Fanfiction that I've written over the years
Again, I need to thank Malady for his help in editing this. All the ideas he gives are greatly appreciated. This is a fanfic that jumped out at me right after I saw the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episode, Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (Did I miss an "and" in there? LOL!)
Please let me know what you think about this little piece!
A Nearly Impossible Decision
La’an stared unseeingly at the screen. In her mind, she was back in Toronto, while her heart was ripped out by the Romulan, Sera.
She jerked out of the memory, only to see the words on the screen again and be dragged right back to Toronto. She saw his face as they drew closer to a kiss. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, hoping to push the tears away. Instead, they flowed.
She’d cried a billion tears since that day, but it had been a quarter century since that day when she realized just how far apart her James Kirk and the one in her own time line were. Were the two men really that far apart? The Kirk of this time had been unable to kindle a romance with her because of Carol Marcus, and the baby she carried.
La’an gave them their space, although she didn’t want to. She left Starfleet, ensuring that she and James Kirk seeing each other again would be very unlikely. And, she let her emotions show to only certain people after that.
When Captain Pike was hurt, and left basically a vegetable, she made a trip to see him, but it was as if her world was getting smaller and smaller. Una Chin-Riley was there, and La’an privately told her friend and mentor as much of the whole story as she could, and her friend and former colleague understood her decision to pull away from Starfleet.
Who she was, only made things worse. And as she saw the scope of her ancestor’s reach, she saw why she and Kirk could never be a couple. She was no longer in Starfleet, but she had friends, and one had informed her about finding the Botany Bay and the genetic supermen aboard the sleeper ship, reasoning it was logical that she should know the fate of her ancestor.
How would James react to her after he had met and fought Khan Noonien Sing? La’an didn’t know how it would be to fight Khan, but considering his reputation, she assumed it wouldn’t be an easy thing. Spock wouldn’t give her the specifics, but since she knew what to look for, she knew where to look, and was easily able to find it. She had left a nearly- impossible- to- find backdoor into the Enterprise computers.
Once she read how Khan had tried to take over Enterprise, she determined that there was no way it would be a good thing to see James again. She was determined to stay away.
The message on the screen that she was looking at was from James, however, and she wasn’t sure how to react. She shook herself out of her thoughts again, and told the computer to perform a search. She was surprised that she couldn’t reach the computers aboard her last posting in Starfleet, but she tried her connections to Starfleet Command’s computers. She had vowed never to utilize that link, and had kept the vow until now.
As she read the logs Kirk had recorded while on board the Enterprise, she was shocked at what had happened. Once again, her ancestor, Khan, had pitted himself against James, and once again, James beat him. But at a cost! Captain Spock, her friend from her days on board the Enterprise, had been killed! In true Spock fashion, he had died while doing something only he could do. Bringing the crippled ship’s damaged warp engines back online.
James brought Enterprise back to Spacedock, where it was to be decommissioned. But there must be more to the story. There had to be!
She delved deeper into the computer, and found news that shocked her! Spock’s body was still alive, and before his sacrifice, he had transferred his consciousness into Doctor McCoy! James stole the Enterprise to rescue his two best friends.
But then, tragedy. While saving Spock, and thereby Doctor McCoy, James’ son David, was killed.
Her heart ached for James. How would she react if her daughter died? If her daughter was killed? She couldn’t imagine.
She looked at the message he sent her again.
What he said made her question what she should do. She saw how Carol had abandoned him while he was mourning. He had just met David, then lost him. He thought he had lost Spock as well. Then, he feared he was going to lose McCoy. How horrible it must have been.
Then, to sacrifice Enterprise. Everything important to James had been lost.
La’an considered. James wasn’t asking her to come to him. His message had just been telling her about Spock and the ship. But, she had a question in her mind. James wasn’t without family. She knew about Peter, Kirk’s nephew, but La’an knew of a relative even closer. Sort of.
In that alternate timeline, she and the other James had become close. On returning to her own timeline, she realized how close.
“What’s going on, Mom?” came the voice of her daughter.
“I’m just reading a message, Jamie. I’m trying to decide how to respond.”
Jamie looked so much like her father. The same brown hair and hazel eyes. She even had a lock of hair that stubbornly refused to lose it’s curl, and would always fall out of place onto her forehead.
“Who’s it from?”
La’an came to a decision. “Someone I should have told you about long ago.” She beckoned the girl to sit down, and began to explain, to the extent she was able, what had happened twenty-five years ago.
Smiles Everyone. Smiles!
A short story by Rosemary
Special thanks to Malady for his help editing.
Brad Tyler.
He had just turned eleven years old, and he hadn’t gotten much in the way of presents for his birthday. In fact, all he had gotten was a twenty-five dollar check from both sets of grandparents.
His dad, Bill, was being laid off from his job as a groundskeeper from the local hospital, so his parents weren’t able to get him anything really. He understood, and was grateful for the fifty dollars he’d received.
When he arrived home from purchasing a candy bar, his mom, Jeanna, was watching TV. Probably a daytime soap. She watched All My Children religiously. He was hurrying down to his room when he heard a commercial come on. He walked back upstairs to the living room of their split level home. He watched the commercial, wishing once again he had the money to afford what was advertised.
He had always felt that he wasn’t a boy, but a girl. He had tried to tell his parents about his problem, but they didn’t seem to understand.
What the ad offered would be incredible. It was a trip to an island, where your fantasy could be made to come true for a weekend. The island was a self-contained nation, only interacting with other nations by advertisement, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. He’d looked for it on a globe once, but couldn’t find it. He’d even looked it up on Wikipedia, and while it showed up, its exact location was a mystery.
The owner, Mr. Roarke, was never seen on the commercials. No one seemed to know what he looked like, or where he came from, but this time, Brad was in for a surprise. Mr. Roarke showed his face on this ad, and it seemed that he was staring right at Brad as he said the most amazing thing.
“For one person, I am offering that their fantasy will be fulfilled for whatever they can afford. I, personally, will cover the rest of the cost.”
Brad had heard enough. He hurried down to his room and started writing a letter.
It had been two months since Brad had sent his letter to Mr. Roarke, and he hadn’t heard back. He suspected that $47.75 just wasn’t enough to warrant having his fantasy fulfilled.
In the meantime, Mr. Tyler had received an offer of a job elsewhere, with a salary double that of his previous job. He was elated! The layoff had paid off!
In a week, some professional movers arrived. Within three hours, everything from the home was packed and into a Mayflower truck. Five hours after that, the family was on the way from the Kansas City airport to LAX (Los Angeles International).
Brad sat by the window looking out at the landscape below. He was frustrated. He’d hoped that if they ever moved, he would be able to become Brenda at their new home, but that wasn’t to be, apparently.
At LAX, the family transferred to a corporate jet, and took off. Now, all Brad had to look at was water below. He understood they were travelling to Hawaii, a place where none of them had been. It sounded like fun, but not nearly as much fun as if he could wear a two-piece swimsuit.
When the flight ended, the three were met by a man who couldn’t even be four feet tall. He was holding a sign as far above his head as he could, that read ‘William Tyler’.
They walked over to him and after introductions, where the little person said his name was Tattoo, they made their way to a limousine that took them to another part of Pearl City. There, they boarded a Grummon floatplane, and took off.
“Where are we going?” Bill asked the little man.
“The Boss doesn’t want me to disclose the actual location, but I can describe it.”
“Why can’t you tell us where we’re going,” Jeanna asked. “It doesn’t sound on the up and up if we aren’t to know where we’re going.”
“Oh, you’ve heard of the place, I can assure you. The best way I can describe it, is ‘Paradise.’”
Nothing more was said, and they flew on. Bill wondered where the money for his salary would come from. Was it legal? More importantly, was it moral? He knew that the place was a small, self-governed nation all to itself. Whatever business he would be working for might be legal there, but perhaps not elsewhere.
Finally, out of the starboard windows, they saw an island. Tattoo was right. It looked like paradise. They flew by a magnificent waterfall that went straight into the ocean in beautiful twin cascades. There were gorgeous palm trees all over, and were it not for the fact he knew this was an independent island, Bill would have thought it was one of the Hawaiian Islands.
The plane set down in a small lagoon, and coasted up to a dock. Only the four and the pilot were onboard, so as soon as the plane stopped and was tied to the dock, they exited.
Several women hurried up and placed a lei around each of their necks, and they walked up to a very dignified man with graying hair in a white tuxedo.
Another woman came up to them with a tray of drinks. Curiously, each was the favorite of the person who received it.
Tattoo hurried over to the side of the tall, dignified man.
The moment Brad saw the man, his mouth had dropped open in surprise. The gray haired man held up his own glass and said, “I am Mr. Roarke, your host. Welcome to Fantasy Island!”
The three entered one of the curious red vehicles that seemed to be the major source of transportation, and were driven to a bungalow not far from the main house, where Mr. Roarke lived. They had each brought a carryon and a suitcase, and they found them in their rooms, already unpacked. Their clothes were hung, and in drawers.
Jeanna found that the kitchen was strangely, stocked with their favorite foods, and that they had a person who would cook and clean each day for them. The only meal they needed to fix for themselves, was breakfast.
Mr. Roarke arrived after they had a chance to look at the bungalow, and the grounds. Bill found that the grounds were beautifully maintained, and he wondered why his own help was needed.
Mr. Roarke explained. “Mr. Lund, my groundskeeper, is retiring, after working here for over seventy years. He will ‘show you the ropes’ for two weeks, and then he will have his retirement party and officially end his duties here.”
“Seventy years. He must be in his nineties,” Bill commented.
Mr. Roarke smiled broadly. “One hundred, actually. Or he will turn that age on the day of his retirement.”
“And he’s still doing grounds keeping?” Jeanna was astonished.
“He enjoys it very much, Mrs. Tyler. I have offered him, many times, his retirement, but he has refused. He did not want to turn the grounds here over to just anyone, but when I showed him your husband’s resume, he agreed that he would be turning his hobby over to the best person he could.”
Bill was shaking his head. “There must be some mistake, Mr. Roarke. I’d love the job. This island is truly paradise, but… Well, the fact is, I never sent you a resume.”
“Oh, I assure you, Mr. Tyler. There is no mistake. Your resume arrived via Federal Express, from Independence Missouri, two weeks ago. I apologize for taking a bit of time to contact you, but, I'm sure you will understand; I had to check your references.”
“But I never sent a resume,” Bill insisted.
“Really? Isn’t that curious.” Mr. Roarke said, enigmatically.
The next day, Brad was looking around the 'town square' of the island. Strangely, there weren't any tourist shops or anything like that. As a matter of fact, there weren't any shops at all.
Oh, there was a restaurant, and a burger joint, but when he went in to get a pop, the man served up just what he wanted without even asking. Then, when Brad asked how much, the man looked strangely at him. "No charge," he said.
A little later, he wanted an ice cream cone, and spied a place to get one. They had exactly the flavor he was wanting, and again, it was no charge.
He was beginning to wonder what was going on, when he saw Mr. Roarke and Tattoo walking down the street.
Me. Roarke said something, and Tattoo hurried into the ice cream shop.
"Brad!" Me. Roarke said as if he was greeting a long lost friend.
"Hello, Sir," the youngster responded.
"You are probably wondering why I didn't answer your letter."
"I figured you had more important things to tend to," Brad said with a shrug.
"More important than the well being of an eleven-year-old girl," the distinguished man said gravely. "I think not."
Brad started to nod, then what Mr. Roarke said hit him. “You called me a girl!”
“So I did. Brenda. You wanted a fantasy where you are Brenda for two days. I will give you the opportunity to be Brenda for two weeks.”
He watched as the child’s face showed, wonder, then joy, then fear.
“You are afraid?” Mr. Roarke observed.
“I don’t know how my parents will let me dress up as a girl for two weeks. I’m not even sure they would have allowed it for a weekend.” He sighed heavily.
“You misunderstand. You will not dress as Brenda for two weeks. You will be Brenda for two weeks. Here, on Fantasy Island, your dreams become real. Whether that be for the good or for the bad. And, once a fantasy begins, it must run to its inevitable conclusion. There is no turning back.”
He stood up straight and spoke in more clipped words. “You have a choice. You can have what you’ve always wanted for two weeks, or you may choose not to. Your choice will not affect your father’s position here on the island. That is secure as he is the best person for the job. The best in the world, from what I’ve been able to ascertain, and not very much escapes me.”
“If you should choose not to take your fantasy, that is your choice. I do not judge the choices a person makes. Understand, however, that your fantasy is what you make of it.” He took on that look that was hard to distinguish. “Whether good or bad.”
“You said I’ll be Brenda for two weeks?”
“Yes. You will actually be your feminine self.”
“What will my parents say?”
“Oh, I doubt they’ll say anything about it.”
“Won’t they notice that I’m a girl?”
“Most assuredly. It will be impossible to miss.”
“I don’t get it. They’ve never given me a chance to be Brenda. My dad doesn’t think his job depends on it, does he?” Brad asked, suddenly suspicious.
“Your Father doesn’t know anything about your fantasy.”
“Then how will they allow it?”
Again, Mr. Roarke took on the grave countenance. “What is reality, and what is fantasy sometimes coincide. That is a decision you have to make.”
Brad seemed to come to a decision. “What do I have to do?” he asked.
Mr. Roarke smiled kindly. “Enter your bungalow through the back door. That will begin your fantasy.”
“What? Just go in through the back door?”
“That is all.”
“All right. I just thought there would be a makeover or something.”
“As I said, you will be Brenda. Not just look like Brenda.”
Brad nodded, as Mr. Roarke held out his hand. “For now, I say goodbye to a boy. The next time we meet, I expect you shall be a girl.”
Brad watched as the man in the white tuxedo met his diminutive assistant coming out of the ice cream shop. Tattoo handed him a cone as white as his tux, and they headed off the way they’d come.
Brad stood in the back of the bungalow. He could hear his mom and dad talking inside, and he was frightened. As much as Mr. Roarke said his parents wouldn’t say a word about it, how could he guarantee that? He didn’t control someone’s mind. Did he? And how could he say that Brad would spend two weeks as Brenda. Being Brenda? It didn’t make sense.
He turned and started to walk around the house, but then he stopped. What if Mr. Roarke was right? What if his parents didn’t mention it? Could he turn down the opportunity to be herself, if only for two weeks?
He walked back to the lanai and listened again. His dad was talking about what he and Mr. Roarke had discussed. He sounded pleased, but he wasn’t really listening to the words.
Brad took a deep breath, and stepped into the bungalow.
“Hi, Brenda!” her mom called when she saw her enter.
“Hi, Bren!” her dad called. “What have you been doing?”
Brenda looked down at her body. She felt her hair brush her neck, and could see it on each side of her face as she looked down at a pink t-shirt, white shorts and white running shoes.
She looked back at her parents who seemed to see nothing out of the ordinary, except their daughter not answering.
“You okay?” Bill asked. “You’re usually bubbling over with talk,” he said as he grinned at her. Now you’re speechless?”
“It’s quite the place,” Brenda said, in wonder.
“Yeah, it is. You know, Mr. Roarke says there’s very little reason for money here. Everything is provided for us. There’s a nominal fee, but whatever we need is provided. It’s only the extras that we have to pay for.”
“What’s the catch?” asked Brenda.
“Honestly, I don’t think there is one,” Bill told her. He shook his head in wonder. “It seems as though everything is on the up and up.”
Brenda lay in bed that night, wondering what was going on. She had been a boy outside the bungalow, and then she was a girl when she walked inside.
She had checked. She was actually a girl!
Her parents had not seemed to have noticed anything out of the ordinary. They accepted her as if it was perfectly normal that they have a daughter than a son.
She was very confused. How long she lay unable to sleep was anyone’s guess, but she decided she liked the situation.
In the morning, she made her way to a playground not far from the bungalow. There were several kids playing there, and she wondered where they’d come from. She hadn’t seen them the day before.
She was enjoying some time on a swing when she saw a girl about her age sitting on a park bench at the edge of the playground. She stopped the swing, and got off. She observed the girl for a little while, as surreptitiously as she could. She saw that the girl appeared normal enough, but didn’t seem to have any friends to play with. There were lots of kids around, but the girl was just watching and making no move to join them.
Brenda walked over and sat down beside the girl. She looked at Brenda and gave a shy smile, but didn’t say anything. They watched the kids playing for a bit, then Brenda broke the silence.
“I’m Brenda. What’s your name?”
“Julie,” came the response.
“Do you live here?” Brenda wondered.
“No, I’m just visiting. My dad is… a very important individual, and we’re here on… business.”
Julie had dark hair, and what Brenda would consider to be an exotic look. She also spoke with a light, but definite accent. She was obviously not American. She seemed to search for words at times, so it was doubtful that English was her first language.
“So where are you from?” Brenda wondered.
“I’m from Spain,” Julie told her.
“Julie is a funny name for a Spanish person,” Brenda observed, then put her hand over her mouth, hoping she hadn’t offended the dark haired girl beside her.
Julie giggled. “You are American, correct?”
“Yes,” Brenda said, red faced.
“Julie is, how do you say… The Americanized version of my name, Julia.” She pronounced it more like Hu-lya than the movie star, Mz. Roberts, did her name.
“Well, I’m pleased to meet you, Julie,” Brenda said, glad that Julie didn’t take offense at her faux pas.
“Likewise, Brenda,” Julie said. They smiled at each other, pleased with their new friendship.
Over the next few days, the girls met and played together, sometimes in the playground, and sometimes exploring. Brenda was surprised to find that the palm trees were mainly around the shores of the island, which was obviously of volcanic origin. As one got higher into the hills, the palms gave way to other types of trees, including the occasional evergreens.
It was on one of these ventures up into the hills, that they sat down on a ledge that gave them an excellent view of the Pacific. “How long are you here for?” Brenda asked.
“Just a few more days. Then, I have to go back to my father’s… business.”
Brenda had noticed the hesitation many times in the last few days. Everytime Julie spoke of her father’s business, it was always with hesitation, as if she really wanted to call it something else.
“Don’t you like your dad’s business?” Brenda asked.
“Please don’t misunderstand me, Brenda. I like his business. It has provided everything I have ever needed, for my entire life. It is just not what one would generally consider a business, I suppose.”
“What’s he do?” Brenda asked, extremely curious.
Jule sighed. “I’d rather not say right now.” She lay back on the grass and let the warm sunshine caress her face. “I just want to enjoy my time here, with a very special friend.”
Brenda also lay back and closed her eyes. She could see the beauty of just leaning back and enjoying the wonder of being a girl.
On their way down from the ledge, Brenda asked, “Are you going to be at Mr. Lund’s retirement party?”
“I’ve heard of it, but I don’t think my father will allow me to go.”
“Why?” Brenda was shocked.
Julie made a face. “Even though I’m only twelve, he wants me to get my childhood behind me and become an adult.”
“What’s childish about going to someone’s retirement party?”
“My father considers many people to be beneath our family. I do not, but he has been raised to view others like that.”
“What’s the difference in your upbringing?” Brenda asked, scrunching up her face, trying to understand.
“My mother. She doesn’t approve of my father’s views on social status.” She shook her head. “They love each other very much, which is sometimes not the way with people of their importance, but they don’t view everything the same.”
The next day, Julie informed her that she was not allowed to go to Mr. Lund’s party as she came out of the villa that they were using. Brenda was furious. It was in three more days, and it would be the last time that they would see each other. She wanted to spend it with her friend, and make it something special for Julie before they both left.
She stormed past Julie and into the study where Julie’s father sat, a couple of aides pointing to documents on the desk.
“You! You selfish pig! You think your family is superior to everyone else! But you can’t even take the time to see what your daughter wants. I’d hate to be at your high status!”
She turned and stomped out. She and Julie linked arms, and were starting to run down the path to the gate, when a voice called from behind them. “Julia!” It wasn’t her father, but an aide. “You are to return to the villa.” He stayed facing Brenda as Julie slowly made her way up the path. “She won’t be seeing you again, Miss Tyler.” Then, he turned and stormed back into the villa.
Brenda was very unhappy the last three days of her two weeks. She didn’t want to attend Mr. Lund’s party, but for her father, she did. She had to admit, it was interesting. There were many children there, and each obviously knew and respected the old man.
Near the end of the party, she noticed that Mr. Roarke had sat down on the perimeter of the party. Their eyes locked for a moment, and she knew he wanted to speak to her.
Brenda slowly made her way over. He looked deeply into her eyes. “And so comes the end of your fantasy,” he said as she sat down beside him. “You’re crying.”
She sniffled and nodded. “I don’t want it to end.”
“With all that has happened, you don’t want to escape this?”
“Mr. Roarke, I’ve felt more alive in these last two weeks than I ever have before.” She stopped to try and gather her thoughts. “I don’t like the events of the last few days, but at least I’ve been me. Not some boy who shouldn’t exist.”
“But you’ve been a boy your entire life,” the distinguished gentleman observed.
She shook her head and fingered her party dress. “No. I’ve been this girl all the time. I’ve just been too scared to show it.”
“See the retirement gift I give to my employees when they have done an incredible job, as Mr. Lund has. He is about to receive it.”
As they watched, the ancient, bent man walked between two tiki torches, and over to a rose bush. He gently touched a bloom, and it seemed as though he was standing straighter. We walked a few more feet, and bent down to smell an orange lily. His features broke into a huge grin at the fragrance, and when he stood up, his hair was darker than it had been. He continued walking toward a far set of torches, and as he did, his age seemed to melt away, until he seemed to be eighty years younger than he had just a few minutes before.
“When people retire, I give them their dearest fantasy to live out for the rest of their lives.” He smiled and waved to his old friend, who was waving to him. “Mr. Lund has just started his.”
“What is it?”
“Everyone’s fantasy is their own, Brenda.”
She watched as Mr. Lund disappeared from view as his dearest fantasy started. She looked down at herself. “This is my dearest fantasy, Mr. Roarke.”
“Are you sure it’s your fantasy?” he asked, looking at her penetratingly. “You said that you’ve been Brenda all along, but were too scared to show it.”
She nodded, and a tear escaped her eye.
He continued. “I will tell you something that I never speak about, but I feel may help you come to an understanding of yourself.”
She looked up at him curiously.
“Many, many years ago, I was full of pride, and followed someone I shouldn’t have. As full of pride as I was, he was ten times; no, a hundred times more so. But we never took into account what we knew. We could never have what we so desperately wanted.”
“So I can’t have this?” Brenda asked.
“That is not what I’m saying at all. We wanted power for ourselves. We had no intention of helping others.” He pointed at her, “You have displayed a willingness to risk yourself to help your friends. Mephistophiles had no friends, nor did I. We didn’t know what to do with friends.”
He smiled at her, the most genuine smile she’d ever seen. “I hope you consider me a friend, as I consider you one.”
She looked at him in astonishment, wondering where he was leading with this, but shocked that he considered her a friend.
“Julie is actually Prince Jules. You have no doubt heard of him.”
She gasped. She had! And she had become her, or his, or… She was confused.
“It made no difference to you who her father was. You knew he had power, but not how much. You simply wanted him to realize what a wonderful daughter he has. You put yourself at risk for a friend.”
She just stared.
“I can see in you that had you known who Julie is, you still would have made the same choice. It may have taken more deliberation on your part, but it would have happened.”
Brenda nodded slowly.
He laughed, something he rarely did. “I said everyone’s fantasy is their own, but I’m now going to tell you what Julie’s fantasy was. She wanted her father to know her. Just as you wanted your parents to know you.” He took on his aristocratic air. “Putting you two in each other’s fantasies was an obvious choice. You have been employed as a part of each other’s fantasy. Now, you retire.”
“No!” She said with vehemence. “I wasn’t employed. I was, and am a friend.”
“But in retiring from my employ, you receive your dearest fantasy for the rest of your life.”
“I understand, Mr. Roarke. But you told me that you’re a friend, and you want me to be your friend. Well, if I was to take my ultimate fantasy under false pretences, I wouldn’t be a very good friend, would I?”
He nodded. “The truest type of friend. Very well. It is time for reality to reassert itself.” His speaking became much more upbeat. “However, before it does, I would like you to meet someone.” He pointed to a man who stood off to one side, as if waiting for an introduction.
The man walked up to them, and held out his hand to Mr. Roarke. “Sir,” he said. He turned to an astonished Brenda and took her hand, and kissed it. “Miss Tyler.” This man was a monarch! He was the single most important person in his country! He was Julie's father, and the last time she’d seen him, she had called him a pig!
“I would like to explain something to you,” he told her as he sat next to her.
“First, Diego, the aide who determined you would not see Julie again, has been relieved of his duties, and will not be in my service again. That is something I can guarantee, much better than he can the actions of my daughter.”
“Julie told me you don’t like...” She searched for the correct word. “Commoners?”
“Unfortunately, Julia sees what my aides want her to see.” He sighed. “Diego is the worst, but he’s not the only one. Many shall no longer work in my home, or government. What you said, made me see what they were doing to Julio.”
He glanced at Mr. Roarke. “I see my son’s fantasy is complete.”
“Is it, your highness?”
The king shook his head, and chuckled. “No, it is not.” He turned to Brenda. “Young lady, Julio’s fantasy was to make a friend who liked him only for himself. Because of his status… as my son, not misplaced social status, he needed to be disguised.” His smile was completely genuine as he said, “You have become that friend. I hope that you can forgive me and remain that friend. Perhaps allow him to visit you in the future, and visit him as well.”
She nodded, astonished, as he took her hand once more and kissed it. Then, he stood and gave a quick bow. “Good evening, Miss Tyler. Mr. Roarke.”
When he was gone, Brenda said to Mr. Roarke, “You said my fantasy was ending.”
She sat still for several moments, then asked. “When?”
“Oh, it already has. It ended at the same moment Julio’s did.” he told her, beaming.
“I don’t understand.”
“You have said that you are really Brenda, but have been too afraid to tell others. You have successfully overcome that fear, in how you dealt with a monarch, albeit unwittingly.”
He watched her face as she began to understand.
“You understand now, Brenda. The unreality is over. The reality… Has begun.”
The End – for us. Not for Brenda.
As is probably apparent to many of you, but I’m sure not all, this is a one-off fanfiction of Fantasy Island, of which I own no part. (gotta do the standard disclaimer)
When I was a kid, Fantasy Island was something I always wished was real, for obvious reasons. Thus, this story has been sitting on my to do list for quite some time.
Ricardo Montalbahn was quoted as saying that he played Mr. Roarke as a fallen angel, and in fact, there were two episodes where Mephistophiles made an appearance. It was never definitively stated who or what Mr. Roarke was, but he was supposedly extremely old (In one episode he met a woman he was friends with, but she died 300 years ago).
May your fantasy come true!
The Devil’s Due
Burgess Meredith Phillips was piloting the plane to the island that fateful day. He had been one of the two pilots taking people to and from the island for several years now. This, however, was a different sort of passenger. Not only was it rare that only one passenger was aboard, but this woman was incredibly beautiful and sexy.
He hadn’t asked her name as she boarded the Grumman Widgeon. He wanted to, but as always, he hadn’t had the guts to do so. In fact, any sort of conversation was impossible, as he was completely dumbstruck by her.
In all fairness, however, he already knew the name of the young woman. She was Cherisse Howell; singer, dancer, and actress. She had it all, including, any man she wanted.
Whatever anyone thought of her morals, however, she was extremely talented.
He came in close to the island, as he always did, showing the paradise that was known as Fantasy Island. It was incredible. The lush vegetation, the black obsidiaon on the shores, and the beautiful waterfalls cascading off the cliffs.
Jess, as Captain Phillips was known, was looking forward to the next two weeks. He had paid a discounted price just for the time on the island, no fantasy involved. He had told Mr. Roarke that he hoped to finally be able to build up enough courage to speak to a woman and perhaps get to know her.
If this is any indication, that probably won’t happen, he reflected about the completely silent flight, as he lined up the plane to land in the lagoon. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find anyone.
Mr. Roarke and his assistant, Tattoo, got out of their respective red vehicles and took up their regular spot where they always welcomed new arrivals.
“Smiles, Everyone! Smiles!” Mr. Roarke urged the throng of greeters, just as he always did.
“Who’s she, Boss?” Tattoo asked as an absolutely gorgeous woman exited the plane. She was wearing a pink dress that left little to the imagination up top. As she moved through the path from he plane, her walk was absolutely seductive -- Tattoo was completely in love.
“That is Ms. Cherisse Howell, Tattoo,” Mr. Roarke explained. “She was once an average person; absolutely nothing special. But then, she made a deal that gave her fame, and fortune. Everything she thought she would ever want. The deal is almost up, and before it is time to pay, she wishes to spend three days as her real self. She has found that her success is not what fulfills her, but has to pay the price.”
As Cherisse entered the open ground, a lei was placed around her neck, and a drink pushed into her hand. She glanced around, and was thrilled with the island. The lush flora around her was obviously well maintained. The groundskeeper here must be absolutely incredible, she thought.
She took a sip of the drink she’d been given, and was shocked. A Sea Breeze Cocktail! Her favorite drink for such an occasion! How would anyone here know? she wondered.
She looked to the tall, dignified, gray haired man in the white suit. Beside him was a cherubic man who seemed to be under four feet tall. The tall man had a drink, while the short one did not. The seemed to be conversing, but she couldn’t hear what was being said.
Suddenly, the tall man held up his drink. With a smile on his face, he proclaimed; “Ms. Howell; I am Mr. Roarke, your host. Welcome to Fantasy Island!”
It was a short time later that Ms. Howell met with Mr. Roarke in his office.
“Why do you wish to spend time as your old self? You have everything you’ve ever wished for,” the dignified man said.
“Really?” she scoffed, her voice raised. “You think so, Mr. Roarke?”
She sat down in the wicker chair across the desk from him, and even that movement, while she seemed frustrated and defeated, was somehow sexy. Mr. Roarke narrowed his eyes, studying her carefully.
“Do you know what Cherisse Howell means?” Her voice was still dripping with sarcasm. “It means Beloved Imminent. As if being wealthy and famous were the most important thing.”
“But surely when you made your deal, that’s what you thought.”
“Exactly, but I was wrong!” She spoke so vehemently that she had to stand and step toward his desk, as if to accentuate her speech.
“And who did you make your deal with, Ms. Howell.”
She looked downward in shame, and spoke so silently that he didn’t hear her. He didn’t need to. He’d researched everything, and knew, but he wanted to see how determined she really was.”
“I’m sorry, Ms. Howell. Can you speak louder?”
“Satan,” she finally managed, after two failed attempts.
He nodded. “I see. So you wish to be your real self, once more before he... claims you?” It was more of a statement than a question.
She didn’t try to speak again, but nodded, tears in her eyes.
He didn’t say anything, but stood waiting for her to finish her story. Finally, she looked up, pleading. “I used to be male, Mr. Roarke. I didn’t ask for this change, she said as she gestured at her body. My personality changed as well as my body.” She took a gasping breath before continuing. “I can’t help but dress in the sexiest clothes, and I always have to be as sexy and sultry as I can.” She paused, obviously reluctant to say any more. Finally, after another shuddering inhale; “And I can’t help but go to bed with anyone who wants to. It’s like being a whore is programmed into me.”
She shook her head, trying to clear it. “It’s got to be better than this, Mr. Roarke. I end up going to bed with people I’ve never met before, just because I can.” She pointed at her head. “Up here, I know it’s wrong, but here (she indicated the rest of her body), I can’t stop things.”
For a moment, Mr. Roarke thought she was about to cry, but she stopped herself.
“Me not liking who I was, drove me to this contract. What I didn’t realize was that it was who I should be.”
He seemed to consider, then finally said, “Very well.” He gestured behind him at a door on the wall behind him and on his left. “Walk through that door, and your fantasy will begin.”
She looked at the door in disbelief. It was that simple? Walk through the door and she would be George Purcell again?
She gave Mr. Roarke a questioning look. He gave a broad smile and gestured once more at the door.
She took a faltering step, not sure what would happen, and fearful that her wish wouldn’t be granted. But she sped up as she got close to the realization of her dream, until finally she was almost running in her four inch heels.
She opened the door wide, and looked through it. All she could see was a patio with an umbrella table sitting in the middle of it, around which several more wide backed wicker chairs sat. She looked once more at Mr. Roarke who was still smiling at her, his hands folded across his stomach as he looked reassuring. She turned back to the doorway and stepped through.
Jess Phillips looked around at the interior of his bungalow. It was comparatively as nice as his home in Honolulu, but here things were much quieter. To be fair, his house was on the hillside overlooking most of the city, but the sounds of the city always came up the hill to assail his ears. It wasn’t a megalopolis, but still had in excess of a million people in the municipality.
His fantasy, had he requested it, would have been to meet the woman of his dreams. He had felt a pull toward the woman on the plane, but he had been so afraid to blow it that he was unable to even speak to her beyond a shakey “Hello,” as she got on the plane. She had given him a sultry smile, but nothing beyond that.
He seriously hoped he could see her again and build up the courage to talk to her.
Cherise found herself in a bedroom, and it was decorated as if for a woman. She looked down at her body and found that she was still a woman. Looking around, she found that she liked the decor of the room, and started walking again.
She almost sprained her ankle as she took a step. She stopped and wondered, “What the heck?” She’d been wearing high heels for the last ten years. Nothing shorter than four inch, and almost all, spikes. She’d never had a problem with them in all that time.
The only time she didn’t wear heels was when she was playing a role for a movie that required she wear something else. Not that she took a role like that often. Usually, her roles had her as a classy lady all the time.
She took another step, very carefully, and was okay, but for the first time in a long time, she decided she didn’t need to be wearing heels and bent down to take them off.
She kicked the shoes toward the closet, and walked the rest of the way with no problem. In fact, she revelled in the fact that she was able to stretch her calves. The last time she wore flat shoes was for a movie that had her in casual clothes for much of the time, and she hated the feeling of not being dressed as sexy as she could be.
Looking in the closet, she found the clothes she’d brought to the island. There was very little. She’d assumed that she would be wearing men’s clothing for the duration, and what she’d brought of that wasn’t in evidence. There was a dress that she’d planned on wearing when she left the island, and it clearly said ‘slut’.
Alongside the one dress, were many more articles of clothing, that were incredibly more modest. She picked up a dress and admired it, but she really wanted some pants. She didn’t see any, but the sundress she was holding looked great when she held it up to herself.
Looking in the mirror, she decided something simply didn’t look right. It was her makeup! She pulled off what she was wearing, and went over to the vanity.
Her makeup was there, and she removed what she was wearing. She put on something much more subtle, then slipped on the dress. Returning to the closet, she found a pair of flats that would complement the dress and slipped her bear feet into them.
It felt incredible to have bare legs that the dress could caress. The last time she had worn a dress like this was in a movie. She had hated the feeling, but now... It was wonderful! She loved the feeling of being a woman who was more relaxed, but this wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted to be George Purcell!
She made her way out of the bedroom, into the rest of the bungalow. It was beautiful! The decor throughout the house was Victorian, which she had always loved, and distinctly feminine, which she found calming.
But it wasn’t what she’d wanted! She almost sat down to take in the feelings, and the beauty of the place, but she needed to talk to Mr. Roarke. Reluctantly, she left the bungalow, saw the main house not far away, and stormed toward it.
Jess sat down at an open air cafe. The cost of food and drink was included in the price of his vacation, so he had asked for, and received a bacon cheeseburger and fries. He looked around, and it seemed that most of the patrons were eating things more exotic. Oh well, he figured. Exotic food wasn’t really his fare, although he might try some later.
He saw the beautiful woman, Cherisse Howell, from the plane walk by. She looked very determined, and was walking very quickly toward the main house. He wondered if there was something wrong. If there was, he didn’t know which one he sympathised with more. Her or Mr. Roarke. Cherisse was said to have a terrible temper if she was crossed. But, Mr. Roarke had a very powerful personality, and he had never heard of anyone getting the best of him.
He watched as she stormed through the front door. He had seen Mr. Roarke leave the house earlier and leave the small town in one of his curious red vehicles, so he doubted that now was her time to complain.
As he suspected, she soon exited the house, and looked around. Spotting the cafe he was at, she walked over and asked for a fruit salad and some iced tea. Once she received it, she looked around for a place to sit. There was none, and he surprised himself by beckoning her over.
She seemed reluctant, but moved over and sat down. He didn’t know how to respond to the fact that she ws dressed much more conservatively than she had been on the plane. She wasn’t exuding sexiness as she had been before, but she seemed to be much more human. After she sat down, she seemed to relax almost immediately.
She held out her hand and introduced herself. “I’m Georgene Purcell, and you are?”
“I’m Burgess Meredith Phillips, although most of my friends call me Jess. I was the pilot of the plane that brought you here.”
“Yes, I remember... Jess.”
Their conversation flowed, and they talked together for over three hours. Until, she saw Mr. Roarke returning to his house.
She excused herself, and got up. She marched up to Mr. Roarke, who greeted her warmly.
“What is going on, Mr. Roarke?” she exploded when she stood toe to toe with the distinguished man. She felt ridiculous standing in front of him, yelling, but was known to have a temper and it definitely showed at the moment.
“I don’t understand,” Mr. Roarke told her.
“This is not what I paid for! I told you I wanted to be myself for this fantasy!”
“Perhaps we should go to my office and discuss this,” he said mildly.
“Why not talk here, so people will know how you screwed up?”
“Are you certain that I was the one who, as you crudely put it, screwed up?” he asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Well, I certainly didn’t,” she was more furious now than before, but kept her voice very quiet as she drew her five and a quarter feet up as high as she could. It was still no match for Mr. Roarke’s six feet even, but the posturing was not lost on the others around who were now watching them.
“Didn’t you,” he said quietly. Curiously, it was a statement of fact, rather than a question, as if he knew something she didn’t. Suddenly, he was quite animated. “You said, you wanted to be your, how did you put it in your letter? Oh yes. Own self. I have made you your true self. This is who you are.”
“I’m still...” She didn’t want to say the name aloud and have a mob on her hands. “Her!”
“No, Georgene. You are not. You have none of the compulsions you had as her.” He drew himself up to his full height. “As compensation for what you deem as an incorrect fulfillment of your fantasy, I give you the entire week, rather than three days. Until the contract with him is due. You see, I have limited ability in this situation. I can make you as you are, but I cannot make you as you were.”
“Why not?” she hissed.
“Certainly, you realize that I cannot break the contract you made with him.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that when I asked for my fantasy then?”
“I didn’t tell you that, because it made no difference to your fantasy.”
“It certainly did!”
He shook his head. “No, Georgene. It did not. Have you never wondered why you were so despondent before you made your deal? It had nothing to do with fame and fortune. It had everything to do with who you were.” He abruptly changed his demeanor again. “I will not speak of this anymore unless we reconvene in my office.” He paused. “For your sake.”
“I have no wish to talk to you anymore.”
“Very well, Miss Purcell. I hope we can meet again before we must deal with Mephistophiles.”
“We? I’ll handle it myself, thank you.”
He nodded his head slightly, and then she left. She saw Jess sitting at the table where she had left him, and rejoined him. He diplomatically didn’t inquire what the argument had been about, and they enjoyed each other’s company for the evening, even getting dinner later.
Jess tried some calimari, and Georgene decided to have something she hadn’t for many years; a bacon cheeseburger and fries.
The next day, Georgene made her way to Mr. Roarke’s office, but once again, he wasn’t there. She really wanted to ask him what he didn’t want to speak of, but alas...
She went over to the cafe, and enjoyed a breakfast of toast and mangos, which she always loved. She sat where she could see the main house when he arrived, but he surprised her by walking up behind her, and bidding her good morning.
She jumped at the sound of his voice, and spun around in her chair. With him was Jess. “Good morning, Georgene,” the pilot said to her.
“Mr. Roarke. Jess.”
“May we adjourn to my office, Miss Purcell?”
She was reluctant, but she stood. Mr. Roarke gestured for her to lead the way, and she headed toward the house. Jess stayed at the table and ordered a breakfast.
They entered the enigmatic man’s office, and Georgene sat down. She appeared antsy, and kept looking to the window. She couldn’t see Jess from where she sat, but the pull was strong.
“You seem interested in Mr. Phillips,” Roarke commented.
“I think that’s my business, Mr. Roarke,” she told him in no uncertain terms.
“Yes, it is, but as the owner of this island and the one charged to fulfill your fantasy, it is my business as well.”
She had turned back to the window, but at his words, her head snapped around. She stared at him, uncertain how to respond. Finally, she said, “It seems I was the one charged.”
He smiled. “Oh certainly you were charged. My meaning, however, had nothing to do with money. You put me in charge of fulfilling your fantasy. I mean to do just that.”
“But...” she began.
“Ms. Purcell. Let us cease dancing around the obvious. Before you entered into that contract, you were transgender. If you look deeply into your heart, you will see that is true. Right now, you are displaying an interest in Mr. Phillips. While you have female hormones in your body, your personality... your essence... is back to normal.” He took on an air of seriousness. “You have accused me of not fulfilling your fantasy, yet in actuality, I have, just as you requested. You are now more yourself than you have ever been.”
She thought of how she felt before her foolish request to Satan. Then, how she felt when she realized she had become female. There was a moment of panic at her change, but when she realized she acted as if she had always been female, the panic was replaced with euphoria – until she found that her compulsions were of a seductive nymphomaniac. She would bed any man, no matter who he was – it disgusted her, but she couldn’t stop.
“When you signed the contract, was there any mention of extreme seduction. Of nymphomania?”
The question threw her for a moment, then shamefacedly, she admitted. “I didn’t see any, but I didn’t read the contract as carefully as I should have.”
“I agree, but it would have made no difference if you had.” He reached into the top drawer of his desk and pulled out a familiar legal document. “I have here, the contract that you signed with the devil.” At her shocked face, he told her, “I assure you it is truly the contract you were given.” He continued, reprimanding her. “You need to take care what you sign, young lady. The contract I had you sign gave my assistant, Tattoo, your power of attorney. Specifically to open your safe deposit box.”
“But I...” She was aghast, but realized he was right. She hadn’t read that contract through either. “You said it wouldn’t have made any difference had I read my contract with Satan through?”
“No. The seductive traits and nymphomania were not mentioned. However, Satan assumed complete power over your actions. In essence, he took possession. Such is the nature of his contracts with people.”
“You seem to know a lot of how he operates,” Georgene commented. “Perhaps you can explain why he made me female if I was transgender anyway. That seems as though it would defeat his purpose.”
He seemed to weigh her strength with his eyes, then told her, “Contracts with him are non-binding. So much of what he promises is lie. Oh, he uses truth, certainly, but he twists it – doesn’t explain it.”
“So why?”
“Because he didn’t want you to realize that he was not fulfilling the contract. You had to believe that the depression was gone so he could take possession of you.”
“Wait... you said the contract isn’t binding!”
“No. It isn’t. It is full of lies. He promised you happiness until the end. He did not fulfill his part of the agreement.” He looked out the window, and smiled. “And now, my dear, a young man is waiting for you at the cafe. He certainly has tenacity.”
She stood and held out her hand as if to shake his. Instead, he took her hand, turned it, and gracefully kissed it. Then he gave her a stiff bow. “I told you that I would allow you the full week. I will keep my promise, and at the end of that week, we will meet with Mephistopheles – together.”
With a light heart, she made her way to the cafe, where Jess was waiting. At her approach, he stood and when she arrived, took her outstretched hand, and he too showed his gentle-manliness by kissing it.
They both sat and enjoyed each other’s company for the rest of the day.
The next day, Jess and Georgene packed up a picnic basket and made their way to the top of a volcano that they were assured was extinct It was very similar to the volcanos in Hawaii, and had a deep crater behind them, but they were more interested in the view of the populated area of the island spread out in front of them. Surprisingly, there wasn’t a lot of it that could be seen. Again, the groundskeeper appeared to have done a remarkable job in camoflaging the buildings. Much of the area that they knew to be populated appeared to be virgin ground, where nobody had ever set foot.
After they ate their meal, Georgene moved over to Jess and leaned against him with her head on his chest. After awhile, she asked him, “What was your fantasy?”
He chuckled a bit and then explained. “I’m one of the two pilots who fly people to the island. Mr. Roarke allowed me to come here, simply on vacation. I get a week. I almost asked for a fantasy, but It wasn’t really something I could afford.
“What would your fantasy have been?” Georgene asked.
Again, he chuckled. “To meet the woman of my dreams. I’ve never been good with women.”
“It seems to me you’re doing okay,” she told him. “By the way. Georgene is kind of an out-of-date name. Could you call me Gina from now on?”
“I think that’s very fitting, Gina,” he replied, then he gently touched her chin and lifted her face so he could kiss her.
His kiss shocked her. It felt like an incredibly powerful shock. Almost like she imagined being struck by lightning would be.
The rest of the week, Gina and Jess spent every moment in each other’s company, until the day Gina’s future would be decided.
At the stroke of midnight, Mephistopheles appeared in Mr. Roarke’s office. Gina was seated facing the island’s owner, fidgeting, while the gentleman was behind his desk, looking over the contract one last time.
“How touching,” the devil said as he saw what Mr. Roarke was doing. “Trying to find a way out of the contract? I assure you that it’s airtight.”
“Oh?” Mr. Roarke said. “I don’t see it that way.”
Mephistopheles gave an evil grin. “I assure you, Roarke. This one is airtight.”
“Oh, it would be airtight, had you done your part, but we both know; you didn’t.”
The grin faded from Satan’s face, and a look of rage assumed its place. “Are you accusing me of lying?”
Roarke laughed in derision, then his face took on a grim countenance. “You never learn, Mephistopheles. You never learn. Of course I am. And you know you did.”
“I followed the contact as written!”
“No. You did not. You included the phrase, ‘fame and fortune to give the client happiness for the duration of the contract.’”
“I gave her fame and fortune to give her happiness. That she wasn’t happy was not my fault! She could have been happy!”
“You took the very thing you knew would have given happiness to her, and turned it into something evil for her. It disgusted her.”
“That isn’t my fault!”
“Yes. It is. What you refuse to aknowledge is that you lie, and omit part of the truth in each of your contracts, which renders each one useless. She has recognized this, and she orders you to be gone.”
“I don’t take orders from her, or from you, Roarke.” He spat out the last phrase.
“Shall we call someone whose orders you will take?”
Suddenly, the angry visage of Satan showed fear. He started to fade, and as he did so, he intoned, in a booming voice, “Very well. But do not play with me, Roarke. You have succeeded here, but never again. I will defeat you!” And then, he was gone.
Mr. Roarke stared at where he had stood for a long moment, then said, “That too, is a lie.”
It was time for Gina to leave the island. The red car picked her up at her bungalow, and she reluctantly got in. At Mephistophiles’ disappearance from Mr. Roarke’s office, she had reverted to being male. Thankfully, the clothes she had been wearing were able to stretch enough for her new frame.
She definitely didn’t want Jess to see her, however. She looked very different than who she’d been throughout the week. She was sorry that she’d be leaving without saying goodbye, but it was probably for the best.
She arrived at the dock, looking different than how she had during the week, but still feminine. She walked up to Mr. Roarke. “I want to thank you, Mr. Roarke. I wouldn’t have had the guts to face up to him on my own,” she said, referring to Satan. “I would have believed him when he said the contract was airtight.”
“Never believe anything he says, Ms. Purcell. He says nothing but half truths and lies. He passes himself off as an Angel of Light, but that not in his being. He has no soul as you do – no love of others. You must learn to trust what is true and right.”
She smiled, and Mr. Roarke saw that when she did, her face as beautiful as it had been as Cherisse Howell. She looked positively radiant. “Thank you for everything,” she said as she turned toward where the plane sat.
She walked up to the open door and stepped inside. Suddenly, Mr. Roarke heard an exclamation from inside. “Jess!”
Mr. Roarke smiled as he turned toward his topless station wagon. He could faintly hear the conversation from inside the plane as he sat down. He held up his hand to keep his driver from starting the engine.
“There’s an empty seat beside me, Gina,” he heard the pilot say.
There wasn’t any reply, but he saw Gina move forward in the plane and take a seat beside the pilot. Her pilot.
The door to the plane shut, and he couldn’t hear any more.
Oh well. He had an idea what the flight back to Hawaii would be like. Before the meeting with the devil, he had met with Jess. He had explained about Gina. Who she was, and what was about to happen.
As soon as he realized that Gina’s fantasy was over, Jess decided to spend the rest of his vacation in Hawaii, where he knew Gina would take more time recovering from Cherisse.
“She will need confirmation that she is, indeed, a woman,” Mr. Roarke told him. “An exquisite woman, who can be loved. Whether you fill the role of the one who loves her, is up to you. I think you will make the right choice, though. You’re a man of honor, and loyalty. You see people for what they are.”
Jess had nodded his agreement.
Mr. Roarke suspected that he hadn’t seen the last of Gina Purcell. Well, perhaps he had. He might see Gina Phillips in the future, however.
It had been a busy day for Timmy and Lassie. They had been out, running and playing around the farm. Lassie had been keeping a sharp eye on the boy, and had already stopped him from throwing rocks at both a hornet’s nest, and a skunk.
He had wanted to cross Old Man Whither’s bull pasture, but again the faithful collie had stopped him. Now, however, she had failed in her protection.
It really wasn’t her fault, however. A dog has to rest sometimes, and Timmy was always getting into trouble. ALWAYS!!!
Lassie had allowed her attention to wander for just ten seconds, and the stupid child had found a well! ANOTHER WELL! This was number six hundred ninety seven that the brat had fallen into, and she was getting tired of it.
She looked around for something to drop into the well to allow him to climb out. Nothing. Well… to be fair, there was a handy rope ladder rolled up on the ground a few feet away, but the kid was such an idiot, Lassie really doubted he could figure out how to climb it.
She got down on her belly and crawled to the edge of the hole and looked in. Timmy was there, alright. She backed away, shaking her head. Stupid kid! He never learned. She looked around once again, and then walked over to the pile of dirt laying beside the hole. This would be best, she thought to herself as she industriously started filling in the hole. Her life would be so much easier now…
This story is one that I wrote over several years. I started it in 1995, and finished it in 2007. Obviously, with the finishing date, I wrote this before "Star Trek Discovery" brought back the Talosians. This story is just short of being a novel, and while it is tempting to type enough in the author’s note here to take it over 40,000 words, that would be cheating, so we will call it a novella. This is non transgender. It is simply a piece of fanfiction that I wrote several years ago. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
This story also appears on a couple of sites away from BigCloset, under my "day to day" name.
Now, the normal disclaimers. I do not own Star Trek or any of it's characters. I'm just a fan who has loved the franchise since the '70s.
Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the U.S.S Enterprise, was relaxing. He was a man who rarely got the opportunity to do so, but he was making time now. He was in his quarters, listening to a composition of his own making, and playing his flute along with it. He still wasn't entirely satisfied with the way it was coming out. The feeling just wasn't quite right. He was trying to get the dynamics right in this one phrase, and it just wouldn't be done!
He shook his head and muttered, then put his flute back up to his lips. As he did so, his quarters wavered around him, as if someone had changed a holodeck program. He looked up, and saw that he was no longer in his quarters. He was on the surface of a planet. The air was hot around him and there seemed to be almost no moisture in the air at all. He looked at the flute in his hands. It was still there, and he was still dressed in his red and black uniform, but that was about the only thing that seemed to be the same. He was seated on a rock, and was not in the least comfortable. He stood, and looked around. In front of him was a small hill. There was a path leading up to an opening of some kind. It almost seemed like the top of the hill had been blown away sometime in the past. He started to walk towards the hill, and stopped. He cocked his head and listened.
There was a kind of musical sound faintly being carried on the very soft breeze that had just stirred up. He turned around and went to investigate.
Around a bend in a path, he saw a plant. It's leaves were vibrating, and he walked over to it. Very gingerly, he touched one of the leaves, as if it might bite him. Part of the sound stopped. "Interesting," he thought. "However, I need to find out where I am." He turned again, and could see the hill, and there seemed to be some activity in the opening he had noticed before. Some person was rising up inside it, as if by a lift. Picard started towards the hill again, and then the person stepped out.
The person he saw was short and was wearing a flowing robe of some sort of metallic fabric. He (at least Picard assumed that it was a he. The facial features were quite soft and almost feminine) had a very large, bald head, and Picard could see pulsing veins underneath the skin covering the cranium.
The person started down the path which lead down the hill, and when he reached the bottom, he held Picard in a long, searching gaze. He seemed to be sizing him up, and Picard was distinctly uncomfortable.
Finally the person spoke.
"Welcome to Talos IV, Captain Picard. What you see around you is an illusion transmitted to you from my thoughts. I am the Keeper, and I am the last of my race. Would you please convey a message to Ambassador Spock for me?"
"Ambassador Spock?" Picard finally managed to get out. Talos IV? He couldn't believe what he was hearing!
"Yes," the Keeper affirmed. "Please tell him that Captain Pike is dead."
With that, the image of the planet dissolved around Picard, and he found himself standing in his quarters. He very gently put down his flute and started toward sickbay. He needed to find Beverly Crusher. He needed to know he was sane before he called a briefing on this!
Captain Picard sat at the head of the crescent shaped table. Seated around it were some of his closest friends. Commander Riker, who had been his trusted first officer throughout his captaincy on board the Enterprise D, and was now filling the same spot with consumate skill on this new Enterprise. Worf, back from his stay on Deep Space 9 under Captain Sisko. Dr. Crusher, who had been more than just a doctor on the Enterprise for many years. Geordie LaForge, who was arguably the best engineer in Starfleet. Commander Data, who had proved his skill, and humanity, throughout his serving on the Enterprise time and time again. Lastly, Deanna Troi, who had been invaluable in her time on the Enterprise as well. She had guided him in many difficult decisions, and he had learned to trust her empathic skills implicitly.
Two hours before, he had hurried to sickbay after experiencing the illusion of a Talosian. Dr. Crusher had put him through a battery of tests and came to the conclusion that he had not been imagining things. As soon as he was certain that he was fine, he called a briefing. Now, he had finished filling his command crew in on the details of his "illusion."
They seemed stunned, but to their credit, they recovered very quickly. "Who is... or was... Captain Pike?" Crusher asked. Everyone looked at Data for the answer, and they were not disappointed.
"Captain Christopher Pike was the commander of the original USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, before Captain Kirk assumed command."
"Is there any reason to suspect that he might have traveled to Talos IV?" Riker wanted to know.
"Negative, Sir. In fact, there is no record of any Starfleet vessel ever going there, and to do so, is the only law in Starfleet requiring the death penalty. That has been the consequence for almost ninety years."
"Almost ninety years," mused Picard. "That would have been around the time that Christopher Pike was in command of the Constitution class Enterprise."
"That would definitely be around the right time," Riker said. "It would be nice to know why Starfleet invoked the death penalty for visiting Talos IV."
"It certainly would be nice," Geordie agreed, "and I'd also like to know how the Talosian was able to send that message to you, this far away from Talos? Was it in real time, Sir?"
“We were able to communicate back and forth, as easily as you and I are talking right now, Mr. LaForge,” Picard stated.
"It is conceivable that the Talosian race has... or rather had, this power as a whole,” Data hypothesized. “That would make them formidable enemies. Perhaps Starfleet was afraid of this power and wanted them isolated, so they instituted the no contact order.”
Picard wasn't so sure, however. "That assumes that Starfleet knew about this power. As far as the records are concerned, they couldn't have, because there has never been any contact with Talos. Not even any mention of it, except that to travel there invites the death penalty. If there was a threat, I should think that we would have heard from them in the intervening ninety years."
"How could they be a threat, Captain?" Riker asked. "The Talosian you saw said he was the last of his race. A dying race can hardly be considered a threat!"
"With this power of illusion, they might, Commander," Data countered. "If their minds were powerful enough to reach the captain's mind this far away from Talos, I would expect that they could do much more as well. The captain said that the illusion was complete, down to temperature and smells. An illusion so complete could disguise a ships controls as anything. A person might inadvertently press any button on any control panel, thereby damaging their own ship."
A low growl issued from Worf's throat at this suggestion. "A cowardly way to fight," he muttered.
"I agree with you, Mr. Worf. However, we need to keep in mind that this is all speculation at the moment," said Picard, mildly. "What I would like to know, is why would the Talosian tell me that Captain Pike was dead?"
"According to our records, Sir, Captain Christopher Pike died over eighty years ago on Earth. He's buried at his ranch in California," Deanna offered.
"That's what the Starfleet records say," ventured Riker. "I wonder if we should take that with a grain of salt. They don't seem to have been very forthcoming with their information in this instance, so..." His voice trailed off and a strange expression covered his newly shaved face. "Could Captain Pike have been on Talos instead of buried in California?"
Picard thought for a moment. "And he has been alive for the last eighty years? That would make him nearly a hundred and twenty. That is not beyond the realm of possibility, and if he has only now died, it would explain why the Talosian wanted me to relay news of his death to Ambassador Spock. I'll admit Number One; the thought had crossed my mind as well, but it seems rather unlikely. Why use such an elaborate ruse as this? I remember in my history classes reading about Captain Pike's heroic rescue of some children on a transport. He selflessly went into the cloud of coolant and pulled them out. In the process, he was horribly scarred and confined to a wheelchair. He wasn't even able to talk anymore."
Geordie shook his head knowingly. "It's a horrible way to go. At least with the coolant we have now, you're gone in an instant. With those old warp engines, it could take years to die. You were pretty much turned into a vegetable. I've seen pictures of some of the injuries people sustained from that stuff, including some of Captain Pike. It was horrible."
"I hate to bring this up, but are we sure the Talosian was referring to the same Captain Pike that we are?" Deanna ventured. All he said was 'Captain Pike is dead.' Do we really know that he was referring to Christopher Pike?"
Data answered smoothly. "I have run several crosschecks. I find no other mention of a significant 'Captain Pike' in Starfleet records. Furthermore, I have found that Ambassador Spock was on the Enterprise during Captain Pike's command."
Riker looked surprised about that. "I thought Spock only served on the Enterprise under Captain Kirk."
Data shook his head. "No sir. In fact, there is something else very strange that I found in my research. About two months after Captain Pike was injured in that transport accident, the Enterprise, commanded by James T. Kirk diverted to Starbase Twelve where Captain Pike was receiving medical treatment. Why it diverted is not mentioned in the logs of the starbase, or of the Enterprise. The Enterprise picked up Captain Pike and took him to Earth. While en route, he died, and he was buried when they arrived at Earth. While researching this, I found details about his death and funeral sadly lacking. For such a decorated captain as Pike, I would have expected there to be video clips of the funeral at least. There were none. Also, there were only printed logs of the trip to Earth. Not audio, and when I searched further, the computer signature of the logs clearly showed that they had been tampered with."
Picard's eyebrows raised. "So there is definitely some question as to whether or not Captain Pike was actually taken to Earth and buried there. But why would no-one have noticed this before, Data?"
"I suspect, Captain, that people were 'discouraged' from probing too deeply into the records regarding these facts."
"Curiouser and curiouser, Mr Data," Picard mused. He looked at each of the people seated at the table in turn. "I think we need to talk to Starfleet about this. We may not get any answers. There may be no one who knows the answers at Starfleet. But I think we need to try."
"Ambassador Spock knows." Worf's statement was filled with a mixture of surprise, venom, and admiration. "It does not seem like Vulcan behavior to hide something like this."
"No, Mr. Worf. It doesn't. But if we are correct, I suspect that the ambassador had his reasons. We will certainly find out." He stood up then and smoothed down his uniform. "Carry on, people," he said, then left the briefing room.
On the bridge, he instructed Worf to contact Kathryn Janeway at Starfleet Command. It took the Klingon only a short time to make the connection, partly because of his own skill, and partly because a call from the flagship of the Federation was handled with high priority. Picard went into his ready room to speak privately. He suspected that anything she might be able to tell him would require secrecy.
“Admiral,” Picard said when he saw the woman's face on the screen, “nice to see you again. How are you faring?”
“I'm doing well, Captain. And you?”
“What do you know of the Talos star group, Admiral?”
The question was enough to make Janeway pause. “I suppose I know as much as anyone. Starfleet Command has seen fit to enact the death penalty in this one instance. I don't know why. I'm assuming that you have a reason for asking.”
“Yes, I do,” he stated. “But first, one more question if I may. What do you know about Captain Christopher Pike?”
“I know he was the first commander of the Constitution class Enterprise, before James Kirk took over. He was horribly injured rescuing some cadets from a coolant leak aboard a training vessel. He died shortly afterward. It's what's recorded in the history books.”
“What if I told you,” Picard asked, “that the history books might not be accurate?”
“I would have to ask you what the basis of your claim was?” she answered smoothly.
He had known she would ask, but all the same, he hated having to explain. One could make the case that by virtue of his mind being touched by the Talosian, he was somehow compromised. Starfleet had made intimated the same thing in regards to the Borg, when they tried to keep Enterprise out of the battle. If anyone at fleet headquarters knew about the Talosians, he could be heading for some very shaky ground indeed. He decided, however, to let the chips fall where they may. He had faith that, since he had not initiated the contact, he could not be held liable for it.
It took several minutes to fill Janeway in on the illusion, and their suppositions in the briefing room. Halfway through, the admiral asked to see Beverly's findings from her examination of Picard.
Once he was done explaining, she sat for some time, digesting the information. Finally, she said, “That's quite a story, Jean-Luc.”
“I'm aware of that, Admiral.”
She looked again at the transcript of the briefing they had conducted. “I agree with Mr. Worf. Ambassador Spock surely knows what is going on. I suspect that I we need to have a chat with him.”
“I agree. You'll keep me posted?”
“If I get the information I'm looking for, I'll do better than that. I'll bring you here to talk to the ambassador yourself.”
He smiled but shook his head. “I assure you, Admiral, that will not be necessary.”
“Actually,” she countered, “it probably will be. You're going to want to know what it was you saw. I know I would, and since this has to do with Talos IV, I can't transmit it through subspace.”
He thought for a moment, then gave one nod. “Very well. You'll let us know when and if we need to head in?”
“Actually, why don't you do it now. The Enterprise crew is overdue for some shore leave. Why don't you take it at home? We'll get to the bottom of this while you're here.”
It was hot. Kathryn Janeway, recently returned from the Delta Quadrant of the Galaxy, and recently promoted to Admiral, was hot. She was wearing her fleet uniform, but over that was a hooded robe, to keep the hot wind from driving her completely crazy. She was on Vulcan, home of her former chief of security, Tuvok. However, she wasn't here to see him. Her business was at the Vulcan Science Academy. She walked into the building, and was grateful for the immediate drop in temperature that she felt when she entered. The building had no air conditioning, but was cooled naturally. It was still warm, but was cool enough to allow her to remove the robe and fold it over her arm as she went to the young Vulcan woman sitting at the receptionist's desk. As she approached, the woman looked up, and stood.
"Admiral Janeway. My name is T'Vanna. The Ambassador's class ends in 15.236 minutes. If you would like to wait here, he will meet with you as soon as it has ended."
"Thank you, T'Vanna. I'll do that."
The Vulcan woman came around her desk and stood in front of the Starfleet Admiral. "It is an honor to meet you, Ma'am. Tuvok is a distant relative of mine. We are grateful that Voyager was able to return from the Delta Quadrant. I have read what I could about your travels, and am..." She stopped abruptly and turned her eyes down, looking somewhat embarrassed about her outburst.
Janeway allowed a small smile at that. This woman was obviously quite young, and while not gushing about meeting a celebrity in the human fashion, it was clear that she was indulging in a small amount of hero worship. Especially for a Vulcan. "Our return home was due in no small part to your distant relative, Tuvok. He is a remarkable man, and friend," she said by way of easing the young woman's discomfort. "Is there a place I can get some water, T'Vanna?"
T'Vanna looked up, seemed to return from her embarrassed state and gestered to the corner of the reception area. "There is water and cups there, Admiral," she said as she hurried to get some for Janeway. She handed over a cup of ice cold water.
"Thank you, T'Vanna. I'll just sit here and wait for the Ambassador."
T'Vanna gave a small nod, said in the human fashion, "You're welcome," and hurried back to her desk.
Janeway sat down and mentally composed herself for meeting someone whom to her, was a hero.
She closed her eyes and started to think about what she knew of the man she would soon be meeting for the first time. She wasn't sure if she had dozed off, but suddenly a soft, but deep voice sounded. "Admiral Janeway."
She snapped her eyes open, and rose quickly to her feet. There he was, standing in front of her - in the flesh. "Ambassador Spock," she managed to get out. Unlike T'Vanna, she had no Vulcan training to fall back on to cover her awe. "It's an honor, sir."
"For me also, Admiral," he said as he raised an eyebrow. Janeway had the distinct impression that Spock would have smiled had he not been Vulcan. Not only that, but there almost seemed a palpable curiosity emanating from the man about why she was there and had requested this meeting with him. She instinctively liked him. She knew that for someone who had done the things he had done, bringing the Romulan Empire as close to unification with the Vulcans as he had, he must be a powerful personality, but that knowledge gave no hint of the sheer likeability of the man. He seemed friendly! Yes, she was friends with Tuvok, but Tuvok carried around himself an aloofness that seemed impenetrable to people who didn't know him. She had earned that friendship over a long association with Tuvok. This man in front of her simply seemed to emanate calmness, and there was a friendliness about him that drew people to him. It seemed strange, but she wasn't going to call attention to it and possibly embarrass him.
"Ambassador. Is there some place we can go to talk privately?"
His eyebrow rose even higher at the request, but he responded, "Certainly Admiral. If you will come with me, please." He turned and gestured off down a hallway, indicating that she should accompany him. As they started walking, Spock said to her, "My congratulations on your remarkable journey, Admiral. You and your shipmates are to be commended on a most difficult time."
"Thank you, Ambassador." She gave a small smile again, and said, "Coming from you, Ambassador, that's high praise."
"Indeed," Spock said as they entered an office, and he closed the door behind them. Janeway could have sworn that she saw a small smile play across his mouth as he said, "Now that the mutual admiration is out of the way, shall we discuss what you are here to discuss?"
Janeway wasn't sure that she had seen the smile at first, so his statement took her off guard. Then, she saw it play across his mouth again, and relaxed. The man had a sense of humor. No doubt about it! He was teasing her. Perhaps with time, Tuvok would unwind enough to show his humor, she thought.
"Very well, Ambassador. 3 days ago, we received a call from Picard on the Enterprise. He had a very strange story to tell. He claimed to have been contacted by a Talosian."
The slight smile completely disappeared from Spock's face. His only reaction other than that was to sit up even straighter in his chair than he had already been. "I see." was all he said.
"This Talosian said he was the keeper, and claimed to be the last of his race."
"Go on, Admiral"
"He asked Picard to tell you that Captain Pike was dead."
At that, Spock's eyes closed and for a moment, his head bowed. None of this was lost on Janeway.
"I take it you know what the 'Keeper' was referring to. Ambassador, I did some checking and found after some very detailed research, that a Federation vessel did at one time go to Talos IV. It was the Enterprise, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike. You were the science officer on board at the time. What happened?"
"Admiral. Surely, with the research you did, you understand that I cannot divulge anything that happened during that trip. To do so, would be to risk the death penalty. Both for you and I."
"To quote an old earth saying, 'I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.' Is that it, Ambassador?"
Spock raised an eyebrow at that. "If I understand the reference, that is essentially the case, although I would be up against the same penalty, so it would hardly just be me killing you."
Janeway reached into the folds of her robe and pulled out a blue starfleet envelope wrapped around with a string. She handed it to Spock saying, "I anticipated your reluctance to tell me, Sir, so I brought this with me. In it you'll find that for the duration, information about Talos IV is on a need to know basis, and I am listed as needing to know. Further, I am authorized to give the 'need to know' status to anyone I deem necessary."
Spock opened the envelope and scanned it quickly. He then looked up at Janeway and seemed to consider for a moment. "Very well, Admiral. I shall tell you the story." He then reached out on his desk and touched a button "T'Mar, Would you please do me a favor and handle my afternoon Multitronic Circuitry class?" "Certainly, Ambassador Spock," came the quick reply over the intercom.
Spock looked back at Janeway, then stood up, and came around the desk to the chair sitting opposite her. He eased himself down into it and placed his elbows on the arm of the chair. He put his hands together and steepled his fingers. He gazed at his hands for a bit then said, still looking at his fingers, "There is a very good reason why Talos has been off limits for all these years Admiral. And also, a very good reason why the Keeper would be telling us that Captain Pike is dead."
He paused for a moment and Janway took the opportunity to say, "Captain Pike was not buried in Arizona, was he? Did he ever come back from Talos?"
"After the Enterprise visited there under him, yes. Captain Pike came back."
"Visited there under him. You imply that it visited there again? Under someone else?"
"Yes Admiral. The Enterprise went to Talos IV not once, but twice. Once under Captain Pike, and once under Captain James Kirk."
Janeway almost laughed at that. "Why am I not surprised to hear of Captain Kirk being involved in this? No disrespect, Ambassador, of course."
Spock stopped staring at his fingers and looked at Janeway. "I understand, Admiral. James Kirk did seem to be a magnet for adventure." The hint of the smile was back as he talked about his old friend. "And, of course, the ability to cheat death." His eyes seemed to hood for a moment, but then it was past, and he started speaking again. "Admiral, I must tell you that this will sound fantastic. But you must hear me. Years ago, I told Jim that he wouldn't believe me unless he saw for himself what had happened. The Talosians accomodated me then. Unfortunately, we don't have them to do that now. If the Keeper is dying, I fear that the strain of sending the illusions this far could in fact, finish that process. Therefore, I will have to ask you to simply trust me, and believe what I have to tell you."
Janeway nodded her head at that. "Ambassador. After the last 8 years, I find myself willing to believe just about anything."
Spock nodded. "Indeed, Admiral. I can well imagine. However, after all that I've seen, I still find this on the limit of believability."
Spock lowered his arms, and folded his hands into his lap and began. "While Captain Pike was in command of the Enterprise, we received a distress call from the Talos star group. It said that the SS Columbia was going to crash. We were on our way to a rescue situation at the Vega colony, and Captain Pike was reluctant to divert as this was a radio signal, and the crash had apparently happened 18 years before. Understandably, he didn't divert the Enterprise until we received a follow up message saying that people had survived the crash. Once we received the second message, we warped to Talos. We found several human people there. However, we quickly found that this was an illusion. There was only one human survivor from the Columbia. Her name was Vina, and she had been 'put back together' by the Talosians. We met her in the survivor camp, and she appeared to be a very young woman. Later we found that this was not the case. She was actually quite old, and scarred from the crash. The Talosians did a remarkable job putting her back together, but they had never seen a human before. They had no guide in putting her back together. Her actual appearance was quite deformed.
"The Talosians had destroyed their world with war, and when the surface became uninhabitable, they had moved underground. They devoted themselves to their power of illusion, and had literally forgotten how to repair the machinery left by their ancestors. They needed a race to do this work for them. So they needed slaves. To this end, they abducted Captain Pike and took him below the surface to their menagerie. In it they had many creatures from across the galaxy that they had tried to build a race of slaves with. None had shown the promise of humans.
"During his captivity, Captain Pike was subjected to many different illusions. The Talosians showed how he could create his own illusions to live out the rest of his life. Thus, his captivity wouldn't even appear to be such."
Janeway broke in: "A bird in a guilded cage"
Spock nodded in agreement. "but a cage nonetheless. Exactly, Admiral. Once the Talosians read our records on the Enterprise, they realized that nothing they would do would make the Captain accept this situation. He would rather die. Then, they let him go."
Janeway asked, "Just like that?"
Spock again nodded. "Just like that. However, when Captain Pike was injured beyond the scope of our science to handle, they contacted me. Apparently, they had monitored Captain Pike over the intervening years. They had kept up with him and offered to take him back, not as breeding stock, but perhaps as a way of apology. Perhaps as a feeling of affection. They offered for Captain Pike to spend the rest of his life unfettered by his physical body. And Vina was there. A woman that he DID have feelings for.
"So the Enterprise took him back to Talos?" Janeway asked. "But why all the secrecy about Talos?"
"That was actually the Talosians idea. Captain Pike offered mutual trade, but they declined. They did not want us learning their power of illusion and ruining our civilization. They used it as a narcotic, and their whole society was addicted to this particular narcotic. They simply could not get free of it. They didn't want that happening to anyone else."
"So starfleet instituted the death penalty for going to Talos IV." Janeway shook her head. "It seems to incredible."
"Consider, Admiral. If one unscrupulous person had learned this power of illusion, what could have happened to the Federation. Such a person could make himself Emperor almost overnight. Garth of Izar was sent to a mental institute because he had learned cellular metamorphosis, and could assume any shape. He was mentally unhinged by his ability. This power of illusion would not only allow the person to appear as anything they wanted to, but to make others think and do anything. What would that do to the Federation?
"Yes, Ambassador. I see what you mean. It could have ended our society." Janeway paused for a moment, and then went on. "So Captain Pike has been on Talos ever since Captain Kirk took him back. And now, according to the Keeper, he is dead."
"Yes, Admiral."
"What do you recommend doing, Ambassador Spock?"
The shuttle touched down at Starfleet Academy. It had been a long time since Spock had been there, and he wasn't sure what he thought about going there now. One of the problems with being a long lived species meant outliving many of his friends. There were a lot of ghosts at Starfleet Academy that only he would see. Kirk and Pike were only two of them. There were Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Nyota Uhura, Kevin Riley. Spock would be reminded of all of them, and much as he tried to hide his emotions, they would visit him while he was here. The simple fact was, he missed them, and the knowledge that he would not see them again was hard to take. Leonard McCoy was still alive, although he was not here. The old doctor had finally retired, although he still made occasional appearances at the Academy. Enterprise's chief engineer was also alive in this time, although Spock had no idea where he was. Last known, Scotty was at Risa. Spock wished that he could see McCoy and Scott. He would love to talk to them about the current task he found himself embroiled in. But with all his heart, he wished Jim were here to offer his suggestions.
"It's been awhile, hasn't it, Mr. Spock."
Spock snapped out of his reverie, and looked at the woman beside him. "Indeed it has, Admiral."
Admiral Janeway had quickly gotten the go ahead from Starfleet Command to go and get Captain Pike's body. Much of Starfleet's decision was based on his saying there would be no danger from the Talosians. Once she had the word, she had contacted him, and they had quickly caught the next Federation ship heading from Vulcan to Earth. They needed to get the rest of their team and a ship. Starfleet had refused to let a ship as conspicuous as Enterprise to go to Talos, no matter how much Spock assured them that there was no danger. "Just in case," they had said, and Spock had to admit that he understood their reasoning... to a point. Therefore, they were going to use another ship. Spock sincerely wished it were the Enterprise. Somehow it would feel better if they did, but that was not to be. He turned to Janeway. "Do you know which ship will transport us, Admiral?"
"I have an idea, Mr. Spock. I wish it could be Enterprise, but Starfleet wants us to use a different ship. They feel that while the danger from Talos is negligable, it wouldn't be prudent to advertise that we have an interest in the system by sending it there."
"I understand, Admiral."
At his tone, she looked up at him. She could detect no emotion in his face, and because of that more than any reason said, "But you don't agree."
They had been walking towards the administration buildings, but at her statement, Spock stopped and turned towards her. How to explain to her what he was feeling. He had seen that she had great insight, and that she was trustworthy, but would she understand what he was feeling? "It is not that I disagree Admiral. It would simply ‘feel better' if it were the Enterprise."
To his surprise, she smiled. "I understand, Mr. Spock. Enterprise was his ship, and even though that Enterprise is long gone, it would be fitting for the current Enterprise - The Flagship of the Federation - to bring him home. Is that what you're feeling?"
Spock's eyebrow shot up, and he nodded. As they turned and started walking towards the buildings again, Spock said, "It is gratifying to know that you do understand my position, Admiral."
She glanced at him momentarily and said, "It's a matter of honor, Spock."
"Indeed it is, Admiral."
Seated around the table were the command crew of the USS Enterprise. They were talking animatedly when the door opened. At the appearance of Spock and Janeway, they all stood to their feet. "As you were," said Janeway with a wave of her hand as she quickly strode into the room. She walked to the chair at the head of the table but instead of sitting down, she put her hands on the back of the chair and acknowleged each of the people seated with a glance. "We have three more people who aren't here yet. As soon as they arrive, we can get started."
"While we're waiting, Admiral, I wonder if you could satisfy our curiosity," Picard said. "We're wondering why we're meeting here rather than at Starfleet Headquarters."
"Certainly, Captain. Starfleet security. Once again, it seems that the Romulan Empire has been receiving information that they really don't need to have. Since it is graduation time here, it was decided that, due to the sensitive nature of this briefing, it should be conducted here. Noone should say much about you all being here for Starfleet Academy's graduation ceremonies. Most of you will be asked to speak, so it shouldn't raise any eyebrows at all for you to be here."
Spock was seated across from Dr. Crusher, and in agreement, he nodded his head, and in fact, raised an eyebrow. There was a muffled snort from Dr. Crusher at that, and she quickly turned her head and made it into a cough. Spock merely raised his other eyebrow while Data looked around quizzically.
Crusher was saved having to explain by the door sliding open, and three people entering the room. Captain Chakotay of Voyager, his first officer, Tom Paris, and Voyager's chief engineer, B'Elanna Torres.
"Chakotay, B'Elanna, Tom!" Janeway exclaimed. "Welcome! I think you know the crew from the Enterprise."
"It's good to see you again, Admiral," said Chakotay as he sat down in one of the remaining seats. He then acknowledged the Enterprise contingent, and looked back at Janeway. "What's this all about?"
Janeway sat down in her chair finally, and looked to Picard. "Go ahead and explain what you saw, Captain."
Picard cleared his throat and then told his story. To their credit, none of Voyager's people seemed skeptical, although when he was done explaining, Tom Paris asked, "With all due respect, Captain, is there a chance you were ... uh... "
Crusher jumped in. "I ran every conceivable test on Captain Picard, and could find no indications of hallucinations, mental illnesses, or anything else that could explain this other than the fact that he had actually seen it."
"The illusion is consistent with what we know of the Talosians and their abilities. Furthermore, what Captain Picard describes about the planet's surface and of the Keeper. It all agrees with what I remember of the planet," Spock said matter of factly.
Chakotay looked from Picard to Janeway, then to Spock. "I take it there's much more to this briefing."
"Much," Janeway said.
"Would you mind filling me in then, Ambassador."
Spock nodded and then told his story. Janeway was the only one who had heard it, but he told it in much greater detail as it came back to him. Everyone at the table listened intently; not interrupting. When he was finally finished, everyone simply sat there, too stunned to even speak. Finally, Chakotay looked at Janeway and asked. "So what are we going to do?"
Janeway looked at each one at the table in turn. "We're going to bring Captain Pike home."
The plan was elegant in it's simplicity. Spock would go to Talos, of course, since he was the one person alive who had been on the planet's surface. Picard would go, as he was the one contacted by the Talosian, and since he was the commander of the Enterprise. They may not be able to take the Enterprise there, but it was thought that the commander of the current USS Enterprise should be there as a tribute to the commander of the former USS Enterprise. Doctor Crusher would also go as they would need a medical officer. Admiral Janeway, true to her word, was going so as "not to miss out on all the fun." Of course, the official reason was that it was her project, and she was in command.
Because of the sensitive nature of Talos, Starfleet was limiting the crew that went to seven. They would take the Delta Flyer. The little powerhouse of a ship was the brain child of B'Elanna Torres, and Tom Paris. They had built the ship on board Voyager while in the Delta Quadrant, and they would both come along as engineer and pilot, respectively.
While Spock had assured Janeway that there was no danger from the Keeper, she had still insisted that they bring a security contingent. The person she had in mind wasn't really a contigent, but he had the strength of such. Worf would accompany them.
Voyager and Enterprise were to be stationed nearby. Both ships were assigned a couple of star systems away from Talos on either side, so they could get there in a hurry if needed.
"Because of the Romulan threat, we don't want to take either ship to Talos. Given what we know of Talos, we really don't want or need the Romulans snooping around there, so we would prefer not to attract any attention there. The Flyer has a few tricks up her sleeve as far as armaments and weapons. Hopefully we won't need them, but if we do, we'll be ready. And with Enterprise and Voyager standing by, we should be ok," Janeway had said as she outlined the plan.
Onboard the Delta Flyer, Tom Paris sat at the controls. He was a bit surprised to find himself going to Talos. He remembered from the Academy wondering why going to Talos held the death penalty. Now he knew, and he wasn't sure he could believe it. Seated beside him, at the co-pilots position was his wife, B'Elanna. She was helping him go through the pre-flight checklist. Both were extremely competent, and meticulous in their work, but with this load of passengers, neither one of them wanted any problems, so they were being just that much more careful. Despite their extra care, they finished right on time. Tom signaled Chakotay to that effect.
"Ok, Tom. We'll be in position in just a few moments. Stand by. Take care."
"No problem, Chakotay. We'll be back in time for dinner," Paris joked.
"Sounds good, Tom. I'll save you a steak."
"Make mine rare!"
Just then Harry Kim broke in. "Launch on my mark, Tom. In five, four, three, two, mark!"
This particular launch was quite tricky. Voyager was still in warp space, but if anyone could do it, it was Tom Paris. As Harry was counting down, Paris was revving the little ship up, as he put it. Keeping one foot on the brake, so to speak. As soon as Kim said "mark", Tom released the fields holding them in place, and the ship shot out of the bay, it's warp field established the moment it left Voyager's. For the launch, Spock, Picard, and Janeway had been standing in the connecting door of the Flyer's 2 compartments.
"Fascinating," Spock said as he watched Paris perform the difficult lauch with supreme ease.
"I told you he was good," Janeway remarked with pride to the two men.
"Indeed," Picard said as he turned and walked back to his seat.
It was hoped that such a warp speed launch would be undetectable for anyone curious enough to see what Voyager was doing. In fact, the momentary burst of power that Paris used to move the ship out of the bay was shut down as quick as it had been applied. The Flyer maintained a warp field, but no thrust was applied. That warp field would keep the ship moving at faster than light velocities, but it would be coasting towards Talos. Hopefully with no ion trail from the ship, the warp field would be mistaken as a subspace anomaly put out by a momentary fluctuation in Voyager's own warp field. In fact, Harry Kim had written a program that would simulate such fluctuations aboard Voyager. They would happen randomly, and would lessen in intensity as time went on, as though the engineering staff aboard Voyager were making a repair. Of course, if things had actually been that way in her engine room, B'Elanna would have beaten a few heads together. There was no way she would have tolerated such a thing, but for the sake of the current mission, she had grudgingly acquiesced to Harry's program. At least it was only a simulated problem. Not the real thing.
"We are on course for Talos IV," Paris said nonchalantly, as he glanced back to Janeway. "Should be there in a couple of hours, Admiral."
"Thanks Tom," Janeway said. "Excellent job."
"Thank you, Admiral."
B'Elanna looked up from her board and glanced back. "Passive scans read the fluctuations from Voyager," she said. "We should have looked just the same as we launched."
"B'Elanna. You have to fix those engines," quipped Paris. "Those emissions look terrible!"
B'Elanna gave him a dirty look, then said,"Would you just get back to your flying."
Paris turned to look at Worf who was seated right behind him and grinned. "Women... Engineers... Such a temper either way."
Worf growled, and then in a low voice said. "She is Klingon!"
Paris turned back around opened his eyes wide, and mouthed an exaggerated "O.K."
Crusher, who was seated on the other side of the cockpit from Worf, saw it, and could barely suppress a laugh. With the dynamics of Commander Paris' sense of humor and two Klingons in the cockpit, this should be an interesting trip. She was going to simply sit back, observe, and enjoy.
The three in the rear compartment of the ship were speaking quietly not to exclude the others, but so as not to disturb Paris as he flew the small craft in a way it was never designed to fly.
"Ambassador, " Picard said, "Can you please tell us all you can remember about the Talosians? "
"Certainly, Captain. But you must realize that while they scanned our records, we were not afforded the same luxury. We know very little about them. And what we do know is limited observation and guesswork."
"Yet you assured Starfleet that there was no danger. Or at least negligible danger," objected Janeway.
"That is true, Admiral. The danger from the Keeper is negligible."
"How can you say that, if we have so little in the way of facts about them?"
"Admiral. While we have little facts regarding the Talosians, once they determined to not use Captain Pike and Vina as breeding stock, their attitude towards both of them was extremely compassionate. It seemed as though by living out Captain Pike's dreams with him, they had gained a deep affinity towards him," Spock explained.
Picard nodded his head. "That would make sense," he said softly.
Spock nodded. "When one has a psychic bond with another, it is almost unavoidable. I would speculate that if the Keeper has been in such a deep bond with Captain Pike for almost 90 years, he has absorbed much of Captain Pike's personality."
Beverly, from her seat in the forward cabin ventured, "Couldn't that have worked the opposite way, Ambassador? "
Spock seemed to have thought about this, though. "Certainly it could have. However consider one of the things we do know about the Talosians. Their society broke down because they used illusions as a narcotic. While I do not have experience with narcotics, don't people who use them go for the 'ride? "
"'Trip", Beverly said. "And yes, you're right. in this case, the entertainment value would probably be in observing and absorbing the emotions generated by the illusion. Even an illusion that generated intense fear in the Captain would probably be stimulating to those observing. "
"So you don't think the Talosians were looking for the challenge of control and domination," Janeway said.
Spock looked at the admiral gravely before replying. "Admiral. In my life I have had several occasions to link telepathically with non telepathic minds. One might think at the outset that melding wth a non-telepathic mind would be easier for the telepathic mind. Such is not the case, however. The non telepathic mind has no control or natural barriers. Nor does it have any ability to facilitate a meld. This means that the telepathic mind has to do all the work of shielding and melding for both minds. Melding is not such a problem, but it is much easier when both participants can add to the meld. The shielding is where the problems arise. Having to shield yourself from the onslaught of emotions from an untrained mind is taxing. Over time it can become exhausting, and will physically wear a person down. Add this to having to initiate the meld entirely on one's own, and you have a situation which can quickly drain an individual."
"Were the Talosians able to pool their resources?" Picard wanted to know.
"Unknown," Spock replied. "Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy, and I came across a group of telekinetic people who had developed their powers after exposure to certain elements in the food supply of their adopted planet. They referred to themselves as Platonians and they espoused a deep respect for, and a desire to live by, the teachings or Earth's Plato. Given the fact they believed whoever was the strongest had the right to rule, we were surprised that none of them had pooled their powers and overthrown Parman, their current ruler. They reported that they had tried to pool them. They were not able to.
"I do not know whether the Talosians would have that limitation, however, as they were true telepaths. The Platonians were not. Telepathy infers an ability to join another mind without physical contact. This requires the minds to be in sync with each other. Such a state would be necessary for pooling powers, but the Platonians could not accomplish this even to communicate, let alone overcoming another mind. They were able to project emotions into another mind, but this was accomplished by brute force." The ambassador's whole demeanor had taken on a dark aspect. No one asked for any elaboration on that particular part of the tale.
"With regard to your question, however, Captain. The Talosians were not Platonians. I do not think they would pool their powers to overcome another mind, nor do I think it would be necessary. There are infinitely more ways of overcoming a mind subtly. "
With that statement the participants of the conversation became quiet. Spock seemed to draw into himself. The admiral looked at the planet slowly growing in the front viewport. Picard studied the floor intently. Crusher looked at the three for a long moment, then slowly turned to the front where things were starting to happen as Paris prepared the ship for atmospheric entry then landing.
The land was hot and dry. The breeze blowing didn't really cool; it just moved the hot around. And, it dried things even more. The only nice thing about the breeze was the shimmering music it carried on it. That was the only sound in the otherwise silent land. Nothing moves or stirred in what amounted to a desert. For a moment, the music dwindled. It lost a note in the continuous chord, then another. The wind was slowing. Then the sky was split by a huge crack, as the Delta Flyer shot overhead, rapidly slowing, but still moving at supersonic speeds. The ship came almost to a stop, then started moving more vertically as it set down in a small clearing. The noise from its atmospheric engines subsided then the door opened, and Ambassador Spock looked out on a world he had not seen in over 80 years.
Spock looked at the pad in his hand and then at the pilot. "You are to be commended, Mr. Paris. You and Mr. Kim. Your course brought us to exactly the location that I requested." Tom Paris nodded acknowledgement of Spock's compliment, then as he finished shutting down his ship, he looked at Spock.
"Thank you, sir. That's very much appreciated." The admiral smiled at this. Tom Paris was very sure about his piloting, as well he should be. He was good. Actually, there were few people who could pilot like him. Picard's officer, Data was one, but to be fair, he was an android. About the only other was one that the ambassador had served with, Hikaru Sulu, and in retrospect, maybe that's why the praise from the ambassador seemed to affect him so much. Paris would, of course know of Spock's association with Sulu and would know that such praise would not come cheaply.
As the seven left the craft, the wind picked up again and the music sounded again. Otherwise, all was still. Spock directed them to the knoll where Picard had seen the Keeper rise up in a lift. They climbed up the hill on a small footpath and came to where Pike's Number One had,so many years ago, directed the Enterprise power, and blown the top of the hill off without even knowing it. There, they found the lift waiting, it seemed, for them. Worf growled at that. It seemed suspicious to him. Of course, as a security officer, it was his job to be suspicious. "We're expected, Mr. Worf," Paris said.
"Why would the Keeper expect us? How would he know we would come?" Worf challenged.
Janeway paused. Worf had a point. Spock answered, however. "The Keeper had been in touch with Captain Picard. Indeed, once I was near the captain, the Keeper would have known, and could easily have ascertained our intentions."
Crusher was doing a slow pivot with her medical tricorder scanning. "I'm picking up a faint life form reading about 50 yards in that direction" she said, pointing straight out from the side of the hill.
"Just the one? " Picard asked, surprise in his voice.
"Yes, Captain, " she said, her voice quiet now. "Very faint. Metabolic rate very slow. Could be a person in a coma."
Picard looked at Janeway and she spoke. "Mr. Worf. Please accompany the doctor as she checks this out. The rest of us will hold back in case it's not someone friendly. I realize that there's probably only us and the Keeper alive on this planet, but that's only an assumption that I'd rather not test."
Spock nodded at that. "Logical" was his only comment.
Worf took the lead back down the hill, then he and Crusher split off from the rest of the group. They came to where the Doctor had pointed and stopped. Lying on the ground, under the bush whose leaves were vibrating and producing a musical chord, was a man with a large cranium, soft features, and metallic robes. It was obviously the Keeper. His breathing was very shallow, and a rasping sound came from his throat.
Beverly shouted to the others: "It's the Keeper!" As soon as they heard this, the others came running. Spock looked at her with a concerned expression. "His respiratory system is shutting down, Ambassador. If we can get him to the ship, I might be able to do something. "
Without waiting for word from Janeway, Spock effortlessly picked up the small being and swiftly carried him to the Flyer.
The Keeper was laid on the diagnostic bed in the back of the Delta Flyer. Crusher had followed Spock back to the ship, and set up the bed before the ambassador had, with infinite gentleness, laid the small form on it. Then he had stood by while the doctor had scanned him. "There is nothing wrong except that the aveoli in the lungs are simply plugged. He is slowly suffocating"
Spock blinked at her in surprise. "What could cause such a condition, Doctor? "
"I don't know, Ambassador. Atmospheric pollutants, I suppose. You did say they live underground and that they couldn't repair the machinery left by their ancestors. It would take many years for this buildup, however."
"How many years, Doctor? This individual was the keeper of the menagerie when I was here 90 years ago. He doesn't look significantly older than he did then. Indeed. I would say that the changes that are present have to do with sickness. Not age. He could well be immensely old. "
Crusher nodded and made another scan. " You're right, Ambassador. My tests show him as being over 300 years old. I wonder how old these people would live naturally? " She double checked a scan, grabbed a hypo from her kit and prepared an injection. "I'm going to give him some triox. That should help stabilize him for now. "
Spock nodded as the hypospray hissed against the Keeper's shoulder. Within thirty seconds, the Keeper's eyelids started fluttering. Spock looked at Crusher. But she shook her head. "He's too weak for any stimulant, and I don't know enough about his anatomy anyway. I wouldn't dare risk anything right now. "
"Understood, " Spock said. The Keeper's eyes snapped open at the sound of Spock's voice. He tried to speak, but only managed a weak cough.
Crusher shushed him, and said, "Don't try to speak. You haven't got the lung capacity for that. "
Suddenly, both Spock and the doctor heard quite clearly, the voice of the Keeper. "Captain Picard got my message to you, Ambassador Spock. Excellent." The small mouth formed a smile. Crusher did a doubletake at the "sound", but it didn't even phase Spock.
"Yes, Keeper. I came as soon as I could. I would like to take Captain Pike back to Earth. "
"Certainly. I expected as much. I assumed you would like to take his wife as well."
"His wife? Vina. I should have expected that. Where are they? "
"They are both in stasis. One of the few remaining working pieces of machinery. " The Keeper's small body shook in a soundless cough. "The hypospray helps, but my breathing is almost useless. "
"Your body is trying to get rid of the foreign matter in your lungs. You can’t cough it out, though because you can't get enough air to do it," Crusher told him.
The Keeper nodded, then said into her mind. "I understand. Our disease removing equipment stopped working several years ago. I have depended on filters to keep the air clean in the menagerie for many years. Unfortunately, I have had to venture into the unfiltered areas on occasion. And the fire in the computer labs certainly didn't help either."
"Disease removing equipment? " Spock asked. The Keeper nodded, and Spock asked, "do you know how it removed disease? It may be repairable. "
The Keeper shook his head again, "No, Spock. I can only tell you that it was supposed to convert anything not matching the biological signature of the sick individual into energy and remove it from the body."
Spock turned to the door and found the rest of the party either in the front part of the ship, or standing outside. B'elanna said to him as he met her eye, "That sounds suspiciously like a transporter. "
Spock nodded, "Indeed it does, Commander. "
Picard asked, "Could we accomplish the same thing with the transporter here on the Flyer? "
Janeway shook her head. "While the Flyer's transporter is capable of transporting a person, the controls aren't sophisticated enough to fine tune the process that much. "
Torres nodded. "Harry could possibly make the computer do it, but he's on voyager. "
Spock raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to one side. "I might be able to program the computer for such an operation," he said to her.
Torres flushed. "Of course you can, Ambassador. My apologies. "
Spock nodded and looked at Janeway. She gave him the go ahead and he sat down at the computer console. He deftly worked his way through levels of programming until he was in the base code for the transporter. He transferred the genetic code of the Talosians into the computer and ordered the transporter subroutines to remove anything not resulting from talosian DNA from inside his body. "It is crude, but it should work," he informed the others when he had finished.
Janeway and Torres looked through the code that Spock had written, then Janeway told Torres to go ahead and run the program. Torres activation d the transporter, and there was the smallest sparkle around the Keeper. Then it was finished. Crusher scanned the Talosian and pronounced his lungs empty of foreign matter. The Keeper took an experimental breath and almost swooned. "Be careful, " Crusher told him. You're not used to such capacity in your lungs. "
"Thank you," the Keeper said in his own voice rather than telepathically. Then, simply because it was easier, "I will endeavor to be careful Doctor. I would rather not pass out. " He smiled and then very carefully tried to sit up.
"You just lie there. You have to let your body adjust. It has been sick for awhile, " Crusher ordered.
"Doctor. If I don't go to the menagerie, the creatures there will die. They have been without food and water for quite some time now. I must check on them. "
Worf straightened. "I'll go. Tell me how to get there."
The Keeper looked at Worf for a moment, then nodded. Suddenly, there was a second Keeper, standing beside Worf. "This is much easier than telling you. I'll show you." The Keeper lying on the diagnostic bed gave his little enigmatic smile, while the standing one smiled and nodded.
"This is going to take getting used to, " Paris quipped.
"Agreed, " Janeway nodded. "However, we'll all go. Except Worf, the doctor, and the Keeper. "
The standing Keeper smiled and said, "I assure you, Admiral, that security is quite unnecessary. I am no threat. "
The Admiral nodded, but maintained her position. "I believe you... do we call you Keeper, or do you have a name? However, the security is not for you. "
Crusher started to protest the Keeper guiding the others, even as an illusion, but the the standing Keeper raised his hand to stop her. "I see in your thoughts, Doctor that you would like me to sleep rather than guide your friends. I assure you I am capable of doing both. As for my name, Keeper is adequate. " The last was directed at Janeway.
There came a startled, "Oh! " from Crusher. The others looked at her. "He's asleep," she said, indicating the prone Keeper.
Janeway looked at the standing one who was still smiling and observing the others. She looked back at the prone form by the doctor, and back to the standing one. She smiled, then said to the Talosian. "Lead the way. "
Worf started to protest, but at a look from Janeway, stopped. He looked to Picard who shook his head. "Look after Doctor Crusher, Mister Worf. "
"Aye Sir, " the big Klingon muttered, then the others were gone. Crusher smiled at him and said, "Sit down, Worf. We can play twenty questions. "
Worf just growled.
The rock tumbled end over end through space. Millennia before, it had been set on a course that allowed it to circle the planet endlessly . It's creators had known that one day, its enemies would once more be in a position of power, and it would be necessary for it's ultimate programming to come alive.
The creators and the enemies had fought each other ruthlessly for many years, neither side getting the technological upper hand, until the creators discovered a type of energy.
There was nothing terribly unusual about the energy, except that it was psychic in nature. It was generated and used by almost all minds. It was this that the enemies manipulated to their own ends. They realized that if they could figure out how to manipulate this energy with technology, they might be able to stop their enemies.
To this end, they dedicated all their resources. And one day, they did it. They discovered how to block it, and by extension, how to manipulate it in other ways. They could now end the millennia long war they had fought with the enemies.
This, they did. However, the creators were not brutal. They ended the war as quickly as they could. The enemies were driven permanently underground on the planet below the rock. And the rock was set to guard against their eventual reappearance. If they reappeared and had technology that they knew how to use, then, and only then, would the rock activate. It would stop them in their tracks. Quite literally.
As they walked toward the hill, Spock and the Keeper started a dialogue.
"Keeper. The creatures in your menagerie. What will happen to them if you die? "
Janeway started at that, but the diminutive native said to her, "I see in your mind, Admiral that the Ambassador's question bothers you. Do not concern yourself with it, however. I assure you that I have asked myself the same question many times." He looked around himself at the stark landscape. "You found me on the surface because I was 'researching' the problem. I had just about decided that I must release them to the surface. At least here, they would have open space if little else. Certainly at present they have the illusion of space, but when I'm gone, that too will be gone. "
"Keeper. " Picard said with an incredulous look on his face. "Are you saying that you are maintaining several illusions at once?" Picard instinctively knew that the Keeper was being truthful, but it seemed incredible that his mind was so powerful. "How many creatures are left below?"
The Keeper let out an enormous sigh and he stopped walking for a moment. The others stopped as well and looked at him. The Keeper seemed to stare into space and his voice grew soft. "Once we had thousands in the menagerie. My people would participate in the illusions en mass. We became scientists studying different life forms. We studied our... pets. These were all animals. We treated them as pets. We absorbed the emotions from them and learned. We gave them a life like they wanted. We read their thoughts and gave them habitats. Families. Food. Shelters. Anything they could ever need or even want." He sat down wearily on a rock. "But then, we could no longer repair our ships that we collected animals with. So instead of collecting animals, we drew in people. Now there were only hundreds of animals. And thousands of people. The people proved to be much more interesting to observe than animals. At this time. Our downfall started in earnest. We were a race working on fulfilling our own destruction. Now, there were not just primitive emotions to feel. There was what we in our own superiority and... ignorance... called 'primitive thought '. We foolishly considered these people little more than the animals we had experimented with, and treated them much the same. They became our NEW pets." The Keeper stood and walked a few paces away from the Starfleet contingent. He stayed there looking across the destroyed planet in front of him for a long while. Finally, as though coming to a decision, he turned and faced them. This time, he spoke as they did. "As much as we tried to hide the reality of their existence from them, some did manage to find out. They rebelled." Abruptly he started walking towards the hill. "The rebellion lasted for millennia . We fought to keep our pets." The Keeper looked down at this and there seemed to be a look of infinite sadness that crossed his face at the recollection. One could almost think he had been there. "It was not our best moment in history. Those that rebelled eventually beat us back. We retreated into the interior of the planet. What became of them, our history does not know. "
Spock raised any eyebrow at the Keeper's words, then when he finished speaking, asked, "Why were you surprised when humans were unfit as slaves if you had encountered the same condition before? Surely you recognized the hatred of captivity in other intelligent beings."
They had arrived at the top of the hill and were preparing to go down into the planet. "We didn't recognize it because we were no longer looking to our history as a place to learn. Our illusions were so important that reality had become secondary to them. What had been done in the past was eventually forgotten. "
With these words, the Talosian disappeared and the five Starfleet people started down on the lift.
The rock observed. It watched and waited. It watched the strangers climb out of their ship. It observed as they found the enemy on the surface, then, if it had had a heart, it would have felt it sink when they strangers repaired the damage to the enemy. It searched its memory banks for something pertaining to the current situation. The strangers did not fit the genetic profile of the enemies, but they were helping them. Then, they went into the planet with the illusion of the enemy. This would certainly bear consideration.
As soon as the Starfleet personnel arrived at the bottom of the lift, the Keeper reappeared. "This way, please," he said and gestured for them to follow.
They went down corridor after corridor of dead rooms. It was eerie how silent the labyrinthine corridors were. There was no sound anywhere. Not even the soft sound of ventilation.
Then they heard a sound. There was a mechanical hum coming from somewhere ahead. As they drew closer, there was a sound of biological origin as well. They came to a door and it slid open at their approach. A breeze came from inside this hall and a smell was carried on that breeze. It had the undertones of a zoo, but there were alien smells blended into the expected smells.
the sounds too, were a mixture of the familiar and alien. They heard a sound of flapping, like a huge bird. They heard screeching from somewhere down the corridor. Off to the right, Paris was sure he heard the lowing of a Terran cow.
The sheer number of creatures was mind numbing. Picard turned to face the keeper. "You supplied continuing illusions to all of these creatures? "
"Yes, Captain. However the sheer number of them have overwhelmed me since I am alone. I can no longer supply the illusions to all of them. Some have died. The ones left were able to cope somewhat with their abruptly changed situation. Those that couldn't cope... I felt each of their lives slip away. I felt them all die." The Talosians voice became utterly flat. And again, the great weariness seemed to flood over him.
Picard glanced sharply at the keeper. " You mean that some of these creatures died because you could no longer supply a continuing illusion for them? How can that be?"
"We supplied the illusion that they were still home, Captain. They never knew they had left their place of origin. Some of them, when suddenly confronted with a markedly different reality, could not understand that reality and perished. Some of them needed continuing mental connection with their own kind. When I was unable to continue the link with their own kind stopped, and these perished. There were mercifully few of these."
Janeway came to a decision. "Keeper. We need to get these creatures to their homes. Since you can no longer care for them, we will help you take them home."
At her words, a bit of the weariness disappeared from his face and a flicker of hope replaced it. "Admiral Janeway. That is a wonderful gesture, but it is not your problem. "
Janeway studied the diminutive zoo keeper for a bit and then asked, "how can you have been in such close mental contact with one of us for so many years and yet not realized that we will help anyone in need? "
"it is true that Captain Pike expressed such sentiments to me through our link over the years, but those feelings might not have been shared by his race. "
"I assure you that by and large, it is."
"That is most gratifying. How would you transport the creatures? "
"I have an idea, but I'll need to talk to Voyager. "
"That is easily arranged, " said the Talosian, and suddenly, without any warning, she and the Talosian were standing beside Chakotay on the bridge of Voyager.
"Wha...?" Began Harry Kim. Chakotay turned towards Harry, and in doing so, saw the two from Talos. " Admiral! " he exclaimed. " how did you get here?".
" I'm pretty sure that we're not here, Chakotay.". Turning to the keeper, she asked, " is that correct?"
The keeper nodded his head and said, " we are actually still in the menagerie, but we are perceiving Voyager and they on the ship are perceiving you. Everything you say and do, they will see. And the reverse is also true. You can communicate directly with them."
Chakotay nodded his head in approval. " pretty slick," he said to Janeway and the keeper. "I take it you needed to talk to me quickly?".
Janeway nodded and gestured towards the ready room. Chakotay gave the bridge to Kim and followed her.
In the ready room, the Keeper stood near the door while Janeway sat in a chair facing Chakotay. "This is the Keeper, " she said indicating the small alien. "We need help from Voyager."
" I'm assuming you're not really here. This is an illusion?" Chakotay asked.
"Unless the Talosians have an instantaneous transporter system of unprecedented power, we're on the planet... Or more to the point, in the planet. We're in the Talosian menagerie." She paused for him to absorb this information. He nodded slowly. The Talosian illusions were complete. He had known that they were, from Picard, but the absolute perfection of the illusion took him by surprise - he could even smell the scent of the admiral's hair!
"What kind of help do you need?" Chakotay finally asked.
"There are several animals... " She glanced at the keeper and asked: " Are any of the creatures sentient?" The keeper shook his head and she said again, "There are several animals in the menagerie that need taken home. We need Voyager to come and help us catalog them and then transport them to their individual homes."
"How many animals are we talking about?" Chakotay asked.
For the first time, the keeper spoke. " there are seven hundred ninety six left alive."
Chakotay looked at Janeway incredulously. " you want us to transport ... Eight hundred animals? No disrespect intended, admiral, but where do you propose we put them?"
A slight smile played across Janeway's lips as she said," not eight hundred. Seven hundred ninety six." Chakotay did not smile. "I know this is not what you were expecting to do over the next... Let's face it several months, probably, but they are going to die if we don't help."
At that, Chakotay's face softened and his voice was quiet as he said," I understand."
"The animals have, up till recently, been experiencing a continuous illusion courtesy of the Keeper. however, he can't keep it up by himself, and this has stopped. It is my thought that we can program the holodecks on Voyager to simulate the individual habitats. I'm assuming that the Keeper will help in that area. It will take time, but we should be able to do it."
Chakotay nodded. " you're right about the time. But we can certainly do it. My main concern, however... You're not really here. This is an illusion. How do I know this is really you? The fact is, you could go to starfleet and have them order me to do this, but I wouldn't know for sure that it was real." He shook his head and sighed.
They talked for several minutes, and ended with Chakotay deciding that he would have to act on his own here. No matter what, he would not be sure that he was not in an enormous illusion. Therefore, he would act according to his conscience. He had done that before and joined the Maquis. He might be about to make a similar decision that would affect the entire crew of Voyager adversely, but at least his conscience would be clear. He was not going to let almost eight hundred animals die when he had the power to prevent it. It was a Kobyashi Maru scenario. He had no idea if it was a real emergency, and he might sacrifice his ship by going to Talos with it, but starfleet trusted him to make these kinds of decisions.
Janeway and the Keeper went to starfleet to inform them off what they intended. Command was understandably hesitant to approve her plan, but they were also appalled at the idea of eight hundred animals dying needlessly. They did insist on Voyager landing on Talos rather than orbit the planet in " plain sight".
Chakotay remained inwardly unimpressed by the fact that the admiral contacted starfleet. He was committed to the plan, but also recognized that everything he perceived could well be an illusion.
Finally it was time to take Voyager to the planet. Seven and Kim used a modified version of the flight plan Tom had used to take the Delta Flyer there. They entered orbit of the planet coasting, and set the orbit to decay after three revolutions, then air braked on decent. It was only the last five kilometers that Voyager used thrusters. Chakotay, from his position in the command chair had given the order to execute the programmed course, then had sat back and watched his ship take over. Actually, the ship had very little to do with the flight either. It was split second timing that was responsible for the entire flight until Voyager's thrusters kicked in at the last moment. Once the engines came on and gave Voyager it's initial push, they were committed. They landed just one hundred meters from the Flyer.
The rock watched the strange ship coast into orbit. It scanned the ship and saw that the small ship that had landed earlier and this new, larger ship had much in common. In the organic regions of the rock's " mind " it was becoming uneasy. Who were these newcomers? Were they the enemy? The rock searched it's databases for the configuration of the ships. Nothing was found. The organic beings on the ships were probed, both physically and psychically. Nothing was found resembling them there either. They were an enigma. The rock was definitely alerted now. It was faced with a decision to make. There was one enemy below. If they helped him again, the rock's decision would be made.
Beverly and Worf were sitting in the Flyer, chatting amiably... Well as amiably as one could chat with Worf. They had been talking about the situation Ambassador Spock had outlined for them. Worf was of the idea that it was cowardly to hide behind illusions rather than openly confronting one's enemies. Beverly wasn't so sure. The Talosians were not physically imposing. She could see why they would use their obvious strengths to their advantage.
Suddenly they were startled by an incredibly loud noise from outside. Worf drew his phaser and told her to stay put while he exited the craft. Suddenly, she heard him shout. " Dr. Crusher! Come out here!" She quickly stood and looked outside where a rare sight awaited her. Voyager was coming in for a landing!
"I understand, Admiral. It is an impressive sight." It was the keeper, but not from behind her. From beside. She looked to her right and Janeway and the keeper were standing there. The admiral watched as Voyager finished touching down. Then she turned to the doctor.
"Beverly. Coordinate with The Doctor on Voyager and get the Keeper aboard. Mr Worf. Please coordinate with Tuvok as well. Get some of his personnel and place them on guard duty. We just highlighted this planet for all to see."
Beverly acknowledged her and went back into the flyer. Worf taped his communicator and asked to speak to Tuvok on Voyager. very quickly for security personnel were double timing it towards the Flyer. Worf set one guarding the lift to the subterranean city and the other the were put on patrol around the knoll.
Two medical personnel from Voyager came hurrying over as well. One was an orderly as expected. The other, however, was the Doctor utilizing his mobile emitter.
"Doctor," Beverly said to him. "I didn't expect you to come yourself!".
"I understand, Dr Crusher, but the chance to examine a telepathic species as powerful as this patient is unprecedented! This species from all appearances is even more powerful, telepathically, than the Ocampa! There is no way I can pass this opportunity up." He calmed his voice a bit then said rather matter of factly, " not to mention the satisfaction of being one of the only people who can say they've set foot on Talos."
Beverly laughed at that, and together they prepared the keeper for transfer to Voyager's sickbay.
Underground, Janeway no longer saw herself as being on the surface. She seemed to appear in the corridor beside Picard. He started at her appearance. Apparently, she had been invisible to the others while she perceived herself on Voyager and the surface.
"Admiral," Picard said to her. "if I may ask, where have you been?"
"I brought Voyager here." She replied. " we can use the holodecks to transport these animals. The habitats we can set up won't be as good as what the Keeper can do, but they should suffice for getting them home."
"Agreed," Picard said nodding his head.
And then, everything changed, and Picard was no longer in the city.
The rock came to a decision. It watched the ship land. It could tolerate that. It watched people start to guard the lift and patrol the area around the knoll. That was no problem. Then however, they took the enemy on board the larger ship and started to examine him. And they treated him for disease. He was getting better. These newcomers were aiding the enemy. The rock couldn't tolerate that at all. It acted.
On Voyager...
Beverly and the Doctor had just given the Talosian a vitamin infusion and completed another round with the much finer ships transporters in removing the pollutants from the Keeper's lungs.
The Doctor was setting up a brain scan. He asked Beverly to position the scanner a bit higher. He received no response. Turning, he saw Beverly standing immobile.
" Beverly? Dr Crusher?". No response. He waved his hand in front of her face. Again, no response. He scanned her. She was fine, but she seemed to be unable to perceive anything outside of her mind. He grabbed a medical tricorder and scanned her with that. There was the normal amount of brain activity for someone responding to her surroundings. She was obviously seeing things. She was moving somewhat, but she wasn't. He could see her brain tell her body to move, and he could see her brain receive the information that she had in fact moved. But physically, she hadn't. It seemed that her brain was off in it's own little world. The Doctor pressed the intercom switch and called his orderly to help him move Beverly to a diagnostic bed. No response. He tried his nurse. Again, no response. This was getting disturbing. He tried the bridge. There, at least someone acknowledged his call, but no voice came through the intercom. He got Beverly onto a diagnostic bed, then headed for the bridge.
The corridors were a strange sight. Voyager's crew was there... But they weren't. Physically they were there, but every one of them was motionless. He boarded the turbolift for the bridge. Captain Chakotay was there, motionless and unblinking. The Doctor ran his scanner over the captain, and found the same readings he had found with Beverly Crusher. His mind was active, but he was unresponsive. When the lift reached the bridge, the Doctor stepped off and gazed around. Harry Kim was there at ops, looking for all the world like a mannequin. He was looking at the ops board, and his hands were hovering over the board, frozen as they were moving to press buttons. At the helm, Seven was seated. She too, was frozen, her hand on the open intercom. The Doctor made a slow circuit of the bridge, examining the crew. All had the same readings. He came back to Seven. Her hand still on the intercom. And the switch was open. She had acknowledged his call. So she was still somewhat responsive. She had to be! He shook her be the shoulder. She blinked and slowly turned her head to look at him.
"Doctor," she said very slowly. "I am attempting to segregate the illusions from reality. I should have it done in a few moments. Please stand by." She went unresponsive again.
Segregate the illusions from reality? Was the Talosian doing this? Did their scans trigger something? Maybe the scans were perceived as a threat. But that didn't make sense. They should know what the scans were. And the scans he had used so far were all passive.
Suddenly, Seven blinked and stood. She gazed around the bridge, taking in each of her colleagues. They were all immobile and she understood why. She turned to the doctor. "Doctor. I am experiencing an illusion. Even now I perceive that I am in a desert, with nothing to see except sand all around me. And I am kneeling down and my feet and hands are pulled behind me where they are chained to a post. In the illusion, I am unable to move. To segregate the illusion from reality, I have had to tie directly into my implants for perception."
"I see," the Doctor said. "I think it would be safe to assume that the rest of the crew sees something similar."
Seven looked curiously at the Doctor. " why would that be a safe assumption? Each persons mind is different. Some might not be affected at all.". She hit the shipwide intercom. " all hands. Report to the bridge, immediately." She turned to the Doctor. "Obviously, those that are nonresponsive won't, but there might be some that answer." She tapped her communicator and called the Flyer and those on the surface. Again, no response.
"We seem to be the only ones who are unaffected," the Doctor commented.
"I am hardly unaffected," Seven replied. "However, I am functioning."
Spock knelt on the ground. He was on a plain, with yellow sand stretching away as far as the eye could see. His feet and hands were tied behind him. He moved his hands experimentally. They wouldn't come free. Intellectually, he knew that he was still in the menagerie, probably still standing, looking at the animal he had been studying. But that didn't help. He couldn't shake this illusion. There was no way to get it out of his perception. He decided to simply wait. There didn't seem to be anything else he could do. He wondered if the Keeper had betrayed him. Considering the current situation he found himself in, that was a distinct possibility.
Jean-Luc Picard knelt on the ground. Feet and hands fastened behind him. He was hot. He was on an endless plain of sand. What happened he wondered. Did the Talosian turn against us? Did he have some hidden agenda? Picard couldn't figure it out. It didn't feel right. He didn't think they had been betrayed by the Talosian. But under the current circumstances, what other alternative was there?
Janeway knelt on a wide plain of endless yellow sand. Her legs and feet were bound behind her. She had been talking to the Keeper And then suddenly she was here. she tried to think if there was any indication that this was going to happen. They had been talking about the needs of the animals for their journey. Why would the Keeper suddenly turn on them? They were helping him! Unless all they had been told was a lie. That was certainly a possibility.
The Magistrate knelt on the plain, hands and feet bound behind him. Never before had he been scared. Even when Chris had held a laser on him years ago, before they became friends... Before the magistrate had even known the meaning of the word friend. At that point he wasn't scared. He simply figured if he died, his purpose was served. Now he was unable to break the illusion he was currently experiencing. That meant that he was under the influence of a mind more powerful than his own. That scared him. He knew how powerful his mind was. If there was one more powerful... He was very scared.
The Doctor displayed a look of horror on his face. These people were all friends of his. How could he pull them out of these illusions. If they were perceiving the same illusion that Seven was, would they even be able to eat? What about sleep? He would have to figure out a way to disconnect them from whatever was influencing their minds. Seven had walked over to the communications console. The doctor realized that he had been ignoring something. There was an insistent beeping from the board. A call was coming in! But from another ship, not from anyone on Talos.
Seven turned on the overhead speakers. "... calling Voyager. Come in Voyager. Repeat: This is USS Enterprise calling Voyager. We lost your signal. Please respond! Enterprise calling Voyager. come in Voyager!"
Seven pressed the transmit button. "This is Seven of Nine, on board USS Voyager. We have had an incident on board. Please let me speak to Commander Riker." She looked at the Doctor who had joined her at the communications board. "At least they'll know what has happened. And they may very well have some ideas."
The Doctor nodded but before he could say anything, the ships speakers came to life with the voice of Commander William Riker whose image appeared on the main viewer. "Riker here. What's going on there Seven? We had agreed on hourly reports, and the first one was being made when it just stopped."
"That is understandable, Commander. All personnel other than myself and the Doctor appear to be under the influence of an illusion. The organic parts of my mind are receiving an illusion, but I am able to filter it out of my perception. I think it is likely that the illusion I perceive is the same as the rest of the crew."
"I take it that Captain Picard and the rest of the Flyer's crew are similarly effected?"
"Dr Crusher is aboard Voyager, Commander," the Doctor said. "She was the first one I saw succumb. We haven't been able to raise the others."
"I see." Riker's voice was ice. "Is the Talosian causing this?"
"Commander. Someone is approaching in the illusion." Seven's voice sounded a long way off as she tuned into the illusion. "It looks like the Keeper, but it is not him. He is dressed similarly, and certainly looks like he's of the same race. He's saying something now. 'We have watched you. You are helping the enemy. Therefore we have stopped you.'" She raised her voice and asked the being as it turned away, "Who is the enemy? Who are you? We were told that there were no more Talosians! He isn't responding at all, Commander. He is walking away. He's gone now. He just faded as he was walking away."
"'We have watched you. You are helping the enemy. Therefore we have stopped you.' That's all he said?" Riker asked.
"Yes sir. That is all he said."
"Who is the enemy?" Riker asked to no one in particular. He looked around at the bridge personnel on Voyager, each one totally oblivious to everything happening in reality. "Seven, find out if anyone is unaffected on the planet. Doctor, see if you can find out how these illusions work. See if you can disrupt them in any way. Both of you, send the data that you collect to our Mr. Data. I'm placing him on this problem exclusively." Riker paused a moment and fixed both of them with a look. "Let's figure this out and get our friends freed."
Seven inclined her head, and the Doctor replied gravely, "Yes, Sir". Both of them turned away as Riker severed the connection.
On board Voyager...
Seven started toward the turbolift as the connection with Enterprise ended. "I am assuming that you are going to see if anyone else is unaffected," the Doctor said to her. "I'm going to need to run some scans on you before very long, so please hurry back."
Seven paused before entering the turbolift. She glanced at the Doctor, then nodded her head slightly. "I will hurry, Doctor. Before I return, however, I would suggest that you run some scans on as many of the crew as you can. It might be prudent to get some baseline readings on as many different species as possible."
The Doctor nodded. "I agree. However, it will eventually be necessary to see how your implants are allowing you to move the illusions out of your immediate perception"
Seven nodded once more, then left the bridge. The Doctor turned to Harry Kim, and started taking detailed scans.
Seven stepped out of the lift and shone her light at the floor. There were barely perceptible tracks leading to the left. Logically, she followed them. There was no sound except the echo of her footsteps. Had Seven been fully human, she would have had an emotional response to the emptiness. Actually, she was outwardly even more unemotional than she would normally be. Because her biological components were susceptible to the illusion being transmitted to her, that part of her was essentially being suppressed. The part that was active, was the computerized part. That part could ignore the illusions. Her human brain was just as good a receiver of illusion as anyone else's. She was having to give a very large part of her consciousness under the control of her implants. She doubted that the Doctor would be able to find a way to free the others through studying her. They didn't have the technological distinctions that she had.
Finally, after walking close to two kilometers, she started to hear the whisper of air filtration equipment. On the moving air, came smells as well. She could sense a large number of different creatures through their smells. She sensed that her organic part considered some of the smells unpleasant. However, this was the least of her organic self's worries. Then she realized something of importance. Her organic self WAS aware of the smells. She paused and devoted more of her processing power to perceiving the illusion. The smells were not a part of the illusion. Nor were they being incorporated into the illusion. If she placed enough of her attention on the illusion, the smells appeared to be gone. But she could detect the odors with both her implants and her olfactory system. That would be something to tell the Doctor. Apparently, her sensory organs were unaffected. As well, part of her brain sensed reality still. She decided to see if vision were affected the same way and was rewarded with an affirmative. She started walking again, but devoted part of her consciousness to examining her senses and how much of the brain was actually being affected by the illusion.
By tapping into her organic systems in different locations, Seven discovered that her organic consciousness was where the illusion was happening. This did nothing to help her overcome the problem, but it was interesting to note. She allowed as much of her organic systems as possible to handle their own sensory input, and then shunted the input into her inorganic systems for final integration into her consciousness. She found that this allowed as much of her personality as possible to remain in the forefront, but her inorganic consciousness was the main component controlling her now. The result was a Seven of Nine who was, if possible, more aloof than she normally was. She wasn't going to win any friends this way, and she recognized that fact, although dimly. But, until the Doctor, Data, and she, managed to stop the illusions in some way, there weren't any people with whom friends could be made. So, it didn't much matter. "Good," she thought. And then, she realized something else. Her psyche was being split, not unlike a schizophrenic person's would be. It was almost as if there was a section of her consciousness that was compartmentalized, away from the rest, and this was the section of her mind that was being controlled by the illusion. To bypass the illusion, she had separated her consciousness into two parts. One, the organic, had what amounted to virtual sensory input and output. The inorganic had its input and output as her actual body. She wondered if it would be possible to, in effect, separate her organic consciousness into a virtual machine and a physical. The virtual machine would be the part that had the illusion as its sensory input and output. She thought she might be able to split off an organic consciousness that was rooted in reality. It might take some time, but it would be worth it.
She rounded a corner, and came upon the party from the Delta Flyer standing in front of a cage. In it, was a creature that looked like a Terran kangaroo, but it had definite Saurian features. It, like the humanoids, was completely motionless. It stood unblinking, gazing at the Vulcan Ambassador. It was eerie, the way they stood, apparently captivated by each other's eyes. And the others stood by, as if looking at some incredible happening. They might have been a waxworks display, standing unmoving. But each displayed it's life by breathing. Seven scanned each one, and found that life signs were normal, aside from an elevated level of dopamine in their brains.
She hated leaving the party here, but saw little choice in it. She eased each one off their feet and made them as comfortable as she could, but in the end could do little to help them. The diminutive keeper was the last one she lowered to the floor. She gazed for a moment into his eyes. The fact that he too was apparently lost in illusion seemed to indicate that he was not at fault for this situation. As she hurried towards the surface, she considered the possibility that they were up against a mental power that was able to overcome the considerable mental prowess of the Talosians. That was a very disturbing thought. Very disturbing indeed.
Ambassador Spock sat. He looked across the plain. The Talosian had come and gone. It was definitely of the same species as the Keeper, but he had never before seen this one. This strange Talosian had said they were aiding the enemy. What did that mean? Was this new Talosian enemies with the creatures of the Menagerie? Was he an enemy of the Talosians that he was familiar with? He reached out to the Keeper with his mind. He didn’t know if he could find him, but he tried. He felt Picard, Janeway, Paris, B’ Elanna… They all seemed to be in the same situation he was in. Curious.
As he explored his companions’ consciousnesses, he found that they too, were immobile. He couldn’t find the Keeper, however. Then he realized…. He would have to stretch his mind farther if he was to reach the familiar mind. The Keeper wasn’t really beside Spock. Just an illusion of him. He reached farther, and found him onboard Voyager, in sickbay. He was there, his mind as active as ever. Spock touched it gingerly. He wasn’t sure what he would find, but he suspected that the Keeper was not at fault for what was happening. None of it made sense, unless the Keeper had lied. Spock admitted that, given the power of the Talosian mind, this was possible. He certainly could have deceived Spock, but it would have taken an incredible amount of effort.
Spock touched the Talosian mind and requested a full link. The Keeper agreed, and their minds merged. Suddenly, Spock knew Captain Pike in a way he never had. He saw, through Pike’s eyes, a young as a lieutenant, newly assigned to Enterprise, and still struggling to control his emotions. Had he really smiled like that? He hadn’t realized, but then, perhaps Pike had read more emotion in than Spock had really shown. ‘No, Spock. You really DID smile that much.’ The thought came from the Keeper’s mind, but it was definitely Captain Pike’s amused voice.
“Interesting,” Spock thought. “The Keeper must have absorbed an enormous amount of Captain Pike’s personality over the years. It’s almost as if the Captain is still here, talking to me.”
“Yes, Spock. I did absorb much of Chris’ personality over the years. But that is not the only reason why you hear his voice.” That was in the Keeper’s own voice.
“Indeed,” Spock projected to the Keeper. “What other reason is there?” Spock knew that there were more pressing things to discuss with the Keeper, but his curiosity, never far from the surface, was asserting itself once again.
“Later, Spock. For right now, we must figure out what is happening to us. I have probed the minds on this ship, and have discovered that each is being affected by the same illusion that I perceive.”
“Fascinating.” Spock considered for a moment. Then, “How are we separate individuals in the meld? In my experience, a meld this deep involves a merging of consciousness.”
“Not for a Talosian. We have a way of compartmentalizing our minds. You are joined to my mind, but that section of my mind is only being used right now for a connection to you. It does not contain my consciousness. I do not wish to overwhelm you with my thoughts, so I considered that this might be the best way of communication between us.”
“Indeed.” Spock was mildly perturbed that the Talosian was condescending to him, but given the obvious power of his mind, he was undoubtedly correct that his thoughts could very well be overwhelming. “I would assume that those of us who are underground are all being affected in the same way too. I saw a Talosian earlier. He said that we were aiding the enemy. Who is the enemy?”
The Magistrate considered before he answered. There was the possibility that he was wrong, but he doubted it. Spock must know the truth. Chris had known, and he didn’t think less of the Talosian for it, so it was doubtful that Spock would either. “That will take some time to explain, Spock. Many years ago, Talos was at war. You know this, but what you don’t yet know is that we were at war with ourselves. The ‘pets’ that beat us back… They were not just pets. They were not just intelligent creatures. They were us. There were those of us who did not have the ability to project illusions into the minds of others. They were looked down on, and treated as ‘less than’ the rest of us. At first, this prejudice was not the case, but as time went on experiments were performed on these people. These experiments were intended with the purest of scientific motives. We wished to learn why some of us had the ability and others didn’t. But as time went on, these people became less than people… They became test subjects only. Then, horribly, they became the property of the laboratories that were performing the experiments. We fooled ourselves into thinking we were purely scientists by making life as comfortable for these people as we possibly could. What we didn’t realize, however, is that some of them were born immune to our abilities. We couldn’t project into their minds. These people went into hiding, and they started experimenting on us! They quickly learned how to shield against our projections, so we couldn’t do anything to stop them. They developed a purely artificial means of projecting what we did naturally. And not only did they give themselves the ability artificially, but it was more powerful than our own. With the turn of a dial, they could amplify their abilities enormously.”
The Keeper paused for a moment and Spock could feel the emotions raging through him. Finally, he resumed in his narrative. “In the first strike, they decimated our population. We lost many good people in that attack. Years ago, we expressed to Chris, surprise that human beings were so horrified at being kept in a cage. We had seen this horror before, however. We had seen it in ourselves. What we didn’t know is that others shared this resistance.” The Keeper stopped talking and simply looked at Spock for a long while, as if daring Spock to judge him.
Spock, for his part, was unwilling to judge. His own history was so violent, that he refused to say anything. The Keeper finally broke his silence. “This must seem horrifying to you - that any race could do this to itself.”
“No, Magistrate. If you look into my mind deeper, you will see that Vulcans have a particularly long and bloody history. It is not my place to judge your race when mine was so badly behaved before we discovered logic to temper us.”
Suddenly, both Spock and The Keeper sensed a new mind tentatively reaching out to touch them. It was fleeting at first, but the touch became more and more substantial. The Keeper recoiled in horror at the first sensing of this mind, but intellectually, he knew that this mind was safe to touch. Very carefully, the Keeper drew the mind in. Part of him kept screaming, ‘artificial!’ But it was the artificial aspects of Seven that allowed the joining he now found himself a part of.
“You were right, Doctor,” the Keeper heard in his mind, but also with his ears. “Apparently, that was the correct frequency to use. I am accessing thoughts from the Keeper and the Ambassador.”
“Seven of Nine,” Spock thought to her. “It will be interesting to learn how you have managed to enter this meld.”
“Once the Doctor discovered the frequency of the Keeper’s thoughts, it was not hard, she thought back. What is your status, Ambassador?”
“We are undamaged, however, we are unable to connect mentally with our physical bodies. This will prove to be a problem when our bodies need physical sustenance.”
“Agreed,” Seven said. “How long will it be before sustenance is required?”
“That would depend on how long we have been unresponsive,” Spock replied, sounding slightly amused.
“You mock me?” Seven asked.
“Hardly,” Spock replied. “I simply find it gratifying that you have found your… niche, is what a human would call it. Yet you remain Borg. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination.”
“I see. Do I take it that you find it ironic that the ship that destroyed the Borg still carries a Borg as a crewmember?”
“I would not have put it that way, Seven, but I think that would be an accurate assessment. You have truly grown beyond the sum of your parts. You have become an individual in a way no other Borg ever has. You are unique.”
“Thank you Ambassador. Now, however, I think it would be prudent to see what can be done for our shipmates.”
“Of course. How are you separating yourself from the illusion? Is there any way in which we could use your technique to help the others?” Spock was immediately focused on the problem at hand.
Seven considered. “I am certain others could not use my technique. I am separating my consciousness through my Borg implants. I have split my consciousness into two sections. I am using my artificial consciousness to connect my senses to my mind. My organic systems are aware of sensory input, but the part that senses things has been ‘disconnected’. It is as if my sense of self is in a box. Were it not for my implants, I would not be able to function outside this box. It would completely overrun my perception.”
“I see,” said Spock, thoughtfully. And right now, you are able to confer with Voyager’s Doctor?”
“Yes. I am.”
“Fascinating. And you are in Voyager’s Sickbay?”
“Yes. What do you have in mind, Ambassador?”
“Is that a joke, Seven? I have you in my mind.”
“Ambassador,” Seven’s tone was positively exasperated now. “I assure you that I am not joking.”
“No. I suppose you are not. Were I human, however, I might have found your statement amus…”
“Ambassador, please. We have other things to focus on right now.”
“I assure you, Seven. I am working on a theory right now.”
“Is it possible, Seven, for you to patch me into Voyager’s computer so I could interface with the holographic systems?”
Seven considered. “It might be possible to patch you in so you could ‘speak’ through the ship’s intercoms. That seems like a lot of work for a little gain, however. I can allow you to communicate directly with the doctor through me.”
“That is not what I had in mind, Seven. I am wondering if you could act as a conduit so that I could place my mind, or a copy of it at least into the ship’s computer. This could then control a holographic body, as the ship’s doctor does.”
“I am not sure. Let me confer with the doctor.” For a few moments, things were quiet.
“Spock,” came the thought from the Keeper. “If I understand things correctly, you are planning on controlling a photonic body with a copy of your mind which would reside in the vessel’s computer?”
“Yes, Keeper. That is essentially correct.”
“I might be able to help somewhat also. With Seven of Nine’s help, I should be able to separate my consciousness much as she has been able to. I do not have the benefit of an artificial consciousness, however, the Talosian mind is capable of segregating different sections of itself, and running what you would call ‘Virtual Consciousnesses’. By building one of these virtual minds, I can connect my sensory organs to it, and transfer control of my body from my main consciousness to it. I should then be able to function. If I can succeed in this, it will show me that I am able to completely segregate that part of my mind receiving the illusion, and I should then be able to help by projecting many of the crew of Voyager through my mind. You would be able to interact with them in a way that seems perfectly normal to you.”
“But that mind residing in the computer would not be able to perceive your illusions any more than they can receive the other Talosian’s illusions.”
“No,” said the Keeper, “but if Seven can maintain a connection to the computer from your biological mind, we should be able to allow your doppleganger to see what is happening in my illusion.”
Spock considered, then asked Seven, “Did you hear what the Keeper proposes?”
“No, but the thought did appear in my head,” Seven thought back at Spock in response to his earlier humor. “I would say that his plan does appear to have a high probability of success. I would recommend that we try to revive Mr. Kim in the same way we intend on reviving you. Mr. Kim is an ‘artist’ when it comes to holodecks. He should be able to recreate any other person we need. The bridge has holo-emitters, as do most areas of the ship, but certain areas don’t. The doctor insisted that he be able to make ‘housecalls’ for those people who weren’t critically ill, so even crew quarters have emitters now.”
Seven explained in detail what she had done to split her consciousness to the Keeper, who performed analogous operations in his own mind. With that accomplished, he was able to tune out the illusion and focus on reality. He sat up in sickbay, much to the surprise of the Doctor. Then Seven and the Keeper set up the necessary conduit for Spock to control a photonic body. The doctor demanded that Spock’s physical body be present in sickbay for observation when they activated the conduit. He and Seven made several trips to the underground city and retrieved their shipmates and the Enterprise crew. The Doctor made them all as comfortable as possible in their quarters. Those from the Enterprise, he put in empty quarters.
Finally, things were ready to go. The photonic body was constructed for the Ambassador, and the conduit was in place. Seven made the proper connections, and the photonic Spock sat up on the examination table where it had been constructed. One eyebrow went up, and Spock said, “Fascinating.”
“How are you feeling, Ambassador?” The Doctor asked.
“Quite normal, Doctor. Apparently Seven is able to interface my mind into the computer system of Voyager quite effectively. A remarkable experience.”
Seven of Nine was standing at the foot of Spock’s bed. “I am connecting your mind completely with the computer. I should be able to handle two more people completely. However, any more than that, and I will have to turn down the resolution of the connection. My Borg implants are capable of integrating thoughts from several million people, however, pain from other people was never intended to be something integrated. On the contrary; it was intended to be filtered out. The Borg considered it superfluous. As were any emotions. Motor control, however should be no problem, as the collective is designed to be able to control any drone’s body. Consequently, the pathways for that exist, and can be used to link many people to photonic bodies. I will simply serve as a hub, for lack of a better term.”
“There should be no need to transfer emotions to a photonic body anyway,” The Doctor remarked. “Emotions are completely internal in the brain.”
“That is true, Doctor, however the physiological effects of emotions are not,” Seven replied. “But I agree that it is unnecessary to transfer all of the emotions or even the physiological effects to the photonic body.”
“I'm glad we agree,” The Doctor said. “Now we need to set up a photonic body for Mr. Kim.”
“No, Magistrate. I'm not certain that they can, however we need to try,” Spock suddenly said as he was swinging his legs off the bed and sitting up.
“I'm assuming that the Keeper is communicating telepathically with you,” The Doctor said sardonically. “One of the drawbacks of being a hologram. I can't hear that type of communication. I would appreciate it if you would speak, Magistrate, so I'm not left out of what's going on.”
“My apologies, Doctor. I was simply asking Spock if he thought Mr. Kim, or humans in general for that matter, would be able to control a photonic body. I am not sure if the human mind is powerful enough.”
The Doctor assumed his teaching attitude. “I understand your concern, however I'm often surprised at what I find the human mind is capable of doing. And considering that this is Mr. Kim that we're talking about... Well let's just say he's extremely resourceful for a human.”
Spock raised an eyebrow and nodded his head slightly. “Illogical, Doctor, but I learned many years ago from another doctor that illogical ideas frequently have merit.”
The Doctor smiled as though pleased with himself. “Ah Yes! That would be Doctor Leonard McCoy. His experiences are part of my programming. Not his memories, mind you. Just his experiences. I think it would be interesting to see a Horta. I would love the chance to exam...”
“Doctor, we have things to do,” Seven interrupted.
“You’re right, of course, Seven,” The Doctor said. He turned to Spock. “I would very much like to continue this conversation when we are done with this current crisis. If we DO get done with it,” he added wryly.
The next step in the plan was to revive Harry Kim. The Keeper and Ambassador Spock went deep into the meld and reached out. Seven of Nine remained on the fringes of the meld, waiting. She knew Harry Kim, and he trusted her. Harry had only met Spock once, and only fleetingly. The Keeper, he had never met at all, but he would recognize the fact that he was of the same species as the person who had entrapped him. Therefore, it was necessary to keep Seven ready to reassure him that this Talosian was benevolent.
Finding Harry was simple. Once Spock and the Keeper were tapped into the mental link created by the illusion being generated by the other Talosian, Seven reached through it to the minds being held captive within their own imaginations. She found several of her friends, and their emotions assaulted her. She found it difficult to concentrate, so was forced to shut out the people that she knew and cared for, to search for the one mind that she needed most now. Finally, she found the mind that she wanted. Mr. Kim! She said. Can you hear me?
“Seven? Where are you?” It was Harry’s voice coming to her in her mind. ”I can’t see you!”
“I am here, Mr. Kim. Do you appear to be in a desert?”
“Yes! How did I get here? I was on the bridge, then it seemed like I was on a holodeck. Everything changed and I was here.”
“Everything is under control, Harry. You’re in your quarters now. You are experiencing an illusion created by a Talosian mind. It seems as though there is another Talosian that is not as benevolent as the one designated ‘the Keeper’.”
“How are you talking to me, Seven? From what I’ve read of Ambassador Spock’s reports on Talos, you shouldn’t be able to break through the Talosian illusions,” Harry thought to her.
“Ambassador Spock and the Keeper are helping me. Because of my Borg implants, I am able to compartmentalize my mind and escape the illusion. I can help you do the same thing, but only to a point. I should be able to help you break out in your mind, but I cannot separate your awareness from it’s false sensory input. We have constructed a holobody for Ambassador Spock, and we think I can act as a conduit for you to control one as well, if this is agreeable to you. With your help, we should be able to get several holographic bodies online for the command crew of Voyager.”
Harry’s mental voice sounded skeptical and relieved at the same time. “Believe me, Seven; I’d like nothing more than to be out of this desert. I’m not sure how I’ll like being in a photonic body as opposed to my own, but… I’ll give it a try.”
Another voice, deep and soothing came to Harry out of the meld. “The doctor is ready,” Spock said.
“Mr. Kim,” Seven said. “If you’ll follow me…”
Harry wasn’t sure how he did it. He simply wasn’t in the desert anymore. He opened his eyes, and he was on a table looking up at the Doctor’s concerned face. “Hey, Doc,” he said. “How am I doing?”
The Doctor smiled grimly at him. “You’re doing fine, but remember walking down the gangplank is….. walking the plank. It won’t kill you, but you’ll find your brains a bit scrambled and you’ll be back in the desert. You’re a hologram now, so don’t go poking around in any Jeffries tubes not equipped with holo emitters.”
Harry nodded his head. “Got it.”
A couple of hours later, Harry had designed a program that would scan any person on board Voyager and create a photonic body for them. Then it was simply a matter of the Keeper and Seven going into the meld to retrieve their consciousness to animate the bodies.
Spock contacted Enterprise and informed Commander Riker what was happening, then they created bodies for the command crew of Voyager, followed by the Delta Flyer contingent. Shortly after revival, the group met in Voyager’s briefing room.
In the briefing room, Admiral Janeway sat at the head of the table. Captains Chakotay and Picard sat on either side of her. Beverly and Worf were seated to Picard’s right, and Seven of Nine and the Doctor were seated beyond them. Beside Chakotay were Tom Paris, Torres, Kim, and Tuvok, head of Voyager’s security. The Keeper was beside Kim, and Spock sat at the end of the table. On the viewscreen at the end of the room was Riker and Data. They were seated in the briefing room on board the Enterprise.
“This is an interesting situation we find ourselves in,” Janeway was saying. “I’ve got to say, it’s interesting knowing that I can’t just walk down the gangplank onto the surface. If I try, I’ll disappear.”
“Welcome to my world,” The Doctor said. “Well, my world before I got my mobile emitter anyway. It offers a wonderful sense of freedom.”
“So, Keeper,” Janeway decided to ignore the Doctor for the moment. “Who is this new Talosian that we’ve all seen.”
The Doctor started to say something, presumably that HE hadn’t seen the new Talosian, but Data beat him to it. “My apologies, Admiral, but we on Enterprise have not seen him.”
Chakotay saw his former Captain’s face, and tried as hard as he could to keep from laughing. He made a valiant effort, anyway, but the stress of the last few hours was too much, and he knew if he tried any more he’d hurt himself. Paris didn’t even try to suppress it.
Janeway grinned at the Doctor. “You’ve got competition, Doctor.” Data, for his part, looked quizzically at the laughing humans, then from Janeway to the Doctor. He finally just shook his head and said nothing more.
“Thank you, Mr. Data. I stand corrected. But the question remains: Who is he and why are we being held captive by him?”
The Keeper looked miserable as he told the story to the group. “It started on our planet millennia ago…”
As the Keeper progressed through his story, no one said a word. The two doctors at the table looked sickened, but refrained from comment. Finally the Talosian finished. “I regret that you have been drug into our war. It is not yours. You should not have to defend yourselves against this person.”
“But I thought your war had ended. At least that’s the impression I had,” Torres said.
“There was never actually a peace treaty forged. There was just an eventual cessation of hostilities. But we too had thought it was over. We were wrong.”
Picard spoke up. “Keeper. What can we do? What is the range of these illusions?”
The Keeper looked sadly at Picard. “Captain. You remember how far I was able to send an illusion to you from. The artificial ability is about three times as powerful as the natural one.”
Picard looked stunned. Spock raised an eyebrow and offered. “Then there is hardly any place to run to. Even if we could outdistance this Talosian’s power, we would be incapacitated long before we could get anywhere near the distance necessary. Our physical bodies would starve.”
Chakotay looked at Spock, then at the Keeper. “Perhaps a show of good faith? Leave the planet? I know he can reach us no matter how far we run, but maybe if we leave, he’ll think we’ve given up.”
Spock shook his head, “I am not sure that would work, Captain. Unless there is another group of Talosians on the planet, and have been for thousands of years, that the Keeper’s people were unaware of, this is a computer manipulating the same apparatus that the Keeper’s adversaries used eons ago to break out of their subjugation. I feel that the latter is much more likely.”
“I do too, Spock,” Janeway agreed. “That would explain why there has been no more communication, as well as no reaction to what we’ve been doing.”
“But if it’s a computer, wouldn’t there be some contingency for release of prisoners?” Beverly speculated.
Spock nodded. “One would assume that there would be some such contingency, but I feel I must point out that the Keeper’s adversaries might have simply programmed their computer to let any prisoners expire from hunger and thirst.”
“I didn’t feel any pain from the bonds in my illusion,” Harry Kim said. “And from the way I was kneeling there, there should have been.”
Tuvok had been sitting with his fingers steepled since the Keeper started his story. He now seemed to come out of a reverie and stated, almost matter of factly, “One need not feel pain to die, Mr. Kim.”
The Keeper nodded at the Vulcan’s words. “That is true, Mr. Tuvok. By simply dampening the pain and hunger receptors in the brain, a person would simply die from starvation, and never know he were hungry.”
“Keeper; I’m sorry to phrase this question as I do, but… Did your adversaries show the same… disregard for your people as their captors did for them?” Picard was clearly uncomfortable with his question, but it was a valid one, and the Keeper knew it.
“Once they established a method of blocking my people, the fighting stopped very quickly. It seemed to us that after the first strike, the adversary did not wish to kill unless absolutely necessary.”
Data was surprised. “I fail to understand why they would decimate your population, then decide that they didn’t wish to kill.”
Spock came to the android’s aid. “By giving themselves artificial telepathy, they would be unprepared for the onslaught of emotions from people that they were killing. One might kill a thousand people, but the emotions from those people would need to be dealt with. And these emotions would be absorbed in their entirety. It would be difficult to deal with, to say the least.”
Data nodded from the screen but seemed to still be confused. “So by using telepathy as a weapon, it backfired on them?”
“Correct, Mr. Data. One might say they ended up shooting themselves in the foot.”
“Hoist by their own petard,” Picard commented wryly. “Do you think it possible that they would have programmed that reluctance to kill into their machines?”
Tuvok looked at Picard and shook his head. “Unlikely. However programming the reluctance to kill and simply not programming to kill are two entirely different things. I surmise that the machines have not been programmed to kill.”
Spock shook his head. “Your reasoning is sound, Mr. Tuvok. However, as has been pointed out by the Keeper, holding a prisoner past his starvation point is no different than killing intentionally.”
Throughout the discussion, Janeway had been sitting, listening intently to each person, and injecting a bit to stimulate the conversation whenever necessary. Now, she looked at Picard and Chakotay in turn. “Gentlemen, I would like your opinion as to our options.”
Picard thought about it for a moment, then said, “I think Captain Chakotay’s idea of leaving the planet has merit. It seemed to be the act of bringing Voyager to the planet and landing that provoked things. Perhaps there is virtue in retreat.”
Chakotay agreed. “I think we should rendezvous with Enterprise.”
Janeway considered. “I don’t like the idea of leaving those creatures in the menagerie,” she stated. “Can we beam them aboard and place them in stasis?”
The two doctors conferred for a few moments. “We’ll make it work. We don’t have as much room here as on Enterprise, but we might not be able to return. I won’t leave those creatures to death,” Beverly said. The doctor just nodded his confirmation.
“That’s what I thought as well,” Janeway said. “Seven and the Doctor. Go get the Delta Flyer and bring it aboard Voyager. Tom, B’Elanna, and Tuvok. Consult with the doctors and see what we need in hardware to house some animals. Harry, use whatever holographic facilities you can to house as many of the creatures as we can. Chakotay, prepare Voyager for departure as soon as we have everyone on board.”
“Agreed, Admiral.”
“Admiral.” It was Picard. “What about the Keeper?”
She stopped and looked at the diminutive native of the planet. “We can’t force you to come with us, Magistrate, but you’re welcome to. I think it’s probably in your best interest.”
The Talosian inclined his head. “Your hospitality is most welcome, Admiral. May I request that before we depart from the planet, we retrieve the bodies of Captain Pike and his wife?”
Janeway nodded gravely. “Certainly. If you can give Captain Picard and Ambassador Spock the coordinates of the bodies, we will make arrangements for their retrieval.”
She turned to the group. “Alright, people. We’re all we’ve got at the moment. Let’s get to it.” With that she stood and headed for the door. She paused as it opened. “Dismissed.”
The Rock watched as the strangers got their small ship and took it into their large ship. It was uncertain how the strangers were managing to move, but they were. If they were leaving the planet, that was fine. The creators had not specified what to do with strangers, but as long as they stopped helping the enemy, the Rock would let them go. It perceived the creatures in the menagerie, where so long ago its creators had started their battle against the enemy, disappear. Then it realized they had reappeared aboard the larger ship. It watched while the remains of two of the strangers who had spent time with the enemy in the city until they died, were transferred in the same manner aboard the larger ship as well. Then the ship lifted itself into the air and left the planet. The rock kept its attention on the ship as it sped through space, then accelerated to a speed in excess of light itself. The rock had never tried watching something moving this fast, but found it could with very little effort. It watched as the ship slowed to a stop beside another ship. This one was much larger and had almost ten times as many people on board. Were they going to return to the planet? Perhaps the enemy was mustering an army! The rock made a quick decision and froze the people on the new ship as well.
On Enterprise
Data turned to look at him, the instant Riker stopped talking. It was odd. He had never seen Riker stop talking mid-sentence like this. The commander had been telling him to prepare to beam aboard Voyager, when he had stopped. Data looked around the bridge of the Enterprise and observed the crew. They were all frozen in mid-movement at whatever they had been doing. Data looked at the bridge viewscreen where Admiral Janeway and Captain Picard, or anyway the photonic versions of them, stood on the image of Voyager’s bridge.
“Commander Riker?” It was Janeway. She watched as Data touched, then gently shook the Commander as he stood staring at where the android had been sitting beside him. There was no response. She watched as every person on the bridge of the Enterprise seemed frozen in time except for the 2nd officer as he strode towards the screen. Her heart sank.
“It appears, Admiral,” the Android said, “That each crew member is non-responsive. Is this how it happened on Voyager?”
Glumly, Janeway nodded. Picard spoke up. “Mr. Data. It appears that the crew may be non-responsive for some time.” He looked at Janeway, who nodded affirmative as he continued giving his 2nd officer orders. “We will send over the doctor and Seven of Nine to help you as they are the only people who are physically able to board Enterprise other than the Keeper. We need to get the crew lying down where they will be more comfortable. Then I need you to come over here. We’re going to need your help.”
“Aye, Sir,” Data said, then gently lowered one of Riker’s arms that had been partially raised. He carefully picked the commander up and set him in the command seat. Then went to the helm and secured it. “I am setting Enterprise at station keeping relative to Voyager as I will be beaming over there after I finish with the crew.” Then, Data took the helm officer, lifted her effortlessly to his shoulder in what was still referred to as a fireman’s carry, turned to the screen, excused himself, and left the bridge.
On Voyager
Janeway, Picard, and Chakotay were in the briefing room once again. But this time, their meeting was private. “I wanted this discussion to be between the three of us, no rank involved. Just three commanding officers. We need ideas.”
Picard thought for a bit. “We need to find out where this illusion is coming from and turn it off at the source. We will probably find that source somewhere at Talos.”
Chakotay said, “You’ll get no argument from me on that, but where is it? In the city the Keeper showed you, or a different city? We don’t have a lot to go on.”
“No,” agreed Janeway. “But energy, even mental energy, has to be carried somehow if it can be transmitted or received. And it has to be carried in a way that is faster than light. Remember, Ambassador Spock said that the Talosians transmitted images of Captain Pike’s visit to Talos to the Enterprise under Captain Kirk’s command. That being the case, the Talosians have to be able to transmit through subspace.”
“That’s true!” Chakotay exclaimed. “Our own experience with the illusory power of the Talosians show that. We can verify with Seven, but she should have said something if the illusions changed at all when we went to warp.”
“We need to find the subspace frequency they transmit on,” Janeway said.
Picard remarked. “It would have to be quite high for it to not be affected by Doppler shift while we were at warp.”
Janeway contacted the Doctor. “Doctor, we need to find the subspace frequency the Talosian telepathy transmits and receives on.”
“Subspace frequency?” the Doctor asked. “I’m a doctor, not a warp field specialist,” he said. “All right. I’ll see what I can come up with as soon as I return to Voyager.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
“Admiral,” Picard began.
“No rank here, Jean-Luc.”
Picard sighed, but smiled. “Alright. Katherine then. If we take Voyager back to Talos, I need to protect Enterprise somehow. The crew is defenseless.”
Janeway nodded. Chakotay turned to Picard. “We could slave Enterprise to Voyager’s controls, but I don’t think that would be the best move.”
Picard agreed. “I think we should not take all of Voyager back to Talos. Perhaps it would be best if Data took the Delta Flyer alone.”
“If we could find the frequency the Talosians broadcast on, we might be able to build a hub that would do what Seven is doing. Harry could install some holo-emitters in key areas of Enterprise,” Janeway suggested.
“If we can find the frequency, I agree, that is probably the best move. We can revive my command crew. I can transfer to Enterprise and command her. If you need us at Talos, we will come to your aid.”
Suddenly, they heard the door chime. “Come in,” Janeway said. Ambassador Spock entered the conference room.
“My apologies, Admiral. I know this meeting was private, but I must speak with you about our course of action.”
“Not a problem, Spock. I should have included you in this meeting anyway. It’s for Captains and above. If I’m not mistaken, you carried the rank of Captain yourself.”
“Affirmative, Admiral, but that was many years ago.”
“Mr. Spock. We’re not standing on ceremony here. Please call me Katherine.”
Spock nodded gravely. “Certainly, Katherine. Am I to assume that you are planning on taking Voyager back to Talos?”
“We were just discussing it,” Janeway acknowledged. “Why?”
“I have detected a bit of… I hesitate to call it emotion. More curiosity. It seems to be attached to the illusion. The Keeper and I have both detected it. Before I stated that I thought we were dealing with a computer.”
“Do you think it’s not a computer now?” Chakotay asked.
“No Captain. It is a computer, but it is somehow different than a normal one. This computer is more than mere AI. I surmise that for a computer to utilize telepathic powers, however artificial, there would have to be a large understanding of the mind. Perhaps the Talosians that programmed it gave it a self awareness of some kind. However it has been done, there is a curiosity that is coming through the link to my mind.”
Picard considered. “Can you identify what it is curious about?”
“What we will do next. I surmise that if this computer possesses curiosity, it is intelligent, at least to a point. If we leave here with the same complement of people we arrived with, and then return to Talos, It may weaken its hold on Enterprise. It will not know if Enterprise is in league with us or not.”
Picard thought about what Spock had said. “That isn’t logical at all, Mr. Spock.”
“No, Captain. It is not. But it is frequently the way emotional beings think.”
“True,” Chakotay said. “But you said this wasn’t emotion that you were feeling. Why are you basing this on something that emotional beings do?”
“Because it is the closest analogy I can come up with. Dr. McCoy used to tell me that curiosity was an emotion. I don’t quite agree. But it is very similar.”
Janeway smiled at that. “I would love to meet your Dr. McCoy. Some of Voyager’s Doctor’s personality was based on him. I read up on him when we were in the Delta Quadrant and we only had an EMH as our doctor. I wanted to understand him better. Of all the doctors they based him on, Leonard McCoy seemed like the most interesting.”
“He and Jim Kirk were my best friends. I..” He stopped, then realized there was not any shame in admitting the truth. These people would understand. “Being onboard a Starfleet Vessel has brought much back to me.” His voice was very quiet, almost beyond their ability to hear, but there was no misunderstanding what Spock had said.
Janeway nodded, realizing the depth of the emotion this man was feeling. She understood that whatever he was showing on the surface was nowhere near what he was feeling inside. She understood what it meant to be friends with a Vulcan, and how deep their friendships lay. There must have been an incredible bond between these three men. The loss of Kirk must have been like losing a brother. She could well imagine what he felt with Enterprise so close. Even though it wasn’t his Enterprise.
“Mr. Spock. This curiosity you’re sensing. No disrespect intended, but…” Before Janeway could finish her thought, she saw the faintest glimmer of a smile on the Vulcan’s face.
“I understand, Katherine. You don’t really know me, and you wonder how much you can trust me. I assure you that the sense is real. Mr. Tuvok might be able to sense it as well, but the logic, or illogic that I have followed to my conclusions is my own. I do not think he would understand.”
Chakotay caught Janeway’s eye. “Quite a conundrum.”
“Yes, it is,” Janeway said as she stood. “If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen. I need to think about this. Good evening.” With that, Janeway left the briefing room.
“Quite the conundrum, indeed,” Picard said to no one in particular.
Once Data, the Doctor and Seven of Nine finished taking the crew of the Enterprise to their quarters, the Doctor set up a monitor on each of them, that would call him immediately in case there was any problem. They then beamed back to Voyager. When they arrived at Voyager, the three plus Harry started working on the frequency problem.
Harry stood at his console on the bridge and started a sensor sweep of frequencies on either side of the range used by the Talosian. He was frustrated for several hours when he had found nothing, then he realized something. He fine-tuned his instruments, and then he had it. It wasn’t a different frequency at all. It was the same one, but the signal from the other Talosian had been masked because of the large number of transmissions Seven and the Keeper were constantly keeping up linking them to the command crew’s real bodies. Those links were powerful, but there were also links that could be traced between each organic being on board Voyager and Enterprise and each being also had a line that stretched out into space towards Talos. On his screen, he could see the lines now that he knew what he was looking for.
He reported to Chakotay. Once he had the report, Chakotay called a briefing, and once again, everyone found themselves in the briefing room onboard Voyager.
“So what do we have now, Chakotay?” Janeway asked as she strode into the briefing room and sat down.
“We think Harry has found what we’re looking for,” Chakotay told everyone.
At that, Picard and Janeway both leaned forward. Picard looked at Janeway, who caught his look. She raised a hand a bit, and took in everyone seated around the table. “Look, everyone. We have been through quite a bit here. Those of you I don’t know personally, I know by reputation. I’m not going to stand on ceremony in these briefings. You are all the best of the best. If you want to say something, please do.”
Picard nodded his head as everyone looked to him. “Thank you, Admiral.” He looked at Chakotay, then at Harry. “Mr. Kim. I take it you’ve found the frequency?”
“Yes, Captain. I have. It’s actually the same frequency used by the Keeper, and I can trace it back to its source if we can get close enough.”
“Is it emanating from Talos IV?” Tuvok asked.
“Yes, Mr. Tuvok. I’m not sure of the exact location on the planet from this distance. It’s a somewhat unfocused transmission, but it’s definitely there, and definitely coming through subspace. It’s on a very high frequency. Usually such transmissions are tightly focused, which is why I didn’t find this one until I was looking closely. It’s just not normal protocol to treat such a transmission as anything but subspace noise.”
Spock had his fingers steepled and gazed impassively at them. “Can you block the signal, Mr. Kim?” he asked without looking away from his fingers.
Harry shook his head. “I might be able to with time, but right now, I’d have to say no.”
Spock looked away from his fingers to the Keeper. “Magistrate,” he said, using the Keeper’s formal title, “When you told me of your past, you said that the others had developed a way of shielding their minds from your illusions. If they can shield against your illusions, and they use the same frequency that you use, presumably, they could offer a way to shield against their own illusions. I suspect that if we find the computer responsible for our paralysis, we will be able to draw such shielding technology from it’s own memory banks.”
Janeway smiled. What Spock said was drawn from information that they all had, and it was imminently logical, but somehow, only Spock had drawn that logical conclusion. Typical of a Vulcan. She glanced at Tuvok, and saw his eyebrow about to go through his hairline in surprise. Obviously, he had not come to the Ambassador’s conclusion either. Doubtless, he would have, given time. They ALL would have, but somehow, Spock had the ability to distill matters down to their component parts, and then work them through, all in the course of a few moments. She knew that he had been a teacher, commanding Enterprise NCC-1701. What must it have been like to serve under him.
“The Ambassador’s logic is flawless,” Tuvok said. He turned to the Keeper. “Would you be able to operate such a computer, Keeper?”
“I have no computer skills, Mr. Tuvok. While I would certainly be able to read a control panel on such a computer, I would be unable to retrieve any information contained therein.”
Data spoke up. “I suspect that the Ambassador or myself would be the best person for the job of deciphering the computer. Seven of Nine or Mr. Kim could also do it, but their expertise will undoubtedly be needed elsewhere.”
“Agreed,” Janeway said. “We will need to get holo-emitters and a hub to fill the same function that Seven of Nine is filling set up so the command crew of Enterprise can be revived in the same way we have been. Captain Picard has expressed concern over leaving his ship sitting here, defenseless, and I can’t say as I blame him.”
Chakotay turned to his crew. “Harry, I want you to work on blocking that signal. B’Elanna… get your crews over to Enterprise, with Captain Picard’s permission, and get the holo-emitters set up. Seven; You are probably the best person to work on the hub.”
Torres looked questioningly at Picard, who smiled and said, “By all means, Commander.” He turned to Data and said, “Mr. Data. I would like you to coordinate with Torres and Seven. give them whatever help you can to set up the holo-emitters and hub. As soon as we are able to, I would like to transfer to Enterprise.”
Spock shook his head. “I do not think transferring to Enterprise would be wise for you, Captain. I suspect that by returning to Talos IV with the same complement we left with, it will provoke the computer to loosen it’s hold on Enterprise.”
“Foolishness.” All eyes turned to Worf who looked up from where he had been glaring at the table. He looked startled to find the eyes of so many command officers looking at him, and not very happily.
“Explain, Mr. Worf.” This from Picard.
“We are talking about how to defeat this enemy, yet that same enemy is in our minds right now. As we strategize, it is able to detect all that we are saying and doing, and counter strategize.”
Crusher and the Doctor looked stricken. Tuvok looked uncomfortable, and Paris cleared his throat a bit and looked anywhere but at the commanding officers.
Picard nodded slowly, “A very good point, Mr. Worf. But I would think that if the computer was going to use it’s knowledge of us against us, it would have done so already. It could have finished us off before we left Talos. And yet it didn’t.”
“It does seem that it’s been reluctant to take action,” Paris said.
“Mr. Paris,” The Doctor said. I hardly think immobilizing our entire crew is showing reluctance to take action!”
Paris turned in his chair to face the Doctor squarely. “Doc. Answer me this. What were you doing when the crew was first immobilized?”
“I was using the transporters on Voyager to completely remove all the pollution from the Keeper’s lungs.”
“Right,” Paris said. “You were ‘helping the enemy’.” Paris turned and faced the end of the table where Janeway, Picard, and Chakotay sat. “What if this computer bears no malice towards us personally. Heck, it hardly seems that it could bear malice towards the Keeper. All it’s doing is what it’s programmed to do. But beyond stopping us from helping the Keeper, it’s done nothing.”
“Agreed, Mr. Paris,” said Tuvok from the other side of him. “However, I must point out, that stopping us was quite enough.”
“Sure it was. But it didn’t succeed. Or rather, it DID succeed, but only for a time. We found a way around it. Shouldn’t it have reacted to that? And what did it do to Enterprise? The same thing. It KNOWS we have a way around it now. Why’s it not doing more?”
Chakotay gazed at Paris for a long moment before he nodded. “You make a real good point there, Tom.” Then he looked at the Keeper. “Magistrate? Any ideas?”
But the Keeper was sitting, eyes closed, with an enigmatic smile on his face.
Spock looked to his right, where the Keeper was sitting. “Keeper?” There was no response, so he reached out and touched the Talosian’s shoulder. He gave it a slight shake.
The Keeper opened his eyes, and looked at Spock. “It’s ok, Spock. I was just… You might call it ‘communing’ with an old friend.” He turned towards Chakotay and smiled again. “I have said before, that the adversary did only what was necessary to win. They assured their victory, and that was the extent of their fighting. I surmise that Mr. Spock is correct. After their first strike, they were unprepared for the influx of emotions they received from their victims. There is something else.” Now the Keeper turned to look directly into Spock’s eyes as he spoke. “When someone dies while connected to another through a telepathic link, one of two things will inevitably happen. Either they both die, by the one dragging the other along for the ride, or if the other’s mind is powerful enough, the dying person’s... ‘katra’ I believe is the Vulcan word for it… is transferred into the other. The adversaries had given themselves extremely powerful minds, but they didn’t understand these simple principles. They were undoubtedly unprepared.”
Spock almost flinched at the Keepers choice of words, but as he spoke of katras, dawning arose in Spock’s mind -- an understanding of what the Keeper was really saying, and Spock came very close to smiling at him. He only stopped himself by nodding and saying, “I understand, Magistrate. Fully.”
At Spock’s statement, Janeway gave him a curious look, but the Vulcan mask was complete. Then she looked at Paris, who was pale. He gave a long shuddering breath, and put up a mask almost as good as the Vulcan one. “Are you ok, Tom?” she asked him.
“I’m fine, Captain. It’s hard enough seeing one person’s death through their own eyes. We’re talking about millions of people’s deaths.” He turned to the Talosian. “A similar thing happened to me several years ago. I was forced to relive over and over the last few moments of a man I was accused of murdering. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I knew I hadn’t done it, and the real murderer was out there, trying to frame me. I suspect that something similar kept these people going was the fact that they knew what they were doing was necessary, and they wanted to stop the -- I’m sorry, Magistrate but -- slavery of their future generations.”
The Keeper nodded and said to Paris, “Quite unnecessary to apologise, Mr. Paris. You are correct.”
B’Elanna gave an anxious look at her husband, then said to the group at large, “But if they absorbed the ‘katras’ of those they killed, wouldn’t the ‘katras’ stop them from fighting? They were the enemies?”
The Keeper shook his head. “No, Commander. That doesn’t necessarily follow. My race is an honest one. We can’t possibly be anything but. When you can read the thoughts of anyone else, honesty becomes a way of life. The only people we aren’t honest with is ourselves. We decieved ourselves about our adversaries until they forced us to see the truth. Those that were absorbed at their deaths would have seen the truth of our treatment of our adversaries and I suspect that they would have supported their actions since we were not stopping the fight. Seeing through another’s eyes goes both ways.”
Janeway nodded at that. Then she slapped both her palms down onto the tabletop. “What an incredible situation. Magistrate, do I take it that you feel your adversaries’ computer is hesitant to defeat us fully? We’ve discussed this before, but it seems we keep coming back to this point.”
The Keeper nodded as he said, “Yes, Admiral. At any time, it could have destroyed us, but it hasn’t. At this point, I don’t think it will.”
Janeway smiled at the Keeper. “But you won’t mind if I take a few precautions, will you?”
The Keeper smiled back. “That would be prudent, Admiral.”
The Rock watched. There had been a flurry of activity in the last day. Energy signatures were disappearing from one ship and reappearing on the other, back and forth they went. Then, one ship started towards the world and the Rock. It didn’t know what to make of the situation, until it tapped into the minds of the people it held captive. Then the Rock realized that it’s captives had, in fact, not been captive, for quite some time! That was strange. How had they managed to get out from it’s control? It searched farther, and realized that one of the people held captive was both biological and artificial. Astounding!
The Rock’s creators had known that the computers they were capable of building, had their limitations. Therefore, they took a radical approach with the intelligence they set to the task of overseeing the Rock. The Rock was designed to be the last defense of its people. As well, it would re-populate its people’s planet when and if necessary. Thus, when they saw that the planet was becoming unlivable, they devised a plan. They would store themselves as digital patterns in the memory banks of the Rock. They knew that the planet would eventually become livable again, and at that time, the Rock would re-integrate the people of the planet. As well as the patterns of living people, they had stored the mental patterns of people that had been lost in the war, on both sides. Those mental patterns when confronted with the minds they had been transferred to, had changed the course of the entire war. No longer was it to liberate those Talosians who had been captive. Now the objective was to free the entire population! To free those who were physically captive, and to free those who were held captive by their own thoughts and ideologies.
Therefore, the creators of the Rock knew that they needed a computer capable of making judgements that were not based solely on a logical program. It needed to be able to use intuition and to make assumptions based on feelings. To that end, they launched a massive campaign to find the most stable person they could find. Not someone who was a war hero for having killed the most enemies. Not someone who was so sympathetic to the enemy that they would let them all go. They wanted someone who would make rational decisions, based on logic, but tempered by feeling. When they found him, they patterned him. Then they tapped the computer into his mental patterns. His mental patterns became the decision making portion of the computer.
Now, the Rock dug deep into the mental patterns at it’s disposal. Never before had it needed to try to deduce what someone would do. But now, there was no logical way to tell what these newcomers would do. As it dug deeper into the mental patterns, it realized that they really wouldn’t be able to help. The people weren’t of the same race as the creators, so they couldn’t be expected to act like anyone it could predict. The mental patterns told the Rock it would have to tap into the minds of these people and see what they thought -- what their motives were.
Tentatively, the Rock started probing the minds of the people. It started with the one that was partially artificial. This person was strange. The person was female, but unlike any other person the Rock had known, there were no emotions. At least in the artificial part. In the biological part, there were very strong feelings. Feelings for her shipmates, and one in particular. The Rock delved deeper, and found that this female felt that her shipmates were honorable. It found that she had once been the enemy, and that they had slowly developed trust for her. That once she had been willing to commit genocide, but that through the trust of one person, another female, she had seen the error of those ideas. The Rock was astonished at these thoughts. It wouldn’t have believed…. Then, to the Rock’s surprise, it realized that the female was aware of it’s scanning.
On Voyager
“Seven?” Chakotay reached out and touched her shoulder, giving her a little shake. “Seven? Are you alright?”
Her voice came as if from far away. “I am functional. But I’m being scanned.”
“What?” Chakotay was startled. “Who’s scanning you?”
Slowly, Seven turned her head to look at Chakotay. Her eyes were agonizingly slow in focusing on him, and when they did, Chakotay wasn’t sure what he saw there. “It is the Talosian in the illusion that is scanning me. My entire mind is being read by this being.” She paused for a moment, and then said to Chakotay, “I am going to try to read it. Please stand by.”
Chakotay and Seven were standing in the mess hall, near the door. Chakotay had long ago decided that the “Captain’s Mess” as it was labelled on the schematics of Voyager was going to be the ship’s mess hall. He liked the camaraderie of eating with the crew, and had left that as it was from the trip across the Delta Quadrant. Janeway, Picard, Paris and Spock were seated at a table across the room. There was another table that had been pulled up to theirs. Paris had seen them come into the mess hall, and motioned to the others as he saw the difficulty. Almost as one, all four of them started to rise, but B’Elanna had walked into the hall just as Seven stopped moving. She grabbed Seven’s arm opposite Chakotay and helped to guide her to the table. Picard, who had been sitting beside Paris, stood and offered his chair to B’Elanna. After being the gallant Frenchman that he was and seating her, he sat down opposite Chakotay who was sitting beside Seven, supporting her.
Seven was swaying slowly as she sat staring into space. Suddenly, she stopped, and her eyes focussed. She glanced around the room, as if taking it in for the first time. She finally caught sight of Janeway and said to her, “Admiral. We need to talk. Now.”
Janeway looked around at the nearly empty room and said to Seven. “No time like the present.”
Chakotay tapped his communicator. “Chakotay to Doctor. Report to the mess hall immediately.”
“What are you doing in the mess hall? You can’t eat right now. Nevermind. I’m on my way.”
When the Doctor arrived, he pulled out his scanner and read Seven’s vitals as she told her story. When she was done, Harry, Data, Tuvok, Beverly, the Keeper and Worf were summoned as well. Then she told the story to all of them again.
“As I was walking into the mess hall, I realized that something was scanning me. Because of my implants, I could sense it reading through my entire mind as if it were a computer record. Then, it focused on my feelings of loyalty to this ship and it’s crew. I wasn’t sure what it’s intent was, so I decided it would be prudent to try to read it.”
Worf broke in at that. “That is a serious security threat. You had no idea what it’s intent was, so you willingly intensified the connection between you and it?”
“At ease, Commander. I’ve already read her the riot act for that,” Janeway said mildly.
After a few more grumbles from Worf, and at least one from Tuvok in support of his fellow security chief, Seven continued. “What I found was… Fascinating hardly describes it.” She looked at the Keeper as she continued, explaining his own people to him. “Magistrate,” she said, using his formal title as the others had started doing. “Your adversaries were quite far-sighted in regards to this war. What we are dealing with is a computer, but one that draws on the engrams of a Talosian who has been patterned and is stored in what we would term a pattern buffer along with several million other Talosians. When your adversaries realized that the planet was becoming uninhabitable, they stored their people in these pattern buffers so they could be re-integrated when the planet became habitable again. Your race is not dead, Magistrate. It is in suspended animation.
“You were correct in your surmise that when your adversaries made their first strike, they absorbed the ‘mental patterns’ of those who were killed. In absorbing them, they did indeed see things from both sides. So did your own people who were killed. The fight for the adversaries became to, as the man whose engrams control the computer says, ‘save both sides from their captivity’. Those that were physically captive, and those who were captives of their own ideologies. The Rock, as the computer calls itself, has not only the physical and mental patterns of the remaining ‘creators’, but also the mental patterns of those from your side who were killed in battle.”
Tuvok looked stunned at this revelation. “It stored the katras of it’s enemies.”
Seven nodded. “Correct. However it does not see them as it’s enemies. And the only enemy it sees now is the Keeper.”
The Keeper had been looking down at his hands, and when he looked up at Seven, there were tears flowing freely from his eyes. The look of sadness on his face was almost enough to make Seven cry. Janeway was astonished when Seven’s voice took on a tone of compassion. Never had she heard the former Borg drone speak that way. “Magistrate,” Seven said. “It calls you an enemy because it does not know you. Through our link, I have seen who you really are. I’ve felt the two katras you yourself hold. I know your compassion and that you are enemy to no-one.”
B’Elanna was staring open-mouthed at the Keeper who was weeping now. “Two katras that he holds?”
Seven nodded, however it was Spock who answered. “I surmised this before when the Keeper spoke of the transfer of katras when someone dies. Vulcans have known this for quite some time, but I hadn’t considered that the Keeper might hold them. The Magistrate had a mental link with both Captain Pike and Vina when they died.”
Picard’s mouth opened in astonishment. “You mean…” his voice trailed off.
Seven confirmed. “Their entire minds are intact, and active in a partition of the Keeper’s mind.”
Before leaving Enterprise, Crusher had stood in her own sickbay, speaking to Dr. Selar, and Nurse Ogawa. She wasn’t really present in sickbay. None of them were. To facilitate the two in taking care of the crew, holo-emitters had been installed in two of Enterprise’ cargo decks. With the holo-emitters, a sickbay wing had been created. The holo-emitters would also allow Selar and Ogawa to be present and awake as they were in photonic bodies. Each of the crew had been moved to the temporary sickbay.
“Take care of my sickbay,” Crusher admonished as she was getting ready to leave. She hated leaving. Only the two medical people, Riker, Geordie, Deanna, and Reginald Barkley would be awake and running the ship. Data was going with Voyager, in the hopes that he would not be recognized as a life-form by whatever computer was controlling these illusions.
Now, she was standing in Voyager’s sickbay, working with an artificial doctor, checking out a woman who still had enough artificial pieces to qualify as a Borg Drone. Life could be strange.
Thankfully, the Doctor knew Seven’s vital signs enough to know if she had been hurt by her scan of the ‘Rock’ as she called it. Even though Seven had been born human, what was normal for her now, would not leave a non-Borg human well.
“You’re fine, Seven,” the Doctor said as he held out a hand to help her up.
“As I told you before we started this examination, Doctor,” she said. “But I thank you for the ‘clean bill of health’ regardless.”
“While I would hardly call that a normal ‘thank you,’” the Doctor replied, “I think a ‘you’re welcome’ is appropriate anyway.” He held out his hand, offering to let the women go out the door of Sickbay before him. “Shall we, ladies?”
They headed to the briefing room where Janeway and Picard were filling in the few people on board Enterprise who were mobile.
“I wish I had a way to revive a couple more people, but I realize we need to minimize the number of people awake to keep this ‘Rock’ off our back,” Riker said as they entered the room. “Still, it’s only Deanna and me on the bridge, and Geordie and Barkley in engineering. Hardly enough if an emergency came up.”
“Sorry we couldn’t give you more people, Number One. We were sort of limited on time.”
“No problem, Captain. We’ll manage. It’s just that I keep getting this tingling in my fingers and toes. Probably just a result of being in a photonic body.” He smiled at the screen, but he seemed weary.
“If I may, Commander,” Seven said as she stepped into range of the pickup. “Have Dr. Selar turn up the gain on your sensory inputs. It sounds like the signal may not be up high enough.”
Riker nodded his thanks, and signed off.
“Well, Admiral,” the Doctor beamed. “Seven of Nine is fine. Hmm.. That rhymes,” he said as he walked to the table to sit down.
“Don’t get too comfortable, Doctor. We’re about to enter orbit of Talos again. We were just getting ready to head onto the bridge,” Janeway told him as she got up and headed toward the door. “Glad to hear you’re alright, Seven,” she said as she passed the Borg woman.
Voyager slid gracefully into orbit around Talos IV again, only this time rather than heading towards the surface, it remained in orbit while Harry traced the signal he had discovered. They were still trying to be stealthy about being at Talos, but under the circumstances, the priority of stealth was considerably lower than it had been. Now, solving their current problems and preventing them from spreading was top priority.
“I’m tracing the signal to an asteroid, Captain. It’s orbiting the planet two hundred kilometers higher than we are. Currently, it’s on the far side of the planet,” Kim reported.
Chakotay stood from his command chair and looked to where Janeway, Picard, and Spock stood beside the lift door. Janeway made no move at all. She simply looked expectantly at Chakotay. He took a deep breath before speaking. What he was going to do was unexpected, but he had thought about this long and hard, and he was convinced that it was the least provocative way of approaching the situation. “Prepare for landing, Tom.”
Paris looked back at Chakotay, an expression of surprise on his face. He was at the helm right now, because he was the best pilot they had and their regular helm officer was immobile. He opened his mouth to say something, then turned back to his controls. He was the first officer on this ship, and he did have privileges that allowed him to ask Chakotay why. He would not embarrass his captain and friend by questioning him in front of other commanding officers. But he was certainly going to ask him about this later, in private.
Voyager glided through the atmosphere with barely a tremor. Not only was Tom the best pilot on board Voyager, the only officer in Starfleet with as high a proficiency rating at the helm was Commander Data, and he was an android. Standing beside Spock, by the lift doors, Picard heard the Vulcan whisper, barely audibly, “So like Sulu.” He saw that the ambassador was watching Paris, captivated by his movements at the helm. Picard knew that he wasn’t supposed to hear the comment, but he wanted to know more.
“Was he as good as Paris?”
Spock turned his head to face Picard in surprise. Clearly, he hadn’t intended to speak aloud. Then, he raised an eyebrow and nodded once. “I took the liberty of looking up the Commander’s proficiency rating after his demonstration with the Delta Flyer. Your second officer is the only person in Starfleet who can match Mr. Paris for piloting abilities. Historically, the only other person as skilled was my friend, Hikaru Sulu.”
Picard looked at Paris, then back at Spock. “I read that after he became president, Sulu insisted on flying his own shuttle. He had a private yacht that he refused to let anyone else fly as well.”
Spock nodded. “Sulu loved flying. I think that’s what made him so good at it.”
Picard considered Spock’s words. “I have noticed that those people who love their jobs are the best at them. My Chief Engineer, Geordie LaForge, is like that. He absolutely loves his job, and he’s one of the best around. I wouldn’t trade his expertise for anyone else.”
At Picard’s words, Spock thought of Mr. Scott. “Our Chief Engineer on board the original Enterprise and Enterprise A was the same. I believe you’ve met him. Captain Montgomery Scott.”
“Yes. We found him on a ship that had crashed into a Dyson Sphere. He had used the most interesting method of recycling the transporter pattern buffer through the diagnostic loop to keep his pattern from degrading. He spent over 70 years in that transporter. A wholly remarkable idea. Geordie and Scotty worked well together once they got over a few hurdles. I understand they keep in touch regularly. Scotty came aboard Enterprise E when she was commissioned. He and Geordie spent two weeks tearing apart engineering and rebuilding it. I’ve never seen two happier men. I spent a couple of hours just observing them. One would come up with an idea, the other would build on it, and they would just go back and forth with ideas, all the while refining the original one. Then, like they were reading each others mind, they’d both head to where they needed to go and start working. It was as if they really were telepathic. I asked them about it, and Scotty said, ‘Thot’s just good engineerin, lad!’ For awhile, I thought Geordie would develop a Brogue.”
“Indeed,” Spock said. “Have you checked your engineering section for a still?”
Picard chuckled and answered, “I have heard rumors of a very high quality scotch being made in the Engineering area. As long as it’s of the same quality as everything else on board, I’m not worried. If the quality drops, however, I’ll have to do something about it.”
Spock almost smiled. “Captain Kirk had to shut down the still only once. Scotty had been on vacation, and when he came back he went around… I think he called it ‘knocking a few heads together’. The quality never dropped again.”
“Gentlemen,” Janeway said from the other side of Picard. “Distilling whiskey in Engineering? I’m shocked! On Voyager it was bloodwine!”
“The hazards of having a Klingon Chief Engineer, no doubt,” said Picard.
“Be forever glad of not having a Romulan Chief Engineer,” Spock commented.
Picard was certain Spock had smiled slightly as he said the last. “I certainly am,” he said solemnly.
Paris set the ship down right where it had been before. As he shut down the engines, he looked back at Chakotay. His captain gave him a small smile and said, “I know you’re wondering why we didn’t go see ‘the Rock’, Tom.”
As Paris turned back to the helm, he commented, “The question has crossed my mind.”
From beside the lift, Janeway said, “I was wondering too, Chakotay. What are you thinking?”
Chakotay chose his words carefully. “I was thinking that since the ‘Rock’ scanned Seven, we need to proceed with extreme caution now. It probably knows that we were planning on tracing the signal from it. It probably also knows that we have, so by landing rather than getting into firing distance, we might have an easier time convincing it that we mean it no harm. I propose that the Keeper try to contact the ‘Rock’ from here rather than at point blank range.
Picard looked from Chakotay to Janeway. “That sounds like a good idea, don’t you think, Admiral?”
Janeway nodded as she said, “I think it’s a very good idea. Proceed, Chakotay.”
The Keeper had quietly come onto the bridge as they were landing, and he now walked down the steps to a position right beside Chakotay. He looked down at Chakotay who nodded at him. The Keeper looked at the screen, out at his dead world. He sincerely hoped that it wouldn’t be this dead much longer. He closed his eyes and concentrated. After about 5 minutes, he turned back to Chakotay. “I know that it’s hearing me, but it’s not responding.”
“It’s ignoring you. Why do you think that is?”
“You represent power, and a large amount of it. You have weapons on the Delta Flyer more powerful than anything my people had ever invented. We had no need of them, but you have demonstrated that our most powerful weapons, our minds, are ineffective against you. I surmise that the ‘Rock’ is ‘nervous’. It doesn’t know what to make of you.”
Chakotay considered for a moment, then asked, “What do you suggest?”
The Talosian cocked his head at the Captain and said simply, “Abandon me.” Then he smiled his enigmatic smile.
Chakotay had risen out of his command chair at the Keepers suggestion of abandonment. “No!” he said emphatically.
“Captain Chakotay,” the Keeper said mildly, “I appreciate the sentiment you display in not desiring to leave me here, but I assure you that I shall be quite alright if you leave me.”
“Nevertheless Magistrate, I refuse to leave you here without protection,” Chakotay told him in no uncertain terms.'
Spock had stepped quietly forward while they were discussing things, and he stepped, not quite in between the two, facing Voyager's captain. “If I may, Captain,” he said thoughtfully. At Chakotay's nod, the Vulcan ambassador turned to the Talosian, and addressed him very carefully. “Magistrate. I believe I understand what you are doing, but I'm not certain it will work. We don't know if the intelligence in charge of the 'Rock' will see it as abandonment or not.”
The Keeper nodded at Spock and said. “This is true, Mr. Spock. However, if there is a chance it will allow you to go free if you give the appearance of abandoning me here, it is one we should take.” The Keeper now looked grave. “Besides, Mr. Spock. I am just one man, and I stand in the way of my race being revived. Seven said that the 'Rock' saw only me as an enemy. If it destroys me, my death is a small price to pay for the people patterned in it's memory to be revived. I would gladly die for my people. Even though they are the 'adversary' of my people, they are not my adversary.” He turned and walked towards the viewscreen. Normally, he carried himself very straight, almost with a regal bearing. Now, however, there was a noticeable slump to his shoulders, and his head hung instead of it's normal being held high. He stopped a few steps away from the viewscreen, and somehow he seemed very small and vulnerable as he looked up and gazed at the screen. It was focused on the mountains in the distance, and in the foreground was the spot where the illusion of a camp had been seen by the Enterprise landing party many years before. The Keeper had not been physically present at that time, but he could still see the excitement Tyler's face as he explained how the Enterprise could travel faster than light.
Now, the Keeper stood on a ship made by those same people, which was capable of making the Enterprise that Tyler was so excited about seem like a snail in comparison. These people would, in time, find a way of shielding against the thoughts of his people. Even the artificially augmented thoughts of his former adversaries were no match for what these people would be able to do. If they left here and the 'Rock' didn't let them go, they could blast it out of the heavens and free themselves, and they would be justified in so doing. He didn't want that to happen, but he wouldn't blame them if it did. No. He needed to somehow get through to the 'Rock' so it didn't consign itself to destruction.
In his mind, the Keeper heard a thought that wasn't his own. He tuned into that thought and understood it. Suddenly, his bearing changed. His head went up, and he was once more the keeper of the menagerie, proud and regal.
He turned and looked back at the two captains, the ambassador, and the admiral. “I must stay while you leave.”
Janeway shook her head. “No. We can't leave you here defenseless. I'm sorry, Magistrate.”
The Keeper shook his head. “You have no authority over me. However, this is my planet. You must leave now.”
Picard had been looking down, but at the Keeper's words, he snapped his head up. “Are you ordering us to leave your world?”
The keeper nodded his head. “Yes. I'm withdrawing my invitation for you to come here. As the only living Talosian, I am the head of this world. I order you to leave.”
Janeway's expression was one of stone and all she could manage was a nod at the Talosian's words. Chakotay, too, could say little. He did manage to direct the Seven of Nine to come to the bridge. When she arrived, he ordered her to escort the Keeper to the planet's surface. She started to argue, but something in his eyes told her it wouldn't be a productive argument, and she held her tongue. Barely.
When she arrived back on the bridge, the screen was focused on the last Talosian as he slowly walked away from Voyager. Tom carefully lifted the vessel off the surface, and the Keeper turned his head from where he had been admiring the musical leaves, to watch the ship hover for a moment, turn, and accelerate into the sky.
As Voyager disappeared, a thought came to him. It wasn't his own, but neither did it originate from one of the two Katra's held inside his mind. “You ordered them away. Why?”
The Keeper turned and stared at a spot in the sky. He knew that he was looking directly at the 'Rock' although there was no way he could see it. The thought was from it. He answered: “They needed to leave. They are no longer subject to our weapons, either yours or mine. I wanted them gone so you would let them go. They could destroy you easily. You need to release them so they are not forced to come back and destroy you. They have that ability.”
The Rock considered this. “Why would you care if they destroyed me? I am your adversary.”
The Keeper was shocked at this question. “You knew I ordered them away. So you were clearly reading my thoughts. You know that I don't consider you my adversary. You are the only hope for my people... Our People... to continue.”
A few moments passed before the Rock answered. “You have the ability to partition your mind in a way that allows you to function even though I am suppressing your wakefulness. How do I know that you don't have the ability to hide your true thoughts from me?”
The Keeper considered a moment, then he turned mentally to the two Katras. “Chris... Vina... I must allow it to come in fully. It is the only way to convince it. It will be invasive, but if you will allow it, it may save your people and mine.”
“Certainly,” came the instant reply from the two.
The Keeper looked back up at the spot he knew the Rock to be at in it's orbit around Talos IV. “This may not convince you, as if I have the ability you suggest, I could conceivably keep that from you even in a deep meld, but you may come in and look anywhere you wish. I will not resist you.”
There was a hesitation for a few moments, then there was a rush into his mind that nearly split his head in two. He felt the Rock search through every corner of his mind. It picked up every thought, turned them over, and examined every side. Then it went on to the next thought. Several times, it came back to areas it had left before, and searched them again. He sensed it hesitate for a moment before rushing in and giving Chris and Vina the same treatment. After what seemed to be hours, it left his mind and he could almost hear Pike and Vina gasping for breath.
Tentatively, he asked the two, “Are you alright?” They answered in the affirmative, but it was a moment before they did.
The Keeper looked up, and thought to the Rock. “Well? Have you decided if I'm telling the truth or not?”
There was no answer. The Talosian walked over to the spot that had played host to the 'survivor's camp' years before. He sat down on a rock and looked back to the spot where the Rock orbited. There was still no answer. He waited.
After a period of reflection, the Keeper took stock of his surroundings. He was surprised to see that the sun was getting low on the horizon. When he had sat down, it was late morning. Now it was getting toward evening. He had sat here for several hours, hoping that the Rock would answer him. Apparently, the Rock had been unconvinced by what it found in the Keeper's mind. Not that he really expected much else. As he had pointed out himself, if he had the power the Rock suspected he might have, he would have been able to hide much from it. So, there was really no way the Keeper could convince the Rock otherwise.
Slowly, the Keeper stood and started walking towards the lift that would take him into the underground city. As he got closer to the hill, he noticed a shadow on the ground, stretched out in front of him. The shadow was unnaturally long, and he couldn't really tell what was causing it, but the strange thing about it was, it was moving. There was something towards the sun that was moving. There shouldn't be, because he knew very well that he was the only person of his race left alive. He turned to his left, where the sun was positioned, and he could see a form walking towards him from that direction. Voyager must have returned, but he hadn't heard the ship set down. Neither Voyager nor the Delta Flyer. The only people they could have beamed down was Seven or the Doctor. Theoretically, they could have programmed anyone's photonic body into the Doctor's mobile emitter, but why? Why not just land the ship?
As the sun set lower, it ceased blocking his vision, and he could see that the figure approaching him was not wearing a Starfleet uniform. In fact, the figure was dressed in metallic fabric, similar to his own robes. The Talosian stopped about ten paces from the Keeper, and stood looking at him. His head was slightly cocked, and an enigmatic smile, not unlike the one the Keeper frequently used, played across his lips. The Keeper knew who he was. He was the same person he had seen in the illusion. He gasped, involuntarily. Was this another illusion? Had the 'Rock' somehow gotten through his shields? Perhaps he had been depending on Seven without realizing it. Maybe he was still sitting on the stone.
The Talosian standing before him watched him for quite some time, then he opened his mouth to speak. “I am the leader of my people. I have no ability to communicate with you telepathically. My equipment is not here.” He gazed around at the world that had been destroyed by the war he had helped fight. The smile disappeared, and he looked immeasurably sad. “Our world needs much to recover.” He looked at the Keeper, and asked? “Has it really been millenia that I've been asleep?”
At his words, the reality of the situation dawned on the Keeper. The Rock had rematerialized the leader of his former adversaries. He started to speak, faltered, then tried again. “It has, Leader. Am I to understand that the Rock is reviving our people?”
“You really consider them to be your people as well? A copy of my mind was used as the central intelligence of the Rock. Therefore, I have no direct knowledge of what has happened here in the last few days. The Rock connected to my mind after reviving me, and gave me knowledge of the events, but has also asked me to assess things myself.” They started walking aimlessly in the gathering dusk. As it was becoming night, the musical leaves had stopped, and all was silent except for the voices of the two Talosians, the one, speaking out of courtesy for the other.
They spoke for hours, each learning from the other. The Keeper felt somewhat hampered by the slow exchange of information, but he steadfastly refused to use thought transference in this situation. His new friend had no such ability, and even though it would be much less effort for him, the realization that this ability had caused the war that almost destroyed his race kept him from using it. They spoke about many things, and finally, about the Keeper's friends on the ships.
“From what the Rock tells me, they have the ability to destroy us.”
“That is true, Leader. They are no longer subject to the weapons we have. They can operate even while imprisoned by our thoughts. If the Rock doesn't free them, they will be forced to destroy it. That would destroy the others held in it's memory as well.”
The Leader nodded, and after a moment's pause said, “They are freed. The Rock monitors me, and contacted me when we spoke of it. I instructed it to free them on my authority. It has.” He looked around at the planet again, now shrouded in darkness. “Magistrate,” he said. “Our world needs much before our people can be revived.” Somewhere in the talk, the Leader had come to the conclusion that the Keeper truly was no-one's enemy.
The Keeper looked at him for a long while, trying to gauge without invading. He came to a decision and said, “Leader. It will be a long, hard struggle, but our people can rebuild with the help of the Federation. My feeling is that we should ask for help from them. They have experience in what they call 'terraforming'. Our world needs little compared to some they have worked with in the past.”
The Leader nodded, but looked somewhat skeptical. “Would they help us after the Rock has imprisoned them?”
The Keeper nodded and beamed. “I have found that these Federation people will not hold grudges. Especially over misunderstandings. They are made up of many different races from many different planets. I feel almost certain that they will help.”
The Leader nodded again, but this time, there was hope plainly visible on his face. Then, the enigmatic smile played across his lips again as he said. “I thank you for refusing to use your mental abilities in our conversation. While I have no abilities in that area, I do understand why you refused. Your efforts have paid off, Magistrate. I am convinced. Now, however, I ask you to use your ability to contact the Federation people again with our request. Meanwhile, if you have no objections to our people using the city underground, they can be revived, and we can fix the machinery.”
The Keeper shook his head. “I have no objections at all, Leader. It is good that the city will be repaired.” He paused for a moment, then said. “There is a gesture I learned from a human I have been friends with for many years.” He held out his hand and explained. “It is called shaking hands to seal an agreement.” He explained to the Leader how to shake hands, and they did, smiling.
Chakotay and Spock stood near the musical leaves, looking at the Talosians who had recently been rematerialized. “It’s gratifying to see that this race is still alive,” Chakotay said to the Ambassador. “Have you made a decision regarding the ambassadorship here?”
“Indeed,” Spock said to the captain of Voyager. “It is very gratifying. It is also gratifying to know that the Federation will give aid in terraforming the planet back to a habitable state. As for the Ambassadorship, I have not decided yet. I must admit that the prospect is intriguing. However, I have duties on Vulcan at the Science Academy.” He had been watching a couple of Talosian children laughing and running, clearly having a good time, playing. For some reason, it hadn’t occurred to him that Talosian children would play like children any other place -- except on Vulcan, of course.
Chakotay was watching the children as well, a small smile playing across his lips. “You know, they had several more minds than they did bodies, stored in that computer. Remnants of people who had been killed in the war. The Talosians absorbed their Katras, I understand, exactly as you predicted. Exactly as Seven told us. They are still in the 'Rock's memory. Seven, Harry, and Data are working to build a holo-emitter here on the surface of the planet. My understanding is that Deep Space Nine came across a town that had been built entirely of holograms. They're going to do the same here. The people in the computer have been communicated with. Since they don't need to eat or drink, they can inhabit the town as photonic people. They are willing to help with the rebuilding of the planet. I guess they feel somewhat responsible.”
Spock nodded at what Chakotay was saying. “An equitable solution, Captain. It will be good to see a populated world here as well.”
Chakotay paused for a moment, thinking about the whirlwind of trips that had needed done. Enterprise had ferried animals throughout nearby space. The Talosians hadn't gone terribly far to collect their menagerie, it had turned out. While Enterprise had been gone doing that, Voyager made a quick trip to Earth and Janeway had gone before the Federation Council, pleading the case of the Talosians. There was much to do there, and Spock had appeared at length to tell his story of Talos IV and his two previous trips there. Once he and Janeway had plead their cases, they had been summarily dismissed from the proceedings. Janeway was called in a week later to hear their findings. Rumor had it that the President of the council's voice could be heard throughout the capitol clearly. Chakotay disagreed, however. He had been across town, and he couldn't understand the words. Anyway, that's how he told it on board Voyager that night before Janeway called him to beam her aboard. She met with Chakotay late that night and filled him in on what had been said and done. She told him how the President had gone up one side of Starfleet and down the other, but when all was said and done, all the ranting had accomplished was blowing off steam. All of the secrecy had been decided on years ago by people that weren't around to explain themselves. All except for Spock, and the President could see no alternative but to ask him to be ambassador to the Talosians. Grudgingly. What Janeway felt the President's real problem was, was that he hadn't been privy to Voyager's and Enterprise' missions there. Once more the fate of the Federation was being decided, and he had nothing to do with it. He had even been sore enough to leave it to her to extend his invitation to Spock. She felt that was petty, but politicians were a breed unto themselves.
Now Chakotay had a much happier invitation to extend to the Vulcan. “Harry and Seven have something they wish to consult with you on in the holodeck, if you don't mind, Mr. Spock.”
Spock turned to Chakotay suspiciously. What would Seven of Nine and Mr. Kim need to consult with him about? From what he could see, they were both incredibly gifted with the technology involved. Chakotay's face was unreadable, however, so Spock simply raised an eyebrow and said, “Indeed.” Then he gestured towards the ship, and followed as Chakotay started towards it.
When they arrived at the holodeck, Chakotay excused himself, and told Spock that he would find them inside, then he was off.
Spock opened the door and entered, and was surprised to find himself in a running program. It looked familiar, but he couldn't place it at first. Then he realized he was just outside Mojave, California. Or rather in a perfect representation of it. He recognized the skyline. He had been thinking about this scene recently because.... He stopped. He suddenly realized why he had been thinking about Mojave. It had been Pike's home. In fact, the trees he was standing under were where Pike and Vina had their picnic years before. He had seen this in the projection the Keeper had sent to the Enterprise.
Spock's keen ears picked up the sound of horses in the distance, and he turned, knowing what he would see, and wondering if he could compose himself in time.
Christopher Pike and Vina were approaching on horseback. Spock felt his eyes start to sting, and quickly exerted every bit of control he could muster. He had known that this meeting could and probably would happen. He had been prepared for it. He thought.
Pike stopped his horse a few paces from Spock, and Vina reigned in as well. Pike swung expertly out of the saddle in one fluid motion, like he had been doing this all his life, as Spock realized, he probably had. Vina slid down as well, and she took the reigns from Pike. “I'll just take the horses over here.” She clicked her tongue and the horses obediently followed. Spock heard her talking to 'Mary Lou' as she led them off. What was the name of the other horse? Oh yes. Tango.
Pike walked over to Spock and held out his hand. “Spock, I never got a chance to thank you for what you did for me. I mean, of course you knew I was grateful, but I never got a chance to tell you.”
“One does not thank logic, Captain,” Spock said.
“No Spock, one doesn't. But one does thank compassion. And one thanks a friend,” Pike said, matter-of-factly. It almost seemed that he was waiting for that response, as though he knew Spock would say that very thing.
Spock wasn't sure what to say. Finally, he just nodded. Pike grinned at him, and motioned for them to walk.
“It's tough, Spock. I'm grateful to you, Jim, and of course the Talosians. I'm no longer in his head, by the way. Neither is Vina. Your Seven-of-Nine helped the Magistrate deposit us in the computer here.” He was rambling, and Spock just let him talk, wondering about a universe that let him walk with and talk to a man who, ninety years before, had lost the ability to do either. “I'm not a man who shows gratitude very easily,” Pike was saying. “But I wish I could thank Jim. He risked a lot to get me to Talos.”
“The Magistrate told him, Captain. And he knew. I told him as well, if you remember. You, yourself agreed with me.”
“I know, Spock. But it's not the same as saying it myself. Whatever happened to Jim and Dr. McCoy?”
Spock sighed. He had known that he would have to tell Pike of Jim's death too. Thankfully, Dr. McCoy was still alive. That was one painful memory he didn't have to re-live. He told Pike of Kirk's death on Veridian III, while saving the people of the neighboring planet, and the crew of Enterprise D. Pike nodded solemnly, then said, “Fitting that he should go out saving the crew of the Enterprise.”
Spock fought back the lump in his throat as he said, “Indeed.”
Pike heard the break in his voice, and prudently changed the subject. “What can you tell me of our crew? Number One, Tyler, Boyce, Colt? Whatever happened to them?”
Spock told him what he know, and Pike motioned for Vina to join them. They continued to walk and talk for several hours after Pike told Spock that Chakotay had designated this holodeck for his and Vina's exclusive use for the duration. They would be transferred to the Talos surface holo-emitter when it was completed. But for now, they would get to see Earth again.
As Pike and Vina had no need for sleep, and Spock had little use for it, they found themselves talking into the morning. They had walked for some distance, and were heading back to the picnic sight under the trees. Vina was in awe of the technology that allowed such a perfect representation of their home on board a starship.
As they drew near to the trees, they saw that three people were waiting for them: Captain Chakotay, the Keeper, and Captain Picard.
“Captain Pike,” Chakotay said formally. “May I introduce Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-E.”
Pike shook Picard's hand warmly, a huge grin on his face. “Captain, it is a genuine pleasure to meet you.”
“As it is to meet you, Captain,” Picard told him. I would like to invite you and Mrs. Pike on a tour of the Enterprise, Sir.”
At his reference to her as Mrs. Pike, Vina blushed and smiled. Pike looked at her and squeezed her hand tightly. Then he turned to the Talosian. “I thought you couldn't influence us with your mind anymore.”
“I cannot, since you are in the computer memory, but Captain Picard informs me that there is a way around the problem.”
Picard took up the explanation as Pike looked eagerly to him. “As it happens, Captain, we have recently found it necessary to put holo-emitters in all key areas of the ship. I can't show you the jeffries tubes, but I can certainly show you the rest of the ship. Including my cabin where I'd like to invite you to have dinner, present company included.”
Pike shook Picard's hand warmly again and said, “I don't need to eat now, but I'll sure happily accept your invitation, Captain. And please, call me Chris.”
“Thank you, Chris. Call me Jean-Luc.”
Captain Christopher Pike materialized in the transporter room of the USS Enterprise. This was not strictly necessary, but it was how visiting dignitaries were treated. Captain Picard had pulled out the stops for this visit. He met Pike and Vina in the transporter room in his full dress whites. Riker, Data, Worf, Crusher and Geordie were there to meet them as well. Pike had no idea that they would afford him this honor, but as soon as he and his wife materialized, Captain Picard announced, “Attention!”
Everyone in the room snapped to attention, until Pike, pleasantly surprised, remembered to say, “As you were.” Then, he said to Picard, “Permission to come aboard, Captain?”
Picard beamed from ear to ear as he said, “Permission granted, Captain.” Then he stepped forward, grasped Pike warmly by the hand and said, “Welcome aboard the Enterprise, Captain Pike.” He then introduced the officers standing around the transporter console.
Pike seemed somewhat taken aback by the fact that this new Enterprise had a Klingon Security Chief. He said nothing as he shook his hand, but he paled slightly.
Once he had introduced everyone else, he turned to Riker. “And this is my first officer, Commander William T. Riker. Commander Riker will be joining us on our tour.”
Pike held out his hand. “A pleasure, Commander.”
Riker shook his hand warmly. “The pleasure is all mine, Captain. I've read all the logs I could regarding your time as Captain of the Enterprise. I'd love the opportunity to hear your perspective on how things have changed since then.”
Pike looked around at the transporter room. “Your transporter room is bigger,” he said deadpan, “and your doctor is a sight prettier.”
All of the humans in the room started laughing. Data looked from one to the other of them, then commented to no one in particular, “Perhaps I should have turned on my emotion chip.” He paused for a moment as he stared into space, then commented. “Ah. Doctor Phillip Boyce. I understand now.” As he started laughing, Worf simply growled.
As they left the transporter room, Pike found that many of the crew had assembled themselves along the corridor from the transporter room to the turbolift for his inspection.
Pike made his way down the inspection line, performing the duties of a senior fleet captain, on an inspection tour. When they reached the lift, Pike turned to Picard. “You didn't have to go to this trouble, Captain.”
“Actually, Captain Pike, I did. If I hadn't, my crew would have mutineed and done it anyway.”
Pike chuckled at this, but stopped when the lift doors opened and they stepped onto the bridge of the Enterprise. Pike's mouth dropped open as he stepped, almost like a sleep-walker, onto the spacious bridge. “Not just your transporter room is bigger, Riker,” he said in an awed whisper.
“Welcome to the bridge, Captain,” Picard said.
The rest of the tour was one incredible sight for Pike after another. He had known the Enterprise E would be far superior to his Enterprise but he hadn't even conceived of anything like what he now saw. It was not just technologically superior, but it was beautiful. Picard had even arranged for an exterior tour in the captain's yacht, Cousteau. The lines of the ship were lovely and graceful. It had the same basic shape as his own ship had, primary hull, secondary hull and warp nacelles far away from the rest by single pylons, but there the similarities ended. This Enterprise was low slung, like an old earth sports car. It simply looked like it was built for speed, where his ship had been much more stately and regal. “So fast,” he murmured as he looked at the lines.
“Yes,” Picard said softly from beside him.
Pike glanced at Picard, then chuckled. “I didn't realize I spoke out loud,” he said.
Picard kept his eyes on his ship. “I don't get this view of her very often. When I do, it's hard to stop looking.” He sighed and met Pike's gaze. “My first ship was a Constellation Class ship. The Stargazer. She was nothing like this ship, but I still couldn't get enough of seeing her.”
Pike looked surprised. “The Constellation Class? Your first ship was a Constellation Class? I was on the committee that approved that class. It was basically an updated version of the Constitution Class. The engines were a new design, and we weren't sure how they would perform.”
Now it was Picard's turn to be surprised. “I didn't realize that it was an updated Constitution Class.”
“Yes. Matt Decker was the Captain of the Constellation. He took command about the time I gave up the Enterprise.” He sighed as he realized another good man and friend was probably gone. “That's one of the problems of living so long... And coming back after death. All your friends are gone.”
Picard gave a thin smile. He started to say something, but Vina beat him to it. “Not all your friends are gone, Chris. Spock is still here. The Magistrate is still here. And I'm still here.”
Pike turned and regarded his wife. “That's true. And from what Spock tells me, Leonard McCoy is still around complaining about transporters too.” He swung away from the port suddenly and sat down heavily. “I wish I could see Earth again. Oh sure. I can visit it in the holodeck, but it's not the same as actually going there.”
Picard sat down beside him. At the same time, Vina sat opposite. Picard glanced at her for confirmation. She nodded and he spoke: “Captain Pike. I swear to you. I will do whatever I have to to get you back to Earth. I can't begin to understand what you're going through right now, but I know how important home is. And friends. I lost my brother not long ago. My crew on this ship are my family.” He paused for a moment, the said as if just realizing it for the first time: “I can't even conceive of a life without them. I promise you. I will help get you back to Earth.”
Pike looked gratefully at Picard. “Thank you, Captain. But honestly. How could I see Earth? I have to have a holo-emitter to exist.”
“Dear, I understand that the Doctor on Voyager is a hologram, and he has a mobile emitter. Can't we use one of those?”
Picard was apologetic. “Unfortunately, no. The Doctor's mobile emitter is one of a kind. It's been scrutinized in every way, and we don't know how to copy it. However, there are emitters like the one Data is helping to set up on Talos. Not to mention, eventually we will be able to construct a mobile emitter like the Doctor has.”
“That's true,” Vina said. “If something exists, it had to be built. There's got to be a way to do it. There are always possibilities, Chris.”
Later, on board Enterprise, Picard contacted Data and asked him to look at the Doctor's mobile emitter if he possibly could, with an eye to figuring out how it worked. “Captain Pike would like to pay a visit to Earth, and a mobile emitter would certainly make it easier for him and Vina.”
“Actually, Captain, that is an alternative we have been considering for the Talosians. I am certain that given time, we will be able to build one.”
“Well, Mr. Data. With the three of you working on it, we may as well consider it done. Picard out.”
On the planet, Data opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it. He made one more abortive attempt at speech, then finally shrugged his shoulders slightly and manually closed the connection to his captain. He turned to Seven, who was quietly working beside him. “It seems as though we have another reason to work on the mobile emitter idea.”
She nodded and said sardonically, “You may add that to the several thousand reasons we already have.”
Once again, Data opened his mouth to speak, stopped, shook his head slightly, and closed his mouth. He decided that the wiser course of action was to simply continue working. Thus, he missed the ghost of a smile that flashed across Seven's features.
Harry Kim, however, saw it as he approached the two. Like Data, Harry chose not to comment. He simply asked if the processors were aligned so they could begin power up of the emitters. It was night, and as a result, very few people were around as they made the final touches on the free standing holo-emitter in the center of what would be the town square. They had decided on a similar approach to the town reported by Deep Space Nine. The town would, of course be based on Talosian architecture, and would be produced by a series of twelve emitters spaced evenly throughout the valley.
Several corporeal Talosians had taken an interest in what they were doing with the emitters, and were being trained by Data and Harry to maintain and even program the equipment. One of them had worked on the team that had constructed the Rock, and he had some ideas regarding a holographic memory module for the emitters. He had quickly turned his idea into a physical reality, then brought it to Data. Data had been awed by the module, and had showed it to Seven of Nine. She in turn had reacted not at all, as she announced that the module would speed memory access time by an order of magnitude, and started building an interface for it.
Now, the hardware was set up, and the last of the software was being coded by Seven and Data. Harry had worked round the clock to set things up. He and B'Elanna had spent several days designing the system they had now built, while Data, the Doctor and Seven of Nine had built the software. He was now ready for some serious sleep time. First, however, they needed to run a test. If things worked out, he would be able to sleep till morning when they turned on the system. If things didn't.... Well. He really didn't want to think about more sleepless hours, but that was what he would be facing.
Seven had spent the last day and a half transferring mental patterns to the emitter memory module with the help of the Talosians who were holding them. Harry had jokingly referred to the patterns as 'mental images' and the name had stuck as that's precisely what they were. An image of the mind of a Talosian.
Harry selected one of the mental images, and crossed his fingers. He touched a screen, and a couple of meters to his left, the air shimmered. Then, a form appeared. It was dressed in the metal fabric common to the Talosians. The form was motionless until Harry touched another spot on the same screen, and the form was suddenly animated. She started to breath, and her face suddenly became living. She looked around, then looked directly at Harry. She seemed puzzled, but then, haltingly she spoke using her mouth. “I understand. I am photonic now. I have no physical mind with which to project my thoughts. It will take time, but perhaps it is for the best.”
Harry smiled then addressed her. “I'm Harry Kim, of the Federation Starship, Voyager.” He hoped the translator built into the console was functioning both ways. “How do you feel?”
Apparently, the translator was working correctly. “That is an interesting question, Mr. Kim. Am I using your name correctly?” When he answered in the affirmative, she continued. “Theoretically, I should not feel anything, as I am not physically alive, however, I surmise that the best way I can answer your question is to say that I feel relatively good.” As she said this, her eyes sparkled, and Harry had the distinct impression that he was being teased.
“Are the sensations you are receiving from your body the way you remember them?” he asked.
She walked over to the console and ran her hand over it. Then she reached down and picked up a handful of dirt from the ground. She allowed the dirt to run through her fingers, then she took an experimental sniff of the air. She even touched the tip of her tongue to her fingers which still had a small trace of dust clinging to them.
“All senses seem to be present and accounted for, except for my mental abilities. I understand why you didn't include them, however.” Again, her eyes sparkled.
“And it hardly seems necessary to ask if your mind appears to be there completely.”
“No, if it wasn't all there, I probably wouldn't know what was missing, now would I?”
Harry paused and finally asked her, “What was your designation. I understand that Talosians don't use names as we do, but what do I call you?”
“I was one of the leaders in our government. However, my actual designation was a linguist. I'm finding it somewhat uncomfortable, not being able to use my mind to see into yours and decipher your language, however, I seem to have access to some translation algorithms built into this console. I've absorbed it and find it quite easy to understand what you're saying now. Am I using contractions properly now?”
Data had been watching the proceedings, and spoke up now. “I am Data, of the Enterprise. You are indeed using contractions properly.”
She focused on him and said, “Yet I perceive that you aren't using them.” She cocked her head quizzically and asked, “Are you an artificial life form?”
“I am indeed, Linguist. How did you know?”
“There is an air of perfection about your appearance and mannerisms which is not normally associated with an organic lifeform. As well, you know that I use contractions properly, but don't use them yourself. That indicates more a computer mind rather than an organic one.”
“That does not follow, logically,” Data remarked. “Since you asked if you were using contractions correctly, I may have been replying without them to facilitate your understanding.”
She laughed outright at that. “Why would you do that since you said yourself that I was using them correctly?”
Data had an answer for that, however. “Since you were unsure that you were using contractions correctly, I reasoned that it would be best not to use them. It may have confused you.”
Again, she laughed, only now, she didn't stop for quite some time. Data cocked his head for a moment and examined the situation. He had his emotion chip turned on, but for the world, he couldn't figure out what was funny. Finally, the Talosian woman stopped laughing. She walked up to him and hugged him tightly. The top of her bald head only came to his chest, but she hugged him tight. When she loosed her hold on him, she backed up and held him at arms length. “I am so sorry. I wasn't laughing at you, Data. I have been in a computer with only my own thoughts for millennia. The thrill of our debate was wonderful! I haven't had a conversation in so long and then, on my first day revived, to have such a thrill! To see, taste, smell.... All after so long, it is almost overwhelming!”
“I see. It is a combination of our conversation, your emotions, and senses all working together that....” He broke off, as she was laughing again. Seven looked at Data, and raised her left eyebrow, in a perfect parody of Spock. Harry Kim caught it, and doubled over. He was gone too.
Once more, Beverly Crusher and the Doctor found themselves working together, only this time in her sickbay rather than his. They had scanned several of the newly revived Talosians for genetic problems from the long storage in what amounted to a pattern buffer. Granted, it was a very sophisticated buffer, but a pattern buffer nonetheless. To date, there had been two hundred seventy three cases of madness among the revived Talosians. The two doctors were trying to figure out what could possibly be causing the madness, but they had found nothing.
Counselor Troi was working with some of the madness victims as well, but she was having limited success.
“Doctor,” Crusher said, puzzled. “Take a look at this.” She had been looking at the Keeper's genetic code. There was one gene that he had, which none of the revived Talosians had. She pointed it out to the Doctor. He was equally puzzled.
“That is truly interesting. And the Keeper is the only Talosian you have sequenced who has that gene?” The Doctor asked.
“It's in the middle of a stretch of repeat DNA. Every other piece of repeat DNA that I've seen has turned up in at least one other Talosian. Our Keeper is the only one I've studied who has this one gene.”
“While it is fascinating, Beverly, I don't see how it can help us. The Keeper obviously isn't affected by the madness.”
“I agree, Doctor. It's the only piece of information that I have that correlates to anything we know for sure. The one Talosian who wasn't patterned has this gene. Who knows. Perhaps it is a piece of genetic drift from the time of the Rock to now.” Crusher was frustrated, and it could be heard in her voice.
A small voice came from the door into sickbay. “Can I be of help, Doctors?” It was the Keeper.
“I'm not sure how, Magistrate. I just can't find any correlation with the madness. The only thing I'm sure of is that I'll go mad myself if something doesn't start to make sense!”
“Would it help, Dr. Crusher, if I were to bring you a Talosian Doctor?”
Crusher thought for a moment. “It might, but how could we be sure that any of your doctors didn't have the madness themselves?”
“To date, none of the photonic Talosians has had the madness. I shall bring one of them.”
Twenty minutes later, a Talosian materialized in the room. As soon as Counselor Troi joined them, he introduced himself as a specialist. “The Linguist tells me that in your language, my designation would most closely be 'Doctor', however that would be confusing. As I was a genetic specialist, that would probably be the best thing to call me. 'Specialist'.”
“Very well, Specialist,” The Doctor said swiftly. “You are, no doubt, aware of the difficulty.”
“Yes,” the Talosian said. “And I think I may know what causes the problem. However, I'm afraid my particular specialty won't be needed. The problem most likely does not lie in genetics.”
Crusher sat down heavily at that. She had spent the better part of a week trying to find a problem in the genes. “So what do you think it is, Specialist?”
The Talosian sat down opposite her. You understand, Dr. Crusher, that I am a photonic Talosian. I was one of the telepathic Talosians. I am here, because when I was killed, my katra was absorbed by the Talosian that telepathically killed me. The Magistrate has informed me how he managed to separate himself from the illusion forced on him by the Rock. Has he told you how this was managed?”
The Keeper stepped forward, and looked questioningly at the Specialist. “I do not see how this could be relevant.”
“If you will tell them, I will explain, Magistrate.”
The Keeper told how Seven of Nine had separated her consciousness into different partitions, effectively setting up a virtual machine on which she was able to run a secondary personality that was free from her primary one.
The Specialist then continued. “Any Talosian who had touched another mind, would have an imprint of that mind in theirs. That imprint is not the same as a Katra. It would have no consciousness of it's own, but that imprint naturally goes into a separate partition. It must, or it will tend to overwrite ones own consciousness.”
He paused for the others to think about this. When he continued, things became crystal clear, and the other three realized that he was probably correct in his theory. “In the Rock, the mental images were stored separately from the physical patterns. The mental images were stored in a photonic memory module. To preserve consciousness over the long wait, the mental images were left alert. They were all separate from each other. Those of us without a body were stored no differently. Because we were a complete consciousness, we were stored identically. And because we were a complete consciousness, we had the same imprints. Because these imprints were there, we were not alone throughout the millennia. Those who hadn't used the artificial telepathy machinery had no one to talk to throughout the long wait until they were re-integrated.”
The Doctor's mouth dropped open. “You realize what you're saying? Those people who never killed anyone are the ones who are going mad!”
The Keeper's head was hanging, and once again he was crying. He raised his head and said softly. “Punished because they didn't fight.”
Beverly Crusher looked decidedly sick.
Finally, the Specialist broke into the other's thoughts. “I have told you the most likely reason for the problem. I have no idea what to do to solve it.”
Troi turned to the Keeper. “Magistrate. If you were to join me in a meld, do you think we would be able to do more than I have been able to on my own?”
The Keeper thought for a few moments. “I have no psychological training, Counselor. If only the Specialist still had his abilities. I understand that he did have some.”
“That is true, Magistrate. However the ban on the artificial augmentation is the right thing to do. Theoretically those us who are photonic could use it, but the temptation. No. It mustn't be done.” He hesitated, clearly in turmoil. Then, he turned to the doctors. “However, those who are in physical bodies could have the ability turned on.”
The Keeper stared.
“How?” the Doctor asked, shocked.
The Specialist sighed. “I was in a genetics lab before we were attacked. We had found the gene that activated the telepathic ability. It was in the middle of a segment of repeating DNA.”
Dr. Crusher gasped. The Doctor turned to her. “I think we know the result of the gene that only the Keeper has, Beverly.”
Crusher stood and turned on the computer screen on her desk. She flipped it around and showed it to the Specialist. “Precisely, Doctor Crusher.”
The Doctor was worried, however. “You have deliberately not given the ability to those of you who are photonic. Aren't you concerned that if you start turning on this gene, you will have the same problems as before?”
The Keeper was shaking. The Specialist was hanging his head.
Troi gently spoke. “The difference now is that you have your past as a reference. Those who are doomed to repeat the past are those who refuse to learn from it. My people, while not as powerful telepathically as the Talosians, do have people who are telepathically null. As a matter of fact, approximately seven percent of all Betazoids are not telepathic. Vulcans also, while only touch telepaths, also have those who have very little ability. It is possible to have that part of a population that is different and not have war.”
“Sneetches,” said the Doctor simply.
“Pardon?” said Troi.
“An old Earth morality tale on prejudice. It was a children's story written by a Theodor Seuss Geisel, who was popularly known as Dr. Seuss. The story was about some fictitious creatures called the Sneetches. Some had stars on their bellies, and others had none. Those who had stars stupidly looked down on the ones who had 'no stars upon thars'. Of course those who didn't have the stars were just as bad, because they allowed themselves to be treated that way. Eventually they were shown how ridiculous they were by each group being made to strive to be the other.” He looked at the two Talosians. “Not that I'm comparing Talosians with Sneetches...” He trailed off. “I'm a doctor, not a literary critic!”
“'Stars upon thars?'” Beverly asked.
“Actually,” said the Specialist, “It is a very apt description. But now, we have a situation that I'm afraid can't be rectified by jealousy.”
“I must see if I can help a victim of the madness. If I can, we will have to place the problem before all of the people,” The Keeper said.
The next day, The Keeper and the Specialist went with the Leader before the people of Talos. The Specialist had been proved right, and with Seven's help, the Keeper had made contact with the sane mind of one of the victims, drawing her out of the madness. She was the Talosian version of a Counselor, and with coaching from the Keeper and Seven, as well as gene therapy, she was able to help others.
Not all of the Talosians received the gene therapy. Some were quite content to remain as they had been all of the lives, but with the knowledge that things had changed, they weren't worried about war. Troi had been right, and they acknowledged the fact.
Those who learned from their mistakes will not repeat them.
Before Enterprise left, Pike met with the Keeper in the cabin that had been assigned to him and Vina aboard ship. It was about four times the size of VIP quarters on his ship. It was definitely taking some getting used to, all the differences.
“So you will remain here?” Chris asked the Talosian.
“I have considered it. I am not the last of my race anymore, and it is wonderful to be with others like me. But they are not like me in other ways.” He sat heavily on one of the lounges in the center of the room. It is approximately five thousand years ago on the planet's surface. I am an anachronism now.”
Pike nodded. “You're the one who is actually in your own time, but you are an outcast because the rest are from a different time.” Vina came through the connecting door and stopped when she saw the Talosian. Pike waved her over to his side where she sat down. “The other day, I was feeling the same way, Magistrate,” he continued. “I'm ninety years out of time now. Vina is a hundred and ten out. But we've got each other to lean on.”
“I have no one,” the diminutive alien said. “I'm alone.”
“No,” Pike said definitively. “You're not. You have us, your friends.”
Vina nodded. “It's not just gratitude, Magistrate. We've gotten to know you. Your personality, your compassion. You didn't have to project an illusion of beauty to me for all those years.”
“Nor,” Pike continued, “did you have to invite me back to Talos. You are a true friend, Magistrate. We are going to Earth to see it again, but we are coming back. I've been appointed ambassador to Talos.” He grinned. “The posting is indefinite.”
“You've seen Earth many times in our dreams,” said Vina. “Now's your chance to see it in reality. Why don't you come with us?”
The Keeper sat thinking for a long while. Then he nodded. “I would like that very much,” he said. “Thank you for your friendship. Both of you.”
Vina reached out and embraced the Keeper. When she let him go, Pike pumped his arm, hard. Then he went to tell Picard that the Keeper was coming. Spock had told Picard to be prepared, as he thought it likely the Keeper would desire this. Once again, he was right. He usually was.
Author’s note: This story is sort of a crossover fanfic, although it could perhaps stand on its own. Being a crossover, it includes people from two television franchises. I can safely say that I own none of the people from either of those “worlds” included herein, nor do I intend any copyright infringement.
It was tempting to simply post this as is, but considering how much trouble it was to write without giving away identities, but still have people act at least somewhat correctly, I decided to post it as it really is. Decipher the story within reason, and the title, and you should figure out who these people are.
And now, on with the story!
The Offspring of Backward Rodents Long Journey to the Fabled Land Encircled by their Cousin's Cemetery
The red-haired woman sat there, waiting for him to arrive, but before he sat down, he surveyed the scene carefully. His client’s coppery red hair, may have faded from a rich auburn. It was obviously long, even pulled into a bun, and gave her an apparent age of anywhere from fifty to sixty-five.
He appeared to be roughly the same age, whatever that was, but looks could be deceiving. The woman had heard legends of him existing long before her birth. After one last glance around the lounge, he decided things would be alright, so he made his way to her table.
It had once been that he had no concerns, but times had changed. His old methods had been deciphered, as had his motives. Now, he traveled incognito. He had to. To move in the open would risk mobs.
He sat down, and gave the false name he had told her. She responded in kind. He couldn't even advertise in the open as his name was too well known. His clients often needed anonymity as well. Again, the risk of well-meaning people was simply too great.
“How can I help you?” he asked the woman. A server approached, but he waved her away.
“I need help with my husband,” she told him.
“Well, my husband and my daughter, really.”
The man gestured for her to continue.
“My husband has never been close to her, but if he'd just get to know her... To understand her!”
“Explain,” the man told her.
“My current husband and my first husband were always friends. Good friends, in fact. They served together. My now-husband was my first husband’s CO.
“I see.”
“So who is your daughter’s father?” The man asked.
“That’s where things get strange,” she replied. “My first husband never knew of the affair.”
“I see. So your daughter is from your current husband.” He paused, then asked. “How did your marriage with your first husband end?”
She sighed. “He was killed while under the command of the man who is now my husband.”
The man cocked his head, and then said to her, “Your daughter. She has not always been, has she?”
She shook her head. “You have decided who I am, haven’t you?”
He nodded. “The story of your life is well known, as is that of the commander.” He thought for a moment. “I will take the job on the provisio that the relationship between your daughter and husband can benefit from my… ministrations.”
She continued. “He knew of his ‘son’, but because the two men were best friends, I believe he was ashamed of the betrayal. I know I was.”
“Did he have any relationship with his child before the death of your first husband?”
Shaking her head, she confessed, “While they were aware of each other, they had never met until long after the death of my husband. My first husband, of course.”
“But the child didn’t know who her father was?”
“No.” She spoke with downcast eyes. It appeared that she was still ashamed of their actions.
“So I believe I have the general story of that time. Please correct me if I’m wrong.” She agreed, so he continued. “You were in love with the man who is now your husband, but he was too focused on his career to commit to you. So when his friend asked, you willingly married him, although you were having an affair with the man you are now married to.” He sighed. Not being able to say names in public could complicate a conversation immeasurably.
She nodded, and didn’t stop him, so he continued. “Is the problem he has with your daughter the fact that she has come out as a woman, or because your husband is still ashamed of his actions?”
“Neither. I believe he settled with both of our actions years ago. I did as well, but admitting it to you brings back the feelings of shame. As far as coming out, I don't think it even phased him.”
“So, what is the problem?”
“My husband has never done well with children. I'm not sure why, but it has never been his strong point.”
“Am I to understand that the change has made things worse?”
“Yes, it has.”
“But your daughter is an adult. Correct?”
“Yes, she is.”
“I would think your daughter’s time as a child would have little to do with it.”
She didn't answer for a while. Finally, she nodded. “So what is the real reason?” the man asked her.
“They were best friends, my husbands. You know that, but my daughter has never known that her father wasn't who she thought.” He didn't say anything, so she had to continue. “Before he died, my first husband recorded himself telling his 'son’ about himself, and how proud he was to be ‘his’ father.” She paused before continuing. “When my daughter viewed that recording, I believe my, at the time, future husband decided to never destroy the idea that my first husband was her father. Now, he wants her to know how much he loves her no matter who she is, but he doesn't seem to know how.”
The man focused his penetrating eyes on her. “You need to be honest to yourself, Doctor,” he said, for the first time using her title. “That is not the only reason.”
“True. My husband lost his brother and nephew, sometime ago. The responsibility for the family name is now his. Even through adoption it won't happen now.”
“And so we come to the real reason,” the man said. “Surely, he knows that this would have happened regardless if you had been honest with your daughter?”
His use of the word 'you’ bothered her, but she had to admit it was both of them; not just him. “Yes.”
Abruptly, he stood. “I am not the right person to help. You have a counselor and friend who is far more familiar with the situation than I.”
The doctor nodded
“I bid you good day.” He turned to leave, then turned back for a moment. “Please tell your husband that I have admired him for many years.”
Author's note.
It will be obvious to any who have placed the characters, that while I enjoyed the latest installment on the doctor's ‘husband’, I chose to ignore it for this short story.
son and I were talking, one day, about the Trek Tech that is
impossible, and were thinking about what would happen if Captain Kirk
came up against these impossibilities during crunch time...
I realize that there are holes in my physics, but these are the some I came up with at the time.
The following is the result.
Captain James T. Kirk sat in his command chair, grimly facing the viewscreen. On it, was the picture of a Klingon Bird of Prey, facing the Enterprise menacingly. "Shields!" he shouted as he saw the orange light start to build at the forward torpedo tube of the small ship.
At the tactical station, Chekov pushed a button, and the familiar dots surrounding the schematic of the Enterprise appeared. The screen went dark.
"What happened? Did they hit us?"
"Scanning now," Spock said from the science console. He stood up from his hooded viewer, and looked back at the captain. "Negative. The Klingons are not responsible for this. Apparently, for shields to be effective against photons, they need to be opaque. We are looking at the inside of our own shields."
Kirk was confused. "What good are shields that we can't see through?"
"We could conceivably have the shields not cover our sensors," the Vulcan speculated.
"Do it!" Kirk ordered.
While Spock got to work, Kirk told his helmsman, "As soon as the screen clears, I want you to perform evasive action."
"Yes, Sir," Sulu acknowledged.
Suddenly, the ship rocked, and the screen lit up again.
"Good work, Mr. Spock!"
"I did not do it, Captain. The screens are overloaded."
"Wonderful!" Kirk said sarcastically. "Evasive, Mr. Sulu."
Sulu punched buttons on the helm, and the enormous starship ponderously started to move.
"Scotty! We need more power to the thrusters!" Kirk yelled into his chair intercom.
"Cap'n! I'm givin 'er all I got!"
"How come we're not moving faster?"
"Ye canna break the laws of physics, Cap'n! We're just too heavy!"
'Can we jettison something?" the Captain wanted to know.
"Aye! We can jettison the warp nacelles. They're useless anyway! Ye canna go faster than the speed o' light."
"What? You can't travel faster than light?" Kirk was amazed.
"Nay! Ye canna break the laws of physics," Scotty said, surprised that Kirk would not know that, considering how many times he had told him.
"Can we transport to the planet?"
"Are ye daft, man?" Scotty was indignant. "The amount of power needed to completely dematerialize a human being in the allotted time is near to that outputted by a fair size star. That would melt th’ power conduits servin' the transporter room, not to mention most of the rest of the ship. An ye want to do it four hundred an thirty times!?"
He was still grumbling about the injustices of it all as he left the bridge to tend to the damaged shields.
Kirk was unsure what to do. The Klingons were still out there, but they hadn't made any moves to attack further. “What can we do, Mr. Spock?”
“At this point, it appears as though our options are severely limited, Captain,” the Vulcan answered.
"Thank you, Spock. I've figured that out." He thought for a few moments, then asked, "What about the shuttlecraft?"
"I would caution against using them. Impulse technology, while not breaking the speed of light, does require much more fuel than a shuttlecraft has room for."
"So you're saying we're pretty well stuck." Kirk was completely frustrated.
"That would be a logical conclusion, Captain."
"Can we at least throw rocks?"
Last week, about this time, I posted a web link for a story that my son and I wrote back in 2014, called The Birth of Iconia. Today, I posted the link for part 2, The Rise of Iconia.
Next week, I plan on posting the link for part 3, The Fall of Iconia. When we posted Birth, it came out much better than Rise, and especially Fall. My son took off to work in the canneries in Alaska, and I ended up discussing things over the phone with him. Not the way to finish a story or 2.
I noticed that several people did look at Birth, so I figured I'd continue posting them.
They were very fun to write, and we started on part 4, but Disney changed the rules on us with Star Wars, so we never finished it. Ah well...