Potter's Mercantile is a family owned and operated general store located in the heart of downtown Benton. According to local legend and lore the shop has stood at the corner of main and sixth street since the founding of the town way back when. The store has a little bit of everything and the owner Mr. Potter often extends credit to those who need it. Mom also likes it, because the owner's wife has a small selection of gently worn dresses, blouses, skirts and shoes she sales on the side. Most of my clothing came from Potter's. Mom by her very nature was thrifty and rarely brought anything new. Even the sheets and blankets on my bed came from one of the charity shops.
I can't say we were poor. Daddy kept food on the table, we never had to worry about our lights being cut off, or our water. There were always snacks in the house. We owned our own land and we even helped out the other families in the hollow. I guess as far as hollow families go, we were pretty well off. Mom was the head 'Priestess' if you can call her that of the group. She tended to the old, the young, the sick and the downtrodden as best as she could with what she could afford to spare. She offered advice to the young girls of courting age, advising them on what to look for in a future boyfriend, since she always said a future boyfriend could quickly turn into a future husband in just a season or two.
Anyway pushing all of that aside. Mom was, as of right this second standing at the counter waiting patiently as Mr. Potter keyed each item into the old fashioned cash register. A huge, gray, beast of a machine that looked like it belonged in a museum instead of a thriving downtown business. But then again, I guess the Potter's were thrifty too. And so, instead of hovering in the background while Mr. Potter carefully picked up each item, and tapped in the price before moving on to the other, I decided to do a little exploring.
Potter's Mercantile was more like a mini grocery store too. The main cash register was up front, beside it was a little deli area that fixed a plate lunch six days a week, beside that was a small dairy case that had milk, eggs, cheese and a limited selection of yogurts. After that you had the meat case. Mom loved the meats here, the prices were fair and the quality was top notch. She brought all her meats here and once a week she'll break down and buy three sixteen ounce porterhouses for daddy to cook out on the grill. Anyway pass the meat case you had the drink section that had all your chilled soft drinks and your fruit flavored beverages, you know those ones that had about ten percent fruit juice in them.
Then you had the frozen food section. The frozen food section was about eight stand up freezer doors that were all lined up beside the wall. The first door was stocked with frozen french fries, the second door was stocked with frozen pizzas, the third door was stocked with a wide variety of frozen bread, the fourth door was stocked with frozen dinners, the fifth door was stocked with frozen meats and a few selected frozen seafood items, the six door held frozen snacks, like pizza pockets, and such and the seventh door held frozen pies and desserts and finally the last door and my personal favorite was the eight one that held nothing but ice cream! I loved ice cream, chocolate being my all time favorite flavor.
Now to the left of the frozen food section was a wooden door. Nailed to the center of the wooden door were bubbly, cursive letters that spelled out the words “Potter's Second Hand Boutique” this door led to the used clothing section of the store. Taking a deep breath, I pushed upon the door handle and the sight that greeted me took my breath away.
Two racks, filled with dresses, blouses and skirts dotted the floor of the small square room. The wooden shelving built into the walls held dozens and dozens of pairs of shoes. Everything from leather boots, to nice dress shoes. Out of the corner of my eye I could spot a small area that had been closed off, no doubt a small changing area and finally at the far back of the room, a small counter with an oddly modern looking cash register. Sitting behind the cash register was a teenage girl with golden blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail and she was casually flipping through the glossy pages of a magazine no doubt the newest edition of “Sweet sixteen” while idly chewing what appeared to be a wad of pink chewing gum. Every few seconds she would blow a small bubble, the bubble would pop and she resumed chewing. After a few seconds, she noticed me standing there, she blinked and quickly she swallowed her gum and took a deep breath as she fixed me with a big smile.
“Oh! Welcome to 'Potter's Second Hand Boutique' I'm.. wait I know you. Your Cerridwen right? Cerridwen Circle Whitethorn? The Pagan girl who helped us with the dunking booth a week or so go?” She said as she stepped out from behind the counter. “So, how can I help you? Looking for something special? Maybe a Halloween costume? I mean with Halloween only being like a day or so away, our costumes are pretty picked over. But we might have a few cute ones left.” She then bit down upon her lip and looked away for a minute.
“Oh cool. I knew it was you. I mean, everybody in the club was impressed with you. I mean, like you were a really good sport in taking the last shift. And not to mention, you got dunked a ton.” Lily stated as she reached down and tossed her magazine to the side. She quickly then cleared her throat and pointed with her hand toward a small collection of costumes and a cardboard bin.
“It's not much, but it's all we have. Like I said before, with Halloween only being a day or two away, they totally picked us over. I mean they ravaged that section. Anyway, why don't you take a look, and if you'll give me a few minutes. I'll finish up what I'm doing here and I'll come over there to help you. Maybe together we can find you something cute to wear. I mean, every girl needs something cute to wear on Halloween.”
A small smile formed upon the bow of my lips as I nodded my head and started to move toward the corner where the scant few remaining Halloween costumes were being displayed. I quickly noticed, Lily had been dead on the money when she said the pickings would be slim. Only about a baker or so dozen costumes hung from iron coat hangers on the racks. A small, cardboard produce bin could be found next to the rack. Inside the bin, I could find a wide range of Halloween accessories and one off items.
I felt almost like an archaeologist as I started to peel and dig through the bin. The deeper I dug, the more I uncovered relics from long ago. Halloweens lay at my fingertips, an old witches hat that was covered in dust, a vampire's cape with a tear the size of Texas, a plastic mask, and a glow in the dark hockey mask. Being short, I had to stand almost on my heels as I started to shift around. Finally after a few minutes, I decided to call it quits.
“Having any luck?” A voice called out from behind me.
“No.” I said sighing in defeat. “I guess, I'll be wearing that old cheerleading costume again.” Last week, when I had volunteered for a charity stunt, mom had forced her old cheerleading uniform on me. Citing that we just did not have the money to throw away on a costume. That was a week ago, since then, I had worked my fingers to bone around the house, doing all the chores and the extra chores to scrape up enough of my own money to buy a nice costume, I mean this was my first Halloween as a girl, I felt it should be celebrated with something special.
“We'll if you'll turn around and stop digging like a mole through that bin girl. I found something that would fit you.” The voice said. The tone of the voice was that teasing short of voice, I often heard older sisters use when addressing younger sisters. The voice that was half teasing, half love, love normally only reserved for family members.
I blinked and stopped my digging. I was totally covered in dust and grim. No doubt most of the costumes and accessories came from second hand shops or had been brought in bulk from some questionable source. As I refocused my eyes, I noticed the woman was holding up a cute red and white dress.
“You kind of strike me as the 'Little Red Riding Hood' type girl. And this is really the only costume that I think suits you. We have a witch costume, that kind of revealing. But with you being a an Wiccan and such, I thought that would kind of not cool to suggest that, you know, with you being a real witch and all.” She said blushing as she held the dress up. “Plus, I'll even cut you a deal. Our complete costumes normally go for like twelve dollars. I'll let you have it for about six, since you kind of helped out with the fund raiser.”
I took a deep breath as I reached up and took the costume in hand. I then took a deep breath as I looked it up and down at six dollars that was a steal. I almost felt like a thief, I mean while mom might be something of a penny pincher, but she did believe in paying me a fair wage for all the chores I did around the house. So, I had money. But still, something seemed fishy about the thing.
“Okay.. what the catch?” I said as I held the costume up.
“No catch, just trying to move it. Halloween is like a day or so, and we normally slash the prices of our Halloween goods the day before Halloween. You know, gotta make room for Christmas stuff. So I'm just giving you the normal discount.. but if you want.. we have some boots, new woolen skirts, heavy cotton blouses and a few cute purses that just arrived. If you buy something else, I'll call it an even trade.” She said winking as she nodded toward the changing room.
“So, why don't you go ahead and change. And don't worry. I have a little sister who's just like you. I'm a friend okay. So go ahead and change and I'll keep watch.” She said winking again as she shooed me toward the changing room.
I soon found myself stepping behind the old curtain. Quickly I removed the pink turtleneck sweater and then I bent down and unhooked the coal black woolen skirt that I had worn with it. Once I had completely undressed, I picked up the costume and took a deep breath as I slipped the outfit on. I felt my heart beat quicken. Gathering up my courage, I turned to face the floor length mirror that was tucked away in a corner of the already cramp changing room. And the minute I did was the minute a deep, deep blush bloomed on my cheek bones. I looked amazing! The outfit seemed to fit my body like a tailored glove.
“Hey everything alright in there girl?” I heard Lily call out.
“Yes, everything is fine!” I responded.
“Cool, we'll if you're ready, come on out. You're mom's out here waiting on you. She wants to see how the costume looks on you. Plus, she has a handful of skirts, blouses and a new formal for you to try on. Looks like somebody getting a whole new Autumn and Winter wardrobe.” I blinked and slowly I started to panic a little. But then I reached down deep inside of me and pulled out a bit of courage. With trembling hands I reached up and pulled aside the old sheet that was acting curtain and with all the grace and charm I could muster I walked out face to face my mother. I was quickly greeted with
“OMG! HONEY! YOU LOOK ADORABLE!” Mommy yelled the minute I walked out. She then rushed up and threw her arms around me. “OH! I can get behind this costume.” She said, smiling soft. “It's not one of those tacky revealing witches dresses, and you always loved the fable of 'Little Red Riding Hood' growing up. That was your favorite bedtime story. So it suits.” She then stepped back and folded her arms across her chest. “But, could you give me a twirl hon?” She said as she swirling motion with her fingers.
Blushing, and a little flustered from the quick hug. I started to twirl around. Mom watched me like a hawk the whole time. Finally after twirling around at least three good times she nodded her head. “Okay, toss that in with the keepers pile. Now come on, you have at least four skirts, two pairs of jeans, three blouses, a few pairs of boots to try on. It's going to get cold soon, real cold. So off you go.” She said as she handed me a bundle of clothing.
And We'll mom spoiled me a little. We spent more time shopping for clothing than she spent shopping for food items. Lily, who I later learned was covering for her mother because her mother needed to take her little sister to the Doctor's office in Jackson was wonderful and offered some much needed teenage advice and acted as my personal dressing coach. And true to her word, she not only gave us a good discount on the Halloween costume that made mom happy, but she also tossed in the 'Potter Family Discount' and 'Benton Academy Student Discount' I think she made the last two up. But it made mom really happy. All told we came out there with four pairs of boots, four skirts, four blouses, two pairs of jeans and one sparkling formal for around one hundred twenty dollars and sixteen cents. Mom was well pleased with herself. And I was pleased with the new clothes, I was really starting to feel like a girl. After we left the store, we dropped off the forum at the town's library. The girl at the front desk informed me I would be first in line. After that, mom decided to treat me to McDonalds. And that's how that day ends.
Mom and I returned from our shopping expedition around one in the afternoon. Mom quickly decided that tonight's dinner would be tenderized beef steak, smothered in homemade brown gravy and home style mashed potatoes. And of course, me being a girl now, I was required to help. Mom had become quite keen on teaching me to cook and that included helping with every meal.
Now helping mom cook had quickly become less of a chore and more of a daily bonding ritual. We often talked about our day as we busied ourselves around the kitchen. Mom always handled the stove while I floated around, chopping this or that, cleaning or washing dishes. Today was no different.
“So.” Mom said as she seasoned the dozen or so pieces of USDA Choice Chuck Steaks that Mr. Potter had cut us a deal on. Mr. Potters is a good man like that. He's the last of the old guard. And if I might be so bold, he's a local treasure.
“So?” I asked as I paused in my peeling. Mom had at the last moment changed her mind and had decided on home style steak fries. That that it mattered, the potatoes still needed to be washed, peeled and sliced.
“A lot of things are going on in the village.” Mom paused. “One of our sisters is sending her son down here. He's around you age. A bit on the soft side. Kind of underweight for a boy. He's having some trouble at his school. St. Katherine's. An Episcopal school in Vicksburg.” She paused. “He's having troubles with bullies and Isabella is afraid that he might snap one day and put one or two in the hospital. Despite his soft features he's something of a fighter.”
“Oh?” I said as I eased the knife down and peered toward my mom. I was aware that mom knew a number of local witches in our area. But I only knew the handful that lived in our neighborhood. The reason this area had been named 'Haunted Hollow' in the first place was because a thriving pagan colony had taken root in these hills and hollows. I think right now we number around fifty or so families.
“His name is Daisy. Okay is birth name is James, but everybody calls him Daisy.” Mom paused. “He's going to be living with the Crofts. You know the ones who owned Croft Veterinary Clinic.” She paused. “He's also the nephew of the new Episcopal Priest in town, Fr. Percy Bell.”
I nodded my head as I resumed slicing the newly peeled potatoes.
“Also,” My mom said as she turned around and peered toward me.
“How do you feel about helping me with my new business.” Mom said. “I would need some help, and I know you've taken some computer classes and some business courses down at the Vocational Center.” She then looked down on the ground. “And as my daughter. I'll feel better about you helping me say somebody I just hired from the streets. I trust you.”
I was so shocked that I dropped a few pieces of potato. I knew mom had been looking at opening up a small beauty salon in one of the vacant shop buildings that lined the lower end of main street. Main Street you see was divided into two sections, the upper and lower section. One could find Sunflower, the Post Office, the Library, the Main branch of Bank of Yazoo in the upper half.
A little further down one would find the town's only Roman Catholic church, St. Mary's. Across from Saint Mary's there was a government funded clinic called St. John's Clinic. Since we were on the poor side of things, mom, dad and often went there when sickness took hold of us. A bit further down you would encounter Potter's Mercantile, where mom and I did most of our shopping and where most of my clothing including school uniforms came from. Across from there was Brewer's Hardware, a little further down one could find Ginger Evans Bakery, across the street one would find Sweet Magnolia Bakery and Team Room.
Beside Sweet Magnolia one would find a comic shop that sold comics, trading cards, board games, and a few manga. A small time printing press was located across from the comic shop. Anyway I'm not going to list all the small shops located downtown. But it's safe to say that main street was the main business area and lucky enough on the lower end one could find a few vacant storefronts. Mom had been toying around with the idea of opening her own business for a good month now. And now it seemed she was read to cross the Rubicon if you will.
“I mean.” I paused. “I would love too mom.” I said smiling.
“Good, because I'm going to need somebody who can handle the front end you know. Keeping track of appointments and being the face of the business.” She paused. “And I'm going to pay you too girl. And give you some time off. Don't expect you to work for free now.” She quickly added.
I nodded my head. I guess I should tell you what kind of business my mom wanted to open up. We'll she wanted to open up her own Hair Salon. Mom had gone to beautician school before meeting dad. And had worked in several salons on and off. It had long been her dream to have her own business. A dream it seemed that would never come true till they moved to Benton. You see downtown Benton was undergoing something of a renaissance. About a quarter of those businesses I mentioned above had only just opened about eighteen or so months ago. And so far they were thriving.
“And plus, Benton needs another Hair Salon.” She paused. “One that will meet the needs of the average men and women of this town. And like the Potters I'll offer credit too.” Mom quickly added.
I knew something else was on her mind. And so as I reached into the stove and picked up a large black iron frying pan I looked over my shoulder and gave mom a look. It was an 'I'm listing' look. I placed the iron pan on the stove and turned the stove. A cup of oil went into the pan. Just enough to fry something in, not enough to bubble over and cause a mess.
“I want to give back to this town that all. When we first moved back, I mean I was born and raised here. I had a lot of worries. Your daddy, proud man he is, paid for this house and land with most of his savings. We had very little beside my personal saving. And what little your grandfather left us.” Mom paused again. “It was hard on us all and I was under a lot of stress. And I took that stress out on you. Again sorry for snapping on you when I found you wearing that dress.”
“Mom.” I said raising an eyebrow. “Let's not talk about that night. I came close to throwing myself off a bridge that night.” Sometimes I had to remind mom of that night. I wish I did not, but mom liked to dwell on the things from time to time.
“I know petal.” Mom said as she rolled the pieces of meat around in a shallow pan of seasoned breading. “But hear me out okay. I promise you I'm getting somewhere with this.”
I nodded my head and turned toward mom. Giving her my full attention.
“Like I said, we were broke and I snapped on you. But once you came out something happened. Kayla Brewer, gave me a call. Out of the blue on morning and told me she needed some work done on the farm. Now I used to babysit Kayla when she was little and I worked for her Grandfather and Grandmother. And so, I started doing a little bookkeeping for her, I swear the girl paid me more than she should.” Mom paused again. “She also needed a haircut and her little sister too, and we'll tell you how I started cutting and styling hair too.”
I nodded my head.
“Madeline's friend, Jamie Potter, the youngest Potter girl also needed a haircut. So I did her hair, and her sister's hair and her mothers hair. Mr. Potter also allowed me to get a few basic household items from their store on credit. And yes, even he needed a haircut. Mr. Potter knew Mr. Bell, who is a big time lawyer out of Vicksburg. Mr. Bell knew somebody who knew somebody and that how you're father got hired on at Yazoo Chemical down in Yazoo City.” Mom paused again. “Mr. Bell is also the one who handled all the legal work, you know getting your name changed and all. Never charged us a dime. And his son, Daisy that's going to be moving out here in a few weeks. I think right after Halloween. Mr. Bell has a younger brother. He's an Episcopal Priest. He's the new rector down at St. Mary's Episcopal Church.” Mom recounted.
“Bloody Hell!” I said blinking. “Mom! How in the word do you keep all this straight in that head of yours. Goddess..” I paused. “It's a freaking tangled web. It's not a family tree, it's a bloody spiders web.” I added in a mouth before brain moment.
“Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn!” Mom scolded. “Your father might swear like a sailor while he's working in the shop and tinkering with the cars. But I will not have you swearing like that.” Mom spun around and fixed me with a look that caused my blood to run cold.
“It just slipped mum.” I said blushing as I returned to frying my potatoes. “Beside, I've heard you swear too. You trying to correct me is like the pot calling the kettle black.” Another mouth before brain moment. One that I'm sure would come back to bite me in the bottom.
“That it!” Mom scolded again. “You and I are going to have a little mother to daughter talk this evening after dinner. You, me and Ms. Brush.” She said, wagging her finger as she returned to her cooking. Mom then returned to her cooking and I returned to mine. Like I said that little mouth before brain moment had indeed come back to bite me square in the bottom. I did not have long to brood though, the door soon popped open and there in the doorway stood daddy.
Daddy was a tall man with short black hair. His face like always was spotted with dirt and grim. His heavy work boots were covered with mud. And his trousers and shirt, no matter the time of day, be it early in the morning and late at night always seemed dirty and wrinkled. And he also smelled slightly of grease even on his off days. I could tell he was tired, but his eyes seemed to light up when he stepped inside. Carefully he eased his lunch bucket down upon the kitchen counter and removed his hardhat.
“Good evening darlings.” He said as he hung his hardhat on a wooden peg. “Something smells wonderful!”
“Good morning love.” Mom said as she walked over and kissed down on his cheeks. I could sport a lot of stubble on his chin. “Dinner is almost ready, once you wash up I'll fix your place.” She then fixed with me a stony look.
“You go wash up too dove.” She said before turning everything off on the stove top. “And don't forget about our talk after dinner. Be sure to wash behind your ears and tidy everything up. You have a big day tomorrow and I want you looking your best.” She commanded as she made a sweeping motion with her hands.
“Talk?” Dad said as he walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of drinking water.
“Yes.” Mom said in a commanding tone of voice. “It seems our daughter has forgotten her manners and is in need of gentle correcting.”
Dad said nothing but only blinked. I had been hoping that daddy would try to save me, but it seemed content in the way mom was handling everything and so with his chilled bottle of water in hand he started to make his way toward the shower. We had two bathrooms, and pretty good water pressure. One could take a bath while the other was taking one and still have enough hot water to go around. Also I wanted to get away from my mother for a bit.
Once we've finished eating our dinner, the dishes had to be collected, washed, dried and stored in the cupboard. Once that chore had been done, I was then free to get a bath. I meant to bath before dinner, but instead I had retreated to my room to brood. Mom's scolding had really taken the wind out of my sails if you will. The bath did little to lift my spirits. Once my bath was finished, I walked into my room and as expected I found my mom sitting on my bed, she had changed too, she now wore a simple blue housecoat that was tied at the side. Her long brunette hair had been pulled back in a ponytail and braided and the braid rested over her shoulder. Resting on her lap was a fearsome looking wooden brush.
“I believe you and I need to have a little talk. Your behavior this afternoon was not becoming a young lady. I know you are going through changes right now. I talk to your doctor often enough. But my mother never allowed me to get away with sassing her and I'll not allow you to get away with sassing me.” She said with a nod of her head.
I opened my mouth to speak but my mother silenced me as she raised her hand.
“I was not finished speaking Cerridwen.” She said in a stern but loving tone of voice. “Please let me finish speaking before you once more have a mouth before brain moment. You've seem to be having a lot of those today.”
I nodded my head and managed a very demure.
“Yes ma'am.” It was the best I could do.
“Good,” It seemed that had earned the approval of my mother. “It seems you can indeed listen and behave when you so desire too, my dearest daughter.” Mom added as she shifted the brush around her lap. She then cleared her throat and fixed her eyes on me.
“As I was saying.” Mom started again. “I have a duty to you, as your mother to rear you the best I can. You're father and I have a duty to give you the best education possible. And if you so wish to, to help you get a higher education. We all have duties and obligations to each other. For example, your duty to us is to do your chores, bring home good grades and respect us. In return we are expected and obligated to feed you, shelter you, and give you small amounts of money in return for labor. Hopefully, you will learn to manage that small amount of money and in time when you go out and get your own household, you will have the skill set you need to manage it.” Mom paused.
I blinked, this was becoming way too formal of a scolding. Mom was showing another side of her. I'm not going to lie, I was feeling a bit uneasy right now. Mom had tossed me a curve ball with this scolding, and I had no idea what to expect.
“As your mother. I have a duty to give you another type of education. An education on womanhood. I'm obligated to give you the same education my mother gave me. That includes lessons on the craft, lessons on cooking, lessons on household management and lessons on proper manners and how to dress for formal and how to act in a formal setting. I do this, because if you decide in time to get married and if you also decide to we'll have children of your own. You know, adopt. Then, I want you to have the skills you need to give that child, be it a him or her the same education you received from me. Thus passing the flame along.”
“Mom.” I said blinking. “What if I adopt a child and it turns out the child's like me? You know transgender.” Something told me now was not the time to speak but again it was not another mouth before brain moment on my part. Mom though simply closed her eyes and sighed.
“Then I hope you will handle it better than I did. I'm sure if that's the case. Then you would be a lovely mother and a firm supporter. Now cutting to the heart of the matter. You were a bit cheeky with me this afternoon, and your smart remarks have earned you a session over my lap.” She cracked the back of the brush over her lap.
“Now.” Mom said in a commanding tone of voice. “I believe it's time to put this matter to rest. So if you will daughter, would you please lay down over my lap.”
I swallowed hard and gathering up my courage I walked over and placed myself over my mothers lap. This would be my first spanking since coming out as Cerridwen. Before as a boy, my father had been in charge of spanking me on those rare times it was deemed fit. Those had times had been nothing more than bending over, taking hold of your ankles and getting smacked with a looped over belt a good four or five times. Once that was done a handshake was in order and the matter was forgotten. Come to think of it, this would be my first spanking I'd ever received from my mother.
Mom wasted no time in folding the back of might nightgown to the small of my back. Give of course I gave my mother a pause as I often don't wear panties under my nightgown. I think she was surprised to see my bottom already bare and ready.
“Cerridwen?” She asked. “Why are you not wearing panties under your gown?” She asked as she picked up the hairbrush.
“I normally don't wear panties under my nightie.” I said truthfully. This was enough to give my mother a pause as she tilted her head to the side. A sudden blush formed on her face. And then in another mouth before brain moment and because I could sense another chance to get another shot in I fired off.
“Do you normally wear panties under your nightie?” I asked, smirking a little. Mom's blush only deepened and she responded by bringing the brush down hard upon my bare bottom. The minute the brush cracked into my bottom was the minute I felt a sudden wave of sting roll into me. The first stroke of the brush took my breath away.
“Don't get cheeky with me!” Mom said pouting as she brought the brush back down upon my bottom. Sending another wave of sting. Another one followed, and then another one and then another one and one. Each stroke of the brush felt like a hornet's sting and foolish me had just kicked the hornet's nest.
“Cerridwen.” She paused for another strike of the fearsome hairbrush. “Let me remind you.” Three more strikes with that fearsome brush. I could feel the pain building in my bottom and I could hear the sound of the wooden backside kissing my exposed cheeks echoing off the walls of my room. “That no matter hold old you become.” Seven more kiss's with the brush and I was biting my pillow for support. I could already feel salty tears starting to build in the corner of my eyes.
“That you are never too old for a good old fashion over the knee spanking!” Fifteen words, fifteen strokes with the hairbrush and my bottom felt like it was on fire. Those long held back tears started to spill down my face.
I could not help myself, I could feel my mental defenses starting to crumble around me. And just like the walls of Jericho I crumbled into a mess of a crying girl. Mom in a matter minutes had reduced me from a proud, cheeky teenage girl to humble and repentance little girl.
“And.” Another strike of the brush. “You will not, I repeat, you will not cheek off to me again. Do you understand me young lady?” Again mom made the point of following up each word of her scolding with a sharp crack of her blush. At this point I'm sure my bottom was blistered.
“Yes mum.” I said after taking a few minutes to get my breathing under control.
“Good girl.” And then something happened. Something I had not been expecting. Mom lifted me up and settled me on her lap. She wrapped her arms tightly around my trembling frame and pulled me close to her chest. She then cradled my tear stained face between the mounds of her breast.
“Now.” Mom said, starting to rock me gently. “Now that I have your attention I think I need to say something. Girlhood is not as easy as it seems. It's more to being a girl than doing your hair, painting your nails, and cooing over the latest boy-band or drooling over the latest Hollywood actor. Nobody has all the answers to it. But, I'm here to teach you.” She paused and started to rub my back.
I could only sob, but her words were seeds, seeds that were finding fertile ground. Ground that had just been ploughed with her wooden brush.
“My mom spanked me when I got flippy with her, It taught me self control. Expect the same to happen to you. But mom always finished our spanking with a nice warm hug and a kiss. And a promise, a promise that no matter what happened, that I was still her daughter and that all sins had been forgiven.”
And with that being said. Mom just held me tightly in her arms. Soon I felt myself falling asleep, mom noticed this and turned over the covers of my bed and eased me down. As soon as my head touched the softness of my pillow, I felt myself drifting off to sleep. Before I drifted off to sleep though, I felt mom kiss my forehead and lift the covers up around me. And so another chapter in my daily life comes to an end.
I took a deep breath as I folded my skirt around my bottom and eased it down upon the hard wooden surface of the chair. I winced as my bottom came into contact with the hard wooden chair. My rear was still sore from last night's spanking. Slowly I released my breath. I was here now, in the heart of downtown Benton. It was Halloween and the whole town seemed to have been crowded into the two square mile area that made up Downtown Proper.
And with it being Halloween of course one of the civic groups had managed to dig the fabled 'Slime Booth' out of storage. The slime booth was nothing more than a box like structure that had been fashioned a number of years ago out of PVC The purpose of the booth had been simple enough. Somebody, most always a girl, nine times out of ten a cheerleader would volunteer to sit under the bucket that hung in the middle of the booth. The volunteer, again nine out of ten would wear something that would draw in the crowds, say a revealing two piece bikini or something. The volunteer would then look cute while people would crowd around the booth and drop their loose pocket change into one of the donation buckets.
A few would even drop the five dollars to take a chance and hit the metal trigger located on the side of the booth. If in the one in a million chance the target was hit, the trigger would pull upon a rope that would cause the bucket to tilt over, spilling the contents all over the person seated below. Normally that was some form of slime. The bucket would then be refilled and the process would start anew.
I had volunteered to sit in this booth a few days ago. I was starting to have second thoughts. Halloween after all was a holy day for me and the two hundred and so pagan's that lived in the Haunted Hollow area of Benton. Halloween or Samhain as we called it was a special night. At Sunset the whole hollow would gather down at a large grassy meadow. A huge bonfire would be lite once the first stars appeared in the night sky. A blessing would then be read aloud by my mother. And those newly born in the year would be presented to the village to be welcomed and received. And names of those who passed would be read and prayers and blessings offered in their memory.
And so there I sat. Blushing as I peered toward the gathered crowds of costumed people and children. I could hear their peals of laughter echoing across the cobblestone groups of costumed children darted around the streets. The boys it seemed had dressed in stereotypical boy costumes. You know cowboys, soldier's, maybe their favorite superhero or wrestler. You know costumes that fitted the image most associated with masculinity and toughness. The too were dressed in stereotypical girl costumes. You know, princesses, cheerleaders, costumes that most often fitted the image associated with femininity. A few wore nurse outfits and the odd tomboy of the group might be dressed in her favorite superhero outfit.
All of these thoughts filtered through my head till I felt something cold, sticky and wet drop down. I shivered as I felt the sticky mess run down my back and down the front of my dress. The mess was blue. A kind of really dark blue color.
“Oh!” I heard a voice call out. The voice belonged to a boy who was standing in front of me. The boy looked around my age. He had long blonde hair that was pulled back in a messy ponytail and his eyes oddly enough seemed to sparkle in the dim light. I noticed his hair first and his eyes second, his eye struck me, because they seemed pink?
“Sorry about that!” He cried out again. “I thought it would be water or something.” He was blushing now. I then noticed something else, despite tonight being Halloween Night, the boy was not in costume. He was dressed only in a pair of fading jeans, white sneakers, and white pullover polo shirt.
“Really now?” I said blushing as I pointed toward the sign. The sign read. Annual Halloween Fundraiser, five dollars for three chances to cover the pretty girl with slime!.
“Can you read?” I asked as I rolled my eyes.
“I can. I can read English, a bit of Latin and a small amount of Greek.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. “I just had no idea there was a sign there.” He tossed another ball. The ball traveled through the air and smacked into the trigger. Once more the little black bucket was tilted forward, sending another downpour of slime down on my head. Once more my shoulders, my hair and my outfit was coated in the sticky mess.
“Oh?” I said putting on a small pout. “You some private school kid then?” I said trying to mess with him a little. “Because if you can read both Latin and Greek then what the heck are you doing in this backwater village then?” Now Benton was not really a backwater village. I would consider it something of a large village with around seven thousand souls living here. We also had a major highway that ran through the town. The highway connected us with an even larger Yazoo City, population thirteen thousand souls and the booming Madison/Canton/Ridgeland/Flowood/Jackson area that had a population of some half million. With Benton located halfway between the two. We also had a rail connection too.
“I'm new here.” The boy said. “Just enrolled in Benton Academy a few days ago. I'm transferring in from St. Katherine's Episcopal School down in Vicksburg.” He said tossing his final ball up in the air before catching it with causal ease. “I'm new to Benton, I'll be staying here for a spell. Living with the Crofts.” He added.
“By chance does your name happen to be Daisy?” I said, and then a giggle escaped my lips. A sudden blush bloomed on his cheeks. The boy dropped the ball and started to the rub the back of his neck. “Because if so.. then I've heard so much about you.”
“I hope.. you've only heard good things about me.” The boy said as he started to shift his weight from one foot to the other. Clearly the boy was a bit embarrassed. And Cerridwen found that oddly cute. The sight of his blushing ears made her giggle and oddly enough made her feel a bit of desire.
“Only that you look good in a dress.” She smarted off. Of course she was referencing some pictures she had seen on FaceBook. Something about a Womanless Beauty Pageant that was hosted by some big wig civic club out of Vicksburg to raise money or the relief efforts. The winner had been a pretty boy with golden blonde hair and sparkling pink eyes. The boy had gone under the name of 'Daisy Isabella Bell' and well Cerridwen had put two and two together in the span of a few minutes. All of that had happened about ten or so months ago after heavy winter rains had caused the many rivers of the Delta to rise, including the Yazoo, the Big Black, the Sunflower, the Little Sunflower and even tiny Deer Creek and the normally peaceful Wilson Creek had jumped their banks. The massive surge in water had threaten to consume Benton along with the many other tiny riverfront hamlets of the region.
“. . . .” Daisy only started to blush harder and he shifted his gaze away from me. I think by teasing him I had taken all the fire out of his bell for he dropped his last ball down into the wicker basket and started to slowly walk away.
My eyes watched him vanish into the crowd. Our encounter had only lasted a few minutes, but I could sense he had a bit of magic about him that he was like me in some way and different in others. I had long heard stories from my mother about the Bell's, they were an old family, a family that had a different set of values. Then it was my turn to blush, because I started to fancy myself as Cerridwen Circe Bell.. and a fleeting version of me and that boy walking hand bloomed in my head. I quickly pushed and I wondered if I would ever see him again. I hoped so, because he had awakened something deep inside of me.
Then I felt it, another downpour of slime shook those thoughts from my head. Once more I felt the deep blue slime, that smelled kind of sweet roll down the front of my dress, down my back and once more coat my shoulders. My hair was a total mess too. It would take at least three or four good washings to get all the slime out. Lifting my eyes up, I noticed a woman standing at the throw line. The sight of the woman caused my cheeks to blush a deep dark red. The woman who had thrown the ball of course had been my own mother. Who was now standing there dressed in a simple black dress and a black woolen cloak and in the center was a silver penannular brooch that had been crafted in the shape of a pentagram.
“With only a few minutes left in your shift.” Mom said smiling ear to ear. “I couldn't resit the chance to gunge you.” A playful smirk then crossed her face. “How are you sitting honey?” She asked as she tossed the ball up in the air and caught it again.
I blushed and wiggled my bottom a little and looked away, a little pout was forming on my face. To be honest, my bottom was still a little sore. Mom had really done a number on me, though the healing potion she had brewed for me this morning. A mixture of moon water, ground up aloe leafs, crushed mint and lavender had lessened the effects of my spanking before. Mom had walked me through the process of brewing the potion before, as it was one of those potions that had been handled down from one generation to another. Mom was doing a lot of that, passing down recipes that would normally be handed down from mother to daughter in a cycle as old as the hills.
I had once asked mom, what would have happened if I had remained a boy. She blinked and shrugged her shoulders. She hazard a guess that maybe she would have passed on this information to my daughter if I had one. Boy's it seem to learn a different version of the craft than girls.
“That potion's helping out.” I said blushing a little. “Though my hair's going to be a total mess.” I said looking at the pool of gunge that surrounded me. I had endured most of the thirty minute shift without getting slimed. Then in the last fifteen minutes, I've been slimed a total of three times!
“Good,” Mom said as she started to pass the ball back and forth. “Because something tells me, when you have a daughter of your own, you're going to be brewing it a lot.” She teased.
“Oh?” I said blushing a little. I wanted to say something a little cheeky, but my bottom was still pretty sore from the whooping I got last night.
“Honey, clairvoyance runs in our family. It's a gift that often passed down from one generation to the next, often growing stronger in time oddly enough. One would think the gift would lessen as time passes, but it seems to only grow stronger.” Mom paused. “But that's a conversation for another time. Just know I had a vision of you and that Bell boy. Followed by another vision of you holding a baby girl and him standing by looking prouder than a stag.”
“Mom that's just weird okay..” I said, starting to blush a little.
Mom just chuckled a little. A playful smirk then crossed her face as she tossed the ball toward the trigger. A half second later, I heard the sound of the tennis ball striking the surface of the metal target, pushing it in and causing the bucket above my head to once more titled over to spill another gallon or so of thick, blue slime down on my head. This bucket load was the coldest of the lot and spilled down upon my slimed soaked head and slimed coated shoulders. The gunk was freezing cold too!
“That look kind of suits you daughter.” My mom said in a teasing voice as she walked over to where I was sitting. She then knelt down and reached into her purse and pulled out a wet wipe. Gently she started to clean some of the slime from my face. “The night is still young.” She said in a airy tone of voice as she looked up at the clear sky. A full moon set high in the sky, and a warm breeze blew down the cobblestone paved street. Autumn in Mississippi is a mixed bag of peanuts. There's a fifty, fifty chance of it either being cool or warm. Dad, often in jest calls it 'Summer Lite'.
“Why don't we get you cleaned up and mingle with the locals. Plus, I want to show you that old storefront. Future home to Whitethorn Family Salon.” She said with a smile as she helped me up from the sticky seat.
“Sure mum.” I said, smirking. From time to time, I tossed in a few words of British English to my everyday speech. You know to kind of season my speech. It kind of messed with the local's. And messing with the local's was always fun. And because mom had read to me the United Kingdom's edition of The Hobbit and The Harry Potter Series. I had a wide range of words to choose from. Also British English had more of an air of sophistication about it. Something that was sorely lacking here in Benton. And of course mom rolled her eyes at being called 'Mum'.
“Come along Daughter. Before that sass of yours earns you another session with Mr. Brush.”
And with that, another day in my life comes to an end. What happens next? A few days later I met Daisy again, and he kind of came to my defense when a few boys started to pick on me. After that we kind of met at a local gathering and there we exchanged numbers. We kind of became a pair after that. But those are stories and adventures for another time.