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Suddenly Royal Chapter 2 Edited by Carla Ann
Alan and his best friend Ellie are enjoying being able to hang out on their summer break. Ellie has known about Alan's desire to be Allie for several years, and they plan one of their many shopping trips to the mall while their parents are at work. Little does Allie know that her simple day of secretly being out with her best friend would suddenly spiral into a whole new life!
Copyright © 2020 By Tiffany Shar. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.
I saw the announcement for Erin's Reluctant Princess Contest and immediately had an idea, but with everything going on in the world couldn't get much energy to write it. Since my last book that I posted on here it's been a really busy time in my life, but I really wanted to get a chance to put this story out there! Since I've procrastinated beginning to post there will be some days I'll throw another chapter up in order to make the deadline there. I have eight chapters written and plan on four more for this part of the tale.
I first have to say this is a work meant to entirely be fun and fluffy. It is meant to be one of those popcorn and pajamas tales, not high level fantasy! This was inspired by many a princess movie I've seen, and I hope you enjoy it as a fun tale! (Special shoutout of thanks to Carla Ann for editing this for me! It's a last minute push here and I appreciate her help!!!)
Chapter 2:
I WAS DEAD! I was sure I would be soon at least as I looked to see Mom and a man dressed in a black suit sitting on the couch.
“Mom…?” I breathed, “What… what are you doing home?”
“We have a guest who needed to talk to us…” she told me. “Why are…?”
Ellie grabbed onto me in a hug and stood behind me. “It was all my idea…” she started to say.
I shook my head, “No Ellie, might as well tell her.” I breathed heavily, “Mom… this is me…”
“What do you mean? Why are you wearing that?”
“Maybe we should go talk upstairs?” Ellie suggested.
Mom nodded grimly and said, “Giuseppe, would you excuse us for just a few minutes?”
“Of course,” the man said with a bewildered look on his face.
When we reached my room, “Alexandros Leonidas Alessi Nelson what the hell is going on?!?” Mom asked.
“Mom… I’m not really a boy…”
“Of course, you are! I changed your diapers, I should know!”
“Mom I’m transgendered,” I told her.
Something clicked in her head, “You’re making this up, right?” She looked at Ellie who shook her head. “How…?”
“Mom, I don’t know… since I was five, I guess I’ve known something was wrong. I didn’t really understand it until I was like eight and Ellie moved in next door.”
“I knew I should have made you have more boys as friends…”
“Mom they didn’t want to be friends with me! They never have! Kids have sensed that I’m not normal…”
“But…” she sighed, “go on…”
“When I was ten Ellie and I played dress-up with me one time as her doll and I had a blast. A few years ago, after Christmas I told her who I was.”
“And who is that?” Mom asked.
“Your daughter Allie,” I told her with tears streaming down my eyes. “Please don’t hate me, I’m sorry…”
This was the worst case of scenarios I had imagined taking place! I collapsed on my bed and bawled my eyes out into my hands. A half-second later I felt comforting hands though, “I don’t hate you… Allie,” she told me. “But I’m afraid this is probably the worst timing you could have had to let me find this out…”
I couldn’t speak for a while as Ellie joined the hug too. Ten minutes later I finally could talk again, “I’m sorry Mom,” I told her for a millionth time. “I’ll get changed…”
“Maybe you should… but I…”
“What?” I asked.
“Why don’t you come downstairs first?”
“I need you to talk to the man that’s down there.”
“Who is he?”
“I’ll let him explain. Good thing you weren’t wearing any makeup… I need to go wash my face and I’ll come join you,” she told me as she got up.
“Well that went better than I thought it would…” Ellie told me.
“What did you expect? A nuclear bomb? It’s still pretty much the end of the world…” I told her as I stood up.
She hugged me again, “She didn’t kill you, and she told you to just go downstairs like you are. She could have screamed for you to change or worse…”
I just nodded and walked to my bathroom first. My hair was tied tightly enough with the braids that it was still okay. My face was red from crying, so I washed it quickly and let Ellie lead me by the hand downstairs.
“Umm… Hi,” I told the man.
“Good afternoon,” he told me with a smile. “I am Giuseppe Russo, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He paused, “I sense this meeting is not going to go quite the way I planned. You are?”
“Oh… umm…”
“Allie,” Ellie prompted as she draped her arm protectively over my shoulders. “And I’m Ellie,” she said.
“Umm… can I get you something to drink?” I asked politely.
‘This is awkward,’ I thought to myself.
“No thank you… Umm… Allie… Is there a chance we can have a private discussion?”
I looked at him nervously, “Umm… no offense sir, but I don’t know you? Ellie is like my big sister and BFF rolled into one. If you’re trying to get me to keep something from her, it’s a waste of time?”
“We really need to privately talk to him,” my mom said as she walked down the stairs behind me. “You can talk to Ellie later… I know I definitely want to have a talk with both of you - but Giuseppe is here on a really important matter.”
I turned and gave Ellie a hug, “Thank you for being there for me…”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way. Call me later!”
“I will,” I said to her as she walked out the door with her couple bags from shopping. My own bags were still on the ground by the staircase where I had dropped them.
“Umm… Why do you need to meet with me?”
“Honey, why don’t we sit down on the couch,” she told me.
The man was sitting in the recliner a moment later and said, “Well… we’re going to have to get into a lot more discussion about this unexpected development… but I guess let me introduce myself properly. As I said before my name is Giuseppe Russo, I’m your grandmother’s chief of security… and I guess general problem solver.”
“My grandmother?” I asked incredulously. “Mom, since when does Grandma need security?”
Mom was next to me and took my hand, “Not my mom… your dad’s mom.”
“Dad?” I scoffed, “The guy who got you pregnant and took off?”
“Alan that’s not exactly the whole truth sweetheart… I guess it’s definitely time to tell you more, but for now Giuseppe is here to…” she sighed, “go ahead.”
I looked at her and over at him, “Umm… Miss Nelson it is my deepest regret to inform you that your father passed away three weeks ago.”
I felt a stab of ice in my chest with that information. It was one thing to hate him for wanting nothing to do with mom and I, but it was always my dream to meet him. “He’s… dead?”
“I’m sorry,” he told me.
“But… I never even met him…”
“Which I can tell you he regretted greatly,” he told me.
“Really?” I scoffed at that, “How hard would it have been to come meet me?”
“More difficult than you might imagine actually…” Mom said.
“What?” I looked at her incredulously.
“Your grandmother has requested that she be the one to tell you the rest of what you need to know. She is hoping you two might join her for dinner tonight?”
“Umm…” Mom said from beside me, “I have something I’m supposed to attend tonight already…”
“Would you be okay if your daughter came by herself?”
“My daughter?” Mom said looking at me. “Giuseppe, to be honest I didn’t even know I had a daughter until she just walked in…”
“I’m aware, I guessed as much. It might actually simplify things a little bit in some ways if this is her future that she come as she is.”
“How…?” Mom asked. “I’m guessing…”
“Please, her grandmother really does want to do the explanations.”
“Mom can’t you cancel and come with me?” I looked at her.
“Sweetie… I can’t unfortunately.”
I felt abandoned again, “So am I going alone to meet this stranger?”
“Can Ellie come with her?” Mom asked him.
“Unfortunately, we need to keep information tight for now,” he told her.
“Giuseppe, I know Alex trusted you, so I’ll say yes.”
“Don’t I have a say in this?” I looked at her annoyed.
“Normally, yes… but this can’t wait sweetheart. She’s flown over here just to see you and I don’t know when she needs to return. It’ll be okay!”
“Right…” I told her. “What time will I need to be ready?” I looked at him.
“Two hours?” he suggested.
“And you’re okay with me coming as Allie?” I asked.
“I… come as you wish… either way your grandmother needs to talk to you,” he told me. “I need to go; I’ll be back to pick her up at six.”
“Okay…” Mom said and showed him out the door.
“Well, you’ve landed us into a real mess here Alan…” she told me a moment later. She shook her head, “You’re serious about you being transgendered?”
She sighed, “Then I guess it’s probably best if you meet your grandmother as Allie. If she doesn’t flip her gasket completely over it though I’ll be shocked… We can’t have you wear that though. What did you buy today? And what do you have already?”
“I… what?”
The next twenty minutes I showed her what I had bought, and what I had in the closet. “Why is everything here meant for a ten-year-old?” she asked me.
“Umm… Mom, you could probably almost fit in half of it…” I told her.
She glared at me, “That’s the point, why haven’t you bought some things that make you look older?”
I squirmed… “Boys…?”
“Boys?” her eyebrows raised. “What about boys?”
“If I look like I’m Ellie’s little sister they don’t hit on me all the time? Besides… I have no chest, I’m the height of a ten-year-old, and no one would expect a high school freshman boy to be out as a little girl?”
At that I think Mom realized how messed up I really was feeling right then as she hugged me, “Look… Allie, first know that I love you no matter what,” she told me, “and I guess I do get the boys thing. I am going to get ahold of Doctor Haskill to see you tomorrow morning and someone else… We’re going to start getting to the bottom of this. If we’re doing this… I guess this dress is the best of what you have. I’d lend you one, but that would look like you were playing dress-up in mommy’s clothes.”
“Like you do?” I smirked.
“You!” she said and launched a tickle attack on me. She and Ellie seemed to always attack me and take advantage of my ticklishness!
I was rushed into the shower, given instructions to shave my non-existent leg and armpit hair, then began washing my hair so it could be styled. While I was showering Mom went to get ready herself too with instructions to wash my hair, but let her dry it and style it.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I wore a towel around my chest and another around my hair as I walked to my room. I pulled on a pair of panties from my hidden stash, and momentarily smiled with the thought of not having to hide my clothes anymore! I was even more excited to have my mommy actually do my hair!
I was just wondering what else I should do before she came in, “Good, you waited on getting dressed. Sit down in your chair there… What hair stuff do you have?” she asked pointing at the ribbons on the desk that I had taken out. She looked through things before saying, “We’re going to have to get you some more things…” She thought for a moment before adding, “A lot more things! I can do something with this, I guess…”
I looked up at her and saw a fear I had never seen in her face when she was that dressed up. “Why are you so nervous?” I asked her.
“Besides the fact that my son is dressing as a girl and transgendered?”
“Umm… yeah?” I asked nervously.
“Your grandmother…” she told me. “Look I agreed I wouldn’t say more, but just know that your Dad had a pretty wealthy upbringing… His mom is a force of nature…”
“And you won’t come with me?” I asked with my eyes wide.
“Who is always telling me they’re not a little kid anymore?”
“Can I take that back…?”
“Not this time… Sit down, let’s get working on this. I really wish we had a couple more hours here…”
The hairdryer I normally used, a large curling iron of hers, and a lot of tugging on my hair filled the next hour. I had goosebumps up and down my body the whole time she did it though. It was a dream come true for my mom to do my hair like this for me! Even though I had no clue what she was doing with my hair, I could tell it wasn’t just a simple style.
“Okay… I think that’s as good as I’m going to get this right now…” she told me, “You and I are going to have a major talk tomorrow about all of this hair and what we’re doing with it.”
“Please don’t make me cut it off,” I turned and looked at her.
She saw my terrified face and hugged me, “I don’t mean that… you really need to get this styled for real…”
“Oh, yeah… I haven’t had a haircut for a long time.”
“It’s okay right now, but we’ll have to sort that out… before your grandmother beats us to it.”
She sighed, “Just get dressed quickly…”
I looked at her for more information but she wouldn’t give me any. I walked to the closet and pulled on the dress that we had decided on. It was one of the ones I already had with a thin yoke that looked like the inside of a t-shirt neck had been sliced out almost. The light blue base with the flowers that were brightly placed on it looked pretty. My favorite thing about this dress though was the odd texture that had been added. I loved running my fingers over it when I wore it.
Mom stood there and I began going for zipping it up, “Here, let me get that,” she said timidly.
I turned and let her pull the zip up and smiled as I turned around. “How do I look?”
She stood there silently staring at me before wrapping me up in a hug, “Like the most beautiful daughter that I never knew I had.”
“Do you have a purse?”
I showed her mine and she said, “We’ll need to get you some more formal ones… but I guess that works.” She looked through my sparse jewelry collection and walked out of the room. I took that chance to walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.
I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at my hair. She had somehow braided the very front of it like a headband almost… or part of a French braid, across from my left side to my right where it disappeared by my ear. My ear was exposed and I wished I had a piercing to put an earring inside it. The rest of my hair cascaded backwards with some light curls, and I couldn’t help but believe it was the prettiest my hair had ever looked! I walked back into my bedroom and Mom put a simple gold chain necklace around my neck. Lastly, I put on some strappy white sandals that had a strap on the back, and small rhinestones along the open leather pattern.
“Those are cute…” Mom told me as the doorbell rang, “Let’s go downstairs and get you off with Giuseppe.”
“I can really trust him?” I asked nervously.
“With your life,” she told me. “Don’t think I would normally let my daughter go anywhere alone. You, young lady, are not going to be wandering as much on your own from now on…” I could tell she still wasn’t really okay. “Have a good time with your grandmother. If you need anything call me. You do have your phone in there, right?”
I looked and noticed there were six missed calls from her, “You called?”
“Yeah… you should check your phone more often. I might not have been surprised with a daughter?”
I grimaced, “Sorry…”
“Now go,” she told me as she opened the door and Giuseppe waited there patiently.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
“Yes…” I said as I looked and realized in front of our house was a limo!
Thank you to everyone who gave the first part a kudos or a comment here! Please help me know what you think by pressing the kudos button, and/or leave a comment below! I'll post at least the next chapter tomorrow, thanks for reading!