Events move at speed for Ursula as a new activity is decided for Tyra. Then, in the Great Hall, her adventure in the city is examined and she learns what punishments are dispensed to criminals in Joth.
The Voyage of the Visund
A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane
25 - At the Duke's Court
Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of
this story are the property of the author. No infringement of
pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2020
Penny Lane. All rights reserved.
The following morning at breakfast, Eriana, Bennet and Semma
appeared wearing their Palarand-style exercise gear. The Princess
looked very contrite, going down on one knee in front of Wallesan, to
his complete surprise.
"Your Grace, I beg forgiveness of you," she said. "I have behaved in a way that a Princess of Palarand ought not to behave. I can only plead tiredness, hunger, and a long day full of unwanted incident."
The Duke stepped back with a gesture. "Rise, Eriana. There is no need to apologize. Had I suffered the same day as you and your girls did, I doubt not that my own temper would likewise have been somewhat frayed. Consider your actions of yesterday eve to be forgotten. Did you not know? You are among friends here."
Eriana climbed to her feet but she still looked embarrassed. "You are most gracious, Wallesan, but still, as a guest in your house, I should not have treated anyone as I did. And now I have made a spectacle of myself in front of everybody."
He chuckled quietly. "You would not be the first guest who has done so, Eriana, and I doubt you will be the last. Please, all of you, come and sit at table. Let us break our fast and speak of today's happenings instead of the past."
Eriana grimaced. "Wallesan, I would agree, but I am compelled to request of you a brief meeting when we rise from breakfast. It seems that there may have been a misunderstanding which must be made clear."
Wallesan was surprised again. "Indeed? I have a busy morning arranged, my dear, but of course I will spare you enough time to resolve anything you consider doubtful."
"Agreed," she said shortly.
As the diners converged on the table Ursula considered what she had learned the previous evening. To avoid disturbing Eriana, she had offered the use of her bath to Bennet and Semma and they had reluctantly agreed. In turn, they had insisted that Ursula and Tyra bathe first, to avoid having to get into dirty water. Following the bath, the four had sat around for a short while in their fluffy robes talking about the day's events - and what might have caused Eriana's outburst.
It seemed that both Bennet and Semma had been around when the Princess had arrived at the palace in Palarand, and it also seemed that she had been an entirely different person then. Ursula had experience of spoiled children, teenagers and adults and she recognized the signs the two armswomen had recounted. It seemed that only Lady Garia, as she had been then, had been able to find a way to improve Eriana's personality, though by this time the Princess had already realized that her own behavior had become unacceptable.
So, a reformed character, then? But one who can slip back into old ways when stressed.
In a different way, that could describe me also. I can not condemn her on that account.
Still, nobody yet has explained what upset her. Something to do with Tyra, perhaps, but nothing is clear.
How can I, or anyone else, find out what might be wrong? Or is there in fact nothing wrong, it was just an outburst because she was tired? What does she want to speak to the Duke about? Could it be me?
There is much in this world which is still mysterious to me and I do not like it!
"If I might ask," Wallesan said to Eriana, "I notice that you wear your exercise attire today. Do you not ride?"
Eriana shook her head with a small smile. "Not today, Wallesan. I fear that our adventures yesterday have worn out our frayen and we intend to let them recover for some few days before we venture forth again. Today... we may join your men at exercise, depending on what Captain Hambran has planned, or we may go down to the docks and join my men. It is some time since we last did drills with them, though I know that Lars will keep them sharp."
"Ah, I see." The Duke turned to Hambran. "Captain? What of your arrangements for the men today?"
Hambran considered. "I will of course be available this morning should you require me, Your Grace, and as you know many of the men are already assigned to your morning's audience. If I may think while we eat, I may give answer to yourself, and to Her Highness, when we rise."
Breakfast was a curious affair since there was still some kind of tension between the various parties, with Ursula a puzzled onlooker. Tyra seemed to have gotten the system of serving at table, however, and the practical side of the meal proceeded smoothly. When the Duke rose, he gestured to the door to Eriana, but she turned first to Ursula.
"If you would join us, Ursula, since my problem concerns you."
"Of course, Highness."
Ursula and Tyra therefore followed Wallesan, Fanis and Eriana into the Small Meeting Room.
Eriana turned to the Duchess. "Fanis, I doubt not that you did what you thought best in assigning a maid to Ursula, and indeed I can agree that mayhap the time has come for her to be so served. It is unfortunate that we were away so long yesterday but I cannot let the weather be an excuse. It is done now, but know that I would have preferred to have been asked first."
"But, Eriana, that was always what I intended to do! Ursula will confirm that, when Tyra was asked to assist her, I warned both that you would have the final word. However, her need for assistance was immediate and therefore I gave her Tyra who had helped her previously. I must apologize if I have upset you, Eriana. It was not my intention to go behind your back, if that is what you thought."
"Oh. And now I am embarrassed again, Fanis. Please accept my apologies again for last night. I saw what I thought was something and it was something else, an innocent helping of a guest in your Mansion."
"As you say, Eriana." Fanis frowned. "I am still unclear what the problem is, though. If you would explain."
"When Ursula was discovered on that island, Fanis, both Wallesan and myself separately made oaths to ward her until she became familiar enough in our ways to be able to decide her own fate in the Great Valley. When we realized that we had done this we agreed to take joint guardianship of her. I assumed that this would mean that no decisions would be taken without one consulting the other. Of course you were not party to any of that, and indeed any of the reason for doing so until recently."
"Ah, I did not know that. Wal, you told me of finding Ursula but I missed the significance of any oaths you may have made then."
Wallesan nodded. "It is a while now but of course you should know all that I can recall of those days, Fanis. Maybe later today, when we can find a few moments together. This morning, as you know, we have other matters to attend to." He asked Eriana, "It is of those oaths you speak, I deem?"
Eriana replied, "Wallesan, it is. I may have made a fuss over nothing but it is Ursula's safety and comfort I consider. While she is yet in Joth I am content to let her be guided by local custom and practice but I would still desire to be consulted when decisions are made about her - or with her. In that regard, I wonder if she is destined to remain here at all. You know my own thoughts on the matter."
The Duke's eyes briefly slid towards Tyra, standing silently behind Ursula - and taking in every word.
"Aye, Eriana, I do. All I can do today is apologize for the misunderstanding and promise to consult you before anything else is decided concerning Ursula. Will that suffice?"
She gave a short nod. "As you say, Wallesan."
"Then, we must be about our business for today. I have a Duke's Court to attend in the Great Hall, where sundry criminal cases and some awkward disputes will be dealt with. I doubt not that Captain Hambran will be outside, waiting to give you answer about today's other activities."
Tyra moved swiftly to open the door, receiving a smile and a nod from Wallesan as he led them all through. Outside in the corridor, Hambran stood talking to Senia and Bellot, with Bennet and Semma waiting for Eriana nearby.
Hambran approached Eriana. "Highness, I have received several requests from the men concerning the Tai Chi. Tenant Maralin has endeavored to teach it to the men but it is felt that a fresh teacher may help them remember some of the moves the Tenant was not certain about. As I mentioned previously, many of the men will be busy this morning, but if you wished to join the rest I would offer no complaint."
"Then we are happy to help, Captain. I and my girls were taught by Princess Garia herself, and I am certain that between us we should be able to provide the advice and example your men need."
"I appreciate your help, Highness. I will give orders, then, but first," he continued, "Healer Senia informs me that Tyra has some interest in learning the same arts as your girls profess. If it would be possible to consult with you and her concerning the requirements for such work?"
Eriana spun and stared at a red-faced Tyra. "Is this true? You desire to become a woman of arms?"
"H-Highness," she stammered, "I did. As you can see, I consider that I may be of a build and fitness to do such work and since seeing Bennet and Semma, I have wondered if it would be possible."
Eriana turned on her heel, thinking, before addressing Wallesan. "This may prove more useful to us both, Wallesan, if Ursula's maid can be protector as well. Assuming that she is capable, I will agree to this if you will. She is, after all, your subject." She added, "It may prove useful to show Captain Hambran how 'tis done, to have women under his charge in the future."
The Duke was surprised but nodded. "Aye, Eriana, it is the logical next step, is it not? Hambran, how say you?"
"Tyra is Mistress Ursula's personal maid? Then she would not be required to be quartered with the troops, she may reside with her mistress as normal, which would solve one immediate problem. However, if she is to train at arms, then she would not be available to assist her mistress at all times."
"I can answer that, Captain," Senia said. "Ursula customarily accompanies me each morning on my rounds as healer. Tyra needs not be present then, we have managed together so far already. If she may train each morning as we do our rounds, she may serve her mistress once we return for lunch."
Hambran said, "As His Grace has said, it will doubtless become necessary for women to join his armsmen, so taking Tyra as a trainee will indeed inform us how it must needs be done. If all are agreed? Then, since you are already here, Mistress Senia, Tyra may join Her Highness and her armswomen this morning, to decide if she is suitable for the task."
Wallesan nodded. "Agreed."
Senia turned to Ursula. "Then by His Grace's leave you and I should depart, Ursula. There are new injuries to attend today, I regret."
Bellot spoke then. "Mistress Senia, I must needs tell you that Mistress Ursula may not accompany you this morning. That is why I am here, to inform her that she will be needed today to attend His Grace's Court, as witness and victim."
Ursula was surprised. "Me? Oh, is this about what happened the other day, when we went to the market?"
"I believe that is so, Mistress." Bellot thought. "I do not recall that Mistress Senia was involved, though."
"I was not," Senia confirmed. "I only know what little Ursula has told me since." She turned to Wallesan. "By your leave, Your Grace. I must depart, there are patients to visit. If I may attend tomorrow morning for Ursula?"
"Of course, Mistress Senia. As you know, we appreciate that the welfare of all those under your care is important, you may depart at once. Ursula no doubt will be waiting for you after breakfast tomorrow morning."
Senia curtseyed and walked off down the corridor. Ursula gazed after her, somewhat fuddled by the sudden speed of events.
Eriana asked the Duke, "Your court, Wallesan. Should I be present, either to take part or as an observer?"
"As you choose, Eriana," he replied, "though, if you do not mind a suggestion, this will be the first full court I have held since I returned. Your presence today may be a distraction. There is no reason that you could not attend another day, and with more advance warning to choose other attire. I am likely to hold another court like this before you must needs depart, should you desire to see me at work."
"Aye, I had forgotten our attire, we will indeed be a distraction today. So, ladies, let us be away with Captain Hambran and find out if our newest trainee might qualify for the task."
Hambran braced to attention. "Your Grace?"
"Aye, Hambran. I know it is short notice but it is something that must needs be done and soon. We may have other women of a similar bent approach us."
"As you say, Your Grace." The captain turned to Eriana and bowed. "Highness. If you would all follow me."
With a crooked finger aimed at Tyra, Hambran turned away and the others followed. Tyra glanced at Ursula, receiving a nod. The servant girl followed the others as they headed for the yard.
What just happened then? I had a maid and now she is gone! I have barely had her a day and now she has been taken away to do... what, exactly? To be taught to do whatever Bennet and Semma can do, I suppose.
Another thing. If Tyra is to be my maid, surely it is I who should be deciding where she goes and what she does?
Where does that leave me, then? I'm supposed to be chaperoned around the mansion, especially if there are outsiders around.
What about this trial, then? How does that work? I have no idea how they conduct trials in this place.
Fanis said, "Ursula, once again you are left on your own! A curious circumstance, and not of your own making, I deem. Shall you sit beside me until your testimony is required?"
Bellot intervened. "Your Grace, if I may remind you, she is witness and victim to a criminal case. To be seen sitting beside Your Grace could imply to the defendants some kind of favoritism. Normally all witnesses and suchlike are gathered together at the side of the court, until their word is required."
"Oh, of course, Bellot! I do not normally attend Wallesan's courts but I have done so enough times that I ought to remember the rules. Of course she must go... but who will sit with her?"
"If I may suggest, Your Grace, perhaps the kitchen servant Renita could be spared for the session."
"Hmm?" Wallesan intervened, his mind already busy with the procedures ahead. "What's that? Oh, of course Ursula must needs have a companion. Bellot, ask Farren to spare Renita for the morning, upon my request."
Bellot bowed. "As you command, Your Grace." He turned and left immediately.
Kalmenar appeared down the stairs, bowing to the Duke.
"Your Grace. If I may have permission to observe today's proceedings. There are doubtless differences between your court and that of His Majesty and it may be useful to have a note of them, for future reference."
"Of course, Kalmenar. Bellot will show you where to sit."
The diplomat glanced around for Bellot, not seeing him there, and spotted him coming from the kitchen with Renita. The servant curtseyed to the Duke before staring at Ursula.
"Mistress, I understood you were assigned a maid yesterday."
Fanis said, "Yes, Renita, Tyra was indeed assigned, but she has gone with Her Highness this morning about other business. If you would sit with Ursula this morning in His Grace's court, that she might have a companion. Do you know ought of court matters?"
"I am sorry, Your Grace, I do not."
"Ah. Of course, you came from Galdarin, did you not? Do not worry, little will happen today which should cause you concern." The Duchess smiled. "Of course, should you wed Maralin, your presence may be required in court more often in future. For now, you need simply sit with Ursula and watch what happens."
"As you command, Your Grace."
"Good." Wallesan rubbed his hands together. "And now, I deem, we must be about our duty. Come, Fanis. Our people await."
They followed the ducal couple through the doors into the Great Hall. It was full of people, some still arriving through the street doors at the far end. With a whispered word, Bellot pointed Ursula and Renita to a roped-off section against the left-hand wall where chairs had been set out. The others found places in front of or to the side of Wallesan and Fanis, who did this time use their thrones.
Once they had seated themselves, Bellot said in a loud voice, "All who have seats may now be seated."
Once the scrape of chair legs had died down, he continued, "His Grace Wallesan, by the Maker's grace Duke of Joth, holds court. His Grace has announcements to make, following which certain criminal charges will be dealt with. After a short break His Grace will then rule upon sundry matters which have awaited his return from Palarand. If there be any others with like disputes or complications, and should there be time at the end of those matters already listed, His Grace may choose to hear them. If there are any such, you should apply to me at the break. His Grace's Court is now in session!"
Ursula looked around. She and Renita were on chairs at one end of the roped-off area, which was filled with smartly-dressed folk from the city and elsewhere. Their chairs faced the central aisle, which meant she had to turn her head to see the Duke and Duchess. There were occupied chairs set out facing them on the other side, but Ursula didn't know what their purpose was. Further back, away from the dias, there were rows of benches set out facing the Duke and Duchess. These were filled with what Ursula assumed were onlookers, curious citizens who wanted to see what their Duke did.
Wallesan rose. "My people! Before we begin I shall briefly tell you what happened to me when I went to Palarand. I traveled there to be present at the wedding of a remarkable young woman, Garia, Baroness of Blackstone, who will in time become Palarand's next Queen. I am told that the whole of the recent war, including the taking of this city and other places, was entirely due to the desire of those of Yod to either obtain or to murder this young woman.
"This is because she comes from another world, one which is entirely unlike Anmar. Aye, I know what you will say, that the Great Convocation denies such claims, but, my people, while in Robanar's palace I was given such proof that her origins cannot be denied. Princess Garia, for that is who she now is, possesses incredible amounts of knowledge of her world which she has chosen to give us freely.
"This means that, in the coming years, you will see many changes come to both the city and country of Joth. Some have already arrived, for example many of you know, and indeed may have used, guns against the invader, guns which were supplied by Palarand. You have also seen the great towers even now being built about the city which will mean that a message may be sent several hundred marks in a single day.
"You may also have seen Her Highness Princess Eriana of Palarand walking or indeed riding about our city recently. It is she who owns the ship by which I returned from Palarand to Joth. Princess Garia has introduced the idea that a woman may ride as a man does, and I cannot sensibly refuse any woman of Joth who desires to do the same. Naturally, that means that any woman who desires to ride must needs be attired appropriately, and I have no doubt that the seamstresses of Joth will be in much demand for their attire.
"There are many other wonders pouring out of Palarand which I will not name now, we have other business to attend to. It is possible that, in the near future, we will be able to show some of them to you here in this Great Hall. I will issue a proclamation concerning many of the most important matters that occurred in Palarand, since the wedding of Prince Keren and Princess Garia was not the only reason for my attendance there.
"For now, I have said enough. Bellot, if we may bring in the first case."
The first case was a gruesome double murder, which possibly explained the presence of the onlookers. Various members of the Watch explained what had happened and how they had worked out who was responsible, which in this case hadn't been difficult. It was also not difficult to work out what the sentence would be on the murderer, who was standing, chained, between two of Wallesan's armsmen.
Two more murders followed, but each of these had problems with the evidence. One man was cleared, but with a stern warning as to his future conduct, the other was sentenced to five years 'at the oars'. Then it was the turn of Ursula's assailants. Both were brought in in chains by armsmen, to stand to the far side of the court facing the Duke.
Bellot looked down at his parchment. "If Tenant Bedarn of the City Watch would stand forward."
Bedarn rose from one of the chairs facing Ursula, walked forward to stand in front of Wallesan and saluted. "Your Grace."
Wallesan gestured. "Ah, I remember now. A seeming minor incident that yet resulted in a death. If you would explain for the record."
"Your Grace, the incident took place, as I recall, on the sixteenth day of Pertelin... that would be fourteen days ago now. I was the watch officer at the Watch station on the south side of the main market. There was, I recall, an argument with two of Her Highness Princess Eriana's sailors going on at the time. Mistress Tavia, who had been shopping in the market with one of Her Highness's armswomen, approached and stated that a companion of theirs, also a stranger in Joth, had become separated and was likely lost in the city.
"One of the sailors there recognized the name and suggested that his men, also about the market, could help in the search. This made sense, as it would double the number of teams sent out, so I agreed. A little later on a runner came and said that the woman had been found but injured, and that she had been allegedly accosted by three men while making her way back to the market."
Bedarn colored. "Your Grace, I had not seen the incident myself and the situation was confusing."
"As you say. Continue."
"The runner also said that one of the three men had been killed by one of the sailors who was searching with Watchman Terran, a man named Brodgar. I sent others to bring the woman, the body and the other two men back to the watch station. The men, including the one who died, were known rough men of the city." He paused, collecting his thoughts. "It seemed to me that the man had been killed unnecessarily, Your Grace. By the time everybody had arrived at the watch station, another foreigner had appeared, one Lord Kalmenar of Palarand who seemed to be some kind of lawyer. His advice was to take everybody to the Mansion and put the matter before yourself."
Wallesan nodded. "I remember. Yet you objected to this."
"I did, Your Grace. The man Dobe had not been killed in self-defense so I adjudged that an offense had been committed. Then Her Highness Princess Eriana arrived and I was more or less forced to bring everybody to the mansion."
"Where I decided that your decision had been wrong and that Lord Kalmenar had been right." The Duke nodded. "Very well. I will give a ruling on that matter, but after we have judged the two men who are before us today. Bellot, of what are they charged?"
Bellot read from his parchment. "Threatening behavior, attempted kidnap, attempted slavery, holding a hostage, Your Grace."
"Serious charges indeed. Bedarn, you may stand aside for now since you cannot describe what happened before the man Dobe was killed. If I may ask Mistress Ursula to stand before me."
With a gulp Ursula got up and walked over to stand where Bedarn had been. She curtseyed.
"Your Grace?"
"Mistress, I must needs ask you to swear an oath that anything you say today in testimony shall be the truth."
Ursula had heard other witnesses swear previously, so knew what to reply. "Your Grace, I swear that the evidence I give today shall be in all respects the truth of what happened when the offense or offenses occurred."
Bellot said, "Heard and witnessed!"
Wallesan added, "Mistress, I understand that you are a stranger in Joth so you may not remember accurately what happened to you that day or exactly where. However, I must ask you to describe as best you can what happened, beginning just before you encountered these men."
"Your Grace," her voice rang through the hushed hall, "I had become separated from my friends in the market and somehow gotten myself lost in the streets of Joth. I wandered for some time and then saw in the distance a main road that I thought would bring me back to the market. As I walked there I crossed an alley where the three men were waiting. They stopped me from continuing and one grabbed me by the arm."
She licked her lips. "Your Grace, they talked of hiding me away, training me up and selling me to paying customers." There were gasps in the hall. "As a stranger I did not know what to do. Then one noticed that I had no waist pouch and thought I might be a noblewoman. That meant two things to them, apparently, that there would be an immediate search for me and that I could be held for ransom.
"Then I saw two more men approach from the main road. I thought that one of them might be from the ship's crew and I would be saved. When the three saw them a knife was held at my throat to make the two men stop a distance away. The next thing I remember is a noise and... Dobe, was that his name..? was lying on the ground with a short ax in his chest. Then I fainted."
There was a muttering in the hall that continued for some time until some of the onlookers began shushing. The hall quietened again.
Wallesan nodded. "I understand your reaction completely, Mistress. Can you confirm that, when sailor Brodgar threw his ax, there was indeed a knife held at your throat?"
"I can, Your Grace."
"And you attest that the men desired to enslave you, make you a prostitute they could hire out for coin?"
"That is what I understood from their words, Your Grace."
"And that, once they thought that you were of noble blood, they intended offering you for ransom?"
"Yes, Your Grace."
Once more Bellot said, "Heard and witnessed!"
Wallesan said to her, "You may sit down again, Mistress. There are others to question but you may be asked to stand forth again. Do you understand?"
"I do, Your Grace." Ursula gratefully walked to the side and sat down again.
"Bellot, who's next?"
"If Watchman Terran would stand before His Grace."
Terran came, swore, and confirmed everything that had been said. He went and sat down again.
"If Seaman Brodgar of the Visund would stand before His Grace."
The title caused some comment among the spectators, since the sea was a long way away. Brodgar stood in front of the Duke and gave a Palarand-style salute. His clothing caused further comment, since he was dressed in a T-shirt and cargo shorts, unusual attire among the locals.
The Duke said to him, "You are a foreigner. Do you understand enough of what happens here today? Shall we fetch someone who speaks your tongue?"
"Your Grace, I know enough of tongue to understand. Speaking is not so easy but I will try."
"Then first I must ask you to give an oath to tell the truth. Can you do that? I do not know how such matters are dealt with in Einnland."
"I can give oath, Your Grace. Oaths already made to Palarand's King, to Princess. I swear by Hammer of Thor no lie will pass my lips in this hall. Only truth told here."
Bellot looked at Wallesan. "Unconventional, Your Grace, but I believe that it will do. Heard and witnessed."
"Very well. Brodgar, if you would tell us what happened when you and Watchman Terran turned into that lane and saw Mistress Ursula."
"Mistress held by two men," Brodgar said. "Third stand to one side. Watchman say something, but I see man holding Mistress on left get knife, put to throat of Mistress. That man shout something, we stop."
"I see. You confirm that the man Dobe held a knife to Mistress Ursula's throat before you did anything at all?"
"Yah, Your Grace. Mistress in danger, sworn to protect, throw ax, danger over. We run forward to stop other men hurting Mistress."
The Duke nodded. "That confirms the evidence of everyone else. It looks like the case is decided. Brodgar, you may return to your seat with our thanks."
Brodgar saluted again. "Your Grace."
Wallesan turned to the two men. "It seems to me that your names have come before this or other courts of Joth too many times over the years. What have you to say for yourselves?"
One of the men shuffled. "Your Grace, that weren't how it happened at all."
The other one nudged him with an elbow. "Keep quiet, you fool! Your Grace, Kallen don't know when to stop lying. I admit my part, Your Grace. It weren't planned, or nothing, it was just by chance we was walking there when the lady came along. You don't see ladies around those parts much, not by themselves, so we thought we'd have a bit of fun. We didn't mean nothing by it, Your Grace, just a little fun, like."
Wallesan looked at them coldly. "And the knife at her throat?"
"We-ll, I don't rightly know what Dobe was thinking when he done that, Your Grace."
"And he's conveniently not here to dispute your version of events, is he? Very well. In view of your past record, I deem that it is time for you two to return some honest work to Joth." The two men groaned. "Traze, you are sentenced to one year sewer cleaning duties in and around Thorn, to commence immediately. During the rains you will join one of the parties involved in ditch maintenance and flood relief - at the oars. Afterwards, you will return to the sewers once the waters go down enough. Kallen, you are sentenced to a year's labor in the cloth works in Galdarin. I want you two to be separated for the next year, so that you have at least a chance to become honest men again."
There was a muttered double, "Your Grace." The two men were led away.
Wallesan stood and addressed the hall. "My people, an important point has been raised by this case and I said at the beginning that I would rule upon it. By the general laws of Joth, Seaman Brodgar did, as Watch Leader Bedarn stated, commit what would have been an offence since his action was not, strictly, self-defense. Now Brodgar, like all those who are crew of the Visund, are sworn retainers of Her Highness Princess Eriana of Palarand. I know these men very well, since their ship recently brought me from Palarand to Joth. I would trust these men with my life, indeed I did so on two occasions during that voyage.
"Because of that knowledge, I used Duke's Prerogative to declare that no offense was committed at that time, but I know that there is a general principle involved which must needs be answered. I will do so in this way. Brodgar reacted immediately to what he saw as a threat to the life of an innocent woman. The Watch would not have reacted in the way he did, but his first thought was to remove the threat, which he did successfully by throwing his ax. Now, such use of a small ax is unusual in these lands but his action would be no different than that of a member of the Watch armed with, say, a crossbow.
"Therefore I shall rule that an amendment to the general law be made such that, at the discretion of those attending, such methods may be made to prevent or end such a potential hostage circumstance in the future. My lawyers will no doubt have a conversation on the precise wording of the amendment and under what conditions it may be used. For now," he looked intently at the audience, "it shall be made known that any attempt to hold someone hostage by threat of injury or death may be met with a like response from watchman or armsman. So shall it be. Bellot, the next case, if you would."
Ursula leant over to speak to Renita in a low voice. "What do we do now? Should we leave now my case is over?"
"I have no idea, Mistress. I have never attended a meeting like this before, it was not my place. I see that no-one else is rising, though, so mayhap we should remain a while."
"If you do not mind. This court is more interesting than I expected."
There were three more cases and then Bellot called a short recess. At that point the Duke and Duchess rose and left the hall, whereupon most of those sitting in the 'witness' seats got up and began to leave by the street entrance.
"I think we could leave now, Mistress," Renita said.
The two stood and headed for one of the doorways either side of the thrones. The armsman standing in front of it recognized Ursula and Renita and nodded to them to let them through, but a call from within the hall made them turn.
"Brodgar. Thank you for your words earlier."
"It was my duty, Mistress. Can we speak somewhere?"
Ursula turned to the armsman. "This is one of Her Highness's men. Can he join us inside the Mansion for a few moments to talk?"
"Surely, Mistress. I have crossed blades in the yard with him in the past, I know his face."
"Thank you."
The three went through the doors and into the lobby, which was crowded.
"If I may," Renita suggested, "we could go into the preparing chamber. There should be little going on there at the moment."
They crossed into the chamber and Ursula turned to Brodgar.
«What can I do for you today, Brodgar?»
«Mistress, it is nothing, really. I merely wanted to ask if you had any plans to visit the men. I know that some are asking about you, and that they know you will look at those who are wounded if you came.»
She nodded. «It is a thought. I have been busy lately, as you know, and... there has also been that which affects women.»
«Ah, I understand, Mistress.»
«But I could see if it is possible to come and visit. Where are you all? Somewhere down by the docks?»
«Yah, Mistress. The ship is ready to sail so the men have made themselves useful helping the masons who are rebuilding the defenses. Uh, when we are not training, that is.»
«Then I will see what I can do. We are all very busy, as you know, but the docks is not far away and...» Tyra said that her family lived nearby, so would be able to guide me. «... I would like to visit the men occasionally.»
"Is enough, Mistress. We will wait. Must go now."
Brodgar saluted them and turned to go. Renita watched him as he pushed through the throng and departed.
"Mistress, do you think that Brodgar has a personal interest in you?"
"Uh, what? A personal interest?" Ursula belatedly connected the dots. "Oh! I see what you mean. I'm not sure, Renita. I... have never had that kind of interest before and I haven't been in Joth very long. You know my background, it is far too soon for me to be thinking of such things."
"Of course, Mistress, but Brodgar might not know that." The kitchen servant paused, thinking. "If I may ask, do you trust Her Highness's men?"
"I think that I do," Ursula replied slowly. "They are all very loyal to Her Highness and I'm sure they would not do anything to displease her. That does not mean that some would not consider some kind of advance, though. They are men, after all, and I am a woman."
"As you say, Mistress. I must needs accept that he has no ill intent, but I know that you may not be so familiar with the ways of men - by your own account. If you would take care in your dealings with those you speak to. The wrong word, spoken innocently, can cause an unwanted reaction."
Ursula nodded. "Aye, Renita, I understand. Just when I think that I am becoming comfortable here, something else comes along that I have to think about."
Farren came out of the kitchen then. "Ah, Renita! Mistress Ursula, do I assume from your presence here that you are no longer required at court?"
"That is true, Master Farren. We have not been specifically dismissed, or whatever is done, but my case has been placed before the Duke and the men sentenced." A glance into the kitchen. "This may be a stupid question, but do you have any pel brewing? It is about time I had a drink, I think, and Renita probably needs one as well."
The cook grinned. "Aye, of course! Not a stupid question at all, Mistress, you know the ways of the kitchen. If you would both follow me."
Farren led them to the table where the kitchen staff usually took their breaks and called for pel to be brought.
"Mistress," he apologized, "I would offer you a pastry or two but it is too close to lunch. If you would consent to wait?"
Ursula waved a hand. "I am content to wait for lunch, Master Farren. The pel will be enough, after sitting in the Great Hall for most of the morning. Besides," she smiled at him, "if I eat too much I will start to get fat, and that would not do, would it?"
He smiled back. "Indeed not, Mistress, although I deem that your job is not an active one, unlike say our men-at-arms." The smile faded. "Or apparently, your new maid. Did you know we watched her from the window there earlier, running around the yard with Her Highness's two armswomen? I did not know that an upstairs maid could be so fit! Twice at least they attempted to outpace her but she easily kept up with them. If she is to be in your employ, may I ask what she does out there?"
Ursula frowned. "I am not entirely certain, Master Farren. A day or two ago she asked me how the two armswomen trained, and if I thought she had any chance to become one herself. I could not answer her then and I'm not sure that I could now. Then, because Her Highness was away, I asked for someone to help and Her Grace assigned Tyra as my maid. But this morning, somehow, Senia spoke to Captain Hambran and Tyra was asked to go for a trial, to see if she would be suitable, and both the Duke and Her Highness agreed to it." She raised her arms helplessly. "That is as much as I know. I thought she was going to be my maid and now she has disappeared."
"I cannot answer you, Mistress, but when you do find out, I would be delighted to know the reasoning."
Mugs of pel appeared then and Farren went off to continue preparing for lunch.
Renita nodded. "I understand, now. That's why His Grace asked for me to come as your companion."
"Yes. It was all very sudden, just outside in the corridor after breakfast." Ursula had a thought. "Renita, those two men who grabbed me that day."
"Yes, Mistress?"
"They were sentenced, one to the sewers in Thorn and the other to, apparently, clothmaking in another town, I forget the name."
"Galdarin, Mistress. It was Galdarin where Maralin was taken when he first arrived and that was where I met him. What is it you wished to know?"
"Well, I think I can understand the sewers sentence, that has to be unpleasant and that is what a sentence is for. But clothmaking? That doesn't sound as strong a sentence to me."
"Ah, Mistress, that is because you do not yet know how we make cloth in Joth. It is one of our main exports, the raw cloth and attire made from it. Let me see if I may explain." They both took a sip of their drinks. "Our main cloth is called hasil but there are others."
Ursula heard hasil but also another word, linen, which confused her at first until she remembered the automatic translation feature of her new brain. She nodded.
Renita continued, "Hasil is made from the fibers of a... weed, really, that grows in boggy lands to the south of Galdarin. To get the fibers out of the stems requires breaking them down and trampling them in shallow pools filled with lime - and urine. It is an unpleasant job which is why it is often assigned to convicted men. It will be every part as unwelcome to that man as cleaning the sewers is to the other."
"Ah, I see. I imagined that he would be involved with spinning, or looms, or something like that."
"Nay, Mistress! Those who spin the fibers and weave them into cloth are trained artisans and no criminal would be allowed near the process! It would only lower the quality of the cloth."
"And I am guessing that cloth is important to Joth."
"Of course, Mistress! Our cloth is desired throughout the Great Valley, so I am told. And the garments made by our seamstresses are valued almost as much, since we have the numbers and the expertise to produce attire of quality and quantity."
Joth is said to be an island in the middle of a great river. They have to live by their wits and use whatever resources they can. I do not know how the economics plays out, especially in a society like this, but it seems to me that they are managing well enough.
...But, so Maralin tells everybody, the Industrial Revolution is about to happen here. Is that going to cause a great upheaval? What happens when weavers are replaced by power looms and seamstresses by sewing machines?
"That is interesting, Renita. It is time I discovered more about Joth and how it works."
"As you say, Mistress, but of course I am only a kitchen worker with a little knowledge of what went on around the farm I worked on before I came here. I am sure that there is much that we will both have to learn in future."
* * *
Ursula was in her chambers wondering what to do when Tyra arrived. Her servant's dress was heavily stained with sweat and her eyes were shining.
"Mistress, they agree I may attempt the task! I am pronounced fit enough to begin to train as an armswoman."
"Tyra, I am delighted for you, but I thought you were going to become my maid."
"And so I shall, Mistress!" Tyra looked slightly offended at the suggestion. "Any new duty requires training to do it and Captain Hambran says that I will be better able to serve you should I be able to defend you. Think, Mistress, if I had been with you when you met those men! If I knew how, I would have made sure that you had not been accosted as you were."
"Tyra," Ursula said gently, "if you had been with me, the whole episode would probably not have happened at all, since I would have been seen as a noblewoman with a maid. The only reason that they picked on me was because I was on my own."
...And because, if you had been my maid then, I would never have been able to sneak away from the others as I did. But that is something you don't need to know.
Tyra was stubborn. "But still, Mistress."
"Yes, I understand the point, Tyra. But now, look at you! I think we had both better climb in the bath, and quickly. You can't go down to the dining room looking like that."
Tyra glanced down at her dress and gasped at the stains. "Mistress! I did not realize!"
She turned to go to the bathroom but Ursula held up a hand. "Wait!"
"Think, Tyra! If you jump in the bath, as you must do, that will mean that you will have to go wandering around the mansion wearing a fluffy robe looking for something else to wear. Is this permissable?"
Panic and indecision showed on the maid's face. "Mistress, what must I do?"
"Go and find a replacement dress now, while you are still dressed."
"But -"
"I will start the bath water running. Go on! There is little time!"
"As you command, Mistress!"
Tyra scampered off while Ursula shook her head and moved towards the bathroom. By the time that Tyra returned, new dress in an outstretched hand to avoid it getting sweaty, the water had begun to flow and Ursula was wondering if she could somehow begin undressing herself. With the two of them now together, each helped the other off with their clothes and they climbed into the tub.
"That was remiss of me, Mistress. I should have thought of that before I even came to your door."
"That is fine, Tyra. It has been a strange morning, let us concentrate on getting clean."
A little later Tyra commented, "Mistress, I should really be in here with you."
"What? You are in here with me!"
"I mean, my belongings should be in your suite, instead of in the dormitory at the other end of the corridor. As a lady's maid, I should be with you at all times. Ah, unless you are visiting patients and I am training, of course."
"But Bennet -" Ursula stopped. The situation had changed. If Tyra really was to be Ursula's maid, then perhaps she should move in and Bennet move out? Would Bennet go into Eriana's suite with Semma? She sighed. "Tyra, this is all so new that nobody knows where anybody should be any more. Let us wait until we see Her Highness again and make some new arrangements."
"As you say, Mistress."
Clean and freshly attired, the two made their way down to the dining room. Fanis was there talking to Eriana, while Wallesan was at the far end of the table speaking with Hambran.
"Ah, there you are," Fanis said. "Of course, Tyra was busy this morning and must needs be cleaned up. Come, we are waiting to start lunch."
Directing Ursula to sit opposite her, Fanis added, "I hear that your recent adventure has had a successful conclusion, dear."
"Adventure? Oh, do you mean those two men? I watched His Grace judge the incident and I suppose that the punishment was good enough. Your Grace, I have no idea how you do things in Joth but I am guessing that they are very different than where I came from."
"As you say, dear." Fanis pulled a face. "Punishments for crimes are not a suitable thing to speak of at lunch, though, so perhaps I should ask about Tyra's adventure instead."
"Your Grace, although Tyra has told me a little of what she did this morning, I should leave the details to someone who was there."
Eriana leaned forward from her seat the other side of Wallesan. "Ursula, your new maid did all that was asked of her this morning. She is certainly fit enough to run as an armswoman might and she can wield a decent sized sword, though she knows not yet the proper handling. Captain Hambran says that she is at least as able as any fresh recruit he has inducted in the recent past. She will need a little weight work but it seems that she would be accepted for training, with your permission, of course."
Ursula was confused again. "But I thought that you had already decided!"
Fanis said, "Dear, she is your maid now. We all think that, given her desire to do so, it would be a lost opportunity if she did not begin training. As we mentioned this morning, it should not interfere with your own work and will provide you with extra benefits, that you will have a companion able to defend you at need. Do you not agree?"
It all makes sense but I still feel as if I'm being pushed into a position without time to decide for myself!
"This has all happened so quickly, Your Grace. There are many aspects of this I need to think about. Can I give you my answer later, say just before we eat tonight?"
"Of course, dear. We understand that this has been sudden. Take what time you both need."
At the end of the meal, Eriana asked Ursula to stay a moment. She asked Fanis to join them.
"Ursula, your circumstances have now changed. If Tyra is to be your maid, then there is less need for Bennet to reside in your chamber to provide the assistance every woman needs from time to time."
"Yes, Highness, we were thinking about this before lunch, when Tyra had to bathe after the exercise. I was going to ask you if she could move in, and what would happen to Bennet."
"Indeed. With your agreement, Bennet will move into my suite and thus make room for Tyra in your own. Fanis, do you agree to Tyra moving her things?"
"Of course, Eriana, that was what I expected would happen. Do you want them both to move now?"
"Aye, it would be best, and then everyone is in the right place when we awaken from our naps." The Princess turned. "What say you, Ursula?"
"It would make sense, Highness." And it is the first thing today that has made sense.
"Then let us proceed. The day warms and I desire to lay down. It is not only Tyra who has done much exercise this morning."