Here we are again!! Chapter 2 of From the streets, Just wanted to give a big shoutout thank you to everyone on bigcloset and to all those who support us on Patreon!!! To those of you who buy our books from Doppler press! Zoe and I thank you all!
“Hello Mrs. Murphy?” Amanda spoke. “This is Amanda Davenshaw , I spoke with your assistant, Mary-ann, she said to call your extension.”
“Ah yes, hello Miss Davenshaw, what can I do for you today?” Mrs. Murphy asked. She had the demeanor of a school teacher, which Amanda supposed suited someone with child and family services.
“I represent WP Modeling Agency, and I was wondering, is there any way to get temporary or full custody of a homeless girl? I know that kind of sounded perverted, but I assure you that we are a legitimate fashion and TV agency.”
“Oh, yes,” Mrs. Murphy said, “I had Mary Ann look into your business. Your agency has quite the impressive portfolio. You really discovered Juliette Small?”
“Thank you.” Amanda said. “Yes and Megan Stuart as well.”
“My daughter absolutely adores those two,” she laughed. “Your request is certainly unusual, but given your history I suppose we can try to work something out.”
“I hope she reads it through.” Katelyn laughed, “The contract that is.”
“I can get you three in front of a judge tomorrow afternoon?” Mrs. Murphy said after a moment. “It’s not usually that easy, but a friend owes me a small favor.”
“That works ma’am, Thank you so much for listening to our request.” Amanda said as she hung up the phone. “We’re set for tomorrow.”
“Excellent,” Katelyn said.
“There’s one thing that’s been bugging me,” Amanda said, pointing to the bulky DSLR camera. It wasn’t just any camera. It was a 1DX Mk II, a flagship camera that really stood out in a crowd. “You said this wasn’t your first rodeo, but you’ve been lugging around $10,000 in camera gear?”
Katelyn laughed. “Sometimes it pays to draw attention to yourself. Plus it’s insured. Theft or Accident full coverage” she winked. “If it was MY gear? I’d be running around with a $300 job,” she teased. “Drew takes care of his top workers.” Katelyn added. There was more to it than that, but she wasn’t ready to trust Amanda with that quite yet. Soon.
“No kidding,” Amanda said. “First class tickets, a nice hotel, and that’s just for us,” she laughed. “Thought the poor kid’s eyes were going to pop out of her head when she saw the final offer.”
“We’re to buy her a complete wardrobe as well.” Katelyn nodded.
“Did you notice the outfit she was rocking?” Amanda said. “I mean sure, it was off the rack, but it looked amazing on her.”
“She’s got good taste.” Katelyn grinned. “She’s got a face that could launch a thousand clothing lines too. With some work she could even be an actress.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me at all,” Amanda said as she sat down in one of the cushy chairs in the suite’s sitting room. “She can draw, she can play music, she can dance. Acting is bound to be in there somewhere.”
“Don’t be jealous of the client,” Katelyn teased. “Remember that number you offered her?”
“Oh, hell no,” Amanda laughed. “I’m not even an eighth as talented as she is. Nothing to be jealous about. Just impressed. But what about it?”
“You get 25% on top of what you offered her. So each shoot, you add 25% to that amount and that 25% is yours, just yours.” Katelyn grinned.
“What about the amount she wants to go to homeless charity?” Amanda asked.
“That’s the big thing; its the full amount she's going to be earning. She wants a % for herself, and the rest to a charity. You Remember back in the states when I said you play this right we won't have a damn thing to worry about?”
Amanda grabbed her phone, opening the calculator app. She stared at the final result, cleared it, recalculated it. “... And that’s tax deductible... Jesus Tapdancing Christ on a pogo stick.”
“See, that's why I said what I said.” Katelyn laughed. “And in that contract you have me down as the sole Photographer. You get the agent fee, I get the photographer fee, she gets the modeling fee, and we all walk away with a king’s ransom, and you know the shit in the pants?”
Katelyn continued, “Drew makes them pay double that, so the company earns a shit ton as well. We landed Drew and the company a billion dollar investment. The partners are going to be in ICU with heart attacks,” she teased.
“You really think so?” Amanda asked.
“That girl with those eyes could make a drowning man buy water,” Katelyn nodded. “Trust me, a unicorn like that only comes around once in a lifetime.”
There was a knock on the door. On the otherside Sophie waited with a woman in a skirt suit and a briefcase. Sophie didn’t look 100% thrilled that the woman was with her. She never actually asked what her friends’ mum actually did. She somewhat regretted that fact now that she knew. Bloody lawyer.
“Hi Sophie. Come in.” Amanda said opening the door, she turned to the woman, “I’m Amanda Davenshaw, and this is Katelyn Price. We both represent WP Modeling.”
“Pleasure to meet ya both. I’m Sarah McAllister, Sophie’s solicitor. I just wanted to come by and run a few things by you for her,” she said.
“Oh, of course,” Amanda said as she led them to the sitting room. “Can I offer you anything? Soda, coffee, water?”
“Tea will work if you have any.” Sarah said.
“Just finished brewing a pot,” Katelyn spoke up, grinning as she began to set out some tea cups from the set the hotel generously provided.
“Price.. As in Shawna and Marigerette Price?” Sarah asked. “Cork girls I believe?”
“Aye, Shawna’s my mum,” Katelyn said. “I hope their reputation doesn't precede me too harshly,” she laughed.
“Nonsense, both proud Irish ladies.” Sarah grinned, but didn’t elaborate on how she knew Katelyn’s mother and aunt. “First off, Sophie Dee wishes to have that as her legal name, and secondly, she doesn’t want some random stranger as her guardian. She’s requested you two. She’s got more by the way.”
“Aye, let’s just tackle the elephant in the room,” Sophie said. “I’m not a real girl,” she blurted right out.
Neither woman looked shocked at all, “No problem,” Amanda stated. “We can get that fixed as well if you’d like. So Sophia Dee as in Dee last name, Sophie first?”
Sophie looked shocked. It was that easy? “Um... Y-yes,” she stammered out, still shocked at how easy that all was.
“Okay. You don't have a drug problem do you?” Amanda asked, “No sex addictions, gambling problems?”
“Nah never touch the stuff,” Sophie giggled, regaining her composure. “I figured, I saw what the drink did to my old man, and there’s far worse than alcohol.” She shrugged.
“Good.” Katelyn said.
Amanda said, “So you said there was more than 3 things?”
“Yes, the other was about the schooling?” Sarah looked at Sophie.
“Yeah, I don’t rather like public education.” Sophie stated. “Too many fuckin tards thinking their queen monkey and shit.”
Amanda looked at Katelyn for a translation, or a lifeline. Katelyn answered without missing a beat. “Not a problem, We can either do private school or a private tutor - either one on one, or with a small group. That’s what Juliette and Megan do. They have a small group of friends they tutor with.”
“The company pays for it?” Sarah asked.
“100%,” Amanda nodded. “It’s considered a bonus for young hires, to make sure they get a good education.”
“Okay we’ve a couple more.” Sarah said professionally. . “She wants a big house in California if that’s where you’re moving her to.”
“Beach front or gated community?” Katelyn asked, grinning at Sophie.
“Seriously?” Sophie looked at them both, “Are you both like off the bend?”
“Seriously.” Amanda stated. “If that’s what you want, we’ll make it happen.”
“Beach and Gated?” Sophie looked at them.
Amanda looked over at Katelyn. “Didn’t Megan’s dad just put their house up for sale? Since he’s moving to Florida for the full time Lost Girl shoots.”
“Yup.” Katelyn nodded. “Done.” she said to Sophie as she sent a text off, and Amanda handed Sophie her phone so she could see pictures of the neighborhood.
“So you said a couple more, couple’s usually two.” Amanda giggled. She was rather enjoying spoiling their future legal charge. But Sophie was a good girl by all local accounts, just had a rough life and a foul mouth.
“I’m afraid to say anymore,” Sophie laughed. “Might turn out I was hit by a bus and I’m in a coma in a ditch somewhere.”
“Fraid not.” Katelyn laughed, “You’re awake.”
“Okay.” Sarah said, looking at a sheet of paper hastily written up in ink. “Her final demand is my daughters and I are taken care of - not sure what she means by that, and my law firm are hired to be her full time lawyers.” She looked at Sophie, a little surprised. After all Sophie was none too pleased earlier to find out Sarah was a lawyer.
Sophie giggled. “Mrs. McAlister's taken me in on many a cold night. She didn’t have to, but she did. I want to repay her kindness, if that makes any sense.”
“Sure,” Amanda said. “The only issue I can see would be you and your legal team will have to take the bar test in the U.S. But we can offer your firm a generous retainer fee and help you set up right in our office building if you’d like.”
“Sorry,” Sophie said, “I um, just thought of one more wee little thing... If Mrs. McAllister moves to the states, would it be possible to have her daughters doing that tutoring thing too? If they want to, I mean.”
“Yes.” Amanda said.
Katelyn spoke up, “I have the perfect place they can move into as well.” She pulled up pictures of her 3 bedroom condo and handed her phone to Sarah. “Cheap ass rent too, but I know the landlord. He’s an absolute gem of a man.”
“Oh my,” Sarah said, “Look at that view...”
“15th floor, unobstructed view of the bay.” Katelyn grinned.
“And there’s a pool on the roof,” Amanda chimed in. “It’s also only a 25 minute bus ride to the gated community.”
“Well I don’t know who this Megan girl is,” Sophie said, “But I am in love with her house. And all I gotta do is look at a camera?”
“Pose pretty for the camera.” Katelyn teased. “It's more work than you think though sweetie. But you only have to work for me as a photographer. I don’t scream and throw tantrums at my models.” She winked, causing Sophie to giggle.
“Oh yeah, I wanted to make sure that Sophie understood what the guardianship thing means.” Sarah stated. “It means whomever your assigned be it these two, you have to listen to them till you’re 18 of age.”
“Hey, I’m a perfect lady, when I’m no longer havin’ to steal to eat,” Sophie laughed.
“Okay,” Amanda said, “I’ve amended the contract. I’ll fax this off while you and Katelyn go wardrobe shopping for tomorrow and the next two weeks.”
Katelyn grinned. “And this one’s on the boss. I’m going to turn you into a spoiled princess.”
“Too late,” Sophie laughed.
“You really want to move out of that flat?” Sarah asked.
“Well as Sophie’s guardian by California state law, Amanda and I will have to live with her.” Katelyn said as Sophie and she stood. “But it’s a huge house, so there’s plenty of space.”
“That’s fine with me,” Sophie said. “I trust you.”
“Holy ball sweat.” Sophie said as they got out of the limo and a woman in the front got out as well to help them take all Sophie’s new possessions into the hotel. “One I’ve never been in a bloody limo before, and serious you spent that much on me?”
“Well, you have to look good,” Katelyn said with a wink. “At all times even.”
“Yeah but $950 on a single skirt?” Sophie asked.
“Nothing but the best and finest for Sophie Dee,”a man spoke up, “Sorry I took the first flight in as soon as we got the fax.” he winked. “Drew Mallory.” he reached his hand out. “Took the Company ultra flight in.”
It was pretty late anyway, Katelyn had gotten Sophie’s hair done, her nails and a pedicure.
“Sophie Dee,” Sophie said. “Dancer, artist, model.” She had practiced that line with Katelyn off and on as they shopped, and got her looking her best. “Wait... No, Model, artist, dancer. Yeah.”
Drew laughed. “A real renaissance woman,” he said. “I like that.”
“What you doing here boss?” Amanda asked.
“Just coming to see my investment.” Drew grinned, “And those eyes of hers in person. Sophie Dee, you have made us all happy.”
“Wait until you see how she looks in jewelry,” Katelyn said. “She found the most beautiful sapphire dolphin pendant. She’s going to break a lot of hearts.”
Sophie giggled as she spotted the bobby that had chased her just that morning. She waved at him. He smiled and tipped his hat to her.
“Evening miss,” he said cheerfully. “Sir, ma’am,” he said to Drew and Katelyn as he continued down the sidewalk. Sophie giggled more.
Katelyn looked over at Sophie, “We got some more to do before we go see the judge tomorrow. You should go get ready for bed.”
“I’ve got something to take care of first,” Sophie said. “But it won’t take long - twenty minutes?”
“Sure, just don't get that outfit too dirty. Its dry clean only.” Katelyn winked.
Sophie laughed. “Nothing like that, sheesh. I’m a street,” she said. “I’ve got to make sure my family’s looked after until you and Mrs. McAllister can get the other thing set in motion.” She turned to walk away.
“I’m assuming she means the charity,” Drew chuckled. “I haven’t got the heart to tell her I already made a sizable donation in her name.”
“Danny O’Dope,” Sophie grinned. “Get yer hand out my handbag or I’ll break it off.”
“Sophie!?” Danny gasped. He was a grubby boy, about her age, all ears and curly red hair under a floppy cap like something out of a bad musical about street urchins.
A girl came out from behind a panel in the alley way, “Geezes Dope, you tryin to nick Sophie?”
Sophie giggled. “I know I don’t look like me. I got some amazing news, and a gift for you guys,” she said, opening the handbag. She produced what was left of her fat wad of advanced pay - which was actually quite a bit - and gave it to the girl.
“BLOODY HELL!” both Danny and the girl squealed. “Is this real?!” she demanded in a hushed, shocked whisper.
“Aye, and there’ll be more where that came from,” Sophie nodded, grinning like a cheshire shark. “I’m going away for awhile to America, but soon enough there’ll be word floating around of a charity in my name, Sophie D. It’s legit, and it’s ganna help everyone.”
“Christ, Soapy,” Danny said, “What’d you do hook up with a sugar daddy? I thought you said that wasn’t yer bag?”
“No, ya goof,” Sophie laughed. “I got a modeling gig. These Americans, they think I got some kinda special look, and I’m takin’ em to the bloody cleaners. There’s been no sign of me Mum since I got here. It’s time I gave up anyhow.”
“You do girl.” The other girl said, “Them Ice blue eyes of yers.”
“Aye,” Danny agreed. “People ask what the ‘Dee’ stands for, I say ‘Doll’,” he laughed.
Sophie blushed a little and giggled. “Aww, thanks guys. I wish I could bring ya with me, but like said, the Sophie Dee Homeless Charity’ll take care of not just you, but everyone in Galway without a place to stay. Y’all took me in, and it’s my turn to repay it.”
“Thanks Sophie. I hope we get to see you again.” The girl said and hugged her. “We’re going to miss you. I promise we’ll use this for food, maybe a hot shower,” she giggled.
“Pah,” Danny laughed. “A cold dunk’s good enough for me,” he said, straightening his cap.
“Need a ride home lass?” The bobby from earlier asked. “This is a busy part of town this time of night.”
“Nah,” Sophie giggled. “I’m a Galway gal. But um,” she produced a five pound note and offered it to him. “I think this is yers.”
“Can’t take money.” The man said and shook his head. He winked. “Even if I was chasing you for it this morning. Your fortune’s sure changed in a day, eh?”
“You knew huh?” Sophie giggled. “I’m sorry about razzing ya.”
“Even a street waif’s gotta eat,” he laughed. “No, really though, if you want a ride back to the hotel, it’s on my route home,” he said as a female bobby came up to them, holding two cups of coffee. She gave one to the other bobby.
“Oh, so this is the Irish doll you’re always on about,” she said with a laugh. “She cleans up nice.”
“Aye, We’re going to be at the courthouse for her tomorrow as well.” The male bobby spoke, “Seems our lil street rat ere is going to be leavin us.”
Sophie gulped. “You... you are?”
He laughed. “Character witness, but don’t worry, ya never took more than you needed, never hurt anyone that didn’t probably deserve it. We’re on your side my young friend.”