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Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 1 All Things Denied A Gaby FanFic by PB
Photo Credit: Used with her permission....“Let Me In” © by simpledrama .
Gaby thought she noticed a familiar car pass her as she walked on the side of the road. It was only when she watched it do a U-turn and drive back towards her, that she realized it was Miss Bell’s Jetta.
As Jessica pulled off the road and onto the snow-covered gravel shoulder, Gaby jumped the ditch running along the side of the road and hopped the wooden fence that marked the adjacent field. She had just started across the field when she heard Jessica call out.
“Gaby Bond! Come here!” When she didn’t respond, Jessica called out again.
“I know it’s you Gaby. Don’t make me chase you. Please ... come here. Unless you know of some magic that will let you avoid me for the rest of the trip ... you’ll have to talk to me sometime!”
Gaby stopped in her tracks, turned to face the figure standing at the side of the road and in an emotional voice, shouted back, “Leave me alone! I just want to go somewhere an’ be by myself ... sort things out! Is that too much to ask?”
“No ... no … it’s not ... but … running off isn’t the way to do it either! C’mon back with me, please ... we’ll work things out together ... over a tea or something ... okay?”
When Gaby didn’t say anything, Jessica pleaded, “Okay, if you won’t come to me … I’ll come to you. Will you at least promise me that you’ll stay there? I need to change into something a little warmer if we’re going to stay outside ... but I really think we need to talk ... don’t you?”
“Yeah ... I guess so. I promise!” Gaby loudly replied, with a shrug of her shoulders.
She stood in the snow-covered field as she watched her teacher drive off back to her place, then walked back to the edge of the field and after hitting the upper rung of the wooden fence to shake the snow off, she climbed up and sat down to await Jessica’s return.
A while later she heard the distinctive ‘clip-clop’ of horse’s hooves on the road. Turning to look towards the sound, she saw Jessica riding Tonto, holding the reins in one hand and holding onto Paint’s reins with the other.
“I figured you’d feel more relaxed if we had our talk, like this ... besides … I think ‘Paint’ misses you,” Jessica softly allowed as she stopped beside where Gaby was sitting and offered her Paint’s reins.
Gaby got down off the fence, hopped back over the ditch and then took the offered reins.
“Mount up!”
After two small ‘test’ hops, Gaby pulled herself up and swung her leg over Paint’s saddle. As soon as she got comfortable, Jessica noticed an immediate change in the teenager’s disposition.
“Now that’s the Gaby I know! C`mon ... this way,” Jessica playfully suggested as she turned Tonto in the opposite direction. “I thought you might want to avoid Mary and the others for now.”
Once Gaby turned Paint, the two started down the shoulder of the road at a walking pace.
“Just to let you know ... I phoned Sandy to let her know you’re alright and with me,” Miss Bell revealed as the two drew up alongside each other.
“Now, you think you can manage something a little faster ... or is this pace okay?” Jessica playfully inquired.
Gaby gave Paint a gentle nudge with her heels, a snap of the reins and a sharp, “He-ya!” Paint immediately responded charging forward at a gallop and catching Jessica off-balance.
“Oh, shit! C’mon, boy ... He-ya!” and soon both riders were quickly covering the short distance up the road towards Chez Jessica.
As she once again drew up alongside Gaby, they both reined their mounts to a slower pace.
“And just where did that come from, Missy? As I recall ... it wasn’t that long ago when you thought you and horses couldn’t get along!” Jessica playfully inquired.
“I dunno,” Gaby mischievously stated with a shrug. The huge grin on her face told Jessica this was exactly what the doctor had ordered.
“Next thing you know, you’ll be ‘Barrel Racing’!” Miss Bell flippantly commented.
“Can I? Uh ... what’s barrel racing?” Gaby excitedly inquired.
(giggle) “C’mon ... I know a large field that’s off the road a-ways. We’ll be able to talk there and maybe have a bit of a ride ... okay?”
“Lead on McDuff!” Gaby playfully called out, caught up in the fun of the moment. Jessica did a double-take then burst out in laughter as she took the lead, urging Tonto into a trot.
After riding a couple of miles, they entered a large unfenced field. Gaby saw it was perfect for giving Paint some exercise as she and Jessica raced to a clump of trees at the far side. The sudden burst of musical tones from her cell phone caused the pair to rein their horses. As their horses started grazing on some of the exposed grass, Jessica unzipped her coat pocket, took out her cell and checked the caller ID before answering it.
“Hello? ... Oh! … Hi, Fran ... no … not at. Gaby and I are just out for a nice ride ... no ... not in the car ... the horses! You should see how she’s taken to it. Listen ... I was going to call you anyway, but why don’t you meet us at the house for a little brunch ... in say ... about an hour? Good ... see you then ... bye!”
“Guess we should be thinking about heading back. Fran’s going to meet us at the house in a little while,” Jessica allowed as she returned the cell phone back in her pocket and zipped it closed.
She then tightened her hold on Tonto’s reins and with a gentle tap of her heels, put him into a trot. “But, not too fast!” (giggle)
Gaby encouraged Paint to catch up and once beside Jessica, they both looked at each other with evil grins on their faces. After a few seconds, they both broke into a full gallop to the edge of the field as though by an unheard command. As they approached the road, both riders eased their horses back to a trot.
“You okay, Gaby?” Jessica wondered as she reined Tonto back.
“That was fun!” Gaby brought Paint alongside Jessica.
“You’re right ... and it’s been far too long since I last did that!” Jessica readily agreed. “C’mon … we’ve really got to get back now!”
When Gaby smiled to herself, she wondered if Maddy enjoyed the same bond with this woman.
“Good! She’s not here yet!” Miss Bell announced as they entered her driveway.
Stopping at the house, Jessica dismounted and asked Gaby if she’d take the horses back to their stables while she put on some coffee.
Before she went into the house, she asked if Gaby could manage the saddles by herself or if she needed a hand.
“I think I can do it, Jessica! I know I can handle Paint’s and Tonto’s isn’t that much bigger,” Gaby confidently replied as the two parted company. “Anyways ... I can always yell if I need you!”
Gaby leaned over and grabbed Tonto’s limp reins and then rode Paint at a lazy walk around back to the shed housing the stables, with Tonto faithfully following along.
As she rounded the back of the house, Jessica stood watching her and wondering why things had changed so much since they last talked.
“Something’s terribly wrong! What made her so uncomfortable at Sandy’s that she felt she had to get out of there, even if she had to walk back to the Walters? I know she’s ridden it many times, but I wonder if she even considered how far it is to walk? When Fran gets here, the three of us will have to have a long chat.”
As if on cue, Jessica wheeled around when she heard the sounds of a vehicle turning onto the gravel driveway.
“Speak of the devil!” Jessica greeted Fran as she got out of her car.
“What did I do now?” Fran playfully asked.
Jessica explained how she was thinking that the three of them needed to sit down over brunch and talk.
“Other than what little you managed to tell me from your weekend together … I had no idea! She’s not said anything to me,” Fran offered.
“C’mon inside ... Gaby’s taking care of the horses ... we can have a little visit before she comes in!” Jessica offered.
While Jessica organized things for their brunch, she and Fran started to catch up on things but the discussion ultimately focused on the younger British kids and in particular, Gaby. Jessica soon found herself talking about what she had learned last weekend when Gaby stayed with her and in general, comparing notes with Fran.
“I’m worried, Fran. I’ve a strong feeling that my time with Gaby has been the only bright spot of her whole exchange visit ... so far. That and riding her bike, anyway...” Jessica solemnly noted.
“That’s not right...” Fran murmured.
“Jessica!” Gaby called from the opened back door.
“C’mon in ... you’re letting in the cold air!” Jessica called out as she and Fran came out of the kitchen to see what the commotion was about.
“Can’t ... boots!” Gaby stated while pointing to her feet. “Can I give Tonto and Paint a treat?”
“Sure ... wait there … I’ll get something,” Jessica replied as she turned to head back into the kitchen. Fran stood with her arms folded across her chest and mulling over Jessica’s words while looking at the attractive and obviously happy teenager standing in the doorway. “Give them whatever’s left.”
A few minutes later, Gaby was running back to the horses with an opened bag of baby carrots in her pocket. When she disappeared into the shed, Jessica grabbed Gaby’s digital camera and after quickly putting on their boots, the two women quietly followed the teenager in to the stables.
“Sh-h-h-h,” Jessica urged as she and Fran approached the large shed that housed her two horses.
As they quietly entered, they observed Gaby sitting astride the low wall separating the stalls, with her arms outstretched and holding a handful of the small carrots in each hand while talking to both of them.
“Hey ... that’s all! I don’t have any more! (giggle) You kin look in my (giggle) pockets all you like, but I don’t have any more!” Gaby gently admonished Tonto as he was looking for more treats.
(click) Gaby turned to face the sound as Jessica pressed the shutter release on the camera.
“Hey ... that’s my camera!”
“Remind me to give it back you ... it’s been here all week.”
Watching how the two horses interacted with her, Fran innocently observed, “It looks like you’ve made two new friends.”
“Besides my cycling friends ... Jules an’ you guys ... these two are all I’ve got,” Gaby softly related.
“What about the other kids you came with ... or Britney?” Fran wondered.
Both teachers had entered Tonto’s stall and were standing alongside Gaby, who was still sitting on the stable’s partition and absently petting Paint’s neck. Upon hearing Fran's question, Gaby’s face fell as she shrugged her shoulders and turned away to face Paint.
“What about ‘em?” Gaby quietly replied as she continued to stroke the horse’s neck. Her sombre reply spoke volumes to the two teachers.
“C’mon, Gaby ... let’s go make some omelettes ... and talk?” Jessica softly urged.
“I guess...”
With a non-committal shrug of the shoulder, she reluctantly swung her one leg over the top of the wall and slid down, landing on her feet near Fran. Slowly running her hand down the side of Tonto’s neck as she left his stall, she joined the two women in a slow walk back to the house.
“Gaby ... I just want you to know that I’ve told Fran about last weekend … okay?”
“Considering what’s going on at school and with your friends ... I think she has a right to know ... don’t you?” Jessica replied as the three of them made their way across the yard and to the back door.
“Yeah ... I guess,” Gaby solemnly replied as Fran put her arm around her shoulder and gently directed the teenager into the house.
A little after noon, Jessica’s Jetta pulled up in front of Sandy’s apartment.
“Hi, Maddy! Good weekend?” Jessica politely inquired.
“Uh huh ... where’s Gabs?” Maddy absently replied.
“Were you expecting her to be here?”
“I just thought...” Maddy replied with more than a tinge of disappointment in her voice.
“Fran’s driven her home,” Jessica revealed.
“Miss Cowlishaw?” Maddy anxiously asked.
“That’s right. She joined us for brunch and a nice ... long ... revealing ... chat.”
“Was she there all morning?” Maddy probed.
“No. After I met Gaby on the road...” Jessica noticed Maddy started to look a bit uncomfortable. “...I saddled the horses and we both went for a relaxing ride. We only really started talking when Fran got to the house.”
The rest of the short trip back to Jessica’s, was in silence until she pulled into the driveway and they both got out of the car.
“You were talking about me ... weren’t you?” Maddy quietly asked.
“Feeling a bit guilty, are we?” Jessica sarcastically asked while Maddy visibly winced at her words.
“To answer your question ... in a word ... 'yes', but your behaviour wasn't the sole topic of conversation,” Jessica sharply admitted. Maddy immediately began to expect the worst.
“I’m not going to tell you how to run ... or ruin ... your relationship with Drew … or Gaby ... but I will tell you this. You’re not the only one involved in this ‘anti-Gaby’ campaign ... but you are the only one who’s told me that she loves her. What I can’t understand is ... if you claim to love Drew and/or Gaby ... why do you insist on playing this so-called 'mind-game' and putting her into uncomfortable situations? Is this a joke to you? I know I told you kids when you first got here, what could happen to those two if others found out about either of them ... but I never imagined that you'd twist my words and do this. Can’t you see what you're doing to her?”
“Now, if this continues ... things could easily spiral out of control and I may not be able to help you ... understand?” A stunned Maddy continued to fixate upon Miss Bell while nodding her head.
“Do you, really? Having to listen to Fran and I preach, is one thing ... but do you have any real idea of what could happen if your 'game' goes horribly wrong?”
(sniff) “I dunno,” Maddy quietly acknowledged.
“I think you really need to stop and think back to what I said, then think real hard about what you're doing. For your information ... we offered Gaby a chance to return to Warsop and thus avoid any further ... 'issues’ ... and it’s not the first time we’ve made this offer, either. Unfortunately, like all the other times … she wanted to stay so she could keep some promise to Fran.”
“She'll won't break her promise,” Maddy softly divulged.
“Unfortunately, you're right ... so, unless this is stopped now ... I fear it’ll only end after someone gets hurt,” Jessica solemnly agreed. “Please think carefully about what I said, Maddy?” Maddy was going to say something, but Jessica clearly wanted to speak of it no further as she walked briskly up to the door and into the house. During the exchange program, she had come to really care about these two kids and hoped that Maddy absorbed at least some of what she had to say.
Meanwhile, back in town, Jules glanced out the Walters’ large front window and noticed a red Ford Focus pull up behind Jocelyn’s Forester before killing its engine.
“Well ... we’re here,” Fran stated.
“Yeah...” Gaby unenthusiastically responded. “...Thanks for the ride, Miss!”
“Please, Gaby … call me Fran. Same rule that Jessica told you about using our first names, applies to me as well ... okay?"
"I know Mr. Woods wouldn’t agree with it ... but he’s not here, is he?” Fran playfully pointed out..
“No...” Gaby quietly admitted.
“You going to be okay in there or do you want me to ‘run interference’ for you?” Fran asked, using one of the American expressions that she’d picked up. “From what you and Jessica have told me about the Walters … you’re going to get more attention than Mick Jagger at an all-girls school, once you go through those doors.”
Gaby giggled at Fran’s analogy before assuring her she’d be able to handle them. She leaned over and gave her a hug before getting out of the car and walking up to the house. Opening the front door, Gaby turned to give Fran a final wave as she started to back out of the driveway.
“You’re back!“ Jules sarcastically observed as Gaby entered the house.
“Who told you?” Gaby pointedly asked as she removed her boots and bounded upstairs to their room. Realizing how her greeting came across, Jules immediately wanted to take back her words and quickly followed her sister up the stairs.
As Gaby reached the top of the stairs, Britney came out of her room and nearly ran into her as she quickly walked past without so much as mumbling a greeting. A few seconds later, Jules sprinted past her in an effort to catch her sister. Instinctively, Britney turned and followed her to their bedroom, at the end of the hall.
“Sorry, Sis ... I didn’t mean it to sound like it did,” Jules said apologetically. “I knew something was wrong when you didn’t come home with Brit.”
“What happened?” asked an anxious Britney.
As the three made themselves comfortable on Gaby’s bed, Gaby glared at Britney.
“Next time you want to drag me anywhere ... make sure I wanna go before announcing it to your mum and the rest of the world, huh? Em had been asking me all week for my answer ... an’ there was a reason I didn’t give her one ... I ... didn’t ... want ... to ... go!”
Before Britney could respond, Gaby elaborated.
“If Em never opened her mouth and invited you guys … you an’ your mum would never have known ... but she did ... an’ both you an’ your mum immediately knew wot I wanted!”
“Thanks to the two of you ... I had to put up with eight giggling girls ... well, seven ... but Em was just as bad ... an’ Maddy...”
Gaby was about to mention her aloofness with Sam, but stopped short of blurting it out with Britney there. Jules gently put her hand on her sister’s arm as much to say ‘we’ll talk later’.
“Sorry, Drew...” Britney softly replied.
Gaby gently placed her hand on her friend’s leg and offered, “It’s done now.”
After several minutes of awkward silence, Jules asked her sister about her day.
“Brit told us you took off this morning before the others got up ... an’ Jessica found you ... So what did you do all this time?”
“Jess an’ me took her horses an' went for a ride in the snow … then Miss C came over for something Miss Bell called ‘brunch’... kinda like an early lunch,” Gaby stated as if it was no big deal. With Britney there, she wasn’t about to say any more, but made a mental note to tell Jules when the two were alone.
“Horses? Call me next time?” Jules playfully whined.
“I’ll think ‘bout it,” Gaby teased.
“What was it like?” Jules asked.
“It would’ve been so romantic with the snow, if Maddy was there instead of Miss B ... but we had fun anyway!”
“Maybe I shoulda come with you! We ended up shovelling Mrs. Jones’ driveway and putting all the snow in piles so we could make snowmen,” Britney admitted.
“What happened after I left? Anyone care I wasn’t around?” a curious Gaby asked.
“Like ... when Ally phoned Miss Bell to let her know you walked off … was she ever Pee-Oh’d at Mad! I almost felt sorry for the girl. Ally really went to town on her. Things calmed down a bit when Miss Bell later called to say you were safe ... anyway … and at breakfast when Mrs. Jones asked why you weren’t there … Sandy covered with some story about how you had already arranged to go with Miss Bell early this morning. I don’t even think she noticed the evil looks Ally kept giving Maddy, at the table.” Britney recounted.
“Ally called Jessica? I guess that explains why she ‘found’ me so quickly,” Gaby commented.
“Don’t be mad at her, Drew. Ally was really worried about you!” Britney pleaded.
“I’m not, Brit ... I’m not. She’s probably the only one who gave a sod about me. You know she came outside before I left?
“No ... but … I cared...” Britney whispered.
“What?” Jules queried.
Looking a Gaby, Britney softly answered, “I cared … that … you … weren’t there...”
Gaby got up off the bed and moved over to stand in front of Britney and gave her a hug. “Thank you!” Gaby whispered in a voice weak with emotion.
“What did Ally say to you, sis?” Jules softly asked.
“We didn’t talk long ... but we talked about a few things an’ how she thought Maddy was being mean,” Gaby covertly revealed.
Suddenly it dawned on her that the three of them were the only ones in the house.
“It’s quiet in here ... where is everybody?”
“Somebody screwed up and Dad got called into work ... and Mom and Debbie walked into town,” Britney flatly stated. “I guess she trusted Jules and I not to burn the place to the ground!”
“Oh ... here I was thinking your mum would be doing her impression of a tabloid reporter … again,” Gaby sarcastically stated.
“Naw ... won’t happen. I just gave her the same story that Sandy gave her mom and that seemed to take the fire out of her,” Britney replied.
“Thanks! ... I wasn’t lookin’ forward to the inquisition,” Gaby quietly commented.
Later during supper, none of the anticipated questioning occurred. As Britney suggested, her mom’s curiosity was satisfied with the explanation for Gaby’s absence in the morning. However, Gaby did have to slightly embelish the account of her morning ride with Miss Bell.
That evening, in the nightly transatlantic call with her parents, Gaby informed her mum about Erin’s offer to ride in the Atlanta Winter Classic and Diane’s plans to make her a bike. It struck her as quite odd that her mum seemed cool to the idea and insisted on talking with Erin directly. The thought was quickly put aside when she got the medical update on her mum’s condition.
“Well, to be fair ... I didn't do much more than turn my legs for quarter of an hour and your Dad still went mental,” Jenny stated.
“You should be resting Mum,” Gaby replied in a concerned voice.
“I've been resting for weeks Drew and I’m feeling better. I was talking to this woman at the clinic the other day and she said she couldn't hack the sitting around bit, either. At this minute she's training to ride from Italy to Yorkshire on a tandem,” Jenny responded.
“Really, Mum?”
“Really, Drew. I know I'm not exactly up to that point, right now … but don't you go and write your ol’ Mum off just yet,” she confidently replied.
“Mum! ... I'd never do that!” Gaby cried into the phone.
“I know kiddo. Look what I'm saying is ... it’s entirely possible that I’ll never be up to racing again … but that doesn't mean I'm finished riding,” Jenny calmly stated.
This caught Gaby by surprise. She never thought she’d hear her mum talk like that about her cycling and always assumed she would resume her pro career as she got better.
“Drew? You still there?” a concerned Jenny asked.
“Ummm ... yeah, Mum ... just thinking ... sorry,” Gaby quietly apologized.
“Look ... I'd best get off this phone. We'll talk tomorrow okay?” Jenny offered.
“Okay, Mum...” Gaby hesitatingly replied.
“Okay ... bye darling!” Jenny tried to sound happy. Actually, she was missing her kids terribly and it got worse each time she talked to them.
“Bye, Mum ... I love you,” Gaby relented.
“I love you too, Drew...” Jenny quietly replied. As she put down the phone, she wiped the tears from her face before Dave came back into the room.
At the same time Gaby returning the receiver to the phone cradle, Jules told her that Erin was at the door.
Once they were in her truck, Erin drove on in silence taking a familiar training route turning west, onto 3rd Street. Gaby knew this became Weyer’s Cave Road as it left Grottoes and eventually passed by Diane’s place. After passing the airport, Erin continued for a short distance and then turned into the large yard of Biggs Fabrications and drove on up to the house.
“C’mon, Gaby! They're expecting us,” called Erin as she headed for the front door.
She reluctantly got out of the relatively warm truck and followed Erin out into the cold and up to the door. Standing in the cold behind Erin, Gaby felt it was a long time before someone answered the doorbell.
“Hi guys! You should've just come on in instead of freezing out here.” Diane admonished, ushering her guests inside. “Make yourself at home ... I'll bring out some hot apple cider.”
As they entered the living room, Gaby was expecting to find Derek. The TV was on but otherwise the room was empty.
“Here we go, this should warm you up.” Diane handed the mugs to them and curled up in a comfy-looking chair.
“Gaby here … was concerned that she didn't meet you on her ride,” Erin mentioned.
“Sorry ‘bout that Gabs. Derek and I had the Chamber of Commerce here today and they stayed longer than planned.”
“That mean you got it?” Erin asked.
“Well ... I think so. Derek was very persuasive!” she gushed.
“Speaking of ... where is he?” Gaby asked.
“With Patty. I think he was going to propose to her tonight,” Diane smirked.
“Oh ... so what am I here for?” Gaby inquired.
“Okay, Gab … put your mug down and close your eyes,” Diane instructed. Once they were sure her eyes were closed, Diane and Erin struggled with something heavy.
“When I say ‘now’, open your eyes … now!” Erin ordered.
“Well? What do you think?” Diane asked.
“Cor!” Gaby breathlessly enthused.
“Erin managed to get the Campy air freighted from Italy ... it arrived this morning,” Diane offered.
Since the bike was already mounted on a turbo, Erin suggested Gaby try it out. She mounted the bike and tried all the gears and brakes, as well as checking out the frame and bar width, for comfort. She took great delight in noticing the wheels - super light 16 spoke on the front and 20 spoke rear Stelvio Evo tires.
The entire time she was on it, she sported the widest grin that either Diane or Erin had seen.
“I told your Mum it was nothing special,” Erin grinned.
“Erin!” Diane smirked.
“Super light tubes too,” Diane proudly stated, “Only seventy grams each.”
“I’ve given you a set of Specialized S-Works Zokes instead of my titanium forks but we can change that if you want,” Diane added as Gaby examined the carbon steering set up.
“It's fantastic Diane. How much does it weigh?” Gaby asked.
“I dunno Gabs ... I only finished it an hour ago. Tell you what … Erin you get the other stuff and I'll get the scales,” Diane suggested.
“Sure,” Erin agreed. After fumbling with some boxes from the closet, Erin proceeded to show their contents to Gaby.
“Here we go! One team all-in-one!” Erin stated as she shook the skinsuit out. “One jersey!” She waved a road jersey, then with a small amount of fanfare, “And a trackie! Welcome to the Grottoes Express!”
“I don’t know what to say!” Gaby was near speechless.
“Best try ‘em on Gab ... make sure we got the right size, eh?” Erin urged.
“Okay,” Gaby agreed as she took the offered items and headed for Diane's guest bathroom. She decided she’d only need to remove her jeans and top and then pulled the skinsuit on over her pantyhose and underwear.
It was a bit tight over her breasts but once closed it felt okay. It was pale blue in colour, with Grottoes Express on the front and back. One leg had ‘Erin's Cyclery' down it, while the other leg had ‘Biggs' emblazoned on it. Gaby pulled the road jersey on over the top. Being a woman’s, it proved to be a good fit - shaped for the female figure. The tracksuit top was a more generous cut which had ‘Gaby Bond ' emblazoned above the left breast.
“You died in there?” Erin inquired as Gaby preened in front of the mirror.
“Uh ... be right there, Erin!” Gaby quickly pulled her trainers back on and returned to the front room.
“Well, Miss Bond ... up to scratch?” Erin asked.
“Definitely!” Gaby enthusiastically replied.
“Here we go!” Diane stated rejoining them. “Cute look with the pantyhose ... I’ll have to remember that!”
Erin had the bike off the turbo already and Diane soon had it suspended from the scale.
“Okay Gabs, what is it?” Diane asked.
“With all that Campag … those ultra-light wheels ... ummm ... nine and a half kilos!” Gaby replied.
“Erin? Your turn,” Diane stated.
“Eighteen pounds!” Erin confidently predicted.
“So?” Gaby pressed Diane for the answer.
“You’re both over. How about seventeen pounds?” Diane announced.
“Seventeen?” Erin and Gaby chorused.
“Seventeen point two to be exact,” Diane added as she corrected herself. “That works out to a little over 7.8 kilos, Gabs.”
“That's scary!” Gaby pointed out.
“If we stick some more carbon stuff on it, Derek reckons we could get it down another half pound ... give or take.” Diane theorized.
“It’s sure a nice machine, Diane...” Erin stated.
“Well, Gabs?” Diane queried.
“It’s beautiful, Diane!” Gaby put in.
“Well, girl ... it’s all yours,” Diane allowed.
“Mum said I wasn't to accept anything like this,” Gaby admitted as she looked to Erin for confirmation since she had supposedly talked to her mum.
“It's alright Gaby. Diane meant it's yours for the Classic and while you're here ... right Di?” Erin replied with a discrete wink to Diane.
“That's what I meant Gab ...yours while you're here,” Diane quickly corrected herself.
“Tell you what ... I'll put it back on the turbo and we can check the adjustment. We need to set your shoes up anyway.” Erin suggested.
“But my shoes are already set!” Gaby noted.
“Naw … we kinda thought you should have new shoes, seeing as everything else is new...” Diane revealed.
Given that her mum seemed reluctant to allow her to accept the bike, Gaby figured that she’d go ballistic if she saw all the gear they were laying on her. In the back of her mind she was hoping her mum wouldn’t find out.
“Here you go!” Erin shoved a big plastic carrier with a couple of boxes inside, in front of Gaby. “Now ... you give me the bike and then you check out those boxes!”
With Gaby being a bit overwhelmed with everything, Erin found humour in the fact she had to virtually pry Gaby’s fingers off the bars.
“I'll heat the subs while you deal with her!” Diane called out as she disappeared into the kitchen, once again.
“This is silly Erin ... I've got shoes and stuff!” Gaby weakly protested.
“Never look a gift horse in the mouth ... besides ... it won’t look good if’en your not colour co-ordinated,” Erin whispered, “Go on, girl! Take a look.”
Gaby sat on the sofa and pulled the boxes out. The bigger box was a new Met Techno Stradivarius helmet, in a white and lilac colour scheme that complimented the skins. Another box yielded a pair of new Gore mitts. That left one battered old shoe box.
“You've got to be kidding!” Gaby exclaimed. She could feel tears threatening to form in her eyes.
“Something wrong?” Erin innocently asked.
Gaby withdrew the Look Chrono Vectrans from the box in awe and admired them from every angle. She examined everything from the ski binding closure to the carbon fibre sole and saw that Erin had already pre-fitted the red Arc plates to the soles. She eagerly slipped them on and snugged the fit with the ratchet.
“C’mon ... hop aboard. We'll set your plates first.” Erin instructed.
Gaby mounted the bike again and remarked that Derek’s measurements were almost perfect. Erin adjusted the plates and pedal tension, while Gaby practised clicking in and out a couple of times before both of them were happy.
“All set Gab ... give ‘er a go,” Erin suggested once all the adjustments were complete.
Erin just stood back and was joined by Diane to watch Gaby as she settled into place and started to wind things up a bit on the turbo. She even tried and failed to crunch the gears! Not wishing to get hot and sweaty, she just gave it a quick blast before easing back down to a steady, comfortable rate.
“Supper in five!” Diane shouted over the loud thrum of the turbo trainer. Upon hearing Diane’s mention of food, Gaby started to ease it down to a stop. Once she got off the bike, she ran into the bathroom to quickly change.
“Well? What do you reckon?” Diane asked as Gaby tucked into the supper that she'd supplied. Erin described it as a ‘Filly Sub', a sort of long roll thing with sliced beef and onion inside with melted cheese over the top.
“Brill!” Gaby managed between mouthfuls of food.
“Sure you can’t make Saturdays ride?” Erin finally asked the one question that was on the mind of both her and Diane.
(sigh) “I don't think Miss C an’ the other Sherwood Foresters’ would think too much of me if I tried to skip the cheer contest,” Gaby replied.
“No ... I don't suppose they would,” Erin allowed. “Well, how about Sunday morning, then? Usual time? As long as the weather’s okay we could get a decent training session in and get your bike properly bedded in.”
“Okay!” Gaby agreed.
“Derek and I will be there!” Diane added.
“Oh, damn! Is that clock right, Diane?” Erin asked as she suddenly noticed the time.
“Maybe a couple of minutes off ... why?” Diane asked.
“I promised Jo that I'd have this ‘un home by ten thirty.” Erin sheepishly said. Gaby turned to look at Diane’s Grandfather clock in the hall and saw it was five to eleven!
“I'll see you on Sunday, Gaby?” Diane called as she waved goodbye.
“Sure will! Bye, Diane … an’ thanks!” Gaby enthused.
When Erin dropped her off, Gaby had to let herself into the house. After making sure everything was once again locked up, she turned of the lights and quietly made her way up to her room.
“You back?” Jules mumbled.
“I think so,” Gaby smugly whispered.
“Where've you been?” Jules inquired.
“At Diane’s ... with Erin ... tell you all about it tomorrow,” Gaby quietly replied as she headed for their bathroom.
“G’nite Sis,” Jules mumbled and then turned over in her bed.
“Night Jules,” Gaby replied as she turned out the small lamp between their beds.
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