The Prodigy
Mother and I talked a lot about the pros and cons of what she and gran were about to do. In the end it came down to Don's behavior. He was already on the track to nowhere and he was just starting high school. I didn't mention some of the other things he'd done to me. I'd get my revenge later.
I was a child prodigy, a five year old girl reading on a college level absorbing anything and everything. I was certain to be quickly advanced in school well beyond my years which would make my social life difficult if not hell. Not to mention being a smart girl in a man's world.
At five I wasn't sexually aware though I'd read a great deal, nor was I much concerned about sexual differences. My brain was not attached to my sex. I'd been a bit of a tomboy but with school on the horizon mother felt I should conform a bit more to fit in. That was even more certain when they came to the decision that would change Don's life forever.
Mother and gran felt I would more easily acclimate and succeed in life if I were in an older male body, to be precise, Don's body. In his care it was going to waste. In mine it would be a stepping stone to success. Of course in order to do this Don was going to have to replace me in mine.
Nobody asked Don, as he certainly would never consent to the idea. Then again his consent was neither desired or important. It would be a fait accompli, leaving him no choice but to accept his new lot in life. It would be done while he was asleep. He'd go to bed a fifteen year old boy and wake up a five year old girl.
And Me
I'd gone to bed dreaming of all the beach babes I'd get a chance to get with. I may have only been fifteen but I had come into my growth early. I hated school except for gym class where my physical strength allowed me to shine. The only fly in the ointment was mom and gran were sending me to some all boys school where there would be no babes to impress.
We'd moved to southern California after school let out for the summer. Gramps had died earlier that year and gran asked us to come and live with her. She was rich and it meant mom could stop working two jobs. It also meant leaving all my buddies behind. I wasn't too thrilled about that, unlike the brat, who didn't have any friends because she was a brainiac who didn't play little girl games.
The only good thing about the brat being so smart is I could scare her into doing my homework for me on the computer. My teachers thought I was actually studying. I was thinking about selling her homework services to make a little money on the side when I got to high school but then we moved. Now I'd have to build up a whole new market.
I was still dreaming of those babes in bikinis as I came awake and reached into my shorts to play with my morning wood.
My scream probably woke the neighbors for miles around. Mom came rushing into the room and asked me what was wrong.
"What's wrong. My fuckin' dick is gone, that's what's wrong!"
"Watch your language Missy or I'll wash your mouth out with soap. Now why would you think that, Samantha? Did you have some sort of nightmare?"
"The nightmare is my dick is gone and why are you calling me by the brat's name?"
"What else would we call you Samantha? What is your problem this morning?"
"Because I'm Don, not Samantha, that's my problem."
Despite everything I watched my language. I'd been at the wrong end of a soapy washcloth too many times in the past.
Mother actually laughed at me. I'd been about to make a comment that would have gotten me a mouth full of soapsuds when my bladder convinced me I needed to go to the bathroom - now! I was still half awake and turned to run into the bathroom. Instead I ran into a wall and fell flat on my butt. Even worse I could feel myself pissing as my bladder let go. Mother rushed to me and picked me up cradling me in her arms.
"Are you okay Samantha? Don't cry. It was an accident. Let's get you into a bath while mommy cleans up your little accident."
Mother did just that. The fact she was carrying me in her arms made me realize I hadn't just lost my dick, I'd somehow lost my body too.
I guess the shock was too much and I passed out. I came to looking up into mother's worried face. I didn't even resist when she undressed me and put me in the tub until I realized she'd run a bubble bath for me.
"Bubble baths are for girls! I can just take a shower like always."
I was still fighting the obvious. I avoided looking at my body. The last thing I wanted to do was acknowledge the fact that I was in Samantha's body.
Mother just ignored me and handed me a washcloth, telling me to wash myself or she would do it for me. She then turned and left the bathroom. I stood up intending to drain the tub and take a shower when I heard her.
"Don't even think about it young lady. Sit yourself back down or you won't be able to sit for a week!"
I sat down. In this body I could hardly fight back. For the first time I had to face facts I wasn't in my body. I knew I must look like Samantha and obviously mom thought I was Samantha despite my protests to the contrary.
She was a lot bigger than me. In my old body I would have physically resisted. Of course if I were in my old body none of this would be happening.
A bit later mom popped her head in to tell me she'd left some clothes out for me and to hurry down for breakfast. I drained the tub and dried myself off. The long hair bothered me. I just towel-dried it and went to see what mom had put out for me to wear.
As I expected there were panties, a girl's tee, socks and those shoes with a strap. And to top it off a dress. This wasn't going to do. I put the panties on not much choice there, but dug in Samantha's dresser for shorts and a tee shirt. I also grabbed some plain socks and hit the closet for a pair of trainers. If I couldn't be Don, I'd be Sam.
I dressed quickly and headed downstairs and into the kitchen.
The Prodigy
I told mother what he would do but she thought treating him as if he really was Samantha might work. I guess it was worth a try but just seeing what she was wearing told me that approach probably wasn't going to work but mom and gran insisted.
I did love the look on her face when she saw me at the breakfast table. In stories they usually say if I'd only had a camera. Well I did, on my phone, and I'd been ready so I got the shot. I have to admit Don was sharper than we gave him credit for, when she just snarled at me.
"You know I'll get my body back Sam. That's a promise."
For the moment I played mom's game.
"What's got your panties in bunch brat? You read one too many books yesterday?"
That did give her pause but she had the bit between her teeth and wasn't going to let it go.
"You know exactly what I mean twerp. I don't know how you did it but I'm going to find out and when I do. . . . "
The vision of Samantha's five year old body trying to look threatening was too much. I just laughed. Mom and gran had their work cut out for them.
Just then mom walked in. She saw how Sam was dressed and frowned. I knew an explosion was coming but she held off until Samantha had polished off a bowl of cereal. As soon as she had the bomb went off.
"I put those clothes out for a reason Samantha. We have an appointment with the headmistress of Maryville Academy this morning."
Then I saw mother's visage change. She had changed course.
"On second thought maybe it's better this way. She can see what she has to work with to turn you into a proper young lady."
I resisted the urge to giggle and give the game away. Looks like this confrontation was a draw.
And Me
I expected mom to get on my case but didn't expect the 360. The mention of Maryville got my attention. It was an all girl's school that gran had gone to and where Samantha was supposed to go to in the fall. This just got better and better.
I came out of my funk when I heard gran's stern voice asking why I wasn't wearing a proper dress for our appointment. Mom and gran whispered between themselves and I guess mom convinced gran because she just said we have to get going. They each grabbed a hand like I was going to run, not that I wasn't tempted.
The hits just keep on coming as I found myself strapped into Samantha's car seat. Another indignity Ioudly protested to no avail. We were off to see the prison warden and I was already restrained.
The Prodigy
While they were gone I had my own assignment as I went into my old room. Going through the drawers I removed every pair of shorts and tee shirts that didn't scream girl. I went into the closet and took every pair of pants and trainers that could be mistaken for boy's shoes.
I knew Don was going to make every effort to look as much like a boy as possible and mom and gran had decided to make it impossible for him to do it. The sooner he got detached from his male self the better it would be for him.
Samantha's TV now had parental controls to limit her watching the programs that Don watched. His former room would remain locked and the TV in the living room also had a parental lock. I removed any video or other games that would give Don any relief from the femininity that would surround him.
And Me
I decided I wasn't going easy. Mom literally had to pick me up and carry me into the headmistress' office after she and gran tried to drag me.
I thought sure my screams and struggles would get the woman to calling the police on them. I was wrong again. This women had obviously dealt with kids like me, well probably not ones that were boys but certainly girls who didn't want any part of being girly-girls.
I also though corporal punishment was illegal. I was wrong. I was over her knee, shorts and panties down as she used a paddle that she kept behind her desk. My ass was on fire and mom looked surprised but gran didn't even raise an eyebrow. She'd been here and been over a previous headmistress's knee more than once. Samantha would have never had need to be paddled but I was a different story.
Finished, she pulled my panties and shorts back up and pointed me to a corner and told me to touch my nose to it and not make another sound. I was about to make a smart-ass remark when I saw her face. She was just daring me to do it as she slapped that paddle against her thigh. Each whack a reminder of how my ass felt. Discretion being the better part of valor I slowly went to the corner and stood there, just now realizing I'd been crying.
I listened as they discussed whether it would be better if I was a boarding student or day student. Gran was all for boarding and since she was paying mom quickly gave in. My behavior probably had lot to do with it.
So I had the rest of the summer to somehow get my body back before being sent to girly girl prison. I thought about what I might do. A couple of ideas quickly came to mind and I'd waste no time implementing them when I got home.
The Prodigy
Mother had called to check out if I'd done my part and told me that Don seemed cowed after his spanking by the headmistress. I warned her and gran that they were badly mistaken. My brother may not have my brains but he was stubborn as hell and I doubted that a single spanking would stop him from acting up. He was shortly to prove me right.
As soon as he was back in the house he bolted past me and ran up to Samantha's room but not before trying the door to his old room. I could imagine what he was saying. Oh, I never used such crass language but I'd heard enough from him and read to guess what he'd be saying.
And Me
I didn't waste any time putting my plan into action. Locating a pair of scissors in the bathroom I attacked the curly mop of hair that screamed girl, cutting off great chunks as quickly as possible. I cut it as close to the scalp as I could. In my rush I managed to cut myself and bleed all over my clothes. It looked at lot worse than it was. I left the hair strewn across the bathroom and made my way to the closet.
As I figured they'd removed all the slacks and shorts. I proceeded to cut up every one of the dresses into useless rags. No way was I going to wear a freaking dress. I'd go naked first.
When mom came up and saw me I was sure I was in for a beating. Luckily she didn't look in the closet or I'm sure she would have probably done like that Joan Crawford broad and beat me with a clothes hanger.
Exhausted I fell on the bed and didn't even register mom yelling at me. I was beyond caring. I woke much later to find part of my work undone. Somehow all my hair was back as if I'd never cut it but I could still see the tufts of hair on the bathroom floor.
The Prodigy
When mother came down and told us what Don had done I wasn't surprised. They were going to use the medallion and just return Samantha to her pre-Britney Spears look after removing the scissors and anything else he might use.
Coming back down I could see they weren't happy. I stifled the laughter that was about to they told me what they had discovered. He'd turned all the clothes in Samantha's closet into rags. The cost of replacing all her dresses wasn't the problem, keeping Don from doing it again was.
They bought a bunch of frilly dresses and put a lock on the closet door so he couldn't get at them. Finally they bought a locking belt with attached locking mittens so he couldn't remove the dress when they put her in it. I told them Don would find a way to make them do it.
And Me
They forced me into dress and put this stupid belt with attached mittens on me. Did they really think that was going to work? Didn't they think people would question what they were doing?. I guess they thought I'd be miserable like this. Well they say misery likes company and mom and gran were about to find out just how miserable I could make things.
I went on a hunger strike. They tried to feed me I just spit it out. Then to spite them when I needed to pee I just let loose and soaked the dress and furniture. Gran was incensed. She convinced mom to leave me in my urine soaked dress figuring I would beg to get cleaned up. I have news for them - boy here. I grew up being dirty and stinky. I knew it was driving them crazy. I was winning, I knew it.
The Prodigy
I knew Don was going to win unless they listened to me. It was time for the nuclear option. They listened and laughed, wondering why they hadn't thought of it. Well I was the prodigy after all.
We waited until she passed out from hunger and exhaustion and then used the medallion again. I waited there in the room for him to wake up and realize he'd lost. I took no real pleasure in it, it was necessary. I thought Mother and gran would give in so I took responsibility for what was to come.
And Me
I woke up still feeling wet but my hands were no longer restrained. I went to get up but found I didn't have the strength. I went to call out but all I heard was a baby talking. I was surrounded by bars and thought they'd put me in some kind of cage when I saw her looming over me, still in my body.
When she saw I was awake she talked to me. In a cold dispassionate voice she explained my choices. Right now I was a baby girl and would remain so until I agreed to be a good little girl. If I didn't agree within a week I would remain a baby girl permanently.
You know what it's like to spend all your time looking at a ceiling? To feel yourself filling your diaper and not being able to do anything about it? To be talked to like a baby and not be able to tell the Prodigy, mom or gran where they can stick it?
I managed to last four days before I gave in and nodded I would behave as I couldn't talk. Mom said if I acted up again I would find myself back in the crib and there would be no second chance. They had won.
The Prodigy
Samantha behaved. She didn't really cooperate but she stopped resisting for rest of the summer. Then she was off to Maryville and I to the jungle that was an all boys school. Don's size and strength kept me pretty much safe from bullying. A little tutoring of select students created a protective shield around me to allow me do the things I wanted.
I saw Samantha on breaks. They really did a number on her. She was as close as you could come to an American Lolita. I think she deliberately went overboard in a back-assward way to give Mother and gran grief of a different sort. I just ignored her. She'd been afraid of me ever since that day she woke up a baby. Another year and I'd be away at Stanford and planned on taking courses year round. I'd found my niche, microbiology.r
And me
You know what it's like to live in fear? Gran had a baby dress hanging on my door where I couldn't avoid seeing it. Being Samantha was hell but being a baby Samantha was beyond hell. I could survive hell, I'm not sure I could survive being a baby again. I would just be prolonging the misery.
Instead I went overboard. I became a little Lolita. Mom and gran were so happy I wasn't fighting them anymore that they gave me just about anything. Those clothes are expensive and I kept asking for more. I looked at them like costumes. Halloween 365 days a year. Every time I saw a new dress online I had to have it. Mom would groan and I'd use the little girl pout and smile until she gave in. Samantha had never been like that but then she was an adult in a child's body. I was too but I knew how to play mom and gran.
I got them to enter me in beauty pageants, more expense, more acting and I was really lousy. The last thing I wanted to do was win. I just wanted mom and gran to drop a bundle of cash trying to help me win. I did the sobbing loser quite well. It also got me out of boarding at Maryville so I could keep entering those pageants.
They did get a small victory when they told me no more contests unless I got good. Hell I was a fifteen year old boy. Even I couldn't not get good grades. I guess it got me in the habit because I became a brainiac too. Not like the Prodigy but smart for my supposed age.
The Prodigy
I could have clued Mother and gran in to what Don was doing but I decided to let him have his little victory while laughing at him playing beauty queen and Lolita. He was getting imprinted and didn't realize it. I did admire his ability to spend gran's money. Good thing I had no need for it with the scholarships I won. Then after my work with certain professors the military came calling and paid for grad school.
They wanted me to work on bio-terror weapons. It allowed me to do what I did best. I didn't tell Mother or gran what I was really doing but they found out. I don't know why they were so disappointed, after all I was the Prodigy.
Then some fool let one of my creations loose in Africa, a virulent form of Ebola that I was quite proud of. I gathered as much data as I could to see if I could improve it.
And Me
I got a surprisingly good education and despite myself after I graduated college became a do-gooder. I still hated what mom, gran and the Prodigy did to me but too many years had passed. I had long passed the moment when I wanted to return to being Don. In a way I was like the Prodigy, it didn't matter which sex I was anymore. I was female and that was that.
So it was a big surprise when gran on her deathbed told me of the medallion and what they had done those many years ago. She said I could have it and go back to being Don if I wanted. I laughed. Like telling me twenty five years later would make things better. She was just a dying woman trying to salve her conscience. I lied and said I forgave her. It didn't cost me anything and I'd become adept at lying. Besides she gave me the medallion. Mom didn't even know.
The Prodigy
The email came from an anonymous server. It showed Samantha holding the medallion in one hand and the baby dress in another and simply said, 'your turn.' I couldn't very well tell my employers about the threat. Nobody would have ever believed Don when we changed him so why would they believe me.
Besides, who would they look for? She could become anyone with the medallion. Anyone on the street, my colleagues, the security guards, anyone. My paranoia became so bad that I lost my government job. I became a hermit, ordering everything online and waiting until the delivery man was gone to grab the package.
The emails kept coming. Every time a different person holding that damned medallion and the baby dress. Sometimes it was people I knew or at least copies of them. I trie d sending emails back begging for forgiveness but never got a response. Finally one day I collapsed and called 911.
And Me
It had cost me a lot of money but gran had left me her fortune out of guilt. Mom got a nice chunk and I left her alone. She'd lost both her children and was alone. It was enough.
That money allowed me to hire the hackers and sleazy detectives who kept track of Don. It even allowed me to intercept the 911 call that I knew would come one day.
When the ambulance pulled up I'm sure he never suspected that I was one of the attendants. It was easy enough to force the driver and other attendant out in the middle of nowhere. By the time they got help and told the authorities it would be too late.
Now I know how I must have looked when the Prodigy stood over me that day I woke up in the crib. He was strapped down and could only watch as I cut away his shirt and laid the medallion down on him and carefully dropped the baby dress over it. As many times as I had changed over the years it still amazed me to watch the change take place. Don got smaller and smaller as his body changed into a baby girl.
He begged until he could no longer talk. Then I dressed her in a diaper and the dress and drove the ambulance to where I had stashed the car and changed into Samantha again and put my baby in the carseat and drove away.
Every year, just as she began to talk I used the medallion and the dress. I moved often so no-one questioned the young woman with the baby. Maybe one year I will let the Prodigy grow up but not this year as I looked down at her crying, fear-filled face with the medallion in one hand and the dress in the other.