Morgana, Gloria, and Arthur sit at the meeting table and look over the information that had been given to them by Tinker. Morgana notices that Venture Gaming System has been losing money on the sales of their games and payroll expenses. Most of their utilities were within range for a company their size.
The thing that bothered all three of them, was their internet usages. Their usage was higher then it should be for the number of users that accessed their online game system.
“How come their online usage is so high, but the number of users they have is so low?” Arthur was curious about that data.
“That is a good question.” Gloria was curious about that as well.
“I’ll dig into it today and see what is going on.” Morgana makes a note of it on her tablet.
“You can’t Morgana. Bart’s wife is coming in today. You’ll need to pick her up at the airport.” Arthur spotted a note he had on his tablet to remind Morgana about Bart’s wife coming.
“Damn.” Morgana looks towards Gloria.
“Can you check it out for me?” Morgana knew Gloria was as good as she was.
“No problem. I can’t wait to use your new VR system.” Gloria had a pleasant smile on her face.
“Don’t break it.” Morgana was proud of the new VR system she designed.
“I can’t make any promises, Morg.” A mischievous smile appears on her face.
Morgana just glares at her friend.
If she didn’t think of Gloria as a little sister, she would be upset with her. Because she hated being called Morg. She hopes that the gaming company will be worth adding to their company. It does make sense to expand their portfolio.
“How is the new contract coming?” Arthur was curious about that.
“I’ve selected the crew and have their work schedule already made out for the month. I was thinking about Larry Snow as the project leader and Anthony Leers as the contracted leader.” Gloria knew both men and figure they would make a good team.
“You couldn’t have picked a better team. Larry uses to work for Anthony before he was promoted to the project department.” Arthur had hired both men personally.
“Good. Does he think we can complete the job within the time frame Tinker said?” Morgana has come to admire Tinker.
“Yes, he thinks he can even shorten it some.”
“Well, if he can. That will be great, but we don’t skimp on quality. I don’t want our reputation ruined because of shitty workmanship.” Arthur had worked hard to build up their network business.
“It won’t be.”
After the meeting, Morgana heads towards the motor pool to get her car. It had been outfitted for her to drive with her disability. She had received the arrival time of Caroline’s flight and wanted to be there when she arrived.
It takes her about thirty minutes to arrive at the airport. She knew that Bart’s wife was arriving on a private Lear. She arrives ten minutes early and goes inside the airport to await Caroline.
Caroline closes her laptop after looking over Morgana’s medical record. The damage Morgana received had been severe. She was surprised that Morgana had survived the accident.
If the nanites Morgana sent her a report on, were advanced as she said they were. There might be a chance for Morgana to regain partial mobility again. She could use a new leg brace to support her legs or canes even.
“Mrs. Hardy, we’ll be landing soon. Do you know how long we will be staying?” James looks towards his employer.
“No, I don’t, but don’t worry. Arrangements have been made for you and Lisa. I also went ahead and arranged for a rental car for you two.
Once I know how long I’ll be staying, I’ll call you guys.”
“Okay, Mrs. Hardy.” James turns his attention back to flying.
Twenty minutes later, Caroline feels the Lear descend for landing. She feels the slight bump as the tires touch the tarmac and as the plane starts to slow down. A few minutes later, the Lear comes to a complete stop.
Caroline gets up and head over towards the door and open it. She wasn’t going to make James and Lisa do it for her.
“Remember, James and Lisa. Put the fuel on Bart’s company card.”
“Yes, ma’am. Do you want us to put our hotel room on it as well?” Lisa was curious.
“It’s already been taken care of. There should be an envelope waiting for both of you at the hotel front desk.” Caroline descends the steps with her overnight bag hanging from her shoulder.
Morgana spots Caroline from the video chats she has had with her. She waves her arms to grab her attention. The private flight section wasn’t too busy, she hopes Caroline was looking for her.
Caroline spots a young woman sitting in a wheelchair waving her arms, trying to grab her attention. She starts heading over to her. As she got closer she notices it was Morgana.
‘I hope your flight was smooth, Mrs. Hardy.” Morgana had to look up to the woman.
“It was. It’s nice to meet you in person.”
“Thank you for coming.” Morgana was glad she came.
“Bart said you and your people have been a big help to them. So, it’s the least I can do for you. I’ve been looking over your medical record and if the nanites areas advance as you say they are. I believe they could give you partial use of your legs back.” Caroline follows Morgana back to her vehicle.
“What couldn’t I have full use of my legs?” Morgana presses the key remote to open her vehicle for them.
“Well, depending on how many nanites you have. It would take several injections for them to rebuild your entire neural network. Some of the damage nerves you had from the accident had been cut away. Plus, you have been in your wheelchair for several years. It will take time for you to fully recover.” Caroline puts her carryon in the back of Morgana’s van and sits on the passenger side of the van.
Morgana starts heading back towards the Castle.
Camelot, VR Room:
Gloria adjusts the body suit she was wearing. It was a little tight in the crotch area and noticed it gave her a camel knuckle, even with her wearing panties. She could see Tinker up in the control room.
“I’m lowering the cradle down.” Tinker pushes a few buttons on the console before her.
“Why do I need this?” Gloria was curious about it.
“It will give you more movement options. Morgana can’t use it because of her legs, but you and everyone else can.” Tinker designed it to make it more fun to use the VR systems.
Gloria connects herself to the system. Once she was connected, she gives Tinker the thumbs up.
“Alright, I’m going to start the training program for you to get familiar with how this system works. Once you score a high score, I’ll start the hacker simulator for you.” Tinker presses a few buttons and the room Gloria is in goes completely dark.
Gloria couldn’t see anything in the room. The next thing she knows, she sees giant numbers counting down from five. When it gets to one, the simulation starts.
The simulation looks like an obstacle course for the user to make their way through. It starts off on basic, showing the user how to use the controls of the unit, and then it starts raising in difficulty
Tinker watches on her monitor up in the control room. She watched Gloria’s physical stats and such. The training simulator had a feedback system if you made a wrong move.
Gloria couldn’t believe the simulation as she learned the controls of the unit. It was so real and life like. She follows along with the instructor, who was designed as Wilma from the Fred Flintstones cartoon. The simulation had her voice and everything. She also learns about the feedback punishment function.
In twenty minutes Gloria learns the controls of the unit. She completes the simulation with a high score.
“Are you ready for the actual thing, Gloria?”
“Give me a few minutes.” Gloria takes the visor off and looks towards the window of the control room.
She got a workout from the unit. Sweat was running down her back and her face.
“Can I get a rag or something?”
“Sure, I’ll bring one down to you.” Tinker grabs some paper towels and takes them to Gloria.
“Thanks.” As she accepts them and wipes her face.
“You’re welcome. I’m heading back up to the control room. Let me know if you need anything else.” Tinker turns and walks away and out of the room.
Tinker takes her seat at the console and prepares the VR unit for internet penetration. She watches as the count down begins and go right into the program. She monitors Gloria as she enters the internet.