Without a trace
A story by Allie Elle
Chapter 2: A personal exploration,
JR after dinner with his family went to his room, he was blessed with perfect recall and he wanted to go over the data he had seen. He had a trick he used when he wanted to remember something and seemed to slip into a deep trance as he did what he called rewinding. The mental images of the papers sprang into his mind and slowly he read each paragraph closely in his mind. The words sprung into clarity and he reached for a note book. JR was anything if not methodical when he looked at a problem and would break down everything, as he worked he set out bullet points in the notebook. As he worked he started to fill page after page with his scribbling as he worked the information in his head.
Surprisingly he was looking at when the first cases were reported and documented and the time line was extensive. The thing is the cases were increasing over the past few years going from one or two a year going up to six in the past month alone. The victims were always the same, students in their late teens that had excelled at sport or physical prowess. There was never a student who was considered none sporting or intellectual targeted, also any student that was just plain normal targeted and this concerned him. After an hour of going over the facts he had written down from his recall he settled down for the night.
Downstairs his mother and sister were talking over the same facts, the files spread out on the coffee table in front of them. The files were slowly stacking up one side marked with the police department shield and the other marked with the hospital crest. Joanie looked at the piles and without thinking reached for a cigarette, her mother looked at her and frowned. She remembered the rule over smoking in the house and sighed, she wished JR would take up smoking but the times she had tried to interest him he refused point blank. JR was definitely not a follower but made up his own mind, she hoped he would follow her into the police as she knew his mind was sharp. As she turned back to the files she saw something that caught her eye. There seemed to be a file that was out of place as she looked at it, it seemed to tug at her and she pulled it from the pile. She read the name on the top of the file and her breath caught in her throat, the name on the file was not a male name and she opened it.
Two months ago a female track student had been abducted and then returned a week ago, she had no memory of what had happened or where she had been apart from one thing. She had recounted the fact that there were over seven other girls in where she had been all of them very physical but by the end like her they had become very childish. When Rachelle Simpson had been found she had been dressed like a six year old and hugging a doll, her syntax and mannerisms had been childish to the extreme. Joanie read over the file and then handed it to her mother silently and waited
“Yes Rachelle seems to be an aberration of the pattern, so far the only girl we thought had been taken.” Her mother explained.
“Why did her parents not report her missing until 2 days after she actually went missing?”
“That we don’t know, but there were rumours of abuse filed in the past at the hospital”
“There was never any lodged with the department though, that worries me mom”
Just then there came a knock on the door and Mrs Richards went to open it and found a uniformed police officer standing there. Without a word she motioned the officer in raising an eyebrow at her daughter and waited for the officer to speak. The silence lasted for a good few minutes as it seemed as though the officer was trying to search for the right thing to say. As Mrs Richards waited she got worried that something was seriously wrong, she stood looking at the young officer and started to get uncomfortable.
“Excuse me Ma’am and detective Richards; I’m officer Deville of the thirtieth precinct. My captain thought it best I came to see you” He said haltingly.
Joanie looked at her mom and then motioned for the officer to sit down on the sofa across from here. She waited as her mother sat next to her and they both waited for him to speak, she saw his gaze fall to the folders on the coffee table and she gathered them up. Slowly he started to talk and a strange tale unfolded, he had just come of duty and had witnessed a white van pull up and grab a teen off the streets but five minutes later the same van appeared at the same street and the teen had been thrown out. The officer had gone to assist the teen and found them looking shocked and completely lost but there was not really any further information. It really was a situation where the officer had no previous experience to go on. Joanie looked over at her mom and frowned, this development was something they had to work on.
After another ten minutes of talking the officer left and the ladies of the house retired to bed. JR was waiting for this it was time for Kylie to come out; this was his biggest secret why he never complained about looking girly. He loved to let his feminine side to show but he had the guilt that he was letting his family down by not trying to live up to being the boy of the family. It was a daily fight not to give in and go Kylie all the time but it was a battle he took day by day. He had read stories on being TG and he worked through all the information he could get. He approached his transformations the same way he approached everything, cool and collected. He gathered the gym bag that held Kylies night ware and quietly changed. Little did he know this night was the one that was going to change his life?
For some reason JR slept through his alarms the following morning and instead of being up early enough to change he was woken up by his mother. She breezed in and whipped down the duvet and stood there her jaw dropped in shock. She just stood and looked at him for a little while; she couldn’t believe it her son was dressed as a girl and he looked pretty actually. She cleared her throat and gently touched his shoulder, she watched as he woke up but remained silent. Being a psychiatrist had its advantages she thought as she looked at her sons chosen night ware. I mean Bratz was okay if someone was about eight years old but her son was ten years older than that.
“Good Morning hon” Mrs Richards said cheerfully and left the bedroom.
Jonathon looked down at his clothes and groaned he knew that his mom would wait but he would be in for a session. Just then Joanie walked past the bedroom door and turned to look at her brother and she burst out laughing. From downstairs their mom shouted for her to leave him alone. She shook her head and left him to it as she went to the bathroom. As JR listened he heard his sister getting ready for her day on duty and he thought that it was best to get this out of the way.
Part three: JR talks through some issues and it take a twist.