5/ Feminists
Cover Art by Melanie E.
Will Gerald be able to finish his work
before his body betrays him again?
5/ Feminists
We viewed the film on Sexual Harassment and there were several situations portrayed where we either saw the right or wrong way to handle the situation. However it seemed that most of the Good Ol Boys had things reversed in their minds of what was right and wrong.
The facilitator called time and gave us our next task in the workbook after the practice test. Our task was to come up with a skit to illustrate the aspect of the policy that we were assigned.
I guess I should not have been surprised by the group’s reaction to a group exercise to present a skit portraying a right response to sexual harassment in the workplace. Ivan, Carl and Lester sunk to new lows in my eyes as their comments hurt my ears to listen to them.
"It’s time to turn the tables on those feminists by showing them in the same light that they try to portray us."
"A man can’t help but satisfy his needs! Those girls are just asking for it and we deserve what we can get!"
"I’d love to turn the tables on them but how are we going to do that? I hope you don’t think one of us is going to be a fag to be the bait. I don’t want to even think about what that would mean for the rest of us."
"Thorny" sunk lower than my previous estimation of him by his take on how to objectify women by trying to make sexual harassment seem like their fault.
"Nothing like that was what I had in mind. We have to portray one of those feminists if this is to work against them. The little power they do have makes them masculine bitches. Someone has to take one for the team and it’s time for our newest member to start pulling his weight. Gerald you’ll be the one who plays the bitch."
I being the junior member of the all boys club landed the job of being the female victim of harassment. Surprise, Surprise! I hated to do it like the others expected me, very camp and man in a dress, all for comedy instead of being respectful of women. I played along, since I could not do anything to upset the position I had worked so hard to get into in order to get the story.
"I’ll do it. It should be fun to stick it to them."
I was doing a lot of gagging on the words that I had to say to keep this deception going. Ned must have been a little worried about what he might have to do, since his face was pale as though all of the blood had left it.
"So what have you got in mind for the rest of us?"
Chad had a twisted grin on his face as he seemed to take up right where "Thorhy" had left off as though he was compelled to elaborate on the plan, making it more contmeptable.
"We all will be victims of her sexual harassment so we’ll just have to do the right thing and overpower her and put her in her place knocking her all the way down to keeping our coffee cups filled and keeping quiet the way she ought to be."
Taking command of the situations, Lt Gov. Jacob Thornton voiced what he took as the only flaw in the plan. I wasn't quite ready for what he had to say.
"In order for this to work, Gerald’s got to be convincing as a woman."
I was really hoping that the snag that the Lt Gov raised would put a halt to "Thorny's" plan. Unfortunatly, "Chad" had a solution that Jacob agreed would work.
"I’ve got just the thing. I usually just get a whore for the out of town guys to have their way with but this one guy had a thing for she males. The one that I dug up just was starting out so I had to get 'it' presentable. They came with everything and had it done in no time. I could call and take care of it."
"Do that! I’ll get our presentation put off till the end which should give us plenty of time to write a great skit and do a run thru after Gerald looks the part."
"I can save time by getting Gerald started. I still have some of the stuff that they used on 'it' first. Gerald, it’s time I showed you the executive washroom."
I didn’t know which I was more afraid of. Being turned into a caricature of a woman or the words that they would put in my mouth as they attempted to turn the tables on the women who were trying to get those reprobates to do right. I sheepishly followed him to the Executive Washroom. This was not the context that I had ever envisioned entering that perk of perks that government workers should not have but in explicably did possess.
What they were trying to do was use me as their tool to put them in their place. Even before becoming a woman, that’s not anything I would have done. Now it was especially repulsive to be used like this. I hoped that in the end taking them all down would be worth the high cost I was paying to be in their circle. Well now 'Chad' was on the phone and hoped that I could stand what he was about to have done to me.
"... And that’s what I need and I need it now. Excellent, I’ll have our victim bathed and the solution that you left from the last time applied. I’ll expect you in 15 minutes."
There was a private area off the main washroom which had a huge sunken tub with jacuzzi in it. I was instructed by 'Chad' to bathe in the water that was fixed for me which was saturated with a chemical that he took from a locked storage closet. The brief look I had at the interior showed me flashes of all manner of fetish gear being stored there.
"Just take a nice long soak in the water and when you come out you’ll be a new man."
"Alright. I agreed to do this but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I want this over as soon as possible."
"Somethings just take time and this is something we want to be right since we may not get a chance like this for a while to stick it to them."
I disrobed knowing that the solution provided must be something to both remove my body hair and condition my skin in preparation for the larger work in turning me into their idea of a woman for the skit. Part of me embraced it secretly because it would be bringing the body closer to congruence with my new mind. Part of me was repulsed since I knew that when I came out, I would be transformed into some caricature of a woman that would use me to demean all the women present. Part was shear terror that I would lose my self control and yield to being the woman I really was now and I would be found out.
After about 10 minutes I heard voices coming toward the door which soon became discernible.
"... in soaking in your custom solution for 10 minutes now. For the skit, Gerald needs to have a hot body. Dress him and make him up as slutty as possible stretching the premise of a business woman to its absolute limit."
"Yes, Sir! I’ll work my magic on him. I’ll go in now and get started. Gerald, It’s Susan Hartwell, and I’m coming in as you are. We have too little time to deal with modesty so that will have to be dispensed with for the time being."
She came in and got right to work by having me get out still nude and patting myself dry. My skin was all so soft and hairless as though it were a real woman’s skin. She had me get up on the massage table that she pulled out from somewhere. From her ease at finding it, it was obvious that her services had been used several times by now. She deftly applied appliances which gave me a realistic woman’s breasts, hips and bottom and similarly applied a special appliance which gave me a head of hair that reached down my back to my waist. All were secured by some kind of adhesive and all the edges hidden with some sort of makeup.
It all led to the result that I now appeared to be some kind of nude model out from the pages of Playboy. I was given some kind of extreme fetish version of a women’s suit with a bare midriff, deeply plunging neckline and ultra short skirt.
got a look at the price tag and winced at the figure which was astronomical even compared to ordinary women’s clothing. How could something which had so little material, cost so much? Susan did my makeup in a very slutty way which matched the slutty appearance of my clothes and all the accessories.
I had long fingernails attached which were more like press on nails than acrylics which could be painful to apply and remove. The finishing touch to give me the figure that they wanted was a corset that pulled my waist in to what I thought was an inpossible degree. As I was shown the progress so far in the mirror, I could not believe the big breasted narrow waisted, big hipped, undoubtably female, girl in the mirror was realy me.
I projected just the image that they wanted for me. Susan gave me a brief lesson on moving around in the 4 inch stiletto heels as well as some pointers in playing the kind of woman that they wanted me to be. She gave me a final word before excusing herself to get back to what ever they had interrupted to get her here for this.
"I’ll be back after the skit, to get you out of this costume and remove all of the additions to get your body back to what it was before this started. You’ll have to grow out your body hair again but other than that, there’s nothing that I have done to you which can’t be put right."
"Thank you, Susan. You’ve made something which could have been difficult, become very easy. I will so look forward to seeing you to put me back together."
'Chad' met us outside the door and was ready to escort me back to the others.
"Susan, you’ve outdone yourself! Even the hairstyle screams slut! He’ll do nicely to accomplish what we wish for the skit. Thank you. You’ll have your payment made in the usual way. You can proceed as planned ."
"Thank you, Sir."
Susan disappeared round a corner and we went the other way back to the others who had relocated back to the conference room where the finishing touches had been put on the skit, I was announced by 'Chad' to the others as we entered.
"Gentlemen, may I present our featured performer, Bambi!"
There was a chorus of wolf whistles and lewd comments. As much as I might have liked my beauty appreciated, deep down, to be leered at by the assembled leeches was very humiliating especially as I had to step right into the slutty character they cast me as in order for them not be able to tell that even the way that I appeared now was so much closer to what I really was than was the case ordinarily. The rehearsal went smoothly and I hated every second of it. Evidently, I was a better actress than even I suspected since I was both able to portray the slut they had cast me as and also that they could not detect the contempt that I really had for being placed in that situation.
I was able to watch the last few skits before ours from a closed circuit feed of the festivities that was being shared both real time and would be available to be viewed on DVD after the fact. I was glad to see that at least they were portraying some useful information since our performance would not have any redeeming qualities.
Finally it was our turn and we presented our skit. It had so much of a shock value that instead of being heckled, we played to dead quiet as those who were in attendance were to shocked at how far outside decency our performance ran. Even though our skit played lip service to the rules, and they really couldn't disqualify us since it did. It was a travesty both to the subject and to women being played for comedy the entire time. Had our group not included the Lieutenant Governor, we would have been taken to task for it but male privilege gave us a bye this time.
It was even worse than being on stage as I came back with the group to our table. I was being stared at but thankfully not confronted since I was sure that I would have lost it. The seminar concluded with taking a multiple guess exam which was fairly easy since none of the alternate answers even remotely applied. There were different sets of tests given out to each table and I wondered if we had received an extra easy version on purpose. After all the media would have a field day if the Lieutenant Governor or Secretary of Transportation failed the test.
Finally we all were treated to a wonderful lunch. It was even more difficult for me since there was so much attention on me that I had to play up the ‘Man in a Dress’ aspect which was even more of a performance than when I was on stage. The day's festivities were just about over, or so I thought.
I was ready to get out of my clownish costume and back into my regular clothes and appearance in order to get back to work. Unfortunately it wasn’t until I had discovered that the woman who was supposed to meet me in the Executive Washroom to reverse the process was no where to be found.
It was obvious to me that when someone came along to explain to me that the woman who had transformed me had been called away unexpectedly and had not left any of the solvent needed to release me from the additions that gave me the appearance of a woman. This was obviously some initiation stunt aimed at more fun at my expense and to further stick it to the women who had hated the person that I had portrayed in the skit.
Fortunately I was able to make my way without encountering anyone to my department and collapsed into my seat at my desk.
"Gerrie, why are you still like that?"
The joke’s on me, I guess. The woman who transformed me is no where to be found and what she added to give me a woman’s appearance can’t be removed without some special solvent."
"You could cope with that, while its just us girls if you were looking a bit more normal?"
"The additions by themselves are comforting in a way. It’s just what they did with the result that I can’t take."
"The ladies and I can pool our resources to make you presentable. We can do that much without blowing your cover because that is what they would expect us to do to mitigate the offense to us. What they can’t know is that what they meant to totally be humiliating is who you really are now."
The ladies indeed worked their magic on me and with a new hairstyle, clothing and makeup, I fit right in. I relaxed and let be what was and enjoyed my self. Not as much as if this body of mine was real through and through but enough so that I was closer to the image of what I eventually would have to be than I was in my now male camouflage style.
We got advanced notice that I was being summoned, so both I and the ladies assumed the posturing that would have occurred if what I had done had reflected my real state of mind concerning the skit. I had to put on that I was chagrined at even the prospect of looking like a normal woman while the ladies appeared to delight in my apparent discomfort to being "One of the Girls." 'Chad' showed up at my desk and started what might be a private conversation in a very public manner.
"We were able to locate the woman who transformed you and she will be able to remove all the enhancements that she made. If you will come with me to the Executive Washroom, she’ll take care of putting you right."
"Thank you! I will be so glad to get rid of all of this and going back to my normal appearance."
With out a further delay, we went back to the Executive Washroom. I was very relieved to find Susan waiting for me.
"I’m so sorry for bailing on you, Gerald. I had to get back to what I was doing before they called me and this is the first chance that I had to get back to you. I like what your department mates did to alter your look. The slutty look may have been what the skit required but I could tell your heart wasn’t in it. Of course your heart isn’t in this either. Wanna go get turned back into yourself?"
"More than anything, Susan. Thank you for getting back to me as soon as you could."
The anxiousness which showed on my face towards being transformed back to a man did not reflect the true intent of my heart. Even the slutty look was closer to who I really am now except for the words and actions the skit constrained me to say.
Susan without further delay undid everything that she had done to my body except what that bath had done. When Susan had finished with me, she sent me to take another ordinary bath to remove the rest of the signs remaining of what had been done to me. She disappeared once I was in the water and all seemed well. I was able to finish things up and being satisfied that all was well, got out and patted myself dry and put on the clothes again that I had removed which completed my outward appearance of being a man once again.
As I wondered thru the hall putting more distance between me and the Executive Washroom, I almost literally ran into Grace who was waiting for me.
"Hold up there, Gerrie. I can tell you are really looking forward to getting away from that bunch of ass holes. Don’t forget you have to go by the Hospital after work to be checked out. I don’t want anything happening to you now after all you have been through."
"I am ready to leave since this has been a long and eventful day, Grace. Let’s go."
Grace led the way to her car and we drove directly over to the Hospital. We had been instructed for me to go thru the ER to get my treatment since they had the kind of equipment room available to do the monitoring the Doctor wanted done in the wake of my traumatic stay in the hospital. We waited for a little while and then finally it was time for my shot and exam.
Dr Linda Russell had me taken out of the waiting room and into one of the monitoring bays. She gave Nurse Janine orders concerning the medication she had prescribed for me.
Nurse Janine was there to set me up on all the monitoring that Dr Drake had ordered for me. She had me on a heart monitor as well as automatically taking my BP, Blood Oxygen Level, Respiration and Pulse. She also had me hooked up to a EEG to monitor my brain waves.
In addition they had inserted an IV in my arm. Nurse Janine gave me my HRT shots thru that IV. In addition there was also some kind of cocktail dreamed up by the Jaime's Hope Foundation in preparation for the special project that they were in the process of making preparations.
I smiled when Wendy came into the room to see to my comfort, Absent all of the people that I had leaned to trust and appreciate, this would have been a more difficult experience. I was glad that everyone was back together to give me their TLC again. I was guessing this was more of Dr Erika's attention to detail and I wondered when she might look in on me.
The tangle of wires and tubes went every which way. I found myself wishing for something like the diagnostic bed in Star Trek instead of having all of that paraphernalia to diagnose and treat me. Medicine had come a long way and at least even if it was a way bit cruder, a lot of the dream functions of that diagnostic bed were available now even if they were not transparent to the patient.
Diagnostic imaging however had to be done in another place so I was to be wheeled down, bed and all to get an MRI Unfortunately I never got that procedure done, because it would have told the rest of the story that was being hinted at in my vital signs.
It started with a severe pain that started with my head and then radiated thru out my body. I happened to be looking at the EEG which was monitoring my brain waves and those spiked as the pain hit me and I saw them trail off as I slipped out of consciousness. The last things that I heard as everything was going blank was Wendy's voice, "She's having a seizure." and Nurse Janine responding, "Page Dr Drake! Stat!"