“Young ladies,” She spoke in a well bred tone. “I know that you all have wondered why you are here. Right now that is confidential as is your destination. I will tell you ladies that you will be taught how to be proper young ladies.”
“I ain’t no fucking girl “ the boy in front of me said.
This prim and proper lady stepped up to him and slapped him across the face. “My dear I will not have such language. What is your name?”
“Go to hell, bitch” he yelled.
Again the lady backhanded him. “Ms. Freman” she turned “May I have these young ladies names.”
“Yes, Mrs. Kearman,” I saw Ms. Freman pick up a clip board. “Here you go ma’am “ She was handed the list.
“ Charles James Wilson,” I looked up “Warren Nicolas Odes” the one next to me looked up” I think she was just reading off the names because she didn’t seem to look for anyone to answer. “Randal Xavier Montgomery” I chuckled a little. Mrs. Kearman gave me a frightening look. “and finally Lawrence Andrew Holmes” the two in the front seats looked up. Mrs. Kearman walked back an forth for a couple minutes in thought. She took the pen and began writing something.
Addressing us again “I will announce your name and you will remember them as from now on you will addressed as such. Ashlee Lauren Holmes,”
The boy in front of me looked shocked. “The names Larry, bitch”
Without a word, Mrs. Kearman kicked Larry in the chest, knocking the wind out of him.
“Miss Holmes, there will be no more of this disobedience, one more outburst from you and you will be eliminated.” The tone of her voice was eerie. I believe she would just out and kill him.
“Now where were we.” Looking at the paper, “Ah yes. Allison Meagan Wilson.” I looked up. “Miss Wilson, are we going to have any trouble with you” I didn’t know what to do, I was scared silly. I just shook my head.
“Miss Wilson, please speak up, I cannot hear you”
“No trouble,” I said softly.
“I hope you are being truthful” Mrs. Kearman said, “shall we go on. Tara Marie Odes.” The other kid in the front seat looked up.
“And finally Miss Kandi Marie Montgomery. You will learn and know these names as you will addressed by them from now on. You will refer to the other girls by their names also failure to do so will result in punishment” Mrs. Kearman spoke as she turned pages on her clipboard. “Any disobedience will result in severe punishment. When we arrive you will be assigned rooms. Two girls to a room. You will be paired with another girl who is already at the school”
Looking through the notes, “Your new clothes are already in your rooms, The clothes you are wearing now are to be turned into your dorm mother and will be destroyed.”
“Upon arrival you will be given more instructions. It will be a while till we get there. You may talk quietly. Do remember the rules.” Mrs. Kearman turned and sat down. I just sat there for a couple of minutes really too scared to even speak.
“Hi,” the kid next to me said,"Where are you from?”
“I’m from Battle Creek, Mi.” I said nervously “Where are you from?”
“Lansing, It looks like we are from the same area. Where are we going? “ Kandi said.
“I don‘t know, How long have we been flying “ I said.
“ I have no idea, I just woke up from some drug they gave me.”
“They gave me a shot of something too.”
“ I was given something in my Gatorade. I was out riding my bike. My mom found me. She was with the brunette and the black guy. She told me I was going to this new school.
I took off. I must have gotten 20 feet when I passed out. Luckily I was on the grass. They must have switched bottles on me.”
“ They gave me a shot of something next thing I know I’m here going who knows where.”
I decided to close my eyes and hope I would wake up at home from this nightmare. As I drifted off to sleep I had visions of frilly dresses and delicate undies.
I was awoken by the pilot saying we where 30 minutes out and prepare for landing. I don’t know how long I slept for but all I dreamed about was woman’s clothes. I looked to see any signs of where we could be. Only thing that I could see was desert. We seemed to circle and all the time all I saw was desert. As we came into a landing the plane seemed to be on a rough road as we slowed to a stop. I watched out the window only seeing abandoned buildings. we taxied right into a hanger. We came to a stop, the hanger door slide closed. Just a few lights came on bathing the hanger in an eerie glow.
“All right ladies,” Mrs. Kearman said, “You have arrived at Diamond Peak” She waved her hand. The seat belts clicked, “ You may now remove your seat belts and proceed to exit the aircraft. And ladies be advised that Diamond Peak is 25 miles away from any water source, or civilization in all directions.”
“Mrs. Kearman is correct if you try to escape before your training is complete you will not survive.” Ms Freman said.
As we exited the plane and walked down the stairs. The hanger was fairly large but other than the plane we were on, everything else was old, there were old army trucks and Jeeps none of which seemed operational. They looks like some of the trucks I have seen on the TV show MASH. We followed Mr. Smith towards the back of the hanger. He lead us through a maze of hallways. Stopping at a wall.
“hah, the big asshole lost his way” I said, the other guys chuckled.
Mr. Smith turned to me, “I will let that one go for now but cross me again I will remember it” He said.
Mr. Smith pulled out a card and slipped it into a crack in the wall. The wall in front of us slide open to reveal a continuation of the hall way. After couple more minutes of endless turns and hallways. We ended up at a steel vault door, Mrs. Kearman stepped up. and opened a computer panel that looked as old as the trucks. She typed in a few things, then waited. It prompted for more information. She typed in a couple more things. The door came alive and creaked open. We then followed Mrs. Kearman down a couple flights of stairs finally stopping at an old elevator.
Sliding closed the steal gate door we descended, I don’t know how far we went down but it seemed like a long ride, We stopped at the landing. He first thing we saw was the presidential seal on the wall above the stairs, as we walked under.
The room we entered was very active with several people working state of the art computers. A striking contrast to most of the decorations and decor of the rest of the place. Which seemed from the late fifties. From this room halls branched off in all directions. Down one hall I could hear girls,
“Mr. Jones,” Mrs. Kearman said “please take our ladies to conference room 3, Ms Clark is waiting to brief our new ladies”
As Mrs. Kearman headed off in the opposite direction, we followed Mr. Jones down one of the halls, As we passed an open door a couple girls poked there head out to watch us go by.
“Back to your studies, Ladies.” Ms. Freman told them, you will be meeting the new girls soon enough”
“Yes, Ma’am”. they said in unison as they hurried off.
We came to a door marked Class room 3, As Mr. Jones held the door open . We all filed in. There was a very beautiful Asian lady about 22 standing at the podium in the front.
“Please ladies, take a seat” She said in a sweet voice. We each took a seat that was scattered across the back of the room. Nothing closer than half way.
“Maybe I didn’t make myself clear,” She said in an annoyed voice, "I said, Have a seat.” She motioned to the front seats with her hand. We each got up and slowly move to the front row. We just flopped down and relaxed.
The lady started, “I am Ms. Clark, I will be your teacher for some of your classes. I am here to present the rules.” She continued. “First off from now on you will present yourselves as proper young ladies. While in the classroom you will sit up straight and not like a bunch of hoodlums you were”
Remembering what happened on the plane, I slowly straightened up. The others slowly did the same.
“Now, that is much better.” Ms. Clark said "Like I said earlier, while you are here you will be trained to be proper young ladies. In addition to school work your will receive instruction on dressing, acting, and think as a girl. From hair, makeup, talking, walking, even sexual relations. You will also receive medical treatments ”
I looked at the others, whom had the same horrified expression as I did.