I’m Anna, a conjoined twin with my sister Anna, but her name is mine spelt backwards. We’re emotionally very close, not all conjoined twins are you know. It comes as a surprise to many, but we know some who don’t even like each other which makes their lives difficult. We’re so close we like to sleep nestled up against each other like a pair of stacking cups. We don’t like the phrase spooning because it seems somehow demeaning, belittling. We’re a pair of very girly girls and enjoy lace and soft fabrics smooth to the touch of soft skin, but a lot of girls are like that. We are very much into lingerie, the skimpier and frillier the better though we do envy what other girls, separates I mean, can have.
Despite our closeness, Anna and I have been looking for bosom buddies for a while now, because though our interests are the same and we are conjoined we are subtly different, and we’d like a close friend each like other girls have. However, friends are not easily acquired by any, least of all those like us, but we live in hope. Unlike many we aren’t too mobile, and we aren’t too strong either which is why we need assistance to help us sit up properly and face forward. Without the help of the thankfully unnoticeable slender metal wiring one of us would fall over taking the other with her. Still we’re cheerful and live in hope that one day we’ll find friends who choose to like us. We’d love to be able to give friends the intellectual support others do at school and at college, but we’re not clever enough though we know we can provide emotional and psychological support because it’s what we do best. Anna says it’s almost as if it were what we were designed to do, but she’s a bit of a mystic if you ask me.
It was a bit of a surprise to us when we met seventeen year old Josephine. We all became close and fond of each other very quickly. Her lack of figure puzzled us to start with, we are both a rather attractive thirty-four full A cup which is enough thank you very much. However Josephine was a very flat chested thirty-four AAA, if that, which for a girl of her age made her self conscious. We felt sorry for her to begin with, but that was before we realised she was trans and the forms she used were purely temporary till she became her real self. Once her medications kicked in it really was quite remarkable how quickly she blossomed. We were a little concerned that she would out grow us as she became a woman and cast us off seeking more grown up friends of her own size and maturity, for we knew we were already at our full size and not going to grow, or get any cleverer. Which if you think about it was an entirely natural, if jealous, reaction on our part.
When Josephine reached her full growth we were pleased that she was the same size as us: a generous thirty-four A, for what should be entirely obvious reasons. A little distressing to Josephine was her newly acquired larger nipples’ tendency to become visibly prominent at the slightest provocation, but that was where we came in and solved all her problems with no effort at all on our part. Our entire aim in life is to depress the emergence of our nipples under any and every condition. Cold, excitement, even arousal, if we can’t keep our nipples firmly under control and out of sight we’d be seen as a total failure by our peers. It’s our entire purpose in life, our raison d’être, like that of every other tee shirt brassière.
Love Anna and Anna sends her love too.