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Chapter 26 by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And how he and his family deal with his having breasts. And how he deals with getting turned on by his girlfriend. After her impromptu audition, Fallon's playing convinces everyone about her skills, and everyone thought she was a worthy replacement for Janet, even Mongo. Besides, it may just be temporary. But, then, they found out Janet cleaned out the band's bank account that same day... What the...!?! Never a dull moment with Batch Fourteen, and Dan & his gang. |
Chapter Twenty-Six: Aftermath
***** (Betsy) *****
It didn't have the same impact to me - the amount I saw in their account, or rather was in their account, didn't seem much, but I never did have a feel for money. But, over the years, I've learned not to voice out my comments about money, otherwise, I'd just perpetuate my poor-little-rich-girl image.
I knew enough not to offer to replace the money that they'd lost, but how else I could help? But I also knew one other thing - I knew how it would feel to be betrayed.
We all trooped back to the living room where Danielle broke the news.
Of all the bandmembers, the most affected was Mongo. Clearly, he felt a degree of loyalty to Janet that the others didn't. Hence, he felt the most betrayed.
He looked so forlorn, so shellshocked. It looked like he was about to cry.
June went to him and gave him a hug.
"Why, June?" he asked. "I don't understand…"
"Shhh…" she said. "It'll be okay…"
"Of all the people…"
Danny went to him. "I'm sorry, dude," she said. "I don't know what happened. If I could take it all back, I'd wish I didn't even bring up the radio thing and kept all of this from happening."
"Not your fault, Danny…" he said. "Janet just wigged out or something."
"Besides, Danny," Dale continued, "she's been acting weird for a long time, now. It's like Janet was on drugs or something. Even if you didn't, It was probably just a matter of time."
"Could that be it, June?" Mongo asked. "You know her best. Do you think Janet's on drugs?"
"I don't know, Mongo."
Mongo cleared his throat. "Well… I guess there's no chance now of our group going back to how it was anymore."
"Don't think that, dude," Danny said. "You never can say."
"I know you don't think that, Danny."
"No," he said finally. "I don't."
"Do we call the cops on Janet?" June said. "She stole our..."
"No!" Mongo exclaimed.
"... Well..." he said after a moment, a little abashed by his reaction, "what I mean is, the band isn't really feeling the pinch of losing the money from that account... and we wouldn't really have that money if it weren't for Janet..."
"I don't necessarily agree with that, Mongo," June said. "One sixth of that money is mine. But we agreed we'd pool our money in case the band needs it for whatever. But if the band doesn't get to use it anyway, then I want my share back. She stole it, Mongo!"
"And if you're saying we wouldn't have had the money in the first place if it weren't for Janet - that's a lot of bull, and you know it. The band's all of us. Sure, we wouldn't be here without Janet, but that goes for all of us: we wouldn't be here if it weren't for you or Dale, or me or Betsy and Danny!"
"I didn't mean..."
Danny went to the two and hugged them around the necks.
"Stop it, you two!" she said. "It's only money. We can't be fighting each other because of money! We're friends!"
The two relented and apologized to each other. Danny gave June a kiss on the cheek and mockingly whapped Mongo on the back of his head.
"You guys..." she smiled.
"So," Morgan said, "what now?"
"There's no 'what now.'" Dale said. "We just push on, I guess. What do you think, Danielle?"
"Let's make Janet's leaving official."
"Danielle!" Mongo reacted.
"Wait, Mongo!" Danielle said. "Lemme do this before you say anything. I promise it'll be clear. I'll need Betsy and her computer. Take a look at what we bring back, and then you can react."
Danielle and I went back to my room and did some research, and about thirty minutes later, we went back to the living room, where an impromptu karaoke party was currently in progress, care of Danny, Fallon and Fallon's guitar. I just bet Danny instigated it to break everyone out of their funk.
Neither Danielle nor I wanted to break up everyone's good time. Nevertheless, Danielle cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.
We showed them what we were up to - we printed up a kind of document that said that the members of the band were letting Janet go temporarily because of conflicting priorities, but were willing to take her back at a later time if and when all the members, including Janet, agreed. That way, things wouldn't be ambiguous, which was especially important for the people at Rockrgrrl.
Mongo nodded, and said it was completely reasonable, and everyone signed multiple copies, as well as signed the conforme portion for Fallon's agreement document. Danielle promised to have them notarized and get everyone copies of the two documents (Janet's copy of the document about her leaving would be Fedex'd to her house).
"Is that even legal, Danielle?" Mikey asked. "I mean, Janet didn't sign..."
"It's called a 'fiat accompli,'" I explained for Danielle. "If it came to a court thing, it depends on which side you're on. But the point is, what's done is done, and majority rules since there was no paper contract beforehand. And even if she raises a fuss, what can she do? Five against one. If it's put to a vote, she wouldn't win. But then, I'm no lawyer - I could be wrong."
Mongo nodded. "Thanks, Betsy, Danielle. I understand now. Thank you."
As for the bank account, everyone in the band agreed to table it for now, and they'd wait until they got to talk to Janet. But for now, they'd just open a new bank account with Dale, and me as the new signatory, to sign for any withdrawals. Mongo suggested me because he thought I'd be the least likely to run away with the money.
That's true. After all, I had a hundred times what was in that bank account Janet cleaned out, and that didn't even include my trust fund.
I promised to take care of setting up the new account (actually, I'd be getting Walter to work on it).
Since the following day was a schoolday, Danielle ended the evening relatively early. As expected, Nikki and Danielle rode with Danny, while June rode with Dale and Mongo in Dale's Ford. The rest of the gang - Morgan and Drew, plus Mel, Mike and Jerry, rode with Joanne in her mom's van. Fallon, having ridden an Uber going to my house, rode with the girls in Danny's Mustang.
I felt a little bit disappointed since I couldn't go with them, but I was going to see them tomorrow, anyway. That'll have to be enough.
to be continued...
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