It is the following morning and all discover exactly why one of Wallesan's sons has been ordered home. Ursula goes about her usual rounds and, later, asks the seamstresses for some more unusual attire.
The Voyage of the Visund
A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane
27 - Sons of the Duke
Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of
this story are the property of the author. No infringement of
pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2020
Penny Lane. All rights reserved.
Ursula and Tyra chanced to leave their rooms at exactly the
same time as everybody else appeared, which meant that they all saw
the whole thing. Luthan jauntily strode ahead of his brother, having
noted Eriana, Bennet and Semma emerge from their suite and all
dressed in their exercise gear. As he reached them he muttered
something too low to be heard and then, clearly to Ursula and Tyra,
grabbed Bennet on the buttock.
The armswoman had her back to those emerging and did not see who had molested her but her reaction was automatic, not in the way that she had been taught, but as she had dealt with others in her time in the palace kitchens. She immediately spun on one heel and smacked her assailant in the face with a fist. Luthan fell to the floor, the others scattering out of the way.
Wallesan strode forward, his expression thunderous. "Now I understand why you were sent home, if this is the way you behaved! Return to your chambers at once, I will not have you share the same table as my guests."
Luthan put a hand to his face. "But Father, I only..." He looked at the blood on his hand. "I'm bleeding! She broke my nose!"
Eriana was also annoyed but from her own background knew that such incidents were an occupational hazard between men and any woman who appeared to be of lesser rank.
"My Lord, you assault armswomen of His Majesty at your peril. We are trained to disable or kill, it is only the narrowness of the corridor that prevents you being hurt more."
"But... I thought them your retainers!"
Eriana glared at Luthan, who still lay on the floor. "They are no retainers but female companions and that does not give you leave to molest them!" She bent forward and snarled, "As myself, they are both trained warriors. You should thank the Gods that we chose not to wear our swords to breakfast else your fate would be worse." She looked up. "Wallesan, this... man... requires attention. He is bleeding freely, he should have a healer attend him else your new floor will be stained."
"Look you behind you, Eriana, Ursula is already here. Luthan, get up! Go into your chambers and your face will be attended to."
"As you command, Father."
Wallesan looked up at Ursula as his son scrambled to his feet. "I know it is before breakfast, Mistress, but if you would attend this injury we would be grateful."
"Of course, Your Grace. If his nose is broken, prompt attention should prevent any permanent disfigurement."
Luthan gave her a sullen look before stalking off along the corridor.
Wallesan addressed Bennet in Luthan's hearing. "Mistress Bennet, you shall bear no blame for what has just befallen. I saw everything, my son has gotten his just desserts."
Bennet curtseyed. "Thank you, Your Grace. It was automatic, I did not know who was behind me, except that he was too close." She hesitated. "I should not have reacted as I did, though. We are taught to assess any threat before taking action and this morning I did not."
Eriana disagreed, "This was no threat, Bennet, but an actual assault. You did what was needful."
Hambran appeared at the end of the corridor, having hurriedly climbed the stairs. He saluted.
"I heard something happen, Your Grace, and raised voices."
"Aye, Hambran. Luthan has made a fool of himself by groping Bennet and she has well returned the insult." Wallesan looked around at the crowded corridor. "Come, let us go below. Ursula, if you would attend your patient. We will delay breakfast a time to wait for your appearance."
"Thank you, Your Grace. I will try not to be too long."
Ursula pushed her way past everyone with Tyra in her wake. She had noted which door Luthan had gone into so followed him with a knock. He was not in his small sitting room so she went into the bedroom, finding that empty as well.
"My Lord?"
"In here, Mistress."
He was in his bathroom, his head held over his washbasin while blood dripped into the water in it.
"I'll need to take a look, My Lord. Have you any cloths so that I can clean you up?"
"Over there." He waved vaguely in the direction of a shelf with linen on it.
Ursula found what she thought were a pile of small facecloths and brought a handful back to the wash stand. Luthan stood straight as she dipped a cloth into the water and then cleaned him up. She looked him over carefully.
"I do not think that your nose is actually broken, My Lord, but I would like to make sure. I'll need to touch it and it may hurt."
"It already hurts! Get on with it."
She gently manipulated the bridge of his nose and could find no sign that anything had come adrift. The bridge looked straight so she thought that he had gotten away with it - this time.
"I do not think that it is broken," she told him, "but we need to stop the bleeding. I am going to plug your nostrils as that will help the blood to clot."
"Plug my nose!" He sounded alarmed. "How shall I breathe?"
"The same way that you are doing now, through your mouth."
She took another of the cloths and began tearing strips from it. Two of these she rolled up into small cylinders and pushed one into each nostril, leaving part poking out. Then she used more cloths to clean away the further blood that had emerged.
"You must leave those in your nose all of today," she instructed. "If you do not you will probably bleed all over the place. I will take them out tomorrow morning."
He stared at her sullenly. One eye was beginning to blacken. "I do not like your manner, Mistress."
"I do not like yours," she responded bluntly. "I also do not like being asked to attend idiots who mistreat women. I do not care if you are a lord or not, there is no cause for what you did to Bennet. Now. I do not know what your father intends for you but I suggest that you stay quietly in your room today to allow that bruising to go down. I am going out this morning, to visit other patients in the city, but I will be back at lunchtime and I will call to check on you then. Understood?"
Luthan stared at her. "You are the foreigner, are you not? Do all such behave as you do in your lands?"
Ursula thought and then nodded. "Most of them, yes. We still have idiots like you, though, and they get much the same treatment. Now I have to go, my breakfast is waiting. Tyra? Who normally sees to these sons when they are at home?"
"I could not say, Mistress, since there was no-one living here apart from the Duke and Duchess when I started here. I can always ask Bellot, though. He will surely know."
"Good. My Lord, we will leave you now and join His Grace, who is doubtless waiting impatiently downstairs for his own breakfast."
The two walked out of the suite without another word and joined the others downstairs in the dining room. Fanis came over to Ursula immediately.
"My boy, is his nose broken?"
She shook her head. "It is not, Your Grace, though it bleeds freely enough. Ah, Your Grace."
Wallesan joined them and said, "Let us sit. We have been delayed enough by that boy's arrogance. Ursula, if you would face me this morning, I must needs have an accounting."
This time Eriana sat by her left, as Mathenar took the seat of honor at his father's right-hand side. Bennet was to Ursula's right while Semma sat on Eriana's other side.
"Well!" That was Mathenar, commenting as the servers began to bring dishes over to the table. "Four women visitors, I see. Father, I thought there were but two who we met last night."
Wallesan grunted. "As you are by now aware, Princess Eriana brings with her two companions-in-arms as she travels the Sirrel. As she has no maids aboard her ship they serve as helpmates one to the other where matters of a female nature are concerned."
"Ah, I see. A Princess with no maids? I understood that Her Highness was from a land where such customs may differ... yet you said last night that she was a Princess of Palarand."
Eriana gave him a smile. "Lately matters concerning Palarand have become very complicated, My Lord. I was not born in Palarand but I account King Robanar my liege now. It is he who permits me to retain my title and status. If you go to the docks here you may inspect my ship, the Visund, which is unlike any other that I have seen on the Sirrel so far. Though I did have maids when I brought the Visund to Plif, and then to Palarand, it is not really a suitable vessel for ladies of the court."
The smile was returned. "Indeed? Thank you, Highness, for explaining the matter. Perhaps, once I have settled in at home again, I may go and see what manner of ship you sail."
"Then you had best not leave it too long, My Lord. There is much for us to do while we yet reside in Joth but our stay here is extended only because of an accident on the way here. Once my men have recovered from various injuries, I must needs sail on if I am to explore this river and return to Palarand before the rains set in."
Mathenar nodded. "Aye, it would be wise. No man - nor woman, I deem - may travel the Sirrel during the rains, it is impossible."
"So I have been told."
Wallesan intervened, since he wanted information from Ursula. "If I may, there will be many occasions when the river and the weather may be discussed. Ursula, if you would explain to me the injury that Luthan suffered."
"Your Grace, it was a simple thump to the face. I have examined his nose carefully and I do not believe that it is broken. However, the blood runs freely so I have blocked his nostrils until it crusts over. It is also likely that he will have at least one black eye by lunchtime. I have asked him to stay quietly in his quarters today in order to reduce his blood pressure, which will help ease the bleeding - and, coincidentally, keep him out of more trouble. Um, he will of course miss his breakfast by doing so."
"As you say, Mistress. When we have risen I will ask Bellot to provide something for him. Aye, it will do him no harm to sit and consider his recent behavior. Math, know you anything of his conduct in Yod?"
"A certain amount, Father, but it would be better to wait until we have risen from table. Do I keep you from anything?"
Wallesan waved a hand. "Nothing important this morning. Yesterday it would be different, it was the first full court that I have held since I returned, in the Great Hall. Today," he glared at his food, "I have family matters to attend to." He glanced at Eriana. "What of your activities today, my dear?"
"This morning we will work in the yard with Captain Hambran's men, by your leave, and your sons can discover what we are capable of." She had a thought. "Can the other see the back yard from his chambers?"
Fanis answered, "He can, Eriana. He always preferred the south side of the Mansion, to be out of the sun."
Wallesan added, "Then, when I see him presently, I shall instruct him to open his window and observe what takes place." He grinned at Eriana. "I am sure that you will provide a show, my dear, but please do not injure too many of my men."
Eriana grinned back. "Your Grace, we are guests here, we will try to be careful."
"No doubt you will. Ursula, I assume that you will go out with Senia this morning?"
"Your Grace, that is what I expect to happen. I think that I will want to have another look at Luthan when I return for lunch."
"As you wish."
"Fanis, what plans have you for today?"
"I must needs see to our boys return, since they will require laundry and linen and such domestic concerns now they are home. After our nap this afternoon I have seamstresses coming, they are bring some new dresses and gowns but we will also inform them of the need for new attire for Tyra."
"Ah, as you say." The Duke raised a hand. "More pel, if you would."
A little later, Mathenar observed to Ursula, "Mistress, you wear interesting attire today. Is this a fashion from where you came?"
Since the weather was still warm Ursula was wearing a ship dress. She considered her answer. "My Lord, the answer is that you are about half right. This dress is based on a fashion from where I came, but I did not introduce it." She turned to Fanis. "Your Grace, I'm not sure how to explain this."
"As you say." Fanis also considered. "Math, I believe that you met Tenant Maralin before you went off to Ferenis and beyond."
"That blond levy? Aye, I recall him, I met him only once before I left. Was not he something to do with the kitchens?" He frowned. "No, that cannot be right, I remember he had something to do with the new uniforms our men wore."
"Both are right," Fanis explained. "While Maralin was indeed trained as a cook of some experience he is of a family of tailors, so knows something of that art. It was he who has suggested some of the new fashions you may have noted about the streets of Joth when you arrived. The ship dress which Ursula wears is particularly suited for those who must needs walk the streets of the city for their work and all Joth thanks Maralin for introducing it, but as the name suggests it was originally intended for Eriana and her girls to wear as they travel the Sirrel."
Mathenar's eyebrows rose. "Indeed! It appears very comfortable from what I can see. But, if I may also note, Her Highness and her attendants do not wear such dresses today."
Eriana smiled. "That is because we intend to join Captain Hambran's men this morning at their exercises and our attire is designed for such activities. You may see another wonder should you be around after our nap, as we intend to go out riding and we will then wear other attire designed for that purpose."
"You go riding?" The eyebrows rose again. "If I may ask, Highness, is this a custom from your land?"
"Indeed not!" Eriana thought and then turned to Wallesan. "Wallesan, I fear that you must needs explain much to your two boys before we may have a sensible conversation together. It seems that many things have happened while they were fighting Yod and the explanations could become complicated."
The Duke nodded. "As you say, Eriana." He turned to Mathenar. "Son, you shall know the whole story, as much as I know of it, later on. Briefly, although it has not been the custom for women to ride in the Valley, except by the use of a chair, the art of riding as a man does was introduced to Palarand before I arrived there recently. Many of Palarand's women now enjoy the saddle and it seems that many of Joth's women may also do so in the future, having seen Eriana and her girls about the city and country."
"Oh, I see." He brightened. "I look forward to the sight! With new attire about the city and women on frayen back, Joth will look very different in the days and months to come."
"Son, you have no idea."
* * *
Ursula and Senia were walking along a narrow street that connected two wider thoroughfares.
"What can you tell me about the Duke's two sons? This morning, in the upper corridor, Luthan groped Bennet and she turned and punched him in the face. I asked Tyra but she only started working at the Mansion after the sons left to go to war."
Senia pulled a face. "Ow. Was he much hurt?"
"As I was present I tended him immediately. It was thought that he had a broken nose but he just managed to avoid that. I blocked his nostrils with cloth rolls to help clot the blood but he will spend a miserable day today. By now he will probably have a black eye or two as well."
Her companion shook her head in sorrow. "It is only what he deserves, I deem. For the son of a Duke almost everything that can go wrong in a man has done so with him. He argues with all, fights with many and yet he assumes that all women are his playthings. I thought that mayhap the experience of leading men in the field might mature him but it seems not so. Do you know why the two have returned? I gather from words spoken by the staff this morning that they were not expected."
"You realize that I have no idea what they were supposed to be doing or even what or where Yod is? They returned unexpectedly yesterday evening just as we rose from the evening meal. The elder one, Mathenar, said that Luthan had been told to return to Joth because he was fighting - and not the enemy, from what I understand - and there is some reason why Mathenar was told to return as well."
"Mathenar? Why, I can believe it of Luthan but Mathenar seems to be a sensible sort, ready and willing to become Duke after his father. I could not say why he would be asked to come back from Yod. As you may already have noticed, the two are as alike as sand and butter." Senia shrugged. "Doubtless we will learn more once they have settled back into the Mansion."
"How old are they? I find that, since arriving here, I cannot estimate ages as well as I once did."
"Mathenar would be about your age or perhaps a year older, I would think. Luthan is about two and a half years younger than his brother."
"I was told that they were counts of two towns. Would they not have residences there?"
Senia seemed doubtful. "I believe that there is a dwelling of some kind for the ruling Count of Galdarin but as that is usually a courtesy title for the Duke's eldest son I could not say how often he would use it. For the other, I know that he is Count of Hulmar but that is all."
"Oh. It looks like I am the one who can find out more as I am staying at the Mansion."
"As you say." Senia gave Ursula a sidelong look. "Just remember that much you may hear will be gossip and likely not true, and that as a guest in the Mansion you would be expected to keep confidences."
"Of course." Ursula returned the look. "But as healers, doctors, we are entitled to exchange information about patients, are we not? At the moment Luthan is my patient, perhaps information about his brother may be relevant."
Senia seemed amused. "Is this the way that healing is done on Earth? Of course I will treat anything you tell me with the confidence it deserves." She looked up, they had reached the junction. "We go left here. You have not seen this patient before, I deem. She has a sore on her left leg which does not heal. I would be grateful for your observations."
* * *
Three patients later, Senia climbed the steps of a town house and knocked at the front door.
"Good morning. Oh, it is Mistress Senia! Welcome, and to your friend..?"
"Ah, this is Ursula, a new healer in the city who accompanies me on my rounds to become familiar with our routine."
The woman smiled at Ursula. "Good morning to you, Mistress. If you would both enter?"
In the hall she told Ursula, "If you did not know, I am Kasta, wife of Hermanar, one of Joth's roofing craftsmen." To Senia she asked, "I assume that it is Ferdo, our son, that you are calling about?"
"Aye," Senia confirmed, "Larna told me of his accident yesterday evening and asked me to see him today. Did she say much about his injuries? What happened?"
As Kasta led the way through the house, she replied, "Ferdo was climbing on the wall at the bottom of our yard, following his older brothers. He missed his footing and fell, it is perhaps fortunate that he fell on the wood pile before reaching the ground, else he would have fallen the whole two strides."
"Oh! Has he broken bones, then?"
"Mistress Larna says not, but she also says that sometimes it can be difficult to tell, especially with children, which is why I believe that she asked another to call today."
"As you say."
The boy was about eight years old and was lying on a couch at the rear of the house. He had a bandage on one knee but there were raw scrapes on elbows and head, the wounds already dried in the heat.
"Mom? Who are these?"
"These are Senia and... Ursula, was it? ...come to look at your injuries. No, stay there, let the healers say what they want you to do."
Senia squatted down and looked at the boy carefully. "If I ask you if it hurts anywhere, you are going to either tell me everywhere or nowhere, is that not so?"
Ferdo stared at Senia then abruptly relaxed. "Mom says that I mustn't hide anything like that when healers ask because it might mean that I'll take longer to heal."
"That's so, young man, and if you don't tell me where it hurts, and it is hurting because a bone is broken, that bone might heal crooked and then you could have a limp, or not be able to wield a hammer straight when you are older. So it is better to tell us the truth and let us find out what is really wrong with you."
"As you say, Mistress. I got scrapes on both my elbows, somehow, as I tumbled off the wall, and a gash on my knee from the wood in the pile. I banged my head and there's a lump just here." He felt his scalp and winced at a certain point.
"What about your legs? Have you been walking around this morning?"
He glanced at his mother. "Aye, though Mom wouldn't let me do much. Why?"
"Because it would hurt more if you had a broken leg, that's why. Depending where it was broken, a lot more. Now, let me see under that bandage and then Mistress Ursula will check over your bones and joints."
"As you wish, Mistress."
There were no obvious broken bones so Senia and Ursula applied salve and bandages and gave instructions to his mother. In the hallway, on the way out, she remarked, "I do like those dresses! They look very cool. Is this something that only healers may wear, do you know?"
"Indeed not, Mistress!" Senia replied. "They are a new design come from the east. If your seamstress does not yet know of them, ask her to apply to Jorda or Dinna for the patterns, which are not complicated as you may see." She gave a secret smile. "There are undergarments to go with these dresses, though of course you may wear what you already have, but if you should also ask about undergarments you will learn of new items designed for hot weather which go well with these dresses."
"Is that so? Then I will do so as soon as I can! The weather is hotter than normal this spring and it is already becoming uncomfortable outside for much of the day."
"Speaking of garments," Ursula added casually, "Because I am a visitor to Joth, His Grace has graciously permitted me to stay at the Mansion for a while."
"Ah? I have heard mention of visitors, Mistress, although of course most in the city do not know the business of the Duke and Duchess. You are one of them, then?"
"I am, and also staying there is Princess Eriana and her two attendants Bennet and Semma."
"As you say! All have heard of the adventures of Her Highness and her men. But you mentioned garments. All know that a Princess may wear attire that ordinary folk might not."
"True, but have you by chance seen her and her girls riding frayen? They wear special outfits designed for the purpose."
"As you say!" Kasta looked wistful. "None knew that a woman could ride a frayen as a man does, and yet here is proof that they may. Is this also a new custom from the east, do you know?"
"I was told that the other Princess, Princess Garia, brought the custom from her own homeland," Ursula explained. "When Eriana... um, Princess Eriana and her men were training for their attack on Boldan's Rock I was told that they all learned to ride because it made their assault easier. I know little more than that except that many women in Palarand now ride."
"Do you tell me? Then I will also enquire of Jorda and Dinna about such items. We are not rich enough to own a frayen or any of the tackle that goes with such a beast, but of course any woman is interested in new attire."
Senia asked, "Have you seen them ride?"
"I have! There was one time I had to go to a property near the Galdarin Gate to take Hermanar his lunch and I saw them pass through. All were amazed to see them and there was much comment."
"Actually," Ursula said, "the Duke has suggested that I - and, possibly, some of the other healers - learn to ride as well. It seems that it may make it easier for us to visit properties, farms, say, or mansions, outside the city walls, in order to reach patients." She hesitated before continuing, "I am learning at a farm just outside the Galdarin Gate which in time may become a riding school for the citizens of Joth."
"A riding school? That is interesting! And women may go there? If I may, I will pass the word to one or two of my friends who have mentioned a desire to ride as Her Highness does."
"That was what was intended, yes, so I see no problem telling others. Um." Ursula looked at Senia. "I am sorry, I have distracted us from our rounds. Where should we be going next?"
"As you say, Ursula. Mistress Kasta, we must be going. I will call again in three days' time, by your leave."
"Of course, Mistress Senia. Thank you for your attention, and to you, Mistress Ursula, for your information. Let me show you out."
In the next street, and out of sight and earshot of their last call, Senia asked, "What was that about? You do not usually engage in idle gossip, Ursula, not to mention the bandying of names."
"Senia, forgive me. I have been asked, discreetly you understand, to find out how people view the riding of frayen by women. Her Grace is unsure whether the people will be for or against it."
"I see! I did wonder at your purpose. Hmm. I think that most view Princess Eriana as a strong woman who may do exactly as she wishes, and that most are content with her doing so. I understand that Her Grace is asking whether the local women should ride and, from words that I have heard, I believe that most women would be in favor of the practice, though I gather that many of their menfolk will be less keen. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"It does not concern me, really, if the women here do or do not ride, Senia, but it concerns Her Grace. I think that she would do it herself if there was general approval."
"Her Grace, riding a frayen!" Senia smiled. "That would be a fine sight, I deem, and one that would easily encourage other women to follow." She had a thought. "You mentioned 'other healers'. Did you have me in mind? If it may help me do my job then I would consider it. If I may ask you about your own experiences as we walk? Ah, we cross the road yonder and turn down that lane."
* * *
Senia and Ursula stopped under the gatehouse, both pleased to find some relief from the glare of the mid-day sun.
"I had better be going," the healer said, "I will be late for lunch. That last rebandaging took longer than we expected."
"That's true," Ursula agreed. "I am just pleased that I remembered how to wrap a shoulder a different way that worked. In my previous job, on Earth, I left most of the bandaging to others so that I could concentrate on the next accident victim. I'll see you tomorrow as usual?"
"I imagine so, Ursula. You have been a real help today, I am glad that you have decided to join our ranks."
"It didn't take me long to decide. It is different than what I was doing before but the work is easier... ah, slightly easier, and the company is better." She looked up. "Not to mention the weather."
"Aye, if this goes on there will be afternoon thunderstorms to add to the fun. I must be going!"
"Till tomorrow, then. Good bye."
Ursula watched Senia cross the street to head for her home before turning to the Mansion. She remembered what awaited her and sighed.
Best get it over with and then I can change for lunch.
She walked into the front entrance and up the stairs, where Dirgan gave her a salute.
"Good day, Dirgan. Anything of interest happened while I was out?"
He grinned. "No more than normal, Mistress."
"That is usually a good sign, no?" She wrinkled her nose. "Now I have to go and check on Luthan before I can get ready for lunch."
The smile disappeared. "You have my sympathies, Mistress."
She walked along the corridor and knocked on Luthan's door. A male servant opened it, one she hadn't met before.
"Who are you? What do you want?"
"Who I am is no concern of yours. What I am is the healer who has come to check on Lord Luthan's injuries."
"Oh. Your pardon, Mistress. I did not recognize you there. If you would come in, My Lord awaits you."
Luthan was sitting on a settee reading documents, with a big pile either side of him. He looked up as Ursula entered.
"Oh. The rude healer."
"I can always go away again, you know, if you keep on with that attitude. But if I do so, no healer in the city will ever come near you again."
He tried a sneer but it was too painful. "My father will order somebody to come! Somebody who knows how to treat a person of rank."
"That is possible, but the next time anyone would come would be when you were dying from a sword thrust. I cannot imagine how you have lasted as long as you have with that attitude."
He looked sullen, the expression not helped by a full black eye, another one turning and crusted blood around his blocked up nostrils.
"Mistress, if you would attend me." After a distinct pause, he reluctantly ground out, "Please."
"You see? Now that wasn't hard."
Ursula got down on one knee and examined Luthan's face. Apart from the eyes and the bridge of the nose there appeared to be little bruising.
"How has it been this morning? I know that it must be painful and I can give you something for that, but I need to know if there has been bleeding, for example. Have you felt the need to spit up blood at all?"
"Nothing like that, Mistress. My face, it feels taut and dry, can I splash some water on it?"
"I think so, yes, there's no reason why you shouldn't give your face a gentle wash now and then, especially as it is so hot today. Try not to dislodge the plugs, though, because that will start your nose bleeding again. If that happens, you must send your man to ask for me. Dirgan will know where I am. I will be in the Mansion now for the rest of the day."
The eyes looked hostile. "As you command, Mistress." He paused and the fire went out of them. "I am told that you reside in the Mansion, Mistress. Has my father now decided to have a resident healer about the place?"
Ursula answered him as she undid her basket lid and pulled out jars of medicine.
"I live here for now, My Lord. I am a stranger in Joth so your father has given me a place here while I become familiar with the city and all those who live in it." Careful, now. "Your father will probably tell you more about me and Her Highness once you have settled in to living here again."
"A curious circumstance." He saw what she was holding. "Oh, the green stuff. Is that not dangerous?"
"It can be, if you take too much. For today, it would probably be best. Tomorrow I will move you onto the simmek once I have taken the plugs out and cleaned you up."
"Simmek, aye, we have used it in the field."
She gave him a spoonful of the green stuff, then packed everything away again and stood.
"Do you want me to come back again this evening and take another look?"
He shrugged. "I am here, you reside here, you may as well." Another long pause. "Mistress, I thank you for your attentions today."
She acknowledged that with a nod. "Then I must go and prepare myself for lunch. Good day to you, My Lord."
She walked out without a backward look. The manservant studied her as she passed but said nothing. Only when she was back in her sitting room did she let the tension out with a long sigh.
To think I might be stuck in the Mansion with that idiot!
Yet it is too early to even consider finding myself somewhere else to live in the city. That would only complicate things, not to mention leaving me exposed.
A realization came to her. I like having Eriana, Bennet and Semma nearby. They have a robust attitude to life which matches that of many Russians including myself.
Still, the clown now knows his limitations. He should not trouble any of us women in the way he might cause trouble with the men.
She had just put her basket of medical needs away when Tyra returned, another beam all over her face.
"Mistress, look! They have given me my own sword!" The beam disappeared. "It is only a practise sword but of the same weight and balance as a working blade would be. I am to exercise with it to improve the strength of my lower arm, wrist and fingers. I can do that before my attire arrives, so that I will be better prepared when the training begins."
Ursula looked at the blunted blade. "If you are enthusiastic and do too much at once you could cause yourself some injuries," she warned. "Have they told you this?"
"Aye, Mistress. I am to stop immediately if my wrist or fingers hurt."
"Very well, but add elbow and shoulder to that list." Ursula smiled. "If you are going to be waving that thing around, try not to damage too much of the furniture, will you? I'm sure that His Grace will be annoyed."
"As you say, Mistress!" Tyra promptly stood the sword in a corner out of the way before continuing, "If we may bathe, Mistress. It will not be long until the lunch bell."
"A good idea. It has been hot and sweaty today in the city."
"Indeed! Talk in the armory is that this is unusual and may break with thunderstorms in a few days. Normally it does not become so hot until nearer midsummer."
"That is good to know. Whatever the reason, it is too hot today. I'll pull for water if you want to use the toilet before you jump in."
"Mistress, I may need help today. When I can wear ship dresses like your own then I may go by myself but for now, it would be awkward."
"As you wish."
I should not complain, when I think of what the women of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries had to put up with. At least one can function in the clothes we wear here!
"Come on. Let's get ourselves cleaned up."
* * *
By the time they appeared in the dining room almost everyone else had already arrived. Mathenar gave them an elaborate bow.
"Mistress, I note that you have been abroad in the city. Are there many who require your services?"
"Enough, My Lord. Where I practised before I was in a much larger city and there were many more who needed medical attention. Fortunately here the injuries are, mostly, not too severe."
"With Joth now at peace I would think that it would be mostly trips and fumbles, that sort of injury." He frowned. "If I may ask -"
His father appeared and headed for the tables. Mathenar gave Ursula a shrug and a grin. "Later, Mistress. My interest is not so important."
At the table the servants began putting plates in front of each diner.
"Father, whatever is this? Some kind of strange bread? A tart? Or did something go wrong with the cooking?"
"That, Math, is called a peet-zer. It is a new dish that Maralin introduced while we were away in Thorn. I am told that there may be different toppings according to taste, though for today Farren has simply cooked a batch of the most usual variety."
"A curious thing to eat, I deem. How must I eat it? Am I permitted fingers? Should I tear it into chunks?"
Fanis told him, "Math, it is usual to cut it into wedges first, to make it easier to handle. Most then pick up each wedge with their fingers. If you prefer not to have grease on your fingers you may use your knife and fork to eat it with instead."
"Knife and... fork? What, oh, this is a fork? Is this something else that Maralin brought?"
Wallesan replied, "No indeed, son. Forks were brought to the Valley by Princess Garia, though Maralin does also know of them. Hold the fork vertically to grip your food and prevent it moving while you cut a portion with your knife. You can then bring the food directly to your mouth on the fork. See, watch what your mother does."
Mathenar watched intently. "Ah, I see! This could be a useful tool, I deem. The word fork is known to me, since those of Palarand have used it in my hearing, but I knew not what they meant. To me a fork is something that a peasant uses to shift dung, I did not know they were also tiny tools to use for food. None cared to explain, thinking perhaps that all already knew of them."
He used the table knife to cut his peet-zer into six wedges as his parents had done, then lifted a wedge to his lips. He nodded appreciation at the taste.
"It is good, Father, Mother! I could enjoy these as a snack from time to time."
Wallesan said, "Maralin informs us that is how they are sometimes used, Math. It may be that in the future, when you have stopped at a road house, they may serve peet-zers to travelers as well as their other choices."
Fanis added, "But Maralin also told us that eating too many of these can be unhealthy. In the lands of his birth they have studied the effect of food on health and reached some surprising conclusions. Fortunately, he also tells us that our normal choice of foods here in Joth is actually very healthy. Peet-zers are to be considered as an occasional treat, it seems."
Mathenar ate about half of his peet-zer before looking up with a question on his face.
"Father, Mother, it seems to me that Joth has become beset by strangers since I went away. There is Her Highness there, from somewhere distant, Mistress Ursula who comes from somewhere else distant, Mistresses Bennet and Semma are from Palarand and you tell me that this Maralin has also come from somewhere else entirely."
Wallesan shrugged. "Son, it is all completely by chance. In a week or two Eriana will sail away with her girls and then there will be just Ursula, Maralin joining us when he returns. You know that many who reside in Joth were not born here, or even in the Duchy. It is the way of the world, that people move to other lands for many reasons. It is chance that so many reside under our roofs for a while."
"As you say, Father, but these are not artisans looking for work or swordsmen seeking to join your forces, these are important people, it seems to me. Is there perhaps something I should know about?"
"As I said, the presence of these folk in the Mansion is purely by chance, Math. However, there are reasons why such people may have gathered here and reasons why we may see more of them in the future." He rolled his eyes. "I now begin to understand why Robanar's palace is so large, he entertains such visitors all the time. Look, Math, I will tell you and Luthan all you need to know about Joth, Palarand and all the lands of the Great Valley later today, since what has been decided will fall to you after I have gone."
"Ah? There have been rumors along the way home, it is true, but it is always difficult to know what to believe."
"As you say. After our nap, then. Our womenfolk will be entertaining the seamstresses of Joth in here again so we can retire to another place and I will tell you all that you need to know."
"Done, father."
* * *
"Actually, I had another idea for a garment while I was out this morning with Mistress Senia."
The seamstresses all turned to Ursula. Jorda asked, "Mistress? Would this be another garment in the manner of the ship dress?"
"In a way. You all know that the healers of Joth, with my advice, are setting up a place which we are calling a clinic for the time being." The women all nodded. "It will be fitted out so that we can..." Ursula hunted for an answer which would not be too complicated but explain enough, " things which may be required but not so easy to do at a patient's residence. For example, we were recently forced to use a meat-cutting room here in the Mansion kitchen to save the life of one of the armsmen, simply because it was big enough and light enough and could be easily washed clean."
"Oh, was that Mamoot?" one of the women asked. "His story is known in the city, Mistress, and our thanks to you for knowing what was wrong with him and for saving his life."
"Thank you. In the future we hope to do operations like that at the clinic, which means that it will be fitted out as we require. Part of that fitting out will involve the clothes that we wear. You can understand that there are many things a healer might do that could mean lots of blood - or other body fluids - getting on our clothes. I would prefer not to attempt anything like that wearing, for example, what I have on today. It would be ruined."
Jorda said, "As you say. You have a suggestion, then."
"In... Alberta, for such purposes, we would wear what are known as scrubs to perform operations, Mistress. These actually look like ship dresses, but with a V neckline, are made of a much sturdier material and can be boiled to clean away anything that gets on them."
Dinna asked, "Boiled, Mistress? Not everything that is washed is boiled. Would not a thorough scrubbing serve instead?"
Ursula held up a hand. "Boiling serves another purpose, Mistress. One way of preventing infection to open wounds is to make sure everything is as clean as possible, to prevent anything bad from getting into the wound. For example, we will boil all our tools before starting whatever is needed and all surfaces, and the patient, will also be cleaned first. Boiling the garments will also ensure that nothing can get into the wound from the cloth."
Jorda considered. "Mistress Ursula, the ship dress design is easy enough to make, but finding a cloth which would take repeated boiling might be harder. Are you particular as to color? Most dyes would run or fade under such treatment."
Ursula shook her head. "The color is not important, Mistress Jorda. I wouldn't be walking around the city dressed like that anyway."
"Then mayhap an unbleached cloth may do, though I deem you would want it different enough that such attire would not be mistaken for your other wear. I assume that you would reserve such items for that use, just as an apron would be kept in the kitchen by a cook."
"That is exactly the idea, Mistress Jorda."
The seamstress considered again. "So you would clean yourself, the room and the patient before you begin. Ah, what else might you need that we could provide?"
"Some more of that cloth, to make a kind of hat to go around my hair and keep it out of the way," Ursula replied. "Oh, and something different to wear on my feet."
She thought. They don't have plastics here yet, so no Crocs, nothing disposable. I won't want anything that will get too hot but whatever it is will have to be cleanable like everything else.
"Like our cleaning scarves, you mean? Yes, that will be simple enough to provide. Footwear... you are asking for something that can be cleaned, as the dress and scarf would be."
"That is so but I don't know if that is possible yet."
Oops. I don't want to go into any of that now, even if it was a good idea. Which it is not.
"I meant that in time, we might find some material which can be cleaned easily enough. We have such materials in Alberta, but I have no idea how they are made. Something like a clog, perhaps? A simple wooden sole with some of that cloth you mentioned as an upper. That could be boiled, couldn't it?"
One of the other women said, "Jorda, I know of a cobbler in Oarsman's Lane who makes such shoes for the weavers. If I may ask him if he could call and speak to Mistress Ursula."
"Ah, yes, of course, if that is the kind of shoe required." Jorda turned to Ursula. "Melisent speaks of a wooden sole, with a canvas upper which only covers the front of the foot. Because the weaving sheds can become so hot in summer they require footwear that allows their feet to be cool without exposing them to debris on the floor. That design, or one similar to it, may be what you desire."
She nodded. "That sounds exactly what I am thinking of. I assume that he will bring samples?"
"Of course, Mistress! Melisent, if you would ask your cobbler to attend the Mansion." Jorda looked around. "Ladies, I think that we now have everything we came for today. Most of it is new commissions for young Tyra but we brought garments for Her Grace, Mistress Ursula and even for some of the men of the Mansion. There may also be new work for Mistress Ursula from us." She turned. "Your Grace," she addressed Fanis, "by your leave, we should be going now, I have heard the bells."
Fanis inclined her head. "Ladies, as always it has been a pleasure having you here. I will let Jorda know, as usual, if there is any further need for your services. For Ursula's wear, since it will be attire for the new clinic, I suggest you leave a message here for her when you have garments or footwear to present."
"As you desire, Your Grace."
The residents watched as the seamstresses filed out of the dining room. Once the doorway was cleared, Bellot entered.
"Your Grace, this evening the meal will be served in about a bell and a quarter."
"Then let us all leave the staff to make the room ready. Ladies, to our chambers!"
* * *
Much later, the city had finally begun to cool after the sun had set. Tyra lit the lanterns in their chambers and then began to help Ursula take her evening gown off before they both retired.
"I wonder," Ursula said, "what you thought of Mathenar. He was interested in us all this evening, but perhaps he ignored the servants. You might have been able to observe him in a way that we could not."
"It is as you say, Mistress. Sometimes servants, of any kind, are not noticed at all. I suspect, from what little I saw of Luthan today, that he would hunt anyone wearing a skirt. He is that kind of man, I deem. Mathenar, on the other hand, seems to be a kind, well brought up son of the Duke. I notice that he paid you some attention, and also spoke to Bennet and Semma, but it is natural that he would spend most of his time talking to Her Highness. I had not heard her whole story before, she is a remarkable woman, is she not?"
"It would appear so. I learned more this evening than I had known before."
Tyra frowned as she folded the gown over her arm. "Yet there have been rumors about Mathenar in the past as you know. We have seen him barely a day so it may be that his flaw, if there be one, will only come apparent when he is relaxed back into the life he led before. Do you not agree, Mistress?"
"I do. I would think that most people would take a day or two to become familiar with their surroundings before relaxing their guard. This time, it is a rebuilt home which is full of new faces so I would not be surprised if he is cautious around us for a few days."
"But what is there to fear? They both know not to try Bennet and Semma and I doubt that anyone who has seen Her Highness with her broadsword would attempt anything with her! You yourself have a manner which should rebuff any unwanted approach, even though you do not bear a blade yourself."
Ursula nodded as she removed her bra. "I agree, but sometimes men are not so easily put off. We have been warned, we will just have to see what happens."
"As you say, Mistress."