Living Next Door to Alex
By Julie D Cole
I vividly recall that grey autumn morning. How could I ever forget it? I’d decided to stay in bed daydreaming and thinking of what I could do to change my mundane life. The house was empty since mum and dad were away for the weekend so I could stay in bed all day if I felt like it.
Suddenly I jumped. I was disturbed by a message on my mobile phone so naturally I picked it up to see who might be interrupting my Saturday lie in. It was Sally my long-time friend from our schooldays who kept a frequent contact with me and was always trying to coax me to socialise together. What excuse could I give her today since she knew I was at home alone.
I pressed the call button on my phone having decided to say I had a hangover and she answered immediately. She must have been holding her phone in her hand because she answered before I heard the ring tone and she spoke excitedly before I had chance to say anything.
‘I suppose you’ve heard…. About Alex.’
‘What about Alex? Has something happened to him? He was OK yesterday and I saw him several times.’ Alam bell were ringing incase he’d had an accident. ‘ He went out around 7pm and I saw him being dropped off in a taxi around 11pm.’
‘He’s not said anything to you?’
I jumped out of bed and I rushed to my window and looked outside. I could see the front of his house and their driveway since we lived next door to each other. My bedroom was across from his and we used to wave to each other every day. I had a full view of their front garden and the rest of the properties that were along the winding road down the hill towards the City. I could hardly believe my eyes as a big limousine pulled into their drive.
‘Jules he is leaving. Believe me.’
‘He can’t be. Why? Who told you?’ Could it possibly be true? I don’t know why he’s leaving. Or where he’s gonna go.
Sally spoke again before I got my speech back. ‘He’s met someone I think, or maybe he’s finally been discovered and is leaving to become a rock star. Or maybe he has just had enough and has fallen out with his parents because of your relationship.’
‘But we are best mates and it wasn’t like we ever did anything wrong.’
‘Well people make judgements right or wrong.’
‘ OK we were more than best mates I suppose. But I’ve always encouraged him to focus on his music. He is so talented and I have watched him develop his singing voice and write songs. Around here is very popular and he has a big following as you know. I know that envied all the girls who swooned after him and I suppose I swooned a bit too.’
‘Well you don’t need to tell me. I watched how you reacted whenever he was around. You were like a teenage girl.’
‘I wasn’t. I was just so proud of him. He can play any instrument and he has the looks of Brad Pitt. I was so proud to be his friend but envious too. Life can be unfair. I am nothing to look at and I can’t sing a note. My voice is still high pitched.’
‘ Who knows what’s really happened. Don’t you think he could have fallen in love with someone and decided not to tell you in case you are hurt?’
‘Maybe he’s got his reasons, but I just don’t want to know’
‘Surely you do since you’ve been close friends for a long time.’
‘True, cause I’ve been living next door to Alex for 24 years.’
‘Who’s counting then?’
‘It’s just that we were both 2 years old when our families moved here and we played together ever since.’
‘So long as that? and I thought I was your oldest friend but clearly not so.’
‘..24 years just waiting for a chance to tell him how I feel and not even a second glance.’
I was sure it wasn’t a girl in his life. Maybe the limo belonged to some big shot friend of the family but I couldn’t recall seeing it before. We were ordinary citizens living in a suburban part of the city not the high class end. It was being driven by a chauffeur in a black uniform and it looked like he was wearing a peaked cap. He stood to attention at the side of the limo and opened the rear door.
But it sure looked like this was no casual day out. He must be leaving. I guess it’s true. Now I guess I’ve got to get used to living next door to Alex.’
I watched and waited as his parents came to the door with a large suitcase. The chauffeur took it from them and loaded it into the trunk. [boot]. This was no vacation trip or visit to a family friend or relation. Alex had carried his precious guitar. He took it everywhere. I wished it was a car for her parents and they were leaving for a vacation. Then Alex and I could have spent time together again without his father going crazy.
They used to like me but in recent years I knew they’d come to hate me and said I was a bad influence on Alex. If they had been going away somewhere that would have meant that I could have gone to see him. I promised myself that next time we were alone and I would explain things and tell him how I felt and about how I was prepared to live my life if it meant we could be together. I wanted to be with him every hour of every day. But what did Sally mean?
‘Sally are you there?’
‘Yes I am what’s happened?’
‘Nothing but a big limousine has just arrived to Alex’s house.’
‘Don’t let it upset you. It’s to be expected.’
Then I was distracted as Alex’s parents stepped into the driveway. I suspected they were just waving him off. But he seemed a little upset. Where could he be going? It can’t be that he’s leaving home or I’d have been told.
His father went back indoors and reappeared with another large suitcase. The chauffeur took it from him and placed it alongside the other in the boot of the limo.
Suddenly Alex got out and stood legs astride and he was clearly very angry. He seemed to be arguing with his father and he shouted at him. His father looked up at my window so I stepped back out of sight. Then he grabbed Alex by the shoulders to try to calm him down and then his mother stepped in and she pulled Alex close to hug him. Alex pushed her away. What could have happened? Was he leaving home or going on a vacation. Why the limousine?
Then Sally spoke. ‘Wave goodbye Jules. He is leaving for good because he’s got a contract to make records and he’ll be on tour now for years. He’ll be too famous to acknowledge us from now on.’
‘But he wouldn’t just leave and at the very least he’d call me. Perhaps it is just an interview or a short trip. Something to do with his job. Maybe he was going somewhere for a few days with his record producer boss. She was always chasing after him and inviting him to dinner to talk business and I couldn’t compete. He must be going somewhere for a long time since they were definitely large suitcases and they were not overnight bags.
Then the chauffeur closed the trunk and passenger door once Alex was comfortable inside again. I had no idea where they were going, but did I really want to know? I could only hope that he wasn’t leaving home for good and that he’d call me. Why hadn’t he told me?
OMG where on earth is he gonna’go. After our disagreement last week I guess there was a reason but I just can’t bare to know. Is he leaving home for good but then what about me? I’m his best friend and I’ve been living next door to him most of our lives. He can’t just up and go. Had I upset him enough for him to leave home?
I’d been waiting for a chance to be myself and to tell him how I really feel and now he’s leaving without a second glance. I know he was taken aback whenever I’ve given him a glimpse of the real me and I never expected him laugh out loud or poke fun. I knew that I’d taken a risk because I knew I wasn’t exactly the type of girlfriend he wanted in his life but I thought we knew each other so well that he’d understand. We’d had some wonderful times together. He should have had suspicions since I’m hardly very masculine and I’d tried to please him. I’d never been as big or as strong as him all through our formative years. I thought that at times he had treated me like a girlfriend and liked it.
We told each other everything. He told me that he’d always dreamed of meeting a girl who was like me, someone to take in his arms and carry away. What was I supposed to think? Now he was being taken away by a chauffeur in a limo.
Maybe that was it. His new boss was rich and famous and she’d sent her car for him and she’d be his lover. Maybe he was going to move in with her or even fly away to some desert island where they could lie in the sun and make love every day. I wanted to scream but I knew that Sally was at the other end of the phone. I was dumbstruck.
Thinking back I guess I had over-reacted one day when Alex burst into a fit of laughter when he saw me dressed in a skirt and top just as he did when he first saw me naked about 10 years ago. That day he saw my small breasts for the first time and my tiny appendage and he just laughed and said I looked more like a girl than a boy. When he laughed at me in a skirt I burst into tears and ran away and hid. I didn’t see him for 2 days and it was awkward when he finally called me. He apologised for laughing at me.
Ever since that day he behaved differently towards me. He referred to me as Jules not Julian and from then on I felt like a girl even though I wore boy clothes. When we were alone together or chatting on the phone he sometimes called me Julie if I got too emotional about something. We talked frequently every day but not always in detail. I needed to explain my feelings and tell him that my breasts had appeared when I was going through puberty and my penis would develop in time. I was considering treatment. I couldn’t pluck up the courage to discuss it.
Unfortunately, 10 years later not much had changed. I was still much smaller and slender than my male peers with small breasts that I had to tape. Mum didn’t seem to be bothered and dad was too busy at work. Mum in fact liked me to spend time shopping or doing things around the house and I suppose she treated me like the daughter she always wanted so it didn’t help.
I knew from that day that Alex had seen me naked that he could never treat me as one of the boys. If I was bullied he always stepped in to protect me. Because I couldn’t join in with sports or masculine games I made friends with Sally and some of her friends and it seemed natural. She clearly liked me but she never looked at me in the same way as her friends looked at other boys. They’d ask my opinion rather than Sally’s on any that they wanted to date andI tried hard not to be jealous or make negative comments. They teased me that I only had eyes for Alex that would make Sally jealous.
By the age of 16 my breasts were getting more prominent and they were difficult to hide so Sally showed me how to bind them and after that I ensured that I wore loose tops and baggy sweaters. Even my waist and butt seemed more feminine than masculine and lots of the girls made nice comments asking if I had adopted any special diet or exercise routine that they could try. I was smooth skinned and basically hairless. By 18 I had some thicker pubic hair at long last but still nothing on my face, arms, legs and chest. The only place it grew at a pace was on my head and I let it grow and wore it in a pony-tail most of the time to keep it tidy.
I never told Alex about my problems but I could tell that his parents were suspicious and they discouraged us to be alone together. Nothing ever happened although sometimes I would lose concentration and stare at him as he played the guitar or the piano and I could tell that he had potential to become a professional. I accompanied him to several gigs when he teamed up with a band and I took care not to show my true feelings. It was very difficult watching girls throwing themselves at him but I think he took great care not to go too far.
I really wanted to seek medical advice but in the end I just visited several on-line sites. I had followed the recommendations and took care to lose weight but my shape never changed. I still had a narrow waist and feminine thighs and butt cheeks. I tried joining yoga classes with Sally but that seemed to add to the confusion about my gender since the classes were totally female. It didn’t cause a problem in class though and I was just treated as one of the girls. In the social areas I began to attract attention from a few male members who visited the fitness centre. I had to avoid the changing rooms and showered and changed at home. I daren’t risk changing in either the male or female changing rooms.
In the yoga classes our latest instructor had assumed I was female and referred to me as Julie so most of the class thought I was a teenage girl and it made Alex laugh when Sally told him. I think she was trying to spoil our close friendship. As for other girls in the class I wasn’t harming anybody so I had no need to correct them.
But even though my relationship changed with Alex as a consequence of his success I was always full of admiration and so proud of him. I convinced myself that I wasn’t in love with him but I don’t know how. Some nights I could hardly sleep. I never imagined that we could be together one day and he would always change the subject if I said I wanted to talk seriously He’d tell me I was his best friend forever. So I just had been happy to live next door and to see him every day even if it was a glimpse from my window.
If he was indeed leaving home I knew that I could never get used to not living next door to Alex.
Time seemed to be standing still as I continued to stare out of the window watching the limo turning around in the driveway. Then after what seemed an age Sally broke my thoughts and she spoke again to try to get my attention.
‘Jules are you there? Are you crying? I hope that you are OK.
‘Sorry Sally. I was so shocked to see Alex getting into a limousine. He has two large suitcases. I think he is leaving but I must have really upset him. He never called or messaged me. Why?’
‘That’s the reason I called since I didn’t think you’d know what’s happened. I heard that he has agreed to go stay with Rachel Roberts at her holiday place to write some songs and record them. They fly out on her private jet tonight.’
‘But she’s a star and she’s at least 40 if she’s a day. What is he doing? Who told you this? I don’t believe it. He is better than that and he wouldn’t sleep with her. He wouldn’t just up and leave without a word. He wouldn’t. I love him.’
‘Jules you love him. What about me? You know that a relationship with Alex can never work. It can’t happen. His father wouldn’t allow it for one thing. You’re the same sex. You can’t provide the grandchildren his parents want.’
‘Sally I know Alex has argued with his parents lots of times because he won’t get involved in the business. He is just not interested even though his father insists. He is more artistic just like his mother and music is his passion. Maybe that’s why he’s left.’
‘But his father needs a successor and he expected Alex to work for him.’
‘That’s crap because Alex is nothing like him. He has his own skills and he’s never wanted to go into the family business. Moreso he told me he didn’t want any of his children to get involved either.’
‘So that tells you that you were never in his plans then doesn’t it if he wants children?’
‘I never said our relationship was any more than friendship.’
‘You said a few times that you love him. Especially when you’d been drinking.’
‘Well guys can love each other can’t they? Anyway we are just best friends not lovers. I don’t know how many times I need to tell you that.’
‘Weird that because you have to admit that he treats you more like a girl these days dating you. You have lots of feminine mannerisms or didn’t you notice. Just have a talk with your mum and she’ll tell you that you talk and behave like a girl most of the time. Has he never tried it on?
‘No he hasn’t. We are friends.’
‘Not even a kiss or a peck on the cheek.’
‘Sally that’s not nice. Of course not.’
‘But you’ve kissed me and you liked it. Did you imagine you were kissing Alex because you let me take the lead.’
‘I kissed you and I would never do that with Alex.’
‘Well forget him then. I want you and he clearly doesn’t. We can spend more time together now he’s gone. Get over it please.’
‘But I’m worried about him now. Rachel is way past her sell by date and he doesn’t need her money and support to be successful. He is so talented he will leave her standing. He’s not thinking straight. Why didn’t he ask my advice? We’ve known each other for 24 years. I know him better than anybody.’
‘Maybe he knew that you that you would try to convince him to stay and he’d miss his chance. He needs to be free to fly.’
‘He is free to fly. I haven’t held him back I’ve just encouraged and supported him with his music. That’s why his dad hates me.’
‘If that’s true then then it might be a good thing that he makes the break and he must fancy Rachel a little bit. She is still very beautiful and she can choose any man she fancies. Alex won’t be there for long. He’ll have the pick of the girls who will follow him. You’ll be able to keep track of his exploits on Facebook.’
‘But Sally I’ve been waiting for a chance to tell him how I really feel and now I’ll never get the chance.’
‘You’re not the first person to have regrets but you didn’t do anything so in my opinion it is meant to be. He is not interested otherwise he wouldn’t have just upped and left. Now why not just let me take care of you? I can be at your house in less than an hour if you want to hang out together today.’
‘How do you know all this Sally? Who told you? Is is true or just somebody making wild guesses?’
‘It’s true. One of the girls saw a post by Rachel Roberts on her Facebook page. She was announcing a new talent that she’d discovered. She showed his picture but she didn’t name him. She said that she was taking him to her private studios for coaching and an announcement would be made in the press and on social media in the near future. I logged on to look at the picture but before I had chance to take a look the picture had been removed. The rest of the announcement is still there. I suppose she wasn’t ready to let people guess who it was but we all know him. My guess is that she wants privacy to share intimate moments with him. She must really have the hots for him.’
‘I still don’t believe it. He wouldn’t do that to me. I’m still his best friend and he would have told me about her and asked my opinion. I’ve never even heard of her, who is she?’
‘Look Jules Alex might be your best friend but perhaps you are too close and he was scared you might try to persuade him to stay home and not take a risk. Look her up if you don’t believe me. She is a music producer and an agent. Quite rich since she divorced her big shot husband after he got caught with a young dancing girl trying to sleep her way to the top.’
‘But he can’t just drop everything and leave home without at least making plans. He doesn’t make rash decisions. He thinks things through and takes advice. She can’t know much about him. We’ve known each other all this time and I think I know him better than even his own mother.’
‘Rachel is not a fool and maybe they have already already made love together and has been giving her husband a taste of his own medicine. What man is going to turn it down if it’s on a plate? I saw her on the local news yesterday visiting an upmarket store with a crowd of photographers in tow. She had a wide smile on her face. I think she might have been showing a sparkling new ring on her finger. I think she might have had to buy it herself but watch this space.’
Sally was getting on my nerves. She seemed to be intent on nailing Alex to the cross and turning me against him. In normal circumstances I would have just ignored her but this was terrible news and tears were rolling down my cheeks. I tried to break the call to think about what I could do. No way was I going to listen to anymore tittle tattle. Alex had always been kind to me and was never one for gossip. We were like brothers as well as friends because we’d been living next door to each other since we were infants. We bonded immediately, just two kids in the park and we carved our initials on tree trunks and wooden benches. I knew that deep down I’d always secretly loved him but if this story from Sally was true then he’d really hurt me. Even more than when we were young. I cried the day he burst out laughing when we undressed together to go swimming in the pool. He made fun of my body. It took a while for me to forgive him.
As we grew up we laughed about it and after a while he did seem to treat me like a younger sister than a friend or a brother. He watched out for me and would pay for treats. He encouraged me to change my style and grow my hair out. So much so that sometimes I was referred to as Miss in a coffee shop or café that caused me to blush but he just said it was fashionable to look feminine and it was impossible for him. I really enjoyed being spoiled and my feelings got stronger. It got so bad one day that I wanted to kiss him passionately and to hold him but he never gave me chance.
Tears were still streaming down my cheeks. I’d watched him walk to the limousine with his shoulders back and his head held high. Not even a glance up to my window. Surely he’d know I’d be watching.
I’d tried to catch his eye by waving as he settled into the large leather seats but the chauffeur just closed the door and the darkened windows meant I could no longer see him and moments later he was gone. The big limousine pulled out of the driveway and into the road and soon it was a speck of dust.
Oh Alex I don’t know why your leaving or where you’re gonna’go. I guess you’ve got your reasons but please just let me know. For 24 years I’ve been living next door to you Alex. Don’t I mean anything?
I stood there speechless just staring out of the window Sally must have got fed up and rung off so I pressed the call ended button. It just seemed like seconds before she called back.
She said ‘ I know that Alex has gone but I’m still here. You know that I’ve been patient. I’ve been waiting for over 20 years you know but I never got a second glance. I know how to help you get over Alice.’
‘But Sally you don’t like boys you prefer girls and you’ve had girlfriends. You’re a lesbian. You told me several times.’
‘Well Jules for nearly 3 years since I came out I’ve been waiting for my chance to tell you that I like you because you are more girl than boy so why not accept it? I will help you to be the girl that I have always known you are. Can’t you see that is another reason why Alex has left. He has to take extra care the more famous he becomes. Better to have a fling with Rachel than be caught in a compromising situation with you.’
Sally that can’t happen. I’d never let it happen.’
‘Jules I can take care of you. Why not meet me and give me a chance. I think we should spend all our time together. Why not move in with me and we can make each other happy.’
‘But Sally I can’t make you happy. You like girls and you have relationships. I just want a peaceful life and some of your friends really spook me.’
‘So they are just a bit over the top sometimes. It’s all innocent really and we don’t hurt anybody. They accept you as my friend don’t they? It’s because you have feminine traits and they don’t feel threatened. You’d be accepted into our circle and it’s not difficult for you to pass as a woman if that’s what you want to do. Then you’d soon adapt to a new lifestyle. You can even change your job. Come work with me.’
‘But Sally I am feeling hurt at the moment so it’s not a good time for me. I have been best friends with Alex for so long and as youngsters we did everything together. We have a very special relationship. I can’t let him down. He’ll come back one day I’m certain of it.’
‘You’re fooling yourself Jules but you know where I am and I’ll call back later when you’ve had chance to think things through a bit more.’
I dried the tears and decided to have a soak in the bath using some of mums soothing oils and fragrances. As I stepped in I looked at my image in the large mirror. I looked as much like a girl as a boy and maybe that was what scared Alex. If only I’d filled out more and cut my hair. At least his parents might not have turned against me.’
I sank into the water and closed my eyes. I just wanted to disappear somewhere forever and not get close to anybody ever again. I submerged my head under the water to soak my hair and held my breath. Maybe I should stay under the water and the pain would end.
I don’t know why he’s left me or what I’m gonna do,
I guess I should be happy not sad and feeling blue
For 24 years I’ve been living next door to Alex
Twenty four years just waiting for my chance
To tell him that I love him, he’s run away and left me, not even one small glance
I’m never gonna get used to living next door to Alex.
I had to do something and I couldn’t hold my breath any longer. I coughed and spluttered for a few minutes until I recovered my composure. Should I call Sally and invite her over or offer to meet her somewhere. At least I wouldn’t feel alone but would she ever accept being second best.
Then the doorbell rang and there was a loud banging with the knocker.
I wanted to shout ‘Bloody Amazon drivers just leave the parcel on the step.’
The knocking continued and then the bell so I jumped out of the bath and wrapped myself in a bath towel hiding as much of my body as I could. My hair was soaking so I wrapped a small towel around my head. And stepped into my slippers to hide my painted toenails. It could be the police with bad news. I daren’t not answer since this was a serious knock. The postman would just tap twice and he wouldn’t keep knocking.
As I reached the bottom of the stairs I could see an image through the glass then I heard Alex’s voice shouting my name.
I opened the door trying to hide behind it as much as possible.
‘Alex what’s wrong?’
‘Jules I’m leaving but I’m so sorry for not telling you about it. I was a coward because I know you’d be hurt. Can I come in for a moment. I won’t be long and I’ve disturbed your bath and I don’t want you to catch a chill.’
‘Alex, what’s with the limo and where are you going?’
‘Sorry Jules but it all happened so quickly and it was the offer I’ve been waiting for that came out of the blue. I’m going to record my songs and be a support artist on a tour. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime.’
‘I just heard. Sally told me all about it.’
‘Sally? How did she know? Nobody knows just my parents.’
‘Well her friend saw a post from Rachel Roberts and your photo was on it before it was removed.’
‘Shit. Look Jules nothing is final. It all depends on the next few weeks of recording.’
‘Good luck then and I hope you are both very happy.’
‘What do you mean she is just a producer and an agent.’
‘Yes but she comes with baggage and a reputation.’
‘Jules don’t be like that. You know me better than anybody. Trust me and don’t let me leave without your blessing.’
‘You’ll always have my blessing, you know that. You were always there for me. You’d better get going your limo is waiting and the neighbours will be wondering what’s going on.’
‘Jules don’t be like that. You look so cute come here a minute.’
He wrapped his arms around me and looked into my eyes. ‘Jules you really are beautiful. I really love you and I always will. I promise I’ll keep in touch and I’ll be back for sure.’
Then he leaned over and kissed me. It wasn’t a long kiss but it was what I’d always dreamed of. Then he was gone before I could catch my breath and say a word. I just waved.
So here I am still waiting. The calls soon became less frequent and finally they stopped altogether. Not long after his parents moved away. Had Sally been right? I have all his records and videos of his appearances. He’s become more of a rock performer and he makes the girls go wild. Maybe the calls stopped because he was having affairs with young girls and keeping his agent happy too. It should have been me. If only I’d had the courage to tell him that I loved him he might never have left. As it was it was him that had to say that he loved me.
My relationship with Sally never worked out. I had treatment and found a new job but I still live at home. Mum seems happy that I’m around and we are closer than ever. I told her everything and she said to be patient because neither of us could forget growing up together during the best 24 years of our lives.
He does sing one song that I think he wrote especially for me. I live in hope that maybe one day the doorbell will ring again and if it does then I’ll fling my arms around him and cling on tight to never let him go.
Just a bit of fun based on the song by Smokie back in the day with a beautiful feminine boy as lead singer.
Living Next Door to Alex – Part 2
By Julie D Cole
It was almost 2 years to the day after Alex left home that I received his first call. It was a difficult conversation at first but then after a while we relaxed. He sounded different and his speech was slightly slurred as if he’d been drinking. I asked if he was OK and he assured me that he was fine. I wasn’t sure but at least he’d made contact at last.
He asked how I was and he apologised for not making contact due to his mad lifestyle that was due to the success he’d had. He told me that he often worried about me because he was not around to look after me and asked if I was still living at home. He’d lost contact with his parents since they’d moved and mainly it was because they’d criticised his lifestyle and his insistence that he was not interested in working with his father.
‘So has that made you sad and angry.’
‘Sort of but we all move on and they shouldn’t have said the things they said.’
‘Alex I’m sorry about that since you always seemed to have a close relationship. Was it anything to do with our friendship?’
‘I guess I was too much of a disappointment to them since they didn’t think a career in music would offer a stable career and they wanted me close to home with a wife and family. That’s just not me as you know. They thought you were gay and feared I would be influenced and that really upset me.’
‘Well I did know you well growing up but I guess you have proved them wrong. You walked away from me as well as them. Do you see them or talk to them now?’
‘Only one message from dad since I left but I’ve had a few calls from mum checking that I’m OK. Dad obviously gave up on me.’
‘Was your fall out mainly to do with me then or your choice of a music career? I thought they’d be proud of you like I am.’
‘Nothing to do with you Jules just me. Dad and I always sparked off each other and it was mum who influenced me to sing. So when I got an offer I took it. I’m not sure she expected me to sing with my own rock band though.’
‘So I assume you now fit with the image of a rock star and all that goes with it? You’ve not got involved with drugs I hope or with crazy sex parties?’
‘What me? I have changed my image and if you saw me you might not recognise me. I guess I could use a few pounds. I’ve dabbled a bit and hosted a few parties but then I must have pressed the panic button and stopped myself.’
‘Thank goodness for that. You were always a heart throb at school and booze and drugs have ruined a lot of careers.’
‘Yep that’s true and I’ve seen how it affected lots of people and I’ve reached a point where I need to get out but I can’t.’
‘I thought you must have settled roots somewhere and I wondered if you were still living with Rachel.’
‘I have a house that I rarely visit and I do stay over with Rachel sometimes but that relationship is not one that is going anywhere. I guess it was just about sex and after a while the novelty wore off.’
I sensed that was a subject that Alex didn’t want to visit so I asked him if he had any concerts scheduled or new songs coming out. He mumbled something about being under pressure to finish a new album that he’d started but he was losing his appetite. He said that he didn’t know his concert schedule offhand and he’d let me know.
He then asked if I’d met anybody and if Sally was still chasing after me. I couldn’t lie to him so I told him that I’d been a recluse since I’d had a lot of treatment and just like him I’d changed a lot so he might not recognise me anymore either.
‘What do you mean you had treatment? How have you changed? Are you saying you had surgery? Your voice has become softer but I still know it’s you.’
‘Yes I have had therapy and I’ve been on hormones to become a woman. I tried to live as a man but it was terrible. I always felt different and you treated me how I wanted everybody to treat me. I’m due to have an operation soon but I’m waiting for a date.’
‘Do you mean a sex change? That’s extreme isn’t it? Have your parents agreed that you go that far? Are you sure about it? I thought you were scared of operations.’
‘Well I’ve followed all the advice and it was recommended that I live as a woman for 12 months and I liked it. I felt much more at peace with myself living as a woman. Then I was offered HRT treatment and my body changed a lot. It has confirmed what I always thought.’
‘So Sally will fancy you even more then won’t she?’
‘She did persuade me to dress as a girl and she wanted us to live together but she knew that I preferred someone else.’
‘Anybody we know?’ I guess that I’m surprised but not surprised. So what’s the operation then? Is it expensive treatment. Can you afford it?’
‘I decided on the breast augmentation that is done and I paid out of my savings and an inheritance. I am working hard and the tips are good so I hope to have the funds soon to go further.’
‘You mean a full sex reassignment operation? Are you sure since it sounds risky.’
‘I decided to have an orchidectomy. I’m not very big as you know and since I’m not with anybody there is nobody to satisfy.’
‘I guess the main thing is that you feel right. Look I have to go as somebody is trying to call but I need to talk to you more about this so I promise to call back. I’ve not been a true friend and I feel really bad.’
‘Please don’t worry about me I’m fine. I am not going to go anywhere and nobody is threatening me like they did at school.’
When he rang off I lay on my bed and cried. I was so happy that he’d called. I knew that I missed him terribly. Even in our early years together I always knew that I was different and whilst I had no one to share my life with and love since Alex left. Even though I was happier living as a woman I missed him so much it hurt. I tried to dismiss my feelings and luckily I was able to mix without anybody making comments or staring and my lack of stature helped a lot.
I picked up my i-pad and played the latest song he had released over and over again until finally it caused mum to intervene. She asked me to reduce the volume and assumed I’d fallen asleep with the track on repeat. She saw that I’d been crying so she sat down on my bed and held my hand. I told her that Alex had just called and I felt so happy as well as sad. Mum was relieved that these were basically happy tears. She told me that she’d always known that I loved him and hoped that I’d meet somebody one day who had the same effect on me.
I wanted to be alone for a while so mum left and within a few minutes I had closed my eyes thinking of all the great times Alex and I had growing up and wondering what he would make of me now.
I looked back at some messages I’d received from Sally and one stood out. ‘Jules you are so infuriating. You’ve changed and so has he. If this latest song is aimed at you then it seems to me it’s a cry for help and he doesn’t deserve it.’
I searched for the song lyrics to try to understand what she meant even though I knew the words off by heart. He was the author and there was no other person in the credits.
It still didn’t make sense to me and eventually I got ready for bed and slipped between the sheets. It was the best nights sleep I’d has in quite a while.
The next day was a Wednesday so I wasn’t working since it was a quiet day at the restaurant where I had taken a job as waitress. It gave me a decent income though I was vastly over qualified but then the owner was a friend of the family and he knew my situation so I didn’t get any grief. Mum had gone to work so I didn’t rush to shower and I made a jug of coffee and sat watching the morning news on tv.
Suddenly I heard the sound of a high powered motor cycle outside that seemed to pull into our driveway. The engine stopped and there was a loud bang on the front door. I was still in a short nightdress and panties having left my gown in my room. I stood up and headed to the hallway to see who was knocking. I had nothing to cover myself and I carefully opened the door a few inches and peered through the gap.
‘My God Alex is that you? What are you doing here?’
‘I should ask you the same thing. My God you have changed. What a babe.’
‘Sorry Alex I’m so embarrassed. I’m not dressed and I was just having a coffee before I showered and got ready. It’s my day off so I have nothing to rush around for.’
‘Well I took a chance you hadn’t left for work and I came here as fast as I could. Are you going to invite me in then I’ve come a long way and I’m desperate for a coffee. I couldn’t go to bed because my head was spinning after our call so I decided to take a ride. My bike just headed this way. Even though it was a long ride it seemed like a good idea to come and tell you how sorry I was to upset you. Everything else can wait.’
‘Come in please I’ve just made a fresh jug. Will you help yourself whilst I put some clothes on.’
‘Of course if it makes you feel better but you look OK to me as you are. You look great. I always felt you’d have made an attractive girl.’
I ran upstairs as fast as I could desperate to freshen up and find something to cover myself. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I hadn’t time to apply any make-up and I tied my hair back into a pony tail. I found some fresh panties some leggings and a bra then a light sweat shirt.
When I entered the kitchen Alex was sipping his coffee and staring through the window at the house where he’d lived for 24 years.
‘My how many great memories living next door to each other. I guess we’ve grown up a lot and my how you’ve changed Jules. I just had to come to see for myself and make sure you were OK.’
‘Thanks I’m fine. I’m a lot happier now I’ve seen you and you’ve seen me. The good thing is that I seem to have been accepted by some of the group we used to hang around with years ago. They all follow you and they like your music.’
‘I guess I should have stayed in contact and sent some free tickets as and when I was in spitting distance but I don’t seem to get chance to think. It’s 24 hour go go go.’
‘Alex you’ll kill yourself don’t you take time out at all? Don’t you have a break to recharge?’
‘No I am always persuaded to put off any free time in case we miss a chance for promotion and there never seems to be a gap in our schedules.’
‘Alex you are driving yourself to an early grave. Who is it that is doing this to you? Is it Rachel Roberts?’
‘I supposed so but I don’t have a good reason to refuse dates. I nevel stay in one place or meet anybody long enough to stay friends. It’s just me and the group and I guess that I don’t fancy any of them.’
‘So how far have you ridden to get here? Won’t you be missed?’
‘I suppose around 200 miles or so and I won’t be missed until after noon when I’m supposed to be at the studios.’
‘I hope you are not going to just ride back without any sleep?’
‘Are you offering a place to rest a while?’
‘I wasn’t but that’s a sensible suggestion. You can crash out for a while and I’d be much happier if you did. We have a spare room and it’s empty.’
‘I guess it is best if I accept but how do I sleep now I’ve seen you again? Maybe I could just lie down whilst we continue to chat.’
OK but what about breakfast? Aren’t you hungry?’
‘Not for food. I don’t know what I want just now. I suppose I could do with a shower since I must be covered in dust.’
‘OK I’ll show you the bathroom and the spare bed.’
I closed the door to the bathroom and leaned against it as I heard him turn on the shower and step in. I was tempted to take a peak but I resisted.
He came into the bedroom in his shorts a tee shirt and spread himself on the bed. I sat alongside and he pulled me towards him until we were side by side.
‘Jules it seems that now we both walk on the wild side of life and my success have kept us apart. I’ve needed somebody to hold my hand and show me how to understand if this career was what I really wanted or if there was something else better than that.’
‘Like what? How could anything be better that being at the top of a profession?’
‘There is more to life than performing night after night in front of large crowds who you don’t know.’
‘Look at me? I’m worn out. I need some love and attention.’
‘Do you think you know what I need since you know me better than anybody?’
‘I don’t know at the moment but based on my initial observations you are still the Alex I knew growing up. Just a bit dusty with longer hair when you arrived. You look better for the shower and I guess you could do with a shave and some fresh clothes.’
‘I was thinking whilst I was in the shower. Do you think you could love me and show me the way to love you? Do you think that your love is what I need? Would you be happy if I gave everything up and came back?’
‘Alex you can’t just jump ship and especially not for me.’
‘Well what’s the alternative since I want us to get back together? How about you pack a bag and come with me. Do you think you could teach me how to love you properly and to make you happy?’
‘Alex that’s not fair. I’d be leaving mum and my job and our relationship would affect your career if the news got out that I was trans.’
‘Jules I’m not saying it’s simple but we’ll have each other and neither of us need be alone. That’s how it’s always been until I was crazy enough to leave.’
‘Why don’t you get some sleep and I’ll think about it. I promise not to dismiss the idea.’
Alex pulled me close to him and closed his eyes and within minute he was fast asleep. His arm was around me so I stayed still and stared at the ceiling.
I eventually coaxed him to lay on his side and sat up in bed. The crazy guy had ridden 200 miles to see me so I couldn’t just turn him down flat. I decided I’d call the restaurant and ask for a few days leave that I was owed and said I had something urgent that needed my attention.
I called mum and told her what had happened and that I’d decided to take a few days break with Alex because I wanted to see him perform. She just giggled and I guess I blushed but she said it was what she would do in my shoes.
By the time Alex woke up I had some food prepared and a bag packed. I hid it in the hall cupboard until after he’d eaten.
‘Jules I’m sorry for turning up out of the blue and I meant what I said about coming with me. I understand it if I went too far but really I want to spend as much time as possible with you until you are convinced that I know how to love you.’
‘Alex you know how to love me. Just like you did for 24 years. I’ve taken time off and packed a bag but I’m not sure about a 200 mile bike ride as pillion.’
‘ It’s not as difficult as you think you just put your arms around me and hang on and I’ll take care of the rest.’
Living Next Door to Alex – Part 3
By Julie D Cole
It was not as comfortable as I’d hoped on the motorcycle and I wished I’d worn more comfortable and suitable clothes. The effect of hanging onto Alex was at least some compensation and I pressed my young breasts into the small of his back to gather as much of his body heat as possible. I made attempts to communicate with him but he was in a hurry and clearly wanted to get to our destination as quickly as possible.
After an hour I was feeling really cold so I let go and tapped him on the shoulder and he slowed down so at least we could hear each other. Then he pulled to the side of the road and removed his helmet.
‘Alex I’m really cold and I’m losing the feeling in my legs with hanging on so much. Do you think we could pull into a rest stop or something so I can use the bathroom and maybe we could have a warm drink or something.’
‘Here put my jacket on and once you feel better we can head to a rest stop. I think there is one in a couple of miles or so. We should be on the road another hour if that’s OK. I guess I should have driven but I didn’t really expect that you’d be coming back with me.’
The jacket was warm and I realised that Alex had a much higher body temperature than me. Maybe it was another effect of the estrogen tablets I’d been taking. Alex put his arms around me and pressed me into his body wrapping the jacket around both of us. He’d become a lot more muscular since I’d last seen him and was clearly working out.
‘Jules can I say something if you don’t mind?’
‘Shoot it’s fine by me and we’ve always shared our thoughts. Is something wrong?’
‘Jules maybe I’m a loner, just a stupid guy who’s been a fool. I’m trying to understand where I’ve made mistakes. You know I’ve been a dreamer and I admit that I’ve been around. I’ve spent my time in many lonesome towns trying to be satisfied with the success I’ve had and women have thrown themselves at me. But I’m not the happy guy you grew up with. I get angry sometimes and I didn’t realise how much I’d miss you. Now I see you as a woman a lot of things are beginning to make more sense.’
‘I’m sorry Alex but I didn’t realise that you had feelings about me like I had about you.’
‘ I used to know you as a child and then as we grew up I looked at you one day and imagined you as a woman, sometimes gentle and sometimes a little wild. You made me laugh and you made me feel special. We had great times together and I found myself dreaming about you and then one morning I was so embarrassed I had to take a shower.’
‘Why what happened?’
‘I woke up with the biggest boner I can remember and it wouldn’t soften until the cold shower took effect.’
‘Oh Alex that is pretty normal isn’t it for guys to wake up like that?’
‘Really did it ever happen to you.’
‘Sometimes but not in the last year or two since I started taking tablets.’
‘Doesn’t that bother you? How do you satisfy your urges?’
‘I guess the urges are not so strong for me in recent times, they never were. But now I’m not sure since I saw you again. I have really missed you.’
‘Well we are together now and I hope to let you see the life I’ve been leading and maybe you can help steer me in a better direction.’
‘Well I’m flattered if you think I can help but we’ve been apart for a few years and it’s not only you that’s changed. Just look at me I’m going to be ridiculed and so are you if people see us together.’
‘Don’t put yourself down. I have no intention of putting you into awkward situations and I won’t be letting anybody near you. The boys might try to hit on you and you might find Rachel a bit abrasive and over protective but we can handle all that.’
‘So have you already given this some thought?’
‘Not really but between us we can manage anything can’t we? I’ve had enough of being on the road I want to find a quiet place to settle down and maybe write and record some songs. I’ve been thinking of disbanding the group and let the guys go off on their own. I know I would be much happier and maybe you can stay with me for a while and give up your career as a waitress. I’ll cover the tips of course.’
‘Very funny. I don’t think you’d last long writing songs and recording music with just me for company.’
‘Let’s get moving if you feel better now. Keep the jacket and we’ll grab a bite to eat at the rest stop. You said you needed the rest room so can you hold on for a while?’
‘I am ok if you are. I will tap on your shoulder if things change.’
‘OK helmets on let’s get going.’
It wasn’t the best rest stop we’d passed en route to our destination but needs must and whilst we were travelling I had a decision to make. Which bathroom should I use and what was Alex going to think of me if I complied with the law and entered the mens room when I’d only just had the courage to introduce him to the real me?
He had the kindness to stop close to the washrooms and he stopped close to the entrance marked female. I decided that I’d made the impression I’d hoped to make so the decision was made for me. As I entered two women were leaving and one kindly held the door for me. My confidence was boosted so I felt that was a confirmation that the hormone treatment was working. Would I have had the same confidence 6 months ago and what would Alex have thought of me? Perhaps it was a good thing we hadn’t seen each other in a while.
Things were moving faster than I dared dream and I was in the middle of nowhere on the way to an unknown destination for a few days with my life long friend who had changed a lot but was the same kind person inside as far as I could tell. I hoped that he could slow down a bit and learn to relax and enjoy the benefits of his talent and hard work. He seemed to be ok but his smile he always had when we were growing up had somehow disappeared. I so wanted to help him.
I felt much better after relieving the pain in my stomach and since the bathroom was empty I set about tidying myself up so I looked presentable in the restaurant. The helmet had flattened my hair so I roughed it up a little and combed it through. I had learned to refresh my lipstick regularly and I added a splash of cologne. A gift from mum.
She had helped me a lot.
Alex was waiting and had quickly paid a visit to the mens bathroom but his hair was tussled and the look suited him. I could see why his female fans swooned after him. He never seemed to realise what a good looking guy he was even at school. I know I used to get caught staring at him some days in lessons and I had to pretend that I was staring out of the window.
We ordered a lunch snack and some drinks and the table waitress made a big fuss because she recognised Alex and was a big fan. Two other staff came over for autographs and selfies and I tried to melt into the background. I didn’t want to appear on any photos that might end up on Facebook that might cause embarrassment for Alex. It made me think that this trip was not such a good idea.
Once things returned to normal Alex insisted on apologising and he insisted we move to a more private booth in the corner of the restaurant. He sat with his back to the other tables and booths and asked me to be the lookout to guard against other fans who might recognise him.
‘Do you mind being famous and so popular with young women?’
‘I suppose I liked it at first but it does get waring after a while. I’ve been thinking of going somewhere where nobody has heard of me and living a normal life again but say it easy.’
‘Maybe you just need a break and some time on your own and then you can decide what is best. You aren’t getting any younger.’
‘Cheek!!! We are the same age and just look at you. Your treatment has definitely had a positive impact. Maybe I should try the same medication instead of the energy boosters they feed me.’
‘I don’t think so and it’s hard to imagine you with feminine features and boobs. You are a hunk and if you slow down a bit who knows? I might even fancy you myself.’
‘Now there is a challenge. And I thought you did fancy me already. I’m sure you said you loved me.’
‘I do but that’s probably because we’ve been close friends for a long time.’
‘You don’t fancy me then?’
‘You have enough fans fancying you already don’t you?’
‘Yes lots who like a selfie as you’ve seen.’
‘What about those who appear in publicity shots or film of you trying to fend them off?’
‘I admit there were some who managed to get past Rachel.’
‘Was there a relationship with her then since Sally suggested there was?’
‘We have an understanding and there has been sex. A few heavy sessions and I guess she was a bit possessive for a while until she realised that I wasn’t reliable and stayed out all night at parties. Also her husband came back on the scene. He is a prick and he thinks he’s Gods gift.’
‘Were you two serious about each other then?’
‘Not really but she helped me on my way and knows a lot of people of influence so I might not have had much chance but for her. There is a lot of competition and I guess those who make it aren’t always the best.’
‘Don’t talk yourself down Alex. You are a great artist and you’ve recorded some amazing songs.’
‘But there is always pressure to churn out more songs and go on the road and this is the first time in a long time that I’ve managed to escape. They’ll be going mad trying to find me and I keep my phone off so they can’t call me or track me.’
‘So why are you going back and taking me with you.’
‘I’m not going back. Not for now anyway and I wanted some quiet time and what better than spending some time with you to catch up. I think we have a lot to chat about and you’ve surprised me. A nice surprise though.’
‘So where are we going?’
‘ I borrowed the bike and gear from a good friend. My cars are parked up in my garage and I just wanted to get some fresh air. I intended going for a long ride to clear my head. I found myself riding at high speed and almost lost control. I pulled over because I was shaking. A lot of things were racing through my mind. The next thing I knew I was heading ‘home’ to find you.’
‘I’m flattered but why me? You must have lots of friends.;
‘Not anybody who I can trust like you. Most are hangers on.’
‘So where are we headed now?’
‘I decided we might visit a quiet place I know that I visited once that is owned by the family of one of our former backing singers. It should be vacant at this time of the year and I can trust her not to disclose my whereabouts if Rachel is trying to find me or if she gets the media involved.’
‘Are you sure that we can just turn up?’
‘I’m sure. I don’t need to make a reservation and she’ll sort something for us. I’ll talk to her when we arrive. She is not a fan of Rachel since their last bust up led to her being sacked. I’m sure she’ll be happy to help.’
‘Are the group and the backing singers OK without you as the lead? I feel awful.’
‘Jules you don’t need to worry they have plenty of material of their own to practice and a break will be good for all of us. They performed without me before we met. It was Rachel who put us together and I didn’t know any of them. There was only Gemma that I got on with. She’s the girl we’ll meet later.’
‘The more I hear the more I think you need this break. I’m really glad you came home so I can try to be of help. I have wanted to find you and call you so many times but I was so scared you would laugh at me.’
‘So who has the biggest problem? I guess it’s like before we need each other. I’m glad I borrowed this motorbike. It had a mind of its own and I can’t complain..
After a coffee we headed back to the bike to continue our journey but before we set off I persuaded Alex that we should buy two basic mobile phones with cards so we could communicate and also contact others that we trusted without fear of being found. He agreed and insisted to pay in cash.
I insisted that he call Gemma before we went any further so she had chance to prepare one of the cottages and avoid any embarrassment on arrival. She was so excited to hear his voice that I suspected that they were more than band members or casual friends.
Alex insisted I wear his jacket for the journey and I didn’t argue. I had only just got my body temperature back to normal. I guess we were on the road for another hour and a half before Alex pulled over to look at the view. It was a wonderful quiet coastal place with its own access to a cove and a sandy beach. The tide was in and there were lots of sea birds circling above. They were either welcoming us or they were complaining that we were encroaching on their territory.
Alex took a short cut to our venue and pulled up at the reception building where a very effervescent and excited young woman ran to greet us. I watched the rection from Alex and sensed that they’d been more than just band members. No wonder Rachel had sacked her. She was young and slim and very beautiful with a gorgeous tan.
Living Next Door to Alex – Chapter 4
By Julie D Cole
We dismounted and I watched Alex quickly remove his helmet and open his arms to hug her. They kissed, but not too passionately, so I stepped back a little and tried to look unconcerned but really I was envious. Why couldn’t we ever greet each other like that? We must have met hundreds of times over the year and not one welcome to match theirs.
He swung her around and then put her down and asked if she was still singing. She shook her head and then looked towards me.
‘Who’s this Alex. Your girlfriend I presume. Hi I’m Gemma. Please forgive us since we haven’t seen each other for ages and we had some great times together. Alex was my inspiration.’
I mumbled hello conscious that my voice was still a little deep for a woman. Alex spoke up before I needed to respond.
‘Gemma I want to introduce you to Jules who I’ve known most of my life. We are best friends and we grew up together and we have no secrets from each other. Jules is very special and we thought we’d have a few days together to relax and relive some old times. Please don’t tell anybody we are here if they contact you. I decided I needed a break and to cleanse my body before I went insane.’
‘I’m not surprised you reached that stage Alex. Don’t worry your secret is safe with me. You know what I feel about Rachel. She was never satisfied with the success you had or the group performance and in my opinion she was jealous to death.’
‘I’m hoping we can stay a few days so do you have you a quiet cabin free by any chance?’
‘Of course. Since it’s you I can provide you with a luxury one that is vacant this week. It has its own pool and it’s in a nice spot with a great view. We had it built last year and it’s not overlooked at all.’
‘That sounds great. Just what I need some peace and quiet. I hope it suits you too Jules’ Is it OK to lounge around doing nothing except relive our memories and maybe take a dip in the sea. You are OK with it aren’t you?’
Gemma spoke up and I suppose she noticed my hesitancy.
‘By the way Alex it has just the one king size bed since it’s meant to be a honeymoon suite. Is that OK for the two of you?’
‘That’s great Gemma. It’s just perfect so I’m glad we headed here. I knew you’d come up trumps.’
I didn’t get chance to agree or disagree and clearly Gemma took it that we were in some sort of a relationship.
‘Don’t you have any bags you two?’
Jules replied and said he’d left in a hurry so left his bags behind. My overnight things and fresh undies were in the paniers. I found that there is a lot less weight in my baggage these days with less bulky clothes and nightwear. I was rushed out anyway so not much time to think or ask questions. Alex took control like he’d done many times over the 24 years. I liked it.
‘By the way Alex our restaurant is now fully open so I’ll be happy if you dine with us this evening. I recommend the steaks. Mum and dad will be delighted to see you again and dad’s the chef tonight. Sorry about that but it’s the chefs night off.’
‘That sounds perfect to me. As long as he has some T bones since I could eat a horse. How about you Jules?’
‘I can’t remember the last time I tackled a rib or a T bone. I would be delighted if your Pa has a small fillet mignon. I find I can’t digest large steaks these days.’
‘That’s perfect and I’m the same. I often take half of my steak home or sneak it into my lap if I’m dining in. No wonder my dog has filled out a lot since we came here.’
Alex spoke up again. ‘ Anywhere where I might buy a few things to last me a few days? You know fresh underwear etc.’
‘We do have a small shop where I’m sure you’ll find we sell sleep shorts and fresh underwear. A lot of people arrive with things missing. Otherwise there is a convenience store in town. Maybe not the latest fashions but passable. I can always find something that will fit Jules if she needs any help. Most of it never came out of the packets but it’s up to you Jules.’
I nodded my approval and thanked her then we all headed to the cabin with Alex carrying my bags. Not that they were bulky or heavy. Maybe he had decided it was better that we appeared to be in a relationship. Gemma seemed nice and she was very chatty as we strolled to the cabin. She was involved in running the place and had invested most of what she’d earned on the road with Alex. It sounded like the band just had a good time with lots of drinking and some heavy all night sessions. I hoped that Alex had not been involved. He never got into drugs like others at school and he wasn’t a great drinker.
Whilst showing us around the cabin Gemma was at pains to show us the large jacuzzi. It was almost big enough to take a swim.
‘You two should enjoy yourselves in there. I’ve been wanting to try it out but no suitable candidates yet.’ She had a pained expression on her face and looked Alex in the eye as she said it.
Finally Gemma left us alone and Alex flopped down onto the bed and laid back on the large cushions. I sat on the edge of the bed and before I could speak he reached for my hand.
‘Is this OK with you Jules? I didn’t plan this I promise but the bed is big enough for two of us so you don’t feel uncomfortable. We’ve slept in the same bed many times in the past but I guess this is different.
‘I’ll say it is but I’m not complaining since it looks really comfortable. Which side do you want to sleep by the way?’
‘I like to sleep on the left side.’
‘Oh, so it’s not your first time sleeping with another person.
‘You should know since we slept in the same bed many times if our parents were out. Anyway it was you that started it when you wouldn’t go to sleep until I swopped sides.’
‘That was years ago and we can’t have been more than 10 years old.’
‘I remember it very well like it was yesterday. You hardly moved all night whilst I couldn’t get to sleep. I think you were worried I might snore or something.’
‘Well you did snore so better put a nose clip on if you have one. I don’t want to smother you wia cushion. It might be me not sleeping tonight since I remember that you dream a lot and thrash about.’
‘Nothing to be scared about and I promise to behave. Just lean on my shoulder and I’ll calm down. I just need some reassurance.’
‘How about we go to the shop so you can buy clean underwear. You can’t feel very comfortable after almost 2 days in what you are wearing.’
‘I think that’s a good idea and I might say hi to Gemma’s parents as well. Are you coming with me?’
‘I would like to try that jacuzzi bath out if that’s OK. Assuming I can trust you will come back if you bump into Gemma.’
‘Yes you can trust me. I like her but she does not go back as far as we do. She is too young anyway don’t you think?’
‘Oh so I’m old then am I? But not as old as Rachel I think.’
‘Oh we are sensitive aren’t we? Just trust me since this is our chance to catch up and carry on our friendship where it left off. I think those hormones are definitely working by the way. You are just a bit jealous so take care.’
To that he laughed and shot out of the door before my shoe landed.
It took a while to fill the huge bath so I put on the TV to see if there was any news worth watching. The local news had a segment about the forthcoming tour by Alex and his band and an interview with Rachel. She looked out of sorts but made no mention of Alex having disappeared. The station showed the band playing one of their hit songs and Rachel said they’d be releasing a new album in the near future. I didn’t know how Alex would manage to avoid somebody recognising him like the waitress had done earlier and no chance for him to quickly grow a beard.
I was relaxing in the bath with the jets switched on when Alex came back. I didn’t hear the door open and the next thing I knew he was standing in front of me.
‘I got some bits from the shop and Gemma suggested she dyes my hair after dinner and shave off my beard. What do you think?’
‘Seems sensible to me. Rachel was just on the local news talking about your upcoming tour. They showed you performing with your band so you are too well known around these parts to be able to disappear so you need to do something.’
‘So what if I let Gemma cut my hair and dye it black and shave my beard? Would I look OK do you think?’
‘I think you’ll lose the rock star look and the blond streaks look good on you but then you’ll be more like the Alex I know. It might make you look younger too. It’s been strange looking at you today. I always liked your look before you left home. The girls always fancied you.’
‘Well if you agree then I’ll do it.’
‘Better wash your hair then before you let Gemma loose. There are some nice shampoos here that are complementary.’
‘How about I jump in with you then since you seem to be enjoying the jets and it’s a big bath.’
‘OK but you go that end since this is my end.’
‘There you go again. Claiming the best part.’
‘First come first served.’
‘OK you win as long as you don’t mind.’
I didn’t know where to look as Alex removed all his clothes and he teased me by going slow. He was in good shape but when he removed his shorts to step in I could see he had a weapon of mass destruction that had already stiffened a bit. It put my appendage to shame.
He stepped in pretending he was shy and then sank all the way under the water submerging his head to soak his hair and he had a big grin on his face. It was the first time I’d seen a smile that was always on the face of the Alex I knew.
He turned around so his back was towards me and I had no choice but to move my legs either side of his body which seemed to be what he’d wanted.
‘How about you give me a shampoo and rinse young miss. I will reward you handsomely.
‘How about I thump you in the middle of your back for interrupting my leisure time Mr Rock Star.’
We laughed a bit as I massaged his head and neck but I didn’t let things go too far. As we chatted Alex was complementary about the changes in my appearance and referred to the development of my breasts. Even though they were on the small side they suited my frame. Enough cleavage to display if I wanted that did make me feel good.
‘I like those and somebody did a good job. Were they expensive.’
‘Well they took up all my savings and it will take me ages to rebuild my bank balance.’
‘Money well spent. You are hot.’
‘Sorry I’ll turn on the cold tap if you want.’
‘It won’t have any affect.’
‘It’s a complement is it?’
‘Of course it is. Why didn’t I come home sooner. If I’d known how you had changed I’d have dropped everything.’
‘Let’s not get silly I’m in transition and whilst I feel much better I’ve a way to go yet.’
‘Well if you’re sure I’ll be happy to stick around when the time comes. Are you sure you only want to go half way rather a full operation? I hear they are really skilled these days and have made a lot of women very happy.’
‘I can’t afford it at the moment and it depends on things like insurance and medical advice anyway.’
‘Well don’t let the cost get in the way of being happy. I have a healthy bank balance which keeps escalating. I could be your sponsor.’
‘Alex I can’t accept your money. I would feel embarrassed.’
‘Well let’s see because I don’t have anything else to spend it on that would give me anything like the satisfaction. After all we are like family aren’t we? Brothers but now brother and sister.’
‘Well you will likely as not be heading back to your career soon and me back to my job but we could stay in touch. I hope so anyway.’
‘I’ve put that at the back of my mind for now. We are here to relax and what will be will be. Maybe I won’t let you go back to your waitress job. You are far too smart to be working tables.’
‘Come on let me rinse your hair. It will take ages to dry unless you want me to use the hair drier and brush. I’m an expert.’
‘Yes I noticed but let’s relax since this is nice and we should make the best of the facilities courteous of Gemma.’
He leaned back against me so I wrapped my arms across his chest. I had to fight my feelings. I wanted to kiss his ear since I was so happy to be together again.’
I switched off the jets and we lay together for a while and I gently massaged his neck until I sensed that Alex was dropping his chin as he started to doze. I hadn’t shared a bath with anybody in my life and was always self-conscious about my weak body but this was nice. After seeing how Alex looked when he arrived on my doorstep I was pleased to see him relax. He definitely needed a break and I was determined to help him if that was possible. He needed to open up and share his concerns and future ambitions and probably I was in a better position than most in view of our long friendship and having no involvement in his industry. I didn’t think his parents would help since they didn’t want him to leave and they expected him to be part of the business.
He stirred a little and smiled then mumbled for me to carry on. I was happy to oblige since it was giving me a nice feeling too.
‘Jules this has given me an idea. You ought to consider opening a massage and beauty salon somewhere and I could set up the finance for you.
‘I guess that’s an option if I ever have the confidence to run my own business but right now waiting tables is stress free even though it’s hard on the feet. My regular customers are very kind and the tips are good.’
‘Just a thought. I suppose we ought to get moving since it’s dinner time already. Luckily we don’t have to worry about jackets and smart dress for the restaurant although I did feel underdressed when we met Gemma in the small bar for an aperitif. She had a nice top and a short skirt that showed off her nicely tanned legs. I complemented her and she was gracious enough not to say anything about our casual travel clothes.
Her mum and dad were really friendly and had met Alex a few times. I was welcomed and so my initial nervousness gradually waned. Gemma decided to leave us to dine alone and the steaks were wonderful. It was rare for me to order steaks or even visit restaurants and so this was a real treat. Alex ordered a bottle of Merlot and insisted I join him. After two large glasses I was feeling a bit wobbly and Alex said I had become very chatty.
Gemma and her mum joined us for a drink afterwards and I felt that I was under close scrutiny. My feeling was that she had guessed my birth gender that put me in defence mode for the rest of the evening although Alex was kind enough to intervene and help me out when the questions got more intrusive.
Alex and Gemma discussed about dying his hair and left me with her mum Victoria who insisted I call her Vicky. We had coffee that I hoped would help me remain sober. Then I realised that Vicky was really trying to find out how strong my relationship was with Alex since she hoped that Gemma would find a partner and settle down. On the upside she seemed to believe that Alex and I were in a serious relationship so I told her we were only friends. I didn’t want to stand in the way of Alex getting into a relationship with Gemma and couldn’t imagine that Alex’s parents being enamoured by me coming back on the scene as a trans woman. They seemed to have a problem with me in my youth as it was although I’d never done anything to upset them that I could recall.
When Gemma returned she suggested that we close our eyes. I was hoping her hairdressing skills were better than mine and primed ready to see Alex with a thick mop of black hair. Instead his head had been almost shaven completely so it was quite a shock.
I burst out laughing and covered my face with my hands.
‘OK Jules what’s so funny?’
‘You look so different. You need to shave off your beard. I don’t think people will recognise you. They’ll think you are on leave from the army or something.’
‘Well if you don’t want to be seen with me just let me know. You have to admit that Gemma did a great job.’
‘Doesn’t he look years younger already?’
‘Yes I can’t wait to see him without his shaggy beard.’
Living Next Door to Alex – Chapter 5
By Julie D Cole
Alex said he didn’t have a shaving kit since he hadn’t packed but in any case he hadn’t shaved for at least 2 years and so he didn’t need one. Gemma had offered to loan him one of her lady shavers and a bikini trimmer together with some shaving cream. They were in a bag since he said he preferred to shave in privacy back at the cabin.
Gemma father joked asking if he was intending shaving top and tail and told him to take care using the bikini trimmer.
We headed back to the cabin about 30 minutes later because the light was fading outside and Gemma and her parents wanted to close up the restaurant and clear the kitchen. I could see that Gemma had wanted to carry on but she must of realised Alex wanted to head back to the cabin.
He insisted on holding my hand on winding steps leading up to cabin that was nice. I shuddered a little but it wasn’t the cooling breeze. Alex put his arm around me for the rest of the way. It was another indication that Alex was not phased by my new image and I was liking the attention that was new to me. I didn’t resist and maybe the wine had relaxed me. I actually felt totally at ease with Alex and safe for the first time in a long time.
Inside the cabin I put on some music whilst Alex dimmed the lights. He took hold of my hands and faced me.
‘Now I need your help Jules if you don’t mind.’
‘Of course what is it?’
He didn’t answer he just leaned forward and kissed me fully on the lips and held the kiss for what seemed an age. I was no expert but I did my best to relax, close my eyes and tried to respond like I’d seen in close-ups in movies or in scenes on tv.
‘Right Jules I need to test which is better, with my beard or without. If you can wait for 10 minutes you can tell me what you think without it. I hope that kiss wasn’t too much of a shock. I couldn’t stop myself since you’ve changed so much and I like it.’
I just shook my head and then I nodded. ‘No I mean yes. Sorry but I’d not expected that and especially the feeling that came over me. You are obviously an expert. I never even kissed a girl. Or a man for that matter incase you were in any doubt.’
I had to sit down to catch my breath. Girls are so lucky. I wondered how many Alex had kissed since he left home and how many broken hearts he’d left behind. It didn’t seem like Gemma was on the list of broken hearts. I felt slightly jealous in case he still had feelings for her and moreso since they’d clearly been intimate. I couldn’t match that so better to avoid going too far.
I sat back on the sofa and switched to a local music channel. I closed my eyes thinking of how to avoid getting my heart broken again and then as if someone had anticipated my mood a song of Alex’s came on. I missed the intro and I couldn’t help but listen to the words.
Maybe I'm a loner,
Maybe I'm a man,
Maybe I'm a fool,
But I’ve tried to understand.
I've been a dreamer,
And I've been around,
And I've spent my time
In many lonesome towns.
I used to have a childhood friend,
I first knew as a child,
Sometimes she was so gentle,
Sometimes she'd be so wild.
I gave her all my lovin,
And I gave her all my youth,
So certain of the future,
So sure we found the truth….
Suddenly I sensed movement and when I opened my eyes there was Alex, bare chested and clean shaven. He was applying some of the complementary cologne and he smiled and then joined in whispering the words.
San Antonio Bay,
All the feelings we both hid away,
Always blue skies and never grey,
We were so young in San Antonio Bay.
So you see my dearest,
Just why I've been so strange,
I've had so many heartaches,
It's hard for me to change.
So when I want some lovin,
Will you come fly away with me,
I still can't help remembering
The way things used to be...
San Antonio Bay,
We dreamed we’d both return one day,
We said we be back, this time to stay.
We were looking forward to that day,
But we couldn't find the words to say...
San Antonio Bay,
All the memories won’t go away,
Didn't want our sky to turn from blue to grey,
We were so young in San Antonio Bay.
San Antonio Bay,
Where my love and I might one day stay,
We were looking forward to that day,
But we couldn't find the words to say...
San Antonio Bay,
All the memories won’t go away,
Didn't want our sky to ever be grey,
Such happy days we had in San Antonio Bay.
‘You inspired that song Jules. Even though we were young boys together I decided to write the song with you as my girlfriend. I realised we had strong feelings for each other when I reflected on our years growing up together. It seems like I always knew you were a girl inside and Rachel and the gang have always assumed Jules was my first love. True I guess.’
‘So I guess my appearance wasn’t that much of a shock when I opened my front door to you.’
‘Strange but true.’
‘So this was the hit song that Sally mentioned to me.’
‘I don’t know but it did sell and I needed a hit to pacify Rachel and keep us in the spotlight. Anyway what do you think of my new look?’
‘It’s how I remember you and much better than the wild look you’ve had.’
‘Care to try it and tell me which you prefer close up.’
‘I said I would.’
This time the kiss was much softer and I pressed my lips hard towards his and he pulled me close against his body. I don’t know how long it was before we finally parted and when we did I took a deep breath as he lifted me onto the bed.
‘Which side did you say you liked to sleep on?’
‘Your side will be good for me but I’m not tired yet.’
Alex reached for the remote to switch off the music and the lights and the room was filled with moonlight as the shades weren’t drawn. This wonderful experience just couldn’t be true. I had to pinch myself.
‘Alex this isn’t right. If our relationship continues like this who knows where it will end. It will kill your career.’
‘So what? But on the other hand I’ll be a lot happier. What price fame and fortune. It’s a lonely life like I said in the song. I can’t imagine becoming a middle aged rock star let alone an old. There are too many already. I think it’s time to take a serious at myself and decide what’s best for both of us.’
‘But I’m not your responsibility and you owe me nothing. I’m so happy to see you again but this is dangerous. I’m still in the body of a man and I can’t give you what you deserve. Even after my operation there is no penetration. How to keep you satisfied?’
‘I don’t consider life owes me anything than what I’ve had so far. You have been a large part of my life and I’ve missed you. I want to be with you and take care of you.’
‘I’ve missed you too. More than you could ever know. I still think we should stop this now before things get out of hand. You and Gemma would make a wonderful couple.’
‘Gemma is a young woman who is worldly wise for her age. She deserves to live a bit and not get tied down in a relationship with a fading star. I’ve offered to set her up with an agent I know who looks after solo artists. She has a great voice and as you’ve seen she is really beautiful.’
‘ What about you then?. You are not fading just in need of a change. Will you carry on for me please.?’
‘I’m not totally giving up. I’m intending going solo too and breaking with Rachel as well as the backing group. I have a recording studio set up where I can relax and write songs. I’m finished on the road. I want to spend time with you.’
‘But can that ever be the total answer since you are a workaholic?’
‘I might do guest appearances on TV shows but I really want to spend time traveling and I need somebody to join me to enjoy it with me. Who better than you, my oldest friend? The only true friend I have in this world.’
‘It sounds nice but I don’t even have a passport and if I had one how to get through security or customs whilst I’m like this? It’s not easy or comfortable for trans people. Male or female.’
‘We’ll solve that together. I can help sort your identity card, passport and even your driving license. I have expert travel agents on the payroll. They deal with everything like this most days of the week.’
‘So what do you want to do? I’m here with you and I’ve no clue where we are or how to get home if you leave me.’
‘Just trust me like you always used to do. By the way you do talk a lot these days so why not just wrap yourself in my arms and you can make sure you prefer me without a beard and if I pluck up enough courage I might let you check out what sort of job I did with the bikini razor.’
‘Don’t tell me you’ve cut yourself? You haven’t have you?’
‘I nicked myself a few times but I’m intact. Do you want to check?’
‘No not now. I’m not ready for that. I have a lot to think about already and I know what one looks like thankyou.’
‘OK I’m in no hurry. I’m sure that you had a good look already in the bath earlier.’
‘Yes I saw everything and I think you were testing me.’
Alex cuddled me again and in no time at all we were between the sheets and I snuggled up close and he wrapped his arms around me. I was soon asleep since it had been an eventful day. My sleep was disturbed a couple of times when Alex moved around to make himself more comfortable. I snuggled back into position both times and felt him kiss my forehead.
It was light early and the sun was coming up as I opened my eyes to look around. Alex wasn’t in bed and I couldn’t hear any noises from the bathroom. I wondered if he’d decided to leave and so I looked around for any messages and my phone. Nothing to be seen. I got out of bed to look out of the window. Nobody to be seen close by but some indication of life in the restaurant and somebody down on the beach heading towards the wooden staircase. I wish I’d had my eyes tested and accepted that I needed glasses for distance at least.
I rang Alex’s number but his phone rang out in the room. I seemed to be in the bedside drawer. I went into the bathroom and relieved myself then looked at my face in the mirror. I’d forgotten to use my face cream before bed but other things were on our minds and we were both obviously more tired than we thought.
I climbed back into bed and turned on TV to get the early news and local weather forecasts. Then the door opened gently and Alex appeared dressed only in his shorts with a small towel around his neck.
‘Hi there Jules I hope I didn’t disturb you. I couldn’t resist an early morning dip. The sea is clear and there was no one around. It was so peaceful. No noise at all other than seagulls and a couple of pelicans having breakfast. I’m famished too even though I had a large steak last night. How about a quick shower and then down for some bacon and pancakes.’
‘If you don’t mind I like to start the day with a fresh coffee to bring me round.’
‘Coming up. Everything is here so it will soon be brewing. In bed or out of bed.’
‘In bed please. It’s nice in here and my side is hardly disturbed. Room for two.’ Did I really say that?
It was nice to be served a fresh coffee and I sat up and tried to cover my breasts as best I could. I had discarded my t-shirt after using the toilet so I only had my panties on.
Alex changed from his wet shorts into a dry pair and brought his coffee to sit on the bed close to me.
‘You look terrific this morning Jules. Did you sleep well? It wasn’t easy to behave myself but I admit that was the best nights sleep I’ve had in ages. Almost 8 hrs.’
‘It must be the fresh air and all the travelling followed by the wine.’
‘And because I had you as my comforter. Who needs a teddy bear?’
‘Thanks for being so nice to me and I felt safer than ever before with you to protect me.’
‘My pleasure. What would you like to do today?’
‘I’ve no idea. Maybe a walk on the beach and a dip in the sea but I don’t have a costume.’
‘I think Gemma will sort something for you or maybe we could find the local store that is supposedly close by. It looks like being a scorcher today so you might need a sun hat and some sun cream.’
‘That sounds like a plan.’
‘I think Gemma may loan me her car to avoid us using the bike. I think you had enough time in the saddle yesterday.’
‘I think so too. I think I need a shower then so do you mind passing my robe.’
‘OK would you mind if I join you to save water.’
‘I thought you’d had a dip in the sea.’
‘Yes I did but I need to remove the salt water especially from my hair.’
‘Ok but only if you promise to behave and not to laugh at me.’
Living Next Door to Alex - Chapter 6
By Julie D Cole
I stepped into the shower and turned it on with my back to the shower door. It was very spacious when I compared it to our shower at home with more than enough room for two. I ducked beneath the stream of water adjusting the temperature and soaked my hair.
I was applying the body soap when Alex stepped into the shower.
‘I see you started without me? I thought you needed my assistance.’
‘Sorry Alex I couldn’t resist and there is plenty of lotion left for you as well as the shampoo.’
‘Move up a bit then and let me get under the water. It’s nice and warm.’
‘I know but if you get frisky I can turn on the cold tap to full pressure.’
‘I doubt that would work. Have you ever considered the effect you have on me? I’m only human you know.’
‘I am too and you’ve done your best to turn me on parading around half naked ever since we arrived.’
‘Didn’t seem to work though. Maybe I need to up my game a bit. Here let me see what you think of being kissed this morning after some growth on my chin.’
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest. He was stirring below and he pressed against my tummy. As he continued to kiss me he swelled and he gyrated gently that caused a response. Kissing with water flowing down our faces was not easy and his stiffness caused me to pull away to giggle.
‘So it’s ok for you to laugh?’
‘Well I was worried that you would think I looked odd with boobs and a small thing down below.’
‘ I haven’t laughed have I? Why would I? It’s not like we are strangers.’
Alex calmed down and behaved himself whilst I shampood my hair and he ensured that all the suds had gone before applying shampoo to his shortened hair. It wasn’t easy for me to reach but he bent his knees to make it easier. Then we stepped out of the shower to dry ourselves and wrap ourselves in the robes.
We chatted whilst I used a drier to dry and style my hair and Alex watched the news.
‘Look Jules I’m on the local news again. Seems that one of the girls from the restaurant sent in a selfie she took with me. Good job you didn’t join in but they are on our trail. Bloody reporters.’
‘Well we could have gone the main highway for all they know so hopefully they’ll not find this place.’
‘They are like bloodhounds so don’t hold your breath. Anyway I doubt Gemma or her parents will snitch on us so hurry up I’m famished.’
I applied a little make-up and some lipstick and we headed down to the restaurant that was half full. Gemma was there to greet us and Alex invited her to join us. All through breakfast she glanced at Alex and complemented his look without long hair and a beard. She said he looked much younger and I agreed.
We told her our plans and she agreed to loan us her car to run into town. We strolled around and found the store where we were able to purchase shorts and cotton shirts and sneakers. I plucked up the courage to buy a swimsuit but resisted a bikini that would have made it more difficult to hide the small bulge between my legs.
Finally Alex suggested I try a light cotton dress to wear in the evening so I selected a few with the assistance of a young staff member. He was gay but I didn’t think I’d been outed as he seemed more interested in Alex. He did ask Alex if he’d visited before because he had beautiful eyes that he thought he’d seen before. We didn’t hang around and headed back to the cabin.
After a light lunch we changed and headed down to the beach to swim and then lay in the afternoon sun. It was my first swimsuit and it fitted perfectly holding in my tum and lifting my boobs. Alex had borrowed an umbrella so we could sit in the shade for a while. It was so peaceful and I laughed at Alex as he decided to show off in the sea. He looked so relaxed and happy and I was glad he had invited me to join him here.
The afternoon seemed to fly by as we relaxed and chatted breaking only to cool off in the sea. I laughed a lot at some of the stories from Alex’s recks around the country with his group. They got into some strange places in rough districts as well as large venues and it sounded like there was plenty of alcohol and lots of girlie time. I didn’t want to press him whether or not they dabbled in drugs but I guessed that came with the image and there were some signs when I looked into his eyes and sensed he wanted to tell me something.
At time I could see he was trying to hide the stiffness between his legs and I was flattered that I had that I was having that effect on him. Unless he was reliving his past exploits of course. On my part I found the dips in the sea had the effect of shrinking my bump until it was hardly noticeable, not even to me. The water didn’t seem to have any effect like that on Alex. He really made me feel like the girl I now craved to be. I knew I’d made the right decision but could I be happy for the rest of my life?
Finally Alex said we should head back and he suggested that we call for a drink at the bar area outside the restaurant. We were both ready for a long cool drink and I needed the bathroom that was becoming urgent.
Alex found a table and ordered some fresh iced orange drinks and I excused myself taking my bag to freshen up. I felt the sun had dried out my cheeks and my lips were dry. My hair was a mess and needed combing. I had no hesitation on entering the ladies bathroom and luckily it was empty other than one cubicle was occupied with the door closed.
Whoever was in there was messaging back and forth and I shook my head in disbelief. I did my business as quickly as I could and washed my hands and face to remove the sand. The sunshine had indeed brought some colour to my cheeks. As I was applying some facial cream I heard a voice even though it was in a whisper. She said ‘This is it. I know it is. It’s Gemma’s family holiday complex. Upper market. I’ll have a sniff around and call you back. Send a crew pdq.’
I froze as it was pretty clear that Alex was going to be found soon despite his change in image. I didn’t bother with the rest of my make-up I dashed back to Alex but he wasn’t at our table. Our towels were there but nothing else. I looked around for him or Gemma but both had disappeared.
Then Gemmas mum came over and whispered for me to stay where I was and keep my phone switched on. She removed the glass that Alex had been using then topped up mine from a jug.
‘Stay calm it seems somebody tipped the news station off and we had a call asking if Alex was a guest. I said we had no guests of that name and none had made reservations.’
‘Where have they gone?’
‘He’ll let you know shortly. He doesn’t want you to be involved since the tv and news media will be all over the place shortly. He wants you to stay calm and trust him.’
‘But how did they trace us?’
‘I don’t know since we haven’t told anybody and neither has Gemma,’
‘I bet it was the shop assistant who thought he recognised him through his eyes. He was checking Alex out big time.’
‘Could be since he’d be rewarded and he might even have a moment of fame tonight on the local news.’
‘The little bastard. Excuse my French but why are people like that. What did Alex ever do to cause that?’
‘Look Jules I suggest you stay calm and go back to your room out of the way for a while. If anybody turns up I’ll send them away.’
Everything had been going so well and we were having a nice time. I feared for Alex since he only wanted to take a break and sort out his future and he’d trusted me to help him.
I had time to kill so I ran a bath and turned on the jets so foam was built up well above the bath sides. I climbed in and lay back. I didn’t want to cause any trouble or rumours for Alex so maybe the best thing was to rent a car and head home. I decided to have a light dinner and ask Gemmas mum to sort a car for me.
The only outfits I had that were suitable for dinner were the two dresses so I selected one. They looked ok with my light canvas shoes so I selected the more feminine orange and lemon one. It was off shoulder exposing my breasts that I felt would reduce the risk of anybody mis gendering me. What was I thinking?
No sign of Gemma so her mum found me a table and suggested some seafood from the menu that was fresh. I followed her advice and despite not having much of an appetite I ate all of it. The restaurant wasn’t too busy so it was quiet and then I heard some noise coming from the reception area. It was raised voices and then two guys and a young woman pushed their way into the restaurant. One of the guys had a film camera and the girl had a mic in her hand and was talking to the camera. He panned the restaurant so I was on film like the rest of the guests.
Gemma’s dad appeared and he pushed them back into the restaurant threatening to call the police.
‘We know he’s here somewhere with a young woman so where is he. We just want an interview so you’ll be on tv later, maybe even the national networks will pick up our story.’
‘Look get out before I kick you out. I don’t like you nosing about and you are disturbing my guests.’
‘Alex is here we know he is. He’s trying to hide but we know one of the backing singers is involved. She was in town with him today.’
‘If you are talking about my daughter she’s been here all day and I don’t have any guests called Alex staying.’
‘We can make this worth your while as well as all the publicity we can offer cash.’
‘I’ll make it worth your while shortly if you don’t take care young lady.’
They disappeared outside and then the girl went on her phone. I decided to sit still and take a coffee and the other guests went back to their meals after Gemmas dad apologised to everybody and offered a glass of complementary wine.
After an hour the film crew gave up and left. I wanted to call Alex but I thought it best if I waited. Back in the room I decided to call mum who complained that she was worried since my phone was switched off and she’d left several messages. I told her I was with Alex who had turned up unannounced and was in need of help. I explained as much as I could and she agreed that I should try to keep out of the limelight for Alex’s sake.
I had a restless night and had no messages from Alex wherever he was. I was sure he wouldn’t leave me alone again and I hoped that Gemma wasn’t tempting him since she was very attractive and Alex is only human. He had been getting worked up through the day and he might not be able to contain himself.
At 7 am I reached for my phone to check for messages but it was dead. I had forgotten to put it on charge so no wonder no calls or bleeps. I found the charger in the drawer on Alex’s side of the bed and plugged it in. Still no messages. Maybe it was best to head home and stay out of the way.
I thought about it all through breakfast and came to the conclusion that Alex would understand if I headed home and at least he’d know where to find me.
After another chat with Gemmas mum who had no news either I had her arrange a hire car for me. She wouldn’t let me pay for anything and took my details so she could contact me if and when she had some news.
I packed what I had with me and met the agent who delivered the car. I’d no choice but to use my credit card so I hoped the media nuts and Rachel wouldn’t contact them and find out who I was.
It took a few hours to reach home and mum was waiting.
‘Did you hear the news Jules? Have you heard about Alex?’
‘No mum. What about Alex?’
Perhaps the final chapter for the competition
Living Next Door to Alex - Chapter 7
By Julie D Cole
‘I have been trying to call you but your phone was switched off. Oh Jules I am so relieved to have you home safe.’
‘Why what’s happened? Is it something bad?’
‘Sally called and she said she saw something on the news. He was involved in an accident with a young woman. I thought it was you. Sally wants me to call her if I hear from you. I told her that you and Alex had been together.’
‘My God, please. No it can’t be true. I’ve only just left him.’
‘Jules calm down please. I’ve been checking on the news but I didn’t see anything. I don’t know which channel she was watching. There is nothing I can find and I’ve checked most channels I know.’
I switched on my personal mobile and the one Alex had bought to see that I had a lot of missed calls and several messages. I scrolled down the messages on both phones as quickly as I could and found one from Gemma. ‘Please call me urgently I need to talk. ‘
We went indoors and mums expression didn’t fill me with confidence that that this was anything but serious. ‘Hang on mum I’ve got a message from Gemma and she was with Alex.’
I called the number but there was no immediate response so I left a message and looked at mum shrugging my shoulders. ‘I’m worried mum.’ I checked the news headlines on Google searching under Alex McClure. Nothing came up except a whole list of his music and his forthcoming tour that he didn’t want to do. There was a link to Rachel Roberts agency with a phone number. So I called the number and got through to her office.
Her assistant was helpful and eventually after a bit of persuasion she transferred me through to Rachels mobile phone since she was out of the office.
‘Oh it’s you, Fine mess you’ve caused. I hope you are proud of yourself. Thanks for interfering. I should sue you if I find out that you are at the back of his unrest. Do you know what it costs to arrange gigs and record albums? All at risk because he is inside your pants.’
‘What do you mean? Alex is not in my pants we just know each other and we’ve been friends forever. What’s happened? Where is Alex?’
‘He’s been involved in an accident and it’s all your fault. You and that stupid young bitch Gemma Garcia. If you could mind your own business none of this would have happened.’
‘Oh my God is he OK.’
‘We don’t know yet he hasn’t come round. The best I can find out is that they have made him comfortable and have him in intensive care. They are trying to contact his family so it doesn’t sound too good.’
‘But what’s happened because he disappeared on me since the media were chasing him? He said it was you trying to find him. He just needed a break and he didn’t want to be found.’
‘Yes I know but he has a contract and he has obligations. He needs to man up. I checked the hotel and found you’d been there with him.’
‘I don’t believe they would do that. They are friends of Alex. I’m an old friend and we are like family. He trusts me and he was struggling. You have him at his wits end. Have you any idea what he is going through and what he wants.’
‘Well he’s not going to get out of this tour whatever tricks he tries. He just better not be feigning injury. I have laid out a lot of cash and we’ve got a few sell out venues.’
‘I thought you were his agent. Don’t you care about him?’
‘Of course I do I made him a rich young man and I taught him a lot.’
‘Yes I know. He admitted it.’
‘Anyway this is none of your business so goodbye. You caused enough trouble already.’
‘Please tell me where he is. I need to see him. I want to help if I can.’
I burst into tears and mum put her around me and held me tight. Slowly I managed to tell her what Rachel had said.
‘Come on Jules try Sally. Find out what she heard. First let me make you some tea it’s all a shock. Sit and think this through a bit. We’ll go find him together.’
I called Sally and all she has seen was a short newsclip that there had been some sort of accident that involved a car chase and a crash and that Alex was involved. She asked if I’d heard from him recently or if I’d ever got over him leaving. Sally and I hadn’t spoken in a while because she’d eventually given up on me and she was seeing somebody else. I told her that he’d been in touch and that he was tired and he wanted a rest and a new lifestyle. She just said ‘Well he's having a rest now I suppose. Serves him right.’
I ended the call before I lost my temper but only after saying something unkind.
Mum and I drank our tea and managed to come around enough to chat. Then she said that she’d take a couple of days vacation and that she’d come with me. I should retrace my steps. We packed light bags and extended the car hire and drove back to Gemmas parents place. I was tired and too upset to focus on the road so mum drove and we chatted a bit.
‘Jules what made you shoot off with Alex suddenly. I thought you were over him. Was he shocked to see you after the changes?’
‘Mum we were friends for most of our lives and he left home because of his relationship with his parents and the pressures they put on him. It was nothing to do with our friendship.’
‘So he whisked you away. He must have been shocked surely?’
‘Not at all. We’d both changed a bit anyway. But not inside.’
‘So do you have strong feelings for him.’
‘Mum I always had strong feelings for him but I daren’t say anything and it’s a big regret. Now if he is seriously hurt or worse I don’t know what I’ll do.’
‘Does he like you now you are living like this? You are a beautiful young woman.’
‘Of course he likes me and I like him. We both shared our feelings.’
‘What, you mean you made out together?’
‘Not quite but he said he’s always known the real me and he came back because he wanted my help and advice.’
‘Nothing more?’
‘No we were having a great time until somebody recognised him and blabbed to the press. He was trying to keep a low profile in a nice place owned by Gemmas parents. It was beautiful.’
‘So why didn’t you leave with him?’
‘He left with Gemma to try to keep me away from bad publicity.’
‘Sounds weird to me if you were having a great time. Did you share a room?’
‘We did and in case you are asking we shared the same bed.’
‘Does that mean I should be worried? Did he behave himself or not?’
‘Yes we cuddled but that was it. I told him I was having an operation but that I will still be intact with nowhere to go.’
‘He does know the meaning of that doesn’t he?’
‘Yes I told him I was saving up for an orchiectomy and we talked about the cost and the risks. He offered to help and pay for my operation.’
‘Well you know my feelings on the subject. I offered to cash an insurance plan to pay for a full sex change operation. I think an orchiectomy limits your happiness and chances of meeting someone to settle down with in the future.’
‘Mum I’m not loaning money or letting you use what you’ve worked hard to build up for the future.’
‘Look Jules securing your happiness is my responsibility and I can see that you are a different person living as a woman. A lot happier and a lot more confident. I’ve taken advice and I can see you would have a much better chance in life with a full operation. I won’t always be around.’
‘Mum don’t talk like that please. I promise that nothing is final and if Alex and I were to get it together seriously then I need him to have an input too.’
That made us both giggle and then mum started to quiz me about Gemma and asked if Alex and her were in a parallel relationship. I had convinced myself that they were just friends and former performers in the same group. But he had admitted to them having sex together.
When we arrived at the hotel there was no sign of Gemmas car in the parking bay. It had probably been taken away after the smash. Hopefully I could see her if she was recovered enough and find out what had happened and if Alex was OK.
We met her mum on arrival and I introduced my mum. I asked if Gemma was OK and she quickly replied. ‘Yes thanks to Alex. He somehow avoided a massacre with an oncoming truck and they hit a tree. He took the brunt of the force from the airbag and protected her when they collided. Not sure that the car is repairable but I hope Alex is. He’s bust a few ribs and punctured a lung but thank God he’s alive. I gave Gemma a sedative and she’s sleeping.’
‘What caused the accident do they know?’
‘Some media nuts trying to take photos whilst driving. They were going too fast and Gemma says that they had to swerve to avoid a young woman with a pushchair so Alex had little option but to crash. The media guys didn’t even stop to check they were OK.’
‘Which hospital did they take Alex to then? Is it far from here?’
‘St Patricks since they have a big casualty section. It’s about 15 miles from here. He’s still in intensive care I think but hopefully by now he might have been moved to the recovery area. We collected Gemma about 4 hrs ago. He’s a hero. They could have been killed. The hospital is going to give us an update soon. They tried to contact his parents but we don’t have any contact details. Do you?’
Mum answered. ‘I’m afraid we don’t have any information they changed their cell phones and never gave us a forward address. I’m not sure if Alex communicates with them or not, do you know Jules?’
‘I don’t think they talk.’
‘Will you both stay here tonight at least or longer if you wish. We changed the bedding and refreshed the room you used if you don’t mind bunking together.’
I looked at mum and she nodded. I was probably only 5 the last time I’d slept in her bed. We took our bags to the room and returned to the foyer where we said hello to George, Gemmas dad. He was chatting about the accident when Gemma appeared looking half asleep.
‘Oh Jules you made it back already. I ache but at least we are safe. I’ll sue that tv company who caused the accident. They nearly killed us.’
We called the hospital and we were put through to the senior nurse of the recovery ward who said that Alex had woken up and asked about his girlfriend and she’d turned up shortly after he fell asleep again. She was still in the waiting area making phone calls.
Gemma and I looked at each other and spoke in unison. ‘Rachel.’
That decided it. We agreed to go to the hospital immediately to ensure she didn’t add to the stress. No doubt she was happy that she had a legitimate excuse to cancel the bookings for the shows or drop Alex from the programme to avoid losing money. Nobody would expect him to recover in just a few weeks to go on tour.
We took the hire car and mum stayed behind and I drove since Gemma was still half asleep. She woke up as I parked the car and came around after a few sips of water.
We found our way to the recovery room where Alex was isolated and met the nurse. As we were chatting Rachel appeared phone in hand and she glared at Gemma. If looks could kill!!
‘You’re back you little slut. And who’s this with you?’
‘I’m Jules. We spoke earlier and you were very rude.’
‘Ah you, His concubine.’
‘No his one true friend. Unlike you. Don’t you care about him?’
‘I care about his ability to perform and make us a lot of money. Careers are short unless you work at it. Lots of young stars waiting for their chance.’
Then the nurse came through with a doctor and sat us down.
‘Ladies Alex is a very lucky young man. He will recover if he rests and he is cared for. I’m not sure if he’ll be ready to sing again for a while so my daughters will be disappointed. He managed to speak but he was in pain. I recommend he has a few months rest as he looks shot.’
Rachel spoke. ‘Look doc there is a lot at stake here so when can I see him? Time is money and a lot of people depend on him.’
‘Well you can see him one at a time but only 10 minutes at a time with 5 minutes between each visit. So who is first?’
Then Angel the nurse spoke. ‘Doctor Ellingham he asked to see his girlfriend. He kept repeating it all the time he was coming out of the anesthetic.’
‘OK girlfriend first so who is it to be?’
Angel chipped in again. ‘He said her name was Jules.’
Living Next Door to Alex - Chapter 8
By Julie D Cole
This chapter submitted after the competition closing date but the story continues as requested.
I didn’t have chance to move before Rachel pushed past Gemma and I.
‘No way it’s me first not some opportunist looking to cash in. He never mentioned anything about a girlfriend to me.’
Dr Ellingham just let her go through and Gemma and I were left speechless. Angel was full of apologies but she didn’t want to cause an argument with Alex in close proximity. Gemma spoke.
‘Now you see why I had so many disagreements with the witch. What Alex ever saw in her I will never know. I suppose she laid it on a plate for him and he was like most men and his brain dropped between his legs.’
‘Don’t worry Gemma, I don’t think Alex is likely to change his mind. I’ve known him a long time and he is quite stubborn.’
‘Yes I know but she had her zip case with her and I bet she threatens him with the contract that is very one sided based on what I recall. Mine was bad enough but she didn’t want me. It was still a mess trying to escape and it cost me a lot. Luckily Alex helped me and paid two large legal bills. He is some guy and you are lucky to be his girl.’
‘I’m lucky to be his longest friend but I’m not sure that our relationship can go very far.’
‘Why. He loves you and he thinks the world of you. He never stopped talking about you whilst we were trying to find a place to hide away.’
It was all very flattering but I wasn’t sure what Gemma would think when she inevitably finds out my past. I might look OK at the moment but it was hard work trying to avoid any slip ups and keep the more feminine voice I’d managed to create.
‘What about your relationship with Alex? Did it ever get serious? Did you make-out together?’
‘Don’t worry Jules I’m not a threat but I won’t divulge how far our relationship went. That’s for Alex to tell if you both need to go there. He is a very kind guy and I owe him a lot. Mum and dad think the world of him so I don’t know if they’ll ever accept anybody else I might take home.’
Rachel stayed at least 15 minutes so both Gemma and I were annoyed by the time she came out. I let Gemma go before me because she offered to just stay for 2 or 3 minutes so I got the rest of the half an hour if indeed we were visiting against the clock. Rachel had a big smirk on her face when she looked across at me and she didn’t seem in any hurry to leave. I did my best to ignore her.
As Gemma appeared at the door from the recovery ward Dr Ellingham re-appeared through the entrance to the waiting area.
‘Sorry ladies but I need to hurry you up since we managed to contact his family earlier today and I’m pleased to say that they are only 10 minutes away. So please finish your visits so Angel has time to tidy things before they arrive.’
Gemma pushed me and told me to hurry up and go in before Dr Ellingham stopped me. I stumbled forward and Angel took hold of my arm and whispered that she’d stall them and distract Dr Ellingham.
Alex looked in pain and was grimacing as I approached his bedside then he opened his eyes and saw me.
‘Jules at last. Forgive me for disappearing on you with Gemma. I didn’t want you caught up in any publicity.’
He was obviously in some discomfort even though he was on a drip with painkillers being administered. I smiled as best I could and his face brightened.
‘I understand Alex but look what’s happened as a result of those goons. I hope they are proud of themselves. You could have been killed.’
I sat down on the chair beside the bed and told him that I’d been advised to hurry up because his mum and dad were arriving shortly.
‘I don’t want to see them Jules. They have a nerve turning up here.’
‘Alex they are your parents and whatever happened in the past they love you. Hopefully this will bring them to their senses.’
‘Pigs might fly. I don’t feel like an argument and I hope there is something you can do to distract them or keep their time short and sweet.’
‘I should put them with Rachel since she will scare them away. She had a real smirk on her face when she came out. I hope she wasn’t threatening you about not fulfilling your contract?’
‘ She did make threats but she can at least get some of her money back if ticket sales drop now I have a legitimate excuse to cancel.’
‘I thought she looked pleased with herself. She is an awful woman. Whatever did you see in her.’
‘I suppose it was all the platitudes and the speed of our success. We were both excited and I’m sure that the alcohol and the uppers she provided had a part to play.’
‘I hope you didn’t become addicted. It’s a downward slope.’
‘I could have but I think I owe a lot to Gemma who intervened and managed to coax me to spend time with her and visit her parents place. Luckily that brought a bit of normality back into my life.’
‘Good. I like Gemma she is nice. Same with her parents. Tell me who got in touch with your parents and how? Was it Gemma?’
‘It was Rachel. She just told me and she was like the cat that got the cream.’
‘How did she know where they were?’
‘Our lawyers got all that information when they were drawing up contracts. It seems that Rachel has been in contact with them when she was trying to find us. Then when she heard about the accident she was straight on the phone.’
‘That’s all you need an argument with your father.’
‘I don’t want to see him so will you talk with Dr Ellingham for me please. I don’t mind seeing mum.’
‘OK I’ll do that but I don’t really want to let them see me like this. They hated me as it was. I’m scared for both of us.’
Before we could talk anymore Angel came in and I had to leave. Gemma was waiting for me and came towards me and suggested we go for a coffee out of the way. Rachel was still seated and obviously waiting to see Alex’s parents so she didn’t move or say anything. She still had a smirk on her face.’
We found the cafeteria and purchased our coffees and sat at a quiet table. I spoke first even though I sensed Gemma had something to tell me.
‘Thanks for being there for Alex. He told me how you much you’ve helped him. I guess I misjudged you and your motifs.’
‘Never mind that. It’s you that he loves not me and I think he needs you more than ever. I have something to tell you that Alex doesn’t even know yet.’
‘She says she is pregnant and that Alex is the father.’
‘WHATTT? No he wouldn’t be so stupid surely.’
‘We only have her word for it but no wonder she was so pleased with herself. She thinks she’s got Alex by the nuts now.’
‘He won’t believe her. He’ll want proof. It must be ages since they were at it surely.’
‘I guess we’ll find out soon but what if she tells his parents. His dad wants a grandchild and he will insist they marry and Alex gives up his career.’
‘Alex won’t do that. He is strong willed. I don’t think he’d marry Rachel whatever happens.’
‘Well I don’t know what we can do about it.’
‘I promised Alex I would keep his father away from visiting him so we should go back to the waiting room before they arrive.’
I couldn’t bring myself to look Rachel in the eye when we arrived back to the waiting room. She was on her mobile phone so at least that helped. Then Angel and Dr Ellingham returned and said it would be better if Gemma and I didn’t hang around and leave Rachel and Alex’s parents to spend time with Alex. I wanted to burst into tears. I was way down the pecking order yet I knew that it was me who cared the most and who Alex wanted to see.
Just then Rachel sprung up from her seat as Alex’s parents came through the door. She spoke as if she was a lifelong friend and part of the family. ‘Ah I’m so sorry this has happened and I hope you’ve both recovered from the shock but I had to tell you. Luckily he will be OK but he’ll be out of action for a few weeks at least.’
Jack seemed larger than ever and had put on a lot of weight. He looked fearsome and I recalled how much I was scared of him growing up. They both looked us up and down trying to get their bearings as Rachel continued to fill them in.
Then Alex’s mum looked me in the eye and her mouth dropped open. ‘Julian is that you? What on earth are you doing here dressed like that?’
You could have heard a pin drop and I froze. Rachel and Gemma looked at me and it was like I was being undressed. I wanted to crawl into a hole.
‘Julian it is you. Does your mother and father know? You’ll bring shame on the house.’
‘Yes it’s me and I’m Julie and for your information my parents have been very supportive.’
‘Don’t tell me that Alex has seen you like this? I always had my suspicions about you growing up and I don’t want you near our family. You should be ashamed of yourself.’
Rachels smirk had widened whilst Gemma looked as much in shock as I felt. I managed to speak.
‘Yes Alex came to find me since he’d had enough of being on the road and he wanted my opinion on the future. He wants me to be part of it.’
‘Jack spoke ‘Not like that you won’t I’ll make sure of that. It’s time he came home and I can beat some sense into him.’
‘No you won’t. And for what it’s worth he told me that he doesn’t want to see you only his mum. You always bullied him because he didn’t want to follow you into your business.’
‘You’d better get out of here before I tan your hide young man.’
‘Take care because I’m not a young boy anymore and I’m legally a woman. Don’t threaten anybody and I’m no longer scared of you. I’d expect you to be more concerned about Alex than me.’
Gemma took my arm and whispered that we should leave before things escalated any further. Then Rachel cut in and spoke up.
‘I have some more positive news for you both but Alex doesn’t know yet.’
‘Come on spit it out then what is it? You’d better get used to the idea he is coming home.’
‘Well the news is that I’m 2 months pregnant and Alex is the father.’
Gemma and I left and as stepped into the lift I burst into tears and fell to my knees. ‘Oh Gemma this is so crazy. I loved him so much.’