Chapter 12
Natalia and John have their first encounter in years as John realizes who Natalia has become and Natalia has an encounter with her ex wife
The final pieces of Aragons fate are put in place and the Princess plots for the future
Natalia’s appearance as he stood before John on the runway as they prepared to board a smaller plane, shocked John right to his very core. Standing in front of him was the formerly very homophobic and sexist man that had mocked him in the past for buying his own dress and choosing to present himself as female. Now, this there was very little masculinity left in this man. Natalia stood before John wearing a woman’s military dress uniform with a little skirt and black heels. His hairless legs were encased in a sexy pair of black nylon stockings. The man's face was meticulously made up with beautiful eye shadow, blush, red lip-gloss and carefully tweezed eyebrows. His chest was obviously real with augmented large breasts. His solid black hair was done in a pretty French twist. This was the man that protested and hated being dressed as a woman before and defined it as a living nightmare. There was a big difference in the before and now. Before, Martin was forced, and the transformation hadn’t gone this deep, it was also clear that he was a very feminized male. Now, Martin totally passed and he could hardly see any man left. Martin looked totally like any other woman. His style of dress and hair looked identical to the other women guards nearby. This was Natalia, not Martin.
This was clearly no joke. It was extremely serious. His gaze fell upon the rolls of ribbons on Natalia's very enhanced bustline. The rank insignia on Natalia's shoulder and the emblem patch on her arm and her name on the uniform told John that this was serious. Natalia was a ranking member of the elite military unit called the Shadow Corps. Except that was only open to women. Natalia had obviously allowed herself to become feminized again and stood here as a woman. And despite the horrible past, Natalia showed no shame at all standing there presenting herself as a woman.
Natalia saw how John was looking specifically at her cleavage showing in her low neckline.
“Yes, they are real. I had some work done so I would not look out of place in the Shadow Corps command structure.” Natalia did a sexy pose as she put her hand on her hips and stuck her hip out, and lifted her chin to show her large enhanced breasts. It was a pose no man with any self-respect would ever consider doing. She fluttered her eyes at John and smiled sensually. She asked in a deep alluring tone, “What do you think, John? Am I more sexy than Dorothy was?”
Dorothy was John's feminine identity when he was feminized. John flashed a sexy self-confident smile in return and said, “Yes, babe. You are much more sexy than Dorothy. Remember, Dorothy was still undoubtedly male. George just forced him to have some glaring female attributes to entice. But she was very male. If I did not know you from before, I would never have known you were male. You are very convincingly female and you are sexy, Natalia.”
John saw the rank insignia on Natalia’s shoulder and realized it was a Major's insignia. Natalia was a major. How was such a high rank possible so fast? She had only been free for about three years. Then John saw the Baron's symbol on her uniform signifying she was also a Baron. He looked at the symbol more closely and saw that it had the Hastings colors on it, and the House of Hastings. And it looked like Natalia was the Baron of the area the Vargos family formerly ruled. So this was how Natalia was promoted so fast. She was nobility now. But still, how could such a man accept living his life as a woman and dress as a woman?
John considered this issue in his mind as he looked at Martin. He knew that Martin now went by the name Natalia in his daily life. He even had his name legally changed to Natalia Hastings. For all intents, SHE was Natalia now. He lived his life as a woman named Natalia. John felt it was really inappropriate to call her Martin like this. Much like when he was so feminized by George, he decided to go by the name Dorothy. But this was his choice now. Unlike before when Martin found out the Baron had renamed him Marcia Vargos, or Mrs. Vargos, and he simply had to accept it. Natalia did this all herself. Martin was a gentle, naïve, and very soft man who was totally unprepared for what was about to happen to him. This was not Martin at all. So, John might as well accept that this was Natalia not Martin now. John wondered how Martin as a man could accept this?
Probably because she wasn’t being forced and wasn’t being sexually abused by a man who forced her into it for a man’s sick desires. She was doing it now for respect and a future with this nation. But John was one to talk about that. He continued to dress and live as a woman due to a condition in his late husband’s will for his inheritance. That inheritance was stolen by Natalia and John ended up getting nothing for all he suffered. It wasn’t as much theft as Natalia blackmailing him. Natalia threatened a huge devastating civil suit. That was no empty threat, Natalia had tons of evidence of John abusing her and signing her into slavery. Natalia would have won and destroyed him. Natalia also threatened to take the evidence to a federal prosecutor to file criminal charges of conspiracy, slavery, human trafficking, and accessory. And Natalia said John would go to a men’s prison and with John's soft features and the fact that he was obviously gay, he knew what he would be facing in prison. John agreed to sign his inheritance over to Natalia. It was clear that, with the evidence Natalia had against him, he would be convicted and sent to prison for life, just like Missy, and other members of her family who conspired to send her away. John was left with nothing, but at least he was free.
John stood before Natalia in his men’s business suit. He wore blue slacks and a soft top with a hint of feminine lace on the top. He wore a man's jacket top. The top few buttons on his top were undone to reveal John’s hairless chest. Natalia knew that if a few more buttons were undone, that she would probably see the very unmanly mastectomy scars on his chest. John wasn’t a large man at all. John stood there looking at Natalia. His face had rather soft feminine features, his skin was soft and beautiful. His soft feminine features were in contrast to his dominant male personality.
A sensual feminine smile appeared on John’s face as she slowly approached Natalia. He slowly approached Natalia, smiling and swaying his hips with each step until he stood face to face. He gently reached up and brushed his fingers softly against Natalia’s enhanced bust and then laid his hand teasingly on Natalia’s shoulder softly. He fluttered his own eyelashes and smiled. “Those do look real,” said John in a sensual flirty tone as he pointed down. “You look very sexy and alluring as a woman. You will be very appealing to all those big strong men.” John smirked.
“They will all want you. You clearly have chosen to maintain the image your ex-husband wanted you to have and went further with it. He would find you very sexy now.”
Natalia snorted as another woman appeared beside Natalia. Kimberly also snorted and said, “Just like a man. We choose to show any sexuality at all in our image and a man assumes we are doing it all for his attention.”
Natalia laughed. “Except John is gay. He does not care how sexy we look. He is simply trying to be flirty and confusing. It’s his way and what got him in trouble with my father. But John, if this is the personality you want, perhaps you should have maintained your feminine image you had before.”
John giggled and ran a finger teasingly at Natalia’s midsection and said, “Like you have? No thank you. I am a man.”
“I don’t care,” Natalia said harshly. “I like this life now, and I like the women I help.”
“So I guess it was true that you wiped out the entire Vargos family. Every single one of them, even the children. I didn’t believe you could ever do a thing like that when I heard it, but seeing you now, I have little doubt you would do such a thing.” John said, gazing into Natalia’s eyes and smiling softly. “Just like a man’s rage.”
Natalia simply smiled. “A woman’s rage can be worse. And I did, except for Constance and Angela, the Baron's sister, but she is dying. Some things are worse than death. Constance is finding that out, she has no more family except for a dying daughter who saw her entire family murdered before her eyes. But the children didn’t suffer. Constance is suffering. She lost everything she held dear in life. But, the Vargos family were animals and I slaughtered them like animals.” Natalia said in an even chilling tone.
Yes, John thought sadly. He did miss the old Martin he met years ago. Natalia was a horror. She was a nightmare that had just come true.
John watched their princess as she led the group to a smaller plane that would take them to Ronald Reagan International in Washington DC. Alejandra had that same darkness in her eyes. It spoke of a sadistic single-minded resolve and a cruel willingness to kill anyone who got in their way. He looked at Natalia’s apparent girlfriend Vivian and saw that same cruelty in her eyes. These people frightened him far more than his former husband George. Of course, he wanted Aragon to pay for what they did. Those cruel laws and how accepting the nobility and ruling class used those laws. John felt the same anger that Natalia felt. But this was going way too far. John saw what they were planning for Aragon and it was a total horror. They were going to violently subjugate and punish the nation of Aragon and they were going to make no distinction between the innocent and the guilty. The people of Aragon were all guilty in these people's eyes. Natalia had let her rage and anger totally consume her. Of course, Natalia would not listen to him at all. He saw the dark seething rage in Natalia’s eyes that spoke of a desire to kill him right now.
John was one to talk about revenge against the innocent. He knew Martin was innocent when he was abusing Martin. Martin was only the son of the man that had enslaved him. But John was so consumed with rage and anger that it didn’t matter and he enjoyed abusing Martin during his captivity. Martin was still enraged at that and there was no chance at all of John speaking any sense into Martin now. Martin, now Natalia, had the power she desired and she was going to cruelly punish the entire nation and the people of Aragon.
They all headed toward a smaller private Learjet waiting on the runway. The princess led them up the steps and into the small jet and the doors shut.
The jet taxied toward the runway and took off toward Reagan International Airport for their one hour flight. John sat beside Natalia and Vivian. He wasn’t quite finished and wanted to see if it was possible to talk to Natalia now. He seriously doubted it.
“Natalia,” John said trying to get through to her. “I didn’t believe what I heard when I was told you were still dressing as a woman. I seriously refused to believe you were still being feminine, but now I understand it’s for a vastly different reason. This is worlds apart from why you had to do it before. No one is forcing you and you are getting what you want through this. But still Natalia, I heard about what you did. I heard what you did to Tabitha, Leanne, Lisa, the Judge, the justice of the peace that married you to the Baron, almost the entire Vargos family including their children, and a few others, and I heard you intend on visiting Jessica soon.”
Natalia said through her teeth, “I know about you and her. What about what I have planned for Jessica? Do you still feel something for her?”
John shook his head and laid his hand on Natalia’s forearm and smiled flirtily, “Not at all. I enjoyed using her and she thought she would get some of my money the way she swindled others. She hoped to get rich. She thought that my money was her ticket to the high life. Of course, you were the one that took everything from me. You had a lot more leverage than she thought she had over me. She had no idea what she was getting herself involved with. But, Natalia, my point is she was just being paid by me. She was only…”
Natalia interrupted him, “Doing as she was told, you were going to say,” Natalia raised her thinly arched eyebrow. “In other words, she was only following orders. Am I right, John?”
“Yes,” John replied, not understanding the reference or where this was going.
“I was at the mercy of many others whose only excuse was they were only following orders. Do you have any idea how many monsters have tried to use that excuse in the past? ‘I am only following orders.’ I was at their mercy, John. Never again.”
Now John understood the reasoning and the references Natalia was making. “It’s nowhere near the same thing, Natalia, so stop trying to compare this to the final solution and those men.”
“So how many people have to suffer enslavement and destruction before you consider it an atrocity,” Natalia asked pointedly. “Ten people? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand? How many people? Because tens of thousands of women are suffering at the hands of people only following orders. We got a small taste of it, but not many men want to do this to other men. Some sickos do, but by far, it's mostly women suffering. So how many?”
“Natalia, please understand,” John pleaded. “It isn’t the same thing at all.”
A soft feminine voice was suddenly heard behind John, “Speak for yourself.” It was a voice full of overt hostility. She had come up quietly from the back of the plane. “Look at what was done to me.” This was Valentina.
John didn’t understand and said, “What? I understand you were abused. But you weren't tortured, or killed, or worked to death. You are still living.”
Valentina laughed bitterly. John totally didn’t understand. “This isn’t how I wanted to live. I was a man, and I never wanted to become a woman. I hate this. But I was given a uterus and ovaries, I endure a monthly cycle like any other women, and this can’t be undone without great risk. This is what was done to me and this is what Natalia faced as Martin, And look at Vivian, she was also a man and she was just lucky she is trans so becoming a woman wasn’t a great horror to her, like It was to me or Natalia. John, you are totally clueless how cruel some of these people really are. You were given a pair of big breasts and you think what was done to you is some great horror."
“Hey,” John said sternly. “My body was also changed against my will. I know very well how cruel they can be. And Natalia, you got what you wanted, so why are you still so angry at me? What did I do to you?”
“You violated me,” Natalia said in a tone full of hostility. “Remember at my banquet, you came in after having me fully secured, helpless in Leanne’s chair. You came in, abused me and ejaculated on my face and inside of my ear. Remember that and you continued to abuse me. You called in those men every night to gang rape me. You had my nipples injected with something. And I know you were behind having me sent to that spa place, an isolated building where no one was around. Jessica and those other women spent the entire week torturing me. I know you were behind that. You did a hell of a lot. And your name was on my contract. You signed me into slavery and enjoyed my suffering.”
Then the Princess herself stood up and approached. “John,” she said sternly. “I think you better shut up before things get out of control. You really don’t understand, but I asked for your help here because you are American, like Natalia is, so Richard Stone may listen to you. But we don’t really require your help to succeed. But it would be helpful. Please don’t antagonize the victims here that suffered way more than you can imagine. They suffered enough without having a man try to minimize what they went through. And Natalia, please relax. Don’t let him get to you. John, find another seat and stay quiet for the rest of the flight.”
John looked around as Carol and Jeanne were about to get involved. Valentina and Vivian were looking at him with eyes full of hostility. Natalia was clearly pissed off. And the Princess herself had become angry. John began wishing he had never agreed to help these people.
They landed at Ronald Reagan International and exited the place. A limo took them to the large office building that served at the Corporate headquarters of Stone's Shipbuilding and Drydock Corporation. Richard Stone kept his headquarters in Washington where he often saw important congress people and the heads of committees and military people.
He expected the princess of Castile to come with some of her people she wanted him to see. The Princess entered the building and went up to his office floor and they waited in the waiting room for Richard Stone to admit her into his office.
The Princess was admitted and she took Natalia and John in with her. Valentina went in with them to make her point. They all went into Richard's large main office and sat down across from them.
The Princess spoke, “We have come to give you a very serious warning. I am warning you not to go to Aragon. I know you have an appointment and have been invited there to seal a contract with them to build ships. But I am warning you that it is a trap, and you won’t be able to get out of it. I have brought Natalia Hastings, formally Martin, as you know she has had very unpleasant experiences in that nation which she made very public and her fate is what is to befall you if you enter that nation.”
Natalia reached in her briefcase and took out a few formal documents and handed them to Richard.
Richard took the documents and read them. He was shocked, “A marriage certificate signed by a Mario Mondego. And those are the signatures of members of my family. But mine isn’t there, how is this possible?”
Natalia spoke, “That’s how it's done. I never signed my marriage certificate. Here, look at mine. Signed by Anthony Vargos and members of my family signing for me. That sealed my fate and trapped me with the Baron for over a year until he died.”
The Princess stood up and inserted a disk into a player and played a video for him. It was Martin's wedding a few years in the past. Richard watched in horror and Natalia spoke and explained what happened to Martin back then. Richard heard her testimony in front of congress. But Richard saw that was going to happen to him and it became very personal and serious. They saw the anger in Richard's eyes. “Those are members of my family, I thought they supported me. How could they try to do this to me?”
“Greed, I think they want your company,” the princess spoke up.
“I will show them, can I have this certificate?” Richard asked.
"Of course," the princess said. "You should know that this is only a copy of the official document that is kept in Aragon. We were able to make a copy as proof of what we are telling you."
“Thank you, Princess, and Martin, I mean Natalia, you are very beautiful now. Your testimony in front of Congress was very brave and you made an impact on many of them. I will finish the job for you, Princess. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
“Yes, we want to end the suffering in Aragon. So many people are trapped there. They must be freed. I ask you to help formally end the US alliance with Aragon for good.”
“It will be done,” said Richard. “I know many of the heads of the committees including the speaker of the house. I can get this done for you.”
Then the Princess spoke again, “I have another request. I want you to try to convince your people to seek closer ties with the Empire of Castile. We can have very friendly relations with your country. We don’t have to have this hostility.”
“I will see if it is possible, I would agree to that, Princess,” replied Richard.
Richard looked over at the young woman sitting beside Natalia and asked about her.
She said her name was Valentina and explained how she was a man and had never wanted a transition like this. But it had been forced upon him. She explained the laws of Aragon and how they pertained to such marriages. Natalia explained them further and that even the police would not protect her. They would simply hold her until her husband came to pick her up. They would do nothing to protect her.
Richard agreed that the country of Aragon was corrupt and that changes were necessary.
The Princess' team left Stone's and made their way to Castile's consulate. Natalia had searched for her ex-wife, Melissa, and found where she lived now. Natalia had resolved to make a very unpleasant visit and the Princess agreed to help and back him up. Natalia was an official member of the government of Castile and she was given official diplomatic credentials.
Natalia made sure she carried his diplomatic credentials for this.
The political machine in Washington often worked very slowly. They moved at their own pace and especially if something was unpopular or was likely to fail. But with something like Knox and Stone behind it, things went at a slightly faster pace. With their primary military contractors pushing it with their full power.
Stone went to see the leading congressmen and women of the various congressional committees and the leaders of the Parties and he made his intentions very clear and they saw it his way.
The congressmen and women behind Stone quickly called an emergency session of Congress to discuss the information Stone gave them. After a surprisingly short amount of debate, they drafted the proper bills to enforce their will. The bill was then introduced to formally dissolve the military obligations and alliance with the nation of Aragon. It was debated again before it was voted on. It was passed by both houses and signed into effect in less than a week.
The motions were carefully watched by the leadership of Aragon with helpless anger. They were devastated to see the American Fifth fleet turn around and steam away. Now, there was no doubt that the people of Aragon stood alone against the might of Castile. There was no hope.
Natalia reached into her purse to make sure she had her official diplomatic credentials with her. The princess was sitting beside her with her girlfriend Vivian.
“She deeply hurt you,” The princess said softly. “She deserves to pay for it. We will back you up on this and then we will have to fly back to Aragon. Go do what you want to. We will be in later.”
It was late and drizzling, the rain having let up a bit. It was dark and it provided the perfect cover for Natalia.
Natalia stepped out of the car and stood outside of Melissa’s house. The back window was unlocked providing the entrance to her home. The home was well furnished and warm. Natalia walked upstairs and made herself at home in Melissa’s bedroom, where she laid out zip ties on the nightstand and removed anything that might aid Melissa from escaping. Sitting next to a window listening to the thunder, Natalia waited for Melissa’s return from her job.
Natalia heard Melissa’s car pull into the driveway and she got out and headed toward the front door. The door opened in the darkness of night and Melissa walked in. Desperate to get upstairs and run a hot bath, Melissa began to disrobe as she entered her bedroom. In her underwear, she turned on one dim light before realizing the window was open.
Melissa turned on the light and saw an incredibly menacing woman sitting in the corner with an evil smile on her face. The look on the other woman’s face and eyes spoke of something terrifying.
Melissa said in a shaky frightened voice, “Who…What are you doing in my house!”
“You should know who I am,” said the woman softly which made it sound much more menacing. Melissa recognized the voice immediately. Even if the voice was much more feminine than it was when she knew this person, she knew it. “We were married for over a year before you betrayed me and sent me to hell. You should know me very well, Melissa. I remember you.”
“Martin,” she said questioningly. “Is that you?”
Natalia stood up and stepped forward. “Yes. But Martin doesn’t exist after what that innocent man suffered. Now I prefer the name Natalia. That’s what they call me now.”
Melissa felt very afraid now. Even through looking at Natalia now, she didn’t seem very overtly threatening. Natalia was so feminine and natural that there didn’t seem to be a threat at all. She swore that Natalia even had breasts. The cold hard glare in her eyes and Natalia’s body language spoke of a dire threat. Loud alarms were going off her head. She tried to appear confident, “Martin, so you are now a she-male, going around like that. Dressed totally as a woman. You look pretty.”
“It’s what you wanted,” Natalia said. “You divorced me so I could be forced into a marriage to a brutal man who used force to turn me into this and make me his submissive wife. But, in reality, I had become a sex slave. You made a joke of it during that wedding. When I told you I was a prisoner, you said I wasn’t, I remember it well. But I couldn’t escape it, I was prevented from leaving. That is the definition of a prisoner, Melissa. I just wish I could put you in one of those marriages and see how you feel to be trapped in a marriage you can’t escape from. And used the way I was every night. Melissa, it was rape.”
There was no mistaking it now. Natalia’s tone was totally menacing. It sent chills rushing down her spine. “Natalia,” she said using Martin's new name. “I was told you were cheating on me with him and that you were dressing yourself. It seems I was lied to. I really didn’t know who to believe back then.”
“Melissa, I loved you with all of my heart,” Melissa heard the past tense of the word. Loved. The cold glare she was receiving now was total hate. There was no love now.
“Natalia, wait,” she pleaded. “If you say you were forced to dress as a woman and humiliated, why are you now going as a woman after all of that?” Melissa asked. “How can you say you were forced?”
“Melissa, I know my father paid you to divorce me. He paid you to make those accusations. As for your answer, I was dressed and made to be a woman so long, it's natural now. And, I dress as a woman for vastly different reasons. It's not for any sick pervert's satisfaction. No one is allowed to touch me without my consent now. And for those that hurt me, most of them are dead.” The smile Melissa saw was totally chilling.
Natalia began to describe her experience with the Baron. Melissa began to understand what had happened. She tried to protest, that she had little to do with it, but Natalia would not listen.
Then Natalia began to describe her life after the marriage, her revenge against her family, sending them to prison. Then moving to Castile and becoming friends with the Empress and the princess, Alejandra. Joining the Shadow Corps. What she did as a member of an elite unit only open to women. Then the horrible things she did to those that hurt her in Aragon.
Melissa was horrified. She never kept up with Martin's life. Leanne did and so did John and they knew and the word they used to describe Natalia was horror or a monster. Melissa began to understand when Natalia described killing the children of the Vargos family in front of their parents.
Melissa was horrified. She didn’t want to believe the man she married could be capable of such things, but that man was gone. The cold cruel look that ran deep in Natalia told her that what this woman was saying was the truth. She whispered, “Natalia, those children”
Natalia simply shrugged dismissively. “They didn’t suffer, they didn’t even know what was coming. When children die, their suffering ends. But it’s the parents that go on suffering the death of their children. There’s much worse things than death. That’s why I didn’t kill their mother.”
“But what did she do to you?” Melissa asked. “I thought you said it was her brother, the Baron who abused you. Why make his sister suffer?”
“She was the catalyst to it all. She could have fought for me, but she stood by and watched and enjoyed what was happening. She deserved it. All of the Vargo’s family were perverted animals. They got what they deserved. It was her wedding dress I was put in and her bliss mask I wore.” Natalia said coldly.
“So what are you going to do, kill me too, Natalia?” Melissa asked harshly.
Natalia shook her head, “No, I am going to give you one night of what I suffered for over a year. What you dismissed as a marriage that I should accept. Since you were so dismissive of it, I think you should personally experience it for one night, and ask yourself, if you were trapped with me doing that for you for an entire year, how would you feel about it.”
So it was clear, Natalia was here to rape her. Natalia smiled as he saw the fear in her face.
Natalia approached Melissa and grabbed her arm and threw her into her bedroom and shut the door. Melissa knew what was about to happen to her.
“Martin, I mean Natalia,” She said loudly. “You can’t do this to me. It’s not allowed, you know that. I am not married to you anymore and we don’t allow rape even inside of a marriage. You can’t do this to me. This isn’t Aragon and I am not even your wife. You will pay for this, I will report you if you do this,” Melissa threatened.
Natalia simply laughed coldly. She didn’t respond to her threat at all, except to smile. Natalia could not wait to see her stunned helpless reaction when she reported this.
Then Natalia slid into bed with Melissa and began pulling off her clothes. Natalia pinned Melissa to the bed.
The Princess and Vivian had rented a small room nearby and were comfortably reading reports from Aragon’s occupation. The Princess was not entirely comfortable with what Natalia had planned for the night with Melissa. Natalia had made it an effort to be identified as a woman at all times. She had become a woman in her daily life. The effort Natalia went through to be recognized and present herself as a natural woman was impressive. But she was still a biological man and had little interest in actually transitioning into a woman. She wanted to remain a man. So, this was a man brutalizing a woman. It was everything the Princess and her sister had struggled all their life to end. The princess turned to Vivian and asked her, “Are you okay with what Natalia has planned for Melissa tonight?”
Vivian smirked, “Absolutely. I know you aren’t happy with it though. But you should know the reason the Empress exempts women like Melissa from the regular legal protections. Natalia explained what Melissa did and how she was treated by Melissa. I am okay with her personally experiencing what she so casually excused on her husband. What she personally had a part in arranging. She was okay with her husband being brutalized the same way and he suffered a year of it. I am very okay with this.”
The princess understood. But still, most girlfriends would have a serious problem with their boyfriend spending an intimate night with an ex. But in this case, Vivian was okay with it. The Princess understood and accepted that part of it. And they were going to help make sure Natalia was okay in the morning. Natalia asked for their presence when the police came to verify his credentials.
Natalia spent all night violating Melissa repeatedly. Natalia had made sure that Melissa experienced the first time like she did, tied to the end of her bed in the same position that she was for the Baron. Natalia kept telling her that’s what happened to her for a year, because of Melissa and she dared call it a marriage. Natalia kept asking her how she would feel being trapped like this for a year, like Natalia was.
Natalia was smiling widely by the next morning and dressed in her military uniform. Melissa said weakly pulling a thin sheet to cover her body, “I will report you when you leave. You won’t get away with this.”
Natalia handed her the phone, “Why wait until I leave. Call them right now and tell them your rapist is still in the house. Go on, see what happens when they come.”
Natalia left the room and made herself look more masculine as she wrapped her breasts tightly and didn’t put on makeup. Melissa started dialing and reported that she had been raped and he was still in the house. Natalia made sure she looked like a man so that there would be no confusion. She wasn’t wearing her skirt now.
The Princess and Vivian arrived a few minutes later and sat with the male looking Natalia as Melissa made the call. The police arrived in only minutes and Melissa ran out to them to report what happened to her. Natalia waited at the door holding her credentials in her hand. The Princess and Vivian also had theirs when the officers walked up to the house, hands on their weapons.
Melissa reported everything that had been done to her and said Martin raped her. Natalia agreed that it was a factual account and confessed, “I raped the bitch. What she is saying is correct.”
The officers approached to arrest her and began reading her her rights when she handed the officers her diplomatic credentials. The officers looked at the papers.
The Princess also handed them her own as well. Natalia said, “I am a government official from the empire of Castile. Those are my diplomatic credentials. You know you can't touch us.”
The Princess said, “What that man is saying is correct. He is a member of our government. And I am The Royal Princess of Castile. Vivian here, is the archduchess of the empire of Castile. We are here to confirm that Martin is who he says he is.”
Natalia smirked at Melissa, “I have diplomatic immunity. The police can’t touch me.”
The officers quickly made a few calls and verified Natalia’s credentials and found that they were real. There was nothing they could do.
Melissa was in total despair as the officers backed away. They looked very sorry but there was nothing they could do. “This can’t be serious, he raped me and confessed. How can you let him get away with this?”
Natalia said, “Because of international law and treaties. Officials of foreign governments have immunity. Unless those governments agree to waive immunity, which Castile will not do here. The most they can do is evict me from the country.”
The officers escorted them out of the house and said to Melissa, “That’s true, but they will probably be expelled from the United States. But that’s as far as they can go. I am sorry.” They looked at Alejandra and said, "We have been instructed to inform you that you must return to your consulate and that we will escort you."
Melissa broke down crying and Natalia looked at Melissa and said, “That’s how I felt when I tried to get the police of Aragon to help me and they simply said the Baron had his rights as my husband and they would not lift a finger for me. The police laughed at my appearance and gave me no sympathy at all. Now you know the feeling of being helpless. Except that I was trapped with my rapist for an entire year. You sent me there and destroyed my life. The favor has been repaid. I only wish I could keep you for a year. You have it easy.”
They went back to Castile's consulate, followed by the officers.
Natalia was very happy as they were taken back to their consulate and arranged to leave the United States. She knew what she did to Melissa was horrible and that Melissa might never recover from that night. But Melissa would have help. She would have her friends to help her and give her emotional support for her rape. She would be given therapy and everything she needed. Things that Natalia did not have while she was being repeatedly raped..
Natalia had no therapists except for those trying to get her to accept the situation and tell her that it was right. Therapists like Jessica that would inflict pain to force her to accept what was happening. Some therapy, huh. She had no friends, only those of the Baron's friends who celebrated it all and thought it was great. And praised the Baron for his manhood. As she was utterly destroyed. Imagine if Melissa had to go through that celebration and be revealed to the people as the new bride, as she was unmasked for them all showing her hickies and everything. Melissa should go through that.
Melissa was left with a lot of anger and pain. She was angry because she was manipulated and lied to by so many people. She seriously and genuinely had believed that Martin had cheated on her with another man. She believed it and believed that Martin desired that lifestyle. She felt used and humiliated when George told her that. George paid her compensation and she agreed to divorce Martin. She thought it was what Martin desired. The wedding shocked her. He was restrained, looked desperate, afraid, and loudly protesting until he was gagged. But she still believed Martin's protests were lies.
Now, she realized it was all real. Martin was used and hurt, he didn’t want it at all. George had manipulated and lied to her and Martin was left full of pain, and rage, and looking for revenge. Melissa had to admit that if it happened to her and someone like her dismissed such a violation and made light of it, she might feel exactly like Martin. She should have listened to Martin back then. She didn’t, and now Martin blamed her for it all. Martin had been telling her the truth all along. So now he became a woman named Natalia.
The ride back to the consulate was peaceful. Natalia was satisfied with herself, the princess felt that the meeting with Richard Stone had been very productive and she was making arrangements for the next step in their operations in Aragon. That next step was to expand their area of control over the island nation. Over a hundred thousand troops were mobilized for the operation and massive troopships were being prepared to transport them. Everything was being prepared for the next phase of the operation. They needed to get back and execute the plan.
They were going to fly directly from Ronald Reagan International to Aragon. John was there to watch them board the Princess’s aircraft and take off. He wanted to try one more time to get through to Natalia.
“I know you are angry and so was I. I know you suffered horribly, but so did I. But, what you are now, this is your doing and not Aragon’s, not the Baron's. You did this to yourself. You feminized your appearance to this extreme so that you can be fully accepted and recognized as a woman in daily life. No one did this to you and you weren't forced to do this. This is your doing. You weren't feminized to this extreme during your marriage, I was. I still say I suffered way more than you. My transformation was much more radical than yours. I was not as feminized as Valentina, but I was more feminized than you. You were forced to dress as a woman, but you were still recognized as a man.”
Natalia shook her head. “There are several key differences between what happened to you and me. I really think George loved you and he intended on giving you the entire company to run. The Baron hated me. He wanted to leave me nothing and he intended a full transformation on me. And there was also you involved with my marriage. You didn’t have to deal with a hateful sadistic ex that simply wanted to make you suffer on top of what was already happening. But I do admit your transformation was much more radical, I did this to myself. But I had to in order to get what I wanted.”
“You mean revenge,” John replied. “I admit that what I did was wrong. I was so full of anger I wanted to lash out at someone and you were there. But it was wrong. However, Natalia, you had the last laugh. You took all of my inheritance from me and left me penniless. The Baron's family, mother and sister made you suffer and look at them now. You had the last laugh over them. The Vargos family is destroyed. You beat all of us so why are you still angry?”
“Because,” Natalia said tightly, “the system that allowed this still exists. They still think they did nothing wrong. There are tens of thousands of women suffering and trapped. It needs to end.”
“Don’t think I believe you care about those women,” John said with a smirk. “It’s an excuse for you all to wage this war on them. Natalia, ask yourself and ask your princess what happened to all of the male officers and officials that held those positions before Elsa was crowned, what happened to them?”
Natalia smirked evilly. “They were purged. I know what happened to them. Elsa executed a purge. They were dismissed or tried. Many of them rebelled and caused a civil war. Yes, I know. And, believe it or not, I care about those women a great deal. I risked a lot to rescue many of them and help them become free and live a better life.”
“And this is the system you now serve, Natalia. I never thought that Martin Hastings would ever be subservient to such a system or let himself be transformed to this.”
“Natalia is all your creation. You, my father, the Baron Vargos, Leanne, Lisa, and Tabitha created what I am now. You wanted me to be a woman, so here she is, and she is what you all deserve. Bye John.” She turned and boarded the plane. They were on their way to wage a full-scale war now.
Everyone was exhausted and mostly slept during their flight back to Aragon. Natalia frightened everyone in the middle of the long flight by waking up crying and pleading. She had another night terror and they happened very often. Vivian and the Princess comforted Natalia and she relaxed.
They landed in Aragon about eight hours later. Vargos Airbase was the airbase that Natalia had personally led the assault on and captured for Castile.
They went back to the Cordoba Estate, which the Princess had claimed for herself and they slept for a few more hours.
The Princess called a meeting early the next morning. The first thing the Princess did was to promote Natalia to a full colonel. Natalia was given a full colonel's insignia to wear on her shoulder. Natalia was amazed that she was promoted to such a high rank. The Princess said that she was being considered for a promotion to brigadier general since she would need to be a flag rank for the command they were considering her for.
Then the Princess got down to business. “We need to prepare for the second phase of this operation. We have the forces here and now we need to use them to secure this area. The United States has given us the green light to proceed. They no longer care what happens to Aragon. We can proceed without the risk of American Interference. The Empress has mobilized one hundred and twenty thousand troops. They are ready to board a fleet of troopships to head here. We must secure the large naval port on the coast and the docks for the troopships . To that end, Natalia, you will take your force of two thousand troops to capture and control the naval port. After you have secured them, move on to the city and capture city hall and the police station. I know you have been itching to go there. We remember when they arrested you for simply being dressed as a woman. They humiliated and demeaned you and refused to help you at all when you were being abused by the Baron. They simply held you until the Baron's people went to take you back. You will go there with a squad of Shadow Corps and take command, and relieve the police of their duty and take command of the area.”
Natalia asked, “What shall I do with those officers?”
“Anything you want, you are the colonel, it’s up to you,” replied the Princess. “Execute them, firing squad, hang them, or take them to the camps, whatever you decide, Natalia. It’s your decision. I don’t really care.”
“Vivian,” the Princess said loudly. “You will take three thousand of the troops and head toward the Provencal capital. You will capture it, replace the administrators, and take formal control of the duchy. We will have this area fully secured and safe for the landing of the Empress’s main force. Her fleet of troopships is about ready to set sail. They will arrive here shortly and then we will begin the second phase of this operation. The reconquista of Aragon.
“I have heard that the main capital has been garrisoned and fortified by the remaining forces of Aragon. They have twenty thousand troops, with fortification and artillery emplacements.”
The princess’s face darkened, “We hoped they would see reason. But, given what you all suffered, we should have guessed these people would make it difficult. They are totally unreasonable. The Empress is most disappointed by Aragon’s actions. She is preparing for that operation. That’s what the hundred thousand troops are for. And she is preparing her special new weapons for Aragon city. The civilians will be warned to leave the capital before it begins. And then they will experience a rain of ruin like they never experienced before.”
Natalia felt more than a little intimidated as she went to oversee her troops. She was being placed in command of more troops than she had ever commanded before. She commanded twenty-five hundred troops and she was given the vital mission of securing the port for the arrival of the Empress's fleet of troopships. The landing of over a hundred thousand troops in preparation for the conquest of Aragon. This mission was given to Natalia. And then secure the city.
Natalia and the Princess met their assembled troops moments later. Alejandra changed from her royal gowns to a solid black military officer's uniform. Apparently, she had decided to take personal charge of this mission and stood beside Natalia. The over five thousand troops stood at attention as the princess told Natalia to address them all.
“This mission is our final step to the final completion of our sacred task. The final completion of reconquista. Many of you served with our great Princess Alejandra during the war. We retook the rebel provinces of Leon, Galicia, Granada, and Toledo. Much blood was spilled during the rebellion and the war to retake those rebel-held provinces and punish the traitorous families that dared to take up arms against our Empress. And now we have a foothold on the final rebel Province of Aragon. Aragon is about to fall to the might of Castile. Our holy mission of reconquista is about to be fulfilled by the grace of God. Aragon and its sick perverted culture will fall.”
Their troops raised their right arm in the national salute. Natalia followed them as they all sung their national anthem and the hymn of the Falangist party. They sung Cara Al Sol proudly as Natalia followed, standing rigid in attention with her right arm held out.
At the end, Natalia shouted, “Castile.”
The combined troops responded, “Una.”
Natalia shouted, “Castile.”
The troops responded, “Grande”
Natalia shouted, “Castile.”
The Troops responded, “Libre”
“Arriba Castile,” Natalia shouted loudly.
Her troops responded, “Arriba”
Natalia shouted, “Jose Antonio Primo De Rivera.”
“Presenta,” The troops shouted in response.
“Francisco Franco,” She shouted and her troops responded, “Presenta.”
“Elsa Primo De Rivera,” Natalia shouted.
The troops assembled shouted in response, “Presenta.”
Natalia turned to Vivian and her troops and asked, “Are you ready for the operation?”
Vivian responded to the one she loved, “Yes, ma’am.”
It was a weird relationship with Natalia in charge here. Typically, Vivian's political rank would be superior and she would outrank Natalia. But Vivian had no military rank. Her rank as Archduchess was political. Natalia was now a full colonel. But her status as Baron ensured a rapid promotion to the higher ranks.
The Empress had ways to make sure those political promotions in the military didn’t harm military operations by having unqualified people in charge. They were strictly overseen by agents of the Empress or the Princess herself. But it was different with Natalia. She proved she was anything but unqualified. She insisted on being in the field leading attacks and operations personally. And her career showed she was very qualified and had a talent for military leadership.
The troops all climbed on the military trucks and transports, there were some APC’s they climbed in. Heavily armored Battle Tanks led the way to the military port on the coast. The port was around twenty miles away. And they all went on their way.
Taking control of the main eastern port was easier than Natalia thought it would be. There were no military defenses set up and the military forces in the area had already been defeated.
What was left was local security personnel that were mostly unarmed. And they did not have the training or ability to resist the seasoned military forces of Castile.
They were totally unprepared when a heavily armed convoy pulled up to the front gatehouse of the port and dozens of heavily armed elite soldiers rushed off their trucks with their weapons pointed at the security guards faces. The guards, while they were armed, weren't about to get in a shootout with the soldiers from Castile. The guards raised their hands and allowed themselves to be disarmed and taken captive.
The rest of the guards were taken the same way. There was no shooting or resistance. The guards knew they were overwhelmed and did not have the manpower or training to resist the military personnel from Castile. All of the guards were secured and taken away to the POW camps that were beginning operation in Aragon.
The docks, port facilities, gatehouses, and warehouses were all secured within the hour. Natalia sent a message to the Empress that the port was secure and ready to receive the troopships. She already saw Castile’s fleet floating nearby, securing the sea and sea lanes. Castile’s carriers were there to maintain air superiority over the Island. And now it was time to secure the city.
Natalia left one thousand soldiers to maintain control of the ports and receive the troopships that were setting sail from Castile. Natalia took another one thousand and headed for the city. Tanks and APCs followed. There was no doubt that this was now a real military occupation.
The convoy parked just inside of the city. The troops assembled into enormous columns waving the black flags of Castile and marched into the city. The people stood aside, watching in fear as the Castile soldiers marched into their city waving their black flags. People who resisted were taken prisoner. A few even had to be shot. There was no doubt about who was now in control as Natalia led her soldiers from the front.
Natalia led a few hundred of her soldiers into the police station and totally surrounded it. She marched in with a dozen of her troops and confronted the officer at the front desk. The officer knew there was no resisting this at all. He raised his hands and allowed Natalia and her troops to disarm them. They were all taken prisoner and lined up outside of the station. Natalia then asked coldly, “Do you all think I’m a joke now?”
The head officer of the station looked at the soldiers all armed, pointing their guns at them. He even looked at the Armored Personnel Carrier with its heavy gun aimed at them. It was clear this was no joke. This was a brutal occupation that the local police had no hope of resisting. They said nothing.
“This is interesting. You all look scared,” Natalia said harshly. “But when you had me before, you all thought it was very entertaining. You treated me as a joke. You cared nothing of what was happening to me then. None of you had any interest in helping me at all. I was a joke to you then but look at you all shaking and cowering now.”
The officers had no idea what this woman was talking about. But one of the women in the group suddenly understood as she looked at Natalia and recognized her. She stepped forward looking at Natalia and said, “Marcia, I mean Martin, the ex-wife of the Baron. It’s really you?”
“Yes,” Natalia said coldly. “It’s me. I also recognize you, Sarah Thomson, you bitch. I was hoping one of you morons would recognize me. I have no idea how anyone of you dumbshit’s could forget. I know it was years ago, but it should have been so memorable to you all.” Natalia flashed a cruel and totally malicious smile. “I remember you all very well.”
Sarah was in despair now. Knowing this was Martin and the way he was treated by his husband, and the police, and even her. She knew they were not going to live through this. She knew, looking into Martin's eyes, and his malicious smile, and the coldness in his eyes. Martin intended to execute them all.
But she needed to try to get him to understand. She started off, “I know you. You look very different from the way you looked then. You looked like a pretty, but obviously feminized male. There’s no hint of a male in you now. You look totally female. So many of us couldn’t recognize you from them. But I know those eyes and your face. But please, Martin, understand.”
“Call me Natalia,” She commanded. “I am Colonel Natalia Hastings now. And Baron of this area. I rule, I am in charge of your very lives, which will be very short as of now. You all failed to help me when I needed help. You as police sworn to protect the innocent, failed in your duty. You only served the rich and powerful. Cared nothing when innocent people were enslaved. One of those was me.”
“Okay, Natalia, I understand,” Sarah pleaded. “But you must understand. We had laws we had to follow and there was nothing we could do for you. The Baron Vargos was in charge and there were the laws. Had any of us tried to defy the law and protect you from him. We would have been fired and likely sued by his family for violating the law. We could do nothing for you.”
“Yes, you could have, if you wanted to. You had the weapons and could have rescued me. But you would have been protecting people instead of enslaving them,” said Natalia in a tone of ice. “But you all mocked me for what I was suffering and thought nothing of it. I told you what had happened to me, Sarah. I told you I did not want to become his woman and hated being his wife. I hated having to dress as a woman for him. I hated being dressed as a woman. You thought nothing of it and had me returned to him. So this is your reward.”
“Please, Natalia,”
Natalia silenced her, “Sarah, shut up or I will have you silenced. I have no more interest in talking to a sadistic pervert like you. All of you are sadists. And all of you are now prisoners of the Empire of Castile. My officers will take your places. You are all under arrest.”
And then Natalia led the officers toward the edge of the city and out of it as prisoners. Sarah had a sick feeling as the smell began to appear. It was a sickening smell of rot. They were marched out of the city and the smell struck them. They got closer and the smell got thicker. Some of them gagged from the thick stench. They marched until they finally saw an enormous ditch dug deep in the ground. Then they saw the ditch was filled with rotting bodies. There were many men, some women and children thrown into the ditch. The air was thick with flies as the prisoners were marched to the edge of the ditch. Sarah knew what was about to happen and she knew that Natalia was so filled with hatred now that she would refuse to listen to a word she said.
Natalia approached the officer that arrested her years ago and pointed her gun at the officer. She demanded, “Why is it illegal to crossdress here? Is there any reason it is against the law?”
The officer shook his head and simply said, “It’s indecent. Men shouldn't do that. But it's allowed if they can obtain a license to do so.”
Natalia snorted, “Yeah, unless it is forced then you are all okay with it. As I found out and I did get a license and I had to wear a humiliating crossdressing collar that identified me as such. But when I tried to escape from that man, I did not have it and I was simply arrested and returned to the man. But I did not wish to dress like that then. I was being forced to, not that it made any difference to you pigs. You all humiliated me and returned me to my owner. You made no effort to help me when I needed it.”
The officer responded, “You may consider it cruel of us, but at least we allow same sex relationships. Your nation doesn’t. People in Castile are not free at all. Your religion rules with an iron fist.”
Natalia laughed bitterly and snorted, “Yeah, I got a taste of your sort of freedom and that’s why we ban same sex relationships. I experienced the horror of them. That slave society you impose here is not what Castile wants. That’s why the Empress bans them and bans such slave laws. And that’s why we are here to free the oppressed in your nation. And to punish the oppressors.”
Then several large trucks pulled up and they offloaded many more prisoners. The officers recognized the prisoners as members of their families. Their wives, husbands, and children.
Sarah remembered when the Empress took the crown, she executed a massive purge at the end of the civil war. They often executed entire families. Some called it the night of long knives.
The officer cried, “Those people are innocent and did nothing to you Natalia. Why have you rounded them up?”
Natalia responded cruelly, “Because they are members of your family. We cannot allow pigs like you all to have pigs in the future that will oppress and harm further innocent people the way you all have. It must all end now. Your cruelty has led to this. You all could have helped me, and you refused. This is your doing.”
They all heard machine gun fire in the distance as their families were being executed and their bodies tossed into the grave. Natalia pulled the trigger and executed the officer in front of her and kicked her body into the ditch. She continued to execute the officers one by one and tossed their bodies into the enormous mass grave.
Few of them failed to see the large barb wire fence in the distance, with tall guard towers and many people trapped in there. It was a concentration camp in the distance. Castile’s fascism was taking hold and Aragon was starting to realize the cruelty and horror that they were really going to face, being under Castile’s occupation. Their purge had begun.