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Leap of Faith
The Rules:
1. Entrants will write stories based on ten rules that I have assigned randomly from this list. All the rules they were assigned must be used. Sub-categories of those rules are optional, but authors should try to use as many of those as they can as well. Authors may also try to use other rules from the list if they like, but the ten rules that they were assigned are a must.
2. All stories must use the keyword 2020 January - Leap of Faith Story Contest in the contest selection tab to make it easier for people to know they are part of the contest,
3. Due to not wanting BCTS in legal trouble for offering prizes for fanfics based on someone else's intellectual property, stories can't be fanfics, but it can be a parody or an original story, serious or funny, the whole point is to have fun and write the best, worst, or most campy story you can with the rules you are given.
4. Stories must be completed by February 29th at 11:59 pm EST and be at least 5000 words. Stories can be posted as complete stories or as chapters, but the final chapter must be posted before the deadline.
5. Stories will be voted on by the BCTS community once I have set up a voting page. Voting will take place from March 1st until March 7th at 11:59 pm EST and winners will be announced within a few days after that once the votes are tallied.
6. Have fun, but try keep in mind that we have a large and varied audience here on BCTS. If you write anything that may trigger someone please remember to use the appropriate tags and keywords.
Sephrena has kindly offered prize money for this contest and the prizes will be as follows:
1st place: $75
2nd Place: $50
3rd, 4th and 5th place: $25
The Contestants:
The following authors have entered and I am placing their rules under their names so that the readers know what to look for.
#56. The protagonist knows how to dance. Somehow. The romantic interest won't if it is a she, will if it is a he. - Katssun
#56A. A little sister, should they exist, does ballet. - Katssun
#56B. And are better than you are in everything. - RoseBunny
#128. There is always an expert around when you need them. you: "Oh no! the penguin is acting strangely, is there an Ornithologist in the house?" Random guy: "Why Yes, I'm an ornithologist!" - RoseBunny
#128A. Said expert is never given a name and is never seen again after being viciously used as a plot device. - Amethyst
#60C. Your 12 year old sister looks older than you, and constantly comes on to your friends. - RoseBunny
#60C1. And she calls you "Onee-chan!" while squishing your face in her DD cup cleavage. - RoseBunny
#133. Nerdy guys turn into hot Miss Hyde characters, but nerdy girls never become the Mr. Hyde ( I wish someone would pick this idea up and run with it. I can't do the Miss Hyde thing Justice) - RoseBunny
#98. Hidden tropical island lairs are not cliche. - RoseBunny
#98A. Only the heroes have arctic bases. - Katssun
#98B. The villains use the Antarctic, even though there are plenty of actual civilian bases there. - Katssun
#94. The cuter, the deadlier. - RoseBunny
#19. Every male character has a deep baritone and every woman is a soprano. - Katssun
#6. Access to things like private jets and limos is no big deal. - RoseBunny
#46. The cake is a lie. - RoseBunny
#46A. On the off chance that a parental figure does exist, they are really good at baking. - Katssun
#46B. Especially brownies, which always have marijuana baked in. - Null0Trooper
#46C. Bread though, does still make you fat. - Katssun
#107. Terminator references are a must in any situation which is supposed to be serious, but you don't want taken seriously. - Amethyst
#71. Leg cramps don't exist. - Null0Trooper
#49. You grew up your whole life wishing you had X powers, so when you reach adulthood, you of course get them. - RoseBunny
#49A. Or the opposite-themed powers, whichever is c00lest. - Null0Trooper
#49B. You definitely read. And its always scifi or fantasy novels. - Katssun
#49C. And it's considered cool that you do. - RoseBunny
#98. Hidden tropical island lairs are not cliche. - RoseBunny
#98A. Only the heroes have arctic bases. - Katssun
#98B. The villains use the Antarctic, even though there are plenty of actual civilian bases there. - Katssun
#114. Goth girls are super-depressing, unless they're the protagonist's friend, in which case they are sickeningly cheerful. - Amethyst
#114A. unless they're a romantic interest, then they're dark and brooding, but also sickeningly cheerful about it. - Abi
#81. That hotel, even if it was a motel, wasn't rancid and disgusting. Unless it was, and you never changed rooms, except when the government or enemy spy came after you. - Katssun
#81A. Bedbugs only exist if you checked for them or hoped they weren't there. - Katssun
#81B. Likewise for body lice, and scorpions. - Null0Trooper
#81C. The door chain was useless, and the deadbolt doesn't exist in this universe - Katssun
#81D. Windows don't exist (that's what the peep hole is for!), unless they're too small to crawl out of for an escape, or were definitely used to escape from the bathroom and only ever the bathroom. - Katssun
#81E. There is never an ice machine or soda machine on the same floor as your motel room, necessitating long trips outside. - Amethyst
#81E1. No one is ever encountered during that trip, except for the antagonist who's identity is still a secret at this point. - Katssun
#81F. Everyone must spend time in the hotel pool. - Null0Trooper
#81G. The fewer clothes you have on, the more likely you are to forget your keycard when you go for ice. - RoseBunny
#81H. And the more likely you are to slam the door closed on your towel. - RoseBunny
#73. If you have an alternate form, your clothes alter to suit it, unless you are a hot girl. In that case you end up naked. - RoseBunny
#73A. clothes are usually destroyed beyond repair if you end up naked. - Amethyst
#73A1. Like actually shredded and probably dissolve into the earth. - Katssun
#73C. If buttons pop off, they only hit bad guys or the comic relief character. - RoseBunny
#73D. Champagne corks can substitute for firearms. - Null0Trooper
#19. Every male character has a deep baritone and every woman is a soprano. - Katssun
#3. You have to be "totes popular" - RoseBunny
#108. If you write yourself into a corner, it was a clone of the main character that died. - RoseBunny
#108A Or a twin they knew nothing about until they were dead... and then they mourn. - Amethyst
#108B. Or you made Jobe make a clone of the main character just before they died. - Abi
#108C. Or a Life-Model Decoy. - RoseBunny
#108D. Or them from an alternate dimension or timeline. - RoseBunny
#124. Putting a cast list of the main characters... example: Protagonist - Insert hunky teenager's fantasy heartthrob here. - RoseBunny
#124A. Self insert. - RoseBunny
#124B. Subtitling it as " blank X blank ". - RoseBunny
#124C. Writing a " Blank X Blank" ( seriously nobody wants to read your "Me X Bert and Ernie"). - RoseBunny
#56. The protagonist knows how to dance. Somehow. The romantic interest won't if it is a she, will if it is a he. - Katssun
#56A. A little sister, should they exist, does ballet. - Katssun
#56B. And are better than you are in everything. - RoseBunny
#26. Everyone wears skinny jeans. - RoseBunny
#85. A crossdresser will always get caught. Always. - DorothyB
#85A. No matter how drunk everyone else is, even if they go home alone. - Null0Trooper
#86. A mysterious figure will always save you at the last moment if you're ever in any real danger. - Amethyst
#86A. And they will throw a flower or playing card or other signature item. - RoseBunny
#86A1. Said signature item is something you will always overlook a close friend having a large supply of. - Amethyst
#55. Most women can play the piano or violin. Not much else. - Katssun
#55A. Every romantic interest can play the guitar. Probably the bass. - Katssun
#55A1. Regardless of gender. - Katssun
#55B. Or flute, clarinet, oboe, anything that buzzes when you blow it. - Null0Trooper
#32. Airbags never go off in a car crash, but still no-one gets hurt except the bad guys. - Astrodragon
#23. Cooking is a combat skill. - RoseBunny
#23A. All main characters can cook like Gordon Ramsey. - RoseBunny
#14. When a boy is turned into a girl they always like it. - Amethyst
#10. They get in trouble, but it's easily excused for some reason. - Katssun
#103. The protagonist has trophies, rather than equipment, to prove they do an activity/sport. - Katssun
#103A. Actual equipment will never be shown or even referred to. - Amethyst
#103B. Except Cheerleading, which they will be forced into, or will reappear as a fetish outfit. - Katssun
#103C. Except for the story of how they got a certain convenient injury. - RoseBunny
#4. Vampires and werewolves in your world have to follow the rules set forth in Twilight. - RoseBunny
#30. Screw Physics, I need my bullet to go around corners. - RoseBunny
#30A. Screw Physics, I need to dodge bullets. - Malady
#30A1. All bad guys go to the Imperial school of Marksmanship. - RoseBunny
#30A1א. All the good guys do too. That's how they all met. - Malady
#36. Eyeglasses are always made of candy glass. - Null0Trooper
#44. Rich people are the best choice for high office, because they know the struggles of the poor and working poor. - RoseBunny
#45. The contents of a wallet are endless, or an expired bus pass. - Katssun
#45A. Every credit card is one of those black cards with no limit and a concierge. - Katssun
#45B. No withdrawal limits, ever. - Null0Trooper
#67. Ping Mal constantly. - RoseBunny
#68. Everyone has a maid. - RoseBunny
#68A. The only maid style is French. - Katssun
#68B. The maid is always a slut. - Amethyst
#68C. They are a martial arts master. - RoseBunny
#68D. Or a corporate spy. - Katssun
#68E. If they are newly hired during the story, they probably were your evil boss. - Katssun
#68F. Your maid might be a warship. - RoseBunny
#68G. The maids only use feather dusters, not dust cloths or cleaning sprays. Or...[redacted]. - Katssun
#79. Normal towels have become scratchy and irritating, even if you didn't change gender. - Katssun
#79A. Hotel towels are never discussed, but you definitely used them. - Katssun
#79B. But towels never ever leave colored lint all over the protagonist. - Null0Trooper
#79C. Lint and static cling only exists for background characters or comic relief. - Amethyst
#107. Terminator references are a must in any situation which is supposed to be serious, but you don't want taken seriously. - Amethyst
#108. If you write yourself into a corner, it was a clone of the main character that died. - RoseBunny
#108A Or a twin they knew nothing about until they were dead... and then they mourn. - Amethyst
#108B. Or you made Jobe make a clone of the main character just before they died. - Abi
#108C. Or a Life-Model Decoy. - RoseBunny
#108D. Or them from an alternate dimension or timeline. - RoseBunny
#8. The special secret key was inside them all along. - Katssun
#38. No matter how serious the cut, how many major blood vesels have been severed, the character will either keep fihgting or have an endless dying soliliqy. - Astrodragon
#38A. Transfusions are never required. - Katssun
#38A1. Unless it just so happened to unlock that special ability that you never knew was there. - Katssun
#39. "A wizard did it" explains everything, even in "hard" sci fi. - Null0Trooper
#57. Pachelbel hated Cello players. - RoseBunny
#59. Excretion? Not in this story! Unless it's comedically pathologic. - Null0Trooper
#68. Everyone has a maid. - RoseBunny
#68A. The only maid style is French. - Katssun
#68B. The maid is always a slut. - Amethyst
#68C. They are a martial arts master. - RoseBunny
#68D. Or a corporate spy. - Katssun
#68E. If they are newly hired during the story, they probably were your evil boss. - Katssun
#68F. Your maid might be a warship. - RoseBunny
#68G. The maids only use feather dusters, not dust cloths or cleaning sprays. Or...[redacted]. - Katssun
#70. Socks are only worn by the protagonist. Women only wear stockings. - Katssun
#70A. Stockings are always worn with a garter belt. - Amethyst
#70B. Runs only happen to the comedy relief, or to have the protagonist crash into hello. - Null0Trooper
#70C. Stockings roll up the correct way, never ending up with the toe or heel portion going the wrong side. - Katssun
#70D. Bras are never nude, neutral, or otherwise match a skin tone. They're black, or vibrantly colored. - Katssun
#71. Leg cramps don't exist. - Null0Trooper
#118. When a male becomes a female, they always just use a female version of their male name. - Amethyst
#118A. Even though they're using essentially the same name, nobody catches on. - Mylian
#129. When a guy becomes a girl, every single new experience or task is described in far too much detail and is over the top in 'how different it is as a girl then as a guy'. - Amethyst
#129A. Except things that actually are very different by sexual differences. Like sex and restroom use. Those get ignored. - Abi
#129A1. Unless they go into entirely too much detail on those. - RoseBunny
#129A1א. Or they are described improperly, such as peeing from one's vagina. - Amethyst
#121. The female protagonist's unusual eye color or heterochromic eyes signify nothing. - RoseBunny
#127. Nothing has calories in written word, and your characters eat like it. - RoseBunny
#104. Nonsense words like supercalifragilistic expideliocious are great flavor. - Abi
#104A. Word salad will describe how something works, and everyone in story understands it. - Katssun
#104B. The more syllables the more believable it will be. - Amethyst
#40. Radiation never kills you, it just gives you odd powers. - Astrodragon
#40A - It does kill you, but also revives you. - RoseBunny
#40B. Rectal bleeding isn't a superpower? - Null0Trooper
#23. Cooking is a combat skill. - RoseBunny
#23A. All main characters can cook like Gordon Ramsey. - RoseBunny
#110 - Evil versions of the Protagonist from other dimensions must always have goatees. - RoseBunny
#110A - Even the female ones - RoseBunny
#110B - or twirled moustaches. - Abi
#110C Handlebar moustaches are also acceptable. The thing is facial hair must be evil at all times. - Amethyst
#122. With satellite technology being what it is today, nobody is going to notice you building that underwater domed base, or that fortress in the Amazon. - RoseBunny
#41. There are no mutual breakups, just betrayals. - Katssun
#47. Exercise will make you lose weight, never diet, and god forbid you needed to do both. - Katssun
#47A. Superpowers do this instantly, every time. - Katssun
#34. Physical therapy? Say no more, just shake it off! - Null0Trooper
#34A. This is a fanfic. - Katssun
#34A1. There is no rule 34. - Astrodragon
#15. A mysterious stranger (with not apparent means of support) tells him/her/them they have a Destiny. - Astrodragon
#15A. the hero/heroine has a Mysterious Tatoo/Birthmark. - Astrodragon
#61. Emotional and physical abuse are always sexier than a stable relationship built on trust and respect. - Null0Trooper
#61A. Consent wasn't a requirement to starting that relationship. - Katssun
#61B. Because "Penis!", "Vagina!", or "Tentacles!" - Null0Trooper
#61C. How did they know ahead of time, anyway? - Null0Trooper
#64. There will be a beach vacation. Because who goes anywhere else? - Katssun
#64A. There will be boobs. - Fiddlerfox
#64B. Or hot Springs. - RoseBunny
#64C. Bikinis are the only type of swimsuit that exist. - Katssun
#64D. There will invariably be a bathhouse. - Amethyst
#64E. Bikinis double as acceptable ski wear. - Null0Trooper
#64F Guy will end up in the girl's bath, hot spring, etc. - RoseBunny
#64G. Towels will be dropped. - Amethyst
#64H. Sand, it gets everywhere, except in this story where it isn't really a factor. - Katssun
#33. Eye protection? Nah. You closed your eyelids. - Katssun
#81. That hotel, even if it was a motel, wasn't rancid and disgusting. Unless it was, and you never changed rooms, except when the government or enemy spy came after you. - Katssun
#81A. Bedbugs only exist if you checked for them or hoped they weren't there. - Katssun
#81B. Likewise for body lice, and scorpions. - Null0Trooper
#81C. The door chain was useless, and the deadbolt doesn't exist in this universe - Katssun
#81D. Windows don't exist (that's what the peep hole is for!), unless they're too small to crawl out of for an escape, or were definitely used to escape from the bathroom and only ever the bathroom. - Katssun
#81E. There is never an ice machine or soda machine on the same floor as your motel room, necessitating long trips outside. - Amethyst
#81E1. No one is ever encountered during that trip, except for the antagonist who's identity is still a secret at this point. - Katssun
#81F. Everyone must spend time in the hotel pool. - Null0Trooper
#81G. The fewer clothes you have on, the more likely you are to forget your keycard when you go for ice. - RoseBunny
#81G1. And the more likely you are to slam the door closed on your towel. - RoseBunny[/li]
#5. The hot emo guy is "just misunderstood". - RoseBunny
#23. Cooking is a combat skill. - RoseBunny
#23A. All main characters can cook like Gordon Ramsey. - RoseBunny
#36. Eyeglasses are always made of candy glass. - Null0Trooper
#102. That thing nobody wants will end up being important. - RoseBunny
#102A. Your parents sent it to you. - Katssun
#102B. And then everyone will want it even less. - Amethyst
#102C. That thing everyone wants will have no use. - RoseBunny
#102C1. Because the true key was inside you the whole time. - Katssun
#102Cא1. But only if you believe in the Heart of the Cards. - RoseBunny
#102D. It will still remain a status symbol though. - Amethyst
#84. Skintight latex is an effective thermal insulator. - Null0Trooper
#84A. And will never show off a camel-toe... - RoseBunny
#84B. Or how "perky" you are at that given moment. - RoseBunny
#84C. A dry catsuit just slips on and off without any help. - Null0Trooper
#38. No matter how serious the cut, how many major blood vesels have been severed, the character will either keep fihgting or have an endless dying soliliqy. - Astrodragon
#38A. Transfusions are never required. - Katssun
#38A1. Unless it just so happened to unlock that special ability that you never knew was there. - Katssun
#64. There will be a beach vacation. Because who goes anywhere else? - Katssun
#64A. There will be boobs. - Fiddlerfox
#64B. Or hot Springs. - RoseBunny
#64C. Bikinis are the only type of swimsuit that exist. - Katssun
#64D. There will invariably be a bathhouse. - Amethyst
#64E. Bikinis double as acceptable ski wear. - Null0Trooper
#64F Guy will end up in the girl's bath, hot spring, etc. - RoseBunny
#64G. Towels will be dropped. - Amethyst
#64H. Sand, it gets everywhere, except in this story where it isn't really a factor. - Katssun
#82. All endowed women come with reinforced back musculature to alleviate the pain of having their big busts. - RoseBunny
#82A. They won't even hurt their back from physical trauma! - Katssun
#101. Things always happen with amazingly convenient timing. - Amethyst
#57. Pachelbel hated Cello players. - RoseBunny
#108. If you write yourself into a corner, it was a clone of the main character that died. - RoseBunny
#108A Or a twin they knew nothing about until they were dead... and then they mourn. - Amethyst
#108B. Or you made Jobe make a clone of the main character just before they died. - Abi
#108C. Or a Life-Model Decoy. - RoseBunny
#108D. Or them from an alternate dimension or timeline. - RoseBunny
#68. Everyone has a maid. - RoseBunny
#68A. The only maid style is French. - Katssun
#68B. The maid is always a slut. - Amethyst
#68C. They are a martial arts master. - RoseBunny
#68D. Or a corporate spy. - Katssun
#68E. If they are newly hired during the story, they probably were your evil boss. - Katssun
#68F. Your maid might be a warship. - RoseBunny
#68G. The maids only use feather dusters, not dust cloths or cleaning sprays. Or...[redacted]. - Katssun
#86. A mysterious figure will always save you at the last moment if you're ever in any real danger. - Amethyst
#86A. And they will throw a flower or playing card or other signature item. - RoseBunny
#86A1. Said signature item is something you will always overlook a close friend having a large supply of. - Amethyst
#87. The greater the evil, the longer the monologue. - RoseBunny
#92. If this is magic or fantasy, just like Hollywood, female characters only use bows. - Katssun
#92A. They are always a crack shot. - Amethyst
#92B. Until they are grabbed by the "official female capture zone" (upper arm) at which point they are incapacitated. - Fiddlerfox
#92C. Or they trip over a rock, root, or nothing at all. - RoseBunny
#11. Sudden revelation of mysterious powers that never appeared before, and perfectly resolve the current crisis. (every crisis) - RoseBunny
#1. You have to be fashionable and inexplicably rich. - RoseBunny
#19. Every male character has a deep baritone and every woman is a soprano. - Katssun
#25. Females can get into into a skin-tight catsuit (or spandex equivalent) in seconds. - Astrodragon
#25A. Nobody looks bad in them. - RoseBunny
#27. Handguns sure are easy to use accurately and without training! - Katssun
#35. No-one ever gets motion sickness. - Astrodragon
#39. "A wizard did it" explains everything, even in "hard" sci fi. - Null0Trooper
#58. Nursing homes don't exist. You grandparent(s) are awesome, live by themselves without help, and probably have superpowers or taught you how to cook, dance. Your parents taught you none of your unique and special skills. - Katssun
#58A - and your grandpa can kick anyone's ass in martial arts. - RoseBunny
#58B. They were also spies. - Katssun
#58C. They are a highly positioned wizard or sorceress. - Katssun
#58D. Grandma looks 40, at most. Grandpa, at least 80. - RoseBunny
#60. If you have a Mom, she looks like a 20-something stripper, and your male friends drool over her. - RoseBunny
#60A. If you have a Dad, he's totally normal, or a lumberjack...he's not really described at all anyway, so don't worry about it. - Katssun
#60A1. But you definitely have his red hair, because he's Irish. - Katssun
#60A2. Red hair == Irish. - Null0Trooper
#60A3. And your Mom's green eyes, because she's Irish. - Katssun
#60B. Not that lumberjacks aren't okay. - Null0Trooper
#60C. Your 12 year old sister looks older than you, and constantly comes on to your friends. - RoseBunny
#60C1. And she calls you "Onee-chan!" while squishing your face in her DD cup cleavage. - RoseBunny
#72. Heels require no training to walk in. - Amethyst
#72A. Boots for women go above the knee. Boots for men are combat boots. - Katssun
#72B. Prosthetics, including bifocals for the elderly mentor, also need no training to use. - Null0Trooper
#72C. Boots for women are patent black leather. Boots for men are never described, but they're combat boots of some kind. - Katssun
#72D. Rednecks and cowboys always wear "shitkickers". - Null0Trooper
#107. Terminator references are a must in any situation which is supposed to be serious, but you don't want taken seriously. - Amethyst
#29. Have to learn magic? No problem. Just takes a few hours. - RoseBunny
#39. "A wizard did it" explains everything, even in "hard" sci fi. - Null0Trooper
#133. Nerdy guys turn into hot Miss Hyde characters, but nerdy girls never become the Mr. Hyde ( I wish someone would pick this idea up and run with it. I can't do the Miss Hyde thing Justice) - RoseBunny
#93. No one in your fantasy world can climb trees except for elves, orcs, or your rogue/thief. - Katssun
#93A. No one even looks up. - Null0Trooper
#108. If you write yourself into a corner, it was a clone of the main character that died. - RoseBunny
#108A Or a twin they knew nothing about until they were dead... and then they mourn. - Amethyst
#108B. Or you made Jobe make a clone of the main character just before they died. - Abi
#108C. Or a Life-Model Decoy. - RoseBunny
#108D. Or them from an alternate dimension or timeline. - RoseBunny
#8. The special secret key was inside them all along. - Katssun
#58. Nursing homes don't exist. You grandparent(s) are awesome, live by themselves without help, and probably have superpowers or taught you how to cook, dance. Your parents taught you none of your unique and special skills. - Katssun
#58A - and your grandpa can kick anyone's ass in martial arts. - RoseBunny
#58B. They were also spies. - Katssun
#58C. They are a highly positioned wizard or sorceress. - Katssun
#58D. Grandma looks 40, at most. Grandpa, at least 80. - RoseBunny
#33. Eye protection? Nah. You closed your eyelids. - Katssun
#91. Step relatives are always romantically interested in said protagonist. - Fiddlerfox
#91A. Protagonist finds out the 12 year old DD-Cup sister was adopted. - RoseBunny
#91A1. Her introduction in the story mentions she's adopted or a step-sister right after it describes her cup size. - Katssun
#91A2. If the protagonist turns into a girl, They end up shorter and flatter than said sister. - RoseBunny
#99. Never explain how the villains get to their orbital satellite bases. - Amethyst
#34. Physical therapy? Say no more, just shake it off! - Null0Trooper
#34A. This is a fanfic. - Katssun
#34A1. There is no rule 34. - Astrodragon
#29. Have to learn magic? No problem. Just takes a few hours. - RoseBunny
#25. Females can get into into a skin-tight catsuit (or spandex equivalent) in seconds. - Astrodragon
#25A. Nobody looks bad in them. - RoseBunny
#32. Airbags never go off in a car crash, but still no-one gets hurt except the bad guys. - Astrodragon
#100 - It's not fantasy? Nanobots did it. - Katssun
#49. You grew up your whole life wishing you had X powers, so when you reach adulthood, you of course get them. - RoseBunny
#49A. Or the opposite-themed powers, whichever is c00lest. - Null0Trooper
#49B. You definitely read. And its always scifi or fantasy novels. - Katssun
#49C. And it's considered cool that you do. - RoseBunny
#40. Radiation never kills you, it just gives you odd powers. - Astrodragon
#40A. It does kill you, but also revives you. - RoseBunny
#40B. Rectal bleeding isn't a superpower? - Null0Trooper
#69. All clothes must be sexy. - Null0Trooper
#69A. And never need cleaning. - Null0Trooper
#69B. Even unsexy clothes are made sexy when worn by the protagonist or 12 year old sister. - Amethyst
#88. Cross-dressed males always attract heterosexual males. - Null0Trooper
#88A. Cross-dressed females also always attract heterosexual males. - Null0Trooper
#124. Putting a cast list of the main characters... example: Protagonist - Insert hunky teenager's fantasy heartthrob here. - RoseBunny
#124A. Self insert. - RoseBunny
#124B. Subtitling it as " blank X blank ". - RoseBunny
#124C. Writing a " Blank X Blank" ( seriously nobody wants to read your "Me X Bert and Ernie"). - RoseBunny
#76. If you are a girl and have a white tee shirt on, odds are 99% that it will get wet. - RoseBunny
#76A. White shirts are perfectly opaque until the shirt gets wet, then they are essentially transparent. - Katssun
#76B. If your white t-shirt gets wet you are always braless or wearing a dark colored bra. - Amethyst
#76B1. If you are bra-less and get wet, it will always be cold enough that you get "nippley". - RoseBunny
#76C. "Could cut glass" will be used in the next paragraphs. - Katssun
#109. Unknown twins are always identical. If the twin is of the opposite gender the main character will change genders to be identical to the twin. - Amethyst
#109A. Fraternal Twins of the same gender do not exist. - RoseBunny
#109B. Reunited twins will always become "besties" as soon as they meet. Unless they meet after one twin is killed in which case they obviously don't become "besties". - Amethyst
#113 All newly-minted girls have an uncontrollable urge to dress in pink. - Amethyst
#113A. Pastels are also acceptable. - Amethyst
#113B. Boys can not turn into tomboys. - RoseBunny
#94. The cuter, the deadlier. - RoseBunny
#78. Underwear is always color coordinated matching sets. - Fiddlerfox
#78A. Even nurses on duty wear black lacy undergarments. No exceptions. - Null0Trooper
#78B. So if you're braless... - Amethyst
#78C. Your mom, if you had one, bought them all, and your little sister or new/childhood female friend tagged along. - Katssun
#78D. At some point the male protagonist will turn female and have to borrow the embarrassing underwear from the little sister. - RoseBunny
#127. Nothing has calories in written word, and your characters eat like it. - RoseBunny
#81. That hotel, even if it was a motel, wasn't rancid and disgusting. Unless it was, and you never changed rooms, except when the government or enemy spy came after you. - Katssun
#81A. Bedbugs only exist if you checked for them or hoped they weren't there. - Katssun
#81B. Likewise for body lice, and scorpions. - Null0Trooper
#81C. The door chain was useless, and the deadbolt doesn't exist in this universe - Katssun
#81D. Windows don't exist (that's what the peep hole is for!), unless they're too small to crawl out of for an escape, or were definitely used to escape from the bathroom and only ever the bathroom. - Katssun
#81E. There is never an ice machine or soda machine on the same floor as your motel room, necessitating long trips outside. - Amethyst
#81E1. No one is ever encountered during that trip, except for the antagonist who's identity is still a secret at this point. - Katssun
#81F. Everyone must spend time in the hotel pool. - Null0Trooper
#81G. The fewer clothes you have on, the more likely you are to forget your keycard when you go for ice. - RoseBunny
#81G1. And the more likely you are to slam the door closed on your towel. - RoseBunny[/li]
#131. Hot Female scientists will always have glasses, nylons, and a short pencil skirt to go with their lab coats and cleavage exposing tops. - RoseBunny
#131A. Same for teachers and Librarians. - RoseBunny
#131B. And said labcoat will be left completely undone, despite all regulations against such. - Abi
#131C. Their undergarments will always be matching sets from the raciest pages of Victoria's Secret. - Amethyst
#131D. Said scientists will be working on some sort of experiment that will increase their sexiness, and sexual desire. - RoseBunny
#131E. If the subject is a librarian or teacher, the odds are they are a succubus. - RoseBunny
#51. You start at a new school and are immediately the most or least popular kid there. There is no in between. - Amethyst
#51A. And the popular clique is composed of supernatural kids of some sort. - RoseBunny
#51A1. So, if you're unpopular, you're powerless. - Malady
#55A2. In which case you have to stop the popular kids from their evil plot. - RoseBunny
#51B. Whether they know it yet or not.. - Null0Trooper
#51C. If they do, it's because of sinister intent and reasons. - RoseBunny
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Leap of Faith
Voting Page
The Challenge:
Each entrant has written stories based on ten rules that I have assigned randomly from this list. All the rules they were assigned must be used. Sub-categories of those rules are optional, but authors needed to try to use as many of those as they can as well. Authors were also allowed to try to use other rules from the list if they liked, but the ten rules that they were assigned are a must.
Click on the titles of the stories to quick link to them for your reading pleasure.
Once you have read all of the stories, please message me with your votes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place before 11:59 pm PST on march 7th and I will tally them and announce the winner within the next 2 days.
The Contestants:
The following stories have been entered and I am placing their rules under their names so that the readers know what to look for.
#56. The protagonist knows how to dance. Somehow. The romantic interest won't if it is a she, will if it is a he. - Katssun
#56A. A little sister, should they exist, does ballet. - Katssun
#56B. And are better than you are in everything. - RoseBunny
#128. There is always an expert around when you need them. you: "Oh no! the penguin is acting strangely, is there an Ornithologist in the house?" Random guy: "Why Yes, I'm an ornithologist!" - RoseBunny
#128A. Said expert is never given a name and is never seen again after being viciously used as a plot device. - Amethyst
#60C. Your 12 year old sister looks older than you, and constantly comes on to your friends. - RoseBunny
#60C1. And she calls you "Onee-chan!" while squishing your face in her DD cup cleavage. - RoseBunny
#133. Nerdy guys turn into hot Miss Hyde characters, but nerdy girls never become the Mr. Hyde ( I wish someone would pick this idea up and run with it. I can't do the Miss Hyde thing Justice) - RoseBunny
#98. Hidden tropical island lairs are not cliche. - RoseBunny
#98A. Only the heroes have arctic bases. - Katssun
#98B. The villains use the Antarctic, even though there are plenty of actual civilian bases there. - Katssun
#94. The cuter, the deadlier. - RoseBunny
#19. Every male character has a deep baritone and every woman is a soprano. - Katssun
#6. Access to things like private jets and limos is no big deal. - RoseBunny
#46. The cake is a lie. - RoseBunny
#46A. On the off chance that a parental figure does exist, they are really good at baking. - Katssun
#46B. Especially brownies, which always have marijuana baked in. - Null0Trooper
#46C. Bread though, does still make you fat. - Katssun
#107. Terminator references are a must in any situation which is supposed to be serious, but you don't want taken seriously. - Amethyst
#11. Sudden revelation of mysterious powers that never appeared before, and perfectly resolve the current crisis. (every crisis) - RoseBunny
#1. You have to be fashionable and inexplicably rich. - RoseBunny
#19. Every male character has a deep baritone and every woman is a soprano. - Katssun
#25. Females can get into into a skin-tight catsuit (or spandex equivalent) in seconds. - Astrodragon
#25A. Nobody looks bad in them. - RoseBunny
#27. Handguns sure are easy to use accurately and without training! - Katssun
#35. No-one ever gets motion sickness. - Astrodragon
#39. "A wizard did it" explains everything, even in "hard" sci fi. - Null0Trooper
#58. Nursing homes don't exist. You grandparent(s) are awesome, live by themselves without help, and probably have superpowers or taught you how to cook, dance. Your parents taught you none of your unique and special skills. - Katssun
#58A - and your grandpa can kick anyone's ass in martial arts. - RoseBunny
#58B. They were also spies. - Katssun
#58C. They are a highly positioned wizard or sorceress. - Katssun
#58D. Grandma looks 40, at most. Grandpa, at least 80. - RoseBunny
#60. If you have a Mom, she looks like a 20-something stripper, and your male friends drool over her. - RoseBunny
#60A. If you have a Dad, he's totally normal, or a lumberjack...he's not really described at all anyway, so don't worry about it. - Katssun
#60A1. But you definitely have his red hair, because he's Irish. - Katssun
#60A2. Red hair == Irish. - Null0Trooper
#60A3. And your Mom's green eyes, because she's Irish. - Katssun
#60B. Not that lumberjacks aren't okay. - Null0Trooper
#60C. Your 12 year old sister looks older than you, and constantly comes on to your friends. - RoseBunny
#60C1. And she calls you "Onee-chan!" while squishing your face in her DD cup cleavage. - RoseBunny
#72. Heels require no training to walk in. - Amethyst
#72A. Boots for women go above the knee. Boots for men are combat boots. - Katssun
#72B. Prosthetics, including bifocals for the elderly mentor, also need no training to use. - Null0Trooper
#72C. Boots for women are patent black leather. Boots for men are never described, but they're combat boots of some kind. - Katssun
#72D. Rednecks and cowboys always wear "shitkickers". - Null0Trooper
#107. Terminator references are a must in any situation which is supposed to be serious, but you don't want taken seriously. - Amethyst
#29. Have to learn magic? No problem. Just takes a few hours. - RoseBunny
#39. "A wizard did it" explains everything, even in "hard" sci fi. - Null0Trooper
#133. Nerdy guys turn into hot Miss Hyde characters, but nerdy girls never become the Mr. Hyde ( I wish someone would pick this idea up and run with it. I can't do the Miss Hyde thing Justice) - RoseBunny
#93. No one in your fantasy world can climb trees except for elves, orcs, or your rogue/thief. - Katssun
#93A. No one even looks up. - Null0Trooper
#108. If you write yourself into a corner, it was a clone of the main character that died. - RoseBunny
#108A Or a twin they knew nothing about until they were dead... and then they mourn. - Amethyst
#108B. Or you made Jobe make a clone of the main character just before they died. - Abi
#108C. Or a Life-Model Decoy. - RoseBunny
#108D. Or them from an alternate dimension or timeline. - RoseBunny
#8. The special secret key was inside them all along. - Katssun
#58. Nursing homes don't exist. You grandparent(s) are awesome, live by themselves without help, and probably have superpowers or taught you how to cook, dance. Your parents taught you none of your unique and special skills. - Katssun
#58A - and your grandpa can kick anyone's ass in martial arts. - RoseBunny
#58B. They were also spies. - Katssun
#58C. They are a highly positioned wizard or sorceress. - Katssun
#58D. Grandma looks 40, at most. Grandpa, at least 80. - RoseBunny
#33. Eye protection? Nah. You closed your eyelids. - Katssun
#91. Step relatives are always romantically interested in said protagonist. - Fiddlerfox
#91A. Protagonist finds out the 12 year old DD-Cup sister was adopted. - RoseBunny
#91A1. Her introduction in the story mentions she's adopted or a step-sister right after it describes her cup size. - Katssun
#91A2. If the protagonist turns into a girl, They end up shorter and flatter than said sister. - RoseBunny
#4. Vampires and werewolves in your world have to follow the rules set forth in Twilight. - RoseBunny
#30. Screw Physics, I need my bullet to go around corners. - RoseBunny
#30A. Screw Physics, I need to dodge bullets. - Malady
#30A1. All bad guys go to the Imperial school of Marksmanship. - RoseBunny
#30A1א. All the good guys do too. That's how they all met. - Malady
#36. Eyeglasses are always made of candy glass. - Null0Trooper
#44. Rich people are the best choice for high office, because they know the struggles of the poor and working poor. - RoseBunny
#45. The contents of a wallet are endless, or an expired bus pass. - Katssun
#45A. Every credit card is one of those black cards with no limit and a concierge. - Katssun
#45B. No withdrawal limits, ever. - Null0Trooper
#67. Ping Mal constantly. - RoseBunny
#68. Everyone has a maid. - RoseBunny
#68A. The only maid style is French. - Katssun
#68B. The maid is always a slut. - Amethyst
#68C. They are a martial arts master. - RoseBunny
#68D. Or a corporate spy. - Katssun
#68E. If they are newly hired during the story, they probably were your evil boss. - Katssun
#68F. Your maid might be a warship. - RoseBunny
#68G. The maids only use feather dusters, not dust cloths or cleaning sprays. Or...[redacted]. - Katssun
#79. Normal towels have become scratchy and irritating, even if you didn't change gender. - Katssun
#79A. Hotel towels are never discussed, but you definitely used them. - Katssun
#79B. But towels never ever leave colored lint all over the protagonist. - Null0Trooper
#79C. Lint and static cling only exists for background characters or comic relief. - Amethyst
#107. Terminator references are a must in any situation which is supposed to be serious, but you don't want taken seriously. - Amethyst
#108. If you write yourself into a corner, it was a clone of the main character that died. - RoseBunny
#108A Or a twin they knew nothing about until they were dead... and then they mourn. - Amethyst
#108B. Or you made Jobe make a clone of the main character just before they died. - Abi
#108C. Or a Life-Model Decoy. - RoseBunny
#108D. Or them from an alternate dimension or timeline. - RoseBunny