A few days ago, I received, in the mail, from Amazon, a thing that screws onto a water tap outside, where my fur girls can lick it to get their water. I had one before, and my pup took to it like a duck, or a dog, to water.
Unfortunately, my fur girls are a bit older, and don't seem to want to learn how to get water from the thingamajig. They'd much prefer I put a bowl under it, and hold the thing on so their bowl fills up like I'm their personal maid or something. Honest! They're dogs, not cats!
Anyway, I was trying to show one of them how to use it, when I heard the other one's excited yipping from the backyard. And the sound of running water. Oh no! I hurried back to my pool. Aryssta, my Border Collie / Kelpie mix, who finds spraying water fascinating and tries to catch it in her mouth, had somehow gotten one of the hoses loose from my pool's filter pump, and was trying to catch the water pouring out onto the ground in her mouth.
In retrospect, I suppose it makes sense from her point of view. Water comes out of that a LOT faster than from the little thing on the garden hose.
Anyone want a pool? How about a Kelpie? (Kidding... I think.)