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Tammyverse Book 13
Royal Retreat
Part 1 Tactical Withdrawal Shiraz & Snowfall
Please note this is a work of fiction and any references to real people, real institutions or real heavily armed military units are for artistic purposes only!
Monday 5th March 2018
Ben Franklin ushered Tammy into his office. "It’s great to see you back today Tammy, but you had been marked as absent and no-one could get hold of you?"
"I'm sorry Ben, I’m sure you knew I was on a course but the RAF relocated me and altered what I was supposed to be doing."
"I thought you were Army?"
"So did I, but it’s pretty obvious that senior officers don't always know the difference? I think you should realise that from your years in the Police?"
"Indeed, so how do we explain your absence?"
Tammy shrugged, she'd spent long hours over the weekend making certain that she hadn't missed any coursework.
"Is that strictly necessary? As far as I can see my work is up to date and surely that matters more?"
"Not that I’ve seen it yet, Tammy, but if students’ quality of work was the Vice Chancellor’s only concern then I'm sure his stress level would be much lower? Unfortunately you missed a few days without giving notice or being contactable? That is automatically reported."
"Even so, is that going to be a real problem for me?"
"It might, I'd hate to see you thrown off this course over a technicality, especially as you’re one of the better students?"
"Only better? Ben, I do understand, but in this case, perhaps, I could have some latitude? I should add that I had a notification over the weekend for extended briefing dates, along with an important Easter exercise some distance from here."
"Thanks for reminding me, I had seen advance warning of the Easter exercise."
"The Captain did send it, amazing!"
"Yes, you're scheduled to miss one week of lectures, but the Vice Chancellor could very well cancel that permission given the past few days."
"Ben, of all people, you should understand that my circumstances are different?"
"I do, but I can't say anything – not if I want to keep my pension? Understood?"
"Remember, you weren't attached to the military when I last worked with you? There's no question that you are legitimately involved with them but it's never been explained whether you are a Territorial Army part-timer or a full regular on a sabbatical? There are established procedures for Reserve Military personnel who need time off for exercises or training and that covers staff as well as students. You don't happen to have any paperwork placing you with a Territorial Unit?"
Tammy reached into her bag and retrieved her NATO ID card.
“Lieutenant Smart at your service.”
“What’s Broadsword?”
“Nothing else?”
"No, my situation is rather unique but it hasn't been an issue up to now? The Prime Minister appreciates the work I do."
"The PM, seriously? Tammy, your tutors have previously managed with you missing a day here or there; that's no different to any other student. What's unusual this time is the length of time you missed without contacting us, not helped when we were unable to reach you at all. This means your extended Easter break may well be refused."
"I see, but I found myself on a military base without a change of knickers and with limited access to outside communications. That was neither an ideal situation nor a part of my original instructions."
"I'm sorry, Tammy, but this is not down to me. I can’t be your supporter here as I know you too well."
Tammy's face added a smile. "Wait until I ask for maternity leave."
Ben stared at her for a few seconds. "Is that even possible? I've seen your file, remember?"
"Let's just say that I am going to be a mother, but not quite yet."
"Well, that's beyond my responsibility but I think the college will have to deal with that when it happens?"
A bell sounded outside of the small office they occupied.
"That, Miss Smart, is the end of coffee break."
"What about my request?"
"What for?"
"Time for the briefings? It's the next few Thursdays."
"Can't they be done remotely, by video?"
"Possibly, but not this first one, I have to head South on Wednesday."
"After lunchtime?"
"Yes, I think so."
"So that means missing one lecture on Thursday, with me. I guess you have a Doctor's appointment you can't move?"
"Come to think of it, I do, thanks Ben."
Tammy ventured out of the room retaining the smile on her face, this was immediately noticed by one of the girls on her course. "It's bloody true! We knew it last year and you denied it, gotcha!"
Tammy shrugged, but she sensed that Ben was going to have the bigger problem; that was proven correct when, within five minutes, the session was disrupted by the whispering and pointing. Ben called a halt.
"I don't know how we are going to get through this hour unless you lot start listening?"
One of the boys piped up. "Was she any good?"
That generated a load of abuse towards Tammy and Ben gave up trying to control the room. He left, Tammy was close behind.
"Where are you going, Ben?"
"The Vice Chancellor's office to stop this before it becomes a problem. Go home and expect a call."
Ben went through a Staff Only door as the rest of the class arrived in the main foyer. "There she is!"
It was a dry day and the sky had patches of blue when she'd left that morning. Following Maisie's professional advice, her car had been left at home and Tammy had ridden down on her bike. By the time her padlock was released a few of them had found her. Tammy noted that security were nearby and no-one was physically impeding her.
"So it's true?"
She shook her head but decided not to stay for the argument. Tammy mounted her bike but wobbled as she made her way towards the road. It wasn't long before at least one car was following her but she was still over half a mile from home, straight line distance, with the actual route being longer. She made a decision to take a straight run down Ormlie Road, past Thurso Highschool and the Railway Station rather than zig-zagging across town.
Her fitness and small profile meant keeping a good speed wasn't a problem and her pursuing vehicle, or vehicles, should have been lost in the town traffic. Unfortunately one was closer than she wanted so a re-assessment of her route home was needed.
She'd reached Ormlie Hill and Tammy took a sharp left without indicating. She regretted the move almost immediately as the street's name was very appropriate; Tammy had to drop two gears in an attempt to keep up a good climbing rate. A quick look behind saw a car had turned at the bottom of the hill and was now accelerating towards her free of any other traffic.
There was a stubby turning at the top of the hill and Tammy slid into this, suicidally just ahead of a downhill bus which, in turn, was forced to brake hard. The end of this stub led onto a footpath linking properties, Tammy knew there was an access onto Ormlie Crescent on the far side and that any cars would have to find the long way around. Sarah's house wasn't far from her location so Tammy knew the area well enough. She relaxed and headed North East, watching for any aggressive vehicles.
Tammy had felt very threatened when she'd left the college, the worst she'd felt since being involved in fire-fights. At college she was simply Tammy Smart, private individual and student. It had been made very clear by her various commanders that she couldn't treat another student as a viable target, however fulfilling that may have been. There were rules of engagement for most circumstances, but a false accusation of infidelity did not, in her book, justify any irrevocable action. As far as she could see this would all be put down as a misunderstanding and she could return to the college on Wednesday with her head held high.
She'd started to leave her bike in the shop rather than around the back, this had proved essential when a storm on Sunday had wrecked the weather protection. She crossed into Duncan Street then down Davidsons Lane. This placed her down on Princes Street by the Station Hotel, she took a quick look left and right before she launched herself towards the front of the property.
This door required two keys, designed to make life complicated for any potential unwelcome visitor. Using the keys created a delay before Tammy could ease the door open. A car was slowing down and stopped just as Tammy got her bike through the doorway. She closed the door quickly, propped the bike up and set about unlocking the security door into the accommodation.
A phone was ringing, Tammy reached for the kitchen handset.
"Miss Smart?"
"This is Vice Chancellor Ford. We are conducting an investigation into inappropriate behaviour between a student and a member of staff. You and Mr Franklin are both suspended pending the resolution of the inquiry and this will be confirmed in writing, someone will be in touch concerning your interview. You are not to contact Mr Franklin or anyone else at the college. Do you understand?"
"Yes, but?"
The line went dead.
Tammy was in shock, how quickly had this escalated? Her smile, that was the problem, how the hell did anyone even consider that a smile meant anything amorous? She made it up to her office and sank into a chair, wanting to cry.
Her cellphone rang with a tone indicating a secure call, Tammy wiped her eyes before answering.
"Yes?" Tammy responded.
"Hey Tammy-girl. That looked like some kind of wild route home. I hope that was counter-surveillance practice?" Krystel's voice came over the connection.
Once again, Tammy had proof she wasn't totally on her own and someone did care, watching over her. To someone else that could be considered an invasion of privacy, but for Tammy it was physical and emotional backup.
"Bad day?"
"The crappiest, Krystel."
"Oh, it can always get worse. So what's the problem?"
"Ben Franklin? Isn't he the cop buddy teaching your class?"
"Yeah. I'm suspended, and so is he."
"That sucks rocks. What did you two do; stab the Dean, bite him, set him on fire?"
"Wrong answer girl, what did you do?"
"I secured a day off for Thursday to attend a briefing."
"That was it?"
"Yes, really, no, I don't know. I, we've, been accused of having a relationship behind a closed door."
"So it can't be proved, or disproved, without an admission?"
"You didn't ask if it was true?"
"Irrelevant, to me or anybody else; unless it compromises you?"
"He's married!"
"So will you be, real soon. So; not a valid excuse these days."
"Well, I'm suspended and it looks like I'll be interviewed then ejected."
"On what grounds? Anyhow, the time off for the briefing is moot now, right? How long is this suspension?"
"A week, maybe two?"
"You take Easter break in two weeks, right? That could simplify things."
"But my degree?"
"This is where somebody else would say you don't need one and we both know who that'd be. Do you want to drop out?"
"No, I want to complete my course."
"Okay. Why?"
"It marks me as a normal human being."
Krystel laughed. "Girl, you have NEVER been normal. That's funny!"
"It wasn't meant to be, look my future's in doubt here!"
"No it isn't."
"My public future."
"No it isn't, this might be some sort of self justification exercise you're on, but does it actually affect your property business or your kick-ass saving humanity role?"
"I guess not."
"So stop worrying. Chill."
"I need a coffee."
"That's the Tammy we know. And by the way, I wasn't taking a knock at you for wanting the degree. You want it, go get it. More power to ya."
"Thanks. How did you know something was going on Krystel, are you listening over my phones or did you call to tell me something?"
"I know when you leave for classes and how. I also know the usual route you take there and back. Pretty easy to set up parameters for routine monitoring. When you deviate from that routine, I get an alert. When you make an electronic record of your daily plan, I get an update and the algorithm modifies to it. It's unobtrusive to you, but there for your safety. I don't have to listen in on your phone calls, but if it would make you feel better I can set that up too. You want me to?"
"If I say no, will it be a big deal?"
"What about the recorded phone numbers?"
"I can go back and see those, but I can do that with any mobile or landline. I don't see the calls as they come in, but I can look them up if something happened or you ask me to. Like I said though, I can do that with any phone."
"Oh. I'm okay with that. So is there another reason you called?"
"This week's briefing."
"Yeah, all day Thursday and half of Friday at Wattisham."
"Not any more. You're needed Wednesday lunchtime and assume you might be busy for the weekend, Maisie too."
"Great. Still at Wattisham?"
"No, NATO HQ at Ruislip. The local airbase is at Northolt but there's facilities at Elstree for your plane, less paperwork that way. A squawk code will be sent to you before departure in case you need it."
"NATO? What's their involvement?"
"They're just the hosts, it suits several of the participants. The comms there are better than decent."
"Was that before or after you checked out their whole system?"
"Not really. Remember the adage, keep your friends close but your enemies closer?"
"NATO's not the enemy?"
"As a whole, perhaps not, but some of the member countries aren't exactly best-buddies either."
"So I guess you're not overly-keen on the location?"
"Correct Tammy-san, assume the walls have ears."
"Just like at home. What do I do about Ben?"
"Nothing, girl, let it play out. If they want to grill you, make it so that's it's on your terms and bring back-up. You know, the legal kind."
"For my protection?"
"No, for them. I gotta go; concentrate on tasks at hand, watch your ass and don't let anybody walk on you. Tiffany says Hi and regrets she won't be here during the visit. Just chill out and do your thing."
"I'll try, thanks Krystel."
"Before you go, I have a message for Maisie. Her passport is on the way back from the US Embassy with her visa. Good to go."
"I'm out."
"Something else?"
"Yes. When I first cracked the safe here, it was not empty. I found something." Tammy said.
Krystel laughed. "Yeah? Tell me."
"A gold bar. It has no markings on it."
Krystel thought for a moment. "Well, that could mean a couple of things. One: it was made from reclaimed gold. Broken jewellery and the like. You can get a license for that. Or two: it was made using smuggled gold, stolen jewellery, et cetera."
"Is there a way to exchange it for legitimate gold but still quietly?"
"The fastest way would be go to Switzerland, but you have too many connections there. Better that we do it for you."
Tammy asked. "How? Hide it in my suitcase?"
"No need. Just ship it to us using FedEx. Borrow a broken aircraft part from your service. Secure the bar inside the part and send it to RamAir. We'll get you coinage. Easier to deal with. Send it out today or tomorrow."
Tammy wrote down the shipping information then disconnected to call Jim at SmartAir while making coffee.
"Smart Air."
"It's Tammy, Jim."
"Sorry, but I need the Epic Wednesday."
"Can't you take your Czech Sport?"
"It's the pair of us plus luggage for a few days."
"You'll have to hire something big then?"
"Hey, can I just have my plane?"
"It's booked for a Saturday morning run into Glasgow, a VIP."
"Oh, but I'll be back Friday night." She crossed her fingers.
"Which means we would either have a very late night or a very early start to get her serviced, cleaned and supplied for the VIP. The plan was to do this on Friday morning."
"Sorry Jim, anyway who is this VIP?"
"Your mum."
"She can take the train!"
"Feel free to tell her, and your father."
"Okay, I'll get it back to you in time."
"How far are you going?"
"Ah, can't you go commercial?"
"Not with the kit we'll be carrying, which is the main reason for the plane in the first place."
"Understood, what about next week, just in case it's needed for a weekend job?"
"The same, Jim, I think. I haven't been told much so far."
"Damn Tammy, you need to take care of yourself, don't take chances. I trust you'll be well rested for Wednesday?"
"Yeah, hopefully. I just have one long email to write, about this morning."
"College stuff?"
"Yes, but it needs some thought. Oh, I wanted to ask about something else, something unusual."
"Oh? Stranger than refuelling an American gunship out of the blue?"
"Sort of! I'm looking for a broken engine or fuselage part that you can't fix and are just planning to bin. Do you have one I can have?"
"Dare I even ask what you need one for?"
"I'd rather you didn't. Or mention it to anyone else. I would like a ticket of some kind, as if you are sending out for repair or disposal."
"But it can't be. Right. I think I have something that will work. Does it matter if it comes from a helicopter?"
"No. Anything, just as long as it is a genuine part and completely broken. Oh, and I can carry the box easily."
"I'll drop it by on my way home."
Tammy refilled her mug and dragged herself to her laptop, her solicitor needed to know what had happened and a brief note was inadequate.
Maisie returned home at six, Tammy summarised her day.
"They did WHAT? Why didn't you call?"
"I was a bit busy cycling away from that place."
"You're not safe there, how many times have you been blamed for their mistakes?"
"Too many, but I want to finish the course."
"Is that wise? I have to agree with what's-her-name, whatever her role is."
"It's been mostly okay so far this year."
"Tammy, what about Ben? If he resigns without this being resolved, that leaves you as the singular guilty party."
"Can he afford to resign?"
"He can take his Police pension early, Sandy Franklin has already taken hers. They own their house, so no mortgage."
"Dual income, no kids. So Ben was doing the teaching to top up his income, not because he needed to? How do you know this?"
"I've been giving keep fit classes to a group in Inverness, Sandy attends it and we've gone for coffee."
"Damn, Maisie, I thought I was the intelligence operative."
"My role allows me to get close to people, Tammy."
"Well, you need to cancel any appointments after tomorrow."
"Already done, after tomorrow I'm booked off for two months."
"Hey, is that for tax reasons?"
"Maybe, it is only four weeks to the end of the tax year! The thing is I don't need to earn any more this year, especially as the Army had paid me my back pay as well. It’s strange how they suddenly worked out I should have been promoted a year ago but was held back."
"You kept that quiet?"
"Need to know!"
"Damn, Maisie, we need to be open with each other?"
"Can't I have a few little secrets? Especially when I want to arrange things?"
"Arrange things?"
"Yes, Tammy dear, there are things that need to be arranged. Truth be known, you're not normally that good at planning stuff more than a week or so ahead."
"Okay, what kind of things need arranging?"
"My insemination date?"
"After we get back from the deployment."
"Our wedding?"
"After we get back from the deployment."
"A holiday?"
"After .."
"Yeah, I get it. You don't want to agree to anything until we get back? Well, Miss Smart, can we get one thing sorted now?"
"Yes, dear?"
"What will our names be?"
Tammy answered immediately, a little perplexed. "Tammy and Maisie, or Maisie and Tammy? Does it matter? I didn’t think we needed aliases right now?"
"No, Tammy, our surname? It's bound to come up so I'd like to know now. My dad will surely ask?"
"Oh, is this because protocol says one of us has to lose a name?"
"Not necessarily, we have two choices that would work, first is to double barrel like Staines-Smart, or Smart-Staines?"
"That sounds clumsy? What's the alternative?"
"We do nothing."
"Nothing, Maisie?"
"We keep our existing names, if anyone asks then it's for professional reasons."
"But I'd be Mrs Smart and you'll be Mrs Staines?"
"Heck, Tammy, some to think about it - that sounds too much like my late mum."
"Maybe think of it as a tribute? You can always use your rank as a title?"
"I'm not keen on that idea, maybe I'll stick with Ms?"
"Hey, does it matter what we say? Everyone else will just assume we're both Smart or both Staines?"
"Including my father, who hates complicated stuff. I've told him he'll be at the wedding to give me away and I've had him renew his passport."
"Oh, but it's not planned yet?"
"No, I’ve getting a few things ready but someone wants to wait ..."
"Come on Maisie, we need to pack to go away."
"Okay, but don’t change the subject! How long for?"
"First we were told two days, now I'm told it's three, so assume five."
The bell rang and a glance at a screen, revealed Jim at the back door, Tammy raced off to let him in. Jim came into the kitchen and placed an unsealed box on the table. He opened it so Tammy could see inside.
"Will this work?"
Tammy inspected the part and nodded. "Perfectly. Thank you."
Jim handed Tammy a despatch note, on Smart Air headed paper.
“It’s an black box housing that was damaged. I’ve marked it for specialist stress scanning, with scrapping as an option.”
“Excellent, cheers Jim, I owe you one.”
She let him out then went downstairs to the basement with the box. Quickly she retrieved the crude ingot and tucked it inside the enclosure with a styling magazine as packing. Finally, once she’d checked for any rattling she applied gorilla tape to keep the contents inside the bright orange box.
She walked the box upstairs and made a copy of the ticket, placing one copy in the box then photographed the contents with her phone before taping the box securely shut.
The following day she would send it out from the local Federal Express office in Inverness, riding with Maisie to her last session.
Wednesday 7th March 2018
Tammy flew the Epic into Elstree aerodrome, with Maisie as a passive co-pilot. As their destination was a civilian airport they were suitably styled, both wore their coordinated executive skirt-suits.
She opted to fuel up immediately, attracting the looks of several male members of staff when she stepped onto the ground to supervise.
“Where’s your pilot?”
“I am the pilot!”
Once the sexism had been dealt with the process didn't take long and, soon she was off the fuel stand. Tammy was directed to premium parking next to a hanger and was thankfully very close to the terminal. It was half an hour after arrival that the pair finally stepped down, with Tammy locking the door behind her. Somehow they had restricted themselves to one mid-sized case and vanity apiece plus shoulder bags.
Captain Wade was waiting for them, landside.
"You took your time. You're out of uniform, where is it?"
"We flew as civvies into a civilian aerodrome so our uniforms are in our cases, and they'll stay there until they're needed. Good morning to you too, Marcus."
"Hmmm, I don't like your attitude, Lieutenant."
"My attitude is just fine, Captain. Your own seems to be lax, however. Shall we return to Thurso? You can explain to Buckingham Palace why we apparently declined to take part in this briefing. Come on Maisie?"
She turned to drag her case back towards the Epic, Maisie did likewise, showing a clean pair of stilettos.
"You'll stay put Lieutenant, Sergeant!"
"I think you'll find we don't look much like military personnel right now, Marcus. Let me guess; the Colonel sent you as a glorified cab driver and you resent that? Never mind, I'll call the Colonel and explain your problem."
"Damn you, Tammy, just get in please."
The girls hung their NATO passes around the necks whilst they waited for Marcus to open the back of the vehicle. It took a few seconds for him to get the hint but finally they could load their cases before the pair slid into the rear seats. It was just over a ten minute drive to the NATO security gate and the girls had to exit the vehicle to check in.
"Are either of you carrying weapons?"
The guard seemed to be reading from a memorised script after checking passes.
"I have my Glock 19 and knife with me."
"Oh, permits?"
"Sure." Tammy reached under the back of her jacket and withdrew the pistol, the magazine was ejected and the chamber cleared.
She then pulled the knife from her sleeve, placing them on the counter between her and the guard. Both he and Wade took notice of the odd looking knife. Tammy then presented her firearms license. He placed her weapons in a container and passed it to a colleague. Her licence was checked, copied and returned.
"You can collect them when you leave. Sign please."
Tammy had expected just as much and signed the sheet. The girls had already walked through an arch, without bags, but now she was checked again with a hand wand. The whole procedure was taking time, but finally they received their site visitor security passes and were able to enter the complex.
The obvious route was via a weather protected corridor to an adjacent main surface building where they were met by Marcus. Tammy just smiled, she really didn't want to wind him up. Marcus in turn said nothing for the moment and just guided the girls to a lift, just after an obvious airlock and a blast door. They had a minute to wait for the doors to open into a vacant lift car.
"That wasn't one of our issued knives, is it?" Marcus asked once he confirmed they were well out of hearing range from the Guardroom.
Tammy shrugged. "Does the Army issue MadDog?"
"The Yanks gave it to you." Marcus almost snarled, clearly not pleased. "You need to see the Colonel first, then you can get into uniform."
Tammy shrugged, but watched the floor counter as they descended to the eighth subterranean level. It was difficult to suppress a smile. Despite the scanners and searches, she had still smuggled in several things Wade would throw a tantrum over. She guessed they wouldn't be seeing natural light for a few days.
Marcus seemed to take pride in his knowledge of the building layout, at least the areas Tammy had so far passed. Finally they arrived at room 8-26, which turned out to be equipped as an office, complete with soft furnishings and a coffee table. Sean MacTaggart stood from behind his desk and walked to Tammy, she saluted and Maisie followed her lead.
"Send in coffee and lunch please, Captain."
"Of course, Sir."
Marcus left the room and closed the door behind him. "At ease. Welcome to NATO Command, Tammy, Maisie. What have you done to poor Marcus now?"
"Sorry Colonel, he does like playing soldiers and for some reason wasn't happy that we were in civvies."
"Again? Mind you, he does have an issue with you?"
"Our only written instructions were to report to Wattisham tomorrow for a military briefing, but I received a separate request from my US cousins to arrive here today. I haven't seen anyone in khaki apart from Marcus since we arrived, and am I not supposed to be low-profile? What was the statement; I had acquired attention of a negative aspect?"
"You have a point, but didn't you receive any notification about the change of venue?"
"No, but if you recall I had the same problem with the joining instructions for my helicopter course - those also arrived after I'd left home."
"If you lived on base that wouldn't be a problem, clearly there's a problem sending secure communications to your outpost?"
"If I lived on a base, we wouldn't be having this conversation, as I wouldn't be here. Colonel; I have a telephone, a secure telephone and access to secure email, yet you insist on sending a physical courier?"
"Sorry, but the system sends it to the nearest location and they despatch it."
"Not in a timely manner, so I shouldn't be facing attitudes for bureaucracy. I work everyday on deniability and damage control, without consideration or assistance from anyone on this end. Many times it seems to me that someone or several personnel enjoy wreaking chaos around me so that they can heap on criticism. Perhaps it's because I don't neatly fit into a pigeon-hole? It's my quasi status that allows me to be military and non-military at the same time, a Schroedinger agent perhaps?"
"Point taken, Miss Smart, but please drop the subject."
"Understood and thank you Colonel, however why are we a day early?"
"An issue has arisen and I'm afraid it's entirely down to you."
"Great, I'm being blamed, again, for something that I know nothing about?"
"It will have to wait, Captain Wade will brief you."
There was a knock on the door and trays were brought in, loaded with sandwiches and nibbles. Coffee pots followed.
That occupied them for a while, especially as the girls had started out from home at seven that morning in order to be in the air by eight. Tammy's phone displayed the time, now reading half past twelve, but there was no connection to any service.
"Lieutenant Smart, a moment please?"
Tammy had just finished lunch and hadn't made any plans, but still managed to look bothered. "Just me?"
"Er, yes."
"Okay, Sir."
She followed Marcus out of the mess and into a quiet office. "Okay, Marcus, what's up?"
"I get the feeling you know what it is?"
"No, how can I?"
"Flight Lieutenant Harrison, from RAF Benson?"
"Yes, except Harrison is, was, based at RAF Coningsby."
"Was? What happened?"
"It seems young Harrison decided he was really a she, and told the base commander's office that he, she, wanted to change."
"I see."
"Is that all? This is a major change, and not something I'm familiar with, present company excepted."
"Well, I did have a suspicion."
"And what did you do?"
"Nothing. It wasn't important so I kept it to myself."
"Absolutely, Marcus, I did nothing. I didn't speak to Harrison, or anyone else, about my suspicions. I just got on with the job; as did they. When did this happen?"
"As soon as Harrison returned to RAF Coningsby."
"A week ago?"
"Correct. It seems a few of the personnel found out very quickly and Harrison went AWOL. What was of particular concern was that he, she, reported to the base commander's office in a female RAF uniform that the base stores hadn't issued."
"Ah, Kelly ...."
"Corporal Catchmore is in the stores at RAF Benson, she probably assisted."
"You don't seem to be bothered that someone you worked with has changed teams?"
"Not really and I thought we were all on the same side?"
"Are you certain you had nothing to do with it?"
"Absolutely, even though I have been accused of being a catalyst in the past, I did nothing in this case. Is someone alleging that I am responsible?"
"Not as such."
"So where is Harrison now?"
"On military premises, future to be decided."
"That doesn't sound right, you cannot destroy someone's career because they may be transgender."
"This is the military, not some snowflake internet company, Lieutenant."
"Don't patronize me, Captain. You would massage those fighter jet sized egos lest they get upset. Were any of them responsible for Harrison going AWOL?"
"Possibly, but that's not a valid reason. In any case it's an RAF problem. Lt Smart you are ordered to do nothing in this regard and definitely don't contact Harrison."
"I hadn't planned to and don't even know Harrison's first name!"
"Good, we'll keep it that way. Dismissed."
Tammy found Maisie outside the room with all the bags. "The Colonel chucked me out of his office."
"Oh well, what now?"
"I was told we have rooms on the sixth floor."
They followed the signs to the closest lift and went up two levels, they were met by a girl in Royal Navy uniform.
"Miss Smart & Miss Staines?"
Tammy flashed her ID. "Lieutenant Smart and Sergeant Staines."
"My apologies, ma'am, can I show you to your rooms?"
"Is there a double room?"
"Sorry, all are singles, but I heard that the beds can cope with two, um, sorry ma'am."
"Thank you."
"You have rooms 6-38 and 6-39. Showers are at the end of the corridor."
Tammy took a look in her allocated room and it looked basic but functional.
"Excuse me, is this a standard room?"
"For the junior officers and non-commissioned ranks, yes, apologies, ma'am."
"I really should ask the Colonel about that promotion? Thanks."
Tammy went into Maisie's room and found her changing into combats. "I'm more comfortable in this when on military sites."
"Okay, fair enough, at least it'll get Marcus out of my hair."
"What's this about Harrison, Tammy?"
"How did you hear?"
"The Colonel told me."
"Great, and I had to hear Marcus blame me. Harrison was effeminate when we were on that course, but that was all. I'm sure my history wasn't known to anyone there."
"Does the Captain know?"
"Yes, as well as Colonel MacTaggart."
"But it's not on your MoD records?"
"I don't know, Maisie, I guess it is but buried very deep."
Tammy had finished changing when there was a knock on the door.
"Excuse me ma'am, you are needed in room 8-42."
The girls went back down two floors and found Marcus in a meeting room that was set for video conferencing. The screens were blank, Tammy noted, but there was a green LED on two of the monitors. The Captain wasn't in a hurry to get the briefing under way and seemed to be waiting for someone. When the door opened Tammy's mood lifted, especially as Marcus was leaving as another face arrived.
"Sir Thomas!"
"Miss Smart, a delight as ever."
"What are you doing here?"
"Planning such as this falls within my remit, but I also needed a meeting with Colonel MacTaggart to resolve some issues. Once I knew Sean was going to be here, it was a simple decision to head here on the Westway and dispatch several avians with a single projectile."
"Indeed. It's good to see you, who else is here?"
The Colonel had arrived but Marcus was now conspicuous by his absence. Two of the screens flickered and the image of Paul Dannigan appeared on one. Tammy suspected someone from Ram's Rock island was on the other, still blank, screen. Tammy immediately stood and saluted.
Dannigan returned it. "Smart."
"Director; Paul, if I may, we have a number of issues that need to be addressed before the main briefings tomorrow."
"Indeed Sir Thomas. Paul is fine. Firstly is Miss Smart aware of her role?"
"Not from us."
"Understood, we'll deal with that on arrival. Miss Staines?"
"You will be asked to undertake tasks without Miss Smart, will that be a problem?"
"No, Sir, but who are you?" Maisie asked, trying to remember.
Dannigan smirked. "I look after certain interests, mostly on the far side of the Atlantic. I see Tammy hasn't brought you up to speed."
"No, she hasn't."
"As it should be. You could say that I'm in the resolution business. I believe you're familiar with the name Kerri?"
"Somewhat, sir. The name has been mentioned."
"She belongs to me. You'll be dealing with her and a few other team members, when you fly out. I just decide whether or not you fly."
"Understood, I think."
Sir Thomas Addington addressed the screen. "Paul, we have a further issue; are you aware?"
"I am. I am reticent to bring someone like that into the operation, regardless of the prior liaison. Some clarification is needed, along with certain assurances."
"We have a suggestion."
"Go ahead."
"The nearest British Consulate will need additional help in case the media become aware of our operation. It would be useful to place a friendly face there. One who is untainted and otherwise unknown?"
"A physical channel?"
"I approve, but some operational training is appropriate."
"We'll address that, and there's an available training facility."
"Good. I believe we're done with the ladies?"
"Indeed, Paul. Miss Smart, Miss Staines, I'm told you're now needed in Room 11-03."
As the door was closing, Sir Thomas commented. "Resolution business? That's a rather interesting way to put it."
Tammy realised that she was being shut out, but what was the previous conversation all about and why was she allowed to overhear it? Maisie didn't seem phased at all, despite being dropped into a very high level conference with zero warning.
What had she let herself walk into? She was being asked to protect a Royal but could she look after herself?