Lien does as her grandmother tells her. The other girls were exercising with her. All of them were wearing different color leotards. She had on a pink one, that she had picked out when she went shopping with her mother. Krisha and Catlin wore identical leotards that were high cut.
Omphile had on one that had flowers all over it. She loved flowers and liked anything that had a floral design to it.
Her mother and father were at work and Christine had gone back to work as well. Krisha and Catlin were on Winter break. Omphile and herself were being homed school for a while by Cheshire.
“Come on girls, you can do better than that.” Cheshire looks at her daughters and granddaughter.
She was trying to get them to move together in time with one another. Krisha and Catlin were in sync with each other. Lien was a little behind and Omphile was behind Lien in her timing.
“Alright, one more time, ladies.” Cheshire starts the music again and counts out the timing.
She watches as Lien starts syncing with Krisha and Catlin. She stops the girls after a while and goes over to Omphile and shows her the movement again. She reassures Omphile that she isn’t mad at her.
Cheshire knows she needs to rebuild Omphile’s confidence and self-esteem after the way the poor girl was treated. She sees a lot of potential in Omphile. As she is helping Omphile, she hears the doorbell ring.
“I got it, grandma.” Lien races from the exercise room towards the front of the house, with Kit following behind her.
Cheshire just shakes her head as she watches Lien run towards the front of the house. She walks over to where her cellphone was and looks to see who it was at the front door. She notices two men in suits standing at the front door.
Lien opens the front door with Kit standing next to her. She looks at the two men on the other side “can I help you?”
Agent Mulaney and Agent Karl are surprised when a young oriental girl dressed in a pink leotard opened the front door. They notice that she had some sort of cat standing next to her.
“Yes, we’re here to speak with Cheshire Patel. Is she available?” Agent Mulaney didn’t know that Cheshire had a young Oriental girl staying with her.
“One minute.” Lien shuts the door.
Her mother and Grandmother told her to never let anyone into the house unless one of them were with her. She was about to go back to the exercise room when she spots her grandmother coming towards her.
“Grandma, there’s two guys in suits at the front door and they want to talk to you.” Lien has been practicing her English with her mother’s help.
“Thank you, Lien. Go tell your aunts that they can go and soak.” Cheshire smiles at her granddaughter.
Lien returns her grandmother's smile “okay.”
Cheshire watches as her granddaughter skips off towards the exercise room. She waits until Lien is far enough away before she exits her house and steps outside. She didn’t know who they were, but she knew their type.
Agent Mulaney and Agent Karl look at the neighborhood Cheshire lived in. They spotted at least five houses, including hers. Most of them had an open design and looked to had been built back in the fifties. Cheshire’s was more up to date and more modern.
They wonder why a woman with her background was living such a mundane life. She could have anything she wanted and live anywhere she wanted. Also, their intel never mentioned a little Oriental girl.
After a few minutes, the front door opens and standing in the doorway was the woman they came to see. Agent Mulaney looks at the woman standing in the doorway and wonders if she was the same woman they were told to come and talk to. He was expecting a harden senatorial looking woman. He didn’t expect the old normal-looking woman standing before him. She looked like she could be someone’s trainer, the way she was dressed.
“Can I help you, gentlemen?” Cheshire looks at the two agents standing before her.
“Yes, We have been sent to deliver a message to you, Mrs. Patel. The Director of the CIA would like for you to come to Washington D.C. to
answer for the three agents you murdered.” Agent Mulaney was instructed to be careful around Mrs. Patel. He was warned that she was extremely deadly.
“And when I’m I suppose to be there?” Cheshire watches both men. She doesn’t think they would be stupid to do anything in front of her home.
“Now, you’re to come with us.” Agent Mulaney and Agent Karl were told to bring Cheshire if she won’t come on her own accord.
A sly smile appears on Cheshire’s face “unfortunately gentlemen, your timing sucks. I have other appointments.”
“Well, you’re just going to have to cancel those appointments and come with us, old lady.” Agent Karl wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“What my colleague means Mrs. Patel, is we were told to politely ask you to come willingly. If you refuse, we’re to use any means necessary to
make you come. Now, I don’t think you would want any harm to befall that young girl that answered the door? Or any of the other young girls that are your daughters.” Agent Mulaney was hoping that Cheshire would think twice before doing anything stupid if she thought they would hurt her family.
It was a gamble to threaten her family, but most people responded better if they thought their family was going to be hurt. He tried to gauge how she was going to react, but he couldn't read her. Most people, including agents you could tell how they would respond. However, he couldn’t get a read on her.
Cheshire knew she could drop both men without breaking a sweat. She also knew if they were dumb enough to assault her girls, they wouldn’t be walking out of the house. Shur Khan and Simba would make sure of that.
“You might want to forget about going after my granddaughter and my daughters. You won’t be walking out of the house alive.”
“And why’s that, old woman?” Agent Karl looks at Cheshire with a smile on his face.
“You’ll find out.” A smile appears on Cheshire’s face.
Just as Agent Karl was about to pull his gun. The sound of a motorcycle could be heard coming towards them. Cheshire notices that there was a cab behind the motorcycle as well. Agent Mulaney spots both vehicles as they pulled up to Cheshire’s house.
Charlotte spotted two men dress in business suits standing in front of her aunt when she pulled into her aunt’s driveway. Something about the way the men looked and the posture of her aunt said something wasn’t right.
She takes her helmet off and carries it with her as she approaches, Cheshire. Charlotte hears the cab behind her stop. She waits until Leslie and Casey join her before she does anything.
Leslie and Casey spotted Charlotte stopping at her aunt’s place. They also notice two men in business suits standing in front of an older oriental woman. She was standing a few feet in front of the front door.
When they get out of the cab, after paying the driver. They walk over to stand with Charlotte “what do you think is going on?”
“I don’t know, but do you see how my aunt is standing?” Charlotte knew her aunt and how she stood and the way it looked to her. Cheshire was ready to strike.
Leslie looks at the older woman and noticed the slight body language about her. The only reason she noticed it, was because that was part of her stage magician training.
“Let’s go and see if your aunt needs an assistant.” Leslie slips some small steel ball bearing into her hand.
The three women start walking towards Agent Mulaney and Agent Karl. Charlotte had a tight hold on her helmet, Casey had both her hands free and Leslie had several steel ball bearings in her right hand if she needed them.
Agent Mulaney and Agent Karl look at the three women as they approached their location. Agent Mulaney had noticed a smile appear Cheshire’s face.
“Fuck!” Agent Karl didn’t like the fact that three more people had shown up.
He looks towards Cheshire “get rid of them.”
“Hi, Aunt Cheshire. Is there a problem?” Charlotte stands near her aunt. Putting herself between the men and her aunt.
“Yes, these men would like for me to go with them to Washington D.C.”
“Oh, really?” Charlotte looks at the two agents.
“Who are you two gentlemen and I use that term lightly.” Leslie looks at the two men.
“None of your business and this doesn’t concern you.” Agent Karl looks at the dark-haired woman.
“Actually, it does. You see, we are here to see Mrs. Patel and unless she says otherwise. You gentlemen will say goodbye and let us tend to
our business.” Casey knew government agents when she spots them.
Agent Mulaney noticed that the one woman who looked like she was a native of Hawaii had positioned herself close to Cheshire and between
them. The other two women had separated and taken up positions that they could attack them easily.
“Gentlemen, if you want this to degrade from the conversation we are having. I will see you in Washington D.C. in one week.” Cheshire had a slight smile on her face.