Getting together tonight. U free?
It had been way too long since Amy, Matt, Jo and I had gotten together. I couldn’t go during my training. Seeing them would be good. I answered right away.
U bet! Regular place?
We enjoyed going to a hotel that had a nice restaurant and bar. In college, Matt and I would go there on a Friday night occasionally to try to pick up girls.
Yep bring ur card. Ur buying. 6pm
See u there, I wrote back.
I had about an hour and a half to get ready and get there. Holy crap! I remembered I haven’t told any of them about my assignment. Shit! I have to show up as a woman. I thought about texting Amy and canceling. I stopped. This is what Abbey had tried to tell me when she suggested the breast implants. I was about to wimp out. I said I would be there so I’m going to be there. I went to my closet to find something to wear. I decided on a black knee-length skirt and a cyan sleeveless top. I put my hair up in a high ponytail. I found the earrings Abbey had me buy and I added a silver necklace. I freshened my makeup, put on a pair of three-inch heels and went to meet my friends.
I don’t know if I was relieved or annoyed. I was the first one there. Of our little group, I was always on time or a little early. Matt was always 15 to 20 minutes late. I was greeted by the hostess and I told her which party I was with. I was told they had not arrived yet. She suggested I wait at the bar. I walked over and found an open stool. It’s easier to sit on a stool when you’re not wearing a skirt. While at the bar, I thought of what I called Andrea’s experiment. This would be a good place to try it out. I wasn’t there long when I saw my friends arrive. I saw them speak to the hostess who pointed to the bar. I waved and everyone walked to join me. As they got closer I could hear them talking.
“It looks like he asked Abbey to join us.”
“He didn’t say she was coming.”
“I don’t mind. I had a thing for her.”
“You had a thing for anyone in a skirt.”
“He must be in the restroom.”
“Hi Abbey,” Matt said. “Good to see you. It’s been a long time. Where’s C J?”
“Hi, guys. I’m right here Matt.”
Matt’s chin dropped. Amy and Jo’s eyes got wide.
“C J? Is that you? What’s going on?” Amy asked.
“Oh my freaking God,” Jo said.
I saw the table alert device in Amy’s hand start indicating our table was ready. I got off my stool, straightened my skirt, walked over and took the device from the still stunned Amy.
“Our table’s ready. Follow me,” I said waving the device. “I’ll explain all when we’re seated.”
I walked to the hostess. My stunned friends following. We were seated and the hostess left us with our menus. It didn’t take long for the questions.
“When the hell did you start batting for the other team?” said Matt.
“I swore you were Abbey. What gives?” Amy said.
“Are you trans?” asked Jo.
“I never would have broken up if I had known you looked this good,” Matt said. Jo gave him an elbow.
“What? She, um, he looks great.”
The waiter came over and took our drink order.
“I’ll have a scotch on the rocks. Make it a double,” Matt said. Amy and Jo ordered diet sodas. “I’ll have a vanilla milkshake, please,” I said.
“So what gives?” Amy asked after the waiter left to get out drinks.
I told the group about my assignment and how I would be living and presenting as a woman for the year. I also told them about Abbey giving me boobs.
“For a year? And you got boobs? Dude, you’re fucking crazy,” said Matt. “Utterly out of your mind.”
“Why the implants?” Amy asked.
“Abbey thought I would feel more feminine with the implants.”
“With the boobs,” commented Matt. That got him another elbow from Jo.
“Yes, with the boobs,” I said. “She thought I might wimp out and go male at home too often. I can’t this way. She was right. I almost canceled tonight.”
The waiter came with our drinks and took our order.
“C J, you look… well, you look great. Seriously, I never would have known,” Amy said.
“You really do look good,” Jo said.
“Did you do your makeup?” Amy asked.
“I did,” I said. I told them about the training I went through so I would not just be a guy with boobs wearing a dress.
“I had to become as feminine as possible in order to pull this off. Guys, it’s going to be a feature article with my by-line!”
“I still think you’re crazy,” said Matt. “Wouldn’t find me doing that for a story.”
The girls and I continued to talk about makeup and fashion, much to Matt’s dismay, until our food arrived. I think they were testing me to see how much I had learned. Matt had finished his drink and ordered another.
“Looks like your getting a ride home,” Amy said.
“That was the plan from the beginning. I told you I wanted to drink tonight,” Matt said. “I’ve got a real good reason now.” He took more than a sip from his second double or was it his third?
We talked as we ate. I was trying to judge everyone’s reaction to me being a woman. After the initial shock, Amy seemed to be handling it the best. I could tell Matt was having the most trouble. I felt Jo was not sure what to make of me. She joined in our conversation but not as much as usual. After we ate, the girls and I decided to order dessert. Matt got up from the table.
“I’m going to leave you girls alone to talk. I’ll be at the bar,” Matt said. He emphasized the word girls. He drained his glass and headed to the bar. Jo excused herself to go to the restroom.
“I’m so glad he didn’t drive,” Amy said. She ordered coffee when the desserts arrived. “Matt’s not taking this well. You really shocked him. You pretty much shocked all of us.”
“I guess I did. I’ve been so busy with the training. I hadn’t heard from you guys for a while.”
“You could have called. You know, maybe told us what to expect.”
“Sorry, I should have thought of that. Well, like it or not, this is me for the year.”
“I hope you’re up to the challenge.”
Jo came back having heard the tail end of the conversation.
“What challenge?”, Jo asked.
“C J being a woman for a year.”
“He should be okay. You looked good in that college play as a woman. You always looked more female than male to me,” Jo said.
“Come on, Jo,” Amy said.
“I’m just telling the truth. You thought the same,” Jo said.
“She’s right,” I said before Amy could get a word out. “I’ve never been your stereotypical male. For this article, I’m a woman. Other than that, I’m still me.”
“I still can’t believe you’re doing this. You have to let me know when the article is published. I’m buying a copy,” Amy said smiling.
“So am I,” Jo said.
We talked as we ate our dessert and finished our coffee.
“Okay, let’s get a selfie before we leave,” Amy said. The three of us got close together as Amy took the picture and sent it to us.
“I’m going to get Matt from the bar,” Amy said. She left as the waiter came with the check. I handed him my card. Amy returned with Matt as I signed the check and put my copy in my bag. Jo and I got up to leave. The four of us gathered outside the restaurant.
“I’ve missed you guys. Let’s do this again,” I said.
“I’ll get in touch with everyone for the next one,” Amy said.
“I’ve called for my ride,” Matt said. He stumbled a bit. I steadied him. He shook me off extracting himself. “I’m alright. I just can’t drive. Been good seeing you C J. Even if you are fucked up. Call me if you want to go out. You know, on a date. Even fucked up you look pretty good.”
Amy rolled her eyes. “Don’t mind him C J. You know how he gets when he drinks,” Amy said.
“I know. For the record, this year, I’m Casey. Casey Jean.” I said Jean in the American pronunciation.
Matt’s ride came and we watched him get into the car. After another round of goodbye’s, the car took off.
“I’m heading to 13th street,” Jo said. “There’s a club I want to go to. I’m gonna get a cab.”
It didn’t take long for Jo to flag down a cab. She got in and was on her way. Amy turned to me.
“You let me know if you need someone to talk to while you’re on this assignment,” Amy said.
“Thanks, I got Abbey to talk to also. Besides, It’s not like people haven’t always thought I was a woman anyway. For now, when they see me, I’ll be a woman.”
“Casey, people may have mistaken you for a woman but you’ve never been a woman. This is a whole different ballgame. Just know I’m here if you need to have some girl talk.” She smiled.
“Thanks, Amy.” We hugged. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Her phone sounded. “My rides here.” Amy smiled again. Have a good night Casey Jean,” she said emphasizing Jean. She got in the car and waved goodbye.
The car pulled away. I hailed a cab and gave the driver my apartment address. As I sat in the back seat, I thought about the night. Matt seemed to be the most disturbed about my assignment gender change. Not considering him asking me out while he was drunk. I doubt he meant it. I wonder if he will remember asking me. I’m sure Amy and Jo won’t let him forget it. Jo also seemed out of sorts. Not as badly as Matt but there was something off. I’m sure my showing up in a skirt and makeup was a shock to all of them. But there was something about Jo’s reaction that didn’t seem right. Amy took my altered appearance the best. She even offered to help me if I needed it. What she said about being a woman is a different ballgame made me think. I’m not changing into a woman. I’m acting like a woman. I’m still C J. I’ll always be C J.
I remembered sitting at the bar while waiting for the guys. I thought how that bar would be a good place to follow up on Andrea’s experiment. She said I should try going to a bar. This one is a familiar place. I’ve been there many times. Just never alone as a woman.