Charlie couldn’t believe how much fun she was having with her grandparents. Dr. Greene came home several hours after Striker and his team left. She had been helping April in the kitchen making pies when her mother came home from the clinic.
Charlie was happy that her mother was home. She was even happier when her mother came over and helped her and April make pies. They were making a large batch because Larkin could eat several whole pies by himself. Jerry could eat half a pie by himself and depending what type of pie they made, Jessie could down a pie by herself.
The others could eat a quarter slice. So, that was why they were making a large batch of pies. Once the pies were done, Dr. Greene suggested that they go and visit her parents. Charlie felt a little nervous about going out but knew her new grandparents loved her. So, April went with them to visit Dr. Greene parents.
Jack Blackjacket watches his new granddaughter as she rode his horse. He had been a little startled when he first saw her but warmed up to her unusual looks. His daughter told them what happened to Charlie and how she came to be what she was.
He and his wife felt sorry for what was done to her. So, they accepted Charlie as she was. When he asked his daughter, why she didn’t change Charlie’s first name. She said that Charlie wanted to keep it.
“You’re doing very good Charlie.”
“Thanks, Grandpa.” Charlie liked his grandparents.
Charlie knew they had to get used to her looks and such, but she felt that they cared for her. She controls her grandfather’s horse the way he taught her. She could see her grandfather and April watching her. A smile appears on her face as she recalls April startling her grandfather by making some of his plants to grow and produce. April had told her that her gift was with plants.
Charlie stops in front of her grandfather and April. She slides down from the saddle as her grandfather suggested. She turns around and looks at them.
“You did very well Charlie. I’m going to speak with Striker when he comes back about getting you a horse to ride on the ranch.” April knew Striker would do it.
She knew he had a soft spot for children. He helped raise his brother’s and sisters.
“Let’s go and help your grandmother, Charlie.” April and Charlie head inside the house to help Dr. Greene and Charlie’s grandmother.
Around nine at night, April, Dr. Greene, and a very sleepy Charlie head by to the ranch. Charlie was sound asleep on the back seat. She had fallen asleep before they left Dr. Greene’s parents place.
“Looks like we wore poor Charlie out.” As April looks at Charlie.
“She’s a typical teenage girl. Full of energy and out of energy by night time.” Dr. Greene glances at her daughter.
When they get back to the ranch. Dr. Greene carries a sleeping Charlie from the SUV to her bedroom and strips her out of her clothes. She slips Charlie’s favorite nightshirt on her and tucks her in.
“Sleep tight my little mousy.” She places a kiss on Charlie’s forehead.
When she leaves Charlie’s bedroom, she leaves the bedroom door slightly open. Charlie still has a problem being inside a locked room, unless someone she trusted was with her.
While Dr. Greene was putting Charlie to bed. April was checking on the pies they made earlier. She knew the team would be hungry when they get home. The house phone starts ringing. April walks over and answers it.
“April, it’s Peyton. Prepare the spare bedroom. We’re babysitting a high-profile witness.” Peyton hated that their flight back to the ranch was being held up.
Peyton was tried and wanted to get back home. Jessie was asleep in a pouch on Larkin’s web belt. She had shrunk down, and Larkin put her in an empty pouch on his web belt. Their newest member was resting as well. Stacy wasn’t used to being awake during the day time. She was a night time person.
“Alright, anything I need to know about our guest?” April grabs a pad and pencil she keeps by the phone.
“Yeah, the man is overweight and smells. Also, he has a diet that would put anything Larkin ate to shame.” Peyton couldn’t believe that they were being hired to babysit a criminal they would shoot.
“Alright, I’ll get the spare bedroom ready for our guest.” April had a feeling she wasn’t going to like whoever they were bring back.
She hangs up and heads towards the spare bedroom. She changes the sheets and double check everything in the room.
“Are we expecting a guest?” Dr. Greene had followed April to the spare room.
“Yep. We have a babysitting job.” April hated them. They always got the worse of the worse to babysit.
“Oh, good graces. I hate those type of jobs. Did they say who it was?” Dr. Greene gives April a hand on the bed.
“Nope, however according to Peyton. The person is overweight, smells and their eating habits are worse then Larkins.”
“Oh, that is saying a lot.” Dr. Greene knew Larkin had developed some bad eating habits since he has been changed.
“You’re telling me.” April finishes up everything.
She looks towards Dr. Greene “why don’t you go ahead and go to bed. I’ll be staying up till the team gets back.”
“Are you sure?” Dr. Greene didn’t want to leave April up by herself.
“I’ll be fine. The team should be home soon.”
“Okay, if you’re sure, you’ll be okay. I’ll see you in the morning.” Dr. Greene checks on Charlie before she heads to bed.
April grabs her gun and patrols the grounds. Even though the sensors said the grounds were secure. Striker prefers if a visual is done as well. After checking the property, April heads back to the house.
She makes herself a cup of cocoa and selects a movie to watch. Around four in the morning, the helicopter that comes to pick the team up, lands in the backyard. She grabs her house robe and slip her slippers on and opens the backdoor. Peyton walks in first, followed by Jerry.
“Striker and Larkin are escorting our charge in.” Jerry couldn’t believe the smell coming from their charge.
“Where’s Jessie?” April knew Jessie should be coming in next.
“She’s asleep in a pouch on Larkins web belt.”
April just shakes her head as she watches Jerry heads towards his bedroom. She spots Larkin walking with a heavy-set white guy with short black hair and pasty white face. He was wearing a messy baby blue button-down, short sleeve dress shirt. Half-tucked into a pair of black dress pants and black dress shoes covering his feet.
Larkin couldn’t believe the smell he was getting from this guy. He must have shit himself. He wishes the damn police did their job.
“Here’s our charge, April. meet Thomas Month, accountant to the les Gens Sans Noms cartel.” Larkin couldn’t wait to put this guy in a tub.
April picked up the faint smell of someone who crapped themselves. On top of that, the man needed a bath.
“Greeting Mr. Month, I’m the house manager and you’ll be under my care. I insist that as long as you are staying here, you take a bath.”
Mr. Month just gives the young woman a glare. He didn’t like people he didn’t know telling him what to do. He thought this dog face person or the other guy was in charge.
Larkin noticed the look on Mr. Month’s face when April spoke to him. He leans in close to his ear “I would do what the lady says, or you’ll end up out in the yard with her spraying you with a firehouse.”
“But you're supposed to protect me.” Month looks at Larkin.
“This is her home and she makes the rules here. If you don’t like it, we can always give you to the les Gens Sans Noms cartel.” An evil smile appears on Larkin’s face as he walks towards Peyton and Jessie’s bedroom.
“Mr. Month, if you’ll follow me, please. I’ll show you to your room.” April guides Mr. Month down to the spare bedroom.
Mr. Month walks behind April and watches her ass. He liked how her ass looked. She was the type of woman, he would enjoy down in his playroom. Just like the young lady, he saw that shrunk. She would have been someone he would do all sort of sexual things too.
“This is your room, Mr. Month. You have your own bathroom and I suggest you put it to good use. Jerry will bring you some clean clothes to wear. Breakfast is served at 0800hrs. Do you have any questions for me?” April looks at Mr. Month.
“Yes, which of you girls will be coming down to keep me company?” He smiles at her.
“None of us will. If you touch any of the women here, you’ll end up with a broken arm. Trust me, if any of us don’t do it. The men here will do it and they won’t be very nice either.”
Month heads into the bedroom and then to the bathroom to freshen up.
April just smiles as she walks away and to her bedroom.