While I try not to hate people, I dislike the following type of person intensely, which is why this originally hit my facebook page a few years ago.
For those who know Spokane and the south hill, I was on 57th where Hatch Road comes up the hill and merges with it. A woman in a Subaru Outback came up the hill like a bat from Hades and got right on my backdoor.
I'm not someone who tolerates tailgaters well, so I flashed my brake lights at her. This induced her to hang her hand out of her window and show me 4 fingers, then 5, while shouting "It's 45 here!"
I like backseat driving just as much as I like tailgating, and the car behind me giving instructions that I hadn't asked for is taking it to the extreme. I did the only thing I could, and let off on the accelerator.
This didn't improve her mood any, and strangely, I believe it may have made her mad. I did look around at the neighborhood, and came to the conclusion that I was not about to drive in a residential area at 45 MPH in the morning when kids are on their way to school. Not only that, but if by some strange circumstance, the speed limit WAS 45, the person who determined that was an idiot. About that time, I passed a speed limit sign for the other direction, and looked at it in my left mirror.
I realize that the possibility exists that the speed limits on each side of the street are different, (as I was driving home tonight, I verified that they are the same) but I figured they wouldn't be. You know, she was right. I wasn't going the speed limit. It was with a certain amount of malicious glee that I hit my brake and slowed the 5 MPH to the speed limit (30mph). A moment later, she shot by me in the left turn lane and got caught at a red turn arrow as I sailed by her (at the speed limit -- my light was still green).
I decided to let bygones be bygones and gave her a cheery wave of good morning as I went by. I'm probably glad I didn't see her face at this point.