Charles is happy in his own space until he is drawn out into the open
Charles is happy in his own space until he is drawn out into the open
Charles was just about resisting the temptation to go on YouTube. He’d been pounding spreadsheets since early in the morning and needed a break. The upside was that he was working from home and avoiding the A38(M) and M6 traffic jam. He intended to take a break soon and get some housework done, as a single man he only had himself to look after but he liked an orderly house.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when there was a sudden splash of soapy water against the window of the room he used as an office. He’d forgotten it was the window cleaner’s fortnightly visit, equally suddenly the squeegee cleared the suds and a smiling face waved and moved on to the next pane. His house was a bungalow so they didn’t need ladders.
The cleaners could be seen across the road, as his property faced the turning head of the cul-de-sac he saw most things going on but it was quiet, most people had gone to work. ‘Let’s fire up the coffee machine’ he thought, and he went into the kitchen at the back of the house.
He looked into the back garden to see if his pet rabbits Malt & Hops were on the lawn. Sure enough the brown and grey Flemish Giant bunnies were chasing each other, pausing every now and then for a refuel of tasty grass. Back in the office he watched a couple of music videos then reluctantly opened another file of data that required analysis. Fortunately, this was a research initiative and he had some ideas to find some trends, the previous work was the obligatory part of his day, this was the rewarding part.
He had worked for about 10 minutes when something caught his eye, a sudden movement on the front lawn, something brown, then something grey, heading onto the road across the pavement. Damn, the cleaners must have left the gate open. This had happened before and they got into a neighbour’s vegetable patch. Being large rabbits they caused a fair bit of damage before he found them. He wasn’t too worried about traffic but dropped everything grabbed his keys and phone and was about to set off after them. Quick thought ‘get a carrot’ they’d come to him for that.
As he opened the front door he saw them heading into Jennifer’s back garden directly opposite. Good, she’s got gates, she normally left them open but he could shut them and confine them there. There was no car on her drive so he assumed the house was empty. He saw them go in the right hand side so he went and shut the left gate then followed them into the back garden shutting the other gate behind him.
Jennifer said later that she didn’t know who was more surprised. Herself having her garden invaded by 2 giant rabbits and a flustered owner or Charles who didn’t expect there to be anyone there.
“Wow, unexpected visitors, hello boys and err Charlie as well. I see the escapologists are at it again.” She smiled at Charles’ predicament and the look of shock on his face.
“What’s happening dear?” asked a lady wearing very dark glasses sat with Jennifer at a garden table.
“Nanny we have a visitor. One of my neighbours, it appears they are trying to catch their pets.”
“Charlie, this is my Grandmother Edith, we were just about have a pot of tea would you like to join us? Nanny has glaucoma so her sight isn’t great. Come inside Charlie and help me get an extra cup and plate.”
Charlie, still in a state of shock and surprise, followed dutifully.
“I’m loving the look Charlie, stay still a moment we just need enhance a couple of details.”
Jennifer returned in a moment and sprayed his neck and wrists with ‘Charlie’ perfume, applied a glossy red lipstick and finally clipped a pair of hoop ear-rings on him.
“There, I think that rounds you off nicely.”
“I can explain.” Said Charles.
“Don’t worry, you daft bat, I’ve seen you many times, also you hang your clothes on the washing line, do you think I wouldn’t wonder who they were for?”
“I don’t mean any harm, I didn’t intend to be seen, it was the boys they…”
“I think your surprise was obvious, didn’t expect there to be anyone home eh? No car on the drive. I’m loving the look, you must tell me the brand of tights you’re wearing and that suede skirt is a beauty. Not overdone the boobies and a nice unisex bob for the hairstyle. Well done.”
“Thanks, I think. I’m not a perv. I just like the feel of the clothes and the look. I don’t know anything about makeup and was always worried about leaving traces.”
“Most of my friends and myself would say they don’t wear much if any makeup when at home. I do like a spritz of perfume tho’. Edith is a darling, you’ve nothing to worry about, her hearing is shot and her eyesight is worse. Come and have a cuppa with us.”
“OK just for a while, I need to get back before anyone see’s me.”
“Help me with this tray of cake, I’ll get you a cup and saucer.”
“No mugs?” smiled Charles.
“When Edith is here things are done proper, dontcha know.”
“Of course what was I thinking of?” Charles smiled.
“Precisely, anymore lowering of standards and I’ll pop you into a maid’s uniform as punishment.”
“That’s a punishment?” Charles smiled imagining the experience.
“Steady young lady, I will retain that thought for another time. When you go out introduce yourself to Edith and then hold her hand, it’s how she identifies with people. You’ll be fine, keep your voice soft.”
They went outside and re-joined Edith. After setting tray down Charles introduced himself to Edith.
“Hello Edith, I’m Charlie, I live opposite Jennifer, lovely to meet you.”
“Come here dear, take my hand.” Edith reached out and Charles went over to let her touch his hands.
“Oh so soft, yet strong, are you a typist dear?”
Charles smiled at the image a ‘typist’ conjured up. “Sort of, Edith. I work with computers so I use a keyboard.”
“I thought so.” she said. “Lovely feminine hands, long and slender. Shame about your nails though, work needed there girl.” She continued to stroke and feel Charles’s hands. “Hmm, no rings, or bracelets, not engaged or married then, but there was a ring once, I feel the imprint. I expect the boys will be fighting over you two, why is Jennifer not taken yet? I don’t understand it.”
“No one for me at present Edith, yes, there was someone a few years ago.” Charles went silent. “There was an accident and...”
“I’m so sorry dear, delving where I shouldn’t, ignore a batty old lady and her pseudo palmistry.”
“It’s fine, nothing to worry about. It was a happy time.” Charles stroked her hands in return, hands that had felt 80 or more years of life and all its experiences. “Let’s get some cake and tea and talk nonsense instead.”
“A capital idea, milk first, and one sugar if you please. What sort of cake has my granddaughter provided?”
“Battenberg or Lemon drizzle.” Replied Charles. He was becoming aware Jennifer had now left him with Edith for a few minutes.
“I haven’t had Battenberg for ages, cut me a decent slice I can break it up myself.”
Jennifer joined them at last. “Is my neighbour looking after you Nanny?”
“Oh she’s lovely, we’re getting on like a house on fire. She’s given me an idea though.”
“I see, what that’s then Nanny?”
“I felt your hands earlier, and now I’ve felt Charlie’s and something needs to be done.”
“Needs to be done?”
“Yes dear I think we all need to have a visit to a manicurist. You and Charlie have let your nails go and I’m going to treat you both.”
Jennifer looked at Charles’s face and saw the horror.
“I was thinking we could see if we can get an appointment when we go to collect your car this afternoon.”
Charles felt he had to reply. “You are very kind Edith but I have to get back to my work, your company has been lovely and I would love to take tea with you again.”
“Such a shame, another time perhaps? I’ll get my girl sorted out anyway.”
“Nanny!” said Jennifer.
“I need to take you in hand my dear, how will you ever bring me great grandchildren if I don’t make marriage material of you?” There was a wicked edge to Edith’s voice.
“I will need to make my excuses and leave. It was lovely to meet you Edith.”
“Come on Charlie, you get Malt and I’ll get Hops and I’ll walk over with you. I’ll be back in a moment Nanny”
“Bye Charlie, come again dear.”
“I’ll look forward to it.” Replied Charlie.
They collected the boys and set off back to Charles’s. Two contented bunny’s resumed eating their own grass after their adventure. Unknowingly they had set in train a course of events that would lead their owner to new experiences.
“I’ll come around later, we have much to talk about.” Said Jennifer. “I’ll drop Nanny back at her flat after I get my car.”
“OK, that’ll be nice.” Charles had thought about offering to drive them down but realised in time that would have meant going as he was, and he wasn’t ready for that.
“I’d like to see you looking nice, don’t disappoint. I’ll bring fizz.” With that she was gone.
Charles sat down in front of his computer. He couldn’t work. He couldn’t concentrate. What had he done, tears came.
Back at Jennifer’s….
“Ah, you’re back.”
“Yes Nanny.”
“I like your friend she’s very pleasant.”
“Yes she’s very nice I’m going to see her tonight.”
“How much of a friend is she? You’re not batting for the other side I hope?”
“Just checking on my family tree.”
“You are a wicked old lady and I love you.”
Edith laughed and laughed.
To be continued…..
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Continuing the story of Charles/Charlie, we find out more about him as he prepares for Jennifer's visit.
After a while Charles got himself together. He thought ‘She wants to come over, what’s the worst that can happen? She didn’t laugh at me, she encouraged me.’
At Jennifer’s house: She had dropped Edith back at her flat after they’d shared a taxi to collect the car. She loved her Nanny’s company and treasured the moments with her. What to do about Charles (Charlie)? He was a very pleasant chap, they had had interaction before as she had looked after the rabbits when he was away. Obviously even though she was aware his dressing this was the first time she had seen his guard down in his Charlie persona.
She didn’t even know if he identified as ‘Charlie’ it was just a knee jerk reaction on her part to the unexpected situation.
Back at Charles’: He considered the situation. ‘She said wear something nice. Did she mean male nice or female nice? It was highly probable she meant female.’
The decision to go with the female would take Charles back to where his crossdressing had started.
He had never ever considered wearing any of his sister’s or mother’s clothes, never cross-dressed at a fancy dress party or charity do. What led him to his current situation was tragedy.
At Uni while he studied computer science he met and fell head over heels in love with Kate who was doing modern languages and tourism. Despite his, and others, jokes about a made up Mickey Mouse degree she took the ribbing in good part and they became a very happy couple.
They decided to park any thoughts of marriage until they had finished studying and found suitable careers. Kate graduated with a 2:1 overshadowing Charles’ Desmond, however he got a job first and with his very decent wages they set up home together, first in a rented flat and then at his current address.
The job she did end up getting was unexpected but used her skills perfectly. She gained a place on Europa United Airlines graduate scheme, initially she would train and become an air stewardess then move into a management position.
Between the two jobs there was a high degree of travel and separation but that did not affect them as they utilised Social Media to keep in touch regularly. Both employers encouraged social gatherings so each knew the other’s workmates, life was good, they decided to get engaged, rings were exchanged, parties held, families very happy.
The phonecall.
The phonecall that changed everything.
The phonecall that came in the afternoon from one of her colleagues.
There’d been a problem on a flight she was on. Engine fire on take-off. All passengers and most of the crew successfully evacuated.
Then the engine blew up. Took out the fuselage where she was about to jump down the slide. Kate. No more. Suddenly.
For Charles. Darkness. Silence. Loss. Despair. Pain. Sadness.
EUA were great, her colleagues came to see him for quite a while after the funeral. His own company offered counselling and flexible work patterns. He couldn’t complain about the care.
Eventually EUA staff stopped coming, he settled back into a conventional work pattern and life went on.
One day, working at home, he opened her wardrobe. For no good reason. Her clothes still retained the mix of fragrances he remembered, that reminded him of her, that brought her memory crashing back.
He woke on the bed, eyes crusted with the after effect of many tears to find himself wrapped in one of her dresses and jumpers. Not dressed in but wrapped in. He felt close to her. Closer than he had for months, it made life a little easier.
At Jennifer’s : She thought, ‘I like the Charles/Charlie I met this afternoon. He seemed to be comfortable with me. It was an unusual introduction but he didn’t reject my suggestion of meeting up tonight. How will he take that suggestion of wear something nice? Will he be in a suit or a dress?’
It was about 5pm, the inanities of daytime tele were driving her mad so she resolved to shower and get herself suitable glammed up, she had a case of decent Prosecco, maybe they could order in a ‘Just Eat’ or ‘Deliveroo’? This could be a fun night, however she’d need to be cautious and kind, there was something about this man she had yet to discover.
Her Nanny had liked Charlie. She had also discovered a hurt, something in her/his past that had left deep scars. What drove him cross-dress? She knew of other men who did it but had not ever wondered why or what her attitude to it was. One thought was that you got a boyfriend and girlfriend in one, probably not a macho sexist pig either. She’d had her fill of those.
Go carefully and see where it goes. Would she mind if people knew about her boyfriend? Probably couldn’t care less, ‘live as you want to live as long as you don’t hurt others’ was her mantra.
Her mind settled she went for her shower.
Charles looked at himself in the mirror. He’d wiped away the tear streaks from his eyes and cheeks. The lipstick Jennifer had applied was mainly intact as were the earrings she had added, he could still detect the fragrance, it wasn’t his favourite but he appreciated the joke. He removed the earrings
He decided to go for it and put on a nice dress. Jennifer had already seen him dressed and did not appear bothered. She had said don’t disappoint. OK it’s on.
He went to left side of the wardrobe, he rarely ventured to this area so had to work his way through to find something that would be suitable. In Charles’ case having a boy’s body it couldn’t be too low cut. He found a green jersey with lace arms and top above the bodice, yes this would do nicely. Matched with suitable undergarments this would look very good.
Fortunately he had recently tidied up his body hair using Nair so he just needed a wash and brush. He normally just wore a tight knickers in the day to keep matters tidy but tonight he thought he would use a more substantial garment. The girdle was very firm and allowed him to tuck carefully leaving no telltale bulge. The dress would show a bra’s strap so he picked a pretty black one with a lace fringed strap that would complement the dress. It allowed him to use his best forms to create the feminine shape that would fill the dress perfectly.
The girdle had suspender straps and he used some light grey stockings that had a nice sheen to them. Next the dress, it was easy to slip on once he had his arms in the sleeves, he struggled with the zip but once up the material closed as high as his neck which covered his Adam’s apple. A couple of tugs to adjust and he decided he was satisfied.
He decided to pass on makeup, in the short time he did not feel he could do a good job. He was secretly hopeful that Jennifer would help him later. He did put her earrings back on.
Finally, he stepped into a pair of gold strappy shoes with a 4 inch heel. After combing his hair into it’s androgynous bob he looked in the full length mirror. He was pleased to see the image before him. Again the pleasure came with the pain of memory and he needed to dab away a tear. Then he smiled and the image smiled back, life must go on.
Charles thought about the name Jennifer had conveyed on him, he didn’t immediately like it as it was too close to his own. To be honest he hadn’t named the girl he created. Now Jennifer’s Nana knew the girl’s name so he decided to go with it.
Over at Jennifer’s she was in the bedroom at the rear of the property. She was ‘making an effort’ as well and was pleased with the look she had created. Unknown to her she had picked a very similar outfit, but in a pastel blue..
Charlie had now settled in her lounge to await Jennifer, she had poured herself a small glass of white to settle her nerves. She had decided to allow Jennifer to come in herself as she was afraid of being seen at the front door. Her plan was to call her in when the bell rang.
Charlie jumped when the bell did ring. Nervous energy coursed through her. “Come in, the door is unlocked!” she called. She had left the window ajar so she could be heard.
There was the sound of the front door being opened and the clatter of heels in the entrance hall. Charlie smiled in anticipation awaiting her neighbour’s arrival.
It wasn’t Jennifer.
To be continued
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Two middle aged ladies clattered with confidence into the lounge carrying shopping bags and handbags. “Hello dear!” the first one said, without a care. “We’ve come to see Charles, is he in? I hope you don’t mind, we saw the lights were on and there was someone in the lounge.”
Charlie rapidly realised that while his Aunty Lilly had not immediately recognised him, the other lady, his mother surely would.
‘Sink or swim’ thought Charlie. “He’s here, please sit down both of you.”
His mother was still messing with her shopping, she wasn’t taking much notice. “Just a moment dear.” she said. “I’m pleased to see Charles has a lady friend at last. Where is my boy? Let me get settled and let’s have a look at you. This is his Aunty Edith and I’m his mother, you can call me Brenda.”
Charlie swallowed hard, there was no point in trying to deceive the two women who had known him all his life.
“Hello mother.”
“Hello dear. How’s my boy?” She still hadn’t looked at Charlie properly and must have thought he was nearby.
“Mother! I’m over here.”
Lilly was the first to notice. “Oh my! Charles is that you?”
“Yes Aunty, there’s nothing to worry about. I’m wearing a dress, in my own home, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Me? Mind? No you silly thing, your Uncle Bill used to do it all the time, he scrubbed up quite well I remember.”
“Who are you talking to Lilly?” Charlie’s mum had still not touched down on planet earth.
“Charles, you silly girl what are you doing now?” Replied Lilly.
“I’m just getting settled.” Replied Brenda. “Now who is this lovely young lady?”
“Charles.” replied Lilly.
“I prefer Charlie when I’m dressed like this.”
“Who’s Charlie?” replied Brenda.
“Me mother. I’m Charlie not Charles tonight.”
“You know she looks a lot like our Bill when he used to wear dresses.” (Bill was his mother’s brother).
“Mother I’m having a duckfit here and you two old biddies are treating me like there’s nothing wrong. I’m wearing a dress for heaven’s sake.” Tears formed in Charlie’s eyes.
“Oh my love I’m so sorry.” His mother came over and sat beside him and gave him a big hug. “You look beautiful, really lovely. I remember Kate wearing that dress, it suited her too.”
“But mum he blubbed, I’m a boy I shouldn’t be…”
“Now we’ll have none of that my girl. And I’ll call you a girl when you are dressed. We already knew. We knew you had found a way to keep Kate’s memory alive, it’s OK, it’s absolutely fine. We love you. I’m pleased to finally see you but I hadn’t intended to intrude.”
“Oh Mum, thank-you.” He held on tight to his loving mother.
“Is there a bottle opened then?” said Lilly spying the glass of wine.
“Don’t mind if I do. I’m sure there’s one about, always has a stash our Charles.” Said Brenda.
“In the fridge Aunty.” Said Charlie. “You know where the glasses are.”
Lilly scuttled off, eager for a glass.
“You say you knew mother. Why didn’t you say anything? How did you know?”
“We saw evidence around the house. Kate’s clothes had been laundered. Once you rushed to your room when we barged in and when you came out you were wearing tights not socks under your trousers. We could see it was your way of coping and we were happy for you. Kate. It was such a horrible thing. After that we usually rang in advance. Sorry about tonight it was Lilly deciding to surprise you, I should have stopped her.”
“it still hurts Mum.”
“I know love, I know. When your Dad died I was lost and I had had 40 great years with him. You missed out on that.”
“Yes.” Charlie wiped away the tears.
“Now I must say you are looking particularly well turned out tonight, have we interrupted something?”
“Possibly, I’m expecting a visitor.”
“Not like that mother! No, it’s Jennifer my neighbour, she’s coming over and bringing Prosecco apparently.”
“I like this girl already. But how? Why?”
Charlie then told her mother the story of the Great Rabbit Escape.
“Do you want us to go? Don’t want to cramp your style.”
“Not a problem I was going to order in. More the merrier. For a while at least.” Charlie smiled at last and gave her mother a sly wink. Which was returned with a loving smile.
Lilly had returned with the wine for herself and Brenda, and another glass, and the bottle, and another bottle.
“I heard.” She said and smiled. “What a tale and what a day for you. I’m pleased and hope whatever happens you have a lovely time.”
“Thank-you Lilly. Thank-you both of you.”
Then the door bell rang.
“I’ll get it, I’m on my feet already.” Lilly was off like a shot.
To say Jennifer was surprised when an unexpected older lady answered Charlie’s door would be an understatement.
“Err Hello I’m Jennifer is Charlie in?”
“Oh yes dear she’s told us all about you, sounds like quite a day. I’m her Aunty Lilly please come in. Let me take your jacket.”
“I’ve brought some fizz.” She managed to reply, the clinking bottles giving the game away in the Sainsbury’s bag.
“Charlie told us you would be doing, pop it in the kitchen there’s a love.”
Jennifer didn’t have much time to take this in, Charles’ Aunty was here? Did the ‘us’ suggest someone else as well? She had referred to Charles as Charlie but that might have been an affectionate name? How much had he actually told them?
As she followed Lilly into the lounge she saw Charlie stood beside a lady sat on the settee who was holding her hand. There was no doubting the likeness between mother and daughter.
“So you must be Jennifer.” said the woman. “I’m Charlie’s Mum. Call me Brenda.”
“I guessed as much already. Lovely to meet you.” Her wide eyes turned to Charlie looking for an explanation.
“The dress suits her don’t you think?” said Brenda looking at Charlie.
“I certainly do, I may have to go home and change to outdo her.”
Charlie looked slightly anxious. “Kidding!” said Jennifer.
“You complement each other perfectly, no need for changes, it’s Lilly and myself that need to up our game. We did rather intrude and give her a bit of a surprise.”
“I would argue with the word ‘bit’” said Charlie.
The ladies then attacked the bottles of white. Charlie ordered in a Chinese takeaway and a good time was had by all. After a couple of hours Brenda asked Charlie to order them a taxi. “I was going to ask you to drive us home originally, but there’s two reasons why you shouldn’t”
Charlie smiled “True, I can’t drive in heels.”
“And the small matter of several glasses of wine.”
“That as well.”
As Charlie’s mother and aunt left they gave Jennifer and Charlie hugs and kisses. Brenda whispered in Jennifer’s ear “thank you for your understanding, look after my boy, he’s been through a lot, let him tell you in his own time.”
This shook Jennifer a little, noticing how Brenda had switched back to the masculine and referring to some issues in his past. She would have to tread carefully but she did feel the feelings she had for Charles and Charlie made it worth investing in this relationship.
As the ladies left she felt Charlie tightly holding her hand. Jennifer then felt a kiss on her forehead and the words “Thank You”.
To be continued….
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Suburbian Delights
As he made sure the bedroom curtains were closed Geoff Sessions @ No 34 Windermere Drive noticed a female figure leaving No. 36 and walking along the road. It was 11pm, nothing unusual, only thing was he knew Vera Bond, who lived there with her husband John, was away at a conference. A’ha he thought, something going on there. He released his dressing gown smoothed out his silky red nightdress and joined his wife Agnes in bed, they especially appreciated the feel of the material between them, her’s was identical but in a dark pink. He’d mention what he’d seen to his wife in the morning.
At No. 32 Peter Driver was gazing out of his bedroom window, waiting for a few minutes before the football highlights came on. He too saw the woman leaving No 36, strange he thought, I’m sure Vera is away. He looked down at his wife Mary tightly secured in the foetal position in a metal frame bondage device. She had earplugs and an eyemask isolating her and a vibrator on a very gentle setting getting her warmed up for a later night of passion. They had tried all sorts to overcome her lack of enthusiasm for sex until they happened to see this equipment in a magazine, she found it built up her anticipation. He did worry she was asking to stay bound for longer periods, they were currently on an hour, although this did compliment Match of the Day as a bonus. He’d mention what he’d seen to his wife in the morning.
Jenny Phillips @ No. 33 opposite was in her ground floor home office as the lady passed her house, the light from the door at No. 36 opening had attracted her attention as she only had thin veil blinds at the window. Upstairs her husband Harold was bound spread-eagled to the bed, they pretended he’d been very naughty and she would play with a cane later. She knew Vera was away, she’d mention it to her husband in the morning.
At No 35 there was only one occupant, Kevin Moss. He loved the feeling of helplessness from his self-applied bondage as he hung from rings on the wall, the ice filled locks would release him in a hour or so. He could see across the street from his bedroom den although it was difficult to see in. That’s not Vera he thought, I’ll see if Jenny has any gossip in the morning.
Three days later Vera was back from her conference. While John was at work she had had some very interesting conversations with her neighbours. Initially she was very angry, then she tried to reconcile what she had learned, her husband had never let her down before, she knew he loved her, well she thought she knew… The neighbours were sympathetic, tempered with a delight at saucy gossip at their neighbour’s expense. However, Vera was a successful business woman, being in control was her thing. So she hatched her plans.
John came home from work, not a care in the world, he was happy his wife was home, she worked long hours and was often away. He loved his wife, the smell of cooking wafted towards him as he entered.
Then his world came crashing down.
Vera took his coat, “There’s a glass of white waiting for you in the lounge dear. We need to have a little chat.” She said. She moved away when he went to kiss her.
What’s wrong now? He thought. “Of course dear, thank-you.” he said.
“I’ll come straight to the point, there’s no easy way to say this but I have received information about an incident I find puzzling. Last Wednesday night a lady was seen to leave this home, our home, late at night. I wasn’t here so I am intrigued who this was. You didn’t mention any visitors when we WhatsApp'd so who the hell was it John?” Her mood, initially restrained, moved to fury.
John adopted the standard rabbit in the headlights look as is traditional when confronted like this.
“Oh shit!” he exclaimed.
“Oh shit indeed. Come on I’m waiting.”
“It’s not what it seems.” He was buying time.
“Apparently it never is. “She spat back.
“I couldn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what? What is the IT John?”
“It was me” he said with tears in his eyes.
This appeared to throw Vera slightly but she recovered quickly. “Who was you?”
“She was me.” John replied. He held his head in his hands.
“Bloody hell John, I was about to chew you off and throw you out for having an affair and now I’m finding out my hubby is a tranny. Are you gay? Scratch that, after last night’s performance I doubt it.”
John almost smiled it had been a wonderful night welcoming his wife home.
“I need to process this. There are so many questions I need to ask.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I can see that but I’m hurt and confused and deceived and, and, many things.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Wives don’t like deceit John”
“I realise.” Then the oven pinged.
“Despite everything we are adults so I have prepared supper. Let’s park everything and talk later.”
“I don’t think I’m hungry.”
“Drink your wine and eat. Despite everything I do love you, you daft twit.”
They ate.
“We’ll talk tomorrow, no nookie tonight, I’m conflicted OK?”
“I understand.”
And with that they watched tele, drank wine and then slept. No discussion.
Breakfast was similar, pleasant but no discourse.
John dreaded returning home, part of him just wanted to cut and run.
“Ahh Mr Bond I’ve been expecting you.” Said Vera.
“If I had a pound for every time I’ve heard that one.” Replied John. “Signing your name J.Bond, no Mr. Bond I expect you to die etc.”
“Enough banter, I have questions. Are you ready?”
“Yes… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, I love you remember?”
“I love you too.”
“Good start. How long?”
“Teens, sisters clothes.”
“It felt nice, she nicked my rugby shirts so I thought….”
“How often?
“Not for years, never went away. Never wanted to do fancy dress in case it took hold again.”
“Why now?"
“Opportunity, you’re away, I was lonely.”
“Where are the clothes?”
“What clothes?”
“The clothes you dress in.”
“No. You’re not wearing my clothes.”
“No sorry, get your own.”
“Get your own.”
John was completely thrown here. What was she saying?
“I am not having you wearing my things cappiche, you can get your own, in fact I will get you some things, understand.”
“I think I understand.”
“Good. I want to see this feminine version of you. Tomorrow. You will have a suitable wardrobe, I will provide it. I know we are similar sizes but I have not noticed any disturbance of my things but you pride yourself on ‘everything in it’s place’ so I’m not surprised.”
“I’d expected I’d be out on my ear by now so thank you.”
“Not so fast buster, I haven’t finished with you yet. Don’t expect an easy ride.”
“No dear, thank-you dear.”
With that dinner was served and more wine was drunk. In silence…
The next day John arrived home from work to find a note on the kitchen door. ‘I’ve been shopping for you, look in the guest bedroom.’
In the room were several shopping bags. One had lingerie, bra’s, knickers, tights etc. others had skirts, tops, dresses. A simple cosmetics set was on the dressing table. Ballet style flat shoes had been provided.
John knew what Vera expected.
An hour later John heard the front door open. “Hi honey I’m home.” Said Vera.
John, wore one of the dresses she had provided. It was patterned jersey from Seasalt, he had matching lingerie and 100 denier tights with the flat shoess. His relatively long hair was combed out into a simple feminine style and he had kept the makeup simple. Mainly because he didn’t know any better.
“Here dear.” He replied.
“Oh my, let have a look at you.” She said. “stand up won’t you”
The embarrassment John felt would take several pages to describe.
“Not bad, not bad. Details of course but well done. The hairy legs have to go, of course but otherwise well done. We’ll work up to heels and better makeup later.”
“Absolutely, if the man that I love wants to wear frocks then why shouldn’t he? I’m so relieved you’re not ‘playing away’ that I’m happy to support you in whatever you want to do.”
“Thank-you darling I’m so…”
“Stop the sorry business.”
“Stop!” Vera made things quite clear. “now I’ve never kissed a girl properly before so come here!”
A loving kiss between man and wife or wife and wife followed.
“Wow that was different, nice but different. I think we both need to touch up our lippy.” Vera smiled at John.
“Supper will be ready in 20 mins if you want to freshen up.” Said John.
“Great, pour me a beer will you, Black Sheep if we’ve got any. If not pop down to the offy for some.”
The look of horror on John’s face made Vera smile. “Kidding, calm down, I know there’s some in, I bought it.”
John was a passable cook, he had to be as Vera was often away and she didn’t like him to eat takeaway. Tonight he had prepared a spag bol and after about 15 minutes he took the bowl to the table along with Vera’s beer. He wasn’t expecting her to choose beer so had already opened a bottle of Riesling and had a glass on the go.
When Vera came down she was wearing a pair of jeans and a check shirt. She approached John from behind and gave him a big squeeze, just as he often did to her followed by a gentle smack on the rear and a quick fondle of his faux boobies.
“Hey!” He exclaimed. Realising as he said it that that is exactly what Vera would have said. He now saw his wife in masculine clothes, his masculine clothes. “You said I couldn’t wear your clothes.”
“Never said I couldn’t wear yours, anyway I’ve been borrowing them for years.” This was true, if they ever did dirty jobs around the house or went for a walk in poor weather Vera had often borrowed his gear, it was just more practical than hers.”
So the meal commenced, the scene with John in a dress with a pinny serving the food. His wine at his place setting and Vera with her beer and jeans etc.
“I have to admit to being a bit weirded out here.” He told her.
“I know I’m pushing your buttons tonight, just a bit of fun but it will be more practical when we go for a walk later, we’ll look like a couple.”
“A walk, outside?”
“Well you did it yourself last week, didn’t you?”
“Yes but it was very late.”
“Worry not my sweet we won’t be going out in the light just yet and you’ll look a lot better by the time we go out.”
‘Just yet?’ he thought, and what’s this better business?
After the meal they went to watch some mindless TV while the food settled. Vera took the seat that was normally his and indicated that he should sit close while she kept her arm around him occasionally squeezing his pantied bottom.
“We need a name for you when you’re dressed. Have you got one?”
Clutching at straws he said “I like the name Zoe.” It was the name of one of the girls at work. Whatever would she think he mused.
“That’s a lovely name, excellent, we can’t call you John dressed like that can we?”
“No dear.”
John felt quite comfortable until he moved or looked down at his legs when either the bra or the movement against his tights made him realise how he was dressed.
After a while Vera stood up and then helped John/Zoe to his feet. He realised Vera was enjoying the reinforcement of the role reversal.
“Let’s go and improve your look, I don’t expect you to get it right straight away and I will give you lessons.“
“Thank-you, I didn’t know where to start.”
Vera sat him down at her dressing table and cleansed what he had previously applied. “Now watch what I do.” She said.
Carefully Vera first applied a light foundation, added mascara and a hint of eyeliner. Then a light blush to his cheeks and finally two coats of red lipstick finished off with a gloss coat.
She fussed with his hair and clipped on simple earrings.
John looked into the mirror, the changes to his appearance though subtle, meant he didn’t immediately see himself. The woman wasn’t pretty or overglammed up just everyday and average.
“That’s turned out very well, don’t want to go for an over the top look like too many Trannies.”
“No, thank you darling, very smart.”
“Excellent, let’s get ready for our walk then, it’s dark enough now.”
“Do we have to, what if the neighbours see us? Someone saw me last week.”
“Relax, what they will think they see is a couple, man and wife, taking a stroll. Of course we’ll know they’re right but not quite right. I don’t think those shoes will be suitable, what did you wear of mine?”
“The low heeled Durbarry’s”
“Good choice, I love those boots, we’ll get you some of your own. I’d never had known they’d been worn I presume you cleaned them up afterwards. You have been very careful, I would never had suspected what you were up to until the neighbours put two and two together. I’m glad they were wrong.”
“I didn’t expect you to be so understanding. This is a shock to me you knowing, I don’t know what you must think of me.”
“I love you, I want you to be happy, I would have slung you out if you’d had an affair. Let’s have fun with this, I quite like the idea of having a girlfriend and husband in one.”
John smiled weakly back, he had effectively handed his wife control on a plate, he felt powerless to resist.
Vera found the boots, and got a pair of John’s trainers for herself, she also took John’s Barbour coat and gave John her Burberry mac finished off with a bobble hat for herself and a small brimmed hat for John.
Despite the boots John felt the cool night air swirling around his legs. They stayed on the lit paths near their home meeting only a couple of late night dog walkers who acknowledged them without taking much notice. For John it was a scary, and to a degree, exciting experience.
When they returned they were arm in arm, they took no notice of the neighbours.
They slipped out of their outdoor clothes and retired to bed. Vera assisted John out of his dress and directed him to remove his makeup. As a final power trip she sat on the end of the bed and motioned to John to sit on her knee while he was still in his underwear. She held and kissed him passionately, it was clear who was in control.
That night he slept in a nightgown for the first time. It wasn’t unpleasant and when Vera pulled them together the feel of both their silky nightwear was very arousing.
The following day they both rose for work as if nothing had happened, had breakfast and set off.
Over the next few, but not every, nights Vera ramped up the feminine training. More makeup practice, walking in heels, how to sit and stand. John felt compelled to comply.
After another week it was time for another of Vera’s business trips. “I’d like you to keep practicing while I’m away but don’t go out without me, you know what the neighbours are like. I’ll WhatsApp you on video later to see how you’re doing. I’ll think of you doing the housework in your pinny. Love you darling.”
“Love you.” He replied.
His plan to dress, get the call over with and then relax and dress as he wished was frustrated by Vera leaving it very late to make the first call meaning he spent the night dressed as she wished. She deliberately varied the call time or even called twice on subsequent nights.
A couple of times friends rang, inviting him out for a pint. The way he was dressed would have given them a big surprise so he had to decline. It felt really odd talking to a mate as John while dressed as Zoe.
Vera returned 5 days later on a Friday and breezed in laden with cases and shopping bags. John had just got in from work so helped her with her parcels.
“Well that was a marvellous trip, so much good business I’ll make a packet from that and there may be more.” John was pleased for her, she worked hard and was very quick and effective in spotting opportunities.
“I’ve got something for you too, you’ll love it. First though let’s go out and eat.”
John had a nervous look on his face.
“Don’t worry, I mean as John and Vera.”
John was visibly relieved.
“Too soon my love?” Vera smiled at his discomfort.
“Yes. Yes I’m not ready for that.” John replied.
“I’ll give you your present tomorrow, let’s go eat.”
They had a lovely Italian meal, they’d gone and returned by taxi so both were able to have a glass or three of wine, it was a very nice night.
That night he slept in a nightdress as he always did now and enjoyed a gentle hug with Vera. The following morning being a Saturday they had a lie in and then got breakfast in their dressing gowns.
John wasn’t sure he was going to like his ‘present’ and when Vera brought it to him all excited his anxieties were proved right.
“Well go on open it!” Vera was very excited.
The bag had three parcels inside. “Big one first.”
As he opened it he found every trannies wet dream. An exquisite French maid’s dress.
“Isn’t that just darling I knew you’d love it,” She wasn’t seeing the look of dread on his face.
She then delved into the bag and brought out the other two parcels. Fist a pair of what looked like impossibly high heels with an ankle strap and the other was a set of fine lace lingerie with a garter belt and fashioned stockings.
“Well?” Asked Vera.
“I’m lost for word’s.” John replied. “they’re very beautiful, thank you very much.” He cringed inwardly as he heard himself say what she wanted to hear.
“Wonderful I knew you’d be pleased. What I want to do today is play Mistress and Maid. I’ve bought myself a Pencil skirt, silk blouse and equally ridiculous heels so I can play my part. After we’re dressed I’ll be addressed as Madame and you can be Fifi.”
“Thank-you Ve.. sorry Madame.”
“Don’t look so worried it’s just a bit of fun.”
The took their bags upstairs but left the heels behind sensibly deciding that the coming down may be a little difficult.
Vera helped John with his makeup to achieve the dramatic look expected of a French maid. Then she assisted with the lingerie. John’s legs were now smooth and the fine black stockings showed off his legs beautifully. He had to be shown to thread the garter straps under the French knickers. Vera then worked on his hair and pinned it up adding the matching lace cap that came with the outfit.
For the first time Vera applied bright red polish to John’s finger nails, she had painted his toenails the same colour within days of his reveal.
He then stepped into the dress, it was very short and had long sleeves, the material wasn’t light and when Vera had zipped it up he doubted he would be able to reach the catch. He didn’t hear the click as Vera secured the neck and the cuffs, this dress had hidden surprises.
“Wow!” was his reaction when he looked in the mirror. Up to now he had dressed down, Mrs ordinary, but now he saw ‘sex on a stick’. The dress brushed the top of the clearly visible stocking tops.
Vera smiled proudly. She now donned her own stockings and French lingerie along the the silk high necked blouse and pencil skirt, she pinned her hair up and was wearing glasses on a chain around her neck. This gave her the French Madame look she was after.
“Oh we’ll have such fun today. I have my own maid, always wanted one of those. You looking forward to it Fifi?”
“Yes Madame. I am directed by you.” John thought he’d better fall in with her requirements he wasn’t sure what would happen if he didn’t.
“Oh precious! Let’s try a little curtsey shall we? Put one leg behind the other and the bend your knees, hold your skirt out at the same time.”
John tried, tried again and after some direction got it right.
“That is so lovely, well done Fifi!” Vera clapped her hands together. “Remember to acknowledge my instructions.”
At least one of us is enjoying this thought John, slightly anxious where this was leading.
“We’ll go down now, I can’t wait to see you in your new shoes to complete the look.”
I could wait, thought John. He followed his mistress dutifully down the stairs.
The heels were very high but with the training Vera had given him he managed OK.
Vera’s heels were equally high and he was amused that she seemed to struggle more than he did.
“I think I will take tea in the lounge while I decide what we are going to do today.”
He nodded and set off for the kitchen.
“Ahem!” He turned to face Vera.
“Yes madam?”
“I gave you an instruction. How did you respond?”
“I’m sorry Madame, I forgot to say ‘Yes Madame’.”
“Oh I’m sorry again, I forgot to curtsey as well.”
“I will overlook it this once as you are new to this, however may I remind you disrespectful maids are punished for their forgetfulness.”
“Yes Madame I’m sorry Madame. It won’t happen again.”
“If it does I acquired another little present to administer corrective action.” Vera looked over to the coat stand. John saw the cane alongside the umbrellas.
“Oh look at your face! I’m sure I won’t need to use it will I?”
“No Madame, thank you Madame.”
“You may go and get my tea now. Remember to knock on the door before entering and only enter with permission.”
“Yes Madame, thank you Madame.” This time he remembered the curtsey.
It took very little time to make the tea, he thought that getting the best china out would be a good idea. He also looked for a silver tray, he was sure they had one. Vera would like that.
As he approached the door he heard Vera speaking on the phone, he decided to wait until she finished speaking. There was a pause so he knocked on the door, there was no response.
He waited for 2 minutes having heard nothing from the room, then he knocked gently again. Again no response. Vera started speaking again so he put the tray down on the hall table and waited some more. She kept talking for another 10 mins so he went back to the kitchen and refreshed the pot. He returned to the door and knocked again, again no reaction. Finally he decided to go in anyway, the tea was spoiling.
As he entered Vera was on her mobile. She did not look pleased and motioned for him to place the tray on the table.
“I’m sorry I’ll have to pause our conversation I have staff trouble. Call you back in a minute.”
She placed the phone down and with a face like thunder turned to ‘Fifi’.
“What is the meaning of this insolence?” She said.
John’s face was a mixture of surprise and fear. “I brought your tea Madame, I feared you had not heard me knock.”
“I heard you knock Fifi but I was engaged in private calls. You were clearly told to await permission to enter.”
“Yes Madame but….”
“No buts Fifi. Stand facing this chair and keeping your legs straight bend over and put your hands on the arms, I will be back in a moment.”
Frozen with tension and fearing what was coming he stood as ordered. Vera made him wait a while, ramping up the anxiety. When she returned he knew she would have the cane with her. He felt a hand lift his skirts high in the air exposing his behind even more than it already was and awaited the stroke of the cane.
“You may stand up now and serve my tea.” Vera’s voice cut through the tension. No blow came.
“That was intense wasn’t it? You may thank me now.”
“Yes Madame, thank-you Madame.” Just in time he remembered the curtsey.
“Serve my tea now please Fifi.”
“Yes Madame.” Another curtsey.
‘Fifi’ served her mistress her tea, Vera looked on approvingly as everything was done correctly.
“Thank-you Fifi. Now you will attend me, stand beside the chair and lower your head respectfully, hands behind your back.”
“Yes Madame” curtsey.
Vera made another call. “Hello J oh yes coming along well better than I expected. Ready for the event? Oh Yes, how’s yours? Excellent, it’s so good when a plan comes together.” Then she took her time writing a note listing a set of tasks for Fifi to perform.
“I have more calls to make, please refresh my tea then take this list and be getting on girl. No more insubordination.” She looked at the cane. “I have a bell to summon you when I need you.
“Yes Madame.” Curtsey. Served the tea. Another curtsey.
As he reached the kitchen John took the opportunity to have a sit down, made himself a quick brew and started to read the list.
1. There’s a towel wash in the machine hang them on the line.
2. Hand wash our lingerie and hang that out.
3. Vacuum the hall and lounge
4. Prepare a light lunch for me.
John knew their garden was very private with high hedges, so while he wasn’t happy about it he accepted that it was do-able. The heels and the clothes made ordinary activities very restrictive but he managed to unload the washer and take the basket of towels outside. The breeze whistled around his stocking tops, this was very embarrassing. He was constantly looking around for any sign of anyone watching. When he came in he needed another brew and a sit down, these heels were stretching his calf muscles.
Fortunately there wasn’t a lot of lingerie to deal with but to John it emphasised his hands with their painted nails. He then had to take them outside for line drying, more embarrassment.
The final job before lunch was the vacuuming, maintaining his balance in the heels while operating the Dyson ball was difficult but with practice he managed it. Vera was on and off the phone again and did come to observe and check his work.
As he finished she received another call and almost immediately afterwards there was a knock at the door. Vera’s bell rang and he went immediately to the lounge door knocked gently and entered, he had been summoned he reasoned.
“Get the front door please Fifi, its UPS with a parcel, you just have to sign. I’m on a call.”
“Yes Madame” and the curtsey, came automatically but then reality kicked in how could he do this? The delivery driver waved through the obscure glass of the door as he must have seen movement within.
Stuff it, just go for it thought John. He opened the door while trying to remain behind it as much as possible. “Parcel for Mrs. Bond.” Called out the cheery driver proffering the machine that’s supposed to get a signature (but normally gets an X).
“Thanks we’ve been expecting this. Apologies I’m a bit shy we’re just playing a game.”
“Haha, Bond, expecting this, very good. No worries luvvy, lucky husband I say. Tara now” John had the parcel, the driver had another story to tell back at the depot.
John put the parcel on the hall table. Vera was still on a phone call so he wouldn’t disturb her.
He went to the kitchen to prepare a light lunch, he knew what Vera liked for Saturday lunch and soon had a salmon salad ready.
The tinkle of Madame’s bell alerted him just as he set the table. He went quickly to the lounge and remembered to pick up the parcel then knocked on the door and entered.
“Hello Fifi, ah my parcel thank-you please set it down on the chair here. Have you been busy?”
“Carrying out your instructions Madame.” Curtsey.
“Excellent, so lunch is ready?”
“Yes Madame.” Curtsey. “Served in the conservatory.”
‘Fifi’ opened the lounge door and after collecting the tea tray followed ‘Madame’ to her lunch.
Sensibly ‘Fifi’ had laid out a small bottle of white wine, still and sparkling water to accompany the meal.
“I’ll have the wine please Fifi. Then the stand to my side in case I need you.”
“Yes Madame.” Curtsey. Fifi poured her a glass.
Vera ate her food in silence, John was beginning to get a little peckish but reasoned he’d get something later.
“Another glass please Fifi.”
“Of course Madam.” Fifi reached for the bottle but this time the condensation casued her hand to slip and the bottle went on its’ side spilling its’ contents across the table, fortunately not on Vera.
“Well at least it wasn’t a red.” Said Vera. “Clear that up you stupid girl. Bring me another glass to the lounge I am very displeased.”
“Yes Madame.” Curtsey, “I’m very sorry Madam.”
“That’s as maybe, bring me that drink and be quick about it.”
John found a cloth and cleared up the wine. After opening another bottle and placing it with a fresh glass he returned to the lounge door. He knocked and Vera said “Come in”.
He could not fail to notice that the cane was across Vera’s lap. He placed the tray beside Vera, stood back and facing Vera curtseyed again.
“Adopt the position.” Said Vera coldly.
“But Madame, it was an acc…”
“No backchat. That’s another stroke added already.”
John took the same position against the chair, the tension of the position this morning had been quite exciting and had set his confined member twitching.
“I want you to count each stroke and thank me afterwards, I can’t have a clumsy maid, you understand why you must be punished.” She had walked up behind him and lifted his skirt again.
“Yes Madame, thank-you Madame.” She really ramping this up this time he thought.
It was quite a shock and surprise to him when the first blow arrived on the back his legs between the stockings and Panties. It wasn’t severe but one heck of a surprise.
“Well I’m waiting!” said Vera. “Count!”
In shock he called out “One.” Then “Thank-you Madame.” How many more were coming?
“I was going to give you 4 strokes but your insolence earned another. What do you say?”
“Thank-you Madame, I deserve it.” Tears flowed as he felt his skirt being raised again and a hand stroking his bottom. He wondered where the next blow would fall.
Then all of a sudden Vera was holding him around the waist. “My darling please forgive me, I allowed my silly game to get out of hand. I’m so sorry.” She handed him the cane. “Please give me my punishment in return.”
He took a tissue had had offered and dabbed his eyes, amused to see the mascara mixed with the tears.
“I’m OK it didn’t hurt that much I think it was the fear of more that got me. An intense experience. You should try it sometime. The clothes do fit us both.”
“I’m still sorry. I’ve been a total bitch this morning. Let’s get those shoes off you and sit, well perch on the chair.” I’ll get you a drink my love.
After removing the shoes and as advised perching on the edge of the chair, he checked the back of his legs. There was a small red mark, nothing serious.
Vera brought him mug of coffee, it was very welcome. He suspected there was some spirit in it.
Not long after he felt drowsy. Vera noticed and moved him back into the chair and put a cushion behind his head. “It must be the release of tension.” She said.
Must be, he thought as he drifted off.
When John awoke something wasn’t right. He wasn’t in the armchair, this was a dining chair. When he tried to move his arms they were secured together behind the chair keeping him in place. The shoes were in place again. That wasn’t the worst of it though. There was a ball in his mouth held in place by a strap around his head, a ball-gag he reasoned. To cap it off so to speak was a soft bag over his head so he could see nothing.
He was aware of a range of muffled voices around him. Bugger what’s going on here?
Someone must have noticed he had come around as the bag was suddenly pulled off.
In the room all the faces were turned towards him, “Hello!” they cheered in unison.
He saw,
Agnes Sessions in a nice cocktail dress with a maid dressed identically to himself stood dutifully beside her. After a few moments he recognised the maid as Geoff her husband.
Jenny Phillips was there in a party frock with another maid again identically dressed although this one was restrained and on a dog’s lead attached to their collar. This made him realise the pressure on his neck was probably from a similar collar. He wasn’t surprised now to recognise Harold her husband.
Peter Driver was wearing a nice suit, beside him was his wife secured naked in an upright ‘happy Wife’ frame.
There was a human sized black bag on the floor which was moving as if there were someone inside.
Finally, his wife Vera walked around from behind the chair. “Hello dear! Surprise! You know the neighbours don’t you? I thought we’d have a coming out party, they’re all going to help you in your new life.”
“Geoff and Agnes will help teach you to be a lady, Geoff has had many years experience. Jenny will look after you in the day, we wouldn’t want you running off would we. When she’s not available Peter has a range of equipment to keep you safe and very secure.”
“Oh I nearly forgot Kevin is in the bag, he loves a bit of isolation therapy. He likes ice locks but we’ve teased him today by putting acrylic glue in them instead and chilling them, he’ll be getting frustrated in a few minutes but will be happy to show you his toys.”
“I’m sure you’re asking yourself what’s going on here?”
Mmph was John’s response.
“Precisely, just what I was thinking.” She laughed and so did the neighbours, well those that could anyway.
“Remember the other night when the neighbours caught you ‘crossdressing’? Except you weren’t, were you?” John’s eye’s went wide, what did she know?
“Who told you that would be a good defence if a lady was seen leaving your house when I was away? Might it have been this lady here? Welcome Felicity everybody.”
If john’s eyes could have gone any wider… he was sweating with fear now.
“Hi John!” said Felicity as she walked from behind his chair and linked arms with Vera. They gave each other a long and intense kiss.
“As you’ll be beginning to realise there’s been a bit of a set up going on here. I was aware that Felicity was not the first ‘acquaintance’ you’d had but as she will basically bonk anything if it has a pulse.” Felicity smiled and nodded. “I asked her to help. We set you up, made sure you met in the pub, made sure Felicity was seen, made sure she primed you with the crossdress defence.”
John slumped forward defeated.
“Together with the neighbours I’m going to train you to be my maid, you may wonder why you’ve been so compliant the last few weeks? Maybe a few chemicals coming your way… The deal is they get to play with you as well.”
“Oh and don’t worry your pretty head about work, you resigned last week, it’s all sorted. Welcome to the rest of your life.”
The assembled throng raised their glasses to celebrate.