Meagan's Tail
A new Universe, a New story!
Intermission of our story
Pixie time!
'John' kept her name for now till she choose a new one to better match her new Pixie form. Well she had flown over the southern half of Salt lake City for several hours until the sun had finally set and she decided with the lab far behind her. That her new top priority above all her other needs, was finding some clothes that could fit a doll sized body and any food to fill her growling stomach!
As she winged over the city below, John spotted a mall 'his old human' self knew well and she knew that this was the place to seek both food, clothes and shelter for the night or maybe days to come! First task of the night was to figure out if the mall in general and the one store she was seeking inside its huge layout were both closed for the night.
It took some time to figure what was where within the huge mall complex because she had never flown over it, she had only walked around inside it during long lunches taken away from the lab that laid somewhat nearby by driving standards. But what helped the most right now, was that she knew the store in question was set aside in an attached mini strip mall or outside wing made up of upscale stores that ringed the southern half of the mall property.
John found the right store below her current path and noted once again that thinking about how or where her body was flying was a bad choice and only led to wild gyrations of her current flight path and wild swings in altitude that scared her almost to death as the ground came up at her fast! Then the ground just quickly fell away as she stopped thinking about 'fly' and cleared her mind and thought "death INCOMING!" that fear is what saved her from a crash landing twice so far!
On her trip over the next section of the mall, she noted not one person below all save one very 'bored to death' guard roaming about the area checking doors being locked with a shake on each one's handle, then she would move on to the next store.
Now she knew for certain that the place was empty and time to land on the roof was at hand! So John focused on the store's largest signage "USA girl doll emporium" and the roof beyond it rather than thinking 'hey lets land over there'...and crash! Because you don't know how to fly, let alone LAND yet! Was her main scary thoughts for right now.
John smiled inwardly as her body skimmed right over the brightly lit sign towards the roof and then she thought to aim for a certain spot to land softy....THAT WAS A MISTAKE...thinking!
Was her last thought flashing through her mind just before she solidly WACKED right into the roof's hard surface and rolled on for several feet into a heap on her backside. "Well that went as planned...BAD!" she sighed out with a thought laying there starring up at the night sky far above.
Over the next several hours
Over the next several hours, John learned several things about her new body. First one being that her longer manicured fingernails were a GREAT deal more sharp 'talons' than her human self had as she used them to RIP open a large section of the sheet steel ducts of the building's AC system to gain entry to the store below the roof.
Next lesson learned on an ever growing list! Was that as a twelve inch Barbie doll sized Pixie! Her new stomach might be the size of a large marble. But she quickly found out that small organ could contain much MUCH more than normal! Because she cleaned out the snack shop below of a dozen small chocolate dipped mint cookies in one sitting, then started eyeballing the rest of the candy bins as the next course!
The last lesson of the night on her new self, was that artificial cloths burned her skin and if left in contact long enough left a rash that goes away soon enough. BUT if the cloth is left on skin even longer it seems the rush ends up being closer to a burn that takes even more time to go away and hurts like the dickens!
John (named for now) found out that last part while trying on Barbie size clothes to cover herself with, but now has switched to the higher end " USA girl dolls" or the much smaller selection of custom clothes she found in several glass cases at the back of the store, they were all locked until her claws ripped the locks right out of the cases!
That last section of glass display cases was a gold mine of fashion to one her size!
Besides the dozens of ball gowns or full blown 'princess' outfits or lastly the utterly strange or outlandish fashions one would only see on a model runway. This display had row after row of modern styled clothes in just her new size AND all of them were cotton, wool, real fur lined or lastly real silks over the much more normal 'for doll sized clothes' plastically cloths, like nylons or polyesters!
It took some time for her to go through most of them because the collection of clothes was stacked in thin display boxes, rather than on displays like a store would have for more human sized customers. But after an hour of searching, flipping through box after box, she had several designer jeans, three sets of shorts if she choose to wear some and three pairs of shoes, plus one set of tight calf high boots to cover up her feet. The last find and biggest treasure was backless silk tops that fit loosely but did free up her wings for flying, but sadly it was only two of them!
John nibbled at a nice selection of candy, while she shoved all of those clothing treasures in a large backpack that she planed on wearing backwards on her chest, while she flew deeper into the city and over to the station stop for high speed trains heading west out to where she hoped the elves or Fey would help her out since she was now one of their kind.
Her mental plan so far was to sell out the church and Davros to the elves. All in exchange for helping her out with this new life or a VERY thin possibility of being changed back into a human. One way or another, both of them The Church of the Untainted and Davros would pay dearly for changing her into this 'pixie' and she would not rest until she had some measure of vengeance for all of this mess!
A whole day later.
John was perched on the roof overlooking the long platform for passengers waiting to load up on any of the high speed trains leaving Salt lake City, heading out east or west. So far today she had counted two trains heading west towards LA, but it was still far too light out for her to even try sneaking past the crowds or the train conductors and onto any of the passenger train cars.
Sneaking about was one thing she was still very nervous of, especially when she flew and calling what she did so far as 'controlled fight' was a huge joke at best! Now add flying into an automated doorway before it hissed closed and not getting spotted by any train riders while she did so, then finding a suitable hiding spot for the very long trip!
Just after nightfall the last train of the day heading westward rolled into the semi covered station and came to a stop. It was last for the day, but it being nearly the summer months of the year it was darker far far later and this train would pull into its last stop...LA just past midnight. The last of the passengers boarded the train and this was the best time for the small Pixie to jump off unnoticed on her assault of the waiting train cars!
John spotted her best chance as a large family entered the last train car and blocked the automatic doors with their bags by accident while the dad was busy with getting the older kids seated and the mother was busy with one of the two babies in her care. She made a beeline for the now open doors and fortune smiled on her as she flew right in, made hard left and landed with a bounce across the overhead baggage storage shelves!
"Whhhhheeeewwwww made it!" she sighed out laying flat on the shelf for better cover daring not to even move until the train started to roll out of the station and start gaining speed.
From here the train's next stop was Las Vegas, then it headed straight non-stop into LA's Union station and the main transportation hub it was for the area around LA. John took time to rest on the shelf and hid as best she could among the shadows of the car long shelf.
John was about to fall asleep when she noted nosy shuffling below her and the shelf she was hiding on. THEN suddenly the mother below heaved a bag up to the shelf and quickly shoved it as deep as it could go..."EEEEPPPPP!" John shrieked jumping to her feet and running out of the way of the oncoming bag that was huge to her current size!
Before John could even get a sigh or relief in!
The mother shoved yet one more bag her way and this one bounced against the shelf bouncing the small Pixie all over the place before she regained her feet. The next one hurled her way was not far behind and one more time the Pixie skittered along the shelf for her life from the onslaught of luggage!
After the third bag tossed her way, John heard the mother retake her seat and start playing a game with her two oldest children. "Thank GOD she is done, a few more like that and I'd run out of room!"
For now John rested on the shelf and actually started to fall asleep. But most of the time she was woke up by the older kids below until their mother sent them off farther down the car to let the two babies sleep with the younger kids.
John's new Pixie nose sniffed at the air, waking her from a near dream and she wiggled it about, "I smell," she pondered out loud, "Gram crackers!" she smiled and spotted a large snack bag of them hanging out of the last bag's cargo pocket on the bag nearest her.
"What luck!" she smiled to the bag.
"MMMMMM!" she smiled to no one as she stood up and walked over to see the bag better, "Mommy packed animal gram cookies! Time to eat!" she sang while tearing her sharp fingernails over the plastic to open a cookie sized slit that allowed her access to the waiting treats.
While she was busy snapping one the crackers in half to better slide it free of the bag, John noticed the very interested three year old of the large family watching her every move and the young girl smiled at the Pixie's presence as she gave a friendly wave.
John finally pulled the cookie free of the bag and smiled back to the child, then shushed her in the classic, "Lets be secret signal" of finger to her lips. The kid grinned and nodded in agreement back, then giggled.
What John did not know at the time was that as a Pixie and being a magical creature afforded her some new protections. One of which, was even if she jumped up and down while waving her arms all about AND shouting. The human adults below would most likely never see her, let alone notice her in any more than passing and would be in most case dismissed as "I am seeing something? Nawwww!"
It seems that only the youngest of humans could spot such small magic creature unless one really tried to be spotted or actually touched the adult human to gain their attention! This inherit invisibility to human sight, especially in adults was the Pixie's best defense and one of the gifts given to the whole race by their Goddess...Gaea.
A short time later the train's next stop came in Las Vegas, were not too many passengers boarded the mid-week red-eye this train represented heading into LA and those that did enter John's car instantly spotted the pack of kids. Then just as quickly decided that wanting sleep after spending time in a 24hr party town, plus kids, equaled not getting ANY sleep on the ride back home! So they all left for the train's other more empty and far quieter cars to snooze away the coming hour plus before the train ended up in LA.
Soon enough the high speed train started to slow as it came rolling into the downtown area of LA, then came to a gentle stop at one of the many platforms in the immense transportation hub of the city...Union Station. This building was one of many adjoined on to the older train station with a vast subway system below and several strings of concrete monorails zipping out of the upper floors of the more modern part of the structure.
John waited for the best time to exit or escape the train car and that was well after everyone had left! She ducked off to the rear most part of the baggage shelf and far off to one side farthest away from the now exiting family. After the family had left, the car's doors stayed open for the late night cleaning crew to access the whole train to ready it for the next days runs across the nation.
She waited for a time till no one was left on the train and spotted the cleaning crew working at the front of the long train and towards the back where she was, "Perfect no one around and I hope I can make this!" she prayed and though forward to having to fly down into the subway to grab a car there that was heading to the west part of the vast city where the elves had their embassy.
The fast flying Pixie dodged all about trying to stay hidden, but still get down a few levels in the huge building to the right subway. People that even did notice her passing dismissed it as a big bug or a bird. Some form or level of invisibility was the gift each of the Fae had naturally and the Pixies had the best! But, John did not have one thing the teen she chased here weeks ago and that was glowing runes that showed her a clear path of were to go for safety...Gaea was not favoring this new Fae at all it seemed!
But regardless of runes showing a clear path or not, John knew her way around the city of LA very well indeed. Because she had been posted here by the church right after her time with Fed alphabet spies inc! Once down in the subway levels, she flew over to the right subway line heading west and luckily for her that line stopped only a few blocks from the embassy grounds of the Fae.
She waited for a nearly empty train and flew right in as the doors hissed open, then found a spot actually hiding under one of the seats because subways did not have overhead storage bins! John wiggled her nose at the various smells on the floor as the subway pulled out to the station, "Thank God they clean at night and JUST did this floor or would never be able to stand the smell!"
Once at the right stop of the subway line, she flew out of the underground stations as fast as possible and still maintain some level of control and then straight up high above the streets straight towards the tall embassy building to the south of the station opening at street level. As she came nearer to the embassy block she swooped back down to street level just above most people's heads. Then as she crossed the line where the city of LA ended and the park like setting of the embassy grounds started it was like she sank into a wall of mud. The Pixie's wings beat at the air furiously to keep up speed, but she made slow headway like something or some power really did not want her presence here...yet could not keep her out with a more firm or solid wall of force!
When she finally sputtered out of strength, John fluttered down to the ground at the foot of an Sidhe guard just exiting one of the embassy's large font doors, "What do we have here?" the guard questioned the small Fae in Elvin as he hunched down closer to it.
John only understood got two of those words of Elvin and not because she had even studied the language as a human. Something else was helping her for now. Those words were, 'do' and 'have'. She figured out the rest!
"I need help!" she cried up to the tall guard standing over her.
"A Pixie using human English, why?" he asked down to her in Elvin once again.
All John got from that question was, 'using' and 'why'..."I need help, need a place to hide from them..." she huffed out exhausted by the long days running away from the church and this last flight across the embassy grounds in what felt like running in mud!
"Humm, the guard pondered the small Fae and its plight, "Why would one not much past a quarter,"he assumed the Pixie's age to be under twenty five or a 'quarter' to the long lived Fae, "Be out in human lands without elders or in a group?" the guard asked much to John's relief in English.
"I don't know what a 'quarter' is, BUT I need help!" she insisted vehemently.
"You are a strange one little Pix, but I guess for now I had better take you in and we can see what is wrong with you or find your elders...humm?" he stated while putting his open palm down for her to jump into.
John leapt at the invite of help, then was carried into the huge embassy by the guard and then set down on the lobby's greeting center, "This young Pix needs help and only seems to speak english?" the guard told one of the Elves running the greeting center.
"A Pixie only speaking english, BAAAA!" she huffed back to them in Elvin, "That is a human language, we speak ours in our places!"
A younger elf rolled across the workspace behind the desk over to John, "Well what is wrong young Pix?" he asked in english.
"I need help and maybe its best I explain this to the embassy's minister?" she begged all around her.
"Well let's have a healer look this one over first and maybe she can heal this one up without bothering the twins for their valuable time?" the older elf running the greeting center suggested and got nods back from both the guard, plus her young co-worker.
The older lady of the two elves running the greeting desk sang out to the virtual small forest that made up most of the lobby of the huge building, "Alaesa please come out here and see to the care of this young Fae?" she asked.
A woman barely dressed in a wispy gossamer cloth faded into sight from the side of one the small forest larger trees and walked over to the desk, "So this small one needs my help?" she sang in english and must have been listening into the whole conversation for some time.
All three elves at the desk nod back and the older one says back in Elvin, "If you can or I will call the Jabbress twins to come out and help her."
The Nymph's hands glowed as she waved them towards the much smaller Pixie standing on the desk and she gently warned her in english, "Don't move, this will not hurt one..." but she never finished the sentence before shouting in out loudly in Elvin, "What is this abomination, this is pix feels more human than Fae. She REEKS of Human science and taint!...BEGONE!" she cried angrily and vanished from sight.
Both Elves sitting at the desk reacted instantly to the cry, by skittering backwards in their chairs from the new threat they both saw while calling up shielding spells. The guard yanked his sword from its scabbard and warmed up a spell that dripped multi colored lava onto the floor to the new Pixie's eyes.
The Guard shouted one word in Elvin to the room, "Dagor!"
John thought for a short second, "That must be SOME word!" because with its cry, the doors of the embassy locked shut, the shutters rolled out across the gigantic windows that made up one side of the building. Then no less than six other guards popped into the lobby at random locations with both of their hands set already with an ragging prismatic glow that dripped off them into small bright pools that took several seconds before fading away to nothing in the floor.
"Hey I give up...No MAS!" John yelled in english and spanish. Well what little spanish she knew, while shooting up with both of her arms far above her tiny head and body! That is when she noticed on the balcony the long line of archers that faced her before in this very room, back when she was human and a man!
But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!
To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!
Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!
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