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There was a some loud applause and then the hypnotic intro to 'Can't get you out of my head' started. I danced on the stage, moving my body in rhythm to the beat while taking the mic from Karen and launching into the song. 'La..la..la.....' I began and soon everyone joined in," la...la...la..la..la...." |
"Now I'm sure you'd all like to apologise to Johnie, WOULDN'T YOU?" stated Billie in his slightly incongruous, high pitched voice.
There was the sound of some mumbled comments from the three neo-fascists.
"I don't think Johnie heard that, did you love?" asked the doorman's eighteen stone, muscular boyfriend as he squeezed the throats of the two thugs he held effortlessly, hard against the wall. while pressing his foot down on the other one's shoulder.
"Sorry Johnie," was the louder reply in a ragged unison.
As I covered the final few yards toward the Jolly Sailor I marvelled at how the tableau in front of me had been transformed in a few seconds. The aggression and bravado of the racists had evaporated as soon as Billie's rapid and graceful movements had overcome their feeble opposition to his superior strength.
"Hi Johnie, you OK?" I asked as I reached the entrance, touching his shoulder gently as he stood by the door still holding his painful midriff.
"I'm ok now, I guess, thanks Josie," he replied.
"Hey Josie, you singing tonight?" asked Billie, as he turned his head to greet me while maintaining his vice like grip on Johnie's assailants.
"Yes, 'bout fifteen minutes," I replied.
"You doing my fave tonight?" Billie asked.
I smiled at the gentle giant before replying," of course I am, I know how you all love that song."
"Great, can't wait," he responded, " now, just have to sort out these wastes of space."
He turned his attention back towards his victims.
"Now you scum this is what's going to happen," Bille began, giving an extra squeeze and a stamp for emphasis," firstly you're going to put your wallets and mobiles in Johnie's nice pink bag. ANY legit cards or phones we'll post back, cash is a donation to the Jolly Sailor."
He waited for a few seconds as the three EPP members fumbled with their belongings.
"Now, drop your trousers and pants*," stated Billie forcefully.
The strangled opposition was instantly snuffed out by further squeezes and before long a little pile of clothes had been collected by Johnie.
"Now listen carefully you scum," began Billie, speaking with menace in his voice," when I let you go, you're going to walk away from here, without looking back. You're not ever coming back because if you do me and my friends will give you a good fisting. You understand?"
There were muffled sounds of assent before Billie dropped the first thug on the floor and gave him a push along the road. He was followed by the other two in quick succession and soon the three sorry looking men were waddling as quickly as they could away from the club with their hands covering their groin area.
The three of us laughed at the predicament of the humiliated members of the 'master race' before turning back into the club.
"Thanks love," said Johnie as he put his arm around his boyfriend's waist," I thought I was going to get really hurt there."
"My pleasure my darling," responded Billie giving Johnie a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"That was awesome Billie," I said," got to rush and get ready now, see you later boys," I said before walking off down the dark corridor into the slightly gloomy club.
There were already about fifty mainly male, customers present, some by the bar, some in the lounge area with a few dancing to Angela who was lip-syncing to Madonna's 'Hung Up'.
"Hey Josie," shouted Karen, the middle aged, tall, plump, cross dresser who owned the club," just in time, you got ten minutes hun."
I followed her to the back of the stage to the small changing room. I quickly stripped down to my panties and then put on my push-up bra from my bag. Karen then helped me into the tight, slinky white dress and added some extra touches to my make-up. While she completed my look I told her about my phone call to the police earlier.
"You sure you want to get involved with this hun?" she asked," you know, with all your other issues you don't really need any more complications."
"Dunno Karen, it's all a bit scary really, but I promised Rachel," I responded.
"OK, love, well you let me check him out when he phones and I'll only let him talk to you if I think it's safe," she reassured.
The Madonna songs came to an end and it was time for me to take Angela's place.
Karen walked out to stand in the spotlight.
"Thanks Angela sweetie you were wonderful," she said before she hugged the glamorous drag queen who then left to change after acknowledging the applause.
I looked out at the increasing number of shadowy shapes behind the glare while Karen began her introduction.
"...glad to see the return of our very own Josie, only the two songs again tonight, sorry," she said, pausing for a few groans to die down," but the good news is in a three months she'll be sixteen and can do more singing and less washing of glasses!"
There was some good natured shouts.
"Go Josie!"
"Ditch that washing!"
"We luv ya!"
"So here she is, let's hear it for Josie....."
There was a some loud applause and then the hypnotic intro to 'Can't get you out of my head' started.
I danced on the stage, moving my body in rhythm to the beat while taking the mic from Karen and launching into the song.
'La..la..la.....' I began and soon everyone joined in," la...la...la..la..la...."
"I just can’t get you out of my head
Boy your lovin’ is all I think about
I just can’t get you out of my head
Boy it’s more than I dare to think about, "
As I sang, I gestured to everyone in the heaving crowd in front of me.
I lost myself in the buzz of the performance as everything that had been on my mind throughout the day was blanked out.
Too soon the song finished. I stood still, a little drained, for half a second before loud applause echoed around the room.
"Thanks, hope you enjoyed that one," I said, beginning the introduction to my next song. I noticed a man, so obviously a policeman, even in civilian clothes, talking to Karen by the bar.
"Sorry I can only do one other one tonight but I'm sure you'll love it."
The weather girls backing track started up and I launched into the first verse of one of the favourites of the club's customers.
"Humidity is rising - Barometer's getting low
According to all sources, the street's the place to go
Cause tonight for the first time
Just about half-past ten
For the first time in history
It's gonna start raining men.
It's Raining Men! Hallelujah!..."
The sound of almost everyone in the club singing along to the chorus was amazing. I was really enjoying the performance and the feed back from the audience and I was even happier to notice that the busy-body policeman had already been propositioned more than once since he'd been in the club, to his obvious discomfort.
"Thanks and good night, see you all next week," I yelled, before handing the mic back to the hostess and making my way back to the changing room.
"Hugs, Josie, we'll all be counting the days to your next performance," Karen commented before she introduced the next act.
I quickly changed, hanging my dress carefully in the little wardrobe and putting the bra in my bag to give to Rachel to wash later. I made my way back to the kitchen. I was still feeling euphoric after my ten minutes on the stage and so I hardly noticed the time while I filled the industrial dishwasher with glasses and plates from the earlier meals.
"You sounded great and you looked gorgeous tonight, hun," said Karen when she came into my work area about half an hour later," I wonder if the contents of the parcels I've given you are having an effect?"
I smiled at her comment as she handed me another precious package.
"Let me do your bloods," she instructed.
I sat down on an upright chair and pulled up my sleeve on my right arm, exposing a vein. Karen, with the expertise of the twenty years in her former nursing job, quickly filled two sample bottles before pressing some cotton wool on the puncture point.
"There you go, all done, I should have the results next week," she said a minute later as I pulled down my sleeve over the smallest possible mark in my skin.
"Great, thanks Karen, I don't know how I can ever repay you for your kindness," I said.
"Pfff, don't be silly, your singing brings in more and more customers every time, it more than pays any expenses I have." she responded.
"Now listen," she continued," I've spoken to your Inspector and he seems cool so if you want to talk to him I'll being him in."
There was a pause as I considered my options.
"It's up to you, I can tell him you've already left," she reassured me.
I thought about my promise to Rachel and the image of the poor widow on the TV. I made my decision.
"I think I'd better see him, Karen, it was a horrible thing that happened," I said in a quiet voice.
"Well if you're sure, hun?" she asked.
"Yes," I responded firmly.
A few minutes later the athletic looking inspector came into the room.
He held out a hand and introduced himself," hello, I'm Inspector Lee, we spoke on the phone I believe."
"Hi," I said a little shyly, touching his hand lightly in response.
"Hey, you're Josie the girl who was singing when I came in," he said as he recognised me despite my change of clothes.
"Yes," I responded.
"You were really good," Inspector Lee complimented.
"Thanks," I said.
"OK, Josie I won't keep you long, I've uploaded the most likely suspects who fit your descriptions onto my phone," he explained," I'd like to see if you recognise anyone."
He sat next to me and quickly flicked through about thirty photos on his IPhone.
"Any of these look like the killers?" he asked.
"Yes, definitely" I said, having easily recognised the two.
"Oh," he responded, obviously a little surprised at my confidence.
He handed me the phone," can you show me?"
I quickly slid my finger over the touchscreen, bringing up the pictures of the two murderers and showing them to the Inspector.
He looked a little surprised and there was a few seconds pause before he spoke again.
"Josie these men and their associates are extremely dangerous," he said, slowly and carefully," I'm afraid you won't be able to go home tonight. We're going to have to take you to a safe house."
*pants = underpants in UK