Circumstances force Dave to take up a humiliating new career, but it turns out to suit him better than he expected (Chapter 1 of 11).
Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Circumstances force Dave to take up a humiliating new career, but it turns out to suit him better than he expected.
“I’m not a maid, I’m a cleaning lady,” I insisted.
My wife laughed. “What the hell’s the difference?”
“A maid is a servant. She has to do everything her mistress says. She’s servile, submissive, at her employer’s beck and call. A cleaning lady is a freelance contractor. She’s a professional, engaged to provide specific services for a predetermined number of billable hours – just like a lawyer! She doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to.”
It struck me that this was a ridiculous conversation for a man to be having with his wife. And it didn’t help that I was dressed from head to toe as a maid.
Chapter 1 – Two French Maids
Sally and I met at university, through amateur dramatics. I was president of the club in my third year and had had enough success to dream of a career as an actor. At medium height, and with fairly bland features, I could turn my hand to most roles – young or old, leading man or character. This was especially good for revue-style shows and we were planning to take our summer end of term production to the Edinburgh Fringe that year.
The committee was struggling with the logistics though. Fortunately our leading lady brought in one of her flatmates to help out. Sally was a natural organiser. She sorted out the venue, the accommodation, the transport for the actors, crew, props, costumes, the lot. She happily spent all the club’s funds but left us thesps with nothing to worry about except getting the show right.
My other concern that summer – my parents reckoned it should have been my only concern – was my final exams. I was – am – a computer scientist. Information Technology was my other great love and had been my life for more than a decade. The exams were painless for me; what would be more of a challenge was the dissertation. This would make the difference between a strong Upper-Second and a rip-roaring First, and I was keen to do something original. Eventually inspiration struck: an app for trading digital currencies. Who knows – if the acting proved to be a dead end, maybe an IT career in banking would beckon?
Between working flat-out on my dissertation project and sweating to get our Fringe production into shape, I somehow failed to notice that Sally Jenkins, our marvellously competent Tour Manager, was a bit of all right – quite a bit of all right. By the time I realised that this girl was beautiful and sexy and brainy and funny, she had more or less given up on me noticing her and had convinced herself that would be no loss.
The first time I asked her out was in Edinburgh in the week before we opened. She laughed in my face. The second time was when we were part of a small group on a walking tour of the city. She turned to me and asked why.
“Why what?”
“Why do you want to go out with me?”
“Well, I… er…”
“That’s what I thought.”
I realised I would have to think it through if there was going to be a third time.
* * *
I thought about it for what seemed like ages. Did I really need the hassle? I wasn’t an accomplished ladies’ man by any means, but no one I’d asked out before had ever refused outright, or put me on the spot like that. Why on earth did she think I wanted to go out with her? Because she was gorgeous, and because I fancied her rotten, and… And I began to see what she was on about.
“Because I think you and I would really hit it off,” I announced the next time I saw her. “We like the same things; we have the same sense of humour; and we complement each other. Strengths and weaknesses, you know? Well, I don’t actually know your weaknesses, of course, but I’d be very interested to try and find out…”
She interrupted me. “Well, OK then. Dinner after the show tomorrow night, I think; just the two of us; somewhere nice, but not posh. I’ll make the arrangements, ‘cause you’re rubbish at that, as we know. Come and find me when you’ve changed out of your last costume.”
And she walked off, leaving me with a perplexed feeling that has lasted to this day.
* * *
The show was a moderate success, and just about broke even. We all enjoyed ourselves, even got a couple of mildly enthusiastic reviews, but we didn’t set the world of show business alight. Still it was a once in a lifetime experience. For me, easily the most important thing that came out of it was my relationship with Sally. She made all the running, of course; she had the organisational skills and she knew what she wanted. I had no such sense of direction and just found myself going along for the ride.
The first couple of months felt like an extended job interview. Anyway at some point I realised I couldn’t imagine life without her, and perhaps foolishly said so.
“Yeah,” she said without looking up from her book. “You’ll do, I suppose.”
By now I understood that for her that was the equivalent of “I’m head over heels in love and will stay with you forever” from anybody else.
So what was next? We had both graduated before Edinburgh. Sally got a decent 2:1 in Maths, I scraped my First in Computer Science. We had a number of job applications in but we had both applied for the fast-track graduate entry scheme at the same bank, and had both been accepted. The only snag was that it was a Spanish bank and we would have to spend at least two years in Madrid. OK, not a problem, we thought. We can learn a new language; travel broadens the mind, etc, etc. It’s not too far from home, and the money was pretty good for new graduates. Sally would be joining the Investment Banking branch, and I would be in Major Project Support, part of the IT department.
The bank provided accommodation for its new recruits from overseas, and we were able to get a spacious and quite luxurious flat within walking distance of Head Office. We realised that this would have been impossible in London on our starting salaries. We were very lucky, and we knew it, and we settled down to make the most of our opportunity.
The bank provided Spanish language lessons during working hours, and we both learned quickly. I had never rated myself as much of a linguist at school – I took French and German to GCSE level – but it’s completely different when you live there. The incentive to learn is stronger and there are plenty of opportunities to practise. We very much enjoyed our evenings with a Spanish family, the Ortegas, who lived next door to us, and they helped us improve our accents. They were originally from peasant farmer stock, and still spent lots of time with their relatives in the country, but Juan and Consuela had been the first in their families to go to university, and now were middle-class professionals. They had a pretty fifteen-year-old daughter, Maria, who kept throwing herself at me, much to Sally’s amusement and her parents’ disapproval.
The two years passed quickly and we were easily persuaded to sign on for two more. We were married in the summer of our third year there and things looked great. We loved Spain, but we were already thinking about returning home when the decision was taken out of our hands. Sally’s father died suddenly. Her mother was a strong character and determined not to be a burden on her only child, but when tackling probate her solicitor made a very nasty discovery. Henry had invested very badly; so badly that he’d used up their entire pension fund and left Carol in debt and virtually penniless.
We soon realised that she wouldn’t be able to cope alone, and that she’d need us to rally round. I was fine with that; Carol was the best mother-in-law a man could wish for. She was just like an older version of her amazing daughter. So we requested an early return to the UK. The Bank was sympathetic. They were happy with our work and we were both promised equivalent jobs at their London headquarters.
It was clear that Carol would have to sell the family home to pay off her debts, and we wanted her to move in with us. It didn’t make sense for the three of us to own two houses, and what she had left would help with the deposit on a big enough place, albeit in a less expensive area. She was just able to afford to keep her little car, a five-year-old Ford Fiesta.
We settled on Pinner, a suburb north of London, forty minutes from the City by the Metropolitan Line. The main reason was that my older sister, Anna, and Phil, her stockbroker husband, lived there, and there was a suitable smaller house for sale in their street. I wasn’t at all sure we could afford it, but Sally was determined. We weren’t in a chain, having no property to sell, which enabled us to beat the price down a little, but we would still need a massive mortgage. Fortunately we got a special package as bank employees, so it was just about manageable.
I had other misgivings. My relationship with my sister hadn’t always been cordial. We had given each other a hard time when we were kids. I’d been the typical ‘pesky little brother’ and she, as the older sibling was always sure she knew better than me – and that had never changed. I wasn’t sure I really wanted her as a neighbour. But Sally told me I was being unreasonable; we were both grown-ups now.
As we would still be in Madrid until almost time to move, Anna and Phil checked the place out for us. They confirmed it was in good condition and wouldn’t need anything expensive doing to it. So we were able to do most of the transaction from Spain by e-mails, online banking, and so on. In the end it all went quite smoothly. We also leased a new BMW 320i for ourselves.
When we finally returned from Madrid Carol had already moved into our new house. It had four bedrooms, two with en suites, and she had taken the smaller of those. We would set out the third bedroom as a guest room, and I would fill the smallest room with my computers and other kit.
Carol had done an amazing job in getting the house ready for us. We had all the appliances – fridge-freezer, washing machine, tumble-dryer, dishwasher – from her old house. The kitchen was immaculate with built-in oven, hob and microwave.
Sally had to start work at the London head office more or less immediately, but I had another week before I had to turn up, so I worked with Carol to finish moving in. We got on very well together. We did a top to bottom spring-clean, and she taught me a lot about house-keeping and cooking. She also tutored me in the finer points of laundry. Before that I knew to separate whites from coloureds but that was about it. Now I knew to identify delicates and what to do with them, although I wasn’t sure how Sally would feel about her husband hand-washing her lingerie. Still, I wouldn’t tell her if Carol didn’t.
Carol and I were sitting over a leisurely lunch at the end of my last free week.
“I knew Sally was going to marry you as soon as I met you,” she said, smiling. “You’re a perfect match. She’s well-organised and terribly bossy, but she’s not always right. You’re easy-going, so she usually gets her way, but you’re stubborn when it matters, so you won’t let her make any serious mistakes. Perfect combination!”
I laughed, but I knew she had us pegged.
“Now, come on,” she said briskly. “I’ve never met a man who had the first idea about ironing. I’m determined my son-in-law will be the first.”
I saw where Sally got her bossiness from. Later that day I reached the conclusion that ironing was the only house-keeping chore I really disliked.
We celebrated the return to England, and new jobs, with our first home-cooked dinner party in our new house. We invited Anna and Phil. (Carol did most of the cooking, but I helped.) Anna was warm and friendly for once, and she and Sally bonded strongly, sharing their experiences of my weaknesses and idiosyncrasies.
* * *
Life was great. And of course that was when it all started to go pear-shaped. It was a combination of things, some unavoidable, some culpable.
We received the first blow when Sally reported to London headquarters for her first day. We knew that the bank had barely weathered the global financial crisis of 2008, but we thought it was over that now and was soaring to new heights of profitability. All the motivating internal newsletters said so. It now seemed that they had been economical with the truth. More ‘restructuring’ was going to be necessary to control costs. Sally’s job with the London Investment Banking team was one of the casualties. It was nothing personal – just the usual ‘last in, first out’ policy when redundancies were necessary. Not that they were going to make her redundant – they wanted to avoid even that fairly minor expense – so until the Investment Banking arm recovered, they were offering her a job as a humble teller in the closest High Street branch to our new home that had a vacancy. The salary would be barely half of what she had been promised.
This was pretty close to ‘constructive dismissal’. We considered taking them to an Industrial Tribunal, but that would have been costly; it would take months; and she wouldn’t be earning at all during that time. It would also blight both our career prospects with our current employer and probably across the banking industry. She resolved to lump it but look actively for a better job.
We briefly considered returning to Madrid but that ship had sailed too. Her old position had been filled. We were going to have to find the money for our humongous mortgage payments from a greatly reduced joint monthly income. Carol immediately volunteered to find a job, but she hadn’t worked for most of her married life and there were few openings for a widow approaching sixty with no qualifications.
So we urgently needed to find a way of increasing our income, which motivated me to pursue an idea I’d been nursing for a while – my degree dissertation to design an app for trading digital currencies. These were proliferating, as were digital currency brokers, but the concepts were too difficult for the average punter to get their mind around. As a result the market wasn’t taking off as quickly as it could. There was huge potential for growth. I envisaged an app which could take in your financial status, make recommendations for buying or selling digital currency, connect to your bank, and make the appropriate trades, monitoring when it was optimal to cash in an investment. It would be quite a complex program, and the security issues would be challenging, but I had already done most of the analysis and research work for my degree dissertation. Coding up a mobile app would be relatively simple.
So I got on with it both at home and at work in any available downtime, strongly incentivised by our shrinking savings, and the worried looks on my wife’s and mother-in-law’s faces. It took all my evenings and weekends for three months, but the finished product was nearly everything I’d hoped for. There was one area where I was sure I could improve the decision-making, reducing the inherent risk still further, but I couldn’t seem to crack the algorithm.
Nevertheless the app tracked the rise and fall of each of the digital currencies and of the market as a whole very well. It was quite good at buying when the price was low and selling at the right moment. I used it to invest a little money of our own, and it nearly doubled in a week, but such trades were inherently risky and we couldn’t afford to speculate on a grander scale.
I contacted Danny, an old friend from college who was rising rapidly through the ranks of Atkinson Stern, a national firm of investment bankers and financial advisers. He persuaded his boss to offer the app through their website, in return for a royalty. The firm’s name was well-respected, so I was hopeful. I didn’t want to sell the rights – and they didn’t want to buy them, at least at first – but the advert was prominent on their home page and it generated quite a bit of interest, which they liked as it brought more traffic to their site. Clicking on the link redirected the potential customer to my home secure server from which the app could be downloaded – but the majority of the processing was done on my server.
I charged a small fee for each investment made and a percentage of any profits taken. My client base expanded rapidly and within a couple of months I was generating a very tidy income. My brother-in-law, Phil, helped me to set up J & J Services, a trading company with Sally, Carol and me as directors, to take full advantage of corporation tax breaks and to minimise our personal risk. (I saw the J & J as ‘Jackson and Jackson’. Sally preferred to think of it as ‘Jackson and Jenkins’.)
I kept tinkering with the program to try and crack the risk algorithm, with no success, but our troubles seemed to be over for now. We put money aside to cover our tax bill for the year and had enough left over to pay off some of our mortgage and lighten the load of our monthly interest payments. Carol even decided to use her dividend revenue to go on an extended trip to Australia to visit her brother and his family. She had always wanted to go but Henry had refused, presumably because it would have exposed his precarious financial situation.
* * *
Now we were back in England we joined Pinner Players, a local amateur dramatics society. They were in the middle of rehearsing a production at the time, and I had missed the opportunity to audition, but Sally was quickly recruited to help with costumes and make-up. We also began to renew our old university friendships, particularly with the am-dram club people, a surprising number of whom had settled in the south east. We decided to throw a reunion party – fancy dress, of course. Well, it was a reunion of play-actors.
We raided the society’s collection of costumes. It was quite an extensive collection but I didn’t see anything that took my fancy. When Sally volunteered to pick something out for me, I accepted eagerly and rushed off to play squash. I knew she had my measurements.
With both of us in full-time employment, and me always working on upgrades to my money-spinning software, organising the party absorbed most of our remaining spare time. So I didn’t give my costume any further thought. The next thing I knew about it was the Friday night before when Sally approached me with a razor, a pack of spare blades, and a can of shaving foam.
“OK, Fifi sweetie, let’s go to the bathroom and get your legs shaved.”
“Huh? Who’s Fifi?” I said. “And what’s that about shaving my legs?”
“Oh, didn’t I say?” she said, innocently. “We’re going to the party as French maids!”
“Like hell! Where did you get that stupid idea?”
“Well I found two matching uniforms in the club’s wardrobe, one in your size and one in mine. It was too good an opportunity to miss. And you didn’t much like anything else they had, so why not?”
“I’ll look stupid!”
“Trust me, you won’t. I’ve seen your legs in a skirt, remember, at the Edinburgh review. Anyway, it’s quite appropriate.”
“How do you work that out?”
“Well, it’s our party. We’ll be doing all the serving – food, drinks, and so on. We’ll be working as maids most of the time, so we might as well dress that way!”
This was such abstruse logic I couldn’t think of a sensible response.
“Anyway there’ll be lots of people from Pinner Players there,” she rushed on. “They’re thinking of doing an all-male Anthony and Cleopatra next year, just like it would have been in Shakespeare’s day. This is your chance to show them how good you would be in the leading role,” she concluded, triumphantly.
Cleopatra would be quite a challenge for a male actor, I supposed. Didn’t the great Mark Rylance do it a few years ago – to rave reviews?
“But why do we have to shave my legs? Can’t I just wear thick black tights?”
“Oh for heaven’s sake stop whinging!”
She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the bathroom.
“I’ll look weird on the squash court…”
But she wasn’t listening.
* * *
It turned out she had been quite thorough in her preparations for my performance as Fifi the maid at the party, and mostly without spending any money. She even managed to find a cheap pair of foam breast forms amongst the Actors’ props collection.
“OK,” she began, “we have a lot to do, and I don’t want you kicking up a fuss, so first I want to show you what we’re up against.”
I was already stripped down to my underpants, my newly-bare legs tingling from the after-effects of her extremely thorough shaving. She dropped the maid’s dress uniform over my head. I threaded my arms through the sleeves and she spun me round to look at myself in the wardrobe mirror.
“That’s awful!” I said. “I thought you said this dress was in my size?”
“It is – well it’s in the size you would be if you were a woman.” She grabbed the loose material around my chest. “You need boobs,” she said, “and lots of padding here,” she added, yanking at the back of the skirt. “So now that you appreciate the problem, let’s get on with the solution.”
She went over to her chest of drawers and took out what looked like a huge pile of very feminine underthings.
“How much did you spend on that lot?” I asked, outraged.
“Not a penny,” she said, smugly. “They’re Mum’s. They should fit you perfectly.”
“I can’t wear her stuff!”
“Why on earth not?”
I struggled. “Well, not without her permission…”
“She knows all about it. I Skyped her in Oz. She said we could borrow anything we liked, as long as I sent her lots of pictures.” She picked up a roll of cotton wool. “Now, let’s get you into your lingerie, Fifi dear, and pad you out to make you a voluptuous French maid.”
The next hour started off excruciatingly embarrassing, but I had wanted to be an actor, so I tried to think of it as just another costume fitting for a part. First Sally approached me with a fierce-looking nylon contrivance.
“This is a panty-girdle,” she said kneeling down and holding it out for me to step into. “You’ll need something to give you the right shape, but you’d find it really hot and uncomfortable to wear panties with a girdle over them…”
I started to step into the strange garment.
“You need to take your own underpants off first, idiot!” she said.
Between us we worked it up over my legs. It was tight round my waist but there was plenty of space around my thighs, hips and buttocks.
“This isn’t so bad,” I said,
“Don’t be silly, we haven’t started yet. It’s riding up, of course, as I thought it would. We’ll put your stockings on next. They’ll keep the girdle at full stretch. Then we can pad you out.”
Sally showed me how to put the black fishnet stockings on without laddering them, and how to attach the garters. She took several photos on her smartphone.
“You do have really good legs, Fifi, you little sexpot.”
Then she began to force cotton wool into all the empty space in the girdle. My nether regions began to take on marked feminine curves – pronounced, extensive feminine curves! Her agile fingers pushed the padding all around my posterior, including my wedding tackle. It was arousing, to say the least, but between the tight girdle and the cotton wool padding there was nowhere for my budding erection to… er, bud.
Eventually she sat back on her haunches, exhausted. She took more photos.
“That’s pretty good,” she said. “I mean, if you look closely you can see it’s padding rather than moving flesh, but it’s great for a party costume. We’ll do your bra next.”
This turned out to be a long-line bra, and it felt like wearing a harness. She slipped the foam breast forms in and stepped back to examine the effect. I now stuck out dramatically in front. My huge breasts imposed themselves into view, however I turned and gyrated.
More photos.
“I’ve added more padding to the outer sides of the bra so it’s forcing a crease in your chest down the middle just like real cleavage. It looks quite realistic, which is a good thing as the dress is fairly low-cut. Your boobs won’t move right, of course. The foam is too light – real breasts are heavy, especially at your size.”
“Oh? What size am I?”
“You’re a 42 double-D. You’re quite a big girl, Fifi dear.” I gulped. “I’m going to have to add still more padding,” she continued. “If I can get it under and around the forms without spoiling your cleavage, that should work. You’re going to have to watch your posture though. A girl with breasts as large and heavy as yours would have to lean back slightly when standing up, or she could topple forwards. The cotton wool is much lighter and won’t do that.”
When she had finished and pronounced herself satisfied, she took some more photos. Meanwhile I felt like an Egyptian mummy – no, like I’d been wrapped in two plaster casts round my chest and bum. But I had to admit: Fifi now had a striking figure. We slipped the French maid dress on again, and this time it was tight all over my new proportions.
“Tell you what,” Sally said, taking another photo with a mischievous look in her eye, “why don’t we go out for dinner? I’ll get you one of Mum’s smart dresses and do your make-up and wig. It’ll be great fun! You can practise your posture, voice, female mannerisms, and so on. Then you’ll be perfect tomorrow night.”
I thought about it. It would be fun, and maybe I would be a little less inhibited at the party. I wondered if I could fool anyone into thinking I was a real woman?
“Well, OK, but not to a restaurant anywhere near here!”
But she was already heading for Carol’s bedroom, returning shortly with a beautiful two-tone Royal blue cocktail dress.
“You’re a couple of inches taller than Mum, of course, but that just means that a dress that is below-the-knee on her is a little higher on you – and a little sexier!”
She threw me another pair of nylons.
“You’d better change into these. We’ve only got one pair of black stockings in your size, and fishnets won’t go with this dress. Hurry up, I’ve got you a blonde wig and I want to try some make-up styles to go with it. And we should do your nails…”
“Aren’t you getting a little carried away?”
“I certainly am! But I’m having fun. Aren’t you?”
Well, yes, I was.
“Oui, Madame,” I said in my best Fifi voice. “C’est tres amusant!”
* * *
I never usually suffer from stage fright, but that evening I learned what it was like for the first time. Sally booked a restaurant about ten miles away, where there was little chance of seeing anyone we knew. She found an old handbag and purse of her mother’s and they more or less matched my dress, so I put my money and credit cards in the purse. She added my make-up and some tissues. She told me I wouldn’t need my driving licence which was for her husband, Dave, and I could hardly pretend to be him, looking like I did. Fine! That made her the ‘designated driver’ and I could drink as much as I liked.
I was quite confident about my appearance, although Sally was right that the padding was bulky and stiff and didn’t move like it was part of me. Still surely no one would be looking at me closely or for long enough to notice anything amiss?
Also I realised ruefully that my make-up, dress and slightly masculine features made me look a lot older than Sally, more like her mother than her girlfriend. In fact once, when I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror, I thought I saw Carol. I mentioned this to Sally and she giggled and started calling me ‘Mummy’. I played along.
“Elbows off the table, dear,” I said.
“Yes, Mummy.”
“And don’t talk with your mouth full, dear.”
“Sorry, Mummy,” Sally said, with her mouth full.
Needless to say, she took lots of photos for the real Carol during the evening.
I was terrified of moving or sitting or speaking in a masculine manner and giving myself away. Sally was uncharacteristically supportive, quietly pointing out my mistakes whenever I did anything unfeminine and suggesting how to correct them. I learned to sit with my knees together, and my legs crossed in the women’s way.
I had to take smaller steps, though my tight skirt helped there. When walking I had to remember to put one foot in front of the other with my arms bent at the elbow, and my wrists hanging loosely. That all made sense as the feminine posture helped with my balance, given the unfamiliar weight of my bosom and buttocks. Also I was wearing a pair of Carol’s sandals. My toes stuck out over the front and the heels were just high enough to cause me to wobble if I wasn’t careful.
Sally told me to smile more, and she had to remind me to freshen my lipstick several times. Also going to the Ladies with her was scary. But I wasn’t caught out, as far as I could tell, and at the end of the evening I reckoned I could add ‘convincing female impersonation’ to my actor’s bag of tricks. I would definitely try out for Cleopatra if I got the chance.
At bedtime I stripped off all of Carol’s clothes but Sally insisted I wear one of her mother’s nighties in bed ‘to stay in character’. For some reason she was a sexual hurricane that night, roughly taking top position and riding me raw. Not being an especially skilled lover, I sometimes struggled to give her even one orgasm, but now she was firmly in charge. She kept me ‘on the verge’ for ages while she came three times. When she eventually let me come, I went off like Krakatoa.
“So does this mean you’re a lesbian now?” I said, panting, as we cooled down afterwards.
“Don’t be silly! How could I be, with what we’ve just done? It’s just that I find dressing you up as a girl is driving me wild!” She paused. “I wonder what that makes me?”
I had no answer to that. I couldn’t remember a better night of lovemaking. Even if I had to dress up like this, it was definitely worth it.
* * *
Of course next morning she had me dress en femme again, in fresh ladies’ underwear from Carol’s room. I was allowed to wear a floral top with spaghetti shoulder straps and a pair of bright magenta Capri pants. All padded out again, my bum definitely looked big in them, though the bulky padding was even more obvious.
We tried another wig – a long auburn one – for variety, and I stayed that way all through Saturday while we prepared for the party. I was getting used to moving like a woman.
We had ordered most of the food and booze online and it was delivered early in the morning. But needless to say, there were plenty of things we had forgotten, so we had to go to the supermarket after lunch.
We also went to a ‘nearly new’ shop to look for a pair of sensible black shoes for Fifi to wear that evening. We got lucky. I have quite small feet for a man, but Carol’s sandals really weren’t very comfortable, and I was dreading standing up all evening.
So at about four o’clock we began to get dressed for the party: one final change of (Carol’s) underwear; the usual padding; more photographs of Fifi in her lingerie; the blonde wig again, but in a demure updo with curly bangs; make-up; and finally the full French maid uniform, cap and apron.
I stood looking at myself in the mirror, gobsmacked, but I couldn’t pretend I didn’t like what I saw.
“Boy, it’s a good thing I’m secure in my masculinity!” I said.
Sally came over to stand beside me. I was about three inches taller, and her hair was dark, but otherwise we could have been sisters.
“Come on, you’re an actor,” she said. “You love to dress up.”
“Not like this,” I said. “This isn’t like putting on a doublet and hose and spouting Shakespeare. This is extreme. I think I’m being very brave, appearing in public like this, in front of our family and friends.”
“Yep, you’re my brave little soldier all right, in your frilly bra and panties.”
“They’re not mine, they’re your mother’s,” I began, “and they’re not frilly…”
She grabbed me and kissed me passionately, bending me over backwards like Rhett Butler kissing Scarlett O’Hara. I realised I might miss being Fifi after this.
* * *
The party was a great success. Since most of the guests were involved in amateur theatricals to some extent, the costumes were impressive and imaginative. Sally and I greeted everyone with trays of sparkling wine and pretended just to be waitresses. Several guests were asking each other where their hosts were, causing great amusement to us and to those who had already twigged.
Anna and Phil came as Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Typically they had splashed out on expensive hired costumes of course. Phil had the grace to look a little embarrassed but Anna happily ‘queened it’ over everyone, especially me, whom she had recognised instantly.
“You call this a martini, girl?” she thundered, on tasting the drink I had made for her. “It’s like cat’s piss! I’ve got a good mind to pull your knickers down and tan your hide!”
Anna tended to drink a little too much at parties, so I had deliberately watered her drink down with a little soda and a lot of ice.
“Pardonnez-moi, madame,” I improvised, “mais je n’ai jamais goûté l’urine du chat, donc je serais incapable de faire une telle boisson.”
Probably not great French, but it was the best I could do, and a sight better than Anna could manage, I knew. Phil was laughing his head off. He had a much better command of the language because his job took him to Paris regularly.
“Non, non, mademoiselle,” he explained to me quite seriously. “Madame ne veut pas l’urine du chat. Elle veut un martini.”
“Ah bon, monsieur,” I replied cheerily, as though light had just dawned. I curtsied. “Je comprends. Je cherche.”
“Well if you two idiots think I’m going to stand here listening to you making fun of me in Foreign, you’ve another think coming!” Anna said haughtily and stormed off.
I went to make her a (slightly) stronger martini as a peace offering.
I loved my maid uniform but I did feel a little vulnerable in it. As the midnight hour approached, and people got drunker, the fun turned decidedly ribald. I twice felt hands going up my skirt; one hand belonged to a female Smurf, the other to a male Zorro. At one point an extremely drunk man dressed as King Arthur pulled me down into his lap on our sitting room sofa. I squealed involuntarily, completely off balance in my heels, and wondered how I could maintain my dignity while avoiding being raped.
At that point Anna appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my arm. Hauling me off King Arthur’s lap and onto my feet, she said gruffly, “Come here, Fifi love, you haven’t danced with me yet.”
As we slow danced to Nights in White Satin, King Arthur watched us in disgust and left shortly afterwards.
“Thanks, sis, you saved my bacon, or at least my honour,” I said into Anna’s ear as we revolved.
“Now you know what we women have to put up with,” she said, smiling.
Ha! Any man overstepping the mark with my dragon of a sister would regret his foolishness very quickly. His testicles would probably regret it even more. I didn’t say that, though.
“You make a very good French maid, sweetie,” she continued. “Have you thought of taking it up professionally?”
That was my big sister all over, teasing me mercilessly one moment, protecting me like a tigress the next. I didn’t discover till later that Sally had told everyone that her husband was away on business, and that Fifi was a real maid hired to help with the catering. No wonder everyone kept trying to grope me and telling me to fetch them food and drink.
* * *
The party started to wind down at about half-past one in the morning. Well none of us were students anymore. Several people stayed over in sleeping bags, on camp beds, mattresses, the sitting room rug, etc. Selfishly we didn’t give up our bedroom to our guests, hoping for a repeat of the previous night’s passion, but we were both exhausted and too pissed, and fell asleep fully dressed in our maids’ uniforms, as soon as our heads hit the pillow.
Fifi’s last appearance was at the massive tidy-up on Sunday morning. My make-up was smeared, my wig and cap askew, my apron covered in stains – food and worse – and my stockings laddered. I went round the house amongst supine guests, picking up glasses, beer cans, plastic cutlery and paper plates.
“Pardonnez-moi, monsieur.”
“Levez les pieds, s’il vous plait, madame. Je veux… er, hooverer.”
Some people still hadn’t realised Sally and I weren’t the maids.
Sally took her last photos of her husband, the French maid, for her mother. Finally with her borrowed underwear in the wash and her uniform cleaned and returned to the Pinner Players wardrobe, Fifi retired. It had been a great weekend. We’d seen lots of old friends and made new ones. We looked forward to the next working week.
At which point the second shoe dropped…
Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 2 – My Sister’s Cleaner
Dave loses his high-paying job, which might mean they lose their home. Then his sister, Anna, comes up with a possible solution.
On the whole my work at the bank had been going well for the last few months since we had returned from Spain. The team in Madrid had been quite small and mostly responsible for migrating the latest software to the Spanish networks. I often had to visit regional offices in Barcelona, Seville, Cadiz, Valencia and Malaga to sort out local problems. I thoroughly enjoyed the travel and the independence. But most of the original software had been written by the hot-shots in London and that was where I really needed to be. That’s where the state-of-the-art stuff was being done, and where the new innovative services would be developed, hopefully to put us ahead of our competitors.
I had settled into this team well but was very much the most junior software engineer. Harry, my boss, was aware of my academic qualifications, and was very encouraging, but he made sure I understood that my time in Madrid didn’t count as ‘relevant experience’ for his team. I would have to work hard to catch up with my peers. It was true that the bank was Spanish in origin, and Madrid was the international Head Office, but it was a quiet backwater for banking finance software. London was the hub.
I worked hard, and at my first annual review Harry was glowing with praise. More importantly, he came up with a five-figure bonus and a 10% increase in salary. We paid off a bit more of our mortgage.
Unfortunately that was the last bit of good news we were going to get for a while. Harry was promoted to Vice President and his replacement, Lawrence, was a very different animal. He was nothing like as good as Harry, either at software design or as a manager. He also had a bad habit of claiming other people’s ideas as his own work. The rest of us engineers couldn’t understand what management was playing at in promoting him.
We no longer saw much of Harry as he was always flying off to conferences in the USA and the Far East, but when I bumped into him a few weeks later I couldn’t resist asking him about Lawrence. He assured me it wasn’t his decision and he was as baffled as we were. He suspected nepotism had been part of it – Lawrence had a relative at board level. Harry’s advice was to keep our heads down and stick it out. He had already heard rumours that Lawrence’s performance at management review meetings was less than impressive. It seemed he was unlikely to last.
But he lasted long enough to destroy my career. I don’t know how he found out – I had kept it quiet at work – but he discovered my side-line in digital currency trading. I wasn’t actually breaking any rules doing this. I wasn’t competing with my employer, as the bank didn’t currently offer any services in crypto-currencies. But Lawrence found a different objection. He claimed that since I was an employee of the bank when I developed my app, the intellectual property and any trading profits belonged to them. As my Line Manager he called me before a disciplinary hearing.
I argued that I had written the app entirely in my spare time, which was true; the design was entirely my own, having been based on my degree dissertation, which was also true; and that I had used no bank resources in the course of the development, which I also believed to be true. So I hadn’t infringed my contract in any way, and everything to do with the app was my sole property.
But Lawrence had been thorough. He had been through the search history on my bank laptop and found that I had accessed various cryptocurrency and block chain websites. I remembered doing some research one wet lunch hour months earlier. I’d had a bright idea for a new service and I couldn’t wait till that evening to check it out.
Every member of the disciplinary committee knew Lawrence’s argument was thin, and I could tell they wanted to let it go, but they had no choice. There was a case to answer and they would have to get the lawyers in. They couldn’t say how long the legal process would take but warned me that it was likely to be at least six months. The only good thing was that the committee promised to provide legal representation that we would not be charged for if we lost, and which we could pay for over time if we won.
Meanwhile I was suspended without pay, and the bank took out an injunction to stop me accessing any of the revenues that continued to flood in from the app. Their argument was that until judgement was complete the funds were potentially theirs, and I shouldn’t have access to them in case I spent the money or squirrelled it away somewhere they couldn’t get it if they won the case. We considered an appeal, but that would cost us a packet in lawyers’ fees and we would be completely ruined if we lost.
We were in trouble now. With the bank’s redundancy programme still rolling there was no chance of Sally getting a promotion, even though her manager admitted that she was overqualified and underused in her current position. She was always on the lookout for higher-ranking opportunities within the bank, or at head office, or with competitors, but nothing came up. So without my salary and with no more revenue from the app we wouldn’t be able to meet the mortgage payments and also feed ourselves from our income. We had savings of course – the last year had been very good – but they wouldn’t see us through six months. We might just make it if we returned the leased BMW and managed with Carol’s Fiesta. We resolved to stick it out, hoping that we would win the Tribunal eventually.
We started an economy drive – no spending on non-essentials. No holidays. No new clothes. No haircuts. No long journeys. No nights out. No parties.
Meanwhile with nothing but time on my hands, I looked for any other source of funds. I couldn’t sign on the dole, as I was theoretically fully employed. I couldn’t apply for hardship benefits; we had too many assets to pass the ‘means test’. I couldn’t work for another bank as a freelance. I couldn’t get any other contracting work as my only experience was in the financial sector. The local computer shop was interested but they really had no openings. Paid work wasn’t forthcoming.
To fill my time I started doing odd jobs around the house. I put up shelves; I mended the garden fence; I redecorated two bedrooms; I did the grocery shopping and cooked our evening meals. Carol had given me a good introduction to housewifery before she left for Oz so I did all our laundry – even ironing – and I cleaned. Boy, did I clean! I emptied out all the kitchen cupboards and scrubbed a generation’s worth of grease out of them. I cleaned all the appliances: fridge, freezer, oven, grill, washing machine, tumble-dryer, microwave. I dusted and vacuumed the whole house, including the loft. I put all my frustrated energy into cleaning the house within an inch of its life.
I actually quite enjoyed myself. I pretended to be Fifi again, and hummed French folk songs to myself as I scrubbed.
* * *
Every night when Sally came home to see another area of our home transformed and rejuvenated, she looked me over with a sort of genial scorn.
“I wish I’d known this was where your real interests lay before I went to the trouble of marrying you,” she said. “I could have just hired you as my cleaning lady.”
“I like to think I have more to offer than that. What about the sex? Were you going to pay for that too?”
“Touché,” she laughed. “OK, sweetie, while you have your frilly apron on, you can get me a drink.”
“Yes, Madam.”
As she was currently our only source of income, she was doing all the overtime she could get and was working long hours. I knew she appreciated not having to do any housework when she got home and I was more than happy to do a little waiting on her.
She pulled her high heels off, rubbed her stockinged feet, winced, and threw herself down on the sofa. She reached for the TV remote and clicked the news on. Her eyelids drooped. I put her glass of Chardonnay down by her hand. We were on our last bottle of her favourite tipple and I was wondering whether our economy drive would run to replenishing our stocks, when the doorbell rang.
It was my sister. Anna walked in (without being invited) and headed for the sitting room. She snorted at my apron.
“Nice pinny, Dave,” she said. “Good to see you’re adapting to your rightful place in the house… Holy Moley!”
“What?” I said, following her into the lounge, a little worried that she was going to disturb Sally. “What’s the matter?”
“This place looks amazing!” she said. She saw Madam returning to consciousness on the sofa. “Sally! How on earth do you keep this place looking so great when you work full time?”
“Hey!” I said.
“Oh it’s murder,” Sally said, “and of course your lazy brother just sits around playing on his computer all day while I slave away.”
“Hey!” I said, louder.
Both women laughed.
“Seriously, Dave, you’re doing an amazing job,” Anna said.
“And you know I appreciate it, babe,” Sally added.
“In fact, yours is probably the cleanest and tidiest house in the area,” Anna said. I gave her a scathing look. Sarcasm wasn’t necessary. “No, I mean it,” she continued. “Since Pinner Maids packed up, no one I know can find any cleaners, so we’re all living in increasing squalor.”
“What happened to them?” Sally asked.
“It’s a sad story. The company was set up… oh, probably ten years ago… by Pat – I don’t think I ever knew her surname. She was an ex-charlady from… er, Watford, I think. She recruited all her unemployed friends and their friends, and their daughters, and their daughters-in-law. They were mostly school leavers with no qualifications or prospects; or young married women struggling to make ends meet; or older widows down on their luck.
“Anyway, Pat checked out every cleaner personally and vouched for them, and they did a great job. They’d do a top to bottom spring-clean in three or four days, then two hours a week afterwards to keep it like that. They were all friendly and helpful. They’d do some shopping for the elderly and housebound; pick up their prescriptions; some were even trusted to go to the cash machine. My cleaning lady was Betty. She was great.” She sighed. “But they were victims of their own success.”
“So what went wrong?” I asked.
“Well, sort of what you’d expect, human nature being what it is. The service was so popular, Pat struggled to get enough girls. Eventually she must have hired some wrong ‘uns. Valuables started going missing. The police got involved. A couple of women upped and disappeared but I don’t know if anything was ever recovered. It broke Pat’s heart. They didn’t find any evidence against her, of course, but the trust was gone. Most of their clients cancelled their contracts, and some of the older cleaning ladies – including my Betty and Pat herself – said they didn’t need the hassle and retired.”
“So all the posh houses in Pinner are getting dirtier and dirtier?” Sally said, with little sympathy.
“Well most of the wives in this area work. They have to, to afford their mortgages. Some – like doctors and teachers – work locally, but plenty of them commute up to town. Even those whose husbands do their share – and that’s far from all of them, of course – don’t have much time or energy left for cleaning after minding the kids, grocery shopping, cooking, and laundry. And as I said, there are a number of elderly widows who relied on their cleaning ladies for a lot more than just cleaning, but they’re terrified of letting strangers in now.”
Anna was eyeing Sally’s wine thirstily. I went to the kitchen to get the bottle and another glass. When I got back the girls were deep in earnest conversation.
“I really came over to see how you’re managing,” Anna said. “I must say, I think your boss is a total scumbag!”
“No argument here,” I said. “But please don’t worry about us. We just need to survive till the Tribunal. We’ll get by.”
Anna looked at Sally. I noticed that my wife wasn’t rushing to back me up.
“You do know that Phil and I will sub you if you need help,” Anna said.
“I’m not taking money from you,” I said, firmly.
It sounded stupid and unreasonable as soon as I said it. Sally looked away.
“But if you only have Sally’s income…? You need more money coming in. You don’t want to eat up all your savings…”
“We’ll manage!” I insisted.
“All right, you silly, proud boy,” she said. “How about this? I’ll cover your next mortgage payment if you’ll clean my house as well as you’ve done yours,” she said, with a challenging look on her face.
“Don’t be silly! That’s nearly a thousand pounds!”
“So? Are you negotiating your fee downwards, Bonehead? I reckon it’ll take you at least three days – and you can undertake to keep it like that as part of the package – two or three hours a week till the Tribunal.”
“That’s still bound to be a lot more than you were paying what’s her name, Betty. What was she getting? Minimum wage?”
“Not bloody likely! Pinner Maids were really good and much in demand. We paid £20 an hour.”
“Really?” said Sally, perking up. “That’s a lot more than I would have guessed.”
“Well, this is stockbroker belt. Families round here are more than happy to pay £50 a week to avoid housework. Some people have two girls for two hours.”
I hesitated. Sally saw her chance.
“Well, for heavens’ sake, why not, Dave?” she said. “It’s perfectly respectable work, and you’re obviously good at it. It just gives us a little breathing space.”
I hesitated, again.
“And you enjoy it too, don’t you?” she added.
“Oh all right,” I said at last. “But you can’t tell anyone that your brother is cleaning your house. It would be too embarrassing.”
“Agreed,” Anna said. “It would be embarrassing for me too.”
I must have looked unconvinced.
“I mean it,” she said. “I know I tease you a bit sometimes…” I snorted. “…but this is a serious situation, and I only want to help.”
“OK, then,” I sighed. “When would you like me to start?”
“As soon as possible. Before Phil and I get food poisoning or something.”
“Don’t forget Maria’s coming next week,” Sally said.
I had forgotten that Maria Ortega was coming to stay with us for a few days. She was considering going to London University and we had volunteered to put her up while she went to interviews and checked out possible accommodation. It would be nice to see what kind of young woman the Spanish schoolgirl we had known had become.
“OK, I’ll make a start as soon as Maria’s left – say, Monday or Tuesday week.”
“Great – and why don’t all three of you come to dinner at the weekend? We’d love to meet her.”
And so it was arranged. I admitted to Sally later that earning enough for even one mortgage payment would be a load off my mind.
* * *
Maria arrived on the early morning flight. We met her at the airport, just managing to get the three of us and her luggage in Carol’s old Fiesta. We had told her parents about our financial setbacks and they understood that we wouldn’t be able to treat her to much. We promised to make it up to her when we were back on our feet. She was grateful just to have somewhere to crash while she went to her meetings and checked out university life in London.
She had grown into a charming young woman. Her Spanish hill farmer heritage was plain to see; she was short and a little plump; but she had flawless olive skin, raven hair, and an enchanting smile. We had a lovely day together catching up. Sally and I enjoyed practising our Spanish again, and we tried to help Maria with her English, which was quite good already. We gave her a mock interview, to make sure she had all the vocabulary she would be likely to need.
We took her round to meet Anna and Phil. They liked her immediately and treated us all to a meal at their favourite restaurant, currently out of bounds for us on our economy drive.
Maria’s interviews seemed to go well, but it would be a while before she knew whether London University would take her, and she was planning a Gap Year.
She was with us for the rest of the week. On a free afternoon Anna and Sally took her into London to go shopping in Oxford Street, window-shopping in Sally’s case.
We had a riotous dinner party on Saturday night at Anna’s place with card games and several bottles of excellent wine. I helped in the kitchen, which was beginning to look seriously grubby. Anna didn’t work but kept herself busy with her social circle and various charities. She certainly didn’t seem to spend much time looking after her house.
We were sad to see Maria go back to Madrid, but we all had high hopes she would be back the following October.
* * *
Ever since I had foolishly agreed to clean my sister’s house I had been looking around carefully on every social visit to size up the job. Each surreptitious inspection had depressed me a little more. Cleaning our own house hadn’t been too bad, because Sally and I were naturally fairly tidy people, but Anna and Phil were slobs – no other word for it. Worse: their place was quite a lot bigger than ours. It had five bedrooms, four bathrooms, two en suite, and three reception rooms. The kitchen/breakfast room was enormous with a central island. Like the rest of the house, it was filthy.
I turned up to make a start on the Monday after Maria had gone home. I was wearing an old T-shirt and jeans, as I fully expected to ruin my clothes, but Anna insisted I wear a cleaning smock that Betty had apparently left behind. It was very feminine and completely unnecessary, just another in a long line of Anna’s pranks, intended only to humiliate her little brother. When I objected, she insisted that she was the boss, and if I wanted to be paid, I would have to obey her instructions.
As she was showing me around, I raised another obvious objection.
“Look, Anna, I signed on to clean, but I can hardly even start without doing a major tidy-up. You’ve got stuff lying around everywhere.” We were in the lounge as I was speaking. “I mean, just look at this place! On every surface there are books, videos, papers, CDs, magazines, letters, bills, dirty coffee cups, wine glasses... I mean, I don’t know where to put any of this stuff and I can’t clean until it’s all cleared away.”
“The coffee cups go in the dishwasher, but the wine glasses are crystal. You have to wash them by hand.”
“Har-de-har. And what about the rest? If I have to put everything away somewhere it’ll take twice as long and you’ll never be able to find anything.”
“Well we can’t find anything now!”
“But it’s the same in every room...” I sighed. “OK, I’ll do the tidying-up too, but don’t blame me if I put things in the wrong places. And I’ll probably be here all week!”
* * *
And I was. First of all, I went round the house gathering up dirty plates, cups and glasses and putting them in the dishwasher, or the washing-up bowl in the case of her precious crystal wine glasses. Then I started collecting up all the books, alphabetised them by author, and consigned them to near-empty bookcases all over the house, non-fiction downstairs, romances and thrillers in the bedrooms. I did the same for their videos and albums. All but the most recent papers and magazines went in the recycling. I filed all the official-looking letters, utility bills, invoices, receipts, and tax demands in the study desk drawers or the filing cabinet, in accordance with their rudimentary and completely inadequate system. I wasn’t snooping but I couldn’t help learning a lot more about their financial situation than I had known before. Phil was doing very well. They were loaded.
I changed the sheets on their bed as well as those in the guest bedrooms – God knows when any of them were last washed – and I collected up all their dirty clothes. Then I began at least two months’ worth of laundry. I tried to draw the line at ironing, but Anna argued that she was paying £1,000 for five days’ work, so I should do everything she asked. So in between the tidying and filing I was continually loading and emptying the washing machine and the tumble-dryer.
The ironing pile grew steadily. How could one couple have so many clothes? I guessed that when they had no more clean shirts or underwear, they just bought some more. When I opened Anna’s wardrobe to put her ironed blouses, skirts and dresses away, I saw that she kept all her shoes in their original boxes, which were stacked in tidy rows, four deep. I worked ten hours on my first day, and I was knackered.
By Tuesday lunchtime I could finally see all the carpets and the surfaces of the tables, chairs, and furniture. So cleaning was now possible. I was ready to make a start when I discovered another problem.
“You’re practically out of cleaning materials!”
“Probably,” Anna agreed. “What do you need?”
“Well… everything! Cleaners for the kitchen, bathrooms and toilets; bleach; disinfectant; furniture polish; scrubbing brushes; dusters. You don’t even have a mop!”
“Betty looked after all that for me. She brought a lot of brushes and dusters and smelly cans and bottles with her on a little foldaway cart. She made me buy an expensive vacuum cleaner – that should be working all right. As for the rest, make a list, then you can go down to the supermarket.”
“Er… I don’t think I can afford all that,” I said hopefully.
Anna wasn’t fazed. “You can take my credit card. I often gave it to Betty when she was my maid.”
“I’m not your maid!”
“If you say so, sweetie. Can you do a grocery shop while you’re there? I’m sure you can work out what we need. You can fill up your little car too, if you like. Mileage is a legitimate expense for a professional cleaning lady.”
I was about to object at being called a ‘cleaning lady’ when I realised the Fiesta’s tank was nearly empty and would take fifty quid to fill, so I held my tongue. I was just wondering if I could buy anything else on Anna’s credit card. I knew she never checked her statement…
“I can trust you, can’t I, sweetie? I’d hate to think that my little brother was less trustworthy than my ex-maid.”
I swear, sometimes it’s like she can read my mind.
“Don’t forget to take your smock off – or maybe you’d just like to borrow my hat, coat and handbag?”
* * *
The laundry and shopping finished off Tuesday. So I began the main cleaning on Wednesday morning.
I started in the bedrooms. A long-handled feather duster was soon filthy with cobwebs. There were grubby fingerprints on the paintwork all over the place. I wiped with ‘Mr Muscle’, dusted, and vacuumed. Then I moved on to the landing, hall, lounge and dining room. I filled the vacuum cleaner bag twice.
Then I tackled the bathrooms and toilets. They were disgusting and took hours. It was also hard physical work, as even with the most powerful cleaning fluids, months of accumulated grime took a lot of scrubbing.
I couldn’t say I was enjoying the work exactly. I particularly hate ironing. But it was… peaceful. Once you’ve planned your day, housework doesn’t require much thinking or calculating or decision-making. I could switch my brain off. More importantly, I could calm my mind and stop worrying about our financial situation. I put some Mozart on the sound system and found myself relaxing for the first time in months.
But it’s strange the way the human brain works. On Wednesday morning, while I was mindlessly ironing Phil’s eleventh shirt, my mind apparently a blank, the risk algorithm from my digital currency app suddenly popped into my head and I realised where it was flawed, and I knew how to fix it!
With my sister’s grudging approval, I quit a little early on Wednesday to go and get on my computer. I wanted to rewrite the algorithm. It wouldn’t be long before potential competitors noticed what my application was doing and started working on their own versions. I needed to stay ahead of them. My service was still fully operational via the Atkinson Stern website, linked to my personal server. I couldn’t profit from it at the moment, as its revenues were going into an escrow account. I thought about redirecting them to a new account the Bank wouldn’t know about, but I realised that would in contravention of the injunction. I didn’t need to be facing criminal charges on top of everything else. Hopefully all the money would be returned to me if – when – I won the Tribunal. Meanwhile I was trying to keep the service up to date and ahead of the competition. Besides, it was a matter of personal pride that my application should be as good as possible.
I was back at Anna’s bright and early on Thursday and I worked solidly through the day. I was even humming happily to myself, now that I had fixed my algorithm problem. To my surprise, more ideas of a similar nature floated into my head as I worked. I couldn’t wait to get home and start coding.
When I finally packed up for the day only the kitchen was left to do. I might even get Friday afternoon off! I was getting ready to go when Anna reminded me that she wanted the garage clearing out before the end of my week’s servitude. Aarghhh!
* * *
“I had some friends round for bridge yesterday,” Anna said.
She and I were sitting in her kitchen over morning coffee. It was a couple of weeks after I’d done her major clean, and I was there to do my two hours upkeep, plus the laundry and ironing, of course.
“They all admired how clean and tidy the place looks,” she continued.
Was that a slightly shifty look in her eye?
“So of course you told them how hard you’ve been working to keep it looking nice?” I said sarcastically.
“Ha! No, they know me too well. None of them would have believed me.”
“I hope you didn’t tell them I cleaned for you! You promised!”
“No, no, I kept you out of it. I told them I’d hired a new maid,” she laughed. “Well, it’s true, isn’t it? I just didn’t mention that the maid was a boy.”
“Good,” I said, relieved. I was used to her calling me her maid by now. Water off a duck’s back. “But we’ll have to be careful that none of them see me here when I’m doing your two hours a week.”
“Don’t worry about that,” she said. “But I haven’t finished. They wouldn’t drop the subject. They’re all desperate for a cleaner. No one seems to be filling the gap left by Pinner Maids closing down. They all wanted to hire my new maid.”
“So what did you say?”
“I said she was a friend of yours from your time in Spain – Maria Ortega.”
“Why on earth…?”
“I thought it was quite clever. A couple of my friends had seen Maria going in and out of your place. I said she was only visiting temporarily and was a bit short of money, so I had hired her to clean our house. But I told them she’s gone back home now, so she’s not available.”
“Maria is not a cleaner,” I protested. “For God’s sake, she did the International Baccalaureate and got very high grades. She’s hoping to come to London to study Medicine.”
“Well no one here ever needs to know that, do they? And if she does come back sometime, we can always say it’s a different Maria. No one saw her up close, and Ortega is a fairly common name in Spain, isn’t it?”
“I suppose so, but why did you have to make all that stuff up at all?”
“I’m sorry – I panicked. Maria just came to mind after that evening we spent with her. Anyway it worked, didn’t it? They stopped asking for her contact details.”
“It might have worked – for now. But what will they think when they see that your home stays nice and tidy? They’ll know someone’s cleaning for you.”
“Are you trying to get out of your weekly chores? No way, buster! If the local ladies hassle me further about my mysterious cleaner, I’ll think of something else.”
* * *
It was a very specific ‘local lady’ who next asked about Anna’s maid. Dorothy lived a few streets away. We’d seen her coming and going to Anna’s house for coffee mornings and other social occasions, but she was partially sighted and didn’t get out much. She usually travelled by taxi. We learned of her plight at half past seven one evening when Anna burst in and interrupted our dinner.
“You have to clean Dorothy’s place for her!” she announced firmly. “She’ll pay you the same as I did. That’ll be another mortgage payment sorted out.”
Sally looked up, hopefully.
“Hold on,” I said. “I told you I don’t want to make a career out of cleaning. It’s too embarrassing. This is a posh neighbourhood. We wouldn’t be able to hold our heads up…”
“Oh for heaven’s sake, Dave!” Sally interrupted. “You have plenty of faults, God knows, but I never thought you were a snob.”
She got up to pour Anna a glass of Rioja. Yes, we’d spent a few quid from my earnings as a cleaner on wine.
“I’m not a snob!” I began. “Hey! What do you mean, ‘plenty of faults’?”
“It doesn’t matter anyway,” said Anna, gulping our plonk. “Dave can’t clean Dorothy’s house. He’s a man – sort of.”
I ignored that. Typical Anna insult.
“So what?” Sally said.
“Well, none of the older ladies around here who live alone would dream of letting a man in to do their cleaning. Even if they might have considered it before, it’s out of the question now after the Pinner Maids debacle – Dorothy least of all with her handicap. Why do you think domestic cleaners are all women? Come to think of it, that even applies to us younger married women – our husbands wouldn’t be happy with a strange man in the house when they’re out at work! Phil even complains when I invite our gardener into the kitchen for a coffee. Bless his jealous little heart.”
“So what have you come to us for?” Sally asked. “I’m certainly not doing it!”
“No, not you, and not Dave,” said Anna, with that air of smugness that’s annoyed the hell out of me since we were kids. “So that leaves… Maria!” she finished, triumphantly.
Her triumph dissipated when she saw our blank looks.
“Maria isn’t here anymore,” I pointed out, “and as we said she isn’t a cleaner anyway!”
“Oh for Pete’s sake…! You can clean Dorothy’s place, Dave, disguised as Maria! See… no need to be embarrassed in front of the neighbours!”
Our blank looks changed quickly; Sally’s to amusement, mine to outrage.
“You’re mad!” I spluttered. “I’d never get away with it… even if I were willing…”
“Yes, you would,” Anna insisted. “I’ve thought it through. Dorothy’s eyesight is really bad. She can only make out shapes and colours, not faces. We just need your hair, figure, mannerisms and posture to be convincing. So you’d have to put on the shapewear you wore for the party, with a woman’s top and leggings, and that smock I lent you. You’d need a dark wig or you could wear a headscarf or something. You showed at the party that you can move like a woman really well, with feminine gestures and mannerisms. You actors…!”
Anna didn’t know the half of it. We never mentioned that I’d spent an evening out disguised as Sally’s mother and got away with it.
“But even if all that worked, she’d know I was a man as soon as I opened my mouth!”
“Actually the voice you put on as Fifi at the party wasn’t half bad – that high-pitched, breathy whisper,” Anna said. “You’d probably be fine. But there’s no need to risk it. Maria’s Spanish, right? We can say she doesn’t speak English, so you won’t have to talk to Dorothy at all.”
“But if I don’t speak English, how is she going to tell me what she wants me to do?”
I thought I had her there.
“Well, let’s see. It’s too far to walk so Sally will have to drop you off each morning on the way to the bank. Then she can go round the house with Dorothy, talk through the day’s chores with her, and give you your instructions in Spanish. You’re both fluent, right? You’ll just to have nod and say ‘Si, si, Señora,’ in a Spanish version of your Fifi voice. It’ll be fine.”
“The whole idea’s barking mad,” I said, though it seemed she’d thought of everything.
“Please, Dave! Come on, it’s just another acting role. I really like Dorothy and she’s desperate.”
I couldn’t remember Anna ever pleading with me for anything. Ever. It was disconcerting, to say the least.
“Look, I was fine with being Fifi; it was a fancy dress party. Lots of men drag up for parties, but this is real life. People wouldn’t understand…”
“People won’t know,” said Anna.
“Nine hundred pounds, babe,” said Sally, quietly.
I sighed. The money would keep the wolf from the door for another month.
“I suppose I could try on an outfit and see what I look like…”
Anna hugged me. Sally smiled.
“…but if I look stupid, you can forget it!”
Both women nodded vigorously.
* * *
We agreed that we would test my disguise that weekend. Sally still had access to the Pinner Players costumes and props store. So on Saturday morning we went round and appropriated the foam breast forms again. She also found an expensive-looking, long-haired, jet black wig. Apparently it had been procured for the natural blonde who played Dulcinea in the previous season’s production of Man of La Mancha.
“That’s going to be hot and uncomfortable to work in,” I objected.
“I can pin it up for you,” said Sally, “and you can wear a headscarf. That should at least keep it out of your way. It’s a pity your own hair isn’t long enough. Mind you, it soon will be since you banned haircuts on our economy drive.”
“All right, all right, you can get your hair done,” I said, taking the not-so-subtle hint. “With Dorothy’s payment we can afford one trip to the hairdresser’s. Just a trim, mind!”
“I promise. I need to look smart for my job even if you don’t, and even my split-ends have split-ends. Now, let’s go up to the bathroom. I need to shave you all over.”
“Why? I’m going to be wearing slacks and long sleeves.”
“You always say the costume is an essential part of getting into character. Smooth, lady-like skin is just as important for that as your padded bra and girdle. Now stop arguing and get upstairs.”
“Can’t we use that Nair stuff? Shaving all over will be really scratchy.”
“No, we haven’t got any. But I’ll rub you all over with Aloe Vera afterwards. Actually I like you all smooth and oily, so maybe we can… make the most of it afterwards… if you know what I mean.”
Oh, I knew! I shelved my objections. Sex in the afternoon. Cool! The sheets needed changing anyway.
* * *
After our ‘afterwards’ Sally handed me one of Carol’s bras and the breast forms. After my practice getting into my role as Fifi I was able to put them on like an expert. She went with black underwear this time, as she had picked out dark colours for my outer clothes.
Then I had to endure the indignity of getting into my mother-in-law’s shapewear while my wife padded it all with cotton wool. Again it would obviously be padding to anyone who looked closely but we hoped that with her poor eyesight Dorothy wouldn’t be able to tell, just so long as my overall shape was about right.
Before she decided what I would be wearing, she added the wig and some make-up, so I could begin to get into character as Maria. I stood in front of our bedroom mirror and examined myself from every angle. I had to admit it; I looked good. Very good. Very curvy. I might even get away with it with someone with good eyesight – at least, at first glance.
“Haven’t you rather gone overboard with the padding?” I asked. “I’m sure I wasn’t this fat as Fifi.”
“You’re not fat,” Sally said, “just ‘pleasantly plump’. Okay, maybe a little over-endowed in the bust region,” she admitted. “I may have ‘enhanced’ the forms a little. But it’s all deliberate. We need Dorothy to see a convincing feminine silhouette, don’t we? You need a nice, curvy, hourglass figure.”
“I suppose so, but this humongous bust will get in the way when I’m cleaning.”
But she wasn’t listening. She was busy rifling her mother’s drawers.
“OK, here’s a plain top and some dark leggings,” she said. “They should be skin tight, but quite comfortable over your shapewear.”
Both the top and the leggings were made of a soft but stretchy material. This wasn’t the sort of clothing I was used to – most men don’t wear anything skin-tight, I suppose – but since everything sensitive was well protected by the shapewear and the padding, it was all ‘quite comfortable’, as Sally had promised.
“Good, now let’s put your cleaner’s smock over it all.”
I complied and took another look in the mirror. I realised then that I was actually going to have to go through with this. I looked pretty convincing – certainly good enough for someone with impaired eyesight.
“You look great,” Sally confirmed, “but you can’t work like that. Your hair will keep getting in the way. Put this headscarf on. I’ll show you how.”
I didn’t even know Sally had a headscarf – I supposed it must have been one of Carol’s – but it was the finishing touch. I would only need a little light make-up to look exactly like a cleaning lady.
“We should talk only in Spanish now, Maria,” Sally said, switching effortlessly to that language. “We need the practice.”
* * *
It was late afternoon now, and Sally called Anna and Phil. They came over straightaway, eager to offer their unbiased opinions.
When he’d finished laughing, Phil said, “Fifi was much sexier, Maria mate.”
“We’re not going for ‘sexy’,” I said, sullenly. “We’re only aiming for ‘passable’ – to a half-blind lady.”
“Hey! That’s no way to talk about a handicapped person,” said Anna, nudging me painfully in the ribs. “She’s ‘partially sighted’.”
“Thank you, the PC brigade. Can we get on with the business in hand? Will I pass?”
“Well, you look pretty good – actually much better than I expected. You’d almost pass even in front of a fully sighted person. Maybe not close to, or for a prolonged period, but it’s nearly good enough for Dorothy…”
“I sense a ‘but’ coming,” said Sally.
“She’s supposed to be a Spanish peasant girl, isn’t she?” said Anna. “An olive-skinned beauty…”
“Well, not necessarily a beauty, but I see what you mean,” Sally agreed.
“What?” I asked. “What’s the matter?”
“Your skin, babe,” said Sally. You’re a pasty-faced white chick.”
“As I said, Dorothy can see shapes and colours,” said Anna.
“Is it really that important?” I asked. Both women nodded. I sighed. “So what can we do about it?”
“Fake tan,” Anna said. “I’ve got some left over from our Indian Ocean trip last summer. I’ll go back home and get it.”
Phil and Anna had spent three weeks in the Seychelles the previous year, and Anna, being Anna, couldn’t bear to appear as a chalky-white Englishwoman in front of the natives and all the tanned jet-setting women. So she had enhanced her complexion with ‘tan in a bottle’ until she had achieved the real thing. Fortunately she browns quickly so there was nearly half a bottle left.
Thirty minutes later I was stripped to the waist and Anna was rubbing a noxious brown fluid into my skin. She covered my hands, arms, shoulders, neck and face, and was starting on my chest and back. I tried to stop her.
“Hang on, I’m not going to strip down to my bra while I’m cleaning!”
“Sorry,” she said, not in the least sorry. “I got carried away.”
“It’s a bit pongy,” I complained
“The smell will soon fade. Anyway, you’re lucky,” Anna said. “I had to do my whole body. It took ages.”
“You mean I had to do your whole body,” grumbled Phil.
“Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it,” Anna said. “OK, I’ve finished. The trick is to avoid it looking streaky.” She turned me toward the mirror. “What do you think?”
“Yes,” I agreed. “It’s pretty convincing.” I was sporting a very Hispanic dark brown face.
“I think you’d pass anywhere now,” Sally said. “After all, lots of people at the party didn’t realise you weren’t a woman.”
“Until the following morning when I appeared with my wig askew and no boobs in my bra. Hey, how long does this warpaint last?”
“Don’t worry, you’ll still be a dusky maiden on Monday when you start at Dorothy’s,” Anna said, reassuringly.
“That’s not what I meant! I expected to be me again for the weekend. I can’t go out as Dave with Maria-coloured skin.”
“Why not?”
“Well, suppose someone we know saw Dave with brown skin and then met Maria? It would be obvious what was going on!”
“Well, I suppose you’d better stay as Maria for the moment,” said Sally.
“Does it wash off?” I asked.
“Well obviously it doesn’t wash off!” said Anna scornfully. “It’s for when you’re wearing a swimsuit at the beach or by the pool. You have to be able to go in the water after sunbathing. You don’t want your tan to have disappeared when you come out. It will wear off as you lose the top layer of skin – in about twelve to fourteen days, I think. The only way to remove it earlier is to exfoliate using lemon juice or suchlike. That’s not much fun, and you’ll only have to put it all back on again for Monday.”
“Not to worry, babe,” said Sally. “Mum’s wardrobe is full of stuff for Maria to wear. And at least we know your tan won’t make a mess of the sheets… no matter what we might get up to.”
“Too much information,” said Phil.
* * *
I stripped off my disguise after Phil and Anna left and refused to budge for the rest of Saturday. I also insisted Sally answer the door when our pizza delivery arrived. I rushed upstairs to hide when the doorbell rang.
But Anna was right about the robustness of my fake tan. It was unchanged on Sunday morning, despite some vigorous action overnight. I tried to persuade Sally that we should stay in all day again, but she would have none of it.
“It’s a lovely day, and you need some more Maria time, to practise your act and build up your confidence. We could go for a walk in the park, then to the shops, and maybe a movie this evening.”
“What if we meet someone we know?”
“Not very likely, but we can go out to the country, if you’d prefer. How about a Sunday roast at that pub in the Chiltern Hills?”
As I may have mentioned, there’s little point in arguing with Sally when she’s made up her mind, so I grudgingly allowed her to dress me up as Maria again – padded bra, shapewear, wig, light make-up.
“You know, some false eyelashes would make you look even more feminine, and maybe a little exotic.”
“Forget it.”
Grumbling, she went off and ransacked her mother’s wardrobe for more casual wear that would fit my enhanced figure. She found some plain dark slacks, a grey top, and a black ladies’ jacket. I wore the same sensible black shoes I had bought for Fifi. I had to admit, with the dark skin, jet-black wig, and make-up, I looked exactly like a Spanish hill farmer’s daughter… I imagine. I’ve never actually met a Spanish hill farmer’s daughter. The real Maria Ortega was strictly a sophisticated urban señorita.
“You’d better take off your wedding ring,” Sally said.
I wasn’t happy about that. There seemed to be something altogether too symbolic about it. But I did. Sally was prattling on.
“And you can wear my old ladies’ watch. Yours is too masculine. I’ve got some fun rings here too and a little necklace with a crucifix – very suitable for a good Catholic girl like you. Oh – we should get your ears pierced when we get a chance, but these hoop earrings are clip-ons.”
“I don’t want my ears pierced, thank you. Surely Dorothy’s eyesight isn’t up to noticing whether I’m wearing earrings?”
“Hopefully not. I’m just pointing out that a Spanish girl of your age would almost certainly have pierced ears. Here, you can put your money and keys in the old handbag of mine that you used when you were my mother.” She rubbed her hands with glee. “Sometimes it’s quite fun being married to an actor – or should I say ‘actress’?”
* * *
Sally drove us out to the Royal Oak, an excellent country pub we’d been to a couple of times. It was about three quarters of an hour away, enough to make it unlikely we would bump into anyone we knew. Sally had to drive of course, as once again I didn’t look anything like my driver’s licence photo.
We found a table in a corner where we wouldn’t be overheard. I spoke only Spanish, trying to keep my voice at an appropriate pitch. Sally ordered for me in English.
Just as she had when she and I had gone out for dinner before our party, she quietly but firmly corrected me if I slouched in an unladylike manner; or if I let my legs slip apart; or spoke too loudly; or if I did anything else unfeminine. This continued throughout the meal and afterwards when we went for a walk.
“Little steps, Maria. Pretend you’re wearing a tight skirt,” she said. “And maybe try swinging your big bum from side to side a little.” So I tried that. “Not as much as that, you dork! Think Audrey Hepburn, not Marilyn Monroe.” I tried again. She sighed. “Well at least you’re not walking like John Wayne anymore.”
It was a brisk Autumn day and there were lots of other walkers on the footpath, many with dogs. Most of them smiled and said hello as we passed but I was a little worried at the attention we were attracting. Was this because my disguise wasn’t good enough? Maybe it was too obvious that my curves were stiff padding rather than jiggly female flesh? Or maybe I wasn’t moving right – stomping around like a docker, or mincing like a flamboyant drag queen?
Sally hastened to reassure me.
“You’re doing fine, Maria,” Sally said. “You need to get used to people looking at you. You’re an attractive girl now. In fact, I’m a little surprised that no one’s tried to pick us up yet. I’d be tempted to let them in your place – you’re a single girl in a foreign country…”
“Pass!” I said firmly. “And don’t you even think about it either. Your husband may be out of sight at the moment, but he’s not far away.”
“Yeah, well, out of sight, out of mind, babe.”
I hoped she was joking. But, all in all, it was a good day, and I was beginning to get used to being Maria. Perhaps my disguise wasn’t up to close inspection, but I knew my gestures, mannerisms and movements were becoming decidedly feminine again. I just hoped it would be as easy to go back to normal next weekend – assuming I could get rid of my fake tan by then.
Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 3 – Maria’s First Job
Dave, now Maria, begins earning his pay as a cleaning lady. It turns out not to be as bad as he expected.
At half-past seven on Monday morning, we – that is, Sally and Maria – rang Dorothy’s doorbell. We’d already apologised for having to be here this early, but Sally had to be at work by eight-thirty. The old lady wasn’t at all bothered. She told Sally that she didn’t sleep much at her age. She was always up at six.
It was a chilly morning so I was wearing dark glasses, my headscarf, and an old coat of Sally’s over my cleaning lady costume, and carrying my handbag. Also, having learned my lesson at Anna and Phil’s, I had an old basket full of essential cleaning materials, in case Dorothy was as under-equipped as my sister.
“Listen, are you sure this is… well... right?” I asked Sally, in Spanish. “We’re deceiving an elderly, handicapped lady for monetary gain.”
“We’re not robbing her,” she said, reasonably. “You’ll be working your balls off for her… well not balls, obviously; you’ve already put them out of reach… as it were. You’ll be doing her a real service, something she desperately needs. You’re not proposing to attack her, or rifle through her drawers or anything, are you? You want a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work – as a humble cleaning lady.”
She was still cackling at my discomfiture when the door opened to silence any further conversation. Dorothy blinked nervously at us in the morning sunlight.
“Morning, Dorothy,” said my wife cheerfully. “I’m Sally and this is Maria.”
I smiled and bobbed something that might have been a sort of curtsey. Then I realised she wouldn’t have been able to see me smiling.
“Oh, do come in,” Dorothy said warmly. “It’s so kind of you to help. Let’s go into the kitchen first, then I can show you around. Do you want to hang your coats up?” She pointed to a row of coat hooks behind the front door.
She was a lovely old lady – early eighties, I guessed. She ushered us in and led the way confidently. She obviously knew her way around her own home, despite her poor eyesight.
On the way to the kitchen we passed her sitting room. I noticed all the furniture was round the outside of the room against the walls, so there was nothing in the middle of the room for her to trip over. There was an occasional table beside each armchair; a television in the opposite corner; and plenty of bookshelves, but there were no books or magazines on any of the chairs or tables. I made a mental note to dust the bookshelves carefully. They probably hadn’t been touched since Dorothy’s eyesight began to fail.
The kitchen was laid out in a similar fashion, except for a counter dividing the room in half, with a chair each side. I imagined that as she lived alone she would take many of her meals here. There was a radio at one end of the counter.
We refused her offer of coffee as Sally was pressed for time, and began our tour of the house. Dorothy led the way, giving instructions to Sally in English, which she translated into Spanish for me, although of course I understood everything Dorothy said. I just nodded, smiled and said “Si, si,” and “Si, si, Señora,” in a breathy, high-pitched Spanish accent. Dorothy showed no sign of suspecting I was anything other than what I appeared to be.
Apart from the kitchen and breakfast room, the ground floor consisted of two reception rooms and a cloakroom with toilet and washbasin. Up the first flight of stairs were four bedrooms, one with an en suite, and a family bathroom. A second flight of stairs led up to two more small bedrooms, which had no furniture to speak of and were clearly used for storage.
I had a notebook in which I recorded everything she wanted me to do. I wrote in Spanish, just in case, though it was fairly obvious she wouldn’t be able to read my scrawl anyway. When we finished the tour we returned to the kitchen.
The house had clearly not been cleaned properly for some weeks. The kitchen and toilets were looking grubby, and there was dust everywhere. But it wasn’t untidy like Anna and Phil’s place. Even the memorabilia and junk in the attic rooms were all neatly packaged up and labelled in boxes and suitcases. I wouldn’t need to be making continual trips out to the bins with rubbish. I guessed I could complete the job comfortably in three days. Sally relayed my estimate to Dorothy.
“Would you like her to do some washing and ironing for you too?” she asked.
“Oh would she?” Dorothy smiled at me. “I do find that difficult these days, particularly the ironing.”
That would probably mean four days, and very nearly another mortgage payment sorted. Sally had clearly realised the same thing. She opened the discussion of payment. Dorothy actually offered a rate even higher than Anna had paid me, and Sally accepted happily. I was glad there was no need for any negotiation. Sally is a tough negotiator but I already liked Dorothy too much to want to make her uncomfortable.
“Maria doesn’t have a bank account over here,” Sally said, “but if you make out a cheque to me, I’ll pay her in cash.”
Dorothy was fine with that. I felt I had joined the ranks of generations of cleaning ladies who worked hard and saw their wages commandeered by their spouses. At least I could trust Sally not to blow my hard-earned money on booze and fags.
“I should offer to make lunch, shouldn’t I?” I suggested in Spanish. “She must struggle with the cooker controls.” Sally nodded.
“Maria’s asking if you’d like her to make lunch for you both later on,” she interpreted.
“Oh I don’t think…” Dorothy began.
“It really would be no trouble,” Sally pressed. “She’d be happy to help out,” she said on my behalf.
At Dorothy’s invitation I checked her cupboards. For today I suggested chicken soup from a tin, and bread and cheese. She was happy with that. I told Sally that I would bring something from home to make lunch for the next three days. She relayed the message and Dorothy looked very pleased. She asked Sally to tell me to help myself to coffee and biscuits whenever I wanted. I smiled and asked Sally to thank her. This speaking-through-an-interpreter business felt a little silly but it was obviously necessary, and it would be so easy to make a mistake and answer Dorothy directly in English!
Sally left to go to the bank and I got to work.
I started at the top of the house flicking away spider-webs with a long-handled feather duster; dusting all the lower surfaces – mantelpieces, shelves, table tops; vacuuming to remove the dust; wiping down all the paintwork with a cloth, a sponge and a washing-up bowl full of soapy water; and finally cleaning the insides of all of the windows.
The hardest part of the work was moving all the heavy boxes so that I could vacuum thoroughly. I hoped Dorothy wouldn’t be suspicious that I was capable of moving such weights.
Each of the attic rooms took me about three-quarters of an hour. When I’d finished the second one, I made my way back downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee and empty the dirty water from my bowl. Dorothy was in the kitchen on the telephone. She smiled at me; I smiled back. I didn’t know if her vision was up to seeing that.
“Yes, she’s here now,” she said into the phone. “She seems very nice…”
I studiously ignored what I was hearing, as I wasn’t supposed to understand an English conversation.
“Well, I haven’t had the chance to look at anything she’s done yet… I might not be able to tell how thorough she is anyway…”
This was a little worrying – not that I was ashamed of my work, but who on earth was she talking to? And why were they interested?
“… with my eyesight, you know…? Well, why don’t you come round after she’s gone and see for yourself?”
It was getting harder to concentrate on being oblivious to what I was hearing. I just hoped that the mysterious person at the other end of the telephone didn’t turn up while I was still here. Should I have asked Sally to tell Dorothy that I was too shy to meet anyone? I dismissed that idea as soon as I’d thought of it. Anybody would be suspicious of that.
After my coffee break I carried on with the much larger bedrooms on the first floor and managed to get one more done by lunchtime. But now, and for the rest of the day, I was worrying about being seen at close quarters by someone with 20-20 vision.
I came down at about ten past one to find Dorothy dozing in an armchair in the sitting room. I didn’t disturb her yet but went into the kitchen to start preparing our meal. I deliberately made more noise than necessary with the saucepan and the grill, in the hope that she would wake up without me needing to go and rouse her.
As planned, I heated the chicken soup and made some cheese on toast and a pot of tea to wash it down. It was all just about ready when Dorothy appeared. She smiled and sat down at the kitchen counter.
Lunch was a strange affair. As I served the meal the two of us communicated almost entirely by sign language. I worked out what she was trying to say most of the time, and bobbed, and whispered, “Si, Señora,” as appropriate; but I was never sure she had caught any of my signals, given her vision issues.
Still she ate hungrily, and we each returned to our morning activities: me to scrubbing the bathroom, Dorothy to dozing in the sitting room.
Progress was a little slower in the afternoon as the other bedrooms were in a poorer state. I suspected Dorothy had grandchildren who came to stay and who were still at the stage of knocking over any vessel containing liquid. I spent a lot of time with carpet shampoo and scrubbing brush. More than once it occurred to me to wonder whether she would appreciate what I was doing. Did she know about the many orange juice and milk stains? Would her eyesight be up to seeing how much better the carpet looked after I’d finished?
I took her in a cup of tea and a plate of chocolate digestives at about half past three, but otherwise saw no one for the rest of the afternoon as I laboured away. At one point it occurred to me that I was actually enjoying myself, and I began to wonder why. I had always been a bit of a neatness freak, but still…
Sally returned to collect me at about five-thirty. Dorothy asked her to tell me how pleased she was with the rooms I had cleaned, and how much she appreciated my work.
“So how was it?” Sally asked in Spanish as we left, just in case someone was hiding behind one of the road’s tall privet hedges.
“Oh it was fine. I’m quite used to cleaning now, as you know.”
“This was the first time you’ve done it in drag though,” she mocked.
“It’s just wearing a costume – playing a part. No biggie. Though all the tight shapewear and padding is quite uncomfortable. The wig too. I’m pretty sweaty underneath. I’ll need all clean underwear tomorrow.”
“Yes, I can tell you do need a shower,” she said, sniffing me ostentatiously. “The trouble is, you don’t smell woman-sweaty; you smell boy-sweaty. I think we’d better dowse you in girly anti-perspirant tomorrow, just in case.”
“Anyway I can put up with it all for the moment,” I said. “It’s a fairly painless way to earn the extra money we need to keep ourselves in the black.”
“But don’t you find it all a little demeaning?” she said after a little thought. “Someone with your qualifications doing unskilled labour, and female labour, at that?”
“But it was all your idea!” I protested. “Yours and Anna’s. Anyway, that’s a bit sexist, isn’t it? Given that I can’t make use of my elite qualifications at the moment, I definitely prefer cleaning toilets – even in a bra and knickers – to emptying bins or digging holes in the road. And as for unskilled labour, there’s nothing wrong with that. We can’t all run British Airways or Microsoft.”
* * *
And so the week progressed. Sally came with me each morning to take and translate any additional instructions. I brought a light lunch in each day. I dusted and scrubbed and wiped and polished and vacuumed, and gradually the house began to sparkle. Dorothy was delighted. On Wednesday I started putting in loads of washing between cleaning sessions. By Thursday morning there was only the kitchen left to clean and a huge pile of ironing to get through.
On each day that week I finished early enough to shower, wash my shapewear, organise our dinner, and still spend an hour on my computer. Being Maria during the day and Dave in the evening was hard work but altogether a fulfilling and satisfying experience.
There was one disturbing episode however – well, three episodes, in fact. I kept overhearing Dorothy talking about me on the phone. Obviously she completely believed in the fictional Maria and her inability to understand English, or else she would have been more discreet. Each time she reported to her caller how satisfied she was with my work and invited her (I heard enough of the caller’s voice to know she spoke to three different women) to come round in the evening to see for herself.
It sounded like other local ladies might be interested in Maria’s services. In principle I’d be very happy with the work and the money, as I couldn’t earn anything as myself at the moment, and I felt I was letting my wife down with no salary. But we both knew my disguise wasn’t good enough to be around sharp urban women in full possession of their faculties. It was time for Maria to go back to Spain. The only problem was my sexy olive skin. I needed to return to pale white Dave as soon as possible. I determined to find out all I could about exfoliating.
* * *
On the Thursday afternoon I had just finished putting all of Dorothy’s newly washed and pressed clothes back in her wardrobes and drawers when Sally came by to collect me. Perfect timing. A smiling Dorothy pushed a large cheque into Sally’s hand and said she hoped I would be available for a couple of hours a week for the foreseeable future. Sally promised to see what could be arranged. I was standing behind Dorothy shaking my head vigorously. So Sally backtracked a little, saying she wasn’t sure how much longer Maria would be staying in the UK, but she would discuss it with me.
Back at home, she wanted to talk about it further.
“I hadn’t realised just how good you are at cleaning,” she began. “I mean, I know you keep our place looking amazing, but you’ve really impressed your sister – and Dorothy.”
“Well, it’s not rocket science,” I began modestly. “It’s just a matter of being organised and following a few simple principles…”
“No doubt, but I don’t think you could be as good at it as you are, unless you were actually enjoying yourself.”
“Well I wouldn’t go that far,” I said. “I find it… restful. While my body gets on with the physical work, my mind wanders free. I get creative. I’ve got a couple of new ideas for my digital currency app to test out tonight.”
“I think it’s more than that. I think you really like being a cleaning lady!”
This was a little embarrassing. I hoped she wasn’t losing her respect for me as her husband. She must have guessed what I was thinking.
“No, don’t worry,” she hastened to say. “I think it’s great. Since you can’t make any money in software engineering at the moment, it’s a great side-line to have. People will always need cleaning ladies.”
She went off to fetch a bottle of wine, chortling to herself.
* * *
I was still in bed at eight o’clock the next morning when my slumber was disturbed by Anna bursting in, followed by my wife. Sally was fully dressed and ready to leave for the bank, but I was surprised to see my sister. Her bursting into my bedroom while I was trying to sleep was nothing new – she’d been doing it all my life – but I didn’t think that dedicated lady of leisure ever got up much before nine.
“Sorry to disturb you so early,” Anna began, quite plainly not in the least sorry, “but this can’t wait, and you both need to hear it.”
She sat down heavily on the bed, narrowly avoiding squashing my foot.
“Who’s died?” I asked, suppressing a yawn.
Anna tutted. Sally grinned.
“No one’s died, idiot! Dorothy called me last night. Three of her friends are desperate for Maria to clean their houses – and they’re promising big money. Between them you can make enough to cover all your mortgage payments up until the Tribunal.”
Anna sat back in triumph. I looked at the two dominant women in my life. I yawned and stretched.
“I thought we were clear about this,” I began. “There is no Maria! She’s a fiction, make-believe, play-acting. For God’s sake, Anna, she’s not real!”
“She’s real enough to make nearly nine hundred pounds in four days. Don’t you want to keep this house?”
“Of course we do, but I thought we all agreed: I could only get away with pretending to be Maria with Dorothy because of her poor eyesight. Anyone else would soon see through me. And they’d probably call the police – a man getting into their homes under false pretences. It’s tantamount to rape!”
“You’re exaggerating,” she scoffed. “Anyway all we need to do is improve your disguise. I’ve even found a service that can do that. It’s called Transformations.”
Sally perked up. “What do they do?”
“They use computers and 3D printing to make masks and prosthetics and stuff to disguise people. Apparently they’re very big in the cross-dressing and transgender communities.” I must have been looking sceptical. “They’re very discreet. You can be anonymous. They don’t advertise. You have to know someone…”
“They must be expensive,” said Sally dubiously.
“Don’t worry about that,” Anna said. “It’s just a one-off cost. Then you can make seven or eight hundred a week! You’ll have plenty of customers. Phil and I can cover any up-front spending and you can pay us back whenever you’re ready; there’s no hurry. Or maybe you can do something else for me...”
“I don’t know…” I began.
I knew they could afford it easily – I’d seen their bank statements and credit card bills when I was tidying their place, but I wasn’t keen to be beholden to my sister, of all people.
“Well it can’t hurt to go and see them, can it?” said Sally. “If they can’t make you a more realistic Maria, or if it’s too expensive, we won’t be any worse off, will we?”
Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 4 – My Transformation
Can the professionals make Dave more convincing as Maria?
I didn’t ask Anna how she found out about Transformations or who her contact was, and she didn’t say, but the following Saturday morning Sally and I found ourselves at their anonymous-looking manor house out in the country. We were welcomed by a very pretty receptionist who introduced herself as Angela.
“I understand that it was your sister who made the appointment on your behalf, sir?” I nodded. “Now we never enquire of our customers why they require our services and indeed most prefer to maintain their anonymity. When I explained this to your sister, she suggested we make the appointment in the name of ‘Maria’. Will that be satisfactory?”
I snorted. Sally laughed.
“That will be fine,” she said. “He’s getting quite used to being called Maria.”
“Good. Well, if you’d like to follow me. I believe your consultant is ready for you.” She opened a door next to her Reception desk and beckoned us in.
“Come along, Maria,” Sally said with a huge grin on her face.
The ‘consultant’ turned out to be a large no-nonsense lady in a tweed skirt suit. She was checking her notes when Angela showed us in.
“Good morning,” she said. “I’m Ingrid McLaughlin.” She extended her hand. We shook. “Do call me Ingrid,” she said. “Please sit down.”
She was brisk and business-like. I couldn’t say I liked her exactly, but her professional manner did inspire confidence. We took our seats.
“So – Maria – let me just have a good look at you. I understand you’re hoping to pass as a Hispanic girl at close quarters and for long periods?” I nodded. “Forgive this possibly stupid question, but you do speak Spanish fluently?”
“Yes, we lived in Madrid for nearly four years,” I said.
“Which answers my second question – you won’t be caught out on the geography or culture. Now, your sister also said that some people you meet as Maria might have met your real self, so it would better if your face was unrecognisable too?”
Sally and I looked at each other. She shrugged.
“I suppose so,” I confirmed.
“Very well,” Ingrid continued. “Would you take your outer clothes off, please?”
I dutifully stripped to my underpants. Well, it was far too late to start being modest now.
“Yes… yes, good,” she said. “You’re not too tall; quite slim; not too musclebound. I think we can oblige you.”
She gave me some flip-flops and a plain pink ladies’ dressing gown to put on, from which I deduced I wouldn’t be getting dressed again for the moment. She consulted her notes.
“Can you clarify exactly what you mean by ‘Hispanic’?”
“He needs people to believe he’s a young Spanish woman,” said Sally.
“Yes, but what do you think a Spanish woman looks like?” Mrs McLaughlin persisted. “I mean compared with an English woman?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I suppose it’s like asking what French people look like, or British people, or American people… It’s about what we expect to be the most common features… I guess dark hair is more common in Spain than fair, and dark eyes too. I’d say Spanish women are mostly tanned – what they call ‘olive-skinned’? A typical Mediterranean look, similar to Italians and Greeks. I don’t know about things like broad noses and thick lips. I think those sorts of features are more South American – Latino, not Hispanic.”
“That’s about right,” she said. “The point is that Hispanic is not a race but an ethnic category. Hispanics are a multiracial community; there are white Hispanics, black Hispanics and Asian Hispanics. People of Anglo-Saxon descent don’t expect anyone coming from Latin America or Spain to have blue eyes or fair hair, though actually many do. You might find these pictures interesting.”
She showed us some colour print-outs of web pages. She’d done her research all right. The first three were well-known Spanish celebrities, two actresses and a TV presenter: Inma Cuesta, Sara Carbonero, and Cristina Pedroche. They all conformed to my characterisation of dark hair, dark eyes and olive skin.
“But then there’s this lady,” Ingrid said, showing us another picture. “Esther Cañadas. She’s a Spanish model and actress. I’d say she’s more like a typical Scandinavian. But none of that really matters, I think most people’s expectations will be the same as yours.”
“Just don’t expect to be as pretty as any of these, babe,” Sally laughed.
“No, indeed,” said Ingrid.
“I was hoping I could look like Garbiñe Muguruza,” I said, not entirely seriously.
“The tennis player?” said Sally. “You should be so lucky! She’s gorgeous.”
“She is… though not in your class, obviously...” I said. Sally grinned.
“Anyway,” Ingrid interrupted our banter. “We’ll need to dye your hair and colour your skin properly. You’ve been using that cheap fake tan stuff, haven’t you? I can see it’s fading in streaks already. The skin dye we use is much better. You’ll also need dark contact lenses, and we need to round out your face. A long thin face is typically male; yours isn’t too bad, but some cheek padding and a little double chin will make a huge difference. I think we might make your nose a little broader too, not to make you look Native American or anything, just to disguise your real features a little more. Anyway I can show you what I mean on the computer and you can decide then. How do you feel about injections in your lips?”
“What – collagen you mean?” said Sally.
“Actually collagen is being phased out nowadays. There are many types of dermal fillers for increasing volume in the lips but the most commonly used now are based on hyaluronic acid. It’s a naturally occurring sugar in your body, mainly found in the joints. The filler is a synthetic version but, because it’s a natural substance, your body thinks it’s its own so it doesn’t break down as quickly. Hyaluronic acid is hydrophilic, meaning it attracts water, filling the lips from the inside. Most collagen fillers are very short term as the body breaks it down too easily.”
“So how long do these new fillers last?” I asked.
“Well they say four to six months, though it varies a lot from patient to patient. The new fillers are still temporary, just usually longer-lasting than collagen. They’re also reversible.”
I was dubious, but Sally said, “Look at this way, sweetie, you won’t be able to go back to being… yourself easily with dyed skin and hair, and prosthetics stuck all over your face and body. So why do long-lasting thick lips matter? If you really hate the whole thing, we’ll just have to come back and they can undo everything at once.”
Ingrid nodded. “You need to understand that this is going to be a big commitment. Your male self will have to disappear for as long as you need to be a convincing Spanish woman. You won’t be able to be Maria during the day and ‘take her off’ in the evening.”
That was exactly what I’d thought I could do. I wasn’t at all comfortable with saying goodbye to Dave for the duration.
“I realise this is a big decision,” said Ingrid. “I need to go next door to set up the photography suite anyway, so I’ll leave you to discuss it.”
She left.
“I don’t want to be Maria all the time,” I began.
“It’s only till the Tribunal,” Sally said. “If you do this – and we win – we’ll be back on our feet. Besides, what’s the problem? I know you’re enjoying the work. You did a fantastic job for Anna and Dorothy.”
“The work’s OK, but I never wanted to be a charlady, for fuck’s sake! I can just imagine you introducing me at parties. ‘And what does your husband do, Sally?’ ‘Oh, he wanted to be an actor but that didn’t pan out so now he’s a cleaning lady’.”
“Well I never planned to be a bank teller either! I hate it, but I put up with it because it’s our only regular source of income. We’re both making sacrifices!”
I slumped. She was quite right. I knew she loathed her menial job as a counter clerk when she should be making a fortune as an investment banker. All she was asking of me was to spend a little time play-acting as a working-class, immigrant cleaning woman. Hell, at one time I was hoping for a whole career pretending to be someone else. Being Maria for five months was about the same commitment in terms of time as being in a West End play. But at least you could be yourself off-stage…
Sensing victory, Sally continued, “Also you can find out what it’s been like to be born female throughout history – stuck with menial tasks, cooking, cleaning, at the beck and call of some man…”
“What are you talking about? You’ve never had to serve a man in your life!”
“I never said I have,” she said, not in the least embarrassed. “I merely said it wouldn’t do you any harm to find out what it’s like to be a serving woman, having been a privileged white male all your life.”
“It might not do me any harm,” I said, “but I can’t see why it would do me any bloody good!”
This was fast becoming our first serious row. I didn’t want that, and apparently neither did she.
“Look, if you really can’t stand this idea, I won’t think any the less of you for backing out,” Sally said, almost kindly. There was none of her usual banter now. “We’ll find some other way of keeping our heads above water till the Tribunal. If we sold the house and moved into a flat, we could probably afford the mortgage on my salary…”
“No, I know it’s our best plan, and I’m not afraid of the disguise, or the work. It’s not that,” I said.
“Well, what then?”
“It’s… well… us.”
“What do you mean?”
“I need to be sure that nothing will change between us… I love you, and I want to be your husband, not a female house guest, and a skivvy at that. It wouldn’t be so bad if I could be me again every night, but… I’m afraid you’ll start seeing me as a woman, and a servant… I don’t think I could take that.”
“You’re the one who said there was nothing wrong with being a cleaner!” she said, with a smile. But she saw I was serious. “Hey, come on, have a little faith. I’m not going to forget who’s under the prosthetics and the women’s clothes. And I won’t forget why you’re doing it all – it’s for us and our future. I know I don’t say it very often – it’s not really my style – but I love you too.”
I suddenly realised that I couldn’t remember her ever actually saying that. But it had never mattered; she showed it in everything else she said and everything she did. She only said it now because she realised how vulnerable I was feeling.
“So just think of it as a long improvisation session,” she said. “Anyway, it might be kind of fun to have a husband and a best girlfriend in one package,” she said. “Hey, remember the sex we had when you were Fifi? It’ll be like that again.”
Ingrid came bustling in again at that point.
“So, are we going ahead?” she asked. We agreed; Sally confidently, me hesitantly. “Well your sister has already transferred a deposit to our account, so we’re good to go.”
Apparently Anna was confident Sally would talk me into it. I hate it when the women in my life know me so well and conspire against me.
She led me next door to the photography suite, as she called it. It was actually a small dark room, not much bigger than a dressing room in a department store. The only illumination was a small dim darkroom lamp.
“The cameras are high definition. You stay still and they move around you on those rails.”
She pointed at three circular tracks that ran around the walls of the booth, including apparently the door, once it was closed. One was at head height, one at waist height, and the other one at knee level. There was a camera on each track.
“We use the images to build a three-dimensional computer composite of your body, accurate to a thousandth of an inch. The software then shows you the female shapes we can make for you. When you’ve chosen the body you want, we use 3D printing to make the prosthetics.”
She helped me up onto the little platform. There were footprints on it showing me where to stand, like at airport X-ray security booths. She opened the door again.
“When I’ve gone, take off your underpants, flip-flops and robe,” she said. “You can just throw them over there into the corner. I’ll give you further instructions over the loudspeaker.”
When I was sure she’d gone, I stripped off as instructed and re-positioned myself on the platform. In a moment Ingrid’s voice came through.
“OK, are you ready?” she said. “The lights will be going off in a moment. Please stand as still as you can with your arms horizontal and out to your sides.”
I complied, and the lights went out.
“Starting the process now,” she said. “Try not to blink.”
The lights came on. They were incredibly bright after the darkness. The cameras starting orbiting around me, snapping away. After two circuits they stopped and the bright lights went off again and the small darkroom lamp came on. Ingrid’s voice over the loudspeaker told me to put the robe back on and return to the office.
She and Sally were at the computer console. I looked over their shoulders. The photographs had been assembled by the software into a three-dimensional picture. A figure clearly recognisable as me was revolving on the screen. My private parts had been pixilated out, like they do with the faces of children and innocent bystanders in TV news.
“Now we superimpose an average female figure the same height as you.”
The new figure was female, with my face. It was mostly white with some coloured areas. Where my body’s dimensions were inside the proposed female shape her protrusions were coloured green; and where my body stuck out beyond the female template, those areas were red.
“We make prosthetics for the green zones which will pad you out to the selected feminine shape,” Ingrid explained. “This will be mostly around the abdomen – the hips, thighs and buttocks – and of course the breasts. But the red zones are the problem. Your shoulders are too broad for an average woman, and even though you’re quite slim for a man, your waist is still too thick. You could wear a stiff corset, if you can put up with the discomfort, but that wouldn’t help with your shoulders.”
“That’s right,” said Sally. “You can always tell a drag queen by her shoulders, can’t you? A triangular shape - an otherwise slim woman with shoulders twice as wide as her waist!”
I always knew there was a problem, though now I understood it better, but the whole point of coming to Transformations was to get a female disguise that was undetectable.
“So what’s the answer?” I said.
“We increase your other dimensions slightly to compensate,” Ingrid said.
She moved the computer mouse to a scale that read from 0 to 28. It was currently on 8.
“Are those dress sizes?” Sally asked.
Ingrid nodded. As she dialled up the number on the scale first to 12, then to 14, then 16, the female shape broadened out. The red zones started to shrink and the greens got bigger.
“Hang on,” said Sally. “I’ve just thought. Can you adjust your figure’s vital statistics to match the clothes and underwear we already have?”
“Yours, you mean? I hardly think…”
“No, they belong to a ‘larger lady’ we know. We can’t really afford to buy Maria a whole new wardrobe, you see.”
“We can certainly try,” said Ingrid. “If you have the sizes, I can override the projected figure manually.”
Sally got out a scrap of paper and passed it to Ingrid. All I saw was 42D-32-44, which seemed a long way from what I had always assumed to be the ideal 36-24-36, but what did I know?
“I have a suitcase full of clothes in the car,” she said. “I thought I’d better bring them in case you were able to do everything today.”
That was Sally, thinking ahead as always.
Ingrid entered Carol’s measurements. Virtually all the red disappeared. The green areas looked huge to me now. Maria was going to be plump-to-voluptuous.
“I think that will be very effective,” Ingrid said. “I’ll do the facial prosthetics next.”
With a couple of clicks she brought up a 3D model of my head.
“I’ll add long dark hair first, and change the colour of your eyes.” More clicks. “Now you can begin to see what Maria might look like. I’m going to broaden her nose, pad her cheeks, and thicken her lips a little.”
The picture started to look more Latina.
“Your face is still too narrow and your chin is too pointed.” She clicked a different icon and ran the mouse pointer along a scale. The face in the picture immediately became rounder and grew a substantial double chin.
“She’ll look better with a little make-up,” said Sally. “Can you do that?”
“Certainly,” said Ingrid. “How’s that?”
Without make-up the face was plain and plump, but unmistakably feminine and Hispanic. With make-up she was actually quite attractive. More importantly, Ingrid had done enough that she didn’t look at all like me anymore. Sally confirmed that this latest design was good.
“Then I’ll print all the prosthetics now,” Ingrid said. “Do you want to do the actual transformation here today?”
Sally looked at me. I quailed.
“If you come on Monday, you’ll be on your own,” she said. “I’ll be at work. You’ll have to use public transport or taxis. And don’t forget Maria shouldn’t be heard speaking English anywhere. It’s too risky.”
I sighed. “Yes please, Ingrid,” I said.
“Well, first we must get you waxed; then dye your skin. We need to attach your prosthetics and plan your make-up. Also your hair needs to be done. It’s not a bad length but I would suggest extensions. I need to check that our beautician and hairdresser are available for all that. What else? You don’t wear glasses, do you? I think we have some plain dark contact lenses. Oh, and I’ll have to see if our nurse can come in this afternoon.”
“Nurse?” I said, panicking a little. “What will we need a nurse for?”
“The lip filler injections need to be done by someone with a proper medical qualification. Charlotte is a retired nurse; she does all ours. Don’t worry; it’s a minor procedure.”
It sounded like there would be a lot of minor procedures which would add up to some really major changes.
* * *
And that’s how the rest of that memorable Saturday went. The whole process took hours. There was no point in Sally waiting around, so she brought in the suitcase full of Carol’s clothes and underwear, smiled sympathetically, took my clothes (including my underpants) away in a plastic bag, and went off to the shops.
The waxing was horrendous, despite the fact that Vera, the masseuse, pumped me full of whisky to dull the pain. I lay down on her operating table, drunk as a lord, and waited for the torment to come. I struggled not to show how much it hurt, but eventually I had to let it all out in a decidedly unmanly scream.
“Wow!” said Vera, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard an actual woman scream like that while being waxed.”
“How do they stand it?” I panted through gritted teeth. “I’ve never felt pain like that!”
“Hah!” she snorted. “Try childbirth! I dunno; I suppose you men have a lower pain threshold. Hey, maybe your time as a woman will change that for you. You realise you’ll probably have to do this again in a couple of weeks?”
“Well, that isn’t going to happen,” I swore. “I’ll get a Ladyshave.”
“You could try depilatory cream. It’s not as effective as waxing, but it might be good enough. You’re supposed to be Spanish, aren’t you? They say European women are hairier than English girls.”
“Isn’t that just the French...? Owwwww!”
The conversation was interrupted by Vera tearing another strip off me, taking advantage of me being distracted.
“You must have led a sheltered life,” she said. “Have you never even had a tooth pulled? OK, I’ve finished your body; now I have to do your face. A close shave first, then wax.”
If anything, that was even more painful, but eventually the torture came to an end. I was sore all over. Vera dabbed away a few spots of blood with an alcohol-soaked cotton wool swab.
“We normally rub some soothing lotion all over you at this point,” she explained, “but you’re having an overall skin dye, so we can’t. If you’re covered in lotion, the dye won’t take. I’ll just tidy up your eyebrows a little. I know they say Spanish girls don’t pluck, but yours are too thick for a woman. It will also be another difference between Maria and… your male self.”
She used a stencil to mark out a feminine shape for my eyebrows and tweezers to remove individual hairs. It hurt as much as anything she’d already done today, and that was saying something. Maybe the brow is a more sensitive area.
“Right,” said Vera, when she was finally satisfied, “time for your skin dyeing.”
So, stinging all over and still wobbly from the booze, I was taken to what looked like a shower cubicle. She gave me thin goggles to cover my eyes, a tight swimming cap, and a pair of ear plugs. She also pushed a couple of small pieces of cotton wool up my nostrils.
“Keep your mouth closed tight, dear,” she said. “It’s not poisonous, but you don’t want to swallow any of this stuff. OK, let me take your gown. You need to be naked for this, obviously.”
I then had a shower in a fine black dye. It was actually quite soothing after my waxing, but it looked awfully dark.
“Don’t worry about the colour,” Vera called over the noise of the shower. “It will be much paler when it dries. You’ll be a nice tanned shade. Can you move about a bit? We need the dye to cover you equally everywhere. We don’t want any streaks.”
I couldn’t prevent the dye getting on my lips and some in my mouth. It tasted like paint, as I suppose it would. After about fifteen minutes Vera switched the shower to ordinary warm water to remove the surplus dye. Then two fans came on and blew warm air all over me.
“Keep turning round,” Vera called, “so that it dries evenly.”
Eventually I was allowed out and Vera helped me put my gown back on. She sat me down and removed the cap, goggles, ear plugs and cotton wool.
“I just need to check around your eyes and the edges where the cap was,” she said, dabbing around them with a paintbrush. “The goggles stop the dye getting in your eyes but they also cover up areas which need to be coloured. If I don’t touch you up a bit, you’ll look like a panda in reverse.”
“OK, that looks pretty good,” she said eventually.
She opened a cupboard door. It had a full-length mirror inside. My skin was now a dark caramel tone, like I had spent several months sunbathing in the Mediterranean.
“It should last at least a couple of months,” Vera promised. “You and Mrs Maria should be on the lookout for signs of it fading in about eight weeks. But you’ll be back before that for your next waxing, won’t you?” She chuckled. “OK, now let’s see about these prosthetics.”
I looked round and saw a trolley laden with what looked like weird lumps of flesh, the same colour as my newly dyed skin. Ingrid must have brought them in while I was in the dye shower. I caught a whiff of something like latex. Vera indicated for me to lie down on her operating table again, on my back.
“We’ll do your breasts first. Hold still. You don’t want to get this glue all over you.”
She applied adhesive to a wide area around my right nipple and also to the back of the first form. Then she pressed it on, leaning on me with all her not inconsiderable weight and counting out loud to sixty. Then she repeated the whole process with the other form.
“OK, you’re stuck with them for at least two weeks. Hah – stuck, get it?”
“What if I need to remove them earlier?”
“Well, we can give you a solvent that will dissolve the glue, but it’s a real pain to use. You have to keep applying it around and under the edges and peeling the form back little by little. It will probably take at least half an hour.”
“Couldn’t I just rip it off like a band-aid?”
“I strongly advise you not to try that. This is medical adhesive. You’ll rip your skin off before the breast form. After a couple of weeks you will be shedding the top layer of your skin anyway and the forms will slide off by themselves. When you do get them off, wash your chest and clean the forms very thoroughly, to avoid getting a rash or an infection. I’ll give you some adhesive, then you’ll be able to re-attach them without having to come back here. Now you need to stay where you are for another five minutes to let the adhesive set.”
She did some tidying up while we waited, then came back with a fine brush and a little pot of goo which seemed to be the same colour as my dyed skin and the breast forms.
“The edges are feathered so there won’t be an obvious join where the form ends and your chest begins, but I still need to apply a little make-up to conceal the edges completely. When I’ve finished they really will look like they’re part of you. You’ll be able to go topless and no one will know.”
“Absolutely not happening,” I said. She grinned.
“This is permanent make-up, by the way.”
“Don’t worry, that just means long-lasting,” she laughed. “It’s not like I’m tattooing your make-up on. That really is permanent. No, you’ll probably still have to do a little touching-up from time to time. This should last until you need to remove the forms, then you’ll have to re-apply it. You can take this pot with you.”
When she had finished, she invited me to get up and check my chest out in the mirror. It was amazing! My 42D breasts (I assumed) were totally realistic. You really couldn’t see the joins, but they were heavy.
Vera was rummaging in the suitcase Sally had packed. She fished out a pink cotton bra of Carol’s.
“Slip this on then,” she said. “Make yourself decent. Those babies will need support. You’re not used to carrying big boobs around; you could strain your back or stretch the skin of your chest.”
I tried to put the bra on the ‘proper’ way, but I couldn’t work out how to fasten the clips behind my back. Vera helped. She was right; I was much more comfortable with my bra on. She made some minor adjustments to the shoulder straps, but it was a perfect fit. Ingrid and her 3D printing program were clearly spot-on. But it was a little disconcerting not to be able to see my feet anymore, or my knees, or my waist, or indeed anything below my gigantic bust.
“Now let’s talk about your lower half,” Vera said, holding up a swollen, hideous-looking, thing.
We examined the prosthesis together. It was like a pair of flesh-coloured shorts, but heavily padded round the tummy, thighs, hips, and its big, round bottom.
“It’s exactly the same weight that the real thing would be,” Vera said, “so it forces you to move as you would if it was actually part of you. If you look inside, you’ll see there’s a little tube for your… thing, and it’s connected to the vaginal opening. Obviously you’ll have to sit down to use the toilet, but the rear orifice is aligned with your anus, so ‘doing your business’ – number ones or number twos – should all feel quite natural.
“It will be a very tight fit and should stay in place without any adhesive for at least a couple of days,” she continued. “We can glue this on you too. We use a special paste that prevents perspiration. If we don’t, you may get sweaty and uncomfortable during the day, depending on what you get up to, but if we do, you’re stuck without access to your… wedding tackle for at least two weeks at a time.”
“No glue,” I said, firmly. “I want access to my equipment. It’s the only thing I’ll have left to remind myself – and my wife – who I really am.”
“Fair enough,” she said. “You can always come back if you change your mind. But make sure you clean it and yourself properly at least every other day. The material it’s made of will retain its shape for quite a while but it will soften a little, which will make it easier to get off and on. Just be aware that when it starts to feel loose, that’s a sign that the material has perished and it will start falling apart. It should last at least a year though.”
“Well I certainly won’t need it that long,” I said. “Six months at the outside.”
The mock blubber in the thighs and buttocks was contoured to resemble a plump young woman’s flesh, a little early cellulite at the tops of the legs, and all. Vera sprinkled some talcum powder inside to make it easier to get on. I stepped into it and tried to pull it up. It was really heavy. The flabby tummy and buttocks jiggled realistically.
“Getting yourself tucked away is a little tricky,” Vera said. “Let me help. It’ll probably feel a little uncomfortable at first, but you’ll soon get used to it.”
She reached inside the tight-fitting padded panties and manoeuvred my wedding tackle into the tube she had pointed out before. Then she tucked it down between my legs. It was very uncomfortable until she gently pushed my testicles back up into my body cavities. I didn’t even know they could do that.
“You need to get this right, or you could damage your genitals, and that might affect your little swimmers,” Vera said.
She was manipulating my wedding tackle around till it fitted tightly but comfortably into the prosthetic. I say ‘comfortably’ but I’m speaking relatively. There was very little about this experience that was comfortable. This horrible thing would definitely be coming off every night.
Vera handed me a pair of pink panties from the suitcase.
“Cover yourself up, dear,” she smiled. “We don’t allow full-frontal nudity here. This is a respectable establishment.”
Just bending to pull my knickers up was a strain, and they did nothing to conceal the rolls of new fat I would have to get used to carrying around. I pinched several inches of unfamiliar flesh on my buttock. When I stood up and leaned forward, my boobs nearly pulled me over.
“Phew!” I said. “I feel really heavy.”
“You need to remember that you’re going from being a twelve stone man to a fifteen stone woman,” said Vera. “You’re carrying forty more pounds around with a musculature that’s not used to it. For a woman, gaining so much weight that quickly would be very dangerous. Your male muscles are stronger but you still need to pace yourself for a while. Don’t overdo the exercise.”
“So no squash or mountain climbing till I’ve built myself up a bit. Got it.”
“And no heavy lifting in whatever your new job is going to be.” She grinned. “Still I don’t suppose your new employer would expect you to be able to lift much, looking like you do now.”
I examined myself in the mirror again. It was still my face, albeit a lot browner than usual, but underneath it was a plump woman’s body in pink lingerie. Amazingly there was no sign of my genitals now – any masculine bulge was concealed by my new mons Venus and soft, round feminine tummy flab. I gulped.
“On a purely practical note,” Vera continued, “with this and your new boobs, you’ll find your centre of gravity is very different, which will affect your walk,” said Vera. “You’ll find your bum wants to swing from side to side. You need to let it.”
I tried a circuit of the room. She was right; my enhanced rear was swinging from side to side. It was horrible! I felt so ungainly, bulky, wobbly. I felt… vulnerable. I would be helpless if I got into any trouble. I couldn’t possibly defend myself – or Sally. Is this how women feel all the time? Heaven help me if I actually needed to run anywhere. And, yes, any sport would definitely be out for the foreseeable future. Maybe bingo? Competitive knitting?
Vera was checking a list on her clipboard.
“OK, just one more thing to do. Now that your dye is dry, I’m going to spread a little anti-androgen cream where your beard grows. This will gradually reduce hair growth and cut down your need to shave and get razor rash. I recommend using it every morning after you’ve shaved and again later in the day. Do you get five o’clock shadow?”
“A little.”
“Well until the anti-androgen effect has kicked in, you’ll need to shave again if you’re going out in the evening. You can apply the cream after that. Otherwise do it last thing at night. You can finish this tube, but don’t get any more. It won’t have as strong an effect as oestrogen would, but it might still reduce your sex drive if you use it for too long.”
She rubbed some of the cream into my face.
“Right, I’ve finished with you now. You look pretty convincing, if I do say so myself. I’ll check to see if they’re ready for you at the hairdressers. They’ll be doing your facial prosthetics and your make-up too.”
Chapter 2 - My Sister's Cleaner
Dave loses his high-paying job, which might mean they lose their home. Then his sister, Anna, comes up with a possible solution.
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Chapter 3 – Maria’s First Job
Dave, now Maria, begins earning his pay as a cleaning lady. It turns out not to be as bad as he expected.
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Chapter 4 – My Transformation
Can the professionals make Dave more convincing as Maria?
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 5 – Learning New Skills
If Dave is to become Maria full-time, he has a lot to learn.
So, in gown and flip-flops, my new feminine flesh jiggling disconcertingly, I wobbled along behind Vera down the corridor to the hairdressing salon. As she had predicted, I couldn’t seem to stop my new butt swinging from side to side.
At the salon Vera introduced me to Sharon and left me with her. She led me to a chair that looked like something from a dentist’s surgery. I soon found out it could be raised or lowered, swivelled or tilted, and there was a dangerous-looking apparatus beside it that looked a little like a dentist’s drill.
I sat down at Sharon’s invitation and found out for the first time what it felt like to sit on big, round feminine buttocks. They were like high cushions. I was afraid I was going to fall off my own backside.
“Before we start, when did you last use shampoo on your hair?” asked Sharon.
“Thursday night, I think. Why?”
“We recommend you wash your hair between twenty-four and forty-eight hours before we dye it. That allows the natural oils to develop, and then the dye binds to your hair better. Thursday night would be…” She paused to work it out. “…about thirty-six hours. So that’s fine. Did you use conditioner?”
“I’ve never used conditioner,” I said. “I’m a guy… underneath all this, I mean.”
She laughed. “That’s good too. Conditioner removes the natural oils.”
Sharon was a chatty lady who went on to describe what was coming next.
“We’ve got you down for hair extensions,” she said, “because the average young Spanish woman would probably have hair down to the middle of her back. Now there are many different types of extensions. Some are purely decorative, like for a fun night out; others won’t work for hair of the length we have in mind for you. It may also depend on how long you’d like them to last. The instructions I’ve been given are: to last indefinitely with minimum maintenance. Does that sound right?”
I nodded glumly. ‘Indefinitely’ sounded very depressing, but I certainly didn’t want to spend my spare time messing with my hair.
“OK,” she continued, “so going up through quality and price: there’s the instant option – clip-ins, but that obviously won’t work for you. Then there are tape-in extensions; they have a line of adhesive along the top of the strip which sticks to the roots of your own hair. Tape-ins are quite good, but you can tell they’re artificial if you look closely and you know what you’re looking for. Also they only last around a month.
“Next up is micro-rings or micro-beads. These are small clusters of hair extensions which are clamped onto strands of your own hair with a tiny bead or metal ring near the roots. They last for around three months, depending on how fast your hair grows out. The upside of micro-rings is that you don’t need to use glue or heat when you apply them. The downside is that the ring can damage your hair over time, especially if gets hot when you have your hair done.
“Another method is a weave, which is good for thick, coarse hair types. I would braid your own hair tightly and then sew the extension weft to the braid. It needs checking with your stylist every few weeks to make sure the braids are still intact; they may need tightening up. I can do that for you when you come in for waxing and other maintenance.
“Finally, there are pre-bonded hair extensions. The extension hair is bonded in advance rather than using loose hair during a fitting. Pre-bonded extensions are fitted using a heat gun, which melts a small keratin bond to a section of your own hair. The infusion of keratin helps to protect the natural hair it is applied to. It’s usually good for four to six months.”
She paused to let it all sink in. “So what do you think?”
“I’m totally blinded by your science,” I sighed. “What would you recommend?”
“Well, I think clip-ins and tape-ins are probably out. All the others are possible. The pre-bonded extensions last the longest and require the least maintenance, but if you need to remove the extensions, you need acetone to break down the bonds. Of course you can always just get a crew cut. Also you need to avoid excessive heat, though ordinary washing in lukewarm water will be fine.”
“OK, I’m happy to go with that then. How long will it take?”
“Probably about an hour, but then we still have to dye it black and style it. You’ll be here for a while yet, but we can do other things while we’re waiting for it to dry.”
* * *
Sharon put a plastic cape around my neck and helped me get comfortable on the dentist’s chair. After that I don’t really remember much of the next hour. What I had mistaken for a drill was in fact a ‘fusion heating iron’ for melting the keratin bonds and applying the extensions. After five minutes of this treatment I was finding it hard to stay awake. I was still half-cut from Vera’s whisky. Sharon talked incessantly but softly while pressing loops of hair to my head. I dozed off in a fog of alcohol and warmth and chatter.
I was dreaming sweet dreams of Sally and I taking each other’s bras and panties off when Sharon shook me gently awake.
“All finished, love. Now I have to move you over to the sink for your tint.”
I tried to get to my feet. My head ached and my mouth was dry. All the changes struck me together. I was heavier, with new wobbly flesh in unexpected places, and there was so much hair! It fell in my eyes, down my back, and down my front to my breasts. I saw myself in the salon mirror. I couldn’t see my face for hair – and it was several different shades of brown. It looked weird. I staggered. I was desperate for the toilet.
“Careful, pet!” said Sharon. “Oh, did Vera fill you full of booze for your waxing? I keep telling her not to overdo it. Let me get you some water.”
I drank three cups, which helped and Sharon led me to the Ladies. Well there wasn’t much point in trying to go to the Gents now. I entered a stall and worked my panties down to my ankles. I sat down and again had the sensation of sitting on a pile of cushions. I tried to make sure my faux vagina was pointed generally downwards before relaxing the familiar muscles. The wee caught me by surprise. It came out quickly in a spray, fortunately most of it in the right direction. I grabbed some toilet roll and wiped up the surplus on my legs and the toilet seat. At least I knew where to aim to do better next time.
I pulled my panties back up, fastened my gown, and went to wash my hands. I couldn’t help but react at the sight of the unfamiliar freak in the mirror. Why on earth was I doing this? Was there really no other way to raise the money for the mortgage payments? Couldn’t I sell my blood? Or a kidney?
When I’d got myself back under control and returned to the salon, Sharon showed me to an ordinary hairdresser’s chair in front of a sink and a mirror. She swivelled the chair around, tilted it, and pumped the pedal to get me to the right height so that my neck rested comfortably on a smooth recess in the side of the basin.
“First I need to cover your face and neck with grease, especially around your hairline. The dye will stain if any of it runs off your hair onto your skin. With a layer of grease on you, any overspill dye will just wipe off.”
She rubbed something that looked and smelt like Vaseline all over my forehead, neck, and where my sideburns would have been if Vera hadn’t ripped them out. Then she put on a pair of latex surgical gloves and picked up a small basin which she filled with thick black liquid from a jug.
“I’m going to apply the dye using a toothbrush and a small sponge,” she said. “I find it’s the best way to make sure that it’s applied evenly and that I don’t miss any strands. This will take a while. You might want to close your eyes. The fumes from the dye are harmless but they might make your eyes water a little.”
I was happy to do that. I could feel Sharon colouring sections of my hair from the roots out, although I couldn’t tell the difference between my own hair and the extensions. I think I must have fallen asleep again, because when she announced she had finished, nearly an hour had passed.
“You dozed off again, Maria,” she smiled. “I finished twenty minutes ago, and now it’s time to rinse.”
I quite enjoyed the next stage. She washed my hair in clear, lukewarm water, gently massaging my scalp to make sure there was no surplus dye anywhere. She rubbed my face all over with wet wipes to remove the grease. Then she turned me round.
I saw a mass of long, unkempt, jet-black hair, with my dark brown face peeping out, as though from behind two curtains. How on earth was I going to manage all that hair? I noticed she had also dyed my eyebrows.
“OK, a couple of maintenance hints,” Sharon said. “You need to get your wife – or is that your ‘mistress’…?”
She chuckled. I glowered.
“…to dab dark tint on your roots with cotton wool about once a week. I’ll give you some of the dye I used. She’ll probably know what to do. Secondly, don’t try to shampoo your hair for at least twenty-four hours, and the longer you can leave it the better. And don’t use a shampoo that contains sulphates. They swell the shafts of your hair and leech the colour out. Now I need to trim your hair and style it. The extensions are theoretically the same length, but they never seem to come out exactly even.”
She attacked my new mop of hair with comb and scissors, slipping in hair grips to hold it in place. After about fifteen minutes of this I began to look human, rather than like something from Planet of the Apes. My hair was still very wet though, so she put me under the dryer.
“I’ll call Charlotte to do your lip fillers next,” Sharon shouted over the noise of the dryer. “Here’s a magazine to look at while you’re waiting.”
She handed me a copy of Woman. I didn’t know if she was joking, or if that was all they had. I suppose it would be sensible to get used to such reading material. Perhaps I should try and find some Barbara Cartland novels in Spanish.
* * *
Charlotte, the nurse, bustled in about ten minutes later. She introduced herself and explained what would be happening and what I could expect.
“I’m going to give you a local anaesthetic inside your mouth to numb both lips. Because of the way the nerves in your face are formed, the bottom lip is easier to numb, so I’m afraid the top one will hurt a little more.”
She used a small Botox needle to give me four injections, one in each corner of my mouth. The first one stung a little, but it wasn’t too bad. As the anaesthetic went in, I felt a cooling sensation wash over my chin and cheeks. It was a little like drinking cold water straight from the fridge. A numbness crept over my mouth very soon after that.
I have to admit that Charlotte really knew her business. She quickly moved on to the fillers themselves before I had time to think about what was happening, or how much it would hurt. Those injections stung a little more, but they were only uncomfortable, and nothing like as bad as the waxing I had already endured.
My lips felt numb now and from what I could see in the salon mirror they looked quite big. Charlotte assured me this was mostly due to the swelling and that would go down within a couple of days.
“You might get a little bleeding,” she said. “Also the filler can cause a reaction and then bruising, but it’s usually not a big deal. A little ice can help with the swelling, but you can’t do anything about the bruising. You just have to wait till it clears up. You can cover it with a dark lipstick. Your lips will probably be a little sore for twenty-four to forty-eight hours,” she added, “and there may be some residual swelling for a week or so, but after that you should have lovely, kissable lips!”
“And how long will it last?” I mumbled, struggling now to form intelligible sounds.
“Eight to twelve months,” she said, obviously well-practised at interpreting the mutterings of clients with swollen lips.
“What?” I screeched. “That’s twice as long as I wanted.”
“Oh sorry, dear,” she said. “I’m just doing what it says on your treatment sheet. We can reverse it after about a month, you know. Dangerous before that.”
* * *
After Charlotte left I tried to read my Woman, but my throbbing lips rather spoilt my concentration. Anyway Sharon was soon back.
“OK, let’s get you out from under there. You should be dry by now.”
She lifted the plastic hood and hefted my hair in her hands.
“I’ll just comb it through and get rid of any snags. My instructions are to keep it simple because as a poor immigrant girl, you can’t afford expensive hairdos, and you’ll need to be able to look after your hair yourself. If I do more to it, it’ll be obvious you’ve had a professional styling. But you do need to know how to keep it under control, and out of your face while you’re working.”
She reached for a booklet with colour photographs of girls with a variety of simple hairstyles. Well she claimed they were simple.
“Ideally you should be able to do any of these in five minutes,” she continued. “Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through two or three, and you can take this with you. It has detailed instructions for all of them.” She winked. “Every girl likes to choose her style for herself,” she said.
“First, the easiest of all, the old-stand-by, the low ponytail. We’ll probably send you away with this one today. It’s perfect for long, same-length strands, as of course yours are with your new extensions. You can change it to a regular high ponytail quite easily.”
She was twisting the length of my hair round as she spoke.
“It’s possible to keep it tidy like this all day with no artificial aids, but you’ll probably find it easier to use a scrunchie, or even just a rubber band. Also, you have so much hair now that you may want to keep your bangs out of the way with a couple of hair grips. OK, next...”
She untied the ponytail and removed the grips.
“For this one, you make a centre parting, twist the locks that are hanging down at the front away from your face, and pin them at the side. You can use grips or bobby pins.”
That looked quite easy, but it didn’t feel as secure as the ponytail.
Sharon removed the grips again and hair fell forward all over my face.
“For this next one, just twist the front of your hair – the bangs – into a knot and secure it with an elastic band or grips.”
That felt a little safer, but harder to do.
“If all you want is to get your hair out of the way, you can just sweep the hair at the front to the side, and clip it with a bobby pin or two. This one’s very easy, but your hair may be a little too long for it.”
That became obvious when the sheer weight of the hair popped the hair grips out. She had more success with a bobby pin, but it just looked shaggy.
“OK, maybe not,” she admitted.
“Some days you can’t be bothered, so you just brush the front of your hair and your bangs back and pin it all in place. You can get extra volume by a little back-combing.”
That didn’t feel like a hairstyle at all, and I was pretty sure it wouldn’t stay in place for very long. Sharon hurried on to the next.
This one took her a little longer, so heaven knows how long it would take me.
“This is a French Twist,” she said as she finished. “It takes a bit more effort – and skill – but it’s good for long hair like yours, if you really need to keep it out of the way. The booklet shows you how to do a braid. It’s actually easier than it looks, but I suppose most girls learn to braid their hair when they’re little. You should try it sometime though. It’ll look good on you.”
Actually, it did. Perhaps I would try it when I had a little time. If little girls could do it, so could I!
“OK, you might find this one a bit of a challenge. It’s called a Braided Pompadour. You might want to try it for a night out.” She chuckled. “I’m sure your wife would love to help you with this.”
The hell she would. Not Sally’s scene at all. I didn’t think Maria would ever sport a ‘Braided Pompadour’.
“Finally, you might just find it easier to use a headband some days,” Sharon said. “It’s especially good for girls with thick bangs – like you. Just put on an elastic headband, leaving some hair loose in front, then roll back the loose hair and tuck it under the band to hold it in place.
I thanked her for the instructions and the booklet and privately resolved to keep my hair in a ‘high ponytail’ for as long as I had to be Maria.
“Right then,” Sharon said, brightly, “are you ready for me to do your facial prosthetics and make-up now?”
“Ready,” I muttered, semi-intelligibly, “if not actually prepared… owww!”
“Oh, are your lips hurting?” she said sympathetically. “No lipstick today then. They look red enough already.”
She wheeled over a trolley full of paints and pastes. Prominent on the top shelf were some strange-looking, flesh-coloured pieces, presumably of the same material my boobs and bum were made from. She picked up one of them and started smearing adhesive on it.
“It only takes a minute or so for the glue to set,” she said, as she pressed the thing down on top of my nose, “but I need to keep holding it in place. Try to breathe through your mouth.”
She let go and then dabbed around my newly-enhanced nose with a wet wipe.
“I need to make sure there’s no overflow of adhesive,” she explained. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t get any up your nostrils. Believe me, getting glue off your nose hairs would be no fun at all, but we don’t want any around the join either.” Apparently satisfied, she reached for a stick of make-up. “This is just to cover the edge between the prosthetic and your face.”
“I assume that’s the same ‘permanent’ make-up Vera used on my cleavage?” I said, painfully.
“Yep,” she said, and sat back to examine her handiwork, “and that nose is part of you now. It makes quite a difference.”
She moved away to let me see myself in the mirror. At first I was horrified. I saw a monstrous new conk that seemed to dominate my face, but after a few moments’ adjustment I realised it wasn’t that bad. It was noticeably bigger than my own nose, yes, but it wasn’t all out of proportion. It suggested a change of racial type. With the long black hair, I was starting to look more Mediterranean, less Anglo-Saxon – exactly as we wanted, and what Ingrid had promised. But now it was the colour of my eyes that caught the attention. They were too pale blue for a Hispanic girl.
Sharon turned her attention to two smaller pieces.
“These will make your cheeks a little plumper.”
I saw they were mirror-images of each other. She painted each of them with adhesive and stuck them on my cheeks. Before I had a thin face on a fat body; now they were beginning to match.
Sharon was painting adhesive onto a longer strip of fleshy plastic, which at first sight looked a little like a skinny banana.
“This piece is designed to make your chin rounder, more feminine, and a little… er…”
“…plumper,” she said, “to fit with your overall figure. This will have to be removed when you come in for your next waxing, because of course your beard will continue to grow underneath it even with the anti-androgen cream Vera gave you. It will probably get a little itchy.”
She held the thing in place for a minute, then repeated her activities with the wet wipes and the make-up. When she eventually let me see myself, I was truly impressed. My face was completely different now. I was all plump little Maria. Dave Jackson was nowhere to be seen.
“Make-up next,” said Sharon. “I’ll explain everything I’m doing as I go, because you’ll need to be able to reproduce it for yourself. I’m only going to do a basic daytime make-up. I suggest if you want a heavier, evening look, your wife can help. I’ll give you a full set of cosmetics for your colouring.
“First, I’m going to dye your eyelashes the same dark colour as your hair. You probably won’t need any mascara on them then. They’re quite long for a man anyway, and you’re not trying to be a fashion model, are you?”
“Absolutely not,” I confirmed, “and please keep the make-up to a minimum generally. I don’t want to attract attention – least of all male attention.”
That was the most I had said since my lip filler injections, and it was painful.
“Ah you say that now,” she grinned, “but just wait till you’ve been a woman for a while…”
In the end, I convinced her just to use some foundation to conceal my coarse male skin, and a little eyeshadow. She gave me some lipstick that she was confident was the right shade for Maria, but by mutual agreement we didn’t apply any to my sore, swollen lips. When she’d finished she swung me back round to look at the finished product.
“OK, what do you think, Maria?”
I took off the plastic hairdresser’s cape. In the mirror was an unmistakably feminine figure in a pink woman’s dressing gown, under which, I knew, I was wearing only a pink bra and knickers. (Why this obsession with pink, I wondered. Was this a psychological ploy to get me accustomed to my new gender?)
I grunted approval and tried to smile. It was the best I could do with my swollen lips. But my disguise was completely convincing. I could see no masculine indicators at all. There were no remaining obstacles to taking up my new career as a Spanish immigrant cleaning lady.
* * *
Sharon took me back to Ingrid’s office. I was sobering up now. My butt-swinging wiggle felt completely natural, even though I was wearing flip-flops. No doubt it would be even sexier if I ever wore heels. I couldn’t help wondering what Sally would think when she saw me.
“Ah there she is,” said Ingrid, “and what a transformation!”
I thanked her and Sharon with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.
“My pleasure,” said Sharon, with a warm smile. “Do drop by and see me next time you’re here.”
To my surprise she quickly kissed me on the cheek and left. As a newly-minted girl I supposed I’d have to get used to kissing hello and goodbye.
“I have your contact lenses here,” Ingrid continued. “Have you ever worn contacts before?”
“Yes, I needed them for a play I was in once,” I said. “I was playing a vampire so they were bright red. They took a bit of getting used to.”
“Well these aren’t corrective at all, so they shouldn’t change your vision, but they’ll darken your eyes to match your skin and hair colours. They’re soft, so you should find them quite comfortable. You can wear them throughout the day, but take them out at night and store them in this fluid to clean and disinfect them.”
She gave me a plastic bottle and a little case with two tiny round basins.
“Also once a week you need to soak them overnight in enzymatic fluid to get rid of the protein deposits. You dissolve one of these tablets in ordinary saline solution. The instructions are in the leaflet.”
She gave me a packet of what looked like aspirins and another plastic bottle.
“They’re monthlies, so I’m giving you a pack of six.”
I slipped them in and was a little surprised that they didn’t seem to change my vision at all; not even to make everything seem darker. I looked in Ingrid’s cupboard mirror. The lenses were the final piece of the jigsaw. Everything about me now said: Hispanic.
“I’ve called your wife, and she’ll be back to collect you very soon. You’ve just got time to get dressed.”
She indicated the suitcase Sally had brought which was on a table in the corner of the office. I opened it up. I wasn’t surprised to see that my loving wife had packed a white, floral dress for me. There were also nude tights, a red cardigan, and Sally’s old handbag. What was missing were shoes.
Ingrid saw my concern and quickly understood the problem.
“I think we can help with shoes, Maria. What are you? A man’s size eight?” I nodded. She had a good eye. “You get dressed. I’ll go and find something for you.”
So I found myself putting on a dress again, struggling to do up the zip behind my back. Are all women double-jointed, for Pete’s sake? Memories of Fifi’s maid uniform surfaced. I had to admit it: I had actually missed this. I particularly loved the feeling of nylon on my waxed legs. I’ve always been hooked on dressing up, I suppose, but this was special. There was no chance of being recognised as a man now, let alone as Dave Jackson.
Ingrid came back with several shoe boxes.
“I’ve got some flats for you and some low heels, both wide-fitting,” she said. “Sit down and you can try them on. You can have one of each with our compliments, as you’ve been such a great customer.”
I thanked her but that worried me a little. Just how much had we spent today?
All of the shoes Ingrid brought fitted fairly well. I picked out an especially comfortable pair of black flats and a pair of white heels to match my dress.
“You should wear the heels home,” she said, “for practice.”
I put them back on and checked myself out in the mirror.
“The original owner of those clothes was an older lady, wasn’t she?” Ingrid said. “I think you need to get some outfits more suited to a twenty-something. I can’t imagine a younger woman wearing a dress like that, except maybe ironically.”
I had to agree, but of course we had no spare money for an age-appropriate wardrobe for Maria.
I examined myself more closely in the mirror. I twirled, seeing my skirt whirl outwards. I caught Ingrid watching me with a sardonic smile on her face. I stopped immediately, embarrassed.
I was now playing the part of Maria full time, and I couldn’t take my costume off.
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 6 – Sally’s New Girlfriend
What will Sally make of the plump little Spanish cleaning lady who used to be her husband?
Sally came back into Ingrid’s office and whooped with delight when she saw me.
“It’s fantastic!” she said. “You don’t look like… him at all. You look just like a grown-up version of… the other Maria!”
“But I’m so fat!” I moaned.
“You’re not fat. You’re exactly the same size as my mother, and she’s not fat. She’s in great shape…” she stopped abruptly.
“…for her age, you were going to say,” I finished. “But I’m supposed to be in my twenties, not my fifties.”
“Well the clothes don’t help,” Sally admitted. “We need to get you some more suitable things.”
“That’s what I said,” put in Ingrid.
“Do I need to remind you that we don’t have any spare money to spend on clothes?” I said to Sally. “Especially ones we’ll never need again after the Tribunal?”
I saw Ingrid raise an eyebrow at that word but she said nothing.
“Oh, nonsense,” said Sally. “We can probably get all we need for thirty quid from one of the charity shops.”
Ingrid cleared her throat.
“Can I assume that we’ve done all we can for today?” she asked. “Only it’s after five o’clock…”
“Oh yes, sorry,” Sally said, “and thanks for doing such a great job with… Maria. We’ll get out of your way now.”
“There’s just this,” Ingrid said, handing Sally an envelope. “Our final invoice….?”
Why didn’t she give it to me? I was the client, after all. She clearly recognised Sally as the boss.
“Oh yes, thank you. I’ll pass it on to Maria’s sister. She’s paying, as you know.”
“That’s fine, thank you,” Ingrid said. “Our account details are in there, if she wishes to pay by bank transfer again.”
“Come along now, Maria,” said Sally, “and remember: Spanish only from now on.”
“Si, Señora,” I said, with a sigh.
Sally led the way to where she had parked the car. I was a little apprehensive about going outside but the grounds of the Transformations manor house were deserted.
“Fat, fat, fat,” I grumbled as I waddled and wiggled my way to the car. “I’ve never been fat.”
“Spanish, Maria,” said Sally, shortly. “And you’re not fat. You’re plump and sexy and voluptuous and… just wait till I get you home!”
* * *
But the first thing I did when we got home was press a pack of frozen peas on my lips. That helped. The throbbing seemed to abate a little. I flopped down on the sofa in the lounge and watched the six o’clock news. While the peas were melting and my lips were recovering, Sally started making phone calls. After about half an hour she came bouncing back in triumph.
“You’re booked up for the next three weeks!” she announced proudly.
I looked at her aghast.
“Well as soon as I saw you at Transformations, I knew you were going to get away with it, so we’ll just repeat what you did for Dorothy. I’ll drop you off and go round the house with the client, translating what she says, and you can make notes. Then you spend the day cleaning, and I’ll pick you up at about five-thirty. It’ll be four or five days each week.” She laughed excitedly. “We should just make the mortgage payments, especially if you go back to each client for a couple of hours each week…”
I still hadn’t said anything. I think I was in shock. A new unwanted career as a cleaning lady was opening up before me.
“Well, aren’t you pleased?”
“Er, yes, dear,” I said. “Gracias.”
“De nada,” she said. “Stand up!”
I complied, still a little wobbly with my sore lips and skin, and my new jiggly figure and long hair. I stood still as Sally walked around me, examining every detail of my transformation.
“It’s positively uncanny!” she marvelled. “I can’t see any giveaways at all. Even your Adam’s apple is concealed by that double chin! How on earth do they do it?”
The ice was helping a little, so it didn’t hurt as much to speak, and I gave her a short version of my day. She started fingering my hair.
“These extensions are brilliant,” she said. “They look completely natural. I can’t tell which is your own hair and which is fake.”
“It’s all real. It’s just that I grew some of it, and someone else grew the rest. Also, it’s all attached, so please stop pulling.”
“Well it’s a great dye job,” she said. “No one could tell. Now I want to see what’s underneath it all!”
She started undressing me. She had pulled my cardigan off and unzipped my dress before I could protest. I was soon standing there in just my pink bra, panties and tights, feeling thoroughly mortified at my wife seeing me in that state.
“Wow!” she squealed. “What a body!”
“Don’t… please… this is really embarrassing…”
“Why? It’s just a costume for a part; I’ve seen you in sillier outfits than that; and you look fantastic! Come on, get ‘em off, gorgeous!”
She twirled me round and unhooked my bra. I immediately felt the weight of my massive boobs descending and pulling on the sore, newly-waxed skin of my chest.
“Wow! They’re really realistic, aren’t they? And look at those lovely rolls of fat round your tummy!”
She slapped the top of the prosthetic and the said ‘rolls of fat’ wobbled embarrassingly, but – as she said – realistically.
“Knickers down, sweetie!” she said, grabbing the sides of my panties and pulling them down to my ankles. I had to step out of them or risk falling over.
“What does it all feel like?”
“It doesn’t feel like anything,” I wailed. “It’s not me!”
“I’m an actor playing a part,” I told myself. “There’s no need to be embarrassed. I’m an actor playing a part.”
But it wasn’t working. I had never been more humiliated in my life, standing there, a naked fat girl, in front of my wife. I found myself crossing my legs to conceal my faux vagina and folding my arms to cover my breasts, even though it wasn’t really me I was trying to hide. Sally laughed her head off.
“Come on, let’s get upstairs, sexy!” she said, happily.
She grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the bedroom. Then she stopped suddenly.
“Hey, where’s your thingie? Below your spare tyre, you’re totally flat… down there.”
“It’s the prosthetic. It gives me a completely female shape and conceals my genitals.”
“It’s not glued on, is it?” she asked, clearly concerned. “It’s not permanent, like your boobs and hair?
“No, but it’s a bit of a bugger to get on and off.”
“Oh, I’m sure we’ll manage. Come on, Maria, your mistress needs you.”
She resumed dragging me upstairs. My breasts swung painfully from side to side.
“I’m not your maid,” I said, firmly.
“Whatever,” she said. “Just go with the flow, sweetie. I promise it’ll be worth your while.”
And it was. We just had to avoid any kissing, as my lips were still too sore.
I couldn’t see how she could find Maria in the nude sexy. But it was like that time when I was Fifi. Even she didn’t know what was getting her so worked up. She said it was something to do with the knowledge of who – and what – was under the disguise.
She had me wear one of Carol’s nighties and we went to bed for a protracted period of foreplay. She seemed to love kneading the artificial flab of my generous boobs and buttocks. I couldn’t see how this could lead anywhere, given the constraints my equipment was currently under, but I went along for the ride. By a combination of boob-sucking, fingering and licking, I was able to help Sally to a satisfactory orgasm. As she lay there panting, she declared it was now time for my treat.
As expected, it was a struggle getting my ‘abdominal prosthesis’ off. It took both of us working together. In the end we managed by unrolling it like a sock (or a condom) with the result that it ended up inside out. Extracting my penis from its tube, and allowing my testicles to descend once again after their confinement in their body cavity, were unique experiences too.
Still, one can get used to anything if the reward is sufficient. Sally took full charge, managing our lovemaking from above, impaling herself on my freed and engorged member, her exquisite breasts massaging my face, then pressing down on my plump fake ones. I couldn’t remember a more exciting climax.
“How was it for you?” she asked breathlessly afterwards.
“Great!” I said.
“All great?” she insisted.
“Well… it was a game of two halves,” I admitted, not wanting to say more.
“Come on; out with it!”
“This may all look sexy,” I said, “but I can’t actually feel anything through these prosthetics. Obviously I was very happy to… um… do what you wanted, but…”
“It was hard work and I didn’t get anything out of it till we took my artificial bum off. If you were hoping for a mutually satisfactory lesbian experience, it wasn’t like that for me. I can’t actually feel you kneading my tits or false buttocks.”
“No, I understand,” she sighed. “I was just curious. I’m not really that keen on lesbian lovemaking and if you’re not getting anything out of it, it’s no good for me either. We’ll just have to keep taking that thing off every night. I did enjoy being on top though. How was that?”
“Oh that was great,” I said. “You’re quite the little athlete in the upper position, aren’t you?”
She laughed. “Hey, I just had a great idea!” she said.
“Do tell,” I said, sceptically.
“Implants! You could have D cup breast implants. You’d definitely feel it then.”
“Let’s call that Plan B, shall we? Or maybe D.”
Afterwards I put on a negligée and we went downstairs for a late dinner and a bottle of wine. I felt a little strange, being a plump woman with 42D breasts above the waist and a slim man below. Sally also seemed to find the combination disconcerting and insisted I keep my nightie and negligée properly wrapped around me to conceal any evidence of the male half of my anatomy.
“Mum said you can have all her old underwear. She’s bought herself lots of new stuff in Oz, but we’ll have to get you some panties in Dave’s size to match your nighties,” she said.
“We’re supposed to be saving our money,” I protested, though the idea of wearing sexy knickers as half-Dave gave me a little thrill.
It was still early evening and I dreaded anyone dropping round and seeing me in this state, but the only likely visitors were Anna and Phil and they were away for the weekend. They had promised to drop by on Sunday night to see Maria, the finished product.
* * *
I woke up the next morning to find Sally playing with my boobs. I only realised what she was doing when she started massaging them with such vigour that they began pulling on my chest underneath.
“Morning, sunshine,” she said, flicking a bogus nipple. “Your boobies are amazing! They feel just like the real thing.”
“Not from my side, they don’t,” I sighed. “I still can’t feel anything.”
* * *
Since it now seemed that Carol had taken up semi-permanent residence in Australia, Maria took over her room. I didn’t sleep there, of course. Nothing had changed between man and wife (except that, if anything, Sally was even more sexually voracious), but we needed somewhere to keep my clothes and cosmetics. It was also easier for me to wash in Carol’s en suite, and do my make-up and hair at her dressing-table, rather than compete with my wife for hers.
Sally insisted I spent Sunday ‘practising being Maria’. So first we had to put my feminine lower half back on. The prosthesis was lying in a corner of our bedroom where it had been carelessly discarded the night before. It looked like a flesh-coloured flotation device, or maybe a rubber girdle for a fat woman.
I took it into Maria’s bathroom to wash it while it was still inside out. Then I hung it up to dry while I took a shower – my first with boobs. Ingrid had said that I could wash all my prosthetics as though they were real flesh. Hot water and soap wouldn’t affect them, she claimed, and I put that to the test.
I borrowed Sally’s shower cap as I really didn’t want to get all my new hair wet, as Sharon had advised.
After my shower, with a towel wrapped round me in the women’s manner covering my breasts, I studied my face in the bathroom mirror. My lips had stopped hurting, though they were still swollen, and of course they were much thicker now with the filler. I hardly recognised myself. I saw a stranger, a female stranger. The face, chin and neck prostheses made my face rounder, more feminine.
While waiting for my bottom half to dry I went out to the bedroom to put my contact lenses in and try to do something with my hair. I’d showed Sally the booklet of ‘simple hairstyles’ that Sharon had given me. I called her and she was keen to help.
First she wanted me to learn how to braid my hair. She liked the French Twist but also showed me how to put my hair in plaits and persuaded me to keep them for the rest of the day. She said they made me look younger. I thought they would clash with Carol’s rather middle-aged clothes, but Sally just took that as an excuse for us to go out and look for some younger styles. Eventually she grudgingly accepted that we shouldn’t be wasting money on new clothes for Maria, but she insisted on dragging me out to the local shopping centre anyway.
“You need to learn how to window-shop,” she said, “and try things on even when you have no intention of buying anything – like I’ve had to do a lot recently,” she added bitterly. “Also you need your ears pierced.”
“What? I don’t want my ears pierced!”
“Oh hush. Most women your age have pierced ears and I’ve got lots of earrings I can lend you.”
So followed another extended session with the two of us getting me into my fake bum, hips and thighs. I found a pair of Carol’s granny knickers which were stiff and held my rolls of fat in tightly. They were much more comfortable than the fancy pink panties Sally had picked out for me to wear the day before.
Then we had to choose my outfit for the day. Sally insisted on another dress so that she could continue my education in feminine mannerisms, gestures and gait.
I put on a slip and looked through Carol’s wardrobe for something that wasn’t too middle-aged. I eventually found a multi-coloured shirt dress that I quite liked. It was predominantly yellow and black and more importantly it covered my upper arms and came down to below my knees. Sally also insisted I spend the day in the heels that Ingrid had given me.
Finally, we set off for the shops, Sally driving. I sat rigid in the passenger seat trying to arrange the seat belt comfortably around or between my boobs. I was feeling apprehensive, to say the least. This wasn’t like playing a part on stage. I would be performing in front of hundreds of people with no script. This would be improvisation, but with none of the other actors aware they were in the production.
I was worried I would attract unwelcome attention. This wasn’t like the previous time I had been out in public as Fifi, or Sally’s mother as I later became. Then we had been in a dimly lit restaurant ten miles away from home territory. At our local shopping centre, on a Sunday morning, we could easily bump into people we knew.
“Remember you don’t speak English,” Sally reminded me, unnecessarily. “Just smile shyly whenever we meet someone and let me do all the talking.”
“No problem. You usually do all the talking anyway.”
She snorted. “Spanish, Maria,” she said, sternly.
As we made our way from the car park onto the first-floor shopping level, I was aware people – especially men – were looking at us. I hoped it was because Sally was so attractive, but inside I knew that Maria was sufficiently exotic as to attract attention herself. I was plump but shapely; I had dark skin, like a particularly rich sun tan, and long black hair. There weren’t many women like me in Pinner on a Sunday morning.
“I really wish you hadn’t given me plaits,” I muttered to my wife. “I look silly.”
“In Spanish,” she hissed.
“Let’s go to the Ladies’,” I said in Spanish, “and let my hair down.”
“No! Hair as long as yours flying loose would attract even more attention. This is a good lesson for you. You need to learn to ignore all the admiring glances. Be haughty. Think Kate Moss on the catwalk.”
Our first port of call was a mid-range jeweller’s.
“They charge £5 for ear piercing,” Sally said, reading a notice over by the earring display. “Or it’s free if you buy a pair for more than that.”
Sally chose a pair of gold hoop earrings for £2.99. The saleslady confirmed she would pierce my ears and put the hoops in, all for £5. She seemed bored and clearly didn’t want to spend her Sunday morning fitting naff earrings to a fat immigrant girl.
“You should leave the earrings in until your ears are completely healed,” she said loudly, in the mistaken belief that talking louder would penetrate the language barrier.
I looked at Sally for enlightenment, and she translated the girls’ instructions into Spanish for me.
“For several days after the piercing,” the girl continued, “you need to clean your ears and put ear cleaning solution, rubbing alcohol, or antiseptic ointment on them.”
Sally continued to translate, and confirmed we had both alcohol and Savlon at home. So now Maria had to face the world in big hoop earrings, plaits, and a middle-aged woman’s summer dress. I fervently hoped that no one we met would know the real me, and on Monday I would be back in my plain slacks and a cleaner’s smock.
We spent the rest of the morning looking round the shops and admiring clothes that we might have bought for Maria if we’d had any spare money. In a Marks and Spencer fitting room I even found myself stripped to my underwear and trying on more age-appropriate dresses. It wasn’t altogether horrible. In fact, it was quite fun.
“That looks lovely on you, Maria,” Sally said with a grin as I posed in a pink minidress.
She was joking of course. I looked terrible, like someone had tried to squeeze too much sausage meat into too small a casing.
“Do you have to keep calling me Maria when we’re alone together?” I said in Spanish.
“Well… yes. You may be an actor, but I’m not, remember. What if I were to call you Dave when I’m going round a house with a client? Then where would we be?”
We eventually stopped for a coffee and to rest our feet – well, my feet, which were starting to ache from the unfamiliar heels – and that was where we finally met someone we knew. It was a neighbour from two doors down, Mrs Willoughby – I didn’t know her first name – who was leading her sullen teenage daughter out of the coffee shop as we were going in. She had clearly seen us and came over to say hello. And because she was wondering who I was, of course. Sally made the introductions.
“And this is Maria,” she said.
I smiled and muttered, “Hola,” in my Maria voice.
“Her family were our neighbours when we lived in Madrid,” Sally continued. “She’s staying with us for a while…”
“Oh, to improve her English?” the Willoughby woman suggested.
“Er, yes that’s right,” said Sally. She lowered her voice. “She hardly speaks a word yet, and she’s very shy.”
They exchanged a few more pleasantries, while the daughter looked bored, and I tried to act friendly and polite while pretending not to understand a word of the conversation. Eventually we parted and Sally and I were able to join the queue for coffee. I had only met the Willoughbys a couple of times as Dave, but clearly neither of them recognised me. Success!
“We hadn’t thought of that,” Sally said in Spanish, as we waited to be served. “Everyone will assume you’re over here to learn English, so you’ll need to improve gradually. Eventually you’ll have to be able to talk to the clients you clean for. We’d better work on your voice.”
I agreed. “But it takes time to learn a new language, doesn’t it?” I said. “And this whole farce is only going on for a few months – till the Tribunal. Then Maria can disappear forever. It’ll be OK.”
I got more looks from the other customers while we drank our coffee, but when they heard us speaking Spanish, people seemed to lose interest. I was able to convince myself that the attention I was attracting was because of my exotic appearance, rather than because I was being recognised as a cross-dresser.
On the way back to the car I got my first wolf-whistle from a couple of workmen. I blushed with… embarrassment? Pleasure? Whatever. They were whistling at Sally, of course.
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 7 – A Born Cleaning Lady
A new career beckons for Maria, the hard-working cleaning lady and laundry maid.
As promised, Anna and Phil came round at about eight o’clock to see how Maria had turned out. I answered the door and took some pleasure in seeing their open mouths and gasps of astonishment. I loved performing, and being admired for my acting talents.
“Por favor, pase, Señor y Señora,” I said in character, holding the door wide open.
They came past me, eyes fixed on my face and curves.
“It’s unbelievable,” Anna said. “You’ll pass easily. You make a brilliant Spanish peasant girl!”
“Gracias, Señora.”
I managed a little curtsey.
“I must admit, I never thought they could make you look this good,” said Phil, as I led the way into the sitting room.
They greeted Sally and took their seats. She poured some wine for us all.
“I really thought you’d have to give up this whole idea,” Phil continued. “What’s it like under all that… stuff?”
“Surprisingly comfortable, actually,” I said, reverting to English and my Dave persona. “It’s quite heavy, but that’s OK, ‘cause that makes me move right; I mean, as a woman who’s this shape would have to move. I didn’t expect to be so fat, but they said it was necessary to conceal my male figure – broad shoulders, thick waist, and so on. I notice your eyes are drawn to my bust, by the way.”
Phil harrumphed and blushed.
I handed out the wine. As I moved, Anna was eyeing me up, appraising my silhouette.
“Yes, I see what you mean,” she said. “And they’re quite right. You’re plump, but your figure is entirely feminine – classic hourglass, even.”
Phil was nodding vigorously. I wondered if he had a thing for the fuller-figured female. Bad news for Anna if he did. She was stick-thin – like her brother before he became her sister.
“So how much do we owe you for the Transformations invoice?” Sally asked, ever practical.
“Oh don’t worry about that for the moment,” Anna smiled. “Let’s just see if Maria’s earning power is everything we hoped for. Then we can discuss you paying us back.”
She smiled sweetly, but I have never trusted that smile of my sister’s. Still, it was a very pleasant evening – the last day of my enforced holiday. Tomorrow it would be back to work – and how.
* * *
On Monday morning I shaved carefully around my facial prosthetics, although I couldn’t actually see any growth, then applied a little make-up. I put on my stiff shapewear and dressed in another pair of Carol’s slacks and a floral blouse. Sally helped me twist my long hair up into a bun, and with a headscarf keeping it out of my eyes, and my cleaner’s smock to protect my clothes, I was the perfect image of a hard-working charlady.
My first client was a Mrs Woodford, who lived about half a mile away in a slightly more upmarket area. She insisted we call her Joyce, until Sally reminded her that I didn’t speak English and would probably just call her Señora. She didn’t seem put out by that.
Sally described how we had managed with Dorothy. Joyce should lead us around the house explaining what she wanted in each room; Sally would translate her instructions into Spanish; and I would take notes. Joyce was happy with that. She had clearly spoken to Dorothy at length and understood the process.
The house was much bigger than any of the three I had cleaned before. It had two large reception rooms, a study, and six bedrooms on three floors. It was at least half as big again as Dorothy’s.
The Woodfords had four children from seven to sixteen, two older girls and two younger boys. The girls, Joyce explained, had been press-ganged into helping their mother keep the place clean since the demise of Pinner Maids.
Joyce worked part-time for an Estate Agent. She did a lot of work on her computer in the study but would also come and go throughout the day to conduct viewings. The irregular hours of her job enabled her to manage her big family, but were also the reason why she needed help with housekeeping. Her husband, Peter, was something in the city. He caught the 7.15 train into London in the mornings and was rarely back before seven in the evening, so it was unlikely I would ever meet him.
I could tell Joyce was seriously stressed and I was beginning to understand why: a big house to run, four children, an absentee husband, and a job of her own to hold down. I was amazed she was functional at all.
At first glance it seemed that the three ladies’ efforts focused on hygiene rather than tidiness. Clothes, magazines and other clutter were strewn all over the children’s bedrooms so, as at Anna and Phil’s place, vacuuming would have to be deferred till after I had tidied up. However the kitchen and bathrooms had been kept quite clean. They would need a top to bottom spring-clean, but at least the girls’ efforts meant that the whole house wasn’t a disease death trap.
I suggested to Sally in Spanish that she ask Joyce whether she wanted me to organise the family laundry too. I pointed at the sheets on the bed in the room we were currently in. Joyce confirmed that she would like that, and that I should also assume that any clothes lying around on the floor were dirty. She asked me to be careful with the girls’ underthings, but by now I was becoming familiar with the principles of washing delicates. I realised I would probably need to wash each family member’s clothes separately to avoid mixing them up. If I needed to do whites and coloureds separately too, that could mean as many as twelve washes – three washes a day! And a hell of a lot of ironing. So now I wasn’t just a cleaning lady; I was officially a washerwoman and laundry maid too. Great!
I told Sally that with the washing I might not be able to finish everything in a single week. She looked worried and reminded me that I was booked to move on to another client next Monday. She turned back to Joyce and explained our concerns.
“I quite understand,” she said kindly. “I know it’s a big job. I suppose I could wait till the following week for Maria to finish…” Then she had a bright idea. “…or if she was willing to carry on into the weekend, I’d be happy to pay double rate?”
Seeing money was no object for Joyce, Sally quickly accepted that generous offer on my behalf. There went my weekend.
She went on to talk about payment and gave Joyce the bank account details of our trading company, explaining that she had set up Maria as an employee under European Union employment law to minimise the tax burden for both of us. I had no idea whether this gobbledygook actually meant anything, but Joyce nodded wisely and said that was fine with her, as she did all of her banking online.
“Oh, by the way, Lucy – she’s my eldest – is studying A Level Spanish,” she said. “I’m sure she’d love to practise with Maria.”
It was a good thing I’d been rehearsing my Maria voice.
* * *
I made steady progress through the week. I developed a routine: put in a load of washing; clean a room (working from the top of the house downwards); take the washing out and put it in the tumble-dryer or hang it outside if the weather was fine; put another load in; clean another room; and repeat. I got a great deal of satisfaction at seeing a sparkling clean bedroom or a tidy pile of ironing, and I got a warm glow from putting neatly folded clothes away in their owner’s chest of drawers. It had never occurred to me before taking up this new life that such simple tasks would afford so much satisfaction.
I stopped cleaning when the kids came home from school. Then I set up the ironing board in the kitchen and Lucy and I conversed in Spanish while I did the ironing. She was very keen, despite it having been her mother’s idea. We concentrated on her vocabulary and use of idiom. As for most people taught a foreign language in school, her usage was grammatically correct – mostly – but no one in Spain ever actually spoke like that. We talked about the country; what it’s like to live there; and a little history and geography of places Maria could be expected to know. No politics – sixteen-year-old schoolgirls aren’t interested in politics, and we twenty-something laundry maids don’t know anything about it anyway.
I had to tell her quite a lot about myself – that is, my fictional Maria-self. I leaned heavily on what I knew about the real Maria and her family, the Ortegas. I just hoped I would remember everything I made up and wouldn’t contradict myself. Lucy was sharp. She was a pretty, friendly girl, and the only one of the children who ever looked at me. When I finished the ironing, she helped me put the clothes away in the appropriate wardrobes and dressers, both of us still chattering away happily in Spanish.
On the Wednesday her Spanish homework was to write an essay on how technology was changing modern life. She begged me to help but I had to be careful here. Dave was an expert on digital transformation, financial information systems, social media, artificial intelligence, the cyber threat – you name it – but Maria wouldn’t know about any of that. I could only help her with the language; anything more could raise suspicion. Lucy’s understanding of IT was basic and she made some glaring errors in the content, which I couldn’t correct, but her teacher probably wouldn’t know any better.
By the end of the week we had become firm friends. To my relief she never seemed to doubt that I was anything other than what my appearance suggested. I grew steadily more confident in my performance.
When Sally came to collect me at half-past five each day, I was worn out. With the extra forty pounds I was carrying, my whole body felt like lead. All I was good for when we got home was stripping off, showering, eating a quick ready meal or a takeaway, and dozing in front of the TV with a glass of wine. Some nights I didn’t even take off my false bottom, so we just cuddled in bed, rather than enjoying the rampant passion of the previous weekend. I promised to make it up to Sally when I was better rested.
* * *
One evening that week, I sat at the dressing table in Maria’s room in my bra and panties, checking my make-up. Still no detectable beard growth. I stared at my strange new self in the mirror and marvelled at how quickly this had become routine. I was used to putting on and removing make-up occasionally of course, from my years on stage, but it still surprised me how easily I had adjusted to the lingerie, the big boobs, the padded butt, and my unrecognisable, feminine face.
I removed the pins from my bun and watched my long black hair fall down over my ears, onto my neck, and down my back.
For the first time, and to my astonishment, I realised that I was actually enjoying being Maria. Was it because of the work? Maybe – I hated dirt and untidiness and had always taken pleasure in clearing up and cleaning. Sally often joked that my obsession with cleanliness was the main reason she married me, as she hated housework herself.
Or was it the continual acting, immersing myself in a part, very nearly 24-7? I was sure that was a big part of it. I was never going to be a professional actor now, but this was a great substitute – the opportunity to fool people and make them think I was somebody else – even a working-class immigrant girl – so different from my real self, the married male IT professional and owner of a nice house in a prosperous area.
Or was it simply being a member of the opposite sex, I mused, as I preened in my bra and knickers, in front of the mirror. Maybe it was the new experience of being female, to be admired, pursued, seduced, rather than the male of the species, admirer, pursuer, seducer? That line of thinking was beginning to make me uncomfortable. I knew I was entirely heterosexual, so actually wanting to spend time as a female would make me… what? A transvestite, certainly. Perverted? Maybe.
I threw off my lingerie and went into the family bathroom. I reached for a shower cap. I would need to discuss some of this with Sally. I needed to know what she thought.
Not tonight, though. Too tired. Every muscle ached.
* * *
“I could come and help you on Saturday,” Sally offered.
“That’s a kind offer,” I said, “but a bad idea.”
“What? Why?”
“Firstly, you’re not a working-class cleaning lady; you’re a middle-class professional.”
She looked at me sceptically, clearly about to interrupt. I held up a hand to stop her.
“No, I know – you and I aren’t class-conscious like that, but a lot of the people around here are. It’s a wealthy area. If any of our neighbours found out you were cleaning houses, and getting paid for it, we’d both be stone dead, socially. And my sister would never speak to me again.”
She raised an eyebrow. I grinned.
“OK, so it wouldn’t be all bad. But my point is, this is a temporary situation. Sally and Dave have to live here when our financial problems are over and after Maria has gone.”
“OK, I accept that,” she said. “You implied there’s another reason?”
“Well, secondly, I’m getting double rates,” I continued, “and the longer I work, the more we make. This could stretch over the whole weekend. We don’t want to cut that short. If you’re desperate to contribute, you can do the shopping, cooking and cleaning at home.”
Predictably, her face fell.
* * *
By the end of my week at the Woodfords there was only the ground floor left. I had completed the laundry, washed all the upstairs windows, and thoroughly cleaned all six bedrooms, three bathrooms, two landings and the staircases. I was feeling pretty proud of myself. I made a really good cleaning lady!
On Friday evening, when Sally came to collect me, Joyce declared herself delighted and was very grateful that I had agreed to finish over the weekend. Through Sally the interpreter we made arrangements for Saturday. She promised to keep the family out of the way as much as possible. She also demanded that they all tidy up downstairs, and threatened that any books, magazines, letters, videos or games left lying around anywhere would be in the bin by Monday.
Sally dropped me off in the morning a little later than usual and I started on the kitchen as soon as the family finished breakfast. After that, Joyce and Peter spent most of their time ferrying their kids to and from ballet lessons, football and hockey, and squeezing grocery shopping in between.
I began by clearing out all the cupboards. I checked all the saucepans, bowls, crockery and cutlery and ran those that looked grubby through the dishwasher – three loads in all. I isolated all the bottles and jars of sauces and preserves that were long past their ‘Use By’ dates for disposal, with Joyce’s permission. Then I scrubbed out all the cupboards and replaced their cleaned contents. Finally I swept and mopped the kitchen floor. I stood back to assess my morning’s work, and felt a now familiar pride in my achievements.
I was left undisturbed until about half-past twelve when the family returned en masse through the back door. Joyce just managed to stop the boys in the utility room before they trampled my clean kitchen floor in their muddy football boots.
I helped Joyce and Lucy prepare the family lunch, Lucy acting as interpreter. I also helped carry the food into the dining room but by mutual agreement I ate alone in the kitchen – as befits a servant, I mused ruefully. Though to be fair the conversation would have been a little stilted if I’d joined them, I being a stranger and unable – they thought – to speak English. I picked up a copy of Marie Claire – either Joyce’s or Lucy’s, I assumed – intending to read it as I ate. Just in time I realised I could only look at the pictures as Maria couldn’t read the articles.
After lunch, while I was clearing up and loading the dishwasher yet again, Joyce inspected the kitchen. She was clearly delighted. She could only tell me so in English of course, which I had to pretend not to understand, but her smiles and ‘thumbs up’ signs were enough for me to show that I realised she was pleased. I smiled; muttered ‘Gracias, Señora’; and even bobbed a sort of half-curtsey. Joyce seemed especially happy with that.
So far I hadn’t had much to do with the master of the house but at about half-past one, while I was hand washing the china and glassware that Joyce didn’t want to risk in the dishwasher, Peter came by and tried to engage me in conversation.
Lucy had told me that his Spanish was pretty much limited to “Una cerveza, por favor,” but he had clearly spent a little time with an English-Spanish dictionary, or maybe Google Translate. As he spoke, he kept glancing down to a scrap of paper in his hand. His accent was atrocious but I got the gist.
“Gracias por todo tu arduo trabajo, Maria,” he began. “Has hecho un excelente trabajo!”
Well I was glad he appreciated that I had been working hard all week and that I had done a good job.
“Muchas gracias, señor,” I said softly, hoping this conversation wouldn’t go on for long. My hopes were quickly dashed.
“¿Por qué una chica tan guapa como tú trabaja como limpiadora?” he went on.
Well for the money of course! Why did he think ‘a beautiful girl like me’ was working as a cleaner?
Wait… beautiful girl? Me? Is he kidding? Oh God, is he trying to chat me up? Another high-flying banker, who thinks he’s God’s gift! Mind you, Sally and I were – had been – high-flying bankers…
Before I could answer, I heard Lucy’s voice from the doorway.
“Leave the poor girl alone, Dad, for heaven’s sake!” she said, angrily. “We want her to come back next week!”
Peter had the grace to blush and left hurriedly, calling, “Come on, boys! Time to go – before the pool gets too crowded.”
Lucy turned to me apologetically, saying in her halting Spanish, “Sorry about that, Maria. He didn’t mean any harm. He’s just… being a man, you know?”
This little girl was wise beyond her years. I assured her that I understood, and that no harm was done, and that I wouldn’t say anything to her mother. Well how could I? We didn’t speak each other’s languages. I returned to tidying up.
* * *
When everyone had gone off to their various afternoon activities, I moved on to the utility room, where I had to clean around the washing machine, tumble-dryer and freezer. I couldn’t move any of them, of course, so it was mostly dusting, removing cobwebs and scrubbing the floor clean of muddy bootprints and more. There was a shower in the utility room too, much used, and that clearly hadn’t had a really good clean in a long time. It took a lot of Joyce’s scouring powder and my elbow grease but it eventually came up gleaming white.
It was now after half-past three. I would just have time to do the downstairs bathroom. That would leave dusting and vacuuming the rest of the downstairs for Sunday.
At about half-past four, I stopped and stretched. I was aching all over, but maybe I didn’t feel as sore as I had on the first couple of days? Perhaps I was adjusting to being forty pounds fatter?
I checked my thin ladies’ watch, tight around my thick male wrist, hopefully concealed by the frilly sleeve of my top. I stopped for the day and took off my headscarf, which was getting sweaty and uncomfortable. I took out my hair grips and my long black locks fell around my shoulders and down my back. I took a scrunchie from the pocket of my smock and gathered them into a ponytail.
I was putting my cleaning materials away and getting ready to leave when Joyce came back with the girls. They had all been to the hairdresser. I told Lucy in Spanish how beautiful they all looked and she passed it on to her mother and sister.
Claire, the younger sister, said she thought my hair looked lovely too. I tried to look blank until Lucy translated.
“Muchas gracias, pequeña señorita,” I said, smiling.
At that moment the doorbell rang. Sally was there to collect me. Greetings were exchanged, and Joyce sang my praises for the wonderful job I was doing. I tried not to look embarrassed as theoretically I didn’t understand her.
I told Sally in Spanish what was left to do for Sunday. She passed that on to Joyce, and we left, promising to return at half-past nine in the morning.
“We really must do something about Maria learning English,” she said in the car on the way home. “Your girl voice is quite convincing enough, and it’s not realistic that you should be over here for months and not pick up any of the language. As Mrs Willoughby said, most European girls come to England to improve their English.”
She was right. Besides it was only a matter of time before I gave myself away.
“I’m not going to evening classes,” I said. “We can’t afford to waste the money.”
“I’ll drop in at the library during my lunch hour on Monday,” she said, “and pick up some books. At least that will give you an idea of how a foreigner goes about learning English; what rate of progress is reasonable; and so on.”
* * *
When we got home I saw that Sally had made an effort. The fridge and kitchen cupboards had been replenished and the surfaces in every room were tidy. I thanked her and suggested perhaps we might go out for a meal – at a reasonably priced restaurant, of course. Having been working hard all week neither of us felt like cooking.
So Saturday night became date night, except that Sally was going out with her live-in cleaning lady, rather than her husband. After showering off the day’s charlady perspiration I put on clean underwear, a pink bra and panties and a matching half-slip, and tights. Sally lay on the bed watching me with a silly grin and saucer-like eyes.
I raided Carol’s wardrobe again for a nice dress and chose a lacy, off the shoulder, black and white number, with a black silk belt. It fell to just above the knee.
“I don’t remember seeing your mother wearing this,” I said. “Do you think it’s too short?”
“It looks great on you,” Sally said. “Of course, it would be longer on Mum, as she’s shorter than you.”
“What about the shoulders? Do you think I should be covering up more?”
“It’s fine. Your boobs are easily big enough and that chin and neck prosthesis covers up everything there that might be a giveaway. But it might be a good idea to wear a shawl or a cardigan. It’s cool out tonight.”
This was the first time we had gone out together in the evening, so remembering Vera’s instructions, I shaved again. There was some visible five o’clock shadow but it was nothing like as bad as I would have expected, so the anti-androgen cream was obviously working. I hadn’t noticed any diminution of libido, but Sally had been so passionate on those nights when we had had the energy to remove my false butt, that lack of sex drive on my part was hardly a problem. Nor was getting and maintaining an erection.
Sally helped me put my hair in an updo and lent me some earrings. Then she supervised my efforts at doing an evening make-up. I had qualms about all this getting dolled up, but she firmly squashed them.
“You’re a young woman now, Maria,” she said. Noticing my wince, she quickly continued, “If you don’t make the best of yourself, you’ll only attract attention for the wrong reasons.”
I sighed and picked up a blush brush.
We decided to return to the distant restaurant we had gone to when I was practising being Fifi / Sally’s mother, as there was little chance of seeing anyone we knew.
We did attract a certain amount of attention but Sally assured me they were admiring glances. Anyway, no one bothered us. It may have been that we were conversing entirely in Spanish; or that Sally was giving the evil eye to any wandering male who came too close to us.
We had a great meal, and reminisced about the changes we had been through since our previous visit.
“You don’t look like my mother anymore, Maria,” she said, “with your dark Hispanic looks, but I still can’t stop thinking about what’s lurking under your dress.”
I looked around hurriedly to make sure no one had overheard that last erotic remark.
“Look, Sal,” I said, “are you sure you’re OK with this… whole… Maria thing?”
“I’m fine with it – really. I can see why you might have your doubts, but I promise you I love it. And I think you’re very brave to go through with it all. I don’t know what else I can do to convince you – apart from what I’ve got in mind for when we get home…”
* * *
What she had in mind for Saturday night nearly made us late on Sunday morning, but everything went well enough. The Woodford family kept out of the downstairs rooms. It was mostly just dusting and vacuuming, lighter work than I’d had up to then, and I finished around lunchtime. I called Sally to come and pick me up. When she arrived she and Joyce discussed our final invoice and Joyce insisted on adding another fifty pounds because she was so pleased with the job I had done.
“I hardly recognise the place,” she gushed.
She insisted on giving me a £20 note as a tip ‘just for yourself’. Sally graciously permitted that. Joyce also asked if I would be able to come regularly, suggesting that three hours every two weeks might be enough. Sally readily agreed, of course.
“You’ve obviously missed your vocation, babe,” Sally said in the car on the way home. “You’re a born cleaning lady.”
Music to my ears, I don’t think!
“I suppose you can keep the twenty quid, as you’ve been such a good girl this weekend,” she said with a grin. “Just don’t spend it all on make-up or frilly underwear.”
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 8 – A Maid by Any Other Name
There is a difference between a cleaning lady and a maid, isn’t there? Not according to Dave’s mean big sister.
So I had worked through the weekend, which was exhausting, but we had made much more than we’d expected. If we could carry on like this, our home would be safe, at least until the Tribunal. I had now been Maria continuously for eight days, except for removing my abdominal prosthesis about every other day. At bedtime on those nights I washed the grotesque object and myself carefully in Carol’s – now Maria’s – en suite, and Sally inspected me closely to make sure no extraneous hairs were popping up. She insisted the inspection needed to be tactile as well as visual, which inevitably led to enjoyable nocturnal shenanigans.
But when that Monday morning came around, and I woke up groaning, there seemed to have been no gap between finishing at the Woodfords and starting with the Hunting-Smythes for my second week as a full-time cleaning lady. I was usually up before Sally, who was not a morning person, and making breakfast before she surfaced, but today she had to rouse me.
She had spoken to Mrs H-S on the telephone and explained that she would be delivering me at eight o’clock, and would ‘conduct a survey’, as she put it, so that she could brief me in Spanish on my duties. Our new client, a married doctor with no children, was very different from Joyce Woodford. She was happy enough to converse with Sally, whom she recognised as managerial class like herself, but clearly had no interest in talking to me, even if that had been possible. She called Sally ‘Mrs Jackson’ and made it clear she was to be ‘Dr Hunting-Smythe’ to her, and ‘Señora’ to me. The relationship would be strictly employer-employee. Sally played up to this outrageously, presenting herself as the Managing Director of our prestigious household services agency. She had always seen herself as my boss, of course, and was glad to have it recognised by a client.
We began the usual tour of the house, Sally barking orders in Spanish and me taking notes. When we’d finished and were back in the kitchen, Dr H-S turned to Sally and said, “I suppose I can trust her? She’ll be on her own here all day once I’ve gone in to work, and after what happened with Pinner Maids…”
“Rest assured, Dr Hunting-Smythe,” Sally said. “Maria is an honest girl. Also she knows that if she puts a foot wrong, her work permit will be revoked and she’ll be packed off back to her village outside Madrid. She’ll behave herself; she knows how lucky she is to be in Pinner.”
Good grief! It’s lucky I had no dignity left anyway. My wife would have killed the last of it this morning.
“Very well, but perhaps you could warn her that I will be popping back at some point during the day. Hopefully that will keep her on her toes.”
Sally complied. I nodded vigorously, muttering, “Si, si, Señora. Entiendo.”
And I did understand. This week wouldn’t be like being part of the family, as at the Woodfords. It would be strictly business and I would be strictly servant class.
The upside of working at the Hunting-Smythes was that it was a smaller house and Dr H-S was far too fastidious to have allowed it to degenerate into squalor just because she had no cleaning lady. I never learned what her husband did for a living but I suspected he had to share the household duties, or else!
Anyway, the work was much lighter, and I wasn’t required to do laundry or ironing, so I completed a diligent spring-clean of the whole house by the end of Wednesday. Dr H-S professed herself content when Sally came to collect me on Wednesday at half-past five and gave her a cheque. No tip and just a wintry smile as thanks. She did however say that she would like to retain our services for two hours a week for the foreseeable future at the same rate. So she must have been satisfied. Sally made a note in her diary.
When we got home, she called Dorothy and asked if there was anything we could do for her this week as I was unexpectedly free. She offered my services for grocery shopping as well as cleaning. Dorothy was delighted and confirmed that she would be happy to pay for a morning’s work that Friday. She dictated a shopping list which Sally duly recorded.
“Hang on,” I said. “What about transport? I can’t drive, remember?”
“No problem,” she said smugly. “You can do an internet shop and get it delivered here tomorrow. Then we can take it round on Friday morning in the car.”
I had to admit that she was getting quite good at running a domestic services agency.
“I think there’s an old bike of my mother’s in the garage, by the way,” she said. “You’ll just need to pump up the tyres and oil the moving parts. It would be better if you didn’t have to depend on me to ferry you backwards and forwards.”
* * *
Since I was now free on the Thursday I decided to go round to my sister’s for morning coffee. It was thanks to her that we could now see a light at the end of the tunnel. Maria was her idea, and she had facilitated and paid for my transformation. I hated to admit it but I owed her a huge debt; I just didn’t realise how huge. Sally had passed Mrs McLaughlin’s envelope to her unopened.
“£3,750,” Anna said, when I insisted on knowing how much she had spent.
“How much?” I gasped.
“I told you not to worry for the moment,” she said. “That’s nothing to us; well, next to nothing. It can wait till after the Tribunal. You’ll easily be able to afford to pay us back then…”
“Assuming we win!”
“…assuming you win.”
“I can’t be in your debt for all that time,” I wailed. “I just can’t!”
Her face went dark.
“This is about us, isn’t it?” she said. “You and me. Our sibling rivalry?”
“I would never borrow that amount of money from a friend, and you and I…”
“…aren’t friends,” she finished. “I know.”
“That’s not what I was going to say…”
Although it was, of course. I had just stopped myself because I was aware of how it would have sounded.
“We were never close growing up…” she went on.
“To put it mildly,” I snorted. “You’d get up and walk out of the room when I came in!”
“And you kept sneaking into my bedroom and throwing my clothes all over the place, particularly my first bras, and you laddered my first grown-up tights.”
I’d forgotten that. We fell silent.
“No, we were never friends,” she said, “but we’re family. You’re my little brother, despite what you currently look like.” She chuckled. “I may not always like you, but I love you. I only want the best for you and Sally – who you absolutely don’t deserve, by the way.”
“Finally we agree on something,” I said. She smiled. “But I still can’t stand owing you so much money,” I insisted.
She sighed. “Well, how about you work it off, a little at a time, and pay off the rest when you can afford it? I still need my house cleaned regularly, and someone to do the laundry, and so on. I hate doing housework and you seem to be really good at it. How about £100 for three hours a week?”
“That’s much more than I’m getting from anybody else!”
“Well I suppose I could add a condition that would make it a little harder for you; make you feel you’re earning a higher rate...”
Her eyes gleamed. I knew that look and I knew I wasn’t going to like it…
* * *
It was good to see Dorothy again on Friday morning. We brought her shopping in and I put it away while she and Sally went through what she wanted me to do that morning.
“By the way,” said Dorothy to Sally when we’d finished making the day’s ‘To Do’ list, “how is Maria off for clothes? It’s just that she looks like she’s wearing her mother’s cast-offs. I can’t see it very well of course, but her outfit looks too old for a girl in her twenties.”
“You’re quite right, actually,” Sally agreed. “I gave her some of my Mum’s old stuff. She can’t afford to buy new clothes, hence her need to work as a cleaning lady.”
“No, I understand that,” she said, “but I have wardrobes full of old things I’ve never got round to throwing out. I haven’t worn most of them since the eighties. Oh, I don’t mean business suits with huge shoulder pads, or gold lamé, sequinned party dresses. Just ordinary tops and skirts. They don’t really go out of fashion and they’re much more suitable for someone of Maria’s age.”
She lowered her voice a little, as if afraid I might overhear and be offended by what she was about to say, even though she ‘knew’ I couldn’t understand.
“I was a plump little thing back then too. I’m sure my clothes would fit her, even though she’s quite a bit taller. She can think of it as a tip, if you like. Have you got time to come up and help her pick out some nice things?”
“Oh, I think so,” said Sally. “They won’t mind if I’m ten minutes late for once. I’m usually first in.”
She explained Dorothy’s offer to me in Spanish. Dorothy led the way upstairs to her spare bedroom.
“¡Vamos!” said Sally, grabbing my hand and hurrying after her. “¡Ropa nueva! Esto será divertido!”
Looking at new clothes might be fun for her… Sometimes Sally seemed to forget now that I was not really a woman. I tried to look happy for Dorothy’s sake, then I remembered she could barely make out my expression. We entered the back bedroom.
“I offered all this lot to my nieces years ago,” Dorothy said, opening the first of two large wardrobes. “They weren’t keen to take their Auntie’s old clothes, and in any case they’re both tiny little things. They take ‘petite’. Maria can have anything she’d like here.”
Sally reached for a couple of hangers, pulled them out, and looked at them thoughtfully. Everything looked… quite nice… but of course I had no idea whether the clothes were decent quality, in fashion, or what.
The wardrobe was overflowing with dresses, skirts and women’s slacks. There were some long, elegant Laura Ashley-type dresses, obviously from the seventies rather than the eighties, or even earlier. Dorothy was probably old enough to have been a flower child. They were beautiful and I liked them a lot, but even I knew there was no way they were fashionable now.
“Ra-ra skirts!” exclaimed Sally in English. “She’d look great in these!”
Dorothy went over to a big, old-fashioned chest of drawers.
“These are full of tops, smart blouses, cardigans, shell suits – remember those?” she laughed. “There’s not much underwear of course, but she wouldn’t want my old worn-out bras and knickers! There might be some nice slips though…”
Sally had to go to work, but we arranged to come back on Saturday for a proper look. I spent the rest of the morning dusting, vacuuming and doing laundry. It passed quickly and happily.
Sally came back during her lunch hour. I made tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches for the three of us. The conversation was lively, despite me needing simultaneous translation.
“So how was your morning?” Sally asked in the car on our way home.
“It was fine,” I said. “Dorothy is a lovely old lady. She’s so cheerful despite her handicap. I’m happy to help her.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, Maria,” she said. “You’ve another busy week coming up, and then you’ll be going back to the Woodfords and the Hunting-Smythes for a couple of hours each – maybe more. A cleaning lady’s work is never done – fortunately!”
* * *
It was Saturday morning. I was standing in our kitchen submitting to a critical inspection.
“So now not only do I have to clean her house for her every two weeks, I have to do it wearing a maid’s uniform! And it has to be Friday mornings so that I can serve coffee and biscuits to her damn Bridge Club ladies. She said that having a uniformed maid will shoot her straight to the top of the social pecking order.”
“I don’t see what difference it makes to you,” Sally said. “You’re already disguised as a woman and wearing women’s clothes all the time. Why is a maid’s dress any worse?”
“I’m not a maid, I’m a cleaning lady,” I insisted.
My wife laughed. “What the hell’s the difference?”
“A maid is a servant. She has to do everything her mistress says. She has to be servile, submissive, at her employer’s beck and call. A cleaning lady is a freelance contractor. She’s a professional, engaged to provide specific services for a predetermined number of billable hours – just like a lawyer! She doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to.”
It struck me that this was a ridiculous conversation for a man to be having with his wife. And it didn’t help that I was dressed from head to toe as a maid. After our talk on Thursday morning, Anna had called Transformations and ordered three maid’s uniforms in my size, one black, one grey, one navy blue.
“Your sister is a bit much sometimes, isn’t she?” said Sally, sympathetically.
“You’re just realising that now?” I asked gloomily.
“No, I’ve always known she’s a mad bitch. I just tried to keep the peace between you, but now she’s going too far. This is too humiliating. I’ll have a word with her and get you out of it.”
“No, I’ll have to do it. We took her money. I promised, and anyway, there’s no reason for anyone to connect Maria the maid with your absent husband, Dave.”
“Really?” She looked confused for a moment. Then the light appeared to dawn. “I think you’re actually looking forward to it!”
“No, no. I just have a thing about keeping my promises…”
“You’ve got some sissy fantasy about being a maid!”
“No! No, I…”
“It’s OK, actually,” she smiled. “I’m more than happy to share that fantasy. It’s sexy as hell!” She checked her watch. “Come on then, maid Maria, let’s go.”
We trooped over to Anna and Phil’s place. I was under instructions to go round the back – the Servants’ Entrance, as my beloved sister put it. She was waiting for us in the kitchen. She hooted with laughter when she saw me.
“Oh Dave – sorry, Maria – you look marvellous! A perfect picture of a housemaid!”
I gritted my teeth and didn’t reply.
“To be honest, I don’t see how this is going to work,” Sally said, well aware of my rising anger. “How are you going to give your maid orders, when she doesn’t speak English – your idea, I seem to remember – and you don’t speak Spanish?”
Anna’s face fell. I hadn’t thought of that either. My clever wife might have found an escape clause for me.
“Well, you’ll just have to jot down some phrases in Spanish for me,” she blustered. “You know – ‘Coffee and biscuits, please, Maria’. ‘You can clear the cups and plates away now, please, Maria’. That sort of thing. Write them out phonetically. I’m sure we’ll manage. My maid won’t want to embarrass me in front of my friends…” She looked at me meaningfully. “…because she knows that I could embarrass her much more!”
I sighed. That was indisputable. Anna was going to win again.
“Now I want you to practise serving us,” she said, “so that there are no mistakes next Friday.”
“What – now?” I said, looking at my tiny ladies’ watch. “But we have to be at Dorothy’s in less than an hour.”
“It won’t take that long. Now Sally and I will go and sit in the lounge. You know where everything is, Maria. Bring us coffee and biscuits on a nice tray.”
She turned to my wife and led her out to the sitting room.
“This is brilliant,” she was saying, “I get my house cleaned; impress my friends with a uniformed housemaid; and humiliate my horrible little brother. I’d have paid Transformations twice as much for all that! By the way, Sally, you don’t have to use the Servants’ Entrance, you know…”
* * *
Anna made me go through the motions twice, asking Sally to write the appropriate instructions in Spanish and explaining how to pronounce them. My sister has a tin ear for accents and sounded like a caricature of an English person attempting to speak Foreign, but I couldn’t pretend I didn’t understand.
This stupid rehearsal made us late and we had to rush round to Dorothy’s place as she was going out later. Obviously I didn’t have time to change out of my uniform. Despite her poor eyesight Dorothy could see what I was wearing. She was most impressed at how her scruffy cleaning lady had metamorphosed into a smart housemaid.
“You look wonderful, dear,” she said, obviously assuming I had come straight from working for another client. “Why don’t you wear that nice dress for all your cleaning jobs?”
I nearly answered her, then remembered at the last minute that I wasn’t supposed to understand. Sally quickly translated. I shrugged and muttered something about how the uniform wasn’t as comfortable or convenient, and not suitable for dirty jobs. Dorothy nodded after hearing the translation and led us upstairs. Sally and I each carried a suitcase.
We spent an hour going through her old clothes. There was some really nice stuff. I took off my uniform and tried a few things on. The few minis she had would have been totally obscene on me, but there were plenty of normal dresses I could wear. Like with Carol’s stuff, skirts which would have been two inches below the knee on Dorothy were two inches above on me. I could live with that.
Sally insisted I try a ra-ra skirt, but I couldn’t believe how big it made my bum look. No way would I ever wear that.
I took a couple of really beautiful Laura Ashley dresses though. We filled both suitcases. I left wearing a very nice blue minidress, not that it would have been mini on Dorothy. I still looked fat, I thought, but at least the dress was attractive.
* * *
After dropping the suitcases containing my new wardrobe at home, we had to head out to Transformations for my fortnightly maintenance appointment. Sally dropped me at the front door and went off to do our weekend grocery shopping.
I had taken my false bottom off at least every other day to clean it, and check my nether regions for damage, and for… other reasons, but I had been wearing the false boobs, cheeks, nose and chin for two weeks now.
Vera applied a strong-smelling solvent to the affected areas and prised all my prosthetics off, checking for signs of rash or other skin damage. She asked me whether I was following her instructions for looking after myself and keeping the prosthetics in good condition. I was able to claim full compliance with a clear conscience.
“Your skin seems to be keeping its lovely olive tone,” she said. “So how are you enjoying being Maria?”
“It’s not a question of enjoying it,” I said. “I’m doing this because I have no alternative.”
“Of course, you are, dear,” she said, implying, but not saying, ‘That’s what they all say’.
She started washing all my prosthetics, being especially thorough with the abdominal piece.
“No, really,” I persisted, “I’m suspended without pay from my real job; I can’t get another high-paying job; and me working as Maria is the only way we can keep our heads above water.”
I wasn’t sure why I was sharing so much personal detail with her, but I suppose I couldn’t consider someone who had twice manhandled my private parts a total stranger, could I? Besides, I suppose I felt a need to show that I was a real man, and not a cross-dresser, transgender, or a pervert, even if I was beginning to suspect that I might be all three.
Vera was hanging the wobbly, fleshy prosthetics up to dry. She turned her head to look at me.
“So you’re in financial difficulties?” I nodded. “Yet you can afford our fees?” she said, sceptically.
“Well, my sister is lending us the money…”
“Really?” she said. “She must love you very much.”
“Well that’s not actually how I would describe our relationship, no.”
“Okay, off with the rest of your clothes, and up on the bed, please,” she said, changing the subject abruptly. “Let’s see if you need any waxing.”
Shit! I did, of course. It wasn’t as bad as the first time though. She examined my face and neck carefully.
“The anti-androgen cream seems to be doing its job,” she said. “I’ll just give you an extra close shave where the prosthetics have been. You might not need to shave for much longer.”
Half an hour later, thoroughly cleaned, waxed and shaven, smothered in soothing lotion, and with all my prosthetics carefully replaced, and a clean pink bra and matching panties on, I made my way to Sharon’s salon. We greeted each other with girly air kisses and she helped me into a smock. I soon felt the sensual pleasure of her soft hands and lukewarm water on my scalp.
“Your hair and the extensions seem to be in good shape,” she said, approvingly.
“Well I didn’t wash it till the third day after I was here,” I said. Sally had actually washed it for me when we showered together. “And I used conditioner. Also my wife dabbed tint on my roots last weekend.”
“Good girl,” she said. I didn’t know whether she meant me or Sally. “What style have you kept it in?”
“Mostly just a ponytail or a bun,” I said. “I’ve been too busy working to do anything elaborate.”
“I know just how you feel,” she laughed. “Even though I know how to do virtually any hairstyle, we working girls just don’t have the time, do we?”
I smiled and agreed. It’s hard for ‘us working girls’ to make the best of ourselves.
After Sharon had finished with me, I had put my new blue dress back on, I made my way back to Reception to wait for Sally. While I was waiting I asked Angela, the receptionist, whether I owed them anything for the afternoon’s work.
“Oh no,” she said. “Your maintenance appointments are all included in your up-front fees.”
I supposed that was good news, and maybe went some way toward explaining why Transformations’ fees were as high as they were.
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 9 – A Life in Service
Life settles into a routine for Maria, the cleaning lady and reluctant maid. Then a new business opportunity arises.
Saturday was my first day off for nearly two weeks and it had still been dominated by Maria-time, so I insisted on spending the rest of the weekend just relaxing. We read the papers; watched TV; and consumed lots of alcohol. I had two very unladylike pints of real English ale with Sunday lunch, and we polished off a bottle of Cotes du Rhône between us with dinner.
The abdominal prosthesis came off as soon as we got back from Transformations on Saturday afternoon and didn’t go back on until Monday morning. In between we made the most of unrestricted access to Dave’s equipment. My over-generous bust precluded wearing any of my men’s shirts, and I needed a bra to support it anyway, so I just wore one of Carol’s nighties and a peignoir most of the time. As usual the fact that everything she could see of me was entirely Maria drove Sally on to greater passion. I’d given up trying to work out why. I settled for being grateful that she still wanted me, whoever I was.
* * *
But Monday morning soon came round and we were off to the third of Dorothy’s friends. We arrived at a handsome four-bedroom detached house a couple of streets away from us – the first of my clients I could actually walk to, if I had to. Sally rang the doorbell. I hovered modestly behind her, once again the immigrant cleaning lady deferring to her betters.
Ruth Baker quickly answered the door. She was brisk and business-like, perfectly coiffured, and dressed in a pinstriped skirt suit, nylons and heels. She looked like she was in a hurry to get out and off to work.
As with our previous clients, Sally had explained over the telephone what we needed to do. Like Dr Hunting-Smythe, Ruth had approved of ‘being able to deal with management’, as she put it. Anyway she had heard all about us from Dorothy and Joyce and was ready to show us round. We followed her as she outlined her priorities for cleaning. She was keen to have me do her laundry as well, but as she apparently lived alone, there wasn’t much. Unfortunately all her underwear was expensive and was ‘hand wash only’ – as she forcefully pointed out. It was a big house and it clearly hadn’t been cleaned at all for weeks. I told Sally (in Spanish) to say it would take me four full days. Ruth wasn’t fazed.
As at my other clients, I reviewed her collection of cleaning products. It didn’t include everything I needed, so while she was discussing times and fees with Sally, I went back out to the car to collect my basket.
While I was doing that, the garage door opened and Ruth backed out in her Lexus CT 200h Hybrid Luxury Compact – very nice. She waved and roared off, the garage door closing automatically behind her. Clearly she had no compunction about leaving two complete strangers in sole charge of her home. She was either supremely self-confident or very stupid. Or maybe she had done her homework about us and spoken to Dorothy and the others.
“She’s given us a key, because she’ll need to leave before you arrive each day and won’t usually be back till after you’ve gone,” said Sally as she was getting ready to go. “Looks like you’ll be on your own all day, but at least with the key, you’ll be able to come and go as you please.”
I took the key and put it in my handbag.
“She works four days a week as a paralegal at Wainwrights, a big Solicitor’s firm in town,” Sally went on. “No sign of any children; no toys, children’s books, or clothes. I think she’s separated.”
“Yes, I noticed some men’s clothes in the wardrobe in the spare room,” I said. “Looks like he moved out quite recently. I hope he doesn’t come back when I’m here on my own.”
“I hadn’t thought of that,” she said. “If he does, don’t let him in. Call me, and I’ll call Ruth. Maybe she’s changed the locks.”
But nothing happened while I was there all that week. Sally and I agreed that I would make my own way there and back each day on Carol’s old bike, as it hadn’t always been convenient for her to drop me off and pick me up. She would just be there at five-thirty on Thursday to arrange the invoice and payment.
I hoped I wouldn’t bump into someone I knew on the way over – that is, someone that Dave knew – but it was very unlikely that anyone would connect him with Maria anyway.
* * *
Ruth got home at four o’clock on Thursday afternoon and tried to communicate with smiles and hand signals how pleased she was with my work. I responded with smiles of my own, little curtseys, and ‘Gracias, Señora’ to try and indicate that I understood.
Sally arrived at the usual time. She and Ruth settled the business details while I was packing up.
“Dorothy mentioned that Maria sometimes works in a maid’s uniform,” Ruth said. “I think I’d rather like that.”
“Well she doesn’t on the big spring-clean in the first week,” Sally said, “as it can get too dirty.” I shot her a grateful look. “But she could come in uniform for any regular visits after that.” Grrr!
“That would be lovely,” Ruth said.
I suppose that was quite clever of my wife – a sort of negotiating tactic to get the client committed to further work. I suspected some of Ruth’s friends and neighbours would be invited over while I was there in my uniform. I was becoming a status symbol for the posh Pinner wives. I observed (again) that Sally was proving rather good at managing our little one-maid cleaning company.
* * *
It was a good thing that I was able to finish at Ruth’s by Thursday afternoon, as I was due at Anna’s on Friday morning in my dreaded maid’s uniform. I hoped that at least I would have time to change before setting off to Joyce’s house for my afternoon shift.
Anna must have ordered the uniforms immediately after our talk on Thursday. Transformations had delivered them on Saturday morning, in time for me to parade in front of my sister. At the time I had just hung them up in Maria’s wardrobe. I had pulled the grey uniform out of its protective polythene sleeve and dressed as quickly as I could to get the whole embarrassing experience over with, still disgusted with having to do the whole degrading ‘parlour maid’ thing for her. I had put off thinking about the uniforms, or even looking at them properly. But now the fateful day had arrived. I got up early to get ready, and to steel myself for my maid duties.
I took out the grey uniform again and hung it on the wardrobe door. I stood there, the fat immigrant girl in her bra, panties and tights, inspecting this horribly symbolic instrument of my further humiliation.
The base of the uniform was a plain grey dress, 100% cotton according to the label, with a white Peter Pan collar, three-quarter-length sleeves, and buttons down the front. It was accompanied by a white bib apron, with frills around the shoulder straps and along the bottom hem. There was a silly, frilly white maid’s cap, which I had to secure to my bun with hairgrips. At least it would keep my fringe out of my eyes while I waited on Anna and her guests.
I was glad that my wife had already gone to work when I stood and examined myself in the mirror. I felt depressed for the first time since I had become Maria. I hadn’t minded the female disguise before. As Sally had said, I’d worn sillier outfits in my university revue days. Despite the feminine smocks and slacks, hair and make-up, I could convince myself I was still Dave, just wearing a costume to earn some money by acting a part.
But the maid uniform was different. If I was seen out in this, everyone would know what I was. I could feel myself slipping into the persona of a poor, immigrant female domestic who needed her humble cleaning job for basic survival. I was going to have to talk to Sally about this. I felt like I was losing control of my life.
I arrived at Anna’s back door at half-past eight. I was grateful now that I could sneak in the ‘Servants’ Entrance’ round the back and avoid parading myself in the embarrassing uniform at the front door in full view of the whole road.
Anna was not in evidence. She was probably still getting dressed. She had left various notes for me, but the priority was to put the first load of washing in, and for that I would have to go upstairs to their bedroom. She was dressed and attending to her make-up.
“Morning, Maria, dear,” she trilled when she saw me. “You do look lovely this morning. My ladies will be so impressed by my pretty domestic.”
“Gracias, Señora,” I said. “Por favour, no olvides que no hablo Inglés.”
“What?” she grimaced. “I hope you’re not being rude to me!”
I curtseyed, but didn’t answer. She sighed.
“All right, Dave, you can break character for a moment. If you have something to say, say it.”
I stood up straighter with my legs apart and my arms folded in a probably futile attempt to assert my masculinity.
“I was just reminding you that Maria ‘no speaka Inglés’, and your guests will all know that. So there’s no point in giving me orders in English. Have you got your cue cards handy?”
“Yes, yes,” she said patting the pocket of her cardigan. “Look, you will play nice, won’t you? You’re not going to spill a cup of coffee all over one of my guests or something, are you?
“Of course, I won’t!”
“And you will smile?”
“As long as you don’t give me a reason not to. I know you’re having a wonderful time humiliating me like this, but I warn you – I do have a breaking point.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” she said, shuddering.
She was remembering our first real, no-holds-barred, skin-and-hair-flying fight, when she was thirteen and I was eleven. It was truly physical and my fury and total lack of control frightened her. I was the loser of that contest, being smaller and lighter, and was severely punished by our parents, but Anna emerged far from unscathed. I don’t even remember what the fight was about, but it was the first time she realised that she had gone too far. Certainly she was never quite so annoying ever again.
“You should try and enjoy this,” she pleaded. “It’s another performance, isn’t it? A challenge to your vaunted acting ability?”
“That might have been true a few weeks ago,” I said, “but being Maria isn’t a performance anymore, and it’s not really a challenge.”
I realised that was the first time I had admitted it to myself. I wasn’t acting Maria. I was Maria. But was I still Dave? Anna didn’t seem to notice my sudden jolt. I brushed past her on my way to the laundry basket.
“Ahora, disculpe, Señora. Debo continuar con la lavandería.”
Well I didn’t know how many loads of laundry there would be, so I needed to get on with it.
* * *
My vacuuming, cleaning and dusting were limited to upstairs so as not to disturb the bridge players. I was ironing quietly in the kitchen at eleven o’clock when Anna appeared to request refreshments.
She stood at the kitchen door and tried to say, “Café y galletas, por favor, María.”
Fortunately I knew what she wanted, as an actual Spanish maid would have struggled with her accent, but no doubt her guests were impressed. I interrupted the ironing to put the kettle on and prepare the cafétière and a teapot. I laid out a selection of biscuits on a large plate and fetched side plates, cups and saucers.
It turned out that Ruth was one of Anna’s Friday morning bridge set, so I saw her again when I took the coffee and biscuits in. As I set the tray down on the dining room table I realised that the ladies had been talking about me. I smiled and curtseyed but studiously ignored their conversation because of course as Maria I couldn’t understand them. Anna was smirking quietly to herself because she knew I could.
“Frankly to find someone who is friendly and obliging and doesn’t steal is a major achievement,” said Ruth. “If she does a good job too, that’s a bonus.”
“And Maria does a very good job,” said one of the others, apparently called Margie, “based on what I’ve heard – and seen at Dorothy’s.”
Ruth hastened to agree.
“Don’t let my sister-in-law hear you say that,” said Anna, “or she’ll put her prices up.”
“Still worth it,” said Ruth. “Plus Maria doesn’t speak English, so we can talk about her and she won’t understand.”
“Watch it,” said Anna. “She’s learning!”
They all laughed. I refilled their coffee cups and passed round the chocolate biscuits, giving no sign of understanding the conversation. I curtseyed a lot while I was serving, which Anna knew was sarcastic but everyone else thought was charming.
* * *
When I had finished clearing up after the bridge players’ refreshment break I went back to cleaning, washing and ironing for my sister. The ladies left just before one o’clock. At least two of them had to get back to organise lunch for their families.
I was on the upstairs landing as they were leaving and rushed down to help them with their coats. Margie was asking Anna for Sally’s – that is, our – phone number. She also wanted to book Maria to give her house a thorough spring-cleaning and to come for two hours a week thereafter. At this rate my dance card would be full even after I’d finished with the major spring cleans. So maybe we’d get some long-term benefit from my acting as my sister’s maid in front of her bridge friends.
“Thank you, Maria,” Anna said as I was packing up, a smug grin all over her stupid face. “You did very well. Same time next week?”
“Perdóneme, señora, yo no hablo ingles,” I said emphatically. “Por favour, hable con mi empleador.”
Anna’s black look almost made up for the humiliating morning. Not having to talk to my sister was an unforeseen benefit of becoming an ignorant immigrant girl who couldn’t speak English.
But that was the first time I had referred to my wife as my employer.
* * *
Friday afternoon was the first of my regular fortnightly visits to the Woodfords. My time at Anna’s had overrun but Sally was able to rush back from the bank on her lunch hour to give me a lift. Again I didn’t have time to change out of my maid’s uniform. Sally explained but I could see that Joyce had no complaints. In fact she was pleased and asked if I could always come in uniform. I still wasn’t happy about appearing in public in such a degrading outfit but what would be the point of arguing?
It was two weeks since I cleaned the Woodfords’ house from top to bottom and it was still looking reasonably neat and tidy, but it was such a big house that a proper clean would take me most of the afternoon.
Also the vacuuming and dusting had to be interspersed with doing the laundry. Three full washes were necessary. It was a good thing she had a tumble-dryer. Then there was a huge pile of ironing to do. In the end I was there for nearly four hours.
When Sally came to collect me, Joyce asked her if I would be able to come weekly – in my maid’s uniform. Sally quickly agreed. I just hoped I wouldn’t bump into Peter again. He’d started flirting when I was just in slacks and smock; there would be no stopping him if I was in my sexy uniform. It seemed everyone liked it except me – even my wife, who was supposed to be on my side, as I pointed out to her bitterly that evening.
“The señorita doth protest too much, methinks,” she said, without looking up from her computer.
Further discussion was interrupted by the house telephone. Sally reached for it but I was too quick for her. I grabbed the receiver.
“Dave Jackson,” I said, in my normal voice.
Sally looked horrified, but what the hell? I shrugged. At home I was going to take every available opportunity to be Dave, to remind my wife – and myself – who I really was. The caller couldn’t see what I looked like anyway.
“Hello, Mr Jackson,” came an unfamiliar woman’s voice. “My name is Pat Ashcroft. We haven’t met, but I used to run Pinner Maids. Perhaps you’ve heard of us?”
I had the presence of mind to put the phone on ‘speaker’ so that Sally could hear the conversation.
“Oh hello, Mrs Ashcroft,” I said. “We certainly have heard of you. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
“Well I understand that your wife is starting a cleaning business?” she said.
I was watching Sally’s face. Her eyebrows shot up.
“I’m retired, as you probably know,” Pat continued, “but I might be able to help. Several of my old clients are desperate for a reliable cleaning service to replace Pinner Maids, and I’m still in touch with many of the girls who used to work for me. They really need the work…”
She trailed off, obviously hoping to gauge my reaction. She sounded quite sincere.
“Well, it’s very kind of you to offer, Pat. I’ll need to check with my wife. Just a moment, please.”
I looked at Sally. She was thoughtful. She stepped up to the telephone.
“Hello, Pat,” she said into the microphone, “Sally Jackson here. This all sounds very exciting. I wonder: would you like to come over some time this weekend, so we can discuss it further? Or we could come to you?”
I shook my head vigorously. Dave certainly couldn’t go to Pat’s house and there would be no point in Maria going instead as she wouldn’t be able to contribute to the discussion.
“No, I’ll come to you, if that’s all right,” she said. “My place is in a bit of a state. How’s Sunday afternoon?”
“That would be great – say, two o’clock?”
Pat agreed and they exchanged addresses and telephone numbers.
“So we’re starting a business now, are we?” I said after Sally had hung up.
“We already have a business – J & J Services.”
“But that was the company I set up for my digital currency trading! We only need it so we can reduce our tax bill.”
“Well now J & J Services are branching out into Domestic Cleaning. It’s just that at the moment we only have one manager and one cleaner.” She grinned. “You can have the first ‘J’ for your app; I’ll have the second for my cleaning company.”
She was pacing up and down now. I knew better than to interrupt her at times like these. My role was just to slam the brakes on if she went too far, too fast.
“We’ll have to do some serious thinking,” she said. “We'll need business plans, financial models...” She looked up at me, her eyes flashing. “But if it’s viable I might be able to leave the bank, and it could be something to fall back on if the Tribunal doesn’t go our way. We should think about it anyway.”
“I guess it all depends on the numbers,” I said. “If I do two to three hours a week for each of Dorothy, Joyce, Dr H-S, Ruth and Margie, that’s still only about two-and-a-half days – not counting bloody Anna, of course. I need more clients to fill Maria’s week.”
“Yes, but as long as I’m still at the bank you’ll have to do most of the admin too – invoices, rosters, corporation tax, etc. I’ll be the Managing Director; you’ll be my secretary, as well as a cleaning lady.” She giggled. “We should get you a nice little skirt suit. You can sit on my knee and take dictation.”
“I’m already a director of J & J Services,” I protested.
“Dave is a director, but he isn’t around, is he?” she said, firmly.
“But I can’t help you ring up all Pat’s old clients as Maria.”
“I suppose not,” she admitted. “Okay, you can talk to clients as Dave, but by telephone only, obviously.”
“Well, there’s no point in thinking about it any further till we hear what Pat has to say,” I said. “I’m a little worried she might be trying to push her way back in. Dave will have to be out when she comes, of course, but Maria can serve refreshments, and potter around. If you meet with Pat in the dining room, I can listen in the kitchen through the serving hatch…”
* * *
My second free weekend as Maria arrived. No way was I going to wear a maid’s uniform or even a dress on a weekend if I didn’t have to. I spent Saturday trying out the clothes Dorothy gave me. When we went out to the shops for groceries and a lot of replacement cleaning materials (which we would charge our clients for), I was wearing a nice pair of white jeans and a lace top. Sally was quick to confirm that, yes, my bum definitely did look big in them. My big boobs lifted the delicate lace way up, revealing my flabby midriff.
As we had some spare time this weekend for once, we experimented with my hair. Sally helped me braid it and secured the braids round my head with pins. It felt a little like wearing a heavy helmet but my hair wasn’t in my way for the first time since Sharon put the extensions in.
I checked myself out in the mirror afterwards and realised my outfit and curvy figure were likely to attract a fair bit of attention, especially male attention. Oh well, if you’ve got it, flaunt it, I suppose.
* * *
After our shopping we had a lazy afternoon. We cooked dinner together and retired early.
I was getting quite good at removing my false bottom by now. I washed it and hung it up to dry on the shower rail. I went back to the bedroom wearing only a black vintage babydoll nightie from Dorothy’s collection. I was just stepping into the matching panties when my wife called from the bed to tell me not to bother…
* * *
Pat arrived promptly at 2 pm on Sunday. I was wearing a demure floral housedress (one of Dorothy’s) with Carol’s red cardigan and a brightly-coloured, Spanish-looking apron over it all. When the doorbell rang I scurried into the kitchen, while Sally went to answer the door. She showed Pat into the dining room, as planned, opened the serving hatch, and called through to the kitchen (in Spanish) to request tea for two. She left the hatch open so I could hear the conversation.
“Before we begin, Mrs Jackson…” said Pat. She had a very slight North London accent.
“Oh please call me Sally,” my wife said.
“…Sally, I just want to stress I really don’t want anything out of this for myself, if you were worrying that I’m trying to get back into the business through you.” She smiled, clearly a little embarrassed. “I’m quite secure, financially. I just want to help out my old clients and staff – and you with your new business.”
That was actually quite a relief. We’d been wondering if she had an angle.
“You probably know that we got in trouble because a couple of my girls started thieving,” she continued, clearly upset by the memory and the admission. “The police caught them eventually, you know, and all the rest of my maids were honest as the day is long. It’s not right they should suffer.”
“No, no,” Sally said. “I quite agree.”
“I had my suspicions about the two bad girls when I first met them, but I’d taken on too many clients and I was desperate. That would be the only advice I’d give you, by the way – you need to learn to say no, and not get greedy as I did.”
At that point I came in with a tray of tea and biscuits. Sally introduced me.
“This is Maria, Pat.” She turned to me and introduced Señora Pat Ashcroft to me, in Spanish.
“Maria’s actually my only cleaner at the moment. I can’t really call it a business yet, and I hadn’t intended to expand until you called.”
“Oh, I thought…” Pat sounded surprised. “Your sister-in-law said…”
At that point I nearly dropped the tray. A teaspoon clattered against a side plate, interrupting Pat’s flow. So Anna was going round telling everyone we were starting a cleaning business! Was she genuinely trying to help, or just trying to embarrass me in front of more people?
“Yes, Anna’s been very helpful,” said Sally smoothly. “I didn’t know you knew her…?”
“Oh everyone knows Anna,” Pat smiled. “She and Dorothy and I were talking at the Women’s Institute the other day. You must come along. Everyone is saying how good Maria is, but I didn’t realise she is your only cleaning lady. I understand she’s from Spain and is learning English?”
“Yes, that’s right,” said Sally. “Slow progress, I’m afraid. She’s an excellent cleaner, but – between you and me – not terribly bright.”
My wife seemed to be catching the habit of teasing me from my sister. In Spanish she instructed me to introduce myself in English. They both turned to me. I handed Pat her teacup.
“Myee nem eez Mar-i-a,” I said haltingly, in a sing-song voice. “I ham ferry pleeze to mee choo.”
I did another of my not-quite-a-curtsey curtseys and scuttled back to the kitchen where I tried to sound busy while Sally and Pat laughed at my horrendous accent. Well, I’ll take it. Comic actors love to hear the sound of laughter from their audiences.
Pat got a small notebook out of her handbag and started reading through a list of potential clients.
“You can have this,” she said. “I originally started the business… oh, nearly thirty years ago now, after my husband died suddenly. It was just me and my two daughters. We were none of us any good at schoolwork, so we didn’t have much in the way of qualifications, and we didn’t like the idea of working in an office anyway. The business grew really quickly – I’m sure you’ll find the same. Most of the ladies round here work, and those who don’t are too posh to clean their own houses.”
She smiled. Yep, that describes my sister to a ‘T’, I thought.
“At one point I had more than twenty girls working for me,” Pat continued, “mostly part-time of course. We had clients all over Pinner, Watford, Harrow, even as far as Rickmansworth. Both my daughters ended up working in the office, only going out cleaning to fill in for the regular girls being sick or on holiday. Eventually two of my grand-daughters started working for us. In fact, they’re the girls I’d recommend you talk to first – Chloe and Fleur. They’re good, hard-working girls and I know I can trust them. They also need the money! If it takes off as I think it will, I can recommend another couple of really good girls.”
“Well, why don’t you bring Chloe and Fleur round?” Sally said. “Any evening this week would be fine. I’m still working full-time, but my husband, Dave, will be helping me. He’s out at the moment. I think this is very exciting! I’ll start ringing round the clients you gave me. If even half of them want to hire us, there’ll be enough work for Chloe, Fleur and Maria. But are you sure you don’t want anything out of this for yourself?”
“If you can give my grand-daughters some gainful employment, that will be quite enough for me…” she said. “Well I suppose there is one thing. I’m not as young as I was, and I really struggle with the housework myself these days. Perhaps one of your staff could clean for me too?” She smiled.
“I’m sure that could be arranged,” Sally laughed.
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 10 – Our New Careers
Maria, the cleaning lady, gets a new boss (same as the old boss). Business booms.
Sally and I (as Dave) rang round Pat’s list of clients – nearly thirty in all. Dorothy, Joyce and Ruth were very willing to act as references, although they wanted Sally’s assurance that they wouldn’t lose Maria’s services. Some of the ladies on Pat’s list had already made alternative arrangements, but many were keen to talk further after checking with our referees. Some had already heard good things about us on the grapevine – which presumably meant Anna and Dorothy.
Sally interviewed Chloe and Fleur together. She met them in the dining room, with me as Maria in and out with refreshments and listening from the kitchen again through the serving hatch. They were cousins, not sisters, and they were very different, but they both seemed to be nice girls – friendly, boisterous, with an earthy sense of humour. They were obviously very fond of each other. Like the older women in the family neither girl was at all academic and both left school at sixteen with barely a GCSE between them. Nearly ten years later, nothing much had developed for them, career-wise.
Chloe was married to Harry, a plumber, actually a plumber’s mate, still learning the job. They had recently moved into a little house on the downmarket side of Pinner. Pat had helped them out with a deposit of three-quarters of the asking price – she wasn’t kidding when she said she was ‘financially secure’ from running Pinner Maids for thirty years – but she had insisted they take a mortgage and meet the payments themselves. Hence Chloe’s need for cleaning work – at least until Harry was fully qualified and earning properly. Then they wanted to start a family.
Fleur was single and lived with her mother, Pat’s older daughter. She seemed to be in no hurry to settle down. She was very attractive, as was evidenced by a string of boy-friends. Her mother and grandmother had indulged her ‘wild days’ for some time but had had enough by now, and that was why she too had to find honest work.
Sally introduced me to them as I came in with refreshments. She made it clear that I was ‘the help’ and employed as a cleaning lady by J & J Services. I played along, deferring to her politely and calling her ‘Señora'.
“Maria’s learning English,” Sally said, “but she has a way to go. Show them, Maria,” she added in Spanish.
“’Ello, lye-deez,” I began. “Ah yam Maria. Ah yam a clean-eeng lye-dee. Ah work for Señora Jackson.”
Both girls struggled to control their laughter at my terrible English. Sally smiled indulgently.
“So if you work together, you’ll probably have to talk to the clients for us,” she went on. “You’ll be representing J & J Services. I hope you’ll be comfortable with that?”
Both girls assured her that wouldn’t be a problem. They both obviously liked the idea of being ‘team leader’. I quietly determined that Maria would learn English more quickly than originally planned.
Sally promised the girls that she would be in touch as soon as she had firm orders from any of Pat’s old clients.
That happened quickly and Chloe and Fleur were soon engaged by J & J Services on a freelance contract basis.
* * *
Neither Chloe nor Fleur wanted to work full-time, while I, of course, very much needed to. I was used to cleaning for my existing clients by myself, but for the new ones we tried working in pairs. So I often found myself working with one of the other girls.
We got on very well but communication was a problem at first, so they both took a keen interest in helping me improve my English. They helped me learn the words for everything a cleaning lady did: dusting, vacuuming, ironing, and so on. I pretended to struggle with all the new vocabulary and had to think hard about how an ignorant Spanish girl would mangle the vowels in words like ‘tumble-dryer’. Chloe and Fleur giggled helplessly at my accent. They particularly enjoyed teaching me the names of the clothes as they came out of the washing machine.
“What’s this, Maria?” Chloe would say.
“Uno Sostén,” I’d say.
“It’s a bra,” Chloe would say.
“Brarre,” I’d repeat.
And she would laugh her head off, and repeat the exercise with another garment.
“Las bragas.”
“We say, knickers.”
But I was gradually able to improve my English over the next two months without raising any suspicions – at least for words that would come up in the daily duties of a cleaning lady. Thus Maria was able to operate more independently as she learnt the language, and I didn’t need to be so careful to pretend not to understand what was being said in my earshot. If I slipped, and showed I understood a word that wouldn’t be part of a housemaid’s everyday vocabulary, people simply assumed that it was something I had learned at home from Sally, my landlady and employer.
* * *
Our business took a big leap forward when Sally’s branch of the bank decided to terminate the contract of their current cleaning service, who had become lazy and complacent. Sally got wind of this early and quickly put in a bid. With her inside knowledge of the premises and excellent references from our existing clients, her tender was successful. So now Sally and Dave had to ring round more of Pat’s old contacts to find more staff. Till then Chloe, Fleur and I had an extra two hours work at the bank every day from five till seven. The girls were grateful for the overtime, though it limited Fleur’s social life and Harry had to start making his own dinners. I was a little less grateful, as I was now working a fifty-hour week. But at least the money was good.
Over the next three weeks Sally interviewed and hired three more girls, all highly recommended by Pat. Since she was still full-time at the bank, I had to do most of the rostering. I sent instructions via text messages from a spare phone, signing them as my wife. It was better that Dave take a back seat so that Sally could say he was away on business. I didn’t want any of the girls to start asking, “How come we talk to Mr Jackson on the telephone all the time, but never see him?”
Now that the business was taking off on a grander scale Sally decided to introduce a uniform to make us more distinctive. I argued against spending the money, but gave in because I could see how it would help the business. Nevertheless to control costs we agreed on just a cleaner’s smock in either pink or grey with our new ‘J & J’ logo on the left breast, worn with smart black leggings which the girls had to provide themselves.
Staff were allowed to wear maid’s dresses, but they would have to pay for them themselves, so no one else did. I was therefore the only J & J employee who wore a maid’s uniform. Sally arranged to have the logo added to all my dresses. (I wore a smock and leggings too whenever the client hadn’t explicitly asked me to wear a dress.)
So in the early days of our contract with the bank, Chloe, Fleur and I would rendezvous at their back door at ten to five. Chloe and Fleur did all the talking to the bank’s custodial staff of course, and they were very competent.
There were three floors to clean so we took one each, collecting our cleaning carts from the store in the basement and taking the lift to our assigned work areas.
Each floor had a kitchen with a small dishwasher, so our first job was to collect coffee cups and clear up any lunch detritus from the desks, and stack and start the dishwasher.
Then we made our rounds of the work areas, emptying the waste baskets into two big plastic sacks at the end of the cart, one for recyclables and one for rubbish. Then we would dust the surfaces, being careful not to disturb any papers (lots of people ignored the bank’s ‘clear desk’ policy); clean up any spills; and then vacuum.
By this time the dishwasher cycle would have finished, so we’d empty the cups and plates into the cupboards. Finally we tidied the kitchens and collected all the rubbish, taking it on our carts down to the basement and the large garbage disposal.
As for all of my – Maria’s – work as a cleaning lady, it was mindless activity and I found it calming, almost Zen. I found myself thinking of other more important things, though these days that was as much about developing our business as my money-making digital currency app. I thought about the admin, the rostering, how we would staff our rapid expansion. I was planning to set up a website for J & J Domestic Services. This was overdue and Sally had been nagging me about it.
Then I would turn around and see the beautifully clean and tidy bank offices and smile. I loved this job. When they saw me smiling happily, the other girls thought I was weird.
Chloe and Fleur both had little brothers. When the three of us chatted over our breaks they would often exchange stories of their awful siblings. I, that is, Maria, was an only child and anyway I had to pretend not to understand a lot of their conversation, but some of their complaints were familiar. Hearing the horror stories of the big sister – little brother relationship from the sister’s side made me more sympathetic to Anna.
So she was a little surprised when I went out of my way to hug her the next Friday morning before the bridge ladies arrived.
“What on earth was that for, young lady?” she asked.
“Can’t I hug my big sister who’s been so kind to me?” I asked.
“Are you quite well?” she asked. “Have you got some terminal illness, or something? Anyway, get off! I can’t let my friends see my maid hugging me.”
‘Right!’ I thought. ‘That’s the first and last time I show her any affection.’
“You’ve got a ladder in your tights, by the way,” she added. “I hope you’ve got a spare pair in your handbag.”
* * *
Sally was in her element. She was always good at organisation and telling everyone what to do, so she was born to run a company. She took on more staff to support the ever-growing client base. She interviewed every new cleaner personally; insisted on at least two references, which she always checked; and made sure she partnered each new member of staff with an existing, trusted girl (sometimes me). She also visited the client’s house whenever a new girl was deployed there, to see her in action for herself. She was determined that J & J wouldn’t run into the kind of problems that killed Pinner Maids.
Things began to settle into a routine for us over the next three months. The business continued to grow and was starting to make serious money. I helped by computerising our invoicing and payroll, using freeware for small businesses. We were charging our clients the same rates Maria had got from Dorothy, Joyce and Ruth in the early days, but none of them objected, as we were developing a reputation for excellence. Sally made sure the quality of our work was exceptional.
I set the company’s standards. I drafted work instructions for every type of cleaning job and these were distributed to each new member of staff as they joined. Of course, none of the others knew that Maria had written them – how could she have, with her poor command of English? They thought it was all Sally’s work.
Our staff were always ‘cleaning ladies’, never ‘maids’. (I insisted on that even though most of my clients liked me to wear one of my maid’s uniforms.) Our ladies were required to be conscientious. Slapdash work would not be tolerated. They mostly toed the line. Those who didn’t weren’t offered many shifts and Sally made sure they understood why. With our clients’ enthusiastic cooperation, she carried out surprise inspections to make sure everyone followed the guidelines. Most of the girls didn’t mind anyway. They were all making more than they had when they worked for Pat. Pinner Maids hadn’t been exactly ‘cheap and cheerful’ but J & J was a premium service. We were practically a status symbol for Pinner ‘ladies of the house’.
The company still made a 25% mark-up on each hour worked by our staff. I was working forty to fifty-hour weeks, but I took no salary as Maria. Our revenue came from dividends paid to the company directors according to their shareholdings. Phil acted as our accountant. He assured us our arrangements were legal and minimised our tax burden. Soon we were doing very well and were much less worried about meeting our mortgage payments.
We eventually decided that we could afford for Sally to leave her dispiriting job at the bank and devote herself to running the company full-time. So then I was a company director, website designer, and Sally’s secretary, but mostly a humble but happy cleaning lady.
* * *
Around about the end of my third month as Maria I realised I wasn’t acting as a cleaning lady anymore. It had all become real. I had even started thinking in Spanish. I was Maria; she had fully materialised as a person in her own right; and she was completely different from Dave. I was used to being told what to do now, by my clients, and by the Señora. Dave might not have liked it much, but I, Maria, was completely comfortable with it all.
It was different when Sally and I were alone together. We were equals as we always had been, not mistress and maid, but even then my posture, movements, gestures and mannerisms were entirely feminine. It was too difficult to switch between Dave and Maria, so I stayed as Maria all the time.
What was even better, I realised I was getting used to being Maria – reconciled to being her, even happy to be her. I stopped worrying about Sally no longer thinking of me as a husband; or that she might start looking for a real man to replace her sissy secretary and maid (I mean, cleaning lady). She had long ago convinced me that she found me equally attractive as Maria, if not more so.
Now that we had a little more money, I let Sally persuade me to buy some sexy evening wear and go to a beauty parlour. We both enjoyed getting me dressed up to go out on the town, my hair in a fancy style, dramatic evening make-up, my voluptuous figure in a killer frock – plus size, of course.
I looked for dresses that displayed my décolletage to best effect. Some of them were quite short; Sally persuaded me I had good legs – for a ‘fuller-figured’ girl anyway. I found I liked to wear stockings, despite their obvious inconvenience, and I loved petticoats. They just felt so sexy.
When Sally first saw me done up to the nines, she couldn’t control herself and dragged me upstairs, where she quickly undid what had taken me the best part of two hours to do.
We started going out together at weekends into London, or anywhere a good distance away from Pinner. On one occasion we were walking from the underground to a night club in Soho and I became aware we were being followed by two men, who weren’t trying too hard to keep their conversation private.
“Have you seen that fat bird’s arse?” one of them said. “It’s like two huge sacks of jelly!” Which of course wasn’t far from the truth. “Can you imagine what her knickers must be made of to keep that lot under control?”
I’d wondered myself, so I’d looked it up. Spandex is a synthetic material primarily made of polyurethane polymer.
His friend laughed. “I’d give her one though, wouldn’t you?”
I was blushing big-time now. It felt like my face was glowing like a furnace.
“Well, yeah, I wouldn’t kick her out of bed. It would be like rolling around on a pile of pillows. But have you seen her friend? Fuckin’ gorgeous. Could be a beauty queen! Wonder where they’re going?”
At that point Sally and I turned into a well-known gay club. Our admirers’ disappointment was obvious.
“Shit! Shit!”
Sally took my hand and grinned at me. I smiled back.
“I’ve never seen you blushing like that,” she said.
“What about you, ‘Miss Pinner 2018’?”
We often went to gay clubs where two ladies dancing and smooching together wouldn’t attract attention, but occasionally we went to ordinary night clubs and allowed ourselves to be picked up. She was much more attractive than me obviously, but some men seemed to like my voluptuous figure and exotic Spanish accent.
We never let it go too far though. Sally was very clear that she didn’t want to have sex with another man, but she was curious, maybe even a little excited, about the idea of me letting a man have his way with me. She threatened to slip some Rohypnol in my drink when I wasn’t looking. I think she was joking.
I couldn’t help but wonder whether my abdominal prosthesis could accommodate a man, assuming he could get my heavy-duty knickers off…? Or whether I might have to try one of the other well-known ways to satisfy him. But I wasn’t gay and couldn’t imagine doing that. Besides, I didn’t want Sally to go with another man either, so obviously I couldn’t.
My usual excuse was that I had work in the morning. Of course when Monday came around I had to go back to being a drab cleaning lady. It wouldn’t do to let our clients – or our staff – think that Maria was a wealthy good-time girl only moonlighting as a cleaner.
* * *
But while I was perfectly happy in my role as Maria, we knew it wasn’t a long-term option. There were too many things that could go wrong. So we were looking forward to the Tribunal. Then I could give up cleaning and Dave could come back permanently.
The first development on that front was a phone call from Bill Rafferty, a solicitor recommended to me and paid for by the bank. He asked lots of questions, and we exchanged many more telephone calls and emails. He was very keen to arrange a face-to-face meeting, which I was equally keen to avoid, for obvious reasons.
At first I was concerned that I would be stitched up – after all Bill’s fees would be covered by the bank unless I won my case – but in our conversations he convinced me that he was completely on my side. He had the papers the bank’s lawyer had prepared, and he faithfully recorded everything I told him in my defence and turned it into an appropriate deposition in legal language.
When I asked him (over the telephone) whether he thought we would win, he hesitated.
“It’s tricky,” he said. “It’s fairly obvious you haven’t done anything that’s really wrong. You haven’t tried to defraud anyone. You weren’t acting in competition with the bank in any area in which you have been employed. But Atkinson Stern is a competitor in other areas, and you are technically in breach of your contract. To be honest, I think this is more about a settlement, and what they really want from you.”
That wasn’t very encouraging, especially if Lawrence was involved. I would need to take the Tribunal very seriously.
* * *
At lunchtime one Wednesday I got a telephone call from the bank on my cheap mobile. (Maria obviously couldn’t afford an expensive smartphone.) Fleur and I were in Joyce’s kitchen. I was, as usual, ironing. Seeing the Caller ID, I excused myself and went into the back garden to answer.
Almost six months to the day since I was suspended, the bank was ready to proceed to Tribunal. The hearing was set for the following Monday morning at their headquarters in the City. I immediately called Bill and Sally. She told my clients for the remainder of the week that ‘something had come up at home’ and I would be unavailable for a while; and, no, she didn’t know when I would be back. We arranged for other girls to cover my shifts.
So my last day as Maria, the cleaning lady and reluctant maid, had arrived and we arranged an appointment at Transformations to bring Dave back. I had been there several times over the last few months for waxing – which got steadily less painful – and maintenance of my prosthetics, skin and hair, but on all those visits I knew I would leaving again as Maria. This would be very different.
Luckily they had a slot available on Friday. Sally dropped me off with a suitcase containing Dave’s clothes.
“It will be great to see my husband again,” she said, smiling, although I felt she might have spoken with a little more enthusiasm.
Angela, the receptionist, welcomed me and called Vera.
“You look wonderful, Maria,” she said. “You’ve really blossomed. Are you sure you want to go back to being a man?”
I realised I had been wondering that myself. The last six months had been unexpectedly happy and fulfilling. But it was a fantasy, and more than slightly perverted, so I confirmed my wishes.
“Very well, then,” she said. “Follow me.”
I stripped off and packed my dress, tights and shoes in the suitcase. The first job was to remove all my prosthetics: Maria’s nose, cheeks, chin, ginormous boobs, buttocks and hips. A short, thin man with a familiar long face gradually emerged from under the fat little female body. As a result of months of hard physical graft I had gained some muscle, but had lost more than ten pounds in all. I was hard and wiry, but also the skinniest I had been in my entire adult life.
I was genuinely astonished at how light and agile I felt afterwards, though I almost fell over backwards when I stood up, my centre of gravity having changed so much. Looking down, it was a surprise to be able to see my feet again without turning sideways. I had gotten used to only being able to see a pair of giant breasts. I realised to my surprise that I was going to miss them, and their matching buttocks.
“We’ll keep your prosthetics for a month or so,” said Vera, as if reading my mind, “just in case.”
“I won’t need them,” I said, scornfully. “My next performance won’t involve female impersonation.”
“Still,” she grinned, “you’d be surprised how many people in your position change their minds.”
I didn’t believe she had ever met anyone ‘in my position’, but I didn’t say so.
“I strongly recommend you wait a while before ‘purging’ your collection of women’s clothes too,” she continued.
I packed Maria’s bra and panties in my suitcase with just a hint of regret. I pulled on a pair of Dave’s underpants and some of his socks. They felt rough on my skin. Presumably that would change when my body hair returned.
My next appointment was with Sharon at the Transformations hairdresser salon.
“I know you need to go back to looking like a man, Maria,” she said, pointedly sticking to the only name she knew me by, “and obviously you need a serious trim. Only hippies and rock stars have hair down to the middle of their backs. But I recommend we don’t go too short, just in case you change your mind.”
Her too?
“Not going to happen,” I said.
“Well, I’ll go short enough that you can look entirely male by putting it in a trendy low ponytail, or female again just by styling it differently and setting it with hair spray. It can’t hurt to keep your options open, can it?”
“I suppose not.”
“I need to dye it back to your original colour now,” Sharon said. “I’m afraid that’s going to take a while. I need to bleach out the black colouring first. I would normally recommend using a clarifying shampoo to do this as there’s much less risk of damaging your hair, but that would take several washes over a period of weeks to work, so that’s out. The product I’m using is a specially designed colour remover. It attacks the molecules of the original hair dye. It’s less harsh than bleach, though there is still some risk of damage to your hair. Unfortunately it probably won’t restore your natural colour – most people come out looking a bit orange – so we’ll have to use another dye to get back to your original mousy brown. But we took plenty of photos back then of course, so I know what product to use.”
She set to work with her colour removers and dyes. As usual we chatted as she worked. She asked me about my experiences as a woman over the last six months, but I parried most of her questions politely. I liked Sharon a lot, but the fewer people who knew about what I had been doing, the better. She didn’t seem offended by my reticence, and gradually the conversation gave way to silence. I dozed through most of the two hours her work on my hair took.
When she finished trimming and combing it through, I stared at my image in the mirror. I looked very much like how I had in my first year of university. In fact, with my weight loss and my ‘long-haired student’ hairstyle I looked eighteen again, except that the anti-androgen cream I’d been using meant that I hadn’t even the beginnings of a beard. In fact, faint residual traces of Maria’s make-up made me look like an off-duty drag artist. Sharon saw the problem.
“It might help if I add some sideburns and a little five o’clock shadow,” she suggested. “I can bulk up your eyebrows too. All easily reversible if you change your mind.”
I let her do that, but I decided not to bother asking her to remove the skin dye or my lip filler. I had taken out and discarded the last of my dark contact lenses, so I looked enough like Dave again now. If anyone asked, I could just say that I had spent part of my enforced suspension sunbathing in Spain.
I hung up the Transformations smock I’d been wearing over my male underwear and got some of Dave’s clothes out of the suitcase. I dressed in a simple black T-shirt and jeans, both of which were baggy on me because of my weight loss.
I was glad to be able to put my wedding ring on again, and exchange Maria’s little ladies’ watch for my old cheap but masculine Casio.
* * *
Sally came to collect me later in the afternoon. I was waiting in Reception. I stood up when she came in. She did a comical double-take when she saw me.
“My God, I almost didn’t recognise you!” she laughed. “It's been ages... and I had no idea you’d lost so much weight under all that…” She trailed off.
“Not too much of a disappointment, I hope?”
“Of course not, silly!” She reached up to give me a kiss. “Nice to be able to do that in public again,” she said.
“You kissed Maria in public all the time.”
“Not where we might be seen by anyone we knew,” she said. “Are you ready to go?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just that it might take me a while to get used to being Dave again.”
“I can see that,” she said. “Look at how you’re standing, for a start.”
“One foot in front of the other with your hand on your hip. Also you’re thrusting your boobs out at me, even though you haven’t got any anymore.”
I shuffled my feet and tried to stand in a more manly manner.
“Also, your hands…” I looked down, puzzled. “Your wrists are cocked; your palms are downwards; and your fingers are extended. That stance makes you look… effeminate.” She tutted. “Oh, stick your hands in your pockets, or something.”
I picked up my suitcase, now filled with Maria’s clothes. Sally led the way to the car. As we approached she dropped back. I turned to see her watching me.
“You’re walking funny now. You're wiggling your bottom the way a woman does, but you don't have big hips or a fat bum anymore and you're not wearing high heels. Can't you just try to put one foot in front of the other, like a man?”
“It's a habit,” I said, embarrassed. “I'm sure I can break it. It's just a matter of practice.”
I put the suitcase down and walked back towards her, concentrating on walking like John Wayne.
“Right,” she said, sceptically. “There's no need to swagger, for heaven's sake. Take longer strides – you've gotten used to taking mincing little steps. Swing your arms more.”
“You originally trained me to move like a woman,” I said. “I may need your help to go back.”
“I have personal experience of female movement!” she snorted, opening the door of the car. “I don’t know how to move like a man.”
“You seem to be doing a good job of pointing out when I don’t!” I said.
“I’m only trying to help,” she said. “Come on then, get in.”
“I should drive,” I said. “I always used to drive us when I was Dave – before, I mean. Besides I haven't driven for six months. I need the practice.”
“Okay,” she agreed.
She’d always liked being chauffeur-driven. She went round to the passenger door while I put the suitcase in the boot. I opened the driver's door and sat down.
“That was wrong too,” she said.
“What now?”
“You got in like you were still in your maid's uniform: turning round, dropping your bum down onto the seat and then swinging your legs in – the way a woman gets in a car when she's wearing a tight dress. You're wearing trousers now; you won't show the world your knickers if you get in one leg at a time.”
And so it went on all day. When we got home I made some tea, resisting the temptation to put on an apron. We took it into the sitting room. I had just sat down when I heard her sigh.
“You're sitting like a woman.”
I was sitting upright with my legs together demurely, and my hands were on my knees. I sat back and relaxed.
“Better,” she said, “but not quite right yet.”
I looked blank.
“Men don’t cross their legs like that. In fact, they usually don’t cross their legs at all. Open yourself up.”
I sat back and splayed my legs.
“Like this?” She nodded. “It feels weird,” I said. “Practically indecent!”
* * *
Over the weekend we tried to get out and about as much as possible. On the Saturday morning we made for the shopping centre after breakfast. Sally and Maria had promised to do some shopping for Dorothy as usual, but as we weren’t available on the usual Friday afternoon, we had to get her groceries and drop them off a day late. She had confirmed that she could manage till then.
After getting Dorothy’s and our own groceries, we left the shopping in the car boot. Then we went back for a coffee and window-shopped for new clothes for me – for Dave, that is. I was wearing a typical casual outfit but everything felt heavy and rough and fitted badly. It was ironic that as Maria I had been much too fat to wear Dave’s clothes, but now new Dave was too thin for them. I suggested we at least buy me a new suit for the Tribunal, but Sally said we should wait. After all, if I was no longer doing fifty hours a week of hard physical graft carrying forty pounds of surplus fat, I’d probably regain the weight I had lost quite quickly.
We delivered Dorothy’s shopping at around lunchtime. She was pleased to finally meet me.
“We were beginning to think you’d left her, or something,” she said mischievously. “I just wish I could see you clearly. You sound handsome.”
“Oh he is,” said Sally, surprisingly. “I wouldn’t settle for anything less. It’s just a shame that his work takes him away from home so much.”
“But we’re hoping that will change soon,” I added, unpacking her groceries into her cupboards. I hoped she wouldn’t notice that Dave knew where everything went.
“And how is Maria?” Dorothy asked.
“Oh she’s fine,” said Sally smoothly. “Some sort of family crisis back in Spain.” Dorothy looked concerned. “It seems that it’s all under control, but she doesn’t know when – or if – she’ll be back. But don’t worry, we have other girls now. We’ll make sure you’re not left high and dry.”
“Well that’s kind, but I will miss Maria. She’s a lovely girl, and her English is coming on very well. We have nice chats now.”
That was a slight exaggeration. Our chats tended to be limited to topics such as washing, ironing, and cleaning. I could never allow Maria to be chatty. It would be too easy to give myself away in an unguarded moment.
We debated introducing Dave to some of Maria’s other clients, so that Sally could show everyone that she really did have a husband after all, but it seemed like an unnecessary risk. Of course I looked very different from Maria now; also I could speak good English and make my voice sound very different from hers. But there might be other giveaway clues – especially if I accidentally said something only Maria would know, or did something effeminate. Better to let their memories of Maria fade a little, and give me a chance to cement my restored masculine identity.
* * *
We went out for dinner with Anna and Phil on Saturday night. Anna kept looking at me strangely.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I confronted her.
“Oh, sorry,” she said. “It’s just that it’s fascinating. You’ve changed so much.”
“Well of course I have,” I scoffed. “I’ve stopped playing the fat immigrant cleaning lady, and I’m back to being your annoying brother.”
“No, it’s more than that.” She was thoughtful. “I can see both Maria and the old you in there. It’s as though you have two personalities, competing for control. When Maria is on top, you’re softer, quieter, courteous. Then it’s as though you’ve remembered who you’re supposed to be, and Dave pushes back into the conversation, loud, rude and contradictory.”
“Hey, I’m not like that!” She raised an eyebrow. “Well, not to anyone else – just you!”
“You certainly don’t treat Sally that way, I agree, but that’s only because she got the measure of you years ago. I doubt anyone else would put up with your histrionics.”
I turned to Phil and Sally for support. Sally was grinning and nodding.
“She’s exaggerating,” said Phil, “but she’s not completely out of order. To be honest, you’re as bad as each other.”
Anna had a face like thunder. Phil would be for it when they got home.
“You’re both good company though,” he laughed. “It’s never dull when you two start on each other.”
I had never understood the dynamics of their marriage. I now realised I had been wrong about Phil all these years. He wasn’t the least bit intimidated by Anna. He indulged her because he loved her, but he certainly wasn’t afraid of her. My opinion of him shot up.
The rest of the evening went very well. We were all laughing together by the end. Several bottles of good wine were consumed. In the end we were glad we had come in a taxi.
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady
By Susannah Donim
Chapter 11 – The Tribunal
Dave returns to the bank face the music. Is this the end of his career as Maria, the cleaning lady?
I showed up at the bank’s headquarters that fateful Monday in my best suit, now a size or two too big for me, and with my dyed hair in a discreet low ponytail. I was smart enough but I guess I must have looked worn and haggard. Maybe I would get the sympathy vote.
The first surprise was that the loathsome Lawrence was nowhere to be seen. I was very pleased that the Tribunal chairman was Harry, my old boss and Lawrence’s predecessor. While we were waiting for the other panellists to arrive, he quietly explained that Lawrence had left the company since I had gone on my enforced suspension. He lowered his voice and looked around surreptitiously to make sure no one was within earshot.
“Lawrence was a dick,” he said, “and he obviously took a personal dislike to you, probably because he recognised how much brighter you are than he is. I always saw that as a good thing, myself. A sensible manager is perfectly happy to have people working for him who are cleverer than he is. He can claim the credit for their ideas.”
He grinned. I had really missed Harry.
“Look,” he said, turning serious for a moment. “I know lots of people do what you did. Nobody cares if staff use their computers to browse the internet, or record a TV programme remotely, or write little programs to switch the central heating on and off at home. Even using the bank’s resources to pursue your own little project is fine as long as it doesn’t interfere with your work. What you did wasn’t so very different and most of us managers would never do what Lawrence did. Unfortunately your project was too successful. You made too much money, and Lawrence saw it as a way to create a new revenue stream for the bank and claim the credit. As I said, he is a dick, but a lot of the money-grubbers around here don’t think he was entirely wrong.”
He sighed and gave me a sad look.
“It would all have been very different if you’d told someone what you were doing. There’s every likelihood we would have backed you. We might have built a whole new division around you to offer digital currency trading.”
“I would have done exactly that if you’d still been my boss, Harry,” I said, “but there was no way I was going to trust Lawrence with my brainchild! He’d have stolen it and shut me out!”
“I understand,” he said, “and you’re probably right. It’s a shame, but I don’t think you’re going to win this. I just hope we can come to a fair settlement.”
Shit! I had hoped Harry would be on my side, but even he thought I was going to lose…
At that moment Bill, my lawyer, turned up. We shook hands. This was the first time we’d met face to face.
“We’ve agreed that you won’t be asked to speak,” he said, after an exchange of pleasantries. “Everything you might say is in the deposition anyway. It’s possible they might ask some clarifying questions but it’s unlikely. The facts are pretty simple and aren’t in dispute.”
That made sense to me. I’d already told Bill everything and he had skilfully drafted my arguments in writing far better than I could say them in words under potentially hostile questioning in the heat of the Tribunal room. We took our seats.
There followed nearly two hours of depositions and legal arguments, most of which I didn’t understand. They kept referring to my contract. I could tell that some of the panel of five were sympathetic. There was a representative of the bank’s professional body, a sort of white-collar union, but Bill said he was only there to ensure the correct procedure was followed. He would see that I wasn’t wronged or victimised, but he wasn’t there to speak on my behalf.
A Spanish Technical Director I had known slightly while we were in Madrid said that I was too promising an engineer to lose; but a saturnine woman from London Human Resources said it was a matter of trust, and a star performer who couldn’t be trusted was too dangerous to keep on.
They retired for private discussion just before lunch. We were told to return at two o’clock.
When we reconvened, it was clear that they had spent the best part of an hour and a half in heated debate, and they were still arguing when they sat down.
Eventually Harry turned to me and summed up. He clearly wasn’t happy.
“I’m sorry, David, but the majority of the Tribunal panel find that you are in breach of your contract. As such, we have no choice but to terminate your employment.”
So that was it; it was all over. What were we going to do now?
“However,” he went on, when he saw my face fall, “that’s mainly the view of our Legal and HR people, and they don’t run the bank… yet.”
He frowned at the evil-looking HR woman and an equally sour-faced fat man who presumably was from Legal Services. They seemed to find the papers in front of them especially fascinating.
“So we hope we’ve come up with a Settlement Agreement that will satisfy all parties,” Harry continued. “I’ll describe it to you now in plain English, but Mr Rafferty will go through the Agreement in detail with Mr Spratt of the bank’s Legal Department later, and advise you of any niceties.”
Bill looked interested. The fat man blinked at the mention of his name.
“The bank maintained that it should have a claim on the revenues generated by your digital currency app because its resources were used during its development, but as no bank infrastructure was involved in the actual delivery of the service, nor were any of our consumables used, the Panel believes it would be inappropriate to pursue any such claim…”
The fat Mr Spratt winced at this. He clearly voted against that, and felt that Harry was saying things that would put the bank in a dubious position legally, but Harry was too decent a person to hide behind legalese obfuscation.
“…provided that a satisfactory working relationship be put in place for the future. We therefore propose the following. It will of course be up to you to decide whether or not to accept this, and Mr Rafferty will advise you appropriately, but you should understand that what I’m about to say comes as a package. Failure to agree to any element will invalidate the entire deal, and that may result in litigation, which I imagine none of us wants?”
He paused for breath. No one spoke up.
“First, all the funds in the escrow account will be released immediately for the exclusive use of Mr Jackson. The bank will make no further claim on them.”
Whew! I had no idea how much was there but I suspected that we would have no further problems meeting our mortgage payments, at least for the moment. Bill nudged me and grinned. I grinned back.
“Second, the bank will take over the management of the service, collection of revenues, first-line customer support, etc. Once that happens, future revenues will be divided in equal shares – 50/50 – between the bank and Mr Jackson. We will be happy to pay Atkinson Stern a reasonable sum to continue to advertise the service on their website if they wish it, but they will receive no revenue from the service itself, and clicking on the link on their website will redirect the customer to us.”
That shouldn’t be a problem. I had never paid for the advertisement on the Atkinson Stern website. They only benefitted from the additional traffic the service brought to their site. That had seemed enough to them at first, but they might have been re-thinking that when it started to take off. Too late now. I hoped Danny wouldn’t be criticised for not making more of the opportunity.
“IPR?” said Bill. I assumed he was talking about the Intellectual Property Rights for the app.
“I was coming to that,” said Harry. “Thirdly, the IPR for the app will be jointly owned, going forward, by the bank and Mr Jackson. Neither will be permitted to make any changes to the service without the permission of the other. Both will benefit equally from any further developments.”
Bill was thoughtful. He scribbled something on a piece of paper and passed it to me. It read, “That might not be good for you. But let’s see the whole package first.”
I think I understood what was on his mind. The money was important, obviously, but the IPR was potentially far more valuable.
Harry had paused politely when he saw our exchange. When we looked up at him again, he continued.
“Fourthly, Mr Jackson will be retained by the bank on our standard freelance contractor terms and at a rate of £1,000 per day for ‘support and development services’. It is of course impossible to say how many man-days of Mr Jackson’s time will be required in any given financial year – that will depend on service take-up, what kind of support customers might need, what opportunities may arise for further development, etc – but we are prepared to guarantee at least fifty days per year. For what it’s worth, my personal opinion is that it’s likely to be considerably more than that for at least the first two years. This is a fast-changing area, after all.”
So if all else fails we will get £50,000 a year for about two and a half months work? Result! Harry had nearly finished now.
“One more thing: it’s normal to forbid anyone leaving the bank to return as a contractor for at least six months, but HR have agreed that the six months suspension you’ve already served will count as that. So if you agree to these terms, your freelance contract can begin immediately.”
The sour-faced HR woman looked even more sour-faced, if that was possible. She had obviously only agreed to that under pressure.
“Now I won’t ask for your commitment until you’ve had all this in writing and Mr Rafferty has had the chance to check it,” Harry went on, “but could I ask you for your initial reaction – without prejudice, of course?”
I looked at Bill. I whispered to him that I thought the generous financial arrangements and the freelance contract more than compensated for the loss of half the IPR. After all, they still couldn’t exploit my concepts without my say-so. He nodded.
“If Bill approves the Agreement, I’ll be satisfied,” I said. “Thank, you, Harry.”
The meeting broke up.
* * *
The goblins from Legal and HR left the room. I thanked Bill for all his efforts as he went off with Spratt. Harry came over to me.
“Most of the arguments over lunch were about whether we could keep you on the staff,” he said. “I felt it would be better to have you ‘in house’ doing everything you’ll now be doing as a contractor, but when I realised I wasn’t going to win that one, I negotiated on your behalf for as much as possible. Those bureaucratic idiots don’t seem to realise what they’ve lost. I’m pretty sure you’ll be much better off with this arrangement – at least financially. It’s our loss. Also as an approved contractor, we may be able to put other work your way – stuff that has nothing to do with digital currencies.”
“Fantastic! You’re a true friend, Harry. You must let me know if there’s ever anything I can do for you.”
“It was a pleasure. You didn’t deserve what was going to happen.” He paused. “Actually there is something you might be able to do. You and Sally run a cleaning company in Pinner, don’t you? We live in Harrow. My wife can’t find good household help for love or money. Do you have anyone available?”
“I’m sure we do,” I said. “We were looking to expand in your direction anyway.”
I gave him a J & J Services business card.
“Great, thanks! By the way, do you know how much is actually in your escrow account?”
“No, I haven’t been able to access it – for obvious reasons.”
“Well, there was about £50,000 a few months ago, and that’s the figure the panel saw. I checked more recently. There’s just under a million there now. The revenue flow went up tenfold as a result of that tweak you made to the risk algorithm. I didn’t tell anyone on the panel that, or they might have insisted we pursue our claim. Mum’s the word!”
“Holy mackerel! We’ll clean your house for free, Harry!”
* * *
So the Tribunal was a mixed success. My high-flying career in banking IT was definitely over.
On the other hand, we recovered the money my crypto-currencies app had earned, and it looked like it would earn a lot more, at least for a while. I had never actually speculated with our own money of course – we didn’t have any – but my algorithms meant that I made money from all my clients’ transactions whether they were successful or not. I just made even more if they made profits – sometimes quite obscene amounts, thanks to the peculiar roller-coaster performance of digital currencies. Also the service was now totally legitimate and backed by one of the biggest financial institutions in the world – and I had a freelance support contract which would supplement our income nicely!
* * *
So on the whole I reckoned we came out ahead. Our money worries were finally behind us. Sally was over the moon. We paid off our mortgage entirely; repaid Anna and Phil for the Transformations’ fees; took out a savings account; bought a state-of-the-art home cinema and a new, flashier car; and so on.
Sally took out a lease on a small serviced office for the cleaning business. It was on the industrial estate just outside town. I helped set it up, installing a Local Area Network with some cheap computers, and loaded simple freeware scheduling and accounting systems.
It took a little while to make the arrangements for the bank to take over the app. It had to be transferred to their servers, which had a bundle of security measures that my own private server didn’t need, plus a similar number of banking regulations to comply with, not to mention the European Commission’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). None of it made any difference to the service to customers, but it took me at least a month of hard work to tick all the boxes. Still that was paid for out of my contractor fees, so that frustrating, pettifogging, time-wasting exercise in pointlessness netted me about twenty grand. I have no complaints.
I also had to work things out with Danny. He had been a lifesaver and I really hoped he and Atkinson Stern wouldn’t lose out from the bank taking over. But it turned out he wasn’t around. He had made partner a little while ago, and new partners have to take a sabbatical within two years of promotion, so he was on a break. No one seemed to know where he’d gone. I tried calling his wife, Jackie. She was friendly but said she couldn’t reach Dan just at the moment. She was sure he wouldn’t be at all upset about the app though, and would just be glad he’d been able to help.
[If you’re interested in what happened to Dan, check out Inter-Submission by the same author.]
I went back to Danny’s deputy at Atkinson Stern and we agreed that they would keep the link up and the bank would pay them a small monthly fee for the space on their website. I promised to update it with more details and new branding. He even asked if I would be interested in doing some IT work for them. I was encouraging but pointed out that I was on a retainer with my old employer and wouldn’t be able to help with anything that might be competition for them. We parted friends.
So I was quite busy for a month or so after the Tribunal, but things settled down after that. I was still able to charge about a day a week to the bank for various maintenance and support services, but for the moment I had run out of new ideas for the app, so I didn’t attempt any development work. Everything was running smoothly on the bank’s platform anyway, and the money was pouring into J & J Services’ business account. Although I only got to keep half of my app’s revenues now, it was still a lot more than the cleaning business earned.
It also gave Phil plenty to do as our accountant. I felt guilty for taking up so much of his spare time and suggested I hire someone, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He said he enjoyed the challenges of managing the tax affairs of our strange new online business, and anyway he felt he should make up for how Anna had treated me as Maria.
I seemed to have managed to keep my weight steady and Sally finally agreed that I needed new clothes for my thinner, wirier figure, so one weekend we went to a couple of men’s outfitters before doing our grocery shopping. I got a new pair of jeans and some smart chinos, and I was looking at jackets, but I couldn’t really get into the shopping the way I had as Maria. Men’s clothes were boring; they were just clothes.
I was also still acting as Sally’s secretary, computerising all the admin, managing the rosters, and answering the phone when she was out meeting clients or checking up on her staff. She also insisted I went back to keeping our house clean and tidy since she was working flat out and I was – apparently – sitting round doing nothing. That was no problem. It took me back to the days pre-Maria, and before our money troubles began. I enjoyed housework. I was even starting to enjoy ironing. It was therapeutic; it calmed me down; and I was sure it would only be a matter of time before my empty mind would come up with new ideas for money-spinning apps.
The only other change was that our sex life wasn’t quite as wild and passionate as it had been. Still, apart from that, I was more or less content… for a while…
* * *
Unfortunately none of these activities filled my day. I found one morning, when Sally had gone out at eight-thirty, that I could do the cryptic crossword, and the quick crossword, and the Sudoku, and read the bridge column, then do that day’s household chores, and it wasn’t half-past eleven yet. So I set the house business phone to forward all calls to my mobile and wandered over to my sister’s place. She normally made coffee around now.
I had to be careful visiting Anna during the day in case one of Maria’s clients was there. She probably wouldn’t connect Dave with Maria, but why take the risk? Anyway, there were no cars outside so I reckoned it was safe. Being used to going in the ‘Servants’ Entrance’ I entered through the back door and called to announce my arrival. An answering voice came from the sitting room.
I was surprised to see Dorothy there, but then I realised she would have come in a taxi. Aware that her eyesight wasn’t up to recognising a new face in the room Anna hastened to introduce me.
“Oh I knew who it was as soon as I heard his voice,” Dorothy said. “Nothing wrong with my hearing, you know.”
So it was a good thing that Maria had always spoken in a high, breathy semi-whisper, with a strong accent.
At Anna’s invitation I helped myself to coffee and a Jaffa cake.
“We were just talking about the autumn lecture programme at the WI,” Anna said. “I thought Sally might come and talk about setting up a small business. It would be good publicity for J & J Services as well.”
“Good idea,” I said. Of course I had done most of the setting-up. Still it would be better if Sally talked about it, rather than a man. This was the Women’s Institute. “I’ll suggest it to her.”
“It’s a pity you can’t go out cleaning,” she said mischievously. She turned to Dorothy. “Dave does the lion’s share of the housework at their place, you know, what with Sally being the main breadwinner now, and always out and about visiting clients.”
I gave her a filthy look. She knew perfectly well that it was my work for the bank and with the digital currency app that earned 90% of our money. Also, the last thing we needed was her telling anyone how good I was as a cleaner. Dorothy just laughed.
“But he’s a man!’ she said. “What does he know about housework?”
“True,” agreed Anna. “I can’t see him going out cleaning with any of Sally’s girls.”
They both laughed. For some reason I felt hurt. My skills as a cleaning lady were being impugned.
“I do miss Maria though,” Dorothy said, wistfully. “Sally and Dave do my shopping for me, and I’m very grateful for that…” She smiled at me. “…and the new girls Sally has sent me are very efficient, but it’s just not the same. I don’t know why… Maria and I just seemed to connect even though she could hardly speak English. She was always so cheery. It was as if I could feel her smiling. She used to sing – well, hum – along with the radio as she worked. I think it helped her learn the language.”
It was true that several times I had caught myself almost breaking into song as I worked, which would have been a real give away. I had had to train myself to ‘la-la-la’ in a high voice instead, but I didn’t know Dorothy had noticed.
Anna and I looked at each other, both a little embarrassed, for different reasons. I felt that in giving up being Maria I had let Dorothy down.
* * *
When I returned home that lunchtime, I made myself some soup and a sandwich and watched the lunchtime news while I ate it. Afterwards, still in search of something useful to do, I went upstairs, thinking of clearing out some cupboards or something. I had been putting off packing away Maria’s clothes in the loft and restoring her room to a guest bedroom.
I went in. Apart from me vacuuming and dusting, no one had disturbed the room since I had gone to Transformations that Friday weeks ago to say goodbye to Maria forever. The chest of drawers was full of her clothes – Dorothy’s, Carol’s and Maria’s own. I was no longer sure which was which. There were tops, socks, and her voluminous bras and knickers. Other drawers held colourful smocks, tights, stockings and girdles. I took out some of the garments – just to recall how they felt, I told myself – and sat down on the bed. The material of the panties and stockings was so soft and silky, and, er, spandexy…
In a dreamlike state I went over to the wardrobe and slid back the door. Dresses, skirts and slacks met my eye. And three maid’s uniforms. I stared at them, a lump forming in my throat.
I got out some suitcases from the spare room and put them, open, on the bed. I started to fill them with Maria’s things. I was still there, the suitcases half-packed, clothes all over the place, when Sally came home and found me. I was holding one of my maid’s uniforms up against myself and looking in the mirror.
“It suits you very well, sweetie,” she said, “but you’ll need your bust and bum back before you can wear it out and about.”
I smiled vaguely, caught in the act of… what?
She took the dress from me and laid it down on the bed. Then she took my hand, and led me downstairs. She put a glass of wine in my hand and I started to gather my wits together.
“I’m worried about you,” Sally said.
“I’m fine,” I said. “I thought I’d tidy up Maria’s room, and I got distracted.”
“You were staring at her – at your – clothes, like you missed them.”
“No, no, I was just…”
“You were practically licking your lips.”
“Look, I’m just bored. I’ve run out of ideas for the app and I haven’t enough to do. I’ll think of something soon.”
“You haven’t been really happy since you stopped cleaning… no, since you stopped being a cleaning lady.”
“Rubbish! We’ve had a great time, clearing our debts, spending all that money, building your business…”
“Well, I’ve been happy, but you’ve just gone along for the ride.” She looked genuinely concerned. “Let’s face it: cleaning is your thing. It makes you happy. It’s the only thing that does make you happy, now that you don’t have acting as a release. I bet if you took an aptitude test, it would come back ‘cleaning lady’.”
“May I remind you that I’m a highly regarded software engineer?”
“OK, ‘cleaning lady who dabbles in computer programming in her spare time’.”
I sighed. Sally was teasing but we both knew there was truth in what she was saying.
“Well I can’t go out cleaning with the other girls, can I? I’m the boss’s husband. I’d be a laughing stock – even if the clients let me inside – and apart from it being social suicide for us both, there’s too much chance of being recognised as Maria. Some of those girls are pretty sharp, not to mention the clients.: I sighed. “Maybe I’ll join up with Pinner Players again, now that I have some spare time.”
“Then why haven’t you already? You’ve been free and clear for a month now.”
I didn’t have an answer to that. Somehow acting for real had spoilt play-acting for me.
“No, I agree,” she said, reading my mind. “I think you have to be Maria again.”
“I can’t see how that would help. Anyway I can’t go back to being Maria! It’s not decent, a man living as a woman. It’s perverted.”
“Don’t be silly! Honestly, you sound like a homophobe from the 1950s sometimes. Being gender-fluid is totally acceptable these days, even fashionable.”
“Well it’s not… practical,” I said, struggling. “I have to be Dave. I can’t be both.”
“Why not? In fact, why do you have to be Dave at all? You can do all your freelance work from home, dressed as Maria, and keep in touch with the bank by email and phone. You’re not exactly snowed under with work for them anyway. When they do give you a few days’ work to do, and you have to go in for meetings and so on, Maria can take a break. We have enough girls to fill in for her now.”
“But you need your husband to be around too!”
“And he can be – every couple of weeks when you have to take your prosthetics off for cleaning and personal hygiene. You can make an appointment on a Friday afternoon to be turned back into Dave, and another early on Monday morning to become Maria again. Over the weekend we can go out and about to show you off, and remind everyone you’re still around. The rest of the time, we can say Dave is away working – it’s not even a lie really!”
“But I became Maria in the first place because I had to, because of our dire financial situation. If I go back to being her now, it will be a matter of choice.”
“So what?”
I couldn’t answer. Was I ready to accept that Maria was a major part of me and that I, and apparently my wife, both preferred me to be her most of the time? Dave would only be back every second or third weekend when I had to remove my prosthetics. Sally pressed her case.
“I know you miss working as Maria, and your clients miss you. They ask about you – Maria – all the time. Anna told me what Dorothy said. And Joyce? Remember how frazzled she was before you started helping her? You saved her life! And you miss her lovely kids, don’t you?”
I nodded. I missed Lucy enormously but I could never see her again as Dave.
“So you’re saying I should go back to being Maria?”
“Well, why not? Maria has far more people who know her, and like her, and need her than Dave does.”
That was harsh, but true.
“And what about you?”
“What about me? I lived happily with Maria for six months! You know it didn’t make any difference to me. I don’t care how you’re dressed. You’re my partner, my best friend, my soulmate. I love both of you.”
She couldn’t help looking a little embarrassed at using the ‘L’ word, but I knew she meant it. I said nothing, but I must have looked doubtful. She pressed on.
“Look, you’ve always been an actor, maybe not professionally – though I think you’re easily good enough – but that’s what you are on the inside. You’re obviously not satisfied with just being Dave Jackson. He’s only a role, like Maria, like all the parts you played at college. Who knows how many more you have in you – male or female? But just now you need to be Maria. You’re not done with her, which is why you’re moping around all the time. Maria is unfinished business.”
I was having a hard time accepting this.
“So you really don’t mind if your husband is a fat Spanish cleaning lady most of the time?” I said incredulously.
“No, Dave, I really don’t mind,” she said, “and actually it’s more than that… I don’t know… Maria gets me going more than Dave does.”
I must have looked crestfallen.
“It’s not your fault, honestly, babe,” she said hurriedly. “It’s something weird in me. I don’t know why I feel that way about Maria, but I love seeing you as her. I don’t know why she turns me on so much. I’m not a lesbian, or at least not in that way. I’ve never been sexually attracted to any real girl. But when I see Maria, I want her – passionately – but only because I know she’s you. I also don’t know why you like being her, but I’m really glad you do, because it means our fetishes fit together perfectly. Why don’t we just make the most of it?”
I sighed. “I guess we can try it for a while,” I said, “but nothing that can’t be undone, okay? No implants or hormones.”
She nodded vigorously.
“You should get your beard lasered away though,” she said. “Maybe even all your body hair?”
“I suppose that would be more convenient,” I agreed. “I wouldn’t need that anti-androgen cream.”
“Oh, you should still use that. It helps you to have soft, feminine skin…”
“Muy bien, Señora.”
“That’s my girl.”
* * *
So we set up an appointment with Transformations to make me Maria again. We explained that we wanted to bring Dave back every other weekend. Mrs McLaughlin confirmed that they had kept all my prosthetics, and that they could arrange a series of sessions for the permanent removal of my body hair. As both laser methods and electrolysis tended to leave the skin inflamed, she recommended doing it in a series of fifteen-minute sessions, each one being done on the Friday after removal of my prosthetics, to give my skin the weekend to recover before going back to being Maria.
It was nice to see Vera and Sharon again. I knew both of them were thinking “I told you so,” but they were much too kind to say anything.
When Vera brought out my huge boobs and big fat bum, I couldn’t wait to get them stuck on again. In my pink 42D bra and giant granny knickers, I felt like I had come home.
Maria would have to have shorter hair, so that it could easily be re-styled for Dave. It could stay Dave’s colour. After all, women dye their hair, don’t they? Men don’t. It would be quite plausible for Maria to try a new colour when she wanted a whole new style. Most people wouldn’t notice anyway as I always wore a headscarf or a maid’s cap when I was cleaning.
I bought more dark contact lenses from Ingrid. We didn’t need to renew the lip fillers, and we accepted that on his occasional appearances Dave would have permanently darker skin – not implausible if he was working in Spain. Nevertheless it would be sensible to avoid Dave meeting any of the people who knew Maria, and vice versa.
I left later that afternoon with Sally, our arms around each other, chattering away in Spanish. My boobs bounced in my push-up bra. I was wobbling dangerously as I tried to get used to three-inch heels again. My fat butt was swinging from side to side for all it was worth. My skirt swirled around my nylon-covered legs. My handbag was over my shoulder. I looked forward to seeing Dorothy and Joyce and Lucy and Ruth and Margie, even Dr H-S, again.
I was Maria Ortega, plump Spanish immigrant cleaning lady, again and all was right with the world.
So to our neighbours, Sally’s husband, Dave, is working for the bank overseas on digital currency applications, and only gets home every couple of weeks. Meanwhile I live and work as Maria, the cleaning lady. Her English is improving; she can now understand simple instructions from her clients. I usually wear a smock and a headscarf and an apron, but sometimes I wear a maid’s uniform with a frilly cap because all our clients seem to like that. I smile a lot and nod and bob little curtseys. On average I work three to four days a week.
I still appear as Maria the maid at Anna’s place every other Friday to serve refreshments to the Bridge Club ladies. Sally doesn’t understand why I do it, but Anna pointed out that it would look odd if Maria suddenly stopped working for her for no obvious reason, especially as she was now pregnant and really needed a maid to help her.
We all know it’s really because of the social cachet she gets from having a uniformed maid waiting on her and her friends, but I can live with it, I suppose. I still don’t really like the humiliation of being my sister’s maid, but I owe her a lot. We would have lost our house if it hadn’t been for her.
Cleaning is still a joy to me. It keeps me sane and my brain clear, and as before new ideas seem to come to me while I’m doing something mindless. Ironing works particularly well, ironically.
In my remaining time I work on the crypto-currency service, keeping it ‘state-of-the-art’ and providing support and maintenance. So far I have managed to avoid going into the office for meetings, and the bank has started to assign me other small work packages.
I do most of the housework at home too, often in my maid’s uniform. Many’s the time Sally has arrived home unexpectedly and come up behind me when I’m vacuuming or dusting, thrown me onto the couch, and jumped on top of me. We both know I’m easily strong enough to resist her, but why would I want to do that?
Sometimes we like to pretend she’s my mistress and I’m her submissive maid, but we never do anything without mutual agreement. Anyway we do it the other way around too. I secretly ditch my abdominal constraints and catch her by surprise. It’s hard to say which is more fun.
I once thought that being a fat woman would be horrible, but I was wrong. I do understand how an overweight adolescent girl feels – there’s so much pressure on us fatties from our peers and from the media to conform to the ridiculous supermodel standard of beauty, which is completely unattainable for most of us – certainly for me!
And that’s how I felt way back in my first few weeks as Maria. My figure damaged my self-confidence. I was shy. I was embarrassed meeting new people. I felt humiliated. I remember once stripping down to my bra and panties in front of my bedroom’s full-length mirror, and bursting into tears. I’m just glad that I got myself under control before Sally got home. It didn’t help at all that Dave wasn’t fat underneath because I was Maria. That’s how the world saw me and I was a porker.
But adolescents mature eventually. I’ve accepted myself as I am and now I love all my silky, wobbly flesh, and so does Sally. It’s so sexy! I’ve surprised myself. Who knew that inside this thin man there was a fat woman struggling to get out?
Not that I care what men think, but it seems that plenty of them really mean it when they say they find us overweight women attractive. I get propositioned surprisingly often when Sally and I go out together dressed up. In fact it can get to be a nuisance.
I assumed that my obesity would keep men away but I was wrong there too. I guess I’m fat enough to be voluptuous but not enough to be repulsive. And of course, I’m not really fat at all inside, as I’m reminded every two weeks at my appointment with Transformations. With the prosthetics peeled off, I’m slimmer and stronger than ever. I suppose regular manual labour carrying forty pounds of extra weight really does build you up.
At our last session Mrs McLaughlin brought in a doctor to give me a thorough medical, and she cleared me to take whatever exercise I wanted. I’m strong enough now to carry the additional load without risk. I don’t think I’d cut a very elegant figure dashing round the squash court, but I might start going along to women’s aerobics or yoga with Sally. She’s keen to see what I look like in leotard and tights.
The only real problem is that Maria can’t be Sally’s social equal when there’s anyone else around – like clients and the other girls I clean with. She is strictly la Señora, and I bob and curtsey whenever I see her, which seems to amuse everyone, especially her.
Maria can’t afford expensive clothes, of course, so when Sally and I are out together I always look like the poor relation in my cheap polyester pants or unfashionable second-hand dresses. Oh well.
I also can’t drive our flashy new BMW as Maria, which is annoying.
But in the bedroom we’re equals (more or less). Sally has bought me some seriously sexy underwear and nightdresses, and I rather enjoy being her sex toy. She loves to undress me, first down to my bra and knickers (or sometimes my plus size bustier), and then she strips me totally naked. My jiggly breasts, fat tummy and big round buttocks seem to drive her wild.
When she’s finished working herself up playing with my wobbly flesh, I can get out of my abdominal prosthesis in seconds now, though obviously we can’t remove my huge boobs or the facial prosthetics, so we have to leave them in place when we make love. She prefers it that way, so it’s not a problem.
Now that we have money in the bank, Sally wants to expand the business. She’s heard of a firm called Home Counties Housekeeping, a little bigger than us, who also operate north of London but to the East. She thinks we could link up at first, and maybe we could invest; then she would get a seat on their board; and then perhaps a merger. If I know her, she would be running the joint firm in five years. Then maybe… national?
As long as I can just keep on cleaning as maid Maria and secretly writing software as Dave.
We’ve bought a cottage in Wales where Sally and Maria can go and be lovers openly. We would have preferred a villa in the Algarve but with no passport Maria can’t travel internationally. The locals don’t know about Dave at all and call us y lesbiaid yn Lloegr (the English lesbians). They’re open-minded, as we come often and spend lots of money in the town.
I particularly like going to the cottage because I can dress up and go out as a rich, elegant lady, not as the working-class cleaner I have to be at home. We don’t have to speak Spanish there either. We’ve often invited Anna and Phil to stay with us there, but no one else.
* * *
Can this go on indefinitely? These days it seems to be acceptable to ‘identify’ as the opposite sex without actually having SRS, but if I want to live lawfully as Maria Ortega I will have to at least get a Gender Recognition Certificate. Without it I won’t be able to apply for a driving licence or a passport in Maria’s name, or register for tax.
This is what worries me most. If Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs find out about Maria, they’ll see she isn’t paying tax and might be curious as to why J & J Services’ most hard-working cleaning lady isn’t on their payroll at all. If they check, we will have to admit that Maria Ortega is really Dave Jackson, a director of the company, and of course he pays his taxes.
I’d much rather they never found out. It’s not that I want to cheat the Revenue; it’s just that they’re a Government Department, so they leak – obviously. I wouldn’t trust them to keep such a juicy titbit to themselves, and if someone blabs, that would be the end of my career as a cleaning lady, and who knows what else besides? It might get in the papers! One of my female clients might sue me for getting into their home on false pretences, or I might get beaten up by a husband. I can’t imagine the police being on my side. So although it seems superficially stable, my situation is actually quite precarious.
Getting a Gender Recognition Certificate will require evidence from a qualified doctor that I have gender dysphoria. That should be easy enough, given how much happier I am as Maria now. I will probably need to live as her for at least two years, but I know I can do that. I will also have to convince the doctor that I intend to live in my acquired gender for the rest of my life – which is certainly my aim at the moment, though I have no intention of having an actual sex change. Both I and my wife are perfectly happy as we are (though I may have to reconsider breast implants).
Looking back I realise I have done something that all actors dream of, from the hammiest amateur to the most celebrated professional: I have created a character and made her real. Maria is a part of me now and I am as much her as I am Dave Jackson, if not more, and it is clear that both Sally and I want me to be her most of the time from now on.
So, what am I, exactly? A transvestite and a crossdresser certainly, and not a transsexual, but I don’t use any of those terms. I’m a heterosexual man who wants to live as a woman, and am phenomenally lucky to have found a wife who prefers me like this. What were the odds? The working-class Spanish immigrant part was a happy accident, but it satisfies my love of amateur dramatics, so I enjoy it.
Maybe if Sally and I ever move to a new neighbourhood, Maria can become an ordinary Englishwoman and I can drop the accent. That could be a new role. What would she be? Sally’s sexy secretary? A nurse? A nanny? An old-fashioned housewife? It’s exciting to think about…
No rush, though; I’m happy to be Maria indefinitely.
Talking of amateur dramatics, we went to see the Pinner Players all-male production of Anthony and Cleopatra. The guy playing Cleopatra was rubbish. I would have been much better.
By the way, we’ve just discovered that Sally is pregnant. I have absolutely no idea how we’re going to handle that…
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After the Pantomime
By Susannah Donim
A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick.
“Fiction needs to be credible; I should persuade the reader that the events in my stories could happen, if they haven’t already.” – Ian Rankin, author of the Rebus novels.
“He’s behind you!” the kids all shouted, excitement, frustration and panic evident in their high-pitched voices.
I whipped round, just in time to see Idle Jack duck behind the table, but of course Sarah the Cook, my character, didn’t see him. I turned quickly back to the front, my skirt and petticoats swishing round with me.
“No, he isn’t!” I yelled at the audience.
Behind me, I knew Jack would have popped up again.
“Yes, he is!” they all yelled, even louder.
I whipped round again. Jack ducked again. I turned back.
“Oh no, he isn’t!” I yelled.
“Oh yes, he is!” they yelled back, as Jack popped up again to make rude gestures to my turned back – well rude, but not obscene. This was Panto. It was for kids.
I folded my arms under my enormous fake boobs, which hoisted them up, resulting in two outrageous and dramatic wobbles. I’d thought that was for the dads, though for some reason the laughter from the mums was louder than the chortles from the men. What is it about women and drag acts?
“Now, look, boys and girls…” I went on.
The kids were screaming with laughter now, and their mums and dads were clearly happy that their offspring were happy. I had the audience in the palm of my hand.
All Pantomime Dames are cross-dressers, even if most of them limit it to the Festive Season. But for some that isn’t enough…
Chapter 1 – Making Money and Telling Jokes
When people ask what I do for a living, I say I’m an entrepreneur. Most people look blank; some nod wisely. Almost everyone follows up with, “But what do you actually do?” And I try to explain.
My father was a ‘The Honourable’, that is, minor nobility – too minor for either of his sons to inherit a title, thank God. He used to describe himself as a Gentleman Farmer, by which he meant he was a large landowner. His holdings did include farms – lots of them – but the closest he got to agricultural labour was jumping down from his Range Rover to look at something one of his tenants wanted to show him. This would usually be cattle disease or plant blight, at which he would nod politely and authorise vet’s bills or the purchase of some fungus remedy. That was usually a no-brainer as my mother was senior partner in the local veterinary practice. Then Dad would climb back in the car and roar off to the golf club, having done his farming for the day.
My older brother and I were quite different – from Dad and from each other. We both went to a posh boarding school, where we made the kinds of friends and connections that would have enabled us to make lucrative careers in politics or show business, but Tom couldn’t wait to go on to Agricultural College and become an actual farmer. Dad was quite pleased, as he could see the business staying in the family. At college Tom learned more about farming than Dad ever knew, but the Old Man made sure he understood business too. Last I heard, Tom was doing very well and Father was enjoying a prosperous retirement.
I was even less interested in the land than Dad. I came down from Oxford with a decent Upper Second, but with no burning ambition for any particular career. I joined Atkinson Stern, one of the big finance houses, on the grounds that an accountancy qualification would always be useful, while I waited for inspiration to strike. It took me four years to get my Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Level 4, which was about average when you’re working full-time. A promotion came with this but I couldn’t get excited about it. I was beginning to realise that I didn’t actually want to be an accountant, but that was OK. Most top businessmen were either accountants or lawyers who’d never practised accountancy or law. The world could still be my oyster.
I went home for a long weekend to celebrate my twenty-sixth birthday at the family manor. We all had a great time. We had some excellent dinners, mostly based on our own home-grown ingredients. We drank lots of beer and wine. Tom had just got engaged to a local girl and I met Josie, my sister-in-law-to-be, for the first time. She was gorgeous and clever and I was dead jealous of my brother. I’d had plenty of girlfriends but no long-term relationships, and there was no one special in my life at the moment. Sadly, Josie had no sisters, but she promised to introduce me to all her unmarried friends.
Tom took me round his fiefdom and described all his plans for expansion. He was very impressive. He wanted to start brewing cider. I hadn’t even realised we owned orchards.
On my last evening before returning to my London flat and my increasingly dull accounting job, Dad summoned me for a serious talk. He wanted to know what I planned to do with my life, and how he could help.
“Business,” I said, firmly. I wanted to sound definite in case he was going to try and persuade me to follow Tom into agriculture.
“You have contacts?” he asked. “From Oxford? Or the firm?”
And gradually, as we talked, the germ of an idea started to take shape. A couple of my Oxford pals were convinced they could take the business world by storm if they could only raise some seed money. A computer scientist I knew had an idea for an app he was sure would go viral. He described it as ‘a bit like Uber but for private planes instead of cabs’. I also knew a biochemist who had come up with an idea for a new hand-held blood sugar testing device. In three years at Oxford I had mixed widely through societies, sports and social events. As a junior auditor with a top firm I had met many more young people with bright ideas. I knew engineers, scientists and IT specialists. And wasn’t the government providing incentives to small businesses willing to take risks?
“Well… yes,” I said. “I know lots of clever people. I fancy myself as a Venture Capitalist.”
“Good, good,” he said, “and where will the money come from?”
“Well, er… banks, I suppose,” I said.
“And why would your friends need you? Why can’t they go to a bank themselves?”
“Ah… er…” Good point, Dad, I thought.
“How about this?” he said. “Let’s say a contact of yours has a really good idea, but he can’t find anyone to back him. You offer to provide the funds to prove the concept; that is, to develop the product or service just far enough to get proper funding. In exchange you will own, say, 20% of the business. They’ll have to set up as limited companies, of course, and you will own 20% of their shares. That will ensure you receive dividends if and when they show a profit, and you’ll get a big payment if they ever go public.”
“And where will I get the money?”
“From me,” he said. “Well actually, from your grandfather.”
Grandpa had died just over a year ago. He’d left Tom and me £10,000 each but the bulk went to Dad.
“I intend to take a Deed of Variation out in your favour,” he continued. “That means the money I give you will be deemed to have come from your grandfather’s estate and never been part of mine. So it won’t count as a gift from me and if I die it won’t be subject to inheritance tax.”
As an accountant I was aware of this cunning mechanism, but hadn’t thought of it at all till now.
“Fantastic! Thanks! But you will help me with this venture capital business, won’t you? I’d be really nervous on my own.”
“Sure, I’ll come along for your first few projects – just to keep an eye on you – but when I’m happy that you know what you’re doing, I’ll leave it all to you.” He thought for a moment. “Say you offer a pot of up to £100,000 to each venture. I can afford to sub you for maybe five of those. You don’t have to pay me back. The money will all come out of your legacy, but I will expect two or three of them to come off, or we’ll have to stop. Assuming some of them succeed, you can use your profits to sponsor more projects.”
“I don’t know what to say,” I said. “This is amazing!”
“There is a limit on how much you can have through a Deed of Variation, but if I can survive another seven years after giving you more, that won’t count as my estate either.” He smiled, then got serious. “You’ll have to be tough, you know. You’ll need to exercise real judgement. You can’t afford to support charlatans; you’ll have to watch each of them really closely; and be prepared to pull the plug the minute you see that something isn’t going to pan out. Insist on weekly meetings; open-book accounting; your sign-off for any purchase over, say £1,000; and the rest of it.”
“I’ll need a decent lawyer.”
“Good point. Let me talk to Martin Holford.” Martin was Dad’s solicitor and looked after all his business affairs. “His son, Will, works for him now, you know. He’s as sharp as they come.”
Will Holford was in Tom’s year at school. I knew him quite well. It would be brilliant if he would come in with me.
* * *
And that was the first great turning point in my life. I’ll never know whether Dad expected me to make a go of it, or if he was just trying to make up for having handed everything agricultural to Tom on a plate, but I resigned my accounting job with no regrets. I let my London flat go and moved back to the family estate, which we just called the Manor. I returned my company car and bought a BMW 230i M Sport Coupé, which I immediately fell in love with.
I started ringing round my contacts. Some of them chickened out, not prepared to give up a steady job for the risks of a private venture, but others couldn’t agree fast enough.
Dad and I hauled these budding inventors over the coals. It felt like we were running a ‘Dragon’s Den’ and just like that programme, we didn’t agree to fund them all. Some ideas were too off the wall even for us. But we did find a handful of genuine prospects. In his spare time Will helped me draw up my first contracts and refused to take any payment until I started making my first profits.
Satisfied that we had established a robust process for assessing ideas with genuine promise, my father withdrew gracefully back to the manor, the farms, and the Golf Club.
* * *
Meanwhile Tom’s Stag Night came around. I was delighted to be asked to be his Best Man and began looking around for ideas for a suitable celebration. Going abroad was out of the question for the group. Those who were working couldn’t take the time off and those who weren’t couldn’t afford the cost. So I eventually settled on Open Mic Night at a popular nightclub near us. I reckoned that with a good meal and enough booze inside them most of the guys could manage five minutes of stand-up, however painful. At the very least Tom and I would be able to overcome our nerves and practise public speaking for our wedding speeches. I checked with Lee, the manager, and they had a policy of ‘no heckling’ first-timers, as we all would be of course. He agreed to give members of our party priority at the mic from ten till eleven pm one Friday night, as long as we spent generously on food and drink – which was unlikely to be an issue.
So after a huge meal and several pitchers of beer, I stepped up at ten o’clock to serve as host for the next hour. We had agreed a rough running order. No one was excused but I put the less willing at the back of the queue, so they would be spared if we ran out of time. I gazed out around the room. Beyond our table I could see maybe thirty or forty more revellers in the semi-darkness. Most were smiling indulgently. Some, who were clearly not fans of boisterous stag parties, were less welcoming.
I started off with a few clean(ish) jokes, all of which you’ve heard and none of which would make you laugh unless you were very drunk. Fortunately everyone was. I thought I’d try and stick to one-liners. That way, if a joke fell flat, I’d hit them with another one before they got too impatient. I soon learned it’s not the joke, it’s how you tell it; the Singer, not the Song.
“Hi everybody. My name’s Nick Rawlinson, and I’m drunk in charge of that table of degenerates over there. Each of them will be standing up to entertain you over the next hour, but believe me, it will seem much longer.”
Some chortles from my table. The best I could say about everyone else was that that they weren’t actually hostile – yet. Give them time.
“I’m actually surprised that so many of us were able to afford a night out like this,” I went on. “Our generation is really on the ropes. A few decades ago they had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs. Now we have no cash, no hope and no jobs. Please don’t let Kevin Bacon die…”
A laugh or two from the stags. A couple of smiles from the strangers. Pause just long enough, but not too long. Keep them on the ropes…
“I’ll just tell you a little about me and my family,” I continued. “My father has never learned to drive – in my opinion.”
I heard Dad’s unmistakable guffaw from our table. It was funny because it was true.
“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she turned sixty. She’s ninety-seven now and we have no idea where the hell she is.”
Most of the other guys at the Stag Party table laughed, perhaps sympathetically, and a woman at a table to my right laughed out loud. I turned towards her and smiled.
“As for me, I like to play chess with old men in the park, but it’s hard to find thirty-two of them.”
She laughed again. Another couple of people at her table joined in. The Stag guys laughed out louder. Was this the trick to stand-up? Getting the audience in competition with each other, to see who could enjoy themselves more?
I waved at a table further back. “I was in this posh hotel and the maid knocked on my door. She said, I’ve come to turn down your bed. I said, well many women have in the past. Why should you be any different?”
I was beginning to feel that maybe they were coming over to my side…
“I’ve decided to sell my Hoover – it was just collecting dust.”
“I know a transsexual guy whose only ambition is to eat, drink, and be Mary.”
“You’ll have seen that Jeff Bezos, the Amazon guy, is getting divorced. When he’s over here he sometimes goes to a bar near a girl I know. He offered to buy her a drink so she ordered a pina colada. ‘It will be here in 2-3 working days,’ he said. She went home alone.”
Some outright laughs that time. A couple of people even thumped their table in appreciation. Okay, that seems to have warmed them up. Time to bring on Will, who had bravely volunteered to be the first of the ‘Stand-up Stags’.
I introduced each of the crew in turn for a five-minute spot. Some of them were terrible; some weren’t bad; Will and one other guy were actually quite good.
I popped up to take the mic back either when the five minutes was up, or when the poor sod was dying beyond hope of recovery. Each time I rolled out another couple of one-liners…
“My chemistry teacher told me I had a very good brain for science. Then he asked me to donate it to them.”
“Toughest job I ever had: selling doors, door to door.”
“How do you tell when you’re out of invisible ink?”
“Just because no one complains doesn’t mean all parachutes are perfect.”
“I was a lazy kid. When I was twelve my parents entered me in a national apathy contest. I came second. I wasn’t that bothered. The kid that beat me didn’t even turn up.”
…before introducing the next sucker. The groom was on last. After introducing him, I retired to our table, my job done.
Tom was excellent. He told some decent jokes. Then he riffed on how he and Josie had met and how she had bowled him over. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, apart from tears of laughter, and – best of all – Josie wouldn’t have been offended if she’d been there. I realised along with everyone there that my big brother was really in love and I was dead jealous all over again. We had a great evening, and Tom and I both felt we could face the wedding crowd with some confidence.
Just as we were getting ready to go, Lee came up to me.
“You know, you weren’t bad at all,” he said. “Why don’t you come again? Just you, mind. I don’t think most of your mates had a clue.”
“I might just do that,” I said. “It wasn’t as tough as I expected. I quite enjoyed it.”
* * *
One of my earliest investment prospects was an online dress-making venture called It was a joint effort by a young couple, Ruth Braddock, a fashion designer and her boyfriend, Eddy Devere, an engineer. Their concept was that the customer would log into their website and select from a range of dress types, shapes, styles, and materials. She could select a pattern, or upload one she had designed herself. She would add her measurements and a photo – the system would take any kind of image: jpgs, pngs, tifs, even PowerPoints. The software would then show an animated 3D model of what she would look like wearing the dress. It could be a still image, viewed from any angle, or she could be strutting down a catwalk, or dancing, or even walking down the aisle – they expected wedding dresses to be a big money-spinner for them. When the customer was satisfied with her design, the system would give her an all-inclusive price to make the dress. If she was happy with that, it would create the dress and mail it to her.
Ruth was a tall, brusque young woman from Manchester and was clearly the dynamo of the outfit. She led their presentation wearing a severe grey skirt suit with a white blouse, sensible black high heels, and schoolmarm glasses, a look she emphasised by binding her long, blonde hair up in a tight bun. Underneath this forbidding exterior she was quite pretty but she had clearly dressed to emphasise ‘professional’. No doubt she was used to being patronised and not taken seriously when she dressed more fashionably. Anyway it worked; I was able to focus on her proposition, not her.
She had done an honours degree course in Fashion at Bath Spa university, where she also managed to lose her Lancashire accent. She had taken an option in computer-aided design, which was how she came up with the concept of
She was now interning at a London fashion house. She and Eddy had shared a flat while he was studying Mechanical Engineering. He had built two simple prototype machines for making clothes from Ruth’s digital designs as his third-year project. They were only ‘proof of concept’, and crude, being made from cheap parts scavenged from scrapped machinery, but one could cut to a computerised design, and the other could sew rough cloth pieces together to the same pattern. The machine tools were guided using numerical control (NC) and Ruth’s software. They weren’t precise or delicate enough to handle fragile fabrics, such as would be needed for wedding dresses or evening wear. Also, they were much too slow for the levels of mass production they had in mind.
They’d been to several bank-funded venture capitalists but none of them were forthcoming. One promised to reconsider if they could show them a fully working assembly line from website to finished product, with some evidence of customer interest. So what they needed from us was sufficient funding to build real, practical machines capable of fast precision work with any fabric. Then, they believed, they could attract more investors and move to large-scale production. I wondered whether £100,000 would be enough, but they promised that they didn’t need money for their personal expenses, so all of the investment would go into the business.
Dad was still helping me when we had our first meeting with Ruth and Eddy. We explored the business model in greater depth and other problems came to light. They would need a dyeing capability, otherwise they would have to hold stocks of every type of fabric in a wide variety of colours, and keeping so much inventory would be very expensive. Also, while they eventually hoped to automate the entire process, in the short term human operators would be needed to move the developing product between stages. This meant they would also need sizeable premises for all their machines, and warehouse space too, of course.
Personally I found the idea exciting, and Ruth in particular really impressive. In my naïvety I thought all the problems could be overcome, but Dad gave them a very hard time. He didn’t focus on the engineering or the accommodation. He wanted to test the business concept further.
“What about marketing?” he asked. “How will you draw customers to your site?”
Social media was their short answer, but they also explained their approach to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). As for marketing, they had an old college friend ready to join them as soon as they were well enough funded to pay him. Apparently he had cut his teeth in online marketing at Ocado, but hadn’t stayed long.
Dad persisted. “You’re going to get customers who lie or make mistakes about their measurements then complain when their dresses don’t fit.”
“OK, we’ll replace the dress and only charge for the raw materials wasted. We will also retain the copyright for everything we make, so we can offer any returns for sale via a different page of the website.”
I could sense Dad was vacillating. I pointed out that we had several underused farm buildings where they could set up shop. We could provide them rent-free until they started making money. The idea of long-term rental income won him over.
Eventually he agreed that their proposal was just the sort of thing we were looking for. We had lots more meetings and I joined the new business as a non-executive director. was the first venture we agreed to support. More soon followed. I had never worked so hard in my life, meeting with each of the ventures every week and crawling through several sets of accounts. Eventually I had to close my books, especially as the word had got around about us. We had exhausted our legitimate contacts with great ideas and were now being pestered by crackpots we didn’t know.
So I committed to spend – I mean, invest – more than half a million of my father’s money over the next two years. For that I owned 20% of five promising businesses. I would have to live on my own meagre savings and my father’s largesse, while waiting for my ventures to start to pay off. I would be living at home in a self-contained annex of my father’s manor house for the foreseeable future.
I saw more of Ruth and Eddy than any of the others as they were based on our property. Dad and I had converted a nearby barn into offices with ethernet, Wi-Fi, Skype for Business, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony. We let have two rooms on the upper storey, a small office for Ruth as Managing Director, and a larger open-plan area with space for up to six desks. We also set about converting a derelict cowshed next to the barn into a workshop where Eddy would be able to install the machinery they would need. The agreement was that the space would be made available to for free until they had managed two successive quarters in profit, when they would need to start paying rent.
We ran cables connecting the office computers to servers in the cowshed. Eddy insisted on this to ensure that he had full control over their data. I respected his concern for security, and in any case I owned 20% of the company, and therefore of the IPR.
Eddy and I became friends as well as business partners. I was on good terms with Ruth too, but she was always a little aloof. She was a hard worker from a working-class family. She never said anything but I think she disapproved of me and my privileged background.
* * *
Working as hard as I was, and with no girlfriend to cheer me up, the highlight of my week now was Friday nights at the Club and Open Mic Night. It was all a bit ‘hit and miss’ – a mix of first-timers whose friends had told them they were funny, and more seasoned performers trying out new material. Some guys were really good, others were excruciating, but everyone had a good time. Lee eventually persuaded me to do a spot.
“Just do what you did at your brother’s Stag Night,” he said. “It went okay; well, not too badly; well, no one actually threw anything…”
I didn’t have any original material, but I could lift stuff off the internet as well as the next man. Anyway Lee assured me that it wasn’t the jokes, it was the delivery. I had enjoyed compering on Tom’s Stag Night and I didn’t seem to be troubled by stage fright. If they didn’t like me, so what? It was their loss.
So I had a go that Friday. I was on somewhere in the middle, but I was lucky in that the guy I was following was terrible. He was desperate to be liked and the audience sensed that. A lesson to learn. I decided to stick with one-liners, rather than risk ‘freebasing’ or social commentary.
“I’d like to start with some chimney jokes – I’ve got a stack of them. The first one is on the house.”
The crowd were paying attention. There were a few smiles and a few groans. I rushed on.
“I’ve just been to the opticians. He told me I was colour-blind. It was a real bolt from the orange.”
A few laughs this time. Don’t pause. You’re not looking for feedback. You’re in control, not them.
“When people say ‘it’s always in the last place you look’. Of course it is. Why would you keep looking after you’ve found it?”
“If women are so bloody good at multitasking, how come they can’t have a headache and sex at the same time?”
Male guffaws, plus more than one female giggle. That’s the English for you; they really do like to laugh at themselves.
“In Norway, how does the guy who drives the snowplough get to work in the morning?”
They had to think about that one, but when the light dawned, some real laughter followed.
My Careers Advisor used to say, ‘Don’t dress for the job you’ve got, dress for the job you want.’ I later found out she was a dinner lady dressed up as a Careers Advisor.
My girlfriend complains I don’t keep my place tidy. So I put a wash on and did some hoovering in my underpants. I wondered, how did my bollocks get so dusty?
Paddy went to his local priest and asked him if prayer could help him with his hearing. The priest said of course, and that he would pray for him. Next time they met, the priest said he’d prayed for him and asked about his hearing. “Oh, I don’t know, Father,” said Paddy, “it’s not till Wednesday.”
I kept them coming and got a proper round of applause when my five minutes were up. It was the most satisfying thing I’d done for months. I thought it might even be something I could be good at with some practice. I went back the following week with more plagiarised material. I started going regularly and when the wedding came along, my Best Man speech went down well.
Over a few weeks, I got to know the other regulars. We swapped experiences and I learned even more. As my confidence grew, I started trying some of my own ideas, anecdotes, observational humour. I tried to analyse what worked and what didn’t, and came to the conclusion there were three key strategies for getting laughs. First, something could be genuinely funny; that would be the best material. Second, you can try to take the audience by surprise, because most people’s reaction to being surprised is to laugh, assuming they don’t feel threatened, of course. And third, people laugh because they think they’re expected to laugh, even though the so-called joke isn’t actually funny at all. You see this latter category with ‘alternative’ comics on TV. Often they’re just cruel and abusive, but they’re mocking someone in public life who may be unpopular, so the studio audience feel bound to join in. Also, because the comic is famous and the studio audience are apparently wetting themselves with laughter, you laugh. Try repeating the joke to a friend who didn’t see the programme. I doubt hilarity will result and it’s not just that you ‘can’t tell a joke’.
I didn’t encourage my friends or family to come and watch me perform. I told them it would make me too nervous. My mother agreed happily, saying it would make her too nervous. Nevertheless Eddy, Tom and Josie came for one of the evenings when I was on. When Eddy and I left, Ruth was still in the office at the farm. She didn’t seem to notice us going.
After my spot I joined the others at their table. I invited Lee over to join us for a drink. He brought Frank, our occasional pianist, with him, along with a couple of bottles of house plonk.
Tom slapped me on the back. “That was great, Nick. You’re really getting the hang of this stand-up stuff. You should consider going professional.”
Lee and Frank snorted and grinned at each other.
“Thanks, but it’s only a bit of fun,” I said. “I could never do this in front of a paying audience. I’d be terrified.”
They all hastened to reassure me, but I was under no illusions. I knew they were only being polite. I reckoned I wasn’t bad for an amateur, but I was a country mile away from professional standard.
“By the way, I noticed you’ve had no women at the mike all evening,” Josie observed. “Is that usual?”
“Sadly, yes,” said Lee. “Seems like ages since we last had a girl doing a slot.”
“What about Suzy Queue?” said Frank. “She was a regular here.”
“She went off to Uni nearly two years ago, and has never been back,” said Lee.
“Why is that?” Josie mused. “It’s not like there are no great women stand-ups – there’s Joan Rivers, Victoria Wood, Jo Brand, Sarah Millican. Not to mention a whole bunch of younger ones. We saw lots at the Edinburgh Festival last year.”
We all fell silent, thinking of our favourite female comedians.
“Yeah, it’s a shame we don’t have any now,” I said. “I’ve found some great one-liners for women comedians.”
“Well, why don’t you do them?” said Josie.
“No, no, they only work when it’s a woman telling them.”
“Sure, but you could pretend, couldn’t you?” said Lee, clearly taken with the idea. “There are no rules on Open Mic Night.”
“A drag act, you mean? No, I couldn’t…”
Could I? More importantly, why would I want to?
“Why not? A wig, some make-up. You’d be great,” said Josie.
“And a man telling jokes as a woman wouldn’t be patronising at all, would it?” I said, sarcastically.
“No,” said Lee. “It’d be satire.”
I stopped to think about it. There was a gleam in Josie’s eye.
* * *
She wouldn’t drop the idea, and she soon got Tom on her side. With both of them nagging me over the next couple of weeks, it was hard to resist the pressure. We got together at their house one Friday night after another session at the Club with no female comics at Open Mic Night.
“Why don’t you want to do it?” she insisted. “You’d get lots of laughs! That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?”
“They’d be laughing at me,” I objected. “Good stand-up is about getting them to laugh with you.”
“I think it depends on your attitude.” Tom made a rare contribution to the argument. “If you look good, and are confident, you’ll soon get the audience on your side. That’s how the best Drag Artists and Pantomime Dames do it. The audience all know you’re really a man, but it’s like you’re sharing a private joke with them.”
“That’s right,” said Josie. “Think of Danny La Rue, Terry Scott, Les Dawson. You create a character, with exaggerated female gestures and mannerisms, and tell jokes from a woman’s point of view. All the girls in the audience will love it – you’re a man who seems to appreciate and understand women – maybe even envies them!”
I frowned. I began to see what she was driving at.
“I have no idea about clothes, hair, make-up, or anything like that…” I said.
“Oh don’t worry, I can help you with all that,” Josie said. “That’s the easy part. You’ll need to practise though. You probably won’t get the walk or the stance right till you’re in costume.”
“I hope you’re not suggesting I go outside dressed as…”
She steamrollered over my objections.
“And you need a name. It has to be feminine and maybe slightly old-fashioned…?”
“Elsie, Edna, Gladys, Gertie…” suggested Tom. Josie made a face. “Nancy, Nellie, Bessie, Daisy…”
“Daisy!” she shouted. “That’s it! What about a surname?”
“Duck?” I said.
“Ha ha. But it should be something beginning with ‘D’. How about ‘Duquesne’? Daisy Duquesne – that sounds a bit like a drag artist, doesn’t it?”
“How do you spell ‘Duquesne’?” Tom asked.
“No idea,” said Josie. “Does it matter? Now: clothes. Obviously nothing of mine will fit you, but something of my mum’s might work. She’s a bit of a fashionista, always in trouble with my Dad for spending too much on clothes. In fact, this week she mentioned she’s been stripping her wardrobe to make room for new stuff. She’s got several boxfuls waiting to go to the church jumble sale. Let me go and get my tape measure.”
She soon had all my measurements. It seemed the decision had been taken. I was going to perform at the next Open Mic Night as Daisy Duquesne, comedienne.
* * *
Meanwhile Ruth and Eddy were making impressive progress with Most of my seed money was going on second-hand machinery that Eddy would adapt to their needs, but they also hired two new graduates on six-month contracts: Mike, a young engineer to help Eddy, and Vicky, a programmer to support Ruth. Will also popped in from time to time to offer free legal advice when Ruth needed to set up a contract with a supplier. I told him he was the only lawyer I had ever known not to charge exorbitant sums for five minutes’ work. He laughed and told me not to tell anyone as he would be thrown out of the Law Society. In any case he was keeping a tab and would sting me for a fortune as soon as he thought I could afford it.
Ruth and Eddy had also persuaded Mo, the marketing guy from Ocado, to join them on a one-year performance-based arrangement. During that time he would get a small fee for each hit on the website and a bigger sum for each actual order. I was concerned when I heard he had been ‘let go’ by Ocado, but they assured me it was part of a redundancy programme, not something he’d done or failed to do. Anyway he seemed to make a good start with us. He spent days locked in with Ruth going through the ‘customer experience’; that is, what a potential customer sees when trying to access and navigate the website. It needed to be easy and enjoyable to use for someone with no technical experience. Organisations can easily lose potential customers when their website is badly organised, and Ruth was very keen that shouldn’t happen.
Mo very quickly redesigned the website to increase its ‘stickiness’. He also did some SEO to make sure internet browsers would direct people to if their searches included any relevant keywords. He also incorporated a routine that counted views of the website, and the number of visitors who browsed for more than a minute. That would generate a ‘pop-up’ box which asked the potential customer for her contact details (only her email address, if she wanted), so that we could send her updates and special offers. He also set up the site to accept payment using PayPal, Worldpay, or by taking the customer’s credit card details. Finally he began looking at attracting advertisers to the site to generate revenue, although Ruth was keen that it wasn’t overloaded with annoying adverts.
He got his first fee – five pence – when the site detected its first visitor, a day after his changes were published. Although this didn’t turn into an actual order, he insisted on buying doughnuts for everyone in the office to celebrate.
He and Ruth also began talking to other companies in the fashion business about mutual advertising opportunities, but this was slow going because most of them saw them as potential competition.
My other ventures were taking longer to get going, so I was able to go into Ruth’s office most days to help. With my accounting background my most useful contribution was to manage the little company’s finances, especially given that all their funding came from my venture capital anyway. I was now a part-time Finance Director; so much for being a lazy non-exec.
I commandeered a desk in the open plan office, close to Ruth’s domain. When Vicky was in with her and her door was closed, I got used to visitors asking me whether she was in and could she be disturbed? I frequently pointed out that I was not her secretary, but I stopped objecting when it became apparent I was wasting my breath. Sometimes she even diverted her phone to me and I took her messages. I drew the line at fetching her coffee, but like everyone else I offered when I was making myself one.
“I suppose I’ll need to hire a proper secretary at some point,” she said. Cheek!
* * *
Over the next few weeks I got to know Ruth, Vicky and Mo quite well as we worked together upstairs in the barn. Mike and Eddy tended to spend most of their time in the cowshed – Mike told everyone they were ‘shedding cows’. All we knew was that they were doing arcane techy stuff with their old cloth cutting and fabricating machinery, and that as yet there hadn’t been any loud explosions, just a lot of low humming and throbbing. Once a week the six of us would take lunch at a local hostelry, ostensibly for a progress meeting, but really for a thorough and methodical real ale tasting.
I couldn’t make Ruth out. She was usually cordial, even warm on occasions, but she avoided any conversation that wasn’t work-related. Even odder, that also seemed to apply to Eddy – and he was now her fiancé. Come to think of it, I never saw any real signs of affection between them. Even though I knew they shared a flat in the nearest town, they never seemed to arrive or leave together. When I asked about that, Ruth explained that their different roles often required them to visit clients and suppliers independently, so they had to travel in separate cars. But I knew that at this stage of their work they rarely had to go out. Ruth was almost always in the office, and Eddy in the workshop. But Ruth made it clear that further nosey enquiries regarding their travel arrangements would be unwelcome.
With the seed money I had provided dwindling rapidly, Ruth had to set a date for a presentation to the one bank that had expressed an interest. So that became the ‘do or die’ moment we were all working toward. It was about three months away, just before Christmas. would need a fully functional system by then and some evidence of demand and fulfilled orders.
* * *
Another deadline I now had to meet was Daisy Duquesne’s debut. I was summoned back to Tom and Josie’s a week before the big night for my costume fitting. Josie ordered me to shave as closely as I could just before going round to their place. At first I had been quite excited about appearing as Daisy, but I was beginning to get cold feet. I was pretty sure I would look stupid dressed as a woman, and people might think the whole thing was in poor taste. I had begun to look forward to Open Mic Nights at the Club. I didn’t want to be ostracised.
When I rang the doorbell Tom let me in, already wearing his outdoor coat. He was off to the pub.
“It seems you’re her latest project,” he laughed. “Nice to see her working on someone else for a change. I guess I must be the finished product.”
“As if!” Josie had heard his parting words. “You’re still very much a work in progress. It’s just that Nick’s transformation is more urgent.”
She waved her husband goodbye. He grinned and raised his eyes to heaven.
“Good luck, mate,” he said, stepping out into the night.
“Come on,” Josie said to me, “lots to do.”
I had barely taken my coat off before she was dragging me upstairs to their spare bedroom. There were several large cardboard boxes on the floor. I looked at her enquiringly.
“I picked all these up from my mum’s this afternoon. There’s bound to be something you can use amongst all this lot. Now, first we have to decide what kind of woman you’re going to be,” she said.
“I don’t understand,” I said. “Do I have a choice?”
“Well originally I thought you were just going to be a drag act – you know, a caricature of a woman, telling jokes from a female perspective. A bit like a Pantomime Dame.”
“Well, not that,” I said. “Pantos are mainly for kids. I don’t do those kinds of jokes.”
“I know, and anyway there’s a risk that the whole thing could come across as sexist – misogynistic – if you’re not careful. You could get booed off the stage.”
“They’re not usually that bad on Open Mic Night. They know we’re all amateurs, and they make allowances.”
I was trying to convince myself as much as her.
“Maybe, but it’s still a risky strategy, isn’t it?” she said. “The jokes need to be warm, from the heart, showing you understand and sympathise with the female condition. I don’t think you can do that if you’re a caricature of a woman.”
“I think I see what you mean,” I said. “Maybe we should forget the whole thing?” I was a little disappointed for some reason.
“Or we could make your disguise good enough that you don’t come across as a Drag Queen.” She stopped to let me digest this. “Ideally so that some of the audience think you actually are a woman, and plenty more aren’t sure.”
“That’s impossible!” I said, confidently. “I’m a man. I could never be that convincing.”
“Well I’d like to see what we can do. You are a little… androgynous, you know,” she said.
“Oh, thanks very much! I know I’m not big and butch like Tom, but…”
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It doesn’t make you any less attractive. And you’re what? Five-eight? On the tall side for a woman but not exceptional. And you’re very slim. With a little judicious padding, you could have a very believable hourglass figure. I originally planned on just a wig and make-up, but now I’m thinking we can do much better. This is going to be fun!”
“Let me guess – you had lots of dressing-up dolls when you were little?”
She wasn’t listening. She had upended one of the boxes onto the bed.
“When she first started putting on weight after having us kids, Mum bought herself some ‘shapewear’,” Josie was saying, as she rummaged through her mother’s discarded lingerie. “She doesn’t really bother with that anymore, so she’s giving most of it away.”
“What exactly is ‘shapewear’?” I had to ask.
“It’s a foundation garment designed to hold you in tightly and make your figure look better, maybe to help you get into a dress you’re really too fat for. So it’s usually made of strong, controlling material, like spandex.” She continued to rummage. “I’m really looking for a one-piece… Ah, here we are! This is still in its original packaging. I don’t think she can ever have worn it.”
Well that was good news anyway. I wasn’t at all sure I wanted to wear her mother’s old underclothes. Josie was breaking it out of its polythene wrapping and cutting off the cardboard labels.
“See, if this will fit, it will give you a nice bust and bum with a little padding, and also hold your tummy in. Strip off!”
“What here?” I said. “In front of you?”
“Oh, you can go in the bathroom next door if you’re shy.”
I took the strange garment from her and headed for the bathroom. She started packing all the other underclothes back in the box they came from.
The thing she gave me was a bit like a woman’s one-piece bathing costume. It was a dull grey colour and looked far too small for me, but I soon found out it stretched – a lot. I stripped naked and gingerly stepped into the lacy leg holes. When I tried to pull it up I found it was no problem getting it over my buttocks but progress slowed when it reached my waist. Now it was nearly at full stretch and it took quite a lot of effort to work it up further. I eventually managed to get it up as far as my chest and was able to wriggle my arms through the shoulder straps. I tugged at the edges around my thighs and, er, bust, to try and make it more comfortable.
I turned to look at myself in the mirror. I looked stupid. The shapewear was tight around my waist but a bit floppy up top and down below, apart from around my genitals. Apparently my member was finding the whole thing exciting, even if I wasn’t.
There was no escape though. Somewhat apprehensively, I returned to the bedroom. Josie made no attempt to hide her amusement.
“Well your brother may be taller than you,” she giggled, “but you match up pretty well in terms of… (ahem) endowment.”
I blushed. While that was nice to hear, I still felt like an idiot, dressed – half-dressed – as I was.
“This stupid thing is a terrible fit,” I said, plucking at the loose material round my bum and non-existent bust.
“Well, obviously,” she said. “It’s shapewear. It’s female-shaped, and you’re not – yet…”
When she had finished chuckling, she walked around me appraisingly.
“It’s holding your tummy in nicely,” she said, “though it looks like it’s nearly at full stretch. Now we need to pad out your bust and backside until those areas are fully extended too. I’ve got some cotton wool for now. It’ll probably be a bit lumpy. We may need something better for the night.”
“Such as what?”
“I dunno… modelling clay? Plasticine? Maybe Polyfilla?” she grinned. “I think we have some in the workshop.”
She grabbed a huge roll of cotton wool and started forcing lumps of it into the shapewear’s padded bra and rear. I gradually took on a believable feminine form. She packed more cotton wool into the sides of the bra, which pushed the flesh of my chest together and produced a surprisingly realistic cleavage.
“That’s interesting,” she said, walking around behind me. “It’s got sort of pockets across the backside. I think you’re supposed to stuff padding in these…”
“Why would you want to do that?” I asked, naïvely. “I mean, why would a woman want to make her bum bigger?”
Josie laughed. “You don’t get out much these days, do you, sweetie?”
She happily filled the panels across my butt with sheets of cotton wool. But she had been right about the texture of the stuffing. It was lumpy and tended to shift when I moved, like I had some horror movie parasite moving about under my skin. My new rump looked uneven, like two big, different-sized balls of congealed porridge. It also wasn’t terribly comfortable to sit on.
What was worse was that when I turned suddenly, a large lump of cotton wool popped out of the bra, ruining my cleavage and making my bust even more obscenely asymmetrical, like I’d had a partial mastectomy.
Josie cursed and tried to make some repairs. First, she re-stuffed my bra, packing the padding in more tightly and taking me from a B to a C cup, the spandex stretching obligingly. Then she had me lie down on my front on the bed. She ran her hands over my backside to try and smooth it out. When she paused for breath, we turned to the wardrobe’s full-length mirror to evaluate her efforts. I didn’t look quite so stupid now. Below my still-obviously-male head was a fairly convincing, if slightly plump female body – if you ignored the incongruous body hair.
“Do you want to shave your legs?”
“Hell, no!”
“So not a skirt or dress then. Well I don’t think any of Mum’s slacks will fit you. You’re too tall, and even with the shapewear your waist is too thick. I guess it’ll have to be leggings.”
She pulled out another box which was full of pants and stockings. She found a pair of what looked like thick black tights.
“Mum’s about five-five. These are 28-inch inseam, and XL. They should fit you.”
I had no idea what any of those words meant, but I took the garment she handed me and sat down on the bed to pull it on, as instructed.
“You need to pull it right up to your waist. It should stretch that far.”
This was nearly as hard work as the shapewear. Josie helped me to make sure there were no wrinkles or ladders, and eventually we succeeded in getting the thing on me to her satisfaction. The material was thick enough to conceal my leg hair.
“This should work,” she said. “It’s great – they look like skin-tight pants. Now you need a top. Most of Mum’s will be too small for you around the chest and shoulders, but maybe you can wear one of her shorter dresses as a sort of smock.”
Josie emptied another box onto the bed. This one was all dresses and blouses. She found a large white dress with a floral pattern.
“This should work. Also it has a high neck, which will hide your Adam’s apple, such as it is.”
The dress was a little tight around the shoulders but I got it on easily enough. As she had predicted, it came down to about mid-thigh, and it looked like I was wearing a smock over skin-tight black leggings.
“It’s got three-quarter length sleeves. You may have to shave your forearms.”
“I can live with that,” I said. “I’m more concerned that this is the sort of thing women wear when they’re pregnant – and with the padding you’ve given me…”
“That’s a great idea!” she said.
“Hang on! I didn’t mean…”
“We wouldn’t have to squeeze your waist any more, and the extra bump will help to conceal your… masculinity. And you can add in some pregnancy jokes! Let me see if I can squeeze a little more padding around your tummy.”
I shut up before she had any more bright ideas. After a bit more pushing cotton wool into my shapewear and moving it around, I had developed a substantial ‘spare tyre’.
“That’s great,” she said, happily. “You look about three months pregnant.”
“I’ll need a whole new act,” I grumbled.
“But it’ll be completely original. They won’t have seen anything like it before on Open Mic Night!”
“That’s for sure. I’ll probably have doctors and midwives coming to tell me off for endangering my baby’s health. And I won’t be able to drink!”
Josie wasn’t interested.
“I think we’ll try the wig I got you next, and maybe some make-up and jewellery. Oh and I think I have some old clip-on hoop earrings from before I had my ears pierced.”
She led me into the main bedroom and sat me down at her dressing table, which was covered in complicated-looking feminine implements: combs and brushes, rollers, a hair dryer, and oodles of cosmetics.
She began by pinning my hair back and covering my face with foundation.
“I’m not going to do a proper job tonight, just try and get a rough picture of what you might look like. I need to check whether the make-up I have works with your colouring. We should also paint your nails for the actual performance. Don’t cut them again until after that. We need them as long as possible.”
“This does seem like a lot of trouble to go to,” I said, “just because the Club has no female comics, and I’ve dug up some jokes for a woman to tell. Wouldn’t it be better for me to give them to you, and you could do a spot?”
“God, no!” she said, appalled. “I could never do stand-up. I’d be terrified.”
“You think I’m not?”
“No, actually,” she said. “You seem to be in your element when you’re in front of an audience. Tom said he realised that at the Stag Night, and I’ve seen it several times since then. You have great timing and you really know how to engage an audience.”
“Actually I have no idea how I do that. It just seems to… happen.”
“So you’ll be great as Daisy. Just think of her as a costume for a performance. Now shut up and let me work or I’ll put your eye out with this mascara wand.”
It took her another half an hour of experimentation till she was satisfied. She kept up a running commentary of what she was doing. I finished up with a light, daytime make-up – a little mascara, eyeshadow, pink lipstick and some blush on my cheeks.
“I think we’ll have to pluck your eyebrows…” she began.
“I don’t think so, Josie,” I said, intending to be firm.
“Just a little,” she said. “You won’t notice any difference when you’re back to being Nick. Promise! Anyway, for the moment I’ve covered your actual eyebrows with powder and I’ll draw on some thin feminine ones with eyebrow pencil.”
When she’d finished with my face she reached for the wig.
“We’ve had this for ages. It’s real human hair and very good quality. My great aunt bought it when she had to have chemo, but she hardly ever wore it. She found it too itchy and she just wore a turban.”
It was an ordinary mousy brown colour, much more realistic than some Dolly Parton blonde affair. I just hoped it hadn’t retained any of whatever it was that Josie’s great aunt had found itchy.
“I might get you a proper wig cap for the big night, but your own hair isn’t too long so it’ll be okay for now.”
She pulled the wig down firmly over my head, then spent ten minutes putting the hair up in a high bun, with a few wispy bangs down the sides.
“It’s a bit crumpled from having been in a box for a while, but I can wash and style it before your big night. Now, let me just put these earrings on you and you can stand up and see yourself in the full-length mirror.”
She clipped two big hoop earrings on my lobes, which didn’t hurt – much. Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the wardrobe mirror.
“Ta daa!” she cried. “Meet Daisy Duquesne!”
‘Ta da’ indeed! In the mirror was a tall, plump brunette, not pretty exactly, but not unattractive either. I turned sideways. Daisy was obviously pregnant, but not much more than late first trimester.
“I think it’s fair to say that no one would suspect you of being a man,” said Josie, “at least not at first glance.”
I nodded, fascinated. “You’re right,” I said. “This could work.”
“At least until you open your mouth,” she said, with a frown. “You’re going to have to work on speaking in a higher register. I’m sure you can do it. You don’t have a deep voice. Tenor, I assume?”
“I haven’t actually sung properly since school chapel, and I was a treble then. I gave up choir when my voice broke.”
“Well you’ll just have to find that boy soprano again.” She stood back to appraise me more thoroughly. “I don’t like the way you’re standing though – too butch.”
She reached out and pulled my left foot forward and bent my left knee. Then she placed my left hand on my hip. Walking round to my other side she bent my right arm at the elbow and turned my hand down at the wrist.
“This feels really effeminate,” I said.
“Dressed like that you look feminine, not effeminate,” she corrected. “The point is, women use their arms for balance more than men do, especially if they’re wearing heels. You’ll have to learn to move like a woman. High heels would definitely help you get the hang of it, but I don’t think we have any that will fit you. What size do you take?”
“There’s about a size and a half difference between men’s and women’s sizing, so your men’s 9 is about a women’s size 10½. That’s huge for a woman. Mum and I both take sixes. You usually have to go to specialist shops like Long Tall Sally for sizes bigger than eights.”
I wondered how she knew all this stuff, but she’d clearly been doing her research.
“You may have to wear your trainers, but they’re not very feminine. I do know someone I can call though. Leave that with me.”
“Okay. So are you going to help me get this lot off now?”
“That would be a shame after all my hard work,” she grimaced. Then her eyes lit up. “I know – let’s go down to the pub and show Tom!”
“I can’t go out like this!” I cried.
“Why on earth not? You look great, and you’ll meet far fewer people there than you’ll be performing for on Open Mic Night!”
I tried to find a viable excuse.
“Oh don’t worry,” she said, pre-empting any further protest. “Nobody’s going to try and pick up a pregnant lady. They’ll probably all be glued to the football anyway.”
She went over to her chest of drawers and fished out some items.
“Here’s a spare handbag and a purse you can use. I’ll put your lipstick in. Go and get your money and keys and stuff.”
I stepped into my trainers. I struggled to bend down and reach over my baby bump to tie my shoelaces. I slung my handbag over my shoulder and followed her out into the night.
At some point I was really going to have to find a way of saying ‘no’ to my brother’s wife.
Author’s Note: As freely admitted above, when it comes to telling jokes Nick is a plagiarist. The author therefore wishes to acknowledge the great comedians from whom his jokes have been, er, nicked: Tim Vine, Ken Dodd, Bill Bailey. My humble apologies to any I have failed to acknowledge.
After the Pantomime
By Susannah Donim
A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick.
Chapter 2 – A Stand-up Comedienne
Nick makes his debut as Daisy Duquesne.
It’s difficult to describe how I felt dressed as a woman. I felt vulnerable, ungainly, defenceless. I felt weak. All of which was ridiculous; I still had all my male strength, and why should a woman in my position feel helpless anyway? I was determined that Daisy Duquesne was going to be a strong, independent, modern woman. It was just that the additional weight on my chest, my big round padded butt, and my baby bump, were all throwing me off-balance and undermining my confidence.
At the pub I fancied a pint after the evening’s shocks and exertions but of course I had to stick to girly drinks, and non-alcoholic ones at that, because of my non-existent baby. Over the next hour I had three orange and passion fruit J2Os and no one would let me pay for them. As it was nearly ten o’clock when we arrived, the football was finished and the pub’s large TV had been switched off. We sat with Tom and his friends. They nodded politely to Josie and me, but they were mostly discussing the match. As a stranger, and a not totally hideous young woman, I naturally drew some attention, but as each man saw my condition he lost interest – an unexpected benefit of letting Josie talk me into being pregnant.
I was astonished that I seemed to be getting away with it. I sat demurely with my handbag on my lap and contributed as little as possible to the conversation, concerned that my voice would give me away. After he got over his astonishment at my appearance, Tom was a good sport and didn’t expose me, but he said he’d never known me to be so quiet on an evening out.
After my third J2O I needed to powder my nose, as Josie called it. Together we got up and headed for the Ladies. Having to pull my tights down and extricate my penis from its spandex prison, it took me a little longer than her to do my business. When I emerged from the cubicle, she was already at the mirror, repairing her make-up.
“You need to do this too,” she said, smacking her lips together. I dug my lipstick out of my handbag and copied her actions. “Make sure you don’t get any on your teeth,” she grinned. “I hope you’re enjoying learning all these girly secrets. It’ll make Daisy’s performance all the more convincing.”
Just as we were leaving the Ladies a small group of men were getting up to leave. I hadn’t seen them when Josie and I went in, because they had been around the corner in the lounge bar away from the television; clearly not football fans. One of them was Eddy. Fortunately I saw him before he saw me and I was able to turn my head away and avoid eye contact. I was shaking like a leaf when we got back to Tom and the others. Josie asked if I was alright. I explained about nearly being recognised by Eddy and she laughed about it all the way home.
I realised I would have to tell him eventually though. He was a regular at the club and would be bound to recognise me, but I decided to wait till I was a little better at female impersonation…
* * *
Back in the office was progressing nicely. I was amazed at how quickly everything was coming together, but I suppose I shouldn’t have been so surprised. Most of the individual components had been developed and tested before I had even met them. The real challenges had been to join it all together and scale up to production levels.
It had been clear from the outset that they would have to limit the number of designs they offered, with just a few variations permitted within each dress type. Also the machines would not be capable of anything too fancy in terms of embroidery or stitching. Any patterns that couldn’t be created at the initial dyeing stage wouldn’t be possible.
We had a big team meeting for Ruth to show us all the dress types she wanted to offer for our initial launch. This was so that Eddy could verify that the machines could cut and stitch them all; that Vicky could write the necessary software instructions; and that Mo could arrange to update the website with appropriate photos, descriptions and prices.
We took our places, armed with coffee and pastries.
“I’ve narrowed it down to eleven basic products,” Ruth began. “We’ll want to offer some options for each product, such as neckline, skirt length, shoulder straps, and with or without sleeves, and we’ll charge extra for any variations from the standard design. When we’ve agreed the designs and variations we can make, we will still have to decide what materials to offer each product in, which of course will affect the machine settings and might introduce additional constraints. Eddy, could you let me know what problems you see with any of the designs? And Vicky, could you just take some notes on what we decide?”
Ruth had connected her laptop to our cheap digital projector. Bright coloured dresses started appearing on the screen. She picked up a pointer.
“First, the BodyCon. This will probably be one of our most popular products, a standard. It’s designed to make the most of a woman’s figure. We need to be able to vary the length and the neckline, so it can be appropriate for casual or formal wear.”
“That looks pretty tight-fitting,” said Vicky. “Can we offer variations in… er, snugness?”
Eddy and I looked at each other. Vicky was lovely and definitely not overweight, but we knew she was conscious that she wasn’t exactly petite. No way would she ever wear anything as figure-hugging as this.
“I don’t see why not,” Ruth replied. “Let’s offer it in different fittings then. Is there any reason why we shouldn’t be able to do that for all our clothes?”
“Sure,” said Eddy. “What do you want to call the fittings – snug, loose, and er… medium?”
“Something like that,” Ruth said with a smile. “Of course, some fabrics are quite stretchy, so a tight fitting would be fine. Let me think about that.”
She clicked the mouse to bring up the next picture.
“This sheath dress is also form-fitting and simple. The length will usually be to the knees or lower thighs, and is therefore appropriate for the office. It could also be made for formal wear, typically in black. I’d like to offer it with and without sleeves.
“Both these first two can be elegant and smart-looking, but will be easy – and cheap – to make, so I’d expect them to be our main money-spinners. Moving on to the more exotic…”
She brought up the next slide.
“This is the Baby Doll, a sleeveless shift. The basic design has spaghetti shoulder straps and will only be available with a rounded neckline. It’s simple and convenient both to manufacture and to wear, not to mention to look after. This picture shows a very short style for a sexy party dress, but a knee-length version would be suitable for many other occasions including office or casual wear. I suppose at full-length it could even serve as a formal, though that might only be suitable for tall thin women.”
“Yes, a short girl wearing a full-length Baby Doll would look like she was standing in a tent,” said Vicky, who was 5’ 4”.
Ruth moved on.
“This is an Empire Waist. The waistline of this type of dress rises above the wearer’s natural waist, giving the illusion of additional height and helping to disguise any heaviness of the lower half of the body. Again, we should offer it with or without sleeves. It’s more formal, suitable for a posh party or a night out.”
We had no comments so Ruth brought up her next slide.
“This A-Line dress helps to hide a heavier figure or emphasise slimmer figures. This style offers a narrow top down to the waist and gently flares out towards the hem. This one is great for the office, casual wear or formal. The standard model will be sleeveless with a scoop neckline, but we should be able to offer variations again.”
Eddy interrupted. “I don’t foresee any specific problems with all these variations,” he said, “but the only way to be sure is extensive testing. We may have to set limits when we first go live, then add variations later. Either that or delay the launch.”
Ruth accepted this, with some disappointment.
“That’s what we’ll have to do then,” she said. “We certainly can’t delay the launch. We must be up and running before we meet with the Bank.”
She clicked the mouse again.
“This Wrap Dress is versatile. It splits down the middle with one tie at the waist. The front wraps from one side to the other and creates a V-neckline. The ties go around the waist and meet in either the back or front. Obviously there won’t be options for other types of neckline.
“This dress can be for casual, work, or formal wear. With long sleeves I think it’s likely to be very popular with older customers.”
Eddy, Mo and Vicky were scribbling notes but no one had anything to say, so Ruth moved on to the next slide.
“We should offer a long and flowing Maxi Dress like this. It’s not suitable for work but should be popular for parties and formal wear. We could make it from various materials, but I’d expect cotton to be the best-selling fabric. It’s perfect for holidays in the sun too, being cool and comfortable with a flattering fit, especially for older customers.”
“I’m not sure about this next one,” she said. She clicked the remote again.
The slide showed a rather prissy, ankle-length dress with some sort of petticoat. To my uneducated eye it looked like the fabric was chiffon or something.
“It may be a little old-fashioned,” Ruth went on. “It’s still quite popular with the rich in the States where it’s called ‘Tea-Length’. Typically, the hemline falls just below knee level. Women of fashion consider any dress falling between the lower knee and ankle a Tea-Length. This picture is clearly a formal design, but in other fabrics it may be suitable for the office.”
“You ladies need to decide,” said Eddy, “but personally I can’t see us selling many of those.”
“Why don’t we all show the picture to women we know and gather more opinions?” I suggested.
I guessed that Josie would laugh her head off at a ‘Tea-Length’.
That was agreed and we moved on.
“This is the last dress,” Ruth said, “for formal wear only. It’s called a Mermaid Dress, for obvious reasons. It fits snugly from the bust to the lower calf area, and then the material flares outward. It’s usually worn strapless and sleeveless but variations are possible.”
“Again, we probably won’t sell many, but we should definitely have something like that on the site,” said Eddy.
We all agreed.
“I don’t get invited to the kind of affairs where you wear something like that,” sighed Vicky.
“That’s all the dresses,” said Ruth.
She clicked the mouse.
“This is a peplum. It’s a short skirt that attaches to a form-fitting jacket. The skirt flares downwards from the waist. The jacket can have long sleeves, short sleeves or be sleeveless like in the picture. Depending on the design and the fabric, this could be worn in the work place, or in a more casual setting, or even formal.”
The team were enthusiastic about the peplum. It was different and up to date.
“That’s right,” Ruth confirmed. “Ironically it first came into existence in Renaissance Italy. It was briefly popular in the 1980s then fizzled out, but it came back in 2014 and has been popular ever since. It accentuates your curves to enhance the illusion of an hourglass figure.”
“So we make this in two pieces, do we?” said Eddy. “How are they attached?”
“Velcro, maybe?” suggested Vicky.
“Moving on,” said Ruth. “Finally I thought we should offer some skirts, so this is a fairly simple full A-line skirt design. It will have a form-fitting waist, flaring outward to the bottom. It’s intended to go with a variety of tops for casual, or office wear. We should probably offer mini, midi or maxi length.”
“Aren’t there more styles of skirt than that?” I asked.
“Oh yes,” Ruth replied. “There’s the asymmetrical skirt made from different fabrics with varying lengths at the hem. Or a bell-shaped skirt. Or a 1950s style bubble skirt.”
“Okay, okay, sorry I asked.”
Ruth smiled. “We can offer more variety later. It’s just that I think we should focus on dresses for the moment. We can do a wider range and charge more for pretty much the same costs.”
It was agreed that we should offer A-line skirts with ‘above the knee’, ‘knee-length’ or ‘below the knee’ options in our usual fabrics.
“This may be a stupid question,” I said, apprehensively, “but where did you get all these designs?”
“They’re all mine, of course,” she said, with a look that confirmed that it was a stupid question. “We couldn’t go offering other designers’ creations through our website, not without entering into all sorts of contractual arrangements.”
“But they’re all…”
“Brilliant!” said Vicky, and immediately went scarlet.
“Yes – brilliant,” I agreed.
“Well, thank you, both,” said Ruth, as though she had expected nothing less. Though I could see she was actually quite pleased at our votes of confidence. “They are all a bit simple, I’m afraid, because Eddy has warned me that it will be too difficult to make complicated accessories – frills, flounces, pleats, other decorations, etc.”
“Pleats ought to be quite possible eventually,” said Eddy, “but we will need a special attachment, and it wouldn’t work with either of the old machines we have now.”
“By the way, I thought you originally intended to offer wedding dresses?” I said, as she switched off the projector and disconnected her laptop.
“And we will,” she said, “but a wedding dress is much too complicated to make with the simple machines we have now – too much lace, too much embroidery, too delicate fabrics…”
“We can sell a maxi dress or a mermaid dress in white silk,” Vicky suggested, “but most brides would want something much fancier than that.”
Ruth nodded. “I suggest that our pricing strategy should be to charge about 20% less than high street prices. That should attract lots of customers but still give us great profit margins. We can always hike our rates later when we’ve built our customer base.”
I left the team discussing what she had presented. Everyone seemed happy and excited although Eddy was looking thoughtful. He knew he and Mike had a lot of work to do.
* * *
A few days later, on the Wednesday before my debut as Daisy Duquesne and with just under two months to go till the meeting with the Bank, we were ready for our first end-to-end test. Ruth had finalised the ‘customer experience’ process model she wanted, and Mo and Vicky had rebuilt the website to deliver it. The user would enter her measurements first. Then she could select any of the eleven basic designs and in some cases change the fit, colour, neckline, skirt length, and so on. If she made any modifications, the picture would then show what the revised design would look like.
They had also added an off-the-shelf freeware package to run the animation. Vicky had written the software to turn the customer requirements into NC instructions for the printing and cutting machines; and Eddy and Mike had configured them to accept and follow the instructions. But would it all work together?
Well, no, of course it wouldn’t…
Since I was the only member of the team who hadn’t been involved in any of the development, I was selected to run the test. In other words, I would design a dress and upload a photo and a set of measurements. would then show my model wearing the dress in various animated scenarios. We could make some modifications if we wanted, then get the system to produce the dress. To make sure it would work properly for an external user not directly attached to the platform, I used my personal laptop which was connected to the internet by our house wi-fi.
Eddy thought it would be hilarious if we used my face and body for the test, but to my relief he was shouted down. We decided that Ruth was too close to the website process design so we all agreed that we would make Vicky a new dress for the test. She didn’t have a photo, so Eddy took a few shots on his smartphone camera.
She wasn’t sure of her measurements, so she and Ruth went into the office with a tape measure and shut the door. They emerged with Vicky’s vital statistics for me to input. She was 38-34-40, dress size 12, which Ruth, the fashion expert, assured her was bang on average for the modern British woman, but Vicky was embarrassed that her ‘barrel’ shape was revealed in front of her workmates.
Mike immediately blurted out that he thought she was gorgeous anyway. Was something going on there? Both of them quickly went bright pink. To save them further embarrassment, I announced that I would start the test and navigated to the website to set up an account in Vicky’s name.
Ruth explained that the system would work with just the vital statistics and dress size, which most girls would know, but a really good fit required several more measurements: neck, front waist length, back waist length, shoulder, and arm length. The website had instructions on how to take the more obscure measurements. She had taken all of those too, so I began entering all Vicky’s data. So far, so good.
Eddy sent the photos to my e-mail account and I uploaded them too. All that remained was to select a dress type. Vicky was expecting to go to a wedding soon – as a guest, not a bride or bridesmaid – and she asked me to select a three-quarter sleeve wrap dress in powder blue, with a subtle floral design. The dress style, colour and pattern were all standard, so that part was easy. Ruth intended to add many more styles and patterns later.
With all the specifications entered, I was able to bring up a still photo of Vicky in her chosen dress. She looked great – perfect for a young wedding guest. The next step was what we had all been looking forward to – an animated clip of her in her new dress, strutting down a catwalk!
It didn’t work. Some unidentifiable blocks of colour juddered across the screen then everything went black. I had to reboot my laptop to recover control. When I went back into the website, all of Vicky’s details were still there in her account, but there was no record of it ever having moved on to the next step.
I repeated my request for the animation. The website repeated its lack of cooperation.
Ruth sighed. “Well, I think that’s all for today, boys and girls.” She turned to Vicky. “We have some de-bugging to do. It must be something to do with the data interface to the package. We probably shouldn’t have trusted freeware. You get what you pay for, I suppose.”
“You don’t think it’s worth doing the manufacturing part of the test?” I asked.
“Well we can’t be sure we’d be sending the right instructions to the machines,” Eddy said.
“So it’s not worth the risk of wasting material,” Ruth agreed.
I had to go to a finance meeting with one of my other clients that afternoon so I left a slightly dispirited team to it.
* * *
I hadn’t intended to return to the office that day, and it was dark when I got back to the Manor. When I drove past the barn offices I could see there was one light still on upstairs, so I parked outside and went up to check everything was alright.
It wasn’t. Ruth’s door was open. She was alone in her office, staring at her monitor and snivelling quietly to herself. A glass and a nearly empty bottle of whisky were close at hand. She looked up, startled, when she sensed my presence in the doorway.
“Oh, hello,” she said, attempting a smile. “I was just…”
She trailed off. This was worrying. I had always seen Ruth as hard-boiled, if anything, too much so. I was concerned for her, but I had no idea what to say.
“It can’t be that bad,” I began. “I’m sure you and Vicky will crack the animation problem.”
She snorted. “Oh, we’ve already done that.” She paused. “That’s not why I’m… a little upset.”
“Then, what?” I said.
She looked at me, appraisingly, and after a moment seemed to come to a conclusion.
“If I tell you,” she began, “you must promise to keep it to yourself.” I nodded. She continued, “It’s me and Eddy.”
“Oh,” I said. “I had noticed you didn’t seem to be as close as…”
I was about to say, ‘as close as you had been’, but that would have been wrong. They’d never been as close as I would have expected an engaged couple to be, but then my only model was Tom and Josie, who had never been able to keep their hands off each other, even in public. It was sweet, really.
“The point is, we never intended to get married,” she said. “The engagement’s a fake. Eddy’s gay, but he hasn’t come out to his parents. They’re fairly well off – not like you, of course – but they’re very… old-fashioned.”
By which I assume she meant prejudiced.
Over the time I had known her I had gradually pieced together a little of Ruth’s family history, and it explained why she had something of a chip on her shoulder about my family’s wealth. Her father was a bus driver; her mother was a nurse. They had never had the money to help her in her career. It had given her a steely ambition and a determination to succeed, which was actually one of the reasons why I had been so keen to support
She was wrong about my family though. She assumed from the Manor, the land, and our ability to provide venture capital, that we were rich. In fact, due to the punitive tax regimes of successive governments since the war, we’ve found it increasingly difficult to meet our expenses. We still had decent amounts on deposit – which was how my father was able to support my investments – but last year our family income barely exceeded our outgoings. So my parents hadn’t bought a new car, or gone abroad for their holidays, for quite a while. All of which made my Dad’s faith in me all the more touching, and nerve-wracking.
“Eddy’s mother is a real piece of work,” Ruth continued. “She’s a religious fruitcake and rules his poor father with a rod of iron. She’d have Eddy disinherited like a shot if she found out he’s gay. He knows he has to tell them eventually, and has no expectations from their will, but at the moment, he – we – depend on them.”
“For what?”
“For everything – rent, clothes, food, our cars, everything we need to keep going. And to give potential investors the impression we’re financially sound and stable. The Deveres are our only hope. My parents can barely support themselves. They helped me as much as they could through university but they have nothing left to give now. And I still have a massive student debt to repay. That’s why we announced our engagement – to keep the Deveres happy. I’m Eddy’s cover story. I suppose, essentially, he’s paying me to be his ‘beard’.”
She smiled bitterly. I struggled to think of anything sensible to say.
“Didn’t you ask them to support your business in the first place?”
“Of course we did, but they wouldn’t hear of it. Eddy’s parents expect him to be a successful engineer and me to be a housewife, popping out their grandchildren. They think that he’s doing an advanced degree and I’m still an unpaid intern – just the little woman getting the fashion business out of her head before settling down with their son. On that basis they’ve supported us – actually, quite generously – but we have to keep up the illusion until we’re independent.”
“Couldn’t you both just get jobs like everyone else?” I asked.
“Yes, we probably could have got ourselves nine-to-five jobs,” she sniffed a little, “but this is our dream! We need to succeed. Your seed money was a life saver after we couldn’t get support from anywhere else, but we need it all for the business. It isn’t enough for us to live on for the next year or two.”
She fell silent, staring into space. It was as if I wasn’t there. I sat back in her office guest chair and thought. This odd couple’s behaviour made sense now. I couldn’t condone the deception, but I could sympathise with their situation. They were in deep. The success of was really their only way out.
“I promise I’ll keep everything you’ve told me to myself,” I said, “and if there’s anything I can do to help, please just ask. Not financially, I’m afraid,” I hastened to add. “My father has set very firm rules about extensions to the seed capital.”
“I understand,” she said. “I’ve never felt comfortable deceiving you about us…”
“It’s OK,” I said. “I’m glad you told me.” Something still didn’t add up though. “But if you’ve cracked the software problem what has got you so upset today?”
“Oh, Eddy told me he’s had another letter from his mother – she can’t abide e-mail, which I suppose is a blessing – asking when we’re going to set a date for the wedding. She’s keen on next Spring. I don’t know if we can keep putting her off.”
I tutted, but I still wasn’t convinced.
“I can see how that would be upsetting,” I said, “but that bottle was half full yesterday. Are you sure there’s nothing else?”
She sighed. “Eddy is out most nights with his friends – his male friends,” she said hesitantly and with a smile completely lacking in humour. “And he’s not much… consolation… for me when he is around. I don’t really know any other women in the area, and it wouldn’t look good if I went out with a man, so I’m home alone most nights. It’s boring.”
By which she meant she was lonely. I thought about inviting her to the Club for Open Mic Night, but I quickly dismissed that thought. My next appearance there would be as Daisy Duquesne and I certainly didn’t want anyone else at to know about that. Eddy knowing would be bad enough, though he would be sworn to secrecy, as were Tom and Josie. Anyway I had a better – and more immediate – idea.
“Well it must be OK for you to have dinner with your business partner after you’ve both been working late. Come on, I know a really good Italian not far from here.”
“Oh, I can’t…” she began.
“Well you certainly can’t drive yourself home after a quarter of a bottle of whisky, so I insist.”
Ruth wasn’t used to people insisting with her, least of all me. I grabbed her coat, helped her on with it, and led her downstairs to my car before she could muster any further argument.
“All right then,” she said, “so long as it is ‘just business’ and not a date.” She gave a half-smile. “My parents would never speak to me again if I ditched Eddy for a posh boy from the landed gentry.”
I took her to Agnelli’s, my favourite restaurant. It was busy. I saw several people I knew, including Will Holford, my friendly lawyer, and his wife, Emma. They waved as we came in but they were dining with another couple I didn’t know, so we didn’t join them.
We had a very pleasant meal, though it was hard work persuading Ruth to limit the red wine she was adding to the whisky already swilling around inside her. I had never known her so friendly. I put it down to the alcohol.
We were still on our main course when the Holfords got up to leave. They had to pass our table on their way. Will and Emma stopped for a moment.
“Good to see you, Nick,” said Will. “How’s business?”
“Going very well, thanks,” I said, “at least partly because of your fine work.” Emma was trying to signal something, and I realised I was being remiss. “Sorry,” I said, “this is Ruth Braddock. She’s the MD of, one of my ventures.”
“I remember it well,” said Will. “Looks very promising.”
“Ruth, you’ve met Will Holford, my solicitor, and this is his brilliant wife, Emma. She’s just been made a full partner in our local GP practice. So I get all my lawyering and doctoring done in one place.”
“So this was a business meeting, was it?” Emma said, mischievously.
“Well there’s no harm in mixing business with pleasure, is there?” Ruth smiled.
She was totally unpredictable. But then, aren’t we all?
By the time I had run Ruth home after the meal she was practically asleep and I was afraid I was going to have to carry her up to the flat she was sharing with Eddy – presumably with separate bedrooms. That thought made me feel a little sorry for her. Anyway she made it through the front door under her own steam, muttered a slightly slurred thanks, and closed the door behind her. I assumed she’d get a ride back to the office tomorrow with Eddy.
* * *
I was in and out of the offices the following day, having to go to meetings with my other ventures. Ruth was busy and made no mention of the previous night. It wouldn’t have surprised me if she didn’t remember any of it.
That evening I was back at Tom and Josie’s for a dress rehearsal. I had shaved carefully before leaving the Manor and arrived early as Josie had promised me dinner. She was ebullient. She opened with a terrifying announcement.
“We have a table booked at L’Auberge for eight o’clock, so we have a little under two hours to get you ready.”
I began with the usual protests, but Josie quickly cut me off.
“Oh shush, it’ll do wonders for your self-confidence. I’ll be able to observe your stance and mannerisms and correct you as we go. By the end of the evening we’ll have you sitting, standing and walking just like a woman.”
Tom, who had been sitting in the corner reading his Daily Telegraph, broke into a verse from Dylan’s Just Like a Woman, but shut up quickly when his wife glared at him. I looked to him for support. He chuckled, shrugged, and went back to his paper.
Josie grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs and into their guest room. Everything she dressed me in before was ready on the bed, together with a pile of strangely shaped yellow-brown objects made of what looked like sponge.
“Upholstery foam,” she said. “The material is flexible, like sponge, but firmer and heavier. It’s quite easy to sculpt to the shape you need with a Stanley knife and some strong glue.”
Was there no end to this woman’s talents? And how long had she spent on this?
“I’ve already produced some pieces which match the padding we did last time. They should be easier to manage and won’t look all uneven and lumpy like the cotton wool did. And if they don’t fit perfectly, we can cut some smaller pieces to fill in the gaps.”
So I struggled back into her mother’s shapewear and we spent the next half an hour filling it out with the pieces of foam. My resulting feminine figure looked very much like it had last time, but my sumptuous curves were much smoother. Also I felt more secure; nothing was going to pop out this time.
The foam was noticeably heavier than the cotton wool had been, but I suppose that was a good thing – it meant that I had to adapt my stance to my changed centre of gravity. My new heavier chest tended to pull me forwards, so I had to hold my shoulders back. My big bottom meant I couldn’t stand up straight like a man. I had to bend my knees slightly, lean back a little, and pose with one foot slightly in front of the other. Also when I walked, my hands and arms wanted to spread outwards to help me maintain my balance, the way a tightrope walker uses a heavy pole. I realised all of this comes naturally to a woman as her figure develops in her early teens, but it was new to me.
Josie’s first job was to shape my nails and paint them a bright red colour, so they could be drying while she got on with everything else. As instructed, I had refrained from cutting them and they were quite long now – for a man, that is. Painted fire engine red they were unmistakably feminine, their length and colour distracting attention from hands that were on the large side for a woman.
Next she insisted on ‘tidying up’ my eyebrows before she did my make-up. It hurt like hell and I made sure she knew it.
“Oh, don’t be a baby,” she scoffed. “Now close your eyes and keep very still.”
I realised she was gluing something to my eyelid.
“False eyelashes? Really?”
“It all adds to the illusion,” she said. “We’re going out to a posh restaurant. You need a heavier evening make-up.”
The make-up did indeed take quite a lot longer than last time. She had turned me away from the mirror so I couldn’t see what she was doing. She had bought a wig cap, as promised, and a stand. She had washed and styled the wig. After fitting it, she put it up in a tight bun.
“This style will show off your earrings,” she said, clipping the big hoops on again. “I’ve got a matching necklace for you too, and a ladies’ watch.” She swung me round to face the mirror. “There! What do you think?”
The unmistakably feminine figure in the mirror looked like one of the girls you see outside nightclubs making eyes at the bouncers. She had bright purple lips, silvery eyelids, massive mascaraed eyelashes… and where the hell were my eyebrows? It looked like I just had a couple of thin black lines painted on with eyebrow pencil.
“I look like a teenage tart!”
“Yes,” she giggled. “I might have got a little carried away. Shall I see if I can find you a pair of hot pants?”
I drew in a breath to vent my feelings, but she pre-empted me.
“I’m sorry, Nick, I’m still experimenting on what will work best for you. This is only a rehearsal.” She checked her watch. “Look, it’s too late to change it now, but don’t worry, I’ll tone it down for tomorrow night.”
Still grumbling, I got dressed in the smock and a clean pair of dark tights. The three-months-pregnant Daisy Duquesne was back. Finally, with a flourish Josie produced a pair of black, patent leather high heels. They looked huge.
“Size 10½,” she announced triumphantly. “I called Charlie Todd. He’s the secretary of LADS, the Lavenden Amateur Dramatic Society. They do a Panto every year, so they have a range of large women’s shoes for their Dames. He was happy to lend you these. Also he and Arthur Whitmore will come along to see your performance. Arthur’s been their Dame for the last five years, so he’s taking a professional interest.”
Whoa! No pressure, right?
“Well, he’ll probably be disappointed,” I said, slipping the shoes on. They fitted perfectly and felt quite comfortable over my tights. “We’ve agreed that Daisy isn’t going to be a Panto Dame, or even a standard drag act. In fact, I’m beginning to wonder exactly what Daisy will be.”
“She’ll be a woman stand-up comedian,” Josie said firmly. She stopped and looked at me. “I hope after all my hard work that Daisy is going to be good tomorrow night,” she said. “I won’t be pleased if she bombs.”
Great. More pressure.
I stood up, took a step, wobbled, and nearly fell over. Josie just caught me.
“I think you’re going to need a little practice walking in those shoes, Daisy,” she said, laughing. “It’s a good thing we’ve planned an evening out.”
“I assume Tom is our designated driver?” I said. “I certainly won’t be able to drive in these, and Daisy doesn’t have a licence anyway.”
Tom and Josie were well-known at l’Auberge, so I went as her sister. The three of us had a very pleasant evening once I relaxed. It was marred only by her continual instructions to keep my legs together; speak softly with a rising inflection; use my hands to illustrate and emphasise what I was saying; and smile, smile, smile.
I was conscious of curious eyes watching me throughout. The looks were mostly appreciative from the men, though I could almost hear some of the women muttering, “Little madam! Pregnant at her age!”
At least there were no suspicious looks, and no one was saying, ‘Look at the pansy cross-dresser’. Reluctantly I had to admit that Josie was right. My face was quite androgynous and with heavy evening make-up I looked ‘just like a woman’. Tom had a great time, though he claimed that keeping a straight face at the sight of his little brother, the pregnant schoolgirl, was a major challenge.
When we got back to their place afterwards, Josie set about removing my over-the-top make-up and nail polish. It took ages to unglue the false eyelashes. She had to use some sort of solvent which made my eyes water. We decided not to bother with them anymore. They just made me look tarty anyway. Josie assured me that with the pencil highlighter removed from my eyebrows they weren’t as bad as I thought. They still looked a bit sparse to me.
It wasn’t till later that I realised that my anxiety and feelings of vulnerability the previous evening had vanished. I had even become reconciled to my ungainly figure and all the unfamiliar weight. I had become comfortable as Daisy.
But I didn’t much enjoy the hour it took to remove the eyelashes, make-up and nail polish so that I could appear as Nick the following day. And I would have to go through it all again that evening.
* * *
The big night finally arrived. I went back to Tom and Josie’s in the late afternoon and changed to a more restrained version of Daisy with Josie’s help. To my alarm she took some photographs on her phone.
“These will be useful if I ever need to blackmail you,” she grinned. “Or maybe if Daisy needs publicity shots.”
Thanks to her hard work I was confident that I wouldn’t give the game away by doing anything too masculine. Quite the reverse – I’d almost embarrassed myself during the day at the office with some exaggerated hand gestures and an effeminate stance. I got some suspicious looks from Ruth, and Vicky clearly thought I was trying to be funny. Also, thanks to my naturally medium-pitched voice and Josie’s training, I could now fake a girly way of speaking, and there was an embarrassing moment when I had answered one of Ruth’s questions in a breathy, feminine voice. I tried to pass it off as some kind of elaborate joke, but she didn’t get it.
That evening as I waited in the wings for the act before me to finish, I chatted with Lee. He had to be in on my secret, of course. I was more nervous than on any of my previous performances. I’d taken a brief peep round the corner to check on the ‘house’. I didn’t see where Josie and Tom were sitting. It was quite busy tonight with the usual party groups and lots of people I didn’t recognise. Hopefully they at least would take Daisy at face value. But there were also some familiar faces in the audience, regulars on Open Mic Night. Many were performers themselves and some of them would be bound to recognise me. What would they think I was trying to do with this?
The moment arrived. The previous performer came off and Lee stepped up to the mic to announce me.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “please put your hands together for a first-timer here. Treat her gently now – Miss Daisy Duquesne.”
There was a smattering of good-natured applause as I came out, my shoes clicking on the vinyl floor, my well-upholstered rear swinging sexily from side to side. At least my hours of practice meant I could handle the heels. I stepped up to the microphone. I caught a few whispers and noticed some puzzled glances. I’d expected this. I was an unusual sight on Open Mic Night; female, apparently, and they were wondering – was I pregnant?
I took the mic from the stand and acknowledged the polite applause. When it died down, I turned a little sideways and pointed sadly to my tummy.
“Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you will have noticed I have developed a bit of a ‘cake shelf’. In fact a friend said recently, ‘Are you pregnant?’ I said, ‘Not unless I’ve been shagged by Mr Kipling’.”
There were a couple of friendly laughs and several polite sniggers.
“But I’ve always been a big girl. At nursery school I was picked to play ‘Bethlehem’ in the Nativity.
“In fact, I found a new way to tell when I’ve put weight on. There’s a car park near me which has a barrier that goes up when it senses a car is near. I was carrying two bags of shopping, but still…
“People say big girls don’t cry but that’s not true. They cry because they’re fat. They cry because they can’t get a boyfriend. And they cry because there’s no trifle left.
“I don’t like meals for one. It’s not that they make me feel lonely. It’s that they’re not big enough.
“I decided to start a new exercise regime but I pulled a muscle getting my sports bra on.”
Those got a few good laughs and even some whoops. It was time to take the bull by the horns.
“No seriously, ladies,” I said. I turned sideways and thrust my tummy out. “I admit it. Preggers; three months! But you know how it is – well, some of you will – you start to get strange desires at this stage. Some girls want pickles and ice cream. I wanted to stand up in front of a roomful of strangers and tell them about my private parts. My boyfriend thinks I’m crazy. Well, nothing new there.”
A couple of women in the audience cheered and there was even a smattering of applause. I was getting them on my side. Time to go for broke!
“So what’s the difference between a pregnant woman and a lightbulb?” Beat. “You can unscrew a lightbulb.
“The more pregnant I get, the more strangers smile at me. Why? Because I’m fatter than they are, obviously.”
People were now laughing all around the room, even the men.
“How do you win an argument?” Beat. “Be pregnant. That’s it! You’re done.
“What’s the difference between a pregnant woman and a terrorist?” Beat. “You can negotiate with a terrorist.
“A woman doesn’t know what happiness is until she’s married. By then it’s too late.
“Do you know how many middle-aged men go out for a pint of milk and never come back?” Beat. “Not enough.”
When I came to the end of my allotted five minutes, I got the best round of applause I had ever had on Open Mic Night – even calls for more. They were out of luck there. I’d used every female-oriented and pregnancy-based joke I knew. I bowed twice and hurried offstage.
Then I realised I’d forgotten to put the microphone back on the stand, but Lee was used to that. He took it off me, grinning.
“Don’t know how you’re going to follow that, mate!” he said with his hand over the mic. “I think Daisy might have to come again, don’t you? They seem to prefer her to Nick.”
He went back out to introduce the next act and left me standing there, wondering how I could possibly make a better female comic than male.
I didn’t want to mix with any of the audience as Daisy so, as we had arranged, I hurried into Lee’s office and closed the door behind me. I was now safe behind a Private sign.
A minute later there was a soft knock. I opened it cautiously and Josie hurried in with my suitcase.
“I don’t know why you’re so desperate to change back,” she said. “You’d get nothing but praise from your fans. Daisy is a big hit!”
“Daisy doesn’t exist!” I said. “And if she tried to mingle, she’d be found out in no time.”
“I doubt it.” She started unpacking my clothes from the suitcase. “I spoke to Harry and Mac just now. They said they didn’t realise it was you at first. They thought Daisy must be Nick’s sister – which I suppose is true in a way! But then they recognised your delivery. Harry said that every comic’s style is unique, so they knew it was you, but most people would never have guessed. They loved what you did and promised not to give you away.”
Harry and Mac were two fellow amateur stand-ups who I’d got to know quite well over the last three months. It was nice to know they were happy to keep the deception going.
“Sit down and I’ll get your wig off and remove your make-up,” Josie said, in her brisk, business-like fashion.
She took the wig stand out of the suitcase and put it on the desk. I stripped off my high heels, smock and tights. With me sitting in Lee’s office chair in just my shapewear, Josie unpinned my wig and put it on the stand. I pulled off the wig cap and tossed it in the suitcase. Then she smeared cold cream all over my face to remove the make-up. She wiped it all off with tissues and I went to wash my face. The office was often called upon to serve as a performer’s dressing room, so it had a little washbasin in the corner with a mirror over it.
“Thanks so much for doing all this, Josie,” I said, scrutinising my face for any remaining tell-tale signs of make-up. “How much do I owe you?”
“Don’t be silly,” she grinned. “It was a pleasure dolling you up.”
“Anyway, it seems to have been a success and I couldn’t have managed without you.” I dried my face on a none too clean hand towel.
“Too right, you couldn’t!” she said. She laughed. “I had a great time - really. Are you going to do it again?”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Well don’t leave it too long. Daisy can’t get any less pregnant!”
That was a sobering thought. If I came back after Christmas, Daisy would have to be as big as a house! I’d have to have a miscarriage…
Josie helped me remove my padding and then left me to change my shapewear for boring men’s undies.
“Here are the car keys,” she said. “I’ll get you a drink in,” she said. “The usual? We’re at a table over in the corner by the fire exit.”
“Wait! My nails!” I called after her in panic.
She paused by the door.
“Yes, they’re very pretty, if I do say so myself. What about them?”
“I can’t go out there as Nick with red nail varnish on!”
“Well I didn’t bring any remover with me, so you’ll have to. Stick your hands in your pockets or something.” I looked at her, aghast. “Oh, don’t worry. It’s dark out there in the audience while the acts are on, and our table is right up against the wall. No one will notice.” She opened the office door. “Hurry up and get dressed,” she said, and left.
I remembered I had a pair of gloves in my coat pockets. It might look a bit odd to be wearing black leather gloves at the table, but that would be better than exposing my bright red nail varnish. I finished dressing and packed all Daisy’s things in the suitcase, which I put in the boot of their car. I came back in quietly, making my way over to their table around the outside of the room. The audience was mostly in the dark with the spotlights on the performer, so no one seemed to notice me sneaking in. I sat down and knocked back nearly half of my pint of cider in one draft. I nodded to Tom and Eddy. They grinned but were under instructions not to make a fuss congratulating me – Nick hadn’t been performing.
“You missed a great act tonight,” said Eddy, who clearly couldn’t resist saying something. “A little cracker called Daisy Duquesne – the crowd loved her.” He grinned like an idiot.
We stayed till eleven, when Open Mic Night officially finished. We were just getting up to go when two strangers approached. Josie waved to them and introduced us.
“Nick, this is Charlie Todd and Arthur Whitmore from LADS. You may remember I borrowed a pair of shoes from Arthur?”
Shit, I’d forgotten there were more people here who knew Daisy’s secret!
“Oh yes,” I said. “Many thanks for that. The shoes are in the boot of our car. I can get them for you now if we’re all heading out…?”
“No rush,” said Arthur. “I’m glad you were able to make good use of them.”
A smile appeared briefly on his face, then quickly vanished as though it had decided it had no business being there. He seemed a sad, almost melancholic fellow. It was hard to imagine him as the life and soul of the party, as the Pantomime Dame had to be.
“Well, we will definitely have to come to the Panto this year,” said Tom. “Then you can show Nick how it really should be done.”
“We’ll be glad to have you,” said Charlie. “I’ll make sure you get the best seats.”
“But the Dame is a very different act,” said Arthur, with a little more vivacity than he’d shown so far. “It’s important that everyone knows she’s really a man.” Charlie tried to shush him, but he was warming to his theme. “That’s part of the joke, you see – the most important part. Look at Arthur Askey and Les Dawson…”
“Arthur feels strongly about this,” Charlie interrupted, with a ‘Don’t get him started’ look of warning.
“I’d love to hear about that,” I said – truthfully. “Perhaps we can get together for a drink one night and you can tell me more about it?”
Arthur looked doubtful. Charlie grinned and raised his eyes to heaven behind Arthur’s back. We all went out to the car park together, talking about the evening’s triumphs and disasters.
Author's Note: As freely admitted, when it comes to telling jokes Nick and Daisy are plagiarists. The author therefore wishes to acknowledge the great comedians from whom their jokes have been, er, nicked: Victoria Wood, Jo Brand, Sarah Millican, Joan Rivers. My humble apologies to any I have failed to acknowledge.
After the Pantomime
By Susannah Donim
A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick.
Chapter 3 – A Pantomime Dame
Nick is recruited for a very different kind of female role.
Back at the office on the Monday after my triumph as Daisy, we were ready to repeat the end-to-end test. All the required data was already in place in Vicky’s account, so we started from the point where we had left off the previous Thursday. This time when I clicked the animation icon, a model with Vicky’s face and figure strutted haughtily down the catwalk in the dress she had chosen. It was a beautiful powder blue with a floral pattern in a darker blue, bright red and white.
Animated Vicky moved like a fashion model – certainly not in a way that I had ever seen the real Vicky walk, though perhaps as she would have liked to. Her face was completely static, with a fixed and slightly spooky rictus on it.
“There is an extension to the software that would enable us to animate the face,” Vicky explained, “but we haven’t installed it yet. We wanted to make sure everything else was working first.”
“Fair enough,” said Mo, “but I think you’ll need to do that before we launch. She doesn’t look natural at all.”
“She looks scary,” added Mike. Vicky giggled.
“All right, all right,” said Ruth, impatiently. “Let’s move on. We need to know if the system will program the machines correctly. Click ‘OK’, Nick.”
I complied and a message came up saying, ‘Sending design to Manufacturing’.
“OK,” yelled Eddy excitedly, “down to the workshop, everyone!”
We all trooped out of the office and into the converted cowshed opposite. One of the machines was humming away.
“It can’t select the right cloth and load it yet,” Eddy explained. “We have to do that by hand.”
He stepped up to a monitor and keyboard. I peered over his shoulder. A message on the screen said, ‘Please load fabric 5-B. Please load dyes 17, 19 and 24’.
“We can only work with a small range of fabrics and colours at the moment,” Ruth explained. “5-B is the powder blue cotton Vicky selected. The dyes are for her floral pattern.”
Eddy and Mike loaded a bolt of 5-B in the machine’s rollers. Eddy went back to the monitor and clicked ‘OK’. The machine leapt into life. Soon it had cut the correct length of material into a shape that looked like it might make a dress when folded and sewn. It seemed a little wide to me, but then I remembered that Vicky had selected a ‘wrap dress’ design. Eventually the machine stopped. Air hissed out of somewhere like a self-satisfied sigh. Mike gathered up the left over scraps of material and dropped them in the recycling bin.
“It’s waiting for me to authorise spraying Vicky’s pattern on it,” Eddy explained. “I thought we should program a ‘wait step’ in here to check the alignment.”
“Good thing too,” said Ruth. “It’s a couple of degrees out, I’d say.”
There was a pause while she and Eddy argued. Mike went off to get some measuring instruments.
“Also, I think the material’s torn around the hem,” said Ruth.
“You’re right,” Eddy sighed. “That probably means the cutting blades need sharpening, or maybe the cloth wasn’t held with enough tension. Maybe both,” he admitted. “But these are just ‘tuning’ problems. I think we’ve proved that the basic process is operational.”
Mike was bending over the platen with a very large protractor.
“Three degrees out,” he confirmed. Eddy slowly turned a wheel under the table. “Little more… little more… that’s it,” Mike said.
“OK, now let’s do the pattern,” Eddy said, donning goggles and what looked like a surgical mask. “Stand back, everyone. We don’t have enough protective gear to go round.”
We all moved back hurriedly. He stepped up to the monitor and clicked the ‘OK’ icon again. A set of print heads descended from above and began spraying. Soon an intricate three-colour floral pattern began to appear on the material. When it finished and the machine had come to rest with another smug sigh, Eddy removed his goggles and mask.
“We might as well go and get a coffee now,” he said. “We need to leave it to dry for at least half an hour.”
“I thought it took several hours for dyes to dry?” said Vicky.
“That’s true if you’re dyeing the cloth all the way through,” said Ruth, “but we’re only spraying a design on using quick-drying paint. We need to do that to achieve the turnround times we’re aiming for. It just means that we have to warn customers that any dress with a pattern will be dry clean only.”
Mo made a note. It would be his job to add that message at the appropriate place.
“But it’s true that we will have to add an extra day to the manufacturing time if a customer requests any non-standard colour for the dress itself,” Ruth continued, “and we’ll have to charge extra to cover the staff costs. We’ll have to dye the cloth and wait overnight for it to dry.”
We trooped back up to the office. The others sat down to discuss the details of the test so far. As I had nothing to offer to that discussion, I volunteered to make the coffee.
When I returned with the tray and six coffees, Ruth said, “Thanks, Nick. Maybe we won’t need to recruit a secretary after all.”
Everyone else laughed. I didn’t think it was that funny. Ruth was smiling, seemingly friendly but with an air of challenge, as if to say ‘You may be the money man, but don’t doubt that I’m in charge’. Perhaps she was trying to compensate for showing me her vulnerability the previous Wednesday.
Smarting slightly, I decided not to join them back in the cowshed after the coffee break.
I went off to visit another of my ventures, the guys working on a hand-held device for detecting and monitoring blood glucose. This was intended as a non-invasive test to enable people with diabetes to check their glucose levels more easily. Reportedly some diabetics weren’t testing themselves regularly because they found the old finger stick testing painful.
It had long been thought that acetone is noticeably elevated in hyperglycaemia, and that there would be a direct correlation between low blood glucose and high levels of acetone in the breath. Recent research seemed to confirm this. Acetone is one of the ketones, and high levels can cause your breath to smell like nail polish, which of course contains acetone. When ketones rise to unsafe levels, you’re at risk of a dangerous condition called diabetic ketoacidosis, which could lead to complications including seizures, loss of consciousness, and even death.
I spent an inspiring afternoon with Gerry and Steve, two very bright young people whose work could rock the world. They reckoned they were close to a workable device. Their concerns were with the consistency of the correlation. In other words, how many patients with hyperglycaemia would the acetone breath test miss, and how many patients who didn’t have the condition would get a false positive reading? The only way to resolve this was by clinical trials. So we discussed approaching a leading hospital. If the trials were successful it would almost certainly lead to big injections of investment from more orthodox sources.
* * *
It was nearly seven o’clock when I got back to the Manor. Ruth was still in the office. I thought about just going straight home, but I was aware I had left in a bit of a huff and I was afraid I might have over-reacted. After all I had volunteered to make the coffee while the others were working. So I decided to go in and have it out with her while there was no one else about. When I reached the floor, her door was open.
“Oh, hello,” she said when she saw me in the doorway. “Where did you get to?”
“I had to go to a meeting with another venture,” I said. “How did the rest of the test go?”
“Quite well,” she said. “The stitching basically worked. Something like a dress came out at the end, but there were more alignment problems. Eddy and Mike think they know what they have to do to fix it though.”
She didn’t seem to have anything more to say. Apparently she hadn’t been fazed by my absence during the afternoon, and it clearly hadn’t occurred to her that I might have taken offence at her little secretary joke. I was just chewing over what to say next when I noticed something different about her. She had taken her hair out of the familiar schoolmarm bun. It now cascaded down to her shoulders. A couple of hair grips were keeping it out of her face.
“Look, Ruth, just so you know, I probably won’t be able to spend so much time here in future,” I continued. “My other commitments are building up.”
She looked startled and a little worried. She took off her glasses. Had she changed her make-up too? It looked a little bolder, more dramatic. Perhaps she was going out this evening? If so, who with? Eddy?
“Oh but…” she began. “I thought you wanted to be part of our team? I mean, we’ve come to rely on you… to look after our finances… and so on.”
“I've only been here, rather than at any of my other projects, because I live right next door. None of the others need accommodation, which is why you have exclusive use of the barn and cowshed, and I can drop in easily. But you don’t really need me, do you? And anyway there’s always been a bit of a conflict of interest, hasn’t there? After all, I’m one of your creditors.” Her face fell. “And you’ll just have to hire a proper secretary, won’t you? Someone who knows her way around a spreadsheet.” I paused. “And can make coffee.”
“Is that what this is about?” she said. “It was just a joke, for heaven’s sake!”
“But it’s symptomatic of your attitude, isn’t it? You boss everyone else around, so why not me too? I’m your partner – I mean, business partner, of course. I’m certainly not your minion!”
“Well, isn’t that just typical of your lot? You old money people have to be in charge of everything, don’t you? You can’t stand anyone else running the show, least of all a northern girl who went to a state school!”
I frowned. That was well out of order! I knew she had a chip on her shoulder from her background, and from how she had been treated by the conventional funding agencies, but it was obviously much worse than I’d thought. I seemed to have inadvertently kicked a hornets’ nest. The stress of building her new business must be getting on top of her. It couldn’t just be because I wasn’t going to be around as much.
“Ruth, I…”
I wanted to say something soothing to calm her down. I thought back to our heart to heart the previous week. How did I become the only person she could confide in? I considered inviting her to dinner again, but that didn’t seem like such a great idea.
Wait a moment – how did this suddenly come to be about her? She’d offended me, not the other way around! But her eyes were red and shiny. She was close to tears. I was the last person she needed at the moment.
“I’d better get out of your way, I think,” I sighed. “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you.”
I started down the stairs. I thought I heard soft sniffling from behind me, but at that moment a loud buzzing made me jump. At first I didn’t recognise the sound, but it was the doorbell downstairs. I wasn’t sure I’d ever heard it before. Everyone who worked in the converted barn’s offices had their own key card.
“I’ll go,” I called out to Ruth, to give her a moment to compose herself.
It might not be for anyway, but who on earth would be calling here after seven o’clock at night? I raced down the stairs and swung the main office door open. Of all people, it was Charlie Todd, the man from LADS. He looked seriously agitated.
“Oh, thank God I’ve found you,” he said. “I called at the house and your father sent me over here.”
Dad must have seen my car outside the barn. I ushered Charlie in and led him over to the downstairs kitchen area where there were some armchairs. There might be no need to involve Ruth in the conversation. I offered him a drink but he started talking before we had even sat down.
“Arthur’s been in an accident,” he said. “Did we mention he was a van driver when we met at the Club…?”
“I don’t think so. Is he OK?”
“He’ll live. He was picking up some stuff for the Pantomime when he was in a pile-up on the M25. Definitely not his fault, but it was a horrible crash. The van caught fire – it was a write-off. Arthur got out OK but he has a broken leg.”
“Poor sod!” I sympathised but couldn’t see why Charlie had come to me. “What can I do?”
“Well it’s given us a massive problem. It’s only just over a month to First Night.”
“Oh, of course, and he’s the Dame, isn’t he?”
Charlie couldn’t be about to suggest… could he?
“So we need to find a stand-in – urgently. I thought of you.”
He could!
“Me? But what on earth makes you think I’m qualified?”
“Well, ideally the Dame has to be a male stand-up comedian. Someone able to tell jokes with confidence and good timing, and most importantly with stage presence. He especially needs to be able to engage with the audience, get them on his side. You know what I’m talking about; you’ve seen Pantos.”
“I understand all that, but it doesn’t sound like me.”
“Don’t be so modest! I’ve seen you a few times on Open Mic Night. You’re pretty good – for an amateur, of course.”
“Of course.”
“But the clincher for us was your performance as Daisy Duquesne,” Charlie insisted. “You had your female mannerisms down perfectly. You spoke like a woman and moved like a woman. To play Dame, you just have to do all that, but turned up to eleven. Arthur always says the Dame must be an exaggerated woman, but not a caricature. She must bring out all the recognised feminine behaviours and foibles, but not to make fun of them, to celebrate them. It’s a tricky balance.”
I was glad that Josie’s endless badgering on our practice nights at the pub and the restaurant had paid off and all the effort of making Daisy realistic had borne fruit, but this would be taking it all to another level. Could I do it? Did I want to? Of course, I did!
“I’ll do it…”
“Great!” he started.
“…provided Arthur makes himself available to coach me. Given how little time we have, that might be a full-time job. Presumably he won’t be able to drive for a while with a broken leg?”
“No, but he’s actually much more than just a van driver. It’s his family business – just him, his two sons and his son-in-law. They have about a dozen vans and small trucks. They provide courier services and self-drive vehicles. I imagine he thinks he’ll run the office for a while and hire a temporary driver when he needs one. We’ll have to ask him how much time he can give you.”
“What about the script?” I said. “I’ll have to start learning lines, won’t I?” Memories of school plays were coming back to me.
“I have one here.”
He handed over a spiral-bound A4 document with ‘Dick Whittington – Lavenden Amateur Dramatic Society Pantomime – Xmas 2018’ on the front cover.
“It’s original,” he said proudly, “the best one we’ve done, I think. Arthur wrote the script. I’m directing. You’ll be playing Sarah the Cook. Can you come down to the village hall tomorrow night to meet the rest of the cast and do some read-throughs? And I’m sorry, but you’d better assume that you’ll be busy most evenings and every weekend from now on.”
“So when is the show?”
“We open at the Victoria Little Theatre on Monday, the third of December. We do six evening performances and a matinee on the Saturday afternoon. LADS is the best-known amateur company in the county. People come from miles around to see us. We have a regular mailing list in the thousands. A professional Panto takes over after us and runs until about Twelfth Night. Every year we pride ourselves on being more popular than they are. We usually sell out – at least for the Thursday, Friday and Saturday, though of course a lot of the tickets go to our regular audience – the people who come to our other shows throughout the year – so it’s probably not a fair comparison.”
Quite a lot to live up to then. Had I bitten off more than I could chew?
“I’m surprised the theatre management allows two Pantos one after another.”
“Yes, I suppose it is a little odd, but we have a contract with them for four shows a year for the first week in March, June, September and December. As I say, we’re very popular. I was speaking to the manager of the professional company a little while ago – to make sure we weren’t both doing the same show. He reckons they sell more tickets by following us. A lot of the little ones enjoy our Panto so much they nag their parents into taking them to another one.”
I had another thought. The Dame wears lots of extravagant, not to say, silly dresses…
“What about costumes and so on? Arthur is a bit… bigger than me.”
By which I meant fatter. He wasn’t any taller, but he had significant middle-aged spread which I hadn’t started on yet.
“Ah, that brings me to the other reason I came to you. When he was in the accident, he’d been to collect his costumes from the dressmakers. They were all in the back of the van. We’ve lost the lot! When I was chatting to Eddy Devere the other night he mentioned that your new company can make dresses quickly?”
I nodded. I had wondered how Charlie and Eddy knew each other. Of course, they’d met at the Club on the night of Daisy’s debut, but I didn’t know they’d got talking.
“I don’t think money will be a problem, by the way,” Charlie went on. “They were designer dresses; all originals by Arthur and Polly, and he was well insured. He reckons the insurance company will have to cough up at least two grand. You can have the lot if you can help. Otherwise we’ll have to hire all your dresses and we never like to do that if we can avoid it. Our wardrobe department are very proud of their record for making all our costumes.”
Our first order – and for two thousand pounds! If we can do it… I mean if they can do it...
“I’d better bring Ruth, my business partner, in on this,” I said. “She’s upstairs in the office. I’ll get her.” I turned to go, then paused when I had an afterthought. “By the way, no need to mention Daisy Duquesne to her. I’d like to keep the circle of people who know about Daisy as small as possible. And for the moment please don’t tell her it’ll be me wearing these dresses either.”
“People are going to find out soon though, aren’t they? I mean that you’re taking over as Dame?”
“Granted, but I’m the major investor in this company and my relationship with Ruth has become a bit… iffy lately. I don’t need any more complications just at the moment.”
“Well that’s entirely your business, I suppose. She won’t hear about it from me.”
I called Ruth down. When she appeared at the top of the stairs she looked like she was gearing up for another fight, but then she saw we had company. Charlie explained about Arthur’s accident and the need to replace the Dame costumes. The three of us talked for half an hour or so, Ruth becoming more animated by the minute. Charlie promised to come into our office the next day with Arthur’s designs.
“Sorry, but I do have to make something very clear,” he added. “We need the basic dresses within two weeks or not at all, because our wardrobe team will still have lots to do to them, and of course we’ll need the costumes for the final rehearsals. If you can’t do it in that time, we’ll have to hire them in, and that will require at least a fortnight’s notice.” He coughed, apologetically. “And that would be expensive too. if we have to do that, we won’t be able to pay you for any work you’ve already done. Can you accept those terms?”
I looked at Ruth and shrugged. Finance was my part of the ship, but this would have to be her decision. Only she knew whether what Charlie was asking would be possible.
“Well… we can fabricate each dress in literally minutes with our system,” she said, “but it will take days to set the machines up for completely new designs, and the dyeing process may cause further delays if the colours are unusual or outlandish, as I assume they will be. Still, I think we can do it. I like a challenge!”
“OK then,” Charlie said. “I’ll see you tomorrow with the designs.”
“Have you found someone to replace poor Mr Whitmore, by the way?” Ruth asked.
“We do have someone in mind, yes,” Charlie replied, poker-faced.
“Well, we’ll need his measurements very soon – and of course he would need to be fully ‘padded up’ when you measure him, if you know what I mean.”
This woman knew her business inside out.
“Understood,” Charlie said. “I should be able to get it done tomorrow night. He’s coming down for a read-through. I’ll get our wardrobe mistress to come in too, and bring all the Dame’s padding and underwear with her.”
So that will be something else to look forward to.
* * *
“This is fantastic, Nick!” Ruth launched herself at me after I’d seen Charlie to his car. She was hugging the air out of my lungs, our earlier harsh words apparently forgotten. “Can we talk about pricing and so on? And maybe we should think about adding theatrical costumes to our range…”
“But we can still only make the basic dresses,” I pointed out.
Blast! I need to start saying ‘you’, rather than ‘we’. I don’t work for I am not Ruth’s employee.
“Most of the Dame’s costumes will be much more elaborate,” I continued. “In fact, Polly Whitmore and her team will still have a lot of work to do after we’ve finished.”
“Well, maybe some of them would like to join up with us,” she mused. She started making her way back up to the office. “At the very least they could help us with additional designs for us to code up in our software – flounces, farthingales, corsets, shifts, petticoats, old-fashioned underwear like bloomers. We could even do period costumes for men…”
She trailed off when she saw I wasn’t following her upstairs.
“Aren’t you coming?” she asked.
“It’s nearly half-past eight! I’m famished.”
“OK, let me get my coat. We can talk about it over dinner. Agnelli’s again? I’ll drive.”
* * *
And so I wound up dining with Ruth again. This time she was sober, and presumably would remain so as she had designated herself the driver.
“I think I had a little too much to drink last time,” she said brightly as we sat down. “I vaguely remember seeing some people we knew, but it’s all a bit hazy now…”
“Yes, Will and Emma Holford. I introduced you.”
“No, I’d never met Emma and I’d only seen Will a couple of times. I meant people I knew quite well.” She studied the menu. A waiter had appeared at her elbow. “I think I’ll have a spaghetti carbonara. What about you?”
“Are we just having one course?”
“You can have a starter if you like. I’m dieting.”
“Can’t imagine why,” I said, without thinking. I continued to scan my menu.
“Flatterer,” she said with a smile. “Can we have a bottle of the house red too, please?” she said to the waiter. I must have shown some concern. “It’s all right. I haven’t forgotten I’m driving. I’ll just have one glass.”
“Leaving five for me. Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“Well you got me drunk last time,” she said unfairly.
“I did not!”
“And you were a perfect sodding gentleman, weren’t you?”
Weirdly she didn’t sound entirely happy about that. I blushed and ordered. Her eyes were shining now; no trace of tears. She really was quite beautiful without the bun and glasses.
“A small spaghetti bolognaise to start, please, and a Pollo Ripieno to follow.”
While we were waiting for our food we discussed pricing structures for the costumes.
“We can charge extra to set up for non-standard styles, I suppose,” I said.
“And I doubt that Dame dresses will be amongst our standard styles,” Ruth added. “It’s not just that they’re probably very old-fashioned. Since they’re actually for a man, they won’t conform to women’s dress sizes. They’ll need to be thicker at the waist and wider at the shoulders than for a woman of the same height.”
“They will also have much higher necklines, for decency’s sake. A Dame doesn’t show her cleavage. She doesn’t show her knees either, let alone her thighs. Arthur has very fixed views about what’s acceptable for the Dame.”
“Oh you’ve met him, have you? You never said.”
Oops! I hastened to cover.
“I met him at the Club I sometimes go to with my brother and his wife. We chatted. That’s where I first met Charlie. Eddy was there too. He must have mentioned what we do… I mean, you do at”
She didn’t comment on my slip. She was nodding. She seemed satisfied. I rushed on.
“Anyway, that definitely means you can bill them for a new set-up. You can charge more for each of the dresses too, for the same reason. You won’t be able to re-use anything you do for LADS – not until next year’s Panto anyway.”
Further discussion was interrupted when a vaguely familiar couple stepped up to our table.
“Hello, Ruth,” an elegantly-dressed older lady said. “Nice to see you again.”
“Oh, hi, Angela, Bill. How are you?”
“We’re fine. So this is becoming your regular eatery, is it? We saw you here last week. We didn’t stop for a chat as we saw you were… busy.”
By which she meant ‘pissed as a newt’. Nice, tactful lady.
Her husband stuck his hand out to me. “I don’t think we’ve met,” he said, “Bill Cross. This is my wife, Angela.”
I stood up to shake his hand. Now I recognised them. They were the couple dining with the Holfords the last time we were at Agnelli’s. They were quite a bit older than Will and Emma, probably the same age as Eddy’s parents. Maybe Cross was a client of Will’s.
“Nick Rawlinson,” I introduced myself.
I was about to say more, but Ruth interrupted.
“Nick is the Finance Manager at the company I’m working for. I’m helping him to iron out the details of a new contract that came our way today.”
“Oh, congratulations,” Cross said. “But I thought you were just interning to learn the fashion business?”
Ruth hesitated. I realised the Crosses must be friends of Eddy’s parents.
“She is,” I said, “but we like our interns to do a stint in every department of the business. If she hopes to progress in the industry, she needs to understand the financial side too.”
Bill nodded, apparently satisfied. I felt Ruth relax a little.
“So where’s Eddy tonight?” asked Angela.
“Back at the flat, studying,” Ruth said. “So he doesn’t mind me working late.”
I was a little surprised at how glibly the barefaced lies were coming out. She had clearly had a lot of practice at concealing the nature of their relationship.
“Well do give him our love,” Angela said. “Have you set a date yet?”
“Not yet. We’ve both been working too hard,” Ruth said. “Next Spring, probably. You know what they say – ‘Ask for May, settle for June’.”
She gave a forced laugh. That expression was a new one on me. It looked like it was new to the Crosses too. They smiled and took their leave. Ruth was shaking.
“Shit!” she said, when she was sure they were out of earshot. “Thanks for helping me cover. They know Eddy’s parents. In fact, Angela and the Very Reverend Mother Devere are besties; they tell each other everything.”
I loved Ruth’s nickname for her prospective mother-in-law, the religious nutcase.
“This will get straight back to her now,” she said.
“What will?”
“That they’ve seen me dining out with a handsome man who’s not my fiancé – twice! It was them I recognised from last week.”
“Handsome, eh?”
“Well that’s probably what she’ll say.” She smiled briefly, then got serious again. “We’ll have to stop coming here – or anywhere actually. I hadn’t realised Bill and Angela lived nearby.”
“We could go somewhere else for our ‘evening business meetings’.”
“And if we happened to bump into them again somewhere else? They’d think we were changing our venue to hide from them! Then they’d really be suspicious.”
“I think you’re worrying too much.”
“You don’t know Eddy’s parents,” she reminded me.
We finished the meal in a more subdued mood. Ruth insisted on paying. I asked the waiter to find a cork for the still half full bottle.
“We can finish this at my place, or your place,” I suggested hopefully.
“You’re an optimist, aren’t you, posh boy?” she said.
But she drove us straight back to their flat. Eddy was out as usual and we had the place to ourselves.
She fetched two glasses and gave them to me to pour the wine. While I was doing that, she vanished into her bedroom. When she returned she was no longer wearing her office attire, but something… less formal; in fact, generally… less. It was pink, thin, diaphanous, and short. Her office attire was by no means frumpy, but this was the first time I had really seen her figure clearly. And it was a delicious sight. She was clearly ready for bed. I couldn’t help but stare. I might have licked my lips.
“So you finally took the hint then?” she said, clearly pleased at my reaction. “I was beginning to think there might be something wrong with you – or me.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well I’d hoped you might have realised what was required when I poured out my soul in the office last week.” She reached for her glass.
“You were drunk.”
“I was capable.”
“You really weren’t; but even if you were, I wouldn’t have taken advantage.”
“Good for you,” she said, unimpressed by my gallantry, “but I’m not drunk now.”
“You’re certainly getting there.”
“Come on. Help me celebrate our first big order.”
She reached for my trousers and started undoing my belt.
“OK, you talked me into it, but Eddy might return at any minute. Hadn’t we better go in your bedroom?”
And we did. And it was wonderful. Ruth was a tigress in bed. First she insisted on being on top, impaling herself on me and rising and falling like a piston engine. After her first orgasm, which came quickly and while I was still unfinished, she only put up token resistance when I flipped her over. Judging by her pants and gasps, she enjoyed a little assertive handling, although I accept that her noises were capable of alternative interpretations. Whatever the explanation, this led to a second climax for her and mutual satisfaction. She took charge again then and worked hard to restore me. Then the cycle repeated itself. It seemed that we spent most of the time rotating and play-fighting for dominance.
Afterwards she snuggled down and pushed her head into the soft part of my shoulder. Her hair tickled my nose. I tried to blow it away without success.
“That was really good! You did well… for a posh boy,” she said, yawning. “No wonder they restored Wrestling to the Olympics.”
“Let’s call it a draw, shall we?” I muttered, lying back, totally exhausted.
But there was no reply. She had gone to sleep, snoring gently. She was lying on my arm, which was starting to lose all feeling. And her hair was still tickling my nose.
* * *
We had left my car at the office so Ruth had to give me a lift back in the morning. By mutual consent we got in earlier than usual so that no one saw us arriving together. I sneaked back to the Manor House for breakfast and a change of clothes, avoiding a ‘Walk of Shame’.
Charlie came in early with all of the Dame’s dress designs. We explained to everyone what had happened to poor Arthur and how we hoped to help in replacing the lost costumes. We laid the drawings out on the kitchen table downstairs and gathered round to consider them. There was a long silence, and much sucking of cheeks and long, drawn-out sighs.
“They’re rather… ornate, aren’t they?” Vicky said, after a while.
“Yes,” said Ruth, “we’re really not ready to do all these frills and flounces and patches. We can only do the basic dresses, and even then I think we’ll probably have to add a couple of new styles to our portfolio. Those big bell-shaped skirts – they’re rather old-fashioned, you know.”
“Well, they’re comedy theatrical costumes,” I said. “No modern woman would be seen dead in any of them, except maybe at a fancy-dress party.”
“Most of them use at least two different colours of material, some three or four,” said Eddy. “We can certainly put two different cloths together in the fabrication process, but we might have to limit it to two to get everything done in the time.”
“And the colours… they’re so garish,” Ruth added. “We may not be able to get them off-the-shelf, which means lots of dyeing.”
“You don’t have to stick to the colours in Arthur’s designs,” said Charlie, “as long as they’re bright and… I don’t know… vulgar. For example, that day dress; if you can’t get blue gingham material then any gingham would probably do.”
“We’d better ring round the suppliers,” said Ruth. “Can you put us in touch with the original dressmakers? They might be able to tell us where they got the fabrics?”
Charlie nodded.
“But if we have to do lots of dyeing, we can be doing that at the same time as you’re programming the styles and setting up the machines, can’t we?” I said.
Ruth nodded.
“They’ll all need petticoats, won’t they?” said Vicky. “Or maybe a hoop? To make the skirts bell out.”
“That’s not a problem,” said Charlie. “We have loads of that sort of stuff from previous years – petticoats; crinolines; silly-coloured striped tights; wigs; hats; and so on. If you can just make the basic dresses to fit… er, the actor, we have a team of ladies standing by to sew on all the decorations and add the required padding.”
“Oh, well, that’s a relief,” said Ruth.
“You’ll need to give them some of the material you use so that their additions can match the basic dresses. Arthur’s wife, Polly, is our wardrobe mistress,” Charlie said. “She loves dressing him up every year. Sometimes I think he only does it for her. She’s so disappointed he can’t appear this Christmas.”
He chuckled. Ruth gave him a strange look. She must have been thinking that Polly was weird.
“OK,” she said, “let’s see what new styles we’re going to need.”
“We’d better get Arthur over here as soon as he’s feeling more mobile,” said Charlie. “He’ll have to describe all the details of when each costume will be worn and what the Dame has to be able to do in it, but I think I can give you the gist. There are six costumes in all: Sarah’s day dress, which she appears in for the first couple of scenes. Then there’s her cook’s costume for the slapstick kitchen scene. We may need two of those because it will get covered in flour and cream. It’s mostly Crazy Foam, but the dress may still need to be laundered before it can be worn again. She wears her third outfit in the bedroom scene, so that’s a nightie. Her boudoir gets overrun by rats, so she’ll be squealing and jumping up on the furniture.
“Then in Act Two, her fourth costume is a girly sailor suit, as the action takes place on board ship. Then she has another day dress when she’s shopping at the market in Morocco. Oh, that one will need Velcro all the way down the back as it gets ripped off in the action, leaving her in her underwear. Should be very funny. The last outfit is a ball gown for the finale. That will be really fancy.”
Ruth and Vicky had been scribbling as Charlie spoke. They compared notes briefly.
“OK, we can base the ball gown on our mermaid dress and the nightie on our maxi dress – or maybe on a baby doll?” Ruth suggested. “I know that’s not what Arthur designed, but it might be funnier – if your replacement actor could get away with it.”
Charlie grinned at me. “Actually I think he’d look great in a baby doll nightie,” he said. “He’s slimmer than Arthur.”
I couldn’t see Arthur going for that. It wouldn’t fit with his view of the Dame always being chastely covered up. Also, I realised, I’d have to shave my legs!
“OK, will you check that idea with him?” Ruth said. “For all the other dresses I think we need to come up with a new style design: mutton-chop long sleeves, mid-calf length, full skirt suitable for a petticoat, I think. Come to think of it, that sounds a bit like a modern Lolita dress, but longer, of course.”
Ruth had done courses in both historical and theatrical dress, I remembered. She was in her element here. LADS should call on her services for all their productions.
“What about neckline?” she added.
“It’ll have to be high for all her dresses,” Charlie said. “It would be great to have a low-cut dress with her big false boobies bulging out…” He winked at me, which I hoped no one else saw. “…but this is a Panto. It’s for kids.”
That was a relief. I wanted to be a Pantomime Dame, not a sex doll.
Knowing that the team would be busy all day with dress design, software, adjusting machinery, and ordering material, I saw Charlie out. It was a little before eleven o’clock.
“Are you free now, by any chance?” he asked.
“Actually, yes,” I said. “I have no meetings today. I should probably check back in with Ruth later on. We need to discuss how much we’ll be charging you. But I could just phone her. What did you have in mind?”
“Well, Arthur called me to say they’re discharging him from hospital this morning. We could go round there; give him our best wishes; and maybe make a start on your training, if he feels up to it.”
* * *
“I was very lucky, according to the paramedics,” Arthur told us in his inimitable lugubrious manner, trying unsuccessfully to scratch his leg in its plaster cast.
We were in the sitting room of his house, which was in the most fashionable part of town and very smart for a van driver. But then Arthur was much more than that. He was a self-made man and owner of a successful transport business. Apparently he just liked driving the vans himself.
“I was in the middle lane when there was a pile-up in the outside lane up ahead,” he told us. “A car that was overtaking me tried to stop when it saw the blockage but it skidded sideways into me. The van finished up on its side. I managed to get my seatbelt off and pushed the driver’s side door open. Then I climbed out and slid down to the ground. Cars were screeching to a halt and crashing into each other all around. I’m not really sure what happened after that. I think something hit me a glancing blow; another car, I think. I just remember a lot of pain in my leg and a blast of heat behind me, which was presumably the van catching fire. I must have crawled far enough away to avoid getting burned. I think I passed out. The next thing I remember was being in the ambulance.”
“Wow! Sounds like you were really lucky,” Charlie sympathised. “I’m surprised they let you out of hospital so soon.”
At that point Polly came in with some tea and biscuits on a large tray.
“The hospital was brilliant,” she said. “They set his leg quite quickly. Fortunately it was a clean break and he didn’t need an operation. He was only there for about forty-eight hours. There were a lot of people from the pile-up who were in much worse shape, so they needed the beds. Anyway they’d probably had enough of him by then. He’s not an easy patient, as I’ve had plenty of opportunity to learn over the years.”
All of us except Arthur smiled. Polly was a motherly sort of lady, plump but still pretty. She looked quite a bit younger than her husband but they were probably both in their early fifties. She put the tray down on a small table next to the wheelchair and started pouring and handing out cups of tea.
“So how long do they think you’ll be laid up?” Charlie asked.
“It’s only a minor fracture of the fibula, they said, but it will probably be six to eight weeks before I can put any weight on it. It doesn’t really hurt much, but that may be the painkillers I’m on. I’ll need to learn to use the crutches to be independently mobile, but the doc said not to rush things, to stick to the wheelchair for the moment.”
“So that means I’ll be wheeling him everywhere,” Polly sighed, handing round Jaffa cakes and chocolate digestives. “Good thing I can drive all his vans. One of them is a people carrier with a little lift at the back for a wheelchair. We’re often called out to take disabled folk around.”
“It’s very kind of you to come and see me,” said Arthur, with no sign of either gratitude or pleasure, “but you obviously want something. What can I do for you?”
“It’s about the Panto,” Charlie said. “I’ve asked Nick to play Sarah as you’re unavailable.”
“Like Hell!” Arthur protested. “I’ll be OK by then!”
“Don’t be so damn silly, you old fool!” Polly shouted. “It’s less than five weeks off! You can’t play Dame in a wheelchair or on crutches. It’s an active part! You have to run about, throw stuff, climb on things.”
Arthur looked like he was going to protest again, but Polly thundered on.
“And even if you made a miraculous recovery, what about rehearsals? You can’t rehearse with a broken leg!”
Arthur looked like he was going to say more. He drew a deep breath, paused, and let it out again.
“I’m really sorry, Arthur,” Charlie said. “Polly’s right – and the committee wouldn’t wear it anyway. There’s Health and Safety to consider. As she said, it’s a role with lots of action. We have to have insurance and we wouldn’t be covered if we let you do it so soon after a serious injury.”
Arthur, never the most cheerful-looking soul, looked especially downcast now.
“There’s always next year,” Charlie added.
“This was going to be my last year,” he said ruefully. “I was thinking five times in a row is enough. I only agreed to do it this time because I knew LADS didn’t have anyone else.”
The three of us let out a collective sigh of relief. He was going to be sensible after all.
“But that doesn’t mean I want to see it ruined,” he said, his eyes flashing. “What makes you think he can do it?”
“Come on, mate, you saw him doing his stand-up as Daisy Duquesne, just as I did. He’ll be good.”
“That was being a female impersonator, not a Pantomime Dame. It’s completely different! Yes, you will be wearing frocks with padding to give you a female figure, but you won’t be pretending to be a woman for real…”
He was drawing breath to say much more, but I thought it was time I contributed to the debate.
“I only agreed to step in as Dame if you were available to coach me,” I said. “Charlie thinks I can do the feminine mannerisms and movements OK, and I’m not scared of telling bad jokes in front of an audience, but I’m well aware that isn’t enough. You said as much after my stand-up as Daisy. I was hoping to meet up with you to learn more.”
“Aye… well…” Arthur began.
I was aware that Charlie was starting to relax, and Polly was smiling quietly to herself. She was sitting at Arthur’s side and gave me a little ‘thumbs up’ sign which he couldn’t have seen.
“Well, if you’re going to do it my way – or even if you aren’t – you need to understand about Pantomime. The background and why that’s important…”
“Oh, you’re not going to give him your lecture, are you?” grumbled Polly.
“I certainly am. Most people know nothing about the Pantomime tradition.” He looked at me enquiringly. I shuffled my feet a little and shrugged. “Even if he doesn’t take my advice, he needs to understand what he’s signing up to be part of.”
“Well, Charlie and I have heard it all a dozen times before, and I’m sure it won’t be any less boring the thirteenth time,” she said. “Come on, Charlie, you can help me with sorting out the accessories. I’ve been laying everything out upstairs in my sewing room.”
They left. Arthur waved me to a seat. I tried to look interested.
“Let’s start with the obvious,” he began. “Not a lot of people know this, but Pantomime has a long theatrical history in Western culture dating back to classical theatre. It partly comes from the 16th Century Italian Commedia Dell’arte tradition; and partly from other European and British stage traditions, such as 17th Century masques and music hall. The modern Pantomime is an English invention for the Christmas and New Year season, a jolly musical comedy designed for family entertainment. It has nothing to do with miming. It includes songs, gags, slapstick and dancing.”
“There are usually two cross-dressing parts: the Dame, played by a man, and the Principal Boy, played by a girl, who is often the hero. The show combines topical humour with a story based on a well-known fairy story or folk tale. It always involves audience participation. They’re expected to sing along and shout out when asked to by the performers, especially the Dame and the lead comic, who often form a double act, bouncing corny jokes off each other. In Dick Whittington they are Idle Jack and Sarah the Cook. Also there’s often a scene when children from the audience are invited up on stage to play games and win prizes.
“For me the Dame is the most important character in Pantomime. All the legends of British comedy have played her – Terry Scott, Stanley Baxter, Les Dawson, John Inman, Roy Hudd, Ronnie Corbett – even Paul Merton. The Dame is a continuation of the travesti – portrayal of female characters by male actors in drag.
“The Dame must be very clearly a man in a dress but shouldn’t be grotesque, in my opinion, though there are plenty who would disagree. The actor must emanate femininity and a strong maternal instinct, while continually delivering broad innuendo without coming across as dirty. Good Dames can pitch their lines to push the boundary of good taste but without ever being crude. The role requires the timing and delivery of a good stand-up comedian. Doing all this well is one of the most challenging roles in all theatre.
“It looks simple if it’s done well, but it’s actually really complex. If you overdo it, the Dame can become vulgar and even frightening to the little ones. She must always be warm and comforting. But she must also be played ‘big’; if she is too soft, the performance will fall flat. Like all theatre, it only works if the audience can ‘suspend their disbelief’ and fully invest in the story and the characters. The Dame is continually ‘breaking the fourth wall’, and forms a link between the audience and the action on stage. Sometimes she is involved in the comedy, and sometimes she is commenting on it.
“Dames are usually older, matronly women; maybe the protagonist’s mother, a cook, or a nursemaid. They’re usually warm and sympathetic characters, but they may be comedy baddies like the Ugly Sisters in Cinderella. Dames always wear heavy make-up and big hair; they have exaggerated physical features; and often ridiculous appendages to their costumes, like the cook might wear a huge silly hat, or a pair of saucepans over her false boobs. That’s what I mean by ‘vulgar’. Personally I think that kind of thing is stupid, and often a bit sordid, but I know some people like it.
“These days there are two main styles for Dames: either camp like Danny La Rue and Paul O’Grady, glamorous and extravagant; or the ‘man in a frock’ style, where the Dame makes no pretence at femininity. Some Dames are essentially just clowns; you know – white face make-up, silly noses, and so on. I don’t think that works at all. It throws the whole show off balance if one character is clowning when everyone else is acting. John Inman was one of my favourites; he was neither a drag act like La Rue nor a vulgar clown. He was camp, and feminine, but he always pitched it just right.
“But I come back to the key point: the audience must know that the Dame is a man. One of the most famous Dames, Arthur Askey, insisted on that. He wore only basic stage make-up, and a very fake wig. He kept his own trademark thick-rimmed glasses. He made no attempt to change his voice, mannerisms or persona.
“So it’s up to the individual actor to decide where he will pitch his performance between these extremes. Many comedians try to appear like glamorous women, but with no attempt to be feminine. That’s not my style; but then some of us have no real choice and have to go the Arthur Askey route.”
He paused for breath. I knew most of what he’d told me, but it hadn’t occurred to me I would have to make a decision regarding what kind of Dame I wanted to be. I was chewing that over when he continued.
“Of course, you could definitely be the glamorous type of Dame,” he said, looking at me thoughtfully.
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, Daisy Duquesne wasn’t any sort of Pantomime Dame, was she? She was a convincing woman - completely convincing from a distance. OK, maybe you wouldn’t have been able to fool anyone close up in a brightly lit room…”
I thought about being Daisy at the pub and in the restaurant the night before her debut. There might have been some tell-tale signs but no one had even given me a funny look. People see what they expect to see, I guess.
“… but I don’t think it even occurred to anyone in the audience that she might have been a man. I certainly didn’t hear anything like that, and I was there for a good hour after your turn. Lots of people were complimentary about her, and said how great it was that the Club had finally persuaded a woman to perform.”
That was good to hear, I suppose.
“But of course Sarah the Cook will have to be completely different, wherever you decide to place her on ‘the Dame spectrum’.”
“Oh? Why?”
“Because, as I said, everyone has to know that the Dame is a man,” he said, with clear signs of irritation. “It’s an essential part of the tradition. The Dame can’t be played by a woman. That’s not Panto!”
I knew Arthur felt strongly about this; he was a ‘Panto purist’, and I was beginning to understand his thinking. Anyway he was quite right about my performance, if for the wrong reason. If I wanted to maintain my secret identity as Daisy, it would be important that everyone saw Sarah the Cook being played by local boy, Nick Rawlinson. She shouldn’t remind anyone of occasional stand-up comedienne, Daisy Duquesne. Ruth was bound to find out about Nick playing the Dame in the local Panto. I didn’t want her to find out about Daisy too.
Why was I thinking about Ruth?
“Of course, one could argue that the Dame is just another device for men to attack women,” I suggested.
“What? How so?” he asked angrily.
Fair enough. I was being deliberately provocative, to see just how far he had thought all this through. I plunged on.
“Well, it’s a man making fun of female weaknesses, vanities and foibles, isn’t it? Or at least male-perceived notions of them. It’s actually quite cruel, or at the very least offensive, but the comedian gets away with it by pretending to be one of the weaker sex himself. His silly dresses and wigs soften the blow, as it were.”
“I can see how you might think that,” Arthur admitted, “but it’s all in the delivery. A bad Dame might come across as simply malicious, but the jokes are supposed to come from love and respect. Don’t forget: the Pantomime tradition long pre-dates modern feminism. It’s a man saying, ‘We know that throughout the ages our womenfolk have always had the worst of it in life. We understand that; we admire your strength and determination; and we love you for it. The Dame is homage, not contempt.”
He was passionate and convincing, the most eloquent van driver I had ever met. I only hoped I could live up to this. He was waiting for my reaction.
“OK, I get it,” I said. “I want to do it like that. My Dame won’t be a caricature. No silly contraptions on my bosom, no silly hats, no rude props. I’d like to pitch it somewhere in the middle though – not Danny La Rue, but not Les Dawson either.”
“Right, then. I suggest that you and I spend the day going through the script so you’ll be ready for the read-through tonight. But first, you’d better go and get Polly so she can start putting your look together.”
* * *
After a nice sandwich lunch I sat in front of the dressing table in the Whitmores’ back room. She explained that this was actually the master bedroom – I had noticed this because it had an en suite – but she had taken it over for the LADS costume store. She and Arthur slept in the biggest guest bedroom.
She certainly needed the space in here, because the room was stacked from ceiling to floor with large, flat boxes marked with the names of shows LADS had done. Presumably they contained costumes. Reading the sides of the boxes in the mirror I was able to make out Annie, The Happiest Days of Your Life, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Camelot. There were also a lot of costumes and accessories loose on the bed and draped on top of more boxes.
There was a desk with two sewing machines against the far wall. A peg board above it was covered in fabric swatches and coloured pencil sketches of the characters from Dick Whittington: Puss; Idle Jack; Alderman Fitzwarren; Alice, his daughter; King Rat, the villain; and Dick himself, the Principal Boy. The sketches for Sarah the Cook were at, of course.
I saw a mob cap and a very frilly bib apron. Presumably these were for the Panto and I would be wearing them.
Polly stretched a wig cap over my head and tucked my loose hair in. Then she tried various wigs on me.
“Your first costume will be a yellow, mid-calf-length day dress with multi-coloured polka dots, and with a matching bow for your hair.”
She reached for one of the swatches on the peg board. It was very bright. This would not be a costume for a shy person. It would also not be a standard colour.
“I think ginger blonde curls would work best with these colours,” she said, pulling just such a wig on me. “You’ll need another one for the ball scene at the end. That’ll be in a more elaborate ‘up do’.”
She fiddled around with the wig, combing, brushing and spraying. It seemed to be a good, tight fit and didn’t slide around when I shook my head. Presumably there was some adhesive effect between the lining and my cap. Polly held the yellow spotted swatch up against my hair, next to my face. She tutted.
“Do you mind if we try out some make-up designs?” she asked. “I’m in charge of make-up as well,” she explained, “and it’s really the only way I can be sure that the colours of the dress and wig will work together.”
“In for a penny,” I grinned. Then a thought occurred. “By the way, do you know about Daisy Duquesne?”
“Arthur mentioned that he saw you doing your stand-up drag act,” she confirmed. “Wasn’t that what convinced Charlie that you could play the Dame?”
“Yes, but it didn’t actually end up as a drag act. I was too convincing. No one realised I was a man. So in the end we didn’t let on.”
She looked at me quizzically. She put her hand under my chin and lifted my head, turning my face from side to side.
“Yes, I can see that,” she said. “You have good bone structure, quite a round face, and no pronouncedly masculine features, not even much of an Adam’s Apple. With the right hair and make-up you could easily pass as a woman.”
“Right,” I admitted, glumly, “but I don’t want Sarah to pass as a woman, and I definitely don’t want her to look anything like Daisy. People will have to know that Nick Rawlinson is playing Sarah the Cook, but no one should know I’m also Daisy.”
“I get it.” She thought for a moment. “I don’t suppose you have any pictures of Daisy?”
“My sister-in-law does. She helped me with my disguise. Well, she did it all actually. I’ll text her.”
Five minutes later Polly was studying Josie’s pictures on my phone.
“Wow, you were quite pretty, weren’t you?”
She laughed at my embarrassment. Then she studied one of the pictures more closely.
“Was Daisy pregnant?” she said, incredulously.
I nodded. “Josie’s idea. The baby bump concealed any… masculine swelling down there. It also meant I could work in some pregnancy jokes. They went down very well, actually.”
Polly laughed. “I can imagine,” she said. “OK, to make Sarah completely different I think she will have to be what Arthur calls a ‘Glamour Dame’. You’ll need over-the-top make-up, some false eyelashes…”
“Oh, I hate those things!”
Polly looked at me. She didn’t say anything but she was obviously wondering when I’d had the experience of wearing false eyelashes. She could see I hadn’t worn them as Daisy.
“They’ll be essential, I’m afraid,” she said firmly. “I might give you a slight comic up-turned nose too. Not the full Cyrano de Bergerac, but something to draw the attention away from your other features. Don’t worry; when I’ve finished with you, no one will connect middle-aged, mumsy Sarah the Cook with pretty young Daisy Duquesne.”
She gave me a red smock to protect my T-shirt and worked on my face for about half an hour. She worked quickly and was clearly a true make-up artist. I wondered if she had ever been a professional. She was chatty and good company, with a fund of stories about LADS productions over the years, and Arthur’s experience as Dame.
“Actually, I love that Arthur lets his feminine side out every year,” she said. She lowered her voice to a near whisper. “Quite honestly, I wouldn’t mind if he did it more often, or even all the time.” She giggled. “When he’s in drag he’s kinder, softer, more thoughtful. He seems happier too. You’ve probably already noticed what a bloody misery he can be.”
“Well he has got a broken leg,” I pointed out. “That’s probably getting him down a bit.”
“Also seeing him in lingerie at bedtime really gets my motor running,” she continued as if I hadn’t spoken. I wondered if she was just talking about what Arthur wore at Panto season. “You should try it with your young lady,” she added, with a wink.
Well that wasn’t going to happen, even if I had a young lady, which I didn’t. Ruth didn’t count, obviously. That was a one-night stand, apparently.
As threatened, Polly glued false eyelashes to my eyelids. Then she smeared my eyes with mascara; disguised my eyebrows with thick black lines of eyebrow pencil; and applied a light blue eyeshadow to my eyelids. She covered my face with a thick foundation, then tried different blends of lipstick and rouge for my cheeks, rubbing it all off with tissues and cold cream and trying other combinations before eventually declaring herself satisfied.
I examined my new self in the mirror. The bright ginger wig and outlandish make-up shouted ‘Pantomime Dame’ loudly, and I looked nothing like Daisy Duquesne. In fact, I looked a bit like my mother. Come to think of it, Daisy had looked a little like her too, or at least like pictures of her from when she was young.
Polly fastened a tight necklace of big red balls round my neck and gave me a pair of white gloves to wear. Then she cut a strip of material to make a ribbon which she tied in a bow in my wig. She draped the rest of the swatch around my shoulders to approximate what the dress, wig and make-up combination would look like.
“OK, pull some faces, and let’s see the effect.”
“What faces?” I asked, puzzled.
“Dame faces,” she said. “Arthur says that the Dame is the audience’s representative on stage. They should be seeing the story through her eyes. So she’s always responding to what’s going on around her with some big, over-the-top emotion – surprise, outrage, shock, horror. Her reactions are supposed to draw the audience in, get them excited. So can you strike some poses? You may need to stand up.”
“Oh, OK. How’s this?”
I clapped my gloved hand to my cheek, opened my eyes wide, and made a big round ‘O’ with my lipsticked mouth. This was fun! I was going to enjoy being Sarah the Cook. I couldn’t wait to get my proper costumes.
“Yes, I think that works well,” Polly said. “Let’s go and show Arthur and Charlie.”
As we left the room I caught my reflection in the wardrobe mirror. From the neck up I looked like a cross between a MILF, my mother, and a lady of a certain age who hadn’t learnt that ‘a little cosmetic assistance’ could easily become too bloody much.
After Arthur and Charlie had declared themselves satisfied, Polly and I returned to the back bedroom to try out what I now knew to call my shapewear. This was urgent as needed Sarah’s vital statistics to make my dresses.
Polly was rummaging in a cupboard and found the box she was looking for.
“This is a 42D theatrical padded bra,” she said, waving a pink and blue floral object at me. “The padding is springy, so you can manipulate it through your dress and it will bounce around in an amusing fashion. That always makes the men squirm and the women laugh their heads off, for some reason. The joke is a little ribald but it goes over the kids’ heads, so it’s OK.”
“Isn’t it a little pointless making it so colourful, when it’s worn underneath?”
“Well some Dames like to strip to their bra and knickers in the bedroom scene before they put on their nightie. Arthur did it once, but never again after I made him shave his chest.” She chuckled.
“Anyway this bra is just full enough that no one can tell you haven’t got any real cleavage, as long as you only expose it briefly – which is half the point of the joke. I don’t know what Charlie has in mind for the scene, but he warned me to use a bra like this, just in case. Arthur’s a little taller than you and much thicker in the waist, but I reckon you’re about the same around the chest and shoulders, so this should fit. Here, strip off and let’s slip it on.”
I hesitated for just long enough for Polly to sneer at my modesty.
“Come on, Nick, I’m going to be familiar with every nook and cranny of your body eventually. You realise I’ll be your dresser and personal make-up artist during the show?”
“Really?” I said, stripping down to my underpants.
“Yes, most of the dressing rooms at the Victoria Theatre are communal, but you’ll get one to yourself, because the Dame is the only character with multiple costume changes. Some of them will need to be very quick, so you’ll need someone to help you change. You and I will set up camp in the star’s dressing room. And you’ll spend most of your time in there in your underwear; that is, bra, girdle and knickers. Talking of which…”
She thrust the bra’s shoulder straps over my arms and stepped behind me to fasten it. It fitted well, as she had predicted, but it was huge. I couldn’t see over it at all. How was I going to run around when I couldn’t see my feet? It also got in the way of any upper body movement, including swinging my arms.
It was most comfortable to fold them underneath my new bust in what I immediately realised was a typically feminine stance, especially for middle-aged ladies with large breasts. Which explained that, I suppose. I’d always wondered.
“I would have expected them to be much heavier,” I said. “Josie used upholstery foam for Daisy’s boobs, which were smaller, but I’m sure these are lighter than they were.”
“They’re deliberately made of lightweight, elastic material, so they can bounce around without slowing you down. I’m sure you realise that real breasts are much, much heavier than those. Or maybe you don’t?” she asked slyly. “Have you had the opportunity to test the real thing much?”
“A gentleman never tells,” I said, primly.
She laughed, and returned to her rummaging in the cupboard.
“Theatrical costumiers don’t seem to make the equivalent padding for your hips and bum,” she called over her shoulder. “They seem to assume that it will all be sewn into the dresses, but that’s a lot of work, so our Dame has always worn a standard, off-the-shelf girdle, which we pad out to the shape we want. I think I’ve got an old one of Arthur’s from when he was younger and slimmer. Sadly, we’ve been able to economise on the padding in recent years…” She smiled ruefully. “Ah, here it is!”
She thrust what looked like an old-fashioned Playtex girdle (like my grandmother used to wear?) into my hand. It was a little grey and worn, and the elastic round the waist and leg openings was stretched out. Polly saw me regarding it dubiously.
“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly clean. I’m meticulous about that when I put my costumes away. Just for today I’ll let you put it on over your own underpants, but in future you’ll be wearing big old-fashioned bloomers under it. They’ll all be new and you’ll have a clean pair each time.”
“Is that because of having to strip down to my lingerie again?”
“That’s it,” she confirmed. “Even if that doesn’t happen in the bedroom when you’re surrounded by rat kids, it will happen in the scene when the Alderman accidentally tears your dress off.”
She helped me wriggle into my girdle. It had a lot of padding with only a small amount of space for me inside and it was quite a struggle pulling it up as far as my waist. When we’d finally managed it, I had a bulbous lower half that perfectly matched my voluptuous upper half.
“I’ll have to order you a new girdle, I think – bet no one’s said that to you before!” she giggled. “I don’t think that one will last. It looks like the elastic’s perished. It was subjected to a lot of stress in Mother Goose five years ago, and it’s been in storage ever since.”
She went over to her workbench and took a measuring tape out of one of the drawers.
“OK, I’ll take all your measurements for you to give to your team.”
When she’d finished, I took a photo of her notes on my phone to give to Ruth. Polly opened the wardrobe and pulled out a brightly-coloured dress on a hanger.
“Why don’t you put on one of Arthur’s old Dame costumes? With your padding, you’re nearly the same shape as he was, so you’ll be able to see the full effect – wig, padding and frock.”
Without giving me the chance to think about it, much less object, I found that she was zipping me into a dress Arthur wore as Dame Trott, the hero’s mother in Jack and the Beanstalk.
“It’s a bit loose in places, where Arthur is broader than you are,” she said. “Otherwise it’s not a bad fit. Let’s go and show the others.”
So we trooped back downstairs. I was required to mince around the living room in my best Dame manner. Charlie was delighted and even Arthur managed a slightly frosty smile, though he sucked his teeth at some of my over-feminine and un-Dame-like moves.
“He still looks more like a real woman than a Dame,” he grumbled.
Eventually Polly called a halt.
“I need to go. I’m meeting up with my team to talk about what we have to do to the basic dresses your people will be making, and who’s going to do what. I’ll see you later at the rehearsal room.”
“Wait!” I cried. “You can’t leave me like this!”
She laughed.
After the Pantomime
By Susannah Donim
A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick.
Chapter 4 - Rehearsals
Nick learns to be a Dame.
I persuaded Polly to remove the dress, wig, jewellery, and especially the greasepaint, before she went out to meet with her fellow LADS seamstresses. I spent the rest of the afternoon going through the script with Arthur. I had to admit he was very good. He knew exactly how to make the most of every funny line and how to milk the response. He warned me of what could go wrong in the frequent audience participation sequences and how to handle it when it did. He offered situation-appropriate replies to any heckles and suitable put-downs for any smart-aleck kids who might try and disrupt the children’s games.
“You’re a man!”
“Wish I could say the same for you, sweetie!”
“Actually, ‘Are you a man?’ is more likely in your case,” Arthur added with a sardonic grin. I didn’t think that was terribly funny.
* * *
When she returned after her meeting, Polly brought takeaway for three for an early dinner. We agreed to go all together to the rehearsal room, so I would leave my car at their house. I was beginning to feel apprehensive about the evening.
I helped Polly load Arthur and the wheelchair in the special van via the electric platform at the back. She put the chair’s brake on so it wouldn’t roll around and secured it with a special seat belt.
“I feel like a piece of luggage here in the back,” he grumbled as I got in the front passenger seat. I began to see what Polly meant when she said he was a difficult patient.
As we got him out at the other end, Arthur was still giving instructions.
“Don’t forget everyone else has been rehearsing twice a week for nearly two months. Tonight’s read-through is just for your benefit. We’ll only be doing Sarah’s scenes but almost everyone will be there. They’re a good bunch, and they’ll make allowances, but you’ll need to hit the ground running.”
The LADS rehearsal room was the village church hall. Polly explained that the vicar was an amateur thesp himself and had appeared in several of their productions. His bishop didn’t allow him to let LADS use the hall for free, but he gave them a much-reduced rate.
Charlie met us at the door.
“All your scenes are already blocked out,” he said, “and everyone else should know their moves. You’ll just have to fit in with them. I don’t think you’ll be able to make any changes to what Arthur was doing, certainly not anything major. But we’ll just be doing a table read-through tonight so you can meet everyone, try out your lines, and get a feel for the shape of the show.”
Looking up at us all from his chair, Arthur explained that we’d been all the way through the script that afternoon. Charlie was pleased.
“So we might be able to get up and walk through some scenes too. Fantastic! Did you work on her voice as well?” he asked. “The script will help of course. The words are what a woman would say; you just have to say them as a woman would – with feminine intonations and cadences.”
Arthur nodded. He and I had discussed this.
“At first he just sounded ‘camp’ like Julian Clary or Larry Grayson, which wasn’t right at all,” he said. “We worked on feminine rather than effeminate. I think he’s getting it.”
Although he didn’t sound convinced.
“We also agreed that I wouldn’t try to speak in a woman’s voice,” I added, “and definitely not in a falsetto. I’ll stick to the male range. As Arthur says, no one is trying to hide the fact that I’m really a man.”
“You’ll probably have to use your normal voice anyway to have any hope of reaching the back of the auditorium or the people up in the ‘Gods’,” Charlie agreed. “Not that the Victoria Little Theatre has Gods, as such.”
“I don’t dare speak in a higher register anyway,” I said, lowering my voice. “It would sound exactly like Daisy Duquesne, and I’m trying to avoid reminding anyone of her. This is a small town. There could easily be someone in the audience who was at the Club that night.”
“Could be,” Charlie agreed. “Anyway, we’d better get on. Come and meet our cast.”
* * *
We were a little late because of the fuss with the wheelchair, but when we finally got into the hall through the Disabled entrance, everyone made a big fuss of Arthur, which he seemed to enjoy despite his doleful expression. I noticed an older lady, plump and pink-cheeked, making her way over to Polly, presumably realising that she needed as much sympathy as her husband, if not more.
I hung back. I knew no one there, and assumed I would be introduced eventually. I wasn’t looking at the throng around Arthur and Charlie, but I overheard a few snippets of conversation.
“He looks awfully young, Arthur,” said someone.
“Do you really think he’ll be any good?” said someone else. “The Dame holds the whole show together.”
“We think he’ll be very good,” said Charlie. “We’ve seen him doing stand-up. He’s great with an audience.”
“Aye, well, beggars can’t be choosers anyway,” muttered Arthur.
Thanks, mate.
Charlie turned round and pulled me into the throng.
“This is Nick, everyone.” There was a cheerful chorus of ‘Hi, Nick’s’. “Come on, let’s get started,” he said. “We’re only going to read the scenes involving Sarah tonight, so I’ll just summarise what happens in the scenes she’s not in.”
He led me over to the middle of the room where two large trestle tables had been pushed together with uncomfortable-looking metal-framed chairs all around. The tables were already covered in drinks, snacks and scripts. Someone offered me a choice between beer or wine. A LADS rehearsal was no place for soft drinks, apparently. I took a tin of lager, with thanks. Charlie seated me in the middle of one side and pulled up his chair to my left. Polly pushed Arthur’s wheelchair in to my right.
There were about a dozen of us. We went round the table introducing ourselves, as they do in business meetings (where they call it the ‘Creeping Death’). Nobody ever remembers people’s names this way, unless you take the trouble to write them down. I scribbled those I heard clearly on the back of my copy of the script.
First were two pretty girls called Millie and Lily, who were sitting together. They were playing Alice Fitzwarren and Dick Whittington himself, though I didn’t remember which was which at that time. Next to them was an older guy who was Alderman Fitzwarren; then the plump lady who was to play the Fairy of the Bells. The Captain and the First Mate of the ‘Saucy Sal’ were next; and then the Narrator, a short, tubby fellow called Joe. There were also a couple of rat henchmen, non-speaking parts, who had come along to work on some slapstick business. That wasn’t going to happen tonight because of Arthur’s accident and my introduction, so presumably they were only hanging around now for the company and the beer.
Two names stuck with me. One was the vicar, the Reverend Roderick Miller (“Call me Roddy”). He was playing the villain, King Rat. Uncharitably I wondered if he would be any good, or if they’d given him the part because he let them use the hall for next to nothing. It turned out he was very good. They all were.
The other actor whose name I managed to remember was Pete Dobson, and that was because he was playing Idle Jack, and he and I had lots of scenes together.
When it was my turn, I told them my name and limited qualifications – a few evenings of stand-up which was where Arthur and Charlie had seen me. I didn’t mention that I had been in drag at the time, or that I hadn’t actually been in a play since junior school. Most of them had heard of the Club. A couple had even been along on an Open Mic Night, though not on one when I was performing – either as myself or as Daisy.
“The only other speaking part is the Sultan of Morocco,” Charlie said, when we had finished the introductions. “He doesn’t appear till the second Act, so he’ll be along later. The other big role is Tommy the Cat. It’s a non-speaking part obviously, so he won’t be here tonight. You’ll see a lot of him though. He’s a great mime, really funny. We also have a small orchestra and a chorus of singers and dancers, but you probably won’t meet any of them till much later. You’re not in any of their scenes.”
“You should also mention the kids from our local primary school,” put in Arthur. “They play the rats. We’ve got the whole of their Year 3 – thirty of the little buggers. When they’re all on stage at once you can hardly move for kids. At least half of them will probably be picking their noses at any given time.”
“They should make a quite impressive plague of rats though,” said Charlie, who clearly didn’t dislike children as much as Arthur.
“I’ll read out the stage directions as we go,” Charlie said to me, “so you’ll know what’s going on in each scene. He raised his voice to address the group. “I’d like you all to deliver your lines in character, please. Treat it as another rehearsal. I’m hoping that everyone except Sarah will know their words by now, so try not to refer to your scripts if at all possible.”
There were a couple of grunts around the table. I guessed a few of them weren’t exactly word perfect yet.
“OK, here we go,” Charlie said. “With the curtains still closed, the house lights go down and the Narrator steps on stage from the wings.” We won’t bother with that for now. It doesn’t involve Sarah."
Joe pretended to look disappointed. I suspected he was glad he wasn’t going to be tested on his lines tonight.
“The curtains open on the street outside Alderman Fitzwarren’s house and shop,” Charlie continued. “The townspeople sing and dance to a London song. When they finish, they troop off, leaving the Alderman and his daughter to set the scene: business is bad because of a plague of rats. Then the sky darkens and the rats invade the stage. The Alderman and Alice run off as King Rat comes on and rants at the audience."
Roddy gave us his first speech. He was brilliant. He knew his lines by heart and delivered them with exactly the right balance of menace and humour. He would have the littlest kids quaking with fear then laughing in relief at an unexpected joke.
“Nicely done, Roddy,” smiled Charlie. There was a respectful round of applause.
“But I think I’ll just summarise the scenes that don’t involve Sarah,” Charlie interrupted, “or we’ll be here all night. Fairy Bow Bells appears and promises to help the people against his evil schemes. King Rat sneers and exits stage left. The Fairy exits stage right.”
He turned to me. “OK, your first scene. Sarah comes out of the Alderman’s house carrying a mixing bowl. She is stirring something in it with a large wooden spoon. She catches sight of the audience.”
I started reading from my script. I tried a feminised version of my own voice, deeper than Daisy’s, but with female inflections. The part seemed to be all one-liners – the kind of humour I had specialised in at the Club, albeit rather cornier and more suitable for kids. I began to see why Charlie had gone looking for an experienced comic to replace Arthur. Pity he could only find me.
I got to the end of my opening patter.
“Now are you getting the hang of the plot?” I read. “I know some of you find really complicated stories like this one difficult to follow. So let me catch you up.”
“She takes the spoon out of the bowl and points in each direction as she summarises the story,” said Charlie, reading the stage directions again. “She walks downstage as she speaks and the curtains close behind her, leaving her alone with the audience.”
“So – London Town.” I mimed pointing behind me. “Plague of rats led by the Big Bad.” I pointed to what might have been stage left. “Fairy promises to help.” I pointed to the imaginary stage right. “I didn’t know there were fairies in London…”
Presumably that was intended to be suggestive, so I gave the cast members, Millie and Lily, opposite me a suitably filthy leer. The girls giggled.
“Anyway, I mustn’t keep you, boys and girls. I must get back to my cooking.” I put my head down to my imaginary mixing bowl and sniffed. “Oh dear, I think this has gone off. Better get rid of it.”
I mimed hurling the contents of the bowl out into the audience. The contents of the bowl would be sweets, of course.
“You’ll have to take handfuls at a time, I think; not all in one go,” interrupted Arthur. “So you can scatter the sweets as widely as possible.”
I nodded.
“And that’s the end of your first scene. Well done,” said Charlie.
There was a discreet smattering of applause, not to mention some relieved-looking faces. It seemed Arthur and I hadn’t been the only ones who doubted I could do this. Mind you, he was still wearing his unconvinced face.
“Lot of work to do,” he said, gracelessly.
“The next scene is played out in front of the curtain and introduces Dick Whittington and Tommy the Cat,” said Charlie. “Sarah’s not involved, so we’ll move on. Next: the curtains open again and we’re in the Fitzwarrens’ shop.”
So in this version of Dick Whittington, Sarah wasn’t just the cook; she was a ‘maid of all work’ around the Fitzwarren household. I assumed this was because Arthur was writing himself a bigger part – which I now had to master in just over four weeks.
“Sarah is bending over with her back to the audience, trying to reach something on a low shelf. She is showing off her plump rear. She looks over her shoulder and sees the audience.”
“Oh, hello, boys and girls!” I yelled.
“Hello, Sarah!” the team yelled back, gamely.
“I think we can take the ‘Hellos’ as read from now on,” Charlie said. A couple of cast members feigned disappointment. “This scene introduces Idle Jack,” he continued, “and then the Captain and First Mate of the Saucy Sal. So let’s just do the dialogue that involves Sarah, shall we?”
There followed much snappy patter and innuendo, moving the plot along, and setting up Sarah and Idle Jack as a comedy double act.
Sarah: “Every time I’m down in the dumps I buy myself a new hat.”
Idle Jack: “I wondered where you got them from.”
When we’d finished in the shop, Charlie summarised the next scene, which didn’t involve Sarah. Dick gets a job and meets Alice. We discover that Idle Jack is in love with her too, like Buttons with Cinderella, I suppose.
The next scene was in my bedroom. I’ve put my curlers in and I’m getting undressed and into my nightie when a swarm of rats pour in – with plenty of opportunities for comic business. They knock things over, steal my clothes, shoes and underwear, and so on. I have a few funny lines early on in the scene, but there’s not much dialogue once the rats appear.
It ends with Alderman Fitzwarren and Idle Jack running in with shotguns to save me. There will be a lot of loud bangs here – blank ammunition of course. I will have to do a lot of screaming and trying to conceal my nightwear and general state of undress from the men.
What will make the scene difficult is that most of the rats are played by primary schoolchildren and we won’t get many opportunities to rehearse with them.
In the next scene King Rat comes out secretly and frames Dick for trying to steal the Alderman’s money, and he gets the sack. He and Tommy start off on the journey back to Gloucester. They pause on Highgate Hill, when they hear the bells calling out the famous ‘Turn Again, Whittington’ sounds, orchestrated by the Fairy of the Bells.
“OK, Act One finishes with the kitchen slapstick scene,” said Charlie. “This only involves Sarah and Idle Jack. Everyone else can take a break. Who’s going to the pub? My shout.” Alderman Fitzwarren and Second Rat raised their hands. “Mine’s a pint of IPA, please. You want anything, Nick? Pete?”
The others went off to the pub and we got down to the big comedy scene. Charlie resumed.
“The kitchen of Alderman Fitzwarren’s house. There are ranges and cooking utensils along the back wall and a large old-fashioned chef’s table upstage. Sarah, in her cook’s uniform, is rolling pastry at one end of the table. The rest of the table and every other surface around the stage is covered in custard pies. At least two dozen will be needed.”
He stopped reading.
“They’ll be cardboard plates covered in Crazy Foam, of course.” I nodded. “Sarah breaks off rolling pastry. She comes downstage to address the audience directly.”
That was my cue. My dialogue included cooking jokes and sympathy for poor Dick.
“As Sarah is addressing the audience, Idle Jack tiptoes in. The audience see him; Sarah doesn’t. Jack picks up a pie in each hand.”
The kitchen scene was especially complicated as we have to throw pies at each other, ducking and dodging, hitting and missing. Then we ask for volunteers from the audience to come up and help us.
“We’ll get members of the cast to go down into the audience and pick two boys and two girls,” said Charlie at this point. “There’ll be a team fight – Sarah and the girls against Idle Jack and the boys. There’ll be funny, fast music throughout. It should be like something out of Benny Hill.”
“Make sure you pick small, innocent-looking kids,” said Arthur. “One little bleeder gave me a black eye last year. My make-up had to be even heavier than usual to hide it.”
“Point taken, Arthur,” said Charlie, eyes raised to heaven. “It’ll probably be Alice picking the girls and Tommy the Cat picking the boys. I’ll make sure they understand the selection criteria. Anyway, everyone will get covered in Crazy Foam and the kids will go back into the audience with boxes of chocolates and paper towels. Oh, that reminds me – I need to insert a note in the programme that the foam is harmless; it won’t sting the eyes; and any kid selected for the custard pie fight will come out cleaner than they went in!”
I laughed but I was particularly worried about the kitchen scene. I could see it would take a lot of rehearsal. Pete Dobson and I would have to choreograph some precision pie-throwing or the whole thing could turn to complete anarchy; worse: it wouldn’t be funny. Really funny slapstick is much harder than it looks.
The others started appearing again, back from the pub. They had Dave, the Sultan of Morocco, with them. When everyone was settled, we went through the second Act as we had the first. It was exhilarating – and terrifying. I had so much to learn.
The evening continued. There were no great problems with the dialogue, but it became apparent that future rehearsals would have to focus on the actors’ movements, rather than their words. In addition to the kitchen custard pie fight, there was a scene near the end in which Sarah tries to seduce Alderman Fitzwarren. I keep trying to throw my arms around him, and he keeps ducking out of my reach. We would have to choreograph lots of variations of this theme if it was to be funny rather than just repetitive.
That was the scene that ends with Fitzwarren accidentally ripping my dress off, leaving me in my old-fashioned underwear, shift and bloomers. I run screaming off the stage, Fitzwarren chasing after me with my dress. The dress removal, aided by the fact that it would only be held on by Velcro strips, would need a lot of practice.
So Charlie’s last thought of the day wasn’t surprising.
“You’d better start learning your lines, please, Nick,” he said, a little apologetically. “It’s very difficult to get your movements around the stage right if you’re reading from a script and all your attention is focused on your dialogue. Also, if you wouldn’t mind, I think you should do all your rehearsals from now on in costume. You need to get used to moving around in full old-fashioned female clobber.”
He turned to Polly as she was getting Arthur and his wheelchair ready for the return journey. She was way ahead of him.
“No problem, Charlie,” she said. “I’ll sort him out a suitable rehearsal dress and shoes. You’ll probably need all the padding too,” she said to me, “because it will affect how you move. Come round some time tomorrow.”
Charlie asked all the cast members who had scenes with Sarah to be back at the hall for the next evening. They were mostly able to oblige. One of the girls couldn’t make it because of an evening class, and Roddy had a squash match, but would come along afterwards.
After returning to the Whitmores’ house and picking up my car, it was eleven o’clock before I got home. Having had plenty to eat and drink during the evening I went straight to bed with my copy of the script. I might have managed to learn my lines for the first scene before I fell asleep…
* * *
I arrived at the office the following morning at around ten o’clock to find everyone hard at work. Ruth and Vicky were poring over Arthur’s designs, working out how to encode them for the NC cutting machine. Eddy and Mike were down in the cowshed fine-tuning the printer and adjusting the tension in the sewing machine.
“Nice of you to join us,” Ruth said when she saw me.
“I didn’t think you’d need me first thing.”
“We don’t,” she snapped. “You might have helped yesterday afternoon though – with finding fabrics and dyes and placing orders…”
“I was busy.” I got my phone out and found the screenshots of Polly’s notes. “Here are the new Dame’s measurements, by the way.”
“Oh,” said Ruth, nonplussed. “I expected to hear from Charlie or Polly Whitmore. How come you have them?”
“I met up with them yesterday,” I said vaguely, “and offered to bring them round.”
“If you had them on your phone, you could have just texted them over, or you could have given Polly my number and she could have sent them straight to me.”
I feigned not listening. I busied myself with switching on my computer and logging in.
Vicky was looking uncomfortable, like a timid forest creature sensing a gathering storm.
“I think I’ll just go and… er… see if Eddy and Mike need anything…” she muttered.
Ruth didn’t seem to notice her leaving.
“Anyway, why were you there?” she asked sharply. “You don’t have anything else to do with LADS, do you? Apart from helping us get the contract to make the new Dame dresses?”
Why was she so curious about my movements all of a sudden? She clearly sensed a mystery. You could almost see her nose twitching.
“Charlie and I went round to see Arthur,” I said. “He came out of hospital yesterday.”
“I didn’t realise you knew him so well.”
“Well, I don’t really,” I admitted. “We went to see if there was anything we could do. Charlie was afraid Polly would struggle to cope on her own, with Arthur in a wheelchair and all the costumes to finish. We had a very nice afternoon, looking at Polly’s costume collection and talking about the Pantomime tradition. Arthur’s very knowledgeable. Then we helped Polly with the wheelchair. Arthur had to get to the village hall in the evening for a rehearsal.”
“Did you see the new Dame?
“Oh, er, yes. They had a read-through with him last night.”
“Is he any good?
“No, he’s rubbish…” I began.
Shit, this wasn’t going to work, I thought. I might as well come clean. She’ll find out eventually anyway, and then she’ll be cross with me for keeping it from her.
“Oh for heaven’s sake… It’s me, alright? I’m going to be the Dame. Those are my measurements. And I’m not going to be around here much because I’ve only got four weeks to learn a really difficult part.”
“You?” she said, incredulously. “How on earth can you be the Dame?”
“Why shouldn’t I?”
“Well you’re not old and fat, for a start.”
“And the compliments keep coming…” I said. “I don’t think there’s an actual rule that the actor playing the Dame has to be old and fat, it’s more like a guideline.”
“But the Dame is a really key part,” she said. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll make a fool of yourself?”
“Well, that’s rather the point, isn’t it?”
I smiled. She didn’t. She continued staring at me like I owed her a further explanation.
“Look, I’ve been doing some stand-up at the Club in the village. That’s where I met Charlie and Arthur.”
There was no need to mention that the introduction came through Josie when I needed to borrow Arthur’s high heels. Ruth was still staring at me, non-plussed. It seemed further explanation would be necessary.
“So I’ve had some experience of telling jokes to a live audience.”
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why should I?” I asked, genuinely puzzled. “It’s nothing to do with… here.”
I nearly said ‘It’s nothing to do with you,’ but that would have sounded mean. But it wasn’t, was it? Sure, we’d moved on from being just business partners to a more cordial relationship, but we still weren’t exactly close friends, were we? I meant back then, of course, before last week’s bedroom antics. That might have changed things a bit.
“It’s what I do after work,” I tried to explain. “We’ve never discussed our hobbies with each other, have we? I mean, you’ve never invited me to join you for an evening of… actually I don’t know what you do in your spare time.”
“Apart from going out to dinner, getting pissed, and screwing around,” she said, humourlessly. “Apparently we have those leisure interests in common.”
“Fair comment,” I said, hoping to make peace. “But my last performance on Open Mic Night was ages before we… er, hooked up.”
Actually Daisy’s performance was the previous Friday, but ‘ages’ is a nice vague time period and the said ‘hooking up’ happened very suddenly.
“And we didn’t talk about our personal lives in the heat of passion, did we?” I persisted. “We were too busy… wrestling.”
“I would have liked to have seen your act though,” she said, slightly mollified. “When are you on again?”
“Oh, I won’t have time now till the New Year. I’ll be too busy with the Panto. But you shouldn’t be feeling left out. The only people I know who’ve seen me perform are my brother and his wife – oh, and…”
“…and?” she prompted.
“… and Eddy,” I confessed.
“Eddy’s seen you do stand-up?” I nodded glumly. “Well why didn’t he mention it? Why didn’t he invite me? Wait till I get my hands on him!”
She stood up and stormed out, not mollified anymore, and slammed the door behind her.
I was just starting to get my breath back, when she threw the door open again.
“And I am definitely going to the Panto, if only so I can throw rotten fruit at the Dame!”
Not if Sarah the Cook can stun you first with a glacier mint from her mixing bowl, I thought, but didn’t dare say.
* * *
Each of the team trooped in during the morning to offer their best wishes for my forthcoming starring role, and to chortle about looking forward to seeing me in women’s clothes. Eddy waited till Ruth went out to lunch before coming up to the office. He looked a little shell-shocked. She had obviously given him a hard time for not inviting her to go with him to see me perform.
“I suppose we should have invited her,” he said, “but she does rather cramp my style. She told you about our little arrangement, I understand?”
“Yep, but don’t worry, I haven’t told anyone else. Mike, Vicky and Mo don’t know, do they?”
“No, and I’d like to keep it that way, mate. You know why.”
“I’ll keep your secret, if you keep mine.” He looked blank. “Daisy Duquesne,” I whispered. (Walls have ears.)
“Oh right,” he laughed. “No need for her to know that the Dame isn’t the only drag act you’ve been doing! She likes to wear the panties in any relationship.”
He hurried back to the cowshed before Ruth returned. I wondered what he meant by her ‘cramping his style’. Then I remembered that he had been very friendly with Frank, the Club pianist. Developing a liaison with another gay man would be much more difficult if your fiancée is sitting next to you.
As requested by Ruth, I spent most of the morning on the internet and the telephone looking for suppliers of fabrics and dyes, checking their prices, and negotiating.
* * *
After a hurried lunch at the Manor House I went back to the Whitmores. Polly explained that Arthur had gone into their office. He wasn’t really needed there but Polly had begged Rob, their eldest son, to come and get him to give her some relief. She seemed glad to see me.
“If Charlie hadn’t asked you to wear dresses and padding for the remaining rehearsals, I would have suggested it myself,” Polly said, as she led me back up to the costume room. “Moving in skirts and high heels is difficult enough if you’re not used to them, but your underwear affects your movement too. Remember that a woman’s stance and gait, even her mannerisms and gestures, are all influenced by her shape, her weight, and her clothing, particularly her underclothing. That’s especially true if her body is, shall we say, ‘abundant’ – as yours will be – and if she wants to wear firm control shapewear to mould her ‘abundance’ into something more acceptable.”
I laughed. “I remember what it was like parading around your living room yesterday in that Playtex girdle. It made my bum sway from side to side and I had to restrict my stride. The elastic in the girdle was really tight. And the bra wasn’t much better. It was like wearing a harness. As you said, the padding inside was springy and not too heavy, but I couldn’t see over it. I had no idea where I was putting my feet.”
“Right,” she said, “and that means you have to take delicate, little steps, and hold your hands up high to keep your balance. We can practise that. So strip off and let’s get your shapewear on. This time take your underpants off too. I have a nice pair of satin bloomers for you. I’ll go next door if you’re still feeling shy. Call me when you’re ready.”
The bloomers were baggy on me. They were frilly round the waist and leg holes. They came down to just below the knee. They were white cotton and very soft to the touch. When I had them on, there was one very obvious, very large problem that Polly hadn’t warned me about. With no alternative, and totally mortified, I called her back. She sized up my difficulty, so to speak, immediately.
“Yes, Arthur had the same problem,” she grinned, “though maybe his was not quite so… extensive. We’ll put that padded Playtex girdle over… it all. That should make it go away.”
She held out the girdle for me to step into, and helped me pass the frilly bloomers through the padded girdle’s tight confines. My little problem did go away eventually, though it was very uncomfortable for a while.
“Wouldn’t it be better to wear the bloomers over the padded girdle?”
“That’s the plan, yes, especially as you will be seen in just them and your shift. But if the girdle is going on first, we’ll have to make it a panty-girdle, and you’ll need at least three of them as they’ll have to be washed after each performance. And of course you’ll need a larger size in bloomers. But don’t worry; that’s all in hand. Now that we have both your real and your padded-up measurements, Mary, my assistant, and I are off to the specialist ladies’ underwear store in London tomorrow. I should have it all ready by the weekend, so you’ll only have to put up with this lot for a couple of rehearsals.”
She handed me a cheap pair of stockings and helped me attach them to the girdle’s suspenders.
“I keep forgetting – you’ve done this before,” she laughed. “Now let me help you on with your bra.”
With the padded bra and girdle on I was beginning to feel like Sarah again. Polly handed me an old-fashioned shift.
“Victorian ladies would have worn a corset over this,” she said, smiling. “I’m assuming you’d prefer to avoid that?”
“I think the girdle is quite tight enough,” I said. “I do need to be able to move about.”
The shift was similar to a modern camisole, but matched the bloomers in material – white cotton – and frilliness. This one was short, only coming down to the top of the thighs, and it had an elasticated waist. With the two on together I felt like a cheesecake actress from a 1960s comedy film.
“Petticoat next,” she said. “I’m hoping that your people will get the dresses to us in time for us to sew the petticoats into them. That will make dressing and undressing you that little bit quicker, which might make all the difference. It’ll be essential for the dress the Alderman tears off you anyway.”
She held out what looked like a big bell-shaped explosion in a chiffon factory for me to step into. It had an elasticated waist and reached down to mid-calf. All this femininity was becoming overwhelming. Polly noticed.
“You’ve gone quiet, dear. All becoming a bit much, is it?” She smiled sympathetically. “Arthur always says the key is to embrace it – jump in with both feet. People respect commitment and professionalism. You can’t let anyone see that you’re embarrassed or afraid of making a fool of yourself. You want them all to be saying ‘Wasn’t the guy who played the Dame brilliant? I could never do that’.”
She was right of course. I gave her a grateful smile but was still lost for words. She reached for the ‘Jack’s Mother’ dress I had worn the day before. She dropped it over me and zipped it up.
“This will be fine for rehearsing,” she said. “We might as well put your wig on too. Then you can see what it feels like to be wearing a wig while you’re running around tonight.”
I didn’t actually see why I would need to do that. Was she afraid it might slip? But then I remembered seeing a boy actor in one of our school plays jerk his head round too sharply, and the audience all watched in horror as his wig flew off and hurtled across the stage. No amount of clever ad libbing would enable an actor to recover from that indignity. I made no protest as Polly pulled the wig cap over my head.
“A little tip, by the way,” she said, as she adjusted the wig and gave it a good brushing. “You’ve probably noticed that women wave their hands around a lot more than men. We use them to emphasise what we’re saying, I suppose, but it’s also because we don’t have pockets in our skirts and dresses to stick them in. So cock your wrists.”
I did so and immediately recognised the femininity of the gesture. I remembered Josie’s instructions when she and Tom took me out to the restaurant as Daisy.
“Then hold your hands up and out for balance and move them around a lot for emphasis as you talk. All that, plus your swaying backside, will give a very feminine appearance to all your movements, albeit turned up to eleven, as Arthur says.”
She reached down below the dressing table for a large shoebox.
“And just wait till we get you up on high heels,” she smiled. “If you think your bottom was swaying before, wait till you’re in these babies!”
She drew a handsome pair of black, patent leather, lace-up high-heeled boots from the box. They were ankle height and I was glad to see they had good, solid blocky heels, rather than stilettos.
“Arthur found lace-ups were essential,” Polly said. “Running around the stage in high-heeled slip-ons was just too dangerous. Fortunately you can wear the same shoes throughout the show, and you’ll be able to get all your dresses on and off over them.”
I slipped my nylon-covered feet in, and she began to lace them up.
“I’ll do this for you at the show too,” she said. “I realise you’ll have trouble bending down with your big boobs and tight girdle.”
“Thanks. I can’t even see my feet over my bust, and I don’t think I could get down that low anyway.”
“OK, stand up now, and walk around a little. Tell me how it feels.”
It was amazing. I was obviously a Pantomime Dame and could in no way pass as a real woman off-stage, but I felt totally feminine. With my hands out wide as Polly had advised, and my rear swaying from side to side, I started to believe in myself as Sarah the Cook. On the minus side, I felt fat and old.
“I feel like somebody’s mother,” I said.
She laughed. “That means you’re half-way there. Arthur says that sometimes on stage you can just disappear into the character, almost like an out-of-body experience. Of course, you have to surrender yourself to the role. Forget about Nick for a while and become Sarah. That’s method acting and maybe it sounds silly for a comedy role in a Panto, but you should try to imagine Sarah’s life, her back story, her desires and aspirations.”
“So Sarah is… that is, I am a plump, middle-aged widow, working as a cook and housekeeper for a rich bloke, who I fancy and want to marry…”
“You’re getting it. OK, let’s try some more feminine actions. Take hold of your skirt in both hands and lift it, as though you were climbing stairs or negotiating a puddle.”
I did so, and received more flushes of female feelings.
“Now let’s try a curtsey.”
“I don’t remember a scene where I would have to do that.”
“Don’t you have to acknowledge an order from Alderman Fitzwarren?”
“Oh yes. I suppose it might be appropriate then. I’ll see what Charlie says.”
I tried a curtsey, as instructed. It was more difficult than I expected because of my padding and tight underwear. With some help from Polly I eventually got it.
“That’s good,” she said. “Now you can curtsey at the end of the show when everyone else is bowing.”
* * *
I couldn’t go anywhere dressed as I was, and it wasn’t worth getting changed when I would only have to put all my Sarah clobber back on for the evening’s rehearsal, so I spent the rest of the afternoon pottering around the Whitmores’ house with Polly. She said I could help her with her chores to get into the feminine mindset; maybe explore Sarah’s back story as a housewife. I didn’t think that was likely to help much but I could hardly refuse after her kindness. Also fetching and carrying for Arthur since his accident had left her behind schedule with her housework. So I found myself vacuuming, ironing, and baking mince pies for Christmas. She gave me a frilly bib apron from her Dame accessories to keep the flour off my dress. I was reminded of my mother every time I passed a mirror.
She also gave me a sewing lesson and we sat down together to add some lace and frills to the Principal Girl’s costume. I quite enjoyed that and she said my stitching was the neatest she’d ever seen by a beginner, especially a male beginner.
She also called me Sarah all afternoon, to reinforce my immersion in the role, I suppose. But I couldn’t help remembering what she’d said the previous afternoon about Arthur in lingerie getting her motor running. I really hoped dressing me up as Sarah wasn’t getting her all worked up. It wasn’t that she was unattractive, but that would be a complication I didn’t need right now.
Arthur’s son, Rob, brought him back at about half-past five. He was highly amused to see the strange lady in his mother’s kitchen taking mince pies out of the oven. When he saw it was me in my costume he laughed heartily. I realised this was a precursor of what I would have to put up with from everyone I knew, so I forced myself to laugh with him.
Arthur grumbled something about, “You’ve made him look like a proper woman,” to Polly, but she ignored him.
After Rob had gone, the three of us sat down to soup and sandwiches, then got ready to go to the village hall. Polly produced a suitcase to put my own clothes in.
“I’ll help you change back after the rehearsal,” she said. “We’ll put all of Sarah’s things back in the suitcase afterwards. Then you can practise being her at home if you want. Also I may not always get to the rehearsals, so you’ll need to be able to get into your costume and padding by yourself – well, as much of it as you can manage anyway.”
* * *
When we got to the hall everyone gathered round me and Polly, congratulating her on how well I had turned out.
“She looks great,” said Pete Dobson.
“Well, it’s an old dress of Arthur’s,” said Polly modestly. “We don’t have her proper costume yet, and of course she’ll look much better with make-up on.”
“She’s already much prettier than Arthur was,” said Millie, or maybe it was Lily. I really must work out which of them was which before Opening Night.
Predictably, Arthur scowled. “She’s not supposed to be pretty.”
It didn’t escape my attention that everyone was referring to me as ‘she’. I supposed that could only help me get into character. I would have to get used to it.
“OK, everyone, your attention, please,” called Charlie. “A couple of announcements before we start.”
He read out a rehearsal schedule for the next week. We all took notes. Not unexpectedly I was on call for every evening.
“Act One tonight,” he continued. “We’re going to run all the dialogue, without scripts.”
There were several groans around the room. He turned to me.
“How are you getting on with that, Nick?”
“I think I’ve got my first couple of scenes memorised,” I said nervously.
“Crawler,” someone behind me said, good-naturedly.
“Excellent,” said Charlie. “Keep up the good work.”
He turned back to address the whole group again.
“Finally, I’ve arranged for publicity photos to be taken on Saturday afternoon. It should be fine weather. So I need all the principals to come with their costumes, or as much of them as you have so far. We’ll meet at the Theatre at two o’clock. Go in by the Stage Door. Polly and her team will be in the dressing rooms to do your make-up and help you get presentable. Anyone got a problem with any of that?”
No one objected.
“OK, let’s make a start. We won’t be doing the musical numbers or dances tonight, just the dialogue and moves. Act One, Scene One, beginners, please.”
Joe the Narrator, the Alderman and Alice (who turned out to be Lily, so Millie must be Dick) made their way up the side steps onto the stage. The rest of us settled in canvas chairs round the room. I remembered to sweep my skirt underneath me as I sat down.
“No books, please!” Charlie called.
The Alderman looked guilty and dropped his script on the steps.
* * *
The rehearsal went well. Everyone knew their lines except the Alderman and me, and even I managed quite well for my first two scenes. Arthur had been through all my words with me, suggesting the timing for each joke and pointing out opportunities for comic business. Now I was fully equipped with high heels, skirt, padded bust and bum, I could milk all the innuendo, jiggling my bosom and patting my curly coiffure as a Dame should.
But me not knowing my moves slowed us down. Charlie told me to improvise, and he would only correct me if where I went didn’t fit with how he had blocked out the scene with the rest of the cast. A couple of times he had to tell me to move downstage or upstage or to the left or to the right, and sometimes he had to come up and walk me through a more complicated move.
It was hard work, and Arthur didn’t exactly speed things up with his many ‘helpful’ interjections, but I could hardly object as I had begged him to coach me. Eventually we managed to get through the whole of the first Act in a little under three hours. It should run an hour and a quarter, and we had had to leave out the action scenes which would be choreographed in more detail later.
We called it a day a little after ten, and Polly and I withdrew to the office where she helped me out of my dress and shapewear, and removed my wig.
“I’d better look after this,” she said. “It shouldn’t be packed flat in your case. I’ll bring it back for every rehearsal I can get to – at least until your people get the dresses to us. Then I think all us seamstresses will be working flat out.”
“Yes, I’ll check on their progress tomorrow morning,” I said, taking the gentle hint. “But now I need to go and learn some more lines.”
I put on Nick’s clothes and packed Sarah’s away in the suitcase. Strangely, I was sad to see her disappear. I was already looking forward to becoming her again tomorrow night, when we would do the same for Act Two.
* * *
It was just before nine. I’d tried to get in early, not wanting to give Ruth the opportunity to be rude about my time-keeping again, but I’d been learning lines till one o’clock in the morning, and I struggled to get up any earlier.
“Well, if it isn’t Dame Sarah,” she said, when I got into the office the following morning. “Show us your knickers, love!” she called in a raucous Northern accent.
“They don’t say that in Pantos,” I said primly. “Such language isn’t suitable for kids.”
She snorted. She clearly still resented Eddy and I excluding her from what she thought would have been a fun evening, and her sense of humour still hadn’t rebooted. We couldn’t work together like this. It didn’t seem fair, but I would have to apologise. Now might be the best opportunity as Vicky wasn’t in yet.
“Look I’m sorry I didn’t invite you to the Club for Open Mic Night,” I began. No need for her to know there had been several Open Mic Nights. “But I had a good reason.”
“Oh?” Snort.
“Yes. It started on my brother’s Stag do,” I blundered on. “You and I hadn’t even met then. We all did stand-up on a Club Open Mic Night, and the manager suggested I had another go. I agreed but I thought I’d probably be crap, and I didn’t want anybody to see that, except Tom and Josie.”
“What about Eddy?”
“Well he knew about it because he’d started hanging out with us at the Club by then.”
“And you turned out to be good enough for Charlie to invite you to take over as Dame?”
“Er, yes.”
“Why didn’t he ask any of the other amateur comics at the Club?”
“Maybe he did. He never said I was his first choice.”
This was getting to be kind of fun. Maybe I could have a go at improv?
“But why would he think you’d be any good in drag?” Ruth said, apparently still unconvinced.
“Dunno, but a panto dame isn’t a drag queen. Anyway people say I’m a little… androgynous.”
She stared at me closely.
“Yeah, I can see that. That’s why Eddy wanted to hang out with you, of course.”
“What? You mean he thought I was gay?”
“Yes, and that’s why you haven’t seen as much of him socially since he found out you weren’t. And why you’ve seen more of me… as it were.”
“OK, well how about dinner tonight, to celebrate us being friends again?” Was that a smile? “Oh wait, I can’t. I’ve got a rehearsal – and lines to learn.”
The smile vanished, if it had ever been there.
“Rain check?” I asked hopefully.
“Until after the Panto, you mean?” she said scornfully. “I don’t think so, posh boy. Or maybe I should start calling you ‘posh girl’ considering how you’re spending your time off now.”
“Please don’t.”
“I think I’ll ask Charlie if I can come and watch one of your rehearsals…”
Christ, no!
“Anyway, I’ve already explained why you and I can’t be seen out together. It would be bound to get back to Eddy’s parents and then we’d be in big trouble.”
“Well, let’s hope takes off soon and you can be independent. Talking of which, how are the Dame dresses coming?”
“Good question,” she said, reverting to her business-like self. “Vicky and I have finished all the programming. Let’s go down to the cowshed and see how they’re getting on with setting up the fabrication.”
When we got down there, Eddy was lying underneath one of the cutting machines grunting, and Mike was tapping away at the control console. He waved when he saw us.
“Eddy thinks he’s found the alignment fault. These are old second-hand machines, as you know, and one of the bolts that holds the platen to the table had worked loose. That may have been all it was. He’s tightening it now. Then we’re going to try making your first day dress.”
He turned back to the console monitor.
“The suppliers delivered all the material late yesterday afternoon,” Ruth said, “and we did all the dyeing we needed to do last night. The cloth should be dry by now.”
“We’ll do one run with our cheap test material,” said Mike, “but we won’t know whether it’s working properly until we try it with the real fabric. This scrap stuff we use for testing has a completely different thickness and weave.”
The grunting stopped and Eddy emerged, looking a little greasy and dishevelled.
“OK, Mike, try it now.” He saw us and called, “Hey, you two – great timing! You’re about to see us make our first successful garment.”
He made his way to the washbasin in the little kitchenette we’d installed and started scrubbing his hands and arms with industrial cleanser. He usually had to do this several times a day as oily machines and fine ladies’ frocks don’t mix.
“He’s been saying that all week,” Ruth said dubiously.
But Eddy was right this time, at least for the cutting process. The design of the dress was fairly simple but still required three pieces to be cut. As each piece came off, he gave it a cursory inspection then transferred it to the fabrication machine which would stitch the pieces together according to the pattern.
“This is the tough part,” he explained. “I put each piece on this plate here and Mike enters its ID number. The machine then ‘knows’ where it should go and how to stitch it to the other pieces. In this test run we’re using just one cheap fabric, but we could use several different materials. We’ll have to do that for you, ‘cause Pantomime Dame dresses are always bright colours and bizarre patterns.”
“Don’t you have to put each piece on the platen in a particular position?” I asked.
“No,” Ruth explained, “you only have to get it roughly right. The software running the machine knows the shape of the piece and how to align it on the fabrication bed for stitching to the other pieces. This is how we’ll make the more complicated dresses which use several fabrics in different colours and patterns.”
When Mike entered the ID number of each piece, the machine hummed and a roller started up and moved the cloth into position. When all three pieces had been added, everyone crossed their fingers and Mike pressed the ‘Go’ button. Immediately two robot arms swung around. Each one grasped a piece of cloth and held it in position in two places along its length. The arms moved together, then a third arm with an attachment that looked like a sewing machine dropped down and started stitching. The whole thing was blindingly fast.
“Wow!” I said. “It’s quick.”
“Yes,” Ruth agreed. “You can see why we need to get some sort of conveyor belt to move the cut pieces from the cutter to the fabricator. As it is, the human interaction there slows the process right down. If we could automate the interface, we could speed everything up dramatically. The operator would only be needed to monitor the process and throw the stop switch if something goes wrong. We should be able to make literally hundreds of dresses a day – all computer-controlled, and with no limit on the number or variety of designs.”
This was why I wanted to invest in Ruth and Eddy had real vision. They could make a fortune with this…
“Here you are, Dame Sarah,” said Eddy, thrusting the test dress in my arms, a stupid grin all over his face.
“Gosh, my first dress!” I smiled.
“But not your last,” Ruth chuckled, examining the garment closely. “It’s perfect, Eddy, not a flaw anywhere. Let’s do the real thing now. Then Nick can take it over to Polly.”
“Wouldn’t you like to try it on?” said Eddy. There was a little sparkle in his eye.
“Not much point really,” I said, “not without all my padding.”
Eddy looked a little disappointed. He and Mike went over to their stock room to get the bolts of cloth they would need for Sarah’s first day dress.
“What a relief!” Ruth said after they’d gone.
She displayed one of her rare smiles. It lit up her entire face. She went from being merely beautiful in an austere way, like a marble statue, to seriously attractive.
“We’ve actually had a handful of other enquiries come in via the website,” she went on, interrupting my train of thought (and just as well too), “but we’ve got to prioritise your dresses because of the tight deadline. We really needed Eddy and Mike to crack this so we can get on with serving new customers.”
* * *
The team worked solidly through the day and by mid-afternoon had finished four dresses to the basic pattern – my first and second Act day dresses, and two kitchen outfits. I would take those over to Polly before going on to today’s rehearsal.
“So that’s all the simple stuff done,” said Ruth.
The team were celebrating. We were enjoying a special afternoon tea of sticky buns and sparkling wine – my treat.
“So we have your nightdress and ballgown still to do,” Ruth continued. “We can adapt our mermaid dress for the gown, but we need a decision regarding the nightie.”
“What decision?”
“If you remember, I suggested you might go with a baby doll – funny and sexy.”
“Arthur won’t like it,” I said. I wasn’t at all sure I wanted to parade in front of hundreds of people in such a feminine garment. “And I really don’t want to have to shave my legs.”
“But Charlie is the director, and he sounded all in favour, and Polly will provide you with long bloomers or directoires knickers, won’t she? You won’t have to get rid of any body hair, except maybe below the knees.” She grinned wickedly. “Though it wouldn’t do you any harm to get your legs waxed and see what real women have to put up with.”
“Hard pass on that one.”
“Of course, if you’re wearing a baby doll nightie, you’ll probably need a negligée as well. Ask Polly if she has a suitable one, because we’ll have to choose the colour and fabric for the baby doll to match it.”
It seemed as though the decision had been taken regarding my nightie.
* * *
As it happened, today’s rehearsal was to start early as the primary school children were coming in straight from school to rehearse the rats’ scenes. They were doing the Act One town square scene first, then the climactic scene in the Sultan’s palace where Tommy kills King Rat. The bedroom scene only involved the Alderman, Idle Jack and me. It was fairly simple, so Charlie decided to leave that till last. That way if they ran out of time and the kids had to go home, we could work on one of my other scenes.
As I wasn’t in the Town Square scene I didn’t have to be there early. So I called Polly and told her I would come over with the four dresses we had made that day. She was delighted but insisted on checking them before mobilising her team of seamstresses to add all the accessories. I therefore had to put on my shapewear in her back room again and get ready for more costume fittings. The fit was perfect and Polly was very pleased.
“As long as the other two are as good as these, you can tell Ruth that we’ll come to her for all our costumes from now on,” she said. “LADS do four shows a year at the Victoria Little Theatre, one for each season, plus an open-air Shakespeare in the Palace Gardens. They won’t all require anything as elaborate as the Panto, but we often do period dramas and our choices are constrained by the cost and time required for making costumes. If your company can make the basic clothes this quickly, that will expand our range.”
“That’s fantastic,” I said. “Ruth also mentioned that she wanted to talk about the possibility of the ladies in your team working with us on the more elaborate dresses we sell. You know, the accessories and frilly bits – pardon my technical jargon – that we can’t make with our machines.”
“I’ll ask the girls next time we’re all together. Some of them might well be interested.”
“Oh, and she wanted me to ask you about the nightdress…”
Polly thought the Dame in a baby doll would be an absolute hoot and quickly dismissed any objections Arthur might raise.
“I’ve got a negligée that he wore in Panto a couple of years ago,” she said happily. “If Ruth can make a shortie nightie to match it, that would be wonderful. I’ve got a nice pair of lacy bloomers you can wear under it to keep you decent, but they only come down to the knees, so we’ll have to shave your legs. I’ll do it for you, if you like. It’s not as easy as you might expect. You’ll probably cut yourself several times if you try.”
* * *
Still in my rehearsal outfit of shapewear and an old dress, I helped Polly get Arthur’s wheelchair into the van and we all went on to the rehearsal together. Arthur made his usual interjections but on the whole it quite well. The children were getting tired by the time we got to the bedroom scene, but they loved acting with a man in a dress and they seemed to wake up. The highlight was me standing up on the bed, screaming, with my dress up around my waist, my underwear on full view, while the little rats ran around me squealing.
Afterwards, I grabbed a quick word with Charlie.
“Ruth wants to know if she can come along to watch a rehearsal…”
“Sure, why not?” he said. “We encourage people to get involved with LADS. That’s how we keep the membership fresh and growing.”
“I told her you wouldn’t allow it.”
“You mean you fancy her rotten and you don’t want her to see you pretending to be a comic middle-aged woman?”
“No, no, it’s not that…” I protested, astonished at Charlie’s sharp insight.
“OK, Nick, I’ll be the bad guy for you,” he laughed. “Tell her that it’s a strict LADS policy not to allow members of the public to see us in rehearsal. She’ll just have to buy a ticket like everyone else. She’ll see you being Sarah eventually anyway though, won’t she?”
“But by then I might actually be good at it, and I won’t feel such a fool.”
* * *
The rest of the week saw more rehearsals, more lines learning, and more costume fittings – still behind closed doors; I never let anyone at see me en femme.
On Saturday we prepared to do the publicity shots in full dress and make-up. I was terrified of being seen out in public in full Sarah mode, not to mention being photographed and my picture appearing in the local press. But I had made my bed and was now going to have to lie in it. The only way to escape total humiliation was to be a very, very good Dame. As Polly had said, I would have to embrace it and not let anyone see I was afraid of making a fool of myself.
I had to be at the theatre an hour before everyone else so Polly could put together a suitable costume and do my wig and make-up. Her team hadn’t finished with the accessories for any of the dresses we had produced, so I would have to wear an old dress of Arthur’s. She had brought several along to try, so I struggled into my shapewear and we tried each one. Eventually she chose a gaudy yellow bell-shaped dress with diamond cross-hatching in red and orange tones. It had a lace-up bodice which Polly tightened as much as she could. This pushed my bust up dramatically to form a great round shelf almost under my chin.
The dress came down to mid-calf and I wore a pair of red and yellow striped tights underneath it. At least I wouldn’t get too cold standing around outside in the bright November afternoon sun. By now I was used to my high heels and my big padded bra, not to mention the feminine stance and mannerisms that went with them.
I wore a curly blonde wig which Polly had styled into pigtails wrapped around lengths of stiff wire, so that they stuck out at silly angles. She crammed a ridiculous yellow chef’s hat down on top of it all to indicate that Sarah was the Cook. The impression was reinforced by a big lacy pinny. With the over-the-top make-up she had developed that first afternoon I realised, to my relief, that I would be unrecognisable as Nick Rawlinson.
The photo shoot took over an hour, during which time we were all standing around outside the theatre, smiling and waving at passers-by. I had to be in most of the photos, so I didn’t have the chance to get too cold. Inevitably, Charlie selected one of me with Dick and Idle Jack for the posters which would appear all over town.
* * *
Early the following week delivered my ballgown and my baby doll nightie, which was ridiculously revealing.
“I can’t wait to see you in that, posh girlie,” she said. “We’ve got our tickets for the Friday night. I think I’ll ask Polly if I can have it back afterwards. Then you can wear it just for me in the privacy of my bedroom.”
“You’re weird,” I said. “You do realise it’s just a part in a play, don’t you? It’s all make-believe.”
“I don’t think I’m the only one who’s weird. Anyway, that’ll be the only way you’ll get in my bedroom again.”
* * *
Polly’s team finished their work on my costumes in plenty of time. The basic dresses were now much more elaborate, with aprons and bodices and frills everywhere. They also provided petticoats and crinolines, stockings and knickers. Just trying on my outfits and learning to move in them was becoming a full-time job.
The baby doll nightie with matching negligée and bloomers was utterly outrageous. I would have another wig with curlers in it and a sleeping bonnet on top. The whole outfit was completely over-the-top and I fully expected gasps of astonishment and howls of laughter when I appeared in it. Oh well, that’s Panto.
* * *
And as the hectic rehearsal period continued, and opening night drew inexorably closer, a strange thing happened. Sarah started to come alive in me. At times she seemed to take me over completely. My movements around the stage became more feminine. When I was at home or in the office, and wearing my usual clothes, I found myself sweeping my non-existent skirt under me as I sat down. My speech patterns, based on Sarah’s lines which I now knew by heart, were those of a middle-aged woman. I was becoming a method actor.
The team must have noticed me walking funny and several times I only just stopped myself calling someone ‘Dearie’ or ‘Sweetie’. I definitely did call out ‘Hello, boys and girls’ as I went into the cowshed one morning. Eddy and Mike looked at me nervously, but we all laughed it off. If Ruth had been there, she would never have let me hear the end of it.
More worryingly, I found I now had Sarah’s entire life story in my head, updated to the 21st century. I ‘remembered’ being a little girl in a poor family; leaving school at fifteen and working in a bakery; marrying young and having two sons who joined the navy, and whom I never saw; and becoming a widow in my early forties.
None of this was anywhere in the script, and it was obviously silly to imagine a back story for such a grotesque comic creation, but it helped me to ‘find’ the character on stage, and even if it was a comedy role it would make my performance ‘truthful’. Charlie complimented me on how well I was doing and even Arthur mumbled a few guarded words of praise.
But what would become of me – the Sarah me – when this was all over?
After the Pantomime
By Susannah Donim
A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick.
Chapter 5 – The Panto
Sarah the Cook starts to take over – and who is Auntie Elsie?
The last two weeks of rehearsals went like a flash – literally so, as every time I was in costume someone from the Society seemed to be taking photos. ‘For publicity,’ they kept saying.
We all knew our lines by now (well, mostly) and knew our moves (well, approximately). A lady who taught dance drama at the local college helped with the musical numbers and dances, but the cast’s two-left-feetedness still drove Charlie demented right up to the dress rehearsal. I was lucky not to be involved, as I can’t sing a note and couldn’t be trusted to dance in high heels anyway.
We wouldn’t be able to get into the theatre until the Sunday before we opened, as the previous show, a zany farce called Up the Bridal Path set among the county horsey set, didn’t vacate the premises until two hours after their last performance on the Saturday, which would be well past midnight. Our stagehands had built all our sets in workshops lent to them by the various local businesses who sponsored us, but they couldn’t start assembling them in the theatre until seven a.m. on Sunday morning.
Then they had until lunchtime, when the cast and orchestra arrived for the Tech Run. This was a full run-through in costume but concentrating on lights, sound and the special effects – like the Bow Bells, and making the Fairy and King Rat appear and disappear in puffs of smoke. The Tech Run is invariably fraught with tension as things rarely go according to plan. Sometimes the techies have to improvise solutions to problems they could never have anticipated. The evening would be reserved for the Dress Run, which was positively the last rehearsal before opening night.
The cast all had to be at the theatre by eleven, to get into costume and make-up. We needed to be ready in case the stage team managed to finish early. I was very pleased to have the star dressing room, but when I went in, I soon saw why it was necessary.
Polly was already there and had laid out everything we needed for Sarah. My three wigs on their stands took pride of place on the dressing table, the rest of which was cluttered by boxes of stage make-up. A rack of dresses and petticoats filled the middle of the room. Bras, panty-girdles, bloomers and stockings were laid out on a long table against the opposite wall, on which Polly had hung our publicity shots and the photos that everyone had been taking throughout rehearsals. I was the only one in costume, so you had to look quite carefully to see that I wasn’t just a fat middle-aged actress rehearsing with the rest of the cast.
Next to them was a cardboard mount with photos and programmes from previous LADS productions.
“Arthur always liked me to put them up in his dressing room,” she said, when she saw me staring at them. “He said it made him feel part of the great theatrical tradition.” She looked bereft for a moment. “Silly old fool!” she sniffed.
“Hey, he’ll be back next year,” I said, touching her shoulder. “He won’t be able to stay away.”
“You’re probably right,” she said, and managed a smile. “Come on, let’s get you ready, love.”
* * *
The first problem we encountered at the Tech Run wasn’t of a technical nature at all. By noon Joe the Narrator hadn’t turned up. At 11.30 Charlie started making frantic phone calls to him and to everyone Charlie could think of who might know him. Nobody had a clue where he was.
By half-past twelve the set was finished and the stage crew were starting to get fidgety. It would be a long day for most of them. So Charlie decided we’d have to make a start. He would read the Narrator’s part. When he did, we all realised why he had chosen to focus on directing. He was flat and limp and completely tone deaf to the jokes. His direction was the epitome of ‘Do as I say; don’t do as I do’. If he had to play the part for real, the show would be off to a dreadful start. The rest of us would have to spend the next hour working to rescue it.
But after the Narrator’s opening monologue the Tech Run went reasonably smoothly. There were a few scenes, especially those with the Bow Bells and on board the Saucy Sal, where the set didn’t perform quite as expected, or the Stage Manager didn’t bring the sounds and the lights in on cue. The storm in the second Act didn’t work the first time. The crew struggled to synchronise the thunder, lightning and the sound of the rain, and the ship’s rocking was unconvincing. But they assured us that these problems were quite normal and exactly what the Tech Run was designed to sort out. We had to run through each of those scenes three or four times, and there was a ten-minute hiatus while the crew secured the rocking ship more securely to the revolving platform.
Our primary school kids provided audience participation when they weren’t on stage being rats. After they had been warned not to do Pete and me any permanent damage, the four of them picked to join in the kitchen custard pie fight had great fun. We had to stand very still, and in some cases bend down a little, to make sure the kids had easy targets for their pies.
The Tech Run was also our first real opportunity to check whether my various costume changes could be accomplished in the time available. We had discovered earlier that a couple of them would be tight, so Polly requested that those be done backstage rather than in my dressing room, which was downstairs and two or three minutes away. So I would now be parading in my bra and bloomers in front of the stagehands. I just hoped they would be professional about it.
So could I change in and out of my elaborate costumes in time? Polly was amazing. For each change I made my way to her in the dark, clambering over ropes and stage weights behind the backdrop, to our corner, which was lit by a small desk lamp, shaded so that its light didn’t shine towards the stage. She had a printed list of the dresses and accessories required for each scene and had arranged everything I needed in the correct order on a trestle table. She must have worked incredibly hard to organise this. Before I had got my breath back from the previous scene, she was already removing my hat and gloves, and unzipping my dress.
While I was standing there in my shift, bloomers and petticoat, she inspected me to make sure everything was in order for the next dress. I stepped into it; she zipped it up; and I sat down for her to renew my make-up. Frequently she would have to dab away the sweat first.
As we were only yards away from the ongoing scene and separated from it by only a few millimetres of painted canvas, everything had to be done in complete silence as well as semi-darkness.
The Tech Run finished at about half-past four and Charlie declared a welcome break for rest and refreshment. He warned us all to be back and in costume by six for make-up, and ready to start the Dress Run at six-thirty. In the meantime he would drive round to Joe’s place and find out what had happened to him.
* * *
At a little after six most of us in the cast were sitting in the stalls with cups of tea. A stagehand was lecturing us on where to stand when the wooden and cardboard Saucy Sal was bucking up and down prior to its sinking. The excited Year 3 kids were up on the stage running round, getting in everyone’s way, and learning new swear words from the frustrated stage crew (which they would later try out on their parents to receive a well-deserved clip round the ear).
Charlie returned looking haggard. We welcomed the interruption, until he revealed what he had found out.
“There was no one in at Joe’s but a neighbour told me he and his wife were at the hospital so I rushed round there. Apparently, he’d been putting up Christmas decorations at work and fell off the ladder. He landed badly and has broken several bones. He’s out.”
We all expressed our sympathy for Joe and promised to go and see him in hospital as soon as possible.
“You’ll have to do his monologue, Charlie,” said Alderman Fitzwarren.
“I can’t! I’m not a performer. The Narrator opens the show. If he’s rubbish it gets the whole thing off to a dreadful start.”
Secretly we were all glad he’d realised that.
“But there’s no one else,” said Pete. “Can we do without it?”
Charlie was looking at me.
“Well, yes, I suppose we could do,” he said, “but how about we merge it in with another piece that’s spoken directly to the audience?”
Everyone else was looking at me now. For some reason I felt that my bra was digging into my shoulder blades a bit more fiercely, and my girdle felt tighter.
“Well,” I began, “I suppose I could do his lines and combine them with introducing myself as Sarah then, rather than later on. We could just move that section up to the opening. It would shorten my piece in front of the curtain after the Town Square scene, which might make changing the scenery a bit tight. I could add in a few more gags there if they need more time. Give me a minute with a script and a pencil, and we can try it out…”
* * *
We started the Dress Run at about ten to seven. The house lights went down. I stepped through the curtains and was immediately dazzled by a spotlight focusing on me. I couldn’t see the audience clearly but it looked like there were more occupied seats than I had expected. I began the opening patter.
“Oh, hello, boys and girls,” I began, in a loud voice full of excitement and bonhomie. “How are you all? Are you having a good time?”
I paused for some audience reaction. The other cast members and the kids and whoever else was out there called out ‘yes’.
“Pardon?” I said, my hand to my ear. “I asked, are you having a good time?”
They all answered ‘Yes’ more loudly.
“Why? What are you doing?” I said, which raised a few proper laughs. Ken Dodd, thou shouldst be living at this hour.
The Narrator’s role – now mine – was a bit like a warm-up man in a studio recording of a sitcom. I had to set the tone for the show with a few corny jokes, some topical references, some rude remarks about people coming from nearby towns (Saffron Walden and Bury St Edmunds bore the brunt), and instructions to turn mobile phones off. It seemed to be going quite well.
“Sorry, I should have introduced myself,” I continued. “I’m Sarah the Cook; well, I say Cook. Actually, I seem to do everything for Alderman Fitzwarren.” I paused and gave my audience a suggestive look. “Sometimes I think he takes advantage of me. Anyway, he loves my dumplings.”
I paused again on that line. This was the moment to do something exaggeratedly feminine. I folded my arms under my bust, hitched up my bosom, tossed my head and primped my hairdo. The tiny audience managed a few good-natured chuckles. Whoever was out there – friends of Charlie’s? – had obviously been primed to react to give the cast a bit of a lift. Otherwise the Dress Rehearsal can feel a bit flat.
“Well, he’s a widower,” I continued, “and my husband died a little while ago.” I gave a little, theatrical sob. “I nursed him in his last illness. I used to rub grease all over his back to make him feel better. It didn’t seem to help. He went downhill really fast.”
I paused again to give them time to get the joke. Now for a barrage of one-liners.
“He always used to help me in the kitchen. He had a black belt in cooking. He could kill you with one chop.” Beat. “We had a very happy married life. Mind you, I was naïve and innocent when we met. I used to think Coq au Vin was making love in a lorry.
“I remember one of the last things my husband said to me before he died. What are you doing with that hammer?” Beat. “He came to a sad end. He fell into a huge vat of granulated coffee. It was a terrible way to go but at least it was instant.”
The unseen spectators were chuckling heartily now. I felt encouraged. They’d obviously heard all the jokes many times, but they seemed to appreciate my delivery.
“Ooh, I’m so tired today,” I continued. “I’m absolutely knickered.” I turned sideways, as though talking to someone in the wings. “No, dear - knickered. My breath’s coming in short pants.”
I puffed and blew a little to fit the line. I was fully proficient in feminine phrasing and mannerisms by now. I gripped myself around the torso and panted some more.
“I’ve been trying to lose some weight,” I said. I turned sideways and stuck my chest and bottom out. “Can you tell?” My vision had adjusted to the light now. I caught the eye of one of the girls in the audience – Millie, I think. “Don’t you dare!”
“I’ve always been a big girl,” I sighed theatrically. “In fact, everyone in my class at school was enormous. They had to stop us doing cross country running because we dented a viaduct.” A couple of people laughed out loud at that one. “So I’m wearing my ‘Harvest Festival’ corset today – all is safely gathered in.”
Another pause to leer at any older ladies there might be in the audience.
“Well I have to go now, but I’ll check back with you later on to make sure you’re keeping up. Tell you what – could you say hello when you see me? When I come on, I’ll say, ‘Hello, boys and girls’, and you say, ‘Hello, Sarah!’ as loud as you can. Shall we try it?’
I paused to get some audience reaction. There were some cheerful grunts.
“Hello, boys and girls!” I yelled.
“Hello, Sarah!” they shouted back.
“Sorry? Did you say something?” I said. “I thought I heard a soft whisper on the wind. Come on, you can do better than that! Hello, boys and girls!”
“Hello, Sarah!” they yelled, much louder.
“Mm, all right, but try to do better next time! I’ll see you all later. Now – welcome to Old London Town…”
I stepped back into the wings as the curtains opened. I was followed by flashes. Someone was taking photographs again.
* * *
The first Act ran fairly smoothly apart from a few instances of forgotten lines, Alderman Fitzwarren being the main culprit. I fluffed a couple but improvised my way out. I think Charlie was the only one who noticed. At both the Tech Run and the Dress I had to mime throwing sweets out to the audience from my mixing bowl – the LADS budget didn’t run to any additional goodies for rehearsals – but I didn’t expect that to be a challenge on the night.
My action scenes were still a worry. My next was the bedroom strip-tease with the little rats running around me as I was stripping off my day dress and getting into my all-too-revealing nightie. But we had practised that often enough that it actually went smoothly. There was more flash photography but I was getting used to it by now and barely noticed.
My last scene of the Act was in the kitchen. We’d only done the custard pie fight with actual crazy foam once before, when we discovered that the cardboard plates became slightly heavier and more unwieldy when loaded, so the choreography needed a little tuning. Also if the stuff gets in your eyes, it doesn’t hurt, but you do have to pause to clear your vision. So we had to adjust the timing slightly whenever either of us scored a direct hit. We were confident that the audience’s laughter would cover any pauses for wiping down.
We called for four more volunteers from the rat pack and Alice and Tommy went down into the stalls to pick them. It was actually quite hard to tell the boys from the girls in their little rat costumes. We hoped that wouldn’t be a problem on the night, but these days who knew?
Anyway they had a great time smothering us and each other in foam. This part couldn’t be choreographed, of course, so it was all improvised, which put an additional load on me and Pete. We had to referee the fight; arm our little guests with pies; and take a few more hits ourselves; all while stopping them from actually killing each other.
After about five minutes of this mayhem Pete blew a whistle and he and I wiped the kids down. On the night we would also hand out the sweeties and the paper towels. And that was the end of Act One.
Charlie didn’t want to interrupt the flow of the performance, so I didn’t get any feedback on whether my opening was OK till we broke for the interval. He and Arthur approached while I was relaxing in the stalls with Pete and Polly. My voluminous skirts and petticoats overflowed the seats. I was wondering who the mysterious strangers in the audience were, and where they had gone, because they weren’t in evidence now.
“Your opening was fine, Nick,” Charlie said. “We’ll go with that if you’re OK with it.”
“Not much bloody choice now,” said Arthur in his usual cheery manner. “This production’s doomed. These things happen in threes, you know. Who’s next for the broken bones? You’d better be careful in those high heels, young Nick.”
“Yes, thank you, Arthur,” Charlie and I said in unison. We grinned at each other.
“I’m just saying…”
“Oh, shut up, Arthur,” said Polly. “Not everyone’s as superstitious as you, you know. In fact, I’ll go the whole hog and wish you all good luck for the week.”
The old thespians all looked at her in horror. Wishing an actor good luck before a performance was the ultimate bad luck.
“Well, I’m not saying ‘break a leg’,” she said. “There’s been enough of that already.”
“OK, gather round, everyone,” called Charlie. “Just a few notes from the first Act, then we can get on with the second. Firstly the ‘London Town’ song in the opening scene. That was probably the best you’ve ever done it, but a couple of people were still singing flat. If you can’t keep in tune, for God’s sake, mime…”
* * *
It was after half-past eight when we began the second Act, which opens on the docks. Because of the rat infestation the Alderman needs supplies from Morocco to sell in the store and he hires the Saucy Sal. For some reason, he decides to join the ship himself and brings his daughter Alice along as well, which of course makes no sense at all.
They bring their servants with them too: Idle Jack and me as the Ship’s Cook. This gave me an opportunity for another costume: my girly sailor suit, a short Navy Blue dress with white piping along the collar sleeves and hem. Of course, because it was short, I had to wear yet another pair of bloomers in matching Navy Blue. These came down to just below the knee, with elastic and lace around their leg holes. The lower half of my shaved legs were in full view. The costume reminded me of an old-fashioned bathing beauty outfit. I felt like a sex object. There was a matching bonnet, like a mob cap, also in Navy Blue with white piping.
In this scene everything is haste and confusion as the Captain and his First Mate want to sail with the tide. There was very little dialogue, just lots of tricky choreography with sailors – the chorus boys and girls – running round carrying the ship’s supplies, bumping into each other, dropping boxes on each other’s feet, and so on. We principals had to do much the same, scurrying around each other, having lots of near accidents. Hopefully it would be very funny. The scene ended with me, Idle Jack and the Alderman telling lots of old, off-colour nautical gags before boarding at the last minute.
In the midst of all this confusion, unbeknownst to the rest of us but hopefully very obvious to the audience, Dick Whittington and Tommy the Cat stow away too, in search of fame and fortune.
The second Act went well. The storm special effects were excellent now. The ship rocked alarmingly; we threw ourselves from side to side like Kirk and Spock on the Enterprise. It was so unsteady we hardly needed to act at all, and I was the most off balance in my high-heeled boots. We sank with all hands, as planned. The ‘Under the Sea’ scene in Davy Jones’ locker was spooky and could frighten some of the little ones, so Idle Jack and I had some swimming gags to lighten the mood.
After the technical challenges of the ship and the storm, the scenes in Morocco were relatively easy. I had another costume change for the street encounter in which I try to seduce the Alderman, and he accidentally rips my dress off. Down to my old-fashioned frilly underwear, I scream and run off stage squealing. The Alderman chases after me with my dress. Well, he has to marry me now, doesn’t he?
Then into the Sultan’s palace where Tommy kills all the little rats and Dick kills the big one. The Sultan gives him half his kingdom and offers him his daughter’s hand in marriage, but Dick will only wed Alice Fitzwarren; and everyone lives happily ever after.
The whole show finished with singing and dancing at the Sultan’s Palace Ball. I was now in my mermaid-style ball gown. This was my most difficult costume. It showed my every feminine curve (all padding of course) and I could hardly move in it. I end up with the Alderman as planned, and we have a little dance duet in which he dips me low. Every time we did it, I prayed that his back would hold out, because if he let go of me, there was no way I could avoid falling on mine.
With just a few minor stoppages it was after half past ten when Charlie called us together for his Second Act notes. We all listened carefully and promised to take his comments on board for opening night. His main instruction was to pick up the pace, or we’d have complaints from parents about keeping the kids up too late.
Overall the amateur cast had shown why LADS was so well-regarded locally, and why they regularly won prizes at drama festivals. I had done my best to rise to their standard.
I never got round to asking Charlie who his guests were.
That night at home I promised myself I would read through all my lines one final time, but I fell asleep half-way through Act One.
* * *
On Monday morning I got an exciting telephone call from Gerry MacAulay, the biochemist working on the new hand-held blood sugar testing device. As planned, they had made arrangements with our local hospital to try out their prototype with their diabetic patients, and had completed the first round of clinical trials, with extremely promising results.
With my help they had approached a bank for full financing. Their start-up venture manager was very impressed and he wanted a meeting this week to discuss contracts. I had pointed out that I couldn’t do an afternoon meeting at their London HQ as I needed to be at the theatre by six o’clock. We were offered early Friday morning. I suggested that we should agree as long as the real decision makers would be attending. Otherwise, as I knew from my time in big firm accountancy, these negotiations could drag on for months. When Gerry mentioned that we were in conversation with other banks they agreed.
This was progress, but it meant that Gerry, his partner, Steve, Will Holford and I would need to spend most of this week preparing. We planned to get together at Will’s office, as he had all the relevant model contracts there, and his firm could make a conference room available all week. We were convening at 10.30, so I called in at before heading off.
Ruth’s office door was partially closed. There was no light on so she was probably out, but there was plenty of natural light in there in the mornings, and I knew she often worked like that to deter visitors and other distractions. She could still hear what was going on outside.
“Hi, Nick! We didn’t expect to see you today,” said Vicky, when I entered the open-plan office.
“I just came round to drop off a copy of our programme. I got them to put in an advert for I took the content off the website. It was all a bit last minute, or I would have checked with Ruth for her input.”
Vicky started thumbing through the programme.
“How did your dress rehearsal go?” she asked.
“Very well,” I said, stretching the truth only slightly. “It’s going to be a great show. Are you coming?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. We’re all going on Friday night. Can’t wait to see you in the dresses we made for you!”
I smiled. “I hope you’re not coming just so you can laugh at me? Like Ruth?”
I turned my head to her office door. No sign of life.
“What? No!” Vicky looked genuinely shocked. “Pantomimes are great fun – and we think you’re amazing!”
I wondered who she meant by ‘we’. I knew she and Mike had started dating.
“I could never get up on stage in front of a lot of strangers,” she continued, “especially… dressed like that. I’d be shell-shocked. Respect!”
“Nice of you to say so,” I smiled. “It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, I think.” I pointed over my shoulder with my thumb. “And her relentless mockery certainly hasn’t made it any easier.”
“Oh, that’s just Ruth. She likes teasing people.” She lowered her voice to a whisper and grinned. “Especially you…”
She found the page with the advert. “Oh, here it is! It’s great – and in full colour too.”
The ad said the same sort of stuff Mo had put on the website; indeed, I’d lifted the content directly from the home page, with the same pictures. “Come to – you can design your own dress, or pick one of our fashionable styles. Choose from our wide range of colours and materials. We can print any pattern or design. Just send us your measurements and we’ll manufacture a unique dress to your exact specifications. Get precisely what you want at a fraction of the price on the high street or anywhere else online.”
“I also got them to put in a credit on the page with the cast list – see there at the bottom.”
“The Dame’s costumes were designed by Arthur and Polly Whitmore, fabricated by, and finished by the LADS wardrobe team,” Vicky read out.
“That was very kind of you, Nick,” said Ruth, emerging from her office. “Every little bit of publicity helps.”
Had she heard what I said? She must have. Oh well, she would know what I thought of her by now. The smell of burning bridges assaulted my nostrils.
“You’ve still got make-up around your eyes and nose, by the way,” she said. “I hope you don’t have any important meetings today.”
I grabbed my handkerchief and started rubbing randomly.
“Here, let me.” She took my handkerchief and held it out. “Spit, sweetie,” she said.
I spat, just like I’d always done when my mother told me to when I was little. It didn’t occur to me to refuse then – or now. She rubbed my face vigorously. I wasn’t looking at Vicky but I could hear her trying to stifle a snigger.
“That’s a little less obvious, but you need cold cream really. Saliva doesn’t work that well on modern cosmetics.”
“Um, thank you,” I mumbled.
“Eddy and I are going on Friday night too,” she said. “Can we come to your dressing room after the show? Maybe buy you a drink? I know we can’t do that on Saturday night. You’ll have the cast party after the show, won’t you?”
“Er, yes, that would be great,” I said. I was anxious to change the subject. “So how are you getting on with those other orders?”
“They’re done and despatched. I’m going to send out an email asking the customers for feedback.”
We all fell silent.
“The website got nearly a hundred hits yesterday,” Vicky said.
“That’s great!”
“None of them turned into orders though,” Ruth said.
“Still…” I said. “Early days.”
“Well, I must be off,” I said. “We have a contracts meeting for the diabetic testing guys. Looks like they may have got more funding.” I turned to go. “I’ll probably be in meetings with them most of this week, so… I may not see you till Friday night.”
I made for the stairs. I sensed Ruth following.
“You know, you really shouldn’t take the things I say so seriously,” she said, quietly.
I turned. “What things?”
But she had gone back into her office and closed the door.
* * *
The rest of the day passed agonisingly slowly. We made good progress at the meeting at Will’s office, but my mind was hardly on contract negotiations. Tonight was opening night! I rushed off to the theatre as soon as I could get away.
Too nervous to eat dinner, I soon found myself in the little dressing room with Polly. She helped me into my padded bra and panty-girdle. Then I pulled a fresh pair of white patterned stockings up my legs and Polly helped me secure them to the girdle’s suspenders.
“Nervous?” she asked.
“As a cat on a hot tin roof,” I said.
She laughed. “Don’t worry. It’s Panto, not Tennessee Williams. Everyone’s here for a laugh and you’re a good stand-up comic, totally at home with an audience. If things go wrong, you’ll improvise something and they’ll love it.”
“I wish I had your confidence.”
“It’s the anticipation; you’ll be fine as soon as you get going.”
I stepped into my frilly bloomers and sat down so that Polly could do up my high-heeled boots. I wriggled into my shift.
With my underwear and padding in place, she began on my wig and make-up; the false eyelashes, heavy eyeshadow, thin arched eyebrows, the rouged cheeks, the bright red lipstick, and the little upturned prosthetic nose, with its own touch of rouge – to suggest a heavy drinker, maybe?
Polly paused to check her work. We both examined my image in the mirror. And slowly the magic started to happen. Sarah came out and looked around her.
I looked from my reflection to Polly’s and back again. I saw two plump, middle-aged ladies, one too heavily made-up. I was over the moon to be one of them.
“What do you think, Sarah?” Polly said.
“It’s fine, sweetie,” I said in Sarah’s voice. “Just darling!”
Polly laughed. I was preening myself, checking my hair and make-up like any matron at the mirror in the Ladies’.
“She’s taken you over, hasn’t she?” Polly said with a smile. “That’s good – it means Nick has gotten out of the way, and you – Sarah – will give a great performance. This always happened with Arthur, though perhaps not as much as this. Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”
“Only in my dreams, lovey.”
“There are other differences too,” she mused. “Arthur’s age and figure meant he had to play the Dame as a roly-poly mum; or Granny in Little Red Riding Hood; or occasionally the stern headmistress type. So there was always a generational gap. The kids saw him as a parent figure. You come across as younger. You could be the cool aunt, younger than their mums and dads, and more fun. Maybe even a big sister.”
I thought about that, and whether it might change my performance. Perhaps in the slapstick scene?
Polly was holding out my petticoat for me to step into. The rustle of nylon was thrilling. Then she was zipping me into my garish day dress and adding a matching ribbon to my hair.
And there I was: Sarah the Cook, ready to go out and kick bottom. I giggled at the excitement to come.
* * *
It was 7.25 on Opening Night. The curtains were still closed. I was standing with Charlie in the wings looking through the little one-way hatch at the audience.
“I thought you said the Monday was usually the worst house, not much more than half full? I can hardly see any empty seats.”
“Word must have got around,” Charlie said.
“The review in tonight’s paper probably helped. It was really good – best we’ve ever had.”
“What review?”
“Oh, didn’t I mention? I invited the staff of the Echo and the Post along to the Dress Run. They brought their families. They had about a dozen kids between them.”
“So that’s who all those extra people were!”
“Yep, and they all had a great time. Most of the kids are going to drag their parents in again later in the week.”
“I didn’t see any of them in the interval.”
“No, I sent them off for free drinks and ice creams in the bar. It was a rehearsal after all. We didn’t want them listening in while we did Notes and fixed problems. It would’ve spoilt the magic. I dare say they rushed off quickly at the end to file their reviews for the morning papers.”
“What did they say?”
“Very enthusiastic. Both singled you out for special praise. ‘Best Dame in years,’ one of them said. Arthur’s fuming.” He chuckled. “Mind you, the amount of our booze they guzzled, the reviews should have been good.”
The house lights dimmed. The buzz of conversation fell to nothing. The opening music started.
“Hey up!” he said. “You ready for the off?”
A spotlight fell on my side of the stage, a couple of feet from my high-heel boots. I stepped out into its glare.
“Oh, hello, boys and girls,” I began, as though surprised to see all those strangers outside my home and place of work. “How are you all? Are you having a good time?”
* * *
It was every bit as wonderful as I’d hoped.
I found out a lot about myself that night. You need to expunge every drop of cynicism from your body to play Panto, especially if you’re the Dame. Panto is all about innocence. Fortunately that message had permeated the minds of our audience, young and old alike, and they had taken it to heart. They laughed loudly at my better one-liners and groaned cheerfully at the corny jokes. They joined in enthusiastically with the calls of ‘Hello, Sarah!’
My early scenes went well. I got a lot of laughs in the bedroom scene. I went behind a screen to take off my day dress (which Polly had unzipped for me just before I entered), and reappeared wearing my skimpy baby doll and frilly bloomers. This was greeted by whoops of surprise and delight from the audience, who had probably never seen a Dame in such a revealing outfit. Not that it actually revealed anything, of course; it was a triumph of titillating design by Polly. The whoops turned to belly laughs when the little rats entered and I jumped squealing onto the bed.
But I’d been dreading the kitchen slapstick scene. I was in now my white Cook’s outfit with long, frilly bib apron and Chef’s hat, which wasn’t going to stay on my head for very long once the custard pies started flying.
“He’s behind you!” the kids all shouted, their excitement, frustration and panic evident in their high-pitched voices.
I whipped round, just in time to see Idle Jack duck behind the table, but of course as Sarah I didn’t see him. I turned quickly back to the front, my skirt and petticoats swishing round with me.
“No, he isn’t!” I yelled at the audience.
Behind me, I knew Pete would have popped up again.
“Yes, he is!” they all yelled, even louder.
I whipped round again. Pete ducked again. I turned back.
“Oh no, he isn’t!” I yelled.
“Oh yes, he is!” they yelled back, as Pete popped up again to make rude gestures to my turned back.
I folded my arms under my enormous fake boobs, and hoisted them up, resulting in two outrageous and dramatic wobbles, which yielded whoops of delight from the audience, though for some reason the laughter from the mums was loudest.
“Now, look, boys and girls…” I went on.
The kids were screaming with laughter now, and their mums and dads were clearly happy that their offspring were happy. I had the audience in the palm of my hand. Time to turn round…
…and receive a custard pie right in the face.
“Why didn’t you warn me?” I squealed, removing my hat and wiping crazy foam from my face. “I thought we were friends!”
“We did!” all the children yelled at once.
“Oh no, you didn’t!”
“Oh yes, we did!”
Pete and I then got into our choreographed custard pie fight. The idea was that I would keep just missing him, and he would connect with a pie in my face or my bottom every time I missed.
Eventually I called a truce and stepped downstage.
“I think I’m going to need some help here,” I said, with a mouthful of crazy foam. “Would any little girls in the audience like to come up here and help me?”
I thought little girls were supposed to be shy? But there were lots of calls of “Me! Me! Me!” – which was a relief. Lily, as Alice Fitzwarren, appeared from the wings stage left and made her way into the stalls. Mindful of her instructions, she picked two hysterical but harmless-looking five-year-olds to come up and throw a custard pie in Idle Jack’s face.
“Hang on,” he said. “That’s not fair! “Would any little boys in the audience like to come up here and help me?”
More cries of “Me! Me! Me!” and Tommy the Cat, appeared from stage right and went down to choose a couple of frantic little boys.
When they got on the stage one of the boys, a ginger-haired little horror, turned to me and said loudly, “Are you a man?” Just as Arthur had predicted.
“Not tonight, sweetie,” I said. “And what’s so great about men anyway?”
The women in the audience gave an almighty cheer.
We got the little ones lined up with their pies and Pete blew his whistle. Five minutes of mayhem ensued. Pete and I tried to make it look like we were dodging but we had to make sure we stood still enough for all of the kids to score at least one hit each. They were just starting to turn on each other when Pete blew his whistle again to signal the end of hostilities. We took our respective little ones by the hand to the front of the stage. Jack led his little boys in a bow, and I and my little girls curtseyed. (They were surprisingly good at that. Do they still teach little girls to curtsey?) The audience clapped and cheered for all they were worth.
We gave the little ones their paper towels and chocolates and Alice and Tommy led them back to their seats and their proud parents. Jack and I waved and retired upstage as the curtains closed and the house lights came up. I was delighted that Charlie and most of the cast came on to congratulate us.
“That was brilliant, Nick, Pete!” said Charlie. “I don’t think I’ve seen the kiddy audience participation bit done better.”
There were cries of “Hear, hear!” and a little round of applause. We thanked them and staggered off to recover and get cleaned up.
Polly gave me a hug when I stumbled into my dressing room, and showed me a copy of the paper with our review in it. It was glowing, to say the least.
“I knew you’d be good,” she said. “They were eating out of your hand – and this is only the first night!”
“Thanks, Polly, but I had no idea it would be such hard work. I’m totally knickered.”
She laughed. “You’re coming down from an adrenaline high. You need to eat something to keep your blood sugar up, and drink to stop yourself getting dehydrated – just like tennis players do between sets.”
She handed me a banana and a weak orange squash.
“I couldn’t do this without you,” I said, honestly. “You couldn’t put a drop of Scotch in that, could you?”
“I certainly couldn’t, you naughty girl! Now come on, let’s get your dress off. The interval’s half over.”
* * *
In the second Act the docks, ship and underwater scenes all went well. The technical problems were all behind us, it seemed.
After the interval I didn’t have so much to do in Act Two, just a little two-hander joking with Idle Jack and my futile attempt to seduce Alderman Fitzwarren, which led to him accidentally ripping my dress off. Most of the drama was with Dick, Alice and King Rat.
So we made it to the end unscathed. As we came on to take our bows, the audience showed their appreciation. We came on in little groups or pairs, according to our significance. First the chorus boys and girls; the Captain and the First Mate; then the Alderman paired with the Sultan. King Rat and the rat kids came on next. Roddy pranced around menacingly, scowling and hissing at the audience, who cheered and booed him delightedly.
Pete and I came on together next and the cheers got louder. Pete bowed and I curtseyed, of course. Some of the audience actually leapt to their feet clapping and cheering. We separated and dropped back to let Dick and Alice come on last. The applause that greeted them didn’t sound as loud, but I’m probably biased.
We took three curtain calls. I was in seventh heaven.
* * *
Having had only a banana since lunchtime I was starving, so after Polly had helped me change back to Nick, we met up with Arthur and Charlie and went to a local Indian restaurant that stayed open late. There was an inevitable post-mortem on the evening’s performance. Charlie admitted that he was pleased, but still not satisfied. There were still areas where we could be slicker, more professional, he said, and the pace was still too slow in places, but – he admitted – not in any of my scenes. If anything, I could slow down a little.
Arthur had a quite different, but familiar, point to make.
“You’re still not really a Dame,” he grumbled. “I’ve watched the whole show three times in the last two days, and you get more feminine every time.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?” asked Polly. “Tonight’s audience clearly loved him. He’s holding up a mirror to all our feminine foibles – but not in a nasty way. The women in the audience were in fits…”
“But the Dame isn’t supposed to be a Drag Queen,” he spluttered. “In fact, it’s worse than that. You’re doing female impersonation. It’s only your masculine voice that gives away that you’re a man at all!”
He was getting worked up. Maybe his leg was hurting, but I knew he felt strongly about this. Charlie and Polly tried to argue with him, but I interrupted.
“No, Arthur’s right,” I said. They all looked at me, surprised. “I’ve taken it too far. Quite honestly, I don’t know what Sarah is now. She’s not a Drag Queen, I hope, but she’s certainly not a traditional Pantomime Dame.”
Arthur looked a little mollified.
“But I’m afraid I don’t think I can change anything now. I can only do it like I did tonight. It was comfortable; anything else would be too much of a strain.”
“Quite right,” insisted Charlie. “Don’t even think of doing anything different. It would put everyone else off, for a start.”
“Maybe I’ve invented a new type of Pantomime Dame,” I suggested, not too seriously.
“Don’t give yourself airs,” Arthur snorted. “There’s plenty tried to do it like that. It’s still not right.”
“And when did you last get a standing ovation, Mr Gloomy Guts?” asked Polly.
If she were only thirty years younger…
* * *
The rest of the week followed Monday’s pattern: hard work with Gerry, Steve and Will during the day; mad panic at the theatre to get ready, Polly running round with my dresses, wigs and make-up; hard work and laughter in the performances; and happy audiences of families having a great night out. How lucky was I to have been asked to join LADS, the best amateur theatre company in England? The word had got around and we were sold out every night.
I went out to eat after the show each night but not with the Whitmores again. Polly apologised, but she didn’t want to hear Arthur criticising me again for not playing the Dame his way.
Friday came around all too soon. I had to exchange Sarah’s padded bra and girdle, petticoats and garish dresses for a formal man’s business suit, which I was amazed still fitted me. I had got so used to my big wobbly boobs and padded bum.
Gerry, Steve, Will and I went up to the Bank’s headquarters in London on an early train. Having been wide awake, giddy with excitement at one o’clock in the morning, I was still half asleep.
But the meeting went well. Gerry gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the technology and its benefits, and Steve followed him with graphs and statistics of the results of the clinical trials. I then managed to wake up in time to present our financial projections, which as expected generated a lot of interest. We were also able to tell them that the Department of Health were very keen and intended to offer us a contract on a trial basis.
The Bank’s consultants gave us a grilling but we were well prepared and had answers to all their questions. We tabled Will’s draft contracts and their lawyers declared themselves mostly satisfied. That meant that they would crawl all over them for the next two weeks and demand numerous pettifogging changes, but the real decision makers were in broad agreement.
This was a big step forward, and it meant that I now owned twenty per cent of a potentially great business and might soon have an alternative source of income. Also, poor Will might finally get paid for his excellent work. We opened a bottle of East Coast Main Line prosecco on the train home.
This meeting was also good practice for the similar one we would be having soon for
* * *
The Friday night show was the best yet. The audience were the most enthusiastic and vociferous so far. I staggered back to my dressing room to find Polly and Ruth there with enormous grins on their faces. Ruth rushed up to hug me.
“You were brilliant, Nick!” she gushed in a manner completely unlike her. “I had no idea. Now I see why we haven’t seen much of you lately. You must have been working so hard!”
“It’s been a labour of love though, hasn’t it, dear?” said Polly before I could acknowledge Ruth’s uncharacteristic compliments.
She pulled me down into my chair and started unzipping my dress. This was the mermaid ballgown of course, and I was always glad to be able to get out of it.
“So I’m going to take you out to dinner,” continued Ruth, “by way of congratulations, and to acknowledge everything you’ve done for us at”
Polly had removed my wig and was now attacking my make-up with cold cream. Meanwhile Ruth was reaching for a garment bag that was hanging from the handle of a cupboard. She unzipped it with a flourish. Inside was a dark blue cocktail dress covered in shiny spangles. I recognised it as one of’s standards.
“Ta daa!” she announced grandly. “I made it from your measurements, of course, and with a high neckline. Polly warned me that you wouldn’t be in a position to show any cleavage.”
“Wha-a-a…?” I began. It was a conspiracy!
Any further questions from me were silenced by Polly rubbing away at my lipsticked mouth. She took up the story.
“Ruth explained why you can’t go out with her as yourself, so we came up with this idea,” she said. “You’ll look lovely in that gorgeous dress.”
“Hang on…!”
Then I noticed that Polly had started putting new make-up on me, which seemed to include little strips of wrinkly latex. And now she was reaching for a different wig, one with curls and streaks of grey.
“Hey – grey wig? And you’re doing ageing make-up too, aren’t you?”
“We thought you would look more convincing as an older lady. That’s why we haven’t changed your padding. Your figure is just right for late middle-age. Now get those silly Dame tights off. I’ve got a lovely pair of light grey seamed stockings for you – your girdle has suspenders – and these shoes should fit you.”
I did as I was told, not sure why I was going along with this.
“These glasses will help your disguise, just in case there’s someone at the restaurant who was at the show. They’re theatrical props with plain glass.”
She handed me a pair of women’s cat’s eye glasses. I put them on and gazed in the mirror. The ageing make-up, the grey wig, and the glasses made me look like I was in my sixties. I also looked more like my mother than ever; not at all like Sarah; and not even remotely like a man.
“The finishing touch!” laughed Ruth. “You’re brilliant, Polly.” She held out the dress for me to step into. “Now, most of the people around here who know me have also met my mother, so you’ll have to be my aunt. Come along, Auntie, put your lovely dress on!”
“Wait a moment,” said Polly. “That dress needs a slip – here.”
She passed Ruth a pretty, cream-coloured underslip, which I started to put on over my head. I hesitated, feeling that some token resistance was required. “I’m not sure about this…”
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” said Polly. “You’re not afraid of a little challenge, are you? Just make sure you use your ‘Daisy Duquesne’ voice, not your ‘Sarah the Cook’. She’s too mannish.”
“I’m not confident I can fool people that I’m a woman in public – in a well-lit restaurant!”
“Are you kidding?” said Ruth, holding the dress out again. “You’ve just spent three hours being a woman, and you were completely convincing in your femininity. Everyone said so.”
Polly was nodding. “Remember to take little steps, and sweep your skirt under you when you sit down. You’ll be fine. I’ll pack your men’s clothes in your suitcase,” she said.
“And don’t worry, I’ll help you get undressed later,” added Ruth, with a twinkle that wasn’t like her at all.
Polly giggled. “Now a lady of your age would definitely be wearing some jewellery.” She brought out a silver necklace and fastened it round my neck. “This will also cover up your Adam’s apple, not that you have a prominent one. I doubt most people would notice it. I have some clip-on earrings and a ladies’ watch somewhere. She started rummaging in her case. “And don’t worry – this is all stage stuff, completely worthless.”
She clipped the earrings and the watch on me, and slipped an engagement ring and a wedding ring on my finger.
“Oh, and you’ll need this,” she said, passing me a weathered cream-coloured handbag.
I held it open while she transferred my wallet and keys into it. She added the cosmetics she’d just finished using on me. Then she went over to the corner and started packing up Nick’s belongings.
“I don’t understand why I’m doing this,” I said. “Why am I letting it happen?”
“Well either you want it,” Ruth said with a knowing smile, “or you want me.”
“Or both,” added Polly, helping me into a smart ladies’ overcoat.
* * *
We took Ruth’s car, as I didn’t want to risk driving in unfamiliar high heels, or being stopped while disguised as an old lady. I wondered what happened to the other members of the team. I assumed Ruth had told them she wanted me to herself tonight.
We went to Agnelli’s again, which proved to be a mistake. It was nearly eleven o’clock and, afraid that the kitchen might be closed, we rushed in. I was tottering slightly on the high heels Polly had shoved on my feet, and didn’t realise that Ruth had stopped suddenly in front of me. I nearly barged into her.
“Ruth, darling! How nice to see you again,” called Angela Cross. “Come and join us.”
She waved. I grabbed her elbow to hold her back.
“I can’t sit with them! They’ve already met me as Nick!”
“You don’t look anything like Nick,” she hissed. “Try not to talk too much and you’ll be fine.”
“Ruth, I can’t…”
“Oh for God’s sake, grow a pair!” She giggled. “And I mean boobs, not balls, of course.”
She grabbed my hand and led me over to the Crosses’ table. A waiter appeared from nowhere to seat us and take our coats. I ordered a white wine spritzer and Ruth asked for a half of cider.
“Are you hoping to eat? You’re awfully late,” said Bill.
“Yes, we’ve come straight from the theatre…” Ruth began. The Crosses were looking expectantly at me. “Oh I’m sorry, This is my Auntie… Elsie. Auntie, this is Bill and Angela Cross.”
“We’re friends of Ruth’s fiancé’s parents. Have you met Eddy?”
This wasn’t fair. It took me weeks to get into the mindset of Sarah the Cook. Now I had seconds to become Ruth’s Auntie Elsie. Why Elsie, for Pete’s sake? At least it was better than Gladys.
“Er, yes,” I began in my higher register voice, the one I had developed for Daisy Duquesne. “Sweet boy.”
Ruth looked at me in surprise. She hadn’t expected me to sound like an actual woman. Was she disappointed that I might actually get away with this?
“We’re just finishing our coffee, but we’ll keep you company till you’ve ordered,” said Bill. “What did you see at the theatre?”
“Dick Whittington – the LADS Panto,” Ruth said.
“Any good?” asked Angela.
“Not bad at all. They’ve got a new Dame this year. She’s absolutely brilliant – had the audience in the palm of her hand. Oh, you’ve met her – him, I mean – haven’t you? It’s Nick Rawlinson, our Finance Manager.”
My face felt flushed. Did she really think I was good or was she just having a laugh?
“He’s a bit young to be playing the Dame, isn’t he?” said Bill.
“Yes, I would have thought he could be the leading man,” said Angela. “He’s quite good-looking.”
I tried hard to look unconcerned, but I was blushing hard.
“Oh, do you think so?” said Ruth innocently. “I hadn’t noticed. Anyway, in Panto the Leading Man is always played by a girl. She was quite good too.”
“Perhaps we should go and see it,” said Bill. “Will there be tickets left for tomorrow night?”
“I think Nick said they’re sold out,” said Ruth. “There might be some left for the matinee.”
“No good,” he said. “I’ve got a golf tournament tomorrow.”
We just managed to get our order in before the kitchen closed. Fortunately Ruth and Angela dominated the conversation so I didn’t have to say much. I just sipped my spritzer in a ladylike manner. The Crosses showed no sign of recognising me, or indeed of noticing anything suspicious at all. I began to breathe more easily, my over-tight girdle notwithstanding. I would have to eat sparingly tonight or risk severe indigestion. How do women wear these things all day?
My reverie was broken when Bill got to his feet and said, “Well much as I’m enjoying squiring three such beautiful ladies, I have an early tee time tomorrow, so if you’ll excuse us? Come along, Angela.”
“Oh, him and his golf,” his wife grumbled. “Well it was lovely to meet you, Elsie. I hope to see you again soon – perhaps at the wedding?”
I was about to get to my feet, but Ruth clung onto my dress to stop me rising. Oh yes, I’m a lady not a gentleman tonight. I smiled and muttered appropriate pleasantries.
“What did he mean by ‘squiring’,” I asked in my feminine voice, after the Crosses had gone. “Does that have sexual connotations? Was he propositioning us?”
Ruth burst out laughing.
“That was brilliant! Where did that voice come from? You sounded just like a woman! Why didn’t you talk like that as the Dame?”
I explained that the Dame is supposed to sound like a man. That was half the joke, but she didn’t get it.
“What are you going to do when they tell Eddy’s parents they met your Auntie Elsie?” I asked. “Hideous name, by the way; thanks for that. And what if they invite her – me – to the wedding?”
“Well it doesn’t matter, does it? Because there isn’t going to be a wedding. Anyway, if the worst comes to the worst, we can always drag you up again. You make a fantastic Auntie Elsie. But this is why you’re here dressed like that. I couldn’t risk going out with you as Nick again.”
Despite the excitement of the evening’s performance, the unfamiliar clothes, the tight girdle, and the sheer terror of being outed as a geriatric cross-dresser, I thoroughly enjoyed the meal, and drank too much, seeing that Ruth was driving again. So when we got back to her flat, and Eddy wasn’t there as usual, I was a pushover.
She soon had my dress off but I insisted on removing my wig and glasses before we did anything. I didn’t think I could make love to this beautiful and confusing woman when I was looking so much like my mother – or grandmother. I peeled off the latex strips and she gave me some cold cream to work on the rest of my make-up.
“You’ll have to help me with my bra,” I admitted, slightly embarrassed. “I can’t reach the fastenings behind me and it’s too tight for me to wriggle out of. Polly usually does it for me.”
“Well, this is new. I don’t think I’ve ever had a sexual partner who wears a padded bra and girdle before. I’m tempted to leave it on you,” she laughed. “It’s dead sexy. To say nothing of your big, round, womanly rump.”
“That’s padding too. You know that, right?”
My pitiful look must have moved her, or else she was afraid I wouldn’t be able to perform while wearing such feminine garments. She couldn’t see what was happening down below because of the restraining effect of my panty-girdle.
“OK, come here then, Auntie,” she said. “Your stiff undies would probably scratch me in my sensitive places anyway.”
She then took enormous pleasure in slowly stripping me of my slip, stockings, and bra. With each item her breath grew more ragged. By the time she reached my panty-girdle, she was practically panting with desire and my erection was getting painful.
“Polly said that she and Arthur had fantastic sex with him dressed as a woman,” she breathed. “At first I thought they were weird, but I totally get it now.”
“Too much information,” I said, and tossed her onto the bed, just to show that I could.
There followed a longer and even more exciting lovemaking session than last time. Afterwards I was just dozing off when she murmured quietly in my ear.
“If you’re going to sleep over regularly, we’d better get you a nightie,” she said. “By the way, who’s Daisy Duquesne?”
But I was asleep, or at least pretending to be.
Ruth was corrosively honest, controlling, confrontational, and I was afraid might just be the love of my life…
* * *
She woke me in the nicest possible way at about eight on Saturday morning. This time – and for the first time – we actually made love, as opposed to just fucking like demented rabbits. It was slow, soft, gentle, and affectionate. It wasn’t as sensual as our two previous mad, passionate trysts but in many ways I enjoyed it more. I hoped she did too. I didn’t dare ask for feedback, or a status update on our relationship, in case I got a disappointing response – and I knew Ruth wouldn’t lie to spare my blushes. But discretion is the better part of valour, I told myself. It was just cowardice really.
“You know this is the third time we’ve done this,” I said, diffidently.
“I haven’t been counting,” she said. “And your point is…?”
“Well you’ve heard the old expression: ‘once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; but the third time is…’”
“Enemy action?”
“I was going to say, ‘getting to be a habit’.”
“Would that be so bad?”
“Not to me, but I would like to think it was a little more than just… y’know… physical.”
“Mmm, well I admit that you’ve been gradually creeping around my mental block, posh girl…” she said.
“I wasn’t trying to. You’ve made it very clear I’m from the wrong side of the tracks, as it were.”
“Well sometimes you don’t seem like an aristocrat at all.”
“That’s because I’m not. My Dad’s a landowner, not a lord, for God’s sake. And do you know how difficult it is to make a living from owning land? Assuming you don’t sell it to developers, which he couldn’t even if he wanted to, ‘cause it’s designated as agricultural land and they’d never get planning permission to build on it.”
I don’t think she was listening. She snuggled into me. Her long hair was tickling my nose again.
* * *
We lay in till nearly eleven, when I had to get up and have something to eat. I needed to be at the theatre for one o’clock in time to get ready for the afternoon matinee. Ruth went down to her car to fetch my suitcase and I dressed as a man for the first time in what felt like ages. Later she ran me back to the theatre so I could pick up my car and go home to the manor for a change of clothes.
In the car I invited Ruth to the cast party but she thought it would be too risky. In a large gathering it was too likely that us being together – again – would get back to the Deveres.
“No, I’ll see you in the office next week,” she said. “We have to prepare for the presentation to the Bank. You will be able to come, won’t you?”
“But I’m an investor, not an employee…” I began.
“But I don’t know the financials as well as you do. If they ask me any questions about our accounts, I’ll be lost.”
“Well if you want to be the MD you’ll need to learn all that.” She looked worried. “OK, I’ll give you a thorough briefing before the meeting.”
She wasn’t entirely reassured. In the end we agreed that I would attend the presentation but not speak unless they asked a difficult financial question that she couldn’t answer. I didn’t see what the fuss was about anyway.’s accounts weren’t complicated.
“So do you want to get together tomorrow?”
“Better not,” she said. “You need to wind down after this week, and try to remember how to be Nick again. Besides if you’re not Dame Sarah or Auntie Elsie, I won’t be as turned on.” She laughed.
“You’re a pervert, you know that?” I said.
“I’m a pervert? I don’t go to restaurants dressed as elderly people of the opposite sex!”
* * *
I reported to Polly before the Saturday matinee. While I was undressing, she asked me how my evening with Ruth went.
“It was very pleasant,” I said, discreetly, “and thank you for your part in it.”
I handed her the suitcase with Auntie Elsie’s clothes and my padded bra and girdle in it.
“No, no,” she said, “this is your dress. Ruth made it for you. It’s lovely but LADS has no use for it, and it certainly won’t fit me.”
“Thanks, but I can’t see myself wearing it again.”
“I wouldn’t bet on that,” she laughed. “Not if you’re going to go on seeing Ruth! By the way, I suggested the ‘older lady’ thing as I thought you wouldn’t want to look like Daisy Duquesne – in case you bumped into someone at the restaurant who had seen her at the Club last month. Of course, I didn’t tell Ruth that; just that men are more convincing as older ladies.”
“Yes, I hadn’t thought of that. I’m sorry, I thought the two of you had concocted a little plot to embarrass me.”
“Well perhaps there was a little of that too,” she laughed. “Here, I’ve got you clean underwear for today – brand new bra and panty-girdle,” she said. “I sewed the padding into them just this morning. Let me help you with your bra.”
I put my arms through the straps and she secured the hook and eye fastenings. Then she handed me the new panty-girdle. I knew my way around ladies’ shapewear well enough now to struggle into it unaided. Then I sat down for her to fit and dress my wig.
“So are you and Ruth an item now?” she said, conversationally. Butter wouldn’t melt…
“To be honest, I don’t know what we are,” I sighed. “She needs everyone to think she’s still engaged to Eddy. She explained why, did she?”
Polly nodded. I really didn’t mind sharing this with her. She was like a surrogate mother. Not that my own mother was dead or anything, just never around, and I would certainly not have discussed my love life with her.
“She seems fairly keen on you.”
She had finished setting my wig and was now giving it a good seeing-to with the hairspray.
“Sometimes she seems to be, yes; other times she goes out of her way to embarrass me. When we first started working together, she made it clear she disapproved of me and my family background. You can’t tell from her accent but she comes from working-class Northern stock.”
“Oh an inverted snob, eh? The only good Tory is a dead Tory?”
She reached into her make-up kit for my prosthetic nose and some adhesive.
“Something like that. Didn’t stop her taking our money though. She doesn’t seem to realise she’s a capitalist herself now.”
“Careful! Arthur always says the Theatre should be a politics-free zone.”
“Well that’s just daft! Every good playwright in history, from Shakespeare to David Hare, has been political!”
“Not Panto though.”
“No, not Panto. Thank heavens!”
We laughed.
“OK, hold still now,” she said. “False eyelashes time.”
Soon Sarah was looking back at me in the mirror. I thrust the unpredictable Miss Braddock to the back of my mind. After all she was hardly a suitable partner for a middle-aged widow lady like me.
* * *
At two o’clock precisely, I stepped out to give my opening monologue. The audience responded well – they might have been the best bunch so far. There was lots of laughter at even the oldest and corniest jokes. As I came to the end, I stepped backwards as usual, calling, “Welcome to Old London Town…”
The curtains failed to open.
I stopped involuntarily. Someone – Charlie, I think – whispered, “Improvise!” from the wings behind me.
Every actor’s worst nightmare. I put my hands on my hips and hitched up my bosom – feminine mannerisms came naturally now – and stalked back to centre stage. I turned to the audience and rolled my eyes. Sniggers. Some people probably suspected something had gone wrong; others were prepared to believe it was part of the show.
“Apparently, London are out,” I said. “We may have to leave one of those little red cards. You know: ‘We called but there was no answer’.”
The sniggers had turned back to decent laughter. Most of the grown-ups now knew there was a hitch. I turned round to face upstage, knelt down and stuck my head under the curtain, like a charlady scrubbing the steps. I thus presented my enormous round backside to the audience, which generated the biggest laugh yet.
“What is it? Early closing?” I yelled.
Lots of good-natured laughter from the audience now. This lot seemed determined to enjoy themselves. I turned back to face them.
“Apparently rats have eaten through the ropes,” I said. “You may have heard we have something of a rat problem? If you feel them running over your feet, or up your skirt or your trouser leg, don’t worry. They don’t bite… much. Have you all had your tetanus jabs?”
I was running out of ideas now. Suddenly I felt tension in the cloth and, to my relief, very slowly the curtain started to rise.
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,” I said, “we apologise for the late running of this service. Something to do with leaves on the line, or the wrong kind of snow, or something. And now, “Welcome to Old London Town…”
And I sashayed off stage right, my ample hindquarters wiggling violently from side to side. The audience clapped enthusiastically. Some of them actually cheered.
“Well done, Nick,” said Charlie in the wings. “That could have been nasty. Great improvisation! We may keep it all in for tonight.” He grinned.
“What happened?”
“The automatic gear failed. They had to raise the curtain manually. It’ll be like that throughout the first Act, I’m afraid. They’re hoping to fix it at the interval.”
“Oh well, the show must go on.”
* * *
After that shaky start it actually went very well. The audience appeared to have enjoyed being part of a traditional amateur theatrical cock-up, and admired how we – I – recovered and made the most of it. Also, according to Charlie and Arthur maybe as many as half of them – mainly the kids – had no idea that anything had gone wrong.
We had about three hours between the last curtain call of the matinee and the start of the evening performance. The main event was the ‘Little Rats’ Feast’ for the kids, as they wouldn’t be allowed to stay up after the show for the cast party. It was held in the theatre cafeteria, and it was a LADS tradition that for shows with children involved, we Principals had to serve the food at their party. As Sarah the Cook, in my kitchen costume and frilly apron, it was my job to bring out the sausage rolls and the jellies. Happily it was Idle Jack and Dick who had to stop the inevitable food fights, and Polly’s team who had to tidy up everyone’s costumes afterwards.
Polly offered to help me change back to Nick after the children’s party so that I could go out and get something to eat, but I didn’t think it was worth it for just an hour and a half. It wasn’t just the dress and the underwear, I would have to take Sarah off, and then put her back on again later. I didn’t want to do that. I was perfectly comfortable being her, and I wouldn’t have the chance again after today. Irrationally, that made me sad. Maybe I could bring her, or someone like her, back for next year’s Panto?
Charlie ordered in pizza and sandwiches for those of us who weren’t going out, so Polly, Arthur and I ate in my dressing room. Arthur was friendly and even cheerful – for him. He seemed to be reconciled to the fact that I was a very different Dame, and that it wasn’t that I had deliberately chosen to ignore his teaching. He accepted that Sarah was the Dame I had to be. We spent a jolly couple of hours, mainly with the Whitmores reminiscing about their years with LADS.
My mother and father were coming with Tom and Josie to the evening performance and to the cast party afterwards. At my invitation they dropped into my dressing room half an hour before the start. I was sitting at the mirror in my padded lingerie but with a ladies’ negligée (borrowed from Polly for the occasion) over it, to keep me decent.
I introduced them to Polly who was brushing my wig and repairing my make-up.
“We’re not putting you off, are we?” my Dad said. “Do you need to meditate, or ‘centre yourself’, or any of that bollocks?”
“No, Dad,” I smiled. “We amateurs don’t need to do any of that stuff. In any case this is our seventh performance. We know what we’re doing now.”
“I still can’t get over this,” said my mother. “You never showed any interest in ‘am dram’ at school, and now look at you – a great actress!”
She, Polly and Josie laughed. Tom and Dad looked a little uncomfortable.
Mum and Dad went to look at all the LADS photos and programmes on the far wall. At their request, Polly went over to tell them all about their previous productions.
Josie turned to me when she was sure my parents weren’t listening.
“You’ve come a long way from Daisy Duquesne’s ten-minute performance on Open Mic night,” she said.
“It’s true,” added Tom, “and apart from that silly nose and the over-the-top make-up, you actually look like an older version of Daisy.”
“I must admit, I never saw this coming when I helped you create her,” said Josie. She turned serious for a moment. “You do realise it may not be easy to put all this behind you?”
I felt Sarah wake up inside me and take an interest in the conversation.
“I don’t know what you mean,” I said.
“Oh I think you do,” she said. “Some of my friends came earlier in the week. They were raving about your performance – something about how you made Sarah ‘real’.”
“It’s just acting,” I insisted, with a confidence I didn’t feel. “Just a bit of fun for all the family. It will be over and done with tomorrow, and on Monday – back to work.” I called across to Dad. “Things are starting to take off with Gerry and Steve, as well as I need to update you. How about a pub lunch tomorrow?”
“Sure. That would be great,” he said. “But we ought to go and take our seats now. I want to order some interval drinks and get a programme.”
“Take a couple from the box over there on the table,” said Polly, squirting my wig with hairspray.
“I’ll sign them for you as well, if you like,” I said.
“As Nick Rawlinson or as Sarah the Cook?” asked Tom. “Anyway, break a leg, mate.”
Polly and I winced. Tom, Josie and Dad made to leave. My mother lingered.
“What’s this I hear about you and Ruth Braddock?” she asked.
My mother had always been Gossip Central for our area. As a vet she travelled around a lot and met everyone. People told her things while she had her hand up their cow or was worming their dog.
“Nothing to hear. We provide finance to her business. She’s engaged to her partner anyway.”
“Nick, I always know when you’re fibbing,” Mum said sternly.
My mother has a natural authority about her. People just instinctively did what she told them to. That had been true for my entire childhood, and Tom admitted freely that she was the only person he had ever been afraid of.
“I think I should leave you to it,” said Polly, clearly embarrassed. She knew I was fibbing, but she also knew why. “You’re all ready anyway, Nick. I’ll see you backstage.”
She left. My mother got up to follow her.
“We’ll talk about this at lunch tomorrow,” she said. “I don’t want to upset you and ruin tonight’s performance…”
Too late, Mum.
“… But I’m sure you realise that you’re in a very delicate situation. If she’s engaged, it can’t go on. Someone’s going to get hurt.”
The ten-minute warning sounded just after she left but I needed to take a minute. I stared into the mirror until I couldn’t see Nick anymore, only Sarah. I wet my forefinger and primped my hair a little. I took out a lipstick and touched up my lips.
I hitched up my bosom, got to my feet, and taking my skirt in my hand, prepared to climb the stairs.
Sarah the Cook made her way up to the stage for the last time.
After the Pantomime
By Susannah Donim
A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick.
Chapter 6 – After the Panto
Nick puts what he has learned as a Pantomime Dame to good use.
After the Dick Whittington curtain fell for the last time our stage crew had to strike the set so that the next show – the professional Panto – could move in. Meanwhile the cast had to change for the party and then help with packing up the costumes and everything else into Arthur’s two largest vans. In my dressing room Polly helped me strip and cleaned off my make-up, while I said a sad goodbye to my lingerie and dresses. My costumes and wigs were much more elaborate than anyone else’s, so Polly and I were the last to join in the packing. It was more or less all done by the time we got out, and we just had to load Sarah’s dresses, wigs and make-up onto the second van.
The Panto cast party was also the LADS Christmas do, which explained why the ballroom of the town’s second biggest hotel was packed with people I didn’t know. When we arrived, Tom, Josie and my parents were standing up at the bar talking amongst themselves and looking a little lost. I parted from the Whitmores with grateful thanks for everything they had done, and led my guests to our table which was near the back. My family were effusive with praise for the show and my performance in particular.
“Frankly, I didn’t know you had it in you,” said my father.
“I can’t believe how good you were at being a woman,” said my mother. “I don’t usually like Pantomime Dames. They always seem grotesque caricatures of women, but you got the tone just right. Your voice – and your mannerisms! I know it was supposed to be a comic performance – and you were very funny – but sometimes, if I closed my eyes, I could almost see my mother up there.”
She seemed wistful. Then she remembered, as I did, that Granny was an old bat.
There was booze and a buffet. By now it felt like we in the cast were all old friends but in reality I hadn’t known a soul there six weeks earlier. So the conversation at our table was mostly family stuff while all around us people were talking about the show, and comparing it with past triumphs.
Eventually, when everyone had eaten their fill and there were more empty bottles than full ones remaining, the LADS Chairman called for silence and announced the annual awards ceremony. Last year’s winners, ineligible this year, presented the prizes to their successors. They started with the minor prizes, at least from the point of view of us actors. First up was Set Design; someone I didn’t know won for Camelot. Then came Best Stage Manager. I guessed ours was out of the running following the curtain fiasco, even though it was hardly his fault. Polly was a popular winner of the prize for costumes. She’d done the wardrobe for three of this year’s five productions, but the committee particularly singled out her work on the Panto. In her little speech she kindly acknowledged the contribution of and recommended all the ladies check out our website.
Introducing the acting awards the Chairman explained that, in the spirit of the times, they’d done away with distinctions between actors and actresses, and were now giving just three prizes for ‘Best Performance in a Musical, Drama and Comedy’. But first, we were all happy to see Millie get the prize for ‘Best Newcomer’. She’d made a superb Dick, playing a difficult straight role with charisma, slapping her thighs heartily, and leaping around with great athleticism. She also looked fantastic in tights, but I’m sure that had nothing to do with it, despite four-fifths of the Committee being men.
‘Best Performance in a Musical’ went to the guy who played Arthur in Camelot. The Drama prize went to Beatrice in the summer open air production of Much Ado About Nothing.
As the Chairman announced the last award of the evening, my heart leapt as I saw Polly wheeling Arthur up to the front.
“The award for the Best Comic Performance of 2018,” the Chairman said, pausing for dramatic – nay, melodramatic – effect, “goes to Nick Rawlinson for Sarah the Cook in Dick Whittington.”
That was a popular decision too, not least with my family and the cast of the Panto. I staggered to my feet and strode in as masculine a manner as I could to the front to collect my prize. Arthur even managed to crack a watery smile in the enthusiastic applause and the glare of the flash photography.
We all parted at nearly two o’clock in the morning amid pledges to keep in touch. Polly also made me promise to audition for a part in the Spring production, which would be one of Alan Ayckbourn’s early plays.
* * *
Over lunch on Sunday I was expecting the third degree from my mother about Ruth, but she was called away. This was unusual at this time of year. It wasn’t lambing season. In fact baby farm animals are rarely born in December, but then not all veterinary emergencies are to do with births. We all hoped it wasn’t an outbreak of some hideous agricultural disease.
So Dad and I were alone in a quiet corner of our local, with pints of Old Badger ale and steak and kidney pies. We spent most of the meal talking about our various business ventures, and whether Josie was pregnant. I thought not, but he said he knew they were trying.
“What was your mother saying about you and Ruth?” he said casually over coffee.
“No comment. I can neither confirm nor deny…”
“I wouldn’t blame you. She’s a cracking bit of stuff…”
“…but she’s engaged to Eddy, isn’t she?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Fine. Don’t tell me.”
“When I can, I will. I promise. Assuming there’s something to tell.”
“OK, I trust you.” He sighed. “But your mother won’t.”
“I know. I’ll steer clear until the situation is resolved… one way or another.”
* * *
There were still three weeks till Christmas. Ruth and Vicky worked hard to upgrade the website software. We now had the extension that animated the figure’s face as well as her body. It scanned the customer’s photo (assuming she had uploaded one) and matched many fixed points to corresponding ones on the template. So now when the figure strutted down the catwalk she was smiling and laughing and making sexy ‘come hither’ expressions – all with the customer’s own face. We tested it first with Vicky and it worked beautifully. Then Ruth embarrassed me by using the publicity photo of Sarah the Cook, wearing Auntie Elsie’s dark blue spangly dress. It even worked for her. It was positively grotesque (in my opinion), but it was undeniably realistic.
The next big thing was’s meeting with the Bank. This was to be on the Friday of the week after the Panto. On Monday Ruth called the team together in the upstairs office to plan what we would say. We would be allocated an hour and a half for the meeting. The presentation was to take no more than forty minutes, leaving sufficient time for questions.
“I’ll open and talk about the concept – the website and the user experience,” Ruth began. “I’ll describe how the software works in general terms, but we need to keep the details secret until we have appropriate Non-Disclosure Agreements in place. Till then it’s our Intellectual Property and extremely valuable. That should take about a quarter of an hour. Then I’ll hand over to Eddy to run a demo of the website. OK?”
“Do you know if any member of the Bank’s team is female?” I said.
“Well, we could demonstrate the site by actually making a dress for her.”
“That’s a great idea!” said Eddy. “Make them part of the demo. Pull them in.”
Ruth was nodding. Everyone seemed to like this plan.
“In fact, you might go further,” I went on. “When you’ve finished the design, you could send it from your laptop over the internet to the machines in the cowshed. If Mike was there, he could pass the design to the cutting machine, and then on to the fabricator. We could rig up a webcam and show them the dress actually being made. You could even show him packaging it up to mail to her – all in real time, during the presentation in their office, and while they’re watching.”
“That would be really impressive!” said Vicky.
“We’d need to ask the Bank lady for her measurements,” Ruth said. “She might be embarrassed…”
“Mike might need help,” said Vicky, ignoring Ruth’s objection. “I suggest I stay behind just in case. There wouldn’t be much for me to do in the meeting anyway.”
Mike hastened to agree. He looked pleased and relieved.
“It’s a risky strategy,” said Ruth. “What if something goes wrong?”
“Well there are various precautions you can take,” I began. “I mean, you can influence the woman’s choice of dress during the demo, to stop her doing anything too fancy. It would have to be a standard material and colour. You won’t be able to dye the cloth or print a pattern within the hour, but Mike can hold up ‘ones we prepared earlier’ to the camera, to show what you can do.”
“That should work,” said Eddy. “I guess the worst-case scenario would be if the machines break down, but they’re running smoothly at the moment. We’ve done half a dozen dresses since Nick’s Panto costumes with no problems at all. I say it’s worth the risk.”
“The point is to demonstrate the end-to-end process for real,” I said, “and that includes showing them why you need investment – because you can’t afford to automate everything; because you need new, better machines; because you can’t do the fancy stuff or work with exotic materials. As long as they can clearly see the potential, it doesn’t matter too much if something does go wrong. It just underlines the need for new investment.”
“What if they’re all men?” said Vicky. “Can you check with them?”
“I can try,” said Ruth. “If they are, I could ask one of them to bring his wife’s measurements along.”
“That would probably be the strangest request they’ve ever had at an investment meeting,” said Eddy.
Even Ruth laughed.
For the next hour we thrashed through the details of the presentation. We changed the running order. Mo was asked to prepare a series of screenshots from the website for Ruth to incorporate in her PowerPoint presentation. Eddy and Mike had to do the same for the machine control software, and also to take some photos of the machines working.
“You realise this will be a negotiation?” I said, as we were finishing up. “They’ll want a share of the business, and they’ll probably want to put one of their people on your Board.”
“Who are our Board?” Vicky asked.
“Eddy and I own 40% of the company each,” said Ruth, “and Nick owns 20%, so we’re the Board. I’m the MD; Eddy’s the Operations Director…”
“I thought I was the Technical Director?” said Eddy.
“Well, OK, you’re both,” she said. “And Nick is the Finance Director.”
“Really?” I said. “I didn’t know that.”
“Well you should have read the stuff that Will’s been sending us. We’re a limited company now, and therefore as a Director you are responsible for one-fifth of our debts if we go bankrupt.”
“Shit! Maybe the Bank will buy me out.”
“Maybe, but they’re not going to give you a hundred grand, are they? We’re not worth that much yet. You’d be better off waiting till we’re a rip-roaring success.”
“But it does mean that if you and Eddy fall out, I have the casting vote,” I said.
I really only said it for a laugh, but the black look on Ruth’s face was worth it anyway. Eddy chuckled quietly.
“Can I buy some shares?” asked Vicky, apparently oblivious to any atmosphere that might or might not have developed.
Ruth smiled. “Your faith in us is much appreciated, babe, but we’re not planning a share issue at the present time. As to your question, Nick: yes, we are aware that we’re going into a negotiation. Eddy and I have discussed what we’d be willing to accept.”
“And we’re willing to walk away if we have to,” he added. “There are other banks.”
“Do you need Will to come along?” I asked.
“I don’t think so this time,” Ruth said. “This session is just to get their agreement in principle. If they approve investment, there would have to be a subsequent contract meeting. We’ll definitely need him then.”
The meeting broke up and Eddy and Mike went back to the cowshed. Mo and Vicky returned to their workstations to get on with preparing the presentation.
“Thank you for your contributions, Nick,” Ruth said. “Your ideas were really good.”
“Nice to be appreciated.”
She gave me a quick glower for appearances’ sake and vanished into her office behind a closed door. Any further development of our personal relationship would have to wait.
* * *
I went down to the Club that evening. I hadn’t been there for over a month because of the show.
“Hello, stranger,” said Lee, emerging from his little office. “You were really great in the Panto. I was there on the Wednesday.”
The Club was closed on Wednesday evenings, so that was presumably the only night he could have gone.
“Thanks, Lee. Glad you enjoyed it. I was just wondering when the next Open Mic night will be.”
“Oh, we don’t have any during December – office parties and so on. We’ll start them up again in the New Year. Are you going to bring Daisy Duquesne out again?”
“Oh, I don’t think so. That was a one-off, but I have some new material I’d like to try out – as myself.”
“Sure, sure, but lots of people keep asking about Daisy. That would be really popular. I could put the word out…?”
“Well my new stuff is about my experience with the Panto. I wondered if I might do some of it in the guise of Sarah the Cook – without costume or make-up, of course.”
She was still somewhere inside me and occasionally clamoured to come out.
“Aren’t you afraid people will notice the resemblance to Daisy?”
“Well it hardly matters if Daisy never appears again, does it?”
* * *
Ruth didn’t manage to find out anything about the Bank’s negotiating team, but when we were ushered into their conference room at ten o’clock on Friday morning we were delighted to see that there was a woman on their side of the table. She was middle-aged, very smart in a frilly white blouse and a pin-striped skirt suit, and wore a friendly smile. Ruth, Eddy and I exchanged glances. We would go for it!
“Good morning,” boomed a dapper, silver-haired gentleman, clearly the senior executive. “I’m Richard Latham, Director of the New Ventures unit here. On my left is Margaret Villiers, my Deputy, and just so you know, she’ll be taking over from me around Easter so, if anything, you have to impress her more than me.”
He paused and smiled. She smiled. We all smiled.
“And on my right is Justin Sealey, our technical consultant. Justin, would you like to help our guests set up?”
Eddy was carrying our best laptop and the consultant helped him connect it up to a seventy-five-inch Ultra-HD monitor mounted on the end wall. He then plugged in an ethernet cable and Eddy was able to confirm that the laptop was connected to the internet. While they were doing this, Ruth introduced the three of us, briefly describing our backgrounds and qualifications. She called me her ‘Financial Adviser’. Apparently, I had been demoted from FD.
Ruth’s presentation was very impressive, both in its content and her delivery. She was clear and confident, giving just the right amount of information about the fashion industry and the potential size of the market to convince her audience of the potential for our services. She then moved on to the ‘user experience’, which she illustrated with screenshots from our website.
After a little less than fifteen minutes, she handed over to Eddy who explained what the software did. With the aid of more screenshots, from the cowshed control computers this time, he described our machines and how we proposed to develop them further when we had the necessary funding. He showed photographs of all our equipment and of the stores, which were full of dyes and bolts of cloth. He and Mike had put in a lot of work to tidy up and the cowshed had never looked better.
As far as I could tell, the Bank team were giving us their full attention and even enjoying the show. Justin was particularly interested in Eddy’s piece and interrupted a couple of times to ask quite technical questions. Eddy trod carefully, answering in general terms but blocking detailed enquiries with comments about ‘our proprietary software’. The consultant seemed a little frustrated but Latham intervened. He obviously knew the score; we were protecting our intellectual property until contracts and NDAs had been signed.
After finishing his slot, Eddy sat down and Ruth took over again.
“I’m delighted to say that we are already trading successfully. Our first big order was for the Lavenden Amateur Dramatic Society’s Pantomime…”
What? She hadn’t told me she was going to talk about this!
“After an accident destroyed a number of their costumes, they asked us to help replace them – at very short notice.” She started showing photographs of Sarah’s outfits as they came off the fabricator. “We made all the Dame’s basic dresses – several different styles and designs – in just under two weeks. Most of them were ‘bespoke’; that is, non-standard. After all, few modern women want to dress like a Pantomime Dame.”
Everyone smiled at that. Some men do though, I thought to myself, and it appears I’m one of them.
“So we had to program those from scratch,” Ruth continued, “but any new design only takes our programming team an hour or so to encode. Each of Sarah the Cook’s dresses needed at least two different materials; some required three. They are mostly in gaudy colours too, so we had to do a lot of colour matching and dyeing. But our system can do that efficiently, so the only delay was in waiting for the material to dry after the dyeing. I have some photos of the finished products…”
Pictures of Sarah – me – started appearing on the screen.
“Now, as you will see, the finished dresses are much more complicated, with all sorts of frills and flounces. That one has a false bodice and an apron. We’re not set up to do any of that, so they were done by the Society’s seamstresses. We think there could be a good market in theatrical costuming, and not just Pantos, but historical plays too. We’re confident our software can cope, but we would new machines to make all those accessories.”
I was aware that Margaret was looking at me oddly. First she looked at a close-up of Sarah, then me, then back at the screen. She caught my eye and smiled.
“The Society order was worth £2,000,” Ruth was saying, “and we’ve had seven further orders to date, with excellent feedback from our customers. Our web designer has worked hard to optimise our Internet footprint and there are clear signs that it’s working, but obviously we would do much better if we could increase our advertising budget. We’ll be leaving copies of our accounts with you, and Nick can give you our full financial picture if you need more detail.”
All of the panel were scribbling notes now.
“Finally, I imagine you would like to see a demonstration of our system in action?”
The Bank team were nodding and smiling, so Ruth took the bull by the horns.
Turning to the only woman on the panel, she smiled and said, “Margaret, if we made you a dress, I hope you wouldn’t think we were trying to influence you unduly?”
“You can do that? What – here? Now?”
“We certainly can.”
Eddy was at the laptop. She motioned to him to log in to our website.
“What you see on the screen now is exactly what a customer would see when she goes to our site. First she selects a type of dress from our range of styles.” Eddy clicked on the Style icon and the gallery appeared. “We have eleven basic products, but can offer variations on each, such as neckline, skirt length, shoulder straps, and sleeves. Do you see anything you like?”
Margaret glanced at Richard. He smiled encouragingly. Justin was grinning.
“Well I quite like that cocktail dress,” she said diffidently. She was pointing at the picture of the BodyCon dress, and studying the accompanying blurb. “Probably in a ‘medium’ fitting. I don’t think I can get away with ‘snug’ anymore.”
“Rubbish,” said Latham gallantly.
Margaret laughed. “Do you have it in a dark blue?” she asked.
“Certainly,” Ruth confirmed. “Let’s make that for you, shall we? Now we need two things: your measurements obviously, and a photograph. You’ll see why later.”
Eddy had put up the form into which the customer was supposed to enter their details.
“I’m not sure I can remember all those measurements.”
“Well they’re not all essential, but the more you can enter, the better the fit will be. I do have a tape measure with me…”
“Oh I don’t think I could…”
Latham interrupted. “I quite understand that Margaret might not want to be measured up in front of four men, like a prize heifer,” he said with a smile. “However I was going to suggest we take a short coffee break anyway. Why don’t you two ladies go to the powder room and get the measuring sorted out? I’d really like to see how this all works. I’m intrigued.”
I could have kissed him for that intervention. (Well, I couldn’t have kissed him, but Sarah or Daisy could have.) Margaret made no further objections and she and Ruth left to go to the Ladies’. Knowing his place, Justin took our coffee orders and went to the table at the back of the room where refreshments had been laid out.
“I must admit, this is a breath of fresh air, compared to many of the new venture proposals we have to wade through,” said Richard, conversationally. He accepted a cup of coffee and an oatcake biscuit from Justin. “We have to refuse some because they’re impractical; others because they’re too ‘niche’ and would struggle to find a market; but yours passes both those tests. After all, your market is half the human race!”
“That was Ruth’s thinking,” Eddy confirmed, “and if we can address the ‘accessories gap’, as she calls it, we can start doing really fancy stuff like wedding dresses.”
“I can see you’re not quite as au fait with the jargon as your partner,” Latham said, good-naturedly.
Justin joined us, handing me and Eddy our coffees.
“I’d like to see your designs for the new machines that will do all those fiddly bits,” he said.
Obviously he was also unfamiliar with the unique language of the fashion industry.
“I’ll bring them with me next time we meet,” Eddy confirmed with a smile, while implying that the consultant wouldn’t be seeing anything unless there was a next time.
We had used up all our allotted time by now, but the Bank team showed no signs of wanting to leave. Soon the ladies returned, chattering like old friends. Ruth was very good at this, I thought admiringly. Justin organised coffees for the two women and Ruth sat down at the laptop to start entering Margaret’s measurements.
“You boys don’t need to look,” she said sharply to us.
I didn’t think Margaret had anything to be embarrassed about but we dutifully turned our backs. Ruth continued.
“With the customer’s permission – GDPR and all that – we can encrypt and store her measurements for her, so she only has to enter them once. That should encourage repeat business. Now I just need to upload your photo from my phone, and I’ll show you what the customer would see next.”
Thirty seconds later, music started up on the monitor’s powerful speakers and a model with Margaret’s face and figure sashayed professionally down a catwalk in a beautiful dark blue cocktail dress. It was covered in sparkling sequins and looked very much like my dress when I was Ruth’s Auntie Elsie, except that Margaret the model was clearly much more beautiful and feminine.
Model Margaret looked over her shoulder and smiled at us. The real Margaret gasped.
“The CGI’s great, isn’t it? We think this will be a real selling point,” Ruth said, quite unnecessarily, judging by the open mouths on the panel. “The customer can see what she will actually look like in the dress she’s designed.”
“It’s even better than checking yourself out in the mirror,” said Margaret, “because you can see yourself from behind, and walking.”
“So that’s what you’d have looked like if you’d gone into modelling rather than banking,” said Richard, goggle-eyed.
“Oh hush,” said Margaret, who was clearly loving this. “Can you really make that dress?”
“Send it, Eddy,” said Ruth. “You can bypass the payment form, can’t you?”
Eddy nodded and clicked the Send icon. The message came up saying, ‘Sending design to Manufacturing’.
“He has now sent the encoded instructions to the cutting machine. Can you log into the control terminal, Eddy?”
Eddy switched windows on the laptop. A much simpler page with a few lines of typed instructions appeared on the conference room monitor. A steady beeping started up.
“That beep will be heard by the operator in the workshop,” Ruth explained, “telling him that a new job has started up. As you can see, the system gives him instructions on which cloth to load. When he’s ready, he hits Enter and the cutting machine starts up. Can you bring up the webcam, Eddy?”
Eddy switched to another window and suddenly we could see a view inside the cowshed and Mike clipping a roll of dark blue cloth into the cutting machine. He stepped across to the control machine, pressed a button, and the cutter started up. I noticed Vicky hovering nervously in the background.
“If I remember rightly, this design requires two pieces of cloth to be cut,” Ruth said. “One for the bodice and one for the skirt.”
The cutting machine finished and there was another beep.
“Now the operator has to carry the cut pieces across to the fabricator and lay them on the platen in approximately the position specified by the design code. The software knows the shapes of the different pieces and how to align them properly on the fabrication bed for stitching together. The machine won’t start until its sensors confirm that the pieces are in acceptable positions. They don’t have to be exact. Eventually we want to link the two machines together so that a human operator won’t be necessary.”
After a couple of minutes the fabricator beeped. Mike appeared and scooped up the completed dress. Vicky joined him in front of the webcam and he held the dress up against her. They both smiled and waved.
The Bank panel gaped, speechless.
“Well, I’m b…” said Margaret, and dried up.
“Exactly,” said Richard. He turned to Ruth. “Can you do one for my wife? I still haven’t got her a Christmas present.”
“I’ll give you the website address,” said Ruth with a smile, “and a price list.”
Latham laughed. “Well, I think we’ve seen all we can take in today,” he said. His colleagues nodded. “I just have a couple of questions. First, staffing. How many of you are there?”
“In addition to the three of us, there’s Mike who helps Eddy, and Vicky, our programmer. You saw both of them on the webcam. We also have Mo, our part-time web designer, and we retain Will Holford, as our legal adviser.”
She was clearly implying that I was a full-time employee, which was a little disingenuous, to say the least, but this wasn’t the time to contradict her.
“Have you a growth strategy?” Ruth looked blank. “I mean, if the business takes off as you hope, you’ll need more staff, won’t you? Have you planned how you’ll ramp up your numbers?”
“Not yet,” she admitted.
“I understand,” Latham said, kindly. “You might see it as putting the cart before the horse, but I recommend you put a staffing plan in place alongside your financial strategy. You won’t be able to deliver the latter without the former. We can help you with that anyway. If nothing else, you need to get a secretary for yourself and Nick. You’re going to be much too busy to do all the admin yourselves.”
There were a few more questions, which we answered by passing over copies of our accounts and the monthly reports of website traffic Mo had generated so far. Finally, Richard summed up.
“Well, I think I speak for the panel when I say we’re very keen to proceed to the next stage. We’ll get our standard pack off to you as soon as we can – NDAs, investment conditions, and so on. If we can get all the paperwork filled in before Christmas, we can get together again to finalise contractual arrangements in the first week of the New Year.”
That will give Will Holford something to read over the Christmas break, I thought.
“That would be wonderful!” said Ruth. “Margaret, would you like me to send your new cocktail dress here to the Bank or to your home address?”
“Here will be fine, thank you, Ruth. I can wear it to our Christmas party.”
“Don’t forget you’ll need a slip with it. I should have mentioned, we can’t sew linings into our garments yet. That’s something else we need funding for.”
“I’ll remember.”
Eddy disconnected the laptop and started packing up. We all got up to leave. There were warm handshakes all round.
When we got outside the building Ruth astonished me by throwing her arms around my neck and smothering me with kisses.
“What was that for?” I asked when I had got my breath back. “I didn’t do anything. I hardly needed to speak all morning.”
“We wouldn’t have even got here without you,” she said, now a little embarrassed by her emotional display.
“Plus you scratched her itch when she really needed it – three times, wasn’t it?” said Eddy, with a grin.
I didn’t remember telling him that. So I wasn’t the only one who’d been counting.
* * * had several more orders before Christmas. Some were from people who had seen the name in the Dick Whittington programme, and one – gratifyingly – from Richard Latham for a Christmas present for his wife. They kept the team busy up till Christmas. Also Ruth and I spent a couple of days at Will’s office studying the Bank’s Investment Guide. They offered a number of options. All variations insisted on a seat on the Board, but the number of shares the Bank Director would be able to vote depended on the level of risk they believed they were taking, and therefore on the form in which we took their support. For example, for a simple advance of half a million, they would require 20% of the shares, which Ruth didn’t like. A more attractive option was that they would just buy and lease us the new machines we needed. For that they would only require 10%. But Eddy was keen that we own all our machines ourselves. He didn’t want to ask anyone for permission to make changes to them.
I also had to produce a five-year financial plan, which involved making some optimistic and completely unfounded assumptions about growth. Fortunately the Guide helped a lot there. Will sent off a list of ‘clarification questions’ in the last week before the Festive Season shutdown, not expecting the answers till New Year.
* * *
On the Friday before Christmas Eve we invited all our venture teams up to the Manor House for a festive drinks party. Those teams that hadn’t made their breakthroughs yet pumped Ruth and Eddy, Gerry and Steve, with questions, and I was glad to see their morale shooting up. I resolved to try and spend more time with all of them, even though that would mean spending less with The party was the first time Ruth had seen the scale of what Dad and I were trying to do. After I had introduced her to the others, she seemed a little subdued, given the happiness of the occasion.
After the party everyone began disappearing for Christmas. Ruth went back to her parents up in Manchester. I soon found myself missing her company. Eddy was staying in the flat, presumably spending the season with his many boyfriends. So he and Ruth would be apart from Christmas Eve till the second of January. I wondered whether either set of parents would find that odd.
The five of us had a brilliant Christmas at home, doing all the usual stuff: eating and drinking too much, watching TV, and playing stupid party games. We were glad to get out of the house on Boxing Day. We went to the Club for a wine tasting party. We sat with Polly and Arthur, who was now getting around with crutches, much to his wife’s relief. In addition to the house band, led by Frank, the entertainment was provided by a young comedian who had started at the Club’s Open Mic night and had just turned professional. Tom wasn’t impressed.
“He can’t tell a proper joke to save his life. This is all just being rude about politicians and media people. Any fool can do that.”
“You’re better than him, Nick,” said Josie, “and Daisy’s much better.”
“Who’s Daisy?” asked my mother.
“Ah…” I said. I looked at Tom and Josie.
“Nothing good ever comes from keeping secrets from the people you love, Nick,” said Polly quietly.
I assumed she was talking about Mum and Dad, but she knew about me and Ruth too, so…
“OK,” I said, “Daisy is me. As you know, I did Open Mic night half a dozen times this year. Once I did it as ‘Daisy Duquesne’. Josie helped me drag up.”
“And bloody good she was too,” said Lee, who had just come up behind me and had obviously overheard the conversation.
He pulled up a chair and joined us, uninvited. Well it was his club, I suppose.
“When we realised I could ‘pass’, we just thought my performance would be more effective if no one knew Daisy was really a man. I wasn’t trying to keep secrets.”
“It was seeing him as Daisy that convinced Charlie and Arthur that he could play the Dame,” said Polly.
“That explains a lot,” said Dad.
“I’m still not convinced he can,” grumbled Arthur. “He wasn’t a proper Dame.”
But no one was listening to him.
“So who else knows about Daisy?” asked my mother.
“Just the people at this table, plus Charlie,” I said. “Oh and Eddy, and Frank over there.” I didn’t think it was worth mentioning Harry and Mac.
“Not Ruth?”
“Oh, Nick!” My mother sounded disappointed in me.
“What? She’s just my business partner. She’s not part of my private life.” I saw Polly raise an eyebrow. “Well not properly. It’s… complicated.”
“I like Ruth,” said Josie.
Tom nodded. There was an awkward silence.
“Anyway, when are we going to see Daisy again?” asked Lee, who wasn’t privy to the cause of the general discomfiture. “It’s been six weeks and people are still asking after her, and she’s the only female comic we have at the moment.”
“Yes, Nick, please!” said Josie. “It’ll be such fun.”
I had been looking forward to getting back to stand-up, but I’d intended to do it as Nick. Eventually they wore me down. I had to promise that Daisy would be back on the first Open Mic night of the New Year, the second Friday in January.
“Can I borrow your high heels again, Arthur?”
Mum and Dad looked at me, then at Arthur. Polly laughed.
* * *
Josie insisted I spend one of the days between Christmas and New Year with her. Her plan was that she make me up as Daisy in the morning, then we would go to the nearest large shopping centre for lunch and buy a new outfit for me to perform in.
“What was the matter with what I wore last time?”
“Honestly!” she said, exasperated. “You’re going to have to work harder than that if you want to be a proper girl!”
“I never said I wanted…”
“No woman would wear the same outfit twice for performing in public. Besides it wouldn’t fit.”
“What are you talking about? I may have put on a couple of pounds over Christmas, but it won’t make that much difference.”
“But we’re not talking about you, are we? Daisy will be two and a half months more pregnant. Your bump will have to be noticeably bigger. We’re going to get you a maternity dress.”
“Can’t I just have an abortion?”
“Absolutely not! I’m against abortions, especially for men.”
* * *
So I reported to Tom and Josie’s place at nine o’clock in the morning on the Friday after Christmas. I was soon up in their spare bedroom again, stripping off. The bed was covered in the familiar items that made up my Daisy disguise, plus a couple of new strange-looking objects.
“I’m glad to see you’ve shaved your legs,” Josie said when I was down to my underpants. “That will give us more options.”
“I didn’t,” I said. “I mean, Polly did it for Sarah’s bedroom scene.”
“Yes, I remember, but that was a week ago. Your stubble’s getting noticeable. I’ll get my Ladyshave.”
“Hang on! It’s two weeks before my next appearance as Daisy.”
“But by then your legs will be really hairy again, and shaving them will be that much harder. You should do it every couple of days between now and the eleventh of January.”
So I had to stand in the bath while she removed all the hair on my legs. Unlike Polly she went all the way up to the seam of my briefs.
“Aren’t you getting a little carried away?” I said. “A six-months-pregnant lady doesn’t wear miniskirts.”
“You never know though. I’m just being thorough. I’ll do your arms and hands too, while I’ve got my razor out.”
I’d learned there was no point in arguing with my sister-in-law. Come to think of it, all the women in life seemed to be able to boss me around – my mother, Ruth, even Polly. Was it me, or them?
“OK,” said Josie, breaking into my unsettling thoughts, “how does that feel?”
“Stings a bit.”
“Well, I have some moisturising cream but you’re supposed to wait for half an hour before applying any lotion to newly shaved legs. I’ll rub some on then. We can start getting you dressed while we’re waiting.
She led the way back into the bedroom.
“Here,” she said, handing me a new grey spandex garment. “Take your underpants off and put this on while I go and clean up the bathroom.”
“What is it?” I said, examining it suspiciously.
“It’s a maternity panty. Here – read the box.”
She went back to the bathroom. I hurriedly dropped my briefs and stepped into the strangely-shaped garment before she could get back and catch me naked. She wouldn’t give a fig of course, but Tom might not understand. The panty was tight around my thighs but very baggy from my groin upwards. No doubt Josie was going to pad it out to make me look six months pregnant.
I heard the bath taps running, presumably as she washed my body hair down the drain. I picked up the box the panty came in. The label read, ‘Seamless, breathable mesh Mid-Thigh PettiPant Maternity Shaper. A Blend of Nylon and Spandex. Provides gentle support and a relaxing comfortable fit. Perfect under dresses to prevent thigh chaffing.’
Josie came back. She glanced at me, sizing me up.
“Are you sure this is the right size?” I asked.
“I think so. You’re a ‘Large’, which covers dress sizes 14-18.”
“It seems awfully loose,” I said, flapping the surplus material around my waist.
“Well it won’t be when we’ve filled it with padding, dummy.”
She reached for the pack of upholstery foam and her scissors.
So began the padding process. She cut off strips of foam and I crammed them into the panty, front and back, and forcing them right down to surround my genitals. From there we added more and more strips, gradually filling the panty up to the top. Josie had to reach down inside to adjust the position of the strips of foam and smooth them out. This became a little intimate and she couldn’t have failed to notice my growing erection – again – but she just laughed it off with another flattering remark about the Rawlinson family heirlooms.
By this time my butt was twice as big – almost as big as Sarah the Cook’s had been – and my waist had completely disappeared. The panty’s waistband – if you could call it that – was now half-way up my chest. This was a strange feeling, as I was normally used to my waist being approximately at navel level.
After a good half an hour of this effort, Josie called a halt.
“I think that works,” she said. “I was concerned that the foam would over-stretch the material and cause it to sag unnaturally, but that spandex is very firm. We’ve padded it out evenly and the panty’s natural shape looks just like a baby bump at the front and a big round bum at the back. It’s good enough; pregnant women aren’t all the same shape, after all. Let’s get your bra on next.”
She helped me on with a new bra in the same style as the panty, and began stuffing it with foam.
“This is a larger size than you wore last time as Daisy, because women’s breasts grow throughout pregnancy. You shouldn’t have too much trouble with this. It’s not as big as the one you wore as Sarah. Polly said that was 42D. I’m amazed you could move at all!”
“But that was padded with a different kind of foam. It was much lighter than this.”
“Well, the extra weight in all those feminine places should force you to move like a pregnant woman. At this stage of your pregnancy, you would probably be getting pain in your back or pelvis, so even sitting down and standing up can be a challenge.”
“May I remind you I’m not really pregnant?”
“Obviously, but you’re trying to make people think you are, so you should try to move like a pregnant woman. Slow and steady, and try to keep your back straight. Are you going to perform standing up or sitting down?”
“I hadn’t thought about it. Anyway, it’s called stand-up for a reason.”
“But it wouldn’t be realistic for a six-months-pregnant woman to stand up for ten minutes if she didn’t have to.”
“I suppose not. I’ll ask Lee to put a chair out for me. Obviously I won’t be able to use the mic stand.”
“OK, and you should straddle the chair. Turn it around. Sit astride it, keeping your arms arched and resting on the chair’s back. Lean forwards. That’s how pregnant women are supposed to sit on hard-back chairs.”
“You’ve given this a lot of thought.” A thought occurred suddenly. “You must have done some research. Am I going to be an uncle, or occasionally an aunt?”
“I wish.” She sighed. “No, Phoebe, one of my old school friends, has just had a baby, and I helped her through the pregnancy as her mother wasn’t around. Little Evie is gorgeous. I’m a godmother.” She snapped out of it. “Come on. Let’s get you dressed. I borrowed this maternity top from Phoebe. She’s quite a big girl – like you!”
It was a black polka dot smock that came down to mid-thigh on me. It had three-quarter sleeves and an elasticated waist which accentuated my figure and showed off my baby bump. We paired it with grey skin-tight trousers and black flats I borrowed from the LADS wardrobe. It was around half-past ten by now, so we stopped for a break.
“Just your wig and make-up to do now, and maybe some jewellery,” she said, as we sat down in the kitchen with our coffee and chocolate digestives. She grinned. “You realise you’ve worn make-up much more often than I have over the last month? You should learn how to do your own.”
“Why? I won’t need it ever again after Daisy’s performance on the eleventh.”
“You sure about that?”
“Pretty sure. If I ever get invited to a fancy-dress party, I’ll go as a cowboy.”
“Boring!” she said. “What about a Vicars and Tarts party? You’d make a much better tart than vicar.”
I laughed, thinking – not for the first time – how lucky my brother was.
“Come on, Daisy,” she said, “Let’s get you finished. Here’s your handbag. We need to get to the shops.”
“Why, by the way? Surely I’m dressed OK for the Club as I am? Why should we spend any more money?”
“It’s not about that,” she said. “It’s to get you out and about and comfortable as a six-months-pregnant lady so you can look natural at the Club. We’ll probably need to do it again next week for practice. It won’t hurt to get you some more things. Don’t you want to try a maternity dress on?”
I didn’t answer, but I had to admit she was right. I very much wanted to try a maternity dress on. I wondered why…
* * *
Josie and I had a great afternoon lunching and shopping as sisters-in-law. She only had to pull me up a couple of times for sitting with my legs apart or taking too long strides.
“Mothercare next, I think,” she said, as we repaired our lipstick in the Ladies after lunch.
It was quite fun browsing, pretending to be looking at baby clothes and nursery furniture. Then we found the maternity dresses, and Josie persuaded me to try one on.
“Anything but those hideous dungarees,” she said. “You’d look like a fat labourer with a huge beer belly.”
“Oh, thanks very much, sis!” I said, sarcastically, reaching for a couple of dresses.
“You’re a size 16, by the way; you might get into a 14.”
“Got it.”
I chose a sleeveless denim smock dress with floral embroidery on the pockets, and a smarter two-piece dress with a white lace bodice and blue pleated skirt. The latter might even be a good choice for Daisy’s stand-up routine – or sit-down, I suppose I should call it now. I looked around for the changing rooms and headed off.
“Don’t forget, you’ve got three months to go,” she called after me. You’re going to get a lot bigger yet! Don’t get anything too tight.”
“OK,” I said, chuckling at the thought of my bump getting bigger.
“I’m just going outside to call Tom,” she said. “Won’t be long.”
The assistant at the changing room asked if I needed any help. Obviously I declined politely in my best girly voice. I found an empty cubicle, put my handbag on the seat, and took my top off. I could try both dresses on without removing my leggings. I was a little surprised that I felt no anxiety about entering such an exclusively feminine environment alone, but gradually during the day I had felt a Daisy persona forming and taking charge, just as had previously happened with Sarah. It hadn’t worked that way with Auntie Elsie, presumably because I hadn’t been her for as long, and I was terrified of exposure for most of the time.
I tried the denim dress on first and stepped out of the cubicle area to examine myself in the large mirrors. The assistant couldn’t help but try a little sales pitch.
“Good choice, madam,” she said. “It’s a sensible, practical dress, just the thing for everyday wear.”
I smiled and agreed, enjoying the fantasy. Daisy would probably have bought it, if she had actually existed, I thought. I went back in and changed into the second dress. This was much more romantic, the sort of thing one would wear for a night out with the baby’s father. I didn’t see Josie coming up behind and joining me at the mirrors. She caught me posing in the second dress and twirling wistfully.
“That’s really nice,” she said, “though it doesn’t really go with your grey pants. We need to buy you some tights. But you should definitely get the dress for your show. It’s much more attractive than your black top. How much is it?”
I dropped my voice so that we wouldn’t be overheard.
“I’m not actually going to buy anything, you idiot! I’m not pregnant, or even a woman!”
I felt Daisy bridling at that inside me. Josie carried on as if I hadn’t spoken. She grabbed the label.
“Look, it’s in the sale – it’s only thirty pounds. How did the other one fit?”
“It was fine,” I hissed. “Now can we go?”
“I’ll buy both of them for you,” she said, with a twinkle in her eye, and loudly enough for the assistant to hear. “Because you’ve been such a good girl,” she added, more quietly.
“Allow me, madam,” said the assistant, seizing her opportunity and blocking any further attempts by me to stop my sister-in-law buying me two dresses. “Would you like to wear that one out? I can just take the label to the till.”
So with Mothercare carrier bags containing the denim dress and the clothes I came in, Josie and I made our way back to her car. I had to admit I loved the swirl of the pleated skirt around my legs. I was also aware of attracting more attention than I had in my boring black smock. Perhaps I would wear this dress to the Club. It would definitely be better with stockings and heels though…
“Well, that was a very successful shopping trip, I think,” Josie said, as I secured my seat belt over my bust and baby bump. “Don’t you agree, Daisy?”
“Yes, and thank you for the dresses.”
“My pleasure. I think Daisy is coming along nicely. I only caught a couple of people looking at you askance.”
“Yes, a couple of women in the cafeteria obviously clocked you. Didn’t you notice?”
“No! Christ, I would have died…!”
“Well they were sitting just a couple of feet away and were watching you for a good half an hour.”
“So what gave me away?”
“I don’t know, but I’d guess your figure. If you look closely, and you know what you’re looking for, you can tell that your curves are just padding. They don’t move right. Female flesh jiggles and wobbles – certainly on a woman of your dimensions.”
“OK, that’s it! I quit. I’ll call Lee and cancel Daisy’s spot. Nick can go on instead.”
“No, no, no! Not after all the trouble we’ve gone to. Nobody will notice anything when you’re only on view for ten minutes at the Club. Your voice and mannerisms are near perfect now.”
It took her most of the journey home to persuade me to reconsider, and when we got back Tom joined in. They probably wouldn’t have succeeded if Daisy herself hadn’t weighed in. It seemed that she was a very determined, if imaginary, lady…
* * *
New Year came and went. Tom, Josie and I went up to London to see the fireworks and party with old university friends in Notting Hill. We had a great time with drinking games, strip poker, and casual sex (for everyone else). Unusually for us no one got arrested; perhaps we were getting old.
I was back at the Manor House by late afternoon on New Year’s Day and spent a couple of hours going through my emails. There were lots of messages of congratulations for my performance in the Panto from LADS members and supporters, some of whom I knew, many I didn’t. It was gratifying but it also made me sad that it was all over and I would never see Sarah in the mirror again. Charlie reiterated Polly’s invitation to audition for the Spring Ayckbourn. It was flattering but I saw myself as a stand-up comedian (and Pantomime Dame), not an actor.
More orders had come in at They were well into double figures now, not even counting the Dame costumes for Dick Whittington. Those hadn’t been bought through the website, so I would need to chase LADS for payment. I was trying to remember who the Treasurer was. I knew I’d been told. Was it Roddy? I should also prepare an income statement for December. The Bank would want to see that at the next meeting.
Ruth asked us to be in early the next day as we’d need all hands to the pumps to deal with the new orders and prepare for the contracts meeting. I stopped to think. I never intended actually to work on any of my ventures. Just hand over the money, monitor the spending, and take my dividends as a major shareholder from those that succeeded, while stomaching the losses from those that didn’t. I even had dreams of selling my shares and making my fortune if any of them turned out to be the next Amazon or Apple. So how was this happening? How did I end up being an unpaid finance manager, cum office administrator, cum bloody secretary? I sighed. I knew perfectly well what happened. Ruth happened.
I dropped an email to Will to ask him what he thought of the Bank’s Investment Pack and check his availability. It occurred to me that Ruth should have done that (or at least her secretary), but she had been leaving all our dealings with Will to me. She probably felt uncomfortable asking him for help, given that we weren’t paying him – yet. Which reminded me: I would need to put an allowance into the business plan for legal fees.
There were more emails from the guys at my other business ventures. I would probably need meetings with most of them this week or next to review progress and go over their accounts. and the diabetic testing project were going well, and it looked like another one was taking off: virtual reality headsets which didn’t give you motion sickness.
Another of my ventures was with university friends who had set up a data analytics company specialising in town centre traffic information. Normally this was hard to obtain as it came from ‘official’ sources, and was invariably out of date by the time it was available. My guys planned to fly drones over their customers’ target areas taking very large numbers of photographs over a period of days. This would enable them to analyse traffic flows in and out of business parks, shopping centres, distribution depots, storage facilities, factories, etc. From that they could estimate sales, hiring, production and inventories weeks before official numbers came out. My support had enabled them to improve their drone fleet and cameras, and to beef up their number-crunching computers. They were at last generating interest across a range of retail and industrial businesses. We reckoned it would soon be time to approach a bank for major funding.
Sadly I reckoned I would probably have to pull the plug on our venture in fitness instruments which had gained virtually no traction in the last three months. The ‘Uber for Private Planes’ idea wasn’t looking promising either. It was a clever idea but it turned out that the owners of the planes were generally too rich to worry about empty seats on their flights, and there weren’t enough potential customers looking for the said seats. Oh well, win some, lose some.
Vicky and I arrived together at half-past eight the next morning to find Ruth was already in the office. We exchanged greetings; enquired how we all had enjoyed the holidays; and thanked each other for our gifts. Then we got down to work.
It was a busy week. Ruth and Vicky processed the online orders that had come in over the Christmas break and four new ones that had arrived since. All of the orders involved mods of some kind. One woman wanted a BodyCon dress with a higher neckline; another wanted an A-line with spaghetti straps; and so on. The software had been designed to manage that kind of mixing ‘n’ matching, so processing each order required no manual intervention. Most of the effort went on colour-matching and dyeing, and on printing the customers’ sometimes esoteric choices of pattern. Then it was just a matter of scheduling the dyeing and printing with the cutting and fabricating. We all looked forward to automating that.
Ruth was happy to hand over the management of the latest orders to Vicky, Mike and Eddy. She wanted to spend some time encoding a new offering: maternity dresses, which I thought was ironic, given my circumstances. Perhaps I’d be able to buy Daisy’s stuff from in future. Wait! What was I thinking?
On the Wednesday Will dropped in to talk about the Bank’s Investment Pack and their draft contracts. We emailed some clarification questions and made some counter-offers for the type of support we wanted and the corresponding number of shares they could have.
On Friday morning their response came. There were no show-stoppers. The contracts meeting was arranged for the last Wednesday of January. That was fine for me. I would be able to concentrate on Daisy’s second appearance for the moment. I still had to put my material together and memorise it.
I asked Ruth out to dinner (etc) on Friday. She said she would have liked to, but couldn’t afford to be seen out with any man except Eddy, as she had explained. I gently suggested we just did the ‘etc’ at her place. She said that she would have enjoyed a romantic dinner (etc), but without the tender precursor she just wasn’t that itchy at the moment, so didn’t need scratching. I briefly considered getting dragged up again, perhaps as Auntie Elsie so as not to risk being confused with either Nick or Daisy. That certainly seemed to get her excited last time for some reason, but I decided the idea was ridiculous, and hardly a good basis for a relationship. But did I want a proper relationship? Did she?
This wasn’t getting us anywhere. But then, was there anywhere to go? I hoped it wouldn’t be too long before Ruth and Eddy were independent of the Deveres.
* * *
That weekend Tom was away on an agricultural college course, so I agreed to go out with Josie again as Daisy. The extra practice wouldn’t hurt. She had borrowed another maternity dress for me from her friend, Phoebe.
“What was the matter with the ones you bought me last week?” I asked, puzzled.
“Nothing, but Phoebe offered and I didn’t like to refuse.”
“You haven’t told her anything about me, have you?” I asked as she attended to my stubble with her Ladyshave.
“Only that I have a pregnant friend who is short of money. She was glad to help. We just have to return everything when you’re finished with it. She wants another baby soon.”
“Glutton for punishment, eh?” I couldn’t imagine anyone deliberately loading themselves down with the kind of weight I would be carrying. “I’m surprised she wasn’t more curious about me. I thought women liked to club together over pregnancy, new babies, etc.”
“Oh she was curious, but I told her you were on your own, separated from the baby’s father, and weren’t feeling very sociable. She understood.”
“Clever – and true enough. I’ve certainly never had intercourse with a man. Does that make this a virgin birth?”
“OK, enough blasphemy. Get your knickers on, Daisy.”
She helped me into another pair of maternity panties and matching bra, and adjusted the padding. I felt the weight and adapted my stance to manage the ungainliness of my six-months-pregnant figure. Josie passed me a plain, emerald-green ankle-length shift dress. It was sleeveless and I was a little worried that it left my rather obviously male shoulders bare.
“This is a dress!”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“I mean I can’t wear my leggings with this, can I? Won’t I need…?”
She held out a pair of knee-high hold-ups.
“Thanks,” I said.
I sat down on the bed and struggled to get them on. My enormous bum and distended stomach kept getting in the way. Since I had the option – as real pregnant women didn’t – I should have put the socks on before my massive padding. I eventually managed to slip my nyloned feet into my black flats.
“Now you’ll need something on top of that,” she said, handing me a short white lacy cardigan, “to hide your muscly arms and shoulders. Just do up the top button. You’d never be able to fasten the rest over your enormous tummy anyway.”
“I’m not fat though,” I said, primly. “I’m pregnant.”
Josie chuckled. “Let me do your wig and make-up next. Then we can go down the shops.”
“OK, but I’m really not buying anything new for Daisy.”
She had me stand in the doorway for a photograph. I suspended my handbag over the crook of my arm.
“You look really demure like that,” she said. “Just like a sweet little old-fashioned pregnant housewife.”
I tried to smile shyly.
“‘Demure housewife’ isn’t really a suitable look for telling jokes on Open Mic night though,” I said.
“Oh, I don’t know. It would certainly catch a few people by surprise to hear some raw and vulgar stuff coming out of the mouth of a prim little preggy lady.”
I didn’t really do ‘raw and vulgar stuff’ but it was worth thinking about. Being a ‘prim little preggy lady’ might be a little embarrassing, but surely I was past that now, having been Sarah and Auntie Elsie in public? Not to mention naked except for padded ladies’ lingerie in Ruth’s boudoir…
We had a very pleasant afternoon at the local shopping centre. I tried on a few maternity outfits but managed to convince Josie that we shouldn’t buy Daisy any more clothes. But she had been quite right. The outing worked wonders for my confidence. Sitting, standing and walking as a woman was second nature to me now, and Josie had no need to remind me about keeping my legs together or using my hands and arms for balance in the feminine manner.
In fact, while I was standing outside the Ladies reading a woman’s magazine and waiting for her to emerge, a strange man tried to chat me up. Who does that to a pregnant woman? Wasn’t he afraid my husband would come along and beat him up? I struggled to respond politely to his advances without encouraging him or giving myself away. Fortunately Josie appeared and summed up the situation instantly.
“Come along, Daisy,” she said, ignoring my assailant. “The boys will be waiting for us.”
“Thanks, sis,” I said, when we were safely out of sight. “I didn’t know what to do.”
“Now you know what we women have to put up with,” she said, with a snort. “But at least you know your disguise is effective. No one’s ever tried to pick me up outside the Ladies’.”
* * *
Life went on as usual for the next week. I went to meetings with all my other ventures. Gerry called to say that the bank funding was confirmed. He was talking to two small engineering companies about manufacturing. Meanwhile Steve had already lined up three hospital trusts and two clinical commissioning groups who wanted to buy devices as soon as they were available.
Orders were coming in steadily now at Ruth had come up with lots of new designs and Mo added them to the website. I still dropped in to see Ruth whenever I could. I got the impression she wouldn’t have minded my company in the evenings but she still didn’t want to be seen out with me. I spent most of my leisure time honing my – that is, Daisy’s – act.
The big day arrived. Lee was happy to make his office available again as I still didn’t want to mix with the audience before or after my performance. I didn’t want anyone who knew Nick to make the connection. Lee promised I would be on somewhere in the middle of the evening, around ten o’clock.
Josie helped me get ready as usual. With some misgivings I had allowed her to persuade me to wear my ‘demure’ outfit. She did my hair – that is, my wig – slightly differently, to look more like a soccer mom. I carried my handbag, which I had decided was an essential prop. She dropped me by the Club’s back entrance at half-past nine and came in with me, bringing my suitcase with Nick’s clothes. After giving me a last-minute inspection, she went round to join Tom and Eddy in the audience.
Lee came to fetch me at just after ten. He laughed heartily at my outfit.
“Oh that’s brilliant,” he said. “Way to stand out from the crowd! OK, you’re on next. Huge audience tonight. I don’t know whether it’s because we haven’t had an Open Mic night for six weeks, or because I let everyone know you’d be on.”
I laughed. “It can’t be that. Daisy’s only done one gig.”
“Don’t be too sure. Anyway there’s a small group of your peers out there – Mac and Harry and the rest. They’re dying to see you as Daisy again.” I must have looked alarmed. “Don’t worry, they’re all sworn to secrecy. They’re good guys; they won’t give you away. Come on, now. Two minutes.”
* * *
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Lee announced, “back by popular demand, and telling jokes for two…”
OK, Lee, that was quite cute.
“…please welcome – Miss Daisy Duquesne.”
I took the mic from Lee, stepped out into the spotlight and smiled for the audience. I did a little mock curtsey, as low as my padded figure would allow. I heard some gasps of surprise and a few uncertain laughs. A woman at Open Mic night was rare enough, but a pregnant woman, and one dressed like a suburban housewife? With her handbag over her arm, as if she were on the way to the hairdressers?
I wasn’t a raconteur. In all my performances as Nick, Sarah or Daisy, all I had done was roll out one-liners. I didn’t – usually – do observational humour. But there wasn’t much point in pretending to be a six-months-pregnant woman if I didn’t talk about that…
“Thanks for having me back. My performance last time was described by critics as ‘electric’ and by electricians as ‘critical’.
“As you can probably tell I’m quite a bit further up the spout than I was before. It’s on my mind quite a lot these days, so if you’re a man, you might want to look away now…
“It took me a while to get pregnant. It wasn’t happening. My husband has a sex manual but he’s dyslexic. I was lying there and he was looking for my vinegar.”
OK, that was just silly, but the silly ones often break the ice.
“So I went to the doctor and asked ‘Why aren’t I getting pregnant?’ I’m doing all the right things: I’m not drinking; I’m taking my vitamins; I’m sticking a pillow under my bottom. He said, ‘Are you having sexual intercourse on a regular basis?’ and ‘I said, well I can’t do everything’.”
They were getting going now, hopefully thinking I may be funny as well as funny-looking.
“For me, the weirdest stage of pregnancy was when people weren’t sure whether to congratulate me or buy me a gym membership.
“What’s the difference between a pregnant woman and a supermodel? Nothing—if the pregnant woman’s partner knows what’s good for him.
“I’m not sure if it’s the pregnancy hormones that are making me a bitch, or if I have a valid reason. If the baby can really hear everything from inside my tummy, I’m pretty sure her first word is going to be ‘Fuck!’”
That got my first belly laugh. I sighed inwardly. You can always rely on bad language to get a laugh, especially when you look like a demure little lady who wouldn’t say boo to a waterfowl.
“I’m really not looking forward to the actual birth. They say that when you are in the middle of labour it’s like watching two very inefficient removal men trying to get a very large sofa through a very small doorway. Only in this case you can’t say, ‘take it through the French windows’.
“My childbirth instructor says it’s not pain I’ll feel during labour, but pressure. In the way that a tornado might be referred to as an air current.”
There was a continual underflow of laughter now. From what I could tell, it was led by middle-aged women, and a few husbands – people for whom these were not so much jokes as memories, painful but nostalgic.
“But I intend to have a natural childbirth. In the sense that it’s completely natural to take drugs to alleviate excruciating pain.
“My husband asked when’s the best time to get an epidural – it’s immediately after learning that your girlfriend is pregnant.
“What’s the most common pregnancy craving? For men to be the ones who get pregnant. And what would be different then? Maternity leave would last for two years with full pay, and morning sickness would rank as the nation’s Number One health problem.”
Closing stages now. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, laughing and whooping.
“I just want to eat all the time. This morning I told my husband to put the chocolate biscuits somewhere I couldn’t reach them, so he put them on the floor.
“God gave men a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time.”
…I wrapped up and took my bow. Lee came on, clapping. I handed him the microphone.
“Daisy Duquesne, ladies and gentlemen!” he called.
The applause got louder. I took another bow. I love this!
* * *
I hurried back to Lee’s office before any of my adoring public could catch me. I slumped in his desk chair and unpinned my wig. The sweat was running down my forehead, streaking my make-up. I reached for my handbag to get a tissue to dab my face. I bent down to get my shoes off. Josie would be here in a moment to help me change.
I was rubbing my feet and trying to reach round my tummy to remove my knee-highs, when the door swung open. I caught a quick glimpse of Josie but she was quickly elbowed aside by another familiar figure.
“Daisy Duquesne, I presume?” said Ruth. “So that’s why Charlie and Arthur picked you to be their Dame! It all makes sense now.”
She was furious.
Author's Note: As freely admitted above, when it comes to telling jokes Nick and Daisy are plagiarists. The author therefore wishes to acknowledge the great comedians from whom their jokes have been, er, nicked: Victoria Wood, Jo Brand, Sarah Millican, Joan Rivers. My humble apologies to any I have failed to acknowledge.
After the Pantomime
By Susannah Donim
A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick.
Chapter 7 – The Secretary
Ruth makes Nick pay for keeping secrets from her. His ‘transformation’ becomes more permanent.
Ruth stood with her hands on her hips and demanded an explanation.
“I don’t know why you’re so angry,” I said, wearily. “This is nothing to get upset about. I had a lot of jokes that only worked from the viewpoint of a woman. Before Christmas Josie persuaded me to do a stand-up in drag. It was just for fun, but I looked passable and it sort of got out of hand. People seemed to think I was really a woman. Tonight was only the second time I’ve done it, and definitely the last – Daisy Duquesne’s farewell appearance.”
Ruth didn’t seem to have been listening to my perfectly reasonable explanation of my unexpected apparel.
“I thought we were becoming… close, but you never told me about… any of this!”
“Well, obviously…” I stuttered, too embarrassed to be coherent. “I wasn’t going to tell a girl I… liked… that I was dressing as a woman... I didn’t want you to think…”
I ground to a halt. What on earth could I say? I felt ridiculous. I was sitting at Lee’s desk in my wig cap, streaky make-up, maternity dress and padding. My handbag was on my knee, and I was rubbing my nyloned feet. I had a flashback to my time as Sarah the Cook, when I often entertained visitors in my dressing room, half-in and half-out of extravagant women’s clothing. But this was completely different.
If I’d ever hoped that Ruth and I might have a future together, I could definitely forget that now. She must have thought I was a total pervert. But she was just getting started.
“I don’t know why I’m surprised. You’ve been lying to me ever since I’ve known you!”
That was below the belt and completely untrue.
“I’ve never lied to you. Not once! Sure, I haven’t told you everything about me, but then you haven’t told me everything about you either.”
“Well I certainly don’t have a secret as big as this!”
“As big as what? I’m an amateur stand-up comic; you knew that. And I’ve done a couple of gigs in drag. So what?”
“Not to mention the whole Pantomime Dame thing. You obviously get your kicks dressing as a woman!”
“For the purposes of entertainment only!” I said, angrily. She was actually getting too close to the truth as I was beginning to realise, but it wouldn’t do to admit it. “I won an award for my Sarah!”
Josie had closed the door and was leaning on it, trying to be inconspicuous, but now she must have felt she had to say something.
“Ruth, please! It’s true – it was all my idea. Nick’s not… weird… or anything.”
We both turned to her. She must have realised that the ship was sailing and it would be better to jump on it and leave us alone.
“OK, I’ll just… Let me know… somehow… when you’re ready to change back, Nick.”
She left and closed the door behind her. But her intervention might have helped, because I got the sense that Ruth might be calming down a little.
“But why did she make you pregnant, for God’s sake?”
“Her little joke. Also it draws attention from anything that might give me away, and it covers up my, you know… things.”
“Oh yes,” she said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. “Good idea. ‘Cause they’re so huge.” She raised her eyes to heaven.
“Look,” I said, ignoring her belittling of my manhood, “you and I… we’ve never made a commitment to each other. And you’re the one who said she couldn’t be with me, given the difference in our backgrounds. You even said your parents would disown you for going out with a toff.”
“Don’t give me that! You know we were getting past all of that. I thought you cared about me.”
“I do care, you idiot! Why do you think I keep asking you out? You keep turning me down.”
“You know why I…”
“Yeah, yeah, but if you cared about me, you’d have found a way to make it work.”
We stared at each other for a moment. I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I was tempted to go to her, but I didn’t see how being embraced by a man in make-up, a wig cap, and a maternity dress with a huge baby bump was likely to improve her mood. So I just looked at her, helplessly. I was about to give up when she slumped down in Lee’s other chair.
“OK… OK… how about this?” she said eventually. “I’ll go out with Daisy!”
“Well, I didn’t recognise you – Nick – I recognised Dame Sarah! Nobody will connect Nick with Daisy. We can go out together then. You can be my girlfriend or secretary or something. It won’t matter if the Deveres hear I’ve been seen out with another woman. Maybe Eddy can come with us sometimes. He and I can act all lovey-dovey in public and his parents will think everything’s tickety-boo.”
“So you want me to drag up every time I go out with you? Do you know how long it takes to get this lot on and off? I’ll be spending half my life getting in and out of ladies’ underwear!”
“Oh well, if you think I’m not worth a little of your time…”
She trailed off when I didn’t respond. I thought about it for a moment. It was mad! I couldn’t do this… could I? True, I had admitted to myself that I enjoyed the outings with Josie as well as my act at the Club. It was really no great imposition being Daisy. But my disguise wasn’t good enough for everyday, was it? It was OK on stage, not moving about and with the nearest person ten feet away, but I’d never get away with it close up, in normal light… would I? I recalled what Josie said about the unnatural stiffness of the padding.
“I don’t think it’ll work,” I said at last. “I don’t think my disguise is good enough.”
“Oh well, forget it then,” she said, getting up and not bothering to hide her disappointment.
I couldn’t leave it like that.
“If I do this bizarre thing, what will you do?”
“What do you mean?” She sat down again.
“I’ll be humiliating myself, and God knows what else, to prove my commitment to you. What will you do to prove your commitment to me?”
It felt a bit petty when I put it like that, but I sensed it was now or never with Ruth.
“Oh, I see. Do you want me to dress as a French Maid or something?”
“No, that would be stupid. I mean, you’d look fantastic…” Was that a hint of a smile? “…but it’d be stupid. I’m looking for a commitment, not fancy-dress games.”
“Well... I could say ‘I love you’. Would that help?” She looked a little embarrassed, which didn’t exactly inspire confidence.
“It might – if you meant it. But words are just words, aren’t they? And sex is just sex. Love is something else. You have to show it, not just talk about it.”
“Wow! Deep!” she said. Her anger seems to have abated. “I don’t suppose the way I lost my rag when I discovered you’d been keeping important things from me would count, would it?”
I hadn’t thought of that.
“Well, I suppose it would be a start…”
She came over and kissed me – hard.
“How come every time I touch you these days, you’re wearing a bra and a girdle?” she said, smiling. I relaxed a little and returned her smile. “But I mean it about you being Daisy, if you’re going to be seen with me in public.”
“I understand,” I sighed. “I’ll try and work something out. What about tonight? Are we…?”
“If you put your wig back on, you can come back to my place – Daisy.”
I reached for the wig as I got up to go.
“By the way, you haven’t said what you thought of my act. Was I any good?”
“Let’s just say you’d better perform better than that tonight.”
My sternest critic.
* * *
We lay in bed, post-coitally content. Ruth’s bedroom floor was strewn with two dresses, two bras, two pairs of panties, two pairs of nylons, and quite a lot of unnatural-looking padding.
“How come everyone had seen you as Daisy except me?”
“Well, I didn’t know how you’d react. I never know where I am with you…”
“Are you ashamed of performing as a woman?”
“No, but that’s performing. You’re asking me to pretend to be a woman in real life.”
“Rubbish! It’s just another performance – you’ll be playing the part of my secretary. It will save us the cost of another member of staff. It’s not as though you have anything better to do.”
“Come on! You met the people on all my other ventures before Christmas. I have lots to do.”
“Hah! Occasional meetings that you can easily take by phone. You’re just too stuck-up to work for a woman in a menial position!”
“Again with the class prejudice?”
“Yes – to prove to me you’re not a full-of-himself toff. Besides if you can look as good as a woman as people say you do, we can go out together all the time. I’m fed up of hiding. No one can be suspicious about a boss having dinner with her secretary, especially if she’s six months pregnant. If you want to be with me, you need to prove it.”
“But why do I have to be pregnant?”
“In case we bump into someone who’s seen Daisy at the Club, dumbo.”
* * *
The following day I called Polly and asked if she could meet with us in private. She readily agreed, obviously intrigued when I mentioned I would be with Ruth.
We called in the late afternoon. Arthur was in the lounge watching the football results on television. He grunted hello but expressed no interest in why we were there. Ruth being with me would have allayed any suspicions he might have had that I was up to something with his wife. I doubt that was in his nature, but in the dressing room Polly and I had been as close as an unmarried couple should ever be.
The three of us settled in the breakfast room with cups of tea and chocolate biscuits. I explained what I was trying to do and asked if she had any ideas as to how my Daisy disguise could be improved.
“Seriously?” said Polly.
“It seems it’s the only way to persuade this mad bitch that I love her.”
Polly raised an eyebrow at my description of my beloved.
“Are you sure you two want to be together?”
“Yes, we’ve reached the ‘terms of endearment’ stage,” said Ruth. “I’m ‘mad bitch’, apparently. I’m trying to come up with something for him. ‘Lying pansy’ is favourite at the moment.”
Polly sighed. “I warned you about keeping secrets from the people you love, didn’t I?” she said to me. “How long do you intend to do this for?”
We hadn’t actually discussed this.
“A week,” I proposed, nervously.
“A couple of months,” Ruth said, firmly.
“A week is nothing like long enough,” she said. “It would be too easy to laugh it off as a joke. This is about commitment. You know that.”
“But I have other commitments. We have a contracts meeting for next week. And I still have to meet regularly with my other ventures, and solicitors, and banks. I can’t go as Daisy!”
“Conference calls – without video, of course. Say Nick is away on business. You don’t have to speak much at these meetings anyway, do you? You hardly said a word at our session with the Bank.”
She was right about that at least. Apart from progress meetings with my project teams, I only really needed to be there to listen to keep up to date, which I could easily do over the phone.
“There must be some other way I can show you I’m serious about you.”
“Such as what?”
“Can’t I just slay a dragon or something?”
“Sure – if you can find one.”
I tried one last tactic.
“But are you sure you’ll want to be with me after all this? With everyone laughing at me and my reputation in tatters?”
“You’re exaggerating,” she said breezily. “Anyway, I’ll take the risk. So, do you have any suggestions for a better disguise, Polly?”
“Well, if you’re really sure…”
She paused. Ruth held her gaze. Polly sighed.
“Arthur has a friend, James, who cross-dresses. He uses a service that does realistic prostheses, wigs, make-up, and so on. Apparently, they’re really good. James reckons he’s never been ‘read’ as a man and he’s nowhere near as… uh, pretty… as Nick.”
She had the grace to look a little embarrassed at describing me thus.
“That’s what we need,” Ruth said firmly. “How do we contact them for an appointment?”
“They’re very discreet. They don’t advertise at all. You have to know someone. I’ll ring James.”
She went into the sitting room to make the call. Ruth came over to me.
“She’s right to be concerned though,” she said. She touched my face, almost tenderly. “There’s no point in doing this if we’re just going to resent each other afterwards.”
“No, it’s OK,” I said. “I think the problem is that we both hate showing any weakness… No, I don’t mean weakness, I mean vulnerability. We need to overcome that – with each other at least. I’m learning – playing Sarah helped – but you need to let me in more. Can you do that?”
Before Ruth could reply Polly returned, still on the phone. She gave Ruth a scrap of paper and a pen.
“James says he can’t give us Transformations’ number, but if you give him yours, he’ll get them to call you.”
“They’re called ‘Transformations’? That sounds ominous,” I said.
Ruth wrote her number down. Polly returned to the other room, reading it out into the phone as she went.
“I take your point about vulnerability,” Ruth said when Polly had gone again, “and I think you’re right. I’ll work on that. I may find it easier to share with Daisy.”
“But I’m Daisy… oh, never mind.”
Polly came back and we chatted while we finished our coffee. The ladies discussed how the LADS wardrobe team might support with the frilly bits (not their terminology). Ruth was keen to start selling wedding dresses as soon as possible but couldn’t see how our existing machinery could do more than make the basic garment, after which there would still be a lot of work which would have to be done by hand by skilled seamstresses. They agreed that Polly would come in on Monday afternoon to discuss designs.
We were just getting ready to go when a call came through to Ruth’s mobile – ‘Number Withheld’. She answered quickly. It was Transformations. She listened.
“Pregnant, yes… six months. Good enough to pass close up in good light… Well, the sooner the better,” she said, “but weekdays are difficult… Yes, I appreciate you must be busy at weekends…”
She turned to me. “Looks like we’ll have to put aside a weekday morning or afternoon. What works for you this week?”
I checked the calendar on my phone. “I could do Tuesday or Wednesday pm,” I said
“Wednesday afternoon looks best,” she said into the phone. “How long would we need…? Really? As long as that…? Oh yes, I could drop him off and come back later, I suppose… ‘Daisy’… Yes, that’s right… Yes, we have some suitable clothes. We’ll bring them with us… Thank you. Can you text me the address…? Good, we’ll see you on Wednesday at 2 o’clock.”
She hung up.
“You didn’t ask how much it would cost,” I said.
“Why would I? I won’t be paying.” She smiled. “You know I don’t have any money, posh boy.” She stood up. “Thanks for everything, Polly. We’ll get out of your way now. See you on Monday.”
Polly led us out. We’d come in separate cars due to Ruth’s paranoia at being seen alone with me. She left first and told me to wait five minutes before following. After waving her off, Polly turned to me.
“Are you really going through with this?” she said.
“I know. It’s a pretty big deal. I don’t think Ruth appreciates that. It’s one thing to do a drag act a couple of times, or play the Dame in a Panto, but dressing as a woman in real life… I’m not happy about it, but I think I have to do it.”
“Dressing you up as Daisy may not be the real point, you know,” she said.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, LADS did The Canterbury Tales a while ago.”
I looked at her as if she’d gone senile.
“It’s relevant, trust me,” she said. “Have you ever read The Wife of Bath’s Tale?”
“Remind me.”
“A young knight at King Arthur’s court commits a rape and is to be put to death for it, but the queen intercedes on his behalf and presents him with a challenge: to discover, within a year, what women want most in the world. He roams throughout the country asking every woman he meets, but they all give different answers, none of them convincing. On the last day he meets an ugly old woman who tells him she can save his life, but if she succeeds, he must pledge himself to her in return for her help. He agrees.
“Back at the court the knight gives the queen the answer the old woman gave him: what women most desire is for their husbands to let them have their own way. All the women at the court agree that that was the right answer, and the queen spares the knight’s life. The old hag then demands the knight marry her. He is horrified but keeps his word.
“On their wedding night she reveals that she is a fairy and offers him a choice: he can have her ugly but loyal and good, or he can have her young and fair, but also coquettish and unfaithful. Finally, he replies that he would trust her judgment, and asks her to choose whatever she thinks best. Because his answer gave her what she most desired – the right to choose for herself – she becomes both beautiful and good. They have a long, happy marriage, and the woman is always completely obedient to her husband.”
Polly looked at me, expectantly. I looked at her blankly, clearly not the reaction she had hoped for.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake! You’re giving Ruth what she wants, to prove your love for her. The more of an imposition it is for you, the more certain she can be of your love. It’s touching really.” She paused. A cloud came over her face. “But a fourteenth century parable is one thing… I just hope she doesn’t come to regret what it does to you – both.”
* * *
The next day I had lunch with my parents. They would have to know what I was planning to do, so I tried to explain my absurd predicament.
“Did you lose some sort of bet?” asked my father.
“No, nothing like that,” I said. “It’s about commitment and trust. Ruth and I… well, let’s say we’re attracted to each other, but she feels she can’t trust me because I kept things from her.”
“What things?” asked my mother.
“Well my Daisy Duquesne act mainly, but I didn’t mention I was doing stand-up in the first place. Mind you, back then we were barely even friends, and anyway I thought she was engaged to Eddy. So as I said at the time, there was no particular reason why I should have told her that, or anything else about myself. I also kept my involvement in the Panto from her for as long as I could.”
“I don’t think you can be blamed for not telling a potential girlfriend you were dressing up as a woman,” said Dad, “particularly if you thought she was engaged to someone else at the time.”
“But you can see how it looks now, can’t you?” said Mum. “You claim to be in love with her, but you haven’t exactly been sharing, have you?”
“No,” I sighed. “If I had known then what I know now, I would have told her everything from the beginning, especially as she seems to find my female impersonation sexy.”
They both raised their eyebrows at that.
“So she sees this as a way of testing your – what word did you use? – commitment?” said Mum.
“That’s about it, yeah.”
“Bloody funny way of testing boyfriend material, if you ask me,” said Dad, “checking out what kind of girlfriend he’d make.”
* * *
At ten to two on Wednesday afternoon we sat together in the Transformations Reception waiting for our consultant. Ruth was surprisingly quiet. She clearly had something on her mind. I assumed she would share it with me when she was ready.
I passed the time by comparing her with the receptionist, Angela, who was a total babe. Ruth was leading 5-4, and I was hoping to see Angela stand up so I could complete my analysis by comparing their lower halves, but she remained resolutely seated behind her desk, her caboose and legs concealed from my view.
Ruth cleared her throat.
“You don’t actually have to do this, you know,” she said, to my astonishment.
“What? But you…”
“It was always more about you showing you were willing to do it, than actually going through with it.”
So Polly had been spot on.
“Where’s this coming from?” I said.
“I’m just afraid that you’ll… hate me for making you do this.”
She looked thoroughly miserable now.
“OK, who are you, and what have you done with Ruth Braddock?”
She gave a wan smile. She looked… vulnerable – a first for her?
“I’m serious,” she said.
“Well, don’t be,” I said, putting my arm around her. “I want to do this. I need to do this – to prove myself to you. I have no problem being Daisy for a while if you’re my prize at the end of it.”
She buried her face in my shoulder. I distinctly heard a sniff.
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” I said, “and I certainly won’t hate you for it.”
No response.
“Anyway, if I quit now, even after what you’ve just said, you’d never really know if I would have gone through with it, would you?”
She looked up at me, her expression a mass of contradictions. I had no idea what else I could say. Fortunately, I didn’t need to speak. A large, tweedy woman had appeared from nowhere.
“You must be Daisy?” she said to me. “I’m Ingrid McLaughlin. I’ll be your consultant.” She turned to Ruth, who was doing her best to recover her poise. “I don’t need to know your name, madam, or your relationship with Daisy, but I assume you’re in charge?”
She obviously believed that Ruth was going to be Daisy’s boss, and I suppose she was right. She had also called Ruth ‘madam’, not ‘miss’, so she was probably assuming we were married. She was clearly used to dealing with ‘alternative’ marital relationships, which meant we could probably rely on her discretion.
Ruth had recovered her composure by now, and quickly confirmed her authority over me.
“If you would like to follow me,” said Ingrid, “I’ll show you our facilities and explain what we propose to do for Daisy.”
It felt odd to be referred to as Daisy while I was still entirely Nick, but that was the least of my forthcoming humiliation. Ingrid and Ruth discussed me as though I wasn’t there. Presumably she was used to dealing with submissive husbands and dominant wives. But if Ruth thought that was going to be the way of things in future, she had another think coming. We were going to be equal partners or not partners at all.
I picked up the suitcase of Daisy’s clothes that Josie had put together for me and followed the two women, who seemed to be getting on very well. We went first to Ingrid’s office where she reviewed her brief.
“As I understand it, you want Daisy to be able to pass as a woman who is six months pregnant in ordinary, everyday settings?” Ruth nodded. “So, in the office, at the shops, in restaurants, and so on?”
“That’s right.”
“Do you need to be able to deceive people who know her real identity?”
“No, all her friends and family are aware of this arrangement,” said Ruth. “We only need to fool people who don’t know Ni… her male self.”
“So you probably don’t need any special prosthetics to disguise her face then.” She turned to me. “May I?”
Without waiting for an answer, she reached out and lifted my chin up with her hand, which despite the painted nails and jewelled rings, I noticed was surprisingly large. She was staring intently at my neck.
“Her Adam’s apple is quite small,” she continued, “barely noticeable, but she should probably wear high collars as much as possible.” She dropped her hand. “Now, may I ask: how much experience does Daisy have of female impersonation?”
“Quite a lot, actually. She played the Dame in an amateur Panto before Christmas and won ‘Best Actor’.”
I hoped Ingrid didn’t live anywhere near us or she would be able to identify me quite easily. But she didn’t seem interested – or impressed.
“A Pantomime Dame is hardly proper female impersonation.”
“He… sorry, she has also performed stand-up comedy and no one realised she wasn’t a woman.”
“Indeed?” said Ingrid. “That’s much more like it. You might get away with just the physical disguise and no training then. Now, how long do you want this to last? Because if it’s for more than a week or two, Daisy will have to get bigger – a lot bigger, as she nears full term.”
I hadn’t thought of that! That was a good reason to end the whole thing sooner rather than later.
“So it might have to be just a couple of weeks then after all,” I said hopefully.
“Shush, dear,” Ruth said. “If we want it to last a couple of months, say, can you help with that?” she asked Ingrid.
“Oh yes. We’ve taken several men all the way through full nine-month pregnancies.”
Good grief! There must be some truly perverted people around, I thought. Perhaps what I was doing wasn’t so far out after all.
“We can make a prosthesis which can be enlarged gradually,” Ingrid continued. “You could even do it at home by adding water, but we don’t recommend that. The prosthesis tends to distort and swell unrealistically. We use a special gel, so it would be best if Daisy comes to us once a week for her top-ups.” She turned back to Ruth. “I do agree that you should be thinking of months rather than weeks, by the way. Our services don’t come cheap, and as it will be a fixed price, the longer she is Daisy, the better the value for money. We won’t charge for the weekly top-up visits. Anyway, you don’t have to decide now.”
She paused to gauge our reaction. I was resigned. Ruth was excited.
Ingrid resumed. “There is one thing you do have to decide now – a slightly delicate matter. Will Daisy need to appear naked?”
“She certainly won’t!” I said.
Ingrid looked at Ruth, the ghost of a smile on her otherwise professional countenance.
“May I ask why you need to know?” asked Ruth. “Although I think I can guess…”
“Because we can make the prosthesis ‘anatomically correct’ down there, and it would be good enough to fool anyone that Daisy is completely female – short of a trained clinician performing a ‘hands on’ inspection…”
I was gaping at them both in horror.
“I don’t think that will be necessary, Ingrid,” Ruth said, smiling.
“Very good. The reason I ask, you see, is that the full prosthesis would need to be secured with adhesive for the duration of the exercise, completely denying access to Daisy’s male parts. It could then only be removed by a highly skilled operator using a special solvent.”
“Absolutely not happening!” I protested vehemently.
“Calm down, dear,” said Ruth. “And the alternative?” she asked.
“If she doesn’t need to be anatomically correct in her private parts, the bottom of the prosthesis can be secured using an almost invisible fastener. In both cases the subject’s testicles will need to be returned to the abdominal cavity for maximum comfort, and the subject will then need to sit to relieve herself while wearing the device. Its orifices will be perfectly aligned with Daisy’s own, of course. However in the second option, the full male equipment can be liberated without too much trouble, albeit with a little assistance from her partner.”
“Yes, option two would be best,” Ruth said, to my relief. “I do like the idea that he can’t get at his tackle without my help, though.” She giggled for only the second time that I’d known her. “Would Daisy be able to wear a swimming costume?”
“Oh yes, although I’d recommend a one-piece,” said Ingrid, with a smile. “She’ll need prosthetic breasts that match of course, and they will have to be secured with adhesive for them to move properly, and to avoid the danger of them falling out of her bra.” Ruth nodded. “Well, I think that’s everything. Are we going ahead?”
“Oh yes, I think so,” said Ruth. “Are you happy, Daisy?”
“I’m content to proceed,” I said, resignedly. “‘Happy’ is not the word.”
“You need to know our fees, of course. I’ll just print off our invoice and a contract for you to sign.”
She turned to her desktop and opened a menu. She selected some options and clicked Print.
She folded the invoice in two and gave it to Ruth. She passed it straight to me without looking at it. When I saw the total, I almost fell off my chair. This would severely deplete my savings. I would have to put off changing my car for another year, or even two. had better start making me rich soon. Meanwhile Ruth was happily signing the contract.
“Right,” said Ingrid, briskly. “The first step will be to get an accurate 3D image of your body. Follow me. Our photography suite is next door.” She turned to Ruth. “If you’d like to wait here for a moment, please, madam. I’ll be right back.”
I couldn’t help noticing that I was given brusque orders, but Ruth received polite requests. I was pretty sure Ruth had noticed too.
The photography suite was a small dark room with a dim red light. There was a sort of dais in the centre.
“You stand on there,” she said. “The cameras move around you on the rails.” There were three cameras at different heights. “They build up an accurate three-dimensional composite image of your body. The software helps us design the female shape you want. Then we use 3D printing to make the prosthesis. Strip off, then.”
When I was down to just my underpants, she got me to climb up onto the little platform. There were footprints on it showing me where to stand, like at airport security X-ray booths. She made for the door.
“When I’ve gone, drop your underpants on the floor,” she said. “I’ll tell you what you need to do next over the loudspeaker.”
When I was sure she’d gone, I stripped naked, as instructed. I wondered if she and Ruth could actually see me. Well there wasn’t much point in being bashful now.
In a moment Ingrid’s voice came through. “Are you ready?” she said. “The lights will be going off in a moment. Stand as still as you can with your arms horizontal and out to your sides.”
I complied, and the little red light went out.
“Starting the process now,” she said. “The camera lights will be very bright. Try not to blink.”
The lights were incredibly bright after the darkness. The cameras starting orbiting around me, snapping pictures every second or so. After two circuits they stopped. The bright lights went off again and the small darkroom lamp came on.
“There’s a dressing gown on the back of the door,” Ingrid said over the speaker. “You can put it on and come back to the office.”
The robe was a plain pink woman’s dressing gown. I supposed I would have to get used to wearing such garments. I returned to Ingrid’s office with my arms full of Nick’s clothes.
Ruth and Ingrid were at the computer console. Ruth turned as I entered and grinned when she saw what I was wearing.
I noticed that my suitcase was now open and empty, and the clothes, underwear, and accessories Josie gave me for Daisy were strewn across Ingrid’s table, together with my wig on its stand. I stuffed my – that is, Nick’s – clothes into the case. This would probably be the last time I would see them for a while.
I looked over Ruth’s shoulder at the monitor. I was embarrassed to see a revolving three-dimensional picture of my naked body, with my private parts pixilated out.
“Now I’ll superimpose an image of a six-months-pregnant woman over your body, using measurements that correspond to the clothes you brought,” Ingrid said.
A new figure appeared, a pregnant female but with my face. I realised then what Josie had meant when she said I was ‘androgynous’. I knew it was my face with my short hair, but it really didn’t look out of place on the very female body.
“As you can see, the figure is mostly green, which is good as it means that Daisy’s male anatomy is well inside the pregnant female shape. The red areas are where his body protrudes beyond the female template – just the shoulders and upper arms, where his male musculature exceeds that of a female of a similar height. There’s nothing we can really do about that, but if you keep those covered up in something feminine and lacy, I doubt anyone will notice. There would normally be red areas around the waist and chest too, but of course they are subsumed within the expanded breasts and the baby bump.”
I had to admire the technology despite my misgivings.
“So now I can make an abdominal prosthesis and breast forms to fill out the green zones.” She turned to Ruth. “This printing stage will take about half an hour. Then we have to fit him and get him dressed and made up. I would guess it will be about two hours before Daisy will be ready to leave.”
“OK,” said Ruth. “I think I’ll go off to the shops. See you later, Daisy.”
She made to leave, then turned back. She closed the suitcase and picked it up.
“I’ll take this with me, shall I? Remove any temptation to bottle out.”
She laughed at my forlorn expression and left me to Ingrid’s mercies.
* * *
While Ingrid organised the 3D printing, I was shown into a treatment room where I had to remove my robe and lie down naked on a massage bed. A jolly lady called Vera covered my private parts with a towel for decency’s sake, and then began to subject me to an all-over waxing. I queried the need for this torture but Ingrid made it clear that it was necessary. They couldn’t attach breast forms to my chest if there was any sign of masculine hair there, let alone glue a pregnancy belly over hairy loins and genitals.
Vera offered me a stiff whisky as a kind of anaesthetic and I accepted gratefully. That turned out to be a good decision. I had no idea waxing would be so painful! How could women do this regularly?
Vera finished by massaging me all over with a soothing lotion, which helped a lot.
“Since you’ve said you’re going to be Daisy for at least two months, I’m using a lotion with a low dosage of female hormone.” I must have looked alarmed. “Don’t worry, it’s not strong enough to affect your virility or make you grow real breasts, but it should slow the growth of your body hair. I take it you didn’t enjoy the waxing?”
She then turned me onto my back again so that she could attach my breast forms. She had brought several pairs and checked each of them against my chest to get the best colour match.
“Ingrid said to give you 42Cs,” she said. “If you’ve never had forms attached to you before, these may take a bit of getting used to.”
She wasn’t kidding. They were nearly as big as the ones I had worn as Sarah, but those had been of springy foam. These were seriously heavy and immediately affected my balance when I stood up, but they jiggled as I moved, just like the real thing.
“You should put your bra on straightaway, dear,” said Vera. “You need the support. Otherwise the forms’ weight might hurt the skin of your chest.”
She held up the bra that Josie had packed for me. It was pale blue and lacy; very pretty, in fact. I slipped my arms through the shoulder straps and she fastened it behind me, expertly adjusting the sliders on the straps and fastening the clasp.
Ingrid came in then with a huge lump of smelly, flesh-coloured plastic on a trolley. She saw me wrinkling my nose.
“Don’t worry,” she said, “the latex smell soon disappears.”
The ‘abdominal prosthesis’ was basically a pair of shorts, but with a very high waist and coming down to just above the knee. But it didn’t look much like shorts because of the blubbery flesh round the buttocks, hips, thighs, and especially the huge dome round the front where my baby bump would be. What was most impressive was its texture. The buttocks and thighs wibbled and wobbled at my touch, but the baby bump was smooth and firm, like a fully-stretched pregnancy belly. It looked and felt just like the real thing. At Ingrid’s invitation I tested the weight and found it a strain to lift even with both hands. No wonder she had brought it in on a trolley.
“The material is precisely the density of actual flesh,” she said. “So now you know how much weight a pregnant woman has to carry around. And of course this is only the equivalent of six months. If you do as your… mistress… suggests, and see out the full nine months, it will get a lot bigger and heavier. You will find you will have to move exactly as a real pregnant woman does.”
She said all that in a ‘and let that be a lesson to you’ manner. It didn’t seem worth the effort of pointing out that whatever Ruth was to me, she certainly wasn’t my mistress. Let the tweedy old bat think what she likes.
With a sniff, Ingrid left it to Vera to help me on with this appalling device. I stepped into it and she helped me pull it up. It was incredibly heavy. There was a sort of zip, like the seal on a freezer bag only much finer, which ran from inside one thigh, up to the groin, and down the other thigh. It was open at the moment and my male parts were exposed and available for use (as it were), but the discomfort and embarrassment of the experience had ensured that my member remained flaccid and quiescent.
“Now the next part is tricky,” said Vera. “Let me help you. You might find it a little uncomfortable at first, but you’ll get used to it.”
She had to kneel down in order to reach under my now enormous stomach and inside the opening between my legs. She deftly levered my testicles upwards into the abdominal cavity from which they had descended when I was thirteen (if I remember rightly), and manoeuvred my penis into a special tube. She then closed the zip, up one leg, across, and down the other. All my male parts were now packed tightly and invisibly under fake female flesh. Only an expert eye would have been able to distinguish the view from what one would expect to find between a real woman’s legs.
“Good,” she said, standing up. “You should now find that when you need to wee, just relax, and it will flood out of your faux vagina. Of course, it will spray – realistically – so you’ll need to sit down, and wipe thoroughly afterwards. Also, make sure you open the zip and wash yourself inside and out at least every couple of days. You’ll find it easiest and most comfortable to do that in the bath.”
She paused, no doubt to enjoy the horrified look on my face.
“Now, as you will have noticed, the prosthesis is quite heavy, and it would soon slip down, as there’s nothing to hold it up. So we’ve lined it with a special adhesive that also prevents perspiration. That will have set by now. It should be quite secure.”
“What? You mean I’m stuck in this thing?”
“Well, yes, but you don’t want to be walking along the street and suddenly find your abdomen around your ankles, do you? The adhesive does break down after a while, but the prosthetic will loosen anyway as you lose the top layer of skin cells – about twelve to fourteen days.” She grinned. “Don’t worry, we have a solvent for the adhesive in case of emergency, and we’ll check you out every week when you come in to have it enlarged. We need to make sure you’re not developing a rash or anything, but we rarely see any problems like that.”
I needed to sit down. This impersonation was going to be much more convincing and comprehensive and irreversible than I had expected. Was it too late to back out?
“You’d better put some panties on, dear. You’re a naked lady down there now.”
I scurried across to the pile of clothes on the table and with some difficulty stepped into a pair of maternity panties that matched my bra. They came up well above my waist which wasn’t surprising because I didn’t have a waist anymore.
Maintaining my balance was a challenge with all this additional weight in unfamiliar places. The foam padding Josie had used was awkward and cumbersome, but at least it was light and I could take it off at the end of the evening. My new breast forms and this humongous prosthetic were really heavy, and they moved just like real female flesh. I would have to move and sit and stand and waddle just like a real pregnant woman. And I couldn’t take them off. What had I done to myself?
I caught sight of my ungainly pregnant figure in a mirror on a cupboard door. I felt feminine and vulnerable. I was beginning to see why they called this place Transformations.
Josie had packed the pleated dress she had bought me the previous week, some knee-highs, and a pair of black one-inch heels, presumably on loan from LADS. I might have to buy some more shoes if I’m going to be Daisy for a while, not to mention more bras and panties. They would have to allow for my tummy getting even bigger. More expense.
Next on the agenda was a session with a lady called Sharon who would be my beautician. She put my wig on and brushed it into shape. She didn’t approve.
“Tell me,” she said, “did a relative of yours buy this wig when she lost her hair due to chemotherapy?” I nodded. “Thought so. It’s a bit obvious, I’m afraid, and it really doesn’t suit you at all. It’s for a middle-aged lady. We can do much better.”
I must have looked dubious. She hastened to reassure me.
“Don’t worry. Everything’s included in the price. Now what hair colour would you like?”
“I think I’d better stick with my natural colour.”
“Good choice. Then when your own hair grows out, you may be able to dispense with wigs entirely.”
I didn’t tell her that by the time my hair was long enough for a girl’s hairstyle I wouldn’t be Daisy anymore. The way I felt at the moment I wouldn’t be Daisy next bloody week. I just hoped Ruth would let me out of this ridiculous enterprise without ending our relationship before it got started.
Sharon tried a number of wigs out on me.
“Now this one is somewhere between a long pixie and a short bob,” she said.
“I’ll take your word for it,” I said, “but I do like that one.”
“Good, and it’s not much longer than your own hair is now. In about a month or so, I’ll be able to do a style just like that for you.”
Despite my growing misgivings I actually enjoyed my hour with Sharon, learning what colours were right for me, and how to apply my make-up properly. She also persuaded me to let her do my nails. I never kept them particularly short and she filed them to a better shape and painted them bright red.
I enjoyed her piercing my ears rather less, but she promised me that most women of Daisy’s age and class (what class?) would have pierced ears. She gave me some antiseptic swabs to use on my lobes until the bleeding stopped, and put some silver posts in the holes, which I needed to leave in place for forty-eight hours before putting real earrings in.
When she’d finished I couldn’t deny that Daisy looked a lot better, and much more convincing. I added all the products she’d used to my handbag.
I stood up and examined myself in Sharon’s full-length mirror. My face and hair were perfect. My new feminine flesh moved realistically as I turned. I could now be confident that Daisy would fool anyone.
* * *
I called Ruth to collect me. When we met in Reception, she was clearly impressed.
“You look fantastic!” she gushed, as she led me out to her car.
With all my additional weight wobbling unpredictably, I was struggling to keep up with her. I was forced to waddle, my enhanced butt swinging from side to side. The one-inch heels weren’t helping. Why hadn’t Josie packed flats?
“Look at how you’re walking! No one would ever suspect you were a man. Your Daisy disguise is perfect!”
“It had better be, considering how much it cost.”
“How much?”
I didn’t see any reason not to tell her, so I did.
“Shit! You’re kidding!” I shook my head sadly. “Are you trying to make me feel guilty?” she said.
“I wasn’t, but feel free.”
“I thought you said you were poor?”
“Well, I certainly am now.”
It was a lot of money to throw away if I was only going to be Daisy for a few days. On the other hand, being stuck – literally – with this preposterous figure was no joke.
Ruth opened the passenger door for me. I suppose I would have to get used to people treating me like a pregnant lady. That wouldn’t be so bad, I supposed. I’d always get a seat on the bus; not that I ever travelled by bus. There was no way I could step into the car, so I turned sideways and plumped down bottom first. Then with some difficulty, I swung my legs in.
“Wow,” she said, “this is great! I’m going to get to see what it’s like for a new father-to-be looking after his pregnant wife! We’ll have a nice dinner tonight, just the two of us, then back to my place.”
“You still want to be with me? Even when I look like… like this?”
“Even more so, for some reason! I don’t understand it myself. Perhaps it’s just the novelty, knowing it’s really you under there. I don’t know.”
“I always said you were weird.”
I just hoped the novelty wouldn’t wear off.
It certainly hadn’t by that evening. We had the nice dinner that she had promised at our favourite restaurant, where – ironically – we didn’t see anyone either of us knew. Afterwards, at her flat, we worked out how to free my ‘belongings’ from the diabolical prosthesis, and lever my balls down again into a fully functional position. There’s a knack to it, which I hoped we would master quickly, because it certainly wasn’t a comfortable process.
But it was worth it. Ruth was an animal. Being encumbered as I now was, I had no choice but to lie back and take it.
* * *
Ruth insisted we both went into the office the next day.
“You’re going to have to get used to seeing people in your new guise. Might as well get it over with straightaway. I’ll explain it all to them.”
She oversaw my dressing and make-up. When I mentioned that Sharon had given me a cosmetics lesson, Ruth had me do my own make-up while she supervised.
“I’m impressed with your make-up skills, Daisy,” she said, stifling laughter. “But we’ll have to get you more clothes. You can’t get by with just the stuff you borrowed from Josie’s friend and the couple of dresses she bought you last week. You need everyday office wear and especially more underwear.”
For my first appearance in the office I decided to wear the denim smock dress Josie bought me, with the pretty white lace cardigan I wore for my stand-up performance.
When Ruth had finished helping me get ready, and returned to the bathroom to complete her own ablutions, I stayed sitting in front of her dressing table looking at myself. I could just about see Nick’s androgynous features behind the wig and make-up, but I didn’t look the least bit masculine. I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t too upset at what I saw. I was relieved that I would almost certainly get away with my disguise – that is, that no one was likely to call me out in public as a cross-dressing pansy – but it was more than that. I was excited that Daisy was going to have a life of her own. I wanted to get to know her better.
I realised that being Sarah had made it possible for me to be Daisy. More to the point, maybe being Sarah had made it necessary for me to be Daisy. I needed to keep that from Ruth. I couldn’t let her know that this might not be an endurance test but almost a pleasure.
But that didn’t allow for the ordeal of pregnancy…
* * *
When we got to the upstairs office, a little later than usual, I waited by the barn office door while Ruth went into the cowshed. She emerged with Eddy and Mike in tow. They looked at me curiously. We all went into the barn and upstairs to the open plan office. I hadn’t realised what a struggle the stairs would be in my condition. I wondered whether we could afford to put in a lift.
Vicky was already in and sipping her first coffee of the day.
“This is Daisy Duquesne, everyone,” Ruth announced when they were all seated. “She is going to be our Financial Controller, reporting to Nick, as FD.”
Everyone looked at me and then at her. Vicky started to giggle, until Ruth shot her a look.
“Come on, guys, what’s this really about?” said Eddy, who wasn’t afraid of her. “We know the two of you have been doing the deed, but what’s he dressed up like that for?”
Mike and Vicky looked at him, shocked. They had not been in on the odd couple’s deception. Eddy was quite open about his sexuality now but left it to Ruth to explain about their need for the Deveres’ money.
“I’m sorry we kept the two of you in the dark about the true nature of our relationship, but I hope you can see why? And I need hardly say that we need to keep it a secret between the five of us?”
They nodded. The confirmation that Eddy was gay obviously didn’t come as a surprise to either of them.
“It all makes sense now,” said Vicky.
“Except for why Nick is dressed like that!” said Mike.
“So are you gay too?” asked Eddy, still a couple of paces behind the conversation, “’cause if you are, I wish you’d told me sooner.”
It seemed Eddy was another ignoramus who equated cross-dressing with being gay. I was a little disappointed in him.
“He’s not gay,” said Ruth firmly. “The point is, I can’t be seen out and about with Nick, but no one can object to me being with my secretary, can they?”
“Hey, I’m not your secretary!” I objected. “You just said I was the Financial Controller!”
“Yes, but that’s not enough work for a full-time employee, so you’ll have to double up as my secretary.”
“No way!”
Ruth sighed. “All right you can be joint secretary to me and Nick. How’s that?”
“Hardly any better at all!”
“Well, it will have to do.”
We locked eyes, each demanding the other back down. Mike interrupted our battle of wills.
“Aren’t you embarrassed, being dressed like that?” he asked, clearly fascinated.
I welcomed the distraction.
“Not really,” I said. “I might have been, before the whole Panto Dame thing and doing stand-up in disguise, but I’m getting used to impersonating a woman now. I don’t see anything to be embarrassed about. Half of mankind are women.”
“The better half,” Ruth stressed.
“And people say I can get away with it…?” I added.
“Absolutely!” Vicky gushed. “You’d never be mistaken for a man!” then she realised what she’d said. “Oh, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean…”
“No, that’s all right,” I smiled. “That’s precisely the point. It feels like Daisy is a performance, a live improvisation. I’m creating a new persona, so Nick is away for the moment and I’m trying to make Daisy real.”
“It’s partly the pregnancy thing,” said Vicky, trying to cover her embarrassment. “I mean, it’s so totally womanly…” She realised she wasn’t making it any better and decided to stop digging. “I think I’ll shut up now.”
I hoped Ruth was paying attention. I wanted her to see that, if her objective was to embarrass and humiliate Nick, it wasn’t going to work, because I wasn’t Nick at the moment. I was Daisy, and why should Daisy be embarrassed dressed like this? Being pregnant without a male partner was another matter of course. Lots of girls would be embarrassed about that. Daisy would have to be a modern feminist. A woman – even a pregnant woman – needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
“Fine,” said Ruth triumphantly. “If Daisy is real, she can be my secretary. We have to find you something to do while you’re here, and where else are you going to go dressed like that? Now come on, we were out for an entire afternoon. Things will have been piling up. I’ll have filing and typing for you, Daisy.”
She got up to go into her office. The others hadn’t moved.
“That can’t be the only reason why Nick’s come in as Daisy,” said Eddy, obstinately.
“It isn’t, but it’s all I’m prepared to say at the moment,” Ruth said.
“And for the avoidance of doubt, it’s not because I’m transitioning,” I added. “This is purely temporary… to prove a point.”
They clearly weren’t satisfied with our partial explanation but realised they weren’t getting any more.
“Well, whatever floats your boat, guys,” Eddy shrugged. “Come on, Mike.”
The meeting broke up. Eddy and Mike returned to the cowshed and Vicky went back to her workstation. I followed Ruth into her office, still a little put out about being appointed her secretary.
“Since when has anyone here ever filed anything?” I said. “Or had anything worth filing? All our important documents are online.”
“There’s lots of paper invoices from suppliers, and copies of order forms, and letters from the local council and the Health & Safety Executive. They’re all over my desk. All your responsibility now, Daisy. You’ll have to sort out the network drive too. I can never find anything.”
“That’s because you give every document a stupid name and file it as either ‘Temp’ or ‘Miscellaneous’, and you leave incoming documents as email attachments, so no one else can see them.”
“And now I have a secretary who can organise everything properly.” She dropped her voice. “Think of this as part of your ‘commitment’.”
“You’re taking advantage,” I hissed. “We’re supposed to be lovers – equals – not mistress and servant. I can still walk away from this, you know!”
“Well I suppose that’s up to you, but you need to understand: we can be equal partners when we’re alone together, but here at the office, I’m the boss,” she insisted. “At least as long as you’re Daisy. Nick may be my equal, but you’re not him, and you can’t be for a while, can you?”
I was about to raise further objections, but she pre-empted me.
“Look, Latham was quite right when he pointed out that our staffing levels were dangerously low, but we can’t afford to take anyone else on yet – you know that. And I need a secretary. Nick and I both do. Daisy will be a godsend. Say you stay until it’s time for you to go on maternity leave? By that stage we should be on our feet, judging by the rate that orders are coming in now, and the new services we can provide with the Bank’s support. Then we can hire more support staff and you’ll be off the hook – as Daisy and as my secretary.”
“I just hope you appreciate what I’m going through for you. This doesn’t feel like a fair deal.”
She nodded. “I’ll make it up to you somehow, I promise.” She seemed sincere.
“Well, all right, but you can make your own bloody coffee, boss!”
Still feeling I’d been manipulated I settled down to be Daisy the secretary without further complaint – for the moment.
It was still a mortifying experience. I found that my bump got in the way of working at my desk because it was hard to get close enough to my workstation to use the keyboard and mouse properly. This gave me an excuse not to work too hard. It wasn’t much, but childishly I decided that any little opportunity to annoy Ruth was welcome. To be fair, Ruth really did treat me as an equal out of the office – an equal girlfriend, unfortunately.
“Can’t you at least call me Nick when we’re alone together?” I said in bed the next night after another frantic coupling.
“Too dangerous. I might forget in company. Anyway, I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face. You really don’t look like a Nick anymore.”
Since she had me wearing a long maternity nightie – which she thoroughly enjoyed burrowing under – I could hardly dispute that.
* * *
To reinforce my acceptance of my new life, on the Saturday of that week Ruth invited Josie to join us to go shopping for more clothes for me.
Being six months pregnant – or at least being the same shape as a woman six months pregnant – affected everything I tried to do. Walking – waddling – was an effort and I could hardly keep up with the others. I didn’t dare drive, as Daisy didn’t have a licence or insurance in her name and I would be exposed if I was in an accident. But even getting in and out of Ruth’s car, a Ford Fiesta, was a struggle because the seat was so low, and as for a sofa or an armchair – forget it.
We began with shoes, as I was still wearing the one-inch black heels Josie had borrowed from LADS. I had no other options, apart from the flats from the same source. We found that in ordinary shoe shops the choice was limited as my male feet were at the very top end of the size scale for women’s shoes. Fortunately at the shopping centre there was a large discount store with a bigger range. I bought two pairs of comfortable one-inch pumps, and a rather frightening pair of very elegant two-inch heels – for formal wear, the girls said. I wasn’t sure when Daisy would need formal wear.
We spent the rest of the afternoon traipsing round the women’s departments of the big stores with me trying on nursing bras and maternity panties, skirts, tops, and dresses. We made multiple trips back to the car with bags.
“That should see off anything still remaining in my bank account,” I said, but Ruth wasn’t the least bit concerned.
I hardly saw another man all afternoon. I began to be concerned about oestrogen poisoning.
In the middle of the afternoon they took pity on me and we stopped for coffee and pastries. During this break they bombarded me with expectant mother conversation.
“Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?”
“Have you decided on a name yet?
“When is your next scan?”
“Is your hubby excited?”
“Eat up, Daisy! It’s too late to worry about your figure now, you know.”
And of course I had to respond in kind, pretending to gush at the excitement of giving birth. The others laughed loud and long, but eventually I had them laughing with me, not at me. It was just like what Polly had said about playing the Dame: don’t let anyone see that you’re embarrassed or afraid of making a fool of yourself. You want them all to be saying ‘Wasn’t the guy who played the Dame brilliant? I could never do that’.
When we were finally ready to leave, the car park had filled up and there wasn’t room to open the passenger door wide enough to allow a pregnant lady of my girth to get in. So Ruth had to back out first, leaving me clutching my Mothercare bags, with my handbag over my shoulder, while the January wind whistled up my skirt. I made the mistake of grumbling about it when I eventually flopped into my seat. She just laughed. I made a silent vow to impregnate her as soon as I possibly could to see how she liked it.
* * *
Eddy was now co-habiting with some boyfriend, so I moved into Ruth’s flat. We shared her bed. I didn’t have to put up with my baby kicking me of course, but I still had to sleep on my back because of my oversized breasts and tummy. The continual pressure on my bladder meant I had to cut down on my drinking in the evenings or I would have to get up several times in the night to go to the toilet. I couldn’t drink alcohol while at a pub or restaurant either, or I would face disapproving looks from all the other diners.
And, yes, I was well aware that real pregnant women had to put up with all this and much more, but at least they could expect a fulfilling reward at the end of it in the form of a lovely bouncing baby. I wasn’t sure what I could expect at the end, or even if it would end at all.
The rest of my disguise had to stay in place, but being able to open up my prosthesis and make love to Ruth in a semblance of normality was some compensation. She had to go on top, but this just seemed to make her even wilder and her orgasms even more thunderous.
So the sex was better than ever, but everything else was a nightmare.
* * *
My – Daisy’s – role as Financial Controller was becoming increasingly important to the fledgling company. I was responsible for ensuring that all accounting allocations were made appropriately and documented. I also managed our cash and oversaw accounts payable, accounts receivable, disbursements, payroll and bank reconciliation. It was important, but with only five of us, not onerous – yet.
A couple of days after my introduction as Daisy, the secretary, I was in the office on the phone to a supplier ordering material. I was aware of Mike and Vicky watching me open-mouthed. Mike liked to hang around Vicky on his frequent breaks. She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she encouraged him.
“Wow!” said Vicky, when I hung up. “Your Daisy voice is really good. You didn’t sound like that in the Panto.”
Patiently I explained that a Dame isn’t trying to hide the fact that she’s really a man, but people are supposed to believe Daisy is a woman, hence the higher-pitched voice.
“I thought you’d have to do some awful falsetto,” Mike said.
“No, I guess I have a naturally flexible voice, but I did do a little research,” I said, conversationally. “Finding a higher pitch is the most critical part. On average a male voice is about an octave lower than a female’s. The books say: try humming at a higher pitch until you become familiar with the sound and can imitate it without thinking about it.
“I’ve also tried to train myself not to talk loudly or forcefully. Not only is that not feminine, it’s also more difficult to maintain a higher pitch. You try to limit the space your voice comes from, using your tongue and the back of your throat to reduce resonance. It takes practice but if you get it right, your voice sounds smaller, less boomy.”
“Eddy said you practised by doing stand-up as Daisy?”
“Daisy’s back story is a bit more complicated than that.”
This seemed an appropriate time to explain to my junior colleagues. I’m sure Ruth’s explanation had left them wondering what was going on.
“It just sort of… happened,” I said. “I’d done stand-up at the Open Mic night a few times, and we all noticed a sad lack of female comics. I had some good jokes for a woman comedian, and my sister-in-law persuaded me to a do a spot dressed as a woman. When she’d finished with me, I looked quite convincing, so we decided not to make it a drag act, but to create a new identity – Daisy Duquesne.”
“Is that how you got the part in the Panto?” Vicky asked.
“Sort of. We borrowed some shoes from LADS which meant that their director was in on the secret. When their usual Dame was in an accident, they asked me to step in.”
“But why did you make Daisy pregnant?”
“Josie’s idea again. The baby bump concealed my, er… wedding tackle, so I didn’t have to wear anything uncomfortable. Also she had a smock for me which was the sort of thing women wear when they’re pregnant. Anyway I got away with it. Nobody suspected Daisy wasn’t real, but now I’m afraid to let anyone know she’s really Nick. There might be some serious backlash. People might say I was being sexist; that I was patronising women; mocking expectant mothers; and so on. So now I need to stay pregnant, in case we bump into someone who saw me performing at the Club.”
At this point Ruth came rushing out of the office. Her main concern at the moment was preparing for the contracts meeting with the Bank. She had been reviewing the material we’d produced, and trying to get her head around my five-year business plan.
“Daisy, I need you to explain Nick’s financial model again.”
“Yes, again. If neither you nor Nick are going to be there next Wednesday, I need to be able to answer all their questions.”
We’d both got used to treating Nick and Daisy as separate people, but Mike and Vicky looked a bit puzzled.
“Nick will be on the speaker phone. He can explain if you get stuck.”
“Yes, but I’ll still look a fool, won’t I?”
“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” I sighed.
* * *
Ruth worked me hard as her secretary. She was a visual person, really good at drawing and sketching, particularly fashion, but she wasn’t a great wordsmith and had never been taught to write a business letter. So she was delighted to leave all that to me. She didn’t dictate, as such, she just said things like, “Daisy, order forty yards of lightweight calico.” She never remembered who we might have got the stuff from last time, or whether the product was satisfactory, or whether the supplier had been reliable. So I would have to check all that out and identify the appropriate product code, or maybe browse other suppliers’ websites to get a better deal and delivery times. I would then arrange payment in my other role as Financial Controller. Ruth, Eddy and I were all signatories on the company bank account, but I decided that for the moment only I would have a debit card. I was also responsible for consolidating customer payments from PayPal and WorldPay into the company bank account.
In between dealing with Ruth’s correspondence and my financial tasks, I reorganised our network drive so that ‘born digital’ documents were saved in folders with meaningful names. I sorted out her mail client, filing emails that other members of the team might need to see in a shared network folder. I created a user ID for Daisy and arranged for all of Ruth’s and Nick’s emails to be forwarded to me as their secretary.
I sorted out Ruth’s office filing cabinet – in which she only seemed to keep fashion magazines and Jaffa cakes – and set up a proper system for paper documents. This meant that it was now possible to see the surface of her desk, which in turn meant that I had to clean it.
Dad and I weren’t renting the barn and cowshed to as ‘full service’ offices. That is, we hadn’t engaged cleaners, so the team had to tidy up after themselves. As Nick I had dodged these duties because I hadn’t been around much, but now that I was there every day, and in a more junior role as Daisy the secretary, Ruth insisted I did my share. The rule was that the boys kept the cowshed clean and tidy, while the girls did the barn offices and the downstairs kitchen. I assumed that my unique circumstances meant I could do either, but Ruth laughed that off. I would be a cleaning lady like her and Vicky. There was no way I could work around the heavy machinery in my condition.
It was true that washing cups, dusting and vacuuming were more my speed now. Privately I was glad about that. There was no way I could do any heavy lifting in the cowshed, and didn’t feel that my masculine pride was affronted. I only had to look in the mirror to have any remaining male ego crushed.
The first time I had to do the washing-up, I got rather a lot of soapy water down my dress due to my clumsiness and ungainly shape. So when it was next my turn Ruth took great pleasure in dropping a comedy bib apron over my head ‘to protect your lovely dress, Daisy dear’, and tying the straps round my waist in a granny knot so that I was trapped in it till she released me at the end of the day. I hate washing dishes and arranged for a dishwasher to be installed in the kitchen at the earliest opportunity.
I organised the supply cupboard up in the barn office and the store cupboard down in the cowshed. In the kitchen I replenished our refreshments, brought the milk in every morning, and called the local delicatessen every day with our sandwich orders.
In other words, I did all the menial jobs around both the upstairs office and the cowshed, except make coffee. I can’t honestly say I didn’t enjoy my new life, though it was hard work for a woman, I mean person, in my condition, but as I did my humble secretarial tasks I found a strange sense of satisfaction and contentment. Nick the entrepreneur faded into the background and Daisy the secretary took me over. This was useful work. It helped my bosses, I mean partners, be more productive, and that was good for the company.
It was a good thing that my other ventures didn’t require my personal involvement. Most of them didn’t involve large machinery like Their costs were mostly salaries and expenses. I dialled in to a few meetings and approved expenditure remotely. So far I hadn’t needed to attend in person or expose my new persona to anyone else.
On the Friday night Ruth and I went out to our favourite restaurant. She was much more relaxed as it wouldn’t matter if we were seen together. Again we saw no one we knew, which was slightly irritating as it meant I could have gone as Nick, but we had a wonderful evening – and night.
* * *
At the end of the first week I returned to Transformations for a ‘top-up’. I lay on my back on Vera’s massage bed, while she searched for the tiny, almost invisible inlet valve on my prosthesis. She was holding a fearsome looking hypodermic.
“Don’t worry,” she said, when she saw me looking at her apprehensively. “I’ll be injecting this fluid into the prosthesis, not you.” She smiled. “The process is completely non-invasive.”
Ingrid, who was supervising, said, “You should be aware that the foetus grows most rapidly between 23 and 27 weeks,” she said. “Typically, the baby doubles in size during this period, going from about eleven inches long and weighing just over a pound – the size of a grapefruit – to nearly two pounds and fourteen and a half inches long. That’s about the size of a head of broccoli.”
“Why should that matter to me?” I queried. “I don’t have a real baby in there.”
“No, but to be realistic we will need to add 3-4 ounces of fluid each visit for the next month and a half. You will definitely notice that after a few weeks.”
Terrific. I was already feeling the discomfort and inconvenience of being pregnant. But it was going to get much worse.
* * *
The Bank contracts meeting went well. Ruth, Eddy and Will went in person. I dialled in but Will was happy to represent my personal interests as well as those of the company, so I didn’t need to contribute much. Despite Ruth still not really understanding how spreadsheets work, my financial model wasn’t criticised, largely because we had already exceeded the sales estimates – which I had originally been afraid were over-optimistic. I wondered whether I should have inflated them even further, but I couldn’t see any upside to that. We seemed to be getting what we wanted. There was no need to start setting targets we might then struggle to meet.
The Bank was prepared to offer up to half a million pounds additional funding in four tranches of £125,000, each of which would require the transfer of 5% of our shares. We now desperately needed the money, as we had more or less run out of cash. We would need to declare precisely how each payment would be spent, but the Bank understood that a good quarter of the first payment would go towards salaries for Mike, Vicky and Mo, and some of the ever-patient Will’s fees. All payments needed to be approved by both the Bank’s representative and our own Board. That might have seemed odd, but Richard Latham explained that they wanted to make sure we all supported our growth strategy and would work together to achieve it.
The Bank’s representative was to be Margaret Villiers, and she would be a Non-Executive Director. The arrangement was that shares would be issued in such a way that Ruth and Eddy would each transfer 2½% of their shares to the Bank.
Ruth wanted to know why I, also a Director, didn’t have to part with any shares, but Will was quick to point out that according to the contract he had drawn up for me, they would have to buy them back at the rate I originally paid – effectively £5,000 per share – plus interest. They certainly couldn’t afford that, and in any case I could always refuse to sell.
When the complicated sums were done, Ruth and Eddy had 37½% each, I still had my 20% and the Bank had 5%. This meant that as long as Ruth and Eddy were in agreement, they could still do whatever they liked, but otherwise either of them would need my support. If I were to abstain, the Bank could decide which of them to back.
As the meeting was closing down Ruth asked Margaret how she wanted to work with us. She said we needed to arrange a proper Board meeting within the next couple of weeks and she would attend. It was set for Friday week, to give us time to prepare a full breakdown of how we intended to spend the first tranche of the Bank’s money. As Finance Director, that would be my – Nick’s – job, and he would task his secretary – Daisy, i.e. me again – to prepare the paperwork. Hopefully, the Board and the Bank would be able to approve the proposal with no difficulty.
* * *
Orders were coming in thick and fast now. Eddy and Mike were swamped, so Vicky and I had to help them out. It was back-breaking work for someone in my condition. The manual parts of the process – organising the dyeing and printing designs when an order required that; the mounting of different bolts of material prior to cutting; and the never-ending carrying of cut pieces to the fabrication platform – were now starting to cause delays. I had humped the heavy bolts of cloth from the storeroom to the cutting machine and back many times before I became Daisy, but I couldn’t manage it now. The weight I was already carrying and my cumbersome figure made it too difficult. So I joined the distaff side of the operation, working on the dyeing and printing, or passing cut pieces between the machines. We knew that Ruth was busy up in her office – she was no shirker – but we all slightly resented that she never put in a shift down here at the coal face.
It was frustrating that all this manual work was necessary because eliminating the need for human intervention in the manufacturing process was the whole concept of Eddy hardly had any time to do any proper engineering, but he had managed to design a sophisticated belt mechanism to move cut shapes from the cutter to the fabricator. This was now a full-time job for one person. So if his design worked, it would save an average of twenty minutes per garment and an entire person’s time.
He had also come up with a dyeing and printing machine, which was driven by NC like the other equipment, and could be linked into the conveyor belt mechanism. These two additions to our little factory would genuinely revolutionise our manufacturing process.
Both new machines could be built by modifying some existing machinery which Eddy had sourced second-hand, but they would still cost nearly a hundred thousand, and would therefore use up most of the first tranche of the Bank’s funding. Without them we couldn’t scale up, and we couldn’t grow.
But Ruth wouldn’t approve it.
After the Pantomime
By Susannah Donim
A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick.
Chapter 8 – Daisy’s Promotion
From pregnant secretary to Madam Chairman…
We three directors were meeting to compile our list of how we proposed to spend the Bank’s first £125k before our first Board meeting with Margaret.
I was still Daisy, still pretending to be six months pregnant, and very uncomfortable on a hard chair in Ruth’s small, hot office. The skirt of my dress was splayed out, as I had long ago given up trying to keep my knees together. My maternity bra was digging into my shoulders and my maternity knickers were riding up. I really didn’t want this meeting to go on for long. I needed to get to the Ladies to adjust my underwear.
We were all agreed on the money we needed to put aside to pay salaries and settle our debts, but that left just under a hundred thousand. This was enough to buy the second-hand machines Eddy wanted and which he could modify to automate most of our manufacturing process.
But Ruth wanted to spend the money on expanding our range to include wedding dresses, theatrical costumes, and more elaborate accessories. These would also require new machinery, specialist design consultancy, and a lot of man-hours writing new software. She wanted to spend what was left over on marketing.
Eddy couldn’t believe Ruth’s attitude. He maintained that they always intended to automate the process. That was the whole point of, its business model, and its Unique Selling Point. That should be our priority. If we didn’t do this, we would risk being unable to meet even the current relatively modest demand.
Ruth insisted that we were starting to get attention from both the industry and the potential customer base. We had a unique opportunity and we needed to work flat-out to build our brand. If we didn’t, someone else with deeper pockets would come along and steal our thunder.
Eddy argued that if we followed her approach we would end up failing thousands of customers. At least if we did nothing, we’d only be failing hundreds. While if we did what he wanted, we would satisfy all our customers, and that would be a much better base to build our brand on.
This was the first time I had ever seen Ruth and Eddy arguing about something as fundamental as the company’s strategy. It was clear they weren’t going to agree.
“Eddy, is there any way we could get the machines more cheaply?” I asked in Nick’s voice, to remind them that whatever I now looked like, I was there in my capacity as Finance Director and major investor, not as Ruth’s secretary. “Maybe on a leasing basis?”
“That was my first thought,” he said – crossly for him. “But the current owner of the machines I’ve got my eye on needs a quick sale to fund new plant. He’s not interested in leasing, and he says he has other potential buyers. And, before you ask, buying suitable machines new would be three times as much.”
“Well, that seems to put you in the hot seat, Nick,” said Ruth, emphasising my name. I couldn’t remember the last time she had called me anything but Daisy – to emphasise my subservient role. “You have the casting vote.”
She was so sure that I would support her. So was Eddy, which was no doubt why he was sulking.
“When was the last time you were down in the cowshed?” I asked her.
“What’s that got to do with it? A couple of days ago; I can’t remember. Hey, I’ve been doing my share!”
“I’m not saying you haven’t. I just think you should get an up-to-date picture of what’s going on down there.”
Eddy looked at me hopefully.
“Oh for heaven’s sake, Daisy, just vote!” Ruth fumed.
“Come downstairs, Ruth,” I said, quietly. “Now, please.”
She looked angry, then puzzled. I think she knew I was capable of standing up to her. I just hadn’t for quite a while. Now I was.
“All right, all right,” she said, “not that it will make any difference.”
But it did. The three of us walked around’s manufacturing facility together. Every surface was covered in pieces of material, paper work orders, work in progress, finished dresses waiting to be boxed up, and boxes waiting to be dispatched.
I checked the sweet little ladies’ watch Josie had lent me. The Parcelforce van would be here in less than an hour. We needed to stop this arguing and work together to get as many orders ready for collection as possible.
Ruth was studying the chaos, silent and stony-faced. Her first remark was unexpected.
“Why all the paper? I thought the whole point was to keep everything on the computer.”
“Because there are now four of us processing orders,” Eddy explained. “We were getting in each other’s way when we all tried to find the information we needed from a single monitor and keyboard. It was just easier to print the orders out. Now when any of us finishes a job we take the next work order from the pile. Each one has an ID number which enables us to pull down the right design data to send to the machines.” He smiled ironically. “So much for the paperless office, huh?”
“And the fully-automated process,” I added, to try and rub it in.
“If we go with my proposal, it will still be 4-6 weeks before we can automate those parts of the process that can be automated,” Eddy said. “This chaos will get much worse before it gets better.”
“Turnaround of an order has already crept up from one day to three,” said Mike, who had appeared at Eddy’s elbow when he realised that something important was happening.
“All right,” Ruth said, with bad grace. “I get it. We’ll go with your proposal. Call your friend with the machines.”
She stomped off back to her office.
“Daisy! I’ve got some filing for you to do!” she called over her shoulder.
* * *
When we got back to her office, I raised the question of my attendance at the Board meeting.
“I’ll have to go Transformations and get myself turned back to Nick,” I said.
“You don’t have to go to all that trouble. You can dial in from the Manor House. In fact, perhaps you’d better move back there for a while.”
“If that’s what you want, but I think it’s a little immature of you to blame me because you can’t have what you want this time. You know this is the right decision.”
She glared at me, too angry to speak. She did know it was the right decision. She was just cross because someone else had seen it before she did.
“I told you I wanted us to be equals,” I went on. “I may have to be your secretary here in the office for the moment, but I’m not your servant. I’ve never lied to you, and I will always tell you the truth, even when you don’t want to hear it.”
“Oh, go to hell!”
I knew it was mainly her pride that was making her behave like this, but I had my pride too. If I apologised now and tried to persuade her to reconsider throwing me out, she would just treat me as her doormat forever after.
So that evening I went back to Ruth’s flat while she was still in the office and filled a couple of suitcases with Daisy’s clothes. I left my key on the kitchen table.
I went back to my annex at the Manor House and my empty rooms. While I was still stuck (literally) with my breasts and abdominal prosthesis, I would have to continue to dress as Daisy, but I would arrange an appointment at Transformations to turn back to Nick as soon as possible. I felt I had fulfilled my commitment to Ruth, but it seemed she no longer wanted me – as Daisy or Nick.
* * *
It turned out that Margaret Villiers was a tricky so-and-so. We were expecting her on Friday for the Board meeting, so naturally she turned up on Thursday afternoon. I was there, as Daisy the secretary, sitting outside Ruth’s office finalising our proposal to the Bank. Ruth hadn’t spoken to me all day. She looked tired and angry. She looked terrible, for her.
I don’t know how Margaret got into the barn. Someone must have left the door open downstairs. That was always happening; it didn’t close properly by itself. I goggled at her like a rabbit in the headlights.
“Ruth mentioned she had a secretary now,” she said, with a smile. “So do I call you Daisy or Nick?”
I couldn’t think what to say. Deny everything? Ridiculous! Try to laugh it off? Eventually she took pity on me.
“I recognised you as Sarah the Cook in those pictures Ruth showed us at our first meeting. Not that Daisy looks like Sarah, but they both look a little like Nick,” she laughed.
I tried to be cool.
“You’d better call me Daisy, I suppose,” I said, “seeing how I’m dressed. But this isn’t what you think.”
I spoke in Daisy’s voice, which seemed to catch her by surprise, but she recovered quickly.
“I don’t think anything actually. Was being the Panto Dame something to do with you living as a woman now?”
“They’re not… unconnected.”
“Are you transitioning?”
“No… no, really.” She looked sceptical. I sighed. “It’s a long story.”
“Well, I don’t care as long as it doesn’t affect the profitability of”
“Quite the reverse, actually. Nick only ever dropped in from time to time before, but as Daisy I’m Ruth’s full-time secretary. So in effect we have additional staff now – as Mr Latham recommended.”
Ruth appeared. She must have heard the voices outside her office and come to investigate.
“Oh hello, Margaret, how nice to see you!” she said.
Margaret noticed immediately that Ruth wasn’t looking her best.
“Are you all right, Ruth?” she said. “You look… tired.”
“I’m fine. You’ve seen from our reports that orders are booming. We’re all working flat out. Coffee for two, Daisy!” she snapped.
These were virtually the only words she had said to me since ‘Go to hell’, yesterday.
“Yes, Ruth,” I said with a smile concealing gritted teeth. Just this once, I swore to myself. “How do you take it, Margaret?”
“White without, please.”
I stood up to go down to the kitchen. It was now Margaret’s turn to look surprised.
“Pregnant?” she said. “Why on earth…?”
“It really is a long story,” I said.
“I’d love to hear it,” Margaret said, “but maybe later…?”
Ruth ushered our guest into her office. Five minutes later I was knocking on the door carrying a tray with two coffees and a plate of assorted biscuits. I went straight in without waiting for an answer.
“How’s the proposal coming along?” Margaret was asking.
“Daisy?” said Ruth, her eyebrows raised.
I put the tray down on her desk.
“Just finished. Shall I print off some copies?”
“Yes, please.”
I went back to my workstation. I printed three copies of the proposal and handed one each to Ruth and Margaret.
“Please stay, er… Daisy,” Margaret said. “I may need you – or Nick – to explain your proposed investments.”
I swept my skirt under my inflated bottom and painfully lowered my bulk down into the uncomfortable office chair. Margaret watched me, fascinated. She picked up her coffee and took a custard cream. For the next half an hour we went through the proposal. Margaret asked a few questions and requested a few minor changes, but seemed happy enough with the big picture.
When we had finished, she said, “I’m sorry about turning up unannounced. I thought it would be a good idea to come down a little early and see how things are going – informally. Then tomorrow’s formal Board meeting should be straightforward. By the way, you know it has to be minuted?”
“Daisy can take the minutes,” said Ruth. “She is my secretary, after all.”
“Actually I don’t think she can,” said Margaret, doubtfully. “She’s Nick’s proxy, isn’t she? And he’s a share-holder. She – he – they would have a conflict of interest. Can you suggest someone else?”
“It would have to be either Vicky or Mike then. Vicky’s the more literate.”
“Fine,” said Margaret. “Also, the rules say I have to chair the first meeting, as the only non-executive director. But don’t worry, that’s just until we can elect a permanent chairman. That’s another reason I came down early – so that we can agree the agenda. After that my only role as chairman will be to make sure that every item is discussed and appropriate decisions taken.”
With that, she got to her feet, stretched, and said, “Now I’m particularly keen to see the – what do you call it? – the cowshed? We’ve only had a glimpse through the webcam lens on your laptop. I see from the proposal that that’s where most of the initial investment will be going.”
“Absolutely,” said Ruth, hypocritically giving no indication that that wasn’t her preference.
We took Margaret down to the cowshed. The others had managed to tidy up a little since they were expecting her visit tomorrow, but they had far from finished. Margaret was no engineer but she still managed to ask lots of intelligent and informed questions. I could see that Eddy and Mike were quite taken with her.
Towards the end of the tour, when she thought no one was looking, she turned to me and said quietly, “Are you free tonight? I’d rather like to talk to you. Are you comfortable dining out as Daisy?”
“Yes and yes,” I said. “I’m quite used to it, for my sins.”
“I’d rather like to hear about them too,” she smiled, “if you’re willing to share with your new colleague?”
“I have reasons for keeping my situation confidential, but if you can’t trust a senior banker, who can you trust?”
She laughed. “I’m staying at the White Hart in Lavenden. They have quite a good restaurant, I hear. Eight o’clock?”
* * *
I pondered over what Daisy should wear for a business dinner. My choice was obviously limited but the previous Saturday with Ruth and Josie I had been persuaded to buy one posh maternity outfit for evening wear: a black, short-sleeved, V-neck top, and a long pink floral skirt. I no longer had a waist of course. The skirt’s waist band was just below my bust.
I called Josie to ask for her help in getting ready. She was delighted and rushed straight over. I was sitting at my dressing table in just my slip, contemplating my make-up choices. I had laid my chosen outfit on the bed.
“Brilliant!” she said. “Ruth will love you in this.”
I realised she thought I was going out for a romantic evening with Ruth. I had to disappoint her.
“Sorry, no. It’s a business dinner with a lady from the Bank. She’s here for our first Board meeting tomorrow.”
I paused. Tom and Josie were my closest friends, as well as family. Josie was like a sister to me – closer, if anything.
“Look, you might as well know. It seems that whatever Ruth and I had is over.” I told her everything that had happened. “I don’t think she really appreciated the sacrifices I’ve been making for her.”
Josie raised an eyebrow. “Sacrifices? Come on, Nick, you love being Daisy.”
“Hey, it’s a lot of effort! It’s pretty uncomfortable most of the time, and sometimes very embarrassing.” She looked unconvinced. “Be that as it may,” I continued, “she seems to over-react to everything. I’m beginning to think the woman is a flake.”
Josie laughed. “Trust me – all women are flakes from a man’s point of view, and I speak as a woman. You need to stay as Daisy for a while longer. You might start to appreciate how the other half thinks.”
She started checking through my cosmetics. She ran her hand over my cheeks.
“I see you’ve shaved really closely. Your skin’s very good for a man. I think a minimum of foundation, and maybe a little rouge for your cheeks. Now, pay attention, please. You know I love doing this for you, but I may not always be available. You need to learn how to do it for yourself.”
“They taught me the basics at Transformations, but I’ve never done proper evening make-up.”
She started work. Sultry evening-Daisy began to replace daytime office-Daisy.
Eventually Josie stepped back to evaluate her efforts. She had gathered my hair – that is, my wig – into a tidy bun at the back. I turned my head around to look at it. It wasn’t quite an updo, nor a ‘schoolmarm’. It was quite attractive. In fact, combined with the evening make-up, it made Daisy quite a stunner.
“You know, you really have no right to look as glam as you do – you actually being a man under all that,” she said, with a grin.
“You’ve done a fabulous job,” I agreed.
“I bet you’re the prettiest pregnant lady there tonight.”
“Hah! Perhaps if I’m the only pregnant lady there tonight.”
“Thanks very much!” she said, pretending to be offended.
“Not your fault. Even you can’t make a silk purse out a sow’s ear.”
She snorted. “I despise false modesty,” she said. “It may offend your masculine pride, but you know very well that Daisy is a babe – well, two babes, in fact.” She giggled. “Seriously, you really should stay like this for a while,” she said. “I’m sure Ruth will come around, but she might doubt your commitment if you give up at the first sign of stormy weather.”
“You may be right, but I don’t have much choice for the moment anyway. I’m booked in at Transformations to have my top-up on Saturday morning, but that appointment isn’t long enough for them to remove my forms and prosthesis. It’s too soon for the adhesive to have softened, or the top layer of my skin to have flaked off. So apparently it would take them an hour to un-glue everything. They can’t fit me in for that till next week.”
“You should still go for your top-up. There may be a cancellation.”
I stood up and put my top on. The V-neck exposed an embarrassing amount of cleavage.
“Do you think this is OK?” I asked her.
“It’s fine – very impressive. Those falsies from Transformations are amazing! You really can’t tell them from the real thing. You should wear that necklace I lent you though, to conceal your little Adam’s apple, and the watch and rings that go with it.
I picked up my skirt and tried to hold it out far enough from my distended stomach to step into it. Josie laughed and helped me.
“Will there be anything else, madam?” she said. “I’m beginning to feel like a lady’s maid.”
* * *
No longer being able to drive, I had to call a taxi to take me to the White Hart. The driver, Avi, was a charming Indian gentleman who rushed to offer me his hand when he saw I was struggling to get out of the cab. He waited patiently while I rummaged in my handbag for my purse and some cash to pay him. I gave him a decent tip. He smiled his thanks and insisted on seeing me up the steps and into the hotel.
I could get used to this, I thought. It briefly occurred to me that underneath my artificial feminine flab I was probably twenty years younger and considerably stronger than my gallant protector, but for now I was quite content to play the helpless female.
It wasn’t a large hotel and Margaret was waiting in the bar area opposite Reception. She waved when she saw the doorman helping me off with my coat.
“You look amazing,” she said. “I can’t believe you’re really…”
“That’s very kind of you to say so,” I interrupted her, before she could reveal my secret. “It’s not all my own work, I have to admit. My sister-in-law has been my partner-in-crime throughout.”
“Don’t worry, Daisy,” she said, “I wasn’t going to give you away. I was only teasing. But seriously, you are 100% convincing. That top’s lovely, but very bold, if I may so. Did you see how the doorman was looking down your cleavage?”
“What?” I squealed, my free hand leaping involuntarily to my bosom. “I didn’t realise…”
“Oh, relax!” she laughed. “It’s fine. If you’ve got it – and you’ve certainly got it – you should flaunt it. Every woman dresses to emphasise her best features. Seriously, I hope you can unwind and just enjoy yourself this evening. I’ve got us a quiet table in the far corner. We should be able to discuss all our secrets without being overheard.”
“You have secrets too?” I queried.
“I’ll tell you mine, after you’ve told me yours.”
The waiter had approached and led us to our secluded table in the half-empty restaurant. Since I was now forewarned, I looked to see if he was gawping down my décolletage, and I wasn’t disappointed.
He gave us our menus and took our drinks order. Since there was no one within range (apart from him, and I didn’t care what he thought), I risked asking for a white wine. Margaret was amused when I told her I hadn’t been able to drink in public since New Year.
“The Bank will pay for this, by the way,” she said, when she realised I was scanning the prices with some concern.
“That’s very kind,” I said. “It’s been an expensive month.”
“I can imagine. I assume everything you’re wearing is new?”
“Everything I’m wearing, and everything I’m wearing underneath everything I’m wearing,” I confirmed. “And that’s where it really gets expensive.”
That seemed as good a point as any to tell her my story, which lasted, with appropriate pauses, through placing our orders and consuming our starters. I told her everything except about Eddy being gay and needing to keep that from his parents. That might have undermined the Bank’s confidence in the financial probity of I reassured her that Ruth and Eddy were still close friends even if they were no longer engaged.
“So being Daisy was a bit of fun that got out of hand?” Margaret said when I came to the end of my story.
“That’s right. Ruth was angry that I’d kept my stand-up performances from her, particularly those as Daisy. When it looked like we might be developing a relationship she said she couldn’t be with someone she couldn’t trust…”
“…and making you be Daisy was a test of your sincerity? Pretty weird test!”
“Well there might have been a little more to it than that.” I paused. She looked at me encouragingly. “On the night she came to the Panto she dragged me back to her place… in drag, as a sort of real-world variant of Sarah the Cook. It seemed that something about her lover being in women’s underwear gives her an additional… stimulus… in the bedroom.”
I blushed. Maybe I was revealing a little too much? But Margaret laughed. She was obviously more broad-minded than I would have expected from a banker.
“I’d heard of couples where that sort of thing happens,” she said. “I’ve never tried it myself, of course.”
“Of course not.”
“Perhaps I’m missing out…”
“No comment. You should ask Ruth. On second thoughts, don’t. It seems that our relationship is on the rocks now, and that I won’t be Daisy for much longer.”
“I sensed a bit of an atmosphere this afternoon.” Of course she did. This woman was sharp. “I hope you two will make up – for the good of the company. But we’re straying too deeply into the personal now. You’ve explained everything that I was curious about. I’m satisfied the Bank is not sponsoring a nest of perverts.”
“Thank you, but I will say a little more, because it could be relevant to your support for”
“Ruth was angry with me because I supported Eddy’s proposal to spend the first tranche of money on further automation, rather than hers on marketing and expanding our range of products. It took her a while to see that without new machinery we wouldn’t be able to meet our existing demand, let alone the ten-fold increase she is hoping for. She is very good at what she does, and the company is her brainchild, but she’s no businesswoman. I may be in love with Ruth, but I’ve put a lot of money, and even more of my own time, into, and I will not let her ruin it.”
“Thank you, Daisy – Nick – that’s pretty much covered the rest of what I wanted to talk to you about. My colleagues and I feel the same way about Ruth. She’s a visionary and she’s created a marvellous venture that I’m convinced will make all our fortunes, but she will need someone to haul her back to reality from time to time. I’ve seen your CV. I know you’ve had a solid business grounding with one of the top firms. She needs you – one of you, Nick or Daisy – and it looks like you’ve already realised that and begun on the right foot. Let me be clear: the second and subsequent tranches of our financial support will depend on me being assured that you can control her.”
“But even you and I together can’t outvote Ruth and Eddy if they agree on what to do.”
“No, but I can live with that. Eddy has no more experience of running a business than Ruth, but he has his feet on the ground, I think. If they both agree on strategy, and recognise the value of your advice, it’s probably fine.”
The main business of the evening over with, we settled down to enjoy our main course. She had the sea bass. As the Bank was paying, I tucked into a Tournedos Rossini with chips.
“Eating for two, I see,” Margaret laughed. “You’re lucky you don’t have to worry about your figure anymore.”
I laughed. “Do you have children?”
I thought we were becoming close enough to ask a personal question. Then I realised I was beginning to think of us as friends – women friends, which was a new experience for me.
“Two: a son in his second year at Cambridge, and a daughter doing her A levels this summer.”
“Wow, you really don’t look old enough!” I blanched. “Oh my God, was that patronising? I’m so sorry!”
“It might have been patronising from Nick,” she grinned, “but I’ll take it as a compliment from Daisy.”
“Then maybe it was matronising. Is that a word?”
“Well, It is now. It means we’ll have to stick to girl talk for the rest of the meal. Can you manage that?”
“No problem. I’m becoming an expert.”
“So where did you get that lovely skirt?”
“Josie dragged me round at least a dozen womenswear shops last Saturday. I lost track of what I bought from where. I think it was Mothercare, actually.”
“I notice that you’re wearing an engagement and a wedding ring. So Daisy’s married? Who’s the lucky man?”
I laughed. “There isn’t one. Josie suggested I should wear these. Not sure why. It’s not like I would attract unwanted male attention in my condition.”
“You’d be surprised. Some men find a heavily pregnant woman irresistible.”
I thought back to the stranger who tried to chat me up outside the Ladies…
At that point the waiter reappeared to collect our plates. I allowed him to refill my wineglass. As he left a young couple approached. I couldn’t place them, which immediately got me worried.
“Aren’t you Daisy Duquesne?” the man said. “We saw you at the Club. You were brilliant! When are you on again?”
“Oh, er, I don’t really know,” I said, flushed with relief that I hadn’t been ‘read’ as a man in drag. “Probably not till after the baby comes, and then I suppose I might be a little busy…”
“That’s a shame,” he said, then hurriedly added, “but congratulations anyway.”
He was clearly afraid he’d just suggested it was a shame I was having a baby.
Margaret was obviously enjoying this, but I was aware that the young woman had spotted my full wineglass. She grabbed her boyfriend’s arm and dragged him away.
“Did you see she was drinking?” she hissed as they withdrew. “In her condition?”
“That’s none of our business,” he said. “You know these showbiz types…”
“It’s apple juice!” I called after them, but I don’t think they heard.
Margaret laughed. “So Daisy is a star of the comedy club circuit?” she said.
“I’m a long way from there. This is the first time that’s ever happened, I swear,” I said.
We returned to friendly girl talk through dessert. When the coffee arrived, I assumed that the interview part of the evening was over with, but I was wrong.
“What’s your end game, by the way?” Margaret said, abruptly.
“How do you mean?”
“Well I can’t believe you intend to work as Daisy, secretary to the MD, forever, or even as Nick the FD. So what will you do when the company is successful? Go public? Sell up, and retire rich?”
“I hadn’t thought that far ahead, to be honest.”
“Well, just remember, the Bank would be keen to buy your shares, and I’m sure we could give you a much better price than either Ruth or Eddy could manage.”
Food for thought...
* * *
I was in early the following morning in my smartest ‘pregnant office girl’ dress for the Board meeting. I checked out my own, Nick’s and Ruth’s emails.
There was one really significant email that morning, from Rixi Davenport, a fashion journalist. She was a freelancer but she was often published in a national newspaper. She had heard of and wanted to interview Ruth. I knew Ruth would be very keen to grab that free publicity, so I checked her diary and sent Rixi some possible dates and times.
None of Ruth’s other emails required any action on her part so I responded to them as her secretary, Daisy Duquesne, and sent her short ‘FYI’ messages explaining what I had done and why.
I was downstairs in the kitchen making myself a coffee when I heard the outside door open and Ruth making her way up the stairs to her office. On a whim, I broke my own rule and made her a cup, the way I knew she liked it.
She was surprised when I knocked on her door and put her coffee down on a coaster on her newly-tidied and cleaned desk. I was surprised to see that she was looking even more haggard and worn than yesterday.
“Thank you, Daisy,” she said in a low voice, almost a whisper.
She didn’t look at me, but she wasn’t looking at anything else either. I was getting worried.
“Are you all right?” I said.
“Just tired.” Something seemed to occur to her. “I’m surprised that you’re still here, as Daisy the secretary, I mean.”
“Well, I know some things have changed,” I began, “but most things haven’t. The company’s doing better than ever. You – and Nick – still need a secretary, and I’m still committed. So why wouldn’t I still be Daisy?”
She gave a wintry smile. Maybe she was starting to see her glass as half-full after all.
* * *
As Margaret had predicted, the Board meeting ran smoothly thanks to all the preparation – ours and hers. We met in the open plan office with two desks pushed together as a Boardroom table. Vicky had been a little surprised to be asked to take the minutes. Margaret instructed her to record Mr Nick Rawlinson’s apologies for absence, and that Ms Daisy Duquesne was present as his proxy.
I had expected that the first item on the agenda would be a vote to elect our permanent chairman, Ruth presumably, but Margaret had put that at the end just before ‘Any Other Business’. So first we had the accounts, which I – Daisy – had to present as Financial Controller, standing in for Nick, the FD. This was mostly good news, in that our revenues were now exceeding our operating costs, but of course we had a long way to go before our net profits would begin to make a dent in our debts (including the company’s debt to me, Nick).
We then reviewed the proposals for how we would spend the Bank’s initial cash injection. Again, Margaret had already seen everything informally and was happy to rubber-stamp our suggestions. So finally we came to the election of the chairman for future Board meetings, and that was when the only surprise of the day came.
“On behalf of the Bank, I would like to nominate Nick Rawlinson,” Margaret said.
It was difficult to say which of the rest of us was the most surprised. Vicky dropped her pen on the floor.
“I don’t know why you’re all looking so surprised,” she continued. “He’s the logical choice. He’s the only one of you with any business or financial training; he’s as fully committed to your success as any of you – you only need to look at how he’s dressed to see how determined he is; and he already holds the balance of power, as it were, if – or, more likely when – you two major shareholders disagree.”
“But this is my company…” Ruth began.
“Our company,” Eddy corrected.
“I think that rather illustrates my point,” said Margaret, wryly. “And it still is your company. Ruth is the creative engine; she owns the product lines and our unique designs. Eddy is execution; he solves problems and delivers solutions. Nick won’t interfere with any of that. He’ll just make sure that the company stays afloat long enough for the two of you to realise your dreams.”
The way Margaret presented it made perfect sense, but Ruth wasn’t listening. Her pride was hurt – again.
“Did you know about this?” she said to me accusingly.
“No, I didn’t – honestly,” I confirmed. Ruth looked sceptical. Did she know about our dinner at the White Hart? “I did meet with Margaret last night… for a chat, but she didn’t mention this.”
Margaret quickly confirmed what I said. “In any case, the fact that you’re upset simply shows you don’t understand how businesses are run,” she said, a little cruelly, I thought. “Nothing has changed. You and Eddy still control everything – as long as you agree. If you don’t agree, Nick decides. You should think of him as the referee, not a player.”
Margaret was now showing what a strong character she was. No wonder she had done so well at the Bank. I was sure she would chew up and spit out any hapless sexist male who tried to treat her like ‘the little woman’. Then I realised that dinner the previous night had been about the Bank interviewing a potential Chairman – who didn’t even know she – I mean, he – was a candidate.
Ruth was simmering, speechless. I liked to think that the logic of Margaret’s argument was worming its way into her brain, but her pride was putting up strong defences against it.
“Well, I think it’s a great idea,” said Eddy. “I support Nick’s nomination.”
Whoa, that was unexpected! But then Eddy wasn’t interested in money and had no wish to be in charge. Also he was no fool. He knew this was non-negotiable if we wanted the Bank’s support.
“So what do you think, Daisy?” said Margaret with a smile. “You have Nick’s proxy. Which way would he want you to vote?”
I paused for thought. I didn’t hold out much hope for a future with Ruth now, but to vote for myself would surely put the matter beyond doubt.
“I think Nick would want me to abstain,” I said, hanging my head, because I knew what it would mean. With both Eddy’s and Margaret’s shares behind me, Ruth couldn’t win by herself.
“Good,” said Margaret. “That means Nick is duly elected. Therefore as you are representing him, Daisy, I will hand over the chair to you.”
“Oh, er, yes,” I said. “Last item on the agenda: any other business?”
Everybody was too stunned, especially Ruth. She gathered up her papers and left. She didn’t go into her office. She went down the stairs and out of the building.
So Daisy had been promoted. She was secretary to the Chairman of the Board now, as well as Ruth’s secretary and the company’s Financial Controller. I wondered how many hats I could wear at once.
* * *
My commitment to being Ruth’s heavily pregnant secretary was most sternly tested at night-time when I had been carrying my excess weight around all day, and that evening I had more or less decided it was time to ring down the curtain on this fiasco.
It was nearly half-past ten, and I was getting ready for bed. I had removed my make-up with cold cream and wiped my face. I had just changed into a pretty maternity nightie, lent by the lovely Phoebe (whom I still hadn’t met). I always took my wig and wig-cap off last as – irrationally – I didn’t like to see Nick’s face on Daisy’s body. I was reaching for the pins that held the wig in place when the doorbell rang. I put on a negligée and went to answer it.
It was Ruth.
“Can I come in?” she said, pushing past me without waiting for an answer.
“Er, yeah, sure,” I said to her retreating back.
As far as I could remember she had never been to my rooms at the Manor House before, but she seemed to have no trouble finding her way. She marched in and took a look around.
“Nice place,” she said. “Very masculine. I’m surprised you haven’t done anything to make it a little more… girly.”
“That’s because this is Nick’s place, and there’s nothing girly about him,” I said, slightly irked by her implication.
“No, obviously not,” she smirked. “I love your nightie, by the way, Nicky dear. Very pretty.”
“Daisy insisted. Nick's pyjamas don't fit her figure – obviously – and she's not comfortable sleeping in the nude.”
“But you're Daisy,” she said, a puzzled expression on her face.
My speaking in the third person on behalf of both Nick and Daisy obviously threw her. She was trying to work out whether I was being serious.
“Are you developing a split personality?” she said. “Should I be worried?”
“Dunno. Perhaps you should ask Nick when you see him. Oh, wait, you won't be seeing him for a while, will you? Thanks for that, by the way.”
Ruth winced, but if I sounded bitter, it was because I was.
“You have a real talent for throwing me off-balance,” she said crossly. “I don't know why I put up with you!”
“Is that what you came here to say? At half-past ten at night?”
“No,” she said, lowering herself into my TV lounger, by far the most comfortable chair in the sitting room. “Aren’t you going to offer me a drink? You can have one yourself. I’m sure it won’t harm the baby.”
I sighed. “What would you like?”
“Something with vodka, please. I don’t think I’ll be driving any more tonight.”
What did she mean by that? Bloody woman! There had better be some sort of apology coming, or at least a concession, or maybe an attempt at reconciliation, or something.
Two minutes later she had a vodka and orange in her hand, and I was nursing a scotch on the rocks. I plumped down in my other armchair, which was much more difficult to get out of in my condition.
“I cried all evening when I discovered you’d taken all of Daisy’s things and left your key,” she began. “I never cry.”
And just like that, all was forgiven and forgotten.
“I hoped that it meant you weren’t giving up being Daisy for me, or why would you bother taking her things? Then when I saw you were still her the next day… I began to hope I hadn’t messed it all up after all. Then I realised that you had no choice anyway – until you could go to Transformations and get your thingies unglued.”
“No,” I said, when she paused for breath, “it looks like it won’t be as easy to give up being Daisy as I thought.”
“The whole situation was a mass of contradictions. I didn’t know what to think.”
I couldn’t help but smile inwardly. ‘Mass of contradictions’ was the exact phrase I had used to describe her expression at Transformations when she was trying to decide whether to make me go through with this ordeal.
She stood up and went to look out of the window into the inky blackness of rural England in late January.
“By this time I couldn’t really remember why I was angry. You and Eddy had ganged up on me…”
“Ruth, I…”
“…for my own good. I had all sorts of mad plans for the Bank’s money, but I would have destroyed everything we had built if I had got my way. Thank you for stopping me.”
“Ruth, we…”
“And then today, you took my company away from me…”
“But we…”
“…except that it was our company – yours and mine and Eddy’s… Ohhh!” she howled in exasperation. “I can’t do this… I can’t do anything without you.”
She turned toward me. Her voice had been so strong, so forceful, so Ruth, that I hadn’t realised the tears were streaming down her face.
“Is that… vulnerable… enough for you?” she gasped through wracking sobs.
For a moment I thought she was trying to make a joke, but there was no laughter in her eyes, only bitter tears.
I got up and moved as quickly as my wibbly-wobbly body and my nightie and negligée and high-heeled mules would permit. I threw my arms around her. Though my baby bump prevented me getting as close as I wanted, I held her tight as she sobbed quietly. I felt our breasts smooshing together.
* * *
She stayed the night and it was as good as it had ever been – better. In the morning she put on one of my – Nick’s – shirts and wandered around examining everything critically and looking as sexy as Jane Fonda in Barefoot in the Park (1967). She was still a little subdued, for her.
“I don’t know why you came to live at our flat,” she said. “This place is much nicer.”
“I thought that was what you wanted. Does that mean you want to move in here?”
“Yes, please.”
“You’re not concerned that people will find out you’re not living with Eddy?”
“It’s fine, as long as no one finds out I’m living with Nick. But I won’t be, will I? I’ll be with Daisy. It’s OK if I’m seen giving my secretary a lift home after work, for example; and your house is secluded. No one will know if my car is here overnight.”
We had got down to business so quickly the evening before that she still hadn’t fully explored my wing of the house. Still in my nightie and negligée, I waddled after her as she wandered around.
“You have two bedrooms here, don’t you?”
“Three, actually, and yes, of course you could have one for yourself.”
“No, silly. I mean there should be one for Nick, and one for me and Daisy.”
I laughed. “That would only be temporary. I’ll have to stop being Daisy in another three months anyway. I can’t be pregnant forever.”
“No, but you can just slim down to a normal-sized secretary. You could say you’ve had the baby.”
“And what do I say happened to it?”
“Well, let’s see… who’s the baby’s father?”
“Oh, he’s gone. Disappeared as soon as he discovered I was knocked up.”
“So what do unmarried mothers do… if they can’t manage alone?”
“Oh, give the baby up for adoption, you mean?”
“Yes, tell everyone you always planned to do that, and made the arrangements months ago. They took the baby away from you in the hospital. It was heart-rending, but you’re slowly getting over it. It’s a wonderful story.”
“OK, yeah… not exactly stand-up comedy material…”
“So you’ll do it? Stay as Daisy?”
“For the moment. If that’s what you want.”
“It is. You’re a great secretary!”
* * *
So I agreed to be Daisy Duquesne, unmarried mother-to-be indefinitely, and my life as Ruth’s secretary by day and lover by night went on. She enjoyed bossing me around in the office, but was careful now not to go too far. I didn’t need to threaten to resign anymore. I could always remind her that I had Nick’s proxy, and he was Chairman of the Board.
I didn’t pretend to understand why she wanted me to stay as Daisy, unless it was a way of preserving some level of dominance over me. It had occurred to me that she might have some hidden lesbian tendencies, but her performance in our bed seemed to refute that theory.
Anyway, I didn’t mind, or at least I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the inconvenience of pregnancy. I went to see Vera at Transformations every Saturday morning for her to add a few more ounces of fluid to my prosthesis. As the weight I had to carry around increased, the discomfort and the awkwardness of my movements got steadily worse – as Ingrid had predicted. When I thought about this happening for another two months, I got a little depressed. I got no sympathy at all from Ruth of course.
In principle we shared the housework at home, but I seemed to end up doing most of the wifely tasks like washing and ironing. I didn’t mind too much. I was used to household chores as I had been looking after myself alone for a while now. (At least it wasn’t difficult to tell my underwear from hers – my bras and panties were much bigger and much less sexy.)
Ruth tried to apologise for not doing her share, but I told her I understood. She was working long hours. In addition to dreaming up all her new designs, she also had to work out how to make them with our machines. Vicky could write the actual programs, but she wasn’t capable of translating a picture of a dress into a series of cutting and stitching instructions.
Ruth also explained that her mother hadn’t made her help much at home. Determined that her daughter would ‘make something of herself’ she let Ruth concentrate on her schoolwork. When she wasn’t doing that, she was designing and making her own clothes. She said she had ‘sewing machine hands’, rather than ‘dishpan hands’, from earliest youth.
She did, however, take great pleasure in being my ‘husband’ – helping me in and out of her car, and carrying more than her share of the shopping, which I really appreciated. I liked being pampered. I thought about sending her out in the evening for pickles and ice cream…
* * *
On my fourth visit to Transformations, Vera gave me a thorough check-up. She used her solvent to remove my breast forms and abdominal prosthesis to check on the condition of my skin underneath. It was a little red, as was to be expected, but there was no sign of any infection. She gave me another all-over waxing, which wasn’t anything like as painful as before. The ‘mild hormone cream’ seemed to be doing its job.
I felt self-conscious as she rubbed the soothing antiseptic cream into my groin, genitals and the surrounding area, but surprisingly I also felt naked without my breasts. It felt like I was missing something important. I was much more comfortable when she later replaced my forms and prosthesis and I could get my bra and maternity panties back on. It seems Daisy had taken over more than I had realised.
While I was there Vera took me in to see Sharon to check my wig. Once she had taken it and the wig-cap off, she declared that my hair was long enough for a proper style, and I allowed her to give me a tidy bob, as similar to the wig as she could manage. I felt much better after that. I had gotten used to wearing the wig and wig-cap, and had almost forgotten how uncomfortable they were. I realised I had rarely been out without them since the day of the Panto Tech Run.
* * *
The Manor House was big, with a central unit and two wings. My rooms were at the back of the East wing, the old servants’ quarters. I had my own entrance on the opposite side of the building from Mum and Dad’s, and it was quite possible to go for days without any of us bumping into each other. In fact, ever since my first visit to Transformations I’d been avoiding my family, except for Josie. I had told them what I was planning to do and why, but I could hardly hide Daisy from them forever. So one weekend, when Ruth was up in Manchester celebrating her parents’ anniversary, I had lunch with them all.
I did my best with my hair and make-up and wore a new knee-length maternity dress in green silk. I was afraid I might be overdoing it all, but I wanted to put as much distance as possible between Daisy and Nick in my family’s eyes. So when I waddled into their part of the house in my pretty dress and one-inch heels, and with my handbag over my shoulder, I was met with astonishment on my parents’ faces, and amusement on the part of my brother and his wife. They had all known what I was planning to do since that lunch the weekend before I went to Transformations, but the reality was proving to be a shock. I was the elephant in the room, literally and metaphorically.
“It was partly my fault,” admitted Josie, breaking the awkward silence. “When the idea of him doing stand-up in drag came up, I persuaded him to try and look like a real woman. Being pregnant was my idea too.”
“Well, maybe, Josie love, but I know my sons, even if one of them is currently a daughter,” Dad said. “Tom’s easily led, as you know better than most…”
“Hey!” said Tom, but it was true. He wasn’t fooling anyone.
“…but no one could persuade Nick to do something he didn’t want to do. He’s as stubborn as a mule.”
“Or a pregnant woman,” put in my mother, with one of her trademark ironic smirks.
“Well, he takes after you, love,” said Dad, which quickly wiped the smile off my mother’s face.
I knew that’s what he thought of me, but I hadn’t considered it before giving in to Ruth. Was he right? Did it mean that in some way I wanted to live as Daisy? If so, what did that say about me?
Dad turned to me. “So why are you doing this?”
“For Ruth,” I said. “I must love her, I suppose. This…” I indicated my dress, tummy, boobs and hair. “…is all about proving that.”
“Bizarre! And when will it end?”
“Well, I can’t be pregnant forever. I’ve got about two months to go. If I can stick it out, I reckon I’ll have proven my commitment to her satisfaction.”
No need to mention just now that Ruth wanted me to stay as Daisy afterwards.
Tom snorted. “And what is she doing to prove her commitment to you, little brother? This mad Northern bitch?”
Josie hit him on the shoulder. He didn’t seem to notice. He’s a big lad, Tom, and solid muscle. Maybe he was still fuming about my father saying he was ‘easily led’.
“Actually, that’s a good question,” I replied, ruefully. “She’s promised to think of something.”
“Well, it’s a shame you won’t be able to come with me to the rugby at Twickenham anymore.”
“What? Why not?”
“Don’t be a silly girl! It’s a lads’ day out, boozing, swearing, telling dirty jokes. You’d cramp our style. Besides Twickers is no place for a pregnant woman.”
“That’s a bit sexist, isn’t it?” I was aware I sounded like a whiny girlfriend.
“Don’t worry, dear,” said my mother. “You can join Josie and me on one of our girls’ days out. We can go to the spa, get our nails done…”
“Shopping, aerobics and… ooh, the ballet!” added Josie.
I may not have thought this through…
* * *
Meanwhile the company’s reputation was growing even faster than my stomach and orders were coming through steadily. Margaret was very pleased. She told her colleagues at the Bank that all we had to do was ‘scale up’ (management-speak) and we would soon pay off our debts, and be in profit. After that, who knows? An IPO? Ruth began to hope that we wouldn’t need any more money from the Bank, but she was still financially naïve. I was pretty sure we’d need at least the second tranche of funding.
This success meant we were still swamped in the cowshed. The new equipment was delivered about a fortnight after our inaugural Board meeting, and Eddy and Mike worked round the clock to set it all up and interface it to our old cutting and sewing machines. While they were doing that, the rest of us faced a further three weeks of chaos as incoming orders continually threatened to overwhelm us. Even Ruth was spending most of her time in the cowshed now.
Eddy’s previous experience with linking machines and implementing Numerical Control was invaluable, and he and Mike managed to get it all done much sooner than they had predicted. When the new kit and a jury-rigged conveyor to carry the pieces of cloth through the process, were fully up and running, they made all the difference. At last a dress could be made entirely automatically from start to finish. All we had to do was load the appropriate materials at one end and we could watch a finished dress come out of the other. This was true even if the customer wanted a design sprayed on the cloth. The printing was automated now too. We started to clear the backlog.
The only complication was if a design required a non-standard colour, as we still had to operate the dyeing process manually and then wait overnight for it to dry. So Vicky put a trap in the website software which flagged a request for an unusual colour and notified the operator, so that he or she could prioritise the dyeing process. Mo inserted a warning on the website that non-standard colours would mean a longer delivery time.
Ruth added more designs, still relatively simple clothes that we could make with our existing software and machinery. Mo revamped the website with the new designs and added testimonials from our growing number of satisfied customers – including Margaret, the Lathams, and Polly on behalf of LADS.
* * *
The day I had arranged for Ruth’s interview with Rixi Davenport arrived. Both the Barn offices and the cowshed were spic and span and everything was humming along nicely. I was ready to bring in refreshments for my boss and her guest. Could we do anything else to impress the journalist? Was there anything I had missed? It suddenly occurred to me to check our customer records, and there it was: Ms R Davenport. She had bought a short-sleeved wrap dress just two weeks ago. As far as I could see nothing had gone wrong. The transaction was completed in good time and the dress was delivered within forty-eight hours of the on-line order – well within our target turnaround time. I knocked on Ruth’s door.
“Just thought you should know, boss…”
Ruth liked me to call her ‘boss’ in the office, even though strictly speaking, I – Nick – was her boss, though she would never admit it.
“…this Davenport woman bought a lime-green wrap dress from us a fortnight ago. She might just turn up in it, I suppose.”
“Thanks, Daisy,” she said. “I’d like to think I would recognise my own creation, but forewarned is forearmed.”
The barn office doorbell went at that moment. I hurried down the stairs as fast as my swollen figure would allow. I opened up to a smiling woman in a lime-green wrap dress. I guessed that she was in her early thirties, and to my newly attuned eye she was wearing too much make-up, hurriedly applied. Daisy was becoming catty, Nick observed from deep down inside her.
I welcomed our guest, introduced myself, and led her, slowly and painfully, up to Ruth’s office. She met us at the door.
“Welcome, Ms Davenport,” she said. She pretended to look the journalist up and down. “So how do you like your new dress?”
“It’s great, I love it! It may be a bit much for an informal interview, but I thought you’d like to see it on. Lots of people have told me how much they like it and asked where I got it.”
“I hope you told them.”
“Of course! Please do call me Rixi, by the way,” she said. “May I call you Ruth?”
“Certainly, and you’ve met my secretary, Daisy?”
“Indeed, but I assume she won’t be your secretary for much longer?” Rixi said. “Is that lovely maternity dress one of yours?”
“Actually, it isn’t, but we will be adding maternity dresses to our product line very soon. Please do come in and sit down.”
I took their orders for coffee and withdrew. When I returned with the tray, the interview seemed to be going very well.
“Oh, I have lots of ideas for new designs,” Ruth was saying. “As soon as we have the necessary tooling, we’ll be offering coats, wedding dresses, pyjamas, nighties, maternity dresses, and lingerie. With our system, we can make virtually any clothes.”
“It sounds like a dream come true for you,” said Rixi. “Most young designers have to wait ages before their creations get to market.”
“That’s right, and I intend to invite other budding designers to submit their ideas to me, and we’ll feature them on our website. Each month we’ll pick the best of the submissions and make a dress to that design for the winner, free of charge. Also, if any other customer orders a dress to the winner’s design, she’ll get a royalty.”
Rixi was scribbling furiously. Later Ruth took her down to the cowshed and introduced her to the others. Rixi took lots of photographs on her state-of-the-art phone. I managed to avoid being in any of them.
The interview appeared the following week in the women’s section of one of the quality Sunday supplements. In addition to reporting everything she discussed with Ruth and Eddy, Rixi also described her experience with designing and buying her dress through the website. She confessed to being completely hopeless with computers but boasted proudly of how simple she had found the whole process, and how impressive it was to see her animated self strutting down the catwalk in her new dress. She also spoke highly of the quality and great value of her purchase.
Ruth and I read the article at home and were delighted, but I could see a potential problem. Despite it being Sunday I called our Internet Service Provider. It was a good thing I did because access to the site increased by a factor of a hundred that day. If I hadn’t warned them to expect that, our website would undoubtedly have fallen over. That led to a big bump in orders, and despite the new automation equipment, it was all hands to the pumps again the next day.
There was another potential problem. There was now no way of concealing from the Deveres what their son and his fiancée were doing. Ruth was not interning at a fashion house, and Eddy wasn’t doing an advanced degree. A rough few days followed and Eddy had a hard time placating his parents. He only escaped being disinherited because his father at least was impressed by their enterprise and pleased with the growing success of
But he still didn’t dare tell them that he was gay and his engagement was bogus. So Nick still couldn’t be seen out with Ruth. If I wanted to be with her, it would have to be as Daisy for the foreseeable future.
* * *
It was a very busy but productive month. I had four top-up sessions at Transformations, at two of which I had to put up with waxing again, but these sessions were becoming progressively less painful, and there was less stubble to remove each time. Alas, after four top-ups, I was noticeably fatter and even more uncomfortable.
Our second Board meeting was imminent. As I was to chair this, I took a moment to think about the agenda. I sat at my desk, contemplating. I had kicked my heels off and was staring at my nylon-covered toes, but in this position I couldn’t reach round my bloated tummy to rub my sore feet. Pregnancy was a pain…
My monitor pinged; an email had arrived. It was from Margaret:
“Daisy,” it said,
“I’m sure you’re well-prepared for the Board meeting on Friday, but I thought you might like to see a pro forma agenda that we often use with new venture boards. Feel free to ignore it if you have your own preferred way of running meetings:
• Introductions and apologies for absence [I assume Nick will be absent again?]
• Minutes of the last meeting [can you remind Vicky to distribute these?]
• Matters arising from the last meeting [I don’t think there were any specific actions, were there?]
• Financial report [presumably you, standing in for Nick again?]
• Operations and technology report [Eddy]
• New products and services report [Ruth]
• Any other business
By the way, I intend to come down on Thursday. I won’t drop into the office this time, but can I treat you to dinner again? Same time, same place? I think it would be helpful for you and I to have discussed anything sensitive before the Board meeting. I think you know what I mean.
Kind regards,
She knew full well that we didn’t ‘have our own preferred way of running meetings’, but I acknowledged that she had saved me some time and effort. I couldn’t think of anything to add or change, so I sent it out to all the Board members under my own name (and without Margaret’s personal comments, of course), reminding Ruth and Eddy that they would have to prepare reports. I sent a copy to Vicky too, asking her to take the minutes again, and to distribute the first meeting’s minutes as soon as possible.
I then replied to Margaret’s email accepting her invitation to dinner. Now, what was I going to tell Ruth without provoking her paranoia? More importantly, what was I going to wear? Margaret had already seen my one decent outfit. Did I have time before Thursday night to nip into town and buy an evening dress?
Margaret hadn’t asked me not to tell Ruth about this meeting, so I did, having learnt the hard way not to keep things from her. I told Eddy too. They wanted me to promise to tell them everything, which I really couldn’t do. I promised to tell them everything that was relevant to the company, and said – quite truthfully – that I had no idea why she wanted this session. I said that last time it was mostly social, getting-to-know-you stuff. Margaret had mainly been curious about how and why Nick Rawlinson had become Daisy Duquesne.
Ruth, being Ruth, felt excluded and wasn’t happy.
* * *
I managed to get away for a couple of hours on Wednesday morning to go dress shopping. I was embarrassed to admit it, but I knew I would miss that when Daisy took her final bow. Trying on dresses and twirling in front of mirrors was great fun.
While there I saw some especially sexy maternity lingerie and a caftan gown in metallic lace, and I couldn’t resist. I looked forward to seeing Ruth’s reaction. I hoped Phoebe would like it all. She was planning to have another baby soon. If her maternity clothes fitted me, then surely mine would fit her. So everything I bought for pregnant Daisy would eventually be hers.
I went a little upmarket and found a lovely Renaissance maxi dress in brilliant violet for my second dinner with Margaret. I had decided that I prefer floor-length skirts. The more of my legs I could hide, the better I liked it. The only problem was that it emphasised my baby bump rather than disguising it, not that concealment was a viable option now. Are all women as big as this at eight months? Maybe if I wore my white lacy cardigan with it?
The dress was expensive, and I had a crisis of conscience about the money I was spending. When was I likely to wear it again? Both the colour and design of the dress were very striking and I was a little concerned that I would attract too much attention, but as Margaret said, if you’ve got it, flaunt it. After another month’s worth of top-ups I’d certainly got it.
When Ruth saw it, she was astonished.
“You must really be enjoying this to spend so much money on a dress you’ll only be able to wear a few times,” she said. I started to object. “No, I’m glad. I never meant this to be a punishment for you. Anyway, I suppose I can be sure you’re not planning on making a pass at Margaret – not dressed like that!”
I asked our local taxi firm to send Avi for me again, as he had been such a gentleman. He jumped out of the car when he saw me waiting outside my entrance to the Manor House and offered his arm to help me into the car. He was just as solicitous at the other end and I made sure I gave him another good tip. In my condition I really appreciated old-fashioned gallantry. I didn’t see it as incompatible with feminism at all.
It was nearly five weeks since I last saw Margaret and she made no attempt to hide her surprise.
“Wow, you’re really going for it now, aren’t you? That’s a beautiful dress!”
“Thank you,” I said. “And it shows much less cleavage, as you will have noticed. I was mortified when you pointed out my near-toplessness last month.”
She laughed. “It really wasn’t that bad,” she said. She looked quickly around her and dropped her voice. “And those fake boobs of yours are completely undetectable. They jiggle just like the real thing.”
“Only the best,” I agreed, “and they’re just as heavy as the real thing too.”
I stretched a little and rubbed my sore back.
“Oh sorry,” she said, “let’s get to our table and sit down.” She waved to a waiter. “But how is it that you’re even bigger than last month? You don’t really have anything in there, do you?”
Once we were settled at our quiet table at the empty end of the hotel restaurant and had placed our orders, I explained about the Transformations service. She was fascinated. For the next half-hour our conversation ranged widely but mostly on women’s subjects – fashion, make-up and hairdressing, family life, children, babies. I had to use my imagination at times, but I kept my end up.
“I’m sorry,” she said suddenly, “you quite make me forget that I’m not here with a close woman friend. I know you’re acting a part most of the time, but you’re getting really good at this. Are you sure you’re a man under all that?”
“Positive,” I said, “but it may be a while before I can prove it to you. I had hoped that going through the rest of my pregnancy would satisfy Ruth that I’m serious about our relationship, but it looks like she wants me to stay as Daisy for a while longer.”
“You mean she’s decided she prefers Daisy to Nick? What will you do?”
That outcome had been preying on my mind.
“I honestly don’t know. It can’t last indefinitely though, can it? That would be pretty strange, wouldn’t it? She’s not a lesbian – I can guarantee that – and although she’s a strong character, she’s not a dominatrix, and I’m certainly no submissive. This prosthesis is pretty uncomfortable but it's not bondage in the traditional sense.”
“Ah, but you do give in to her most of the time, don’t you? Being Daisy is proof of that.”
“Up to a point, but not about things that really matter. I will certainly stop her from making any bad business decisions, I can assure you – if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No, you’ve already shown you can do that. I’m thinking about your relationship and where it’s going. You have to admit, it’s an unusual situation…” She stopped and threw her hands up in a gesture of surrender. “I’m sorry, time out. It’s none of my business. I’ve overstepped the mark.”
“No, that’s all right. I’m happy to talk about it with you. It’s healthy. I can’t discuss it with my family; they’ve already shown that they don’t understand; and I’m scared of raising the matter with Ruth, for fear of breaking our fragile connection. But I know I will have to – soon. I’m thinking that the watershed moment will be when we decide the baby must come. I need to set a time limit after that.”
Our starters arrived and Margaret changed the subject. We discussed the Board meeting. She had seen all our reports and was very happy with our progress. We agreed that the main task for the next month would be to decide whether we needed a second tranche of funding – I told her I was pretty sure we would – and how we would propose to spend it. I predicted that Ruth would insist on grabbing the lion’s share of the money to expand our product line, which might need another specialist machine, and would certainly need some sophisticated program development. Margaret said she could see no reason to oppose that but we would have to prepare a very detailed proposal to get the Bank’s approval.
“I do have an item of ‘Any Other Business’, by the way,” she said. “I thought it would be a good idea to talk it through with you in private first – in your capacity as Chairman, or his proxy.”
“Oh? What’s that?”
I had expected something like this, but she had lulled me into a false sense of security with all our girl talk.
“Staffing – two items. First, you need a machine operator or two – relatively low-level posts. It’s ridiculous for Eddy to be dyeing and printing and carrying pieces of cloth around; he’s your senior engineer! And it’s not much better for Mike to be doing that either. He’s almost as well-qualified as Eddy. If you keep him doing unskilled tasks like that, you’ll lose him.”
I personally thought Mike would stay as long as Vicky was still around, but I took her point.
“Second: in addition to being Ruth’s secretary you are also the Financial Controller, the deputy to Nick the FD, and the de facto Office Manageress. At this rate you could easily end up being the HR Director too. Daisy the secretary needs a secretary.”
“You’re right, of course,” I said. I thought for a moment. She waited patiently. “Do you think it might be better if I raised this under AOB – rather than you, I mean?”
“I was hoping you’d suggest that,” she said. “I’m conscious of being an outsider, and I wouldn’t want Ruth or Eddy to think I’m interfering.”
“Heaven forbid!” I said with a grin.
She laughed. “One more thing: everyone in the company knows of your dual identity and most of the reason why…”
She had clearly sensed that I hadn’t told her everything. I said she was sharp.
“…but what about the new staff? Will they be told that Daisy and Nick are one and the same?”
* * *
Of course, I hoped that by the time we had taken on new staff, Daisy would be consigned to history, but I was no longer confident of that. She seemed to be more of a permanent fixture every day.
At any rate when I got back home after dinner, I was able to tell Ruth that Margaret had agreed that we needed to support all her ideas for new ranges and designs. She was delighted. She span me round and started unzipping my new dress.
“You realise we will need another tranche of funding?” I pointed out over my shoulder. “And that means the Bank’s holding of our shares will go up to 10% – at your and Eddy’s expense.”
“We’ll still have 70% between us,” she said.
She had now revealed my new black matching bra and maternity panties, which drew a sharp intake of breath.
“Whoa, you little minx! When did you get those? No more business talk now, missy. Lie back and drop your knickers. You have something I need under all that black lace. I’ll help you get it out.”
She giggled and grabbed a new black see-through babydoll from a shopping bag she’d hidden in her wardrobe.
“I’ve been looking forward to seeing you in this. If I ever have to fire you as my secretary, you can get a job as a plus size lingerie model.”
Briefly I wondered whether Ruth’s obsession with seeing her boyfriend in women’s underwear was entirely healthy, but the thought was soon pushed out of my brain by more pressing matters…
* * *
Our second Board meeting went well. Each of the Directors (or in Nick’s case, his proxy – me) gave their reports. Every performance indicator was in the green and everyone was happy. We agreed that we would need the second tranche of finance, and that most of it would be spent on whatever Ruth needed to expand our product range. She said that her ultimate goal would be for to become a one-stop-shop for custom-made women’s apparel. We all approved.
Under AOB I raised the subject of staffing. With Margaret’s help I had prepared a brief analysis of our needs and the Board approved the immediate recruitment of a machine operator and a secretary, with the expectation of hiring one more of each next month. As Office Manageress I accepted an action to begin the recruitment process.
I had one more item of AOB to raise: a warning note. In the first quarter of the year it looked very likely that our revenues would exceed our debts and operating costs; that is, we would be in profit. (I now realised that the Bank’s funding and my original support didn’t count as debt as we received shares in compensation.) If this was repeated in the second quarter, then the company would have to start paying rent to my father. Thanks to Will’s foresight, the original contract linked the amount due to profits; the more profit, the more rent, up to a predetermined limit.
Margaret asked if our premises were big enough to cope with the escalating demand, or whether we needed to consider moving. Nobody wanted to do that. We liked our current location and laughed about working in a barn and a cowshed. Vicky said she sometimes felt like a milkmaid in these surroundings. Ruth said that was quite appropriate as I was nearly as big as a moo-cow, which she seemed to think was funny. We all smiled to be polite and Margaret suggested we move on.
I said that we didn’t need any more space upstairs. We were only using two of the six desks in the office regularly; a third when Mo was in. Also I often worked down in the kitchen on my laptop as I struggled to get up and down the stairs in my condition.
We turned to Eddy to comment on the available room in the cowshed. He said that it would be big enough for the foreseeable future. There was plenty of unused space to expand into. The real constraints on further growth would be the machines, he said. What we had were old and jury-rigged, and prone to breaking down. Also we could only make one garment at a time. Admittedly each took only a few minutes, but with the rising demand we would soon need to be able to make two or even three simultaneously, unless we kept the machines running twenty-four/seven, in which case they would probably break down, and so we should have more machines in case of that. Also, any new kit should be custom-built to Eddy’s designs, not second-hand stuff that he had adapted.
We all agreed to go ahead with new machines for two additional production lines. Speaking on behalf of the FD, I had to admit that we couldn’t realistically pay for them even on hire-purchase, or lease them, from our current revenue stream. We would therefore have to ask the Bank for the third and fourth tranches of funding. Margaret confirmed that she would ensure this was approved.
Ruth and Eddy would then have 30% of the shares each, while I and the Bank would each have 20%. In principle, this would mean that if Ruth and Eddy disagreed over something and Margaret and I each backed one of them, there would be a tie. I asked Margaret later how that would be resolved and she said that as Chairman of the Board, Nick would have the casting vote. I wondered if Ruth realised that.
* * *
As we were in a hurry for new hires, after the meeting I called a local employment agency that my father used, rather than advertise. I thought that would be acceptable as these were fairly low-level roles. I asked them to make sure that all the candidates were briefed that the potential employer would be, a fast-growing fashion start-up, and that all work would be on site at our location. There would be little, if any, opportunity to work from home. Might as well do everything I could to weed out the non-starters.
Ruth overheard the telephone call and wandered over as I hung up.
“So you’ll meet the potential new hires as Daisy then?” she said.
“I suppose so. I don’t have much choice, do I?”
“Is that the faint odour of burning bridges I smell?”
* * *
At the close of our second Board meeting we were buoyant and upbeat for the future, but we couldn’t sit back on our laurels. Mike and Vicky had been keeping the machines going while we Directors were drinking coffee and munching our chocolate biscuits. With just the two of them, they were beginning to fall behind. So when Margaret set off for the station in a taxi, Eddy and I headed for the cowshed to help out. Ruth stopped me before I could reach the stairs.
“Actually, could you just step into my office for a moment, Daisy? There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”
So I went in and parked my expanding bulk awkwardly in her spare chair. She turned her monitor round so we could both see the screen.
“What do you think of these?”
“Maternity dresses!” I said.
There were four beautiful designs: three medium-length, one full; two in pastel colours, one floral. The floor-length dress was in black.
“They’re gorgeous! I really like that mid-length floral dress. It looks so cool and comfortable! Are you ready to add those to the site?”
“Yes, and I’ve written the software instructions to make them – but there’s a problem.”
“I’m not going to like what comes next, am I?”
“You might,” she said cryptically. “You see our ‘standard female figure’ template won’t work for a woman more than about four months pregnant. Her figure is just too different.”
I saw what she meant. We could adapt for different female sizes – OK, for skinny girls and fat girls – by just shrinking or inflating the standard template, but that was no good for a pregnant figure. If we inflated the tummy to the six months pregnant size, the breasts and buttocks would swell grotesquely too. She would need to develop a new template. I began to see where I fitted in. She saw that the light was dawning for me.
“You will do it, won’t you, sweetie? I don’t know any other pregnant ladies just at the moment, and I don’t want to have to pay anyone.”
I sighed. “What do I have to do?”
“The best way would be for you to strip down to your underwear and let us cover you with those motion capture sensor things. That will kill two birds with one stone: the sensors will give us a perfect 3D image of your sexy preggy figure, which I can use to generate the template. Then if you move around doing everyday pregnant woman activities, I can make the film from it. We obviously can’t use the catwalk or disco dancing animation for a woman in your condition.”
“And where exactly do I have to do this? We don’t have any of that equipment here.”
“I have an old university friend in Bath - Josh. He is a junior partner in an animation studio. They mostly work for video games companies, but they have all the kit and he’s happy to help us with it sometime when it’s not in use. In fact, it’s free this coming Sunday afternoon. We could make a weekend of it.”
She made it sound tempting. I hadn’t had many outings as Daisy.
“You haven’t told Josh about me, have you?”
“I’ve just said I need to get some film of a pregnant woman, and I’ll be bringing a friend with me. Don’t be so sensitive!”
“Well, as long as I don’t have to be on my feet all day…” I began.
“No, no, no, I’ll look after you, I promise!” She grabbed me and covered me in kisses. “Thank you so much for doing this!”
Well, it might be quite fun I suppose.
After the Pantomime
By Susannah Donim
A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick.
Chapter 9 – After the Birth
Is Nick’s future, Daisy? Or is Daisy’s future, Nick?
Our weekend began with my weekly appointment at Transformations. This was one of the long ones, so Ruth dropped me off and went to the shops. As usual Vera removed all my prosthetics, waxed away the small amount of stubble I now had, and soothed the irritated skin with hormone-laced balm. Then she injected another few horrid ounces of fluid into my baby bump.
As she was finishing and I was putting my bra and knickers back on, Ingrid came in to look me over.
“Excellent!” she said, rubbing her hands together. “You’re one of our best transformations ever, and certainly our best pregnant lady. How do you feel?”
“Horribly bloated,” I said. “I’ll be really glad when this is over.”
“Don’t forget that at eight months a real pregnant woman would be feeling a range of symptoms that you can’t share: leaky breasts, heartburn, indigestion, Braxton Hicks contractions… You’re getting off lightly.”
“I’m certainly getting indigestion,” I protested.
“Yes, that’s probably because of the weight pressing down on your digestive system,” she said, learnedly.
“I’m also short of breath; I’m tired all the time; my back hurts; and my ankles are swollen.”
“Well, try and keep off your feet,” she said briskly. “See you next week.” She swept out.
“Not long to go now, Daisy,” said Vera, more sympathetically. “Have you thought what you’re going to do next month? You’ll soon be overdue to give birth.”
“All options are on the table,” I said, “but I think I may be back for a new, slimmer prosthesis.”
“I’ll speak to Ingrid. Maybe she’ll do it at a discount for repeat business.”
* * *
I hadn’t got around to insuring Ruth to drive my BMW (and with her driving I wasn’t sure I wanted to), so we went to Bath in her Fiesta. It took three hours via the A10, M25 and M4, stopping for lunch at Reading services for a fast-food meal you shouldn’t give to pregnant ladies.
Ruth hadn’t been back to Bath since her university days and was excited to revisit her old haunts. She was disappointed to find that her favourite restaurant had closed down. She dragged me round the Green Park Station market and then up to the rest of the shops. I soon discovered that Bath is very hilly and not designed for a woman in my condition. I began to wish I had worn flats rather than a pair of my new one-inch heels.
Nevertheless, we found an excellent hotel that Ruth had always wanted to stay at when she was a student but hadn’t been able to afford. It certainly wasn’t cheap, but she blithely assumed I was paying. I did, but I used my new company credit card. Well it was a business trip, wasn’t it?
I had been concerned that someone might object to two women sharing a room with one double bed, but nobody raised an eyebrow. If anything, they were even more welcoming to us apparent lesbians than to their straight guests. The town was trendier than I had expected.
After a nice dinner, we took a bottle of wine upstairs to our room (so that no one could see me drinking) and made the most of the double bed, though our coupling was getting increasingly difficult as my baby bump swelled. Ruth was always on top now.
In the morning she showed me round the famous Roman baths, which I enjoyed immensely, despite having to do more walking. After a light lunch we headed to MoCap Studios. Ruth told me that Josh’s father had helped him buy part-ownership of the business, which was currently booming.
Josh was the archetypal computer nerd: short, bearded and bespectacled. He was also a human dynamo. He whizzed around the studio switching banks of computers and cameras on and off, and talking nineteen to the dozen to Ruth whenever he passed her on his travels. He covered everything he had done in the three and a half years since he had last seen her in about ten minutes. She was surprised that he had met and married the girl of his dreams in that time, and his wife was now three months pregnant with their first child.
I sat on a comfortable leather-bound swivel chair in front of a huge ‘green screen’ with my feet up on a soft tuffet. I hadn’t been so comfortable for weeks. I thanked him sincerely for his kindness.
“I thought you’d appreciate it,” he smiled. “I know how my Lizzie likes to put her feet up to ease her back. She wanted to come along and meet you guys, but she had bad morning sickness today and I made her rest up.”
“It should be starting to fade now,” I said. “It usually doesn’t happen much after twelve weeks.” I had done my homework.
“Oh, is that when yours stopped?” he asked.
“Well, I didn’t get much morning sickness,” I said. I could see that Ruth was stifling laughter. She loved hearing me talking about all my feminine experiences.
“You were lucky!” he said.
“Or male!” Ruth mouthed silently behind his back.
“Anyway, I think we’re all set up now,” Josh said. “I’m afraid you’re too…”
“Fat!” said Ruth happily, filling his pause.
“…too pregnant to fit in one of our lycra motion capture suits, so we’ll have to cover you all over with our micro sensors.” He turned to Ruth. “Do you want to do her face as well? I’ve noticed models on catwalks don’t show any emotion at all.”
“Yes, please. The figure in our current animation template is laughing and smiling and being sexy. So we’d like that for the one based on Daisy as well.”
“So when you superimpose your customer’s face on the template you want her features to move realistically too?”
“That’s the idea.”
“OK. I’ll have to ask you to strip to your underwear, please, Daisy. I need you to get down to just your bra and knickers. Any loose clothing will interfere with the sensors doing their job.”
“I’ll help,” said Ruth, who never missed an opportunity.
This was worrying. I knew the Transformations prostheses were really good, but would my fake flabby female flesh stand up to such close examination?
For the next twenty minutes the two of them stuck tiny little sensors all over my prosthetically-enhanced, heavily pregnant body. Fortunately the studio was well-heated.
Josh was a little stunned by the sheer extent of my gravid figure, clearly not looking forward to his Lizzie being at the same stage. However he showed no sign of realising I was anything other than what I appeared to be. He apologised profusely and unnecessarily when sticking sensor dots in my more intimate places, apparently not realising that most of my female private parts weren’t really mine at all.
He had the experience to know how to position the sensors on my face. There were far more of them than anywhere else on my body, and they had to go in every little crack and crevice and move with my facial muscles.
“These will capture every movement,” he said, “so feel free to express yourself as much as you like.”
“But no pulling silly faces,” Ruth added.
“I hope they come off easily,” I said.
“Oh yes, they’ll just peel off – like post-it notes. In fact, they’ll fall off by themselves in about an hour as your perspiration dissolves the adhesive, so we’d better get busy. I’ve got a few props – bits of household and office furniture, and so on. You can do things like working at a computer, doing housework, or pushing a shopping cart. We can superimpose the backgrounds later. You’ll have to mime in front of a green screen.”
It was a strange afternoon. To begin, he took a few general shots which could be used for static poses, then we moved on to various scenarios. First, I pretended to be typing emails at my workstation, frowning with concentration. Those pictures would be used for selling maternity office wear.
Then Josh brought out an ironing board and a steam iron, and I mimed pressing my husband’s shirts, with a happy, vacant expression. Then I pretended to do some vacuuming and dusting. For the housework I was supposed to be singing along to the radio, so – more smiles. The animated me would be wearing slacks and an apron, or maybe a housedress.
Next, I pushed a shopping cart around a non-existent supermarket to sell outdoor maternity wear. Finally I mimed arriving at a restaurant. Josh, wearing a proper motion capture suit, played the waiter, helping me off with a motion capture coat, and sitting me at the dining table. This clip would be used for evening maternity wear.
We finished at about half-past four. Ruth helped me pull all the sensors off, enjoying checking out all my nooks and crannies. She helped me get dressed again while Josh processed all the captured video. It still needed suitable backgrounds, which he would add later. He promised to get it done over the next couple of days.
Ruth thanked him enormously and tried to press him to accept some payment. He told her he would wait till she was rich and famous, then send her a bill. He invited us to come to their home when my baby arrived, so that Lizzie could get a little practice with a newborn. I thanked him for the invitation without exactly accepting it, and Ruth promised not to leave it so long before her next visit. He expressed an interest in coming to see us at and she said we would be delighted to have him.
We set off on our three-hour journey home at about five o’clock. When we got back, we went straight to Agnelli’s for dinner. I drank white wine and to hell with anyone who looked askance.
We got back to the Manor House at about eleven. I was knackered. I sat at the dressing table in my nightie removing my make-up.
“I think my next project will be clothes for little girls,” Ruth said with a twinkle in her eye. “Again, the standard template won’t work because little girls don’t have breasts. Now who do we know who has a feminine stance and mannerisms but no breasts?”
“Well don’t look at me,” I said, looking down at my ample bust. “These are glued on.”
“I can get the solvent from Transformations. You’d look sweet in a gymslip or a party dress…”
“I think you’d better start looking around for a real little girl,” I said, getting up and heading for the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me to show what I thought of her idea.
I think I heard her laughing as I sat down to tinkle.
* * *
A call for Nick from Will Holford came through early on the Monday morning after our weekend in Bath. Each of us had our own direct line on the Barn network, but I had diverted all of Nick’s calls to my, that is, Daisy’s phone. It had a little screen which showed both the incoming number (if the caller hadn’t withheld it) and the extension they were calling (which was how I knew it was for Nick).
I looked around quickly. I was alone. I had been catching up on emails while Ruth and Vicky were down in the cowshed. Now was the perfect time for a confidential talk with my lawyer.
“Will, hi!” I said in Nick’s voice, struggling a little to recall what it should sound like. “What’s up? Good news? Bad news?”
“Both, in a way, I suppose,” he said. “Gerry and Steve have received an offer for their company from one of the big pharmaceuticals. I can’t name names over an open line, but trust me, you’ve heard of them. They’re required to make the offer to all shareholders through their agents, and that’s me, of course, so I’m calling you.” He paused to allow me to catch up.
“Is it a good offer?”
“Very good for Gerry and Steve, fairly good for you. They value the company at £7.5 million, which means your 20% holding is worth a million and a half.”
“Whew!” I sat back in my chair on my inflated buttocks, feeling the weight of my distorted stomach pressing down on me. “So what’s the bad news?”
“You’ll be out with just the cash. The deal is contingent on Gerry and Steve staying on, but the bidders aren’t offering you a role. The other two have to sign three-year contracts and most of their remuneration will depend on them not leaving in that time. They will hand over all their shares immediately but will get bonuses in the form of new share options if the company does well. They could be multi-millionaires by the time their contracts are up.”
“Or they could go broke. I think a fifteen-fold return on my investment in about eight months is quite satisfactory.”
“Less my fees, of course.”
“Of course.” I was glad Will was finally getting something for all his hard work.
“I’m glad I let your father, talk my father, talk me into getting involved in Rawlinson Ventures,” he said.
“You’ve more than earned it, mate, and hopefully there’ll be more to come. I suppose Gerry and Steve will want to take this, won’t they?”
“Oh, I expect so. They’d be mad not to. They’ll be continuing to do what they enjoy at much less personal risk, earning six figure salaries, and with three million each in the bank. But I called you first, so I don’t know how they’ll react yet. The deal depends on all the current shareholders agreeing to the sale. Even though Gerry and Steve own 80%, the bidders won’t proceed if there are any maverick hold-outs. Pharma is a sensitive industry; they can’t afford to have someone they can’t control attending their Board meetings, even if he can always be outvoted. He’d have lots of inside information to spill to outsiders – the Government, the press, their competitors…”
“I get it. Anyway you can tell the boys that I won’t stand in their way, and give them my congratulations. I can afford that Aston Martin Vantage now!”
Not that I’d be able to drive it till I stop being Daisy…
The next question was: should I tell anyone about this? It would be bound to affect the power balance between me and Ruth. She might decide she’d been right about the rich posh boy all along and end the relationship. On the other hand, if she found out before I told her, she would accuse me of hiding things from her again. OK, I would tell her, just not yet…
I didn’t think I would tell the family now either. My mother would never be able to keep such a big secret, and if not her then Tom or Josie would be sure to blab about something so exciting. But I would have to tell Dad. My big score was only possible because of him; he deserved to know his faith was justified, and maybe I should pay him back what he lent me?
Anyway, no need to do anything for the moment. I hadn’t got the money yet.
* * *
Meanwhile office life went on. Eddy had finished his specifications for our new equipment and they were with a machine tool maker, but it would be another four weeks before anything could be delivered. Meanwhile orders continued to rocket and completion times were getting longer. We now needed to operate sixteen hours a day, so we were working in shifts. Because of the stress we were putting on the machines, either Mike or Eddy had to be on hand at all times to deal with any breakdowns.
A gap between shifts was essential or the old machines would overheat, so one week Mike and Vicky would work from seven a.m. till three, then Eddy and Ruth would take over from four till midnight. Then the following week they would swap over. I had to be there throughout the day because the secretary and Office Manageress was needed to run the company throughout business hours – and I never seemed to be off the phone dealing with suppliers, couriers or customer enquiries.
When Ruth wasn’t on shift or sleeping, she was trying to keep our designs fresh and add to them. Josh had sent her all the processed videos and the pregnant lady template, and she was hoping to get our maternity wear up on the site as soon as possible. So now all the housework and shopping fell on me. I got used to pitying looks as I staggered round the supermarket, straining to reach the handles of the shopping trolley over my huge tummy.
Half-way through this difficult period, we had to introduce daytime shifts on Saturdays and Sundays, just to catch up. Mike and Vicky put up with it all like heroes. We Directors set aside some cash to give them hefty bonuses.
The upside of this frenetic and tiring activity was that we were starting to make serious money. Profitability was way up and we were beginning to attract attention from both the fashion industry and the business world. Rixi’s paper asked her for a follow-up article in greater depth. Also, one of the women’s journals called. They wanted to do a six-page spread with colour photographs. Daisy would have to hide or pull a sickie that day. I couldn’t afford to have my picture appear in a national magazine.
Ruth was getting ratty because taking her turn in manufacturing was cutting into her designing time. It was about to get worse as she would be involved in interviewing potential secretaries, although she understood that additional staff would ease the situation a little. The first candidates started appearing the following week. As Office Manageress and now Head of Human Resources (apparently), I did all the first interviews. The secretaries that I liked I passed to Ruth for their second interview; the operators I passed to Eddy.
We had to make it clear to all the candidates that until our new machines were on stream, they would be expected to take their turns on evening and weekend shifts, although we hoped that situation would only last for a month or so.
* * *
I saw six candidates for the secretary job. We didn’t – couldn’t – specify the sex of the post, but we could demand a standard skill set, and as it turned out, the candidates were all women. At the first interview it was fairly easy to rule out a couple of them who seemed to be looking for an easy life. No way would they be able to stand the pace at Of the others, one stood out: Sherry – spelt like the drink, not Tony Blair’s wife, she insisted. Her CV actually had a date of birth (most didn’t) which put her at twenty-six, the same age as me. I guessed that she was a little older than the others.
She was from a country family, though her father was ‘something in the city’. Her mother worked part-time in a local auction house, being their expert on porcelain. Sherry had listed riding as her main hobby and her CV including a long list of prizes from shows, point-to-points, and gymkhanas. She seemed very bright and I asked her why she hadn’t been to university.
“Puberty, mainly,” she said with a smile. “I was very academic in my early teens. I went to a grammar school, which was a bit of a crammer, and they pushed me to take my GCSEs at fifteen.”
I looked down at her CV and saw a cluster of As and A*s.
“I did OK in them, but in the sixth form I discovered boys, somewhat belatedly. After that, schoolwork rather took a back seat. I blew my A levels and gave up on university. I went to secretarial college, for something to do really.”
She paused. I smiled encouragement. I had interview technique training at Atkinson Stern, and I remembered being told that if you, the interviewer, keep quiet, the interviewee becomes desperate to fill the silence and often tells you things they wouldn’t usually have talked about. I noticed from her CV that she graduated from her college with a Distinction.
“I did OK there, and had no trouble finding a good job, but after a couple of years I got married and was out of the workforce for a couple of years. That didn’t take, so here I am again. I don’t really see my work as my life, to be honest, but I love fashion, so when this opportunity came up, I leapt at it. I saw a couple of articles about Ruth Braddock – this is her company, isn’t it?”
“She is our chief – well, only – designer, yes. She is very ambitious for Anyone who gets in on the ground floor, as it were, can hope for great things in time. The job is advertised as a secretarial post, but I expect you’ll be taking on more and more responsibility later – especially if you know fashion.”
“Would this job be to replace you?” she asked, clearly thinking of my forthcoming ‘confinement’, as they used to say.
“Not really. This…” I patted my bump. “…was a mistake and I’m giving the baby up for adoption the moment it’s born. All the arrangements have been made.”
She looked surprised, but knew better to inquire further.
“I’ll probably only be away for a week or two, then we’ll be working side by side. At the moment I’m the only secretary, and I support both Ruth and our Finance Director, Nick Rawlinson. I also seem to double as Office Manager and Financial Controller, so in the first instance I expect you’ll be taking over most of my secretarial tasks. How are you on a computer, by the way? You appreciate that is an entirely digital company?”
“I’m not bad,” she said. “Fully trained anyway. We did a lot of work with Windows, MS Office, SharePoint and the Internet on our course.”
Judging by her modesty about her GCSEs and her college diploma, ‘not bad’ probably meant she was a wizard. We would be lucky to have her.
“OK, I think I have all I need for the moment,” I said. “I’d like you to meet with Ruth. As her secretary – at least at the moment – I manage her diary, so let’s see if we can find you a slot. Could you do tomorrow morning by any chance?”
“Yes, any time. By the way, I love your website! I bought two dresses from it a couple of days ago, before I even knew there was an opening here.”
“Oh, well, if you like I’ll take you down to the cowshed and see if they’re ready. You can take them with you and we’ll save on postage.”
* * *
“I liked her, and I agree she’s the best candidate…” said Ruth after meeting Sherry the next day. “Well, judging by the CVs, as she’s the only one you’ve actually let me meet.”
“I think she’ll be great,” I said. “You’ll be making her your assistant in no time. She might even have what it takes to help with the designs.”
“You’re my assistant. Don’t you want to… assist me anymore?”
“I want to assist you all our lives, dopey, but as Nick, not as Daisy. You’ll need Sherry when I hang up my bra for good. Anyway, don’t let’s think too hard about the future. We need another secretary right now, and Sherry will be great.”
“OK, but… look, I can trust you around her, can’t I?”
“What on earth do you mean? Look at me! From her point of view, I’m a nearly nine-months-pregnant, obviously heterosexual woman. Even if I were inclined to hit on her, she’d run a mile. For God’s sake, haven’t I proven myself to you yet – with all this?”
I waved my arms up and down around my distorted, distended, hyper-feminine figure.
“Well, yes, but she’s one of your lot, isn’t she? The horsey set? And I’m obviously not.”
“I haven’t been on a horse since I was eight,” I said, “and I hated it then. Our family are more the Range Rover-y set.”
I rang Sherry to say she was hired if she still wanted the job.
* * *
I went through a similar process with the six youngsters the Agency sent along to interview for the machine operator post. We would have to train anyone we hired to work with our unique machinery, so we offered this as an unskilled post. All I could really do was try and find candidates who seemed personable and eager to learn. They were all seventeen and eighteen-year-olds.
I introduced myself as secretary to the Directors. A couple of the boys seemed to think that meant their three or four low grade GCSEs would place them above me in the hierarchy. That in itself didn’t bother me in the slightest, but I took it as a strong indicator that they didn’t get the idea of ‘starting at the bottom’. They would probably be arrogant and difficult to train. The others showed much more humility. Unfortunately in one case it was because she was just thick. That left two girls and a boy. I asked all three to come back and meet with Eddy and Mike. Let them work out which of the kids they liked. Hopefully at least one of the young candidates had some mechanical aptitude.
Eddy believed in practical tests so he had them all change a plug, fix a puncture on my old bike (yes, it had three punctures), and set up a flat screen TV from scratch. Only Ginny, one of the girls, managed all three tests. Eddy and Mike were pleased because they both liked her the best anyway. She was a great kid. She was bright, eager to learn, and so full of energy it made me in my current state feel tired and envious.
So now we were seven. I spent the next week showing Sherry how things worked in the office, and how to find important documents in the filing cabinets and on the network. Ruth gave her as much of her time as she could and agreed with me that she might be able to help with design work in due course. Meanwhile Eddy and Mike showed Ginny the ropes down in the cowshed. We soon had two more people to take their turns on the manufacturing shifts.
Margaret came down for our third Board meeting. She didn’t suggest dinner the night before, so I didn’t have to explain anything to a jealous Ruth. We took the opportunity to introduce her to the new girls. She was pleased to see we were hiring and after spending a little time with each of them, heartily approved our choices.
Sherry took the minutes of the Board meeting. She was a little surprised that I was in the chair, as she had believed that I was only the senior secretary. I explained that as Financial Controller I reported directly to Nick the Chairman and FD, and had his proxy when he wasn’t able to attend. I deflected her further enquiries about when she would meet Nick.
I was able to report that our financial situation was even healthier than last month. We were now seeing significant repeat business. As anecdotal evidence I cited one of our earliest clients who had now bought three more dresses in different styles. Also, although we still weren’t offering wedding gowns, one bride-to-be had bought three bridesmaid dresses in our mermaid style, and one matching baby doll for her little flower girl. We engaged Polly and her team to finish them off with lace and flounces.
In his report Eddy described his progress in assembling and testing our new production machines. He hoped that one would be ready within the next two or three days. If that performed as he expected, they could get the second running very quickly afterwards. He proposed to work with two fully automated lines while he and Mike took our original machinery out of action to give it a thorough overhaul and upgrade. He suggested we would need another new operator when we had three machines up and running.
Ruth was ready to launch several new products including maternity clothes and uniforms, but was waiting for the new equipment to be ready, as Eddy had promised it would be much easier to add accessories and more complicated designs with the custom-built machines. She and Vicky had nearly finished all the programming. She wanted the next big development project to focus on the website. It would need a fundamental revamp soon. Navigation had become cumbersome as we had added so many new product lines.
She and I had discussed it a lot and I had offered some ideas, but I was still surprised when she proposed that I help her with the site structure and layout, now that Sherry was available to take over my secretarial tasks. I realised that would lock me into being Daisy for a little longer, but I couldn’t think of any reason to refuse. We would engage Mo again to do the actual development.
* * *
Eddy and Mike managed to get the first new production line working on schedule and Ruth and Vicky began testing their new design software. There were a few bugs in the more complicated accessories but the team’s experience made short work of those. So the face-lift to the website had now become a priority. One change that Ruth wanted to make was to introduce colour photographs of real women wearing our clothes. She proposed to email our customers asking for volunteers to send us pictures of themselves modelling the dresses they had bought from us. We would put the best photos submitted, with the customers’ comments, up on the site alongside the existing pictures – which were all Ruth’s own sketches, because we had never had the money to pay proper models.
This ingenious idea seemed to have lots of benefits: our customers would be delighted, Ruth believed, to be fashion models in a small way; we could get their testimonials; and of course, we wouldn’t have to pay anyone anything. Win – win – win! Always assuming the photos and comments were good enough to publish.
“Of course, we don’t have any customers for the maternity dresses because they’re new,” Ruth said. “So you’ll have to do it,” she added casually.
“What? I can’t do that!”
“Why not? You’re tall and pretty and preggy enough.”
“No, I mean, I can’t have my face in a maternity dress – or any dress – on our website. Someone is bound to recognise me as Nick!”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I invited Josh to come for the weekend and take the pictures. He’s bringing some kit. You won’t be recognisable. We can use the big hall at the Manor House, can’t we?”
“Only if my family all promise to go out.”
Fortunately there was a major agricultural show that weekend and they were all going. So I spent another Sunday afternoon being photographed. Josh plastered my face with his little sensors again, this time so he could disguise my features. Ruth had made up one of each of her designs – six in all – in my size. She did my hair and make-up (around the sensors) for each dress and the two of them told me how to pose for each.
“Am I supposed to smile, or what?” I asked. “Because you won’t actually be using my face or expression, will you?”
“Oh yes,” said Josh. “My software will let Ruth change your features however she wants, but your expression will still come through.”
“So smile, babe,” said Ruth. “Try and look like you’re enjoying yourself.”
I was. As Daisy I was loving this. Well what girl doesn’t secretly dream of being a model? I felt Nick cringing a little inside, but it was getting easier and easier to ignore him.
The photo session was a success and the pictures were soon up on the site, along with a message that said, “All these garments are available off the shelf in size 16”. I hated the idea of parting with these gorgeous dresses, but I suppose selling them was only reasonable as I now had very little time in which to wear them. Maybe I could keep them in case we decided I should have a second baby…? (Joke.)
The pictures seemed to get a lot of favourable attention. Josh disguised my features using his technology just enough that I was unrecognisable, but all the team claimed they could still see that it was me. I couldn’t see Nick in them at all, so I’m not sure how that worked. Sherry and Ginny didn’t understand why my face needed to be changed. I suppose they assumed I was just shy.
We now had two full-time, fully automated production lines running, but we had added lots of new designs, which had increased orders again, so we were still running flat out. We needed the old machines back up as soon as Eddy and Mike had overhauled them, and then we would need another operator. We started thinking about a fourth production line. Eddy reckoned we could increase throughput still further if we customised each line for specific garment types.
* * *
My weekly visits to Transformations continued. The discomfort of my pregnancy was becoming extreme now. I could only put up with it because I knew the end was in sight, but I couldn’t complain because in this, as in so many other ways, I was just like any pregnant woman.
Both Ginny and Sherry were asking when I planned to go on maternity leave. I couldn’t keep putting them off with claims that we were still overstretched. Babies don’t care that mommy is busy. Finally the time came when I couldn’t realistically be nine months pregnant any longer. Ruth wanted me to disappear for a week and then come back as a slimmed down Daisy. I agreed but emphasised that I couldn’t be her, pregnant or not, for much longer. I needed Nick to come back soon.
We discussed the situation with Ingrid and Vera. We agreed that at the next session, which was one where Vera would be removing all my prostheses for cleaning them and waxing me, I would need a new slim bottom half. Ingrid said that the new prosthesis should have stretch marks because I had been so big, and it should look as if I still had to lose my ‘baby weight’. When I protested, the others laughed and said that women take a lot more than a week to shed the extra pounds put on in pregnancy. Eventually I agreed when Vera pointed out that a little pot belly would help conceal my wedding tackle, just as Josie had said back when this all started. Otherwise she would have to bind my genitals up tightly and that would be uncomfortable.
And so the great day arrived. Ruth and I showed up at Transformations with a suitcase of clothes from Josie’s mother’s stash, and a brand-new bra and panty set in my proposed post-maternity sizes. Vera applied her magic solvent to remove my breast forms and ease me out of my now-gigantic abdominal prosthesis. She was gently rubbing me down with her soothing lotion, and Ruth was watching with a lustful eye, when Ingrid appeared. Vera handed me a robe.
“I still have your original measurements,” Ingrid said, “but I think we should take another set. You’ve been carrying some heavy weights around for three months now. That’s like going to the gym every day and pumping iron. You may have lost a few pounds.”
She set up the photographic suite and I went in and dropped the robe. As I stood on the little platform I was astonished at how much lighter I felt, almost like I could defy gravity if I jumped in the air. I felt stronger too, which made sense, I suppose. If it had been like I was carrying weights around all the time, of course I would have developed bigger muscles. My arms looked no thicker than before though, because I’d been bearing the load in my legs and trunk, not my biceps. That was just as well; it would have been awkward if Daisy’s muscly arms were bursting out of her blouses.
Ingrid was right. It turned out that I had lost nearly six pounds since my original photographic session.
“It’s a good thing I didn’t make the new prosthesis with your old measurements,” she said. “We would have needed a lot of adhesive to make it fit properly. Anyway it will take an hour or so to make one with your new statistics. Do you want to wait or come back later on?”
Ruth was about to answer when I had a thought.
“Actually, can we come back one day next week?” I said. Ruth looked at me in surprise. “Daisy can’t be seen around for a week or so, and I’d like to spend some time as Nick. Is Sharon available to maybe give me a unisex hairdo, remove my nail polish, and so on?
“Yes, I think we can manage that,” said Ingrid.
She and Vera went off to make the arrangements. I started to get dressed. Nick would look odd in Daisy’s smock and tights, not to mention her high heels, but I could probably get home without being seen. I eventually left with my hair smoothed back with some greasy stuff and gathered in a low man-style ponytail.
Ruth was looking disappointed now.
“Don’t worry,” I said, “Daisy will be back at work a week on Monday, but she’s supposed to be resting up this week after having her baby, so she can’t be seen around anyway. This is an opportunity for Nick to reconnect with friends and family. They haven’t seen him for nearly three months.”
“I suppose so,” Ruth said, “but we need Daisy back as soon as possible. She’s essential to the company. And you realise you and I can’t be seen out together this week?”
“But Nick can show up in the office for once.”
“Are you sure about that? You don’t think Sherry or Ginny will recognise you?”
“I’ll risk it.”
“They’re bound to notice that Nick has pierced ears…”
“I’ll just laugh and deny everything.”
She gave me a scornful look. “You need to decide what you want. Till then I’ll move back to the flat. Good thing we haven’t sub-let it yet.”
“You don’t need to do that. I’ll be back here next week to become Daisy again.”
But she was adamant.
“I’ll see you next week then. Come on, I’ll drop you off at the Manor House and collect my toothbrush.”
* * *
It was good to be Nick again, although it took me a day or two to shake off my feminine movement and mannerisms. Tom helped enormously there by laughing his head off whenever I did anything girly. We played squash. He teased me about my shaved legs and beat me hollow because, although I was lighter and stronger, I was badly out of practice. I went on a lads’ night out with him and some old mates from school. I drove him and Josie to the seaside in my BMW 230i and we had a great day.
But none of it was as much fun without Ruth, as Josie pointed out.
I didn’t go into the office as Nick in the end. I knew Ruth was right. Our new girls would be sure to recognise me. I would probably have to come clean eventually, but I wasn’t ready to end the deception yet.
I did go to meetings with my other ventures though. The anti-nausea virtual reality headset project was ticking over. I had asked Will to help them apply for a patent for their design. He had engaged a patent lawyer he knew and they were cautiously optimistic. The team still wanted to manufacture and sell their equipment themselves, thinking that was the way to get really rich, but I didn’t think they appreciated the work and cost involved with that. I argued that having a patent first would both protect them and expand their options; for example, selling the rights to an existing manufacturer to make and market the product under licence. Fortunately they saw the sense in that.
The data analytics guys had hit a roadblock: there were too many areas where they wouldn’t be able to get permission to fly their drones. At the moment they were building complicated spreadsheets to determine whether their business model would be viable with no-fly zones in critical places.
Gerry and Steve were delighted to see me – it had been a while – and we had a happy, boozy lunch catching up. They made a very generous gesture. They promised that if their business took off as they hoped, and they received share options as bonuses, they would transfer 20% of them to me. Gerry said he thought that was only right, and in the spirit of our original agreement. There was no contract for this, and nothing could compel them to do it if they changed their minds when the time came, but knowing them as I now did, I believed they would keep their promise. Time would tell. Meanwhile I could expect my £1.5m (less £100k for Will) by the end of the month. The accountant in me knew that would complicate this year’s tax return, but in a good way.
I went round to see my father that evening. He was glad to see me as Nick again. I managed to get him alone while my mother was out on some veterinary emergency or other. I told him about my windfall. He was delighted and felt vindicated that just one of my ventures had tripled our total investment, but agreed to keep the news to himself for the moment. He refused point-blank to take any money back. I decided to pay for him and Mum to have a really good foreign holiday and made him promise not to object.
I reminded him that was going from strength to strength and was even more promising in terms of returns. I told him that he would soon be getting rent money from them for the offices.
“And how is the lovely Miss Braddock?” he asked, with a slightly sardonic expression on his face.
“She’s fine – I think. I haven’t actually seen her since last weekend. I can’t go into the office as Nick now, and she still can’t afford to be seen out with me.”
“So what are you going to do about it?”
“Go back to being Daisy for a while, probably – at least until the situation is clearer. But I can’t be Daisy forever.”
“Well, it’s not impossible, but it would certainly be very difficult,” Dad agreed. “At the very least, you probably need to set up a bank account and get a driving licence in her name. If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know. I do like Ruth, but you have to admit that she’s…”
“A mad Northern bitch?”
“…unusual, I was going to say. Little cracker, though, eh?”
* * *
To my surprise I began to miss being Daisy. I didn’t miss being pregnant but I missed the pretty, delicate clothes. I missed wearing tights or stockings. I missed silk panties. I missed make-up. I missed having breasts, for God’s sake! I even missed wearing a bra. Could Vera’s hormone-laced lotion be responsible for this? Or had it been a gradual but inexorable process beginning from when I first dragged up as Daisy, and exacerbated by being Sarah the Cook, and Auntie Elsie?
So I didn’t put up a fight when Ruth dragged me back to Transformations. I wore a smock and leggings, the baggiest of Josie’s mother’s stash, as we didn’t know how big my new prosthesis would make me. Vera gave me a check-up as usual, with Ingrid supervising, but I escaped waxing this time. In fact, it rather looked as though I was now growing no more body hair than the average twenty-something woman.
First Vera stuck my old breast forms back on. Without my massive lower half as a counterweight, my 42Cs felt heavier than ever.
“Your breasts get bigger in pregnancy, as you know,” Ingrid said, “and they won’t shrink again until you stop nursing, so there’s no need to change them for smaller models yet.”
I loved that she was treating me as though I had just given birth and was now nursing my baby.
Then Vera brought out my new abdomen. If I thought the pregnancy prosthesis was hideous, it was nothing compared to the new one with its flabby tummy, stretch marks, and cellulite thighs and buttocks. It had the same fastenings underneath, but that was about all I liked about it. It was also smaller and stiffer than its predecessor, and more of a struggle to get on. I donned a new bra and panties as quickly as I could.
I stood in front of the mirror, aghast at the sight. I could almost feel the adhesive starting to set, imprisoning me in this hideous object for the next month. It was sickeningly realistic. I could pinch a good fistful of my new flabby flesh.
“I don’t believe any woman would have a baby if she knew she’d end up looking like this,” I said.
“Some women don’t have a choice,” Ingrid snapped.
I must have touched a nerve. Ruth tried to lighten the mood.
“You’ll just have to work hard to get your figure back, Daisy,” she laughed. “You can start coming with me to aerobics. I’ll buy you a leotard.”
“It’s like I have middle-aged spread! Sod aerobics. I’ll just get a tummy tuck - and then a new prosthesis.”
“Sharon’s ready for you,” said Vera. “She’s got lots of ideas for your new hairstyle. It’s long enough now to give you more choices.”
Ruth persuaded me to try a tint and perm, for the full feminine experience. Who was I to argue? As this would take at least an hour and a half, she went off to the shops again. She took my new measurements and promised to buy me more panties and tights. My old bras fitted of course, but they were practically the only clothes I had that did. I wanted to shop for new outer clothes as well, but Ruth wouldn’t hear of it. She said she had a much better idea, but left me wondering what she meant.
I always enjoyed Sharon’s company and we chatted about Transformations; how it got started; how she liked working there; and the strangest things she’d had to do. She told me that the overwhelming majority of their work was for men becoming women. Very few women seemed to want to make the reverse journey. She supposed that most of their clients were transgendered but they never asked about their motives. In some cases, she thought they were going into hiding, on the run from the police or a criminal gang. In those instances, it was much better that the Transformations staff didn’t know.
She described two recent clients she had found interesting. The first was a wealthy, educated man who wanted to become a working-class housemaid. Everyone had wondered what made him do that. At first they had thought he was transitioning, but that wasn’t it. The second was a young man whom they transformed into a fat Hispanic cleaning lady. They thought there was some complicated financial reason for that but couldn’t imagine what. Both transformations were totally convincing and the clients seemed very pleased with the results.
I didn’t volunteer my motives, and she didn’t enquire. She did say one more thing, and with a twinkle in her eye: in all the most interesting cases, the client had a strong-willed female partner.
I eventually emerged with new make-up, bright scarlet nails, and medium length curly hair. When Ruth came back to pick me up, she was delighted.
“I knew you’d clean up nicely, Daisy,” she said. “Just wait till I get you home.”
She certainly kept that promise and our lovemaking was so much more satisfying without my massive baby bump. I even got to go on top once.
* * *
The next day, Sunday, Ruth revealed her master plan. She drove us into the empty office – with the new machines we had no need of weekend shifts just at the moment – and set about making me a whole new wardrobe using the company’s facilities. I would now be dressed exclusively in Ruth’s designs.
“It’s like having my own live action dress-up dolly,” she said, taking all my most intimate measurements.
We were there alone most of the day and I was continually stripping down to my bra and knickers to try on another of her creations, straight from the fabricator. She made me model them all and took photos but promised not to put them on the website, at least not without photoshopping my face to make me unrecognisable.
Because of the modern cutting and sewing tools Eddy had added to the production lines, Ruth’s new designs could be fancier than before. She was planning to add wedding dresses to our portfolio soon. Eddy had checked that the new machines could handle much softer and more delicate fabrics without damaging them, so Ruth was confident she could produce gowns as intricate as anything a bride could buy in an expensive shop. Furthermore, they would be much cheaper, could be delivered more quickly, and would fit better!
Ruth was particularly proud of a beautiful pale blue skirt suit, which made me look like the Duchess of Cornwall. She insisted she had designed it for the office with me specifically in mind. The skirt had pleats, which we hadn’t been able to do before. The jacket had a high collar, buttons down the front, and a belt. She had had to buy in things like the buttons and the belt buckle but our new machines were capable of sewing the buttons on and finishing the belt automatically. She also made me an identical suit in pink and a very smart form-fitting sheath dress, which I wasn’t sure I would wear very often as it really highlighted my baby weight pot belly.
* * *
I returned to work as Daisy the next day. I had only been out of touch for nine days but during that time I had – theoretically – given birth, handed my baby over to adoptive parents, and recovered from labour enough to be up and around. Sherry and Ginny were astonished at my fortitude. I told them I couldn’t afford any more time off, as you forfeit maternity leave rights if you give up your baby. Ruth and Vicky feigned equal amazement in support of the fiction. At coffee break on the day I got back, we five ladies were sitting downstairs in the casual meeting space by the kitchen.
Everyone had questions, real or pretend. They wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl, of course. I said, boy. Did he look like me? Well, no, he looked like Winston Churchill, as all new-born babies do.
“How much did he weigh?” asked Sherry.
“Eight and a half pounds,” I guessed, hoping that sounded plausible.
There were pursed lips all round. Was that too much?
“Still, you’re a big girl,” said Ruth, “so you must have a wide pelvis.” She was loving this.
“How long were you in labour for?” asked Sherry.
“About eight hours.” I thought that was about average for a first-time mum.
Ginny, being the youngest female in the office, had been particularly enthralled to watch me coping with my pregnancy, and was fascinated and terrified in equal measures by the birth process. I remembered that during her interview she had mentioned that her mother had died when she was little, and she had had no one to learn ‘women’s things’ from when she was growing up.
“Did it hurt?” she asked, transfixed.
“Well, yes, it did, I’m afraid.”
“A lot?”
“Quite a lot, yes.”
“Gosh!” she said, then, diffidently, “Can I see your stretch marks?”
Bloody hell! Is that the sort of thing women ask each other when there are no men around? Or was it just innocent little Ginny?
“I’m not sure that would be appropriate here in the office…” I said, looking at Ruth, Vicky and Sherry for support, “and we don’t know really know each other that well…”
“Oh, go on, Daisy,” Ruth said, being about as supportive as she ever was. “You know she’ll only keep pestering you till you show her.” She glanced at the outside door. “You’re safe. The boys are busy in the cowshed.”
I sighed and stood up, appreciating how much easier it was now to get out of an armchair. I untucked my blouse and lifted it up as high as my bra, exposing my hideous tummy flab and stretch marks. I hoped the prosthesis was as realistic as I had been promised. I also hoped she didn’t ask me to lower my skirt and panties, because there would surely be a lack of realistic recent scarring down there.
The look on Ginny’s face was worth the embarrassment.
“Oh, that’s it!” she whispered, appalled. “I’m never getting pregnant.”
Ruth and Sherry, both ten years older than Ginny, laughed. Vicky joined in with a little less enthusiasm. They all promised Ginny would feel differently when she met the right boy. I retucked my blouse and sat down again. The conversation returned to more pleasant aspects of the working woman’s life.
“By the way, when will we get to meet Nick?” Sherry asked, out of the blue.
“I don’t know really,” I said, concerned at this new direction. I could feel Ruth tensing beside me too. “He has a lot of other businesses to look after.”
“He’s not really interested in fashion, so he delegates all our day-to-day financial stuff to Daisy,” added Ruth. “She has a much better understanding of our business.”
“Still, isn’t it a little odd that our Finance Director never comes into the office?” suggested Ginny.
“He travels a lot too,” I said. “But he and I talk often. We’re very… close.”
I suddenly realised what they might make of that.
“So is he the father of your baby?” asked Ginny, guilelessly. “Is that why he’s never around now?”
“Ginny!” said Ruth and Sherry, more or less simultaneously.
“Sorry, sorry!” Ginny said quickly. “Gosh, that was really insensitive, wasn’t it?”
“Don’t worry, dear,” I said, feeling like an elderly aunt. “I’m not upset. And no, Nick wasn’t my baby’s father. He’s a good friend and has helped me a lot. He’s just very busy, that’s all.”
More lies and deception. How can I ever own up to being Nick now?
* * *
We were all too busy for the story of Daisy’s week off to interfere with our work for long. was really making waves now. Ruth was doing an average of two interviews a week and she was even invited onto the local television news magazine, Look East. When the crew came down to film everyone at work in the barn and cowshed, I hid myself away in the Manor House. Later we all gathered at the local pub to watch Ruth’s segment. She was brilliant, and in her element.
One of the magazine articles claimed that Ruth’s designs and the quality of our products were serious competition for established designers, at least for those whose clothes the average woman could buy in the leading department stores and shopping centre boutiques, if not quite rivalling the trendy Paris fashion shows.
As a result, our orders took another quantum leap. Eddy and Mike finished the overhaul of our original machinery and added the new tooling to it. That gave us three operational production lines. We needed to hire another operator. I called the Agency.
We had our next monthly Board meeting. I declared that we were now able to pay the salaries of our four junior staff out of revenue and recommended a bonus of 25% of their annual salaries to Mike and Vicky. I added that now would be a good time for that as they had just announced their engagement.
Ruth and Eddy approved my suggestion, which was therefore carried. Margaret made no objection but asked when I expected that the three of us were going to start taking more than notional salaries, presumably in the form of dividends. We agreed we’d look to do that before the end of the financial year.
That would mean Ruth and Eddy would no longer be dependent on financial support from the Deveres, and they could break off their phony engagement…
Meanwhile Ruth was insanely busy with all of the publicity and was struggling to find time for new designs. She had been invited to present at a fashion show in Berlin and speak at a conference in Rome. There was talk of nominating her for ‘Young Businesswoman of the Year’, which I felt was a little ironic as she still didn’t have much of a clue when it came to running a business. That was down to me, supported by Margaret and Sherry.
But Ruth was living the dream. She was also too knackered in the evenings to do much more than eat the meal I cooked, drink the wine I poured, and join me in bed for a good seeing-to.
I had no complaints at all about the sex, but I wondered how I had become a secretary by day and a housewife by night. I made the mistake of pointing that out once. The next thing I knew I was being presented with a 1950s housewife dress, fresh off the fabricator. It was pink with white polka dots and low-cut to emphasise my big bust.
She had also got hold of a ‘dumb blonde’ wig from somewhere, a ribbon that matched my dress, and white high heels in my size, and that’s how I had to serve dinner that night.
I felt very silly, but loved it, and I knew she had done it for fun, and because she cared and was aware that she had been neglecting me.
* * *
But living and loving with Ruth was worth any sacrifice. At bedtime, just to tantalise her, I would strip off my outer clothes and stand in just my bra and panty-girdle in front of the bedroom mirror removing my make-up and combing my hair. Well it seemed my role was ‘sex object’ now, so why not live it to the full?
I wouldn’t get very far before she would push me backwards onto the bed and start unzipping my prosthesis to liberate my blunt instrument. Usually I let her straddle me and use her strong thigh and bottom muscles to propel herself up and down, but every now and then I would flip her over and make love the normal way, just to prove I was still stronger than her. To be honest I didn’t enjoy that as much because of the way our breasts mashed together. I couldn’t feel anything in mine of course, but I was always afraid of hurting hers.
* * *
One night we were getting into bed. I was in a lime-green baby doll nightie and Ruth was fiddling with the zip on my prosthesis. I was trying to decide how to break it to her that I wanted to set a final limit on my time as Daisy.
I was just drawing breath to open this potentially difficult discussion when she spoke first.
“I think we should make it official.”
“Make what official?”
“Our relationship.”
“Fantastic! Does that mean you want to get married?”
“No – well, not to Nick.”
“Well what did you mean then?” I asked, puzzled.
“I mean we should tell everyone about us – Ruth and Daisy.”
“Well, why not? Everyone who matters already knows anyway.”
“But I don’t want to live as Daisy indefinitely!”
“Why not? You’re obviously loving it, and you know I prefer Daisy, the chick with the dick, to Nick, the rich posh boy.”
She couldn’t still be living under her previous delusion that my family were loaded. She’d been to our house several times. My parents’ cars were ten years old and they didn’t even have a flat screen TV. But I still hadn’t told her just how rich I was now.
“I admit that Nick sometimes makes me feel inferior because he’s so good at everything, but I like you being Daisy, my subordinate at the office. I suppose it’s because it lets me be dominant, but it’s not just that. It’s like Polly said, you get my motor running hotter when you’re Daisy.”
For some reason I couldn’t phrase the most obvious objections – something to do with me actually being a man.
All I could come up with was, “What about the company – and the Deveres’ money? Are you ready to do without it yet?”
“Well, we don’t need it as much as we did – in fact, if the business continues to grow, we’ll soon be completely independent. Anyway, they won’t stop supporting Eddy. They still want him to succeed. I suppose they’ll cut it back, as they won’t want to help me anymore…”
“But you said…”
“…that they’d cut us off if Eddy came out as gay and called off the engagement. But that isn’t what would be happening. I’d be coming out as gay and calling off the engagement. They won’t care about that. I don’t think they ever liked me much anyway.”
“You’ll need to talk to Eddy first.”
“I already have. He’s fine with it.”
She looked at me hopefully, but sensibly gave me time to think. I didn’t need long. I just wondered what my family would say. Then I realised that what they thought didn’t matter to me as much as giving Ruth what she wanted.
“OK then.” I said. “I suppose I should take my fake my wedding ring off. Everyone already knows it didn’t work out.”
“Right, but keep the fake engagement ring on. Now that you’re engaged to me, I don’t want anyone trying to steal my honey.”
To be honest I wasn’t sure whether this would work. I would have to create a new identity for myself as Daisy Duquesne and the State doesn’t make that easy. Sure, it’s not illegal to live under two different names, as long as it’s not for the purpose of fraud; I didn’t need to change my name by deed poll; and I didn’t want a sex-change (and Ruth certainly didn’t want that for me).
But I might have to get a Gender Recognition Certificate, which can take up to two years. It would also require evidence from a qualified doctor that I have gender dysphoria, which was moot, to say the least.
But without a GRC, I wouldn’t be able to get a driving licence as Daisy, well not one that said ‘Female’ on it anyway. Also, you can’t – legally – have two driving licences in different names, so if I get one as Daisy, I would have to surrender Nick’s. Much the same applies for a passport.
So for the time being I had to accept that I would only be able to drive when I was Nick. Fortunately, having bought some of their special solvent from Transformations, I could change to Nick relatively easily – albeit a rather effeminate version of the original Nick with pierced ears and girly hair. So far I have resisted the temptation, despite Ruth’s increasingly determined pleas, to get breast implants, which would make it much more difficult to be Nick occasionally.
To get a bank account in Daisy’s name would require full disclosure. You might think it would be like trying to open an account for your professional name – after all ‘Daisy Duquesne’ was originally Nick Rawlinson’s stage name for performing at the Club. This is perfectly legal in itself, but banks are reluctant to do it. To prevent money laundering there are extremely strict laws about banks having to ‘know their customer’. I would have to disclose all of my – Nick’s – real details, but even then they would be issuing me with cards, cheque books and statements under a totally different name. I could then go to another bank and set up an account there with an independent false identity.
In the end I compromised. I made an appointment at my bank as Nick and took all the relevant evidence of my real identity – passport, utility bill, etc. I explained that I was working in the fashion industry and I needed to do so with a female persona. That raised eyebrows in itself but they didn’t enquire further. Also I occasionally did a drag stand-up act. So there might be transactions on Nick Rawlinson’s account in the name of ‘Daisy Duquesne’, and I would be grateful if they would accept them. When they saw the scale of my assets, they were only too happy to oblige me and made an appropriate note on my file.
I would also need a GRC if I wanted Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs to deal with me as Daisy, so that was out for the moment too. Fortunately I was’s Financial Controller, so no one else ever needed to see that any payments from the company to Daisy actually went into Nick’s account. I also signed all company cheques as Nick, being careful not to let anyone at the office see me doing it. We didn’t use cheques much anyway.
On the bright side, is succeeding beyond our wildest dreams. We’re making out like bandits. I took home £50k in dividends in our first year; Ruth and Eddy made half as much again, so whenever we are out together, Ruth pays. She likes to emphasise my status as ‘the little woman’.
“I’m treating my secretary to dinner,” she says to the waiter, proffering her credit card, “because the little dear works so hard.”
I love that, but I really must pick a moment to tell her about my revenue from Gerry’s company. I’m still considerably richer than she is, although she’s slowly gaining on me. The value of our shares has rocketed. My original 20% of £100,000 is now worth fifty times that. Margaret keeps offering to buy me out but I won’t sell while I’m still with Ruth. Anyway, I bet we would get even more if we took the company public.
Ruth has become a big noise in the fashion industry, and is bringing Sherry along as her chief assistant – she seems to have a real nose for trends. I’m glad about that because Ruth is happy to send Sherry to some of the shows and conferences on her behalf. Having to do them all herself had meant that I hardly saw her. I couldn’t go abroad with her as Daisy of course, having no passport. I did go with her as Nick once, praying that no one asked me to open my luggage to find Daisy’s underwear and dresses, not to mention her prostheses. I never went again. Apart from the whole process being too nerve-wracking, fashion events bore me rigid.
So do I think Ruth and I (Daisy) will make a go of it? Well, not really, no. There are lots of reasons to be pessimistic – not least that I’m still a man and don’t want to live as a woman all the time. I need my couple of days as Nick every three weeks. My best hope is that when she tires of her she-male lover, she might settle down with Nick, with marriage and children. (When she gets pregnant, I’ll have the chance to put her through everything she put me through!)
It’s all possible – if we both want it. But she is a mad Northern bitch, after all. Anything could happen.
The problem is that I have probably burnt my bridges, as she put it. Daisy can’t just disappear – questions would be asked. If I want to go back to being Nick permanently, I’ll have to own up to everything.
I also miss stand-up. Living as Daisy makes it difficult for me to perform as Nick. Lee keeps pressuring me to do another gig as Daisy, and I might just do it.
But Nick will have to be back soon, though still in dresses – it’s nearly Panto season!
The End
Author's note
I think Nick's probably right. Despite their current passion for each other, I doubt he and Ruth will make it in the long term. She's too controlling; too determined to have her own way. He's easy-going and willing to give in to her most of the time, but he's no submissive and he'll dig his heels in over anything that really matters to him – as we saw over the first tranche of bank funding. Their relationship was saved then when she realised she was in the wrong, but what will happen when she doesn't?
She's also paranoid and has a mighty chip on her shoulder about the difference in their backgrounds. He still hasn't told her that he's a millionaire now. Maybe that doesn't matter; is doing so well that all three of them will be millionaires soon - perhaps a buy-out, maybe an IPO? On the other hand, if she finds out he’s already rich (despite his earlier denials) before he tells her, she's likely to be furious.
How long will Nick stay as Daisy? At the moment he's enjoying living her life, but how long will that continue if he breaks up with Ruth? And what of Daisy's future? She seems to be playing a lot of roles at the company. Will they be enough for her? Also, she needs to be allowed to be Nick from time to time. Ruth never likes that.
But then I suppose everyone's future is uncertain – Nick’s and Ruth's maybe more than most – but things look good for the moment, and I suppose that’s all any of us can ever hope for.
Annie and her Granny
By Susannah Donim
Steve’s mother runs the secretive Transformations consultancy. This means he has a number of interesting jobs over the years.
Steve helps with the testing of some interesting new technology.
“Here, Granny, hold onto my arm,” Annie said. “I’ll help you up the steps.”
“Thank you, dear,” I said gratefully, in my creaky ‘old lady’ voice.
I struggled up the steep staircase from the car park to the street, mimicking the laborious movements of a fragile female septuagenarian. I moved slowly and painfully, leaning heavily on my walking stick. The ascent actually was a challenge because of all my bulky padding, even in only one-inch heels.
“Is he watching?” I asked, in a softer voice, trying not to move my lips.
My spectacles were plain glass but they were still thick and they inhibited my distance vision. Annie took a surreptitious look back over my shoulder.
“Afraid so,” she confirmed. “You need to stay in character.”
This still felt very strange as only last night I had been making love to Annie with a vigour quite incompatible with the elderly lady I appeared to be. The weight of my portly figure had meant she had to go on top, which I found a little humiliating, but there was no doubting her enthusiasm, or her agility. It was the best lovemaking session we’d had in the two months we had been together. I had hoped we were getting serious, but my current circumstances had definitely thrown a spanner in the works. How could I talk of our future together when I was living as a seventy-year-old woman, and her grandmother into the bargain?
We made our way toward the little diner. I pretended to lean on her arm.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” she said. “You’ve only just found out about him. Why not wait till you’re you again?”
“But who knows when that will be?”
We had reached the door of the diner. I looked inside.
“Come on, there’s a table free at the far end,” I said. “I’ll sit with my back to the window, so you can keep an eye out for our friend.”
Annie helped me off with my overcoat. I leaned my stick against the wall and hung my handbag over the arm of my chair. Sweeping my dress underneath me, I sat down, glad to get my extra weight off my feet. I was careful to make sure that my skirt covered my wrinkled legs in their support stockings. My tight shapewear helped me to keep my knees together.
“I’m still amazed at how convincing you are!” Annie said softly, taking the seat opposite me. “You’d have to know my Granny really well to be able to tell that you’re not her.”
“Thank you, dear,” I said, trying to stay in character. “Any sign of you-know-who?”
“I can’t see him at the moment, but I expect he’s watching us from somewhere out there.”
The tubby waitress with the fake-looking ginger perm was approaching with a smile and two menus.
“Morning, ladies,” she said brightly. “How are you today?”
I stared at her closely. She looked puzzled at my scrutiny, then nervous. I was sure she had recognised me; that is, Granny. I looked around. There was no one nearby to overhear me.
“We’re fine,” I said in my normal voice. “How are you, Dad?”
Chapter 1 - The Test Subject
That summer I went home as soon as I could, the day after my last exam. The taxi from the station dropped me in the courtyard behind the main building and I started emptying out my belongings. In three trips I had my suitcases, dirty washing (obvs), books and laptop stacked inside by the service lift.
Most of the big old building was given over to my mother’s business. Clients came and went through the main door round the front. I had only ever used our private back entrance. Since my Dad left us – more than fifteen years ago now – my mother and I lived ‘above the shop’ in our very comfortable two-level, three-bedroom apartment, round the back and isolated from the business premises.
I took my stuff up in the lift. There was no one in the flat. I checked my watch; it was about ten past three. Mum was probably with a client, but there would be tea in the staff common room shortly.
* * *
For most of my childhood I wasn’t allowed in those parts of the building where the customers went, which was most of it. Mum had long ago warned me that her business depended on absolute discretion. Clients only came to her by referrals from people she knew she could trust. She didn’t advertise, and there were no signs anywhere to identify the place. The building was set back from the main road down a long tree-lined drive. If you didn’t know where to turn off, you would never find us. There was a bus stop half a mile away which served the tiny village nearby, but no one ever walked along the road past our driveway. Even if you did see someone and stopped to ask them for directions, they probably wouldn’t be able to help.
My mother told me what she did for a living on my sixteenth birthday, when she thought I was old enough to understand. She was in the business of changing people’s appearances, using techniques that would be the envy of most movie studios. She explained that everything they did was entirely legal as long as they never knowingly did anything to help a client commit a crime – fraud, or bigamy, for example – or help one to escape from the consequences of committing a crime. The key word was knowingly. So she always warned a potential customer that she didn’t want to know their motives. If she knew too much, she might have to refuse their business.
So I finally understood the need for secrecy and why I wasn’t allowed in the main part of the building. It was essential that clients were exposed to the smallest possible number of our staff – for their benefit and ours. It also explained why I was discouraged from inviting people home. If I wanted to get together with friends outside school, I always had to go to them, even though we had a tennis court, a putting green, and an outdoor swimming pool in our extensive grounds.
I had met some of the staff but only knew them by their first names. They were always friendly to me but they were all as discreet as Mum was. The only one I knew well was Fred, our expert software engineer, because he was family, sort of. He and Mum were close. I didn’t know how close, but he’d been around for my entire childhood. When she realised I was interested in working with computers she let Fred take me under his wing. He taught me a lot. He gave me free access to his precious Local Area Network and allowed me to learn by playing (under his watchful eye). Later, after I finished my GCSEs and the summer holidays approached, my mother suggested I work for him properly.
“It will be a holiday job,” she warned me, “and we’ll pay you. But for that, we’ll expect you to show up every day, nine to five.”
“All summer? I was planning to go away with my mates – surfing at Newquay, or something.”
“I’m not sure about that; you’re still only sixteen.” She saw my reaction. “How about you work till the last week in August? You don’t have to go back to school after GCSEs as long as they’re satisfied you’re doing something ‘educational’. That will give you eight weeks. If you show me you can be responsible and mature, you can go away with your friends. Also, you should earn enough to fund your holiday properly.”
“That would be great!”
She looked thoughtful.
“Actually we may want you to do a few other things, besides computer programming, I mean.”
“What sort of things?”
“Oh… just odd jobs,” she said, vaguely.
I found out what she meant a few weeks later.
* * *
All our computers were deep in the bowels of the building, well away from any clients. The basement area was Fred’s domain. There were three large rooms, all air-conditioned, renovated to the most exacting standards of modern high-tech companies, and painted brilliant white. We called it the Bunker. There were no external windows, but the artificial light made it seem like daytime, twenty-four-seven. One of the three rooms was given over to the servers and two state-of-the art 3D printers. I vaguely wondered where the money came from for all this expensive equipment.
I was soon spending most of my daylight hours down there, and often quite a bit of the night-time too. When I joined him, Fred had completed the design stage of the software the business needed but there was still a lot of coding to do. He assigned me several of the subroutines while he developed the master program. I loved the work and we made great progress. I wrestled with software that didn’t work; then worked but didn’t work properly; then worked properly, but didn’t work all the time. Eventually everything worked, all the time.
Fred’s clever programs built 3D images by sampling hundreds of photographs taken by our camera system. The models were based on a collection of points in three-dimensional space, connected by various geometric entities – triangles, lines, curved surfaces, etc. Obviously when modelling the human body – especially the female body – curves were mostly used to ‘connect the dots’. The more points we used, and the closer together they were, the smoother and more convincing the images looked. Unfortunately we found that using too many points slowed the processing – and later the 3D printing – right down. So we had to compromise. It was a challenge to strike the right balance between speed and accuracy.
The shapes of the models were our main concern. We did want to be able to reproduce surface textures – wrinkles, scars, etc – for transformations into older people, but we didn’t need to worry about hair or fur, as they often have to do with CGI creatures in the movies. The 3D printing would make prostheses based on the volumetric differences between two 3D models – the one of the client’s actual body and the one he or she desired. We wanted the software to allow us to rotate the models on the screen, so that clients could see for themselves what they would look like post-transformation from any angle – front, side, back, even from above or below.
But it wasn’t easy. Aligning the cameras was fiddly and took ages. At first, we had to calibrate them by hand. Then as soon as we moved on to a new test subject of a different height, we had to change all the camera angles. We realised we needed to automate the calibration process. So from then on the first readings we took were the height of the subject. Then we added a new subroutine to realign the cameras if we needed to.
The next step was to create a 3D model from the readings. Off-the-shelf, open source software was available to do most of that, although it took a lot of configuration for our needs. The same program could be used to construct a model of the customer’s desired figure. Then we had to work out how to expand the target model to encompass the client’s actual figure completely. The challenge was to superimpose one image on top of the other and calculate the differences between them in three dimensions, so that we could manufacture the prostheses needed. This process used programs originally developed to create 2D image slices from an MRI or CT scan. We used interpolation rather than actual X-rays, stacking multiple 2D images together to form an accurate 3D picture.
The last problem was the 3D printing. Most 3D printers use fused deposition modelling (FDM) technology, with plastic filament replacing the ink cartridges. Various types of material are available. The most commonly used are Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), a petroleum-based thermoplastic; Polylactic Acid (PLA), a biodegradable thermoplastic polymer made from plant starch; and Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA). The first two were no good because they set hard – think Lego bricks – and we needed our artificial flesh to remain soft so that it would move realistically. Also ABS can generate mild fumes, the objection to which was obvious, and PLA was brittle as well as hard. Finally, PVA was no use because it’s water-soluble and we couldn’t have our prostheses dissolving in the shower or outside in the rain.
Fred had solved the problem earlier that year, just before I joined him at the end of the school summer term. He had found a promising material that held its form but stayed flexible after printing. It was used in food-packaging and medical devices. The manufacturer was a German company. He spent two weeks with the materials scientists at their Frankfurt R & D facility. Without telling any actual untruths, he said, he had implied that he worked for a medical supplier. His hosts were fascinated by the idea of using 3D printing to make realistic, custom-fitting prostheses. They saw working with us as a way to get into the artificial body parts business. They were able to make slight modifications to their formula to make a new, supple plastic that could replicate soft tissue and was ideal for our purposes. They promised a regular supply in exchange for introductions to UK manufacturers, which Fred and my mother were easily able to do from their extensive range of contacts. We paid only for the cost of materials and everyone was happy.
It was a real thrill when the first 3D model appeared on Fred’s 65-inch monitor – especially as it was me! We had mostly used mannequins before, but he decided he needed a live test subject so I had stood stark naked on the dais in our little photography suite while the high definition cameras clicked away. Now a perfect image of my adolescent body was slowly rotating on Fred’s screen.
“I should probably pixilate your private parts out before any of the ladies see this,” he grinned.
“Yes, please. Though it looks like you won’t need many pixels,” I said, gloomily.
“Hey, don’t worry, mate. You’re about average down there.”
“Are you an expert then?” I grinned.
“Well, yes actually.”
Which maybe answered my unspoken question about how close he and my mother were.
The next job was to upload a range of body type templates which Fred had sourced from a fashion house website. The basic template was for a size eight woman, five feet ten inches tall – not that you would be likely to meet such a fabulous creature anywhere other than on a catwalk. But it wasn’t too difficult to inflate the model’s figure up through the dress sizes or shrink her height to whatever we needed. From this I assumed that the target models for the first tests would be female.
I had thoroughly enjoyed working on the software modules Fred had given me to do, but at this point I hadn’t really grasped the point of it all.
“OK,” he said, when he had finished the template program, “now I can show you what this has all been for.”
He brought up the model of my body beside the female template. One click and the figure shrank proportionally to my height – five feet, eight. Another click and the two figures merged. There were patches of red where my body crossed over the boundaries of the female figure. This was most obvious around the shoulders, the trunk, and the waist, although my hands and feet were also a little larger than those of the female template. There were green areas where she protruded outside my figure – her breasts and buttocks, and a little around the thighs.
“So if we wanted to transform you into a female of the same height,” Fred announced triumphantly, we would use 3D printing to make prostheses shaped like those green areas.”
“I see,” I said, a little uncomfortably. “Not that I want you to do that, of course. What about the red areas?”
“Well, the female template is currently set to dress size eight, which is on the small side.”
He clicked an icon. The female figure ballooned and the red areas shrank.
“That’s size ten…” He clicked again. “…and that’s size twelve.”
The red areas were mostly gone.
“You’d get away with that, I think. Amazingly size sixteen is the average for a mature woman in the UK nowadays, but you wouldn’t need to go that big. With the right dress, hair and make-up, no one would notice that your shoulders and waist are a tiny bit wider than most women of your height.”
“Theoretically, you mean,” I said. “I have no intention of finding out.”
“Ah,” he said, “so your mother hasn’t talked to you about the other part of your job here with us this summer? I’ll just give her a call…” He began dialling on the internal network. “You see, more than ninety per cent of our business is in transforming men into women...”
* * *
“We need a guinea pig to test our processes for the photography and the 3D printing,” my mother explained when she joined us in the computer room. “You’re perfect for testing every type of prosthetic we use. You’re a little below the average height for a man, which makes you tallish for a woman, but not conspicuously so. You’re slim, so we can try and make you a pretty, young woman, but we can also pad you out to any shape we want. You have nondescript, unlined features; your face is oval, not long and thin; you don’t have a large nose or a pronounced supraorbital ridge. With the right wig and make-up, you can be believable as any age and either sex.”
“So, basically, you’re saying I’m bland-looking.”
“You’re physically versatile,” she corrected. “Protean, mutable, a human chameleon…”
“Mr Blanditty Bland; dull, boring, nondescript, and androgynous, to boot.”
“That’s not what I said!”
“S’okay. I got my genes from you, after all.”
“Actually, you’re the spitting image of your father. If you took after my side of the family you’d be over six foot by now.”
“Sure, blame the parent who isn’t here.”
“There’s no blame involved,” she replied. “You may not have memorable features, but that’s not a bad thing. There are advantages to being… anonymous. And you’re actually not bad-looking.”
“Gee, thanks. So I’m just… bland.”
“Oh, get over yourself,” she said impatiently. “You’re exactly what we need right now for testing our systems, and don’t forget we’re paying you.”
“Not enough, you’re not.”
But she had already gone, leaving me and Fred to get on with the 3D printing.
She was right about my genetic inheritance. Her father, uncles and brothers were all tall, and she was a big woman herself. She wasn’t really fat, although some middle-aged spread had certainly started to make its presence felt. She had been called a ‘handsome’ woman, though I suppose that’s a euphemism for ‘not unattractive but slightly masculine’. You’d certainly never use the word ‘pretty’ in any sentence describing my mother. Embarrassingly, although I was about half an inch taller than her, she was bigger than me in every other dimension. I took after my father, who was a shrimp, apparently. I often wondered how they got together in the first place.
* * *
She promised me a bonus if I cooperated. From then on I spent half my time writing software and the other half as a test subject. And it wasn’t enough for her just to stick prostheses onto me, she insisted I go the whole hog. For my first transformation my mother wanted to find out how young and pretty she could make me. Could she change an average-looking sixteen-year-old boy into a convincing schoolgirl of the same age, or even younger?
Once Fred had sourced the right additional materials – liquid latex, flesh-coloured dyes, etc – and proved that the 3D printer could add them to the basic structures, making the prostheses was easy; or at least simple ones like breast forms. After some abortive experimentation, he and my mother decided that it would be easiest to make the padding for my hips, thighs and butt as a combined prosthesis. So we had some work to do to fine-tune the processing and the 3D printing software to join the pieces together as a single, wearable unit.
This ‘abdominal prosthesis’ finally came out like a pair of tight, flesh-coloured shorts, with long legs nearly down to my knees. It had very thin edges round the waist and leg holes, but gross flabby padding in the thighs and buttocks. It was designed to be skin-tight everywhere and to stay in place without adhesive. It had a slit at the back which needed to be carefully aligned to my anus.
The most complicated part of the design was to create an internal pouch for my penis. This took ages and several tries to get right, and the fittings ranged between uncomfortable and downright excruciating. I certainly earned my wages as a ‘crash test dummy’. The best prototype only worked if I – actually Vera, our prosthetics specialist – gently levered my testicles back up into their cavities. In all the failed versions, either my genitals formed tell-tale lumps at the front, or the prosthesis was too painful to wear. I realised I would have to sit for all my toilet functions while wearing it.
Although I was still far from enthusiastic about being the one who would be testing this contrivance, I had to admit the creativity, even genius, that had gone into making it. It put my male organs completely beyond reach, but this didn’t worry me unduly at the time. I was sixteen years old, inexperienced and naïve for my age. Currently no young lady stood to benefit from access to my wedding tackle.
Throughout this part of the work, Fred seemed a little reluctant, but he didn’t explain why. I supposed it might all have been my imagination. He’d certainly been enthusiastic enough throughout the design and manufacturing stages.
When all the necessary components were finally ready, I had to undergo my first complete transformation. I reported to Vera’s treatment room after breakfast one day in early July. There was an ominous-looking trolley on which were the disgusting lumps of wobbly fake flesh that Fred and I had spent nearly a month getting ready. These particular examples were a good match to my skin colour and quite small, as I was to be as ‘petite’ as my basic frame would allow. A latex odour permeated the air. I would smell like a newly manufactured mannequin.
At Vera’s command I stripped off and lay down on her operating table. First, she had to wax me hair-free all over. That experience should have been enough to earn me a hefty bonus by itself. She delicately lifted my briefs when necessary to ensure I was smooth everywhere but around my genitals. That might all have been pleasant in an erotic way, had it not been for the searing pain when she ripped off each length of wax, taking my minimal body hair with it. I tried to bear it all without making a fuss and Vera admitted she was impressed. Apparently most people screamed in agony during this process. When she had finished, she massaged me all over with a soothing lotion. That was enjoyable and also dulled the pain somewhat.
While I was recuperating, tingling all over, she went to the trolley and picked up the first two fleshy lumps.
“Breasts first, Steve. I’m using medical adhesive and it sets quite quickly. Try to keep as still as you can. You don’t want these all lop-sided and I don’t want to spill any glue on you.”
She applied adhesive to my chest and the first form and pressed it down hard on top of my left nipple with all her strength. I held my breath while she counted a minute out loud. When she got to sixty, she stepped back. The form stayed in place. She prodded it a couple of times and it wobbled realistically (she said) but didn’t slip sideways.
“That seems to have worked,” she said. “I’ll do the other one.”
She repeated the process on my right-hand side.
“OK, try sitting up,” she said. “How do they feel?”
“Like two lead weights pulling down on the skin of my chest,” I said.
They really weren’t comfortable. She laughed.
“They’re tiny compared to a fully mature woman’s breasts. They’re barely a B cup! And they’re exactly the weight that real breasts would be. If a girl your age can live with them, so can you.”
“Yes, but her breasts take months to come in. She gets used to them slowly…” I began, but there didn’t seem much point in complaining.
She had picked up a fine brush and a small pot of something. She started painting the edges of the forms.
“This is just make-up to hide the edge between the forms and your chest. It will make them look like they’re really part of you.”
“Why bother? I thought I was supposed to be a schoolgirl, not a stripper,” I grumbled.
“I’m just being thorough,” she laughed. “A girl never knows when she might need to go topless. Anyway we need to see just how good we can make your transformation. Some of our clients may want to be convincing even in the nude.”
I snorted. When she had finished, she showed me my new bosom in her mirror. It was totally realistic. Not that I had first-hand experience of many – well, any – girls’ bosoms.
“Here – you’ll be more comfortable with this on.”
She passed me a plain white bra. I slipped my arms in, and she helped me fasten it behind my back and adjust the straps. The support was a relief as my new breasts had stopped pulling at the skin of my chest.
“How long does the glue last?” I asked.
“It’s good for about two weeks…”
“…but we have a special solvent if you need to remove them earlier.”
“Well of course I’ll need to remove them earlier!”
“Why? Have you got a date or something?”
“Well, no,” I admitted, “but I may want to go out to the shops or the gym or something.”
“Oh, I’m quite sure you’ll be going out.” She smiled. “Your mother has every intention of testing your disguise in public.” I gaped at her, aghast. “Don’t look so worried. When we’ve finished with you, no one will be able to tell you’re anything other than a pretty teenage girl.”
“Well that’s not reassuring at all!”
I sat back down on the table with a thump.
“Seriously, Steve, don’t try and remove them without the solvent. You’ll tear your skin. I’m afraid you’re stuck with them for the moment.”
She grinned at her pun. I wasn’t feeling like laughing. I noticed that, even though my new bust was on the small side, it was still hard to see my feet over it without turning sideways.
“Now for your lower half,” Vera said, getting back to business. “You’ll have to bear with me. This is the first time I’ve fitted one of these, not counting the experiments.”
I shuddered at the memory of the half-finished things I was subjected to when we were still trying to get the design right. She reached for the complete abdominal prosthesis and handed it to me. Its weight caught me by surprise.
“Yes, it will feel quite heavy at first,” she said, “but it needs to weigh the same as real flesh, so it will make you move as if it was actually part of you. I’ll sprinkle some talcum powder inside to make it easier to get on.”
I stepped into the fearsome device I was partly responsible for creating. (Oh, the irony!) I pulled it up carefully, afraid it would rip. Even though my new female self would be by no means overweight – well, OK, maybe a little – the prosthesis was really heavy. Its fleshy thighs and curvy buttocks jiggled realistically.
“Let me help you tuck yourself away,” she said. “It will be a little tricky.”
Vera then became only the second female in the world who had touched my private parts, something which neither of us really wanted. She gently pushed my testicles back upwards. Then she awkwardly manoeuvred my member into a tube inside the prosthesis and tucked it away between my legs.
“Is that OK?” she asked, with concern. “I wouldn’t want to be responsible for ending your dynasty right here.” I nodded, but she saw me wince. “Yes, it’ll probably feel a little uncomfortable at first, but we’re pretty sure it’s safe enough. Hopefully you’ll get used to it.”
She handed me a pair of plain white panties to match my bra. Realising I was now indistinguishable from an actual naked female down there, I hurried to put them on. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror – I saw a teenage girl in plain white underwear with my head on her shoulders.
“Let me take your new measurements,” said Vera.
She fetched a measuring tape from her desk and took my vital statistics. It had been a while since I was last measured for anything. I recalled a slightly over-familiar tailor shoving his hand up to my crotch to take my ‘inside leg’ measurement for school trousers. It was weird to have a woman running a tape around my bust, waist and hips.
“Hmm, not a bad figure for a girl your age, except that your waist is a little on the large side. No more cream cakes for you, young lady. Perhaps we’ll let you off wearing a bikini to the beach.”
I pretended to find this banter amusing, though I was afraid she might be serious about the bikini thing. Vera was used to dealing with men who actually wanted to appear as women. She had clearly forgotten that I hadn’t volunteered and was only doing it for the money (and because my tyrannical mother insisted).
“Now make sure you wash all your new orifices very thoroughly every night to prevent infection,” she said. “You’ll probably find it easiest to do it in the bath. You must take it off every couple of days anyway to clean the inside of the prosthetic. Come to me and I’ll help you. We’re trying to find some way of dealing with perspiration but we haven’t come up with anything yet.”
Vera was inspecting me too.
“I must say those prostheses are really good,” she said. “I had my doubts when Fred and Ingrid described the process, but I don’t think anyone could tell that all that flesh isn’t genuine; at least, not without a really close inspection. The fake skin even has visible pores and freckles!”
Still gazing at me admiringly, she passed me a pink woman’s dressing gown and matching slippers. I put them on quickly, anxious to cover myself up as much as possible.
“You’re to go next door now,” Vera said, “for your hair and make-up.”
I dutifully plodded next door, Vera following. Sharon was our chirpy hairdresser and make-up specialist. Her jaw dropped when she saw me. She burst out laughing.
“That’s amazing!” she squealed. “Take your robe off, sweetie. Let me see your figure.”
Sighing, I dropped the dressing gown on a chair and stood there in my bra and panties, thoroughly embarrassed, while Sharon circled me, giggling. She smacked my left buttock, playfully. I sensed rather than felt my soft, newly-acquired flesh ripple under the blow.
“It’s so realistic!” she said. “How does it feel?”
“Well, I can’t feel your touch through the prosthetic – obviously,” I said. “But if you mean ‘what’s it like to wear these things’, it’s as if someone’s strapped a pillow to my backside.”
“And two pillows to your chest, I assume?” said Vera.
I smiled, despite my discomfort. The two women’s enthusiasm was catching.
“When Ingrid’s regular clients see these new prostheses, we’re going to be inundated, aren’t we?” said Sharon.
“I’m sure we will,” said Vera. “She’ll probably want you and me to go full-time. Which reminds me – we have to take lots of photos for marketing. Fred’s building a website.”
“What! I’m not having pictures of me dressed as a girl on the bloody internet!”
“Don’t worry, dear,” said Sharon. “You won’t be recognisable when I’ve done your hair and make-up, and Fred will obscure your real face in any ‘before’ pictures.” She turned to Vera. “Now, how does Ingrid want her dressed?”
“Schoolgirl,” Vera said. “I’m off down to the store room to dig out a uniform and accessories.”
“OK, minimal make-up then,” said Sharon, “and long hair. We can do an Alice band, a pony-tail, and finally plaits. I’m just going to tidy up your eyebrows first. They’re a little too bushy for a young lady.”
The eyebrow plucking was even worse than the waxing, but at least it didn’t take as long. I put my dressing gown back on and sat in Sharon’s hairdresser chair. Then she did a subtle ‘no make-up make-up’ – thin foundation, a little eye liner and natural colour lip gloss.
She had stretched a nylon mesh cap over my short haircut, and was selecting a plain, long brunette wig, when Vera returned with a wheelie suitcase. It contained my schoolgirl costume. Despite my embarrassment, by now I was as curious as they were to see how I would turn out. I found myself cooperating with no further resistance. Sharon finished brushing my wig, pulled it on me over the cap, and added hair grips to hold it in place.
“Ingrid says she doesn’t want you to get a haircut until it’s time to go back to school,” she said. “She’s hoping it will soon be long enough that you won’t need a wig.”
I first had to put on a crisp white blouse (with the buttons on the ‘wrong’ side) and a girl’s school tie. On my feet were white ankle socks and black Mary Jane sandals. The piêce de resistance was an old-fashioned school gymslip. It was black, and the pleated skirt came down to my knees. I was allowed to stand and examine myself in the wall mirror. “My God, I look about thirteen!”
“Well, a slightly plump thirteen,” said Sharon, “but they say childhood obesity is… er, mushrooming these days, don’t they?”
“Surely no one wears gymslips like this anymore, do they? Outside St Trinian’s films, I mean.”
“Actually the juniors at some of the private girls’ schools still do,” said my mother, who had come in quietly while I was staring at myself in the mirror.
“You look great,” said Sharon. “By the way no one calls that a ‘gymslip’ anymore. In England it’s a pinafore dress; the Americans call it a jumper dress. Come on, let’s get some pictures for Fred.”
I had to stay still while Sharon took what felt like hundreds of photos, trying several different ways of arranging my wig, and my mother made her expert evaluation of my transformation.
“Yes, I think she’ll get away with thirteen or fourteen,” my mother concluded, “especially with her hair in plaits. Slight issue with her waist, as we expected, but it wouldn’t give her away by itself.” She turned to Vera. “Do we have a blazer that works with that gymslip?”
Vera delved into the suitcase again and pulled out a short black girls’ school blazer with a fancy crest on the breast pocket.
“Good, thank you,” my mother said. “Come along then, Milly. We’re going to the shops.”
Milly? Shops?
I think I’ll leave this experience out of my ‘How I Spent My Summer Holidays’ essay...
* * *
Before I knew it, we were in my mother’s elderly Range Rover headed for town. I would have made more of a fuss about this outing, but the force of her personality was hard to resist. Protesting was useless. She explained that presenting me as Milly, a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl, in a busy shopping centre was an excellent way of getting independent feedback on my transformation. We would be a mother and daughter looking for new clothes. If my disguise was good enough, I should attract no special attention or curiosity.
“Why ‘Milly’?” I asked sullenly in the car on the way.
“I like the name,” my mother said. “If you’d really been a girl, that’s what we would have called you. Why? What’s wrong with it? What girl’s name would you prefer?”
“I don’t want to be called by any girl’s name. I don’t want to be a girl at all. This whole thing is stupid.”
“It’s not stupid – it’s educational!”
“No one’s going to believe I’m a girl.”
“Nonsense! The way you look, you’ll fool anyone. Just try and act like a schoolgirl.”
“I don’t know how to do that!”
“Well I suggest you try and figure it out,” she said, devoid of sympathy. “Otherwise you’ll be embarrassing yourself. It’s no skin off my nose if passers-by call you a transvestite pervert, and shop assistants call security. I’ll just slip away and leave you to explain yourself.”
That was a terrifying prospect. She wouldn’t really do that, would she? Actually I wouldn’t put it past her. But she was right; if I failed to act like a pubescent girl on a clothes shopping trip with Mummy, I would be the one to suffer, not her.
“Your voice is the only thing that could give you away,” she continued. “So try and say as little as possible, and speak softly. You’ll be fine. You sounded just like a girl when you were the leading lady in that junior school play.”
“That was three years ago and my voice hadn’t broken.”
“Actually it broke during rehearsals. Mr Jameson was afraid he’d have to recast, but you managed to deliver all your lines in a high enough register to sound female. He was most impressed. He kept telling everyone you had a really flexible voice, ideal for a career as an actor.”
I remembered that. As Head of English and Drama, he was disappointed when I never auditioned for any more plays. Since I had opted for double-maths and physics for my A levels, I wouldn’t be seeing much of him in the future either.
“I don’t understand why we’re doing this,” I said, hoping to make one last attempt to get her to take me back.
“It’s business. Look, I’ve been running a transformation service for some time now, just using wigs, make-up, and padding that’s commercially available. But some of my regular customers have stopped coming. I suppose we’ve taught them enough that they think they can manage without us. But if this new computerised prosthetic system is a success, it will change everything. Our transformations will be much more realistic – and no one else will be able to do what we do.”
“Who are your customers anyway? There can’t be many men who want to be schoolgirls.”
“You’d be surprised! But no, they aren’t our primary business. Many of our clients are transgendered, or think they are. Our service gives them the opportunity to try living as a member of the opposite sex realistically, and thereby separate fantasy from reality.”
She became more serious.
“It’s a sign of the times, I suppose. Society is becoming more accepting of transsexuals nowadays and the medical profession is rushing to offer their support. That’s basically a good thing, but there are already signs that the pendulum may have swung too far: giving children who are struggling with gender issues puberty-blocking drugs, for example. Critics say that this is happening too often, and that in many cases the onset of puberty ‘cures’ gender dysphoria. I don’t know about that, but an increasing number of people who have changed sex have regretted it, and want to change back.
“So we offer a service that allows people who think they may be gender dysphoric to try living as a member of the opposite sex, and hopefully find out for sure – one way or the other. With this new technology our transformations will be much more realistic. Also, anyone who wants to go for full Sexual Reassignment Surgery usually has to live as their new sex for at least a year before any doctor will authorise the operation. We can help them be more convincing during that time.”
“I’m surprised there are enough customers of that kind to make the business viable,” I said sceptically.
“Well, no,” she admitted, “but we do have a wider range of clientele than that. Cross-dressers and transvestites, obviously, but anyone who wants to change their appearance for any reason. It doesn’t always involve a change of sex.”
“Does that mean you help criminals?” I asked. I was starting to get worried.
“I make it a rule never to ask a client’s motives. Oh, I’ve no doubt that we have occasionally helped people with criminal intentions, in the same way that banks must sometimes oblige criminal money-launderers, however careful they are. I take every possible precaution to avoid participating in illicit activities, but I can’t be certain it’s never happened.”
We had reached the shopping centre by now. It was very busy and she had to park on the roof level of the multi-storey. She gestured to me to get out of the car. Reluctantly I complied. I tried to think how a thirteen-year-old girl in school uniform would be acting under these circumstances.
“Isn’t it a bit odd that I’m in school uniform?” I said. “It’s the holidays.”
“Don’t worry,” she said. “Not all the schools have broken up for the summer yet. Now come on; we’re supposed to be here to buy you some casual clothes.”
“But we’re not really going to do that, are we? I’m taking all this stuff off when we get back home. I don’t need any more girls’ clothes.”
“Of course, you don’t. This is a pretend shopping trip – mostly. We might buy a few cheap things for additional realism, but mainly we’ll parade you around in public to see if people notice anything amiss. Try and look happy. Young girls love getting new clothes.”
I put a big fake smile on my face and tried to bounce up and down with excitement.
“All right, all right! No need to overdo it,” she tutted. “Now we might get you a new skirt or a pair of trousers. I assume you don’t want to wear a school blazer and a pinafore dress for longer than you have to, do you?” She smiled. “Though it’s a shame; you look really cute.”
I didn’t want to wear a skirt much either, though anything would be better than this gymslip. Our first port of call was a large department store and the ‘Junior Misses’ section. I scanned the display.
“Ooh, can I have those trousers, please, Mummy? Can I? Please, Mummy, please?” I whined, trying to sound like a thirteen-year-old girl, but I was handicapped because I didn’t know any.
I had deliberately chosen a pair of skin-tight mock-leather pants that I knew my mother would hate. Two middle-aged ladies, browsing a display of underwear which was much too young for them, glanced in our direction.
“For heaven’s sake, Milly,” my mother said, sounding exasperated. “You’ll look like a biker girl.”
“Please, Mummy, please?”
One of the ladies nudged her companion and grinned.
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try them on,” my mother said grudgingly.
“Try them on?” I said, alarmed. “You mean, go into the women’s changing room?
“Of course. Why not?”
“Because I’m… a boy!” I hissed.
“Well, you’d better hope no one finds out, hadn’t you?” she said. “I’ll ask the assistant for a pair in your size,” she added more loudly.
The ladies couldn’t have overheard the quiet part of our conversation, and they were sure they were listening to a mother and daughter arguing about suitable clothes. They were thoroughly enjoying the little drama, probably having been on both sides of the debate themselves in their time.
The assistant came over. She sized me up by eye and got out her measuring tape. She eventually decided on a size 14, muttering something about them possibly be a little ‘snug in the waist’.
Nevertheless I took them to the fitting room, which fortunately offered individual cubicles with curtains. I hung my blazer on a hook, pulled my gymslip over my head, and took off my school tie. I kicked my sandals off and stepped into the trousers. They were very close-fitting and quite a struggle to pull on. As the assistant had guessed, they were a little tight at the waist, but the real problem was to get them over my prosthetically-enhanced bottom. I eventually managed to pull them all the way up and fastened the waistband. They were like a second skin. I didn’t dare bend over, but somehow I slipped my feet back into my Mary Janes.
I put my blazer back on and rolled my gymslip up in an untidy bundle around my tie. Then I went back out to show my mother.
“I love them, Mummy!” I said in a high-pitched, giggly voice, playing up to the stereotype.
My mother rolled her eyes.
“You can dial down the girliness a little, I think,” she said. “You sound like Violet Elizabeth Bott. You’ll start attracting attention for the wrong reasons.”
Some people are never satisfied. I twirled in front of the mirror. My butt looked enormous, but in an undeniably feminine and sexy way.
“They do look quite good though,” she mused. “If we do some window shopping for an hour or so, they will certainly show off your figure, and I can watch out for anyone looking at you askance. How much are they?”
I grabbed a label attached to a zipper at the side.
“Er… forty-nine, ninety-nine. It says they’re in the sale and would normally be seventy quid.”
“Well, I suppose we can put them in our wardrobe department, though I can’t imagine any of our clients squeezing into them – or wanting to.”
She waved to the assistant who came scurrying over. That was another strange thing about my mother. When I wander around a large store looking for help, all the sales staff are dealing with other customers or on their coffee break. When she wants one, they appear as if by magic.
Five minutes later we were making our way down the central concourse towards the coffee shop, my new leather trousers creaking with each step. I was carrying one of the store’s carrier bags with my gymslip and tie in it.
* * *
After a pause for refreshments – I had orange squash; thirteen-year-old girls don’t drink coffee – my mother dragged me into several more shops. I had to try on dresses, skirts and tops, and examine several styles of lacy underwear. I was allowed to replace my little girl ankle socks with a pair of grown-up tights, but my mother refused to waste any money on replacing my Mary Janes.
In the changing rooms I saw lots of women and girls in their bras and knickers, which as a naïve sixteen-year-old of the opposite sex I thoroughly enjoyed, apart from the additional pressure on my member inside its restraining tube.
My mother bought some of the clothes I tried on. Milly was assembling quite a wardrobe and we had to make several trips back to the car with stuffed shopping bags. I was puzzled.
“Why are you buying all this stuff?” I asked. “I won’t need any girls’ things after today.”
“We keep a wide range of clothes for our clients,” my mother explained airily. “Many don’t have anything of their own. It’s an additional service, and quite a decent money-spinner. We’ll probably recoup the costs of this lot quite quickly.”
“Do you have many customers of my size? I assumed they would mostly be older and fatter.”
“Some,” she said. “Actually the biggest problem is shoes. We have to go to specialist stores to find women’s shoes in men’s sizes. You have quite small feet for a male, but you’re still at the upper end of the range. That’s another reason why you’ll have to put up with those Mary Janes.”
Why did I have the feeling she was being economical with the truth? Still, the whole experience wasn’t too bad. From what we could tell – and my mother had the eaglest of eyes – no one suspected me of being anything other than a teenage girl. The more confident we became that my artificial flesh was passing the test, the more cheerful she was. When we finished shopping, she even let me go home in my new trousers.
We were crossing the roof level of the car park, when there was a squeal of brakes behind me. We both turned quickly, in time to see a young man sprawling across the tarmac and a BMX bike skidding sideways in the opposite direction. He’d been showing off, doing wheelies, when he caught sight of my well-upholstered backside describing its erotic circular motion in my new skin-tight leggings. The accident was accompanied by mocking laughter from two other youths leaning on the wall twenty yards away.
“Damn! Your ass is a danger to shipping, girl!” the boy said, picking his bike up, and leering at me suggestively.
“You leave my daughter alone, young man!”
My mother had thrown her arms around me like a hen protecting her chick. Instinctively I started to shrug her off, but aborted that when I realised that a thirteen-year-old girl would have done the opposite. I hugged her closer, pretending to be frightened.
“She’s only thirteen!” my mother remonstrated.
“Cradle-snatcher!” yelled one of the observers, laughing.
“You shouldn’t be riding your bicycle here anyway,” she continued. “You’re endangering pedestrians.”
The boy was back on his bike now. He winked at me lewdly and rode off to his mates. When she was sure no one could see her, my mother smiled at me.
“I suppose we could consider that your final test, Milly,” she said happily. “A boy falling off his bike at your feet!”
“So I can get all this clobber off when we get back home?”
“Well, no.” She was almost apologetic, but then she never actually apologised for anything. “You’ll need to stay like that for a few days. We have to make sure the prostheses will last. If they crumble or fall apart, we can’t sell them. So we need you to test them to destruction, as it were.”
Which explained why we needed all the new clothes. As I suspected, my mother always had two reasons for doing anything, and she usually kept the real reason to herself for as long as possible.
* * *
Mum wanted me to learn to act like the girl I appeared to be. She argued that if I attracted attention because I looked like a schoolgirl but walked like a docker, it would hardly be a proper test of the effectiveness of their creations. So I had to spend a day with Alice Parr, our part-time movement expert, learning how females walk and speak. That was hard work, but after I got over feeling like a fool, it wasn’t so bad. In fact it was quite interesting to learn about the differences between the male and female anatomies, and the prostheses helped me get my wiggle right.
During the working day Milly replaced Steve at his workstation in the Bunker. At first it was embarrassing to be with people I knew while dressed as a pubescent girl, but they were all used to transformations like mine and treated it as an everyday matter. They all called me Milly and gently corrected me whenever I said or did anything unfeminine. I found this irritating at first but I soon got used to it. I didn’t really understand why I had to do this, but Mum said she was just being thorough. She also reminded me that my bonus depended on doing as I was told.
In fact, I found it helped to talk about Steve in the third person while I was Milly. It kept my two personas separate. The last thing I wanted was for them to begin to merge. So for the next two weeks I slept in the apartment’s third bedroom, with all of Milly’s things and nothing of Steve’s. His clothes wouldn’t fit me now anyway, so this was partly for convenience, but it was also to remind me to think of myself as Milly, and to separate her personality entirely from Steve’s.
I had to carry a little handbag around with all my girly stuff in it. I hated that. It included a new pink smartphone my mother gave me – not that I was going to call anyone as Milly, and I fervently hoped no one would call me. I left Steve’s phone in his – my – old room so that I didn’t accidentally answer it in my Milly voice.
Mother took me out a lot, to shops, restaurants, and the cinema in the evenings; and for walks in the hills and by the sea at the weekend. The lessons paid off. At first I had to concentrate to work out what a thirteen-year-old girl would do in any situation, but soon it began to come naturally.
In any case, no one we met ever seemed to see through my disguise or even give me a second look – apart from a couple of lads lounging around on Clacton pier. I was wearing a particularly short dress and the wind blew my skirt up exposing my knickers. The boys whistled at me, to my crushing embarrassment.
As per my mother’s instructions I took my abdominal prosthesis off every other day to clean it out, and to have a good wash and make sure my skin was healthy underneath. I couldn’t remove the breasts but one morning at the end of my second week as Milly, I woke up to find that one of the forms had slipped off during the night. It was still in the cup of my nightie but it wasn’t attached to me anymore. When I got out of bed and stood up, the breast dropped through and fell to the floor. I took my nightgown off and gently tried to move the other form. It peeled off easily. Either the adhesive had broken down at last, or I had lost the top layer of skin, or both.
I was delighted to dress as Steve for the first time in a fortnight. There was no need to put my prosthesis back on this morning, and no need for wig or make-up today.
“Morning, Steven,” said my mother when I appeared at breakfast.
She seemed unsurprised and unconcerned at the loss of her daughter and the reappearance of her son. She thanked me abruptly for my forbearance at having spent a fortnight in drag and rushed off to a client meeting.
She didn’t give me a chance to ask about my bonus.
Annie and her Granny
By Susannah Donim
Steve’s mother runs the secretive Transformations consultancy. This means he has a number of interesting jobs over the years.
Chapter 2 – Watching My Weight
Steve finds that fat isn’t just a feminist issue.
As Milly, I had been unable to meet up with my school friends. I had kept in contact by Skype and text as we needed to plan our holiday, though I obviously couldn’t use video. I had to pretend that my phone’s camera was bust. But now that I was me again, I was out every night playing squash or six-a-side at the leisure centre, or round at a mate’s place for Warhammer or PlayStation games. I blamed my absences on my job, and how hard my mother was working me. A couple of my nerdier friends were jealous that I was earning money and working with computers, but I turned their enquiries aside by claiming it was just a boring office job really. I was just glad that no one noticed anything odd about me. Apparently my two weeks as Milly hadn’t done me any permanent psychological damage. At least, nobody said I was walking funny.
I assumed that my leisure time would be my own until the end of August when we would be off to Newquay, but it wasn’t to be. The following Monday morning when I turned up at my workstation in the Bunker, I was dragged off to Vera for another defoliation.
“We were very pleased with how the first test went,” my mother explained while I was enduring ‘torture by wax’ again. “But Milly was relatively slim and her prostheses were quite small and light. Most men need to be padded out much more generously to make realistic women, to compensate for their wider shoulders and bulkier torsos. There is a risk that a bigger and heavier prosthesis might fall apart earlier.”
“So you’re going to make me into a circus fat lady?” I said, none too pleased with the way the conversation was going. “Owww!” I added as Vera ripped a strip of wax and hair off my chest.
“Oh, it won’t be that bad,” said Vera, reassuringly.
“No, no,” added my mother. “Not quite that bad…”
She removed a cover from the top of a trolley that had been behind me, up against the wall. I craned my neck to look. All I could see was a mountain of flesh.
“Couldn’t I be a man for a change?” I asked, hopelessly.
* * *
It was that bad, of course.
They had my measurements now so I hadn’t needed to be around when my mother was selecting the size of fat lady she wanted me to be, and printing the necessary prostheses. Not that she would have paid any attention to pleas for clemency.
This was a one-piece outfit, as I needed considerable padding around my trunk and waist as well as breasts, hips and thighs. It was like a grossly inflated, flesh-coloured one-piece bathing costume with long bulbous sleeves.
I had to strip stark naked – an embarrassing experience in front of two women (even if one of them had seen me in the nude many times before). I had to step into the ghastly thing, pull it up, and slip my arms into its big wobbly sleeves which came down to my elbows. Soft floppy flesh hung from my upper arms.
Then Vera had to repeat the process of manoeuvring my genitals into the suit’s safe haven. She invited me to flop down on her table (which creaked alarmingly under my weight) while she applied make-up at the suit’s edges.
“How big is this thing anyway?” I asked, gobsmacked at the size and weight of it.
“I estimate you’ll be somewhere around eighteen and a half stone – about 260 lbs,” said my mother. “It would be risky to make it any bigger. Even though you have a healthy, young, male musculature, you’ll still be carrying around 120 lbs more than you’re used to. You’ll need to take it easy.”
“I doubt I’ll have much choice.”
“You’ll probably need at least a size 20 dress, by the way,” said Vera. She’d finished playing with my tackle and was washing her hands.
“What about jeans?” I asked, hopefully. “What size would I need for pants?”
“No idea,” she said, “and they’d look awful. Anyway, you’d have to go to a store and try some on. Why bother?”
Good question. I felt that as a boy I shouldn’t be at ease wearing dresses or skirts, but they would probably be more comfortable than wearing tight trousers or slacks over this lot.
“We can do that if you want,” said Mum. “We’ll have to go out and about, just as we did when you were Milly, to make sure your disguise fools everyone.”
Terrific. Would I have to show this body off in a department store fitting room?
“Why is all this necessary?” I grumbled. “Surely none of your clients will want this amount of blubber?”
“It’s mostly about the testing,” my mother reiterated irritably. “We need to test the other extreme from petite little Milly. If this works as well as that transformation did, then we can be confident of everything in between. But actually some transsexuals need to be padded up a lot to look realistically female. Also, some men put on a lot of weight when they take hormones. So it will be helpful to let them experience what it’s like to be an obese female. That wouldn’t put off someone with real gender dysphoria, but it might be a rude awakening for a fantasist”
Vera was behind me now and I felt her closing a fastener which ran from my tailbone up to the back of my neck.
“Hang on!” I squealed. “How am I supposed to get out of this?”
“You might need a little help,” Mum admitted, “but it’s not much different from what any woman has to do when she’s taking off a dress that zips at the back.”
“I’ll lend you a Zipper Hook Helper,” said Vera, kindly.
“I don’t want you to take it off till we’ve finished the test anyway,” said Mum. “You need to eat, sleep, work and play in it. We want to subject the prosthetic to all the stresses and strains of daily life. If it’s going to break up from rough treatment, we need to know.”
That was fair enough, I suppose, but this thing was so heavy I couldn’t imagine doing anything strenuous in it. Getting in and out of bed would be as much ‘rough treatment’ as I could manage.
“Another objective of these tests is to assess how well the transformation supports the experience of living as a member of the opposite sex,” Mum added learnedly. “Does it all feel realistic?”
“How on earth am I supposed to judge that?” I asked. “I’ve never lived as a woman, let alone one this size!”
“You’ll have to use your imagination,” my mother said crossly, “and Vera and I will be watching and asking you questions. We’ll learn a lot from your answers, and we can use them when marketing the service to our clients.”
“Assuming my answers are even printable.”
Vera chuckled. “You’d better get some undies on, dear, for decency’s sake.”
She handed me an absolutely enormous pair of white granny panties and a bra like two parachutes. Realising I was now not only a fat lady but a naked fat lady, I put them on as quickly as I could. Both women smiled when they saw me expertly fastening my bra behind me, despite my vastly increased girth.
“I see your time as Milly has taught you some new life skills,” my mother said sardonically.
“Yes, I’m sure you’ll find your facility with bras very useful when you get yourself a proper girlfriend,” added Vera.
I ignored their woeful attempts at humour, never my mother’s strong suit.
Both my bra and knickers felt tight, although ‘felt’ might be the wrong word. All my unwanted additional flesh seemed to be trying to escape from my underwear, but I couldn’t actually feel anything at all. My bra straps were digging into my shoulders; my boobs were spilling out of the cups; and the crotch of my panties was disappearing up the gulf between my gigantic buttocks. All of which would no doubt have been very uncomfortable if all the flab had actually been me, but it wasn’t. I therefore ‘felt’ dangerously insecure, like something was going to flop out at any moment, or maybe something else was going to break with the strain. I envisaged my bra flying across the room and taking someone’s eye out. But all of actual ‘me’ was wrapped up tightly inside my cocoon of blubber.
The prosthesis was really heavy. I needed to sit down again. I collapsed in Vera’s desk chair like an elephant seal. It creaked even more alarmingly than the table had done, but I was distracted by the sight of my huge, flabby thighs.
“What’s the matter with the skin on this thing?” I asked. I peered over my shoulder to examine my mighty backside. “Has the 3D printer developed a fault?”
“No, dear, that’s your cellulite,” said my mother. “Sad to say, it’s quite realistic.”
I must have looked blank.
“Cellulite is a condition in which the skin has a dimpled, lumpy appearance – like that,” Vera explained, gripping a roll of fat on my thigh and running her fingers over the surface. “It mostly affects the buttocks and thighs. Fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin.”
“I never heard of it,” I said. “Do men get it?”
“It can affect both men and women, but it’s more common in females, because of the different distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue.”
“Do you have it?” I asked Mum, tactlessly.
“None of your business!” she said crossly.
Vera laughed. “Between 80 and 90 percent of women have cellulite, especially if they’re overweight,” she said.
“So at your size, it would be a virtual certainty,” added Mum. “Let’s do her head and neck now, Vera.”
“What?” I said, alarmed. “What do you mean?”
My mother spun the chair around to face the mirror.
“You look ridiculous with your skinny male head on a big fat female body. Vera will stick some additional prosthetic pieces on your face and chin. With Sharon’s make-up skills, your face will match your body.”
“Here,” said Vera, holding out a plus size dressing gown in the familiar pink cotton. “You can’t go round in just your bra and panties.”
I covered myself up gratefully and stepped into a pair of matching mules. Vera was now smearing adhesive onto a small piece of flesh-coloured flab. She sat me down again. Then she held my head back and pressed the fleshy thing onto my neck. It stretched from ear to ear.
“This chin piece will also cover your Adam’s apple.”
She held it in place for a count of sixty, then let go carefully. It wobbled like the rest of my new body but stayed in place. I now had a convincing double chin – actually more like a treble – but it was proportionate to the rest of my flabby body.
She reached for another piece and started applying her glue.
“Just one of these for each cheek now,” she said.
“I assume that’s medical adhesive, like you used on Milly’s breasts?”
“Spot on,” she smiled. “So don’t try and remove any of these without the solvent. You’ll hurt yourself.”
She pressed the cheek piece on me and held it in place, as she had with the chin. Then she repeated the process with the other cheek. When she finished I was able to see myself in the mirror. My face now matched my body – obese and feminine.
My mother, who had been watching the process with forensic interest, pronounced herself satisfied.
“Thank you again for doing this, Steven,” she said, and left, without giving me the chance to say ‘my pleasure’, which of course I wouldn’t have.
Vera led me next door. The first thing I noticed when called upon to move was just how ungainly I had become. My gait could only be described as ‘waddling’. My huge butt swung from side to side as I walked because it had no choice. I had to swing my arms out wide to keep my balance, and even to help propel myself forward.
The prostheses were so effective that Sharon only needed to apply a little plain foundation to smooth over the edges. Then she got on with the rest of my make-up. I was a little puzzled when she started peeling short strips of latex off a pad in her case.
“What are they for?” I asked. “They’re not normal make-up, are they?”
“I’d forgotten you’re an expert on cosmetics now,” she grinned. “No, Ingrid wants you to look middle-aged, because the majority of our clients are. Your own skin is too smooth for that, so I’m adding some latex wrinkles.”
There was no point in arguing. On the plus side, now that I was ‘plus size’, it would mean that I was even less likely to be recognised by anyone I knew.
When she had finished, and added a wig styled as a typical woman in her forties would wear her hair, I was allowed to check myself in her full-length mirror.
“Smile,” Sharon said. “That will bring out the effect of the wrinkles best.”
I did my best, though I didn’t feel I had much to smile about. She had done a very simple make-up: a little mascara and pale lipstick in addition to the light foundation. The latex wrinkles round my eyes and my double chin were very convincing.
An obese woman in her late forties smiled back at me from the mirror.
Vera started handing me clothes suitable for the ‘larger lady’, and got me to try them all on. I’d never really enjoyed ‘dressing up’ but I suppose it wasn’t too bad, though I was horrified at the size of my new bottom.
“You’ll have to wear opaque tights or stockings when you go out,” she said. “You’ve got great legs – well, below your great fat thighs, I mean – but they’re just a little too muscly for a middle-aged woman. With 50 denier hose, your male muscles could be mistaken for feminine curves.”
* * *
“So let me hear your suggestions for where I put Jennifer on display,” said my mother that afternoon in the tea room.
Yes, I was Jennifer now, just when I’d got used to being called Milly. But by popular vote, I didn’t look like a Milly anymore. According to my mother’s five minutes of research on the internet, ‘Jennifer’ was the most popular name for women born in the mid-seventies. (She’d wanted Barbara, which I vetoed.)
Now I was sitting with the Transformations team discussing their latest experiment, in which I played the key part – again. I was wearing a hideous floral dress, size 20, and struggling to keep my fat thighs together in a lady-like manner.
“Weight watchers,” said Sharon, to general laughter.
I, increasingly becoming Jennifer, failed to see the humour.
“Actually, that’s not such a bad idea.” My mother smiled and made a note. “The other ladies there are bound to check her out thoroughly.”
“In that case, what about the gym?” Sharon suggested.
“Much as I’m sure we would all find it amusing to see the fat lady in a leotard doing aerobics, there would be a problem there.”
“Yes,” agreed Vera, “perspiration. Those parts of her prostheses that would be visible wouldn’t be sweating, which would be very suspicious. It also wouldn’t be comfortable for her – she’d be sweating buckets under the prostheses.”
“Not to mention that it would be dangerous for her to do an active exercise session carrying 120 lbs of excess weight with muscles used to half that,” my mother added.
I was glad that Mum cared enough not actually to want to kill me, despite the evidence to the contrary.
“What about pushing a baby buggy around town?” suggested Vera. “That always attracts a lot of attention.”
My mother looked dubious. “I quite like that idea in principle, but I don’t think I could trust Jennifer to look after a baby, even if I knew where we could borrow one. Anyway she looks too old to be a new mother, and not old enough to be a granny.”
Well thank heavens for small mercies…
“But there’s nothing to stop her pushing a shopping cart around the supermarket,” she continued. “That’s a good everyday activity for a middle-aged woman.”
Could be worse, I suppose.
“I wouldn’t have thought parading me around as Jenny, the fat lady, is really necessary,” I suggested. “We already know that our prosthetic disguises are completely believable.” Sharon was nodding; the others non-committal. “I mean, if I can convince everyone around the shopping centre that I’m a thirteen-year-old girl, a middle-aged woman should be no problem.”
“What’s your point?” my mother said, testily.
“Well the only reason for me to keep this thing on for any length of time is to see if its bulk causes it to break up, isn’t it?”
“He’s probably right,” said Vera. “And if he’s not enjoying it…”
“Thank you, Vera, and I’m not,” I said forcefully. “I’m not one of your clients, Mum.”
My mother sighed. “Well, all right,” she said. “I don’t mean to torture you, but if you’re not prepared to make some small sacrifices for the business…”
“Okay, okay,” I said, aware that I might be in danger of losing my bonus. “Let’s compromise. Two trips: a supermarket run – with you – and maybe one other outing.”
* * *
I reported to Vera to be readied for my shopping trip. I told her how uncomfortable my knickers were and she dug out a gigantic pair of granny panties from somewhere.
Then she gave me a short-sleeved pink blouse and a tight blue skirt to wear. I looked terrible. My vulgar top was low-cut and my bra was visible. Also you could see my panty line through my skirt. I slipped my feet into a cheap pair of women’s trainers with Velcro fasteners. Seeing me struggling to bend over, Vera did them up for me.
“This is a horrible outfit,” I said, looking at my ugly, pudgy self in the mirror. “Why have you dressed me like this?”
“It’s another test,” she said, apologetically. “When you were Milly you went to a fashionable mall with lots of high concept shops. This time, Ingrid’s going to take you to a more downmarket shopping centre to see if the working-class women who shop there are any more observant. So she wants you dressed as a harassed housewife, the kind of poor woman who doesn’t have nice things, nor the time to make the best of herself when she’s only going out to get groceries.”
She completed my outfit with a hideous pink hoodie. Then she escorted me next door to Sharon who put my wig in curlers and covered it with a scruffy headscarf.
“No make-up today?” I asked.
“Wouldn’t fit with the image Ingrid wants,” Sharon said, a little crossly. “She seems to think that a fat working-class woman with three kids hasn’t got time to put her face on in the morning.”
“So I’ve got three kids, have I? That would explain how I got so fat.”
Sharon lowered her voice and checked that Mum hadn’t sneaked up behind her in that creepy way of hers.
“I don’t think your mother has ever met a real working-class woman,” she added conspiratorially.
We examined my reflection in her mirror together. She snorted.
“If you still look like this when your hubby comes home, you can forget about getting any tonight.”
I laughed but Sharon’s professional pride hated to let a client out of her salon looking anything other than the very best she could be. At this point my mother appeared behind me.
“That’s excellent,” she said when she saw me. “Come along, Jennifer, let’s see whether you pass muster at the supermarket.” She gave me a scruffy handbag, which I suppose was appropriate for my slatternly appearance. “You’ll find your shopping list and a purse with a hundred pounds cash in there.”
* * *
She drove us to the shops in the company’s anonymous white van. We used this for transporting any large equipment, and I certainly qualified. There was also a bench of comfortable seats in the back.
“I would have preferred you to be able to go by yourself, but you’re too young to drive, of course,” she said as she drove us into the less salubrious part of town. “Not that you look it at the moment.”
She chuckled – meanly, I thought. I sat in silence. I let her enjoy herself without commenting. If she found my lack of response irritating, she didn’t show it. But I didn’t consider her a friend at the moment, so I didn’t feel like conversation. She soon gave up on small talk, which she was generally crap at anyway.
Briefly I wondered why I was in a bad mood. I could only assume that Jennifer was in charge of my personality at the moment and resented having to look so slovenly. It seems I was finding my feminine side. Before I could pursue this line of thought any further, we pulled into the shopping centre. My mother parked outside a discount supermarket.
“Off you go then, Jennifer,” she said. “Get yourself a trolley and start shopping.”
“What? You’re not coming in with me?”
I looked at her in surprise and not a little trepidation.
“Oh, I’ll be inside in a minute, but I won’t be with you.”
“You mean someone as posh as you wouldn’t be seen dead with a fat lower-class slut like me?”
“Well, yes,” she admitted, “but mostly because I need to watch you, and check other shoppers’ reactions.”
I didn’t argue. I wanted this humiliating experience over with as quickly as possible.
“Remember all your lessons on feminine movement and you’ll be fine,” she said encouragingly.
I was dubious. ‘Feminine movement’ was one thing for a nimble thirteen-year-old in school uniform. It would be quite another for a middle-aged porker like I was now. My ass was almost exactly twice as wide as Milly’s had been and God knows how much heavier. I waddled off to collect a trolley from the stack by the entrance.
I made my way inside and soon merged in with the other shoppers, mostly working-class housewives dressed like me, although few of them were in my weight class. Lugging my 260 lb frame around the store was enough of an effort that I was soon sweating and panting. I received several sympathetic smiles, which I returned, but otherwise nobody seemed to pay me any special attention, apart from a couple of teenage girls who were browsing a display of cheap smartphones. One of them pointed at me when she thought I wasn’t looking. Her friend sniggered and grimaced.
“God, if I ever get as fat as her, shoot me!” the first girl said.
“Totally!” agreed her friend.
I found myself blushing under my facial prostheses. Either they misjudged how loudly they were speaking, or more likely they didn’t care if I heard them. I turned into the next aisle as quickly as I could.
Not knowing the layout of the place, my shopping took me longer than was necessary. Several times I saw my mother watching from a distance. The other shoppers probably thought she was a store detective. That would keep the shoplifting to a minimum today.
At one end of the shop there was a section devoted to women’s clothes. I decided it would be realistic for me to spend a little time browsing there. In the lingerie section, the shapewear caught my eye. That one-piece corsetty girdle thing would hold all my flab in much better than my tight bra and granny knickers. And I had another two weeks as Jennifer. Might as well be comfortable.
A smiling assistant had come up behind me.
“I see you’re looking at our corselettes, madam,” she said. “They’re really very comfy for fuller-figured ladies like us.”
She was definitely ‘fuller-figured’, though sadly not as much as me.
“I’m sorry,” she lowered her voice a little, “I couldn’t help but notice your…” She whispered, “…Visible Panty Line. You’d be much more comfortable in one of those. It will change your life – truly!”
Are shop assistants always as forthright as this with prospective customers? She must have been on commission, I thought.
“We’re doing a ‘two for one’ at the moment,” she added.
“Sold!” I said. “Can I have one in black and one in white?”
“Certainly, madam,” she beamed. “Size 20, is it?”
“It is,” I confirmed with a sigh. “You have a good eye.”
She rummaged in a drawer beneath the display and passed me two cardboard packets with pictures of sexy ladies in underwear on the front. They were both marked ‘Size 20’ though neither of the models could have been more than a twelve. The price of each was £29.99, but both packets had a ‘Two for One’ label.
“These have garters, by the way. You’ll want to wear stockings with them,” the assistant said, helpfully.
“How much?” I sighed.
She reached for a packet from the drawer.
“These are our cheapest. Twelve pounds for a packet of three pairs.”
I nodded. I put all my purchases on top of my groceries, prepared to leave them behind if they brought the total to over £100.
I made my way, puffing and blowing, and sweaty with the effort, to the check-out. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my mother over at the newsstand pretending to read a magazine, but actually watching me and everyone around me.
When the assistant rang up my purchase, the total came to £98.47. Mum wouldn’t be pleased to get so little change out of her hundred quid.
Well screw her. We poor, working-class women deserve a treat sometimes too.
* * *
“Why did you buy those?” she asked when we were unpacking our groceries in the kitchen of our flat.
“I think they’ll be more comfortable than the underwear Vera gave me. My bra is digging into all the parts of me that aren’t prosthetic, and I’m constantly afraid of snapping the waist elastic in these baggy knickers and they’ll slip down. This whole thing is embarrassing enough; that would be too much.”
“But we’re supposed to be monitoring the rate of decay of your prosthetic! That shapewear will support it. It will probably last much longer now.” She tutted. “Well, you’ll just be stuck as Jennifer for longer. You might even miss Newquay.”
“It’s all booked and I’m going – even if I have to break into Vera’s office for the solvent. What you mean is, you will spitefully withhold my bonus.”
“I don’t know what I’ve done to make you so angry with me.”
“Apart from making me spend my summer holidays dressed as various women, you mean?”
“Oh stop moaning. The experience will be good for you.”
“Why on earth would you think that?”
“You’re learning what it’s like to be a woman in the modern world. You’ll be a more considerate boyfriend and husband, when the time comes.”
“Assuming this whole traumatic experience doesn’t lead to me preferring men!”
“Don’t be silly. A little harmless dressing-up can’t change your sexual orientation.”
“Well I hope you’re right, but I’d much rather we weren’t taking the risk.”
* * *
I took the shapewear and stockings up to the flat, and to the room I had used as Milly, which I now thought of as ‘the Girls’ Room’. Vera had taken away all Milly’s clothes and replaced them with Jennifer’s – mainly voluminous house dresses, huge bras and panties, large stockings, and nighties like tents. All a far cry from Milly’s delicate and fashionable things, which she took to the company wardrobe room.
I sat on the bed and regarded my new body sadly. Of course, I knew intellectually that all the flab on my face and body was fake, but it felt real, and it certainly looked real. The transformation was so good that the experience was exactly how I’d imagined a fat middle-aged woman would feel – ugly and alone.
I went into my – that is, Steve’s – bedroom to play a video game on his PlayStation. Sitting at the desk, the chair creaked ominously under me. My mother bought it for me when I moved up to the middle school at age eleven. I had grown a lot in the last five years and really needed a new one. It was barely suitable for a smallish sixteen-year-old boy. Jennifer’s eighteen-and-a-half stone corpulence threatened its very existence. My new hips were squashed in tightly at the sides anyway. Sighing, I stood up, and to my embarrassment, the chair came with me. After a struggle I managed to work myself free. It was yet another indicator of what a stout middle-aged lady had to put up with.
Defeated, I went back to Jennifer’s bedroom. I stripped off the ghastly top and skirt and unhooked my bra. I nearly fell over forwards as my huge floppy breasts were released from their bindings. I pulled my knickers down and stepped out of them.
I ripped open the box with the black shapewear in it. It fastened at the front, so it was quite easy to step into it, wrap it around me, and button it up. It was at full stretch over my obese body but it was surprisingly comfortable. All the wobbly flesh was now held firmly in place and the difference was astonishing. It even gave me something of a waist.
I opened a packet of stockings. I sat down on the bed and struggled into them, remembering Vera’s lesson on how to avoid laddering nylons. Attaching them to the corset’s garters took me a while. I hoped it would get easier with practice – not that I wanted to be Jennifer for long enough to get that much practice.
I stood up and caught sight of myself in the wardrobe mirror. I was astonished to find my reflection quite sexy, despite my obesity – or maybe even because of it? Chacun à son goût, I suppose, but what did it all say about my developing sexuality?
I went to the wardrobe and picked out one of my least repugnant dresses, a pink, floral, ankle-length number. I stepped into it and managed to do it up with a struggle (and Vera’s Zipper Hook Helper). My mother had provided me with several pairs of shoes from the company wardrobe. I slipped on a pair of low-heeled sandals.
I looked at myself in the wardrobe mirror again. For the first time I felt that being Jennifer might not be too bad. I would be able to live as her for a couple of weeks, as long as I didn’t have to play the seedy, down-at-heel housewife again.
Unfortunately, I only had two corsets, and I would be pushing my luck to ask my mother for another, so I had to get used to washing the one I’d worn during the day before going to bed each evening. There was a large mirror over the washbasin, and I’d look at the fat lady in her nightie and curlers, ironing or washing her underwear, and wonder where my life was going.
Sleeping was difficult too. The gigantic fleshy appendages on my chest and backside made it impossible to get comfortable. With my huge boobs it was awkward to lie on my tummy, and when I lay on my back, my buttocks lifted my lower half off the bed. I quickly developed a pain in my lumbar region, which wasn’t supported at all. I tried tucking a pillow under there for support, and that helped a little, but I rolled off it when I tossed and turned during the night, putting me back to Square One. That left lying on my side, which would be intolerable for a woman with real boobs my size, and wasn’t much better for me. I couldn’t feel any pressure on the breasts themselves, but their weight pulled down on my chest and hurt my skin where they were attached.
I gave my mother a full report, as part of my duties as a test subject, but she wasn’t very sympathetic.
“You’ll get used to it,” she said.
“I don’t want to get used to it!”
“Oh, just lie back and think of England,” she said, “and the money.”
* * *
So Fred had another new programmer to work with. For the next two weeks his assistant would be a fat, middle-aged lady in various gruesome floral house dresses and other frumpy outfits. He thought this was highly amusing. Also, female programmers of my age (and girth) were rare as hen’s teeth, so now we could claim to be a real equal-opportunity employer. I pointed out that he was now Transformations’ only male employee.
He treated me exactly as he always had, but called me ‘Jennifer’. Actually sometimes he seemed a little embarrassed about the whole thing, but he and the rest of the staff soon got used to seeing me waddling between the tea room and the basement computer suite (where I had to be allocated a large, reinforced desk chair).
* * *
I was dreading what my mother would choose as my second – and hopefully last – outing as Jennifer, but eventually it came as a pleasant surprise. I was to be her partner at the Bridge Club. She was a Bridge fanatic, and played to a high standard – possibly county level. She competed in regional tournaments regularly and often finished in the prizes. Locally, she played Duplicate Bridge every Wednesday night at a club in town often with Fred. He was a scientific player; he always tried to play mathematically with the odds. Mum preferred to rely on her instincts; she called it ‘flair’. With this fundamental difference in styles, their arguments were legendary but they often made a very effective team, each compensating for the other’s weaknesses.
She had taught me to play cards when I was little. I understood ‘tricks’ and ‘trumps’ when my hands were still too small to hold thirteen cards at once. She moved me up from Whist to Bridge when I was eleven. She explained the mechanics of the bidding and the play, and then gave me a pile of her favourite books to read: Mollo & Gardener’s Card Play Technique; Eric Crowhurst’s Precision Bidding in Acol; and Hugh Kelsey’s Killing Defence at Bridge. I was fascinated and read them all from cover to cover – twice.
Soon I demanded the opportunity to play against proper opposition, and throughout my teen years I played most Saturday evenings with Mum and Fred. Our fourth was Dolly, Mum’s elderly maid of all work. She was a member of the same club and despite her age was feared and respected as a cunning and unpredictable player.
I never played there myself. Wednesday was a weeknight and the sessions finished too late when I had school in the morning. During the holidays I always seemed to be either away from home, revising for exams, or busy doing other things with my mates. My mother told me I wouldn’t enjoy it much anyway. Not many young people went there. Most of the other players were dozy old ladies or sharp, aggressive middle-aged men. She said the former were poor players and the latter were rude and unfriendly. I thought her assessment of her fellow Bridge fanatics said more about her than it did about them, or why would she be so keen to go every week? It didn’t bother me anyway; our Saturday evening games were enough for me.
But now I would be going to the club as Jennifer and partnering my mother. I dug out my books.
* * *
So that Wednesday I put on my best – i.e. least worst – dress. It was floral, as all my dresses seemed to be, and still more tent than garment, but I had come to accept that as inevitable, given my portliness. It was also low-cut, emphasising my humongous bust, but perhaps that would put some of the ‘aggressive middle-aged men’ off their game. I wore a lacy cardigan over it for decency’s sake.
Mum lent me a pearl necklace, some clip-on earrings, and a smarter handbag. I was getting used to carrying this ultimate feminine accessory but still didn’t like it much. Sharon helped me do a middle-aged lady’s evening make-up and hairstyle.
When I felt as ready as I was ever going to be, I went downstairs to meet my mother in the hall. I was early. While I waited for her, I continued to revise our bidding system.
“Well, you certainly look the part,” she said, when she finally appeared. She must have seen my anxious expression. “Don’t worry. Just remember to act like a lady and you’ll be fine. Everyone here says how good you are at being a woman. You can do this easily,” she added breezily.
In this mood she always reminded me of my primary school headmistress, a ‘jolly hockey sticks’ harridan in twin-set and pearls. She wouldn’t take no for an answer either.
I wasn’t much reassured. I followed her out to the car. As with most SUVs, the passenger seat was quite high. The combination of my weight and my tight shapewear made it quite a struggle to get in. I was also wearing my highest heels, which I wasn’t used to, as I always wore the sandals at home. I smoothed my dress down under me, turned sideways, stretched up, and flopped down in the seat like a beached whale. One of my shoes nearly came off, but I managed to catch it just in time.
“Not a great start, dear. Not very lady-like,” my mother complained, as I swung my legs round. “You’ll have to do better than that when you get out again. There might be lots of people in the car park.”
“I’m not worried about getting out,” I said. “I’ll have gravity on my side.”
“Well, just make sure you don’t fall over,” she said. “It would take four strong men to lift you up again.”
She sniggered. I may have complained about my mother’s sense of humour before…
“Very funny.” I was now engaged in a different struggle – fastening my seat belt. “I don’t think this strap is long enough to go all the way around me.”
“Of course, it is. You’re not adjusting it right.”
She leaned over to help me. With an effort she managed to slide the clip all the way to the end of its travel, which was just enough to get the belt round my enormous tummy. If I’d been any fatter, we would have had to get an extension to it. As it was, I had to arrange it between my boobs in a way that would surely have been very uncomfortable if they’d been real. I was getting a good picture of how difficult everyday life must be for a 260-lb woman.
The club met in the function hall of the local church and there was plenty of space in the adjoining car park. When my mother had brought the car to a halt and switched off the engine, I released the belt and opened the door, preparing to get out. With my current lack of agility, it seemed like a long way down from the car’s high seat to the ground. I slid out. I felt my dress, sticking to the plastic seat, ride up behind me. When I got my feet on the ground, I quickly brushed it down and made myself decent, but not before two men, getting out of their car next to ours, got a quick flash of my behind and a good view of my corset and stocking tops. As they made their way inside, they were chuckling quietly, as was my mother. I wobbled a little in my heels as we followed at a distance.
Inside the hall the women greatly outnumbered the men, and elderly women outnumbered younger ones. A couple of the less decrepit men were unfolding card tables and putting out chairs around them. An officious-looking woman was putting name slips and personal score cards on each table.
“That’s the Honourable Harriet Bairstow, the club secretary,” my mother said, out of the corner of her mouth. “She thinks she’s a good player, but she can barely count to thirteen if you ask me. She’s also a royal pain in the…”
At that moment she saw Dolly, who was just sitting down at one of the tables, and waved. We went over to join her. She was playing with Fred tonight. He hadn’t arrived yet so Dolly was occupying herself with her knitting, which she carried everywhere in her huge handbag.
As we made our way across the room, we exchanged friendly greetings with several people, most of whom gave me unashamedly curious glances. Mum had warned me that might happen. It wasn’t a large club and everyone knew everyone. A new face was always of interest. I smiled at one and all and tried to keep up with my mother. This wasn’t easy as she took long, confident strides, while I was stuck with my fatty’s waddle and little steps, to try and stay ‘lady-like’.
“You look wonderful, dear,” rasped Dolly. “Completely convincing.”
Many years of heavy smoking had all but destroyed her voice, which was barely audible over the clicking of her knitting needles. She knew how nervous I must be feeling and was trying to reassure me, unlike my no-nonsense mother, who had never had a moment’s nervousness in her life. I thanked Dolly warmly, and lowered my bulk into a dodgy-looking chair to her right. It groaned a little but held firm.
Fred arrived and joined us. My mother filled in the name slips. Apparently my last name was ‘Smith’. The four of us chatted quietly about Bridge while we waited for everyone else to take their seats. We would be playing a form of the game called ‘Duplicate Pairs’. The idea is to eliminate the luck of the cards as far as possible. This is achieved by everyone playing the same deals. The bidding and the play are conducted as in ordinary Rubber Bridge, except that the cards are not mixed together as each trick is played. The players lay the cards they play in a line on the table in front of them. When the deal is over, the score is agreed with the opponents and recorded. Then the cards, still in their respective sets of thirteen, are placed in separate slots in a special board.
At the end of each round, one of the pairs moves up to the next table and the boards that they played on that round are passed down to the table in the opposite direction. So each hand is played several times during the evening by different players and the scores compared at the end. In this way it doesn’t matter how good or bad the hands you have been dealt may be; what matters is how well you played them. For example, if you defeated a contract that was successful all the other times it was played, you would get a top score; or if you bid and made a slam that no one else had attempted, that would also earn you a top. You get two points for each pair you beat on a hand, and one point for each pair you tied with.
Like most clubs we also used bidding boxes. These devices are plastic boxes with two slots, each containing a set of bidding cards: one with thirty-five cards with symbols of bids, and the other with cards for the other calls – pass, double and redouble. Bidding boxes have several advantages over oral bidding: they reduce noise in the room; they prevent the bidding being overheard at neighbouring tables; they allow easier review of the auction if you have lost track; and they reduce the opportunity to pass unauthorised information to one’s partner (whether intentionally or not) by the manner and intonation in which one makes one’s bid. They were first used at the World Championships in 1970 because the Americans were fed up with losing to the brilliant Italians, who they assumed had to be cheating. (They weren’t – mostly.)
Some clubs – and ours was one such – have invested in an electronic scoring system. Instead of writing the score for a deal on a piece of paper, you enter it in an app on your phone. The score is then sent to a laptop over a wi-fi link. This means that the overall results are available as soon as the last board of the evening has been played.
Eventually the evening’s Tournament Director rose to start proceedings.
“Good evening, everyone,” he began. “We have nine tables tonight, so we’ll be playing a Mitchell movement with three boards a round.”
There were some groans from the older members as that meant we would be playing twenty-seven deals, and that would make for a long evening. As it was after half-past seven, we wouldn’t be finished till well after eleven. Refreshments were available throughout from the hall’s little kitchen, so we wouldn’t need to stop for a break.
With nine tables, there would be eight other pairs playing the same hands as us, so the top on each board would be sixteen points.
“Take your pair number from the table you’re starting at,” the TD continued.
Out of deference to Dolly’s age, Mum and I would move at the end of each round. That made us East-West pair 3. Fred and Dolly would be North-South pair 3 and would be stationary throughout.
“The boards have all been pre-dealt by computer as usual, so you can start to play as soon as you’re ready.”
There would normally be a lot more instructions, but everyone there was experienced with duplicate pairs. And so the evening began.
It went very well for us. We started against Fred and Dolly with two straightforward hands that would probably be average scores for both pairs, but on the third Dolly misguessed the location of a key queen and made a trick less than she could have. Others might do likewise, but I estimated that would be worth about 75% - twelve out of the sixteen points available. It’s wise to keep a running estimate of your score, so that you can decide how hard to press in the later stages.
The TD called for the first move. Fred, who as the North player did the scoring, passed the boards to Table 2. Mum and I gathered up our things and prepared to move to the East-West seats at Table 4.
“Don’t forget your handbag, Jennifer dear,” my mother said sharply.
She was right. I had picked up my pen and personal scorecard but forgotten the one item that a real woman would have been most careful about.
“Charlie, by the way,” Mum whispered.
This was the code we had agreed. At Bridge, it really helps to know the standard of the opposition. Everyone in the room was a stranger to me but my mother knew them all. Our next opponents, North-South at Table 4, were ‘Charlie’, that is ‘C’ standard. Liberties could be taken against such opposition, which Mum quickly demonstrated. The cards lay our way on the first hand of the round and she pushed to a horrible slam.
“I’d better take this before the rats get at it,” said the little old lady to my left, leading out her ace, and showing beyond doubt that Mum’s assessment of her ability was spot-on.
It was the only lead to let the awful contract make, and I quickly wrapped up the rest of the tricks with the aid of a finesse and some even breaks. I was happy to estimate 90% of the match points for that one, and that was conservative. Our opponents congratulated us, without seeming to notice how badly they had been robbed.
One of them asked me where I got my lovely dress. I realised they weren’t here for the intellectual challenge, but for the social chit-chat. I had no idea where my ugly floral tent had come from, so I smiled sweetly and told her it was very old and I couldn’t remember where I’d originally bought it. Female courtesy conventions required me to compliment her in return, so I told her how much I loved her hairdo, which was an interesting mixture of colours not found in nature.
The opponents played the next hand and their declarer miscounted trumps. We had to do nothing clever in defence to beat a contract that would be made by everyone else.
As the evening progressed my mother pronounced most of our opponents to be ‘Baker’ with a couple more ‘Charlies’. She didn’t push the boat out again quite as far as she had against the little old ladies at Table 4, but we made steady progress, and I reckoned we were in with a good chance of winning. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the game when things went right.
On the minus side, it was a constant strain to concentrate on the hands while having to chat to our opponents like a middle-aged lady with other middle-aged ladies; or put up with the rudeness and snide remarks of superior men who assumed I was just another dozy old biddy.
Constantly having to heave my plumpness into and out of the hard seats didn’t help either, and my feet were hurting in my unaccustomed high heels. Worse still, the weight of my prosthesis, combined with the tightness of my corset, pressed uncomfortably on my bladder. I had to make several embarrassing trips to the Ladies, a problem I fully intended to raise with my mother later. Well she said she wanted to know how the transformation made me feel.
“Handbag!” she hissed, as I got up for my third trip to the toilet at around twenty-past ten. “And don’t forget to check your make-up while you’re there.”
I realised I had left most of my lipstick on my coffee cup.
When I returned, Mum led me to Table 1 for the penultimate round. I was introduced to Harriet Bairstow and her meek-looking husband, George. It was immediately clear that Harriet and Mum didn’t like each other much.
“We’re always glad to welcome visitors here,” George said cheerfully, clearly unaware of the hostility between my partner and his.
I smiled and said hello. Harriet looked as though any friend of Ingrid’s would be an enemy of hers until proven otherwise. I took an instant dislike to her too, but that might have been because she was slim and expensively dressed, while I was neither (especially not slim). Internally I wondered at my reaction. Being ungainly and overweight, any woman might be jealous of someone as elegant as Harriet, but why would I feel that way? After all, I knew my flab was fake, though I found myself forgetting that more and more. Was Jennifer taking me over? Was I getting used to being a middle-aged fat lady? Something else to discuss with my mother later.
The first two boards against the Bairstows were uneventful. They bid and made game, probably average-minus for us; then we bid and made game, hopefully average-plus. The third board was much more competitive.
I had a decent balanced hand. I reached for the One Heart card in my bidding box. George overcalled One Spade. My mother bid Two Spades. As we would rarely want to play in a suit the opponents had bid, we used this ‘cue bid’ to show a sound raise of partner’s suit. Good, that confirmed that we had the majority of the high cards and the hand belonged to us.
Harriet put down the red Double card to show her partner that she had Spade support.
I put down the bidding cards for Three Hearts. This was the weakest call I could make; a pass would have transferred the decision to my partner and would have been at least an invitation to continue. I was near minimum with no useful distributional values.
George passed, as did my mother showing that she had nothing extra either.
Harriet bid Three Spades, putting the cards down crisply and confidently.
Well I knew what to do to that, and I certainly didn’t want Mum to bid Four Hearts. Out came my red Double card.
It was a massacre. My mother led a trump. Knowing we had the majority of the high cards, she realised it was important to cut down ruffs in dummy. We led trumps every time we were on lead and poor George finished three down, more than game our way would have been worth even if we had bid and made it, which we weren’t going to. Harriet was furious.
“What did you have?” she screamed at her unfortunate partner, though having watched the play with ever-increasing fury, she would have known by now if she was a decent player.
“King, Queen, Ten to five Spades and an outside Ace,” I murmured absently, having been working out his hand myself. “But the cards lay badly for you…”
It was a perfectly reasonable one-level overcall. Harriet had been worth a raise to Two Spades – just – but no more, and she had shown that by her Double. Her Three Spades bid was what sank their ship.
She looked daggers at me but quickly turned back to berating George. My mother caught my eye. She frowned and shook her head, almost imperceptibly. She was quite right. It was bad form to get involved in the opponents’ combative post mortem.
My mother was gloating quietly to herself as we moved for the last round. “I knew that would happen,” she said quietly, when there was no chance of being overheard over Harriet’s railing at her husband. “She hates being outbid.”
“It was a bit lucky to play her on that deal then,” I said. “It could have been tailor-made to exploit her weakness.”
We grinned at each other, which would have been a touching mother-son moment, except that at the moment I looked more like her fat younger sister than her offspring. When we reached Table 2, and my mother saw the opposition, she muttered ‘Able’ sotto voce to me for the first time. The good-looking older gentleman in the North seat introduced himself as Alf. His partner, Colin, was his son. Colin was only a little older than me – that is, than Steve – though obviously I – that is, Jennifer – had to pretend to be old enough to be his mother.
“A pleasure to meet you, gentlemen,” I said. “And it’s so nice to see someone of your age playing with all us old duffers,” I said to Colin, who greeted my matronly comments with a stony look.
If these two were really ‘A’ class, we would have to be on our mettle. Three bad boards against them could cost us first place, although they would probably have inflicted equal damage on all the other East-West pairs too.
The first deal was a straightforward game in no-trumps with nine easy tricks, no more, no less; bound to be average. On the second hand, Colin pre-empted on a long weak suit, but Mum and I had no difficulty reaching our game, which was easy to make, knowing so much about Colin’s hand from his bid. I tried to estimate how many tricks Colin would make if we had simply doubled his Three Hearts for penalties. I thought his sacrifice would have cost less than the value of our game, so the board was probably average-plus for us.
On the last hand of the evening my mother got carried away again. I was strong enough to open and then stretched a little to jump the bidding on my long spade suit. Mum had a powerhouse, so I soon found myself in another slam; a grand, this time, Seven Spades. I needed all the tricks. Colin led a trump, the standard lead against a grand slam, trying not to give anything away.
When dummy went down, I saw that this was a much better contract than the earlier small slam, being no worse than finding the king of diamonds in Alf’s hand on my right, or an even break in the Heart suit.
I looked for extra chances. I drew trumps, cashed the Ace of Clubs and ruffed a club. Then I crossed to dummy with the Ace of Hearts and ruffed another club. Nothing good happened there; dummy’s Jack wasn’t a winner. Before testing the hearts or taking the critical finesse, I decided to run the rest of my long suit.
Colin usually played quickly. He flicked his cards out of his hand with an audible snap, and tossed them down on the table with an air of authority. No doubt he thought this affectation would intimidate us middle-aged ladies, and we’d make mistakes through our nervousness. Good thing I only looked like a middle-aged lady.
Nevertheless, he had an insufferable air of smugness, as though he knew the contract was going down. So I was very much afraid he had the crucial king over my ace and queen. But as I reached the end of the Spade suit, his discarding had slowed down considerably and he was looking increasingly uncomfortable.
It wasn’t hard to see why. I had kept all three of dummy’s remaining hearts, two of which were winners. They were on his left. If he had started with four or more hearts and also had the king of diamonds, as I suspected, the last spade would squeeze him. He would either have to let a heart go, establishing the small one in dummy, or bare his king.
On the last spade he reluctantly threw a diamond, as I thought he would. I discarded dummy’s last club. If I was right, he now held three hearts to the jack and the diamond king alone. If he was as good a player as he thought he was, he would have seen this position coming and bared the king smoothly earlier on. With no reason to suspect the odds-against squeeze had succeeded, I would cross to dummy and take the losing finesse into his stiff king.
I took the two remaining top hearts. Colin followed throughout but Alf discarded on the last one. So Colin definitely started with four and had the master jack left. But was his other card the diamond king? I would look silly if Alf had it all along! After all, I now knew that he had begun with five diamonds to Colin’s three, so the odds were that Alf had the crucial king…
But you have to follow your instincts, don’t you? I called for dummy’s diamond, Alf followed low, and I… played the ace. With hatred in his eyes, Colin dropped the king, and I tossed the now winning queen on the table to claim the grand slam.
“What made you play the ace?” Colin asked rudely. “You must have known Dad had more diamonds than me.”
“Female intuition,” I said sweetly.
“Well played, partner,” my mother said, for what I think were the first words of praise she had given me that year, or pretty much any year.
“Yes, indeed,” smiled Alf, graciously. (He did have a lovely smile, I – that is, Jennifer – noticed, and he was quite handsome for a gentleman in his fifties.) “But you did rather give the game away there, old son,” he continued, chuckling.
He was a good sport and appreciated competent card play, which was probably a rarity at this club. He entered the score. Colin had gone very red.
That board had taken a while to play, for obvious reasons, and ours was the last table to finish. The other players, who had all finished before us, were happily discussing the evening’s hands and making quite a hubbub. I hadn’t noticed the noise, having been concentrating on the play.
I remembered to pick up my handbag and thanked our opponents. Then we returned to Table 3 where Fred and Dolly were waiting for us.
“Any good?” Fred asked.
“Not bad,” my mother said, with her usual indifference. “Jennifer made a grand slam on a squeeze and a good guess on the last board.”
‘Good card reading’, I think she meant.
“Gosh!” said Dolly appreciatively. “Well done, you!”
“As soon as I discovered the layout of the hearts I knew the contract could be made as long as I could guess who had the king of diamonds,” I explained. “If Alf had it I could finesse; if young Colin had it, he would be squeezed down to the singleton king. Fortunately he didn’t see the squeeze coming and he made the situation obvious…”
“‘Young Colin’?” laughed Fred. “He’s older than you!”
“Don’t be silly, Frederick!” I said. “I’m old enough to be his mother!”
Everyone laughed at that, even Mum. Well, her mouth turned upwards at the corners a little.
Dolly lowered her voice, though its hoarseness rendered her attempts at secrecy unnecessary. “We middle-aged fat ladies can still have fun, can’t we?” she said, and winked.
She had obviously overheard me complaining about my condition earlier in the week. I was amused that she still thought of herself as ‘middle-aged’. She was seventy, if she was a day.
“I have the results,” announced the TD. Everyone fell silent. “The winners North-South with 57.5% are Alf and Colin Morris.”
Everyone clapped briefly. I was glad the last board hadn’t cost Alf the top spot.
“The winners East-West with a truly magnificent 71.8% are Ingrid Jones and our visitor, Jennifer Smith.”
The applause was much longer and louder.
We got up to leave. I would need to visit the Ladies again soon. As I struggled to my feet, Alf came over to congratulate us.
“A great pleasure, Jennifer,” he said, taking my hand. “I do hope we’ll see you again. Colin could do with a few more lessons like tonight.”
He was charming. I smiled. Then, still holding my hand, he drew me aside. He lowered his voice, and when he was sure no one else could hear, continued, “You know, my dear, my late wife was a fuller-figured lady too. You are undoubtedly the most beautiful – and sexiest – lady I have met since she passed. Could I persuade you to have dinner with me one evening soon?”
My God! How the hell did this happen? Blushing like mad, I explained that I was flattered but I was only visiting Ingrid for a week or so, and my time was fully committed.
He sighed. “Oh well, you can’t blame a fellow for trying.” Then he shocked me by winking and actually kissing my hand! “Faint heart never won fair lady,” he said.
Fair lady – me? At my size? Clearly there was no accounting for taste.
Jennifer’s heart was all a-flutter within me as we made our way to the car park. Dolly and my mother were giggling like elderly schoolgirls, which was completely out of character for Mum.
“Alf is a widower, by the way,” she said. “Colin’s mother passed away a couple of years ago. Breast cancer. Very sad.”
“I’m sure we could arrange to get the two of you together,” added Dolly, with a twinkle in her eye.
“Yes, there’s a mixed pairs event at the club next week,” said Fred. “Alf will be looking for a partner.”
For a moment I was tempted. Then I mentally slapped myself. What was I thinking? It would be tantamount to a date! I put it down to enjoying fooling people with my impersonation. Not everyone could play a person of a different age, sex, and size so convincingly.
Yes, that must be it.
* * *
I served out the remainder of my sentence as Jennifer, without my mother forcing me to make any further public appearances. Strangely, I got used to being a fat lady, and realised I might actually miss my shapewear, tent dresses, stockings, make-up, and wigs in various colours and styles. On my last night I asked Mum if we could go out for dinner to a restaurant where no one would know us. I wouldn’t have minded a second visit to the Bridge Club, but it was a needless risk.
It was a lovely evening. I was dolled up to the nines and I attracted some appreciative glances from male diners, despite my excessive bulk. I realised that we fat women can still be attractive to the opposite sex, if we make an effort.
My mother complimented me on my performance. We talked about my experiences as Milly and Jennifer, and I accepted they hadn’t been all bad. I also told her how the perfection of the disguise had an unexpected effect. I had found myself actually becoming Milly and Jennifer to some extent. I admitted I would miss them both. Mum looked quite thoughtful after that. No doubt she was wondering how she could exploit it in her marketing efforts.
In any case she made me pose for some photographs in lots of different clothes, wigs and make-up. I didn’t mind, as long as I couldn’t be recognised as Steve. It was actually quite fun.
My prosthesis held up for the whole of the two weeks, but Mum didn’t object to me removing it so I could go off to Newquay with my mates for the last week of August. The bonus she had promised proved to be surprisingly generous. I could now afford surfboard rental and lessons too. I could also have afforded to buy my rounds, except that I couldn’t convince any of the pub landlords that I was eighteen.
* * *
So now we knew we could photograph people with our high-speed, high-definition cameras; produce perfect 3D models of them in the computer; match them against their desired shapes; and produce perfect prostheses for their transformation.
As Vera had predicted, she, Sharon and my mother were soon inundated with customers old and new. Mum even had to take on a receptionist and a secretary to deal with enquiries and handle clients.
She remodelled most of the first floor to provide hotel-style accommodation for up to four clients whose transformations needed an overnight stay. Two local girls came in every day to keep the rooms clean and look after the guests. We also extended the kitchens and hired catering staff.
Soon there was call for additional services, such as training in feminine movement, which led to a lot more work for Alice Parr. Of course, all our staff were made aware that discretion was paramount. No one apart from my mother would ever know the real identities of any of our clients and even she always used their new names.
Business boomed.
Appendix – Jennifer’s Squeeze
Here is the hand on which Jennifer made a Grand Slam in Spades against Alf and Colin:
The bidding:
(1) Conventional – asking for aces
(2) Two aces plus the Queen of trumps (Spades)
The end position: when Jennifer leads her last spade, Colin is squeezed down to the singleton King of Diamonds. Declarer still has a guess: did Alf always have the key King or has Colin been squeezed? Jennifer guessed correctly because of Colin’s initial air of confidence, and his obvious increasing discomfort as he is forced to make five discards on the run of the Spade suit.
Annie and her Granny
By Susannah Donim
Steve’s mother runs the secretive Transformations consultancy. This means he has a number of interesting jobs over the years.
Chapter 3 – A Few More Little Jobs for Mother
Transformations has developed some new, even more interesting technology, and of course a test subject is needed.
I didn’t have to endure any more testing after my last day as Jennifer. My mother was satisfied with the quality of the new prosthetics and the 3D printing process that produced them. I had thoroughly enjoyed helping Fred with the software for the photographic processing, and the experience had proved invaluable. In fact, I’ve worked with him through most of my summer holidays ever since (fortunately without having to be a test subject again).
Two years later I did well enough in my A levels to get a place at Cambridge to read Computer Science, and Fred’s patient teaching made my university course easy. So now, at the end of my second year, I had come home as soon as I could get away, expecting to work with him for most of the long vacation. This would count as ‘work experience’ for my degree course.
* * *
Very early on my mother had converted one of the first-floor rooms into a staff common room and instituted the tradition of morning coffee and afternoon tea. She found this was a great way of getting the various specialists to exchange ideas. It seemed to work well.
After finishing unpacking, I made my way downstairs. When I got there, Dolly was just wheeling the trolley in, immaculate as ever in her maroon polyester uniform and apron. She still worked in the kitchens and was a key member of the cleaning staff, although she mostly stuck to vacuuming and dusting now, as she had difficulty bending down low. She was our oldest and longest-serving staff member and was well past normal retirement age. She was medium height with only a slight stoop, but she moved slowly due to her age and considerable girth. Everyone liked her and as far as I knew she had very little else in her life beyond her granddaughter and her work with us. My mother said there would be a job for her here for as long as she wanted one. She had been especially supportive when my father left us, though I could barely remember those dark days.
“Oh hello, dear,” she said when she saw me. “Ingrid didn’t mention she was expecting you today.”
She started unloading side plates and cakes onto the long table against the wall.
“No, I decided to leave early. There was nothing to keep me there after exams. I’m not a rower and I wasn’t going to a May Ball.”
“Oh, what happened to that girl you liked? What was her name?”
“Rachel. It didn’t work out.”
My so-called girlfriend had started seeing a graduate rugby player behind my back. He was solid muscle and about a foot taller than me, so I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised. He was doing Land Economy or something; one of those strange courses that seem to be reserved for postgraduates on mysterious scholarships, purely to strengthen a sports team for the annual varsity match against Oxford. Not everyone at Cambridge is a genius.
“I never promised we were exclusive, you know,” Rachel had said.
Well I had wanted it to be exclusive, and I thought she did too.
“That’s a shame,” Dolly said. A bright idea seemed to occur to her. “You should meet my granddaughter, Annie. You’ll like her. She’s just started working with your mother. She’s moved in with me until she finds her own place in the area.”
“That would be nice,” I said, with a totally bogus smile. The last thing I needed just at the moment was a blind date arranged by Dolly. I was sure her Annie would feel the same way.
I took a cup of tea and a Chelsea bun and sat down in an armchair with that morning’s Times. A couple of other people I knew wandered in and came over to say hello.
“Hey, stranger!” said Sharon. She gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. “How did your exams go?”
“Not too bad. I’m probably OK for a 2:1.”
“That means he’s walked a First,” said Vera through a mouthful of fruit scone, “like last year. But why are you back already? Shouldn’t you be boozing and womanising till the end of term?”
Overhearing that, Dolly caught my eye from over by the tea trolley and tutted sadly. I explained about Rachel.
“Aww, never mind, love,” said Sharon. “There are plenty more fish in the sea. Hey, you should meet Dolly’s granddaughter. She’s working for your Mum now, and she’s lovely.”
At that moment, right on cue, my mother walked in. She was talking animatedly to the prettiest girl I had seen for quite a while. Mum saw me and waved.
“Steven! How lovely!” she said. “I didn’t expect you for a couple of weeks.” A cloud came over her face. “You haven’t been thrown out, have you?”
“Of course, he hasn’t!” said Vera. “He just couldn’t wait to come home and start working for you and Fred again.”
I reassured her and explained about Rachel for the third time in ten minutes. She commiserated.
“So I thought I might as well come home. My tutor waived the residency requirement, saying I could make it up next term. She knew I had a summer job to go to, one which was related to my course.” I grinned. “I didn’t mention that I would be working for my mother, and that the job would have waited.”
At that point the girl she came in with made her way over to us carrying two cups of tea.
“Here you are, Ingrid,” she said, giving one to my mother.
“Thank you, dear. Annie, I’ve told you about my son, Steven, haven’t I? Steven, this is Annie. She’s just joined us. She’ll be working with me on some exciting new projects. Her speciality is stage make-up and facial prosthetics. We’re hoping that you and Fred will sort out the programs for 3D printing…”
“You’re breaking your own rule, Ingrid,” said Fred, who had just come up behind her. “No shop talk at tea break. I’ll tell Steve all about it when he actually starts work.” He turned to me. “How are you, kiddo? Great to see you. You’re looking fit. College life obviously agrees with you. How’s that girl of yours? Rachel, wasn’t it?”
He sensed everyone looking daggers at him.
“What? What did I say?”
Without me noticing, Vera and Sharon had slipped away quietly, and Fred and my mother went over to get some cake and talk to Dolly, so somehow I found myself alone with Annie. We soon found we had a lot in common. She had just finished her degree course in Theatrical Arts at London, and was also waiting for her results. So she was a year ahead of me, but we were the same age because I had taken a gap year and she hadn’t.
Despite the ‘no shop talk’ rule (which everyone but Fred ignored anyway) we soon found ourselves talking about the business. I explained that I had helped write the software for our unique 3D imaging and printing.
“Fred’s the creative genius, of course,” I admitted, “I just helped with the coding, but I’m hoping I can be more useful now.”
“Fred’s great,” she said. “I really like him…” She paused. “If I’m not being too nosey… What is he to you and Ingrid?”
“Well, it’s complicated…” I began.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have intruded.”
“No, no, it’s OK,” I hastened to reassure her. “You should know, if you’re going to work here. There’s quite enough secrecy as it is, and you’re Dolly’s granddaughter, so you’re practically family, aren’t you?” She smiled. “It’s like this. The house and grounds belong to my father. It’s one of those ‘entailed’ estates, passed down strictly through the male line.”
“What – like in Pride and Prejudice? I thought that would be illegal by now.”
“I don’t think so… it’s still exactly like in Jane Austen’s time. So, when my father dies it will all come to me, as the eldest, actually only son. Not that I expect to change anything. The business makes good money, according to my mother, and these old houses are expensive to run. Anyway there’s not much of the original estate left. Most of the land has been sold off to pay taxes and so on. I don’t know if I’ll work here after I graduate, but I’ll keep it just as it is for as long as my mother still wants to run her business from here.”
“But where’s your father?”
“He left us when I was little. I hardly remember him. At first, after he moved out, he would come and visit at weekends, but gradually his visits became less and less frequent until they stopped altogether. As far as I know, he’s still alive – well, he must be or I would have been contacted by the solicitors or whoever when I turned eighteen. I think my mother knows where he is and how to reach him, but she’s kept it from me. I’ve asked her many times but she won’t budge.”
“She’s quite a strong character, your mother,” she said, with a twinkle in her eye.
“Oh, you’ve noticed?” I smiled. “When Dad moved out, he took nothing with him, she says, and he gave her exclusive use of the estate, with Power of Attorney and everything.” I took a breath. “Fred was his best friend, and Dad asked him to look after Mum and me. And he did, in every way but one. He’s been a substitute father to me, but he’s gay, so of course…”
She caught her breath. “Oh I didn’t realise…”
“No, he doesn’t advertise, or practise much, as far as I know. He keeps a couple of rooms upstairs for when he’s working late, but he doesn’t actually live here, and he never brings anyone back. So, I have no idea what he gets up to in the evenings and weekends, or holidays.”
“What about the business? How did that start?”
“Mum set it up. She had some experience in disguises, make-up, and so on. Come to think of it, she’s never told me what she did to learn all that. I think being secretive comes naturally to her. It can be quite annoying. Later Fred had the idea of using 3D imaging and printing to make much more convincing prosthetics. We started doing that four years ago.”
No need for her to know the role – roles – I played in getting that going.
“Well, thanks for telling me all that.”
“That’s OK. You’re easy to talk to.”
I swore I was off the fair sex for the summer after Rachel, but…
“If you want to talk some more, I’m free on Saturday night…?”
She was, and we did – that Saturday and every chance we had that summer.
* * *
The following Monday morning I was pleased to have been invited to sit in on the regular weekly meeting of the Transformations senior staff. Annie saved me a place next to her. Fred was there of course. The other attendees included Vera, Sharon and Alice Parr, the only member of staff apart from my mother who used her surname with customers. She maintained that having to call her ‘Miss Parr’ ensured her students treated her with respect. Mind you, I had no idea whether it was her real name, or even whether she was married or not.
My mother used her maiden name, McLaughlin, at work. No client ever knew our family name, ‘Jones’, which she used everywhere else. She strode in at ten o’clock on the dot.
“Morning, everyone,” she called above the chatter.
A respectful silence fell. It was like being back at school and my mother was the headmistress.
“As you all know, we’re very good at body prosthetics,” she began, “and that’s fine for clients who aren’t too concerned about being recognised. So far, the majority of our business has been concerned with helping men disguise themselves and live as women. Often they have no need to change their features – either they don’t care if they’re recognised, or they will be living in an environment where they won’t encounter their family or old friends at all. So giving them a new female physique, plus hair and make-up, is often sufficient.
“But the face is obviously a very important part of any transformation,” my mother continued. “Many clients have features which are too obviously masculine to make convincing women.”
She was looking pointedly in my direction as she said this, presumably because it wasn’t a problem with me, Mr Blanditty Bland.
“The point is that many men have quite acceptably feminine faces. That’s why female-to-male transsexuals rarely need surgery to give them squarer jaws or stronger foreheads. They can get away with having feminine features, whereas transwomen with strong masculine faces have great difficulty living in role. Male-to-females often need surgery to pass. The best surgeons begin with a lower and mid-level facelift, to smooth away masculine, middle-aged jowls and produce more youthful, plumper, feminine cheeks. Next, they do a brow-lift, which also smooths out any masculine groove between the eyebrows. Then they will usually reshape the nose to make it smaller and rounder. Finally, they shorten the distance between the nose and upper lip, lifting the lip and making it fuller. That, by the way, is both the simplest and the most feminising procedure of all.
“If everything works, there will be no need for implants, fillers, or Botox, but the surgery is still painful and expensive. We can mimic most of that with our facial prosthetics. It’s not a permanent solution obviously, but it’s a good first step, enabling a client to live as a convincing female for long enough to be sure that full SRS is what he wants. Also, many of our clients have begun to ask whether we can disguise them so that they are unrecognisable in their new lives. We believe we can address both requirements by providing facial prosthetics which completely change the features.”
She paused. I appreciated this overview of the Transformations services, though presumably her longer-serving staff knew most of it already. But I could tell by the reactions round the room that what she said next was completely new to everybody.
“It should also be possible to make a client look like somebody else, which would be very exciting,” she said, with dramatic understatement.
“To make them look like another person, you mean?” I said. “Someone… real?”
“Yes,” she said, annoyed at being interrupted. “I intend to offer such a service as soon as possible, and that is why I am delighted that Annie has joined us.”
Smiles all round, and a smattering of applause. Everyone had met Annie by now, and her obvious enthusiasm and sunny disposition were already proving popular.
“You all know her qualifications, and as she develops her designs, she will be working closely with all of us. Fred, where are we with the new equipment for capturing details of the head and face? Did you talk to the chap that Daisy mentioned?”
“Yes, that was Josh at MoCap Studios in Bath. We need images of the shape of the head, the contours of the face, and the texture of the skin, in very fine detail. Josh reckoned the best way to capture what we need for 3D printing would be to use the same system they use for motion capture. Each tiny sensor transmits a signal to a receiver on a nearby computer, which can register its position relative to a reference plane to a thousandth of a millimetre. With all of those readings our software could construct a very accurate wireframe 3D image of the model’s head and face.”
Some of his audience looked confused.
“But why do we need motion capture sensors?” asked Vera, voicing all our thoughts. “Our subjects will keep still while we record them, won’t they? We’re not going to start making films, are we?”
Fred hurried to explain.
“MoCap use CGI for rejuvenating or aging an actor’s face, or for turning him into an alien or a monstrous version of himself. In this way, when he smiles, say, all the laugh lines, wrinkles and dimples move on the movie creature’s face precisely as they do on the actor’s real face. We need the same, but for a real-life model, as we can’t correct our errors in post-production. The sensors Josh recommends are a bit more expensive than any alternatives but they’re by far the most accurate. They will send continuous real-time signals to the receiver, so we can see how the disguised version of the face on the computer screen moves and changes as the model’s expression changes. We believe that will give us the information we need to make the necessary prostheses using our usual 3D printing techniques. We can also use the sensors for other purposes, like animating the images for advertising, and so on.”
Not that we actually advertised as such, but we did put out an online newsletter to our regular clients, and encouraged them to forward it to any of their friends and contacts who they thought might be interested.
“What about the software?” I asked.
“The sensor manufacturers bundle data capture software with the product,” Fred said. “We just have to customise the interface to the 3D printer.”
“Which we’ve done before,” I said.
“Indeed. It will be a little different, but much of the basic processing will use the same modules as the torso imaging. They calculate the variances between the client’s head and face and the proposed disguise.” He turned to my mother. “I’m going to ask Steve to work with Annie for the last part. That will be to build the 3D model of the client’s head, and print the prosthetic pieces needed to change the face to the desired new features.”
That would be great! I would be working closely with Annie all summer.
“Do you have any concerns from what you’ve heard, Annie?” my mother asked.
“Only that when it comes to making facial prosthetics to make you look like another real person, there are limits,” she said. “We can make prosthetics to duplicate another person’s features. We can stretch thin layers of imitation skin over wrinkles to hide them and make you look younger – up to a point, anyway – and we can add latex wrinkles to make you look older; but there’s not much you can do if the shapes of the two people’s skulls are too different. Also, you can’t disguise big disparities in their facial architectures; for example, if your eyes are significantly closer together than theirs, or if the distances between the brow and nose, or the nose and mouth, are too different. If you have a small nose we can make it bigger, but not vice versa; or we can elongate a short chin to match someone else with a long one, but we can’t do the reverse. That would all take major surgery.”
My mother was nodding.
“Yes, all good points. There will always be limitations of that nature; I see that. Thank you, Annie.”
“And of course, the MoCap technology can’t always be used for making you look like another person, can it?” I said. Some of the group looked blank. “Well, sometimes we won’t be able to get our target in here to attach our little sensors to them, will we? Sometimes we’ll need to be able to work from photos, or even just a description.”
“Yes, I think we all understand that, Steven,” my mother said, a little tetchily, I thought.
“Perhaps we could hire a police sketch artist, part-time,” I said, not altogether seriously.
“The plan is to gradually build up a database of skull types and facial architectures,” said Fred. “Then when we only have a photograph to work from, we can try superimposing the features on the three or four best fits from the database, until we get as close as we can.”
“But first we have to get as many complete images online as possible,” Mum added. “That means everyone here will be subjected to the process; also any of our clients who are willing to help; and anyone else we can think of, short of pulling people in off the street. We still have to maintain our privacy.”
“You first though, kiddo,” said Fred amiably. “We only have you for a few weeks before you go back to college. Besides, you’re used to being our primary test subject, aren’t you?”
I shushed him as surreptitiously as I could. I’d rather Annie not find out about Milly and Jennifer and how I spent that summer four years ago.
* * *
At our first planning session Annie and I agreed that we would each spend a few days researching. She already knew a lot about theatrical make-up, masks, wigs and so on from her course, but she would investigate further, especially regarding the materials required. Fred would need to know whether the fluid plastic he used in the 3D printer for prosthetics would work for face pieces, or whether he would have to go back to his German supplier for something new.
Meanwhile I would investigate facial recognition techniques, which we agreed would be the basis of the photographic processing. The principles would be the same as for 3D modelling of the torso, except that many more reference points would be needed, each corresponding to one of the little motion capture sensors. The 3D model of the face and skull would then be constructed by ‘joining the dots’ again.
The requirement for more ‘dots’ meant we would need to process much greater volumes of data, faster. The computers would have to be upgraded for that, which Fred was understandably excited about.
My mother also invited Annie and me to sit in on some of her client interviews, so that we could begin to get a feel for what she had to deal with. The most common problem was that most male customers were bigger and broader than women of the same height, but it was hard to get them to accept that they would only make convincing women if they let us pad them out – a lot, in some cases. Sometimes it took all her diplomatic skills to persuade them that they were never going to be Angelina Jolie. The fair ship, HMS Petite, had sailed for most of them long ago. If they wanted to be convincing, Hattie Jacques was more likely to be their future.
I didn’t get to see many of these client interviews in the end. For some reason, most of the clients didn’t mind Annie sitting in with my mother, but they didn’t feel comfortable with a man watching them spill their innermost desires. Mum offered to help me resurrect Milly or Jennifer so I could join in, but I passed.
* * *
Outside work Annie and I were inseparable. We spent our evenings – and nights – together whenever we could. My mother was quite relaxed about Annie pottering around the flat at all hours and in various states of undress. I was a little surprised by this, but I suppose I shouldn’t have been. Mum was many things – most of them disagreeable – but she certainly wasn’t a prude. My bedroom door had a lock on it, but we were never disturbed anyway.
Annie gradually took over my second wardrobe and chest of drawers. I moved the clothes I wore least often into what I still thought of as ‘Milly and Jennifer’s Room’. Annie asked me how it came to be known as that. Before I could scrape up an answer that was neither embarrassing nor a lie, my mother said they were lodgers we once had, which I suppose was sort of true. It was another example of her ability to find shades of grey.
Annie rarely invited me back to her grandmother’s house, although Dolly must have known we were sleeping together. In fact, I’m pretty sure she was pleased, and keen to take the credit for matchmaking. She certainly continued to greet us both at tea and coffee breaks with a smile and a laugh.
I was definitely falling in love with Annie, but I didn’t say so. I don’t know if she felt the same way; I didn’t dare ask in my insecurity. Rachel must have hurt me more than I thought. Or maybe I was just being stupidly male.
At work Fred was now delegating more sophisticated tasks to me as my knowledge and confidence grew. I also lightened his load by taking over managing the network, which was always a chore. But progress on the new prosthetic systems was slow. Annie would soon need access to the computer models Fred and I were developing, but we were finding the motion capture sensors a pig to calibrate. The problem was with the reference plane which refused to settle and stabilise if the subject moved. In the end it was easiest to provide a set of clamps to hold the head still. After that we started to make progress.
* * *
One day, mindful that my mother was not the most sensitive parent on the planet (to say the least) Fred asked me how I was doing, personally.
“It’s great to see you and Annie together,” he said kindly. “Are you over that Rachel girl?”
“Rachel who?”
He laughed.
“By the way, Fred,” I began, “how do you feel about this new venture – providing impersonation as well as transformation?”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, the more I think about it, the less I like it. If it works, a client could impersonate anyone whose photograph he could produce for us to work from. How many legitimate uses could there be for that? I can think of maybe two: the personal security business and the ‘look-alikes’ trade.”
Fred said nothing. I took his silence as encouragement to continue.
“A professional bodyguard could disguise himself as the client and act as a decoy for kidnappers or assassins. I suppose the look-alike business is OK, as long as it’s done for entertainment only, not for deception; but the whole point of the technology is that it should genuinely be good enough to deceive. It will probably be too expensive and laborious for just a party or a prank.”
Fred was nodding.
“Meanwhile the applications of truly convincing impersonation technology for the purposes of fraud – or worse – are too many to count.”
“Have you talked to your mother about this?”
“I tried to, but she wasn’t interested. She just repeated that she never lets her clients reveal their motives for using our services, and what we don’t know can’t hurt us. She’s like an arms manufacturer. She only makes the bombs; she doesn’t drop them on anybody.”
He winced at my metaphor but didn’t argue.
“To be honest, it’s been bothering me too,” he said, “but I’m not sure what to do about it. You know how difficult it is to get your mother to change her mind. She’s just like Margaret Thatcher was – always convinced she’s right.”
Neither of us had anything further to say. Having shared my concerns, I stopped worrying. I would be spending the whole summer with Annie…
* * *
“That’s not too tight, is it?”
Annie was screwing in the clamps which would hold my head still.
“No, it’s fine… owww!”
“Sorry,” she said, unscrewing the left clamp slightly.
She and Fred had spent half an hour sticking little micro-sensors to my skin. They were all over my head, face and neck. I looked like I had the worst case of acne in history.
“Just try moving your head a little,” called Fred from the workstation on the other side of the room.
I did, without success.
“OK,” he continued, “I think we’re all set. The reference plane is fixed and nothing happened when you tried to move. When I say ‘go’, you can begin.”
Annie had found something for me to read which she hoped would exercise all the muscles in my face. As my head movements were now severely restricted, she had rigged up a sort of lectern and put one of my favourite books on it, opening it at an especially good bit.
“Just relax, Steve. Read out loud and try to make all the appropriate expressions to reflect the story,” she said. “Laugh and smile at the funny parts; frown where it’s sad; and so on. We need it to be natural – don’t pull funny faces – but we want you to use all your facial muscles, if possible. Then, when we stick prosthetic pieces on you to make you look like someone else, they’ll fit the contours of your face perfectly and move naturally with all the lines and creases.”
“I get it,” I said, and began reading.
It was an extract from Terry Pratchett’s Witches Abroad. I tried to react as much as possible to Terry’s fabulous prose. It wasn’t difficult. Granny Weatherwax always made me laugh – and cry. Annie turned the pages for me as if the book was a musical score and I was a concert pianist. After about fifteen minutes my face was starting to ache. If I didn’t have any wrinkles before, I was pretty sure I would now. Eventually Fred told me I could stop.
“Processing the raw data will take about an hour,” he said. “I need a break.”
So we went upstairs to the lounge and sat with cups of coffee and chocolate digestives.
“Fred said you’ve been a test subject before?” Annie asked.
Fred had discreetly picked up a copy of the day’s paper and taken a seat over by the window. He was having a go at the crossword.
“Yes,” I admitted. “My mother says I have a nondescript face. Perfect for experimenting on.”
“That’s a bit unkind!”
“Par for the course for her, but she meant that I should be easy to transform. Most people can’t remember what I look like when I’m me, so how would they see through a disguise?”
“That’s not fair,” she said loyally. “You have a very handsome face.”
“You’re too kind, and may be biased,” I said, hopefully. “The point is, you should be able to make me look like just about anyone, with the right prosthetic additions.”
“Well, up to a point yes, but we still couldn’t make you look like someone with extreme features.”
“Do you and Mum have someone in mind then?”
“Well, yes we do, actually, and it should be easy.”
She looked a little embarrassed. When she told me, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
* * *
The test on my data went well. It was spooky to watch the wireframe, skeletal 3D model of my head slowly revolving on Fred’s monitor.
“That’s the basic frame,” he said. “Now I’ll fill in the flesh.”
He clicked his mouse. The figure stopped revolving and gradually the software filled in the spaces between the lines with curved skin-coloured panels. Fred smoothed any remaining sharp edges.
Annie squealed with delight. “That’s amazing!”
“It is quite impressive, isn’t it?” Fred said. “But I haven’t finished yet.”
The figure was easily recognisable as me, but it was a little… off. I struggled to work out quite why.
“This module fills in the spaces using generic colours and textures,” Fred explained. “Now I’ll download detail from the stored photographs we have of you. The program will then paint over the image with your actual skin colours. It will add all your blemishes too, Spotty!”
Annie laughed. I protested.
“That must be an old photo you’re using,” I said. “My adolescent acne cleared up two years ago!”
Fred had been teasing. He brought up a recent high-resolution photograph, taken the previous September after our summer holiday. He put it side by side with the computer model. Now I saw what had been wrong with the latter. It looked like me all right, but the skin tones were uniform and too pale. He clicked his mouse again. The figure’s skin gradually changed colour to match the photograph. Now it was more tanned, and both skin colour and texture varied realistically, darker on the nose and forehead, paler round the eyes. It also developed my freckles and added the birthmark I had on my upper lip. There was now no discernible difference between the photo and the computer model, which started revolving again.
Annie gasped. We looked at each other. I turned back to the figure. It was incredibly lifelike, in 3D and Ultra HD. Did the back of my head really look like that? I was relieved to see there was no sign of a bald patch yet.
Suddenly and without warning, the figure on the monitor opened its mouth and started reading about Magrat, Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg flying to Genua. I nearly jumped out of my skin, even though I knew it was coming. Without flesh, it had looked like me but had been unreal. Now it was fleshed out and animated, and it was like watching a high-resolution 3D movie of myself. Did my voice really sound like that? I knew I was no James Earl Jones, but I hadn’t realised how high-pitched and reedy I sounded.
* * *
Over the next week everyone on the staff went through the same recording process – even Angie, the receptionist, and Dolly, the tea lady. Annie was particularly keen to capture her Granny’s features, because as an older person, she had a fine matrix of wrinkles and loose skin. Annie didn’t put it quite like that in securing the old lady’s cooperation, of course. Anyway Dolly was flattered and delighted to take part in her employer’s important work.
Annie, Fred and I took it in turns to run the sessions. Meanwhile we worked on adapting our processes for making body prosthetics to do the same for the features. Eventually we were ready for the test and, inevitably, I drew the short straw. I sat in Sharon’s make-up chair. She had given me a close shave and was now dressing a suitable wig.
Meanwhile Vera was preparing the face pieces Fred and I had printed. With a fine black marker pen, and using a template produced by our 3D printer, she carefully drew guidelines on my face to help her stick the prosthetic pieces in the right places.
“It was the obvious choice,” Vera said, in response to my grumbling. “Annie says you have nearly identical ‘facial architectures’.”
“I know that,” I sighed, “but you can understand why I’m less than enthusiastic about it.”
“Oh yes,” she sympathised. “I hope she promised you a nice bonus again, like she did when you were Milly and Jennifer.”
That was a point! A bit more money wouldn’t go amiss. I thought back to that summer. It had been four years since I had said goodbye to Milly and Jennifer. I had been just Steve ever since, with no regrets, but that didn’t mean I didn’t think about the two females I had been. The experience hadn’t been all bad. I grinned inwardly at the thought of Alf’s gallant invitation to Jennifer, who he found attractive because I was as fat as his late wife.
Vera was now applying adhesive to the first piece. I returned to the present.
“How long will I be stuck with this lot?”
“The usual – about two weeks, unless we remove it with the solvent first. But Ingrid needs to know how long these prosthetics will last. Feel free to treat them roughly – I mean, with a rigorous make-up regime, not shaving, obviously! You won’t be the only guinea pig, by the way. We think the adhesive will break down more quickly for some people than for others – we all have different amounts of natural oils in our skin – so we need to test it quite widely. I think your mother has invited some of her regular clients to try it out, free of charge.”
“She’ll probably get a queue of guys wanting to be Marilyn Monroe.”
It took her twenty minutes to glue all the prosthetic pieces on. A familiar face was starting to appear over my own. My nose and mouth were in the same places but they were now shaped differently, and my cheekbones seemed to have moved a bit. By the time she’d finished, the prostheses had covered virtually all my face and neck, also concealing my Adam’s apple. It was like wearing a thin, flexible mask, although there were areas where no pieces had been applied and parts of me still showed through. As my own skin was tanned, and the prostheses were paler, my face looked like a patchwork quilt.
“The prosthetics are the right colour of course,” said Vera. “I just need to paint all the areas where your own skin is showing.”
She dabbed away with a paintbrush. When she finished, she signalled to Sharon who had been watching the process, fascinated.
“OK, Shaz, you ready with her wig?”
So I was a her again now, was I? Can’t say I’d missed that.
First, Sharon tucked all my hair under another wig cap, reminding me of the discomfort of wearing a hairpiece all day. Then out came a short brunette wig, already styled in the familiar severe bun. She pulled it down over my head. I felt its Velcro lining gripping the mesh of the cap. She adjusted it carefully and reached for a comb and a brush for a final primping. When she was satisfied, she sprayed my new coiffure all over to hold it in place. Then she set about applying an understated daytime make-up.
“The finishing touch,” said Vera, passing me a pair of ladies’ spectacles. “Plain glass, of course.”
The face in the mirror staring back at me sullenly was all too familiar. Shit! What will Annie say when she sees me? She was out this morning on some errand. I hadn’t seen her since breakfast.
But she’d probably say, “Hello, Ingrid!” because I was now the spitting image of my mother.
There was still work to do, of course. Sharon gave me a manicure, painting my nails an understated pink. My mother was never flamboyant. After that Vera and I went back to her room where she gave me an all-over waxing, which was just as bad as I remembered. Then she stuck breast forms in my mother’s size – 42C – on my chest. Finally I had to wriggle into an abdominal prosthesis to complete my plump, middle-aged figure.
I noted, ironically, that she might not have had much cellulite on her thighs and buttocks four years ago but she certainly did now, and so of course did I. At least I was a hundred pounds lighter than Jennifer had been.
“What are these wrinkly, wobbly grooves around my mid-riff?”
Vera chuckled. “Those are stretch marks, dear.” I must have looked blank. “From childbirth, you ignoramus!”
“Oh, terrific. I must be the only person in history to have stretch marks from giving birth to himself! Look, there’s something really wrong about this, Vera,” I said as she helped me to get dressed. “A man shouldn’t see his mother naked.”
“Try not to think about it. You’re Ingrid now, so you’re only looking at yourself.”
She helped me put on a plain black bra and matching granny panties. “I can’t believe I’m wearing my mother’s underwear,” I said.
“You’re not,” Vera replied. “She made sure you have the same styles and sizes she usually buys, but all your undies are brand new. You saw me taking them out of the packet.”
“Small mercies,” I said.
She handed me a pair of tights. “You remember how to put these on without laddering them?”
I nodded and sat down at her desk chair to do so. Then I slipped my feet into a pair of black ladies’ shoes. They were in my size and had only one-inch heels. My mother usually wore at least two-inch, so these shoes would minimise the height difference between us.
The rest of my outfit was not new. She helped me put on a plain white blouse and a smart grey check suit of my mother’s. The skirt was quite snug around my new hips. When I sat down on the office couch it forced me to keep my knees together.
“Engagement ring, wedding ring, ladies’ watch, bracelet,” said Vera. “All cheap fake copies of your Mum’s, but slightly larger to fit your bigger wrist and fingers.”
I took the proffered jewellery and slipped the pieces onto my newly manicured hands. She fastened a pearl necklace – also fake – around my neck. I supposed I should be glad my mother never used perfume. She reckoned a couple of swipes of underarm deodorant was good enough for anyone.
“You’ll need earrings,” Vera said. “I assume you don’t want your ears pierced?” I shook my head firmly. “Then it’s these, I’m afraid. I hope you don’t find them too uncomfortable.”
She attached a pair of discreet clip-on pearl earrings to my lobes.
At which point the door opened. Fred and Steve came in, with Sharon following behind.
I gaped. Vera snickered.
“Surprise!” the new me said to me.
The new Steve’s voice was much higher than mine. Surely they wouldn’t have…? She wouldn’t have…?
“Annie…?” I stuttered.
She looked concerned when she saw how shocked I was. She turned to Fred, her hands on her hips in a very unmasculine, but very Annie, fashion.
“I told you we should have warned him!” she said crossly. “We could have given the poor boy a heart attack!”
“Yes, sorry, kiddo,” Fred said apologetically. “It just seemed too good an opportunity to miss.”
“I did say there would be other test subjects,” said Vera. “Annie’s been here all morning. It’s been quite a challenge to keep the two of you apart.”
Most of her disguise was superb. She’d obviously tucked her long blonde hair into a tight wig cap. The medium-length mousy brown wig on top of that looked just like my untidy mop. Her facial prosthetics were as perfect a reproduction of my features as mine were of my mother’s. She was wearing one of my bulky winter sweaters, which was a little incongruous for June, and a pair of plain jeans.
“But what happened to your boobs?” I spluttered.
“My breasts are tightly bandaged under my hairy chest piece,” she said, “and it’s quite uncomfortable too.”
“And what about your… you know, down below…?”
“It’s another abdominal prosthetic; only mine is supposed to flatten my bum and broaden my waist,” she said. “It’s very tight as well.”
She twirled to give me a good view. I think her bottom stuck out a little more than mine – that is, Steve’s – did, but I might have been fooling myself. My Ingrid-bottom stuck out a mile, of course (or felt like it did).
“She’s supposed to be straight up and down, like a man,” said Vera, “but the prosthesis can’t completely conceal her feminine behind. Overall she’s quite buff though, isn’t she?”
Indeed she was. In fact, she looked more… muscly than I normally was – am.
“And the prosthesis doesn’t have a… boy bit, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Annie continued blithely. “It’s just padding. I still have to sit down to pee. But let me have a proper look at you.”
Sighing, I stood up and did a similar twirl for everyone. She reached out – up – to feel my cheek.
“That’s amazing!” she said.
“Yes, even if you and the real Ingrid were standing side by side, I’m not sure we’d be able to tell which of you was which,” said Vera.
“Yes, it works because you’re so slim and your Mum is… um, a little…” Sharon began. She trailed off, aware that she was on the verge of being rude about her employer. “Anyway, your figure fits entirely inside hers.”
She looked around nervously. My mother could move very quietly when she wanted to.
Fred was looking at Annie and me, appraising us professionally.
“I think the real clincher is that your faces don’t look like masks,” he said. “Because our prosthetics follow the lines and creases of your faces – that is, Ingrid’s and Steve’s faces – they look completely natural. That’s the problem with even the best masks; they don’t move right and they look false. I think we’ve managed something truly different here.”
“I agree,” said the real Ingrid, from the doorway. “Congratulations to all of you. This is a superb achievement.”
“And quite a sight!” said Fred. “Two Ingrids!” He suddenly realised that my mother might not have taken his remark as a compliment. “I mean, a sight for sore eyes, of course,” he hastened to add.
My mother gave him her patented stony look, which she normally reserved for me.
“Now we must devise some appropriate tests,” she said. “I have some chores to do in town. The two of you can do them now.”
* * *
Annie was three inches shorter than me; that is, than Steve. So in addition to having her breasts tightly bandaged, and the uncomfortable abdominal prosthesis, she was wearing elevator shoes which affected how she walked. These were only two inches, so they didn’t completely close the gap. As I was now wearing high heels, she was still two inches shorter than me.
All in all, her disguise was less successful than mine. She also hadn’t had any ‘boy training’, so with her high voice and her feminine movement and body language, I desperately hoped we wouldn’t meet anyone I knew in town. They would be bound to think I had become a sissy.
“You can pick up a few things from the supermarket, then I need you to go to the bank,” my mother said. We were sitting in her office while she briefed us for our trip. “By the way, Steven, your nail polish and rings look good, but you should wear a pair of ladies’ gloves. The Manager might want to shake hands. Yours aren’t too big for a woman, but they’re probably a little rough. It’s quite normal for a woman to wear gloves when shaking hands with a man she doesn’t know well.”
“I’ll fetch you a large pair from the wardrobe room,” said Vera, and set off.
“Now there are cash and cheques to pay in,” my mother continued, “and some documents to put in our safety deposit box. That will be a good test actually. They know me there, and will only get the box out of their vault for me personally. You’ll have to show my ID and sign a form, so you’ll need to practise my signature.”
“Hold on! Isn’t this fraud?”
“No, actually. We’ve never really discussed it, but you’ve been a signatory for all our accounts since you turned eighteen. Remember all those forms I had you sign? And that goes for the safety deposit too, so it’s all completely legal. If they realise you’re not me, we’ll have to own up obviously, but there can’t be any criminal intent because you are the joint owner of all the assets. I’ll explain to the Manager if it becomes necessary.”
“But I don’t know anyone there. It’ll be a complete giveaway if I don’t recognise people you’re supposed to know.”
“It will be alright. The only member of staff I know personally is the Manager, Mr Nuttall. He says we’re an important account, with the business and the estate, so he always helps me himself when I need to get into our safety deposit box. I’ve arranged an appointment for three o’clock this afternoon.”
* * *
I managed to persuade my mother to let me drive us into town in her old Range Rover. I argued that Annie wasn’t insured to drive my little Toyota Yaris disguised as me, and it would look odd to anyone we knew if I drove it disguised as my mum. Meanwhile I was insured to drive her car but not the company van. She turned over the keys with bad grace.
“Couldn’t you get any higher lifts for your shoes?” I asked Annie on the way to the car. “Everyone who knows us both knows that I’m taller than my mother.”
“I tried four inches but I could hardly even stand in them,” she objected. “It was like trying to learn to walk on stilts. Also anything over two inches is really big and clunky – like clown shoes. Hey, you could have worn flats.”
“These were the lowest heels available in my size from our wardrobe department. It seems our cross-dressing clients don’t want to wear flats.”
“Understandable, I suppose, if they’re desperate for femininity, poor dears.”
“You do realise I’m not a cross-dresser, don’t you?”
“You could have fooled me,” she said, with a twinkle. “Anyway, you’ve done it before, haven’t you? I can tell by the way you move and speak, and your gestures and mannerisms are totally womanly.”
“Well… yes… she’s bribed me to be a ‘test subject’ before,” I admitted.
“Oh, yes! You must tell me all about that!”
“No chance,” I said, opening the car door.
I put my handbag down in the passenger footwell. I had finally begun to see the benefits of a lady’s bag. As a man, whenever I changed my clothes or jacket, I had to transfer all my stuff – keys, wallet, phone, handkerchief, etc – to the new outfit. I would have no such problem as a woman. In fact my smart skirt suit had no pockets anyway. I had nowhere to put anything – hence my need for a handbag – but also there was nothing to spoil my suit’s sleek lines or interrupt my smooth feminine curves…
“Are you sure you’re going to be able to drive in heels?” Annie said as she sat down, interrupting my train of thought.
“I’ll manage… and that’s not a question a twenty-year-old man would ever ask his mother when she’s driving them to the shops.”
“I suppose that’s true,” she conceded. “Don’t forget you have to call me ‘Steve’,” she said.
“‘Steven’, actually. My mother never calls me ‘Steve’.” I sighed. “And you have to call me ‘Mum’.”
She giggled in a way that no twenty-year-old man would ever do.
“This is going to be fun!”
“Oh yeah? Who for?”
I fastened my seat belt, which was perfectly adjusted for me; that is, for Ingrid Jones.
* * *
When we arrived at the shopping centre we were nearly an hour too early for our appointment at the bank, so we decided to do the supermarket run first.
As we went up the escalator from the car park, Annie dropped behind. I looked round. She seemed to be staring at my back… or more precisely, my backside, in my tight grey skirt.
“What are you doing?” I hissed, waving at her to catch up.
“Just enjoying the sight of your bum wiggling its way up the stairs,” she grinned. “Steve has a pert, sexy little bum, but yours is big and round, Mum. Even sexier, in my opinion.”
“You shouldn’t be talking like that,” I scolded. “If you’re Steven, I’m your mother, and that’s quite inappropriate; and if you’re Annie, I’m your employer, Ingrid McLaughlin, and I’ll sack you for impertinence.”
“Spoilsport,” she grinned, but she joined me on my step of the escalator and we linked arms, like a mother and her son.
“And why are you scratching your…” I lowered my voice. “…crotch padding so vigorously?” I asked. “Is it itchy?”
“I’m just trying to get into character. That’s what boys do all the time, isn’t it?”
“No, they don’t! Which boys have you been watching? I don’t do that!”
“Well, you kind of do, actually, when you think no one’s looking.”
“Well, stop it! It’s disgusting.”
She chuckled. “I’m quite enjoying this.” She winced. “If only it didn’t hurt my breasts so much.”
“Welcome to the world of us crash test dummies.”
* * *
With each of us taking half the list, the shopping didn’t take long, even with me taking little steps and clip-clopping around the store in my tight skirt and high heels. The most embarrassing moment was when I had to go to the pharmacy to collect my mother’s HRT prescription. I tried to persuade Annie to do it, but she pointed out that she was Steve, a young man, now. I was the middle-aged lady, and how would I feel if anyone I knew saw me collecting my mother’s very feminine medication? I saw her point.
We were under instructions to watch each other and the shoppers around us, to see if anyone saw through our disguises. I noted that Annie was doing her best to take long strides, swing her arms, and generally act ‘butch’. It looked very false to me, but I suppose I knew what I was looking for. Anyway she didn’t seem to attract any undue attention.
She said much the same of me when we caught up at the till. The check-out girl called me ‘madam’, which caused Annie to giggle to herself. There was a young man standing by the cashier, and he asked if I needed any help getting my groceries to the car. I declined of course, saying I had my son with me and pointing to Annie. The assistant looked at her dubiously, probably not believing that she could carry the heavy bags full of tins and bottles, and he was right. But we kept our purchases in the shopping trolley as far as the car park, Annie wheeling it for me gallantly, if a little inexpertly.
When we had finished unloading the groceries into the car boot, it was time to keep our appointment at the bank. We reported to the enquiries desk and I gave our names, saying we had an appointment with the Manager. I spoke in my highest register, which I hoped would approximate my mother’s rich contralto. I heard Annie gasp; she hadn’t heard my Ingrid voice properly yet.
“Ah yes, Mrs Jones,” said the receptionist, a charming little Indian girl. “If you’d like to follow me…?”
She led the way through a door marked Private into a back room. There was a big conference table with three chairs. Down at the far end were flasks of hot drinks and a plate of biscuits.
“Please help yourselves to refreshments,” said the receptionist. “I’ll let Mr Nuttall know you’re here. I’m sure he won’t keep you waiting long.”
The coffee and cookies were excellent, obviously reserved for their most favoured clients. At the last minute I remembered to sweep my skirt under me as I sat down, to stop it getting wrinkled. Keeping my knees together and denying the world a view of my black lace panties came back to me naturally. Annie chuckled and ostentatiously slumped in her chair with her legs wide apart, to show that she didn’t have to worry about such decorum now that she was a boy.
“Sit up straight, Steven,” I said. “Don’t slouch.”
“Sorry, Mum,” she grinned.
I smiled back. I tried to get into the spirit of our transformations. It didn’t have to be all bad, I supposed. I sipped my coffee, holding my cup up primly in a parody of ‘the Duchess taking tea’. I noticed the red streaks around the lip. I hadn’t seen that around a cup I’d used since being Jennifer, four summers ago.
“Don’t forget to repair your lipstick before we leave, Mum,” said Annie with a smile.
“Thank you, dear,” I said heavily. “But again… not the sort of thing a boy says to his mother. And I hadn’t forgotten. I shall ask to use the Ladies before we leave.”
At that moment the Manager came in, carrying a ring binder. He was exactly as my mother had described him: very tall, about six-two, bald, wire-rimmed glasses.
“Afternoon, Mrs Jones,” the Manager said with a smile. “Lovely to see you again.”
“Good afternoon, Mr Nuttall,” I said.
I put my coffee cup down and stood up. I hoped he wouldn’t remember my mother’s voice too clearly. If I pitched mine as high as I could, we sounded alike to my ears, and we had the same accent, but someone else might detect a difference, especially if they had met my mother frequently.
He didn’t seem to notice anything amiss. He thrust out his hand for me to shake. I remembered to keep mine limp. I was glad I was wearing my gloves. Mum had been right; my coarse male hands might have given me away, even with my nail polish and ladies’ rings.
He looked enquiringly at Annie.
“Oh, I don’t think you’ve met my son, Steven, have you?” I said. Well, I knew he hadn’t.
“No, I haven’t had the pleasure,” he said. “Very nice to meet you, Steven. It’s about time Mrs Jones brought you in to see us, given that you’re a signatory to all the accounts and boxes.”
He smiled. They shook hands. I hoped Annie remembered to use a firm masculine grip. At that moment the receptionist came in with two metal containers about the size of laptops, but about twelve inches tall. Nuttall turned and watched the girl putting them down on the table.
“Oh, I don’t think Mrs Jones will want the old box, Sunita,” he said.
She picked it up again.
“It’s all right,” I said, “you can leave it. I don’t think Steven has ever seen what’s in it.” Well I knew he hadn’t. “This will be a good opportunity for him to acquaint himself with its contents.”
“Fair enough. Thank you, Sunita.” The girl smiled and left. “Now, if I could just ask for your IDs – a formality in your case of course, Ingrid, but we must do things by the book, mustn’t we?”
I opened my handbag and rummaged inside for my purse. I took out my mother’s ID and handed it over. I had reluctantly given Annie my wallet and she was fishing in it for my driving licence. Eventually she found it and handed it over. The Manager gave both documents a cursory glance and quickly handed them back.
“Good, good,” he said.
He reached for the first metal box. I noticed that each box had two locks. He took out a key and unfastened the left-hand lock on each of the boxes.
“I won’t ask you if you’ve brought your own keys, Mrs Jones,” he smiled. “I know you’re much too efficient to have forgotten. Now I understand you have some cash and cheques to deposit in your business account?”
“Oh yes,” I said, and reopened my handbag.
I gave him the smaller of two bulky brown envelopes my mother had given me. This one came with stern instructions not to lose it. While the bag was open, I took out a little key ring with two small keys. Nuttall opened the binder and passed me a printed form.
“If you could just fill in the next line and sign it as usual? I’ll go and deposit this lot.”
We shook hands again and he left.
“Your Ingrid voice is really good!” Annie said admiringly.
I thanked her and studied the form the Manager had given me. It had several lines. My mother had completed the first dozen or so on previous visits. Now I just had to fill in my name (INGRID K JONES, Mrs) and the date, and sign it on the next available line. Even if I hadn’t been practising my mother’s signature, there were several previous examples there for me to copy. I wondered if Nuttall realised how insecure that was. But then he had already checked our identities. My mind drifted back to my earlier conversation with Fred and the ‘many applications of impersonation technology for fraud’.
I picked up the key ring to open the boxes.
“Which box are you supposed to put Ingrid’s documents in?” Annie asked.
“I didn’t even know there were two,” I replied.
I unlocked both boxes. Then I took out the second brown envelope and tore it open. Hopefully the contents would make it clear which box they belonged in.
“Should you be doing that?” Annie asked.
“Why not? You heard Mum – I own everything in here just as much as she does. More so, as it all comes to me when my father dies…”
Actually that only applied to the estate, not the business, but I assumed I was her main beneficiary. Maybe Fred owned half? Maybe the mysterious second box contained my mother’s will?
“…probably,” I added.
There were several smaller envelopes inside. I leafed through them. The only writing on each one was a name. Most were just forenames; a few included an initial as well, presumably for the surname to distinguish between two customers with the same first name. I saw Daisy, Maria, and several others. I flipped open the lid of the first box, which was nearly full. There were many similar envelopes, again with just a name on them. The top two were marked Nancy and Rosie. I didn’t see any men’s names.
“I think one of our clients was called Daisy,” I said. “She recommended the MoCap studios guy we got the sensors from.”
I tore open the Daisy envelope; photographs fell out. Annie was horrified, but her curiosity quickly overcame her caution. On top was a picture of a pretty woman in her underwear. She was very obviously pregnant.
“What do you think it means?” Annie asked.
“I think Daisy must be a client – I assume all the others are too.”
“So some of them might be men?”
“I think they might all be men,” I said.
“Surely not Daisy!” she said. “Look at her!”
We skimmed quickly through the other photos in the Daisy envelope. They seemed to be in chronological order, starting with a young man being waxed, then fitted with breast forms. Then there were some pictures of him stepping into a pregnancy prosthesis, which looked like the kind of thing we made using our 3D printing process.
Then he was being made up and his hair dressed to become the woman in the first picture. In the following photos, she grew ever bigger as her pregnancy proceeded. Then suddenly she wasn’t pregnant anymore, just a little dumpy, still needing to lose her baby weight, as it were. That was the last picture. There was a handwritten record at the bottom of the pile with a few notes about the process and the client, none of which were any use in identifying him.
“But why would a man want to disguise himself as a pregnant woman?” Annie asked, baffled.
“No idea – and we have a policy of not asking, remember?” I put the pictures back in the envelope. “A more pertinent question is, why is Mum keeping all these photographs, and in a safety deposit box? I would’ve thought she’d have the originals online somewhere.”
“Security, I suppose,” suggested Annie. “Backup, in case of a data loss.”
“Maybe,” I said.
My mother couldn’t intend to blackmail her clients, could she? I’ve never pretended to understand her – and I wasn’t sure I fully shared her code of ethics (or lack thereof) – but I couldn’t imagine her doing anything quite so downright criminal. Perhaps the business wasn’t the money-spinner I had always imagined it to be. Then another thought struck me.
“I don’t think these photos are a necessary part of the process. We wouldn’t need them for 3D printing of prosthetics. These are a record of everything that was done – including hair and make-up. And I don’t think the clients knew they were being taken!”
“But why? How?”
“Look carefully,” I said. “None of the subjects are looking at the camera, or smiling. They clearly don’t know they’re being photographed. Also, all the pictures are taken from the same position, and the camera angle is downwards.”
She gasped. “You mean there might be hidden cameras in Vera’s and Sharon’s rooms?”
I nodded. I rummaged down to the bottom of the box and found the two envelopes I expected to find: Jennifer and Milly. I took them out and put them in my handbag. Annie raised an eyebrow in enquiry. I didn’t explain. I didn’t particularly want my girlfriend to see pictures of me as a boy, naked, then as a girl, also naked.
I put all the other envelopes back in the safety deposit box they had come from and reached for the second box. Unlike the first, which had been nearly full, this one was nearly empty. I lay all its contents on the table: a birth certificate; a marriage certificate; a passport; some photographs; various examination and degree certificates; some handwritten references from schoolteachers, university tutors and employers; the Last Will and Testament of Richard Steven Jones. All the documents of a life – my father’s life. If he was still alive, how was he managing without these? There was no death certificate, but I didn’t suppose that meant anything. I opened the Will and skimmed it. It was very simple. Everything went to my mother and me, with the usual protections.
Neither of us said anything. Annie realised that what I had found had affected me deeply. She looked concerned.
There was a knock at the door. The Manager came in.
“Sorry to interrupt…” he said.
Then he realised I was upset, but of course he didn’t know why. He apologised, in case it was something he had done. I reassured him that everything was fine.
“There’s absolutely no rush, Mrs Jones, I just wanted to give you your receipt for the cash and cheques.”
I took the slip. I noticed that the total was a little over five thousand pounds.
“Only I have a meeting shortly, so I may not be available when you are ready to leave. Just press the green button on the wall when you’ve finished. There’s no hurry. This room is free now until we close.”
“Thank you, Mr Nuttall,” I managed to say, remembering to use my Ingrid voice.
He turned and made for the door.
“One other thing…?” I said. He paused. “Are you sure that no one else has been in here and accessed these boxes?”
He looked concerned.
“That’s quite impossible, I assure you.” I didn’t say anything. He seemed to think I wanted further reassurance. “Apart from myself and my staff, the only person who has ever even seen those boxes is your good self….” He paused. “Oh, and that other lady you had with you that one time – Mrs Johnson, was it?”
“Er, yes,” I said. “Thank you, Mr Nuttall.”
I couldn’t ask him any more without raising his suspicions. As Ingrid I obviously should know who Mrs Johnson was, and on which occasion she was with me when I came here.
He smiled and left. I began putting my father’s documents back. I turned my keys in the right-hand locks on each box, and went to press the green button. Sunita soon appeared. She completed the locking process for the boxes and dropped them down a chute in the wall which presumably led to the vault. We followed her out.
Outside the bank, Annie turned to me.
“OK, I’ll ask it,” she said. “Who the hell is Mrs Johnson?”
“No idea,” I said. “Come on, let’s get back to the car. I’m dying to get these stupid earrings off.”
* * *
When we got back we unloaded the shopping and gave my mother a report of our mission. She was pleased that no one had caught us out. She quizzed us in detail about our meeting with Mr Nuttall, the Bank Manager. She had been concerned that he would have suspected something.
“Either your performance was exceptional,” she said, “or it’s true what they say – people see what they expect to see.”
“A little of both, I expect,” I said modestly.
“But he was brilliant. He sounded just like you,” Annie said, to my great satisfaction. “And you would have thought he’d been a woman all his life,” she added, which I found considerably less gratifying. She grinned at me.
“By the way,” I said, “they brought us two boxes.”
“Stupid man!” she grunted. “He knows I haven’t looked at the old box for years.”
I didn’t bother mentioning that it was the receptionist’s mistake.
“We put the envelopes you gave us in with the others, but why does the second box have all my father’s documents?”
“Oh, he left them behind when he moved out,” she said. “I put them there for safekeeping when we remodelled the main house for the business. I didn’t want them to be mislaid in all the confusion. You remember what it was like back then.”
I did. The builders were in for six months. They cleared out and renovated the basement for the computers; they fitted out most of the ground and middle floors for offices; and they created four self-contained apartments on the top floors. They also installed a lift. Everything we owned had to be moved several times during the building works. It would have been easy to lose one envelope full of documents. Indeed we never found my primary school workbooks which my mother claimed to have been keeping for sentimental reasons. I wasn’t convinced that was actually her motive, as she was the least sentimental person I knew. She was probably keeping them to show my future wife and embarrass me with my childish efforts at writing and drawing. I hoped we’d lost my baby pictures too, but they showed up eventually.
* * *
Annie went straight to see Vera when we got back to ask for help in removing her ‘Steve’ disguise. My mother tried to object, but Annie said the breast bandages and the chest prosthesis were just too uncomfortable. They agreed the design needed work. Fortunately it seemed we had far fewer female customers who wanted to be male. I had no such excuse of course, so I resigned myself to being my own mother for at least another two weeks.
Still feeling a little tender in her more sensitive parts, Annie decided not to ‘sleep over’ that night and went home to her grandmother’s house straight from work. Mum and Fred were playing Bridge that evening, so the three of us had an early dinner. Fred annoyed us both by chuckling to himself about dining with two Ingrids, and how that might be too much of a good thing.
Strangely I found myself reacting to his childish humour in pretty much the same way as my mother did. I’d heard that all daughters eventually turn into their mothers, but I hadn’t realised it could apply to sons too. By the time the two of them left for the Bridge Club, Fred was looking confused as to which Ingrid he would actually be spending the evening with.
I decided on an early night. I went along to the Girls’ Room; the one that was originally Milly’s, then Jennifer’s, and would now be ‘Ingrid the Second’s’.
My mother had generously covered the bed with ladies’ wear for me: two clean nightdresses, several unopened boxes of new lingerie and tights, and some of her own suits and dresses. She obviously intended I stay in my new role as long as possible. It was reasonable, I suppose. By now we knew that our custom-made breast forms and abdominal prostheses would last indefinitely, and would fall off before they broke up, but the face pieces still needed to be tested to destruction. We couldn’t have a client’s face dropping off at an inopportune moment.
I threw my grey suit jacket on the bed and sat down at the dressing table to take off the rest of my jewellery, the stupid clip-on earrings having been removed as soon as we got home. Then I unzipped and wriggled out of the tight skirt. I hung the suit up in the wardrobe. The blouse buttoned at the back. What was that about? Vera had helped me into it but how was I supposed to get it off? Eventually I managed to undo the cuffs and the top two buttons at the back of my neck, and could then take it off over my head.
Why do women deliberately give themselves such a hard time over their clothes? I knew I could get myself into trouble there. Someone would say ‘we only wear tight dresses, uncomfortable underwear, and high heels because men make us…’
Down to my bra, knickers and tights I stood up and inspected my image in the mirror on the wardrobe door. Even though I looked every one of my mother’s forty-eight years, she was still a handsome woman, and undeniably sexy in just her lingerie, and so of course was I now…
I suddenly became uncomfortable staring at myself in lingerie and stockings. I plumped back down at the dressing table. My mother had thoughtfully provided cosmetics and feminine lotions exactly like the ones she used, so that I could remove my make-up.
I applied cleanser to break down and take off my foundation and blush, and an oil-based product to remove my lipstick. That might not have been necessary, as it wasn’t particularly long-wearing, but it was all part of the test. I was supposed to treat the prosthetic face pieces just as I would my own skin, under the harshest make-up regime a woman would use. In accordance with my instructions, I finished by covering my face with cold cream.
My feminine ablutions completed, I put on a pink nightie and a negligee, and slipped my feet into a pair of fluffy mules. I realised I wasn’t tired and looked around for something to do. I wandered along to the sitting room and switched the television on. By nine o’clock I’d exhausted my interest in that and I still wasn’t sleepy. I made myself a cup of tea.
Then one more idea occurred to me. I took the brown envelopes from my handbag and went down the back stairs to the offices. Everywhere was quiet and dark. I put the lights on. Fred and my mother wouldn’t be back till after eleven, and so what if they found me here anyway?
I looked closely at the photographs of myself as Milly and Jennifer. I sat where I reckoned I must have been when they were taken. That would mean the cameras were… over there.
I got Vera’s chair from her desk and moved it to the corner of the room. Standing up on it and stretching my neck I could just see a small black dot, high up on the wall. You’d never notice it if you weren’t looking for it. I got right up close. Something in the middle of it was reflecting the light. A camera lens? So that was where the pictures in the safety deposit box had come from.
Annie and her Granny
By Susannah Donim
Steve’s mother runs the secretive Transformations consultancy. This means he has a number of interesting jobs over the years.
Chapter 4 – Annie and her Auntie Ingrid
Steve walks a mile in his mother’s shoes.
Annie’s exam results came through the next day. She had got a very creditable 2:1 and that night we went out together to celebrate. Unfortunately I was still totally Ingrid so we were limited to a chaste meal at a posh restaurant. We would attract a lot of unwanted attention if we went to a rave, for example.
At first, I suggested that we go as boss and employee – we could pretend it was a business dinner – but Annie didn’t like that idea.
“That would be much too formal,” she said. “We wouldn’t be able to show any affection at all. You’ll have to be my mother. Then we can at least cuddle and hold hands in public.”
“Hell, no! I don’t want you to call me ‘Mummy’, not even in fun,” I said.
“OK, my aunt then. I’ll call you ‘Auntie Ingrid’.”
“That’s hardly any better…”
But I had to settle for that. My predicament was slightly alleviated when I pointed out to my mother that I would have to borrow her car, purse, and most especially her credit card. My own bank card had ‘Mr Steven A Jones’ on it, and she – and therefore now I – wasn’t insured to drive my car. She didn’t like any of it, but she couldn’t argue with my logic.
“Just so you know – the cost of the meal is coming out of your bonus,” she said, passing me her handbag with ill grace.
“Thank you, mother,” I said. “Now I’m going to raid your wardrobe for your poshest dress.” I grinned. “I don’t suppose many boys get to say that to their mothers.”
“Maybe more than you’d think,” she said.
I also borrowed her best jewellery. So the new Ingrid and her temporary niece had a delightful evening. We were dressed to the nines and attracted a lot of attention for all the right reasons. A handsome father and son approached us to suggest we dined with them, but we declined politely.
* * *
That night was the first time Annie and I slept together with me in my Ingrid prosthetics. She said she had been looking forward to it but it was awkward in several ways. I stripped off my beautiful dress, tights and panties, and lay on my back on the bed with my legs apart. This posture was profoundly embarrassing, but my discomfort just made Annie laugh.
Firstly, although I managed to find the tiny fastener on my ‘abdominal prosthesis’ and unzip it, I couldn’t liberate my equipment without help. Annie stepped into the breach, as it were. Fortunately, she just found my situation hilarious rather than disgusting, which I think would have been my reaction. At first she tried to extricate my testicles before withdrawing my member from its confining tube, but that didn’t work and actually hurt quite badly. So she tried it the other way round with more success, though only slightly less pain. With my penis free, my balls descended from their cavity, and I could shed the prosthesis entirely.
Unfortunately, the bruising experience was enough to render my wedding tackle inert, hopefully temporarily. So we decided to finish getting ready for bed, in the hope that the time required for our ablutions would be sufficient for my equipment to recover. Annie grabbed her nightie and withdrew to the en suite bathroom, while I sat, mostly naked, at the dressing table to remove my makeup and wig. Finally I took off my bra, dropped it in the laundry basket with the rest of my underwear, and jumped into bed, pulling the duvet up to my neck.
Annie emerged from the bathroom. “Now you’re mine, fair maiden,” she boomed in what she obviously intended to be a rakish voice, and drew the covers right back with a dramatic flourish. My fake breasts were exposed.
Involuntarily, I squealed and pulled the duvet back to conceal my nakedness. Annie laughed with surprise.
“What on earth’s the matter?” she said.
“I’m naked under here,” I said, beginning to feel embarrassed for quite different reasons.
“So what? There’s no one here but us.”
“But…” I stuttered. “You can see my breasts…”
“They’re not real, you idiot, and I’ve seen the rest of you naked lots of times.”
“I know,” I said, “but it just feels wrong somehow. I can’t explain it.”
“Such modesty!” she laughed. “You’re desperate to hide two lumps of plastic from your lover!”
She reached under the pillow and fished out the pink nightie I’d worn the night before.
“OK, OK, put this on,” she said. “I’m not going to even try to work out the weird psychology going on here. Too tired.”
I put the nightie on over my head and pulled it down over my breasts. For some reason I immediately felt more at ease.
“You’re sure you don’t want the panties that go with it?” she asked.
“No, they’d only get in the way,” I said with a grin.
She quickly joined me in bed. She wasn’t too tired to indulge in a little burrowing under my nightie or to make the most of what she found there. For some reason Ingrid’s face and breasts didn’t put her off. In fact, if anything my smooth body and feminine upper half just seemed to spur her on to greater efforts than ever before.
* * *
My life as my mother’s double continued. She now had me conducting interviews with clients. She said it would be a good opportunity for me to learn how the business worked first-hand, given that clients weren’t comfortable with Steve sitting in on their interviews. Also it would give her time to catch up with her paperwork.
First she had to run me through the various procedures, and the additional services we could offer, like Alice Parr’s female movement classes. It also gave us the opportunity to see if any of our customers noticed any difference between ‘Ingrid One’ and ‘Ingrid Two’. No one did.
That was sometimes a problem round the office. I spoke in my ‘Ingrid’ voice most of the time as it came naturally now. On several occasions I noticed Vera or Sharon or Angie being hesitant in conversation until they were sure which Ingrid they were talking to. Dolly was just bemused by the whole business. After a while they realised that at tea and coffee breaks I was the one who gobbled down the cake and doughnuts, having no need to watch my figure. Eventually everyone could tell which of us was which from the differences in our voices, and they got used to there being two Ingrids around.
Annie stayed most nights now, in the Girls’ Room, in the big double bed with me. She went back to her grandmother’s house every few days for clean clothes and to see if Dolly needed anything, but she was gradually bringing most of her wardrobe over to our flat.
At bedtime I would remove my wig and wig cap and squirm out of my abdominal prosthesis with Annie’s help, to wash both it and my sweaty, squashed-up loins. But I still couldn’t remove my breasts or my mother’s face. So I continued to go to bed with Steve’s hair and bottom half and Ingrid’s face and top half. For some reason Annie found this even more erotic.
With my big floppy breasts I still didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in the nude, and none of Steve’s pyjama tops would fasten over my bosom, so I slept in one of my mother’s nighties or sleep sets.
Annie and I did our laundry together and she was always amused to find another woman’s cosmetics on the dressing table and her knickers and tights drying over the bath. There was no danger of getting our underwear mixed up. Hers was skimpy and sexy; mine was middle-aged and strictly utilitarian. She reckoned she could fit both of her breasts into one of the cups of my bras.
In the morning she would lie in bed watching me get up. I went into the bathroom first to wriggle into my abdominal prosthesis. I could get it on by myself; it was getting out of it again that was difficult. I tried to take a bra and panties in with me, but Annie insisted on watching when I took my nightie off and put my underwear on.
Then I would sit at the dressing table in my lingerie, put on my wig cap, and do my make-up. This never took long as my mother’s watchword for cosmetics was ‘Spartan’. Finally I would put my wig on. From that moment on, Annie insisted on calling me ‘Ingrid’.
My mother decided that having to share clothes with her son gave her the perfect excuse to expand her wardrobe, so she dragged me out to go shopping together as twins. That way, she explained, she could decide what would look good on her by seeing what looked good on me first.
As Ingrid, I was now in charge in the office. My mother crept about in the background checking up on me and everyone else, which didn’t make her any more popular. The others kept coming to me for decisions, and gradually, with Mum’s help, I learned enough to manage.
Today I was dressed in a new smart navy blue, scalloped-detail skirt suit over a plain white blouse. I had picked out the suit myself on one of our shopping trips. My mother had been dubious, thinking it was a bit ‘fancy’, but she didn’t deny it looked good on me. I was wearing nude tights and my black slip-on court shoes. Since I no longer had to worry about towering over Annie as my diminutive ‘son’, I was up to three-inch heels now and could manage them with no difficulty.
I had an interesting meeting with a young man who wanted to set up a new business. He believed he would meet with greater success if he ran it as a woman. He didn’t reveal any details, and of course I didn’t ask, but my imagination ran wild. No doubt there were lots of possibilities but for some reason all I could think of were brothel ‘madam’ or maybe professional dominatrix.
I warned him that with his body shape he would only be convincing as a buxom, middle-aged woman. He didn’t seem to mind that at all. Well, good luck to him.
Afterwards I made my way to the tea room where my mother was in conversation with Annie.
“How was the meeting?” Mum asked when she saw me.
“Routine,” I said. “He’s booked in for his imaging session next week. I took a deposit. He wants to be known as ‘Angelique’.”
“Fine,” she said. “Well done.”
I was aware that Annie was looking at me with a little smile on her face.
“How much longer do I have to do this for?” I asked, grumpily. “When can I go back to being me?”
“Please, Steven,” said my mother impatiently, “remember that you are my employee. I am paying you – quite well, actually – so you have to do whatever I tell you to…”
“Within reason…” I said.
“I hardly think a little dressing up is unreasonable. Anyway, I’m afraid it’s part of your job to help test our new processes. You have unique qualifications.”
“So that means I’m you until your face falls off me?”
“Yes, and you might have to be someone else after that!”
“Aren’t you worried about the psychological damage this might be doing to me?”
My mother snorted. “Just think of it as playing a part – like a professional actor. They don’t get ‘psychological damage’ pretending to be someone else.”
“What ‘unique qualifications’ do you mean?” Annie asked, fearing that our conversation was in danger of getting overheated.
“She means my ‘blandness’,” I said bitterly.
“Stuff and nonsense!” my mother said scathingly. “I mean his physical versatility. We can transform him into any average-sized man or woman. He’s also very good at female impersonation. You must have noticed! His walk and mannerisms are perfect, and he knows how to dress, do his make-up, fix his hair, walk in heels, carry a handbag…”
“All right, all right,” I said. “She gets it.”
My mother didn’t seem to realise that she was impugning my masculinity in front of my girlfriend and making me uncomfortable. Annie sensed I needed reassuring.
“Well, I think he’s brilliant,” she said taking my arm, “and dead sexy!”
She kissed me on the cheek, to avoid ruining my lipstick. She tweaked my bra strap, then hugged me close, resting her head on my enhanced bosom. I sighed.
“Hi there!” Fred hailed us, as he made his way over. He was nursing a cup of tea and a rock cake. “Which of you three lovely ladies would like to be my ‘plus one’ at the Mayor’s Garden Party?”
Annie and my mother both turned to look at me.
“Oh no,” I began. “The sooner I can get out of this clobber, the better. I’m certainly not going to any posh social occasions dressed like this.”
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” said Fred jovially. “I remember your time as Milly and Jennifer. You went completely native. Now you’re doing the same again with your Ingrid.”
Annie was laughing her head off.
* * *
“You’ll need a smart new dress – floral, as it’s a Garden Party.” Annie had appointed herself my couturier for this affair. “I’m thinking ‘Mother of the Bride’-type,” she continued, “and definitely a fancy hat.”
She thrust an online store catalogue in front of me. She had marked some examples.
“Don’t go mad now,” I said. “I’m only going along with this because my mother promised it would be my last outing as her.”
“Yes, dear,” she said, as if she hadn’t heard. “I found this brilliant website for women’s clothes. It’s called,” she said. “Come on, we’d better do this in the bedroom.”
She grabbed her laptop and ran up the back stairs. I followed at a more sedate pace, appropriate for my mother’s age and my relative inexperience in her high heels.
“Why can’t we take the lift?” I muttered to her retreating back.
I found Annie in the Girls’ Room, her computer open on the dressing table.
“You choose what you want from a wide variety of styles and colours; enter your measurements; and they send you the finished dress.” She took a tape measure from the dressing table drawer. “OK – strip off.”
Sighing, I complied. My smart skirt suit and blouse were soon on the bed and I was standing there, the image of my mother in my bra, girdle and stockings – not that I’d ever seen my actual mother in her lingerie. Annie got busy with her tape measure.
“You’re 42-34-40, dress size 16,” she said, after wrapping the tape around my various places, most of which were actually padding. “Not so bad for a woman of your age, Ingrid.”
“How do you know how old my mother is?”
“Well, I don’t. I’m guessing.”
She grinned. I was getting used to my girlfriend feeling me up while I was wearing women’s underwear, but I still felt pretty stupid. To cover my embarrassment, I grabbed her and leaned in for a kiss. She responded warmly. I felt her hands groping my butt, despite the bulbous padding, my girdle, and my thick granny panties. They moved deliciously down my legs to my stocking tops where they paused to snap the elastic of my suspenders. I rubbed my boobs up against hers, the lace on our bras scraping together. I stood back.
“You might as well take a good look while you have the chance,” I said, “because this will be you in twenty-five years’ time.”
I struck a provocative pose.
“Flabby tummy, cellulite, droopy boobs, stretch marks…”
She pulled away in mock anger. I grinned. She knew I was teasing.
“Well maybe you won’t be around to see my… my decrepitude!” she declared. “Maybe I don’t want to spend the next twenty-five years with a... a professional transvestite.”
“Hey! I’m not a…”
She raised an eyebrow. I was going to lose this argument. After all, I was standing there in bra, panties, suspender belt and stockings; with a middle-aged lady’s hairstyle and makeup. And I was being paid for it.
“OK, maybe I am… at the moment. But it’s not what I’m planning as a career…”
“Ah, but what is your mother planning…?” she began.
She trailed off. It was a good question. I couldn’t think what to say either.
“OK, look,” she said, getting back to business, “we need to find you a dress for next Sunday. I’ve checked your mother’s wardrobe, and she doesn’t really have anything suitable.”
“I’m not surprised,” I said. “She never goes anywhere apart from the Bridge Club. The dress I wore to the restaurant the other day was the nicest thing she had, and even that was years old.”
“She really is quite unusual, your Mum, isn’t she?”
“You have no idea,” I said.
She sat back down at the dressing table and reopened the laptop.
“Now the website says that they can guarantee a better fit with more measurements.” She read a list from the web page. “Neck, front waist length, back waist length, shoulder, and arm length. I’ve never heard of most of these, but there’s a diagram.”
She carried on measuring me. She was entering the numbers as she went.
When she’d finished, I asked, “Um, seriously… does me doing this dressing up – this testing stuff for my mother – put you off at all…?”
She turned and smiled. “Not at all, actually. You’d think maybe it would, wouldn’t you? But it doesn’t. I find it… exciting. Hasn’t that been obvious in bed the last few nights? With me burrowing under your nightie and playing with your boobs?”
I found myself blushing… and nodding.
“Can I get dressed again now?” I asked.
“What?” She was distracted again, reading the instructions on the website. “Oh, yes.”
I put my blouse, skirt and shoes back on.
“It suggests that for best results we should send them a head and shoulders photograph.”
She reached for her handbag and took out her phone.
“Seems like a lot of trouble,” I grumbled. “What do they need that for?”
“Dunno. Smile!” she commanded.
I hesitated… but why not? After all, I looked exactly like my mother. No one would see Steve in the photograph. So I complied. There was a flash. She pressed some buttons on her phone and transferred the picture to her laptop via Bluetooth. Then she uploaded the photo to the website and went back to browsing the available dress styles. I joined her at the dressing table.
“I like this one,” she said.
It was navy blue silk with a pink floral pattern, three-quarter-length. She was right. It looked ideal for a Garden Party.
“But you’ll need a jacket with it. You can’t afford to show your bare arms. They’re too masculine.”
“Thanks for that,” I said. “I haven’t felt very virile for a while now.”
“Well, you certainly felt virile to me in bed last night,” she said crudely. “You need a bracelet and a ladies’ watch too – to distract from the thickness of your wrists.”
I don’t think she’d picked up on my need for reassurance. She was scanning the site for accessories. She soon found a matching plain pink jacket and hat.
“I can change the colour scheme,” she said.
She selected some variations, but both of us preferred the original in navy and pink.
“I think I have… that is, my mother has a handbag in that shade of pink,” I said.
“Good, because you’ll need to buy some shoes too. Your mother’s won’t fit you.”
She pressed the Done icon to signify she was satisfied with her selection. Immediately the web page vanished and a model with my mother’s face and body – my face and body now – began strutting down a catwalk in the beautiful outfit Annie had selected. We were watching a rear view, and Ingrid’s – my – broad hips and generous rear were wiggling their way down the walkway. The likeness was uncanny.
“Wow!” Annie breathed. “How do they do that?”
“It has to be CGI, but it’s brilliantly done. Really impressive! I wonder if they’re hiring?”
“You already have a job.”
Ingrid reached the end of the catwalk, turned, and favoured her audience with a beaming smile, the likes of which had never been seen on my mother’s face in real life.
“That spoils it,” I said. “It’s not like her at all anymore.”
“No,” Annie agreed, “but it’s just like you.”
We paid for the outfit using the business credit card which my mother had reluctantly entrusted to me.
It arrived, three days later, in plenty of time. I quickly checked the fit, which seemed fine, then put it away till the big day.
* * *
The following Sunday morning Annie helped me get dressed and made up. The outfit was everything the website had promised. I stood in front of the wardrobe mirror in the Girls’ Room, bowled over by my appearance. Annie had taken special care over my make-up – much more than my mother ever did herself. Ingrid had never looked so good, or so feminine, and it wasn’t even her! The lovely dress was complemented by matching shoes and jacket, the pink handbag, and a broad-brimmed hat with pretty pink artificial flowers on it. I twirled and preened; I admit it. I looked like the Duchess of Cornwall and I felt like the Queen Mother (when she was young).
“It’s beautiful,” Annie said. “You should get all your dresses from from now on. It’s a perfect fit.”
I shot her a filthy look. “It’s a perfect fit for my mother,” I said. “I’m not expecting to need any more dresses after this.”
“We’ll see,” she said enigmatically.
I changed the subject. “Don’t I need a slip with this dress?” I asked.
“I don’t think so,” she said. “It’s a lovely slinky material. It won’t stick to you or ride up, but it’s still thick enough to conceal your underwear. Give me a twirl, sweetie.” As I did so, she glanced down at my backside. “No Visible Panty Line on that beautiful big round bum of yours!” She giggled. “Anyway, it will be too hot today for another layer underneath.”
At that moment the real Ingrid came in to inspect me before letting me represent her in public. The look of astonishment on her face, behind me in the mirror, was almost worth all the trouble and potential embarrassment. She saw me looking at her, snorted, and stamped out of the room.
“I assume that means she approves,” said Annie.
* * *
It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in late July. Fred arrived – late, as usual – to take me to the Garden Party in his Jaguar F-Pace. He was ridiculously proud of the huge SUV, but with his notoriously mediocre driving skills, he would have been better off with a little Yaris like mine. He always had to drive round the Tesco car park for ages, trying to find a double space that he could get the monstrous beast into without scratching the vehicles on either side.
Fred held out his hand to help me up into the oversized vehicle. I collapsed into the passenger seat. I thought back to the last time I found myself struggling to get in a car. This had been hard enough but there was no way I could have got into this silly thing as Jennifer. It had been more difficult than I had expected as Ingrid, because of having to step up to the high seating position in my unfamiliar heels.
“Thanks for doing this, Steve,” said Fred. “I really didn’t want to come on my own. It only encourages the rumours…”
He paused, aware that his sexuality was a subject we still hadn’t discussed.
“It’s fine,” I said, “I’m quite looking forward to it. But you owe me one,” I continued. “And please don’t forget to call me ‘Ingrid’ this afternoon, Frederick dear.”
I carefully laid my beautiful hat on the back seat. It would need to be attached to my wig with the long hatpin in my handbag. The forecast was for ‘sunny intervals and a light breeze’. I didn’t want to have to chase my hat across the Mayor’s garden, especially in these shoes.
“My mother wouldn’t be seen dead at a social event like a Garden Party,” I continued, “especially togged up like this.”
“Too true,” Fred said. “She’s not a very sociable person, is she?”
“Understatement of the year. She hates small talk; she isn’t much interested in other people’s lives; and she can’t discuss her work, can she? Doesn’t leave much scope for conversation.”
“She doesn’t go in for chit-chat at the Bridge table either,” he said. “She’s happy to discuss the hands – where I went wrong in the bidding or the play, for example – but that’s about it.”
Fred pulled out onto the main road as we both laughed gently at my mother’s quiet sociopathy. I took a compact out of my handbag and checked my lipstick in its little mirror.
“How come you’re invited to this shindig anyway?” I asked him.
“I run Adult Evening Classes in IT at the Sixth Form College,” he said. I hadn’t known that. “That makes me an honorary local government officer,” he continued, “so I get invited to their annual summer do at the end of term.”
“Hang on, they can’t have invited everyone who works for the council. That would be at least a thousand people!”
“Oh far more. No, I think it’s mainly people involved with the College, and anyway there must be some kind of rota. I’ve been teaching IT for three years now and this is the first time I’ve been invited.”
A nasty thought struck me. I haven’t met anyone outside the company who actually knows Ingrid well, apart from possibly Nuttall, the Bank Manager.
“You realise I only look like Ingrid. My impersonation of her is only skin-deep. Will I know anyone there? Or, more importantly, will Ingrid know anyone there?”
“I doubt it,” he said airily. “I’m pretty sure she’s never even been to the College, and as you said yourself, she doesn’t go out socialising much.”
I hoped he was right.
* * *
He wasn’t. The first person we saw as we stepped onto the duckboards laid across the Mayor’s huge back garden was the Honourable Harriet Bairstow, the Bridge Club secretary. She too was dressed to the nines. She was there with her husband, George, who waved cheerfully when he saw us.
I paused to check my appearance: wig straight; hat secured with hatpin; handbag over the crook of my left arm; my right linked in Fred’s left. Best foot forward, remembering how to walk like a lady, bottom wiggling provocatively, stately as a galleon. I was grateful to have Fred to lean on; the duckboards were uneven and I was in high heels. Full of forebodings, we made our way over to the Bairstows.
“You realise we’ll have to remember this entire conversation?” I said sotto voce to Fred. “We have to tell Mum everything. The Bairstows will be very suspicious if they see her at the Bridge Club next week and she can’t remember a conversation from four days earlier.”
Fred agreed glumly and muttered an apology for getting us in this fix.
I tried to think how my mother would greet Harriet. I remembered from my one meeting (as Jennifer) with her four years ago that they weren’t friends. I decided on ‘polite, but frosty’.
That certainly turned out to be her choice. Fred and George were shaking hands, and I wondered whether Harriet and I would be doing girly cheek kisses, but she made no move at all toward physical contact. So no ‘mwah, mwah’ then. It wasn’t really my mother’s thing either.
“Hello, Ingrid,” Harriet said, keeping her hands to herself and her wine glass. “I didn’t think this sort of affair was your cup of tea at all.”
I briefly explained that I was only there to keep Fred company as his ‘plus one’.
“Poor Fred!” she sympathised tactlessly. “I love your dress, dear,” she continued. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in such a… feminine outfit.”
Harriet was clearly an expert in the barbed compliment, but it was fair comment, I suppose. My mother’s penchant for austere skirt suits was well known.
“My son’s partner chose it,” I said, trying to be friendly. “She has very good taste.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that Steven has a girlfriend,” Harriet said with a catty smile. “To be honest, I always thought he might be gay.”
What? How dare she! As far as I could remember I’d only met this horrible woman a couple of times as Steve. What had made her think I was gay? Of course I had now met her twice more while wearing a dress, wig and make-up, so perhaps this wasn’t the time to debate the matter. Beside me, Fred must have realised I was bristling and about to say something stupid.
“No, no,” he said, taking my arm gently. “Steve is definitely straight. He has had several steady girlfriends that I know of. I think this latest little lady might even be serious.”
I calmed down and thereafter tried to make polite but monosyllabic responses to Harriet’s brazenly spiteful conversation, all the time wondering whether to punch her on the nose or scratch her eyes out with my pretty, enamelled, shocking pink nails.
Disappointed that her thinly disguised insults to my lack of elegance and femininity were apparently falling on deaf ears, Harriet excused herself and wandered over to where the Mayor and Mayoress were holding court. Standing alone now, I moved closer to Fred. Would it be appropriate for me to link my arm in his again? I decided against it. It had been reasonable when we were walking over uneven ground, but it would be an unmistakable mark of affection while we were just standing here. He might get the wrong idea, and so might everyone else.
He and George had already begun discussing the hands from the previous Wednesday’s Bridge Club session, which posed another problem for me. Ingrid had been partnering Fred and would have remembered the most interesting hands as well as he did. I couldn’t be part of this conversation. I decided to go and get a drink as Fred was driving. A long trestle table covered by a snow-white linen cloth offered a range of wines, white and rosé in ice buckets. There were also kegs of beer but quaffing a pint would hardly be ladylike.
“What can I get you, madam?” asked a pretty girl on the other side of the table.
She was wearing a white blouse and black trousers, which were protected by a smart, gender-neutral white apron round her waist. Further up, a young man, identically dressed, was helping another female customer.
“Oh, a white wine, please,” I said.
“We have Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc.”
“Which would you recommend?” I asked, floundering. I wasn’t usually a wine drinker.
“Well our Chardonnay is made in an oaked style, giving it spice, honey, butter and hazelnut flavours. It’s rich and complex and has aged well. The Sauvignon Blanc is lighter-bodied with a crisper, juicier jolt of acidity.”
“Wow! You really know your wines!” I said.
“Actually, I googled them both before I started serving,” she said with a grin.
I laughed. She was great. I briefly wondered if I could get her phone number, then remembered how I was dressed. Perhaps I could ask for it on behalf of my son, Steve? Oh, but now there was Annie…
I snapped back to reality. She was waiting for an answer.
“I’ll try the Sauvignon Blanc. I’m in the mood for something lighter.”
The girl smiled and reached for a glass.
“Quite right,” said a voice beside me. “These affairs can be really heavy.”
I turned. It was the woman who was being served further down when I arrived. She was carrying a tray with four glasses of white wine on it.
“Are you here on your own?” she asked with a friendly smile.
“No, but my… companion has found a friend from the Bridge Club and they’re talking squeezes and end-plays.”
“Oh, come and join us then,” she said. “I’m with a little group of abandoned wives. We’ve commandeered a table over there in the shade.”
It would have been rude to refuse, and in any case I wanted to sit down and get my weight, both real and fake, off my high heels. Also, sitting in the shade sounded a lot better than standing in the sun. My dress was light silk, but I was wearing tights and that was over my granny panties and ‘abdominal prosthesis’. A cool breeze was wafting gently up my skirt, but I was still in danger of overheating, and I wasn’t sure how far I could trust my feminine deodorant.
“I’m Maggie Tyler,” my new friend said as she led the way. “My husband is an independent councillor, which means he works very hard but will never be Mayor. That honour only ever goes to the most senior Tory.”
I introduced myself as we arrived at the table. The three other ladies, all beautifully turned out and of varying shapes and sizes, welcomed me to their company.
“I’m Ingrid Jones,” I said. “I’m only here as a ‘plus one’.”
“Aren’t we all, dear?” laughed a plump woman in a bright yellow dress with an elaborate hat.
There were introductions all round. The large lady was Beth. The others were Sue and Liz. I hoped I would remember all the names. I realised nervously that if there were any giveaways in my disguise, this group would surely sniff them out.
“I love your dress, by the way,” said Maggie. “Where did you get it?”
“Online, actually,” I admitted. There were incredulous looks all round. “It’s a site called You can design your own dress, based on some simple patterns. Of course, I’m hopeless with computers. My son’s girlfriend found it and helped me.”
I had to describe the site and how it worked. They were fascinated. I just hoped my enthusiasm and description of the process didn’t sound out of character.
Then I had to get up and do a twirl. The other ladies were most impressed with the quality and fit of the dress. Beth and Sue came over to feel the material. As they poked and pawed me, I had to giggle girlishly with them, rather than grab them back and propose a threesome behind the mayor’s hedge, which might have been my preference. I could feel the pressure within my ‘abdominal prosthesis’ and fervently hoped the fabric was as robust as Fred claimed. As far as I could remember it had never been subjected to this particular test.
Eventually my new companions completed their rigorous inspection and returned to their seats, all promising to check out the website. I made myself comfortable and listened to their happy chatter. They were talking about their children, which was something we all had in common. It seemed I must be the oldest as my son was at university, while their kids were all still at school. I smiled and laughed with them but didn’t contribute much. I wasn’t confident of either my voice or my ability to make middle-aged lady conversation.
One thing I soon noticed: everyone asked a lot of questions, and not just of me, the newcomer. At first I thought they were just nosey, but I began to realise that was the key to feminine discourse. Men are always keen to tell you about themselves, which leads to macho willy-waving and competitions for bragging rights. We women (we women?) are much less obsessed with ourselves and more interested in our companions and their experiences. Or maybe it’s just competition in a different form. I had to describe my marital status and what I did for a living, but I managed to make both sound sufficiently boring that no one pressed me for details.
After a while, Liz, a skinny blonde in a slightly too fussy and frilly pale blue dress, turned to me and asked, “So do you know anybody else here then?”
“I think the only people I know are George and Harriet Bairstow,” I said, taking another sip of my wine, which was really good.
“Oh God, Harriet! Ee-yuck!” squealed Beth. She stopped with an audible hiccup and clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh sorry, is she a friend of yours?”
“Not exactly, no,” I admitted with a smile. “I only know her from the Bridge Club. We’re more rivals than friends.”
Not that Harriet was in my mother’s class as a Bridge player.
“Good,” Liz said. “I can’t stand that stuck-up cow!”
There were approving nods all round.
“She gets invited to all these do’s because she was at school with Honoria,” said Sue. I must have looked blank. “The Mayoress,” she added.
“They deserve each other, if you ask me,” said Beth.
I looked over to the other side of the garden and, sure enough, Harriet was in earnest conversation with the Mayor and the Mayoress. I was glad to have found a way of avoiding her and settled down to get plastered with my little group of wives.
As the afternoon wore on, we took it in turns to go and replenish the wine glasses. I definitely kept up with the other girls. It looked like my impersonation of my mother was turning me into an oenophile. When it was my turn I took the opportunity to go to the Ladies first. This was a trailer, presumably hired for the event, and parked on hard-standing next to the patio. The entrance to the Ladies was at one end. The Gents was at the other.
Inside, the Ladies was surprisingly clean and tidy with three pristine cubicles, and washbasins with large mirrors for us to check our make-up. I found a vacant stall immediately and went in to relieve myself of three large glasses of white wine. I was used to peeing sitting down by now, with my dress hiked up to my waist and my tights and knickers round my ankles. The abdominal prosthesis allowed me to urinate through my faux vagina quite realistically, but it did take some serious mopping up. I must have used half a roll of toilet paper.
I pulled my panties and hose back up and remembered to check that I hadn’t trapped the back of my dress in my knickers. I flushed and stepped out of the stall. I went over to a basin, washed my hands, and repaired my lipstick in the mirror alongside two other ladies. I primped my hair and checked the angle of my hat. I had never felt more feminine – or sheepish.
As I came out, I bumped into Fred, who was just about to go into the Gents.
“Ah, there you are, Ingrid,” he said. “I hope you don’t think I’ve been neglecting you?”
“No, I’m fine.”
“I saw you’d found some friends. Are you… er… fitting in?”
I knew what he was driving at. He was concerned that a twenty-year-old male might be out of his depth with a group of raucous, half-cut, middle-aged women, even if he was dressed and made up to be indistinguishable from them. I pretended not to understand.
“Why wouldn’t I?” I said, mindful of people milling about us on the way in and out of the toilets. “I’m with a group of other ladies just like me.”
“Er… right… well… well done,” he stammered, and turned to the door of the Gents. “We can go whenever you’re ready,” he said. “Come and find me. I’m certainly not going to interrupt you with that little gang of yours. I’d be terrified.”
I laughed and made my way back to get another round of drinks in.
For the next hour or so the five of us settled in at our merry table in the shade. We talked of any and every subject of interest to middle-aged women. We were bosom friends by the time I had seen off my fourth glass of Sauvignon Blanc, and I reckoned the others were ahead of me. The conversation got progressively earthier. At first it was weddings and children, but soon sex and periods were coming up a lot. When I was called upon to relate my own horrible experiences I tried to improvise on the sex by putting myself in the place of Rachel and Annie, but I had to admit – shamefully – that I had never really had a problem with my periods. Their reaction was envy, that I had escaped a revolting experience, and sympathy, in that I was missing a juicy talking point.
Every now and then a guilty-looking husband would approach, clearly afraid he would be in the doghouse for neglecting his wife. At that point the conversation became utterly proper; the relevant wife made her husband well aware of her displeasure; and he was sent away with a flea in his ear. Shrieks of laughter invariably burst out before he was out of earshot and the conversation returned to Magnitude Eight on the Vulgarity scale.
I thoroughly enjoyed the company of Maggie, Liz, Sue and especially big fat Beth, who was a scream. I definitely had too much to drink. Late night boozing in the Students Union bar hadn’t prepared me for the amount of wine we ladies put away that afternoon. As the vino exerted its effect, my shy, monosyllabic contributions to the conversation gradually became longer and more frequent. I also found myself giggling helplessly at my fellow plus-size plus-ones’ anecdotes. I just hoped I was keeping my voice and laughter consistently within the female range.
When Fred eventually braved the lionesses’ den to drag me away, my handbag was stuffed with paper napkins bearing the girls’ contact details. I had no choice but to respond in kind, so I gave them the number of my smartphone. It was the same one I had used as Milly four years earlier and everyone teased me about its age. I would enter their names and numbers into it later, so that I would know who was calling and could answer in the appropriate voice. But I said that I was expecting to be away for a while on business, so they shouldn’t be surprised if they only got my voicemail. Liz said she would invite me into their WhatsApp group.
When it was finally time to go I had to lean heavily on Fred as I tottered across the lawn towards the little enclosure where the Mayor and Mayoress were entertaining their VIP guests. Fred spoke for us both in thanking them for the invitation and their hospitality. I stayed silent. Not least because the garden was starting to sway from side to side.
“We had a wonderful afternoon,” he said.
“We’re very glad you enjoyed it,” said the Mayor politely. He clearly had no clue who either of us was.
“I can see how much Ingrid enjoyed it,” said Harriet, who was standing next to her mate, Honoria.
I waved and smiled. My alcohol-induced happy state wasn’t going to be spoiled by Harriet’s snarkiness. We said our goodbyes. As we made our way to the car, I seemed to have forgotten most of what I had learned about walking in heels. I don’t think I would have made it without Fred to catch me whenever I stumbled, which was often.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this, ‘Ingrid’,” he chuckled. “I’ll have to get you plastered more often.”
“I hope I haven’t ruined my mother’s reputation,” I burbled, between hiccups.
“Don’t worry. She could do with loosening up a little. Anyway if Harriet or anybody else tries to talk about the afternoon with the other Ingrid, she can legitimately claim she doesn’t remember anything about it, and they’ll probably believe her!”
As Fred drove us home, I felt the beginnings of a hangover coming on. I desperately hoped I hadn’t given anything away during the drunken afternoon.
When we got back to the house we tried to sneak up to Fred’s rooms to avoid my mother, but she had seen the car and was quick to intercept us. She was furious when she saw the state I was in. She made us give a blow-by-blow account of the afternoon and was only slightly mollified when I explained that I had hardly any conversation with anyone she knew. She hit the roof again when I admitted to getting blotto with four other women. I hadn’t given any of them the real Ingrid’s contact details. I just hoped she would never bump into any of them round town.
God knows what she would say to Harriet if she tried to make fun of her for getting drunk at the Mayor’s Garden Party…
* * *
Annie and I had still been seeing a lot of each other (as it were) while I was Ingrid. She didn’t seem to mind going to bed with someone who looked like a middle-aged lady, as long as I could remove my abdominal prosthesis and she could access those parts of me she needed. If anything, my disguise got her even more excited, which was puzzling but very welcome. I wasn’t so keen on us going out together in public. I found it difficult to keep my hands – and lips – off my gorgeous girlfriend, but such affection would have seemed very odd when the world saw me as a tubby matron in a severe grey skirt suit, and she was calling me ‘Auntie’.
I was keen for the charade to be over, so I had Vera inspect my facial prosthetics every morning for signs of wear and tear. I was in two minds about them. On the one hand I was longing to go back to being me, but on the other, if they broke up and fell off too soon, I would only have to go through the whole experience again with an improved version. Every day they stubbornly refused to show any signs of disintegration. Finally, two and a half weeks after I first became my mother, I persuaded her that they were as robust as the body prosthetics.
“Does that mean I can go back to being me?” I asked her at morning coffee.
“I suppose so,” she said, “and I’ll have to start doing the client meetings again. Pity, I’ve appreciated the break.”
Actually, I had quite enjoyed being Ingrid McLaughlin, Transformations Consultant. I was always happiest practising my coding in the Bunker, but interviewing clients made a nice change. Still, being Steve again meant I could go out with Annie as myself.
So with my mother’s approval I rushed to Vera’s office to get her to remove all my Ingrid-parts with her miracle solvent. Naked except for the panties I had come in (which were now too big for me and were threatening to descend at any moment), I hurried up to the flat with my arms full of Ingrid’s clothes. I dumped all but the underwear in her room. My bra, panties and stockings went in the laundry basket.
I moved my stuff into my own room and dressed as Steve again for the first time in nearly three weeks. It felt weird not wearing a bra – indeed, not having huge heavy boobs on my chest and needing a bra. I struggled a little with my balance. Not wearing high heels made things easier but my slimmed down caboose still wanted to wiggle from side to side. My boy clothes seemed rough and uncomfortable. I hoped I wasn’t hooked on silky knickers and nylons.
Finally, I returned the rest of my mother’s clothes to her bedroom. I wondered about the beautiful outfit I had worn to the Garden Party. Would she donate it to the client wardrobe or keep it for herself? She had nothing like it, as far as I knew. Would seeing me make ‘a better her than her’ change her sartorial preferences?
I hurried off to find Annie. She was in her office, prodding at a cast of somebody’s head. Her hands were covered in clay, plenty of which transferred to me when she threw her arms round my neck and kissed me.
“It’s great to see you back,” she said when she came up for air. “So where are you taking me this Saturday?”
Before I could answer my mother put her head round the door.
“I thought I saw you bound in here,” she said. “I just wanted to say that I’ll be away this weekend. Dolly and I are playing in the qualifying heat of the County Ladies’ Pairs. It’s up in Peterborough this year so we’re staying in the hotel on Saturday night, as the journey is so tiring.”
She meant that Dolly always fell asleep during an hour and a half in the car, and didn’t wake up till half-way through the first Bridge session, having made half a dozen horrible mistakes. They had yet to make the cut for the Final after several attempts.
What luck – Steve’s first weekend back and we would have the flat to ourselves for two whole days! We had a great time, just being a normal boy and his girlfriend, rather than a reluctant female impersonator and his/her enthusiastic groupie.
There was just one odd incident: for some reason I couldn’t find any of my pyjamas. I know I had at least two clean pairs in my chest of drawers. I would have been quite happy sleeping in the nude but Annie insisted I wear one of my mother’s nighties which was still in the laundry basket. In one sense that felt wrong, but in another it felt delicious!
* * *
To crown a great weekend for us all, my mother got back on Sunday evening to announce that she and Dolly had got through to the elite County Ladies’ Pairs Final for the first time ever! They even finished in the prizes of the qualifying session, and my mother proved it by banging two bottles of decent French wine down on the dining room table. I was happy about that because it meant that Annie and I could look forward to having the flat to ourselves again three weeks later, when Mum and Dolly would be playing in the Final.
She had called Fred on the way back with the good news and he brought a bottle of bubbly round to celebrate. With five of us that went quickly, Dolly guzzling two glasses in double-quick time. I was opening a second bottle from our cellar when my mother suddenly pulled a sour face, inappropriate for the celebrations. I asked her what was the matter.
“Harriet Bairstow qualified as well,” she said. “By the way, I had to put up with a lot of rude remarks about me getting drunk at the Garden Party.”
“I didn’t think she was good enough,” I said, trying to get her back to the Bridge. “Has she really improved that much in the last four years?”
Dolly snorted.
“No, but she has started paying people to play with her. She’d persuaded some American expert to play with her in the Ladies’ Pairs Qualifying.”
“Is that allowed?” Annie asked.
“Sadly, yes,” said Fred, “and it’s getting more and more common in county and regional congresses. There always seem to be a few wealthy no-hopers paying an expert to play with them.”
“In fact, many international teams are put together by sponsors,” said my mother. “It’s how a rich person gets to be a World Champion. They field a team of six. At any time there will be two pairs playing and one resting; five world-class pros and a rich palooka, who pays their wages and expenses, and bonuses if the team does well.”
“The sponsor has to play a certain percentage of the hands to be designated a World Champion if his team wins,” added Fred. “His professional partner does his best to limit the damage when the boss is playing, and the other four try to recover the deficit when he’s sitting out. So Harriet has started doing the same. I think she’s hoping to sponsor a team and play for England one day, but to do that she has to get some good results in local and regional events.”
“Why, if she’s paying her partners and team-mates?” I asked.
“There aren’t that many good ‘hired guns’ around,” said Fred. “So they can pick and choose, and they’ll only work for a sponsor if they think they have a hope of winning things with her.”
I got the second bottle open and we didn’t let the iniquity and unfairness of Harriet trying to buy herself a place in the England Women’s team spoil our evening.
* * *
The next few days were the best of my life; I had found the woman with whom I would spend the rest of my life.
It was early August. It was holiday time and our client workload was light. The weather was perfect. My mother decided, with a show of reluctance, that she could do without us for a few days, so Annie and I went off to Newquay where I tried to teach her to surf. She was a good swimmer, and had as much fun falling off her board as she had trying to ride it, but in the end I had to admit defeat and we spent half my bonus money on some proper lessons for her. She soon un-learned what I had tried to teach her, and the excellent coach managed to undo all the damage I had done to her confidence.
We stayed in a snug little ‘B and B’, ate fish and chips, drank scrumpy cider, and were as happy as if it had been the best hotel on the Cote d’Azur.
We returned, with regret, during the evening of the second Sunday in August. Annie went back to her grandmother’s house to make sure the old lady was all right.
* * *
In the middle of the next week, back at work, we were having our morning coffee. Dolly was telling us how much she was looking forward to the Final of the County Ladies’ Pairs the weekend after next, when she suddenly turned pale. She dropped the cup she was pouring and clutched her chest. Then she collapsed slowly onto the olive-green carpet.
We rushed to help. I tried to lift her up.
“You shouldn’t move her, should you?” Annie squealed in obvious panic.
“I’m pretty sure that’s only if she might have a spinal injury,” I said.
“That’s right,” said my mother. “We need to get her feet higher than her head. Help Steven get her onto the couch, Fred.”
Between the two of us, we managed to get poor Dolly onto the couch and laid her out flat, with her feet sticking up over the arm at the end. She was already starting to come round.
“Just stay still, Dolly,” said my mother. She had taken out her mobile phone and was dialling.
“I’m all right,” Dolly was saying, struggling to get up. “Pills… bag….”
I pushed her down gently. Annie rushed to get her Granny’s handbag and rifled through it, finding a small brown pill bottle.
“Give her two,” said Mum, over her shoulder.
I grabbed a coffee cup and filled it with water. Annie helped Dolly take her pills. Mum was talking into her phone now.
“Just lie nice and still for a moment or two, Dolly,” I said. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“Yes… yes… I understand,” my mother said into the phone. She turned to Dolly. “Steven and I will take you over to the hospital at Lea,” she said. “No arguments now.”
Mum had generously arranged private medical insurance for all the staff. The local NHS practices were overstretched and never objected to their patients going directly to private clinics, for check-ups or minor ops, as long as they were kept fully informed. The Lea was the nearest private hospital to the house.
I expected Dolly to object but she nodded quietly. Annie sat down beside her and took her hand.
“They’re expecting us as soon as we like,” said my mother. “They’ll notify her family GP and get access to her notes. We’ll take the van. Do you want to come too, Annie dear? You can sit in the back with your grandmother.”
Annie nodded. She’d have to be there sometime today anyway. As Dolly’s next of kin, there would be forms to sign, and so on. Also the doctors shouldn’t be telling Mum and me anything without either Dolly’s or Annie’s permission.
* * *
By the time we got to the hospital, Dolly was insisting it was all a fuss over nothing and she should be back at the house. She had been planning to clean out the ovens in the main kitchen that afternoon. They were a disgrace, apparently. Eventually she was persuaded that since we had come all this way (a twenty-minute drive), she might as well have a quick check-up.
She was soon transferred to a stretcher trolley, and we waited with her while my mother filled out the various inevitable insurance forms and handed over her credit card details. Dolly confirmed that the heart pills were the only medication she took regularly, and that she wasn’t diabetic or allergic to penicillin. She remonstrated with us for wasting money and everyone’s time. Annie seemed to be far more worried and upset, and I did my best to keep her calm.
As promised, a consultant cardiologist, Mr Waheed, was available within minutes of our arrival. He seemed very kind and reassuring and he soon took Dolly off into a consulting room. The receptionist invited the three of us to help ourselves to coffee and cookies in the family waiting area. To keep Annie’s mind off her grandmother’s condition, we set about the crossword in one of the broadsheet papers. After struggling with the compiler’s warped mind for several minutes without success, a thought occurred to me.
“Why is she being examined by a cardiologist, Mum?” I asked. “And how did you know about the pills?”
My mother looked a little shifty.
“She has some… history,” she said. “She didn’t want me to tell anyone, so that you didn’t worry about her. But I suppose it will all come out now anyway.”
“Granny has heart trouble?” Annie said in a panicky voice.
“Well, yes,” admitted my mother. “She collapsed with chest pain and nausea once before. About eighteen months ago, it was. Her doctor diagnosed mild ‘stable angina’ and gave her the pills. That’s when she finally gave up smoking. As far as I know she hasn’t had any episodes since, but they said she should take it a bit easier. She insisted that she carry on working for us, but that was one reason why I hired the additional cleaning staff – to reduce Dolly’s workload. Anyway, the doctor said she should have an annual check-up and call the surgery immediately if she had any more symptoms.”
We all fell silent. Annie was looking very worried. Her lower lip trembled almost imperceptibly.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” my mother said, taking her hand. “People can live a perfectly normal life with what Dolly has. She just has to keep taking the medication and be careful not to overdo it.”
Annie tried a little smile, almost successfully.
About half an hour after he disappeared with Dolly, Waheed reappeared. A quiet woman in white nurse’s scrubs hovered discreetly behind him. He addressed Annie, as next of kin.
“I’m pleased to say that your grandmother is feeling much better. I’m satisfied that this little… episode is behind her now...”
Annie gave an audible sigh of relief and began to thank the doctor. I sensed there was a ‘but’ coming.
“…but I’d like to keep her in for twenty-four hours for observation, and I think we should run some tests. I would recommend an angiogram.”
We all looked blank, so he went on to explain.
“We use X-ray imaging to examine the heart’s blood vessels to see if there are any restrictions in blood flow. We inject a dye into the femoral artery. It shows up in X-rays as it flows through into the heart. Then the machine takes a series of images of the blood vessels.”
“So what happens if you do find a blockage?”
“We may be able to open a clogged artery during the same procedure. We push a tiny balloon along the blocked artery to stretch it open. We would probably also insert a short wire-mesh tube called a stent. That would be left in place permanently to allow blood to flow more freely.”
“It all sounds terrifying!” said Annie.
“Well, it’s a fairly common procedure nowadays. I agree that it is quite invasive, and it’s not totally risk-free. Complications are rare, though.” He checked Dolly’s notes that her GP practice had sent over. “But I see your grandmother had all the non-invasive tests they could give her eighteen months ago – electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, stress test – and they were largely inconclusive. Her doctor gave her the medication but decided not to go any further then, given her age, but to wait and see. I would have done the same.”
“Is it all really necessary now?” asked my mother, in her headmistress voice.
“I think so, I’m afraid.” Waheed was unfazed. Headmistresses didn’t frighten him. “My examination this afternoon suggests that her heart is noticeably weaker than before. We really need to do something about that before it gets any worse.”
“So when will you do it?” asked Annie in a small, sad voice.
“We should leave at least twelve hours after her most recent meal. Can you tell me when she last ate?”
“We had breakfast together this morning,” said Annie. “We finished at about eight o’clock. She probably had a couple of biscuits and a cup of tea around half-past ten – just before she felt ill.”
Waheed checked his watch.
“We’d probably better leave it till first thing tomorrow morning then,” he said. He looked around for the nurse, who appeared at his elbow as if by magic. “Can you find her a bed, please Sharmila, and get her checked in? She might as well have a late lunch now, and a sandwich at tea-time, but no breakfast tomorrow.”
The nurse disappeared to do his bidding.
“If you’d like to come with me, I’ll take you to her,” he said.
We spent half an hour or so with Dolly in the examining room until the porters came for her. The doctor recommended we leave her to get settled in. We could come back at normal visiting hours that evening. Understandably she was far from her usual cheery self, but she accepted that she was in the best place for her condition and that things might have been a lot worse.
* * *
They did the angiogram at eight o’clock the following morning. It involved opening the femoral artery so that the dye could travel up into her heart. Afterwards, to close up the wound, a beefy nurse had to press down on it with all her weight for several minutes until the blood clotted and scabbed. Then Dolly had to lie flat for several hours to avoid reopening the cut. For that reason we weren’t encouraged to come and see her until after lunch.
Dr Waheed intercepted the three of us outside Dolly’s private room before we went in to see her. That suggested bad news was coming, and it was.
“I’m afraid the angiogram revealed several blockages in her coronary arteries. A couple of them are well over fifty per cent blocked, and the artery walls are in poor condition. All that means that her case is not suitable for an angioplasty. We can’t be sure until we can examine the heart directly, but we will probably need to graft a new artery to replace each damaged one. For that the only option is a bypass. This is quite a serious operation, but without it she is at high risk of a heart attack at any time. I’m very sorry.”
There was a lot more technical language (including horrendous phrases like ‘coronary artery bypass surgery’ and ‘median sternotomy procedure’, which I intended to look up afterwards), but the bottom line was that Dolly was going to have a serious operation with a substantial risk. Also to get to her heart the surgeon would have to crack her sternum down its length. So obviously she would need a long period of convalescence, for much of which she would be bedbound.
“There is a further complication, I’m afraid,” Waheed continued. “Mrs Thompson hasn’t consented to the operation yet. I got the impression she wasn’t actually afraid of the procedure, but she says she won’t put you to the expense. I’m not sure what the financial situation is. Perhaps you should talk to her?”
“I certainly will!” said my mother in a determined voice.
The headmistress was back and girding her loins. She was about to storm in, when she stopped and turned to Annie and me.
“Just give me a minute alone with her, would you?” she said. “By the way, Annie, I assume you do want your grandmother to have this operation?”
Annie nodded vigorously. “It sounds awful, but you have to trust the doctors, don’t you? They’re the experts, and if they’re saying she could die without it...” She was on the verge of tears. “Maybe I’m being selfish, but I’m not ready to say goodbye to her.”
The tears arrived. I held her tight. My mother nodded and pushed open the door.
* * *
Between Annie’s tearful pleading and my mother’s stern insistence that all the costs would be covered by the company insurance scheme (not completely true – there was a substantial ‘excess’), Dolly capitulated. The operation was scheduled for the following day – a great benefit of having private medical insurance, but it also showed how serious the Consultant judged Dolly’s condition to be. We left Annie to spend the rest of the day at her bedside.
I returned at the end of visiting time. I felt Annie shouldn’t be alone and insisted on taking her back to our flat. She didn’t object, blubbing softly on my shoulder as I drove us home.
We had a takeaway dinner with Fred and my mother. We opened one of the bottles of Merlot she and Dolly had won at the County Ladies’ Pairs Qualifying, but it was a much less cheerful evening than the last time we were all together – the night after their great triumph.
“That reminds me,” said Annie to my mother, as we were sitting down to eat. “I think what has upset Granny most was letting you down. You won’t be able to play in the Final, after all these years of trying.”
“Oh you must tell her not to worry about that.”
“It was all she talked about,” Annie continued. “She asked me to remind you to let the organisers know so they can contact the reserve pair.”
“Yes, of course.” My mother was looking thoughtful. “It’s not till next weekend though, is it? There’s no hurry.”
“I suppose not, but there’s no doubt about it, is there?” Annie persisted. “She won’t be able to play. Even if the operation is a total success, she’ll be bedridden with her chest wired and heavily bound up until her breastbone mends. Then she’ll need physio. Recovery will be at least four weeks; at her age probably more like six. She might be able to get out of bed after a fortnight, but she won’t be able to move much.”
“No, no, I understand,” said my mother, “but we might be able to make alternative arrangements.”
“Yes, maybe she could play online from her bed,” I suggested. “She’d need a tablet PC with the right app. The other three players could play as usual and an official could enter the bids and plays which would then appear on her screen…”
I tailed off. A lot of people now played Bridge online and I had got excited with the technical possibilities, but I couldn’t imagine the old fogeys of the County Bridge association going for anything like that. Easier just to drop her and Mum from the competition.
“That, might work, yes,” said Mum dubiously.
I wondered what else she could be thinking of.
“I’ll talk to Dolly as soon as she’s out of surgery and allowed visitors,” she said. “In the meantime, would everyone please keep her illness a secret? No need even to say she’s in hospital for the moment. She won’t want to see anyone apart from us anyway, will she?”
We all agreed, though none of us could work out what she had in mind…
* * *
It was actually two days after Dolly’s operation before we were allowed in to see her. Dr Waheed met with us first.
“I’m glad to say that the operation was a success,” he began.
Annie let out a sigh of relief, but my mother and I could tell from his demeanour that there was more to come.
“As I think I mentioned, the angiogram couldn’t tell us everything. The full extent of the damage to the coronary arteries often isn’t apparent until we have direct access to the heart. Unfortunately in Mrs Thompson’s case, the damage was more severe than we had hoped. She was a heavy smoker for most of her life, I believe?”
We confirmed his understanding. I didn’t like his use of the past tense.
“So we had quite a lot of repair work to do. This has left her very weak, I’m afraid.” He obviously noticed Annie’s downhearted expression and hurried on. “I’m optimistic that she can make a full recovery – that will depend on how well the grafts ‘take’ – but it will be a long, slow process.”
Annie went in to see her alone first while Mum and I sat in the waiting room with the excellent coffee and cookies – another benefit of ‘going private’. After about twenty minutes Annie came out.
“You wanted a word with her alone, Ingrid?” she said.
“Yes, thank you, dear. I’ll only be a moment.”
My mother went into the private room. Annie came and sat with me. I could see she was fighting her tears.
“She looks ten years older,” she said sadly. “She could hardly speak.”
“Anyone would struggle after what she’s been through,” I said. “She’ll be back to her old self in a month or two – better, in fact. Don’t forget she’s been managing on half a heart for a while now. She’ll be fitter than ever when she’s back on her feet.”
Annie looked at me with genuine hope in her eyes.
“That’s right, isn’t it?” she said. She smiled. It was like the sun coming out after a week of rain. “I love… your optimism.”
“Careful. You nearly said those three forbidden words.”
She laughed and moved in for a hug. Nothing more was said until my mother came bustling out.
“It’s all settled,” she said briskly. “Come on.”
Before we could ask what was settled, she was dragging us into Dolly’s private room. Although well prepared I was shocked at how ill she looked. I forced a smile onto my face and drew in a breath to say how well she looked.
“Dolly has something she wants to ask you, Steven,” my mother said, before I could speak.
“Yes,” she rasped, her voice softer and hoarser than ever. “I’d be very grateful if you would take my place and win the County Ladies’ Pairs with your mother.”
I said I’d think about it.
Annie and her Granny
By Susannah Donim
Steve’s mother runs the secretive Transformations consultancy. This means he has a number of interesting jobs over the years.
Chapter 5 – The Substitute
Steve has qualms about the propriety of the favour his mother asks of him, but he has no idea of where the deception will lead.
“No, no, no!” I shouted in the car on the way home. “It’s a mad idea; completely bonkers; and almost certainly illegal!”
“You said you’d think about it,” my mother said accusingly.
“Well I couldn’t turn Dolly down flat, not with her lying half-dead in hospital!” I realised that was a poor choice of words. I turned to Annie. “Sorry, I…”
“It’s OK. You were being insensitive for emphasis. I get it,” she said sarcastically.
“It’s perfectly feasible,” my mother argued. “You know our system can make you an exact replica of Dolly…”
“I know it can,” I said, before realising I had walked into her trap, “but that isn’t the point.”
“It’s one weekend of your time…”
“It’s not that I couldn’t do it,” I blustered, “I just shouldn’t. It’s unethical, immoral…”
My mother thundered on as if I hadn’t spoken.
“…and you like playing Bridge. You’re always saying you don’t get to play enough against decent opposition. These will be the cream of the County players,” she continued as if I hadn’t spoken.
“Women players.”
“Are you saying that women Bridge players aren’t as good as men?”
“No!” Was she accusing me of sexism now too? “It’s wrong because it’s the Ladies’ Pairs and I’m not a woman!”
“But you could be, for one weekend, easily. No one would ever know.”
“I’d know. It’s cheating!”
“How? We’re not arranging any secret signals or fixing the cards somehow. You’d be in exactly the same position as every other lady player.”
I paused for breath. Could she really not see this was wrong? Or was it me?
“Why can’t you just find another woman to play with?”
“That wouldn’t be allowed. Dolly and I qualified as a pair. If either of us is unavailable, the first reserves get to play.” She paused, trying to think of another persuasive argument. “You know… I bet you wouldn’t even be the first!” she added, slyly.
“I bet some male Bridge player has entered a Ladies’ Pairs somewhere in disguise, if only for a bet. If it comes to that, I’d wager some woman has entered a Men’s Pairs somewhere.”
“Oh, you’re just making things up now,” I said. “Are you really so determined to play in the County Final that you’d enter with your son in drag?”
“You wouldn’t just be doing it for me. It would be for Dolly too.”
Ouch! Low blow.
“She was really upset at having to let me down – as she saw it,” she hastened to add. “I just hope it doesn’t affect her recovery…”
My mother’s hypocrisy was breathtaking. This was such a completely stupid idea, so why did I feel like I was losing the argument? I turned to Annie in desperation. She had been uncharacteristically silent throughout.
“Oh, just say yes, Steve,” she said, to my horror. “You know you’ll give in eventually.”
I stared out of the window for the rest of the journey, not trusting myself to say anything more. But if I had to do this, by God I would get something out of it; something my mother didn’t want to give.
* * *
She really didn’t like my condition.
“There’s a reason we no longer see your father,” she said.
“Don’t care,” I said. “I have the right. Besides, you’re obviously in touch with him.”
“I haven’t seen him for years,” she insisted. There might have been a slight, almost undetectable, emphasis on ‘seen’.
“But you know how to contact him. You must do, as he owns this place, not you.” She didn’t deny it. “So that’s my condition: I get to meet with my father, or you find someone else to dress up as Dolly next weekend. Maybe Fred will do it.”
“This is blackmail,” she said weakly.
“It certainly is. Well spotted. So what?”
She sighed. “All right, I agree – but I’m not telling you anything till after the Ladies’ Pairs Final.”
“So you’re asking me to trust you to keep your word?” She actually looked shocked, and maybe a little hurt. “All right, I suppose,” I conceded.
“If you do this for me, I’ll tell you how to find your father,” she said.
“You mean you’ll tell me why he left? Why you two split up?”
“No, that story isn’t mine to tell. I’ll help you meet him. If he’s prepared to talk to you, I’ll fill in the gaps afterwards…”
I think she understood that if she reneged on her promise, she wouldn’t see me for dust. Now there was just the little matter of becoming a seventy-year-old tea lady for a weekend’s Bridge.
* * *
I grudgingly admitted that it might take me a few days to get used to being Dolly so the process started on the Wednesday morning. As usual I had to undergo an all-over waxing, but it was less painful than previously because it was only three weeks since I’d had it done to become my mother. Or maybe I was just getting used to it. Or maybe my body was taking the hint and not producing as much hair.
My 3D image was already stored in the computer, so I didn’t need to go through the embarrassing naked photography session again. Dolly’s image had been taken earlier too, while we were building up the database, so it was easy enough to print the prostheses required to turn me into her. So there I was, sitting in front of the mirror in Vera’s room, wondering how I let myself get talked into these things. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t have happened if Annie hadn’t joined the opposition party.
First, Vera marked guidelines on my face using the computer-printed template, as she had when turning me into my mother. This enabled her to position the facial prostheses correctly. She could then glue them on in the right places to turn me into Dolly. There were far more pieces than there had been for my Ingrid disguise, because Dolly’s skin was thinner and floppier and more wrinkled. This, plus the fact that she was significantly overweight, meant that any differences in our ‘facial architectures’ – which fortunately were not too noticeable anyway – were easily concealed.
I now had wrinkly bags under my eyes and many deep lines across my face. Dolly’s plumpness gave me a double chin, not a scrawny neck, so the prosthetics easily hid my Adam’s apple.
It was fascinating, though grisly, to watch my twenty-year-old male features slowly turn into those of a seventy-year-old woman. Dolly’s face sat incongruously between my male haircut and my male body.
Vera pronounced herself finished and Sharon appeared carrying a grey wig. It was styled in a short bob which Dolly liked because ‘it kept her hair out of her eyes while she was working and was no trouble to look after’. Sensible lady. With my wig cap and wig in place, Sharon began applying some limited make-up. Dolly never wore much when she was working.
The most unpleasant part was when she painted my teeth. She cranked the chair down so I was practically horizontal, like at the dentist’s.
“Dolly still has her own teeth; well, most of them,” she said. “But yours are too white for an old lady, especially one who smoked heavily for years. I don’t think she ever did anything to remove the nicotine stains, and although they do fade after a while, her teeth will always look a little yellow.”
Sharon picked up a photograph and studied it carefully. When she put it down on her table I saw that it was of Dolly with a wide, friendly smile. It was true that her teeth were not her best feature.
Sharon dipped her fine paintbrush in a pot of yellow paint and bent over me to get a closer look.
“This would last about a month, I think,” she said. “But I can remove it whenever we want with the right solvent.”
“Thank Heaven for that,” I said, when I was allowed to speak. “This is only till Monday morning, remember.”
Sharon changed brushes and picked up a little pot of some black substance.
“I’m putting a little shading down the sides of the front teeth and on the gums. At Dolly’s age there are gaps between her teeth as the gums have receded. I obviously don’t want to do any real damage, but we need to make your smile look like that of a seventy-year-old. That means I need to fake broken and cracked teeth.”
She kept referring back to the photo as she worked.
“I think that’s pretty close,” she said eventually. She returned the chair to the upright position so that I could see myself in the mirror.
Once again, the Transformations 3D printing process and Sharon’s hair and make-up skills had triumphed. There was no doubt at all who I was looking at in the mirror: Dolly Thompson, elderly cleaner, tea lady, and aspiring Bridge champion. It wasn’t that bad, I decided. I knew from her old photos that Dolly had been something of a beauty in her youth, and she had aged quite well. Then I tried smiling and immediately wished I hadn’t. My teeth looked awful.
The rest of me still needed to change. No one had asked Dolly to be photographed naked, but Annie was able to provide her measurements in detail, and we had access to all her clothes, so it wasn’t too difficult to create a prosthesis for me. It was a one-piece like Jennifer’s, though fortunately not as fat. Also it had long sleeves and came down to well below my knees, to provide realistic seventy-year-old skin all over me. So it was more like a lumpy, wrinkled full body suit, cut off at the wrists and ankles.
“I’ll have to put age make-up on your hands, of course,” Sharon said.
With Vera’s help I struggled into the suit, and tried to remain calm while she did the usual embarrassing thing with my testicles and penis. When she finally had them securely tucked away, she dropped a major bombshell.
“Since you’re only going to be wearing this from now till Monday morning, I hope you won’t mind that I’ve applied the adhesive all over you. It’s always better to secure your prosthetics firmly, and as you know, it controls your perspiration.”
“You might have told me first!” I protested.
“You might have said no,” she grinned.
She started the lengthy process of smoothing my new skin down all over me.
“Just lie back and enjoy a little massage,” she said. “We need to smooth out any air bubbles. They’d look really weird, like you had something alive and moving under your skin.”
When she was satisfied that the adhesive was set and my elderly, wrinkled skin was as well attached as possible, she went over to her desk and passed me my new underwear.
“As for your impersonation of Ingrid, these are new, and the same brands and sizes that Dolly wears – Annie checked her drawers and went into town to get them for you. She also picked up a few of Dolly’s clothes from home.”
I dropped down off the table, my new droopy breasts swinging uncomfortably. I immediately felt the weight of Dolly’s excess flesh. I was now heavier than Ingrid, though still lighter than Jennifer. The key difference was that my new body was soft and floppy. I would need some hefty shapewear to achieve a decent figure.
“You’d better not move like that from now on,” said Vera sternly. “A seventy-year-old lady can’t jump down off a table! In future, you need to let someone help you with any energetic physical manoeuvres – and stairs. Dolly has bad knees. You know she walks with a stick, don’t you? Actually she can manage without it well enough. To be honest, I think she uses it to get sympathy.”
I’d forgotten that. She didn’t use it round our offices, claiming it just got in the way, but she leaned on it when she went in and out of the church hall where the Bridge Club met, because there were some awkward steps. Inside she would always claim one of the stationary pair seats, propping her stick up against the wall.
I acknowledged Vera’s warning but still got my bra and knickers (tight, voluminous granny panties) on as quickly as possible. This was far worse than seeing myself in my mother’s naked body, awkward as that had felt. I wondered if Dolly had realised the implications of asking me to impersonate her?
I stopped and examined my new body in Vera’s wall mirror. Apart from the all-over wrinkles, and the flabby cellulite from my waist down to my knees, the main thing I focused on were my breasts. Milly’s had been small and perky; Jennifer’s had been massive, but still firm; my mother’s a little smaller and only slightly saggy; but Dolly’s clearly needed a stiff bra to have any respectable shape at all.
Vera saw the horrified expression on my face.
“Growing old is the worst,” she said, “until you consider the alternative.” I was still speechless. “It’s just as bad for men, you know,” she continued, not unkindly, “just in different ways. But of course, you tend to die off earlier, so you’re spared the worst of it. And in fact Dolly’s not in bad shape at all for her age. It’ll be another ten to fifteen years before the rot really sets in for her.”
“What happens – happened – to…” I found I couldn’t frame the rest of the sentence. I raised my hand to my chest.
“Your dangly boobs?” she said, without a hint of embarrassment. “It’s mainly falling oestrogen levels after the menopause, and maybe also some sun damage from UV radiation. The skin and connective tissue of the breast becomes less hydrated, making it less elastic. With loss of elasticity, the breasts lose firmness and fullness and can develop a stretched, looser appearance. It’s not uncommon to change your cup size as you age. Dense breast tissue is replaced by fat as the aging process continues. I understand it was quite a clever bit of programming by Fred to make the tissue density vary for elderly flesh.”
He hadn’t mentioned he’d done that! I held up my arms, fascinated by the soft flesh that dangled loose. I pushed my left underarm with my right hand; it wobbled like jelly in a polythene bag.
“That’s called a batwing,” Vera said helpfully. “Most women over forty have them. Fat and sagging skin starts appearing under your upper arms. It’s a combination of factors: increase in overall body fat mass, more of which localizes to the arms in some women; loss of muscle mass in the arms, causing the skin to hang more loosely; and the loss of elasticity in the skin.”
I had quickly got used to my three previous female impersonations and even started to enjoy myself a bit, but this was different. I was very fond of Dolly, but actually being her…! Oh well, at least it would only be for a few days, and I wouldn’t have to show myself in public much – just the weekend playing Bridge with strangers. Then I remembered Harriet Bairstow would be there. She was always condescending to Dolly. I hoped I’d be able to keep my temper. It would be a dead giveaway if frail, seventy-year-old Dolly knocked Harriet on her ass – highly popular, no doubt, with everyone who knew her, but a dead giveaway.
Vera gave me a pair of thick support tights. I sat back down on her stretcher table to pull them on. They were tight (hence the name?) but surprisingly comfortable.
“These are great,” I said to Vera, “they feel like they’re holding in all the wobbly wrinkled flesh on my bum and thighs.”
“I think Dolly wears them for her varicose veins actually,” she said. “They improve the blood flow by putting pressure on your legs to help the blood vessels work better. The arteries that take oxygen-rich blood to your muscles can relax, so blood flows freely; and the veins get a boost pushing blood back to your heart.”
I must have started to look bored, but Vera was unrepentant.
“Any old lady with bad legs would know this stuff, so you should too,” she said. “To summarise, the tights keep your legs from getting tired and achy. They can also ease swelling in your feet and ankles as well as help prevent and treat varicose veins. They may even stop you from feeling light-headed or dizzy when you stand up. The blood keeps moving, so it’s harder for it to pool in your veins and make a clot.”
“OK, got it,” I said, impressed by Vera’s detailed anatomical knowledge. “Can I get dressed now?”
She sighed. “The impatience of youth…” she began, and laughed. “…and of old age, apparently. You’ll need a slip first.”
She handed me a cream underslip. I pulled it on over my head and tried to wriggle into it, but it was tight and I found it difficult to get it over my bust. Vera helped me, pulling it down to my waist, but then even she struggled to get it over my huge butt.
“You’re going to need a lady’s maid to get dressed in the morning, aren’t you? I hope Annie will volunteer.”
“I imagine she’ll insist on it.”
“Good! Here – pick a dress.”
Annie hadn’t brought much of a choice: three, all with long-sleeve, high-collars, and floral designs. I chose a dark blue silk dress, with a design of yellow flowers and green leaves. It was quite pretty actually.
“Let me help you on with that, Dolly,” said Vera, emphasising my new name. “I know you’ll struggle with zipping it up.”
“Thank you, Vera dear,” I said, trying to get into character.
The dress came down to mid-calf on me. It would have been nearer the ankles on the real Dolly.
She had also provided a pair of shoes from the company wardrobe. They were the kind Dolly would wear, but in my size and with low heels. I stepped into them.
“You need to stay sitting down as much as possible so that no one notices you’re taller than you should be.”
“Hopefully I won’t meet anyone who knows Dolly that well,” I said.
I discounted Harriet because she was so self-obsessed, she probably never noticed anything about anyone else.
“Right – accessories,” Vera said.
While Vera was decorating me with bracelets and a pretty pendant necklace, Sharon returned to attend to my hands. She began by painting my nails in a subdued pink – Dolly’s favourite. Then she stuck thin latex strips all over the backs of my hands and painted them an aging darkish brown colour. Then she added additional darker blemishes.
“Liver spots,” she said to my enquiry. “They’re harmless and quite common in older people.” She was copying from photographs again. “Annie took these yesterday on her phone. I’m trying to make exact copies of the spots on the real Dolly’s hands – just in case some sharp-eyed observer notices. Very unlikely, I know, but it costs nothing to be precise. And don’t worry: none of this will wash off.”
I hadn’t been worried till she said that. For how long would I have the hands of an elderly lady? Vera slipped an old wedding ring and a cheap engagement ring on the third finger of my left hand.
“That means you two are engaged,” Sharon quipped. “No – married!”
Vera chuckled. I glowered.
“OK, you’re done,” said Vera. “I’ll call your mother for her inspection.” She passed me a slightly worn tan handbag. “Annie picked this up from Dolly at the hospital. She doesn’t need it there. It’s full of her – now your – belongings, so make sure you look after it.”
“I’ll put the make-up I used on you in there too,” said Sharon.
I opened it and found an array of feminine paraphernalia including some tissues (clean), a hairbrush, and Dolly’s purse, in which were her driving licence and car keys. She drove a ten-year old Mini Cooper very slowly (though she was probably a safer driver than Fred in his monstrous Jag). Not that she drove anywhere much these days, just between her home and the office or the shops. If I did take it out, I would have to remember to drive like a little old lady.
There was a pair of glasses in there too. I put them on. They didn’t seem to make any difference to my vision.
“How will Dolly – the real Dolly – manage without these in hospital?” I asked.
“No, she still has her own specs; those are plain glass copies,” said Vera. “Don’t let anyone else get their hands on them. They’ll see they’re not prescription.”
My mother came in as I was rummaging in ‘my’ handbag.
“Come on then, let’s have a look at you,” she said, leading me back to Vera’s mirror.
There I was again: unmistakably Dolly in every way.
“Oh yes, that’s really good,” my mother enthused. “You’ve done a marvellous job on her, girls.” She turned back to me. “Now, Dolly, you’ve got three days to get into character. For a start you need to stoop. You have a bad back and sore knees, so you should bend forward a little and hunch up your shoulders.”
She took hold of my shoulders and pulled them down into what she judged to be the right posture. Vera came over.
“Here,” she said, “this will help.”
She handed me Dolly’s stick. I took it in my right hand and leant heavily on it.
“Other hand!” my mother said testily. “Now, hobble around a little. Try to copy Dolly’s walk, if you can.”
It took me a while but eventually the ladies agreed I was duplicating Dolly’s stiff gait well enough.
My mother looked at her watch. I instinctively tried to check mine, but of course found an unfamiliar ladies’ watch on my wrist. I struggled to decipher its tiny face. I could barely see the minute hand, let alone the hour. How on earth did Dolly manage with this? I guessed she thought of it as jewellery, rather than as a timepiece. She rarely needed to know the time anyway these days.
“Lunchtime,” Mum announced. “Let’s go up to the flat. There are a few more things we need to discuss before you bump into any of the other staff here.”
* * *
My mother and I shared a light lunch in the flat’s kitchen. She started on her instructions straight away.
“Your big problem will be your voice, obviously,” she said, through a mouthful of cheese on toast. “Fortunately, Dolly’s is deep for a woman and hoarse, because of her age and the years of smoking. You should try to say as little as possible. As long as we’re together, I can do all the talking and explain that you’re getting over a cold and have virtually lost your voice. If you have to speak, just try and keep it to a throaty whisper. Try it.”
I thought for a moment. What did Dolly sound like?
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” I rasped.
“Yes, well, that phrase is a typing test rather than a vocal exercise, but never mind. That wasn’t at all bad actually. It was strained and breathy but quite feminine. It even sounded a bit like Dolly’s Norfolk accent. You’re quite the mimic, aren’t you?”
I accepted her praise graciously. God knows it happened seldom enough.
“Now the only people who know about the deception apart from you, me and Annie, are Vera and Sharon. Oh, and Fred. I’d like to keep it that way, so if you bump into any of our other staff during the rest of the week, you’re really Dolly, all right?”
“Don’t worry,” I said in my normal voice, “I’m going to stay up here till it’s time to get into the car to Peterborough.”
“Actually I think you should go downstairs and show your face to the catering staff and the other cleaners. You need to practise with a real audience, and where it won’t be a disaster if you make a mistake.”
“But won’t they expect me to start cleaning and making tea?”
“Well they know you were taken to hospital at the beginning of the week. We’ll tell them you’re still convalescing, and that you only came by to say hello, and show everyone you’re on the mend. You can serve the afternoon tea in the common room, if you like.”
“But I don’t know where everything is in the kitchen. People will be suspicious if I don’t know the routines.”
“You’re right,” she admitted. “I’ll ask the kitchen staff to set everything up in the common room, then you can just serve it. Let’s go down now and you can say hello to everyone. Just remember to look frail and sickly.”
That would be no problem.
* * *
The rest of the staff were glad to see Dolly back. They knew she’d been taken ill, but not the details, and they didn’t get any more from me. I just pointed to my throat and smiled apologetically, showing my decrepit teeth. My mother stayed with me and we did the rounds of the staff areas. She explained that I would serve morning coffee and afternoon tea as usual but that would be all for the moment, as I was still convalescent. She gave instructions for the catering staff to make up the afternoon trolley and take it to the common room at the usual time.
We had arranged that whenever we encountered someone who Dolly should know well, or who she worked with, Mum would surreptitiously squeeze my hand and mumble their name in my ear. She didn’t think anyone would notice, and that way it wouldn’t appear that Dolly’s illness had given her amnesia too.
After I’d said hello to everyone my mother led me into the utility room behind the kitchen. After making sure we wouldn’t be overheard, she said, “This is your little cubby hole, Dolly.”
She opened the door and reached in for a maroon uniform that was hanging on a hook on the back of the door.
“I think Dolly normally uses in the downstairs Ladies, but you might as well change here,” she said. “I’ll close the door and stand guard.”
“Wait – do I really have to dress as the tea lady?”
“Well, of course, dear! That’s what you are, after all.”
I realised she was serious. I sighed and took the uniform dress from her.
“Here, let me help. I’ll unzip you.”
My pretty blue dress dropped to the floor. I stepped out of it, and my mother hung it up where the uniform had been. I put the polyester maid’s uniform on over my head and smoothed it down. She handed me a white half-apron. When she saw I had no idea how to tie the strap in a tidy bow behind my back, she tutted and did it for me. Then she reached into the cupboard for one more degrading item.
“Oh not a maid’s cap as well!” I protested.
“It’s only a headband. Stop moaning! It’s part of the uniform we introduced when we took on full-time catering staff. You know Dolly’s a stickler for looking smart, and you could be seen by a client at any time.”
She fastened the headband over my grey wig, and stepped back to assess the damage she had done to me.
“Smile, dear,” she said. “You know Dolly’s always cheerful.” I complied with ill grace. “Perfect!” she said. “Now you look exactly as Dolly does when serving afternoon tea. Let’s go up there. You can tidy the room while you’re waiting for the trolley to arrive.”
Gee, thanks Mum. So I was going to substitute for Dolly at more than just playing Bridge.
* * *
Annie came in while I was pouring tea for Sharon and Vera. She saw me in my maroon polyester uniform dress, apron and headband, and goggled. Sharon waved and went off to get herself a plateful of cake.
“Wow! I really thought Granny was all better and back at work for a minute,” Annie said. “You look amazing!” She paused to give me a thorough inspection, then said, “Cup of tea, please, Granny.”
That came as a shock. I poured her a cup with ill grace.
“You’re usually much more cheerful when you’re giving your granddaughter her tea, Dolly,” said my mother, coming up behind me. “Are you still feeling under the weather?”
“I’m fine, thank you, Ingrid dear,” I said, trying to get back into character.
I forced a smile. Annie stepped back horrified, her hand to her mouth.
“Your teeth!” she said. “What have they done to you?”
“Don’t worry,” I reassured her. “It’s just paint and blackener. You must have done ageing make-up on actors on your Theatre course…?”
“I have, but that’s much more realistic. You look like you’ve got receding gums and broken teeth, and they’re yellow.”
“Just like your grandmother’s in fact,” said Sharon, slightly miffed. Annie had somehow praised and criticised her work at the same time.
I handed them their teas and looked around. It was early yet and there was no one about who wasn’t in on our secret.
“I still don’t see why I have to dress as a skivvy,” I grumbled.
“Hey, my grandmother is not a skivvy!” Annie protested, as angry as I’d ever seen her.
Before I could apologise, my mother explained to her.
“I want him to do what Dolly does, because only the three of us, Fred, Vera and Sharon know he’s not actually her, or that she’s been in hospital for a week, and we need to keep it that way. The more people who know, the more likely it is that our little deception will leak. So he needs to do most of what she usually does – which includes how she dresses.”
“Well I don’t mind serving tea and maybe doing a little light hoovering, but I’m damned if I’m going to be your maid of all work…”
“We’ve been over this,” my mother snapped. She turned back to Annie to explain. “Everyone knows she’s been ill, so he doesn’t need to work as hard as the real Dolly. It would probably kill him if he tried!” She turned back to me. “I’ll let you off cleaning the big oven until you’re feeling better.” This was her attempt at humour. “You won’t be able to use the computers of course…”
“What? Why on earth not?”
“Because Dolly’s computer-illiterate. In fact, she’s terrified of the things. Have you ever seen her down in the Bunker?”
I hadn’t. She didn’t even go in there to dust. She was afraid of breaking something, or being electrocuted.
“I suppose you can go down after hours when everyone else has gone…”
“So that’s your plan for getting twice as much work out of me for the same money, is it? I do Dolly’s job during the day, and my own at night?”
“Don’t be silly,” she scoffed. “All this will be over by Sunday night. Why don’t you just have a little fun with it? Honestly, you can be so childish sometimes.”
She went off to talk to Charlotte, our nurse, who had just come in.
“She’s right, you know,” Annie said, still smarting from me calling Dolly a skivvy. “I’ll leave you to serve the others then, Granny,” she said loudly.
* * *
We had agreed earlier that we would both sleep at the house Annie shared with her grandmother (i.e. me). Fortunately, she’d got over her anger by the end of the afternoon, and she drove us home. Dolly’s house was a tidy little three-bedroom semi-detached in a cul-de-sac just outside the town. She and her late husband had brought up two children there, and like many widows she was determined to die there, in the house with all her happiest memories in it. Annie’s Dad and her aunt called regularly, but they lived too far away to see her more than two or three times a year, including Christmas. They’d been informed of her current health situation, but Dolly had insisted they shouldn’t come down. She had Annie, she said, and that was all she needed.
When we got home, Annie fetched my stick from the boot and helped me out of the car. She also brought out the suitcase containing Dolly’s dresses and all the underwear she had bought me. I was back in my pretty blue dress, having returned the hated maid uniform back to its hanger in my cubby hole.
“The neighbours might be watching, so you need to stay in character,” she said.
“Understood,” I said. “I definitely saw a curtain twitch next door.”
“That’s Mrs Davies. She’s a nosey old cow. Granny can’t stand her. She’s sure to have noticed you’ve been away from home, but if she calls round ‘to see if we need anything’, I’ll deal with her. You can be in bed, convalescing.”
I hobbled into the house, leaning on my granddaughter-girlfriend. I continued to walk and talk like Granny Dolly, until we were inside, with the curtains closed.
“Should be OK now,” Annie said. “Just be careful in the dining room and the back bedroom. Those are the only two rooms that share walls with Mrs Davies’ house. Mind how you talk in there.”
First, Annie showed me round. I’d been in the sitting room and the kitchen on previous visits, but I needed to know the house a little better if I was going to be able to find anything over the next few days. We then spent a very pleasant evening doing not very much. I cooked spaghetti Bolognese and we opened a bottle of wine, a decent chianti. After dinner Annie fetched me one of Dolly’s old lady nighties and her dressing gown and fluffy slippers. I looked at her sceptically.
“Well what did you think you were going to wear to bed?” she asked. “You didn’t bring any pyjamas, and Steve’s wouldn’t fit you now anyway. And I’m certainly not having my grandmother sleeping in the nude. Not in my bed anyway. I assume you do want to sleep in my bed?”
I reached for the nightie before she could change her mind.
“Of course I do. I just thought you wouldn’t want to sleep with me when I’m… like this.”
“Don’t be silly. You’re still you underneath. It’s hardly gerontophiliac incest, is it?”
“That wasn’t what I was afraid of,” I said, “mainly because I don’t know what it means.”
I took my wig and wig cap off to go to bed, of course.
“You look totally weird like that,” Annie protested, “with Granny’s face and Steve’s hair.”
“Sorry, but I couldn’t possibly sleep in those things.”
“Hang on! I’ve got an idea.”
She rushed out of the bedroom. I followed, puzzled. I found her rummaging in a large chest of drawers in Dolly’s room.
“Ah, I knew I’d seen this somewhere.”
She was brandishing a strange-looking frilly pink nylon thing.
“What the hell is that?”
“It’s a sleep bonnet. You wear it to bed when you’ve got curlers in. Put it on.”
“I haven’t got curlers…”
But she was already forcing the silly thing down on my head and tucking my hair under it.
“That’s better. Now you look like my lovely Granny again, instead of some horrid hybrid.”
She gave me a chaste hug and a kiss on the cheek.
I caught sight of myself in Dolly’s mirror. In my nightie and bonnet I looked like Red Riding Hood’s grandmother before the wolf got at her.
* * *
So we slept in Annie’s bed, but of course we couldn’t ‘do anything’, thanks to Vera sticking this damned prosthesis on me. Thankfully Annie wasn’t fazed by my disguise and was as affectionate as ever, even if all we could do was kiss and cuddle.
In the morning I soon realised my mother was right. Getting dressed as Dolly was a lot easier with Annie helping me. She also knew much more about make-up and how to dress a wig than I did, and she was determined that her Granny would look her best every day. I tried to watch what she did carefully. I would have to do it by myself at the hotel on Sunday morning. I didn’t want to rely on my mother to help me.
“I’m really enjoying dressing you up,” Annie said on Thursday morning. “Don’t forget – I never saw you as Milly or Jennifer. I’d love to see you as a pretty schoolgirl.”
“There may be photos… somewhere,” I said vaguely.
I knew exactly where they were, because I had lifted them from the safety deposit box. I had intended to bin them, but in the end I couldn’t quite bring myself to do it.
“But it’s too late now anyway,” I continued. “I was a skinny sixteen-year-old when I was Milly. I’m much bigger and stronger now.”
Well I had broadened out a little, but not much, to be honest. I posed like a circus strongman, which looked ridiculous in my little old lady dress, support stockings and heels. Annie laughed.
“That just means that Milly would be a grown woman now,” she said. “I wonder what she would be? Secretary? Nurse? Waitress? Flight attendant? Ooh – bunny girl!”
“Sadly, we’ll never know, will we?” I said.
“Never say ‘never’, sweetie,” she said.
* * *
Thursday and Friday passed smoothly. I got used to being Dolly; imitating her walk; doing her chores in the kitchens and around the office; and perfecting my Dolly voice while talking as little as possible.
Annie seemed to be enjoying herself ‘looking after me’, and my mother was sweetness and light (for her) as she became more and more convinced we were going to get away with it.
Saturday morning finally came round. I wasn’t going to be a housemaid-cum-tea lady today so we got out Dolly’s best clothes. We chose a silk blouse in silver and a black skirt suit. Annie found a matching broad-brimmed hat with a black band and a white chiffon rose. I’d liked wearing a hat at the mayor’s garden party. I decided Dolly would wear a hat to go to church, so why not for Peterborough?
Annie helped me with my hair and make-up again, but ‘for best’ this time. She did it almost as well as Sharon would have done. She found some clip-on earrings for me too.
My mother came to collect me at just after nine o’clock. Annie helped me into the car and put my stick and overnight bag in the boot.
I kissed her goodbye (not on the lips – the neighbours), and said, “Now don’t you go finding yourself another young man now that your boyfriend has been turned into an old lady.”
“I promise, Granny,” she giggled. “Anyway the spell will be broken on Monday morning, won’t it?”
“Assuming Fairy Vera hasn’t run out of magic solvent, yes.”
My mother interrupted our banter impatiently.
“Oh close the door, Dolly, for heaven’s sake,” she said. “We have a long drive ahead of us.”
All the world loves a lover, except my mother.
* * *
The playing area at the hotel was a quiet function room on the first floor. We went in to check out the format of the competition. Fourteen pairs had qualified. We would play two boards against every other pair; that is, twenty-six deals in each session.
There were two sessions on the Saturday, one in the afternoon and one in the evening, and one on the Sunday afternoon. So we would play every other pair three times over a total of seventy-eight hands. That was quite a lot of Bridge for one weekend. Stamina – mental and physical – would be a factor, so the competition probably favoured the younger players. That was another reason why our competition might underestimate an old dear like me.
Nevertheless I found that people treat frail old ladies very well. I had doors opened for me. People got up to help me to a seat. They fetched me cups of tea. Even better, when the Tournament Director saw me and my stick he kindly allowed us to sit at Table 1, North-South, which made us the only pair who didn’t have to move at the end of each round. So hopefully no one would notice my excessive height.
Younger players also underestimate us little old ladies – I used to do it myself when I was Steve – and that creates a lot of opportunities at the Bridge table. No doubt some of our opponents would overbid against us, thinking the harmless old biddy wouldn’t double and couldn’t defend. Wrong! We hoped for some good scores that way. They would also assume that I wouldn’t be any good at playing the contract, but I was ‘good’ before I went up to Cambridge, and since then I’d played at the University Bridge Club regularly for two years – against junior internationals. This old lady was determined to show her opposition a thing or two about declarer play.
As we sat down to start the first session, we looked around to assess the opposition, as did everyone else of course. My mother recognised several pairs and suggested we use the same code we had adopted at the club when I played as Jennifer. She reckoned there were only three or four ‘Able’ pairs, but also far fewer ‘Charlies’ than at the club.
I only recognised four players. There was Harriet Bairstow, whose partner was the American professional, Jane Campanella. Jane was by far the best player in the room. I remember seeing her picture in an old Bridge World magazine. She had won various big tournaments in the States and once played for the American Ladies Team. What on earth was she doing here?
The other people I knew, to my horror, were two earnest young ladies from Cambridge: Janet Lee and Sheila Musson. They were third years; that is, they had just graduated. They both played in the university first team with male partners. I hadn’t seen them playing together before. I told myself there was no way either of them would recognise me unless I gave myself away. My disguise was too good. They were starting only one table away from us, but to my relief they showed no interest in me. My mother didn’t recognise them because they didn’t compete in our local club events, so I told her how I knew them and warned her they were ‘Able-plus’.
We played them on the second round. I knew that left to themselves they were unlikely to make mistakes, so we could hope for averages at best, and if they found some expert play beyond the rest of the field, we would get a poor score. Some people believe that you should tighten up your game against strong opposition, but I think that if they’re going to beat you anyway, it’s worth taking the odd risk to try and disrupt them.
They played a fiendishly complicated bidding system, as many undergraduates do, but I suspected they wouldn’t know it that well as they hadn’t played together much. So when on the first board my mother passed as dealer and Sheila opened One Club, their system’s strong bid, I made a pushy pre-emptive jump to Three Diamonds, to rob them of bidding space and jam their communications. If it went wrong, and they doubled for penalties, I would just have to hope that it would be a good sacrifice; that is, that the penalty would be less than the value of the enemy’s best contract.
Unfortunately this time my suit wasn’t as long as it should be and my overall values weren’t really good enough, so it was an awful bid and very risky. My mother would undoubtedly rip me a new one if it went wrong, but I hoped the girls would never imagine a little old lady like me could do something so bold, and they wouldn’t double. If they ‘took the money’ it would probably be too expensive for us, unless my partner had a miracle fit for my diamond suit.
Janet on my left turned to my partner.
“How strong is that?” she asked.
You are entitled to ask questions about the enemy’s bidding system, though you have to be careful…
“Weak,” said my mother. “As it says on our convention card,” she added in a slightly acid manner.
My mother’s irritation was justified. By asking that question in that tone, the girl had communicated to her partner that she had a decent hand. That’s ‘unauthorised information’. If her partner took advantage of it, that would be cheating.
But Janet laid down the red ‘Double’ card, which gave the same information legitimately. This just showed a decent hand. It wasn’t for penalties, although her partner could pass if she deemed that best. I mentally crossed my wrinkled and painted fingers.
Sheila was a good player but she was now facing a difficult decision. She knew her side had most of the high-card strength but there wasn’t enough bidding room to find out everything she needed to know – how high to bid and what suit to play the hand in. That’s the trouble with artificial systems: her opening bid showed strength but didn’t say anything about her best suit.
Four Hearts was the bid she chose, giving up on a slam hunt, and that ended the auction. I led a top diamond and Janet put her hand down as dummy – it only had two hearts. Sheila’s disappointment was palpable.
“Oh, I thought you’d have more hearts,” she said.
“Normally I would,” her partner agreed, “but what do you suggest I bid? I hoped you’d pick a black suit.”
It was true. She had to show strength and her partner might have spades or clubs. Then everything would have worked out. My pre-emptive bid seemed to have done its job. Five minutes later they were two down, vulnerable. This would surely be a good score for us. It might even be the only plus score our way. I calculated that Three No-trumps or Five Clubs would have been easy. Sheila could have tried Four Clubs; that might have worked out better.
“Did you see what she had for her pre-empt?” Sheila hissed to her partner.
“It was a bold bid at just the right time,” said Janet magnanimously, smiling at me. I liked her much more than the aggressive Sheila.
“Have I done something wrong, dear?” I asked innocently in a throaty whisper.
When you get a bad result at this form of Bridge, it’s best to forget it as quickly as you can – just like an unforced error at tennis. Dwelling on it only leads to making mistakes on the next hand. I knew Sheila was prone to flights of fancy and suspected she might try and recover the lost ground somehow.
On the second board of the round neither side was vulnerable and Janet was the dealer. She and my mother passed. Third to bid, Sheila opened One Spade. This is a classic position for light openings to make life more difficult for fourth hand, who presumably was strong. I had no other reason to suspect shenanigans on her part. I did indeed have a strong hand with a singleton spade, so I made a normal takeout Double, asking partner for her best suit. I don’t know whether Janet suspected her partner might be spoofing, but she had four-card support and a few high cards, so she had to jump to Three Spades. There is a convention that enables you to check on the strength of a third-in-hand opening, but it’s not much used in England, and the girls weren’t playing it.
My mother passed, as did Sheila, and I doubled again, still for takeout. Everyone passed this. Did I detect the ghost of a smile on my partner’s face?
I led my trump to stop them making tricks by cross-ruffing. It was a bloodbath. Sheila’s One Spade was a full-blooded psychic bluff bid. She had a small doubleton in spades and a very weak hand. She hoped that would stop us finding our best spot, or maybe misplace the cards when we eventually played the contract. But my mother had six spades to the King and Jack and was more than happy to pass thereby converting my Takeout Double into a Penalty Double. Sheila now found herself playing in a 4-2 fit for the second deal in succession. She was four down, doubled. That was worth 800 points – more than the normal Three No-trumps our way. Another likely top.
Why did Sheila, a good player, make such an outrageous bid? She thought that we wouldn’t know how to deal with the psych. She wouldn’t have tried it against opposition she respected, but she still thought we were two old ladies without a clue. She didn’t know it but we were actually good enough to deal with much tougher problems than that. The girls were very quiet after this. I almost felt sorry for them.
Having made such a good start we were on a roll. Bridge is like that. Sometimes everything you try turns out badly; other times you can’t put a foot wrong. We had an edge against all the ‘Baker’ and ‘Charlie’ pairs and held our own against the few ‘Ables’.
At the end of the afternoon session we were in second place. The only thing that marred my mother’s satisfaction was that the American pro had managed to carry Harriet to first. The Cambridge girls were just above half way, which must have been a big disappointment to them.
We were about to head off to a quiet restaurant my mother knew – and where she was sure we wouldn’t meet any other Bridge players, which might have put pressure on me to speak – when another familiar face appeared. George Bairstow was coming up the hotel’s main staircase, no doubt looking for his wife.
“George!” said my mother in surprise. “What are you doing here? Don’t tell me Harriet made you give up your Saturday afternoon golf to come and watch her?”
“Hello, Ingrid… Dolly,” he said. I smiled to acknowledge his greeting. I had nothing against George. “No, I’m here playing. Didn’t you know? They hold the County Men’s Pairs Final at the same time and in the same hotel. We’re downstairs in the ballroom. This is the first time both Harriet and I have qualified for the Finals. The boards are all computer-dealt, and we play the same hands as you ladies. So I’m taking Harriet out for dinner and we can compare results.”
“I’m sure she’ll be keen to do that,” said my mother with an ironic smile. “She and her American friend did very well.”
“Why don’t you come with us?” he said. “The more the merrier!”
Good old George! He was such a sweetie himself that he had never noticed the bad blood between his wife and my mother.
“That’s very kind of you, George,” Mum said, “but we’ve made other arrangements. Have a nice dinner.”
At that point she caught sight of Harriet heaving into view. She waved in what someone who didn’t know her might have thought was a friendly fashion and dragged me off to the lift. Well I couldn’t manage the stairs with my knees, could I? As it was, I struggled to keep up while leaning on my stick and trying to maintain my Dolly persona.
* * *
After a very good Italian meal with only a very little red wine, we returned for the evening session. This didn’t go quite as well. We didn’t do anything obviously wrong, but we were a little unlucky on a couple of hands and we didn’t get as many free gifts as we’d had in the afternoon. I suppose the other players must have realised they needed to take us seriously. A couple of the ‘Able’ pairs had good sessions and stormed past us. We slipped to fourth. Happily (for my mother) Harriet and her partner also failed to live up to their early form and fell to third place. Still, we’d done well in a high standard field, and it was a very good day overall.
I’d noticed my mother tiring a little at about ten o’clock. She didn’t make any horrible mistakes but there were a couple of hands where she might have competed further and given the opponents a more difficult decision, which they then might have got wrong. Naturally I didn’t say anything. There is never anything to be gained by criticising your partner’s play. But I was glad that she would have a good night’s sleep before the third and last session.
We were sharing a twin room of course. We were both a little coy about getting undressed in front of each other. I pointed out that I had seen her naked a lot lately – in the mirror. For some reason that didn’t make her any more relaxed.
Meanwhile I was embarrassed showing her my wrinkles, cellulite, and droopy boobs and buttocks. I only took my blouse and skirt off in front of her, and went into the bathroom to remove my bra, panties, girdle and stockings, and put my nightie on.
I also removed my wig and wig cap there and put on my sleep bonnet. I’m not sure why. It just felt odd now having Dolly’s face and Steve’s hair. My mother looked at me sceptically, but didn’t ask.
That was definitely one of the weirdest nights I could remember.
* * *
At most Bridge congresses one can enjoy a little gentle sight-seeing on the Sunday morning (assuming you don’t go to church), but this was Peterborough. It doesn’t really have sights to see, unless you like ring roads and roundabouts. So we had an excellent and very filling buffet breakfast, and checked out of our room as late as we were allowed.
As Dolly, I couldn’t really go for a bracing walk, in case we encountered other Bridge players who might wonder how my legs got so much better overnight. So we spent an hour looking round the magnificent 12th Century cathedral. Sitting in a pew at the back of the nave, resting my feet which were sore from the still unfamiliar high heels, I saw a lot of old ladies like me admiring the grave of Henry the Eighth’s first wife, Catherine of Aragon; the original burial site of Mary Queen of Scots; and the commemorative plaque to Edith Cavell, the nurse shot by the Nazis. I reflected ruefully that looking round churches was about my limit now that I’m in my seventies.
We actually spent a really nice morning together, leaving me to muse over how we got along so well as Ingrid and Dolly, when we argued continually as Steve and his mother. What was that about?
Mum was raring to go when we took our seats at two o’clock on the Sunday afternoon, but before the last session began, the Tournament Director had an announcement to make.
“Good afternoon, ladies,” he said. “I’ve just been on the phone with the Chairman of the Selection Committee of the English Bridge Union. As you may know, they are very keen to encourage more strong ladies pairs to try out for our national team. So she has promised that the top three in each county’s Ladies Pairs competition will be invited to play in the pre-trials for the English Ladies’ Team next year.”
There was a little buzz of excitement at this news. Then the session was under way.
Half-way through we faced Harriet, who was puffing and blowing a little, and Jane, who was maintaining the poker face of a true expert. My mother couldn’t help rattling Harriet’s cage a little.
“Such a shame you and your partner won’t be able to play in the England trials, Harriet – if you do finish in the top three, that is,” my mother said, trying her best to sound sincere.
“Why on earth not?” Harriet bristled.
“Well… you’re American, aren’t you, Jane?”
Mother smiled sweetly. Jane smiled back but said nothing.
“Actually, she’s married to an Englishman and has been living in London for five years,” Harriet said. “That fulfils the residence requirement. I checked.”
Her smile reminded me of those Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp.
Jane did very well on the first board scoring an overtrick by squeezing me in the minors. My mother could have prevented it by leading a different suit and breaking up the squeeze, but this required a little more imagination and card reading than she was capable of. The cards lay their way on the second board too, but Jane wasn’t able to manoeuvre the auction to ensure she played the contract, and predictably Harriet messed it up, making a trick less than the field. So in the end it was a more or less average round; honours even.
And so the afternoon wore on. We were still getting the better of most pairs, and by the end I reckoned we might have moved up, or at the very least held our position. My mother was keeping an eye on Harriet and was delighted to point out quietly that she was looking rattled.
Finally it was all over. Predictably two of the best Ladies pairs in the county finished first and second. They were popular and worthy winners, highly regarded by the majority.
We were third! We won a mixed case of Tesco wine between us, and even got a little cheer from some of the other players. Brilliant! Even better, we had pushed Harriet and Jane down to fourth – just out of the prizes. The Cambridge girls were fifth.
We managed to dodge the Bairstows and hurried back to the car as quickly as I could walk without raising suspicion. As soon as we were on the road I called Annie to tell her how we did. She was delighted and promised to have a bottle of wine open and ready for when we got back. I forgot to mention that I was going to get a trial for the English Ladies Team.
“When are the Trials anyway?” I asked my mother after ringing off.
“November, I think,” she said.
“Well Dolly should be fit enough by then.”
She didn’t reply. I looked at her. She was concentrating on finding her way onto the bypass.
“Though I don’t think she’ll be quite up to the required standard…”
Still no comment.
“You do realise I can’t play in the Trials? For one thing, I’ll be back at college, and for another, I’m still not a woman.”
“Yes, dear, I understand.”
But did she really, or was she hatching another scheme?
“We’ll have to withdraw,” I persisted, “due to Dolly’s age and general health. She could never play for England anyway – all that stress, international travel…”
“Of course not,” my mother agreed. “But that doesn’t apply to you, does it? You’d be fine. The Trials will only be one weekend out in the middle of term, and I’m damned if I’m going to let Harriet bloody Bairstow buy her way into the England team!”
It was early evening by the time we got back. Mum dropped me off at my – Dolly’s – house, where Annie was waiting to celebrate both our result and my last night as her grandmother.
* * *
First thing the following morning I reported to Vera’s room. I was getting pretty desperate to become Steve again (and resume relations with Annie). I stripped off my dress, slip, stockings and girdle, embarrassed at exposing my wrinkly, droopy body, even though Vera knew better than anybody that it wasn’t really me. She reached for the solvent bottle. I lay down on her table. Everything was ready.
Then my mother burst in. “Stop!” she yelled.
It wouldn’t be true to say that I had been half expecting this, but I had certainly been afraid of it. My previous transformations had all lasted more than two weeks, to give the various prostheses a rigorous workout. This had only been five days. I was ready to refuse vehemently to go along with any further testing, but I would never have guessed the reason for my mother’s interruption.
“We have a problem,” she said. “George Bairstow has been on the phone. Harriet is convinced we must have been cheating.”
“Huh?” I was baffled.
“You played better than Dolly ever has, and of course we beat Harriet and stopped her getting an England trial. So she’s sure there must have been foul play.”
Harriet’s arrogance and hubris were breathtaking, but surely this couldn’t lead anywhere?
“So what?” I said, scornfully. “She can’t prove anything. She won’t find any evidence, because there isn’t any, because we weren’t cheating.”
“Well you kind of were, weren’t you?” put in Vera. “You didn’t play in the first round, so you weren’t really entitled to play in the Final.” My mother shot her a black look. “And then there’s that ‘not actually being a woman’ thing…”
Vera wasn’t afraid of my mother, and she had her own code of ethics. She was perfectly happy to help me impersonate Dolly, but she didn’t really approve of why I was doing it. If it comes to that, I didn’t either. Mum chose to ignore her comments.
“Of course she doesn’t have any evidence,” she said. She paused. “So she’s hired a private detective to look for some.”
“She’s done what?”
“His name’s Treacher apparently. I looked him up. He mostly does divorce cases.”
“But what could some sleazebag gumshoe possibly find? If we actually had been using illicit signals or something, it’s far too late to prove it now, isn’t it?”
I knew they video all the players in major international competitions, and they had caught some very subtle cheats that way, but there were no cameras at the East Anglia Ladies Pairs’ Final.
“Of course, but according to George, Treacher’s brief is just to watch us carefully, especially you, and report back anything suspicious.”
“Well he won’t find anything suspicious about me, because I won’t be Dolly anymore, will I?”
“But what if he finds out that Dolly’s been in hospital for the last week and a half and has had major surgery? That would certainly have stopped her playing two days of Bridge in Peterborough, wouldn’t it?”
“Exactly,” she said. “We’re going to have to be even more careful about keeping Dolly’s current condition and location a secret, and you’re going to have to stay as you are until Treacher stops watching you, or till the real Dolly is ready to come home. You’ll have to continue to live her life as normal so that he doesn’t see anything suspicious to report to Harriet.”
“I can’t! I can’t pretend to be a seventy-year-old tea lady for another – what – two weeks?”
“Maybe more than that. She’ll be in hospital for at least another four.”
“I think Dolly’s seventy-six actually,” said Vera, which wasn’t helpful at all.
“You don’t seem to appreciate,” my mother said, “this isn’t just about being exposed as cheats to everyone in the Bridge-playing community. This could be an existential threat to our business. If Treacher finds out you’re not Dolly, he’s going to want to know how you can look exactly like her. He’ll come sniffing around here. That in itself would be enough to scare away most of our customers. They rely on our discretion. And if he finds out what we do here and tells Harriet, she’ll expose us for sure. We’ll lose everything, and we may face conspiracy charges if they follow up on our clients and find that any of them have been using our services for criminal purposes.”
I didn’t know what to say. There was a long silence. I looked longingly at the bottle of solvent in Vera’s hand. A thought occurred.
“Wait a minute… why did George tell you all this?”
“Because he thinks Harriet is behaving appallingly. He called her a sore loser. They had a major row about it.”
I couldn’t imagine George rowing with anybody, least of all Harriet, but good for him.
“Still why did he tell you? Even if he’s cross with Harriet, it seems like a betrayal.”
“Well George and I… we used to… let’s just say we were good friends once. Obviously that ended when he married Harriet.”
Was she admitting to an affair with George Bairstow? Was that before, during, or after my Dad? I was chewing that over, when Annie came bounding in.
“Where is he? Where’s my boyfriend?” She saw I was still Dolly, sitting in just my bra and knickers on Vera’s table. “Oh, is there something wrong?”
“You could say that,” I sighed. “I’m afraid you’re going to have two grandmothers for a while yet. Can you help me on with my underslip?”
* * *
To Annie’s disappointment and my absolute disgust, I had to agree to stay as Dolly for the foreseeable future. Also the excuse of still being convalescent wouldn’t hold any longer, as I had obviously been fighting fit (for a seventy-six-year-old) over the previous weekend. We would have to sell Dolly’s collapse as a blip; nothing to worry about.
That meant I now had to do all of Dolly’s duties. So that evening, when all the cleaning and catering staff had gone home, my mother gave me a comprehensive tour of the kitchens and overnight accommodation areas, so that I knew where everything was, and could take up my role as tea lady and maid-of-all-work without arousing the suspicions of the rest of the staff.
We couldn’t even let Treacher know we were aware of his activities. Presumably he was a good enough private dick that he wouldn’t be spotted by a seventy-six-year-old charlady or her granddaughter? So if we ever did see him, we would have to pretend we hadn’t, or he might realise we’d been tipped off.
That turned out to be difficult, because he wasn’t actually very good. Apparently Harriet was too cheap to hire a real professional. When we came out of our drive that evening in Annie’s car, there was a blue Fiesta parked just a little way along. When we drove past, it immediately pulled out to follow us.
Annie and her Granny
By Susannah Donim
Steve’s mother runs the secretive Transformations consultancy. This means he has a number of interesting jobs over the years.
Chapter 6 – Maid of All Work
Steve moves in with his girlfriend, but not at all as he would have wanted.
I now moved in with Annie full time. Under better circumstances that would have been great, but she said she would need to call me ‘Granny’ all the time, even when we were alone, because of the danger of giving the game away if she forgot and called me Steve in public. I hated that and found it a little hard to believe, but I couldn’t persuade her otherwise.
Also she said it was hard not to call me Granny seeing that I looked – and increasingly acted – exactly like her. I assumed she was teasing, but I still had to get used to answering to ‘Granny’. I suppose it helped me with my performance, but I really didn’t want to get used to my new life as an elderly lady. It was depressing to have to fasten myself into an old woman’s underwear and zip up her frumpy, floral dresses. Also, I seemed to wearing frilly aprons all day, with my maid’s uniform at work, and then at home sharing the cooking and housework with my granddaughter – I mean, girlfriend.
I grudgingly accepted all this, only insisting on not being Granny in bed, which sadly was still a chaste(ish) affair because of my glued-on prosthesis. At least Annie wasn’t suggesting we sleep in separate bedrooms, which would have really got me worried.
Nevertheless we had to maintain the illusion that we did sleep apart, in case Treacher was parked outside. We kept the curtains at the front of the house closed all the time – nothing suspicious in that, was there? – and switched the bedroom lights on and off realistically. As Granny, I went to bed before ten o’clock most nights, after which I padded next door (in my nightie and bonnet) for a cuddle.
We reviewed my new wardrobe together. Dolly’s clothes were respectable and economical; that is, dowdy. If she had ever tried to be fashionable, she had given up long ago. I saw skirts and dresses, all falling to well below the knee; blouses and sweaters, all with long sleeves; but no trousers at all.
Our morning routine was similar to how it had been when I was Ingrid. Annie particularly enjoyed watching me squeeze myself into Dolly’s stiff shapewear, and was always keen to help.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Granny wearing slacks,” Annie said. “I remember her saying something about pants not suiting her because of her… er, large hindquarters.”
“Huh! Tell me about it,” I said, looking over my shoulder and studying my duplicate of her backside in the wardrobe mirror. “It’s like sitting on a cushion.”
“So – extra comfy then?” she grinned.
“Maybe, but this cushion gets up when I do and follows me around all day, stuck to my backside.”
Annie looked stern. I was disparaging her beloved grandmother.
“Don’t be embarrassed about your big bottom, Granny!” she said. “You have a fine figure for a woman of your age!”
I snorted. She smiled again.
“Oh, come on, I know that’s not really you, silly! Steve has a lovely, sexy little butt. Mind you, there’s something even sexier about seeing you like that…”
I was a little mollified, though a bit puzzled about her last statement. Was my transformation turning my gorgeous girlfriend kinky? I remembered her insistence on watching me put on my lingerie in the mornings when I was my mother…
I changed into one of Dolly’s – my – least frumpy dresses and went downstairs to start supper. I was now every inch an elderly lady in my floral housedress and pinny, cooking for myself and my beloved granddaughter.
* * *
We travelled to and from work together, usually in Annie’s car. I did drive Dolly’s old mini occasionally but I didn’t like it much, and wasn’t comfortable driving in my heels and tight women’s clothes. Whichever car we used, we were soon being followed by the blue Fiesta. We noted his registration number. We also got a good look at Treacher himself over the next few days, hopefully still without him realising we knew he was following us.
We became quite used to him dogging our footsteps. I wondered how he had discovered our place of business in the first place. Harriet certainly wouldn’t have known it. But it would have been easy enough for him to find out where Dolly lived, so he must have followed Annie and me from Dolly’s house the morning after the Ladies’ Pairs Final.
It soon became clear he wasn’t at all interested in Annie. Whenever we separated – for instance, if Annie dropped me at the shops while she went off somewhere else – he invariably followed me. This was good, in that it meant Annie could visit the real Dolly in hospital, but bad because I was under even more pressure to make my impersonation flawless. That meant doing everything Dolly usually did.
It also made me paranoid. What if Treacher intercepted one of the kitchen staff on their way home and bribed or cajoled them into watching me carefully and reporting back to him? Like any small business we suffered frequent turnover of support staff in catering and housekeeping. We stressed the importance of discretion to them, for the benefit of our clients, but we couldn’t expect the same loyalty from people who had only been with us for a short time as we could from the likes of Vera, Sharon, and of course, Dolly.
My paranoia included worrying that Treacher might have broken into Dolly’s house and planted listening devices, despite the burglar alarm which we used rigorously whenever we went out. I asked Fred if he could get hold of a device to ‘sweep’ a building for bugs. He chuckled but obliged, and I used the detector every day when we got home before I allowed myself to break character. I suggested Fred do the same for the company offices, but he didn’t take me seriously.
Annie, Vera, Sharon, Fred and my mother told me everything they knew about Dolly’s life, and Annie quizzed the real Dolly further when she visited her. Between them they managed to put together her weekly routine. She actually led a busier life than I had realised. On Tuesdays I would have to drive myself to the Winter Gardens to play bingo. Wednesday was Bridge, usually with either Ingrid or Fred. Thursday was Dolly’s day off and in the morning she went to a Seniors Swim at the local leisure centre.
On Friday evenings she had a Ballroom Dancing class, which was a bit of a surprise, given what I knew of her knees. Perhaps Vera was right and she had been exaggerating. Also, once a month she did the flowers for the Sunday services at St Marks with her friend, Betty. That was coming up soon, I noted.
None of these activities appealed much, but at least Annie volunteered to come with me. I was concerned that Dolly would have friends at both bingo and dancing. I asked her to pump her grandmother for information about the people she knew – with photos, if possible.
Worst of all, I had to learn to knit. One of the waitresses mentioned that she hadn’t seen me knitting lately. Had I given it up? I muttered something about arthritis in my fingers but realised I was going to have to learn if I wanted to keep my impersonation convincing. Fortunately Vera was a near expert. She said it was ironic because Dolly had taught her how to knit a while ago and now she had to teach Dolly back.
I suppose irony doesn’t actually have to be funny, or maybe I was just finding it hard to see any humour in my situation.
I had to learn a whole new vocabulary: how to cast on and off; plain and purl stitching; how to switch between two balls of wool to make knitwear with patterns of more than one colour; and different kinds of stitch. I found it all much harder than it looked. Maintaining a constant tension in my yarn was particularly difficult. An early exercise was to knit a six inches square of material. The first row was almost exactly six inches, but the last row was less than four, because I had tightened up. I would have to spend every spare moment with my wool and needles. Annie found it hilarious.
At work Dolly enjoyed a privileged position as the boss’s friend as well as her employee, but she was determined to do her bit and not to take advantage. So morning coffee and afternoon tea were her – my – responsibilities exclusively, and in between, I had to fill in wherever I was needed. Everyone recognised the need not to overload such an elderly employee. I was therefore never asked to clean the ovens, which required elbow grease as well as awkward bending down, but I did have to take my turn in cleaning lavatories, which was humiliating and definitely not what I had expected my first paid job to entail.
After a week of this new life, I was beginning to settle into Dolly’s routine. I got used to strapping myself into my tight shapewear to force my flabby, droopy flesh into the form of a respectable matron, and I got used to making up my old, craggy face into something I could stand to look at in the mirror.
I became accustomed to spending my days in stockings, high heels, and a maid’s uniform, at the beck and call of housekeeping staff – dusting, vacuuming, serving in the cafeteria, washing-up, and helping the other girls to make up the rooms when we had clients staying in the overnight accommodation. No one outside our little circle seemed to suspect anything, presumably putting any unusual behaviour on my part down to my recent illness. And I had to do it all with a big smile on my face because Dolly was always so damn cheerful.
When I got home I changed out of that blasted maid’s uniform as soon as I could. Unfortunately none of Dolly’s own clothes were much better. It looked like she hadn’t bought anything new, let alone attractive, for ages. I wondered if my granddaughter might take me shopping at the weekend?
But eventually I began to relax a little and mostly didn’t find being a tea lady and housemaid so bad. I would still have preferred to work with Fred on software development, to vacuuming and scrubbing toilets, but after carrying Dolly’s weight around all day, when five o’clock came round, I was generally too tired to go down to the Bunker and start working on the computers, so Fred had to manage by himself for the moment. In any case, Treacher would be waiting somewhere until I left and was bound to be suspicious if I seemed to be working twelve-hour days.
* * *
The following Tuesday I had to get dressed up smartly to go to bingo. Annie warned me that all the other old ladies there would be merciless to any of their number who didn’t make the best of herself. So I took a little longer over my hair than usual and tried to remember what I knew about evening make-up.
I chose a dark blue dress with white polka dots. It had a lace collar and more lace round the cuffs of its long sleeves. I stood in front of the wardrobe mirror, checking my appearance. I reached up under my skirt to pull my underslip down properly. There was no danger of it showing as the dress came down to well below my knees.
I wore a pearl necklace and matching clip-on earrings, which I thought went well with my dress. I thought I looked nice, but what did I know?
“That dress is lovely on you, Granny,” Annie said, coming up behind me.
“Thank you, dear. It’s just right for an old biddy like me, isn’t it?” I said mournfully.
She must have detected something in my tone. She moved in for a hug.
“Be brave, babe,” she said softly in my ear. “This won’t be for long.”
She couldn’t know that. I sighed. I knew she was only trying to reassure me, but as long as I was stuck being an old lady I couldn’t be with this wonderful woman, at least not as I wanted to be. Suddenly my predicament started to overwhelm me. I found myself struggling to hold back tears. Annie realised I was upset and hugged me tighter.
Comforted a little, I got a grip on myself, pulled free, and managed a smile.
“Come along, Annie dear,” I said in my husky Dolly voice. “We shall be late.”
She helped me on with Dolly’s best coat and a matching round, cloche hat. They were a muted pink colour, and I found a chiffon scarf that went well with my outfit. I stepped into a pair of one-inch heels and picked up my handbag. I was as ready as I would ever be: a little old lady ready for an exciting night out. Bingo – yuck!
Seeing how nervous I was, Annie had volunteered to come along and ‘look after me’. She drove us to the venue. She helped me out of the car and into the hall; hung up my coat; found me a seat; and made me comfortable. Then she went to get me a glass of cider.
“It’s not so bad being an old lady when I have a doting granddaughter to look after me,” I said, when she came back. She laughed and kissed me – on the cheek, of course.
“Look after your handbag now, Granny,” she said, and hung it on the back of my chair.
There were several old dears who knew Dolly by sight, and well enough to exchange a few words with, so I had to try and make ‘old lady conversation’. This began with mutual compliments about our dresses. It soon moved on to enquiries about hair and make-up, then to complaining about our various ailments.
One lady told us all about her varicose veins. Equipped with Vera’s tuition on the subject I was able to commiserate with her and explain how my support stockings helped me with mine. They had me lift my skirt to demonstrate, and told me how good my legs were for a woman of my age.
Fortunately nobody there was a close friend so I survived the evening well enough. The main problem was boredom, at least for me. I enjoyed the chat far more than the bingo and was pleased – though a little embarrassed – to find I had no difficulty fitting in with the group.
Annie told me that if there was ever a slump in the software business, I could have a long and successful career as an old lady. She joined in with the bingo enthusiastically. She won ten pounds on my behalf and got quite excited at times, but I can’t say I understood the appeal.
At a mid-session break I looked out into the car park, and there was the blue Fiesta.
* * *
I played Bridge with Fred on the Wednesday and quite enjoyed myself. A lot of people came up to congratulate me on our success in the Ladies Pairs Final, which was nice. Harriet was conspicuous by her absence. That was a shame in a way because I’d hoped a little friendly conversation with her might have persuaded her to call off her hound. When I got up to hobble to the Ladies half-way through the evening, I saw that he was outside in his damn Fiesta as usual.
When the evening’s results were announced, we had come top of the pairs sitting North-South. Fred hugged me and kissed me on the cheek to celebrate. I couldn’t really object. I suppose he would have done that with the real Dolly, and to do less might have seemed suspicious. Or maybe he’d just forgotten who was under the old lady façade. I was often in danger of forgetting myself.
* * *
On Thursday morning I really didn’t fancy showing off my old lady body at the swimming pool in nothing but a swimsuit, but I came under a lot of pressure from both Annie and my mother to go through with it.
“The trouble is, we don’t know how much of Granny’s routine Treacher has found out,” said Annie. “So if you start doing something she doesn’t, or don’t do something she usually does, you might raise his suspicions.”
My mother weighed in with a completely different argument.
“This will be an excellent test of how effective your ‘old lady’ disguise is,” she argued. “See if anybody notices anything odd about you.”
“But I’ll have to go in the women’s changing rooms. If it isn’t effective, I could be arrested!”
Neither of them seemed to be impressed. I changed tack.
“Can’t you come with me?” I asked Annie.
“It’s for seniors, isn’t it?” she said. “I’m about fifty years too young.”
“We could easily do something about that,” I said eagerly. “This is Transformations. You could see for yourself what it’s like having a flabby tummy, cellulite, and droopy boobs.”
“Hmm, tempting…” she said, “…but I’ll have to pass, I’m afraid. You’re on your own, Granny dear. I’m sure you’ll have a great time.”
I turned to my mother. “You would have two ‘old lady’ test subjects showing themselves off in public.”
“Sorry, Dolly, we’ve got three clients coming in that morning. I need Annie. Have a nice swim.”
The class was at ten o’clock and I turned up at the leisure centre half an hour early. The women’s changing rooms weren’t busy and I soon found an empty cubicle. I undressed and stepped into Dolly’s swimsuit, a black one-piece with a little skirt down to mid-thigh. It had blue flashes forming a trendy abstract design. I pulled the straps up over my shoulders and tugged the back of the costume down to encase my wobbly buttocks properly. I tucked my droopy boobs into the push-up bra. This had a neck hook closure and seemed to lift my breasts up nicely, preventing spillage.
I realised I was showing quite a bit of cleavage – not necessarily a good thing for a woman of my apparent age – but I felt well supported. So far, so good then; the suit seemed to be as effective at keeping me ‘respectable old lady-shaped’ as the stiff shapewear I had just taken off.
I took off my wig and wig cap and stuffed them in the bottom of my bag. I tucked Steve’s unruly mop into an old-fashioned pink ladies’ bathing cap, checking carefully that no strands of brown hair were visible where only grey should be seen. I stepped apprehensively out of the cubicle.
There were a couple of other old ladies chatting over by the washbasins. They had obviously finished their swim and were now restoring their hair and make-up at the mirrors.
I paused to check my appearance. All I saw was Dolly, exactly as I would have expected her to look, with her plump, floppy curves and droopy, wrinkly skin. Even her – my – fat legs had the wrinkles, cellulite and varicose veins they should have had. The other ladies smiled at me as I passed but showed no particular interest. I smiled back, embarrassed at being caught admiring myself, and hobbled through the footbath at the exit to the pool.
It was nearly empty. There were three or four people sedately doing lengths. Both sexes were represented. I put on my goggles and slipped into the water. For someone recently used to the chilly waters off Newquay, the pool was very warm. Fred had assured me that my padding was waterproof and would help me with my buoyancy rather than dragging me down, and so it proved. He was right – my generous boobs and buttocks actually helped me stay afloat. I joined the lengths swimmers, confining myself to a dignified old lady breast stroke. Steve’s energetic freestyle would have looked seriously out of place.
At ten o’clock one of the centre staff came out and blew her whistle. I noticed more elderly people had materialised since I had got in the water. Most of them were still shivering at the edge of the pool, but now gingerly made their way down the steps and into the shallow end.
The class began. There were about a dozen of us. It was a mix of aerobics, physical jerks, and help to improve our strokes, with water safety advice thrown in. There was plenty of opportunity to chat to our neighbours. The jolly lady next to me confided that she was only doing this because her grandchildren were now old enough to learn to swim, and this would give her the opportunity to spend more time with them. I smiled and sympathised.
I glanced up at the viewing gallery, which was a huge glass panel all the way along one wall of the restaurant upstairs. There was Treacher, sitting at a table by the window, drinking coffee and watching all us old ladies carefully. I suspected he wouldn’t be able to work out which of them was me, but I tried to stay in character. Blast the man! How much longer would I have to put up with this?
* * *
On Friday evening I was back at the leisure centre, but now in the sports hall for Ballroom Dancing. Annie helped me get ready. I needed a long dress and evening make-up, both of which were a challenge for me in my present guise, but when she’d finished I didn’t look too bad. I managed to persuade her to come too. We couldn’t dance together, of course, and I was very glad to see there was no man there less than twice her age.
I’m completely tone deaf and knew little about waltzes, foxtrots, quicksteps or tangoes, but Rachel had dragged me along to a couple of Ballroom Dancing classes at Cambridge. I’d quite enjoyed it, despite my ignorance. Mind you, I had never done it in high heels or backwards. I was used to leading, but I found I had learned enough to fake it.
I had several keen partners, all elderly gentlemen. Most of them seemed to know Dolly quite well, and that she couldn’t do any of the more vigorous dances because of her back and knees. The real Dolly had described all the gentlemen she could remember to Annie, and I’d spent ages memorising everything I was supposed to know about them. She particularly warned me of a couple of old rogues with wandering hands, and when I was on the dance floor with them, I spent most of the dance pulling their mitts off my corseted butt and back up to my waist.
One old fool tried to dip me. He soon found that I was heavier than I looked and his back went. We spent several embarrassing minutes locked in position with me nearly horizontal, screaming at him not to let go, until someone came to support me and pull me back up to my feet.
Because of the known average age of the dancers, there was always a St John’s Ambulance crew at the hall, and they took my partner, still locked in position, to Accident and Emergency. Apparently this was a regular occurrence and all in a day’s work for them.
I spent the rest of the evening shuffling backwards round the dance floor to the slower dances, supported by tall, strong men. No one else tried to dip me, and it was all very pleasant.
I thought I caught a glimpse of Treacher in the crowd, but I wasn’t sure. Annie didn’t see him. But the blue Fiesta was in the car park when we left. It followed us home through the town, keeping a few cars back.
* * *
So I found I could survive life as Dolly; more than that, to my surprise I found it was actually becoming comfortable. At first, I had to concentrate hard to slow down my movements and reactions to emulate a septuagenarian of the opposite sex. I had to restrain the twenty-year-old male who would otherwise react too quickly and move too fast. Now, moving slowly like an old lady was becoming instinctive. When I first started trying to act like Dolly, I always had to pause and think ‘what would Dolly do?’ in any situation, but increasingly the right reaction was becoming natural.
My knitting was getting better too, and I reached for it whenever I sat down for a rest. I even got it out in the car to and from work, to Annie’s great amusement. I always seemed to improve quickly when I set myself a project. Dolly had a huge collection of wool with a preponderance of pink, so I decided to knit a cardigan in that colour. I thought I might try a pattern of red and yellow roses on it too, and went to Vera for help. She was surprised and asked whether I wanted to learn to sew as well. I think she was being sarcastic, but it reminded me that there was an old sewing machine in our spare bedroom, and I made a mental note to check it out that evening.
I began to look forward to dancing on Fridays. Some of the old gentlemen were truly charming and two of them asked me out to dinner. For a moment I was tempted – after all, Dolly would probably have accepted, wouldn’t she? – but sanity prevailed. I didn’t need any more complications in my weird life just at the moment, and besides, what would Dolly say when she came out of hospital to find she was in a relationship with an elderly Lothario?
Thinking about that brought me up short. Was I actually starting to adapt to the life of an old lady? At times it seemed like Steve had left and the spirit of Dolly had moved in. Was I actually becoming her? That would hardly be surprising, given my current form and the need to impersonate her completely. It seemed like years since I had been a young man. Was I in danger of losing myself?
Still didn’t like bingo though.
* * *
These sinister thoughts started me worrying about my relationship with Annie.
One night I was sitting at the dressing table in my nightie, sponging off my make-up, and staring sadly at my wrinkled old lady face. Annie was lying on the bed. She had a magazine open in front of her, but she was watching me carefully.
“Are you all right, Granny?” she said, anxiety evident in her voice.
I sighed. “What happened to that nice boy you used to go out with, dear?” I asked her in my Dolly voice. “He hasn’t been around for a while, has he? What was his name? Steve Something? I thought you liked him.”
“I did,” she said, earnestly. “I mean, I do!”
I don’t think she knew whether I was being serious; I’m not sure I did. Maybe she thought Dolly had taken me over completely.
“He’s away for a while doing a really important job,” she rushed on to say, “but he’ll be back soon, and I’ll be waiting for him – however long it takes.”
“That’s nice, dear,” I said, rubbing cold cream into my face. I put on my sleep bonnet and got up to join her in bed. “Now move over and make room for Granny.”
That night I had a horrible nightmare that I had aged fifty years and changed sex. What was worse was that when I woke up, I found that it was true.
* * *
It was now three weeks since I had first been glued into my prosthesis and the adhesive was finally working loose. I arranged with Vera to take it off so that she could clean and disinfect it, and I could do the same to myself.
That all went smoothly but I knew I would have to put the horrid thing back on again before I could leave that night as the faithful Treacher would be waiting outside. Surely he must be getting fed up by now? But I supposed he was on a nice little earner from Harriet and would be in no hurry to give it up. I wondered what he had told her about me. I hoped George would tell my mother if Treacher found out anything significant.
This time I made Vera promise not to glue the body prosthesis back on me. She sympathised and showed me that it could actually be separated into two parts. I allowed her to use adhesive for the top half, so I was still stuck with my bulbous, droopy breasts, flabby tummy, and batwing arms, but I insisted on being able to remove the abdominal section. It was a struggle to get on and off, but that meant it was tight enough to stay up by itself, as long as I didn’t do anything too energetic, which was obviously impossible..
That decision turned out to be fully justified that night, and our resumption of normal(ish) relations was a double celebration. Annie had been to see her real grandmother while Vera was wrestling with the fake one and ‘her’ prosthesis. Dolly was feeling much better. She was starting to get restless stuck in a hospital bed and was keen to get back to her own home, though probably no keener than I was.
“When I saw her today, Granny said she was very grateful for what you’re doing,” said Annie in bed that night. “She would never have asked you to do it if she had known what would happen.”
“And I wouldn’t have agreed, believe me.”
“She just didn’t want to let Ingrid down. She reckons she owes you a big favour. When she gets out of hospital, she’ll look for a way to reciprocate.”
“She said that? ‘Reciprocate’?”
Annie nodded.
“That means ‘to go up and down’, doesn’t it?”
Annie giggled.
“Well perhaps you’d like to go up and down on her behalf?”
Nodding enthusiastically, she pulled up my nightie and reciprocated. A lot.
* * *
With the prospect of no longer being Dolly in sight, albeit in the distance, I finally got round to holding my mother to her promise. She hadn’t mentioned it, obviously hoping I’d forgotten.
“I strongly advise you not to do this, Dolly; I mean, Steven,” she said. “I’m sorry,” she smiled. “Your disguise is so good, it’s easy to forget.”
We were alone in her office, but she too had gotten into the habit of only calling me Dolly, to minimise the risk of mistakes.
“It’s all right,” I said bitterly and, I noticed, in my Dolly voice, “I’m used to it now.”
I was becoming more and more concerned that changing my appearance was changing my persona too. I found myself humming as I hoovered the carpets and polished the furniture and poured the tea. I smiled sweetly and called everyone ‘Dear’. I wasn’t sure I could walk far in Dolly’s shoes without my stick now. I swear I was starting to find it difficult to get up off my knees after cleaning a toilet. So it was quite a shock to be addressed as ‘Steven’ again after three weeks of only answering to ‘Dolly’ or ‘Granny’.
“I promise you really have nothing to gain by meeting him,” my mother continued, “and you might find it upsetting.”
“I’ll take that risk,” I said. “I’m twenty years old, mother.”
At that point I happened to catch sight of the elderly maid in the mirror and realised that my words sounded ridiculous coming from her, but I ploughed on.
“I think I can handle a conversation with my father, even if we haven’t seen each other for more than a decade.”
“Wouldn’t you prefer to meet him when you’re back to being Steven?” she said.
“Maybe, but I need you to give me the details now. I may not be able to wait. It will soon be time for me to go back to college – assuming this Treacher thing is over with by October. If Dad asks about my disguise, I can tell him I’m testing your latest products. Presumably he knows what we do here, so he shouldn’t be surprised.”
“Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She sighed. “You will need to contact him through a waitress at the Little Café in Royston. It’s opposite the station. Her name is Rita Johnson.” I remembered that was the woman that Nuttall, the Bank Manager, mentioned. “That’s all I can tell you.”
I was pretty sure it wasn’t all she could tell me, but it would be enough, at least for now.
* * *
So that Saturday Annie drove us to Royston. We parked in the station ‘Pay & Display’ car park and Annie paid for a one-hour ticket.
“Here, Granny, hold onto my arm,” Annie said. “I’ll help you up the steps.”
“Thank you, dear,” I said gratefully, in my creaky ‘old lady’ voice.
I struggled up the steep staircase from the car park to the street, mimicking the laborious movements of a fragile female septuagenarian. I moved slowly and painfully, leaning heavily on my walking stick. The ascent was actually a challenge with all my bulky padding, even in only one-inch heels.
“Is he watching?” I asked, in a softer voice, trying not to move my lips.
My spectacles were plain glass but they were still thick and they inhibited my distance vision. Annie took a surreptitious look back over my shoulder.
“Afraid so,” she confirmed. “You need to stay in character.”
This still felt very strange as only last night I had been making love to Annie with a vigour quite incompatible with the elderly lady I appeared to be. The weight of my portly figure had meant she had to go on top, which I found a little humiliating, but there was no doubting her enthusiasm, or her agility. It was the best lovemaking session we’d had in the two months we had been together. I had hoped we were getting serious, but my current circumstances had definitely thrown a spanner in the works. How could I talk of our future together when I was living as a seventy-year-old woman, and her grandmother into the bargain?
We made our way toward the little diner. I pretended to lean on her arm.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” she said. “You’ve only just found out about him. Why not wait till you’re you again?”
“But who knows when that will be?”
We had reached the door of the diner. I looked inside.
“Come on, there’s a table free at the far end,” I said. “I’ll sit with my back to the window, so you can keep an eye out for our friend.”
Annie helped me off with my overcoat. I leaned my stick against the wall and hung my handbag over the arm of my chair. Sweeping my dress underneath me, I sat down, glad to get my extra weight off my feet. I was careful to make sure that my skirt covered my wrinkled legs in their support stockings. My tight shapewear helped me to keep my knees together.
“I’m still amazed at how convincing you are!” Annie said softly, taking the seat opposite me. “You’d have to know my Granny really well to be able to tell that you’re not her.”
“Thank you, dear,” I said, trying to stay in character. “Any sign of you-know-who?”
“I can’t see him at the moment, but I expect he’s watching us from somewhere.”
The tired-looking waitress with the short, fake-looking ginger hair was approaching with a smile and two menus.
“Morning, ladies,” she said brightly. “How are you today?”
I stared at her closely. Her name badge said ‘Rita’. She looked puzzled at my scrutiny, then nervous. I was sure she had recognised me; that is, Dolly. I looked around. There was no one nearby to overhear me.
“We’re fine,” I said in my normal voice. “How are you, Dad?”
* * *
It was seven o’clock that evening. We had spent the day pottering around Royston, which is nearly as interesting as Peterborough, waiting for Rita to get off duty. Now we were at her little one-bedroom flat. She – he – was passing out tea and biscuits.
“I recognised you as Dolly immediately,” he said, “though I hadn’t seen her for years. Your disguise is brilliant! It’s impossible to see a twenty-year-old man under all that. How on earth do you do it?”
“The technology is just an extension of what we’ve been doing for the last four years. Presumably you know about that?”
He nodded. “I do still see Ingrid from time to time. We have to meet at the bank for me to sign documents occasionally. But there must be more to it than that?”
“There is, but the formulation of the skin texture for the flesh pieces – my wrinkles, the bags under my eyes, the dewlap and so on – that’s all down to Annie. She’s a genius with facial prosthetics.”
My girlfriend blushed prettily but didn’t bother with any false modesty.
“When I recognised Dolly, I wondered why you were here, of course,” he said, “but when a young male voice came out of your mouth, I nearly fainted. How did you know who I was? Did Ingrid tell you everything?”
“No, she just said that if I wanted to meet my father, I had to see Rita Johnson first. It wasn’t hard to work out.”
“I’d love to see what you really look like.”
“Oh, here!” said Annie, reaching into her handbag.
She took out a picture we’d had taken at Newquay. We were in our swimsuits. She looked fantastic in her bikini; I looked a little smug to be with her. My father studied it with a strange, lost expression on his face.
“What a great picture!” he said, with a sniff. “You both look so... happy. You do look a lot like me when I was young.”
He fell silent. After a minute, I cleared my throat.
“I assume Mum used to help you dress before you moved out, did she? And that’s how she got started in the business?”
He pulled himself together and returned the picture to Annie.
“Yes. After leaving school she did Business Administration at the local college. Her first job was working in the theatre – backstage. She loved that. She had been in school plays, and she was very good, but she never wanted to be a performer. She didn’t like to be the centre of attention. But the job meant she learned a lot about make-up, costumes, and so on. Anyway, although I was – am – completely hetero, I’ve never been able to resist the urge to cross-dress. She knew I was active in the gay/trans community, but we were in love, and we told ourselves it didn’t matter. After we married, I suggested we use the house as a place where my friends could dress, and she volunteered to help. I think she saw it as a way of keeping us together. We never did anything nasty; no bondage, sado-masochism, or anything. We just helped guys play out their cross-dressing fantasies – being schoolgirls or maids or whatever. All in complete secrecy.”
“So what went wrong?”
“We both changed over time, I suppose.” He sighed. “I realised I couldn’t carry on as a Lord of the Manor who just had an odd hobby. This…” He gestured towards his face and boobs, and swept his hands down his skirt and stockings. “…is who I really am.”
It was ironic. I had no wish to cross-dress, let alone adopt a feminine identity, but somehow I was following in his footsteps anyway, just not in quite so high heels.
“So, are those…” I hesitated. I realised he might not want to answer my impending question in front of Annie.
“Are my breasts real, you mean?” he smiled, apparently not in the least embarrassed. “They’re certainly real to me, but, no. They’re just top-quality forms, and glued on. I haven’t undergone any procedures apart from electrolysis to remove all my body hair. I do take a very mild female hormone – your mother provides it – but it’s only enough to smooth my skin, not to make any major physical changes.”
“But you needed to live as a woman?”
“Not just any woman – I couldn’t be the Lady of the Manor either. There was something else in me. I needed to be a servant – a maid or a waitress, all the time. I think I was uncomfortable with my privilege. I hadn’t earned any of what I owned, so I felt I didn’t deserve it. I needed to start again at the bottom…” He sighed.
“Ingrid did what she could to help me, and persuaded me to stay. I lived as her maid for six months. Then you were born and she needed me even more. It was wonderful for a while. I wore a Nanny’s uniform! That was when I was happiest, I think. I loved taking you to the park in your pram and chatting to the other ladies there about our babies.”
He sighed, a euphoric look on his face. I was impressed at how completely feminine he was, but I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. He’d been living a totally female life for more than twenty years.
“But in the end I had to move out,” he continued sadly. “I couldn’t let myself get attached to you, or you to me. There was no way I could be a proper father to you, and I was terrified that knowing what I was would damage you for life. I left Ingrid with everything – the house, the estate, all our money, and you. She deserved it all. None of this was her fault.”
I was beginning to see what my mother had meant when she said that I had nothing to gain by meeting him. This was a sad story, and it was serving no purpose but to satisfy my curiosity and depress my poor father all over again.
“I found a bedsit in town and used my contacts to find jobs as a cleaner, maid, nanny, whatever,” he continued. “I came back every month or so for a while, dressed as a man, but I couldn’t keep doing that. As you grew, became a toddler, I found it too hard to play with you and then leave. When you started to talk, you would ask about me when I wasn’t there, wanting to know where I was, when I would next be coming. I was starting to become too important to you. We both agreed a clean break was necessary. I didn’t want you to have a pervert in your life, especially not your father...”
We both protested at this description of himself.
“Maybe attitudes have changed,” he admitted, “but we’re talking about nearly twenty years ago, remember. That’s how even I thought of myself back then.”
Silence fell again.
“So is that still how you live?” I asked.
“Yes, I work two jobs now, as a cleaning lady in the mornings and waitress at lunchtime and dinner time. I’m off this evening, in case you were wondering.”
He realised that we were looking around the flat. It was clean and well decorated; very feminine; but very small.
“Ingrid sends me small gifts of money from time to time,” he smiled. “At first I sent them back, then the flat needed a new boiler, then I had a huge bill on my little car. I think Ingrid has always felt guilty that she couldn’t tolerate my… urges. I always try to reassure her that none of it is her fault; that it’s all down to me, and I’m sorry I hurt her, but…” He trailed off.
“I’m just glad Fred was around. He was one of my best friends. I knew I could rely on him to keep an eye on you both. You know he’s gay, I suppose?”
“Yes, though he’s not ‘out’, as such.”
“Silly boy,” said my father, shaking his curly red head.
“Don’t you get lonely?” Annie asked.
“I have an on-off partner, a woman who has just the right sort of kinks to enjoy my company, in bed and out. I’m lucky to have found her, but… well, let’s just say there are reasons why we can’t be together all the time.” We must have been looking sympathetic. “It’s fine, really. We’re not in love or anything.”
He reached for the teapot to give us refills.
“But you haven’t told me why you came as Dolly?” His plump, feminine features darkened. “Are you… like me? Was this Ingrid’s idea, to show me what I had done to our son?”
“Yes, it’s her fault, but no, that’s not why. Actually I had no choice.”
I went on to explain that I wasn’t a cross-dresser, and how my mother had got me involved in testing the technology. It hadn’t occurred to me before that perhaps she was also testing to see if I had inherited transvestism from my father…
I explained my current predicament. He tutted when I got to the part where my mother used emotional blackmail to get me to play in the Ladies’ Pairs. He made me promise to send his best wishes to the real Dolly. Towards the end of the story, when I mentioned we were even now under surveillance, he gasped. He stood up and went to the window. Opening the curtains a tiny crack, he peered through.
“Yes, I can see a blue Fiesta out there. It’s on the other side of the street, about thirty yards down. You’ll need to be careful when you leave.”
“You realise he’ll try and investigate you too now?” I said.
“Let him,” he smiled. “He won’t find anything. Rita’s back story is bomb-proof – birth certificate, National Insurance number, driving licence, even a passport, though I haven’t been abroad since becoming her. Ingrid spent quite a bit of money with her contacts to make sure I’m legit.”
“He may wonder why we’ve come to see you though,” said Annie. “What our relationship could be.”
My father gave that a little thought.
“Well, Dolly and I knew each other well once. She knows all about me. We were close when I was growing up and she was housekeeper at the Manor. She stayed on when Ingrid and I got married. Then my father died and I couldn’t keep the maidservant inside me any longer. Dolly didn’t want to have anything to do with Rita, so she left, and I can’t blame her. We don’t see each other anymore, but we’ve kept in touch – Christmas cards, birthdays, and so on. So we can let Treacher think that Dolly and Rita are old friends.”
“That’s all right then,” I said, “but I may have to come again sometime to make it realistic.”
He smiled. “Fine by me… Dolly.”
We got up to leave.
“Keep the picture, Rita,” said Annie, pushing it across the table to him. “We have the digital version on our computer.”
* * *
When we got home I reported back to my mother for her side of the story.
“Your father’s… compulsions… did make me angry at first,” she said. “I hated pretending to treat him as my maid. It didn’t help that I am physically bigger and stronger than him. He was – is – clearly submissive, but I’m no dominatrix. I loved him. I wanted him to hold me, and comfort me, but he just wanted to wash and iron my clothes and clean the toilets. I don’t know when he stopped loving me, but I eventually stopped loving him. I wouldn’t be the mistress to his housemaid any longer, so he moved out to find someone else who would. I’m happy that he has.”
Her version of the sad story wasn’t exactly the same as his, but I suppose it was close enough. I could see that she felt guilty that her love wasn’t strong enough to tolerate his sexuality.
“What about the house, and the business?” I said.
“Everything is in our joint names – his original name. We still have a joint bank account – separate from the Transformations business account – but he never takes any money from it. I assume he has a personal account in his new name. I don’t know how that works, how he pays tax, deals with the Revenue, and so on. I’m sure he’s not cheating them or anything, but I suspect what he does isn’t strictly legal.”
“So, was making me a test subject for all your transformation techniques anything to do with him?”
“Only insofar as you take after him physically, rather than me, and are therefore an ideal test subject.” I must have looked sceptical. “All right,” she admitted, “maybe I needed to find out whether you had inherited any of his proclivities as well. For my own peace of mind, and because if you did, perhaps I could help you.”
* * *
When Annie and I turned up for work on Monday morning Fred met us inside the front door.
“Ah, there you are, Dolly,” he said. “Mrs Jones and I are out on the patio. When you’ve changed, would you bring us some coffee, please?”
I was about to ask what the hell, when he put a finger to his lips and winked. I choked back my protest. We must have visitors, I assumed.
“Would you like a cup too, Annie?” he said. Without waiting for an answer, he continued, “Bring a cup for Miss Rogers too then, please, Dolly.”
He turned and walked away. Annie shrugged and grimaced at me, then followed him. Feeling more like a skivvy than ever, I went to the kitchen. I put on my maid uniform and made coffee for three. If I was the maid, I reasoned, I wouldn’t be joining them.
When I got out to the patio the three of them were sitting at one of the wrought iron picnic tables arguing quietly but fiercely. Annie looked particularly upset. I put the tray down on the table and reached for the fourth chair.
“Don’t sit down, Dolly,” my mother hissed. “We may be being watched.”
So I stood there, like a maid, with my hands clasped in front of my apron.
“Do you want me to curtsey as well, madam?” I said icily. “Only I don’t know how.”
“Don’t get all huffy, for heaven’s sake, Steve,” said Annie. “The situation’s bad enough already.” I looked at her incredulously. “Please! They have good reason to be cautious.”
“Thank you, Annie,” said Fred. He turned to me. “Steve, when you asked me to get you a bug detector, I laughed, but I actually got two. I gave you one and kept the other. I’ve been sweeping the ground floor areas most mornings, feeling a bit silly, but today I found three listening devices. I apologise; you were right and I was wrong.”
That changed everything. I saw why they were treating me this way. It didn’t make me any less angry, but at least I understood.
“Where were they?”
“One’s in the hallway, which is why I had to act as if you were the actual maid this morning. Sorry about that,” Fred said. “Another was in Vera’s office, presumably because Treacher noticed it’s the biggest consulting room, with the most equipment. The third was in the staff common room. He probably couldn’t get into the photography suite or the Bunker. We keep them both locked, and there’s no sign of tampering. After that, I went through the whole building. It took me ages, but I didn’t find any more bugs.”
“How the hell did he get in?” I asked.
“We don’t know,” Fred said. “I’ve been round the building but I can’t see any signs of tampering with any of the doors or windows. Mind you, there were a couple of upstairs windows open round the back.”
“And I’m afraid we may have forgotten to set the security system,” said my mother.
That seemed quite likely. I had taken over responsibility for doing it since coming back home in May but now I was living at Dolly’s place. Mum might easily have forgotten it was her job again to set the burglar alarm.
“Or he may have an accomplice,” suggested Annie.
The others obviously hadn’t thought of that.
“I’m going to move Vera to another office,” said my mother. “It’s not just that we can’t afford for Treacher to hear anything that suggests Dolly might not actually be Dolly; we can’t have him listening in while she’s working with a client either. It’s a good thing that Vera and Sharon keep their offices tidy. Hopefully he won’t have seen anything that gives away what we do here.”
“Especially in the dark,” Fred added.
“We’ll have to do something about the other bugs though,” said my mother.
“You could put a radio close up to the one in the common room,” I suggested. “That should be enough to make sure he can’t make out anything we’re saying.”
“Good idea, Dolly,” said my mother, emphasising the name, “and maybe we could pile some boxes up against the one in the hall. Oh, this is a damn nuisance!”
“On the bright side, it’s a pretty desperate move by Treacher,” said Fred. “It’s not illegal to follow someone for the purposes of gathering information, as long as you don’t harass them, but this is breaking and entering. He couldn’t have known whether there would be a burglar alarm. Hopefully it means he hasn’t been able to find anything useful about you, and this is his last throw of the dice.”
“You need to tell Dolly here the really bad part,” said my mother.
Fred looked embarrassed, but ploughed on.
“Unfortunately the bug detectors I got are cheapo kit from Amazon. They’re commercially available gadgets, and we can’t be sure they’re good enough to find the most modern listening devices. He may have planted other, more sophisticated bugs. The ones I found may be just decoys. It’s an arms race; if someone comes up with a better bug, then someone else has to develop a better detector. The most recent ones are incredibly expensive and hard to source. I’m working on it, but in the short term we just need to assume he can hear everything we say inside this building, and at Dolly’s place too.”
“That’s why we’re having coffee outside,” said my mother. “Luckily it’s a fine day. And we can’t have the maid sitting down and joining us as an equal because he may be watching from the trees on the other side of the fence…” I turned to scan the horizon. “Don’t look, you idiot!”
“He wouldn’t be able to see us from over there,” I said scathingly. “It must be two hundred yards away.”
It seemed to me they had gone from not taking the problem seriously enough to being utterly paranoid.
“If he can afford bugs, he can probably afford a pair of powerful binoculars,” my mother countered.
“I just hope he can’t lip read,” said Annie. “That’s why we’re sitting with our backs to the fence. You’d better keep to ‘Yes, Madam’ and ‘No, Madam’, if you’re going to stand there.”
“I’m not calling any of you ‘Madam’!” I said through gritted teeth. “Anyway I can’t believe a second-rate dick like him can afford such expensive kit.”
“Probably not,” my mother agreed, “but Harriet can – easily.”
I poured their coffees in silence and reached to take the tray back to the kitchen.
“OK, look,” said Fred, as I turned to go, “I agree we may be over-reacting. But we don’t know what he can see or hear. We’ll figure something out, but for the moment you have to be a hundred per cent Dolly. Everywhere, all the time. Even in the car to and from work. I’ll sweep Annie’s car before you leave tonight, but a car is even easier to bug than a house. You should find somewhere he can’t see you and sweep yours too; I mean Dolly’s mini.”
“I’m sorry about all this, Steven,” said my mother.
“Yeah, well that doesn’t do me a lot of good, does it?”
“It gets worse,” said Annie. “The same applies at home, doesn’t it? He may have planted bugs we can’t detect there too. You know what that means. I’m so sorry.”
“Seems there’s a lot of ‘sorry’ going around, but I’m the one who really has cause to be sorry.”
Annie started to say something, but I stormed back to the kitchen and my new life as a cleaner and tea lady, twenty-four-seven. Suddenly I was a lot less comfortable having to live Dolly’s life without respite, and being treated as her by all my nearest and dearest.
That evening I swept Dolly’s house again and still didn’t find any bugs, but according to Fred that didn’t mean we were safe.
* * *
It was a horrible week. I wasn’t able to be myself at any moment, not even at home. Not only did Annie now treat me as her Granny all the time, but I had to sleep alone too, in case Treacher had bugged our bedrooms without us knowing. I didn’t bother taking my lower half prosthesis off at all now. What would be the point?
I still didn’t think he could have gotten into our house. I had been diligent about locking up and setting the alarm. So I rather resented not being able to sleep with Annie. I would be going back to Cambridge in about three weeks, assuming this ludicrous situation was resolved somehow by then. I might not see her again until nearly Christmas, so I wanted to make the most of the remaining time we had.
My mother’s reasoning was that if Treacher had planted listening devices we didn’t know about, he presumably had done it at about the same time as the ones Fred had found. He wouldn’t take the risk of breaking into either of the buildings twice. So we probably hadn’t been bugged before, but we might have been now.
Whatever. I was now a full-time elderly maid and cleaning lady. With that, I realised I was well on the road to becoming my father: we were both male, heterosexual, and living and behaving as lowly servants of the opposite sex. The only difference between us was that he wanted that, and I didn’t. (Yet?)
* * *
Having left early for the summer, I had to be back in Cambridge by the first day of Full Term, or make arrangements to defer for a year. So as the weekend approached, I was more and more desperate to find some way of bringing my ghastly situation to an end. I was close to giving up, and begging Vera to remove all my prostheses and let me return to being Steve, even if it meant Harriet would win, and even if it meant losing the business.
Another problem was, where could we hold a council of war, given that I was a maidservant and couldn’t be seen sitting down and chatting with my employer and her senior staff? In the end Annie came up with the answer. This was the week when Betty and I were supposed to be doing the flowers at the church for the Sunday services, but she called to say that her husband had booked them a last-minute holiday – a week in Malaga. So Annie volunteered to help me. (That was just as well, as I didn’t know Betty, and knew even less about arranging flowers.)
She checked the routine with the real Dolly. On Saturday afternoon we would go to the florist in the High Street at about five o’clock just before it closed, and collect several baskets of flowers which the owner would have put aside for us. We would take them to the church and put them out in various strategic places – the altar, round the lectern, under the big stained-glass windows, etc. We didn’t actually need to do much flower arranging. The proprietress of the flower shop would have done most of the hard work by packing the baskets tastefully.
The plan was that Annie and I would collect the flowers in her car and drive to the church, presumably with Treacher following. We would leave the car in the church’s tiny car park, go in, and start arranging the flowers. Fred and my mother would park in town and walk to the church, making sure they got there before we and our shadow arrived.
They would find a dark, quiet corner inside and try to stay unobserved. It might be a little more complicated if there were other worshippers present, but we thought this would be unlikely, given the size of the Church of England congregation these days. There was choir practice in the evening but there were no services on Saturday afternoon, so the place was usually empty.
When we were sure that the detective was staying outside, the four of us would find a quiet spot – perhaps in the vestry if the vicar wasn’t around – to have a proper planning session. I looked forward to making my increasingly desperate opinions known. I was not going to become my father!
Saturday came and everything went like clockwork. We picked up the flowers and our tail, and parked in the church precinct, as planned. It took us three trips each to get all the baskets inside, me hobbling painfully as usual. I rather resented Treacher sitting in his car watching and not volunteering to help an old lady.
When we got inside, Fred and Mum were sitting in a pew in a dark corner at the back. You wouldn’t have noticed them if you weren’t looking for them.
Annie and I put the flowers out in record time. She checked the vestry, which was devoid of priests and lay persons. She waved and beckoned us from the door.
“We don’t have long,” Fred began. “Treacher will get suspicious if you spend hours arranging a few flowers, and it’s not as if there’s anything else to do in a church.”
“Praying, maybe?” suggested Annie.
“Never mind all that,” I interrupted angrily. “I cannot – will not – stay as Dolly any longer. I need an escape plan, and if you can’t help me, I’ll just go and break into Vera’s cupboard for the solvent and rip all this crap off myself, and hang the consequences!”
“Sorry, Steve, I should have led with the good news,” said Fred. “Dolly called Ingrid from the hospital this afternoon. She tried to reach you, Annie, but couldn’t get through.”
“They’re talking about her coming home soon,” my mother said. “So we need to discuss how you can ‘hand over’ to her, as it were.”
“I think you’ll have to have an accident,” Fred said, “so that we have a reason to take you to hospital. Presumably Treacher will follow. As far as the staff on Reception are concerned, we’ll all be there to visit Dolly, but…”
“…but when we get there, you can duck into the Ladies,” said my mother.
“While Ingrid, Fred and I go to Granny’s room,” said Annie. “You disappear and she’s back to being my only grandmother.”
She smiled at me, almost as she used to when I had been Steve.
“It could work, I suppose,” I nodded. “But how do I get out of the building without him seeing me? I don’t think I’ll be able to get to the back door or the goods entrance or whatever.”
“Well, it won’t be practical to get all your prosthetics off and turn you back to Steve at the hospital, even if we could find a private room,” said my mother. “But you can take another wig and a change of clothes, maybe some dark glasses. Then you can change in the bathroom and leave by the front door as a completely different old lady.”
Everyone approved of that idea.
“We’ll have to make sure the hospital doesn’t let Treacher in or give him any information – like how long Granny has really been there,” said Annie.
“They won’t usually give out any information of that kind to anyone other than family,” said Fred. “To make sure, we can warn the staff on Reception that Dolly is being stalked by an ambulance-chasing lawyer or something, and not to be fooled by anyone pretending to be a friend or relation.”
“Or emergency services,” I suggested. “He might have some kind of fake documentation.”
There were still some details to thrash out, not least what sort of accident I was going to have, but we were all satisfied the plan was workable; a bit desperate, but workable. We would put it into operation two days before Dolly was due to be released. Any less wouldn’t be realistic for a sudden accident that required hospitalisation. Any sooner – like going ahead right now, for instance – risked giving Treacher time to find a way around hospital security and discover how long Dolly had actually been there. That meant I would have to be Dolly the maid for at least another week.
“Do you think Treacher is looking tired, by the way?” said Annie. “When I came back from the hospital yesterday, I drove past his car and I’m sure he was asleep.”
“Good,” I said. “I hope he drops dead from exhaustion.”
The others looked a little embarrassed at my lack of charity. They clearly hadn’t appreciated how much I was hating my new life as an old lady. Fred cleared his throat.
“I’m not surprised he’s knackered,” he said. “He has to watch you all day, then listen to the bugs’ recordings all night.”
“He probably falls asleep doing that,” said Annie. “He won’t hear anything interesting there, will he?”
All agreed.
“Time we went,” said my mother, looking at her watch.
“There is one other thing,” I said, as the others were getting ready to go. “I know you have a hidden camera in Vera’s room.”
Annie looked surprised.
“How on earth did you…?” Fred began.
“It’s just to protect ourselves in case a client causes… problems,” my mother interrupted.
No doubt she was concerned that I would be angry that they had filmed my various transformations, and she was right, but that wasn’t what was on my mind right now.
“I don’t suppose it was running over last weekend, was it?” I asked.
“It’s triggered by a motion sensor, but Vera sometimes turns it off when she’s alone.” Fred had seen my point of course, and was getting excited. “She did have a client last thing on Friday, so she might not have switched it off before she left. It sends the images to a 2 Terabyte hard disk on the network. I’ll check it out as soon as we get back. Shit! Why didn’t I think of this?”
“I don’t understand,” said Annie. “What’s so important?”
“Fred’s nasty little spy camera just might have caught Treacher planting the bugs over the weekend,” I said. “This could give us leverage if we need it.”
* * *
When our planning session was over, Annie ran me back home, then rushed off to the hospital. As usual I watched her go, ready to text her mobile and warn her if Treacher followed her for a change. I opened the sitting room curtains to give Treacher a good view of the little old lady doing little old lady things. I settled down with my knitting while she was out. I was determined to finish my cardy before going back to being Steve.
When Annie returned she was full of news and dragged me into the little back garden to pass it on without being overheard. In case we were being watched she pretended to do some weeding while I hung out some of my underwear and stockings on the washing line.
Jubilantly she announced that after nearly four weeks Dolly’s doctor judged that her heartbeat was strong and regular; her blood pressure was normal, or at least acceptable; and her sternum was sufficiently healed that they could remove the cast and the wire.
The bad news was that it was likely to be ten days to a fortnight before she could go home. She still needed constant monitoring after such a serious operation, and would need physiotherapy to rebuild her strength. Also, when she did finally come home, she would be under strict instructions to spend most of her time lying down or propped up in an armchair. No heavy lifting; in fact, she wasn’t allowed to raise her arms above her head, as this would put pressure on the knitting breastbone which could open the break up again. This would mean she would need help getting dressed, or even to put her nightie on, so Annie would need to be back home with her. I had an open invitation to join them until it was time for me to go back to college.
“It’ll be nice to have a man about the house for a change,” said Annie, with an ironic smile. “By the way, Fred called me on my mobile. He has some very clear video of Treacher entering Vera’s office at two o’clock on Sunday morning, and planting his listening device behind one of the photographs on her wall.”
* * *
Of course I was disappointed that I would be Dolly for at least another week, but with a definite end in sight, I decided I could stick it out. It would be stupid to ruin everything at the last minute after all I had already put up with and the hard work I had done on my impersonation. Besides I still hadn’t finished the cardigan, and I had to sew the buttons on.
So we were back to the bingo on Tuesday. I won an early round, so I tried to look as if I was enjoying myself. Annie still seemed to love this night out with the elderly women. She warned our neighbours when their numbers were called out if they didn’t notice. She ran round helping the other old dears get their barley wines and halves of cider. Not being young and mobile, I had to sit and watch her, bored out of my mind.
There were a couple of other young women doing similar tasks for their elderly relatives. I mused that if I’d been Millie instead of Dolly I could have helped too. It wasn’t the sort of thing that Steve would have done, so where did that thought come from?
* * *
I played with my mother at the Bridge Club on the Wednesday. We were early and took our usual seats, North-South at Table One, so that as poor old Dolly I didn’t have to move. We were horrified when Jane Campanella joined us, sitting in the East seat. We had nothing against her. We hardly knew her, and liked what we knew, but it meant that Harriet would occupy the West seat when she arrived.
“I never got the chance to congratulate you on your result in the Ladies’ pairs,” she said with a smile. “Harriet said that was the first time you’d qualified for the Final. Well done indeed!”
That was nice of her, I thought. My mother obviously thought so too and ‘reciprocated’. They had a friendly chat while we waited. I kept glancing out of the window into the car park, but there was no sign of a blue Fiesta. Had Treacher given up, or was he assuming he could take a three-hour break while we were here playing Bridge?
I dragged my attention back to their conversation. Mum couldn’t stop herself from suggesting that Jane would have done even better in the Ladies’ Pairs Final if she hadn’t been in harness with Harriet. Jane smiled thinly but was much too diplomatic to comment. Professionals who spoke ill of their clients soon ran out of paying customers.
“You seem to be very interested in the car park, Dolly,” Jane said to me suddenly. “Are you expecting someone?”
I must have been looking out of the window too much. While I struggled to come up with an answer, my mother weighed in crossly.
“We’re being followed,” she said. “There’s a man in a blue Fiesta. He makes Dolly nervous.”
Too right he did. He – and bloody Harriet – were responsible for me spending my summer as an old lady.
“You mean you’re being stalked?”
She sounded sceptical, as well she might. Neither my mother nor I were typical stalking material, not being young and beautiful.
“No, he’s a private detective. Not a very good one either as we spotted him three weeks ago.”
Jane was incredulous. “Why…?” she spluttered. “What…?”
My mother looked at me. I shrugged. I couldn’t see any reason not to tell her. What’s the worst that could happen? She might tell Harriet we’re on to him, but that would surely bring this farce to an end one way or another.
“Harriet hired him,” my mother said. “She couldn’t see how Dolly and I could beat her at the Ladies’ Pairs, and take the third spot in the England pre-Trials. She’s sure we must have been cheating somehow, and she hired that man to follow us to find out how.”
“Follow me, actually,” I said, in my best, croaky whisper. “Ingrid’s a good player, but Harriet thinks I played above myself, and she’s suspicious. We don’t have a hope in the Trials, by the way. We’ll be lucky not to come last.”
“He also broke in and bugged my offices,” added my mother.
“What! Did you go to the police?”
“We don’t really have any proof. We found the listening devices, but we can’t prove who put them there.”
We both knew that was a lie, but there was no way my mother wanted Plod wandering around our place. We’d never see some of our clients again. Also, there might be some advantage in Treacher thinking he had got away with it.
“Well…” Jane was clearly at a loss. “I’ve never heard of such a thing! I thought you were all friends.”
My mother had the grace to look embarrassed.
“‘Friendly rivals’ would be a better description,” I said. “Like Federer and Nadal…?”
Actually that was a bad example. By all accounts Rafa and The Fed were good mates off the court.
“Probably best not to say anything to Harriet,” my mother said. “I’m sure she’ll stop it all soon. There’s nothing for him to find… obviously.”
“Understood,” Jane said, “but I’m not at all happy about this.”
Harriet arrived at that point. She gave us a curt nod, clearly not pleased with Jane’s choice of first-round opponents. She immediately engaged her professional partner in a discussion of a complex area of their bidding system and the friendly conversation came to an end.
It wasn’t a great evening for us. We didn’t do much wrong but neither did most of our opponents. Jane played one hand against us brilliantly; I didn’t expect to get many match points on that board. We finished a little above average. Harriet and Jane came top of the East-West pairs. Perhaps that would satisfy her and persuade her to call off her hound.
But he and that flaming blue Fiesta were back when we left and followed us home.
* * *
Friday was Ballroom Dancing again. I still looked forward to this, despite my continuing misgivings that Annie would find a new partner she preferred. I had raided Dolly’s wardrobe and found a pretty wrap dress she obviously hadn’t worn for years. It was white cotton with a swirly black pattern. Annie said it was quite ‘art nouveau’, but I doubt she really knew what that meant. I certainly didn’t.
Anyway it covered up what it needed to, while making interesting (and misleading) suggestions about what might be underneath. In a moment of madness I had bought a new extra-uplifting longline bra for my big droopy breasts, and I carried my enhanced embonpoint proudly before me onto the dance floor.
When we arrived we were both quickly snapped up by mature gentlemen, my partner being considerably more mature than Annie’s. His name was Gregory. He was tall, at least six inches taller than me, even though I was wearing my highest heels.
“What do you like about Ballroom?” I asked him, by way of making conversation as we swirled around the dance floor.
He considered thoughtfully.
“It’s a wonderful way to get to know someone,” he began. “Dancing closely together is the ultimate expression of romance, forging a human connection. I’m not that good with words, you see, so I take it to the dance floor and get swept away by the music…”
He suited the action to the words and executed a complicated double turn, sweeping me around as if I weighed nothing, which I absolutely didn’t. He was clearly stronger than he looked. As Dolly, with bad knees and a stiff back, I couldn’t cooperate properly, so he was actually lifting me clear of the floor for most of this manoeuvre.
“Not bad for someone who’s not very good with words!” I panted, getting my high heels firmly back on the ground before he – or I – got any more swept away.
“So does that mean you’ll have dinner with me at last?” he asked.
I tried an enigmatic smile. “I wouldn’t rule it out,” I said. “Ask me again next time.”
After all it wouldn’t be me next Friday, and Dolly might like him. Not that she would be attending ballroom dancing for a while yet.
“I certainly will,” he said, with what he thought was a sexy twinkle, but it just looked like there was something wrong with his eye.
He pulled me in closer. We were now dancing cheek-to-cheek. I didn’t resist. That would have been rude, and anyway it was quite nice.
* * *
When we got back I checked my voicemail. There was a message from my mother. George Bairstow had called her to tell her that Jane Campanella had resigned as Harriet’s partner. That meant that we could withdraw from the England Ladies Trials without letting Harriet in!
So Mum had told him that she and I were going to withdraw too, citing my age and state of health. I quickly deleted the voicemail in case Treacher found a way to hack it. Presumably my two friends from Cambridge would take the third spot. If Sheila could control her wilder urges, they should do well.
It felt like things were finally going my way…
Annie and her Granny
By Susannah Donim
Steve’s mother runs the secretive Transformations consultancy. This means he has a number of interesting jobs over the years.
Chapter 7 – Dolly Returns
Can Steve finally return to normal?
The Friday morning was bright and sunny and Dolly the maid was again required to serve Ingrid, Fred and Annie morning coffee on the terrace behind the house. I pottered about laying out cups and saucers and plates on the wrought-iron picnic table, pouring coffee, and handing round pastries – all as slowly as possible so that I could be party to the conversation without sitting down as though I were with my equals.
When she spoke to George, my mother had asked him if Harriet intended to cancel the Treacher investigation now that none of us were playing in the Trials. He said they’d had a big row about the money she was spending, but that as far as he knew, she was as determined as ever to prove that something strange was going on with Dolly, despite Treacher’s complete failure to come up with any evidence. Apparently even the detective had suggested to her that she was wasting her money.
“So I suppose we have to go ahead with Operation Get-Steve-Back, as planned,” said Annie.
“Hoo-fucking-ray,” I muttered, wiping my coffee-stained fingers on my apron.
My mother looked at me sharply. I smiled sweetly and attempted a mock-curtsey.
“They’ve decided to discharge Granny on Monday morning,” continued Annie.
“So your accident should be late this afternoon,” suggested Fred, “so that it’s Visiting Time when we get to the hospital.” A thought struck him. “We have a wheelchair somewhere, don’t we?”
“Good idea,” said my mother. “Say she has a fall in the kitchen…”
“Or something falls on her,” said Annie.
“I can bring the big van round to the front, which presumably he’ll be watching,” Mum continued. “You can wheel her out, looking appropriately concerned. We’ll put her in the back and I’ll drive us all to the hospital. I’ll stop by the front entrance, then you two can take fake Dolly to the real Dolly’s room while I’m moving the van to the visitor’s car park.”
“No doubt Treacher will follow us,” said Fred to me, “so you’ll have to stay in the wheelchair till we get you inside.”
“They know me well at Reception now,” said Annie, “and I know my way around, so we can go straight through to Granny’s room before Treacher can get in. When I was there yesterday, I warned them to be on the lookout for unwanted visitors as you suggested, so they shouldn’t answer any of his questions or let him in to see her.”
“He may still manage to bluff his way past Reception,” said my mother, “but by the time he gets to Dolly’s room, he’ll find her already in bed and you two with her. I’ll join you as soon as I can.”
“And what about me?” I asked.
“I’ve packed a bag with full instructions,” my mother said. “You can jump out of the wheelchair and dive into the first Ladies toilets you pass. You change, put all of Dolly’s clothes back in the bag, and stroll back out to Reception. When you get there, call a taxi, and come back here. Report to Vera and she’ll remove all your prostheses.”
“We’ll take your stick and the wheelchair with us and leave them with Granny,” said Annie. “I’ll pick up any of your things that you’ve left at the house and bring them back here with me tomorrow.”
“There’s just my toothbrush and a couple of books, I think. The rest of my personal stuff is in my – that is Dolly’s – cubby hole in the kitchen. Oh wait, I finished the cardigan. It’s on the sideboard in the sitting room.” I smiled. “It’s a present from your Granny.”
“How kind!” she said. “And good to know that my boyfriend can do all my knitting and sewing from now on.”
“Good, I think that’s everything,” said my mother. “Any questions, anybody?”
“When do you think we can disable the bugs?” I asked Fred. “I know we won’t have to pretend I’m Dolly anymore after this, but we’ll still have to be careful what we say.”
“I’m working on that,” said Fred. “I’ve got a friend who’s a security expert. He’s agreed to come down with state-of-the-art sweeping equipment to make sure there are no more sophisticated devices anywhere. Regarding the three we know about, he reckons from my description they’re a cheap type that tend to fail after a couple of weeks anyway when their batteries die, but they can always be disabled by exposing them to a strong magnet. If we do that to all three over an extended period – say a week or so – Treacher will probably think they just failed of their own accord.”
“Even if he’s suspicious, he surely won’t care enough to do anything about it,” said my mother. “He won’t have got any useful information from them, and Harriet is bound to pull the plug soon.”
I collected their coffee things and went back to the kitchen. I had just one more working day as Dolly, the elderly maid!
* * *
We started Operation Get-Steve-Back at about a quarter past five. We had no clients staying overnight and all the catering staff had left, so we had the kitchen to ourselves. We plugged in a radio and turned up the volume, just in case there were any bugs there we didn’t know about.
“Soft voices, now,” my mother whispered, handing me a large overnight bag.
I suggested we cover some part of me with tomato ketchup so I could look like a bloody mess when they wheeled me out, but Annie and my mother vetoed that idea.
“There’s no need to ruin Dolly’s uniform,” my mother said. “We’re assuming you got a bang on the head, and we’re taking you to hospital in case you have a fracture or concussion. No blood involved.”
“You little drama queen!” chuckled Annie.
I slipped my mobile out of my apron pocket and into the bag. My mother looked dubious.
“I’ll need my phone, won’t I? If only to call a cab.”
“Well, make sure it’s on ‘Silent’,” she said. “We don’t need it ringing at a sensitive moment.”
I complied, then signalled I was ready. Mum turned off the music. Fred took a pile of large pans and casserole dishes down off a shelf and threw them violently at the tiled floor. The metallic clatter reverberated around the room. I screamed and groaned theatrically, feeling very silly as there was probably no one listening.
Annie untied my apron for me and helped me settle in the wheelchair with the overnight bag in my lap. She covered my legs with a rug, took my maid’s cap off, and gave me an empty ice pack to hold to my forehead. I rested my head on the back of the chair, and closed my eyes.
“I think we’re ready,” said my mother. “Remember to look like you’re in pain, Steven. I’ll go and get the van. I’ll meet you out front,”
Fred pushed the wheelchair through the hall and out of the front door. Annie followed close behind him, wringing her hands and trying to look scared and apprehensive. I feigned semi-consciousness as they transferred me to the back of the van. Fred folded the wheelchair and pushed it and my stick in after me. He got in the back and sat beside me, while Annie climbed into the front passenger seat.
My mother drove as fast as she dared to the hospital. It was a tricky balance. She needed to make it look as though it was an emergency, but she didn’t want to lose Treacher – this time we actually needed him to see where we were going – and of course she couldn’t afford to attract the attention of any traffic cops.
I couldn’t see what was going on from the back, but Annie had opened the little communications window and was giving us a running commentary. As we had feared, Treacher must have found a vantage point in the woods beside the driveway, because for most of the twenty-minute journey he was just a few cars behind us. So we had been right to be cautious when we were outside. He had found somewhere to watch us from.
We pulled into the hospital and my mother parked the van in a Disabled space close to the front entrance. Fred opened the back doors and got the wheelchair out. He and Annie settled me in it again, with the overnight bag and the rug, while my mother moved the van to the main car park. As she pulled away I noticed the blue Fiesta pulling in at the main gate.
When we were safely inside I slipped the ice pack under the rug and sat up straight, trying to look bright and alert, but the fact that I was in a wheelchair still attracted the attention of an efficient-looking nurse at Reception. I hoped the rug concealed enough of me that no one would notice that my maroon dress was actually a maid’s uniform.
“Is she all right?” the nurse asked, rushing over.
“She’s fine,” said Annie. “I’ve just brought her to visit her sister, my grandmother.”
“Oh it’s you, Miss Rogers,” said one of the girls on Reception. “It’s fine, Betty. So Dolly has lots of visitors today, does she? That’s nice.”
“Yes, thanks, Dawn,” said Annie. “My friend, Mrs Jones, is right behind us. You remember her?” Dawn nodded. “She’s parking the car.”
Fred had pushed me as far as the Fire Door through which were the patients’ private rooms. As she reached us, Annie called back.
“But I think that horrid lawyer fellow I warned you about might have followed us in,” she said to the Reception team. “Can you please make sure he doesn’t find his way to Dolly’s room? And it is absolutely not OK to tell him anything about her illness!”
“That’s fine, Miss Rogers,” said the girl she had called Dawn. “I’ll get one of our security guys up here just in case.”
They would comply with Annie’s instructions. This was a private hospital. They knew we could take our business elsewhere.
There was a Ladies’ toilet just through the Fire Door. No one was in sight, so Fred stopped and I jumped out of the wheelchair with an agility belying my apparent years. I left the stick, the icepack and the rug on the seat and dived into the bathroom. Annie and Fred hurried on to Dolly’s room.
The Ladies was empty, which wasn’t surprising. It was still early for visitors and all the patients’ rooms had their own en suites. I quickly locked myself in the Disabled cubicle, as it had more room to move.
By now I was adept at getting my uniform on and off. The zip down the back of my dress was no impediment these days, so I was soon standing there in just my bra, knickers and tights. By now I was quite used to seeing Dolly’s body where mine should be. I barely noticed my wrinkly arms, cellulite legs, and droopy breasts and buttocks.
I lowered the toilet seat and put the overnight bag down to see what delights my mother had provided. I found a pink handbag first, containing a pair of sunglasses, various cosmetics, a hairbrush, about fifty pounds in cash, and a short typed note with instructions on how to do my make-up. She had obviously forgotten I was a near expert there, having had to make myself up as four different women in my time.
I reached in the bag for my new clothes. As long as they were significantly different from anything Dolly had, they would be fine. I extracted a shocking pink blouse and a garish yellow trouser suit with a red rose pattern. Dolly wouldn’t be seen dead in any of this lot, so I suppose they were exactly what was needed. I was just afraid I would attract too much attention in this grotesque outfit. I put everything on over my existing underwear and tights. A perfect fit, as I expected; Vera and my mother knew their business. But my God, my bum looked big in these pants! No wonder Dolly preferred skirts.
At the bottom of the bag was a pair of gold high-heeled sandals and a long blonde wig, carefully packed so as not to lose its shape. I changed into the sandals and put my plain shoes and maid’s uniform back in the bag. As Dolly, the highest heels I’d worn were for Ballroom sessions, and they were only two inches. The sandals were three and a half. I tried a few steps around the cubicle and was glad I had practised out of sight. I would have to walk with care. And a swagger. And my huge bum would be swinging from side to side, practically out of control.
I would need to use the mirror over the basin outside to do my make-up but I had to change my wig before leaving the cubicle. Off came the grey – hopefully for the last time – and on went the brassy blonde. I adjusted it as best I could without a mirror, then I picked up my handbag and the overnight bag and stepped outside.
My appearance in the bathroom mirror was quite a shock. I quickly got out the hairbrush and gave my new wig a good brushing. There was a small can of hair spray among the cosmetics and I used most of its contents to get my new long blonde tresses under control.
Finally I set about my make-up. I examined what my mother had given me: bright scarlet lipstick, mascara, purple eyeshadow, blush. Dolly never wore anything like them. I scanned the instructions. There was little there I didn’t know already; the essence of the message was ‘more is better’. I set about the task, as directed.
When I had finished, I looked like a faded Hollywood starlet, pretending to want to pass unrecognised in the street, but actually calling everyone’s attention to her. The dark glasses were the finishing touch. My face was still Dolly’s, but the combination of long blonde locks, gaudy make-up, and dark glasses completely obscured her features. I also looked like a crumbling sixty rather than seventy-six. This could work!
I stepped outside the Ladies, my handbag over my shoulder and the overnight bag in my left hand. I walked – sashayed – back towards Reception, trying to look as if I owned the place, and making my walk as different as possible from Dolly’s walking-stick-supported limp.
When I got there the first person I saw was Treacher arguing with the girls on Reception. There was no sign of my mother. She must have beaten him in and got to Dolly’s room while I was still in the Ladies.
“I’m sorry, sir,” Dawn was saying, “we’re not allowed to give out any information regarding patients.”
He was still arguing when I strutted past them and sat down in the waiting area off to the side. He barely glanced in my direction. I got my phone out of my handbag and opened the Uber app. I arranged a ride home and reached for a women’s magazine while I waited. I could hear Treacher still arguing with Dawn. A hulking security guard appeared from somewhere and was making his way toward the desk.
“Can’t you at least tell me if she’s here and being looked after?” Treacher persisted. “I’m very worried about her.” And he did sound worried. Who knew he was such a good actor?
“I’m afraid not,” she said firmly. “All patient information is strictly confidential.”
“Ah, so she is here!” he said with a triumphant note.
Well he knew that anyway. He had seen her – me – going in.
“I can neither confirm nor deny that,” Dawn said, sounding like a politician. “I repeat, all patient information is strictly confidential. Miss Rogers, her next of kin, is with her now. You’ll have to talk to her.”
Yep, a career in politics definitely beckoned for that young lady. I struggled to keep myself from chuckling – or applauding. I buried my nose in my magazine. According to one of the garish colour photographs, Michelle Pfeiffer was sporting a hairdo exactly like my new blonde locks – to rather better effect, I was forced to admit. She was sixty-something, wasn’t she? Why did she look so much better than me? It wasn’t fair.
Treacher gave up and left. When I was sure he wouldn’t see me, I went to the window to watch him going back to his car. He was soon out of sight. I waited a minute or two but there was no sign of the blue Fiesta leaving the car park.
I texted Annie to say that my new disguise was fine; that Treacher had been here and hadn’t recognised me; but that she, Fred and my mother should be careful when they leave, as he might follow them instead.
The girls on Reception were clearly puzzled as to who I might be, but I was minding my own business and didn’t seem to need anything from them, so they didn’t bother me.
My Uber arrived after about ten minutes. The driver came into the Reception area and called loudly for Steve. I’d forgotten that the account was in my real name. I hurriedly gathered up my things and wiggled my way over to him. I noticed Dawn looking puzzled.
“It’s Stephanie really, of course,” I said to the driver, in the voice I had cultivated when I had been my mother. He nodded, but for some reason the girls didn’t look any less puzzled.
* * *
The journey home was uneventful. No blue Fiesta. I rushed up to Vera’s office as soon as I got back. She was still there although it was after half past six.
“Wow, look at you, Dolly!” she said when she saw me. “I love the new image. You look twenty years younger!”
“I’m not Dolly,” I said, going along with the gag. “I’m Stephanie, her little sister, but I’d rather be Steve again, if you don’t mind a little overtime.”
She laughed. “I knew I had one more customer tonight. You’re the only reason I’m still here. Let’s get that ridiculous wig off you first.”
I sat down in her client chair and she removed my long blonde locks and the wig cap. My own hair underneath them was wild and unkempt and needed a wash.
Then she moved on to removing the abdominal section of my prosthesis. That was straightforward as it wasn’t glued on. She gave me a pair of paper knickers – in Steve’s size – to keep me decent while she began work on the chest piece. This required her to work her solvent under its edges – the neck, the sleeves, and the waist. Then she peeled off as much as had come free. This hurt a little because stubble had grown on my arms and chest after the original waxing. Vera then worked a little more solvent under the new edges, and peeled again, and so on, until eventually I was able to get the whole thing off me. That was quite a relief; there had been moments when I thought I was going to be stuck in it forever.
“That was easier than it might have been,” she said, handing me one of our famous pink dressing gowns. “You’ve been in it for more than three weeks, so you’ve lost the top layer of skin and the adhesive has come away with it.”
She picked up the prosthesis pieces and put them in a large cardboard box.
“I hope you’re going to burn those,” I said, with some passion.
“Er… actually, no. Your mother has asked me to put them in storage.”
“What on earth for?”
“Just in case she ever needs you to be Dolly again.”
“Never going to happen!”
“She said you’d say that, so I’m supposed to tell you that if it does ever happen, and you’ve made me destroy these, she’ll make you pay for their replacements.”
I snorted. She laughed.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll never see them again. I’ll do the face and neck pieces next.”
This required more work with the solvent, but the pieces were much smaller, so they came away more easily. She added them all to the box. Finally she removed my nail varnish and gave me some stuff that smelt like paint-stripper to get rid of the latex strips and make-up for the ‘old lady hands’ Sharon had given me. I went over to her washbasin and washed my hands several times. They gradually began to look like those of a young man again, but I was afraid I would never get rid of the smell of turpentine.
“Ta daa!” she announced. “Welcome back, Steve Jones!”
I could have kissed her. In fact now she’d got all my wrinkly prosthetics off and was rubbing me down with soothing lotion, I did kiss her.
“Thanks for staying late,” I said. “I’m really grateful.”
“That’s OK. I knew you’d be keen to get back to being Steve.”
I checked my appearance in the mirror in front of the chair. My face was red and sore from the solvent and losing the top layer of skin. The rest of my body wasn’t much better.
Vera cupped my chin and opened my mouth with her other hand.
“There’s a little more to do yet, I’m afraid. We need to get rid of the yellow paint on your teeth. You have to brush with this toothpaste. It’s another kind of solvent, so try not to swallow any. It’s not poisonous or anything, but it will probably upset your tummy if you swallow too much.”
She passed me a new toothbrush. I dipped it into the solvent and started scrubbing.
“You need to be really thorough,” she said. “Make sure you spread the cream everywhere and brush it well in.”
I scrubbed and scrubbed. At first, I couldn’t see any difference but gradually the yellow stain started to fade. Vera handed me a glass of water and a small plastic bowl to spit into.
“Here, you need to rinse your mouth out every minute or so.”
Eventually she stopped me and examined the results of my labours. The solvent left a strange after-taste, like mint-flavoured turpentine. It wasn’t actually unpleasant.
“Not bad,” she said. “That’s probably as good as you can do for the moment. The solvent is doing its work. The last of the paint will soon fade and your teeth will gradually go back to their original pearly-white.”
She turned back to her desk and picked up a sharp-looking instrument which looked like the tooth scraper dentists use for removing plaque.
“I just need to get rid of the black shading on your front teeth and gums. It’s a thin plastic film, rather than paint, and it’s probably ready to come off anyway. Sharon would have had to replace it soon if you were going to stay as Dolly any longer.”
She bent over me to scrape my teeth. I hate going to the dentist at the best of times but I was so desperate to be me again, I made no protest (apart from a little whimper when her sharp blade pricked my gum, which I hoped she didn’t hear).
* * *
So my time as Annie’s Granny came to an end. We were both delighted that Dolly was recovering and that Steve could return to a normal life. Treacher had kept watch at the hospital throughout the weekend until Dolly was discharged on Monday morning. Annie and I picked her up and took her back to her house and Treacher followed us. Annie warned her to be careful what she said in case the house was bugged after all.
Fred’s security expert came down that afternoon with his state-of-the-art bug detector. It took him two hours in our building and half an hour at Dolly’s (posing as the gas man) to declare both premises bug-free. So the ones Fred had found were the only ones Treacher had planted. That was both a relief and an annoyance – we hadn’t needed to be so careful what we said all the time.
For the next few days Annie divided her downtime between our flat (more precisely my bedroom) and her grandmother’s house, as the old lady still needed looking after. After her operation her doctor counselled against returning to work at Transformations for several weeks at least, so she was mostly housebound. Treacher watched for two or three more days, but by the end of the week his little car had gone and didn’t return.
Annie professed to be delighted with the cardigan I had knitted and wore it all the time, even though it had turned out shapeless, with an uneven splodgy pattern unrecognisable as roses, and with irregular buttons, two of which fell off in the first week. I kept offering to repair it, but she said she loved it just the way it was.
* * *
I didn’t have as much time to spend with Annie as we would have wanted, as I had to be back at college for the beginning of Full Term. I had only just been restored to myself in time. I would be away from home – and Annie – for eight weeks. After the dramatic summer together, it would be hard for both of us. Still, there was nothing to stop us meeting up at weekends, either in Cambridge or at home. We also kept in touch using WhatsApp and Skype. We were both glad that the flames of our relationship were burning ever stronger, despite our separation. Annie was concerned that I would meet somebody new in the sexually-charged atmosphere of the university social scene. And I did meet several girls at the computer laboratories, at parties, and at sporting events, but none of them was a patch on Annie.
So we both went back to our respective grinds. I got stuck into my third-year curriculum. Meanwhile at home Transformations was busier than ever. Annie started conducting the first meetings with clients, to lighten my mother’s load.
The only sad event of that Autumn was that Dolly decided she had to retire. She had recovered well from her very serious operation. Many of her previous symptoms like dizziness and shortness of breath had all but disappeared, but she had to admit that she was no longer up to the physical demands of her job. So my mother needed to find a replacement. Because of the growth of the business, and of our clients’ continuing need for anonymity, she decided Dolly’s replacement really needed to be ‘one of us’. So she set about recruiting a housekeeper who could take charge of our catering and accommodation staff, and whom she could trust with our innermost secrets – no easy task.
I made a suggestion but she dismissed it out of hand.
* * *
Very few undergraduates are allowed to keep cars in Cambridge, so at the end of term Annie brought my Yaris over to Cambridge to collect me and my luggage. I drove us back while she gave me all the news from home.
“The new housekeeper started this week,” she said, with a smile and a sly sideways look at me. “I think you’ll be pleased. You’ll like her.”
Did that mean my mother had accepted my suggestion after all? But Annie was in a teasing mood and refused to elaborate.
“Oh and we’re going to a Christmas Fancy Dress party next week.” I groaned. “No, no, it’ll be fun. I’ve already got our costumes picked out. They’re panto themed.”
“I’m not going to a party as Mother-bleeding-Goose!” I said. “I don’t want to get dragged up again. I always seem to get stuck that way for weeks.”
“Don’t worry,” she said smoothly. “You’re not going as the Dame, I promise. I’m going as Cinderella. You’re my Prince Charming.”
“Oh well, that’s all right then.”
I didn’t think it through, did I?
* * *
Was it really only six months ago that I last arrived home from college and piled my belongings (suitcases, dirty washing, books and laptop) inside by the service lift? The feeling of déjà vu was tempered by the only significant difference between the two occasions: Annie. Otherwise it was much the same.
We took my stuff upstairs then went back down to the staff room where afternoon tea was in progress. The woman in the maroon maid’s dress pouring drinks and handing out slices of fruit cake was not Dolly. I didn’t recognise her at first because the fake-looking ginger hair was now a tidy bun of pepper-and-salt brown, tinged with grey. Hearing us enter, she turned and smiled. It was Rita Johnson, my father. My mother had taken up my suggestion. That was a first.
“I understand I have you to thank for getting me this job?” he said, handing us cups of tea.
“We needed someone who could run all our catering and accommodation, and who we could trust to keep all our secrets,” I said. “It was the obvious solution. To be honest, I didn’t think she would go for it; or if she did, that you wouldn’t take it.”
“Well, I was very surprised when she contacted me, but delighted.” His face fell. “I’ve been alone a long time.” He looked a little embarrassed. “Anyway, it’s great to see you as you at last, and happy.” He smiled at Annie.
“Is Mum making you… welcome?” I asked, not quite sure how to ask the question I really wanted to ask.
“My employer, Mrs McLaughlin, has been very kind,” he said carefully. “She has even allocated me one of the little bedsits in the accommodation wing – temporarily, until I’ve found somewhere to live, locally.”
“I see,” I said. “I thought she might have…”
“I’m working on it,” he said, taking my meaning, all too well.
“Actually, I might have an idea about that,” said Annie, who had missed the subtext of the conversation. “Granny and I have a spare room if you’re interested. We could let you have it cheap, if you’d be willing to help me look after her.”
“That would be wonderful!” His eyes lit up. “I’d love to. How is Dolly now?”
Annie launched into a description of her grandmother’s state of health, but at that moment my mother came in and drew me aside.
“I don’t want you getting the wrong idea about this,” she said. “Him – I mean her – coming on board now is just convenient for both of us.”
“Well, it’s been a ‘marriage of convenience’ for you both for a while now, hasn’t it?”
“Very funny. My point is she’s the company’s housekeeper, Mrs Rita Johnson, and nothing more.”
Maybe, but they loved each other once. Anyway I looked forward to getting to know my father at last.
* * *
I wasn’t pleased when I found out what Annie had planned for the Fancy Dress Party. It was being given in London by a friend from her University Theatre course.
“Now I don’t want you to get angry…” she began.
“Thank you for the warning,” I interrupted. “Those are words which give me advance notice that you’re about to ask me something for which I will be fully justified in losing my temper.”
“Yes, maybe that wasn’t the most sensible way to broach the subject,” she said. “Anyhoo, the guys and gals on my course have held a Fancy Dress party just before Christmas every year since we were all freshers. We didn’t see why graduating this summer and all going our separate ways should change that. In fact, all the more reason to get together. We can catch up, swap stories, maybe even help each other out, career-wise.”
“Not angry yet,” I said.
“Don’t worry; it’s coming.” She grinned ruefully. “The past couple of years the Fancy Dress has become a little… competitive, shall we say?”
“I can feel my hackles rising…”
“So this year I want to do something really spectacular.”
“Well, I can see that if you do it properly the Cinderella and Prince Charming costumes give you a lot of scope,” I said, naively. “I mean, they could be really ornate…”
“Oh yes, they certainly will be that,” she grinned. “But I’m not talking about the Disney Cinderella; I’m going for a panto version.”
She paused, bracing herself for the explosion.
“What’s the difference?” I asked, baffled.
She sighed. “In the Cinderella panto Prince Charming is the Principal Boy.”
“Well, yes, I imagine he is. I suppose Buttons is a bigger part but…”
“Oh for Heaven’s sake! The Principal Boy in any panto is played by a girl!”
The explosion arrived, a little late but no less violent for having been delayed.
* * *
Needless to say, my mother, Vera and Sharon were more than happy to help prepare me for the party. Vera gave me another all-over waxing the day before. It was nearly three months since the last one and I hadn’t missed it at all. While she was rubbing me down with soothing lotion, my mother came in wheeling a trolley with the familiar hideous lumps of fake flesh on it.
“I’ve made her figure as slim as possible while still concealing the male musculature underneath,” she said. She was talking to Annie who was just behind her. Neither of them seemed the slightest bit concerned at the naked male prone on Vera’s table.
“There’s no need for any facial prostheses, of course,” she went on, “because Steven’s face is so… androgynous.”
“So this is what Milly would look like four years after her first appearance?” said Annie.
“Not quite,” said my mother. “Sixteen-year-old Steven made a totally believable thirteen-year-old schoolgirl then.”
My mother passed her some photographs. I thought I had seized the only copies. I should have known better. Annie looked surprised – and amused.
“He was a late developer,” my mother added by way of explanation, or maybe she just liked embarrassing me. Yep, that was it. “Anyway, I doubt that he would get away with being a seventeen-year-old girl now. Mid-twenties, I would guess, but let’s see, shall we?”
Annie turned to me. “I’ll call you Milly anyway, shall I?”
I grunted acquiescence; like it made any difference. Vera turned me on my back and started slapping adhesive on my bare, hairless chest.
“One thing I don’t understand,” I said. “If we pretend I’m a girl throughout, why would anyone be impressed by my costume? I mean, I know it will be very beautiful and everything but…”
“…but it will only be special if people know you’re a man,” Annie finished. “They’ll find that out at the big reveal at midnight. We always do that. Everyone whips off their wigs, masks, hats or whatever, and there’s a vote for the best effort. Judging by your previous attempts at female impersonation, you’ll win easily.”
“Hang on! I don’t want everyone there to think…”
“Think what?” she said tersely. “That Steve Jones is a cross-dresser? You don’t know anyone on my course, do you?”
“Well… no.”
“So all they know is that I persuaded an unnamed male friend to be a guinea pig for my make-up and costuming skills.”
“Well… OK,” I said, still uncomfortable with the whole idea, but slightly mollified.
“So I’ll carry on calling you Milly after the ‘reveal’,” Annie said. “Or would you prefer ‘Stephanie’?”
“Can you keep still now, please, Milly?” said Vera. “I’m sticking your breasts on, and I don’t want you to be lop-sided.”
I suppose I should have been grateful that the usual ‘abdominal prosthesis’, lush with curvy padding, was of the type that allowed access to my male equipment, albeit only after some discomfort and outside help. At least Annie was familiar with the process.
And I would have to get used to wearing feminine underwear again.
* * *
The point of a Principal Boy in panto is that everyone should know she’s really a girl, in the same way that everyone must know the Dame is a man.
So my costume was a frilly white blouse, a gold silk tunic, a frilled stock (which should cover my Adam’s Apple), a red brocade frock coat with wide gold lapels, fishnet tights, and high-heeled boots, which proved a bit of a devil to get into. I would wear black spandex panties underneath. In theory they would be concealed by the tunic and coat, but in practice they were all too visible whenever I sat down or bent over. Still, no worse than what women tennis players expose every time they play.
I would be wearing full ladies’ stage make-up and a bright auburn wig. The finishing touch would be a smart black tricorn hat with gold braid.
Despite her earlier claims, Annie’s outfit was the classic ‘Disney Princess’ version of Cinderella in a beautiful pale blue. It consisted of a satin bodice with a sequin-embellished panel and a mesh overlay; puff sleeves; an organza split peplum; and an organza skirt accented with glitter, with a petticoat containing several layers of stiff, fine Tulle netting to create fullness.
When we tried on our costumes my mother insisted on taking several photographs. The whole session felt a little like prom night. Despite my lack of enthusiasm for having to undergo yet another female transformation, it was impossible not to be excited in these gorgeous outfits. A little frightened of the high-heeled boots, I practised my girly swagger and thigh-slapping, a panto tradition for the Principal Boy.
“These costumes are amazing!” I said. Vera and my mother agreed vigorously. “How on earth did you find the time to make them?”
“I didn’t,” she said. “I got to make the basic clothes. I just had to embellish them. I chatted with Daisy, their MD, when I had them make your Garden Party dress. She told me they made the Dame’s costumes for their local amateur panto last Christmas, and that gave me the idea.”
She turned to Ingrid.
“Daisy’s one of our clients, isn’t she?” My mother was inscrutable. “That’s OK, I know you’re not supposed to tell me.”
I remembered there were photographs of a Transformations customer called Daisy in the bank safety deposit box and Annie had seen them. If she was really a man, she was very convincing – and very pregnant – in the pictures. I was amazed, yet again, at what our processes could do.
“Since your prostheses are stuck on, you’ll have to stay as Milly until we get back here on Sunday morning,” said Annie, as we were taking our costumes off. “We won’t be able to wear this lot on the train to London, of course, so we’ll have to travel up in ordinary clothes and change when we get there. We’ll have to find something nice for you to wear for the journey.”
“Way ahead of you,” said Vera. “You can keep that bra on, Milly. Here are the matching panties. Don’t worry – all your underwear is new.”
Sighing, I carefully unrolled the fishnet tights, dropped the spandex knickers, and stepped into the ordinary pair Vera was proffering. I stopped and examined myself in her mirror.
“Yes, Milly has definitely put on weight since she was a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl,” said my mother, unsympathetically. “I’ve had to give her a much bigger bust.”
“But that’s only because her alter ego is a big, strong man now, with broader shoulders and a muscly torso,” said Vera, kindly.
“Well, I don’t know about ‘big’,” my mother said, “or strong, come to that.”
“Well my boobs certainly feel bigger than before,” I said.
I pretended to pose like a lingerie model. By now I was quite used to the women in my life padding me up to borderline obesity and then laughing at me for being overweight. That didn’t mean I liked it though.
Vera gave me an unopened packet of tights. By now I was well-practised in putting them on without laddering them. Then Annie, Vera and I went down to the wardrobe room. I tried on half a dozen dresses. Both of them banned trousers.
“Not with your plump posterior,” they said.
We eventually settled on a sleeveless chiffon midi dress with a blue and white floral pattern and a sharkbite hem. It was gathered at the neckline, front and back, and had an elastic waist and a matching self-tie belt – just right for a girl with a disproportionately broad mid-section (like me). I was a little concerned that my manly arms might give me away, but they wouldn’t be on show for long. I would be wearing a ladies’ overcoat for the journey to London and my Principal Boy blouse had long sleeves.
“We don’t have a great range of shoes in your size, I’m afraid,” said Vera, “but these should go well with that dress.”
She was offering me a pair of white pumps with a one-inch heel. Given that I would be spending the evening in boots with a three-inch heel, I was very happy with that choice. I also took a mid-length soft shell parka with a faux fur hood, hopefully sufficient for the mid-December weather, a colourful silk scarf to conceal my masculine neck, and a black suede handbag. Milly was equipped for her weekend.
“I hope you appreciate all this,” I muttered to Annie, as we made our way up to the flat with all my new clothes.
I felt a little additional grumbling was necessary, lest she begin to think I actually enjoyed all this crossdressing. That would be an easy mistake for her to make, given that this was the third time she had seen me in female disguise.
“Of course I do,” she said, stepping in for a hug. I felt our boobs mashing together. “But I hope you’ll enjoy yourself too. It’ll be great fun fooling everyone, won’t it?”
“Maybe,” I said unconvinced. “What do we win, by the way?”
“Oh there’s no prize – just bragging rights and the admiration of my peers.”
Great! All this trouble and potential humiliation, and not even a tangible reward.
* * *
Annie had studied at a specialist Arts College, one of London University’s smaller institutions. It only offered courses in Theatre, Film, Music, Dance, Fine Arts and Art History. The Theatre faculty didn’t try to compete with the best-known Drama Schools like RADA, LAMDA and Webber Douglas, but focused on what might be called the theatrical support services, such as stagecraft and studio work – ‘green screen’ special effects, film editing, sound mixing, etc. Obviously wardrobe and make-up were part of that and those were Annie’s specialties.
By a mutually beneficial arrangement, the college provided short individual modules to students from the bigger schools, on the principle that only a tiny fraction of drama students would ever make a decent living as actors, but if they were absolutely determined on a life in show business, they might find a niche backstage with the right training. However the college’s Theatre faculty admitted only thirty full-time degree course undergraduates each year. As a result, everyone knew everyone and they formed a tight-knit group, supporting each other through the travails of student life in the capital. It probably helped that there were twice as many girls as boys – less testosterone-fuelled competition.
Annie drove us to the station on Saturday afternoon, Milly having no licence. On the train to Kings Cross we drew no more attention than was normal for two not unattractive young women – certainly not the kind of attention we would have received if one of us had been detected as a man in drag. So I had to accept my androgyny and admit that another of my mother’s transformations was an unqualified success.
Our costumes were neatly folded in small wheeled suitcases. These were no impediment on the Tube and the journey to the venue was uneventful.
The party was to be in the college’s Student Union premises. We arrived about an hour and a half early, which gave us plenty of time to get ready. We entered through a large multi-purpose hall where a small group were hanging decorations. A boy was up a rickety-looking stepladder reaching out precariously to tie one end of a banner to a window catchment, while several girls were giving him contradictory directions from the safety of ground level.
Annie clearly knew most of the group and went over to say hello. I followed dutifully behind. She introduced me to them all as ‘my friend, Milly’, but I was too busy watching the boy up the ladder to catch their names. I briefly wondered if I should be volunteering to help with the more hazardous aspects of the decorating, but (a) I was supposed to be a girl tonight; (b) I was scarcely dressed for climbing ladders; and (c) I had no particular skills to offer in that context anyway.
The women’s locker room was in a corridor off the hall. There were already a few girls in there in a state of undress. Annie continued with the introductions, watching me slyly to see if I was suffering any adverse reactions from seeing her friends in the semi-nude. But this wasn’t my first rodeo; that is, I had been in women’s locker rooms before, so I managed to stay in control. The sight of their bare boobs and buttocks further impaired my ability to remember any of their names though.
I looked around to see if we had any serious rivals in the prizeless Fancy Dress competition. Inevitably there was a girl dressed as Vampira, all heavy Goth make-up and indecently low-cut black dress, and another as Ariel, the Little Mermaid, her torso naked except for two large seashells, and her legs encased in a green fish tail. I wondered how she expected to dance in that.
Annie seemed to know both girls well and was immediately engrossed in one of those boisterous conversations that only women seemed to have, where everyone was talking at the same time but somehow they were all taking in everything that everyone else was saying. I think it’s a female super-power which has evolved to keep men out of any serious conversation.
While my love was thus occupied, I made my way over to a quiet corner and claimed some space. I opened my suitcase on a bench and started taking out the components of my costume. I took off my parka and hung it and my silk scarf in a nearby locker. I remembered how to unzip my own dress unassisted and it soon joined the coat on a hanger.
I was now standing in a women’s changing room in bra, panties, tights and pumps, surrounded by actual women in a similar state. How did my life turn out like this? (And what was I complaining about anyway?)
I picked up my black costume knickers and sat down on a bench to take off my pumps and tights. I threw them in the locker and paused to take a good look around. No one seemed to be watching me. I fervently hoped that my various prostheses were up to close-quarters inspection if someone did glance in my direction.
I turned my back to the room and dropped my white everyday panties. I was now completely naked except for my bra. My big round feminine buttocks were exposed to the room. I quickly stepped into the Principal Boy spandex. The roof didn’t fall in. There was no outcry.
I reached for my gorgeous black Micro Diamond fishnet tights. I would have to be especially careful putting these on; a ladder would be a disaster. Coincidentally, at that very moment, there was a loud crash from the hall down the corridor. A ladder disaster of a different kind? I managed to keep control of my tights, which was all that mattered to me.
I stood up to smooth and straighten my leggings. I was now attracting some attention. Well, let them stare. I didn’t think my legs were anything to be ashamed of. I grabbed my boots and sat down again to put them on. Seeing me struggling, Annie finally excused herself from the catch-up conversation with her friends and came over to help.
“Wow! You have great legs, Milly darling, especially in fishnets,” she said, levering my right foot into its imitation-leather prison for the evening.
“Great legs for a girl, you mean? I’m not sure that would be a compliment for a man.”
“For a boy, or a girl,” she smiled. “You’re a bit of both tonight, aren’t you?”
“I haven’t come across many men wearing fishnet tights.”
“And yet here you are. So sexy!” She turned her attention to my left boot. “You’ll need to be careful tonight, by the way. A couple of the girls here are fully ‘out of the closet’, and your legs may be hard for them to resist.”
“Well, you need to make sure they know I’m taken. You’ll just have to pretend you’ve changed sides since leaving college, won’t you?”
She chuckled. “Okay, I can do that. I promise not to leave my sweetie on her own this evening.”
“See that you don’t! Or I may not be here at midnight for the big reveal.”
“Okay, okay, consider me warned.”
She had finished with my left boot. I put on my blouse and started doing up the little ivory buttons. She put her suitcase beside mine and opened it. A great froth of pale blue bubbled out. She saw me looking at it and read – or misread – my mind.
“You know, it did occur to me that I could have come as Prince Charming and you could have been Cinderella. You would have gone along with that, wouldn’t you?”
“Maybe next year,” I said, making light of her unsubtle implication.
I reached for my tunic, shrugged it on, and buttoned it up. It was tight, and the darts did nothing to conceal my substantial bust, but at least my knickers were covered as long as I was standing up. I would have to cross my legs female-style whenever I sat down. I tied my frilly stock round my neck.
I turned to Annie to ask her for help with my hair and make-up. She had already put on her chemise and was stepping into a gorgeous pair of frilly blue pantaloons over her knee-highs.
“No problem, sweetie,” she said, “but you’ll have to fasten my corset first.”
“Delighted,” I said, looking forward to getting a tiny bit of revenge for all the stupid underclothes I’d had to wear that summer.
In the end I took pity on her and didn’t pull the bodice’s cords too tight. I was now playing lady’s maid again, and I’d probably have to help her out of it all later as well. Something to look forward to.
The dress was next. First I held her hoop skirt steady so that she could clamber inside; then I helped her lower her Tulle petticoat down over it; then the organza skirt; and finally the peplum top.
“You’re going to boil in this lot, babe,” I said.
“We all have to suffer for our art,” she said, struggling to line up her various undergarments.
“Huh! Tell me about it,” I muttered.
“Protesting too much again, aren’t we?” she said. “C’mon, help me with my shoes. I can’t even see my feet and I can’t bend in this corset.”
She sat down on the bench, the hoop making her skirts stick up in the air, exposing her frilly drawers. I heard cheers and catcalls from behind me across the room. I quickly shoved her feet in her silver sandals and fastened the straps. She had thought about doing glass slippers but dismissed the idea as impractical.
We sat down together at the mirrors to do our make-up. With little freedom of movement Annie had to sit bolt upright, the many layers of petticoat and dress pouring down to the floor, the hoop raising them up in front and behind.
“I wonder how women sat down in those days,” I said.
“They probably didn’t at dances,” she said. “I imagine they swooned a lot though.”
She reached in her handbag for a hairbrush and started on my wig. When she finished, she took some black ribbon and tied a low ponytail of the kind that dashing young men wore in the eighteenth century. I began on my make-up under her instructions. When she declared herself satisfied, it looked way over the top to me.
“This is a bit much, isn’t it?” I said.
“It’s supposed to be,” she said. “It’s stage make-up, and you’re the Principal Boy. Your eyes and lips have to really pop.” She winked. “And you’ll still be practically invisible next to me!”
Right! I would do everything I could to upstage her. Get ready for a really flamboyant Prince Charming. I put on my brocade jacket and arranged my tricorn hat on top of my wig. I admired myself in the mirror. The complete costume looked amazing.
But when Annie had finished her own make-up, and arranged her long blonde hair in the famous Disney Cinderella updo with the blue headband, I realised no one was going to upstage my gorgeous girlfriend tonight, least of all me.
* * *
It was a great party. The Student Union bar was open, well-stocked and well-manned. There were external caterers who served an excellent hot buffet.
There was dancing. Two boys came to break us up and Annie obliged with a mischievous smile at me. She obviously knew them both well from her student days. She insisted on swapping partners after a couple of dances, which was a relief, as the first boy was starting to get a little grabby. I still had to put up with a slow dance with the second boy, but Annie made sure it didn’t go beyond that.
“Didn’t you feel Peter’s hands on your bum?” she asked, a little crossly, when we were briefly alone.
“Well, I had an inkling,” I said, “but there’s a lot of padding back there, so I didn’t actually feel anything till it was too late.”
“Well you’ve obviously given him ideas. He and Brian are watching us closely.”
Bridge Over Troubled Water started up – another slow dance opportunity.
“Let’s give them something to watch then, shall we?” I said.
The boys were making their way over to us, but I grabbed Annie and dragged her out to the middle of the dance floor. She made sure I felt her hand on my bum this time and I reciprocated. As the song drew to a close, I dipped her and kissed her long and hard. When we came up for air, the boys had vanished.
Lots of people came up to congratulate Annie on our costumes. A girl called Wendy, who was dressed as Cleopatra, said she wasn’t at all surprised.
“You come up with something amazing every year,” she said. “I loved your Marie Antoinette last Christmas.”
I gathered that Annie had been the stand-out star of the wardrobe course, with an amazing eye for fashion and an encyclopaedic knowledge of historic costume. I asked her about that.
“Well, you can’t always get authentic materials nowadays,” she explained, “and you wouldn’t want to use what was available in medieval times, say. Their clothes were heavy; and dull by modern standards, unless you use very rare and expensive dyes. We usually have to take short cuts to keep costs down, but it’s easy to get historic costumes completely wrong if you don’t know what you’re doing.”
Wendy was nodding throughout this. She turned her attention to me.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Annie, “I didn’t introduce you, did I? This is Milly, my Prince Charming.”
I smiled and gave her an elaborate, and very theatrical bow.
“Milly’s a terrible ham,” Annie added.
“She’s your ‘plus one’, is she?” he said. “I never realised you were gay.”
“What are you talking about?” Annie laughed. “My Prince is a very handsome man!”
“Yeah – as if!” Wendy smiled. “Well, whatever humps your camel.”
And she wandered off to look for her Mark Antony.
* * *
On the stroke of midnight, the music stopped. A spotlight came on and started roaming the room, its operator presumably looking for the most interesting revelations. In accordance with Annie’s instructions, I doffed my tricorn hat then reached up and tore off my wig revealing Steve’s short brown hair. The spotlight shifted abruptly to me. I tried to stand tall and straight and manly. There were audible gasps around us, and the spotlight moved on.
By popular acclaim Annie’s costumes won the virtual awards for this year. I got the kind of puzzled looks I had been expecting.
Cleopatra, Vampira and the Little Mermaid rushed up to congratulate Annie.
“So you came all the way here dressed as a woman?” asked Wendy.
I nodded. I didn’t mention I’d be going home the same way.
“Bit cheeky to get changed in the Women’s locker room though,” said Vampira, with a twinkle in her eye.
“Well it would have given the game away if I’d gone in the Men’s,” I countered, in my deepest, manliest voice. “Anyway, I didn’t look.”
“Liar!” she said, thrusting her half-exposed bosom in my face, to emphasise how difficult it would be for any red-blooded male to ignore it. I grinned.
“So what’s the deal with you two?” asked Wendy. “Is she – I mean, he – your actual boyfriend?”
I was about to answer when Annie took my wig and put it back on my head, adjusting it until it was straight.
“Yes, he is,” she said. “But tonight he’s Milly, my Principal Boy.”
“So are you transgender then?” asked Vampira.
I was about to make a vehement denial, when Annie spoke for me.
“We don’t know yet. He’s a work in progress.”
Words failed me.
* * *
At about two o’clock in the morning the party started to break up. We had booked a guest room in the Student Union building, as the last train home left Kings Cross at half-past midnight. We collected our street clothes from the lockers and made our way upstairs.
“I really enjoy being with you when you’re in female mode,” Annie said as I was helping her get out of her elaborate costume. “After all you’ve been my girlfriend, my Granny, and my mother-in-law, and we’ve always had a great time, haven’t we?”
“Well, yes, we have,” I admitted. “Though strictly speaking when I was Ingrid I wasn’t your mother-in-law. For that we would have to be…”
I ground to a halt and busied myself with the cords of her bodice.
“Married, yes,” she said, undeterred. “Would that be such a bad thing?”
“No, no, it would be amazing, but…”
“Well when are you going to ask me then? Or should I put on that horrible Steve prosthesis and ask you?”
“No, no, I’ll do it,” I said. “But are you sure? I mean, it was a great party and we’re both pretty drunk. This may not be the best time to be talking of lifetime commitments.”
“Maybe not, but we’ll never find out till you get on with it, will we?”
“OK,” I said.
I took a deep breath and dropped to one knee, hoping my lovely fishnet tights would be OK on the coarse guest room carpet tiles. I cleared my throat, horribly nervous for some reason.
“Will you marry me?”
She giggled at my ‘semi-recumbent posture’, then she considered. What on earth was she thinking about? I mean, this was her idea, wasn’t it? Or was she just teasing – again?
“I need you to admit something first,” she said eventually.
“That you have actually enjoyed your various outings in female disguise.”
“What? Why?”
“Because I’ve enjoyed them – a lot – and I’ll want to keep on doing them. Transformation is my thing, and I’ll want my husband to be in it with me, and even to be my wife some of the time.”
I didn’t have to think about that for long. Even if I didn’t enjoy female impersonation that much, Annie would be worth it.
“OK – deal.”
“Fine. That means you can be my mother-in-law-to-be sometime. By the way, where’s my ring?”
* * *
Everyone back home was delighted at our news. Well, nearly everyone.
“Are you sure about this?” said my mother. “You haven’t known each other very long.”
We were having lunch at the flat. I was Steve again. Annie had gone home to check on Dolly and Rita.
“More than six months now,” I pointed out, “and we survived being separated for the whole of the Michaelmas Term. Anyway the wedding won’t be until next June after I’ve graduated. If either of us gets cold feet, there’s plenty of time to back out.”
My mother nodded, not convinced yet, but partially placated.
“But that’s not going to happen,” I insisted. “Sometimes you just know, don’t you?”
Open mouth, insert foot.
“I thought that was true once.” She sighed. “You do, when you’re young and stupid.”
“How are you and… Rita getting along, by the way?”
Might as well keep digging, I suppose.
“Fine,” she said abruptly. She got up to collect the dishes. “I think she’ll be a very effective housekeeper.”
“Not really what I meant…”
But she had disappeared into the kitchen where she was scraping the remains of our lunch into the organic waste bin. The dishes clattered loudly as they fell into their slots in the dishwasher.
I hadn’t even finished my chips.
* * *
We were six for Christmas that year. My mother and me, Annie and Dolly, Fred and, somewhat to my surprise, Rita. My mother warned me not to read anything into it.
“We wanted Annie and Dolly with us, didn’t we? We could hardly leave Rita there all alone. It would be very mean, our grotesque personal circumstances notwithstanding.”
I thought ‘grotesque’ was a little harsh, but I didn’t say anything. Besides I thought I had detected a little thawing between my parents. My father was definitely working hard to impress his long-estranged wife, despite getting little encouragement. However she did at least treat him as one of the family over Christmas.
The three real ladies, Annie, Dolly, and my mother, and the honorary lady, Rita, took charge of the food preparation over the Festive Season, and did so brilliantly and more or less harmoniously. Fred and I managed the drinks, and made sure no one was ever dry. Some people get belligerent when under the influence, but I had long ago noticed that my stern mother tended to mellow out when she drank. By bedtime on Christmas night she was mellow as a newt, and was snoring softly, her head resting on Rita’s plentiful bosom. (I wanted to enquire as to the status of said bust – it definitely looked too real now to be padding, or even a Transformations prosthesis.)
The rest of us gave Rita encouraging smiles and crept away quietly to our respective bedrooms, leaving them to it, whatever ‘it’ might turn out to be. Anyway after that evening, their relationship seemed to be warmer, though my mother still swore that she would never sleep with Rita.
Annie and I went up to London on New Year’s Eve to a party with some of my Cambridge friends. It was a suitably rowdy gathering and we narrowly avoided being pulled into the fountain at Trafalgar Square (at -2°C). On New Year’s Day we had lunch with Annie’s friends from the Fancy Dress Party. They were fascinated to see what I looked like in ‘real life’, and I could tell that some of them were still convinced I was gay or transgender, or both. I found that a little tiresome but we made no attempt to convince them one way or the other.
All too soon the Festive Season was over and Annie was driving me back to Cambridge for my penultimate term. I realised that time was marching on. In six months I would no longer be a student and would be a married man to boot!
Annie and her Granny
By Susannah Donim
Steve’s mother runs the secretive Transformations consultancy. This means he has a number of interesting jobs over the years.
Chapter 8 – My Wife’s Mother-in-Law
Steve’s new normal – and the 'little sacrifices' he has to make.
Annie and I were married on the 29th June at the local Registry Office. It was a completely conventional wedding; i.e. Annie wore the dress, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. I asked Fred to be my Best Man, and he was brilliant.
It was an opportunity for me to get to know Annie’s family better. I had only met them a couple of times, as they lived up North and didn’t like to travel much. Her mother was lovely, and I got on well with her brother, a big bluff guy with a great sense of humour. Her father was not exactly unfriendly, but he made it clear that no one was good enough for his little girl, and that I would be on probation for many years to come.
On my side of the family, there were two ‘mothers of the groom’. My real mother wore a skirt suit as usual, but at least she had temporarily abandoned her favoured battleship grey and gone for something in a royal purple.
My Dad, whom I introduced to everyone as ‘Auntie Rita’, my father’s sister, was radiant in a mauve floral-patterned dress with a matching hat. As far as I could tell, no one suspected him of not being what he appeared to be. He was actually slightly slimmer than my mother, which I think made her a little jealous. Everyone assumed my father was dead, or gone away, and none of us corrected that impression.
The previous six months had been hard work for us all. I was a third-year undergraduate with exams to pass and a dissertation to write – mine was on digital imagery and 3D printing, obviously. What Fred and I had done together was ground-breaking, but the really clever stuff was mostly him, and I didn’t want to take credit for his work (although he insisted he didn’t mind). Anyway, I had written plenty of original code which was very advanced for a third-year student, so I was quietly confident my dissertation would be well-received by the examiners. I didn’t mention how my mother’s work actually made use of our techniques.
In fact, Transformations’ new processes quadrupled our business almost overnight, though as I had predicted it was a little disappointing how many of our clients just wanted to look like Marilyn Monroe.
The number of new faces checking in and out meant that we had to hire an additional receptionist. My mother also decided we needed to beef up our security procedures, given what Treacher had got away with. She brought in a private firm to patrol the premises twenty-four seven. (She got an especially good deal as their CEO was a client. Now that we could make sure he was unrecognisable, he liked to spend his weekends as a Harijan dishwasher and cleaning lady at a local Indian restaurant.)
Both Ingrid and Annie were working flat out, as were Vera and Sharon, and with me still at Cambridge Fred had struggled without my support. Even Rita was hard pressed to keep the accommodation and catering running, and we had to refurbish two more empty rooms for overnight accommodation.
My mother was hoping that Annie and I would gradually take over the business and she didn’t want to hire anyone new until I was around to be part of the planning and decision-making. Annie was certainly happy with her role as it gave her the opportunity to practise her craft in ever more interesting and challenging ways. With that in mind, she was developing contacts within major film studios. She was confident that our transformations would reduce the need for expensive CGI when an actor had to look older, younger or monstrous.
But I wasn’t sure I wanted to make my career with Transformations. I was determined to keep my options open. My degree would qualify me for state-of-the-art jobs in Artificial Intelligence, secure networking, Virtual Reality, and lots of other great stuff. I had feelers out with both large, long-established firms and dynamic new start-ups. I was happy to defer a decision till after the wedding. We had a wonderful honeymoon in Italy: Rome, Florence, Venice and then a few relaxing days at Lake Como.
We got back on a Saturday evening in mid-July to receive a major, life-changing surprise. As I had long hoped for, but had more or less given up on, my mother’s attitude to Rita had softened. Now they wanted to go away together!
* * *
Mum and I were alone in the flat on that Sunday afternoon. Annie had gone to relieve Rita who had been keeping Dolly company while we were away.
“So does this mean you’re getting back together?” I asked.
“Not exactly, no,” she said.
She hesitated. Was she actually embarrassed? I couldn’t remember seeing my mother self-conscious before.
“The point is, we’ve both been lonely, and we’ve found we get on as well as we always used to.” When she saw my reaction, she rushed on. “But as friends, not lovers, at least so far.”
“So what are you going to do? Where are you going?”
“I don’t know yet. Your father, I mean Rita, is organising everything.”
“But you’ll be going as two women, sharing a bedroom and everything?”
“We’ll be working all that out as we go along. That’s the whole point. But we’ll be starting off as mistress and maid, unfortunately.”
“Nobody does that these days!” I protested. “When did you last see a woman travelling with a maid – except for Saudi princesses and maybe Hollywood starlets?”
“Quite,” she agreed. “That’s what I told him; her, I mean. She said that if that doesn’t work out, she would be my ‘companion’.”
“What, like the financially embarrassed gentlewoman paid to accompany a noble lady or her daughter on the Grand Tour?” I laughed. “That’s straight out of Agatha Christie.”
“Even earlier, I’d say – Victorian.” She sighed. “I did manage to get a concession out of her. She will take a complete outfit of men’s clothes, and will wear them at least once for me. She wouldn’t hear of it at first. She said she’d feel a fool dressing up as a man and didn’t have any men’s clothes anyway. I said that wouldn’t be a problem. We have plenty in our wardrobe room. In the end, I told her it was a deal-breaker, and she gave in.”
“Well, I think it’s wonderful. I hope the two of you have a great time, and find each other again.”
“Don’t get your hopes up, Steven. We’ll never be husband and wife again.”
“But maybe ‘wife and wife’?” She grimaced. “Anyway you’ll be together, and not lonely anymore. That’s the main thing.”
She smiled. It was an odd, unfamiliar sight. Then I realised why it looked weird. It was a smile that actually reflected some genuine inner satisfaction, even happiness. The most I could remember ever seeing from her before was a ‘conventional’ smile; a smile to be polite; a smile designed to fit the occasion.
Then she spoilt it. A calculating look came into her eyes.
“I’m glad you’re pleased,” she said, “because of course, Rita and I going away for an unspecified time will mean you and Annie will be in charge of the business.”
“Oh, I’m sure we’ll manage. Fred and Vera and Sharon will still be here, won’t they? And Miss Parr, and Angie, and the new girl. What’s her name? Edie? We may have to hire a new housekeeper…”
“I don’t think you quite understand. While we’re away, you’ll have to be me.”
“Well, I think I can do your job…” I began, not liking the sound of this.
“Don’t be obtuse. You know what I mean. You’ll have to do my job as me.”
“What? Why?”
“Because our clients don’t like new faces and they certainly don’t like their consultant to be a man. I’m sure you remember their reactions when I asked if you could sit in.”
I did. They were uncomfortable talking about their cross-dressing or transsexualism with a male who wasn’t their doctor or psychiatrist.
“Well, Annie can do the consulting, can’t she?”
“Not by herself, she can’t. The business has grown too much. I’ve been working a sixty-hour week while you were on your honeymoon. Anyway, she doesn’t know the ins and outs of the business as well as you do.”
I desperately tried to think of reasons why I couldn’t do this…
“We already know you give a perfect imitation of me,” she said. “No one saw through you at all last summer, did they? You did a good job consulting.”
She hadn’t said anything like that at the time of course. But now it suited her to lavish praise on my efforts.
“We’ve still got the specs for your prosthetics,” she added.
That was one reason gone.
“And it may not be for long,” she continued. “We’re still reacting to the boom that came from the new facial prosthetics. The business may die down to its previous level again, in which case Annie will be able to manage alone. Or we may be back in a couple of weeks if things don’t work out.”
There went another reason to refuse. She paused thoughtfully.
“If you can’t do this, I don’t think Rita and I will be able go away… together.”
How is she so damn good at this? This emotional blackmail?
“I’ve just realised,” she added, “I can’t remember my last holiday…”
* * *
Annie took it very well.
“It’s not a problem, is it? You’ll be Ingrid during the day and Steve in the evenings – well, his lower half anyway.” She grinned. “You can’t remove your breasts or Ingrid’s face every night, obviously.”
“You can’t be happy about this!” I said. I looked pleadingly at her.
“I don’t mind – really,” she hastened to reassure me. “This is our family business. It’s worth making a few little sacrifices for.”
“I told you how much I like transforming you. It’ll be fun,” she continued, “and you can be Steve at weekends; well, every other weekend anyway. Or every third…”
The discussion continued all evening, but she gradually convinced me to go along with my mother’s plans on a temporary basis – for everyone’s sake (or at least everyone else’s).
So on the Monday morning, back I went to Vera, who took great delight in waxing me all over… again.
“You know, you really should have all your body hair removed permanently if you’re going to keep doing this,” she said. “I did that for your father, you know. It’s not painful; well, not as painful as regular waxing anyway; and I’m sure Annie will appreciate a totally smooth husband -or wife!” She giggled.
“I’ll think about it,” I said through teeth gritted against the pain.
Afterwards I lay on her table, smarting, while she rubbed me gently all over with the soothing lotion. This was the only part I liked.
“We don’t know how long you’re going to be Ingrid for, do we?” she said. I shook my head. “So I’m using a new lotion. It has a low dosage of female hormone.” I looked up sharply. “Don’t worry, it’s very mild. It won’t affect your virility or change your figure – much – but it should slow the growth of your body hair. You may not need any more waxing.”
By now my mother had appeared with new versions of my Steve-to-Ingrid prostheses, hot off the 3D printer. She stood and watched as Vera used a marker pen and the template from the printer to draw guidelines on me. That done, she began gluing on the prosthetic pieces.
It was fascinating, but dispiriting, to watch my mother’s face gradually replace mine. I had a new nose and chin; well, double chin. What little masculinity my face had once possessed was replaced by the familiar femininity of a middle-aged woman. My mother was in good shape for her age, but I’d really hoped not to have to put up with wrinkles and loose skin – again – for quite a few years yet.
The prostheses covered my face almost completely but they were soft and light, and they moved naturally as I changed my expression. Vera took up her paintbrush for the finishing touches, concealing the few remaining places where my own skin was still showing.
“Excellent,” my mother said. “I’ll call Sharon. Come up to the flat when you’re dressed, please, Steven. I have a lot to go through with you.”
Our resident beautician appeared moments later with a wig and her little case of cosmetics, brushes and sprays.
“I’ve got a client under the dryer in my room, so I thought I’d better come to you,” Sharon said. “This is weird, ‘cause I just left one Ingrid next door, and now here’s another one; or at least you will be when I’ve got your wig on you.”
She stretched a wig cap over my head, tucking any errant strands of my real hair inside. She paused.
“Actually your own hair is nearly long enough to give you an ‘Ingrid do’, maybe with some extensions. Would you rather I did that? You could go without the wig then.”
“But I want to be Steve at weekends,” I said.
“You could always brush it differently,” Sharon said. “Maybe wear it in a little man ponytail.”
“I’ll think about it,” I said, “but I’m hoping I won’t need to be my mother for that long.”
In the mirror I saw Vera and Sharon exchanging glances. Did they know something I didn’t?
“OK, sure,” Sharon said, returning her attention to my head. “Just let me know if you change your mind.”
She pulled the wig down and adjusted it carefully, checking that it was secure. Then she ran a brush through it and gave it a good spraying. When she finished I turned my head from side to side. My mother’s familiar stern schoolmarm bun was clearly visible on the back of my head.
“If I’m stuck as my mother for any length of time, I am definitely changing my hairstyle,” I muttered.
“At last!” Sharon trilled. “I’ve been trying to get you to do something sexier with your hair for years! I mean, the other Ingrid, of course. Sorry, it’s so easy to get confused…”
She reached into her little case and took out some very plain cosmetics.
“You can do better than this lot too,” she said, applying some pale foundation.
“Maybe I will,” I said, very aware that my mother’s preferred make-up scheme was understated, to say the least.
Next she applied a little mascara, eye shadow, and a light lipstick. Then she moved on to my nails, filing them tidy and painting them a familiar pale pink with a gloss finish.
While they were drying, I lay on my back for Vera to attach my breast forms; droopier than Milly’s, but not as droopy as Dolly’s. When she was satisfied that the adhesive had set, she helped me into a new 42C bra, very plain.
“So, are we gluing you into your abdominal prosthesis?” Vera asked.
“I suppose we have to,” I agreed grudgingly. “It’s much more comfortable when it doesn’t move around, and there’s too much risk of it slipping at an embarrassing moment if it’s not stuck on. Just make sure you leave the usual opening ‘down below’.”
Vera smiled and helped me wriggle into the fearsome thing. My genitals were once again concealed and inaccessible to me, though if I knew Annie, she would find a way around that obstacle tonight. I stood up and stepped into a pair of sensible knickers which matched my bra. Sadly, they did nothing to conceal the roll of flab that now adorned my tummy.
“Here are your glasses, Ingrid,” said Vera. When I looked at her askance, she continued, “Well, you might as well get used to answering to that name again.”
I took the ladies glasses, put them on, and turned to the mirror. The familiar plump, middle-aged figure stared back at me, complete with cellulite on her thighs and buttocks, stretch marks, and the beginnings of batwings and a double chin. I shuddered.
“Your mother sent down a complete outfit for you,” Vera said. “It’s in the case on the desk. You don’t need my help to get dressed, do you? I mean, you’re an expert with women’s clothes now, aren’t you?”
My mother had left me a smart, black skirt suit (big surprise), with a white, nylon, long-sleeved, V-neck blouse. My legs were encased in plain tights and my feet in black, patent leather, two-inch heeled pumps, from our wardrobe store. They were three sizes bigger than my mother’s, and the only visible indicator of which of us was which.
My jewellery was next. I slipped the copies of my mother’s rings onto my fingers, the familiar ladies’ watch on my left wrist, and a silver bracelet on my right. The finishing touch was a fake pearl necklace, indistinguishable from the one my mother would never be seen without.
I made my way upstairs. She was sitting at her desk in the alcove off our dining room, where she kept her computer. The filing cabinet in the corner was open and several folders were piled on her desk. She motioned to me to pull up a chair next to her. I did so, and plumped my fake, rotund bottom down next to her real one, remembering to smooth my skirt under me at the last moment.
She began without preamble, or any comment about my appearance. Apparently she now took it for granted that our technology had once again made me her perfect double.
“I’d like the fact that you’re substituting for me to be kept to our little ‘Inner Circle’, if possible,” she said.
“Fine by me. The fewer people who know about this the better, as far as I’m concerned.”
I knew who she meant but for the avoidance of doubt she reeled off the list.
“That means Annie, Fred, Vera, Sharon and Dolly. Oh, and Alice Parr. She’d notice something wrong immediately anyway. In fact I’d like you to spend some time with her. She can get you moving like me, and she knows my mannerisms and speech patterns very well, and can train you to reproduce them too. Then your impersonation will be perfect.”
I wasn’t looking forward to that. Miss Parr was something of a martinet. I envisaged marching up and down with a pile of a books on my head. At least I would be the boss this time and wouldn’t have to learn to curtsey. I wasn’t even sure that would be possible in my tight skirt and three-inch heels.
“None of our other staff need to know,” my mother continued, “and it’s much less of a risk to the business if no one else does know. Agreed?”
“Well, yes, I suppose so,” I agreed tentatively. “But it won’t be for long, will it? I’m not sure I can fool everyone all the time. When I sat in for you last summer, doing a few client interviews, it was for less than two weeks, and I didn’t interact with the household staff much, but I’ll have to now, won’t I, as we don’t have a housekeeper? Also, you were always around if I needed you, and you still did all the admin.”
“True, but Annie was new then. She’s been here for a year now. She knows quite a lot about the business side, and you can always call her in for a ‘consult’ if there’s something about a client’s transformation that you’re not sure of. She’s probably better at that than I am now, in fact. You’ll manage between you.” She paused. “So she’ll be the Chief Transformation Consultant, but I want you to be the Managing Director of the business, and for that there are other things you need to know.”
She paused and reached for the folder on top of the pile.
“First, Fred and I have created a new identity for me while I’m away.” She saw my quizzical look. “Don’t ask how we did it. It’s better that you don’t know, in case something goes wrong. You’ll have ‘plausible deniability’. The point is, while I’m gone, you will be the only ‘Ingrid Jones’ and the only ‘Ingrid McLaughlin’.”
“Who will you be?”
“I’ll be going by Kathleen – my middle name – Johnson. That way Rita and I can be sisters if we ever have to explain ourselves, like to a hotel receptionist. I have a new mobile phone. Here’s the number – for emergencies only. Otherwise, don’t call me; I’ll call you.” I must have looked concerned. “Oh don’t worry. I’ll check in regularly to let you know we’re all right.”
She was obviously less worried about whether we would be all right.
“Now, in this folder are all my personal documents,” she continued. “You need to go through them and make yourself familiar with everything. Put everything back in the safe when you’re finished. You know the combination, don’t you?”
I nodded and took the file. It held all the usual stuff, very similar to my father’s documents which I saw in the bank safety deposit box: birth certificate; marriage certificate; school reports, exam certificates; and her Will.
“Your passport is in here. Won’t you need it?”
“No, but you may need it. I don’t know if Rita plans for us to go abroad but I have one for my new identity. Fred assures me that both our passports will stand up to any scrutiny, but it’s probably an unnecessary risk to use them.”
Far too risky, I’d say. You never know when you’ll be picked to be X-rayed when you go through security at airports.
“Are you going to change your appearance?” I asked.
“I’ve bought some new clothes, and I may change my hairstyle, but I’m not going to use any of our prosthetics, if that’s what you mean. I can’t be bothered with all that stuff.”
But she didn’t mind me having to put up with them – and indefinitely, apparently!
“Here’s my – your – handbag. Your purse is in there, with your driving licence and credit cards. You need to lock your Steven Jones IDs and bank cards away in the safe. Don’t try to use them while you’re me.”
“You mean I should use your credit cards? Isn’t that fraud?”
“Certainly not. You’re a signatory on all my accounts – business and personal. You’d only be drawing out your own money.”
“But I’d still be pretending to be someone I’m not!” I protested.
“But you’re not defrauding anyone; it’s your money as much as mine. You won’t even need to forge my signature, at least not very often. I do almost all financial transactions online. The PIN numbers and passwords are in the safe. I haven’t written a cheque for years.” She looked exasperated. “Oh, stop worrying. Firstly, nobody will suspect anything – your disguise is too good; and secondly…”
She took the file back from me and drew out some documents from near the bottom.
“…these are Lasting Powers of Attorney for Property and Financial Affairs, signed by your father for the estate and by me for the business. This shows that you have full authority over all our assets.”
Wow! I never thought she trusted me to that extent.
“That means you can be me all the time. You won’t need to change back to Steven at all.”
Why on earth would I want to be my mother all the time? I was about to protest, but she was picking up another folder and resuming her lecture.
“Now this next file is our family investments,” she said. “I’ve tried to diversify, but I suppose I’ve always been a little risk-averse. We’ve got Life Insurance, ISAs and Unit Trusts, but I don’t dabble in the Stock Market. Of course, there’s no mortgage on the estate.”
The numbers flashed past my eyes as we scanned the documents together. I didn’t take in the details but it was obvious we were comfortably off.
“I’ve always tried to fund new developments from profits, to protect our family assets,” she said. “Now this next file is all about the business – just the really important documents. All the day-to-day spending and receipts are in the top two drawers of the filing cabinet, but most of that stuff is on the computer anyway. Fred can show you if you ever need to know.”
We spent the next hour going through the business accounts. They weren’t complicated, but again I was surprised at how well we were doing.
“Fred and I only take notional salaries to minimise our tax burden,” she said, without bothering to explain what that meant. “We’re the only shareholders, and we take most of our remuneration as dividends from the company profits after corporation tax.”
She paused again, perhaps sensing that I was sinking under this deluge of information.
“Do you have any questions?” she asked.
“Millions, but I’d better look through all these files first.”
“Fine, but don’t forget I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ll need to take the Range Rover to carry all our stuff. I’ve insured myself – that is, yourself – to drive your Yaris and I’ve insured Steven to drive the company van, so you should be all right for transport in both your guises.”
I sat back in the chair, exhausted and bewildered.
“Don’t slouch like that, Ingrid,” she said, without a trace of humour. “You’re not a navvy. You’re a respectable lady now.”
I snapped my knees together and sat up straight.
“Sorry, er, Kathleen,” I said with as much grace as I could muster (not much).
“You should make yourself comfortable as me,” she said. “I’m taking most of my casual clothes and all of my underwear. We’ve saved the lingerie you wore when you were me last year, but you’ll still have to buy a lot of new things. Do try not to be too different. There’s no point in deliberately attracting attention. You can make a few minor changes if you must, but you should live my life as closely as you can. Obviously you and Annie will want to go out together, but you know I don’t go out much, and I don’t have many friends, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to live as me. You can play Bridge with Dolly or Fred on Wednesdays.”
She sat back, watching me carefully. I think she realised I was feeling overwhelmed.
“I’m terrified, Mum,” I said, serious for a moment. “Not just that I’ll give myself away, but I might make some really bad mistakes and ruin the business.”
“I have confidence in you,” she said gently. “You’ve grown up a lot recently. I’m sure it’s Annie’s influence,” she added, not willing to give me too much credit. “I wouldn’t be risking this if I didn’t think you could do it. I’ll trust your judgement in deciding when you can let Ingrid ‘retire’ and go back to being yourself.”
It still sounded suspiciously like an actual compliment. But it sounded horribly like she was saying goodbye for ever.
* * *
My mother and ‘Auntie Rita’ were ready to leave after lunch the next day. Annie, Dolly and I saw them off from our private entrance round the back. If I hadn’t known it was her, I might not have recognised my mother. She was wearing jeans! They must have been new; they might have been the first pair she had ever owned. Her top was a T-shirt with the words, ‘I’m with Stupid’ and a finger pointing to her left, presumably where my father would be sitting in the car.
She had let her hair down; it was held back in a brightly coloured Alice band. She wore dark glasses, completing the job of making her unrecognisable. The combination also made her look at least ten years younger; certainly much younger and more attractive than me in my dowdy, business-like grey skirt suit.
Meanwhile Rita was wearing a simple black dress with white collar and cuffs. It looked like a maid’s uniform, but without a cap and apron it could have passed for a plain house dress.
My mother isn’t one for long drawn-out partings. We hugged briefly and she reiterated her confidence that Annie and I would be fine. She said no more about how long they would be away. She didn’t tell us where they were heading. She might not have known herself. She was driving; Rita was navigating.
After they’d gone Annie had to rush off to a client session and Dolly went back to the kitchen catering office. She had insisted on standing in as housekeeper until either Rita returned or we found a full-time replacement for her. That way, my contact with staff outside our Inner Circle could be minimised. Annie agreed to this only as long as Dolly promised not to do any hard physical work herself.
To make things easier – and so that Annie could continue to keep an eye on her – Dolly would stay with us during the week, sleeping in the Girls’ Room. She would go back to her own house for weekends. Annie and I would sleep in my mother’s room, better to help me get into the mindset of being her. Steve’s room would stand sadly and symbolically empty.
I went back to my mother’s – my – office. I took off my suit jacket and sat down at my desk. I put my handbag in the drawer. I kicked off my high heels and rubbed my stocking feet. I would have to get used to shoes like these.
I reached for the day’s mail, but then I paused, staring into space. Belatedly, I realised I was no longer just testing prostheses in the guise of Ingrid McLaughlin Jones, I was her now; indeed the only person answering to those names. This was real – and scary. For as long as my parents were on the road ‘finding themselves’, like hippy teenagers in some dopey seventies flick, I was a forty-eight-year-old woman, running a business, with people depending on me.
I opened Ingrid’s – my – computer and checked my diary. I had no appointments that afternoon, which would give me the chance to respond to the day’s post and incoming emails. Tomorrow I had prospective new clients both in the morning and after lunch.
Annie came in at a quarter past three; she caught me staring out of the window.
“Finding it all a bit overwhelming, Ingrid?” I frowned. “Don’t look at me like that,” she said. “You know I have to call you Ingrid even when we’re alone. Someone might overhear. And it’s not just that I don’t want to risk making a mistake in company, it’s because it’s the best way of helping you get used to your new role as the lady boss.”
“What if I don’t want to get used to it?”
She looked at me reproachfully.
“You can’t always have what you want.” She tutted. “I hoped that the boy I fell in love with, and the man I married, would realise people are depending on him, and suck it up.”
“You sound just like my mother sometimes.”
“Well if I sound like her and you look like her, we should be able to manage together, shouldn’t we?”
I sighed. She must have realised I wasn’t in the mood for humour.
“Look, Steve, it’ll be OK,” she said soothingly. “You can do this, really you can. You already know your impersonation is virtually flawless. No one caught you out last year.”
“That was a summer job. It was only two weeks.”
“It may only be the same this time.”
“I have a nasty feeling it will be longer, maybe much longer.”
“We’ll manage,” Annie said.
But that wasn’t what I was really worried about.
“Will we? And what about us?” She looked puzzled. “We’ve been married less than a month and your husband has gone. You’re living – and sleeping – with your mother-in-law, for Heaven’s sake!”
“Is that what this is about? I don’t care as long as we’re together. I lived with you as my Granny for most of last summer! Look, this…” She waved her arms at my plump, feminine body. “…doesn’t matter. We can be husband and wife in bed at night and properly every other weekend. We’ll be fine.”
I had nothing more to say. She came over and put her arms around me.
“Think of it as like wearing a uniform for a job. Lots of people do that – policemen, soldiers…”
“Ooh, yes please. I’ve always wanted my own lady’s maid!”
I couldn’t help laughing.
“Hey, I had enough of that when I was your Granny – and don’t expect me to curtsey!”
“Come on, it’s tea-time,” she said. “We need to go down and show everyone that the captain is on the bridge and everything’s ship-shape.”
* * *
Despite my misgivings I had to admit that the next two weeks went smoothly. The first thing I did was call our accountant and arrange to have Annie and Steve appointed as the third and fourth Directors and shareholders of the company. My mother hadn’t suggested this, and hadn’t given her permission, but if she didn’t like it, she shouldn’t have left me in charge, should she? Mr Nuttall, the Bank Manager, witnessed the signatures – Fred’s and Ingrid’s – mine. I was well practised in forging my mother’s by now.
I had no problems with my share of the client interviews, only passing one on to Annie. This was a rich young lady who wanted to impersonate her brother for a Fancy Dress party, and since Annie was the only one of us with any experience of female-to-male transformation, it seemed best that she handle it.
I accepted that outwardly I was now a perfect duplicate of my mother. My remaining challenges were to get her mannerisms, speech and behaviour right. So I had three half-day sessions with Miss Parr, who I had to admit was superb at her job. She began by reminding me of the anatomical reasons why men and women moved differently, and gave me exercises to help me stress the feminine. My prostheses helped here; my weight distribution was now emphatically female. My enhanced breasts, hips, thighs and buttocks in my tight skirts limited my ability to move any other way, so Miss Parr just had to make me more aware of their effects, and help me adapt.
Then she moved on to social behaviours. Society expects different things from men and women – aggression from men, compliance from women (or at least passive aggression) – and whatever our personalities, we mostly tend to conform. She agreed that this was less true of my mother, who had become fiercely independent over the years because of her circumstances. However her dominant personality did not display itself as a need to dominate social groups. She was more likely to remain silent in the background, listening – often with disdain – while others attempted to lead, and then do precisely what she wanted all along.
I wasn’t sure how this analysis helped me, but agreed that whatever else my mother might be, she was never chatty. I needed to learn to button my lip sometimes.
Miss Parr also helped me with Ingrid’s speech patterns, sentence construction and vocabulary. There were certain words she never used and others she used all the time. There was also a soft lilt to her speech, a rising inflection, and a faint East Anglia accent. I recognised all these when they were pointed out to me. I found imitating them quite easy, probably because my own speech was similar, having grown up listening to her.
Miss Parr finished my course of instruction with a list of mannerisms and gestures to learn – things she had noticed over the years that were distinctly Ingrid. My mother had a way of twirling the pearl necklace she habitually wore, as I now had to.
When outside she walked with her arms folded under her bust, especially in cold weather. I was sure there were complex psychological reasons for this, but all I had to do was remember to duplicate it. In any case it was more comfortable, as I could move quickly – at least as far as my tight skirts would allow – without getting a violent pendulum motion going on my chest.
The rest of the Inner Circle helped in their different ways, correcting me when I said or did something too unlike Ingrid. The essential message was: be brisk, brusque and business-like. Cut out the smiles and laughs, and don’t even think about telling jokes. Anyone would think my mother was a real gloomy Gussie. Oh wait – she was.
My mother often kicked her shoes off when she sat down at her desk. (She would have been mortified if she had known everyone had noticed that.)
She never fastened the buttons of her skirt suit jackets. She always fastened the buttons of her silk lace blouses right up to the neck. She also held her handbag in a certain way, often fiddling with the strap. I had to do that for fifteen minutes under Miss Parr’s watchful eye.
* * *
I played Bridge with Dolly on the first Wednesday and with Fred the next week. Annie and I went out to dinner a couple of times, during which she insisted on calling me ‘Mummy’. I could hardly object now. I paid with my mother’s credit card.
Otherwise I preferred to stay at home in the evenings. In the privacy of the flat, things could be different. I could let my hair down and change out of my stern business suit into one of the two or three casual dresses my mother had left me… that is, that I now possessed.
At home both Annie and Dolly encouraged me to be myself – my real self – as much as possible, although increasingly I was becoming a strange hybrid of Steve and Ingrid. This confused Dolly enormously, and I was sure that she often forgot that I wasn’t really Ingrid. Annie and I just found it easier to accept that.
Nevertheless the three of us got on well. We cooked and ate dinner together; we watched TV; we played board games; we laughed; and we shared the chores: laundry, ironing, cleaning, shopping.
As my male clothes were tidied away in Steve’s old bedroom, it was just like we were three real women sharing a flat. There was continual competition between us for the two bathrooms and make-up mirrors. Our female underwear, tights and stockings were always drying over the bath or draped over radiators everywhere.
At the end of the day Annie and I would retire to our bedroom and she would sit happily on the bed as I stripped off.
“I’ve missed this,” she said, as I stepped out of my dress. “It’s been nearly a year since I’ve seen you as Ingrid doing a strip-tease for me.”
I posed seductively in my shapewear: my boobs bursting out of my bra; and my striated tummy, cellulite thighs and buttocks clasped tightly by my girdle. I caught sight of myself in the mirror. I was looking unashamedly sexy – for a plump forty-eight-year-old.
“It’s a bit odd though, don’t you think?” I said, provocatively. “I mean, I have to do this…” I brushed my hands up and down my voluptuous figure. “…but it must be some kind of fetish if you like it.”
“So what?” she said. “What’s a little dressing-up between consenting married adults? It’s not bondage, is it? There’s no unhealthy domme-sub stuff going on. It’s all harmless, isn’t it?” She grinned. “And for some reason it turns me on more than any ‘vanilla’ foreplay.
“Must be something to do with your obsession with transformation,” I suggested.
“And/or your delight in being transformed,” she said.
What would be the point in arguing? I certainly didn’t hate it anymore. Not sure I ever really did.
“Now, knickers down, Mummy darling,” she said firmly. “Let the dog see the rabbit…”
I think she liked it more because she got to go on top. My excess flesh and ungainly figure made it less comfortable the other way.
* * *
As she had done the previous summer, Annie would lie in bed in the morning watching me transform back into the stern lady boss. I would lift up my nightie and secure my wedding tackle back in my abdominal prosthesis. Most days I needed her help to ‘arrange myself’ comfortably. Then I would step into tight spandex knickers or a pantiegirdle, and she would fasten my bra for me. (I could do it by myself after all the practice I had had, but she was always keen to help.)
Wig and makeup were next, and from then on I was Mrs Ingrid Jones to my wife and friends, and Mrs Ingrid McLaughlin to clients. That would be the routine for the next two working weeks.
We managed to keep the weekend in between free for once. I desperately needed clothes as Ingrid, so Annie and I spent most of the Saturday morning at the nearest shopping centre. I had some difficulty persuading her that I wasn’t of an age or figure for Victoria’s Secret, and she grudgingly conducted me round the more prosaic secrets of Marks and Spencer.
“They advertise everything from light control vests to VPL-free knickers – styles to smooth out those lumps and bumps,” she said, reading from a pamphlet. “That sounds like exactly what you need,” she grinned.
I did find wearing just a simple bra and bikini panties very uncomfortable. My generous prosthetic flesh bulged out over the edges of any underwear that was too tight or brief. I couldn’t actually feel anything through the padding of course, but the overall sensation was that parts of me were trying to escape all the time. Annie therefore recommended firm shapewear, to keep all my synthetic blubber under proper control, and with the added benefit of emphasising my plump, curvy female form.
“Our collection of shapewear for women is designed to give you a sleek, streamlined silhouette with seam-free bodies, sheer slips and waist cinchers. Take advantage of the latest technologies for day-to-night comfort: shaping knickers, shaping bodies, waist and tummy control…”
“All right, all right,” I growled, grabbing the leaflet from her, and dropping it into our shopping trolley. “Bad enough I have to get all that stuff without you announcing it to the world.”
We made our way over to the appropriate section, my wife sniggering all the way. There was, as usual, no sign of any sales assistants, but for once that was a blessing.
“Do you want to try this body on, Mummy?” Annie asked innocently, holding up a colourful box with a picture of a plump model in her one-piece ‘Plus Size Body Slimming Shaper’.
For a moment I was confused, then I realised what she meant.
“No, I don’t! Look we know my sizes. Let’s just grab a range of stuff and go. This is M & S; I can return anything that doesn’t fit.”
“I’m not sure that’s true for lingerie, Mummy-in-Law dearest, not if you’ve actually tried it on, but anything you say.”
She dropped several cardboard boxes of matching longline bras and granny knickers, bodyshapers, girdles, and at least two dozen packs of stockings and tights into the basket. I tried to drag her over to the till.
“What’s the hurry?” she said. “You’re out clothes shopping with your daughter-in-law. It’s supposed to be fun.”
“Maybe for you, but I’m not comfortable browsing in Ladies’ Underwear, especially not in ladies’ underwear.”
She giggled. “OK, let’s head over to the dresses section.”
With little experience of shopping for women’s clothes, I didn’t really know what I was looking for, so I had to trust that Annie would choose dresses and skirts appropriate for her mother-in-law, and all with long sleeves, appropriate to conceal her feminised husband’s overmuscled arms.
I had to admit she had excellent taste and, against my better judgement, I found I was quite looking forward to wearing her choices. Mind you, anything would be better than my mother’s dull skirt suits. I particularly liked the look of a light blue sheath dress with a lace bodice. I just had to try it on.
It went well with my necklace and earrings. I realised that not so long ago I hadn’t even known what a bodice was, and I certainly wouldn’t have known what clothes went with what accessories. It looked wonderful on me. Annie didn’t have to work too hard to persuade me to buy it.
“We know your size, more or less,” she said, with a twinkle, “so there’s really no need to try on everything that catches your eye. We’d be here all day. Anyway you can definitely exchange any outerwear that doesn’t fit, or that you don’t like.”
“That’s a relief,” I said. “I’m not comfortable stripping off in women’s changing rooms.”
“I wasn’t aware that you made a habit of that.”
“Not a habit, no,” I said, blushing to remember my first girly shopping trip as Milly. “Look, can we go now? This is exhausting and our basket is practically full…”
“Sure… wait!” Something had caught her eye. “You don’t have any trouser suits, do you?” she asked. “Or any casual pants at all?”
“No, actually,” I said. “In fact, I think the first time I’ve ever seen my mother in trousers was the jeans she was wearing when they went away.”
“Well, you must try some on then!” she said, excitedly. In a lower voice, she added, “I’m dying to see that fabulous bottom of yours in pants.”
She quickly picked out a selection of trouser suits and threw them at me. She then pushed me towards the women’s changing rooms with my arms full of clothes on hangers.
I tried on a business trouser suit, and a floral one-piece suit which I wouldn’t be able to wear without its matching jacket as it exposed my masculine arms and shoulders. I even tried on a pair of jeans.
I was only too aware of the size of my big round rear in all of them, but there wasn’t much point in being embarrassed about it. If you’ve got it, flaunt it, I thought, as I posed and gyrated for Annie’s delight. She insisted we buy them all. She was practically drooling.
As I emerged from the changing room, having put my own dress back on, I was alarmed to see a face I recognised, though it took me a moment to remember where I had seen her.
“Ingrid!” she called in a voice that would have been heard over in Menswear. “You’re back! Why didn’t you call?”
It was Maggie Tyler from the Garden Party.
“Oh… er, I meant to, but I’ve only just got back,” I stammered. “This is my daughter-in-law, Annie. Annie, this is Maggie Tyler. We met at a ‘do’ last summer.”
Maggie had finished her shopping and was heading for the café. We arranged to meet her there after we’d paid for my new clothes.
“I met Maggie and her friends at the Mayor’s Garden Party,” I explained to Annie in the check-out queue. “We hit it off.”
“You mean you got blotto with them,” Annie chuckled. “I remember that day. I’ve never seen you so drunk, before or since.”
“They were a good bunch. I had a great time.”
“Well you must arrange to see them again. Ingrid should have more female friends, especially as she’s not in a relationship.”
“What are you talking about? Both of us Ingrids are in relationships!”
“But the Ingrid you’re pretending to be isn’t in a relationship with a man, is she? So she needs women friends.”
“So you, my wife, are encouraging me to go out, maybe getting drunk, with half a dozen other attractive middle-aged women?”
She laughed. “It does sound odd put that way, doesn’t it? But you know what I mean. And I’m assuming that I’ll be the only one who actually gets into your knickers.”
By this time we had reached the café and located Maggie. She waved. She was at a corner table with three coffees and a tray of cakes. We made our way over and sat down, dropping our bulging shopping bags beside us.
“Wow!” Maggie said. “You look like you bought the whole store!”
“Well, I’ve been away working and I decided I needed a whole new wardrobe to celebrate my… return,” I explained, sticking as close to the truth as I could. “It’s lovely to see you again, Maggie.”
Maggie asked how long Annie had been married – she probably remembered that I hadn’t mentioned my son having a steady girlfriend the previous summer – and congratulated her. After the usual good wishes regarding married life, she turned to me.
“So are you back for good now?”
“Um, probably…”
“Because, if so, you must come out with me and ‘The Girls’. You were a big hit at the Garden Party.”
“Really? I don’t remember…”
“I’m not in the least surprised!” Maggie said. Annie laughed. “None of us remember much about that day, but we all enjoyed ourselves so much we’ve tried to keep the little group going. We have a slap-up meal in a restaurant once a month.”
“That sounds wonderful, Mummy!” said Annie, with a twinkle in her eye. “You must go. You can wear one of your smart new trouser suits! I’m sure Steve and I can find ourselves something to do while you’re out.”
I looked at her askance, irrationally feeling jealous of Steve making time with Annie when I wasn’t around. Maggie laughed, without really knowing what she was laughing at.
We exchanged details. (The other Ingrid had long ago thrown away the scruffy napkins from her handbag.) So now I had another date for my diary.
* * *
Our encounter with Maggie at Marks & Spencer convinced me that if I was to impersonate my mother convincingly for any length of time I needed to know more than I did about her personal history. I remembered my fellow Garden Party ladies as a nosey lot. They asked many probing questions on that drunken afternoon, and I had had to make up my answers, none of which I could remember, due to the amount of Sauvignon Blanc I had drunk. No doubt it would be much worse at our restaurant date. They would all know each other well by now. As the ‘New Girl’ I would be fair game for the Inquisition. That was how female bonding worked.
I realised that I knew very little about my mother’s early life. As a normal boy growing up, I had shown no interest in my mother’s girlhood, and she, being the taciturn woman she was, had no inclination to share.
Since I was now forced to be my mother, I felt no compunction in rooting through her belongings to get to know her better. I searched the whole building, looking in places I had rarely been as Steve. I searched the flat, especially her – that is, my – bedroom; then the rest of the Manor House, the attics, and the outhouses.
I found surprisingly little of use; endless bric-a-brac everywhere, but just the usual stuff: old toys in the attic; rusty bikes in the garage; souvenirs of places visited long ago and forgotten all around the flat. In dusty cupboards I found old school essays and end of term reports – hers as well as mine. There had always been lots of books everywhere, but I noticed for the first time that they were mostly non-fiction – politics, history, science, and school and university text books. There were very few thrillers and no romances at all.
In the bedroom there were old clothes she’d clearly never got round to sending to the charity shop. There were dresses and skirts, and – to my surprise – trousers. I couldn’t remember ever seeing her in pants. In fact, I didn’t think she even had any. I tried a couple of pairs on, along with some dresses and skirts that were lurking on hangers at the back of a little-used wardrobe in the spare room. Sadly my prostheses made me too ‘broad in the beam’ to get into any of them (especially the slacks). Judging by the styles, they had probably been fashionable when my mother was young and slender.
I considered making myself new, slimmer prostheses to replicate my mother as a young woman. I could say I’d been on a crash diet, but it would be highly suspicious if Ingrid went from a size 16 (OK, OK, 18, sheesh!) to a size 8 overnight. Anyway with a thinner figure, my smart skirt suits would then be too big for me. I needed to continue to wear them for work, to maintain my image as Ingrid McLaughlin with clients.
I didn’t find much to document the life of a forty-eight-year-old married woman and mother of one. Two things stood out: where were the photos, and why was there nothing – nothing – of my father’s? Were the contents of that safety deposit really all she had kept of his?
Finally in a cardboard box, under a dusty pile of old curtains, at the back of my mother’s wardrobe, I found four photo albums. I had a quick look through them. According to the notes and labels, each seemed to cover about five years; the oldest starting in 1979; the most recent going up to 2001. It was fascinating to see familiar faces, decades younger. But the pictures just raised more questions...
So one evening, when Annie was out with Dolly at bingo, I went along the third floor corridor to the other wing and Fred’s rooms. He had mentioned that he would be staying overnight as he was running a long program down in the bunker and it would require his attention at around midnight. I knocked.
“Oh, hello, Ingrid,” he said, clearly surprised. “I thought you went to bingo…?”
“No, I’m ‘excused bingo’,” I said. “I have to do a lot of embarrassing stuff to pretend to be a middle-aged lady, but Annie and Dolly know how much I hate that silly game, so they let me off.”
He laughed. “OK, come in,” he said. “What can I do for you?”
“Nothing for Ingrid, but Steve needs your help.”
I stepped inside and went into the flat’s elegant sitting room. Fred shut the door behind me. I dumped the photo albums on his coffee table, and sat down on the sofa, sweeping my skirt underneath me, pulling my knees together, and crossing my legs at the ankles. Fred chuckled.
“You’re really good at that,” he said.
“The feminine movements and mannerisms,” he added. “No one would ever suspect…”
“I’ve had a lot of practice,” I interrupted, grumpily. I felt myself blushing. “Never mind that. I want you to tell me about some of these old photos.”
“Oh,” he said, his face falling. “Where did you find those?”
“It wasn’t easy.” I explained about my current quest for Ingrid’s background. “But the most recent of these albums finishes about eighteen years ago. My mother seems to have stopped keeping photos not long after I was born.”
“I’m sure it was nothing to do with you, old son.” He chuckled. I raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, it’s just that you don’t look like anyone’s son nowadays. Old, maybe…”
He chuckled again. I folded my arms under my bust; an Ingrid gesture of disapproval that was thoroughly ingrained in me by now. Fred recognised that look.
“OK then, but I’m going to need a drink. What can I get you?”
I requested a glass of red wine. I was in the habit of asking for feminine drinks now, but I actually preferred a glass of wine to a pint of bitter. He got himself a whisky and soda. He brought the drinks over and came to sit down beside me. I scooted along, tidying my skirt as I slid.
He opened the first and oldest album. He sighed and turned back to me for confirmation. I nodded.
“Well, if you’re sure. I just don’t see what good will come from raking over the past. We’re all very different people now.”
“I’m very different – obviously,” I said, indicating my dress and figure. “You’re all just older.”
“All right, all right.” He turned a few pages, skimming faded black and white photos. “OK, the first few pages here are obviously pictures your grandparents took of your mother when she was little. I’ve never seen these.”
I looked at the pictures of an unfamiliar little girl. She could have been my mother, I suppose. She was often accompanied by little boys, her younger brothers. They were usually smiling and engaging in rough and tumble games. She was an aloof and serious child.
“Your grandmother died young, didn’t she?” Fred said. “Your Mum would have been eight or nine at the time, I think?”
“Eight,” I said. “Both my grandmothers died before I was born, but I never thought about the effect that losing her mother at that age would have had on Ingrid. She must have had to grow up fast. That was – what? – 1979? I suppose my grandfather would have expected her to take on maternal responsibility for her brothers.”
“Spot on,” he said. “Certainly when I started going to their place to see Ingrid, she was always in charge – of the house, the catering, and of the behaviour of your uncles. What happened to them anyway? I lost touch with them after Ingrid and I left school.”
“One lives in America; the other went to Australia. We exchange cards for birthdays and Christmas. They used to send me small amounts of money until I turned eighteen. We don’t really talk about them much. I think Mum is afraid they emigrated to get away from her, or maybe they were disgusted by my father, their brother-in-law, and how his… oddities… would embarrass them.”
He nodded. “It’s a shame when families lose touch.”
Fred’s parents were old-fashioned, or what nowadays people would call ‘bigoted’. I assumed they had disowned him for his sexuality. Even though he wasn’t ‘out’ as such, he would have had to open up to them. There would have been conversations about girlfriends, marriage, children… wouldn’t there?
I turned over more pages, Fred making appropriate comments as I went. The little girl in the photographs had turned into an unsmiling teenager. There was a birthday party at which she was grudgingly attempting to blow out thirteen candles on her birthday cake. The only person in the picture who wasn’t family was a very young Fred.
“I first got to know her when we were in our early teens.”
“Yes, you met at school, didn’t you?”
“We were in the same class at the local grammar school. We were thirteen. Neither of us found it easy to make friends. I was a nerd, and Ingrid, well… she didn’t seem to have much in common with the other kids. She played hockey and netball – quite well, actually – but she didn’t hang around with the other players. She didn’t watch TV; she wasn’t interested in pop music, or make-up, or clothes. Also, having to look after her brothers and get them fed and off to school had made her a little… bossy.”
He was struggling to describe the thirteen-year-old Ingrid without making her out to be a dragon-in-the-making.
“So everyone thought she was a stuck-up little cow, when actually she was just… shy?”
“She was never exactly shy, but she had no small talk, no social graces, no time for fools or silly kids behaving like silly kids…”
“So the two of you became friends on the ‘misery loves company’ principle?”
“Sort of,” he smiled. “I got teased a lot; she was largely ignored. Then we were put together for a nature project in science class, mainly because no one else wanted to partner either of us. Actually that’s not quite true. I was good at science, but I knew that the kids who offered to work with me were just hoping I’d do it all. So I approached Ingrid, and that was the beginning of our friendship. Our project won by a mile, and your mother more than did her part. I could do all the science and the maths easily enough, but she organised us and kept us focused. She’s been managing us both ever since.” He paused. “I probably wouldn’t still be around without her.”
There was a moment’s silence while we digested what he’d said. I thought this might have been the first time he’d admitted it to himself. A gesture of sympathy seemed appropriate. Instinctively I put my hand, with its rings and pink, polished fingernails, on his. In my mind I was Ingrid now, a woman, and Fred’s oldest friend. Then I realised that my mother probably wouldn’t have done that, and I remembered who I really was. I withdrew my hand, embarrassed. Fred just smiled, not fazed in the least. I sipped my wine.
We reached the end of the first album. I opened the second. There were more pictures of family events – outings, holidays, school activities. There was one of my mother in the junior school play, which presumably sparked her interest in theatre. Next to it was a clipping from the school magazine praising her performance. Then, suddenly, there was my father. His first appearance in the album was in a group with Fred, my mother, and some of their classmates. It looked like a school outing. They were all in hiking gear.
“Your Dad arrived in the fourth form, at the beginning of GCSEs,” said Fred, seeing that I had spotted him in the photo. “He’d been at a private boarding school before that. No one ever told us why he had to change school at fifteen. It might have been something to do with his mother dying. The disruption could only have made a horrible situation worse for him.”
I turned more pages. The photos were still mostly of the McLaughlin family, but any that included outsiders were invariably of Fred and the young Richard Steven Jones.
“He was funny, charming, and good-looking,” Fred said wistfully. “His family were well off – obviously, since they owned this place – but his mother was sick and his father was always away on business. Richard believed his Dad kept a mistress in a flat in London, but he has never known for sure. Anyway, he fell in with Ingrid and me immediately. No idea why. Perhaps he realised we were outcasts; each damaged in our own way. Perhaps he saw we needed him.” He laughed.
“It was a kind of ménage à trois, I suppose. We loved each other, in our different ways. Ingrid loved Richard for his gentleness, kindness, sweetness. I’m not sure when that love became physical – it was none of my business – but I was happy for them both. I was never jealous of either of them…”
He seemed to think that remark needed further explanation. Perhaps I’d looked sceptical.
“I’ve never been very passionate – physically, I mean,” he explained, almost apologetically.
I looked at more pictures of the three best friends: the independent, serious girl; the gay boy who wouldn’t admit he was gay; and the gentle boy who perhaps should have been gay but wasn’t.
“So when you first met my father, he was… just a normal teenager?” I said.
“No, but it was a while before Ingrid and I realised that he was just as damaged as we were. Don’t forget: most of the time he was an only child rattling around by himself in this huge Manor House with a bedridden mother and a mostly absent father. When his Mum died, his Dad hired Dolly as their housekeeper. She was a widow, and on her own; her son and daughter had left home. So she moved in here and rented out her house in town. Richard wondered whether she and his father were… intimate, but I don’t think so, looking back. The London mistress theory was always more likely. Anyway Dolly soon became crucial to young Richard. I think that may have been when his desires started to take root...”
“You mean that watching Dolly made him want to be a maid?”
“It was a lot more than just watching. She was his everything – mother, father, big sister, nanny, cook, all rolled into one. He admired everything about her. He used to follow her around. Then he started to help her look after the house.”
“Fair enough,” I said. “It’s huge; far too big for one person to clean.”
“Agreed, but perhaps she shouldn’t have let him wear her spare apron and cap when he did it…”
No, I thought, that was probably a bad idea. I’d found there was something about dressing as a maid…
“She had to wear a uniform?”
“Yep. That was going out in private houses by the eighties of course, but remember your grandfather was born well before the war. The Manor House would have had several servants when he was growing up, and they would all have been uniformed. And Richard’s mother had a full-time nurse – also uniformed. In fact, I think it might have been the cost of his wife’s twenty-four-hour care that made your grandfather decide to get rid of all the other servants. But when he hired Dolly, I doubt it would have occurred to him not to have her wear a uniform, although from what she’s said, she actually liked it, and obviously Richard did too.
“Too much, in fact,” I said ruefully.
Fred grunted. I took another mouthful of wine. He went back to the album and turned a few more pages. Some of the pictures now included more teenage faces.
“With Richard on our team, as it were, we fitted in better at school, or perhaps it was just that we were all growing up. Whatever the reason, the teasing stopped and the three of us found we had a wider circle of friends. We had regular gatherings at the Manor, often as many as a dozen kids, making use of the pool, the tennis court, the putting green, and the grounds. None of the rest of us had access to anything like the Manor House or its facilities, and with your grandfather away on business all the time, there was virtually no adult supervision. Dolly kept her eye on us as best she could, but frankly it was just good luck that no one got hurt. Or pregnant…”
I recognised the backgrounds in some of the pictures now. Some of them were taken here at the Manor.
“So who took all these photos?” I asked.
“Well up to 1987 your grandfather would have taken them using the family camera, but Ingrid got a Polaroid for her sixteenth birthday, so she took most of the ones in these pages. Richard and I insisted that she let us take some, so that she could be in them herself.”
He stared at the pictures of happy teenagers, at first just the three of them, then gradually many more joined in. I assumed Fred was remembering the faces of the other kids, some of whom he wouldn’t have seen for more than thirty years, and was trying to put names to them. Or maybe he was just staring into space.
As I watched, a solitary tear escaped from the eye nearest me and rolled slowly down his cheek. He brushed it away without seeming to notice. I pretended not to either. I was beginning to regret asking him to relive these times. Perhaps he was right; no good could come from raking up the past. He cleared his throat.
We returned to the albums. The next batch of pictures we saw was of the three of them at a fancy-dress party. It was labelled ‘Christmas 1987’.
“I remember that very well,” Fred said. “It was the first ‘grown-up party’ most of us ever went to. Richard managed to persuade his father to let us hold it at the Manor, and with no chaperones. I don’t think the old man was being particularly kind or generous; he just didn’t care enough to say no. He wasn’t planning to be at home then anyway. Dolly was totally against it but she was overruled. Richard even got his Dad to pay for her to have a long weekend with her son and his family up North, so that she wouldn’t be there to spoil our fun.
“We were all around sixteen, so of course in theory no alcohol was allowed, but a few bottles of some unspecified spirits found their way into the punch, and there were quite a few six-packs of cheap lager around the place if you knew where to look. Most of the vomit went into the flower beds round the back, fortunately.”
He laughed, but I hadn’t been listening that closely. I was looking at the pictures of the guests in their costumes. Fred was a cowboy in a Clint Eastwood poncho; Ingrid was a very pretty Alice in Wonderland; and my father was a maid.
It wasn’t a sexy French maid outfit with frilly petticoat and fishnet stockings. It was an old-fashioned, working housemaid uniform, a black dress complete with starched white bib apron and mob cap. Presumably the dress was one of Dolly’s, but he must have hired the apron and cap because there was no way Dolly would have worn such archaic items in the eighties. Fred saw me looking at the picture.
“Richard’s hair wasn’t really long enough for a girl,” he said, “but with his maid’s cap on you couldn’t tell. He was wearing proper make-up, quite well done, and he looked totally convincing. He would have fooled anyone who didn’t know him. He did fool some of the strangers who had come as ‘plus ones’.
“But it was how he behaved at the party that got me and Ingrid worried. He answered the door as a maid; he curtseyed to the guests as he let them in; he took their coats. Then he ran around all evening carrying trays of food and drinks, always curtseying, and addressing his class mates and their friends as ‘madam’ and ‘sir’ and ‘Miss This’ and ‘Mr That’. Most people thought it was a hoot and happily treated him as a maidservant, which he obviously loved. A few of them, mainly boys who had never had time for him at school, made quite nasty remarks about his sexuality, deliberately intended to be hurtful, but he was oblivious. He just kept the act going, behaving exactly like a lowly domestic.
“Ingrid was distraught. She was desperate to dance with him and maybe sneak off for some innocent smooching – we were only sixteen – but he just played the maid all evening. By about nine-thirty she’d had enough. She grabbed him and told him to stop acting the fool. He broke away from her and said she must excuse him. He was just the maid and he had his duties. I could see that she was really upset so I joined in at that point. He must have realised he’d gone too far and apologised, saying it was just a bit of fun. He took his cap off and they went over to the dance floor.
“She was mollified then, but when she and I met at school on the Monday morning she asked me what I thought he’d been up to. What could I say? Most of the time they were great together, and they were obviously falling in love. I didn’t think he was gay and I hoped that everything would be back to normal when he was back in his own clothes. I didn’t tell her what he told me later; that on the Sunday, when everyone who had slept over had left, he had put his full maid uniform back on and worn it all day while he cleaned and tidied up. When she got back on the Sunday evening, Dolly was astonished at how tidy the place was. She was delighted that her fears had been unfounded.”
“She might have been more concerned if she knew why,” I said.
Fred nodded. “Of course, none of us knew anything about cross-dressers then,” he said, “and even if we had, we might have just accepted it. So what if your heterosexual boyfriend likes to wear women’s clothes occasionally? It isn’t necessarily a show-stopper. It might even be stimulating to a relationship, in a kinky kind of way. Well, you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?”
He laughed. I couldn’t help blushing. I pressed my knees together more tightly and pulled my skirt down to cover them better. Embarrassed, I took another sip of wine.
“But your father was – is – a very particular kind of cross-dresser, isn’t he?” Fred continued. “That wasn’t apparent back then. He may not even have known himself. Certainly, his need to live and work as a humble domestic didn’t become overwhelming for another ten years.”
He paused. What he had said filled in a lot of gaps and made good sense. He got up to fetch the wine bottle and refilled my glass, chuckling slightly at the lipstick on its rim. I thanked him and took another slurp.
I realised he was watching me carefully, and I immediately guessed why.
“You’re thinking that the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree, aren’t you?” I said. He didn’t reply. “Well you’re wrong. I’m doing this…” I indicated my Ingrid face, boobs, and dress. “…for my parents’ sake. I’m cross-dressed, yes, but I’m not a cross-dresser. When they return, I’m hanging up my bra and knickers for good.”
“I think you’re doing it for Annie too, aren’t you?” he said quietly. “And you wouldn’t dress as a woman if you really couldn’t stand it, even for her, would you? I think you’re ‘a very particular kind of cross-dresser’ too. Just not the same kind as your father.”
I was on the edge of anger, but I wasn’t going to quarrel with Fred. I respected him too much, and he had always looked out for me.
“We’ll have to agree to disagree,” I said. “Let’s just whiz through the other two albums, shall we?”
There wasn’t a lot more to see. If my father dressed up again, he didn’t do it in any photos that found their way into my mother’s albums. GCSEs passed, then A levels. All three of them did well, and Fred and Richard went off to Cambridge. But my mother had to stay at home and settle for the local Technical College. Her father didn’t want her to go to university and leave him and her brothers to fend for themselves. But the separation was only a few miles and she and Richard saw each other every weekend. There were far fewer pictures of their college years, and there were lots of new faces. Pictures of Fred often included other men, rarely women. I didn’t comment.
Their Graduation photos came next, at the end of the third album. Then my parents’ wedding photos appeared early in the last album. They would have been about twenty-four. Fred was Best Man, of course, so officiating for Annie and me twenty-something years later must have given him a bitter-sweet feeling of déjà vu. The nuptial pictures were clearly taken by a professional. A framed copy of the one of my parents as bride and groom was also on the wall of the sitting room of our flat. My mother looked beautiful and happier than I had ever seen her. My father was very handsome; I could see no signs in his face of Rita Johnson, the worn and haggard cleaning lady he would later become.
I scanned my other relatives: my two grandfathers, both deceased, and my uncles who now lived on other continents. There was Dolly too, at the back of the group photo, beaming with happiness. Immediately after the wedding photos in the album were some taken on their honeymoon, in the beautiful Sicilian resort of Taormina. Some kind soul had taken a picture of the newlyweds in the Roman amphitheatre, and they looked as happy as could be. There were a few more photos of my father when they returned home, doing things that newlywed husbands did. He and my mother fixed up the unoccupied wing of the Manor House, and moved in. It was in a separate part of the building from his old rooms and my grandfather.
“Richard mostly kept busy taking over the family’s business interests,” Fred said, getting up to refill his drink. I declined another glass of wine. “I gather they were extensive and quite sufficient to keep him and his new wife comfortable. Ingrid was working at the local theatre, as you know, although they didn’t need her salary.”
But, as Fred explained, major changes were coming.
“I didn’t see as much of your parents in the next two years,” he said. “I had joined a start-up software house which was growing quickly on the back of the Dot-Com boom. I learned a lot, but in those days, I always seemed to be travelling, mostly to the USA, especially the Pacific North-West. So I missed the key events. Firstly your grandfather died – that was less than a year after the wedding – and your Dad inherited the estate.
“With the old man gone, there was nothing to stop your father from indulging his growing obsession. He started going to cross-dressers meetings and making contacts. Then he bought himself a set of modern maid’s uniforms and spent his days as Rita, the Manor’s new uniformed housekeeper. At first he promised always to change back into men’s clothes before Ingrid got home, but that didn’t last. Soon he was cooking their evening meal in his uniform, and then he was sitting down to eat dressed that way too. I know Ingrid hated it, but she still loved him, and she learned to tolerate his strange hobby – even when he started calling her ‘madam’. It’s amazing what you can put up with when you love someone, isn’t it?”
He paused again. Was that another comment on my relationship with Annie? If so, I didn’t rise to the bait.
“She even used what she had learned working backstage at the theatre to make him a more convincing woman,” Fred continued. “His new friends were impressed with the improvements in his feminine appearance and begged her to do the same for them. She reluctantly agreed but charged them hefty fees for her services. That led to her starting Transformations later, of course. She had the skills and the client base.”
“Was Dolly still working at the Manor? What did she make of it all?” I asked.
“No, she and Richard had a falling out over his dressing and she left, much to Ingrid’s dismay. I think Dolly blamed herself for what she thought of as his perversion. He begged her to stay. He said it would be just as it had been when he was at school; they would be two maids working together in the big house. But she couldn’t take it. She was really upset. I don’t think you’ll see any more pictures of Dolly in this last album. She didn’t come back until after your father left and Ingrid started the business. That’s when I returned as well. I think you know the rest, don’t you?”
I nodded. I scanned the remaining photos. There weren’t many more. In some, there was a blurry uniformed maid at the back of a group, or in the corner of the room. You could never quite make out her face, but you could tell it wasn’t Dolly.
“Your father converted one of the attic rooms into a ‘maid’s quarters’ and put all his feminine things up there. His men’s clothes stayed in the wardrobes and cupboards of the master bedroom, and he still slept there – in a nightdress – but Ingrid told me he used to get up at six, get dressed as the maid, and go off to do his morning duties, bringing his mistress breakfast in bed at seven-thirty. When she went in to work at the theatre, he’d start the day’s cleaning or cooking or laundry. He even started going out to the shops dressed as Rita, and bought some cheap second-hand clothes from the local charity shop.
“He worked very hard, but only at being a maid. He sold off the portfolio his father had left, so that he could devote all his time to housekeeping. Ingrid put up with this weird life because she loved him, but she wasn’t happy. That’s when she really started to…”
He paused, trying to find a diplomatic way of expressing himself. I saved him the bother.
“Turn into the humourless harridan she is today?”
He frowned, but didn’t argue.
“Then she got pregnant,” he said. “Ironic, really.”
The last few pictures in the album were my baby pictures. In a couple of them you could just make out the uniformed Nanny in the background, but again you couldn’t see her face.
“He stayed for a while after that, as you know, but eventually he decided that he was just going to ruin the lives of his wife and son. Ingrid helped him create Rita Johnson properly and put Richard Jones to rest, and he left.”
Fred fell silent. We both sat back, lost in thought. I checked my little ladies’ watch. We had been talking and drinking for nearly two hours and were both emotionally wrecked.
“I’m sorry for putting you through all that, Fred,” I said, getting to my feet and smoothing down my skirt. “I hadn’t realised it would be quite so… draining.”
“It’s OK,” he said. “It was cathartic for me. Good to get it all out in the open. You see now why I was dubious about you acting as your mother’s test subject? I was afraid it might trigger something in you that would make your life as unhappy as your father’s.”
I smiled and tried to reassure him. I wasn’t unhappy – I had Annie. Not unhappy; confused, yes, especially about the future…
I realised I had learned as much about Fred and my father as I had about my mother. In any case for the moment I would just have to be my own version of Ingrid; my own woman. I hoped I would be a happier, better-balanced lady.
* * *
The second weekend was approaching and we hadn’t heard from my parents. I didn’t know whether to be worried or not.
I had kept the weekend free and arranged with Vera to be liberated from my disguise last thing on Friday afternoon so that Steve could reappear. I was not going to be put off. I lay on her table starkers while she rubbed solvent under the edges of the prostheses.
“It seems to be taking a long time, Vee,” I said.
“Yes,” she agreed. “It’s because the adhesive hasn’t started to break down yet, and the top layer of your skin seems to be more persistent than most people’s.”
She grunted, and tugged, and rubbed more solvent in, and tugged again.
“Sorry! I’ll have to take it more slowly.”
In the end it took nearly an hour to get everything off me. Finally, Steve appeared from underneath, but a raw, red, blotchy and very sore Steve.
“I think you may have to stay as Ingrid for three weeks at a time, kiddo,” Vera said, apologetically. “That should be long enough for the prostheses to come off easily. I don’t think either of us wants to go through that again.”
I agreed, grudgingly. I thanked her, then got dressed as myself and gathered up my Ingrid clothes. Annie was waiting for me upstairs, and made an appropriate fuss over having her husband back.
* * *
We had a great weekend. We played Mixed Doubles at the tennis centre on Saturday afternoon and went to a nightclub in the evening, with dinner and dancing. On the Sunday we drove out to the seaside at Frinton. It was bright and sunny and we even risked a brief dip in the North Sea. This was how summer days should be in England. (The nights were even better – and I got to go on top for once.) We decided that we were very lucky, even allowing for our unusual circumstances.
We scoffed scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream at a picnic table outside a little seaside café. As I refilled our teacups, a cloud came over. I shuddered. The sudden chill reminded me that I had an appointment with Vera at eight o’clock next morning.
“If I’m going to be Ingrid again – maybe for three weeks this time – I’m going to make some changes,” I said, in a quiet voice, not wanting to be overheard by the other diners.
“Ooh,” said Annie, excitedly, “such as what?”
“Clothes, for one,” I began. “I hate my grey skirt suits, and my boring hairdo. Come to that, I’m fed up with wearing a wig. I’m going to ask Sharon if she can do something with my own hair.”
“Great idea!” she said. “I’ve never understood why Ingrid insisted on dressing like a schoolmarm.”
“My theory is that she didn’t want to attract men, given her… unusual marital situation.”
“So either she didn’t want to be unfaithful to your father even though he’d deserted her, or she was just off the male sex generally…”
“Or both.”
“Yes,” Annie nodded. “So you’re going to make more of yourself, are you, New Ingrid? In that case, you should get out more too. We can go to restaurants, the cinema, the theatre. We can play Ladies Doubles, as well as Mixed.”
“Oh, I’m not sure about that. I’m a lot stronger than most women. I can hit much harder. I might give myself away.”
“Not when you’re wearing your heavy Ingrid prostheses, Porky,” she pointed out. “Your plumptious boobs will get in the way of that deadly kick service of yours. You won’t be able to run as fast either, but you’ll look great in a tennis dress.”
Her imagination was motoring now.
“What about Ballroom Dancing? You enjoyed it when you were Granny. All three of us could go!”
“But we’d all have to dance with strange men. I’m not sure I could trust you,” I said, with a mock stern expression.
“What about you?” she giggled. “You were very attractive in your Garden Party outfit. I dread to think what those dance floor Romeos will make of you in a sequinned ballroom dress.”
I laughed. I couldn’t imagine being propositioned by any of those sad elderly dancers, however beautiful my dress.
“Come on, we need to get back,” she said. She passed me the last scone. “Eat up. There’s no point in worrying about your figure, is there?”
It was a good day. Just before bedtime a text came through to both my Steve phone and my Ingrid phone.
‘Wont be back this week. Keep up the good work. – K’
* * *
We woke early the following morning to make the most of my remaining time as Steve. We dragged that out as long as we could but all good things must come to an end. At eight a.m., while Annie went to pick up Dolly, I packed a little case of frumpy Ingrid clothes and underwear, and reported to Vera. The waxing was much quicker and less painful this week, and after giving me a quick rub-down with the soothing, hormone-laced lotion, she was soon gluing my prostheses on.
“So you’re going to be Ingrid for a while longer?” she said, conversationally.
“Seems like it,” I sighed. I told her about the previous night’s text. “I hope they appreciate this.”
“Look on the bright side,” the ever-optimistic Vera said. “You’ve got a beautiful young wife who loves you – in both your guises. You’re your own boss, more or less. You’re fully employed, making good money at safe, indoor work. You even live above the shop, so no commuting. Lots of people would give their eyeteeth for all that.”
“I hadn’t thought of it that way,” I said. “So I should try and make the best of it?”
“That’s the spirit… Ingrid,” she smiled. “Now come on, get your bra and knickers on and make yourself respectable.”
“Could you make arrangements to remove my body hair permanently, please?” I sighed, finally accepting the inevitable.
Vera smiled and got out her appointment book.
I went off to my office, fully dressed in my boring skirt suit, my boobs bobbing, my big bottom swaying, my heels clicking, my nylon-covered legs rasping against one another. I hated Mondays.
* * *
Sharon was delighted when I asked her to do something with my hair. As it had been a while since I’d last had it cut – when do students ever go to the barber? – she decided it was long enough for a shortish feminine hair style without needing extensions. But I would have to have it coloured to match my mother. Unfortunately Ingrid suffered from a sort of ‘reverse vanity’ and so had never had it tinted. It was therefore a mousy brown with irregular streaks of grey. This would be a challenge for Sharon to match, but surely no one would notice if the streaks weren’t in exactly the right places? My mother always wore her hair up in a bun anyway.
I reported for my makeover first thing on the Tuesday morning. I took off my suit jacket and sat down in Sharon’s chair. She wrapped a brightly-coloured protective smock around me and set to work. She began by washing, trimming and tidying my hair. At this point it suddenly occurred to me that Steve might look weird with a too obviously woman’s hairdo. Oh well, he was only going to appear for one weekend every three weeks. He could always wear a baseball cap.
Sharon started colouring individual strands of my hair with a grey spray.
“This is the opposite of what hairdressers normally do,” she said. “They’re usually asked to colour early grey hairs brown of course, but sometimes an older woman who has tinted her hair for years decides to stop all that and gradually let the natural colour come through. I call this ‘transitioning to grey’. It will probably make you look a little older. The other Ingrid – sorry, I mean Kathleen – may be cross about that.”
“I doubt she’ll care actually,” I said. “My mother isn’t vain. In any case, I want a new make-up regime to compensate, please.”
“Brilliant!” she cooed. “I’ve been dying to doll Ingrid up for years. She could make so much more of herself. We’re going to have a great time.”
“Just so long as we’re finished by eleven. I have a client session.”
“No problem,” she said, reaching for her curling wand.
Like all good hairdressers Sharon kept up a continual patter of conversation that she thought a woman of my age would find interesting – “to get the full experience,” she told me, with a wink. In general, these were not really topics to capture the imagination of a twenty-one-year-old male, but the experience was educational – as was all the time I spent with her and Vera.
The time passed quickly and I learned a lot more about babies, periods and the menopause – something due for me anytime now – than I knew before, or had ever wanted to. It reminded me of the drunken conversation at the Garden Party, so I supposed it could come in useful if I ever saw ‘The Girls’ again.
Finally Sharon sat me under her old-fashioned helmet dryer and handed me some magazines to read. I scanned the selection.
I quickly dismissed Slimming Magazine, Good Housekeeping, and Hello! Sharon saw me looking at Cosmopolitan.
“I think that’s probably a bit young for you, Ingrid,” she grinned. “Same for Marie-Claire. This is more your style.”
She picked out an old copy of Woman’s Weekly. I snorted, but took it from her. Better than nothing, I supposed. There were actually some very interesting knitting patterns…
I was engrossed in a recipe for caramel latte cake when Sharon came to say I was finished. I returned to the chair in front of the mirror and she combed me out. She then spent a long time fussing with colour charts and a huge range of expensive-looking cosmetics, before muttering something about ‘autumn colours’ and starting on my make-up.
When she eventually released me from my smock and span me around so that I faced the mirror for the first time, I nearly fell out of the chair. I still had all my mother’s features, but this was not an Ingrid I had ever seen before. A short pepper-and-salt bob of real hair had replaced the wig in its ugly bun. My make-up was professional and striking. The woman in the mirror was borderline beautiful. No, OK, must be realistic; I was just on the wrong side of that border.
I stood up, gawking, unable to take my eyes off my image. I didn’t think a baseball cap would suffice to conceal this work of art when I was Steve again. I would probably have to wear a wig just to look like myself.
“Happy with that?” asked Sharon, with a twinkle in her eye.
“‘Happy’ isn’t the word,” I said when my voice returned. “You’re a genius – especially considering what you had to work with.”
“That’s not fair to your Mum,” she smiled. “I always knew I could make her – you – eye-catching, but I admit, you’ve turned out better than even I had expected.”
I picked up my jacket and slipped into it. Today’s suit was a brown pinstripe.
“My new look doesn’t feel right with this ugly outfit,” I said. “I must do something about that.” I checked my little gold ladies’ watch. “Oh, if we hurry, we can just catch the end of the morning coffee break. I’m dying to see what the others will think.” I reached for the Woman’s Weekly. “Is it OK if I take this?” I asked.
“No problem,” she said. “It’s probably the sort of thing you should be reading now, if you want to be Ingrid properly.”
Before then I hadn’t thought about my transformation in those terms, but now I realised I did ‘want to be Ingrid properly’; with no half-measures. My lovely new hairdo and make-up had extinguished the last of my reluctance.
When we walked into the coffee lounge, there was a sudden hush, then gasps as heads turned in my direction.
“Ye Gods!” said Fred. “If it wasn’t for that ugly suit, I would never have recognised you.”
“Thank you,” I said, “but it’s Sharon who should take the credit.” Then I whispered so that no one else could hear, “You’d never dare be so rude about my outfit if I were the real Ingrid, would you, Frederick dear?”
He grinned. “You’re quite right, of course,” he said. “From now on I’ll be sure to treat you with the proper deference, Mrs McLaughlin, ma’am.”
Well if I had to be Ingrid, I wanted to be treated with respect. Then he spoilt it by winking.
I went over to get a cup of coffee from Dolly. She was back in her old role of tea lady, but no longer in a maid’s uniform. She wore a smart black dress, as befitted her elevation to Housekeeper. She could, perhaps should, have delegated this menial task to one of the younger catering staff, but she insisted. She just loved being here with us all at our morning break.
“You look amazing, Ingrid,” she said. “Are you going to stay like that?” I nodded. “You’ll cause quite a stir at the Bridge Club. I can’t wait for Harriet to see you!”
Of course Dolly knew perfectly well that I was Steve underneath, but like everyone else she had started to treat me as Ingrid all the time now.
* * *
The Wednesday Pairs at the Bridge Club was my first outing as Ingrid 2.0. I chose something from my new Marks & Spencer’s collection, a smart casual dress in dark blue with white polka dots. I wore a lace cardigan with it, nude nylons, and three-inch heels. When I walked into the church hall on Fred’s arm, heads turned as they had at coffee break the previous morning. Everyone – well everyone except Harriet – was friendly and complimentary.
I was surprised to see Jane Campanella there. She waved when she saw me and beckoned us over. She was sitting at a table on the opposite side of the room from Harriet. Her partner this evening, presumably a client, was an elderly lady called Doris, who I vaguely remembered to be rich but clueless.
“Hello, Ingrid,” Doris said as we sat down. “You look very nice tonight. New hairdo?”
“Yes, thank you for noticing. I thought it was time for a change. Are you well?”
Doris nodded and exchanged pleasantries with Fred. I turned back to Jane.
“Nice to see you again, Jane. Not playing with Harriet, I see?”
She smiled. “No, our little arrangement is over.”
If so, why was she still around? I couldn’t see why an American international, albeit in exile over here, would want to play at our little backwater club if she wasn’t being paid to, but I could hardly ask.
“I had to join your fine club to play regularly with Harriet, and even though that partnership is kaput, I’m determined to get my subscription money’s worth.” That was a somewhat unconvincing answer to my unspoken question. “I’d love a game with you one night, by the way. You and Dolly were most impressive in the County Ladies’ Final.”
“Er, yes,” I said, “that would be great.”
I couldn’t see why not, but this was one sharp lady – certainly sharp at Bridge anyway. There was no reason to think she would see anything suspicious about me, was there? Come now, no need to get paranoid, Ingrid (I mean, Steve).
At the end of the evening Fred and I came top of the East-West pairs. Jane and Doris were just above average North-South, one place above the Bairstows. Doris was delighted; it was her best result for months.
Fred was helping me on with my coat when Jane appeared.
“Good result, you two!” she smiled. “Do you have your diary handy, Ingrid? Can we fix a date?”
“Oh yes,” I said, reaching into my handbag.
I found my phone and opened up the calendar app. We arranged to play together two weeks hence. If I wasn’t still Ingrid then, I’m sure my mother would enjoy a game with Jane.
“For some reason I assumed you’d use an old-fashioned diary,” she said, watching me struggling to enter the details with my long, painted nails. “I didn’t picture you keeping your appointments on your phone.”
“That was true until recently,” I said. “But my son is a computer expert – just graduated with a First from Cambridge – and he said he was ashamed that his mother was still living in the Dark Ages.”
“I taught him all he knows,” put in Fred.
“I’d love to meet him,” she said. “Why don’t we all get together for a drink or dinner sometime?”
“That would be lovely,” I replied, “but I’m not sure when that might be. He’s just got married and I know he and my daughter-in-law are very busy.”
I couldn’t see how Steve and I could both make it on the same evening.
* * *
Annie persuaded me to go along to Ballroom Dancing that Friday, with her and Dolly. I feigned reluctance at first but I actually quite fancied the idea. I hadn’t exactly hated it at Cambridge with Rachel and had quite enjoyed myself as Dolly. Unfortunately my mother had nothing appropriate in her meagre collection of clothes, and I hadn’t been looking for evening dresses at M & S. Vera thought I might find something suitable in my size in the company’s wardrobe room, and we went along together to look. I was dubious about finding anything I’d like in a collection that was intended for cross-dressers and transsexuals.
“When I was Dolly I just did the slow, sedate dances,” I said. “I sat out when they played the faster ones like the Tango and the Quickstep. As Ingrid I’ll probably do the same. So I suppose I should be looking for a long dress, like the one I wore before?”
“Probably,” she agreed. “You’re not planning to enter any competitions, are you?”
“Hardly, but why do you ask?”
“Generally in competitions the women’s dresses are designed for specific dances. For example, if you’re doing the Tango, you’d choose a short dress, a mini actually, with a frilly skirt. For a waltz, you want something long and flouncy, with an ankle-length hem. But those are all a bit elaborate – and expensive – for a casual night out.”
“Well I’m not entering any competitions, so I just need something all-purpose, and certainly not short. I haven’t got the legs for it.”
“Actually you do, but you’re supposed to be in your late forties so you shouldn’t be showing too much.”
She was rummaging through the wardrobe, examining a rack of long dresses.
“It wouldn’t be appropriate for you to wear a mini. I think you want something mid-calf – any longer and you might trip over the hem. Here! This is perfect!” She checked the label. “And it’s size sixteen – just right!”
“It’s a bit elaborate, isn’t it?” I said.
It was labelled ‘Teal Ballroom Smooth Waltz Dance Dress’. It had what would be a virtually skin-tight bodice for a large-busted lady like me, covered in elaborate floral decoration, and long, flowing chiffon skirts, all in a dramatic turquoise colour. Crucially, it had long sleeves. It was a cross-dresser’s wet dream – no wonder it was in our wardrobe. I loved it as soon as I saw it.
“It’s just right for Ballroom Dancing,” Vera insisted. “Now I’m sure I saw a pair of size ten high heels in teal somewhere, and a matching clutch bag.”
* * *
I needed a girdle and a proper corset and quite a lot of help from Annie, my lady’s maid, to get into the dress.
My hair wasn’t long enough for anything complicated but Vera had found a tiara, a matching necklace, and clip-on earrings, all with fake emeralds to match my dress, in our props cupboard.
“I feel horribly over-dressed,” I said to Annie as we made our way into the leisure centre sports hall.
“You look fine,” she said.
“Much better than fine actually,” added Dolly, with a grin.
“I feel like a drag queen,” I grumbled.
We caused quite a stir when we went in. Some of the people I had met when I was here as Dolly came over to greet us.
“Hello, everyone,” said Annie. “This is Ingrid, my mother-in-law.”
A couple of the women realised that she must have got married since we were last here, and congratulated her.
“Three generations of lovely ladies all together!” exclaimed Gregory, the elderly Casanova who had asked me out to dinner when I was Dolly. “But where are all the gentlemen in your family?”
“Good question!” said Annie. “I’m newly married but I can’t seem to persuade my husband to come dancing. He’s shy, which is a shame because he’s a lovely mover.”
I was glad that Annie had made it clear to all the men crowding round us that she was here for the dancing and nothing further.
“Well, it’s an ill wind…” said Gregory. “Shall we, my dear?”
He offered his arm to Dolly. She had been fully briefed and took it with an enigmatic smile. I wondered if she would accept his dinner invitation when he, inevitably, repeated it. A tall, thin, gawky-looking guy asked Annie to dance. I guessed he was in his early forties. That left me alone, a wallflower. That didn’t last long.
I must have danced with a dozen different men by the time the evening came to a close, and I can’t pretend I didn’t enjoy it. There was something truly sensual about being whirled round the dance floor, my beautiful dress swirling around me in cascades of turquoise chiffon. I had been afraid of falling off my high heels, but all my partners were too experienced – and strong – to let that happen.
I explained my lack of skill to everyone, after which, whenever we came to a complicated part where I didn’t quite know where my feet were supposed to go, I found they were up in the air, and then returned to earth in good order. I began to see the appeal of Ballroom – though I wasn’t sure why the men enjoyed it so much. It looked like hard work for them lifting clumsy, heavy lumps like me.
The last dance was a waltz to ‘Moon River’, and I was sorry it was all over for the evening – except that my last partner got a little too friendly. We were soon dancing cheek-to-cheek.
“One of those old fools pinched my bottom!” I said to Annie as we collected our coats and handbags from the Ladies’ Cloakroom.
“How could you tell?” she asked, with a laugh. “Your actual bottom is shielded by the best part of two inches of Fred’s finest plastic blubber, not to mention your corset and spandex girdle!”
“That’s the trouble – I didn’t feel anything! I just happened to look round at the right moment and saw him doing it.”
“So what’s the problem? You didn’t seem to mind when Peter did it to Milly last Christmas.”
“That was different. Anyway I knew Peter would feel stupid after the big reveal at midnight. The problem here is that I don’t know how many times the old lech did it before I caught him.”
She laughed. “That’s the trouble with being so attractive. He probably thinks you’re a right slut and were encouraging him! What did you do anyway?”
“I pulled my hand free to take a swipe at him. You should have seen him flinch! Then I realised I would probably kill him if I connected, so I just stormed off. What will I do if he’s here next week?”
“He’ll probably have forgotten, or he may just try his luck with some other woman.” She looked at me slyly. “So you enjoyed yourself, Mummy? You want to come again?”
“Well… OK, it wasn’t all bad, dear,” I admitted. “Maybe once more. Where’s Dolly?”
“Gregory offered her a lift home, and she accepted.”
“Oh OK, so it’s just you and me then.”
“Yes, and I can’t wait to rip that dress off you…”
“That’s no way to talk to your mother-in-law. I’ll race you to the car.”
“Not in those heels, you won’t,” she cautioned. “You’ll break your pretty neck.”
Then I noticed something. I put my hand up to my ear.
“Shit! I lost an earring when I nearly hit that old fool.”
“We’ll have to get your ears pierced before next week then.” I started to argue but she hushed me. “Ingrid’s ears are pierced,” she said. “Someone may notice if yours aren’t.”
I sighed and agreed. I finished doing up my coat and hung my handbag over my shoulder. Then a thought struck me.
“I’ll have to get another dress for next week, won’t I?” I said. “I mean, I can’t turn up in the same outfit two weeks in succession.”
“Now you’re talking like a proper woman,” she laughed. “I’d say your transformation is complete.”
Will Annie and her new mother-in-law live happily ever after?
My parents’ quest to find themselves went on. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Kathleen’s texts became less frequent, and no longer mentioned coming home. I assumed they must have found new happiness. I was pleased for them. But where did it leave me? I was now getting used to living two lives; most of the time as the lady MD of a small and very successful business; increasingly rarely, as her own son and Annie’s husband.
One evening we were in bed, relaxing after an energetic session of love-making. Her head was resting comfortably on my breasts, which she insisted on calling my ‘soft fluffy pillows’. I rarely removed my abdominal prosthesis now, but it was open at the bottom (obviously) and my wife’s nimble fingers were idly playing with what they found up there, in the hope of encouraging it to return to active service.
“Do you think I’m becoming effeminate?” I asked. It had been preying on my mind.
“No, no,” she murmured. “You’re much too feminine to be effeminate, Mummy darling.”
“Ha ha. I meant is Steve becoming effeminate? I only get to be him every third weekend now. I’m frightened I may forget how to be… er… manly.”
“Well you were pretty manly five minutes ago, despite your big boobs and frilly nightie.”
“I’m glad you thought so, but I’m referring to when we’re out and about as… us. I’m getting so used to walking and sitting like a tubby matron, all thrusting breasts and wiggling bottom. If I carry that over to when I’m Steve, people will say you married a sissy.”
She finally realised I was serious.
“Well, I suppose you do tend to be a bit… swishy… when you first change back, but that quickly wears off. What brought this on?”
“Well, after the meal the other night, I reached for my handbag to repair my lipstick, and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw it wasn’t over the back of my chair where I always leave it. I thought I’d been robbed! Then I remembered I was Steve…”
She laughed. “I remember that! You had this panicky look on your face. I wondered what was going on, then the waiter arrived with the bill, by which time you’d recovered. I forgot to ask you what had been the matter.”
“I’m worried I may be behaving like Ingrid all the time now, even when I’m dressed as Steve.”
I felt so stupid. She hastened to reassure me.
“Don’t worry, babe,” she said. “That was probably a one-off. It’s just that this way of life is still all new to you. I’m sure you’ll soon get used to switching between your two identities – like Superman and Clark Kent.”
“I hope you’re right… but you will tell me if I start prancing around like an off-duty drag queen when I’m Steve, won’t you?”
“Will do,” she smiled. “But you should just try to relax and enjoy it. I think it’s actually a brilliant arrangement.” I looked at her sceptically. “Well, if we ever experience marital difficulties, I know I can talk it over with my mother-in-law and my husband will get the message.”
I snorted. She sat up and looked at me thoughtfully.
“If you’re wondering whether you’re going to be stuck as your own mother for ever, things will have to change when we have kids, won’t they?”
“Whoa! You’re not pregnant, are you?”
“No, no, but I would like to start a family while we’re young… while Steve and I are young, I mean.”
“Sure, me too… but I don’t think I’m ready to be a father just yet.”
“Ah, but if I had a baby now, you wouldn’t be Daddy, you’d be Granny most of the time, wouldn’t you? Again!” she grinned.
There being no baseball bat to hand, I threw a pillow at her. One of our real pillows, I mean.
* * *
Looking back, I’m surprised how easy it was to take over my mother’s life, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she took me over. I suppose a certain amount of ‘personality bleed’ is inevitable if you are living as someone else day-to-day. I looked like her and I sounded like her. Through constant practice, I now stood like her and walked like her, and I reacted to any situation exactly as she would have.
I explored the rest of her belongings, at least everything she hadn’t taken with her. As far as I was concerned it was all mine now. I had earned it. I had added lots of new feminine items too: sexier underwear, nighties and hose, brighter make-up, and of course new dresses, including two more for ballroom dancing.
I had to buy lots of shoes, of course. My mother’s were all too small for me, and she was never very interested in footwear anyway. She didn’t own many pairs and had taken most of them with her. Annie and I spent a couple of hours in a shop that specialised in shoes for ladies with large feet. My choices were much fancier than anything in my mother’s shoe collection. As Annie gleefully pointed out, I was much more feminine than the other Ingrid.
She also had far more jewellery than I had realised, and hadn’t taken much with her, presumably for fear of losing valuable pieces in transit. With my newly-pierced ears I took delight in mixing and matching earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.
I was probably 90% Ingrid and only 10% Steve now – inside as well as outside. I spent my leisure time doing things a middle-aged woman would do. I had my hair done (by Sharon of course) every week. I cooked and did my share of the housework. I played Bridge and tennis.
I went Ballroom Dancing, floating round the dance floor in the arms of strong older men. (They had to be strong to lift me.) I still wasn’t in the least attracted to any of them, but I found it easy enough to tolerate their close contact and was even amused by their clumsy attempts to woo me.
Annie and I went dress shopping together. We had occasional meals out and went to the cinema and the theatre. I remembered how knitting had relaxed me when I was Dolly, so I bought needles, wool, and some patterns, and started on… another cardigan. (Stick with what you know.)
I went out for dinner with Maggie and ‘The Girls’. I got a lot of sympathy for being a singleton, but the stories the others told about their husbands made me glad I didn’t have one.
At first I was afraid I wouldn’t fit in, but I soon found I already had a lot in common with them all and relished the opportunity to continue my education as a middle-aged woman. I had a great time. We swapped recipes, make-up secrets, shopping tips, underwear disasters, medical emergencies, and outrageous sexual experiences. (I had to ask Annie to help me with anecdotes in that area. She couldn’t come to these outings, of course. They weren’t for girls of her age; only for us mums and middle-aged matrons.)
The Girls admired my new cardigan and I was proud to admit I had knitted it myself. Beth sniggered and said she thought you had to be an old lady before you were allowed to knit. She was shouted down. (I didn’t tell them that I had been a Granny when I had learned.)
I got used to being ogled by men in public places. I was aware of them watching my bottom swinging from side to side in my tight skirts, and occasionally even threw in an extra wiggle for their benefit, to enjoy their reaction. I found the attention flattering, though at the same time it made me a little uncomfortable.
I suddenly realised that this was precisely the contradictory reaction of all attractive women throughout history. My education in ‘how the other half lives’ continued apace. I got my first wolf whistle when passing a building site in town, and I loved that, while trying to appear scandalised, of course.
Kathleen’s texts remained brief and uninformative. They really only ever contained two unambiguous pieces of information: that their journey was doing everything they had hoped for in their relationship, and they weren’t coming back yet. She said very little about where they were or what they were doing, but reading between the lines I got the impression they had settled somewhere.
I wondered whether they were living as mistress and maid, rich lady and companion, sisters, or lovers. Whatever, it was pretty obvious they weren’t heading home anytime soon.
But ‘identity drift’ meant I no longer cared about being trapped in life as my mother. I’d got used to being both Mrs Jones and Mrs McLaughlin. Being a woman in the eyes of the world – even a middle-aged woman – was no great hardship. It was only a few ‘little sacrifices’ after all, and as long as Annie was happy, why should I object? And as Vera had pointed out, I was very lucky in both my career and my domestic circumstances. I even managed to think of my frumpy skirt suits as the proper uniform for my job.
* * *
As she had promised, Annie bought me a pretty tennis dress and we played together as two ladies. She had been right that my prostheses handicapped me enough to offset the advantages of my masculine muscles. Even though my ungainly physique amused the spectators as I scuttled around the court, I could still cover the ground better than most females at the club – hopefully not suspiciously so.
Sadly my generous boobs – sorry, breasts – got in the way enough to completely bugger up my service action. Steve could smash down services at 100 mph, but I, Ingrid, could only roll them in, hopefully with enough spin to cause the returner some problems.
Playing tennis was important as it was virtually the only exercise I took now, apart from ballroom dancing. I could only play squash on those weekends when I was Steve and divested of my prosthetic encumbrances, but it was no fun getting slaughtered by opponents I used to beat. That was partly because I was out of practice, and partly because spending nineteen days out of every twenty-one shaped and loaded up like a plump matron completely destroyed my reactions, to say nothing of my sense of balance.
Annie called me ‘Mummy’ most of the time now, which I had got used to, but since to all intents and purposes I had become my mother, it was important to me that she didn’t forget that I was still Steve underneath – at least at bedtime and every third weekend. The real Steve appeared just often enough for no one to suspect that my wife might have killed me for my money. I was comfortable as either of my personae, but increasingly I was happier as Ingrid. She was more real to me now; Steve had become just play-acting.
I rarely joined my old friends as Steve, and when I did I found I didn’t fit in. I no longer enjoyed boozing and talking about football, and I was rubbish at video games now too. Yes, it was partly being out of practice, but mainly I just couldn’t take it seriously anymore. I found I was comparing myself – my Ingrid self – with the pneumatic damsels in distress we heroes were supposed to be rescuing. Suddenly I found the games too violent and disgracefully sexist.
Being a middle-aged lady most of the time had changed my priorities, I suppose. In fact, I found I could barely remember what Steve used to do for fun. I seemed to recall going to a lot of parties, which reminds me: we’re going to the university alumni Fancy Dress Ball again this year – as Beauty and the Beast. Annie has been experimenting with increasingly elaborate Beast prosthetics. I tried to set a limit on it. I didn’t want to wear anything too heavy, but she laughed and said that wouldn’t be my problem. My problem would be managing Belle’s elaborate ball gown, especially the corset I would have to wear to get into it…
* * *
I now played Bridge regularly with Jane Campanella and she had become a good friend. (I heard that Harriet was disgusted when someone mentioned that Jane was playing with me because she wanted to, and not because I paid her.) We entered the County Ladies Pairs that summer, qualified easily for the Final, and won the whole event. I had never aspired to be a Women’s Bridge Champion, but I was quite proud of the achievement. It certainly didn’t take me long to quash any qualms I might have had about entering. After all I was a woman now in every way that mattered. I had no unfair advantages over the other ladies by virtue of my real sex. Bridge is a cerebral, not a physical game. I would have refused to play in the England Ladies Trials though, but entry wasn’t on offer to the winners this year.
I drove us to and from Peterborough for the Finals weekend, and Jane suggested we stop for dinner on the way back at a country pub we both liked.
“Just lock the trophy in the boot,” she said. “We don’t want it stolen – at least not till we’ve engraved our names on it!”
We settled down at a quiet table in the corner and talked about some of the hands we’d played.
“I think you had more difficult decisions than I did over the three sessions,” she said, referring to the weekend’s Bridge, “and you got most of them right. I must say it’s relaxing not having to mastermind the bidding and the play to compensate for my partner’s weaknesses. That gets so exhausting!”
I allowed myself just one glass of wine, as I was driving. Jane indulged in rather more, which might explain how she came to say what she said next.
“I’m actually enjoying my Bridge again, playing with you. I haven’t really had that feeling since I broke up with Mary Jo…”
That was her American International partner. She’d mentioned the famous Mary Jo Kupperberg many times.
“…and I know I wouldn’t have won this weekend if I’d been playing with the original Ingrid. What happened to her, by the way?”
Shit! What? What?!
“I… er… I don’t know… What do you mean ‘the original Ingrid’?”
“Come on, babe, I know you’re not the same person who played with Dolly last year.” I must have looked terrified. She rushed on. “Hey, don’t worry, I’m not going to tell anyone. What could I tell them anyway? I don’t know which of you is the real Ingrid.”
“I’m the real Ingrid,” I insisted, and I realised that was true now.
“Yes… well… everyone else seems totally satisfied that you’re Ingrid, and you look exactly like her… exactly like her. It’s spooky, actually.”
“So what makes you think that I was a different person last year?”
I had cold chills running down my spine by now. This was the first time anyone had shown any suspicions…
“Your Bridge. Firstly, you’re a much better player than the previous Ingrid was, but also I’m trained in ‘Table Presence’. I notice people’s ‘tells’ – mannerisms, nervous habits, twitches, tics, what you look like when you’re thinking, and so on. That can be just as helpful in Bridge as in Poker.”
She took another sip of wine, pausing to gauge my reaction. I tried to remain inscrutable but my heart was pounding, the blood pumping loudly in my ears.
“The most noticeable difference is speed of play,” she went on. “I only played six hands against the other Ingrid last year, but I saw that when she didn’t know what to do, she just guessed and played quickly, like most amateurs. Having played many hours with you, I know you think much more deeply. You hate guessing, as all good players do. You count the hand – it’s surprising how many decent players don’t do that. It’s a bit of a chore but it pays dividends. Also, you look for any subtle indication as to how the cards lie, any straws in the wind, bids not made as well as ones that were, opening lead choices… All that means you play more slowly.”
She paused again, clearly expecting me to comment.
“I think maybe your ‘Table Presence’ might just have an overactive imagination,” I said.
“I don’t think so, sweetie. Look, I don’t care – as long as there’s nothing sinister going on.”
Did she just need reassurance? Could I do that without blowing everything?
“I can neither confirm nor deny your supposition,” I said, carefully and pompously, but the cat was out of the bag now.
“Fair enough, but I’ll still take that as a yes. So what should I call you? What’s your real name?”
“My real name is Ingrid,” I smiled. “I’m quite used to it now. I probably wouldn’t answer to anything else.”
It seemed she didn’t suspect that whoever the person under the disguise was, she was at least another woman!
“So what happened to the real – OK, original – Ingrid?” she asked. “Is she still alive?”
“Hell’s teeth, yes! You don’t think I killed her, do you?”
She smiled, then shrugged, but said nothing.
“No! No, this is all her idea,” I said. “She’s gone away with her ex…” (I specifically avoided saying ‘husband’.) “She’s hoping for a reconciliation, but Ingrid also needs to be here in person for our business, so I’m minding the store for her.”
“You must be a really good friend, to put your life on hold and take over hers.”
“We are… very close,” I said, “and I wasn’t giving up anything worth having.”
“Well, your disguise is amazing. How on earth do you do it? Plastic surgery?”
“Trade secret, I’m afraid. No one else has guessed. Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Of course, I won’t! No one would believe me, would they? I’ve no real evidence. Anyway I want to keep playing Bridge with you. We need to find some decent teammates and enter some national events. Then the next Trials, then…”
I might have to talk her out of that. Bridge players aren’t rock stars but I still needed to stay out of even the tiniest bit of limelight.
* * *
The business continued to flourish. Annie and I were working full time. Also we had to recruit assistants for both Vera and Sharon, which wasn’t easy, particularly for Vera whose job was highly specialist, to say the least. My main concern was finding girls who understood the need for discretion. Through Daisy I managed to find a solicitor who came up with a suitably worded ‘Non-Disclosure Agreement’. One of the new girls said she didn’t realise she needed to sign the Official Secrets Act to become a hairdresser. I had to channel my mother to give her a stern look, rather than burst out laughing.
Annie’s efforts at breaking into movies were also bearing fruit. She won a contract to do make-up special effects for a new horror movie. We brought all the actors to our studio for their 3D imaging sessions, then Annie and Vera applied their prostheses on set in one of the film company’s trailers which we fitted out specially.
The Producer was very pleased, and the actors were delighted that they wouldn’t have to spend hours in make-up every day (having had to get up at four in the morning for the privilege). Fitting our prosthetics was much quicker. The downside was that they had to stay as monsters for the duration of the shoot, or two weeks, whichever was the shorter. That wasn’t satisfactory either, so Fred promised to try and find a new way of attaching prosthetics that would allow them to be removed every night. The movie hasn’t been released yet, but we’ve heard on the grapevine that Annie has a very good chance of being nominated for a BAFTA for the make-up, maybe even an Oscar.
So life was good, which of course is precisely when the unexpected happens. I was working in my office when Angie called from Reception. I quickly checked my calendar. I had no meetings planned for the rest of the day.
“I think you’d better come down, Ingrid, if you don’t mind,” Angie said apologetically. “I’ve explained to this gentleman that you don’t see anyone without a prior appointment, but he’s insistent. He says that you’ll want to meet him if I just tell you his name.”
“Which is?” I asked, sceptically.
“I’ll be right down.”
* * *
Frank Treacher turned out to be charming in person. He smiled and shook hands warmly when I stepped out into our Reception area and introduced myself. His voice was deep and refined with no trace of an accent.
I took him upstairs to my office, collecting Annie on the way. Whatever the man planned to threaten us with, my wife needed to hear it too, as a fellow Director of the company. I also asked Dolly if she could arrange some coffee and biscuits. I told her who my guest was and suggested she might bring the refreshments in herself, rather than tasking one of the junior catering staff. It might be instructive to see his reaction to meeting her properly.
“So how can we help you, Mr Treacher?” I asked when he and Annie had made themselves comfortable in my office guest chairs.
“Well, I think maybe we can help each other, Mrs Jones.”
So it was to be blackmail, was it? Anger was rising within me and must have reached my face, but my mother would not have lost her temper. She would have remained cool – frigid, in fact – so I did too. But Treacher must have read my reaction.
“A business arrangement, I assure you,” he rushed to say.
Annie and I said nothing. He took this as encouragement to continue.
“I assume from your recognition of my name, and your willingness to meet with me, that you are not unaware of my previous engagement…”
“Your hounding my grandmother, you mean?”
Annie had not been trained to maintain a stony silence when that was what was needed.
“That’s putting it a little strong, isn’t it?” he said, turning to her. “I tried never to intrude. To be honest, I wasn’t sure whether you had even spotted me.”
Annie snorted, but I suppose we might not have if George hadn’t warned us. As it was, we were onto him from the outset – not that he needed to know that now.
“But you’re satisfied there was nothing suspicious to see?” I said. “Dolly’s life was perfectly normal and innocent…?”
“Oh yes, absolutely,” he said. “How is she, by the way? I saw she had an accident. Not too serious, I trust? She was only in hospital for a couple of days, wasn’t she?”
“Indeed,” I said. “Merely for observation. A shelf collapsed and some kitchen utensils fell on her head. They just kept her in to make sure she didn’t have concussion.”
“That’s a relief,” he said. “I was terrified it might have had something to do with my following her.”
There was a knock on the door.
“Well, you can ask her yourself,” I said.
“And apologise,” Annie added.
“Come in,” I called.
Dolly came in, wheeling her trolley. The aroma of hot coffee wafted in. She saw Treacher immediately, but didn’t acknowledge him at all. He stood up.
“I think I owe you an apology, Mrs Thompson,” he began.
“Do sit down, Dolly,” I said, “and join us.”
I played waitress, pouring the coffees and passing round the biscuits, while Treacher attempted to ingratiate himself with Dolly. I thought this was ironic, given that he had never actually followed her – only me, disguised as her.
“Harriet Bairstow was my client,” he went on. “She believed there was something suspicious about your and Mrs Jones’ success at the County Ladies Pairs and engaged me to look into it. I advised her that merely following you around was very unlikely to reveal anything, but she was determined. She said that if I didn’t want to take her money she would find someone else who would. So I agreed. The private investigation business has its ups and downs, you see, and things hadn’t been going too well lately.”
He had the grace to look a little ashamed at this point. No one interrupted. We all looked at him expectantly. He paused to take a mouthful of coffee, but surrounded by three fierce, stony-faced women, he obviously felt compelled to continue.
“I kept telling Mrs Bairstow I was sure there was nothing to find, but she insisted I continue.” He turned to me. “She said she was curious about your business, Mrs Jones, and suggested I focus on that. So I started watching these premises when Mrs Thompson led me here. I eventually noticed that a lot of ordinary-looking men went in, and a disproportionate number of exotic-looking women came out.”
So that was it. This man knew enough to ruin us. It would be blackmail. Oh well, we’ve had a good run, and he certainly wasn’t going to get away with it unscathed.
“So you broke in and planted listening devices to find out more of what we do here,” I said.
He looked alarmed, as well he might.
“What? No! No, no, I…” he stuttered.
“We have video,” I said quietly. “We automatically film everything in our studios. You’re clearly recognisable, planting bugs.”
He slumped in his chair.
“I think it’s called ‘mutually assured destruction’,” Annie said. “You ruin us; you go to jail.”
“I don’t understand,” he said. “How would I ruin you? I don’t want to ruin you!”
“You couldn’t,” I said. “My daughter-in-law is exaggerating.” I gave Annie a warning look. She subsided a little. “Everything we do here is completely legal. We don’t break into other people’s houses and plant bugs. But our clients require discretion – just as a Private Investigator’s do.”
He nodded. Obviously he was beginning to understand why we had never called the police after his break-in, but he was shrewd enough to realise that was still an option.
“So, assuming Dolly is prepared to accept your belated apology…” She nodded, still managing to keep a straight face. “…perhaps you would like to explain why you’re here?”
“Well, according to my enquiries – my discreet enquiries – you have the ability to change people’s appearance; that is, to make someone look exactly like someone else…?”
He paused, obviously hoping one of us would confirm his theory. None of us spoke.
“I should stress that this is partly based on the unusual number of film stars and other celebrities who have been appearing at parties and social events in the vicinity.” Pause. No response. “Even dead celebrities.”
I suppose we should have expected something like this. Still…
“And what makes you think we have anything to do with that?” I said.
“It’s just a theory,” he smiled. “Like Mrs Bairstow’s theory that another lady – a much stronger Bridge player, begging your pardon, ma’am – might have substituted for Mrs Thompson in the County Ladies Pairs Final. Of course, there’s absolutely no evidence of either theory…”
“…but I saw several Marilyn Monroes coming out of this very building, a Judy Garland as Dorothy, a very large Shirley Temple, and at least one Margaret Thatcher. I have photographs, which no one else need ever see, especially Mrs Bairstow, and which I will happily destroy, because if my theory is true, such a service would be of great use to me just at the moment…”
Oh now we were getting to the point. I wondered what shady deal he was wanting to involve us in.
“I doubt we can help you, Mr Treacher,” I began, but he interrupted.
“…And might help me save a life,” he added hurriedly.
“What?” I said.
“There have been death threats to a local dignitary. I’ve been asked to help. It occurred to me that if you were able to disguise a skilled operative as this… dignitary…”
“He could act as a decoy, and the police – presumably aided by you – might be able to apprehend the culprit?”
(That was a phrase my mother would have used, I noticed. Steve would have said, ‘catch the bad guy’.)
“I beg your pardon?”
“The threats were made against Honoria, the Lady Mayoress, to persuade her husband to cooperate.”
“And do what?”
“No idea. I suspect it’s something to do with council contracts, or planning permission, or something. The Mayor has only told me what he thinks I need to know. He’s been to the police, of course, but he had no concrete evidence – the threat was verbal, delivered to him alone in a dark corner of a multi-storey car park. So all the cops could do was advise him on improving his home security, and maybe send a couple of extra constables along to any public functions he and his wife were due to attend.”
“So how did you get involved?” I couldn’t help asking. I was fascinated with the whole situation.
“He and I go way back. I helped him out a while ago when someone had managed to get some photographs of him with… someone he shouldn’t have been with. The family’s stinking rich, but the money’s hers, not his. He couldn’t afford a messy divorce, politically or personally. To be honest, I think he may be a bit of a crook himself.”
He stopped, hoping for a response. I needed to think. I turned to stare out of the window. I could hear Annie crunching chocolate biscuits and fidgeting.
“Supposing we were able to do what you’re asking, disguise someone as Honoria,” I began tentatively, “do you have a ‘skilled operative’ in mind?”
“Well, no, not really,” he admitted. “I’m pretty much a one-man-band, and tough lady detectives don’t grow on trees, as it were. It’s kind of an unsuitable job for a woman. Hell, it’s an unsuitable job for most men.”
Annie snorted again. Dolly laughed.
“If we were to provide such an… agent, it would be expensive,” I said.
“I imagine it would.”
“Very expensive. I mean, there would need to be – what would you call it? – danger money too.”
“Money’s not a problem,” he said confidently. “The Mayoress is frantic. So’s the Mayor, surprisingly. It wouldn’t surprise me if he would be glad to get rid of her, so I can only assume Honoria has been very careful with her will.” He chuckled.
“Let me think about it,” I said, getting to my feet, and extending my hand.
He took it. We shook.
“It’s been fascinating to meet you, Mr Treacher.”
“Frank, please. May I call you Ingrid?”
“I’ll let you know my decision by this time tomorrow,” I said, ignoring his request to be friends.
“Thank you for listening anyway,” he said. He took out his business card and placed it on the desk. “There is some urgency about this. Honoria is scared to go out.”
I accompanied him to the front door and watched as he got into a new BMW 1-series. So he’d upgraded from the little blue Fiesta. He must have made a fortune out of Harriet, even more than Jane did.
I went back up to the office. Annie and Dolly were still there, talking excitedly. They stopped when I came in, and turned to me.
“I hope you’re not thinking of doing this,” Annie began.
“It’s much too dangerous, Steven,” said Dolly.
Being called ‘Steven’ threw me for a moment. I had only been ‘Ingrid’, ‘Mrs Jones’ or ‘Mrs McLaughlin’ for weeks now.
“Honoria is tall, about my height,” I said. “She’s actually a little slimmer than I am; I mean, than my mother is.”
“You might get shot!” Annie said.
“She’s got lovely clothes,” I said dreamily. “You should have seen the frock she was wearing at the Garden Party! And her hat!”
“Or kidnapped, and then shot!” she persisted.
“It’s a lot of money – you heard him. We could practically write our own cheque.”
“You can’t do it!” Dolly said.
“Why not?” I said. “Look, you two, this girly stuff is all very well, but don’t forget there’s a man under the dresses and the lingerie and the make-up. I need a little excitement now and then. Being Ingrid has become routine. I need a new challenge.”
“You could enter some dance competitions,” suggested Annie.
“Or you could take up embroidery or crochet, now you’re so good at knitting,” suggested Dolly, who might not have been entirely serious.
“I mean a challenge beyond dancing and dressmaking. Besides…”
“Besides, what?”
“I think I’d make a great Mayoress. The Mayor may not want the real Honoria back afterwards!”
Author’s Afterword
I’ve always wondered: if you find yourself living someone else’s life, looking just like them and having to react to everything just as they would, what would that do to you? Would it stop being just an impersonation? Would their personality take you over? Would you actually become them?
This seemed to happen to Steve when he was stuck as Dolly for a month. It’s not surprising, is it? If you dress as an old lady; if you have an old lady’s face and body; if everybody – even your family and friends – treats you as an old lady; and if you spend your work and leisure time doing only things that an old lady would do… Well, it wouldn’t be surprising if you became an old lady in your mind too.
It seems to be happening to Steve even more now he is living as Ingrid, perhaps indefinitely. As a hard-working lady CEO she has no time for the frivolous pastimes Steve used to like – pub crawls, sport, video games. She even finds the “muscly barbarian rescues nubile, big-busted maiden” type of video game unsavoury and sexist – just as his mother would.
Of course, Ingrid 2.0 is a Steve-ified version of Ingrid, as shown by her desire for a new hairdo, brighter make-up, and more modern clothes (though still only ones suitable for a middle-aged matron, not a young woman of Steve’s actual age).
It sounds like she won’t miss being Steve, and would be content to be Ingrid full-time. (I wonder what would happen if she were invited to a social function over a weekend when she was supposed to be Steve? Would Steve have to skip a weekend; i.e. remove the prosthetics for hygiene purposes, then put them straight back on again?)
I also wonder whether it has occurred to Annie that she fell in love with Steve, not Ingrid. If Ingrid’s personality takes him over, how would it affect their relationship? Would she continue to see Steve underneath? Or maybe she will continue to love Ingrid 2.0 because of her fetish for transforming her husband? Talking of which, she has threatened to make him spend time as her wife. When might that happen?
The big cliff-hanger is Treacher’s offer. It sounds very much like Steve might take it. He is clearly attracted to the excitement of another transformation, not to mention the danger. Not many twenty-year-old men get the chance to be the Mayoress of their home town; to become a rich woman, with beautiful clothes, a big house, exalted status… oh, and a villainous husband too. What’s not to like? I can just see him in a posh frock declaring the village fete open, can’t you?
Happy trails,
P.S. Coming soon: The Earl Maid
A ‘Master of the Universe’ Investment Banker and his university professor wife are a happy and successful couple. Then their Psychologist friend persuades them to participate in an unusual study and things change for everyone.
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By Susannah Donim
A ‘Master of the Universe’ Investment Banker and his university professor wife are a happy and successful couple. Then their Psychologist friend persuades them to participate in an unusual study and things change for everyone.
Prologue – early May
Dinner was over. We were relaxing on the patio, listening to the gurgle of the river, and finishing off the second bottle.
“So have you decided what you’re doing for your sabbatical?” Bill asked me. “Three months, isn’t it?”
“I haven’t decided to take one at all yet. It isn’t terribly convenient at the moment, and Jackie can’t take time off until the end of the summer term.”
“I thought your company insists you take a break within two years of being promoted – because of the high levels of stress for new partners?”
“Not so much ‘insists’ as ‘strongly encourages’.”
“Well I’d like him to take a break,” my wife put in. “His stress levels are over the moon. Mine are too, come to that.”
“Rubbish, I’m fine,” I said.
“You are not!” she said. “You’re not even enjoying the job anymore, are you?”
“Of course I am!” I snapped. “And I’m doing very well.”
“You’re making lots of money, yes, but you’re not happy. You’re always shouting at people, even me. And you get exasperated when I ask you to make trivial decisions, like which movie to see, or even what you want for dinner.” She turned to Bill for support.
“Classic symptoms,” he said, sympathetically.
“You’re supposed to be my best friend, not my shrink.” I turned back to Jackie. “And you never said anything about being stressed yourself. Is that old fool working her too hard, Bill?”
“Well she is the best Assistant Professor in the Astrophysics Department. I imagine Jenkins is just dumping all the admin on her.”
“Too right,” Jackie said, “I wasn’t in the lab at all last week, what with budget meetings and writing project business cases – and I haven’t set foot in the observatory for a month.”
“Actually I have an ulterior motive for asking you about your sabbatical,” Bill said, with a noticeable hesitation. “I’m in a bit of a spot, and you may be able to help.”
“Of course,” Jackie said. “Anything…”
“…within reason,” I smiled. “What’s the problem?”
“We’re having difficulty recruiting people for a slightly unusual research programme. If we don’t find enough volunteers by the end of the month, they’ll cut the funding. It’s just that I think you two would be perfect for it, and it would fit in nicely with your sabbatical.”
“What about Jackie? She can’t take much time off. She’s used up most of her holiday allowance. That’s why I’m hesitating about the sabbatical.”
“No, no. The project would be full time for you, but Jackie can easily do her part in the evenings and at weekends. In fact, it’s quite important that she is working full time.”
“You’ve got us intrigued now, Bill,” Jackie said. ‘Tell us more.” I nodded my agreement.
“Well the project protocols require me to run through an interview questionnaire with you, and only then can I explain what it’s all about. I know you know I know most of the answers already, but rules are rules.” He grinned.
“Oh, go on then. You psychologists!” Jackie said.
“Right, here goes.” He took a couple of sheets of A4 out of his pocket. “I won’t bother asking your names. First question then: How long have you been married?”
“Well you should know, you dick! You were my Best Man!”
He sighed. “OK, six years, and the answer to the next question is: no children. Now, would you please describe your occupations?”
“Partner, Atkinson Stern, Investment Analysts,” I said.
“And the youngest partner they’ve ever had,” Jackie said proudly. Bill turned to her. “Oh, is it me? Senior Lecturer, Astrophysics, Cambridge University.”
“OK, that routes me down the ‘Professional Couple, Both Working Full-Time’ path of the questionnaire. Here’s where it starts to get interesting. Generally speaking, who makes the decisions in your relationship?”
Jackie and I looked at each other and grinned.
“Generally speaking…” I said.
“…we both do,” she finished.
“Come on, guys, help me out here,” he pleaded.
“No, really,” I said. “We consult over everything: this apartment, a new car, holidays, investments. It works because we have similar tastes.”
“I wouldn’t even buy a new dress till I’m sure he liked it,” Jackie said.
“Although she would look gorgeous in a sack, so I don’t think I’ve ever overruled anything she wanted.”
“Yes, you have. You told me not to buy that green mermaid dress for the May Ball.”
“Oh yes…”
“And you were right. It looked hideous.”
“It certainly did – and you talked me out of that blue pinstripe suit.”
“It made you look old.”
“I thought I looked dignified.”
“Nope. Just old.” She grinned.
“OK, I get the picture,” Bill interrupted. “Nobody wears the pants in your marriage.”
“No, we both wear the pants,” I said.
“But only I wear the dresses,” Jackie said.
“Well you have much better legs.”
“Actually yours are pretty good. They’d look great in fishnets.”
“Ohhh-Kayyyy,” said Bill, “moving on. Next question. Would you say you had a ‘traditional’ marriage, in the sense of subservient, obedient wife and strong, protective husband?” He laughed when he saw the looks on our faces.
“No, I would not!” I said firmly. “Jackie is my soulmate, my best friend. I would never give her orders like a servant.”
But Jackie was looking thoughtful. She smiled and said, “That’s right. We divide the chores evenly – more or less – but I do see him as my protector, I suppose. Do you remember that time we were meeting at that bar near your office? I think we were going to dinner and then the theatre, straight from work? Anyway you were held up at the office and I was sitting alone at the bar reading, and this big guy came and tried to chat me up.”
“Oh yes, I remember.”
“Anyway, I told him I was married and waiting for my husband. But he was obviously drunk and he said that you couldn’t be much of a husband if you let me sit alone in bars. Anyway he had just put his arm around me when you walked in.”
She paused. I think she was a little embarrassed. Bill was watching us both carefully.
“At first I thought he must have been an old friend,” I said. “Then I saw that you were trying to shrug his arm off. When I got closer I could see you were angry.”
“And frightened – till I saw you. You came up to us, brushed past him, took my left hand, and held it up to him, showing him my ring finger. Then you waved your own wedding ring in his face. I remember you didn’t say a word. You just looked him straight in the eye. He was much bigger than you, but he lowered his head, muttered something like ‘Sorry, mate,’ and walked out. I couldn’t believe he gave in so easily. I guess he just recognised your… I don’t know… authority.”
Now I was embarrassed. “It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time. I suppose I’m just used to people doing what I say – you know, at the office, and so on,” I finished lamely.
“He could have killed you.”
We were silent for a while.
Bill cleared his throat and said, “Why don’t I tell you about the project now?”
We sat back to listen.
* * *
“It’s about sex…” he began.
“All your projects are,” Jackie giggled. I shushed her. She pouted happily.
“…kinky sex,” he continued. “You’ve heard of dominatrix – submissive relationships?”
“Dommes and subs?” I said. “Sure.”
“Well, some of the clinicians we work with as part of our research programme have reported a marked increase recently in the number of what they call unhealthy relationships – couples who hurt each other, physically, often quite badly. In other cases, the relationship becomes seriously unbalanced; for example, one partner wants more extreme role-playing than the other and this leads to them breaking up. Our psychiatrists have protocols for treating these couples, but they have a distressingly low success rate. Most of the relationships end, even with a suicide in a few cases. The consensus is that clinicians have a basic lack of understanding of how a domme-sub relationship develops in the first place.”
“Isn’t it just that each partner is built that way?” Jackie said. “So when they meet, they recognise each other’s… um, proclivities, and get it together?”
I looked at her in surprise. How did she get to know about things like that?
“Well, that’s the key question: do these matching tendencies have to be inbuilt in each partner, or can they develop over time as part of the everyday pressures of modern life? In other words, is it ‘nature’ or ‘nurture’? These relationships seem to be on the increase, especially the failing ones – though of course the therapists may never get to see the successful ones.”
“So the university has been asked to investigate?” I asked.
“That’s right,” Bill said. “We’ve developed an experimental programme. We look for couples in successful, well-balanced relationships, ask them to do some role-playing, and report back on what they experience.”
“And you want us to take part?” Jackie asked.
“As I said, I think you’d be perfect. I’ve known you both for ages. You’re the happiest, best-matched couple I know. You’re both analytical, articulate individuals. Your insights would be invaluable.”
“Okay, dial it back a little, Mr Used Car Salesman,” I said. “You don’t have to smarm us into doing it. But we need to know the details. I have the feeling there are parts of this I’m not going to like. You used the word, kinky. I’m really not sure about that.”
“Oh I didn’t mean you have to have kinky sex – well that would actually be up to you – but some of what you’d have to do, Dan, would be a little… out there. I probably wouldn’t be suggesting this at all if it hadn’t been for that Halloween party last year…”
“Oh, that,” I said. “I think I see what’s coming here. You do know that was the one and only time in my life I have cross-dressed? I didn’t even play a female part in a school play – and ours was an all boys’ school.”
“But you made a fantastic cheerleader,” Jackie said, “and a really convincing girl. So sexy! I told you, you have great legs.”
“And your features are quite delicate. Not exactly feminine,” Bill hastened to add, afraid he was being offensive, “but not unmistakably masculine either. With the make-up Jackie put on you, and the long wig in pigtails, you easily passed as a girl… er, I mean you could have, if you’d wanted to.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll pretend I’m not offended for the moment. More details, please. Details!”
“Well, the relationship we want to study is where the woman in the relationship is a dominatrix and the man is submissive. The other way around does happen of course, but it doesn’t seem to trouble the medical profession much. I guess it’s more normal, more acceptable in modern society, and if it gets too extreme it’s more a matter for the law courts than psychiatrists. Anyway in the domme-sub relationship, the woman runs the household, and gives the orders, and the man does what he’s told.”
“I suppose we could try that, if you wanted us to,” Jackie said dubiously, “but it doesn’t sound like it would tell you much.”
“No, you’re right. I’m talking about a much more dramatic change of status. This programme would require you both to adopt new roles, and play them 24-7 for a while.”
“What roles?” I asked. “Come on, Bill, tell us the worst.”
He took a deep breath. “Dan, you would become Jackie’s maid, her female, uniformed maid. Jackie, you would be Dan’s mistress and employer.”
There was silence. Jackie and I looked at each other. I was about to protest, vehemently, when she spoke.
“How would it work?” she asked, hoarsely.
“First of all, let me stress that everything would be totally anonymous. I’m the only person in the programme who would know who you really are. We would rent a house for you somewhere where nobody knows either of you. Jackie would carry on at work as normal; she’d just be going home to the rented house while her husband was ‘away’.
“Dan, you would be thoroughly disguised as the live-in maid. You wouldn’t have to go out if you didn’t want to, though you might have to interact with callers like the postman and the grocery delivery driver. You’d be responsible for all cleaning, laundry and cooking in the household, and you’d have to do anything else your mistress asks you to do. Jackie, you’d be in charge. You’d have to make sure that your maid is doing her job properly and take appropriate action if she doesn’t.”
“How long would you want us to do this for?” I asked.
I couldn’t imagine agreeing to this ridiculous idea, but I thought we might as well hear all the details before saying no.
“Let me run you through Stage 1 of the programme. On the first day you’d check in to a facility we’re using for the project. It’s called ‘Transformations’. They have all the necessary equipment and skills. During that first week they’ll teach you everything you need to know to present yourself as a convincing woman: make-up, hair styling, etc, but also movement, speech, mannerisms, gestures, and so on. They’ll have all the clothes you’ll need: underwear, nightwear, maid uniforms, shoes, casual dresses, and so on. More importantly, they’ll also teach you how to be a maid: housekeeping skills, obviously, but also how to behave as a servant.
“You will then join your mistress at her rented house and serve as her housemaid for three weeks. You both have to stay in your roles throughout that period, preferably with no ‘time-outs’, though we won’t be too rigid about that. As your sponsor, I will come by occasionally, probably unannounced, to see how you’re getting on.”
“To check up on us, you mean,” Jackie said.
“If you like,” he agreed. “Anyway we’ll ask you both to record a daily diary of your feelings in your role, and fill in a questionnaire every week. For example, do you find yourselves becoming your roles at all, or are you always aware you’re play-acting? Dan, do you feel that by living as a maid you’re becoming submissive? Jackie, are you getting any pleasure out of ordering your maid around? That is, are you dominating, becoming a dominatrix? And if that domme-sub relationship does develop, what can you tell us about your feelings during the process? This is the really key data we need.”
“I assume the university would pay our expenses?” I said.
“Yes, indeed… though there is a small catch. ‘Transformations’ is expensive, and then there’s the rented accommodation…”
“And her clothes,” Jackie said, indicating me with a laugh. Her?
“Actually they won’t be that expensive – she’ll be a poor working-class woman, remember. She wouldn’t be able to afford anything fancy.”
They both chuckled. I didn’t see what was so funny.
“So as an incentive to stay the course, you’ll have to pay for everything as you go along. All your expenses will be reimbursed eventually – I promise! – provided you finish the four weeks, fill in all the questionnaires, and give us good feedback in your diaries.”
Bill paused again, and Jackie and I chewed it over. The financial incentive was irrelevant to me, of course. I had no idea how much we’d lose if we dropped out early or didn’t provide any data, but I was prepared to bet that I made enough in half a day to pay for everything. I had much more serious concerns.
“I’m not happy about this,” I began. “I don’t like the idea of my wife seeing me dressed as a woman for a month.”
“Are you afraid I’ll lose my respect for you?” Jackie said. “Come on, babe, you know me better than that. I’ll always know you’re my big hunky hubby, however you’re dressed or acting.”
“I guess so,” I said, doubtfully. “But we’ve never been in a situation like this. You don’t know how you’ll feel…”
“Are you afraid I’m going to turn into some sort of tyrant and treat you horribly?”
I smiled. “No, I don’t think that’s in your nature. Are there any other rules, Bill?”
“Such as what?”
“Well, can we still sleep together, for instance?”
“Absolutely. The only rule is that what Mistress says, goes. If she wants her maid in her bed – or doesn’t – that’s her decision.”
“Oh, I’m looking forward to taking my sweet little maid to bed,” Jackie said eagerly.
“Don’t forget, this isn’t about Dan cross-dressing or learning house-keeping skills,” Bill continued. “That’s entirely incidental. The maid-mistress role-play is just a device to put one of you in a submissive position and the other in a dominant role. There are lots of other character combinations we could use. This is just the most common in real domme-sub relationships. Also, we could just as easily do it the other way round with Jackie as the maid, but it’s more informative this way because, in general, it’s more common for husbands to be dominant. The objective is to explore how a well-balanced real-life relationship responds to counter-cultural domme-sub role play. We want to see what changes, if anything. I guess there is some risk to your relationship; that something might get lost between you; but I think it’s much more likely you’ll gain something; a more intimate knowledge of each other, new pleasures, who knows?”
“Sorry, I don’t think so, Bill,” I began. “This isn’t my kind of thing at all. It’s potentially really embarrassing; and – to put it bluntly – I don’t see what’s in it for me for the effort I’d have to put in.”
Bill was clearly disappointed and was trying to marshal a counter-argument, when Jackie came in.
“But we shouldn’t rush a decision like this,” she said. “We might get something out of it, as well as helping you out, Bill. Leave it with us. We’ll get back to you tomorrow.”
“Yes, OK,” he said, hopefully. “I quite understand. It’s a big commitment. You need to talk it over – just the two of you.”
“By the way,” Jackie said, “if this is just Stage 1, what is Stage 2?”
“I’ll tell you that if you finish Stage 1,” Bill said.
He left shortly afterwards.
* * *
“That was a good idea, to tell him we needed to talk privately,” I said when we were alone. “We’ve already shown him we’re not keen; now we can let him down gently.”
“So you really don’t want to do it?” Jackie said, to my surprise.
“Of course, I don’t want to do it! The whole idea is bloody mad!”
“We shouldn’t just dismiss it out of hand,” she said. “It could be fun, and…”
“I’m not parading around in a maid’s uniform for him or anybody else!” I fumed. “And if you think…”
“Please don’t shout at me,” she interrupted in a quiet voice.
“I’m not shouting!”
“You are, actually… and you never used to.”
I was shouting. I shut up and sat down.
“When did I become so short-tempered?” I asked in a small voice.
“It’s been coming on for a while now, and other people have noticed. Suzy mentioned it when I spoke to her on the phone yesterday.”
God! My secretary was complaining about me to my wife! This could be serious…
Jackie was watching me carefully.
“So are you beginning to get it?” she asked, sympathetically.
“I think you may be right,” I sighed. “I may be a little stressed.”
“So what should we do about it? You need a proper rest. No investment planning and no client worries.”
“Well, I should take a sabbatical, I suppose…”
“And what do you want to do? You can’t just sit around at home reading newspapers and financial magazines. That would be even worse. You’ll just get frustrated because you can’t do anything financial whiz-kiddy.”
“Could we go away somewhere? World cruise? Wine tour?”
“You could, but you know I can’t come with you at the moment. I have hardly any leave left and my research is at a crucial stage. I can’t afford to be away for more than a week or so.”
“Well I’m not going anywhere without you,” I said firmly. “Maybe I could write a book?”
“What on? And anyway it would hardly be a rest, would it? You need something mindless, to de-stress.”
“I could build something here at home – a gazebo, a patio, a swimming pool.”
“You? Hah!”
She was right. I wasn’t completely impractical, but neither of us could see me doing carpentry or brick-laying.
“All right,” I sighed. “You obviously think we should consider Bill’s barmy idea, don’t you? I hate the idea of being anybody’s maid, even yours.”
“It’s only role play, to see how the unfamiliar situation makes us feel. We don’t have to take it too seriously.” She could see I wasn’t convinced. “We can always break character – as long as Bill doesn’t find out. I don’t really care about his research project. I just want you to be doing something restful.”
“But I don’t see how it would help with my stress anyway. Why would cooking and cleaning be restful?”
“Well it wouldn’t be physically, obviously,” she agreed, “but the switch from hard mental work with little exercise to hard physical work and virtually no mental stress might be exactly what you need.”
“It will be really embarrassing…”
“Why? No one will see you as a maid except for me and Bill, and we promise not to laugh, well, not very often anyway.” She grinned.
“What about the people at Transformations?”
“But they won’t know who you are, and you’ll never see any of them again once it’s all over.”
She could tell I was hesitating and rushed to seize her advantage.
“I really think this would be good for you, Dan,” she said, “not the cross-dressing – frankly, that’s neither here nor there – but a month or so off with no stress, no giving orders, no responsibility. And you might even find household chores therapeutic!” She laughed. “It would certainly help my stress levels if I no longer have to do my share of the housework on top of ten-hour days at work. Come to think of it, I don’t know why we don’t have a maid already. It’s not like we can’t afford it.”
I could see that my wife was intrigued by the whole daft project. If she really wanted to do this I knew I’d end up giving in anyway. I might as well save us all some time. I sighed.
“Well, I could never refuse you anything,” I said. Then a thought occurred. “But doesn’t that mean I’m a pussy-whipped submissive already? Doesn’t that rule us out of the programme before we start?”
“You? Pussy-whipped? As if!” Jackie snorted. “I can never get you to do anything you really don’t want to do.”
“Oh, okay, I’ll go along with it,” I said. “I guess it might be fun.” Jackie whooped. “I’ll let them know at the office that I’ll begin my sabbatical in July. Does that work for you?”
She nodded happily.
May - June
I arranged for my sabbatical to begin at the end of June, returning on the first Monday in October. This would work well as the summer months were always fairly quiet in my business. I notified my clients that I would be away and that my assistant would be available if they needed anything. She would e-mail me all the important investment news and research, and I told her she could text me if she needed to, but only in an emergency. I couldn’t even guarantee I would see e-mails. (Jackie would have her laptop of course, but a maid couldn’t ask to use her mistress’s computer!)
Jackie took all my measurements so that Transformations could start putting my wardrobe together. At Bill’s suggestion I stopped getting haircuts so that they could do my hair in a feminine fashion and I could avoid having to wear a wig.
Otherwise I wasn’t required to do much else to prepare for the Project over the next few weeks, except that Jackie insisted I improve my cooking. She was an excellent cook and loved to prepare most of our meals at home. Knowing my culinary skills all too well, she wasn’t confident that the Transformations maid training would be enough, and she didn’t want to have to eat beans on toast for three weeks. Under her instruction, by the start of the sabbatical I was able to prepare a dozen of her favourite meals.
Week 1 - Sunday
So on the Sunday before my training week was to begin I cooked lunch for Jackie, Bill and myself. He gave us our final briefing as we ate.
“I’ll drop you off at Transformations later this afternoon. Remember that from the moment you walk in through the door you’ll be Nancy.”
“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” Jackie grinned. “Bill asked me a couple of weeks ago what I wanted my maid to be called and I chose Nancy.”
“But I don’t like the name Nancy! Don’t I get a say in this?”
“Of course not. No one ever gets to choose their own name, do they?” Jackie said. “And we can hardly ask your Mum and Dad, can we?”
“They always said they would have called me Miriam, if I’d been a girl,” I mused. “I suppose even Nancy’s better than that. But I’d like to be... How about, Alexandra?”
“That’s hardly an appropriate name for a maid!” Jackie said. “It’s much too posh.”
Bill agreed and added, “Anyway the documentation has already been completed in the name, Nancy Potts, so I’m afraid you’re stuck with it.”
“Nancy Potts? God, I’ll sound like a character from Coronation Street or EastEnders!”
“If I might continue?” he said, impatiently. “We’re due at Transformations at four o’clock. Your consultants will begin your makeover today and continue tomorrow. You will then have four days of training. I will pick you up on Saturday afternoon and take you over to your mistress’s new home. You’ll then have to get it ready for her. Apparently it hasn’t been occupied for months, so it will need a good clean. Mistress will arrive on Sunday evening and you will serve her a three-course meal. If you give me a shopping list, I’ll make sure the house is well stocked.”
“That will be nice,” Jackie said. “Nancy’s getting to be a very good cook.”
Bill smiled. “You don’t need to pack any clothes, and please leave your phone and wallet at home here. You won’t need a coat either. Everything Nancy needs will be provided.”
He paused. “Look, I won’t be able to say this once you’re both ‘in role’, so to speak, but thanks for doing this. They confirmed the next year’s funding. You’ve saved my bacon.”
So that’s all right then.
* * *
Transformations was a big converted Manor House on the outskirts of the town, about a half-hour drive from where we lived. We were welcomed by a very attractive young receptionist. I wondered whether she was actually a she, but there was no sign of maleness in either her slim body or her voice.
“Nice to see you again, Professor,” she said to Bill, “and this must be Nancy? Hello, I’m Angela.”
Bill confirmed my identity. It felt really odd being introduced with a woman’s name. He signed me in, leaving me with no need to say or do anything. I realised that standing around, watching my ‘betters’ making decisions for me and waiting for instructions, was going to be my life for the next month. Part of me wanted to protest at being treated like a non-person, but another part was thinking it might actually be quite restful, as Jackie had said. I wouldn’t need to make any plans or decisions. I wouldn’t need to tell anyone what to do, or how to do it – which I felt I’d been doing all my life. The downside would be that people would be telling me what to do, but I could live with that as it would only be Jackie.
“Now, Nancy,” Angela said, “go into the Ladies’ room over there, take all your clothes off – I mean, everything – and put these on.”
She handed me a shopping bag from a large department store. I could see something pink inside.
“Put your own clothes in the bag and bring it back to me,” she added.
It seemed I was wrong. I was going to be ordered around by everyone in my new life, even junior support staff. I wasn’t used to that. As a Partner in an Investment Bank, I was usually the one doing the ordering around. This was going to be hard to take.
Bill could see from my face what I was thinking. He led me away from the receptionist.
“Look, Dan, I appreciate how hard this is going to be for you,” he said, quietly. “But your reactions to this kind of treatment are key. They’re what we really need to understand. Please just go along with it. You can vent your spleen in your daily diary. Write down exactly what you feel. It’ll be invaluable data.”
I nodded and made my way to the Ladies’ and began to strip. The bag contained a pair of pink knickers, a cheap pink dressing gown of the kind favoured by middle-aged women, and a pair of pink slippers. I put them all on and looked at myself in the mirror. With my shaggy man’s haircut, five o’clock shadow, and hairy chest and legs, I looked like an idiot. I sighed, stuffed my men’s clothes in the bag, and returned to Reception.
Bill got up to greet me and reached for the shopping bag. He was clearly struggling to stop himself laughing out loud at the sight of me.
“I’ll see these get back to your house,” he said.
“Don’t forget his watch, Professor,” said Angela.
I took off my expensive men’s watch and handed it to Bill. He dropped it in the bag.
“Okay, I’ll say goodbye now, Nancy. See you on Saturday.”
Sadly, I watched him go, leaving me to an uncertain fate. I had no cash, no credit cards, no phone, and no ID as my male self. I wondered how he and Jackie would feel if I said I’d changed my mind.
* * *
Angela took me in to meet my ‘consultant’. She was a big-boned woman called Mrs McLaughlin. I was much less certain of her gender than Angela’s, but all her mannerisms and gestures were completely feminine. If she was a beneficiary of Transformations’ services herself, they must be very good.
“I usually ask my clients to call me Ingrid,” she said, in a rich contralto which didn’t rule out her being either sex, “but you are to be a housemaid, I understand, so we’d better stick to ‘Mrs McLaughlin’. It wouldn’t do to let someone in your position get too familiar.”
She walked around me, prodding and poking, and peering very closely at my face.
“Professor Hawkins already gave me all your measurements, of course, but I find it’s easier to decide on the best transformation – the best physical type – when I can examine the subject closely in person,” she explained.
She reached out and traced the contours of my features with her big hands, muttering ‘yes, yes’ and ‘hmm’ as she prodded. Finally she gave her assessment.
“You have a good oval face – not too strongly masculine. You have average, unlined features. You don’t have a large nose or a pronounced supraorbital ridge. Yes, I’m satisfied we can make you a completely convincing woman, but I’m afraid you’ll have to give up all hope of being young and pretty…”
“I never held out any hope of that!” I said.
“Oh yes, I was forgetting you’re not the usual type of client we get here…”
I detected that remark might have been slightly tongue-in-cheek, but I couldn’t be bothered trying to persuade her that I was only doing this for ‘scientific research’. Just let it go, I told myself. That was hardly the worst thing I was going to have to put up with over the next four weeks.
“Anyway,” she continued, “you don’t have an over-masculine face or features, but with hair and make-up appropriate for a housemaid, you’ll still look middle-aged. How old are you anyway?”
“Well, you might get away with early forties, I suppose; thirty-nine, maybe. Being older will help with your voice too. It’s not too deep, so as long as you speak softly it will easily pass for that of a middle-aged woman, but really not for a young girl. The other problem is your figure, of course.”
“I thought I was slim enough to have quite a decent figure as a woman?” I said.
“So you are, but it’s all about proportions. Typically, a man has broader shoulders and a thicker waist than a woman of the same height, even if he has no excess fat at all round his tummy and buttocks. So we’ll have to pad you out around the hips, thighs and bottom to compensate for the breadth of your shoulders.
“You’ll need something to pinch in your waist too, to give you a feminine ‘hourglass’ shape. If we don’t do all that, your overall figure will look unbalanced and strange for a woman and would attract unwanted attention. Then if anyone were to look at you carefully for too long, they’d soon work out you were a man in drag. Sadly the padding you’ll need will make you a little plump, and we’ll have to choose breast forms to match, of course. I think you can expect to be a generous size 16, maybe 18.”
I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but I knew Jackie was a size 8. So not just a maid then, but a middle-aged, fat maid. Terrific! But why would I care? Apart from the people here at Transformations, the only people who will see me will be Jackie and Bill. No doubt they’ll have a good laugh at me, but I’ll get over it. Probably.
* * *
The rest of Sunday was a nightmare. I was led, still wearing my panties, slippers and dressing gown, to a salon where a big, bluff no-nonsense woman called Vera gave me an all-over waxing, including my face and neck. Although she kindly started me off with a quadruple Jack Daniels to render me inert, it was still the worst pain I can remember. She wiped away several spots of blood. The soothing lotion she rubbed in afterwards helped a little.
After the waxing Mrs McLaughlin came to collect me and took me into a dark room with a lot of high-tech equipment. She then went next door to the control room. I had to stand stock still on a daïs – naked – while several cameras on gantries flashed and took photographs from all sides. When they had finished she signalled me to put my clothes back on and join her at the computer terminal in the next room. I saw what looked like a 3D image of my body with red and green sections highlighted. She was twiddling with various knobs.
“This enables us to see how much padding you will need to approximate a convincing feminine figure. It also programmes the 3D printer to make the prosthetics.”
A huge machine on the other side of the room started whirring. A strange plasticky smell filled the air. After a couple of minutes Mrs McLaughlin went over to the machine and collected a number of strangely-shaped, flesh-coloured objects from its output tray.
“I’ll start with your breasts, I think,” she said, approaching me with two huge fleshy mounds. “That will get you started feeling like a woman.”
She had me lie down on my back on a massage bed.
“Now hold very still. I’m using medical adhesive and it’s best if it only goes where it’s supposed to.”
She painted my chest and the back of the first form. Then she pressed it onto me. It was still warm from the 3D printer. She leant down hard with all her weight for a count of sixty. I thought she was going to crack my ribs. Then she repeated the exercise with the other form.
“Right, you need to stay still for another five minutes to let the adhesive set. Then you can put on your first bra.”
Oh joy.
“I assume it is your first?” she said, still sceptical.
“It certainly is!”
“If you say so, Nancy.”
When she eventually allowed me to move, I tried to sit up and was astonished at the weight on my chest. Mrs McLaughlin laughed and hastened to wrap a huge bra around me.
“Here you are. You’ll need this to support their weight, and it will prevent the forms from tearing your chest. Be careful; your skin will rip before the adhesive will break.”
It was a plain white bra, not especially frilly or sexy, presumably the kind a middle-aged, working-class woman would wear. I put my arms through the shoulder straps. She fastened the clasp behind me and I immediately felt more comfortable as the bra transferred the weight of my new breasts from the skin of my chest to my shoulders.
“Now for your abdominal prosthesis. That means the padding for your hips, thighs and buttocks.”
“I know what ‘abdominal’ means,” I snapped. “I was at Cambridge; I know lots of long words.”
“You might have been, dear, but Nancy certainly wasn’t. You’re going to have to start hiding your elite education, you know, and I’m afraid you’ll have to get used to people talking down to you. Now step into this.”
The ‘abdominal prosthesis’ was like a pair of plastic running shorts, but flesh-coloured, and heavily padded, round the tummy, hips and bottom. The mock blubber in the thighs and buttocks was contoured to resemble a middle-aged woman’s flab, complete with cellulite. When I reached to pull it up, I found it was really heavy, like the breasts. The fleshy parts wobbled realistically. Mrs McLaughlin noticed me struggling.
“The prostheses are designed to weigh the same as real flesh,” she said. “That way the wearer is forced to move as he’d have to if they were actually part of him. I’m afraid Nancy won’t be running and jumping about much. Now the next part is tricky. Let me help you adjust yourself. You might find this a little uncomfortable at first, but you’ll soon get used to it.”
And without the slightest sign of embarrassment – on her part, at least – she reached inside the tight-fitting padded panties and manoeuvred my wedding tackle into a special compartment that went down between my legs. It certainly was uncomfortable. She manoeuvred my testicles back up into the cavities from which they had descended twenty years ago. Then she pushed my penis into what felt like a rigid tube, which was then anchored down between my legs.
“You appreciate you’ll have to sit down to use the toilet now, like any woman,” she said. “But you should find the apertures in the prosthesis are correctly aligned with yours, so ‘doing your business’ should all feel quite natural. Your member now connects directly to your vagina, but be careful. You no longer have the same ‘directional control’ a man has. You’re likely to spray a little until you get used to it. Make sure you wipe thoroughly afterwards.”
Ye Gods, is there no end to the embarrassment of this stupid role-playing?
“We usually recommend gluing this on with a special paste that prevents perspiration, but I understand that Professor Hawkins and your Mistress don’t want that for the moment. So you will get a little sweaty, and you’ll have to take it off every few days and clean yourself up. Otherwise you could develop a nasty rash.”
I would be perfectly happy to divest myself of this hideous thing as often as possible. She stood back to admire her handiwork.
“That looks pretty good. But now you look like a naked woman down there. You’d better put some knickers on. These should fit you perfectly.”
She handed me a pair of panties that matched my bra. I put them on and when I looked in the mirror now, I didn’t look quite so stupid. I had all the appropriate female attributes and none of the male ones. Beneath my little feminine pot belly I was totally flat. My hairless body was clothed in well-fitting lingerie, though ‘lingerie’ was a poor choice of word. My bra and knickers were plain and utilitarian, about as unsexy as female underwear could be.
I put my dressing gown and slippers back on. Mrs McLaughlin looked up at the clock on the clinic wall. It showed nine p.m. By force of habit I looked down to check it against my own watch – accurate to a second a year – but of course it was no longer on my wrist.
“I think that’s enough for today,” she said. “I’ll show you to your room. You can call down to the kitchen for some supper if you like, but they won’t let you order anything too heavy. You have to learn to eat like a woman now, Nancy. Tomorrow: hair, make-up and clothes.”
And all this while being called ‘Nancy’ and treated like a servant, a second-class citizen. But there was one ironic compensation: I hated it! So I couldn’t be a latent submissive, could I? Let alone an incipient cross-dresser.
* * *
I was shown to a bedroom which was pleasant enough. It was a bed-sit, much like student accommodation or a room at the Premier Inn or Travelodge, except that it had a distinctly feminine feel to it: soft pastel colours; frilly duvet; a small en suite with a wide range of herbal bath salts; and a toilet seat that wouldn’t go up. Presumably the management wanted me to sit down to do my business, rather than point and shoot at a much-reduced target, not that I had any choice while wearing this prosthesis.
The wardrobe contained some cheap and probably second-hand dresses, a couple of plain skirts and tops, a dark blue cardigan, and some smart and clearly new maid’s uniforms: two grey, one pink and one black. All of them had long or three-quarter length sleeves, which would mean the thickness of my arms and my masculine muscles would always be concealed.
On the floor of the wardrobe were two pairs of plain black patent leather shoes in what I guessed would be my size, one lace-up and one ‘Mary Jane’-style with a strap. Both had one-inch heels. There was also a pair of white ladies’ sneakers.
The chest of drawers contained plain bras and knickers (mostly white and much like the ones I was wearing); underslips; several pairs of pantyhose, tights, etc, in black and nude; two strange-looking belt-like garments, one black and one cream; and a couple of half-aprons, presumably for use with the maid’s uniforms.
I wasn’t tempted to explore further, let alone to experiment. That could wait until I was actually instructed to wear any of the stuff. As far as I could see there were no pants, not even women’s slacks. Obviously I was supposed to stick to dresses and skirts for the duration.
I took off the stupid pink dressing gown and hung it up on a hook on the back of the door. I considered taking off my bra and knickers too, but eventually decided to leave them on. I was more comfortable with the bra taking the unaccustomed load off my chest and shoulders, and the panties held in all my new unwanted flab tightly. I would change them in the morning after a shower. A cotton nightdress, pink as usual, and floral, had been laid across the bed. No point in fighting it. I put it on over my lingerie and slumped down in the chair beside the bed.
A plain ladies’ watch was on the nightstand. I put it on. I’d felt naked without a watch. Then I saw a large format, spiral-bound diary, which, as promised, Bill had left for me to record my feelings in each night. I decided to start right away.
Nancy’s Diary – Week 1, Sunday
Well the first day was utterly horrible. They made me feel a total idiot, dressing me in female underclothes and calling me ‘Nancy’ while I still looked completely like a man. And I didn’t take to that McLaughlin woman at all. (I assume she doesn’t get to see anything I write, Bill?) She clearly doesn’t believe that my ‘transformation’ is all in the name of science. She must think that I’m either a genuine transsexual, in denial, or a deluded fantasist. Well fuck her! I have nothing to prove to her, and as long as she does a good job, I don’t care. I’ll never see her or anyone else here again after this.
I have to say, with regard to the domme-sub thing, I’m not feeling it yet. I don’t feel submissive at all – even though everyone here is treating me like I’m stupid and uneducated – I just feel angry. Presumably because for most of my adult life I’ve been treated with respect, and now everyone is looking down at me. But of course, they don’t know me, and arguably they’re only doing this to help me get into character, so perhaps I should give them a break. I guess I shouldn’t have told the McLaughlin woman I was at Cambridge.
Maybe the worst of this is that today was just the first day of being separated from Jackie and sleeping alone in a strange bed. It’s like the first day of boarding school and I miss my wife, lover, best friend. Perhaps I’m just lonely, or homesick, or something. Stressed, maybe? As Jackie said?
If I had to summarise my feelings, it would be anger and resentment. At this point I can’t imagine putting up with this for one week, let alone four.
Is this the sort of thing you wanted in my diary, Bill?
Week 1 - Monday
A uniformed waitress (Male? Female? No idea!) woke me at seven o’clock with a glass of orange juice and a tasteless muesli-like cereal.
When I started moving and attempted to get out of bed, I nearly fell over from the unfamiliar weight distribution of my huge breasts and grossly-enhanced butt, hips and thighs. (I don’t think I’ll mention that in my diary. Too embarrassing.)
I hadn’t attempted to remove the ‘abdominal prosthesis’ the previous night, partly because it seemed sensible to try and get used to it, and partly because it was too much like hard work. I resolved to take it off that night though, and get properly cleaned up.
After eating my breakfast I took a shower. I threw off my nightie, panties and bra, but didn’t attempt to remove any prosthetics. Maybe I’d be lucky and they’d fall apart or melt in the hot water. A shower cap had been provided and I decided to use it – for the first time ever – as my long hair took a while to dry. Being wider now than I had been, I managed to hit my hip against the shower door, both getting in and getting out again. Fortunately I only banged my ‘padding’ and didn’t hurt myself, but it was a sharp reminder of my new shape and unfamiliar plumpness. Naturally the prosthetics seemed to be completely waterproof.
I was told to report to Mrs McLaughlin’s office downstairs by eight o’clock wearing one of my ordinary dresses, rather than a maid’s uniform, and not to forget my ‘waist-cincher’ – whatever that was. For the day, I decided on the only black underwear available, with control-top tights, and the Mary Janes.
For my dress I chose a rather shapeless floral number. Unfortunately it was too tight around the waist and I couldn’t get it to fasten. Neither of the other dresses was any better.
Then I remembered the ‘waist-cincher’ instruction, presumably referring to the two belt-like garments in my lingerie drawer. I took out the cream-coloured one and wrapped it around myself. I pulled the laces as tight as I dared and tied them off.
When I put the dress back on, the fiendish apparatus showed all too clearly through the thin material of my dress. So I took the dress off again and put on an underslip. The cincher’s lumps were now smoothed over. I put the dress on again and with some difficulty zipped myself up. Success!
* * *
Mrs McLaughlin greeted me briskly. “Morning, Nancy. I trust you slept well?” She gave me no time to answer but quickly continued, “That dress looks very nice on you, dear. Come along now. Lots to do today!”
She rushed off along the corridor from her office in the opposite direction from where we had been the previous day. I followed, slightly more slowly. The one-inch heels weren’t too challenging, but I had never worn heels of any kind before. Also I was finding the jiggling of my boobs and the sideways motion of my buttocks disconcerting. When I tried to match Mrs McLaughlin’s pace, I found my enhanced rear swaying disturbingly from side to side.
The room she led me into turned out to be a hairdressing salon with all the usual fittings: swivel chairs in front of mirrors; batteries of dyes and setting solutions; racks of curlers of various sizes; scissors and clippers; and tall, free-standing hair dryers.
Mrs McLaughlin introduced me to a cheery, middle-aged lady called Sharon, who I was told would be looking after my hair and make-up.
“Just a little off the top, please,” I said, in a pathetic attempt at humour.
Sharon smiled. “Sorry, love, you’re in for the full treatment today. Trim, tint and perm.”
“What? Why?”
Mrs McLaughlin stepped in. “As I explained yesterday, we think your best chance of being convincing will be to make you a slightly overweight, lower-class woman in her early forties. At that age, you would expect to have noticeably greying hair, and most women would use a little tint. Now, Nancy can’t afford an expensive hairdo, or the frequent maintenance that would entail…”
“…So we’re giving you a cheap, semi-permanent tint,” finished Sharon. “It will be a bit obvious, I’m afraid, but that fits in with your character too. Tints of this kind can last up to twenty washes on average, slowly fading away every time you shampoo your hair.”
“But why a perm?” I asked.
“Again, it fits the character,” said Mrs McLaughlin, getting up to leave.
“And it will frame your face better and make you look more feminine,” added Sharon. “Don’t let it get wet for at least the next forty-eight hours, and always wear a headscarf or a hat when you’re outdoors, if it looks like it might rain.”
I still didn’t see why it was so important that I be ‘completely convincing’, as Mrs McLaughlin had put it yesterday, when the only people I would be seeing would be Bill and Jackie, but at this point Sharon pushed my head down over the basin, giving me no further chance to protest. It was no surprise to learn that I was going to be blonde.
* * *
While I was sitting there with curlers in, Sharon painted my nails a bright red. Then she began my make-up.
“I’m going to do the bare minimum,” she said, “to keep it simple for you, and anyway a cleaning lady wouldn’t bother with much make-up when she’s working. I’ll explain everything I do as I go along, and then I’ll clean it all off and you can do it again yourself.
That whole exercise took well over an hour. I might be a natural at mastering complex financial instruments, but when it came to make-up, it turns out I’m a slow learner. But the process was quite enjoyable. She also showed me how to do bolder make-up for going out in the evening. Privately I was determined that would never happen.
When she was eventually satisfied that I had mastered ‘Cleaning Lady Make-up 101’, Sharon took out my curlers and brushed my hair.
“You realise you’ll need to put curlers in every night?” she said. “I hope you were watching how I did it.”
My heart sank. “I’m sure I’ll manage,” I said.
“I’ll give you a sleep bonnet to wear over them. Otherwise a curler could catch on your bedclothes and rip your hair out.”
Then she called Mrs McLaughlin. When she returned the two women studied me carefully.
“I think we’ll have to give you glasses,” Mrs McLaughlin said. Sharon concurred.
“But I have 20-20 vision.”
“I mean, as part of your disguise. Despite everything you still look too young.”
“And pretty,” added Sharon, with a smile.
“Put these on,” said Mrs McLaughlin, reaching for a pair of ladies’ glasses from a box on a nearby shelf. “Don’t worry – they’re plain glass. They’ll make you look older and conceal your features better. People look different wearing glasses; they’re like a mask. So it’s even less likely you’ll be recognised if you do bump into someone you know.”
I put the glasses on. They both nodded.
“Right,” she continued. “Time to get you over to the training centre. You look like a woman now, but we still have to teach you to move like a woman.”
* * *
We made our way out of a side entrance to an adjacent building and into a large open room. It had a polished wood-tiled floor and a high ceiling. It reminded me of my old school’s gymnasium, minus the wall bars and exercise equipment. There were white lines painted on the floor too, but they weren’t for badminton or basketball. They included footprints and I guessed they were the steps for various ballroom dances. A long trestle table stood against the wall at one end, with various strange-looking items of equipment scattered along its surface.
A tall thin woman approached us. She looked even more like a schoolmistress than Mrs McLaughlin.
“You must be Nancy,” she said.
Her manner was a little brusque, and she made no attempt to shake hands.
“This is Miss Parr, Nancy,” said Mrs McLaughlin. “I’ll leave you in her capable hands.”
“Thank you, Ingrid,” Miss Parr said. “I understand I have the rest of the day to teach her to move like a lady?”
“Not a lady, actually, Alice. Just a female. Nancy is going to be a housemaid.”
“Ah, one of those. Well, that will be a little easier.”
I was getting used to Transformations staff making assumptions regarding my motives for this silly exercise. That didn’t stop my anger rising again, but nothing would be gained by giving vent to my feelings, so I kept quiet. Neither woman showed any sign of noticing my sullen demeanour. Or, more likely, they didn’t care – I wasn’t actually the paying client, that was Bill.
“I’ll check back with you later in the day,” said Mrs McLaughlin, and left me with my new instructor.
“Now then, Nancy,” Miss Parr began, indicating that I should sit down on one of the hard-back chairs in front of the table. “We’re going to begin with your walk. I’m sure you know that men and women walk differently. There are several reasons for this, some physiological, some psychological. Firstly, the angle the femur makes with the pelvis is significant. The average woman’s pelvis, being much wider for her height than the average man’s, makes a greater angle to the femur. As a result, a woman’s gait is noticeably different from a man’s.
“Secondly: weight distribution. Women have a lower centre of gravity as well as wider hips. This causes their feet to point naturally towards one another, and thus a slight horizontal swaying motion. A man’s centre of mass is higher, and his tapering hips and protruding genitalia cause the male feet naturally to point outwards from the body, restricting horizontal movement.”
This was actually quite interesting, though I wasn’t sure how it was going to help me.
“Thirdly: body shape. A woman with substantial breasts – like you,” she chuckled, “– has to adjust her posture to keep her centre of gravity above her hips.”
It was true; I had realised I was now leaning back slightly to compensate for the additional weight on my chest – though not as far as I would have had to if it weren’t for the compensating weight of my pudgy thighs and buttocks.
“Typically,” Miss Parr continued, “a woman arches her back, puts her weight on the front of her feet, pulls her shoulders back, and so on. Also, women have more body fat and less muscle; they have slimmer limbs, narrower shoulders and waists, and on average they are shorter than men and so take shorter strides. A woman’s hips naturally move from side to side more, because her hips are wider apart than those of a male of the same height. All these factors result in a different walk.”
She saw I was about to interrupt, and said quickly, “I see you’re wondering how this can help you make a more convincing female impersonation. My point is, it’s not actually difficult to change your gait once you’re aware of all these physical differences. But it takes practice and self-discipline, which we’re going to work on today.”
I finally got a word in. “You also mentioned psychological reasons for the difference between how men and women move?”
She smiled. “Yes, part of it is that both men and women sometimes walk in a way designed to attract the opposite sex; men swagger, women sashay - hips swinging, chest out. This may be conscious or unconscious. But I don’t think that’s something you need to be thinking about, is it?”
I glowered. “Definitely not. I’m not interested in attracting anyone – male or female.”
“Right, now let’s do some walking practice. You can start with the shoes you have on. One-inch heels, aren’t they? You’ve probably already noticed that you have to walk differently in heels, but the adjustments you have to make will all help you walk like a woman. Up to a point, the higher the heel, the more you have to consciously adjust your gait. We’ll be trying some higher heels later on.”
She led me over to the middle of the hall and positioned me on a white square on the floor. A straight white line led off the square towards another one at the other end of the hall.
“Now I want you to walk along the line to the far end. Don’t try too hard to be feminine. First, let’s just see how your new padding and prostheses affect your gait. Remember: shoulders back, chest out.”
I set off. She darted around me, sometimes behind, sometimes to my side. I realised she was filming me on a small hand-held video camera. To keep my balance, I was walking more slowly than I was used to. I found I was holding my hands still, not swinging them as I would have before. I wasn’t sure how my butt was moving, but I definitely felt the skirt of my dress swishing from side to side. When I reached the end of the hall, I stopped and turned around for her comments.
“Good. Now back again to where you started, but this time focus on pointing your toes. Try to place each foot on the white line. Allow a little more swivel to your hips.”
I set off again, trying to do as she said. I was watching the white line intently and placing each foot on it. This was quite difficult as my bust was big enough that I couldn’t actually see my feet, only the places where I intended to put them when I – and they – got there. It felt strange, like I was almost crossing my legs over one another, but I could definitely feel my rear swinging now. It almost felt like a parody of a woman’s walk, like I was a drag queen, mincing along for laughs. I stopped again back by the table.
“That was better, but you need to shorten your stride; there’s no rush. You probably felt like you were overdoing the ‘girliness’, didn’t you?”
I nodded glumly.
“Well, you were, but not by much. For the moment, you need to keep doing it like that. Once the new movements become ingrained in your muscle memory, you’ll be able to dial it back naturally. You do seem to be getting comfortable in your heels, which is very good. It’s important that you get the walk right and that it becomes instinctive. As a maid you’ll be wearing flats much of the time. If walking like a woman hasn’t become instinctive, you might regress to a male gait when you’re in flats.”
She gave me a handbag.
“OK, again, but this time I want you to carry this in the crook of your arm. Tuck your elbows in toward your waist, hold your forearms parallel to the floor, and let your hands fall loosely from the wrist. Cut the arm-swinging out completely.”
After a couple more lengths she replaced the handbag with a tea tray laden with crockery. Now I couldn’t swing my arms at all and had to swing my hips a lot to keep the tray level.
And so the day continued. I was surprised how tiring all this walking was, but I suppose I now had to carry a lot more weight than I was used to. We took a break for coffee at about eleven, after which I had to repeat all the exercises wearing a headscarf and an outdoor coat.
By lunchtime I was starting to get it. With this moderate success my sullen resentment of my situation had started to evaporate. Miss Parr was a good teacher. She was encouraging and praised me for each little advance. The whole process reminded me a little of when Jackie and I had tried ballroom dancing lessons, and of when I struggled to learn how to hit a topspin forehand with the tennis club coach. My real successes in life had always been intellectual and that was what I was good at. Learning new physical movements was much more of a challenge for me and I was proud of myself for the progress I was making.
To my relief at around one o’clock Miss Parr called a halt. I collapsed gratefully into a chair, pulled my shoes off, and massaged my aching feet and calves through my stockings.
A buffet lunch was brought in for us. Miss Parr uploaded her videos to a laptop and we studied my efforts while we ate. My first few walks down the hall were deeply embarrassing. Despite trying to follow her instructions I looked like a soldier square-bashing in drag. Miss Parr was ruthless as she pointed out what I was doing wrong.
But as we watched I could see steady improvement, and to my astonishment, by the time we reached the video of my last walk before we stopped for lunch, I realised we were watching a woman. There was no trace of maleness in the figure in the picture, in either appearance or movement. This was fascinating!
After lunch Miss Parr announced we were going to work on other aspects of feminine behaviour.
“I only have time to teach you enough gestures, mannerisms, and speech patterns to stop you from looking odd and attracting attention. Your feminine behaviour and movement will improve as time goes on. It’ll help for you to be in your role as Nancy twenty-four-seven and interacting with other people as a woman.”
I refrained from pointing out that that wasn’t going to happen. I was going to stay in our house for the entire three weeks, and the only person I was going to interact with regularly would be Jackie.
So we started working on how to sit down and stand up like a woman, the main lesson being to keep my legs together and my back straight. All men have a tendency to slouch when they sit, I learnt, probably because of the male genitalia. With my junk tightly tucked away in my prosthesis, sitting like a woman wasn’t too difficult, but it required constant concentration, and I quickly lost count of how often Miss Parr pulled me up for letting my legs drift apart.
When she was satisfied I had got the gist of these instructions she asked, “Do you want to learn to curtsey?”
“No, I don’t!” I said, appalled. Then I thought it over for a moment. “But I suppose I better had.”
The whole objective of this weird project was to find out whether playing a subservient role would make an otherwise assertive person submissive. Therefore I needed to adopt subservient behaviours to see how they made me feel. And curtseying was about as subservient as it gets – for a woman.
So she showed me how to curtsey and I had to spend twenty minutes practising. It wasn’t difficult, but it was quite a strain on my back as well as my already tender leg muscles and feet. I also had to remember to lower my head. Looking your mistress in the eye while curtseying was considered insolent, apparently. I looked forward to showing off my best curtsey to Jackie. She’d laugh her head off. I was just afraid she’d be laughing at me, rather than with me.
Miss Parr also drilled me in feminine patterns of speech. She fired lots of phrases at me, describing the day to day experiences of a woman’s life, and I had to repeat what she said exactly how she said it. I began to see how women express a thought quite differently from men. She told me women use a ‘rising inflection’ much more, almost as though they’re not confident in what they’re saying, or maybe it was that they tended to be consultative when expressing an opinion, rather than authoritative. She also had me change the tone of my voice to inject more emotion, and illustrate my words with lots of hand movements.
I shuddered to think what some of our feminist friends would make of Miss Parr’s instructions, but I supposed she was generally right. In any case, her views were fine for a humble maid like I was to be, if not for a woman CEO or a cabinet minister, or a senior manager at Atkinson Stern.
After a brief tea break, we went back to walking. Now she made me repeat all the morning’s exercises in progressively higher heels. The pain in my feet, ankles and calves returned with a vengeance, but I managed. My feminine walk seemed well on the way to being ingrained, as she had said it would be.
By five o’clock when we stopped again for tea and more videos, walking had become torture. But I was now managing four-inch heels and my movements were entirely feminine. I was a little worried that I would struggle ever to walk like a man again. I wondered if Miss Parr offered exercises to undo what she had done.
Mrs McLaughlin turned up at about 5.30 and I was required to demonstrate what I had learned to her.
“Very good. Thank you, Alice,” she said. “You may return to your room now, Nancy. I will expect you for dinner in the dining room at 7.30, where I trust you will demonstrate everything you have learned today. Change into your best dress and your highest heels and put on evening make-up.”
And just like that, Mrs McLaughlin’s superior attitude ruined my good humour. She made me feel like I was in prison, or perhaps a girls’ boarding school. I’m not a woman, I insisted to myself, and certainly not a maid! I felt my anger and frustration returning.
Miss Parr told me to keep the high heels I had been using during the afternoon and wear the four-inchers to dinner. I put my one-inch heels back on and limped back to my room.
Nancy’s Diary – Week 1, Monday
OK, Bill, the second day had its ups and downs. You want to know my feelings? Well, here goes. When I woke up and saw myself in the mirror in my nightie, with my tubby feminine figure, I had to admit I was starting to look the part, but I didn’t feel female in any way, let alone feminine or submissive. Getting a woman’s hairdo and makeup this morning helped a little.
A day of intensive movement training followed. It was hard, painful work, and I know my legs and feet are going to be sore tomorrow. It was also an emotional roller-coaster. I started off in a bad mood, which got worse when I realised how difficult it was going to be.
But as I began to master my lessons, and got some positive feedback from my instructor, I began to cheer up. Maybe I bonded with her and wanted to please her? She was a lot more ‘user-friendly’ than that ghastly McLaughlin woman, after all.
But I don’t think it was that. It was more that I saw this as a challenge and was determined not to let it beat me. It was my competitiveness, not incipient submissiveness. Sorry!
Anyway, when I went down to dinner this evening, in my best dress (still fairly shabby by Jackie’s standards), pantyhose, high heels, and evening make-up, I felt quite different from how I woke up this morning. I was now consciously trying to move and act like a woman, and it seemed to be working.
I am still definitely me on the inside, but like an actor at the first dress rehearsal, I am starting to ‘inhabit the role’. I think I can be Nancy convincingly. It might even be fun, fooling people – not that I’m expecting to meet anyone apart from you and Jackie.
The heels restrict my movement and force me to adopt a feminine posture. My breast forms are so big and heavy that when I arch my back and thrust my chest out to help with my balance, my boobs are way out in front of me. If I were out and about, I’m sure they would attract the wrong kind of attention. I didn’t think I looked too bad, for an obviously overweight middle-aged, working-class woman, that is.
Dinner with Mrs McLaughlin got me angry again. I couldn’t eat much because of my girdle thing. Of course, without it I wouldn’t have been able to fasten my dress, but that wasn’t what annoyed me. Playing Nancy wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for Mrs McLaughlin’s continual criticism.
I was tired after the day’s exertions, and probably losing my concentration, and she was constantly reminding me to ‘Sit with your knees together’ and ‘Cross your legs properly’. (Apparently, men and women cross their legs differently when they’re sitting down. Who knew?)
She also got me to describe my day and corrected my way of speaking many times. ‘You sound like a man. A woman would never use that word. A maid would never express her opinion that strongly.’
It was a self-service cafeteria and when I got up to get my meal, she came with me saying ‘Shorter strides’ and ‘Put each foot directly in front of the other’ and ‘Bend your arms at the elbow’ and ‘Let your wrist hang loosely’. It never stopped. She also insisted on accompanying me to the Ladies. There it was ‘You need to smile more’ and ‘Don’t forget to freshen your lipstick’. It just went on and on.
I’m sitting at the desk writing this in my underslip, bra and panties. I glance at myself in the mirror. With my curvy figure, hairdo and make-up, and my feminised movements and mannerisms, I’m beginning to get some strange feelings – is this female sexuality?!!
I suppose I’d better put my curlers in.
But you want to know what effect this treatment is having on me? I’m still not feeling submissive, just angry. Maybe it’s just another symptom of stress, but I’m genuinely beginning to doubt whether there’s any point to all this, Bill. If things don’t pick up tomorrow, I’m definitely going to pack it in.
Week 1 - Tuesday
I was woken at six-thirty with orange juice and toast. The waitress handed me a note from Mrs McLaughlin, which was characteristically terse:
Early start today. Meet at front entrance at seven-fifteen. Wear grey maid uniform, cardigan, outside coat, headscarf, one-inch heels, everyday make-up. Bring large handbag with cap, apron, and flats.
Why did I have to meet her at the front entrance? Was I going outside?
I wolfed done the meagre breakfast, showered, took my curlers out, brushed my hair, and put on some light make-up – a pale lipstick and just enough foundation to disguise the roughness of my skin.
Then I dressed as instructed, including the dreaded waist-cincher. The uniform dress was still quite snug, even with the girdle thing, but that was probably for the best. It would make me keep my knees together. I tried on my maid’s cap to get the full effect. It was truly scary. I couldn’t see Dan in the mirror at all, just some strange woman in a degrading maid’s uniform.
I hurriedly snatched my cap off, untied my apron, and stuffed them both in my bag. I put on my outside coat and headscarf.
I paused to check my appearance in the wardrobe mirror. I swallowed nervously. I looked exactly like a plump, middle-aged, working-class woman. I felt completely humiliated, but I suppose it was a whole lot better than looking like a man dressed as a middle-aged, working-class woman.
When I got down to the front entrance at the appointed time, Mrs McLaughlin greeted me.
“Ah, Nancy, there you are,” she said, as though I was twenty minutes late instead of two minutes early. She handed me a packed lunch in a brown paper bag and led me outside to a waiting taxi. “The driver will drop you at the offices of the cleaning company we’ve arranged for you to work for this week. When you get back there later, they’ll call him to pick you up and bring you back here.”
“Wait a minute!” I said. “I wasn’t expecting to go out…”
“This is the best way for you to train to be a maid, dear,” she said brusquely. “Learning by doing. You’ll be fine.”
With that, she turned on her heel and hurried back inside, leaving me with lots of questions. It looked as though Nancy would be out and about in the world after all. So much for my hopes of staying indoors for three weeks and only being seen by Jackie!
For a moment I considered storming back inside and demanding an end to the whole fiasco, but Jackie seemed to think this role play would be good for my stress levels, and I didn’t want to let her down. I just hoped my disguise was convincing enough. Did Bill know about this? I felt betrayed, but there didn’t seem to be anything I could do about it now.
I got in the car with my handbag and packed lunch, trusting that the arrangements made on my behalf would all work. Fastening the seatbelt was a challenge with my new boobs. It wasn’t comfortable over or down the side of either, so I had to manoeuvre the strap to go between them, which wasn’t much better.
To my relief the driver hardly looked at me twice and didn’t attempt to engage me in conversation. But it was only a short journey. The car soon pulled up outside a nondescript office block. I went inside where I was greeted by a large, smiling black lady, who was dressed similarly to me. She looked about my age; that is Nancy’s age – mid-forties, at least ten years older than Dan.
“Hi, you must be Nancy. Lovely to meet you, darling. I’m Maggie. We’ll be working together this week.”
We shook hands limply, girly fashion. Hers were meaty and calloused, but her manner was friendly and jovial. I liked her immediately. Maybe this week wouldn’t be all bad. I wondered if she had been told I was really a man. I certainly intended to assume not. I knew my disguise was pretty much flawless, but had I learnt enough about feminine behaviour, gestures, mannerisms, speech patterns, etc? I guess I’d soon find out. If I accidentally gave Maggie any indications of my true sex, she’d be bound to let something slip sometime during the day.
“Let’s get on the bus,” she said. “I can tell you all about what we’ll be doing today when we’re on board.”
And she led the way outside to where a twelve-seater minibus was waiting. Home Counties Housekeeping Services was stencilled on the side and back. It was about ten years old, judging by the number plate, and sorely in need of a car wash.
The back door was open and foldaway steps had been deployed. The bus was laid out with benches down each side. Maggie led the way in and I followed, mindful of yesterday’s lessons on feminine movement. I had to gather up my tight skirt and raise it above my knees to climb the steps. I felt the stiffness in my ankles and calves.
To my horror, the bus was nearly full of chattering women of various races and colours, all wearing different kinds of cleaning uniforms. Only three of us were in maids’ dresses. Most were in smocks and tight black trousers. Many of them paused in their conversations to give us friendly smiles. They all welcomed Maggie by name and showed unabashed curiosity about me. Oh God, I hope my disguise is good enough!
“This is Nancy,” Maggie said. “She’s new. She’ll be working with me at the Sheldrake place all week.”
Sheldrake? Where had I heard that name before?
A chorus of “Hi, Nancy!” and “Welcome to the madhouse!” and merry laughter rang out, then the conversations resumed. The ladies on the left-hand side of the bus moved up toward the front to leave room for Maggie and me to sit side by side. I realised that I had never known anyone like these women in my privileged life. They seemed to be unconditionally friendly.
“I usually do three half-days a week for this American family, the Sheldrakes,” Maggie was saying, above the happy hubbub. “He works in the City for a big bank. I think he’s on a three-year secondment, or something. She works part-time at their embassy. So they both commute into town, but she has to get their kids off to school, so she goes in much later than him and gets back earlier. You probably won’t see him at all. Word of warning: they’re both a bit old-fashioned; very used to having servants in the States. They’ll want you to call him ‘Sir’ and her ‘Madam’.”
“Will they expect a curtsey?” I asked, mindful of my recent lessons in subservient female deportment.
The girls near to us all laughed. I hadn’t realised they’d been listening.
“No, love,” Maggie smiled. “Their maids might have to do that back in the States, but they know that no one curtseys in England any more, except maybe to the Queen. Anyway, as I said, I normally work only Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. I do some light cleaning, laundry and ironing, and I cook their evening meals. But the house had been standing empty for nearly a year before they moved in last month, so they asked our boss if we could do a complete spring-clean, top to bottom, as well as my usual jobs. My other clients are away this week and next, so I’m glad of the extra hours, but it will take two of us, for the rest of the week. So you’ll be learning on the job. It’ll be hard work, mind.”
She smiled and sat back for a little doze. I looked out of the window. I hadn’t been watching which way the minibus had set off and I didn’t know the area we were driving through. It was somewhere in the Home Counties, north of London, classic commuter-belt territory. I realised I had practically no money and I didn’t know where I was. I had no phone. I was completely dependent on Maggie and Home Counties Housekeeping Services to get back to Transformations.
* * *
Maggie and I were the last off the bus and were dropped outside a large detached house in its own grounds. I estimated five or six bedrooms and maybe four acres of gardens. Top to bottom cleaning of this place certainly would be hard work. It was now about ten-past eight. Maggie led the way round to the back door and let us in with a key.
We hung our outdoor coats and handbags up on pegs in what seemed to be a utility room. I removed my headscarf and stuffed it in my handbag. Then we put on our aprons and caps and changed into our indoor shoes, in my case the white ladies’ sneakers I had found in my wardrobe the first night at Transformations.
“I like your uniform, love,” Maggie said. “New, is it?”
“Yes, it’s the first time I’ve had it on,” I said. “Yours is nice too,” I added, though hers was clearly well worn; clean, definitely, but far from new.
“Yes, well, most of our clients don’t expect us to wear uniforms, but these people are rich, upper-class Americans, so…”
“Ah, you’re here,” came a strong female voice with a noticeable American accent. The owner of the voice soon appeared. She was a tall blond woman who I guessed was about thirty-five but could have been older.
“Good morning, Madam,” we chorused.
“So this is Nancy, is it?” she said.
“Yes, Madam,” I said, and found myself curtseying despite the previous conversation. It had been automatic after all of Miss Parr’s drilling.
I blushed scarlet. Both Maggie and Mrs Sheldrake seemed highly amused but didn’t comment.
“Welcome, Nancy, I hope you enjoy your first day as a maid. I must rush off on the school run, but Maggie knows everything we need you to do. I’ll see you later.” And she disappeared.
“She seems nice,” I said, still deeply embarrassed.
“Actually she is,” Maggie confirmed, “and she’s taken an immediate shine to you.” She laughed. “Maybe curtseying was a good idea after all. I might try it myself. Perhaps we’ll get a bonus.”
* * *
So the working day began. We both donned yellow rubber gloves and started on the third floor at the top of the house. There were two attic rooms. They had linoleum flooring and were fairly uncluttered – just a few boxes and suitcases – but they clearly hadn’t been cleaned for a long while. There was a lot of rubbish lying around. Maggie said that Mrs Sheldrake wanted it all cleared out apart from the suitcases, so we began with several trips down three flights of stairs with armfuls of garbage and back up again. I realised I had to be careful not to carry more than a tubby middle-aged housemaid could be expected to manage.
Maggie then ran through the ‘best practice’ for cleaning a room. First we would use long handled feather dusters on the ceilings and curtains; then ordinary dusters for the furniture, mantelpieces, book-cases, etc – particularly heavy work in the attics – and finally vacuuming. It was all obvious really. The dusting dislodged the dust to the floor, so you left the vacuuming to last. I had never done this kind of work at home before. Mind you, neither had Jackie.
“Vacuuming can take ages, if you’re not careful,” Maggie said. “You can end up doing every part several times over. Think of it as like mowing the lawn; you make a series of parallel stripes. That way you only do the whole floor once. Most vacuums don’t pick up every crumb and bit of fluff the first time, but if you go over the whole floor the way you mow a lawn, you can go back and pick up anything you’ve missed later.
“We also have to do the windows,” she said. “One of us can be doing that while the other dusts and vacuums. We can take it in turns, but cleaning windows is harder than you might think. You have to do it so that you don’t get streaks.”
She demonstrated the technique. Then she took out a small compact radio and put it on a window ledge. Thereafter whenever the vacuum was off, she switched it on. It was tuned to BBC Radio 2.
“Music while you work,” she grinned.
It took us nearly two hours to finish the attic rooms. The feather dusters were soon covered in cobwebs which had to be removed by hand. The pain in my legs and feet was back, despite wearing soft flat shoes, and I was sweaty all over. I would definitely have to take my abdominal prosthesis off that night to give it and myself a thorough clean.
I looked at the tidy, spotless rooms and experienced a strange glow of pride.
“I think we’ve earned a little break,” said Maggie. “Why don’t you go down to the kitchen and make us some coffee? I’ll size up what we need to do on the next floor.”
I guess making the coffee is a job for the junior maid. At least I didn’t need any training to do that.
* * *
The kitchen was huge and open-plan with all the appliances round the outside. We sat on high stools at the ‘island’ in the middle of the room. We chatted as we drank our coffee and I rested my aching feet.
“I see you’re not used to this kind of work,” Maggie said, laughing kindly. She had noticed me rubbing my calves. “What did you do before?”
I’d been dreading this conversation. I couldn’t tell her the truth, obviously, but I was determined to keep the lies to a minimum. I liked her too much.
“Oh, I worked in an office, but I was getting stressed out.” I realised this was the first time I had actually admitted that to myself. In coffee veritas. “So I decided I needed a break.”
“No partner?” she asked. “For some reason, I pictured you married.”
“Separated,” I said sadly.
Well that was sort-of-true. Jackie and I had been separated for three whole days now, the longest time we’d been apart since the Global Partners Conference in New York last autumn.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m divorced myself. I know what it’s like.”
That gave me a little stab of guilt.
“You got kids?” she asked.
“Uh, no,” I admitted. “You?”
“A little girl. She and I live with my mamma. I couldn’t manage without her taking care of Ella, feeding her, seeing her to and from school…”
We fell silent, contemplating how unfair life was for us working women. I felt even more guilty now, given that I had never thought of such things before. Even if nothing about this project worked out for either me or Bill, it would still have been an education.
“So how did you hook up with Home Counties Housekeeping?” Maggie asked after a while.
“Oh, a… friend… arranged it for me. Come to think of it, I’m a little surprised how easy it was. As you’ve seen, I’ve had no experience as a cleaning lady.”
“Oh, you’re doing fine, sweetie. It’s not rocket science. You just have to be organised. Sure, there are things to learn, to be faster and more efficient, but really any woman who’s had to look after a house can pick it up easily if she’s willing to put the work in. And you’ve taken to it like a duck to water. You’ll be on your own with your new mistress next week, won’t you? I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
She smiled. I felt another little glow of pride. Jackie and I always shared what little housework we could be bothered to do, but Maggie thought I could be a good housemaid! I felt silly thinking it – me, a Partner at a huge financial services firm! – but she was being so kind. I didn’t want to let her down.
She decided we would work on the kids’ bedrooms next.
“How many children do they have?” I asked her.
“Three: two girls and a boy. There’s Nicola, she’s eleven; Robby’s eight; and little Amy is five. They’re really nice kids, sharp as knives, and no trouble at all. Nicola has the biggest bedroom, with her own en suite. We should be able to get hers done before lunch. She keeps it tidy. We’ll do the two younger ones and their shared bathroom this afternoon. They’re much messier. That’ll probably be all we can manage today before we have to start getting dinner ready.”
So we ploughed on for the rest of the morning and made good progress, singing along to any familiar songs on the radio. (With some songs I had to be careful not to let my voice descend out of the female range.) The main jobs were cleaning the paintwork, windows and windowsills, and we had to move all the furniture to give the carpet a thorough cleaning. Maggie said she would recommend that all the carpets in the house be shampooed, but Mrs Sheldrake hadn’t asked for that yet. We also changed the sheets and pillowcases on Nicola’s bed and took the dirty ones down to the utility room for the laundry.
Nicola’s little en suite needed a powerful limescale cleaner and a lot of elbow grease. Maggie was impressed with how hard I was able to scrub, and I was concerned that I might have given away the masculine musculature concealed beneath my flabby feminine prostheses. But she didn’t say anything.
We ate our lunches in the kitchen. Mrs McLaughlin had packed me something appropriate for a middle-aged woman concerned about her figure – a strawberry yoghurt, a cheese and pickle sandwich, and an apple. No crisps, no chocolate bar, no cake. All pointless as I obviously couldn’t lose any of my artificial flab. I hoped I’d be able to last until dinner.
After lunch we worked solidly from 1.30 till 3.30 and managed to get the two smaller bedrooms done. Cleaning was hard physical work, but mentally undemanding. We changed the younger children’s beds too and put all the dirty sheets and pillowcases in to wash. Then we stopped for tea.
“Madam will be back soon with the kids,” Maggie said. “I think we’ll have time to do the shared bathroom on this floor, then we’ll have to start getting dinner ready.”
I was scrubbing the toilet and Maggie was doing the windows when we heard banging down below and the whoops of children running around. A few minutes later Mrs Sheldrake put her head round the door.
“I’ve just been up to the attic. You’ve done a wonderful job, girls. And the kids’ bedrooms! What a transformation!”
We smiled, pleased that she was pleased. I managed to resist curtseying. I couldn’t believe how much I was enjoying this day.
“Would you mind keeping an eye on the children, Maggie? I’ve got some important e-mails to do.”
“Certainly, Madam. I’ll start dinner. Can you finish off here, Nancy? Oh, and take the bedding out of the washer and put it all in the tumble-dryer?”
I agreed happily. After all, I was now a skilled cleaning lady at the top of her game. I rushed to do what my mistress and the senior maid asked me to do.
* * *
An hour later, the smell of Maggie’s lamb casserole was permeating the kitchen and my tummy was rumbling. I helped with chopping the vegetables. Jackie had made sure I knew the basics of cooking for two, but I was learning from Maggie how to prepare meals for larger numbers.
Nicola and Robby were sitting at the island doing their homework. Amy was on my knee. In theory I was helping her with her reading, but she was actually dozing off in the warmth of the kitchen, her head resting on my ample bosom. Not having any siblings I had very little experience with children and had been convinced I would be rubbish with them, but this concern had obviously not communicated itself to little Amy.
“What a picture of domestic bliss!” came a deep, cheerful call from the doorway.
“Daddy!” squealed three young voices. Amy was awake instantly. She jumped off my lap and ran to her father’s arms. He swept her up on to his shoulders effortlessly. It was a good thing the house had high ceilings.
“So we’re just missing mother here, I see,” Mr Sheldrake continued. “Is she around, Mags?”
“In the study, I think, sir,” said Maggie. “Just finishing some e-mails.”
“And who is this?” he said, indicating me.
I got to my feet as quickly as my phony blubber permitted. I brushed my dress down and dipped another curtsey, cursing this instinctive reaction. What had I become? When did Atkinson Stern’s Chief Technical Officer learn such feminine humility? I lowered my head to avoid eye contact.
“This is Nancy, sir,” said Maggie. “She’s helping me with the spring-clean this week.”
“Very good. Very good,” he said, losing interest in me. “C’mon, Ames, let’s go and find Mommy.”
As soon as I saw Sheldrake I remembered why the name was familiar. We had met at the Atkinson Stern office eighteen months ago when I was tasked with explaining why we had decided not to support a takeover bid he was touting. He gave no sign of recognising me, but why on earth did he have to get home early tonight of all nights? In another quarter of an hour Maggie and I would have been outside waiting for the minibus! But I seemed to have got away with it.
I was back on the bus, chatting to the other girls, before I realised that everybody at the Sheldrake house had treated me exactly as I seemed to be – a plump, middle-aged cleaning lady. My disguise and training were working!
Nancy’s Diary – Week 1, Tuesday
So today was my first day as a maid. I never thought I’d say this, but I really enjoyed myself. My trainer, Maggie, is a lovely woman: kind, thoughtful, helpful; a real lady – despite her working class, immigrant origins, or maybe even because of them. I admit I never thought of cleaning and housework as a proper job, but Maggie takes a quiet pride in her work, and I’m beginning to see why. We’ve only cleaned about a third of the house so far, but the difference is dramatic. I find myself standing back and thinking, ‘I – we – did that, and it looks wonderful’.
So I spent most of the day emptying waste baskets, cleaning toilets, wiping work surfaces and vacuuming. The experience made me think of Dorothy, the elderly cleaner at Atkinson Stern. She comes around tidying the offices between six and eight o’clock in the evening. I was often there till she’d finished and we chatted. She always seemed so cheerful. I was beginning to understand why. Was I taking to being a maid so easily because of her? Because I’d seen that she was always happy? Poor, yes, but happy.
As planned, I removed my ‘abdominal prosthesis’ tonight to clean it. It just needed gentle wiping with washing-up liquid (provided by the Transformations kitchen), and rinsing. Now it’s hanging up on the shower rail to dry. I washed myself carefully ‘down there’. I don’t seem to have developed any adverse reaction yet.
I look weird with big female breasts and a narrow, ‘straight up and down’ masculine bottom half. The prosthesis looks and feels a bit like half a wet suit and will probably be just as difficult to get back on. I hope I don’t have to call the ghastly McLaughlin woman to help me.
So, Bill, regarding your objectives for this project, I feel as a trainee would in any industry. It’s only right for me to respect my mentor for her experience and professionalism. I should be willing to learn from her, and a little humility is entirely appropriate, but there is no need for me to be ‘subservient’ or ‘deferential’, let alone ‘submissive’!
Though I do feel a lot less manly in my pink nightie, with my curlers in, and my sleep bonnet over them.
Week 1 – Wednesday
My second day as a maid-in-training was much like the first until lunchtime. In the morning we started on the first floor: the master bedroom and main guest room, both had en suite bathrooms.
We made good progress with only a brief coffee break, but we still had some way to go when Maggie called for an early lunch. To my surprise she led the way to the back door, took off her apron and cap, and started putting her coat on.
“Come on, Nancy dear, the minibus will be here in a moment.” I was puzzled, and must have shown it, because she continued, “Oh, didn’t I say? On Wednesdays the company springs for a pub lunch for all of us working in the area.”
This was frightening! Apart from the relative gloom in the back of the minibus, and the Sheldrakes’ kitchen, this would be my first time out in public where strangers would see me at close quarters. But I was increasingly confident of getting away with it…
It was a very cheery occasion. There were eight of us, and we occupied a large table in the saloon bar of a popular local. I don’t know if you’ve had the pleasure of sitting near a large group of women in a pub or restaurant – a hen party, say – but we can be a little raucous! Alcohol intake was strictly limited to a half-pint or a small glass of wine each – we all had to work in the afternoon – but the girls didn’t need more than that to be cheerfully loud and boisterous. We attracted resentful glances from several smartly dressed businessmen – and women – at nearby tables, and we didn’t care!
At first I felt rather out of place. I had made no effort to roughen my accent and one of the girls said I sounded ‘posh’. After that they all started calling me ‘Posh Nancy’, or just ‘Posh’. They weren’t cruel about it. It was more that everyone had to have a nickname – they called Maggie ‘Oprah’ as she was the only well-known black woman they knew. Accepting that I was now ‘Posh’ to them, I said I just wished I had Victoria Beckham’s figure, and they all laughed.
I was astonished at the rawness of some of the conversation. The girls swapped details of their earliest sexual experiences, contraceptive devices, feminine hygiene products, underwear comfort. They told each other about their lovers’ sexual technique, or lack thereof, in terms that would have mortified the men involved. I struggled to contribute to the conversation, for obvious reasons, quite apart from the fact that I would have died from embarrassment. Put on the spot to comment, I forlornly muttered something about being separated, but claimed that sex had never been a problem for us. There was a chorus of ‘lucky bitch’, but with general sympathy for my current sad state.
I had a wonderful time and learned loads! Bill and Mrs McLaughlin had left me with just enough cash to pay my share of the bill. After that I couldn’t even have afforded the bus fare back to the office if the minibus broke down. For the other girls, the company’s contribution would be in their next pay packets, but I wouldn’t be reimbursed, of course.
Promptly at 1.45, the driver came again to pick us all up and drop us back at our afternoon workplaces.
We finished the first floor just before Mrs Sheldrake returned with the children at about half-past four. I did the laundry and put all the clean bedding away in the airing cupboard. I helped Maggie with the family dinner again. Then I sat and read with little Amy until she ran off to her bedroom to play. Nicola was struggling with her Maths homework and I surprised her by explaining the concepts of basic algebra to her in a way that her teacher had clearly failed to do. I saw Maggie watching curiously and I hoped I hadn’t given myself away. I told her that I had always been good at Sums and had once thought of becoming a teacher, but I’d dropped out of school too soon.
The minibus picked us up at 6.30 as on the previous day. Mr Sheldrake hadn’t returned by then. On the bus the girls were talking about their monthly evening get-together. Apparently it was like their weekly lunches, only longer and with more alcohol. Given my new identity and changed outlook on life, it sounded like great fun. It was planned for Friday night, two weeks hence. Assuming I persevered in ‘Stage 1’ of Bill’s experiment I would still be Nancy then. Should I join the party? Or perhaps I should say, would my Mistress let me?
“I’m a bit fed up with the places we usually go,” said Doreen, a young single mum. “Can we try somewhere new?”
“We’ll have to anyway,” said Maggie. “We’re banned from Charlie’s Bar.”
“And the Wheatsheaf,” added Sally, a middle-aged Irish lady with a piercing screech of a laugh.
“Do you have a favourite watering ‘ole, Posh?” asked Doreen.
“Oh… er… I quite like the Cottage Loaf, up near the university.”
This was the only place I could think of on the spur of the moment. I’d met Jackie there a couple of times as it was near her office.
“It’s popular with students, so it’s cheap and cheerful,” I went on.
“Ugh, students!” said Sally.
“Oh, I don’t mind students,” said Maggie. “It’s bankers I can’t stand.”
Everyone laughed, including me. Well I didn’t feel like a banker anymore, and I certainly didn’t look like one.
“Okay then,” said Doreen. “The Cottage Loaf on Friday the 20th. I’ll book a table and pass the word around.”
Nancy’s Diary – Week 1, Wednesday
Another good day. I’m finding being a maid is restful, even therapeutic, though I hadn’t previously realised I needed either rest or therapy. It’s nice just to let my mind wander as I scrub and vacuum and iron, not having to think about the next client meeting, or what to say in a proposal, or how to explain why an investment I’d recommended wasn’t doing as well as expected. We maids don’t need to worry about the future. We live in the present, so I can just concentrate on my cleaning, listen to the radio, and sing along with the songs I know.
Maggie and I are really bonding - as girlfriends. She’s not unattractive and great company, but I haven’t thought about her in a sexual way at all, and the same goes for the other girls.
I am surprised at how well I’m getting on with the Sheldrake kids. Nicola is a delight, bright as a button, and little Amy is so cute. And Robby is surprisingly well-behaved for an eight-year-old boy; the studious type I think, as I was. They make me wonder whether it might be time for Jackie and me to start a family. Mind you, the fact that I seem to be quite good at being ‘maternal’ doesn’t mean I’ll be able to manage ‘paternal’ when I go back to being Dan!
I did my own washing tonight in the Transformations laundry room: two grey uniform dresses, my nightie, and all the bras, panties, slips and tights I’d worn so far. I’ll wear my blue uniform tomorrow, and iron my greys tomorrow night. A maid’s work is never done.
Oh damn – my curlers!
Week 1 – Thursday
Maggie and I have finally reached the ground floor. We plan to do the lounge, dining room and study today. I’m now much faster, and more thorough, at all my cleaning tasks. Maggie is pleased with my progress.
After morning coffee, she sent me round all the bedrooms to collect the family’s laundry baskets. She put me in charge of the washing, which would clearly take several loads. She showed me how to separate whites from coloureds, being a little surprised that I didn’t already know to do that. She warned me to pick out Mrs Sheldrake’s and Nicola’s delicate underthings, which might require washing by hand. She was less surprised that I never did that with my own underwear. She laughed when I explained that I had never owned anything delicate or expensive enough to be called ‘lingerie’. I suspected that the same applied to her.
There was little danger of mixing up Robby’s clothes with those of his father, or those of the three females in the family, because they were all of such varying sizes, but she warned me that that wouldn’t be the case for all families I worked for. So it would often be sensible to do separate loads for each family member. I took note of the advice, although it didn’t seem likely I would need it. Then I realised I would have to be careful not to mix up Jackie’s and Nancy’s clothes! But again our sizes were very different. Beautiful, slim Jackie would be swamped in plump Nancy’s – my – bras and knickers.
By mid-afternoon Maggie and I had finished the cleaning we had set ourselves to do today, so I had my first ironing lesson. I wasn’t completely unfamiliar with the chore, which was just as well because Maggie would have been very suspicious of a middle-aged woman who had never done any ironing, but she tutted and showed me how to do it more efficiently, like a proper maid. I resolved to teach Jackie when this was all over.
Maggie expected that the washing we’d done so far would keep me busy for the rest of the day and well into the next. And we still had to do a couple more loads of washing if we wanted it all to be dry by the morning.
Then I remembered that tomorrow would be my last day.
When Mrs Sheldrake came back with the children, we were all in the huge kitchen again. There were clothes drying everywhere, overflowing from the utility room. Nicola and Robby were doing their homework; Maggie was cooking; and I was well into the ironing. Amy wanted to help me but she couldn’t handle the iron safely and was only slowing me down. Fortunately, she quickly got bored and went upstairs to play. I found ironing to be my least favourite maid chore, but even that was quite restful.
We were there till 6.30 as on the previous days. I was again relieved not to have to face Mr Sheldrake.
Nancy’s Diary – Week 1, Thursday
I seem to have settled into a routine as the Sheldrakes’ junior maid. Every now and then I get a guilty feeling about neglecting my real job, but since I have neither phone nor laptop there’s nothing I can do to keep up with anything happening at the office. Before I left on Sunday afternoon, I asked Jackie to check regularly for anything urgent, but she argued that I was supposed to be having a complete break. In any case I’m not sure she could contact me even if she wanted to.
And she’s right – I’m supposed to be on sabbatical, aren’t I? A proper rest. That makes me chuckle. I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard in my life, but as I write this, I realise it’s been quite a while since I’ve had such a feeling of satisfaction in my work – probably since making Partner two years ago.
I know it sounds ridiculous to compare being a cleaning lady with making a fortune at Atkinson Stern, but why should it? Obviously winning a contract with an international investment fund is a big deal, but I’ve done that many times, with six-figure bonuses each time. The thrill has long since worn off and I could retire comfortably now on what I’ve already earned. But the job satisfaction I’m getting from being Nancy the maid – even with the hard graft that requires – has given me a sense of fulfilment I haven’t felt for ages.
But I mustn’t be unrealistic. A lot of this must be the newness of the experience. I’ll probably get fed up with cleaning very quickly and long to be back in my corner office with teams of secretaries and junior analysts at my beck and call. But for the moment, I’m actually looking forward to work each day, and I have to admit I haven’t felt like that for a long time.
Week 1 – Friday
As the week wore on, I enjoyed the company of my fellow maids and cleaning ladies on the minibus to and from work more and more. Their earthy humour was so refreshing. I joined in enthusiastically and even learned some choice new vocabulary. There was no competition for preferment in our little society. Everyone was equal. No one was trying to prove they were better than anyone else. I realised that throughout my entire working life I had no real friends or colleagues, only rivals. At Atkinson Stern everyone was a competitor, ultimately for the few precious Partnerships. No wonder I was stressed.
By the end of the week I knew that I had made a lot of progress in my new career. I had learned everything I needed to know to look after a house and keep it clean and welcoming. I was really looking forward to getting back to Jackie and showing her what I had learned, but I was also increasingly concerned about the effect my transformation would have on us. I mean, our relationship would obviously be different while we were role-playing, but what about when it all came to an end? After four weeks of intense femininity would she be able to see me as her husband again? Would I be able to be her husband again?
When the minibus dropped us at the Sheldrakes’ for our last day of spring-cleaning, Maggie touched me on the arm and said, “Penny for your thoughts!” I had obviously been deep in thought and lost to the world. “Hey, are you all right, love?”
“I’m fine,” I said with a smile. “I was just thinking about next week.”
“Oh yes, you’ll be looking after your new mistress all by yourself, won’t you? You do know you can call on me if you need any help, don’t you?”
She was so kind. I felt myself getting misty-eyed.
“Thank you, Maggie,” I managed to say. “I really appreciate that.” We hugged.
“No worries, love,” she said cheerfully. “Now we’ve just got the kitchen, the utility room, and the cloakroom to do today. We’ll do the kitchen together. It’ll be a lot of work. Then I’ll do the other rooms while you finish the ironing.”
“Thanks, boss,” I smiled. I knew she hated ironing.
The kitchen was a huge job. We had to take down every pot, pan, bottle and jar and scour out the cupboards with cleanser and scrubbing brush. We threw away a lot of congealed jars of jam, marmalade and chutney, bottles of salad cream and tomato sauce, custard powder, and Marmite – all years beyond their ‘Use By’ dates. I assumed it had all been left by the previous tenants and Mrs Sheldrake had been too busy to have a clear-out. We recorded everything that might need to be replaced in a new shopping list.
It was my job to stand up on one of the shaky stools to reach the higher cupboards. I was aware anyone below could look up my skirt, but they wouldn’t see anything unexpected, just my control-top tights over plain white cotton panties. Not that Maggie would have dreamt of doing so.
* * *
Over lunch she gave me my last maid lesson: sewing. As a conscientious housekeeper she had inspected all the clothes as they came out of the washing machine and found a small tear in one of Robby’s shirts and a button which had come off one of Mr Sheldrake’s. She sat me down and taught me how to tidy up the rip and sew the button back on. I struggled to thread the needle, and wasn’t terribly neat, but I didn’t do too badly.
“I can’t believe you’ve never done any sewing!” she said. “What on earth did they teach you at school?”
“I did carpentry,” I said truthfully, taking a small risk. “It was a progressive school. I was terrible at woodwork too.” Also true.
“So did they make the boys do needlework?”
“I don’t think it was that progressive.”
She laughed and examined my endeavour with the button.
“OK, well that’s not a bad effort. It’ll probably stay on. But you should practise. Both the men have socks that could do with darning too, but nobody does that nowadays. Mrs Sheldrake told me never to bother. She’d rather throw them away and buy new.”
* * *
After lunch Maggie cleaned the utility room and the downstairs toilet while I finished the ironing. By mid-afternoon we had put all the clean clothes back in the correct cupboards and drawers.
So everything was finished when Mrs Sheldrake returned with the children. She was delighted and gave us each a £20 tip. We both thanked her profusely. I realised with some emotion that it was now pretty much the only money I had in my purse.
“Thank you for everything, girls,” she said. “I do hope we see you again sometime, Nancy. You were wonderful with Amy. I imagine she’ll miss you dreadfully.”
“I’ll miss her too, Madam. She’s lovely – all your children are.”
The Sheldrakes were going out for dinner that evening, so Maggie called the office to ask for an early pick-up. When we got back, and I had called for my taxi, Maggie and I had another tearful parting.
“But I’ll see you on the 20th, won’t I?” she said, with a sniff.
“I hope so,” I said, “But I suppose it will depend on my mistress.”
“Do you know what she’s like? You must have met her?”
“Oh yes. She’s mostly fine, but I think she might be a bit unpredictable sometimes…”
Also true.
* * *
Mrs McLaughlin had left a note for me to come and see her when I returned. This was unwelcome. My enjoyment of the last four days had a lot to do with not having seen her since Tuesday morning. She wanted to give me my instructions for checking out the following day, and had also arranged for us to have dinner together that evening. Ugh!
It turned out to be a much more pleasant occasion than I had anticipated. True, she carried on from where she had left off at dinner on Monday, correcting every little unfeminine slip in my mannerisms, and pulling me up whenever I used an inappropriate phrase, or was too forceful in my speech for a middle-aged maidservant. But generally she was encouraging and even kind.
“I must say you’ve surprised me this week, Nancy,” she said over dessert and coffee. “I don’t recall anyone putting so much effort into their transformation as you have, and I’ve no doubt that, if you remember your lessons, no one will ever suspect you are anything other than female. I think you can tell your psychiatrist that your year of living as a woman began tonight. I’ll be happy to stand as your reference if needed.”
“Pardon me – my year living as… What do you mean?”
“Oh, you know; you won’t be allowed to undergo Sexual Reassignment Surgery until you’ve convinced Prof Hawkins that the operation is right for you, and that means you have to live as a woman for up to a year. He must have told you all this, mustn’t he?”
She looked confused for the first time since I’d known her, but not as confused as I was. Bill had told her that I wanted to become a woman and that he was my psychiatrist! Had that really been necessary? Still there was nothing to be gained from correcting her impression, and it might even compromise Bill’s project.
“Oh… er... yes,” I said haltingly. “I just haven’t been thinking about that this last week. I’ve been too busy,” I finished lamely.
“Quite understandable,” she sympathised. “You’ve worked hard and done very well. I don’t think we have anything more to teach you.”
The rest of the meal passed pleasantly but I wasn’t really concentrating on the conversation. Why hadn’t Bill mentioned that he’d led the Transformations people to believe I was transitioning? (I’ll leave this out of the diary though, I think.)
Nancy’s Diary – Week 1, Friday
So my transformation is complete. I look like a woman; I move and speak like a woman; I’m used to pulling down my tights and panties and sitting down to go to the toilet; and I’ve been working as a maid for nearly a week. And it seems that no one at all has suspected that I’m a fake. (Which reminds me, I’ll probably need to get my hair done next week. My perm is looking a little tatty. I’m obviously not very good with curlers.)
I can go into the role-play with confidence. I fully understand my – temporary! – new position in society - I’m a servant. I know I have to do as I’m told and mustn’t answer back. This is entirely new to me and strangely exciting. I can’t remember ever having been in a servile position before. I was regarded as a leader at school. I got straight Firsts at Cambridge. At Atkinson Stern I was on the fast track from the moment I joined, with support staff to do my grunt work. I have never been subordinate to anyone.
So this will be a new experience. It’s been fine so far because everyone in a position of authority over me has been fair and reasonable (with the exception of Mrs McLaughlin, and arguably she was only treating me as she did to help me get used to my new status).
But I don’t feel submissive. I feel professional. I’m a hard-working cleaning lady. I have skills that are in demand.
But what will Jackie make of me? While I’ve been doing this, has she been training to be a dominatrix? If she pushes me too hard, how will I respond?
Bill, you mentioned that in some abusive domme-sub relationships, physical violence was common. I can’t believe Jackie would ever hit me, but if she did, I certainly wouldn’t put up with it. And that might mean the end of us.
Week 1 - Saturday
I wasn’t roused on the Saturday morning, but I had been warned that check-out time was eleven and I would need to be down in the canteen by 9.30 if I wanted breakfast. I was up by eight.
I had taken my prosthesis off again on Friday night to clean it and shower properly, so this morning I had to squeeze into it again. I took my curlers out, brushed my hair, did my make-up, and put on clean underwear while I thought about what to wear. Not that I had much choice. I eventually settled on a white polka dot number (which was probably a little young for Nancy).
After breakfast I got ready to check out. Transformations had provided a large, battered suitcase, so I did my packing: four maid’s uniforms, caps and aprons; three second-hand dresses; two nighties; four bra and panty sets; several pairs of tights; three pairs of heels; my white sneakers; some cheap hand cream, cosmetics and make-up remover; curlers; toothbrush; hairbrush; and my other bathroom effects. That was all I, Nancy, owned, apart from twenty pounds and some change in my purse. I hadn’t been this poor since my student days. How do people live their lives like this?
Bill had left a message to expect him at about two o’clock, so that gave me the best part of five hours to kill. Rather than sit around the Manor House I decided to try and go into town. The little money I had from Mrs Sheldrake’s tip wouldn’t run to taxis, so I asked Angela on Reception about bus services. I would have to walk the length of the Transformations driveway – about a quarter of a mile – then there was a bus stop half a mile further on down the main road.
I left my suitcase with Angela and set off. I was wearing my one outdoor coat and my headscarf (to protect the remains of my perm), and carrying my handbag. I had decided to practise walking in heels. Feeling brave, I chose my two-inchers. I hoped I wouldn’t have cause to regret that.
I caught a glimpse of my appearance in the glass of the main door. I saw a portly, rather shabby middle-aged lady, completely indistinguishable from millions of similar women up and down the country.
As I stepped outside I was aware for the first time of being vulnerable as a lone female. The thirty-two-year-old man underneath was almost certainly a match for any possible assailant, but Nancy’s big boobs, huge arse, tight skirt, and high heels would make defending myself problematic. On the plus side, I looked too poor to be worth mugging. Anyway it wasn’t likely to happen in the centre of town in broad daylight. Nevertheless I made a mental note to keep a tight grip on my handbag. I couldn’t afford to let a purse snatcher steal everything I had.
Although it was July there was a cool breeze, so I was glad of my coat. I hadn’t been outside much this last week, being ferried from place to place by taxi and minibus, so the wind blowing up my skirt was an unfamiliar feeling, but quite pleasant in a slightly naughty way – yet another insight into female sexuality.
I enjoyed the walk down the drive and along the road to the bus stop. I concentrated on my feminine gait, recalling Miss Parr’s instructions, and I realised I was doing it naturally now, including just the right amount of sexy wiggle. I hadn’t thought about the pains in my calves and ankles for a couple of days. I had adjusted to walking in heels. Apparently the muscles had stretched and recovered.
I got on the half-full bus. The driver frowned when I had to give him a twenty-pound note for my fare. He pointed at the Please don’t ask the Driver for change notice. I tried to look pathetic and explained that I had just been paid and that was all the money I had – a shameless attempt to solicit his sympathy. But it was true and it seemed to work. Grumbling he reached into a wallet under the dashboard and gave me £18.50 which I stuffed in my purse. I reflected that I hadn’t been on a bus since I was a student. I rarely even used trains nowadays.
I got off at what looked like the town centre. First I checked where the bus left from for my return journey. The timetable said they were every half hour, so the last one I could afford to take would be the 1.25 if I didn’t want to keep Bill waiting.
Then I went off to explore. I started with a large Marks & Spencer’s and made straight for the Womenswear section. Not that I could actually afford to buy anything, but I thought I might try something on. That’s what women do, right?
I browsed the racks and picked out a couple of nice-looking dresses: a pretty floral print midi, and a navy-blue drape half sleeve wrap – not that I’d had any idea of what they were before I entered the store. I assumed I would be a size 16, based on what Mrs McLaughlin had said.
I felt deliciously naughty in the changing area where there were women of all ages, shapes and sizes happily dressing and undressing. There were cubicles but most of my fellow customers didn’t bother pulling the curtains closed. I couldn’t remember ever seeing so many half-naked women in just their bras and panties before. I also couldn’t help noticing how plain my own lingerie was compared to theirs. But I was only a maid, after all. Even M&S was out of my price range really; I certainly couldn’t afford Victoria’s Secret. Conscious of my ugly waist-cincher, I kept my underslip on.
I tried the floral midi first. I stepped out to look at myself in the full-length mirror. Not bad! Perhaps I could dip into Dan’s savings somehow and buy Nancy this dress? Then it hit me – what on earth was I thinking? Firstly I was only going to be her for three weeks, and secondly this was about role play. With less than £20 in my purse I could only afford clothes from charity shops, and that would still be true after I got my first pay packet from Mrs Richards, my employer. We could hardly assess whether the mistress-maid relationship would tend towards ‘domme-sub’ if Nancy had a secret, unlimited source of funds.
I went back into my cubicle and changed into the blue dress. A saleslady approached with a big cheesy smile on her face. She must have noticed me as I came in and decided that I was in dire need of a pretty new M&S dress. I was going to get the full sales spiel now. Still it would be another good test of how convincing I was in my new guise, so I decided to grin and bear it.
She told me how the navy-blue wrap dress ‘could have been made for me’ and engaged me in friendly conversation for at least ten minutes before I had to admit I was ‘just looking’. She smiled again, made me promise to call her if she could help in any way, and wandered off. I changed back into my own second-hand dress and made for the exit.
I passed the make-up counter on my way out and decided to check the prices of the cosmetics Transformations had given me. I eventually found the brands, down at the ‘Dirt Cheap’ end of the rack. I turned to leave but a very well-dressed, very heavily made-up lady barred my way. She smiled warmly and said they were offering free makeovers to selected customers today. It would only take half an hour. Would I be interested?
For a moment I was tempted. I would have loved to see what I could look like after a proper, expert makeover…! Then I realised with a stab of panic that I couldn’t afford to let a professional make-up artist anywhere near me. My waxing was five days old. I had carefully shaved what little growth I could find, but it was still much too risky. Even if she failed to spot any stubble, there was still my tiny, almost invisible Adam’s Apple. Not to mention my voice. I thanked her but said I had too much to do; perhaps another time?
I did a little more window shopping. I saw several dresses and some lovely shoes. It felt strange to know that I couldn’t buy anything, when I was so used to being wealthy enough to indulge any whim. I decided to stop for refreshments. I bought a copy of Cosmopolitan, an oat and raisin cookie, and the cheapest coffee I could get. That still meant I had spent nearly half of my money this morning. I found a seat in the food court. No one bothered me; indeed no one looked at me twice.
I had a pleasant morning, reading about make-up and hair fashions, none of which I could afford. I felt relaxed. It did occur to me that maybe I was taking the role-playing a little too far, but at the moment I was very much enjoying being Nancy and didn’t want to stop. I was even reconciled to my ugly name. It felt… appropriate now.
I’m Nancy. I’m just the maid.
After finishing my coffee, and remembering my training, I redid my lipstick in the food court Ladies’ before making my way to the bus stop.
* * *
At 1.45 I was back in the Transformations foyer waiting for Bill. I wondered how he would greet me. Would he call me ‘Dan’ and thank me for doing all this for him? Would our conversation be the usual banter between two old friends, young male professionals, and equals? Would we share a laugh about how I now looked before we got into this silly role-play in earnest?
Or would he assume the role-play had started? Would he treat me as the poor, down-at-heel, middle-aged, working-class charlady I now looked like? I resolved to let him open the conversation and react accordingly. If he wanted me to stay in character, that’s what he would get; no shared history; no friendly banter.
He eventually showed up at about ten past two. As he came in through the front door heading for the Reception desk, I rose to meet him. He glanced in my direction then turned back to Angela. Then he did a classic double-take.
“Nancy?” he gasped.
So, that’s how it’s going to be. We’re off and running, are we?
“Good afternoon, Professor,” I said, as respectfully as a servant should, though I managed to resist bobbing a curtsey.
“Well,” he said, “I’m very impressed. How has your week been?”
“I’ve learnt a lot,” I said.
It didn’t feel appropriate to provide further detail. We always used to tell each other everything and he might have been hoping I would share my experience of my transformation. But if that’s what he wanted he shouldn’t have called me ‘Nancy’. As far as I was concerned I was no longer Bill’s old friend. Apparently I was a transgender patient hoping for SRS and he was my psychiatrist. In any case, a maid doesn’t gossip with a professional man, especially not about her underwear, make-up, or hair styling. I wondered whether I should be calling him ‘sir’. I decided against it.
I probably shouldn’t be starting conversations with my betters, but I couldn’t help asking, “Do you think ‘Nancy’ will pass muster?”
“Well, you certainly look the part. Here let me take that for you. Your bill’s paid for on Jackie’s credit card.”
To my amusement he reached for my case. I wondered whether that was because my disguise was so effective he actually thought I needed a strong man to lift it; or maybe it was because he didn’t want to be seen as the kind of cad who would let a woman carry her own luggage. He led the way to his car. He was proud of his ten-year-old Range Rover (though I noticed he never turned down the chance to ride in my Porsche 911; I mean, Dan’s Porsche, of course).
I got in the passenger seat and fastened the seat belt, now quite used to settling the strap between my boobs. Once we were moving Bill handed me an envelope. Inside were various pieces of ID for ‘Mrs Nancy Potts’. Apparently I was divorced, not merely separated. For some reason I felt sad about that.
There was a cheap mobile phone and a debit card, but no credit card and no driving licence.
“So you’re Nancy from now on, OK?” he said, clearly unaware that I was quite used to being her already (and now perfectly happy with that). “You can put all that stuff in your handbag. The bank card is quite genuine – the PIN number is Jackie’s birthday – but there’s only £30 in the account. You’ll get a small sum as your wages at the end of each week. That’s a pay-as-you-go phone with about ten minutes’ call time on it. I’m sure you won’t need to ring anyone; it’s just for emergencies – like if you get stranded somewhere, you can call a taxi.”
I thanked him quietly. He kept looking at me askance. I assumed he couldn’t believe how effective my disguise was, but it might also have been that he was surprised I wasn’t attempting to make conversation. Dan and Bill would normally be talking nineteen-to-the-dozen when they hadn’t seen each other for a week. But now the atmosphere was strained. Well he couldn’t have it both ways; I could be Dan or Nancy. I couldn’t be both at the same time.
“Is there anything else you want to ask me?” he said finally.
“No, I don’t think so. I know how this thing is supposed to go for the next three weeks. I hope you get what you need. Oh, by the way, I’ve been keeping a diary as you asked. You can take this week’s pages when you drop me.”
“Right. Thanks,” and he lapsed into silence.
Fair enough; you wouldn’t expect a university professor to have much to say to a cleaning lady like me. After ten minutes of silence, he pulled into a supermarket car park.
“You can do this week’s food shopping for your mistress and yourself here. The project will pay. There’s a vacuum, dusters, a mop and buckets at the house, but you’ll have to get all the other cleaning materials you’ll need here.”
He reached for his briefcase from the back seat. We went into the supermarket together, but he parked himself on a seat near the checkouts. He got out the morning paper. So he was going to sit and read while I did our shopping.
I went and got a trolley and loaded it up with everything I could think of to last us at least a week. It all had to go on Bill’s credit card, of course. I was glad to see that he winced when he saw the total.
* * *
The rented house was a four-bedroom detached on the opposite side of town from Dan and Jackie’s luxury apartment by the river. Bill pulled the Range Rover up onto the driveway.
“I’m afraid it’s a bit of a mess,” he said. “It’s been unoccupied for several months.”
I looked around the outside at the overgrown lawn and the broken front gate.
“It’s perfectly sound inside,” he insisted. “Everything works – gas, electricity, telephone, all the appliances – except the dishwasher. We’ve disconnected that, because a maid should get used to doing the washing-up. Sorry, but it’s part of the job.”
Bill was aware Dan had never done any washing-up in his life. Presumably he thought having to do servile jobs like that that would make me more submissive, but as Nancy I had already spent a week cleaning all round the house including the kitchen. I was quite used to scrubbing toilets now. I wasn’t going to be fazed by a little washing-up.
“The furniture is OK – mostly quite new,” Bill went on. “But the previous tenants left in a hurry and didn’t do any tidying-up. It really just needs a good clean.”
“And that would be my job, I suppose,” I said, ironically.
“Now, now. Remember your place, Nancy,” he said, smiling.
“You couldn’t have hired a cleaning firm to fix it up for us?”
“Then what would you do all day?” He put on a more serious face. “Look, this is an essential part of the role-playing. Dommes make their subs do all the housework, and they work them hard. We need to know if that will affect your relationship; in particular, will it make you feel more submissive?”
He showed me round the house. There was rubbish everywhere: cardboard boxes full of broken toys; fast food containers; used condoms and feminine hygiene products; even unwashed underwear for both sexes. Had our new home been used for sexual liaisons? I resolved to be extra diligent in my cleaning.
Downstairs there was a cloakroom, a large sitting room, and a good-sized kitchen with a serving hatch through to a small dining room. There were two more reception rooms, one of which looked like it had been used as a study. It was full of scrap paper, tattered files, and opened correspondence – at a glance, mostly bills.
There was a small utility room off the kitchen and a door which led through to a two-car garage. A glass patio door led from the sitting room into a small conservatory, which was baking hot and stuffy as all its windows and the patio door were closed. We opened everything we could see to let in some air. I made a mental note to lock up before going to bed.
I followed Bill upstairs. He was still being a gentleman and carrying my suitcase. There was the master bedroom with its en suite bathroom; two more double bedrooms; a family bathroom; and a fourth bedroom I would have called a box room. All the beds had been stripped, but we found plenty of bedding in the airing cupboard on the landing.
“I think the little bedroom is probably best for the maid, don’t you?” said Bill.
So he put my suitcase on the bed in the smallest bedroom. I opened it and got out my diary. I ripped out the pages I’d already written and gave them to him.
The whole house was decently furnished, and the carpets and curtains were all reasonable, but there was dust and spider webs everywhere. It had taken me and Maggie the best part of a week to clean a place not much bigger than this, and I would have to do this alone.
We went back downstairs. Bill handed me two sets of keys.
“It’s gas central heating, but as it’s July you’ll only need the boiler for hot water. I’m sure you can work out where the fuse box and stopcock are, but if you can’t, there’s a pile of documents in the top drawer of the desk in the sitting room. They probably cover everything.”
He checked the time and made for the front door. I looked at my little ladies’ watch; it was five o’clock.
“I’ll bring… er, Mrs Richards here at this time tomorrow, so you have twenty-four hours to get everything ready for her. Don’t forget she’ll be expecting dinner later.”
He opened the door.
“Just her?” I said.
“Pardon me?”
“I mean, you won’t be staying for dinner tomorrow night?”
“Oh, no. I think you and your mistress need some time alone together, don’t you? To get to know each other.” I made no reply. “But remember: she’s not your wife. She’s not even your friend. She’s your employer. And I’ll be saying the same to her. Don’t expect her to be all lovey-dovey when she gets here tomorrow. She has to treat you as just her maid if this whole exercise is to be of any use at all.”
He smiled and walked out. I closed the door behind him.
I felt humiliated and resentful in front of my oldest friend, and it destroyed my good mood. I felt I should have been enjoying the experience more. Of course it was a little embarrassing, but what had happened to my ‘open mind’? The old Dan would have been finding it at least interesting, even fun. So why was I feeling bitter? I was clearly still a long way from a full recovery from Dan’s stressful life. It might be good for me to be Nancy for a while longer…
I still felt a little silly in my bra and knickers and tights, but much less so than at the beginning of the week. I realised – with some surprise – that I was getting used to my lingerie and make-up and other feminine paraphernalia. I even found it all… exciting!
That evening I cleaned the sitting room, the family bathroom and my bedroom, and made up the bed. All that took me nearly two hours, by which time I was famished, not having had any lunch. I made myself a cold chicken sandwich and a cup of cocoa.
When I had finished eating I went upstairs and made up my bed in the maid’s room. Then I took off my dress and the dreaded waist-cincher – though I noticed that it didn’t seem as uncomfortable as it had been. With the hard physical work and light meals I thought I had probably lost a little weight, but I had no way to check. Still the only thing I had that would fit me without the girdle was my nightie. I debated whether to take off my prosthesis but decided that I would want to do that tomorrow when Jackie was here. Hope springs eternal!
But before I could go to bed: curlers and diary.
Nancy’s Diary – Week 1, Saturday
As you will have seen from my earlier entries, I have become quite reconciled to my new temporary persona. I very much enjoyed the company of Maggie and the other maids. I found my work physically tough but strangely relaxing mentally, which led me to conclude that Jackie had been right – I was badly stressed.
And somehow I doubt that using my sabbatical to do research, write a book, or tour vineyards or museums (as some of my colleagues had done), would have been as effective for stress relief. At least, I assume the key was the hard, repetitive, mindless physical work, to take my mind off high finance. (Perhaps it would have been just as good to do something physical, like build a wall around our garden or lay flagstones for a patio? But as Jackie scathingly pointed out, I lacked the skills – or enthusiasm – for DIY.) Or maybe it was the creation of a whole other personality? Or maybe the cross-dressing? (Just how twisted is my psyche anyway?) Whatever. Being Nancy has been excellent therapy and I am looking forward to more of it.
But seeing you again was uncomfortable, Bill. You treated me as the maid, your social inferior – which you obviously thought was necessary – and you warned me that Jackie would too. So the only friendship and warmth I can expect for the next three weeks will be from my fellow maids – if I even get the chance to see them. The thought is upsetting. Perhaps I should give up this stupid experiment?
Week 2 - Sunday
Having gone to bed early last night I was up at six. I went down in my nightie and dressing gown and had coffee and some cereal. After breakfast I showered, took my curlers out, and did a light make-up.
Then I had to decide what to wear. It occurred to me that I could wear men’s clothes if I wanted to – a T-shirt and jeans, for example – but I didn’t have anything like that with me. In any case, no shirt of Dan’s would go over my big bust, and my enhanced posterior would never squeeze into any of his trousers.
But the idea was ridiculous anyway. Nancy would never wear anything like that. While she was working she would only wear a uniform dress and apron, and I was Nancy.
Since I would be spending most of the day cleaning, I dressed in my grey maid’s uniform. I would change into my smart black dress when welcoming my mistress home.
I clearly couldn’t clean the entire house before Jackie arrived, and what I could do wouldn’t have been up to the ‘spring clean’ quality Maggie and I had done for the Sheldrakes. So I settled for clearing the rubbish – filling the two bins by the back door – running a feather duster round the ceilings and curtains, vacuuming everywhere, and wiping down the paintwork with a damp cloth. Proper cleaning, to the standard I had been trained to do, would have to wait till later.
The kitchen in particular was disgusting. All the cupboards were filthy and there was grease and grime everywhere. I would have to wash every pot, plate, knife, fork and spoon before using it, as well as after.
Apart from a brief pause for lunch I worked through till after half-past four. I had vacuumed the entire house and dusted and wiped all the rooms Jackie would be likely to use: the sitting room, dining room, kitchen, and the master bedroom and its en suite.
I was really proud of myself for the good maid I was becoming. I hoped my mistress would approve. Inside me, Dan cringed a little at that thought, but I’m Nancy now. I don’t listen to Dan anymore. Hopefully that would be good for my stress levels.
I tidied myself up, changed into my formal black maid’s dress, and put on a clean apron. I refreshed my make-up, trying something a little bolder for the evening. I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look too bad – for a slightly overweight working woman entering middle age.
I returned to the kitchen to prepare afternoon tea. Bill hadn’t told me to do that, but I decided it was something a good maid would do unasked.
I made some scones and put them in the oven to bake. I set out a large tray with cups, saucers, side plates, teaspoons, a little jug of milk, a lemon, sugar cubes, butter, strawberry jam, and clotted cream.
The doorbell rang promptly at five o’clock. They were here! I tore my rubber gloves off, threw them under the sink, and hurried out into the hall. I checked my hair and make-up in a wall mirror and rushed to open the front door.
There was Jackie, my gorgeous wife, in a white embroidered smock and jeans. A smile was just starting to form on her lips, then she saw me, and her jaw fell open. Bill, behind her, cleared his throat.
“Welcome home, Mrs Richards,” I whispered, lowering my eyes and dropping into a little curtsey.
I didn’t understand why they were so surprised. They both knew Dan never did anything by halves. If I was going to role-play Nancy the maid, I was going to do it properly, and I would expect them to do the same.
Both Jackie and Bill goggled. I opened the door wider and stood back to let them in. I saw there were two cars in the driveway, Bill’s ancient Range Rover and Jackie’s smart Mercedes C-Class Cabriolet.
“I’m ready to serve afternoon tea in the sitting room, if that’s all right with you, Madam,” I said.
“Um, that will be fine, er… Nancy, thank you,” Jackie said, hesitantly.
She made as if to touch me, changed her mind, and brushed past.
Bill had warned me not to expect Jackie to throw her arms round my neck and cover me with kisses, but I had hoped for a little more affection in her greeting than this. Presumably he had given her the same instructions as he had given to me: you’re mistress and maid – no lovey-dovey stuff. Or maybe she was so shocked by my transformation that she couldn’t bring herself to show me any affection at all?
“You can bring Madam’s cases in from the car later, Nancy,” said Bill.
I acknowledged the order with another curtsey, as I had been taught.
I closed the front door and led them into the sitting room. Bill looked round, making no attempt to conceal his surprise at how the place had been transformed. It’s nice for a maid to see that her work is appreciated. I took their coats and they made themselves comfortable. I hung the coats in the cloakroom and went out to the kitchen to fetch the tea.
“Something smells delicious!” Bill said, as I came into the sitting room with the tray.
“Scones!” said Jackie. “Did you make them yourself, er, Nancy?”
“Yes, Madam,” I said. I put the tray down on a side table and poured her tea.
As I turned to pass Jackie her cup, I blocked Bill’s view of her face and she winked at me. And suddenly the sun came out again for me. She was acting the unfeeling mistress for Bill’s benefit. I didn’t wink back though. That would have been totally out of character.
I turned to Bill. “Would you prefer milk or lemon, sir?”
I had known what beers, wine and spirits he liked for fifteen years, but couldn’t recall ever making him tea.
“Milk, please,” he said. I gave him his cup. “But shouldn’t you have asked your mistress first?” he asked, clearly trying to catch me out.
“Oh Nancy knows how I like my tea,” Jackie said, leaping to my defence.
I passed out the plates and scones and offered butter, jam and cream.
“Shall I bring your luggage in while you’re taking tea, Madam?” I asked.
“Oh yes, that would be… er… very helpful, Nancy. I’ve just brought two suitcases and my briefcase.”
Jackie was finding it difficult to find the right words to address her maid who once was her husband. She gave me her car keys.
I had found a little handbell in a kitchen drawer and gave it to her. “Please just ring if you need anything, Madam, or when the gentleman is ready to leave.”
Jackie looked at the little bell like I had just handed her a live cobra.
“Er, thank you, Nancy.”
So I left them to it. Well there couldn’t be much conversation between three people when one was just the maid, however long they had known each other.
As I closed the sitting room door behind me, I could just hear Jackie whispering, “Did you tell her to make scones? I don’t think Dan would have known how.”
That was gratifying in a way, but she was already thinking of me as ‘her’. For some reason I found that very satisfying; it didn’t bother me at all…
* * *
I made two journeys out to the car for Jackie’s luggage. I could probably have managed the three bags in a single trip, but not if I wanted to maintain my feminine image. Neighbours seeing a middle-aged maid carrying all that luggage might have been suspicious. I didn’t hear any conversation from the sitting room as I passed.
I took the cases up to the master bedroom and was about to dump them on the bed when I had a thought. Was I a lady’s maid too? If so, I should unpack for her. It’s not as though I hadn’t touched her intimates before, although that was usually while she was wearing them.
I had given the wardrobes and chests of drawers a thorough cleaning with soap and water earlier in the day. They were dry now, so I unpacked all her stuff into those by her usual side of the bed. I looked sadly at the wardrobe and drawers on my side, which were empty and likely to remain so.
I heard the tinkling of the little bell less than twenty minutes later and rushed downstairs. I knocked on the sitting room door.
“Come in,” Jackie called.
Bill was just getting up.
“Now I just wanted to remind you both of a few things you need to remember if this is going to work.” He turned to me. “Nancy, as a maid you have to act as a maid. That means you curtsey whenever you serve or do anything for anyone. You answer your mistress by saying, Yes, Madam, and you stand and wait on her whenever she requires you to, including at mealtimes. You serve her food, refill her glass whenever it is empty, and do whatever she tells you. You eat only after she has finished and when you have cleared up in the kitchen.”
“Can’t I invite… her… to eat with me if I want to?” Jackie asked.
“I certainly wouldn’t advise it. As I said, you can do whatever you want to, but remember she’s your maid. If you sit down and eat with her, she may become over-familiar and make assumptions about your relationship.”
“All right, Bill, I understand.” She sounded frustrated. She turned to me. “So I may invite you to join me for dinner sometimes, but you mustn’t expect it,” she said sternly (for Bill’s benefit, I hoped). “Do you understand, Nancy?”
“Yes, Madam,” I said, and gave her my most elaborate curtsey yet.
Bill made to leave. I fetched his coat from the cloakroom and helped him on with it.
“Thank you, Nancy,” he said. “The tea and scones were excellent, by the way.”
“Thank you, sir,” I said.
“I’ll come by some time during the week. Keep up the good work!”
“I will, sir,” I said, and closed the door behind him.
I turned to face Jackie and had the breath knocked out of me as she threw herself at me. Her arms were round my shoulders, her legs were locked round my waist, and she was smothering me with kisses.
“Oh baby, I couldn’t wait for him to go! Has it been too awful? What have they done to you? Why are you wearing glasses? I love your hair! Is that a perm? And your make-up! You’re really pretty! But you’re so fat! You’ve got bigger boobs than I do! And that arse! It’s not permanent, is it?”
“Madam…!” I said, when I could get a word in. She dropped off me back to the floor.
“Oh fucking Time-Out, Nancy!” She made the universal T-signal with her hands. “You don’t have to call me Madam when we’re alone together. I want to talk to Dan again! Oh never mind, let’s just go up to the bedroom. Where is it?”
I laughed, put my arm around her and led the way.
“To answer your questions,” I said, as she impatiently pulled me upstairs, “you need a special solvent to remove the boobs, and I don’t have it. And it is a perm, so I would need to practically shave my head to look like a man again. Also I’ve had an all-over waxing and am booked in for another one next week, and I’ve no idea when – or if – my eyebrows will grow back. And the glasses are fake to make me look older. Apart from all that – no, nothing’s permanent.”
I threw open the master bedroom door and followed her in.
“And by the way, I’m not fat. If anything, I’ve lost weight due to how hard I’ve been working all week. The prosthetics are intended to make me look fat in the breasts and arse to give me a proper hourglass shape, and to disguise my masculine shoulders and thick waist. I have to wear this horrible girdle-thing to get into my uniforms.”
I lifted my skirt to show her the dreaded waist-cincher. She nodded. Her sharp mind soon saw the Transformations rationale.
“Actually you look really sexy,” she said huskily. “Take your dress off. I want to see what’s underneath.”
“Are you sure? This is all a little awkward…”
“Come on, don’t be shy! We see each other in our undies every day.”
“That’s different. You’ve never seen me in women’s undies…”
“Hey, who’s the boss here?” she grinned and ran round behind me.
She tore my cap off and untied my apron. Then she unzipped my uniform and pulled my arms out of the sleeves. Next thing I knew, my dress was pooling around my feet.
“Pretty underslip!” she said. “Let’s see what’s under that.”
Moments later I was standing there in just bra, panties, girdle and hose, and feeling desperately self-conscious.
“God, you’re so sexy! I can’t believe that my husband dressing as a woman is making me so hot! It’s like that party where you went as a cheerleader, only ten times better, ‘cause it’s real!”
She demonstrated just how hot it was making her by pushing me down on the bed and smothering me with kisses again.
When we finally came up for air, she jumped off the bed, and picked up my maid’s dress. She held it up against herself, examining her reflection in the wardrobe mirror. I propped myself up on my elbow and watched her.
“It suits you,” I grinned. “Should we keep it for you for when my sabbatical is over?”
“Huh, keep it for you, you mean, Nancy!” she snorted. “It’s far too big for me. But to be serious for a moment, I’m really surprised you’re taking this so well. Before we started, you were sure you’d find it all too embarrassing. I mean, you’re a rich, successful man. Isn’t it humiliating to have to pretend to be a woman and a poor housemaid at that?”
“At first it was, yes, but I took it on as a challenge. I gradually got used to the clothes, and female movement, and so on, and after a few days’ training I was thrown in at the deep end. I worked for a rich family with another maid. I had to be Nancy inside and out for four full days…”
“My God, you must have been terrified!”
“Well, yes. If I’d been exposed it would have been really serious. But I thought, no one here knows me as Dan. I’m getting away with being a woman, so I just have to act like a maid. You know – be respectful, work hard, scrub, vacuum, wash, iron. It was like amateur dramatics. And it was all going well. I was even starting to enjoy myself.”
Jackie raised an eyebrow, a grin appearing on her face.
“Well, it was relaxing, mindless,” I explained, “which is the whole point of taking a sabbatical, isn’t it?” She nodded, enthusiastically. “And I got a real sense of accomplishment as we finished each room, and when I was putting clean, ironed clothes away in the various chests of drawers.”
“What was the family like?” she asked.
“Really nice, actually. They were Americans, over here for his job. Three lovely kids.”
Then I thought of the shock of seeing Sheldrake himself. “But the first evening, when the husband came home, I realised I knew him from work…” Jackie gasped. “But he clearly didn’t recognise me.”
“Which is hardly surprising. I didn’t recognise you at first!”
“After that, my confidence grew. I even went for lunch with half a dozen other maids from the neighbourhood. They were really friendly and none of them had a clue I was anything other than one of them. So at first I was just acting, but it soon became second nature. Now Nancy seems to have developed her own personality.”
“She certainly does. I couldn’t believe how convincing you were this afternoon!”
“And I’m already feeling better, less stressed. You were right… about everything. I’m so sorry for ever shouting at you.”
“S’all right, babe,” she said, and kissed me again. “But it will take more than a week to recover from ten years’ accumulated stress. You’re going to have to be Nancy for a while yet. You know that, right?”
“Yes, Madam. Whatever you say, Madam.”
“Damn right,” she said, slapping me playfully on my padded backside. “But you can chuck that stupid handbell in the bin. We don’t have slavery anymore in this country. If I want my husband, I will go and find him myself – and that applies even when he’s become my pretty maid!”
“Hardly pretty, Madam!” I smiled and curtsied. It was more difficult in just bra and knickers with no skirt to hold. She sat down on the bed again, laughing.
“Hey, I’ve just thought,” she went on, “Bill said you wouldn’t need to be seen as Nancy by anybody apart from me and him and the Transformations people. So much for his promises!”
“But no one else I’ve met had a clue I wasn’t just Nancy the maid, so it wasn’t a problem.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re taking it so well, but I’m going to have strong words with Bill when I see him again.”
She tossed my dress at me and got up to explore her new domain. I wriggled into my underslip. I watched her breathlessly while I put my uniform and apron back on. I replaced my cap and checked that it was straight in the dressing table mirror. My lipstick was badly smeared too. I would have to go back to the maid’s room to repair it.
Jackie opened the bathroom door and gave an approving nod. Then she looked round, puzzled.
“Where did you put my stuff?” She opened the wardrobe. “Aw, you unpacked for me! You didn’t have to do that,” she said.
“Of course, I did. I mean, of course Nancy did. She’s your lady’s maid, as well as your cook and cleaner.”
“Yeah, I suppose. Y’know, I think you’re right to put it like that. We probably need to be thinking of Dan and Nancy as separate people, especially if bloody Bill is going to drop in unannounced.”
“You’re right. We’ll be in trouble if he comes in and finds you doing the washing-up and Nancy with her feet up watching the football.”
She laughed. “Not likely – you hate football and I hate washing-up. Surely there’s a dishwasher?”
“There is, but Bill has disconnected it. He says a maid needs to get used to washing-up.”
“That’s ridiculous! Listen, he keeps saying I’m the boss, and I say reconnect the dishwasher. You’re doing enough menial jobs as it is.”
“Yes, Madam. Is it OK for a maid to be hopelessly in love with her mistress, Madam?”
“She better had be. OK, so you’ll be Nancy everywhere but here in the bedroom.”
“Yes, Madam. That is what this whole experiment is about after all.”
And I really didn’t want to give up being Nancy yet…
She had found her underwear and tights in her chest of drawers, and her nightie under the pillow. Then she went round to the other side of the bed.
“Hey, where’s your… er… nightie?” Before I could answer she had opened the other wardrobe and drawers and found them all empty. “In fact, where’s the rest of your stuff?”
“Well I don’t have much,” I said, “but it’s all in the maid’s room.” Her face was thunder. “Bill’s idea,” I added.
“Well go and get it this minute!” she ordered. “I don’t care who you are, Dan or Nancy; you’re sleeping with me!”
“Your wish is my command, Madam.”
“And when you get back we can work out how to get your… bottom padding thing… off.”
“It’s called an ‘abdominal prosthesis’,” I said.
I scurried out happily to fetch Nancy’s meagre belongings.
* * *
After moving my few items of clothing into the master bedroom, I suggested we have dinner – it was coq au vin with basmati rice, one of Jackie’s favourites. I had put it in the oven just before Bill left and it would be perfect now.
Jackie insisted that we eat together, despite Bill’s instructions, so I put on my best casual dress, and touched up my make-up a little for the evening. Jackie was impressed with my make-up skills. I left my waist-cincher off and managed to get the dress on with a little difficulty. I had obviously lost some weight round my waist.
Over dinner, and a very nice Merlot, Jackie made me describe my week. I told her how the first couple of days were humiliating, and demeaning, and I hated it, and hated Mrs McLaughlin, and had nearly walked out. She tutted.
Then I told her about the second day when my disguise was completed and I realised I might actually be able to pass as a woman. She quizzed me in detail about the exercises Miss Parr had put me through to learn to walk and talk and move like a woman, and how that had given me the confidence to carry on.
“Well, she must be really good,” Jackie said, “‘cause you haven’t put a foot wrong today. You were amazing when you were serving us tea – you moved just like a middle-aged woman, even down to your jiggling boobs. I won’t have any trouble treating you as my maid.”
“Thanks… I think. Getting the moves right was hard work, but I’ve had five more days’ practice since then. I guess it’s instinctive now.”
“I assume you will be able to turn it off… you know… afterwards?”
“I certainly hope so, or I’m going to get some funny looks at the office. But I think it’ll happen automatically when I’m back in men’s clothes – and shoes.”
“I must admit, I thought you’d be really resentful about becoming a housemaid – not just pretending to be a woman, but a servant too!”
“At first I thought I would too,” I agreed, “but I soon realised that no one would ever see Dan Richards under the Transformations disguise – it’s that good. Also they taught me everything about how to move like a woman; female gestures and mannerisms; how women talk and react. They encouraged me to throw myself into my performance. It’s been quite a challenge, but I guess it’s now become a matter of personal pride to fool everyone.”
“But how did you learn to be such a good maid?”
I described my on-the-job training at the Sheldrakes’ house, and how I started to enjoy myself for the first time that week. It was fun fooling everyone around me and making them believe I was someone else. I admitted that she had been right about how hard, mindless work, scrubbing and cleaning and ironing and vacuuming, would lower my stress levels. I had no other explanation for why pretending to be a woman and wearing a maid’s uniform would relax me so much.
I also told her all about Maggie; how much I had enjoyed the company of my fellow maids; and how well I seemed to fit in with them – more so than with my erstwhile colleagues.
“I feel much the same way about my co-workers at the university,” she said. “There’s only so many tenured posts available – just like there’s only a few partnerships at Atkinson Stern – so everyone around me is a rival. For academics it’s all about publication – and while I’m up to my eyes in admin I’m not getting any publishable work done.”
She paused thoughtfully. “So when can I meet this wonderful Maggie? Should we invite her round?”
“Well that would hardly be appropriate, would it?” I said. “Since when does a maid’s mistress invite another maid round for tea?”
“I thought I was supposed to be in charge?” she said, pretending to be cross. (At least I think she was pretending.) “Anyway, I’m jealous. How do I know you haven’t had it off with her?”
“Oh come on! She thinks I’m a female – a divorced working-class woman on her uppers, forced to become a cleaner. Maggie’s not a lesbian; she has a little girl. We’re just girlfriends!”
Jackie laughed. I blushed.
“Actually, I suppose there is a way,” I said. “This house was empty for ages and it’s really filthy. I spent last night and all day today cleaning, and I’ve barely scratched the surface. You could call the cleaning company and ask to hire her for a couple of days to help me sort this place out.”
“Good idea – I’ll do it first thing tomorrow. But how can I be sure we’ll get Maggie?”
“Well one of her regular clients is away next week, so she’s only working part-time. She’ll be glad of the extra hours, I expect. She’ll be free all day Tuesday and Thursday unless Home Counties Housekeeping have already found her another job. She’s a really good cook, so you could even ask her to do our evening meal on the day she comes.”
“OK, that’s settled. Shall we have another glass of wine, then turn in?”
“I have to do today’s diary entry for Bill first.”
“Oh yes – the diary. He’s asked me to start keeping one from tonight too.” She perked up. “Hey, let me see yours.”
I explained that I’d handed all the pages I’d done so far to Bill. She was disappointed.
“So tell me what you said in it. Did you mention me?”
I told her I had said I was concerned that my transformation might damage our relationship. How could she ever see me as her husband again after three weeks as Nancy?
She hastened to reassure me. I said she hadn’t seen me in my night attire yet.
She looked puzzled. “Well why don’t you show me?” she said. “Go and put your nightie on.”
“It’s not just that.” I touched my curly hair. “I told you – this is a perm…”
“My god, you have to wear curlers!”
“And a sleep bonnet.”
I went into the bathroom to start getting ready. She followed me in and watched me putting my dreaded curlers in.
“That is so sexy!” she screamed.
“You’re weird,” I said, with a grin.
“Don’t be cheeky, Nancy,” she said, laughing.
“How come I never knew how weird you were before all this?”
“I’m only just discovering it for myself. I suppose I must have a fetish – for pretty men in women’s underwear… and stuff.”
“So you think I might get lucky tonight?” I said. “Should I take my ‘abdominal prosthesis’ off?”
“Well if you do,” she answered, “we’ll probably both get lucky.”
So I did, and I washed it, and myself, and hung it up to dry on the shower rail. And when I came out of the bathroom in pink nightie, curlers, and sleep bonnet, Jackie gasped and pushed me down onto the bed again, flat on my back. She pulled my nightie up, got herself into position…
…and we both got lucky - twice.
* * *
Later that evening, we lay back in bed having done the deed.
“Well that’s a relief,” she said. “You were so convincing I was beginning to think you must have had some sort of operation. Now I know this fat sexy cleaning lady really is my beloved husband, who knows just what I like, and all my funny little ways.”
I laughed and turned her over. My hands reached round her to cup her boobs, my boobs pressing into her back.
Nancy’s Diary – Week 2, Sunday
Nothing much to report today, Bill. As you intended, I spent most of the day cleaning.
You saw me serving afternoon tea for my mistress. I trust my service was satisfactory?
After you left, Jackie called a ‘time out’ so that we could catch up. But don’t worry, I’ll be back in full Nancy mode tomorrow.
Week 2 - Monday
I was up at six again, without needing to set the alarm. My sleep patterns are now ‘early to bed, early to rise’, like any housemaid. In contrast, Jackie has never been good at getting up in the morning. I don’t know if I disturbed her, but if I did, she just rolled over and went back to sleep.
We had agreed I needed to maintain the ‘maid’s room’ in case of visitors, especially Bill. So I left my uniforms, underwear, curlers, hairbrush and cosmetics in there, and put my nightie under the pillow.
This morning I had a quick shower in the family bathroom. Then I removed my shower cap, took my curlers out, brushed my hair, and did my make-up.
I put on my prosthesis with clean underwear and a fresh uniform and went down to the kitchen.
I had some cereal and orange juice and set about making breakfast for my mistress. She hadn’t given me any instructions the night before, so I made what Dan used to do on alternate Sundays and what I knew she liked: scrambled egg and smoked salmon on wholemeal toast.
I took it up to serve her breakfast in bed on the stroke of seven o’clock. I knocked loudly and entered, without waiting for a reply.
“Morning, Madam,” I said cheerfully.
I put the tray down on the bed and threw the curtains open. There was a groan from the bed.
I picked up the tray again and stood over her. Jackie stretched and rubbed her eyes. When she finally got them open and saw me, her patient maid, standing there, she laughed.
“Breakfast in bed? That’s brilliant, babe, thanks! So you’re really going through with this whole ‘Nancy the maid’ thing?”
“Of course, Madam,” I said. “That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it?”
“I suppose so,” she said. “Otherwise there’d be little point in moving half-way across town just to live with my cross-dressing husband.”
“Excuse me for correcting you, Madam,” I said, “but your husband, Dan, isn’t a cross-dresser. He wouldn’t want you to mix him up with me, Nancy, your maid.”
“Funny,” she said, “he certainly looked like a cross-dresser in his nightie and curlers last night.” She laughed. “But, OK, as long as transvestite Dan’s back at bedtime, I’m happy to live with Nancy the rest of the time.”
I’m not sure she understood. I had to think of Dan and Nancy as separate people. It was the only way I could cope with the embarrassment of this whole role-playing experience. But I let it go.
“Very good, Madam. Do you have any instructions for me for today?”
“Uh, no, I don’t think so. What did you have in mind? I’ve never had a maid before, you know.”
“Should I run you a bath? What clothes should I lay out for you today? Can you tell me what time you’ll be back this evening? Is there anything special you’d like for dinner? Are you expecting to entertain at all this week?”
“Whoa, whoa, one question at a time! I should be home by six. I’ll leave dinner to you – you know what I like. And what’s that about ‘entertaining’? I thought it would be just you and me while we’re here. Do you mean that you don’t mind meeting people as Nancy?”
I had to drop out of ‘Nancy mode’ a little to answer that question. I sat down on the bed.
“Well I don’t think either Bill or Dan ever expected my transformation to be so convincing,” I said in Dan’s voice. “I’ve met lots of people as Nancy this last week, and no one seemed to have the slightest notion that I was really a man. Mind you, I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to bring home anyone who knows Dan, but otherwise please feel free to invite people back here. I’ll be happy to serve your guests. It might even help your career.”
“Yes, that sounds like a good idea,” she mused. “Let me think about it. There’s a big faculty meeting coming up. We could offer a drinks and nibbles buffet afterwards, couldn’t we?”
I stood up again and clasped my hands in front of my apron, switching my ‘maid mode’ back on.
“Yes, Madam. Oh, and be sure to let me know of any day when you want to be especially smart, so that I can wash and press your best clothes.”
“OK, but don’t worry about any of that for now. I’ll be in the labs all day today, so I’ll just take a quick shower and wear my jeans and an old top. But it’s great having a maid! I may just keep you.”
I curtseyed with a smile.
“I’m not sure about the curtseying and the ‘Madam’ stuff though,” she said. “It makes me a little uncomfortable. Can’t you drop all that when we’re alone?”
“I’ll try, Madam, but it’s become kind of second nature now. If I drop it with you, I might forget myself when I’m serving your guests.”
That didn’t sound convincing even to me. After all, we hadn’t made plans for there to be any guests yet. It’s just that… curtseying and calling my mistress ‘Madam’ was part of being Nancy the maid, and that’s who I was now, wasn’t it?
Jackie sighed. “Oh that reminds me,” she said, “I was going to see if we can get Maggie for a couple of days, wasn’t I?”
* * *
Jackie phoned Home Counties Housekeeping before she left for work that morning. She was able to arrange for Maggie to come to us for the next day, Tuesday. She could also come on Thursday, those being the two days when she wasn’t working for the Sheldrakes. Jackie arranged for a minicab to pick her up and take her home both days.
That reminded me that I had no transport. Dan’s Porsche and our BMW X5 were locked up in the garage back home, and with no licence in her name Nancy couldn’t have driven either of them anyway, at least not without Dan risking exposure.
So if I wanted to go out, I would have to rely on public transport. I obviously couldn’t carry many bags on the bus, so our weekly big grocery shopping would either have to be ordered online and delivered, or I’d have to ask my mistress to do the driving. Either way she would have to be involved as I had no computer access. I wasn’t used to these constraints on my personal freedom and mobility.
I spent the rest of the day cleaning, mostly on the ground floor in the kitchen and utility room. It wasn’t as enjoyable doing it alone and I didn’t make as much progress as I’d expected, but at least I had reduced the risk of food poisoning. I looked forward to working with Maggie again.
Jackie was home at six, as she had promised. I served dinner at seven, still wearing my grey uniform.
“I thought you were going to change when we sat down to dinner?” she asked, as we were eating.
“I thought about that, but we have to remember that Bill could turn up at any time. He may try to catch us out. I think I should stay in uniform until we can say your maid is ‘off duty’.”
“And when would that be?”
“When I’ve finished tidying up after dinner, I think.”
“But I was going to help,” she said. “You did all the cooking, and you’ve been on your feet scrubbing and vacuuming all day. I can at least rinse the pots and load the dishwasher.”
“I think you’re missing the point, Madam, if I may say so without being impertinent. All of that is my job. You go out to work. You’re the family breadwinner. I’m just the maid. I cook and clean. I’m supposed to look after the house so you can relax when you get home.”
“But I feel guilty sitting around while you work.”
“Not much of a dominatrix, are you, Madam?” I laughed. “Don’t forget to put that in your diary tonight.”
“Well, OK, but please put on a nice dress when you’ve finished and join me in the sitting room. We can have a drink.”
“I don’t really have any clean dresses at the moment. I only had three to start with. I’ll try and do some laundry tomorrow.”
“Well, we’ll have to go shopping this weekend and get you some more clothes. It’ll be fun – and we’ll go as girlfriends, not mistress and maid.”
“Hang on, I don’t need any more dresses... er, Madam. I’m only going to be Nancy for three more weeks!”
“Are you, though?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye. I ignored her implication.
“In any case, Nancy gets all her clothes from charity shops, not posh boutiques,” I said.
“Well I think your mistress can buy you at least one nice dress, as a reward for all your hard work. If you insist, we’ll go to M & S rather than Oxford Street.”
At Jackie’s suggestion, after tidying up in the kitchen I changed into a clean nightie and put my curlers in. We cuddled on the sofa, read our magazines, watched TV, and drank red wine till bedtime.
Her hands kept worming their way up under my nightie and into my panties, but of course she didn’t find anything of interest there. She insisted I remove my prosthesis at bedtime again, and I made no objection.
We both filled in our diaries for the day, comparing notes for the first time. Bill had asked us not to collaborate, but I’ve never kept anything from my wife and I wasn’t about to start now. Jackie said that she liked having a maid but she couldn’t imagine being cruel to her, especially if she was her husband!
In my entry I simply reiterated that I was enjoying the relaxed and undemanding life of being a domestic servant. I was happy to obey my mistress’s instructions – not that she had actually given me any yet – but I still didn’t feel submissive in any way.
Frankly, I was getting bored with the diary thing and was running out of things to say.
Week 2 - Tuesday
As on Monday morning I was up an hour before Jackie. Fully made up, uniformed, capped and aproned, I served her breakfast in bed.
This time she let me run her a bath and lay out her clothes. She was going into the Department for various budget meetings, so I put out clean underwear and tights, a frilly blouse, and a pinstripe skirt suit.
I helped her dress, like a proper lady’s maid, and I also did her hair for her, although she had to show me what to do as ‘hairdressing for your mistress’ hadn’t been covered in my maid training. But her gran was a hairdresser and Jackie learnt everything from her at an early age. She paid her way through college by giving professional-standard hairdos to all her friends. She still mostly looked after her own hair and resented paying for hairdresser appointments.
“This is wonderful, Nancy darling. I don’t think I’ve ever managed to look so smart for a Departmental meeting. The powers-that-be will have to start treating me as one of the ‘grown-ups’ now. I think I’ll train you to do my hair all the time from now on, and I can do yours. It’ll be great.”
Yes, Madam. I’m always keen to learn new skills.”
Did this mean that she was expecting Dan to do her hair when this was all over? If so, I’d need to swear her to secrecy. I’d be laughed out of Atkinson Stern by the macho bruisers there if anyone found out.
Anyway, between us we got her looking fabulous. I tried to be Nancy throughout, curtseying and calling her ‘Madam’, but Jackie kept laughing and joking with me as though I were still her husband, or at least her best girlfriend.
Maggie arrived at about eight o’clock. I made coffee and we sat down in the kitchen. We were nattering away about Doreen and Sally and the other girls, and catching up on the developments in their lives, when Jackie came in and I was able to introduce them. I stood up, straightened my skirt and my apron, and curtseyed.
“This is Maggie, Madam,” I said. “She taught me everything I know about housekeeping.”
“Lovely to meet you at last, Maggie,” Jackie said. “Nancy has told me a lot about you.”
Maggie was beaming. “Thank you so much for thinking of me this week, ma’am,” she said. “The extra couple of days makes quite a difference. I often struggle a bit when my regular clients are away.”
“No, thank you, Maggie. You’ll be helping us enormously. This place was awful when we moved in and poor Nancy’s been working her fingers to the bone to get it straight.”
Jackie sat down and joined us for a coffee before setting off for the university. She and Maggie hit it off immediately.
“I understand that Nancy has asked you to cook for us tonight,” Jackie said. “You will stay and eat with us, won’t you?”
“That would be lovely, Mrs Richards. Thank you,” she said. “I’ll let my mum know I’ll be back a little later than usual.”
* * *
After Jackie had left and Maggie and I had finished our coffee I showed her around the house, and what I’d already done. She nodded approvingly.
“There’s an awful lot of rubbish to get rid of,” she observed. “What day do the binmen come?”
Of course I had no idea, and I realised I couldn’t go onto the local council’s website to find out as I had no internet access.
“Why don’t you pop next door and ask your neighbour?” she suggested.
“Good idea,” I said, thinking, Great, someone else I have to meet as Nancy! Still, I wasn’t too concerned. Nobody had seen through me yet.
So I slipped my cardigan on and went out to call on our neighbour. She was clearly a little surprised to open the door to a uniformed maid but she was very friendly. It turned out that the refuse collectors normally came on a Wednesday afternoon, so Maggie and I had to spend most of the morning just clearing rubbish. Fortunately we found several crumpled but empty cardboard boxes around the house, so the growing pile by the bins stayed reasonably tidy.
After the clear-out we worked away solidly all morning, scrubbing, wiping and vacuuming to easy-listening tunes on Maggie’s little radio. We managed to get the master bedroom, the landing and one of the other bedrooms up to Maggie’s high standard. At about one o’clock we sat down to a little lunch I’d prepared.
“This is your first week working for Mrs Richards, is it, dear?” Maggie asked.
“Yes,” I said. “It was arranged just before I came to work with you at the Sheldrakes’.”
“Do you know what she does?”
“Something at the University. I think she’s some sort of scientist.”
“And where’s her husband?”
“Oh he’s on a – what do you call it? – sabbatical? She’s expecting him to be away for about three months.”
I was quite enjoying this. We were just two women gossiping about our employer, as we maids do.
“Well it’s a good thing she has you to keep her company, isn’t it?” she said.
Too right, I thought.
“Anyway, I think you’re very lucky with your mistress,” Maggie said. “She’s lovely.”
“Really?” I said. I thought she was lovely too, of course, but I was interested to know why she thought so. “I would have said she’s about the same as Mrs Sheldrake, isn’t she? I mean, I’ve no complaints, but all mistresses are pretty much the same from a maid’s point of view, aren’t they?”
“Oh no, dear,” she said. “Some employers treat us like dirt.” I nodded to encourage her to continue. “Some rich people can be horrible, especially if they’re ‘new money’. In general, the older the family, the better they treat their servants.”
I laughed. “I’m sure you’re right,” I said. “You’ve much more experience with employers than I do.”
“Yes,” she agreed. “So what did you do before?”
She was smiling, but with a penetrating look. I paused, wondering how to answer without getting myself caught in a web of lies.
“It’s just that I’m beginning to think of us as friends,” she went on, “and you haven’t really told me very much about yourself. But I’d understand if there are things you don’t want to talk about. We all have secrets…”
“No, it’s not that,” I said, “and I do think of us as friends. In fact, these days, you may even be my best friend…”
I suppose this was stretching the truth a little, but Jackie and Bill were Dan’s friends, not Nancy’s.
Maggie said nothing, waiting patiently for me to continue.
“I – I used to work in an office. It wasn’t a very friendly atmosphere, and I suppose I must have got stressed out.” She looked alarmed. “Oh, I don’t mean I had a breakdown or anything, but I think I might have had if I hadn’t got out when I did. I find being a domestic much more relaxing, and my new colleagues are much nicer.”
She smiled. “But it must be harder to make ends meet. A maid doesn’t earn anywhere near as much as a senior secretary.”
“No, but Mrs Richards wanted a live-in maid, with her husband being away, so having board and lodging paid for makes a big difference. I don’t have to pay for my uniforms either, so that really cuts down on the cost of clothes.”
“How long have you been separated from your husband? That can’t have helped with the stress.”
I didn’t want to go there. I would have to make too much stuff up. I suppose that was a strange reaction as everything about me was a lie, but I wanted to stick as much as possible to some version of the truth. My expression must have changed because she rushed to interrupt before I could speak.
“Sorry, dear, that was too nosey.” She grinned. “Occupational hazard with us gossipy cleaning ladies!”
“No, it’s OK. It’s just that I haven’t given up hope regarding my… marriage, so I don’t know exactly what will happen…”
I trailed off. Again, there was a thread of truth here, running through the big lie. I had been afraid that seeing her husband dressed as a maid, curtseying, and calling her Madam, might have caused Jackie to lose all her respect for me, and that certainly wouldn’t have been good for our marriage, but – weirdly – she seemed to be loving this whole bizarre experience…
Maggie must have sensed that was all she getting for the moment.
“Anyway, we’d better get on, hadn’t we?” she said. She went to the sink and started filling a plastic bucket with soapy water. “Two more bedrooms to do, and the upstairs bathroom, and then we’ll need to get on with dinner. We’ll do the ground floor on Thursday, shall we?”
* * *
That all went as planned and by five o’clock the whole of the upstairs was sparkling clean. We were in the kitchen. Maggie had reviewed all the food available from the previous weekend’s shopping and selected a recipe. Now I was chopping vegetables while she was preparing a roast.
“There may be too much here for the three of us,” she said, “but you can finish it off tomorrow, in sandwiches or with a salad.”
Jackie returned a little after six and joined us in the kitchen. I rushed to fetch her a glass of her favourite wine, which she slurped happily. I was dying to ask her how her day had gone, as I knew there had been some important meetings, but that was hardly my place now. I would have to wait until she and I were alone.
But she had seen my face and, thoughtful as ever, volunteered, “Well I’ve had a good day, girls. All our proposals were accepted and we’ve got budget cover for the next two years.”
Maggie and I congratulated her warmly, though of course as humble domestic servants we couldn’t possibly hope to understand the implications of what she said. (But Dan was very pleased.)
“I’m going to have a bath,” Jackie said. “How long till dinner?”
“About half an hour, ma’am,” said Maggie. “But there’s no rush. It will be fine for a while after that.”
She turned back to the meat. Jackie winked, blew me a kiss behind Maggie’s back, and left us to it.
* * *
Dinner was excellent – both the food and the conversation. I stayed in my uniform to keep Maggie company. We were like three old girlfriends chatting, rather than a rich lady and her two maids. I called for a taxi to take Maggie home at a quarter past eight.
“It was quite interesting to see you two together this morning,” Jackie said after Maggie had gone.
We were in the bedroom and I was taking my uniform off. I made a mental note to do some laundry tomorrow; I was running out of clean underwear and uniforms.
I was down to my bra and knickers. I caught sight of my portly figure, especially my huge rear and fat thighs, in the wardrobe mirror. I felt a little embarrassed in front of Jackie. We both knew it was all padding, but still…
“You seemed so much alike,” Jackie went on, “two plump, middle-aged, working-class women, nattering away.” I frowned. She laughed. “I felt quite left out.”
“Well that’s not surprising. After all a super-smart professional woman like you has nothing in common with semi-literate cleaning ladies like Maggie and me,” I said sarcastically.
“Snarky!” she said. “Anyway it wasn’t like that this evening. I can see why you two get on so well. She’s really nice.”
I had mastered undoing my bra by now and dropped it and my panties in the laundry basket for the maid – me, of course – to deal with tomorrow. I put my nightie on.
“She’s had a tough life,” I said. I told her about Maggie’s domestic circumstances.
“Perhaps we could hire her when this is all over?”
“Hardly! We can’t afford for her ever to meet Dan. She and I have spent five entire working days together. She’d recognise me in an instant! In fact, it’s a good thing all our old photographs are still back home.”
“I suppose so,” she agreed. “By the way, have you thought about what to put in your diary tonight?”
I grimaced. “Not really. My first entries earlier in the week were easy. Everything was new and different; my emotions were all over the place; and I had lots to say. But I seem to have settled into a routine now, so there’s nothing interesting for Bill.”
“Do you feel submissive yet, maid?” she asked, with a grin.
“Not at all. I get being a servant, and I’m surprised to find that I don’t mind the life at all. It’s actually liberating, having no responsibility – especially as I know I can give it all up and go back to being a miserable rich man whenever I want. But I’m actually happy at the moment, and I think I’m getting quite good at being a maid.”
Jackie nodded vigorously.
“Anyway I’m not interested in bondage or chastity or anything like that,” I continued, “and I’m quite sure it would destroy us as a couple, so I’m glad you’re not inclined that way either. I guess from Bill’s point of view, the whole project is a failure.”
“It’s just as useful to disprove a theory,” said the scientist in Jackie. “Maybe we’re showing that the whole domme-sub thing has to be something in your nature. It can’t be induced by role-playing.”
“Yes, it’s early days yet of course, but I don’t think it will happen with us, because the domme-sub relationship is basically about sado-masochism. I’m not a masochist, and you’re definitely not a sadist. I can just about see you behaving like a domme if you thought I wanted you to treat me badly, but I’m just not into that. As far as I’m concerned, Nancy may only be a cleaning lady, but that’s a perfectly respectable way to make a living, at least for an unskilled woman down on her luck. I’m trying to live her life with dignity, and I certainly don’t want to be mistreated for it – and I wouldn’t tolerate it.”
“Well I guess that’s our diary entries for tonight sorted out then,” she said.
Week 2 – Wednesday
Our morning routine was the same as on the first two days of the week. I was happy to be up early, smartly dressed in my uniform and made up, and serving my mistress breakfast.
“We’ve run out of smoked salmon, so I’ve done some crispy bacon. Is that satisfactory, Madam?” I asked.
“It’s great. I wouldn’t want the same thing every day anyway. I just love you serving me breakfast in bed, but I must make it up to you after this is all over.”
“There’s no need, Madam. This is what we signed up for.”
“Yes, but you’re doing all the hard work, and I’m just lying back and enjoying it. It’s not fair.”
“But you work very hard at the office. Anyway, I thought I’d been ‘lying back and enjoying it’!”
She giggled. “Yes, if this week has taught us nothing else, we’ve learned that sex is great with me on top.”
I laughed with her – and she was right. With my big heavy boobs and butt, it was much more comfortable for us both with me on the bottom. It put Jackie in control, but I had no problem with that. It certainly didn’t make me ‘submissive’ or her a ‘domme’.
“Shall I run your bath, Madam?” I asked. “What clothes should I lay out today?”
“Yes to the bath, but don’t worry about clothes. I’m going to work from home this morning.”
“Well I’ll put out your clean underwear anyway.” I grinned. “I quite like doing that.”
“And I can’t even call you a pervert,” she smiled, “with you dressed the way you are.”
* * *
While Jackie was in the bath I gathered up all our dirty laundry and went downstairs to put the first load in. My cheap bras and knickers were all fine in a hot white wash, but I removed Madam’s delicates for hand washing. I found this job a little too… um, stimulating, and I could feel my member hardening. But the prosthesis was up to the task of restraining it without causing too much pain. Jackie appeared in the utility room while I was doing this and sensed my excitement.
* * *
“Oh, that is so sexy – my handsome husband, dressed as my pretty housemaid, and washing my smalls by hand. It makes me want to ravage you here and now on the laundry room floor, Nancy darling.”
“Well there’s nothing stopping you, Madam. You are my mistress after all.”
“And it’s very tempting, but we’ve both just got washed and dressed. I’ll keep the image in my mind’s eye for later. Listen, I’ve set my laptop up in the study…”
“Oh but, Madam, we haven’t cleaned in there yet! We’re planning to do it tomorrow.”
“Don’t worry, it’s OK as it is for now. What I wanted to say is, I’ve got it open at the supermarket web page. Should we do an internet shop for next week’s groceries?”
“Oh yes, good idea, Madam! We can have them delivered on Friday afternoon, to keep the weekend clear.”
“Also we can check your – I mean, Dan’s work Inbox, just in case anything important has come up. I’m a little surprised you haven’t already asked me to do that.”
“Any emails to Mr Richards are none of my business,” I said firmly. “I’m just Nancy the maid.” She looked sceptical. “The whole point of a sabbatical is to get away from your normal working life completely,” I added.
“Right,” she said, clearly unconvinced. “OK, let’s go and do the shopping. Then there’s one other thing I want to do. I really don’t like your hairdo. I’m pretty sure I can do better. Your hair’s getting long enough for a proper perm. I went back home yesterday afternoon and got all my old equipment from the garage. I think it still works. Can you help me carry it in from the car?”
So we submitted an online grocery order. Then Jackie insisted on checking Dan’s Inbox. It just had a few research papers in it, but I was surprised to find I wasn’t interested in them in the least.
So we set up her portable hairdressing salon in one of the upstairs bedrooms. I took my uniform off and put on Jackie’s negligée, and for the next hour I had another hairdressing lesson, this time with myself as the subject.
Jackie used much better products than they had at Transformations, including a very expensive ‘natural’ blonde tint. She scornfully dismissed my objections that Nancy couldn’t afford an expensive hairdo.
“Don’t you want to see just how good you can look as Nancy? I’m going to do your make-up too.”
I didn’t argue. I don’t suppose any woman actually wants to look dowdy and middle-aged. I was stuck with my figure of course, but perhaps Jackie could improve on everything else. When she’d finished, I was astonished.
It was a little more difficult to attach my maid’s cap to my new bouffant hairdo. We had to use twice as many hair grips. We then spent far too long admiring my appearance in the mirror. Jackie had a very strange look in her eyes. I could swear her mouth was watering.
“I told you you’d be pretty,” she chortled.
“I’d better put my uniform back on,” I said. “I don’t look like a maid; I look like the mother of the bride getting ready for the wedding. What on earth will Maggie say tomorrow?”
“I’d better get on with my real work,” she said, huskily. “I’ve got tons of reports to write.”
“Me too,” I said. “I’ve got tons of laundry to do.”
* * *
Jackie went into the office in the afternoon, while I spent most of the day washing and ironing – my least favourite maid chore.
I did it in the sitting room with the TV on. Nothing like mindless afternoon programming to make the housework pass quickly. It was a soap opera. I kept imagining myself as the mother of one of the out of control young women characters. I realised with a start that Dan would never have watched this sort of programme. It was weird that as Nancy I was enjoying it. Just how deep were the changes I was experiencing?
Jackie phoned at about half-past four to suggest she brought in dinner. I was tired enough not to argue, although it was hardly in the spirit of our role play.
We had a quiet evening with a Chinese takeaway and wine.
By ten o’clock we were sprawled out on the sofa in some disarray. I was still in uniform, although Jackie had unzipped my dress and was playing with my bra strap. The game would be up if Bill came round now and caught us. Through my alcoholic haze I wondered whether he had kept a key to the rented house.
“So, maid, you have to do everything I say?” Jackie said tipsily just after we opened the second bottle.
“Yes, Madam.”
“OK then - go and buy me a Ferrari.”
“I’m sorry, Madam, but your maid can’t buy you an expensive car. You’ll have to ask your husband when he gets back.”
“Well, how about you signing a Power of Attorney? Then I can buy a Ferrari myself.”
“Why would you want Power of Attorney over your maid’s assets? She doesn’t have anything.”
She laughed.
“Anyway we… er, that is, you and your husband, Dan, have a joint account. You don’t actually want a Ferrari, do you, Madam?” I asked.
“Of course not, silly maid!” she laughed. “What would be the point? Where would I drive it?”
“Track days? The German autobahn?”
She snorted. “I can see you’ve been thinking about it! You’ll get a supercar over my dead body, maid!”
“You’re such a harsh mistress.”
“I know,” she said, climbing up on top of me and burying my face in her naked boobs.
During our evenings together we would normally tell each other about our days, and Jackie entertained me with the Astrophysics Department’s office politics; the continual problems she had with a visiting American professor; and her struggles with her latest research paper. I realised I had nothing new to tell her about my day. A maid’s life just isn’t interesting to a high-powered career woman.
We watched the ten o’clock news and went upstairs not long after. I had to ask Jackie to help me with the curlers for my new perm.
We went to bed and just cuddled. She seemed to enjoy kneading my fleshy thighs and buttocks, not realising I couldn’t actually feel anything. I hadn’t taken my prosthesis off and she had been too drunk to ask.
Week 2 – Thursday
Jackie was up early as she had to get a train down to London for a meeting. So we had breakfast together in the kitchen. She was running late. She grabbed her briefcase and threw her arms around me.
“Bye, gorgeous!” she said. “God, you’re so sexy in your little uniform!”
She planted a big kiss on my lips and ran out to a waiting taxi.
I ran to fix my lipstick before Maggie arrived. When I opened the door to her, she goggled at my new hairdo.
“You look great!” she gushed. “Where did you get it done? You must have been saving up.”
I blushed and admitted that my mistress had done it.
“Didn’t I say you were lucky?” she laughed.
We worked on the ground floor rooms all morning. Since I had already dusted and vacuumed, our main focus was on the windows and paintwork. We also had to deep-clean the sitting room carpet, which had many unidentified stains. That was hard work, and when we gratefully sat down for lunch there was only the kitchen left to do.
“I hope we get the chance to work together again after this, love,” Maggie said. “I’ve really enjoyed your company.”
“Likewise,” I said, “but I’m not sure how that can happen.”
“Actually, I do have a suggestion… if you’re interested.”
“Sure,” I nodded. This didn’t seem likely, but it couldn’t hurt to listen.
“Well, this place is in great shape now, isn’t it? It won’t take all your time keeping it clean.”
“No, but I have to do the laundry, the shopping, and the cooking…”
“Even so, you could still spare maybe three mornings a week – if your mistress agrees, of course.”
“I suppose so,” I agreed. Where was this going?
“Well on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, I work at the Travellers’ Rest Hotel, before going on to the Sheldrakes in the afternoons. I’m pretty sure I could get you the same shifts. We’d be working together three mornings a week!”
“What would I be doing?”
“Housekeeping – you know, cleaning the rooms, making the beds, putting a little chocolate on the pillows,” she smiled. “It’s good money too. Wouldn’t it be nice to put a little extra aside?”
I thought it over. Could I actually do this? It would be taking the whole experiment much further, but wouldn’t that be a good thing? What would Jackie think? I’m sure she wouldn’t stop me, but what would she think?
“It’s a wonderful idea, Maggie,” I said, my heart in my mouth. “Can you ask your boss at the hotel if they have an opening? I – I’ll talk to Mrs Richards tonight.”
* * *
Maggie had supervised the dinner and it looked delicious, but she couldn’t arrange a babysitter for that evening so she wasn’t able to stay and eat with us. When Jackie got home I was in the kitchen stirring gravy. She flung her arms around me from behind, massaging my boobs and padded bum.
I took the opportunity to ask her about working with Maggie at the Travellers’ Rest. She was amazed – and amused.
“So you want to be a hotel maid?” she hooted. “Well, why not? You’d be great! You realise you’ll be working for someone much better at ordering servant girls around than I am… and who isn’t in love with you?”
Her hands moved around and up my uniform skirt. I giggled.
“Seriously, you’ll get the chance to see what it’s really like to be a servant. Are you sure you want that? Are you sure you’ll be able to stand it?”
“That’s one of the reasons I want to do it, Madam. You know you don’t always treat me as your maid – even outside the bedroom – which kind of undermines our whole reason for being here. Obviously I don’t mind that. In fact I’ve always felt a little uncomfortable with what this whole silly project may be doing to our relationship.”
She hastened to reassure me. I persisted.
“But if I do this, that won’t matter as much. We can be who we really are at home, and I can get my dose of subservience at the hotel.”
Week 2 – Friday
Maggie called just after Jackie left for work. Her manager at the hotel was prepared to offer me three shifts next week on Maggie’s recommendation, and promised that if I did a good job they might make it a regular thing. I was thrilled, but as had happened so often lately, the Dan part of me sat up and wondered why I was so pleased about willingly taking on additional menial work – and humiliation.
My shifts would be the same as Maggie’s so that she could keep an eye on me and train me to make up the rooms to ‘Travellers’ Rest standards’. I would need to be there at 8.30 and work from nine till one, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This would fit well enough with Jackie’s schedule. I could still make her breakfast and help her get ready in the mornings.
When she got back that evening she congratulated me on getting a new job. I couldn’t help feeling a little surge of pride.
“I can give you a lift to the hotel in the morning,” she said. “It’s on my way, isn’t it?”
“That would be very kind of you. Thank you, Madam.”
“Oh but you’ll have to get a bus back here. Are you sure you’ll be all right on public transport dressed as Nancy?”
“I’m sure I’ll manage, Madam,” I said. “I’m quite confident in my appearance now.”
“No, I mean, you’re not afraid of… you know… being attacked? A single woman, alone, vulnerable?”
“But it will be the middle of the day – broad daylight, in the middle of town…” I stopped as she was grinning stupidly. “Oh, I see – you were joking. Very droll, Madam.”
She was laughing now. “Yeah! Anyone who assaulted you… well he’d never attack another woman in his life, that’s for sure!”
* * *
Bill called round (without warning) that evening at about eight o’clock. I rushed to answer the door, expecting it to be him as no one else knew us here. Fortunately I was still in uniform and we were both fully in role. I think he was disappointed. He’d probably hoped to find us eating together, a flagrant flouting of the rules.
But we had finished dinner and Jackie was watching a documentary, a glass of chardonnay in her hand. I had been in the kitchen clearing up. I still had my rubber gloves on.
“Do come in, sir,” I said respectfully. “Madam is in the sitting room.”
“Thank you, Nancy,” he said. “Please would you join us… er, as soon as you’ve finished your chores?”
“Yes, sir,” I said. “May I offer you any refreshments?”
“No, thank you. I can’t stay for long.”
I showed him into the sitting room and went back to the kitchen. It took me about another ten minutes to wipe down all the surfaces and load the dishwasher. I would have to wait till Bill had gone before putting it on though, as he was expecting me to wash the dishes by hand. I just hoped he wouldn’t come into the kitchen.
I stripped off my gloves. Then on an impulse I sneaked back to listen at the sitting room door. I suppose I was irrationally afraid that Bill and Jackie were engaged in some sort of conspiracy against me.
“…so he’s doing really well as a maid,” I heard Bill saying, “but what about his attitude?”
“How do you mean?” Jackie asked.
“Well does he behave as your servant? That’s really important for the experiment. Does he do as you tell him, as a maid should, or does he challenge you as your husband?”
“Is she cheeky, you mean?” Jackie emphasised the feminine pronoun. “No, Nancy is an excellent maid. Very respectful – she only ever calls me ‘Madam’ – and she caters to my every whim. She asks my permission before doing anything. She thinks of things I need before I do and makes suggestions – but always courteously. My life has become so much easier with her looking after me. I’ve got a lot more done at the office without having to worry about looking after the home.”
“So Dan left you to do all the housework, shopping, cooking, etc? I always thought he took advantage of you round the house.”
Bastard! I wasn’t that bad! Was I?
“Well, we very careful to split everything 50-50 when we were first married. And, yes, he has slipped a little recently, but that was because of his job. He’s been working sixty-hour weeks ever since he was put up for Partner, and I guess he’s needed me to pick up the slack back home. I don’t mind.”
How lucky was I to find this woman! I’m going to make it up to her even after Nancy goes away and Dan comes back.
“But surely…” Bill tried to interrupt.
“No, Bill, it’s working out for us. We’re well on the way to being seriously rich. We have a two million-pound apartment, three expensive cars, and we can afford exotic holidays, not that Dan’s job has let us take one. You know we had next to nothing when we started – and it’s all because of his work. Astrophysics lecturers don’t make a lot, and I wouldn’t do much better even with a full professorship. And then there’s children to think about. The only thing I’m really worried about is his health, and that’s why I’m so glad for this study of yours. It’s giving him a proper rest – well, mentally anyway. Physically Nancy works harder than Dan ever has in his life, but she seems to love it!”
I’d heard enough. I knocked.
“Come in!” Jackie called.
“Please sit down, Nancy,” said Bill.
I sat down on the room’s only hard-backed chair, sweeping my uniform skirt underneath me. I sat, respectfully silent with my eyes cast down and my hands folded over my apron. Momentarily Bill looked astonished at my subservience. He quickly recovered.
“Now you’ll remember that I said I’d need you to fill out a questionnaire each at the end of each week. I have them here. I’ll leave them with you and come back on Sunday to collect them.”
“Can you make it around lunchtime?” Jackie said. “Sunday is Nancy’s day off, so she might not be here, and I’m going out later.”
This was all news to me. Where did she think I was going to go?
“Er, yes, I can manage that, I think,” he said. Obviously Bill was also curious what Nancy might do on her day off, but he didn’t ask. “About twelve?” he suggested. “Now, it would be better if you completed the questionnaires independently – no collusion – but it doesn’t matter too much. The important thing is: please be completely honest. Remember I’ve promised you total anonymity. There’s no need to be embarrassed over any of your answers.”
I wasn’t impressed with his commitment to ‘total anonymity’. That had already been compromised when Nancy was exposed to so many outsiders, but I supposed that might not have been Bill’s idea. From the look on her face Jackie was thinking the same.
We took our respective questionnaires without comment. I sensed that the earlier conversation I had shamelessly eavesdropped on had left her slightly irked with Bill and I certainly had nothing to say to him, so there were no further pleasantries.
He saw that he wasn’t going to get anything more out of Jackie, and he certainly wasn’t going to pass the time of day with the maid. So he just asked us for our latest diary entries; grunted a little when he saw their brevity and lack of useful insights; and took his leave.
As soon as he’d gone, I asked her what she meant about his visit on Sunday.
“Well, it’s your day off, so you won’t be in uniform. There’s no reason for you to answer the door, or make tea, or call him ‘sir’. And you can’t be Dan, can you? I mean, not with your hair, and bum, and those lovely boobs. So we can hardly sit down, the three of us, and return to our normal friendly relationship. I just think it would be better if you’re not around when he comes.”
“You’re right,” I agreed. “It would be really awkward being Nancy with Bill, but not being the maid.”
“If you like, I’ll tell him you’ve gone out with your new cleaning lady friends, but if you want to stay in, you can hide upstairs till he’s gone.”
* * *
Later Jackie and I poured over the questionnaires he left behind.
Questionnaire for the Mistress
• Are you comfortable with your role as your husband’s Mistress and employer?
• Do you see him as a woman, and your maid servant, or just as your husband in a silly costume?
• Do you have difficulty giving your maid orders?
• Are you satisfied with your maid’s performance? If not, what steps have you taken to improve it?
• What are now your feelings toward your maid? Love? Hate? Sympathy? Contempt? Disgust?
• Or do you have no feelings toward her at all – she’s just the maid?
• Are you enjoying this role-play or do you long for it to be over?
We filled them in together. She was scathing about her questions. She said that she was perfectly comfortable with the role-playing – as long as I was – but she didn’t really see me as a woman. She said I was doing a brilliant job as her maid. She didn’t need to give me orders as I was managing the household without her needing to.
Her feelings toward me were unchanged, except that she was impressed by my whole-hearted commitment to the study. She was happy to carry on for as long as I wanted to, because she saw how it was relieving my stress levels.
Questionnaire for the Maid
• Do you feel like a woman at all, or just a man in drag?
• Which of the following describes your feelings about wearing women’s clothes?
I absolutely hate this and am desperate to return to men’s clothes.
I don’t like it much, but I can put up with it till the end of the experiment.
I’m neutral. They’re just clothes. No biggie.
I actually quite like it. It’s fun and I think I look OK.
I’m having a wonderful time, and I shall definitely continue cross-dressing when this is all over.
• How do you feel about being a working-class woman now – a maid, a cleaner?
• Do you think your mistress is treating you well?
• Which of the following describes your feelings about your mistress?
She seems to take a special delight in being horrible to me. She treats me like dirt.
I’m a little surprised at how bossy she is to me. It makes me uncomfortable.
It’s fine. She’s playing the role very well and is reasonable in her demands.
I’m doing the household chores as the maid, but she’s not really trying to act as an employer or mistress much.
I don’t think she really gets it. She’s still doing a lot of the housework she always did. Our relationship hasn’t changed except that I’m in a maid’s uniform.
I had to think about my answers more carefully. I didn’t pretend to be disliking the experience – although there were some aspects of it I found very unpleasant. In particular, role-playing the maid with Bill was really demeaning. But I couldn’t bring myself to say I was having a wonderful time and would continue cross-dressing afterwards. Yes, Jackie claimed now to be turned on by seeing me in women’s clothes (especially the underwear), but I couldn’t imagine her tolerating it as a way of life. I would surely lose all her respect.
So I put down ‘I actually quite like it. It’s fun and I think I look OK’ and admitted that ‘I do feel like a woman’, at least some of the time.
I was also honest and admitted that living as a poor working-class cleaner was surprisingly enjoyable, even exciting, although I suggested that it was probably just the novelty factor. I mentioned that I very much enjoyed the company of my fellow maids. I also said that ‘My mistress is playing her role well and is reasonable in her demands’.
I think some of my answers surprised Jackie a little.
Week 2 - Saturday
“Okay, so you’re Nancy all day today and tomorrow, but you’re not my maid,” said Jackie in bed on Saturday morning. “You’re my girlfriend. Or how about my sister? I know! You can be my sister-in-law, my husband’s older sister.”
“I think we’d better stick with just your friend,” I said. I didn’t want to squash her enthusiasm, but we needed to be careful. “If we say anything else, we could get caught out if we bumped into anyone who knows you and Dan.”
“Fair enough. There’s no reason why I shouldn’t be friends with my maid, I suppose. I’m a very modern employer.” She jumped out of bed. “Come on, it’s after nine. The shops await.”
* * *
It was wonderful to be spending time with my wife, even if I wasn’t her husband today. She drove us to the shopping centre in her Merc. At least its little boot wouldn’t have room for lots of parcels, so it should be possible to restrict her spending. I wouldn’t mind if she bought herself some nice things, but I had the impression she wanted to fill out Nancy’s wardrobe. That would just be silly.
I wore one of my casual dresses and my outdoor coat with my headscarf. Jackie insisted I wear my three-inch heels. She was determined to buy me a posh dress, and I would need to see what it looked like with my best shoes. She reluctantly agreed to get any more dresses second-hand from the nearest charity shop.
“Okay, one £200 dress and two £10 ones,” she said.
“And that’s all,” I insisted. “Everything of Nancy’s will be going back to the charity shop in a couple of weeks anyway.”
“We’ll see,” she said.
I was about to comment on that when she dragged me into an expensive-looking boutique. We browsed the racks for the next half an hour with her frequently stopping and holding a dress up against me. It was a bizarre but not unpleasant experience.
She eventually found some we both liked and I had to go into the changing rooms to try them on. After my solo outing a week ago, I was less embarrassed about being surrounded by semi-naked women, and I felt the same about stripping down to my bra, panties and tights myself.
Needless to say, the experience was repeated in several shops during the morning. I found it exhausting, but Jackie joined me to try on a few dresses herself which made it all great fun – twirling and posing for each other.
This was a bit of a surprise as when I was Dan there was virtually nothing I hated more than trying on clothes. Apparently it really is different for a woman.
In the end Jackie persuaded me to get two full price dresses: a knee-length ‘little black dress’ with lace covering the neck and shoulders; and a light blue, floral pattern summer dress with short sleeves. I thought the latter was too short for a woman of my age, and I was a little worried about my muscly upper arms.
“Nonsense, it looks great on you!” Jackie just scoffed.
“I look like mutton dressed as lamb.”
“Well you can just wear it with me then, around the house and garden. But you need some sexy lingerie to go with your new dresses. Come on!”
“I can’t try on lingerie in a ladies’ changing room!”
“Don’t worry about it. I know your sizes.”
I’d been in Victoria’s Secret before, shopping for some well-received presents for my wife, but I’d never been there when I was the customer. I couldn’t stop blushing. The sales staff were most amused.
“I’m really looking forward to seeing you in these, sweetie,” she said.
“Your wish is my command, Madam,” I said, again.
“Damn right!” she said, triumphantly.
But I realised I was looking forward to it as well!
* * *
The main mission for the day accomplished, we looked for a place for lunch and settled on a good restaurant with waitress service. I noticed we got a few curious looks, but Jackie assured me it wasn’t because anyone suspected I was a man. It was because we looked unlikely companions. I took that to mean she was young, beautiful, and elegant, while I was older, fat and shabby. She confirmed, apologetically, that that was what she meant.
Of course that was the general idea behind my disguise – the McLaughlin woman had been spot-on – but I didn’t have to like it. So be it, I was going to have steak and kidney pie and chips – and to hell with Nancy’s diet. My waist-cincher didn’t seem so tight anymore.
“You know I said in my questionnaire that I didn’t see you as a woman?” she said, while we were waiting for our food to arrive. I nodded. “Well, in retrospect, I suppose that isn’t true.” She lowered her voice. “It’s almost impossible not to see you as a woman – the way you look and act.”
“And does that bother you? Should I be worried?”
“Oh no, babe!” she rushed to reassure me. “I’m just saying you’ve done a fantastic job at creating Nancy, but I know it’s you, my lover and soulmate, underneath. You’re both Dan and Nancy – Dancy!” She grinned.
“Well, as long as you don’t mind…”
“Mind?” she exclaimed. “Quite the opposite! You’re sexy as Dan, but if anything, you’re even sexier as Nancy!”
The waitress arrived with our food. I hoped she hadn’t overheard any of that conversation.
After lunch I insisted we go to a couple of charity shops where I got three frumpy size 16 dresses for £10. They would be fine for going out with the girls, except of course that I would only be Nancy for two more weeks, so there would be limited opportunities for that.
Week 3 - Sunday
We planned to spend the rest of the weekend as we normally did, except that I was Nancy throughout in my new second-hand dresses. We went for a walk on Sunday morning. We gave ourselves a pass on any housework as Nancy and Maggie had done such a good job during the week. We also didn’t need to think about any household projects or other D-I-Y, as we weren’t in our own home.
We had sealed our completed questionnaires in separate envelopes and left them on the hall table for Bill. He arrived at noon, as promised. I went upstairs when we heard his car and hid in the maid’s bedroom with my Cosmo (which I had begun to realise was entirely fantasy for a woman of my modest means).
Jackie opened the front door and invited him in. I left the bedroom door open so I could hear their voices in the hall.
“Here are the questionnaires, Bill,” Jackie said. “Can you stay for a cup of tea?”
“That would be nice, thanks. So where’s Dan? Or is it still Nancy today?”
“Well obviously it’s Nancy. She can’t be Dan again until those Transformations people undo everything they did. She said something about going out with her friends today.”
“What friends?”
But at that point the kitchen door closed behind them and I didn’t hear Jackie’s explanation.
About five minutes later I heard them going from the kitchen into the sitting room.
“But everything is all right between you two, isn’t it?” I heard Bill saying in the hall. “I wouldn’t want to think that…”
“Nancy is my maid, Bill,” Jackie interrupted. “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? She does her job very well, so of course everything’s all right between us.”
“But I meant…”
And the sitting room door closed behind them.
It was another half an hour before they emerged again.
“I’m just really surprised, that’s all; that he’s… I mean, she’s going to work as a maid in a hotel,” Bill was saying.
“Well, her friend, Maggie, suggested it, and I suppose Dan thought it would be the kind of thing Nancy would do. You – we – left her so short of money, she would obviously take any opportunity to make a little extra. And she’s such a good maid that she can easily spare three mornings a week and still keep this place in tip-top condition.”
“But still, cleaning hotel rooms…”
“We thought it would be a good fit with everything else. Nancy will get even more experience of domestic service, and being ordered around, and being treated like a skivvy. If that doesn’t bring out the submissive in her, nothing will. I thought you’d be pleased.”
“Oh, yes, I am, of course. It’s just that…” Bill had the grace to sound a little uneasy. “I’m surprised he feels comfortable going out, meeting people, interacting… as Nancy. Isn’t he afraid he’ll be caught? It could be really embarrassing for him. He could lose his job. I mean, his real job.”
I heard Jackie open the front door.
“No, I don’t think she’s worried about that at all. You’ve seen Nancy; she’s completely convincing. No one she’s met so far has shown any suspicions at all.”
“Well, all right, but remember I only intended him to stay inside the house. Any consequences of taking Nancy out into the world are on him.”
He left and Jackie closed the door behind him. When I heard his car driving off, I came down.
“That was quite funny,” Jackie said. “I think he’s afraid we might be going too far. It sounds like he didn’t know the Transformations people would send you out into the world for your maid training.”
“Well I hope he is feeling a little guilty,” I said. “I’m putting myself through a lot for him.”
“Rubbish!” she snorted. “You’re having the time of your life. I certainly am! Now, I know it’s your day off, but there’s a couple of little things I want you to attend to in the bedroom.”
I grudgingly allowed her to drag me upstairs…
* * *
Jackie wanted us to look our best for going out to a restaurant and a movie on Sunday night. She insisted on acting as my lady’s maid when we were getting ready. I put on my new sexy underwear with the inevitable waist cincher.
Jackie did my hair and lent me some pearls. When she was finished I couldn’t believe what I saw in the mirror. Nancy might have passed for thirty-five!
I wore my new LBD for our Girls’ Night Out. I can’t remember much about the film as we were smooching at the back, which got us some disapproving looks but at least deterred any potential male admirers.
* * *
Later in the bedroom I was putting my curlers in and Jackie was lying on the bed, supervising.
“By the way,” she began, “earlier on, while you were upstairs this afternoon, I asked Bill about the others on the project.”
“What others?”
“Exactly! He’s never mentioned any other volunteers, but he definitely gave me the impression – back in May – that we wouldn’t be the only couple testing out the theory.”
“No, you’re right, I remember that. But the whole thing’s supposed to be anonymous, isn’t it?”
“That’s what he said, but I wasn’t asking him to name names, just tell us whether any of the other couples were developing dominant or submissive behaviours as a result of the role-playing. In other words, were we turning out to be the exception or the rule?”
“Fair enough; it’s a reasonable question. After all we’ve put a lot of skin in the game. What did he say?”
“Nothing. He got very defensive; started mumbling about it being too early to say. He said ‘he’s ethically forbidden to share any of the findings until the experiment has concluded’.”
“Sounds like rubbish to me. We’re his friends! He knows we wouldn’t tell anyone. Hell, we couldn’t without it getting out what I’ve been doing with my sabbatical. It would be too embarrassing.”
Jackie agreed Bill was being unnecessarily cagey. Then she asked a weird question, quite out of the blue.
“How would you feel if I made you wear a chastity belt?”
“What? How do you think I would feel? Why on earth would you want to do that?”
“I don’t. Bill suggested it. He’s seen from our diaries that I’m not becoming a domme, and you’re not feeling submissive. I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of a male chastity belt. Apparently it would put your… thing… under lock and key and entirely under my control. It sounds really nasty.”
“Agreed, but I’ll tell you how I would feel,” I said, with a lump in my throat. “I’d feel I couldn’t trust you anymore.”
“Well, from what I understand, the domme-sub relationship has to be founded on trust. The sub trusts that his domme may humiliate him, even beat him, but would never take it further than they were both willing to go. At the moment I trust that you would never want to do any of that, or subject me to that kind of humiliation. If you tried to do it, that trust would disappear.”
“Yes, that makes sense – and I would never do it, any more than I would ever try to hurt you physically.”
“Or I you.”
“Boy, this stupid role-play is just about avoiding one trap after another, isn’t it?” she said. “I’m beginning to wonder about Bill. Some of the things he wants us to do…”
“I know. I was afraid my dressing-up would ruin our relationship, but…” Jackie gave a little cry and threw her arms around me. I laughed. “…but that doesn’t seem to be happening. I don’t think things will ever be the same between me and Bill though. I may have lost my oldest friend.”
Week 3 - Monday
Nancy the maid was back and would be out in the world today, working for a new employer. I was surprised how much I was looking forward to it.
Jackie dropped me off near the front of the hotel just before half-past eight. I rushed as quickly as my increasing confidence in high heels would allow down a side street to the staff entrance. I was wearing my best second-hand dress, my only outdoor coat, and my inevitable headscarf. Maggie had said the hotel would provide my uniform. All I had to bring were some flat shoes.
I would be mixing with lots of new people – hotel guests, management, and other maids – so I knew I had to get Nancy’s story straight. I’d started thinking about her life and after a week of being her I thought I knew who she was now. She was from a working-class family. She left school at fifteen and worked in a shop. She hated that and got married as soon as she could. A plumber, or maybe a car mechanic? Anyway, they were too young. Children didn’t come and the marriage didn’t last. They split up – no one’s fault; they just had nothing in common anymore. She found a decent job training to be a secretary but got stressed out. Now with no qualifications, maid or cleaning lady was about all that was left for her.
But I’d better start thinking of her as me…
So my life experience has knocked all the self-confidence out of me. I’m shy and I don’t have much to say for myself. All that should be consistent with what Maggie and the others have seen of me in the past week and should explain my reticence in company. Quite a contrast from the assertive and intimidating Dan Richards! I, Nancy, would be rather frightened of Dan, and I don’t think I’d like him very much – not that I was ever likely to meet him.
Okay, that was probably enough. I could end up with a split personality that way. No need to try any more to put myself in Nancy’s shoes when I was already wearing them, and her underwear, and her dress…
The hotel security man quickly found Nancy Potts on his list, muttering something about how it made a nice change to be looking for a good old-fashioned English name. He delegated his assistant to show me the way to the office of the Housekeeping Manager, Mrs Hartley.
Remembering my phony autobiography and what I had decided would be Nancy’s timid character, I kept my head down and answered all her questions in a soft voice, barely above a whisper. Apparently satisfied that I wasn’t likely to cause her any problems, she was brisk and efficient but friendly enough. She gave me a form to fill out and bring back next time. A quick glance showed that it needed contact, next of kin, and bank account details.
She took a keycard on a lanyard from her desk drawer. She handed it to me, indicating I should put it round my neck and tuck it inside the collar of my uniform dress. She warned me not to lose it on pain of instant dismissal, as it was a master key and it opened every guest room in the hotel as well as all the supply cupboards.
Then she took me down to the ladies’ locker room in the basement. Several women were there in various stages of undress. They were mostly young – well younger than Nancy – and judging by the mix of accents and languages, mostly immigrants. They looked up when Mrs Hartley and I came in. A couple of them smiled; most took no interest in me.
Maggie was there, changing into her uniform. She waved, and Mrs Hartley gratefully handed me over to her and left. It was the easiest job interview I’d ever had.
“The spare uniforms and aprons are in that cupboard over there, dear,” Maggie said, pointing at the far wall. They should all be clean, and one of them should fit you. At the end of your shift, just drop everything in the hamper.”
I changed my outdoor shoes for my white sneakers and stripped down to my slip and tights, putting my dress, coat, scarf, outdoor shoes and handbag in a vacant locker. I found a size 16 uniform and an apron in the cupboard. The dress fitted well enough. I closed the locker door and popped the key in my apron pocket.
It was just before nine o’clock. Ready for the day, I turned to Maggie for instructions.
“We’ve been assigned to do the second floor today, she said. “We need to collect a cart each. They’re usually left by the service lifts. We have to return them there at the end of the shift because there’s no space upstairs.”
She led the way. There were a dozen maid’s carts lined up against the wall. We collected one each. They were about half full of clean towels, packets of soap, shampoo, body lotions, conditioner and so on. We wheeled our carts over to the lift. I was surprised how heavy mine was, even not fully loaded.
There were a couple of girls ahead of us. We waited our turn for the lift, then Maggie pressed the call button.
“We get everything else we need, like clean bed linen, from the supply cupboard up on our floor,” Maggie said, while we waited for the lift. “There are twenty-eight rooms on each floor, except for the top where the penthouse suites are, but we won’t be sent up there. They’re only for Mrs Hartley’s favourites.”
The lift came and we got in. The floor buttons were over on my side, so I pressed the button for the second floor.
“I have our list here,” Maggie said. “It tells us whether a room is occupied or not, and whether a guest is leaving today. Check-out time is eleven a.m., so we would usually wait till after that to do those rooms. You might see a room with a green ‘Please make up my room’ card on the door handle. We have to do those first, because the guest may be down at breakfast and plans to spend the morning in the room – working maybe. We get a lot of business travellers here.”
The lift arrived at the second floor. We pushed our carts out and Maggie led the way to the supply cupboard. I looked along the nondescript hotel corridor. It was busy with people making their way to or from the guests’ lifts, some trailing suitcases. A few red and green cards were visible. Maggie fished out her key card from her bosom and opened the cupboard door.
“There isn’t much room in here, so I’ll pick the stuff out and hand it to you to put on the carts. We’ll swap on Wednesday.”
With her experience she was able to size up what was missing from each cart with a glance, so the process didn’t take long. At first she had to point out where I should put everything on the cart, but I soon got the hang of it. We moved our now even heavier carts towards the first door with a green card on it.
“Obviously we have to wait if a room has a red ‘Please do not disturb’ card on the handle,” Maggie said as we arrived at the room.
“Sometimes the ‘Do not disturb’ card stays on the door all through our shift, so we get away without cleaning that room! Unfortunately sometimes it doesn’t get removed until nearly one o’clock, so one of us will be late going off shift, but of course we don’t get overtime. Why don’t you open the door? Just touch the card to the white panel there. The little light should turn green, then you push the handle down and the door should open.”
Nancy had probably never stayed in a modern hotel like this, but Dan had, so I had no trouble following Maggie’s instructions.
“Okay, we’ll do the first couple of rooms together, so I can show you everything you have to do and the most efficient order to do it in. Then you can fly solo!”
She quickly scanned her list.
“The guest in this room is staying another night, so we don’t have to change the bed. By the way, I see that four rooms are unoccupied, and they should have been cleaned and prepared by Housekeeping yesterday. So we have four hours to do twenty-four rooms. Shouldn’t be too hard, but we can’t hang about.”
She pushed her cart into the room. I made to follow but she stopped me.
“We only need one cart in the room,” she said. “You can leave yours outside. Now it’s important that the doors stay open whenever we’re working inside, but they’re on springs and will close if left to themselves, so I always leave my cart to prop the door open.”
I pushed past her cart and we began. We opened the curtains in the bedroom and lowered the blinds. Then we emptied the waste baskets in the bedroom and the bathroom into a large garbage sack hanging on the end of the cart. The guest had left used bottles of shampoo and body wash in the bath. We binned an empty bottle and screwed the top of a half-empty one back on properly and put it back in its place on the washstand. Then we wiped down the bath, toilet, and washbasin, leaving the toilet seat down. We rearranged the towels that hadn’t been used and replaced those that had. We checked the rest of the toiletries and replenished them where necessary.
There were two towels on the floor, both wet. Maggie used them to mop up water from the floor. Then she sent me to drop the wet towels into a bucket on the cart and fetch two clean replacements. She showed me how to arrange the clean towels on the rack.
“Finally, don’t forget this,” she smiled, and folded over the ends of the toilet roll into a little ‘V’. “No idea why we have to do that,” she said, “but every hotel does!”
We turned our attention to the bed.
“When the guest is staying another night, we have to do a quick inspection of the sheets, brush any little hairs or biscuit crumbs onto the floor. We have to change them if there are any… you know, stains,” she winced. “But if they’re okay, we just pull them tight and tuck them in again. That’s much easier with two.”
Next we tidied up the various papers and documents that the guest had strewn around on the desk and coffee table. He – a glance at the wardrobe confirmed it was a he, even if the lack of feminine accessories in the bathroom hadn’t already done so – had left a laptop plugged in on the desk, and there were other charging devices plugged in beside it.
“Never touch anything electronic the guest may have left,” Maggie said. “People can be very touchy about that.”
We were now ready to do a little light dusting and finished by vacuuming throughout.
“Eleven minutes,” she said, checking her watch. “Not bad, considering I had to show you what to do. We’ll get faster.”
* * *
In the end we did three rooms together, getting quicker each time, then we split up. I called Maggie after I had finished my first three rooms by myself and she came and inspected my work. She made minor adjustments to my arrangement of the towels and the toiletries, and sharpened up my bed-making, but then declared I could carry on by myself.
As we moved around the floor, between rooms and to and from the supply cupboard, we passed many guests. Maggie had instructed me always to stop, smile and bob (not a full curtsey!) and to say ‘Good morning, Sir or Madam’. This was important – to give the right impression to paying customers, and because one might leave a tip!
At about half-past eleven, she declared we were sufficiently far along that we could take a short break, so we left our carts outside the supply cupboard and took the service lift down to the basement. There was a break room for the housekeeping staff next to the women’s lockers, with snacks in a vending machine and free percolator coffee. The room was about half full of chattering women in the same maid uniforms as us, most of them sitting at Formica tables. A couple had removed their shoes and were rubbing their feet. I knew how they felt and longed to do the same.
Maggie poured coffee for us both and fetched a pint of milk from the fridge next to the vending machine. She led me over to a table for six where two young girls were already sitting. Maggie introduced us.
“This is Hanna and Zofia,” she said. They smiled a welcome. “Ladies, this is Nancy. Today is her first day.” She turned to me. “We all started on the same day – nearly two years ago now.”
“Ach, don’t remind me,” said Hanna in an Eastern European accent. “I never thought I’d still be here after that long.”
The others laughed.
“Don’t you like it here?” I asked. “It doesn’t seem too bad to me.”
“Oh, it’s not so bad really,” said Zofia, smiling. “We’re in the warm and dry. It’s not really hard work and the pay is OK.”
“It’s just – what do you call it in English? – drudgery?” said Hanna. The others smiled and nodded. “Yes, is good word, drudgery. It sounds like what it is.”
“Onomatopoeia,” I muttered, absently. I could feel Maggie looking at me curiously.
“Yes,” I agreed, “it’s a good word for what it is. Drudgery.”
But I realised I liked this ‘drudgery’. Cleaning is satisfying. Bringing order to chaos. What is happening to me?
We could only spare time for a fifteen-minute break but I enjoyed the company of the hotel maids, just as I had the Home Counties Housekeeping cleaning ladies. When needed in the conversation I was able to call on Nancy’s back story, as I had imagined it. With that in mind I had more in common with my fellow maids now than I had with anyone at Atkinson Stern.
We finished the remaining rooms comfortably within the time allowed for a four-hour shift. We had to stay in the break room until one o’clock in case any additional housekeeping tasks came up, or any of our colleagues had run into problems on other floors. Maggie explained that some of the other maids weren’t as quick as she was, and she was often asked to do a couple more rooms before leaving. She thought we should be paid by the room as that would incentivise us to be quick and efficient. I pointed out that it might also encourage the less conscientious girls to be careless and do a shoddy job. She sighed and nodded.
There was no more for us to do today so we all just sat around drinking coffee and chatting till one o’clock came round. I learned a lot I didn’t really need to know about Maria’s forthcoming operation and Olga’s mother’s haemorrhoids, but we all had a jolly time, and I think I was accepted as one of them.
Also, as it was my first day, Mrs Hartley insisted on inspecting the rooms I had done before allowing me to go, but she soon returned and announced herself satisfied. She confirmed that I would be welcome at least for the Wednesday and Friday morning shifts that week. After that she would let me know. She reminded me to complete my personal details form and return it on Wednesday if I wanted to be paid promptly.
So Maggie and I parted company again; she to the Sheldrakes and me back to our rented house. I took the bus back home. I’ve rarely used buses since I left university, but it felt perfectly comfortable for Nancy. I read my Cosmopolitan, fascinated by the stories of talentless celebs, and making mental notes of make-up tips I would have to try.
On the way home from the bus stop I picked up some bread and milk from our corner store. When I got back I had a quick sandwich and went around the house looking for things to do. I put a small laundry load in, mostly my bras, panties, slips and uniforms. I inspected Madam’s clothes to see if anything needed ironing; and I vacuumed the upstairs rooms again, though they didn’t really need it. Then I started thinking about dinner.
When Jackie came home she was eager to hear about my day. So over dinner I told her everything, trying to make it sound interesting when obviously it really wasn’t. What could a high-flying Astrophysicist possibly find exciting about a hotel maid’s job? But she listened spellbound. She was fascinated by my stories of maids and hotel housekeeping, but whether her fascination was with the stories themselves or with the fact that her husband was so happy about becoming one of that community, I couldn’t tell.
“It’s not what you had to do,” she said, when I asked why she was so rivetted by my mundane experiences. “It’s that it’s you who were doing it. You’re obviously loving all of this. You’re happy again. I haven’t seen you this contented since you got your partnership – and even that only brought satisfaction, not – I don’t know – joy. And I’ve hardly ever seen you smile when talking about your work since then. Sorry, I’m not putting this very well.”
“No, no, I think you’re spot on. You’ve given me a lot to think about. I have no worries as Nancy the maid. Life is… carefree. I don’t know what part of being her is working the magic – maybe it’s a combination of things – but I can almost feel my stress levels dropping.”
Until I thought about having to back to Atkinson Stern in October, then they rocketed back up again, but I decided to keep that to myself for the moment.
I stayed in full maid mode till after I finished clearing up. Then I changed into my nightie and dressing gown and we sat down with a second glass of wine each.
Jackie obviously found my story of life as a hotel maid sexually overwhelming. I lay back in bed that night; curlers in, nightie up around my boobs, prosthetic off; and enjoyed a night of unadulterated passion.
Week 3 – Tuesday
Our morning routine was fully established now. I did my duties as cook and lady’s maid and saw my beautiful and smartly-dressed mistress off to work. She thanked me warmly, as always, and said that she loved being so well looked after but insisted that she would make it up to Dan when he returned. As always, I insisted there was no need.
After Jackie had left for work I changed out of my maid uniform into one of my casual dresses because that morning at eleven I had to go through something I hadn’t been looking forward to – a return to Transformations for a ‘maintenance’ appointment. It was necessary though, as stubble was starting to appear all over me. I had kept the worst at bay by shaving my face and legs, but I grudgingly admitted that another waxing would soon be inevitable.
Bill’s project paid for a car to take me to the Manor House at 10.30. When I got there I checked in with Angela, the receptionist. I was expecting some kind of snide remarks from her. After all what does a pretty young girl think of a man in his early thirties who voluntarily allows himself to be turned into a fat, middle-aged cleaning woman? But she was totally professional.
“Ah, good morning, Mrs Potts,” she said, with a warm smile and not the slightest hint of a smirk. “You’re booked in with Vera first; then a session with Sharon, to see if you need anything doing to your hair, though it looks lovely to me.” She smiled again. “After that Mrs McLaughlin has invited you to have lunch with her. Will that be all right?”
I confirmed that it would be fine.
“Good. Let me just give Vera a buzz.”
The brawny Vera came to collect me a couple of minutes later and led me back to her torture chamber. It had been sixteen days since I saw her last and I hadn’t missed her a bit.
“Morning, Nancy. It should be much easier for you this time. Strip off, please.”
I obliged. I noticed she hadn’t offered me any booze to deaden the pain this time. I hoped that was a good sign.
“You can keep your knickers and prosthesis on for the moment, but you need to take your bra off.”
I unhooked my bra expertly like I had been doing it all my life. My heavy counterfeit breasts swung down, pulling on my back and shoulder muscles and stretching the skin on my chest. Two weeks ago I would have been deeply embarrassed to be topless in front of a relative stranger wearing only a pair of knickers, but now it didn’t bother me at all. We were ‘all girls here’.
“Lie down,” she said, indicating the familiar operating table bed, “on your back.”
She had picked up a plastic bottle and was dabbing the fluid it contained onto cotton wool. It smelt medicinal, like methylated spirit. She started rubbing gently around the edges of my breast forms.
“This is a solvent for the surgical adhesive,” she explained. “I need to push it under the edges of your forms and then gradually peel them off.”
It took her about ten minutes to get both forms off; gently tugging; wiping solvent onto the exposed surfaces of my chest and the form; lifting; then repeating. I wondered why she didn’t give them a good yank, like you do with an Elastoplast, but I was glad she took her time. I remembered Mrs McLaughlin saying something about my flesh tearing before the glue would give.
When she’d finished she reached for another bottle and a soft cloth.
“This is just a mild detergent, like baby shampoo,” she said.
First she used it on my breast forms to give them a thorough cleaning.
“Now I’m just going to wipe away any remaining glue, solvent, dead skin, and so on from your chest. Then we can check that you haven’t got a rash or anything.”
Compared with my previous encounters with Vera, this was a pleasant experience.
“No problems there,” she said eventually. “Okay, now I need you to take off your knickers and prosthesis. You can slip these paper panties on, if you want.”
Oh, I wanted. There was only one woman I felt comfortable being completely naked with, and Vera wasn’t her. I noticed that the knickers were much smaller than those I usually wore with the prosthesis. She took it from me and went over to a basin in the corner of the room. She used the detergent and a water hose to give it a good cleaning. Then she hung it up over the sink.
“That should be dry by the time you’re ready to put it on again.”
Then there followed a repeat of the earlier waxing experience. It was still horrible but she was right – it wasn’t anything like as bad as before. It was more like lots of little pin pricks rather than ghastly tearing wounds. While I was on my tummy she also gently lowered my panties and used the baby shampoo on my buttocks. Later when she had turned me over she repeated the exercise round my genitals. As before, she finished with a massage with soothing lotion which helped enormously. Then she left me to recover and went to fetch Sharon, the hairdresser.
“Not bad,” Sharon said when she saw the professional quality tint and perm Jackie had given me. “That must have cost a pretty penny. I thought you were working as a maid?” I mumbled something about my employer doing it. “Well, I don’t think you need me to do anything for you for now, do you?”
I agreed and she left. Vera pronounced my forms and prosthesis to be dry and helped me put them back on again.
“I’ll give you a bottle of the solvent,” she said, “then you won’t need to come back here so often, OK?”
That was fine by me. I had decidedly mixed memories of Transformations. I only had another week and a half as Nancy anyway. But then I realised: if Mrs McLaughlin thought I was actually transitioning, presumably Vera and the others thought so too.
I got dressed again. It was a relief to put my bra back on to provide support for my heavy breasts, but I was comfortable enough in all of Nancy’s clothes now, even the waist cincher – quite a contrast for how I felt a fortnight ago. I could even zip up my dress without help. I checked my make-up and reapplied my lipstick.
I picked up my coat and handbag. It was now after twelve. I thanked Vera for her tender loving care and made my way along to Mrs McLaughlin’s office.
We had quite a pleasant lunch in the canteen. She obviously thought I was ‘the finished product’ and didn’t need any further instruction from her.
“One thing I don’t understand, Nancy,” she said, as we sat down with our meals. “You’re obviously educated. I’d say you were a middle-class professional person. So why do you want to be a cleaning lady when you transition? Why not just get your qualifications and CV transferred to your new identity?”
“It’s… complicated,” I began.
I still couldn’t tell her I wasn’t transitioning. It was complicated, and much too hard to explain.
“From which I have to assume you’re hiding,” she interrupted. “You’re on the run from something or someone. Well I won’t enquire further. It’s none of my business, and if you’ve been involved with anything criminal, I’d much rather not know.”
“No, it’s nothing like that,” I said. “It’s just that I have to make a complete change from my former life. I’m much happier as I am now.”
And it was true, I realised. But what do I do about it?
* * *
Back at home that afternoon I put on a clean uniform and got back to the laundry, the vacuuming, and the cooking. I put the radio on and hummed along with the afternoon Easy Listening hour.
While I was doing the ironing, Abba’s Money Money Money came on and I realised with a start that I hadn’t read a newspaper Finance column or consulted a financial news website for more than two weeks. For a moment I panicked. I would be getting out of touch! I needed to know what was going on in the financial world!
I calmed myself down. This was exactly the sort of thing that got me stressed out in the first place. My assistants at Atkinson Stern would be keeping a keen eye on my clients’ affairs and filing away everything I would need to know for when I returned. Maybe I would ask Jackie to check my Inbox again.
Then I realised I didn’t care. Nancy had no interest in the financial markets. She had no clients and no money of her own. As her, my life was settling into a comfortable routine. Unlike poor Hanna, work still didn’t feel like ‘drudgery’, and I was beginning to wonder when – or even if – the novelty would wear off. I was actually looking forward very much to my second day at the Travellers’ Rest and seeing the girls again.
I remembered that I hadn’t filled the Personal Details form in yet. When I finished the ironing, I rummaged in my handbag for it. I filled in all Nancy’s details from the fictitious biography Bill had given me. Apparently my middle name was Rosemary. I had no next of kin but I put Jackie down as my emergency contact with the relationship, Employer.
I left the National Insurance number blank. Nancy was a freelance contractor to the hotel anyway and would be responsible for her own taxes – not that she was likely to earn enough to pay any – but the employer wouldn’t need to worry about ‘Pay As You Earn’ (PAYE).
Most important would be my – Nancy’s – bank account details, as my meagre wages would be paid directly into my account. And I should check that what I was earning as Madam’s maid was being paid. Would Bill be doing that or Jackie? She hadn’t mentioned it. It was important to me that Nancy earned her money and was paid for her work…
I was thinking like a poor person – as I should be. For the moment at least, I was Nancy, and I was poor. I didn’t have access to Dan’s fortune. I could see now how being poor might make you submissive. Nancy couldn’t afford to offend her employers. She would be in deep trouble if she were sacked. It was a scary but strangely liberating thought.
* * *
That evening as we were getting ready for bed, Jackie reminded me that there was a faculty meeting that Friday. She would almost certainly be late home as they usually went out for drinks afterwards, and I shouldn’t worry about dinner. At that point I remembered that Friday was also the day of the Home Counties Housekeeping Maids’ Night Out. I felt I had to ask my mistress if I could go.
“Of course, you can,” she laughed. “You may be role-playing my maid but you’re not my prisoner! I hope you have a good time with your new friends. You can wear your new dress – you know, the ‘mutton dressed as lamb’ one. You’ll be the Belle of the Ball.”
“I don’t know about that…”
“Actually, I’m a little jealous. I’ll be stuck with those pompous asses at the Department. I’ve nothing in common with any of them. I’d love to meet the other maids.”
I told her where we were going and what time, and we worked out that I probably wouldn’t be back till after ten. I was down to my underwear now, which always seemed to get Jackie excited. I turned my back to her modestly and wriggled out of my bra.
“I just love that big round bum of yours, babe!” she said. I blushed scarlet. “All that lovely white flesh bulging out of your panties! You know, I’m really going to miss Nancy when this is over,” she said. “Maybe she could pop by every now and then…?”
“To clean and cook and do your laundry, you mean?”
“Yes, that as well,” she giggled.
Week 3 – Wednesday
Wednesday was a repeat of Monday, except that Maggie sent me into the supply cupboard to replenish the carts. I had to do as she had done on Monday; that is, identify what we were short of, estimate what we needed, and find the new stock in the dark and stuffy cupboard.
I was also allowed to do my share of the rooms on my own. It was a full house today and we had to do all twenty-eight rooms. We took a coffee break at eleven o’clock and enjoyed a good gossip with Hanna and Zofia and some other girls I hadn’t met before. Today the topic was ‘most ghastly things found when cleaning a room’ – for the benefit of the new girl, me. Somehow Maggie and I still finished all our allotted rooms early.
I gave Mrs Hartley my personal details form. She scanned it quickly and thanked me. She again carried out a quick inspection of the rooms I had done and confirmed that she would like me to be back for the Friday morning shift. She asked me a few questions about my personal life, but when I told her I was a live-in maid with limited availability, she seemed to lose interest. I assumed she had been thinking of offering me additional shifts. I took that as a good sign; she must be pleased with my work.
There wasn’t much to do back home that afternoon, so I did a little light dusting and vacuuming downstairs and then had a lie down. I started dinner at about five o’clock and looked forward to a quiet evening with Jackie.
She was a little late as her boss had her preparing lots of figures for the faculty meeting. Since this wasn’t what she became an academic for, she wasn’t in the best of moods.
“I need to get back to the lab, and I’m overdue for a trip to the observatory,” she said. “I need to use my allocated telescope time or I’ll lose it.”
“Can I help with some of your figures, Madam?” I offered. “You know I’m pretty nifty with spreadsheets, charts and tables.”
“Well, Dan is,” she grinned. “I’m not sure I want my ignorant maid messing up all my data before an important meeting.”
“Very funny, Madam,” I said. “Well, if you don’t want my help…”
“Actually I really do.” She was serious for a moment. “I lost an hour or so this afternoon because of that bloody American.”
“What American?”
“Oh I thought I told you? No, maybe not; you were away learning to be Nancy when he arrived. His name’s Fulbrooke. He’s a visiting professor, loosely attached to Astrophysics. Bill knows him; in fact, he introduced us. He seems somehow to have got wind that my husband is currently away on a sabbatical. I don’t know how he found out, because I didn’t tell anyone. Bill wouldn’t have told him, would he?”
“He promised to keep our involvement in his project a secret, but everyone at Atkinson Stern knows Dan is on sabbatical.”
“Hmm… Anyway he keeps asking me out; first for coffee, then lunch, then this afternoon he invited me to dinner.”
“And…?” I said, concerned that there might be more to this. My concerns resurfaced that Jackie might be missing a ‘real man’ now that I was just her maid and sometime girlfriend.
“And nothing! For God’s sake, don’t go getting paranoid on me! I refused even to have morning coffee with him, let alone the rest. But he just doesn’t seem to take ‘no’ for an answer.”
“Well let me know if it becomes a real problem. Dan can always come back for a visit.”
“He can come back now, if you like, in his sexy nightie and curlers, and help me with my budget projections.”
Week 3 – Thursday
With no shift at the hotel and the house clean and tidy throughout, I was struggling to find things to do today. I changed the bed linen – I was getting quite good at that now – and managed to scrape up one load of washing – the sheets and some of Jackie’s blouses.
I washed some more of her delicate underthings by hand, and found myself wondering what it would be like if I were a slimmer, richer woman and could wear pretty lingerie like this… As soon as I realised what I was thinking I snapped out of it and gave myself a stern talking-to.
I left the washing to dry and popped down to the corner shop. We only really needed milk, and maybe some bread and cheese, but it was good to get out of the house and stretch my legs. It amused me to think that I now had absolutely no qualms about going out dressed as Nancy the maid. It wasn’t just that I was confident in my disguise. It was like I was taking time off from being myself, and my new persona had so much less to worry about…
That made me think about Nancy’s personality. Success at Atkinson Stern required Dan to be ambitious, pushy, driven, competitive. I didn’t recognise those attributes in myself now, and I was glad, because I didn’t like them at all. No wonder Jackie had been worried that I was changing. But the Nancy I was becoming was placid, obliging, sweet-natured. Would that make me submissive after all? This was something to talk to my mistress about tonight.
I’d had enough of daytime television by now so I went on to the local library and took out some romance novels. I had no idea about the authors or the plots but they looked like the kind of thing a woman like Nancy might read.
When I got home I ironed what needed ironing and made myself some lunch. After that I put my feet up and picked up one of my romances. It was quite gripping!
“You lazy maid!” I said to myself, after an hour’s reading. “What would your mistress say if she saw you now?”
I put the dinner in at about 5.30 and hurried back to finish my book. Jackie got back at around six o’clock and laughed her head off when she saw what I was reading.
We had both accepted that we were only paying lip service to being mistress and maid now. I still called her ‘Madam’ and curtsied a lot, but out of habit rather than respect; and she called me Nancy, because she found it hard to think of me as her husband, Dan. But she insisted that she still thought of me as her soulmate, best friend and only sexual partner, even though Nancy was clearly of a different social class, what with her working as a cleaning lady outside the home as well as inside.
I decided to shelve any discussion about my new developing personality for the moment.
Week 3 – Friday
I had settled in comfortably as a hotel maid and was glad to spend time with Maggie, Hanna, Zofia and the other girls, with whom I now had so much in common. And why was that, I wondered, as I wiped, and scrubbed, and vacuumed? After all, in reality I was a white Englishman and rich; they were women, immigrants and poor. Was I just a very good method actor submerging himself in his role? Or was I really a lowly cleaning lady at my core?
I had to be honest with myself; I didn’t feel like I was pretending at all anymore. As long as I was living this life, I really was Mrs Nancy Potts, up to and including her gender. But would I revert to being Dan Richards when I shaved off my perm; removed my make-up and prostheses; and put on men’s clothes again? Not that I was looking forward to doing that at all, but I suppose it had to be faced, if only to find out once and for all how I wanted to live the rest of my life.
Jackie and I had clearly smashed Bill’s theory that the maid-mistress role-playing would lead to domme-sub behaviours, but I seem to have found out something quite different about myself.
At the end of the morning shift, Mrs Hartley called for me to come and see her. She handed me a payslip showing that my wages had been paid into my bank account. She also declared herself very pleased with my work and confirmed that she wanted me for the same shifts next week and regularly thereafter. I agreed happily, aware that I was making a commitment beyond the end of my three weeks as Nancy. But that was a problem for another day.
When I parted company with Maggie, she reminded me that she would see me again that evening, along with Doreen, Sally and the others, at eight o’clock at the Cottage Loaf. I hadn’t forgotten. I was really looking forward to being with the girls again.
I went back home and did a little cleaning. There was no dinner to prepare as Jackie was going straight from work to the early evening faculty meeting. So I had plenty of time to get ready. I showered, then washed my hair and set it as Jackie had shown me, sitting under the dryer on a low setting for an hour. It looked great. I also painted my nails for the first time since Sharon had done them more than two weeks ago.
I put on my best lingerie, waist cincher and slip. Then I did my make-up. After much deliberation I eventually decided to bite the bullet and wear the floral minidress we’d bought the previous Saturday. As Dan I thought it looked brassy, even vulgar, but as Nancy I knew I would fit in well with the other maids, and I really didn’t care what stuck-up snobs like Dan would think.
I did attract quite a lot of attention on the bus though. In fact I got my first wolf whistle. I blushed scarlet. I snapped my knees together tightly and placed my handbag primly in my lap.
When I got off the bus at the nearest stop to the Cottage Loaf, I saw Maggie, Sally and a couple of the others approaching from the other direction. I waved and joined them, tottering a little on my highest heels. Despite my growing confidence I was glad I wouldn’t have to enter such a rowdy establishment alone.
Sally whistled when she saw my dress. “Wow, look at you, Posh!” she squealed.
As we approached the pub a small group were coming out. I thought I recognised a couple of them and it quickly came to me they were members of the Astrophysics Department at the University. Fortunately, none of them knew Dan well. Pressure of work at Atkinson Stern had prevented me from attending more than a couple of University parties, and I had barely spoken to anyone in Astrophysics. Nevertheless I hid behind Maggie as we approached the door, and averted my eyes from any of the people leaving.
I assumed that they had repaired to the Cottage Loaf after the Faculty Meeting finished – not that surprising as I’d told Jackie where we ladies were having our get-together, and it was close to the university. But where was Jackie? She should be coming out with the rest.
I found out why she wasn’t when we got inside. She was still at a table in a quiet, dark corner at the back of the dining area. She was on a banquette, pinned behind the table and against the wall by a tall, tanned man with long, greasy hair. He was talking animatedly to her, but she didn’t look like she was enjoying his attention. While I was watching she tried to stand up but he didn’t move to let her out. On the contrary, he pushed her down, none too gently. This wasn’t flirting, I was relieved to see, this was borderline sexual assault.
“Isn’t that Mrs Richards over there?” said Maggie, who had seen where I was looking.
“Yes, it is,” I said. “Excuse me a moment.”
I settled my handbag more firmly over my shoulder and strode as quickly as my four-inch heels would allow to their table, my impressive feminine rear swinging aggressively from side to side.
“Hello, Mrs Richards,” I said. “The girls and I were wondering if you would like to join us.”
“No, she wouldn’t,” said the man, turning to me. He had a strong American accent. “Now fuck off, bitch…”
“That would be lovely, Nancy,” said Jackie, in a shaky voice. “Thank you for inviting me.”
She stood up quickly while the man’s attention was on me. He ignored her.
“Are you still here?” he asked, standing up.
He was at least six inches taller than me, and menacing, but I was Nancy, the cleaning lady, and I wasn’t afraid of any man.
“Yes, I am,” I said firmly, staring directly – up – into his eyes. “And I’m staying here until the lady joins me – and my friends over there…”
I turned and pointed at the gaggle of maids by the door who were now moving slowly towards us. None of them had any idea what was going on, but they obviously sensed something interesting was happening, and they were well up for it, bless their hearts.
The greasy man realised he was outnumbered. None of us would be a match for him of course, but any further confrontation would have consequences. He cursed and got up to go.
“I’m sorry,” Jackie said to me, “I didn’t introduce you. This is Dr Fulbrooke, he’s a visiting scholar from New York. Dr Fulbrooke, this is Nancy Potts, my… best friend.”
Fulbrooke left without a word, brushing past the bemused maids.
Jackie emerged from behind the table and threw her arms around me. I could hear my fellow cleaning ladies gasping with surprise. My wife quickly realised that such intimacy wasn’t appropriate between mistress and maid and let go of me. She brushed herself down and recovered her composure.
“I’m sorry, Nancy,” she said, so that they could all hear. “It’s just that I was so glad to see you. I was afraid that horrible man was going to rape me, or something!”
“That’s quite all right, Madam, I’m glad we could help,” I said, emphasising the we. It’s lucky we chose the same pub tonight.”
“You will join us, won’t you, Mrs Richards?” said Maggie.
“I’d love to, but only if you promise to call me ‘Jackie’ tonight.”
“Well… perhaps just for tonight, Madam,” I said. “I mean, Jackie.”
“I’ll buy the first round, shall I?” she said. “Why don’t you come and help me, Nancy?”
So after taking all the girls’ orders, my wife and I made our way to the bar, while the others went to find a large table.
“I can’t believe you did it again,” Jackie said to me when the others were out of earshot, “and even dressed like that! You look fantastic, by the way. I told you that dress would work.”
“Thank you, Madam,” I said. It didn’t feel right to call her ‘Jackie’. “But you’ll really have to stop going to bars alone,” I added, with a grin.
“I wasn’t alone. There were eight of us, but when everyone else got up to go he trapped me. I don’t think the others even realised we weren’t with them when they left. I’ll have to have a word with my boss about Fulbrooke tomorrow.”
We had a marvellous girlie evening. My fellow cleaning ladies made Jackie welcome unreservedly.
Week 3 – Saturday
Again Jackie declared I wasn’t to wear a maid’s uniform at all over the weekend. I was to be her best girlfriend and roommate, Nancy. We made breakfast together and while we were eating, I asked her what she wanted to do. She said that she had some phone calls to make, and could we decide after that?
She spent a lot of time on the phone that morning and rushed off to meet someone at the university in the afternoon. I couldn’t help being a little worried after last night’s encounter, but she assured me she was getting together with a woman from another department she knew from tennis. She said she needed to check on something but didn’t want to talk about it because if she was wrong it could embarrass someone else. It all sounded very mysterious, but I felt I had to trust her. I spent the morning reading my romance novels.
Jackie was back by mid-afternoon looking smug. I was getting fed up with her secrecy and told her so, but she promised that I would know all about it soon, and that in the end I would agree that it was better that I let her tell me everything in her own time. To make it up to me she had booked a table at my favourite steak house, which we didn’t go to very often as she wasn’t a big meat eater.
I was a little concerned that I might be recognised there but she assured me that no one could possibly connect Nancy with Dan. By now I knew she was right, as long as I remembered my feminine mannerisms and didn’t blunder into the Gents by mistake. So we put on our best frocks; did our hair as extravagantly as we could; and applied our evening make-up.
Jackie booked a taxi so she could drink her fill and we set off as two ladies for a posh meal. At the restaurant we discreetly kept our hands off each other and restricted our conversation to feminine topics, something that was coming more easily to me now after a diet of Cosmopolitan and romance novels. Jackie struggled not to laugh out loud as I riffed on babies, periods, lingerie, and make-up – ironically, but as to the manner born.
She was especially vigorous in the bedroom that night.
Week 4 – Sunday
We fully expected Bill to call again today. I still wasn’t keen to see him when I wasn’t in my maid uniform – quite irrationally I felt it gave me a kind of anonymity – but I agreed with Jackie that it couldn’t be avoided as he had missed seeing me the previous week. In the end he appeared late in the afternoon. He looked harassed. I assumed our project wasn’t panning out as he’d hoped. Little did I know…
I was upstairs when he arrived, and Jackie answered the door. It was the maid’s day off, after all. She called for me – Nancy – to come down. Since we weren’t going out anywhere, I was wearing one of my shabbier dresses, an old-fashioned, shapeless purple number with an abstract floral design.
I had expected Bill would be used to seeing me as Nancy by now but he still did a double-take as he saw me coming down the stairs in my heels, one hand on the bannister, the other out wide for balance, my huge butt inevitably swinging from side to side. I kept my eyes cast down, of course. A maid has no business looking her mistress’s guests in the eye, even on her day off.
Jackie led the way into the sitting room. Bill held the door open for me. I thanked him, without smiling.
“So do you have diary entries and questionnaire forms for me?” he asked hopefully, as we sat down.
“I’m afraid that won’t be happening, Bill,” Jackie said. “In fact, this will be our last meeting – on this sham project of yours or for any other reason.”
Bill turned pale. I looked at her curiously. What was she talking about?
“I think we’ve subjected my husband to quite enough humiliation on bogus grounds. We thought we were doing you a favour – helping out a friend who was in difficulty! I’m not sure what has fuelled this spiteful behaviour on your part, what imagined slight you’re getting your revenge for. Or is it just jealousy? In any case, it’s over, and you’d better keep your mouth shut about the whole thing. Any attempt on your part to expose Dan as Nancy – to his firm or anyone else – and we’ll report you to the university authorities.”
“It’s not like that, really! I…” Bill began.
But I couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “What are you talking about, Jackie? What makes you think…”
She looked at me pityingly. “I’m so sorry, love. There is no ‘domme-sub’ project. He made it all up. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I wasn’t sure until yesterday afternoon. After that it seemed better not to spoil the day. I decided to wait until Bill came round here so we could have it all out with him.”
I slumped back in my seat in shock, my legs wide apart in a most unladylike posture.
“What did you do?” Bill seemed close to panic. “Who have you told?”
“No one – yet. I spent two hours yesterday with one of your department’s admin staff searching through research records.”
“Who? I’ll have her fired!”
“No, you won’t,” Jackie said, sharply, “any more than you’ll expose Dan. If you try, I’ll make sure it’s the end of your career.”
“It’s a massive breach of confidentiality!” Bill blustered.
“Actually, it isn’t,” Jackie said. “I checked. Sure, a project’s data and findings are confidential until you’re ready to publish – and anyway we didn’t try to look at anything like that – but University regulations require that the existence of a research project, with a brief description, is in the public domain. For obvious reasons.”
She glanced in my direction and realised that they weren’t obvious to me.
“All Government funding bodies and Private Sector sponsors insist on it, so that colleagues at other universities can avoid duplication. Academics can’t afford to waste scarce funds re-inventing the wheel.”
“But why, Bill?” I asked quietly. Jackie’s theories of revenge or jealousy didn’t seem plausible to me. “Was this some sort of prank?”
Jackie snorted. “If so, it was totally unfunny and bloody expensive.” She was getting angry now. “You wanted this role-playing to break us up, didn’t you? You thought that I’d lose my respect for Dan when I saw him dressed as a woman and pretending to be a maid.”
Bill was slumped in defeat. “Something like that, I suppose,” he said in almost a whisper. “I’m not sure quite what I wanted. I just couldn’t stand seeing you two… together… any longer, while I…”
He stood up and made for the door. Jackie leapt up and barred his way.
“Not so fast,” she snapped. “You owe us more than that.”
He sat down again.
“I – I don’t know what to say. The whole thing has turned into a nightmare! When I saw Dan’s diaries I couldn’t believe what was happening. Oh, it started as I’d expected. He was hating everything and getting more and more stressed out. I was sure he’d give it all up and storm back home, and that would lead to a major crisis. He might even have some sort of breakdown.”
Jackie and I looked at each other in disbelief. This was our oldest friend. When did he suddenly start wanting us to split up, and me to have a breakdown? He went stumbling on.
“But when he started maid training, he cheered up and started enjoying himself! I couldn’t believe a rich, powerful alpha male like him was actually enjoying mindless unskilled labour! And not just that, but subservience – being a servant – and doing it all as a woman! Then, I thought, ‘That’s OK. Surely Jackie will hate this? Her macho husband, turning into a sissy?’ But your reaction was even weirder than his. You thought the whole thing was sexy! I could only conclude that this extreme form of role-playing has had a completely unexpected effect. It hasn’t brought out any latent domme-sub behaviour, but it’s still turned you both into perverts!”
He ground to a halt, realising that his words were only making us angrier. There was silence. Jackie was steaming and I was just… feeling lost, betrayed by my best friend. But we couldn’t argue with his last point. We were perverts, though not the kind he’d apparently had in mind. I had found another totally different personality inside myself, while Jackie had… what? Discovered Lesbian tendencies? No, we still made love in traditional heterosexual fashion, albeit in increasingly exotic positions and locations. (Nancy would have a helluva job cleaning that dining room table. Or perhaps Dan would just buy a new one.) Jackie just got more ‘turned on’ when her husband was dressed as her maid. I’m not sure there was a name for her fetish.
Also, Bill and I had had many heated arguments over the years on just about everything: religion, politics, art, revolution, evolution, feminism – you name it. But I don’t think I’d ever realised what a sexist pig he was till now. Being a maid and a cleaning lady is perfectly respectable and a lot harder work than being a bloody psychology professor! I would have given voice to my feelings in no uncertain terms, but two things were stopping me. One, I probably would have thought much the same as him three weeks ago; and two, I was Nancy, at least for the moment. I was a maid in the presence of her betters.
“I think I should get back to the kitchen,” I said, quietly. “I left a wash in; there’ll be ironing to do; or some cleaning…”
I felt a tear run down my face. I got up and made for the door.
Bill jumped up and made to grab my arm, but Jackie was too quick for him.
“You leave her alone,” she hissed. I wasn’t so fuzzy that I missed the personal pronoun. “You need to get out of here – now!” she shouted at Bill.
I went out into the hall.
“It was all for love,” I heard Bill say, plaintively. “Really…”
I closed the kitchen door behind me. A minute later the front door opened and was slammed shut shortly afterwards. Jackie came into the kitchen and threw her arms around me.
“Are you all right, babe?” she said. “I’m so sorry! I should have prepared you better for that, but we were having such a good time yesterday. I didn’t want to spoil the weekend. Now I’ve just made it all much worse.”
“I’m OK,” I said. “It’s just too many surprises and shocks coming together. I think you’re right to have been concerned. I’ve been overdoing it for too long; overwork, tiredness, stress. I’m in worse shape than I thought. That probably explains why I’ve been so content with this stupid play-acting – it’s temporary relief. A chance to switch off.”
“Maybe, or maybe you’ve accidentally found the perfect safety valve. Stress relief by pretending to be a servant of the opposite sex!”
“Hey, I haven’t been pretending; I’ve been working my big round butt off! But after this afternoon’s revelations I feel like I’m back to square one.”
“No, no! It’s just a temporary setback,” she insisted. “You can’t expect to fix ten years of overwork in a fortnight, and you have another two and a half months of sabbatical. You should carry on doing whatever makes you happy.”
“You mean keep on being Nancy?” I was incredulous. “When the whole thing was a… sham?”
“Bill’s project may have been a sham but the beneficial effect of being Nancy was real.” She smiled. “Besides you’ve made commitments; you can’t let Maggie and the Travellers’ Rest down, can you?”
“What about you?”
“Well, no, you can’t let your mistress down either.”
“No, I meant…”
“I know what you meant, babe, and I promise I’m sticking with you. Dan, Nancy or ‘Dancy’, they’re all the same to me. You’re the man, woman and person I love.”
“But the whole ‘Nancy the maid’ thing – it’s just a fantasy. It seems to have gone well for a couple of weeks, but it can’t work in the longer term…”
“I don’t see why not,” she said. “Nobody’s suspected, have they? Not even Maggie, and she’s sharp as a tack and has worked right alongside you for days on end. Let’s face it, babe, you’re really good at being Nancy. You can be her for as long as you like.”
“Don’t you think it’s all a bit… kinky?”
“Maybe, but so what? It seems to be doing you good and you’re enjoying yourself. It’s harmless and we both want it, don’t we? Our little perversions intersect! Besides, you can go back to being Dan whenever you want.”
She hugged me and smiled.
“Quite ironic, isn’t it? Bill was hoping the role-playing would change you so I wouldn’t want you anymore. It looks like I’m the one who’s the more perverted, and I want you more than ever…”
* * *
After Jackie had calmed me down I made us some tea. She offered but I insisted. I’m still the maid; making tea is my job. We sat down again in the lounge to review.
“So you were at the university yesterday afternoon. What were you doing?”
“The admin I mentioned – she’s one of my tennis partners. I was talking with her after a game last week. She’s not actually a secretary; I only said that to throw Bill off the scent. She’s a research student in the Psychology Department. She’s currently looking for ideas for her PhD. She mentioned that she’d been browsing the project files to see if anyone’s doing anything interesting. I asked her about Bill’s research. I claimed that he’d told me about an interesting project he was running and she took me back to her office to look it up. She showed me all the Department’s current work but there was nothing like it. Don’t worry – I just told her I must have made a mistake, so she knows nothing about it.”
“I’m surprised Bill didn’t claim it was secret ‘off the books’ research, or something. After all, if it had been real, it would have been quite sensitive.”
“True, but it still wouldn’t have been allowed without at least an Abstract being recorded on the system, so either way he’s dead meat if we tell anyone.”
“His word against ours?”
“Maybe, but I think you’re safe. After all who’s going to believe that a partner at Atkinson Stern has been spending his sabbatical as a cross-dressing maid?”
“He’s got several pages of my hand-written diary as proof.”
“Oh I hadn’t thought of that!” she admitted. “I’ll get them back for you,” she said, resolutely. “I don’t think he’ll make any trouble for us. You should have seen his face as he left. He looked… broken.”
“I heard him say something about it being ‘all for love’. What do you think he meant?”
“No idea,” she said dismissively.
She reached for a biscuit. But I knew her – she was looking shifty.
“He wanted to break us up so he could take you away from me?” I suggested.
“No, I don’t think that was it, exactly,” she said, turning back to me. “In more than ten years he’s never shown the slightest interest in me… that way. Not even a kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas.”
“Well what then?”
She sighed. “I’m going to have to spell it out for you, aren’t I? How many serious girlfriends has Bill had since you were at school together?”
I tried to think. Came up with nothing. Sure there’d been girls, but none lasted more than a month.
“Exactly,” she said when I made no reply. “Bill is one of those gay guys who has struggled even to admit it to himself. I know, it’s ridiculous in this day and age, but it still happens. I’ve seen him looking at you… oddly… but until today I never made the connection. I think he’s been in love with you for ages. That’s what this project has been about – to break us up so he could swoop in to comfort you and win you for himself. He probably hoped that living as a woman would make you doubt your own sexuality, making it all the more likely you’d accept a male lover.”
I looked at her in horror. If she was right… Of course, she was right! She was Jackie.
“Yes… yes, it’s all quite plausible, isn’t it?” I said, sadly.
“It was quite clever actually. I’m pretty sure he tried to set me up with Fulbrooke as well, thinking I’d turn to a real man while my husband was away.”
“Away and being a sissy maid,” I added glumly.
She rushed to reassure me that she had never thought of me that way. All I could think was, poor Bill. Not that my sympathy would extend to seeing him again – ever.
* * *
That afternoon we moved back into our own home. Over the next few weeks Nancy the maid became a familiar figure there. We weren’t that close to any of our neighbours, and none of them recognised me. When anyone asked, they were told that Dan was away on an overseas secondment.
During working hours, I was the humble cleaner and lady’s maid. I wore my much-loved uniforms with cap and apron. I still curtsied to my mistress, and I called her Madam. That was part of my persona as Nancy. Jackie eventually got used to it and happily told me off if I was ever too familiar when I was on duty.
She also had a habit of sneaking up on me and unzipping my dress and exposing my bulging bra and knickers. I would then have to do my chores half-dressed until my uniform fell off, at which point she would push me down onto the sitting room hearth rug and have her way with me.
I could feel a decade of stress easing away.
As soon as the working day was over I changed into casual clothes – usually a nice housedress or a blouse and a comfy skirt – and we were lovers again. Jackie also encouraged me always to sleep in curlers, bonnet and a frilly nightie. My ultra-feminine night attire still drove her wild.
Bill settled the Transformations bill and returned all our diary entries without being asked. His covering note just said, Sorry for everything. We heard that he left the university shortly afterwards on a secondment somewhere in California. He didn’t call to say goodbye.
So for the moment, we carried on as planned, except that now I was three people: Nancy the maid, Nancy the roommate for the maid’s time off, and occasionally Dan. I was always happiest as the maid. This still surprised me a little – the novelty wasn’t wearing off – but I’d stopped worrying about it.
I continued to work three mornings a week at the Travellers’ Rest hotel. I also occasionally helped out my fellow maids at Home Counties Housekeeping when they needed someone to fill in. I developed a reputation as a sweet girl who was always willing and reliable.
My measly (by Dan’s standards) earnings from the hotel, together with my wages as Jackie’s maid, continued to be paid into Nancy’s bank account, never reaching a level where she would have to pay tax. As her, I tried to live off my earnings. I still didn’t drive and I took public transport whenever Jackie couldn’t give me a lift.
She never really understood why I didn’t avail myself of Dan’s fortune, but being poor was a key part of Nancy’s persona, and I didn’t want to lose that. But Dan paid for me to undergo a course of laser treatment to rid myself of all my body hair. Such a relief to need no more waxing!
At weekends I was Jackie’s roommate and best girlfriend. I wore my growing collection of dresses, supplemented by new skirts and tops. We ate out and shopped together. We went to the movies, the theatre, even to the opera, as two ladies.
It soon became obvious to Maggie that Jackie and I had become more than just mistress and maid, and when I let it drop to her we were looking for things to do together in the evenings and weekends, she persuaded us to try ballroom dancing. She’d just started and assured us it was tremendous fun. We’d always intended to take it up again, so we bought ourselves expensive dresses with exotic petticoats, and higher heels than I’d ever tottered on so far, and went along.
I was a little apprehensive. I was afraid that I’d struggle with the female role. To go backwards in high heels the lady has to rely on the support of her stronger male partner. In heels I was over five feet ten, and my male muscles and prostheses made me heavy. Would there be a man tall enough and strong enough to take me on?
I was also afraid there would be lots of men ready to sweep my beautiful wife off her feet. After all, ballroom dancing cheek to cheek can be… intimate. But it all worked out. We both had plenty of partners, and we quietly let it be known that we ‘lived together’ and had no real trouble with our men.
And the third person in this ménage a quatre? These days Dan only appeared in bed after lights out, and even then he was a submissive Dan, on the bottom, and trying harder than ever to please his mistress.
My three-month sabbatical passed all too quickly but there is no way I can go back. I am much more Nancy than Dan now and we both prefer it that way. I am relaxed and happy. I love being a uniformed housemaid and looking after my wonderful wife. I’m fulfilled.
I also love working at the hotel and the company of the other girls. I join in their conversations about boyfriends and babies enthusiastically. Maggie and I often meet outside of working hours. I occasionally baby-sit for her and have gotten to know her little daughter who calls me ‘Auntie Nancy’. Sometimes Jackie joins us and treats us to an outing that we two maids couldn’t have afforded.
The hard physical work keeps me fit and healthy. Nancy might be fat and forty but the person inside her is slim and fitter than ever.
I have resigned my partnership at Atkinson Stern and sold my equity. We can easily live off our assets for the rest of our lives now if we have to. But, under the impression I was leaving because of stress and overwork, the partners were sympathetic and offered me as much freelance work as I wanted. They were probably afraid I would sue them.
I was hesitant but Jackie advised me not to break with the firm completely, and I eventually agreed. I can do most of Dan’s work from home in my maid’s uniform – with video-conferencing turned off! I sit at my old desk at home feeling deliciously naughty. What is a maid doing at her master’s computer when she should be dusting and vacuuming?
Nevertheless I’m still interested in finance and I try to keep up with the markets. I do research and financial analysis; but it’s a relief not to have to give presentations or write proposals anymore. I just draft reports and send e-mails. A couple of times I have very nearly signed myself as ‘Nancy Potts’; I feel a fraud to be calling myself ‘Dan Richards’.
I do have to attend the occasional meeting at the office. So I have reluctantly got rid of my gorgeous blonde perm and Jackie has given me a unisex bob in my original colour. By combing my hair differently and putting it in a man-style pony tail I can look like a slightly Bohemian version of my old self.
The first time I put on one of Dan’s suits again, with my lovely big boobies removed and no abdominal prosthesis, I was terrified that people would see me as a fake – a silly, uneducated cleaning lady pretending to be a professional man! I almost cried!
Fortunately I made the change a day or two early so that I could practise walking, talking and sitting like a male again. In my flat men’s shoes, and without my heavy prostheses, ‘how to be Dan’ came back to me eventually.
I put on my expensive men’s wristwatch and checked my wallet, which was exactly as I had left it more than a month earlier. Everything fell into place as though I had never been away. It did take me a while to get used to driving my Porsche though.
Jackie and I were actually both glad to see Dan again, especially as we knew I could go back to being Nancy whenever I wanted. We went out together as man and wife quite a bit in the next few days, and it was fine. We put in an appearance at all our old haunts, as people were beginning to suspect that I had gone off and left my wife. Not that we had many close friends now that Bill was no longer in the picture.
The first time I went back to Atkinson Stern was a shock. They had given my old office to my assistant and I had to sit at a ‘Hot Desk’ in the open-plan area. But I was invited to a number of planning sessions to bring me up to speed with my clients.
Henceforward my responsibilities would be limited to financial advisory work and brainstorming options for investments. It was a relief not to be involved in strategic planning, budget meetings, training, recruitment, and all the other stressful decision-making involved with running a multi-million-pound business. Over the first year of these new arrangements I only billed about 30 days of work, but grossed more than fifty grand.
But I expect Dan will be appearing less and less often in future. When I go back to being Nancy, I brush my hair out and use copious amounts of spray to restore it to my favourite feminine style. Also as a working-class woman I’m in the habit of wearing a headscarf when I’m out of doors and my maid’s cap inside.
Weirdly, I now find it hard to get to sleep with no curlers in. Jackie suggested I wear my sleep bonnet anyway, and that has helped.
A couple of times my generous mistress has treated me to a trip to the salon. We go together to get our hair done and have a mani-pedi. At first I was concerned that as her husband I really shouldn’t be enjoying such a feminine experience, but Madam told me not to be a silly girl, and just to lie back and enjoy it. I needed to make up my mind. Which did I want to be – a happy maid or a miserable banker? She was right of course, as ever. I’m Nancy now, and very happy. Dan is just a disguise I have to put on for a couple of days every few weeks.
* * *
What else has happened? Oh yes, Jackie bought me some more maid’s dresses: a vintage uniform that makes me feel like I’m in Downton Abbey, and a gorgeous French Maid’s outfit together with a long blonde wig. She likes me to be ‘Fifi from Montmartre’ on Saturday nights at home. I think I look pretty good, and she can’t keep her hands off me!
“Ooh la la, Madame!” I squeal as she chases me round the kitchen and has her way with me.
She has also bought me some more seriously sexy lingerie in pink chiffon from Victoria’s Secret, which Nancy could never have afforded. I drive us both crazy when I wear it.
The other good news was that, with not having to do housework, and with my help with her admin, spreadsheets and project plans – not to mention getting dressed smartly – Jackie was able to concentrate more on her research. She has published two papers in the last six months and has been confirmed as Reader in her Department – the youngest they have ever appointed. (This academic rank, she told me, is like ‘a Professor without a Chair’.)
The promotion means that she is on her way. She will probably be offered tenure as a full professor soon, though she might have to go to another university. Then she and her faithful maid might have to move. If it’s overseas we will have to worry about Nancy’s passport, work visa, and so on, but that’s a problem for another day.
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
To please his girlfriend Mike agrees to spend the summer as a cast member of The Pride and Prejudice Experience. He didn’t expect to become the Prime Suspect in a murder and have to hide out as a middle-aged mother of five in 1813!
[Author’s Note: this is my attempt to write a proper TV/TG detective story. Let me know what you think!]
As I later told the police, I had been in the parlour entertaining my visitors to afternoon tea. I remembered the clock on the mantelpiece striking four and being thankful that the day was nearly over, and that I could soon get out of this damned corset. Hill had just brought in another plate of cakes.
I had been explaining the iniquity of the entail system to our guests, and how with five unmarried daughters I would be thrown out onto the street when Mr Bennet died and his loathsome cousin, Mr Collins, inherited. At least two of our visitors didn’t understand how that could happen but I couldn’t explain any more clearly without breaking character. According to Miss Austen, my father had been an attorney but as Mrs Bennet I had little knowledge of the law.
Jane and Lizzy went past the south window with their little group. They would have been walking the grounds, pointing out features of interest, and talking about how young ladies like themselves passed their time while waiting to be married, out here in rural Hertfordshire in the early nineteenth century. Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy were due to arrive on horseback for their fourth and last visit of the session. They would talk about how rich young men found themselves wives these days.
I could hear Mary playing the piano in the music room for Lydia and Mr Wickham to show their little group some of the dances of the day. Mr Bennet was in his study of course, showing his books to his visitors, and attempting to explain to any of them who might be interested (not many) the business of running an estate like Longbourn.
So it was probably at about five past four that Kitty burst in.
“Mama!” she cried. “There’s a body in the library!”
I blinked. This was a new scenario. Had the others made this up just to see if I had the improv skills to respond in character?
“Foolish girl!” I admonished her. “You know better than to interrupt when I am entertaining guests…”
“I’m serious, Mike,” she interrupted. “There’s been an, uh, accident… You need to come.”
The moment she broke character and abandoned Regency period speech, I knew something had happened. Our instructions were clear. If anything went wrong, if the twenty-first century intruded on our little world, we should still try and maintain the illusion until it was no longer possible. In particular, it was sometimes a challenge to ignore low-flying aircraft circling on their approach to Heathrow…
It was especially egregious to use our real names. I hoped none of our guests had noticed she had called me ‘Mike’, or if they had, that they thought it might be short for ‘Michelle’. We really didn’t want paying visitors to know that the role of Mrs Bennet was being played by a man.
I tutted – in character, of course. “Excuse us for a moment, everyone,” I said. “I shall return momentarily. Hill, pour our guests some more tea.”
The maid was clearly rattled by Kitty’s intrusion, but she moved to comply. Gathering my voluminous skirts, I rose and moved quickly but in the most feminine manner I could manage, to intercept the frantic Kitty and escort her from the room.
“Really, girl,” I scolded her, “I don’t know how my nerves will cope with all your foolishness.”
Once the parlour door was safely closed behind us I followed my pretend daughter through the hall to the library.
“One of the visitors was asking about the local militia,” Kitty was explaining, “and I remembered seeing a book on military encampments…”
She trailed off. We stared at the body on the floor. It wasn’t one of our little troop. It was a guest, female, and wearing a pretty green morning gown of the period. She was lying on her back, her lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling. I approached her more closely to see if there was anything that could be done, but the dagger protruding from her chest made that unlikely. I put the back of my hand close to her lips for a few seconds. She certainly wasn’t breathing.
I resisted the temptation to touch the corpse. I pushed Kitty back and closed the library door. I reached into my reticule and took out my mobile phone. I switched it on and started thinking about how I would explain to the police that my estranged stepsister, whom I hadn’t seen for nearly two years, had been murdered while I was serving tea next door.
And in drag. The things one has to do to get an Equity Card! Beats busking, I suppose.
Chapter One – How I became a Character in a Regency Novel
It was all Holly’s idea and the irony was: I never planned to go into Show Business.
I’d known her throughout secondary school but we didn’t become lovers till our last year. At first I thought that was because I did most of her homework for her (poor lovestruck idiot), but she eventually persuaded me that she loved me for myself and not just for my ability to write the same English essay twice while making the two versions seem different. I didn’t regard myself as a great writer, but I could string words together and spell them correctly, and I knew how to use a semi-colon – all skills that were beyond my beautiful girlfriend.
As a result, we both did well enough at school to have a fair choice of universities. I had no idea at all what I wanted to do there or indeed afterwards. Nothing unusual about that. Lots of my fellow undergraduates were in the same boat. But Holly was very clear about what she wanted. She was going to be an actress. She was only doing a degree at all because her parents insisted. They were well off, and they would support her ambitions indefinitely, but only if she got a decent education first.
So she had chosen a BA in Drama and English Literature in the hope that future prospective employers would regard it as just as good as going to Drama School. I had to go along and do the same course at the same university. I don’t always do absolutely everything Holly tells me to do, just most of the time. Anyway I thought the curriculum sounded interesting. (Honest.)
In fact, it was great. We studied written English, both poetry and prose, from Anglo-Saxon illuminated manuscripts to the graphic novels of the present day, with every great book in between, from Britain and throughout the Anglosphere. The Drama units took in all forms across stage, screen and beyond, improvisation, street theatre, playwriting and directing.
Also, because the course was ‘performance-related’, we could enrol as Student Members of the Actors’ Union, Equity. Naturally Holly insisted we both did that. When we graduated, we would only need to notch up a few performance credits on our resumés and we could become Full Members.
To avoid living in a small bedsit on campus, Holly persuaded her parents to buy a flat within walking distance of the English Department. “It will be an investment,” she argued. “You’ll sell it for more than you paid when I graduate.”
My parental situation was different. My own family weren’t poor but we had little to spare. When I was in my early teens my father had died suddenly. I was my mother’s sole heir but she had very little of her own. I was delighted when after a couple of years she remarried.
My stepfather, Keith Matthews, was a wealthy widower with a daughter a little older than me. Mum persuaded him to pay for my tuition to avoid me being saddled with student debt. He didn’t have to do it – he never adopted me – but that was the sort of guy he was. He encouraged me to take whatever part-time jobs I could get (as he had done at my age), but he quietly made sure I was always able to pay my way.
He was a property developer who had built up his own firm. I had no idea what he actually did, but I suspected he was as rich as Holly’s parents - perhaps more so - but I had no expectations of him. In any case, I never got to know him well. I went off to university less than a month after my mother and I moved into his huge, six-bedroom house. In my vacations either he was working, or I was away from home, or they were.
Keith was an okay guy, but his daughter, Hannah, was a total bitch. I tried to be friendly when Mum and I first moved in, but she didn’t want to know. She avoided both of us as much as she could. When Keith offered to fund my university career she was incandescent, despite having no interest in higher education herself. As far as she was concerned, that was fifty grand that she deserved and I didn’t. She left school as soon as she could and moved out into an expensive flat in Chelsea, taking a lover and a ream of credit cards with her. She planned to do ‘something in Fashion’ and live off her father’s generosity.
I didn’t miss her at all. I looked forward to student life with Holly. I took a room in one of the Halls of Residence, but in the end we mostly lived together at her place.
* * *
The bizarre turn my life has taken now began when we all had to choose an eight-week Drama course in the summer term of our second year. There were several options, but each unit had a limited number of places, so you needed to get your application in early or be stuck with something boring.
Holly wanted to do ‘Performing Shakespeare’ but nothing would persuade me to join her on that. Neither of us liked the look of ‘Improvisation’. I fancied ‘Literary Adaptation’ because in my heart of hearts I knew that I was never going to be a star of stage or screen, but I reckoned I might be good at writing, and adapting someone else’s novel sounded easier than dreaming up my own stories and characters. We were allowed to apply for two options. I chose ‘Directing for Television’ as my alternate. Grudgingly Holly agreed to put Literary Adaptation as her second choice.
To her surprise and chagrin the Shakespeare course was massively over-subscribed and she didn’t get in. Literary Adaptation was run by a popular lecturer called Graham MacNair and it was also difficult to get onto. As there would be a lot of practical work involved, it was limited to twelve places. Denied her time with the Bard, Holly was determined that we would be together in lectures that term, and she somehow managed to get us both accepted. But then that was what she did; she managed – me and everybody else.
The first half of the course had us studying adaptations of great books for the stage, TV and film. We read novels and their corresponding screenplays. We looked at three movie versions of The Great Gatsby from 1949, 1974 and 2013; several adaptations of David Copperfield and Pride and Prejudice; and the Alec Guinness BBC serial of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy to compare it with the later film starring Gary Oldman and Colin Firth.
In a session at the mid-point of the course Dr MacNair asked us what lessons we had learned so far.
As always, Douglas Miller was the first to speak up. “Your first choice is to decide whether to be faithful to the book, or if you want to create something new and different. I think I would always want to put something original, something of my own, into anything I adapted.”
Holly and I looked at each other and exchanged grins. This was Miller all over. He was tall, good-looking and absolutely full of himself. He thought he was an artiste. Holly thought he was a wanker (I’m glad to say). But he was a year older than the rest of us having taken a Gap Year, most of which he spent interning at some place in London, so he thought he knew more about the world than anyone else.
“In which case you’re trading on the reputation of the novel to get support from investors, and to get bums on seats, aren’t you?” said MacNair with a smile. Miller looked discomfited. “Nothing wrong with that, actually,” MacNair reassured him. “Plenty of writers greater than you or I have done that; we all have our livings to earn. But of course it can backfire. If the book has a big fanbase and they don’t like your changes, you’ll get caned.”
A lively discussion followed about ‘art’ and the practical problems of writing screenplays. I kept my head down during this, as I usually did.
The end of the session was approaching.
“Any other lessons from what we’ve done so far?” MacNair said, prior to wrapping up for the day. I thought he was looking at me. I knew I didn’t speak up enough for his liking and I didn’t want a bad mark for the course.
“This may sound a little cynical,” I said diffidently, “but I would have thought the first decision the writer has to make is about the length of the piece…”
I paused. MacNair nodded encouragingly.
“Well, the 1979 television version of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy was seven episodes – five and a quarter hours – while the 2011 film was just two.”
“And?” MacNair liked to prompt us with one-word questions.
“Well, that tells you a lot about what you can afford to put in and what you have to leave out.”
“Quite right,” MacNair confirmed. “Good to see you are with us in spirit, Mike, despite your famous reticence. Yes, it may be boring and mundane, but it’s the first question you should be asking yourself. The whole structure of your screenplay will be determined by how much room you will have for character development, sub-plots, and so on. Not that you’ll actually have a choice very often. The BBC were incredibly generous giving Arthur Hopcraft seven episodes in which to adapt Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Back in 1979 John Le Carré wasn’t the superstar novelist he became later, and the book was hardly a classic like Pride and Prejudice.”
“Which is another good example, isn’t it?” said Holly. “The Andrew Davies TV version with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth was much better than the 2013 film with Keira Knightley, but it was six hour-long episodes – three times as long as the film – so of course it was better.”
“They were very different,” I added. “It’s not really fair to say that either was better.”
“Agreed,” said MacNair, “and that’s a good note to end this discussion on.” People started packing up. “But before you go, a few words about the next stage of this course. You’re going to do some Literary Adaptation yourselves. We’ll work on Pride and Prejudice, seeing as you all know it pretty well by now, so you won’t have to read anything new.”
He smiled at the relieved-looking faces round the room.
“So for next time, I’d like you all to pick a few characters from the book and do some really in-depth analysis of them. Think about the context of their lives. What would be their motivations? What might they be afraid of? Are they good or bad people by the parameters of their time? What really makes them tick? It doesn’t matter whether the characters you choose are principals or extras who only appear in a few scenes. You can even make up stuff that isn’t in the novel, as long as it’s consistent with the story and the period. Use your imaginations. Everyone should be prepared to talk about their favourite character for five minutes or so, OK?”
Holly grabbed my arm as we were leaving the classroom.
“You’re going to have to help me, Mike,” she said. “I’m hopeless at all this ‘character analysis’ stuff.”
I grumbled but agreed, of course. I may have mentioned that Holly usually gets what she wants – especially from me.
* * *
“I have two dice here,” said MacNair at the beginning of the next Literary Adaptation class, “and there are twelve of you. So that works out nicely.”
Everyone looked puzzled. He rolled the dice.
“Seven.” He consulted a list in his notebook. “Seven is – Holly Woodbridge. So, Holly, which Pride and Prejudice character have you chosen?”
Holly was delighted. The roll of the dice gave her the opportunity to be the Leading Lady.
“I’d like to talk about Elizabeth Bennet, please.” A couple of the other girls groaned. Obviously they had picked Lizzie too, and now Holly was going to steal their thunder.
“She’s only twenty at the start of the book,” Holly began, “and completely unattached, as are all her sisters, which of course is a worry for their parents. In this time lots of girls would be married at her age. She’s beautiful and as well-educated as any of her peers, but it is her personality which makes her stand out and establishes her as the heroine of the novel. She is high-spirited but sensible, something that can’t be said of most of the other female characters. Some are very unpleasant but many, like the younger Bennet girls, are just silly and immature. Lizzie is confident, outspoken, and assertive, as the awful Lady Catherine de Bourgh points out when they first meet. ‘Upon my word,’ she says, ‘you give your opinion very decidedly for so young a person!’”
Holly had learned her lines well – lines which I had written, and she had reeled off word for word.
“But Elizabeth is never rude or aggressive,” she went on, “unless someone is rude to her first. I imagine her outspokenness might have shocked readers when the book came out in 1813. They were probably expecting her to be a gentle and demure maiden, and the book to be just a romance, and of course it is that, but it’s also a satire. The reader is encouraged to see the folly and injustice of English Society of the time through the eyes of a highly intelligent young woman, who is nevertheless helpless to secure a decent life for herself without a good marriage.”
“That’s excellent, Holly,” said MacNair, when she paused for breath. “I think you’ve summed her up very well. I’m sure there’s a lot more you could tell us, but we’d better move on. Lots to get through.”
Holly threw me a look of thanks. MacNair rolled the dice again.
“Three,” he said. “Douglas Miller.”
“I’ll talk about Mr Darcy,” Miller announced grandly.
Of course he would. He would have googled ‘Pride and Prejudice – Mr Darcy – character analysis’ and copied out the entry verbatim. I just hoped Dr MacNair would recognise the words.
He did and he did.
“Thank you, Douglas,” MacNair said when Google had finished. He didn’t look pleased, and he certainly didn’t offer any praise for original insights. He rolled the dice again. “Five – that’s Samantha Spears.”
“I chose Lydia,” said Sam, “because she’s all about sex.” She paused, as if seeking permission to continue.
MacNair chuckled. “Go on, Sam. This should be interesting.”
“Well, people think of Lydia as being a silly, immature scatterbrain, easily seduced by a handsome soldier, but I think there’s more to her than that. She’s very clever at manipulating people to get her own way. She’s her mother’s favourite, presumably because Mrs Bennet sees her younger self in Lydia. She clearly has a strong sex drive which results in her throwing herself at any male in the vicinity. You could even say that it’s only natural for a young, fertile female.”
We were all thinking the same: Sam herself was noted for her ‘fertility’…
“Julia Sawalha brought out Lydia’s sexuality and promiscuity in the 1995 TV version, and I think that’s how Jane Austen wanted us to think of her, but of course she couldn’t say so explicitly in a novel of the time. It would never get published! I dare say that if the book were being written today, Lydia wouldn’t just be eloping with Wickham, she’d be pregnant by him! And who exactly was the victim here in the end – Lydia or Wickham?”
We all enjoyed Samantha’s original analysis of Lydia Bennet. MacNair was scribbling furiously in his notebook.
“Very nice, Samantha,” he said with a smile. “An original take on the character.” He threw the dice again.
“Nine,” he said. “That’s you, Amy.”
“Well, I think all the Bennet sisters except Lizzy are boring,” Amy said, never one to be afraid of controversy, so I’ll talk about the villainess, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.”
MacNair smiled encouragingly
“Mr Collins is the first to mention Lady Catherine. She is his patroness and such is his praise that we expect to find her kind and generous. But when Elizabeth is introduced to her at Rosings, it turns out she is arrogant and proud, and she clearly thinks good manners are only for one’s equals, and she doesn’t have any. She has no regard for the feelings of others.
“Her wealth and position in society, and the outrageous flattery of people like Mr Collins, have made her vain and conceited. She enjoys displaying her wealth and showing off the grandeur of her mansion. When she invites people into her home, it is not out of kindness or generosity but because it allows her to show off. She is only interested in impressing people and assumes she will be admired by all around her. She also expects everyone to do as she says and is not only angry but genuinely surprised when Lizzy refuses her demands.”
“Very good, Amy,” said MacNair. I think you’ve got the measure of Her Ladyship.”
The morning wore on. The guys talked about Mr Bingley, Mr Bennet, Mr Collins and Mr Wickham. The remaining girls picked Jane Bennet, Charlotte Lucas, and Caroline Bingley. I wondered why no one talked about Mrs Bennet. Was I the only one who found her interesting?
With about a quarter of an hour to go MacNair changed tack.
“OK, I know a lot of the leading characters have already been covered now,” he said. “So if your choice has been taken, please see what you can add to what’s already been said. Just try and point out anything you think has been missed so far.”
He had to roll the dice a few times before coming up with a number that hadn’t been seen before. “Ah, eleven – Mike Bradshaw.”
Just as I was beginning to think I could escape... I’d prepared some analysis of Mr Bennet and Mr Collins, but everything I’d thought of had already been said. I also had some stuff about Mr Darcy that Miller had missed, but I had to admit that Google had done quite a good job for him. I could only add a few thin theories based on what the Pemberley housekeeper had said to Lizzie and the Gardiners. Boring.
“I have a few ideas about Mrs Bennet,” I said, taking the bull by the horns. “Actually, I’m a little surprised that no one else has wanted to talk about her. I think she’s really interesting.”
I got the impression that most of my classmates were less than impressed. One of the girls muttered something about her being ‘a silly old bat’, but MacNair looked up with curiosity.
“Tell us more, Mike,” he said.
“OK, she was Miss Jane Gardiner, the daughter of a Meryton attorney. He must have been a gentleman but according to Lady Catherine, he was a nobody from a lowly background, which of course made Lizzie quite unsuitable for marriage into the Darcy or de Bourgh families. Jane Gardiner was by no means a clever girl, so she must have been a considerable beauty in her youth to enchant her social superior, Mr Bennet.
“Now, however, she is loud and opinionated, and oblivious to the mortification she causes the rest of her family. She is completely unaware of her vulgarity and lack of education, and is a continual embarrassment to her husband and the sensible older girls, Jane and Elizabeth. The Bennets have been married for twenty-three years at the start of the novel, but Mrs Bennet doesn’t understand her spouse at all.
“Her single focus in life is finding husbands for her five daughters, and she doesn’t understand that her behaviour does more to harm their chances than it does to help. It has also caused Mr Bennet to withdraw from Society as much as he can, neglecting his duties as husband and father.
“So far, so awful. To modern readers Mrs Bennet is an irritating character, but as Holly pointed out, the novel is intended as a satire. Austen is commenting on the times she lives in through the voices and behaviours of her characters. Mrs Bennet serves two purposes: one, she shows how foolish it is to attach so much importance to social standing – you just risk alienating people and making a fool of yourself; and two, she shows the terrible pressures on people of the time to marry advantageously. This became especially difficult for young women with no fortune, as so many promising husbands were lost in the Napoleonic Wars.”
I was aware that MacNair had let me waffle on for longer than anyone else. I sensed impatience from some of my peers.
“Sorry, I’ll wrap up now. The Bennets’ situation also allows the author to demonstrate the iniquities of the entail system in property ownership and inheritance. This is Mrs Bennet’s key motivation. Her situation is extremely precarious. If Mr Bennet dies – and he was already beyond the average lifespan of males of the time – then the family will lose Longbourn to the odious Mr Collins, and the six women could be out on the street with no means of support. Her behaviour comes from the desperation of living on a knife-edge. We should be sympathetic, not critical.”
Embarrassed that maybe I had been a little too enthusiastic in my defence of the ‘silly old bat’ I stopped talking and looked around. A few people were nodding; a few more were nodding off.
“Thank you, Mike,” said MacNair. “Some good insights. We’ll leave it there, I think. Apologies to anyone who didn’t get the chance to speak, but now I need to brief you on the next part of the course.”
Everyone woke up. MacNair began handing out a sheet of instructions. “You’ll all receive this by e-mail as usual, of course,” he said as he walked round the room.
“There is to be an end-of-term show at the Little Theatre after exams, and each of the four classes will produce a piece of entertainment based on this term’s work. As we have twice as many ladies as gentlemen in this group, I’ve decided you will do a selection of scenes from Pride and Prejudice to fill our half-hour slot. We’ll be doing it on stage – there’s a Regency era living room set we can use – and in full costume. We have an arrangement with one of the bigger theatrical companies and they have very generously offered us free use of their wardrobe department. There will be small prizes for the best actor and actress of the show, and for the best team effort.”
I exchanged looks with Holly. She looked excited. Most of the others seemed happy enough too.
“I will allocate roles based on how you have all performed so far this term, and on what I’ve heard from you this morning. I’ll let you know my decisions by e-mail tonight.”
Faces fell round the room with a few exceptions. Holly, confident as ever, was sure she would be Elizabeth. Miller was already thinking about how to stamp his personality on Darcy. He certainly had his arrogance. As for the rest of us, those whose turns came late in the session knew we would be housekeepers, maids, or small parts like Sir William Lucas, Colonel Fitzwilliam, or one of the Gardiners. That included me of course. All the best male parts were long gone by the time I got to speak. My essays had always got good marks, but I knew Dr MacNair didn’t think much of my contributions in class. Oh well, that was the roll of the dice. I didn’t really want to be centre stage anyway.
“Your first job will be to get together in small teams to develop your scripts,” MacNair went on. “These must be your own original attempts at Literary Adaptation, based on what you’ve learnt. Obviously, you can use any of Jane Austen’s words from the novel, but don’t steal from any screenplays downloaded from the internet – I shall check!”
He was looking piercingly at Douglas as he said the last part.
“As we’ve discussed on this course, there are no unbreakable rules in Literary Adaptation. You can translate Austen’s nineteenth century language into modern English, if you wish. You can merge or rearrange scenes. All’s fair in the cause of making good theatre, but remember the original was a success for a reason. If you stray too far from it, if you introduce anachronisms, or get the setting wrong… Well, your version will need to be very good!
“I’ve chosen scenes that ensure that all twelve of you will be involved. Some of you will be in more than one scene. Each of the three groups needs to appoint a Director and a Script Editor and decide together how you will approach the adaptation. The sheet I’ve just handed out describes the sections of text that you will be adapting. But I’m happy to be flexible. As long as you use the assigned characters, and take the dialogue and plot from roughly the stages in the book I’ve suggested, each group can feel free to make the most amusing ten minutes’ worth you can manage.”
* * *
Holly and I had just finished dinner and were settling down to watch something brainless on TV when her laptop pinged. The much-anticipated e-mail had arrived. She dashed to open it. I continued to channel surf and left her to it. I had lower expectations. My viewing was interrupted by whoops of joy, suddenly curtailed by gasps of astonishment.
“What?” I asked. “Did you get ‘Lizzie’?”
“I did,” she said triumphantly, “but that’s not the biggest surprise. Look what you got!”
She thrust the laptop at me. I scanned MacNair’s cast list. The first thing I noticed was that Doug Miller wasn’t going to be happy. ‘Mr Darcy’ had gone to Derek Butcher, which was fair enough; he had presented some original ideas that Google hadn’t offered. Miller would have to settle for Mr Wickham. I carried on down the list till I came to:
Mrs Bennet …………………. Mike Bradshaw
Holly was laughing her head off. “You’re going to be my mother!” she chortled.
“He’s mad! This must be a mistake!”
But it wasn’t.
Next: Adaptation, Literary and Otherwise
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Chapter Two – Adaptation, Literary and Otherwise
Mike prepares for the role of a lifetime, but his classmates are all laughing at him, especially his girlfriend.
“Think of it as a challenge, Mike,” MacNair said blithely in response to my objections. “You showed you understood your character’s nature and motivation better than anyone else, so I’m sure you’ll do a great job.”
“But I’m a man!”
“Of course you are. So what? You want to be an actor, don’t you? That’s all about pretending to be someone else.”
But I didn’t really. I was there to study English. It was Holly who wanted to act; I was just along for the ride.
“But Mrs Bennet isn’t supposed to be a… a… a Pantomime Dame!” I spluttered.
“No, but there are plenty of examples of male actors playing middle-aged women in serious shows: Mrs Doubtfire; Miss Hannigan in Annie; Edna Turnblad in Hairspray; Miss Fritton in St Trinians. Lots of men have played Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest; and what about Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in Some Like It Hot?”
“Those are all comic parts.”
“So is Mrs Bennet, basically. I really don’t see the problem.”
“But Pride and Prejudice is a straight drama. It will throw the whole piece out of balance in the family scenes to have a drag queen mother!”
“So don’t be a drag queen!” he said, a note of exasperation creeping into his voice. “Look, you’re medium height and slim. Your features aren’t excessively masculine…” (At least he resisted calling me ‘baby-faced’.) “You have a flexible tenor voice. You could easily pull off a contralto. With a good wig and makeup, and in Regency dress, you will be quite convincing. Think of it as a challenge to your acting ability.”
I could see I wasn’t going to talk him out of this.
* * *
MacNair’s brief for my group was ‘to use selected material from the early chapters of the book to introduce the Bennet family, their (relevant) background, and their characters’. The scene would involve four of the five girls (Mary would be next door playing the piano), their parents, Mr Wickham, and the maid, Hill. So the eight of us duly assembled in one of the smaller seminar rooms at nine o’clock the next morning to make a start, which was delayed while the girls took the opportunity to laugh at me. Sad to say, the mockery was led by my own girlfriend.
“I can’t wait to see what you look like in your dress, Mama!” Holly said, chortling.
“Yes, Mama,” added Samantha. “You realise you’ll have to wear a corset!”
“Are you looking to win the ‘Best Actor’ or ‘Best Actress’ prize, Mama?” said Diane, who had had to settle for Kitty. Until then I had always liked Diane Simms, a quiet friendly little girl.
Douglas was smirking, enjoying my discomfiture. He had tried it on with Holly a couple of times, unsuccessfully.
“I see you girls are practising being ‘silly and immature’,” I replied sulkily. “I think you’ve got it down pat.”
Jack Bryce snorted, swallowing a laugh. He was the only other man in the room. We had always got on. He would be playing Mr Bennet, my husband (for God’s sake).
“Can we get on with this, please?” he said. “And let’s try and be grown-up about Dr MacNair’s strange ideas of casting, shall we?”
Sam and Diane looked suitably chastened. Holly just bristled.
“Well, I thought my boyfriend had a better sense of humour…” she began.
“And I’m certainly going to need it, aren’t I?” I shot back.
“It’s a good thing you’re not big and brawny like Jack and Douglas,” Holly said viciously. “You’ll probably make a very convincing middle-aged woman when you’ve got your corset and bloomers on.”
Where was this coming from? Had I done something to offend her?
“Thanks,” I said. “As if my self-confidence hasn’t already taken enough knocks today.”
“Sorry, Mike,” said Sam.
“Yeah, we didn’t mean to be hurtful,” added Diane. “It was just a bit of fun.”
I looked at Holly, hoping but not expecting an apology from her. None came, of course.
“Last time I help you get a leading part,” I said, quietly.
The others looked puzzled, as well they might. Jack cleared his throat in the hope of defusing the tension. It didn’t.
“Let’s try and work together as a team, huh?” he said. “Now does anyone have any thoughts about who should be our Director and Script Editor?”
“I think Mike should look after the script,” said Amy. “He’s really got a way with words.”
She had been landed with the lousy part of Hill, the housemaid, though she would be doubling up as Lady Catherine with one of the other groups. We could assume that Hill and Her Ladyship were about the same age, so Amy would be made up to look older – like me and Jack.
“But all the words will be Jane Austen’s,” Douglas objected.
“I second the motion,” said Jack, ignoring him. “Mike for Script Editor. “Any other candidates?” Nobody spoke. “Congratulations, Mike,” he said.
“Just don’t write a bigger part for yourself than is in the book, Mrs Bennet,” said Holly.
I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to be welcome in her bed tonight.
“I suggest you’re the obvious nominee for Director, Jack,” I said, just in case someone suggested Holly or Douglas.
“I agree,” said both Samantha and Diane, almost simultaneously. Nobody demurred.
“OK, I accept,” said Jack. “Does our Script Editor have any ideas about what we should try and get into the scene?”
“I do, actually,” I said, thumbing through my copy of the book to find the passages I had marked. “We need to pack as much background exposition into ten minutes as we can, to present the characters and set the whole story up properly. Bingley and Darcy appear early on in the book, talking about renting Netherfield. But it’s very short and not really important. Anyway, we can’t use them; MacNair hasn’t put Derek and Rob in our group. The key scene is Mrs Bennet telling her husband about Bingley’s arrival. It actually happens outside the church in the book, but there’s no reason why we can’t do it all at Longbourn. I think we can set our scene in the house and involve just the Bennet family. Also we can mix Kitty and Lydia’s squabble about the bonnet into the same scene. That will show the audience something about them too.”
“That sounds good,” said Jack. “I remember Dr MacNair talked about how much fiddling with the locations and the sequence of events you can get away with, and he said that when you’re adapting a book for the stage, you often have to join scenes together, change settings, and so on. We have to use our judgement.”
“I remember him saying that too,” said Hilary Dunn, who was playing Jane.
I was aware of Holly looking daggers at me, as so far I hadn’t given her character anything to say or do. She shouldn’t really be grumbling as she was in all three of the ten-minute pieces. She and Hilary would be going straight from this session to that of the Netherfield group at eleven. We would need to coordinate with their plans, but I thought their first scene should come immediately after our first.
“Then for our second scene we should do Lizzy and Wickham’s conversation at the Phillips’ whist party,” I continued, “when Wickham bad-mouths Darcy and starts off Lizzy’s prejudice against him. Finally, it would be good if we can include some of Jane and Lizzy’s dialogue from elsewhere in the book to show how they are more mature and sensible than their younger sisters.”
Holly was mollified, at least partly. She knew her part would be much bigger in our other scenes.
Jack was looking worried. “I can’t see us fitting all that into ten minutes,” he said. “We’ll have to shift between the pieces very quickly.”
“Well, it was only some ideas to get us going,” I said. “Why don’t we start with that lot, then decide what to cut when we see how long it runs?”
“Maybe MacNair will let us do fifteen minutes,” Amy said. “He sounded like he’d be flexible.”
Everyone agreed, so we all opened our copies of the book and started looking at it together in detail.
* * *
The first planning session went well. We went through several scenes in the book together and agreed the rough shape of our time and what would be in and out. I slipped away quietly at the end and didn’t wait to talk to Holly. I went back to the flat to pick up some dirty washing and a few other things, then to my bedsit on campus. After our petulant and public disagreement, I thought it might be a good idea for us to spend a little time apart.
I only went to my small, poky room occasionally to get clean clothes and pick up any snail mail, so I hadn’t been there for a few days. I put a wash on in the launderette in the basement and settled down with my copy of Pride and Prejudice and my laptop to try and write up what we had worked on that day.
It wasn’t hard to envisage the Bennet family dynamic: the younger girls arguing; Mrs Bennet haranguing her husband to get him to meet Mr Bingley; the older girls watching the goings-on with amusement; Wickham attempting to charm Lizzy. There was a good scene between Jane and Elizabeth where they talked about marrying for love or money…
What I struggled to do was see myself as the frantic family matriarch. My imagination just wasn’t up to it. I was sure I was going to make a fool of myself.
The accommodation block’s laundry room was hot and sweaty. There were four washing machines and the same number of tumble dryers, but I was the only person using them today. My wash in the machine’s little window rotated scornfully, reminding me that soon I would be forced to wear some very different clothes…
Then Holly burst into the room.
“So there you are!” she said, in a tone that suggested she had caught me hiding from her, which I suppose I had. “In the basement, sulking! Bit of a cliché, isn’t it?”
“I had things to do,” I said, pointing at the washing machine.
“Well, you might have told me where you were going.” She stood angrily between me and my washing, her hands on her hips. “I’ve been looking for you for hours!”
“What do you mean, why? Because I assumed we’d be spending the rest of the day together. We’ve got a zillion things to talk about! Planning our weekend. How we think the show is going. The Summer Ball. And we haven’t decided how we’re spending the Long Vac yet…”
Talk about a ‘butterfly mind’…
“I thought you were upset with me…”
“What made you think that?”
“Because I was upset with you!” Honestly, could the woman really be that insensitive?
“Well, really, if you can’t take a little leg-pulling…”
“You said I was small and weedy and effeminate!”
“No, I didn’t!”
“Yes, you did! You said it was a good thing I wasn’t tall and strong like Jack and bloody Douglas Miller, as I would make a good middle-aged woman. You certainly didn’t mean that as a compliment! Perhaps you should go and be with Jack or bloody Douglas Miller.”
“Is that what you want?”
Of course, I didn’t. But to say that would be me apologising to her, when it should have been the other way around.
“Is that what you want?” I said.
It felt like a yawning chasm was opening up in front of my feet, and Holly was on the other side of it. There was silence. She slumped down in a chair beside me.
“Of course it isn’t, you damn fool. You’re the best thing in my life. Sometimes it feels like you’re the only good thing.”
What the hell did she mean by that? I thought she was happy at home. Having been there many times since our schooldays I knew her parents well; they were good people. Still, I felt the abyss starting to close up. I might be on slightly firmer ground…
“Well, I could have done with a little support today. You know I’m going to be terrible in this show; Mrs Bennet is an awful part, and I’m going to make a complete fool of myself, and everyone’s going to laugh at me for all the wrong reasons…”
“None of that has to happen,” she said softly. “I’m sorry I was so nasty to you today. It was meant to be banter, but I accept that I got carried away. I never expected you to be so sensitive about it.”
She couldn’t apologise without making it half my fault, of course.
“I’m going to tell MacNair that I can’t do it,” I said.
“No, you’re not! Mrs Bennet is a great part. You’re going to do it; I’m going to help you; and you’re going to be brilliant, and win Best Actor, or maybe Best Actress…”
She had always been able to render me speechless. This was just one more time.
“Now,” she said, brightly, “what should we do for lunch? I’m starving.”
* * *
And she did help. In fact, I would have been lost without her. We watched all the TV and film dramatisations we could find, and decided to try and pitch my performance somewhere between Alison Steadman’s over-the-top vulgarity and stupidity, and Brenda Blethyn’s desperation and helplessness.
We went through all my lines together to help me find Mrs Bennet’s voice. I had to learn not just the words but the pitch and intonation, phrase by phrase. I had to use the top of my range without squeaking in falsetto. It was a constant challenge. When trying to vary the tone for different emotions, it was all too easy to let my voice drop down to masculine levels. Eventually I was managing to strike the right tone for a hysterical, not very bright, middle-aged lady of the Regency period.
But the really hard part was movement. I had to learn to take smaller steps and walk on tiptoe with my elbows cocked and my wrists limp. I had to get my hips and butt swinging from side to side. When I lost concentration I would regress into taking masculine strides with my arms swinging like a squaddie on parade. What made it even more difficult was that I dreaded being caught walking like a woman when I was supposed to be Mike.
Holly was reassuring. “It will all be much easier when you get the costume on,” she said. “In a corset and long flowing skirts you will have to move as an older woman. You won’t have a choice.”
Next: Dressing Mrs Bennet
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Mike learns how to dress as a fashionable lady of the Regency period.
Chapter Three – Dressing Mrs Bennet
Eventually our script began to take shape. Jack was finding his feet as Director and coming up with lots of good ideas for how the complicated first scene should go. I would be at the centre of it, trying to persuade my husband to call on his new neighbour, while at the same time being harangued by Lydia and Kitty over the latter’s bonnet. Our next scene would be Wickham trying to seduce Lizzy, and the last one would be Jane and Elizabeth’s discussion of love and marriage. And… scene. We were still well over ten minutes, though.
By now no one was laughing at my increasingly authentic feminine performance. My confidence levels rose, though it still felt weird to be mincing around the rehearsal room in T-shirt and jeans, while pretending to be a middle-aged mother of five.
On the second-to-last Saturday before the show, with a fortnight to go till the big day, we were all summoned to be fitted for our costumes. For most of us this was a welcome interruption in our revision for the end-of-term exams, though like everyone else I took my lecture notes with me to do more cramming whenever I wasn’t involved in costume fitting.
The college’s arrangement was actually with a professional costuming organisation which also worked with the National Theatre, so all twelve of us trooped down to their headquarters that morning. I had to go with the ladies of course, but the girls weren’t keen for me to be present while they were stripping off, so I was confined to a side room by myself. That meant I had the benefit of my own personal dresser. This turned out to be a jolly lady called Sheila Brown. She was casually dressed in a pink jumper and black nylon slacks.
“So you’re Mike, are you?” she said, not giving me time to answer. “And you’re playing Mrs Bennet? This will be fun! Stand very still, please. Hands on your hips.”
She walked around me appraisingly, tutting frequently.
“The main problem is that you’re the wrong shape, of course, so our first job will be to correct that using whatever modern methods we can. Only then can we fit you out with authentic Regency clothes.”
I didn’t know whether she was expecting me to comment on her headlong rush of verbiage, but the question was academic as she continued quickly before I could draw breath.
“So I’ve got some lovely shapewear for you to start with.”
She looked at me as though she was expecting something to happen. Not knowing what she meant by ‘shapewear’ I hadn’t budged.
“Come on then! Strip off.” I hesitated. “No time to be bashful, dear, and don’t worry. I’ve seen it all before.”
No doubt she had. But not mine. I sighed inwardly and started undoing my jeans. When I was down to just my underpants, she handed me a fearsome-looking one-piece garment. It was surprisingly heavy.
“Now you’re not only middle-aged, you’ve also had five children. They started young in those days, so you’re probably not much more than forty, but I think we can assume that you’re at least plump, if not actually obese. That’s good because you’ll need wide hips and a big bust to draw attention away from your masculine waist and shoulders. I’ve already padded this body-shaper out to what I think you’ll need.”
I was still hesitating to remove my last item of clothing.
“Come on, dear, pants down!”
I turned my back to her, dropped my Y-fronts, and stepped into the thing she had called a body-shaper. We had all been asked for our vital statistics a couple of weeks earlier (Holly and I had quite enjoyed taking each other’s most intimate measurements), so Sheila had been able to make sure this strange garment fitted me closely. It was stretchy but tight everywhere, and it was a major challenge to pull its grossly swollen thighs and abdomen over my legs and hips up to my waist, which now sported a little round feminine pot belly.
After much struggling and wriggling, and a lot of help from Sheila, I got the thing high enough up to enable me to thrust my arms through the shoulder straps, at which point it was clear that the wobbly pseudo-flesh around my lower portions was as nothing compared to the great globes now hanging on my chest. The ‘body’ was very low-cut, exposing my new boobs scandalously. It came down to my knees where it ended in lacy cuffs. At least, I think it did. I could see nothing below my new bust, certainly not my feet, and not even the floor.
There was a mirror on the other side of the room behind a rack of female costumes, but I was too far away to see myself. Nevertheless I suspected I now had the breasts, hips and bottom of a middle-aged woman. It certainly felt like that, just going by the weight of my newly-acquired flesh.
“Yes, yes, that looks very good,” Sheila said.
I stretched my neck round to look over my shoulder, and sure enough, I could see my new backside all too clearly. I wasn’t used to being able to do that, at least not without a mirror.
“Are you sure?” I said. “Don’t you think you might have overdone it a little? It feels like I’m sticking out a mile – both in front…” I indicated my massive chest. “…and behind.”
“You’re exaggerating. Your new figure is very realistic,” said Sheila tartly. She clearly wasn’t used to having her work criticised by mere drama students. “You’re a curvy size 16, 38DD-33-40. Totally average nowadays for a woman your age, especially one who’s had five children. I agree that women are bigger today…”
She paused, as if daring me to say something unflattering about her figure, which was certainly not ‘petite’. I didn’t dare.
While she was talking I took a few experimental steps. The first thing I noticed was the additional weight I now had to carry around. This would be quite tiring. Also, with every move some part of my new anatomy wobbled, jiggled, or vibrated. My inflated bottom was going up and down in an unfamiliar and alarming way, and although I couldn’t actually feel anything, I could tell that my expanded thighs were rubbing together. I was also aware of expansion going on in my personal groinal area, for some reason. Thankfully, it just looked like more surplus flesh between my pot belly and tree-trunk thighs, and it soon subsided, there being no immediate prospects of relief.
My God, how could anyone live in a body that wobbled and jiggled like this? I suppose you can get used to anything if you have no choice. I was just thankful that for me it would all be temporary.
I was aware that Sheila had fallen silent and was watching me with a sardonic look on her face, as though she knew what I was thinking.
She resumed her lecture.
“…In fact, even in 1950 the average woman was only a size 12, and in Regency times, they would have been even smaller...”
“OK, OK,” I said, hoping to interrupt her flow. I was studying English, not History. “What’s this thing made of anyway? Is it Lycra?”
“Spandex,” she said. “Lycra is a brand name.”
“What about the padding? It seems very heavy.”
“Ah, now that’s actually interesting,” she said. “It’s another quite different artificial material, a supple plastic that replicates soft tissue. I get it from an old friend of mine. She’s never told me what it’s made from, but she buys it from a German company who are big in making prosthetic limbs using 3D printing or something. I use the stuff a lot. Everything else I tried was lumpy and didn’t move realistically. This stuff is easy to shape and it behaves just like real flesh. What’s more, it’s exactly the right weight, so you’re getting the full experience of carrying around an extra thirty pounds of fat.”
“Oh, good,” I said. I intended it ironically but Sheila didn’t seem to notice.
“I’ve got a spare ‘body’ for you here, because you’ll probably sweat a lot when you’re fully dressed, so you’ll need more than one.”
“I thought ladies ‘perspired’?” I said.
“Horses sweat; men perspire; ladies ‘glow’,” she corrected me with a smile. “Anyway, you should probably only wear each ‘body’ once before washing it. They’re machine washable.”
She walked around me again, poking, prodding and adjusting.
Apparently satisfied, she continued, “OK, so now that you’re the right shape underneath, we can start on your actual costume. Stockings and shoes first.”
She was rummaging in a chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of thin white hose.
“Regency ladies wore cotton or silk stockings, held up by garters,” she said. “These are nylon, of course – more comfortable than cotton and much cheaper than silk – but they’re indistinguishable from the real thing from a distance, and they’re nearly opaque so you won’t need to shave your legs. Not that the audience will see more than the occasional flash of your ankles. These should reach up to above your knees, just short of the bottom of your body-shaper. They have elastic tops to keep them up, so you shouldn’t need to mess about with garters.”
I took one stocking from her and tried to pull it up my left leg. I struggled at first as I couldn’t see what I was doing below my humongous bust.
“It’s like getting dressed in the dark,” I said. “I have to do it all by feel.”
“Welcome to the world of large-breasted ladies,” Sheila said with scant sympathy.
Somewhat to my surprise, the top of the stocking seemed to stay up quite securely over my knee. I repeated the exercise with my right leg.
Sheila now produced a pair of soft leather slippers. “These should fit,” she said. “You wear nines, don’t you? They’re ladies’ slippers, specially made in men’s sizes.”
“Not high heels then? Thank God for that.”
“No, Regency women only ever wore high heels for dancing, and fairly low ones by modern standards even then. Their indoor everyday shoes were like modern ballet slippers without points. They were made from kid leather, satin, or velvet.”
I slipped them on. They were very comfortable.
“Good,” Sheila said. “Underwear next.”
She went over to the rack on which were hanging some of the frilliest, laciest garments I had ever seen.
“I don’t actually have to wear a corset, do I?” I whined. “Not with this ‘body’ thing you’ve already got me in?”
“Of course you do – that’s one reason why we put your shoes and stockings on first, because you’ll find it more difficult to bend when you’re in your corset.” She grinned. “But actually you’re lucky,” she said.
I couldn’t see how that could be. She explained.
“In the Regency period fashion designers were obsessed with presenting the natural female form. It was called the Vertical Epoch. They liked simple column dresses with minimal flouncing; no hoops; and one simple petticoat, except maybe for formal occasions like balls. The waist of the gown would be just below your bust and the skirt would hang free from there. They threw out the whalebone stays of Georgian times, and those didn’t come back till the Victorian era.”
“Thank heavens for small mercies,” I said.
“But you still need a corset…” I groaned. “…Because bras didn’t come in until the twentieth century. ‘Stays’ and ‘corsets’ are quite different, by the way. Regency corsets were softer. They were for controlling the figure under casual wear, or for pushing the bosom up into an attention-grabbing shelf for formal occasions – much like a modern push-up bra. But your scene is set within Longbourn during the morning, isn’t it?” I nodded. “So you won’t need anything that puts Mrs Bennet’s luscious assets on display. You just need something supportive – like this.”
She indicated a dirty-brown cotton contraption on a plaster bust in the shape of a woman’s torso. The material was quilted and formed an attractive, feminine hourglass shape. There seemed to be a lot of straps, tapes and laces.
“It’s a modern replica, of course,” Sheila said, “not authentic. This one was made to fit size 16. Come on, let’s get it on you. Lift your hands above your head.”
She took the corset off the plaster bust and started wrapping it around me.
“You should be wearing a shift next to the skin and beneath your corset,” she said, as she started pulling on the laces, “but that would be one layer too many on top of your ‘body’. You’d be sweating buckets. You won’t need drawers either, for the same reason.”
“Oh? I expected to be wearing bloomers or something.”
“No. Nobody’s really sure, but most authorities agree that Regency women rarely wore drawers anyway. They were considered racy.”
The corset was beginning to feel tight. She put her knee up against my back and pulled the laces even tighter.
“You realise that I don’t actually need my breasts to be supported?” I said, panting a little. “I’m sure they’ll stay all perky by themselves… Hey, this is getting very tight! I do have to able to breathe!”
“Oh hush,” she said. “I’ve hardly started. In any case, it’s not you the corset’s squeezing; it’s only your plastic padding.”
I was about to point out that the said padding was then squeezing me inside it, but she did stop soon after that, which was just as well. She tied off the laces. The corset concealed the body shaper around the bust area. Presumably my dress would finish the job, concealing the body’s shoulder straps.
I tried moving a little. I quickly realised I could barely bend at the waist at all. Worse – I could hardly breathe.
“You need to learn how a lady breathes when wearing a corset,” Sheila said. “Take shallow breaths, but more frequently. It’s perfectly safe, but it does take a little getting used to.”
I tried to follow her advice. It was manageable – just.
She explained further. “When you’re fully laced up, the lower portion of your lungs is compressed, so you need to get used to breathing with just the top part. You don’t actually need your full lung capacity unless you’re taking vigorous exercise. You’ve heard of a woman’s ‘bosom heaving’?”
I nodded. What healthy male hasn’t? It was one of nature’s greatest vistas.
“Well, that’s where it comes from - opening out of the upper torso to make space for the top part of the lungs to expand and fill with air.”
I took a few more practice breaths, concentrating on just using the upper portion of my lungs. My bosom heaved – it was quite sexy actually – but it seemed to work. At least, I wasn’t suffocating.
“I’ll need help to get out of this lot, won’t I?” I panted.
“That’s what lady’s maids are for,” Sheila said indifferently. “Again, you’re lucky. Your fellow actresses will help each other, but because you’re a ‘special case’, I’ll probably have to do everything for you. You’ll be doing just two shows on the same day, I understand? A matinee and an evening performance?”
I nodded. She was reaching for another feminine undergarment from the rack.
“This is your petticoat. You put it on over your head and slip your arms through the shoulder straps. There’s a drawstring to tighten it up under your bust.”
I did my best with all that but I still needed Sheila to play lady’s maid. She pulled down the petticoat and straightened it out. It reached almost to the floor. She stood back to assess the fit.
“That will work, I think. Now I want to try a few outer dresses on you.”
“This all seems like a lot of unnecessary clobber,” I grumbled. “Can’t I do without a petticoat?”
“No, sorry. All the dresses are too thin,” she said. “From the turn of the eighteenth-century lighter materials were used for gowns, mainly muslin or silk. With the new column dresses a petticoat was essential. Otherwise the thin fabric would stick to you, and get tangled between your legs. The petticoat was usually made of stiffer cotton and served both to keep you warm – there was no central heating, remember – and to stop your outer dress from clinging.”
Despite myself I was finding her specialist knowledge interesting. She must have taken my polite attention for enthusiasm and happily rambled on.
“Of course, we don’t use silk or muslin for our costumes today – much too expensive. All these dresses are made from modern synthetic fibres – rayon, mostly. You need petticoats with them too, for much the same reasons, and because rayon can irritate the skin.”
She chose a frilly white dress from the rack. “Now – hands up high again.”
She dropped the flimsy-looking garment over my head. I worked my arms through the sleeves, while she pulled the skirt down over my petticoat. This was the most feminine thing I’d ever seen. I felt stirrings down below again but my body-shaper was too tight to permit much growth. I hoped any swelling was concealed by the bulk of my dress and petticoat. Sheila didn’t seem to have noticed anything amiss.
“Most pictures you see of day dresses of the time have short sleeves,” she said, “but long sleeves were common enough for married women, and we can’t have you showing your hairy, virile arms, can we? Actually, yours aren’t too muscly, are they?” She chuckled – meanly, I thought. “You won’t want to shave them though, will you?”
I didn’t know which of her questions to answer, if any, so I just nodded. She didn’t seem to need a reply anyway.
“The bodice is closed with three buttons at the back,” she said, going round behind me to fasten them.
“That all looks pretty good,” she said, standing back to assess my ensemble. “There’s just a few more things you need.”
“You mean there’s more?”
“Well, we have to think about accessories – jewellery, hats, gloves, handbags, a shawl, an outside coat…”
She gave me a pair of white lace gloves in a man’s size.
“These feel like… nylon?”
“Yes, all of the cast’s gloves will be made from modern materials. Authentic Regency period gloves are rare now. They were made of animal skins, silk or linen – all much too expensive or politically incorrect to use for reproductions today. In Regency times everyone wore gloves most of the time, and always when they were outside. It was considered poor breeding to be seen without gloves and very bad form for a gentleman to touch a lady without his gloves on. About the only time ladies didn’t wear gloves was while eating.”
I put the silly, delicate things on. I was afraid I would tear them if I wasn’t careful, but they completed my picture of femininity.
“Now jewellery…” She opened a little case on her table and took out a few sparkly items. “I think we can dispense with earrings,” she began. “Obviously you don’t have pierced ears and clip-ons would be uncomfortable and distracting. But I think you should have a simple necklace and definitely a wedding ring and an engagement ring. As I said, in the Regency period the trend was toward ‘simple and elegant’, and that applied to jewellery as much as to clothing. Big flashy jewels were right out of fashion.”
She showed me a little crucifix on a simple chain. She put it round my neck and went behind me to fasten its clasp.
“In fact, if you look at Regency era portraits of women, very few of them are wearing earrings or even necklaces.”
She held out two simple rings. I looked dubiously at them. One was plain; the other had a small white gemstone.
“They should fit. They’re the biggest I could find, but you don’t have huge fingers anyway. They both go on the third finger of your left hand, the plain wedding ring first.”
I took my gloves off again, then with a little wiggling I managed to get both rings past my knuckle. I just hoped I could get them off as easily. They were clearly visible through the lacy netting of my glove, but I doubted anyone would see them from the audience.
“Now, about coats and hats: I’ve read the script,” Sheila continued. “It’s pretty good. Your work, isn’t it? I mean, you’re the Script Editor?”
I nodded. In fact, I could take the credit with a clear conscience. Everybody had approved my efforts but no one else had actually contributed anything. That had meant that I could limit my own involvement to a few minutes at the beginning of the scene.
“It begins with you – Mrs Bennet – entering with news for your husband,” Sheila continued. “That implies that you’re coming in from visiting a neighbour or something. But you have to start talking as soon as you enter, so you don’t want the hassle of taking a coat off, or faffing around with a bonnet.”
“God, no,” I agreed. “I’ll find it hard enough just to deliver my lines and remember where to stand while I’m wearing all this stuff. I couldn’t handle anything more.”
“Right, but I think we’ll give you a shawl. You can whip it off and drop it on a chair or something as you enter. That will suggest to the audience that you’ve been out of the house. You’ll need a cap too. Married women, widows, and old maids usually wore caps of lace or muslin at home. Apparently, Jane Austen started wearing one at twenty-three. She never married, of course. Very sad. But then if she had, maybe we wouldn’t have her wonderful novels.”
Sheila was obviously an Austen fan. So was I.
“Anyway, I have a couple of caps that will work well with your dress,” she went on. “You can try one now, but we might need something different when you have your wig on. That won’t be till the dress rehearsal on Friday week, I believe. My friend, Esther Routledge, will be joining us to do hair and makeup.”
So saying, she produced an absurd lace confection and reached up to put it on my head. It was smaller and lighter than a bonnet, but more substantial than a headband. I couldn’t imagine what practical purpose it could serve. It was ridiculously frilly and feminine. Sheila pulled a pair of ribbons down from the sides and tied them in a big bow under my chin.
“Hopefully, this will conceal your Adam’s apple too,” she said.
She went back to the rack and fetched a pretty shawl, which she put round my shoulders. She stood back to assess the complete ensemble. I posed nervously.
“Would you like to see how you look?” She indicated the mirror over by the wall. “Remember to take hold of your skirt with both hands as you move. You need to lift it up to avoid tripping over it or dragging the hem over a dirty surface.”
I grasped the material as instructed. She led me over to the mirror without waiting for a reply.
“Little steps,” she said.
I had been practising walking like a lady in our rehearsals, but apparently I needed to restrict my stride even more. The girdle, petticoat and dress combined to prevent me from taking long, masculine steps, even if I were so inclined.
We reached the mirror. With everything I’d been through that morning, and all of Sheila’s lectures on Regency ladies’ fashions, I should have been more prepared for what I saw, but my appearance still came as a major shock.
As long as I could ignore the familiar face peeking out from under the lacy cap, the figure before me was an undeniably female, emphatically female, person in a pretty white gown. The dress had a subtle floral pattern and copious frills of something like chiffon at the neck and cuffs.
I turned to view my profile. The woman in the mirror was plump and matronly but with a pronounced hourglass figure. She had big boobs and a big backside (both of which I was only too well aware of) and a narrower waist, high up beneath her generous bosom. But I had to admit that Sheila had been right. My Mrs Bennet was overweight certainly, but not excessively so. You see plenty of modern women – and men – who are much worse.
“That will do nicely, don’t you think?” said Sheila with a self-satisfied smirk. “It’s just a pity that we’re not doing your wig and makeup at the same time. Then you could see the entire picture.”
“Yes, I guess it will do,” I said hoarsely. “Th-thank you.”
I still couldn’t believe what I was looking at. How could this ridiculous outfit so completely obscure my masculinity? The lace cap even hid the fact that my hair wasn’t as long as a woman’s. And I had to admit that my face was sufficiently androgynous that it didn’t clash with the outfit or give away my actual gender. The only fault I could find with the image of the lady in the mirror was that she didn’t look forty, just an overweight twenty-something. MacNair and Holly had been right. As long as I kept my voice up in the lower contralto range – which I had become quite good at now – no one was going to suspect that Mrs Bennet was being played by a man.
“That is my favourite dress,” Sheila said, interrupting my stupor, “but we should try some other colours on you.”
We went back and tried three more dresses in different shades and designs, but we both agreed her first choice was the best.
I was just glad that my one scene didn’t require any changes of costume. This lot was quite bad enough.
Sheila helped me put the first dress back on, as we were going to do some rehearsing that morning. At that point, with perfect timing, Holly and a couple of the other girls burst in. They were gorgeous in their Regency dresses with short sleeves, high busts, and proud cleavage.
They were impatient to see how ‘Mrs Bennet’ was turning out. I thought about hiding behind Sheila, but I knew they were going to see me eventually. Let them get their mockery over with now, then we can concentrate on the show.
But when they saw me properly no one was laughing – gasping, but not laughing.
There was an awkward silence. I fiddled nervously with the collar of my gown.
“And you thought you were going to the leading lady, Holly!” said Sam.
Holly was strangely silent.
Next: The Leading Lady
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Mike, now a forty-year-old mother of five, starts to inhabit his new role.
Chapter Four – The Leading Lady
We stayed in costume for the rest of the morning. We used one of our hosts’ larger rooms as an impromptu rehearsal studio, running through our lines and moves. By now we were all familiar with the stage set that would represent the Longbourn family room, so we arranged the available tables and chairs as best we could to match the layout. Jack, Derek and Douglas did most of the heavy lifting. I tried to help but my corset, petticoat and skirts made me useless at moving furniture.
“Sit down, Mama!” Holly said scathingly. “We ladies must leave the heavy lifting to the gentlemen. In any case you can’t lift a sideboard at your age.”
“And figure,” added Sam, with a chortle.
“That’s not funny,” I said, reprovingly.
“What?” asked Holly, a picture of innocence. “I’m just trying to help you get in character.”
“Absolutely,” said Sam. “Roll with it, Mama.”
I wondered if their teasing would ever end, but Holly had been quite right about one thing: it was much easier to move convincingly as Mrs Bennet when fully dressed as a middle-aged woman of the 1800s. In fact, in a corset and long flowing skirts it was next to impossible not to.
As Mike, I was an active twenty-year-old. I played squash and ran the occasional (OK, very occasional) half-marathon. As Mrs Bennet, I was trussed up so I could hardly move; I couldn’t see anything below eye level because of my huge bosom; and I was sweeping small objects off tables as I passed, misjudging the extra space required for my skirts and enormous backside. Even sitting down was problematic. My big padded buttocks meant I was never absolutely sure when I had made contact with a seat, and I couldn’t afford to lower myself into a comfy armchair, because I knew I would never be able to get up again without help.
Unfortunately, I had to be very active in our scene. One moment I’m scolding Mr Bennet for not calling on our new neighbours at Netherfield; the next I have to turn round suddenly to admonish Kitty and Lydia for fighting over the bonnet. Every time I turned, I bumped into something or knocked something over. All this action, and being limited to breathing at the top of my lungs, was leaving me short of breath in my confounded corset. Also, my bosom was heaving like crazy and attracting attention, particularly that of the male members of the cast.
“For heaven’s sake, Mama,” said Holly, when I had banged into the dining table for the third time, “can’t you watch where you’re going?”
“I don’t see why we have to do this thing in authentic costumes,” I panted. “It’s only supposed to be half an hour all told! Why not modern dress?”
“MacNair says the clothes convey important information about the characters;” said Amy, “age, social class, profession, and of course, sex. I don’t think your usual scruffy T-shirt and jeans would convince anyone you were Mrs Bennet, Mike.”
“‘Course you could always borrow some of my mother’s things, sweetie,” said Holly. “I can see you in a nice housedress and cardy.”
* * *
We ran through the first scene several times. Jack wasn’t too fussy when people forgot their lines. (He wasn’t word perfect himself.) He was more concerned, quite rightly, with our moves: Mr Bennet wandering around with his nose in a book, trying to escape his wife’s nagging; Mrs Bennet following behind him, tugging on his coat to get his attention; Kitty chasing her mother, demanding she order Lydia to return her bonnet; and Lydia prancing around triumphantly in the said bonnet, checking herself out in various imaginary mirrors. Amy as Hill the maid had no lines, but she had to chase frantically after Kitty, Lydia and me, waiting for instructions from anyone, and fully expecting to be blamed for all the chaos. The scene was hectic and should be funny if we could get the timing right. We weren’t quite there yet.
I wasn’t in the second and third scenes at all, so I spent quite a lot of the morning revising for exams. When I got bored with that, I watched the others, especially Holly who was in everything.
The next scene was my first sight of the second group’s work, Lizzy’s trip to Netherfield to look after her sick sister, Jane. Here the two awful women, Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst, try to demean her, but she is too clever for them. This impresses the normally aloof Darcy. The team’s adaptation concluded with his awkward proposal from further on in the book, and Lizzy’s incredulous rejection of him.
Holly was very good, and thoroughly deserved her leading role. She reminded me of Jennifer Ehle, by far the best Elizabeth in all the adaptations we watched together. Pity Derek wasn’t a patch on Colin Firth.
MacNair’s brief for the third group’s work was to include Lady Catherine’s visit to demand that Lizzy doesn’t marry Darcy, followed by his renewal of his proposal and her acceptance. The core team was therefore Holly, Derek and Amy, who had now taken off her dull maid uniform and become Lady Catherine. In addition to donning a sumptuous and expensive-looking gown, she had replaced the utilitarian maid’s cap, which completely covered her own hair, with a bright red wig in absurd ringlets and an extravagant lace headdress.
Recognising that Holly had a lot to do as Elizabeth, the others had elected Amy to be Director and Derek to be Script Editor.
Amy’s Lady Catherine was a triumph. She captured the arrogance and unpleasantness of the old monster’s personality. She had found a walking stick from somewhere and hobbled about most convincingly, pounding the floor with the stick for emphasis. Her scene with Holly had us all cheering.
She then withdrew to the sidelines so that Holly and Derek could perform the last piece: the afternoon walk on which Darcy and Elizabeth were fully reconciled. It was, thanks to Miss Austen, a very moving scene, and our two leads made a very good fist of it – until Derek leaned in to embrace my girlfriend.
“No kissing!” I yelled from the cheap seats before I could stop myself.
Holly and Derek stopped guiltily at the sight of the angry matron leaping to her feet.
“Hang on, Mama!” said Holly angrily. “You’re not our Director.”
“No, but I am,” said Amy, “and she’s – he’s – quite right. There’s no way Lizzie and Darcy would have kissed in public. In fact, they might not actually kiss till their wedding night!”
* * *
Despite that little public spat between us, Holly was in a good mood again that evening and gave our bedtime manoeuvres her all. Afterwards, when we were lying happily in each other’s arms enjoying the afterglow, she murmured, “I quite liked what you did today, actually.”
“What? What did I do?”
“When you stopped Derek from kissing me. I like you asserting your rights.”
“Oh, I thought you meant something I did as Mrs Bennet.”
“Well, you were dressed as Mrs Bennet at the time, so it was like my mother and my boyfriend both together stopping another man from taking advantage of me.”
“I was afraid you might get to like it if I let him.”
“Derek? He’s alright, but he doesn’t make me laugh the way you do.”
“Well, you didn’t seem to be trying to stop him.”
“I was in character. I didn’t think Lizzie would have rebuffed Darcy.” I must have looked sceptical. “It was acting! Honestly.”
“OK, then,” I said, more or less convinced.
“It was still a bit like being told off by mother though,” she said with a grin.
I snorted.
“She’s a size 16 too, you know,” she said, mischievously. “You actually could wear her dresses.”
“Thanks, but no thanks.”
“We should have taken your measurements while you were in costume.”
“Sheila did that. The padding made me 38DD-33-40, she said.”
“That’s almost exactly my mother’s figure!”
“Right,” I said. “Well, thanks for the warning.”
“What warning?”
“In middle age most women take after their mothers, figure-wise…”
“Where did you hear that?” she said, angrily. “It’s not true!”
“So when you’re forty, and have had our five kids, I’ll be married to a right porker…”
She punched me on the arm. I pretended it hurt.
“My Mum’s not a porker! Anyway, I don’t know what on earth makes you think I’d marry you, you creep!” she said.
“Well, there’s the sex, for one thing…”
“Oh yeah, right... Are you up for going again?”
* * *
The next week and a half belonged to our summer exams, so work on the end-of-term show was suspended. I’d thoroughly enjoyed the course and found the exams mostly plain sailing, and I seemed to spend most of my revision time helping Holly. For me, the far tougher challenge would be the following weekend.
Finally, on the Friday before the show, and with exams happily (or unhappily) behind us, we all trooped into the Little Theatre for the Dress Rehearsals. Fortunately, there was no other show on that week, so we University Drama Course students would have the premises to ourselves all day.
The offerings from the other three courses were before us on the stage. We were scheduled to start at four o’clock in the afternoon, though we were required to report no later than two. We were on last because our costumes and makeup were the most elaborate. The ‘Performing Shakespeare’ lot, who were on immediately before us, were in modern dress (naturally). Also our Regency Drawing Room was the most complicated set, and the crew wanted to put it up and strike it as few times as possible. It would stay on stage overnight, so we would be first on for the Saturday afternoon matinee, and last for the evening performance, after a late interval.
The first person I saw when Holly and I entered through the Stage Door at five past two was Sheila.
“Come along you two,” she said, “you’re late.”
She led us through the rabbit warren of dressing rooms beneath the theatre until we reached a door with a star on it.
“You’re in here, Mike,” she said, “on your own again, for obvious reasons. You’re at the end of the corridor, dear,” she said to Holly, “with the other girls.”
I half expected Holly to grumble at being in a communal dressing room – after all, she was the real ‘leading lady’ – but she just grinned.
“Make the most of the star dressing room, Mike,” she said. “It’ll probably never happen again!”
“I’ve reserved this room for you today and tomorrow, Mike,” Sheila said. “None of the other groups have complicated makeup or costumes, so they don’t need as much privacy or space.”
We went in. Another lady was already there, fussing with a wig on a styrofoam stand. She was wearing a maroon polyester smock over dark leggings. She looked up and smiled.
“This is Esther,” Sheila said. “She’ll be doing your hair and makeup.”
“Hello, Mike,” Esther said. “You’re very brave doing this. Aren’t you afraid all your friends will make fun of you?”
“That’s already happening,” I said ruefully. “I’m just hoping they’ll start to be a bit more professional about it soon. And I’m not brave at all. It wasn’t my choice. I was pressured into it.”
“In my opinion, the best thing you can do is jump in with both feet,” said Sheila. “Be the best Mrs Bennet you can be. Show them you’re a real professional, even if they’re not.”
It was good advice, I realised. I wanted people to laugh with me, not at me.
Esther nodded vigorously. “That’s right,” she said. “You want to be so good, everyone will be admiring your performance and knowing they couldn’t do as well themselves.”
“OK,” said Sheila brightly. “Take your top off first and Esther will give you a really close shave. I’ll help you with your underwear and petticoat. Then Esther will do your wig and makeup, and finally we’ll get you into your dress.”
She went over to a table against the wall. She started unpacking my costume from two large garment bags. I stripped to the waist and hung my jacket and shirt in a cupboard by the door. Then I sat down in a hairdresser’s chair in front of one of those mirrors with frosted light bulbs all the way round.
Esther was vigorously scraping a cutthroat razor on an abrasive leather strop. I had never had a shave with such a lethal instrument before and I fervently hoped she knew what she was doing. She saw me watching her.
“Don’t worry,” she said with a smile. “I have a steady hand.”
And she did, manoeuvring the razor around my Adam’s apple and following the contours of my face perfectly. She also removed my sideburns. When she’d finished I couldn’t believe how smooth my face and neck were. There wasn’t the faintest sign of stubble, let alone whiskers. I clearly needed a new electric razor.
“You’ll have to wear a wig cap to get your own hair as flat as possible so that the wig isn’t all lumpy,” Esther said, picking something up from her table. “This is a mesh cap. It’s good for long hair like yours.”
It was just like a hairnet and I must have looked dubious as she went on to explain, “It also prevents the wig from slipping, because of friction between the outer surface of the cap and the inside layer of the wig. That means we don’t have to use grippers or adhesives to secure it. Also a mesh cap aerates the scalp, so you don’t get a rash if you have to wear it for prolonged periods.”
“Well, OK,” I said, “but I obviously won’t have to wear it for long. “I’ll be putting it on just before going on stage for a quarter of an hour, then taking it off again. And I only have to do the whole thing twice…”
Sheila cleared her throat. “Actually, that might not be quite right,” she said.
“What? Why?”
“Well, I suppose we can get you out of your dress and petticoat, maybe even your corset, between the two performances, but you can’t expect Esther to remove all your makeup after the afternoon matinee and then redo it all again for the evening show.”
“She’s right. I’m sorry, dear,” said Esther. “I have to go on to another theatre tomorrow after doing your face and hair. I’ll start work on you at one o’clock. Your group is on last for the evening performance, so I’ll be back to touch it up at – what? – about half past eight, and I’ll turn you back into Mike after the show, but I can’t afford to stay here for seven hours, doing nothing.”
“And the same goes for me,” added Sheila. “Esther and I are both part-time and freelance, so we have to go wherever – and whenever – we can get work, and Saturday is our busiest day. So I’m afraid you’ll look like Mrs Bennet all day tomorrow, “no matter how you’re dressed.”
I slumped back in the chair. I’d been expecting to go back to the flat between shows and maybe take Holly out for an early dinner…
“I might as well put your wig cap on now,” said Esther. “Then I can see if I need to tidy up any extraneous hairs round your neck.”
The wig cap was nylon mesh, shaped like an old-fashioned ladies’ swimming cap, except that it stopped at the hairline. It fit very tightly over my own hair. Esther pulled and tweaked it until she was satisfied with its position, then tucked in a few wisps of hair that had been protruding.
That done, she handed me over to Sheila, who was holding the dreaded body-shaper ready for me. I turned away from the ladies before stripping off my remaining clothes.
Sheila handed me the heavily-padded garment, ostentatiously avoiding looking at my nakedness.
“You have nothing to be modest about, by the way,” she said with a grin.
Esther laughed. Sheila realised that what she had said could be misinterpreted.
“No, no, when I say ‘nothing’, I don’t mean… Oh, you know what I mean!”
“I’ll take it as a compliment,” I said, stepping into the ‘body’, “albeit a cack-handed one.”
She helped me pull it up and adjusted the shoulder straps. I felt Mrs Bennet’s curves weighing me down again. I went to stuff my own clothes and my rucksack in the cupboard.
“OK, stockings and slippers,” Sheila said.
I was well prepared now for the challenges of donning hose when my bust prevented me from seeing my legs or feet, and I managed it with relative ease.
“Corset next,” Sheila said.
I groaned inwardly but stood uncomplaining while she applied the instrument of torture and tightened the laces.
“You’ve got him well-trained, love,” said Esther. “I would have expected more of a fuss.”
“Oh, we got all that over with last week,” said Sheila. “Mike’s a professional. He knows he has to suffer for his art.”
She tied off the laces and I had to get used to taking shallow breaths again.
“Ok, petal - petticoat,” she said with a grin, “then he’s all yours again, Esther.”
While Sheila made fine adjustments to my body shaper, corset and petticoat, Esther had been laying out her cosmetics on a side table.
I sat down, sweeping my skirts beneath me – from habit now. I noticed that I was higher in the chair than before, thanks to my well-upholstered behind, which was further emphasised by the corset pulling in my waist.
“You have really good skin for a man, sweetie,” Esther began, “so my first job is to make it look twenty years older. Also your face is too thin. You need a substantial double chin to match your overall plumpness.”
My professional curiosity was aroused. She saw I was interested and explained.
“This is liquid latex,” she said, showing me a little bottle. “I dab it on those areas where your skin wrinkles up. Then I get you to smile and squint and so on. The latex creases along the natural lines of your face and sets. Your young skin soon straightens out again underneath but the latex stays wrinkled. We’ll give you lines in your forehead; crows’ feet and bags under your eyes; and ‘laugh lines’ in your cheeks and round your mouth. I’ll also plump up your cheeks and spread more latex thickly across your neck. It will cover up your Adam’s apple and give you a nice wrinkly double chin.”
It took her more than half an hour to do all that. Then she applied a fixative and painted the white latex and all of my own skin the same colour, slightly redder than normal to reflect my advanced age. Finally she highlighted the lines with a darker colour. I watched, fascinated. The latex wrinkles were amazingly realistic. The result was that my face looked, as she promised, twenty years older and several pounds fatter. It also looked much more feminine.
“A little ordinary makeup to finish with,” said Esther. “Fortunately, in the Regency period women didn’t wear much – the French Revolution did away with all the heavy white paint, and beauty spots of the Georgian period. They really only wore a little rouge, more delicately applied. So I think we’ll just give you some modern eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick, to emphasise femininity, not to recreate any period look. OK?”
“You’re the expert,” I said. “Go ahead; emphasise my femininity.”
She laughed. “Good to see you taking it so well,” she said. “It will have to be a little brighter and bolder than a lady would wear for an evening date. This is for the stage, after all. There are footlights. We can’t have Mrs Bennet looking all washed out.”
When she’d finished, my first thoughts were that I now looked like an older lady who was trying too hard to look young, but as Esther said, stage makeup has to be exaggerated. Besides what difference could it make? I was already completely unrecognisable. I was aware that Sheila had stepped up to put the little crucifix round my neck. She also gave me my rings to put on.
“Just your hair to do now,” Esther said, reaching for the wig stand at the back of the side table.
The wig was medium length and all fussy ringlets, chestnut brown with more than an occasional hint of grey. Someone had mentioned that Regency ladies didn’t believe in dyeing their hair. Sometimes the aristocracy and the wealthy still wore wigs on formal occasions.
“Can you grip the front and hold it in place over your forehead, please?” Esther said. “I’ll pull it down at the back.”
She stretched and tugged at the wig until she was satisfied that it was in position. She tried jiggling it but as she had promised, it wouldn’t slide over the wig cap, which was tight on my head. So the combination kept my new feminine head of hair securely in place.
“Can you just shake your head a little, sweetie?” I did so. “You didn’t feel it moving, did you?”
“No, it seems to be fine.”
“Well, I still have to brush and spray it. That will be the acid test.”
“This seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to for a fifteen-minute scene,” I said, while Esther was primping up my hairdo.
“You’re a drama student, right?” said Sheila. I didn’t point out that I only wanted to study English; the Drama option was all Holly’s idea. “So think of it as part of your education. You now know a lot more about what goes on behind the scenes to prepare actors for the stage.”
She was right actually. This was first-hand experience of the wonders of theatrical transformation by makeup, wigs, generous padding, and exquisite costumes. It had been very interesting, and the lesson was all the more effective from having had it done to me, rather than watching it happening to somebody else.
When Esther finished her brushing and spraying, Sheila put my shawl around my shoulders and gave me my lacy gloves. Then she tied my little cap on me and fastened its ribbon under my chin.
“Lift your head up, pet,” she said, “I need to check your neck. There’s no sign of his Adam’s apple under that latex double chin. Nice one, Esther!”
There was a knock at the door. Holly came straight in without waiting for an answer. She’d often seen me naked, so why did I suddenly feel bashful when fully dressed? She was already in full costume as Elizabeth Bennet, and stunningly beautiful.
“I couldn’t wait any longer to see how my Mama is turning out,” she said.
I swivelled round in the chair, curious to see her reaction. It didn’t disappoint.
“My God!” she exclaimed. “You’re so wrinkly and wizened! And I love your hair! You’re perfect!” Suddenly a doubtful look appeared on her face. “Are you really in there somewhere, Mike?”
“Yes, it’s me.”
I spoke in my butchest voice, to confirm my identity to myself as much as to her. I stood up, again very conscious of my additional weight, wobbly breasts and buttocks, and my petticoat and dress. I glanced at myself in the mirror. The last vestiges of Mike Bradshaw had completely disappeared; only Mrs Bennet remained. I was even standing like a middle-aged woman, my hands clasped together and tucked under my bust. The stance had been instinctive.
This was starting to worry me. What did it say about me that a wig, makeup, and a body-shaper were all that was needed to make me a completely convincing woman? And how could Holly possibly see me as her man after all this?
I could feel Sheila and Esther grinning. Fair enough; they had a right to be proud of their achievement.
“You should carry a reticule, Mrs Bennet,” said Sheila, passing me a little bag. “You have no pockets in your dress. You’ll need this to carry your kerchief, lipstick, a little mirror, a hairbrush…”
“…your mobile phone,” added Esther, with a smile.
The reticule was a small pouch with a drawstring. It looked like it was made of some modern artificial fibre made to resemble silk or muslin.
“You can hang it from your shoulder or wrist,” added Sheila.
“Hold that pose, Mama!” Holly called. She was snapping away with her Smartphone camera. “Come on,” she said, “let’s go and show the others!”
She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door.
“Gently, gently, dear,” I objected. “Mama can’t run like you young people.”
Well, I couldn’t. Not with my chunky figure, and my petticoats, and my dress, and not being able to see my feet, or where I was putting them…
* * *
The Green Room, where the actors wait for their cue to go on (so that they don’t get in the way of backstage staff), was on the same level as the stage. Holly had dragged me up the stairs from the dressing rooms. Carrying all my extra weight, my lungs crushed in my corset, I was quite out of breath now.
All eyes turned to me as we entered the Green Room. There were gasps and laughs and one or two half-hearted attempts at clapping. Most rushed to offer their congratulations, even though I had done nothing to deserve them.
“Thank you, everyone,” I said. “But I can’t believe I look so old!” I added, mournfully.
Holly chuckled. It was alright for her. She was gorgeous as Lizzy.
“You’ll get away with it easily!” said Sam, who unlike me had been made up to look as young as possible – Lydia was supposed to be fifteen. “You’re a totally convincing middle-aged woman. You look just like my Mum!”
“You look older than my Mum,” said Amy.
She could talk! Thanks to one of Esther’s colleagues, she was old too, and dowdy in her maid costume. Presumably her makeup would be pimped up a bit when she became Lady Catherine.
“Now you know what you’ll look like in twenty-five years!” said Hilary. Never the sharpest knife in the box, she reconsidered. “No, wait…”
Jack approached to inspect me more closely. He and Amy were the only other members of the cast who had been subjected to ageing makeup. He now had white hair and long bushy sideburns.
“You’re still a damn handsome woman, m’dear,” he said with a twinkle.
“Oh, Mr Bennet!” I trilled in character, trying to look pleased but embarrassed. A couple of my daughters laughed.
Holly had obtained an advance copy of the programme from somewhere. She thrust it under my nose.
“You should see this,” she said.
In the cast list for our part of the show I read:
Mrs Bennet ………………………… Michelle Bradshaw.
“Dr MacNair’s idea of a joke, I assume,” Holly said. “But it means we can keep your cross-dressing a secret – if everyone agrees?”
She looked around. Everyone was nodding.
But I knew they would all be calling me ‘Michelle’ for the foreseeable future.
Next: Performance on Stage and off
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Mike, now ‘Michelle’, gives his ‘Mrs Bennet’ at the end of term show.
Chapter Five – Performance on Stage and off
The dress rehearsal went well. Everyone knew their lines by now, and apart from the frenetic little scene with Lydia and Kitty, none of our moves were particularly complicated. I received several compliments for my impersonation of a hysterical middle-aged matron, but I had the impression that every kind remark was paired with a puzzled look. I saw behind their eyes: ‘How could he be as good as that – unless he’s… you know…?’ But maybe I was being paranoid.
Mind you, there are always hangers-on at a dress rehearsal – stage hands, lighting engineers, and so on – and some of the compliments came from people outside our little group who had no idea I was a man underneath it all.
Dr MacNair had mostly left us to our own devices for the last four weeks, but he came to the Green Room half an hour before we were due to begin our last rehearsal to wish us success. When he saw me getting ready to go on, he made no attempt to conceal his delight.
“I told you you’d be great as Mrs Bennet, Mike,” he hooted. I smiled weakly.
MacNair sat in the front row of the stalls throughout. When we finished he summoned our three Directors. They passed his observations on to us in the Theatre bar afterwards over some stiff drinks. I fancied a lager but we had all been told to stay in costume in case further work was required, and I wasn’t sure I could make room for a pint of gassy beer in my corseted tummy. I settled for a Bacardi and coke.
MacNair was pleased with our attempts at Literary Adaptation. He congratulated us on producing coherent scenes which captured the essence of the novel. His notes were mostly about stagecraft and timing. He was happy that everyone knew what to say and do, but we should try to be slicker. We needed to pick up our cues faster and react more to everything that was going on around us – a common failing of amateur thesps.
When he finished we needed to hurry to get changed; Sheila and Esther would be waiting impatiently. As Holly and I made our way down the narrow stairs, she said casually, “My mother and father are coming to the afternoon performance tomorrow.”
Terrific! What on earth would they make of their daughter’s boyfriend dragged up like this? I didn’t want them to think I had chosen to play a female part, and knowing Holly, she would thoroughly enjoy embarrassing me.
“I asked my Mum to bring some of her old clothes – stuff she was planning to throw out,” she went on.
“For you to wear between the shows.”
“No way!”
“Well, I’m not going to sit around in costume from three o’clock, when our piece will be finished, till nine when we go on again, and Esther won’t be available to remove your makeup, will she? So you’ll look like a middle-aged woman whatever you’re wearing. If you change into an old dress of my mother’s, we can go home, can’t we?”
“And do what?”
“Whatever we want. We could…” She trailed off and took tight hold of my arm suggestively.
“You mean you want to… you know what… with me looking like this?”
“Oh yes! I’m really keen to know more about what is under all that stuff. I’ll need reassurance that your vital equipment is still present and correct.”
I hesitated. She seized her chance. “And we could go to dinner afterwards.”
“I can’t go to a restaurant dressed as a woman!”
“I don’t see why not. You’re completely convincing.”
We had reached the Star Dressing Room. She opened the door and pushed me inside.
“We can discuss all this later,” she said. “I’ll wait for you upstairs in the bar.”
She closed the door behind her.
* * *
First Sheila took my shawl, gloves, cap and jewellery. Then she undid my bodice and helped me out of my dress, inspecting everything to make sure I hadn’t got any makeup anywhere.
“Can you take the corset off now?” I begged. “I’m not sure I can stand it much longer.”
Sheila smiled and lifted up my petticoat to remove the corset. Then she sent me over to the hairdressing chair in just my remaining underwear and stockings.
Esther removed my wig first. “We’ll leave the wig cap on for the moment. It will be easier to fix your face without your own hair getting in the way.” She began attacking my makeup with cleanser. “Got to get this lot off first,” she explained, “then the latex.”
When she was satisfied that all the warpaint was gone and all that remained was my own skin and the deposits of latex, she filled a washing-up bowl with ordinary shower gel and warm water. Then she started sponging my face and neck wherever there was latex.
“It’s actually quite easy to get this stuff off,” she explained. “In fact, the longer it’s been on you, the more easily it comes off. Your sweat and your skin's natural oils loosen it. But if you don’t want to wait…”
“I don’t!”
She laughed. “Then warm soapy water is enough.”
After a few minutes sponging, she decided the detergent had loosened the latex enough, and it was time to try to lift it off. She started on the bags under my right eye. She found an edge using her fingernail, and pulled it up gently, pushing down on my skin so that it didn’t come up with the latex and hurt me. The stretchy goo came away quite easily. She used a warm flannel to wipe down the skin underneath.
She repeated the exercise with all the wrinkles round my eyes, cheeks and mouth. She left my double chin till last. She had to saturate it with soapy water and massage it gently but eventually it came away in a big lump.
“This is why I had to give you such a close shave,” she said, soothing my raw skin with her washcloth. “Imagine if lots of little hairs had been stuck in the latex! Pulling out even short stubble would have been painful. I don’t suppose you’ve ever had your legs waxed?”
“Certainly not,” I said with feeling, “and I never will.”
“Never say ‘never’, sweetie,” said Sheila, “especially not if you’re going to make a habit of female impersonation!”
I couldn’t think of a polite response to that, so I said nothing.
Esther removed the wig cap, and then it was back to Sheila to help me out of my petticoat and body shaper. Naked, I rushed to the cupboard to get my own clothes. With Mrs Bennet’s extra poundage removed I couldn’t believe how light I felt.
I thanked the ladies, promised to be punctual tomorrow, and rushed off to the bar to meet Holly. I knew I would have kept her waiting because it took so long to put Mrs Bennet to bed.
I burst into the bar to be greeted by the entire company. Holly led the cries of, “Hi, Michelle!”
At least I could have a pint of lager now.
* * *
Dr MacNair had generously left enough funds for us all to enjoy two free drinks in the theatre bar, and most of us could manage a couple more after that. Holly kept tugging at my sleeve to get me to go, but I insisted we stayed till the bar closed. It was important to me that my friends saw that I was Mike again, raucous and manly and drinking everyone else under the table, and that I had no connection with prim, plump, middle-aged Mrs Bennet. I had put my hysterical alter ego, firmly back in her box. If that entailed keeping my girlfriend waiting through a couple more rounds of drinks, well that’s what we macho types do, right? A man gets thirsty. The little woman has to put up with it.
Holly wasn’t on board with that unfortunately, as she made very clear when we eventually left. It was a bracing midnight walk home and she was fuming silently all the way. The combination had me nearly sobered up by the time we got back to the flat. I suppose I should have been grateful she hadn’t sent me back to my little bedsit in the Hall of Residence.
The silent treatment continued even after we got into bed. I reached for her in the dark but she shrugged off my hand. I sighed.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I know exactly why you’re angry, but I couldn’t help it.”
She snorted – a snort of derision, not a ‘snore’ snort. So she was still awake.
“I… I felt I had something to prove…” I stumbled.
“What on earth are you talking about?”
“People have been treating me like… well, like a woman for days…”
“So you thought you needed to drink all night like a boozy neanderthal to prove you were still a man?”
“Well, I couldn’t find any dragons to kill or damsels in distress, so… yeah.”
She sat up and put her bedside light on.
“You’re serious?” she said. I didn’t answer. “You idiot! Nobody thinks less of you for playing a female part in a play. Quite the reverse – everyone is impressed at how good you are.”
“But they’re all thinking, he must really be effeminate to be that good at playing a woman.” She looked sceptical. “In any case, nobody has called me Mike for ages, just ‘Mama’, ‘Mrs Bennet’ and now ‘Michelle’.”
She was incredulous but not unsympathetic. “Oh, go to sleep, Mike.”
She put the light out and turned over. But she didn’t shrug my arm off when I put it around her and cupped her breast (as you do).
* * *
Holly’s parents, Richard and Susan Woodbridge, turned up at the flat at about ten-thirty. It was great to see them. They had always been nice to me, especially after my father died. We’d all had breakfast early so we went for elevenses at one of the town’s many coffee shops.
Holly explained that we would probably have to go straight on to the theatre. On hearing that, Susan took a plaid holdall from the boot of their car as we passed. Holly handed it straight to me to carry for her. I knew what was in it. I couldn’t help noticing that Susan’s figure was pretty much identical to mine as Mrs Bennet.
“You never explained what you needed all that for, dear,” said Susan.
“It will become obvious after the show,” Holly said with a grin and a wink at me. “You can stay for a quick drink afterwards, can’t you?”
I sighed. It didn’t look like there was any way I was going to get out of this. My confessions of the previous night had clearly made little impression on her.
At the coffee house, Richard asked, “Have you guys thought about what you’re doing for the summer yet?”
“We’d like to split the time between work and travel,” Holly said.
“In that order,” I added. “I’ll have to work to be able to afford to travel.”
They nodded sympathetically. “But you do know we’ll sub you if you’re short, don’t you?” said Richard. “This is an important time in your lives. You need to go out and see the world. Plenty of time for work later.”
“That’s very kind,” I said.
But they all knew that I wouldn’t be comfortable taking their money. I would need to find a temporary job for a month or two.
“I’m hoping to find something that will count toward my CV as an actor,” said Holly. “I don’t want to work…” She lowered her voice. “…in a coffee house!”
After a very pleasant hour, we parted – Richard and Susan to the shops; Holly and me to the theatre.
* * *
At one o’clock I was back in the dressing room, ready and willing (just about) to be turned back into Mrs Bennet again. At least I knew what to expect this time, which made the experience a little easier. As I was stripping off, Sheila was preparing my body shaper, while Esther was stropping her razor again, to rid me of the microscopic stubble I had grown in the last twenty-four hours.
Forty minutes later, I was fully dressed and made up, and Esther was putting the finishing touches to my hair. Sheila had noticed the holdall. It had been left open and she was rummaging through it.
“What’s all this then?” she said.
“They’re some old clothes of Holly’s mother’s,” I said. God, this was embarrassing! “Holly thought I might like to wear them between shows, as I can’t go back to being Mike.”
“That was a good idea. I don’t have to be at my next job till three o’clock, so I’m going to watch your group’s show. I’ve just about got time to help you change afterwards, if you like”
“Me too,” said Esther with a smile.
Something else to look forward to. Still, if I had to look like a middle-aged woman outside the theatre this afternoon and evening, at least I would have a professional makeover.
* * *
The curtain rises. Distant piano music can be heard with the occasional mistake. It isn’t loud enough to be distracting or to drown out the dialogue.
I give the audience a few seconds to take in the Regency drawing room and see Jack, aged and bewhiskered as Mr Bennet, sitting in an armchair, front left. He is reading a suitably old-looking book.
I burst in through the double doors, upstage centre, followed by a worried-looking Amy, as Hill the maid.
“Mr Bennet! Mr Bennet!” I cry.
Startled, Jack drops his book and his reading glasses fall off his nose. They are on a cord so they just swing from side to side across his chest. I take my shawl off and toss it on the sideboard to my right as I pass.
“My dear! Wonderful news! Netherfield Park is let at last!” I squeal.
“Is it?” says Jack testily. He picks up his book and replaces his glasses.
“Yes, it is,” I say, trying to look annoyed that my husband isn’t giving me his full attention. “I have just had it from Mrs Long. And do you not want to know who has taken it?”
“You want to tell me,” he says, once again fully engaged in his book, “and I have no objection to hearing it.”
It is quite clear he isn’t really listening.
Sam, as Lydia, runs in from upstage right carrying a pretty bonnet, which appears to be in a state of some disrepair. Diane, as Kitty, follows close behind her, also at a run. They wrestle for the bonnet, Sam laughing, and always holding the bonnet so that Diane can’t quite get it. Amy is fussing around them trying to be helpful, but Sam won’t let her get close to her.
“Lydia, that’s mine!” screams Diane.
“It’s mine now,” Sam says contemptuously. “You’d never wear it anyway.”
“I would! I wanted to wear it today! Look what you’ve done to it! Mama! Mama!”
I turn to give the girls my attention, and at this point Holly, as Elizabeth, enters upstage left. She ignores me and the other girls and peers over Jack’s shoulder to see what he’s reading.
“Girls!” I say crossly to Sam and Diane. “Would you tear my nerves into shreds?”
“Lydia has torn up my bonnet!” wails Diane. “She has made it up new, and says she will wear it to church! Tell her she shall not, Mama!”
“I shall wear it, Mama!” insists Sam.
I can’t see them, but behind me Jack will be rolling his eyes and smiling at Holly.
“I beg you would tell her so,” says Diane, plaintively, “for it’s all my own work, and she would be a fright in it, because she’s too plain to look well in it!”
Holly smiles at Jack, rolls her eyes, and wanders away to look out of the window, stage left.
“Oh! Girls!” I yell.
Diane ignores me. “No, you shall not have it!” she shouts. “Mama, tell her it is so!”
Diane tries to grab the bonnet again, but misses, and chases Sam around me trying to get it. Sam manages always to be on the opposite side of me from Diane. I flap hysterically.
“Oh, let her have it, Kitty, and be done,” I shriek.
“But it’s mine!” Diane wails. “You let her have everything that is mine.”
Diane runs out crying. Sam puts on the bonnet in front of a mirror on the back wall and preens. As Diane runs out, Hilary, as Jane, enters.
“Oh, what is to become of us all?” I cry.
Sam leaves, following Diane. Holly and Hilary come over to comfort me. I turn back to Jack.
“Oh! Oh! Netherfield Hall!” I cry, remembering that I was in the middle of telling him something important. “It is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England. A single man of large fortune, my dear! He came down on Monday in chaise and four to see the place. His name is Bingley, and he will be in possession by Michaelmas, and he has five thousand a year!”
Holly and Hilary look at each other, and then at Jack, who doesn’t react at all.
“What a fine thing for our girls!” I say, disappointed at his indifference.
Jack turns to look at Holly and Hilary. “How so? How can it affect them?”
“Oh, Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome?” I say. “You must know that I’m thinking of his marrying one of them!”
“For a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife,” says Holly to Hilary. They giggle.
“Yes, he must indeed!” I say firmly to Holly. I turn back to Jack. “And who better than one of our five girls?”
“So, that is his design in settling here,” says Jack, “to marry one of our daughters?”
“Design?” I answer, baffled. “Oh, how can you talk such nonsense? But you know, he may very likely fall in love with one of them.”
“Oh,” says Jack, unimpressed.
“Therefore, you must visit him directly he comes,” I say.
“Visit him?” says Jack. “Oh, no, no. I see no occasion for that.”
“Oh, Mr Bennet!” I squeal, aghast.
“Go yourself with the girls. Or, still better, send them by themselves.”
“By themselves?!”
“Aye, for you’re as handsome as any of them. Mr Bingley might like you best of the party.”
“My dear, you flatter me,” I say, simpering at his flattery, apparently not realising he is teasing me. “I certainly have had my share of beauty, but I do not pretend to be anything extraordinary now. When a woman has five grown-up daughters, she ought to give over thinking of her own beauty…”
“In such cases, a woman has not often much beauty to think of,” Jack says with a smile.
I gape at him, before it slowly dawns that he is mocking me. In a huff, I storm out of the double doors, upstage centre, followed by Amy. Jack smiles. Holly and Hilary giggle.
* * *
So that was my first appearance as Mrs Bennet over with until the curtain call, but I would be stuck with her face and hair all day.
I hovered around backstage to see how it was going. I could see the audience through a little slit in a side panel, above the Stage Manager’s desk. It seemed to be packed out, presumably from friends and relatives of the cast. There would be no one from my family there, and all my friends were in the show.
I tried not to get in anyone’s way backstage but as I was still in full Mrs Bennet costume, my lack of manoeuvrability caused problems. Also, my skirts made rustling noises whenever I moved, so I was soon exiled. As in all theatres a loudspeaker system relayed the actors’ voices through to the Green Room, so that everyone always knew where the performance was up to and wouldn’t miss their cues.
The cast were on top form – Holly was especially impressive – and from what I had seen of the audience in the dark, they seemed to be enjoying our efforts.
The next scene was the Netherfield gathering at which Jane and Elizabeth socialise with Bingley and Darcy. This was the responsibility of our second group. Jane and Bingley spend enough time together to fall in love, but then Jane takes to her bed with a heavy cold leaving Lizzy at the mercy of Bingley’s spoilt and snooty sisters. She handles their cattiness brilliantly and it is then that Darcy first begins to realise there is more to her than he had thought.
Our team’s next scene should have been set at a party at the home of Mrs Phillips, Elizabeth’s aunt, but we didn’t have enough actors for a big gathering, so we cut it down to just Elizabeth, Jane, and Lydia playing whist with Mr Wickham. In the book this soon reduces to a dialogue between Lizzy and Wickham in which he seeks to charm her and disparage Darcy.
We open with the four of them finishing a hand of whist. Lydia loses and she throws down her cards in disgust and excuses herself. The others laugh at the fifteen-year-old’s immaturity and put the cards away. As Script Editor I reassigned some of Lizzy’s lines to Jane, to make the scene a little more balanced. (Jack approved although Holly wasn’t too happy about it.)
Our last scene was the well-known one in which Lizzy and Jane talk about marriage. They’re both in favour of marrying for love, but are determined only to fall in love with a rich man. I just hoped Holly didn’t feel like that in real life, though her parents’ wealth would give her a wider choice than that of Elizabeth or Jane.
Darcy’s proposal and Elizabeth’s incredulous refusal came next and Derek and Holly did it very well – so much so that, to everyone’s surprise, there was a spontaneous round of applause from the audience. I wondered whether Richard and Susan might have led it.
In the penultimate scene, Amy swept on imperiously as the ghastly Lady Catherine de Bourgh, followed a little timorously by Holly as Lizzy. It would be very easy to overdo Lady Catherine but Amy pitched it just right. Holly showed Lizzy growing steadily bolder throughout the scene as she was increasingly angered by Lady Catherine’s appalling condescension and bad manners. There was another ripple of applause as both of them stormed off in different directions.
I made my way back to the stage now, as there was only one scene to go: Darcy’s humble renewed proposal, renouncing his pride, and Lizzy’s embarrassed acceptance, overcoming her prejudice. This is one of the most famous scenes in English Literature, and Derek and Holly made a wonderful job of it. As the last words of love are uttered and he takes her hand, the curtain falls.
Healthy applause began immediately; the auditorium lights came up again; and we all trooped on for the curtain call.
Next: Mrs Bennet in 2021
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
In between performances, Holly takes Michelle out for dinner.
Chapter Six – Mrs Bennet in 2021
“I really enjoyed that,” said Sheila back in the dressing room after our half hour (OK, forty minutes) synopsis of Miss Austen’s five-hundred-page novel. “You were all really good. You must be so proud of Holly.”
“Oh I am,” I said, “but I already knew she was brilliant from seeing her in school plays and a couple of other productions here.”
“You were great too,” Esther said. “You may not want to hear this, but if I hadn’t known it was you, it would never have occurred to me that Mrs Bennet was being played by a boy – man, I mean.”
“Thanks... I think.”
“I overheard people talking on my way out of the auditorium,” Sheila continued. “Quite a few singled you out for praise as well as Holly, even though you were only on for a few minutes at the beginning. I’m quite sure nobody had the slightest suspicion that ‘Michelle’ was actually ‘Michael’.”
She started undoing the buttons of my bodice. I still couldn’t reach them round my back. I took my silly gloves off.
Suddenly I heard voices outside in the corridor. I realised I had left the door ajar. I didn’t want anyone to come in and see me getting undressed, so I broke away from my lady’s maid and my beautician and moved to close it properly. I stopped when I realised the voice was Holly’s and she was arguing with her parents.
“But you said you’d stay for a drink afterwards,” she was saying.
“You just want to humiliate poor Mike, don’t you?” said Richard angrily.
“I saw his face when I handed you the holdall this morning,” Susan said. “He knew what was in it, didn’t he? And he clearly wasn’t happy.”
“I’m very disappointed in you, Holly,” added her father. “We really like Mike, and I’m sure he would be horribly embarrassed if we saw him dressed as a woman. Any man would.”
They had passed the door now and their voices were fading as they reached the stairs at the end of the corridor.
“No, he wouldn’t; he’s an actor! Anyway, you said you thought he was really good as Mrs Bennet,” Holly argued.
“He was,” said her father, “and make sure you tell him from us.”
“Why can’t you tell him yourselves?”
“We’ve explained why,” he said. “Dressing up as a woman outside the theatre is completely different. Believe me, he won’t want us to see him like that.”
“Bye now,” said Susan. “Give him our love and tell him we’ll see him sometime over the holidays.”
Holly was still arguing but I didn’t hear any more after that. I turned back to Sheila and Esther, who had heard everything.
“I bet that’s a relief,” Sheila said with a smile. “Come on, let’s get you changed. I need to check your costume for damage and stains.” She reached to untie my cap.
“Since you can’t remove all your makeup, presumably you’ll leave your wig on?” said Esther.
“I suppose so. If I’m stuck with this old woman face until tonight, I’ll attract less attention with a feminine hairdo.”
“Not to mention the outfit in the holdall,” Sheila said.
“I can tone down your makeup a little, if you like,” said Esther, “so it doesn’t look like you’ve just come off stage.”
She quickly wiped away some of the more garish colours and replaced them with an ordinary modern daytime makeup. When she finished I looked frighteningly like my mother.
“I’m off,” said Esther. “I’ll leave you the lipstick and powder I’ve just used. See you at half-past eight tonight. Don’t be late.”
“I must go too,” said Sheila. “Let me finish undressing you.”
She removed my petticoat and – thankfully – the corset. I took off my slippers and stockings.
“Aren’t you going to need those shoes?” said Sheila. “I don’t know if Holly’s Mum included any of hers, but they probably wouldn’t fit you if she did. Actually, I think I have a pair of outdoor shoes in the same size in my locker.”
She went off to have a rummage and returned five minutes later with a pair of black pumps with one-inch heels. They looked about my size in length but a bit narrow. By now I was down to just the body shaper.
“I suppose I’ll have to keep this thing on – for the padding?” I asked.
“I think so,” she said. “Assuming Holly’s right about her mother’s sizes, that’s the only way these clothes will fit. I’ve got your other body shaper here, by the way. That one is probably a little sweaty. Can you have a shower and change into the clean one before you come back tonight?”
I grunted acceptance.
“With your ‘body’ you don’t need a bra or knickers, so you can put these on next.” She passed me a pair of tights from the holdall. “Do you know how?”
“Why? Is there some special trick to it?”
“There certainly is. If you’re not careful you can ladder them.”
So she gave me a lesson in putting on tights without ruining them. (When would I ever need that again?)
“Roll them up until you can put your foot all the way in. Then pull them up your leg as far as your knee. Then slide in the other foot in the same way. Then stand up and pull the whole thing up to your waist.”
I assumed the tights were in Susan’s size. I wasn’t much taller than her and supposedly my ‘body’ gave me the same shape. In any case the tights stretched enough to go over my big padded hips and bum. They reached my waist and seemed to be staying up.
Sheila was eyeing me dubiously. “We should have shaved your legs after all,” she said. “Oh well, let’s see what it all looks like together.” She reached into the holdall again. “Ah,” she said, “I think I can see why Holly’s Mum was throwing this dress away.”
She held it up for me to see. It was red with white flowers. It was calf-length with sleeves that stopped at the elbow, and frills everywhere. It wasn’t hideous, exactly, but even I recognised that it was out of fashion – way out.
“This appears to be the only option,” Sheila said pityingly. “At least it doesn’t need a slip, which as just as well as she didn’t include one. It’s long enough that most of your legs will be covered. There’s a white cardigan that is actually quite nice, so you don’t need to worry about your forearms being exposed. But there are no other clothes in here, just a slightly worn handbag.”
She helped me drop the dress over my head, making sure not to disturb my wig or my makeup, and zipped it up. I turned to check myself in the mirror. I changed my mind about it being hideous. That was an understatement. It was low-cut with absurd frills around the neckline. The waist was just below the bust, very like the Regency dresses we were all wearing in the show, but for some reason the only effect of that was to emphasise my over-large bosom and battleship hips.
I doubt any woman my age – I mean the age I’m supposed to be – would ever choose to wear this. I wondered what possessed Susan to buy it in the first place. She normally had better taste.
“You’d better give me that cardigan,” I said. “I need to cover up as much as possible of this monstrosity.”
I shrugged it on and it helped – a little. I sensed the door opening behind me, but I was still captivated by the gruesome image in the mirror.
“Oh, no, I don’t think so,” I said. “I’ll wear my own clothes, even with old lady makeup. I’ll put a bag over my head or something.”
“Oh no, you won’t! You look lovely,” said Holly behind me.
I turned to her, preparing to argue. She was back in her own clothes, jeans and a pretty peasant top that hung off the shoulder and emphasised her perfect breasts. She had removed her stage makeup but kept her hair in Regency style. I sighed. She had that determined look. I wasn’t going to win this, at least not without upsetting her. Suddenly I could see my future: years and years of losing arguments with this woman.
“I thought you might try and chicken out,” she said, cutting off any protest. “But I want you to stay just as you are. My real Mum and Dad might have rushed off, but at least I can spend the rest of the day with my substitute Mum!”
Sheila cleared her throat. “I’ll be off then, you two. I’ll see you tonight.”
She obviously didn’t want to be present when Holly and I started our ‘discussion’ of what I would be wearing for the next five hours.
“Yes, thanks, Sheila,” I said. “See you later.”
“I’m a little surprised Mum gave you that dress though,” said Holly when Sheila had gone. “It was a birthday present from my Dad about five years ago. I helped him pick it out.”
Which explained that, I suppose. It seemed neither father nor daughter shared Susan’s fashion sense, and she had taken a golden opportunity to dump the dress. No wonder she didn’t want to see me in it. Quite apart from the mutual embarrassment, she probably wouldn’t have been able to keep a straight face.
“But if you really don’t like it, we can go and buy you something new. Then I can give it to Mum for her next birthday.” She grinned. “I’ll know that if it fits you, it will fit her.”
“No!” I said hurriedly. “No, it’s actually not that bad.” I did a little twirl in front of the mirror, as I’d seen women do when trying on a new outfit. (Well, only Holly really.)
“Well, if you’re sure… Pity. I would have enjoyed going round the shops with my new Mum.”
“No, that’s all right, dear,” I said, unintentionally sounding like a mother. “Didn’t we have plans for… other activities back at the flat?” I added, trying to sound like a lecherous boyfriend. I was going to get a split personality if I wasn’t careful.
I packed my own clothes and the clean body shaper into the holdall. Then I reached for Susan’s old handbag and started putting my wallet and keys in it.
“Don’t forget your makeup, Mum!” Holly said with a triumphant grin.
* * *
The walk back to the flat that afternoon was more convivial than the previous one in the small hours when Holly wouldn’t let me touch her. We were arm-in-arm now, like a mother and daughter, and we went much more slowly because of my new weight and girth. It took me a while to get used to the unfamiliar heels too. I was thankful they were only one-inch. I couldn’t imagine how anyone could manage anything higher. They seemed to make my backside swing from side to side even more.
But as far as I could tell nobody we passed saw anything amiss; certainly nothing that suggested I had been spotted as a fraud. I did see a couple of teenage girls with curled lips, but I think that was because of my ugly dress.
Once we were behind the closed doors of the bedroom Holly demanded I do a striptease so she could learn something of the dark arts that had transformed her boyfriend into a near clone of her mother. I agreed, but only on condition that she also shed an item of clothing for each one that I removed. She complied with alacrity, giggling seductively throughout.
Soon I was down to my body shaper and she was in just her bra and pants. While I was, as usual, paralysed by the sight of Holly in her lingerie, she had paused for a proper appraisal of Mrs Bennet’s foundation garment. Embarrassed by this forensic examination, I stepped forward to deal with the clasp of her bra. She immediately started tugging at the shoulder straps of my ‘body’. She managed to peel it halfway down but doing more was beyond her. The damn thing was much too heavy. It was nearly too heavy for me. I did the rest of the work and tossed it aside, while she stepped out of her knickers.
And then we were falling into bed, a beautiful girl and a man with the head of a middle-aged woman.
“I love the flavour of your lipstick, Mummy darling,” she said, panting. “What is it?”
“Fucked if I know,” I said, concentrating on sustaining my rhythm.
She giggled at the mild obscenity from the mouth of the middle-aged lady on top of her.
* * *
“Is it just me, or was that the best you-know-what we’ve ever had?” I said as we lay in our post-coital bliss.
“No question,” she murmured into my chest.
“The question is why?”
“Not sure,” she said. She lifted her head and looked me in the eyes. “Something to do with what you were wearing and your little striptease, maybe?”
“Do you mean the dress, or the un-dress?”
“Yes – one or the other.” She smiled. “But you should find it reassuring, shouldn’t you?”
“How so?”
“Well now you know I’m not put off by your cross-dressing.”
“My what?”
“If anything, quite the reverse…”
“I’m not proposing to make a habit of wearing your mother’s old clothes!”
She sat up and stretched. She jumped out of bed and went over to our piles of discarded clothes. She picked up my body shaper.
“I had no idea the padding in this thing was so heavy,” she said, changing the subject abruptly, as was her wont.
“And I have to wear a corset, petticoat and dress on top of it too,” I said, glad of a little sympathy.
“Yes, but all we ladies have to wear those things,” she protested. “Still, it’s no wonder you’re so slow and clumsy.”
“Yes, you’ll just have to be patient with me now,” I said, suddenly conscious of sounding like an old lady.
“But it means I’ll be able to get to the shower first for once, slowpoke!”
She jumped up and dashed to the bathroom. That was fine. I could have a little doze…
* * *
…which didn’t last long. It seemed like no time before she was shaking me awake. She was fully dressed, in an actual dress, and made up. Not for the first time, I reflected that Holly could never look less than gorgeous if she tried.
“Up you get, babe. Shower,” she said, “and shave your legs.”
“What? No!”
“People will be looking at you oddly if you don’t.”
“Nobody noticed on the way back here.”
“Nobody saw you for more than a few seconds as we passed them. Tonight you’ll be sitting still in a restaurant for an hour and a half. Someone will be bound to notice then, and if they see hairy legs they may wonder why and look for other clues – like a deeper than average voice. Want to risk it? What if you need to go to the Ladies? You could get arrested.”
“I’ll hold it till we get to the theatre.”
“Don’t be stupid,” she said. “Shave your legs. I’ll help you if you like. You have a razor in the bathroom, don’t you? If not, we can use my Ladyshave.”
“Yes, madam,” I sighed.
I don’t always do absolutely everything Holly tells me to do, just most of the time.
“And you’ll need to take your wig off to shower, won’t you? Hurry up, the table’s booked for six-thirty.”
* * *
The promised ninety minutes in Mario’s was the most terrifying of my life, thanks in part to Holly’s picture of what might happen if I was exposed as a male – which no doubt was her intention. She kept calling me ‘Mummy’ which meant I had to employ all my acting skills and imagination to play the part.
At least I was confident of my appearance. Holly had helped me repair my makeup after the shower and she did her best with my wig. I wore the clean body shaper, the ugly red floral dress, my tights, and the white cardigan. I had no coat of course, but it was a warm night. I didn’t have to worry about exposing my newly smooth legs, which were tingling in a pleasant way from continual contact with my hose. Nevertheless I couldn’t help resenting having had to shave them. We were seated in a quiet corner of the restaurant with subdued lighting and candles on the table. I couldn’t see my ankles in this light, so nobody else would. I could have got away with hairy legs.
“Now remember, Mummy, you are a little, er, portly,” she said, sotto voce, “so your usual plate of Spaghetti Bolognese and a huge Mixed Grill aren’t suitable at all. Minestrone soup and a Goat’s Cheese salad would be more sensible, don’t you think?”
I couldn’t tell whether she was having a laugh. She was too good an actress.
“I would have thought Spag Boll and a big plate of meat and chips would explain how I got to be 'portly' in the first place,” I said. “Tell you what, I’ll compromise. I’ll have a Seafood Platter and a Fillet Steak.”
As I said, I don’t give in to her all the time. I dig my high heels in for the really important stuff.
“Hmph. Not very Italian,” she grumbled. “And just one glass of wine. You’re on stage tonight, remember.”
“As if I could forget,” I said. “And you’re paying for all this, right? You know I’m skint.”
“Yes, yes, but get your act together, for Heaven’s sake! My other mother never uses words like ‘skint’.”
Holly mellowed after that exchange, and in the end we had a very pleasant evening. I found myself slipping into the role of the other Mrs Woodbridge with no great difficulty and Holly seemed delighted by my performance. The food was excellent; I wasn’t paying for it; and the waiters were especially attentive to ‘two such beautiful ladies’.
‘I could get used to this treatment,’ I caught myself thinking, and quickly gave myself a mental slap on the wrist for thinking it.
We lingered over coffee and made a quick trip to the Ladies to relieve ourselves and repair our lipstick. Then we made our way slowly, arm-in-arm, to the theatre, arriving at about a quarter past eight.
* * *
Having been wearing my body shaper, with its heavy padding and voluptuous curves, for most of the day, getting dressed as Mrs Bennet again with Sheila’s help had become almost routine. My corset, petticoat, stockings and dress were like old friends. Esther checked my latex wrinkles and double chin; restored my stage makeup; and tidied up my wig (which had got a little tangled in bed that afternoon). I was ready for my five minutes on stage as the harridan Bennet matriarch.
I joined the others in the Green Room while we waited for the show before us to finish.
“I’ll be sorry when this is all over,” said Amy to me, fiddling with her maid’s dress, “won’t you?”
“You’re joking, aren’t you?” I scoffed. “When this is all over, you won’t see me for dust. I’m dropping Drama next year. I’m never going on stage again.”
“Oh you mustn’t talk like that,” she said. “You’re really good. I can understand you not wanting to play a female part again, but you’ve proved you could be a great character actor.”
“He’s just afraid he’ll get to like his women’s clothes,” said Sam, who had been eavesdropping. We ignored her.
“Does Holly know this is how you feel?” Amy asked.
“We haven’t discussed it,” I admitted, “at least not in so many words. Anyway, one thing is for sure: no one will ever see me in women’s underwear again.”
At which point the Stage Manager’s voice came over the tannoy: “Pride and Prejudice beginners, please.”
* * *
The second performance went really well. We all knew our parts, and it would be our last chance to show off what we had learned over the year – in Literary Adaptation and all our other courses. We were determined to enjoy ourselves (even me) and it showed. There was at least ten percent more zip in every scene.
The reaction of the audience at the curtain call was especially enthusiastic. Perhaps they hadn’t enjoyed the other more ‘modern’ offerings as much, and we had saved their evening. As we lined up, I manoeuvred myself next to Holly.
After our second bow, when I thought the applause was starting to die down, I shoved her in the back, forcing her to take a couple of steps forward to preserve her balance. She was about to turn round and hit me or something, when she realised that the audience were laughing and the applause had redoubled, just for her.
I led the rest of the cast in joining in. Everyone in the theatre, including all her fellow actors, were now applauding her as the undoubted star of the show. She blushed and curtseyed beautifully.
Eventually the curtain fell. Everyone made to walk off but Holly stopped and slapped me on the shoulder.
“Don’t you ever do that again, Mike!” she said.
“I promise,” I said, “but you deserved a solo bow.”
And I knew I would never be on stage with her again anyway.
Then she threw her arms around me and kissed me hard. At least I was ‘Mike’ again, at least for the moment, rather than ‘Mummy’, ‘Mama’ or ‘Michelle’.
Next: Awards and Opportunities
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Chapter Seven – Awards and Opportunities
Interlude: Mike’s time as Mrs Bennet is over – or is it? A new opportunity comes up and Holly is determined to make the most of it…
The casts of all the four shows were told to gather in the auditorium after we had changed out of our costumes. Holly had saved me a seat next to her on the front row. She knew I would be the last to arrive as it took so long to remove my costume and Mrs Bennet’s makeup and wig. My face was pink and blotchy after cleaning off all that latex. Sheila and Esther came along with me and found seats directly behind us.
Dr MacNair and three of our other lecturers were sitting on the stage. Soon Professor Rooney, the Head of the English and Drama Department, got to his feet and called for hush.
“Well done, everyone,” he began, “and thank you for an excellent evening’s entertainment. Speaking on behalf of the lecturers and staff in the Department, we know that you’ve all worked very hard this year, as I’m sure will be reflected in your exam results, due out on Monday…”
Groans from the audience.
“…and we would like to wish you all a very fruitful and enjoyable summer holiday, to return refreshed and eager to learn next term.”
Do all senior educators get their speeches from the same book? His audience was getting restless.
“But before we let you go, there is the small matter of awards.” A hush fell. “First, the Best Actress award – and I should say that all four of us were unanimous in this – goes to Holly Woodbridge for Elizabeth in the Pride and Prejudice adaptation.”
So Holly received her second solo round of applause of the evening, the most vigorous clapping coming from our group, of course.
“Come up here, Holly,” continued the Prof. “We have an envelope for you.”
Holly bounced up onto the stage. You could tell it was the best day of her life (apart from when she met me, of course).
The Prof handed her an envelope, saying, “Open it later, dear, then no one will see how disappointed you are.” Laughter from the audience. “Did you want to say anything?”
For a moment she looked blank, then she realised what he was suggesting.
“Oh! Oh, yes,” she said. “I’d like to thank Dr MacNair for the brilliant Literary Adaptation course and for setting all this up for us.”
I heard Derek and Douglas calling, “Hear, hear!” The rest of us made enthusiastic but unintelligible mutterings. Holly ploughed on.
“And I must thank my partner, Mike, for his unflinching support.”
Actually I would say I had flinched quite a lot over the last few weeks, but I wasn’t going to argue. It was just good to be appreciated.
“And finally I want to say ‘thank-you’ to Amy Longhurst, who directed my biggest scenes and was also a wonderful Lady Catherine. Most of the ideas for how I should play those scenes came from her, and I’d like to say here and now, that if she eventually decides she doesn’t want to act after all, she will be a brilliant Director!”
As it happens Amy was sitting on my other side. I turned to her and she was grinning and blushing and couldn’t seem to decide which of the two to focus on.
The ‘Best Actor’ award went to the boy who had played Othello in the ‘Performing Shakespeare’ group’s piece. From what I’d heard, that was well-deserved. We had hoped that we might win the ‘Best Group’ award, but that went to the ‘Improvisation’ course team. I had never had the chance to see their effort, but Esther leaned forward and whispered to us that it was utter rubbish, but ‘everyone must get prizes’.
With the awards over, we all got up to go home, but Dr MacNair had rushed down to the edge of the stage and stopped us.
“Would all the Pride and Prejudice cast just stay for a minute?” he asked. “Something interesting has come up.” He squinted through the dim auditorium into the audience. “I see Sheila and Esther are out there. You might like to hang on for a moment too.”
He sat down between two footlight units, his legs dangling into the tiny orchestra pit. He waited till the rest of the audience had filed out and all his students had made their way down to the front row.
“I don’t know what arrangements you’ve all made for the summer,” he began, “but I have something that may interest you. It’s six weeks’ work from late June to early August, so it won’t take up all your holiday time. It’s fairly well paid, as these things go, and it will be good for your CVs and count towards membership of Equity.”
That certainly sounded attractive to me. I needed the money, and if it was valid acting experience I knew Holly would be keen. We might have the chance to work together! Then afterwards I could afford to accompany her wherever she wanted to go for the rest of the Long Vacation. Looking around at my friends, I could see that many of them were excited too.
“Before I go into detail, I don’t want to waste your time if you aren’t interested, or are already committed to other activities during the relevant period.” He smiled. “I know it’s been a long, demanding day for you all, so if this opportunity isn’t for you, please feel free to get off home to bed.”
“Thanks for thinking of us, Dr MacNair,” said Jack, as he got to his feet. “It sounds interesting, and I would have liked to take you up on it, but I’ve arranged to do camp counselling in North Carolina all summer.”
Two of the girls said something similar about prior commitments and got up to leave with him.
“That’s fine, guys,” MacNair said, “and many thanks for all your hard work on this little production. Have a great summer!”
After they had left, he turned back to his remaining audience. “OK, everyone. I invited Dennis Vaughan, an old friend of mine, to this afternoon’s performance,” he continued, “because I knew he was looking for young actors for something he’s setting up. He was very impressed with you all and is prepared to offer many of you roles in his project.
“It’s like this: a large eighteenth century property not far from here is currently being renovated. A lot of progress has been made, but the owners are running out of money to finish the job. So they’re looking for ways of using the building to raise revenue. Since it’s much like Jane Austen’s description of Longbourn, and still contains a lot of Regency furniture, decorations, and knick-knacks, they’ve hit on the idea of opening it up to the public as ‘The Pride and Prejudice Experience’. Dennis has been asked to organise it. Visitors will be decked out in Regency costumes and will wander round the house and grounds, seeing how life was lived at that time, and talking with members of the Bennet family and their guests.
“You will play the roles you played today. There will be no script but Dennis has drafted in experts to give you detailed briefings about the lives of the sorts of people you’ll be playing. Customers will come in and see you at various times of the day – getting dressed in the morning, mealtimes, recreational activities, dressing for dinner, maybe even going to bed at night. You will improvise conversations with them and answer their questions in character.”
My earlier excitement evaporated. I couldn’t play Mrs Bennet at close quarters in the bedroom or drawing room even if I wanted to. It was all very well to convince people I was a middle-aged woman for five minutes from twenty feet away, when I was in stage makeup and under harsh lighting. I couldn’t do it for half an hour or so sitting round the dining table with them. It would be obvious I was neither forty nor a woman. Still, maybe I could get one of the other male parts? Maybe Mr Bennet, as Jack wasn’t available? After all, it would be better to play Holly’s father than her mother!
“Dennis is prepared to guarantee each of you £1,500 for six weeks’ work, with bonuses possible if the venture is more successful than they have budgeted for. That’s on top of free accommodation and catering, by the way,” MacNair said.
He focused on Sheila and Esther for a moment. “Dennis wants to involve you ladies too. Obviously there will be lots of work in costuming, makeup and hairdressing – for the visitors as well as the cast – and he was particularly impressed with your contributions today. He promises to make the arrangements with your other employers, if you want. He realises you won’t want to lose any of your regular contracts. Now, is everyone here still interested?”
“What about Mike?” asked Holly abruptly, before anyone else could respond.
“Ah yes,” said MacNair, “Mike… First, let me say that the main reason why Dennis came today was because of the difficulty of finding appropriate young actors. You’re all better qualified than most drama students. You have the benefit of two years of university education, plus a focus on the Regency period through your work adapting Pride and Prejudice, to say nothing of your detailed knowledge of the characters. But he didn’t expect any of you to play the older roles, like Mr and Mrs Bennet or Lady Catherine. So he wouldn’t have cast Jack as Mr Bennet, for example. He gave a fine performance, but it was obvious he wasn’t middle-aged, despite the excellent makeup.”
He turned to Amy, the only other member of the cast playing older than her actual age.
“Dennis doesn’t envisage using Lady Catherine at all I’m afraid, Amy,” he said, “but he would be happy for you to play Hill, the maid. There’s no reason why she shouldn’t be your own real age, of course. You won’t need ageing make-up.”
I looked at Amy. She was clearly disappointed that she wasn’t going to reprise her star turn as Lady Catherine, but even playing the dull part of the maid would be useful acting experience, as well as earning her some money. I knew she had been looking for a summer job; her family weren’t wealthy.
“Which brings me to Mike,” MacNair continued. “Let me put it this way. Dennis was very keen that the talented mature student he saw playing Mrs Bennet should join the project. He thought she was brilliant and would hold all the scenes inside the house together.”
He paused to let his words sink in. So Mr Vaughan thought I was a mature student and a woman? I was pleased that I had fooled this friend of his, but I really didn’t want to spend the first half of the summer vacation pretending to be a forty-year-old mother.
“I wanted to ask you what you thought, Mike, before telling Dennis that ‘Michelle Bradshaw’ wasn’t quite what she seemed. Of course, I’d support you if you think you could get away with it, but I doubt he would be so keen if he knew the truth. It would be too risky for him. If you were exposed as a man, it might wreck the whole project. Also, I realise that playing Mrs Bennet for six more weeks might present certain practical difficulties for you…”
“You’re not kidding!” I said. “I might be able to fool people on stage but I could never do it face-to-face in normal light!”
“Nobody suspected anything in the restaurant tonight though, did they?” said Holly. “I think you’d get away with it easily.”
MacNair looked at her in surprise. There were startled reactions from the others around me too, mostly terminating in sniggers.
“Actually, I might have a suggestion…” Sheila said. Everyone turned round to look at her. “An old colleague of mine runs a very successful business making people look like other people. I’m quite sure she could fix you up. She’d make it so that no one would suspect a thing.”
“Fantastic!” said Holly. “How do we get in touch with her?”
“Just a minute!” I protested. “I’m not sure I want to…”
“Course you do,” she said firmly. “Money, acting experience for your Equity card – what’s not to like?”
“I… I…”
“We’ll have six weeks of fun in Regency England, then a month on the Riviera… Florence, Rome, Venice…”
I wasn’t sure whether Holly knew that Florence, Rome and Venice weren’t on the Riviera, but that wasn’t uppermost in my mind at that moment.
“Well, if he isn’t keen, Holly…” began MacNair, but even he couldn’t derail the Holly Express when it was getting up steam.
“It’s fine, Dr MacNair. You can tell Mr Vaughan that Miss Bradshaw – or is it Mrs? – and I will be delighted to join him. Sheila, can I have your clever friend’s contact details?”
She went off to consult with Sheila and Esther.
“Well… er… fine,” said MacNair. “OK, if everyone who wants to join ‘The Pride and Prejudice Experience’ would just sign this sheet, I’ll get the ball rolling.”
He put a pad of paper and a ballpoint on the stage and stood back.
Sam was one of the first to sign. Then she came up to me while Holly was talking to Sheila.
“Holly does rather walk all over you, doesn’t she?” Sam said. I think she was being sympathetic.
“She’s a very strong-minded person,” I said. “But she can never make me do anything I really don’t want to do.”
“But you really didn’t want to play Mrs Bennet in the first place, did you?” Sam persisted. “She told me she had to talk you into it. You were going to go to MacNair and refuse.”
Why had Holly told Sam that? Sam, of all people!
“I just think a relationship should be about give and take,” she continued. “I can’t imagine ever making a boyfriend of mine dress up as a woman.”
She patted me on the shoulder and walked off.
I noticed she was quite sexy, Sam, actually. I had wondered whether my exposure to all this femininity in the last couple of weeks might have had some lasting effect, but apparently not.
“Come on then, Michelle,” called Holly. “I’ve signed the sheet for us both. I’m going to set up a WhatsApp group for the cast so that we can keep in touch easily.”
* * *
The next day, Sunday, we slept late. I didn’t try to get Holly to change her mind. I just figured Sheila’s friend’s efforts would prove a bust (as it were). Holly would realise it and I’d be off the hook. Besides, arguing with her was tiring and usually pointless, as I’ve explained. Maybe there would be some other job I could do at The Pride and Prejudice Experience.
Apparently, you couldn’t call Transformations (as it turned out they were called). They were super-secretive and would only deal with people they knew. That didn’t sound like a viable business model to me, but what did I know? Anyway, Sheila promised to talk to her friend, explain what we needed, and give her Holly’s number.
Perhaps they wouldn’t be interested. Perhaps they wouldn’t call.
* * *
Monday marked the beginning of the last week of term. E-mails arrived with our exam results mid-morning. I was very happy with my 2:1. Holly got a 2:2, which was quite a relief for her, as her parents had threatened economic sanctions if she didn’t manage at least a Lower Second. She acknowledged that she couldn’t have done it without my help. I tried to trade on that to persuade her not to make me be Mrs Bennet again, but she ignored my pleas and changed the subject.
My e-mail included a summons to see my tutor in the afternoon, to discuss the year that was ending and to talk about next term. When we met, he said I could get a First in my Finals next year if I put my mind to it. I said that I wanted to drop Drama to concentrate on Creative Writing.
He tried to talk me out of it. He had seen me in the show and been impressed. He asked what I had in mind for my career, and I had to admit that the only thing that appealed was writing for stage or screen. He persuaded me that in that case dropping Drama would be daft. Also, if I went into Teaching (say), Drama would be another string to my bow. I promised him I would think about it further, and he wished me happy holidays. (I didn’t mention that I might be spending the next six weeks as a mother of five in 1813.)
On Tuesday, Transformations called Holly to offer us a morning slot the following Wednesday to discuss turning me into a middle-aged lady for the next six weeks. She quickly accepted on my behalf. This would be only just in time as we (or maybe just Holly) were due to join The Pride and Prejudice Experience on Friday. That meant that if they were successful I had only eight more days as myself.
The rest of the last week of term was all parties. Sam and Amy arranged the best one at the Students’ Union. Sam had suggested fancy dress but she was shouted down, as most of us were going to be spending quite enough time in costume that summer. So it was just a standard modern party: DJ, strobe lights, too much booze, and lots of fumbling in the dark. A couple of unsavoury characters who nobody seemed to know were circulating, apparently offering chemical delights, but they didn’t seem to get many customers and they left early.
A good time was had by all, except that at one point Douglas insisted on slow dancing with Holly. I was about to protest when Sam grabbed me and dragged me onto the dance floor. She was warm and cuddly and she couldn’t keep her hands to herself. As always with slow dances between young people lacking proper dance training (apparently we would get that in Drama next year), each couple just rotated slowly, trying not to tread on each other’s feet.
At one point in our rotations Holly and I were looking straight at each other. She seemed cross, perhaps because Sam’s hands were exploring my backside. I shrugged. Nights in White Satin came on next and we both separated from our partners and grabbed each other. So nothing came of either temporary mismatch. I noticed Douglas approaching Sam, but she just turned her nose up and stalked off.
Saturday was the University Summer Ball at the biggest hotel in town. Hired dinner suits for the men, posh frocks for the women. Some of the girls claimed to resent how much easier it was for us guys at these old-fashioned formal balls, but they tended to calm down when they saw our jaws dropping at the sight of them in their finery.
Holly was far and away the most beautiful woman there (as some of the other girls grudgingly admitted). I suggested she should consider a career in modelling, rather than acting.
“Don’t be silly,” she said, scathingly but obviously pleased by the compliment. “I’m not tall enough.”
“Or thin enough,” said Sam, who always seemed to be in the right place to put her oar in.
Holly and I stayed up all night and got stupidly drunk. When we did eventually get to bed we found ourselves discussing marriage for some reason – purely academically, of course. We discovered that neither of us was against the idea in principle, but we fell asleep without making any coherent plans.
* * *
I had to move out of the Hall of Residence on the Sunday morning. We weren’t allowed to leave any of our stuff as the room would be used for summer schools and conferences during the Long Vac. This was no hardship for me as I could leave everything at Holly’s flat. From there we were both heading back to our parents’ homes and expected to be apart until my appointment at Transformations the following Wednesday.
I got home late on Sunday afternoon. My mother and stepfather were upstairs in their bedroom. Open suitcases covered every surface. Keith was brushing down his dinner suit.
“Oh good! You’re back,” my mother said, and rushed over to hug me. “We were afraid we were going to miss you. Why didn’t you call?”
“Er, I’ve been busy – exams, end of term show – you know.”
“You were in a show?” she said. “Why didn’t you tell us? We’d have come!”
Which of course is exactly why I didn’t tell them.
“It was nothing important. I was only on stage for five minutes. So… you’re going somewhere?” I said.
“We booked a last minute cruise – Caribbean and the Gulf coast,” said Keith. “Didn’t you get our letter?”
His company having suffered badly from hacking in the past, Keith had something of a phobia about e-mails and texts. He still believed in snail mail. It was sweet, really.
“If you sent it to the Hall of Residence, I haven’t been there since last weekend,” I said. “I only picked up my mail today when I checked out, and I haven’t opened any of it yet.”
“Oh, Darling…” my mother began reproachfully.
“Never mind,” I said. “It wouldn’t have made any difference. I couldn’t have got back any earlier. Term only ended this week and last night was the Summer Ball.”
“Oh yes,” she said. “How is Holly?”
“Amazing,” I said happily. “She won Best Actress in the show. I’ve got some pictures I can show you.”
There wouldn’t be any pictures of me though – obviously.
“That would be lovely! We can have dinner together. Only leftovers, I’m afraid. But there’s plenty of food for you in the freezer for the next week or so.”
“When are you off?”
“At Sparrow’s Fart tomorrow morning,” said Keith. “Taxi to Southampton. We have to be on board by half ten. We sail at noon.”
* * *
It was a great evening. Keith was generous with the wine and conversation. I took the opportunity to ask him about his work.
“A Property Developer adds value to land or property,” he began. “This might be something small like building an extension, or doing a loft conversion, or just renovating or redecorating. On a larger scale, we might convert a big house into flats, or buy up an old office block and convert it into smart new apartments. Then we can sell the property on for more than we paid for it and turn a nice profit; or rent it out and get a steady income that way. That’s how I started out. I concentrated on flats for singletons and starter homes for young marrieds – small stuff at first. Nowadays I have the funding to take on much bigger projects, like buying undeveloped land and building new estates, or blocks of flats, or commercial offices on it. Sometimes I buy a dilapidated property, knock it down, and build something new. I spent most of today on a site where we’re building new warehouses. Every day’s different.”
“It sounds much more interesting than I expected,” I said when he paused to refill our glasses.
“You should think about it,” he said, seriously. “It would be great if someone in the family joined the firm, for when I… retire. Hannah certainly doesn’t want to know. Her only concern is spending money, not making it.”
He smiled ruefully, but there was sadness behind his eyes.
“It’s my own fault,” he said. “Her mother spoiled her rotten, and I was too busy building my business to take any interest in raising my daughter properly. I thought packing her off to boarding school would help, but it just made things worse.”
My mother took his hand. He looked tired. He was probably well overdue a good holiday.
“Sorry, sorry,” he said. “Hannah’s not your concern. Tell me more about what you want to do. Maybe I can help.”
“I’m hoping for a writing career of some kind,” I said, “but lots of struggling writers have to work a proper job while waiting for their first publishing success. Property development certainly sounds more interesting than…” I couldn’t think of a suitable comparison. “Well, than anything else I’ve thought of.”
“I can arrange an internship at the firm, if you’d like,” he said. “Let’s talk about it when we get back.”
“I’ve got something lined up until mid-August. But after that, definitely.”
They wanted to know what I was going to be doing, of course. I mumbled something vague about historical re-enactment.
Next: A More Convincing Transformation
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Previously Mike only had to put up with a little padding and makeup, but to become Mrs Bennet properly, something much more dramatic is needed.
Chapter Eight – A More Convincing Transformation
Bright and early the following Wednesday Holly picked me up and drove us to Transformations in a hire car. Once again I was reminded that I needed to make some money to keep pace with her. I could never have afforded to hire a car for a day.
“You really mustn’t be disappointed if – when – this doesn’t work out,” I said on the way. “To play Mrs Bennet in The Pride and Prejudice Experience, I would have to be completely convincing as a middle-aged woman when people are as close to me as you are now, and indoors, and in ordinary daylight. There’s no way they can do that.”
“Don’t worry,” she said. “I won’t ask you to go through with it unless you’re one hundred percent convincing. It would be embarrassing for both of us, and would only ruin the entire project. If you can't be Mrs Bennet, perhaps we can get you a job as a gardener, or something.”
“Thank you,” I said, with relief. “But I still can’t see what they can do. I am a man, after all.”
“I’m well aware of that!” she said with a grin. “However…” Ominous pause. “You must promise to be absolutely honest about this. If these people really can do what Sheila thinks they can, you have to accept your fate with good grace.”
I agreed, not expecting to have to worry about that.
We drove past the entrance to Transformations twice, once in each direction, before we realised the anonymous-looking entrance half-hidden within stands of tall trees led to the place we were seeking. There were no advertising signs or company logos anywhere, but when we turned into the drive, Holly was confident that the description of the outside of the main house matched the instructions she had been given over the telephone.
She parked in a Visitors spot outside and I tried to remind her one final time that this was in all probability going to be a wasted journey, and she should not be too disappointed.
“I get it. I get it!” she tutted. “Come on, we’re late.”
Inside, the building was quite different. There was a modern office entrance hall with a hospitality desk, behind which sat a very pretty receptionist.
“Welcome to Transformations,” she said. “I’m Angie. May I help you?”
“I hope so. This is Michelle,” Holly said, indicating me. “We have an appointment at nine-thirty.”
While Angie was checking her list, Holly turned back to me, knowing I was about to remonstrate with her for introducing me by the annoying feminine version of my name.
“They don’t want to know either of our real names,” she explained, “just the name you will be known by after your transformation.”
Well, I suppose that was reassuring. I didn’t want there to be any record of Mike Bradshaw being a client of these people.
“Your consultant will be with you shortly,” said Angie. “Would you like to take a seat for a moment?”
We sat down in some huge leather-bound armchairs to wait.
“The lady on the phone explained that they never ask their customers why they want to change their appearances,” said Holly. “If Transformations know that their client’s motives are dishonest, they would have to decline to help. That’s another reason why they prefer to operate through intermediaries and never ask for real names.”
“Then how on earth do they get paid?” I asked.
“Oh, they ask for a deposit by bank transfer up front, returnable if we’re not satisfied.”
I hadn’t even thought about the cost of this exercise. I hoped Holly hadn’t splashed out a lot of money.
“Then if the customer doesn’t pay the balance afterwards,” she continued, “they’re not too much out of pocket.”
“And no one has let us down so far,” said a stout lady in a smart grey skirt suit, who had materialised silently during our discussion. “I’m Ingrid MacLaughlin, your consultant for this morning. We spoke on the phone, I believe, Madam?”
She didn’t leave time for Holly to confirm or deny her assertion. “Would you like to follow me?”
Ingrid was tall and authoritative, even mannish. Her voice was deep for a woman but within the normal female range. She reminded me of my primary school headmistress, a forceful lady who had played hockey for England. I wondered whether Ingrid might be one of Transformations’ own creations, but there were no other indications of masculinity. If she was a man under the tweedy suit, frilly blouse, makeup and perfect coiffure, then she was very convincing indeed – which was worrying for my prospects of leaving here still male.
As we passed the Reception desk, Ingrid said, “Would you have some refreshments sent along to Vera’s room, please, Angie?”
She led us behind the desk and tapped at a keypad. A security door opened and we stepped through into a long, brightly-lit corridor. We stopped at the third room we came to. It looked like a doctor’s surgery. In the middle of the room there was a leather-covered examination table on castors. There was a workbench against one wall with various bottles and hairdressing implements on it, and a dressing table with a large mirror. Around the other walls were several glass-fronted cupboards containing vials of fluids. I wondered what role their contents might play in a client’s transformation, and whether they were taken orally or rubbed on.
Against the far wall there was a desk with several chairs around it. Another large lady in a white medical coat was seated and staring at a computer monitor. She stood up when she saw us and came over. She smiled and we shook hands.
“This is Vera,” Ingrid said. “She will be doing most of your transformation, once we have decided what you need.”
There was no need to introduce us of course. I was ‘Michelle’ and Holly was ‘Madam’. We all took seats around the desk.
“Now, my understanding is that Michelle will need to present herself as a middle-aged lady for approximately six weeks, during which time she will be continually meeting people in various domestic circumstances and lighting schemes, and with close contact. Is that right?”
“Exactly,” said Holly. “I think these pictures might help you to understand the circumstances better.”
She opened her phone and scrolled through to the Gallery. She handed it to Ingrid, who held it so that both she and Vera could see it. They were looking at the photos Holly had taken of me in costume on the day of the Dress Rehearsal.
“Oh, I see,” said Ingrid. “Would this have something to do with The Pride and Prejudice Experience?”
“Yes! How did you know that?”
“There are adverts for it all around here,” said Vera. “It sounds fantastic! We’re all going.”
“It’s at a place called Hadleigh House,” said Ingrid.
“That’s not far from here, just outside the village of Hadleigh,” added Vera. “We know… some people there.”
It sounded like she had been about to say more, but she stopped suddenly due to a stern look from Ingrid. Maybe someone in the Hadleigh area was a Transformations client?
“We performed a few scenes from Pride and Prejudice at our end of term show,” Holly continued. “Michelle was brilliant…”
I couldn’t let her get away with that. “You won the Best Actress prize,” I said.
I realised that was the first time I had spoken since we arrived. I could see Ingrid was thinking about my voice.
“…anyway, Dennis Vaughan, who’s running the Experience project invited us all to take part. He was particularly keen that Michelle should play Mrs Bennet, but…” Holly trailed off, not knowing quite how to continue.
“But he doesn’t know that Michelle isn’t a woman?” Ingrid said.
“Right, and it’s one thing to pass as a woman on stage for a few minutes, and with scripted lines, and in full makeup…”
“And quite another in the drawing room serving tea to guests and telling them about life in 1813. I see.” Ingrid was a sharp lady (and clearly another Austen fan). “Please don’t be concerned,” she continued. “We can be discreet. If Mr Vaughan has said he wants Michelle, an accomplished forty-something actress, then we will make sure that he has her, and you won’t be taking his money under false pretences.”
“These are great pictures,” said Vera. “I assume Mr Vaughan saw Michelle like this?”
“Ah yes,” said Holly, seeing her point immediately. “We will need her to have a very similar figure, and you can’t change her face too much.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” said Ingrid, looking at me carefully. “He doesn’t have pronounced masculine features.”
Great! Someone else who thinks I have a ‘baby face’. She probably thinks I’m ‘small and weedy and effeminate’ as well but is too polite to say so.
“By that I mean he has unexceptional, unlined features and an oval face, not long and thin,” she continued. “Also, he doesn’t have a big nose or a pronounced supraorbital ridge. We can attach a few facial prostheses to conceal his masculinity and bring out feminine features, without changing his overall image. Any discrepancies will be attributed to the exaggerations of stage makeup.”
Thus far she’d been talking to Holly exclusively, which I found a little annoying. Now she turned to me.
“How tall are you?” she asked.
“Five foot eight,” I said.
“You’re a little below the average height for a man. Tallish for a woman, but not conspicuously so. You’re slim, so we can easily pad you out to any shape we want.”
“He’s 38DD-33-40 in the pictures,” said Holly. “Your friend, Sheila, used a padded body shaper to do that. Is that what you’ll do?”
“I don’t think so actually,” said Ingrid. “According to the brochure for The Pride and Prejudice Experience, visitors will be able to see members of the cast getting dressed and undressed, showcasing the clothes people wore in Regency times. I’m sure you won’t have to appear totally nude, but I expect you will be seen ‘scantily clad’, shall we say?”
“So you will need realistic female flesh bulging out of your shift and corset,” said Vera, with a mischievous grin.
“Er, yes, exactly,” said Ingrid.
“Oh, that’s it!” I said, angrily. “I’m out!”
“Why?” said Holly. “No one will see you, or any of your real… private parts. Everything of yours will be concealed by fleshy padding and frilly underwear.”
It took the three of them a little while to persuade me to see it through, but in the end I ran out of viable excuses, as I always seemed to do with Holly when she had set her mind on something.
At that moment an elderly maid appeared with coffee and cookies. I calmed down a little and tucked in.
* * *
For the first stage of my transformation, I had to strip down to my underpants and put on a dressing gown (pink) and a pair of women’s slippers (also pink). Vera led me to a small dark room that turned out to be the facility’s photography booth. She waited outside while I had to stand on a little dais, drop the gown and my briefs, and stay still while cameras whizzed round me taking pictures from every angle. I put the gown on again and Vera took me back to her room. Ingrid and Holly were studying a 3D image of me, naked.
“Now we superimpose an image of a woman of his height with approximately 38DD-33-40 statistics. The computer then calculates the differences between the two figures and fabricates the prostheses he needs.”
“Wow!” Holly said. “This technology is amazing! What about his face?”
Ingrid pressed some more buttons. My face appeared on the screen – in high-definition, showing every little birthmark and blemish. Then it started revolving in 3D.
“Let’s put a wig on her first,” Ingrid said. She brought up a menu and clicked on one of the options that came up. A number of hairstyles appeared. She clicked on ‘medium-length with curls’ and chose a mousy brown colour. That hairstyle appeared on my head; that is, on the head of my image on the screen.
“This is close to the style of her wig in the pictures, isn’t it?”
“Identical, I’d say,” said Holly.
“Now with those new measurements, she should be plumper in the face. Sheila gave you a latex double chin, didn’t she?” I nodded. “This will do much the same.”
She punched some buttons and my face broadened significantly. My cheeks grew rounder and a double chin appeared.
“We have a standard package for feminising a male face.” She clicked on another menu. “The scale goes from zero to ten, but we can’t use the higher numbers, because Mr Vaughan already knows what you look like. ‘Ten’ would make you unrecognisable, for example.”
She selected ‘three’. The picture changed. It’s hard to describe exactly what happened, but the face – I could hardly call it my face anymore – had softened somehow. It was still me, but definitely a female version now.
“Finally, you’re supposed to be about twenty years older, aren’t you?”
More clicks and thin lines started appearing all over the image. The fat chin and cheeks sagged. Deep bags gathered under the eyes. The woman looked at least fifty now.
“I think that might be a little too much,” said Holly.
Ingrid studied the pictures on her phone. “You’re right,” she said. “I’ll dial it down a little.” The woman in the mirror slowly grew younger.
“That’s perfect,” said Holly. “She’s definitely middle-aged but still quite attractive. You can really make him look - just like that?”
“Oh yes,” said Ingrid. “I’ll send the instructions to the 3D printer. It will take about twenty minutes to print the prostheses. Vera will shave you and give you your waxing while we wait.”
She stood up. “Perhaps you’d like to come to my office, madam?” The two of them made their way to the door. “By the way, did you bring some clothes for Michelle?”
As Holly had said, their technology was amazing. I was beginning to get seriously worried...
* * *
I didn’t mind the extra-close shave with a cutthroat razor, being used to it by now, but I tried to argue with Vera about the need for ‘waxing’. She was sympathetic but firm.
“You can’t be seen with hairy arms and legs when your maid is dressing you in front of the paying customers,” she pointed out.
She handed me a glass, half full of strong-smelling brown liquid.
“Anaesthetic,” she said with a smile. “You’ll probably need it. Drink up.”
I gulped it down. It was very good whisky. It gave me a lovely warm feeling inside and made my eyes water.
“Also, we have to clean up your chest and back and backside,” Vera continued, “because we’ll be sticking prostheses all over to give you your lovely middle-aged-lady figure…”
“Wait – sticking?”
“Oh yes, the prostheses are stuck on using medical adhesive,” she said. “You can’t risk them sliding off, can you?”
“But what about…” I paused, glancing downwards, searching for the right words.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. The abdominal prosthesis has a special gadget that enables you to… fulfil your obligations… down there. Now come on – up on the table.”
The anaesthetic helped – a bit. It was still the most pain I had ever experienced. When she finished she dabbed away a few drops of blood, then rubbed a soothing cream all over me. That part I liked.
* * *
When Ingrid returned, she was pushing something like a dinner trolley on which were a number of hideous-looking, flesh-coloured objects. Holly followed behind her, looking annoyingly cheerful. When she saw my hairless, denuded body, pink and glistening, she gasped and grinned. She was about to laugh and say something along the lines of ‘Now you know what it’s like for us women,’ until she saw the look on my face and thought better of it. Tact was never her strong suit, but she did love me (or said she did).
“I’ll go and get her clothes from the car, shall I?” she said.
“Good idea,” said Ingrid. “Also, we have a couple of other things to discuss.”
When they had gone Vera reached for the largest item on the trolley. This looked, as I suppose I should have expected, exactly like the lower half of an overweight woman, including a realistic genital area complete with pubic hair. The only difference was that it was empty inside. My lower half would be filling it.
She grunted with the effort of lifting it off the trolley, so I could safely assume it was heavy. I had wondered at the time what Sheila’s friend used that ‘supple plastic’ for. Now I was about to find out.
“This is your ‘abdominal prosthesis’,” Vera said redundantly. “I have to spread adhesive over your lower portions – from your waist down to your knees, basically.”
She reached for a large pot of something.
“What about my…?” I began, still bereft of words to describe my private parts without sounding indelicate.
“Your genitals?” she said. “There’s a special apparatus built in here. Look inside. Do you see that little tube? Your penis goes in it. The other end connects to the vagina, so that you can urinate comfortably – sitting down, of course. The rear orifice will align perfectly with your anus.”
She put the thing down again and reached for the pot of adhesive. Not wanting to be stuck to the table, I had to stand up for her to slather it all over my nether portions. It was cold and smelt like superglue.
“We have to work quickly now before it sets,” she said.
She held up the prosthesis for me to step in. With lots of wriggling from me and brute force from her – she was stronger than she looked – we managed to pull the thing up to my waist. It reminded me of Sheila’s body shaper, except that it was now firmly attached, and it was heavy.
“I have to smooth it down,” she said, “to make sure it’s in the right position and remove any air bubbles before the adhesive sets. Lie down again, please.”
She proceeded to massage me all over. This was mostly quite pleasant except when she was rubbing those areas where my newly-acquired fat was thickest; my thighs and buttocks, mainly. I couldn’t feel anything there obviously, but she had to press extra hard to get through the fake fat and ensure close, crease-free contact between the prosthetic’s inner lining and my own skin. The wobbling and jiggling that caused was disconcerting, to say the least.
“Now let’s deal with your wedding tackle,” she said with a smile.
She went over to a small refrigerator under the workbench and filled a tray with ice cubes.
“I have to push your testicles back up inside you first. It’ll be more comfortable if I ice your genital area.”
The ice on my most sensitive parts reminded me of running into the North Sea on Margate Beach. The shock caused everything to shrink quickly. Before I had even finished squealing Vera had seized the opportunity to push my testicles up and manoeuvre my penis into the little tube. She was now tugging at something high up between my legs.
“This is an almost invisible zip fastener. It will hold all your male bits up out of sight. Don’t worry – you can get them back down again when you need them. You do everything I just did in reverse. Most of our clients find it easier to get their partners to help, by the way.”
I could imagine Holly’s reaction to that request. Vera finished zipping me up and stood back.
“So how does that feel?”
“You’ll get used to it.”
“Hang on, there must be a fault with your printer,” I said. “The skin on this thing is all mottled and wrinkled.”
She laughed. “No, dear, that’s just your cellulite. Perfectly normal for a forty-year-old woman who’s a little overweight. We’ll do your upper half next.”
I had to lie back down on the examination table while she glued my prosthetic breasts on. I saw why it had been important to wax my chest.
“What happens when my chest hair grows back?” I asked.
“That’s one reason why you’ll need to come here every couple of weeks,” Vera said. “But the cream I rubbed on after your waxing will inhibit the growth to some extent.”
I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what was in that cream.
“I’m going to cover up the edges of all your prosthetics with makeup now,” she said. “That way you can wear a low-cut dress in the evening and your bosom will look entirely natural.”
So I would have the pleasure of male visitors gawping at my cleavage. Another wonderful experience to look forward to.
“Stupid question, I know,” I said, “but how do I get this lot off?”
“Oh don’t worry about that,” she smiled reassuringly. “The adhesive breaks down eventually. The prosthesis will come off by itself when you lose the top layer of your skin. That takes about two weeks…”
“Two weeks?”
“Yes, that’s the other reason why you’ll have to come back here – to get your prosthetics removed, cleaned and replaced. You’ll probably have to come in a couple of times during your six-week stint as Mrs Bennet.”
She must have realised that this wasn’t what I wanted to hear.
“Of course, we have a solvent for the adhesive if you need to remove it earlier, but it’s a very laborious process. It’s much better to leave it alone for at least a fortnight. Call for an appointment when you first feel it slipping. Now, you’d better get up and move around a bit. We need to make sure everything’s correctly positioned and holding firm.”
I stood up again and staggered around the room. I felt like I was falling backwards and my knees wobbled alarmingly.
“Careful!” she warned. “You need to get used to the extra weight. Stick your chest out more; that will act as a counterbalance to your big bottom.”
This was so much worse than the ‘body’ Sheila put me in. I was even heavier now and all the extra flesh was firmly attached. At least when I stepped out of Mrs Bennet’s body shaper I was back to myself: slim, fit, young and male. None of those adjectives applied to me now. I sighed. This could be really depressing…
I gradually got the hang of walking around without falling over, but it would take me a while to get used to parts of me wobbling and swinging from side to side whenever I moved.
“These breasts are pulling on the skin of my chest,” I said.
“Yes, you need a bra to transfer some of the weight to your shoulders.” She went over to a drawer and started rummaging. “Here you are – 38DD, and these matching panties should fit too.”
I stepped into the knickers first, then Vera helped me with the bra. That was much more comfortable. My shoulders were now taking the strain of my enormous boobs – as the body shaper had done.
I put the pink dressing gown and the slippers back on.
“You now have a male head on Michelle’s female body,” Vera said. “So we need to do your face. Come and sit down over here.”
She led me over to the dressing table, pulling the now much lighter trolley with her so she could reach the remaining prosthetic pieces more easily. We sat down facing each other. My back was to the mirror.
“These work in the same way as the system that made your body prostheses, only on a smaller scale and in more detail. The software prints flesh-like pieces based on the differences between your actual face and the desired look – the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures. It also provides this template to help me fix each piece in the right place.”
She showed me a thin piece of plastic with lots of wavy lines on.
“Close your eyes now, dear,” she said. “Try to breathe through your nose.”
She pressed the wafer-thin template over my face, aligning its breathing holes over my nostrils.
“The mask matches the contours of your face precisely, so I don’t need to hold it,” she said. “It stays in place by itself. Now I just have to go over the lines with this stylus. It works like carbon paper, so I get thin blue lines on your face to show me where each of the prosthetic pieces goes.”
When she had finished tracing the guidelines from the template, she gently peeled it away. She picked up the first of the small fleshy pieces and painted its back with her glue.
“So is that like the latex that Esther used, to give me wrinkles?”
“No, that would be no good. Latex doesn’t last very long and it loosens with soap and water. This is more like a mask. It goes over your skin. It lasts as long as all your other prostheses and it won’t come off in the shower. You’ll be a middle-aged lady version of yourself for two weeks at a time.”
“Can I take a bottle of the solvent with me?” I asked. “For emergencies?”
“We’ll see. Shush now. I’ve still got half a dozen pieces to do, and you have blue lines all over your face.”
It took her another half an hour to finish. She stuck bags under my eyes, dimples (OK, wrinkles) on my cheeks, laughter lines around my mouth, and finally a wobbly double chin around my neck.
“Finished!” Vera declared triumphantly.
“Can I see?”
“Not just yet,” she said. “I need to wipe away the remaining blue ink. Also, your skin isn’t exactly the same colour as the prosthetics, so I need to paint your face to even it up.”
She set to with a damp tissue and a paint pot.
“We might as well put your wig on too,” she said. “Then you can see the complete picture.”
She stretched another nylon wig cap over my own hair. The wig came next. It looked very like the one I had worn before as Mrs Bennet. I suppose it was important that it could be easily styled into the sort of hairdo a middle-aged woman wore in Regency times.
Eventually she spun me round to face the mirror. The shock was even greater than when I saw myself as Mrs Bennet for the first time at our Dress Rehearsal. It was still me, but it was an older, female me. My few masculine features had been softened or concealed. The double chin completely hid my Adam’s Apple.
It was quite disturbing. There were now no giveaway signs that there was a man underneath. I was very much afraid I would have to go through with this...
Vera was on the phone.
“Yes, she’s ready,” she was saying. “She needs some clothes now.”
Holly and Ingrid turned up five minutes later, Holly carrying a suitcase. They were chatting like old friends. From what I could gather, Ingrid used to be in the business, working backstage at a small theatre nearby. She was encouraging with regard to Holly’s career as an actress but warned her that very few make the big time. I knew Holly had been told the same many times, but nothing could shake her confidence.
When I saw her, I wrapped the pink dressing gown around me more tightly to hide my distended figure, and especially the embarrassing bra and panties, but there was no concealing my face or figure. Holly stared appraisingly for a moment.
“Well,” she said, a stupid grin spreading across her flawless features, “I take it you have no further objections to my plans for our summer?”
“If you say, ‘I told you so’, I’ll still quit; promise or no promise,” I said defiantly.
“I would never,” she said, pretending to be offended. “Neither of us really knew what Ingrid’s team were capable of, did we?”
She put the suitcase down on the workbench and opened it. It was full of her mother’s cast-offs again. Seeing I already had bra and knickers on, she handed me a pair of plain tights. I sighed and took them. I sat down to put them on, turning the chair away from the others.
“It’s an amazing achievement, ladies,” Holly said. “She’s absolutely perfect. I’ll help her get dressed and we’ll get out of your hair.”
“Do you have makeup for her?” asked Vera. “Autumn colours, I think, don’t you?”
“We can do that for you before you go,” said Ingrid. “No extra charge.”
Holly agreed on my behalf.
“Do you want ‘permanent’ makeup?” asked Vera.
“No, we do not!” I said. I tried to stand up but I had got my tights twisted round my ankles.
Holly chuckled. “No, probably not. She’ll need to be made up Regency-style every morning, but she’ll want something more modern for her days off.”
Now I had to worry about makeup regimes! Could this get any worse? And what was with all these feminine pronouns?
Next: Becoming Auntie Michelle
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
From playing a part in a play, Mike has become a full-time forty-year-old woman and has to play the part in real life.
Chapter Nine – Becoming Auntie Michelle
“Couldn’t you find me any trousers?” I grumbled as Holly drove us away from Transformations.
“Sorry,” she said, “Mum doesn’t own many pairs and I know she’d miss any I borrowed.”
The frightful red floral dress had made another appearance, but fortunately there were alternatives. I chose a short-sleeved black top (although it was a little too low-cut for my liking) and a matching calf-length skirt with a red rose pattern. I thought it looked quite smart, but Holly told me it was out of fashion. I wondered how women made such judgements.
Because of what I had overheard outside my dressing room after the matinee performance of our show, I knew that Holly’s parents disapproved of her dressing me up. So she had waited till they were out before raiding her mother’s wardrobe. She was careful only to take older things that had made their way into the dark corners at the far ends of the rail. She hoped that Susan would have forgotten about everything she had taken.
The big problem was shoes. I didn’t have large feet but they were much bigger than either Holly’s or Susan’s. Ingrid came to the rescue again. It was a common problem for her clients, she had said, so she kept a good supply. I was now the proud possessor of half a dozen pairs of ladies’ shoes in my size. The ones I was wearing now were black two-inch kitten heels (apparently). Holly wanted me to get used to them and threatened to introduce me to four-inchers in due course.
I pulled down the passenger seat sunblind and opened the little mirror on the back to examine my face again. Vera knew her business. My makeup was excellent: a little eyeshadow, a touch of mascara, a dab of rouge to highlight my cheekbones, and lipstick that was bright but not glaring. I still looked like a middle-aged woman, but quite possibly late thirties, at least in in a good light.
“I did think of nicking some of Mum’s cosmetics for you, but she’s quite careful with her makeup, so I’m glad Vera was able to supply you. We should have asked them for some cheap jewellery too.”
“I’m sure Sheila and Esther will provide all I need,” I said, “and I’m not getting my ears pierced, thank you.”
“I never suggested…”
“No, but you were going to, weren’t you?”
She didn’t deny it.
* * *
We weren’t due at Hadleigh House until Friday afternoon, so I had to spend Wednesday evening and all day Thursday as Michelle. We had originally intended to go back to Holly’s flat near the University, but we now had my parents’ house all to ourselves. It was bigger and much more comfortable, but it was Keith’s extensive wine cellar that swung it. If I had to be a middle-aged woman, at least I could be a drunk middle-aged woman. That accounted for Wednesday night.
I wasn’t at all keen on my girlfriend seeing me in bra and knickers with all my new surplus flesh spilling out, so at bedtime I suggested she might prefer to sleep in the guest room. She was having none of it.
“We said in our application form that we wanted to share a bedroom at Hadleigh House, but we don’t know what the sleeping arrangements will be. This may be our last chance for a while. Come on, Michelle, get naked!”
But she wasn’t prepared for the sight of me stripped off.
“My God, that’s so sexy!” she squealed.
“Oh come on! You can’t possibly be finding this attractive!” I said, indicating my lumpy, frumpy figure.
“Oh yes I do!” she said. “Don’t ask me to explain it, just be grateful!”
She flung herself at me, silencing my objections with kisses. I felt my bra being undone behind me. While I was struggling to keep it in position, Holly was pulling my tights down. I soon felt my panties joining them around my ankles. Then she stopped suddenly, gaping at the realistic female groin area.
“Wh – what’s – where’s your…?” she stammered.
“I thought that might slow you down a little,” I said. “But I don’t know why you’re so surprised. I thought this was what you wanted?”
“What! Of course not! I never meant for you to be…”
“Castrated? Well, what did you think Transformations would do?”
“I – I – I…!”
She looked horrified. I realised I might have gone too far.
“Relax. It might not be quite as bad as you think.”
I explained about the little zipper.
“You bastard! I thought I’d made you…”
“Well, you’ve certainly made me feel emasculated lately, so maybe I deserved a moment of payback.” I lay back on the bed and spread my legs. “Now, my liberation is more easily accomplished from your vantage point…”
“I’ve gone right off it now,” she grumbled. “As far as I’m concerned, you can stay locked up in your chastity knickers!”
“OK, suit yourself. I’m probably too tired and drunk anyway.”
I pulled back the covers and got into bed properly.
“Oh no, you don’t!” she yelled, turning on a sixpence. “I demand satisfaction!”
With a dexterity borne of frenzy and determination, Holly soon mastered both the tiny zip and the release of my manly equipment. It was embarrassing and uncomfortable, but not actually painful.
My new bulk made it easier for us both if Holly went on top. That wasn’t unfamiliar, although she claimed that the sensation of my pseudo-breasts rubbing against her real ones was new.
“I love your boobies, Michelle!” she said, with a grin.
“Is that supposed to enhance my ardour, or kill it stone dead?”
She stopped doing… what she was doing… and gave me a puzzled look.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Complimenting a man on his huge breasts, which he never wanted in the first place, is hardly the way to make him more aroused, is it?”
“I suppose not, sorry. I guess I’ve been taking this game a little too far, haven’t I?”
“You think?”
“Look, if you really can’t cope with being Mrs Bennet for the next six weeks, I’ll understand,” she said. “I don’t want you to end up hating me…”
She actually seemed upset. I didn’t think she was acting this time. I sighed.
“Well… since we’ve come this far, and I need the money…” I began.
“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!”
She started smothering me in kisses. I pushed her away to free my mouth for a moment.
“But if you could dial down the teasing, that would be great,” I said. “Remember I only have a fragile male ego…”
“As if!” she laughed. “You’re the toughest guy I know…”
She happily resumed… what she had been doing.
That was enough air-clearing, at least for the moment. I concentrated on the job in hand, and she duly received the satisfaction she had been craving… twice. (I was pretty satisfied too.)
* * *
We slept in till nearly half-past ten on Thursday morning. None of my own clothes came close to fitting me now, not even my dressing gown, but Holly produced an old, rather drab, cotton nightie of her mother’s and a pair of nearly matching panties. So I grudgingly put them on before pottering downstairs to make coffee and begin breakfast.
My parents had left bread, milk and eggs, and there were some bacon and sausages that were only just past their ‘Use By’ dates.
Tantalising odours and sizzling sounds roused my beloved from her slumbers and she soon joined me.
“You look weird without your wig,” she said when she saw me. “Michelle’s wrinkled face and voluptuous body, but with Mike’s hair.”
“I’m not going to wear that thing anytime I don’t have to. It’s hot and uncomfortable.”
“You’ll have to wear it almost all the time at Hadleigh House. You’ll only be able to take it off in the privacy of our bedroom – assuming we have any privacy at all, that is.”
That was a depressing thought. Holly sat down at the breakfast table and I started dishing up.
“That was great last night,” she said, through a mouthful of bangers and scrambled eggs. I sensed she was looking for confirmation. I nodded. “It’s good to know that Mike is still fully functional,” she added, “even if he’s buried somewhere inside Michelle.”
“I’m relieved myself,” I agreed. “You were a little tiger in bed. I hope it was just the novelty. I would hate to think you prefer Michelle to Mike.”
“I can’t see it makes any difference,” she said airily. “They’re both you. Anyway with your zip open and your… landing gear down, you’re sort of half and half, aren’t you?”
It certainly made a difference to me, as I thought I’d made clear the night before, but I didn’t want to begin the day with an argument. I started loading the dishwasher with the breakfast things.
“Listen, I know you’re not really comfortable doing all this,” she said, getting serious for once, “but you’re only going to be Michelle for six weeks. Then you’ll be back to being Mike and you need never wear women’s clothes again.” She paused. “Unless you want to, of course,” she added with a grin.
“And your point is?”
“You might as well try and enjoy it. It will be a whole new experience; one you’ll never have again. They say everyone has both a masculine and feminine side, so let Michelle take over for a while. See where it takes you. It might be fun.”
“But what if she doesn’t want to let go afterwards?”
She snorted scornfully. Either she didn’t feel that remark was worthy of an answer, or she couldn’t think of one.
* * *
With our breakfast over and tidied away I went up to have a close shave and a shower. Maybe my various prostheses would fall off after vigorous rubbing with shower gel and water? I didn’t hold out much hope.
I stood, naked, at the bathroom mirror, except Mike wasn’t naked. All his private parts were well covered by Transformations’ best plastic. But Michelle was naked all right. When I saw her bountiful breasts and big round shiny bottom again, I could feel my manhood rising, desperate to assert itself.
This was ridiculous. I turned the shower to ‘cold’ and jumped in.
* * *
“What shall we do today?” Holly asked, when I got back into the bedroom, wrapped in towels.
“There’s not much we can do with me like this, is there?”
“Well, you don’t have much to wear, and what you do have is old hat. So why don’t we go shopping?”
“Absolutely not! No chance! I’m still a man under this lot. I’m not wandering around women’s clothes shops, stripping down to my underwear, trying things on… Not for all the tea in China.”
She sighed. “All right, but we do have to go out. You need to get used to being Michelle in public. Also we should practise putting Mike away again. Lie down and let me zip you up.”
Although I was used to ‘intimate handling’ by my girlfriend (obvs), this particular process was different. We both learned something from the experience. I learned that Holly was probably wise not to consider a career in nursing, and she learned just how loudly a man can scream if you are too rough with his bollocks. It was at that point I remembered that Vera had applied ice to the relevant area before attempting the delicate manipulation. I wouldn’t forget next time.
I still couldn’t fasten my bra behind my back without Holly’s help. While I was trying to put on my underwear, and she was watching spellbound, her mobile chimed. She accepted the call, leaving me to struggle with my bra. She didn’t put the thing on ‘Speaker’, so I heard only her half of the conversation.
“Oh, hi, how are you?” … “Yes, we’re good.” … “Yes, it all went very well. You should see her. It’s amazing!” … “That’s a great idea! Will the others be there?” … “The Dog and Duck in Hadleigh. We’ll find it. I guess it’ll be our local for the next six weeks, won’t it?” … “Twelve-thirty? That will be fine. See you there.”
She put the phone down and turned back to me. She tutted and fastened my bra for me.
“You’re going to have to learn how to do this yourself, you know,” she said.
“Not a skill I ever expected to need. I thought knowing how to take a bra off was all I would want. Who was that on the phone?”
“Amy. She and some of the others who live up North came down a day early. We’re going to meet for lunch at a pub near Hadleigh House.”
“Do we have to?” I was still hoping to be seen as little as possible in my current guise.
“Yes, Mike. I think they’re entitled, don’t you? Their summer jobs depend on Michelle being totally convincing. Think of it as an audition…”
* * *
Holly had returned the hire car so we had to rely on public transport now. My foot-dragging made us late. When we arrived at the pub our fellow actors were already there. Douglas and Derek were at the bar organising a round of drinks. Holly led the way confidently over to a table for eight where Amy, Sam and Diane were sitting. I followed diffidently, expecting gasps and whoops when they saw me. I wasn’t disappointed.
“This is Michelle, everyone,” said Holly with a grin.
I was wearing a floral-patterned blue dress that could have been the sister of the ugly red one of the previous week, except that a relative lack of frills and flounces made it a little less of a fashion disaster. It was just as low-cut though, exposing my horribly realistic cleavage.
“My eyes are up here, ladies,” I said in my ‘middle-aged woman’ voice. I pulled my cardigan more tightly around my bosom.
The girls were all gawping at my chest, so no doubt I could expect more of the same when the men returned with the drinks.
“That’s amazing!” said Amy.
“I think we’re in business,” said Sam. “‘Mature Student, Mrs Michelle Bradshaw,’ is completely convincing!”
“I love your hair,” said Diane.
Holly had put my wig in an ‘updo’, which did look quite smart, I suppose, but was that really all Diane thought worthy of comment?
“I wasn’t sure about it,” Holly said, “because you could see she doesn’t have pierced ears, so I gave her those old clip-ons.”
“And they’re already beginning to hurt,” I said. “I’m certainly not going to wear earrings all day as Mrs Bennet.”
I hung my – that is, Susan’s – old handbag over the back of a vacant chair, and sat down, remembering to smooth my dress under me. All the girls (except Holly) were staring now, presumably at my feminine mannerisms, which were becoming automatic.
Derek appeared with a tray of drinks. He handed out glasses to Amy, Sam and Diane. When he saw me he stared, as though at a stranger. Then he noticed Holly was sitting next to me and light dawned.
“Wow, you’re fantastic!” he said. “I wondered who the strange lady with Holly was! At first I thought you must be her mother! No one would ever suspect you’re not a woman, Mike…!”
“Inside voice, Derek,” said Sam. “We don’t want the whole pub to know.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” he said. “What can I get you, ladies? We’ve opened a tab.”
“Gin and tonic for me, please, Derek,” said Holly, “and a glass of white wine for my Auntie Michelle.”
“I’d rather have a pint of lager,” I said, a little cross that she was ordering for me.
“Forget it,” she said. “Middle-aged ladies don’t drink pints.”
“That’s a bit sexist, isn’t it?” I said, but Derek was already on his way back to the bar.
“‘Auntie Michelle’?” Amy queried.
“Well, my parents might come to The Pride and Prejudice Experience, so I can’t pretend she’s my mother, but she has to be a close relation so that we can share a bedroom without anyone thinking it odd.”
That was good thinking, I suppose. I hadn’t thought about sleeping arrangements for the next six weeks. So I would have to get used to my girlfriend calling me ‘Mama’ during the day and ‘Auntie’ at night.
“Won’t you have to room with Hilary?” said Diane. “Jane and Elizabeth Bennet share a bedroom, don’t they?”
“I certainly hope not!” I protested. “I’m certainly not sharing with some old actor Dennis has found to play my husband!”
A general discussion ensued of what the next six weeks would be like. We had filled in application forms asked for our accommodation preferences, but we hadn’t thought that allocations might be made in accordance with our Pride and Prejudice roles. We would have to wait and see.
Douglas came back to the table with pints for himself and Derek, and an armful of crisps and nuts. He also did a double-take on seeing me, but his reaction was less friendly.
“I’m not happy about this,” he said. “I accept that it’s a brilliant disguise, but I still doubt Mike is a good enough actor to convince hundreds of strangers that he’s a woman.”
“I’m afraid Douglas may be right,” I said, pleased at receiving support from an unexpected quarter, even if it was disparaging my acting skills. “If I’m rumbled, you could all lose your summer jobs.”
We were quickly shouted down. I wondered why all the girls I knew were so keen on me joining their numbers for a month and a half.
Holly concluded the case for the defence. “You can tell she’ll get away with it. Nobody’s given her a second look since we came in.”
“Well, not since you covered up your boobs with your cardy,” said Amy with a wink at me.
“Actually, the only thing I can see that’s odd here, is why an older lady like you is out drinking with young people like us,” said Sam. “It’s like you’re our chaperone, or something.”
“We should all keep an eye out,” said Holly. “If no one gives Auntie Michelle a sideways look while we’re here, we’ll assume she’ll pass, OK?”
“There’s an old guy over by the bar looking sideways at her now,” said Diane, “but I think it’s lust, not doubt over her gender.”
* * *
The following day we all assembled in Hadleigh House at two o’clock for our introductory briefing. Hilary and Rob Parker, who was playing Mr Bingley, had arrived now and were quickly intercepted by Holly to update them on the strange mature student, her Auntie Michelle. They looked predictably gobsmacked when they saw me, but quickly agreed to keep my secret, which wasn’t to be shared with any of the new cast members, and especially not with Mr Vaughan.
Sheila and Esther were there for the briefing too and came up to congratulate me on the effectiveness of my disguise. We ducked into a quiet corner so as not to be overheard.
“It’s your friend Ingrid’s doing,” I said to Sheila. “So this is all your fault, indirectly.” I indicated all the key elements of my Michelle persona – my bosom, buttocks and ridiculous blue dress.
“You don’t seem very pleased,” said Esther. She and Sheila looked worried.
“Well spotted,” I hissed. “This is hardly what I had planned for a summer job. I think I’d have preferred shelf-stacking or brick-laying.”
“You probably wouldn’t,” said Sheila. “At least this is indoors, dry, and with no heavy lifting. Look on the bright side.”
“I’m trying to, but I’m worried about long-term psychological damage. Not to mention what it will do to my relationship with Holly.”
“I thought she liked you as Mrs Bennet?” said Esther.
“But that can’t last, can it? It’s hardly normal to get off on seeing your man dressed as a woman.”
“Hah!” said Sheila. “If you’d seen some of the things I’ve seen…”
At that point a sprightly elderly gentleman came up to me. Sheila introduced us.
“Michelle, this is Tom Hawthorne. He’s the only professional actor here, I think.”
“Retired actor,” he stressed. “You must be playing my wife, madam. You look much too young for me!”
“Why thank you, kind sir!” I improvised. “We women have to do what we can to preserve our youth, while you gentlemen just grow more distinguished with age.”
I was pleased with that response. I’d heard my mother say something similar when some old fart was patronising her. And Tom was pretty ‘distinguished’. He could easily have played my father, rather than my husband. He smiled benignly.
The other new face was Linda Bickford who would be playing Mary. She was a music student, so presumably Vaughan intended her to play the piano for the Bennets and their visitors. I wondered if she was good enough – or bad enough – to make mistakes, as Mary did.
So there was about a dozen of us, plus Sheila and Esther, crammed into the large drawing room. At just on two o’clock three new people came in: a small middle-aged man with grey hair, beard and glasses; and two women, one young, tall, beautiful and fashionably dressed, the other also tall but a little older, dowdy and dumpy.
The man spoke. “Good afternoon, everyone. Please take a seat wherever you can. I’m Dennis Vaughan. I’m delighted you could all join us to bring The Pride and Prejudice Experience to life. I’m sure we’re all going to have a great summer. Before we begin our detailed briefing, I’d like to introduce our hostess, Lady Marsham, Countess of Hadleigh.”
“Thank you, Dennis,” the young woman said. “I’m your hostess because this building, which I understand is going to be the Bennet family’s house, Longbourn, is the old dower house of the Hadleigh Estate. It’s actually a century older than our main residence, the Hall. It’s where the Dowager Countess would have lived in the olden days. She would be the widow of the previous Earl and would usually move here from the larger family house on the death of her husband. But that hasn’t happened for nearly a century. Hadleigh Hall is easily big enough to accommodate two families without them getting in each other’s way. Anyway, my mother-in-law, the present Dowager Countess, has remarried and lives in America now.
“Sadly, previous Earls allowed this building to degrade rather badly. When my husband succeeded to the title he was very keen to make the most of all the Estate’s assets and decided to renovate this lovely old house. As you’ll see, we’ve focused on the front-facing rooms, where the Dowager and her guests would live. We’ve had to delay work on the rooms at the back for financial reasons, which we hope The Pride and Prejudice Experience will help to solve. Those rooms were mainly servants’ quarters. They’re safe enough – we’ve made sure the superstructure is sound – but they need a lot of work to be really comfortable. I’m afraid it may feel a little like camping to those of you who plan to sleep here.
“But what it means is that in your roles as the Bennet family and their friends you’ll be able to entertain paying visitors in well-restored, realistic Regency surroundings – including the family bedrooms.” She smiled. “I understand Dennis intends to allow visitors to observe you getting up and dressed in the mornings and changing for dinner in the evenings?”
She turned to Dennis. He was nodding enthusiastically.
“Rather you than me,” she said with a grin.
Everyone laughed. I had to admit I wouldn’t have minded watching this beautiful Countess getting washed and dressed in the morning. I immediately dismissed this naughty thought as completely inappropriate for Michelle Bradshaw, let alone Mrs Bennet.
“Just one last thing from me, then I’ll leave you with Dennis,” Lady Marsham said.
She stood aside and ushered her companion forward. That lady wore a tweedy grey skirt suit and frilly pink blouse under a round, bespectacled face with a bun of mousy hair. She was almost a caricature of a spinster postmistress or librarian.
“This is my husband’s secretary, Mary Manners,” said the Countess. “She will be your point of contact with the Hadleigh Estate if anything goes wrong and Dennis isn’t available. Feel free to call her anytime – her number’s in your briefing pack, I believe. I’ve never known a domestic problem Mary couldn’t solve.”
Miss Manners smiled bashfully but didn’t speak.
“I hope you all have a wonderful summer,” concluded the Countess. “I’m looking forward to seeing you in costume next week.”
She waved and left, closely followed by Mary Manners.
“Right, everyone,” Dennis began. “Let’s all introduce ourselves, shall we? I have briefing notes here for each of you. Please pass these packs around.”
He had opened his briefcase and begun tossing thick A4 brown envelopes onto the dining table – Mrs Bennet’s – my beautiful mahogany dining table. After a few moments’ general chaos we each had the right pack. I found myself holding the one marked Mrs Bennet.
“There are three documents in each envelope,” Dennis continued. “The first one, the Guide to Hadleigh House, is the same for everyone. There’s an outline of the local geography, a plan of the house and gardens, catering arrangements, transport links, emergency procedures, contact numbers, and so on. There is Wi-Fi, by the way – the code’s in the pack – but we have to be very firm about use of mobile phones during the day. They are for emergencies only. They must be off whenever there may be visitors on site – please tell your friends and family that you won’t be able to use your phone during the business day. If there is a really good reason why someone has to be able to reach you, please give them Mary Manners’ number. In an emergency, she will rush a message over to you.
“The Pride and Prejudice Experience will close every day at six o’clock, though it may be quite a while after that before all visitors have left the Estate, so please don’t be wandering around in modern dress before seven.
“As regards catering: the kitchen here is fully functional but off-limits to visitors. You can go in whenever you want, but you won’t get much there during the day. In any case, your breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea will be prepared by our staff, who will deliver it to the dining room at the appropriate times. You should assume that there will be up to six guests at the table for each meal. They will book their places when they enter the site. Depending on how many visitors we get, most guests will only be able to attend one meal.
“The catering staff will also prepare dinner in the evening for the cast. It will be served in the old servants’ hall behind the kitchen at seven-thirty. You are quite free to make your own arrangements for after the visitors have gone, but please let the caterers know before lunch if you won’t be in for dinner. Space has been made for a temporary common room for you with a pool table, daily newspapers and magazines, and an honour bar. There’s also a TV, but I’m sure you appreciate that it mustn’t be switched on before seven o’clock. The sound would be sure to carry through to the public areas.
“Regarding sleeping quarters: we’ve paired you up according to your preferences as far as possible. Most of you will be in the old servants’ bedrooms as Her Ladyship said. It’s not quite as bad as she implied, but you will be on camp beds. The Bennet family members will be dressing in the bedrooms at the front of the house in the morning, to show our visitors what people wore – and what they wore underneath what they wore – in 1813. All the toilets and bathrooms work, but there aren’t as many as we’d like and the ones at the back of the house are a bit bare; the ones at the front will be just for guests.
“They wouldn’t have had modern WCs in the house in 1813 though, would they?” I said.
Dennis smiled. “That’s quite right, Michelle. A form of flushing toilet was invented in the sixteenth century, but Thomas Crapper only introduced the WC as we know it in the 1880s. The Earl obviously had to put modern bathrooms in Hadleigh House, but as you’ve probably seen, he’s used replicas of the most antique bathroom porcelain he could find. I doubt most guests will know any better. If some smartypants asks a question about it, you’ll have to improvise.
“There is also a Portakabin at the back of the building, screened off from visitors. It has accommodation for singles and two fully equipped bathrooms. They were used by the contractors in the first building phase, so they’re quite decent. Some of you will be sleeping there.
“Now, the second document in your packs is specific to each individual. We’ve worked hard on these. It contains everything stated in the novel about your character, plus what he or she would know about your various neighbours and the local area, as described in the book. For example, Jane Austen afficionados among the visitors might try and catch you out by asking about the Lucases or the Philips family.
“The third document contains a great deal of historical information you might be expected to know, including the current political situation, the economy, foreign affairs, and so on. Bear in mind that this is 1813. The Napoleonic Wars are still going on. The local militias, so exciting to the younger Bennet girls, were going strong, as a coastal defence force, for guarding dockyards and prisoners of war, and various other duties, including riot control during the Luddite unrest of 1811-13. The militias were also a feeder system for the Army. No doubt Lydia and Kitty thought it was terribly romantic that the handsome young men they were dancing with tonight at the Meryton Ball might be sent to fight the French tomorrow.
“Otherwise, I doubt that Mrs Bennet, Lydia and Kitty would be interested in current affairs, but they would know about domestic matters – cookery, embroidery, dressmaking, types of cloth, and what luxuries were available in the local shops. Mr Bennet, Jane and Elizabeth would all be widely read and more knowledgeable about the outside world.
“Now, you lady members of the Bennet household: in the morning you will get dressed in your private rooms at the back of the house only as far as your underwear. Then you’ll go into your character’s main bedroom at the front and wait for the paying visitors to be shown in. Then you will finish dressing. Mrs Bennet will be dressed by her maid, Hill. Elizabeth and Jane will help each other, as will Lydia and Kitty. Later, at five o’clock, you will return to your bedrooms and visitors will be invited in to watch you changing for dinner. Mary and Mr Bennet will not dress in front of visitors.
“We did think of restricting access to the women’s bedrooms to female visitors only, but that didn’t seem necessary. A Regency woman’s shift covers the body pretty well. I’m sure all you ladies have worn considerably more revealing outfits at the beach.”
Well, I’m sure the other girls all had. I wasn’t looking forward to having my over-generous curves exposed for everyone – including men – to see. My bosom was bound to attract unwelcome attention. As a woman, albeit a purely honorary one, I couldn’t help but think that Dennis’s plan was a bit sexist.
“I’ll be having a separate session with Sheila and Esther later,” Dennis continued, “but for the benefit of the rest of you, here are the highlights regarding costume and makeup. Sheila’s company has provided us with a huge array of Regency clothes. You will all have three full outfits of day wear. All the ladies will also have aprons. The Bennet family were not rich enough to have several servants, so Mrs Bennet and all the girls will wear aprons some of the time during the day to indicate that they have been working in the garden, preparing flower arrangements, helping out in the kitchen - washing fruit, peeling potatoes, etc. Hill, the maid, will wear an apron all the time, of course.”
Amy grimaced at that, as did I, for a quite different reason. There was something ultra-feminine about wearing an apron, though – rationally – once I was in corset, petticoat, dress and lace cap, it could hardly make my appearance any more feminine.
“You will only have one evening dress,” Dennis continued, “as it will only be worn for a few minutes each day. Your day dresses will be laundered after each day’s wear. Sheila’s team will collect them from the bedrooms after all the visitors have gone. Every night, drop the rest of your clothes for that day in the laundry basket in your bedroom. Our staff will collect them in the morning and arrange for them to be cleaned. Underwear – that is, ladies’ shifts and men’s drawers – will be returned to your actual bedrooms. The rest of your costume will be placed in the wardrobes in the rooms where you will be dressing for your guests. You should always have one complete outfit to wear; one will be with the cleaning team; and one will be ready for the next day. I’m sorry, but the cleaning service does not extend to your own clothes. There is a launderette in the village.
“Our visitors will enter the grounds of the Estate via the main entrance. They will change into appropriate costumes in the Great Hall of the big house. Most guests probably won’t want Regency undergarments, just outer clothes, but I imagine some adventurous ladies will be keen to try on a corset. We’re trying to put together a team of local volunteers to support Sheila and Esther, but we’ve not made much progress yet. I’ll have to ask you cast members to help out; I’ll draw up a rota. But I suspect all you ladies will be working very hard in the early days. I promise to reflect that in your bonuses!
“When they are ready, guests will be transported over here by horse-drawn carriage, which ensures that you won’t be overwhelmed by too many people arriving at once. It’s a ten-minute walk, if they prefer. We also have contingency plans for inclement weather. The Countess has agreed that half of the guests can remain at the Hall when it’s too wet to go outdoors, and some of you – probably Elizabeth, Jane, Bingley and Darcy – will be ferried over to entertain them there. Then half-way through the day the groups will swap over. Of course, if it stops raining, we can make use of the carriage and offer walks in the park.
“I suggest I give you all a tour of the house and grounds now, then you can find your rooms, unpack, and rest up for a bit. Read your packs, then we can reconvene for afternoon tea here and I’ll try and answer any remaining questions you may have.
“I’d like to finish by stressing that it is important that the visitors’ experience is as authentic as possible. Please try to stay in character. Don’t break the fourth wall. Some smart-Alec may try to trap you with an anachronistic question like, ‘Doesn’t the noise from the M25 bother you?’ or ‘What do you think of those aeroplanes going overhead?’ Just look blank and say you don’t know what they’re talking about. Be your character at all times.”
But which character? I would have to be Michelle twenty-four-seven, pretending to be Mrs Bennet from eight till six. When this was all over would I still remember how to be Mike?
* * *
I got to share a bedroom with Holly, which was just as well as she would have killed someone (quite possibly me) if I had been put in with one of the other girls from our course, and I couldn’t have kept my secret for long from a roommate who wasn’t in on it. Sam shared with Amy; Hilary with Linda; and Derek with Rob. Tom Hawthorne insisted on his privacy, which was granted as he was the senior member of the cast, and no one volunteered to share with Douglas, so the two of them took singles in the Portakabin.
None of the servants’ quarters in Hadleigh House had en suite bathrooms of course, so I had to be careful to be well-covered when I went from our room to the toilet or the shower. If I met anyone in the corridor on the way, I needed either to be fully dressed, or I had to have two towels around me: one to cover my prosthetic breasts and false abdomen, and the other wrapped round my head in the feminine style, to conceal Mike’s straggly hair.
And I had six weeks of this nonsense…
Next: Mistress of Longbourn
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Mike settles in as Mrs Bennet, the Mistress of Longbourn, and learns to live the life of a 19th Century married lady.
Chapter Ten – Mistress of Longbourn
At eight-thirty on Monday morning, The Pride and Prejudice Experience would open to invited guests – sponsors and their families, friends of the Earl and Countess of Hadleigh, local dignitaries, and the Press. So we spent the weekend in intensive preparation and rehearsals – in full costume, of course. So I now had to get used to wearing my Mrs Bennet costume, complete with corset and petticoat, for ten hours a day. And this wasn’t like wearing a padded body shaper. My new curves were firmly attached, and my corset was no longer for decoration. It was essential support.
As MacNair had promised, Dennis brought in experts to teach us what we needed to know. We had to learn every detail of the lives of the Regency gentry. We listened to the music of the period; we practised dances (Tom, as my husband, was surprisingly good at what he called ‘Period Movement’ and carried me through, despite my now considerable weight); we learnt the names of household items, furniture, articles of clothing, and foodstuffs; and we ladies tried a little embroidery (just enough to look like we knew what we were doing). My unladylike fingers were soon punctured in several places from my poorly controlled needle. I would have to keep my lacy gloves on at all times.
The men didn’t have to know the details of our feminine clothes and undergarments – their equivalents were much simpler – but they did have to learn about the responsibilities of being a rich landowner – business, revenues, investments, official documents, taxes, rents, and all about the local service providers such as thatchers, blacksmiths and feed merchants. We ladies had to know about local grocers, butchers, drapers, milliners, and dressmakers.
The men also had to learn how to shoot. A clay pigeon thrower was hired for the duration, together with a couple of professionals who would make sure that neither our boys nor any visitors would blow each other’s heads off. We ladies put on our outdoor coats and bonnets and wandered down to watch their efforts. Inside me, Mike wanted to try his hand too, but as Michelle (and Mrs Bennet) I thought the shooting was noisy and frightening. I stuck my fingers in my ears and cringed, like the other women.
Tom showed himself to be the best shot of all the gentlemen. (I was beginning to think that 1813 was his forte.) The guns were fully functional modern replicas of 19th Century weapons. They and our minders were much in demand for television and movies.
It turned out that Derek and Rob, playing Darcy and Bingley, both had riding lessons as kids. Dennis arranged a short refresher course so that they were just about able to ride over to Longbourn on horseback from the Hadleigh Home Farm, where their mounts were stabled. They could both manage to trot their horses. Rob was sure he could canter, but quickly learned that was over-ambitious. Hilary told him not to be so stupid. I think she fancies him.
It was an exhausting weekend. Nobody was interested in going out in the evenings, so we all had dinner together. Cheap but very palatable beer and wine flowed freely. It was like a big house party and excellent for bonding as a team.
All the young people were very respectful to Tom and me, as members of the older generation – much older in Tom’s case. All the youngsters were on first name terms, but the catering staff called me ‘Mrs Bradshaw’ and Tom, Mr Hawthorne. When it came to serving the vegetables and pouring the tea, I was expected to be ‘mother’.
I’m not sure I can take six weeks of this.
* * *
With everything we had learned over the weekend rattling around in our heads we were finally ready to greet our visitors.
The Countess was our first guest and officially opened the Experience. She was resplendent in a fine Regency gown, as befitted her station. We were a little surprised that her husband, the Earl, didn’t accompany her. Perhaps he wasn’t an Austen fan. Instead she was escorted by Dennis, looking very smart in Regency breeches, tailcoat, waistcoat and cravat. Mary Manners tagged along behind them, dressed as a lady’s maid, in a slightly upmarket version of Amy’s outfit.
I had been dreading the morning dressing session. On the first day Esther was on hand to walk Amy and me through the procedure. I would show up in Mr and Mrs Bennet’s bedroom at the front of the house in just my shift. I would put on a fancy ladies’ dressing gown of the period. Regency women didn’t wear much makeup around the house; Esther showed us what was appropriate. Amy was fully dressed as Hill, the maid, of course.
Some women – Mrs Bennet included, apparently – wore paper and cloth curlers in their hair at night. So Esther showed Amy how to put them in my wig, and how to remove them and dress my hair afterwards. So in curlers, shift and dressing gown, I would wait in the beautiful master bedroom for my maid to show our visitors in.
Lady Susan sat through my first dressing session. She asked several intelligent questions. She giggled a little as Amy removed my robe and fastened my corset, while I puffed and panted. Her Ladyship wanted to know how a Regency lady’s underwear compared with a modern bra and panties for comfort. I was about to answer (although of course I didn’t have as much experience of 21st Century lingerie as I now did of the 19th Century equivalent).
Just in time I saw the trap. “I’m sorry, My Lady, I don’t understand the question,” I said timidly. “All my underwear is nearly new. I obtained what I’m wearing in Meryton last Candlemas.”
She laughed. I wondered if Dennis had put her up to it, or if she just hadn’t understood that we weren’t supposed to know about anything after 1813.
When Amy had helped me on with my petticoat and dress, stockings and shoes, cap and gloves, I led my guests downstairs to the dining room.
Lady Marsham sat down to breakfast with the whole family. We were waited on by Amy and (to my surprise) Mary Manners, who seemed very happy to play the maid. The two servants collected the food from the kitchen for us, although in future, we would be served by Amy and members of the catering staff in Regency servants’ dress.
After breakfast Linda (as Mary) played some dance music and the Countess joined in with enthusiasm, following our teacher’s instructions competently. Later Sam and Douglas, as Lydia and Wickham, would be doing the teaching.
Other groups of visitors followed and we were all kept busy showing the 21st Century guests our 19th Century lives and answering their questions.
Things went wrong that first day of course. Some of the cast slipped up and showed a knowledge of modern life that they weren’t supposed to have. But Dennis had been watching and listening carefully, and when the visitors had all gone he called us together and gave us his notes.
He said we should consider today a Dress Rehearsal. Proper paying customers would be arriving tomorrow. He was gracious and good-humoured and assured us we were doing very well. He finished by reminding us that from next week, the Experience would be closed on Mondays. That would be our day off, when we could do our laundry in the village, go into town, or do whatever we wanted.
When he had finished we were dismissed for the day. We were able to get out of our constricting costumes and put on something more comfortable for dinner. I decided Mrs Bennet’s minimal makeup regime would be quite sufficient for Michelle Bradshaw’s quiet dinner with friends. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone, after all. Nevertheless, Tom tried to be gallant, opening the staff room door for me and holding my chair. I had made sure to wear my engagement and wedding rings to remind him I was a married woman, so I assumed he was just being polite.
* * *
That evening as Holly and I were changing in our shared bedroom, she said, “You obviously don’t have enough casual clothes,” she said. “We’ll have to go into town next Monday and get you some new things.”
Unfortunately, she was right. Perhaps we should have anticipated that we would need modern clothes every day, but we hadn’t.
“Some trousers, I hope?” I still wasn’t keen on the idea of trying things on in a womenswear shop.
“I suppose so,” she agreed. “But I’m afraid that big round bottom of yours will attract a lot of attention in pants.”
I hadn’t thought of that. Dresses and skirts weren’t so bad, I supposed.
“By the way,” she said, changing the subject, “according to Dennis’ rota you and I are supposed to be helping Sheila and Esther dress the female guests up at the Hall from ten till twelve tomorrow morning.”
“I can’t do that!”
Actually, I could and would very much enjoy it. But probably too much; there was a serious risk of an unseemly arousal which could give me away.
“Oh, I thought you’d be keen to help bare-breasted women into their corsets?” she said. She knew me too well. “Don’t worry, I don’t trust you enough to let you do that. I’ve discussed it with the others. They agree that my Auntie Michelle shouldn’t be allowed near naked female strangers. Each of us will take an extra turn, so you’re off the hook.”
“Thanks,” I said. “The only naked woman I want to see is you. You realise you’ve spoilt me for appreciation of the female nude? No one else could ever match up.”
She snorted, but I could see she was pleased with this shameless flattery.
“I don’t mind – it means I get out of more of the morning dressing sessions. Of course, it means you’ll be getting dressed for visitors every day,” she said. “No dodging that pleasure for you. You’ll need Amy every morning too. Perhaps Dennis could ask Mary Manners to help with dressing the guests. She seems to like being a lady’s maid.”
* * *
So if Monday was our Dress Rehearsal, Tuesday was First Night, or rather Opening Day. Once they’d paid their hefty entrance fee, guests were welcome to stay as long as they liked until we closed at six. They had to book in on arrival for sessions with us characters – watching us dress; sharing our mealtimes; dancing lessons with Lydia and Wycombe; tours of the house with Kitty; discussions of the life of the landed gentry with Mr Bennet in his study; carriage rides and walks in the park with Elizabeth, Jane, Bingley and Darcy.
On the first day nearly every session was full. Plenty of visitors came to several sessions. Most guests behaved sensibly and didn’t try to spoil the illusion. We gradually got used to their questions and made fewer mistakes. Nevertheless it was hectic and by six o’clock we were all exhausted.
As on the previous day no one had the energy to go out and we all sat down to dinner together again. Dennis was very pleased with how it went.
“We were sold out today,” he said. “If those numbers hold up throughout the summer, we’ll cover our costs easily,” he said, “and could be in profit by mid-July.”
“Is that likely?” asked Tom Hawthorne, veteran of ‘papering the house’ on Opening Nights.
“Probably not,” Dennis admitted, “but it was a very promising start. We might average 70-80% capacity, which would be more than good enough.”
“I’m not sure I could manage if every day was like today,” I said. “I’m pooped.”
Several of the others nodded.
“Hear, hear,” said Amy. “My back is sore from all the curtseying.”
“But you’ll be building up your muscles from fastening Auntie Michelle’s corset,” said Holly.
They all laughed as I blushed, though not everyone at the table was privy to the real joke.
“I recognised quite a few faces,” Dennis continued, “so most of today’s visitors were probably locals. As far as I could tell they were all enjoying themselves, so hopefully they’ll tell their friends. I’m expecting some decent reviews in the local press too, maybe even the nationals.”
“Presumably things will change when the schools break up for the summer holidays,” I said. That’s the week after next, isn’t it?”
“That’s a very good point, Michelle,” Dennis said. “This isn’t really an Experience for children, but there are bound to be visitors with kids hoping for a family day out. We’ll have to dream up some ways of keeping them amused.”
* * *
The rest of that week was only a little less busy than Opening Day, but things got easier for us. We were gradually settling into our performances. It was surprising how often guests were tongue-tied at the beginning of a session, so we each developed an opening speech to welcome them in character and get the conversations going. We became familiar with the questions they asked and soon had stock answers to them.
Gradually Mrs Bennet took over Michelle’s life, Michelle having already taken over mine. I was now beginning to think like a social-climbing 19th Century matriarch, country hostess, and mother-of-five. I primped and posed when passing a mirror, adjusting my bosom, straightening my petticoat, and making sure my hair and makeup were just so.
I feigned affection with my stage husband, (short of actually kissing, which no Regency lady would have done in public; at our age maybe not even when alone with him in their boudoir). I got in the habit of telling my silly daughters off for squabbling and unladylike behaviour. I dropped much of that in the evenings of course, but I had to maintain every other aspect of my femininity as Tom and Linda weren’t in on the secret, and nor was Dennis, who had a habit of popping up unexpectedly at any time.
Every now and then I noticed Holly staring at me with a look of surprise on her face. Well, if Mike had disappeared – hopefully, temporarily – she only had herself to blame. What did she expect? I was just trying to bury myself in the role, like any good actor. Anyway, some parts of Mike usually put in an appearance at night after we had pushed our two camp beds together.
The time of the day I hated most was the morning when visitors came in to watch the household getting dressed. As Sheila had told me, few Regency women wore drawers, but we women all insisted on modern panties for comfort and decency’s sake. These were concealed from visitors’ eyes by our shifts.
Going without a bra was uncomfortable for some of us larger ladies. We had to get used to our corsets for support, as Sheila had said when she had fitted me out with my first costume. Our audiences enjoyed seeing us being squashed into these (especially me). It was embarrassing enough appearing in just a shift, all too obviously distorted by my huge boobs and buttocks, but Amy’s Herculean efforts to cram all my artificial flesh into my corset never failed to generate laughter, which was even more embarrassing.
At dinner Amy joked that she had never been so intimate with anyone, not even her own mother. Holly didn’t seem to think that was very funny.
Surprisingly few men showed up for these sessions, for which all of us ladies were profoundly grateful, and those who did were firmly constrained by their own womenfolk from getting too close to us.
Our guests often asked detailed (and quite embarrassing) questions. We had to state quite firmly that no lady would dream of discussing their ‘private parts’ in public. Fortunately my prostheses were quite convincing enough if they were exposed accidentally while I dressed – especially my impressive cleavage.
So there was no chance that any part of my male anatomy would be revealed in my morning toilette or in the evening dressing session, when I changed out of a decent day dress into a low-cut evening gown. This required a different corset, designed to elevate the bosom like a modern push-up bra. That was even worse. It felt like my boobs were going to pop out at any moment.
My dress was a gorgeous pale-yellow confection in imitation silk, and I couldn’t help feeling like a princess when I wore it – until I saw my daughters, who wore similar gowns but were much prettier and, of course, slimmer. The dress had short puff sleeves, which would have exposed my bony masculine arms, but Sheila was able to find a pair of evening gloves that fitted me and covered my arms up to above the elbow.
I also had to wear a ridiculous feathery cap which sat on top of my curly wig like a duckling bobbing up and down on a pond.
Thus attired, I took my husband’s arm and allowed him to lead me down the main staircase and into the dining room where we would entertain our last batch of visitors of the day to a pre-prandial sherry (although they wouldn’t be staying for dinner).
As Dennis had hoped, when the local papers came out that weekend, their reviews of The Pride and Prejudice Experience were excellent. Some of the nationals also picked up the story and advance bookings doubled overnight. Dennis was delighted, and at close of play on the Sunday of the second week, he and the Countess, accompanied as ever by her faithful companion, Mary Manners, treated us all to champagne with dinner.
* * *
On our first day off Holly insisted on dragging me all the way into town to get some clothes, Hadleigh village not boasting a decent ladies’ boutique. She suggested I wear tights and the highest heels I had, to try and get used to them. I didn’t see why I needed to do that, but it was just easier not to argue. Amy and Sam tagged along. With four of us we could afford a taxi, although Holly could have paid for one alone (or maybe bought one, if it came to that).
“Marks and Sparks first,” she said. “Auntie needs lots more underwear. They sell nice slacks too.”
“I may have changed my mind about trousers…” I began.
“So have I,” she said. “You’re definitely getting a pair. That bum needs showing off.”
Amy, Sam and the taxi driver all giggled.
* * *
I didn’t actually have to try any underwear on at M & S, but Holly still made it as embarrassing as possible by pointedly asking what style of panties (boyshort, brief, thong…) and bras (push-up, balconette, shelf, demi, racerback…) I preferred. Amy and Sam struggled to keep their faces straight. Holly knew perfectly well these questions would floor me, and I could hardly ask for explanations with other lingerie shoppers all around us. I said I didn’t care; Granny knickers and any bra in my size that wasn’t padded (my breasts were quite big enough), would be fine.
The girls selected several cheap, age-appropriate tops for me and a couple of frilly nighties. I had to try on some dresses and skirts too. At this point, having had their fill of embarrassing me, Amy and Sam wandered off to do some shopping of their own. We arranged to meet later at the nearest coffee shop for elevenses.
Holly accompanied me into the fitting room. She helped me out of my dress and explained how to put a skirt on. I hadn’t realised it would be a challenge. She offered me what she called a pencil skirt in blue denim.
“You can step into it,” she said. “Or you can put it on over your head. Actually, I think you’ll have to step into most skirts. If it doesn’t have an elasticated waist; you’d never get it over your boobs.”
“Thanks for your tact,” I said. “It’s a good thing I’m not sensitive about my body image.” She chuckled. “So how do I know where the zip goes? Presumably not the front, so side or back?”
“I’ve never really thought about that,” she said. “It’s usually obvious. Assume the label is supposed to be at the back; that should tell you where the zip goes.”
The skirt was size 16 but it was still a bit of a struggle to get it over my hips. When I had finally wrenched it up to my waist, it was a fairly good fit.
“OK, that’s fine,” I said. “Let’s pay for everything and go.”
Hah, fat chance! I had to try on half a dozen more dresses and skirts in various styles and colours before Holly announced herself satisfied. Then we moved on to the slacks.
“You need one pair of jeans, and one smart pair for best,” she said.
“But we can hardly carry all the bags we have now,” I whined, “and we don’t have a car we can drop stuff off in.”
“Two more bags won’t make much difference. Amy and Sam can help.”
Trousers proved to be difficult. Unsurprisingly, my combination of waist, hips and leg length was unusual for a woman. We eventually found what we – that is, she – had been looking for. I posed in front of the dressing room mirror in a pair of jeans and a red top.
“Don’t you think your Aunt Michelle is a little old for these?” I said.
“Probably,” she agreed, “but I don’t care. You look scrumptious! You can wear those home. The girls will be most impressed.”
So, fully laden with bags of my new clothes, we made our way to the coffee shop, my denim-clad legs making whiff-whiff noises all the way, as my inner thighs rubbed together.
When the taxi dropped us back at Hadleigh House in time for a late lunch we saw from Dennis’s ‘cast notice board’ in the staff common room that the Experience was booked solid for the next six days, and well into next week. We were a hit!
The only other chores we had to do that day was laundry. So we spent most of the afternoon relaxing. Our second week as the Bennet family would start tomorrow, bright and early.
* * *
Life in the 19th Century went on for the Bennet family and our guests. Dennis’ experts stayed with us to oversee our efforts at dancing, needlework and shooting. They dressed in Regency clothes too and took on the identities of minor characters from the novel.
The arrangements for laundry and cleaning worked efficiently, which was just as well because it was midsummer and hot. Our costumes were modern replicas, rather than authentic 19th Century clothes, and made of light artificial materials, but they still covered us completely with several layers. The gentlemen perspired heavily and we ladies glowed – a lot. I don’t know how the laundrymaids knew which rooms to return the cleaned clothes to, but they never seemed to have any problems. Of course, my dresses and petticoats were several sizes bigger than any of my daughters’. When we came back to our bedroom after a long day there were always two clean shifts on the camp beds, but mine was nearly twice the size of Holly’s.
“Here, I think this one’s yours, Porky,” she would say with a grin.
As predicted, the beginning of the school summer holidays in mid-July brought us new challenges with families bringing in children of all ages. The older kids weren’t too much of a problem. The boys (and a few girls) were keen to try clay pigeon shooting with our experts, who were now masquerading as Colonel Forster and Wickham’s friend, Denny. The girls (and no boys at all) happily tried their hands at embroidery. Unfortunately, we only had access to one expert at needlework, so the rest of us ladies had to take turns at helping out. In my case, it was a case of ‘Do as I say; don’t do as I do’. Everyone was surprised that a woman of my age was so incompetent at this essential skill (at least for a 19th Century gentlewoman).
The Countess arranged for the local Archery Club to set up a stand near to the guns, which kept several kids busy for hours.
Also, the Hadleigh Home Farm Stables offered riding lessons and were delighted with the extra custom – nothing to do with The Pride and Prejudice Experience, but a good (though not cheap) two hours’ worth of childcare.
We were lucky with the weather. July and the beginning of August were hot and sunny. We didn’t need to fall back on our training in children’s games of the early 19th Century and other emergency indoor activities.
The Experience was still at the centre of all this, but it was rapidly turning into a Hadleigh Summer Festival.
* * *
On every other Monday I had to make a clandestine trip to Transformations to have my prosthetics removed and cleaned, and my skin checked for rashes and signs of hair growth, especially under my double chin. I had to undergo more close shaves and waxing but whatever that soothing cream of Vera’s was, it seemed to make the hair removal process much easier. The visits got progressively shorter and less uncomfortable, and afterwards I joined Holly and the others in town for a girly day of laundry, shopping, movie going, and 21st Century eating. I don’t know what Derek, Douglas and Tom did on their days off, but I was hardly in a position to join them in their boys’ activities.
One Friday afternoon, when Diane, as Kitty, and I were entertaining our visitors for afternoon tea, Holly came in suddenly. This was unexpected, as she and Hilary, as Jane, were supposed to be walking round the gardens with other guests.
“Excuse me, Mama,” she said. “A matter has arisen which demands your attention.”
Hill, who was pouring cups of tea, looked up in alarm.
“What is it, dear?” I said, remaining in character.
This was effortless now. In fact, being Mrs Bennet came naturally now. Remembering how to be Michelle was more difficult, let alone Mike.
“I think it would be best if you came with me into the kitchen.”
“Oh, what has that cook done now?” I said, crossly. I stood up. “Elbows off the table, Kitty! Remember your manners.”
“Sorry, Mama,” said Diane.
“Please excuse me, ladies and gentlemen,” I said. “I shall return momentarily.”
Concerned at leaving Amy and Diane on their own to cope with six guests, I hurried after my daughter/niece/girlfriend. In the kitchen out of sight of any visitors, Holly turned round and waved a piece of paper at me. She was clearly agitated.
“I’m going to have to go,” she said. “Mary Manners came over with a message. My father has had a heart attack. My mother will need me.”
“Oh God!” I said. “That’s awful! How bad is it?”
“Well, apparently it was touch and go for a while, but he’s out of danger now. It was my mother on the telephone. She sounded very upset, but Mary eventually got her to say that he was in hospital and being well looked after. Mum wants me to go to her.”
“Of course, you must! How will you get there?”
“Mary said that there will be a car up at the Hall for me. She and the Countess are amazing! Also Mary contacted Dennis. He’s busy working out what to do with no Lizzy for a few days. He said he won’t expect me back till after our next day off, and if I need more time, I’m just to let him know.”
“If there’s anything I can do…”
“No, no, I don’t think so, babe. You’d better get back to your guests. The Experience can do without Lizzy for a few days, but they can’t manage without Mrs Bennet.”
“OK. Give your parents my love. Let me know how they are tonight.”
* * *
Holly called on my mobile that evening. Her Dad was going to be OK, but her mother was still in shock, so Holly was going to stay with her over the weekend. She would try and get back on Monday night to resume her duties on Tuesday. So I would have three full days without her. Weekends were always busy, but I would have to find something to do in the evenings and during the day on Monday.
Unfortunately my options were limited. Mike might have gone for a run or arranged a game of squash, but now that I was for all intents and purposes Michelle, an overweight forty-year-old woman… Any form of running was out; my new breasts would be swinging hard enough to knock me over and rip the skin off my chest. I didn’t have a sports bra, and in any case I doubt they make them big enough. I suppose I could read a romance novel or practise my embroidery. Neither appealed.
At least Friday night wasn’t a problem after I finished talking to Holly. At seven-thirty I went into dinner, as most of the cast did most days. The catering was excellent, the company was convivial, and going out to one of Hadleigh’s two pubs or its one Chinese restaurant was too much bother.
Everyone wanted to know about Holly’s father – my brother-in-law to those who didn’t know the real me. I told them what I could and they asked me to give her their best wishes when next we spoke.
Knowing I wouldn’t be called upon to ‘perform’ for Holly later, I drank more than usual.
I decided on an early night. I went up to our bedroom. I stripped off and threw my bra in the suitcase we had set aside for our own laundry. I immediately felt the weight of my breasts swinging free. I put on one of my new nighties for the support provided by its built-in cups.
I stared at myself in the room’s one mirror. The nightie was short with a slit up the side. Holly had insisted on that, ‘to facilitate access’. My ample buttocks poked out enticingly. The result was… quite sexy, actually.
Perhaps it was time I stopped complaining about this body. I turned sideways, the better to evaluate my bounteous bosom. At first, I had resented all the additional flesh on my chest, hips and buttocks, and it certainly curtailed my movements dramatically, but now that I was getting used to it, I had to accept that Ingrid’s software had done a great job. Michelle was very well-endowed; she was a total MILF! If I were still a man, I would definitely find this body attractive despite its advanced age.
I removed my wig and wig cap and combed my own hair straight. It was getting quite long now. It needed a wash. If I had it styled like a woman’s, I might even be able to dispense with the hot and itchy wig…
I went along to one of the communal bathrooms. It was still quite early and it was unoccupied. I went in to remove my makeup, wash, and clean my teeth.
I went back to the bedroom. I checked my little ladies’ watch, which of course I could only wear in the evenings. It was a gift from Holly that strained my eyes whenever I needed to read it. It was just starting to get dark. I put on the bedside light. Maybe I’d read in bed, though that always made me doze off. I was looking forward to catching up on my sleep. I didn’t usually get much with Holly ravishing me half the night.
I pulled back the duvet and was about to get into bed when there was a knock on the door. I looked around for my dressing gown, then I thought, what would be the point? Mike was fully dressed. I was wearing an elaborate costume which concealed my modesty more effectively than a boiler suit.
“Come in,” I said.
It was Sam. It was only just after nine-thirty, but she was in her nightwear too.
Next: The Body in the Library
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Chapter Eleven – The Body in the Library
Just as Mike was getting used to playing a Regency matron during the day, and a middle-aged actress at night, disaster strikes.
I liked Sam, I always had, but I couldn’t see how her being in my bedroom with both of us in sexy nighties could possibly be a good idea.
“What can I do for you, Sam?” I asked, warily.
I spoke in my ‘Mike’ voice as there was no one nearby who didn’t know my secret.
“I just came to see if you were all right,” she said, pushing past me.
“Why shouldn’t I be?”
“Well, this must be the first night you’re spent without Holly for ages…”
“We’re not joined at the hip, you know,” I said.
“You could have fooled me,” she laughed. “I wanted to see if you could make your own decisions without her.”
Rude! She seemed to think I was hen-pecked or something.
“Of course, I can,” I protested. “It’s just that most of the time we want the same thing.”
“Rubbish! Amy and I were with you all morning on that day when she bought you your new clothes. It was obvious you didn’t want to be there, trying on dresses. She bullies you! She thinks dressing you as a woman is funny. She’s laughing at you.”
“No, she isn’t! I just…”
“So I thought, if you need someone to tell you what to do, I could substitute while she’s away.”
She started untying the little ribbon that held the top of her nightie closed. Her breasts were suddenly on full view. I noted they were a different shape from Holly’s but just as attractive.
“That’s really not a good idea…”
“Also, I’m fascinated by all that padding you’re wearing.”
“What?” The sudden change of subject was disconcerting.
“How does it work?”
She reached for the hem of my nightie and pulled it up. I tried to pull it down again but she was stronger than she looked. I couldn’t have stopped her without risking tearing the flimsy material. The next thing I knew, she’d whipped it off over my head and I was standing there in just my panties and slippers.
“What’s the matter?” she said. “There’s no need to be shy. Your real private parts are still totally hidden, aren’t they? I’m just curious to see how your transformation works.”
She started prodding me in my fake bosom. I didn’t resist. I couldn’t feel anything of course, and anyway I couldn’t stop her without using my masculine strength, and I didn’t want to hurt her. I’d heard it was possible for a woman to rape a man, but I had never imagined anything like this. She had moved on to my hips and buttocks now, stroking and poking.
“This pseudo-flesh is fantastic,” she said. “It’s just like the real thing! But these are just in the way now.”
She grabbed my Granny panties by the waistband and pulled them down. As the knickers hit the floor around my ankles, she gasped.
“Wow! That’s really amazing!” She knelt down to get a closer look at my, that is, Michelle’s groin. “Oh, I see! There’s a little zip down there. It’s almost invisible. You wouldn’t see it if you weren’t looking for it. Presumably your thingies are tucked up there? I thought it must be something like that, with the noises I’ve heard coming from this room at night. Holly’s a bit of a moaner, isn’t she?”
She reached up…
“OK, that’s enough,” I said, and stepped back. I reached for my knickers and pulled them up. Then I grabbed the nightie and put it back on.
“Spoilsport!” she said. “I was only trying to see if Mike was still there and… capable. What’s the matter? Don’t you think I’m attractive?”
Honesty was the best policy. Well, sometimes.
“That’s the problem,” I said. “You’re very attractive, but you know Holly and I are committed.”
“I won’t tell her if you don’t.”
“Sorry,” I said, and I really was a little bit sorry. Sam was very attractive, but in a completely different way from Holly. “I’d know and I couldn’t live with it. I can’t do this. You need to go.”
She stood up. She pulled her nightie closed and fastened the bow to conceal her bosom again.
“Pity,” she said, “but I suppose I can respect your loyalty. I’d certainly want that if you and I were a couple. Such a shame I didn’t meet you before Holly did. Still, you should know that if anything happens to her, I’m available.”
She made her way to the door.
“Wait! What do you mean ‘if anything happens to Holly’?”
But she didn’t answer. The door closed behind her.
* * *
Holly returned early on Monday evening as promised. Her father was on the mend and her mother was over the shock. So we prepared for another week of life as the Bennets. It was early August and we were now two-thirds of the way through our summer in the 19th Century. My bank balance was looking much healthier.
We were nearly sold out for the rest of our time here. Dennis had broached the possibility of extending the run for another fortnight. Holly was against it, as she wanted a proper summer holiday somewhere foreign. I was in two minds. I was used to being Mrs Bennet now and I was afraid I would actually miss being her.
Dennis had trained up an assistant to manage the Experience while he took a week’s holiday. He asked us all to be ready to make a decision regarding an extension by the time he came back. If enough of us were happy to continue, he would talk to the Countess.
* * *
On the Wednesday afternoon of that week I was in the parlour entertaining my visitors to afternoon tea. The clock on the mantelpiece struck four. The day was nearly over. Thank heavens, I could soon get out of this damned corset. Amy brought in another plate of cakes.
I was explaining the iniquity of the entail system to our guests, and how with five unmarried daughters I would be thrown out into the street when Mr Bennet died and his loathsome cousin, Mr Collins, inherited. At least two of our visitors didn’t understand how that could happen but I couldn’t explain any more clearly without breaking character. According to Miss Austen my father had been an attorney but as Mrs Bennet I had little knowledge of the law.
Holly and Hilary went past the south window with their little group. They would have been walking the grounds, pointing out features of interest, and talking about how young ladies like themselves passed their time while waiting to be married, out here in rural Hertfordshire in the early nineteenth century. Derek and Rob were due to arrive on horseback for their fourth and last visit of the session. They would talk about how rich young men found themselves wives these days.
I could hear Linda playing the piano in the music room for Sam and Douglas to show their little group some of the dances of the day. Tom was in the study of course, showing Mr Bennet’s books to the visitors, and attempting to explain to any of them who might be interested (not many) the business of running an estate like Longbourn.
So it was probably at about five past four that Diane burst in.
“Mama!” she cried. “There’s a body in the library!”
I blinked. This was a new scenario. Had the others made this up just to see if I had the improv skills to respond in character?
“Foolish girl!” I admonished her. “You know better than to interrupt when I am entertaining guests…”
“I’m serious, Mike,” she interrupted. “There’s been an, uh, accident… You need to come.”
The moment she broke character and abandoned Regency period speech, I knew something had happened. Our instructions were clear. If anything went wrong, if the twenty-first century intruded on our little world, we should still try and maintain the illusion until it was no longer possible. In particular, it was sometimes a challenge to ignore low-flying aircraft circling on their approach to Heathrow…
It was especially egregious to use our real names. I hoped none of our guests had noticed she had called me ‘Mike’, or if they had, that they thought it might be short for ‘Michelle’. We really didn’t want paying visitors to know that the role of Mrs Bennet was being played by a man.
I tutted – in character, of course. “Excuse us for a moment, everyone,” I said. “I shall return momentarily. Hill, pour our guests some more tea.”
Amy was clearly rattled by Diane’s intrusion, but she moved to comply. Gathering my voluminous skirts, I rose and moved quickly but in the most feminine manner I could manage, to intercept the frantic Diane and escort her from the room.
“Really, girl,” I scolded her, “I don’t know how my nerves will cope with all your foolishness.”
Once the parlour door was safely closed behind us I followed my pretend daughter through the hall to the library.
“One of the visitors was asking about the local militia,” Diane explained, “and I remembered seeing a book on military encampments…”
She trailed off. We stared at the body on the floor. It wasn’t one of our little troop. It was a guest, female, and wearing a pretty green morning gown of the period. She was lying on her back, her lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling. I approached her more closely to see if there was anything that could be done, but the dagger protruding from her chest made that unlikely. I put the back of my hand close to her lips for a few seconds. She certainly wasn’t breathing.
I resisted the temptation to touch the corpse. I pushed Diane back and closed the library door. I reached into my reticule and took out my mobile phone. Surely, this constituted an emergency. I switched it on and started thinking about how I would explain to the police that my estranged stepsister, whom I hadn’t seen for nearly two years, had been murdered while I was serving tea next door. And in drag. The things one has to do to get an Equity Card! Beats busking, I suppose.
My first call was to Mary Manners. She was her usual calm, capable self. She told us to close off the library and make sure no one – cast or visitors – went anywhere near the deceased. She would call the police and inform the Countess. She thought they would need to close the main gates and prevent anyone from entering or leaving. The police would want to talk to everyone who had been within the grounds of the Hadleigh Estate today. She suggested that we try and carry on as normal until the police arrived.
At that moment Sam and Douglas burst in. Diane must have told them something. I moved to stop them approaching. Douglas tried to push past me. I grabbed his arm and restrained him as forcibly as my ridiculous figure, corset, petticoat and skirts permitted. Behind me, I heard Sam gasp when she saw the body.
“It’s a crime scene, Douglas!” I said. “Stay away from her!”
“My God, it’s Hannah!” he said, peering over my shoulder.
“You know her?”
“I lived with her last summer in London.” He saw the look on my face. “That is, I lived in her flat. We weren’t lovers; well, not very often.”
“You’d better stick around,” said Diane. “The police will definitely want to talk to you.”
“Bugger that,” he said. “I’m off!”
He easily broke my hold on his arm and ran off in the direction of the back stairs.
“Miss Manners said we should go back to what we were doing until the police arrive,” I said to Sam and Diane.
“Seriously?” said Diane. “With a corpse in the room next door?”
“Yes, we don’t want a mad panic with the paying customers all trying to leave at once. The police will want statements, names and addresses – you know the drill. You’ve seen police TV shows.”
“I’m not sure I can… carry on,” said Diane, with a little whimper.
“Why don’t you come with me and help with the dancing,” suggested Sam to her, “now that my Mr Wickham has absconded? And you’ll want to get back to your tea party, won’t you, Mama?”
I should have guessed that of all our little community, Sam would be the most likely to retain her composure when confronted with a dead body.
There was a key in the lock of the library door. As far as I knew it had never been used. I took it and shooed Sam and Diane out of the room. I locked the library door from the outside and dropped the key in my reticule.
* * *
With the knowledge of the grisly scene in the library, drinking tea, eating scones, and chatting with our visitors was utterly surreal, especially in the guise of Mrs Bennet. We knew nothing of it at the time but during the next hour the police were busy. The call had come from the Countess of Hadleigh herself so the cops turned out in force, which was just as well as it took a sizeable team to close off the Estate, round up all the visitors who were anywhere other than in Hadleigh House itself, and collect all the required information from them.
We saw nothing of this from the dining room and it was nearly quarter past five before we were interrupted by a tall thin man in a brown mac and a nondescript woman in an anorak and jeans.
“I’m very sorry to interrupt your afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,” the man said. “I’m Inspector Giddings and this is Sergeant Sharpe. We’re police officers.” There was a stunned silence. “I’m afraid there has been an incident and I will have to ask all the visitors to leave now. Also, we will need your contact details as you go. Sergeant Sharpe will take you next door for that purpose. Transport will be provided to take you back to the Hall for you to change and retrieve your belongings.”
When the sergeant had led the guests out, that left Diane, Sam, Amy and myself.
“I understand that all of you are aware of what has happened?” We all nodded. “Would you be Mrs Bradshaw, madam?” Giddings said to me. I nodded. “And you found the body?”
“Er, no, Inspector,” I said. “Diane, here, found the body. She fetched me and I called Miss Manners.”
“In that case, would the two of you please show me to the deceased? And would you other ladies wait for us here, please?”
I led the way to the library and took the key out of my reticule.
“You locked the door?” Giddings asked.
“Yes, Inspector.”
I put the key in the lock and opened the door, but the inspector made no move to enter yet.
“Has anyone else been in here?”
“Just Sam and Douglas,” I said. “They came in when they heard something was going on.”
“I told them, I’m afraid,” Diane said. “They were just coming along the passage from the room where we do the dancing. They realised something was up when they saw my face.”
“And where are they now?” the inspector asked.
“Sam is one of the ladies we left in the drawing room,” I said.
“And Douglas?”
Diane and I looked at each other, but there was no point in withholding information that the police were bound to find out eventually.
“He knew who she was,” said Diane, pointing at my stepsister’s body, “and he scarpered.”
The inspector took out his police radio and pressed a button. It crackled.
“All units,” he said. “We may have a runner. Name’s Douglas…” He raised an eyebrow in our direction.
“Miller,” I said.
“…Miller. He may still be dressed in old-fashioned clothes. Description to follow…”
He raised his eyebrow again. Neither of us was particularly good at describing people and Douglas wasn’t especially striking in any way. We did our best. The inspector sighed and relayed our pathetic efforts to his unseen minions.
“Early twenties, about five foot eleven, brown hair, last seen wearing Regency dress, but may have changed to T-shirt and jeans.”
He switched off the radio and turned back to us.
“He won’t be able to leave the grounds. Now let’s have a look at the deceased. Stay outside the room, please.”
He took a pair of latex gloves from his pocket and put them on. While he was doing that, he squatted in the doorway and examined the hardwood floor carefully.
“I don’t think this room has been swept recently,” he said, over his shoulder. “There may still be useful footprints. I will have to ask all four of you who came in here to let us have your shoes, so that we can eliminate yours.”
He sat down on the floor where he was and pulled a pair of paper shoe covers from another pocket. He put those on over his brown brogues before advancing carefully into the room. He bent over Hannah’s body, being careful not to touch anything. Eventually he reached inside her little reticule, which was lying beside her, its cord still wrapped around her shoulder.
He turned to us. “Can you tell me what this is?” he asked.
He was waving a small black key with a number marked on it. It was familiar.
“It’s a locker key,” I said. “Guests change into 19th Century clothes up at the Hall. They leave their street clothes and valuables in lockers up there.”
“Excellent,” he said with a smile of triumph. “We should be able to identify her from her belongings. Let’s go back to the drawing room.”
When we got there Sergeant Sharpe was ushering in the rest of our team. I noticed that Mary Manners was sitting at the back. She was once again dressed as a 19th Century lady’s maid, which was hardly necessary now. I supposed Holly was right; she must like dressing as a maid. Weird!
Holly pushed her way through to sit beside me. When everyone was settled, the inspector cleared his throat and introduced himself again.
“Some of you are already aware of what has happened here today,” he began. “For those who aren’t, a dead body was found in the library here at Hadleigh House, and we have good reason to believe foul play was involved. For that reason, the room will remain locked until our forensic team has examined the scene in detail. I need hardly say that The Pride and Prejudice Experience will remain closed until further notice. Also, and I apologise for this, but I must insist that all of you remain here in the House until I say you can go. That will only happen when we have had the chance to interview you all.”
What he wasn’t saying, but what should have been obvious to everyone, was that we were all murder suspects.
“Where’s Douglas?” said Holly suddenly.
“Ah, yes,” said Giddings. “Mr Miller seems to have left the building. My team are looking for him as we speak.”
“He knew the woman!” blurted Diane. “He called her ‘Hannah’.”
I felt Holly’s hand grip mine tightly.
“Yes, thank you, Miss Simms,” interrupted the inspector testily.
He clearly wanted to control the flow of information. I wondered if he had noticed Holly’s reaction to hearing Hannah’s name. Surely she wouldn’t think I had killed her?
“Now to help my sergeant get all your names right, would you please introduce yourselves round the table and tell us what you were doing this afternoon, say between two and four? We will need to interview each of you separately later and we’ll collect further details then.”
That would be standard procedure. They had to prevent guilty parties from colluding over alibis – assuming it wasn’t already too late for that. Desperate to defer betraying my true sex for as long as possible, I volunteered to organise some refreshments for the officers while the others introduced themselves.
When it was her turn Holly explained that she had been mostly escorting visitors around the grounds with Hilary, who played her elder sister, Jane.
“And Mrs Bradshaw?” asked the inspector finally, indicating me. “I assume you’re not a student, madam?”
I drew a deep breath, preparing to come clean, but Holly was there before me.
“She’s my aunt in real life,” she said. “We’re from an acting family.” She smiled. “She’s a mature student and a housewife. Oh, and you were here in the dining room all afternoon, weren’t you, Auntie?”
That much was certainly true. I nodded dumbly. I was shell-shocked. My idiot girlfriend had just lied to the police during a murder investigation! I looked around the room. All the people who knew my real identity were looking a little surprised but no one said anything. We had so much got into the habit of concealing my true sex, it must have been a reflex response.
I couldn’t think what to do. If I had been capable of a little rational thought, I would have laughed and corrected her. But all I could think of was that as far as Holly and I knew, I was the person at Hadleigh House with by far the strongest connection to the victim, so I was bound to be a suspect. So I said nothing.
That was stupid. Now when I had to own up, as eventually I certainly would, I could be charged with wasting police time. Perhaps they would be lenient. After all, I knew I was innocent. If I revealed who I really was I would become a major part of the investigation – a ‘person of interest’ – and that really would be wasting police time.
On the other hand, if I kept up the impersonation, I might be able to work out who killed Hannah. I couldn’t do that from a police cell.
I returned to the table with cups of tea for the inspector and sergeant.
“Thank you for that,” the inspector concluded. “Now I need you all to remain in this room while my officers search the building. We’ll let you know when you can return to your rooms.”
Wonderful! Now I was going to be stuck in this damn corset for another hour or more. If you had told me a month ago that I would ever be desperate to put on my Perfect Silhouette Everyday Eighteen-hour Underwire Bra, I wouldn’t have believed you.
I tried to think whether the police would find anything revealing, embarrassing or incriminating amongst my belongings upstairs. I didn’t think I had brought any men’s clothing with me. What would be the point? I couldn’t wear anything of Mike’s until Transformations removed my prosthetics, so all his clothes were back at home. They’d find condoms of course, but that only said that Mrs Michelle Bradshaw had an active sex life with somebody, presumably a man. Holly and I always pushed the two camp beds apart in the morning, precisely in case someone went snooping in our bedroom when we were out.
What would the police be looking for?
Next: Mrs Bennet Investigates
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Chapter Twelve – Mrs Bennet Investigates
Mrs Bennet helps the police with their enquiries.
When the police indicated they were ready to begin our interviews I requested that I go first. Giddings was happy with that as I had been early on the scene of the crime. He wanted my impressions while they were still fresh in my mind. (He didn’t say so, but he was probably concerned that, as an older person my short-term memory was most likely to fail.)
“Before we start, Mrs Bradshaw, I believe you have your mobile phone in your bag?” He knew I had, as I had called Mary Manners. “I need that, please, and your PIN code, if you’ve set one.”
That settled things. There was no hiding now. It had been stupid to try; the police weren’t fools.
“Certainly, Inspector, but there are some things you need to know first.” He looked up expectantly. Sergeant Sharpe stopped scribbling in her notebook.
“I’m not Michelle Bradshaw,” I said. “I’m Mike Bradshaw,” I continued in my normal, male voice. “I’m not a lady mature student. I’m a twenty-year-old man.”
I was expecting the two coppers to be astonished, and I wasn’t disappointed, but their reaction was still completely unexpected. The inspector looked at the sergeant, and said, “My God, another one!” She nodded. He returned to me. “Very well, Mister Bradshaw. Tell us everything.”
So I did. I told him my whole story.
When I eventually paused for breath, Giddings said to the sergeant, “You’d better get Holly Woodbridge in here now. The two of them seem to be in this together.”
When Holly came in, looking worried for obvious reasons, I pre-empted her from saying anything incriminating.
“I’ve told them everything, love, as we agreed.” Sensibly (for once), she shut up. I turned back to Giddings. “Some of the people in the other room don’t know my secret, and as I’m sure you’ve realised, one of them may be the murderer. So Holly and I decided we should hold everything back until we could brief you alone.”
“Well, I suppose that’s reasonable…” he began, doubtfully.
“But there is one more big secret you need to know,” I interrupted. I took a deep breath. “I know exactly who the deceased is, and I can tell you a lot about her. She’s Hannah Matthews and she is – was – my stepsister.”
There was a long silence. Sharpe resumed scribbling. Giddings was looking at me, as if he was expecting me to continue with a confession to murder.
“We’ve never got on, although the animosity was all on her side. When my mother married her father, she seemed to think that we were intruders in her family. She’s a couple of years older than me and she left home the moment we moved in. Before today I hadn’t seen her for more than two years. I have absolutely no idea what she was doing here.”
I paused again. Giddings was still saying nothing.
“And for the avoidance of doubt,” I continued, “I didn’t kill her.”
“Of course, you didn’t!” said Holly vehemently.
Giddings was still looking sceptical. I could see that from his point of view I could have a strong motive. I went on.
“Keith Matthews is quite wealthy, and he very kindly pays my university tuition fees to save me taking out a student loan, but he has never legally adopted me, and as far as I know I’m not in his will. Hannah was his sole heir.”
Giddings thought for a moment, then asked, “I will need to get in touch with Mr Matthews. Can you let me have his contact details?”
“Yes, of course.”
I opened my phone and navigated to ‘Contacts’ for him. I handed it to him, not expecting to get it back today.
“The PIN number is 719645,” I said. “Oh, I’ve just thought… Keith and my mother were going on a Caribbean cruise, but they left just before we came here – more than four weeks ago. I would have expected to hear from them by now. Our mobile phones have to be off during the working day, but Mum could have left a message, or called in the evening. I hope nothing’s happened to them. If the motive for killing Hannah was money, that might have implications for Keith.”
Giddings was preparing to ask more questions, but Holly had something to say. Her eyes were shining. She’d obviously had another bright idea. That usually meant trouble for me, but maybe not this time…
“You do realise, Inspector, that Mike may be the only member of the Experience cast who couldn’t have killed Hannah. He, as Mrs Bennet, was stuck in the Longbourn dining room all afternoon. Obviously, I don’t know exactly when Hannah was killed, but…”
“Witnesses?” Giddings interrupted.
“Amy was running back and forward with food and drinks all the time as the maid,” Holly said. “She would remember if Mrs Bennet had gone out for more than a couple of minutes. But most of the cast will have called in at some point. You’ll need to ask them of course, but I’m willing to bet they’ll all say that Mama, I mean Mike was always there in her seat, I mean his seat at the head of the table.”
“There were guests too,” I added.
“But surely none of the visitors could vouch for you being there all the time?” asked the sergeant. “Isn’t there a regular turnover?”
“Usually, yes,” I agreed. “Today the lunch session lot left at about two o’clock, then the afternoon people wandered in. I remember there was an elderly couple who showed up just after two and were still there at tea when the body was discovered. We had a long chat about life in 1813. I remember they said they needed a ‘nice sit-down’. Their feet were hurting after walking round the Estate all morning.”
“Toilet break?” It seemed Giddings’ questions were all short and to the point.
“Not today, actually. My outfit is pretty tight as you can see, so I don’t eat or drink much during the day. I could do with a wee right now in fact, and I’m desperate to get out of this corset.”
I tried a smile. It wasn’t returned. Bad sign.
“Well, you’ve certainly given us a lot to think about, Mr Bradshaw. I think we’ll stop there for the moment. Please don’t leave the vicinity of this building. I will want to talk to you again when we’ve interviewed all the others. In the meantime, I suggest you keep up the deception. The revelation of your true identity can only confuse the issue. It might be best if you don’t reveal your relationship with the deceased for the same reason.”
I was dismissed, so I got up to go. Holly tried to follow.
“We might as well take you next, Miss Woodbridge,” Giddings said.
Holly sat down again. Giddings turned to the sergeant.
“Can you ask one of the DCs to go through the guests’ statements and try and locate the elderly couple Mr Bradshaw mentioned?” he said as I left.
* * *
Dinner that evening was more than an hour late. Nobody cared; we were probably all in shock. Our working holiday in the 19th Century had come to an abrupt end. I wondered whether The Pride and Prejudice Experience was insured against closure on account of murder?
After the forensic team had finished upstairs, we had spent the early evening confined to our rooms while they worked in the library and throughout the ground floor. We changed into our ‘civvies’ and had to hand over the shoes we had been wearing during the day for comparison with footprints found in the hall and library. We were only allowed back in the kitchen and the staff common room when Forensics had finished.
A couple of uniformed policemen had brought a sheepish-looking Douglas back at about half-past six. His interview with Giddings and Sharpe lasted quite a lot longer than any of the others apart from mine. When he arrived for dinner nobody dared ask what had happened to him. I wanted to know more about his relationship with Hannah, but I wasn’t Mike, I was Michelle, and I had agreed with the inspector to stay that way for the moment. In any case, as far as I knew, Holly was the only person in the cast who knew that the deceased was my sister.
Conversation was awkward; everyone had now had their first interview, but the two detectives were still somewhere on the premises. We’d finished our meal and were lingering over coffee – nobody seemed keen to leave the table after such a day. Naturally it was Holly who eventually broke the silence.
“So it seems Michelle is the only one of us who’s in the clear,” she said.
“How do you make that out?” asked Douglas, the hostility plain in his voice.
“She was in the dining room in front of witnesses all afternoon.”
“What witnesses?” he insisted.
“We all saw her there at some point, but even if none of us could swear that she never left her seat, there are guests who can,” Holly said calmly. “One old couple were with her from some time after two right up until Diane found the body. That must cover the time of the murder, mustn’t it?”
Douglas fell silent.
“I’m sure most of us have alibis too,” said Amy.
“Well, you certainly don’t,” said Sam. “As the maid you’re in and out between the kitchen and the dining room all the time. You could easily have met this Hannah person in the library, stabbed her, and got back on duty without being missed.”
She spoke without any malice, but Amy looked like she was about to burst into tears.
“I don’t mean that I think you did,” said Sam, kindly. “I’m just pointing out that it would only take a minute or two to do the deed, and most of us had the opportunity.”
“I didn’t even know her,” Amy protested.
“It seems like Douglas is the only one who did,” said Sam.
“You don’t know that!” he said angrily. “The real murderer is hardly likely to tell anyone, is he?”
“Or she,” said Tom from his favourite armchair. His eyes were closed. I thought he’d gone to sleep, as he usually did after dinner.
“Sam’s right though,” said Holly. “I’m sure all of us except Michelle were alone at some time during the afternoon. Hilary went to the loo at one point, leaving me with our visitors…”
“And so did you, Holl,” said Hilary with a smile.
“Yes, I did, at about three o’clock, I think.”
“The same applies to me and Rob,” confirmed Derek.
“Well, the toilets at the stables are pretty disgusting,” added Rob, “so we try and hold it till we can go on one of our visits to the House.”
“And we all have to go in the front door and use the bathrooms at the back,” said Holly.
“…which takes you right past the library,” I said.
“I can’t vouch for Douglas all afternoon either,” said Sam, “and he can’t vouch for me. Linda took a couple of breaks too. By the way, Diane, did you tell the police that you dressed that Hannah woman this morning?”
“No, I didn’t!”
“Yes, you did. You and I were next to each other doing costumes in the Great Hall. I was going to give my guest that beautiful green dress, till I realised she was too fat for it. You took it off me when Hannah said she liked it.”
“Well, I dressed half a dozen women this morning. I didn’t notice her particularly.”
“You must have noticed the dress, though. What did the two of you talk about? She seemed quite agitated.”
“I don’t remember – any more than I remember her,” Diane said. “Probably something about corsets or petticoats.”
Sam and Diane had never got on that well. Diane was red with anger now. Sam hardly noticed. Sensitivity wasn’t her strong suit.
“This is a nightmare for the police, isn’t it?” I interrupted their argument. “Nearly anyone in the cast could have done it and most of us have pretty shaky alibis. I guess they’ll have to concentrate on finding a link between the deceased and one of the suspects.”
“Why couldn’t it have been a random killing?” asked Douglas, who we all now knew did have a link to Hannah. “Some psychopath with a knife comes across a pretty stranger browsing in the library and kills her on a whim.”
“Pretty unlikely, I’d have thought,” Linda said, making her first contribution.
“And the police wouldn’t get anywhere working on that assumption,” added Holly.
“Why shouldn’t it have been one of the visitors?” Linda asked.
“Not impossible but even less likely,” suggested Tom. “None of them would know the layout of the House and they’d be going somewhere that was out of bounds to them. They’d be risking being challenged by a member of staff.”
“Also, if an outsider wanted to kill this woman, surely they could find a more convenient and less risky place to do it,” I said.
“Right – somewhere quiet, near where she lived,” said Holly. “This place was teeming with people this afternoon. The killer took an insane risk, whoever it was.”
“Which suggests that either he – or she – had no choice,” I said. “The deed had to be done here, unless it was a crime of passion, a spur of the moment thing, unplanned.”
Nobody had anything to add.
At that moment Inspector Giddings and Sergeant Sharpe appeared. They had been sitting quietly in the bar area round the corner, out of sight of the dining table.
“We’ll say goodnight now, ladies and gentlemen,” said Giddings, making his way out of the back door. “We’ll see you all again tomorrow morning, no doubt. Don’t think of leaving, will you? There will be uniformed police at all exits from the Estate.”
Sergeant Sharpe followed him with a smug smile on her face.
“They heard everything we said!” wailed Diane when they were out of earshot.
“Well, I hope they thought our analysis was useful,” said Holly.
We all got up to go. There was a general move toward the bar. I was just about to follow Holly when Tom came up to me.
“Could I have a quiet word with you, dear?” he said.
“Certainly, Tom,” I said. “I’ll be right with you, Holly,” I called. “Get me a drink, would you?”
I knew it wouldn’t be a pint of lager. I was getting used to white wine.
“Let’s go in Mr Bennet’s study, shall we?” Tom said. “I’d rather we weren’t overheard.”
It fleetingly occurred to me that none of us should be going off anywhere alone with another suspect, but I didn’t think I had anything to fear from Tom. He didn’t know that his plump stage wife was twenty years younger than her apparent age and with a young man’s strength.
“What’s on your mind, Tom?” I asked when we were seated in the study with the door closed.
“Seeing Douglas again reminded me,” he said. “I overheard him arguing with someone early this morning. You know my room is next to his in the Portakabin. I was getting dressed and drinking my morning coffee. The window was open and I heard their voices. They didn’t see me.”
“Really? Did you hear any of the conversation?”
“Not much, unfortunately. They were trying to keep their voices down. The only words I could make out were Douglas saying, ‘I haven’t told anybody, I swear. You don’t have to keep threatening me.’ I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but in retrospect he sounded angry and scared.”
“Who was the other person?”
“I don’t know – she was just round the end of the building. But it was definitely a woman’s voice. I’m afraid my hearing isn’t good enough anymore to distinguish women’s high-pitched voices. I did catch a glimpse of a green dress, if that helps.”
“I think most of the girls have green dresses. We all have three outfits, of course. But why are you telling me this?”
“Well, you’re the only other grown-up here, aren’t you? The others are all kids. I can trust your judgement. I know I didn’t kill this poor girl and I think Holly was right. You’re the only other person we can be sure is innocent. Now do you think I should tell the police what I heard?”
“Definitely,” I said. “Douglas is in the frame at the moment. The little altercation you heard is sure to have a bearing on that. Don’t forget: Hannah Whatshername was wearing a green dress when we found her.”
* * *
A little after half-past eight the following morning, I was summoned to Mr Bennet’s study, which the police had designated their command centre. I sat down, expecting a grilling from the two detectives.
Since I was still required to pose as a middle-aged woman, albeit now a 20th Century one, I was wearing one of my modern dresses, a beige thing with blue polka dots. Holly insisted I also wore tights and heels, as a respectable woman my age would do. She had helped with my makeup and hair – that is, wig – which she had put in a convenient updo, like on the day we all met at the Dog and Duck. The inspector was impassive, but I was pleased to see the sergeant looking at me in amazement, apparently still baffled at the effectiveness of my disguise.
She offered me coffee and I accepted. Giddings opened the conversation.
“I’m pleased to say…” He didn’t look especially pleased. “…that we found the elderly couple you mentioned,” he said. “Tell her, I mean him, Sergeant.”
“They are a Mr and Mrs Cooper,” Sharpe began. “The old gentleman is a retired headmaster and his wife was a concert pianist. They are in their early eighties but both are completely competent – no sign of dementia or shaky memory. They’re Jane Austen buffs and they thoroughly enjoyed their time with ‘Mrs Bennet’ in the Longbourn drawing room. They thought your performance was excellent, by the way. ‘Spot-on,’ Mr Cooper said.”
I sensed that Giddings was getting impatient with the level of detail Sharpe was providing. She looked up from her notes.
“More importantly from our point of view, they’re both adamant that, although lots of other people – cast and guests – came and went, none of the three of you left the room between two o’clock and just after four when ‘Kitty’ came in. They noticed she was in a panic, and even remembered she called you ‘Mike’. They’ve been wondering about that ever since.”
Giddings interrupted. “Our pathologist is convinced that Miss Matthews was stabbed no earlier than two-thirty, so that would appear to put you in the clear.”
I must have let the relief show on my face.
“Of course, you might have had an accomplice,” he said. “You may not be in his will now, but who else is Keith Matthews going to leave his money to, now his daughter’s dead? So you remain a person of interest, and I’m afraid you will have to stay here for the moment.”
He reached toward a small pile of papers in front of him on Mr Bennet’s desk. They looked like letters and their envelopes. He picked up the top one.
“Then there’s this,” he said, “which I think changes things dramatically. It arrived this morning.”
He tossed a letter to me. The envelope was addressed to Mr M J Bradshaw, Hadleigh House, and it was in Keith’s handwriting. Our mail came in through Mary Manners at the Hall. I hoped she’d think ‘Mr’ was an error on the part of the sender.
“Are you allowed to open people’s private mail?” I said, not attempting to conceal my anger.
“In a murder enquiry my warrant extends to ‘all communications to or from legitimate suspects’,” he said calmly. “That’s why I was allowed to commandeer all your mobile phones, and I can check your bank accounts too. It wouldn’t be difficult to persuade my superiors – or a judge – that all the cast of The Pride and Prejudice Experience are ‘legitimate suspects’. Read the letter, Mr Bradshaw.”
“Dear Mike,” I read, “this is a very difficult letter to write, because I’ve come to care for you as a son, and I know it will be upsetting.
“I have a brain tumour and will need to undergo chemotherapy. I need to prepare for the worst, so I’ve set up identical trust funds for you and Hannah. The trustees will pay each of you a monthly stipend, which I’m sure you will find generous but which she will regard as stingy. You will each get full access to the funds on your thirtieth birthday. Hannah will probably blow all of hers in six months, but that’s not your problem. The rest of my estate will go to your mother, and then on to the two of you and – I hope – your families when she dies.
“I’m writing this now because, when we saw you at home the night before we left for our cruise, I realised it was wrong to keep you and Hannah in the dark any longer.
“I hope to see you when you’ve finished your summer job and before you go back to Uni, but I’m expecting to spend a good deal of time in hospital, probably the Royal Marsden. In any case, I know you’ll look after your mother if the worst happens. She will need you badly,
“Much love, Keith.”
I felt tears welling up. Sergeant Sharpe was watching me sympathetically. Inspector Giddings was inscrutable as always, but he seemed to be in no rush to advance the interview, so maybe he was human after all.
“My deepest sympathies, Mr Bradshaw,” Giddings said. “We will try and reach your parents and explain the situation here.” He turned to Sharpe. “Please keep trying to contact Mr and Mrs Matthews, Sergeant. You might try the Royal Marsden. You should speak to Mrs Matthews, if possible. Let her make the decision as to whether to tell her husband. The news of his daughter’s death might be too much for him in his current condition.”
He turned back to me, but I spoke first.
“I see how this changes things,” I said. “I’m back to being Prime Suspect, aren’t I? But I swear I didn’t know…”
“You’re right that it does change our thoughts about the case, but not in the way you think. I’m inclined to believe that you didn’t know you were about to receive a ‘generous stipend’. In fact, we’ve checked your bank account and it’s already started. A payment of £3,000 appeared a week ago. I suspect you wouldn’t be here, pretending to be ‘Mrs Bennet’ for a relative pittance if you knew you didn’t need to be – your obvious devotion to Miss Woodbridge notwithstanding.”
Sometimes he talked like someone from the 19th Century himself.
“All that, combined with the fairly solid alibi the Coopers have given you, means that we’re still inclined to push you to the back of the queue of suspects.”
That was good to hear, but he wasn’t finished.
“But it changes things in other ways,” he said. “We have to assume that Miss Matthews received a very similar letter, and that might explain what she was doing down here. She might have come down to see you, if she had found out you were in the cast. From your description of her, she may have been angry that half of what she considered her inheritance was going to you.”
“And she might not have been able to find you,” put in Sergeant Sharpe. “She would hardly have expected her hated stepbrother to be masquerading as Mrs Bennet!”
“So if Keith Matthews is as wealthy as you’ve said, then money might be a possible motive after all,” said Giddings. “And if someone stands to gain from killing Hannah…”
“They might need me out of the way too,” I said.
“Precisely. So that’s another reason why you should stay in your Michelle disguise, at least until we can identify who might benefit from your death. It might protect you if the killer is someone who doesn’t know Michelle is Mike.”
“All the guys from the Uni Drama Course know – that’s Amy, Sam, Diane, Hilary, Douglas, Derek and Rob. Oh and Holly too, of course. But she definitely isn’t trying to kill me.”
“But she might have killed Hannah,” said Giddings. “Though probably not for money. I understand her parents are well off too?”
I nodded. “Actually, the only people in the cast who don’t know my real self are Tom and Linda. If you want to look at everyone associated with The Pride and Prejudice Experience, Sheila and Esther know, but Mr Vaughan, Miss Manners and the Countess don’t.”
“We’ll check their alibis but we understand that Mr Vaughan was away and Her Ladyship and Miss Manners were greeting guests as they arrived at the Hall. I think Mrs Brown and Mrs Routledge were there too and very busy providing visitors with their costumes.”
“Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that, sir,” said Sergeant Sharpe. “Those two ladies are in the same position as the cast. They were definitely up at the Hall most of the time, but there are usually a few cast members and one or two local volunteers to help with costumes, so either of them could have slipped out for a while during the crucial period. It’s about a ten-minute walk from the Hall to Hadleigh House, so they would need to be away for about half an hour in all. Unlikely, I suppose, and I can’t imagine a possible motive, but feasible.
“We’ve ruled out the catering staff here too,” she continued. “There’s only three of them, a chef and two assistants, and they were all busy in the kitchen throughout the critical period. I suppose they might be covering for each other, and we’ll check their backgrounds to see if any of them knew the deceased, but I think it’s unlikely.”
Giddings sighed. “It keeps coming down to motive. We need to redouble our efforts at tracing connections between the victim and our suspects. By the way, do you know where the murder weapon came from?” he asked me. “Forensics reckon it’s an ornamental letter opener – surprisingly sharp.”
“I think there was something like that on Mr Bennet’s desk,” I said. “You should ask Tom Hawthorne. He’s been sitting there every day for a month. He must have noticed it.”
“There’s nothing like that on the desk now,” said the inspector. “I suppose just about anyone in the cast could have taken it at any time. There were no fingerprints or useful DNA on it. There were some fibres of a modern material like nylon, from the gloves the killer was wearing presumably, but I’m not hopeful we’ll be able to get a match from them.”
“Yes, Sheila said that all of the cast’s gloves are made of modern materials, and unfortunately for your investigation, all of the cast wear gloves almost all the time – as people actually did in the Regency era.”
At that moment there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” he called.
Tom himself appeared right on cue, like all the very best actors. He seemed a little surprised to see me.
“Oh, I can come back later, if you like,” he said, “though Michelle knows what I’m about to tell you.”
“Well, you might as well go ahead then,” Giddings said, inviting the old actor to sit down.
Tom went on to tell the two detectives what he’d told me last night. I was pleased to see they asked exactly the questions I had. Giddings made no comment. Then he asked about the letter opener. Tom was able to confirm he had seen it on the desk but hadn’t noticed it going missing. The inspector thanked Tom for his help in a manner that made it clear he was dismissed.
“That was interesting,” said Giddings. “We need to know who Miller was talking to. You’d better go and fetch him, Sergeant.
But she couldn’t find him. Because at that moment his lifeless body was lying in the cobbled courtyard at the back of Hadleigh Hall.
Next: Mrs Bennet the Snitch
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Chapter Thirteen – Mrs Bennet the Snitch
Even though the show has been closed, Auntie Michelle has to stay on and help the police find the killer.
A uniformed constable had been looking for Giddings for the last hour, but he was new to the team, and had no idea that the inspector and the sergeant had set up their headquarters in Mr Bennet’s study – a communications cock-up for which Sergeant Sharpe was being blamed, especially as she had accidentally left her phone on ‘Silent’. (It had been buzzing away on ‘Vibrate’ in her handbag and none of us had noticed.)
When he was eventually informed of a second fatality on his watch, Giddings gloomily gathered everyone together in the staff room and gave us the news about Douglas. Someone said that it was sad, but presumably he had killed himself from remorse after killing Hannah Matthews, and was it all over now? Could we go home?
The inspector was quick to damp down any such suggestions. The police, he said, were not yet satisfied and the investigation was ‘ongoing’. He was in an odd mood, which I suppose was understandable. This might well be the biggest case of his career, but he would be under a lot of pressure from his superiors, who might blame him for not solving Hannah’s murder in time to prevent a second death. And he still had a lot of suspects…
Since there had been two suspicious deaths at Hadleigh House within forty-eight hours, we were now effectively in quarantine. The Earl and Countess were banned from their own property and the ever-helpful Mary Manners would also not be allowed to set foot here. Dennis was on his way back early from his holiday but he wouldn’t be allowed in either. He arranged to stay at the Hall. Worse for us was that the catering staff were sent home, so we would have to fend for ourselves from now on. There were plenty of provisions in the kitchen, or we could order takeaway, in which case a police officer would have to collect our food from the main gate.
As the meeting broke up, and people went off to do whatever they were able to do in this strange form of lockdown, Giddings invited me along to the ‘command centre’. Holly moved to follow but was firmly prevented by Sergeant Sharpe. I assumed I was going to be interviewed yet again, but that wasn’t it. It seemed I was part of the investigation team now. I wondered what the rest of The Pride and Prejudice Experience cast thought about my privileged position, especially Holly.
There were just the three of us in Mr Bennet’s study, sitting at his small table with coffee and biscuits. Holly had persuaded me to wear my new jeans with a fairly hideous floral top. I agreed because I thought I would be glad to get back in trousers after wearing nothing but dresses for five weeks, but the jeans were tight and nothing like as comfortable as a skirt.
What was worse was that Sergeant Sharpe kept staring at my bottom with her mouth open. The inspector didn’t appear to notice anything remarkable. Perhaps he was now starting to see me as the plump, middle-aged woman I appeared to be (as indeed was I). In any case, I wouldn’t have expected a comment on my appearance from him, complimentary or otherwise.
“It appears Miller fell – or was pushed – from the roof of Hadleigh Hall,” Giddings said through a mouthful of oatmeal biscuit.
“So you think he was murdered too?” I asked.
“Bit of a coincidence otherwise, isn’t it?” he said. “He didn’t seem the suicidal type, but I only spent an hour or so with him. You knew him better. Did he seem to you like the type to kill himself?”
“No,” I agreed. “But he’s been behaving oddly for the last couple of days. We’ve all noticed. He seemed frightened of something. How did he get up there anyway? How did he get into the Hall at all?”
“The Countess gave Mr Vaughan a key to the back door by the kitchens,” said Sharpe, “so that he and cast members could get in and out easily. It’s missing. Mary Manners said they haven’t been setting the alarms lately because of all the visitors and Experience team members coming and going at odd hours. The wardrobe team were often there in the late evening mending and washing costumes. Manners said they knew it was a little risky but it was a nuisance with the alarms going off all the time. So they locked up all the really valuable books, jewellery and artefacts, and came to rely on security devices at the entries to the Estate.”
“There’s a sort of viewing platform that runs all the way along the roof at the back of the Hall,” said Giddings. “The Countess told us that the whole house was rebuilt after a fire in 1886, and the Earl at that time fancied himself as an amateur astronomer. He had telescopes and such like up there. You can get out onto the platform through a door at the end of the passage on the third floor of the West wing.”
“But how on earth would Douglas, or whoever pushed him, have known about all that?” I asked.
“Apparently they run guided tours of the Hall and the grounds on a weekly basis,” said the sergeant. “The view over the fields from up on the platform is quite impressive, I’m told. Mind you, they haven’t done a tour since The Pride and Prejudice Experience opened, so either Douglas or his killer must have been here before then. We’re checking the Visitors’ Book – which is why we’ve asked for samples of everyone’s handwriting – but I don’t hold out much hope. If you’re planning to push someone off a roof, you’re unlikely to have signed your real name.”
“This is getting out of hand,” the inspector continued. “We need more information and quickly. I’m sure we would find out everything we need by our usual methods eventually, but I’m afraid it will take too long. I won’t have any more deaths on my conscience if there’s a way to avoid it.”
He dunked his biscuit in his coffee. Half of it fell off and sank into the murky depths. He didn’t seem to notice. He looked at me piercingly.
“Which is why you’re here, Mr Bradshaw,” he said. “It’s unorthodox – to say the least – to consult one of the suspects in a murder enquiry, especially one we already know to be practising deception on a grand scale…”
“I’ve explained about that,” I said, a little hurt, “and I hardly think ‘grand’ is fair…”
“You know everyone here,” he continued, as if I hadn’t spoken, “so you almost certainly know something which will be helpful, even if you don’t know you know it. Please tell us everything you can think of, even things you suspect but don’t know for certain, whether it seems relevant to you or not.
“Now, Miss Manners discovered the body when she went out to the stable yard to collect the milk. That was at about half past seven. The Hadleigh village milkman doesn’t usually deliver anymore but with The Pride and Prejudice Experience going on, the Hall gets a whole crate and Hadleigh House gets two, so it’s worth his while. He reckons he was at the stables at about six o’clock. It was light enough by then for him to be sure there was no dead body there. So Miller must have fallen between six and seven-thirty. The pathologist says that fits with his initial estimate of the time of death, and his injuries are consistent with a fall from a height of three storeys. What can you tell me about your friends’ movements between those times?”
“Not much,” I said. “Holly and I were in bed till half-past seven, so anyone we saw after that had plenty of time to have done the deed before we surfaced. I did hear doors banging and toilets flushing before we got up, maybe as early as six o’clock, but I didn’t see anybody or hear any voices. We got down to breakfast at about eight.”
I strained to remember the scene.
“Tom had finished and was in one of the armchairs, reading the paper and drinking coffee. Derek and Rob were definitely at the table and nearly finished eating. Diane and Hilary were at the buffet. Linda, Sam and Amy came in after us.”
“That may be helpful,” Giddings said. “We’ll have to ask each of them who they saw and when. See if that tallies with what you remember. It’s a pity none of you actors get up early.”
“Except Douglas and the murderer,” I said. “Oh, and Amy and Sam often go for a run round the Estate before breakfast – usually together.”
“Indeed?” He looked down at his notes. “Let’s begin at the beginning. Tell us everything you know about Amy Longhurst.”
“Er, right, Amy. She’s nice; I can’t believe…” Giddings looked annoyed. “I mean, er, she and Holly are our two best actresses. Holly’s the leading lady type, while Amy is a character actress.” He didn’t seem to like that any better. “I guess I’d better concentrate on her background and personality, hadn’t I?”
“Yes, please.”
“She’s independent and strong-minded,” I said. “She doesn’t let anyone push her around. Her father’s an Army officer and he moved around a lot in his early career, so Amy was packed off to boarding school, which may be what has made her self-sufficient.”
The inspector made a note and muttered something to his sergeant, but I didn’t catch it. Sharpe stood up and went over to the window to make a telephone call out of my earshot.
“I can’t imagine it being relevant, but I think Amy may be gay. She’s not ‘out’ as such, which may make her a little vulnerable. We’ve never talked about it, but there have been signs. I don’t remember her having a boyfriend in the two years I’ve known her. I think she went to the summer ball with her cousin. Hannah isn’t – wasn’t – gay, by the way.
“Regarding Amy’s character: she does have a bit of temper. She practically bit Holly’s head off at a rehearsal when she challenged something I said about her performance. I was speaking out of turn, but Amy supported me forcefully.”
The sergeant had ended her call and returned to the table. I suddenly realised that telling a copper that my friend was quick to anger might not have been in her best interests.
“I can’t see Amy as a murderer though,” I added hurriedly. “As I said, she’s nice.”
“If you say so,” said Giddings cynically, “but I will share something with you, which you must keep to yourself. When our team searched the bedrooms yesterday, we found a maid’s apron with significant splashes of blood on it. We’re testing it, but I suspect it will turn out to be your sister’s.”
That was a shock. “Where was it?”
“In the laundry basket in Amy’s room,” said Sharpe. “You were all still in costume when the search was conducted, so she was wearing one of her three aprons. There was one more in her wardrobe, but the third was missing. The bloody one in the laundry basket was exactly the same as the others.”
“It’s not conclusive, of course,” said Giddings. “Amy shares a room with Samantha Spears, and anyone could have borrowed one of Amy’s spare aprons and later disposed of it in her basket to frame her, but still...”
I couldn’t believe it of Amy, but still…
Sharpe’s phone rang. She stepped away from the table again to answer it.
“Was there anything between her and Douglas Miller?” asked Giddings.
“Not that I know of. Do you think she was the one Tom overheard talking to him yesterday morning?”
I should have known by now that a police detective asks questions; he doesn’t answer them.
“And you don’t think she knew Hannah at all?” he continued.
I was about to answer in the negative but Sharpe interrupted. “That was one of the DCs calling back, sir,” she said. “Miss Longhurst was at St Anne’s. It’s an all-girls boarding school in the Peak District.”
“Oh!” I said. The two detectives looked at me expectantly. “I’m not sure – you’ll need to check – but I think that’s where Hannah went too…”
“Which means they may well have known each other,” said Giddings. “Miss Longhurst never mentioned that.”
“Amy would have been at least one, maybe two years below Hannah,” I said.
“Nevertheless, I think we have good reason to interview her again,” said Giddings. “Now what can you tell us about Samantha Spears?”
I tried to gather my thoughts. “Right, well, as you’ve seen for yourselves, Sam is very attractive, and she has never wanted for male company… as it were. To continue my actress metaphor: Sam would be the siren, the femme fatale.” I chuckled. “She has even come on to me a couple of times when Holly wasn’t around.
“I’m not sure about her family background,” I continued. “I think she may have been brought up by a single mother. She never talks about her father, but she did once say something about being abused as a child. In any case I don’t think she’s very well off. She’s the only one of us apart from Douglas who took a Gap Year between school and university, but unlike him, she didn’t go travelling. She had to work to raise enough money for Uni – various minimum wage jobs in London, I believe.”
Giddings turned to the sergeant. “Can you get the team to try and trace what jobs Samantha Spears worked two years ago, and where she lived?”
Sharpe stepped away again to make another call.
“Anything between Miss Spears and Hannah?” asked Giddings.
“Not as far as I know,” I said. “Most of my close friends at Uni knew I had a stepsister, but I didn’t talk about her much. Sam certainly never mentioned her name to me, but then she’d have no reason to.”
“Did Samantha know Miller outside of the university Drama class?”
“Again, I don’t really know. I’m pretty sure they never had a relationship, in fact I don’t think she liked him much, but then none of us liked Douglas. He’s… sorry, he was a prat. Pardon me for speaking ill of the dead.”
To my surprise Giddings smiled grimly. “In my experience most people who get murdered tend to be unpleasant in some way. Now what about Diane Simms? We’re going to have to talk to her about her conversation with Hannah in the dressing room – the conversation she denied having.”
“Right, well, Diane is the quiet one. Her father’s a fairly junior civil servant and her mother’s a nursery school teacher. Respectable middle-class upbringing in the Midlands. She’s always friendly; not a bad word for anyone. But I think she lacks confidence, and she’s easily led, and every now and then a little spitefulness comes out, like she’s trying to be one of the ‘mean girls’.”
I was remembering when she joined in with Sam and Holly to laugh at me being cast as Mrs Bennet. Was it really fair to call her ‘spiteful’ just for that? And to the police in a murder investigation?
“Anyway, I’d say she was a follower not a leader. For what it’s worth, Holly doesn’t rate her as an actress at all. She doesn’t think Diane will continue with Drama in her third year.”
We spent another half an hour with me telling the two detectives everything I knew about my classmates, which wasn’t much. I hardly knew Derek or Rob, except that Derek was very clever – straight Firsts, probably going to be a professor one day – and Rob was always smiling. Everybody liked Rob. I knew a little more about Hilary but nothing useful. I mentioned that she was a decent actress but struggled in class. Being brutally honest, I said to the inspector, I didn’t feel she was clever enough to plan a murder, let alone get away with two.
“Nobody’s got away with anything yet,” muttered Giddings.
“Right, sorry,” I said. “For what it’s worth, I can’t see any of those three as murderers, and I don’t know of any links between them and Hannah. I don’t think any of them hanged out with Douglas outside class either.”
Giddings looked at his watch.
“Which just leaves Holly Woodbridge.”
“I thought we’d agreed Holly wasn’t a suspect?”
“You said that,” the inspector said. “I didn’t. I think we can assume she knows everything you know – which means she knew Hannah.”
“But they never met!”
“Very well, she knew of her. If you inherit Hannah’s share of your stepfather’s estate, and she marries you…”
“We’ve never discussed marriage!” Which was almost true. We’d both been drunk at the time and the subject hadn’t come up since. (Well, Holly wouldn’t be thinking about marrying her ‘Auntie Michelle’, would she?) Anyway she might have been too drunk to remember now.
“Still a possible motive,” Giddings argued.
“But her family’s wealthy too,” I said.
“Actually, I’d describe the Woodbridges as comfortable. Keith Matthews is wealthy.”
“Have you looked into all our finances?” I bristled.
“Of course, and your parents too.”
At that moment Sharpe’s phone rang. She answered it and walked away again.
“Well, she certainly couldn’t have pushed Douglas off the roof,” I said. “I can swear she was in bed with me from 6.30 to 7.30.”
“What time did you wake up? She could have gone out while you were still asleep.”
“No, actually,” I said, slightly embarrassed. “We’d had an early night and we were awake at half six and… busy… until we got up.”
The inspector nodded remotely. He might have been smiling on the inside I suppose.
“Of course, we can’t assume that both murders were committed by the same person – or even that Miller’s death was murder. You can’t give Miss Woodbridge an alibi for Hannah, can you?”
“No, but I can’t believe…”
“Neither can I, actually,” he interrupted, “but I have to keep an open mind. Another possibility is that Miller killed Hannah, and then someone else killed him, maybe in revenge.”
“Me, you mean? I wouldn’t kill someone for offing Hannah!” One Giddings eyebrow lifted. “Well, I hardly knew her.”
“But your only alibi for Miller’s murder is Miss Woodbridge, correct? And you’re hers?”
I couldn’t deny it, so I said nothing.
“We have to keep looking for connections to find a motive,” said Giddings. “Then we may have our murderer – or murderers.”
Sharpe turned back to the table.
“This may help with motive, sir,” she said, hanging up the phone. “It seems Hannah Matthews was known to the police in London. She was arrested last autumn for running a disorderly house.”
“My sister ran a brothel? She was a… a madam?”
“On a small scale, I believe,” Sharpe said. “But not only that; other names we know came up at the same time.”
She paused and looked at her boss. He got the message immediately.
“Yes, quite right, Sergeant.” He turned back to me. “I’m sorry, Mr Bradshaw. I can’t let you be privy to this new information.”
“I promise I will tell you everything I can – especially about your sister’s apparently murky past – as soon as possible.”
He indicated that my role as a consulting detective was over, and I was to return to being just Mrs Michelle Bradshaw, forty-year-old amateur actress. I got up and left them to it.
* * *
I made my way to the staff room. The French windows at the back were open and most of the cast were out on the veranda soaking up the August sun.
Rob saw me first. “Ah, we were wondering where you’d got to, Michelle,” he called cheerily. It takes more than two deaths in forty-eight hours to dent Rob’s joie de vivre. “Go and get your bikini on and come and get a tan.”
“I haven’t brought a swimsuit with me,” I said.
“Well, just strip down to your bra and panties then,” said Sam. “I’m sure the boys won’t mind.”
She knew full well that my prosthetic breasts, bum and thighs couldn’t tan. I ignored her. Holly had risen from her deckchair and was heading in my direction.
“Upstairs, now,” she snapped. “Tell me everything.”
She dragged me up to our bedroom (with my cooperation – she could never have hauled my big, jiggly body anywhere if I resisted) and closed the door firmly. We sat down on my camp bed. I told her everything the cops had told me – well, they didn’t tell me not to, did they? – except the bit about the blood on Amy’s apron. I was supposed to keep that to myself, so I did.
“Hellfire!” she muttered when I reached the end of the story. “We obviously can’t trust anyone. So who’s your money on?”
“Well, until this morning I would have said Douglas, but now…”
“Do you buy the idea of two killers?”
“That seems very unlikely,” I said. “I think the key to this is what was going on at Hannah’s flat last summer. She seems to have been running some sort of amateur sex ring…”
“Very enterprising of her,” Holly said sarcastically.
“Pretty stupid, actually. She obviously had no idea what she was getting into. It would have attracted a lot of attention – strange men coming and going at all hours…”
“Was Douglas one of them, do you think?”
“He admitted to living there for a while.”
“Perhaps he was her pimp,” she said.
“Funny,” I said. “Pimps have to be able to handle themselves to deal with badly-behaved punters. Douglas was an arrogant prick, but a strong wind would have blown him over. I think Hannah was probably lucky the police caught her. Rival sex worker gangs would have terminated her business more ruthlessly. Mind you, the sergeant said her operation – if that’s not too grandiose a term – was strictly small scale.”
“She also said ‘other people we know’ were involved, did she? So who else was screwing or being screwed for cash at Hannah’s Little Whorehouse?”
Holly could be quite vulgar at times, or maybe becoming a forty-year-old matron had made me prudish.
“They wouldn’t tell me. The only other person we know with a link to my sister is Amy,” I said, doubtfully. “They were at school together, albeit a couple of years apart.”
“I can’t see Amy being a murderer though, can you? She’s too…” She struggled for the right word.
“Yes, nice. Also, they weren’t contemporaries. I mean, I never had anything to do with girls two years above or below me at school. So they were hardly likely to be close, were they?”
I agreed. This wasn’t getting us anywhere.
“Well, for now, you are the only person I can trust,” I said, “and, I hope, vice versa?”
“Absolutely,” she agreed. “Also, it’s worrying that almost everyone in the house knows your little secret – probably including the murderer.”
“True, but we were up front with the cops, after your initial misstep, so I can’t see how anyone can use it against me, can you?”
“No, but I still think we have to get away from here.”
I looked at her in surprise. “Hang on, if we try and leave, Giddings will think we’re guilty.”
“It’s a matter of self-preservation!” she protested. “Hannah was your sister and suddenly you discover you’re rich! You’re at the centre of this somehow, and that makes me a target too! The cops clearly can’t protect us when they don’t know who they’re protecting us from!”
“Actually, the inspector said he was going to have two officers patrolling the house all night.”
“Not good enough! They can’t watch all of us, all the time. The killer has already taken big risks of being caught in the act. It won’t help either of us if they get caught the third time but we’re dead!”
I began to realise that Holly was genuinely frightened; so perhaps I ought to be too.
We made our plans.
* * *
We stuck together closely for the rest of the afternoon. Dinner was a muted affair. Holly insisted that everything we ate came from either the freezer or out a tin, and we didn’t share anything with anyone. She also made me open a bottle of wine and inspect the cork and its wrapping for any sign of tampering. Not that I knew what to look for. Once it was open and being shared around, I wasn’t allowed a second glass from that bottle. We got a lot of funny looks that evening.
We retired early. When we were sure we weren’t going to be disturbed we packed a few things in my old rucksack. While Holly was in the bathroom I wrote a little note for Giddings and asked the copper patrolling the landing to pass it to him in the morning. We got into bed but didn’t undress. Holly wanted to get some sleep until it was time to go. I promised to wake her when the time was right. I put my bedside light on to do some reading.
* * *
I awoke suddenly, cursing because I hadn’t intended to go to sleep at all. I checked my watch. It was around two o’clock. I decided to let Holly sleep a little longer. Neither of us believed that Giddings’ plods would actually stay awake all night, so the plan was that I would go downstairs as quietly as I could, and see if the coast was clear. If I could see a way to leave the house without being stopped, I would come back and fetch Holly. We weren’t sure how exactly we would get out of the Hadleigh Estate, but we decided we had to try. If the main gate was impassable, surely there would be a gap in the fence somewhere or a low wall we could climb over.
I put the bedside light out and made my way downstairs as quietly as I could, which wasn’t easy considering how heavy and ungainly I was now. I tried to remember which stairs and floorboards creaked. There was no sign of life. I groped my way by moonlight through the kitchen to the staff room, wishing I still had my phone to light the way.
If I was challenged by a copper I could always say I was hungry for a midnight snack, although they might be suspicious that I hadn’t put any lights on and I was fully dressed. I quickly decided our best chance would be to go out through the French windows at the back of the house. The police might not even know there was a possible exit route there.
Everything went according to plan. I didn’t see anyone. I didn’t hear a sound. If there really were two coppers still in the building, I saw no sign of them. Perhaps the inspector had told them they could knock off at midnight. Perhaps he thought just warning us that they would be there would be enough to dissuade anyone from trying to leave.
I hurried back up to give Holly the good news. I didn’t bother creeping silently now that I knew there were no guards to hear me. A couple of the stairs creaked loudly. At the top a particularly noisy floorboard registered its disapproval of my excessive weight.
On the landing I thought I heard a door further down the corridor close and what sounded like running footsteps, but I got back to our bedroom without incident. Time to wake Holly up and leave, if we were going.
She was still asleep. I gave her a gentle shake. Nothing. Then a not so gentle shake. I felt a sticky, gooey liquid on her cheek. I put the bedside light on again. There was a large red stain all over the pillow.
Next: Mrs Bennet Confronts the Killer
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Chapter Fourteen – Mrs Bennet Confronts the Killer
The police seem no closer to finding the killer. What will happen to Holly and her Auntie Michelle?
When I found Holly unconscious and covered in blood, I panicked.
I put on the bedroom light and started yelling for help. Derek and Rob burst into the bedroom in a few seconds, closely followed by Amy, Sam and Diane. What was more of a surprise was that two burly policemen were only moments behind them. Where the hell had they been? How come I didn’t see them on my reconnaissance downstairs? And why hadn’t they confronted me?
One of the policemen quickly called for an ambulance. The other calmly but firmly ushered us all out of the room. I was last to leave, reluctant to leave Holly. As the door was closing behind me, I could see the first man checking her breathing.
There was a lot of coming and going of police cars and emergency vehicles that night. Less than an hour later a small group of us watched from a front window on the second floor as Holly – or her body – was carried out on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance. They hadn’t covered her face, which I took as a good sign. I wanted to go to the hospital with her, but the police had their orders from Giddings. I wasn’t allowed to leave, even when my niece/girlfriend might be dying.
Tom put his arm around me – which I didn’t resist – and assured me that as one of the paramedics was carrying a drip or some other medical apparatus alongside the stretcher, the patient must still be alive.
No need for acting; my tears were real. The others had lots of questions – like where had I been when Holly was attacked? But I didn’t feel up to answering and they didn’t press me.
We all went back to bed. I hoped the flimsy lock on our bedroom door was stronger than it looked. Sleep wouldn’t come.
* * *
The following morning the inspector called me into another of our little private meetings in his command centre.
“First the good news,” Giddings began. “Sergeant?”
“I spoke to Miss Woodbridge’s doctor earlier,” said Sharpe. “It seems the assailant only managed one glancing blow before they heard you returning and had to escape. She came round in the ambulance and they dosed her up with painkillers. X-rays showed no skull fracture. She has had a nasty shock and a bad bang on the head, but they expect her to make a full recovery. They’re keeping her in for at least another twenty-four hours in case of concussion.”
Relief flooded through me like a cool mountain stream.
“She was very lucky,” said Giddings. “The assailant was operating in near darkness. Maybe Miss Woodbridge moved slightly so it was just a glancing blow. The hammer tore the skin – hence all the blood – and she’ll have a hell of a bruise, but there’s no serious damage.”
“Will I be allowed to visit her?”
“In due course,” he said. “But you mustn’t worry. She’s in good hands. We think the noise you made going back upstairs disturbed Miss Woodbridge’s assailant so they weren’t able to finish the job. It’s not difficult to knock someone unconscious with a single whack from a hammer, but unless you are very precise or very strong, it usually takes several blows to kill them.”
The hammer, with Holly’s blood and hair still clinging to it, lay on Mr Bennet’s little table in front of us, waiting for Forensics. One of the inspector’s men had found it in a flower bed. The current theory was that the perp had thrown it out of an open window on the second floor. Unfortunately, the most likely window was on the landing; it wasn’t the bedroom window of any of the suspects.
“Of course, we can’t be sure Miss Woodbridge was the intended target. If the assailant didn’t see you going down the stairs, they might have thought it was you they were attacking. We’ve been keeping a close eye on all of you in case the murderer wasn’t finished yet…” he began.
“Which he obviously wasn’t!” I said, gearing up to get angry over how he and his plods nearly let Holly get killed.
“But that level of surveillance is expensive and I wouldn’t be allowed two officers for more than a few days,” he continued patiently, despite my outburst. “At the same time, we wanted to give the killer a little latitude, hoping they would give themselves away. So we installed night-vision cameras.”
“Yes, along the landing, on the stairs, in the hall, the drawing room, the kitchen and the staff room. We did the installation upstairs while you were all out on the veranda yesterday afternoon. We finished off downstairs when you’d all gone to bed. They’re motion-activated and the images are fed via wi-fi to screens in the late Mr Miller’s room in the Portakabin. Two officers were monitoring them throughout the night.”
Which explained how the nightwatchmen got to our bedroom so quickly.
Sergeant Sharpe smiled. “We have some very clear pictures of a portly lady in jeans and a flowery top stealthily making her way downstairs at two o’clock in the morning,” she said. “You weren’t planning to leave by any chance, were you?”
Giddings didn’t bother giving me a chance to deny it.
“Unfortunately, whoever took advantage of your absence to creep into your bedroom and try to kill Miss Woodbridge went to great lengths to avoid appearing on the cameras,” he said gloomily. “Somehow they spotted them and worked out how to move along the landing without ever being in view.” He sighed. “We keep underestimating this person. We may have to get creative. Now here’s what I want to do…”
* * *
He arrested Amy Longhurst later that morning. She was distraught and protested her innocence in floods of tears, but it didn’t stop the sergeant handcuffing her and frog-marching her to a waiting police car. It roared off in the direction of the main gate, closely followed by Giddings in his Vauxhall Astra.
The rest of us gathered in the staff room for lunch. Two deaths (including Hannah’s), a hospitalisation, and an arrest had left our numbers depleted in a way that was becoming impossible to ignore.
“And then there were eight,” said Rob. “Maybe Giddings will let us go home now that he’s caught the killer.”
“But Amy!” said Diane, miserably. “I can hardly believe it. Why does he think it was her?”
“They found one of her aprons covered in Hannah’s blood,” I said. “And they knew each other at school, apparently. That’s the only link he’s been able to find between Hannah and anyone here, apart from Douglas.”
“But why?” Diane persisted. “Why did she do it?”
“Presumably he hopes to sweat the motive out of her down at the station,” Sam suggested.
“And is she supposed to have killed Douglas as well?”
“Giddings’ theory is that he found out what she did and tried to blackmail her,” I said, “so she arranged to meet him up on the roof of the Hall for a private conversation, and pushed him off. But don’t ask me why she tried to kill Holly.”
“Perhaps Holly worked it out too,” said Derek. “How is she, do you know?”
“Touch and go, the sergeant said.”
I let my voice drop to a despairing whisper and tried to fake a tear this time, but that dramatic skill was beyond me. I clearly had a way to go in my development as an actress. Maybe I’d do better as an actor. The inspector had told me to say she was hovering on the brink of death, and to look as miserable as possible.
“Oh, Mi… Michelle, that’s awful,” said Sam, taking my hand. “We’re all here for you.”
I smiled and thanked her. Tom and Linda must have thought it was touching how much Auntie cared for her niece. Everyone else knew Mike was afraid he might be losing the love of his life.
Clearly, one of the company would be delighted if that happened.
* * *
With the presumed killer under lock and key our group relaxed a little. Our minds were now on whether Holly would recover and when Giddings would let us leave. Everyone knew I was desperate to get to the hospital. Surely there could be no reason to hold us here now?
Tom was deputised to approach the officers in the Portakabin to ask, but he returned with no news. They were firm that we were to remain in the house and its surrounding gardens until they heard from the inspector. The older officer, a uniformed sergeant, told us to expect at least one more night at Hadleigh House.
“It can’t be much longer,” said Rob, his glass half-full as always. “We’re running out of food and the milk’s on the turn.
“We’re certainly in danger of starvation the way you’re wolfing down that pie,” said Derek. “It’s supposed to be for four, you know.”
“You didn’t even defrost it properly,” said Diane. “You’ll get food poisoning or something.”
It was hard to maintain a morose demeanour with their cheerful banter. When nine o’clock rolled around, I’d had enough.
“I think I’m going to get an early night, guys,” I said. “Maybe the police will let us go tomorrow. I’ll want to get off to the hospital as early as I can.”
The others said goodnight and I made my way upstairs. How much I ate had next to no impact on my girth, thanks to my bulging abdominal prostheses, but my jeans had never felt so tight. I was more conscious than ever of my big fat rear swinging from side to side as I climbed the stairs.
Assuming we would be released tomorrow, I would go to the hospital, and from there straight to Transformations to be turned back into Mike. I didn’t really mind being a portly woman anymore, but I wanted to be a thin, weedy man again. There were lots of things Mike could do that Michelle couldn’t – squash, running, gym, drinking pints. But I missed more mundane things like driving (Michelle had no licence); socks (Holly had only bought me tights and knee-highs); and standing up at a urinal. And I wouldn’t miss sitting down on a cold toilet seat to find that the gentleman who had preceded me hadn’t bothered to raise it. (Yuck.)
After a quick visit to the bathroom to clean my teeth and wash, I went back into our bedroom. I closed the curtains and removed my wig. I looked forward to this moment every day when I could drop the middle-aged lady act and be something like myself again (although I was beginning to wonder who that might be).
Anyway, although the liberation was much less satisfying without Holly, I gratefully stripped off all my tight clothes. The relief of getting out of my jeans was partly offset by the discomfort of the great round globes on my chest descending. It was always good to get them out of their buttressing bra, but now they pulled down painfully on my skin. I reached for my least glamorous nightie to provide them with some support, though thanks to Holly, everything I had was pretty sexy.
Our two camp beds were still separate. There was no point in pulling them together now. Perhaps I would do some reading before lights out. That always made me sleepy. I had a Salman Rushdie novel in my bag. It was holiday reading, prescribed by our English Lit professor. If that didn’t put me to sleep, nothing would.
There being no furniture in our ‘Spartan’ room, all my belongings were on the floor. So I had to bend over to retrieve the book from my rucksack, exposing my enormous pantied behind to anyone in the doorway.
“Boy, that’s a sight to remember!” said a voice behind me. “Wish I’d brought a camera with me.”
It was Sam with a silly grin on her face.
“Oh, hi Sam,” I said, in Mike’s voice. I tried to hide my embarrassment at her seeing, and clearly relishing, the sight of my curvy backside in frilly black nylon knickers. “You might as well take a good look,” I said, “because this will be your last opportunity. As of tomorrow, ‘Michelle’ will be gone forever. She will just be some lumps of flesh-coloured plastic in a recycling bin.”
I sat down on my camp bed, trying to pull the shortie nightie down to cover my exposed panties.
“That’s a pity,” she said, sitting down on the other bed, facing me. Our knees were practically touching. “I was just getting used to her. I never understood how Holly – God rest her soul – could prefer her to Mike, but there’s definitely something…”
“Hey, Holly’s not dead yet!” I protested. “And she didn’t – doesn’t – prefer Michelle to Mike!”
“That’s not what she told me. But I warned her not to admit it to you; that you wouldn’t like it.”
“Well, you were dead right!” I winced at the unfortunate choice of words. “She’ll just have to get used to boring old Mike again.”
I couldn’t believe Holly had said that to Sam!
“I don’t think you’re boring, Mike,” she said. “Perhaps you and Holly aren’t meant for each other after all. You remember her trying to snog Derek in front of everybody?”
“That was… just acting.”
“Was it?” she said sceptically. “Anyway, my point is, I would be much better for you. I would never have made you dress up as her ‘Auntie Michelle’ and spend the summer in bras and knickers and corsets and petticoats.”
She got up off the other camp bed and joined me on mine.
“So why don’t you let me prove it?” she said.
She ran her fingers around my neck and pushed the spaghetti strap of my nightie off my shoulder. My right boob was almost completely exposed, its nipple poking cheekily out of the nightie’s cup. She moved even closer and started nuzzling my neck.
“Sam,” I said, “you’re amazing and gorgeous, but this isn’t a good idea.”
“I knew you found me attractive,” she said. “It’s been obvious since we first met! So why don’t we just carry on where we left off the last time Holly was away?” she said. “You were just about to show me how that little zip thingy between your legs works. Isn’t it uncomfortable? Let me help you out of it.”
She was gently pushing me backwards onto the bed with one hand while the other was working its way up toward my faux vagina. When she tried this before I had dismissed her actions as merely flirtatious. This time she had a determined look in her eye, and she was strong. Any more of this and I would be properly aroused – but sex with Sam was not in the plan.
I rolled over sideways to get away from her and jumped to my feet, pulling the shoulder strap of my nightie back up.
“No, Sam!” I said firmly. “I’m not going to have sex with you!”
Her seductive smile vanished instantly, to be replaced by blazing anger.
“Why not?”
“You know why not! I’m in love with Holly.”
“That doesn’t matter. Anyway, she’s as good as dead!”
How could she be so callous?
“I really hope that’s not true, but anyway I’m not in love with you.”
“You could be. You would be, if you knew everything I’ve done for you!”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you’re my future and I’m yours, and we’ll have everything we want! We’ll be rich now Hannah’s gone and her father’s dying. You’re the only heir, aren’t you? I’ve been poor all my life and I’m fed up with it!”
The light in her eyes was quite different now. It was cold, calculating. This was a Sam I had never seen before.
“You might as well know it all now, if we’re going to be together,” she said fiercely. “You won’t be able to tell anyone anyway, because you’re implicated, aren’t you?”
Whoa! How was I implicated? I hadn’t hurt anyone! Was she suggesting all the deaths are somehow my fault because she did them for me?
“You and I met in our first year,” she said, “but you were already besotted with Holly and never looked at me properly. It was so frustrating!”
“What are you saying? Surely you didn’t…?”
She looked at me pityingly, but not unkindly.
“Am I really going to have to spell it all out for you? I thought you were smarter than that. All right then – Hannah first. I’m not sure when you mentioned you had a stepsister, but when we were introduced at a party in London last summer, I recognised her name.”
“So you did know her?” I said.
“I just said that, didn’t I? Keep up,” she sneered. “I was there with Douglas. I told her the three of us were all in the same class at Uni. We were both surprised by her reaction.”
“Pretty hostile, I imagine?”
I sat down on the bed again – just out of her reach. I needed to keep her talking – to get her mind off sex, and to get her to reveal more of her secrets.
“To say the least! But her description of you didn’t match our experience. To start with, you had no money. So it was hard to see how you were diminishing Hannah’s inheritance by stealing her Daddy’s fortune.” She laughed. “After all, we knew you sponged off Holly for everything.”
“That’s not fair! I paid my way; at least… I always did in the end.”
But only after my various holiday jobs had replenished my coffers. OK, I could see how it might seem I was living off Holly to an outside observer.
“Anyway, as you probably know, Hannah had her own three-bedroom flat – paid for by Daddy, of course – but she had fallen out with her flatmates, so she invited me and Douglas to move in for the summer holidays. She needed money. She was sure she was God’s gift to the fashion industry, but she had totally failed to get a job there. Also her father had halved her allowance for over-spending. She knew Douglas and I would be going back to Uni for our second year in October but she hoped to be back on her feet by then, or that she could find new tenants.
“Then one day a sleazy businessman friend of her father’s dropped in. She had smarmed and charmed him when he had been to their place for dinner, and it seemed he had made certain assumptions… Anyway, he made her an offer she couldn’t refuse – well, one that she was only too happy to accept, actually. He stayed the night in her room and the next day she had a brand new Louis Vuitton handbag.
“And he had friends. During that summer she became intimately acquainted with a circle of rich older men. They’d arrange meetings in London and stay with us, rather than go to a hotel. They paid in cash; they took her out for meals; and also bought her ‘little presents’, like jewellery. Her new business boomed and she soon had more clients than she could handle. I could see she was having a great time and I was easily persuaded to join in the fun. I’ve never had so much money in my life! Poor Douglas got fed up with seeing an endless stream of men padding to the bathroom from my room or Hannah’s, and he moved out.”
She paused to gauge my reaction, but after the big reveal that Sam knew Hannah well – really well – I wasn’t that surprised to find that she had joined my sister in the world’s oldest profession. I knew she had a healthy libido and that she had grown up poor. It must have been hard to resist. She didn’t seem the least bit ashamed; if anything, she was proud of herself.
“Hannah was always talking about you, you know,” Sam continued. “I couldn’t believe how much she hated you. I got to know her pretty well that summer when I was whoring with her. I was actually better at it than her, and most of our clients asked for me first, but Hannah kept three quarters of the money, because it was her flat and her contacts. She was selfish and lazy, and she thought the world owed her a living. When I left in late September I took half of the cash she’d hidden under the floorboards, which I reckoned I was due. She kept sending me threatening texts and e-mails for weeks after I left. In the end I turned her in to the police anonymously, to get her off my back.”
The next question would be crucial, but she seemed to be on a roll.
“So did you see her this week when she came here?” I said.
“Of course I did,” she said scornfully. “I’d have thought you’d have worked that out by now. Diane and I were helping out in the Hall when she showed up for her costume. Obviously I recognised her immediately, but I didn’t know whether she had come to Hadleigh to see me or you. I passed her on to Diane for dressing but I arranged to meet her in the Library at half-past three to talk. I was afraid she would make trouble, so when no one was looking I borrowed the letter opener from Mr Bennet’s desk – just in case.”
This was exciting but also worrying. I always enjoyed Sam’s company; I had always thought her one of the most interesting people I had ever met; but for the first time in the two years since I had known her, I began to think that she might actually be deranged. Her childhood must have been even worse than I thought. And what would she do after telling me all this?
“She had kept in touch with Douglas after he moved out and he told her what we were all doing this summer, so she came down to see both of us. She wanted to talk to you about her father’s new will – she’d had his letter but at that point you hadn’t got yours. She looked around the House and grounds but couldn’t find you. She didn’t know you were playing Mrs Bennet, of course, so she had only been checking out the men.
“She wanted to see me to get her money back – it was well over two thousand pounds. She was skint again, and someone nasty in London was threatening her. She told me about her father’s letter but she couldn’t afford to wait for the first payment from her new trust fund. I refused and she threatened to make my little stint as a high-class hooker public. I laughed at that. Somehow she’d managed to hide her conviction from her parents. I told her that if she exposed me, I’d make sure they found out about her. Then she flew into a rage and attacked me. She was bigger and stronger than me, so it was a good thing I was prepared. The next thing I knew, she was lying on the floor with Mr Bennet’s letter opener sticking out of her chest. I didn’t actually mean to kill her, but I suppose it was inevitable.”
“And Amy’s apron?”
“How did Amy’s apron get covered in blood and end up in the laundry basket in the room you shared?”
“Oh, that.” She looked shifty. “Well, OK, I admit I did half expect things would get nasty with Hannah. We’d had a bad fight once before when she refused to pay me my share of the money. It got physical. I didn’t want my Lydia dress to get dirty or torn, so I grabbed one of Amy’s spare aprons from our room and put it on before I went to the library. It seemed more sensible than wearing my own costume’s apron.”
That was premeditation, of course. With that and taking the letter opener, there would be no pleading self-defence for this.
“And what about Douglas?”
“Well, when we were getting ready for our first dancing session of the day, he saw Hannah through the music room window. Rob and Derek were just arriving on horseback, and she was waiting for them, presumably thinking you’d be one of them. I grabbed Douglas and we went out of the back of the house by the Portakabin for a private chat. I wanted to make sure he would keep quiet about how I’d spent the previous summer with Hannah. I warned him what would happen if he blabbed. His parents and the police would find out he’d been living in a flat with two prostitutes. No one would believe he wasn’t involved.
“Later, it wasn’t difficult for him to guess what had happened to Hannah, and he confronted me about it. He started making demands – money, sex, and more. I couldn’t let him have that kind of hold on me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to take him on physically. I thought about poisoning him or arranging an accident with a gun, but I couldn’t see how to do either without being seen in the kitchen or at the shooting range – places where Lydia had no business being. So I said we needed to talk somewhere secluded, and why didn’t we go up on the roof of the Hall? It was quite a romantic spot in the early dawn, I said. Apparently, the present Earl had proposed to the Countess up there, I said.”
“And he fell for it?” I said, aware of the awful pun.
“Literally,” she grinned, apparently pleased that I was getting into the spirit of her tale of derring-do. “But Douglas was always that fatal combination of arrogance and stupidity. I’m just amazed no one had pushed him off a roof before.”
“And what about Holly?”
“What about her?” she snapped. “Her death is your fault, Mike. You weren’t getting the hint. You and I are supposed to be together. If you had just dumped her, she might be miserable for a while but she’d still be alive!”
“Where did you get the hammer?”
“Why on earth does that matter?” She looked puzzled. She had been expecting me to declare my undying love for her. I said nothing. She tutted. “You know the renovations of Hadleigh House aren’t finished? The workmen left quite a few tools lying around at the back of the house. The hammer was in a toolbox in a cupboard under the sink in the bathroom.”
Surely that would be enough for Giddings? I was running out of things to say, and I have to admit I was getting a little afraid of Sam. There was that look in her eyes…
“So, we’re agreed then?” she said. “You and Holly are finished; I comfort you and help you get over her; and then we’re an item. We should plan a wedding for immediately after we graduate, OK? I look great in a long, white dress – unless you want to be the bride, Michelle?”
I couldn’t think of anything I could say now that wouldn’t enrage her. She was less than two feet away from me and getting closer.
Fortunately, someone else was happy to speak for me.
“Samantha Spears, I am arresting you for the murders of Hannah Matthews and Douglas Miller, and the attempted murder of Holly Woodbridge,” said Giddings from the doorway. “You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Do you understand?”
Sam looked at Giddings and Sharpe and then at me. Complete madness took over and she flung herself at me, slapping and biting and scratching.
Next: What Mrs Bennet Did Next
Mrs Bennet and the Body in the Library
By Susannah Donim
Chapter Fifteen – What Mrs Bennet Did Next
What does the future hold for Mike, Michelle and Holly?
Between them the two detectives managed to pull Sam off me and handcuff her, before she could do much damage.
“Sergeant, would you please take Miss Spears to the station and charge her?” said Giddings. “Take the uniforms with you. I don’t think they’ll be needed here any longer. I’m going to stay and debrief Mr Bradshaw.”
Sam had begun to calm down. She reacted when the inspector called me by my real name.
“So they know who you are! You’ve been on their side all along?” she snapped at me.
“There aren’t really any sides, Sam,” I said in my normal voice. “There’s just the multiple murderer and… everyone else.”
“I’ll get you for this somehow, one day,” she hissed.
One of the uniformed policemen who had been guarding us knocked and entered at that point, and he and the sergeant led Sam away. She didn’t struggle at all.
“I really didn’t think it was going to work,” I said to Giddings. “When she first came in she was looking all around her. She seemed very suspicious.”
“Well, she knew about the cameras,” he said. “Maybe she thought your room would be bugged.”
I laughed. “And it wasn’t the room that was bugged – it was me.”
I took the tiny transmitter out of my ear. I was glad that this brilliant piece of surveillance technology had superseded wearing a wire, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to take my bra off. The detectives had heard and recorded everything since Sam entered the room.
“We couldn’t have bugged every room,” Giddings said, “and Miss Spears had no real reason to suspect yours would be, did she? But I agree with you. It began to look like she was too wary to give herself away. I think it was when you kept on insisting that you loved Miss Woodbridge and not her, that she lost control.”
He sat down on the camp bed so recently occupied by the said multiple murderer. Remembering I was wearing only a shortie nightie and frilly knickers, I reached for my dressing gown. It was cold, OK? Nothing to do with feminine modesty, or being alone in my boudoir (such as it was) with a man.
“I have to thank you for your help, Mr Bradshaw,” Giddings said.
“I think you can call me ‘Mike’, Inspector, after all we’ve been through together,” I said. “Mind you, I’d prefer ‘Michelle’ or ‘Mrs Bradshaw’ when there’s anyone else around. There could still be awkward consequences for The Pride and Prejudice Experience if anyone outside our inner circle finds out Mrs Bennet has been played by a man.”
A horrible thought struck me. “Sam will tell everyone, won’t she? Out of spite.”
“Probably, but maybe not,” he said. “She may prefer to keep your secret until she can use it to her own advantage.”
“Keep it as a threat hanging over me, you mean? Blackmail?”
He nodded. “You have to understand that Miss Spears ticks all the boxes for psychopathy.” He counted them off on his fingers. “Lying, manipulation, lack of morality, lack of empathy, narcissism, psychological bullying, lack of contrition, and self-serving victimhood.”
He smiled when he saw my reaction. I hadn’t realised this policeman was such an intellectual, and it must have shown on my face.
“I did an external degree in Criminology,” he explained. “Despite what you might think from crime thrillers, killings like these are almost always done by someone unbalanced. Of our suspects, only Miss Spears had the kind of upbringing that could turn a person with the right psychological makeup into a full-blown psychopath. Your sister’s attempt to cheat her out of her earnings might well have been the trigger. Miss Spears would have felt she had the right to kill her. Mr Miller and Miss Woodbridge were collateral damage, but by then she would be seeing them as in her way and feel fully justified in disposing of them.”
I shuddered. “So when did you start to suspect her?”
“The key was when we learned the other names associated with the little sex parties at Miss Mathews’ flat.”
“Douglas and Sam?”
“That’s right. Mr Miller was living there, although he had no involvement himself – in fact he moved out as soon as he saw what your sister was doing – but he knew all about it, and he knew that Miss Spears was joining in. He also must have known about their disagreement over money, so when Miss Matthews was killed, he could easily deduce who had done it. So he had to die as well.”
“But you were bound to find out that Sam was Hannah’s other flatmate.”
“Yes, but there was no proof that she was involved in the sex parties. She was never charged with anything. She had been careful. There was no evidence against her, and anyway taking money for sex isn’t a crime.”
“So if none of their clients would be willing to talk, she would be in the clear?” I said.
“Indeed. We’ve asked our colleagues in the Met to check, but they never managed to identify any of Hannah’s customers, apart from the family friend who started the whole thing, and Miss Spears never had anything to do with him. It’s probably too late now. So everything else was just Samantha’s word against Hannah’s. And with Mr Miller and your sister both dead, she must have thought she was in the clear.
“There were a couple of other things,” Giddings added. “As you know, we guessed that the killer must have come down for a tour of the Estate sometime, which is how they knew the layout of the Hall and the way up to the roof platform. We found Miss Woodbridge’s name in the Visitors’ Book on a day we knew she couldn’t have been here, and the entry was in Miss Spears’ handwriting, though the sample wouldn’t have been enough to convince the Crown Prosecution Service.
“Also, when we interviewed Amy Longhurst, she confirmed that she and Miss Spears went for a run around the Estate most mornings, but not on the day Mr Miller was killed. Samantha claimed to have a hangover, so Amy went by herself. Obviously Samantha got up as soon as Amy left and went to meet Mr Miller on the roof of the Hall.
“The trouble was she had been very clever – and lucky. We found her footprints on the library floor, but unfortunately we also found those of practically everyone else in the house. She must have seen our men installing the cameras and worked out exactly how to avoid them when she went to try and kill Miss Woodbridge. So we still had no evidence against her. But I had a hunch that the killer’s motivation – irrational as it was – had something to do with you. So thank you for your cooperation in helping us trap her. You realise you will probably have to testify about your part in this?”
“What? Why?”
This wasn’t something I wanted to hear. Would I have to enter the witness box as Mike or Michelle?
“Because without your testimony the Defence will challenge the authenticity of the recording. Without her confession we don’t have enough. Anyway, thanks again. You’ve been very courageous.”
“There was no reason for me to be afraid really, was there?” I said modestly. “I’m bigger and stronger than her.”
“Douglas Miller was much bigger and stronger,” he said.
“Well, I wouldn’t have gone up on a roof with her. Forewarned is forearmed. Also, my various prosthetic enhancements would make it difficult for her to penetrate my real flesh with any pointed instrument.”
“Yes, I’d dearly like to know how you came by them. You’re not the first such undetectable female impersonator I’ve come across lately. I’m just afraid someone may be using the system for criminal purposes.”
“Oh, I’m sure they aren’t,” I said, although Ingrid herself admitted that she couldn’t be certain. “Anyway, I’ve promised not to say.”
I needed to change the subject. “How is Amy, by the way?” I asked.
“She’s fine,” he said. “She’ll be back at home with her parents by now, I should think. I doubt she’ll ever forgive us for what we put her through, but I think she understands why we did it. We arrested her to make Miss Spears think she was in the clear. Besides, it was safer for her – she was another potential victim after all. Of course, we couldn’t let her into the plot till she was off the premises. Her reaction had to be absolutely genuine.”
“Even so, I’m surprised Sam bought it,” I said.
“Part of her psychopathy,” he said. “She made a few desultory attempts to frame Amy – not really convincing – but her narcissism was enough to make her think she’d fooled us. Amy being arrested for her crimes fitted perfectly with her self-centred world view.”
He stood up and looked at his watch.
“It’s late and you need your beauty sleep.” He chuckled at his own jocular remark. “I’ll be back in the morning to put everyone else in the picture. Then you can all go home.”
* * *
The next day the two detectives gathered everyone together and returned our mobile phones. Then they recounted the incidents of the night, omitting quite a lot of details. In particular, they minimised my role in proceedings and kept the specifics of the cameras and recording device to themselves. No one seemed to notice any gaps in the story. Everyone was astonished and upset about having harboured Sam the psychopath in their midst for so long.
My first task the next day was to call my mother and apologise for not having been in touch. She said that would have been difficult anyway as they had gone straight to the Royal Marsden on returning from their cruise. She had received the message from Inspector Giddings there. She was horrified at what had happened to Hannah and took the difficult decision to keep it from Keith for the moment, being afraid that the awful news would affect his chances of recovery. He was suffering from the side effects of the chemo, but there were some promising signs of remission. Mum had been very worried about Holly and me too, so she was delighted to hear that it was all over.
It was now time to check out of Hadleigh House at last. There were some tearful goodbyes. Most of us would be together again in just over a month for the next term at Uni, but it was a final farewell for Tom and Linda. Tom insisted on hugging everyone and tried to kiss me on the lips, but I turned my head at the last moment and he just brushed my cheek. He didn’t seem offended.
“Goodbye, wife,” he said, with a twinkle. “It’s been a pleasure and a privilege being married to you.”
Silly old fool! Still, I would miss him.
I was off to visit Holly in hospital next. I would have to identify myself as her aunt. Since this would be my last performance as Auntie Michelle, I put on my best dress, a new pair of tights and my two-inch heels. I took my time over my makeup. I was getting quite competent now. I put my wig up in a tidy, matronly bun.
I reasoned that if I had to be a middle-aged woman, then why wouldn’t I want to be the best-looking middle-aged woman possible? Anyway, I couldn’t imagine being out in public now without my makeup, or with my hair not neat and tidy. Checking my efforts in the bathroom mirror, I saw I looked just like my nursery school teacher, Miss Platt. (She was lovely.)
With my earnings from The Pride and Prejudice Experience and Keith’s monthly stipend, I didn’t have to worry about money anymore, so I treated myself to a taxi. I didn’t have much choice anyway, as I had to take all of Holly’s clothes with me as well as my own (that is, Michelle’s). Two packed suitcases plus my rucksack would have been a pain to carry on the bus.
When I got to Holly’s private room, she was sitting up in bed reading, clearly bored out of her skull, which was sore and bandaged like the Invisible Man, but thankfully not fractured.
“Hey, babe!” she said happily when she saw me. “What did I miss?”
I told her the whole story. She listened goggle-eyed and shell-shocked. I think it was the longest I had ever been able to speak to Holly without being interrupted.
She made one or two remarks about my heroism in acting as bait for a killer. “But I never said I preferred Michelle to Mike!” was her only other comment.
“I’m sure you didn’t,” I lied. “Sam had a very flexible relationship with the truth.”
“I still can’t believe it was her,” she said. “We were all friends!”
“And of course it’s impossible to accept that she would try to kill you for me,” I said, wryly.
“No, I can believe that – just about,” she smiled. “Stop fishing for compliments!”
“Would it hurt if I kissed you?”
“Only one way to find out.”
I moved to suit the action to the words.
“Owww!” she squealed. “You’d better dial it back. It does hurt, and anyway my Auntie shouldn’t be kissing me like that. Someone might come in.”
“Your Auntie won’t be around much longer. I’m off to Transformations from here.”
“That’s a shame,” she said. “I shall miss her.”
I was afraid I might too, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.
“How’s your Dad, by the way?” I said, to change the subject.
“He’s much better. I spoke to Mum on the phone. They’re back home now. He can’t do anything for himself yet and he’s driving her mad. They wanted to come and see me when I told them I’d had an accident, but I told them I was fine. It was just a little bang on the head and I’d be up and about soon.”
I couldn’t think of a savage, if glancing, blow from a hammer as ‘just a little bang on the head’ but I was grateful that she could. Her doctor wasn’t quite ready to release her yet, so I promised to return the next day to take her home.
My next stop was Transformations where Vera removed my prostheses and I could see Mike in the mirror again for the first time in over a month. It was weird. I found myself panicking on behalf of both Mrs Bennet and Auntie Michelle. What would my daughters do without me? My husband would miss me – and I him! Where were my boobs and my big round bum? I seemed to be experiencing some sort of Identity Drift. Was that a recognised psychological condition?
Vera said she would keep my Michelle prostheses for a while – just in case. I told her not to bother. I would never need them again.
Not having any male clothes with me, I had to dress in a pair of Michelle’s slacks and my plainest blouse, both of which were ridiculously baggy on me. I also had to put my tights back on with my flattest shoes. I felt a strange sense of regret as I put my bra, knickers and floral dress away in the suitcase. I was surprised to see that I had unconsciously packed my embroidery too. My efforts were pretty ropey but I’d felt I was making progress. I had started to enjoy it; it was calming, even Zen. Maybe I should try and keep it up? Would that satisfy the Michelle and Mrs Bennet personalities that were clearly still inside me?
I set off for home, where I could dress in my usual clothes. I realised that it wasn’t as appealing a prospect as I had expected it to be. I had hoped being Michelle wouldn’t have any lasting effect, but I was beginning to see that wasn’t realistic…
* * *
I collected Holly from the hospital the next day in my mother’s little Yaris. When we got to her parents’ place she was pleased that her father was looking much better than when she had seen him last. We had to tell Richard and Susan all about our dramatic summer. They’d had no idea how much danger their daughter had been in and lavished me with praise for looking after her. I was sure she would laugh and say I hadn’t done anything really, but she just smiled and winked at me. I didn’t mention the part I had played in The Pride and Prejudice Experience, and surprisingly nor did Holly. Her parents might have guessed I was Mrs Bennet (and Michelle in the evenings) but they didn’t ask, presumably to spare my blushes.
* * *
Life slowly started to get back to normal. Keith’s cancer was responding to treatment, though it would still be weeks before they could be sure he was out of the woods. My mother looked pale and thin, but she was staying hopeful. When we finally told him what had happened to Hannah he was very angry that we had kept it from him till now, but he eventually calmed down, and agreed that the news of his daughter’s death might have been too much for him in his fragile condition early on in the chemotherapy.
He was especially sad that she had died while they were estranged. He’d hoped they would be reconciled eventually but obviously that could never happen now. He blamed himself for not being there in her formative years. She’d lacked for nothing material, he said, but missed a father’s love and support. We assured him that he shouldn’t blame himself.
Privately Mum and I were confident that nothing he could have done would have made any difference. Hannah was a vicious, selfish bitch who took advantage of everyone around her. Still, she didn’t deserve to die for that.
* * *
A few days after our return home I was summoned back to Holly’s place so that we could make our plans for a short foreign break. I fancied Rome and Florence; Holly wanted a sun, sea and sand holiday, perhaps on a Greek island. So with about three weeks left of the summer vacation we were browsing websites for Greece, when an e-mail arrived from Dennis Vaughan. It came in on the account I had set up for Michelle Bradshaw, which I hadn’t got round to deleting yet. Holly received it on her laptop at the same time and whooped with excitement.
“You will do it, won’t you, Mike?”
I was still reading it. Then I saw why she was so excited.
“I don’t know, Holly. I thought that was all over with.”
To compensate for the project having to close early, Dennis wanted to make a TV film to be called The Pride and Prejudice Experience. It would be a semi-documentary with a mix of our scenes from the end of term show and interviews with all of the cast members, both as themselves and in character. The extra dialogue would be improvised and based on what we had said to our visitors. He had already got a producer interested. Apparently, she had visited us the previous month and had been impressed. She loved the idea that every aspiring actor was still an amateur.
The Earl and Countess were enthusiastic and happily gave their consent for all the filming to be done at Hadleigh House. The costumes and props were still there. From the proceeds of the sale of the film to the TV production company, we would receive the same weekly pay as before, and the Hadleigh Estate would be able to complete the renovations.
“Come on, Mike!” Holly persisted. “This is an opportunity to be on telly! Think how good that will be for your career!”
“I can see it would be good for your career, and for Michelle’s, but it can’t help Mike’s, can it?”
“That’s just nit-picking,” she scoffed. “Look, if enough of the cast want to do it, you have to join in, OK?”
She immediately put a message on the cast WhatsApp group. They’d all had the same e-mail and within minutes everyone had replied in the affirmative, even Amy, who I would have expected to want nothing more to do with The Pride and Prejudice Experience, or indeed with any of us. Perhaps she wanted to relive her triumph as Lady Catherine. In any case, there was no escape.
“Leave it all to me,” Holly said gleefully. “I’ll call Dennis and then Ingrid.”
* * *
So it was that I had to return to Transformations to be turned back into Michelle (Vera managed to avoid saying ‘I told you so’ when she retrieved my prostheses from their Archive), and then on to Hadleigh House to take my place once again as the matriarch of the Bennet family.
The filming was mostly straightforward. Everyone remembered their lines from the end of term show, and we had all spent more than a month improvising greater depth for our characters. Tom, the veteran professional, was soon word perfect as Mr Bennet. Through the Countess’s contacts at the Lavenden Amateur Dramatic Society, Dennis found an eager young man called Dave to play Wickham and a very pretty girl called Jill to take over as Lydia.
Most of the Longbourn scenes were easily reset in Hadleigh House, and the Countess made the Hall available for those based at Netherfield, and for other locations such as the whist party. There were plenty of places around the Estate where the outside scenes could take place.
The film would open with all of us actors in modern dress arriving at Hadleigh House in a coach. There would be interviews in which Dennis explained the idea behind The Pride and Prejudice Experience and we actors would say how excited we were, and what we expected from the summer.
The next scene showed Amy in one of the back bedrooms – i.e., the servants’ quarters – dressing herself. A lady’s maid doesn’t have a lady’s maid, of course, so this scene explained something I had been wondering. How does a maid do up her own corset?
Sheila had always done it for Amy before. She explained that you can lace yourself into it but it’s fiddly and will take ages if you don’t know what you’re doing. She provided a corset that was fastened using buttons. You tied the laces before you put it on, and not too tightly as maids have to be able to bend down.
Amy dressing herself was just a prelude to the main event – Hill helping her mistress get ready for the day. Vivienne, the producer (“Call me ‘Viv’,”) had attended one of my sessions and thought it was hilarious. So she was determined it would be in the film.
As usual, I was thoroughly embarrassed having people watching while my boobs and tummy were squashed into my corset; the more so, because the rest of the cast were giggling (quietly) from behind the camera. None of them had seen this spectacle before as most of them had been involved in dressing sessions of their own, or had been up at the Hall dressing visitors.
Viv included a very brief snatch of Holly and Hilary helping each other dress, while they talked about men and marriage. Otherwise it was much the same as Amy dressing me, but nothing like as funny.
From there we progressed through the script of the end of term show, interspersed with interviews of cast members talking about their 19th Century lives and filling in the gaps in the story. Holly repeated her triumph as Lizzy and effortlessly dominated every scene she was in. Amy had a whale of a time being Lady Catherine again – in a gorgeous dress, heavy age makeup, and a resplendent wig.
In my pieces I tried to get across those of Mrs Bennet’s preoccupations I had described in the Literary Adaptation class which had got me into this stupid situation in the first place. I had to do the ‘dressing for dinner’ scene, of course, with the camera shamelessly focusing on my bosom in the push-up corset and low-cut dress.
The crew included two film units so that when any of us weren’t involved in a scene from the show, we could be doing our character interviews. It was a hectic time, and it did feel that things were a little rushed, but the efficient use of resources meant that the filming was finished well before our new term was due to start, as promised.
We actors didn’t expect to be involved in any of the phases of post-production – video editing, colour grading, sound editing, addition of music, visual effects, etc – so we prepared to leave Hadleigh House for the last time (again). Sheila and Esther started packing up all the fabulous Regency clothes that we had been wearing for so long, and I set up my appointment at Transformations to change back to Mike.
But it seemed that Viv was keen to support the next generation of movie technicians as well as actors, and had recruited a student director and a student film crew. (Also they were cheap). Unfortunately, they were as amateur as us actors. For some scenes the lighting wasn’t right; for others the sound levels were inconsistent; sometimes the traffic on the M25 or a passing aeroplane had come through clearly to the 19th Century. Also, some of the interviews hadn’t worked and would need to be redone. We had to re-record certain lines of dialogue and we had to get back into costume to film additional material for some of the improvised sections.
They also decided that as long as we were all there, they might as well film a few additional scenes. Holly told Viv that I had worked on the script for the original show, and I was pleased when she recruited me to help with the new material. I thought this would be good for my future career as a writer for TV and the movies, until I realised that the experience would go on Michelle’s CV, not Mike’s.
In the end we were asked to stay on for another week – or two. I cancelled my appointment at Transformations. It was a nuisance – there went our summer holiday – but I realised I didn’t mind too much. I was quite used to being Michelle and Mrs Bennet by now. Holly even seemed pleased that her time with her Auntie had been extended.
Finally the film was ‘in the can’ and everyone was satisfied – with a week to go before the start of term.
Then the TV company saw the film. They loved it, which was good, and they intended to spend a lot of time and money promoting it, which turned out to be bad, at least for me. They wanted publicity photos of us all both in costume and in modern dress, and they planned to record more interviews for promo ads. We were warned that all this would take weeks, if not months. We would be able to go back to Uni, but would need to be ‘on call’ at short notice. We didn’t dare reveal Michelle’s true identity for fear of wrecking the whole project, so I had to stay in my middle-aged amateur actress disguise. Not that any of us were amateurs anymore. With the company’s sponsorship, our applications to Equity came through quickly. We were now professionals and could be paid properly.
Everyone who knew my true identity was sworn to secrecy. I asked Viv to use a pseudonym for my credit in the cast list. She didn’t ask why, which was just as well as I could hardly explain that it was to avoid any connection with Mike Bradshaw. We settled on ‘Michelle Miller’. It was the least I could do, given that poor Douglas’s death was a roundabout consequence of Sam’s obsession with me.
In my promo interview I tried to say as little as possible about myself. I was a mature student at the same university as the others; I had been involved with amateur dramatics for a while; and I agreed to play Mrs Bennet as a favour to my niece, Holly Woodbridge. Most of which was true, if intentionally misleading.
Dr MacNair was happy to welcome lady mature student, Michelle Miller, into his class, and cleared it with my tutor and Professor Rooney for Michelle to substitute for Mike Bradshaw in all his other courses. (I began to wonder whose name would be on my diploma at the end of the academic year.)
My classmates thought this was a hoot – those who didn’t suspect me of being a closet transsexual – and teased me mercilessly as long as there was no one around who wasn’t in on the joke. Holly didn’t torment me to the same extent, but she treated me as her aunt everywhere and all the time, except in the bedroom.
As it now looked like Michelle would be around for some time, I had my long hair done in an appropriate middle-aged lady style and at last dispensed with my wig. I don’t have to put curlers in (thank heavens), but I do need a long session at the hairdressers every couple of weeks, like any other woman of my age. I’ve learned a lot of feminine secrets while I’m there. I’ll miss the gossip and the beauty tips when I eventually go back to being Mike.
Mike does put in an appearance every two or three weeks when I return to Transformations to get a waxing and have my prostheses cleaned. My body hair doesn’t seem to be growing as much as it used to, and I’m a little concerned that the lotion Vera rubs on me afterwards might have something to do with that, but as long as it isn’t affecting my prowess in bed I won’t worry too much. I always try to fit in a proper Date Night with Holly as my real self before letting them put all my jiggly flesh and feminised face back on, but often there isn’t time. Michelle leads a busy life.
Holly has dragged me off to an expensive womenswear boutique to get some more fashionable clothes, including an evening gown for the film’s premiere, even though that probably won’t happen till after Christmas. That will be another embarrassing night with my plentiful boobs on prominent display for the press. Oh well, if you’ve got ‘em, flaunt ‘em.
* * *
Vivienne is talking about offering Holly and me parts in an upcoming cop show as mother and daughter, hoping to trade on the popularity of The Pride and Prejudice Experience. Holly would be a Police Detective Inspector and I would be her interfering Mum, a retired cop who’s always telling her what to do. It could even be a series. Viv’s made it clear that it would be a package – both of us or neither. Holly is desperate to do it, of course. She reckons it would make her career and that Michelle could retire after that.
Also, having seen me squeezing my assets into a 19th Century corset, Viv is talking to one of her contacts in the fashion industry about offering me work as a mature, ‘plus size’ model, especially of exotic lingerie. I was about to laugh in her face until she told me how much I could expect to be paid. We may not be short of money anymore, but this could set us up for life. I also need to pay Holly – or more accurately her Dad – back for the cost of Transformations, which was far more than I’d realised.
Holly is very keen on the idea of my modelling career (as are Ingrid and Vera). I’m just worried that the longer I stay as Michelle, the more difficult it will be to give her up. On the plus side, Holly shows me more respect when I’m her Auntie Michelle. She even listens to what I say (sometimes). My embroidery is coming on well too. I might even take up knitting.
I don’t always do absolutely everything Holly tells me to do, just most of the time.
Author’s Note – Red Herrings, Easter Eggs and Chekhov’s Gun
Boy, writing a ‘whodunnit’ is hard! Besides coming up with the plot and the characters, you also have to provide background and alternative motives for all your suspects, and then you have to introduce enough Red Herrings that the reader won’t guess the villain too quickly. If I’d expanded the suspect list properly (to include Tom, Derek, Rob, Hilary and Linda, say), I reckon the novel could have been at least 50% longer – but that might have tried the patience of you Big Closet readers a little too much. I’ve probably overdone it as it is.
The whole story was finished (apart from a few tweaks in Chapter 15) before I started posting, but the comments you have so kindly left in reviews have been really interesting, so let me briefly comment on the comments.
First, Easter Eggs: as some of my readers will know, I tend to re-use my characters frequently. For example, the Countess, Mary Manners, Giddings and Sharpe all appeared in The Earl Maid. So when Giddings said “My God, another one!” in Chapter 12, it wasn’t a clever clue to the murderer’s identity in this story, it was an ‘Easter Egg’, referring back to The Earl Maid. Mary Manners, and her love of dressing as a maid, was also intended as a big Easter Egg. In fact, she turned out to be a completely unintentional Red Herring, because some reviewers thought she was a suspect! (The Earl Maid itself made use of characters from After the Pantomime and Acting as a Cleaning Lady, by the way.)
‘Chekhov’s Gun’ is a device to foreshadow an important plot element. “One must never place a loaded rifle on the stage if it isn't going to go off. It's wrong to make promises you don't mean to keep,” said Anton Chekhov in a letter to a friend. I guess introducing the shooting and archery ranges was a Chekhov’s Gun, because the murderer might have been about to arrange a killing there. I try to make my unbelievable stories as believable as possible, so I put in a lot of detail. The downside of that is accidentally introducing lots of Chekhov’s Guns!
Chekhov’s principle might be good for a stage play but not for a whodunnit, I think. The author should be piling on the Red Herrings to keep the reader guessing. One or more of them might turn out to be a Chekhov’s Gun, but that’s the fun of it. My Red Herrings included Amy and Hannah being schoolmates; Diane dressing Hannah at the Hall; and the fat lady who didn’t fit in the green dress. There are probably loads more.
Enough. You have lots of other Big Closet stories to read. Goodnight and may your God go with you.
Office Takeover (Extended)
By Susannah Donim (based on a short story by Margaret Jeanette)
Jim and his secretary change places, with far-reaching consequences.
The Christmas party
“Come on – you’re the CEO. You have to push the boat out a bit!”
My wife, Marilyn, was trying to persuade me to splash out on our costumes for the company’s Christmas fancy dress party.
“CEO, hah! There’s only sixteen of us in the company. I’m more like a Team Leader.”
“But you set up the company. We own it and it’s doing very well. You and I should go in really elaborate costumes and give everyone a good laugh.”
Marilyn and my secretary, Missy, had already persuaded me to give every employee a hundred to spend on their costumes at our local fancy dress shop. To be fair, this was a great idea; all the staff were excited about the event and morale was sky high leading up to the Festive Season. Well they deserved it. It had been our best year yet and next year promised to be even better. Our parts supply company was becoming known for fast service. I used to be European Logistics Manager for a global engineering company. I had great contacts and realised I could be doing better by myself. My old company were sorry to see me go, but the parting was amicable. They were happy to be my first client when I set up on my own and they were still my biggest earner.
It had been a really hard three years though. Sixty hour weeks had become the norm. I had taken no holidays. I struggled to remember the last party I’d been to. Oh yes, it was last year’s staff party.
I was dog-tired.
“OK, OK, so what do you want us to go as?”
I usually gave in to Marilyn eventually, and she knew it. Still this was one of our favourite games. My role was to argue and eventually concede gracefully.
“Well Missy decided it should be a couples theme, didn’t she?”
I had a similar understanding with my secretary; what she wanted she eventually got.
“Yes, most of the staff are married,” I said, “and Missy and the other two who aren’t are in good stable relationships. I think she’s hoping he’s going to pop the question soon. So what are you thinking – Robin and Marian? Anthony and Cleopatra? Fred and Wilma?”
“Boring, boring and boring! No, these are our costumes…” She was holding the fancy dress shop’s brochure open at a well-thumbed page. “We’re going as a matador and his senorita.”
“Great! You’ll look fabulous in that gorgeous flamenco dress with a mantilla in your hair…”
Marilyn smiled sardonically. She was well aware of my interest in female fashion.
“Actually, no, sweetie. They do the dress in plus size. I think you’ll squeeze into it nicely with a little firm shapewear…”
* * *
So it was that Jim Palmer, the hard-bitten CEO of Lightning Logistics, Ltd, a relentless negotiator and all-round tough guy, attended his own company’s Christmas party dressed as a sweet, albeit plumpish, Spanish senorita, squired by his wife as the sexiest bull fighter you’ve ever seen. I’m sure she chose our costumes knowing how well the skin-tight matador suit would show off her amazing figure. Even though we were well into our thirties, there wasn’t an office girl at the company who could hold a candle to her.
I, on the other hand, looked a complete idiot, which was obviously her main objective. Under the gorgeous flamenco dancer dress I had had to wriggle into a body shaper, padded to expand my hips and bum to female proportions, to offset my male waist and shoulders. The result was, as I said, plumpish.
“You look amazing!” she said, as we gave ourselves a last-minute onceover in our bedroom mirrors.
“Oh please,” I grumbled, “I look ridiculous, like a man in a dress, which of course I am.”
“No, you really don’t! Obviously you were never going to be a slim woman, but you’re voluptuous, which is much better. Most men find that far sexier than beanpole supermodel shape. And your wig and makeup are fantastic, if I do say so myself. You don’t look like a man in a dress at all. I’d be surprised if anyone recognises you. You might even get picked up.”
“Don’t be silly – everyone at the party will be attached, and they’ll all know who I am, ‘cause I’ll be with you.”
But I couldn’t help being a little pleased at her reassuring comments – even if she was just trying to boost my confidence. I took another look at myself in the mirror. God, my bum looks big in this! That’s just the padding though, isn’t it? Surely?
* * *
Well the girls were right as usual. The party was a huge success. Everyone had a great time, and I was the belle of the ball! Marilyn and I were the only cross-dressed couple, which everyone thought was a hoot. I tried to speak in a higher register and gradually developed a voice that was just about plausibly female.
Marilyn treated me as ‘the little woman’, sweeping me round the dance floor, buying me girly cocktails, bending me over backwards to kiss me, and forever sending me off to the Ladies’ to renew my lipstick. No one batted an eyelid at that and I fitted in perfectly with all the other girls repairing their makeup at the mirror.
I loved every minute of it. My dress was very tight, but I discovered that the lower portion was detachable, so then I could dance and show off my legs!
And I did get picked up. When we first arrived I went to the bar to get our drinks and Missy’s boyfriend, Steve McAllister – who I hadn’t met before – started chatting me up. I tried to sound as feminine as I could to see if I could get away with it. We were getting on famously, till Marilyn saw what was happening and came to break us up. We didn’t say anything to Missy.
What did surprise me was Marilyn’s mood when we got back home in the small hours. Not to put too fine a point on it: she ravished me! She insisted on being on top and rode me like a prize heifer. It was the best sex we ever had.
The first week
Back at work in the New Year, Missy showed everyone the photos she had taken at the party. She had put a particularly embarrassing one of me in a fancy frame on her desk. She wanted to put a bigger version up on the notice board, but I insisted she kept all the photos to just the staff. I wasn’t sure how some of our more conservative clients would react.
Missy had been with me since the beginning and had often mentioned that she thought she could do my job - and probably better. It wasn’t long after Christmas that she began to nag me about giving her a more responsible role in the company. She seemed to be hung up over job titles, which I thought was ridiculous in such a small group. I had already made her my ‘Executive Assistant’, now she wanted more.
* * *
“I’m worried about you,” she said one lunchtime while we were sharing a takeaway in my office. “You’re looking really tired. Marilyn said the same at the party before Christmas. Why don’t you make me Managing Director and take a well-earned rest? You and Marilyn could go round the world. See the pyramids and the Taj Mahal!”
“There’s too much going on at the moment,” I said through a mouthful of pizza. “I need to be here.”
“I could run this business perfectly well, you know,” she said. “I’ve been working for you for three years now; I’ve met all your clients and learned all their funny little ways. You know you’re stressed out. I can manage things here for a few weeks.”
She was right about my stress levels, but I couldn’t go away and leave the business in her hands.
“I don’t think so, babe. I know I make it look easy, but there are all sorts of situations that could come up that you wouldn’t know how to deal with…”
“Oh, please! Who was it who sorted out that Customs snarl-up when we were trying to get those circuit boards in from Shanghai? And what about when our main supplier of soft furnishings went bust just when we had a half-million pound order to fill in less than a week? It was me who rang thirty different companies to find a substitute!”
Yes, I remembered that one. I was out of town at a conference at the time. She hadn’t called me but tried to deal with it herself. When I got back I showed her a much faster way of finding a new supplier through an Internet service I had helped to set up when I had been with my old employer. She had conveniently forgotten that lesson.
I tried to decide how to respond without being too discouraging. She was a great girl and keen as mustard. I really could see her running the place one day… just not quite yet.
“OK, look. I might let you take on more of the admin – I don’t really enjoy that office stuff and it cuts into my time for doing real work – but I’d still have to be around to step in when you are in difficulties…”
”But that’s no good!” she interrupted. “If you’re around the office, everyone will assume you’re still in charge. I want them to come to me with their problems, so that I can make the decisions.”
“Well, I’m sorry,” I insisted, “I can’t let you be in charge if I’m not around, in case of emergencies. I can’t see any way around that, can you?”
She was clearly angry. She was wearing a sheer white blouse with lace trim. You could see her slip through it. The way she was standing, her hands on her hips and her chest thrust forward…
She caught me staring at her breasts and blouse. She tried another tack.
“Do you like my outfit? So sexy, isn’t it! Wouldn’t you like to wear an outfit like this?” She was remembering how I’d behaved at the Christmas party. “After your outing as the Spanish senorita, I’ll just bet you would!”
I ignored that. I finished my lunch and carried on working without answering.
After lunch while I was dictating another letter she caught me staring at her blouse again. I could see she was formulating a plan. She would love to take control and be in charge of everything and everyone. She clearly thought her goals were within reach if she was just bossy enough...
* * *
Later that afternoon Marilyn came in to go home with me. Her office is just round the corner and we often go to lunch together. She is a qualified accountant and makes good money. In fact I wouldn’t have dared to leave my job and set up Lightning without the safety net of her salary coming in. When she arrived I was on the phone. She and Missy were chatting while I finished the call.
In the lift on the way down Marilyn said, “Did you know Missy wants to run the company?”
“Oh yes, she’s always nagging me about it. I see how pushy she is with the rest of the staff and I know she would love to be in total control. I’m afraid she would fall apart the first time she hit a snag where she couldn’t figure out what to do.”
“She told me she thought she could do your job,” she laughed. “I said if she could take over the company to go ahead and do it! I’d love you to take a real holiday.”
“Oh thanks for your loyalty,” I said sarcastically. “I think I know her pretty well, and if she tries to take over, I may just let her. It could be interesting to say the least.”
“You mean you would make her President of the company?”
“Heavens, no! I might make her ‘Acting Managing Director’ on a trial basis. She still has a few lessons to learn and this could be a safe way to teach her. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind taking a bit of a break. I still love solving my clients’ logistics problems, but I’m not really enjoying the management side of running a business that much. Maybe I could stay as President but go part-time. I just need her to learn when to ask for help.”
* * *
The next morning I was busy with phone calls to clients and didn’t see Missy till mid-morning when I eventually buzzed her to bring us both some coffee. She was wearing a sheer blouse with pink and white floral pattern, and a pink skirt with an elastic waist. I couldn’t help but stare at her gorgeous outfit.
She saw me staring and said in a low voice, “You’re staring, sweetie, and I know why. You’ve wanted to get back into women’s clothes ever since the office party, haven’t you?”
Had I? The thought was… thrilling! For the first time I realised she might be right!
“Wouldn’t you like to wear this pretty outfit?” she said in a low, seductive voice. “You’d love it. It feels so sexy!”
She was practically purring. Was she trying to hypnotise me? Was it working? My mouth was dry. I reached for my coffee.
“I don’t know…” I said.
“Come on, we can change clothes and you’ll see how sexy this feels.” She licked her lips and stared into my eyes. “You know you want to!” she purred.
I knew what she was really up to but I just sat mute and staring. She helped me stand up and I did my best to act as if in a trance. It was all I could do to keep from laughing. She took my suit jacket and shirt off me and laid them carefully on the desk. I hoped nobody would come in. It would be hard to explain. I would be wide open to a sexual harassment suit, and I had no idea how I would explain the situation to Marilyn if she found out.
Missy saw my concern and locked the office door. Then she took a black long-line bra from her handbag and put it on me, stuffing the cups with plenty of tissue. Then she took her blouse and skirt off. I realised they were big on her. Underneath she was wearing a black bra, a black stretch lace camisole, and a black nylon half-slip with a wide lace hem.
She soon had the camisole and blouse on me. Then she said my bottom half should match my top, so she quickly had my shoes, socks and pants off.
She got her slip and skirt on me then had me sit while she put nylon knee-highs on my feet. I almost laughed out loud as all of this was going on. I wondered what was going to happen next. She knelt to fasten my shoes. Then she took a silk scarf from her handbag and tied it round my head, concealing my short haircut.
“Now, doesn’t that all feel real sexy to wear?” she said beguilingly. “You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you? Just like at the party…”
In a low voice I said, “I don’t know...”
But I could feel exciting things happening in my groin. While I was distracted Missy got a make-up purse out of her handbag, and started to apply lipstick and foundation to my face.
“Hey, I don’t think…” I protested.
“Sssh, sweetie,” she said soothingly. “We’re nearly done.”
She held my head still while she added a little mascara and eyeshadow. When she was satisfied, she stood back and looked at me with a satisfied smirk on her face. There was a small mirror on the back of the office door. I turned to study my image. I certainly looked like a woman at first sight. My figure didn’t look quite right, but you had to look closely to see that my hair was actually short and masculine. The scarf drew your attention, and it matched the blouse perfectly.
While I was looking at my new self, fascinated – OK, preening – Missy had put on my suit and all the clothes she had taken off me.
“Well, now which one of us looks more like they should be running the place?” she said. The seductive tone had gone, replaced by an assertive bark.
“Right now you do, I guess.” Actually she looked like a little girl dressing up in her daddy’s clothes. “Can we change back now?”
“Why should we change back? I like how it feels to be in charge. This is how we solve the problem of you having to be here while I’m running the company. You can be my secretary! Obviously everyone will know it’s really you, but you won’t look like the boss anymore. And if they all see you running around getting my coffee, typing my letters, and doing the filing, they’ll learn to treat me as the boss, not you!”
“I suppose that might work…”
“But if you don’t do the job properly you will be demoted to file clerk,” she said sharply. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand perfectly.” That last remark was particularly exciting.
“Good! I think I’ll get Judith to help you become more presentable.”
She called Judith, our most senior secretary after Missy – I mean after me! – and told her to help me pick out a wig and shoes at Hampton’s Women’s shop. She took two hundred out of petty cash and told her to bring back the receipts and change.
There were a lot of puzzled glances as Judith and I made our way through the open-plan area to the lift. Were we having another Fancy Dress party during working hours?
* * *
On our way to the women’s wear store Judith was, understandably, full of questions. I reassured her that I knew what I was doing, and that she and the rest of the team should just go along with it for the moment.
“Well, OK, boss,” she said doubtfully, “but I hope you don’t plan on this going on for long. I don’t think I could stand working for that bossy little cow permanently.”
Not what I wanted to hear – although her statement of personal loyalty was nice.
* * *
At the store I got a blonde wig which they styled in a severe-looking bun for me.
“There! You’ll look just like a senior secretary!” said Judith. “But I think we should get you a nice jacket too, and that pink skirt of Missy’s is just hideous on you!”
So we did. Well it seemed that I had allowed Missy to browbeat me into trying her bizarre scheme now. We also got a pair of black pumps with a two-inch heel, and a medium-sized cream handbag with a shoulder strap. I put my wallet in it.
Judith recommended a smart brown skirt suit, and obviously we had to replace the floral blouse. We got a light blue one, with a smart black skirt, and a cream one to go with the brown suit. That would mean I now had two secretary outfits - for today and tomorrow too, I assumed.
I was a little nervous about stripping down to my bra in a public place – OK, in a fitting room cubicle – but both blouses fitted my new bosom rather better.
Then we stopped at the New Woman salon where I got made up properly. I had a marvellous time. The excitement of the Christmas party was all coming back. I reckoned I now passed easily as a professional woman. I wondered what Marilyn would say when she saw the new me. I remembered the sex we’d had after the party and guessed she wouldn’t be too upset.
Of course we spent far more than two hundred, so I paid for everything myself and told Judith to put the money back. That way I would own all my new clothes, not the company. (I realised I might also have to have a word with Missy about the uses of petty cash. We do get audited, even though it’s my wife who does it.)
Back at the office, Judith went to brief the rest of the staff about our new arrangements, while I reported to Missy in my – now her – office. She approved of how I looked and was glad to be able to put her own clothes back on.
“Now you can go to your new desk, and start entering the orders, and make sure that Kathie gets them filed when you’re done with them,” she said with a smirk on her face. “But first open your pretty new handbag. I have everything you had in your pockets right here.”
So I went and got busy and was entering the orders when Jenny, a bookkeeper, came in and asked me what was going on.
“Well, Missy feels she can do a better job at running the place, so I am giving her the chance,” I said in the feminine voice I had developed at the Christmas party. Her face fell. I hastened to reassure her. “Don’t worry, I think I know what I am doing. I’m sure she’ll find there is more to my job than sitting at a desk and bossing people around. I think I’ll just wait and see what happens.”
“I hope you know what you are doing. Why did you let her put you in a skirt?”
“That was her idea entirely. Don’t worry, I’m only going to be her secretary and I don’t intend to get after you girls like she did. I believe you all know your jobs and you do them as well as you can. Meanwhile we’ll just have to wait and see what develops. I think I know what will happen. Trust me – I know what I am doing!”
“I sure hope you do! I don’t think I could work for her as a boss.”
I felt pretty good at hearing that from Jenny as well as Judith, but it did mean that I would have to watch Missy even more carefully or there would be mass resignations!
* * *
I was soon breezing through entering the orders and really starting to enjoy myself. This was so relaxing! I thought of my own Inbox and the pile of things I had on my plate today, and felt a little guilty for leaving it all to Missy, but I assumed she’d come running back to me if she couldn’t manage. Then she would have learned her lesson and we could go back to normal. I was surprised when I realised that I didn’t really want that to happen, at least not for a while yet…
* * *
Noon arrived, and Marilyn came in to take me out to lunch. She saw a strange woman sitting at Missy’s desk. When she took a close look she saw it was her husband!
“What happened to you? What’s going on?”
“I’ll explain it over lunch. Let’s go, I’m famished.”
I explained as we ate. I told Marilyn how hard it had been to keep a straight face. She was concerned but I assured her it would work out. When we finished eating she reminded me that I needed to redo my lipstick. So we went to the little girls’ room and I repaired it. This was the sort of thing I would have to get used to now. Men had it so easy!
Marilyn still couldn’t believe I had allowed Missy to put me in a blouse and skirt.
* * *
Back at work, the afternoon went fast. At quitting time Missy came out to me and said, “You know, your old job is easier than I thought.”
“Some days go really smoothly but others bring problems. Wait till you hit something hard before you say the job is easy.”
“I’ve seen how you handled problems, and I think I can manage anything that comes along.”
“We’ll see!”
“I hope you’re not being cheeky to your boss, young lady! You’re only a secretary now, you know! Oh, and by the way, I assume we’ll be swapping salaries as well?”
I hadn’t thought of that, but I didn’t mind actually. As the owner of the business I only took a notional salary – higher than hers, of course – but I took most of my remuneration as dividends from our profits. If she was doing my job she deserved to be paid more, but she would probably be disappointed by how small her increase would be.
Anyway it would only be for a few days. I was positive she would soon face a problem she couldn’t handle, and then I would show her how to run a business.
* * *
At home Marilyn said I should stay in my new clothes and wig ‘to get used to them’. Throughout the evening she kept reminding me to keep my knees together. Several times I caught her looking at me and licking her lips.
At supper she said she liked my new image but thought I was stupid to let Missy think she could run the company. I told her that I was keeping a close eye on things and that I wouldn’t let anything hurt our business.
Bedtime was a reprise of the night after the Christmas party. I got another taste of being the helpless little woman in the hands of a passionate lover. Marilyn was wild!
* * *
The next morning I put on one of her fancy blouses with my new navy blue skirt. She hadn’t worn it for a while as it was really too big for her. She laughed when she saw me.
“You really are getting into the secretary role, aren’t you? You look just like an office girl!”
“Thanks. I figure this will disarm Missy into thinking she’s in control of the situation. I want her to believe she has full rein on the company.”
“What do I call you now? You don’t look like my husband, Jim, anymore.”
“Oh right. I hadn’t thought about that.”
“Well no one gets to name themselves, and as your mum and dad aren’t here, I should get to choose. I think you look like a Rosemary. I’ll call you Rosie.”
“Fine, thanks.”
“And, between ourselves, Rosie, you’re just as sexy as a secretary as you were as a senorita. Tonight I intend to give you another good seeing-to.”
I had a feeling Marilyn wasn’t going to object to my temporary transformation too strongly.
* * *
At work I had typed two letters for my boss and was entering the orders from yesterday when Missy called me into her office. Bob, the guy who looked after our IT network, joined us a minute later.
“Bob, I need you to create a new user account for my secretary,” Missy began.
“O-kay-y…” he replied, still not sure of who was who, and who he now answered to. He shrugged. “So what’s the name of the new account?”
“Good point!” she turned to me. “You’ll need a different name, won’t you, dear? Any ideas?”
“Well, when I’m dressed like this, Marilyn calls me Rosemary; um, Rosie, for short.” I was a little embarrassed admitting it to them.
“There you are, Bob. The new user ID will be for ‘Mrs Rosemary Palmer’. You’ll need to take her picture for her new building pass. All the personal details should be the same as for our old boss, Jim Palmer, apart from ‘F’ for female, of course. Rosie’s account privileges should be reduced to those of any of the support staff. Oh, and freeze Jim’s account - he won’t be needing that for the moment. All my emails should be copied to Rosie, as my secretary, except for any marked ‘Personal’. I suppose you should also forward all of Jim’s emails to her too, but Rosie, I want your promise that anything intended for Jim as CEO of the company must come to me. You’re not to respond to anything as if you were still the boss, alright?”
“Yes, Missy.”
“OK, thanks, Bob. You can get on with that now.”
When a perplexed Bob had left, she continued. “I really think you should be calling me ‘Miss Hermsen’ to reinforce your new position.”
“But why? I never made you call me ‘Mr Palmer’. We’ve always been on first name terms here!”
“Well quite a few things are changing now, aren’t they? I need the rest of the staff to see you treating me with proper respect. Don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to it. I’m sure you’ll be much happier as just a secretary.”
Actually she might just be right about that. I was looking forward to only working nine to five and not having to make any tough decisions. I would just have to do as I was told – and nothing more. My new boss dismissed me back to my secretary desk.
I noticed that she didn’t make anyone else use her surname – just me. Perhaps she thought the others would think she was being too bossy – again.
* * *
While Missy was occupied with a telephone call I dropped by Bob’s desk to ask him to set something up for me quietly and not to tell her about it. He grinned with evident relief that I wasn’t handing the whole business over to her. I also suggested he pass the word quietly to the rest of the staff that they could always consult me somewhere out of Missy’s sight if they were concerned about any of her instructions.
Back at my desk I quickly started saving some important documents up to my personal cloud space outside the company firewall, as my new account as Rosie wouldn’t have access to Jim Palmer’s files.
* * *
On the Wednesday morning Ken Nicholls returned from two days visiting clients. He was a bright and charming young Sales Engineer, who I saw as our Sales Director one day, if the company continued to grow. He was the closest thing I had to a confidante at the office. Needless to say he was surprised by the changes that had occurred in his absence. Over coffee in the kitchen – and out of Missy’s hearing – I tried to explain.
“I’m really fond of her, and I think she has a great future here, but she’s always complaining about not being given enough responsibility. I’m afraid she’ll quit if I don’t do something, but she needs to recognise her lack of experience. Think of this as a training exercise.”
“OK, but that doesn’t explain why you have to do it in drag!”
“Well she insisted she couldn’t be the boss while I was around, and I insisted I had to be here to catch her if she falls. So she came up with this idea. If I look like a secretary, and act like a secretary, and treat her as the boss, then everyone else will too.”
“Sounds like rubbish to me,” he grinned. “Are you sure you’re not enjoying the cross-dressing just a bit?”
“Actually, I am,” I admitted with a laugh. “I’m loving being a lowly secretary. It’s been really restful these last few days. I think I was getting close to burn-out as the boss, to be honest.”
“What does Marilyn think – about being married to a woman, I mean?”
“She seems to like it; it’s weird.” I lowered my voice and checked no one was around. “And the sex has been phenomenal. I think she gets off on being dominant.”
“So that makes you her submissive?”
“Hah! I’m pretending to be submissive for the sake of great sex, and to keep her onside for our little ‘training exercise’.”
“Pretending, right…”
* * *
So Missy’s first week as boss continued, and I settled in as her secretary, fetching her coffee, typing her letters, and filing. She also sent me out to fetch her dry cleaning and to buy a birthday present for Steve!
And she was right – I was much happier in my new role. I loved the feelings of my lacy lingerie under my skirt and swishing round the office in my pantyhose and heels, and I was happy to offload the burdens of management, and not having to be responsible for every little decision. Being a ditzy little secretary was fun! I spent nearly half an hour doing my nails one morning when we weren’t busy.
Meanwhile the rest of the staff seemed to think they had to consult Missy over every tiny everyday matter from signing off expenses chits to approving leave requests. When I was the boss I had delegated most of those things to her, but she didn’t seem to want to relinquish any of her old responsibilities to her new secretary. As a result the constant interruptions were wearing her to a frazzle. She finally blew up in the middle of the afternoon when she was trying to finish off some new marketing material that I had started on the previous week. She was struggling with this, mainly because she wasn’t really familiar with the technical aspects of the logistics business.
At that point Judith came in to get her signature on a travel claim and Missy lost it. Shortly afterwards Judith emerged from the office looking a little hot and bothered. She paused by my desk, drew a deep breath, and winked at me. Missy burst out shortly afterwards instructing me to keep everyone out of her office for the rest of the afternoon.
One of the things she delegated to me after that was customer enquiries from our website. She had always responded to these by emailing out company information, price schedules, etc. That task now fell to me. This was a fairly mind-numbing activity and always took Missy at least a couple of hours a day. By the end of the week I was doing it as efficiently as she had. As Jim I had made it a rule that if an enquiry, either through the website or by other means, wasn’t completely routine, she should consult me. So I fully intended to go to her likewise with anything difficult to see if she knew what to do, but nothing like that came up that first week.
I was still expecting her to make a mistake where I would have to step in and save the company from losing business, but in fact it was a quiet week with no major issues and Missy didn’t put a foot wrong. Strangely, she also seemed to be becoming a little less bossy. Several members of the staff commented on it. Perhaps actually being the boss now, she felt more secure and didn’t feel the need to throw her weight about.
I made a point of leaving on the dot of five o’clock, as she always had. Every day she was still at my – that is, her – desk when I left. When I got home I logged back into the network using a secret Administrator account she didn’t know about, just to keep an eye on what she was up to when I wasn’t around.
When I left at close of play on Friday she was still at her desk. She was looking tired, I thought.
* * *
That weekend Marilyn and I talked things over.
“It looks like Rosie might be around longer than you expected,” she grinned. Then she got more serious. “So how exactly are you going to get your job back if Missy doesn’t mess up?”
“What do you mean? I can just step in and put things back the way they were at any time… can’t I?”
“Well it depends on what you said when you agreed the swap,” she said, with a thoughtful look. “She could argue that she has a verbal contract to be the MD until she makes a mistake – or until she decides to go back to being your secretary; excuse me, Executive Assistant. And if she doesn’t do anything wrong, she just might have your job for good!”
“Don’t be silly!” I laughed. “You and I own the business. We’re the Board and we can sack her any time we like.”
“You’re assuming that I would vote for that. If she does a good job and makes the business more profitable, why would I want to sack her?”
“What?” I exclaimed. “You’d vote against me?”
“It’s nothing personal, dear; only business,” she laughed. “Besides I rather like seeing you as a busty little secretary.”
She was eyeing my pantyhose-covered legs and my protruding chest, and licking her lips again. For some reason her attention was making me uncomfortable. I sat up straighter and pulled my legs together.
“It would still be 50-50,” I blustered, “and I get the casting vote as CEO.”
“But you’re not the CEO, are you? She is! I guess you’d better be right about her messing up eventually.”
I was in a state of shock. Surely Marilyn was teasing, wasn’t she? She was certainly better informed about company law than I was. I relied on her. I couldn’t have her taking Missy’s side.
“Anyway, I think you should expect to be little Rosie, the sexy secretary, for a while yet,” she went on. “In which case, we should do something to improve your disguise. You look quite good already, but at lunch the other day I could see some people looking at you a bit strangely. Your figure is too straight up-and-down. You need curves – like you had as the senorita at the Christmas party.”
“I can’t wear that shapewear all day! It’s too hot and uncomfortable.”
“No, I know, but I think there’s a good alternative. There’s a place I’ve heard about that might be able to help. It’s a bit of a drive, but I think we should go there this afternoon. I’ll call for an appointment. Meanwhile you’d better ditch the T-shirt and jeans and drag yourself up as Rosie again.”
Hmm, I thought I could still be Jim in the evenings and weekends. I didn’t want Rosie to take over all my life.
* * *
The place she was talking about was called Transformations. When we turned up at the appointed time, we were greeted by a very well-dressed, coiffed and made-up middle-aged lady. She introduced herself as Mrs McLaughlin, and insisted we call her Ingrid.
She gave me a cursory inspection and was clearly unimpressed. I suspected she might be a product of the shop’s services herself, but she didn’t have a noticeable Adam’s apple, and although her voice was deepish, it was well within the contralto range. More significantly, her mannerisms and gestures were entirely feminine, and without the giveaway exaggerations of a Drag Queen. If she was a man underneath, she was very, very good.
Marilyn was all business. “This is Rosie, my husband,” she explained. (We decided, with Ingrid’s approval, not to share our real names.) “He has decided to live as a woman for a while, and we’d like him to be as convincing as possible.”
To her credit, Ingrid showed absolutely no interest in why I needed to change sex.
“Excellent, I’m sure we can help,” she began, in a business-like manner. “There are lots of things we can do. They fall into three categories: prostheses and other equipment which he can put on and take off again, and which in no way affect his ability to appear as a man...”
“That’s what we want,” I interrupted.
I was preparing to say more, but Marilyn cut me off.
“Let Ingrid finish, dear,” she said firmly.
“Thank you, Madam. Secondly, we can make a few changes which are slightly more lasting, but which again won’t prevent him from returning to his original male appearance.”
“Can you give me some examples of that?” Marilyn asked, before I could. I was beginning to wonder whether I was part of this conversation. (It seemed that my wife was treating me like an office girl all the time now.)
“Well, to be able to use the prostheses he would have to wax all over...”
“Huh?” I began. That sounded painful.
“...but if he is going to stay as a woman for any length of time, he might prefer to go the whole hog and get rid of all his body hair by electrolysis or laser treatment,” Ingrid continued, again ignoring my squeak of protest. “You see what I mean? That’s permanent, but lots of men have little or no body hair. Another example would be a tracheal shave to remove his Adam’s apple, although his isn’t too prominent. That’s a minor op of course; we have an arrangement with a local clinic.
“Then there’s his hair. His wig isn’t bad, though we can do better. But if he’s proposing to stay as Rosie for any length of time, you should consider doing his own hair in a feminine style. That would probably include tinting, highlights, maybe a perm, and you might want to think about hair extensions. That’s all reversible of course, but not so easily. He couldn’t appear as a woman during the day and a man in the evening, say.”
“I’m not sure about that...” I began.
But Marilyn was nodding and looking thoughtful. “Mmm, I think we should stick with a wig for the moment, but I quite like the idea of him being smooth all over...” she said, as though I hadn’t spoken. “What about the third category? I assume that’s the really permanent stuff?”
“That’s right – hormones, obviously; breast implants; tightening of the vocal chords to raise his voice; liposuction, that is we remove fat from his tummy and inject it into his thighs and buttocks; and so on. Some of our ‘girls’ even have ribs removed to narrow their waists. We can arrange pretty much everything short of full SRS – our clinic needs psychiatric consultation to go there.”
It was time to put my foot down. I was owner of my own business, a captain of industry, and I was getting annoyed!
“OK, that’s enough,” I said. “Let’s stick to the prosthetic stuff for now, shall we? This will only be for a few days – a couple of weeks at the outside.”
Marilyn laughed. “I think my little girl is getting squeamish. Alright then, what can we do in Category One?”
Ingrid smiled, sharing the joke at my expense. “If you would like to follow me, I’ll show you our Photographic suite. We make computer models of your body and show you what you could look like. Then when you’ve chosen a design, we use 3D printing to make the prostheses. We’re not too busy today, so we can probably get it all done this afternoon.”
* * *
The next half an hour was my most embarrassing experience so far. I had to strip right down to my panties (pink, with frilly lace around the waist and leg openings, if you’re interested), then stand on a little dais in a small dark cubicle. Ingrid’s voice through a loudspeaker commanded me to stand stock-still with my arms out to my side, and try not to blink when the lights came on. That was more easily said than done as they were very bright. Two cameras mounted on circular tracks orbited around me, snapping away.
After two circuits they stopped and the bright lights went off again. A small safety lamp came on and Ingrid told me I could get dressed, and then to join her and Marilyn at the computer console next door.
When I got there, they were studying the photographs, which had been assembled by the software into a three-dimensional picture of my body. This was something of a shock; I hadn’t realised I was so skinny and with so little muscle definition.
“OK, I can now superimpose an image of an idealised female body the same height as him over his frame,” Ingrid announced.
She did so and the combined picture showed areas where my body was inside the female shape – these were coloured green – and areas where my body overflowed the female shape; these were red. It was a fascinating process.
“So we can make prostheses for the green zones which will pad him out to the ideal feminine shape. Those areas are mainly the hips, thighs and buttocks, and of course the breasts. But the red zones are the problem – the shoulders and waist. A corset or waist cincher would help but would be a bit uncomfortable for wearing all day, and it wouldn’t do anything for the shoulders.”
This was what we had realised when we got the shapewear for my Christmas costume. My hips had to be as wide as my shoulders, with corresponding thighs, buttocks and breasts, or I would look too obviously like a man in drag. This is what had attracted people’s attention in the restaurant the other day. They might not have realised exactly what was odd about my shape, but they had instinctively recognised something was ‘off’.
“So we’ll have to increase all his dimensions slightly to compensate,” Ingrid went on. “I’ll dial up the sizes a little.”
She moved the computer mouse to a sliding scale which seemed to go from 0 to 28 – I assumed the numbers corresponded to dress sizes, or something very like that. The female shape broadened out. She had to go up to dress size 16 to get rid of most of the red zones, and even then my shoulders still stuck out a bit. It seems I was going to be plumpish again.
“Fwhoarr! Dead sexy,” Marilyn said, in a passable imitation of a dirty old man.
Ingrid laughed. “So, if you’re both happy with that, I’ll send the specs off to the 3D printer. It will take a little while for the prostheses to be produced and ‘cured’. Why don’t you go and get a coffee? If you come back in about an hour, I can fit the prostheses and show you how to look after them. You might also want to get some new underwear for Rosemary.”
She consulted a table on the computer screen.
“Her bra size will be 44C – bigger than average for a size 16 dress because of her shoulders – and her statistics will be 44-31-42.”
* * *
After more ridiculous spending on new bras and panties, a sexy black corset, and a couple of size 16 dresses and skirt suits, we made our way back to Transformations. We had agreed – that is, Marilyn and Ingrid had agreed – that I would be waxed hairless. The least said about that ghastly experience, the better.
The fitting process was even more deeply embarrassing as I had to be completely naked for that. Both prostheses were ‘anatomically correct’ and very convincing. You could hardly see the joins. The soft flesh mimicked the real thing perfectly in terms of movement and ‘feel’. Marilyn was particularly fascinated, stroking and kneading my huge new breasts and big round buttocks.
“They’re just like the real thing,” she whispered, hoarsely.
My discomfort from being naked in front of two members of the opposite sex (I assumed) was apparently matched by Marilyn’s – though her discomfort was of a quite different nature. She seemed to be sweating a little and struggling for breath.
The abdominal prosthesis had a little tube for my member, connected at the other end to my faux vaginal slit. It was the only completely rigid part of either prosthesis, presumably in order to prevent unseemly erections, which I imagined might then be a little uncomfortable.
The prostheses were skin-tight and seemed to stay in place quite firmly, but Ingrid recommended that for maximum comfort and realism they should be stuck onto me with medical adhesive. This would be waterproof and, if left alone, would last until I shed a layer of skin – i.e. ten to twelve days! – although I could remove them at any time with an appropriate solvent. She gave us a supply of both.
I resolved to have nothing to do with the adhesive. The biggest benefit of this whole transformation for me was the sex, and for that I would need full and unconstrained access to my manhood!
Getting dressed in my new lingerie with my soft, jiggly and extremely realistic feminine flesh, was a mind-blowing experience. So much so that I wondered (not for the first time) whether it would be easy to give this up when Missy eventually conceded and our little ‘training exercise’ was over.
As a bonus for the amount we spent on my prostheses, Ingrid arranged for one of her minions to style my new wig, paint my nails, and give me a professional makeup lesson. They also shaped my eyebrows which was, if anything, even more painful than the body waxing.
Afterwards I stood in front of a mirror in my bra and knickers, trembling. Ingrid was all smug professional pride, commenting on how well I had turned out. It occurred to me that I wouldn’t be able to turn back into Jim easily…
Marilyn was flushed and hurriedly excused herself, muttering something about needing the bathroom.
* * *
I was really starting to look the part now, and I loved it. It seemed that Marilyn did too. In bed that night she was a tigress, pawing my breasts and my enhanced bum, then tearing my frilly panties and false butt off me. She pushed me down and screamed like a banshee as she impaled herself on my engorged member. She came loudly twice before she allowed me any release.
Cuddling in the afterglow, I asked her what was going on. She had the grace to look a little embarrassed.
“I don’t know really. I just find dressing you up as a girl an incredible turn-on. I’ve been desperate to do it again ever since the Christmas party. I just didn’t know how to ask you.” She added diffidently, “Maybe I have a little lesbian in me...” She giggled when she realised the double entendre. “Or maybe it’s just a fetish...?”
“Do you want to make love the way two girls do?”
“No thanks, I’m very happy with the way we do it now, though I do like being on top. You may look like a girl and wear frilly knickers, a bra and skirts, but that great big thing of yours makes you all man – well, she-male!”
“So it seems my fetish for women’s clothes and your fetish for girly men match perfectly,” I said.
* * *
That conversation seemed to clear the air, and on Sunday morning Marilyn had no further embarrassment pushing me further along this new journey.
“You look great now, but you still have a lot to learn about behaving like a woman. We need to keep you in tight skirts and high heels to force you to walk like a girl. You need to learn what to do with your hands – you keep trying to stuff them in your trouser pockets when you’re wearing a skirt. We’ll go out together as girl friends as often as we can, so I can watch how you move and sit and gesture, and correct you when you do things the way a man would.”
“OK,” I agreed – as if I had any say in the matter.
I was still wondering where all this enthusiasm for my feminisation was coming from – and where it might be going.
“And to help get you in the proper mindset, I think you should start using my car to get to work. That big BMW M5 of yours is hardly suitable for a little office girl. Even my roadster is a bit much, but you should start using that.”
Rats! I loved my M5.
* * *
Marilyn insisted I stay as Rosie for the rest of the weekend. We went out for brunch on the Sunday morning, followed by a walk in the park. We had afternoon tea in a café by the lake. She was continually instructing me on my walk, my mannerisms, and my gestures. Several times we were approached by men, but Marilyn rebuffed them all sharply by taking my hand and kissing me on the lips.
“Don’t you dare even look at those Lotharios, young lady! You’re all mine!”
It was embarrassing at first, but I soon grew to like it.
The second week
So on the Monday morning of Missy’s second week I put on one of my new size 16 dresses – a red, black and grey striped number – and a short black jacket. Then I drove to the office in Marilyn’s little Mazda convertible. It was quite a challenge getting the seating position right. I was bigger than Marilyn in every dimension. With the seat too far back my arms weren’t long enough to reach the steering wheel comfortably. Any further forward and my ginormous boobs were squashed against it. I also couldn’t work out how to fasten the seat belt across my bountiful chest.
When I got to the car park I realised Missy was already in and had parked in my space. No surprise there, I suppose. In the office as I wobbled my way to Missy’s – that is, my desk, I could feel everyone’s heads turning toward me and caught their gasps of surprise. The other secretaries came bounding up to me for a closer look, complimenting me on my hair, makeup, and dress. Judith admired how well I was managing to walk in high heels. They were treating me as one of them, my real identity apparently forgotten – just as Missy had hoped. The men kept their distance though, too embarrassed to approach me.
I dropped my handbag in the desk drawer and switched on my computer. Then I picked up my notepad and went to see if my boss wanted anything.
Missy gaped. “You look amazing! Thanks for doing this so thoroughly. No one would think you were once the boss. Those times are well and truly over now, aren’t they? I’m sure you’ll love your new life as a secretary.”
She didn’t know how right she was. I was beginning to hope that she really could succeed as the boss…
She looked me up and down, appraisingly. “You are a big girl now though, aren’t you?”
I blushed. She held out her coffee mug.
“Right then, Porky, to business,” she grinned, and added briskly, “Wash this up and bring me a fresh cup. You know how I like it.”
At least I had always said please!
“Yes, Miss Hermsen,” I said, humbly.
* * *
The day went on. Missy had learnt to ration her time a little and now had me dealing with some of the more trivial matters that had driven her to distraction the previous week.
But she had gotten in the habit of closing her office door - something I had never done. As a result I had become her gatekeeper to the rest of the staff, and she was in danger of becoming remote to them. I wondered if she realised how that would affect morale.
We had to start our quarterly budget round this week too, which would obviously mean a lot of work for the new boss. We had always done this together before so Missy knew the ropes.
Every quarter our senior staff would ask for time and money to devote to their little projects, and it was always a matter of deciding what to fund, what to refuse, and what to defer till next quarter.
I had glanced through this quarter’s requests and, more importantly, had debriefed each of the applicants to understand what they were asking for and why they thought it was necessary. They were all relieved that I was still involved in the process, though I hastened to point out I was only a secretary now, and the budget would be Missy’s decision as she was the boss. None of them could tell if I was joking. But it meant that I knew what I would have authorised if I were still in charge, so I was ready when Missy called me in to help her.
“Now, Rosie, you understand that this quarter’s budget will be my decision, but I’d be happy to hear your opinions. After all, Jim always listened to my advice when I was his secretary, so it’s only fair.”
“Yes, Miss Hermsen,” I said, dutifully. “Have you talked to anybody yet?”
“What about?” she asked, apparently puzzled.
“To ask them for more detail about their requests. I – that is, Jim - always did that. For example, not being an IT techy, Jim didn’t always understand what Bob wanted, so he had to ask for a layman’s explanation...”
“Well I haven’t got time for all that,” she said crossly. “Look, I saw you going round talking to everyone this morning. As a secretary that wasn’t your job, but as you’ve done it, you might as well tell me what they said. But how we allocate the investment budget this quarter is still my decision, right?”
It seemed she was trying to have her cake and eat it. I decided it was time to put the ‘training exercise’ on hold for a moment. I went to close the office door. Then I turned back to her and, still standing, put my secretary’s notepad down and took my wig off to indicate I was Jim again.
“Look, Missy,” I began, in my increasingly unfamiliar masculine voice, “I went to Bob and Ken and the others as part of my monitoring role to make sure you didn’t make bad investment decisions that could harm the business. You should have done that. Without that information you’re not in a position to set the budget properly. Are you saying you want to swap back and be Jim’s secretary again?”
“No!” she said angrily. “You’re not being fair. A good boss makes the most of all her staff’s abilities. When you were in charge you didn’t need to talk to everyone about their budget bids yourself, you could have sent me! I would have understood their proposals and could have helped you more. You didn’t delegate sensibly, which is probably one reason why you were getting stressed. OK, I may have repeated some of your mistakes, but I’m learning, and I know I’ll be better than you were at delegating.”
I guess some of what she said was true. I sat back down, sweeping my skirt beneath me. I put my wig back on and picked up my pad.
“Thank you, Rosie,” she said with a little smile of triumph. “Now tell me what Bob said about moving our online catalogue to the Cloud.”
We got on with the budget meeting.
* * *
Something much more significant happened the next day: an email came in from Romex Composites, a big regional engineering company. It was an Invitation to Tender to supply a wide range of logistics services. If I were CEO still, I would definitely want to pull out all the stops to get that business. We could double the size of the company in a year! But I really doubted whether Missy would be up to managing our proposal.
The email had come in to our general email inbox. Before forwarding it to Missy, I slipped round to Ken’s office at the other end of our floor. I told him about the Invitation to Tender, and that he would probably have to draft the proposal. He blanched.
“But I’ve never done anything that big before! You’ll have to help. Hell, you’ll have to write most of it!”
“I can’t,” I replied. “I’m only a ditzy little secretary, remember?”
“Oh, for God’s sake, Jim! I knew this silly game of yours with Missy would blow up in our faces. She won’t be able to do this!”
“Relax, obviously I will help you,” I said, in Jim’s voice. “We just have to do it so she doesn’t know I’m involved. I’m going to go off sick this morning. I’ll write the proposal at home and email it to your personal account. Then you can pass it off to Missy as your own work. But don’t do anything until she calls on you. Till then you haven’t even seen the Romex email, right?”
“OK, I’ll wait till she calls me in. You do realise she’s sure to know I couldn’t have written a proposal like this without your input?”
“That doesn’t matter. The important thing is for her to recognise her own shortcomings and see that my job isn’t as easy as she thinks. If she hasn’t at least got you involved by close of play tonight, I think that’s a good enough reason for me to end our little arrangement… which would be a shame because I’m really enjoying myself.”
Ken gave me an odd look.
“I mean I’m having a nice rest… Never mind – just call me at home if you haven’t heard anything from her by half-past five, or if it looks like she’s doing anything dumb.”
He agreed to watch Missy carefully. I went over to Judith and sniffled a bit. I took a tissue out of my handbag and blew my nose. Then I asked her to cover for me for the rest of the day.
I went back to my desk and forwarded the Romex email to Missy and also to my home email account. Then I shut down my computer and started packing up my things. I was rummaging in my handbag for the keys to Marilyn’s girly little car when Missy came rushing out of the office, looking flustered.
“Rosie, did you read this email from Romex?”
“I just skimmed it, Miss Hermsen. I realised it was for you – as the CEO.”
“Well, it’s a really big deal, and…” She broke off when she realised I was standing up and putting my coat on. “Are you going somewhere?”
“I’m so sorry, but I’m feeling dreadful, a touch of the flu, I think.” I sniffed theatrically. “I’m going to have to go home. I don’t want to infect everyone in the office.”
“But you can’t! I mean I’m going to need you to…”
“Oh, don’t worry, ma’am,” I interrupted. “I’ve asked Judith to cover for me as your secretary. She’s not too busy at the moment.”
I waved to Judith as she came over to report to Missy. I turned and made my way to the lift. I wondered how long it would take her to think of calling Ken in.
“But…” came Missy’s plaintive tones.
* * *
I drove home and started work on the proposal. Fortunately it was like many I’d done before, though potentially much bigger than anything we’d seen since starting Lightning. When I read through the ITT, I realised there were lots of gaps. We would need a meeting with the client to quiz them further over details.
Ken called just before noon. He was quite cheerful.
“I hovered around at your desk talking to Judith for a while after you left,” he said. “There were some interesting noises coming from your office - I mean her office. She might have been crying at one point. She eventually came out looking really worried. When she saw me she grabbed me and pulled me back inside. She told me about the Romex ITT and asked what I thought. I told her it was a great opportunity and we should drop everything to win it. She turned a bit paler but agreed. She asked if I had any ideas about how to go about it. I told her I would have to give it some thought.”
“Did she come up with any suggestions herself?”
“Not really. She said we should both jot down our initial thoughts and compare notes at the end of the day. I suppose it’s a good sign that she’s asking for help?” I agreed. “Do you have anything for me yet?” he continued.
“Actually, yes,” I replied. “I’ll send you a list of ideas. There are a number of areas we need to clarify with them, mostly about sizes and types of consignments. At the moment their proposed contract is completely open-ended. We might have to transport anything from a box of pencils to a live elephant – or even a herd of elephants!”
Ken laughed. “So what should we do about that?”
“We need a meeting with them – an hour should be enough. Now, I’m still going to be off sick tomorrow so that I can finish the first draft. Check with Missy first, but get Judith to try and arrange a meeting with the Romex client for Thursday or Friday. It should be for the three of us. I need to hear what they say for myself, so I’ll go as her secretary to take notes. I doubt Missy will object to me going, but if she does, you need to insist I come. I’ll put a list of questions in the email, in case anyone challenges the need for a meeting – but don’t forget: you thought of everything.”
* * *
So on Thursday morning at ten o’clock the three of us trooped into a comfortable meeting room at Romex’s headquarters downtown. Missy introduced herself as the MD of Lightning and Ken as our chief Sales Engineer. As an afterthought she indicated me and hoped they wouldn’t mind her bringing her secretary along to take a few notes? They were quite happy about that. Indeed after studying my legs carefully, the young Romex research engineer winked at me. I smiled back bashfully. Missy was wearing a very serious pant suit, so I guess I was the only totty on view that day.
Everyone sat down. Ken and Missy sat at the conference table opposite the three Romex people. I sat behind my boss at a little secretary’s table. I swept my short skirt under me carefully and made sure I kept my knees together. I got out my tablet, my secretarial notepad, and a pen. Then I put my handbag down on the floor beside me. The young engineer couldn’t take his eyes off me; obviously a man with a preference for the plumper figure. I was concealed from everyone else behind Ken’s six-foot frame.
As Pete, the Romex boss, was introducing his team, Ken placed a large ring-binder on the table, and took out his fountain pen and an A4 pad. Then he made a little fuss about turning the sound off on his mobile phone, placing it behind the ring-binder out of Missy’s sight.
It was a good meeting. After a few general platitudes about how keen we were to work with Romex, Missy grudgingly handed over the detailed questioning to Ken, and he went through everything I’d prepped him with. As the discussion got more and more technical, Missy began to look at Ken uncertainly. She knew he was a decent engineer, but she’d thought he was still learning the logistics business. She hadn’t realised the depth of his knowledge.
But what really floored her – and brought knowing smiles to the faces of the Romex guys – were his follow-up questions. He was impressing everybody with his insight and his deep understanding of procurement, requisition and transportation.
Of course he was getting the follow-up questions from texts on his phone, concealed by his ring binder, and the messages were coming from my tablet computer!
After about forty minutes, we took a coffee break, Missy volunteering me to be Mother and pour and pass the cups around. As I wiggled my way round the room on my three-inch heels, I noticed with smug satisfaction that the young engineer was still fascinated by my prosthetically-enhanced bottom.
Suddenly the door opened and a very tall, very handsome man walked in unannounced. The other Romex guys came to attention smartly. Their spokesman introduced the newcomer.
“Miss Hermsen, Mr Nicholls, this is Fred Murray, our Regional Managing Director,” he said.
But I knew exactly who he was. Fred was my room-mate and best friend ten years ago at college! We’d lost touch, apart from Christmas and birthday cards, and I hadn’t seen him for years. Now here he was and staring hard at me! Would he recognise me in my office girl blouse and skirt? I thought I was going to faint.
“I’m pleased to meet you all,” Fred was saying. “I thought I’d come and introduce myself. I used to know...” At that point he dried up. Was that recognition in his eyes?
“Well, never mind,” he continued. He turned to Ken and Missy. “So are you getting everything you need?”
“Oh yes, thank you,” Missy gushed. “It’s been very helpful. I’m confident we’ll be able to offer you a very attractive proposal.”
“I’m sure you will,” he smiled. “Anyway, carry on with your meeting. I’ll just sit in for a few minutes.”
We took our seats again. It was hard to say who was most nervous at Fred’s presence: me or the other Romex guys. Missy had picked up that there was something in the air but she couldn’t work out what. Ken was oblivious to any change in the atmosphere and happily ploughed on with his questions.
“Nearly at the end now,” he said. “We just wanted to check a few points on volumes and discounts...”
* * *
After about ten minutes, Fred interrupted. “I have another meeting I must get to shortly, but I have a couple of questions regarding Lightning personnel. We’d like to know who we’ll be dealing with if we award you the contract. What exactly is your role, Ms Hermsen? I understood that Jim Palmer was your MD?”
And there it was: the question both Missy and I had been dreading, though for different reasons.
“Oh, er...” Missy started, clearly rattled, “I’m Acting MD. Mr Palmer is currently taking a, er, sabbatical.”
“And what’s your background?” Fred pressed. “Are you an engineer? A Procurement Officer?”
“General management,” she said, helplessly. “I manage... client contacts, the staff, budgets, and so on. I am currently overseeing your proposal, for example,” she added, brightly.
“Uh huh, and how do you do that if you have no logistics expertise?”
“Well, Ken and Jim do all that,” she admitted. “Jim will be writing most of the technical sections of our proposal.”
So she had realised that! I saw Ken looking at her with amusement. I cast my eyes down and focused on my note-keeping. I hoped I was keeping a straight face.
Fred turned to his chief minion. “Okay, give me a shout when you’re finished, would you, Pete? I’ll come down and see them out.”
We stayed on for another half an hour after Fred left the meeting, and it took almost all that time for my heart rate to return to normal.
The Romex team were very friendly and assured us that we had a good chance of winning their business. They were aware we were only a small outfit, but saw that we knew our stuff. We packed up, retrieved our coats from the en suite cloakroom, and prepared to leave. I dropped my tablet in my handbag, threw the strap over my shoulder, and followed Missy and Ken out of the room.
Fred turned up again as Pete led us to the lift. He shook hands with Ken and Missy and wished them good luck with the proposal. As they were stepping into the lift, and I was preparing to follow, he reached out and grabbed my arm in a firm grip. I stumbled to a halt and might have fallen over in my heels if he hadn’t been holding me upright.
“I’m just going to borrow your secretary for a moment if that’s alright, Miss Hermsen. Don’t wait; I’ll see she gets back to your office.”
I caught a last glimpse of Missy’s worried face as the lift doors closed. Pete and the others were nonplussed. What on earth did their boss want with a nonentity little secretary from another company? I wasn’t much wiser myself, but I had no doubt now that he knew exactly who I was. He glanced at me, put a finger to his lips to ward off any questions or protests I might have come out with, and virtually frogmarched me the length of the floor to his office.
“No interruptions,” he barked to his secretary as he pushed me inside, “for any reason at all. Understand?”
He closed the door behind us - and started laughing.
“Jim, you great pillock! How on earth did this happen?”
“I’ll explain, if you stop staring at my legs. After all you’ve seen them before, on the rugby field.”
“Not shaved, in stockings and high-heels, I haven’t. The boobs are new too. C’mon – give!”
So I explained.
* * *
Fred Murray and I were inseparable for three years in engineering lectures, at parties, and on the rugby field, where I was a slippery, nippy scrum-half and he was a massive and terrifying second row. We were each other’s wingmen with the ladies too, though he was effortlessly successful while I was happy just to escort his conquests’ best friends.
His size 14 sock was virtually a permanent feature on our flat’s doorknob, signalling his need for me to spend the evening elsewhere. No doubt the time I spent in the library as a consequence contributed to my first-class degree. How he scraped an upper-second was a mystery to both of us.
Marilyn was the only interruption to our friendship. Like everyone else, he fancied her something rotten, but unlike just about every other undergraduette at the university, she only had eyes for me. He backed off with good grace when it became apparent that she and I were soulmates. I have never looked at another woman since (apart from to admire her dress sense, I mean).
Unfortunately after university Fred and I took jobs in different parts of the country and gradually lost touch, apart from Xmas cards. He joined Romex and was sent all over the place but seemingly never where Marilyn and I were. Finally the crazy work schedule I had to live with to set up our own business ruled out travel, holidays, sometimes even mealtimes.
* * *
“When you sent me the email about setting up Lightning I made a mental note to put you on our ‘Prospective New Suppliers’ list,” Fred said. “So I was expecting to see you this morning – but not dressed like that!”
I had sent that introductory email to pretty much everyone in my Contacts list. I had forgotten it included Fred – and of course I had no idea he had risen to such great heights within Romex. That explained a lot. In my office girl guise I felt even smaller next to him now.
“So I checked on Lightning Logistics,” he said. “I know you have an impressive track record, but you’re still a small player. Give me the gist: how are you going to win this one?”
I took out my tablet and opened the proposal file and the spreadsheet with my financial models. I walked him through them. He picked up the ideas instantly. My old friend might not have been a high-flyer academically but he was as sharp as they come. He thoroughly deserved his senior position.
“Your price schedule is very attractive,” he said after scanning my figures (having already scanned my figure). “How on earth can you manage those discounts?”
“No overheads,” I explained. “We have a tiny, ‘no frills’ office; we hot-desk; and we do virtually everything digitally. Also we have a network of small suppliers and distributors. It’s the Japanese model. We never use big companies, because we’d just wind up paying for their big fancy offices and their CEOs’ private jets. Everyone in our supply chain is lean and hungry.”
“Brilliant!” he laughed. “I shouldn’t say this, but I think you’re very well-placed…”
“That’s great…” I began.
“Or you would be,” he went on, “as long as I don’t veto you.”
“What! Why would you do that? Anyway I thought you had nothing to do with the selection process?”
“Not the selection, but I can still reject their recommendation.” He saw my face clouding over. “But I won’t – if you do something for me…”
“Have dinner with me on Saturday night.”
“You and Marilyn, I mean! It’ll be great to see her again too.” My relief must have shown. “I mean you as Rosie, of course.” I started to object, but he stopped me. “If I had dinner with Marilyn and Jim, I’d be the gooseberry, but with Marilyn and Rosie, I’ll be a stud – the envy of every man there!”
Same old Fred.
* * *
We spent another half an hour catching up, then he arranged for me to be taken back to our little office in a Romex car. Missy and Ken were waiting on tenterhooks.
“What did he say about the meeting?” Ken asked.
“What did he want with you?” Missy demanded to know, sure that I’d stepped outside my secretary role.
I decided to keep most of my conversation with Fred private. “He asked me out to dinner,” I said, and pushed past them to my desk.
“What!” they said, almost in unison.
“I thought I’d better say yes, if we want the business,” I added.
“But you can’t go out with him!” Missy shrieked.
“It’s like being a call girl!” Ken hooted.
“No, it isn’t,” I said crossly. “It’s only dinner. And he could get us thrown out of the competition if I don’t agree. I’m only doing what any loyal secretary would do. It’s alright for you, Miss Hermsen. I’m sure he’d never ask a CEO to do such a thing.”
Actually, knowing Fred, I’m damn sure he would!
Missy was staring open-mouthed. “But you’re married,” she said. “To a woman!”
“Marilyn will understand,” I said.
* * *
Over lunch Marilyn laughed her head off when I told her about my morning.
“It will be great to see Fred again,” she said. “Where is he taking us?”
“Apparently it’s his golf club dinner dance. He’s got no one to go with.”
“I thought he got married a couple of years ago?”
“Five years ago, and they’re separated. Elise walked out on him two months back.”
“Poor Freddy. I assume he had an affair?”
“He says it was a one-night stand. A moment of weakness and he felt terrible about it afterwards. He really loves Elise, I think.”
“Shame.” Marilyn was not unsympathetic, but she knew Fred of old and his infidelity was no surprise to her. “Anyway,” she continued, “to business: so this is a dinner dance?”
“Yes, so what?”
“You don’t have a thing to wear!”
* * *
Ken and Missy spent most of Thursday afternoon and Friday finishing our proposal, filling in the sections that I had had to leave blank until the Romex team had answered our questions. I had to keep popping in to show them the notes I had taken, and Missy let me draft most of the additional content (which was just as well).
She pretended she could have done it all herself, but claimed it was something a decent secretary could do just as easily from a good set of notes. Which was rubbish, of course, but it just about saved face for Missy.
On Friday morning she was popping paracetamols two at a time and by lunch she was looking like death warmed up. This was hardly surprising. As well as the sceptical grilling Fred had given her, she understood virtually none of the technical proposal and was struggling with the commercial section too.
On Thursday evening I had constructed the financials in spreadsheet form, as requested by the client. I assumed this was so that they could run some test scenarios to compare our prices with our competitors for a variety of complex situations. This was quite common in our business and I knew how to set up models to look financially attractive but still avoid losing money in extreme circumstances.
But it was very complicated, and it took me an hour to explain it even to Ken on Thursday night. It took him most of Friday morning to explain it to Missy, and he had to take a couple of ‘bathroom breaks’, when he dragged me to the kitchen to get answers to some of her questions.
Missy seemed to be in shock when she came out of that session. But she and Ken had made very few changes to my original proposal (which was just as well). It went off to Romex by email at four o’clock, an hour inside their deadline. Surely Missy must have realised by now that she was out of her depth? Why was she being so stubborn?
* * *
At four-fifteen on Friday afternoon Marilyn turned up to take me shopping for an evening gown. She told everyone she was determined I should look my best for my date on Saturday night. Missy was incredulous. Neither of us told her that Marilyn was invited too.
“By the way, Missy,” Marilyn said, “have you sorted out the budget for the next quarter?”
“Not quite. The Romex proposal took all our time this week.”
“Fair enough, but can you get it done by Wednesday? I’ve asked your secretary to save Wednesday afternoon for our half-yearly audit.”
Huh? First I’d heard of it. Missy went even paler.
“And I’m going to have to ask you to start doing regular financial reports for the major shareholders now that you’re in charge. I didn’t used to need that because I slept with the CEO, but I can’t expect to get a proper picture of what’s going on from a scatter-brained little office girl, can I?”
I wasn’t wild about her characterisation of me, but I took her point.
“Of course not, Mrs Palmer,” said Missy through gritted teeth. “I’ll get onto that first thing on Monday, but now I must go home. I’ve got a splitting headache.”
I was glad – and relieved – that my brilliant wife was back on my side, if she had ever not been.
Now I needed an evening dress, and matching shoes, and a handbag, and perhaps a wrap…?
* * *
We went home first in our separate cars. When we got in, Marilyn dragged me upstairs to the master bedroom.
“Okay, sweetie, strip!”
“What? Why? I’m more than happy to have a little afternoon nookie, but I thought we were going dress shopping?”
“We are, but we need to do something about your boobs. You’re going to have to strip down to your bra and knickers – often – to try on evening gowns. Some of them will be low-cut, and any sales assistant worth her salt will soon see your breasts aren’t attached!”
So I stripped to the waist, and she gave my torso a good going-over with a razor to remove any growth since my waxing. Then she got out the medical adhesive that Ingrid had given us and glued my breast forms to my chest. I hadn’t realised how much they would pull on my chest muscles, as they had always been resting in my bra before.
Finally she used makeup to cover up the joins and blend my skin colour into that of the forms. The result was pretty impressive. My bosom looked real!
”You’ll need an underwire bra now – here.”
She handed me one of the bras we’d bought at Transformations, but which I hadn’t worn yet. I was expecting it to be uncomfortable, but it was a very good fit. Ingrid knew her business.
* * *
So we set off in my – Marilyn’s – M5, with her driving, which made me feel even more like ‘the little woman’. We spent the afternoon traipsing round upmarket boutiques in search of the perfect plus size evening gown.
I had expected my wife to have fun embarrassing me with the sales staff but she was sweetness and light throughout. I felt like a schoolgirl shopping with my mother for my first posh dress. It was a very strange experience, but great fun: preening and twirling in front of tall mirrors; wandering around dressing cubicles in my lingerie, fully visible to other women who were also in just bra and knickers (sometimes just knickers); deciding just how much boob I could afford to display; and what colours ‘brought out my eyes’.
Great fun, but I couldn’t help wondering what Marilyn was getting out of this. Is this really what she wanted from a husband?
As this was likely to be a one-off occasion she eventually persuaded me to choose something spectacular – a full-length, low-cut number in black satin.
* * *
Marilyn insisted I started getting ready at four o’clock on the Saturday afternoon. That seemed ridiculously early but she was quite right. She gave me an all-over waxing and oiling. I had a perfumed bubble bath, and an especially close shave.
Nancy, Marilyn’s home hairdresser, came round and attended to our coiffures, washing and setting my wig in a beautiful ‘updo’. I wore a negligée of my wife’s but a lot of me, my prostheses and my lingerie were exposed, given that I was a much bigger girl than Marilyn, and the negligée wouldn’t close properly. I’d met Nancy several times as Jim, so she knew who Rosie really was, but she was totally professional throughout. Anyway by now I was getting used to women seeing me in my bra and knickers. (Was that a good thing, I wondered.) Nancy was also an expert with makeup. Marilyn’s took her twenty minutes; mine more than twice as long.
Dressing took much longer than I’d expected too. I would have to wear my corset to be sure of getting into the tight dress, so it made sense to wear stockings. Also the dress needed to be pinned to my bra to prevent unintended exposure of bra or boob. I needed Marilyn’s help for all of that. She grumbled loudly about ‘being reduced to a lady’s maid’, but it was obvious she was enjoying herself immensely.
Fred sent a limousine for us, which was a big help as I could never have got myself into an ordinary saloon car. It seemed Iike I needed three hands: one to hold the skirt of my full-length dress; one to carry my clutch bag; and one to keep my gorgeous but slippery evening dress shawl from sliding off my shoulders.
Marilyn accomplished it all smoothly of course, and split her sides laughing at my feeble efforts. I fell into the back of the car like a sack of potatoes.
“Very ladylike, darling,” she sniggered.
“You try getting into a car in four-inch stiletto heels!” I muttered.
She pointed down to her shoes, which were practically identical to mine.
“Yeah, well, I can’t even see my feet over this ridiculous 44-inch bust.”
That came out a bit too loudly. The chauffeur gave an involuntary glance in the rear-view mirror to examine said bust for himself. I didn’t mind, as long as he was sufficiently gallant to help me out at the other end.
* * *
Fred was waiting in the vestibule of the hotel banqueting suite. He made appreciative remarks about our outfits, ostentatiously staring at my chest and grinning. He led the way to our table and ordered cocktails. The place was packed with golfers and their spouses all dressed to the nines. I was still feeling self-conscious about my sexy dress and my ‘full figure’ (especially my cleavage), but we fitted in well enough and I was glad we had made an effort.
Each large round table seated eight, and I estimated there were fifteen or sixteen tables. The dance floor was in the middle of the room. Our table was in the front row of the rear section, so we were about half-way back, equidistant from the rear entrance to the hall and the stage, where a small orchestra was tuning up.
We took our allotted seats, one each side of Fred. He was soon deep in conversation with Marilyn, as they hadn’t seen each other for the best part of ten years. Two more couples and a single man soon joined us and introductions were made. A waitress appeared with our drinks.
I studied the dinner menu and the programme. I saw there would be dancing till eight, when dinner would be served. A well-known stand-up comedian was due to give an after-dinner speech; no doubt it would be full of filth and golfing in-jokes. At ten there would be presentations to the winners of the club’s annual competitions, and speeches by the chairman, the treasurer, the men’s and ladies’ captains, and so on. Then more dancing till one a.m.
Just as the band started up Marilyn excused herself to go to the Ladies’. Fred turned to me.
“I can’t get over your outfit, Rosie,” he began, stressing my name. “You may have been a distinctly average-looking man, but you make a really eye-catching woman – and completely convincing.”
I should hope so; the prostheses, lingerie and gown had cost enough.
“Thanks… I think,” I replied, “but could you keep your voice down? I’d rather not be outed as a you-know-what in front of all these posh people. Some of them may be my clients.”
I only played golf occasionally myself, but I had been to this club with some of my business contacts. I had been looking around but I hadn’t yet spotted anyone I knew professionally.
“Sorry, mate, I wouldn’t want to do that. I promise to treat you as a lady for the rest of the…”
He broke off suddenly. He had been looking over my shoulder toward the stage, and the top table directly in front of it, which was just starting to fill up with the club’s officers.
“Shit! Come on, we’re dancing!”
“What? I’m not going to dance with you!”
“What did you think was going to happen?” he said. “This is a dinner dance!”
Anyway he didn’t give me a choice. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. He was much stronger than me, which was just as well. If he hadn’t been holding me up I would almost certainly have lost my balance and fallen off my high heels. He stuck his arm round my waist and with no choice in the matter I rested my left hand on his shoulder.
“Why are we doing this?” I hissed. “For God’s sake, hold me up. I’ve had very little practice in these heels and certainly not backwards!”
He kept glancing toward the top table. “I was going to ask Marilyn,” he muttered, “but she buggered off to the Ladies’ at just the wrong moment.”
“What? Why was that ‘the wrong moment’?”
“Never mind. I’ll explain later.”
Every time he swung me round I tried to work out what he was focusing on at the other end of the room. The top table had filled up. There were about six couples, mostly people in their sixties, though there was one striking younger woman. She looked tall and athletic, though it was hard to be sure as she was now sitting down. She seemed to be looking in our direction too, and with what seemed to be undiluted hatred. What was going on?
Despite my confusion I started to enjoy myself. Fred was an excellent dancer and comfortably strong enough to hold up his inexperienced and clumsy partner. As we whirled around the floor, my skirt twirling sensuously around my nylon-clad legs, I began to understand why women loved formal dancing so much. It was practically orgasmic! I wondered if Marilyn would like to take up ballroom dancing as a hobby…
After two dances Fred led me back to our table. Marilyn was back now and watching us with some amusement as we approached.
“Well look at you two!” she laughed. “Is there something I should know?”
She had never been one for discretion. The other people at our table looked at us quizzically. I could feel myself blushing scarlet.
“Just a little dancing,” Fred said. “Rosie is surprisingly good. May I have the pleasure?”
She jumped up and he led her back to the dance floor. I sat down, glad to have got through the ordeal without further embarrassment, and beginning to feel the strain in my poor feet. The single man to my left struck up conversation. I was half listening, just making polite responses, but like many men he was perfectly happy with that. We women are not expected to contribute to such conversations; we are only required to hang on to a man’s every witty word!
Bored with my companion’s high opinion of himself I turned slightly to scan the top table again. The tall woman was still watching Fred on the dance floor, now with apparent loathing for Marilyn. She stood up and stormed off to the Ladies’. I decided to take the bull by the horns. I excused myself from my neighbour’s fascinating conversation and made to follow her to the loo.
As I was going into the Ladies’ three chatting women were making their way out, which left just me and the tall woman alone. When she saw me, her beautiful face flashed with anger. I paled; this might have been a mistake.
“I’m sorry,” I said timorously. “Have we met?”
“I don’t think so,” she said frostily, “but you obviously know my husband well.”
“Oh good heavens!” I blurted, just about managing to keep my voice in the feminine range. “You’re Elise!”
“Indeed,” she admitted, and made to push past me. “Excuse me.”
“Wait, please,” I said. “I don’t think you understand…”
“What’s to understand? I don’t suppose I should be surprised he’s moved on so quickly.”
“No, that’s not it at all!” I was almost physically restraining her now, and she was getting even angrier, if that was possible. “I’m not here with him… Well obviously, I am, but not romantically.” She paused in her efforts to escape. “You saw the other lady he was dancing with?” She nodded. “That’s Marilyn; she’s my… partner. That is, we’re together… we live together, um, romantically.”
I stopped, very aware that my burbling was virtually incoherent. Elise was puzzled.
“Then why are you here… with him?”
“We knew him at college – ten years ago – but we’d lost touch. Then this week I bumped into him at the office… on business, and he invited us...” Light was beginning to dawn. “Oh… I assume he knew you were going to be here tonight?”
She nodded. The light was breaking through for her too. “Of course – I’m the Ladies’ Captain. So he invited you two to try and make me jealous?”
“I’m afraid it looks like that. I’m really sorry. I had no idea.”
“Not your fault. He’s a rat!”
“Actually, about that…” I began, diffidently. “I’m not sure he meant it that way.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he misses you dreadfully. I’ve only spent a couple of hours in his company since we met up again, and he’s spent most of them talking about you.”
Okay that was a barefaced lie but Elise didn’t know that. I just hoped what I was trying to do was in their best interests. I pressed on.
“Obviously, Marilyn and I are off limits to Fred and he understands that, but no woman wants to listen to a man talk about another woman all night!”
Elise had sat down on a chair by the vanity mirror. “So why was he being so blatant – dancing with you two? He should have known it would upset me!”
“He’s a man,” I said ironically. “They don’t understand us. He probably thought making you jealous would get you charging in to take back what was yours – or something…”
Being a clueless man underneath my expensive dress, I was running out of words.
She was smiling a little now. “Okay, maybe he’s more of an idiot than a rat…”
I took a risk and pressed my advantage. “So what do you think? Will you take him back? He seems to have gone to a lot of trouble for you.”
Too right – the tickets to this shindig were three figures. Mind you I’d spent a lot more on my dress.
“Probably,” she sighed. “I miss him too. But By God, I’ll make him pay for it!”
“Quite right,” I agreed. “New dress? Jewellery? Spa day?”
“All of the above,” she laughed. She turned serious. “It’s a really good thing we talked. I was just about to get my lawyer on the phone and start divorce proceedings. I’m very grateful. You and Marilyn must come round to dinner when I’ve sorted my idiot husband out.”
We repaired our makeup together, chatting happily about feminine matters, practically besties now, then returned to our tables. Fred had obviously seen us leaving the Ladies’ deep in conversation and was white as a sheet.
“Nice woman,” I said to Marilyn as I took my seat. “She was telling me what an arsehole her husband is.”
Fred went even whiter.
The food began to arrive. Eventually I took pity on him. When I finished explaining, Marilyn slapped him on the shoulder and told him what an idiot he was. He barely seemed to notice. He leapt up and rushed over to the top table, scattering waitresses with arms full of dinners. We watched his animated conversation with his beautiful wife and were relieved when she rose to her feet and he pulled her to him in a violent bear hug.
She made him return to our table afterwards, and quite right too. He was our escort tonight, not hers. But after dinner, and the terrible comedian, and the prizegiving, and the speeches, he went back to her and they danced together for the rest of the evening.
* * *
“That was a really nice thing you did,” Marilyn said, at around midnight.
“You really think so? What if he screws up again? He is Fred.”
“Then that will be it. She doesn’t look like the kind of woman who’ll let him get away with it twice – and quite right too. I wouldn’t let you cheat on me once.”
“I wouldn’t dare,” I said. “But you’re all right for the moment. It would be difficult for me to seduce another woman dressed like this!”
“Oh, I don’t know. You drive me wild. Anyway let’s dance. You’re not allowed to dance with your old boyfriend and not your wife.”
“We can’t do that! Two women dancing together – people will stare!”
“I don’t care; let ‘em. I want to dance with my pretty little husband, or wife, or whatever the hell you are now. I’ll lead.”
And we did. And she did. And they did.
* * *
Later, at home, while I was struggling out of my tight gown, and Marilyn was seated at her – our – vanity removing her make-up, she said thoughtfully, “You know, Jim wouldn’t have been able to persuade Elise to take Fred back…”
I knew what she was driving at, but I laughed and said, “Well he wouldn’t have been able to follow her into the Ladies, would he?”
She smiled. I was still struggling with my dress, and now my hair was getting in the way. I shouldn’t have released my updo until I’d unzipped my gown. Another lesson learned.
“Hey, can you help me with this zip? I won’t be able to get out of this dress until it’s undone all the way down to my butt.”
She got up to help. I held my hair out of the way and she unzipped me. The expensive dress fell to the floor and pooled around my feet. As I was stepping out of it, she slapped me playfully across my padded buttocks, and went back to the vanity.
“I’m serious,” she continued. “It really needed another woman to plead his case, and one who Elise knew wasn’t interested in him that way.”
“So you’re suggesting I should go into Marriage Guidance as a side-line? Because I’m obviously a lesbian and the wives can trust me?”
“I suppose it might be something to fall back on if the bottom falls out of Logistics, but that wasn’t what I was trying to say.”
I sat on the bed in my bra, corset and stockings to give her my full attention.
“You’re more thoughtful, now you’re Rosie; and kind and – well – gentle. Oh, I’m not putting this very well.” She paused for thought.
“Was Jim such a monster?” I prompted her.
“Oh no – no, darling… Well, you were sometimes a little brusque, and you didn’t always think of other people’s feelings. Not me – I’ve no complaints; but sometimes around the office... I’m just saying, I think being Rosie has been really good for you. I’m in no hurry for her to go away.”
“Well I’m glad you feel that way, because I’m feeling much happier and more relaxed, even though it’s had its ups and downs.”
“Missy, you mean?” she said. “I do think that girl needs taking down a peg or two.”
“I think that’s happening all by itself. She’s looking pretty stressed at the moment. I may have to step in before she has a breakdown – assuming you’ll let me, as our major shareholder, I mean?”
I was thinking back to our earlier conversation. She laughed.
“You goof! I thought you would have realised I was teasing you.”
“Well Rosie isn’t as brash and confident as Jim, so you had me worried there. Actually there is one other thing that’s worrying me…”
When I paused she turned to look at me. I looked down to avoid her gaze.
“If I stay like this for much longer, I’m scared you’ll get sick of your sissy husband and go off and find yourself a real man…”
“You idiot! You’re all the man I could ever want. God, that sounds so camp!” She realised I was serious. “Look, babe, I went out with big hairy rugger types at Uni, and got fed up with their posturing. One of them hurt me.”
I looked up in surprise. She’d never mentioned that.
“For that type, the more they realise that a woman is their intellectual equal – or in my case, superior, obviously…”
“…Obviously…” I agreed.
“…the more they have to show off their superior physical attributes. It got pretty tedious, quite honestly. Then I met you. And you were everything I needed. You make me laugh. You look after me, without ever being patronising. You ask for my opinion on everything. Your judgement is always spot-on. I trust you instinctively. And I know you would never hurt me. And on top of all that, you’re my intellectual equal – well, nearly. So, I know that you’re my soulmate, even behind the bra and panties; hell, maybe even because of the bra and panties!”
A tear had started down my cheek.
“Are you crying?” she said, surprised.
I looked down to my bulging breasts, my lingerie and stockings. “Well, so what?” I snivelled. “I’m certainly dressed for it!”
It was nearly two o’clock in the morning, but we made love till we fell asleep.
The third week
Marilyn and I kept the details of our Saturday night outing to ourselves. Ken and Missy were still under the impression that I had gone on a date alone with Fred Murray, and they were keen to know how it went, and whether it would affect our chances of winning the bid in any way. I told them it was a very pleasant evening; that Fred was a perfect gentleman; but that we didn’t discuss business at all.
“Well, what on earth did you talk about?” Ken asked.
“Oh the usual things people talk about on dates – our families, our life histories, hobbies – you know…”
“Didn’t he realise you’re not actually a woman?” Missy asked, astonished.
“Well he certainly treated me as a lady all evening.”
I was trying not to tell any lies!
“Is he gay?” said Ken.
“Certainly not! He’s married, but separated.”
Well, at the end of Saturday it looked like Fred and Elise were going to get back together again, but they hadn’t actually told us that for certain.
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” I said. “It’s personal. Anyway we should all get back to work, or the boss will be angry with us. I have tons of orders to file.”
Missy snorted and stomped back to her office.
“There’s more to this than you’re telling, isn’t there?” said Ken when she was out of earshot.
“You betcha!” I grinned. “I promise I’ll tell you all about it at some point, but I’m quietly confident about the bid.”
* * *
Romex had promised the bidders they would make a decision within ten working days, which meant two weeks in elapsed time. With all the contracts I had competed for over the years, both at Lightning and at my previous employers, I was quite used to this. So I was able to put it out of my mind and focus on other things. For me, it was relaxing secretarial ‘business as usual’.
But Missy was completely unable to concentrate. I felt sorry for her. She had obviously convinced herself that if we didn’t win the bid, it would be her fault, and her ambition would have damaged the business. Every few minutes she would stand up and walk round the office sighing. Several times a day she would ask me or Ken whether she should call them and make some new offer or otherwise try to influence their decision.
“No way,” said Ken. “They expressly said they wouldn’t enter into any dialogue after the proposal closing date.”
She knew Ken’s response was correct, but it just made her more miserable.
“Why ask me?” I said, when she was pestering me with the same questions. “I’m only a secretary. We secretaries don’t know about that sort of thing.”
My response made her angry and miserable, as she knew I could reassure her if I wanted to, but she had made her bed. She yelled and accused me of being unreasonable. I said if she was mean to me I might run off to the Ladies’ and cry, because that was what we secretaries do. She snorted again, and stomped back into her office and slammed the door.
* * *
So after the gruelling Romex proposal, Missy’s next challenge was preparing for Marilyn’s audit. The problem was that we had never had to do it before, for the reasons Marilyn had said – she was married to the previous CEO and I told her everything. Indeed she had always been heavily involved in our budget planning, managing cash flow, juggling bank loans, deposit accounts, and so on. There was no way we could have managed without my wife’s financial acumen.
“But I don’t know what she’ll expect to see in an audit!” Missy complained when we sat down in her office and I waited to be told what to do. “This is your fault!”
“How on earth do you make that out…” I objected, “…Miss Hermsen?” I added hurriedly, lest she decided I was being insubordinate and demoted me to file clerk.
“Well you – that is, Jim – was never audited by his wife; so he never had to ask me to help him as his secretary; so I never got to learn what to do!”
“But… but…” I was struggling, “…but you need to know what happens in an audit if you think you’re qualified to be an MD. You can’t say it’s your predecessor’s job to teach you, when you were his secretary…”
“Well, I say it’s not fair – and I’m your boss. So you have to help me!” She was on the verge of tears.
“You wanted this,” I reminded her, “and I’m a secretary now. Secretaries don’t tell their bosses what to do!”
We seemed to have reached a stalemate. I could probably call an end to this ‘training exercise’ now. But did I really want to? It had only been a couple of weeks, and that included a very hectic few days on the Romex proposal when I was functioning clandestinely as CEO anyway. Besides, I was still mentally and physically exhausted and really didn’t fancy taking up the reins of responsibility again.
Missy was staring at me with a vacant expression on her face. Despite our current positions, she was clearly expecting me to find a way out of this impasse.
“Actually,” I said slowly, “every organisation is different, and since we’ve never done this before, it’s probably reasonable to ask the auditor what she expects from us…”
“Aha!” Missy leapt on the opportunity I had provided. “Right, Rosie, send Mrs Palmer – I mean, the other Mrs Palmer – an email asking her to specify the documentation she will want to see!”
“Yes, Miss Hermsen.”
I picked up my notepad and my handbag and went back to my desk.
* * *
“I thought I’d given you the perfect way of ending this silly charade?” said Marilyn that evening.
“You did, and thanks for that, but I’m not ready to end it yet. I like being a lowly secretary. I only have to worry about my hair, my make-up, and coordinating my outfits. Much easier than running a business!”
“Well if you enjoy it that much, you can come and be my secretary at Harpers,” she suggested, tongue obviously in cheek. “You know that Annie is going on maternity leave next month.”
“You mean, I could be your temp? Tempting, but I’m not sure my typing speed is up to it.”
Marilyn laughed. “I don’t think that matters anymore. A girl with your… attributes… will always be in demand.”
“You’re just a female chauvinist pig, Mrs Palmer,” I pouted. “Seriously, I have to stay and keep an eye on Missy. I may be fed up with running the business – all the admin stuff – but I’m still our principal Subject Matter Expert on logistics, procurement and transportation. The company was built on my expertise, and I can’t quit until I’ve recruited some young engineers I can pass my skills on to.”
“Well you’d better get on with that. At this rate we’re going to be rich enough for you to retire at 40! That would be pretty cool…”
“Anyway, feel free to give Missy a hard time on Wednesday. This job swap should double as a training experience for her.”
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s going to be an experience for her all right!”
* * *
So the early part of the week was taken up by preparing for Marilyn’s audit.
The guidance she had sent was mostly a long list of tables, graphs and pie charts, together with narrative descriptions and assessments. That is, boring stuff which Marilyn had mostly done for us herself in the past, but now, somewhat disingenuously, was demanding from the new MD – who barely knew her way around a spreadsheet. Unfortunately Missy knew I was an expert so I was lumbered with most of the work after all.
However I was able to draw the line at writing the narrative content of the report. I declared as firmly as I dared that that wasn’t something a secretary could do. So I extracted the numbers from the financial system and the spreadsheet modelling tools to produce the graphs and tables, and then handed it all over to Missy to write a description of what the data meant, and an assessment of what could be expected in the next twelve months.
Her English wasn’t bad, and her writing was actually pretty good for a secretary. Unfortunately her efforts were hopeless for an MD. What was worse was that she didn’t realise this. On Tuesday evening I warned Marilyn what to expect. We agreed that it would be better if I wasn’t in the room.
On Wednesday afternoon, Ken and I listened at Missy’s office door. Marilyn was calm, even kindly, but utterly remorseless. She exposed Missy’s lack of experience ruthlessly.
After about an hour, they both emerged from the office. Missy, in something of a sad state, hurried off to the Ladies’. Marilyn signalled Ken and me to come in to the office. When Missy returned, she began.
“Miss Hermsen, I’ve invited Ken and your secretary to join us for the audit report. You, Ken and I constitute the executive management, and Rosie is here to take notes. All right?”
Everyone nodded. I sighed and took my notepad and a biro out of my handbag.
“Well the good news is that the figures clearly show that the company is solvent, indeed doing very well. The bad news is that the audit has revealed certain deficiencies in management, which need to be addressed urgently. I speak on behalf of the shareholders, of course.
“Now we’ve never had an AGM, because the shareholders were the management, but now we have a new MD and she is accountable to me and my husband, Jim. Of course, he’s not here...” She glanced ironically at me. “...but I have his proxy, don’t I, Rosie?”
Ken grinned. I gulped. Now I knew how a rabbit felt in the headlights of an oncoming monster truck. God, I hope she was on my side on this!
“Er, yes, Mrs Palmer,” I twittered.
“So I’m calling an EGM.”
“Extraordinary General Meeting, at which the MD will be required to present the company accounts, forecasts for the next financial year, and her long-term strategy. This should be a formal report to shareholders. I’ll send a suitable template to your secretary, Miss Hermsen. I’m sure she can help you complete it. Shall we say, by next Friday at ten o’clock? We’re a private company, so fortunately we don’t have to lodge a copy of the report at Companies House. Alright, Miss Hermsen…?”
Missy had glazed over during this as she began to realise how much extra work had just been dropped on her - well on us. She had gone white.
“Miss Hermsen?”
She snapped back to reality. “Um, do I really have to do all that?”
“Well of course you do, if a majority of the shareholders require it. It’s the law. You could go to jail.”
I was pretty sure that wasn’t true, but I noticed a single tear ran down Missy’s ashen cheek. Then a glint appeared in her eye.
“Very well, Mrs Palmer. Next Friday at ten.” She turned to me. “You should plan on working extra-long hours for the next week, Rosie – without overtime. Think of it as being something you have to do for the perks of being the MD’s secretary.”
“Yes, Miss Hermsen,” I muttered.
Perks? Wait - what perks?
The fourth week
The template Marilyn sent was fairly standard. Helpful as ever, she added some notes.
Extraordinary General Meeting - Agenda
Date: Friday
Time: 10.00 am
Place: Lightning Offices
Item Description Responsible
1 Welcome and introductions MD
2 Apologies - Rosie will apologise for Jim not being there! Secretary
3 Review of actions from previous annual general meeting - N/A MD
4 Acceptance of minutes of previous annual general meeting - N/A MD
5 Managing Director’s report – ALL YOURS, MISSY! MD
6 Treasurer’s report – Marilyn to do Treasurer
7 Questions to directors MD
8 Proposed resolutions
Proposed resolution Moved by
9 Acceptance of financial statements – Marilyn to do Treasurer
10 Acceptance of annual report – Shareholders will vote MD
11 Appointment of and questions to the auditor – Marilyn to do Treasurer
12 Election of directors – Shareholders will vote Secretary
13 Meeting close MD
Missy wanted to know what would be expected in Section 5 - the Managing Director’s report. I suggested that it would be a set of standard headings and she could easily find out from the internet.
This time I was firm. I would do what Missy told me to do; nothing more, nothing less. I would not help her with the MD’s report. Well, I would type it if she ordered me to, but that’s all. Of course, I had all sorts of ideas of what I would do over the next twelve months if I were the MD, but I was damned if I was going to share them with her.
Grumbling, she vanished back into her office, and I didn’t see much of her that week.
* * *
Things were going smoothly – at least for me – until late on the Thursday afternoon. I had just put a call from a customer through to her when Missy buzzed for me to come into the office. She had dark circles under her eyes and – by her standards – she was looking unkempt, practically bedraggled.
“Is there anything else you need for tomorrow’s EGM, Miss Hermsen?” I began.
“Oh, never mind that now. Powers Enterprises just called and ordered a Gibson gear assembly for one of their machines. I checked, and we have one in stock, but they want it by seven tomorrow morning! I told them we can’t guarantee that early a delivery, and they said we did it before. I checked with the overnight delivery services but none of them would guarantee delivery by then. I don’t know what to do!”
“Remember I’m only a secretary. Secretaries don’t handle deliveries or anything like that. I’m afraid I can’t help you.”
“You have to help me! We will lose them as a customer if that gear assembly doesn’t get there by seven tomorrow morning! They said we did it in the past but I don’t know how it was done!”
“Why ask just a secretary? When you were a secretary you never had anything to do with deliveries, did you? As a secretary I can’t help you. You have to decide on your own what to do.”
Finally the dam broke: the mounting pressures of the budget planning; the Romex proposal and Fred’s interrogation; Marilyn’s audit, the quarterly reports, and the EGM; and having to deal with a thousand and one tiny problems the staff laid at her door. This last challenge at last brought Missy back to reality.
Through her tears she screeched, “I quit! I want to go back to being a secretary!”
“Then I am back in control of everything?”
“Yes, you are back in control of everything!”
“Then get out of my chair and observe how a problem like this is handled.”
I sat down at my desk, sweeping my skirt beneath me. She watched as I made a phone call.
“Hello, Ritchie,” I said, when I eventually got through. “It’s Jim. How would you like to make a trip to Powers Enterprises again? Usual deal – one full tank of fuel. They need a Gibson gear assembly... You can have it there in two hours? Great! … Sure I can play golf tomorrow afternoon. Two o’clock sounds great! I’ll call Powers and tell them it’s on its way. Thanks a bunch!”
I called Powers and told them it would be there in about two hours by helicopter delivery, like the last one. I told them I knew they had four identical machines and that I could order two more assemblies. They agreed to buy them to save on special delivery charges. I laughed, and said we would get four assemblies - just in case.
I turned back to Missy who was blubbing quietly in my visitor chair.
“Now, Missy, you see? Problem solved. There is a lot more to running a successful business than sitting in the big chair behind the big desk.” She looked blank. “Ritchie is my oldest customer and a good friend,” I explained. “He has a helicopter that he loves to fly, but the cost of fuel makes it possible only when he gets some reimbursement. I’ve found it’s nice to have an ace in the hole.”
I fetched a tissue from my handbag and passed it to her.
“Are you going to fire me?” she snivelled.
“Why on earth would I do that?” I said, rushing to put a motherly arm around her. “You’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons in the last four weeks. You learned that it takes more than a little knowledge to do the job expected. I was afraid that if you hit something you couldn’t handle you would fall apart. You are a great secretary and have a real talent for organising, but you have to realize that it is important to be the best you can be at what you are good at. You didn’t realize you have your own empire out there at your desk. It is your space and yours alone. Appreciate what you do and enjoy the fact that you are very good at it. Would you fire me if the situation was reversed?”
“I might have before, but not now. I never looked at things like you just said.” She managed a rueful smile. “You know it’s funny, the whole time I was sitting at your desk all I thought about was what to do if something happened that I couldn’t handle. I was terrified when we had to do the Romex proposal. I pretended I was running it, and that you and Ken were just being – what did you call it? – ‘Subject Matter Experts,’ but I soon realised I was out of my depth. I should have called it all off then.”
“You didn’t do so badly,” I said. That was a white lie of course, but I needed to restore at least some of her confidence. “The real problem is your lack of financial training. We need to do something about that…”
“Then when the Powers people called I just went to pieces!” she wailed. “I was so afraid I was going to lose a good customer.”
“See, your heart is in the right place. You just have to learn that there are always alternate answers to any problem. I didn’t become successful by sitting still. I had to learn the hard way.”
“Thank you for not firing me! I know you were doing lots of stuff behind the scenes and I know what I did was wrong, and now I don’t know why I did it. But you took everything so easily and didn’t resist. Why?”
“I knew you were striving for higher things and that was admirable. I was confident how it would all go. I took a chance, and it turned out as I’d expected. Part of running a business is knowing your employees and how to get the most out of them with the least problems. I think I know everyone here and what their hopes and dreams are.”
“I believe you. I just can’t believe what I did. Can you forgive me?”
“You are forgiven, so don’t worry about it. There was no harm done to the business – quite the reverse. As for moving up, I want you to go on some Financial Management courses first, but how about we make you Office Manager for the moment – if you just promise not to be so bossy to the staff?”
She perked up at that and nodded vigorously. But there was more we needed to talk about.
“The company is doing so well we’re going to have to recruit,” I continued. “Right now I reckon we need at least one more salesman, another engineer and two secretaries to keep up with our increasing client base. If Romex come on board too, we might easily need to double in size by this time next year. I’ll have to ask Marilyn to come in full time as Head of Finance. And I’m going to need you to handle the recruitments, deal with personnel issues, plan training programmes for everyone, maybe even help with budgets. How about it? Should we say a 15% pay rise with the promotion?”
“That would be fantastic… boss!”
“Now tomorrow is another day filled with new adventures and problems – like how am I going to beat Ritchie at golf if I’m wearing a skirt? I wonder if he’ll let me start from the ladies’ tees…”
We both laughed. Missy gave me a hug and thanked me for understanding.
But I had learned something very important about myself too. I was happier and more relaxed as Rosie, and – weirdly – my wife seemed to prefer me as her! I really loved my women’s clothes. Was there any reason why I shouldn’t wear them all the time – at least at work? It was my company; I could decide the dress code.
I supposed I must be what they now seem to call ‘gender-fluid’. Could I spend part of my time as Jim and part as Rosie? I considered. I’d have to get full identification documents for Rosie. She would need debit and credit cards on our accounts. She would need full Director status at Lightning, with authority to sign contracts for the company…
Would all that even be legal? Why not? It seems all the leading politicians are making loud and pompous commitments to diversity these days…
* * *
I had only been back behind my old familiar desk for a quarter of an hour when Missy put a call through from Pete at Romex. He was a little confused that the woman he thought was the MD answered her secretary’s phone and put him through to me, her secretary. I mumbled something about Missy having been on a training programme, and that I was supervising her and sitting in for Jim Palmer. I managed to persuade him that my role at Lightning was rather more senior than he had realised.
He said he supposed that was why Fred had invited me to stay on after the meeting at Romex? I didn’t correct him on that, and without saying anything specific managed to leave him with the impression that Jim was my brother (false); that I had similar qualifications to him (true); and that I was a major shareholder in the company (true).
After the call I asked Missy to gather everyone in the conference room at five o’clock that evening, and to put half a dozen bottles of champagne on ice. She immediately guessed the call was good news. She looked relieved – and happier than she’d been for at least two weeks.
Then I called Marilyn to tell her that the EGM was cancelled and why, and to make sure she was at the five o’clock meeting too.
* * *
I decided Rosie had one more secretarial duty to perform. I found a lacy apron in the office kitchen cupboard, probably left behind by outside catering staff after some party, and took on the responsibility of handing out glasses of champagne and Bucks Fizz.
I mingled with the staff, first bearing a tray, and then with a bottle to provide refills. No one batted an eyelid as they accepted a drink, assuming this was another duty Missy had assigned me to put me in my humble place. I smiled sweetly at everyone, while Missy just looked embarrassed and Marilyn chortled quietly to herself.
At about half-past five, I handed my champagne bottle to Missy, doffed my apron, and strode to the lectern at the business end of the conference room. I clanged a spoon against my own glass and called for quiet in Jim’s voice. Everyone looked at me, startled. I was a little surprised at the masculine sound myself.
“It’s a while since we’ve had a company meeting,” I began, realising that now that everyone had quietened down, I had naturally reverted to being Rosie. “So I thought that today’s news was a good reason to get together again.” I had their full attention now. “I am happy to tell you that our recent bid to become the main provider of logistics services to Romex Composites has been successful.”
Most of the staff realised this was a big deal. They cheered and whooped. Those who didn’t quite get it soon caught their enthusiasm.
“Ken and I will be meeting with their Logistics Director next week to thrash out the details of the contract and to talk about working arrangements, but I’m assured this will mean annual revenues of two million at the very least, and probably much more. The contract will be for five years with options to renew for a further five. I’m sure you all realise what a difference this will make to us.”
I paused as people were getting excited again, clapping and cheering. Missy and Marilyn went round, refilling glasses.
“Now we’re all going to be working very hard, and we’re going to have to recruit lots of new people. I have no intention of hiring in at senior levels. I want bright young things, and I want you guys to train them in how Lightning works. This time next year, I expect the company to be twice the size, and you will all have been promoted with stonking bonuses!”
Now the cheering started in earnest. When it finally died down, Judith raised her hand.
When I nodded, she asked diffidently, “Um, who’s going to be the boss then?”
Other people seemed to agree that this was a good question.
Marilyn stepped up. “I have a suggestion. Why don’t we take a vote?”
“Just a minute…” I began, “this isn’t a democracy…”
But nobody was listening and Marilyn was already ripping pages out of a notebook and handing them out.
“Write down your preferred candidate,” she said, “and I’ll collect your votes up.”
“Sssh, Rosie,” she said firmly.
I sat down and drank a glass of champagne much too quickly. I burped loudly. People were scribbling, then handing their papers to Marilyn. Ten minutes later, she rose.
“I am pleased to announce the results of the Lightning Logistics Presidential Election…” she announced grandly. “Amazingly, the voting was completely unanimous!” She paused – purely for dramatic effect and of course to tease her poor husband. “The winner is… Mrs Rosemary Palmer!”
“So nobody voted for my brother, Jim, then?” I asked forlornly.
“Apparently not, babe,” she twinkled merrily, high on the good champagne.
Three years later
“OK, boys and girls, take your seats, please, and we can get your induction course started. First of all, welcome to Lightning Logistics. We’re delighted you all decided to join us. My name is Missy McAllister and I’m the Managing Director. Can I begin by congratulating… er, Sandra Lockwood?”
She turned to a nervous-looking blonde girl in the front row, who blushed bright scarlet. Missy smiled.
”It’s all right, dear, you haven’t done anything wrong. I’m congratulating you because you are Lightning’s fiftieth employee!”
Everyone laughed and applauded. Sandra looked relieved and managed an embarrassed smile.
“Now here on my first slide, you can see our organisation structure; three main divisions: Engineering, Sales, and Support Services. You should already know which division you will be joining, of course. I’m not going to go through all the staff now – you’ll get to know everyone soon enough, but I will just mention our four senior directors: Mrs Palmer, Mrs Palmer, Mr Nicholls, and myself.
“This is Mrs Rosemary Palmer, our CEO and Technical Director. She set up the company six years ago. Mrs Marilyn Palmer, her wife, is our Chief Financial Officer…”
* * *
The new recruits met both Mrs Palmers later that day, and couldn’t help observing that Mrs Marilyn Palmer was heavily pregnant. Some of them wondered who the father might be. (The longest-serving staff all knew, but they weren’t telling.)
Later they might hear rumours that Mrs Rosemary Palmer sometimes wore men’s clothes at home in the evenings and weekends, but that couldn’t be true, could it? She was obviously such a lady…
The Earl Maid
By Susannah Donim
Rob is a shy and reserved young man, but an unexpected inheritance suddenly makes him the centre of attention. His wife helps him find a way of hiding in plain sight.
It was nearly one o’clock in the morning. The interview room was a grubby olive green, with condensation running down the walls. It was cold because it was late October, and in police stations, like all government offices, they don’t put the central heating on until the first of November. The steel-framed canvas chair certainly wasn’t designed for comfort, but the thick soft padding on my backside always made me feel like I was sitting on a cushion anyway.
The Inspector and his Sergeant regarded me quizzically. That was fair; I must have looked a sight. I’d lost my cap and most of my hair pins in the fight, and the permed greying hair of my wig was awry, large tufts floating wide. My dress was torn at the left shoulder, showing my bra strap. My apron was ripped and turned half way round my hips. My skirt had a gash from the hem almost up to my waist, revealing a long ladder in my tights.
“So, Madam,” the detective said, clearing his throat. “Despite your appearance, you maintain you are not the maid and housekeeper of Hadleigh Hall, but the Earl himself in disguise?”
He sounded incredulous, as well he might.
“That’s right, officer,” I said, in what I hoped was my normal voice, which I hadn’t had the opportunity to use for some time.
It didn’t come out as deep as I would have liked, probably due to the shouting and screaming I’d been doing to call for help for myself and my mistress, I mean, wife. Nevertheless, it was clearly deep enough to give him pause. He leaned forward to take a closer look at my face.
“I really don’t see how that can be,” he said. “You look exactly like this photograph I have of you – that is, of Miss Martha Manners.”
He paused. My bizarre claim had momentarily thrown him. He gathered his thoughts and started again.
“But whoever you are, you’re here to answer some serious questions, so that we can decide whether to charge you with murder or just manslaughter.”
Chapter 1
Twenty-something years ago, when I was little, my mother was unfaithful, but then so was my father. Unfortunately for her, he was an Earl.
They’d married young, very much against my grandfather’s wishes. He was sure they weren’t right for each other. He was no saint himself, but he knew his son was a selfish wastrel, and he believed my mother was a sex-mad gold digger from the wrong side of the tracks. It was true that she came from a poor family – her Dad was a miner who had died young from emphysema, and her mother was a cleaner – but my grandfather misjudged her motives. She didn’t care about money.
My parents met at a posh summer swimming party on the Estate. She and a friend had gate-crashed, relying on their bikinis and stunning figures to get in. There was skinny-dipping and Mum thought Dad was gorgeous as soon as she saw him naked. From that moment, she was determined to have him.
After a whirlwind romance, most of which was conducted in my father’s bedroom at the Hall, they were married in a big, traditional wedding. The honeymoon was at the Palais de la Méditerranée on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice.
That extravagance wasn’t typical of the old Earl. Unlike his son he was careful with his money and his property, and had his lawyers create a pre-nup so iron-clad that, if the marriage should break up, my mother would get next to nothing. Grandpa was determined that the inevitable divorce would have no impact on the Estate. My mother signed it happily. At that point she couldn’t imagine a time when she wouldn’t want Dad, but if that time ever came, she wouldn’t want his money either.
My parents began their married life in the Hall’s West Wing. My grandfather, a widower, kept himself and his occasional visitors to the other wing, but they all took their meals together in the big old dining hall, waited on by a butler and two maids. Those occasions were awkward at first, my mother said, but her happy-go-lucky attitude gradually wore down the old man’s scepticism and he eventually accepted her into the family.
The way she tells it, they had an amazing year, then a good year, then an OK year, then a year of yelling at each other, then a year of deliberately avoiding each other, before they eventually agreed to call it quits. She says now they had never really been in love, just madly in lust. This was borne out by the fact that even in the later years when they were at daggers drawn, they were still at it like rabbits every chance they could get. They both took lovers, but none of their affairs lasted, and they always returned to each other in the end, if only for the mind-blowing sex.
At some point my mother got pregnant with me, which brought an end to their strange way of life. She could never convince her husband that I was his, and he would have thrown us both out if it hadn’t been for the old Earl, who insisted that we were decently looked after. She and I moved to the upper floor of the East wing, out of my father’s sight, and closer to Grandpa. My mother says the old man would often watch me as I grew from baby to toddler, looking for any resemblance to the array of old baby pictures in his family albums. My father kept demanding a paternity test, but my mother and grandfather refused to cooperate; the Earl from fear of a scandal, my mother from fear that her husband might be right.
The night after my fourth birthday, my grandfather died. The day after that, my mother and I were packed off in one of the Estate cars to my widowed grandmother’s little house in the village. Mum and I shared the back bedroom in which she had grown up.
My father wouldn’t hear of divorce. He had no wish to remarry – once bitten, twice shy. Anyway he could get all the girls he wanted without marrying any of them, and could reject any pressures they might bring to bear on the grounds that he was already married. So my poor mother was stuck as a wife without a husband. She had no money for a divorce lawyer. In any case, her own infidelities would count heavily against her and she couldn’t hope to prove his. So she was afraid of taking him to court. There was little to gain because of the pre-nup, and the costs would just mean we would lose our little home.
So the old Earl’s foresight paid off. My mother could sustain no claim on the Estate and money was going to be tight for us. My grandmother had only her pension and the house, which she owned outright, from her husband’s disability compensation. My father paid us a modest maintenance allowance, mainly to avoid the scandal of his wife and maybe-son starving, my mother said. She would have to work if we were to afford anything beyond mere subsistence. With no qualifications beyond a couple of GCSEs, she became a cleaning lady like her mother before her.
As the Earl’s son I probably had rights, but my mother discouraged me from trying to get anything from him, because she knew he would stop the maintenance payments and make us both suffer (and, I realised later, he would probably insist on a paternity test which she couldn’t afford to allow). I wanted nothing from him anyway.
My mother and her best friend, Esme, cleaned for many of the homes in the village and several on the Estate, though not of course the Hall. None of their customers knew who Mum really was. Her maintenance payments were contingent on us both keeping quiet about Lady Marsham, Countess of Hadleigh, now being a cleaner, and her son, the Viscount Fenchurch, a scruffy village schoolboy – not that either of us had any interest in useless titles. My father also insisted that we not use his family name. So my mother called herself Mrs Julie Dixon, her maiden name, and I was her son, Robert. If anyone asked, her ex-husband had left us and gone abroad.
We couldn’t afford a car, so we had to cycle everywhere; me to school and my friends’ houses, her to her cleaning jobs. We got by.
* * *
I grew into a shy, nervous child, probably because of my parents’ hostilities and our subsequent deprivation. I was small for my age, and delicate. I mostly kept myself to myself. Like Damon Runyon’s Seldom Seen Kid, I had a ‘most retiring disposition’, my teacher said.
I had no close friends. The exception was Susie; amazing, vivacious, clever, beautiful Susie. We met at age eleven in our first year at secondary school. At first we were rivals as the two cleverest kids in the class, forever trying to outdo each other. Then puberty came along and I suddenly noticed how beautiful she was. To my surprise, she also seemed to forget our rivalry around that time. She actually suggested we work together on a school science project, saying that if she teamed up with anyone else, she knew she’d end up doing all the work. At least I would be capable of pulling my weight.
I did – that and more. I found myself searching for ways to impress her, which I knew she found hilarious. Every now and then I’d catch her watching me – nothing like as often as I gazed at her – but with something in her look that gave me hope. I fancied her rotten, but didn’t dare make any moves on her. I valued our friendship too much, and anyway I couldn’t imagine her fancying me. We won the project competition by a country mile.
For my fifteenth birthday, my mother scraped enough cash together to throw me a small party, just four boys and four girls at our little house, with a barbecue in the shared back garden. I blew out all the candles on my birthday cake and Susie kissed me. It was the best day of my life. Afterwards I tentatively asked her out. At fifteen I couldn’t offer more than a trip to the cinema and a chaste snack somewhere afterwards. We saw a lot of films that year and got through a lot of pizzas and milkshakes.
Susie was Miss Popular at school; good at sports; good at everything. She had lots of friends but regularly reassured me that she had no actual boyfriends. I didn’t dare ask if that included me, because I couldn’t have borne it if she’d laughed and said that of course it did. But not long after my sixteenth birthday we found ourselves in bed together. I’m still not sure how it happened, but I think it was mostly her idea. We were both virgins and the sex was a bit hit-and-miss on that occasion, but we had a wonderful time exploring each other. I was ecstatic. It was repeated when circumstances permitted. But no long-term promises were made.
We went to university together. Susie studied Law. I did Maths. We were at different colleges but fortunately not too far apart. Though we moved in different circles, and had different friends, we met regularly and were in and out of each other’s rooms all the time. We spent most evenings together, and would often end up in bed.
When not studying she devoted herself to getting her Blue for Women’s hockey. So my Saturday afternoons were reserved for watching her play. I was her most enthusiastic supporter, even though I now saw less of her as she was often busy training. She got her first Blue in her second year and captained the side in her third.
She persuaded me to try amateur dramatics, in the hope it would help me overcome my crippling shyness. It worked in a way, but probably not how Susie had intended. Acting let me disappear; I could hide out as somebody else. I went for character parts where I could wear exotic costumes, wigs and make-up. As long as no one could tell it was me, I could function. I could never have got the big ‘leading-man’ parts anyway; my stature and baby-face looks were against me.
I had no problems learning lines, and people said I gave decent performances. We did some modern stuff in which I played various grotesques. We did a festival of Dickens extracts in which I was heavily made up as Fagin, Magwitch and Marley’s Ghost. But my biggest triumph was as Lady Bracknell in Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. It wasn’t unusual for this great part to be played by men – David Suchet, Geoffrey Rush, Brian Bedford, Gyles Brandreth, even Stephen Fry have all done it.
Despite the expense of the costumes, it was no modern dress effort. I would be in full Victorian drag, which was quite a challenge (especially the corset), but it’s a marvellous part and I loved doing it. When I was fully dressed, bewigged and made up, I was completely unrecognisable. No one could tell I was a man, let alone Robert Dixon. I tried to lift my voice to the top of my range and managed to sound like a stern older lady.
I was surprised to find I had no inhibitions about dressing as a woman. It was just a role in a comedy. No one outside the cast – and Susie, of course – knew me as Robert. I could really let myself go.
The hardest part was learning to sit, stand and move like a middle-aged woman. The rigid Victorian underwear and the cumbersome dresses helped, but I had never realised how very different a woman’s gestures and mannerisms are. The director found an expert in feminine movement to coach me. Her name was Alice Parr. I’ve no idea where he dug her up. She was a real slave driver but she knew her stuff. She drilled me mercilessly. Her commands lodged in my brain and I found myself repeating them in my sleep.
“Little steps! Think dainty! Hands out for balance! Cock those wrists! Wiggle that caboose! Clasp your hands in front of you under your bust! Sit up straight!”
Sitting up straight turned out to be the easiest order to obey. I had no alternative in my horrendous corset.
Eventually I found myself moving like a woman outside rehearsals, when I was trying to be Robert, which Susie found hilarious. She assured me with a grin that the end result was totally convincing. I moved just like a woman in every way.
After the last performance, we were in the bar and one of her friends came up to say hello.
“So what did you think of the show?” Susie asked her.
“It was really good,” she said, “and the girl who played Lady Bracknell was brilliant.”
She obviously hadn’t bought a programme – or maybe she thought ‘Rob’ was short for Roberta?
“Oh but…” Susie began to say. She was keen to get me the credit she thought I deserved.
“Yes, she was, wasn’t she?” I interrupted. “It’s a pity she couldn’t stay for the party.”
After a few more favourable comments about the production her friend drifted off.
“Honestly, Rob,” Susie expostulated. “We’re really going to have to do something about your shyness.”
“Yes, dear,” I said happily, wondering how many other people had been fooled.
Susie also persuaded – OK, ordered – me to try the student debating society. For my maiden speech I was required to propose the repeal of the Human Rights Act. I spent ages researching the topic. Susie helped me prepare. I thought it was something of an ‘open goal’ as English Common Law provided citizens with all the rights they needed, and the only effect of the Act seemed to be to make it impossible to deport terrorists and violent criminals. Susie took me through my text, word for word; asked me lots of penetrating questions so I’d be ready for hostile feedback; and generally did her best to boost my confidence.
It didn’t work. When the Speaker called my name, I rose to my feet, mumbled the first few lines inaudibly… and froze completely. I had to sit down again to peals of mocking laughter. All of the university’s ‘woke’ lefties quickly shouted the motion down and I resolved never to try and speak in public again.
* * *
After Cambridge Susie and I moved back to the village and our parents’ houses. She joined Wainwrights, a local firm of solicitors, for her vocational training. She would do the Legal Practice Course for a Postgraduate Diploma. This is the final stage for becoming a solicitor, providing a bridge between academic study and training in a law firm. The best candidates – and Susie was clearly in that category – could pass this in a year.
I got a teaching job at the local school. I wasn’t very good at it; I found standing up in front of thirty children only marginally less frightening than speaking to a similar number of adults. I began to worry that teaching might not be a good choice of career for me, but struggled to visualise an alternative.
Nevertheless the next year was a very happy one for us. We worked and played hard. Susie made it into the County Hockey team, which again kept her busy with training and matches. I went to all her home games. There was talk of an England trial next year.
Still determined to cure me of my shyness, Susie insisted that I audition for our local amateur dramatic society, LADS. We were both a little surprised when the avant-garde Director cast me as the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet. It wasn’t an all-male production, but it’s a comic role. She is a bawdy, overly talkative, and humorous character, and of course would have been played by a man in the Elizabethan theatre. My earlier training in feminine movement came in useful. I called Alice Parr for a quick refresher course. This time she also taught me how to curtsey, which I didn’t have to do as Lady Bracknell.
I enjoyed getting under the skin of this gossipy old woman. Again, it was important to me that I would be unrecognisable in costume. That wasn’t a problem. Polly Whitmore, the wardrobe mistress, was really good. She padded me out to the shape of a plump middle-aged nursemaid and covered me from head to toe in a wimple, a floor-length peasant dress, and a bib apron.
I persuaded the Director to list me as ‘Marsha Roberts’ in the programme. The show was a success and only those who knew me were aware that ‘Marsha’ was a male.
“You were great,” said Susie in the dressing room after the last performance. “Completely convincing. Great female voice – all shrill and fussy. But I really don’t understand how you can be so good on stage but tongue-tied in real life.”
“That’s precisely why,” I said, stepping out of my dress. “This isn’t real life.” I indicated the padded feminine shapewear underneath. “Someone else has written what I have to say. I can pretend to be the Nurse or Fagin or Lady Bracknell, and I’m happy – as long as no one knows it’s me.”
* * *
Susie and I saw each other nearly every day now, and often spent the night together. l couldn’t believe my luck. I was sure it couldn’t last.
One fine Spring evening, I was sitting at Susie’s Mum’s dining table marking exercise books. Susie was splayed out across an armchair, swotting for her exams (which everyone but she herself knew she’d walk). I was just admiring the sumptuous curves of her breasts, Year 9’s algebra homework forgotten, when suddenly she looked up. She had realised I was watching her.
“What?” she said.
“Oh nothing.”
“Ah,” she said. “I thought you might have wanted to say something.”
“Oh, er, no.”
She sighed, a sigh with a slight edge of frustration.
“I’m just wondering how much longer I have to wait,” she said.
“Wait for what?”
“For you to ask me to marry you. What’s the hold-up?”
I put my red biro down. I glanced at the door nervously. Our mothers, who were good friends, were in the kitchen, chatting.
“B-but we’ve never talked about… marriage?” I stuttered.
“About time we did then, don’t you think?” she said crisply. “What’s the matter? Don’t you want to marry me?”
“More than anything, but it never occurred to me that you’d want to marry me. I mean, I’ve nothing to offer you…”
“Oh!” she sighed in frustration. “For a clever guy you can be infuriatingly dense sometimes.” She changed tack. “Why did you settle for a teaching job in a tiny village? You got a First. You could have been a high flier at an investment bank, or an actuary, or something in IT or some other high-tech industry.”
“I needed to be here to look after Mum.”
“Rubbish! And don’t let her hear you say that. She’d rather die than think she was holding you back. She’s barely fifty and as fit as a flea, and you could easily commute from here to London anyway. It’s only about forty minutes.”
“Maybe,” I admitted. “Anyway, why did you settle here? You could be working for one of the big City Solicitors.”
“I don’t think so. I’m good, but I’m not that good. I only got a 2-1, you know. Anyway…”
“Oh you can be such a pain sometimes! I want to be where you are, stupid!”
I was in shock. I couldn’t imagine living without her, and I lived in perpetual fear that she’d meet someone tall and good-looking and fall in love, and I’d lose her. But I’d never dared…
“We don’t actually have to get married, of course, not if you don’t want to,” she said, “but I think we should make some sort of proper commitment to each other, don’t you?” She threw her law books down on the floor. “How is it that we’ve been friends and lovers for ten years now,” she said, “but we’ve never even said we were ‘exclusive’?”
She looked at me expectantly. I would have to say something. I couldn’t expect her to do it all…
“You could have anyone you want,” I burbled.
“So did you think I was only screwing you till somebody better came along?” She smiled softly.
What came out next was the concern that had been forefront in my mind all this time.
“I’ve loved you to distraction since we were fifteen.” She smiled. Her smile was like Aphrodite, probably. “Puberty made you a raving beauty,” I stumbled on, “but it didn’t do me any favours. I hardly even grew any taller afterwards…”
I sounded like a moron even to myself.
“Idiot! That doesn’t matter to women. Men may be bowled over by a girl’s appearance but women look deeper. Well most women do anyway. You and I… we fit together. We want the same things. Each of us always knows what the other is thinking. We even…”
“…finish each other’s sentences,” I said, with a grin.
She laughed. I got up and went over to her. I knelt by the armchair and put my arms around her and kissed her with every fibre of my being.
“Will you marry me?” I said nervously, still scared that this was just another of her jokes, and that she would laugh in my face.
“I’m busy today,” she said with a grin. “How’s tomorrow for you?”
She leapt to her feet, grabbed my hand, and dragged me into the kitchen. The ladies looked up at the sudden interruption to their gossiping. For a moment nobody spoke. Then my mother smiled, with a meaningful look at Susie’s mum.
“About bloody time,” she said.
* * *
Neither my mother’s house nor Susie’s parents’ place was big enough for another couple, so we found a little flat to rent in the village while we started saving to buy our own place.
Susie’s Dad, George, was a paramedic, and very good at his job. He saved many lives. Indeed he could have been a doctor in Accident & Emergency, if his parents had encouraged him to go to university. So they were better off than we were but not by much. It wouldn’t be a big wedding, but we didn’t care.
We invited my father but he chose not to come. His RSVP was polite but formal. I hadn’t expected anything else, and his absence on the day was, if anything, a relief.
Susie knew nothing of my heritage. She knew that our family history was a painful subject, especially for my mother. I never lied to her about my father and she never asked. It didn’t matter anyway; I had no expectations of anything from him – if he even was my father. I never saw him and I was no more welcome at the Hall than my mother was. I knew next to nothing of his circumstances.
My mother believed he had a new family. While cycling around on her cleaning jobs in the various Estate houses and tied cottages, she had seen an expensively dressed woman screeching down the country lanes in a five-year old Audi convertible. Apparently the new mistress of the Hall expected any farm vehicles she might encounter to get out of her way, perhaps by driving into the hedgerow.
She sometime had a surly teenager with her. At Mum’s behest I made discreet enquiries, but whoever he was he didn’t attend the local school. Presumably he went to some private place; maybe he boarded.
Well, good luck to them both. As long as Mum’s little maintenance payment arrived in her bank account every month, it was none of our business. Anyway we were totally focused on our wedding plans.
* * *
We were married in early May, and were no sooner back from our honeymoon (a week in Teignmouth on the Devon coast over half-term), than we heard the news. My father had died of a heart attack – in bed. What he was doing there (if not sleeping) is not recorded, but it was the middle of the afternoon, so... He was only fifty-six but he hadn’t looked after himself. He was a smoker and a heavy drinker. My mother sniffled a little when she heard the news, but she was mostly worried that we’d had the last maintenance payment.
It was therefore a surprise to be invited to the reading of the will. The invitation was to my mother and myself, but my new bride, the trainee solicitor, insisted on coming along. The Executor, a solicitor from a rival firm, made no objection.
Susie had lots of questions for me first.
“I thought your father was abroad?” she began.
“No, that’s just what my mother let everyone think. They separated when I was little, and they’ve had nothing to do with each other since.”
“So, tell me about him,” she persisted. “Where did he live? Is he rich? Did he remarry?”
“You should ask Mum really,” I said. “It’s her story, not mine.”
“But he’s your father!”
She saw the uncomfortable look on my face.
“The man who’s just died was certainly my mother’s husband, or ex-husband, at least,” I sighed. “Whether he was my father is… moot.”
“Oh, I see.”
“By the time I was conceived, he and my mother were no longer ‘exclusive’, as you put it, if they ever were. And that’s why I can’t tell you any more.”
Susie had gone very quiet. “That explains a lot about you,” she said.
She had a sympathetic look on her face, though I wasn’t quite sure what she was sympathising with me about.
“I suggest you wait and see what happens at the reading of the will,” I said. “Then maybe Mum will tell you more afterwards.”
* * *
The reading was to be at ten o’clock the following Monday morning in the solicitor’s offices. I had to ask my headmaster for the morning off. At half-past nine the three of us packed into Susie’s Mini Clubman and set off for town, not knowing what to expect, but fearing the worst.
When we got there, we were directed to the conference room. A harassed-looking solicitor was seated at a desk in a big bay window. He was surrounded by papers which a junior clerk was busily shuffling. The seating for the potential beneficiaries and their hangers-on was arranged in three rows with four chairs in each row. The front two rows were already occupied when we arrived, so we sat at the back.
Prominent at the front was a very elegant woman in a smart navy-blue dress and matching jacket. She wore lots of expensive-looking jewellery. My mother recognised her as the thoughtless Audi driver. She was accompanied by an arrogant-looking, overweight youth of about fifteen, and a large, menacing man with a broken nose. There were two men and two ladies in the second row. Their clothes were much plainer than those of the toffs in front of them.
The solicitor was small, bald and bespectacled, just as a solicitor should be. I waited to see if he was pompous as well, which would complete the check list. He called us to order – pompously.
“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,” he began. My name is Geoffrey Smythe. I am the sole Executor of the late Earl’s will.”
This was the first time Susie had heard my maybe-father’s title mentioned. I felt her stiffen beside me.
“As you may or may not know, that is a little unusual,” Smythe continued. “Normally a close member of the family would serve as an additional Executor, but I gather that in this case…”
He suddenly realised that he was talking himself into a tight corner. He could hardly say that the Earl didn’t trust anyone in his family.
“…Um, that is not the case,” he finished lamely. He continued with a harrumph to conceal his embarrassment. “Now, legally I am not required to reveal the contents of the will until after Grant of Probate. This is in case unforeseen debts come to light during the process of assessing the estate. However I do have to notify all potential beneficiaries of the demise of the deceased…”
He was going a little heavy on the ‘pompous’ now, I thought.
“…which of course, I have done; and beneficiaries can request sight of the will, as some of you have.”
We hadn’t, but he was indicating the smug group on the front row.
“And since Probate is likely to be delayed for some time in this particular case, I thought it only fair to invite all beneficiaries to this briefing.”
Interesting. I wondered why it was ‘likely to be delayed’. And apparently this was to be a ‘briefing’ rather than a reading. Did he not intend to read the will then?
“The will itself is couched in the usual legal terms,” Smythe went on. “I drew it up myself and it’s not complicated. However the late Earl also drafted a short message, a sort of layman’s explanation of his wishes, which he required his Executor – that is, me – to read out first. So I propose to do that. It may then be superfluous to read the will itself.”
He paused and smiled at the increasingly impatient gathering. Nobody smiled back. He harrumphed again and reached for a brown A4 envelope from his pile. Something else then occurred to him.
“I should perhaps say that it’s not unusual for a deceased person to include a personal statement addressed to his beneficiaries. In this case – against my advice – the Earl insisted on sealing this message without running it by me. So I don’t know what’s in here.” He waved the envelope up high. “Sometimes such messages can be a little… er… inflammatory. I sincerely hope that will not be the case here, but…”
He paused again. Inflammatory, eh? Was this boring morning going to turn out to be fun after all?
“In any case,” Smythe continued, “if the personal statement is not consistent with the will, it will be the will that has legal force…”
He realised that the natives were getting restless. He finally ceased prevaricating and tore open the envelope. He extracted a single sheet of A4 paper. He scanned it briefly, frowned, and began to read.
“I, Peregrine St John De Vere Marsham, fifth Earl of Hadleigh, being of sound mind, etc, etc.” He paused and looked up at us again. “It actually says that: ‘etc, etc’.”
Beside me Susie drew in a sharp breath when she heard the deceased’s full name and titles. No one else reacted. He continued.
“I’ve been a pretty rotten Earl by any measure…”
There were no signs of demurral from anyone present. The elegant lady was nodding.
“I haven’t tried to manage the Estate or the house. I’ve left that to others; to Bill Johnson, my superb Estate Manager, and Harold, who has looked after the Hall for me. I’ve just had a good time and spent the money on wine, women and song. Well, it’s my money, after all.
“…I know I never made it easy for Bill, or Harold or my two excellent maids, Martha and Helga. I just hope the four of them will forgive my temper and thoughtlessness. In case they don’t, I’m leaving them £10,000 each to make amends.”
The woman on the front row drew a sharp breath. I couldn’t see her face from where I was sitting, but I suspected she was angry. That was £40,000 she had probably assumed was going her way. In contrast, the people in the second row seemed more than happy. I heard the elder of the two ladies tell the other that the old boy had indeed been a crotchety old bastard, but he had shown he was a generous employer in the end. So, well done, Dad.
“I have just three more things to say,” the solicitor continued on my father’s behalf. “Firstly, to my current live-in companion, Eleanor – assuming that I haven’t yet kicked you out, along with your useless son. After all, we haven’t slept together for more than five years, and have both been getting our pleasures elsewhere. Anyway, I hope you’ve been salting a little money away from the housekeeping, m’dear, because you’re not getting another penny out of me. You also need to get out of the house sharpish. I doubt you and the new owner will get along – and don’t take any of my paintings or furniture with you. Smythe is a dozy old git and a pretty useless brief…”
Smythe couldn’t help but pause in surprise and anger. He must have missed that phrase in his brief glance through earlier. He steeled himself to continue.
“…but he has a full inventory of the Hall’s contents and he is under instructions to check it’s all present and correct before the new owner moves in.”
Smythe stopped again and smiled apologetically at the lady on the front row. She looked pretty steamed. He continued reading.
“I do acknowledge the fat lump is my son. In fact, that’s the only reason I’ve allowed the two of you to stick around – which I’m sure is exactly what you intended when you let yourself get pregnant – but he’s a bastard in both senses of the word, and he can’t inherit the title or the Estate which goes with it. And I’m not inclined to fund his self-indulgent lifestyle. The lazy little sod can get a job.”
There were some interesting noises coming from the elegant woman now. They were somewhere between tears of anguish and howls of anger. The thug beside her offered her a handkerchief but she waved it away and continued snuffling loudly.
“Secondly, despite all the whining of Eleanor and her equally greedy predecessors, I never divorced Julie, so she is now probably the owner of the Hall and everything else. And that’s fair enough, because she’s the only woman I ever loved, even though we could barely stand the sight of each other by the end. Also, I know she didn’t marry me for my money. It was the sex, and by Heaven was she good at it! Best of the lot by far.”
My mother was now blushing the deepest red I had ever seen, but she couldn’t keep a happy smile from her lips. On my other side, Susie was shaking with silent laughter.
“Respect!” she muttered to me. She and Mum had always got on well.
“You see, Jools, scandal wasn’t the real reason why I wouldn’t allow a divorce,” Smythe continued reading. “I’m sure you’ve been better off without me since we separated, but hopefully you’ll be better off still, now that I’m gone. I say you’re probably the new owner, because it all depends on the status of your son, Robert. So he’s going to have to have that paternity test you always refused to allow. If he is my son, he is the new Lord Marsham, sixth Earl of Hadleigh, and the owner of the Estate and everything in it. If not, he’s just another bastard and the whole shooting match goes to you. Sadly, when you die that will then be the end of the Hadleighs, because I have no other heirs and I’m absolutely certain I have no more bastards. I’m only sorry that I didn’t get everything settled properly before I died. But why should I care about that now? I’m dead.”
I realised why Smythe had been looking harassed when we came in. He knew what was in the will, though not the contents of my father’s personal statement, and he knew the current incumbent and her offspring were going to be mightily disappointed.
There was a lot of hubbub now. Everyone was talking at once, and most of them were turning round to look at us on the back row; the old retainers with amusement and some interest, Eleanor and her companions with undisguised hostility.
“This is unfair!” Eleanor was screaming. “It must be an old will. We never expected Perry to die so young. He would have changed his will if he’d lived longer. I kept asking him about it…”
“The will and the personal statement are both quite recent actually,” Smythe shrugged, as politely as he could. “Early March this year, to be precise.”
I wondered if that meant that the old man knew his end was near. From the tone of the letter it didn’t seem at all likely that he had any intention of changing his will in Eleanor’s favour. In any case everyone knew it made no difference now.
“Does this mean you’re rich now?” Susie asked quietly.
Before I could answer, the solicitor called for hush and continued reading.
“And the third thing I have to say is that there’s no money left. I spent it all. Sorry – not sorry.”
“Does that answer your question?” I whispered to Susie.
“Perhaps he isn’t your father,” she said. “You don’t seem to take after him at all.”
“Were you worried I might maintain a harem of concubines if I’m the new Earl?”
She sniggered. “Actually I wasn’t worried about that at all.”
Smythe had stopped reading and put the paper back in the brown envelope.
“That’s the end of the statement,” he said. “In the will there’s a lot of legal stuff about gifting valuables like paintings, first editions, and so on, to his heir as personal chattels, to avoid or minimise inheritance tax, but I won’t bore you with any of that. Does anyone have any questions?”
The hubbub redoubled. Eleanor was screeching at ever-increasing volume. She leapt to her feet and demanded to know how she could contest the will.
“Even if he didn’t want to leave anything to me, he can’t have wanted to disinherit his son!”
“Actually he could, and quite explicitly did, My Lady… er, I mean Mrs… er, Madam…”
So Eleanor had got people calling her ‘Your Ladyship’, had she? Well she wasn’t the Countess, and apparently she wasn’t a ‘Mrs’ either.
“…the actual will is completely consistent with the Earl’s personal statement, and in my professional opinion, it’s iron-clad,” Smythe continued. “Nevertheless, if you want to contest it, you will have to appoint another solicitor to act for you. As Executors, obviously this firm can’t. I can recommend someone if you wish. But you should be aware that any such challenge would be expensive and would almost certainly fail. Also the proceedings would take some considerable time and the costs of defending the will would diminish the Estate, even if you won.”
I remembered the Jarndyce versus Jarndyce case in Dickens’ Bleak House, which we had to plough through at school.
Eleanor collapsed back into her seat, sobbing. But the worst – from her point of view – was yet to come.
“For now, I’m afraid you must return to the Hall, pack your personal belongings, and vacate the premises as soon as possible. Lady Marsham…” He indicated my mother. “…is fully entitled to take possession immediately, irrespective of the outcome of Probate or her son’s paternity test. She is the widow of the deceased; the couple were only separated, not divorced. She doesn’t need the will to establish her rights, only her marriage certificate.”
When the noise died down, Eleanor stormed out (ignoring us completely), followed listlessly by her son and the unidentified thug, who was muttering something about ‘squatters’ rights’.
Very reasonably, the four retainers wanted to know whether there would be enough money left for their legacies. Smythe said he thought so, but there could be no guarantees until after Probate. They would probably have to wait several months, in his opinion.
My mother put up her hand and asked, “So how do we go about getting a paternity test done?”
Smythe undertook to arrange that and we fixed an appointment for late Thursday morning when I had a free period. The technician from the accredited laboratory they used in such cases would be in the office then. In the meantime, we should expect to be able to take possession of the Hall within a day or two. He would telephone when it was ready for us.
That seemed to be the end of the questions. The four servants came up. I had been too young to remember them when we were thrown out of the Hall, but of course my mother knew them all well. The youngest was Martha. She was a plump, matronly woman, with a kind, open face. She was obviously in her Sunday best, a white crepe dress with a red and green floral pattern. She wore a short blue jacket to cover her shoulders but which clearly would never fasten across her generous bust. I guessed she was in her early forties, but she might have been a little younger. From what I’d gathered, a life of service wasn’t conducive to maintaining one’s youth and beauty. The others were much older.
“Congratulations, Lady Marsham,” Martha said to my mother, with a smile and a deferential dip.
“Thank you, Martha,” Mum said, clearly a little taken aback by the unfamiliar form of address. “It’s lovely to see you again. Will you be able to stay on at the Hall, at least for a while?” Martha nodded happily. “And Bill, Helga and Harold too, of course.”
“I’d be happy to carry on, My Lady,” said Bill, “at least until you’ve made other arrangements.”
My mother turned to the others.
“I’m afraid the Earl let Helga and me go a couple of months since, My Lady,” said Harold, in his broad Norfolk accent. “I believe he needed to save money. He’s been managing with just Martha as all-round housekeeper and Bill as Estate Manager for a while now.” My mother looked concerned. “No, no, it’s quite all right, Ma’am. We’re both past retirement age. We have our pensions and his kind legacy – assuming there’s enough left in the pot after Probate.”
“I’ll return to the Hall today, Ma’am,” said Martha, putting her coat on. “I can start to get things ready for you.”
By which I assume she meant, ‘I’ll keep an eye on Eleanor and stop her from nicking stuff’.
* * *
Mum and Susie were bubbling with excitement as we drove back to our village. Mum couldn’t wait to tell Esme. I was excited too, but I also had a troubling sense of unease. I was afraid that my quiet life as a nonentity schoolteacher was about to come to an abrupt end. The limelight beckoned – Earls tend to be public figures, after all – and I would need to find ways to avoid it.
My mother was quick to insist that all three of us should expect to move into the Hall. It was big enough for her and us to have a wing each, sharing the ground floor rooms. Even then both wings had three storeys and we were never likely to use the top floor at all.
Mum said that we should give notice on our flat to save money. She would call an Estate Agent to get her little house valued and ask how much she could charge if she decided to rent it out rather than sell it. Would she need to change her will, she wondered? No, I was already her only beneficiary. It was just that now I would inherit her few belongings when she died and maybe the Estate as well – assuming it wasn’t mine already. But nothing was guaranteed if I turned out not to be my father’s son. I might get the Estate, if there were no other contending heirs, but I certainly wouldn’t get the title then.
But we persuaded Mum not to make too many life-changing decisions until we’d looked around the Hall and checked out the finances. Surely Smythe would have at least a preliminary estimate of how much the Estate was worth?
When we got back Susie dragged me straight round to her parents’ place to share the news.
“I’m gonna be a Countess!” she announced, proudly.
Her Mum and Dad were speechless.
“But that’s only if I’m not a bastard,” I added.
I only hoped Susie wouldn’t be too disappointed if I was. Her parents looked even more puzzled.
* * *
Nothing much happened from our point of view in the next few days. There was no telephone call from Smythe. We assumed there had been a hitch in ‘persuading’ Eleanor and son to vacate.
On the Thursday morning the three of us returned to Smythe’s office for the paternity test. This turned out to be something of a non-event. The bespectacled technician, who was called Dorothy, was a friendly and competent lady in a white coat. She scraped what looked like a long cotton bud around the inside of my mouth. When she decided she had gathered enough of my cheek cells, she dropped the little stick in a tube and sealed it. Then she repeated the whole exercise ‘just in case’.
My mother asked her whether this would prove whether I was the Earl’s son or not.
“A DNA paternity test tells us the ‘probability of parentage’,” Dorothy said. “It will be zero if the alleged parent and child are not biologically related, and typically 99.99% when they are. That’s always enough for the courts.”
“Not 100%?” I asked.
Dorothy shook her head. “Some very rare individuals, known as ‘chimeras’, have more than one set of genes,” she said. “This can lead to a false negative result if their reproductive tissue has a different genetic make-up from the tissue sample. But I’m sure we don’t have to worry about that. This is the best technology we have for determining parentage.”
She was packing up her equipment now.
“I persuaded the old Earl to give a sample of his DNA several months ago when he signed his will, and I saw how important the paternity test would be,” said Smythe to us. “You’ll be able to make the comparison easily, won’t you?” he asked Dorothy.
“Yes, we still have the deceased’s sample on file,” she said. “I’m off back to the lab now. We should have an answer for you by close of play tomorrow at the latest.”
After Dorothy had left, Smythe offered refreshments and the four of us sat down at his conference table to discuss where we were with the Estate. I still had an hour before I needed to be back for afternoon school.
“I’m sorry things haven’t moved as quickly as I’d hoped,” Smythe began. “Eleanor - Miss Beckett - has been more difficult than I’d anticipated.”
“I sympathise actually,” said my mother. “After all, the Hall has been her home for more than fifteen years, hasn’t it?” Smythe nodded. “And Perry treated her very badly.”
“Not as badly as he treated you,” I said.
“Er, yes,” said Smythe. For a solicitor he was surprisingly easily embarrassed by the errant behaviour of his clients. “But you don’t need to be too sympathetic toward Miss Beckett,” he said. “I saw plenty of evidence that she was gradually salting cash away into her own account – always small sums, but it will have amounted to tens of thousands over the years. I kept warning the Earl about her sticky fingers, but he didn’t seem to care. Anyway, I’m sure she’ll be able to fend for herself and her son.”
He got up and fetched a file from his desk. He was flipping through it as he rejoined us.
“I took the precaution of sending bailiffs to the Hall to secure the property on the morning of the briefing,” he said. “When Eleanor and her son got back, they were allowed to pack several suitcases with their personal property: clothes, cosmetics, games, videos, books, and so on. They each had a mobile phone and a laptop. But the bailiffs prevented them from removing anything else. They also demanded Eleanor’s car keys and they had to call a taxi to leave.
“Unfortunately, there were long arguments about what had been personal gifts from the Earl, and what was Estate property to which they had no right. The inventory the Earl mentioned in his personal statement was a big help, of course, and Martha was on hand to say what she remembered, but that still left many disputed items. Some of them may genuinely be personal stuff, worthless to anyone else, but some of the things she wanted were much more valuable.
“Jewellery in particular was a big problem. The Earl had given Eleanor some quite expensive pieces, and Martha remembered the occasions – birthdays and so on – and she supported her claims for those, but Eleanor also tried to claim some Marsham family heirlooms and we couldn’t accept that. His Lordship let her wear some of them at various formal events over the years but he always made sure they went back in the safe afterwards. The Earl had his failings as we know, but he was no fool. The bailiffs had quite a job getting the stuff off her. They had to threaten her with the police.”
“So what are you going to do about the disputed items?” my mother asked.
“Well, I’m afraid you will have to decide on everything, as the only clear heir, at least for the moment.”
“Ha! Eleanor won’t like that!”
“Well, she’ll just have to take the Estate to court then. That can’t happen till after Probate, and I doubt she’ll want to take the financial risk, knowing that she’ll probably lose. I suggest you let her have a few items from the disputed pile – anything you don’t want and that isn’t too valuable – and that will enable her to save face, and maybe bring the whole sordid mess to an end.”
That sounded like good advice.
“All right then,” Mum said, “but she’s not having that sports car. I fancy that for myself, assuming I can pass my test...”
Yes, I would have to learn to drive too. I couldn’t continue to rely on Susie as the only driver in the family.
“What about the money?” I asked. “Bank accounts? Credit cards?”
“The Earl never gave Eleanor access to his own or the Estate’s accounts. He made regular payments into her personal bank account – what he called her ‘housekeeping money’. He was under no contractual obligation to do that, so as Executor I was legally required to stop the payments until after Probate. You’ll notice I had to stop your maintenance too, for the same reason.”
“That big guy who was with her at the briefing…” began Susie.
“Her brother,” said Smythe. “Nasty piece of work. Well known to the police, I believe.”
“Which probably explains why they caved in when the bailiffs threatened to call the cops,” I suggested.
“Indeed,” Smythe confirmed.
“I heard him muttering something about ‘squatters’ rights’,” I said. “Could there be anything in that? She had lived there for fifteen years.”
“No, no,” Smythe shook his head. “Squatters’ rights only apply to properties that have been standing empty. The Earl occupied the premises until his death.”
Susie was nodding. Her training had obviously covered this question.
“The fact that Eleanor and her son lived there for a long period is irrelevant,” she said. “Anyone who originally enters a property with the permission of the landlord is not a squatter. In law, they were the Earl’s guests, not squatters.”
Smythe nodded approvingly. We chatted for a little longer. He was friendly, helpful and supportive – he obviously wanted the Hadleigh Estate to continue as his client. But he wouldn’t be drawn on the state of our finances. There were too many unknowns at the moment, he said. He could only say that the Estate was solvent as far as he knew. Bill would have been in touch if that were not the case.
“Unfortunately, you didn’t have a joint account with your husband, My Lady. So I’m afraid you can’t access his funds any more than Eleanor could, at least until after Probate. I, as Executor, will manage the Estate’s finances until then, with Bill Johnson’s help, of course. In theory, I should be charging you rent if you choose to live in the Hall, to maximise the Estate’s revenues, but that would be ridiculous, as there is no mortgage and you – one of you – will be the sole beneficiary anyway.”
All that meant that Susie and I would need to continue to work at our various jobs to support ourselves, though we would save the cost of renting our flat. We agreed that my mother had cleaned her last house. But she decided not to sell her old home. That was mainly for sentimental reasons, but the rental income would be enough for her needs.
We arranged to meet at the Hall at ten on Saturday morning with the intention of taking ownership. Smythe was confident that my status would have been resolved by then, one way or the other. I was in two minds about the title. I was happy with my life, especially now Susie was a full-time part of it. Did I really want to be an Earl?
* * *
Smythe telephoned just after I got back from school on Friday afternoon. The lab had confirmed that Perry Marsham was indeed my father and I was now Robert, Lord Marsham, sixth Earl of Hadleigh.
Susie was now the Countess, Lady Marsham. My mother would be the Dowager Countess. We went straight round to give her the good news, which she received with relief.
“I’m only sorry I didn’t get it done years ago,” she said, “but I really wasn’t confident. I was seeing a couple of other guys around that time, and I was afraid that your father would cut us off without a penny if you weren’t his.”
She was embarrassed about her chequered past. We hastened to sympathise.
“I don’t suppose it would have made any difference anyway,” she said with a sigh. “There was no way Perry would have taken me back – or that I would have gone. Though I suppose he might have wanted to bring you in as the heir.”
“I wouldn’t have gone without you,” I said, “and I’m very glad with how it turned out. Just think, I would never have met Susie if I lived in the Hall. Dad would probably have sent me off to some horrendous boarding school.”
Susie gave me an affectionate squeeze.
“I don’t think I would have fitted in with life as an Earl’s son,” I continued. “Come to that, I’m not at all sure I’ll be any good as an Earl now.”
“Well, you can’t be any worse than your father,” Mum said.
“You’ll be fine, babe,” said Susie loyally.
* * *
We had dinner with Susie’s Mum and Dad that evening. They were delighted with our news.
“Does this mean you can sit in the House of Lords?” George asked.
“I don’t think so,” I said. “My father didn’t.”
“There are only places for ninety-two hereditary peers,” said Susie, who had been looking it up, “and you have to be sponsored by one of the main parties, or be elected as a cross-bench peer.”
“And I’m not interested in politics anyway,” I added.
“What do I call Susie now?” her mother asked as we sat down.
“Well, ‘Susie’, of course!” laughed my wife, who may or may not have appreciated the purpose of the question.
“Shouldn’t it be ‘Your Grace’?” Janet persisted, tongue-in-cheek.
“That’s Dukes and Duchesses,” I said, playing along. “The first time you address her on any occasion, you say ‘Lady Hadleigh’; thereafter it’s ‘My Lady’ or ‘Ma’am’, if you prefer.”
Susie had gone scarlet. Her mother and I both laughed.
“Would My Lady like more chips?” Janet said.
“Ketchup, M’Lady?” said her Dad.
“Shut up, peasants,” said Susan, Lady Marsham, Countess of Hadleigh.
The Earl Maid
By Susannah Donim
Rob is a shy and reserved young man, but an unexpected inheritance suddenly makes him the centre of attention. His wife helps him find a way of hiding in plain sight.
Chapter 2
The Earl and Countess move into their new home, but Rob is still too shy and tongue-tied to be comfortable. Then Susie suggests a new game to relax him, using the old clothes they find in the attic.
When we arrived at the Hall on Saturday morning, Martha answered the door.
“Good morning, My Lord, My Lady, My Lady,” she said, smiling.
She was wearing a traditional housemaid’s uniform, a below-the-knee black dress with rounded white collar and cuffs, and a bib apron with frills on the hem and shoulder straps. On her head she wore a neat white crochet cap, not much more than a headband. I assumed my father had insisted on the uniform, which was distinctly old-fashioned. She was just taking hold of her skirt to go into a curtsey when my mother stepped forward and threw her arms around her.
“Oh it’s so good to see you again, Martha,” she said.
“You only saw her on Monday, Mum,” I said. “Let the poor woman breathe.”
“It’s just that it’s so nice to be back,” my mother explained. “Martha and I were great friends when I lived here, but Perry banned us from ever getting together again after he threw us out. He didn’t want her passing me information about his activities. Presumably he was afraid it would give me ammunition for divorce proceedings, maybe even getting around the pre-nup.”
“It’s true, My Lord,” Martha said to me. “He said if I ever met up with Her Ladyship, it would mean instant dismissal.”
“It was always lovely to receive your letters though,” Mum said. “You understood why I couldn’t write back, didn’t you?”
“Of course, Ma’am. His Lordship knew your handwriting and I could never be sure he wouldn’t see the incoming post before I could get to it.”
They both smiled, a little sadly.
“So are you still living in?” Mum asked. “You used to have a little room at the back on the second floor, didn’t you?”
“Not anymore, no, Ma’am,” Martha said. “I got engaged a few months ago, and I moved in with my fiancé. We have a little cottage in the village.” She smiled, embarrassed.
“Oh congratulations!” my mother said. Susie and I joined in.
“But it’s lovely to have you back here, My Lady,” Martha said. “Would you all like to follow me? Mr Smythe is waiting for you in the library.”
My mother followed confidently. She knew the way well. No doubt some redecoration had been done in twenty years, but the basic layout of the Hall couldn’t have changed. Susie followed wonderingly, goggle-eyed at the mansion of which she was now the undisputed mistress. For me, there was an eerie sense of déjà vu. I had been four years old when I was last here, but I remembered pedalling my toy racing car along the corridor from the entrance hall to the library on the ground floor of the East wing. I wondered what had happened to the little car. There was no room in Granny’s house for most of my baby toys.
I had never been allowed in my father’s library, so the huge book-lined room was new to me as well as Susie. My mother saw us gawking at the rows and rows of shelves and endless leather-bound volumes.
“Your father never read any of them, by the way,” she said wryly.
“Quite a few first editions too,” said Smythe. He was sitting at a big conference table in the centre of the room, surrounded by papers and box files, as he had been at the reading of the will. “Worth a fortune, I’d say, though I don’t think they’ve ever been valued.”
He got up and made his way over to us.
“Welcome to your new home, Lord Marsham,” he said to me, smiling.
We shook hands. Apparently no one bows or scrapes to an Earl these days, which came as a huge relief to me. He turned to the ladies.
“And welcome to Your Ladyships too, of course. May I suggest an order of business for this morning?”
Martha was edging to the door.
“Yes of course,” said my mother, “but I’d like Martha to stay, please. I think we’ll be relying on her a lot for the next few days.”
“No problem, Ma’am.”
Martha poured us all cups of coffee and we took our seats around the table.
“To summarise, the Hall and the Estate are all in good repair,” Smythe began, crunching a chocolate digestive. “Mr Johnson has made sure of that. There’s no mortgage on any of the properties and your father didn’t leave much in the way of debts. He really didn’t trust bankers. In fact, it was something of an obsession with him.”
“Quite right,” said my mother approvingly.
“But…?” I asked. “I sense a ‘but’ coming.”
“He was exaggerating when he said he’d spent all the money, but not by much.” Smythe noticed Martha looking concerned. “Don’t worry; I’m fairly sure that there will be enough to pay out the legacies for you and the others, Martha.” He turned back to us. “But after Inheritance Tax, I’m afraid there won’t be much ready cash left. If there are any unexpected expenses, you may have to consider selling some things.”
“Surely an Estate this size must be raking it in?” asked Susie.
“Well, yes, obviously there’s a good income from the Estate’s tenants. There are three full-sized farms, several smallholdings and a number of houses and cottages. But much of that income tends to be swallowed up by property maintenance and development. Mr Johnson had been urging the old Earl to undertake various upgrading projects – new infrastructure such as drainage, irrigation channels, wind farms and solar panels, and additional modern housing out at the east end of the village. All excellent ideas I’m sure, highly profitable in the long run, and necessary to keep the Estate viable in the twenty-first century, but such projects invariably need bank loans to cover the up-front costs.”
“And Perry hated banks,” Mum said.
“Precisely,” said Smythe. “Mr Johnson was able to make good business cases for all his proposals, but the necessary loans would be contingent on the Estate putting in its share of the funding…”
“And my father spent all the cash,” I said.
“Yes. I’m afraid you would be hard pressed to raise enough to get any of the development work going now.”
“And without that modernisation, we can’t increase the income from the Estate’s assets,” said Susie.
I was glad my wife, the Countess, had a good grasp of these matters. I hadn’t a clue.
“Well, you could sell off the land near the village to private developers, I suppose,” Smythe suggested.
“Maybe,” I said, “but I don’t want to be the Earl who hacked pieces off a five-hundred-year-old Estate, if it can possibly be avoided.”
Everyone agreed. We fell silent.
“There’s no immediate hurry to decide,” Smythe said brightly. “You can’t sell anything till after Probate anyway. But if you really need money now, I can probably authorise an advance against your inheritance, and I’m sure your bank will increase your credit limit when they learn of your new circumstances. Now we have a lot to get through…”
He rubbed his hands together. He was in his element.
“First of all, here are all the keys to the house.” He indicated two enormous bunches of keys. “There is a third identical bunch in the safe. Regarding the paperwork, I’ve divided what you need to know into three headings: the house, the Estate, and the finances…”
* * *
The paperwork took most of the morning. At lunchtime, Bill Johnson came in to join us. We all sat down in the huge kitchen to a buffet prepared by the excellent Martha. With my mother’s encouragement she and Bill entertained us with horror stories of my father and his various mistresses. They had both been on the staff of the Estate for more than twenty years. My mother hired Martha straight from school, just after she learned she was pregnant with me, and knowing that she would need help. At first Smythe tried to look disapproving at the disrespectful anecdotes, but he was soon joining in.
When we’d finished eating and chatting, Martha took her leave. She explained, apologetically, that she only worked mornings now, unless she was needed for some special event. This gave her time to keep the ground floor and second floors clean, but she was sorry that she couldn’t manage the unused top floors as well.
After lunch Smythe and my mother got stuck into the pile of ‘disputed items’, which took up two ground floor Reception rooms. Meanwhile, Bill drove Susie and me round the Estate in his Land Rover Discovery.
“Your holdings include a mixture of agricultural land, commercial buildings, and rental accommodation of various sizes – mainly flats and small family houses,” Bill said, as we went past a row of smartly decorated cottages with beautifully presented gardens. He waved whenever we saw a tenant outside.
“A lot of my time is spent discussing maintenance, repairs and upgrades to buildings,” he went on. “As the Landlord, you’re responsible for a reasonable level of upkeep, but we’re always happy to discuss extensions and such like with the tenants, so long as they’ll add value to the property. If we fund an improvement, we will put the rent up proportionately. If the tenant pays for the work, we don’t do that, but we still need to make sure the design is appropriate for the building and that the work is carried out professionally.”
After a forty-minute drive round, Bill took us back to the Hall. We went in through the back gate, which was at the end of a private road from the Home Farm. He pulled into the courtyard at the rear of the building, parking in what had probably once been stables, now converted into a long low garage with room for six cars. He carefully tucked his Land Rover in next to a nearly new BMW 7 series.
“I had no idea the Estate was so big,” I said, getting out and stretching my legs. Susie agreed.
“I have an Ordnance Survey map on the wall of my office,” Bill said. “I can show you the whole layout.”
I saw Eleanor’s – now our – Audi A3 convertible parked against the far wall. I hoped she hadn’t sabotaged it out of spite. Next to it was a Dacia Duster 4x4 off roader. Presumably my father had used this when he needed to drive across fields on Estate business. It was clean; it looked like it hadn’t been out in a while. The pride of the collection was a twenty-year-old classic Bentley. It was under a dust sheet which Bill whisked off to show me. It looked fabulous, and fabulously expensive.
Bill led the way to the back entrance to the main building and his office.
“Is any part of the Estate open to visitors?” Susie asked.
“There’s a farm shop up on the main road by the South entrance,” Bill said. “All the farms and smallholdings sell their produce there. And there are a number of public footpaths and bridleways. But the Earl – beg pardon, the previous Earl – never wanted to open the Hall to visitors, if that’s what you mean.”
“Something to think about if we’re really hard up,” Susie said.
“Might as well sell the whole thing to the National Trust if we’re going to do that,” I sniffed.
“Actually, I think your father investigated that, My Lord,” said Bill, “but they weren’t interested. The architecture isn’t particularly significant and the building isn’t old enough. It’s only late Victorian. The original was early Tudor but it was destroyed by a fire in the 1880s.”
He unlocked a back door opposite the garage. We went into the huge kitchen first and made ourselves coffee. Then Bill led us into his office, a tidy little room on the ground floor of the Hall next to the kitchen. There were two desks, each with an ancient computer. An even older printer lurked on a side table.
As soon as we were sitting down, I asked a question that had been on my mind since we arrived.
“What security measures do we have here at the Hall? Mr Smythe mentioned that there are some quite valuable pieces here – paintings, first editions, jewellery, pottery, and so on.”
“Not to mention those cars out back,” added Susie.
Bill nodded. “We have a fairly standard security system,” he said. “It’s ten years old and could probably do with updating, though it has been tested and maintained annually. The outside doors are heavy duty and steel reinforced. They all have two sliding bolts as well as Yale locks. All accessible windows have deadlocks and impact resistant glass.”
“Sounds like we’ll be living in a fortress,” Susie said.
“There was an attempted burglary a few years ago,” Bill said. “They did some damage but they didn’t get away with anything. So the old Earl made some improvements. All doors and windows are alarmed. There are four zones: the first and second floors in each wing – that is, the family living quarters; the garage; and then the rest of the main building. The garage is on a separate system. Whenever you go out, you should alarm all four zones, and when the last member of the household goes to bed at night, they should set the alarms for everywhere except the second floor living areas. When the alarm is tripped, you have one minute to switch it off before it starts making a very loud clanging noise and a call is automatically made to the local police station. I’ll show you where the control panels are and give you the codes.”
“What about outside?” I asked. “CCTV? Motion-activated floodlights?”
“No and no. As I said, it’s an old system.”
“What about the front gate?” It was a tall wrought-iron affair with nasty-looking spikes at the top; virtually unclimbable, I’d have thought. “It was wide open when we arrived this morning.”
“That was just so you and Mr Smythe could get in easily,” said Bill. “It’s normally kept closed. It has an electric lock which opens automatically if the driver has a compatible RFID card. All your vehicles have built-in transponders. There’s a keypad for a visitor to type in the entry code if they have it, and an intercom so they can call the house if they don’t. If you want to let them in, you can open either the pedestrian gate or the main gate from here. They both open automatically when approached from the inside to let people out. Oh, there’s also a card reader on the gate like on hotel room doors. So you can give someone a card but disable it later if you don’t want them to be able to get in anymore.” He chuckled. “The old Earl broke up with several girlfriends that way.”
“Charming!” said Susie. “Your Dad seems to have been a delightful person,” she said to me. “They couldn’t have made a mistake with that paternity test, could they?”
“What about the perimeter fence?” I asked. “Could someone just climb over if we don’t open the gate for them?”
“Not easily. There are tall, dense hedges and/or barbed wire all around the Estate.” He paused. “May I ask: are you expecting trouble, My Lord?”
“No, no, not specifically. It’s just that Eleanor and her brother were obviously very upset by the will, and then by being evicted. I suppose they might try something.”
“I understand,” he said. “Between ourselves, sir, we were all glad to see the back of the Beckett family. Your father wasn’t the only spendthrift here.”
I smiled. I liked Bill’s candour. We turned to discuss his role as Estate Manager.
“There is quite a lot to do. I have a secretary who helps me with the filing,” he explained. He indicated two steel cabinets. “She comes in two mornings a week. Like the others, I’ve been expecting to retire soon, so I’ve made a list of everything I do for the Estate. The files are under much the same headings.”
He handed me a sheet of paper. I sat down in the secretary’s chair and skimmed the list, Susie peering over my shoulder. Before I got bored I saw:
• Oversee the development of the Estate, to make sure it’s being effectively run to meet the Landlord’s objectives;
• Organise repairs and maintenance;
• Keep up to date with legislation and regulations that affect the Estate;
• Deal with contracts for all services;
• Manage buildings and renovations projects;
• Carry out financial planning for a project and control the budget;
• Plan, commission and manage the work of contractors, such as building services engineers, gardeners, tree surgeons;
• Redevelop sites as required, e.g. in preparation for a new use;
• Communications to inform and engage the local community;
• Work with the tenants to keep them up to date on developments or potential issues;
• Carry out marketing activities (e.g. Social media communication to build a positive image for the Estate, improving public perception and encouraging community engagement).
“Wow, that sounds like a lot of work!” said Susie.
“Yeah, I hope you’re not expecting to retire any time soon, Bill,” I added. “I thought I might take on management of the Estate myself, but this is pretty terrifying.”
“Oh, it’s not so bad once you get used to it,” said Bill. “I have no formal qualifications. I learned on the job. I’m sure you can too, sir. We get Mr Smythe to do all the contracts, but they’re pretty standard.”
“Well, you’ve a job here for as long as you want it. In the meantime, how about I shadow you through everything you do for a while, whenever I can get time off school? Then maybe when you retire, I could retain you on a consultancy contract?”
“I’m sure that will be fine,” he said, smiling. “Thank you.”
And so it was agreed.
We went back into the house. Smythe had left and my mother was working her way through what looked like a roomful – two rooms full – of junk.
“Most of it’s junk,” Mum confirmed, “but Perry gave me that necklace and the matching earrings for our first anniversary. When we were still speaking to each other,” she added sadly. “I was angry and upset when we left and I didn’t think to take them with me, but it still steams me that that woman has been wearing them for the last fifteen years!”
“They’re lovely,” said Susie. “They look expensive.”
“I think they were, but Perry was old-fashioned. He didn’t think it was proper for the recipient of a gift to know how much it was worth.”
“It might be a good idea to have them valued,” I suggested. “In fact, if you’re planning to let Eleanor have anything else in here, we should get a professional opinion on a few more pieces – like those vases, and the crystal on the sideboard over there, and that cutlery set…”
“You’re right,” my mother said. “Perhaps Mr Smythe can recommend someone.”
* * *
I gave in my notice at the school. It was a little risky if the Estate turned out to be poorer than anyone expected, but I would leave in two months, at the end of the summer term. I wouldn’t miss the little horrors and the adolescent prototype thugs in the least. Susie wanted to ‘carry on soliciting’ (as she put it) at least until she was fully qualified. She would make a decision about her career then. We could probably manage on her salary, if push came to shove. In the meantime, she had appropriated the Audi A3, as the Dowager Countess hadn’t passed her test yet. Susie loved screaming to and from the office, dodging tractors and annoying cyclists.
I started driving lessons. We got ‘L’ plates for the Duster and Susie took me out every day. There were lots of private lanes round the Estate where I could build up my confidence before being exposed to the public roads.
All our spare time was spent learning about our new home and the responsibilities that went with it. I concentrated on the Estate, to prepare myself for when the excellent Bill decided to leave. He took me round all our tenants, introducing me as the new Earl. People seemed glad to see me, and were very hospitable, but I was uncomfortable with all the attention. Suddenly becoming a member of the nobility hadn’t made me any less shy.
Susie worked to understand our finances, supported by Smythe, Bill again, and Martha. She spent nearly a month of late nights and washed-out weekends; hundreds of e-mails; and many lunch hours meeting bankers, accountants, and inevitably the worthy (if pompous) Mr Smythe. Finally she convened a Sunday evening meeting of all us new nobles (i.e. me, Mum and herself).
“I think I know where we’ll stand after Probate. I’ve run all the numbers,” she said, pouring us each a glass of decent claret from my father’s – that is, my – wine cellar. “The Estate more or less breaks even; that is, the income from the tenants balances the running costs. It generates a small surplus during the summer months, but that’s wiped out by heating expenses during the winter. The biggest cost is the Hall itself, of course. It’s recently been refurbished but it will still be very expensive to run. The insurance premiums are massive too.”
“What about ready money?” I asked. “Was Smythe right? Is there anything left?”
“Yes, but as you know, the Executor must first pay off all debts before the beneficiaries can access any of the Estate’s assets. What made it simpler to calculate was your father’s hatred of bankers and his reluctance to borrow. Unfortunately, he also seemed to be determined to spend everything he had, rather than let his heirs get their hands on it. After paying the legacies to Martha and the others, I reckon we’ll have just under fifty thousand in ready cash or easily accessed deposit accounts – cash ISAs and so on.”
“Fifty grand?” gasped my mother. “That’s a fortune!”
“Not really,” said Susie. “It would only take a couple of unexpected bills on a house this size to wipe it out. Everything’s OK at the moment, but it’s an old building. Who knows when it might need a new roof, or a boiler? What if the cellars flood? We can’t afford to draw down on that reserve for our day-to-day living costs.”
“Is it enough to pay our share of one of Bill’s modernisation projects?” I asked.
“I doubt it,” she said. “I looked at his proposals. The numbers were in the hundreds of thousands.”
“OK, I get it,” I said. “We need to keep as much as possible as an emergency fund, so we may have to find new sources of income to live on. I’m not having the Dowager Countess going out cleaning again.”
Mum grabbed my hand and gave me a grateful smile.
“That’s right,” Susie said. “After you leave at the end of term, we’ll only have my salary. And we both have student loans, don’t forget.”
“What about pensions?”
“Your father didn’t have any.”
“Nor do I,” my mother said glumly. “I could never afford to pay into one.”
“I suppose I could withdraw my notice; try and get my job back…”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Susie said. “Firstly, you hate it; secondly, Bill really wants to retire, and if you take over, we’ll save his salary. You won’t have the time to run the Estate if you’re back at the school.”
“Yes, I really enjoyed going round with Bill, apart from the – you know – meeting people part.”
“Should we start thinking about selling stuff off?” Mum suggested. “Jewellery, those First Editions, maybe even land?”
“As a last resort, yes,” Suzie said, “but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. We would need Smythe’s permission to sell anything before Probate anyway. He’d probably agree, but then the cash from the sale would be subject to Inheritance Tax. Of course, if we wait till after Probate, it could be liable to Capital Gains Tax.”
“Would that be better?” I asked.
“Hard to say. Most antiques would be classed as ‘tangible moveable property’, or ‘chattels’, and any gains arising will be exempt from Capital Gains Tax as long as the sale proceeds are £6,000 or less, but some of the things we could sell would be worth much more than that.”
“We should get rid of the Bentley as soon as possible,” said my mother firmly. “I hate it. It stinks of privilege.”
“Agreed,” I said. “And why do we need it? We’ve got the Beemer 7 series for when we need a posh car.”
“You’re probably right,” Suzie smiled. “Private cars are exempt from CGT unless they’ve been used for business. I’m not sure how much the Bentley would be worth. An ordinary model of that age may be worth only about ten grand, but if it’s one of the classics, it could raise as much as a hundred thousand.”
We paused to think about what Suzie had said.
“We don’t have to do anything immediately,” I said eventually. The others nodded. “But we should all think about ways we can use this place to raise money…”
It helped that my mother had no difficulty renting out her little house. I insisted that all the income went into her bank account, and she insisted that in that case she wouldn’t take any money from the Estate by way of maintenance. Rent free accommodation was more than enough for her, she said.
* * *
So now we had to get used to our new lives. Apart from our accommodation, not much changed for us at first. That their Maths teacher had become a member of the aristocracy was a nine-day wonder to the kids in my classes. It certainly didn’t improve their behaviour (or their algebra).
There were five weeks to go to the end of the summer term, which for me mostly meant exams and marking. I also took my driving test and amazed the ladies in my family by passing first time. Susie immediately claimed the credit for being such a good teacher. My mother agreed. We opened a bottle of champagne as I ceremonially tore the ‘L’ plates off the Duster.
The new Countess awarded the trophies at the school Sports Day. Susie dressed in a very ‘county’ twinset and pearls, with an absurd floral hat. She was still gorgeous, but she looked quite a lot older, more mature, as I delighted in informing her. She insisted her outfit was ‘ironic’.
There was also a School Play at the end of term. I had foolishly mentioned in the Staff Room that I had done some ‘Am Dram’ at Cambridge, so I was roped into being the Assistant Director, which meant I did most of the work. We put on Ayckbourn’s Absurd Person Singular, although the headmaster thought it was a bit risqué. A couple of the kids displayed quite a knack for comic timing. It meant I actually enjoyed my last month at the school.
Meanwhile Susie carried on soliciting at Wainwrights. But it wasn’t long before the news of the changing of the guard at Hadleigh Hall filtered out among the local community. The demise of the disobliging and antisocial old Earl, and the arrival of an unknown new one, accompanied by a beautiful and charismatic Countess, generated a lot of local interest. Invitations started to pour in to open this and present that.
At which point I began to hate being the Earl. I was too shy to be a public figure. I went along to a few events, totally tongue-tied, serving no purpose except to deter smarmy male members of the county set from trying it on with the beautiful young Countess.
It wasn’t long before I started sending my regrets. Susie sympathised but she had taken to her new life like a duck to water. When she went to speak at the Young Conservative Association dinner dance, or launch the first boat at the Yacht Club Regatta, I sat at home, worried that her resistance to rich, plausible scoundrels might be weakening.
Eventually, in bed one late night after her return from another posh shindig, I shared my concerns.
“Don’t be silly,” she laughed. “Those braying idiots are nothing to me – except when their fathers are clients of Wainwrights, of course, in which case I’ll dance with them and pretend I can stand their company.”
“Still, maybe I should come to more of these dos…”
“Why? You hate those things! Don’t you trust me?” She laughed at my wretched expression. “Look, I have nothing in common with those horse-faced idiots.”
“I just wish I had their confidence…”
“Hush! I love the strong, silent type.”
She clambered further up the bed, threw her arms round my neck and plonked her head on my shoulder. I put my arm round her. Nothing more was said.
* * *
Susie was soon in demand, opening fêtes, judging fruit and vegetable shows, and giving the prizes at Speech Days. She also quickly built up a network of useful contacts. Best of all, the Partners at her firm recognised her potential value to them. They gave her time off to do Countess-type things. Then when she passed her exams with flying colours, she was quickly made an Associate Partner. It meant she would get a space for the Audi in the underground car park in the basement of their office building.
“Can’t have a Countess as a junior clerk,” smirked Old Mr Wainwright, her boss, who was clearly an unapologetic snob.
He was probably afraid she would leave and take his best clients with her.
* * *
Eventually the summer term ended and I was free – free and unemployed. One bright Friday morning, while Mum was out shopping with Esme (who insisted on calling her ‘My Lady’), and Susie was beavering away at whatever it is an Associate Partner does in a solicitor’s office, I wandered round the huge building that I now owned. I began to feel the stupidity of the whole experience. We would never occupy more than half of this ridiculous, anachronistic edifice, not unless we had a ridiculous number of children.
The house was built in a ‘U’ shape, the ground floor within the ‘U’ being a ‘Great Hall’. It was a sizeable open space with distinct possibilities. We could hold dances here, or exhibitions, or… something. There were serving hatches through to the kitchen along the back wall, but it looked as if they hadn’t been opened for quite a while. The edges and hinges had been painted over. The main reception rooms on the ground floor were down the sides of the open space with the kitchen (and Bill’s office) behind it at the back.
We mostly lived in the big drawing room at the front of the East wing. The walls were painted a brilliant white, making it the most modern and cheerful room in the whole building. At one end there was a decent-sized dining table with six chairs. This was a much more practical place in which to take our meals than either the Great Hall or on benches at the long table in the kitchen (originally for the staff). At the other end of the drawing room was a modern three-piece suite, grouped around a home cinema with a sixty-five inch Ultra HD screen fixed to the wall, and a five speaker surround sound system.
Under the TV screen there was a beautiful old fireplace with antique coal scuttle, tongs and poker. It was all fully functional but since my father had put central heating in all the main living areas twenty years earlier, the fireplace and all its tools were strictly ornamental. The mantlepiece above was painted white to match the walls. There was a very cool carriage clock which was probably worth quite a few bob, and various other objets which my father and Eleanor had apparently considered d’art. We thought they were hideous but we hadn’t gotten round to dumping them.
The wings either side of the Great Hall were independent with separate staircases for members of the household at the front and for the servants at the back. Mum took the East wing. She was afraid the West wing would remind her of her time with my father. There was no connection between the wings above the ground floor. Each wing had three bedrooms on the second level and three more above them at the top of the building. There was a communal bathroom on each floor and the largest bedroom had an en suite. I did a quick calculation. Two bathrooms on each floor in each wing, making eight in all. Wait – there was a bathroom in each wing on the ground floor too. That’s ten – seven more than the total number of permanent residents of the house. So queuing up for a bathroom would be a thing of the past. On the other hand, there was an awful lot of plumbing that could go wrong.
I made my way up to the top floor of the West Wing, our side of the house. I didn’t think Susie had been up to this floor yet in either wing. I had only been up there briefly before and had quickly been put off further exploration by the amount of clutter. I made a mental note to call a house clearance company. Though maybe Susie would like to browse through it all first…
* * *
When Mum got back from the shops she had exciting news. She was just winding up to tell me when Susie returned. She had brought some work home for the afternoon, so the three of us could have lunch together.
“Esme’s son and daughter-in-law in America have invited her to visit,” Mum began. “They’ve been trying to get her to go for years, but she didn’t like the idea of travelling all that way alone. Now that I’m free, she wants me to go with her. Her son has a big house, so there’s plenty of room. We won’t have to pay for a hotel.”
“Fantastic!” Susie said. “You must go. You’ll have a wonderful time.”
“Absolutely,” I agreed. “You deserve it, Mum. You haven’t had a proper holiday for years.”
“Are you sure we can afford it?” she said.
“Well, we’ll only have to cover your flights and some spending money, won’t we?” I said. “That’s a couple of thousand at most. We can probably pay for it on my new credit card. We must get you one too for your expenses. You have the rent from our old cottage and I’ll talk to Mr Smythe about releasing a little money from the Estate. He did say that would be possible. You should be better off than when you were relying on what my stingy father was giving you.”
“It would be nice,” she said wistfully. “Esme’s son lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He works at CNN. Their head office is there.”
“When does she want to go?” Susie asked. “It’ll be hot there in August.”
“We talked about mid-September.”
“Well, let’s start planning your trip then,” Susie said excitedly. “You’ll need lots of new outfits.”
“I don’t even have a passport…”
I left them to it, hoping that our fifty grand ‘emergency fund’ would survive the Dowager Countess’s trip to the New World.
* * *
Not long after my mother’s departure for the Colonies, Martha had an announcement to make. She was pregnant.
“To be honest, I thought I was too old,” she said. “I’m so sorry to be letting you down.”
“Good heavens, sweetie,” said Susie with a smile. “You don’t have to apologise for wanting a baby! It’s wonderful news!”
“It certainly is,” I agreed. “I hope you’ll consider us when you’re looking for godparents!”
We moved in for a three-way hug.
“Davey and I are planning to get married early in the New Year when we hope your father’s legacy will have come through, My Lord,” she said. “So I’d like to keep the pregnancy just between us for the moment, if that’s alright. I know it’s silly in this day and age, but some people are still a bit funny about women who get pregnant before they’re married.”
We assured her we understood and would keep her happy condition a secret for as long as she wanted.
“I should be able to stay on until you can find a new housekeeper,” Martha said. “I won’t have to leave for a good while yet, although I might not be able to get into my uniforms in another month or two!”
* * *
The weekend after Martha’s big announcement Susie and I finally managed to make a start on the third-floor bedrooms. We set ourselves a schedule: one room a day. If we were able to keep to that, we would get everything cleared in four weekends. So at half-past ten on the Saturday morning, armed with a vacuum cleaner, a dustpan, bin bags, and several brushes, we started up the stairs to the top of our wing.
“I thought you’d done some reconnaissance,” Susie grumbled as we arrived on the third floor. “The landing is full of junk too. That’s going to wreck our schedule.”
“I didn’t really notice,” I said. “I just walked past all this lot to look at the bedrooms.”
We made our way into the largest room. There were endless cardboard boxes, battered suitcases, tatty books and magazines, toys, board games, old vinyl records, dusty furniture, curtains, clothes and shoes. I was sad to find my little pedal car was there, broken beyond repair, presumably smashed by my overweight half-brother. There must have been several generations of Marsham family junk – none of which meant anything to the three of us. We had no loyalty to the Hadleigh legacy.
We started dividing everything into piles: ‘Keep’, ‘Dump’, and ‘Think About It’. Anything we thought my mother might like went into the last pile. Quite a lot of framed portraits – both photographs and paintings – went there. They were almost all complete strangers to me of course, although there were a few pictures of my father. At least I thought it must be him. The face was vaguely familiar and the dates on the backs were about right.
“Your Dad was very good-looking,” said Susie, who had come up to see what had caught my interest. “No wonder your Mum fell for him. Those photos of him when he was in his teens are very like you at the same age.”
“He was quite a bit bigger,” I sighed. “It’s a pity he wasn’t as good on the inside as he appears on the outside.”
“Well, his son is both,” she said affectionately, nuzzling my neck. “I’m a very lucky Countess.”
We decided to use the big bedroom as the repository for the ‘Think About It’ pile and the landing for the ‘Definitely Dump’. It took us the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon to process both, with a short lunch break. We had only a tiny ‘Keep’ pile, which we decided could go in the small back room, which was directly above Martha’s old bedroom. When we made our way in there, each of us with an armful of stuff, we found it was full of clothes. There were two wardrobes, one packed with men’s suits, the other with ladies’ dresses. From the styles, I guessed the oldest probably dated back to Edwardian times or even earlier. The most recent were from the nineteen-fifties.
“You know who’d like these?” I said. “LADS.”
“Good idea,” she said. “They want you to be a Patron, by the way. A letter came from the secretary this morning. I’m not sure he was aware that the new Earl was Juliet’s old Nurse.”
“Maybe someone at the school noticed I was involved in Am Dram. Anyway this lot could save them a fortune in costumes. Do you think Polly Whitmore will have room for them all somewhere?”
“Dunno, but some of these clothes are pretty old. They may be too delicate to be used in a play. Let’s have a closer look.” She reached for a very pretty pink and white dress. “Oh I must try this on!”
“Careful!” I said. “You might damage it.”
“So what? If the material has perished, it’s only fit for the dump anyway.”
She was stripping her top and jeans off. I took the dress from her and held it up to the light.
“When would a woman have worn something like this, do you think?”
“It’s a tea party dress; day wear; probably about 1900 to 1910. They usually wore vintage-style cotton, chiffon or lace. Typically they featured large puffy sleeves, a narrow waist and full hips with a flared skirt.”
“Wow!” I was impressed. “How did you know all that?”
“My Gran was really into fashion when she was young. She learned it all from her Gran and was keen to pass it all on to me. I once thought about going into fashion.”
“I did not know that.”
“Well, I grew out of it. I realised it would be too hit and miss for a career – like show business. The law may be boring but it’s steady work and it pays well.”
She was pulling open drawers from a tallboy chest next to the wardrobe. They were full of accessories: aprons, gloves, shoes, hats, parasols and shawls. Susie grabbed a particularly fearsome-looking white undergarment.
“I’m going to need your help getting this corset on. You can be my lady’s maid.”
I laughed and continued opening boxes.
“Why on earth would you want to wear one of those things?” I said. “Your figure doesn’t need any shaping. It’s perfect as it is.”
“Aw, thanks, babe,” she grinned. “But corsets are dead sexy – wait till you see me. Anyway, even I couldn’t get into one of these Edwardian dresses without a corset. Come and help me.”
“OK, coming.”
“Hey, talking of maids, look at what I found here – maid uniforms!”
“There used to be several maids here when I was little. Those must be theirs,” I said, reminiscing. “They were all very nice to me…”
I remembered tall ladies in long black dresses playing with me, pushing me on the swing in the back garden, pulling my little car around the corridors. I now knew they must have been Helga and Martha, and there might have been others.
“Come on then, strip off,” said Susie in an authoritative voice. “A maid should be in uniform when she’s helping her mistress get dressed.”
“No way! I don’t have a mistress; I’m a bloody Earl!”
“Earls can have mistresses. Your father certainly did. Come on, you can pretend. It’ll be fun!”
“Don’t be daft!”
“Think of it as an overall – our clothes are getting filthy up here. Anyway, your mother wasn’t too proud to be a cleaning lady. Who do you take after – her or your father?”
I laughed. She knew I was nothing like my father, but that didn’t mean I was like my mother.
“You even worked as a cleaning lady once, didn’t you?” she said slyly.
“Cleaning boy, you mean.”
“There’s no such thing. You were just a male cleaning lady.”
She was referring to the horrible time when Mum fell off her bike and broke her wrist. I had to help her with her cleaning job or she might have lost her clients. We were just lucky it was the school holidays so I was available. We went round the houses she had to clean together. She did what she could one-handed and I did everything else. I was thirteen. I quite enjoyed it, as long as I didn’t have to talk to anyone. I was even more self-conscious then.
Susie was the only one of my classmates I told when she asked me what I planned to do over the summer. I immediately wished I hadn’t told her. I was sure she would tell everyone else and I would be teased to within an inch of my life. But to my surprise, she kept it to herself. It was around then that she and I stopped pretending to hate each other.
“It was what you did that summer that made me realise you weren’t so bad after all,” she said. “Come on, put this dress on. Whoever it belonged to, she was a big woman. It should fit you.”
I sighed. “OK, but you’re going to be the maid tomorrow,” I said.
“Deal!” she said undoing the buttons of my shirt. “You can be the Countess.” I sneered. “No, you’ll have to be. Maids don’t help their masters get dressed, just their mistresses.”
“I’ll just stick with being the maid then. That clobber you’ll be wearing looks too complicated.”
“Fair enough. Now come along, Martha; I’ll help you get dressed, then you can help me.”
“After our favourite maid. It’s a good name, isn’t it? And I can hardly call my maid ‘Robert’, can I?”
I finished undoing my shirt. While I was doing that, she reached to unzip my trousers.
“Whoa, you’re in a bit of hurry, aren’t you?”
“I just can’t wait to see you in this uniform. I’ll bet you look great!”
But I didn’t. She dropped the long black dress over my head. It reached down to my calves. It was all baggy and droopy and I looked stupid.
“Hmm,” she said.
“This dress is completely shapeless,” I said. “Help me get it off.”
“It’s not shapeless; you are. You need a padded bra, and maybe a girdle. Pity you don’t still have that shapewear you wore as Juliet’s Nurse. Come on, let’s go back to our bedroom. I’ve got some old things I’ve been meaning to throw away. They should work for you.”
She set off down the stairs.
“This is going a bit far, isn’t it?” I said, following grumpily. “I never promised to put on any women’s underwear. Anyway, that will take all day. We’ve still got lots to do.”
“Nonsense! Five minutes. Bring that old suitcase – it’s got aprons and caps and things.”
I carried the case down to our bedroom. Susie had upended a black binbag of things intended for the charity shop onto the bed, which was now covered in her old underwear. I spent an embarrassing and frustrating fifteen minutes struggling to get into her old bras and panties, but to Susie’s frustration nothing came close to fitting. She’d stretched it out but nothing like far enough. It was something of a relief that I would not be spending the rest of the afternoon in drag.
“Hang on,” she said, apparently in a moment of inspiration. “I’ve got another idea.
“So I’ll just wait here then, shall I?” I called to her retreating back. “In my underpants?”
“I think there are some vintage bloomers in the suitcase,” she called back. “You can put them on. They might keep your legs warmer.”
I didn’t know if she was serious. It wasn’t cold. But I had a look through the suitcase; there was a garment as she described. I shrugged and dropped my underpants. I stepped into the bloomers, half-expecting them to be too tight, but no. I managed to pull them up to my waist.
Susie returned with an armful of underwear. She stopped when she saw me and laughed.
“Very nice,” she said. “Antique cotton, or linen; possibly cotton lawn? Same period as my dress, I should think. Late Victorian or early Edwardian. There’s probably a drawstring to secure them at the waist. Yes, here it is.” She pulled it tight and fastened it in a bow. “There’s a flap at the back, by the way, with buttons, so you can… you know.”
“Yeah, well, when I need to go to the loo, I’ll take them off, thanks.”
“They have gorgeous broderie anglaise trim.”
“Terrific,” I said sarcastically. “Why are we doing this? I feel stupid already and I haven’t even got the dress on yet.”
“Because we can. Because it’s fun. Because we’ll never get the chance again if we give all these old clothes to LADS. Anyway, you like dressing up. You’ve been Lady Bracknell as well as the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet. I would have thought being Martha was right up your street.”
“Most of the parts I played in my Am Dram years were men, and it was just acting – which you insisted I did to cure my shyness – which it didn’t.”
“No, we’ll have to keep working on that, won’t we?”
She picked up a lacy white bra that was clearly much bigger than any of hers.
“OK, if we have to do this, can we get on with it?” I sighed.
“Come on then,” she said. “Put your arms through the straps. I’ll fasten it and find something to stuff it with.”
I obliged. Then a thought occurred to me.
“Hey, where did you find this lot anyway?”
“It’s old stuff of your mother’s. Don’t worry; it’s clean.”
“What? You’ve been raiding my Mum’s underwear, and you want me to wear it?”
“Don’t fuss. She bought all new lingerie for her trip. She was throwing this lot away. I got it from the other bag I was going to take to the charity shop. There – it fits you very well.”
She stood back in triumph. Then she started stuffing the bra with pairs of panties.
“And whose are those?” I asked testily.
“Mine, but don’t worry. They’re clean.” As though that was all I was concerned about. “Now let’s get this girdle on you. Then a little more padding will give my maid a nice curvy, feminine shape.”
Well there wasn’t much point in objecting now, so I let her have her way.
“Surely a woman wouldn’t wear a girdle over bloomers like these, would she?”
“No, no, bras and girdles didn’t come in till the 1930s, and you wouldn’t wear long knickers like these with a girdle anyway, but you need it to give you a proper female bum.”
Between us we eventually managed to pull the thing up over my bloomers. It had suspenders but I couldn’t get stockings on without taking the bloomers off, so they just dangled impotently. Then Susie started cramming more knickers – hers and Mum’s – down it until it was on the point of bursting. I felt like a cushion had been forced down my trousers, like a schoolboy anticipating a beating. I also thought my wife had too many knickers.
“You won’t believe how tight I’m going to tie your corset today, Madam,” I said. She just laughed.
“In 1905 a maid would wear a starched cotton petticoat under her dress, but I didn’t see one, so you can wear this old slip of your Mum’s.”
“Gee, thanks.”
I allowed her to drop the slip over my head and pulled it down to smooth everything out.
“Might as well add a little make-up as well,” she added, casually.
“Hold on a minute…”
“Ssh, Martha. Pucker up.”
She had smeared lipstick all over my mouth before I could stop her, swiftly following that with mascara.
“To make my pretty maid’s eyes pop,” she explained.
When I was fully underweared and made up to Madam’s satisfaction, she dropped the maid’s dress over me again and it definitely hung better. She tied a white half-apron around my waist. I even had a noticeably hourglass figure. I couldn’t move much because of the tight underwear, but at least I looked good.
“You’ll need to be careful not to let your ankles show as you move about, Martha dear,” Susie said, giggling. “Edwardian maids would never do that, and you’d be exposing your hairy legs. Now the finishing touch.”
She reached up and pulled a mob cap down over my head.
“This will keep the dust out of your hair,” she said. “These rooms are filthy. I don’t think a maid’s been up here for years – until now, I mean!”
“Very funny.”
She turned me toward the bedroom wardrobe mirror. If you ignored my five o’clock shadow and hairy hands, there were no other traces of masculinity. More importantly, I couldn’t see any sign of Robert Marsham, so I didn’t feel too embarrassed dressing as a maid. Surely no one would recognise me in this outfit, not that I was going to let anyone apart from Susie see me.
The Hall now had a second maid called Martha. I found my demeaning outfit strangely erotic…
“Right, Martha,” said the Countess. “You can dress me now.”
“Yes, My Lady.”
“You don’t have to call me that,” she laughed.
“Well you’re a lady, and you’re mine, so why not? You can think of it not as deference, but as a statement of ownership.”
“OK then,” she agreed. “I suppose I’d better get used to it, hadn’t I?”
As Martha, the lady’s maid, I first had to help my mistress into her underwear. This entailed quite a few layers and we had fun figuring out whether we had everything she needed and then how it all worked.
“Dresses in the early Edwardian period were much closer fitting than they had been for most of the nineteenth century,” Susie was saying. “So underwear had to become lighter and more fitted to the body, especially at the waist, to reduce the bulk under your dress.”
“Fascinating,” I said.
I wasn’t really listening. I was staring at myself in the wardrobe mirror. I couldn’t believe I looked so much like an actual Edwardian lady’s maid. My training in female movement was coming back to me. When Susie wasn’t looking, I tried a curtsey. Hmm, I needed practice.
“Let’s see what we’ve got here,” she said, tipping the contents of the suitcase onto the bedroom carpet. First, a pair of drawers – like yours, but mine will be silk, of course.”
“Of course.”
“This is a chemise, which you wear under your corset to protect your skin. Corsets can be rough and scratchy. Talking of which, here’s one.”
She had found a cream-coloured corset. The top was edged in a band of finely-made lace trim with two silk ribbons. It was cross-laced down the back with a tough-looking cord. Pulling that as tight as possible would be my job.
“Why would you want to squash yourself into a torture device like this?”
“You’d have to, to get into the dresses of the period. Anyway, it supports your boobs as well as shaping your body. This was before the invention of the bra, remember.”
“Well you’d never get me into one of those,” I scoffed. She grinned. “If I was a woman, I mean.”
“A serving maid like you would still have to wear a corset,” she said. “It would just be simpler and rougher, and it would usually do up with fasteners at the front, as you wouldn’t have a lady’s maid to lace you up properly. There’s bound to be a serving wench corset somewhere around. You can try one yourself next time.”
“What ‘next time’?”
But Susie wasn’t listening. She was rifling through the remaining items from the suitcase.
“Ah, this is a corset-cover. It protects the gown from the corset. I won’t bother with that. There are two petticoats here too; they add fullness to the skirt. I’ll make do with one, I think.”
“What’s that little lumpy thing, like a cushion on a string?” I asked, my interest aroused despite my misgivings.
“It’s a bustle pad. They were huge in the late Victorian era but were going out by the early 1900s. Some women wore them to round out their bum and hips.”
“Again, superfluous in your case. You’re very well-rounded.”
“Thanks… I think.” She wasn’t sure whether my comment was a compliment or an insult. “Come on! Help me get dressed, Martha.”
First was stockings. Susie remembered her Gran saying that you always put them on before the rest of the undergarments. Obviously Victorian stockings were never seen in public underneath all the layers of petticoats and skirts, but in private women loved fancy, colourful designs. The ones Susie chose were made of silk. They were grey with vertical black stripes and came up to just above her knees. There was no built-in elastic to hold them up, but we found a pair of frilly garters. She slipped them on and up her legs. By pulling their tops up above the garters, we managed to persuade the stockings to stay up. Her legs looked sexy as hell.
She giggled when she saw my mouth watering at the sight – metaphorically, of course. The garters were now pretty tight and I was afraid they might constrict her blood flow, but when I tried to slip them down a little, they wouldn’t hold the stockings up anymore. There seemed to be no way of clipping the stockings to the garters, so I was pretty sure they would soon slip down, but Susie wasn’t concerned.
The first layer of clothing was the silk bloomers. She stepped into them and turned round so that I could tie up the drawstring as she had mine. The frilly cuffs at the bottom of the legs came down to just below her stocking tops. Rather than having a buttoned flap at the back, her drawers were split to enable their wearer to use the facilities.
While I was fastening her bloomers, Susie had picked up the chemise. She handed it to me and turned her back again.
“A lady shouldn’t have to remove her own bra, Martha,” she giggled. “You’ve had lots of practice. Have at it.”
“Yes, M’Lady,” I said.
I unclipped her bra and felt a movement inside my own bloomers, despite the tight girdle. I hoped my mistress hadn’t seen. As her breasts came loose, she turned to face me again, and immediately saw the tenting in my skirt, which my apron did nothing to conceal.
“Martha!” she admonished. “That’s most improper for a maid! Get yourself under control this minute!”
“Yes, Ma’am. Sorry, Ma’am,” I said, completely unable to keep a sheepish grin from my lips. We were both enjoying the afternoon’s play enormously.
The chemise was like a light summer nightgown, a very simple pattern, knee-length, with a low square neck, tight sleeves and underarm gussets. It had a little embroidery round the neck and hem. Susie explained that the Victorians considered embroidered underwear to be indecent. After all, it’s never seen, so it should be plain. But people were starting to relax a little as the Edwardian era progressed. We mused happily over how times have changed. Susie has lots of sexy underwear and it was definitely intended to be seen.
Next came the dreaded corset. The lacy dress she had selected was less extravagant than clothes from earlier in the nineteenth century. It wouldn’t take a crinoline, for example; nor was there a protruding bustle; and nor was it as tight as a dress from the late 1870s. But it still needed a severe corset, which I took sadistic pleasure in lacing up as tightly as I could manage – just as I threatened.
Susie had to lean against the wall to stop herself from moving as I tugged on the cord. We had to pause a couple of times for her to get her breath back. Each time we checked to see if she was parcelled up tightly enough to get into the dress. All the effort and my cumbersome outfit were causing me to sweat too.
“I don’t understand,” she panted. “I thought I was slim…” Pant, pant. “Why can’t I get into this blasted gown?” Pant, pant. “And the petticoat still has to go under it. Come on, Martha! I’m sure a real Edwardian maid could do me up tighter than this!”
I rather doubted that, even though I was finding my underwear, dress, apron and especially frilly cap, emasculating.
“A woman of the time would have worn a tight corset every day since her early teens,” I suggested. “Wouldn’t that have trained her shape to fit these stupid narrow waists? Eighteen inches was the goal, wasn’t it? Very bad for the internal organs, I should think. Frankly, I’d be worried if you could get into the dress.”
“The waist on this one is twenty-two inches, I think,” she said. “Maybe twenty.”
“When did you measure it?”
“OK, I’m ready again,” she said, as if I hadn’t spoken. “Tighter!”
She leant against the wall again.
“Also, there’s modern nutrition,” I said, putting my knee up against her back. “Women today are taller, bigger… plumper…”
That just got me a filthy look. So I shut up.
Eventually I could do no more. It would need a tractor to get the blasted thing any tighter. Susie’s breathing was shallow now, as if she was only using the top of her lungs.
“This is ridiculous!” I said. “I’m going to undo this death-trap right now.”
“Wait a minute,” she said, panting even more heavily. “Let me try the dress again. Last chance.”
“What about the petticoat?”
“Ah! I don’t know…” She stopped to think. “If I put it on now, I won’t be able to step into the dress, and I can’t put the dress on over my head as my boobs are too big for the waist. I suppose that means I’ll have to put the dress on first and then work the petticoat up underneath it. I wonder how Edwardian women did it?”
So I held the beautiful, flimsy gown out for her. Susie put one hand on my shoulder and tried to step into it.
“Can you hold it a little lower, babe?” she panted. “The corset is stopping me lifting my leg any higher.”
I bent lower to comply. The basic dress was pink with white lace embellishments on the bodice and at the sleeves. The skirt was gathered at the waist and fell naturally over her hips and the various undergarments. It gave her an A-line silhouette that was almost bell-like. It had huge, puffy leg-of-mutton sleeves fitted tightly at the wrist and with small ruffles at the shoulder. There were no less than twelve tiny pearl buttons down the back which I found fiddly, my fingers being bigger and clumsier than those of most Edwardian maids.
“You won’t be able to get out of any of this by yourself, you know,” I said.
“That’s what I have a maid for,” she smiled. “You’ll be on duty for a while yet, Martha sweetie.”
Finally the petticoat; it was close-fitting down to knee level, then with a deep gathered flounce to the ankle, and a narrow ruffled extension to the floor. It was awkward to get on but manageable. Susie gathered up the skirt of her dress as high as she could and stepped into the petticoat, but after that she could do nothing to help me, tightly constrained as she was.
I slowly worked it up her body. It was a struggle getting it all the way up to her waist, so we eventually settled for having it rest just below, high on her hips. There was no elastic, of course. It had a drawstring which I tied off for her. It seemed secure enough, but there was about an inch of frilly petticoat spilling out below the hem of the dress. How on earth did Edwardian ladies put up with all this stuff? (Mind you, some of our modern fashions don’t look much more comfortable.)
“I need high heels, I think,” Susie said. “I didn’t see anything suitable up there or in the suitcase.”
“You probably couldn’t get your feet into an Edwardian lady’s shoe anyway,” I said, accurately but tactlessly.
“Yes, thank you, Martha,” she said, icily. “Fetch me a pair of black heels, please.”
Her tone made it clear that her maid had better jump to it, or she might be out on the street tomorrow without a reference. I jumped to it. I grabbed the nearest pair of black high-heeled shoes from the bottom of her wardrobe.
She lowered herself carefully onto the bed, gathered up her skirts, and raised one foot. She looked at me as if to say, “Well?”
I sighed and mopped my sweating brow on my apron. I lifted my own skirt and knelt at her feet. Helping my wife-stroke-mistress on with shoes, while kneeling in front of her dressed as her lady’s maid, was both utterly mortifying and sublimely erotic. She tried to maintain a stern demeanour but we were both helpless with laughter by the time I’d finished. I pulled her to her feet. She looked amazing, as I had known she would.
The dress was Edwardian rather than late Victorian, well after the time of Oscar Wilde, so it wasn’t really appropriate for me to say, “You look just like Lady Bracknell.”
“Damn your insolence, Martha!” she expostulated. “Lady Bracknell was an old bag!”
“Cheek!” I said back in protest. “I wasn’t an old bag. Everyone said I made a very handsome woman.”
“Well, yeah, you did,” she grinned, “but a handsome middle-aged woman. I see myself as her daughter, Gwendolen.”
“Fair enough,” I agreed. “Now I suppose you want me to do your hair?”
She passed me a hairbrush and an old-fashioned tortoiseshell comb she had found in the accessories suitcase. Soon I was brushing and arranging her hair, like a proper maid. While she was telling me what to do, she kept up a running commentary about hairstyles of the early 1900s.
“My great-great-grandmother used to wear her hair in a pompadour, which was the most fashionable hairstyle for Edwardian women. My Gran showed me pictures and taught me how to do it. My hair’s too short really; it was much longer when I was little. My maid needs to backcomb it and roll it to create the high, round shape.”
We decided not to bother with rollers but Susie showed me how to do backcombing. I wasn’t very good at it but she didn’t scold me for my feeble efforts, she just laughed. Eventually I managed to get her hair to fluff out a bit and between us we worked out how to hold it in place using the big tortoiseshell comb. When we’d finished I thought she looked like a perfect Edwardian lady, if you ignored the wayward tufts of hair that had managed to escape from the bloated beehive on top of her head, due to her maid’s incompetence.
I flopped down on our bed, exhausted.
“You look great,” I said, “like a proper Countess, but we’re way behind schedule now.”
“Oh, it’s too late to do any more today, and I’d have to take all this lot off… I mean, you’d have to undress me, Martha. Tell you what – let’s have an early dinner. As my maid you’ll be serving me of course.”
“Well, I’m not cooking, and you can open the door to the pizza delivery boy.”
We were now playing an exciting and erotic game of ‘mistress and maid’. I pottered in and out with food and drink all evening, while Susie reclined on the lounge sofa, like an Edwardian lady of leisure. But it was all in fun. She would never have demanded anything too demeaning of me, if only because she knew I would flatly refuse and the game would be over.
She called me ‘Martha’ all the time and taught me to curtsey whenever I approached her. As a result I experienced a continual, often painful, erection in my bloomers and Mum’s panty girdle (which I decided I would have to destroy afterwards).
It wasn’t all comfort and ease for Susie either, squeezed as she was into the tight corset. She could only manage a third of her pizza, and after two glasses of Merlot she had to make several trips to the bathroom, requiring my assistance each time.
At about half past nine the continual stimulation became too much for both of us, so we called it quits and rushed to the bedroom. I undressed my mistress in half the time it had taken me to dress her. She returned the favour just as quickly and our lovemaking was the longest and best either of us could remember. Susie decided that dressing-up games would be part of our repertoire from now on. I didn’t object too strongly.
There was no rush to donate our entire collection of historic costumes to LADS, was there? We held back a few of the costumes for ourselves. Some of the maid’s uniforms were too small for me but Susie could get into them, so we did our ongoing clearing of the top floor rooms dressed as two maids. I dispensed with the bloomers and wore thick black stockings to conceal my hairy legs. We told ourselves that our fancy dress kept the accumulated dirt and dust of decades off our own clothes.
“You realise this makes you the second Countess of Hadleigh in succession to work as a cleaner?” I laughed.
“What about you? You’re a third-generation cleaning lady. Not bad considering you’re actually a man!”
Unfortunately, we usually didn’t get a lot done before we’d turned each other on so much we had to stop for a little ‘relief’. Our original estimate of four weekends looked ridiculous now. Still, a good time was had by all.
I just didn’t realise what changes our silly, sexy, dressing-up games might lead to…
The Earl Maid
By Susannah Donim
Rob is a shy and reserved young man, but an unexpected inheritance suddenly makes him the centre of attention. His wife helps him find a way of hiding in plain sight.
Chapter 3
The Hadleighs start to host meetings of local societies to ease their financial difficulties. Rob gets drawn into a rather unusual demonstration at a meeting of the Pink Ladies.
Charlie Todd was the secretary of the Lavenden Amateur Dramatic Society. We invited him round for tea and to see all the period costumes we had to offer. We had met him briefly the year before when I was in Romeo and Juliet, but he hadn’t been involved in that show.
“I can’t do Shakespeare, I’m afraid,” he admitted. “I don’t understand all those iambic pentameters. I did enjoy your performance in Romeo and Juliet though, My Lord.”
“Call me Rob, for God’s sake,” I said. “That whole ‘your lordship’ thing is so nineteenth century.”
Being ‘your lordship’ made me more uncomfortable every time someone said it to me.
“And I’m Susie,” added my wife.
Martha moved amongst us dispensing refreshments, which rather gave the lie to my attempts to make out I was still one of the common people.
“Thank you, My Lord; er, I mean, Rob,” Charlie continued. “Will you be trying out for another show? Personally, I concentrate on light entertainment: Ayckbourn, musicals, and the annual Christmas Panto.”
“I’m sure they’re more popular,” said Susie, with a grin. “Your shows probably recover the losses the others make on the classics.”
“I couldn’t possibly comment, My Lady, er Susie,” he smiled.
“I think my performing days are over,” I said. “At least for now. The Estate is taking up all of my time at the moment.”
“We’d love you to stay involved though. Maybe as a Patron?”
“That would be wonderful, wouldn’t it, dear?” said Susie, before I could get a word in.
“I’ll certainly think about it,” I said, giving her a reproving look which I hoped Charlie didn’t see.
Just because I was shy with strangers didn’t mean I was going to give in to my wife every time. Maybe sensing potential discord, Charlie changed the subject.
“We’re very grateful for the costumes, er, Rob. They’ll save us a lot of time and money. Actually, there is one other matter I’d like to speak to you about… er, if you’ll forgive the impertinence…?”
If people are going to talk like that, I really don’t think I’m going to like being an Earl. I nodded as encouragingly as I could.
“We have to find somewhere new for our rehearsals,” Charlie continued. We’ve always used the church hall in Lavenden village, but the diocese has just got a new bishop, and she’s decided it’s not an appropriate use of church property.”
“She sounds a bit puritanical,” said Susie. “Perhaps the Earl might have a word with her?”
I hoped she was joking. Arguing with a fearsome lady bishop wasn’t my idea of fun at all. Besides, I’d probably just freeze up, like always when I tried public speaking.
“That would be really helpful,” Charlie said, dunking a custard cream in his tea, “but what I actually had in mind was maybe using your Great Hall? It would make a fantastic rehearsal space, with the side rooms and the great staircase. It would be much better for our needs.” He paused to check our reaction. “We’d pay you rent of course,” he added hurriedly. “We have our own insurance in case anything gets broken or somebody falls and hurts themselves; and we’d always be careful to clear up afterwards.”
“That would be excellent, wouldn’t it, dear?” Susie said. She turned to Charlie and continued in a confidential tone, “Between ourselves, we could really do with the money. The previous Earl left the Estate in a pretty bad way, financially.”
“We couldn’t afford much, I’m afraid,” Charlie was quick to say. “The church hall was really cheap.”
“Every little helps,” Susie said happily, “and it wouldn’t cost us anything, would it?”
“I noticed an old piano in the corner of the Hall, by the way,” said Charlie. “Does it work?”
“I believe so,” said Susie. “None of us play though. It probably needs tuning.”
“Would you mind if I arranged that – at our expense, of course? Only our next production is going to be a musical, and we’ll need a piano for rehearsals. That will be in October. Then we start work on our annual Panto, which also has music, of course.”
“That would be fine,” Susie said with a smile. I could almost see a little metaphoric light bulb come on over her head. “By the way, do you do open air productions in the summer? Our back lawn would be perfect. There are a couple of nice little stands of trees to attach scenery to, and to use for entrances and exits.”
“We do, actually.” Charlie was clearly excited by that idea. “We’ve always used the town’s Pleasure Gardens, but it’s been a nightmare, to be honest. We have to pay the council most of our proceeds – we made a loss in July this year – and we can’t stop the public wandering through when we’re rehearsing. Oh, and our stage and scenery were vandalised a couple of years ago.”
“Well, why don’t I show you the layout?” Susie said, taking his arm and leading him out of the drawing room French windows toward the lawn. “Perhaps we could take a percentage of the profits, rather than a flat fee? That way your risk would be reduced, and the Hadleigh Estate would be motivated to help you make it a success.”
“That sounds brilliant!” Charlie was saying as they stepped outside.
I left them to it, marvelling at my wife’s imagination and energy. I hoped Charlie would be happy with the Countess of Hadleigh as the Society’s new patron.
* * *
Susie was right, of course. There were ways to utilise the Hall and its gardens to raise money that my father had never tried – and probably would have hated. But giving strangers the run of the Great Hall, the kitchens, and a couple of underused ground floor reception rooms wouldn’t interfere with our lives at all, and the money would be very welcome. So we told Charlie that he could go ahead.
As he had said, it wasn’t a fortune, but it was steady income for Bill to add into the Estate’s revenues. I checked with Smythe that there were no legal impediments to these short-term rentals, and he confirmed that as long as we complied with fire regulations, provided enough toilets and washing facilities, and had appropriate insurance in place, there would be no problem.
Our guests used the front entrance which led through a small vestibule directly into the Great Hall. We gave Charlie a set of keys and the code to the burglar alarm. Susie and I could come and go through the back door between the kitchens and Bill’s office. Since we always parked round the back, we rarely came in through the front anyway.
There were servants’ entrances to both side wings from the kitchen area at the back. We put ‘Private’ signs on the doors to the Library, the drawing room, and the study, where Susie camped when she was ‘working from home’. The only minor inconvenience for us was that we had to give visitors access to the two ground floor bathrooms, so we had to ‘go’ upstairs.
We soon got used to LADS taking up residence on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and throughout the weekend as Opening Night approached. They cheerfully welcomed Susie and me in to watch them rehearse whenever we liked.
“It always brings out the best in them when they have an audience,” Charlie said, “even if it’s only two.”
We were confident Charlie knew how to let his team in and out and lock up after themselves, which was just as well as they were often still hard at it when we retired for the night. Our bedroom in the West Wing was upstairs and along a corridor, so they didn’t disturb us, even with the old re-tuned piano banging away and voices raised singing Tonight and America.
We were happy to let them make full use of the kitchens for their refreshments. Some members of the cast, who had presumably come straight from work, even took to cooking their evening meals there (usually nuking TV dinners in our microwave). Many of them brought their own booze – mostly canned lager and cheap wine. As Charlie had promised, they did what they could at cleaning up after themselves, taking the rubbish and empty beer cans and wine bottles out to our recycling centre round the back of the house, and filling and starting the dishwasher. Unfortunately, this still left quite a mess.
It wasn’t reasonable, we understood, to expect the actors, who had been sweating blood all evening over West Side Story, to start wiping down tables and scrubbing carpets at eleven o’clock at night. Charlie suggested we hired a professional cleaning firm for the mornings after rehearsals and promised LADS would pay their share of the costs. Knowing we would soon need to be making alternative arrangements when Martha left, we agreed, and he recommended a firm that many of their members used.
* * *
One good thing about being an Earl is that when you ask a company for help, they tend to send the boss. The Managing Director of J & J Home Counties Housekeeping came to the Hall personally. Her name was Sally Jackson. She was tall, pretty, and elegant in a black businesswoman’s skirt suit. She was also fearsomely efficient. She reminded me of Susie in that respect, and the two of them hit it off immediately.
We had arranged for her to visit the day after a rehearsal, so she could see the extent of the job for herself. She brought an assistant with her, a tall swarthy girl with a big bust and a broad backside in a cheap blue pant suit. Susie led the way, identifying all the places the LADS people used, and finishing with our private areas. I followed at a discreet distance.
Every now and then Sally called over her shoulder to the plump girl, who scribbled something in her notebook. These instructions were in a foreign language – Spanish, I think. The girl, whose name appeared to be Maria, made only monosyllabic replies, also in Spanish, and in a husky voice that made me wonder if she had a cold or something.
After the brief tour we returned to the drawing room where Martha had laid out coffee and biscuits. Sally and Susie continued their chat while Maria sat quietly, presumably because her English wasn’t up to following the conversation. Apparently she was doing sums on a calculator and recording the results in her notebook. Eventually she passed it to her boss, who took it, nodded, and passed it back.
“We’d be delighted to provide cleaning services for you, My Lady,” Sally said. “I’m afraid most of the areas we’ve seen will require a very extensive spring-clean. The kitchen in particular is in a poor condition, as are some of the bathrooms. I suggest a small team for a full day. That will be a once-off price of… Maria, muestre a Señora su estimación.”
The plump girl held out her notebook for Susie to see. She tutted.
“That is a lot, but I suppose we have no choice,” she said. “You know we’ve only just taken over? The old Earl, my husband’s late father, cut back dramatically on the staff, and poor Martha… well, there just aren’t enough hours in the day for her to keep everything shipshape.”
Apparently, I didn’t get to see the estimate. Well, we’d agreed that the house was Susie’s responsibility. I had the rest of the Estate to worry about.
“I understand, My Lady, but after that initial effort it will be much easier to keep everywhere in good condition. If you can give us sufficient notice, we will always try to be available the day after you’ve had clients in. I think we will usually need to allocate two girls to be sure of completing the work in a sensible time for you. We charge for complete hours, so I suggest our girls clean up the public spaces first, and then if there’s any time left over, they can do some work in your private accommodation. They do laundry and ironing too, if you would like that.”
“That would be excellent,” Susie confirmed. “I’ll just need your girls to itemise how much time they spend in each area, so that I can charge LADS the right amount.”
Sally promised to do so, and the two ladies chatted amiably while they finished their coffee. Maria and I listened quietly, although the former was gazing placidly out of the French windows and gave no sign of understanding the conversation. She did glance in my direction occasionally. Maybe she was wandering why I wasn’t contributing to the discussion. She’d probably never met a real Earl before, and certainly not one as bashful as me.
Susie asked about the company name.
“It stands for ‘Jackson and Jenkins’ – my husband’s name and my maiden name. We merged with Home Counties Housekeeping a year or so ago. Well, it was more of a takeover really. J & J were much more profitable, so I was able to dictate terms. The joint company now cleans homes and offices all over the Home Counties, north of London. We have clients in Berkshire, Bucks, Herts, Bedfordshire and Essex. I’m looking to buy companies in Cambridgeshire and Northants next.”
What a ball of fire this woman was! And here was I, nervous about taking over running the Hadleigh Estate!
“And what does your husband do?”
“Oh, he’s a software engineer.”
She seemed more hesitant now. Was it my imagination, or did Maria seem to perk up at the mention of Sally’s husband? Perhaps she fancied him.
“He used to work for a big city bank,” Sally continued, after a slightly awkward pause. “He made a lot of money from a trading app he developed and went freelance. Now he helps me out with the company. In fact, I couldn’t have done any of it without him. I needed his financial investment, and his personal support too.”
“‘Behind every successful woman’, eh?”
They both laughed. I joined in, dutifully. Maria stared blankly, although she seemed to have gone a bit red, for some reason.
* * *
J & J Home Counties Housekeeping were not cheap, but they were very good. They sent in three girls, including Maria, for their initial blitz. The dishwasher and at least two vacuum cleaners seemed to be running all day. We hardly recognised the place afterwards. We’d made sure they came on one of Martha’s days off, and when she arrived the next morning, she was most impressed, if a little embarrassed that she’d been unable to keep the place up to that standard. We assured her we understood. We knew she was an incredibly hard worker, but she was just one woman.
Through the Autumn we came to rely on J & J more and more as Martha started to cut her hours back. Their girls were thorough and conscientious, perhaps because Mrs Jackson had a habit of turning up unannounced to check up on them. It was a good thing we had entered into that arrangement with them, because enquiries were coming in fast now, regarding the use of the Hall and the grounds. The word had got around that the new Earl was keen to be part of the local community, unlike his taciturn father. Not that anyone ever saw the Earl himself. It was always the Countess, supported by the ever-vigilant (and ever-expanding) Martha who welcomed the visitors. I was always ‘somewhere out on the Estate’ with Bill. Sometimes that was even true.
Pete Dobson, one of the LADS players (Officer Krupke in their forthcoming production of West Side Story), approached us one evening before a rehearsal. He was the secretary of the local model railway society. They were looking for a suitable venue for their Christmas exhibition, having been ejected from the Church Hall by the new lady bishop. They would need a full four days – the Thursday to set up and then Friday, Saturday and Sunday for visitors. Some of their members were in the trade; others were amateur modellers who were keen to sell their work to enthusiasts. The first week in December was ideal as people would be actively looking for Christmas presents.
Pete met regularly with the secretaries of other clubs in the area. He was confident the Hall would be much in demand. As he predicted, many local societies soon followed suit, literally so in the case of the local Bridge Club. They wanted to run a one-day tournament for players across the county. We could squeeze forty tables into the Great Hall and the adjoining reception rooms. The event wouldn’t interfere with us any more than LADS rehearsals did, although we would have to make more lavatories available. It was a good thing we were overflowing with them (as it were).
We had a Collectors’ Fair on a weekend in early October. Serious-looking gentlemen and a very few ladies (nerds of both sexes) turned up bearing boxes of books, magazines, comics, and stamps. They conducted earnest debates about the value of a 1972 Practical Electronics or issue #100 of The Amazing Spider-Man (September 1971). Most of the boxes left with different owners, to clutter up other people’s lofts and garages.
In all these cases, the societies brought their own equipment and did their own catering using our kitchens. We could add the costs of water, gas, electricity and cleaning onto our charge for the hire of the Hall. After that, it was all profit. Who needs the National Trust?
* * *
“I had a very interesting phone call at the office this morning,” said Susie. “It was on my personal mobile, so I knew it was to do with us – I mean, the Estate – not work.”
We were eating at one corner of the enormous table in our enormous kitchen. Susie usually came back for lunch and worked from home whenever she had no meetings in the afternoon.
“Another possible client for the Hall?”
“And a very interesting one,” she repeated, “particularly for you.”
She was grinning now, so I knew I was in for a teasing.
“Go on then,” I sighed.
“Did you know there was a local crossdressers society?’”
“No, I didn’t, and why should it be ‘especially interesting’ for me?”
“Because of your history, of course.”
“What history?”
“Lady Bracknell, Juliet’s Nurse…”
She was ticking my exploits in transvestism off on her fingers.
“Those were legitimate acting roles,” I protested, “and, as I keep saying, I did far more male parts.”
“…and most recently, Martha the maid.”
“That was… different,” I stuttered to a halt. “For God’s sake, Susie, that was about sex, and it was your idea.”
“Still makes you a crossdresser, sweetie,” she smirked.
“No, it doesn’t!” I was getting worked up now. “Are you impugning my masculinity?”
“Of course not!” She might have realised she had gone too far. “I have no complaints at all on that score. But there’s nothing wrong with dressing-up games between consenting adults – especially if it spices up their sex life, and as long as no one gets hurt. According to Doris…”
“Who the hell’s Doris?”
“The man who called me this morning. They don’t tell each other their real names; they just use their ‘femme’ names. They call themselves the ‘Pink Ladies’.”
“Sounds like a gin drinking club.”
“Anyway, he said that most transvestites are heterosexual males. A desire to dress in the clothes of the opposite gender has nothing to do with sexual preference – or masculinity.”
“I just assumed they’d all be sissies, or at least gay.”
“Doris says that’s what most people think, but it’s just ignorant prejudice. Obviously, some crossdressers are gay, but no more than you’d find in any cross-section of the male population. We had a lovely chat actually. He said that one of their members is in the Army and another plays for the Police national rugby team.”
“Don’t the Pink Ladies have any women members?”
“I asked that,” she said. “They don’t at the moment, but quite a lot of the wives come to their get-togethers. He said there’s a sort of competition between them to see who can make their husbands prettiest.”
Not liking the sound of that.
“And now they want to hold their meetings at our place?” I hurried on.
“That’s right. They used to meet at Doris’s house. Then they grew too big – there’s about twenty of them now – and they had to hire the local Church hall, but the new bishop put a stop to that when she found out. Apparently, a squad of brain-dead thugs from the village attacked some of the ‘ladies’ in the car park, so I suppose the bishop was justified. Can’t have punch-ups on Church property.”
“Maybe,” I said. “Not very Christian though, was it? Anyway, their loss is our gain.”
“Yes, but we’ll have to be discreet. We can’t tell anyone about it. They’re not at all ashamed of what they are, Doris said, but they’d rather avoid trouble with the local Neanderthals. Actually, that’s probably an insult to Neanderthals… Anyway, the Army sergeant broke one boy’s arm and put another in hospital. He was lucky not to lose his job. Presumably the little ratbags were too embarrassed to admit they’d been beaten up by someone in a twinset and pearls.”
“What did the Pink Lady policeman do?”
“Nothing. He didn’t see the fight. He was still inside fixing his make-up.”
* * *
I steered clear of the Pink Ladies’ meetings, for fear of Susie getting any more crazy ideas. I still enjoyed the sexual thrill of being Martha the maid in private (especially afterwards), but I wasn’t keen to participate in any ‘pretty husbands’ competition. I was afraid I might win.
So the first time they met at the Hall, I hid in the Dacia Duster at the far end of the building and watched them arrive in a small fleet of cars.
It occurred to me that if I was curious, and had access to the appropriate database, I could identify all the ‘ladies’ from their car registrations. Against a really determined potential blackmailer, using aliases wouldn’t really give them the anonymity they wanted.
There were more like thirty than twenty of them, so I guessed that the surplus women were supportive wives. I wondered if they merely tolerated their husbands’ fetish, or joined in enthusiastically, as apparently my own wife did. Or would, if my occasional maid play were a fetish. Which it wasn’t. Obviously.
It seemed that most of the Pink Ladies made their transformations in the privacy of their own homes. If they were seeking anonymity that made sense, but I admired their courage in driving – or being driven – here in full drag. I doubt I could have done that.
I was astonished to see that well over half of the ‘lady visitors’ were indistinguishable from actual women. They couldn’t all be supportive wives, so I supposed that just showed how accomplished the club members were at their female impersonation. The way most of them moved, walked and gestured was feminine to the core. The only ‘tell’ was that they were taller than average for a group of women. Having said all that, a handful of them looked like men in dresses, exactly as I had expected.
Only a couple of the visitors were dressed as men – presumably they were ‘out’, at least in this company. They were carrying suitcases and other paraphernalia, presumably intending to dress in one of our side rooms. The group had rented the Great Hall, plus the kitchen, two bathrooms, and two small reception rooms.
From my vantage point I could just see Martha, in uniform, opening the front door, and Susie, in full Countess mode, welcoming her cross-dressed visitors. Finally the door closed. I started the Duster and went off to meet Bill at one of our outlying farms. I was late.
* * *
“Don’t you want to know how the Pink Ladies spent the afternoon?” Susie asked as we sat down to dinner that evening.
“Not really… Hang on, does that mean you joined in?”
“Doris invited me to watch a couple of their demonstrations. He lives as a woman 24/7 now and he’s really convincing. But aren’t you curious about what they were doing here?”
“No, but I can see you’re dying to tell me, so I’m happy to listen. Well, I say happy…”
“They’re a lovely bunch of boys and girls,” she said, and rattled on quickly in case I changed my mind. “They split into groups. In the Hall they ran a slide show of their members’ best photos en femme. Then in one of the side rooms there were demonstrations – make-up, hair, wigs, and so on. In the other room Doris was selling crossdressers’ merchandise: gaffes, cosmetics, shapewear with built-in padding… oh, and breast forms. I nearly bought a pair.”
“What! What on earth for?”
“For you. I mean, for Martha No. 2, my part-time lady’s maid. It would be easier than padding your bra with panties or toilet roll – and more realistic. But they were quite expensive.”
“This is getting too serious. I think my Martha will be retiring soon, like the other Martha.”
“Oh, don’t say that! We still have lots of clearing out to do, and I love doing it with you, with us dressed as two maids!”
“You didn’t actually buy anything, did you? What would they think? They’d assume your husband is one of them – a transvestite!”
“Why should we care what they think? It’s none of their business.”
“But what if they told someone? I could be – I don’t know – blackmailed!”
“For what? We’re not rich – well, not in terms of ready cash. Anyway they’d never do that. They know the importance of discretion. They trust us and we can trust them.”
I hoped she was right. I hoped we never had to find out.
* * *
The Pink Ladies met fortnightly. Lots of things happened before their next gathering. Several more groups rented our ground floor rooms for their meetings. We hosted the Choral Society, the Decorative and Fine Arts Society, the Camera Club, the Local Historians, and the Detectorists.
We decided not to go after the wedding reception trade, not having a liquor licence and not wanting to get involved with catering, but we did host a couple of eighteenth birthday parties. The J & J cleaners had their work cut out after those, and Martha, Susie and I spent most of the following morning picking up beer cans, wine bottles and crisp packets from the gardens.
A group of local ladies ran a yoga class every other Tuesday evening. They took it in turns to provide an evening meal afterwards. (The competition for who was the best cook quickly undermined all the good done by the exercise.)
As the Opening Night of their production of West Side Story approached, LADS picked up the pace of their rehearsals. The last few were noisy and frantic, but the show was a triumph. Susie and I had complimentary front row seats for the Saturday night and were invited to the cast party afterwards. I don’t do well at boisterous parties. I tried my best to be anonymous, but Susie made sure I was introduced to everyone, including various local dignitaries like the Mayor and Mayoress. There was some embarrassed bowing and scraping. It seems I’m not the only one who doesn’t know how to behave in the presence of an Earl. Susie was in her element, of course. In the end I quite enjoyed myself, but that might have been the cheap wine. (We got a taxi home.)
As we were getting ready to leave the party, Charlie thanked us for our hospitality over the last six weeks and I thanked him for his money. Laughing, he said he’d see us next week. Rehearsals for the Christmas pantomime would be starting immediately.
When Bill and I sat down with the Estate’s accountant, the extra income was very satisfying. We were more than meeting our expenses now, so we wouldn’t need to dip into the emergency fund anytime soon. Which was just as well, because Probate finally came through at the end of the month. It was much as Smythe had anticipated. Bill and Martha were delighted with their windfalls, but when all the bequests and debts had been paid off and tax bills settled, we had about forty-eight thousand left. That money was ours to use now, but as long as we had Susie’s salary and continued to raise additional income by renting out the Hall, our contingency fund was safe.
We’d been in touch regularly with my mother through Skype. She was still having a whale of a time in the States. Esme was always quick to introduce her to everyone as ‘the Dowager Countess of Hadleigh’ which impressed the Americans no end. (“Gee, Her Ladyship is just like normal folks!”)
In fact, she was having such a good time that she had decided to stay on for a while. Esme’s son was hospitable and generous; so much so, that Esme decided to sell up in England and buy a little house near her family in Atlanta. She asked my Mum to stay and help her with the move. It now looked as though she might not be back till Christmas.
So after six months of upheavals, the most disruptive period of my life so far, it seemed like we were finally on an even keel.
Then the Pink Ladies came back for their early October meeting, and life was never the same again.
* * *
The main event of the crossdressing society’s second meeting at the Hall would be a demonstration by a team from Transformations, who were specialists in changing one’s appearance. They had recently developed technology which enabled them to disguise their clients’ faces as well as their bodies. Sometimes they could even disguise them as other – real – people.
I suggested to Susie that this sounded a little dubious ethically. I could see why it might all be harmless fun for members of the Pink Ladies, but surely the process could be used for fraud, or for helping fugitives on the run from the police? Susie saw my point and promised to find out more about this strange company before letting them into Hadleigh Hall.
“Doris said they’re very careful,” she said, reporting their telephone conversation back to me later. “They refuse to help anyone who is obviously crooked, but their MD admits they occasionally sail a little close to the wind. Apparently, they have well over a hundred clients now, many regulars, and by the Law of Averages a couple of them may have been illicit in some way. They don’t inquire about a client’s reason for their transformation. That way, they can’t be done for conspiracy if the customer’s motivation is criminal.”
“I suppose that’s reasonable. So what will this demonstration entail?”
“Doris wasn’t sure of all the details, but apparently they have a trailer with a hairdressing salon and a sort of mobile laboratory. They use a 3D printer to make prosthetics and masks, and then fit them and add wigs and make-up. They can do it all in the trailer. They have a contract with one of the big film studios and the trailer spends most of its time on their site. It sounds really interesting.”
“Presumably they’re hoping to drum up more business from the Pink Ladies?”
“I guess so. Doris says they’re pretty expensive though. He doubts he could afford them himself.”
* * *
I didn’t plan to be around when the Pink Ladies and the Transformations team arrived that day, but plans change. In the morning Bill and I had been inspecting some broken fencing at the far edge of the Estate. It was only a small job so we decided we could do it ourselves, rather than calling in one of our contractors. We’d gone across the fields in his old Land Rover, made the repairs, and only then discovered that we’d parked in a boggy area. It was a fine day but there had been a lot of rain recently and the car was well and truly stuck. Four-wheel drive doesn’t help much if all four wheels are spinning helplessly in the mud. We had a few spare fence posts left over, and by jamming one under each wheel, we eventually managed to get the car free. Of course we’d both got covered in mud in the process, me more than Bill as half the time he was warm and dry in the driver’s seat.
A boozy lunch at the nearest pub, sitting outside because of the state of our clothes, restored our sense of humour. Afterwards Bill dropped me back at the Hall to get cleaned up. There was a large white camper van in the courtyard round the back. I assumed that was what Doris meant when she told Susie about Transformations’ trailer. Thick electricity cables snaked their way out of the van and in through the back door. I stepped over them and went inside.
Several of the Pink Ladies were milling about in the kitchen organising refreshments. They looked at me and my muddy overalls with alarm. I’d kicked my boots off and was just about to start up the back stairs when Susie came bustling in. She took me to one side, out of earshot of any of our guests.
“Good, you’re back!” She looked more closely at me. “Heavens, what happened to you? Did you fall in a ditch?”
“Car trouble,” I began. “We got stuck in a bog…”
“Oh… well, never mind that now,” she said, rather brusquely, I thought. “We need your help. The Transformations people need someone to demonstrate on.”
“What? No way! No one’s going to demonstrate anything on me.”
“Oh, come on now. Don’t be difficult,” she wheedled. “There’s no one else.”
“Why can’t they transform one of the Pink Ladies?”
“They all came in full drag this week. It seems no one remembered that one of them would need to be in male mode for the Transformations people to transform.”
“Sounds like a massive cock-up somewhere. Not my problem.”
“Look, you’ll be completely unrecognisable when they’ve finished.”
“Susie, I really don’t want to do this. Even if I weren’t… you know… personally…”
“As shy as a squirrel?”
I winced at that cruel but accurate assessment.
“There’s my public position to consider,” I insisted. “You can imagine the headlines: ‘The Cross-dressing Earl of Hadleigh’. It doesn’t bear thinking about.
“God, pompous much? All right, all right! I’ll introduce you as one of the Estate workers who’s volunteered to help out. That certainly fits with the state of you. Earls aren’t supposed to do manual labour or roll in mud. I’ll find you a hat and some dark glasses. Please, Rob! These are good customers. We need them to go home happy.”
I hesitated. She seized the initiative and dragged me upstairs to get cleaned up.
* * *
Half an hour later Susie led me into the Hall wearing only a clean pair of underpants, slippers, an old dressing gown (which I wrapped around me and clutched tightly), dark glasses, and a baseball cap bearing the legend, ‘I Love NY’ (which I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t). She indicated I should sit down on a chair facing the audience, which I did, desperately wishing an abyss would open up beneath me and conduct me straight to Hell, which could hardly be worse than what I was currently facing.
A respectable-looking middle-aged lady in a pink top and a white pleated skirt stepped up beside me. She had short, permed, obviously dyed blonde hair, and wore a pearl necklace and matching earrings. If I passed her in the street, it would never have occurred to me that she was anything other than what she seemed – until she opened her mouth.
“This is Tom, everyone,” she announced in a clear baritone which she made no attempt to lighten. “He has volunteered to be Transformations’ subject for today out of the goodness of his heart, and because Her Ladyship has promised him overtime.”
“He is a little shy, as you will see from his attempts to conceal his features, but I think you can tell from what you can see that he is a typical, reasonably good-looking young man. There is nothing feminine about him.” She turned to me. “Are you married, Tom?”
I nodded sullenly. I didn’t trust myself to speak.
“To a woman?”
I nodded again, with an even filthier look.
“Anyway,” she continued, unfazed, “my point is, he bears no resemblance to our other volunteer for this afternoon.”
She gestured towards a figure to my right whom I hadn’t previously noticed. Martha got to her feet, smiling, and gave an elaborate mock curtsey to the audience of ladies and ‘ladies’. For some reason she was wearing one of the antique maid’s uniforms from our attic store. It was a floor-length black dress with a frilly bib apron and matching cap. The combination successfully concealed her expanding waistline.
“But, as you will soon see, that is about to change. Over to you, Annie, I think.”
She sat down. A pretty young woman – definitely an actual woman – got up and moved towards me.
“Thank you, Doris,” she said. “Good afternoon, everyone.” I noticed she was careful not to say ‘ladies and gentlemen’. “My name is Annie Jones. I am Principal Consultant at Transformations. I and my colleague, Vera, who is waiting for us outside in our trailer, will shortly begin work on Tom here. We’ll be filming the process, and you’ll be able to watch everything on the live link to the big screen behind me. We’ve already taken high-definition photographs of Martha from every angle. We just have to do the same for Tom, then we can use our proprietary software and 3D printer to create facial prosthetics that will enable us to change him into Martha.”
She turned to me with a smile.
“Don’t worry, Tom, it’s not permanent.”
I was still too tongue-tied to respond. Annie looked concerned that perhaps her test subject was less than a hundred per cent willing. Very observant of her.
“One last thing,” Annie said. “I have a little badge here for Martha, so that we don’t get her mixed up with her soon-to-be twin.”
Everyone laughed. They clearly couldn’t imagine not being able to tell the difference between the Hall’s plump housekeeper and Tom, the rough labourer. She pinned a cardboard badge like they use at conferences onto the left shoulder strap of Martha’s apron. It read ‘Martha No. 1’ in large, bold letters.
“All right, Tom?” she said. “Let’s go then.”
I got up and followed her gloomily. Susie led us to the kitchen and out of the back door.
I heard Annie say, “Are you sure he’s happy to go along with this, My Lady? He seems very downcast.”
“Happy, no,” Susie replied. “Content, maybe? No, resigned, I’d say. I’m sure he’ll be happy with the extra money.”
Annie wasn’t reassured and nor was I, especially as I knew there wouldn’t really be any financial reward.
* * *
The trailer was air-conditioned and brightly lit. At one end it was like an office. There was a desk with two small laptop computers on it and a big 3D printer. The desk chair was clamped to the floor, presumably to stop it rolling around when the van was on the move. At the other end was a hairdressing salon, except with no washbasin and presumably no running water. The table below a big wall mirror was cluttered with cosmetics, tissues, hairbrushes, combs, and other hairdressing paraphernalia.
I noticed a curly pepper-and-salt wig on a stand. It was already styled in a tidy bun to resemble Martha’s hairdo for work. No doubt I would soon be wearing that. A big woman in a hairdresser’s smock was bending over it. She looked up and waved cheerily as Annie and I entered.
“Here’s our guinea pig, Vera,” Annie said. “This is Tom.”
“Bashful, eh?” said Vera, pointing at my hat and glasses. “You’ll have to take those off, you know.”
Annie was logging into one of the laptops.
“It’s all right,” she said, reassuringly. “We’ll keep the webcam off your face until Vera’s stuck some of the prosthetics on. Sit down, Tom.”
Vera span the chair round for me and I took my seat. I was now facing away from the salon mirror.
“First job: I need to get photos of you from every angle,” said Annie. I must have looked apprehensive. “Don’t worry. No one else will ever see them. Just sit up nice and straight, please.”
She relieved me of my cap and glasses and for the next five minutes walked around me, snapping away with what looked like a top-of-the-range digital camera.
“The pictures are transmitted directly to the laptop,” Annie said. “The software puts them together to make a 3D model of your face and head. That is then compared with a similar model of Martha’s. The prosthetics we need are constructed from the differences between them.”
She sounded very proud of this technology. “My husband wrote these programs,” she said. “He’s brilliant.” Which explained her pride, I supposed.
“Next, a really close shave,” said Vera when Annie had finished. She proceeded to lather my face.
“I’m running the program now,” Annie said. “It will print the facial prosthetics while Vera is doing that.”
I had shaved that morning as usual with my electric razor, but it was old and the blades were dull. My chin and neck were like sandpaper. Susie was always nagging me to get a new one. Vera used an old-fashioned cut-throat razor, and it was sharp.
“Keep still now, dear,” she said. “I don’t want to nick an artery.”
She was clearly expert at this, and very careful. When she finished, she gently massaged a sweet-smelling balm into my smarting skin. I had never had such a close shave. My skin was now more like glass than sandpaper.
The printer suddenly whirred into life and started spewing out some fleshy-looking objects, which Annie removed and put on the trolley next to my chair.
The laptop speaker was now making crowd noises. Annie had established a link to the computer in the Hall. I could see our audience of Pink Ladies and their wives, chatting amiably. I hurriedly turned my face away.
“Can you hear me over there?” Annie said into the laptop microphone.
“Yes, you’re coming through loud and clear,” Doris replied, her voice rising above the background hubbub, which quickly died away as the audience realised the demo was about to begin.
“Right, I’m going to put the camera up on the shelf here so that you can see what Vera is doing.”
She propped the laptop up behind me. The webcam was now focused on Vera. The audience would see only the back of my head.
Annie provided continual narration for the benefit of the unseen audience in the Hall.
“Vera will now apply the facial prosthetics. For those of you who are interested in how the technology works, our software creates high resolution models of Martha’s and Tom’s heads and then prints flesh-like pieces based on the differences between them. It also provides a template to help the operator fix each piece in precisely the right place.”
Vera held a thin piece of plastic up to the camera.
“Obviously this process works best when the subject’s head and features are smaller than those of the target, but it’s effective as long as the shapes of the two heads are similar, and the subject’s features aren’t too pronounced, which fortunately is the case with Tom and Martha.”
What she was too tactful to say was that my head was small and narrow compared to Martha’s which was big and round. She was a little on the chubby side (to put it kindly), so no part of my face would protrude beyond her plump rosy cheeks and double chin.
“You’ll need to close your eyes now, dear,” said Vera, “and breathe through your nose.”
I did so, and she pressed the wafer-thin plastic mask over my face. She was careful to align the template’s breathing holes over my nostrils so that I didn’t suffocate – so no way out there.
“Vera is now pressing the template down over Tom’s face,” Annie said. “It exactly matches the contours of his features, so it stays in place by static electricity. No adhesive needed.”
Vera leant in closely and started to mark out her work on my face. I could feel a light touch, like a pencil, pressing into my flesh.
“She is now going over the guidelines on the template with a fine stylus,” said Annie to the rapt audience. “The underside of the template is like old-fashioned carbon paper, so the impression of the nib makes fine blue markings on Tom’s face to show her where to glue the prosthetic pieces.”
Vera finished tracing the guidelines from the template, and gently peeled it away.
“I think we can turn him round to the webcam now, Vera,” said Annie, muting the laptop microphone for a moment. “No one could possibly recognise him now with all those blue lines on his face.”
They span the chair round. I saw Vera picking up the first of the flesh pieces and applying what I assumed was adhesive to its back. I shut my eyes again.
For the next twenty minutes she glued lumps of skin to my face while Annie kept up her running commentary. The last pieces went around my neck. I now had a wobbly double chin like Martha’s, and my Adam’s Apple was completely concealed. Vera used a damp tissue to wipe away the few remaining blue lines.
“You’ll notice that the colours of the prosthetic pieces are a close match to Martha’s skin tones,” Annie said, “which are a little different from Tom’s. So Vera now has to touch up those parts of his face not covered by prosthetics.”
There didn’t seem to be many of those, and indeed it didn’t take Vera and her paintbrush very long to make my new face a uniform Martha colour.
“You can open your eyes now, dear,” she said, stepping away, thereby exposing me clearly to the webcam.
There was an immediate increase in the noise level from the Hall, mainly gasps of astonishment.
“We haven’t finished yet,” said Annie. “Vera will put her wig on now.”
As instructed, Vera reached for a nylon wig cap from the table and pulled it over my head, tucking my own hair underneath. She then lowered the Martha wig down over the cap, straightening it out carefully and tightening the internal straps. I watched, as awestruck as anyone in the Hall, as she brushed and smoothed the wig. She secured the sides with hairpins and gave the whole coiffure a good spraying.
I stared aghast at my image in the mirror. I had Martha’s head on my body! There was a spontaneous round of applause from the Hall.
“That’s all we have to show you over the link, everyone,” said Annie. “We’re going to help Martha No. 2 here to get dressed and then we’ll bring her over to the Hall.”
She closed the laptop.
“We do make prosthetics for the entire body,” Annie said. “So we could make you an exact match to Martha’s figure, but that would take much too long for an afternoon’s demonstration. We have a padded girdle and a bra with breast forms which will get you close enough.”
Meanwhile Vera was approaching me with the bra and a couple more unpleasant-looking lumps of plastic.
“You need to take your dressing gown off now, dear,” she said. “We would normally shave our client’s chest and stick these on with medical adhesive, but I imagine you’d rather keep your chest hair?” I nodded firmly. “In that case, let me help you on with this. The forms will just have to sit freely in the cups.”
Vera held the bra out for me and I stuck my arms through the straps. It suddenly occurred to me that I had worn a bra a lot more often than most men my age. What did that say about me? Vera closed the three hook-and-eye fastenings behind my back. Then she slipped a breast form into each cup and adjusted them until they sat properly in place.
“They won’t move realistically, of course,” said Annie, “but they should be fine for our purposes today. Just try not to shift around too sharply. You don’t want your bust to fly away.”
“Lower half now,” Vera said.
She reached up to pull a curtain across at the end of the trailer. She handed me yet another complex piece of feminine underwear. It was surprisingly heavy.
“This is a padded pantiegirdle,” she said. “Go behind the curtain and slip it on. Take your underpants off first, of course!”
She laughed, but it’s just as well she’d added that, because I had been about to pull the thing up over my Y-fronts. I retired to follow instructions. I had to admit that I was impressed with the Transformations experience so far, and was now becoming curious as to just how close to Martha they could make me.
I kicked my slippers off, stepped out of my pants, and reached for the girdle.
“There’s been a certain amount of guesswork involved,” Annie called from the other side of the curtain, “but we think it should expand your hips and backside to approximately the same dimensions as Martha.”
If that was right, then she was bigger in the tummy and nether regions than I had previously realised. When I’d pulled the thing up as far as it would go, it was like someone had wrapped several sheets of thick bandage round me. I felt like I stuck out a mile in all directions, especially behind.
I stepped nervously out from behind the curtain. Vera pulled it back again and tied it up. I tossed my discarded underpants onto the chair with my dressing gown.
I had never felt so embarrassed in my life, but the two ladies were far too professional to let any amusement show, which helped a little. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Apart from the faint masculine hair on my arms and legs, there was nothing to see of me – Tom or Rob. The face and figure were entirely Martha. In her underwear.
I calmed down a little. This was like playing a part on stage. It was OK as long as no one could connect this ridiculous figure with Lord Marsham, Earl of Hadleigh.
The facial prosthetics felt like I was wearing a mask, but they weren’t uncomfortable, and they seemed to move with my expression easily enough. I tried smiling and frowning. The Martha in the mirror smiled and frowned quite naturally.
The two women were evaluating their work carefully. They seemed satisfied.
“She really needs a corset or a waist cincher,” said Vera.
“It’ll be all right as long as the dress fits,” said Annie. “Martha No. 1 is – ahem – a little thick-waisted.”
It seems Martha was still trying to conceal her pregnancy.
Vera unzipped a tall garment bag that had been hanging on the back of the trailer door. It contained, as I had expected and feared, a full-length maid uniform. There was the usual long black dress, and various frilly white accessories.
“We decided on the old-fashioned long dresses because they will conceal your hairy arms and legs,” Annie said, “and save you the bother of putting on stockings. It’s lucky Martha and the Countess were able to find two identical ones.” She took hold of my hands and examined them. “Not too bad,” she decided. “I doubt anyone will notice the difference.”
Vera handed me yet another voluminous undergarment.
“Here,” she said. “That dress needs a petticoat. You just step into it.”
I did so. It had a single hoop at about ankle height. It also had an elasticated waist, so it wasn’t authentic. Thanks to Susie’s Gran I now knew that when maids wore petticoats like these, the waists would have had a drawstring. The hem fell to about an inch above the trailer floor. Vera straightened it out and reached for the dress.
“Hands above your head,” she ordered, sounding exactly like my mother did when I was little, and she was struggling to get me to put on a sweater.
The dress fastened with buttons down the front. As it dropped into place, and I pushed my arms into the sleeves, it moulded itself nicely around my bust, waist, distended hips and bum. Vera started fastening the buttons. As she was finishing, Annie took a large white apron out of the garment bag and handed it to her.
“This is a bib apron,” Vera said. “Put your head through here.”
The two sides of the top of the apron were already fastened with a button, making a hole for my head. She went behind me gathering the waist strings as she went and fastening them in a big, tidy bow. The apron now hung from my neck; straps over each shoulder; a wide bodice across my bust; and a full-length section from the waist down, protecting the front of my dress and falling all the way to the floor.
“Sit down again, dear,” Vera said.
I did so, remembering from my previous outings en femme to smooth my skirt down under me. That might have been a mistake, I realised too late. Why would Tom, the farm labourer, know how a woman sits down in a long skirt? But if Vera noticed anything odd, she didn’t react or comment.
“I’ll attach your cap,” she continued. “I’ll need to use hairpins to keep it in place. I did the other Martha’s earlier, so you should look exactly alike.”
The other Martha?
“You’re about an inch taller,” said Annie, while Vera was playing with my headgear, “so we asked her to put on some black pumps with one-inch heels. We’ve got a pair of ballet flats for you. We keep a selection of ladies’ shoes in large sizes. I think these should fit.”
She knelt in front of me and slipped a nylon sock onto each of my feet, followed by a flat black shoe.
“Hopefully you will be close enough in height. With your dresses floor-length, no one should notice your shoes are different.”
By this time Vera had finished with my cap. At her instruction I tried shaking my head, but nothing moved. My wig was firmly attached to the wig cap, and my maid’s cap was firmly attached to the wig by hair grips.
I stood and examined my new self incredulously in the mirror. Annie and Vera watched me, with smug expressions. Well they were entitled. I really did look exactly like an Edwardian edition of Martha.
At that moment there was a knock at the trailer door.
“Ah, perfect timing!” said Annie and went to open it.
Martha – the real Martha – came bundling in. I wondered whether Susie had told her who was under the disguise. I was pretty sure she would know there was no Estate worker called Tom.
“Is she ready?” she said. “Can I see her?”
At which point, she caught sight of me and gasped.
“That’s amazing,” she said. “We could be twins!”
“That’s certainly the idea,” said Annie. “Now one last thing…”
She removed the ‘Martha No. 1’ badge from Martha’s apron and pinned it on me. Meanwhile Vera pinned a ‘Martha No. 2’ badge on Martha.
“That might catch a few people out!” Annie said. “Now I’ll lead you back to the Hall. Real Martha, follow behind me, and Fake Martha behind her. Fake Martha, please try and imitate Real Martha as closely as you can – without letting people see you’re doing it. Watch what she does with her hands. Take little steps. I noticed you know to smooth your skirt underneath you when you sit down. Do you think you can curtsey?”
I could actually. I hadn’t needed to as Lady Bracknell of course, but Juliet’s Nurse had to curtsey a lot.
“I can try,” I said, in a soft voice, and demonstrated. All that training by Alice Parr came back to me easily.
“Excellent!” said Annie. “Whenever did you learn to do that?” She didn’t wait for an answer, and I wasn’t going to give one. “OK, so I’ll lead you in,” she continued. “You each stop at one of the chairs at the front; curtsey in unison; and sit down. No need for either of you to say anything…”
* * *
It went brilliantly. There were more gasps as we paraded into the Hall.
I managed to duplicate Martha’s movements with no giveaways – little steps, girly hand movements. We took hold of our bulky dresses and curtseyed. We sat down together, smoothing our long skirts like we’d both been doing it all our lives. Now that I was thoroughly disguised and completely unrecognisable, I was able to enter into the spirit of the deception. I was even starting to enjoy myself. I caught a glimpse of Susie at the back of the Hall, chuckling quietly.
Annie challenged the audience to guess which was the real Martha. They were hesitant, and their guesses were close to 50-50. In fact, Annie’s little deception with the badges led the more gullible visitors to nominate me as the real Martha, so slightly more than half got it wrong.
With Susie’s encouragement Annie decided not to tell anyone which of us was which, so I had to pretend to be a maid for the rest of the afternoon, which I actually quite enjoyed. Susie ordered both of us Marthas to pass round coffee and the refreshments that the Pink Ladies had brought for themselves.
After the Transformations demonstration Annie and Vera were swamped by Pink Ladies wanting more details and to make appointments. I kept wondering when they were going to take me back to the trailer to change me back, but Martha and I were kept busy with the catering, feeding the dishwasher, and doing the tidying-up.
At about five o’clock, the Pink Ladies started to pack up and make their way to their cars. I was standing at the door with Susie and the real Martha seeing them off, when Doris sidled up to us.
“I knew which of you was which from the beginning. That one’s Tom,” she said proudly, pointing at me.
Martha and I maintained a discreet silence while Susie responded. “Go on then, Doris,” she said with a smile. “How could you tell?”
“The lips,” Doris smirked. He stepped closer to me, examining my facial prosthetics closely. “The face is amazing, but Martha’s lips are plumper, more feminine. Tom’s are noticeably thinner.”
He was quite right of course. Susie congratulated him.
“Mind you, you have to know what to look for to spot the difference,” Doris continued, “and Tom gave a remarkably good impersonation. Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”
I shook my head, a little ashamed of the falsehood.
“Well, you should definitely come along to one of our meetings. You’ll have a great time.”
I didn’t have to reply, as Annie and Vera were coming out and looking for help in carrying their equipment to their van. I quickly volunteered, to reaffirm my masculinity and greater strength. Doris thanked Susie for her hospitality and took her leave.
Annie came over to Susie to thank her and discuss how she thought the meeting went. With a moment to relax, I realised that my boozy lunch and coffee had gone through me and I couldn’t hold out any longer. I rushed to the… well, it would be the Ladies, I suppose.
It took me a little longer than usual, being encumbered by the dress, petticoat and pantiegirdle. When I got back, I was just in time to see the Transformations van disappearing down the lane up to the main road – without Vera turning me back to Tom!
Another one of my wife’s practical jokes. For how long was I going to have to be Martha?
* * *
Susie finished fiddling with my apron, smoothed down my dress for me, and stood back to take in my whole appearance.
It was seven o’clock. All our guests had departed. My maid duties were finished for the moment. The place was as tidy as the other Martha and I could make it, and she had gone home. We were up in our bedroom. I was trying to persuade Susie to help me undress.
“You look great,” Susie said approvingly. “Just like her. I doubt Martha’s own mother could tell you apart.”
“It is impressive, I admit,” I said, looking in the mirror inside the wardrobe door. “But I’d really like to change back now. They did give you the solvent for these prosthetics, didn’t they?”
“Oh yes,” she said reassuringly, “but there’s no hurry is there? There’s only the two of us here. I thought you might like to take a turn as my lady’s maid – properly.” She stepped up to me and slid one hand across my bottom and the other up to my bust. “You know – help me get undressed and bathed and… so on. It will be even more fun than usual, with you looking like a real lady’s maid.”
I regarded her sceptically. In return she did her best to look seductive. Susie is brilliant and beautiful and I love her to bits, but Mae West impersonations are not her strong suit. I struggled to suppress a giggle.
“The real Martha doesn’t do any of that for you,” I said.
“No, but Martha two-point-oh could… if she played her cards right.”
I hugged her to me and was moving in for a passionate kiss, when our growing excitement was interrupted by a harsh, jagged ringing – the front doorbell.
“Who on earth can that be?” I said.
“No idea,” she said. “We’re not expecting anyone, are we?”
“Could one of the Pink Ladies have forgotten something? Or maybe one of the Transformations people?”
“Well, you’d better go and answer it, hadn’t you?”
I looked at her, horrified.
“Well, why not? You’re the maid. You don’t expect the Countess to open her own front door, do you?”
“But I’m the Earl!”
“Not at the moment you’re not. You’re my maid, so go and answer the door, Martha!”
She tried to make that sound like an order, but I didn’t move.
“Oh, go on,” she pleaded. “It’ll be fun. Nobody will recognise you.”
“I realise no one will recognise me as me, but what if it’s someone who knows Martha?”
“Then you’ll just have to give the best impersonation of her that you can. You’ll be fine,” she said reassuringly. “People see what they expect to see – in your case, a housemaid answering the door.”
I don’t know how I let her talk me into these things. I hurried out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I paused at a large mirror just inside the porch. Martha the maid gazed back at me, a justifiably worried look on her plump face, but she was unmistakably Martha. There wasn’t the slightest sign of Robert Marsham. I tucked an errant strand of greying hair under my cap and went to open the door.
Two huge men stood, unsmiling, on the doorstep. They must have sneaked in when the gate opened to let the Pink Ladies out. One was the thug we had seen with Eleanor at the reading of my father’s will – her brother, Smythe had said. The other was even bigger. His aura of menace was exacerbated by a bright red scar that ran down the right-hand side of his face.
“What’s this then?” Scarface said, when he saw my outfit. “Bloody fancy-dress party?”
“No, it’s Martha, the maid, isn’t it?” said the other, pushing past me. “We’re here to see the so-called Earl, love.”
The Earl Maid
By Susannah Donim
Rob is a shy and reserved young man, but an unexpected inheritance suddenly makes him the centre of attention. His wife helps him find a way of hiding in plain sight.
Chapter 4
In the face of threats from local villains, Rob is forced to hide out as Martha, the housekeeper.
“The Earl’s not here,” I squeaked in my best Martha voice.
“We’ll wait,” said Eleanor’s brother. “Through here, Tank.”
Tank? Never did a man’s nickname suit him better.
“Just a minute,” I said. “You can’t…”
Apparently, they could. They made their way into the main drawing room and threw themselves down in our best easy chairs. The one called Tank picked up the TV remote from the occasional table and turned the home cinema on. He started browsing through the programmes we had recorded, snorting at some of our choices.
I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want Susie to come in here. God knows what these two bastards might do. I might have to abandon my disguise and try to defend her. That wouldn’t stop them assaulting her if they were so minded and would probably just result in me getting killed.
At that moment Susie came in to investigate the commotion from the hall.
“Ah, Mrs Marsham,” said Eleanor’s brother, rising to his feet.
This didn’t appear as a gesture of courtesy but of menace. As he was also denying her title, Susie clearly had no difficulty reading it as such. She backed away a little as he approached.
“Martha knows me. I’m Jack Beckett, Eleanor’s brother.” He didn’t introduce his companion.
For the moment I thought it best to try and maintain the deception.
“I’m sorry, My Lady, they just burst in,” I said, trying to sound like Martha and say what she would say in these circumstances. “I couldn’t stop them.”
I moved round slowly to try and insert myself between Susie and Beckett.
“It’s all right, Martha,” she said, picking up her cue. “I’m sure they’ll explain what they want.” She turned back to Beckett. “Well?”
She was in full Countess-mode now, expecting deference from this pleb. The pleb wasn’t impressed.
“We’ve heard that Probate has gone through and the will was much as the poxy old Earl’s letter said,” Beckett said.
The threat of violence seemed to have receded, for now. It looked like he was going to talk rather than punch.
“That bastard treated my sister very badly,” he continued. “She put up with him and his moods for fifteen years…”
“Give or take the times she left him, and you had to put her up,” said Tank with a grin, clearly a heavy who was a stickler for accuracy.
“Yeah – her and her spoilt brat,” agreed Beckett. He turned back to Susie. “But Eleanor was the Countess in all but name for half her adult life. Julie Dixon has no right to this place, let alone her scruffy loser of a son.”
“My husband is the legal heir to both the title and the Estate…” Susie began.
“Oh I know you people have the law behind you, but that doesn’t make it right.” His eyes narrowed.
Was this ‘person well known to the police’ really claiming that natural justice was on their side?
“So we want compensation,” he said.
The air of menace was back. I moved a little closer to Susie. Tank was watching us, a sour little smile on his ugly face.
Susie said nothing, which was clearly the right response. It would have been a bad mistake to ask what Beckett had in mind.
“A hundred thousand will do for a start.”
“You’re out of your mind!” Susie spat. “You heard the old Earl’s letter, same as us. There’s no money left.”
“That’s just not true, is it?” Beckett sneered. “There may not be much cash, but you can start by giving us everything remaining after probate, and then start selling stuff – jewellery, paintings, books, cars. I might take that Bentley instead of… I don’t know; maybe twenty grand.”
“I’ve listened to enough of this nonsense,” said Susie in her best solicitor voice. “If you two don’t get out of my house immediately, I’m calling the police.”
“What with?”
“I mean, what are you going to dial with, if Tank here has broken all your fingers?”
Tank recognised his cue and got to his feet, like a bull elephant unfolding upwards from a kneeling position.
“You wouldn’t dare!”
Susie was the bravest girl I’d ever known, but she was backing away, maybe getting ready to run.
“Actually we would, but I’d much rather we broke your husband’s fingers than yours. You’re too pretty. Where is the cowardly bastard anyway?”
I couldn’t let them do anything to Susie. I would have to own up and take their ridicule and their violence. I was just about to answer when she beat me to it.
“He’s away on Estate business,” she said, thinking quickly. “He didn’t say when he’d be back, but it will be at least a fortnight, maybe not till the end of the month.”
“Well, you’d better get in touch and tell him to come home – but don’t say anything that would frighten him off, or you and Fatso here will end up paying for it. Oh and don’t try anything clever. Me and my people will be watching you. Tank isn’t my only friend.”
“You’ll be wasting your time,” said Susie fiercely. “We won’t respond to empty threats. I’ll be calling the police as soon as you’ve gone.”
“And telling them what?” Beckett sneered. “I was never here. I was doing a barbecue round at my place all afternoon. My sister and nephew will swear to that. Tank was there too. It will be your word against ours. I suppose the police might believe you – I’ve had some minor disagreements with them in the past – but they won’t be able to do anything.”
“And they can’t keep an eye on you all the time,” added Tank. “Sooner or later we’ll find you and your useless husband alone, and then it’ll be finger-breaking time.”
“Or ball-breaking. Or both,” said Beckett. “Find the money, Mrs Marsham. It’ll save you a lot of pain.”
They got up to go.
“Aren’t we going to take advantage of this opportunity…?” suggested Tank hopefully.
“Take advantage of these two delightful ladies, you mean?”
“Well, I wouldn’t have called them ladies. Slags, maybe.”
“OK, you can have the old fat one then,” laughed Beckett.
Old? Old? I’m not – that is, Martha isn’t – forty yet. And I’m ‘pleasantly plump’, thank you very much…
“As long as we can switch round afterwards,” Tank leered.
Susie and I looked at each other, preparing to take a stand.
“No, not this time,” said Beckett, with his wolfish grin. “More trouble than it’s worth. But we’ll be back, and your husband had better bloody well be here, Mrs Marsham, or it could go badly for the two of you. C’mon, Tank.”
“You sure? On second thoughts, I wouldn’t kick the fat one out of bed.”
Beckett had reached the front door by now.
“No, but you wouldn’t kick your sister out of bed, from what I’ve heard.”
“True that…”
As soon as the door closed behind them, I rushed to Susie. Having been so brave for so long, she collapsed into my arms.
“What are we going to do?” she wailed.
* * *
Well the first thing, obviously, was a cup of tea. We were British, after all. As I was dressed as the maid, and Susie was still shaking, I made it. I got her to sit down in the drawing room and eat a couple of custard creams with hers.
“We need to keep Beckett and his friends out of here,” I said, when I judged she was going to be capable of rational thought. “We’ll need help to do that. Didn’t Annie Jones say they’d recently hired a security firm for their offices?”
“Yes,” she agreed, “but they’ll be expensive.”
“Not £100,000 though. We have her number. I’ll give her a ring.”
“You’d better let me do that,” she said, with a pensive look.
“What? Why?”
“Because you’re not supposed to be here. I’m sure Annie wouldn’t tell anyone, especially if we tell her why we need help, but we can’t be too careful. Talking of which…”
Ominous pause. I know her, and I knew I wasn’t going to like what was coming next.
“I think you need to stay as Martha for the moment.”
“What? That’s ridiculous! Look at all this!” I plucked at the skirt of my maid uniform.
“I am looking,” she said. “You look exactly like Martha, and that will keep you safe from those thugs.”
“No way! I can’t stay like this!”
“The alternative is for you to go away somewhere.”
“I’m not leaving you here alone!”
“Well, we could both go away,” she said, “but that would just give them the run of the place. Eleanor probably still has keys, and she knows the alarm codes. They wouldn’t need to break in and they would say we gave them permission to take whatever they wanted. We certainly couldn’t claim on the insurance.”
“You’re right,” I said. “Whatever happens, we need to change the locks and the codes. And we should both stay in till then.”
“Then you’ll have to be Martha.” She tutted when I made a face. “Look, they said they’ll be watching, and I said the Earl will be away for at least two weeks. That gives us some time to work out what to do, but only if they see what they’re expecting to see: just me and my maid. If they see a man here, they’ll be in like lightning, ready to break bits off you till we pay them to stop.”
“Perhaps we should pay them,” I sighed.
“Rubbish!” she said firmly. “Do you think they’ll be satisfied with a hundred grand? They’ll bleed us dry.”
“Okay, okay,” I agreed. “I don’t want to give in to them either, and I know Mum wouldn’t. I’ll find Annie’s business card and you can make the call.”
“I’ll ask her what we can do to improve your disguise as well. Those hairy legs will have to go.”
“Bloody hell!” I cursed. “Anything else?”
“I think you should start curtseying and calling me ‘My Lady’ too.”
I looked at her incredulously. “When there’s anyone else around, I suppose so,” I agreed with ill grace, “but surely not when we’re alone?”
“At first, yes,” she said. “We need to get used to it so that it comes naturally. Otherwise we might forget when we have company.”
“Oh this is going to be great!” I said, sarcastically. She raised an eyebrow. “My Lady,” I finished – and curtseyed.
My new mistress gave me a smug look of approval.
Oh well. She’d been a goddess to me for at least ten years. How would her being my mistress be any different?
* * *
First Susie called her secretary and said she was coming down with a cold and was going to work from home for a few days so she didn’t pass it round the office. They arranged for her to do the two or three meetings she had in her schedule by videoconferencing.
Then she called Martha and told her everything. As I suspected, she had already guessed that ‘Tom’ was really Rob. Since two Marthas at the Hall would be a dead giveaway, we asked her to stay at home. We offered to pay her as though she was still working, but she wouldn’t hear of it.
She also offered more help. Her fiancé had a new job back in his home town twenty miles away, and they would stay with his parents until they found their own place. So, to make the impersonation more convincing, I could use her car and have full access to their little cottage in the village. I could also make use of her pre-pregnancy clothes and underwear, most of which she couldn’t squeeze into now anyway.
Martha even offered me her favourite handbag and purse, including her driving licence. Her fiancé could take her everywhere she needed to be and her pregnancy made it uncomfortable to drive for the moment anyway. That was brilliant, as it meant I could come and go as her without raising any suspicions, and without worrying about being stopped by the police.
In fact, the only things of hers that she didn’t make available to me were her phone, which I didn’t need as I had my own, and her engagement ring, which wouldn’t have gone on my big male finger. Anyway, my version of Martha wasn’t engaged – or pregnant. She offered me some of her shoes too, but they would never fit me. I would have to get some more large size ladies’ shoes from Transformations. When it looked like the coast was clear, Susie went round to the cottage to collect Martha’s keys and some of her things.
We told Bill only what he needed to know, namely that the Earl had been called away suddenly and wouldn’t be back for at least two weeks. While he was gone, the Countess would make any necessary decisions regarding the Estate, helped by Martha around the house. I would have to steer well clear of him of course, as he had known the real Martha for many years and would quickly spot me as a fraud.
* * *
As with J & J Housekeeping before them, the Managing Director of Transformations’ security contractors rushed round in person when he learned the prospective client was a Countess.
We didn’t have much time to prepare for their visit. Together we checked my disguise. My figure was suitably enhanced by the padding and breast forms Vera had provided. The forms nestled in yet another bra of my mother’s, which made me feel a little uncomfortable.
Susie had done her best to shave my legs. I was wearing the padded pantiegirdle, to which thick black stockings were attached, concealing any remaining stubble and the damage from Susie’s razor. I also wore one of Mum’s slips to smooth out my mismatched underwear.
While waiting for the security contractors to arrive, I checked for anything that might give me away. My hairy chest and arms were well concealed by the long-sleeved maid’s dress. Annie’s facial prosthetics were still securely stuck to my face and they made me the spitting image of the real Martha.
Susie had helped with my make-up: bright red lipstick, mascaraed eyelashes, eyebrow pencil. I thought it a little over the top for a working woman, but she assured me it would be fine.
I would wear one of Martha’s modern housekeeping uniforms: a black dress with a white bib apron, my black ballet flats, and a maid’s headband.
So I was reasonably confident in my appearance and persona as Martha the maid when I opened the door to two charming Indian gentlemen from Empire Secure Solutions. They were all smiles and extreme courtesy, even to a humble maid like me. I ushered them into the drawing room to meet with my mistress.
Susie rose to greet them. I was amused to see them bowing low to her. I suspected neither of them had ever met a Countess before. They introduced themselves. Raj was the boss and founder of the company, and Gopal was his chief consultant.
Susie led them around the house, pointing out the various access points. Knowing my place, I returned to the kitchen to prepare refreshments. While I was laying out cups and side plates, I watched them examining the back door and the ground floor windows. Raj was asking all the obvious questions, plus several I hadn’t thought of, and Gopal was making thorough notes on his clipboard. Susie also took them into Bill’s office to show them the map of the Estate, and they took some measurements to estimate the length of the perimeter boundary.
I was impressed by their competence and thoroughness. It took them nearly an hour to go round the house. They finished with a circuit of the outside, then returned to the drawing room, where I served coffee and cakes. Gopal asked lots of questions about the value of the contents of each room – paintings, pottery, first editions, etc – but of course Susie had no idea. I didn’t either, but it wouldn’t have been my place to answer anyway. It was quite nice being just the maid. No pressure; no responsibility. I could get used to this, I thought.
I went to stand behind Susie’s chair, ready for any orders from my mistress, but also well placed to hear what the security consultants had to say. Susie asked that they only give a summary of their recommendations, but to put the detail in writing, as her husband, the Earl, would have the final say.
They promised they would send someone round later that afternoon to change the locks to the front, back and side doors of the house, and the garage doors. That was obviously the most urgent job, if we believed that some outsider had copies of our keys. Beckett had rung the bell, but he could probably get the keys from his sister, if he had to.
Raj was happy with the window locks, which were deadbolts that couldn’t be opened from the outside even if you had the key. He was concerned that the front gate controls were obsolete and easy to hack, and proposed replacing them with a more modern system. That would be expensive but it would also prevent someone sneaking in when the gates had been opened to let a bona fide guest leave.
They recommended installing security cameras all around the building – eight in all. These would be motion and sound activated. The footage would be recorded via WiFi onto a local server with sufficient capacity to store at least a month’s worth of video (given that the cameras would be off most of the time). Any external activity would also switch on floodlights during the hours of darkness, so that the cameras could record clear images, and which might scare away any intruders.
They also suggested installing cameras inside the house in the main living areas, but Susie said that being filmed in everything we did would be too creepy. I agreed, but I was mainly concerned at being recorded in my Martha persona. It might be fun between ourselves but very dangerous if the films fell into the wrong hands.
There were two more recommendations that we would need to think about. One was the electrification of the perimeter fence; the other was regular rounds by Empire’s personnel. I thought we could probably do without the patrols, but was interested to know how much the electrified fence would cost. Apparently electric fencing is perfectly legal in the UK, so long as it is entirely on your property; meets all appropriate product standards; and is clearly marked with warning signs every ten metres.
Raj promised to provide full costings for all their recommendations within two business days. He also assured us that they understood the urgency of our situation. They kept all the equipment we would need in stock, including the cameras, computers, and even the gate control system. They would thus be able to install everything within a day of us authorising them to proceed. They were obviously very keen to get our business. Perhaps they wanted to add ‘By appointment to the Earl of Hadleigh’ to their letterhead.
Late in the afternoon, after I had refilled their coffee cups and cut each of them a second slice of cake, they took their leave with much bowing and scraping – to the Countess.
“Well done, Martha my dear,” said her ladyship, after they had gone. “You were the perfect parlourmaid. But watching you mincing around in your little black dress and lacy apron, smiling and bobbing curtseys, has made me seriously hot. I’m going to need my lady’s maid up in the bedroom – pronto.”
“Very good, M’Lady,” I said, breathlessly. “Just let me set the alarms. We don’t want to be disturbed, do we?”
My girdle and panties were down around my ankles long before we made it to the bedroom.
* * *
“Raj is a Pink Lady, by the way,” Susie said at breakfast the following day.
“Come again?”
“He’s been at most of their meetings, dressed as Rajani, a poor Indian woman. We chatted quite a bit at the last meeting, but obviously we didn’t say anything when he was here, not in front of you and Gopal.”
“He wasn’t at the meeting when I was disguised as Martha, was he?”
“No, I think he missed that one. Why?”
“I wouldn’t want him to be looking at me – the Martha me – and wondering if I might be a man underneath.”
“I think you’re OK there,” she said. “Anyway, I doubt it would occur to any of the Pink Ladies that Tom’s impersonation of Martha was to be a long-term thing. You were so obviously reluctant – or at least pretending to be.”
I didn’t rise to the bait. “I wonder why Rajani has to be a poor woman,” I said.
“Good question,” she said. “A wealthy Indian lady would have some wonderful clothes, and he’s obviously rich, being the CEO of a successful company. But he reckons Rajani’s his true self, an ‘untouchable’ at the bottom of the caste system.”
“I thought that was abolished?”
“It was – in 1948 – but the attitudes of the better-off still persist. Anyway, at weekends Rajani works at an Indian restaurant in town, washing dishes and cleaning lavatories. He’s quite cheerful about that. As Raj, he has to be serious and formal. As Rajani he can let himself go. Bit like you, actually.”
“Well as Rob, you’re a real introvert, but your various female incarnations have been much more outgoing.”
“That’s just acting,” I protested, “and it only works when I’m sure people can’t see Rob underneath.”
“Well, if we have to get you to dress up to get over your shyness, then that’s what we’ll have to do.”
* * *
The Empire report duly arrived in my email Inbox that afternoon. The numbers were frightening but Susie and I agreed we had no choice. We signed up for everything except the foot patrols, which would have cost us about £150 a night. Raj did offer a good alternative based on remote monitoring. If we needed to go out for a while, we could text Empire and they would connect to our system and keep an eye on the place until we returned. If they detected anything suspicious, they would attend in force and also notify the police. Although the free monitoring service was limited to two four-hour periods a week, it did mean that we could go out to the shops or for an evening’s entertainment with no fear of returning to find the place had been ransacked.
Empire came to install the new equipment the very next day. They turned an old pantry off the kitchen into a control room for the security system. The gate mechanism now included one-way retractable teeth in the ground. You could drive over them safely when you were leaving, but they had to be retracted mechanically before a vehicle could come in, or they would tear its tyres to shreds. So it was no longer possible to enter – at least by car – when the gate had only been opened to let a vehicle leave. They also installed a one-way turnstile system for the pedestrian entrance. Like the main gate, the turnstile could only be released to allow a pedestrian to enter by a signal from the control room.
Regarding the internal video system, in the end we compromised. They installed more cameras in the drawing room, hall and kitchen, but without automatic recording. Each room had a hand remote that could start the recording if needed, and the cameras could also be triggered from the pantry.
Finally, they attached a bold illuminated sign to the gate boasting that ‘This property is protected by Empire Secure Solutions’ with appropriate warnings about what the gate’s teeth would do to your tyres. A similar more discreet ‘Empire’ sign also hung over the front door. It was wildly incongruous for the venerable age and distinctive style of Hadleigh Hall, but if it deterred even one prospective burglar, that would justify its existence.
Susie called Bill to notify him of the new security arrangements. She didn’t mention Jack Beckett’s visit, so he was a little surprised at our paranoia, but when she told him that I, the Earl, was going away for an unspecified time, he understood. He was clearly puzzled as to what Estate business would require me to be away from home for a lengthy period, but he was too discreet to ask. He agreed to continue to manage the Estate on our behalf until I returned and come to Susie if any major financial decisions were required.
He came round later that day to collect new keys and a RFID tag and transponder for his car, and to learn the various new alarm codes. I had to steer clear of him. My face was indisputably Martha’s, but I wasn’t so confident that the rest of me would pass muster with someone who knew her well. Besides, he might try to make conversation and talk of things I knew nothing about.
It was an inconvenience for Bill that the back gate from the Home Farm was now boarded up and electrified, because it meant he would have to go the long way round through the main gate to get from his office out onto the Estate, but he understood. The fearsome mechanisms Empire had installed were expensive, and we couldn’t afford a second set. One day, maybe.
Feeling that the Hall was now as secure as we could make it, we planned a trip into town. We sent Empire a text to say we would be out. Susie drove us in the Audi, which as Martha I wasn’t insured to drive. (Her Ladyship’s old Mini hadn’t been out since we moved into the Hall.)
Our first call was to Martha’s now vacant cottage. The only outfits I had that fitted my new figure were my maid’s dresses, so our priority was to pick up more clothes, as kindly donated by the other Martha. We filled three suitcases with her oldest and least exciting things. We had to put the car’s rear seats down to get them all in.
I would have preferred to wear trousers, but I still needed my girdle to maintain my curvy figure, and pants would be too uncomfortable over all that padding. So I reluctantly changed into a nice casual dress. It was steel-grey, with a polo neck and long sleeves. It came down to below my knees. I still needed to cover up as much as possible, and I certainly wasn’t trying to attract admirers.
Next was my appointment with Annie at Transformations. This had become urgent as I could feel my beard had grown under my Martha-face, and it was very itchy. Their offices were at a converted manor house out in the country, and discreetly set back from the main road. No one would ever find the place without prior knowledge or detailed directions.
Reception was manned by a strikingly pretty girl who introduced herself as Angela. She contacted Annie for us, and while we waited, I asked Susie what she had arranged for them to do to me that afternoon. She’d made the appointment and I didn’t know what she’d said regarding our requirements.
“I just asked Annie to complete your transformation,” she said, guilelessly. “You remember she said they make prosthetics for the entire body, so you can match Martha’s figure exactly.”
“Oh God! Am I going to have plastic padding stuck all over me?”
Annie appeared at that moment which temporarily put an end to my self-pity session. She had an older lady with her. We stood up to meet them.
“Ingrid, this is Lady Marsham, the Countess of Hadleigh,” Annie said. “My Lady, this is Ingrid McLaughlin, our CEO.”
“A pleasure, but please call me Susie,” said my wife.
Ingrid responded in kind. She was a large, well-built woman in a severe navy-blue skirt suit. She was what people used to call ‘handsome’ with strong, androgynous features, but beautifully made-up and coiffed. She reminded me of my primary school headmistress, for whom the phrase ‘Jolly Hockey Sticks’ might have been invented. It occurred to me that Ingrid might have been a product of Transformations’ services herself, but if so, she was an excellent advertisement for their expertise. There were none of the obvious giveaway indications. Her mannerisms and gestures were entirely feminine.
She seemed to be inspecting me with equal interest.
“And this is Tom, one of Lady Marsham’s staff,” Annie continued. “He very kindly volunteered to be our test subject when we demonstrated our facial prosthetics at the Pink Ladies meeting.”
“Annie has told me a little of your dilemma,” said Ingrid to Susie. “I gather you’ve had some unwelcome visitors. Shall we go to my office and we can discuss your requirements in more detail? Though I don’t see how further work on Tom will help you in your present difficulties.”
Her ample backside swinging from side to side (almost as much as mine), and her high heels clicking like a metronome, she led the way through a security door at the back of the lobby and along a corridor to a big, airy office. We sat in luxurious leather chairs at a polished conference table. There was nothing in Ingrid McLaughlin’s well-appointed workplace to indicate the esoteric nature of their services. She could have been a bank manager, or the senior partner of an accountancy firm, or the CEO of an oil company.
“The first thing I should say,” Susie began, “is that there is no Tom…”
She had warned me that we would have to come clean with them. We couldn’t explain our predicament without enlarging on the nature of the threat.
“…this is my husband,” she continued.
“The Earl?” Annie’s eyes were popping out.
“Indeed – Lord Marsham.”
“Call me Rob,” I muttered.
I expected the next few minutes to be excruciatingly embarrassing.
“There was simply no one else around for you to work on,” Susie explained. “It’s all my fault. I pressured him into doing it.”
“And I’ve almost forgiven her for that,” I said, stressing the ‘almost’.
Susie looked a little hurt. Well, tough.
“We didn’t want the Pink Ladies to be going home disappointed, you see,” she hurried on. “Just at the moment we need all the customers we can get for the use of our facilities.”
“My father was not the most financially prudent of noble Earls.” I felt I needed to explain further. “The Estate is solvent – just – but without renting out the use of the Hall as much as possible, our expenses would soon exceed our income.”
I trailed off. They didn’t need any more detail. Susie took up the baton and went on to tell them about the Beckett family and Jack’s visit.
“I persuaded Annie and Vera not to remove Rob’s disguise when they left. I meant it as a little joke on my husband…”
She stole a furtive look at me. I wasn’t smiling under my make-up and lipstick.
“…but it was lucky that he was still Martha when those thugs arrived,” she continued. “Otherwise they might have hurt him. Also I could claim the Earl was away on business.”
“Which gives us a little time to work out what to do,” I said.
“Which will be… what?” asked Ingrid.
Susie and I looked at each other.
“We don’t know,” she said.
“We can’t think of anything, apart from going to the police,” I said. “Beckett is known to them, so they may well believe us, but I still can’t see how they can help. They can hardly guard us twenty-four-seven. If Beckett follows through on his threats of physical persuasion, the police might be well aware of who was behind it but stopping him and getting convictions would be difficult. And he would always arrange an alibi for himself.”
“And it won’t stop Rob from being beaten up,” said Susie, “and they know it.”
“And they know we know it,” I added.
“And the beating would surely be even worse if we’ve involved the police,” Susie added. “Anyway, he refuses to leave me on my own, and both of us running away is just giving up. We might just as well pay them.”
“So we’re staying,” I said.
“Which is why we need his Martha disguise to be perfect, to buy us some time,” Susie finished.
We looked hopefully at Annie and Ingrid.
“Well, we can certainly do that,” said Annie.
“And I may be able to suggest something more,” said Ingrid, thoughtfully. “We recently entered into a mutually-beneficial arrangement with a local private investigator. I’ll call him while Annie is working on you. He may have some suggestions.”
* * *
Ten minutes later I was sitting in Vera’s room wearing just a pink dressing gown and a pair of paper knickers. My handbag, dress, slip, underwear and stockings were hanging up in her cupboard. My wig was on a stand on the dressing table. I caught a glimpse of myself in her dressing table mirror. I looked weird with Rob’s hair and body, and Martha’s face.
Warned that my ‘treatment’ would take at least a couple of hours, Susie had gone off to the nearest supermarket. Not being able to leave the house for a week had left us low on supplies.
“We’ll have to remove your facial prosthetics,” Vera began. “Your beard will have grown underneath them.”
“I know. I can feel it, and it’s itchy.”
“You shouldn’t really have kept them on for so long,” she said. “I just hope you haven’t developed a rash.”
She was rubbing her powerful solvent under the edges of the plastic and peeling my Martha face off, piece by piece.
“It looks OK,” she said. “A little red, but that’s normal. Now a close shave, and then…” She paused for effect. “…an all-over waxing.”
She grinned as my face fell.
“Is that really necessary?”
“That depends on how long you need to be Martha. You see, shaving only removes hair at the skin line. Stubble can develop as quickly as your beard does, so you can get ‘five o’clock shadow’ on your legs. It will itch too. Waxing means the hair gets pulled out by the follicles. It keeps you hair-free for longer – at least two weeks, maybe much more – and you shouldn’t have any skin problems.”
I sighed. “OK, I suppose it will have to be the wax then.”
“Look at this way. Most women wax sometime. You’ll get to see how the other half lives. I can get you a stiff drink to dull the pain, if you want. In fact, I strongly recommend it. Your mistress is driving, isn’t she? Now, we have Talisker and Glenlivet…”
She held up two bottles. I pointed to my preference.
“And one ice cube, please.”
“I’ll do your face first,” Vera said, handing me a glass, “to let the whisky work its magic.”
When she finished shaving my face and neck, she reached for a small tin of ointment.
“This after shave balm contains a mild hormone,” she said. “It will slow down your beard growth. You should be OK under your Martha prostheses for a week or so. We’ll make an appointment to do this again in seven to ten days.”
I had to lie down on her massage bed next for the waxing. The whisky helped but the pain was still diabolical. It wasn’t so bad on my legs and backside but when she got to the softer skin on my chest, it hurt like hell. I clenched my teeth to keep from screaming.
“Who’s a brave boy then?” Vera said, sympathetically.
At last the torture stopped. I took stock. I was sore all over but I hadn’t been this smooth since I was twelve.
“That’s all done,” said Vera, finally. “I’ll rub in some more of that balm. That should soothe your skin.”
“Hang on – is that a female hormone?” I said, alarmed.
“Yes, but don’t worry. It’s not strong enough to change your figure or affect your ‘prowess’.”
I wasn’t much reassured, but the massage was wonderful after the horror of the waxing.
“While you’re recovering, we’ll put your face pieces back.”
I put the paper knickers and dressing gown back on and returned to the dressing table and sat down. Vera lifted my chin in her hand and looked at my face appraisingly.
“There shouldn’t be any problems with turning you back into Martha, but I think I’ll need to tidy up your eyebrows a little.”
She started on me with tweezers, which I had never previously thought of as instruments of torture. I didn’t even bother trying not to scream for that. It was the worst yet. Vera tutted and reached for the whisky.
“Say when,” she said.
It helped. I sipped another double Scotch to dull the pain.
Next, she brought out the template that she had used before to guide her in gluing my face pieces on. Soon I was covered in faint blue lines and she set to sticking the little lumps of plastic back on me. As my vision blurred from the alcohol, Martha’s face took shape again in the mirror.
“You’ll only want a basic make-up, won’t you?” Vera said, when she’d finished painting the remaining exposed areas of my skin to match Martha’s complexion.
“Very basic,” I said. “Maids aren’t supposed to stand out, and I have to be able to do it myself after this.”
“OK then, I can do that. For anything more jazzy, I’d usually call Sharon in. She’s our hair and make-up artist. I’ll just do a light foundation, a little mascara, and a pale lipstick. No eyeshadow – unless you’re planning to go out on the pull tonight?”
“Hard pass on that.”
She laughed and reached for her make-up case. She explained everything she was doing. It didn’t look too difficult. I was quite looking forward to having a go myself tomorrow.
“Your hands are a bit of a giveaway too, you know,” Vera said, when she’d finished my make-up. “Let me see your nails.” She took my hands and examined them. “Good, you keep them neat and tidy, and they’re quite short. A maid like you would just keep breaking her nails in the course of her duties if she let them get too long. Also, a maid probably couldn’t afford a proper manicure, so I’ll just slap something cheap on them.”
She took up her nail file and a small pair of scissors. After giving my nails a quick tidy-up she reached for little pot of pale pink nail polish and started painting. She stopped when she came to the ring finger of my left hand.
“Oh, you’ll have to take your wedding ring off.”
She was right, of course. I hoped Beckett and Tank hadn’t noticed that Martha was wearing a man’s wedding ring. They probably hadn’t. They quickly dismissed me as ‘old and fat’ and didn’t look too closely. I let Vera slide my ring off as my other nails were wet. It was an emotional moment; I felt like I was betraying my beloved Susie. I sensed my eyes getting moist. I told myself not to be stupid and hoped that Vera hadn’t noticed.
“I’ll pop it in your handbag, shall I?” Vera said, kindly.
I nodded. She finished my nails. Then she slid a drawer out from the dressing table. It was full of ladies’ rings and watches.
“All cheap fakes,” she said, when she saw me looking. “Here – this watch should fit your wrist. That Casio you’re wearing is much too masculine. You should find a couple of rings that will go on your fingers. Take what you like. Most women your age would wear a ring or two. They’ll help with the illusion.”
When my nails were dry I slipped the fancy-looking ladies’ watch on my left wrist and picked out a couple of nice-looking rings: a silver band with a big emerald, and a white gold sapphire and diamond crossover ring. They both looked expensive, perhaps too expensive for a maid. I put one on each hand, avoiding the fingers that would mean I was married or engaged.
“Now, other jewellery,” she said. “I think you should have at least a little necklace – maybe a crucifix? – and earrings, of course. Nothing flashy, just to emphasise your femininity,” she said with a smirk.
“Well, I suppose so,” I said doubtfully, “but I’m not sure we have anything suitable at home. Susie doesn’t really go in for jewellery much. She has some nice pieces for formal events, but most of the time she just wears a cheap little necklace I bought her for her birthday when we were both poor students.”
“That’s OK, we can provide something.” She went over to her cupboard and slid out another drawer. “Perhaps a little pearl choker and matching earrings. Maybe a bracelet too. I’ll have to pierce your ears, of course.”
“Oh maybe not then,” I said hurriedly.
“I think all maidservants have pierced ears, don’t they?” she grinned.
I was about to quibble with her absurd generalisation when she came at me with an ice cube and a needle.
“Don’t worry, the holes will soon heal up when you go back to being… you.”
The earrings and necklace did look nice. I was admiring my new adornments in the mirror when another lady bustled in.
“Is she ready for me?” she asked.
“Yes – good timing,” said Vera. “Martha, this is Charlotte. She’s our registered nurse. She’s here to do your lips.”
“Huh? Is that really necessary?”
“We think so. That’s how Doris worked out that you were the fake, if you remember? You might see her again, or someone equally sharp, so you need something to increase the volume in your lips. They’re too obviously masculine.”
“We use a synthetic dermal filler based on hyaluronic acid,” said Charlotte, opening her case. “It’s a sugar that occurs naturally in the body, mainly in the joints. It doesn’t break it down as quickly because the body thinks it’s a natural substance. It’s hydrophilic, meaning it attracts water, and fills the lips from the inside. Most other types of filler break down too easily.”
“So how long will it last?” I asked.
“It varies, but usually about four to six months.” I must have looked horrified but before I could protest she carried on. “Don’t worry, it’s reversible. Now I’m going to give you a little local anaesthetic.”
She gave me injections in each corner of my mouth. They stung a little, then I felt a cooling sensation wash over my chin and cheeks. Then my whole mouth went numb. Charlotte set about the filler injections quickly after that. Those injections still stung, but they were nothing compared to the waxings.
After that my lips looked enormous in the mirror but I was assured that it was swelling which would subside in a couple of days.
“There might some bleeding,” Charlotte said. “You can use ice for the swelling if you want to, but you’ll just have to wait for the bruising to clear up. A dark lipstick will cover it. Your lips will probably be a little sore for a day or two,” she added.
I wasn’t pleased to discover I was stuck with thick Martha lips for at least a month, but I was told it was dangerous to try and reverse the process any earlier.
* * *
When I declared myself sufficiently recovered from all that, we moved on to the next stage: the fitting of my body prostheses.
“When we were at Hadleigh Hall last week Annie took photos of Martha’s figure as well as her face,” said Vera. “That was so we could decide on the most appropriate breast forms for you and work out how much padding you needed in your pantiegirdle. But it means we have a good 3D model to compare you to – as soon as we’ve done the same for you. Follow me!”
She led me down the corridor to a small room which she called ‘the photography suite’. It was dark and not much bigger than a changing room in a department store. The only lighting was a small red bulb in the ceiling. There was a little daïs to stand on. Helped by Vera, and hindered by the whisky, I clambered up onto it.
“I need you to stay as still as you can now. I appreciate that might be difficult given the amount of booze you’ve had,” she said with a smile. “When I’ve closed the door behind me, strip off. You can just throw your robe and knickers into the corner. The cameras will move around you on those rails.”
She left and I followed her instructions. I shivered, nude and plastered, and with throbbing lips, waiting for something to happen. In a few moments Vera’s voice came through a loudspeaker somewhere.
“OK, are you ready?” she said. “Stand still with your arms out to your sides. Try not to blink.”
The lights flashed, dazzling after the semi-darkness and the cameras buzzed around me like model trains. Eventually they stopped, the bright lights went off, and the little darkroom light came back on.
“Ok, you can get dressed again,” said Vera over the intercom. “Then come back to my room.”
When I got there she and Annie were hard at work at a computer console. Annie explained what they were doing.
“We’re building a three-dimensional computer model of your body, to match against the one we already have of Martha. We’ll then use 3D printing to make prosthetics to change your body into hers. This works best when the person you want to become is a little bigger than you are. You’re an inch taller than Martha – hopefully no one will notice that – but fortunately she is of an, er… ample figure, and a little broader than you in most other dimensions.”
“Actually, can you reduce the waistline a little? The real Martha is about four months pregnant. Please keep that to yourselves though.”
I didn’t want to be padded out to Martha’s current figure. The only maid uniforms I would fit into then would be the vintage Edwardian ones.
Annie nodded. Her computer screen showed two revolving three-dimensional figures which then merged. There were red and green areas. The green areas were clearly the breasts, hips, thighs and buttocks I would need. She clicked away with the computer mouse.
“The exception is your shoulders,” she continued, “which as you can see are the red areas. They’re not too big, so hopefully no one will notice. Everything else about your disguise should be really convincing.”
She made a final click and the 3D printer started whirring away.
“It’s making prosthetics for the green zones,” she said. “That will take a while, so Vera can do your hair while we wait. I’ll see you later. I think Ingrid got through to our PI friend. He’s on his way over.”
Vera had found me a new wig which was an even closer match to Martha’s hair than the old one, which had been a little too long and slightly too grey. That hadn’t mattered when we were both wearing old-fashioned mob caps, expressly designed to conceal a woman’s hair. The new wig meant I now matched Martha exactly, even with no headgear at all.
“Your own hair is long enough to do in a short female style,” Vera said, “and Sharon is expert with extensions. Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer that? You must have found your wig hot and sweaty in this summer weather.”
“That would be a step too far,” I said firmly.
When I took my wig off I wanted Susie to see some aspect of Rob, even if my face was entirely Martha.
By this time the prosthetics had finished printing. My nose – that is Martha’s nose, on my face – twitched, as a smell of latex filled the office. I hoped that would soon dissipate and that I wouldn’t smell of it when I left.
“At first we thought we would need to make you a complete top half,” Vera said, as she started removing large flesh-coloured lumps of plastic from the machine. “It would be like a T-shirt with breasts, but with sleeves down to your elbows. That way we could conceal your muscular upper arms with soft female flesh. Most women of Martha’s age tend to be a little flabby up there, with the beginnings of batwings…”
Did I want to know what ‘batwings’ were? I decided I did not.
“…but then we saw your arms,” she continued. “They’re not very muscly, are they?”
“Hey, they’re not flabby.”
“Surprisingly skinny, though,” she said heartlessly. “Anyway, we decided to go with just the breasts. Now this prosthetic is much more realistic than the forms you’ve been using…”
With her hands full of fake flesh she pointed to the massage bed with her elbow. I lay down flat on my back. She sprayed adhesive all over my chest.
“It’s made in a single piece,” she said, holding the thing up for me to see. Judging from the effort this took her, it was heavy. “I’m actually sticking a sort of back plate to your chest. The breasts will hang off it. The edges are feathered so that there’s no obvious boundary. When I’ve applied a little make-up to the joins, they’ll look like they’re actually part of you.”
“Oh joy!” I said. “Susie will be delighted that her husband has a bigger bust than she has.”
“I thought you’d be pleased,” Vera grinned.
She was now lining the prosthetic up on my chest.
“The breasts are identical in shape to the real Martha’s, or as close as we could get, given that your chest and shoulders are a little wider than hers.”
“How on earth did you manage that?”
In my imagination I saw Vera wrapping a tape measure around a topless Martha.
“3D photography,” she said. I told my imagination that it should be ashamed of itself. “We asked Martha to strip to her underwear when we took our photos. She didn’t mind a bit; she thought the whole thing was a hoot. She’s quite a character, your housekeeper. I just hope you can live up to her bubbly personality now you’re her. Now hush; I need to hold this lot in place for a minute.”
She pressed the prosthetic down and leant on me with all her not inconsiderable weight. She started counting.
“1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and…”
I tried to keep still, but I wasn’t exactly comfortable with all of this chirpy one-hundred-and-sixty-pound woman on my chest. I could crack a rib! In the silence I started wondering why I was doing this. Was it really necessary? Would Beckett and his pet goon really beat us up till we paid them ridiculous amounts of money? Wouldn’t it be better to call their bluff rather than subject myself to this indignity? If anyone found out I would never live it down.
She stood up, taking her weight off me and releasing the breasts assembly. It seemed like a significant load remained but at least it didn’t slide off. She gave my new right breast a tentative nudge. It wobbled realistically but stayed put. I could feel the movement, but only because some of the vibration was transmitted to my skin underneath.
“That should be OK, but you need to put a bra on just in case. You’ll find it uncomfortable without the support of a bra anyway. Your breasts are 38D and they’re heavier than you’d expect. Also I’ve used medical adhesive. Once it’s set, your skin will rip before the adhesive gives.”
More good news. Vera was rifling through a chest of drawers next to the dressing table. She returned with a black lace bra. It looked huge.
“Here you are,” she said. “We got you new underwear in Martha’s sizes. Sit up. Put your arms through the straps and I’ll fasten it for you.”
When I sat up and felt the weight pulling down on my chest for the first time, I was caught by surprise. I realised Vera was dead right. My immediate future had a heavy-duty bra in it, every day and all the time. When she’d fastened it, and my shoulders started to take the strain, I was much more comfortable.
I caught a glimpse of myself in the dressing table mirror. Looking at just my top half, I was all Martha, a plump, no-longer-young woman with a round face, a double chin, and huge breasts. It was a very strange feeling. On the one hand, I felt liberated from being Rob Marsham, pathologically shy Earl; on the other, I wasn’t at all sure I wanted to be a tubby maidservant instead.
Vera had taken another strange-looking lump of flesh off the printer and was spraying adhesive inside it.
“Now for your lower half,” she proclaimed cheerfully. “Stand up and knickers down, darling.”
“Are you proposing to stick that thing on me?” I said, aghast.
“Have to, I’m afraid,” she said. “It’s even heavier than your breasts. It will slip down if I don’t glue it in place.”
“But what about…?” I paused, lost for appropriate vocabulary.
“Don’t worry,” she said with a wink. “We’ve thought of that.”
She held out what she called my ‘abdominal prosthesis’ for me. I kicked off the paper knickers and stepped into the horrid thing. She helped me pull it up into position. It was like a pair of running shorts, but heavily padded with heavy, wobbly blubber everywhere. It came up to above my waist and down to my knees. There seemed to be a gap between my legs.
She started rubbing the prosthetic firmly, smoothing it down to eliminate any air bubbles before the adhesive set. When she’d finished it was indistinguishable from real flesh. My waist seemed hardly any thicker than before, but I now had a pronounced, feminine pot belly to match flabby thighs and wobbly buttocks. It felt weird. I screwed my neck round to look over my shoulder.
“That can’t be right,” I said. “My bum is sticking out a mile!”
“It’s exactly right,” Vera said. “Trust me. A woman’s bottom is bigger and protrudes further. You must have noticed! Or are you strictly a breast man? Don’t worry; you’ll soon get used to it. Now it used to be that once you were stuck in one of these, you could say goodbye to your wedding tackle until the glue perished and you could get it off again.” She laughed at my horrified look. “But now we’ve incorporated some clever gadgetry.”
For some reason she had gone over to the fridge in the corner. I thought she might be getting me another Scotch, but she just came back with a saucer of ice cubes.
“There’s a little tube for your member. When I’ve fastened you in, the tube will connect at the other end to the prosthetic’s fake vagina. But before I can do anything with your penis, I have to push your testicles back up inside you. It’s all easier to do if I ice your entire genital area first.”
I tried to look down to see what she was doing, but I couldn’t see anything over my enormous boobs. I let my fingers scan my new fake genital area. I was surprised to feel realistic pubic hair. I hurriedly drew my hand away.
Suddenly I felt the cold shock as Vera applied ice cubes to my most sensitive parts, all of which immediately contracted alarmingly. She took advantage of their retreat to gently manoeuvre my balls up into the inguinal canals. It was then simple to guide my floppy penis into the prosthetic’s tube.
“There we are,” she said. “That wasn’t too bad, was it?”
“This is a bit uncomfortable,” I said.
“You’ll get used to it,” she said, with a little – a very little – sympathy.
It seemed there were a lot of things I would soon get used to. She was now tugging at something high up between my legs.
“This is a clever little zip fastener, a bit like what you get on freezer bags. It goes up your left leg, across underneath your vagina, then down the right leg.”
She finished zipping and stood back.
“There! All secure,” she said. “You’ll have to sit down to go to the toilet now of course, but you should have no problem. Just relax as usual and the urine will flow out of your penis, down the tube, and out of your vagina.”
She paused and smiled, recognising that as an unusual sentence.
“It will probably spray a bit,” she continued, “so you’ll need to wipe afterwards. You should also open up the zip and wash yourself thoroughly – inside and out – at least every couple of days. It’s easiest to do it in the bath.”
“You must be joking!” I snorted. “I won’t be taking baths. With all this excess blubber it would take a crane to get me out again!”
Vera laughed. “You’re exaggerating. Martha is only a little plump; she’s not obese. Lots of women fatter than you can get in and out of the bath with no trouble.”
“Maybe, but I think I’ll use the shower from now on.”
“I’ll bet the other Martha prefers baths to showers; most women do. Still, whatever works best for you…” She span me round, indicating it was time to move on. “Anyway, there’s a slit at the back that should exactly correspond to your anus, so that should be the same as usual. You’re an ‘anatomically correct’ woman down there now. You could even get naked and fool anyone, except maybe an experienced gynaecologist with a magnifying glass.”
I shuddered at the thought of a gynaecological exam. My feet weren’t going up in stirrups for anyone. She laughed again at the look on my face.
“It’s perfectly safe to sleep like that by the way, but if you do want to liberate your equipment for whatever reason…” She grinned. “…you just do everything I did in reverse. It’s bit tricky though. You’ll probably need your partner to help, at least until you get the knack. All your prostheses are completely waterproof, so you can bathe, shower, whatever, exactly as normal, apart from having to take your wig and wig cap off, of course.”
My huge new breasts and big round buttocks felt just like the real thing. They were very convincing. Because of the feathering of their edges, and the make-up Vera had applied, you couldn’t see any joins. The soft flesh mimicked the real thing perfectly in terms of movement and ‘feel’.
I got up and walked around a little to test my new anatomy. I felt heavy, and my breasts and buttocks jiggled. This would take a lot of getting used to. My centre of gravity was obviously different, and my thighs and buttocks constrained my gait. I had to waddle instead of stride. But I had to concede that I was really only a little overweight.
“Panties, Martha, dear,” said Vera. “I can’t have semi-naked women wandering around my office.”
She gave me a pair of black Granny knickers which matched my bra and I hurriedly put them on. At least they were more comfortable than the dreaded padded pantiegirdle which I could happily jettison now.
“The adhesive should last until you shed the top layer of your skin,” Vera continued. “That’s usually in about ten to twelve days. Before then the prosthetics can only be removed using a special solvent – I’ll give you a supply, for emergencies. Otherwise, come back here when you feel them slipping. We’ll remove them properly, check you for any ill effects, and then stick them back, if you want to carry on as Martha.”
“That won’t happen,” I said. “This is a short-term thing only.”
“That’s what they all say, dear,” she laughed. “You’ll need to come back in a week or so anyway, as we’ll need to shave you again under your facial prosthetics.”
She went to the cupboard to get my clothes. She gave me a bag for the stockings, girdle and my original bra. I put my men’s watch in my handbag with my wedding ring for safe-keeping.
“Here – you’d better get dressed. Your mistress will be back soon.”
“You mean my wife,” I said, not willing to play that game yet.
“Not in public surely?” she said. “If I’ve understood your situation correctly, Lady Marsham can only be your wife behind closed doors. In public, you’re her maid, and she’s your mistress, and you’ll have to curtsey and call her ‘Madam’.”
“‘My Lady’, actually,” I said glumly.
Vera gave me a new pair of tights. I sat down to put them on. They were, er, tight over my new big round butt. Very tight.
I slipped my dress on over my head. Vera zipped me up.
“I have shoes in your size,” said Annie, returning with her arms full of shoeboxes. “Take a selection of styles and colours. You should try and get used to heels, if only to help you get your walk right, but you won’t want anything more than one-inch, or they’ll make you suspiciously tall. We’ll add them to your bill.”
“Oh yes. I’m a little worried at the cost of all this. We titled folk aren’t all rich, you know.”
I slipped my feet into a comfortable-looking pair of black pumps. Even the one-inch heel was enough to cause me to wobble a little, which sent sympathetic vibrations rippling through all my new artificial flab.
“Don’t worry,” she said. “Ingrid says we’ll only charge you wholesale for materials, because you helped us at the Pink Ladies meeting – at great personal cost to yourself!” She grinned. “We’re getting a lot of business from that afternoon.”
That was something of a relief. We’d spent thousands on the new security system. I could see our contingency fund shrinking even more.
“Your mistress is back, by the way,” Annie said. “They’re ready for you in Ingrid’s office.”
* * *
Twenty minutes later the Countess and her refurbished lady’s maid were again sitting at the conference table in Ingrid’s office with her and Annie. A stranger had just joined us.
“This is Mr Treacher, My Lady,” said Ingrid. “Frank, this is Lady Marsham, Countess of Hadleigh, and Martha, her housekeeper.”
So we wouldn’t be widening the circle of people who knew who I really was.
“Her Ladyship has a problem,” Ingrid continued. “We’re hoping you might be able to help. Perhaps you’d like to explain, My Lady?”
So Susie told as much of our story as she could without exposing me. She explained how my parents had separated; how I had come to inherit the title despite that; and how it had left the Beckett family dispossessed – as they saw it – and resentful.
“Unfortunately for us,” she concluded, “Jack Beckett seems to have no scruples and is well-connected in the criminal fraternity.”
“Yes, I’ve heard of Beckett,” said Treacher, speaking for the first time, “though I’ve never met him personally. Mind you, that might be just as well if I’m to investigate him.”
“He and one of his thugs came to our house to demand money. Martha and I were alone and he threatened us. My husband is away on business, but now I don’t want him to come home. I dread to think what Beckett might do to him.”
“I assume you’ve ruled out going to the police?” Treacher said. Susie nodded. “Yes, I can understand why. It’s hard to see how they could help.”
“We’ve upgraded our security since their visit,” Susie added, and went on to describe the new measures.
Treacher nodded approvingly but confirmed what we all knew: it wouldn’t keep Beckett out for long, but at least we’d get advance warning of any approach.
Treacher reached into a pilot case he had put down by his feet and pulled out a small cardboard box.
“This is a call recorder for landlines,” he said. “You plug it in between the wall socket and your handset. It’s triggered automatically by the start of any call. It answers an incoming call after six rings and takes messages like an ordinary answerphone, but it’s much more sophisticated than that. It always records the whole conversation even if you’ve started or answered the call yourself. It has a capacity of several hours and when it’s full, it automatically records over the oldest content. When a call ends, it can send the recording to your computer automatically via your Wi-Fi. You have to install an app and give the recorder access to your home network but it’s all very easy to do. You never know – if Beckett makes a threatening phone call, you’ll have evidence to take to the police. It won’t stand up in court unfortunately, but it would convince a judge to issue a warrant if need be, and it should make the cops take you seriously and maybe take some action against him.”
“What if he calls on my mobile?” Susie asked.
“There are lots of free voice recorder apps. I recommend you download one and get in the habit of starting it when you answer the phone to a number you don’t know or a ‘Number Withheld’.”
I had no idea whether Beckett knew either Susie’s or my mobile numbers, but we hadn’t done anything to keep them secret. Hers was even on the Wainwrights website. I dragged my attention back to the meeting. Treacher was now offering additional suggestions to address our problem.
“You could hire full-time bodyguards, I suppose,” he said, “but that could cost you almost as much as Beckett is demanding. We need to do something to get him off your backs permanently. As I see it, you have two main options: get him before he gets you…”
“What, murder, you mean?” Susie said, incredulously. “I don’t think we could do that!”
“No, no,” said Treacher hurriedly. “I was thinking more of a pre-emptive strike – attack as the best form of defence. Make him understand that the new Earl has robust friends too and is not to be trifled with. Let him regret his actions from a hospital bed.”
Susie and I must have been looking dubious – not that anyone would have cared what the maid thought of the idea.
“No?” he said, picking up on our doubts. “You’re probably right. It might just get him angry – loss of face and so on. We don’t want to start a gang war.”
“So what was your second idea?” Susie asked. I sensed she was losing confidence in this odd little man.
“Expose him and get him locked away.”
“Expose him as what?”
“I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t even have to be true.” We looked blank. “The point is: Beckett is a criminal. Everyone knows it, even Plod. He just hasn’t been caught yet, and the police obviously don’t rate him high enough on the bad guy scale to be worth investing resources on. So we’ll just have to do it for them.”
This was more promising but the next question was obvious.
“How?” Susie asked.
“I’ll work on that,” Treacher said. “I have contacts. A day or so and I’ll know what he’s been up to, then we just have to get some incriminating evidence to the right people.”
“And if you can’t find any?”
“Oh we’ll find something. I doubt Beckett is clever enough not to have left a trail. And, as I say, we can always make something up.” Susie and I looked dubious. “Well, he shouldn’t have threatened you, should he?” He was looking thoughtful again. “It would help to have someone on the inside though…”
The conversation seemed to have gone as far as it could for now.
“Lovely to have met you, Your Ladyship,” he said cheerfully. “Leave it with me. If we could just discuss my fees before I go…?”
I had to listen quietly while Susie negotiated away a little more of our contingency fund. Oh well, hopefully it would still be far less than Beckett was trying to extort from us.
Negotiations completed, Treacher leapt to his feet. There was an awkward moment while he seemed to be deciding whether to shake or kiss Susie’s hand, then he made his way to the door.
“I’ll be in touch very soon,” he said.
Ingrid got up to escort him out.
“Well that was interesting,” I said, when the door had closed behind them.
“He seems confident,” Susie said, “but I’m not sure I can say the same.”
“He’s an odd character, Frank, certainly,” said Annie, “but he generally gets results. In fact, I’ve only known him to fail once…”
There must be an interesting story there, I thought.
* * *
On the way home we briefly discussed Treacher and his ideas. We felt a little better but not much. We would reserve judgement until we saw what he came up with.
We headed for Martha’s cottage where I would transfer to her little yellow Volkswagen Polo and drive it back to the Hall. I hoped my system had processed enough of Vera’s whisky for me to be safe to drive.
Silence fell between us. Susie had pulled into the driveway of the little house and had turned off the engine. I reached for the door handle but she stretched across to stop me.
“Come on,” she said. “Out with it.”
“What do you mean?” I realised she was referring to my uncharacteristic silence throughout the journey from Transformations. “It hurts to talk because of the injections in my lips.”
“It’s more than that though, isn’t it? You’ve been like a Trappist monk all the way home. Or perhaps I should say a Carmelite nun now?” I smiled weakly. “So what’s the matter?”
“How can you ask that?” I said, exasperated. “Look at me!”
“What? You look great!”
“I look like a maid! I’m supposed to be an Earl!”
“You’ve dressed as a maid before – often,” she protested. “We had a great time.”
Grinning, she reached down to where she judged my groin to be. Not finding anything, apart from an unfamiliar roll of fat, she withdrew her hand.
“But I could always take off my dress, apron and cap before,” I grumbled. “Now I’m…”
I struggled to find the right words to describe my predicament.
“You mean you’re feeling trapped or something?” I nodded. “Well, we’re both trapped unless we can find a way of dealing with Beckett and his gang. At least as Martha you’re not at risk of being beaten up.”
“But before going to Transformations I could take the padded bra and girdle off and I was Rob again, apart from having Martha’s face. I mean, I felt like a man, and we were great in bed together, as usual. Now…”
“I don’t see why you’re concerned,” she interrupted. “It’s you I love, whatever you look like. I know it’s you underneath… all that. Besides,” she chuckled, “Martha’s not unattractive, you know. Especially with your new kissable lips.”
“You haven’t seen how effective the prosthetics and make-up really are. I promise you, it will be just like going to bed with a woman.”
“Not quite like,” she smiled. “Annie told me what we have to do to make your baby-making kit available. I’m quite looking forward to playing my part in its… emancipation.”
She took my hand and squeezed it. I was a little reassured.
“Now go on, maid. Drive your little car back to the Hall. Your mistress will have plenty for you to do when you get there.”
I grimaced and got out. I grabbed my handbag and tottered on my one-inch heels over to the Polo, my huge butt swinging from side to side to help me keep my balance. I could feel Susie watching me, fascinated. I was just fumbling for the keys in my purse when she called.
“You’d better change into these, Martha dear,” she said, flinging a pair of my flats to me. “You’ve never driven in heels before. It would be too embarrassing for you to be in a pile-up in your… condition.”
“Thank you, M’Lady,” I sighed.
* * *
When we got back Susie wasted no time exploring my new body. She had me strip down to my bra and knickers and walked around me, like she was inspecting a prize heifer at the County Fair, which she had actually done a couple of weekends earlier.
“Wow!” she said. “Just… wow!”
“I told you,” I said.
“I love your figure,” she said, “the big bouncing breasts and that amazing ass…”
“They’re not me! You’re admiring Martha! Are you turning gay?”
“Don’t be silly,” she said. “Look, I know that your scrumptious curvy figure is all fake, but you have very good legs. Any woman would be jealous.”
“Of course they wouldn’t… Do you really think so?”
“Mm-hmm… mm-hmm.” Susie was walking all round me, examining me in detail. “It’s incredible. I can’t see where the Martha flesh stops and you start. You could pose nude… We must take some photos! Let me get my camera…”
“No way!” I shouted. “Hey, get back here!”
She turned at the door, and grinned.
“Okay, okay, keep your hair on,” she said, pointing at my greying bun. “I was only kidding. But seriously, this is brilliant. I knew that they were good, but this…!”
“Well I’m glad you’re pleased,” I grumbled. “But you do realise this is torture for me, don’t you?”
“Really?” she said, sceptically. “Here, put this on.”
She tossed me a chiffon negligée of my mother’s, another item rescued from the charity shop. As I covered my naked Martha-self up, she sat down on the bed and got serious.
“You need to start being honest with yourself,” she said sternly. “I tried to give you an opening when I suggested you were a crossdresser before, but you thought I was just joking. You appear to have conveniently forgotten that you actively sought out the Director of The Importance of Being Earnest, and put the idea of a male Lady Bracknell in his mind. Later, after Cambridge, you joined LADS and reminded the Director of Romeo and Juliet that the Nurse was a great comic part that would have been played by one of the fine comic actors of Shakespeare’s day. Will Kemp wanted to do it, you said. Naturally the Director asked you if you thought you could do it and you leapt at the chance. So now you’re Martha, in real life, why not make the most of it? You might even find that’s who you want to be.”
“You must be joking! Why would I want to be a maid?”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a maid, is there? And you certainly don’t want to be an Earl, do you? You hate all the fuss people make over you in public. You hide whenever anyone comes to the house.”
I sat down beside her, remembering to sweep my skirt under me to stop it from getting wrinkled.
“All right, all right,” I said. “For the sake of argument, let’s say I do enjoy a little cross-dressing from time to time. It’s an escape. It’s just for fun. But I’m stuck like this now. I can’t escape being Martha!”
“Well why don’t we test that?” she said. “Lie back and open your legs.”
That first time we tried together to free my genitals from their prosthetic confinement was hideous, embarrassing, and hysterically funny. It also led to one of the best lovemaking sessions either of us could remember, even though we couldn’t kiss because of my sore lips.
Susie didn’t seem at all put off by the fact that her sexual partner appeared to be her plump, thirty-something maidservant, rather than her husband, Robert, Lord Marsham, sixth Earl of Hadleigh. So I suppose I had to take her at her word and believe that she loved me, the person underneath the disguise, and my extreme feminine appearance didn’t bother her.
That augured well for our old age, I suppose.
* * *
What did worry her was my snoring. She woke me in the middle of the night with a sharp jab to the ribs.
“I don’t get it,” she said. “You never usually snore.”
“It’s these stupid breasts,” I said. “I can’t sleep on my front. It’s like lying on two footballs. So I went to sleep on my back. That always makes me snore.”
“Why can’t you sleep on your side?”
“Because the breasts hang down and stretch the skin on my chest where they’re attached. It hurts.”
She thought for a moment.
“We’ll have to get you a sleep bra,” she said. “Some women with larger breasts like yours sleep better with support.”
“I can’t sleep in a bra!” I protested. “It would be too tight and uncomfortable.”
“There are special soft, lightweight bras for sleeping in. No underwire, of course. You can even get a camisole-style pyjama top with a bra built in. Come to think of it, I think I saw a sleep bra amongst your Mum’s things.”
She got up to go and ransack my mother’s underwear again, returning from the other wing ten minutes later with a triumphant look on her face. I was dozing off again – on my back – but she roused me. She soon had my breasts wrapped in a soft, elasticised bra. I tried sleeping on my side and to my surprise, it worked. The bra wasn’t too tight but it provided just enough support to save the skin of my chest from any further torture.
So the nights became tolerable again despite my bizarre transformation. We soon mastered the knack of unzipping and releasing my wedding tackle. The only change to our lovemaking was that Susie was always on top now because the prosthetic restricted my ‘angle of attack’. It was just easier for us both if she made all the necessary directional adjustments from above. She claimed it would keep her fitter too, as she had to do all the athletic parts of the exercise. As long as I was Martha the maid, my housework would keep me fit, she laughed.
* * *
For the next few days we were too busy to worry about Beckett and his threats. Since the Estate was now secure, Susie went back to work at Wainwrights. We had clients using the reception rooms and the gardens nearly every day now. They all understood that the Hall was unstaffed and they would have to do everything themselves, but I (as Martha) still had to show people where everything was; and I had to let them in and out. Rob would have hated having to deal with all these strangers, but as Martha I was quite at ease. I had to do a lot of clearing up afterwards though, prior to the J & J girls arriving early the next day.
I spent most of my time in my maid uniforms now. They were quite comfortable for my new shape, and obviously well-suited to my new working life. With the real Martha gone, I also had to look after our private quarters. I began to get used to cleaning toilets, mopping floors, dusting and vacuuming carpets with my new, heavier figure. I learned to compensate for the way my breasts and buttocks swung and wobbled.
We also had to keep an eye out for unwelcome guests. Fortunately we had no Open Days in the calendar that week, and Susie instructed the representatives of each society to make sure that only their members were allowed in. If they spotted any faces they didn’t recognise, they had to notify us immediately.
I couldn’t go out with Bill on Estate work anymore, but I had no problem finding things to occupy myself while Susie was out at Wainwrights soliciting.
As it was possible that Beckett was keeping occasional watch on us, I needed to present as feminine at all times and do conspicuously maid-like things. I washed my mistress’ underwear by hand (which she found hilarious). I attended her properly as a lady’s maid should. I laid out her clothes in the mornings. I helped her dress and undress.
We sometimes showered together, enthusiastically soaping each other down, but more frequently I ran her bath, and washed her hair, and scrubbed her back, which drove her wild. All too often she dragged me in with her, getting me soaked in kisses and soapy water. It was a good thing I had several maid uniforms and plenty of spare underwear.
It was hard, sweaty work, so I also had to get used to keeping my new body clean and sweet-smelling. I tried opening my prosthesis in the bath to clean inside and, as Vera said, that worked very well. But, as I had said, getting out of the bath with fifty pounds of additional blubber was just too difficult, so I resolved to stick to showers. There is definitely something erotic about soaping down a big round wobbly feminine body, even though I couldn’t actually feel anything as I rubbed shower gel into my new breasts, hips and buttocks.
* * *
To my embarrassment, and as Susie had predicted, I soon found I was enjoying my life as the maid more than I ever had when I had been the Earl. That thought was a little worrying. Perhaps it was just the novelty of the experience, appealing to my frustrated enjoyment of amateur dramatics? So to test that, I looked for more opportunities to immerse myself in the life of a female servant. However the first time I brought Susie her breakfast in bed, she objected.
“I’m not lying here like the Lady of the Manor while you work…” she began.
“But you are the Lady of the Manor,” I said.
“Oh, you know what I mean! I’m only going to eat my breakfast in bed, if you’re here beside me,” she said firmly.
“But I’m fully dressed,” I objected, “and it still takes me ages. I have to get up an hour before you to get ready.”
I was in my usual smart maid’s uniform, a cute black dress with apron, cap, dark tights, and one-inch heels. My hair – that is, my wig – was gathered tidily in a bun, and I was fully made up.
“You do always look fantastic,” she said. “I’m very impressed. Do you have any trouble?”
“I still can’t fasten my bra behind my back, and it takes me ten minutes just to do up my dress. Are all women double-jointed?”
“You should have come to me. There’s nothing I’d enjoy more than zipping up my pretty husband’s dress,” she said drily. “Anyway, if you’re not going to join me, I’ll get up and we can have breakfast together downstairs.”
She got out of bed and reached for her negligée. I helped her on with it, as a good lady’s maid should.
“But I’ve already eaten,” I objected.
“Well, don’t do that again. You can at least sit down and have a cup of coffee with me! It’s great that you want to copy Martha so precisely but let’s not overdo this ‘mistress and maid’ thing.”
“But it was all your idea!” I said.
“Well you’ve obviously got the hang of being a maid. You were brilliant with the Empire people, and with Treacher. We can afford to relax a bit now, when it’s just you and me.”
She reached up, put her arms around my neck, and kissed me deeply. I caught a glimpse of us in the dressing table mirror – the beautiful Countess kissing her dumpy lady’s maid. One of the most erotic sights I’d ever seen…
* * *
We gradually worked out how this strange new variation on our relationship would work. I now did alone, and in my maid’s uniform, all the household jobs that we had previously shared – the laundry, cleaning, washing-up (OK, stacking and emptying the dishwasher).
I dusted and vacuumed all the rooms at the front of the house, and cleaned the windows, throwing them wide open so that I could be seen from the gate as the Countess’s diligent housemaid, working hard to keep her mistress’s home spotless.
Susie was still in charge of our evening meals. I volunteered to learn to cook but she insisted that cooking was her contribution to our domestic bliss. But it wasn’t easy for her. Wainwrights were working her hard. She rarely made it home before six and it was often much later.
So we worked out a compromise. She would decide on the evening meal and write down a recipe. When necessary, I would go to the supermarket (unnoticed and as good as invisible in my ladies’ coat and a headscarf) to do the shopping. When I got home I would lay out the ingredients and do the simple tasks like peeling potatoes or putting rice on to boil. When Susie returned, she would do the difficult stuff.
While the food was cooking, she would bathe and change, often with my help as her lady’s maid (which always risked ruining our dinner). Then we would eat together. Sometimes I would change into one of Martha’s casual dresses.
One evening Susie called to say she was going to be later than usual, and suggested I organise a takeaway, but having watched her cook so often, I thought I could do better than that.
When she eventually got home at nearly half-past seven, she found me on the sofa in the drawing room with my feet up, a glass of Merlot in my hand, watching a soap opera I was finding surprisingly interesting.
She burst into laughter at the incongruous sight.
“Well really, Martha!” she admonished. “This is hardly how I expect to find my maid when I come back from a hard day’s work – her feet up on my best sofa, drinking my husband’s expensive wine!”
“Hey, I’ve had a hard day too… M’Lady,” I said. “It’s been more than a week since the real Martha or the J & J girls were last here.”
“You’ve been cleaning?”
“And doing the laundry, and… cooking.”
“Brilliant! I’m really impressed! What are we having?”
“Some sort of stew, I think,” I grinned. “I just slung together some leftovers and hoped for the best.”
She sniffed. “Well it smells pretty good. Let me just have a quick wash and get changed.” She paused and raised an enquiring eyebrow. “Of course, my lady’s maid should be helping me with all that…”
I perked up. Suddenly I wasn’t quite so tired.
“I’ll be right with you, M’Lady. I’m sure the stew will keep for half an hour.”
“What a good maid you are, Martha,” she said with a smile. “But you should be a little more careful when you loll about on the sofa like that. You’re giving the world a clear view of your frilly knickers.”
“Well there’s only you here to see, isn’t there?” I said. “And it’s all your fault I’m wearing them, isn’t it? Anyway, they’ll be coming off in a minute, won’t they?”
* * *
My earlier fears about my wife attending fashionable parties and dances without me started to resurface. Now I couldn’t go out as the Earl even if I wanted to, which of course I didn’t. Sensing my unease, Susie had started to cut back on her social events.
To compensate, she had offered the Hall as a venue for the annual office Summer Ball. Old Mr Wainwright quickly accepted. Hadleigh Hall was much more prestigious than the town’s largest hotel, and also cheaper. It was quite a coup on Susie’s part, and would raise her profile still further at Wainwrights. It would be a significant financial windfall for us too. Unfortunately it came up at the end of my first full week as Martha. I just hoped I could match my behaviour, movement and mannerisms to my new outward appearance.
It was a huge affair and partly a marketing event, so not only were the company employees in attendance, but also all of their clients – past, present and – hopefully – future. When I saw the invitation list, it included all the great and good of the county.
Wainwrights hired a catering company to provide the food and drink for the party, cooked by top chefs and served by uniformed waitresses. Susie negotiated a small reduction in the price by offering her own maid, me, to be one of the waitresses. The company’s manager was happy to concede that. She knew that my familiarity with the venue would be helpful.
I was provided with a uniform to match the other girls, a black dress with white piping, white half-apron, and a little lace headband. It was more attractive, though a little less practical than my everyday maid’s uniform. They even provided a name badge with ‘MARTHA’ on it in large capital letters.
I was trying it on the night before the party when my wife came in and saw me admiring myself in our bedroom mirror. I quickly discovered that with her help I could get my uniform off in much less time than it took to put it on. I was lucky it didn’t get torn. Not for the first time I wondered why seeing her husband in women’s underwear - bra, granny panties, and tights - always got Susie’s juices flowing.
On the day of the party, dressed in my smart waitress uniform, I showed the catering company staff where everything was, and helped the chefs fathom the idiosyncrasies of our huge kitchen, its ovens, refrigerators, plumbing, etc.
Susie was resplendent in a gorgeous full-length Royal Blue, column, sweetheart, high-slit, sweep train, strapless evening dress. She welcomed the guests as they came into our handsome entrance hall with its oak archways and Victorian floor tiles. I stood beside her with a tray of champagne and Bucks Fizz.
My wife had never looked more beautiful. I felt like the luckiest maid/waitress in the world, though I also felt a little guilty that I wasn’t squiring her properly at this shindig, but I shuddered at the thought of pressing the flesh as Lord of the Manor all evening. When it seemed all the guests had arrived, I adjusted my apron, tidied my cap, and returned to the kitchen.
We were lucky with the weather, and the party started with drinks and nibbles on the lawn. I had never practised walking in high heels on grass, and came close to tripping a couple of times, which would have propelled a tray of hors d’oeuvres onto some unfortunate guest. I don’t think anyone noticed my stumbles, apart from my wife, of course. She didn’t seem to be able to take her eyes off me whenever I came near.
I overheard several guests asking Susie where her husband was. She told everyone that the Earl was away on business, and anyway he had thought it better not to intrude on the Company’s office party. When I served people out of Susie’s earshot I heard them comment that the new Earl seemed to be something of a recluse, which was true. He liked it that way. In social events such as this I was much happier as the waitress, or the maid, or whatever lowly role kept me firmly in the background.
As darkness fell, the party moved indoors. There was dancing to a small live band in the Great Hall, while all the ground floor reception rooms were available for flirting, social chitchat, and networking. I spent the evening scuttling in and out of the kitchen, offering trays of canapés, sandwiches, barbecued chicken legs, and endless glasses of champagne. Waitresses don’t have to make conversation and I’d never been happier at a posh party. Later on, when several of the male guests had enjoyed one glass of champagne too many, I even had my bottom pinched – not that I could feel it as he only gripped fake flesh. Luckily, I happened to look over my shoulder at just the right time to catch him in the act. He grinned saucily and walked away. When I was over the surprise, I felt flattered rather than aggrieved.
Company taxis and minibuses started arriving at midnight and the last guests left a little after one o’clock, leaving the catering staff, including me, to clear up. The chefs, being mostly men and paid twice as much for their expertise as us waitresses, had departed hours ago, when the last of the food had been cooked.
The team had brought all the glasses, plates, dishes and cutlery with them and would take them away, neatly stacked in special cases, to be washed at the company’s HQ. All we had to do was collect, and stack, and load up the van.
I had got to know most of the other waitresses during the evening and was enjoying gossiping with them while we were clearing up. Some of the guests had got very drunk and disgraced themselves badly, which gave us all a lot of amusement. Suddenly to everyone’s astonishment Susie swept in, donned a long bib apron over her beautiful dress, and started pitching in. I thought she’d gone to bed and was actually feeling a little bitter about it. I should have known her conscience wouldn’t let her leave me to be part of the clean-up crew without her.
She quickly showed herself to be a Countess with the common touch. She had us all enthralled with a ribald story of old Mr Wainwright’s clumsy attempts at feeling up Vivienne, his long-time secretary. According to Susie, Viv let him do what he wanted in the office behind closed doors, but this do was a little too public for her liking.
“She must be fifty, if she’s a day,” said Susie, a little cruelly, for her. It was then I realised she was more than a bit drunk herself.
“The Earl must be very confident to leave you alone with all those horny men, My Lady,” said one of the waitresses, emboldened by Susie’s approachability.
“Oh my husband is a very special guy,” she said. “None of those pompous idiots could hold a candle to him.”
She turned to me and pulled me in for a hug. Given what she’d just said, I was sure she was about to expose me in her sozzled state.
“I’m lucky with Martha too,” she said with a wink at me. “She’s not just a superb housekeeper. She’s also my best friend.”
I blushed deeply. Good recovery, M’Lady, I thought.
We both helped load up the company van with the dirty crockery and waved them all off at about two o’clock.
“We need to get to bed,” I said. “The J & J girls will be here for the clean-up at eight.”
“How do you think it went?” Susie asked, removing her apron.
“Seemed pretty successful to me,” I said. “Old Wainwright seemed to enjoy himself. Thanks for coming and helping with the tidying-up, by the way. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Well, I had a good time at the party while you were working your big round bottom off. It was the least I could do.”
“Or was it that you didn’t trust me alone with all those lively young women in the kitchen?”
“Like you didn’t trust me with all those thrusting young solicitors? Funnily enough, Martha, I wasn’t too worried about preserving your chastity,” she said with a scornful smirk. “There’s not much you’d be able to do, locked away as you are, is there? To make proper use of your equipment, your bed partner has to have the knack of unwrapping it. Shall I show you?”
“Yes please, M’Lady,” I said deferentially, curtseying deeply.
And she did.
* * *
Getting used to my place as full-time housekeeper and maid of all work, I was now always careful to curtsey and call Susie ‘M’Lady’. It started to feel natural, and completely appropriate for my role and appearance. I admitted to myself that I was actually happy in my work for nearly the first time since I’d inherited the title, and I wouldn’t have minded if my situation continued indefinitely. But I think Susie was starting to find it awkward, despite it having been her idea to treat me as her maid in the first place.
She decided we could be ourselves – more or less – when we were alone together in our bedroom, whose curtains remained closed. I made sure I always looked and acted as a maid whenever I was near a window that could be seen from the road, albeit only with powerful binoculars. It was unlikely we were being watched, but we could never be sure.
I kept all my Martha things in the little back bedroom which had once been hers, but at bedtime I padded along the corridor in my sleep bra, nightie, dressing gown and slippers, a bonnet on my head instead of my wig, and took my rightful place in the Countess’s boudoir.
The Earl Maid
By Susannah Donim
Rob is a shy and reserved young man, but an unexpected inheritance suddenly makes him the centre of attention. His wife helps him find a way of hiding in plain sight.
Chapter 5
The Countess brings in a private investigator to help counter the threat the Hadleighs are facing. Martha the maid goes undercover.
Towards the end of that week Treacher called at the Hall to give us an update. I let him in, continuing to play Martha the maid as he wasn’t in on my secret. I was used to being her now; it was less of an ordeal every day.
The first thing Treacher did was inspect our alarm system. I showed him to the little pantry where Empire had installed the controls and the monitors and unlocked the door for him. I was careful not to let him see any of the codes, but he was only interested in the makes and models of the various equipment. It was plain that he already knew how everything worked and approved strongly.
“They’ve done very well for you, Martha my dear,” he said, a little patronisingly. “This is the best value system on the market. Her Ladyship couldn’t have done much better if she’d paid ten times more.”
By now it was late afternoon, so I showed him into the drawing room where Madam was waiting and made to go and fetch refreshments. She stopped me with an imperious wave of her hand.
“A moment, please, Martha,” said my wife. She turned to the detective. “Would you mind waiting until she returns with the tea, Mr Treacher? With my husband away, Martha is my only confidant. I would like her to hear what you have to say.”
“No problem, My Lady,” he said. “Have you heard from His Lordship?”
“Not for a few days,” Susie was saying. “We agreed it was better if he didn’t try to make contact in case Beckett has found a way of listening in. Maybe that’s a little paranoid…”
“No, no, it’s a very sensible precaution,” he said.
I turned again to go to the kitchen.
“I don’t even know where he is now,” Susie continued smoothly. “He thought that was best. If I don’t know his whereabouts, I can’t give him away. He must have finished the business he went away for, and he really wants to come home, but…”
I didn’t hear any more of the conversation, but she’d hit the nail on the head there. The excitement of crossdressing was beginning to wear off now. My frilly underwear and maid uniforms were beginning to feel routine and normal.
I sensed that the thrills of cooking, cleaning and helping My Lady dress and undress weren’t going to last forever either. Actually that wasn’t fair. Susie still did most of the cooking, being much better than me. That left me to do the clearing up.
I returned to the drawing room with the tray. A quick curtsey to Madam and I poured the tea and passed out little cakes and biscuits. That done, I took my place on a hard-backed chair next to my mistress, my hands folded demurely over my apron. Susie suppressed a giggle, but I was still quite enjoying play-acting Martha the maid in company. It was a matter of personal pride to get it right, not just a desperate need not to be caught out.
“The first thing I found out about Beckett,” Treacher began, “is that, while he is widely known to be a member of the criminal fraternity, he is not himself a thief; that is, he’s not a burglar or armed robber, or anything like that. He has his fingers in various pies as a middleman. I suppose the best term for him would be ‘fence’. He has an extensive network for the disposal of stolen property. So actual villains come to him with the proceeds of their thievery and he sells them on, taking a percentage for himself.”
“That sounds rather high profile,” suggested my wife, the high-flying young solicitor, who I knew had done a certain amount of criminal work as part of her training. “Surely the police must be aware of this?”
“Oh yes, My Lady,” Treacher agreed, dunking a digestive biscuit in his tea, “but they’ve never been able to get any evidence on him. I don’t think he’s especially clever, but he is careful, and he’s well-protected. He only deals with people he knows – often members of his extended family – and because he is so useful to them, his customers look after him. The police have found it impossible to get anyone to talk.”
“And you’ve been more successful?”
“I know people, who know people, who know him,” Treacher smiled. “Some of them are his competitors and might be willing to air a little of his dirty laundry. I’m working on it. Best of all would be if we could find one of his stores. If we can tip off the police where there might be some stolen property that he hasn’t managed to dispose of yet…”
“You’d still have to tie him to it though,” said Susie, “and if he’s as careful as you say…”
“Agreed, but if it’s a storage facility, or even a lock-up garage rented from the local council, there’d be records.”
It still sounded optimistic to me. I got up to offer more tea.
“Thank you, Martha,” he said as I poured.
“I did have one other idea,” he said, “but it’s not entirely without risk.”
He paused to gauge our reactions. I sat down again. We must have looked encouraging as he quickly went on.
“Beckett keeps an office in town. It’s above a Chinese takeaway. Yesterday I watched it from lunchtime onwards. He was there all day, apart from quick trips to the corner shop for food and drinks. He left at about five o’clock in a big black estate car – a Mercedes E class. It was parked in a reserved space in front of the building. Traffic was heavy but there weren’t many intersections or traffic lights in the direction he went, so I was able to follow him without risking being spotted. He eventually turned into a property on the Langdale Estate.”
“Those are nice houses,” Susie said. “One of our Partners lives up there. His place backs onto the golf course.”
“Indeed. Beckett’s house is a four-bedroom detached with a large garden,” Treacher agreed. “I did some checking later, and I saw why I hadn’t been able to get his home address from the usual sources. He’s not the registered owner. Seems he lives with his mother and the property is in her name. She’s a widow in her early eighties. I watched the house for the rest of the evening and he never left.”
He paused to take another biscuit. I marvelled at the self-discipline and patience required to be a private eye. He had sat in his car watching nothing much happening all afternoon and all evening. I wondered what he did about food and drink during these vigils, and going to the toilet…
I glanced at Susie. She was looking at me, a little crossly, I thought. She quickly cast her eyes down my person, her brow furrowed. I realised I was sitting like a man. I had allowed my knees to open wide. I quickly snapped them together. Treacher didn’t seem to have noticed. He’d dunked and finished his fourth biscuit.
“When all the lights at the house finally went out, at about midnight, I returned to his office,” he resumed. “The sign on the door says, ‘J Beckett & Associates, Independent Trading Co’.”
“Like Del Trotter in Only Fools and Horses,” Susie said. Treacher smiled and nodded.
“I doubt he keeps anything valuable there,” he said, “because both the door to the street and his office door were easy to pick, and there was no alarm…”
“You broke in?” said Susie, doubtfully.
“Certainly,” he said, “although ‘breaking in’ puts it a bit strongly. He might as well have left both doors open really. The street was quiet and deserted. Anyway, it was just an ordinary office. There were two desks – I guess he must have an occasional secretary although I didn’t see one yesterday afternoon. One desk had an old computer and a printer; the other just had a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse, all with dangling wires. So I suppose he must carry a laptop around which he plugs into the kit on the desk when he’s in the office. There was also a filing cabinet, which was nearly empty. No interesting names or addresses, just a few boring invoices. I took pictures of most of them, and I’ll look at them more carefully later, but I don’t expect they’ll be any use. There was no safe.”
“Disappointing,” said Susie, “especially after the risk you took.”
“No risk really, My Lady,” Treacher smiled. “I do this for a living.”
I was impressed by his sangfroid, and his dedication. I would have been terrified of being caught by the police, or even worse, by one of Beckett’s thuggish friends.
“So he got back home at half-past five yesterday evening and left at eight-thirty this morning,” Treacher continued. “He went straight to the office and he’s been there most of the day. He had several early visitors, some of them carrying large suitcases. In the middle of the morning he brought the suitcases down and put them in the back of his car. I tried to follow but he went through the centre of town this time and I lost him in traffic. I drove over to his house in Langdale in case he’d gone home by a different route, but he definitely wasn’t there, so I went back to the office. He returned after about an hour and a half and he was still there when I left to come here.”
He paused to make sure we were still with him. We were agog.
“So you think his customers are bringing him stolen goods in those suitcases, and he goes off to put them in storage somewhere?” Susie said.
“That does seem likely, yes.”
“Why do you think they don’t meet at wherever he stores the loot?” Susie asked.
“That would be riskier, I should think,” Treacher said. “The police might be watching any of his customers. Many of them would be known criminals. This way only Beckett ever goes to his store, and he can take care that he isn’t followed.”
“It still seems a little risky for him, doesn’t it?” Susie persisted. “I mean, if the police were watching his office… or if they found some reason to stop him when his car was full of stolen goods.”
“Ah yes…” Treacher agreed. He hesitated. “…which is why I suspect he has friends in high places. Or at least at the local constabulary.”
Susie was nodding. “So there really wouldn’t have been any point in us reporting his visit here, would there?”
“Probably not, My Lady. The report would just have been lost in the system, I’m afraid.”
Susie looked thoughtful, as well she might. If Beckett had crooked cops on his side, our position looked even more bleak. She sighed.
“It’s a pity you couldn’t follow him this morning,” she said, eventually.
“I doubt he would have let me,” he said. “He might not have been on his guard when he was just on his way home, but I suspect he’d soon detect a tail when he had a car full of stolen goods.”
Susie nodded. Despite what you see in TV thrillers, she knew how difficult it is to follow someone for several miles through the streets of an English town without being spotted.
“He doesn’t seem to work from home at all,” Treacher continued, “but his mother’s house has toughened double-glazed windows, and doors with deadbolts, and a state-of-the-art alarm system. The old lady is there pretty much all the time too. I reckon it’s the most likely place he’d keep his vital records. It would be good to get inside and have a look.”
“Why wouldn’t he keep the important stuff on his laptop?” said Susie. “I do.”
“He might,” Treacher agreed, “but it wouldn’t be more secure. That’s a mistake a lot of people make. You need to back up your data regularly in case the laptop is lost, damaged or stolen. Few people take back-ups often enough. If your back-up is in the Cloud, it may be hacked. And if you ever do lose the thing, the disk had better be encrypted or your precious data will be easy to read. No; paper records may be less convenient but they’re much easier to secure.”
My wife was looking a little pale. I assumed her data – that is, her company’s data – was anything but safe on her laptop.
“So how are you going to get inside?” she asked.
I wanted to ask the same question, but of course as the maid it wasn’t my place to speak. It was also better for me to hold my peace. Treacher was sharp. I couldn’t be sure my Martha voice wouldn’t raise his suspicions.
“The cleaning company,” he said. “I saw their van at the end of the road, so I went and had a chat. Two of them were just coming out of one of the posher houses. Cleaning ladies are often the chatty types, especially if you cross their palms with silver, as it were. I was lucky – they do Mrs Beckett’s house too. She has them for two hours once a week, first thing on Wednesday morning.”
“How does that help?” Susie asked, but I could see where he was going with this.
“You use the same company, don’t you? J & J Home Counties Housekeeping? I thought you could ask their manager to let us send in an operative as a cleaner. Once inside she could have a sniff round. Does Beckett use a room in his Mum’s house as a home office? Has he left any useful papers lying around on his desk? Or in a drawer?”
“I see what you mean about it being ‘not entirely without risk’,” Susie said dubiously. “If Beckett catches her snooping, he might kill her.”
“We’ll do what we can to mitigate the risk,” Treacher said confidently. “I’ll watch Beckett and the house every day till next Wednesday, to confirm his pattern of movements. We won’t send in anyone till we’re confident he won’t show up during that time.”
“I want to do it,” I said, speaking for the first time.
Treacher looked at me in surprise. Susie looked at me in astonishment.
“No, no, Martha,” she said hurriedly. “It’s much too dangerous.”
“Begging your pardon, M’Lady, but I think I have to. I understand the sort of thing I need to look for.” She looked as though she was about to make further objections, but I added hurriedly, “I’m in as much danger from Beckett as you are, Ma’am, after all.”
Treacher was watching me thoughtfully.
“She would be ideal, My Lady,” he said. “She’d fit right in with the other J & J cleaning ladies. No one would imagine she was an investigator.”
I wasn’t too pleased at being characterised as a harmless-looking charlady, but when the shoe fits…
“We’ll have to talk to the manager of J & J,” said Treacher. “Do you know her well enough to ask for her cooperation?”
“I think so,” sighed Susie, recognising that this was going to happen whether she wanted it to or not. “We’ve put a lot of business her way. I’ll give her a call.”
“Let’s all exchange phone numbers,” Treacher said, “in case of emergencies.”
We agreed. I envisaged an emergency where Beckett or one of his brutes was beating me up and Treacher rushed in to help the apparent ‘damsel in distress’. Which would probably just lead to him getting beaten up as well. He didn’t look any more useful in a fight than I did, and I looked like a middle-aged housemaid.
“One last thing,” he said. “I suggest you change the codes on your alarm system. I know you’ve only just done all that, but there has been a spate of burglaries in the area, and many of the victims’ houses have had state-of-the-art alarm systems much like yours. It’s led me to wonder whether someone at one of the security companies might be on the fiddle.”
“You mean, selling alarm system data to thieves?” Susie was appalled.
“Exactly,” Treacher confirmed, “but with the system you have, the security company doesn’t have access to the master console, so if you change the codes now, they won’t see the new ones.”
It seemed a very sensible precaution. We went together to the pantry. He showed me how to change the numbers but left the room before I did it. Susie and I were now the only people who knew the codes for the gates and the doors of the house and garage.
“The system will also automatically update all your RFID tags and the transponders in your vehicles,” he said. “Better make sure you can account for all of them.”
“It’s nice to have a big, strong man to look after us, isn’t it, Martha?” said Susie, with a wink that Treacher couldn’t see.
He smiled modestly. “My pleasure, Ma’am,” he said.
I gave her a weak smile and the most sarcastic curtsey I could manage.
* * *
Mrs Jackson came straight round later that afternoon, again eager to oblige the nobility. She was rather less keen when she heard what we wanted. Susie explained our situation – without revealing my true identity – and why we needed to find out everything we could about Jack Beckett.
“I understand your predicament, My Lady, and I sympathise, I really do,” she said, “but you want me to send Martha to one of my existing customers, just so she can spy on her?”
“We realise we’re asking a lot, Sally,” said my wife, “but Martha will be very careful, and if she is caught, there will be no reason for anyone to think that J & J were involved. We’ll say that financial pressures have forced us to cut back on Martha’s hours, and she has had to look for additional cleaning work to make ends meet. Your teams are here at Hadleigh Hall two or three times a week, so she already knows you and many of your staff. It would be natural for her to apply to J & J first for additional cleaning work.”
“I suppose so…”
“You’d have ‘plausible deniability’.”
“Mm, yes…”
Susie was very good at this sort of thing. Certainly, I’d never beaten her in an argument. I could see Sally was half convinced. She was weighing up the cost of losing Mrs Beckett as a client against losing all the work she was currently getting at Hadleigh Hall…
“Well, all right,” she said, “but she needs to start with us immediately. It would look too suspicious if the first J & J customer she worked for was Mrs Beckett.”
“Yes, I see that,” Susie agreed. “So what do you suggest?”
“Well, let me see,” Sally began, “today’s Thursday.” She turned to me. “Are you free tomorrow, Martha?”
“With Her Ladyship’s permission I can be. Yes, Ma’am,” I confirmed.
“As it happens, Chloe, one of our longest-serving girls, is about to go on maternity leave, which will leave her usual partner, Fleur, needing to break in someone new. Also Fleur doesn’t drive and has to rely on Chloe to get them to their clients’ houses, so I need to partner her with someone who has a car. You have a little yellow Polo, don’t you, Martha? I saw you in it the last time I was here.”
She pulled a tablet out of her handbag and opened it at her Calendar.
“If you come over to our office at say, eleven tomorrow morning, I can get you set up on our system. Then you can go out with Fleur and Chloe on their afternoon job.”
She flipped through more entries in her schedule.
“We are next due at Mrs Beckett’s house on Wednesday. I suggest that Martha should work with Fleur all day Monday and Tuesday, so that by then everyone will assume she’s just another full-time employee.”
“You should expect to carry on working with Fleur till at least the end of next week though, Martha,” said my wife, with just a hint of an apology, “whether you find what we need or not.”
“I was going to suggest the same,” said Sally with a smile, “to allay any suspicions.”
So now in addition to being my wife’s lady’s maid, I was going to be both a full-time cleaning lady and a part-time spy; the Mata Hari of the scrubbing brush; the Modesty Blaise of the vacuum cleaner.
* * *
Sally had instructed me to bring my – that is, Martha’s – National Insurance and bank account details with me on Friday morning, so I had to go to ‘my’ cottage in ‘my’ little car first to find them. Fortunately Martha – the other Martha – was tidy and methodical with her important documents, and I had no difficulty finding everything I needed in a chest of drawers in her bedroom. I would also have to show my new employer my driving licence as proof of identity.
I had asked Sally what I should wear, and she said ‘something neat but comfortable’. Some of her clients liked their cleaning ladies to wear maid’s uniforms, but that was rare. She would issue me with a tabard with the J & J logo. I could wear smart trousers or black leggings underneath. Jeans were not permitted. A dark dress would be suitable too, but that would require tights, which I would probably find uncomfortable for hard cleaning work at this time of year. I should tie my hair back, or wear a headscarf. Trainers or ballet flats would be fine on my feet, as long as they were clean.
All of these (except shoes which I already had) were easy to find at the cottage in the other Martha’s well-organised cupboards. I decided on a pair of comfortable-looking black polyester trousers with an elasticated waist. I could wear short nylon socks and black flats with those. I found a pretty floral blouse to go with them and tried it all on.
It was the first time I had worn trousers since my transformation. My maid’s uniforms didn’t exactly conceal my over-generous curves, but this ensemble emphasised them to an embarrassing degree. When I examined my rear view in the wardrobe mirror, I was astonished at the dimensions of my backside. How could I go out looking like this?
But as I twirled and stared at myself critically in the mirror, I gradually found myself letting go of my other identities – Rob Dixon, schoolteacher, Lord Marsham, Earl of Hadleigh, etc, etc – and found that Martha Manners, housekeeper, lady’s maid, and soon-to-be cleaning lady, was taking me over. She – I – looked fine for what I was, no supermodel, but a decent-looking, working-class woman with nothing to be ashamed of (and with a world-class butt).
I could do this. I might even enjoy it. I wondered again if Susie had been right. Would I prefer being a maid to being an Earl?
* * *
J & J’s headquarters were on the ground floor of a small office block in a business park on the outskirts of town. Four parking spaces were reserved for them round the back of the building. Two were occupied by nine-seater minibuses; a BMW 5-series was in the third. The fourth was vacant, so I parked the Polo there.
Sally’s office was small, tidy and utilitarian, a reflection of her efficient, no-nonsense personality. The outside door was open, so I went straight in, fervently hoping that my disguise was as good as we thought it was.
Sally was the only person in sight and she was on the telephone. She smiled and waved me to a seat. I took off my outer coat (pink reversible quilted bomber jacket, Marks & Spencer) and hung it and my handbag on a coat hook behind the door. I took my tax and National Insurance documents out of my bag, and sat down. I looked around me while I waited for my new boss to finish her call.
Sally’s workstation was a big L-shaped desk in the corner of the room next to a window which looked out onto the street. Apart from a small computer and its accessories, the only things on the surface were about half a dozen green folders with names on the covers in large, neat writing.
A similar desk, currently unoccupied, was to her right. It had several computers on it, some of which didn’t look like bog-standard office machines at all. I wondered, idly, why a cleaning company would need so many. Presumably, this was J & J’s IT Department, run by her husband, the software engineer.
There was a cupboard with sliding doors along the wall to my right. The other walls were covered in A1-size laminated weekly planners showing customers and their allocated cleaners for each day of the week – including Saturdays and Sundays, which were less crowded than weekdays but far from bare. J & J was obviously doing very well. I noticed that ‘Hadleigh Hall’ cropped up often, as far as I could remember, always the morning after we were hosting some society meeting.
I heard Sally making goodbye noises to her caller, so I turned back to give her my full attention.
“Good morning, Martha,” she said, with a smile. “Do you have your documentation?”
I confirmed that I had brought everything she had asked for. I placed the papers on her desk. She was rummaging in a drawer and brought out a form.
“Could you fill this in, please?”
She passed me a ballpoint pen with ‘J & J Home Counties Housekeeping’ embossed on the barrel. I pulled my chair up to the other side of her desk and started. I just hoped I would remember everything I needed to know about my Martha identity. When was my date of birth? Oh yes, 23rd June 1981, which makes me thirty-nine. That would mean the real Martha was deemed a ‘geriatric mother’ to have a first baby at her age. I hoped her fiancé was looking after her properly.
Meanwhile Sally had taken a key from her handbag and gone over to the cupboard. She unlocked it and slid the door back. I saw several pink and grey smocks with the ‘J & J’ logo on the left breast. There were also a few maid’s uniforms in similar colours. She reached in and fetched down a grey smock, checking the size as she did so.
“I think you’ll need a ‘Large’,” she said, with a smile, “but not ‘XL’.”
I slipped it on over my blouse and leggings, and she showed me how to fasten it. I glanced at myself in a small mirror on the cupboard door. I looked like a proper cleaning lady. I stopped worrying about the effectiveness of my disguise. No one could possibly doubt what I was. I was a middle-aged, working-class charlady with no resemblance whatever to a reclusive male peer of the realm.
I thanked Sally, then sat back down to carry on with the form. No one memorises their National Insurance number, do they? So I had to refer to one of the papers on the desk. After the personal details, most of the form was about diseases and criminal convictions – ‘none’, ‘none’. The rest was a checklist of indemnities. Apparently, we cleaning ladies are self-employed contractors, so J & J weren’t liable if I was injured on the job. Better not get injured then, I thought, as I doubted I had the necessary personal insurance for a cleaning injury. I finished the form with no trouble and gave it back to her.
“Fleur will be back a little after twelve,” she said. “The two of you can go to lunch and get to know each other. In the meantime, please would you read this? It’s our company’s standards. We have work instructions for every type of cleaning job. All new members of staff get these when they join. We have a reputation to uphold, you see. We are a premium service. Our staff are required to be conscientious. We don’t tolerate slapdash work and I conduct surprise inspections to make sure everyone follows the guidelines.”
I hope I can live up to all that. I settled down to study the ‘work instructions’ for my new job. Teaching Maths to rowdy thirteen-year-olds looked easy by comparison.
* * *
I recognised Fleur immediately, as she had been to clean Hadleigh Hall a couple of times after LADS rehearsals or other society meetings. She was lovely: open, friendly, and very attractive. She remembered seeing me – actually the other Martha – around Hadleigh Hall when she’d been there, but she’d never spoken to her (me) and wasn’t clear what her (my) role was. I explained that I was officially the housekeeper, but thanks to the previous Earl’s extravagance, they could only afford a part-time maid, so I had to supplement my income by working for J & J.
Fleur was gossipy, even with a near stranger like me, but she talked about her friends, relatives and co-workers with no hint of malice. She seemed to be laughing all the time. Over lunch at the local pub she told outrageous tales of her many boyfriends, two of whom called her within the same ten-minute interval to ask her out. She happily agreed to dates with both of them. As she had just been telling me about the oversized penis of one of the lucky applicants, we both burst into hysterical laughter the instant she hung up. I soon felt like I had known her all my life. But I was glad I was just her new girlfriend, and that I wasn’t competing for her favours with all the young men in the Eastern Counties.
She was about the same as my real age, and therefore about fifteen years younger than my new Martha self. She was single – obviously – and lived with her mother, who she said had worked as a cleaner too when she was Fleur’s age. Indeed, the firm had been set up by her grandmother. I wasn’t sure how that worked, as I’d thought J & J was founded by the Jacksons, but maybe her granny had founded some other firm. Sally Jackson seemed to be very busy buying or merging with other cleaning companies. Anyway, Fleur wasn’t interested in such details. I soon realised that she wasn’t stupid; she was just ‘differently clever’. She certainly remembered all the details about her suitors and the complicated schedule of her dating life, and that was all that really mattered to her.
We had just about finished our burgers and white wine spritzers when another pretty young woman joined us. This was Chloe, Fleur’s cousin. She was a little older, a little more sensible, and at least six months pregnant. It was soon evident how close the two girls were. They had a long, shared history of childhood, adolescence and young womanhood; they laughed at the same things, an instant before I had got the joke; and they finished each other’s sentences. They were both looking forward to the birth of Chloe’s child, who was clearly going to be blessed with the equivalent of two mothers. That got me thinking about when Susie and I would be starting our own family.
“I know that look,” said Fleur, with a twinkle in her eye. “Chloe’s big round tummy is making you broody, isn’t it, Martha?”
I laughed and nodded. I was relieved that neither girl had any inkling that I was anything other than Martha, thirty-nine, housemaid, single.
“But you need a man for having a baby,” I sighed, theatrically, “and that pleasure seems to be passing me by.”
It didn’t seem appropriate for me to be claiming Davey as mine. Fleur had already shown how nosey she was, albeit in a friendly, inoffensive way. I would have to make things up to answer her inevitable questions about my lover. That would lead to unnecessary complications.
“Hah!” she snorted. “OK, Chloe’s lucky. Harry the Plumber is a real catch; a proper gent, loyal, and hard-working. But you only need a man for a very short time – about five minutes in most cases, I find. Often less, unfortunately.”
Chloe laughed and I joined in, but I don’t think either of us agreed with her thinking.
“I wouldn’t want to be doing this without Harry,” Chloe said, serious for a moment. “It’s scary sometimes.”
* * *
I pulled the Polo into the driveway of a mock-Tudor four-bedroom detached house in a leafy boulevard named, almost inevitably, Acacia Avenue, although I was pretty sure the majority of the trees in view were planes and birches. We were on the opposite side of town from Hadleigh village, and I couldn’t remember ever having been here before. The neighbourhood wasn’t familiar to me but there was plenty of wealth in evidence here.
Today was to be Chloe’s last day at J & J, at least for the moment. She would come along to the afternoon cleaning job. I would be shadowing her; or perhaps I should say that I would be doing her work while she told me what to do and how to do it. From Monday I would be expected to take her place completely.
“You’ll have to be the sensible one now, Martha,” Chloe said, struggling to get her ungainly figure out of the passenger seat of my little car.
“I thought I was the sensible one,” declared Fleur from the back, pretending to be offended.
Chloe and I both laughed. She went to ring the doorbell. Meanwhile Fleur fetched a basket of cleaning materials from the boot. We would always use detergents and disinfectants provided by the client if we could, but we took our own in case she didn’t have what we needed (and we were supposed to charge her for it with a decent mark-up – Sally Jackson didn’t miss a trick). I put on my headscarf and locked the car.
Our Friday afternoon client was a Mrs Trubshaw. She kept us waiting for a couple of minutes before she opened the door. She was a young, run-off-her-feet mother of two. She held a grizzling baby on her hip, a little girl judging by the amount of pink she was sporting. Bangs and thumps from upstairs indicated the presence of an older child running amok.
“Come in, girls,” said Mrs Trubshaw happily. “How are you, Chloe? Stopped throwing up yet? Bet you’re looking forward to it all being over. Just don’t go thinking life will get any easier afterwards.”
She laughed. I thought that if all our clients were as nice as her, this coming week would be quite tolerable. We trooped in, at which point Mrs Trubshaw noticed me.
“So this is Martha, is it?” she said. “I’m Linda. If you’re half as good as Chloe, you’re very welcome, and I might not miss her too much. Tea, everyone?”
We followed Linda into a large L-shaped kitchen-stroke-morning room.
“Would you do the honours, Fleur?” she said. “I’m gasping and this one needs feeding.”
Fleur went to put the kettle on and get the tea things out. Linda sat down at the dining table and undid her front-fastening maternity bra. The baby latched on to the exposed breast hungrily. As a naïve male (underneath my ample feminine curves) I wasn’t used to strange women exposing themselves so casually, but I tried to take it in my stride, as no doubt the real Martha would have done. Welcome to the distaff side, Rob.
“So what would you like us to do this afternoon, Linda?” Chloe asked.
“Oh, the bathrooms as usual, please, dear,” she said, “and there’s a pile of ironing; a once-over everywhere with the vacuum; and if there’s any time left after that, could you have a go at the kitchen? It’s ages since my last spring-clean, and it’s starting to look a bit grubby. I never realised how much gets spilled with two little ones about.”
“We should be able to manage that,” said Chloe, “especially since there’s three of us this week.”
“Oh I thought you weren’t going to be working today, what with… your… you know?”
“As I keep telling my husband, I’m pregnant, not disabled,” laughed Chloe. “I can at least do the ironing. Martha can do all the bending and scrubbing.”
I wasn’t sure that ‘bending and scrubbing’ would be any easier for me with my unfamiliar excess blubber than it was for Chloe with her little baby bump, but I could hardly say so.
Linda swapped the baby over to her other breast. We chatted quietly and inconsequentially over our tea while the little one was filling her tank. All three of us watched the tiny glutton with undisguised affection.
“Broody,” said Chloe, pointing at me. Fleur and Linda chuckled quietly.
When it seemed the baby was starting to doze off, her mother rose carefully, rubbing the little one’s back gently. She burped suddenly and a mouthful of undigested milk dribbled down onto Linda’s shoulder. She didn’t seem to notice.
“I’m going to put her down for a nap,” she said. “Then I’ll see what her brother’s up to. He was supposed to be building something with his Lego, but it sounded like he was more into demolition.”
After finishing her tea, Fleur went off upstairs to do the family bathroom and the master bedroom en suite. Chloe had me start the ironing, at which I quickly proved myself to be inept. I began with one of Linda’s husband’s shirts but was taking much too long over it.
“Gosh, anyone would think you’d never done any ironing before,” she tutted, probably not suspecting how close to the truth she was.
“Sorry, Chloe, but I’ve never had to iron a man’s shirt,” I said, a little embarrassed. “You’d better show me.”
Well, fair enough, I thought. As Martha I had no husband with shirts to iron; and Rob’s shirts had always been ironed by my wife, the Countess, or my mother, the Dowager Countess.
“I better had,” she agreed. “Fleur hates ironing, so you’ll have to get used to it.”
In the next half hour I learned how to iron every kind of garment efficiently. I also learned how to make sure the iron was at the right temperature for every fabric, and not to use a hot iron to get creases out of bras. We both wondered how there had come to be so many gaps in my education.
When my lesson was complete I was sent off to do the vacuuming while Chloe carried on with the remaining ironing. She had to remind me to flick round each room with a duster before vacuuming, which I had never done in the private quarters at Hadleigh Hall. It made sense when I thought about it, although it had never occurred to me. I realised I still had a lot to learn to become a decent cleaning lady. I vacuumed all the main rooms and found to my surprise that I was quite enjoying myself. It was calming, almost zen.
When the three of us had finished our individual jobs, we still had half an hour left, so we convened to blitz the kitchen, as Linda had requested. Fleur and Chloe emptied the cabinets, sorting out all the tins and bottles and condiments and preserves, and putting aside for disposal all those that were past their ‘Use By’ dates. Then they set to work cleaning cupboards which had probably been undisturbed for decades. As the new girl, I was tasked with cleaning the oven, a job which I did not enjoy as much as I had the ironing and vacuuming.
Linda was delighted with our efforts. She was even happier when Chloe assured her she would only be charged for two people’s time as I was still ‘in training’. She insisted in giving us each a £10 tip, which I realised was practically the only cash I had in my purse.
As I drove my two fellow cleaning ladies back to town, I decided I hadn’t had as good a workday for as long as I could remember. It was much better than teaching surly teenagers who couldn’t see the point of Maths.
I dropped the girls back at the J & J office and arranged to meet Fleur there at eight o’clock on Monday morning. As I turned the Polo back towards Hadleigh Hall, I realised I was looking forward to it already.
* * *
“What are you doing?”
“Cleaning,” I said, my head stuck in one of the huge ovens. I backed out to address my mistress – I mean, wife – directly. “What does it look like?”
“Don’t be cheeky, Martha,” she said with a grin. “It looks like my beloved husband, the Earl of Hadleigh, has started taking his masquerade a little too seriously. Mind you, your big round backside poking out of that oven made me think the real Martha was back.”
I sighed and stood up. I had been kneeling on a folded towel to protect my tights from laddering. I reached up to tuck a strand of hair back up under my cap, but I was wearing yellow kitchen gloves to protect my hands from the harsh oven cleaning chemicals, and I didn’t want them anywhere near my face. I brushed down my disposable polythene apron, which had ridden up while I was down on my knees.
“I had to clean an oven at a client’s house today,” I explained. “I’d never done it before, and it was hard work, but it looked so much better afterwards. I just wondered when our ovens were last cleaned. I don’t think J & J ever did it – well, we never asked them…”
“So ask them next time they’re here,” Susie said. “You don’t have to do it. You’re the master of the house, for Heaven’s sake!”
“Not at the moment, I’m not,” I sighed. “Anyway the other Martha always did several hours of cleaning after we’d had an event here, even when J & J had done most of the tidying up.”
“So because she did it, you think you have to?”
“Yes, I do! Look, My Lady, you’re our only breadwinner and you’re working so hard. I have to do everything I can – look after the house, and so on – to be sure I’m doing my share. Anyway, I’m just trying to make my impersonation as accurate as possible. I can’t afford to give myself away when I’m out and about as her. If I think like Martha, I’ll act like Martha. If I act like Martha, no one will suspect me of being Rob. It’s quite an interesting challenge actually…”
I stopped, and looked hard at Susie, trying to read the expression on her face.
“Is this a problem?” I asked.
“Not at all,” she said. “Any woman would be happy to have such a diligent maid. You’re a blessing for a busy Countess.” She grinned with a calculating look on her face. “I can go back to treating you as the maid properly, if you like.”
“Well…” I wasn’t too sure about that. “…I suppose that might help… but you have to drop it when we’re alone together – in the bedroom, I mean.”
“I think I can manage that,” she smirked. “By the way you have a ladder in your tights, Martha. I’m very disappointed in you.”
“I’m sorry, M’Lady.” I found myself curtseying. “I’ll see to it immediately, M’Lady.”
She laughed and turned to go back to work. I returned to scouring the oven.
“You can vacuum my office area when you’ve finished that, Martha,” she called over her shoulder. “It’s a pigsty.”
“Yes, M’Lady,” I answered, automatically.
* * *
“Maiding is dangerous work,” I said in bed that night. “I’ve got cuts all over my hands.”
“Really?” Susie said. “How did you get them?”
“By catching them on sharp edges while I was scrubbing the oven, the kitchen cupboards, the shower door, the double-glazing… I burnt myself on the iron too. Also I have bruises on my elbows and hips, from banging into things when carrying heavy buckets, or vacuuming in tight spaces.”
“Have you got Housemaid’s Knee yet?”
“Very funny. No.”
“Well, if your knees are in good shape, you can make use of them while I lie back and think of England.”
“OK, but you’ll need to unzip me first…”
She reached under my nightie to liberate my weaponry. After a little practice we could do it in the dark now.
* * *
On Saturday morning we notified the Empire people that we were going out for a while. I put on one of Martha’s summer dresses, while this Indian Summer lasted, and a warm cardigan, in case it didn’t. The skirt was a little short on me and, being inexperienced, I overdid my make-up. Susie didn’t tell me that until we were well on our way. She laughed and said I looked like a floozy, and I’d better be careful to keep my legs together or the boys could get the wrong idea.
First we went round to the cottage to pick up Martha’s mail. There was nothing much there as she had arranged to forward any important letters to her fiancé’s address. I also collected some more clothes, mostly warmer dresses and tops. I had hoped that I wouldn’t need to be Martha for this long. I wondered how on earth I was going to explain it to my mother if I was still a maid/cleaning lady at Christmas.
Susie dropped me at Transformations for my check-up, while she went off to do some shopping in town. Vera was her usual upbeat self, assuring me how well I was doing at being Martha, clearly under the mistaken impression that I would regard that as a good thing, rather than an acute embarrassment. Still, being found out would have been even more embarrassing, and quite possibly lethal. So… swings and roundabouts.
The adhesive on my prostheses was still holding fast, and it took her quite some time and a lot of solvent to remove them all. She washed each piece carefully with detergent and put it on a side table to dry.
It’s amazing what you can get used to. I’d been a housemaid for a while now, and it was quite a shock to see Rob Marsham emerging from underneath Martha’s flabby figure and plump cheeks. Rob seemed… insubstantial. As Martha I was anything but. And not just because I was bigger and heavier. I was confident as Martha, and she had real presence – even when I was required by my role to fade into the background. But after twenty-five years on the planet, I still didn’t really know who Rob was. It seemed the only person who did was Susie.
Having gently pried the prostheses off, Vera subjected me to another waxing.
“Much less stubble to clear up,” she said. “It shouldn’t be anything like as bad this time.”
And it wasn’t, but my skin was red and raw after the removal of the prostheses and the waxing, so she gave me a delightful massage all over with a sweet-smelling lotion. And I mean ‘all over’.
“That’s the hormone cream again, is it?” I asked.
“Same as last time,” she said. “It definitely makes the removal of your body hair easier though, doesn’t it?” I had to agree. “And you haven’t noticed any side effects?” No, I hadn’t.
“Your beard growth is much less noticeable this time too,” she added. “Close shave next, then I can put your face back on, and after that, your body.”
Three quarters of an hour later Martha was back in all her glory.
“I think we can leave it two weeks till your next appointment,” Vera said, reaching for her iPad.
I agreed and we arranged a date. Privately I thought I would be back earlier than that to be rid of my disguise for good. Either that or I’d be in hospital after a confrontation with Beckett.
Her work completed, Vera went off to get us some coffee. As I was putting my bra and knickers back on, I took the opportunity to examine myself properly in her mirror. I felt fat and… unattractive. I told myself it was illogical to care about that, but then logic isn’t everything, is it?
I put my dress and cardy back on, then went to wait at Reception for Susie to return.
I told her all about the appointment and she commiserated with me for its unpleasantness. It was obvious she was glad to see her lady’s maid back. I had the feeling she would have been disappointed if I had returned as her husband. But maybe that was my paranoia.
* * *
Sunday, we decided, was Martha’s day off, and her mistress would treat her to a pub lunch, after which we would go for a walk to take our minds off our troubles. We looked for somewhere far away from anyone who might know us, where we could be equal companions, rather than mistress and maid. With a restricted choice, I put on another old-fashioned summer dress, and Susie picked out one of her older and shabbier ones, so I didn’t look too much the poor relation. We texted Empire that we would be out for the afternoon and set off in the Audi convertible, Susie driving of course.
In the pub we still had to be careful. Susie had to call me Martha and we couldn’t show any more affection than was appropriate for a twenty-something woman and a female companion nearly twice her age. This was tiresome, but we didn’t want to attract attention. She suggested I could be her aunt, and insisted on calling me ‘Auntie’ throughout lunch in case anyone overheard our conversation.
Afterwards we changed our high heels for trainers and went for a walk in the Chiltern Hills. It was a beautiful day but we had apparently chosen one of the less popular routes, because we came upon very few fellow ramblers. So we could be ourselves for pretty much the first time since the fateful Pink Ladies meeting. I had almost forgotten what the name, ‘Rob’, sounded like in Susie’s voice. It was wonderful.
But the thought of my new life as Martha, the cleaning lady and undercover detective, was never far from my mind, and the working week would come round all too soon.
* * *
Bright and early on Monday morning, neatly turned out in my stretchy black trousers, another floral blouse, and my J & J tabard, I picked Fleur up at the company office. She brought a basket of cleaning products and dropped it in the boot of the Polo.
We met at eight o’clock so as to get to the client by eight-fifteen. She had the school run to do and then had to get to her office in town. She had yelled at Fleur and Chloe when they were a minute late once. So after Linda Trubshaw, who was a sweetie, I wasn’t looking forward to working for Alice Battersby, who sounded like a bitch. But I never had the chance to assess my second client properly, as the moment I pulled the Polo onto her drive at eight-thirteen-and-a-half, she and her three children were out of the house and into their huge Chelsea tractor.
“Morning!” she yelled. “There’s a list of jobs on the kitchen table. Don’t forget to lock up after you!”
There was a moment’s pause when she realised I wasn’t Chloe, but it was only a moment. She obviously didn’t think I was worth stopping to chat to. Then with another brusque cry of “Seatbelts!”, which I assumed was aimed at the kids, the giant SUV roared off towards town.
“She’s always like that,” Fleur grinned, and led the way into the house, Mrs Battersby having left the front door open for us.
The Battersby residence was bigger than the Trubshaws. It looked like a standard four-bed but had a large single-storey extension at the side. We went straight into the kitchen/dining room, a big open-plan area running all the way across the back of the house. I put the kettle on to make us coffee while Fleur scanned the job list.
“Crikey!” she said. “Can’t see us doing this lot in two hours.”
She looked round into the dining area. I followed her gaze. Mrs Battersby had set up the ironing board there with two laundry baskets full of clothes.
“So, d’you fancy putting Chloe’s lessons into practice then?”
I sighed a theatrical sigh. I didn’t mind actually. I found ironing therapeutic, though I wondered at the direction my life was taking: from hopeless schoolteacher to incompetent Earl, then finally finding my métier ironing strangers’ shirts and knickers.
“You’re the boss,” I said with a grin.
Fleur did three bathrooms in the time it took me to do the ironing. Then while she did the kitchen I moved onto the bedrooms, changing the sheets and running the vacuum cleaner round. Finally we worked together to tidy and clean the lounge and family room. This was maintenance cleaning – vacuuming and wiping down surfaces with ‘Mr Muscle’ and a damp cloth.
I recalled the J & J ‘work instructions’, which told us to be sure to move the furniture to vacuum underneath. Apparently, this was a well-known test that houseproud clients applied. Have the lazy maids left crumbs beneath the sofa? I had shifted a couple of easy chairs and swept underneath to show how conscientious I was, and was just approaching the sofa, when Fleur stopped me with a laugh.
“You did well with those armchairs, sweetie,” she said, “but you’ll never be able to move that by yourself!”
Actually I would – easily – but if I did, my male strength might have given me away. That was a narrow squeak. I was a member of the weaker sex now. I would have to take greater care to play the part. She helped me shift the sofa and I tried to grunt and groan realistically.
With my new cleaning lady’s expert eye, I noticed there were places in Mrs Battersby’s house where considerably more was needed – the oven, the kitchen cupboards, the utility room floor, for example, and the wooden dining room table and bookcases could do with a polish. But we weren’t there for spring cleaning.
We did everything we were supposed to do within two hours – just. We closed Mrs Battersby’s front door behind us at a little after twenty past ten. We were due at our second client at eleven, so there was time for a coffee and a doughnut at the little café in the High Street.
We made a good team, Fleur and I, but I was afraid she would start asking questions about me when we had a few minutes off the clock, and she did.
“So what’s your plan, Martha?” she said, stuffing her face with chocolate cake.
“Well, you don’t see cleaning as a long-term career, do you? I mean, most of us do it while waiting for something else to happen, or to help make ends meet when our main breadwinner is just starting out, or is temporarily out of work…”
“Ah, I see what you mean,” I said.
“But none of that applies to you, as far as I can see,” she said. “You’re not married. You’re not studying…”
“No, well, I’ve sort of fallen into it, I suppose…”
I went on to give her a summary of Martha’s history, as far as I knew it.
“I went to work at Hadleigh Hall as a junior housemaid straight from school, so by now I suppose I expected to be running the place as the Housekeeper, in charge of a team of maids and footmen and so on. But it hasn’t worked out like that. The old Earl overspent a lot and had to let most of his servants go. I was lucky that he kept me on. Anyway, he died with no proper family. The new young Earl has no children yet and he and the Countess are struggling financially. With only the two of them, they don’t really need a team of servants, and couldn’t afford them anyway.”
“So what will you do?”
“I don’t know. I suppose I’ll look for another job as a Housekeeper. I mean, there are still plenty of big houses and noble families. I’m sure the young Countess will give me a good reference.”
I was surprising myself now. Where was all this coming from?
* * *
“Were you happy with how we divided the work up this morning?” Fleur asked while we were driving over to our second client. I nodded. “So shall we do that again? I hate ironing!”
“Sure,” I said, “but I think I’d like to watch you do one of the bathrooms. The work instructions seem pretty detailed, but you must have some tips.”
“That’s a good idea,” she agreed. “Actually, I haven’t looked at the rules for ages, but I don’t think they’ve changed. I’d only add a couple of things.” She looked thoughtful. “I’ve always wondered where Mrs Jackson got them from. She’s certainly never worked as a cleaner. The only other girl who was in the company before Chloe and I joined was Maria, and I can’t see how she could have written them – not with her English.”
“Mrs Jackson probably got them off the web somewhere.”
Our next client, Myfanwy Griffiths, was small, dark and Welsh. She had piercing blue eyes and a lively sense of humour. She was a features writer for the local paper and usually worked from home so as to be able to look after her two small children, who were now at school. She insisted on making us coffee, even though we told her we’d just had one.
We had a very companionable half hour. I started the ironing, while Myfanwy buzzed around the kitchen, moving things so that Fleur could clean around them, and talking all the time.
“According to my husband, Myfanwy is Welsh for ‘My fine one’,” she said. “He works at the zoo. As soon as I saw him in his uniform I knew he was a keeper.”
Fleur burst out laughing. Then I saw the joke and joined her. Myfanwy smiled.
“I liked that one too,” she said. “That butch girl comedian told it at last Friday’s Open Mic night at our club. My Paul’s not actually a zookeeper. He’s an accountant. Oh well, must get on. Let me know if you need anything, girls.”
She retired to her study. Fleur and I carried on being cleaning ladies. As I ironed and scrubbed, vacuumed and polished, I realised there are worse things to be. Like a shy Earl, for example.
* * *
It was a fine day, so we found an unoccupied picnic table on the common to eat our sandwich lunches. It was glorious. We had got the last space in the car park, which was only a hundred yards from where we were sitting, right by the duck pond. Two toddlers were feeding the ducks and their mothers were running about frantically trying to prevent their offspring from falling in. The sun was strong and a bright glare was reflecting off the water. I made a mental note to dig out some ladies’ sunglasses in case Fleur wanted to come back here tomorrow.
The conversation flowed. I found it wasn’t too difficult to keep up my end. What I didn’t know about Martha’s back story, I made up. I just hoped I could remember later what was known fact and what was plausible fiction.
“This is nice,” said Fleur, stretching out and slurping her Apple and Mango J2O. “I love cousin Chloe dearly; she’s my best friend; but I’m getting just a little fed up with baby talk. It’s good to chat with somebody different.”
“You can understand though, can’t you?” I chuckled. “She’s just coming up to the most important event in her life. It’s what a woman’s for. Chloe’s whole existence has been leading up to this, even if she doesn’t realise it.”
“I was really only complaining that I’d heard enough about the colour Harry’s painting the nursery, and whether maternity dresses are more comfortable in the last trimester than dungarees.” She looked at me sceptically. “You’re not much of a feminist though, are you, babe? You’d probably be no-platformed if you tried to say anything like that at Oxford or the LSE.”
I shuddered at the thought of being on a platform, speaking at any institute of higher learning, especially dressed as I was.
“No, I am,” I said. “The way I see it, motherhood is something no man can ever experience or even understand. So they have to do something else to give their lives meaning, like make lots of money, or climb mountains, or win football matches. But how can any of that compare with bringing new life into the world?”
“Wow, deep!” she replied. “Does that mean you think a woman should be satisfied with being a mother?”
“Oh no, I’m all for choice,” I said hurriedly, fearful that she might think I was betraying the Sisterhood. “A woman should have it all, if she can – a career and a family. It’s just that most women I know have found that really difficult.”
“I know what you mean,” she said, being serious for once. “I feel a little jealous of Chloe sometimes, but then I think about labour, and babies, and nappies, and getting no sleep, and never going out dancing… and I think, no; not for me.”
“You’ll probably feel differently when that time comes.”
“Maybe,” she said. “If it ever does… But I don’t really know what I do want.”
I nodded. We munched quietly for a moment or two.
“My mother’s generation – your grandmother’s – did the hard work with the Women’s Lib Movement back in the seventies,” I said. “That started it all. Now in even the most backward and religiously conservative countries we’re getting the vote; better education; more equal pay; and the right to divorce. Domestic violence is way down too.”
I vaguely wondered how I knew all this. My mother? Susie? Or was it something I had remembered or worked out for myself?
“Wow! You really do know a lot about feminism, don’t you?” Fleur said. “Don’t forget the pill – and abortion!”
“Right,” I agreed. “Now we can make our own decisions regarding pregnancy. That’s a much bigger deal than most modern women think. Before the pill, it was pregnancy after pregnancy if you were married, and even worse if you got pregnant when you weren’t.”
“Yeah, we’re much better off today. It’s all good,” she said, in a tone that suggested that maybe it wasn’t.
“But…?” I said, enquiringly.
“I miss romance.” She snorted. “Well, you can’t miss what you’ve never had, I suppose.”
“Hey, come on! You never stop talking about all your boyfriends!”
“I know, but…” She sighed. “But none of them are actually romantic. Everyone says chivalry is dead. Modern men seem to think… that modern women think… that moonlight and flowers and dancing cheek-to-cheek went out with The Sound of Music. Sometimes I just want a hug and strong arms around me, but as a feminist I’m supposed to think that’s weakness, a ploy of the patriarchy to undermine my independence. But it isn’t. It’s just… nice.”
“Ah, yes, I know what you mean.”
I really did, and it wasn’t only women who sometimes needed loving arms around them. Often Susie and I turned the lights down low and just cuddled on the sofa, not even watching the TV. Once we even put some waltz music on the sound system and… waltzed (except that neither of us knew the steps).
“It’s probably my own stupid fault,” Fleur said. She sounded genuinely annoyed with herself. “I’ve probably got a reputation for being… easy. So the boys think they don’t have to try too hard to get me into bed.”
“You have to get really close to someone for romance,” I said, sympathetically. “Sex alone doesn’t do it.”
She sighed again and stood up, collecting our rubbish to put in the waste bin by our bench.
“And what about yourself?” she said brightly. “What romance do you have in your life?”
“Oh, I have had a long-term steady,” I said, carefully, “but things are a bit difficult just at the moment.”
Which was putting it mildly. Susie and I were fine in our bedroom, in private, but there couldn’t be any romance when anyone could see us. No going out dancing for the moment. No walking hand-in-hand on the beach. I even have to be ‘Auntie’ at a candle-lit restaurant. Also having to curtsey and call your lover ‘My Lady’ would be a bit of a romance-killer for any man. Thank goodness we still had the sex.
“So has feminism stopped you having both a career and a family?” she asked.
“No, being fat and ugly has done that.”
I winced internally. How could I have said that? It just slipped out. I would have hated Martha to have heard me.
“You’re not ugly!” Fleur rushed to say. (I noticed she didn’t say I wasn’t fat.) “I’m sure you’ve just been unlucky not to have met the right man yet.
I decided I had been too hard on Martha. She was a little overweight, yes, but it suited her. In a certain light she could even be quite good-looking. I could understand how she had attracted a good man, and from what I had seen of her, he was the lucky one.
But why on earth should I care anyway? This whole disguise was only a short-term ruse to get us out of a desperate situation.
Wasn’t it?
* * *
Our afternoon client, Mrs Hanson, was friendly enough but she complained of a migraine and said she intended to lie down for a while. Fleur asked if she wanted us to do anything special.
“No, no, the usual, please, but don’t bother with the master bedroom this week.”
“Are you sure the noise of the vacuum won’t make your headache worse?” Fleur asked.
“Oh… er, no,” she said. “I’ve got earplugs, and I’m going to take a sleeping pill.”
Then she made herself scarce. So we got on with the allotted two hours’ work. We each had our agreed roles now. Fleur was vacuuming and dusting while I was ironing. Then we would split the kitchen, bathrooms and toilets between us.
Mrs Hanson had left the exact money in cash on the kitchen counter, so at four o’clock we let ourselves out and didn’t see her again.
“Is she always like that?” I asked as we climbed into the car.
“She usually arranges not to be around while we’re working,” said Fleur. “I think she’s one of those women who are embarrassed at having cleaning ladies at all. Her mother probably did all the housework by herself and thinks her daughter’s lazy to be paying for home help.”
“Ha, yes,” I said. “My mother’s the same. It’s a good thing not everyone feels that way or you and I would be out of a job!”
* * *
When I got home it seemed right – it seemed necessary – to change into my maid’s uniform. I put on dark tights, a clean black dress, and an apron. I got out the vacuum and a duster and did a little cleaning in our living areas at the Hall.
When I reached our bedroom’s en suite I noticed some stains on the tiled floor around the toilet. I reached for the cleaning fluid and a cloth, realising as I did so that Rob probably wouldn’t even have noticed the stains, but I was seeing everything through Martha’s eyes now, and I could no sooner ignore dirt and stains than fly to the moon.
I didn’t hear my wife come in, and she caught me on my knees scrubbing away. Just as on the previous Friday afternoon, her first sight of her husband was his plentiful feminine behind waggling from side to side as he rubbed and scrubbed.
“I would have thought you’d have had enough cleaning at your day job, Martha,” she said.
“Oh! I didn’t hear you come in…” I said, leaping to my feet.
“Oh! I didn’t hear you, My Lady…” she said, with a pretend angry expression. (At least, I think it was ‘pretend’.)
“Oh! I didn’t hear you, My Lady,” I corrected myself, and naturally curtseyed.
“That’s better,” she said, with a laugh. “Now come and give your mistress a kiss.”
“I can do better than that, M’Lady.”
I quickly checked that the bedroom curtains were closed. Then I grabbed her and hoisted her up into my arms. She squealed in surprise. I carried her out of the bathroom and flung her onto the bed. Then I jumped on top of her.
She let out an involuntary exhalation as my padding-enhanced weight landed.
“Oh God, I’m sorry! I forgot how much heavier I must be now!”
I shifted my weight to my knees and propped myself up on my hands.
“That’s all right, Tubby,” she panted. “It’s rather sexy, actually.” Her hands were finding their way under my skirt and into my knickers. “If I ignore the maid’s dress and the silky panties, I can pretend My Lord and Master is having his way with me. It’s a nice change.”
I laughed. “I thought you women hated to be treated as sex toys?”
“Well I wouldn’t want it all the time, obviously.”
I was feeling doubtful, and I must have looked it. She reached up and caressed my – that is, Martha’s – cheek.
“Hey, no worries,” Susie continued. “You’re an amazing lover – not that I have much to compare you with, so don’t get complacent. You’re gentle and considerate; and you know just where and how to touch me. You raise my passion through the roof without needing to rough me up. Still, a little throwing your weight about is nice once in a while…”
“…to remind you who’s boss?” I smiled.
“Oh, that’s easy,” she said. “I am. No, I meant I’m happy to let you claim your Droit du Seigneur forcefully from time to time, preferably when I’m in the mood for a little rough and tumble – like now!”
She had pulled my tights and knickers down as far as her arms could reach. I peeled them the rest of the way to my ankles.
“Actually,” I said, “I looked it up. ‘Droit du Seigneur’ was supposed to have entitled the feudal lord to have sexual relations with subordinate women, usually on their wedding nights, before their new husbands could get a look in. It probably never existed, but if it did, it went out in the Middle Ages. Maybe it’s time to bring it back…”
I gave her a leer and a wink, the impact of which was probably reduced by Martha’s plump, rosy cheeks. Anyway, it just made her laugh.
“You give those village girls a wide berth, My Lord,” she said, and hit me with a handy pillow.
“Yes, M’Lady.”
“By the way, don’t think I didn’t notice how you were moving to protect me when those two thugs were threatening rape. I really wouldn’t have wanted you to try to defend my honour. You’d have been badly hurt, but it’s nice to know that chivalry isn’t dead after all.”
She grinned. Interesting that she was talking about chivalry, reminding me of my lunchtime conversation with Fleur… But she had unzipped my abdominal prosthesis by now and conversation gave way to the sounds of animal passion.
* * *
Tuesday was a repeat of Monday, except with three different clients: three lots of ironing (sigh); endless vacuuming and dusting; and I still seemed to spend half the day on my knees scrubbing baths, washbasins, and toilets.
Fleur and I were a well-oiled machine now. I was amazed to find that, not only did I not mind my new menial role, I was actually enjoying myself. I was afraid that Susie’s half-serious remarks might have been on the money. I might be a better maid and cleaning lady than I ever was a Maths teacher – or Earl. Maybe it was to do with liking to see the sparkling cleanliness we left behind us, but that couldn’t have been the only reason.
Fleur was a little quiet over lunch at our familiar picnic table in the park. Come to think of it, she’d been quiet – for her – all morning. I eventually asked if anything was the matter.
“Not really,” she began, hesitantly. “I’ve just been thinking about our conversation yesterday lunchtime.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interfere…”
“No, no, you didn’t. Anyway I did most of the talking – as usual.” She grinned. “But you’re a good listener. You helped me see things more clearly. I think I’ve ‘played the field’ enough. It’s time I started to focus on what I really want.” She paused and drew in a deep breath. “So I’m going to call Peter and have a proper talk with him. Then I’ll dump all the others.”
“Good for you,” I said. I’d noticed she had a slightly different look in her eye when she talked about Peter. “But he might be more impressed if you did it the other way round.”
“Dump the others first, then pour your heart out to him.”
She laughed, then said, “You’re right! Proper commitment. No back-up plan.” She gave me a hug and a little peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Mum!”
I smiled. I was glad to share my many years of experience of the male ego with her. And I got a strange little thrill when she called me ‘Mum’.
We spent a lot more time then and on subsequent lunchtimes talking about what women want, and how it doesn’t always accord with what men want, and so we women had to be careful. I had no great difficulty seeing the mating game from the woman’s point of view. I wondered why that was. It seemed my inner persona was progressively adapting to match my outward appearance – intensified by everyone treating me as a maid and charlady, including my wife.
I thought about how the changes I was going through were affecting my relationship with Susie. Despite our current roles of mistress and maidservant, she was my lover and my best friend. Perhaps it was something we should talk about.
Or perhaps not…
* * *
“Which one is Fleur?” Susie asked, as we were getting ready for bed that night.
“Has she been here to clean up after one of our society meetings?”
“Oh yes,” I said. “I think most of the J & J girls who live in this area have worked at the Hall.”
An alarm bell tinkled in the distance. I dropped the day’s bra, knickers and knee-highs in the laundry basket and reached for my nightie.
“So which is she? She’s the pretty little blonde, isn’t she? Curly hair? Always laughing?”
“That sounds like her, yes.”
The alarm bells were ringing loudly now. I slipped my nightie over my head. I was never comfortable being a plump female nude in front of my wife.
“So you two must be becoming close now, I suppose?”
“Actually, yes,” I said. “She called me ‘Mum’ today.”
“What? Why?”
“I gave her some advice on her love life – based on my extensive experience of men, and how they only want one thing. She’d been letting her many boyfriends take advantage…”
My wife was studying me with a look of wry amusement. The alarm bells had stopped.
“So if the bottom falls out of the cleaning lady business, you can fall back on being an Agony Aunt,” she suggested. “Come here then, Auntie, my sex life needs some expert advice.”
So that was OK. But really, how could Susie have thought I was up to anything with Fleur, however young and pretty she might be? She wasn’t attracted to plump, middle-aged women. We were co-workers, fellow cleaning ladies, and that was all.
And tomorrow we were going to clean Jack Beckett’s mother’s house. I needed to search it for incriminating evidence, and I would be taking the biggest risk of my life.
The Earl Maid
By Susannah Donim
Rob is a shy and reserved young man, but an unexpected inheritance suddenly makes him the centre of attention. His wife helps him find a way of hiding in plain sight.
Chapter 6
Rob is enjoying life as Martha, the maid and cleaning lady, but now (s)he has to search Beckett’s house for evidence.
Mrs Beckett was one of Fleur’s regulars – presumably that was why Sally Jackson had paired me with her. While I drove us over to Langdale, I asked about the layout of the house. I would need to prioritise my search for incriminating evidence in case I was short of time, so I tried to find out as much as I could. Fleur seemed a little sleepy this morning and she didn’t show any surprise at my question.
“Just the usual four-bedroom detached that you get in that neighbourhood. Downstairs there’s the kitchen, utility room, lounge, dining room, study and cloakroom,” she said, ticking the rooms off on her fingers. “Upstairs: four bedrooms, one with en suite, and a family bathroom. Mrs Beckett will want us to do the kitchen and all the bathrooms quite thoroughly, and dust and vacuum everywhere.”
“What are they like, the Becketts?”
“She’s quite elderly, and not a bad old stick,” Fleur said, “but her son lives with her, and he’s a creep. He’s tried it on with me a couple of times, so Chloe and I always try to make sure neither of us is ever alone with him. We should do the same.”
“Oh, I doubt he’d try it on with me. Too fat, too old.”
Actually I was hoping – desperately – that Treacher’s intel was right and Beckett wouldn’t be around while we were there. If he saw me, sexual assault would be the least of my worries.
“Don’t you believe it! There’s plenty of men who prefer the fuller figure. ‘Voluptuous’, they call it.”
“That’s just a euphemism for ‘fat’.”
“Well anyway, watch yourself if he’s around when we get there.”
I certainly would. They wouldn’t see me for dust. I had a sudden thought.
“OK, but could you do me a favour?” I said. “If we do see him, don’t tell him my name’s Martha. Call me Mary, or something. That’s my sister’s name.”
Fleur looked puzzled.
“Well, if he does er… take a shine to me, obviously I’m not going to give him my number or anything, and I don’t want him to be able to get hold of me through the company.”
It sounded lame, but just about plausible.
“All right,” she said, doubtfully, “but he usually leaves the house at about half-past eight, so let’s try not to get there any earlier than that.”
* * *
But we didn’t want to be late either and just to spite us, the traffic in town was a little lighter than usual, so it was 8:25 when I pulled up opposite the Beckett house. To my dismay there was a big black Estate car parked in the drive. Now what was I going to do?
“We can wait for a little while before going in,” Fleur said, to my relief. She yawned.
“Late night?” I asked, with a smile.
“Early morning, in fact.”
“Yes.” I waited to hear more. She grinned. “He was quite pleased when I suggested we might see a little more of each other.”
“OK, good,” I said. “Now I’ll want regular reports…”
“OK, Mum.” She laughed. “You know it’s funny; my real mother says much the same things as you did on Monday. It’s just that you gave me motherly advice, while she just told me what to do.”
“Which made you want to do the opposite.”
“Exactly!” She reached across to hug me. “See? You’ll be a great Mum one day!”
The car’s clock ticked over to 8:29.
“Oh well, we’d better show willing,” Fleur sighed and opened her door to get out.
I was about to stop her when I was jolted by a loud ringing noise. Fleur leant on the top of the open passenger door and put her head back in.
“Isn’t that your phone?” she asked. “Hadn’t you better answer it?”
I quickly rummaged through my handbag for the ringing mobile. The screen said ‘Treacher’.
“It’s my mother,” I lied. Now I had to get rid of Fleur so I could speak to the detective. “Why don’t you go on in?” I said. “I’ll only be a minute. I’ll bring the basket.”
She nodded and set off across the road. I was determined that Fleur shouldn’t know about my spying. Firstly, I didn’t want her involved, in case it all went South. Secondly, I didn’t want her to think that our developing friendship was based on deception, which of course it was. I wondered whether I should continue as a J & J cleaning lady after this week, so that Fleur wouldn’t find out it was all a lie…
I accepted the call.
“What are we going to do?” I said. “Beckett’s car’s still there.”
“Don’t panic, Martha,” came the detective’s calm voice. “He usually leaves at around half-past. He’ll probably be off any minute. Still, it’s good that you’re wearing a headscarf…”
“You mean you can see me? Where are you?”
“A few cars down on the other side.” A white BMW 1 series flashed its headlights once. “I can see into the forecourt of the Beckett house, because of the bend in the road. Now, have you got any dark glasses?”
“Yes, good idea!”
I hurriedly got my sunglasses out of the Polo’s glove compartment and put them on.
“That’s good,” he said. “I see your mate has gone to the door. Stay in the car for a minute. Pretend you’re on the phone to your Mum or something.”
How did he know I was pretending he was my mother? He really was a good detective.
Beckett had opened the front door and was now talking to Fleur. He asked her something. She turned and pointed at me. I waved, hoping that my scarf and dark glasses were sufficient disguise. I pointed at the phone in my other hand, trying to suggest I would only be a minute.
Beckett disappeared inside and Fleur followed him, leaving the door open. A minute later he reappeared wearing an outdoor coat and carrying a briefcase. He made for the Merc, pointing something at it. Its boot opened. He threw his case in and went round to the driver’s door. I pretended to be engrossed in my phone conversation.
“There you are, you see,” said Treacher at the other end of the line. “He’s off. All clear. Good luck!”
“If he’s gone, you could come in and help, couldn’t you?”
“No way,” he said, a little crossly. “The old lady’s still there, isn’t she? The whole point of this is to get the information we need without raising suspicions. Anyone watching – including Mrs Beckett – should see two cleaning ladies going in and two cleaning ladies leaving two hours later. That way, if we do find something and tip off the cops, Beckett may look elsewhere for the leak. But if any strangers are seen going into the house this morning, that’s where he’ll look first – and he’ll be suspicious of you two as well, since you let me in.”
“OK, I get it,” I sighed.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be here watching,” he said reassuringly, though l didn’t see what he could do if Beckett were to return, maybe with a couple of his men. “Keep your headscarf and glasses on until you’re inside, just in case.”
“Just in case of what?” I asked, but he’d rung off.
I put the phone back in my handbag and got out of the car. I fetched our basket of cleaning materials from the boot, locked up, and crossed over the road to the Beckett house.
The front door was still open. I closed it behind me and took my coat off. I put my sunglasses in my handbag and hung it on a hook next to my coat. Fleur appeared.
“Mrs Beckett’s ill in bed,” she said. “That’s why the creep was still here – to let us in. He was expecting Chloe, of course, so I had to explain that she’s on maternity leave. He asked about you, but don’t worry – I said you were called Mary, that you’d been working with me for a few days now, and that you were very good. I’m just taking Mrs Beckett a cup of tea and some toast. Can you dust and vacuum downstairs first? She might want to sleep later, so we don’t want to be using the vacuum after, say half past nine. You can do the ironing last.”
She went back to the kitchen to finish getting the old lady her breakfast. I could smell burning toast. I looked around for the likely location of the vacuum and correctly guessed it was in the cupboard under the stairs. There was also a little shelf with various cleaning materials. I slipped on a pair of new yellow rubber gloves. My fingerprints weren’t on file anywhere (as far as I knew), but better safe than sorry. Also, I wouldn’t leave tell-tale greasy marks about. I picked up a clean duster and an aerosol can of furniture polish.
I looked around the ground floor. I’d seen Fleur go into the kitchen. The doors to the lounge and dining room were open. So the two closed doors must be the downstairs bathroom and the study. I tried the nearer one; it was the bathroom. So the other must be the study. I’d go in there first; that was the most likely place to find useful documents.
Now, should I switch the vacuum on, to cover any noise I might make opening drawers or rustling papers on the desk? No, then I wouldn’t hear anyone approaching. They might catch me red-handed. Should I close the door? It might look a little suspicious to Fleur or the old lady if she came downstairs, but at least if I was disturbed it would give me time to stop doing whatever I was doing and get back into innocent cleaning lady mode.
I went in, dragging the vacuum, and closed the door behind me. The room was a crushing disappointment. There was a filing cabinet in the corner. The only furniture was a desk and a swivel chair. Worst of all: not only was the desk surface clear of any papers, but the computer equipment on it included a desktop scanner and a shredder. Treacher had been spot-on when he said Beckett was careful, but wrong in suggesting that he kept his records in paper form. He clearly scanned any incriminating documents and kept the images on his computer, or maybe even in the Cloud. Then he shredded the paper originals.
This whole expedition and my promising new career as a cleaning lady were going to be a colossal waste of time. I wondered if we could get our hands on his laptop, or find a way into his Cloud storage, but that seemed hopeless.
I tried the filing cabinet – locked; and the desk drawers – stationery in the top one, the bottom one was locked. I wondered whether I could jiggle it open. Maybe a hairpin? I was pretty sure I had one in my handbag. But I had no idea how to pick a lock anyway. Perhaps I should have asked Treacher for some spy training. Maybe in time for next week? But if I was right that Beckett scanned and shredded sensitive documents, the filing cabinet and desk drawers were unlikely to hold anything useful.
My shoulders slumped in defeat. I realised Martha the Spy had better get back to being Martha the Cleaning Lady if I wanted to avoid suspicion. Maybe there would be something helpful in one of the bedrooms. I went round spraying all the surfaces and got the duster out of the pocket of my smock. I picked up the wastepaper basket to put it outside the door for emptying. I would start the vacuuming next. It wasn’t nine o’clock yet. I wouldn’t be disturbing Mrs Beckett…
I almost fell over when I looked down at the waste basket. It was full of strips of shredded paper!
I opened the door and peeped out. Fleur was just disappearing upstairs carrying a tray. I rushed into the hall, grabbed my handbag, and ducked back into the study. I emptied the waste basket onto the desk. I opened my bag as wide as possible and brushed all the paper strips into it, stopping when I reached an apple core, a paper takeaway coffee cup and a Mars bar wrapper.
I zipped up my handbag and peeped out of the door again; no sign of Fleur returning downstairs. I hung my bag back on the hook and put the now nearly empty waste basket outside the door. It was usually my job to empty all the waste bins, and I would have to make sure I did it today. Fleur might be used to seeing that study bin full of shredded paper. I wiped the desk clean again and plugged in the vacuum cleaner.
That five minutes of excitement over with, it was back to cleaning lady business-as-usual. I finished dusting and vacuuming downstairs and went to the kitchen to do a small pile of ironing. It seemed that Jack preferred T-shirts and jeans to suits and smart shirts, and his mother didn’t get out much. So I was soon helping Fleur upstairs and back to scrubbing toilets.
After that I volunteered to do Jack’s bedroom while Fleur ‘had a little break’, as she put it. I think she wanted to call Peter. I went upstairs and paused on the landing to check my bearings. To the left was the open door of Mrs Beckett’s room. She was sitting up in bed, reading a women’s magazine and eating her toast, an unremarkable little old lady in a floral bed jacket. She wore gold-rimmed reading glasses. Her grey hair was in curlers under a hairnet.
When she saw me, I smiled and waved. She returned my greeting weakly. She finished her breakfast and put the plate and her teacup down on the bedside table. She then scooted down in the bed, turned away from me, and pulled the bedclothes over her. I got the message. I pulled her door closed and tiptoed away.
Jack’s bedroom was at the other end of the landing. It was a large, plain room with little to reflect an adult male’s personality. There were some Airfix model planes hanging from the ceiling on lengths of cotton. There was a small collection of beer mats pinned along the picture rail. The books in the only bookcase were of the Boys’ Own Adventures type. There were even a couple of Enid Blytons. The lack of grown-up decorations or ornaments suggested that Beckett must have left home in his teens and hadn’t been back here in residence for very long. Perhaps a recent break-up had forced him to return to the parental nest? Would these observations be of any use to Treacher? Would it be worth trying to trace his ex?
I checked out the wardrobe and the chest of drawers, being careful to disturb nothing. Then I scanned the bedside table. There wasn’t much more to see: an open Tom Clancy paperback; some magazines (Golf Monthly and What Car?); random CDs scattered about. I tidied them up, put clean sheets on the bed, and flicked a duster around. The waste bin contained nothing of interest. I put it outside the door with the dirty sheets. It was nearly ten by now, and Mrs Beckett clearly wanted to sleep, so I couldn’t use the vacuum. Jack’s room looked like it had been cleaned recently anyway.
Fleur had begun on the kitchen so I took the opportunity to snoop round the other upstairs rooms. I couldn’t see a ceiling hatch anywhere, so unless it was very well hidden, I assumed there was no loft space where Jack might be storing incriminating material.
Gentle snoring was coming from Mrs Beckett’s bedroom now, so I could risk checking out the other two upstairs rooms. One was a pristine, slightly prissy guest room that looked like nobody had slept in it since the eighties. The other was obviously where they dumped their old stuff, there being no loft space. There was no bed but it was full of boxes and suitcases. It wasn’t going to be practical to search all these but I opened a few as quietly as I could: junk; old books and toys; clothes that had gone out of style; photo albums; other Beckett family memorabilia; and more junk. Certainly no evidence of criminal activities, unless you counted a fluorescent purple shell suit.
I checked my little ladies’ watch. Ten past ten. I should go and help Fleur in the kitchen. When I got there I saw that she had emptied the dishwasher and cleaned the twin sink unit.
“Rubbish sack?” I asked.
“Under the sink,” she said.
I collected a sack and went round emptying all the waste baskets into it, and put them back in their places.
“Just dump it over there in the corner for the moment,” she said when I got back to the kitchen with the rubbish sack. “Can you wipe the surfaces while I make a start on the floor?
I found a fresh cloth and the cleaning spray (‘removes all grease’) under the sink and made a start. There was a door in the corner which I hadn’t noticed before. Fleur noticed me noticing.
“Utility room,” she said. “There’s a laundry basket for those dirty sheets. You could check whether anything else needs doing. It leads out to the back. You can take the rubbish out at the same time.”
I’d finished my quick once-over of the counter tops, so I went through the door. There was a washing machine and a tumble drier, and a clothes maiden with some ladies’ underwear and men’s underpants on it. Mrs Beckett must have done a wash recently. I dropped the sheets in the empty laundry basket. The place was quite tidy but there were some dirty footprints on the vinyl floor.
“Might be worth doing the floor if we have time,” I called to Fleur.
“OK,” she called back.
There were two more doors off the utility room. One obviously led to the back garden; the other to the garage. I’d nearly missed that! Perhaps Beckett kept suspicious gear in there? I pushed the door open and peered inside. It was mostly empty. There was only space for one car. It was occupied by a newish-looking Toyota Corolla. The flashy Merc obviously lived on the front drive. At the near end there was a workbench. A few tools were lying around. There were some boxes under the bench but a quick glance showed they were full of wine. There were also two cases of beer: a fashionable ‘real ale’ and an everyday lager.
“What are you doing?” came Fleur’s voice behind me. “We don’t have to clean in here, and it’s nearly time to go.”
“Sorry, love,” I said, turning to hurry out. “I thought I’d just check through this door in case it was something we’d missed, then I got distracted. He’s got some nice-looking wine.”
“OK, then,” she said. “I hadn’t realised you were a wine buff.”
She seemed puzzled, maybe suspicious. Oh well, that couldn’t be helped. I went out of the back door to dump the rubbish. I checked in the bin, but it had obviously been emptied very recently. There was no hope of finding anything useful.
“Can you put the vacuum and the cleaning stuff away, while I finish off?” Fleur said.
I went back into the hall and pulled the cleaner along to the cupboard under the stairs. As I was wrapping its power cord around the cylinder, the letterbox rattled and half a dozen items fell through onto the mat.
I checked that Fleur was still busy in the kitchen and dashed to pick up the mail. I riffled through it quickly: a seed catalogue; a double-glazing circular; a letter addressed to Mrs Beckett in a slightly floral, feminine hand; a bill (probably) from British Telecom; and two letters for Jack, both with typed addresses. I stuffed the last two in the pocket of my smock and put the others tidily on the hall table. Fleur appeared as I was doing so. I hoped she hadn’t seen me pocket the letters. If so, she didn’t say anything. I shoved the vacuum cleaner back in the cupboard.
“All finished?” I said, reaching for my coat and handbag. Fleur did likewise.
“Yep, and we can go straight away. Jack pays the company by bank transfer. We’ve got half an hour before we’re due at Mrs Rawlings’ place. Just time for a coffee if we’re quick.”
A poor haul for my covert foray into enemy territory: two letters that were probably completely innocent and a wodge of shredded paper. Treacher and Susie would be disappointed.
* * *
We were lucky to find a parking space right outside the little coffee bar we liked, but Treacher called just as we sat down. This was inconvenient for two reasons; firstly, I couldn’t speak freely with Fleur less than three feet away, and secondly, I only had ten minutes to drink my coffee and eat my oat and raisin cookie if we weren’t to be late for our next client.
“Hello, Mum,” I said.
“Sorry!” I mouthed to Fleur, standing up and moving into a quiet corner.
“Any luck?” Treacher asked.
“Not really, Mum,” I said.
Fleur’s hearing was sharp, I knew. I just hoped it wasn’t sharp enough to hear that it was a man’s voice at the other end.
“I have got a couple of things but I doubt they’ll suit you. Would you like to try them on tonight?”
Treacher chuckled. He must have realised I couldn’t talk freely.
“Sure, I’ll come to the Hall at about – what? Six o’clock.”
“That would be fine. See you then.”
I hung up and went back to the table.
“I can never get off the phone as quickly as that with my mum,” she said with a smile.
“Oh well, she knows I’m working.”
“That wouldn’t make any difference to her.” She paused and looked at me inquiringly. “Hey, you were a bit nosy at the Becketts place this morning.”
“What do you mean?” I asked, though I knew exactly what she meant.
“You seemed to be snooping around as if you were looking for something. You haven’t done that at any of the other places we’ve been. Was there something special about the Becketts? Do you know them?”
I said this girl wasn’t stupid.
“No, it’s just that we didn’t have any specific instructions, did we? I mean, the old lady was in bed all the time we were there, and she didn’t say what she wanted. So I was just looking around to see if there was any more to do. I was only being thorough.”
It wasn’t totally convincing. Most of our clients had given Fleur and Chloe a regular list of jobs to do and the Becketts were no exception.
“OK, that’s very commendable,” she said, clearly not convinced but losing interest. “Not really necessary, but commendable. Hey, look at the time! Drink up. We need to get going.”
She started rummaging in her handbag. It dawned on me just in time what she was looking for. I opened my own bag and reached for my lipstick. I knew that women always repaired their makeup after a meal; it’s just that I had never had to do it myself.
Fleur put on a new layer of her bright red expertly. If I tried that, I’d get the stuff all over my teeth and cheeks. Fortunately Martha had left a compact in the shape of a clam shell in her handbag, so I was able to repair my own lipstick using its little mirror. Failing to repair my makeup, at a time when every woman born would have, could only add to Fleur’s suspicions that there might be something unusual about me.
* * *
I pulled my little Polo into the garage behind the Hall at about four-thirty that afternoon. I reached into the glove compartment for my handbag and had to pause to get my breath. I hadn’t realised how tiring being a cleaning lady would be, but I’d had three solid days of it since the weekend, each day followed by the need to satisfy my mistress’s equally exhausting demands, none of which involved cleaning (quite the reverse). I was knackered.
Then I noticed that the Audi convertible was in its place. This was unexpected. Since Susie had returned to work she hadn’t been getting home till after six, which gave me time to start on dinner. I assumed she’d just brought work back with her.
But that wasn’t it. She was alone in the drawing room and the curtains were closed, so I restrained my automatic instinct to curtsey, which would look a little odd as I was wearing trousers. She looked distressed, and certainly not in the mood for banter. When she saw me she leapt to her feet.
“What’s happened?” I said immediately.
She didn’t correct me for not curtseying or addressing her as ‘M’Lady’. She just ran over to me and threw her arms around my neck.
“That horrible man…!” she said in a shaky voice.
I held her close, or as close as my huge bulging breasts squashing against her perfect ones permitted.
“I looked out of my window and there he was,” she said, “leaning against that big black car of his. He was parked on a meter right opposite our office!”
I led her over to the sofa and sat her down. I kept hold of her hands. We must have been an incongruous sight: the elegant businesswoman in her smart pinstripe skirt suit, holding hands with the plump cleaning lady in her nylon trousers, smock, and headscarf.
“When was this?” I asked.
“Um… I’d just come out of our Wednesday morning Partners’ meeting, so… mid-morning, about half ten.”
“Did he do anything?”
“No, he was just sitting there, staring up at me. He even seemed to know which window was mine.”
“Was he there all day?”
“No… no, I looked out at lunchtime and his car was gone, so I risked going out for a sandwich…”
I couldn’t stop a concerned look reaching my face.
“Don’t worry, I made sure I was with a friends and colleagues. I wouldn’t have been brave enough to go out alone after… that.”
She tried a nervous little smile. It didn’t really work.
“After lunch, I had a client meeting in my room,” she went on. “Then round about three o’clock I happened to look out of the window again, and he was back, his car in the same place, and this time that goon, Tank, was with him. When they saw me looking out of the window, they even waved. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to get home.”
Susie, the strongest woman I knew, was on the verge of tears. I listened horrified, and tried to comfort her, cursing that my feminine appearance was so inappropriate for the job.
“I couldn’t get much done knowing they were watching me outside, so I went round my little team and did some case reviews and stuff for the next hour. When I eventually found the courage to go back to my office they were gone, so I took the opportunity to rush home. But as soon as I was on the road the black Merc appeared again. It’s easy to spot. I’m pretty sure they shadowed me most of the way.”
“At least they couldn’t follow you in through our new security gate. They were probably just trying to frighten you, reminding us that they’re still around.”
“That’s not all,” she said. “They left a message. Listen.”
She got up and went over to Treacher’s call recorder and pressed the playback button. Beckett’s voice came through clearly.
“So sorry to have missed you earlier today, Mrs Marsham,” the disembodied voice said.
I gritted my teeth to hear that he was still denying Susie’s right to be addressed by her title.
“I just wanted to remind you that we’re very keen to hear from your husband as soon as he gets back. Please bear in mind that the sum owing is substantial and interest will start to accrue from this weekend. Hope to hear from you soon.”
He rang off. We’d had a quiet couple of weeks since their visit. I’d hoped that maybe they’d reconsidered. I should have known better.
“That was quite clever, wasn’t it?” I said, ruefully.
“What do you mean?”
“Well to you and me, knowing the context, it was a threat. To outsiders, it was a formal business call, purporting to be from a creditor to a stubborn debtor. You’re a solicitor; you know how that would sound if we complained to the police that Beckett was demanding money with menaces.”
“But we don’t owe him money. We could challenge him to prove that we do,” she protested.
“But it would just be our word against his. He might even be able to produce a forged loan agreement or something. I’m sure he could get hold of copies of our signatures from somewhere. Obviously that would all collapse if the case ever came to court, but he wouldn’t let that happen, and till then we’d just come across to everyone as if we were trying to welch on a debt.”
“What are we going to do?” she wailed, grabbing my hand again.
“Not sure,” I said, “but Treacher will be here in an hour or so. Maybe he’ll have some ideas.”
“Oh I forgot! You were cleaning Beckett’s house this morning. I meant to call you at lunchtime to ask how you get on, but I was… distracted. Did you find anything?”
I told her about the morning’s spying and what little I had to show for it. I emptied my handbag onto the big table. After several minutes of futile search for little strips of shredded paper that might connect to other strips, we sat back despairingly.
“Perhaps Treacher will know what we can do with this lot,” I said.
I sniffed my armpit. The ladies’ deodorant failed to disguise the perspiration of a hard day’s work.
“I must go and shower before he gets here. I smell of sweaty cleaning lady.”
I left Susie staring dispiritedly at several square feet of scrap paper.
* * *
I had time to shower and change into my maid’s uniform before Treacher arrived promptly at six. I opened the gate from the security control room in the old pantry. Susie and I watched his little white BMW drive up to the front door. I went to let him in.
“Evening, Martha,” he said. “How did it go this morning? Did you get anything useful?”
“Good evening, Mr Treacher,” I said, staying in character. “I’m afraid I’m not optimistic. I’ve been showing Her Ladyship what I have. But there’s something you need to hear first.”
I led him into the drawing room. Susie repeated what she had told me about Beckett stalking her that day, and then she played the message on the answerphone. Treacher was grim.
“I suppose we should be grateful he gave you two weeks’ grace before taking further action,” he said. “We’ll need to redouble our efforts. Now what did you manage to do this morning, Martha?”
I explained about Beckett’s cautious approach to record-keeping with his scanner and shredder.
“But we may have been lucky,” I concluded. “He had obviously been doing some shredding very recently. I rescued all this from his study waste basket.”
I indicated the mass of paper strips on the table.
“And I have these two letters,” I added. “They were in today’s post. They were the only ones that looked official. I picked them up as we were leaving. Can you read them and get them back to the Beckett house without him knowing?”
Treacher was still staring thoughtfully at the shredded paper.
“What…? Oh yes, that’s easy.”
He took them from me, glanced quickly at the envelopes, and tore them open, being careful not to damage the front covers.
“Whoa, shouldn’t you be steaming them open, or something?” Susie said. I was about to say the same.
“No, you can always tell when a letter’s been steamed open – if you have a suspicious mind, that is. But these envelopes are standard sizes and types of paper stock and I have plenty of both. I have a printer and a scanner too. I can reproduce the printing and the frank marks exactly. I’ll take them back and drop them through the door with tomorrow morning’s post.”
He put the envelopes in his pocket carefully and checked the contents of the letters.
“That one’s boring,” he said. “Just his bank telling him they’re cutting his interest rate.” He turned to the second letter. “Ah, this might be more useful. It’s an invoice from a company called Anglian Storage & Removals. It’s in red type…”
“So it’s a reminder about an unpaid bill,” said Susie.
“Yes, it’s a Final Demand,” Treacher agreed. “People like Beckett always pay their bills at the last moment. There’s no detail here, I’m afraid,” he said. I peered over his shoulder. “So if it’s for a storage unit, we can’t tell where it is.”
“Presumably the address won’t be a problem though,” I said. “‘Anglian’ sounds like a regional company. It won’t have that many storage facilities, and Beckett is likely to be using the nearest one. He wouldn’t want to be moving stolen property over long distances.”
Treacher was looking at me now with a little more respect. I hoped I hadn’t overdone it. How much of the thinking of the criminal mind should I, a middle-aged housemaid, be able to fathom? Oh well, in for a penny…
I went to get my phone from my handbag. I opened the search engine and typed in ‘Anglian Storage & Removals’.
“But knowing the warehouse address won’t help much,” I said. “We need the storage unit number.”
“Quite right, Martha,” said Treacher, “and the company certainly won’t give out that information. I might be able to find the unit if I park there and wait till Beckett shows up. He must go there at some time most days.”
“Didn’t you say he was out of the office for an hour and a half last week?” said Susie. “So, assuming he would want to spend about an hour there, that means it’s somewhere within a fifteen-minute drive of his office in town.”
“And there’s an Anglian facility on the Western industrial estate – less than five miles away,” I said, holding up my phone.
“That’s about the right distance,” Treacher confirmed, “and it’s in the direction he was heading when I lost him.”
I showed Treacher the Anglian website. I had another look at the invoice.
“That red and blue logo…” I said. “I think I’ve seen it…”
I went over to the table and scanned the forest of shredded paper.
“Isn’t that the same?” I said, pointing at a shred somewhere in the middle of the mass of confetti. It looked like the middle third of the Anglian logo.
“Right again, Martha!” Treacher confirmed. “If the original invoice is somewhere here, it might have more detail, like the unit number…”
“Unfortunately, it’s a massive jigsaw puzzle with no clues,” said Susie. “We don’t even know how many documents are here, let alone what’s in them.”
“There are computer programs which can reassemble shredded documents,” Treacher said, thoughtfully. “You have to scan all the available shreds. The software assigns a unique ID to each piece and analyses size, colour, indentation, the font of the type, and so on. A matching algorithm then identifies potential neighbouring shreds, displaying them on screen for an operator to confirm.”
“Sounds brilliant,” Susie said. “Have you got this program? Can you do it?”
“No, but I know someone who probably can – Steve Jones, Ingrid MacLaughlin’s son. He’s a real whiz with computers, and Transformations has all sorts of state-of-the-art equipment. I’ll call him.”
He dialled. Someone answered quite quickly.
“Hi Steve, it’s Frank.”
Treacher described our problem. Then he put his phone down on the table and pressed an icon.
“You’re on ‘speaker’, Steve,” he said. “I’m with Lady Marsham and Martha. Can you tell them what you just told me?”
A confident male voice came through.
“Sure,” it said. “Good evening, ladies. Reassembling shredded documents depends mostly on the size of the shreds. The smaller the pieces, the harder it is to reconstruct the documents they came from. From what Frank has told me, your man has used a cheap strip shredder, which cuts the paper into long strips about an eighth of an inch wide.”
Treacher confirmed that was the case.
“Good, I thought so. Strip shredders are the most popular choice because they’re fast as well as cheap, but their shreds are also the easiest to reassemble because of the fragment size, and the relatively small number of them.”
I looked back at the table. If that was a ‘relatively small’ number of pieces, how many would better shredders produce?
“Cross-cut shredders are more secure and much more expensive,” Steve continued, as if in answer to my unspoken question. “They slice paper into many tiny pieces which come out looking just like confetti. You can also get very expensive shredders which pulverize paper into dust. Reconstructing that stuff is impossible, but they only tend to be used by Governments to shred Top Secret information.”
Steve obviously enjoyed showing off his knowledge. He must have sensed he was starting to lose his audience, because he abruptly terminated his lecture to ask a more critical question.
“Which way did your man feed the documents through, do you think?” When none of us replied immediately, he clarified. “When using a strip-shredder, the slicing direction also has implications for reconstruction. Horizontal cuts may leave entire lines of text intact. Vertical shredding ensures that sentences are broken up. We can still reconstruct documents after vertical shredding, but it does take longer.”
“I think they’re mostly vertical, Steve,” said Treacher, examining a range of shreds on the table. “I can’t see any whole sentences.”
“Pity,” Steve said. “Never mind. Can you bring all the shreds straight over? We have an auto-feed duplex scanner, but it sounds like the scanning will still take quite a while.”
Treacher agreed and rang off. I assumed that this ‘Steve Jones’ must be Annie’s husband. She had mentioned that he was a whiz with computers. Anyway, he didn’t seem to be curious about what we were trying to reconstruct – or why. That seemed to be typical of the Transformations people: provide a service but don’t ask questions.
“We progress, ladies!” Treacher said cheerfully. “I’m sanguine about some other developments too. I’m meeting a contact later on this evening who might have something to tell me about Beckett’s professional activities. Lots of reasons to be cheerful!”
Susie and I looked at each other as he left. He was a strange little man but his confidence had us hopeful for the first time.
* * *
“So are you still going to work for J & J tomorrow?” Susie asked after Treacher had gone.
“I thought that’s what we agreed with Sally Jackson?”
“Yes, but only for the rest of the week. I don’t want you going back to the Becketts’ place. It’s too dangerous.”
“That’s next Wednesday. What about Monday and Tuesday?”
“You sound very keen,” she said, with a wry grin. “You sound like you’re enjoying being a cleaning lady.”
“I don’t hate it,” I admitted. “There’s a certain satisfaction in housework, I’ve found.”
“And nothing to do with pretty young Fleur?”
“What are you suggesting, M’Lady?” I tried to sound shocked, as would a respectable middle-aged woman accused of an affair with a young girl.
“Never mind,” Susie laughed. “Let’s wait and see if Treacher manages to come up with anything. If he doesn’t, whether you should carry on as a cleaning lady will be the least of our worries. It looks like Beckett is ready to escalate matters.”
* * *
Thursday was a normal day for us both: Susie soliciting and me cleaning houses. Fleur had a major announcement: she was going to move in with Peter. I tried to be delighted for her. I hoped that it would go well, but that if it didn’t, she wouldn’t blame me for giving her bad advice.
We didn’t hear from Treacher all day, and I found it hard to concentrate. At one lady’s house Fleur pointed out that I had absentmindedly cleaned the same window twice. She asked if I was feeling all right. I told her I had something on my mind – which was the understatement of the year – but that I didn’t want to talk about it. I could hardly admit I was worried about my wife’s stalker.
Treacher finally called my mobile after our third job of the day. It was four-fifteen and I was driving Fleur back to her bus stop in town. The little Polo was too old to have a Bluetooth phone connection, but it had a hands-free bracket in the bottom right-hand corner of the windscreen. The caller ID said ‘Treacher’ in large, friendly letters which would have been perfectly visible from the passenger seat. I had meant to change his ID to ‘Mum’, but I had forgotten about it. I didn’t dare answer in case he said something I didn’t want Fleur to hear, so I let it go to voicemail. Unfortunately, his voice came through loud and clear.
“I just wanted to say that we’ve had some good news,” he said. “I’ll come round to tell you and Her Ladyship all about it at six o’clock, shall I?”
And he rang off. I could tell Fleur was desperate to ask about the good news but was struggling not to appear too inquisitive. After she had called me out regarding my strange behaviour at the Becketts’ house, I had to say something to satisfy her curiosity. We couldn’t afford for her to start gossiping about me to her cousin or anyone at J & J.
“That was the Estate Manager,” I said. “It sounds like he thinks they can afford some renovations at the Hall.”
I hated to lie to her. I was beginning to think of her as a friend – a girl friend, not a girlfriend.
“But why would he need to tell you?” she asked.
“Well, the Countess works full-time as a solicitor,” I said. “He probably couldn’t reach her. I have to double up as her housekeeper and secretary and take messages sometimes. He let me know in case Her Ladyship wouldn’t find it convenient for him to come round this evening.”
She seemed satisfied with my explanation. Lying seems to get easier, the more of it you do, I noticed. But then my whole life as a maid and cleaning lady was a lie at the moment, wasn’t it?
Or was it?
* * *
Treacher arrived promptly at six o’clock, by which time I had recovered from the day’s exertions and was clean and sweet-smelling in my maid’s uniform again. I let him in and showed him into the drawing room where my mistress was ready to receive him. I poured him a cup of tea and left a plate of biscuits within easy reach. Then I took my seat behind Madam. It was second nature now to sit up straight, hands neatly folded over my apron, and knees tightly together.
“Things seem to be going our way at last,” said Treacher, through a mouthful of custard cream. “You remember I mentioned the recent burglaries in the area?” Susie nodded. “Well, there have been two more since we last spoke. One of them was at the Mayor’s country place – well, it’s his wife’s house actually… Anyway, that was enough to make the police sit up and take notice.”
“You mean they only try to catch burglars when someone important gets robbed?” said Susie scathingly.
“Well, I suppose it is a little like that,” he admitted. “It’s a question of overstretch, you see: limited resources, different priorities…”
She snorted. “I suppose we should be grateful the gang hasn’t hit us yet.”
“Anyway, the Mayor called the Chief Constable, who carpeted the Detective Chief Super, and suddenly a Task Force has been set up.”
He broke off thoughtfully.
“Actually, I’m a little surprised you haven’t had a break-in here – especially since Beckett knows only too well how many valuable antiques you have. In fact, that might even have been the real reason why he and his henchman came here – not to threaten you, but to make sure all your assets are still in place – that you haven’t sold anything, I mean.”
“That’s a thought!” said Susie. “Maybe we’re not in as much personal danger as we thought. If they rob us, we’d get the value back from the insurance.”
I cleared my throat just loudly enough for Susie to hear, but not Treacher.
“Not that we’d want that to happen, of course,” she added hurriedly.
“Quite, My Lady,” Treacher nodded. “I wouldn’t bank on that though,” he said. “He might have come to threaten you and ‘case the joint’ – killing two birds with one stone…” He realised that metaphor might not have been in terribly good taste. “…as it were,” he finished lamely. “But it might be worth checking the logs of your system.”
“Logs?” asked Susie, puzzled.
“Yes, your system records any attempt to enter, whether successful or not.”
“But wouldn’t the alarm have gone off, or the external lights come on?” I asked. “I’m sure I would have noticed. I’m a light sleeper, and my bedroom is at the front of the house.”
Actually, our bedroom is at the front. Martha’s is at the back – not that I ever slept in it.
“The way your system is configured, I don’t think the alarms would have been triggered if the intruder only got as far as the gate or the electrified fence. You wouldn’t want it going off every time a fox or something got too close.”
“True enough,” Susie agreed. “The police wouldn’t be amused either. We’ll check the logs before you go, but is there any other news?”
“Lots, My Lady!” Treacher said, with relish. “First, the new police Task Force have been calling all their informants and other civilian contacts. With more staff, they can do it on a much wider scale than usual. A Detective Sergeant I know called me this afternoon. I mentioned Beckett. They hadn’t been considering him – he’s an independent, not with one of the big firms – and she agreed that he was a likely candidate for fencing the stolen goods. But they have no idea where he might be storing them. I told her we might be able to help with that.”
“And can we?” asked Susie. “What did your friend make of all that shredded paper?”
“That’s the best news of all, My Lady.” Treacher was looking decidedly smug now. “Steve and his colleague, Fred, worked through the night scanning all the strips and running the re-assembly software. I’m afraid we will definitely owe them for that, by the way. Anyway, they found half a dozen different documents. Some were only fragments; some were lists of names and dates, which the police are checking against known villains and the dates of recent robberies. But from our point of view, this is the big one.”
He got up and came over to Susie. He was scrolling his smartphone. He settled on a page and held it out for Susie to see. This is what I saw over her shoulder:
Dear Mr Beckett
Notification of change to your storage licence: 004871-132
At Anglian Storage & Removals, we strive to provide you with the very best value in self-storage and we'd like to continue to offer you the very best in customer service. Whilst we try to keep our prices as low as we can, an increase in our costs has meant that we must now pass on a portion of this to our customers. We know that price rises are never great news, but we're still committed to providing you with the quality of service that you have come to expect of us.
The following will take effect from your next invoice due on or after 11 September 2020:
• Rental charges for units G-132 and G-133 will now be £24.99 including VAT per week.
• The insurance for units G-132 and G-133 will now be £7.99 per week.
All other charges, not mentioned above, will remain unchanged. Payments currently made by Direct Debit will change automatically.
Thank you for choosing Anglian. We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing to provide you with the very best service possible.
Yours sincerely
Nigel J Wilkinson
Store Manager, Anglian Storage & Removals
“My contact, the Task Force DS, wanted to know where I’d got all the documents,” Treacher said, “but I assured her they’d been discarded and I didn’t break in anywhere to steal them.”
“Surely if Beckett had thrown them away, we can’t be accused of theft, can we?” I asked.
“Actually, the law is complicated,” he said. “It depends on what the original owner intended, but also on your motives. He certainly intended to throw them away, but in such a way that no one could read them. Best not to dwell, I think…”
“Do they think they can get a warrant?” Susie wanted to know.
“The sergeant wasn’t sure. She said she’d get her inspector to ask the Mayor to use his influence as he was one of the victims, but the judge would want to know about the reliability of the tip. Since it was coming from an ex-copper, she reckoned there was a good chance.”
So Treacher used to be a policeman; I had wondered. Now I was wondering what made him decide to leave – assuming it was his choice. Was it significant that his ‘contact’ was a woman?
“So we’re waiting to see if the police can raid units G-132 and G-133 at the local Anglian,” he said, “and whether there’s any stolen property in them. If so, Beckett won’t be a problem for you anymore. I think we can be cautiously optimistic.”
Susie thanked him profusely. I was just about to show him out when I remembered about the security system logs. We went to the kitchen and I unlocked the door to the little pantry. Treacher knew how the security system’s control software worked, which saved me getting out the manual. He showed us how to display the system logs for the last week. It took only a moment to find that, at 2.05 am on Tuesday morning, three attempts were made to open the pedestrian gate using the old code. The system had also recorded a momentary interruption to the current in the fence near the gate. Someone had attempted to climb over.
“Well it’s good to know your system works, I suppose,” Treacher said.
“But it means someone – presumably Beckett or one of his goons – tried to get in,” Susie said.
“Actually, it’s a little worse than that…” I mused. Susie and Treacher looked at me. “…My Lady,” I added hurriedly. “Um… that wasn’t the old old code he used on the pedestrian gate; it was the new old code, or do I mean the old new code?”
Light was dawning for Susie, but Treacher still looked puzzled. I explained.
“Miss Beckett and her family would have known all the security system codes from when they lived here, before we – I mean you, My Lady – moved in and upgraded the systems. But the one the intruder used on Tuesday morning was the code Empire created. We changed that – on Mr Treacher’s advice – last week.”
“So how did Beckett know it?” Susie asked, though we all knew the answer. “Someone at Empire must be sharing their customers’ security codes with villains.”
“Indeed,” said Treacher with smile of triumph. “I’ll pass that on to the Task Force.” He turned to me. “Well done, Martha! That was sharp thinking. You’re very lucky to have her, My Lady!”
“Oh, I know,” Susie said. “She’s the best maid I’ve ever had!”
I cast my eyes down modestly and dipped a little curtsey. It’s always nice for a maidservant to be appreciated.
* * *
Susie and I were having breakfast at half past seven on Friday morning when the telephone rang. Susie rushed to answer it. We hoped it would be Treacher with some good news, but it was Sally Jackson. She made no apologies for calling so early. She wanted to know if today was going to be my last day as a cleaning lady, as we had previously agreed. Susie put her on ‘Speaker’.
“We’re not sure, to be honest, Sally,” Susie said. “We understand that the police are taking more interest in Jack Beckett, as we’d hoped, but we’ve heard nothing more than that.”
“I see,” she said. “Does that mean that Martha’s efforts on Wednesday bore no fruit?”
“Some, but nothing definite has come of them as yet,” Susie said carefully. “I hope you haven’t had any negative feedback from Mrs Beckett?”
“Not at all. I haven’t spoken to her, but I think I would have heard if her son suspected that anything untoward happened when the girls were there. No, my immediate concern is to find a new partner for Fleur… if Martha won’t be available next week, I mean…?”
She left the thought dangling. Susie looked at me. I shrugged.
“Just a moment, please, Sally.” She pressed the handset’s ‘mute’ button.
“What do you think?” she asked me.
“I don’t mind carrying on cleaning,” I said, “and it might be sensible not to make any changes to our routine just now. We don’t know what’s going on with Beckett and his gang but they could still be watching us. We shouldn’t do anything different in case it makes them suspicious.”
“OK then,” she sighed, “but as soon as this embarrassing masquerade becomes too much for you, we must stop it immediately. You’re not a charlady! You’re a man, and my husband, and I love you. I want to show you off in public – the Earl and Countess of Hadleigh, proud and on display.”
I nodded and smiled, but I wasn’t sure I agreed. I was no closer to overcoming my inhibitions. I was still too self-conscious to want to be seen as the Earl in public. I knew it was bizarre but I was much happier as a charlady. But now I wasn’t sure how much longer Susie could stand it.
“Understood,” I said. “You can tell her Martha will be available – for now.”
Susie unmuted the phone and agreed to let me carry on for another seven days, but that Sally would need to find another girl from Monday week.
Had Susie forgotten that next Wednesday would include a second visit to the Becketts’ house?
* * *
We had a good weekend. We had society meetings on both Saturday and Sunday, which kept a little money coming in. The Countess played hostess, while as Martha the maid I helped the society ladies find what they needed in the kitchens for their catering, as usual.
Sunday evening was our first opportunity to relax. I was able to change out of my maid uniform and into a nice cocktail dress to accompany my wife/mistress to a good restaurant for dinner. Susie had fun ‘dolling me up’ and I didn’t look too bad for my – that is, Martha’s – age and girth.
So life went on for the Countess and her maid, who moonlighted as a cleaning lady. My second full week began. We returned to some of the houses from the first week, and also went to some new ones, as some clients only used J & J fortnightly.
Whatever the police Robbery Task Force were doing, and whatever our role in it might have been, we heard no more from Beckett or Tank, and they didn’t appear outside Wainwrights again either. We started to get hopeful.
As I settled into my life as Martha I began to realise how fantastic my mother had been when I was growing up. She had always managed to ensure I had everything I really needed, despite there rarely being any money to spare. Furthermore, as my cleaning lady’s meagre wages appeared in the bank account I had opened (the Countess had been my reference), I really started to appreciate how hard Mum had worked.
* * *
On Monday evening Susie had news. I had made the daily transition from cleaning lady in smock and comfy stretchy black trousers to housemaid in smart grey uniform dress and lacy cap.
“The police came to see me in the office this afternoon,” she said excitedly.
I was peeling potatoes for our dinner. I wiped my hands on my apron and went to get the remains of last night’s bottle of wine from the fridge. I poured us each a glass of Sauvignon Bland (as we called it) and we sat down on a kitchen bench to talk. Sweeping my skirt beneath me and keeping my knees together were second nature to me now.
“It was a Detective Sergeant Sharpe,” Susie began. “Nice woman, quite friendly, didn’t seem like a copper at all. She didn’t mention Treacher, but she seemed to know most of what we told him, so I’m guessing she’s his contact.”
“What did she want to talk to you for?” I asked. I was very concerned. “She didn’t mention how we got that Anglian invoice, did she?”
“She didn’t say anything about that. In fact, she didn’t mention Beckett at all. She wanted to talk about our security system and who came to install it all. So I told her everything. Raj and Gopal came to do the initial inspection; Raj sent us his report and recommendations; then Gopal led a small team to do the installation the next day. I mentioned we were very pleased with how quickly they responded.”
“Did she say why she wanted to know?”
“Yes. First she asked me about the attempted break-in. She wanted to check that it was after we changed the codes ourselves. She wanted to know everyone who had access to the control computer, and to confirm that the only people who could have known the old codes at the time of the breach were you, me and Empire.”
She paused for a slurp of white wine. I was trying to remember what happened that day.
“A couple of their guys worked in the pantry to drill holes and install the wiring,” I said, “but the only employee of Empire who went into the pantry after the computers were installed…”
“…was Gopal, yes,” she said. “That seemed to satisfy DS Sharpe. Apparently they’d already picked him up and he was sitting in a cell as we spoke!”
“An old trick,” I said. “You see it on every TV cop show. Bang ‘em up and let ‘em stew. Then they fall over themselves to confess.”
“I suppose so. Of course, Gopal might be innocent. If Empire keeps copies of all their customers’ alarm codes somewhere, it might be another employee who sells them to the burglars. So the sergeant was gathering additional evidence to challenge Gopal with. It seems that so far they hadn’t spoken to any Empire customers who hadn’t been burgled.”
“It probably didn’t occur to them,” I said, cynically.
“I asked her if it was Treacher’s idea, and she admitted it. She was smiling. I think she likes him.”
* * *
Fleur and I had two customers on Tuesday morning. As usual I was allocated the ironing – I was becoming expert – then I would move on to vacuuming and mopping floors. Fleur was on the bathrooms and the kitchen.
Our first customer was May, an eighty-year-old widow whose smart little bungalow didn’t need two girls for two hours, but she liked the company. She usually sent one of us out to the local supermarket for her shopping, which I was glad to do.
Our second client, Claire, was an artist, a landscape painter, and she liked to have classical music playing while she worked. Her studio was in the conservatory because it was the best room in the house for the light, and a Mozart Clarinet Concerto spilled out into the kitchen where I was ironing. I loved that. It was calming. I somehow managed to forget the problems of being an Earl under threat from villains and imagined myself to be a real cleaning lady, working-class, no threat to anyone, my only concerns being how to afford a hairdo or a new dress I fancied. Well, my – that is, Martha’s – clothes were a little dowdy. I might have to be a cleaning lady, but I didn’t have to be a frump.
Claire had to rush to the shops about half-way through our time with her, as she had run out of ‘cobalt blue’ or something. Fleur had finished the bathrooms and joined me in the kitchen.
“Oh I can’t stand that classical stuff,” she wailed.
She found the digital radio on a table in the conservatory and retuned it to a pop music station. Some screeching female, who clearly felt she understood her song’s melody better than the original tunesmith, tried to fill the place so recently vacated by Wolfgang Amadeus.
“That’s better,” Fleur declared. Seeing my frown she hastened to reassure me. “Oh don’t worry. I’ll put it back to Radio 3 when we hear her car.”
I wasn’t sure we’d be able to hear any car over that racket, or even a near miss with a Jumbo Jet, but the bland caterwauling of the identikit female suddenly came to an end, and the DJ announced ‘Golden Oldies’ hour.
“If I could make a wish
I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need…”
“Oh I love this one!” Fleur squealed, showing more taste than I expected. I was amazed she’d even heard it.
She stopped what she was doing and started humming. She often sang to herself while she worked. She had a great voice and could carry a tune well.
The Hollies reached the chorus.
“Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe…” they announced. “…and to love you…”
She dropped her cloth in the sink, ran over, and grabbed me. She dragged me into a clear space between the ironing board and the kitchen table and pulled me into a slow dance.
“All I need is the air that I breathe.
Yes, to love you
All I need is the air that I bre-ea-ea-the…”
Fleur’s eyes were closed. Her arms were up around my neck. I put mine around her waist. Apparently, being taller – marginally – I had to pretend to be the man in our odd couple. She was practically purring, a huge smile across her pretty lips. We gyrated slowly around the kitchen to the Hollies’ greatest hit, me following her lead with little alternative. It was nice. I just hoped that Susie never found out.
She opened her eyes and looked up at me, a mischievous smile on her face.
“Have you ever… you know… with someone of the same sex?” she whispered.
“I can honestly say I haven’t,” I said. “Not even dancing.”
And I still hadn’t.
The Hollies wailed their way to the end of the song. Fleur let go of me.
“You should try it sometime,” she said. “It might surprise you.”
With a cheeky grin she slapped me on my big round backside and went back to her cleaning.
* * *
We had a cancellation in the afternoon and Sally had nothing else for us, so I took Fleur home and returned to the Hall. I changed into my uniform and spent the rest of the day cleaning the bathrooms and toilets in our living areas. Might as well keep at it while I was on a roll…
At six o’clock Treacher phoned. Apparently, Gopal had cracked under pressure and given up the man to whom he sold Empire customers’ alarm codes: Jack Beckett. The police were looking for him, but he’d disappeared.
At half-past ten we were cuddling on the sofa and thinking about going to bed.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself,” Susie said. Her tone was almost accusing.
“Being a cleaning lady, I mean.”
“Well, it’s not so bad,” I said. Why did I feel I had to defend myself? “Once you’ve established a routine, it doesn’t require much thinking or planning, so you can relax, forget your troubles.”
I thought back to ironing to Mozart earlier that day, and the cleaning lady thoughts that came into my head.
“So, it’s pretty mindless then?”
“I suppose so, but that’s a little condescending, isn’t it?”
“Maybe, but I’m sure you’d have thought the same before you joined the ranks of charladies.” She patted my bulging tummy affectionately and rubbed my wobbly boobs. “But I don’t know how you can do it carrying all that additional blubber!” she said.
“Well, yes, the actual work is physically demanding – my back was a bit stiff after my first day – but I’m getting fitter, I think. So that’s good.”
“What about job satisfaction? It’s hardly challenging, is it?”
“No, but you do get a warm feeling when you’ve finished a room and can see what had been a tip now looking clean and tidy.”
“There’s no more cheering sight than a sparkling toilet?”
She was mocking us cleaning ladies now. I didn’t reply.
“Seriously, are you sure that’s all it is?” she said.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you sure you’re not enjoying… I don’t know… being subservient? You’re not happy as an Earl, so you want to go to the other extreme and be a lowly female servant, the lowest of the low, scrubbing toilets, cleaning up other people’s messes?”
I snorted. “Of course not! That would be weird. This whole thing is just a means to an end. I’ll ditch my Martha disguise as soon as it’s all over.”
“You may find it’s not as easy as that,” she said quietly.
I looked at her, but she didn’t elaborate.
“Anyway, it seems to have worked, doesn’t it?” I went on. “The police are after Beckett. He’s not going to be able to carry out his threats now, is he?”
Suddenly the outside lights came on and all the alarms started going off.
The Earl Maid
By Susannah Donim
Rob is a shy and reserved young man, but an unexpected inheritance suddenly makes him the centre of attention. His wife helps him find a way of hiding in plain sight.
Chapter 7
Martha and the Countess face an enraged Beckett – and the aftermath. Will the Earl be exposed - or killed?
The sound of breaking glass came from the back of the house.
We leapt to our feet. I slipped mine into my shoes and made for the door, but before I could get there, Jack Beckett burst into the room.
He stopped and looked at me more carefully. I really didn’t like the look on his face.
“It was you, wasn’t it, you old bitch?” He was boiling with anger now. “You put the police on to me! I thought I recognised you in that hideous yellow car of yours. You were in my house on Wednesday morning! Spying! What did you take? Who did you tell?”
Of course – the Polo! He must have seen it at the Hall on one of his visits to see his sister. I tried to think what a helpless woman would do in my position, so I started screaming for help. Susie quickly joined in. It was hopeless of course; there was no one around for miles, but Beckett didn’t necessarily know that. From his point of view, Estate workers might hear us, even at this hour, and come running.
Meanwhile I started backing away. He was intimidating enough, but my main reason for reversing was that every pace he took to get at me moved him further away from Susie. I hoped she would soon have the opportunity to run from the room.
If we could stall him, Empire’s security men would have time to get here, or maybe the police. But he accelerated suddenly and grabbed me roughly by the arm. I felt the shoulder of my dress give.
A stupid thought pushed itself into my mind: if he carried on like this, we would shortly find out whether the Transformations prostheses really were good enough to fool someone when you were naked.
I struggled to wrench myself free. I could feel my uniform ripping. To stop my screaming he struck me hard across the face with the back of his hand. My cap flew off and I lost several hairpins. It hurt a lot, but I wondered why he didn’t hit me properly. Was it some thug code? You don’t punch a helpless middle-aged woman?
I staggered but managed to stay on my feet. I stole a quick glance at Susie. She should have been edging toward the door, but she wasn’t. Surely she wasn’t thinking of coming to my aid? She must know I would want her to escape.
I hitched up my dress and kicked out at him as hard as I could. I was aiming for his groin, but my skirt and one-inch heels were too much of a handicap. He was too quick for me. He turned sideways and my kick to the balls was reduced to a glancing blow at his hip. His eyes blazed and he punched me in the chest as hard as he could, with all his weight behind it.
“Get away from me, you stupid woman!” he yelled. “Or I’ll really hurt you!”
Just the momentum of the blow was enough to knock me off my feet. I heard Susie gasp with horror.
He turned back to her, obviously assuming that one solid punch in the chest would be enough to end any interference from an overweight female. Indeed, from his point of view it might have felt like a satisfactory punch in my breast, thanks to the astonishing realism of the Transformations prosthetics, but it didn’t it feel like that to me. The padding that I had been resenting on and off for the last month enabled me to shrug off his blow. No force penetrated to my chest, concealed and protected as it was by my bra and breast forms.
But I knew I couldn’t best him in a fair fight. He was nearly six inches taller than me and probably thirty pounds heavier, if you didn’t count my false feminine curves. Also he was surely much more experienced at fighting, fair or unfair. I looked around desperately for a weapon. I spied the antique poker and tongs in the fireplace, purely decorative but potentially solid weapons. Unfortunately, he was between me and them.
I made a snap decision and launched myself at him from behind, shoulder barging him side-on. All I meant to do was stop him from assaulting Susie, but I knocked him in the direction of the fireplace.
I was just in time. If I had let him take one more pace, my charge would have landed us both on top of Susie. As it was, I caught him completely by surprise. No doubt he’d written me off, assuming that I would be cowering semi-conscious with pain from his assault on my most sensitive feminine parts.
He tripped over the fireplace surround and lost his balance, falling head-first into the mantlepiece. There was a nasty cracking sound, which didn’t register with me at first. Focused on my goal, I grabbed the poker and went to smash him over the head with it.
“Stop!” screamed Susie. I managed to restrain myself just in time. “He’s not moving!” she said. “I think he’s out cold.”
We approached cautiously, in case the slimy bastard was shamming. Then we saw the blood oozing out of the side of his head.
There was no running away from this. Everything was going to come out now.
I put the poker back in its stand. Then I reached for the phone and dialled.
“Emergency. Which service?”
“Police and ambulance,” I said. “I think I may have just killed someone.”
I had used my Martha voice out of habit. Afterwards I wondered why.
* * *
Susie was barely holding it together. I got us both a double brandy and sat her down in the library. Better for her to try to recover her wits without having to stare at the lifeless body in the fireplace.
We had lots of visitors in the next hour. The first time the doorbell rang I had the presence of mind to mutter to Susie, “I’m Martha until I tell you otherwise, OK?” before I went to answer it. We might as well try and keep my secret for as long as possible.
The police were first to arrive – two uniformed coppers, one in his forties, the other possibly twenty years younger. They were concerned when they saw the damage to my uniform and the disarray of my hair, but I assured them that I was fine. I showed them into the drawing room first to view the body, and then into the library to meet the mistress of the house.
They could see that Susie was badly shaken, so to begin with they addressed their questions to me, the maid. I told them what had happened: we had to defend ourselves from a violent intruder, and he met with an accident.
I didn’t describe our history with the Beckett family. That could wait until the plods were replaced by CID. I had barely started when the younger one got on his radio. He used all those complicated codes for describing the situation, but the gist of it was clear. This was well above their pay grade.
“He broke in through the kitchen,” said Susie, making a worthy effort to gather herself. “Well, you can hear the alarms, can’t you? And the lights came on outside when he got through the gate or over the fence or something.”
“Can I switch the alarms off now?” I asked.
The two policemen looked at one another. They would obviously have preferred the scene to remain exactly as they had found it until CID arrived.
“They’re giving me a terrible headache,” Susie said.
So the older copper nodded and I took the younger one with me to find the off switch in the old pantry. I left the outside lights on, as we were expecting many more visitors. I showed the policeman the broken glass in the window panel of the back door, which was wide open.
The ambulance was next to arrive. They’d been warned that the subject was almost certainly deceased, and that it was a suspicious death, so for the moment their role was limited to verifying that life was extinct. They would have to wait before they could remove the body. It had to remain where it was until the Crime Scene Investigators and detectives turned up, photographs were taken, and so on.
Bizarrely, I found myself taking everyone into the kitchen, where I made tea. Maid first, murder suspect second, I suppose.
The Forensic Pathologist came next with the CSIs. At this point the policemen moved Susie and me back to the library. The younger one stayed with us on guard, although I don’t know where they thought we might go. Perhaps they were afraid that, as the maid, I might try and clean up all the blood in the drawing room. And weirdly that did indeed cross my mind. I was afraid my mistress would be very cross at the mess I had made. I was thinking like a real maid. I must have been in shock.
Eventually two plain clothes police officers, a man and a woman, appeared in the library. The man was tall and thin as a rail, with receding grey hair and glasses. He was clearly the older and senior and he did the introductions, addressing the Countess, obviously.
“I’m Detective Inspector Giddings, My Lady,” he said, “and I understand you’ve met my colleague, Detective Sergeant Sharpe?”
Susie nodded.
“Good evening, My Lady,” said the woman. “I didn’t expect to see you again so soon, or under such circumstances.”
She was mid-thirties, I guessed. She wore a short waterproof jacket over black nylon trousers like mine, and a floral top that flattened her bust and really didn’t suit her. She looked more like a housewife than a police officer.
“Indeed, it’s all most unfortunate,” Susie said. She turned to Giddings. “I’m sorry, Inspector. I’m Susan Marsham, and this is my housekeeper, Martha Manners.”
I managed to suppress the instinct to stand up and curtsey. The two police officers now seemed to become aware of my existence for the first time. Noticing the damage to my uniform, DS Sharpe expressed concern regarding my well-being. I reassured her.
Somewhat impatiently, Giddings returned to questioning my mistress.
“May I ask how you were acquainted with the deceased, Ma’am?” he asked.
I noticed he didn’t ask if Susie was acquainted with the deceased. Obviously, he already knew that, which wasn’t lost on her. She stole a quick look at me. I tried to look non-committal but encouraging. The combination was too difficult and I probably failed.
“He was the brother of my predecessor as mistress of Hadleigh Hall,” Susie said carefully.
“You mean his sister was the previous Countess?”
“Not exactly. My husband’s father never married her.”
“So the Beckett family lost possession of the Estate when the old Earl died?”
Giddings had clearly been doing his homework.
“They never had possession. Eleanor was only my father-in-law’s mistress, so she and her son were what you might call ‘long-term guests’. And Jack Beckett never lived here at all, as far as I know. The old Earl couldn’t stand him.”
“Nevertheless, I imagine he and his sister were resentful,” Giddings insisted. “They must have had… expectations from the old Earl’s will?”
Susie glanced at me again. I nodded, hopefully in such a way that Giddings and Sharpe wouldn’t see.
“They had no legal claims on the Estate, but that didn’t prevent Beckett from coming here demanding money… with menaces,” she said.
“Really?” Giddings perked up. “Did you report this to the police?”
“To what end?” Susie said bitterly. “He was too careful to leave any evidence behind. He just wanted to show us that he could get in at any time. You couldn’t keep watch over us indefinitely, could you? But he could hurt my husband and me whenever he wanted. That’s why we spent all that money on the security system…”
“Yes, I noticed the cameras outside. We will need access to the footage, please.” Susie nodded. “I saw there was a camera in the drawing room too,” he continued. “Was that running?”
“No, I’m afraid not, Inspector. It is motion and sound activated but we only turn it on at night when we’ve gone to bed. You can start it at other times using a remote, but neither of us had time to get to it when Beckett burst in.”
Was that good or bad? If I’d managed to start the camera recording, we’d have proof that Beckett’s death was an accident and I’d been acting in defence of myself and my wife. On the other hand, the police would have a permanent record of the Earl of Hadleigh dressed as a housemaid, or at least of someone impersonating a woman who had been twenty miles away and six months pregnant at the time.
“And where is your husband, Lady Marsham?” Giddings asked.
“I’m sorry,” she sighed. “I can’t tell you that. Not without his permission.”
“Can you contact him?”
She sighed again and looked at me helplessly.
“I can, but I won’t,” she said.
“Well in that case, I’m going to have to ask you both to accompany me to the station and…”
I interrupted.
“Please, Inspector,” I said, maintaining my Martha voice for the moment. “Lady Marsham never laid a finger on Beckett. I am entirely responsible for his death. I will gladly accompany you to the station and answer all your questions. With Her Ladyship’s permission, I promise I will tell you everything. If you aren’t satisfied with what I have to say, you can interview My Lady later.”
Giddings considered. He obviously couldn’t see how the maid would know details of Lord and Lady Marsham’s private lives. On the other hand, loyal family retainers are often the best sources of information.
“I have to agree with Martha, sir,” put in DS Sharpe unexpectedly. “Her Ladyship was very open and helpful with me yesterday. She does seem to have been the victim here.”
“Fair enough,” he said, after a moment. “I don’t want to be unreasonable. This must have been a terrible experience for you, Ma’am. Try and get a good night’s sleep if you can. I will have more questions for you, but they can wait till tomorrow.” He turned to me. “Let’s go then, Martha.”
Susie looked at me miserably. I smiled as reassuringly as I could.
They allowed me to put on an outdoor coat and collect my handbag. Then I followed DS Sharpe out to their car, glad that they had decided that handcuffs wouldn’t be necessary.
* * *
It was nearly one o’clock in the morning now. The interview room was a grubby olive green, with condensation running down the walls. It was cold because it was late October, and in police stations, like all government offices, they don’t put the central heating on until the first of November. The steel-framed canvas chair certainly wasn’t designed for comfort, but the thick soft padding on my backside always made me feel like I was sitting on a cushion anyway.
The Inspector and his Sergeant regarded me quizzically. That was fair; I must have looked a sight. I’d lost my cap and most of my hair pins in the fight, and the permed greying hair of my wig was awry, large tufts floating wide. My dress was torn at the left shoulder, showing my bra strap. My apron was ripped and turned half way round my hips. My skirt had a gash from the hem almost up to my waist, revealing a long ladder in my tights.
“So, Madam,” the detective said, clearing his throat. “Despite your appearance, you maintain you are not the maid and housekeeper of Hadleigh Hall, but the Earl himself in disguise?”
He sounded incredulous, as well he might.
“That’s right, officer,” I said, in what I hoped was my normal voice, which I hadn’t had the opportunity to use for some time. It didn’t come out as deep as I would have liked, probably due to the shouting and screaming I’d been doing to call for help for myself and my mistress, I mean, wife. Nevertheless, it was clearly deep enough to give him pause. He leaned forward to take a closer look at my face.
“I really don’t see how that can be,” he said. “You look exactly like this photograph I have of you – that is, of Miss Martha Manners.”
He paused. My bizarre claim had momentarily thrown him. He gathered his thoughts and started again.
“But whoever you are, you’re here to answer some serious questions, so that we can decide whether to charge you with murder or just manslaughter.”
I hoped that was just designed to intimidate me.
“It was self-defence,” I pleaded, in what had suddenly become a very small voice, whether masculine or feminine. Surely that was obvious, wasn’t it?
“I think I’d better hear the whole story, don’t you?” he said. He sounded a little smug. He obviously thought his threats had scared me. “First, Sergeant Sharpe will take a DNA sample from you, please.”
I nodded. There didn’t seem much point in refusing to cooperate. The Sergeant opened a little box she had brought in with her and extracted a swab. I let her run it round the inside of my mouth. It made me think back to the first time I’d donated my DNA. That sample had led directly to my current position. I sighed.
“I don’t suppose your – that is, Lord Marsham’s – DNA is on file anywhere, is it? Just in case I need you to prove your story?”
“It is, actually. My solicitor has it. I had to take a paternity test to prove my right to inherit.”
I gave them Smythe’s details.
“Are you sure you don’t want Mr Smythe to join us?” Giddings said.
“Not for the moment,” I sighed. “Look, Inspector, I’d like to keep this just between the three of us if possible – for obvious reasons. Suppose I tell you everything, but with no recordings and no other witnesses? If you’re not satisfied, we can go the whole arrest and formal interrogation route later.”
He considered. He might possibly have been thinking that, if I was telling the truth, pissing off a local bigwig might not be a great career move. And wigs don’t come much bigger in this neck of the woods than the Earl of Hadleigh. For all he knew I might play golf with the local Police and Crime Commissioner. (I didn’t even know who that was, and I don’t play golf.)
“Well, it’s a bit irregular,” he said eventually, “but I suppose if you really are the Earl your situation is about as irregular as it gets.” He came to a conclusion. “All right then. I like a cooperative witness.” He picked up his notebook and a biro, which he then pointed at me sternly. “But this had better be good…”
So I told them everything.
* * *
I didn’t bother with the stuff about my parents, or my childhood, or our ‘dressing up games’ which started all of this, in a way. I also didn’t tell them about Transformations. They had done nothing illegal in my case but as I understood their business practices, they might have done so – unknowingly or otherwise – for some of their other clients. I really didn’t want to put them out of business. They had saved my life – perhaps literally.
Otherwise, I made a clean breast of everything (as it were). When I came to the Pink Ladies Society, I just described what they did to me as a state-of-the-art make-up demonstration. I threw in a mention of the Army sergeant and the Police rugby player. I suddenly realised I had been indiscreet when I saw a little flicker of recognition in Giddings’ eyes. He probably knew the cross-dressing copper, or could work out who it was from what I’d said.
When I got to the part where I ‘borrowed’ the shredded paper from Jack Beckett’s waste basket, DS Sharpe looked up from her notebook. She had realised early on that we had been employing Treacher. Now she saw where he had got the information he had passed to her. I was concerned that Giddings might open the question of whether stealing someone’s garbage was against the law, but it seems he was a totally pragmatic copper. He didn’t look gift horses in their mouths.
“That’s a very interesting story, your lordship…” he said.
“Call me Rob,” I said. Force of habit, really. No way he would do that.
“…Obviously we’ll have to check a few things out. Your disguise is truly amazing and I’m very curious how you did it.”
“I’m afraid I’ll have to keep that as a trade secret for the moment,” I said.
“Well, that may not be good enough,” he said sharply, “but I’ll let it go for now. I can still hardly believe you are who you say you are under it all, but I suppose it’s the most likely explanation for everything. Occam’s Razor, and all that.”
He paused for thought, tapping his biro against his teeth, which I noticed were far from pearly-white. DS Sharpe waited patiently.
“My colleague and I just need to have a private word outside,” the inspector continued eventually. He turned to her. “We have a few loose ends to tie up, don’t we, Sergeant?” She nodded. “We’ll try not to keep you waiting too long, Miss… I mean, Your Lordship.”
That was obviously a deliberate error. He chuckled.
I sat back in the uncomfortable chair, which was probably designed that way to add to the pressure on a suspect. I suddenly realised how tired I was. I checked my little watch. It was ten to three in the morning. I’d been up since seven and had cleaned two houses today – three, if you included the work that I did at the Hall in the afternoon. The happy times on the job with Fleur seemed like another lifetime now.
Giddings and Sharpe were back in less than ten minutes.
“Very well, Sir, I am satisfied for the moment. It’s too late to do anything else tonight, but tomorrow would you draft a statement for the Earl to sign, please, Sergeant? And the same for the Countess? Oh, and get that DNA sample to the lab and ask Mr Smythe for access to His Lordship’s for comparison.”
“Yes, sir.” She was obviously quite used to Giddings delegating the paperwork to her.
He turned back to me.
“Now, it’s fairly obvious that you have been the victim of an attack. My next job will be to compare the pathologist’s report with your description of the altercation. If he agrees that Beckett died from accidentally bashing his head against the mantlepiece, then I will be prepared to concede that you’re only guilty of defending yourself and your mistress, or wife, or whatever, from a vicious attack by a known felon. You could hardly have wielded the mantlepiece as a murder weapon.
“Mind you, I will still have to report the sequence of events to the Crown Prosecution Service, but I doubt they’ll want to waste time or public money on a prosecution if all the evidence tallies with your statement. They’ll probably keep the file open till after the inquest, of course, but in the meantime, I can’t see there’s anything to be gained from detaining you or the Countess.”
“Thank you, Inspector,” I said. “So am I free to go?”
“A few conditions first,” he said. He started ticking them off on his fingers. “One: you don’t leave the area without checking with me. Two: you surrender your passport; that is, Robert Marsham’s passport. I don’t think I need the real Martha Manners’ passport. I suspect you’d be caught at security if you tried to leave the country as her…” He paused to consider, inspecting me closely again. “Maybe not though…”
“I don’t have her passport anyway,” I said.
“Well, I’ll contact her and tell her not to let it out of her sight.” He resumed ticking off his stipulations. “Three: if you want me to remain discreet about your… cross-dressing, you’ll have to stay in your Martha disguise for the moment.”
“What? Why?”
He had to be kidding! I couldn’t be Martha any longer. I was already starting to experience ‘identity drift’, as Susie had happily pointed out. I was beginning to think like a maid and cleaning lady.
“Well, it’s entirely up to you of course, but for the moment you’re a key witness in a suspicious death, not to mention attempted extortion and demanding money with menaces. Lots of people saw you as Martha tonight – I mean, last night. We may want to see you again – either here or at the Hall. Other detectives from the Task Force may want to interview you about your visit to Beckett’s place. You’ll need to talk about things you saw as Martha. If you turn up to an interview as Lord Marsham, the cat will be out of the bag, won’t it?”
That was hard to deny. Worse was to come.
“Of course, if you need to give evidence in court, it will have to be as your real self, and that means you will have to come clean about spending the last month or so disguised as your own housekeeper. Quite honestly, I can’t see you being called in any criminal trial concerning the robberies. Mr Treacher might be, but you weren’t directly involved, were you? Does he know about… any of this, by the way?”
He meant was Treacher aware that the Martha he knew was really Robert, Lord Marsham.
“No,” I said, although privately I suspected he might have guessed. After all, why did we first meet him at the Transformations offices?
“So if you stay as Martha, we may be able to keep everything unofficial,” Giddings continued. “I appreciate you were partly forced into this disguise, and I don’t see any need to embarrass you if that can be avoided.”
“Well thank you for that, Inspector,” I said. “It’s very decent of you.”
It was, and no doubt many other policemen would have been delighted to expose a cross-dressing Earl.
“But I’m afraid it’s odds-on you will be called to testify at the inquest in the Coroner’s court,” he said. “You and the Countess will have to describe how Beckett met his death.”
That’s it, I thought. I’m doomed.
“Does that mean I’d be testifying in front of a jury?” I asked, terrified – as usual – of appearing as myself in public. It would almost be worth showing up as Martha so that Robert Marsham could continue to hide behind her.
“Probably not,” he said. “Since the Coroners Act 1988, a jury only has to be convened when the death occurred in prison, police custody, or in circumstances which may affect public health or safety.” He was obviously quoting, but he knew his law, this Inspector. “If he wishes, the Coroner can choose to convene a jury in any investigation, but it doesn’t happen very often. Too much trouble – and too expensive.”
Small mercies, I thought. Cold shivers were still running down my spine. But the Inspector had stopped to think for a moment.
“Of course, there’s no reason why the Coroner should ask how you were dressed when it all happened, is there?” he said. “And the only other person who knows is your wife. You might be able to answer all his questions as Lord Marsham without giving yourself away or committing perjury.” He laughed again. “Good luck with that.”
That was true, wasn’t it? The way things panned out didn’t depend on Beckett thinking I was a frail, middle-aged woman. He was much bigger and stronger than I was, and he would have been just as contemptuous of Robert Marsham’s chances of stopping him as of Martha’s. He just would have hit me harder, and with his fist, not the back of his hand.
The pathologist would confirm what I had told them about the incident, but I wasn’t out of the woods yet. I had a nightmare vision of having to stand up in the Coroner’s court, dressed as Martha, and admitting to being the Earl of Hadleigh.
“Of course, that’s all assuming the CPS agrees not to bring criminal charges against you,” Giddings summed up. “Then I’d have no choice but to put the whole thing on the record.” He turned to the Sergeant. “DS Sharpe, could you arrange a car to take… Martha back to Hadleigh Hall?”
“Yes, sir,” she said. “I’ll do it myself. It’s on my way home.”
“Good – you can arrange to get hold of the footage from the outside cameras while you’re there. Oh and we’ll need all the clothes she’s – he’s – wearing now for forensics, though hopefully we won’t need to keep them for long. Can you go in with him and bag them?”
“Yes, sir.”
The Inspector made for the door.
“By the way,” he said, “you and the Countess need to stay out of your drawing room for the moment. I realise that as the maid you’ll be desperate to clean up the mess, but that will have to wait. It will remain a crime scene until all the reports are in.”
He chuckled. The only thing worse than a policeman with a sense of humour is a policeman without a sense of humour.
* * *
DS Sharpe was chatty in the car on the way back.
“He’s a pretty decent guy, Inspector Giddings,” she said.
“I realise that,” I replied. “A lot of people in his position would have taken great pleasure in exposing me.”
“Well he still might have to, but I think you can be hopeful. You’ve probably realised that he’s also on the Robberies Task Force, and thanks to you and Frank Treacher, we’re well on the way to cracking that. You found Beckett’s storage units for us. We probably would have got there eventually, but time was of the essence. In a couple more weeks he would have been able to fence all the stolen goods and move them out.”
“So you searched the storage units and caught him red-handed?” I asked.
“Not at first,” she said. “We couldn’t get a warrant, so we were preparing to stake them out. That could have taken ages. But then Frank put us on to Gopal at Empire Security Solutions – acting on your information. We were already suspicious of them, but again we had nothing to back it up. You were the only householder to have changed your alarm codes from the ones that Empire had set. So when Beckett or his accomplice tried to get into your place using the old codes, the leak had to have come from Empire.”
“And Gopal set up the codes when he led the installation at our place,” I finished. “No one else at Empire saw them.”
It also explained why Gopal had asked so many questions about the value of stuff at Hadleigh Hall.
“He might still have brazened it out,” she admitted, “but he actually folded quite quickly. He was a ‘loose end’ and he was terrified of Beckett. So we struck a deal. He would serve a little time under a false name somewhere far away, then enter witness protection when he was released. Even that may no longer be necessary now…”
“…now that Beckett’s dead, you mean?”
“Right. We got the warrant easily on his testimony. The two units were crammed with the proceeds of the recent robberies. So we moved to arrest Beckett, but he obviously realised we were onto him and there was no sign of him at his home or office. We don’t know why he ran to Hadleigh Hall. Perhaps he intended to hide up there until he could arrange a way out of the country.”
“Actually, it might have just been about revenge,” I said. Sharpe looked puzzled. “He recognised me – that is, Martha – last Wednesday when I went to clean for his mother. He probably guessed that something I took from there led to you finding out about his storage units.”
“Ah, I see,” she said. “I suppose that would explain it.” She paused to think it through. “Anyway,” she resumed, “we’re fingerprinting all the stolen goods and rolling up all of Beckett’s known associates. The Chief Inspector thinks we’ll get everyone involved in the robberies eventually.”
“You don’t need to put the part about me cleaning Beckett’s house in your report, do you?” I asked.
“I shouldn’t think so,” she smiled. “We don’t really know what was going through his mind when he broke into Hadleigh Hall, do we? It’s only guesswork, isn’t it?”
We were off the highway now. Sharpe steered the car quickly and expertly down winding country lanes. There were no street lights, and all the houses and cottages around us were in darkness. Silence fell between us. Eventually I broke it with a question that had been on my mind.
“So how do you know Frank Treacher?”
She hesitated. “He’s my ex,” she said finally. “We joined up together; went to Hendon together.”
I knew that was the police training college in London.
“He’s a good man,” she continued, “but he was thrown out of the Force for decking a superior officer. Bastard deserved it, and everyone knew it, but Frank couldn’t hope to stay in the Job after that.”
She fell silent. I wondered if she might have been the reason why Treacher hit a superior. There was obviously a lot more to the story, but we were pulling into the driveway at Hadleigh Hall. Susie had obviously reset the security system when the last of the police and ambulance service personnel had left, but the gate recognised the signal from the RFID transponder in my handbag and swung open. The retractable teeth in the ground retracted. Most of the house was in darkness, but there was a light on in our bedroom. As we approached, the outside lighting activated. The alarms didn’t come on because the gate had opened properly. I checked my little watch again in the sudden flood of light. It was after half past three in the morning.
By the time I had opened the front door, Susie had appeared, stunningly beautiful (as always) in nightie and negligée. She hurried toward me, relief evident on her face. Then she saw I wasn’t alone, decided it didn’t matter, and threw her arms around me anyway. She didn’t bother asking questions. She knew I’d tell her everything soon enough. For now, she just wanted to be held.
DS Sharpe gave us a moment then cleared her throat gently.
“The Sergeant has come in to get the security footage and bag my clothes,” I said. “She and the Inspector have been very kind.”
“OK,” Susie said, letting go of me. “I’m going to make three cups of tea for when you’ve finished.”
“Oh I don’t think…” Sharpe began.
“You don’t have to drink it, but it will be there if you want it.”
With that she turned and walked briskly toward the kitchen. Knowing my wife as I did, I knew she was on the verge of breaking down with a mixture of shock and relief, and she didn’t want Sharpe to see that.
“We’ll go up to the maid’s room, if that’s OK,” I said. “I can strip off there more easily.”
“I won’t need your coat,” Sharpe said, getting some large polythene bags out of her briefcase. “You weren’t wearing that when you were fighting with Beckett, were you?”
I suppose you could say that me getting hit twice constituted a fight…
Sharpe blew inside a pair of disposable latex gloves to stretch them out and wriggled her hands into them. I led her up to the maid’s room on the second floor at the back of the West Wing.
I kicked off my shoes and untied my apron, handing both to her for bagging. I reached behind me to begin unzipping my dress.
“Here, let me help,” she said. “The gloves will prevent cross-contamination, but to be honest this whole exercise is pretty pointless anyway. It’s just to show that no one else’s DNA, and no fibres from anybody else’s clothes, are on the body.”
I stepped out of my dress and handed it to her. She put it in yet another bag. I now stood in bra, knickers and tights in front of a woman who wasn’t my wife. Probably better than a man. I noticed that she was staring.
“Do you need my underwear?” I asked.
“Better had,” she said. “I can’t believe how realistic all your… curves are!”
“All detachable,” I said, “with the right solvent.” I grinned. “You probably won’t believe it, but I’m actually quite thin and weedy under all this lot.”
I sat down on the bed and started stripping off my tights.
“Don’t you want to… I don’t know… go in the bathroom, or something?” she said, clearly embarrassed.
“Why? You won’t be seeing any of Rob Marsham’s private parts. They’re well hidden. There’ll only be the same sights you’d see in any female changing room.”
I unhooked my bra and pulled my panties down. I was quite enjoying the Sergeant’s obvious embarrassment. I tossed her all my lingerie, which she hurriedly bagged.
I reached for a plain nightie and a ladies’ dressing gown. (A maid doesn’t have an exotic negligée like her mistress.) I slipped my feet into a cheap pair of mules.
I caught sight of myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess. I tutted, sat down at the dressing table, and started brushing it. For some reason it didn’t occur to me just to remove my wig. When it was in some sort of order, I pulled it up into a tidy bun and stuck some hairpins in to hold it.
“Are you sure you’re not a woman?” Sharpe asked, with a smile.
“I’m not sure of anything just at the moment,” I admitted ruefully. “I know I was Robert Marsham, Earl of Hadleigh once. Hopefully I’ll be him again one day.”
We went down to the kitchen and joined Susie for a cup of tea. I offered something to strengthen it but they both declined.
“Actually, My Lady,” Sharpe said, “it will save time for both of us if you could describe what happened tonight in your own words. I’ll type it up as a Witness Statement tomorrow and bring it round for you to sign.”
So Susie began to recount the whole ghastly experience from her point of view. While she was doing that, I went into the control room to get the security footage. I browsed for the MPEG files that had been created that night. There were very clear HD pictures of Beckett arriving at the garages behind the house and smashing a glass panel in the back door. He must have come over the fence from the farm lane. The lights didn’t go on till he arrived in the stable yard. I went back to ask the Sergeant for her email address so I could send her the files.
To my mortification Susie was praising her husband’s courage in defending her. She even used words like ‘manly’ and ‘heroic’ with no embarrassment at all. She paused and looked at me, a totally feminine image with my grey bun, ladies’ dressing gown and slippers, my bulbous breasts poking out of the low-cut nightie where the gown didn’t quite close. The contrast with her tale of ‘manly heroism’ made both of them giggle.
“Thank you for that, My Lady,” said the Sergeant, draining the last of her tea and getting to her feet. “Your statements are completely consistent, so there should be no problem.”
I thanked her again and saw her to her car. It was nearly half-past four. I went back to the kitchen and as soon as the monitor showed the gate closing behind her, I reset the alarm system and went upstairs.
Susie was waiting, desperate for details. I updated her on everything that had happened, including DS Sharpe’s revelations in the car. I also repeated the Inspector’s instructions and his reasoning.
“So I’m stuck as Martha until all the police are satisfied,” I concluded.
Susie didn’t seem too concerned.
“Well at least I don’t have to advertise for a new maid,” she said, yawning.
We got into bed and turned off the lights. Dawn was breaking.
* * *
Before we went to bed Susie had texted her secretary explaining that we’d had a break-in and an accidental death, and therefore she would not be in the office that morning. I had texted Sally Jackson to say much the same.
When we eventually surfaced at around eleven, I saw that Sally had texted back to tell me not to worry. She would find someone to fill in for the day. Her assistant, Maria, was usually available at short notice, and she and Fleur had worked together many times. Fortunately, Mrs Beckett had cancelled her early cleaning slot for that morning. She didn’t say why.
Sally said she hoped to talk to me later to hear more. I would need to tell her whether I intended to carry on with J & J. It still seemed sensible not to change our routine, but now because the police might be watching us, rather than Beckett. We didn’t want anyone other than Giddings and Sharpe to see anything suspicious.
Anyway, for some reason I found I didn’t want to give up being a charlady. I tried to rationalise it. I realised I liked both parts – the ‘char’ part and the ‘lady’ part. What on earth was happening to me? I might have to see a shrink when this was all over.
* * *
The police forensic team had done all the time-critical work the night before while I was at the station with Giddings and Sharpe. They returned in the morning to take some measurements and collect more samples of paint, carpet fibre, dust, etc. (Dust? Cheek! They wouldn’t find any dust in a house I cleaned!)
They must have been instructed not to bother us too early. They appeared at about eleven-thirty demanding access to the ‘crime scene’, as their CSIs insisted on calling it. That was worrying, as we thought it was accepted that this was an accidental death. I hoped that it was just another example of one hand not knowing what the other was doing. In any case they spent more than an hour crawling all over the drawing room. When they eventually departed, they declared the room available to us again, so that I, the maid, could begin tidying up. Thanks.
I fetched my cleaning materials. Removing the mark where Beckett’s head had hit the mantlepiece was easy enough, and the fireplace tiles just wiped clean, but I had no idea how to get spatters of his blood out of the carpet in front of the fireplace. It would have to be replaced. I wondered what the insurance company would say.
At around noon Bill telephoned. Susie answered and put him on ‘speaker’. He’d seen the police cars and the ambulance in the distance the previous night and wanted to make sure we were all right. Susie told him everything that had happened and assured him that we were both fine now.
He asked about me; that is, the Earl. Susie explained that I was still away but that she expected me home soon. He was much too tactful to say anything specific, but I got the impression that he disapproved of the Master of Hadleigh Hall leaving the Mistress and her maid to face marauding villains. Quite right. I disapproved too.
Susie asked Bill if he could check the perimeter for her. We still didn’t know how or where Beckett got in and this morning’s police visitors didn’t seem to be interested. We could call Empire, but they were probably in some disarray today, following Gopal’s arrest. They would be fielding irate calls from customers demanding explanations and wanting their entry codes reset. Anyway, there would probably be a call-out charge.
I suggested Bill start at the old gate to the farm road, as it seemed Beckett had come in at the back of the building. He came to report at about one o’clock, so I laid out a buffet lunch on the dining table in the drawing room for him and my mistress. Then I retired to the kitchen, as I still didn’t feel confident being Martha with Bill. I sat in the pantry, shamelessly listening in to my betters’ conversation via the security system.
Bill had found a tall step ladder next to the fence, a few yards from the farm gate at the back. He removed it and put it in the garage workshop. It meant that Beckett had already prepared to breach our defences before the police got onto him. He just had to put his plan into action a little earlier than he expected, and alone. We always knew the fence wasn’t really high enough. It was more of a deterrent than a genuine obstacle to a really determined intruder. Hopefully that wouldn’t matter anymore now that Beckett was dead – now that I had killed Beckett, I suppose I should say…
* * *
A Detective Constable appeared at the Hall two days later with copies of our statements to sign. Fortunately, Susie had arranged to work from home for the rest of the week, so she was able to receive him. She was working in the library as the drawing room smelt strongly of cleaning fluid.
I took the DC in to see her. She was on a video call with a client. She waved the policeman to an armchair by the window while she finished up. I stood primly between them, my hands clasped in front of me over my apron.
When she finished her call, the constable explained his mission and handed her a typewritten form which he said he hoped was an accurate record of her statement to DS Sharpe. She read it carefully, signed it with no further comment, and handed it back.
The DC thanked her and extracted a second document.
“Er, is the Earl available to sign his statement, My Lady?” he asked nervously.
“I’m afraid His Lordship is unwell, Officer,” Susie said, thinking quickly. “But he may be up to signing it. Martha, would you take this up to His Lordship’s chamber and ask him if he is able to read and sign his statement?”
“Yes, M’Lady,” I said, with a curtsey.
I took the paper and left. It seemed sensible to actually go up to our bedroom in the West Wing, in case my footsteps across the Great Hall and up the stairs were audible from the Library.
When I got to our room, I sat on the bed and read the statement through carefully. Sharpe had done an excellent job. It contained everything I had told her and the Inspector. Every fact in it was precise, and precisely true. It made no reference to how I was dressed or the role I was playing. It didn’t mention Beckett calling me ‘an old bitch’. Mind you, I hadn’t told them that, so it was hardly surprising. The picture the statement painted was of Beckett breaking in to Hadleigh Hall and confronting Lord and Lady Marsham as they were preparing to retire, not of the Countess cuddling with her maid on the sofa. I signed it ‘Hadleigh’ in the boldest, most masculine version of my handwriting that I could manage, just above my typed full name, Robert, Lord Marsham, Earl of Hadleigh.
I took the paper back down to the Library. I knocked; waited for the ‘Come in’; curtseyed; and handed the paper back to the DC.
“Thank you, Martha,” said Susie. “Please show the gentleman out. I must get back to work.”
“Yes, M’Lady,” I said. “This way, Officer.”
And I must get back to my cleaning.
* * *
The fateful night’s events didn’t make the national news. There was a brief flurry of articles in the local press, but their emphasis was on the achievements of the Robberies Task Force. Beckett was identified as a key figure in the gang and a notorious fence. The last article merely said that he had gone on the run when he realised that the police were after him, and that he had broken into a house and died in an accident after a scuffle with the householder. I suspected I had Giddings and Sharpe to thank that the press didn’t make more of it. Unfortunately, the article did include the date for the inquest – in six weeks. I hoped the fuss would have died down by then.
It did, at least to some extent. But I was still called as a witness.
* * *
Sharpe telephoned the following week to say that they had compared my DNA sample against that held by Smythe’s firm, and it checked out.
We didn’t see her or Giddings again but more policemen appeared at the Hall over the next few weeks. There were two separate visits, both prearranged. In each case I opened the gate from the control room when they identified themselves, met them at the front door, bobbed a little curtsey, and conducted them to the drawing room where the Countess was waiting to receive them. I then retired to the kitchen (and the surveillance equipment in the pantry) to wait until I was called. Refreshments were not offered. We didn’t want to encourage them to linger.
Susie was quizzed over Beckett and Tank’s first visit, and over our family’s relationship with his. They asked to see the Earl, which was a scary moment, but Susie deflected their enquiries brilliantly. He wasn’t in when Beckett had called the first time and threatened her, so he would have nothing useful to offer. Neither she nor her husband had ever met the Becketts before, apart from at the will reading. Our tenure of the Estate didn’t overlap with theirs at all. She didn’t mention that her maid was present at either of Beckett’s intrusions, and the policemen didn’t ask. No doubt they assumed that the highly intelligent and articulate solicitor-Countess would give them all the information that was available from this quarter. The ignorant and uneducated housemaid would have nothing useful to add.
I went back to work for J & J on the Monday of the following week. First ‘Brusque’ Mrs Battersby, then the ‘Welsh Comedienne’, Myfanwy Griffiths. (We cleaning ladies give our clients nicknames so we can distinguish between them easily.)
At lunch Fleur was agog to hear about all the excitement. My story was well-practised by now and I managed to get through it without lying to her. Since the key events took place at 10.30 at night, Martha the maid wasn’t around. Beckett had only seen Lord and Lady Marsham. I let her assume, without actually saying so, that I was back at my little cottage in the village when all the excitement was going on. I had taken the rest of the week off from J & J because my mistress was badly shaken by the experience and needed me.
“Quite a coincidence that Beckett broke into the house where you were the maid less than a week after you and I were cleaning his house, don’t you think?”
She was watching me carefully.
“Yes, now you mention it,” I said. “That hadn’t occurred to me. Eerie, isn’t it?”
“What did the police make of that?”
“I’m not sure they knew.”
“Shouldn’t you tell them?” she said.
“Oh, I think they’ve got enough on their plates, haven’t they?” I said breezily. “Anyway, how could the two things be connected?”
She had no answer to that.
“Come on, eat up,” I said. “We’ll be late for Mrs Hanson.”
* * *
So I stayed as Martha for the moment. I still went to Transformations every second Saturday morning to have my prostheses removed and my face and body inspected for rashes. On the bright side, Vera’s ‘mild hormone lotion’ seemed to be doing its job. My beard growth was now very light and the waxing much less painful. She offered to arrange to have all my body hair removed permanently, but I wasn’t ready for that.
Somehow I always felt more comfortable after Vera had replaced my disguise. I felt vulnerable without my bra and knickers on now, even though my male body didn’t need lingerie.
Finally in mid-December, I gave my notice in to Sally Jackson. Martha the cleaning lady was going to retire. Fleur and I had a tearful parting. (I put my tears down to Vera’s ‘mild’ hormone cream.) I promised to keep in touch – another lie, sadly.
On the last Saturday before the inquest, I went back to Transformations to have my prostheses removed permanently. Vera was very professional, but I couldn’t help feeling it was a sad occasion. She dabbed the solvent on as usual; peeled the fake flesh off gently; washed all the pieces carefully with detergent; and rubbed me down with soothing lotion.
But this time she packed all my prosthetics away in archive boxes when they were dry, rather than reattaching them. This time I took Rob Marsham’s clothes out of my suitcase and put Martha’s back in. Rob’s shirt, socks and underpants felt coarse against my skin, which was still hairless even though I had undergone no shaving or waxing.
The only remaining sign of my tenure as Martha were my thick lips. I had asked about having the procedure reversed, but it sounded like it would be more trouble – and more painful – than it was worth.
When fully dressed in a crisp white shirt (I’d ironed it myself) and blue jeans, I examined my reflection in the mirror. It was three months since I had last seen Rob properly. I realised I had lost weight – working as a cleaning lady was slimming, apparently – but it didn’t look good on me. My clothes were baggy. I looked… wasted. But I had lost more than weight along with my Martha disguise. I was afraid I might have lost an important part of myself.
Annie and Ingrid came to see me off. They were glad that our difficulties with Beckett had been resolved, and that they had been able to help. I thanked them for connecting us with Treacher, and they thanked me for not telling the police how my disguise had been arranged. They didn’t need any attention from that quarter. Vera said she would keep my prosthetics for a while, just in case.
* * *
On the day of the inquest Susie and I arrived at the Coroner’s court early and took our seats while it was still empty. I didn’t want to engage in conversation with anyone. I was confident that no one would recognise the sad little man in the baggy suit, but that was about the full extent of my confidence. In any case people might deduce who I was from the fact that I was sitting next to the beautiful and increasingly well-known Countess of Hadleigh. But we were left alone, which was just as well because if someone had come to talk to us, I was so nervous I would probably have run away screaming.
I looked around the court. It was virtually empty. I had expected to see Eleanor or old Mrs Beckett or both, but Jack had been exposed as a criminal by now. They had obviously decided they didn’t want to be associated with him even after his death.
I was glad to see none of the policemen or paramedics who had attended on the fateful night, apart from Giddings and Sharpe. The only other witness would be the pathologist, whom I hadn’t met as either Martha or Rob. The Inspector had explained that no one was challenging the forensic evidence anyway, so the pathologist’s statement would be short and sweet. His office was in the same building so he would be called when he was needed.
The seating area marked ‘PRESS’ was also empty, which I found a little strange. I took it as a hopeful sign. I suppose the papers can’t send a journalist to every inquest. Perhaps the editors expected this one to be routine, despite the involvement of the nobility. They could get the details later from the court record when it was published, and then follow up if something interesting came to light. Maybe their lack of interest was something else I had to thank Giddings for.
While we were waiting for the Coroner, DS Sharpe came over to say hello. She couldn’t help but stare at me.
“Yes, Sergeant, this is my husband, the Earl,” said Susie with a smile, realising that Sharpe didn’t know what to say.
“Thank you, My Lady. Inspector Giddings sent me over to check. We’re supposed to have interviewed His Lordship several times after all, but neither of us would have recognised you.” She lowered her voice. “Your disguise was amazing, My Lord. How on earth…?”
Fortunately, the Coroner arrived at that moment. We all had to rise, and Sharpe had to scurry back to her seat.
* * *
Susie went into the witness box first. The Coroner, who looked like an elderly academic with a shiny bald head and glasses, began the questioning.
“I understand that the occasion of the late Mr Beckett’s death was actually his second visit to your house, My Lady?”
“Yes sir,” she said. “He and a… er, colleague broke in about three weeks earlier.”
“Broke in?”
“Oh I’m sorry. I mean that they weren’t invited in. They rang the doorbell, but then they pushed past my housekeeper when she answered the door.”
“What did they want?”
“Money, sir. Beckett believed his family were entitled to compensation because his sister had been my father-in-law’s mistress for many years but had received nothing in his will.”
“And how did you respond?”
“I refused.”
The Coroner waited, an eyebrow raised. He clearly expected her to expand.
“They had no legal right to anything of course,” she continued, “and the Hadleigh Estate has very little to spare. The old Earl was not exactly careful with money and he did nothing to enhance the Estate’s revenues. Even now it is barely meeting its expenses. I might have been sympathetic to Beckett’s sister’s situation, but I was assured that she faced no hardship. Our solicitor believed she had, er… ‘put aside’ a substantial sum from the Estate over the years.”
She enunciated the quotes around ‘put aside’ clearly. That could be taken as slanderous against Eleanor, but Susie had been very careful with her words. She had said ‘our solicitor believed’. The Coroner took the point. Of course this was establishing that there was ‘bad blood’ between us and Beckett, and therefore that we had at least some motive to kill him. But we had agreed that it would be foolish to try and conceal this.
“I see. So I assume Mr Beckett’s visit was not a friendly encounter?”
“No indeed, sir. Beckett and Tank – I’m sorry, but that’s the only name I was given for him – threatened us with physical violence.”
“My sympathies, My Lady.” He paused and whispered something to his clerk. “And where was your husband, the Earl, while you were facing this ordeal?”
Susie was going to have to box clever now.
“He was… nearby,” she said carefully, “on the Estate. But I told Beckett he was away from home and not expected back for at least two weeks. I hoped that he wouldn’t offer violence to two defenceless women, but I was sure he wouldn’t spare my husband if he could get his hands on him.”
“So Beckett didn’t meet the Earl on this occasion?”
“He only saw myself and my maid.”
She didn’t say ‘no’, which would definitely have been perjury. It was true that Beckett and Tank only ‘saw’ the maid, but that was because they were fooled by my disguise. Clever, but still very close to the wind.
The Coroner nodded.
“You didn’t think to contact the police?” he said.
“Of course I did, and I told Beckett I would when he made his demands. But that’s when he started threatening to break my and my husband’s fingers, and worse. He also said that it would be my word against his, and he had arranged convincing alibis for himself and Tank. Perhaps I should still have gone ahead and called the police, but I was afraid – for myself, my maid, and my husband.”
“I sympathise, My Lady. Now let us turn to the night of Beckett’s death. Please tell us everything that happened, as you remember it.”
So Susie described Beckett’s second and final visit to Hadleigh Hall. The Coroner let her tell the story in her own words and didn’t interrupt with questions. At half-past ten she and her husband – not her maid – were sitting in the drawing room, thinking about going to bed when Beckett broke in. Beckett assaulted her husband, hitting him in the face. The Earl tried to resist but Beckett, who was much bigger and heavier, hit him very hard in the chest and knocked him off his feet. Beckett then advanced on her, but he had underestimated her husband’s resilience. The Earl got back up and, fearful for his wife’s safety, charged Beckett from behind. Beckett lost his balance, fell sideways, tripped over the fireplace surround, and cracked his head on the edge of the mantlepiece, which killed him.
I was bright pink by now. I hoped no one noticed. But all eyes were on Susie. Every word she said was true. The Coroner asked a few questions of clarification and then thanked her for her testimony.
I was then called to describe the incident from my own point of view. I was asked about my injuries. I was quizzed in detail about my intentions when I struck Beckett from behind, but I said that I had no objective other than stopping him from hurting my wife. I had no idea what would happen when I barged him. I couldn’t have predicted which way he would be pushed, or that he would trip. At that point I had some idea of maybe getting my hands on a weapon such as the poker, but Beckett was between me and the fireplace. In the heat of the moment I didn’t think of my own safety or the consequences of my actions, only of my concern for Susie.
Again, every word was true, and again, the Coroner expressed his sympathy. It seemed he had no sympathy left over for Beckett.
The forensic pathologist testified that the only mark on Beckett’s body was the head wound that killed him. That was entirely consistent with the fall Susie and I had described. The abrasion contained tiny slivers of white paint, identical to the paint on the mantlepiece, on which the CSI had found a scuff mark with flakes of skin, which were identified as from the deceased.
The only other observation the pathologist made was that there was some foreign blood and skin cells on the back of the deceased’s right hand, which turned out from DNA analysis to be from Lord Marsham, and consistent with the deceased having struck the Earl across the face.
Sharpe and Giddings were called, which was a moment of truth for me, but with their testimony the Coroner focused on the background to Beckett’s flight from the police and break-in at Hadleigh Hall, presumably to understand his state of mind prior to his death. Giddings also testified to my interview and subsequent statement, both of which were entirely consistent with the testimony the Coroner had already heard.
At no time in the two hours of the inquest did it occur to anyone to ask how the Earl of Hadleigh had been dressed on the fateful night, and none of the four people who knew mentioned it.
The verdict was ‘Accidental Death’ and the inquest was closed.
The Earl Maid
By Susannah Donim
Rob is a shy and reserved young man, but an unexpected inheritance suddenly makes him the centre of attention. His wife helps him find a way of hiding in plain sight.
Chapter 8
So Rob is back but no more comfortable as the Earl than before. What’s to be done? He can’t be Martha anymore, can he?
It felt strange wandering around the Hall dressed as a man again. I had to re-adjust my gait to my original, very different centre of gravity. I had to concentrate on taking longer strides and break my habit of mincing, feminine little steps. On the plus side, being a full-time, hard-working cleaning lady had built up my muscles. I felt a bit like Superman. Now that I was no longer held back by Martha’s excess weight, I could move faster, jump higher, almost fly!
But I felt like half of me was missing, which in a sense it was – and not just my Martha padding. I had lost what little excess flab I had ever had, presumably because of all the hard physical work. My old male clothes hung off my reduced frame.
“Everything’s baggy on you,” Susie had said. “We’re going to have to buy you all new shirts and trousers.”
“Can we do it by mail order?” I suggested, plaintively.
Susie pretended not to hear that. She was planning an extensive shopping trip.
* * *
I contacted Bill straight after the Inquest and said I’d like to get involved in the running of the Estate again. He was a little cool with me, presumably for leaving Susie alone for so long with only Martha for company. Maybe he thought I’d been having an affair. So I told him as much as I could about Beckett’s threats. I said I’d hated not being around while Susie was being harassed by thugs, but she insisted I stay away. She was adamant that letting them beat me senseless wouldn’t solve anything and wouldn’t make her any safer.
I told him that we’d hired a private investigator to help us, and some of the information he had unearthed had enabled the police to arrest Beckett. I had come home then, but the angry villain had gone on the run and broken into the Hall, where he met his end.
I’m sure this partial explanation only left Bill with more questions. Why had I gone away again after I fought with Beckett, only returning for the Inquest? But he didn’t ask – it wasn’t his place to cross-examine his employer – and I changed the subject.
With Bill’s help I soon got back into the swing of managing the Estate. We were exceptionally busy right up to Christmas. Our tenants were keen to fix issues they’d been living with throughout the year, but now they wanted to get things ship-shape for the Festive Season, before the parties and the visits from far-flung friends and family.
I thoroughly enjoyed the work. It was mostly about helping people with domestic problems, which reminded me a little of my time as Martha, the cleaning lady. The only part I didn’t like was having to be the Earl in front of so many strangers. I felt a terrible fraud. As always, I hated having to mix with people I didn’t know, even though they always gave me a hearty welcome. I thought of hiring someone to do all the meetings for me. Then I could just plan for the future and manage contractors and building works remotely from my office.
As we had discussed, Bill gave in his notice, and we agreed he would leave on the 31st December. After that I would be on my own. He promised to be available if I was ever really stumped.
* * *
We hadn’t told my mother much about our bizarre lives during the last three months because we didn’t want her to worry about Beckett’s threats. We had had to stop making video calls to Atlanta, because that would have revealed to her that her son was now Martha, her old housemaid. We still kept in touch regularly. I just had to remember to switch to my increasingly unfamiliar male voice. I told her that our broadband was faulty and could no longer support video, and promised to get it fixed as soon as I could.
As October gave way to November I had gradually come to realise that Mum wasn’t going to return to the UK permanently. She started talking about moving in with Esme.
“She’s quite a bit older than me actually. Her son is buying the house for her. They don’t really need any contribution from me, but I insisted on paying my way. Hopefully the rental income from the cottage will be enough. I think they’re just glad that I’ll be there, so they won’t have to look after Esme themselves as she gets older. She says she quite likes being companion to a Dowager Countess, but I think it’s the other way round: the Dowager Countess is companion to Esme.”
I thought there might be a little more to my mother’s decision to stay in America, but I assumed she’d tell me when she was ready.
After the inquest, and I was back as Rob, we were again able to make video calls to Atlanta. Mum was delighted to see our faces at last, but was concerned that I had lost weight, and was there something wrong with my mouth? My lips looked swollen.
She also asked in her plain-spoken, unsubtle manner whether there was any sign of an heir to the Earldom. We assured her that we were thinking about it, but we still needed Susie’s salary for the moment. She let the subject drop for the time being, but we knew she would bring it up again when she joined us for Christmas, in just over two weeks.
* * *
Susie would be working right up till Christmas Eve, so I was alone in the big house, just as I had been as Martha. I carried on doing essential tasks such as shopping and laundry. It felt weird doing Martha’s work but not wearing her uniform. I kept seeing things I would have done had I still been the maid, and there was no one else to do them, so I did them. I put on an apron and I ironed, and I vacuumed, and I scrubbed, just as I had been doing when I was Martha.
As two maids Susie and I had made progress clearing the clutter in the top-floor bedrooms, but despite our dressing-up games (or maybe because of them) we hadn’t finished, so I thought I’d have another try. I found the ‘Keep’, ‘Definitely Dump’, and ‘Think About It’ piles unchanged since the early autumn, apart from having gathered additional dust. All three lots were still dwarfed by all the untouched junk.
It was slow going, because I felt I needed to check nearly every item with Susie before deciding its fate, so I made lists. I’d barely begun when I found the Christmas decorations: coloured lights for indoors and outdoors, long paper chains, and a huge artificial tree, which could only go in the Great Hall. Getting that lot downstairs and into the appropriate rooms killed the rest of the afternoon, and putting it all up filled the next three evenings for both of us.
When we finally switched on the lights, the Hall was bright enough to steer ships onto the rocks, if we weren’t seventy miles from the sea. I dreaded to think about the electricity bill, but visitors to the Hall – and we hoped there would be many paying guests – would expect to see lots of colourful Christmas cheer.
Happily, Society Christmas parties at the Hall kept us both busy. There were also the final rehearsals for the LADS pantomime. Charlie welcomed me back – I hadn’t seen him as myself for over two months. He insisted on giving us the best seats in the theatre for the last performance. I’m not usually a fan of pantos, but this was Aladdin and it was excellent. The young actor playing Widow Twankey – Nick Something – was especially good.
We also hosted the LADS Christmas party which traditionally followed the last show. It was usually at a hotel in town, but according to Charlie, everyone was thrilled that this year it would be at the Hall. The orchestra from the panto provided the music for the party. Susie was asked if she would present the prizes, and she graciously agreed. I hid in a quiet corner at the back, hoping I wouldn’t be called upon to speak.
Everyone asked after Martha and we told them she was off with her family till New Year. I didn’t much enjoy helping our guests as the Earl for the usual reasons. Playing the part of Martha had been easy and exciting; playing the part of myself was terrifying.
* * *
Two days before Christmas we were to collect Mum from Heathrow. We went in the big BMW, assuming she would be loaded down with luggage. She had indeed brought lots of presents – mainly souvenirs of Atlanta – but she hadn’t brought many of her own belongings. She announced that she would be with us for less than a fortnight. She had been invited to a New Year’s Eve party and really wanted to go. It turned out she had met a rich handsome man who was a sucker for the English aristocracy.
“And you’ve always been a sucker for rich handsome men, haven’t you?” I said over my shoulder from the driver’s seat. “You be careful now. I don’t want to have go after him with my shotgun.”
Mum giggled happily.
When we got home and were settled in the drawing room with Christmas drinks, my mother demanded to know everything we’d been doing since she left us in mid-September. Susie and I looked at each other and began. Mum listened with an open mouth and staring eyes, gulping her champagne cocktail in disbelief.
Her first reaction was the inevitable scolding for not telling her everything sooner, but she eventually agreed that it would have served no purpose. In fact, she congratulated us on how well we had coped, especially my mission as Martha the Spy. Amusingly she was much more interested in how I had been living as a housemaid and cleaning lady than about Beckett’s threats and subsequent death.
“I would have loved to have seen you as Martha!” she said. “Don’t you have any photographs?”
“Lots,” Susie laughed. “I took pictures of him all the time, mostly when he wasn’t looking. But you won’t find them very interesting, Julie. He looks exactly like Martha.”
She went across to the desk in the corner she used when working at home and took a small volume out of one of the drawers. It was a little photo album. She sat down next to Mum and they started going through it together.
“Here – this first one is of the two Marthas side by side. It was taken by one of the Pink Ladies. I saw it at their next slide show and asked if I could have a copy.”
“That’s amazing!” Mum said. “Which is which?” Susie was about to tell her, when she said, “Oh, Rob’s that one, isn’t he? You can tell by the lips! Is that why they’re all swollen now? You’ve had them done with collagen or something!”
Seriously impressive, my Mum.
“You look lovely in your maid uniform, Rob,” she said. “Very smart.”
“And I took this one of him – her – scrubbing the toilet in our bathroom,” said Susie, turning the page.
“Look at the size of her backside…! Er, I mean, I see Martha has put on a bit of weight over the years. Well, I suppose we both have.”
She didn’t seem at all surprised that her son, the Earl, was being a cleaning lady in his own house.
“When did you learn to do ironing, Rob?” she asked.
I left them to it.
* * *
Susie’s parents, George and Janet, made us five for a sumptuous Christmas Dinner – cooked by the Countess and the Dowager Countess together. Afterwards we repaired to the drawing room with ports and brandies.
I was looking through a pile of board games for some after dinner fun when my mother asked, casually, “So if you’re still working full-time, Susie, how on earth do you keep this place looking so good, now Martha’s gone?”
“Hey, we both work full-time,” I protested, “and we share the housework.”
My mother looked sceptical. My wife, who would lie her head off to defend me against strangers, didn’t feel any such need with family. She had also had a lot to drink. As I had discovered, she tends to tell the truth when she’s drunk.
“I do most of the cooking,” she said, “because I don’t want to live on pizza and takeaway Chinese, but Rob does pretty much everything else.”
“So you’re the housewife then, Rob?”
“I manage the Estate – that’s my proper job – but I do some stuff around the house, yes.”
“Laundry, cooking, cleaning – just like a housewife then?”
The two women in my life, my harshest critics, chuckled at my embarrassment.
“But I don’t want a housewife,” said Susie. “I want a maid. Martha – my Martha – was wonderful.”
Did that mean that she actually preferred me as Martha? I was concerned. We hadn’t told her parents about my career as a maid, and Susie was drunk, or getting there. Was the truth coming out now? In vino veritas? The look on my face must have told her she’d gone too far.
“Oh sweetie, I didn’t mean…” She paused to let her brain catch up with her mouth. “I mean, it doesn’t seem right that you, the Earl, should be cleaning and washing and ironing. It was fine when you were… I mean, for Martha to do it… but not… oh, I don’t know what I mean. Look, we need to hire a maid-housekeeper in the New Year. OK?”
I nodded. But I suddenly realised I didn’t really want some stranger coming in and doing my jobs.
* * *
We enjoyed the Festive Season together. For me it was spoiled only by having to attend a few functions in our roles as ‘local nobility’ and sponsors of various charities and other good works. I was all in favour of what they were trying to do, but my crippling shyness made me useless at the required social networking. The two Countesses were, predictably, brilliant at it, and I was determined not to spoil things. I stayed quietly in the background while they charmed the representatives of the local businesses and finance houses.
The end of the old year was soon upon us and it was time for my mother to return to her new home. We promised to Skype regularly and visit as soon as we could.
* * *
The first important event of the New Year was Martha’s wedding. Not many couples marry in January but if she waited much longer her baby would come first and she wanted him or her to be born in wedlock.
It was a traditional wedding in the church at Davey’s home village. They were lucky with the weather. It was cold but stayed dry all afternoon. There were even some short periods of sun, ideal for group photography outside the church.
The bride wore white. Neither she nor any of the guests were at all concerned that she was eight months pregnant. She had never looked lovelier (much better than I ever did as her). Susie was stunning in a knee-length lemon yellow brocade dress with a short jacket and matching wide-brimmed hat. It wasn’t a formal occasion with proper morning dress, so I just wore a new grey suit.
“You could have been a bridesmaid,” she said, as we watched the bride and her father proceed up the aisle to the altar.
“As Martha’s twin sister.”
I laughed. Then I thought, actually that would have been fun.
We gave them a three-piece suite for their new home as a wedding present. At the Reception Susie also gave her copies of some of the photographs she had taken of me as her, making her promise not to tell anyone where they came from. As they leafed through them together, they were giggling like schoolgirls at my expense.
To my further embarrassment Susie and I were name-checked in the groom’s speech.
“Martha and I are honoured that the Earl and Countess of Hadleigh are here today,” Davey said with a grin. “I must say I had never dreamt the nobility would be attending our wedding.”
He paused, pointing us out. Davey was a lovely fella, but I had never hated anyone as much as him at that moment. Everyone looked at me, and Susie nudged me fiercely to make a quick response. I got shakily to my feet and admitted that I was just as surprised as he was.
“A year ago I had never dreamt I would be ‘nobility’, as Davey put it,” I said. “And believe me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. This time last year all I had to worry about was whether 5D had any chance at all of passing their Maths GCSEs. Now… well, let’s just say I have a lot more responsibility. The only good thing about it is being married to a Countess, this particular Countess, anyway.”
There was some good-natured chuckling, a better response than anything I had ever managed before when speaking on my own behalf. Susie had gone a little pink, I noticed, but she had a happy smile on her face.
“But we are delighted to be here,” I continued. “Martha is a wonderful lady, and Davey is a very lucky man.”
Cries of “Hear, hear!”
Susie was tugging on my trouser leg: a sure sign it was time for me to sit down.
“Well done, dear,” she whispered, “but brevity is the soul of wit.”
Davey thanked me warmly and carried on with his excellent speech. Waitresses moved quietly among us making sure all our glasses were primed for the coming toasts. I realised I would rather have been any of them (even the little fat one) than the Earl of Hadleigh. Was I weird, or what?
* * *
We stayed overnight in the hotel.
“You were very good today, Rob,” said Susie, as she started stripping off her beautiful outfit. “Very much the gracious Earl; nobility with the common touch.”
“Of course I have ‘the common touch’. I am common.”
“Well, your little impromptu speech was spot-on. I think you’re finally getting over your shyness.”
“I don’t,” I protested. “I can just about bluff my way through it now, as I did today, but I still hate every minute of being the Earl, on display, in front of people I don’t know.”
Susie sighed.
We got into bed. It had been a long day. We lay, entwined, neither of us feeling like doing anything energetic. We lay in silence, just enjoying the warmth of each other’s bodies.
“Did you mean it when you said you’d rather have a maid than a husband?” I said into the darkness.
“No! When did I say that?” Susie said, shaking free and propping herself up on her elbows.
“After dinner on Christmas Day. You were drunk, but I think you meant it.”
“What I meant was that it didn’t feel right to see my wonderful noble husband scrubbing toilets and vacuuming the sitting room, but I was perfectly happy for my lovely maid, Martha, to be doing it.”
“So it’s all about appearances then?”
“Well… yes… I loved Martha undressing me and washing my hair and scrubbing my back in the bath. It’s not the same when you’re my husband. At bedtime you’re only supposed to see me in my nightie and negligée, all clean and sweet-smelling and sexy, ready to be unwrapped. You’re not supposed to do the work that goes into it. That’s Martha’s job.”
“I sort of see what you mean. All the domestic chores, including pampering my mistress, were more fun when I was properly dressed as the maid. It doesn’t really make sense, but I suppose appearances do matter.” I sighed. “I have to admit,” I continued, “I quite liked my maid uniforms. It might just have been the novelty – I’ll probably get over it soon – but I found my knickers, skirt and tights very comfortable. Even my heavy-duty bra felt… nice.”
“Well, we’ll have to think about that when we get home.”
* * *
When we got back from the wedding there was a lot to do. I had to call on three tenants on the Monday. They were all immensely grateful that the Earl himself came to inspect their homes and made a great fuss of me, which of course I found profoundly embarrassing. It made me even more determined to recruit an assistant to do all these ‘home visits’.
I was talking to contractors and suppliers on the phone all afternoon. Susie wasn’t back from the office till seven. Neither of us felt like cooking, so we ordered takeaway. While we were eating, Susie raised the subject of hiring a housekeeper again.
“Can we really afford it?” I asked.
“Just about,” she said, “as long as we keep on hosting society meetings, LADS rehearsals, Open Days and parties. We need all those activities to keep us in the black. Anyway, it won’t be forever. I’m expecting Wainwrights to make me a full Partner in the next year or two.” She chuckled. “I probably couldn’t hope for that if I wasn’t a Countess.”
“Nonsense! You deserve it. You’re the best they’ve got.”
“Your loyalty is much appreciated, babe, but it’s rare to make Partner much before your mid-thirties. Hey, you’re trying to change the subject!” She put her hands on her hips in mock anger. “We need a new maid.”
“We need Martha,” I said. “We were incredibly lucky to have her, you know. Finding a trustworthy housekeeper who works hard and doesn’t steal the silver is really difficult.”
I meant the real Martha, but I suppose the comment applied to me as the fake Martha too.
“OK then, so why don’t you do it?” Susie said. “I know you like being a cleaning lady – almost as much as you hate being the Earl and the centre of attention.”
“You said you didn’t want to see me doing all the domestic chores.”
“I said I didn’t like seeing the Earl doing the cleaning. It seemed… inappropriate. I’m fine with it if you’re dressed as a maid – again.” She licked her lips. “In fact, I’d love it.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t do that…” I said, although I couldn’t actually articulate an objection.
“Why ever not? We know you make a convincing woman – with the help of Transformations. No one spotted you as a man in the two months you were Martha, did they?”
“No,” I admitted, “but what about running the Estate? There’s a lot to do…”
“Well, you keep talking about hiring an assistant… Wait, I’ve an even better idea! You could be the Earl’s secretary in the mornings and do all the site visits for him, and my maid in the afternoons. I’m sure you could manage each job on a half-time basis. J & J do most of our heavy cleaning after the functions we host, don’t they? So you’d only have to look after our private living areas.”
“Actually, that might work…” I said, thinking desperately of arguments for and against.
“Right! You’re tongue-tied and uncomfortable in public whenever you have to be you, but you’re fine when you’re disguised as somebody else. You can’t be Martha anymore – people round here know she’s left and got married – but you can go back to Transformations for a new persona.”
She was thinking furiously now.
“Actually, whatever they do, you’ll probably still look and sound a bit like Martha – well, your version of her – so why not claim to be her younger sister? Then no one will be surprised at the resemblance.”
“OK, I admit it. I really enjoyed my time as Martha, or I would have if we hadn’t had Beckett and his threats hanging over us. I’m sure it was just a phase – I can’t imagine it as a permanent lifestyle choice – but I wouldn’t have minded if it had gone on a little longer.”
“OK, so why not just try it for a while? If you don’t like it, we can say that the new secretary/ housekeeper didn’t work out.”
* * *
But I did like it, and it worked out beautifully.
I’d told Fleur that Martha had a younger sister called Mary, so that’s who I would become. She would be a little better educated than Martha, and so would be qualified to be the Earl’s secretary as well as the Hall’s housekeeper.
We returned to Transformations and explained what we wanted. It was more embarrassing this time as I wasn’t being forced by circumstances to hide out in female disguise, so I had no excuse. But Annie and Vera were sympathetic and totally professional. Apart from the fact that my wife insisted on being present throughout the procedure, it was no worse than being measured for a new suit – OK, than being measured in the nude for a new suit.
“Now then, Mary, we’ll obviously have to sculpt new facial prostheses to make you look like Martha’s younger sister,” said Annie. “Same shape head, similar cheeks and double chin, but fewer wrinkles. Does that sound right?”
I nodded. “Except I think they’re supposed to be called ‘laughter lines’,” I said.
“Can we aim for late twenties?” asked Susie.
“We’ll see, My Lady,” Annie said, “but I suspect she’ll come out as early thirties at best. Now what about her figure? She’ll still have to be a little portly, I’m afraid, to compensate for her male waist and shoulders.”
It seemed I wasn’t going to be consulted about my appearance. What did I know anyway?
“Would it save us money if you just re-used the body prostheses she had as Martha?” Susie said. “Then we wouldn’t have to buy her new uniforms and underwear.”
“I was going to suggest that,” said Vera, reaching for a box with ‘Martha’ written on the side. She took out the familiar lumps of pseudo-flesh. “We couldn’t go much slimmer than these anyway. Perhaps we can knock a few pounds off her new ones when these wear out.”
“Oh, right,” I said. “How long do they last anyway? I don’t think you ever mentioned that.”
“It varies, depending on how you treat them, but a couple of years is about average.”
“Oh I doubt I’ll be needing them for that long,” I said, confidently. “This is just a little experiment really.”
“If you say so, dear,” said Vera, clearly unconvinced. She and Annie and Susie exchanged amused glances. “So you’ll come back here regularly for check-ups, right? Make the appointment as soon as you feel the adhesive start to loosen. I’ll remove the prostheses and make sure all is well underneath.”
“Then maybe you can spend a day or two as the Earl before coming back for waxing and refitting,” suggested Susie.
“I’ll give you some more solvent, just in case you have to change back in an emergency,” said Vera.
“I still have all your data,” said Annie, “so I’ll run the program to see what we can make you look like, while Vera shaves you and does your waxing.”
I groaned.
“Come on then, strip off, Mary dear,” said Vera cheerfully. “It shouldn’t be so bad this time. How long is it since your last waxing? A month?”
“Six weeks, at least,” I groaned again. “Double Scotch, please. One ice cube.”
I didn’t like my whisky watered down too much.
* * *
I was lying on Vera’s couch, practically naked, the hormone-laced cream just beginning to soothe my smarting flesh, when Annie returned with her laptop.
“I’ve done a couple of basic pictures, each with several hairstyles,” she said, opening the display.
She scrolled through pictures of several buxom young women all of whom looked like slightly younger versions of Martha.
“I see you haven’t had a haircut for quite a while, have you?” I shook my head. “Well, your own hair is easily long enough for a short feminine style. Shall I see if Sharon can do you later on? You’ll be much more comfortable without a wig. A new hairdo would also make Mary look different from Martha.”
“But I still have to appear as myself every two or three weeks,” I said.
“Oh, that shouldn’t be a problem,” she said breezily. “Talk to Sharon.”
And so it was agreed. Susie chose a face and hairstyle from the options offered. I sat patiently while Vera stuck my new face pieces on, and then her colleague, Sharon, did my hair. Between them they brought Annie’s picture to life. For half an hour I sat under a dome-shaped hairdryer with my hair in curlers and read an old Woman’s Own. I was enjoying an article about the spring fashions of five years ago when Sharon pulled me out. She started removing my curlers.
“This ‘do’ is pretty low maintenance,” she said as she trimmed and primped. “You won’t want to bother with colouring, so I’m just using a good conditioner. Twice a week you’ll need to put curlers in at night, to keep it bouncy.”
“It’s great,” I said, “but I don’t see how I’m going to look like a man with this.”
“Oh, I can fix that for you. We can slick it down with hair oil. I can provide you with convincing facial hair too – sideburns, moustache, maybe a goatee. I think you’d suit a beard.”
“Oh yes, Susie said, “I’d love to see what you look like with a beard.”
* * *
I’d almost forgotten what it was like to be weighted down with Martha’s heavy boobs, thighs and buttocks, but having them stuck back on me was like coming home.
I still had some of Martha’s old clothes and underwear. She and Davey were putting her cottage on the market, and she had come back to collect her little Polo, and most of her belongings. We had offered to take any of her clothes that she didn’t want to the charity shop, but we hadn’t got round to doing that yet. She didn’t need any of her maid’s uniforms. Davey had a good job; Martha would never be a maid again.
I put on my bra and knickers, watching my new self in the mirror. As ever, my big breasts needed the support of a strong bra. The undies felt comfortable. They felt right. I had chosen a pair of the black trousers I had worn as a cleaning lady and a plain white blouse to go home in. When I saw my big round bottom in the unflattering pants, I felt like the woman I was had been away, but was back again now – and ten years younger.
“That reminds me,” said Susie, as I pirouetted in front of the mirror. “We need to get you some new things of your own. I found this website the other day, They make bespoke women’s clothes. You pick out what you want from their online catalogue, send them your measurements, and they make dresses to measure. I thought I might try them out.”
“Sounds good,” I said.
At least I could avoid an endless trek round the shops. I wasn’t really interested in what she was saying, and wondered why she would be raising the subject here and now.
“They’ve just started doing Fancy Dress. I thought I might get you a French Maid costume.”
Ah, that explains it. I quite liked the idea, but I couldn’t remember ever seeing a French maid as fat as Mary, I mean me.
Ingrid came down to see us just as were getting ready to go. We assured her that we were completely satisfied, as always, with Annie and Vera’s work. She invited us along to her office for refreshments. I was still a little wobbly from the whisky I had taken as an anaesthetic, but we went along. When we were settled in the office, an elderly maid brought in a tray with cups of tea and biscuits.
“Thank you, Dolly,” Ingrid said. She turned to us. “Now, have you thought about your identity documents – driving licence, birth certificate, and so on? You’ll need those if you’re going to live as Mary for any length of time, won’t you?”
We admitted we hadn’t thought about it.
“We can help with that,” she said. “It’s perfectly legal for you to call yourself whatever you want, as long as you aren’t adopting another identity for the purposes of fraud. Unfortunately, you can’t have two valid driving licences or passports in different names, so you will have to decide on one or the other – either Mary Manners or Lord Marsham.”
“You’ll need to drive as Mary, won’t you, dear?” Susie said. “You can use my old Mini Clubman. I’ll stick to the Audi.”
So we asked Ingrid to make the arrangements. For the foreseeable future I would have no way of proving I was actually Rob Marsham. Not that I looked like any of his pictures now.
* * *
On the way home we went shopping for new clothes for me. I would have been happy to wait and get everything online, to avoid having to parade around a women’s boutique in my underwear. Susie agreed that we could get most of my outfits from but I needed some new things immediately.
Underwear was a priority. Very much against my better judgement, Susie persuaded me to try some shapewear, a ‘Plus Size Open Crotch Waist Trainer Underbust Body Shaper’, to be precise. The thing looked terrifying, and it was a bit of a struggle to force my wobbly artificial flesh into it, but it felt fabulous when we’d finally fastened it properly – very comfortable and secure.
When I told Susie how much I liked it she dragged me along to another boutique that specialised in ‘Spanx’ shapewear, where we spent far too much on a Fancy Booty Booster mid-thigh, high waist brief with matching bra, and a one-piece body shaper. Susie didn’t like the one-piece as much. She said it was ‘too secure’ and complained that it would take too long to get it off me.
All my new underwear was plus size, of course. My bountiful curves were properly secure now, though if anything, even more pronounced. Susie had the time of her life.
Mary the Secretary was a little upmarket from Mary the Maid and would be representing the Earl in meetings with tenants and contractors, so she would need smart skirt suits and high heels. That took up the rest of the afternoon.
When we got home, I tried everything on. Mary the Secretary eventually emerged. I saw a smart, efficient-looking young woman, borderline obese, I’d have to admit, but who carried her extra poundage like offensive weaponry in the battle of the sexes. There would be no ‘mansplaining’ for this girl! Just let some smart-ass building manager try bamboozling me with his superior male technical knowledge! He wouldn’t know what hit him.
Mary would also wear jewellery. Susie remembered that the family collection included a nice pearl necklace and earrings, not expensive but better than those I had worn as Martha. I didn’t need glasses, but Mary the Secretary would wear a pair (with plain lenses) to distinguish her from Mary the maid, and to make her look more serious and authoritative. I was really looking forward to my new role.
“It still surprises me that you don’t suffer from shyness when you’re Mary or Martha,” Susie said, when she saw me admiring my new self in the mirror.
“I suppose it’s because I’m playing a role,” I said. “Mary isn’t the real me. I’m just acting the part of secretary or maid or whatever. I’m comfortable as long as no one knows it’s me. The woman I’m pretending to be isn’t shy, so that isn’t how I present her.”
“Well, can’t you pretend to be an Earl who isn’t shy?”
“I only wish it worked like that,” I said sadly. “I thought I might have been starting to overcome it when I was Rob, the Maths teacher…”
“Yeah, if a crowd of cheeky thirteen-year-olds spot you’re shy, they’ll tear you to ribbons!”
“But then they made me an Earl and it was back to square one. I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable being such a public figure. Sorry! I know it puts a lot more responsibility on you.”
“That’s OK,” said Susie. “I don’t mind being the Countess, as long as I have my faithful lady’s maid to lean on.”
“Always, M’Lady.”
* * *
When Eleanor Beckett wrote to Susie to ask if she could come and see her, we wondered what on earth she was up to, and were concerned that she was trying to make more trouble. But the only way to find out what she wanted was to agree. So we invited her to tea on a Saturday afternoon, to be served by Mary, the Countess’s new maid.
“But don’t you think you should meet her as the Earl?” Susie asked.
“Not at all,” I replied firmly. “She wrote to you, not me. The meeting will be between the old Lady of the Manor and the new one.”
“Actually, I was thinking about that. You realise that with Transformations’ help, you could be the Lady of the Manor if you wanted to be.”
“Of course, I couldn’t!” I laughed. “Everyone knows the Countess is slim and beautiful. They could never make my figure into yours – not unless you put on about thirty pounds!”
“I bet you could be the Dowager Countess though,” Susie said with a calculating look. “You’d probably overcome your shyness in public if you were her. It would be like all your other performances.”
“You think I’d be more confident with people if I’m disguised as my mother?” I asked incredulously.
“It would be great. We could share the load of all those agricultural shows and speech days. Repeat after me: ‘I declare this fête open’.”
She might even be right. Worth thinking about.
“I declare this fête open,” I said, in a Monty Python falsetto.
* * *
“I see you haven’t made many changes,” Eleanor said, looking around.
I put the tea tray down on the sideboard and began pouring.
“Well, there’s no spare money,” Susie said, “as Mr Smythe made clear to everyone. Anyway, it hasn’t needed it. The old Earl may have been a selfish spendthrift, but he certainly looked after his home.”
“Hah!” Eleanor snorted. “That was all my doing. I installed all the double-glazing. I had the rewiring done. I got the roof and floors fixed. I replaced all the old pipework and radiators and got a new boiler.”
I brought Eleanor’s tea to her and offered milk and sugar.
“Thank you, Mary,” she said. “She’s just like her sister, isn’t she?” she said to Susie.
She was speaking about me as though I wasn’t there, as people with servants do. I was getting used to that. I even liked it.
“I was very fond of Martha,” Eleanor continued, showing her heart was in the right place. “I must write to her. I hear she’s had a little boy.”
“That’s right,” Susie confirmed. “I’ll give you her address.” She paused while I brought her tea. “Thank you, Mary,” she said. “We’ll help ourselves to biscuits.”
Staying in character, I curtseyed and turned to leave. I loved being the maid and being able to avoid conversations like these with people like Eleanor.
“So you managed all the renovations then?” Susie continued.
“Yes, we lived with plumbers, electricians and carpenters for eighteen months. Then I redecorated throughout. And I had to squeeze every penny out of the old fool. It was like getting blood out of a stone!”
“I… I didn’t realise,” said Susie, abashed for pretty much the first time I had ever seen.
By this time I was closing the door behind me. I rushed to the kitchen and to the security control room in the old pantry. I sat down at the desk chair and switched on the system for the drawing room.
“My main reason for calling,” Eleanor was saying, “was to apologise for the ordeal my stupid brother put you through, and to assure you I had nothing to do with it. I didn’t even know he’d been to see you…”
“…and threatened us,” put in Susie.
“Indeed,” Eleanor said, a little red in the face now, “but the first I knew of it was when I heard the police wanted him, and he’d... well, you know.”
She paused, as if to gather her courage for what she intended to say next.
“Look, My Lady, I know I behaved badly at the reading of the will and immediately thereafter, but it was the shock, more than anything. His death was so sudden and my whole world turned upside down. I was also worried about my boy, who I am well aware has turned out too much like his father and his Uncle Jack…
“I suppose I tried to justify my behaviour to myself by thinking of the fifteen years Perry and I were together, and all the hard work I’d put in to make something of this place. To see it going to someone else…” She shook her head. “But I knew in my heart that I was never the Countess, only the Earl’s mistress. I had a good run, but he was never going to marry me. As he said in that awful letter, we hadn’t been… close for some time. If it hadn’t been for the boy, he would probably have thrown us out long ago.”
There was silence. Eleanor sipped her tea, making a noise that was somewhere between a slurp, a hiccup, and a sob. From what the High Definition camera in the opposite wall could show me, her eyes were very red now.
“Thank you for coming to see me, Eleanor,” Susie said, her voice full of sympathy. “It can’t have been easy.”
“I didn’t want there to be bad blood between us, My Lady…”
“Oh, please call me Susie!”
Eleanor smiled. “Thank you, Susie, and I’m so sorry about my horrible brother. All he thought about was money, and the idea that he should seek to commoditise my failed relationship with your late father-in-law… Well, it makes my blood boil!”
She certainly seemed sincere. Maybe we had misjudged her. The two of them chatted quite amiably for a little while. When Eleanor eventually stood up to leave, I reached to switch off the camera and end my eavesdropping. Suddenly she changed the subject.
“How is the Earl, by the way?” she said. “I understand that he would want to make himself scarce when Jack was threatening him, but I assumed he would be back now.”
“Oh, he is,” Susie said. “He’s probably out on the Estate somewhere. You know Bill’s retired? Rob wants to try and run the place by himself, so he’s pretty busy. But he is never far away if I really need him. Out of sight, but always close at hand…”
Eleanor smiled politely. I just hoped it wouldn’t occur to her how precisely Susie meant what she said.
* * *
With Transformations’ help Mary Manners now exists formally in her own right, with a National Insurance number, an HMRC reference, and a bank account, into which her employer, the Earl, pays her small salary.
In the mornings I work in Bill’s old office, when I’m not out and about on the Estate. The Earl insists on a smart, professional appearance as I am representing him when I meet with tenants, contractors and creditors. I usually wear a black knee-length skirt, a white blouse, and a black pussy bow, with nude-coloured tights and black three-inch high heel pumps. I also have a very fetching pair of black leather, mid-block heel, knee-high ladies’ boots for when I have to tramp across muddy fields with one of our farmers. They were a ridiculous extravagance, I admit. Green rubber wellies would have done just as well, but a girl’s got to have a few nice things to wear, doesn’t she?
I introduced myself as the Earl’s secretary and the new Assistant Estate Manager to most of our tenants and contractors by e-mail, attaching a head and shoulders photo. Some of the older tenants don’t use e-mail, so I went round to see them in person. As had always happened before, when I was in disguise – even one as extreme as Mary the Secretary – I experienced no trace of shyness or embarrassment. I was just a young businesswoman doing her job.
I’ve managed to launch a few of the smaller development projects Bill had in mind. I write letters on the Earl’s behalf, usually signing them ‘Mary Manners (Ms), pp the Earl of Hadleigh’. Of course, His Lordship has to sign formal documents himself, such as contracts with suppliers and bank loan applications, but I’m good at forging his signature. (We have a great relationship. He is very happy with my work.)
At lunchtime I change into one of a growing number of pretty uniforms and Mary the Secretary becomes Mary the Maid. We expected it to be rare that anyone who knew me as the former should ever come to the Hall and meet me as the latter. Indeed, it hasn’t happened yet but it probably won’t matter if it does. It would be easy enough to explain that neither secretary nor maid was a full-time job, so I do both, and my other employer, the Countess, likes to see me in uniform. (Boy, does she!) She particularly likes to see me in my vintage ones, like maids wore in Victorian and Edwardian times.
As Mary the Maid I help out at all our Society meetings, just as I did when I was my older sister. I would very much like to go out as a cleaning lady again with Fleur. I might manage, say, two days a week, if the Estate Management work quietens down; or maybe just two or three afternoons, if it doesn’t. I miss Fleur and am dying to know how she is getting on with Peter. Of course, she has never met Mary, so I will have to get to know her all over again.
As planned, I switch to Rob every three weeks and stay as him through a long weekend, before going back to being Mary, whom I now regard as my true self. While Rob, I try to put in a few public appearances to show that the Earl might be a recluse, but he isn’t dead. I still hate meeting people as my old self, but I can put up with it, as long as it’s only for a day or two.
I am happy and grateful that Lady Susie accepts me as Mary. She insists she loves me in both my personae, but I actually think she prefers Mary too. I base that on our sex life. We do make love when I’m Rob, and it’s great, but it’s serene, almost sedate. When I’m Mary, she watches me like a tigress, licking her lips, as I strip off my tight shapewear and slip on my sleep bra and nightie. When I finally join her in bed, I often wonder whether I’ll survive the mauling.
Not that I’m complaining, you understand.
I straightened my cap and smoothed my apron. I checked my nylons were wrinkle-free and that their seams were straight. Standards must be maintained.
I tottered into the drawing room on my high heels, curtseyed, and offered my mistress a glass of chilled Pinot Grigio from my silver tray.
“Thank you, Mary,” she said. “That’s just what I needed.”
“Shall I run your bath, M’Lady?”
“In a minute,” she said. “No hurry.”
“OK,” I said, abandoning deference for now.
I picked up the other glass and took a large, satisfying mouthful. I plonked the tray on the sideboard and flopped down beside Susie. I kicked off my heels and put my stocking feet up on the pouffe. She reached across, flicked my lace cap off and over the back of the sofa, and kissed me.
“Is that a new lipstick, Mary darling?” she asked. “It tastes of strawberries.”
“Yes, I thought you’d like it. How was your day?”
“Pretty good actually. I brought in a new client. That means I’ve beaten my target for the third quarter in succession. Wainwright said they would consider a full Partnership if I can do that for four successive quarters. Unfortunately, it means my target for the fourth quarter will be even higher.”
“You’ll do it. You’re brilliant.”
“And you’re the best maid – and husband – a Countess could possibly have.”
Her hand was making its way up my leg and under my skirt. I shivered with delight. Then I looked up. There was something I needed to say.
“What is it?” she said, reading my mind, as she always could.
“I just… well, every now and then, I wonder…”
“Well, don’t you think this is a bit weird? That I’m a bit weird? Dressed like this? Living like this? I’m not being much of a man…”
“Are you happy?”
“God, yes!”
“Well so am I – deliriously. Listen, the way I see it, a man is a person who takes on someone bigger and stronger than himself to protect his wife from being beaten up and raped. It really doesn’t matter how he likes to dress or what work he wants to do.”
“But I’m a maid…”
“Yes, you are, and a very good one. It doesn’t matter anyway,” she said. “You’re lots of people: the reclusive Earl; his sexy secretary; our cleaning lady; my lady’s maid; my husband… But you’re still my soulmate in all those roles. You’re the person I’ve loved since we were children. I’ll love you no matter what you’re doing or how you’re dressed.”
She suddenly stood up and pulled me to my feet. She looked me sternly in the eye. I felt a tear running down my cheek. I let it.
“So do you love me?” she said.
“Yes, M’Lady,” I said, dipping into a curtsey. “We do – all of us; and we always will.”
Her hands had found their way up my skirt again.
“I fancy making love to a sexy French Maid tonight,” she said, licking the inside of my ear. “Why don’t you get changed – after you’ve run my bath, of course?”
“Oui, oui, madame,” I whispered. “A votre service.”
So it appears my ‘identity drift’ is complete. I am now truly Mary Manners, thirty-five-year-old spinster, secretary to the Earl of Hadleigh and lady’s maid (and secret lover) to the Countess.
Every three weeks or so Vera and Sharon at Transformations disguise me as the Earl himself and I put in a few nervous appearances as him to assure people that he’s still around, but in reality he’s gone forever.