Chapter 1 of 3 – The beginning (NOT work safe)
Conner and Bob had been childhood friends for many years. Bob and Conner had won first and second place in the Womanless Beauty Pageant in their senior year of high school. Graduation from High School sent them in different directions. Circumstances, and a class reunion invitation letter from their high school, would bring them back together after being apart for five years. Can they resume their friendship where it left off? Conner is anxiously looking forward to finding out.
High school buddies Conner and Bob
Conner and Bob had been childhood friends for many years. Graduation from high school sent them in different directions. Circumstances and an invitation letter for their five year high school reunion party would bring them back together.
In early spring all South Hills High’s alumni received an invitation to South Hills High’s 5th Class Reunion to be held at the Pomona Mining Authority hillside restaurant in late July. Independent of each other Bob and Conner RSVP’d that they would attend. Conner didn’t know that Bob had returned from the Navy and was living in the area.
In early June reunion participants received their reunion tickets. Enclosed was a list of who would be attending. Both were pleasantly surprised to see that their buddy from the past would be there. Conner’s heart began to race with joy. He was truly excited at the prospect of seeing Bob after so many years.
Bob smiled as he read that Conner was going to be there. It had been years since they’d seen each other. Memories of their youthful experimentation made him wish that July would come quickly. His four years in the Navy had resulted in a couple of casually convenient ship board ‘bromances’ but none compared to the memories he’d made with Conner.
In high school they both had played team sports, double dated and did theater in their senior year. They also had competed in and won a Womanless Beauty Pageant. After graduation Bob went into the Navy and Conner went on to junior college to continue a theater/fine arts program. Neither Bob nor Conner had married.
The Reunion
Conner was the first to arrive and he staked out a prime table where he could see when Bob arrived. Conner was dressed casually hip (no tie, khakis and colorful print shirt) with his below the shoulders brunette hair tucked up into a trendy man bun. Conner had just sat down with a vodka-seven and was subconsciously twirling his ear studs when Bob entered the banquet room. Bob’s shaggy blonde hair made Conner smile. ‘Bob’s looking good’ Conner thought. Bob was nervously looking around.
Drying the palms of his hands on his khakis Conner waved to get Bob’s attention. Bob saw Conner. Conner met Bob half way and enthusiastically greeted him. They shook hands, hugged, exchanged customary greetings and walked to Conner’s table smiling all the way. Bob was still about three inches taller than Conner.
The food, venue, booze and friends were perfect. As intended the reunion brought old friends together and many friendships were renewed.
Attending their reunion without dates Bob and Conner found themselves sitting at their table reminiscing about the ‘good old days’ while slowly getting drunk. Bob asked Conner what he had been doing since graduation: “I got my AA degree in Theater Arts and I help out at The Little Theater when I can. I’m extremely good at makeup. I also teach yoga on occasion” Conner volunteered.
Bob continued, “You always were good at makeup. I see you have two ear studs. Was that required for your theater arts graduation?” Bob asked jokingly. “No, you must have forgotten that we both had our ears pierced for our Womanless Beauty Pageant. In fact I suspect that it was our beautiful matching chandelier earrings that were responsible for our win. The other contestants didn’t take that extra step. I subconsciously twist my ear studs out of nervousness. Since I’ve let my hair grow most people don’t even see them except when I have my hair up like I have it now.” Conner made a joke gesture of flipping his hair back.
Leaning closer Conner carefully inspected Bob’s ears. “I can see the holes in your ears. The only difference is that I kept wearing earrings and studs and you didn’t. Just insert a stud and you’ll be good to go.” Conner softly rubbed Bob’s lobe with his thumb and forefinger. Conner’s gentle touch made Bob smile; it brought back fond memories of exciting times.
Conner asked about Bob’s Navy experience: “I became a radioman and sailed the world. My last port was in Subic Bay, Philippines.” “Was your tour of duty interesting?” Conner asked. “Like they say, ‘Join the Navy and see the world’, right? And whatever you don’t see sailing around the world you will probably see in Subic Bay.” Bob chuckled at his own joke. “I was discharged six months ago and haven’t gotten a haircut since. It feels so good to be home… and I’m particularly happy to see you again. I’ve missed you. Sometimes, at night, I’d think about us… and the special times we had.” Bob slowly rubbed Conner’s leg under the table. There was no resistance. Conner noticed how fit looking Bob was. His hair was a beautifully shaggy blonde.
The two had a good time over the evening; they spoke to fellow alumni, danced with other peoples wives and recounted their high school adventures… how they had stole beer and drank until they were ill and how Bob made the winning basket during a key game. Other alumni mentioned how Bob and Conner had won first and second place in the Womanless Pageant. One of their friends said “You made a very realistic and beautiful couple; check the 8x10 photos of yourselves that the Reunion Committee has posted on the back wall. Those tiaras were stunning.”
Bob and Conner strolled over to the Wall of Memories that was on display. Among all the pictures, yearbooks and memorabilia were two color photos of them. The caption read ‘Connie and Bonnie: Our senior year beauties’. Conner subconsciously began twisting his gold ear studs. While standing at the table two people came up, slapped them on the back and said, “I’m glad Bonnie and Connie came to the reunion.” Conner leaned over, squeezed Bob’s hand and whispered “I still have my pageant sash.”
The two made their way back to their table. Bob pulled out Conner’s chair for him and went to the open bar returning with two drinks. He sat down, passed Conner a beverage and picked up his glass. Looking at Conner Bob made a toast: “Here’s to good friends and good memories. Let them never stop.” Tapping their glasses together they took a long sip.
In the back of their minds there were the fond, unspoken, memories of intimate times they had shared; events that should not be shared at a reunion. Such as:
- When Bob had taught Conner how to play with himself. Bob literally and physically took the situation in hand for which Conner would always be grateful. That event was so world shaking to Conner’s young brain that he eagerly returned the favor for Bob on many occasions. This mutual gratification went on for years. It somehow brought them closer. Bob consistently left a bigger puddle.
- the time, after the high school Womanless Beauty Pageant, that they had kept their female clothes and cosmetics, continuing to dress up in the privacy of Bob’s house. They would take turns painting each other’s toe nails. It was another bonding experience between two good friends. Conner had kept his legs shaved ever since.
- and there was an event, after a late basketball game, while in the team shower, that Conner had soaped up and washed Bob’s penis to a very clean and heated orgasm. Bob was just beginning to kneel down to crotch level, Conner’s penis in his hand, when they heard footsteps. Bob immediately stood up and the two turned to face the shower wall and finished their shower. The two never spoke of what might have happened if they hadn’t been interrupted.
All of these milestones, and several others, went unmentioned between the two at the reunion yet would prove to be relevant for what fate had in store for them later.
As they ate and drank they recounted the many hiking and camping experiences that they had shared while in Boy Scouts. That discussion evolved to ‘let’s do it again’. Bob suggested a week of back packing on the Pacific Coast Trail. Drive an hour and hike into the mountain forest. It would be great experience they both agreed.
Leaving - Day 1
They were going camping at the most optimum (warm!) time of the year for camping. They had selected an area at the southern end of the Pacific Crest Trail with an elevation of about 7000 feet- not too cool at night. Bob knew of an ideal secluded meadow, surrounded by pine trees that had a fantastic view.
Conner was wearing a white undershirt, a blue long sleeve buttoned Levi denim shirt and his gold stud earrings. A pair of denim hiking shorts (very short) completed his outfit. He tossed a dark green and black checkered flannel ‘lumber jack’ shirt into the backseat of Bob’s Kia Sorrento SUV as a precaution. He placed his well broken in set of hiking boots on the back seat floor. He was wearing white leather flip flops to ride in. Gold sequins on the straps made them pretty.
Bob had on traditional Levi 501s, sport shirt and hiking boots. With the SUV fully loaded Bob walked around and opened the door for Conner. Climbing in Conner said a polite thank you. The trip, for Conner was starting like a date might start. This pleased Conner.
Camping trip
Leaving from San Dimas Bob drove and Conner rode shotgun. Turning off Interstate 15, and onto the scenic mountain road that they had taken many times while in high school, they headed west, past Mormon Rocks, to where they’d pick up the PCT. Turning onto Highway 2 they stopped briefly at Jensen’s Market in Wrightwood for ice and a few forgotten necessities. They made sure to buy two of their renowned tri tip sandwiches and two deli sandwiches. The sandwiches meant they could skip making dinner on the first night and maybe also get a lunch the next day. Back in the car they continued.
Just past the Mountain High ski resort they pulled into the Big Pine Ranger station as they needed to purchase a camping permit before they could start their trek. Conner remained in the car, unconsciously twirling his ear studs. Bob went inside to complete the necessary permits and paper work for camping and hiking along the Pacific Crest Trail. Bob asked if there was bear activity in the area that they were going. Nothing had been reported and the time of year made such a thing less likely.
Before Bob left the Ranger’s office the ranger suggested that he take a free cup of coffee with him. “You better take a cup to your girlfriend too. I see she has her legs pulled up just like my daughter does when she’s cold. The hot drink will take the morning chill away.” Turning to look where the ranger was pointing Bob saw Conner’s profile as he sat in Bob’s car. At this distance Conner’s man-bun hairstyle didn’t look like a man’s hair style; Conner’s profile looked like a young woman’s. “Oh. Yes, I had better take her some something. Do you have hot chocolate? I want to keep her happy.” The ranger nodded. Bob flashed the ranger a big smile and mixed a cup of cocoa.
Returning to the car Bob had both cups in his hands. Noticing that Bob needed some help Conner reached over and opened the driver’s door. Bob passed one cup to Conner and slid into his seat. He closed the door, fastened his seatbelt and started the engine.
“Hmmm, the hot chocolate smells yummy.” Conner took a careful sip and exhaled a quite “Ahhh’, perfect!” Bob looked over and saw Conner had his feet curled up on the seat looking like a contented cat. Bob smiled and pulled onto the road. “I’m glad you like it. I made sure to add extra sugar and cream in yours. We should be at our trail head in about 30 minutes.” Conner turned towards Bob and was admiring his profile. “Thank you for being so thoughtful.” Conner said.
They drove in silence for a few miles. Conner was the first to speak. “It will be so nice to be out of the city for a few days. I haven’t been camping since you left for the military. Sure hope I haven’t forgot how to pitch a tent or start a campfire.”
Reaching over with a free hand Bob nonchalantly rested his hand just above Conner’s knee, gave it a couple of gentle squeezes and said “Don’t you worry about those things, I’ll setup our homestead. All you need to do is clear away pine cones, keep wood on the fire and make morning coffee. I’ll take care of the rest. I know a trout stream that I’d like to show you. It’s very secluded.” Looking into each other’s eyes Bob’s eyes went back to the duties of driving. Bob’s hand remained on Conner’s leg. Conner smiled inwardly and allowed Bob’s hand to remain. It felt warm. He resisted the impulse to move Bob’s hand higher up his leg. Conner felt his heart rate rise and his mouth get dry. A sip of chocolate solved one of his ‘problems’.
Giving Conner’s upper leg a final pat Bob used both hands to turn into the obscure trail head parking area. Bob parked his SUV in a shady protected area. He turned off the engine and set the brake. “Ok, let’s ‘git and go’. We gotta get set up before dark.”
Exiting the vehicle they stretched, shook out their legs and quickly emptied the SUV stacking their gear neatly at the rear hatch window.
The gear
Each hiker had a large capacity Kelty Yukon external frame backpack that easily held their clothes and supplies. Each pack had dual compartments that made organizing the contents easier. Conner had a smaller knapsack (with his personal items, toiletries and a purse) stuffed inside his Kelty. The two storage compartments allowed Conner to bring a few extra items of clothing.
They had a compact cooking set that was more than adequate for what they were going to do. A coffee pot, two collapsible water bladders, paper towels, plastic trash bags, tarps, nylons ropes, flash lights, etc. were packed. Each camper had a sleeping bag. Bob would carry in the tent.
Before we go
Grabbing his small knapsack Conner announced “It’s been a long drive and before we start I need a few minutes behind that pine tree. I’ll be right back”. Bob grunted an OK as Conner made his way to his chosen tree.
After several minutes Conner stepped out from behind the tree. He was wearing his ankle height hiking boots with his socks cuffed just above the boot. His short shorts appeared to have a skimpy 5 inch inseam. Conner’s buttoned long sleeved blue shirt was unbuttoned and his shirt tails were now tied in a knot. His sports bra actually was filled out. Conner’s man-bun was gone. In its place there was a perky, high on the head, ponytail that was held in place with a pretty red Scrunchie. He was wearing oversized sunglasses that were definitely from the ladies department. Light rose lipstick completed his outfit. Connie looked attractive… and desirable.
Conner took a few steps toward the waiting camping gear, stopped and gave a low cough to get Bob’s reaction. Conner had to know, before setting out on the hike, how Bob would react to his new look. “I need help with my backpack Bonnie.” Conner was hoping that Bobbie from their past would resurface.
Hearing ‘Bonnie’ called made Bob turn and freeze. He intently took in the image that had asked for help. Who was this girl that had Conner’s voice? Bob’s jaw line and mouth were tense. Conner remained motionless awaiting a response. He could feel his legs quiver ever so slightly, his palms were damp. This wasn’t high school.
Without moving Bob slowly did another head to toe visual inspection of Conner. Bob’s eyes only saw Connie. Gradually an ear to ear smile broke out on his face. “Conner you sure look different. Your shorts look like Daisy Duke’s, your legs looks so long and pretty and … smooth. Your pony tail is so perky. You look absolutely beautiful; so very girly and femininely rugged. Nicer than how you looked at the reunion. Wow!” A sigh of relief left Conner.
Slowly walking towards Bob Conner softly asked, “Do you like it? Do you want me to change back? I can get rid of my ponytail if you want.”
Still in awe Bob said, “You look perfect to me. Don’t change. You look fantastic; so very… desirable. I have questions though, why did you do this? Why are you dressed this way?” Stepping closer Conner stopped arm length away. “I did it for you.” There was quiver in his voice and what looked like a tear was beginning to form in one eye. Conner dropped his head and stared at the ground.
Extending his arms Bob stepped closer and gently pulled Conner into a comforting hug. His left hand automatically copped a feel of Connie’s right breast through her sports bra. ‘Conner actually has enough tit to fill out his bra!’ Bob thought. He used his thumb to rub Conner’s nipple and confirm his suspicions. Conner’s nipple immediately responded and became rigid. Conner hugged back as tears dropped onto his boots. Slowly stroking Conner’s hair Bob whispered tenderly, “It will be alright. Don’t worry. We have a week of camping to figure things out.” He gave Conrad’s other breast a friendly squeeze. ‘That definitely was a breast’ Bob confirmed.
Squeezing Bob in return Conner leaned in and kissed Bob’s neck. Stepping back Conner let out a giggle of relief. He felt so relived. “I guess I gave you an unexpected surprise…I felt I had to make my feelings known.” A few soft sobs were absorbed by Bob’s comforting hug.
“Yes, you gave me a bit of a surprise. It was a pleasant but not totally unexpected surprise. I was hoping something like this would happen.” Bob said. “What do you mean it’s not an unexpected surprise?” Conner asked. Bob grinned as he took out his wallet and retrieved a folded piece of paper. It was their hiking permit. Bob opened the permit and handed it to Conner saying, “Check the permit you foxy wood nymph!” Taking the permit Conner read it and began smiling. Conner read it again gave Bob another kiss on his neck and one on his cheek. Listed as the 'hikers on the trail' were Bob and Connie!
Helping each other with their camping gear the couple was soon on the trail to their campsite with Conner leading the way. They had walked in silence for about 400 yards when Bob asked for a stop. As they rested in the shade of a gnarled ancient pine Bob asked “I took the liberty of filling out the form using the name Connie. Do you have any objections to me calling you Connie? I think it suits you.” Thinking for a moment Connie replied “Connie. Yes, that’s perfect. Pleased to meet you Bonnie, you can call me Connie as long as I can call you Bonnie. Let’s not forget that we won a beauty pageant a few years ago.” They both nervously laughed.
Bonnie was about to start back on the trail when Connie asked him to hold a minute. Reaching into her shirt pocket Connie pulled out a tube of lipstick and applied it to her lips. “It’s SPF 15, it’s my favorite color, Copper Rose and it’s the best Chap Stick ever. You should try it sometime.” She leaned close and kissed Bonnie on his lips making sure to transfer as much color as possible. Licking his lips and inhaling the fragrance Bonnie replied, “It sure brings back memories. It used to be my favorite too… before I enlisted. Maybe after we get camp set up.” The duo ambled up the trail.
They had walked awhile when Bonnie spoke up, “When I was hugging you by the car I noticed that you seem to have a lot of tit in your bra cup. Are you an A cup?” With no hesitation Connie proudly said, “I’m a full B. It must be the special vitamins I’ve been taking. I’ve had to wear baggy shirts at work for over a year.” Bonnie replied, “I don’t have a problem with that. In fact it’s erotic for me to think about sucking on your little titties…it makes me horny. I wish we would have thought about that in high school.” Connie replied, “I’m looking forward to getting to our campsite too. My nipples are on high beam and are tenting my bra. Too bad I didn’t bring my underwire push up or I’d show you some real cleavage.”
Bonnie discreetly re-positioned his penis to make walking easier. That action by Bonnie made Connie smile. It seemed as if they both had a fresh bounce in their steps; an urgency to reach camp.
The campsite
An hour later, just past the uphill trail to Mt. Baden-Powell, they came to a bend in the base trail that had a large set of boulders on the west side of the trail. Connie waited a minute for Bonnie to catch up. Just as she was about to continue Bonnie said, “Hold up. Here’s where we turn to get to our private place. The trail isn’t marked. I stumbled upon it by accident on one of my solo hikes in the past. We pick up the trail that we need just beyond the other out cropping of boulders over there.”
Bonnie turned, left the trail and walked west less than 75 feet to the backside of the boulders. Connie followed. Just as predicted at the base of the rocks there was a faint but discernible game trail. “We’ll be there in less than 20 minutes” Bonnie explained. “Good deal. I’m anxious to get camp set up before sunset.” On impulse she kissed Bonnie. Bonnie kissed her back. Bonnie broke off his kiss and said “I think my lips are chapped.” Taking the hint Connie retrieved her lipstick, held Bonnie’s chin and applied a coat of Copper Rose on Bonnie’s lips. Bonnie pressed his lips together and commented “Just like our dress up days. You never forget how to apply lipstick.”
Giving Connie a final kiss Bonnie patted Connie on her butt and said “We best be moving on.” The way their lips easily slid as they kissed was intriguing to Bonnie. It also was pleasantly naughty in an erotic sort of way; it brought back fond memories. He smiled, re-positioned his new erection and licked his lips as he walked.
The faint trail dropped and angled lower which meant the nights would be warmer than if they had remained on the summit trail. Rounding a stand of established pines a beautiful meadow opened in front of them. They held up for a moment. Bonnie softly asked “Do you hear that stream off in the distance? This is where we camp. No one will know we’re here.” Connie froze and listened intently. “Yes, I hear it. It sounds so peaceful.” Three large fallen trees defined a perfect campsite. There were several cut log stumps that could function as tables. The large outcropping of boulders offered additional protection from people or adverse weather.
Walking a few more yards to a flat area near the giant boulders Bonnie took off his backpack and set it down against the stone outcropping. Connie followed suit. “This site looks perfect. It’s flat and has a view. The rocks make a fine wind break and shelters us from hikers passing by” Connie remarked. “There won’t be any hikers along the route we took” Bonnie replied.
About 2 PM
Bonnie began setting up camp. He laid down a large tarp to protect their four person dome tent from ground moisture and sharp rocks. Connie busied herself with kicking small rocks and ‘stuff’ from where their tent would be. The pine cones she collected were set aside for use in their campfire.
Working together they soon had their four person dome tent ready for occupancy. A rain-fly added additional protection from any rain. They were ready.
Bonnie had tossed their sleeping bags into the tent and made busy putting up the final touches for a safe yet comfortable campsite. Glancing into the tent he watched Connie zipping their individual sleeping bags into one large sleeping bag. Bonnie thought this was a very good omen; an indicator they neither he nor Connie would be cold. Body warmth is a beautiful thing. Looking up Connie saw Bonnie looking into their tent. With an impish grin Connie playfully cupped one of her tits and offered it to Bonnie as an enticement to get Bonnie into their tent.
Smiling back at Connie Bonnie said “There will be time for that later. I still need to bear proof our site, build a camp fire ring, and get a fire going. We only have a couple hours of daylight left. You need to go find us some firewood.” Connie made a face of disappointment but stepped out of their tent, zipped it closed, and went in search of wood.
Connie did a fine job of gathering wood and soon there was an ample supply stacked nearby that would see them through the night and morning breakfast.
Bonnie hoisted all food items off the ground and high into a nearby tree so as to avoid attracting bears and other critters. The Scouts would have been proud of his precautions. Connie had found a comfortable sitting area near the campfire; there were large logs you could lean against, stumps to sit on and ample flat ground. Using a smaller tarp Connie used it as a ground cloth that they could both sit on without getting pine needles in their butts. Leaning against a large log Connie patted the tarp next to her and asked Bonnie to come sit down and relax. It was dusk and the fire gave off pleasant warmth. Bobby added another log and sat next to Connie. They gazed in silence for awhile enjoying the crackle and the perfume of the fire.
Taking the initiative Bonnie put his arm around Connie and pulled her close. Connie removed her Scrunchie and shook out her ponytail before snuggling more closely to Bobby. As if it was second nature Bonnie turned towards Connie and gently kissed her on the lips. “Welcome to our private meadow, darling.” Connie returned Bonnie’s kiss. Before she broke her kiss Connie picked up Bonnie’s hand and placed it on her bare thigh. The warmth of Bonnie’s touch felt pleasant. “I feel so peaceful and content sitting here with you. It’s as if we are the only people on earth.” Bonnie nodded in silent agreement.
Bonnie brushed Connie’s hair off her cheek and gave her another kiss. Connie grabbed Bonnie’s hand and moved it up her breast. “Do you remember how we were almost caught in a compromising situation while showering at the gym?” she asked. Bonnie momentarily stopped his slow caress of Connie’s breast long enough to reply “I have thought of that moment a thousand times while laying in my bunk on board my ship. I often wondered how things would have turned out if we hadn’t been interrupted. I also recalled keeping our pageant costumes and how we used to dress up. We painted each other’s toes. You made a pretty girl even then.”
Hugging Connie closer Bonnie continued, “I’m not sure where this week will take us but while we’re here let’s make the most of our situation. Let’s act and be like two lovers. We’ll sort things out when we get home.” Bonnie leaned over and kissed Connie’s inner thigh right below the hem of her Daisy Dukes. One of Bonnie’s hands had found its way under her shorts.
Connie emitted a soft gasp and pulled Bonnie into a more passionate kiss. Feeling embolden by the moment Connie put her hand on Bonnie’s crotch. The bulge she had hoped to find was there. Bonnie made a slight pelvic thrusting move that made Connie smile. She began to slowly rub Bonnie’s crotch with controlled lust. Bonnie’s hand went further up her short pants and didn’t stop until the palm of his hand was pressing on Connie’s panty covered penis. Bonnie whispered, “I like the feel of your panties. They are so soft and you are so hard.” The warmth and cracking of the fire made for a memorable moment.
Sitting up for a moment Connie produced her Copper Rose lipstick and did her lips. “I won’t tolerate chapped lips.” She was about to put her lipstick away when Bonnie said, “I’d better have some of that too.” Taking the tube from Connie Bonnie traced his lips with color and handed the tube back to Connie. Sliding down into a lying position they faced each other.
Connie unzipped Bonnie’s Levis as they kissed and reached in. Bonnie slid his hand further up Connie’s shorts, hooked his fingers on her panties and pulled them down as far as they could go. At about the same moment each had the other one’s engorged penis in their grasp.
There was kissing and penis stroking… Bonnie had a nice grip on Connie and was sensually pumping her shaft when Connie said, “You still use the same grip as when we were in eighth grade. So do I.” They both laughed at the inside joke. Bonnie shucked out of his jeans and jockey shorts and knelt astride Connie’s legs. Her penis throbbed for attention. “Well, here’s something we didn’t do in school” Bonnie commented. He pulled Connie’s pants and panties down to her knees with his left hand and with his right hand he pulled her rigid dick towards him. Bonnie kissed a pre-seminal drop of wetness from the tip of Connie’s prick. His lipstick print on Connie’s cock head glistened in the firelight.
Connie slid her pants and panties down to her ankles and managed to kick them off. Except for her sports bra she lay naked on a tarp amid towering pines near a crackling fire. Connie pulled her bra up and made her small but adequate breasts available to Bonnie. Bonnie shifted her attention from Connie’s hard cock to Connie’s hard nipples. Bonnie sucked and swirled her tongue all over Connie’s tits leaving lipstick prints as she switched from one tit to the other. “I sure wish you had these when we were in school” Bonnie whispered. Connie moaned in pleasure while pumping Bonnie’s prick.
Connie raised her head and kissed Bonnie and gently pushed Bonnie’s head back down to her throbbing penis. She was soon receiving the long overdue blowjob that she had dreamed about for years. Connie leaned back onto the tarp and let Bonnie do what she wanted. Sucking Connie’s prick caused Bonnie’s femme side to begin to resurface.
An awaking – Bonnie’s back
Bonnie wanted to worship Connie’s penis with her mouth, lips and tongue. Connie wallowed in the pleasure she was receiving.
In order to prolong their evening love session Connie grudgingly pulled Bonnie off her penis. There was an audible popping sound from Bonnie’s mouth as she uncoupled. She pulled Bonnie up until they were face to face and kissed her on the lips. Whispering softly Connie purred, “I don’t know where you learned the things that you were just doing to me but I loved it.” Kissing Bonnie ardently Connie did a quick wrestling move and instantly Bonnie was on the bottom.
Scooting down, and into a comfortable position, Connie had Bonnie’s prick just where she wanted it. Looking Bonnie in her eyes Connie used both hands and slowly milked her shaft a couple times. “We don’t have to wonder anymore what would have happened in the shower do we?” Using one hand she pulled Bonnie’s wet cock to her lips tonguing it while sucking it deep into her mouth. She sealed her lips around Bonnie’s shaft and purposely imprinted a ring of her lipstick. Her other hand gently cupped Bonnie’s testicles while her middle finger softly circled Bonnie’s anus. Connie knew how to enhance a blowjob.
Their orgasms were deep and earth shaking. They sucked, drained and swallowed to their hearts content.
About 8 PM
And so it went. The campfire was nothing but glowing red embers when they were finally complete. Eventually they stood up on the tarp and stretched. They held hands and stared into the calming coals. Bonnie used a small folding shovel and carefully killed their fire. Holding their clothes and a flashlight Connie led the way to their tent. Zipping the tent open they were quickly inside. Bonnie zipped it closed.
Sitting in the sleeping bag Connie flopped open their now extra large two person sleeping bag as an invitation for Bonnie to join her. A compact battery powered light gave off a soft illumination. Connie was now wearing a baby blue colored t-shirt. “I always wear a t-shirt at night. They keep me warm” she told Bonnie. Bonnie looked over and asked, “Only a t-shirt?” Displaying a mischievous smile Connie replied, “Yes, just a t-shirt. I hope you don’t mind.” “What a coincidence” Bonnie replied, “that’s the way I sleep too.” Sleeping was far from Connie’s thoughts.
Wearing only a dark blue t-shirt that read ‘NAVY’ Bonnie crawled into their sleeping bag. He kissed Connie on her cheek and pulled her snug against his body in the classic ‘spooning’ position. Her back was touching his stomach. They were both lying on their right side. Bonnie’s left arm was draped along Connie’s left side. Bonnie’s pelvis was in contact with Connie’s butt.
Connie could feel the warmth and firmness of Bonnie’s semi-flaccid penis as it nestled in the shallow crevice at the top of her butt cheeks. Feeling frisky Connie pressed her butt backwards just a little and wiggled it ever so slightly. She then clenched and released her butt a couple times hoping to get the response from Bonnie’s cock that she wanted. It worked!
Bonnie’s limp penis dropped deeper into Connie’s valley and grew in length. Smiling to herself Connie reached back and lifted and parted her butt cheek. Bonnie’s shaft dropped deeper in her grove. Releasing her cheek butt cheek Connie had trapped Bonnie’s growing firmness. She made a clenching twitch as yet another hint to Bonnie. Bonnie’s left hand found Connie’s cock. Connie made her penis throb in her hands as thanks.
Bonnie pulled Connie closer, kissed her neck and whispered “I didn’t bring any condoms, baby doll.” Her hand was nonchalantly stroking Connie’s stiffening prick. “I don’t want to make a mess.” Connie pressed her butt more firmly onto Bonnie’s boner and said, “Let me worry about any mess, lover. I’ll take care of it.” Bonnie’s thumb was working magic on Connie’s pee hole spreading her natural lubricant along her cock-head and shaft. Not getting a verbal response Connie reached back, gripped Bonnie’s now rigid cock, and positioned it directly against her sphincter. With Connie’s help Bonnie began a slow and considerate penetration. It felt warm, snug and comforting.
Twenty minutes later their love act had been completed. Bonnie withdrew from Connie and rolled over onto her back. Glancing at Connie she noticed that she was smiling. “What are you smiling about, babe?” “I felt you squirt! Four times… it sort of tickled” Connie chortled. Bonnie corrected her, “Not that I was counting but there were five squirts.” They had a good laugh about that.
Remembering her promise to take care of any mess Connie crawled over to her knapsack, removed her purse and fished around for something. Watching in the soft illumination of their night light Bonnie watched as Connie produced a Pearl Lite Days tampon. With an experienced air about her Connie squatted, peeled the wrapper and expertly inserted the tampon into her anus with well practiced ease. A string dangled from her sphincter. She gave the string a gentle tug for assurance. Pulling out a fresh pair of French cut panties she quickly pulled them on for added protection. Noticing Bonnie staring Connie explained “This will keep your little ‘wigglies’ from leaking on to our bed. I’m good until morning.” Crawling back into bed she kissed Bonnie goodnight, turned off the light and was soon fast asleep. A soft mountain wind blowing through the pines lulled them to sleep. It was a beautiful thing.
Next – Chapter 2: Day 2
(Remember authors like comments)
Connie replied, “I’m looking forward to getting to our campsite too. My nipples are on high beam and are tenting my bra. Too bad I didn’t bring my underwire push up bra or I’d show you some real cleavage.”
Bonnie discreetly repositioned his penis to make walking easier. That action by Bonnie made Connie smile. It seemed as if they both had a fresh bounce in their steps; an urgency to reach camp.
With Connie’s help Bonnie began a slow and considerate penetration. It felt warm, snug, comforting and long overdue.
Day 2 - Morning
Connie woke to the sound of a crackling fire and the delicious aroma of fresh morning coffee. Yawning and stretching she tossed back the sleeping bag and began her day. Doffing her sleeping shirt she pulled on a gray sports bra and a cute denim romper. Her flannel long sleeve shirt would keep her shoulders warm. A pair of leg warmers would get her through the morning chill. Kneeling at her knapsack, she removed her leather purse; she produced a small mirror and a brush. She applied her lipstick, grabbed a pretty scrunchie and stepped out of the tent with knapsack and purse in hand.
“Good morning, honey buns. Thank you for a fabulous evening.” She walked over, dropped her knapsack and purse next to a log and gave Bonnie a happy hug and a sensuous kiss to the lips. Bonnie returned her kiss and obviously was trying to transfer Connie’s lipstick to his lips. Connie stopped her and said, “Hold on tiger… there’s enough to go around.” Removing her lipstick from her romper pocket she held Bonnie’s chin still and applied a coat of Copper Rose to her sweet lips. “This color really looks great on you. We always used a similar shade at your house when we were in school.”
Bonnie handed Connie a cup of coffee and the two sat on one of the large tree stumps near the fire. “Thank you. You’re very thoughtful.” After a thoughtful pause Connie added, “And you’re very virile too.” They both laughed and Connie scooted closer to Bonnie who immediately put his arm around her shoulders. They snuggled, watched the fire and drank their coffee.
Finishing her coffee Connie was brushing her hair and was about to make a pony tail when Bonnie told her “Let me do that for you. Do you have another scrunchie?” Connie reached into her purse, handed Bonnie two hair bands and the brush. She remained perched on the stump. Bonnie stood behind her and deftly brushed and parted her hair. Instead of a single ponytail she gave Connie two perky ponytails that stuck out in a playful manner. It was a good look on Connie. Peering into her compact mirror Connie’s eyes lit up. “Oooo, that’s so damn cute!”
Bonnie lowered their food supplies from the tree and Connie set about making breakfast. Freeze dried food packets made for an easy meal. Their single burner compact propane stove made food prep quick and easy.
Following breakfast Bonnie went in search of more firewood. Connie straightened the campsite kicking pinecones into the forest. She tidied their tent, zippered their sleep bag and arranged their belongings neatly inside. Needing to take care of her post breakfast ablutions Connie took a roll of biodegradable toilet paper and walked to the agreed upon latrine area and squatted.
Bonnie returned to camp and dropped a double armful of the evening’s firewood next to their fire ring. Not seeing Connie Bonnie called her name. Still squatting Connie shook a nearby bush and loudly said “I’m over here honey…” using a navy term she added “I’m using the head.” Bonnie laughed at the inside joke. “Do me a favor and reach into my purse by the log and bring me a fresh tampon please.”
Opening Connie’s bag Bonnie peered inside. Moving things around she saw panties, a clear zippered makeup case that contained a wide variety of girly things like mascara, lipstick, nail polish, tweezers, a travel sized pack of Pearl Lite Days tampons and travel sized hair spray.
Unzipping the bag Bonnie removed a single tampon. She returned the package to the makeup bag. Taking a closer look Bonnie saw there were also six ribbed latex condoms and a tube of lube inside Connie’s makeup bag! ‘I wonder why she decided to take it bare back? She sure has embraced her feminine self by having so many female items in her purse’ Bonnie thought. Closing Connie’s purse she walked the tampon over to where Connie was waiting.
Connie was standing with her legs spread about two feet apart. She had her hand outstretched toward Bonnie. Bonnie passed the tampon to Connie with a friendly, “Here you go.” “Thanks kissy face” Connie said as she started to squat. Bonnie returned to the campfire area. It was only a few minutes later when Connie emerged from the bushes. She had removed her morning leg warmers and quickly crammed them into her knapsack. She cleaned her hands with a baby wipe and tossed the tissue into the low campfire flames before joining Bonnie on the tarp.
“Sorry about getting you involved with my hygiene needs but either you squirted more than six times last night or you are a walking garden hose! You always seemed to make the biggest puddle in high school. I want to keep my romper clean for awhile.” She leaned over and gave Bonnie a kiss. She pulled Bonnie closer so she could lean on her shoulder. Bonnie tossed a couple of small branch parts on the fire in order to prolong the moment. They held hands like the young lovers they were.
Bonnie broke their reverie by saying “We need to plan our day. We need to get some water from the creek, we need more wood and I’d like to see if I can catch us a couple trout for diner. I think there are a couple of good fishing holes just downstream. I’d also like to show you a beautiful vista point with views of the desert in the distance.” Connie nodded in agreement.
About 11 AM.
Skies were blue with a few puffy white clouds. The temperature was perfect. Both yawned and stretched as they stood up. Connie refreshed her lipstick and tossed the tube to Bonnie.
Bonnie grabbed her backpacking ultralite fishing rod and reel and Connie picked up an empty three gallon collapsible water bladder. Connie followed Bonnie to the creek. They stood on the bank and listened to the water babble. “Get your water from over there where the flat rock is. You shouldn’t drink this water unless you boil it first. There’s no problem in using it to wash your hands and face. I should be back in an hour or two. Okay?” Connie nodded and said “Be careful, darling.”
What had been intended as a simple kiss goodbye escalated into some serious heavy petting. Connie had created an eye pleasing bulge in Bonnie’s pants and Bonnie had found easy access to Connie’s panties via her romper. Connie had hold of Bonnie’s zipper pull and purred into her ear, “Let’s go back to camp. I want to have my way with you!” Bonnie smiled and stepped towards the trail. “I’ll take a rain check on that offer until I get back.” She turned and headed down stream.
Connie filled the water bladder and returned to camp. After stacking the firewood she took a short walk around their private meadow. Finding several patches of yellow and blue flowers Connie gathered several bunches and returned to camp. Placing the flowers on the tarp in the shade of their protective log Connie rolled the tarp back and began gathering all the nearby pine needles that she could find. Using a fallen tree branch as a rake she spread the needles about four inches thick and then rolled the tarp over them. She sat down on her home made pine needle mattress and smiled. ‘Definitely a nice creature comfort’ she thought.
Feeling inspired she used another spare tarp and two sturdy sticks to create a nice sun shade over their new mattress. ‘My god, I made a honey moon bed!’ Her laughter scared a blue jay into flight. ‘I better make myself presentable’. Bringing her purse under the tarp awning Connie went to work. She took her tweezers and mirror to shape her eyebrows into a more feminine look. Using her lipstick she smudged her cheeks with color, rubbed it in and created a very respectable blush. She cut a yellow plastic bag and created accent ribbons that she tied in her two pony tails. Looking into her mirror she complimented herself on the way it made her hair ‘pop. Using more of the plastic bag she tied flower bouquets on each of the two awning sticks.
About 2 PM
Wondering what else she could do to look enticingly sexy Connie walked to the tent and opened her main back pack. She had an area where she kept cold weather items. She pulled out an unopened package of black tights. ‘Yes, as warm as thermal underwear these will complete the image I want Bonnie to see.’ Standing up she removed her romper and morning panties. In doing so she found her tampon string dangling. ‘Damn, sure glad I remembered this.’ Quickly removing the leak stopper she blotted herself, making sure she was dry, and put it in their trash bag. She carefully pulled on her black tights and then a fresh pair of black nylon tricot tap pants. Her penis began to grow as she relished the erotic feeling of nylon on tricot. ‘No time for this,’ she thought. She pulled on her denim romper, tugged her sport bra down into place and took a deep breath. She completed her ‘seductress outfit’ with her ankle socks and hiking boots. Connie returned to the lean-to she had just built.
Connie sat down on the pine needle mattress to catch her breath and wait. Her light headedness wasn’t all altitude related. Taking another look into her mirror she thought there was something missing. ‘Dang, no eye make-up!’ Connie thought. Delving back into her purse she found her mascara and gave her lashes a double coating of black. In a moment of inspiration Connie picked up a piece of charcoal from the fire ring. She used her index finger and rubbed it on the black coal. Transferring the black onto her eyelids she created the sexy dark eye shadow she liked. Staring into her mirror she re-did her lips, blew a kiss at her image and waited. She tossed her bag under the awning in case they needed a pillow. She lay back to rest and wait.
Bonnie returns
About 3 PM
Hearing Bonnie’s return Connie came out from under the awning. She stood, smoothed her clothes and perched on the big stump and struck a pose that she thought was sexy. Less than thirty seconds after she got settled Bonnie appeared from behind a tree. She remained silent.
When Bonnie looked up she smiled at her and said, “Hey, babe how was your day?” Bonnie stopped in her tracks, dropped her fishing pole and stared. Connie slid off the log and put her hands on her hips. Bonnie came within three feet and stopped again. Her eyes were ogling her and she loved it. She glanced at Bonnie’s crotch. She noticed her glance and began to smile. “I’ve found a beautiful forest nymph. You’re absolutely gorgeous. And you have yellow ribbons in your hair and black tights. You’re makeup brings out your features. How did you get those sexy eyes?” Connie replied, “I learned it in the Boy Scouts.” She did a 360 degree turn around.
Bonnie hugged her and gave her a ‘happy to see you’ kiss. Connie pulled her closer and returned her kiss. Looking over her shoulders Bonnie saw flowers tied to two posts. She broke off her kiss and asked, “You’ve made some improvements to our camp?” Grabbing Bonnie’s hand Connie tugged her to the pine mattress. “Feel how comfy this is. Duck your head and get under our awning.” Bonnie didn’t hesitate. “It’s our honey moon bed, babe.”
Their kissing and petting was becoming steamily intense. She had Connie stripped down to her tights and then removed her bra. Connie soon had Bonnie’s jeans completely off. Stopping just long enough to apply more lipstick Connie soon had Bonnie’s jockey shorts off and was eagerly performing a blowjob on her. Lipstick rings marked her progress as well as marking her territory. Bonnie had her hand wrapped around Connie’s rigid shaft. Connie had yanked her tights down for easier access. Following Connie’s lead Bonnie greased her lips with Copper Rose and rolled Connie to being on the bottom. She too was soon marking territory as she sucked and nuzzled Connie’s throbbing cock.
While still bobbing up and down on Connie’s shaft Bonnie used her other hand to finger Connie’s butt hole. Noticing that there was no longer a string hanging out of her Bonnie stopped long enough to say, “Oh, you pulled your tampon out. You must have been expecting me.” “No, not really”, Connie breathlessly said, “I didn’t want anything to spoil this moment. You want to know why I call this our honey moon bed? It’s because I’m taking your cherry right here.” Connie quickly slipped into a spooning position behind Bonnie. Connie grabbed her penis and began rubbing it up and down Bonnie’s butt crack. Pausing when she knew she was at Bonnie’s sphincter her penis probed forward and made partial penetration. Her pre-cum helped. Bonnie gasped at the intrusion.
“I don’t have any condoms but I have a lube that will make it nicer for us both.” Reaching into her nearby purse Connie had the top off the lube within the blink of an eye. Using her middle finger she made sure Bonnie was well lubed inside and out. Bonnie playfully clenched onto Connie’s probing finger. Applying a coating of lube onto her throbbing shaft Connie began inserting herself into Bonnie. Bonnie was as tight as she had been hoping for.
Grabbing the bag she had placed it the lean-to under Bonnie’s butt gave Connie the fucking angle that she wanted. Bonnie reached back and helped guide Connie’s cock to the opening of her virgin ass. Bonnie anxiously tried to stick it in by herself. She had never been the ‘receiver’ before. Connie’s cock was soon buried half way in Bonnie’s ass. “Wrap your legs around my waist”, Connie instructed. Bonnie did. Connie kept stroking Bonnie’s dick as she slowly pumped in and out of Bonnie’s tight virgin rectum. Bonnie’s prostrate was Connie’s target.
Without being asked Bonnie began involuntary subtle upward thrusts of passion that created deeper penetration. Connie was taking her time when Bonnie began increasing her tempo and brought them both to a glorious climax after about ten minutes of rutting. Connie caught Bonnie’s warm orgasmic spurts in the hand that was jacking Bonnie off.
With Bonnie watching Connie sensuously sucked one of her fingers clean of Bonnie’s sperm. Smiling at Bonnie she extended a sperm coated finger to Bonnie. “Have you ever tasted yourself before?” Connie asked. Bonnie pulled Connie’s hand closer and sucked Connie’s fingers clean one at a time performing a slow ‘finger job’ on each wet digit. Bonnie had licked half of her remaining boy juice off of Connie’s palm when Connie brought the remainder to her lips and slurped her palm clean.
Bonnie released her fuck grip of Connie’s waist and dropped her legs. “Whew, that was a beautiful thing,” Connie gasped. “I am so glad to have been your first. Thanks for a great ride.”
It was only then that Connie fully slid out. Bonnie was softly crying. Connie leaned forward and softly kissed Bonnie’s eyelids and gently rubbed her butt cheek. “Did I hurt you honey?” Connie asked. “No”, Bonnie replied. “It’s just I never thought it would be so intense. I’ve never been fucked before. I’ve never milked a man’s penis with my ass before. I was always the one on top.” Connie smiled affectionately and told Bonnie, “It was intense? Wait until we do this again and use the ribbed condoms.” Bonnie’s eyes widened as she envisioned what Connie was suggesting. Connie pulled her bag from underneath Bonnie and laid it to the side.
Lying on their backs and holding hands they let things settle down. It was great to just relax in a forest environment. After a few minutes Bonnie nudged Connie. “I feel like I’m leaking. What do I do? I’ve never leaked before.” Connie chuckled and told her to raise her hips a bit. Connie slid a couple sheets of paper towel under her ass. “Ok, you can relax awhile until the paper gets too wet. If you want to stop the leaking you know what has to be done, right?” Bonnie nodded yes. “Ok, just let me know when.” Bonnie meekly said “When.”
Retrieving a tampon from her bag Connie was kind enough to lube it prior to insertion. “Roll over, get on your knees, bend over and spread your cheeks apart.” Connie commanded. The tampon slid in smoothly. Connie gave the tell tale string a gentle tug. Grabbing Bonnie’s hand she guided her hand to the dangling string. “Here, give it a tug. You need to know where to find it and you need to know what sort of pressure it takes to remove your little friend. Otherwise you’ll think it’s just going to pop out when you least expect it and you’ll walk around without the confidence you need to use one of these.” Bonnie did as instructed.
They used baby wipes, paper towels and some of the water that Connie had brought from the stream to clean themselves as best they could. The cleaning materials were tossed into the nearby fire pit.
Bonnie said, “You know, seeing you standing there in black tights, with ribbons in your hair and made up like a princess was the nicest thing I’ve seen in a long while. The thought and effort you took in building us a pine needle mattress is impressive.” Bonnie hugged her and kissed her softly on her ear lobe. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.” Connie chuckled as she watched Bonnie waddle to their tent with the tampon string dangling from her tight butt. In less than thirty seconds she was waddling back.
Bonnie produced a small white box and handed it to Connie. “Here’s a gift I bought for you the day after our class reunion. I wasn’t sure how to get them to you at a good time. There will never be a better time than now.”
Connie opened the box and revealed a pair of three inch gold hoop ear rings. “Oh, my god! They’re beautiful. Thank you. I love them!” She immediately began removing her studs. Her new hoops were soon dangling from her ears and the studs were in the box. Connie hugged and passionately kissed Bonnie several times. “How can I show my appreciation for your thoughtfulness?” Bonnie hugged her tightly and whispered into her ear, “Before we leave I want you to fuck me again… using a ribbed condom.” Connie softly laughed and replied “Hey sailor, what are you doing tonight?” Bonnie laughed.
About 5 PM
The day was fading and Bonnie suggested they put some clothes on. Soon they were clothed as they were two hours before. The only two exceptions were that Connie opted to not wear her tights (unless it got cooler). Connie had quite easily convinced Bonnie to wear a spare pair of her panties. “For old times’ sake.”
Evening dinner was the two deli sandwiches they had brought up from Jensen’s. Quick, easy and filling. As they were eating Bonnie said, “I have a few questions, Connie. I saw condoms in your knapsack. So why did you let me ride you bare back and squirt into you? I am not complaining. In fact it felt better than orgasmic for me.”
Connie thought for a moment before speaking. “I knew you had to have seen my condoms when you got me a tampon. You saw them, right? So the question really becomes why did you allow me to crème your prostate just now when you knew full well that there was an alternative to the fucking I gave you? For my part I let you cum in me because it made me feel sexily naughty. I can’t remember the last time I was that horny.”
Bonnie absorbed Connie’s comments and took her time before replying. “I did it because it made me feel like you and I are one person… skin to skin. And I was curious if I could feel you cum. I could. It felt warm. That was a very special sensation.” The couple held hands and smiled as they lay reflecting on recent events.
About 7 PM
Having given in to their pent up lust over the last two days the couple settled into a more traditional and less sexually active camping trip. They each took a water bag and walked to the stream to stock up on water making idle chatter as they walked. They made a second trip and transferred the water into every spare canteen, pot and container they had.
Bonnie built a fire and Connie made them tea using the propane stove. They spent the rest of the evening roasting marshmallows, staring at the stars and catching up on the last four years. They allowed the fire to burn down to embers. Bonnie doused the fire and they two retreated to their tent. After a few good night pleasantries they drifted off to sleep.
Day 3
About 6:30 AM
Connie was first up. Quietly slipping on a cute green A-line floral mini dress that she had brought she then pulled on her leg warmers. Reaching for fresh panties Connie hesitated and decided it would be a ‘no panty’ day. Returning her tap pants to her bag Connie left the tent wearing her white sandals with the gold trim. The cool air on her crotch felt good; very freeing. She started a morning campfire and set about warming some wash water on the propane burner stove. When the water was warm enough Connie filled a bowl with water. She set the water bowl on a nearby stump where she had already placed a disposable razor, a small bottle of Dr. Bronner's Organic Peppermint Liquid Soap, her hair brush, mascara and mirror.
Wanting to look pretty for Bonnie she quickly mixed up soap lather and shaved her face smooth. She passed on taking care of her legs and armpits; that could wait for later. Rinsing her face she tossed out the water and patted her face dry. Next she brushed her hair and created an off center high pony tail. She used a fluffy green scrunchie that matched her green dress. It was a style she had seen in a magazine; the dress looked like a sexy Girl Scout uniform. After an application of lipstick, her home made blush and mascara she was ready for the day. She was also ready for Bonnie.
The coffee had just finished when Connie heard the zipper of their tent. Bonnie stepped out and stretched. She was wearing denim shorts, sleeping shirt and flip flops. Seeing Connie she offered her a “Good morning lover” greeting. “You sure look cute for being out in the wilderness. Nice dress… I’m a bit envious.” Flashing a foxy smile Connie replied “Good morning honey buns. I hope you can walk OK today after our love session. Sure hope you aren’t lame.” They laughed.
Connie poured her a cup of coffee and motioned her to a log near the fire. Bonnie made a joke of walking bow legged. It brought out a giggle in Connie. Coming within range Connie planted a big morning kiss on her lips. Bonnie gave her a hug. Connie made them a nourishing freeze dried breakfast of scrambled eggs and hash browns. A light breeze rustled the pines.
Bonnie was sitting on large stump near the fire pit. Connie was returning from the tent where she had removed her leg warmers. With her purse in hand she took a seat next to Bonnie. Bonnie greeted her with a kiss to her cheek and again complimented her on the green floral mini dress. Connie began with, “There were times in high school when you would be the one anxious to wear a dress like this. You made a pretty girl when you wanted to. Remember?” Bonnie nodded in agreement.
Connie continued, “You were the one that bought a special padded push up bra two weeks before our pageant so you could have a hint of cleavage! And then, a week after the pageant, you bought a second one in a satin royal blue. Damn, you looked hot!” Bonnie nodded again. “So why don’t I see you trying to get back in touch with the girly side we both know you have? You have more options than lipstick and panties.” Connie rubbed Bonnie’s inner thigh.
Bonnie pulled Connie into a hug, kissed her softly on the lips and explained, “The military almost killed my femme side. Four years of boot camp and being in the Navy will do that to a girl. You’ve heard about the ‘Don’t ask, Don’t Tell’ policy? There’s also an unspoken ‘Don’t get caught or life will be hell’ that’s a very strict part of their policy. This morning when I saw you in your green dress I envied the freedom you have in expressing your femme side. Those puffy shoulders are perfectly feminine on you and the length shows off you pretty legs.” It sounded as of if Bonnie might cry.
Connie cuddled with Bonnie and tried to soothe her. “Babe, you aren’t in the military anymore. Be who you want to be. Let the inner Bonnie out. Be as femme as you want when you want. Butch it up when you have to. You have options now. Agreed?” Bonnie nodded in agreement. “Would you let me try some cosmetics and things on you out here in the wilderness in our own secret meadow?” Bonnie laughed and said, “Sure do your worst, baby.”
About 10 AM
Handing Bonnie her Copper Rose she said, “Do your lips… they need some color.” Ratting around in her purse Connie pulled out a bottle of Raven Red Maroon nail polish and began painting Bonnie’s toe nails. “We’re lucky. The polish sort of matches our lipstick” Connie said. Bobby softly repeated “Our lipstick… like it was in high school.” While the first coat of polish was drying Connie brought out the white jewelry box that held her gold ear studs. Standing in front of Bonnie Connie inserted a stud in each of her ears. Connie stopped what she was doing and said “The studs went in too easy. What’s going on?” Bonnie blushed.
“The evening of the reunion I found an old pair of pearl studs and forced my holes back open. I slept in them. I did the same every night until we began our trip.” In a perky voice Connie said, “Way to go girl... that’s a good start.” Connie sat down and applied another coat of red to Bonnie’s toes. “Hold still and let your toes dry.” Producing a delicate gold chain anklet Connie hooked it on Bonnie’s left ankle. “This looks nice on you and will remind you to enjoy your femme side. I hope it also reminds you of us.”
Bonnie’s hair in a pixie shag. Looks good… femininely athletic.
Connie stood and took back her lipstick. She put a one inch streak of lip color on Bonnie’s cheeks and effectively blended it in to a healthy looking blush. “Don’t move,” Connie admonished. Connie gave Bonnie’s eyelashes a double coat of her black mascara. “Damn, sure wish I had my eyelash curler.” Again Connie said, “Don’t move.” Bonnie patiently let Connie pluck and shape her eyebrows. “Hey, don’t go crazy I need to look semi normal when we get back to the real world.” “Don’t worry sweet cheeks; I’m just making things tidy.” Connie then did a quick tease to Bobbie’s pixie shag to give more fluff to her pixie shag blonde hair. Stepping back to check her project Connie smiled. As a finishing touch Connie repeated her dark charcoal eye shadow on Bonnie’s eyelids.
Stepping back Connie told Bonnie to remove her t-shirt and hop off the stump. Connie began cuffing Bonnie’s shorts until it appeared that Bonnie was wearing girly short shorts with a 5 inch seam. The total look was impressive considering what Connie had to work with; femininely athletic. Handing Bonnie her mirror she ordered Bonnie to take a look at herself. Slowly moving the mirror around it was apparent that Bonnie was impressed with the outcome. She twisted her ear studs. “Wow!” is all she said.
“We still have things we need to do but we have all day to do it and no one around to say we shouldn’t… just like our love making. We should finish doing our nails and if we wanted we have all we need to shave our legs. In fact there are several things we could shave if we wanted.” Bonnie held her fingers to Connie’s lips and said “Shhhh…” She hugged Connie tightly and said “Thank you babe for doing this. You’ll never know how important this is to me. It’s therapeutic.” They kissed.
Bonnie commented about how clever Connie was and how they could start a trail side spa for cross dressing back packers. They had good laughs about the possibilities. Bonnie paused a moment and said “You’ve worked wonders on me and I’m extremely pleased but I’m wondering why you had me remove my t-shirt?” Connie looked at Bonnie mischievously and said, “I had ulterior motives.” She moved closer and then began sucking and tonguing Bonnie’s left nipple. Using her thumb and forefinger Connie fingered and tweaked Bonnie’s right nipple. It too became quickly rigid like a pencil eraser!
Taken by surprise Bonnie gave out a low moan of pleasure. Connie continued with tongue teasing and sucking Bonnie’s flat breasts alternating from one nipple to the other. Her lipstick prints marked her progress. Reaching deep into Bonnie’s shorts Connie lovingly caressed Bonnie’s penis and cockhead until a liberal amount of pre-cum was achieved. After coating her thumb and forefinger Connie withdrew her hands from Bonnie’s pants and licked her fingers clean. It was a beautiful thing.
About 11:30 AM
Being near their pine needle nest that Connie had built, Bonnie backed Connie onto the edge of their ground tarp. Connie unbuckled Bonnie’s shorts and Bonnie kicked free of them. Bonnie was wearing the pretty panties that Connie had loaned her. Upon seeing the panties Connie began stroking and rubbing Bonnie’s penis while asking Bonnie, “Doesn’t this feel so good baby, so slick, so horny…?” Bonnie pulled Connie down onto the cushioned tarp and then she pulled Connie’s panties down. Connie’s prick was firmly at the ready. It too was dripping pre cum.
Connie pulled Bonnie’s panties down and shifted her full attention to Bonnie’s naked penis. Tonguing the head of Bonnie’s dick she sucked it into her warm and waiting mouth. Connie left lip prints and lipstick rings all up and down it. Leaning back Bonnie let Connie continue. Bonnie gently inserted her fingers into Connie three inch hoop ear rings and used them to gently move Connie’s head to where she wanted her on her dick. Connie hesitated a moment and with Bonnie’s cock still bulging in one cheek she looked her in the eye’s with a questioning expression. Bonnie answered the unasked question “I learned this in the Navy.” Connie resumed what she loved to do.
Bonnie reluctantly asked for a break in their love making. Holding up one of the ribbed condoms Bonnie announced, “I really want to experience what these condoms feel like.” Tearing open the condom wrapper she eagerly rolled the rubber down Connie’s rigged shaft. Forming her lips into a classic “O” Connie made sure there were no wrinkles in the condom by making a few runs up and down Bonnie’s shaft. After giving Connie’s cock a few dick hardening sucks she assumed the doggie position and said, “Fuck me. Fuck me deep.” Connie didn’t wait to be asked twice.
Lubricating her latex covered shaft Connie shuffled into position and placed her cockhead at Bonnie’s waiting sphincter. Bonnie reached back and inserted Connie partially into her. Connie considerately leaned forward and let gravity slowly slide her deeper into Bonnie’s recently discovered boy pussy. Bonnie extended her butt backwards in an effort to be more quickly and fully filled. Bonnie emitted a kitten like mew of pleasure. The condom ribs made a pleasurable difference.
The couple humped and fucked for a long while. As their climax approached Connie dug her toes into the tarp and thrust her cock as deep inside Bonnie as she possibly could. Connie ground and gyrated her penis deep into Bonnie’s rectum, arched her back, held Bonnie’s hips tightly and, at maximum possible penetration, she ejaculated with multiple squirts. After a couple more powerful waves of sperm Connie relaxed for a moment.
Still holding tight and firm in Bonnie’s rectum, Connie whispered, “Now clench my penis with your butt and hold it; feel me drag out of you.” Bonnie did as she was instructed. With Bonnie’s firm sphincter holding tight around her penis Connie slowly withdrew her penis by three inches. Bonnie let out a low moan of pleasure. Connie told Bonnie to relax. “Ok, clench me and hold my cock tight”. While Bonnie clenched again Connie slowly thrust and withdrew herself into Bonnie’s virginal tightness twice more. “Milk me!” Connie pleaded.
Connie slowly withdrew until only two inches of her cock remained in Bonnie’s body. Her cockhead was being gripped. The friction was good for both of them. “Relax baby doll. Take a deep breath, we’re almost done”, Connie said. Connie took a breath, slapped Bonnie very hard on her bare ass and loudly commanded, “Milk me, milk me!” By spontaneous reflex Bonnie immediately clenched down on Connie’s dick. Connie emitted a final and delightful penile squirt and began to go limp.
Connie’s expert ‘wrap around’ stroking of Bonnie’s penis while she had been fucking Bonnie left a large ‘Bonnie’ puddle on a well placed towel. Connie eventually pulled completely out of Bonnie butt and fell over, exhausted, onto her back. So did Bonnie. They were both breathing heavily.
“What a fantastic day” Bonnie stated. “Damn fantastic” Connie agreed. “Making sweet forbidden love out in the open; it can’t get any better. You bring an entirely new meaning to the term ‘milk man’.” They kissed.
Thirty minutes later Bonnie was still basking in a post orgasm glow and Connie was reapplying her lipstick. “You are truly a devious and erotic vixen; no panties and a nipple sucker. What a lucky girl I am.” Bonnie said. Connie smiled at Bonnie’s reference to himself in the feminine form.
About 1 PM
Bonnie had made lunch which consisted of chicken noodle soup and jerky. A bottle of lemon flavored water washed it all down. Afterwards Connie retreated to the tent for a nap.
About 2:30 PM
Unzipping the tent Connie stepped out and looked for Bonnie. She was not nearby. Bonnie was sitting in the sun on a stump near the trail that leads to the stream. Connie walked quietly towards her. Bonnie was obviously very engrossed with whatever she was doing. Holding still Connie saw that Bonnie had a bowl of water on the stump she was sitting on. It took a minute for Connie to comprehend; Bonnie was shaving her legs! Not wanting Bonnie to nick her legs Connie made her presence known by walking heavily.
“How are you doing, babes… need some help with that mow job?” They both laughed. “Just finishing but thanks for the offer.” Reaching Bonnie Connie said, “You have been a busy girl while I napped. I see you finished polishing your nails. Your hands look prettier now.” “Yes”, Bonnie said, “I borrowed your nail file and shaped my nails a little.”
Bonnie tossed the biodegradable soapy water into a bush and patted her legs dry. Bonnie ran her hand over her freshly shaved legs. She broke into a big smile and said “They feel like high school all over again. Thanks again for the anklet.” Connie bent over and kissed her on the cheek. “I see you brushed your hair into a cute pixie style. It looks very nice. And you switched out my gold studs for your pearl studs. The pearls are a prettier femme look for you. It’s all very nice. I’m happy you’re rediscovering your girly side. ”
“Did you shave your arm pits too?” Connie asked. Bonnie’s face became serious looking. “No. I’m not sure that I should; maybe when we get home. That whole military thing is messing with my head. I’m not ready to be so open with my femme side yet. Maybe I never will be. I need to be subtle.”
Next – (final) Chapter 3: Time to leave
(Remember that authors like comments. Thank you.)
A character, Stacy, is introduced in the last part of the the next installment of this story that blossomed into several Stacy stories.
Who is Stacy?
Stacy’s first appearance was in the last few pages of High School Reunion: Bromance on Pacific Crest Trail – Chapter 3 of 3 where she was working as a very cute waitress in a small mountain town. Stacy was such an interesting character that she deserved her own story called Pretty Stacy. That story necessitated Pretty Stacy: Beginnings to explain how Stacy evolved to being Pretty Stacy; it shows her becoming empowered and confident. She is referenced in “Girls” for the Summer Club next. Which brings us to Stacy’s most recent story (“Girls” for the Summer Club 2 – A sister’s revenge).
Connie bent over and kissed Bonnie on the cheek. “I see you brushed your hair into a cute pixie style. It looks very nice. And you switched out my gold studs for your pearl studs. The pearls are a prettier femme look for you. It’s all very nice. I’m happy you’re rediscovering your girly side. Welcome back.”
“That whole military thing is messing with my head. I’m not ready to be so open with my femme side yet. Maybe I never will be. I need to be subtle.”
Time to leave
Bonnie stood up and hugged Connie and kissed her cheek. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about our time here. There have been so many feelings; so many desires are being resurrected. The sex I’ve experienced with you has been fantastic. You’ve brought ‘Bonnie’ out of her shell where she’s been dormant for so long. I’ve finally been able to let go some of the uptight military mind-set I’ve been subject to for four years. I just need some time. And I’ve found that I need you.”
Pausing to catch her breath Bonnie continued, “Rather than stay here the full week I think it would be best if we returned home early. I need to resolve things within my head and I definitely need to go clothes shopping. Let’s get back to camp and try to figure things out.”
About 4 PM
Connie began making hot water for tea and Bonnie sat on her favorite stump. Connie soon joined her and they sipped their tea together and enjoyed their secluded meadow. Sliding closer to Connie Bonnie shook the bottle of nail polish. Picking up one of Connie’s hands Bonnie began nonchalantly painting her bare fingernails. “You keep your nails shaped nicely. They look pretty.” While busy with her project Bonnie began speaking. “I need to get back early so I can psyche myself up and do some shopping. I can’t be as public with my femme side as you are. It will be our secret shared by close friends or when we go hiking.”
While Connie was blowing her nails dry Bonnie picked up her other hand and continued painting fingernails. “I’m just a run of the mill cross dresser that doesn’t want a lot of attention concerning my femme leanings. For me cross dressing is more of a hobby, for you it’s a way of life; a lifestyle, an attitude.”
Connie replied, “Don’t kid yourself honey… it’s definitely more than a hobby with you… shaving your legs proved that, whether or not you want to admit it. Welcome to the male sorority.” She continued, “I wasn’t sure how receptive you’d be to reverting back to your girly ways. You are very receptive. That’s why I left a three pack of panties on your back pack. You proved you will wear them. I hope you like the styles.” Bonnie said ‘thank you’ and then, “I don’t want to be ‘outed’ and embarrassed. I’ll need to focus on keeping my hands off you.”
Connie gave Bonnie an affectionate hug and said, “Well said. What you said makes sense. There is one thing you forgot to mention: you like to fuck… frequently. It’s something that you do extremely well. I doubt you can give that up entirely. If you need to store your new femme clothes, or place to try them on, or if you get lonely, I’ll give you a key to my apartment. Most importantly I’ll respect your secret until you tell me otherwise.”
While the two sat on the stump drinking tea and waiting for Connie’s nails to dry Bonnie absent mindedly applied another coat to her own nails. Looking over Connie giggled. “What’s so funny, Constance”, asked Bonnie. “Oh, a funny thought just popped into my head. Remind me when we get back to the trail head tomorrow and I’ll tell you. I’m sure you’ll get a kick out of it then.”
Connie offered Bonnie her leg warmers or tights if her legs felt too cool so soon after having shaved her legs. It had been years since Bonnie had smooth legs and freshly shaved legs always feel cold for the first day or two until the sensation wears off. “Just let me know.”
With their nails now dry they took a leisurely walk past the stream and down to where Bonnie thought there were trout. The view of the valley floor was impressive as was the view of the top of Baden-Powell. After awhile they turned to go back to camp. “That trout is going to have to wait until our next visit.”
About 7 PM
Back at camp they started a fire and turned on their propane mini stove. A package of freeze dried beef stroganoff was quickly ready and quickly eaten. All they had to do was relax and wait for morning. And then Connie began to get amorous. Her and Bonnie were kissing and enjoying each other when Connie reached into her purse and pulled out two ribbed condoms. Handing one to Bonnie Connie climbed under their lean to and onto their pine needle bed and said, “It’s our last night so let’s put these to good use; and I’m going to milk you dry.” Bonnie quickly joined Connie.
About 9 PM
Fully spent the two lay on their backs holding hands and basked in their post orgasmic bliss. Bonnie finally commented, “Those ribbed condoms sure make for an interesting sensation. They are like rumble strips for your ass. My butt is still tingling.” Connie commented, “I think a slow backstroke feels the best if you’re on the bottom.” The two killed the fire and went to their tent.
Day 4
Connie and Bonnie stayed in bed a little longer savoring the time they had left in their mountain retreat. Bonnie exited the tent first and quickly had a fire burning. When the coffee was ready she called Connie. “Rise and shine sunshine,” she said. By the time Connie got to the campfire her coffee was waiting on a stump. They ate a small breakfast as they were looking forward to a real meal in town.
Working at a steady pace they soon had their tent packed and the tarps folded. The last thing they did was to remove the tarp from their pine needle day bed. Bonnie untied the wilted flowers from the awning support sticks and tossed them aside. Reluctantly they scattered the pine needles that had been their mattress. They leaned their backpacks against a tree and fully cleaned their campsite. A single bag of trash would be carried back to a trash dumpster. It was only after washing off yesterday’s makeup that they took a break.
About 9 AM
Pulling her brush, mirror, mascara, scrunchies and lipstick from her purse Connie took care of last minute business. She brushed her hair and a single pony tail appeared. She wore it high and perky. Using her mirror she colored her lips and flicked her gold hoops. For the hike back to the trailhead Connie opted for her denim romper, a dark blue sports bra and white short sleeved cotton shirt with the shirt tails tied in the front. She cuffed her shirt sleeves for a bit more of a girly flair. Ankle high hiking boots with socks cuffed just above the boot and oversized sunglasses completed her look. Her cross shoulder purse hung from her shoulder.
Bonnie was wearing 501s, Connie’s panties, khaki REI sport shirt, boots, socks and a wide brimmed safari sun hat that hid her pearl studs. Her hairstyle helped hide her ear studs. Bonnie was also wearing the gold anklet that nobody would see. Her outfit was not too femme in any way. Unlike Connie she had personal demons and fears that needed to be resolved before daring to overtly display her girly side.
Connie offered Bonnie use of her lipstick. She was about to take it when she hesitated and said, “No thanks. I need to start being more discreet about being Bonnie.” She hiked up towards the outcropping that would take them back to the main trail. Connie followed.
Reaching the trail fork they both stopped and turned for a last look at their private Eden. “It’s been a fabulous few days.” She hugged Connie and gave her a kiss. “Yes, baby doll it’s been fucking perfect.” She chuckled at her lame joke and followed Bonnie.
About 11 AM
They hiked in silence for the most part except for brief comments about the beauty that is the Pacific Crest Trail and the best place to buy lingerie and women’s clothes. Forever 21, Kohl’s and Marshall’s were mentioned prominently. They also vowed to bring more baby wipes and paper towels the next time.
They were almost to the trail head parking lot when a group of four guys came their way. Bonnie and Connie stepped off the trail so the group could get by. The guys stopped to exchange basic trail pleasantries. “How’s the weather been? Any bears? Any fresh water springs? Do you know of any nice places to spend the night?” The men told them they had started at Big Bear Lake, 125 miles ago and were hiking through to the Mammoth Lakes part of the PCT, another 540 miles to the north, where they would meet friends.
Bonnie informed them: No bears, no springs, designated campsites about three hours up the trail. Don’t veer off the trail, good luck and safe travels. Putting the cap back on their canteen the guys pressed on.
As they were moving on Connie and Bonnie heard them comment, “The cute one was pretty quite. She’s fortunate to have someone so pretty to share her tent. The nights can get very cool.” Bonnie and Connie had both heard the guy’s comments. Bonnie playfully patted Connie on the butt and said “I’m damn fortunate. If they only knew how true that is. And we kept each other warm. Heck I think that we were blazing a few times!” “Why did they refer to me as a fortunate ‘she’?” Bonnie asked.
About 12:30 PM
Reaching the trail head and the SUV Bonnie helped Connie off with her backpack. They loaded everything except for Connie’s purse into the back hatch of Bonnie’s SUV. While Bonnie was disposing of their trash Connie opened the passenger door and placed her open purse on the seat. Retrieving her brush and another Scrunchie Connie gave herself the two high on the head ponytails that Bonnie had done for her back in camp.
Bonnie unlocked her door and got in the car. Connie slid into the passenger seat and flipped open the makeup mirror. After putting a few strokes of mascara on her eye lashes Connie freshened her lipstick and gave herself some of her home made blush on her cheeks. She restored the items to her purse. Looking over at Bonnie, who was watching her intently, she held out her lipstick for her. Bonnie shook her head in the ‘no thanks’ motion. “I need to be on the down low” she said.
“I’m amazed that you are looking so girly for the ride home. Those boys on the trail sure appreciated your cuteness and that was before you did the dual pony tail and mascara. You’re damn courageous.” Bonnie leaned over and gave Connie a quick kiss and said, “Thanks again for a great time. I hope we do it again soon.”
Connie smiled and replied “I’ve gotten to the point that sometimes it just doesn’t matter. I’m not trying to impress anyone and anyone we do meet we’ll never see again. I just hope they like my hair.”
Bonnie started the car and let it warm up before putting it in gear. “We need to stop at the ranger station and let them know were safe and are leaving early. It’ll just take a few minutes.” She put the car in gear and pulled onto the road.
Pulling into the ranger station parking area Bonnie turned off the car and set the brake. Just as she was about to open the door Connie grabbed her arm and said, “Hold up tiger. What’s the hurry? I just want to clarify a few things, ok?” She had a sly smile. Bonnie nodded and said, “We have all day. What’s on your mind, baby doll?”
Connie began; “Let me get this straight. You do not want to flaunt your femininity, right? You want to be cautious and not call attention to your girly self, right? And do you remember last night when you were painting our nails that I giggled and you wanted to know what I found was so funny, right? And you also recall that I said I’d tell you today, right?” Bonnie shook her ahead in the affirmative and replied, “Yes, I remember all of that. So what was so darn funny yesterday?”
Connie began laughing and said “Look at your fingernails, Missy. Your painted nails are about to give you away… what are you going to do with your ol’ femme self now? You sure don’t look very subtle to me.” Glancing at her nails it was obvious that Bonnie was so comfortable in having painted nails that she had forgotten to remove her polish.
“Oh, my god, that would have been pretty difficult to explain away! Pass me your remover please.” Connie began laughing harder. “Well baby doll, that’s the funnier part; we don’t have any remover with us!” Bonnie visibly turned pale. Her mind was racing. Connie was still laughing.
“And that isn’t the funniest part; check your ears. Old Missy, ‘I’m-so-subtle, I’m-so-worried, I’m-so- careful’, left her freaking pearl studs in! You’re going to give ditzy blondes a bad reputation.” Connie’s laughter got louder. Bonnie grasped her lobes and sank back in the car seat in bewilderment. She went limp in her seat and stared vacantly out the windshield.
“And those hikers… what the hell must they have thought?” Connie stopped laughing long enough to reassure her girlfriend. “Your wide brimmed hat and your shaggy hair cut must have kept them from noticing your ears. When you were conversing with them I noticed your fingers were curled as if you were in a military parade so they saw nothing. The most they could have seen were your thumb nails. Besides they were too busy checking me out to pay you that much attention. I saw them staring at my bra. Maybe they thought we were two lesbians!”
“You knew I had screwed up and you let me walk down the trail wearing earrings and nail polish?” Still laughing Connie stopped long enough to say, “Hell, yes! That’s what makes it even funnier. You sure are discreet… not!” Starting softly Bonnie began softly laughing until she too was laughing out loud. Connie was wiping away tears of laughter. Gradually their laughing stopped. “Ok, now what do we do?’ Bonnie asked.
Connie patted her leg in reassurance, reached into the glove box and brought out a pair of thin leather driving gloves. “Put these on, go in, check out and don’t forget to return to the car. Then we’ll think about stopping to eat somewhere. I’m hungry and a fresh cheese burger would be greatly received. Be sure to thank the ranger for the hot chocolate.” Bonnie exhaled in relief and exited the car.
It was about five minutes before Bonnie returned. She opened the car door, took off the gloves and started the engine. “What took you so long?” Connie queried. “The ranger was asking about my pretty girlfriend with the perky ponytails… if we had fun, were there any bear sign, etc. He was also prying for information on how many times we ‘did it’ in the tent. To tease him I said that you were a real slut and that we ‘did it’ eight times but that only twice was in our tent.” They both started laughing as they got back on the highway. Bonnie gripped the steering wheel; her pretty maroon talons contrasting with the black steering wheel.
About 1:30 PM
“Let’s stop for a real meal at Beth's Grizzly Café. It’s coming up in about ten minutes. I’ll pay if we go in with our matching painted nails in full view… no driving gloves. Let’s see how bold you think you are kissy face, you’ll never see these people again. Let’s give the locals something to talk about.” Bonnie gripped the wheel tighter and got quiet. Connie started softly singing the Bonnie Raitt** song ‘Something To Talk About’:
Ooh, ooh, ooh,
People are talkin', talkin' 'bout people,
I hear them whisper, you won't believe it.
They think we're lovers kept under cover,
I just ignore it but they keep sayin' we...
Laugh just a little too loud,
Stand just a little too close,
We stare just a little too long.
Maybe they're seein', somethin' we don't darlin'.
Let's give 'em somethin' to talk about
(Somethin' to talk about)
Connie had resigned herself to a basic drive through hamburger down by Highway 138 and the Interstate when Beth's Grizzly Café came into view. Taking a deep breath Bonnie pulled into the café parking lot and parked. She shut off the engine, set the brake. Connie looked over to see what Bonnie was going to do. ‘Is he woman enough to do this?’ Connie thought. They sat in the car for a few minutes while Bonnie contemplated her options. “Are you up to doing this, baby?” “I think so”, Bonnie softy replied.
“Hold a minute while I get ready” Connie said. She used the rear-view mirror again to apply lipstick and then put on a down camping vest. “I’m ready” she said. Bonnie looked at her and said “What’s with the vest?” Connie smiled and proudly said, “By wearing the vest they won’t know that I don’t have big tits. It’s all image, illusion and attitude. They’ll see my romper, my nails, my lipstick, my sports bra and my two beautiful pony tails and assume ‘girl’.” Bonnie nodded her head in agreement. “When I look at you I see woman.” She leaned over and gave Connie a tender kiss. Connie returned the show of affection with a firm kiss to Bonnie’s lips in an effort to transfer some of her lip color to Bonnie’s lips.
Taking another deep breath Bonnie and Connie exited the car. Connie wore her cross body purse into the café. Without incident they were quickly seated in a comfortable booth; their matching Raven Red Maroon nail polish glistened. Bonnie took off her sun hat and ran her fingers through her shaggy blonde hair, exposing her forgotten pearl studs. Connie shifted her sunglasses to on top of her head.
In a short while their waitress came to the table. “Hello, my name is Stacy. What would you like ladies like to drink?” Stacy was definitely cute. She was dressed in the mountain café waitress image of the Alps. She wore a blue and white gingham waitress outfit with short puffed sleeved shoulders. Her uniform included a white lace apron, a snug bustier and an attractively short dress that ended about four inches above her knee; a starched crinoline petticoat with ruffled hem gave her dress the girly flair she sought. White tights, black ballet shoes and cute chandelier earrings completed her uniform. She definitely looked pretty.
Connie ordered a Pepsi. Pausing from reading the menu Bonnie ordered an Arnold Palmer. The waitress shifted her gaze from Connie to Bonnie and back again.
Before leaving to get their beverages Stacy said, “You two make a cute couple. It’s not often that a couple has matching nail polish and lipstick. It’s darling.” Bonnie was momentarily taken aback about the reference to them having matching lipstick but replied, “We just got back from four days of camping. We got bored and decided to give each other a manicure.”
Turning to Connie Stacy said, “I love your perky twin pony tails. They are so adorable. Who did it? Did you go to a salon?” Connie grinned and gestured with a maroon thumb nail towards Bonnie and said, “She did it.” The waitress smiled and was about to leave when Bonnie spoke up; “Our toe nails match too.” The three of them laughed and the waitress went for their beverages.
Connie turned to Bonnie and said, “See that wasn’t so bad. In fact it was kind of fun and she noticed that our lipstick matched.” Bonnie smiled and repeated “It wasn’t so bad after all.”
Stacy returned and set their drinks down. She was just about to write down their food order when she hesitated. Bonnie and Connie looked up. Stacy said, “I was thinking that I may have seen you two before… maybe a few years ago. You look familiar. Did you or your girlfriend attend South Hills High?” Bonnie nudged Connie under the table and in a mocking tone said, “Nobody will recognize us. Right.”
Connie explained that they had graduated five years ago. Stacy perked up and said, “I was a year behind you. In fact you girls won the Womanless Beauty Pageant didn’t you? You’re Connie and Bonnie! Sorry but I’m not sure who is Connie and who is Bonnie. You inspired me with your courage to let your girly side be known. It was very brave of you. It was because of you that I entered the Womanless Pageant the next year. And I won! Look at me now! It took me a year to work up the courage to go public with Stacy. I can’t wait to tell my friends that I met you both.”
Stacy looked at Bonnie and said, “Your pearl studs are cute but the chandelier earrings you wore when you won the Pageant were prettier. Studs must be better for hiking.” Immediately Bonnie quickly touched her studs. “Damn, I thought I took them out,” Bonnie exclaimed. Connie chuckled.
“Your chandelier earrings and the way you carried yourselves really inspired me. It was nice to see others that liked dressing up like me. I thought I might be the only one.” Stacy nervously toyed with her own earrings.
Putting down her menu Connie said, “I’ll have a cheese burger with onions and a side of potato salad.” “Make that two,” Bonnie echoed. Prior to placing their order Stacy said, “I live in town on Blue Bird Lane. If you wouldn’t mind another hiker I’d like to go hiking with you girls sometime. I have my own boots.” Stacy left with their food order.
Connie was still giggling. “You sure are discreet, aren’t you?” Bonnie just shook her head and rubbed her ears. “I was wondering why, when we sat down, she asked ‘what would the two ladies like’. And you let me leave my studs in. Thanks.”
Stacy brought their food. Bonnie said, “I’ve been trying to remember you from high school but I’m drawing a blank. I usually would remember someone as attractive as you.” Stacy leaned forward and in a soft whisper informed Connie and Bonnie, “I used to be known as John Miller. I played junior varsity basketball.”
Bonnie continued, “Stacy you sure are a cutie. It’s not easy to look as feminine as you. How do you do it so well on a full time basis?” Stacy blushed. “Your petticoat looks yummy. It accents your girly curves; very nice look.” Bonnie felt the edge of Stacy’s petticoat. “Damn, that’s hot! I think I’m going to pick one up for special occasions. It looks so… sexy.” Connie gently kicked Bonnie’s leg.
Before speaking Stacy looked cautiously around. Speaking in a low whisper Stacy said, “If you’re wondering if I had myself ‘snipped’ in order to look feminine, the answer is no. I love my appendage too much; I wouldn’t want to miss out on all the pleasure it gives me… or others.” Taking a quick look around she continued, “I exercise and I do take a few ‘vitamins’ to keep myself fit.” She thrust her chest out for emphasis. “Have you girls been ‘snipped’?” Stacy asked.
Connie and Bonnie laughed. Bonnie said, “No, we agree with you. Why get rid of a major source of pleasure?” Stacy smiled and replied, “Whatever you’re doing keep it up. You girls are very pretty.” She turned and left them in peace.
After Stacy left Connie sternly said: “Stop hitting on the hired help! Yes, she looks like 120 pounds of fun but you came to this party with me. Next you’ll be telling her how virile you are or what a large puddle you make.”
Noticing that the girls were finished eating Stacy brought them their check and a single slice of whip crème topped strawberry pie with two forks. “The pie is on the house, just don’t tell my boss. Did I mention that I live in town on Blue Bird Lane? I’m off work in 45 minutes. Maybe you would like to shower off the trail dust? My walk-in shower will easily hold us all. I have a few petticoats I think you’d both love to see… or try on. Everyone should have some rustle in their bustle.” Stacy slipped Bonnie a café business card with her phone number and address on the back. Her hand lingered a bit on Bonnie’s hand. Stacy sort of sashayed over to another customer, flourishing her petticoats as an enticement to the girl’s.
Connie rubbed Bonnie’s knee and said, “Baby cakes, I think you’ve got an admirer.” “Correction”, Bobbie replied, “I think WE have a fan club.”
The end?
Or is it a new beginning? Should Bonnie and Connie go camping again? Should Stacy go with them? Should Bonnie and Connie go to Stacy’s or drive home? Is Stacy 120 pounds of fun?
PS 4/25/2019
Stacy, the waitress character mentioned here, spawned a NEW story called “Pretty Stacy”. Bonnie and Connie accept Stacy’s invitation to stop by her house. This spin off Stacy story is ‘work place safe’. Give it a read.
There is a "Pretty Stacy: Beginnings" story. Stacy is an interesting character. But HOW and WHY did John Miller become Pretty Stacy?
-- ("Pretty Stacy: Beginnings" was posted August 18, 2019) a 16K story --
(Remember authors like comments. Thank you.)
Post Script: For readers that may be curious about the Pacific Crest Trail or Mt. Baden-Powell I’ve left links that explains and shows much of the beauty of the south end of the PCT. Readers that are curious about Connie’s twin pony tails a photo of the look is included below.
Pacific Crest Trail is 2,653 miles - 2,650 miles (4,265 kilometers) from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington.
Southern California: Traversing 700 miles of deserts and mountain ranges, the Pacific Crest Trail is striking and easily accessible in Southern California. To the west of Mount Baden-Powell and the Angeles Crest National Scenic Byway.
Mt Baden Powell trail: Very good link. Photos, maps, info.
Hiking Mt Baden-Powell - Mt. Baden-Powell (9,399′) — one of the highest mountains in the San Gabriel mountains. The stunning 360° views made those 40 switchbacks worth climbing.
San Gabriel Mountains , San Gabriel Mountains National Monument - 8-mile trek up the north face of one of the tallest mountains in the San Gabriel’s. Good info.
Originally known as North Baldy, Mt. Baden-Powell was named in 1931 after Lord Robert Stevenson Smyth Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scout movement. It is one of the most popular peaks in the San Gabriel mountains, with stunning views of the Mojave desert, Mount Baldy, and the Los Angeles. The annual Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run passes over the peak in the fall.
Here's Connie's hairstyle as they hiked out
Who is Stacy? Stacy has become my favorite character. I wish I knew a Stacy when I was younger.
Stacy’s first appearance was in the last few pages of High School Reunion: Bromance on Pacific Crest Trail – Chapter 3 of 3 where she was working as a very cute waitress in a small mountain town. Stacy was such an interesting character that she deserved her own story called Pretty Stacy. That story necessitated Pretty Stacy: Beginnings to explain how Stacy evolved to being Pretty Stacy; it shows her becoming empowered and confident. She is referenced in “Girls” for the Summer Club next. Which brings us to Stacy’s most recent story (“Girls” for the Summer Club 2 – A sister’s revenge).