In the year 2121, human civilization was in tatters. We had robots and machines that performed the formerly dangerous jobs that only men could do. Worldwide, women were almost all feminists, and they no longer felt they needed men. The marriage rate between women and men had dropped below 0.1%; for every 1000 men, less than one was getting married. Divorce laws had only gotten more restrictive, and most men avoided marriage at all costs.
Even the few women who wanted to marry would only consider the top 1% of men. Usually, they only wanted a wealthy, fit, handsome man who stood over six feet, and they would ignore all others. Men rarely attended universities, and women made up over 95% of college graduates. Most men were single and idle slackers, working just enough to get by and often living with their mother well into their thirties.
The Feminist governments realized that their populations and economies were crashing since birth rates had plummeted over the years. Their populations were shrinking, and people were only getting older. In 2021, the world population was just under 8 billion people. There are fewer than 2 billion people left on the planet, and the population continues to drop. The once-great United States of America was now a shell of its former self. Much of the country was now deserted, and many former cities were in ruins. In addition to the birth collapse, climate change, pandemics, and civil war had dropped the country’s population to under 70 million people, and two-thirds were women. The few young people left didn’t want to become married. Women were more interested in education and careers, paying off their student loans, and not even bothering to date men, never wanting to become pregnant. If this trend continued, in 50 years, there would be no one left on the earth.
As a last-ditch effort, Feminist governments around the world turned to science. Maybe there was a way to reverse this trend and save humanity.
Scientists studied this problem and came up with an answer that was very simple on the surface and shocking in its implications.
They developed DNA replacement therapy and cloned Stem Cells to change a man into a fully functioning woman. It also used nano-bots to restructure their skeletons to the proper size while removing unneeded soft tissue. They would use these legions of sexually frustrated single men to create a new female population that would become pregnant to restore the world’s population. Even more impressive, this technology would transform men of any age into young fertile women. If you were a man and still breathing, you would qualify.
They demonstrated this new technology to the world governments. Soon, all countries passed new reproduction laws which would draft all single men into this program. All single men who were not engaged to be married or deemed essential workers were required to report to sexual reassignment centers for sexual transformation or face arrest.
Despite all of these new laws, women didn’t have to reproduce since the Feminists had long passed laws to protect their reproductive rights and were in control of most of the world’s governments. They felt that requiring these unwanted single men to be transformed into females was a great way to unload this responsibility of reproduction onto men.
A sub-class of women was created and designated as Transformed Females, so they would not be legally considered natural-born women or have the same legal rights. These transformed females all had surgically implanted identity and tracking chips placed inside them, forever identified as transformed females. Once transformed into a female, they became legal wards of the state, and their only job would be to have children and live in a state-run facility. They were all required to give birth to five children over five years before they could regain their freedom though they would never be women legally. There had been some talk of eventually reclassifying these females as women after they had served their terms, but for now, once a transformed female, they would remain that way.
Many women retrained to staff these new facilities since highly educated medical personnel were needed to run them.
Chapter 1
One of the first transformed females, Rachelle Chalmers, wrote an account of her new life as a transformed female.
Let me tell you my story. My name used to be Randy Chalmers, but now I am Rachelle. I am now a pregnant, transformed female for the state.
I was born in 2081. My parents, like most, were divorced, and I rarely saw my father. I grew up in a single-parent family with my mother. After I became 18, I drifted through a series of minimum-wage jobs to help support myself and my mother. I never was involved with any women, and I was single, though it wasn’t by choice. I just gave up trying to find a wife after realizing I had nothing to offer her, and even if I did, most women were not interested in dating a man.
A few days after my 40th birthday, I received a letter from the Federal Government’s new Department of Population Restoration, informing me that I had to report for sexual reassignment at a Transformation Center. They drafted me to become a Transformed Female since my tax return had listed me as single.
I showed the letter to my mother, and she smiled and told me I would make a good mother. She was all for it since she wanted me out of the house. I had a minimum wage part-time job since I never went through higher education. That was a girl’s thing, and most men didn’t see the point in spending all that money to have enormous college debt. Girls had the advantage of all the scholarships and incentives to attend higher education; these were never available to men.
I called my friends, and they told me the same thing. These new Population Restoration laws had just been passed in our country by the Feminists, and since we were deemed useless to the state, we were all drafted into this new program to increase the population.
We got together at a local bar the night before we reported, and we drank ourselves into a stupor. All of us felt that we were failures in life anyways, and maybe it was for the better that we were all going to become transformed females.
“Well, guys, what do you all think? It seems we don’t have any choice in this matter, and the Feminists in control of our Government have made that decision for us.”
“Sam replied, “Notice that even though every single one of those women could give birth, none of them are stepping up. Instead, the Government is spending billions of dollars turning us into women to get pregnant for them.”
“Terry agreed, “It seems we have been made redundant as men. My question to you guys is, Raise your hand if any of you ever dated a woman or had sex with one?”
Charlie laughed, “Well, don’t look at me. I’m as big a loser with women as the rest of you.”
I looked around, and none of us had raised a hand. We were all virgins, and none of us had ever dated a woman.
I commented, “Yes, I agree. It’s pretty frustrating. I long ago gave up the idea of getting into a relationship with a woman. They are all Feminists now and aren’t interested in dating us, and they treat us like we are beneath them. Even my mother is a Feminist and treats me like giving birth to me was her biggest mistake in life.”
I ordered everyone another round of beer and shots for all of us. We raised the whiskey shots and toasted to ourselves, hoping we would have more success as a transformed female than we did as single men.
The next day, I crawled out of bed with a terrible hangover. Today was the day. I was required to report to the Transformation Center and surrender myself. I thought about running, but where would I go, and what would I do? They would only track me down and arrest me, and I would end up becoming a transformed female regardless. I couldn’t even leave the country. I would be detained at the border and sent to a center anyways.
My mother drove me down to the center, and I told her she could keep my car or sell it if she liked. Mom kissed me goodbye and said if I had been born a girl, she would have named me Rachelle, and I kissed her back and said, it sounds like a good name. I walked into the center.
I looked around, and I saw my friends waiting for me. The four of us got into the line of dejected-looking men. A sour-looking woman told me to sit down, and she told me to surrender all my ID, and then she clamped a pink plastic wristband on my wrist. I asked her if I could choose my new name, and she said, sure, sweetie, what would you like us to call you? I told her I wanted to be named Rachelle, and she wrote it in my file. She gave me a locked tablet and told me to take it through the door into the next area. The rest of the guys followed behind me.
We all got into the following line until they called me to the next station. A nurse then told me to strip naked, and she gave me a paper hospital gown to wear. She threw my clothes into a bin, and she smiled and told me, you won’t need those anymore. She then gave me a complete physical and took a blood and urine sample. She took the tablet I was holding, unlocked it, entered a few things into my record, and told me to walk through the next door as she handed the tablet back. I padded through the door in my bare feet and, of course, stood in the following line. The other guys soon joined me in the line, and we all stood there shivering in these silly-looking paper gowns.
A doctor called my name, and I walked over to her. She took my tablet and said, Please follow me. I walked behind her down a long hallway, and we entered a sterile-looking room that contained several horizontal chambers. She first pointed at a shower room and told me to take a shower, wash my hair, make sure I lather up my body with the liquid soap, and then report back to her. I removed my paper gown and threw it into the trash. After showering down, I noticed no towels were available, so I returned to her, soaking wet. She walked over to an empty chamber and raised the cover. The doctor then told me to climb up into it.
I climbed up into the chamber and laid down on my back. The doctor started fitting various sensors on me and injected several syringes into my arms and legs and at multiple points on my torso.
She then fit a mask over my face, and I soon blacked out. I didn’t remember anything after that until I woke up again.
I realized that I was completely immersed in an opaque solution when I woke up. I fought the urge to panic, and I heard a faint alarm sounding. The liquid was then drained out of my chamber, refilled with clear water, and flushed a few times. The chamber’s lid then opened. And someone removed my mask. As my eyes focused, I smiled at a doctor.
She smiled and said, “Hello Rachelle, welcome to your new life.”
I coughed a bit, and my voice sounded different. I asked the doctor, “How long was I unconscious?” My voice now sounded like a girl.
She told me to lay still and be quiet, then removed several I-V lines and sensors on my body.
“You have been under for approximately a year, so you will be very weak. I will help you out of this chamber, and we will place you on a gurney.”
There were straps under my body that she used with an overhead lift, and she raised me and swung me over to a gurney. I was still very groggy and wasn’t in any condition to do much of anything.
A female orderly placed a blanket over me pushed me out of the room and down a long hallway. I ended up in a room with several other patients. I turned my head, and it looked like they were sleeping. A female nurse came in and smiled at me, and then she gave me another shot, and I fell asleep again.
I awoke once more, and I was now in a room with one other person. I looked down at myself and realized I now had large breasts since that was about as far as I could see.
A nurse soon entered the room and said, “Good morning, Rachelle,” and she raised my bed slightly. “I have some breakfast for you, and it consists of vanilla pudding and some apple juice.” She also gave me a cup of pills and a glass of water, which I took first. She smiled at me and said, “Enjoy breakfast.”
I still felt nauseous and slowly ate the pudding and chased it with the juice. I heard the person beside me cough, and I said, “Hello, is anyone there?”
I was still shocked at my voice since it was no longer the baritone I was used to, but my much higher alto voice sounded very feminine.
A girl answered back, “How are you feeling?”
“I feel lousy right now. I woke up today, and I don’t have any idea of what is going on.”
“Well, dear,” the other girl said, “My name is Samantha. We are in the rehabilitation center, and we will spend at least a month here to regain our strength since we spent over a year transforming in those chambers. We now have little muscle mass left, and we will be training to walk again and bring our muscles back so we can function.”
“Hi Samantha, my name is Rachelle, and I just woke up today, I guess. God, my voice sounds so different now. I’m still a bit out of it.”
Samantha laughed, “ Just wait until you get a look at yourself in a mirror.”
That afternoon they started my muscle rehabilitation program. I first learned to walk using a walker, and they made me go through weight training programs on a machine. I felt sore and tired after the first afternoon. I was so weak that I could barely walk, and it wasn’t easy, even just raising my arms.
I returned to my room in a wheelchair, and when Samantha returned, we chatted.
“Hey, Sam, how did things go with you today? I am so weak, and I couldn’t even stand up without a harness.”
“Samantha smiled, “I am the same as you, Rachelle. After a year in one of those vats, I have no muscles left either.”
We chatted some more, and she told me that her name used to be Samuel Higgins.
“Sam? Is that you? I used to be Randy Chalmers, and we went out drinking the night before we came here.”
We both giggled with each other. We were lifelong friends, and now we would be girlfriends for life.
Sam replied, “Hey, former Randy, I like your new name, Rachelle. We have both come a long way now. Haven’t we?”
I had to agree. When the nurse first lifted me off the bed and into a wheelchair, I saw myself in a full-length mirror on the wall. A young 18-year old girl with long blond hair and blue eyes looked back at me. There were no facial features left from my old self, and nothing in my reflection resembled the person I was before. I was beautiful and had nice breasts and hips, giving me an hourglass figure.
I had naively thought they would transform me into the female version of myself, but this was much more involved. This procedure had completely overwritten my old DNA, transforming me into this completely new person. I was amazed that my memories still existed, and I still remembered my old life and the fact I had once been a boy but was now a girl.
Samantha and I renewed our old friendship, and we worked together for the next month, learning how to walk again and at least regain a fraction of the strength we formerly enjoyed as men.
“Have you seen Charles or Terry? I am sure they are here somewhere.”
Samantha replied, “ We will have to ask around once we can walk again. I am sure they are here since we were all transformed at the same time.”
They also required that we listen to audio recordings while we slept. I assumed they were hypnosis tapes meant to condition my mind to accept that I was now a girl. I wasn’t upset at becoming a girl since it was just all so different to me being like this.
Sam and I were in the center for just over a month. When we were both able to walk again and regain some strength, they gave us a set of new clothes and brought us to a waiting bus with many other girls. When we walked onto the bus, I looked at the other girls, and I was intrigued that many of us looked like sisters, though we were not all completely the same. The white girls mainly were blondes, but there were a few variations on hair color and eye color. Some girls were black and Asian, with other races as well.
The bus then left the facility and drove us into the countryside, where we stopped at a gate to a fenced-in compound, and the bus stopped.
A couple of women came aboard, and they had scanners and asked us to show them our wristbands. We were all scanned, and then the bus proceeded into the compound. They also used a scanner on the back of our necks, and I heard it give a beep as they used the scanner on me. A microchip tracker was now inside me, and they probably had implanted it during the procedure.
We stopped at one of the many tall buildings and lined up in front of the bus.
A woman in a lab coat stood in front of us all, and she had a megaphone. Her name was Dr. Stilton. She smiled at us and began her speech.
“You have all been transformed into females and are now at The Transformed Female Reproductive Center. Your new job is to become pregnant and give birth to babies for the state. Shortly, you will all be inseminated and become pregnant with a child. You will give birth, have three months off, and then be inseminated again and become pregnant with a second child. Over the next five years, all of you will continue to do this until you have given birth to 5 children. You have a choice to be artificially inseminated, or you can have reproductive sex with one of our trained alpha male employees. Their job will be to inseminate you until you become pregnant. Some of you may not wish to have sex with a man, so we have given you this choice. Once you have successfully given birth to five babies, your tour of duty here will be over, and you will be allowed to leave this facility. Would you please follow the nurses into the building where we will process you and assign your living quarters?”
We were all assigned rooms and would live two girls in a room. There was a communal dining hall where we would eat our meals, and our rooms contained a shared bathroom. The center provided uniforms for us and size changes as our pregnancy progressed.
We all received personal tablets that we could use to go online. There was also a recreational center with many video game systems. There was an exercise center as well as a track and swimming pool. We were not allowed to leave the facility until we had completed giving birth to five children each. After we gave birth to our babies, we would not have to care for them. They would be removed from the facility and taken to a different site, where childcare workers would raise them or adopt them out to new parents.
While in the building lobby, we asked around for our former friends and soon found them. Charles’s new name was Charlene, and Terry was now Terrie. We hugged each other and giggled and laughed since none of us looked at all like the men we once were.
I managed to get a room with my friend Samantha, and we proceeded to enter our new home for the next five years of our lives. We had a room on the tenth floor, and large windows overlooked a park-like setting. Terrie and Charlene got a room across the hall to ours. The accommodations were very nice, but as far as I was concerned, it was still a prison, and we had to complete our sentence before we were released from custody.
Sam and I both sat down on our beds, and we just looked at each other.
“How are you going to get pregnant, Sam?”
She grinned and told me, “I have never had sex with anyone in my life, so I want to do it the old-fashioned way.”
I replied, “Being a virgin myself, I want to get one of the alpha males to knock me up too. I heard that they are all handsome and muscular too.”
We giggled at the thought of a couple of former guys who were now looking forward to being fucked like the girls we are.
The doctors told us they wait until after our period, then run daily tests to check for ovulation. When they determine we are the most fertile, we either are artificially inseminated, or one of the alpha male employees will have sex with us up to three times during our ovulation. They will check if we are pregnant the day after our insemination. If we become pregnant on the first try, we wait nine months to give birth.
If we weren’t yet pregnant, they would implant us with fertilized eggs. If this occurred, there was a greater chance we could give birth to twins or triplets. In the unlikely event we could not become pregnant, they would release us early from the facility. Our DNA originated from very fertile women, and so far, every transformed female has become pregnant in this facility.
We started in on the fertility testing and would line up every morning after breakfast for testing. Finally, one day, both Sam and I were told we were ovulating, and we had both decided to try natural sex first before resorting to artificial methods. Charlene and Terrie both got a green light as well. We played some video games in the rec center, and we all went to lunch together.
Sammi was so excited, “I can’t wait for this to happen to me. I will make sure I have fun and make the most of this. I never thought I would have sex as a woman, but sex is sex and if I have to be taking a cock like a girl now, then so be it. The guys here are super hot too, and I saw a few of them earlier.”
I agreed.”It’s the first time I will have sex with another person in my life, and I am looking forward to it as well. As Sammi said, it’s not how I envisioned it, but damn those guys are hot, and I am getting wet down there just thinking about them.”
Charlene and Terri both felt the same way as we did. We were all sexually frustrated as men, but now we have a second chance to get it on with someone else, and even we are now female, we were all looking forward to it.
As we finished our lunch, we heard our names announced over a speaker, telling us to report to the Insemination wing. We all got up and walked over to register.
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Chapter 2
I entered an insemination room. The staff had dressed me in a very sexy teddy and left me on a large bed in this softly lit
room. They told me to wait for my sex partner to arrive.
This very hunky alpha male entered the room and introduced himself as Byron, and he removed his robe. God! He was stunning, and he was like a Greek statue that had come to life. Byron had a cock that was at least 20 cm in length. He walked up to me, laid down beside me, and made out with me. This man could kiss! He caressed me and massaged my breasts, and I began to breathe quite heavily. My pussy was now soaking wet. He instructed me to get on my knees in front of him, take his stiff cock in my mouth, and start sucking on it. I had never had sex with another person before and was amazed at Byron’s size since I was only 10 cm hard when I was a man. Never having sucked on a man’s cock, I wondered if I could do it, but I had this overwhelming desire to put it in my mouth. I did as he told me, for I was the girl now, and I eventually could swallow his entire length down my throat. Byron’s cock grew even longer and thicker. He pulled his now enormous cock from my mouth, picked me up, and tossed my 50 kg body on the bed.
Byron pulled up my teddy, stripped off my thong, and began to probe my pussy with his tongue. He pushed me back onto the bed. I was moaning, and then he reached up with both hands and started to massage my nipples. Byron’s attention to my nipples gave me my first orgasm, and I moaned and convulsed on the bed, and this stud hadn’t even entered me yet. Byron then positioned himself and pushed his cock into my tight pussy, and I could feel it stretch as he entered me. He started to pump me, and it felt like there was an obstruction, and then it was gone, with a brief flash of pain. I was no longer a virgin.
He grinned at me and said, “Oh, you were a virgin; I should have known. How are you enjoying yourself so far, Rachelle?”
I looked at him longingly and kissed him. With my arms around his neck, I said, “Fuck me harder, please!” and I received a second orgasm that crashed over me.
Byron smiled, “I’m here to please you, babe.”
He continued to pump me faster and started to build up quicker and quicker, pulling his cock almost out and then ramming it balls deep into my pussy. All the while, he continued to play with my nipples. I was going crazy, and he told me to rub my clitoris, and I started to rub it while he was pumping and massaging me. I couldn’t stand it any longer and began to convulse again in my third colossal orgasm, and at that point, he started to cum inside me, and he pushed in as far as he could and pumped me full of his cum. I could feel his cream fill me up, and he stayed inside me until he started to lose his erection. I continued to convulse for almost a minute afterward.
He smiled and kissed me, “You are great, Babe. I love fucking you, girl. I doubt I will have to come back for a repeat. Girls who get into sex always get pregnant.”
He let me lay on the bed in the afterglow.
“Now, you just lay there and leave my sperm inside for as long as you can.”
He kissed me again, put on his robe, and left the room. I felt great, and I didn’t want to move, and no one came in or bothered me until the following day.
Sure enough, the next day, when they checked me, I was pregnant. I only got to have sex once, but wow, it was great. I could honestly say that sex with Byron was the high point of my life, and for me, it had made becoming a female all worth it now.
I took a shower changed into a clean uniform and returned to my room. Sam walked in a bit later, and I could tell she was pregnant as well.
“Oh, Rachelle, he was fabulous. What a phenomenal guy. I’m so happy that I could experience sex as a girl, and it was fucking mind-blowing.”
I had to agree with her. We had an ultrasound five months later, confirming that we were giving birth to girls, and neither had twins.
Charlene and Terri were also knocked up for their first time too. Now we all had to wait for the next nine months.
We spent our time playing teams in video games. The four of us would play as a squad in a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing War game, and with all the practice, we got excellent at it. There was an organized tournament for our game, and our team won it. There were no prizes, but our team could kick ass. What was surprising was that none of us had used male avatars for our game characters. I talked to the other girls about it, and when they thought about it, they were like, well, we are all girls now, why pretend any different in a game? Our old lives were gone now.
For me, the games were fun, but I still had a lot of free time, and I was getting bored. I went into the counseling center and spoke with one of the councilors there. She told me since I was giving birth, I qualified to join online university education, and it wouldn’t cost me anything. She had me sit down, and I took many tests to discover my strengths. Eventually, she told me I qualified for University as my GPA was 4.3, and it looked like I leaned towards literature and journalism. I enrolled in the online courses, and it was terrific. I forgot that I was a prisoner making babies and started to expand my mind.
As our due date began to get closer, we enrolled in a birthing course. The instructor showed how we should progress and act during birth. We would have natural childbirth attempted first, and we would get a C section if there were an emergency. We had an epidural injection to lessen the pain, but we would experience pain as part of the process of giving birth. We would be able to see our babies, but we wouldn’t be holding them, as they would then be taken away to a different facility.
Sam and I broke our water within hours of each other, and we were each taken to a birthing room. I was in labor for 4 hours before I gave birth to a healthy little girl. They showed her to me, and she was so lovable.
“Please, she is so beautiful. Can I hold her in my arms?”
But I couldn’t hold her, no matter how much I pleaded with the nurses. They soon took her away from me, and I was given a sponge bath and changed, and they wheeled me back to my room.
I didn’t see Sam for another 4 hours, and she returned to the room. She looked exhausted, and her water broke an hour before mine, but she was in labor for nine hours.
“How did you make out, Sam?”
She smiled at me and said, “I’m fine, I gave birth to a beautiful girl, but I am exhausted.”
She immediately fell asleep. I rested well but got up for dinner, letting Samantha sleep.
I walked over to Charlene and Terri’s room, and they had both returned, having given birth to a boy and a girl, respectively.
Neither of them had a difficult delivery like Sam did, so we went out to dinner, leaving Sam resting.
We then had three months off, and part of it was sessions with a psychologist to deal with the post-partum depression we were all experiencing. We all carried a baby for nine months, and then we were depressed.
“I felt so bad that I couldn’t hold her when I saw her. She was so beautiful.”
“It would have only made it harder for you to give her up,” the psychologist replied. “Just keep in mind that what you are doing is a great thing here, and you will soon be pregnant again.”
We chatted together for two months when the psychologist told me I wouldn’t have to see her any longer. I had gotten over my depression.
I will add at this point that I never saw any of the children to which I had given birth ever again. I was simply a tool of the state, used to increase the population, along with all the other transformed females in this birthing facility.
After our three-month break, Sam and I were successfully inseminated again by different men. This time my guy was a muscular guy named Chad. He had an enormous cock like my first guy, and he fucked me and filled me with his cum. But rather than leaving immediately, he stayed with me.
“If you don’t mind, I can stay with you today. You were my only appointment today, and I would love to spend some more time making love to you.”
“Could you? That would be great! I have so little experience with men.”
Once again, the sex was fantastic. Chad fucked me hard a second time and came into me again. There was so much cum inside me that it was dripping out of my pussy. Chad stayed and caressed me. I went down on him again and sucked him hard, and this time he took some of the cum and pushed it into my ass for lube, and then he worked his fingers in my hole to stretch me. Once Chad could work three fingers into me, my stallion announced that I was ready. He rubbed some more of the cum leaking out of my pussy on his cock, and slowly entered my ass. Being fucked in my ass was a new experience for me as well, and we were soon fucking hard, and I was on all fours rocking my ass into his hips, and I loved the slapping sound we were making. Chad pumped my ass harder and harder, and I orgasmed as he came inside me.
“Oh God, Chad, that was fucking amazing. Anal was a first for me, and I loved it.”
He was spent and fell beside me on the bed and pulled me on him so he could kiss me. We both laid on the bed together, and I snuggled against him in my afterglow.
I was curious and asked him how he managed to land a job like this inseminating girls.
“Like you, I didn’t have a choice. The Government drafted me into the reproduction program to become a transformed female. But when I regained consciousness, the doctors told me I became a transformed alpha male instead. They changed me into this new person, and with my DNA completely overwritten into who I am now. I was then put through an intense weight training program to build my muscles, and they taught me sexual techniques to make love to a woman.”
“Like you, I have a five-year contract, but since I am not a transformed female, they can’t force me to stay here, and I can leave here when I am not working. Since my transformation, all I can think about is having sex with the women here. Sure, I often thought about sex before, but this is a whole new level of desire for me, and it’s constant. Since there is only one alpha male for 50 females, I’m busy every day. This facility holds five thousand transformed females, and there are around 100 guys like me. It’s a good thing they keep me busy.”
I thought about this after he had left, and I realized the scientists had created a new race of genetically perfect people. They had never publicized the transformed alpha male program, but it made sense, if they were going to create perfect females, they would also develop these perfect males for them too. My offspring would most likely be highly sexualized, and unlike the women of today, they would willingly marry each other and give birth. I felt I was programmed to desire a man intensely and become pregnant, and I am sure my offspring would feel the same way.
While we were pregnant, we used the facilities provided to us to keep from getting bored out of our minds. I continued to progress in my online education, and we kept winning the video game tournaments. We worked out and swam in the fitness center pool. We were able to walk around outside in the facility’s grounds, but an electrified fence surrounded the place, so we were in prison. In case you were wondering, a six-meter-high fence guarded the electrified fence, so you would have had to scale that one first if you wanted to electrify yourself. I never felt suicidal while I was inside, but I couldn’t speak for anyone else. None of the girls I knew were suicidal either.
Nine months later, we gave birth again. I had a boy this time, and Sam got another girl. Charlene and Terri both had boys this time.
After giving birth, we all had our mandatory three months off, and this time the depression wasn’t as bad.
My next alpha was a very handsome lad named Scott for my third time. After he fucked me twice and our sensual sex session was complete,
I asked, “Are you busy today?”
Scott replied, “You are my only appointment for the day.”
“Have you fucked a girl in her ass yet? I’m willing if you are. Just use all this cum dripping out of my pussy for lube.”
That inspired Scott, and I sucked him hard once more, and he fucked me hard in the ass, and I kept yelling, “Harder! Harder!”
Scott ejaculated a massive load in me, and I had a huge orgasm and fell to the bed.
He laid with me, and we shared some tender moments. The next day I found that I was properly fucked, and I became pregnant with my third child. Five months later, I knew I was having a boy, and Samantha had a girl on the way. Charlene and Terri told us they were both having boys.
We all quickly gave birth to our babies, and this was our most effortless delivery yet, and none of us were in labor for more than 3 hours. We had three months off to recover, and we worked to get our bodies back into shape at the gym.
At times I was bored, but that was getting rare, as my university studies were becoming more complicated and kept me busy for most of the day. We didn’t need any money, but the state paid a minimum wage, released when we completed our pregnancies here. I also played a tremendous amount of video games here, and of course, our team kept winning tournaments constantly. It was a boy’s dream, even though we were now all girls.
We did hear that some of the girls were getting together for lesbian action, but Sam and I both liked boys for some reason, even though we were not gay when we were boys. As for girls, I didn’t seem to have any desire.
I asked Charlene and Terri, “So, are you girls an item now?”
They smiled at us and kissed, but wouldn’t answer the question, so we knew they were together. Sam and I were very close, but we were BFFs for life.
Time passing would vary for us. Sometimes time crawled by, and other times, it just rushed by. I was able to call up my mother, though she couldn’t visit me. She was doing well and told me that she missed me more than she thought. She was amazed at my girly voice, and I described how I looked now.
Unfortunately, our tablets had their cameras disabled, so I could never send her a picture of me. We didn’t have phones, but I could call her up on my tablet, and I could at least see her video. We had fewer rights than prisoners, but due to our particular classification, most of our rights had been stripped from us by the state, so they were able to detain us and keep us pregnant.
My insemination for my fourth pregnancy was especially memorable. Every time I had sex, these guys were getting better. They were now total experts with our bodies, and they knew exactly how to make us respond to them. Paul was a true expert. He did everything right to me and knew exactly where to touch me, what to say to me, and how to handle me. I was like a violin, and Paul was the Virtuoso who played me.
“Oh Fuck! Paul, you guys keep getting better and better.”
Paul smiled and said, “Babe, you are the reason I am here. I want to make all you girls as happy as I can.”
lost count of the orgasms he gave me. As soon as one was ending, the next one was building, and he didn’t let up on me until he finally came inside me. I just laid there, spent. Paul slowly caressed and kissed me.
“You were great, Babe. You respond so beautifully to me.”
I whispered, “Paul, you were the best lover I ever had. You are incredible.”
Paul just smiled and kissed me again. He whispered, “My only purpose is to please you to the best of my ability.”
He fucked me a second time, and later, he also fucked me in my ass. He stayed with me afterward.
“I loved being with you, girl, and you are fantastic in bed. I wish I could date you.”
My pregnancy progressed without any issue as the previous three pregnancies, and it took me only two hours when it was time for me to give birth. Once again, it was effortless for me. I gave birth to a baby girl. Sammi had a boy, Charlene had a girl, and Terri had a boy.
After our three-month downtime, we went in for insemination number five. Like Paul before him, Douglas was a stud. He was as good as Paul in every way and played this girl to the best of his ability, and she responded in the usual way. Douglas fucked me twice in my pussy and ass, and he drained me again. I had only had sex five times at this point in my life, and I could remember each guy and my time with him like it happened yesterday.
We were now in our fifth pregnancy, and our group was midterm. Today was graduation day for me. I had completed my Batchelor of Arts degree, majoring in Journalism. Sam got her Batchelor’s degree in Psychology, and she was overjoyed too. For the last four years, I have also been writing my journal every day to keep an account of my time here. Who knows, maybe someday I will be able to use it for a book.
They called all the fifth term girls into a large conference room in our eighth month. Dr. Stilton stood in front of us and addressed us all. She congratulated us on how well we had performed in our time at the center, and after we all gave birth for our fifth time, this one center would have produced 25,000 new babies in five years. She told us how happy she was with us all and the Department of Population Restoration would offer us a return incentive, and she asked us all to consider it.
After our fifth child, we could leave the facility, but they offered us an incentive to return and give birth to another five children. This time they would provide us with a million dollars per child as a bonus, so if we agreed, we would leave in another five years with five million bonus dollars in the bank. We would also receive a pension from the state for our service. We will also allow the girls who return to have monthly recreational sex with the alpha males once they are pregnant.
Someone put up their hand and asked why the Government was now being so generous after initially drafting us to do this.
Dr. Stilton paused for a minute. “We are now the victims of our success. Quite simply, we can’t replace you, even if we wanted to do so. Once the initial group of men transformed into females, there was now a shortage of available men, and they wanted to retain as many of us as possible. There was much debate on how we would do this, but they decided the best way was to give us all a financial incentive to continue in the program instead of forcing us to stay.”
Along with Charlene and Terri, Sam and I left the conference room, and we went over for dinner. Once we had sat down, we started to discuss what they had told us.
I told everyone, “I don’t know if I can do another five years of this. I have a University degree now, and I think I could probably get a better job when we get outside.”
Samantha replied, “But, it is nice in here. I kept myself busy, and I was stress-free while I was here. But still, we couldn’t ever leave.”
We looked around at each other. None of us was sure we wanted to go through another five years here. I told them we would leave this place and had 30 days to consider their offer.
I said, “Let’s meet up on the last week, and we can talk it over again and see what we decide. I would like for us to all decide the same way. Either we all stay out, or we will return here.”
So, we gave birth to our last child. I had a boy, and Sam also had a boy. Charlene and Terri had girls. And after three months and a positive psychological exam, we were all released. We kept our tablets, and they gave us a small suitcase of clothes and a new phone with $1000 in our pockets.
We took the bus back to our town, and mom came down to pick me up, and Sam’s mom picked her up. Charlene and Terri went home with Charlene’s mom. We all kissed each other goodbye, exchanged phone numbers to stay in touch, and went our separate ways. Mom couldn’t believe it was me and kept asking me questions that only I would be able to answer.
“You don’t look like anyone in our family.”
“They overwrote my DNA with an enhanced version. They created me to be perfect and very fertile, and I don’t have any genetic defects in my DNA. Of course, I don’t have any of my original DNA either. All I have left are my memories from my old life.”
Mom still lived in the same two-bedroom apartment and went out with her girlfriends, and like most women her age, she never bothered to date any men.
“Mom, they have offered me a bonus if I return to the facility.”
I explained the bonus to her, “If I accept their offer, I would be five million dollars richer in 5 years.”
She raised her eyebrows and said, “It’s a lot better than a $100 an hour part-time minimum wage job.”
A quick calculation showed it was just over $1000 an hour, but they had told me it would be tax-free as well. I wouldn’t be rich with the money, but I would be comfortable with the bonus pension.
“Mom, I now have a University education, but I want to take my education further. If I drop out of the program now, I don’t have enough money to continue with it outside. But inside, it is free for me, and I can continue with my education and get a Master’s degree. You are still healthy and don’t need me around. There is no reason to leave the facility, and I think I will return and take their bonus.”
“The more I think about it, I would probably end up with a crappy minimum wage job, and life was so easy inside. Heck, I spent most of my day with the online courses, and when I wasn’t in class, I was playing video games and working out in the gym.”
Mom told me the Department of Population Restoration’s birthing program was doing very well.
“In 5 years, the population was over 40,000,000 new babies, and a baby boom was happening because of girls like you.’
“I feel that I am making a difference too. I wouldn’t say I liked the idea of being kept captive, but like anything, I got used to it and didn’t let things bother me.”
I continued, “They told us that the Transformed Female program had been so successful that no available men were left. The Government had drafted approximately ten million single men over 20 years old. And they were all now transformed females.”
They almost had shut the program down. But now, the Government was considering recruiting retired women over the age of 70 into the program. These older women were volunteering now for the program, as the fear of old age and death outweighed the reluctance to become pregnant. The Government would also save on healthcare and pension costs for these women. Mom told me that as she was approaching 70, she was beginning to think that this would be a way to live her life again, the way she wanted.
I called up all my old friends, and we went out together for a girl’s night out several times during our month of freedom. The night before we had to return, my girlfriends from the facility met up in our favorite bar, and we talked the bonus deal over with each other. I looked around, and there were no men in the bar. There were only girls. In the end, we all agreed to return to the facility. We knew what to expect living there, and life was easy for us. We all wanted to continue taking online University courses as well. The food was pretty good, and we had all the recreation and entertainment we could use. And the five times I had sex were simply incredible. I loved having sex so much, but there were no available men that I could have sex with, so it was perhaps better to return to the facility.
We met up at the bus station on our last day of freedom and boarded the bus back to the facility. We were all returning together. Like me, the other girls loved sex and realized that there weren’t any available men outside now since they were now girls in the centers.
As part of our bonus, we were now allowed monthly recreational sex with the hot alpha guys who worked at the facility once we became pregnant. I can’t wait until I get inseminated again.
Time sure flies when you are having fun! The sex I had with the guys over the last five years was excellent, and those alpha males were all pros now. I am currently carrying my tenth child, and I feel I am doing my part to restore our society.
Once again, a month after I left the center, I decided to return for my third five-year term. When this term is over, my equivalent age will be in my mid 30’s and my birthing days will probably be over. After that, I can pursue a career in journalism as I hope to obtain my Doctorate after my term here. But would I want to return here instead? Giving birth has become a way of life for me, and I enjoy living here.
Almost five years have passed as I near the end of my third term here. As I am nearing the end of my child-carrying years, I wondered what life would be like when I retired from here and lived my life on the outside. I recently read a report that scientists could take a Transformed Female and have her undergo the process a second time. After a third tour here, my actual age will be 55, and as a Transformed Female, I will be approximately in my mid-30s. But the possibility of turning back the clock a second time to become a new 18-year old girl was tempting. Maybe my mom, now in her 70’s, would join me too, and we could transform together. By the time our tour is over, the first children will be in their 20’s, and men will be back in society again.
My name is Rachelle Chalmers, and I am a Transformed Female. I have found my purpose in life, and it is a noble one. My goal in life is to help restore our society by giving birth to multiple babies so humanity can turn around the long decline in world population levels. What could be nobler than that?
(Even if the sex was the best part.)
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An aging Billionaire decides to use the new technology to change himself from an old man into an 18 alpha male. Unfortunately for him, things don't go as planned...
This story is a sequel to “Transformed Females in 2121.” It contains much of the background needed for this story. I suggest you read it first if you haven’t already done so.
Link to: Transformed Females in 2121
Chapter 1
Bradley Rutherford Jr. was one of the elite members of society in 2121. Brad was a multi-billionaire and never had to worry about anything in his life. His family owned several major worldwide corporations, and he never had to work a day in his life since he had inherited all of his family’s wealth.
There was one thing that bothered him now. He was 82 years old, and his best years were long past. With Brad, business was always first, and he could never marry a wife. He could never connect with a woman due to a lack of trust. Every woman in his life had ended up deceiving him or cheating on him, and none of them were ever in love with him. Sure they loved his money, but they didn’t like him. So here he was nearing the end of his life, and he was without any heirs.
His companies had been instrumental in the current government programs that had created the transformed females, but he was more intrigued with the lesser-known alpha male program.
One of his companies was the primary contractor to governments worldwide, supplying them with the equipment responsible for creating these transformed individuals.
The scientists from this company were now waiting for him in a conference room.
Bradley entered the room and greeted the scientists and engineers from his company.
"Gentlemen, I have had everything I ever wanted in life. Still, as I am entering old age, it became apparent that your company, which I own, created the process to make it possible to regenerate my body and turn my biological clock back over 60 years."
“I would like you, gentlemen, to help me out in this respect. I understand that governments currently purchase our products to rebuild the world population. We own the patents and the equipment required to do this. Still, I would like to start a new venture that would allow the most important people in our society, namely people like me, to access this process. We could help regenerate the elite people in our community and give them new hope. We can charge whatever price we like, and I would like to be the first person to do this, as I would like to be the poster boy for this new venture.”
“Would you mind informing me how we can do this?” he finally said as he sat down.
The lead scientist got up and said, “Mr. Rutherford, which would you prefer? Would you like to become a transformed female or alpha male? There would be no problem if it is a female, but we have found only specific male individuals can transform into alpha males. It seems they must fit the genetic profile of an alpha male to begin with, or they will become females regardless. We don’t understand why this happens, and we found this by accident. We don’t publicize the alpha male program since we can only transform males who already fit the alpha male genetic profile.”
“Could you explain why you think there might be a problem becoming an alpha male?”
“Well, Sir, when we first started the Transformed Females program, we began to find anomalies. Certain subjects didn’t transform into women, but instead, they transformed into handsome alpha males. We looked at their genetic profiles and realized they initially all had a similar profile of an alpha male. We then genetically profiled all of our subjects and separated the few alpha males from the average men. It seems our process will not change an alpha male into a female. It turned out to be a welcome addition to our program since we needed genetically perfect males to fertilize the females. The usual ratio of transformed females to alpha males is usually around 50:1.”
The scientist continued, “So, Mr. Rutherford, you will have to be genetically tested. But if you don’t fit the alpha male genetic profile, all we can offer you is to become a female, though you will be a stunningly beautiful one.”
Brad thought of himself as a man’s man. He thought, “There is no way in hell that I am not an alpha male.” He had many girlfriends in his life and didn’t think there would be any problem with his genetic profile.
“Then it’s agreed, I would like to be tested and require the necessary equipment brought to my estate in California and staffed with the required personnel who will monitor me while I undergo this transformation.”
Brad sat down with his doctor as he examined his genetic results.
“After looking this over, Brad, it seems you don’t quite fit the profile for an alpha male. You are very close to the profile, but your genetic match must be over 95%, and you are at 92%, so if you undergo this procedure, there is a chance that you will become a female instead of an alpha male. Do you still wish to go ahead with the transformation?”
Brad sat back in his chair since he was stunned by this news. He completely disagreed with this prognosis. His doctor was telling him he wasn’t an alpha male.
“I’m afraid I have to disagree with you. I am an alpha male. Set up the equipment to transform me into an alpha male. Let me know when everything is ready.”
“You are taking quite a chance, Brad, you could very well become a transformed female, and there is no going back to being a male if this happens. The legal aspects of becoming a transformed female in this country are that the government will strip you of your rights and force you to report to a birthing center for a five-year term.”
Brad replied, “Let me worry about that. Since I am not using a government facility and since I have great connections with the current administration, I am sure they will accommodate me to my satisfaction.”
I called the President’s private number and spoke to her over a secure video connection.
“Hello, Madam President, it’s Bradley Rutherford. We have been friends for a long time now, and I hope you can help me out. I must talk to you regarding the transformed female program. I am looking at transforming into an alpha male, but my doctors have been telling me there is a slight chance I could transform into a female instead. I would need assurance that I won’t be arrested and required to go to a birthing center for five years. I want an exception made for people like me who will perform this procedure at their own cost. Possibly you could issue an executive order stating this if you can’t get Congress to change the present law.”
The President listened to me while I discussed my plan to transform. She didn’t see any issue since my company developed the procedure and technology that rapidly increased the world’s population.
“I don’t see any problem with this Brad, I will talk to Congress, and if they can’t do anything, I will issue an executive order for you.”
I thought it was good to know the right people as I closed the call. Now nothing is stopping me from doing this.
The day had arrived, and I went into the new operating room to perform my transformation.
I got off the phone with my lawyer, who assured me they had my estate held in trust until my transformation ended. After I regained consciousness, my current position in the family waited for me to resume my life.
I walked into the transformation room wearing a robe. The doctors helped me into the tank, and they placed a mask over my head. I looked at the doctor and slowly lost consciousness as blackness enveloped me.
I suddenly regained consciousness. I was still in the tank and immersed in a thick liquid. I could hear alarms going off, tried to remain calm, and waited as the tank flushed out and then refilled to rinse me off and finally emptied.
They raised the cover for me, and I looked into the eyes of one of the doctors. The doctor told me to stay still while removing the various electrodes and intravenous connections. She finally released my mask and told me not to speak.
I felt fragile and knew that my body had to undergo rehabilitation to regain muscle strength.
They lifted my body on a sling and placed me on a gurney. I was brought up to my bedroom and transferred into a hospital bed specially installed there.
A nurse walked over and said, “You look, great sweetie,” as she gave me a sedative.
This statement confused me as I fell asleep.
I slowly awakened. I looked around my room. A nurse walked over to me and said, “Hello dear, how are you feeling?”
I replied, “I feel weak and tired,” surprised that my voice was much higher than it used to be. I sounded like a girl. “I wish to look at myself. Nurse, please bring over a mirror.”
“One moment, I will be right back.”
She brought me a hand mirror and gave it to me. I looked at myself and was shocked to realize that I wasn’t an alpha male. I was now a female and a beautiful girl at that.
“Shit,” I hadn’t expected this to happen. “My plans better still be in place. Nurse, please have my lawyer, Mr. Ferguson, notified to come in here immediately.
The nurse brought in a small meal for me and set it on a small table on my bed. It was a cup of broth and a pudding cup. I ate while waiting for my lawyer to show up.
Ferguson finally arrived. He looked at me with some surprise and said, “Brad? Is that you?”
“Of course, it’s me. Who else do you think it is?”
My lawyer smiled, “I have to say, you are looking great. Have you picked out a new name yet?”
“I just woke up, and I didn’t think I would end up like this. I will have to think about a new name.”
“Ok, I will call you Brad for now. It looks like we may have some problems with the government.”
“I thought that was all settled, I spoke personally with the President, and she assured me that there would be no problems with an exception for me, in case I turned out like this.”
“Well, Brad, this is the problem. After Congress refused to make an exception for you, there was a massive outcry and protests against her executive order. It’s an election year, and she rescinded her executive order due to all this bad press and the protests. I am sorry, Brad, but now that you are a transformed female, you will have to report to a birthing center like every other transformed female.”
“What makes matters worse is someone leaked to the media of your transformation into a female, and everyone knows you are now a transformed female. It’s all over the news now.”
I was in shock, and I didn’t know what to say. What could I do now? My friend the President had abandoned me, and my money and privilege now seemed to be worthless in this matter. I was an elite member of society, but now I would have to produce babies for the government as I no longer had any rights.
“Well, any offspring I produce will be immediately adopted by our family. I don’t want any of them going into institutional child care. At least you can do that for me until I get out of there.”
“I will see to that immediately, Brad.” He looked at me again and said, “Barbara Anne, after your mother. How about Barbara Anne for your new name?”
I was pissed off at this point, and said, “Fine, Barbara Anne it is, or just call me Barbie since I look like her now.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, “I will see to your name change immediately.”
Just then, several Government officials arrived. They immediately informed me that under the provisions of the Population Restoration Act, now that I was a transformed female, they were taking me to a birthing center. They placed me into a wheelchair, wrapped a blanket around me, and wheeled me out of my home.
In front of my home, a media circus was waiting for me. The suits transferred me into a black government car and drove out through the gates of my estate. A mob of people hit the vehicle, and reporters and Media Crews recorded my departure.
I was glad to leave that mess behind. We drove for an hour and pulled up to a gate. Then the driver showed the guard his ID, letting us into the compound.
We drove up to one of the towers, and a few doctors were waiting for us. They had a wheelchair and helped me get into it. They took me inside into an examination room. As they examined me, a nurse walked up to me, holding what looked like a gun.
She smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Barbara. I have to chip you with a digital RFID tag, so please stay still.”
I heard a click and felt a slight pain at the back of my neck. She then held up a scanner to it, and it beeped. They clamped a pink band on my wrist.
“You are now tagged, Barbara, and we will fill out the required paperwork to admit you to this site.”
The paperwork took around a half-hour to complete, and I signed the required forms.
“We are now taking you up to your room Barbara, and we have a beautiful room on the top floor for you.”
A nurse wheeled me up to my new room. She opened the door, and it was underwhelming. It seems that I had to share this tiny room with another female, and the furnishings in the room were rudimentary and plain. At least there was a nice view out of the window.
They helped me into my bed and told me tomorrow that I would be starting physical rehabilitation.
“We will be bringing your dinner to you in about an hour. We will see you then.”
I looked over at my new roommate and said, “Hey there, how are you?”
A weak little voice responded to me and replied, “I just woke up today, so I am a little out of things. I can’t believe I’m a girl now. It will take me a while to get used to this.”
“You and me both, honey. It seems we are both stuck here to become baby-making machines for the next five years.
I had no idea what was going on outside of this prison. I hoped my lawyer would be fighting my incarceration. Maybe I could get out after I became pregnant and stay at my home, but that seemed to be a long shot at this point.
It looked like I wasn’t going to get out of here any time soon. I would be in physical rehabilitation for at least a month, maybe longer. But afterward, I would have to also decide on how I would become pregnant. Should I do artificial insemination or have an alpha male fuck me? I had never had sex with a man in my life, but I was no longer a man, even though I still felt I was a man. I figured if I was fucked anyway, I might as well be "proper fucked."
They brought in my dinner as well as my roommate’s meal. It was awful, bland hospital-style food. I was used to gourmet meals, and now I was forced to eat this crap. I was hungry, so I still ate it, but it was like eating cardboard.
I called over to my roommate, “Hey there, my name is Barbara, but you can call me Barbie if you like. What’s your name?”
She replied to me, “They told me my new name is Penelope.”
“It’s nice to meet you, dear. How is your dinner?”
“It’s pretty good. At least I will be able to eat nice food while I am in here.”
I thought to myself, if she thinks this slop tastes good, I wonder what she was eating before she arrived here? I knew I was very well off compared to most people who lived in our country. I had a reality check and found myself wanting.
For the next month, Penelope and I went through our rehabilitation to restore our muscles. I used to be in great shape for my age, but now I am still weak. I never realized how little strength girls have, but currently, I am experiencing it first-hand. I did whatever I could to regain my strength, but it was slow going. It took me a week before I could even walk. Eventually, I was walking again, and Penelope could walk too. We worked together in the gym to regain as much strength as possible. Once we could walk around without a wheelchair or crutches, we explored this facility together.
They had a large eating area with a cafeteria for hot and cold food. The food from here was a little better than the meals they had served us, but it was still lacking in the taste department. I started to wonder if I could do anything about this. I looked at the common recreation areas, and every piece of furniture seemed so tacky. This place looked more like an institution, even a prison with bare walls without art or decorations. It needed a makeover in the worst way.
We were both issued a small tablet that we could use to go online. I contacted my lawyer to find out if there were any developments in my case.
“I’m afraid not, Barbara. We have run up against a brick wall here, and there seem to be no exceptions for these new laws regarding transformed women. We have your estate held in trust for you, and you are still the owner of your wealth. It’s just that it won’t help you in this case. It looks like you will be in that facility for the next five years, and there isn’t much I can do about it. I petitioned the Supreme court to hear your case, but they turned us down. I have exhausted every avenue possible.”
“So, it looks like I am stuck in here then.”
Ferguson just replied, “I’m sorry, ma’am, there is nothing else I can do to get you out, and it looks like you will have to stay for the next five years.”
Chapter 2
Ferguson had just told me I was stuck here for the next five years, and there was nothing more he could do to get me out of here.
“Is it possible to make my life here more bearable? See if you can do that for me. The food here is terrible compared to what I am used to eating, and the furnishings and decorations are also substandard. This entire place needs a makeover.”
“I will contact the Dept. of Population Restoration and see if we can work with them. We may have to give the same treatment to everyone in your building, not just you. How much would you be prepared to spend?
“My main issues are the common room furnishings, and our room furnishing could be much higher quality. Also, the decor around this place is abysmal. I would probably have to redo this entire building and bring in proper restaurant chefs. Do you think we could keep costs under $200 million, or do you think I need to spend more?”
“Let me get together a team for you, and if they allow us, we will go in and make an estimate for you.”
In the next couple of weeks, Ferguson was able to talk the government into letting us bring in a team of interior designers and architects that would help renovate this place. If I had to do the same for everyone, it was a small price to pay since I would be here for the next five years.
The very first thing we did was to improve the food situation. We brought in a new restaurant kitchen staff with a couple of renowned chefs. The interior designers went through the cafeteria and turned the place into a high-end restaurant with new tables and décor.
Penelope and I went in for our first meal. Other than we could not drink alcohol, it was just like a high-end restaurant. We were given menus and selected our entrées. I was so happy we were able to do this. The food was worth eating again. All the pregnant girls thought this place was amazing.
The interior designers worked their magic in the rest of the building. They brought in new furnishing and slowly renovated the rooms starting at my floor and working their way down. When I was able to go back into my former room, I was amazed, as it now looked like a first-class hotel suite. Penelope was wide-eyed, looking around at our new accommodations.
“This is all for us? I have never lived in such a beautiful room, and our beds are so comfortable now.”
I could not have them make separate bedrooms due to the space considerations, but we now shared a beautiful bedroom.
When we walked around the common areas, I heard people talking together. The story going around was that a billionaire was living here, and she used her money to transform this institution into a five-star resort. No one knew it was me, and I managed to keep all of my conversations private. The people coming in to do the work didn’t know who I was either, and I wanted to keep it that way.
Slowly, this entire building was renovated into a luxury resort fit for a queen. I was proud of what I had accomplished, and everyone around me thought the place was now incredible.
My people created a spa, saunas, hot tubs for the fitness area since they initially only had a pool and change rooms.
I didn’t forget about the insemination rooms either. I heard they were simply a room with a bed, and they were all turned into honeymoon suites.
We completely transformed the recreation area. My people brought in new state-of-the-art VR equipment, replacing all the old display panels on the wall. We constructed a new theatre to attend live plays and operas and watch classic movies.
Outside our company landscaped the gardens and paths around the building and added an outdoor swimming pool and hot tubs along with a sunbathing area and a juice bar.
Now I felt comfortable again. I didn’t feel like I was in prison, but I was now in a resort, living my life as I was more accustomed to living. I called up Ferguson to tell him.
“Barbara, it’s so lovely to hear from you. I wanted to let you know that the Dept. of Population Restoration was so impressed with the renovations that we performed on your building that they have contracted us to coordinate renovations on the rest of the facilities they currently run. It seems that the government wants to retain the transformed females they now have, and once they interviewed the girls here and found they all now loved the place and didn’t want to leave. You have them very excited now, ma’am, and we will make back all the money we spent renovating your building ten-fold.”
I was happy from this turn of events and glad that we could profit from doing this.
“My life is much more bearable now, Ferguson, and give my regards to the team for all their ideas.”
I heard my name over the speaker system as I walked around the new resort. I met Penelope and a few of the other girls I had made friends with since I lived here. Since I had finished my first period, I reported for fertility testing.
“Barbara, our tests show you are fertile and ovulating now. We will announce when it is your time to use an insemination room. You have no problems with one of our male employees performing this task for you, or would you prefer artificial insemination?”
“I don’t feel comfortable with natural insemination, but I am open to trying out new experiences in my life, and since I am now in a woman’s body, I want to have sex as one too.”
The next afternoon, my name was announced over the speaker to report to the insemination wing. I finished up my lunch and walked over there.
The attendant brought me into a beautifully appointed suite. The room had softly lit lights, and music played in the background. She showed me how to adjust the lights to my liking and change the theme. There was also a screen that would display pornography to get me into the mood if I wanted, and a remote was on a nearby table.
Soon an incredibly handsome muscular young man entered the room. I was envious of him as a body like his was the one I had initially signed up for when I transformed.
“He said, “Hello Barbara, how are you? I haven’t seen another girl that looks like you here. You look stunning, by the way. You seem to be a step above the rest. By the way, my name is Thomas.”
“I bet you say that to every girl here.”
“No, really, you are unique. I have been working here for a while now, and no one else looks like you. Many of the other girls here look similar to each other, like sisters. You are stunningly beautiful.”
“I wanted to tell him why I looked different from every other girl, but just smiled and said, “Thank you for being so kind to me.”
He removed his robe, and I got my first look at his massive erect cock. It was indeed a work of art. He walked over to me and removed my teddy. He held me in an embrace and began to kiss me, and slowly seduce me. I became more and more aroused as this Adonis continued to work his magic on me. More than anything, I desired to take his cock into my mouth, as the need was overwhelming me. I knelt in front of him and managed to take the head of his huge cock and felt it enter my mouth, licking it, kissing it, and tasting it.
“Oh, that feels great babe, keep going.”
I was so incredibly horny at this point. I had never felt this way before when I was a man. My entire body was alive, and when he massaged my nipples, a wave of pleasure washed over my body. It was unbelievable. I was soon able to relax my throat and take him deeper into me. Thomas grabbed my head and slowly pushed his cock deep down my throat. I couldn’t breathe, but I was enjoying this much more than I thought I would. He pulled out and let me catch a breath, and continued to slowly fuck my face. I thought he was about to cum, but then he pulled out, helped me up, and guided me over to the bed. He let me lay down and then got on top of me and continued to kiss me, as well as work my nipples, as these feelings of bliss continued to wash over me.
“You know, you are something, girl. I love being the one with you right now. And don't worry, I know you are a virgin.”
Thomas continued to kiss me, and he took my hand, brought it down to my clitoris, and showed me where to rub my finger. It was like a switch turned on, and my level of excitement was turned up full. I must have had five orgasms while he fucked me harder and massaged my boobs, and I was screaming by the end of it. I had never felt like this in my life, and it was indeed an exceptional experience. All too soon, it was over, and he left me lying there in bed and kissed me goodbye.
“Thank you for the amazing experience, Barbie. I enjoyed sex with you.”
Thomas left the room and left me in a daze.
During the next nine months, I got to know the other girls. One day I went out wondering where everyone was. I walked into the restaurant and heard an ancient 20th century song playing over the music system.
“Bah Bah Bah, Bah Barbara Ann,
Bah Bah Bah, Bah Barbara Ann,
Oh, Barbara Ann,
Take my hand, Barbara Ann
You got me rocking and a rolling
Rocking and a reeling, Barbara Ann
Bah Bah Bah, Bah Barbara Ann….”
By now, I was the color of a beet; I was blushing so much. The silly song continued to play Barbara Ann, and the girls were all standing there and yelled out,
“Surprise! Happy Birthday, Barbie!”
I asked what happened, but the word had gotten out that I was the mysterious billionaire formerly known as Bradly Rutherford and was responsible for the building’s makeover into a resort. The girls all congratulated me for doing everything I did. I felt so embarrassed since I was only thinking about myself at first, and everyone else was included since that was the only way they would let me renovate the building.
“But how did you girls find out? I thought my identity was a secret.”
Penelope laughed, “Barbie, it wasn’t as hard to figure out as you think. You are the only girl here who looks the way you do, and you are unique compared to everyone else. You are the most stunningly beautiful girl in this place.”
They now all knew my secret, so I asked everyone if they liked the changes so far, and they all clapped and cheered for me. I then told them to send me an email if anyone could think of any further improvements, and I would see what we could do. Now I was the heroine, and everyone was even nicer to me than before. The girls had thought about improvements, and we implemented many of their suggestions that helped us all out.
The day came that my water broke. I called Ferguson and told him that I would give birth and inform the center we would immediately adopt my child. I gave birth to a healthy boy, and when I told the nurses we were adopting him, they let me hold him in my arms until my team arrived to take the child.
I said, “You are my first son, and your name will be Bradly Thomas Rutherford.”
I had to admit that this was the most significant accomplishment in my life despite everything else I had done. I didn’t have an heir to my fortune, and this boy was the first of five of my new heirs.
I had three months to recover, and then I had another round of sex in an insemination room with Anthony, who was another stud. God, what a body that boy had.
Anthony smiled and said, “Hi Barbie, you are legendary around here. How would you like it today? Soft and sweet? Hard and heavy?”
I smiled and said, “I will leave it up to you, Anthony, since you are way better at this than I am.”
He played me like a virtuoso and even fucked me in the rear after first inseminating me. Now that was an experience! Sure I had sex with many women over the years, but sex was on an entirely new level as a female. I never realized how a woman felt during sex, and it was so much better than sex as a man. It was simply incredible.
I was getting regular video updates on Bradly, and he was doing great with my nannies. When my water broke, the day finally came, and they took me over to the maternity wing. I soon gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We made arrangements for her adoption, and I was allowed to hold her until my people arrived to take her back to my estate. I smiled and kissed my beautiful girl.
“Your name will be Penelope Antonia Rutherford,” and I kissed her forehead as I waited. Once again, I held my baby until a team arrived to take her back to my estate. The saddest part was to give her up, but at least I knew she would be waiting for me once I left this place.
The time here was moving much quicker than I figured it would. I even took a few online courses and worked on a business degree. I knew hundreds of girls here on a first-name basis, and they were all amazed I could remember them all. But other people didn’t have my skill in this area, so I contracted for all the girls to get a gold badge with their name engraved on it. They all loved my idea.
I loved swimming in the pool and relaxing in the hot tubs with the other girls. In the summer, I was out suntanning with them on the patio. Of course, I worked with the personal trainers in the fitness center to stay in shape and took long walks around the grounds when I could. Playing video games wasn’t my thing, but the other girls enjoyed it, and I used to watch them play using a VR headset.
The food kept getting more and more delicious, so I had to stay fit so I wouldn’t gain too much weight. None of the girls ever complained about the quality of our food; they all thought it was fantastic.
It was again time to meet a new alpha male and let him have his way with me three months later. I was looking forward to it, and the sex was always excellent with these guys. Richard took me for a ride around the world a few times and left me breathless in my afterglow when he finished with me. He thanked me for renovating the building and told me the guys all had as lovely quarters as the girls did, and I smiled and told him he was welcome.
“Thank you, Richard, you were amazing, and I will never forget this time with you.”
Richard just smiled and kissed me for a while afterward.
Now carrying my third child, I am currently in a routine and progressing on my degree and managing my portfolio in my spare time. While I was in this center, I had almost doubled my wealth, and I was glad that I now would have heirs to pass it along to after I was gone.
Here I was, formerly an old guy in the twilight of his life, and I now had a long life ahead of me again. Being here for five years was a small price to pay since I had made so many new friends here. Being genetically perfect also had given me the advantage of living a long life, and I could expect to be living for at least 100 years.
My third child was a boy, and I named him Richard Edwin Rutherford after the man who was his father and my grandfather. Once again, I held him until my people could arrive to take my new child back to my estate.
Skipping ahead, my time here is almost over. I have one last child to be born, and then I will leave this place and return to my old life.
My businesses need talented people, so I told all the girls to contact me if they didn’t want to return here, and I would find a place for them in my organization. But I added, there was nothing to be ashamed about if they wanted to return since you are all helping humanity survive.
Looking back, I had given birth to four children, Bradley, Penelope, Richard, and Stephanie. I was a little depressed that I had missed so much with my earlier children and could only watch them grow up on video.
I had my final child, and he was a boy.
“Your name is Alex Jonathan Rutherford, after your father and my late brother,” I said as I kissed him.
I held him and kissed him goodbye when my people came to pick him up.
It was now the end of my tour. I would soon be leaving this place as I had performed my obligation to the state as a transformed female. I had a party with the girls on my last night.
“I want to toast everyone here. I will miss you all, and my offer to everyone stands.”
I was overcome and started crying as everyone congratulated me and wished me well.
The following day, I stood out front crying that I would miss this place when a limo stopped to pick me up.
Ferguson got out of the car and shook my hand, and said, “Welcome back, Ma’am; we are happy to take you home.”
I got into the limo with a heavy heart, and we left for my estate.
Once back at my home, I immediately went up to see my children. The oldest two ran to meet me as I knelt to greet them.
“Mommy is home, darlings, and I am so happy to see you all.”
They were a bit shy at first, but I explained, “I was unable to come home until now, but now that I am here, I will never leave you again.”
I now had five children, Bradley, Penelope, Richard, Stephanie, and Alex, aged four down to a newborn, and I was in heaven. I picked up my first two children, and we walked over to the cribs to see my other kids. My motherly instincts were in overdrive, and I kissed my oldest two kids as I held them.
“Look how cute you are,” and I kissed them both once more.
I began to cry again. Right now, my life was perfect, and things couldn’t get any better.
Chapter 3
I love my life now with all my children. I had to learn how to help raise them, but I had experienced nannies to help me. We had a big playground outside, and I would go out and nurse my littlest ones while watching my older kids play on the gym sets and swings. They always had a ball out there, and I could watch them play for hours. If it was raining outside, we had a huge playroom for them inside.
Their birthdays brought me joy. All of my kids had birthdays within the same week as each other, so we would generally have one big birthday celebration, and every year it was a different birthday of one of my children as we would cycle through them. The kids seemed to prefer it this way, as it brought them closer. They would all have their little birthday cakes and blow out their candles. Of course, I was always sure to give them lots of birthday presents, not just clothes.
I was in contact with many transformed females and would help them to find their children if they were in foster care once they left the center. We provided many services for our girls and would help them find whatever they needed. We reunited many transformed females with their children, and I made it a centerpiece of the Rutherford Foundation for Transformed Females.
The years went by, and my kids were slowly growing up. The oldest ones began to go to school, and we would take them there every day and pick them up afterward. They made new friends since there were so many kids their age now, and we were constantly having sleepovers here with their friends. Soon all my children were going to school during the day, and it was lonely not having them around with me.
My mind began to think of how their lives would be and if they would get married, start a family, and have children. The Feminists were still in power, and I began to worry that they would fall for the Feminist line and we would be right back where we started again.
It was now ten years since I left the Birthing Centre. I had spent most of my time caring for all my children, and I loved them all very much, but I still felt I had something more to do in my life and help our children find their way.
My oldest boy is now 14, and my youngest is 9. I would have never believed how rewarding it is for women to have children and take care of them. This way of thinking goes against the prevailing Feminists who are still in charge of our government.
I have been debating for years if I could do something about the present sad state of our country. After all, our government created transformed females to fill the gap left by feminist women who thought it was better to pursue a career instead of getting married and having a family. They all seemed to be very miserable in their lives. I certainly knew this feeling, and after I had transformed myself, I found true happiness in life, having my children and raising them. Even if this wasn’t my original intent, it was how things worked out, and I was happier afterward.
What worried me was if these feminists would corrupt the minds of the new young people who will soon be old enough to date? And I certainly don’t want them to go down the same path taken before.
Only the transformed females had prevented a population collapse due to their Feminist policies. I felt more and more strongly about this and decided to plan politically. I would support family-oriented candidates, become the opposition to feminists and point out the error of their ways.
My first step was to talk to community leaders and other transformed females who were usually highly educated.
We started a grass-roots movement that included everyone who wanted to listen, and our message was, our society must change, or it is doomed. I helped many transformed females track down their offspring and adopt them like I had since they were well off after receiving the government bonus after a second term. We have a second chance with all these new children, and I don’t want us to blow it as we did previously.
We started having rallies. People in our movement kept telling me to get up and make a speech. One night I finally agreed, and it was so much fun; I took my kids on the stage to show them off. I got behind the podium and began my speech.
“Hello everyone! I am so glad you took the time and came here tonight to listen to us talk about something we have lost, The American family. As you know, I am much older than I look. I was 82 years old and foolishly wanted to transform into an Alpha Male to extend my life. That wasn’t possible for me, and I ended up transforming into the woman you see before you now. Now the Feminists don’t consider me a “real” woman. To them, I am nothing more than a Transformed Female and not a woman at all. They could take away the rights I regained after five years spent in a birthing center at any time. While in the birthing center, I gave birth to the five beautiful children you see standing before me. Kids, give the crowd a wave.”
My kids always loved this part, jumping up and waving at everyone in the crowd, and the crowd continuously roared their approval.
“My children represent the future of our country. I would like them to find a mate, get married, and start their own family. This path is the only way humanity will survive. The feminists seem to have forgotten this fact. Marriage is all but dead in this country, and there were few children born until the men stepped up and became Transformed Females to save humanity. Birthing all these children was a great sacrifice on their part, and I want everyone to clap for the job they all did for us. And are still doing it as I speak.”
Again, the crowd roared their approval.
“In all of this, did the Feminists join in and became pregnant too? No, they just sat back and ensured the men would transform and become pregnant for them and leave them out of it, thanks.”
“I feel sorry for them. The greatest thing in life is a woman can become pregnant and help raise a family with her husband. I have given birth five times now, and I felt immense pride and satisfaction in myself every time for doing so. I believe it was the greatest thing I have accomplished in my life, and all those billions of dollars I made are worthless compared to the value I place on my children. Every day that I help raise my children, I feel that it is my true purpose in life, and I am on this planet for no other reason. Anything else we do in life should support having and raising kids. Sure, I didn’t feel this way as a man; I had lost sight of this basic human idea. But when I became a transformed female and gave birth, something inside me changed, and I realized how lucky I was to do this.”
“Maybe you think I am preaching to you, and I am, but I do want to impress upon you all that there is nothing in life more important than having children and raising them to be young adults.”
“We must change our mindsets and realize what is important. Sure, having a career is good, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your family.”
“I hope you go home tonight and think about what I have said here. We have a great future ahead of us, but only if we take heed and proceed forward, helping our children find a mate and start their own families. It sounds so simple. So why are the feminists opposed to this idea? If you have a feminist representative in government, why not call her up and ask her why she thinks people getting married and having families is a bad idea?”
“I thank you all for coming out, and have a good night.”
Many of the crowd would cheer me, and most were transformed females and single men in the audience. There were also a few women there, and every rally I had, they kept growing in number.
I did numerous media interviews and kept on my platform that we have only one more chance at setting humanity on the road back to being prosperous again, which was to embrace having a family. Somewhere along the way, we had lost sight of this. I know back in the early 20th century; women were treated poorly. They got more rights in the 21st century, and the women’s feminist movement took hold politically. But they forgot about having a family and how people must reproduce to survive. Now in the 22nd century, we were reaping the disaster that the Feminist movement had sown.
Could I change people’s minds about what we had to do? I knew that we had many people agreeing with what we had to say, and all I could do was continue.
One day, I received a call from Gary Caldwell, the Republican National Committee chairperson. He quizzed me on a few things, and I found that we had much in common. The chairperson told me that he loved what I had to say. For many years the Republicans were thought of as the party of white racists and intolerant people. That had started in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Their popularity had waned over the years. At best, they would be a minority opposition party now since the racist factions had moved on to other parties. The Republicans were trying to rebuild themselves. After all, the chairman added, the Republicans were the original anti-slavery party and won the first American Civil war. They knew how to stand for good wholesome values, and it was just that for a while, they had lost their way.
I told him I was always an economic conservative in the past and used to think of myself as socially conservative. My most significant change was realizing that governments had to help their people with good programs since not everyone was rich like me. Even though I was pushing for more traditional family values, I was hoping my message would go beyond racism and economic status and unify people in the end.
“We love your message, and the Republicans would like to stand with you for family values and raising children. We could work on this together.”
He then asked me something I hadn’t even thought about yet.
“Barbara, have you considered going all the way and running for President?”
I looked like I was in my mid-twenties, but I had the wisdom of a much older person. He thought I would be the perfect candidate since I knew how to carry myself, and anyone who underestimated me due to my looks would soon find themselves out-gunned and out-classed.
I asked him, “Please allow me to think about this part, as I knew this would take all my time, and I had to have a plan for my children.”
I realized I would need help raising them since I was single, and there were no men my age other than the Alpha males in the birthing centers. I hired a couple of transformed females to help out with my kids and told them I knew they would do a great job helping me out with my children. I also told them I have a large mansion and you can bring your children to stay here. All my kids were in school now, so I couldn’t take them traveling around the country with me. I did have a private jet at my disposal, so I would return to them after attending the rallies.
I found many great people in the transformed females I met, and many of them believed in what I had to say and wanted to help with the campaign. I confided in a few of my closest friends regarding the Republican party’s proposal. Most thought they had an organization that could help us while they were aligning themselves to our message. It wasn’t the other way around.
I called the Republican chairman, “Ok, Gary, let’s work together and see where this takes us. I can certainly use your help.”
In the meantime, the Feminist Party was giving me a run for my money. They continued to criticize me at every turn and tried to get people to distrust and disbelieve my message. I took the high road, continued to promote my message, and used all media to get it out there. I also targeted the older children of the transformed females with ads geared towards them. I wanted them to know that I had great hopes for them, that they would be able to go out and show us how to help our world survive.
The election year was starting, and I held larger and larger rallies. People began to ask me if I would run for President, and the news media overwhelmingly asked this question in every interview I did. Now and then, if we held a rally on the weekend, I would bring my children out with a couple of nannies, and they were always excited to see the crowds. It was beginning to become a movement.
In my speech, I would show off my kids, tell people that these young people you see are our future, and I don’t want to see them waste their lives like we did, instead of going after what is essential in life.
Yes, the feminists were still on their message of woman’s rights, and I would counter that everyone has a right to have a family, and my message was always family first. I would remind everyone that the Feminists took away my fundamental rights as a transformed female. I am as every bit a woman as any of them, yet they still won’t legally give me the same status that they have. So why don’t the Feminists talk about Transformed women’s rights?
We had so many new Transformed Female candidates in our party now since they all realized how poorly the Feminists had treated them and stripped them of their rights. The crowds would cheer me on. Our speeches were ones of hope and optimism, and I kept soldiering on with my message.
One night after I gave my speech and met and greeted people, a young man walked up to me. I stared at him and realized,
“Oh my God, Thomas, it’s you!”
Thomas was my first alpha male. He was the one who had taken my virginity and helped me become pregnant with Bradley.
“Thomas, how are you doing?” I asked him.
“Well, Barbie, I am doing fine. I left the birthing center with a law degree and have been working as a lawyer now, but I must say I miss seeing all the girls there, and it was a dream job for me. I sired thousands of children while I worked there, and I wish I could meet every one of my kids."
“Bradley,” I waved at my oldest son, “Come over here. I would like you to meet someone. Brad, this is your father, Thomas.”
Bradley stood there silently, looking at his father, whom he had never seen. Thomas knelt, and they hugged each other. It was such a touching moment that I never thought I would see happen.
“Thomas, we are going out for dinner now. Would you like to come along with us, and we can catch up with each other?”
“That sounds great, Barbara. I would enjoy that.”
“By now, the rest of my kids came over to meet Thomas. He hugged every one of them and told them; I wish I could have been a father to all of you.”
We all got into our limo, and Thomas followed us to a local restaurant. He turned out to be a brilliant young man, though Thomas told me that he was in his 50s when he became an alpha male. Thomas told me he had expected to become a female since that was what they had told him, and he was shocked to wake up and find out that not only was he still a man, but an incredibly handsome one at that. Thomas was one of the best-looking men I had ever seen. I laughed and told him he was right.
Not to be outdone, Thomas said, “Barbara, you are the most exquisite woman I have ever met. Our time together was the highlight of my career in the birthing center. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you, including other beautiful transformed women. I know that transformed females are all genetically perfect women, but you bring perfection to an entirely new level.”
We got our menus and ordered dinner. Thomas and I chatted through the meal. I smiled at his comments.
“Barbara, I don’t know if you are seeing anyone else, but if you can find the time for me, I would love to date you and find out more about you. I would love to begin a relationship with you, and as we share much in common (while looking at Bradley), I think we would do well together.”
Thomas had stirred something in me. Sure, I had my children, but there was a hole in my life that I could never fill. Maybe Thomas could be the one for me. We had already had one child together, and Thomas was good with my children, and I could see it wasn’t an act. Thomas had told me that he regretted never getting married, and he had always wanted to do so in the worst way. He was one of the casualties of the feminists.
I held on to Thomas’s hand and looked him in his beautiful eyes, and told him, “I would love to get to know you better.” I gave him my number, and we set up a date after my next rally.
I asked him, how would you feel about joining my movement to counter the feminist attitude in this country? He gave me a big grin and said, where do I sign?
We both laughed and enjoyed the evening together.
Month after month, we continued to hold rallies, and they kept growing in size. My message was always the same, I wanted to restore marriage to its rightful place in our society, and I didn’t worry about anything else. I knew that if we established marriage as usual again, everything else would fall into place. Men would work harder for their families, and the economy would naturally grow as the new families grew.
I started seeing Thomas, and he was helping in the campaign, and we began to fall for each other. Sure, Thomas had had sex with other women probably over 1000 times, but it was his job, and he kept telling me of all the girls he was with that I was at the top of his list. I kept telling myself, don’t move too fast, but Thomas was as mentally mature as I was. Even though we were youthful-looking, we had been through life already and had the experience to realize what we wanted in a mate.
I joined the Republican party and announced that I would be running for President, and everyone I met told me I had an excellent shot at winning. I kept doing rallies, and we started to advertise our party platform and how I wanted to restore family values to America. Thomas was a huge benefit for us. He knew so many people and often found people who wanted to donate to our cause. We kept gaining candidates who would run on our platform, and I was now the front runner as the Republican Presidential nominee.
I went into the Republican convention feeling like an outsider, but the party welcomed me with open arms. I made my speech, and the people loved it.
The delegates overwhelmingly voted me in as the Republican nominee for President. The party unveiled our campaign platform and our slogan, Family First!
I continued my speeches at the rallies, bringing my children out when I could, and often Thomas would introduce me to the crowd and stand behind me while I was giving my speech.
It wasn’t long before I did an interview, and they asked me about my relationship with Thomas. I told them we had first met when I was at the birthing center, and he had contacted me later after we had both left. Thomas was the father of my first child and held a special place in my heart. We are exploring our relationship together, and we will find out where it leads us.
We soon found ourselves on the cover of Famous People magazine with the caption “Our New First Family?” Neither of us would shy away from this publicity, and Thomas soon accompanied me everywhere. You didn’t see one of us without the other.
We both became much closer during this time as we spent many nights together. My children also all loved Thomas. Bradley called him Daddy now, and soon my other children called him Daddy as well.
Thomas took it all in with fatherly pride, saying, “I can’t be a father to just Bradley. I have to treat the kids all the same.”
We had play dates with the kids, and I was beginning to think of Thomas as part of our family. He was starting to be much more than a boyfriend in my eyes.
n the late summer, we were out together having dinner at a restaurant. Thomas suddenly stood up in front of me.
He called out in a loud voice, “May I have everyone’s attention?”
The restaurant fell silent, and I could hear the chefs working in the kitchen.
“As you can all see, I am with Barbara Rutherford tonight, and we have been together for over a year now. Barbara is quite simply the most exquisite woman I have ever met in my life.”
“Tonight, I would like you all to be my witness as I ask her for her hand in marriage.”
He knelt in front of me, opening a box holding a magnificent engagement ring, and asked, “Barbara, will you marry me?”
I was stunned and in awe. I stared at Thomas and the ring and said one word in reply, “Yes.”
The roar of the other diners was overwhelming as Thomas placed the ring on my finger. He helped me to my feet, and we embraced and kissed to even more applause and cheering.
Thomas whispered to me and said. “The ‘Family First’ candidate should have a complete family. And since I love you so much, I felt I was the one to become your husband.”
I smiled and kissed him again. It was all looking so fairytale perfect, but I knew the real man behind the youthful exterior, and he knew my feelings as well. We smiled and enjoyed the rest of the evening together. For the rest of the evening, the other diners would come over and congratulate us for being the perfect young couple together.
Thomas and I were both very seriously in love with each other now, and we would stay at each other’s homes. He didn’t care about my wealth and said, “If you want a prenuptial agreement, I will sign it. I only want to be your husband and the father that your children need. I love you, Barbara, not your money.”
Thomas was the first person I knew that openly said this to me. My fortune had sabotaged every relationship for my entire life, but it wouldn’t be the case this time. I did have my lawyers write one up, but it had a time limit and was only conditional if one party was unfaithful to the other. I didn’t think this would be a problem with either of us, as our love was getting stronger every day we had together.
We continued on the campaign trail, and I got to see most of the country. It was sad seeing the ruins of some of our once-great cities, but I felt if we got our country back on the right track, maybe these places could thrive again in the future.
On election night, Thomas, our children, and I were at the Republican National headquarters watching the election results come in. The results were back and forth all night, but as the end of the night approached, it was just too close to call. We went back to our hotel suite, and we would find out what happened tomorrow.
Chapter 4
We woke up the following day and turned on the news for the election returns, and they were still counting ballots. We had room service breakfast, and we got the kids and ourselves ready and went back to the headquarters with my family.
Vice President Cindy Williams and I took the stage together and waved to the crowd. I haven’t talked much about Cindy, but she was a Transformed Female like me, and she worked just as hard on the campaign as I had. Cindy was one of the earliest people who believed what I was doing was right, and we had helped her find and adopt her children as well. Though she had ten children, four were now young adults, and six remained with her. Our kids were best friends and often seen in each other’s company.
The returns started coming in by the afternoon, and we were winning State after State. By dinnertime, we had won the threshold needed for a victory. I got up to make a victory speech,
“Hello everyone, yesterday America told us that they want me to lead this country. America has been bruised and battered. Our work is cut out for us, and we have a long way to go before our country gets back on the right track. But I am optimistic that the people have spoken and you want us to do the job we promised. Now it’s time to put our Families First and get America back on the right path. Thank you for trusting me to do this; I won’t let you down.”
By the end of the day, it was apparent that the Feminist party was decimated in the election. We won majorities in both the Congress and the Senate and were poised to make significant changes to our nation.
The Feminists were not going down without a fight. Even though they had lost at the polls, they were scrambling to see if they could fight the election results by claiming that the election was stolen from them and I had somehow won illegally. Feminist state governments had tried to overrule the election results in a few states and declare them invalid. There were huge protests, and those governments were run out of office by massive angry demonstrations.
I was amazed that the Feminists would try to pull something like this since the people had spoken in the past that our democracy would hold and no one could steal an election and override the voter’s will.
Then the Feminist President did something that I thought was purely vindictive and evil. She signed an executive order banning Transformed Females from holding public office and banning Transformed Females from marriage.
“That bitch, she can’t win at the polls, so now she thinks that she can steal this election from the voters with this bullshit!” I said as I was livid. “And she’s trying to keep me from marrying Thomas. There is no way in hell you will get away with this.”
I was stunned at this blatant power grab. By doing this, the President was trying to invalidate the election results and had banned my other Transformed Female candidates, the Vice President, and me from holding office. Not only that, since I had publicized my engagement, she had forbidden me from getting married to Thomas.
I called my lawyers to see how we could fight this before Inauguration Day. We immediately filed for an injunction to prevent this new law from taking place. We then petitioned the Supreme Court to rule on her order, saying it was unconstitutional and I should be allowed to hold office and get married.
In mid-December, we stood in front of the Supreme Court, and we stated our case against these unprecedented laws. Well, the court agreed with us, saying it was an unconstitutional attempt at restricting the rights of Transformed Females.
I thought the President would try something else, but I guess she finally admitted defeat and relented.
In January, I went to Washington with my kids and Thomas, and they swore me in along with Vice President Williams. Conspicuous by their absence, no members of the Feminist party, including the former President, were in attendance. I was now the President, and I was still amazed that we had done it. After the Inauguration, Thomas and I went over to the White House, but the Feminist President, Racheal Black, had already vacated the premises. The staff graciously took us on a tour of the White House, and I told my kids there were many bedrooms they could choose from here. It was the first time that children lived in the White House for many years.
I looked at Thomas and asked him if he wanted to move in with me.
Thomas smiled and said, “Not until I marry you.”
I smiled and replied, “Fair enough. I guess you will have to make an honest woman out of me.”
Once we moved in, we started setting up our administration and hiring all the people we needed. A wealth of transformed females wanted to work with me, and we were hiring them in great numbers as well as women and men who were willing to work in our administration.
When we thought we were ready, I made a state of the union speech in Congress. I wanted to outline to the American people what we wanted to do in our first four years in government. We took it for granted that we wouldn’t finish everything in my first term, but we wanted to give it our best shot.
“My fellow Americans, I am standing in front of you tonight since we are about to change our country back to the way it should have always been. Years of Feminist mismanagement and their abandonment of the marriage between two people had almost destroyed this country. If it wasn’t for the single men of our country stepping up and transforming into females to bring back children to our great nation, we might have lost our country forever. Yet the Feminist women watched and did nothing while the men made all the sacrifices to do this for them. We all owe the Transformed Females a debt of gratitude.”
“Now the transformed females have given us a baby boom, and these children will soon be of marrying age. I don’t want to see our country fall back into the mess we were in before. We have a unique opportunity to set these young adults on the right path that humanity has traditionally taken. We will promote marriage and help our young couples buy a home and raise a family. Two young adults can do no nobler action than be married and raise a family.”
“We are only at the beginning, and I don’t know how far or quickly we will get down this road. We may have unforeseen issues ahead, but please remember that we plan to proceed and follow our plan. Thank you and goodnight.”
We began our year passing new legislation to help single transformed females adopt their children from social services. We also looked at changing divorce laws, making it harder to divorce. If a couple divorced, they would just split assets 50-50 without the burden of alimony, and we set child support at reasonable levels. We made it easier for people to get married with grants and programs to support young families when they needed financial help.
We turned our eyes towards the education system and adopted a curriculum that promoted families with men and women marrying to start a family. We didn’t discourage women from taking a career. Instead, we explained that a woman’s primary responsibility was to her family, and if a career helped her do so, it was in her best interest.
I hadn’t realized how much the women and men who were the children of the transformed females were different from the Feminists. These young women seemed to be very feminine and have highly maternal instincts, and the young men were just as likely to want to marry them. I don’t know if the scientists purposely made their DNA this way, but they were strongly attracted to each other, and most of them wanted to get married and start a family. One day I would investigate this phenomenon. Their mutual attraction was a welcome surprise for me, and it made our plans much easier to accomplish.
We promoted marriage and helped young people get together to marry. We set up grants and tax breaks for young families to help them get started. We reversed the transformed female laws, declaring we were all women and telling them they now had equal rights to natural-born women.
The great transformed female programs had run out of men, and we opened them up to anyone who wanted to become a young woman. We would still perform the procedure for no charge, but you would have to sign a contract to stay in a birthing center for five years, and you would be paid for your time there. We also would give significant bonuses to any new woman willing to sign up for a second or third term. Our Transformed Female retention rate was over 80%.
We found that many older women, long past their childbearing years, signed up for the procedure to become young women again. These women found joy in giving birth, many for the first time in their lives. We also supported the transformed women to find their offspring and adopt them, and many girls did just that.
I had a slight pause in the spring, and Thomas and I were married. My children were part of the ceremony, and I was able to get my transformed women friends as my bridesmaids, and Thomas found his alpha buddies to become his grooms. Of course, it ended up being this massive production in the Washington Cathedral and streamed live on the media.
When Thomas and I walked out of the Cathedral together, the crowds waiting for us were huge, and we waved to them as we got into our limo.
“Hi everyone! I am so happy that you decided to come out and cheer us on!”
We had a massive celebration at a convention center as we had so many friends that we invited and all our candidates and their families. The party went on into the wee hours, and Thomas and I were exhausted when he carried me into the Presidential suite at our hotel.
“Well, here we are, Babs, we finally made it, and I made an honest woman out of you.” Thomas gave me a passionate kiss.
“Let me help you get out of that wedding dress.”
“That’s a great idea, Tom. Let me help you get out of that tuxedo.”
“Damn girl, you look so hot, you have always been the girl for me, and I am going to ravish your ass off tonight,” Tom said, then he kissed me passionately again.
We both had some energy left, and Thomas and I made sweet love with each other until daybreak when we finally fell asleep in each other’s arms.
I was too busy to go on an extended honeymoon, but we did spend a week afterward in Hawaii for a short one and had a great time. We flew out on Air Force One, and the secret service and the news media accompanied us. They tried to keep tabs on us at all times, but we still managed to find our privacy when we could.
We returned rested from our break; Thomas moved into the White House and became my First Gentleman. We had such happy times together, and Thomas and the children always kept my spirits up. Now and then, we would all fly back to our estate in California for a break, and I would set up my western White House. I was often busy as President but never did so at the expense of my family, as it was always “Family First” for me.
I would go on live broadcasts, give State of the Union addresses, and regularly update people on the increased marriage numbers. Our young people were starting to get married in increasing numbers.
New families were springing up all over the place as more young people became of marrying age. My oldest two children both had a steady boyfriend and girlfriend, though they were not at marrying age yet.
Then something unexpected happened to me.
“Tom, you are not going to believe this, but I’m pregnant!” I told Thomas, and he was overjoyed and kissed me.
“Babs, I am so happy. I love you, girl, this is excellent news. We have another child together,” he said as he kissed me again.
We told our children I was pregnant with another child, and they thought I was the greatest mom! I did have an IUD placed in my uterus, but with all the lovemaking, I became pregnant anyway. That alpha male sperm of Toms found a way.
Soon, the word got out that we had another first with my presidency. I would be the first woman president to give birth in office. We both thought it was terrific, even though I had planned not to get pregnant again. Thomas and I just took things in stride, and neither of us regretted I was pregnant.
As I grew larger and larger, we continued with the family first policies. In many abandoned parts of our old cities, our young families built homes with the government’s help. Our cities were growing once again. The economy was picking up steam. Everything I thought would happen if we could restore families was happening.
As I grew in size, my popularity increased as well. Though the feminists didn’t like me, more people thought my way, and my popularity increased with my belly size. I was nearing 80% popularity which is something unheard of in politics. Sure, I was a Republican, but I represented all Americans and was never partisan.
Today was the day. I got up early in the morning, and my water broke as I had a coffee.
“Tom dear, It looks like today is the day for me, as my water just broke.”
Thomas was excited and rushed around, getting everything ready for my hospital visit.
“Thomas, please calm down and have a coffee with me.”
“Sorry, Babs, but I have to get everything ready for you.”
The Secret Service drove us out to the hospital, and I met with Vice President Williams. We swore in Cindy as President while I was giving birth, and she was tickled pink.
I smiled and said, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” and we laughed together.
Like in the old days, I was in labor for only a few hours and had no complications in childbirth. I had a new baby girl, so I kept up my alternating boys and girls streak. I named her Erica Cynthia Rutherford-Holden after my aunt and Vice President Cindy.
If you were wondering, Holden was Thomas’ surname, and when we married, we changed our last names to reflect that. I wanted to make it Holden-Rutherford, but Thomas insisted that our new surname was mine first since it sounded better and ladies go first. I insisted that all my children were also renamed as Rutherford-Holdens as well.
We were taken back to the White House and brought Erica to her new nursery. I was able to hire one of my old nannies, and she moved in as well. I spent as much time as I could with Erica and nursed her as many times as I could. The nanny took care of her at night, so I didn’t have to worry about the night feedings, but I pumped spare breast milk for her when I could. It undoubtedly embarrassed some of my aids if they came into the Oval Office and I pumped my breasts, but they eventually got over it. Erica was a cheerful girl, and even if I felt down due to some political BS that day, Erica always brightened my day as soon as I saw her. That was one great thing about working from home; I could always take a break and visit with my new little girl.
I kept VP Cindy busy traveling around the world for me as I raised Erica that first year, and she loved doing this for me. I would run for a second term, but seeing how well Cindy turned out, I thought she would make a great President one day. It turned out that we had a couple of foreign crises the first year, and Cindy did a great job at putting out the flames.
One night we were invited to a state dinner at the UK embassy. Thomas and I, along with Cindy, attended. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but the UK ambassador had a son around Cindy’s age, and they hit it off with each other completely. If I ever thought there was love at first sight, I witnessed it that night. Cindy was with us when we left and traveled back together, and she was in cloud 9. I asked her about the ambassador’s son, and she just smiled and said to me, we have a date next week if I am not in the Middle East. His name was Richard Hollingsworth, and she had a crush on him big time, as I could see it in her eyes.
She giggled and commented, “I adore his British accent, and he loves me, being from Texas and all.”
Cindy and Richard became an item and were soon seen together at every DC function. The press would post a picture with them with the caption saying “Foreign Relations?” And other silly captions, but neither one cared. I was told that they were even more prominent in the UK. The British tabloids went crazy over them. It seems that our programs were working well in the USA, and other countries like the UK were starting to take notice. Their young people born from their transformed females were also beginning to marry. There was no stopping these kids, and the UK government played catchup with them. In their recent election, the UK Feminist party was soundly defeated. The Conservatives took power after campaigning on a similar pro-family platform. It seems our media was big over in the UK, and their kids could see what was happening here and wanted to do the same as the Americans. The Brits soon passed laws similar to ours and followed our path as it was such a success.
Other countries that had transformed female programs saw the effect of all these new marriages jump-start their economies. Europe, Russia, India, Brazil, and China, where their transformed females had given birth to a baby boom, were experiencing economic growth themselves. Their governments soon announced pro-family policies too. As I predicted, everything else would fall into place if we took care of and helped our young families. There was no longer the pall of stagnation hanging over the world.
A few smaller countries that were not in the transformed females’ program were clamoring for the technology in the UN. It was now a worldwide phenomenon. There seemed to be no talk of war anywhere in the world now. Most countries were reaping the benefits of the baby boom, and where there is stability, there is peace. My term had only a few crises, and I didn’t mind spending more time with my baby and children. America was now humming along like a well-oiled machine, and the country’s optimism hadn’t been higher in over a century. Our country’s population was almost 200 million now and was at the highest level since the 22nd century began.
The midterms went by, and all it meant was the feminists lost big time everywhere. Federally they no longer held any seats, and it was back to the old days with the Republicans and Democrats dueling it out. I worked well with the Democrats. If they came up with any good idea, we would look into it. And in the government, we had many bi-partisan bills we worked on together. The second half of my first term went by so smoothly since the Feminists could no longer be a thorn in my side. Sure, they were still complaining about me on media, but they were hemorrhaging supporters since my policies were working well for the country.
I won reelection for a second term by another landslide, and it was even bigger than before. Thomas and I celebrated with my kids, and two more of them moved away to college now, leaving me with my two youngest children. My oldest two were in serious relationships, and they both found fine mates. I felt like marriages were around the corner for them, but I spoke with both couples and asked them to wait until they graduated. They both agreed, and I was able to postpone the inevitable for at least a year or two.
I wondered why these young people and I were alike in that the women were highly feminine in nature, and the men were extremely masculine. The more I looked, the more I could see this. Still, unlike the older men, none were assholes, but they were all kind and caring to women and treated them with respect and dignity. I also realized that my children and I had an unwavering sense of telling right from wrong, a moral compass, you might say. None of my kids were ever disobedient or rebellious or did anything remotely dishonest. It just didn’t seem to be in their character.
Curious about this, I looked up the father of the Transformed Females project, a brilliant German geneticist named Dr. Merkwürdigliebe, who was now retired. I contacted him and left a message, asking him several questions regarding the Transformed Female project, and he got back to me. We had a fascinating conversation as he told me about the transformed female program.
“Dr. Merkwürdigliebe, I am interested in how you created the mindsets of the transformed females and now their offspring. Every transformed female and their children seem to be different from before.”
“Hans, please call me Hans, Madam President.”
“Yes, Hans, but I must insist you call me Barbara. I was curious about my psyche. I changed physically from before when my doctors transformed me, and I now think differently. We all know a transformed female’s body is genetically perfect and has no genetic defects. But I was wondering how my mind had changed. Even though I was a man, I now have no issues with being a female, and I think of myself as quite feminine. Sexually I have no interest in women any longer, and my sexual attraction is only for men.”
“Well, Barbara, we not only changed your body, but we also unraveled how the human mind works. We were able to extract the memories of your previous life along with your personality and were able to store them as a file on a computer.”
“When we transformed your body, we also changed the genetic code and transformed your brain. We built your sense of femininity into your brain and made sure that you would have a solid understanding to tell right from wrong, and you would always feel compelled to do what is right. You know that some people were bad seeds, consistently dishonest, etc. I didn’t want to have that happen to my children, so I made all of you honest and hardworking. I also gave all of you the ability to respect, cooperate and work with each other. I am sure you have had disagreements, but you were always able to compromise and develop a solution with which all would agree. Tell me, Barbara, have you found anyone with whom you cannot cooperate?”
“Only the Feminists were too stubborn to work with me.”
“But it wasn’t because of you, Barbara. You might say that we gave all the transformed females and alpha males this same basic programming. And then we took your old memories and personality and copied them back into your new mind. Your new mind would have rejected any negative traits you had, but you would retain all of your good characteristics, and your memories would remain intact.”
“Now sexually, we researched this and found that men and women were more attracted to each other when they were utterly masculine or completely feminine. Part of the problem we were having with men and women was that they were becoming too much alike, and they no longer had a sexual desire for each other. This lack of attraction between the sexes had a detrimental effect on our population as people were no longer getting married and having families with each other. We identified this issue and ensured that our transformed men were masculine and our women were feminine. As you have found, men and women are attracted to each other once again and are building families, correct?"
“Yes, Hans, they are now highly attracted to each other and utterly loyal to one another when they marry. Thank you for talking with me today, and if I have any further questions, I will contact you. Goodbye, Hans. I enjoyed our chat.”
I closed the call with the good Doctor and sat back to think about what I had just learned. People would work together and cooperate from now on, building our society back stronger. We probably wouldn’t need armies to defend ourselves in the future since everyone would get along and cooperate. Police may become a thing of the past since no one would be breaking the law. Hospitals would only have emergency rooms for accidents since no one would have any chronic disease. It all sounded like a brave new world, but I had to admit that our societies were functioning smoothly worldwide. No wonder our new children were working out so well with each other. Sure, we all had the choice not to do so, but we always did the right thing. The problem with humanity was always humans, and it seemed Dr. Merkwürdigliebe and his team had improved and perfected us.
We just cruised through my second term compared to my first term in office. It was just amazing. We toured around the country with the kids during my reelection campaign, and I was amazed how the country was turning around after my first term in office. Our cities were being rebuilt and refurbished at an astounding rate. Our country’s industry was expanding again, and we repaired our infrastructure rapidly. Everywhere I went, people were happy and optimistic about the future. We are firmly entrenched in green technologies now, having learned about sustainability and global warming during the 21st century.
Being President on my second term was a cakewalk for me. It was almost boring. We fine-tuned our policies and kept the country running smoothly.
Through the UN, we lent our advice and expertise to any other country that wanted to follow our path, and for the first time that I could remember, we were in no wars, and almost the entire globe was at peace. Sure, we had a few hiccups along the way, but overall, I had a great time as President, and my approval rating was never under 80% for my entire second term in office.
Richard finally popped the question to Cindy, and she said yes to him. We planned a wedding for them both and made it a grand affair. Richard was married in his British Naval Commander’s uniform, and he looked so striking up there beside Cindy. Cindy was wearing a magnificent wedding gown. They made such a lovely couple. We streamed the wedding live in both the US and the UK, and millions of people watched them say, “I do.” We held the reception in the same convention center I used, and there were vast numbers of people from the UK and many members of the Royal Family, to which Richard was related.
I was happy for my loyal VP, and we did this for her since she deserved a lovely wedding. It’s sometimes really great to be a billionaire and treat your friends like this.
I wasn’t worried about how my VP and her new husband would work out their marriage if she became President. I knew they would figure things out.
By now, all my first five children were in college, and we had given my first two children away at their marriages.
Bradley had a beautiful wife, Amanda, and Thomas and I were so happy our son was married. We set up the new family with a nest egg and told them to use it for a new house. Bradley had a great business mind and had gone through Harvard Business school at the top of his class. I employed him in the family enterprise, and he was already an up-and-coming star.
“Thanks, mom, I mean it. You are and will always be an inspiration to me. I love working in the family business now, and I will do you proud.” said Bradley as he kissed and hugged me.
Penelope found an amazing husband, James. Her wedding gown was dazzling, and Thomas walked her down the aisle as I stood there crying with joy that my first baby girl was being married. We gave them the same deal I gave Thomas and Amanda. I was amazed at James, he was as sharp as Bradley, and I employed him in the research division in one of my companies.
“Girls, now that I have you married, if you would like to work anywhere in any of my companies, just say the word.”
“Well, mom, we both have something to tell you first. Both of us conceived on our wedding night. We would sooner do the mothering thing now and worry about having a career later since now we have more important things on the way.”
“Oh. My. God, I’m going to become a grandmother!”
We shared a three-way hug, and I had to get some tissues since I was crying again.
My second term was drawing to a close. In my eight years in office, we had turned our country around and put it back on the track to prosperity again. Cindy was like a daughter to me, or at least my little sister. We convinced Cindy to make a run for President, and she accepted the challenge.
Wouldn’t you know it, but America elected Cindy for President. She won by a landslide, and we congratulated her on election night since they quickly called the election. With the country behind Cindy and Richard as her first Gentleman, I went to announce them on the stage.
I kissed her on the stage and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, here is our new President Cindy Williams-Hollingsworth and our new First Gentleman, Richard Williams-Hollingsworth.”
Thomas and I spent our last days in the White House. We packed up our items and had them shipped back to California. I was proud of what we had accomplished, and we were both happy that Cindy would continue our programs since she believed in them from the start.
On Inauguration Day, we stood behind Cindy and Richard as she was sworn in to become President. We had granted Richard US citizenship though he still had dual UK citizenship.
“Cindy, I am so happy for you, girl. I knew you could do it.”
“You paved the way for me, Barbara, and I wouldn’t be here if you weren’t so good at being President. I owe you everything.”
We took them on a White House tour and showed them the place.
“This is your new home for maybe the next eight years. Make it your own.”
“I love the place, Barbara, and I am thinking up a few changes I can make here and there.”
“It’s your place now, and you are entitled to do what you like.”
We kissed and hugged each other, and then it was time for us to leave one last time on Marine One and then on Air Force One back to California.
Tom and I were finally back in California. It had been eight years since I had lived full-time here, and I had missed the place.
I was past my prime childbearing years and gave birth to six children. We were now biologically in our early 40s, and Tom and I were able to take a long-needed vacation from the hubbub of the presidency. My youngest girl Erica was now eight years old, and we doted over her constantly. We did some traveling that summer with Erica. She had never seen too much outside of the White House, and we amazed her with the sights the world had to offer us.
Thomas and I stood silently watching the sunset over the ocean as we held hands.
I turned to face him, saying, “I couldn’t have done all we did without you, Tom. You are my rock.”
“He looked at me and smiled, then kissed me and said, “And Babs, I may be a rock, but you are the first, the last, my everything.”
I cried with tears of joy as we embraced.
The End