded it was. I kept thinking, isn’t this a holiday?
Cynthia and I followed Mom to the receptionist who smiled brightly at us. After Mom introduced herself, the woman said, “Ah yes. Ms. Garrett. And these must be your two lovely daughters. Just take a seat. They’re almost ready for you.”
After we sat down, Cynthia said, “I love getting everything done at a salon. I’ve been to this one a few times before. They’re excellent. I wish we had time for the spa as well.”
I shrugged. “What’s the deal? They just wash your hair and do your make-up for you. You can do all that yourself.”
Cynthia picked up some strands of my hair. “Look how lifeless your hair is. They repair damaged hair. They’re make-up artists so they can do a better job than either you or me can. And then there’s the fussing over you and pampering you. Just wait. When they’re done you’re going to wish you’d been going to a salon long before this.”
“We’ll see,” I said with a smirk.
Cynthia poked me in the chest. “You just wait.”
I really thought Mom or Cynthia would get called back before me, but I got to be first. I’ve never been to a salon before and as I walked back into the inner sanctum, I imagined myself entering a secret society open only to women. I expected to be discovered and thrown out at any moment.
But I wasn’t. First off, I felt the beautician was trying to break my neck when she washed my hair. All during this torture, she kept a running barrage of commentary discussing topics covering fashion today, my current boyfriend, if I had one, and some TV show she thought I should be watching. Not once did she bring up the topic of football, which I felt relieved.
When I told her I didn’t want my hair cut, she said they were just going to take care of my split ends. She said she wouldn’t dream of cutting my hair. Apparently Mom had already specified that Cynthia was getting an up-do. For me, Mom had wanted the volume of my hair ramped up to be this gorgeous mane about my shoulders.
They did my nails while doing my make-up. Apparently I was getting the full glamour treatment. And while I’ve done my nails over the past few weeks while being a cheerleader, I’d never had anyone do my nails for me before. I was informed that my lipstick should survive some kissing as long as I didn’t get too carried away. When I said I wouldn’t be putting it to the test, the beautician just giggled. I really didn’t like wearing false eyelashes.
Even though they showed me how I looked I couldn’t get the full impact. All three of us finished up almost at the same time. I’ve always thought Mom was beautiful, but holy shit she was just radiant. She looked amazing. And my sister has always been gorgeous, she looked like a beautiful princess with her hair up and pink lipstick and long lashes. Geoff was going to just love her.
But I didn’t expect the reactions from Cynthia and Mom. Cynthia’s eyes went wide as she squealed, “Oh my God Tammy! You are just so gorgeous! I can’t believe how beautiful you are. Tony’s going to love you.”
Mom was trying not to cry. She looked from Cynthia to me and exclaimed, “Oh my beautiful girls!”
Cynthia picked up my hand. “Girl, I just love your nails!” They didn’t use any plastic snap-on nails. Not sure how, but they lengthened my nails and painted them a deep red.
After spending a few minutes admiring each other, we caught a ride back to Cynthia’s hotel room where our dresses were. The plan was for Dad to get a ride over to this hotel and wait in the lobby area while we got dressed. Hopefully he’ll have changed his clothes by then. The studio would send a limo for us with Geoff and Tony already onboard.
Giggling, we helped each other get into our dresses. I don’t want to say Mom looked hot, but she actually looked hot. Cynthia who looks great in everything looked incredible in her tight, short red dress. And me? There was no way I looked, or felt, like a boy. With high heels and the short blue dress, my legs looked very sexy if I say so myself. From my red lipstick to my red nails made me look extremely feminine. Mom let me borrow a pair of her dangly earrings.
When we went down to the lobby to wait for the limo, every eye was on us. And I have to say, I loved the attention. Dad was blown away by how Mom looked.
Finally, Cynthia jumped up and squealed, “Geoff!” when the boys arrived at last with the limo. She ran up to him and they hugged and she gave him a fake kiss on the cheek.
When we went outside where Tony was waiting, he did a double take when I approached him. “Tammy! You look absolutely stunning!” He took my hand and kissed my fingers. It’d be real easy to get used to this.
As we took our seats in the limo, Geoff said, “You three look incredible tonight.”
Looking at Mom, Dad said, “You should dress like this when you’re doing the dishes.”
Traffic as expected was a bit crunched. It might have been faster to walk. I looked down at my heels and decided maybe not.
Tony had his arm behind my shoulder. He asked, “Something might come out of this, you know. A lot of producers and casting directors will be watching.”
I shook my head. “Seriously, Tony. I don’t want to be an actor. I’ll leave acting to Cynthia.”
Tony looked at me and asked, “Have you even tried. Your sister is a great little actress. She’s picked it up fast.”
I said, “Actually, I’d like to be a painter.”
Tony grinned. “Oh, like Van Gogh or Rembrandt?”
Cynthia laughed. “More like Sherwin Williams!”
We finally arrived at the gala. After we all got out of the limo, Cynthia and Geoff were put at the front of our group since they are both actual celebrities. Tony and I came next since he’s part of the production and I only looked like Cynthia. Mom and Dad brought up the rear since nobody knows who they are. I smiled at some that were taking notice of Mom. She looked so beautiful and elegant, she just *had* to be someone!
Tony had his arm around my waist and held me close. He said, “Smile and wave to your fans.”
I chuckled. “I don’t have any fans.”
He grinned at me. “You do now.” Dozens of people held up their phones and snapped pictures of just not Cynthia, but me and Tony as well. I hadn’t had a chance to look around before, but there were quite a few celebrities walking down the red carpet towards the ballroom entrance. Some were being stopped along the way for a short interview with celebrity news outlets like E!. It was quite overwhelming with photographers and fans alike shouting out names to get their favorites to look at them. Some people mistook me for Cynthia which is easy to do except I’m prettier.
I looked back at Mom and Dad and they were just eating up all the excitement.
At one point I was taken by surprise. I didn’t think anyone would talk to me, but one woman reporter with a fashion magazine stopped me and said, “That dress is very beautiful. Who are you wearing tonight?” At first I was confused. Shouldn’t the question be a what and not a who? Then it came to me they wanted the designer. My first impulse was to say J.C Penny, but I knew Cynthia would yell at me.
It took a moment to remember where we went on Rodeo Drive and I said, “This is a Mr. Beirabelli original.”
The woman smiled and said, “Ah yes. He’s a brilliant designer.” And that was it. I didn’t even get a full fifteen minutes of fame.
We finally got inside the ballroom and things became less of a zoo, but there was still a lot of confusion. An usher led to our table. We were sitting among the other cast members for the production that Cynthia was a part of. Mr. Pruitt came over and greeted us. He seemed very interested in me for some reason. He sat down with me for a few minutes and made small talk. After he left, Tony said that was very unusual and felt Mr. Pruitt was taking an interest in me. That’s all I need.
Geoff leaned over towards Tony and me and said, “I hope you brought a pillow. This is going to be something of a snooze fest. This a promotion for a charity and there’s going to be several keynotes before they bring out dinner.”
Tony stood up and looked around. As he sat down, he looked at me and said, “Sorry, love. There’s not even a dance floor here. I was hoping we could dance tonight.”
I shrugged. “That’s okay. I’m not much of a dancer anyway.”
I turned when someone touched my arm. It was Mr. Pruitt looking at me impatiently. He leaned in close so I could hear. “Miss Garrett. Would you mind coming with me. There’s someone you should meet.”
I looked over at Tony and he just shrugged.
Mr. Pruitt stood up and said, “If you’ll please follow me, Miss Garrett.”
I hesitated a second and then stood up to follow him. Neither Mom or Cynthia noticed me getting up. Tony smiled and said, “I’ll keep your seat warm.”
I followed Pruitt out of the noisy ballroom and down a hall. Even though it was nice to get out of the crowded and noisy ballroom, I was getting concerned about where we were going.
“Um, where are we going, Mr. Pruitt? My Mom didn’t see me leave and…”
Mr. Pruitt just smiled at me and said, “Just down to this private office to meet someone important.”
My heels echoing in the empty hall, I said, “I’m not really comfortable, Mr. Pruitt.”
Mr. Pruitt stopped and smiled as he put his hand on a door knob. “We’ve reached our destination.” He rotated the knob and opened the door. The door opened to a spacious office space with a cluttered desk with a large computer monitor, framed celebrity photos cluttering the walls, several deeply padded chairs and dominating one wall was a very plush couch. Seated in the middle of the couch was an overweight fifty-something, balding man with a week’s growth of beard and wearing a suit.
Pruitt pressed on my back to lead me into the room. He turned towards the man on the couch and said, “Here she is, Mr. Oppenheimer, as you requested.” He turned towards me and continued, “Tammy, I would like you to meet Charlie Oppenheimer. Mr. Oppenheimer is a very influential impresario. Some call him The Star Maker. Mr. Oppenheimer, I present you Miss Tammy Garrett.”
Mr. Oppenheimer leaned forward and smiled broadly. “Welcome, Miss Garrett. Mr. Pruitt has told me about you several times this week. I understand you’re only here in Hollywood one more day, so I wanted to meet you before you left.”
Not sure how to react, I did something between a bow and a curtsy. I’d heard about this dude and not all of it complimentary. “Pleasure to meet you, sir,” I lied. I wanted to get back to the gala, as dull as I was expecting it be.
Oppenheimer chuckled as he patted the space next to him on the couch. “Please have a seat, Miss Garrett. I’m sure those shoes are killing your feet.” He grinned. Several alarm bells went off in my head. But what could I do? Oppenheimer might merely be wanting to meet the sister of one of his rising starlets and I’d be insulting him and doing damage to Cynthia if I just turned and ran. Which I couldn’t do anyway because Pruitt had his hand on my back.
I nodded and said, “Thank you, sir.” I then moved to sit next to this creepy old codger. The couch was soft and I sank deep into it. I could tell it was going to be difficult to stand back up.
As he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, Oppenheimer said with a chuckle, “Oh, you can dispense with that ‘sir’ nonsense. We’re all friends here. Just call me Charlie.”
I laughed nervously. “Yes sir… I mean Charlie.”
Charlie had his arm resting on my shoulders as his hand dangled in front of my breasts. With his other hand, he lightly ran his fingers up and down my bare arm. He said, “Mr. Pruitt came to me about you after meeting him you first day here. Mr. Pruitt has a knack for recognizing talent. At first I was skeptical when he described meeting such a ravishing creature such as yourself. But by George, if he wasn’t right on the money again.” Again he chuckled. I have to admit I didn’t care to be referred to as a ‘creature.’
Nervous, I stammered, “Well, I…”
He gave me a squeeze. “I have to say, Tammy. You are a very gorgeous woman. And exceptional beauty.” He leaned against me and took my hand. If I’d tried, I wouldn’t have been able to stand. “Mr. Pruitt told me you had some hesitancy about taking roles in film. I have some properties that we’re casting now that wouldn’t call for you to say very many lines.”
I looked up and saw that Mr. Pruitt had left the office, leaving me totally alone with Charlie. I said, “I… I… I’m not an actor, Charlie. I told Mr. Pruitt that. C… Can I go back now?”
Charlie laughed. “As cliché as it sounds, Miss Garrett, I’m about to make you an offer you can’t refuse.” He smiled as he pulled several strands of my hair from my face. He ran his fingers down my cheek. “You’d be perfect for my next film, Miss Garrett. Your rare beauty will make you a big star in high demand. You will be desired by men all around the world. I guarantee it.” He started playing with the hem of my dress.
I tried lean away from him. “Like I told Mr. Pruitt, I’m not interested in acting.” I’m sure Oppenheimer isn’t interested in me acting either. “My boyfriend wouldn’t like it either.” Oppenheimer wouldn’t know I don’t have one.
He held me tighter as he laughed, “Boys! A beautiful woman like you deserves to be with a man who knows how to love a woman. With this film, men will throw themselves at your feet!” That might actually be kinda cool. Men throwing themselves at my feet and me walking on them in my heels like some dominatrix. Okay, maybe not.
“You’re hurting me,” I whimpered as he squeezed me tighter. “I want to leave.” I heard the doorknob jiggling.
“Not yet, sweet cheeks.” He leaned in and kissed me hard. He held my hand so I couldn’t push him away. He unzipped my dress. There was a thud against the door.
Oppenheimer pushed his tongue into my mouth. I bit hard and he reeled backwards crying out in pain. I sat up straight and slapped him hard across his face. I managed to get off the couch and ran to the door. I unlocked it and threw it open. Standing in the hall was Tony. I threw my arms around Tony’s neck.
“Tony, help me!” I cried.
Tony put his arms around me. “I was trying to. Those doors are lot more solid than they are in movies.”
From inside the office, we heard Oppenheimer shout, “Get back in here, girl!”
Tony looked down at me and asked, “What’s going on, Tammy?”
I buried my face into Tony’s chest. “Just take me away from here! Tony, please!”
Tony looked into the office and then back to me. He nodded and said, “Let’s go.” He took my hand and led me outside into the cool night air. I held onto him, afraid to let go.
He pulled out his cell phone. “I’ll call Geoff and tell him I’m taking you back to your hotel. Then I’ll call for a ride. What happened back there?”
My face still in Tony’s shoulder, I cried, “Oh Tony, it was awful. He was going to rape me!”
Tony’s face darkened. “I knew something was wrong when the door was locked. I came looking for you because they were about to serve dinner. He knew you’d be too afraid to go to the cops.” Tony zipped my dress back up.
I started to dig around in my purse for my phone. “I’m not afraid. I’ll call the cops.”
Tony shook his head. “Don’t bother. He’s a big shot with deniability. You don’t have pictures, so it didn’t happen. Even though he doesn’t work for the studio, he can make things hard for your sister. A couple of girls tried to accuse him of rape one time. Nothing happened to him and their careers were trashed.”
“Why is he allowed to continue?” I asked, mostly rhetorically.
“Good question. Give me a second and I’ll call for your ride,” said Tony.
I punched Cynthia’s number. “Hey, girl. Where are you?” asked Cynthia when she answered.
I took a deep breath and said, “Something came up and I just need to go. It’s something you and I really need to talk about, but you and Mom have a good time. I know this is one of those things Mom really looked forward to.”
“You’re just not trying to get out of doing girl stuff are you?” asked Cynthia, sounding annoyed. “Mom wanted this for all three of us.”
I was trying desperately not to break out into tears. “No. Look, I have to go.”
Anger in her voice, Cynthia said, “You always find a way to spoil things.”
Yelling into the phone, I shouted, “Trust me. I’m not trying to spoil anything for you!”
Tony angrily snatched my phone from my hand said, “You sister really didn’t want to spoil your time by telling you about how she was almost raped tonight! But by all means go back to your party!” There was a pause and then Tony growled, “She out here, in front of the ballroom entrance.” He disconnected. The phone rang almost immediately, but he just turned it off and then sat next to me.
A moment later, the entrance doors burst open and I heard the sound of someone running in heels down the walkway. A moment later, Cynthia grabbed my shoulders as she sat beside me.
“Tammy! Are you okay? Almost raped? What the hell is going on?” Cynthia looked pale as she held me and hurled questions.
Barely able to speak, I said, “That bastard Pruitt took me to a back office to meet Oppenheimer. He… he at first said he wanted to offer a movie role to me. Then the next thing I know, he’s holding me and then kissing me. Oh God it was horrible!” I started shaking.
Mom and Dad just walked up. Mom just looked extremely worried as she had no idea why I was crying so hard. Geoff came running up as well.
Mom asked, “What is going on? What’s wrong?”
Crying, Cynthia hugged Mom. “Oh Mom! Tammy was almost raped tonight! Can you guys stay with Tammy? I need to go back and talk to the studio head.” I remembered Cynthia pointing the studio head at our table.
Mom almost collapsed on hearing that I was attacked. Dad helped her sit down next to me. Dad knelt next to me. “Oh my God, honey! Are you okay? Who…who tried to hurt you?”
Tony said through gritted teeth, “Oppenheimer. He’s an executive producer. Very powerful and protected.”
I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen Dad cry. He hugged me and cried, “How could anyone hurt my baby?”
Two figures approached in the darkness. I could tell one was Cynthia. I didn’t know who the man was.
Cynthia said, “Tammy. Everyone. This is Mr. Wilson. He’s the head of the studio that’s shooting my project. Tammy, I know it’s really hard on you, but could you please tell Mr. Wilson what happened tonight?”
With one hand holding Mom’s hand and one holding Dad’s I looked up at Mr. Wilson and I sniffled through another retelling of the events. When I was done, Mr. Wilson took a deep breath.
Looking at me, Mr. Wilson said, “Miss, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I really wish I could promise we can fix this. I’m sorry to say you’re not the first young woman who has fallen victim to Mr. Oppenheimer’s desires. Oppenheimer is a very powerful man in this industry. One thing I can do, and I’ll do it first thing in the morning, is to get with our legal team and terminate any connections and business dealings with Mr. Pruitt. It’s no secret he scouts female talent for Oppenheimer as well as for other producers. But trafficking underage girls is another matter. Have the police been notified?”
Cynthia answered for me. “No. Everyone believes it won’t do any good.”
Mr. Wilson said, “Go ahead and call them. Maybe nothing will come of it, but it needs to go on record. I’ll stay here to help answer any questions.”
Mom looked up at Tony and said, “Tammy said you helped rescue her tonight?”
Tony shrugged. “I helped her get away from that piece of shit.”
Mom nodded. “Thank you for all you did.”
Tony smiled. “Yes ma’am. I’d do anything for that lovely little lady.”
Two police officers finally arrived and took my, Mr. Wilson’s and Tony’s statements. They said they’d get back with me. That was the last I ever heard from them.
Mr. Wilson sent a studio limo to take us all back to our hotels. Geoff and Tony declined the rides. Tony hug me and said he hoped I’d come out again so he could give me an insiders tour of Hollywood. He gave me a soft kiss. That was the last time I saw him.
Cynthia and Mom decided to stay with Dad and me at our hotel instead of returning to theirs. Mom slept with Dad and Cynthia slept with me, like we did when we were kids. I was thankful to not be alone that night.
When I finally rolled out of bed, I discovered that Cynthia was not only awake before me, but she had ordered a room service breakfast. It was my favorite of French toast, scrambled eggs and sausage.
Cynthia grinned at me. “Well, look who’s awake. Got breakfast right here.”
“Thanks,” I said, sniffing the air. The tray was in the middle of the room and smelled wonderful. “I had a lousy night though. Just nothing but nightmares.”
Cynthia stepped to me and gave me a big hug. “That doesn’t surprise me.”
I looked around and noticed it was just us. “Where’re Mom and Dad?”
“Since this is your last day here, they got up early and headed out for shopping and site-seeing. Mom just wanted to do something normal to counter last night,” said Cynthia as she sat down to join me eating. She glanced over at me and asked, “Is there anything you want to do today?
I took a bite. “I don’t know. It’s been such a busy week, I might just want to relax.”
I was almost finished eating when my cell phone rang. The caller id said it was that lab I went to on Tuesday.
Cynthia said, “You should probably answer that.”
I shivered. “I’m afraid of what they’ll say.”
Cynthia smiled at me. “Well, regardless of that, remember we’ll always love you.”
I answered the call and set it on speaker phone. She wasn’t going to let me get by with not saying what they said, so I thought I’d just let her listen.
Over the phone, the doctor I’d spent the day with said, “Hello. This is Doctor Steadman from the clinic. Am I speaking with Miss Garrett?”
I frowned. “Depends on what you tell me.”
“Is this a good time to call? Are you alone?” ask the doctor.
I sighed. “This is as good a time as any. My sister is listening on the call. That’s okay with me.”
After confirming my birth date, the doctor said, “Well, let’s just clear the air with the main reason your parents wanted the tests. The tests were quite clear. There’s no ambiguity that you are definitely female.”
I sat up straighter and said defiantly, “Bull shit, doctor! I have a penis!”
The doctor said, “Actually, you don’t. That’s part of the several birth defects you have along with a rare medical condition that we can hopefully correct with surgery. What you have long considered to be a penis is an enlarged clitoris. You have no testicles. You are not producing testosterone. You’re not producing much estrogen either, but we think we know why. Miss Garrett, you have a complete female reproductive system, including a vagina that’s not active for several reasons. We believe that with radical new surgical techniques, you can finally be a functional female. That depends on if your menstrual flow begins after the surgery is complete.”
“Menstrual flow? What are you talking about?” He couldn’t mean what I thought he meant.
Cynthia smirked at me. “He means you’re going to have a period, sis.”
Feeling panicked, I said, “No! That crazy talk. I’m a boy!”
The doctor sighed. “Miss Garrett, you are most certainly, not physically a boy. You can certainly continue to present as a male, but we highly recommend this corrective surgery. We’re concerned you’ll develop ovarian cancer or possibly other conditions if this isn’t taken care of.”
“You’re saying I must have this … this surgery?” I ask, terrified.
“If you don’t, you’re looking at some major complications later in life,” the doc said in a grave tone. “And even if you choose to continue to present as a male, you will still continue to have a feminine appearance. You’re not likely to develop muscles or do more than grow facial hair.” My first thought was Yuck. Who wants facial hair?
I slumped in my seat. “This is a lot to digest, doc.”
Speaking in a professional, even tone, the doctor said, “I can appreciate that, Miss Garrett. Are your parents available?”
I shook my head uselessly at the phone. “No. They won’t be back until this afternoon.”
The doctor said, “Well, as soon as possible, you, your parents, and even your sister, all need to get on a group call to my office to discuss a plan of action. My medical team feels the surgery is a medical necessity. But it’s your choice. You have a right to decline treatment.”
Feeling ill, I said, “I’ll let them know so we can arrange a call.”
The doctor closed the call saying “Have a good day, miss.”
Cynthia looked at me with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide. “You’re a girl! Oh my God, Tammy! You’re a girl!”
I spent the rest of the day in a shocked state of mind. When Mom and Dad finally returned, Cynthia ran up to them.
“Mom! Dad!” shouted Cynthia. “The lab called back with results! And guess what?” Cynthia was way too excited about the news.
Mom first seemed taken aback by Cynthia’s almost rabid attack. She finally asked, “And what was the result?”
Before I could answer, Cynthia exclaimed, “You have a new daughter!”
Between Cynthia and me, we went over everything Doctor Steadman said in great detail.
When we were done and silence fell over us, Dad asked, “And how do you feel about this? How do you want to go forward?”
“It’s not easy to say, Daddy,” I started. “I only thought I was a boy because you guys told me I was. I never really looked like a boy. I never really developed male characteristics. Then add the fact that I’ll have a vagina which sounds really weird to say along with having a period every month. Which is even weirder to say.”
Cynthia grinned at me. “Well, you can already guess what I want you to do. Switch sides, Tammy. I mean, you’re going nowhere as boy. Cathy said she never saw you happy at school until you became Tammy. And yes I know I’m being selfish. I think having a sister would be awesome!”
Mom said, “I’m trying to not influence your decisions, honey, but I have to admit that having two daughters would be wonderful. And thinking of you, trying to live as a boy knowing that being fully male is forever out of your grasp. Deep down in my heart, I feel you’ll be happier as a girl. But that’s just me.”
Dad rubbed his hands as he looked at the floor. “You know I love having a son. It gets kinda crazy when you’re surrounded by women all the time.” Mom backhanded Dad’s shoulder. “But it’s not been what I expected. You’ve never liked working on cars with me. You don’t really like watching games with me. With the exception of motorsports. You seem to like camping, but you seem to always check out the other boys around the campsite. I admit it was my own self interest that insisted you were a boy which is really hard to say convincingly when I see just how beautiful you are. And I have to agree with your friend Cathy. You were much happier as a girl. Now I know why.”
Mom said, “And now that we’ve told you how we feel, it’s up to you to decide how you want to live your life. Don’t say as a girl just to make us happy.”
I looked at all three members of my family. I said, “You have to admit there’re some big negatives about switching to being female. The events of last night is one. Then there’s all the paperwork. Choosing to be female or not isn’t easy. Maybe if I didn’t have to have the surgery, it’d be an easier decision.”
It was Saturday and I was on my own for lunch. Cynthia had a date and Mom and Dad seem to have rekindled their marriage and went to stay at a motel out of town. I’m certainly not going to complain about that. So I drove carefully into a parking spot at Taco del Rey. I wasn’t real happy as I return to school on Monday. I couldn’t believe it was almost Spring already.
The place looked empty as I went to the counter to order. My burrito was ready almost immediately. As I looked up while filling my soda cup, I saw a familiar face sitting partially hidden by the windows. Paul saw me looking at him and smiled. He gestured that I come sit with him. Nobody likes eating alone, so I walked over and sat next to him.
Smiling at me, Paul said, “You’re colorful today. I thought you’d go back to being Tom now.” I was wearing an orange and white striped tank top, orange shorts with white trim and orange canvass top sneakers. For good measure, I had my hair in twin pigtails tied with orange yarn. I sat next to Paul, setting my burrito and drink down as I curled my legs up under me.
I unwrapped my burrito and said, “No. I don’t think I’ll be going back to Tom anytime soon. Cathy and coach want me to continue being a cheerleader.”
Paul nodded knowingly. “You’ve been gone since before Christmas. I see Cynthia in the halls almost every day at school now. I was wondering where you went.”
I swallowed a bite of my burrito and said, “Actually, I recently had some delicate surgery and I’ve had to spend some time recovering.”
Paul’s eyes widened. “Surgery? Wow. What did they do? You look the same.”
I took a deep breath. “Turns out I’ve actually been a girl all this time. The surgery has just brought this into the light.”
Paul looked confused. “I know you’ve always seemed a bit effeminate. But why do you say that now you’re a girl?”
I didn’t look up from my burrito, “I had my first period two weeks ago.”
Paul spit out the soda that he just started to drink. “Y…Y… Your what? Are you serious?”
I looked at Paul with a half smile. “My period. And yes, I’m very serious. I have a vagina too.”
Paul exclaimed, “Holy shit! That’s not possible… is it? You’re shittin’ me, right?”
I said seriously, “I shit you not. The docs tell me I can get pregnant. So you keep that thing of yours away from me, you hear?”
Still shocked, Paul said, “That pretty much changes everything!”
I rolled my eyes. “Tell me about it! Just this past Christmas, instead of the computer games I asked for, I got two packages of panties, a skirt, a top, these earrings” I wiggled my earlobe with my fingers, “… and an eye shadow palette.”
Paul still looked shocked. “But how could you go from boy to girl like that? Even a sex change won’t do that much. And you have a penis.”
I shook my head. “I can’t go into all the medical mumbo jumbo. That wasn’t a penis. It was a misshapened clitoris. And something about having XXY chromosomes and my Y chromosome was damaged so my testosterone was turned off. I couldn’t follow all of it. I blame my Dad.”
Paul shook his head. “But man, switching gears from boy to girl. I can’t imagine going through that.”
I shrugged. “It helped that I was already playing a girl for several weeks. I was already used to sitting down to pee. We finally got all the legal changes done. I’m officially female on my school records now.”
Paul grinned at me. “Still. That’s really amazing. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re still amazingly beautiful.”
I laughed. “How can anyone take that the wrong way? But now, other than my amazing beauty, I’m just like any other girl.”
Paul studied me for several long moments. He said, “Has anyone asked you to prom yet?”
I said, “How could they? I haven’t been back to school yet.”
Paul said, “Tammy, it would be my honor to take you to the prom.”
I looked at Paul sideways. “You really want to? I used to be a boy and all that.”
Paul laughed. “Hell girl. I dated you when you were still a boy.”
Grinning, I said, “That’s true. I’ll agree to go with you on one condition.”
Looking confused, Paul asked, “Condition? Like what?”
Looking Paul directly in the eye, I said, “That you kiss me.”
Wrinkling his brow, Paul asked, “Kiss you? At prom or now?”
I grinned and said, “Yes.”
Paul smiled at me and put his hand behind my head and pulled my face towards his. He leaned towards me and I closed my eyes. A moment later I felt his soft, wonderful lips pressing into mine. We kissed for a long time.
Prom night
I gave my virginity to Paul.
Later in September
I got a text message on my phone along with a picture. It was from Shaun. The text read:
Hope all is well with you. Thought you might be interested in seeing a picture of my baby girl who is oddly named Tammy and my beautiful wife Guadalupe. Take care of yourself, girl.
The picture was of a more mature looking Shaun with a few days beard growth, holding a beautiful baby girl. Sitting next to him was a beautiful smiling Mexican girl who was more than a little pregnant. I would be smiling too if I was having Shaun’s babies.
Paul had gone off to college. There he met a cute boy and discovered he was gay.
January the following year
Oppenheimer was caught with three underage girls and arrested. Bail set at $1M
Five years after graduation and working on my art degree
Met a gorgeous man, a little older than me. He owns a successful business. We fall in love and get married. I have three children with him.