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Chapter 30 by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And how he and his family deal with his having breasts. And how he ends up as the female lead singer for a high-school cover band as well as a radio DJ. Tonight was the first time for Danny to make love with Nikki. Indeed, it was his first time. Period. And it was incredible, to say the least. Danny was no virgin anymore, and it remains to be seen how this would impact his relationship with Nikki but, needless to say, their night together was just the start of a new world for him. Things were looking up for Danny. There never is a dull moment with Batch Fourteen, and Dan & his gang. |
Chapter Thirty: Dinner with Autographs
***** (Nikki) *****
After some cajoling, I got Danny to agree to dinner. He wasn't too keen, saying he was pretty tired, but I was full of energy myself and was pretty hungry.
"I heard they have a pretty nice buffet downstairs," I said.
He thought about it.
"Come on. It's all you can eat until nine."
"Okay," he said suddenly.
I had to giggle. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And it was literally true for Danny.
We couldn't wear our outfits again tonight since I had rinsed them and they were currently hanging from the shower-curtain rod in the bathroom drip-drying, so I picked some other dressy outfits from my bags.
For Danny, I picked a nice, shiny, long-sleeved, tight, creamy-yellow blouse, and a dark, above-the-knee pouf-skirt. Actually, it was the pouf skirt that Danny wore in the contest which I had asked Danielle for, saying I could probably recycle it. I guess this counted as recycling heehee.
The white ankle boots went well with the outfit so I had him wear those again.
As for me, I picked a nice above-the-knee sleeveless sundress with a repeating pattern made up of tiny sunflowers all over it, a bolero jacket and a pair of two-inch high sandals.
I spritzed both of us with some perfume, combed and styled our just-dried hair, got our purses and stepped out of the room, pulling a reluctant Danny out with me.
When we went to the restaurant, we noticed it was fairly busy and roughly three-fourths full.
Danny looked at me with that expression I had come to recognize, and I nodded permission. He gave me a kiss and made a beeline for the buffet. I sighed. Danny and his appetite…
I went and got us drinks and found an empty table by a window facing the street.
After a few minutes, Danny came back laden with plates. He did me proud, coming back with a kind of sampler plate for me, with little spoonfuls or cuts of the dishes that I liked. For himself, he had a couple of big plates full to the brim, as usual. It was a wonder he was able to carry all of it.
Thanks to Danielle's tutelage, he didn't go after the food as I knew he wanted to, but nevertheless, I got one of the extra table napkins and tucked it into his blouse's collar.
Actually, he looked pretty cute like that, and I watched him enjoy his food.
"Danny…" I said tentatively.
The tone sort of alerted him.
"Yes, Nikki?" he asked with a little worry.
"I… enjoyed it. Tonight, I mean."
He looked at me with a delighted face. "Me, too. Do you think, you know, we can do it again…? Maybe later?"
I giggled at his eagerness. "We'll see."
"Nikki? …"
"Yes, honey?"
"It was my first time…"
I looked at him. Reaching out, I held his hand. Did I hurt him?
"I know it was, my love. Are you okay?"
"I'm more than okay. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm… you know… I'm glad my first time was with you. It was beautiful. You're beautiful."
That made me start tearing up.
Mindful of the people around us, I leaned forward and gave him a chaste kiss on the forehead instead of the kiss I really wanted to give him.
"I'm glad, Danny. I love you."
"I love you, too."
I smiled.
"So… can we, again, later?"
I laughed. Just like a boy. "Like I said, we'll see. For now, let's have a little break and enjoy our dinner."
***** (Nikki) *****
Of course, Danny went back several times, which I didn't mind. It was actually nice just watching him eat while I sipped a nice iced tea. We already knew all the important things that we needed to know about each other, so our chat was interspersed with a lot of companionable silent moments.
Our cellphones beeped almost together, and I checked mine. I giggled.
"What?" Danny asked.
"Danielle and Mel are asking how the date is going." I showed my phone to him.
He chuckled. "Yeah, Morgan, too." He showed me his phone, and we laughed.
"So, what should we tell them?"
"I know!" He typed up his answer to Morgan and showed it to me. I laughed.
I typed up the same thing, and we sent our texts to Morgan, Mel and Danielle at the same time.
While Danny chomped away, I thought of what we just did.
It was heavenly, even if it was a little rough in the beginning, but I didn't mind. Danny didn't know any better, and for some reason, the roughness actually made it better. In fact, it was the best I've ever had. And I'm sure he'd get even better after a few more times. Practice make perfect, after all heehee.
I had to wonder, though. From everyone I knew, and from my own limited experience, there were no boys who came for that long, that strong, and come that much. When I was giving him head, he came so much that it spilled everywhere. There was so much of it, I think I even swallowed some of it. And it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I never did that before, but I just wanted to. I guess it made me feel sexy, and thinking about it got my engine running again. But, whatever, I didn't care, so long as he was mine. And besides, it was the best thing I had ever done. Having sex with Danny was like an uncontrollable high that one just couldn't pass up.
But yet…
I looked at him as he started to work on his third plate of the night. He grinned at me as he started cutting into his steak cutlet, and I had to giggle at him.
Even without the incredible sex, he was an incredible boyfriend. So talented and so kind. And so beautiful. And I knew that he loved me.
I watched him as he ate. Though he rarely stopped, it wasn't like he was being his old, gross self. Instead, he ate with a fastidious and a feminine grace, almost just like Danielle. In fact, Danny seemed very gracious and poised - the epitome of feminine table manners, and no one would have noticed he was actually putting away half his bodyweight in food heehee. Danielle's positive influence on him could clearly be seen.
But even if Danny acted like some gross boy, I wouldn't really have cared. He was still my Danny, and he was all mine.
Yeah, Danny looked like a girl. And in many ways, Danny and Danielle looked and acted very much like each other - they sometimes behaved so much like each other that people got confused. But I could still completely tell them apart. Probably no one else could, but I surely could. I guess the confusion for me regarding what he was, wasn't there anymore. Even though he sometimes dressed and acted like a girl, and looked like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, he was a boy, and he was all mine.
I was starting to look forward to doing it again, and started feeling the heat rising in me. But for now, I was mostly sated, so we just ate dinner and enjoyed ourselves. We had all night, after all.
I thought a bit of the... I guess the word that best matched what I was thinking was "mechanics." I was thinking of the mechanics of our lovemaking.
Danny was... well-built, in fact the most well-built boy I knew. But he wasn't freakishly big, like I've read in some of the dirty books I sometimes found in my mom's dressing cabinets, where the members of the leading character's amorous partners were always described as "built like a horse." At least Dan wasn't this way. He was just... big. But just right, if you know what I mean. I mean, if he was any larger, I doubt if he'd be as... pretty down there. As it is, he was just the right size of big. Any bigger and he would probably be a little bit gross for me. And I'd probably not be able to accommodate him anymore.
But, like they say, size isn't everything. In fact, if Danny was actually... less built, I would still think he was fine.
Later in the evening, four hotel clerks approached us. I recognized the girl who checked us in.
"Good evening, ladies," the girl said, "we just wanted to see if you were enjoying the evening, and if you needed anything."
"Good evening, Jennifer," I said, remembering her name in the nick of time. "Everything's great. We were just having an early dinner before the place got really full." The hotel's restaurant, one of the few Holiday In Express hotels that even had a restaurant, was a popular dinner spot in our little burg.
"I hope you're enjoying the food."
"Oh, everything's yummy. Right, Danielle?" I asked.
Danny, in mid-chew, just gave Jennifer a thumbs-up instead.
The girls giggled.
"Anyway," Jennifer continued, "we were hoping to ask a favor…"
"Can we get your autograph?" the girl beside her interrupted. The four were looking at Danny hopefully.
Hastily, Danny swallowed. "My autograph?"
"Yes!" the girl said excitedly. "we saw you in the Evolution Concert, and you and your band were the best. We also saw the TV show. I think you're just great!"
"So, anyway," the girl had one of the little hotel notepads that they gave guests, "I was hoping I could get an autograph. I'm Sylvia, by the way."
"Ummm, Sylvia, I think you have me mixed up with someone else."
"Oh, no, I don't think so. You're Dannie from the girl band! You have the same name, and you look exactly like her!" The four of them giggled.
"I'm afraid I'm not, Sylvia."
She frowned. "But…"
"It's probably some coincidence," he said.
They looked at each other.
"Well," Sylvia said, "maybe you can still give us an autograph? As our new favorite guest?"
"I guess that's all right…"
"Yayyy!" She then handed Danny her notepad, and he obliged. The other girls had notepads of their own, and Danny scribbled on them, too.
"And maybe a last one? For all of us?" Jennifer said. She saw the empty table nearby and grabbed one of the placemats.
She handed the placemat to Danny, the blank side up, along with a Sharpie, and Danny scribbled something as well as all of their names on that side.
"Can we also get a picture?" Sylvia said, lifting up the camera she had in her hand. It had a lightweight gorillapod attached to it.
Before we knew it, they had the two of us facing the camera, which they put on top of the adjacent empty table, with all four of them behind us, and the camera flash fired when the timer ran down.
"And then maybe just Dannie?" Sylvia asked.
Before either of us could respond, Jennifer had moved the camera and little tripod so the camera would only catch Danny and them.
They again posed behind Danny, and had Danny hold the placemat, displaying his scribbled message and the girls' names.
"Oh, thank you so much!" Sylvia said, and gave Danny a quick kiss on the cheek. "We're so sorry for disturbing your meal. We really appreciate it!"
"Have a good night!" the others called, and walked away, giggling and continuously waving back to us as they walked away.
We looked at each other, bemused, and, after a beat, broke out laughing.
"Can't take you anywhere," I said, still giggling.
Danny playfully hit me on the shoulder. "Stop it!" he said, giggling as well, but sobered almost immediately "But, Nikki… that means we're not so anonymous here anymore."
"I think we're safe, Danny," I said. "Our folks probably wouldn't be coming here anytime soon. And even if they did, how would they know we've been here anyway?"
"Well, yeah, but…"
"We're safe, Danny."
"You're right, I guess, but how about…"
One of the people from the nearby table, an older gentleman in a suit who was there with what looked like his wife, leaned over.
"Who are you kids, anyway?" he said in a slightly peremptory way. "Are you kids famous or something?"
"Sorry to disappoint you, mister," Danny said, a little offended by the man's tone. "Just a couple of kids waiting for our bus ride tomorrow."
"Then why did…"
"They got us mixed up with some other people," Danny interrupted.
"Harry!" his wife said, and pulled him back. "Stop bothering those girls."
"I just wanted…"
"Hush! Now, eat your soup." She turned to us and smiled apologetically. "Sorry about that, girls."
"It's all right, ma'am," I said, and made a point of going back to our dinner as if nothing happened. Danny followed suit.
The older couple finished their dinner after a while, and the wife waved at us before walking away.
We waved back, and after they left, we felt we could talk more freely.
"What do you think?" Danny said. "Betcha this Dannie sighting in the wild will start spreading by tomorrow."
"You're probably exaggerating, Danny," I said.
"I don't think so. Just look around."
I nonchalantly looked over the room, trying to appear that I wasn't. And I did note that most of the patrons were looking at us. But in that way, you know, where they're trying to appear not to be looking?
"I see what you mean," I said. "But, Danny, we'll be out by tomorrow. This will just be one of those rumors." I giggled. "I kinda like the idea that we're going to be like some kind of urban legend."
Danny laughed at that. "Hardly an urban legend. But, Nikki, what about those girls? I betcha they'll start their own rumors."
"Like you said to them, Dan, they mixed you up with someone else?"
"But, Nikki, they have pictures, and it's a fact you and Danielle are Betsy's friends. They'll eventually definitively connect me to the band…"
I shrugged. "Danielle and I have been at your gigs since the beginning. No one's made the connection yet. Why would they make the connection now?"
Danny shrugged. "You may be right, but I have this feeling…"
I leaned forward and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Stop worrying, Danny!"
Danny frowned a bit, but nodded and settled down. He began eating again.
I sat back down, finished my tea and cleared my throat.
"So… You want to go upstairs for some after-dinner dessert?" I waggled my eyebrows at him.
He wiped his mouth, tore off his bib, wiped his lips and stood up. "Let's go!"
I giggled.
to be continued...
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