Another Side of My Life – Chapter 16
By Julie D Cole
‘Did I say it was Debs? I don’t think so.’
‘I thought you did but maybe I misunderstood when I met her. I’m sure it’s not her.’
‘You are not mistaken. Just look into her face.’
‘She looks like you.’
‘Yes, but much better looking.’
‘So do you have another sister? Or is it you? The eyes are exactly the same.’
‘You are very observant. Did you say you worked in the police force Miss Holmes?’
‘Funny but sadly my job is not quite so exiting. I sit in front of a computer all day and I don’t possess a deerstalker hat and cape and I don’t smoke a pipe.’
‘You’d look cute. But I’m not sure about the pipe.’
‘So, who is she if you don’t mind me asking?’
‘I’m not sure I should tell you since we were getting on so well. I don’t want to spoil our day or you might do a Laura on me. I would hate if that happened again.’
‘I’m sorry Jack. It’s none of my business and I shouldn’t really pry into your private life. Mum is always warning me. It’s only that Debs told me how something really upset you and I hoped that I was making you happy. I don’t want to stir bad memories.’
‘ Jules, please don’t worry. I’ve moved on a lot since then and making a clean break down here was exactly what I needed. Maybe we should drop the subject completely for now and we could chat later when we are not heading off anywhere. It is not something that I’m very proud about. I’d rather we had some fun time together. I promise to behave. Then we can go find those two idiots and make sure they are fit enough to travel home.’
‘Yes I agree. I think the sooner they leave the better. I can’t believe their behaviour over this weekend. They are hooligans.’
Our conversation made me think a lot about the way I was dressed and my own behaviour. I had deliberately selected my most feminine and slightly provocative outfit. I felt ultra-feminine but it seemed that I was deceiving Jack since as far as I could tell he had no suspicion about my sexuality. Unless of course he was attracted by the idea of a man dressing in female clothing and behaving like a young woman. Afterall he’d worked in a club which was open to a wide section of the LGBT community.
Maybe he was being polite and knew from our first meeting that I wasn’t who I appeared to be. He was very smart and must have accumulated a lot of experience of reading people in his jobs in London. When I thought about it more could that have been the photo was him dressed as a girl. Did he have another sister? Had he had a sex change? My mind was all over the place and I found myself looking for signs.
I couldn’t imagine Jack dressed as a woman nor ever having been one. He might be a crossdresser but then I had no idea what one was supposed to look like. Then I looked in the mirror. There was one right before my eyes or was I really Or was I suffering from gender dysphoria rather than just desiring to experiment? Was I gay or a just a closet transvestite who wanted to step out for a while? Up until now I never considered myself as wanting to live permanently as a woman but it sure felt nice. My week exploring my feminine side had started so innocently and now it was almost out of control. I didn’t want the week to come to an end. I was experiencing another side of my life that was far more interesting than my life at home and I had easily made friendships. I wanted to spend at least 1 day shopping before I went home even if it was just a case of trying things on without buying. It was a good job my credit cards had been suspended.
‘Come on Jules snap out of it. Are you coming or not?’
‘Sorry Jack I was just thinking.’
‘About us I hope.’
‘In your dreams. But all joking apart, yes, I was actually thinking about us. I find you are interesting and very kind. I want to thank you for what you’ve done for me. I have really enjoyed every minute of the last few days with you. Apart from losing my money and credit cards of course. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you.’
‘So it is not ended yet. The bill is still racking up but no rush to repay. You are good for credit. Now we have some time to ourselves and I will take a day off so I can escort you wherever you want to go, But will you still help me run the bar this week until I find a full time assistant?’
‘Of course. I have to reduce my debt somehow.’
Jack opened the door to let me go first as we left the apartment that was a nice feeling. I stopped to look in the full-length mirror to check myself out. How could he not see Julian? Even though I was very happy with my appearance and the denim short skirt and leopard print top would fool most people I was almost the same height as him and I could see behind the make-up. Could he? He leaned over my shoulder and kissed my cheek. ‘Come on you look amazing today. I love the skirt and your toned legs. Do you work ou?’
‘No. Well I do some yoga and I jog occasionally but I don’t go to a gym or anything.’
‘You’ll have to show me some of your yoga tricks sometime. Maybe I’ll take you jogging sometime too.’
‘I left all my gear at home. I gave myself a week off.’
‘I was meaning more like the next time you visit. My door is always open for you.’
What could I say? If only. I smiled and looked into his eyes. We held the gaze for what seemed an age and then headed out.
Jack contacted his friend at the club who updated him. The arrangement was that Laura and Jane would be dropped there around 2pm that gave us plenty of time to get there. Jack suggested we stop off at Trafalgar Square en-route and enjoy the sunshine and to prove I’d visited another famous landmark. Really, he wanted to take some photographs of me surrounded by pigeons that I soon realised when he suggested that I feed them. It made him laugh and he said it was worth the high cost of the bird food.
Lots of other people were taking photographs with Nelson’s Column in the background since it was a popular tourist shot. Some passers-by were happy to take photos of Jack and I together and then he insisted that he took a few selfies too and he promised not to post them on his Facebook site to avoid embarrassing me. He winked as he said it and I told him that I wasn’t happy with some of the close-ups but then he just retorted that none of us ever are. I looked at the images of Jack and he looked much younger than his age with almost perfect features. There was a definite likeness to the photo in his apartment and some similarity to Debs especially when he smiled. I wondered what he would tell me later. Was this a sister who had died?
‘Let’s test how fit you are now Jules.’
He decided that we’d walk up The Mall to Buckingham Palace which was quite a trek. I looked would easily jog that distance at home and was tempted to offer to race Jack but I needed to take care and make it seem too far. We enjoyed the brisk stroll and Jack insisted I hold his arm. Imagine being in a carriage with thousands of admirers waving flags and cheering.
We took more photos at the Palace and then took a cab to the back door of the club. Jack messaged his friend and he let us in welcoming us and offering us a drink even though it was closed. We opted for coffee and sat at the bar. It was strange to see how bare it looked with the main lights on and it was clean and ready for another show night. A couple of performers appeared to practice their routine. No fancy outfits or make up but dancing in heels with all the mannerisms of two young women. They knew Jack so they came over to say hello. I was acknowledged but then they started whispering to Jack. They were looking at me as if I was the subject of the conversation.
After they went back to practising their routine Jack apologised for the whispering and said they’d asked if we were an item. I was sure I’d heard one of them say ‘Is she one of us or the real shilling?’
‘Oh did they think I was a drag artist?’
‘Not exactly. They were inferring that I’d changed my sexual preferences.’
‘What does that mean? I’m confused.’
Before Jack could respond there was a loud bang on the emergency exit door and some shouting. It sounded like Lauras foghorn voice. Jack went to the rear entrance to let them in along with Blair who was barely recognisable in his male clothing and without the heavy make-up.’
Laura and Jane looked past their best but seemed to have come round enough to be trusted to travel home. It didn’t take Laura long to fire the first insult. Straight from the hip. ‘Oh so you brought your slag with you? I thought they went home.’
‘No Julie is here for the rest of the week.;
‘Lucky her. She didn’t run a mile then when she found out about you?’
Jack intervened ‘Nothing to find out about and you need to behave and be grateful you didn’t end up in the gutter somewhere last night. You owe Blair and her friend.’
‘Blair and his friend. Are you blind? You mean The Gay Caballero’s’
‘Best you hush your mouth a bit Laura. You have already upset your friends with your loutish behaviour this weekend and you need to think about how you settle your debts and get home.’
‘Plenty of trains. Don’t worry your pretty little head. You get back to your barmaid job with your pretty little waitress.’
‘Are you forgetting it’s Sunday service?’
‘Well we’ll either catch the last train or sleep at Kings Cross station and go home on the first train tomorrow. It’s no big deal.’
‘Well your bags are in my storeroom and you have the girls to thank for settling the bill. A bit of politeness might help.’
‘Look Jack I need something inside me and some coffee. My mouth tastes like a birdcage bottom.’
‘It’s certainly foul enough. Julie and I are heading back soon so you make your mind up what you want to do. You can get your bags anytime up to me shutting shop tonight. After that they’ll be in the rubbish skip for disposal.’
‘We’ll be there don’t worry. Pity you couldn’t bring them with you to save us the trouble.’
‘Pity that trouble is your middle name. You need to be taught a few lessons.’
‘Well you can’t teach me anything. You had your chance and failed.’
Jacks friend intervened and politely as he could he suggested that we move on since he had work to do. We left and Laura and Jane wondered off in one direction to find a coffee shop whilst Jack steered me in the opposite direction and we headed to the tube station.
‘Jules that woman drives me nuts with her foul mouth and assertions.’
‘Ignore her she is clearly insane and hasn’t got over whatever relationship you had with her.’
‘Well she’s had it with me and I wouldn’t be surprised if Debs, Maggie and Sarah feel the same way too after this weekend. It’s a good job you came over the horizon to compensate. You are something else you know.’
‘Flattery will get you everywhere.’
‘I do hope so I’m trying my best.’
‘OK you passed. I like being with you and you have made me feel very special. I now feel the attacker did me the biggest favour that I’ve ever received. Laura must have been mad to split from you.’
‘Well I don’t think our relationship was that serious. More has been made of it than it actually was.’
I was beginning to realise that it might be a big mistake to accept Jacks offer to stay at his apartment. If this affection carried on I doubted he would hold back and I would surely hurt his feelings or even make him angry. I breathed in and held my breath to get as much oxygen as I could to try to stimulate my brain cells. What should I do? Tell the truth and shame the devil or carry on the charade and try to have as good a time as possible and then leave London and disappear forever.
Jack put his arm around me puzzled why I was suddenly so quiet and not taking notice of his chat. I concluded that I had Hobsons Choice.